A Colon-Agrippina studie of one moneth, for the metricall translation: But Of many yeres, for Ebrew difficulties.

By Hugh Broughton.

Anno D. 1610.

TO THE MIGHTY Prince, IAMES, King of Albion France and Ierne, defendour of the faith in power & learning: Supreme governour vnder God, in his Lands.

THe Eternal testified of Abraham, how he would teach his house to keep holy wayes. That hath story in Iobs book: where most learned Princes, five of his howse, shew Gods wayes for Christ: in such eloquence, that may argue applying of all knowledge and their dayes that way. The stile is in his language for verse, shortnes, and strange words, as Pindarus in Greek: and fuller of difficultie, then all the other books of Adams tongue: And hath cost me time and paines accordingly: more then my translation of the Prophets volume into Greek: which work I think your Maiestie hath: & more then my shewing of Scripture concent: and defending of it, against D. Reinolds and Mr Livelie, having 2000 yeres Libraries on their side: and more then my clearing of Daniel, and Apocalyps, to admiration of thowsands. God would have this book as a Iewel hid in the ground, not seen playn without paines. What I have done for your nations use, the King should judge & re­compence accor­dingly.

Your M. m. h. [...] H. Br.

To the Christian Reader.

THe names of God in the holy tongue have in them deep notation: and argue the speakers knowledg. Iob onely of all the disputers, & he but once, vttereth the holy name, Iehovah. The penner of the story doth often: in preface & con­clusion. The Poetrie of the work seemeth by Arabique terms Iobs owne. Many names of God are in this book, beside Ie­hovah, which is of so large force and maiestie that the Lxx never expresse the letters: nor the Iewes commonly pronounce it. Our English Psal. 83. doth: I still, as the French, put Eternal, for it: for Elohim, God, and sometime for Eloah, & El: But for better note: in Eloah, seldome in others, often here, Pu­issant: for El, cōmonly omnipotent: for Shaddaj, all sufficient, and, almighty: Adonaj Iob hath ch. 28. and but once: which to shew I set Adonaj: as the Lxx in Ezekiel. Abraham first Gen. 15. vttereth that name: but Iob bringeth God the autour. Elihu expresseth Abraham for the trinitie in plural speach Iob. 35. 10. Ghosaj, My makers. A translater should not hide so golden a matter. This one word had broken Arius and Machomed: that Christ should onely be Machmad, delite it self: & Daniel as Mary chamudoth by grace.


THere was a man in the Land of Uz, named Iob, & that man was perfect and vpright: and feared God, and eschewed evil.

2. And there were borne to him seven sonnes, and three daughters.

3. His Cattel also was seven thowsand sheep, and three thowsand camels, & five hundred yoke of Oxen, and five hundred asses: with a very great fami­ly: and that man was the greatest of all the sonnes of the East.

4. And his sonnes went and made a banquet, in the howse of each one his day: and they sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.

5. And when the dayes of their banqueting were gone about, Iob sent, and sanctified them, and gate-vp-early in the morning, and offred for every one of them a burnt offring: For Iob sayd, it may be my children have sin­ned, and little-blessed God in their hart. So did Iob all the dayes.

6. And vpon a day, when the sonnes of God came to [Page 6] stand before the Eternal, Satan came also among them:

7. And the Eternal said to Satan, whence cōmest thou: Our adver­sary the Di vel goeth a­bout like a roaring lyon seeking whō he may de­vour. 1 Pet. 5. 8. And Satan answered the Eternal & sayd: from serching about the earth, and from walking in it.

8. And the Eternal sayd to Satan, hast thou set thine hart upon my servant Iob: how there is none like him in the earth: a man perfect and upright, fearing God, and eschewing evil.

9. Then Satan answered the Eternal and sayd: dooth Iob feare God for nought?

10 Hast not thou hedged about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands: and his cattell encrease in the Land.

11. But send forth now thy hand, and touch all that he [...] Divel, false accu­ser, Gen. 3. and here, is taxed. hath, and then he wil litle-blesse thee to thy face.

12. And the Eternal sayd vnto Satan: Behold all that he hath is in thyne hand: onely upon him send not forth thine hand: So Satan went forth from the presence of the Eternall.

13 And upon a certain day, when his sonnes and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their eldest brother,

14 A messenger came to Iob, and sayd: the Oxen were plowing and the Asses feeding beside them:

15 And Sheba fell on and took them: and the servants they smote with the edge of the sword: & I onely am es­caped alone to tell thee.

16 While he was yet speaking, an other came & sayd: a fire of God fel from heaven: and brent vp the sheep and the servants, and ate them vp: and I onely am escaped a­lone [Page 7] to tell thee.

17 While he was yet speaking, another came, & sayd: The Chaldeans made three troupes, and set vpon the Ca­mels, and took them away: and the servants they smote with the edge of the sword: and I onely am escaped a­lone to tel thee.

18 As he was yet speaking, another came, and sayd: thy sonnes and thy daughters were eating, and drinking wine; in the house of their eldest brother:

19 And behold, a great wind came form beyond the Bildad, chap. 8. 4. wildernes and touched the four corners of the house: and it fell vpon the young folk: and I onely am escaped alone to tell thee.

20 Then Iob arose and rent his cloke, and shaved his head: and fell downe vpon the earth and worshipped:

21. And sayd, Naked came I out of my mothers womb; 1 Tim. 6. [...] and naked shall I returne thither: the Eternall gave, and the Eternal hath taken-away. Blessed be the name of the Eternal.

22 In all this Iob sinned not: nor layd any blame on God.

Chap. II.

ANd vpon a day, when the sonnes of God came to stand before the Eternal, Satan came amongest them also, to stand before the Eternal.

2 And the Eternal sayd to Satan: whence commest thou? and Satan answered the Eternal, and sayd: from ser­ching about the earth, and from walking in it.

[Page 8]3. And the Eternal sayd to Satan: hast thou set thine hart vpō my servant Iob, how there is none like him in the earth: a man perfect and vpright: fearing God and es­chewing evil: and yet he holdeth his integrity: yet thou movedst me against him to vndo him without cause.

4. Then Satan answered the Eternal, & sayd: skin for skin, and all that a man hath, he will give for his life.

5 But send forth now thine hand: and touch his bone, and his flesh: and then he will litle-blesse thee before thy face.

6 And the Eternal sayd to Satan: behold he is in thine hand: onely, save his life.

7 So Satā went forth frō the presence of the Eternal: & smote Iob with sore boyles, from the sole of his foot, to the top of his head.

8 And he took him a potshard to scrape him withall: and he, sate downe among the ashes.

9 Then sayd his wife to him: Doest thou stil hold thy integrity: blessing God and dying?

10 And he sayd to her: as a foolish woman would speak, thou speakest: Shall wee receive good from God: and evil not receive? In all this Iob sinned not with his lippes.

11 Now three frends of Iob heard of all this evil which came vpon him: and they came ech one from his place: Eliphaz the Themanite, and Bildad the Shuchite, & Zo­phar the Naamathite: as they had agreed together to come to solace him & to comfort him.

12 And they lift vp their eyes a farr off, and knew him not; and they lifted vp their voice and wept: and they tent ech one his cloke: & sprinkled dust vpon their heads, [Page 9] into the ayer.

13 And they sate down with him on the earth, seven dayes and seven nights: and none spake a word vnto him; for they saw that his grief was very great.

Chap. III.

AFterwards, Iob opened his mouth and cursed his day.

2 And Iob spake and sayd.

3. Lost be the day when I was borne: and that night He pleadeth for this as well sayd, Chap. 7. And Bil­dad bla­meth this, Ch. 8. whenas it was sayd: a male child is conceived.

4. That day be turned to darknes: the Puissant regarde it not from high: nor light shine vpon it.

5. Darknes and shadow of death stayn it: that clowdi­nesse dwel vpon it: swartnes of day make it terrible.

6 Myrknes take-away that same night: ioy may it not in dayes of the yere: nor come in the count of moneths.

7 Yea that night be turnd to sorow: I wish no joyance come to it:

8. Curse it may they who do curse day: who wil hunt the Livjathan:

9. Dark be the starres of that twylight: look may it for light, and none be: neyther, let it see the mornings ey­liddes.

10. Because it did not shut the doores of the belly which did bear me: and hid not sorow from myne eyes.

11. Why did I not dy, from the womb, starve coming out of the belly:

12 Why were knees ready to hold me: & what meant brests to give me suck:

[Page 10]13. For now I had layne downe quiet: had slept, & then had been at rest:

14 With Kings and Counsellers of the earth: which built them desolate places.

15. Or with Princes which had the gold: who fild their houses with silver.

16 Or hid, as one borne out of time, should not have bene: as young infants that saw not light.

17 There the vnquiet leave vexation: and there rest the wearied in strength.

18 The prisoners are all at ease: they heare not the oppressours voice.

19 Little and great are there all one: and servant free from his maister.

20 Why gives he light to the miserable: & life to the bitter in soule.

21 Which long for death but find it not? yet would dig for it more then [...] Mat. 13. [...]4. hid-wealth.

22 Which ioy til they do skip againe: be glad if they may find the grave.

23 The wight whose waye is hid, over whom the Pu­issant casts a covering.

24 For before my meat my sighs come: & my roarings gush like water.

15 For a fear I feared, and it arrived to me: and that which I dreaded is now come vpon me.

26. I had no case, no quietnes, no rest: and now cō ­meth a vexation.


THen answered Eliphaz the Themanite, and sayd:

2. If we make a speach to thee, wilt thou hold it wearysome: and who can refrain from speaking?

3 Behold thou hast instructed many: and strengthen­ed the weary hands.

4 Thy words have lift up the falling, & thou hast con­firmed bowing knees.

5. But now, it comes to thee, thou faintest: it touches thee and thou art troubled.

6 Is not thy religion thy hope: and thy right wayes thy confidence.

7 Remember now what innocent hath perished: or where the vpright have decayed.

7 As I have seen: plowers of sorow, and the sowers of misery, do reap the same.

9. By the breath of the Puissant they perish: and by the blast of his anger they consume.

10 The roaring of Arjeh, Shachal, Cephir, Laish, Laby, be names of Lyons, sundry in age and condition, playne in Ebrew notation: which I touch. Of Laish, in Greek [...] cōmeth, a Lyon; and of Laby, Low, in Dutch. the renting-Lion, and the voyce of the fierce-Shachal, and the teeth of the Lion-ceaux are brought to nothing.

11 The hardtwasting-Laish perisheth for want of prey: and the whelpes of the hart-strong-Laby are scattered.

12 A speach came by stealth vpon me: and mine eare caught somewhat of it.

[Page 12]13. In thoughtes of visions by night: when sleep falls Uirgil Ae­neid. 2. so expresseth a dreames time: Tem­pus erat quo prima quies mor­talibus aegris incipit: et dono serpit gratissima divum. vpon sorrowful-man.

14. Fear and trembling layd hold on me: and made all my bones afrayd.

15. And a wind passed afore me: which bristled the hayres of my flesh.

16. It stood vp, and I could not mark what kind of visage it might have: An Image was before mine eyes: Silence was: then I heard a voice.

17. Can the sorowful-man be holden just before the Puissant: can the humane-vvight be cleare before him that vvas his maker.

18. Lo he holdeth not As God is only good, and onely hath im­mortality, so light, and truth, & all, in perfectiō. perfection to be in his ovvn servants: and in his angels he judgeth not cleare-light to be.

19. Lesse in dvvellers The body made of earth, is 2 Cor. 5. 1. the earthly house of our tabernacle: S. Paul calling vs to this oration of mans base­nes. ``Moses toucheth this, Psas. 90. teaching vs our miserie: and repeateth E­liphaz terme, Dacca: Thou turnest man to Dacca, to bruising miserie: and sayest, re­turne ye sonnes of Adam. Psal. 90. 3. in houses of clay: vvhose foun­dation is in the dust: ``beaten to povvder as a moth, be they.

20. Betvveen a morning and evening, they are vva­sted: vvithout guide they perish for ever.

21. Man in honour continueth not: is made like the beastes that perish: and all gift [...] of reason above beasts come to nothing. This oration should teach Iewes & Gentiles to reiect all thought of justice by the [...] works: seing they are dead in sinne: that they may receive the abundance of grace of the gift of justice, to reigne by Christ, Rom. 5. 17. Iourneyeth not their excellency vvith them▪ They do die, but vvithout vvisdome.

Chap. 5.

CAll now whether any will will like of thy grud­ging against God. defend thee: and to whom of the holy Ch. 36. 20. In that thou desirest night of death, Eli­hu will not like of it. wilt thou look.

2. [...] 4. 5. Aey doth anguish kil the evil: and indigna­tion bring death vpon the sot.

3. I haue seen the evil fastening root: but presently did I curse his dwelling.

4. His children shalbe far from good-case: and shalbe brought low in the gate: & Deut. 32. 39. there shalbe none to suc­cour them.

5. The hungry shall eat vp his harvest: which he had gotten through the thornes: and the thirsty shall swill vp their wealth.

6. For sorow issueth not from the dust: nor doth mi­serie spring from the ground:

7. But [...] earthly-man is borne to miserie, as sparkes of fyer flee vpwards.

8. Doubtlesse I would seek vnto ``the Omnipotent: & dispose my talk unto God:

9. Who doth ch. 9. 10. Rom. 11. 33. great things, past serching out: wonder­ful, past number:

10. He giveth rayn vpon the face of the earth: and sendeth waters vpon the open fieldes.

11. To set the humble on high: that the sad be exal­ted with salvation.

12. He defeateth the purposes of the subtile: that there hands bring nothing soundly to passe.

13. He catcheth the wise in their subtilty: that the coun­sel of the froward is made rash.

14. On the day time they stumble at darknes: and as in night they grope at noone:

15. And he will save the poore from the sword: from [Page 14] their mouth, and from the hand of the strong.

16. And the needy shall find confidence: and Psal. 107. 42. vnrigh­teousnes shall stop her mouth.

17. Behold, blessed is the sorowful-man whom the Pu­issant reproveth: Then, despise not the chastisement of the Almighty.

18. For he maketh the sore, & bindeth it vp: he woun­deth, and his hands heale.

19. In six afflictions he wil succour thee: and in seven, wrong shall not touch thee.

20. In hunger he will save thee from death: & in warr▪ from the edge of the sword.

21. When the tongue whippeth, thou shalt be hid: & thou shalt not be afraid of spoiling when it cōmeth.

22. At spoiling and famine thou wilt laugh: and wilt not be affraid for the savage-beasts of the field.

23. For the stones of the field shalbe at covenant with thee: & the savage-beasts of the field shalbe at peace with thee.

24. And thou shalt perceive that thy tent shall have peace: and thou shalt look to thy dwelling and not mis­prosper.

25. And thou shalt know that thy seed shalbe much: & thy ofspring as the grasse of the earth.

26. Thou shalt come [...] in lusty old age to the grave: as corne is reaped in due time.

27. Behold this: we have tryed it, so it is: heare it, and know thou it for thy self.


THen Iob answered and sayd:

2. Oh that To Chap. [...]. 2. mine anguish were rightly weigh­ed: [Page 15] and that my calamities were lift in a ballance toge­ther.

3. For then it would be heavier then the sand of the seas: therefore my words Ebr. are swallowed vp. come short.

4. For the arrowes of the almighty are in me: whose venom drinketh vp my spirit: the terrours of the puissant camp against me.

5. Doth the wild asse bray Rambā. He mea­neth that he crieth & complaineth not without cause: as the wild or tame beasts do not: when they have all that they need. But he cryeth for his calami­ties. Aben Ezra saith, he spake this of his felowes which were in quietnes: how the quiet roar not, or cōplayn. at the grasse: doth the ox low at his fodder.

6. Shall Rambam. Your speach is not seasoned with salt: I cannot abide it. the vnsavory be eaten without salt: or is there tast in the white of the yolk.

7. Those things which I would have lothed to touch, are now And can I chose but cry in this case? the very sicknes of my Lechem, is flesh in Arabique. flesh.

O that I might have my request, and that the Puissant would give me my desire:

9. That it would please God [...] Phil. 1. 21. Death would be a gain to me. to bring me to dust: that he would loose his hand, and make an end of me.

10. So I In all this pang if God would make an end of me, it should be my comfort: and I would take courage in my sicknes to bear it: by my ioy that I should dye: because I profes­sed the religion of God. Abr. Ben. Peritz. Here is a close touch of Jobs faith: for the im­mortalitie of the soule: by his desire of death: to go from his pangs: and that he should dye without sinne to be worthy of the life of the world to come. should yet find comfort: though I parch in payn: when he would not spare. For I kept not close the words of the most-Holy.

11. What is my strength that I should have any hope: or what can be my end, that I should To see prosperitie. Ch. 5. 26. prolong my life.

[Page 16]12 Is▪ my strength the strength of stones? Is To ch [...]. 18 my flesh steell?

13 Have not I When I sayd, the beasts would not complain but in lack: and that your wordes were vnsa­voury. Rā ­bam. my defence: and is judgement driven away from me?

14 By him whose mercie is molten toward his neigh­bour: and who leaveth the fear of the Almighty.

15. My brethren faile me as a brook: as streames of brooks that passe away.

16 Which once are In winter when water is plentifull, yce & snow make them deep: But in sommer they ar dry: that waters be scant in Thema. E­sa. 21. and Herodot: & all sto­ries. black by yce: in which snow hi­deth it self.

17 At the time of parching-weather, they are dryed vp: when it is hoat, they are quenched from their place.

18. They turne aside from the passage of their way: they come to nothing and perish.

19. The passengers of Thema had respect to them: the companies of Sheba had desire to them.

20 They blushed that any had hope: they came to the place and were ashamed.

21 So now, you are become [...] the double reading abridging the similitude, given of God, may wel be translated: as S. Luke, ch. 4. translateth Esa. 61. The Chaldy translated the Margent: knowing that both have Gods authority. like that, even nothing: ye Tireu ve Tyrau: Here first commeth in sweet sounds: from hence very often in the Law: specially the Psalmes. see dread & are afrayd.

22 Have I sayd, Ye need not to feare in a cause wherein ye have no harme: But ye may quietly reason [...] & find, that I am not to be condemned for wickednes. Might in wordes cannot over­come right. give for me: and reward for me of your wealth.

[Page 17]23. And save me from the hand of the afflicter: & re­deem me from the hand of the violent.

24 Teach me Touching my com­plaint, Chap. 3. and I wilbe silent: & wherin I have er­red let me vnderstand.

25. How strong are the words of rightfulnes: & what can your blame soundly blame.

26. Do ye think Because Eliphaz, Ch. 5. 1. replyed vpō his wordes, he requiteth that here. to reprove words: & hold the terms of the forlorne a wind.

27 But In that ye count me wicked: ye lay a trap to make me fal. [...] in the new T. expres­seth this. ye lay a snare for the orphane: as ye dig a pit for your neighbour.

28 Now therefore be content, regard me: for it is be­fore your face if I do lie.

29 Change your mind now: Let not vnrighteousnes be objected: [...] in the text is referred to Iobs soul: which by a pathetical gesture of striking his breast he expressed: and then turneth his speach to his frendes▪ Because this was hard for the simple, God gave in the margent a repetitiō: [...] change ye your mind, yet. Be thou (my soul) of an other mind still: my justice is in it.

Is there any evil in my tongue? cannot my palate de­clare all-kind-of-heavie-sorowes?


IS there not The labours of our life have an end by course of nature: so I may wish my sorrowes and life ended. Chap. 3. a set time for sorowful-man vpon the earth, that his dayes be as the dayes of an hireling.

2 As a servant doth breath vnto the shadow, and as an hireling would see his works end:

3 So I, So I iustly wished to dy. Ch. 3. of force possesse ioylesse moneths: & nights of miserie are numbred vnto me.

4 When I ly down then I say: when shall I rise? and [Page 18] the Evening, that is, night. Gen. 1. dusky-time be measured out? and I am full of tos­sing too and fro vnto the dawning.

5. My flesh is clothed with worme, & rubbish of dust: my skin is rent and become lothsome.

6. My dayes are swifter then a weavers-shuttle: and are spent without hope.

7 Remember that my life is but a blast: mine ey shall What is our life? a vapour ap­pearing, & presently gone. Iam. 4 14. see no more pleasures:

8. The quick ey shall no more view me: let thine eyes be vpon me: that I be no more.

9. A clowd consumeth and passeth away: so he that goeth downe vnto the grave shall no more come vp:

10. Nor returne any more to his house: neyther shall his place know him any more.

11 Therefore I wil not spare my mouth: I will speak in the distresse of my spirit: I will sigh in the bitternes of my soule.

12 Am I a sea? am I a whale, that thou hast set me in prison?

13 When I say, my couch shall comfort me: my bed shall lessen my sighing:

14 Then thou fearest me with dreames: and frigh­test me with visions.

15 That my soule had rather be choked to death, then to remaine with my bones.

16 I loth-live: I would no longer live: ceasse from me, for my [...] Lxx. com­mōly, & Iam. 4. 14. life is but a vapour.

17 What is sorrowful-man that thou doest make ac­compt of him: & that thou doest set thine hart vpon him.

18. To think vpon him every morning: to try him every moment.

[Page 19]19. How long wilt thou not look away from me: not leave me till I swallow down my spittle?

20 I have sinned: what should I do vnto thee, [...] Lxx. Thou that look­est to the mind of men. o thou keeper of men: why hast thou made me thy mark, that I am a burthen unto my self.

21 Why doest thou not pardon my trespasse, and take away my iniquity: whereas To be pi­tied of the keeper of men: I ly now in the dust: why doest thou not I would by a quick death be rid from these paynes. quickly seek me out, that I should no more be.


THen Bildad of Shuach answered and sayd:

2 How long wilt thou talk in this sort: that the words of thy mouth be a vehement wind.

3 Is [...] Rō. 3. 5. God vnjust: or is the Almighty vnrighteous?

4 As Ch. 1. 19. thy children have sinned against him, so he hath sent them into the hand of their trespas.

5 If thou wouldest betimes Act. 17. 27. seek vnto God; and call for pitie of the Almighty.

6. If thou wouldest be blamelesse and vpright, then would he now rayse thee vp, and prosper Thy soul. Aben Ezr. the dwelling of thee be­ing iust. of thy righteousnes.

7 And thy former state should be little to thy latter: that should increase exceedingly.

8 Wherefore Ch. 32. 7 inquire now of the former age: & serch among their fathers.

9 For we are [...] but of yesterday: and without experi­ence: our dayes are but a shadow vpon the earth.

10 They will teach thee, tell thee, & vtter words from their hart.

[Page 20]11. Can segges grow without myre? can great rushes encrease without water.

12 While it is yet in the stalk, not cut off, it withereth before any herb.

13 So are the pathes of all that forget the omnipotent: and the hope of the hypocrite shall perish.

14 His That which he hopeth for shall stil flee from him. hope shall loth him: & his confidence shalbe a spiders house.

15 He shall lean vpon Eb. his house. it: but it shall not stand: he shall fasten on it, but it shall have no stay.

16. He is iuice-full afore Sun-rising, and his suckers sprowt over his orchyard:

17. At the wall his roots wrap: he platteth about the house of stone:

18 Yf the Sun Ramban. root him vp from his place: then one may deny him: I see thee no more.

19 Lo such is the gladnes of his way: but Others shal prosper in the place of the wic­ked, taken away. from the ground others will grow.

20 Lo, the Omnipotent will not loath the perfect: not mainteyn the hand of the mischievous.

21 Until he fil thy mouth with laughter: & thy lippes with showting.

22. Thy foes Psal. 132. 18. shalbe clothed with shame: & the tents of the wicked shal come to nought.


THen Iob answered and sayd: To chap. 8. 3. That God will destroy the wicked.

2. Truely I know it is so: and how can a man be iust before the Omnipotent.

3. If he delight to plead with him: he cannot answer [Page 21] him to one thing of a thowsand.

4. He is wise in hart, & mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and found quietnes?

5. He Seas are wher moun taines have been: as be­twixt Rhe­gium & Si­cilie. Eust. vpon Div­nysius. removeth mountaines, that men can not mark how he hath removed them out of their place in his an­ger.

