To the right Honorable Rich. Archb. of Canterburie, H. B. wisheth G.

WHen Barow and Greenwood, R.H. were to be pardoned, if they would haue come to Church: they could finde no barr sound but this: That none should hold them of good religion, which belee­ued that our Lords soule went to Hell. Archb. Wh. thought that the Creede was translated in English, after the most learned Greeke: but the wicked translation English diffe­reth from the Greek: as doth descending in soules, from as­cending: and Heaven differs frō Hell. Archb. Wh. thought our Lord in soule descended: and into Hell. But Bishopp Elmer knew the Greeke meant a going vp to heaven: and had saved Barow and Greenwood, shewing that by a friend to them: if a Chaplein a messenger, had as he promised, spoken to the partie. vpon new stirre, I opened the trueth: and for receiving a Letter from Maister Iames Melvin: the vnable in Divinitie, meant to plague in humanitie. But this blew good corne to you, by E. E. helpe, and became your ma­king, and the death of him that preferred you. As you were making friendes, I wrote of our faith and King. For [Page] the King you brent the booke, as having treason: that I cal­led him the King of our language. I wil not denie my mea­ning: I meant to keepe you from bent to P [...]iamus happines: you & Bar. Abbas. After this, I write to the graue Father, Archb. Wh. a treatise that he was deceaved. He saw it, and sent Maister Geffrey K. to me, to cōfesse errour Maister Rob. Beal told Q Eliz. that Archb. Wh. was deceaved: and, I think, Q E. bade Archb. Wh. to confesse errour. But wit­lesse Bar. skopheth his yeelding, and D. Bilsons, as if he were an Ape, and not a body of reason, and skopheth the Sc. M. as having a minde to vndoe the soile that bredd so senseles and so impudent a wight, and skopheth the Concent of Scripture: and skopheth the booke of Scripture concent: to graue in memorie howe vnlearned a wight hee is. To Archb. Wh. I write an epistle of D. Bilson his yeelding, for the matter in strife: but by feigning a iourney from Heaven to Hell by the Creed: to make this phāsie heard, our Chri­stian Religion, he was much deceaved. you brent these co­pies: and a second Impression for the King of our lāguage. Consider how little you feared God and the King in so do­ing: And to teach how slender a Doctor you are in Divi­nitie, I advertise of corruptions in your handling of religi­on: and of betraying the Gospel to Iewes, & at wordes you chafe: where your libels style is my warrant. Now I wishe you to be a Lucifer, and light giver: But not a Babylonian Lu­cifer, to exalt your selfe aboue the Gospell, for our Lords passage hence: and I wishe you not to be a Bargulus Illyricus, to cease vpon other mens good: and an Orthodox, not as Cotton exceter, to burne bookes defensiue of our religion: and I send to your iudgement, the booke made against you to the King, if you iudge your selfe, the King needeth not [Page] to be troubled. And I will burie all griefes, if you find some to answer the Iew, for the honour of all Christendome: If you can not, your iudgement is heavie that threatned to hinder others. But take a right course, and all wilbe well. I haue no minde to striue with you, but to leaue you to Gods iudgement, where I holde your bent not good. We should heare that Saint Paul telleth: It is appointed for all men once to die: and then cometh iudgement. And our yeares tell vs, there is but a stepp betwixt vs and death: that wee should looke shortly for death and iudgement: and not sell our Birth-right in heauen, for a messe of pottage: but looke vn­to the blessing which God hath layde vpp for all that loue his glorious appearance. AMEN.

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