
A mery ꝓnosticacion

For the yere of Chrystes incarnacyon
A thousande fyue hundreth fortye & foure
This to pronostycate I may be bolde
That whā the newe yere is come gone is y e olde.
OF this yere for to pronosticate
It apperteyneth nat to a [...]oole nor dodypate
To pronostyque of the influence of this yere
For thoughe they wolde they were neuer y e nere
But I shal tell you of this pronostyca [...]ion
Wherin in it taketh his chefe foundacyon
❧ Of the Eclyps.
❧ Whan I consydre Ptholome I fynde
That y e Eclyps of the soune doth passe my mīde
For Capricornus & Aries declarynge the same
That Cancer and Libra were out of frame
Saturne and Mars sheweth it playne
The eyght day of Apryl it may chaūce to rayne
For Iupiter and Taurus when all is done
Declareth a certayne Eclyps of the sonne
But Venus and Mercury by theyr operacyon
Denyeth that Virgo hath any constyllacyon
For the Eclyps of y e sonne & also of the Moone
Shal be surely, I can nat tell howe soone
Wherfore Ptholome in his Centiloquium
Telleth not before what after shal come
Therfore I pronostyque as nye as I can
Of thynges that shal happen nowe and than
And surely or the yere go about
Some of them may chaunce without doubt
☞ Of the foure quarters of this yere.
Bycause in heuen there be many martyrs
Truely this yere shalbe foure quarters.
Wynter, Pryme tyme, Somer and Haruest
But here Ptholome I fynde thou swaruest
For Ptholome sheweth not wherof I wondre
That Virgo is a ma [...]uaylous signe of thundre
Venus and Iupiter be moyste and colde
Noughty signes for them that be olde
But I saye yf the nynth daye of Nouembre
Had fallen vpon tenth daye of Decembre
It had bene a meruaylous hote yere for bees
For then had the Moone ben lyke a grene chese
Somer begyneth the fyrst daye of Iune
And they shal go bare for that haue no shewe
Sometyme inclyned to be hote in the ayre
Yf it be nat foule, then it shal be fayre
For Mars and Mercury be sygnes of heate
Men shal nat be colde as [...]ouge as they sweate
By the reason that Libra in the occidental
Shal be wyndye and drye in the Eclypsal
For saturne, and Mars, and also Libra
Be precedent with a [...]ex [...]le, et cetera.
¶ Of the twelue monethes.
Bycause that Saturne is dominator here
I fynde y ther shalbe twelue monethes th [...] yere
And euery moneth contaynynge foure wekes
Bycause in [...]ent they make portage with [...]ekes
Dayes and houre shal nat be straunge
For euery moneth the Mone shal chaunge
By Mars and Mercury somtyme I fynde
That this yeare shalbe great store of wynde
For men and women whā they haue wel dynde
shal haue no power to holde fast behynde
The bla [...] shalbe bosterous, byg & outragious
Wherfore the ayre must nedes be contagious
And except that God worke by his great grace
The wynde shal nat alway stāde styli one place
Sometyme the blastes shalbe pretye and softe
And sometyme of force they shal come a loft
But if the blastes breake out, beyonde y e [...]rynke
The cloudes cānot be clēly, but y e ayre shal s [...]ike
But Venus and Virgo it appereth playne
That enuyous persons shalbe ful of disdayne
Sometyme frost and so [...]etyme snowe
And sōetyme in the element ꝑchāce a rayn bowe
Sometyme mystes with moystnes mutable
Bycause that Venus in thys poynt is varyable
Than the cocke crewe and than it was day
Thā the bullocke brake lose & the rope rāe away
❧ Of diseases and syckenesses.
Dyuers dyseases shal rayne this yere
Some shal dye, and some shal [...]ary here
Some shal haue such sore payne in theyr hedes
They shall slepe on benches for lacke of beddes
A cōmon disease both in towne and cytye
Shal raygne this yere, the more is the pytye
Aswell in the countre as in the cytye towne
Many shal nat be able to chaun [...]e a crowne
And some shal synge so wofull a note
That they shal not be able to chaunge a grote
Thys is bycause of the Eclyps of the Mone
Some shal lope theyr potage for lack of a spon
In the the somer tyme shalbe suche an heare
For Saturne and Mars haue ful wel discust
That in the eclyps Mercury is combust
¶ Of suche as be vnder the sonne.
Kynges, Prynces, and Lordes of myght
This yere shal [...]e the sonne gyue lyght
Except the cloudes so couer her beames
Or el [...]es she shal shyne in al Christen realmes
❧ Of the Venustians
The childrē of Venus shal prosper but lytle
Because that lazers shalbe in the spyttle
Some childrē of Venus shal burne in such loue
That their handes shalbe fyt for euery gloue
Some wyl loue more than a thousande folde
But hote loue this yere wylbe soue colde
¶ Of Marcurialles
Aduocates, & oratours w e y e good pore proctors
Shalbe i as good case as som honest doctours
The eclyps declareth them to be suspecte
Of takynge of brybes beyng therwithin fecte
☞ Of Lunatistes.
Messangers wyttes shalbe so farre spent
Somtymes shal forget wherfore they wer sent
Marynars shal sayle into many landes
But some parchaunce shal stycke in the sandes
Yf madmen this yere be as mad as hartes
Then shal madmen play madmens partes
To declare any farther of the eclyps of the sōne
I can do no more then I haue done
The fassyon of vs pno [...]ycators, euermore was
To speake of some thynges y neuer came to pas
Therfore when yeshal our falsholde espye
Do nomore but gyue vs a lytle leaue to lye
❧ Of Kynges.
What kynges shal do this yere I cannot tel
For in Gods secretes I was neuer sent so well
But I trust that Henry our most noble Kynge
Contynually in honour shal florysshe & sprynge
W e Kateryne his wyfe & Prynce Edwarde his son
And aswell for do as they haue hetherto done


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