6. He maketh the earth quake from her place: that her pillars tremble.

7 He speaketh to the sun, that it riseth not: & sealeth vp the starres.

8. He onely can spread the heavens: Mat. 8. 26. & 14. 26. and walk vpon the high waves of the sea.

9. He made Eb. Ghas Arcturus, Eb. Cesil. Orion, & Eb. Chi­ma. Pleiades: and the chambers of the south.

10 He doth great things, Rom. 11. 33. even vnserchable: & won­derfull, without number:

11 When When he sheweth his iudgements in the world I cannot mark his counsel. he passeth by me, I cannot see him: when he flitteth by me, I cannot perceive him:

12 When Ch. 1. 14. & 17. he taketh away, who can make him restore? who can say unto him, what doest thou?

13. When the Puissāt wil not stay his anger, the Dan. 2. & 4. Ne­buchadnez zar, &c. proud helpers stoup under him.

14 Much lesse can I answer him: can I wish to have pleading against him.

15 Who if I were iust, I would not answer him: I would crave pitie of my judge.

16 If I crie, wil he answer me? I cannot beleeve that he wil give eare vnto my voice.

17 He wil [...] Gen. 3. 15. bruse me so with tempest: and wil mul­tiply my woundes That none can blame him. freely.

18. He wil not suffer me to take my breth: but filleth [Page 22] me with bitternes.

19. As for force, behold he is valiant: as for judge­ment, who wilbe my pleader?

20 If I will justify my self, Luk. 19. 22. Rom. 2 1. myne owne mouth shall condemne me: If I will be perfect, it will prove me That is, vnperfect. per­verse.

21 If I be Elihu, ch. 33. 9. vpright: I know not myne owne soule: I am weary of my life.

22 This is vniforme: therevpon I speak: Ch. 35. 3. perfect and wicked he consumeth.

23. For with the scourge he killeth suddenly: He scor­neth at the melting away of the innocent.

24 The earth Ch. 8. 11 is given into the hand of the wicked: who condem­neth such as would de­fend their country. Est. 7. 8. covereth the face of her judges. Now if not he, who doth this?

25 So my My pros­perous dayes: ``Aba. 1. 8 dayes are swifter then a runner: they are fled, and saw no good thing.

26 They are flit as the Pirates shipps: as ``the Egle fleing to meat.

27. If I say, I will forget my sighing: I wlll leave my woful-sadnes, and be of comfort:

28 Then I am afrayd of all my sorowes: I know that thou wilt not For hold­ing my peace: for I tryed that long. cleare me:

29 I shalbe holden as wicked. Now why do I To have any long hope of goodnes. labour in vaine.

30 If I wash my self in [...] & [...] In waters: In snow water: The double reading hath a sweet allusion. snow: and cleare my hands in sope:

[Page 23]31 Yet thou wilt deep me In the grave: in the mire: and When I go naked to the grave: as though my clothes did loth me. my own clothes shall loth me.

32. Because he is not a man, like me: that I might give him an answer, that we should come together to judgement:

33 There is no Umpire. dayes-man betwixt vs: to lay his hand vpon vs both:

34 Let him To this E­lihu speak­eth, ch. 33. take away his rod from me: that his ter­rour fright me no more.

35 I would then speak and not fear him. For I am not As Gods scourge see­meth to make me: & your speachet would. such with my self.


MY soule is weary of my life: when I leave my sighing for my self: I will speak in the bitternes of my soule.

2 I wil say vnto the Puissant: condemne me not: Let me know wherefore thou pleadest with me.

3 Doth it please thee to oppresse: that thou dost loth the labour of thyne owne Eb. palmes of the handes. hands? and shinest upon the counsel of the My un­iust blamer [...] wicked.

4 Are Thou knowest the hart: and needest no further try­all. thine eyes of flesh? dost thou see as sorowfull­man?

5 Are thy Thou wantest no time, to teach thee knowledge [...] as men. Chap. 8. 8. 9. 10. to be chaunged in sundry opinions. dayes as sorowful-mans? are thy yeares as earthly-wightes yeres.

6 That thou seekest out my iniquity: and inquirest of my sinne.

7 Thou knowest that I am not wicked: yet Deut. 32. 39. none can save me from thyne hand.

8 Thy hands have fashioned me: and have made me in every poinct: and wilt thou destroy me?

[Page 24]9. Remember now, That as the clay thou hast made me: and vnto dust wilt returne me:

10 Hast thou not powred me as milk: & crudded me like vnto cheese.

11 Thou hast clothed me with skinne and flesh: and thou hast covered me with Ribbes de­sending the belly. bones and sinewes.

12. Life The im­mortal soule hast thou given me: and main­teynest the powers of body and mind. and loving-kindnes hast thou dealt with me: and thy [...] providence praeserveth my spirit.

13 And these things thou hast layd vp in thine heart: I do know that this is with thee.

14. When I do syn thou doest watch me: and wil [...] not cleare me from my iniquitie.

15 If I be wicked, wo is me: if I be iust, I dare not lift vp myne head: Be satisfyed with confusion, and be­hold my affliction.

16 How it fleeth vp: as the ramping-Schachal thou huntest me: and stil art wonderful against me.

17 Thou bringest new witnesses against me: and aug­mentest thine ire vpon me: changes & stayed-army have I.

18 Why broughtest thou me out of the wombe: Oh that I had dyed and no ey had seen me.

19 I should be as if I had not been: brought from the belly vnto the grave.

20. Wil not he leave off a little in my dayes: ceasse from me for some refreshing:

21 Before I go whence I cannot returne: to the earth of darknes and shadow of death:

22. Earth obscure as myrknes it self: shadow of death, voyd of order: (when light shineth) myrknes it self.


THen answered Zophar the Naamathite and sayd:

[Page 25]2 Should much speach be vnanswered: & the One of lip labors with out right of iudgement. lipps man be justified.

3 Should thy lies make mortal-men silent: shouldst thou Ch. 10. 3. mock and none confound thee.

4. For Ch. 6. 10. & 10. 7. thou sayst, my speach is blamelesse: and I am pure in thine eyes:

5 Now truly I wish that the Puissant would speak, & open his lipps with thee.

6. And would shew thee, the mysteries of wisdome: That thou shouldest have double by `† justice: & know, [...] that the Puissant will call thee to accompt for thine ini­quity. Ch. 6. 13.

7 Canst thou Rom. 11. 33. find the depth of the Puissant: canst thou find the scope of the alsufficient.

8. In th'high heavens what canst thou work: it is dee­per then the lowest part of the earth, what canst thou do?

9 Her mett is longer then the earth: and is broader then the sea.

10. If he Ch. 9. 11. passe by, to Rō. 1. 24. 26. 28. give over, or to Act. 11. assemble, who can stay him?

11. For he knoweth the vayne mortal-men: and seing badnes, must he not mark it?

12 That vaine man may be made harty: borne a wild­asse colt.

13 If thou prepare thine heart: and lift vp thy palmes vnto him:

14 Where thy hands have badnes: Sinne no more. cast it away, and suffer not unjustice to dwell in thy tents.

15. So then thou wilt lift vp thy face: that it shalbe without blemish: and be [...] settled and feare nothing.

16. So thou shouldest forget miserie: remembring it [Page 26] as waters passed by.

17. And thy time should passe the noon day: obscure­nesse should match the morning.

18 Thou shouldest be bold because of hope: and en­trench to ly downe safely.

19. And couch thee down, without all feare: & ma­ny should seek vnto thee.

20 And the eyes of the wicked shall fayle: and their refuge all be forlorne: and their hope nought but pangs of soule.


THen Iob answered and sayd:

2 Out of doubt ye are the People: and wise­dome must die with you.

3 I also have an heart as ye: I am not inferiour to you: and who hath not such things as these.

4. I am one mocked of his frend: praying the Puis­sant and heard: the perfect iust is a mockage.

5 A base lamp to thoughts of welthy, is he that is nere to tottering of feet.

6. The tents The wic­ked are not alway puni­shed: A­gainst Ch. 11. 20. Paul from this kind taught wicked prosperous Felix, that a iudgement remayneth for the world to come. of robbers do much prosper: and they that anger the Omnipotēt, have securitie-void-of-all-fear: to whom the Puissant brings it to their hand.

7 Wherefore The Ebrew is a generall speach of earnestnes, omitted in our English B B. in sagenes, ask These men take rules of nature, to teach as Salomon from other creatures, mens af­faires. So Hesiod the Poet saith: Fish and beasts and fowles eat the weaker: & tyran [...]: But iust men should not do so. the beasts, & ech one of them will teach thee: and the fowles of heaven, and they will tell thee.

[Page 27]8. Or speak to the earth, and it will teach thee: and the fish of the seas; and they will shew thee:

9 Who doth not know even by all these: the hand of [...] is only here vsed by the disputers. † the Eternal doth this:

10 In whose hand is every living soule: and the spirit of all mens flesh.

11 Cannot the eare discerne speaches: as the palat ta­steth it meat.

12. Is wisdome in th'aged? and vnderstanding in long life?

13 He hath wisedome and mightines: counsel and vn­derstanding are his:

14. If he In cities destroyed. Gen. 7. the toure. Gen. 11. in mind. Jer. [...] pull downe, it will not be builded: in prison, grave, or mind. shut one vp, it will not be opened.

15. If he Gen. 9. with hold the waters, they drie vp: If he Gen. 7. &. 8. send them forth, they overwhelm the earth.

16. He hath the force, and all that is: [...] Rom. 11. is expoun­ded to all these. from him, & by him, and for him are deceivers and deceived.

17 He brings counsellers to badnes: and judges vnto stark-madnes.

18 The Chaynes. Targ. Ieru. band of kings he maketh loose: & bindeth [...] astewardes girdle: as a purse: & Kings stewards weare in the East. Aru [...]. of Kings they shalbe Kings servants. But the simpler sense is, of Kings they shal­be captives. a girdle vpon their loynes.

19 He bringeth Dukes to badnes: and he perverteth the mighty:

20. He bereaveth Orators of lip: and taketh reason from Elders.

21 He powreth basenes on Nobles: and weakneth the * sway of vehement.

[Page 28]22 He revealeth As by Io­seph to Pha raoh, for plenty and dearth: by Daniel to Judah, for the affli­cting i­mage: by John to the Church, for Rome in two sorts; o­pē profane, & subtil wicked. deep things out of darknes: & brin­geth to light the shadow of death.

23. He augments nations, and destroyes them: he spreads nations, and governes them.

24. He takes hart from heads of people of th'earth, & makes them wander in wild-ground waylesse.

25 They grope in darknes without light, when he makes them Esa. 19. 14. and 24 20. wander as drunk.


LO, myne eye hath seen all: myne eare hath heard and vnderstood:

2 So much as ye do know: I know I am not inferiour to you.

3. Ch. 12. 7. Assuredly, I would speak to the alsufficient, & rea­son with th'omnipotent.

4 But assuredly yee are Psa. 119. 69. The prowd have forged lyes against me. forgers oflyes: bad physici­ans are yee all.

5 Oh that ye could be still silent: and that this might be your wisdome.

6 Hear now my reasoning: and mark the pleading of my lippes:

7 Wil ye speak vnright of th'omnipotent: and for him will ye speak deceipt?

8 Will ye respect his person: plead with the Omnipo­tent?

9 Wil it be well, when he tryeth you: will you [...] Gal. 6. 7. mock with him, as man mocks with man?

10 He will surely reprove you: for secret respect of person.

[Page 29]11. Will not his highnes make you feare: and will not his dread fall vpon you.

12. Your memorie is like to ashes: and your bodies to bodies of clay:

13. Be silent for me, and I will speak: and let come on me what may come.

14 Wherefore Think not that I speak as one desperate: whosewords fleing through the hedge of my teeth, should rent my flesh, and cause me destruction. No I am sure to speed wel, if I might plead with God. Trem. Or, wherefore have I sa­ved whole onely the flesh about my teeth: and am at deathes dore. Or this, I could be content that I bite my flesh with my teeth: and have my soule in danger in my sicknes: for I do not deny him. should I take my flesh in my teeth: & 1 Sam. 19. 5. lay my soul even in my hands?

15. If he kill me, [...] & [...] Abraham Ben Peritzol: expoundeth both readings. As S. Luke doth, Es. 61. should I not hope? if he kill me, I will I will hope for soules life: for he will be my salvation for life eternall. hope in him. So I would plead my wayes before him.

16. And he would be my salvation: But the hypo­crite shall not come before him.

17 Heare diligently my words: and let my talk come to your eares.

18 Behold now, I order the cause: Chap. 34. 5. I know that I shal be found just.

19 Who is he that will plead with me? If now I speak not, I should And so Chap. 3. 11. starve.

20 Chap. 33. 6. 7. 8. &c. Onely two things do not to me: then I will not be hid from thy face.

21 Draw away thy hand far from me, & let not dread of thee, fright me.

22 Then call, and I will answer: or, I will speak, & an­swer thou me.

[Page 30]23. Ch. 33. 13. How many are my iniquities and sinnes? Let me know my trespas and my sinne.

24 Wherefore doest thou hide thy face, & Ch. 33. 10 takest me for thy enemie?

25. Wilt thou break a leafe betossed? or wilt thou pur­sue dry stubble?

26. To write against me bitter things: and make me heyre of my youth sinnes.

27 And puttest Ch. 33. 11 in the stocks my feet, and watchest all my pathes; & leavest thy print in the roots of my feet.

28 And my body, a dry stub­ble. it wasteth as with a rot: as a garment moth eaten.


EArthly-man borne of a woman: is short of life & See Ch. 7. full of vexation.

2 As Psal. 90. 5. 6. & 103. 15. 16. a floure doth he shoot forth: and is cut off: and he fleeth as a shadow: and continueth not.

3. And vpon this doest thou open thine eyes: and me doest thou bring into judgement before thee.

4. Who can make cleane of vncleane? not any.

5 Seing his dayes are decreed: his monthes are num­bred with thee, his limits thou hast made which he shall not passe:

6. Turne from him that he may rest: till he pay his dayes work, as an hireling.

7 For a tree hath some hope: that being cut downe, it may yet sprout: and his suckers shall not leave.

8 Though his root be old in the earth: and his stock do die in the dust:

[Page 31]9 At sent of waters it buds, and beareth branches as a young plant:

10. But the earthly-wight, dyeth without strength: Adams sonne starves, and where is he?

11 As waters passe out of the sea: and rivers are spent, and dry vp:

12 So man lieth downe, and riseth not: till the hea­vens be not: they wake not nor be raysed vp out of their sleep.

13. Oh that thou wouldest, If it were possi­ble I would be dead frō this payne: to be raysed vp, afetr a set time. lay me vp in the grave: wouldest hide me vntill thine anger rested, wouldest set me a time, and remember me:

14 Can the earthly-wight dead revive? Ram. I wil wait all my set time: vntil my passage away come, and that I dy: for as I know that I shall af­terwards live, I would dye to plead there with thee: Then thou wouldest favour the work of thine hands: But in this world thou wilt not call me to iudgement. all the dayes of my set time I would waite: [...] (70) [...] Aquil. Sym. [...] vntil my chaunge were come:

15 Thou wouldest call, and I would answer: thou wouldst tender the work of thyne owne hands.

16 But now Ch. 33. 11 thou doest count my goings, & keepest them not for my sinne.

17. My trespas is Deut. 32. 34. feald in a bag: that, thou ioynest to present iniquitie.

18 Even Mountaines shaken with earthquakes lose vsually great peeces of their rocks: broken vnto small dust: and water overfloweth their growth. an huge mountayn waisteth: as the rocks re­move from their place:

[Page 32]19 Water weares the stones: thou overflowest the growth of the dusty earth: So thou destroyest the hope of sorowful-man.

20 Thou prevaylest against him, and he passeth: tho [...] changest his face, and sendest him away.

21 If his children be in honour, he knoweth it not: o [...] if they be the least, he can not vnderstand of them.

22. Onely his flesh is grieved for it self: and his soul Ch. 5. 4. will mourne for himself.


THen answered Eliphaz the Themanite, & sayd:

2 Wil a wise man U. 13. & 14. vtter knowledge of wind, and fill his belly with an easterne blast:

3 Reasoning in speach vnprofitable, and in words of no gayne.

4 Yea In that thou plea­dest iustice: & seekest not to Gods mercy. thou diisanullest godlynes: & hinderest prayer before the Omnipotent.

5 Thy Luk. 19. 22. own mouth shall argue thy iniquity: how thou chosest the tongue of the subtile.

6 Thy owne mouth Ch. 6. 24 shall make thee wicked: & not Ch. 4. Eliphaz spake of pa­tience, to a­bide Gods chastising for ordinary oversights: but did not hold him flat wicked: Now he goeth further. I: and thy owne lippes shall witnes against thee.

7. Wast thou borne the first earthly-man: or formed before the mountaynes?

8 Hast thou heard the counsel of God: and drawn vn­to thee wisdome.

9 What knowest thou that wee know not? perceivest thou that is not with vs?

10 Both Chap. 12. 12. gray-headed & all gray is amōgest vs: greater [Page 33] then thy father in dayes.

11. Are the comfortes of God a small matter with thee? and is the That thou complaynest of injurie & crooked iudgement. matter hid with thee?

12 What doctrine can thine hart give thee? or what can thine eyes aime at.

13 That thou turnest thy spirit against the Omnipo­tent; and vtterest words out of thy mouth.

14 What is woful-man to be cleared? or the borne of woman to be justified?

15 Where he holdeth not his holy ones perfect: nor they of heaven be cleare in his eyes.

16 Much lesse the vncleane, & lothsome: drinking vn­righteousnes as water.

17 I will shew thee, heare me: and what I have seen, that will I declare.

18 What wise men have told: & hid not what their [...]athers left.

19 To whom alone the land was given: & no Wise sage men: peace­able: that no other were chosen to check them. as Rome is blamed for oftē change of policy. straun­ger came amongst them.

20. The wicked killeth himself all his dayes: & soon numbred yeres, are stored for the Tyrant:

21 A noise of much feare is in his eares: in peace the [...]obber will come vpon him.

22. He looketh not to escape from darknes, having watch he thinketh vpon the sword.

23 He wandreth for bread, where to find it: he know­eth that the day of darknes is ready round a­bout him. at his hand.

24 [...] ▪ Rom. 2. 9. Distresse and affliction will fright him: It wil pre­vaile against him, as a King furnished with an army about him.

[Page 34]25. Because he stretched forth his hand See 21. 14 against the Omnipotent: and would be valiant against the almighty▪

26. He will run vpon him: vpon his neck: vpon the thick bones & nerves. bodies of his shields.

27 Though▪ A descri­ption of wealth. he cover his face with his fat, & make playtes vpon the panch.

28 Though he make dwellings of cities ruinated: of houses vndwelt: which were coming to heapes of stone.

29 He shall not continue rich, nor his wealth stand▪ nor that which they have brought about, spread over the earth.

30. He shall not depart out of darknes: fyre shall dry vp his suckers: and he shall depart by the spirit of ver. 25. & 21. 18. H [...] mouth.

31 Let not the misledd trust in vanitie: for vanitie wil­be his recompence.

32 Which will come to the full before his day: & his branch shall never be greene.

33 God. HE will snap off his soure-grape as the vines: & cast off his floure as the Olives.

34 For the congregation of the hypocrites shalbe soli­taric: and fyre eateth the tents of bribers.

35 By Psal. 7. 14 conceiving sorow, and breeding miserie, s [...] their belly getteth guile.


THen Iob answered and sayd:

2 I have heard many words as these: Miserable comforters are ye all.

3. Is there any end of windy words? and what make [...] thee so vehement to reply.

[Page 35]4. Would I speak as you Eb. Your soule in place of my soule. if you were in my place? would I compose bare wordes against you, & nod Mock. a [...], 2 King. 19. 21. vpon you with my head?

5 I would strengthen you with my mouth: and my lippes comfort. moving should bring ease.

6 If I speak, my grief will not be eased: or if I leave of, What wil it be the lesse. what will go from me?

7 As now it wearieth me. THOU hast made me de­solate of all Ch. 1. Thou hast mar­red all part [...] of my body. hast bereft me of my children & frendes: ch. 1. & now of health in all my mem­bers. my company.

8 So thou hast made me all wrinkled: That is a proof: & my leannes riseth vp against me: it speaketh to my face.

9 His Ch. 17. 3. anger renteth: and he Ch. 33. 10 beareth me a grudge: he gnasheth his teeth vpon me: he is become my foe: Eb. He sharpeneth his ey at me he looketh sharply at me.

10. Men open their mouthes against me: with repro­ches they smite my cheeks: they come by full troups vp­on me.

11. The Omnipotent hath given me over to the Chaldaeā & Sabean. god­les: and hath cast me into the hand of the wicked.

12 I was welthy, but he hath vndone me: and he lay­eth hold vpon my neck and still buffeteth me: and hath [...]et me for a mark vnto himself.

13 His Sicknesses & sores. archers compasse me: he hath cleaved my [...]eines: and Lam. 2. 2. 21. spared not. He hath powred vpon the earth my gall.

14 He hath breached in me breach overagainst breach: He runneth vpon me as a gyant.

15 Sackloth my sack­cloth▪ Ch. [...]. by boyles broken cleaveth vnto my si [...]e. sow I vnto my skin: and wallow mine horne in the dust.

16 My face is become fowl by weeping: and vpon my eyliddes is the shadow of death.

[Page 36]17 For no misdoing of my hands, but my wish is clear: saying.

18 O earth cover not my blood: and let there be n [...] place for If there be any iniury in my hāds let the earth reveale it: & let God never heare my prayer. my crie:

19 Even now, behold, in heaven is my witnes: & my record on high:

20 My frends scorne me: but vnto the Puissant dooth mine eye drop.

21 That he would decide the cause for earthly-wight before the Puissant: as the sonn of Adam dooth with his neighbour.

22. For the soon numbred yeres be arrived: and a path must I go, where I have no returne.


MY breath is corrupt: my dayes are quenched: graves are for me.

2. Surely mockages are bestowed vpon me: and in these mens vexing Night & day they vex me. lodgeth myne ey.

3. Set me now an vmpire with Whom thou allow­est. thee: who is he? Let my hand be stroken.

4. For thou hast hid the hart of these men from judge­ment: therefore thou wilt not give them honour.

5. who so speaketh [...] . Rom. 16. 18vaine-goodly-speach to neigh­bours, the eyes of the given that way shalbe consumed.

6 That maketh me a by-word to people: & I They play vpon me as a tab­ber:am o­penly a taber.

7 Wherefore myne eye is dim by anguish: and all my members be like a shadow.

8 Let the vpright wonder at this: and let the innocēt [Page 37] encoura­ging him selfe and others not to faint for af­flictions by-Iobs example.bestir himselfe against the hypocrite.

9 And Rev. 22. 11. let the iust hold on his way: and let the cleane in handes encrease courage.

10 Now, all ye, chaunge your mind: and To Jobs opinion. come now. For, I find not a wise man amongst you.

11. My dayes are past, I hoped for much good▪ but all that hopeis purposes are pluckt vp: the possessions of my heart.

12 The I watch and taken no rest all night: and delite little in day by dark afflic­tions.night they change into day: light is short be­cause of darknes.

13 As I desire the grave my house: in the darknes I straw my couch.

14. To the pit I cry, o father: ô mother, ô sister to the wormes.

15 For where now have I my hope: yea my hope who can behold it?

16 To the Barres that carry to the grave.middes of the grave all shall descend: when we go downe together to the dust.


THen Bildad the Shuchite answered, and sayd.

2 When will yee make an end of speaking: Mark yee: and after we wil speak.

3. Why are we counted as Ch. 12. 7 & 17. 4. & 10. beasts, are Dul. vncleane in your eyes:

4. O he that teareth his soule in his Ch. 16. 9 anger, shall Shall the whole go­vernment of the world, so constant as any rock, be removed for thy opinion.the earth be cast off for thee, & rocks be removed from their place.

5 Yea the light of the wicked is soon quenched: and the sparkle of his fire shall not long shine.

6 Light is darkened in his tent: and his candle is put [Page 38] out in him.

7 His violent passages are distressed: and his own coun­sel will make him fall.

8 He is sent into the net by his owne feet: and walketh into the platted grin.

9 The snare shall catch him by the heel: the savage shal lay hold on him.

10 His Eb. gable or cord. snare is hid in the ground: & his pitfall at the way side.

11. Terrours fright him on every syde: and presse him, Whither soever he goeth. at his feet.

12 His strength shall come to hungar: and wo is rea­dy at his syde.

13 A straunge death shall eat the braunches of his­dy. All his children. braunches, shall it eat.

14 His confidence shalbe plucked vp from his tent: he shalbe conveyed to the king of terrours.

15 It shall dwell in his tent, when it is not his: Gen. 19. brim­ston shalbe scattered vpon his dwelling.

16 Beneath, his roots shalbe dryed vp: and above, his branch shalbe cut downe.

17 His remembrance shall perish from the earth: & he shall have no name in the streates.

18. He shalbe drvien from light to darknes: & he shalbe chased out of the earth.

19. He shall leave no child, nor nephew among his peo­ple: nor remnant in his pilgrimage.

20. At his day they that come after shall wonder: as the present took an horrour.

21. Even these are the habitatiōs of the vnrighteous, [...] this is the Eb. place. case of him See Ch. [...]1. that knoweth not the Omnipotēt.


THen Iob answered and sayd:

2 How long will ye greive my soule: and fret me with words.

3 Now fiue times I spake, and fiue times you, crossing my good speches. or, Ten, that is many times. ten times ye have reproched me: nothing a­shamed: But ye harden your selves against me.

4. Suppose in deed that I have erred: let my errour continue with me.

5. But truely you deale stately over me: `* and bring my wretched case an argument against me.

6. Know then that the Puissant hath wronged, or, wringed me. overthrowne me: and compassed his net about me:

7. If Elihu bla­meth this, Ch. 34. 5▪ &c. I complayne of wrong, I cannot be heard: if I `†Ch. 32. 13. cry, no sentence wilbe given.

8. He hath Lamen­tations 3. 7.hedged in my wayes that I cannot passe: and hath set darknes over my pathes:

9. He hath bestript me of my honour: and taken away the crowne of myne head.

10. He hath puld me downe on every side: and I goe away: and he hath plucked vp my hope as a tree.

11. And his anger is kindled against me: & he holdeth ne as Chap. 33. 10. one of his enemies.

12. His afflictions. hostes come together against me: and cast vp [...]heir trench against me: and camp about my tent.

13. He hath alienated my brethren from me, and they my ac­quaintance who honoured me are become mere strangers vnto me.

14 My kinsfolk cease, & they whom I favoured have forgotten me.

[Page 40]15 The hirelinges of my house, and my maydens, take me for a stranger: I am an alliant in their eyes.

16 I call my servant; but he wil give no answer: though I entreat him with my mouth.

17 My breath is strange vnto my wife, though I pray her by the children of my belly.

18 Even Princockes do dispise me: when I arise they talk against me.

19 All men of my counsell loath me: and, they whom When I was in health. I loved turne agaynst me.

20 My bone cleaveth to my skin, as to my flesh: and I am whol onely in the skin of my teeth.

21 Pitie me, pitie me, o yee my frendes: for the hand of the Puissant hath touched me.

22 Why do ye persecute me as the Omnipotent: and are not satisfied with Be cōtent that my flesh is wa­sted: & go not about, as savage beasts, to break my bones. my flesh.

23 O that Because Iob was termed one that knew not God: he protesteth his faith: in the incarnation and resurrection of Christ, authour of our resu­rection. The strict proprietie of Ebrew beareth that: and Gods spirit alwayes reached to the best sense. my words were now written: ô that they were drawen in a book.

24 Graven with a pen of iron: with lead, were in stone for ever.

25 How I know My redeemer in the nature of man, is the Ever-living: [...] shall arise from death: and by him I shall rise: and be made like his glorious body. my redemer liveth: and at the last shall arise vpon the dust.

26 And after this my skin is spent: yet from my fle [...] shall I see the Puissant.

27. Whom I shall see, even I, my self: & myne ey [...] view, and No other for me. no straunger: when my reynes and boso [...] be spent.

[Page 41]28. Thus, yee should say, Seing this poinct it the main; not to doubt in the hart, who can go vp to heaven to bring Christ downe: or who can go downe into the deep to bring Christ from the dead: but to beleve that Jesus is the Eternall: & that God raiseth him from death: Job could not be sayd not to know God. why pursue we him: when the thinges root is found in me.

29 Be afraied your selves of the sword: For ire vpon sin hath the sword. Therefore know ther is [...] & Shaddin: might seme to be Sh [...]d­din Devils▪ in the vn­ [...]oincted Bible. The margent reading helpeth therin. a iudgment.


THen answered Sophar the Naamathite, and sayd.

2. For this my thoughts make me reply: and therefore my hast is in me.

3. A Chap. 19. 28. 29. reprofe to my shame I heare: and the spirit of my conscience will that I answer.

4 Thou dost know this much, how of old, since Adam was set on the earth:

5. The joyance of wicked is short: & hypocrites gladnes for a moment.

6. If his height ascend to heaven: and his head reach vnto the cloudes:

7. Turning a little he falls for ever: they who saw him. his beholders [...]ay, where is he?

8. As Esa. 29. 7. 8. a dreame shall he flee, past finding: and passe like a vision on night.

9. Eyes viewed him: but shall no more: nor his place behold him againe.

10. His children must content the poore: & his hands recompence his wrongs.

11. His bones shall feel full pay for his youth prankes: which shall lye with him in the dust.

[Page 42]12. Though wrong be sweet within his mouth, and he hide it vnder his tongue:

13. Though he cherish it, and leave it not: and hold it within his pallate:

14. His meat in his bowels turneth into gall of aspes within him.

15 Wealth devoured he shall cast-vp: The Omnipo­tent will drive it out of his belly.

16. He shall suck the gall of aspes: the tongue of ser­pents shall kill him.

17 He shall no more see rivers, streames, brooks of ho­ny and of butter.

18. He shall restore what mens paines gate: and not have time to devour it: and never reioyce in the wealth for which he must make recompence.

19 He oppresseth and leaveth poor; robbed of house: which he shall not build vp.

20 For he shall feel no rest in his belly: by that which Psal. 59. 15 & 69. 22. he desired he shall not be safe.

21 There shalbe no remnant of his meat: therefore his goods continue not.

22 When he hath filled him with sufficiency, then he shalbe distrest: ech hand of grieved. injuried will come vpon him.

23 When he would fil his belly, God will send his hoat anger vpon him: he wil rayn vpon him into his flesh.

24. When he fleeth from the iron armour, the bowe of steel shall shoot him through.

25. The arrow shalbe drawen and come out of Chald. & Ab. the quiver; and the head shalbe in his gall: terrours shall come vpon him.

[Page 43]26. All darknes is hid vp for his For his store of sinnes. Rom. 2. 5. store: a fyre Eb. Which nee­deth no blowing. vn­quenchable shall eat him vp, and the remnant of his tent shalbe wringed.

27 The heaven shall reveale his iniquity: and the earth shall rise vp against him.

28 The As oyle & wine. Chald. fruites for his house shall passe avvay: & flow away in the day of anger.

29 This shalbe the portion of the wicked earthly-man from Elohim. God: and the inheritance appointed him from the [...] , in the Lxx. Omnipotent.


THen answered Iob and sayd:

2 Heare diligently my words: and let that be your consolation.

3 Suffer ye me and I will speak: and after I have spo­ken, mock thou:

4. Is I com­playne not to you: but vnto God. I plead with God: and sorrow that I am not heard. my sighing vnto man: notwithstanding I have my sighing: then why should not my spirit be discouraged.

5 Mark me, and be amazed: lay the hand vpon the mouth:

6 When I bethink me, I am troubled: and a quaking taketh my flesh.

7 Why are the wicked lively, continue long, and be mighty in riches.

8 Their seed is setled before them with them: and their issue before their eyes.

9 Their houses have peace without feare: and the rod of the puissant is not vpon them.

10. Their oxe gendreth and looseth not seed: their [Page 44] cow calveth, and looseth not the young.

11. They send forth their children as flocks: & the [...] Ch. 15. 30. prinkockes daunce.

12. They bear with the tabret & harpe: and reioyce a [...] the sound of the pleasant instrument.

13. They spend their dayes in wealthinesse: and in a Ch. 15. 24. moment they go downe But in Haides they are pā ­ged in flame, Luk. 16. 19. 23. to the grave.

14. And they say to the omnipotent, depart from vs: for we desire not to know thy wayes.

15. What See Ch. 15 is the almighty that we should serve him: or what profit shall we have if we pray to him.

16. Loe their welth cōmeth not But frō God. by their own power: here I am far from the iudgement of which ne­ver thank God for their welth but think their owne wisdome found all: as Assur, E­sa. 10. 12. 13 the wicked.

17. [...] is, how of­ten? or how seldome. Ramban. Not so often is the candle of the wicked put out: that their wo doth come vpon them: that HE imparteth pangs in his anger.

18 That they become Psal. 1. 4. & 35. 5. as straw before the wind: and dust which a tempest stealeth away.

19. Doth God lay vp his injuries for his children: doth pay himself that he doth feel it?

20. Do his own eyen see his ruine: that he drink the ire of the omnipotent.

21. Otherwise what careth he for his house after him: when the number of his own moneths shalbe shortned.

22. Can a man teach the Omnipotent knowledg, how he shall judge the lofty?

23 One dyeth in his very perfection, all in prosperitie and ease:

24 His He hath all prosperity of health and wealth. payles are full of milk: and the marrow of his bones are moist.

[Page 45]25 An other dyeth with a bitter soule: and never ate good thing.

26 They shall lye alike in the dust: & the worme shall cover them.

27 Behold, I know your thoughts, and your injurious imaginations against me.

28 When ye say: where is the house of Or, rich Tyrant. the noble? & Chap. 20. 19. where is the tent and pavilion of the wicked?

29. Cannot ye ask them that go by the way? so yee would not make their signes straunge.

30. How the bad is spared vnto the day of heavines, the day when great wrath is brought.

31 Who dare tell him of his wayes to his face: & re­ward him that which he doth?

32. But he is brought vnto the grave, and still abideth in the tumbe.

33 The vale clodds be sweet vnto him: & he draweth all earthly after him: as innumerable went before him.

34 And what do yee comfort me with vanitie: when great offence remayneth in your disputations.


THen answered Eliphaz the Themanite and sayd.

2. Can the humane-wight teach the Omnipo­tent? If he would teach, would he regard it?

3. Is it a pleasure to the almighty, that thou pleadest ju­stice: or gain, that thou wouldst make thy wayes perfect?

4. Would he reprove thee for thy religion; would he come into judgement with thee?

5 Nay doubtlesse thy evill is great, and thy iniquity endlesse.

[Page 46]6. For thou hast taken a pledge from thy brother vv [...] Mat. 25. 35. &c. out cause: and bestript the naked of their clothing.

7 No vvater to the vveary hast thou given to drink and thou hast kept avvay bread from the hungry.

8 But the stronger in arme held the land: and [...] Ma. 10. 42. hee estimation vvould dvvell in it.

9 True de­votion is this, to visit the father­les and wi­dowes in their ad­versuy: and to keep him­self vnspot­ted of this world. Iam. 1. 27. Widovves hast thou sent avvay empty: and the armes of the fatherles vvere broken.

10 Therefore snares compasse thee: and suddayn fear frightes thee:

11 Or darknes, that thou canst not see: and much w [...] ter doth cover thee:

12 Is not the Puissant in the height o [...] heaven: & be hold the loftynes, the starres hovv high they be.

14 So thou sayest, vvhat knovveth the Omnipotem can he judge through the dark cloud?

14 The clovvdes be a covering to him that he cannot see: and he vvalketh vpon the compasse of the heaven.

15 Doest thou hold. Hast thou marked the vvay of 2 Pet. 2. 5. the old vvorld vvherin vngratious men have vvalked?

16 Which vvere made avvay before their time: vvho [...] * The mid­dle of the book by the Massorites. foundation became a water of deluge:

17 Who [...]id vnto the Omnipotent, depart from [...] and vvhat should the Almighty do vnto them?

18 For he fild their houses vvith goods: & I am far from the iudgement of the wic­ked which holdth: starres their Gods and givers of blessing. the opi­nion of the vvicked is far from me.

19 The iust did see and rejoyced: and the innocent [...] mock them.

20 As our state is not yet destroyed, that the remna [...] of the other, The world reserved to fyre. Es. 66. & 2 Pet. 3. fyre should eat vp:

21 Reconcile thee novv vnto him, & be at peace: S [...] prosperitie shall come vnto thee.

[Page 47]22 Receive now the Law at his mouth: & lay vp his [...]ordes in thine hart.

23 If thou tuine vnto the almighty: thou shalt be built [...]p: if thou cast far off vnrighteousnes from thy tents.

24. So thou shalt set by gold as dust: and Ophir, as [...]he stones in rivers.

25 And the Almighty wilbe thy plentiful gold: & [...]ilver of strength vnto thee.

26 For then thou shalt delite in the Almighty: and [...]ft vp thy countenance vnto the Puissant.

27 Thou shalt crave good of him: and he shall heare [...]hee: and thou shalt pay thy vowes.

28 And thou shalt decree a matter: & it shall stand so [...]or thee, and in thy wayes shall the light shine.

29 When Pride wil have a fall. others shalbe humbled, thou shalt speak [...]f exaltation: as the humble eyed he will save.

30 He will spare the innocent: who shalbe spared for Ch. 42. [...]hy pure hands.


THen Iob answered and sayd:

2 Yet this day Ch. 22. 3 my sighing is holden a re­bellion: though my stroke be greater then my [...]roning.

3 O that I knew how to find him: that I might come into his throne.

4 I would lay the cause before him: and fill my mouth with arguments:

5. Would know what words he would answer me: & would perceive what he would tell me.

6 Would he by great power plead against me? No, but he would help me.

7 There the vpright doth plead with him: so should I [...]e quit for ever by my judge.

[Page 48]8. Go I cannot mark Gods iudgements in any part of the world I Eastward, there he is not: or westward, I [...] not mark him:

9. On the left hand when he worketh, I cannot vi [...] him: when he covereth the right hand, I can not see him.

10 But he knowes what way is with me: tryed he m [...] I should come forth as gold.

11. My foot hath held his right path: his way have kept, and not turned away.

12. And his lippes lawes I cast not of: More then m [...] dayly bread have I layd vp the wordes of his mouth.

13 Yet He is vn­changeable. when he is against me, who can stay him? h [...] soule willeth, and that doth he.

14 Because See Ch. 10 ver. 8. 9. he furnished me with my dayly bread [...] and many such graces are with him.

15. Therefore I shrink at his presence: I consider an [...] am afrayd of him.

16 For the Omnipotent hath loftened mine hart: an [...] the Almighty hath made me shrink:

17 Because Because I found ney­ther death, nor ease of sicknes. I have not dyed by thick-darknes: nor H [...] yet That I should not seel these afflictions. hideth gloomynesse from my face.


WHy should not The af­faires of mē in their times. times be hid by the almigh­ty, for none that know him see his wayes.

2. Men remove landmarks: rob away heards, and feed them.

3 They drive away the asse of the fatherlesse: and t [...] the oxe of the widow for a pledge.

4. They make the poore turne out of the way: t [...] [Page 49] meek of the land hide themselves together.

5 Behold the wild in the wildernes go forth to their [...] & [...] . The mar­gent expoū ­deth meek by helplesse. Some tran­slate the margent: & wel may: But none may think the Line-rea­ding cor­rupt. york: rising timely to spoile: the vast-ground giveth him [...]read for his young.

6. They reap the field that is not their own: so the wic­ [...]ed snap of the vineyards grapes.

7. The naked they do cause to lodge without garment: [...]nd without covering in the cold.

8. They are Poor dwel in high rockes, in many showres of rayne: and in holes of rockes, they lodge. moistened with the streams of the moun­ [...]aines: and for want of covert, they imbrace the rock.

9 Of mischievousnes they rob the fatherles: and take [...]way as a pledge that which the poor hath vpon him.

10 The The na­ked in part they make more naked naked they cause to go without garment: & [...]hey take away the sheaf of the hungry.

11 Men The labo­rer hath not [...]is pay. make oyle within their walls, & tread wine­ [...]resses, and are thirstie.

12. In the citie, folk doe grone: and the soule of the [...]layne As Rev. 6. 10. cryeth: and the Puissant marketh not the vnsa­ [...]orie dealings.

13. They are of rebellers against the light: They know [...]ot his wayes: nor keep in his pathes.

14. With the light the murtherer riseth: he killeth the [...]eedy and poore: and on the night he wilbe a very [...]heife.

15. The ey of the adulterer watcheth the twylight, say­ing: No ey shall see me: and layeth a visard vpon his face.

16. Ramban thus: In dark places he diggeth houses: which he sealeth vp on the day time: And that seemeth the right sense: so this: They can [...]ide no light. In the dark he diggeth houses: which he mar­ [...]ed on the day tyme: they know no light.

17. For altogether the morning is vnto them the sha­dow [Page 50] of death: if any spy them, then come terrours of the shadow of death.

18 He is lighter then the face of waters: their porti [...] is cursed on the earth: none will look vnto the way of the vineyards.

19 Drought and heat quickly take away snow waters: the grave them that sinne.

20 The Raban. His wife: others, his mother; or friends; all of compas­sion. wombe shall forget him: he is sweet to the worme: he shalbe no more remembred: and wickedne [...] is broken downe as a tree.

21. HE The wic­ked mans life shall have the husbands lot. adioyneth the barren which hath not borne child: and to the widow HE sheweth no good.

22 And HE draweth the stout after him by his might: while ech stood, none was sure of his life.

23 HE would give them security to stay vpon: But his eyes was vpon their wayes.

24 They were exalted a short while: but come to no­thing, so they are brought low: every one are made to skip away: they are cutt off as an eare of corne.

25. If it be not so now, who will prove me a liar: and make my wordes nothing?


THen answered Bildad the Shuchite and sayd:

2 Dominion and feare be with him: he maketh The maie­stie of God is too terrible for base man to plead with: saith Bildad: and all Gods doings are in iudg­ment & iustice: the iudge is iust, and the iudged a sot: vnable to know the secret of thus matter. At this Iob mocketh in the next chap. [Page 51] peace in his high places.

3. Can his armies be numbred? or None of his Angels have light of themselves: but all from him. over whome The Chaldy vpon v. 2. Sultanship and feare be with him: he maketh peace in his high hea­vens. Mi­chael is on his right hand: and he is of fyre: and Gabriel on his left hand: and he is of water: and the bo­dy creatures be part of fyre: and part of water. Such fables S. Paul forbiddeth: and [...]ewes making Michael a created Angel, holp out Machomed: and ever Zohar graun­ [...]eth the truth, that Michael is Iehovah. doth not his light shine?

4 And what should sorowful-man plead iustice with the Omnipotent: or the borne of woman look to be clea­red.

5 Look vnto the moon: and it will not be bright: & the starres are not cleare in his eyes.

6. Much lesse sorowful-man, a worme: & the sonne of Adam a vermin.


THen Iob answered and sayd:

2 What helpest thou to no strength? and savest with an arme having no force?

3 What doest thou counsel without wisdome: & ma­kest advice knowen aboundantly.

4 With whom hast thou vttered speach: and whose [...]oule admired thee.

5 [...] Ambre, and pearle, and such. God his providence reacheth to the furthest places: even to the bottom of the sea, and lowest earth: which pla­ces seem to be as cast off. Things without life are formed vnder the waters: * * * Job sheweth that he can speak more of Gods straunge works then Bildad. and places neare them.

[Page 52]6 The lowest earth is naked afore him: and the That which see­meth to be lost and cō ­temned. lost hath no covering.

7. He stretcheth out the North vpon the empty: and hangeth the earth vpon nothing.

8. He bindeth waters in his thick-metcores: and the clowd is not broken for them.

9. He Rambā: He maketh the face of the heavens for an house. fasteneth the face of the throne: He spreadeth beawtifully his clowd over it.

10 A bound He brought the sea about the Land: to abide while day and night continue. he hath made for the face of the wa­ters: vnto the end of light with darknes.

11. The Moun­taines, as Atlas, sayd to hold vp the heavens, by earthquake tremble. pillars of the heavens shake: and are amazed at his check.

12 By his strength Of a generall water, he made many seas. he divides the sea: and by his wis­dome he parted the Eb. Pride▪ That is the proud sea: that threateneth to drown the land. maine-water.

13 By his spirit he garnished the heavens: his hand hath formed the long serpent.

14 Lo, these are part of his wayes: and what a small thing can we heare of him. And the thunder of his power who can vnderstand?


ANd Iob proceeded to continue his Oration, and sayd:

2. As the Omnipotent liveth which hath remo­ved my cause, & the Almighty which hath brought my soule to bitternes.

[Page 53]3. Surely, all the while that my breath is in me, and the spirit of the Puissant in my nostrels:

4. My lippes shall not speake the vnright: and my tongue shall not sound vntruth.

5. Be it farr from me that I should justify you vntil I give vp the ghost: I will not remove myne integritie frō me.

6: I will lay hold vpon my righteousnes, and I will not leave it: my hart shall take no shame from my dayes.

7. Mine enemie shalbe as the wicked: and my adver­sary as the vnrighteous.

8. For what can be the hope of the hypocrite, that he If I were wicked I durst not plead with God. should bring it about: when the Puissant would shake off his soule.

9. Would the Omnipotent heare his crye: when di­stresse cōmeth vpon him.

10. Can he delight in the Almighty? will he call vpon Phil. 4. 6. the Puissant at all times?

11 I will teach you of God his hand: that which is with the Almighty I will not hide.

12 Lo, ye all have seèn it: and why do ye then vanish in vanitie.

13 This shalbe the lot of the wicked earthly-man, with the Omnipotent: and the portion of tyrants, which they shall receive from the Almighty.

14. If his children be many, it shalbe to the sword: & his ofspring shall not be filled with bread.

15. His remnant shalbe buried as contē ­ned slaves. (And so Beth is taken, Dan. 2. 44. presently after the dayes of these kings, the God of heaven shall set vp a kingdome.) as soon as they are [Page 54] dead: and his widowes shall as glad to be rid of them. not weep.

16 If he heap vp silver as dust: and prepare him ga [...] ­ments as clay:

17 Wel he may prepare it: but the iust shall weare i [...] and the innocent shall part the silver.

18 He buildeth his house as a moth: and as a booth which a watchman maketh.

19 The rich in death. lieth and is not To be ho­nestly buri­ed: for his children shalbe kild. [...] v. 14. Amongst the wild A­rabians this continueth vnto this day: and in our wild countreyes. It is an Ebrew phrase, for one dead taken frendly to buriall: or of a straunger into lodging, as Mat. 25. 35. 43. taken vp one openeth his eyes, but he is gone.

20 Terrours shall fasten on him as waters: and in the night a tempest shal steal him away.

21 An [...] Act. 27. 14. East wind shall take him: and he must go: and and it shall whirle him from his place.

22. It falleth on him, and spares him not: when he would fayne flee from that sway.

23. Every one shall clap hands at him, and hisse him away from his place.


NOw there is an issue for silver: and a place of God is mer­veilous in workes made knowne: but vnsearche­able for mans l [...]t. Golds refining.

2. Iron is taken out of dust: & brasse is molten out of stone.

3. HE hath Psal. 119. 96. set an end to darknes: and searcheth the vse of all things: stone of myrknes and shadow of death.

[Page 55]4. A streame breaketh from his spring: vnkenned of a­ [...]y foot: deep for sad-man, it floweth away.

5 A ground out of which groweth food: is vnderneath chaunged as Erimsto [...] fyre.

6. Her stones have the place of Saphir: and the dust of gold is in it.

7. A path which the kite hath not knowne: nor the eye of glead lookt on it.

8. The savage beasts have not trode it: nor fierce-Lyon passed over it.

9. HE sendeth his hand into the flint: and changeth In moun­taines he breaketh a way for streames. mountaines at the roote:

10 Breaking rivers out of the rocks: And all that is rare his ey seeth.

11. HE God dri­eth the springs whence ri­vers ran: that they fail: and have not so much as a tear of wa­ter. bindeth the floods from weeping: And the hid he bringeth to light.

12 But from whence can wisdome be found: & where is vnderstandings place?

13. Sorowfull-man knoweth not her esteeme: neither can it be found in the Land of the living.

14 The deep saith, it is not in me: and the sea saith, it is not with me.

15 No Ebr. Sa­gor: stored that is gold. ore can be given for her: nor silver be weig­hed for her price.

16 It will not be valewed with The name of gold in Ophir. Cethem from O­phir: with precious Beryll and Saphir.

17▪ No gold nor diamond will match her: nor cup of Phez-gold of Pess in Barbaria. Phez-gold make her exchaunge.

18 East mountaine stones, Sardonyx and Cha [...]ar in Greek as I guesse. Ramoth and Gabish may not be mentioned: [Page 56] wisdomes price doth passe carbuncles.

19 The Topaz of Cush will not match her: she wil not be weighed with pure Cethem.

20 Then from whence doth wisdome proceed: and Ch. 8. 10. where is the place of vnderstanding.

21 For it is hid from the eyes of all living: and kept close from the fowles of the heaven.

22 Destruction and death say: with our eares we have heard her fame.

23. God perceiveth her way: and he knoweth her Elohim, the name of the holy tri­nity. place.

24 For he beholdeth the ends of the earth: and hee seeth all that is vnder heaven.

25 When he made for the wind a peise, and held the waters in a measure.

26. When he made a bound for the rayne: and a way for lightening of thunders.

27 Then he saw her: and shewed her: and setled her: and searched her.

28. And he sayd to Adam, Mark: the fear of The Lord. A­donaj is v­sed first Gen. 15. of Abraham, and is plurall, for note of Trinity: My stayes. Ado­naj, is the wisdome: and to eschew ill, is vnderstanding.


ANd Iob continued his Oration and sayd.

2 O that I were as in former moneths: as in the dayes when the Puissant preserved me.

3. When he caused his brightnes to shine over my head: [Page 57] when I walked at his light in darknes.

4. As I was in my lusty yeres: with Gods favour over my tent.

5. When yet the almighty was with me: and my chil­dren about me:

6. When I washt my steps with butter: and the rock powred me streames of oyle.

7. When I went out a door to the city: and settled my seat in the street.

8. The young men saw me, & would not be seen: the aged arising stood vp.

9. Princes refrayned from speaking: & layd their hand vpon their mouth.

10. The best in voyce would not be seen: theyr toung cleaved to their palat.

11 When the ear heard, then it held me happy: and the ey saw, and gave me good report:

12. That I delivered the poore when he cryed: and the fatherlesse and the succourlesse.

13 The blessing of the perishing came vpon me: and I made glad the heart of the widow.

14. I put on righteousnes, and it clothed me: my ius­tice was like a cloke, and a crowne.

15. Eyes was I vnto the blind: and I became feet to the lame.

16 A father was I to the poore: and the cause I knew not I searcht out.

17. And I brake the tuskes of the vnright: and cast the pray out of his teeth.

18. And I sayd: I shall give out the ghost in presence of my nest, and multiply dayes as the sand.

[Page 58]19 My root was spred to the water: and dew lay vpon my braunches.

20 My honour was aey-new with me, and my bow [...] was fresh in mine hand.

21 To me men gave eare and regard: and kept silenc [...] at my counsel.

22 After my words they diffred not: & my talk dropped vpon them.

23. They regarded me as the rain: & gaped as to the later showres.

24. When I laughed vpon them, they would not be bold: nor cast downe the light of my face.

25 I chose their way, and sate a chief: and dwelt as a King with a garrison: as one that comforteth mourners.


BUt now they make a scorne of mee, who are les­ser in dayes then I, whose fathers I would have dis­dayned to set with the dogges of my sheep.

2 For what could their hands strength do me: whose aged time came to nothing.

3. In want and in famine heavie, they fled into the vnwatery land, obscure, wast and wildernes.

4 Which pluckt vp salt herbs among trees, and Iuniper rootes were their meat.

5 They were driven from company: men shouted at them as at a theif.

6 That they dwelt in Ground holow: bro­ken by streames. cliffs at rivers, in holes of dust, [Page 59] and in rocks.

7. Among trees they groned: among the nettles they [...]marted.

8 A vile kind, yea a kind without fame: banished from the earth.

9 But now. I am become their talk, and made to them a common speach.

10 They abhor me: keep far from me: and from my face spare not spittle.

11 For HE hath loosed [...] Iithro, The string or raine of his govern­ment: that holdeth base from stri­ving with mighty. Let them that think that hard, read the margent: [...] Iithri, my string: the string of my bow, Chap. 29. [...]0. his strings and afflicted me: and they cast away the bridle from me.

12 At my right hand springals arise: they thrust my feet: and they cast vpon me the causies of their woe.

13. They have marred my way: they hold my heavi­nes a profit: though they be never the better.

14 They come as into a broad breach: in the broken place they tumble.

15 All terrours are turned vpon me: ech, course my Chap. 29. nobilitie as a wind: and my salvation is past as a clowd.

16. So my soule in me is powred out: and affliction dayes have caught me.

17 The night perceth my bones from me: that my si­newes do take no rest.

18 Through great force my garment changeth: as the edge of my coat it girdes me.

19. He hath Or, compared me to mire. made me a pattron of mire: that I am like dust and ashes.

[Page 60]20 I cry vnto thee, but thou doest not heare me: I stand vp, but thou doest To bring vpon me all kindes of punishmēts. mark me.

21. Thou art turned one cruel to me: by thy hand hand thou art my foe.

22. Thou takest me vp vnto a wind: and Layest me me therev­pon. causest me to ride: thou meltest me from all soundnes.

23. For I know, to death thou wilt turne me: and to the house appoynted for all living.

24. And prayed I not when plague was sent? when hurt came to any, therevpon cryed I not?

25. Did I not weep for the hard of day: did not my soule [...] 2 Cor. 11. 29. Merce­rus citeth S. Paulan expounder of this rare word: very learnedly. burne for the poore?

26. But I looked for good, & evil came: and I wayted for light, and myrknes came.

27. My bowels seethed & rested not: dayes of afflicti­on came vpon me.

28. I walked black out of the sun: I stood vp in the Church: I cryed▪

29. I am a brother to Dragons: and a felow to Estrich kind:

30 My skin vpon me is black, and my bones are brent without hoat-drought.

31 And my harp is made a mourning: and pleasant soundes be weepers voice.


I Made a covenant with myne eyen, not to look v­pon a virgin.

2. For what were the portion of God from above: and lot of the almighty from on high?

[Page 61]3. Have not the vnrighteous woe: and be not ildoers rid away?

4. Will not he see vnto my wayes: and number all my passages?

5. If I walked in vanity: and▪ my feet hastened to guyl:

6. Let God weigh me in even ballance: and let him mark my integrity.

7. If my step have turnd from the way: and my hart followed myne eyes: and any blame sticked to myne hands:

8 Then let me sow, and another eat: and my ofspring be rooted out.

9 If mine hart were drawen by woman: that I waited at my neighbours doore:

10. Let my wife grind to an other: & let others bow vpon her.

11 For this should be an haynous thing: and a sin To take knowledge of, search out, and pu­nish. Pro. 6. 29. Lev. 20. 10. for the Iudges.

12. For it is a fyre eating to destruction, which would root out all my revenues.

13. If I despised my servants cause: & my handmaids pleading with me:

14 Then what should I do: when th'Omnipotent stood vp: and when he did visite, what should I answer him?

15 Hath not he that made me made him in the belly? and the same framed vs both in the wombe?

16 If I stayd the poore from the wished: and consu­med the eyes of the widow:

17 If I have eaten my morsel alone: that the fatherles [Page 62] ate not of the same▪

18. For from my youth this grew with me as a father: and from my mothers wombe I did tender it.

19 If I saw any perishing for want of clothes: and lack of covering for the poore:

20. If his loynes have not blessed me: when he felt warmth by my sheeps fleece:

21 If I listed myne hand against the orphane: when I saw my strength in the gate:

22 Let my shoulder fall from the back: and let myne arme break from the cane.

23. For th'Omnipotents feared woe held me: and I could not stand be [...] his highnes.

24▪ If I made gold my confidence, and said to Cethem, ô my hope.

25. If I ioyed that my welth grew: and that my hand found much riches.

26. If I admired the sun how it shined: and The new moone: of which yet fooles say, God save her. the moon walking precious:

27 That mine hart was closly deceived: No, my hand Stopped all ido­latrous speach: of s [...]-worship: for which Babel bred confusion▪ So Re [...] Peritzol taketh it: Others take that for a gesture of idolatry: The words and mat­ter may abidethat. kissed my mouth.

28 So this had been a sinne to be judged: for I had de­nyed the omnipotent from above.

29 If See Ch. 30. 24. I rejoyced at the hurt of myne enemy, & be­stird [Page 63] me when he found losse:

30 No, I let not my palate sinne: to wish his soule vnder a curse.

31 Haue not the folk of my house sayd: A speach of hatred to the enemy, as Psal. 124. 3. or for hospi­talitie: that servants dynner was given straungers: that they tarried to rost more: as the next verse shew­eth. ô that wee had his flesh: wee would not be satisfied.

32 The stranger lodged not in the street: I opened my doores to Wayfa­ring. travellers.

33. Have I covered my trespas as Adam: hiding my [...]in of a self-love.

34. For I could oppresse a great troup: & those of fami­lies to basenes, that made me shrink: that I was dumme, and went not out of doores.

35. O that I had one to heare me: behold my scope is this: that th'Almighty would answer me: & the book which my adversary would write.

36 I sweare, I would beare it on my shoulder: I would tye it for crownes to me:

37. I would tell him the number of my steppes: I would come to him as a bold Prince.

38 If my land cry out against me: and her furrowes weep together:

39 If I ate her strength without silver, and have grie­ved her owners soule:

40 Then let thornes grow in stead of wheat: & dar­nell in steed of barley.

Here end the words of Iob.


SO these three men rested from answering Iob: be­cause he was iust in his owne eyes.

2. And the anger of Elihu, the sonne of Baracheel the Buzite of the familie of Ram, was in a choler against Iob: because he iustifyed himselfe above God.

3. And against his three felowes his anger was in a choler: because they found no answer, yet condemned Iob.

4. Yet Elihu wayted to speak to Iob: because they were elder then he, in dayes.

5. So Elihu saw there was no answer in the mouth of the three men, and his anger was in a choler.

6. Then spake Elihu the sonne of Baraceel the Buzite: and sayd: I am young, and ye are old: Therefore I reve­renced, and feared to shew my mind among you.

7. For I sayd, dayes will speak: and many yeres will teach wisdome.

8. Certes a spirit is in sad-man: & th'almighties breath to wise them.

9 Men of not great time may be wise: as the old vnder­stand the right.

10. Therefore I say, Hear thou me now: I also will shew my mind.

11. Behold I wayted through your speach: I gave ear to your arguments: while ye searched out what to speak.

12 And vnto you I gave attendance: and lo, Iob found no confuter: of you that answered his words.

13 Least ye say, we have found wisdome: th'omnipo­tent Chap. 19. 5. 6. doth tosse him, not man.

[Page 65]14. He hath framed no speach against me: I will not an­swer him by your words.

15. They shrink away, do speak no more: speaches be departed from them.

16. And I expected, til that they wold no longer speaks but they stand still, they answer no more.

17. Now I will answer in my turne: also I will shew myne owne mind.

18. For I am full of words: and my bellies spirit doth presse me.

19 Behold my belly is as wine that hath no vent: as new barels like to burst.

20. I will speak that I may take breath: I will open my lippes and answer.

21. Look not that I regard mans person: that I respect an earthly-man.

22. For I know not how to respect: So my maker wold be my taker away.


ANd in sooth heare now Iob my talke: and give eare to all my speaches.

2. Behold now I will open my mouth: my tongue speaketh in my palat.

3. My words are th'vpright of my hart: and my lippes shall vtter knowledg purely.

4. Th'Omnipotents spirit hath made me: and the al­mighties breath hath given me life:

5. If thou canst answer, settle thy selfe before me, stand to it.

[Page 66]6 Lo I am, as thou spakest, for th'Omnipotent: I am also formed out of clay.

7. Lo Ch. 13. 21. my terrour shall not fright thee: nor my [...] acaph, hand: Caph is vsuall. hand be heavie vpon thee.

8 Now thou hast spoken in myne eares, and I heard the voice of the woords:

9 I Chap. 9. 30. am cleare, without trespas: I am neat, without iniquitie.

10. Lo Thou ioynest vn­to mine ini­quitie more matter: Rā ­ban so doth fitly apply the reply. *Chap. 14 17. & 16. 9 he piketh quarels against me: Chap. 13. 24. & 16. 9. and taketh me for his enemy:

11 He Chap. 13. 27. & 14. 16. putteth my feet in the stocks: and watcheth all my pathes.

12 Lo here thou art not in the right. I must tell thee: For the puissant is greater then sorowful-man.

13 Wherfore doest thou strive against him: that he will not speak for all his dealings?

14 When th'Omnipotent speaketh once, or twise: ▪ man will not mark it.

15 In a dreame of a vision by night: when heavie sleep falls on weak-man: in deep-slumbring vpon the bed:

16 Then he openeth the eares of weak-men: and When he hath cha­stised them, he sealeth vp the decree of their iudgement. im­printeth why they are chastised.

17 That the earthly-man Leave mans work, and do the work of God. leave of to work: and He cover pride from the humane-wight.

18 To keep back his soule from the pit: and his life from going on the dart.

[Page 67]19. So he chastiseth with malady on his bed: yea all his bones with a sore one.

20 So that his life abhorreth meat: and his soule the delicate food.

21 His flesh wasteth away from sight: and his bones stand out, which were not seen.

22. And his soule draweth neare to the pit: & his life to killing maladies.

23 If there be for him a messenger, a teacher one of a thowsand: to tell the earthly God his mercy. HIS rightfulnes:

24 Then he will have mercy vpon him: and say: spare him (ô killing malady,) from descending into the pit, I haue found a ransome.

25 His flesh shalbe moister then in youth: he shall re­turne to his fresh dayes.

26 He will pray to the puissant, & he will accept him: and he shall see his face with great ioyance: and HE will restore to man his Iustice in Christ. justice:

27 He will accompany with men and say: I sinned & wrestred the right: but Rom. 6. 21. it profited me nothing.

28 He saved my soule from going into the pit: that my life doth see the light.

29 Lo, th'Omnipotent works all this: twise, thrise with a man.

30 To stay his soule from the pit: to be lightened with the light of the living.

31 Attend ô Iob, listen to me: be silent, and then will I speak:

32. If thou have speach to answer me, say on, for I de­sire to make thee iust.

[Page 68]33 If thou hast nothing, listen thou to me: be silent, and I will teach thee wisedome.


FUrthermore Elihu spake and sayd:

2 Heare ô ye wise my words: and give eare ye men of knowledge.

3 For the Ch. 12. 11. eare discerneth speaches, as the palate ta­steth to eat.

4. Let vs desire judgment for vs, know amongst vs what is the good.

5. For Iob hath sayd: Ch. 13. 18. 23.—27 and 27. 2. 6 I am iust: but, th'Omnipotent keeps back my right.

6. For my right I must be a lyer: my stroke is sore with­out trespas.

7 What sage-wight is like to Iob: that drinketh scorn­fulnes I Looked for good: but evill is come. like water.

8. Who goeth in company with them that work ini­quity: and walketh with the sorrowful wicked men.

9. For he hath sayd, it profiteth not the humane­wight, when he would walk with God.

10 Therefore sad-men of hart heare me: farre be wic­kednes from th'omnipotent: & vnrighteousnes from the Rom. 3. 4. 5 almighty.

11 For he will repay the earthly his work: and as the Rom. 2. 6. way of ech one is, so will make him find it.

12 Most sure is this. th'Omnipotent will not doe wic­kedly: neither will th'almighty pervert judgement.

13 Who before him looked to the earth: or who set­led [Page 69] all the dwelt-land.

14. If he set his hart vpon one, gather his spirit and his breath vnto him:

15 All flesh would yeeld vp the ghost together: and the earthly should returne to dust. Gen. 3. 19.

16 Now, if thou have vnderstanding, heare this: give eare vnto the voice of my speches.

17. Can a foe to judgement rule well: or wilt thou cō ­demnethe most iust?

18 May one say to the King, Belial? thou wicked, to Rom. 3. 5. 6 the King of nobles?

19 Who respects no person of Princes: nor regards wealthy more then poore: for all be the work of his hands.

20 People Gen. 19. dy suddenly: & be shaken of Exod. 12. at midnight: and they passe away: & the mighty are taken away with­out hand.

21 For his eyes are vpon mans wayes: and he doth Rev. 2. 18. 19. see all his goings.

22 No darknes, nor shadow of death, can hide in it wor­kers of sinne.

23 Therefore Ch. 4. 17. 18. 19. it is not for man ever to purpose, to en­ter into judgement before the Omnipotent.

24 He bruseth mighty without end: & placeth others in their rowme.

25 So he looketh vnto their works: & bringeth night, and they are brought low.

26 For wicked, he maketh plentifull riddance of them: in In open sight: for example of others. open place of beholders.

27 Because they turned back from him: & considered not all his wayes.

[Page 70]28 Bringing on such the cry of poore: as he heares the cry of the needy.

29. When he makes rest, who can disturb? when he hi­deth When for the poore he kills the mighty, none can stay him: and when he hideth his favour, none can find it. favour, who can behold him? eyther for a nation, or one earthly man alone.

30 That the hypocrite do not reigne: that HE take a­way snares from people.

31. Now vnto the Omnipotent, which sayth, I pardon, I wil not destroy: This should be sayd:

32 Where I see not: do thou teach me: if I wrought il, I will no more.

33 Shall that come from thee, which he will punish: as thou doest loth, as thou likest, where I would not? Now Lothest life, likest of death, Ch. 7 16. and 17. speak what thou thinkest.

34 Sad-men of hart will speak as I: and the wise per­son that heares me.

35. Iob doth speak without knowledge: and his spea­ches are without skill.

36. O my father Elihu in gesture look­ing to hea­ven, by ô father, meāt the rest: as Abraham S. of Peri­tzol expoun­deth the words at large. which art in heaven, let Iob be tryed throughly. vnto victorie: for answers of sorrowful wicked.

37 For he addes trespas to his sin: he maketh a noyse amongst vs: and against the omnipotent, he doth multi­ply his talking.


ELihu spake moreover and sayd:

2. Hast thou counted this for judgement? Thou saydst, I am more iust then the Omnipotent.

3 So thou saydst, what good will it do thee: what gain [Page 71] I clensed from my sinne?

4 I will answer thee in speeches: and also thy fellowes with thee.

5. Consider and see the heavens, and mark the skies height above thee:

6 If thou hast sinned, what canst thou work for him: & Chap. 7. 20 Thy sins punishment profiteth God, or thee. But it is no­thing to God: there­fore it is for thy vse, and mens: as also thy iustice. thy trespas be much, what canst thou do to him?

7 If thou be just, what givest thou him: or what will he take from thy hand?

8 Thy ill may touch one like thy self, and thy iustice a sonne of Adam.

9 For violence th'oppressed complaine: Afflic­ted godles cry, and God hea­reth not: lesse him who saith God is his enemy. Ch. 19. cry out for the violents arme.

10 But none say, where is the Puissant: The my­stery of the Trinity. my MA­KERS (the Eternal Trinitie,) who stirreth to praise on the night.

11 Who doth [...] teach vs more then the beasts of the earth: and wiseth vs above the foules of the heaven.

12 There they cry, but he answers not: concerning the wrong-doers pride.

13 So, As God heareth not the faithles: he will not heare the despiseus. bad, th'Omnipotent will not heare: and th'al­mighty regards it not.

14 So when thou sayst, thou wilt not mark it: Iudge thee afore him, and wayt for him.

15 And now for missing, his anger doth visit: because Iob knoweth not this great plenty.

16 But doth open his mouth in vayn: without know­ledge doth vse much speach.

Chap. XXXVI.

AGaine Elihu held on and sayd:

2. Wait. Forbeare me a little, and I will shew the [...] that I have yet speaches of God:

3 I will vtter my knowledg from the e­ternall na­ture of God: &c. from far: and to him that wrought me give iustice.

4 Truly my words shall not be lies: for him that Ramban. ten­dreth thee soundly.

5 Mark, the Omnipotent is mighty, no despiser, migh­ty, the strength of hart:

6 He saveth not Ps. 55. 23 & 104. 35. the wickeds life: but yeeldeth Right is defence & mercy; in speach from God to the humble. as Act. 17. right vnto the The poor in spirit. Mat. 5. 3. poore.

7 He witholdeth not his eyes from the just, and placeth them with Kings in throne: They shal­be made fit for light with the li­ving with the angels of God his servants: in their degree and be placed for ever in honour: and be high in honour and dignitie. So, ye shall sit vpon 12. thrones, iudging the twelve tribes of Israel. Mat. 19. 28. that they are exalted for ever.

8. And if they be bound in chaines: and be caught i [...] cords of anguish:

9 Then he will tell them of their work: and that their trespasses reigned.

10. He will open their eares to correction: and bid that they returne from naughtŷnes:

11 And if they heare & do serve him: they shall spend their dayes in good, and their yeres in pleasures:

12 But if they will not heare: they shall passe on the spear: and yeeld the ghost without knowledge.

13 But So in the Lxx & in the N. T. And is often vsed, for prophane. hypocrites in hart store wrath: they cry not [...] [Page 73] when he corrects them.

14. Their soule shall dye in their youth: and their life with fornicatours.

15. He Chalatz, & lachatz, two contra­ries: save, vndo, are sweetly vsed of Elihu. saveth poore in their anguish: and openeth their eare † in oppression.

16. Which God once made thee wealthy & wold again. hath turnd thee from distresse mouth: to largenes where is no straitnes: and that which was laid v­pon thy table was full of fatnes.

17 As thou hast fulfilled the sentence of wicked, sen­tence and iudgement have layd hold.

18 Since ire is come, look he turne thee not off by stripes: and great ransome from be­ing cast of. help not away.

19. Will he esteme thy Whereof thou spakest ch. 29. noblenes: no gold nor any other thing If now thou despise repentance: be sure thou shalt be vt­terly cast off. should be able to giue sound strength.

20. Breath not Desire not death, the common passage of all men: as thou hast done, ch. 6. and 7. vnto that night: for peoples passage to their place.

21 Beware Ch. 7. thou look not to sorow, to chose that: for thy affliction.

22. Mark, God can exalt thee: and knoweth how by thy anguish to teach thee meanes to all goodnes. the Omnipotent sets vp: by his strength: who can teach as he?

23. Who gave him chargeover his wayes: who can say, thou workest evil.

24 Remember to magnifie his work: which the sonnes of Enosh [...] Behold: Ramban: praise in Psalmes and songes. Beholding fully a good thing, and praysing it goe together. behold.

[Page 74]25. All Of Adam and Enosh all men are cald so: Adam in the tongue of them that knew Moses: and Enosh, the faithles east Dan. 2, 10. calleth mē: Jiran slate Adam earthly in respect of God: and Enosh so­rowfull: but now to dis­tinguish from beasts mans knowledg, neither terme would serve: but the Ebrew best cometh in. of Adam see it: they † of Enosh behold a far off.

26. Lo, the Omnipotentis great: but we cannot fully know that: nor find the number of his yeares.

27. He withdrawes dropping of waters: which makes rain pure through his [...] Cloud, and vapour, But Ghab and Ghanan be also cloudes, ther­fore I am forced to vse a new schole terme. meteores:

28 Which [...] the welkin, sky, ayer, 1 Thes. 4. 17. the ayre powreth, causeth to flow on Mat. 5. 45. ma­ny Adams sonnes.

29. So if one marke his cloudes Diver sities. spreadinges, the much roaring of his The roaring of windes and cloudes in the ayer: purging it. Psal. 18. 12. cabane.

30 Lo, he spreads Hoat sun makes great rain vpon the earth: vpon which the sea standeth his light vpon it: and covereth The earth. the rootes of the sea.

31. When by them he will Helpe &c. judge people: and give meat in abundant plenty.

32. By Cloudes. He causeth cloudy weather. hands he covereth the light: and chargeth it as man doth pray.

33 Declaring his favour towards him, the cattel, & also plantes.


ALso at this mine heart quaketh: and skippeth out of his place.

2. Hearken well to the noyse of his voyce: and to the sound that cōmeth from his mouth.

3 He directeth it under the whole heaven: and his light vnto the wings of the earth.

4 After the light roareth a voice: He thundreth with The light­ning com­meth first to our sense. the voyce of his Maiesty: He will not have it to be behind, when his voice is to be heard.

5 The Omnipotent thundreth wonderfully by his voice: he doeth great things which we cannot know.

6 For, to the snow he sayth, be vpon the earth; or to showres of rayn: then showres of much great raine come.

7 That sealeth vp the hand of Adams sonne, to peruse what all his workmen may Accor­ding as rain cometh in dry coun­treyes: the first rayne, they apply their tillage. As in Ae­gypt, as Nilus flo­weth. do.

8 Then the beasts go into their dennes: and keep in their lodgings.

9 A tempest cōmeth from his chamber, and cold from The scat­terers of clowdes. the fair-weather windes

10 By the breath of the Omnipotent he giveth ice: & the breadth of the waters are made hard.

So by clearnes he wearieth thick-vapours: he scattereth the clowdes by his light.

12 And for varieties, he turneth himself in his wise counsels, for their operatiō, for whatsoever he commaun­deth them, in the face of the world, on the earth.

[Page 76]13. Whether for a scourge, or for the earth, or for mer­cy, he doth cause it to come.

14. Give eare vnto this ô Iob, stand still, and consider the wondrous works of the Omnipotent.

15 Doest thou know when the Puissant disposeth of them, how the light of his cloud doth shine.

16. Doest thou know the peising of his thick-vapours: the miracles of the perfect in all knowledge.

17. How thy clothes are warme, (when the land is still) Thick clouds with sunnes heat in south to Arabia & all more North, without wind, in still ayre, give a parching heat. from the south.

18. Couldest thou make a firmament with him of the ayer, settled as glasse molten.

19. Teach vs what we should say vnto him, we cannot reason for darknes.

20 Shall it be recorded vnto him when I speak: would any plead when he should be vndone?

21. And now men cannot look vpon the light, when it is bright in the ayre: when a wind passeth and cleareth it.

22. Through the North a golden cōmeth: but a terri­ble glorie is in the Puissant.

23. The almighty, whom we cannot find out, he is huge of strength: but Judgemēt in God, for the lowly, is defence a­gainst Satā (as in the book of Iudges, and Act. 17. from Psal. 76. 8, 9. and 89. 14. and 97. 2. and 103. 6.) and iustice is mercy. And such is God to sad Enosh: till he wil be a rebell Nemrod. of judgement and greatnes of iustice he would not afflict.

24 Therefore sad-men do feare him. He respecteth no wise in heart.


THen answered the Eternal vnto Iob, out of the whirlewind, and sayd.

2 What [...] . a man is this, that darkneth Gods pro­vidence. counsel by words voyd of knowledg.

3. Gird now thy loynes like a man, and I will question with thee: & let me see thy skill.

4. Where wast thou, when I layd the foundation of the Of the Earth. earth, tell if thou This phrase holy Daniel hath ch. 2. 21. in opening the Image: cal­lnig the hea­rer to this speach of the Eternal. know vnderstanding.

5. Who set her measures? for thou wilt be skilfull: or who hath stretched the line vpon it?

6. Wherevpon are her foundations sunk-fast? or who hath cast her corner stone?

7. When the the angels. So Christ is Psa. 22. the mor­ning star: & Rev. 2. & 22. & so Kimchi ex­pounds Ps. 22. The An­gels were made at the first: Ramban: and Basil: The lesser, Caesariensis, &c. morning starres reioyced together: and all the sonnes of God showted.

8 When he shut vp Of the Sea. the sea with doores, when it gush­ed out comming from the wombe.

9. When I set a cloud his garment: and obscuritie his swadling-band.

10. And brake the earth for it by my decree: and set barre and doores.

11 And said, Hitherto thou shalt come, but shalt go no further: and here shalbe an end for the pride of thy waves.

12 Hast thou since thy dayes given the morning his charge? and hast taught the dawning his place?

13. To hold the winges of thé earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it.

14 That it should be made diverse as clay to the pictu­red: and Herbes and all plants. things stand vpon it as a garment:

[Page 78]15. That the wicked should be restrained of their light: and the arme lift vp should be broken.

16. Camest thou ever to the springes of the sea, or hast thou walked in the border of the deepe?

17. Have the gates of The bot­tom of the sea which semeth left of God, as a dead place: as Ch. 28. death bene opened vnto thee? or hast thou seen the gates of the shadow of death?

18 Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth? tell if thou knowest it all.

19. Where is the way that light dwelleth? & where Of light & darknes. is the place of darkenes?

20. That thou mayst take it into his border, & know the pathes of his house.

21. Didst If thou know not thy owne cause, others of the beginning overreach thee. thou know, that then thou wast to be born: & the number of thy dayes to be many.

22 Hast thou come Of Snow. Haile. to the storehouse of snow? or hast thou seen the storehouse of haile?

23. Which I spare vnto the time of distresse: against the day of battell and war?

24. By what way is Lightning Ch. 37. 2. light parted: and the eastwind scatterreth it self over the earth?

25 Who divided a chanel for the streames, and a way for the lightning of thunder?

26. To raine vpon the earth where no man is: vpon the desert, where none of Adam dwelleth.

27 To satisfie the wast and vast-ground: and to cause the bud of herb to spring fourth.

28 Hath the raine a father, or vvho begat the misling Raine. Dewe. Ice. Frost. of devv?

29. From vvhose vvomb came the Ice: and vvho begat the frost of heaven?

[Page 79]30 That the waters hide themselves like a stone: and the face of the deep is fastened.

31 Canst thou bind the delicacies of Pleiades, or loose Starres. the bands of Orion?

32 Canst thou bring forth The farr starres in the South. Mazaroth in due season: canst thou lead Arcturus and her children?

33 Doest thou know the rules of heaven, or canst thou set his force vpon earth?

34 Canst thou lift vp thy voice unto the clowdes: that abundance of water cover thee?

35. Canst thou send forth the lightnings, that they go, and say to thee, here we are.

36. Who hath set wisdome in the reines, or who hath Of man. given the hart vnderstanding?

37 Who could make the ayre Aben Ezra, & Ramban. Saphir-like by wise­dome: Cloudes. or distill the barrels of the heavens?

38. Sprinkling the dust with this sprinkling, that the clods cleave together?

Chap. XXXIX.

CAnst thou hunt pray for the hardy-Lion: or satis­fy The Lyon. the heird of Lions whelpes?

2 When they couch in their lodge, and tarry in their covert to lye in wait.

3 Who could prepare for the raven his food: when his Raven. Ps. 147. 9. young ones cry vnto the Omnipotent: The dammes. they wandring without meat.

4. Canst thou know the time when the wild goates bring forth young: canst thou mark when hindes calve? Wild goat. Hart.

[Page 80]5. Canst thou number the monethes that they must fulfill? Canst thou know the time when they bring forth young?

6. They lie down, they calve their young ones, & passe their travel.

7. Their young ones wax strong: they grow in the fieldes: they go forth, and returne not vnto them.

8. Who set the wild-asse at liberty: or who loosed the Wild asse. bandes of that An other name of the strong wild asse. Arad?

9. Even I, who made the plaine wildernes his house: & the barren land his dwelling.

10. He scorneth the multitude of the city: and will not heare the cry of the driver.

11 Chosen places in the mountaynes are his pasture: & he will seek after every green herbe.

12. Will the vnicorne do thee service: or will he abide Unicorn. by thy crib?

13. Canst thou bind the vnicorne for the furrow, by his cords: will he plough the valley after thee?

14. Mayst thou trust him, because his strength is great: or leave thy labour vnto him?

15 Mayst thou beleev him, that he will bring home thy corne: or gather it vnto thy barne?

16 Couldest thou give the proud wing to the peacock: Peacock. Stork. Estrich. or fether to the stork, and estrich?

17. Which leaveth her egges in the ground, and war­meth them in the dust:

18. And forgetteth how a foot may dash them: & the beasts of the feild may tread vpon them.

19. So hard she is to her owne young ones: as though they were not hers: & had laboured in vayn without fear.

[Page 81]20. Because the Puissant hath denyed her wisdome: & not geven her vnderstanding.

21. At what time it mounteth on high: she scornes the horse and his rider.

22. Canst thou give to the horse courage? canst thou Horse. cloth his neck with thundering?

23. Canst thou make him quake as a locust: or his proud snurting with terrour?

24. His feet will digge in the plaine ground: he reioi­ceth in his strongnes: he will go fourth to meet the har­nesse.

25. He mocks terrour, and shrinketh not: neither star­teth back from the sword:

26. Though the quiver rattle vpon him: with bright blade, with speare, with javeling.

27 With shaking & stirring he beateth vpon the earth: & will not stand still at the voyce of the trumpet.

28. Of the trumpet he will say, Heah, and from far will smell the battell, the thunder and shout of princes.

29. Doth the Hauk flee from thy wisdome, spreading Hauke. Eagle. the winges toward the south?

30. Mounts the Eagle on high by thy mouth: or doth it make the nest on high?

31. He dwelleth and lodgeth on a rock: in the edge of a rock, and a fortresse.

32. Thence he searcheth meat, his eyes will see far off.

33. His younge Eb. Ie­ghaleghu: a word made here to shew choking by greedy sucking. nere choke swallowing blood: and Math. 24. 28. where carcasses be, resort they.


MOreover the Eternall spake to Iob, and sayd:

2. Who is the pleader that will check the Om­nipotent? Rom. 9. 20. [Page 82] let the reprover of the puissant speak to any on [...] of these thinges.

3. Then Iob answered the Eternall, and sayd:

4. Lo, I am vile, what shall I answer thee: I will lay my hand on my mouth.

5. Once I spake, but I will not answer: or twise, but [...] will no more.

6. Then the Eternall answered Iob out of the whir [...] wind, and sayd:

7. Gird now thy loynes like a man, and I will questio [...] with thee, and let me see thy skill.

8. Wilt thou disanull my judgement, condemne m [...] that thou maiest be iust?

Or hast thou an arme as the Omnipotent? canst tho [...] thunder with voice as he?

10. Deck thee now with gaynesse and height: & put o [...] glory and honour.

11. Cast abroad wrath of thine anger: & behold ec [...] proud, and humble him.

12. Behold ech proud, make him bow downe: be [...] wicked to dust as they stand.

13 Hide them in the dust together: bind their faces i [...] the hid place.

14 And then I will confesse to thee, that thy right hand can save thee.

15 If thou canst not deale with stout men: mark the beast Elephant how he is stronger then thou [...] being without mans reason: and without traynes can not be taken. Behold now Behemoth, which I have made wit [...] Of the Elephant. thee: he eateth grasse as an oxe:

[Page 83]16. Behold now his strength is in his loynes: and his po­wer in the navel of his belly.

17. He will make his rayle stand like a Ceder: the si­newes of his stones are platted in and out as branches.

18. His bones be as barres of steel: his hard-partes as staues of iron.

19 He is the chief of the Omnipotents wayes: HE that [...]ade him, dare joyne his sword.

20. The mountaynes do bring him fodder: where all [...]he field beastes play boldly.

21 He resteth him in the shadow: in the covert of reed and fennes:

22. Shade-places cover him with their shade: the riuers willowes cover him.

23 Lo, he robs a river, that it hast not: he durst think [...]hat Iorden would gush into his mouth.

24. Can men take him before his eyes: to peirce his nose with many snares?


CAnst thou draw Livjathan with an hook: or deep Of the Whale. a cord into his tongue?

2 Canst thou put a rush into his nose: or bore his [...]aw through with a thorne?

3. Will he make much praying to thee: or speak vnto thee tenderly?

4. Will he make a covenant with thee: that thou take him a servant for ever?

5. Wilt thou play with him as with a bird: wilt thou [...]ye him for thy yonge-girles?

[Page 84]6. Will companies make cheare of him? shall he be parted to marchants?

7. Wilt thou fill his skin with sharp-hookes: and his head with fishers angles?

8 Lay thyne hand vpō him: look for war: do it no more.

9. When hope of him proveth false: yea at his very sight one would be cast downe.

10. None is so hardy that dare stir him: and then who can stand before me?

11. Who gave me any thing first, that I may pay it to Rom. 11. 3 [...]. him againe? whatsoever is vnder the heaven is mine.

12. I will not keepe silence, concerning his members: and speach of strength, and grace of his frame.

13 Who can vncover the face of his garment? who can The sea is his garmēt: who can take that from him, and bring him to lād? come with his To draw him to land. double bridle?

14. Who dare open the His iawes doores of his face? Terrour is about his teeth.

15 The strong Scales. They are as a sheild, all sealed toge­ther: as one skin. shieldes have pride: he is closed with a strait seale.

16 One toucheth an other so nere, that no wind can come betwixt them.

17 Ec [...] doth cleaue vnto his felow, hold one the other▪ and cannot be sundred.

18. His neising maketh a light shine: and his eyes are like the huge great▪ eylids of the morning.

19. Out of his mouth do lampes proceed: and sparks of fyer leap of themselves.

20. From his nosetrilles issueth a smoke: as a pannes or caldrons seething.

[Page 85]21 His breath would set coles on fyer: & a flame issueth from his mouth.

22. In his neck doth strength alwayes lodge: and be­fore him He hath no care; meeting a [...]y with fish to feed vpō: that his taking of thought is a gladnes. Abr. Ben. Peritzol. daunseth carefullnes.

23 The peeces of his flesh cleave fast, hard in him, that none can be moved.

24. His hart is so hard as a stone: so hard as the nether milstone.

25 At his statelynes the mightie feare: Ab. ben Peritzol. & of shivering purge themselves.

26. The sword of one that doth strike him, speare, dart, and javeling, will not fasten.

27. He holds iron as straw: and steell as rotten wood.

28. The arrow. bowes child driues him not away: the sling stones turne as chaff to him.

29. The axes are counted as chaff: and he will laugh at shaking pikes.

30. His vnderneath-places be as sharpe sheardes: He spreades the pricking in the mire.

31 He makes the deep boyle as a pot: sets the sea as a spicers kettle.

32 After him he makes the way lighten: and thinks the sea to be hoary.

33 His like are not vpon the land, which do deal with­out Though the land by nature should breed strō ­ger things then the sea: yet God sheweth that his power▪ not nature, ruleth all, & bred al. feare.

34 He despiseth all lofty things: He is King over all the wild kind.

Chap. XLII.

THen Iob answered the Eternall, and sayd:

2. I know thou canst do all things, and no wis­dome was kept from thee. Thou hast made all things in perfect wis­dome: to shew thy Eternal power and godhead.

3. What a man hath this ben, who hides counsel with­out knowledg? Therfore I tell, that I had not vnderstan­ding: wonders are aboue me: such I know not.

4 Oh heare me, when I do speak: I will make petition vnto thee, & teach thou me.

5 By eare hearing I heard of thee: but now mine ey hath seen thee.

6. Therefore I loth my self: and I will repent in dust & ashes.

7. Now after the Eternall had spoken these words vnto Iob, the Eternall sayd to Eliphaz the Themanite, I am dis­pleased with thee, and thy two frendes: for yee haue no [...] spoken of me the right, as my servant Iob.

8 But now take to you seaven oxen & seaven rammes: and go to my servant Iob: and offer a burnt offering for your selves: and my servant Iob shall pray for you. For certenly I will accept his persō, that I punish not your foo­lishnes: where ye have not spoken the right of me, as my servant Iob.

9. So went they, Eliphaz the Themanite, and Bildad the Shuchite, Sophar the Naamathite, and did as the Eter­nal spake vnto them: and the Eternal accepted the person of Iob.

10 And the Eternal restored that which had bene taken from Iob, when he had prayed for his frendes: and the [Page 87] Eternal encreased all that Iob had to double.

11 Than came to him all his brethren and all his sisters, and all that had bene of his acquaintance afore: & did eat bread with him in his house: and solaced him, and comfor­ted him, for all the harme which the Eternal had brought vpon him. And they gave him ech, one lambe and one earing of gold.

12. So the Eternal blessed the end of Iob, more then his beginning: and he had fourtene thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thou­sand asses.

13. And he had seaven sonnes, and three daughters.

14 And he called the name of the first Iemimah, and the name of the second Cassia, & the name of the third, Keren-Happue.

15. And no woman-kind was found so faire as the daughters of Iob in all the land: And their father gave thē inheritance among their brethren.

16. And Iob lived after this, an hundred & forty yeares: and saw his children, & his childrens children, four gene­rations.

17. And Iob died aged, and full of dayes.

The Argument of the book of Iob.

IOb tried of God with many and heavy sorowe [...] losse of all his cattel, children, health, is further tried of his wife & frends. She greveth him with mocking and scolding, as though all his religion was but hypocrisy; They from God his majesti [...] and mans corruption, and Iobs disturbed speac [...] would prove that eyther Iob was an evil doer; or an hypocrytes otherwise the just God would never afflict him so grevously. Iob defendeth his speaches, Gods iustice & his own: & sheweth th [...] commonly the godly are in this life more afflicted then the wic­ked: and blameth his frends of impietie in handling Gods cause vniustly, & in false accusing of him. At last, Elihu maketh a [...] dest agremēt: & blameth both: & teacheth Iob of Gods highness by his workes, shewing his eternall power and godhead: that bas [...] & blind man should not wish to plead with him. At the last, God confirmeth the same doctrine, by examples frō al his works▪ & driveth Iob first to silence: then to confession and repentance▪ and teacheth his frends reconciliation: and restoreth Iob to health: and new children, & double wealth.

THE ARGVMENTS of each Chapter.

Chap. 1.

Iob in the land of Uz, Aus in old pronouncing, whence Ausitae, in Ptol. table 4. where Thema, Saba, Buz, & Madian, and Chaldaea, and Minnaej be neare; where Arabie the stony held Tharahs house, Ismaels, Keturaes, [...]eare Esawes; Iob being Godly is tried by Satan going a­bout like a roaring Lion and accusing the godly, by losse of catell and children: and still continueth in synceritie.

Chap. II.

Iobs body is afflicted by Satan with all greifs: he is moc­ked of his wife: visited of his frends, of Esaw, Ketura, Buz.

Chap. III.

Iob wisheth he never had bene borne, in merveilous vehemency of speeches: and lastly that still he feared, but now found, extreme vexation.

Chap. IV.

Eliphaz vpon Iobs chiding with God, Ch. 3. 19. exhor­teth him to patience: and to consider Gods holynes: be­fore whom the angels be not perfect: & men in this earth­ly tabernacle of sorow, [...] of one dayes life: and pe­rish almost all by ignorance of the Lord, whom to know they regard not.

Chap. V.

No holy would defend Iob: whose punishment ariseth from his sin: and to God he should seek: and so find an happyer state then his first.

Chap. VI.

Iob defendeth his speaches, Ch. 3. that they were no­thing to his pangs: and as the wild asse would not bray nor oxe low at fodder: so would not he have done: & sheweth that he wisheth death: and cannot hope to live: and look for prosperity, by repentance: and hath integri­tie to defend himself, against his frends; in prosperity, need­les; in distresse, amazed: and requireth disputation, against his speach, Chap. 3.

Chap. VII.

All mens time is short, and they naturally grone for a passage hence: and flit like a Chap. 9. Post, Pinesse, or Egle to prey. One in pangs endlesse should desire death: as Iob did, Ch. 3. and now desireth pardon of trespas, & passage away.

Chap. VIII.

Bildad holdeth Iobs words of pleading innocencie but as a strong blast: that seemed to make God vnrighteous: who, as he said, kild not his children, but for their sinne: and wisheth Iob repentance, so he should be happier then ever he was. Ancient stories tell, that as segges can not grow without moisture, so man cannot without moisture of iust life: But his house is made a spiders webbe: or a tree over luxurious in braunches, to provoke the Lord of the soile to root him out: as Iobs children in their feasting by course. But seeking to God would bring prosperity.

Chap. IX.

Iob acknowledgeth Gods justice, and himself a sinner: [...] God is onely wise and mighty. He maketh seas where [...]ountaines were: he maketh earthquakes: cloudy, faire, [Page 91] and calme weather: the starres order shew his wisdome: calling vs to consider how his works are vnsearcheable: in election and reiection: in punishing or sparing: when he robbed Iob by Sheba & Chaldy, none could stay him: or plead with him. Iob, if he were iust, would not plead: but crave mercy: though for civil cariage, he knoweth no grosse trespas. But this is the sum: Gods wrath in this world is vpon iust and vniust. But commonly the wicked rule countreys: who kill them that would do iustice: And Iobs lyfe fled away: full of heavie cares: and now can hope for no quietnes: nor dare plead: for God would find him loth some. But wisheth leave out of greif to plead with God: because he knoweth not him self worthy of so heavie punishmentes.

Chap. X.

Iob humbly pleadeth with God of his afflictions; and of wicked mens prosperity: and acknowledgeth Gods old mercy: with petition to haue an end of this praesent sorow.

Chap. XI.

Zophar blameth Iob for long vehement speach, for ly­ing and for checking Eliphaz and Bildad: and for justify­ing of himself: deserving double punishment by Gods ju­stice. The height the depth the length the breadth, of whose counsel, none can see. (From this speach, S. Paul wisheth Gods mercy in Christ knowen to vs. Ephe. 3. 18. 19.) But here punishment from justice doth Zophar plead: by which God would wise Adams sonns being naturally dull as beasts. But Iob by repentance may come to joy, otherwise while he continueth in wickednes, his hope can be but panges of soule.

Chap. XII.

Iob taketh vp all his three frends at once, for arrogancy in geving counsel: and chalengeth equall skil: and plea­deth vpon their speach, that the just is a mock, in afflicti­on, to the welthy: And that the God of this world hath from the true God power, to prosper the wicked. Beasts & fowles, plants and fish, shew God rules all: and so from him wicked rule: & no repentance of godly can find this worlds prosperitie.

Chap. XIII.

Iob repeateth the checking of his frends: as not supe­riours to him in wisdome: and calleth them liers: and foo­lish physicians, and foolish pleaders for God: and trusteth that if God would give him leave to plead without his pangs, he would frame a sufficient narration.

Chap. XIV.

Iob pleadeth of mans cōmon frailty: as a floure: (from him Moyses Psal. 90.) and confesseth all vnclean: and cra­veth ease of his pangs, til neare death come. A tree dying from by-rootes yeeldeth new: but man not so. As waters passe & not returne: so he, dead ariseth not: till the heauens and worlds end. Rockes of mountaynes break: and tum­ble into rivers: which being soft, yet consume them: So would mans hope soft strokes, and consume.

Chap. XV.

Eliphaz in this second reply is vehementer then in the first: wherein he blamed Iob not so, as openly wicked: nor justifying of himself. His long speaches he counteth a wind: and that he sayth, perfect & wicked God destroy­eth, so all prayer to God he holdeth also destroyed: if God regard all alike. And checketh him as ch. 4. that misera­ble [Page 93] man would compare with God: before whom the An­gels be not perfect. And by old testemonies he would prove, that the wicked be aey full of sorow.

Chap. XVI.

Iob blameth them for often windy and vehement words: and if they had bene in his case he had otherwise solaced them. And he sheweth that his sores exceedingly passe punishment of wicked: from deep counsell of God.

Chap. XVII.

Iob continueth blame of his frends mockages: how God hath hid their hart from vnderstanding: and wi­sheth wiser pleaders: where God will not give such ho­nour: and sheweth himself being just and in miserie, an example for martyrs not to shrink, Apoc. 22. And bla­meth their smooth words how repentance can help him that is already as death.

Chap. XVIII.

Bildad the second tyme blameth Iobs much speach in defence of himself: and in sending the disputers to learne of beasts, Ch. 12. And against Iobs speach there, he giveth this rule generall, that the wicked man is ful of sorow, and nippeth Iob, as one that knew not God.

Chap. XIX.

After five speaches of Iobs, and so many of his felowes, tedious and teaching nothing, as he wished, Chap. 6. he wisheth better argument then his afflictions to prove him one that knew not God: and now, seing they have har­ped still vpon the same string, he desires them to leave him rest in his errour: and sheweth his punishments extraordi­nary, and that he is not godlesse, but knoweth Christ his incarnation and resurrection, the cause of ours to see God [Page 94] in Christ: and he blameth his frends of badnes.

Chap. XX.

Zophar in his second reply chafeth that he was counted bad, v. 3. and could not chose but reply that the wicked ever since Adam stood vpon the earth wicked were to themselves and children, highly plagued.

Chap XXI.

Iob replyeth how he desireth not to complain to mans perswasion: but hath occasion of sighing: and therfore must have leave to sigh: and biddes them merveil at his case: & not speak as of an ordinarie, that speach of repen­tance might help him. And to confute Zophar, he reply­eth, that wicked and their issue commonly prosper. Or if yssue doth not: the wicked litle careth but for himself. And in this sort theyr counsel is in vain.

Chap. XXII.

Eliphaz now the third tyme cōmeth nere Iob: that he should not look for familiaritie with God: to think that he would regard his teaching: or ioy that he pleaded iustice: or punish him for being religious. And chargeth him of open trespasse: that therevpon punishment cometh: as generally vpon all wicked in Noes flood: to all the old world: and biddeth him in the world now, where yet fyre consumeth not the wicked remnant, seek vnto God: and he shall have a golden life: and as iust Noe save the vn­just.

Chap. XXIII.

Iob greived that his frends complaine of his desire to plead with God; and blame his cariage: still standeth to his defence: and lamenteth that he cannot: and mervei­leth that he neither dyed quickly, nor hath ease of calami­ty.


God hideth his iudgmēts: that even Prophets cannot see them. Wicked often prosper: often never haue good day.

Chap. XXV.

Bildad the third time replyeth that the terrour of God is high to his very Angels: and thereby peace is on high. And Gods light is too bright for man to abide: whereto starres to him be not cleare: lesse sorowfull man.

Chap. XXVI.

Iob mocketh him for telling playn knowen things: & telleth from the sea bottom and deep earth, the furthest from heaven, Gods works: and from the earths set in the middes, and mountaynes quakes, & clouds not broken, & sea shore not overflowen, & starres beauty, & Livjathans greatnes, that all these passe mans reach: that Bildads ar­guments should not hinder Iob.

Chap. XXVII.

Iob still protesteth his innocency: and that he could not hope of good pleading before God if he were wicked. For the wicked when God entreth into judgement come to horrible ruine. But that is hid from vs: how he measureth judgement times.


God teacheth men to find mines of silver and gold, & to refine it: and to make iron and brasse of stone: and to find the limit of all hid things: and precious stones deeply hid: and how of small springs deep rivers flow: and how the earth above beareth meat, Brimston and Saphir vn­derneath: where foules and wild beasts could see nothing: so he changeth rocks at the root: and maketh rivers: and bringeth every precious thing to light.

[Page 96]But Gods wisdom for dealing with men cannot be foun [...] out among the living here: the deep sea expresseth it n [...] no mettalls nor precious stones match it: the living on t [...] earth and fowles expresse it not: though they shew mu [...] of Gods providence. The earth in the sea bottom, when live things be not, and which seemeth as cast off, the [...] have not similitudes of this: but God onely: who in h [...] meteores plainly sheweth his wisdome vnserchable: and sayd to Adam, Mark, the feare of Adonaj is wisdome, and to flee from evill is vnderstanding.

Chap. XXIX.

Iob wisheth his former happines restored: and sheweth all his duties to God and men.

Chap. XXX.

But now the vilest violate Iob, flowing on him as rive [...] breaking the stank: and Gods hand hath made him mise­rable.

Chap. XXXI.

To all sortes he shewed goodnes: maydes, wife, man [...] servants, vvidowes, naked, orphanes: worshipped no starrs▪ nor gold, Ephe. 5. 5. loved his enemy, was hospital, con­fessed his imperfections, payd for the land he tilled: and wisheth curse if this were not so.

Chap. XXXII.

Elihu seing Iob silent and his three frendes: was offen­ded at Iobs comparing in justice to plead with God; and with his frends for concluding that Iob was wicked, be­cause God afflicted him: sheweth hovv Gods spirit bid­deth him speak vvithout respect of person.


He replyeth to particular vvords of Iobs, wishing to [Page 97] dispute with God as man doth with man. He will speak right: [...] creature that Iob may abide. This he reproveth: vers. 9. I am pure without sinne: Ch. 9. 21. & 16. 17. & 29. 14. And [...]. 10. He picketh quarrels with me: and boldeth me as his ene­my. Ch. 14. 13. & 13. 24. & 19. 11. And v. 11. He layeth my feet [...]n the stocks: and watcheth all my wayes, Ch. 13. 27. To this [...]e sayth: God is too great for man to call to accompt for all his wayes. God doth by visions and sicknes warne men: which warning if they take, they are restored. And he as­ [...]eth Iob what he can say to this, and Iob is silent.

Chap. XXXIV.

Elihu, vpon Iobs silence repeateth his speaches: and sheweth their absurdities. Iob sayd, I am iust, and God hath kept away iustice from me: should I lye against myne own cause: [...]y plague is deadly without my sin: Ch. 13. 18, & 23. 10. & 27. 2. & 6. 4. Gods just nature which rewardeth every man according to his doing, will not abide this: who might as in Noes flood call all to judgement at once. And [...]f God were not just, how could he governe the world? (Gen. 18. Rom. 3.) Now he still destroyeth the froward, and the humble penitent he restoreth: and he prayeth God to testify that, by his owne judgement.

Chap. XXXV.

Iobs justice or sin cannot reach to help or hurt to God: the height of the heavens might teach that. Oppressed cry: but faithles in vain: more, proude contemners, who sayd, God will not regard: now because neyther Gods justice vpon all, nor his pacience is regarded, God is an­gry with Iob.

Chap. XXXVI.

Elihu sheweth Iob of Gods power & tendering of his [Page 98] creature, of his judgements, and mercies: and biddeth Iob apply himself accordingly, considering Gods judge­ment, Politicall and Physicall, in the meteores.


Thunder, lightening, snow, rain, ice, sayre weather shew power and mercy towards man: that he afflicteth not, but provoked: that the world may be governed i [...] order.


God sheweth Iobs shortnes in vvisdome, to plead i [...] Gods causes: by the earth, how it stands, vvhich thing [...] the Angels the first with the heavens admired: by the sea how the shores keep it in: by night and day, hovv they have limits: by the bottom of the sea, and parts that see [...] cast off: by snow and haile, for Gods judgements: by ligh­tening and great rain; by lesser, and dew; by ice, and frost [...] by the starres for all seasons, by their operation vpon the earth: by planting wisedome in mans soule: by making the clovvdes saphirlike: by calling the raine to fall out of them, to clod the earth. That which may be knowen of God, his eternall power and Godhead, wisdome may hence see to be vnsearchable.

Chap. XXXIX.

The Beasts and fowles on the earth and ayer, cal Iob to see weaknes of judgement. As how the Lions in the [...] dennes have beasts to come neare to be caught: and how the ravens forgetfull and foule kindes breed. The wil [...] goat among beasts in the high rocks keep their young fr [...] being taken: and hindes hide cunningly their faons. Th [...] wild beast, the wild asse, hath also a strange course: And the Vnicorne or Indians asse, a straungier. Again in foules [Page 99] the Peacock hath a proud feather: the Curlew, a fligh­ty: the Estrich a brave: a braue hath the Estrich, the dull of vnderstanding: which leaveth her egges in the sand: not thinking whether beastes tread them: Yet by Gods pro­vidence they breed, to passe the horse with legges and wing: Also the horse sheweth Gods power by his bold­nes in snurting: & digging the ground and desire to fight. Also Gods wisdome passeth mans reach, in the hauks change to South and North: and in the Egles wit to nest on the tooth of a rock, and in sharpe sight to find prey: (a pattern for the godly to search where Christ may be found. And none but of sharpe sight wilbe cheif guides herein.)

Chap. XL.

Iob not knowing Gods counsel in these visible things, should not plead with God for justice. Now for Gods power, as Elihu shewed it in taming the proude, Ch. 34. 24. &c. so God doth after long pacience: to shew his power and justice vpon vessels of wrath bent to destructi­on: And who is he that will plead with God: who can­not speak to this.

Of the Elephant.

The Elephant sheweth Gods power: not a devouring beast: but fed with grasse like the oxe: what strength is in his loynes? what force in the navel of his belly? his yard is like the Ceder: the nerves of his stones, like the branches of a tree: his bones and ioynts as iron & steel: God can tame him, who made him a strong one: and quiet to ly among willowes:: and heavie great wight: yet not by force will pierce his snorte. And thus the power of God passeth mans reach in a quiet dryland beast.

Chap. XLI.

The Whale in the sea sheweth that they curse their da [...] that course him: and Dionysius the Greek Geographer, borne neare Iobs countrey, at Teredon on the Persia [...] gulph, remembranceth vvhales hunting there: and poeti­cally, how they svvallovvship and all. If none dare me­dle vvith a fish in vvatery not hard earth breed: vvho dare compare vvith God: for Iobs afflictions: (or as S. Paul ci­teth this place: for election, or rejection, Rom. 9. & 11.) vvho first could give to God: that he should be bound to repay them. Iob the godlyest could not plead: but must stand to Gods mercy. All that is vnder heaven is Gods, & Sa­tans fall and all are from him, and by him, and for him▪ he praedestined them not: that is, he furthered not their meanes: but gaue infinite arguments of better advisement: but set them to anger: leaving them vnsearchably to re­bellion.

Of the Whale.

A description of the Whales nature, for a waterie crea­ture, to teach all of Gods power: (yea and of the God of this world, Satan, by Gods iust judgment: as the LXX here allude:) 1. An huck will not dravv him: 2. a cord can­not be put in his tongue, 3. no rush in his nose, 4. no thorne shall perse his chekes. He vvill not be taken vvith sharpe pickes in skin or head: They are deceived vvho think to take him: and vvill not tvvise fight: but curse their day. Who can bring him out of the sea: and take avvay the vvaters, the garment that covereth him. Who dare medle vvith the iavves of his face vvith a snaffuld: his teeth be terrible: his skales one continued matter: His snurting maketh a light: his eyes be great, as the mor­nings: [Page 101] his eyes sends forth, torches, vvith sparkles of lea­ping fyre: and all terribles of a creature is in him. Mans weapons hurt him not: and he despiseth all, all of the earth: which should be stronger by mans esteeme then the sea: as all other fish be weake [...] then beasts. But God would have his will to rule and over-rule his meanes: that his will might be knowen the ground of all: who will suffer no pleading for his dealings full of power, and justice, & mercy in Christ: as Iob told, Chap. 19.

Chap. XLII.

Iob repenteth, and his fellowes: and sacrifice in Christ pleaseth God: and Iob is double happy.





Of Iob brought into dialogue: for our familiar speach.

THe case of Iob, that he the godliest in the world should be most afflicted, would not be vnderstood of the children of this world: But that was to teach that the world of soules was the world of re­ward: as Abrahā Isaac & Iacob lived here in a peregrinatiō: looking for the heavēly citie, which God praepared for them in that part of Haides, Luc. 16. which was the kingdome of heaven, as Chrysostome speaketh vpon 2 Cor. Hom. 6. Although the outward doctrine of the law had not perfection, God providing somewhat better for vs, that they should not have perfection in this world without vs: yet for perfect comprehending of Christ, by spirit of prophecy and plenty of grace, they far passed vs. In Iob God would revive Abrahams case: before the law was geven: which taught dull Israel, by outward blessings closly after spech of all such, how he would have his tabernacle amongst them, Levit. 26. 10. That when the earthly house of tabernacle should be dissolued, they should have a building from God, not made with hands, everlasting in the heavens. But worldlings, who all as the serpent go vpon the belly, would not vnderstand this. Therefore Iob is a rare exam­ple: who in most high calamityes, wished to be with God. Pro­phane would scoph this pleading. Therefore God penned the book in such a style as Sadducees & Epicures should not care to vnderstand it. And of my selfe I wil say, that the tongue, in pro­prietie [Page 104] and trop [...] and sequeles of arguments, hath ben hard [...] to me, then all the rest of the Bible. That he may be softer to o­thers, I have made a translation with great paynes and the be [...] circumspection that I could. Moreover I have brought the dis­puters spech, in termes hard and short, vnto a softer & lar­ger veine: bringing the best examples at large to enlarge sen­tences. As Targum Ierusalemy cited to generall sentences parti­cular exāples, & sometime later then Iobs time, as a Paraphra [...] might do: So when I make them Prophets, to speak of latt [...] times then their owne: I speak it as my owne Paraphrase. The settling of arguments: to what verse of the formers speach, re­plyers do speake: that I studied to expresse clearly: and all har [...] Phrases. My desire was to have had the Ebrew text joyned to the English, with Rabbine commentary for their tongue: saving Iob. 10. where the incarnation and resurrection passeth Iew [...] moderne faith: for the bare tongue, my desire was to force our e­nemies the Thalmudiques to speak for vs: But I could fin [...] no cunning and ready hebrew printers vnlesse I had gone to Ba­sil. To print the whole Bible in the originall and my English, I would have done it: vpon allowance & expected recompence. But I might not be at so great charges for one little book. Be­sides this dialogue: I have before added sundry helpes: Short not [...] in the Chapters, large Abridgementes and arguments of every chapter, & here a description of the disputers story, how they be­long to Abrahams kindred. To a plain book I would not have done so: But for this of vnspeakable difficulty it will not be tedi­ous: as the disputers themselves infinitely rowle one stone: The rest, all save Elihu: That Iob is wicked: yet by repentance may be sure of Gods grace: and, that still the wicked be punished: and the strangely punished, be so far in wiked­nes. Iob as often defendeth his integrity: and that he cannot [Page 105] be ever better then he was: and therefore would gladly know the reason of his afflictiō. As they often repeat their dis­course, so the cōmenter might. When this is abroad, if my readers think it not plain enough: questions vpon difficulties remayning shall come forth, if God will. So I have made two cōmentaries vpō [...]poc. one curt, that the hearer may soon see the tenour of the [...]ork: the other larger, shewing by what mispolicy and mistudy, the City of Quirinus came to be so great. When those books be printed: I would bring in Dialogue some demaunding of mat­ters which breed hardnes. Dialogues haue brevity: and therefore Plato the learned contrived his mat­ters into Dialogues. But now let the reader turne his mynd from me, vnto Iob.

THE SPEACHES IN IOB BROVGHT TO a short summe, shewing at which the replyers aime.

Chap. 3.

IOb. Lost be the day wherein I was borne: Iob. I had forty tounges, I could not sufficienth curse it. For before my meat my sighing [...] come: and my roaring gush like waters. [...] had small ease in heart, when Sheba took m [...] Oxen and asses: no quietnes, when Cald [...] ans toke my Camels: and both kild my men. So whe [...] fyer from heaven brent my sheepe: and wind feld th [...] house vpon my children. In this I had grief enough. Y [...] all this while I blessed God: that gave and took away: But now that I am stroken with boyles frō the sole of my foo [...] to the top of my head, I cannot sufficiētly curse my dayes▪ Now I have in my siknes an vntolerable vexation.

Chap: 4. and 5.

Eliphaz. May I speak my mind? Thou hast comforted many others in sorow: Thy religion knoweth the right Eliphaz. way of hope in Gods mercy: and thou knowest how to make thy ways right, by seeking vnto God. v. 6. But no [...] thou art thy self touched, thou art most vnpatient. Rem [...] ­ber that no innocent perisheth: But they that reap m [...] ­sery, have plowed sorrow: and by the blast of Gods an­ger they consume: Mighty tyrants like lyons, as Emi [...] and Zamzūmim are come to nothing: and Ismael hat [...] had tvvelve dukedomes in Cush or Abyssinj, (as Th [...] ma is one, our neighbour:) and droven out mighty L [...] ­ons. And Esaw my ancester hath broken lyo [...] teeth in Seyr: And yee of Ketura the children of the east [Page 107] have drouen Cush further South: & have dukedomes: as Madian thy ancester: & Medan: & Shuach, or Sychaeus, of whom Bildad cometh: and Sheba that took Iobs oxen & asses: forgetting the kinred of Abraham: and when we plow sorow, we reap miserie: yea the richest of Abrahams sonnes: when we play the tyrants: As at this time Israel in Egypt, see Pharoh kill their children, because none for­sake Pharaohs Idols. I will spare to blame Iob of Tyrāny as a lyon: though he be Lord chief Iustice in Aus Land: yet I would desire him to consider mans common corrup­tion, and how the very Angels haue not perfection be­fore God: Much lesse our soules that dwell in this earthly tabernacle: of one dayes life: [...] of Greeks: beaten to powder as mothes: and all their excellency of learning and eloquence cometh to nothing, and their thoughts pe­rish, when they die: and they perish for ever, vnlesse God be their guid: as the most part of Edom my father leave God: though he pittied some of my fathers house. Madiā thy ancester gave goodly names to his sonns to teach them godlines, [...] darknes: [...] dust: [...] Enoch de­dicate Gen. 25. 4. thy self to God: be a new Enoch: and walk vvith God: [...] know the father which is in heaven: [...] know God: (I think he is thy father, ô Iob.) The first of these tell we are in darknes, and be but dust: and I had a dreame from God, v. 12. &c. which taught me the same that Madians childrens names warne them: though many now worship Baal Peor. These matters should humble thee from such invectives against God. Chap. V.

No holy will like of thy dealing: such chasing killeth [Page 108] the evill fool. I have seen the evill fool prosper: and [...] children come to nothing: and wild Arabians rob him [...] all. Misery doth not spring from the earth: but from man wickednes, which as sparkles, breaketh out. Therefore [...] would wish thee not to invey against God: who is vnspea­kable in mercy: as his workes, specially the raine, in o [...] dry Arabia sheweth. Subtile contemners, as hypocrites and inventers of false religion, he will defeat: that in the [...] high day prosperity they shall come to nothing, to dark­nes of night. But the poore he will save from the sword of the strong wild Arabian: from their conspiracie: such as the Caldaeans and Sabeans made to spoile in one day Yea the poor in spirit shall find confidence And it is great token of Gods favour to be chastised: for him tha [...] can seek to God. For as he striketh, he can heale. After six afflictions he can succour thee; after losse of Children of Sheep, of Camels, of Oxen, of asses, of familie: after all this he can so deale that harme shall not fasten vpon thee. Though thou hast lost thy oxen for tillage, in hun­ger he can save thee from death: as thy mony is not take away: and in war from Sabeanes and Chaldeans: that they make amendes for thy Oxen, Camels, and asse. From all conspiring to spoile thou shalt be safe. For sto­ny harted shalbe at peace with thee: and the vvild savage Arabians. Thou shalt be wealthy, and have many chil­dren: and live long, notwithstanding this great sickne [...] I haue seen the like: and from things past can judge vvh [...] vvilbe to come.

Chap. 6. and 7.

Iob. Am I evill that so complayn (through Ch. 3.) w [...] Iob. such streams of greivous speaches? Oh that my calamiti [...] [...]vere vveighed: & my complaint: so my vvordes should [Page 109] be seen to come short. For vvhen the arrovves of the al­mighty are in me, and there venome drinketh vp my spi­rit, & the terrours of the puissant camp against me; should I not vvish the day of my birth never to haue bene: or that darknes and shadovv of death should stayn it: and clowdinesse dwell vpon it: and svvartnes of day make it terrible? Do you think that I vvould thus complain with­out iust occasion. A beast wild or tame would not doe so. Doth the wild asse bray at the grasse: or the ox lovv at his fodder: when they vvant nothing? Your speach is vnsavory, vvithout salt of reason: and hath no more tast then the vvhite of the yolk: and complayning in greif, is as salt to the vnsavory vvhite of an egge.

Strangulat inclusus dolor, at (que) cor aestuat intus: Cogitur & vires multiplicare suas.

I vvould haue lothed to touch in an other, such sores as novv are in my flesh. Therefore I cursed the day and night of my birth and conception. And novv again, I say: ô that God vvould make an end of me: Though I parch in payn, I should find comfort: if I knevv I should soon dy. I am sure I shall goe to Eternall joy: for I kept not close the vvordes of the most holy: but as my father Abraham, I shewed my hope of the world to come. Now where Eli­phaz saith, I shall come in lusty old age to the grave: what hope can I have that way: or of what sort can my end be: that I should prolong my life? Am I of stone or of steel, to abide long in this parching: But where ye would perswade me, that for Lyonlike tyranny I am punished, or for sowing sorovves to reap miserie, and to haue sorovves for coales of sin, vvhose sparkles flee out vp: I haue my defence against such: vvhose mercy is molten tovvards the neighbour: and he leaveth the feare of the ALMIGHTY. [Page 110] My brethren are like the rivers of our Arabia, which i [...] winter are black by Ice, and deep, when men want not wa­ter: but when heat cōmeth, be dryed vp and come to no­thing. The passingers of Thema, the Ismaelites our neigh­bours, and of Sheba, that robbed me of my oxen, (wh [...] I name to teach posteritie of what Uz land I am, not o [...] Edoms, but of Nachors, as the Chaldeans are on the ea [...] neate:) these men come for water, and find none: and art ashamed of their hope: So ye are become like that, come to nothing: yee see parching affliction and ye are at your wittes end. You need not to feare: I request no money help, to ransome me from some wild Arabians, or any strong hand: but touching my complaint, Ch. 3. let me vnderstand wherein I haue erred: Nay right vvill never be reproved: and what can ye soundly blame? You think to reprove words, that I curse my night of conception & day of birth. And whereas I am past hope for this world, and would joy for the grave, ye think my words to be but a [...] wind: ye lay a snare to overthrow me: while ye would perswade me not to stick to my former integritie. Be of an other mind: obiect no vvickednes: Be thou my soule of an other mynd still. Is there any wickednes in my tongue: for my vehement complaint, Ch. 3. Cannot my palate de­clare all kind of sorrowes: more then the boiles which you see?

All men by natures course haue an end of lifes toyle: as Chap. VII. a servāt of his dayes work: But I haue most joyles moneths and nights, of sorow: that when I lay me downe, I would fayne see the morning. My flesh is lothsome: that I am past hope of long life: my dayes are spent: my life is but a blast: I can hope for no more pleasures: I slit away as in [Page 111] the twinkling of an ey: I go to the grave as a fading cloud: Therfore as Ch. 3. I will not spare my mouth: but I will sigh vnto God in the bitternes of my soule: That I am kept in prison with boyles: and I would not live: Pitie me frō this visitation, euery moment: leave me for a brea­thing while: I have sinned, as the hart of man is onely wicked all the day: and what can I do vnto thee, ô thou watcher of men, that every sinne receiveth recompence: that thou hast made me thy mark: that I am a burden vnto my self. O that thou wouldest so pardon my sin, as I ly now in the dust to be pitied of the keeper of men: that thou wouldest make a short end of my sorrowes: and lay me in my grave.

Chap. VIII.

Bildad. How long wilt thou talk in this sort: that wee Bildad. may as thou speakest, Ch. 6. 26. hold the termes of the for­lorne a wind? Is God vnjust who sheweth anger? Far be that: So how could God rule the world? Rom. 3. Gen. 18. Take an example by thine owne children: As thy children have sinned against him, in their continuall feasting: so he hath sent them into the hand of their trespas. By their example look to thy self. If thou would craue for pittie at the almighty, and become vpright: thou shouldest be hap­pier & ritcher then ever thou wast. Enquire of the former age: and the age of their fathers: For we are but of yester­day, and have no experience: as our dayes are but a sha­dow: Ancient examples since God scattered Noes sonns, and how for wickednes one is over-run of an other, such remembrance of ancient dayes, such marking the yeares of all ages, will teach sound judgement. As segges can not grow without water, but soon withereth and is cut [Page 112] off: so they vvho have not the dew of grace to remembe [...] God: soon perish. Nērod was a lusty hunter: & set vp king­doms: but soon Sems house in Elā vvas Emperour: & [...] med the Chananeans brother, vvho vvhen their sinnes [...] ripe, shalbe vvholly given to our Israels house. Of Nacho [...] Elihu his father, for Abrahās sake tvvelve nations settle [...] the hart of Cush: of Ismael, as many: of Esavv, more Duke doms: vvho drive Cush further off. And because Abrahā [...] after mariage with Ketura our grandmother, left religiō i [...] our families, we haue prospered: That Tyrus King take [...] the name Sychaeus from our father: as glad to honour o [...] houses. Now they whom our fathers drove avvay: wāting moisture of grace, dryed vp as rushes vvithout mire: The favour of God in Christ, is as devv vpon grasse: and the wicked, as rushes vvithout vvater. Chanaan novv buildeth cities full strong, to defeat the promise to Abraham: B [...] his building shalbe a spiders house: he shall leane vpo [...] it, but it shall not stand. Pharaohs daughter took vp lately an infant of Israel cast into the vvaters, and meanet [...] to make him King: and calleth him, taken out of the wa­ter: vvhen he shalbe 80. yeares old: then shalbe 400 yeares to our brother Isaaks affliction. Then God vvill revenge Chams land: and Chanaan: juicefull novv afore sunn [...] parching: and his suckers sprout over his orchyard. B [...] vvhen the sun shall root him out of his place: then he vvi [...] flee to Lybia: and thence to the Iland Ierne: and in Cha­naan he shalbe seen no more. But from the ground others vvill grovv: our brethren of Israel. Lo, the Omnipotent vvill not loth the perfect, nor mainteyne the hand of the mischeivous Chaldeans & Sabeans that robbed thee: For the tent of the vvicked shall come to nought.

Chap. 9. & 10.

Iob. I knovv that I must seek to God for mercy: as I Iob. confessed, Chap. 7. vers. 20. and 21. every mouth must be stopped: and no flesh can be justifyed before God. If he will plead with a man: he cannot answer him to one thing of a thousand: as he is wise in hart, & mighty in strength: [...]o defeat the subtile in their purposes, that their hands bring nothing soundly to passe. And all that which may be known of him, appeareth in his creation. His might appeareth in removing mountaines to be seas, & making Ilands of a continent: as in Cittim land: the Iland flaming with brimstone, called three mountained Trinacria, was joyned to the near continent. And Rhegium beareth [...]ame The next land of Ita­ly to Sica­nia or Sicily. of breaking the ground. He makes the earth to quake: that the mountaynes, the pillars of it tremble: he cloudeth the sun, to be no more seen then if it were not risen, & sealeth vp the starres: that they cannot be seen of certen dayes, when he will make a tempest (as Act. 27.) Againe he spreadeth the heavens, which in tempest, were row­led vp as a book, not to be looked vpon: and he walketh vpon the high waves of the sea: and when God shalbe Math. 27. & Ch. 14. manifested in the flesh, and prove himselfe to be God by the miracles of the spirit, he will darken the sun at noon day, and walk vpon the waves of the sea. His eternal power and goodlynes appeareth in the clustered starres: for all seasons: in the bandes of Orion, for wintery wea­ther, and for delicacies in Pleiades: He doth great things (as Eliphaz spake) vnsearchable: and wonderful with­out number: specially in election, & rejection. Now Ke­turaes sonns, & some of Esaw, and Elihu, & others of A­rā, as Bosor his house, hold truth in part: & none of Israel [Page 114] forsake the idols of Egypt. We shall soon fall: and Israel shall in Chanaan tye Satan for a thowsand yeares. And then shall Israel be cast off: & lapheth dwell in the ten [...] of Sem. So vnsearchable are his wayes. Now when h [...] passed in his judgement over me, I cannot perceive hi [...] counsell: when he taketh all away, who can make him [...] store: or enter an action against him: and say vnto hi [...] what doest thou? Dan. 4. when the Puissant will not sta [...] his hand, proud helpers can do the afflicted no good. A [...] all my confederates could not helpe me against the Sab [...]ans, and Chaldaeans: but all lost hart, and durst not sti [...] If I were just, I would crave pittie: If I cry, I can hardly b [...] lee [...] that he will answer me. He will bruse me with tempest, so that none can blame him. As for iudgement who can be my pleader? If I wilbe perfect, myne own mouth shall cōdemne me: if I be vpright, I know not mi [...] owne soule: but that great impiety lurketh hid: But this know, I am weary of my life: This is vniform: The perfe [...] in mans judgement, and the wicked doth he consume: [...] mocketh at the scourge of the innocent. The earth is give [...] to the hand of the wicked: which over-rule them that d [...] right. And yet none can haue any authoritie, vnles [...] be given him from God. So my dayes are fled: and I a [...] full of sorow: and if I would forget my sighing, Ch. 3. [...] know God will not cleare me: I shalbe holden as wicked Now then, why should I labour in vayne, by repentan [...] to hope for any goodnes. Bildad exhorteth me to b [...] blamelesse and vpright. Ch. 8. vers. 6. If I wash my self i [...] snow, in snow water, dye must I quickly: & thou wilt dee [...] me in the grave naked: as though my clothes loathed m [...] [Page 115] If the high God would take from my basenes his rod: that his terrour fright me no more: I would then speak and not feare him: for I am not such with my self as my calamities make you think.

Ye find great fault with my complaint, Ch. 3. still I tell Ch. 10. you, my soule is weary of my life: when I leave my sigh­ing for my self: Therefore I will say vnto the Puissant: condemne me not: let me know wherefore thou pleadest with me. I am the vvork of thyne hands, vvhy shouldest thou loath me: and shine vpon the counsell of these trou­blesome pleaders. Thou art not as a man that needest yeares, as Ch. 8. 8. 9. 10. or tryall: vvhere thou knovvest the hart. Thou knovvest that I am not vvicked: and yet I am plagued, past all mans help. Consider thy goodnes in my frame of body: and joyning of soule: and looking to me: to plague me, vpon sin. Which novv is come to the high­est, that I vvish I never had bene: Ease my payne, seing I shall shortly die.

Chap. XI.

Zophar. Thou hast vsed much speach, Chap. 3. Eliphaz Zophar. blamed that: Ch. 5. thou doest answer, Ch. 6. that thy complaint is lesse then the sorrowes vndeserved. And thou doest mock, Ch. 6. that thy frends are like the ri­vers in our dry Arabia: full, when men need not rivers, in vvinter: in summer. dryed vp. &c. all Ch. 6. And thou wilt say to the Puissant, condemne me not: doth it please thee to oppresse? Ch. 10. 3. And, thou knovvest that I am not vvicked: v. 7. and thou art not such vvith thy self; as Gods scourges argue, and the advise from E­liphaz and Bildad.

[Page 116]Thou vvouldest fayne plead vvith God: as a man doth with man. Ch. 9. 3 3. and would take his rod from the [...] that thou shouldest not be frighted: So now truely I vv [...] that the Puissant vvould speak, and open his lipps vvith thee: that thou shouldest haue double by justice: & know that the Puissant vvil call thee to account, for thine iniqui­ty. Canst thou find out the depth of the Puissant? [...] depth of ritches of the knowledge and vvisdome of Go [...] How vnserchable are his judgements and his vvayes p [...] finding out!

The Translaters commentary. Before the flood, wh [...] they dispised the fathers, he did let them run to the de­struction of the deluge: He gave over the builders of Ba­bel for worship to starres, that even Sems house in Ioc [...]tan hath perished more by millions of parts then Cha [...] despising despising Noe, Sē, Arphaxad, Sala, Eber, all ali [...] stil warning them. The east Indians come of them: as Io [...]tans sonnes names shew: famous in Greeks, by names re­mayning in cities, rivers, mountaynes. And the west co [...] of them: as the passage betwixt is very narrow. And me [...] from the West could not so passe over the broad Ocean▪ Abraham is called to revive the world: the sonnes of Abra­ham will fall away: and yet be zealous in the law: to give warrant to the Apostles for all that they speak, plain war­rant: but for the mysterie hid of long time: that God i [...] Christ will reconcile the world vnto himself. And here cōmeth a new mysterie: That the city which crucified Christ, shalbe extolled by Satans sleight, to overthrow the Gospell: because men love not the truth: and when re­formation cōmeth, yet wicked archbishops over-ruling cōmon lawes: and other creatures of the King of Locusts, [Page 117] will still plague in the ends of the earth: where Christ hath his chief possession. Novv Gods vvayes be vnsearchable in these dealings. When the Gospel vvas confirmed: if Princes and all sorts had dayly read it: all had held the truth: but as they disdayned that paynes, God gave them over to imbrace deceit: That many are called: and fevv be saved. The height, the depth, the length, the breadth, of Gods counsel is vnsearchable. This should be our work, to bow our knees vnto the father of our Lord Iesus Christ: that▪ we may comprehend the breadth and length, the depth and height: and know the love of Christ vvhich passeth knowledge. Iob will flee to this. Ch. 19. Returne to Zophar.

If God passe through the vvorld, to give over men to Satan in blindnes, or conquerour to be servant; or keepe them in assemblies, to continue religion, or policy: vvho can stay him? In punishment most vve feele him. Because he knoweth men aey dying to be nothing vvorth: and se­ing sin, should not he mark it: That vayn man should have an vnderstanding hart. For as God told Abraham of our Ismael, that he should be a wild asse: so we are all: & thou, I gesse, by many mothers art of Ismael, as Israel of Chana­an: we wild asses must be tamed, by Gods hand: seing men cannot tame vs. Now I will tell thee, as Eliphaz did, Chap. 4. that the just perish not: neither come the vpright to ruine: (Chaldy Paraphrast, Ch. 4. 7.) The just, as Abra­ham, Isaac, and Iacob, perish not: But the wicked nation of the deluge perished. So Ismael and his children, as Lions and Lionceaux, given to spoiling, haue their teeth puld out. As each was borne the foale of a wild asse: I as Eliphaz, Ch. 5. 8. would vvish that thou seek vnto God: [Page 118] so sinning no more, thou shouldest have great prosper [...] This rule is generall: that the eyes of the wicked sha [...] fayle: and their refuge all be forlorne: and their hope nought but pangs of soule.

Chap. 12.

Iob. Out of doubt wisdome must dye with you. B [...] Iob. I am not inferiour to you. And who cannot speak suc [...] things as these: That God is high, and invisible, & God onely wise: [...] Tim▪ [...] ▪ & men cannot search out, his wayes▪ Take this Proposition: A mockage to his neighbour sh [...] the perfect just be: vvho prayeth vnto God, and he [...] heare him: a base lamp to the thoughts of the vvealthy Aben Ezra & Kimchi v­pon the braue E­brew. and for calamitie a contempt to the shining state of the prosperous is he that is neare▪ to tottering of feet. The just perisheth in his justice: and the wicked prospereth [...] his vvickednes: To shevv that this vvorld is the vvorld [...] tryall: and the vvorld of soules is the vvorld of revvard Eliphaz sayd: The roaring of the renting Lion, and th [...] Ch. 4. 10. voice of the feirce Shachal shall come to nothing. And Bildad sayd: As segges cannot grovv vvithout mire: such Ch. 8. 11. is the gladnes of the vvicked, that hath not moisture of grace. And Zophar said this as a generall rule: tha [...] Ch. 11. 20. the ey of the vvicked shall fayle: and their refuge all be forlorne. I ansvvered Bildad, that the earth is given com­monly all to the hands of the vvicked: The vvicked be the Pakidim: vvho condemne all that vvould do good to their state: and cover their faces: as vnvvorthy to see light: So vvill they do to the sonne of God: vvhen in the flesh he cōmeth to give light to the vvorld. Among beasts, fowls, trees, fish, the strongest oppresseth the inferiour. And vvho can deny, but God ruleth in all varieties. Ye speak at ran­done. But cannot mine eare discerne speaches, as the palat [Page 119] tasteth it meat. Elihu vvill confesse thus much: Chap. 34. Ye bid me look to former ages: vvhen they lived long: Ch. 8. 9. Is the vvisdome in the aged? The foolish builders of Babylon vvere of long life: but short in vvisdome. God hath vvisedome and mightynes, counsell and vnderstan­ding are his. If he pull dovvne the tovver, Gen. 11. it vvill not be built: If he shut one vp in prison, as Pharaohs ba­ker: he cannot be set free: if he vvith hould the vvaters, for mercy to Noe. Gen. 8. they dry vp. When he sent them forth, Gen. 7. they overvvhelmed the earth. For him and by him and from him are deceivers & deceived. Be­cause they knovving God by his vvorks, do not honour him as God: he shuttes them vp to a bad mind: and al­though he putteth not vvickednes in their hart: yet that vvhich they have, he ruleth to his counsel: Pharaoh vvould destroy Israel: God turned him from the right vvay to that: vvhich had ben to kill the fathers: that he set to kill some children: Esavv vvould kill Iacob: God suffred him not to think of presēt murder: but vvhen his father should be dead: And vvhen vvith 400 men he came against him, he bridled him. All states he ruleth vp and dovvn: and the rulers vvhich prosper are vvicked: and one vvicked plagueth an other. He bringeth counsellers to badnes: and judges vnto stark madnes. Such they vvere in Enos age: vvhen corruption sprang, in stead of calling vpon the name of God. The rulers or judges of families being prophane, hating God that looked vnto all things, and re­quired to be regarded in all things: they hated him, as cu­rious and full of busines: and vvorshipped starres: & the creature, not the creator. For the vvickednes of their hart: he shut vp the rulers of many families, called counsellers and judges into madnes.

[Page 120]The band of Kings he maketh loose: when the Kings [...] Chanaan Gen. 14. did cast of the yoke of Cedarlaomer: [...] bringeth Dukes to be a spoile: and overturneth the migh­ty. As to Kedarlaomer the Raphaim, and Zuzim, & A [...] mim, and the Aemorites. So he powreth basenes vpo [...] nobles, Psal. 107. and weakeneth the sway of veheme [...] ▪ He bereaveth eloquent speakers of lip: and taketh reaso [...] from Bishops: as from Pharaoh & his counsellers, to ma [...] Israel a bush burning but not consumed: and pricks [...] Egypt in the end. Exod. 1. Act. 7. He revealeth d [...] things out of darknes: and bringeth to light the shado [...] of death: as to Ioseph in expounding Pharaohs dream: [...] to Iaacob in the Lot of his Children. He augments nati­ons: as before the flood: he spreads nations, after the flood and setteth their limits. He taketh hart from the head of the people of the earth: as when Cush fled to the fur­thest south & west: and so Ioctanes 13. sonns: They grope in darknes without light, and wander as one drunk. Es. 19▪ 14. & 24. 20.

By this ye may see that I am not inferiour to you i [...] Ch. XIII. knowledge how God doth governe the world. Therefore I would speak with God: you are all bad Physicians▪ Will you plead for Gods justice more then due? God will not be mocked. Gods highnes, & your glory dust & ashes should keep you in order. Gen. 19. be silent and I will speak. Wherefore should I take my flesh in my teeth as one desperate: whose words fleing through the hedge of my teeth: should rent my flesh, and cause me destru­ction. Behold Lord I haue ordered my pleading: and i [...] is death to me not to defend my good conscience of wal­king vprightly. I know I should be found just. God [...] [Page 121] hand and terrour I wish withdrawen: then would I plead. How many are my sinnes, that I am thus strangely afflic­ted?

Earthly man is of himselfe but as a flour, and should Chap. 14. such be thus afflicted? I confesse, all are vncleane: Seing his dayes be short, let him end them with some rest. A tree cut downe may yet sprout: But Adams sonns starves, and where is he? As rivers are spent and dry vp: so man [...]yeth downe, ariseth not till the end of the world. I could wish to be dead: to plead in the world of soules: where my soule should ioy till the resurrectiō. Now thou dost count my goings: but kepest them not from sinning. But my trespasse is sealed in a bag: That thou joynest to present iniquitie: to punish the ould and new together. Rockes of moūtaines falling vnto the water do wast: the hard grouth of the earth: So thou sendest man away. He knoweth not what shall become of his children: vnlesse he be a prophet, as Abraham: for speciall revelations: to know Moyses and the Prophets: and as Iacob, know principal heads of his sonnes affayres. Onely a man will mourne for him selfe: and for his sick body. For this cause we never pray to Enoch, Sem, or any but vnto God: be­cause he only knoweth our harts: And also because the soules and the Angels are in a feare before the infinite maiesty: and leave man to learne how to pray for himself. And God is the onely that heareth prayer.

Chap. 15.

Eliphaz. Wind and blast: Thou disannullest prayer: Eliphaz: The second tyme. Thy own mouth shall argue thee to be wicked. I Chap. 4. spake not so expresly: but of ordinary infirmities. But now I tell thee plainely, thou speakest wickedly. Thou sayest, [Page 122] art not inferiour to us: and that we are forgers of li [...] and bad Physicians: and should be wisest in silence. The hast no extraordinarie, as Adam had, or the Angel [...] ­ated the first day. Therefore by yeares wisdome comme [...] ▪ And there be here elder then thy father. Thy chasti [...] ­ment wisely expounded, and our spech vpon it, be co [...] ­forts: But thou chafest against God, and with subtile hy­pocrisie deceivest thy self. I told Chap. 4. that all me [...] are miserable before God: and I repeat that: for the wo [...] ­thynes of the matter. And for open wicked, open punis [...] ­ment commeth: as sage wise men taught: such as the people obeyed quietly: and never sought others to che [...] them. Thus they teach: that the wicked [...]exeth him se [...] and hath no hope, as thou hast none: from v. 20. to [...] ▪ Be not deceived: punishments argue a man wicked.

Chap. XVI. and XVII.

Iob. I haue already heard many words as these: wi [...] ­dy Iob. words, as you reckon myne to be▪ Chap. 15. 2. I woul [...] if you were in my case, strengthen and not weaken yo [...] ▪ Ye blame my vehement complaynt: when I complayn [...] not, I find no ease: And my punishment is more grieuous then they haue which are openly sinfull.

And there is no hope for a body as myne to be resto­red Ch. XVII to long life: as you would perswade me, Ch. 5. T [...] the pit I cry, ô father: ô mother and sister, to the worms▪ Ye mock and vex me: ô that God would judge: for Go [...] hath hid your hart from judgement: and will not give you that honour: God will consume your eyes, for your vai [...] goodly speach: which maketh me to be a by-word to the people: that I am openly a taber. Wherefore marke wha [...] I tell you: Myne ey is dymme with anguish: and all my [Page 123] members be like a shadow. This counsel God hath: that the just should have me for an example: not to shrink for [...]fflictions: Iam. 5. But that the just should be just still: Apo. [...]2. Therefore change your mind, and cause not me to be [...]l-spoken-off. My dayes are past: for any comfort in this world: and the night they change into day: that I fleepe not: but wake, as men do on the day. And light of day, short by my darknes of afflictions: litle light, that is litle rest, do I find on the day tyme.

Chah. XVIII.

Bildad. Why are we counted as beastes, when thou doest Bildad: the second tym [...] bid vs ask the beastes of the field, Ch. 12. 7. & vncleane, as fooles, Ch. 17. 10. Apo. 22. Oh thou that rentest thy soule in thy anger: Ch. 3. & 6. & 10. and 14. and 16. thou thinkest to remoue rockes: and alter the most constant course of Gods iudgement. Yea the light of the wickeds prosperitie is soone quenched: His tyranny will come to distresse: and his owne counsell, as Pharohs, will make him fall. Pharaoh now killeth Israels children, But Pharaohs daughter hath taken one vp, that shall pay his successour, and God will iudge him as he told Abraham, Gen. 15. Pharaoh shalbe sent into the net by his owne feet: And the present Pharaoh, if he do envy Moyses, when he shalbe forty yeares old, and will visit his brethren: he shall not long live, but his candle shall soone be put out. Iob, thou mayst hope to see the day, some forty yeares hence, that Moy­ses will come to thy nation of Madian, nere Aus to Ra­guels house: who hath a little Boy called Iethro: Who can tell but vve may have affinitie vvith him. And Pha­raoh that shalbe in tyme, vvhen God vvill judge: 400. yeares since vvild Ismael aged 18. vexed Isaak, entring [Page 124] into six: doubt not Iob but that thou shalt see the day a­bout 80. y. hence to see judgments. Pharaoh wilbe sent [...] his own feet into the net: when he pursueth Israel, w [...] God in the fourth age brings them out. And so othe [...] wicked of families amongst vs: shall soone have their na [...] put out. Consider Iob: these are the habitations of th [...] vnrighteous, as thou art: I must tell the plainely: a [...] this plainely is thy case, that knowest not the Omnipotent

Chap. XIX.

Iob. How long will yee fret me with words? Now t [...] Iob. times yee haue reproched me. Fiue times I spake: and fiue times you, crossing my speaches; Eliphaz twise: and Bildad twise: and Zophar once. Suppose I have erred: [...] my errour continue with me. Eliphaz hath made me [...] be counted wicked over Theman: because I am so greatly plagued: and saith that my children were punished f [...] their sinnes. And because God hath geven me over in [...] the hand of the wicked, Chaldeans in my Camels, and wicked Sabeans, who have forgoten our kindred in Abraham, Eliphaz will have me counted wicked, bringing my wretched case an argument against me. Bild [...] will make all the Land Sacchaea, make me a parable: and Zophar over all Minnaea. The Agarey of Hagar, and Ch [...] ­tramis Land of Cheturam, Abrahams wife: (In Arab [...] we terme gladly names in the letter M) these will have as ill a conceit of me. Thema of wild Ismael is most quiet my next neighbour to our Aus or Uz land: where moun­taines of Chaldaea ly East: Saba that took my Oxen & Asses, West: and Dry Thema, South. When my story shalbe written, men will think then I am of Vz in Edom. It is much that Eliphaz commeth to grace: of prophane Esavv, that sold his Birthright, for a messe of Pottage. I [...] [Page 125] him God in wrath remembreth mercy: But one svvalovv maketh not a summer. Of prophane Nachor, Elihu is one, best of all vs. But of Chetura, our best and most good be. Amongst all these families, yee vvould have me coun­ted one that forgetteth God. Yee deale too proudly a­gainst me. Knovv then that God hath dealt more strange­ly vvith me, then ever vvith vvicked men for vvickednes. Knovv then that the Puissant hath overthrovvne me: and compassed his net about me: As never to any man for vvickednes. If I complaine, I cannot be heard: The com­mon rule is: call vpon me in the day of trouble, and I vvill heare thee. But I call, as one that God should heare: but no sentence is geven. Therefore my case is strange: & not as of one punished for vvickednes. He hath hedged me in on every side, that I cannot passe: He hath not done so vvith vvicked Nemrod: nor vvith any vvicked. He hath bestript me of all my honour: vvhereas I vvas Lord chief Iustice in all our confoederated provinces: and the richest of all Abrahams sonns by Ketura. He hath puld me dovvne on every side: as never any for sin. For Gods patience leadeth them in many degrees still to repentance: and I goe avvay, vncapable of any benefit in this vvorld. His anger is kindled against me: and he houldeth me as one of his enimies. Elihu vvill reply vpon this, Chap. 33. 10. as that I complaine vpon vvrong, and cannot be heard, Ch. 34. 3. &c. As he holdeth me as one of his enimyes, so he commeth vvith an host against me: His host of affliction in vvealth body and frinds come together against me: & cast vp their trench against me: and camp about my tent: my brethren, all honorers, my kinefolke, my promoted, my hirelinges, my maydens, my vvife: prinkockes, sage counselers, my tendered: And my body, is so leane, that it cleaveth to my bones: so full of sores, that onely the flesh of my teeth vvithin my lippes hath escaped. [Page 126] Therefore do ye persecute me, as the Omnipotent hol­deth me as one of his enemies: and why are ye not satis­fied with my flesh so eaten vp: but ye will as savage beasts, eat my bones. And where ye say, that I am one that forget God: I have a ready answer for my hope: as Abraham taught vs in our fathers: how Adam lost life, and brought death vpon all. But the S. of God will dwell in our tabernacle: and performe justice for vs: That as all being in Adam lost life: so they who will re­ceive the abundance of the grace of the gift of justice shall reigne by one. The abundance of grace is in this: That one disobedience brought death: but the grace washeth all soule sore, from the sole of the foot to the top of the head. Now of Abraham the God of Bethel will take flesh: in Isaac, his death and resurrection were taught: with Ia­cob he wrestled, and shewed how his delite is to play with the sonnes of Adam: Of Iuda he commeth, & that tribe shall not be scattered till his Sonne commeth. Iacob in Mestra land, where the great river Aegypt is, told all this in his last speach: and thence we learned all. But as now we of Ketura in Ismaels land, stick to God: and none of Israell forsake the Idols of Aegypt, so in tyme we shall have equall glory: though when they have the land of Canaan, and all must come thither, to worship, our children will not: but be enemies. Troupes of Camels shall cover the land: Dromedaries of Madian and Ghepha our house, and all of Saba: the Saba that robbed me, now godlesse: they shall bring gold and incense: and preach the praise of the Eternall. Yea and wild Ismael wilbe ashamed of Ha­gar, and name them of Sara: and Cedar & Nabaioth cal­led commonly Nabathaea, shall serve the God of Bethel: [Page 127] the Angel that wrestled with Iacob: in memorie of which story, Iacob vvas called Israel: and the place, Phanuel. This I know, that seing in Abraham all families shalbe blessed, Abrahams naturall specially. Now then I will bring the sum of my faith: and ô that my words vvere written, and drawne in a book; graven with a pen of i­ron, with lead were in stone for ever: How I know that my redeemer is the everliving: and at the last shall arise vpon the dust: dying for our sinnes, and arising for our justification. And after wormes spend this my skin & flesh, I meane, after my resurrection, (and I vse a doubt­full terme, to conteyne both, [...]) from my flesh shall I see the Puissant. When God hath been manifest in the flesh, and seen of Angels, and taken vp in glorie. The ve­ry same body shall come to this soule, not a new body: God hath all the dust of the earth in measure: and all dust of bodyes eaten with fish, water or fyre, dogges or worms, shall return to their old bodyes. So I shall see the Puissant, in his most glorious body: & my eyes shall view him, & not an other Iob: when my reines and bosome, all is once spēt. God will do this by the power wherewith he is able to subdue all things to himself. Thus ye should say, vvhy doye call him vvicked, vvhen the things root is in me: that my mind goeth vp to heaven, and bringeth the God of Bethel, the angel of the covenant dovvne: to be made a man of a vvoman: and to be made vnder the lavv: and my mind descendeth to the grave to bring him frō death. And this matter is the mayn point: vvhereby God is plea­sed. Consider hovv vvickedly you deal in your bitternes against mee: and be afraid your selves of the svvord. For [Page 128] ire vpon sin hath the svvord. Therefore knovv there [...] judgment.

Chap. XX.

Zophar. Where thou doest charge vs vvith sinne: for Zophar: the secōd time. this my thoughtes make me reply: and I hast to do that. A reproof to my shame I heare: and the spirit of my con­science vvill, that I ansvver: novv my second time: as E­liphaz and Bildad have done. I vvill speak in a vvord: Since Adam vvas set on the earth, the joyance of the vvic­ked is short. &c. from 6. to 28.

Chap. XXI.

Iob. I vvill speak, and after I have spoken, mock. Is Iob. my sighing vnto man: as though I thought you could help me. But I have much cause of sighing and sobbing speches: and then vvhy should you complaine of my discouraged speches? Mark my case: & marvell. When I my selfe bethink me, a quaking taketh my flesh: seing the contrary prosperitie of So Mo­ses desired to know this: Ex. 33. Asaph Ps. 73. Ier. 12. the vvicked. You see the vvicked are liuely: continue long, and be mightie in rich­es. Why said you then: their joyance is short: their height hath a quick fall: and they passe like a drcame. Their seed is setled before them: and their houses haue peace: & hovv say you then, He oppresseth and leaueth poore: robbed of houses, vvhich he shall not build vp: and the frutes for his house shall passe avvay: and flovv avvay in the day of anger. They beare vvith the tabret and harp: & rejoyce at the sound of the pleasant instrument. And vvhy say yee then: he shall feel no rest in his belly. They spend their dayes in vvealthines: and in a moment goe dovvne to the grave. The house of Lamech vvas like them: & thence vve haue a pattron: for vvicked Iabal had [Page 129] sheep: Iubal Musique: and Tubal-cain smithrye, that man made him a God of smythes, Vulcain. And men said as before the flood: what is the almightie, that we should serve him. They thought that the starres had spirites in them, and gave them wealth: and therevpon sprang cor­ruption in steed of calling vpon the name of God, in the age of sorowfull Enosh. But far be from me the judg­ment of the wicked. God giveth all that all have: But they never thank God. Eliphaz sayd, Ch. 18. the wicked his candle is put out with him. How often is his candle put out? not so often: that God doth lay vp his iniuries for his children, Ch. 5. 4. & 20. 10. Can a man teach the Omnipotent knowledge, how he shall judge the loftie? One dieth in perfection: an other with a bitter soule: and never ate of good. As for the wealthy wicked, Ch. 5. 10. & 20. 19. God doth not alwayes, lay vp his iniuries for his children: pay him that he doth feele it. Behold, I know your iniurious imaginations against me: when yee say, where is the pavilion of the wicked, Ch. 5. 3. I saw the wicked fasten root, but presently did I curse his dwelling: the hungry shall eat vp his harvest, as the Caldeans: and the thirsty Sabeans shall swill vp, their wealth. And Ch. 20. 19. He oppresseth and leaueth poor: robbed of house, which he shall not build vp. I know your imaginations when ye say, where is the house of the noble tyrant? Can ye not mark them vvhich go by the vvay? hovv came Ismael by 12. princehoods: & Esavv by so many dukedoms? They vvould tell you: What stately houses see you not built of tyrants? The bad is spared vnto a day of heavines, a day vvhen all vvrath is brought: that men may knovv that this vvorld is the vvorld of vvork, and an other vvorld is the vvorld of re­vvard: And God in this vvorld often plagueth all sortes, that men may knovv him judge. [Page 130] But the just are not still in best case. And what do yee comfort me with vanitie: when great offence remayneth in your disputations.

Chap. XXII.

Eliphaz. Thou wouldest be pleading with God. If Eliphaz: the third tyme. thou would teach, would he regard it? is it a pleasure to the almightie that thou pleadest justice? What shall we say of our father Abraham: that he attayned of his natural power? If Abraham were justified by workes, he hath wherein to rejoyce: but he hath no such matter before God. Before men he was a Prince of God: And rare in rea­dines he was to haue sacrificed Isaak: But Isaak was no lesse rare, that would be sacrificed. Now mark Abraham, how far he was from iustification by works: The Iew Bechaia reasoneth, as Eliphas might, vpon Gen. 15. Fol. 22. Col. 3. Behould this was a great sin, that Abraham sinned, saying to Sara, I pray thee say, thou art my sister. This sinn which Abraham sinned, was the cause of the slavery in Egypt. And doubtles it was a great sinn, that he brought his iust woman, into a trap to sinn: for his own feare, least men should kill him. It was his part to have trusted in God, that he would save both him and his wife. Moreover he sinned in going out of the land concer­ning which he had the charge: It was his part to have trust Thus much Be­chaia brin­geth from Ramban, which Eli­phaz might have told. in the blessed God, that he would saue him in hunger, from death. And for this was decreed against his seed, the capti­vitie of Egipt: for in the place where he sinned, there was the punishment. Iob, all that Eliphaz telleth, thou mightest haue knowne not to plead iustice before God. Would God reprove thee for thy religion: and call thee into judgment for being holy? Nay, thy evil is great: Vn­just pledge; bestripping the naked; denying water [Page 131] to vveary, bread to hungry; violent holding of Land; op­pression of vvidovv and fatherles: These be thy sin: that snares come, and darknes, in Gods providence: that he cannot see through the cloudes. Hast thou marked the old vvorld: vvhen mockers folovving their ovvne desires sayd, sayd vnto Noe, as doting in the vvork of the Ark: where is the appearance of Gods cōming: as Enoch sayd, that God vvould come vvith thousands of his Angels, to be revenged vpon all vvicked men. They vvere vvillingly ig­norant of this, that the heavens were of old: & the earth, set out of water and by water, by the word of God, and by them, by the windowes of heavē opened, by the springs arising and sea swelling, the vvorld then deluged by vva­ter perished: But the heavens now & the earth, stored by his word are kept for fyre to the destruction of godlesse men. In memory of this storie Greek fables grew that Noe, [...] is Deucalion: and his wife in vvarning of destruction by fyre is called Pyrrha. So the Poet Metamorph. [...]. tells with the flood, of fyre, in this sort.

Esse quoque in fatis reminiscitur, affore tempus,
quo mare quo tellus immensa (que) regia Caeli
ardeat, & mundi moles operosa laboret.

That is,

Iuppiter bethought him, how tyme should come,
when sea and land and great heavens pallace
should burne, and the worldes workmanship decay.

The Greeks of old had learned the same: And their verses be vvorthy marking: and novv vve are in the middes of Iob: and at a mayn matter, for the old world, and end of the present. Sophocles sayth in this sort, in Iustine Martyr, fol. 167. and in Clem. strom. 5. fol. 258. Com­mel. [Page 132] and Euseb. Pr [...]par. 13. fol. 400. from Aristobu [...] ▪ learned Iew [...] so rare the matter is:


That is,

Such a time of ages is for to come:
when the welkin of golden hew sendeth
a store of fyre, & then the hungry flame
shall burne all that is below or on high:
And when all is wasted and consumed,
all the depth of waters shall come vnto nothing:
And the Land shall haue no dwelling, nor foules
that can flee when fyre hath eaten all vp.
For in haides we settle two dwellings,
one of the iust, and th'other of godlesse.

Thus the old families taught of the world to be consu­med with fyre: that not onely Abraham in Israel should hold it, and in Edom, and Keturah: but heathen estran­ged from Israel. Now the two last verses are in Diphilus, And Philemō & Diphilus haue moo verses the same, then lightly any brase of writers, for Haides. So when S. Luke wrote to Theophilus in the gospel, Ch. 16. he placeth Abra­hā of the citie which God prepared for him, to be no lesse in Haides, being in joy: then was the cōtemner of God, the tormented inflames. This digression the Authour maketh: Now [Page 133] Eliphaz shall speak to Iob. Hast thou marked the way of the old world: which say, depart from vs: as thou spakest, Chap. 21. 14. wee desire not the knowledge of thy wayes: when the spirit of our Saviour went and preached in the dayes of Noe: when the patience of God waited while the ark was in making: their bodies wrinkled by waters, but the spirits which disobeyed are in prison, for not gi­ving eare to Noe. And what should God do to them. They had sheep, and musique, and smithry for all tillage and husbandry, and to lock their house filled with all store: and feasted and maryed: till Noe went into the ark: and the flood came and took them all away: Because they bred prophanesse & called not vpon God with a clear vn­derstanding: but sayd, what can the Omnipotent do vn­to vs: our Bel is he that storeth: as Cham taught Nem­rod. I will say with thee, Iob: that I am far from those wicked mindes: I know God is the giver of all wealth. The just Noe & Sem & Iapheth did see Gods judgement, and rejoyced: Noe the eight, the preacher of righteous­nes, with his two sonnes and their wives, did mock them: And they vvere saved by waters: & wee should be saved vvith waters of knowledge to call vpon God aright. So Iob reconcile thee vnto God, & thy afflictions shalbe vn­to thee as the waters of Noe: that as God sware, he would drownd the earth no more, so if thou turn to the Almigh­ty, thou shalt be built: So thou shalt set by gold as dust: and Ophir, as the stones of rivers. And th'almighty wilbe thy gold, and silver of strength to thee. He will spare the vninnocent, as Cham vvas to Noe, and he shalbe spa­red for thy pure hands.


Iob. Yet this day my sighing, is holden a rebelli­on: Job. as though I vvould teach the Omnipotent: to hold it [Page 134] a gaine, that I make my ways perfect. Oh that I knew how to find him, that I might come vnto his throne: would he by great power plead against me? No, but he would help me. There the vpright do plead against him. So should I be quit for ever by my judge: if I might plead, why the ill have good, and the good ill. Of this I can learne nothing by your speach. But neither in East, West, South, or North, can I find him. He knoweth what way is with me: tryed he me, I should come forth as gold: More then my dayly bread haue I laid vp all the words of his mouth. Yet when he is against me, who can stay him? But because he furnished me with my dayly bread, and many graces: vvhereby I do know, that he tendreth me, as I told, Ch. 10. 8. & 9. I consider and am afrayd of him▪ Because thick darknes & affliction hath not made an end of me: nor I see an end of my burning sicknes.

Who can deny but that God hath hid his counsel Ch. 24. for mens affaires: seing the coyle our wild Arabians keep. They dayly fight for their borders: rob one an other: as the Chaldaeans and Sabaeans haue done to me: yea the fatherles and widow: and the poore of their garment: that they cannot passe the wayes for freebutters: the grapes & corne of others they eat. They drive the poore to dwell naked in high rocks: in many great showres: & live Tr [...] ­glodytae in dennes. And if they have a garden of hempe to have a shirt, or of corne to have a sheaf: they rob them of that. So the wild live abroad. In the citie they are as bad. Poor make oile, and tread winepresses, and without pay: by hard Landlords: they grone by oppression, and by vnjust death: and yet God suffreth all this. He suf­freth rebellers against the light of conscience: which keep not in his pathes: Murtherers on day: theeves on night: [Page 135] adulterers, house-breakers. This sort is of lesse weight in trade of life, then the face of waters which windes beat: their portion in the earth is cursed: tillage they regard not: nor planting of vines. Miserably they live: & mi­serably they die: taken to the grave as heat taketh snow: his mother and wife will soon forget him: onely his sweet­nes shalbe for wormes: and he is no more pittied then a tree cut downe: which hath no feeling. God sendeth after him, a barren wife: that he should haue no help by children: and sheweth no pitie to his widow. God draw­eth the stout after him by his might: & while they stood, they were not sure longer then God would. God gave them a while securitie to stay vpon: but his eyes were v­pon their wayes. A while they were exalted: but soon come to nothing: they are cut off as an eare of corne. Thus the course of the world is: God long suffreth: and lea­veth some to vngraciousnes: and payeth the mighty, mightily. And who can deny this?

Chap. XXV.

Bildad. Although the state of men be on earth confu­sed, Bildad: the third time. God on high is terrible to all about him: who see his angry face vpō them that despised his covenant of grace: but rebelled against him: whose worme shall not die: and vvhose fyre shall not be quenched. On high is terrour: & so peace: his armies of light be innumerable: & his light overshineth all: where sorowfull-man could not abide an angels light. And what should he plead justice with the Omnipotent? In the moone he teacheth vs: that it hath not clearnes of it self: neither be starres bright, when he will shine in the redemption, And what should one of Adam plead vvith God? We are but vvormes.

Chap. XXVI.

Iob. Thou helpest nothing, nor shewest wisdome. Who Job. vvould admire so vveak a speach: to tell a litle of Gods terrour on high? Who knovveth not that? or vvho vvould plead justice vvith God? I tould you, Ch. 9. none can be just before God: but as in mercy he held me his ser­vant: and I haue run for the goale of the heavenly calling, I vvould plead vvhy I am thus punished: and touching honour to God for his vvorkes, yee shall see vvhat I can say. Thou speakest of his povver on high▪ it reacheth to the furthest off. The sea bottom hath thinges without life formed, as ambre and pearle and topaz and such. The lovv earth seeming lost and cast off, is shevved to have stones precious, and for building, and coales. He turneth the heavens about vpon no stay: and hangeth the earth in the middes. The heavie meteores he bindeth: & beautifieth the ayer, as a palace for him self. The vncon­stant sea he kepeth in boundes: and maketh mountaynes as Atlas the Pillars of heaven to shake. The divisions of all seas, and great rivers through mountaynes shevv his povver. By his spirit he trimmed the heavens by a most pleasant situation of starres: to be remembred by formes of creatures. This on high: and belovv his hand hath made the great terrible Whales. And these are but part of his vvayes: and vvhat a small thing can vve heare of him: as vvhen you teach me slenderly hovv to seek to him by repentance. Novv the thunder of his povver vvho can vnderstand: as hovv the vvicked armies in millions fall to Eternall death: and the old vvorld: & the builders of Babel are cast off: and hovv God hath set vnto vvrath all them vvhom he hath not chosen of Eternitie to seek him in this life: and here to honour him. These be his hid vvorkes.


Now as the Almighty, vvhich hath brought my soule to bitternes, doth live, my lippes shall not speak the vn­right: I will not justifie you: nor remove my integrity from me. My enemy shalbe as the wicked: and my ad­versary as the vnrighteous. This I speak vnto you: Eli­phaz, Zophar, and Bildad. If I had bene an hypocrite, what hope could I have: when God should shake off my soule? Would the Omnipotent heare my cry? I will teach you of Gods hand: and ye have seen it. Wicked tyrants shall come to nothing: eyther in their life, or soon after: This is the ordinarie course of Gods judgement. But God in pacience often suffreth much: knowing his heavie pu­nishment.

God openeth exceeding secrets of his works in the earth: Ch. 28. but none of them have any resemblance of his dealing in his counsel for men, cast off, or spared. But each one should feare him: and labour to eschew evill.

Chap. XXIX. and XXX. and XXXI.

I Iob was in high prosperitie: a Prince in our confe­derate states: for sage counsel all gaue place: & I aey defē ­ded the poore in right: I brake the tuskes of the vnright: and I was loved accordingly: And this was long: accor­ding to Gods ordinarie favour to the rulers in justice. I washed my steppes in butter, of sheepes milk & Camels milk: and I had woodes in stony ground of olives: which I bought, Ch. 31. 39. Young and aged, princes and ora­tours, gaue me place: when I went to judgement court: They regarded me as the raine: and gaped as to the lat­ter showres.

But now, for grave aged and nobles, young vile-mens Ch. 30. sonnes, the basest that can be, a vile kind, banished from the earth, arise against me: thrust my feet: and hold my [Page 138] heavines a profit. They rejoyce as though they had been the better by my sad case. As waters in part of a weare bro­ken all tumble: so they vpon my miserie. And they vex my former noble case: become now as a wind. And by Gods hand my sicknes is vnspeakeable: and he is turned to me as one cruell: and I know to death will he turne me. When others were in hard case: I parched in sorow: and should but for some hid judgement of God feel the like. Not for Chap. 31. my sin: as come punishment. For my eyes durst not look vpon a mayd: I held that adultery, and sure of heavie punishment. I vsed my servant, as knowing that I had a Lord in heaven. I let the poore haue what they could wish: specially the sad widow, & the fatherles ate with me: The naked I cloathed: the orphane I protected: covetous­nes I hated: and starr worship I detested: I rejoyced not in my foes hurt: passengers by, had my servants portion: that they tarried for a new dynner to be dressed: that they sayd, ô that we had the flesh prepared for vs: vve vvould soone eat it vp: we come so hungry from work. The stranger lodged not in the streets: I opened my doores to travellers. Abraham and Lot taught me such hospitalitie. If my folk did any wrong, and they complayned: I cove­red not my trespas like Adam: hiding my sin of self-love: Though I could oppresse a great troup. But such families come to basenes. That made me shrink: and that made me dum, that I never went out of doores to plead in in­jurie: but at home made content. That all this is true: I wish the almighty would plead. And lastly this: if ever I ran into my neighbours ground to plow or grase with­out pay: then let thornes grow in steed of wheat: and darnell in stead of barley.


Elihu the Buzite, of Buz Abrahams brothers sonne, of [Page 139] the familie of Ram, famous then for knowledge: Auz was the eldest brother: and to the eldest, to avoid envie, would Abraham send the sonnes of Ketura. Auz & Buz, Ier. 25. are together in Arabia. Rebecca & Iacob seem to haue left reli­giō in Nachors house: That Elihu should be rare of know­ledge. He endeth the disputation. Nowlet speak Elihu. Elihu.

Elihu. I am young, and yee old: therefore I reverenced and feared to shew my mind among you. For I thought, many yeares will teach wisdome. Certes a spirit is in sad­man: and the almighties breath to wise them. Men of not great time may be wise: as the old vnderstand the right. Therefore I say, ô Iob heare thou me novv: I also will shew my mind. Behold I vvayted vvhile ye sear­ched vvhat to speak. And vnto you I gave attendance: & lo, I found no confuter of you, that ansvvered his vvords. Ye thought this enough: His punishment sheweth he is wic­ked. He hath not framed speaches against me: and I vvil not reply vpon him, as ye doe. Novv I vvill speak: and I vvill not regard Person: vvhich doing Iob blamed in you: and spake of punishment for mocking vvith God: as thou spakest, Ch. 13. He vvill surely reprove you, for secret re­gard of Person. Will not his highnes make you feare: & vvill not his dread fall vpon you? I vvill not plead for God, that he never punisheth but of hatred? So my maker vvould be my taker avvay.

And in sooth heare novv ô Iob my talk: if thou canst Ch. 33. answer, settle thy self before me, stand to it. Lo I am, as thou spakest, for th'Omnipotent: I am also formed out of clay. Thou diddest say of God: Draw away thy hand far from me: and let not dread of thee fright me. Ch. 13. 21. Lo my terrour shall not fright thee: nor my hand be heavie vpon thee. Now thou hast spoken in myne eares, and I have heard the voice of the words: I am cleare without tres­passe: [Page 140] I know I shalbe found iust. Ch. 9. 21. Lo he piketh quarels a­gainst mee: when my trespas is sealed in a bag, that thou ioy nest to present iniquity. Ch. 14. 17. Also thou hast sayd to Bildad: He taketh me as one of his enemies. Ch. 19. 11. And to Zophar: He putteth my fect in the slocks: & watcheth all my pathes. Ch. 13. 27. Lo, here thou art not in the right: I must tell thee. For the Puissant is greater then sorowful-man. Wherefore doest thou strive against him, that he will not speak for all his dealings. First I will tell thee of Gods general dealings: manifest, and felt: then I will touch thine more particular­ly: and his vnsearchable in the frame of naturall philoso­phie in the meteores. Mark Iob, when the omnipotent speaketh once or twise in visions, or sicknes to the grave, to stay man from his owne work, man will not mark it Iob now thinketh himself past hope of recovery, Ch. 7. through out. But when a mans soule draweth neare to the pit, and his life to killing maladies: if there be for him a messenger, a teacher one of a thowsand, to teach the earthly, Gods rightfulnes: then God will haue mercy vpon him: and say: spare him, ô killing malady, from descending into the pit: I haue found a ransome. His soule shalbe moister then in youth: He shall returne to his fresh dayes. Attend ô Iob: and then I will speak. If thou haue speach to an­swer me, say on: for I desire to make thee just.


Heare mee ô yee wise, and give eare ye men of know­ledge: for Iob sayd truely, Ch. 12. 11. The eare discerneth speaches, as the pallate tasteth to eat. And when words be spoken as before God: a mans soule is an angel betwixt God and him to judge of them. Let vs desire judge­ment: know amongst vs what is good. Iob sayd, I am iust, Ch. 9. 21. & 10. 7. & 13. 18. 23. 27. and 27. 2. [...]. But Iob drinketh scornfulnes like water. Also he hath sayd, it pro­fiteth [Page 141] not a man when he would walk with God. For he sayd, perfect & wicked he consumeth, Ch. 9. 22. Far be vnrigh­teousnes frō God. For he will repay every man according to his work. His justice is so great: that if he minded fe­veritie, all flesh would yeeld vp the ghost together: & all of Adam should returne to dust: as Gen. 7. Can a foe to justice rule well? But God ruleth well. Wilt thou then condemne the just. He respecteth no person, as all are the work of his hands. Wee see great judgements: and wee see his justice. Whole troupes dy suddenly: as the consumed with fyre from heaven: Gen. 19. and the mighty are taken away without hand, as in the deluge. He bruseth mighty, without end in open place of beholders: Because they [...]ed back from him: and oppressed the weaker. So he bringeth on such the cry of the poor: when he rooteth out all their families: as in tyme he will root out the Chanaa­nites, when their sinnes be ripe. When he makes rest, who can disturbe? When the Sychemites were killed: who durst meddle with Iacobs family to whom God had pro­mised favour? When he hideth favour, who can behold his mercy? whole nations & severall men find this: Where Abrahams posteritie, though faithles, drove out other nations: Nemrod vvas mighty: But Sinear served Elam of Sem in Abrahams dayes, Gen. 14. though Elamites left God: and made Gods of the fyre that brent the sacrifice, yet for Sem they had superioritie: that the wicked house of Nemrod should smart: As they smarted by Abraham. Now touching thy case, ô Iob: Unto the Omnipotent, vvhich sayth to thee repenting, I pardō, I will not destroy: this shouldest thou say: Where I see not the causes of my affliction, teach thou me: I know, I am wicked: If I haue wrought evill, I vvill do it no more. Shall that proceed frō thee, which he will punish: as thou doest loath life: and [Page 142] likest of death? where I durst not do so. Speak what th [...] thinkest. Wise men will say as I: but Iobs speaches are without skill. O my father which art in heaven, let Iob be tryed vnto victorie. For against the omnipotent doth he multiply his talking.


Now Iob I will come neare thee: Thou sayest in effecti [...] thy great complaint: I am iuster then God. Ch. 6. And wh [...] gaine I clensed frō my sin, seing perfect and wicked he destroyeth. Ch. 9. Consider as thou canst not reach vnto the heavens: so thy dealing, in justice or sin, cannot help or hurt God: But for thy, self thy punishment commeth to amend thee. Thou complaynest, that God doth not heare thee▪ Ch. 30. [...]0. For violence the oppressed complayn: as thou of the Chal­deans and Sabeans, the godles. When thou w [...] wealthy: but art vndone: Ch: 16. 11. Thou didst cry out, for violent armes. So the oppressed do. But none say: where is the Puissant my makers: the Eternall trinitie: vvho stirreth to praise on the night. There they cry, but he ansvvers not, concerning the vvrong-doers pride. So God heareth not sinners. (Ioh. 9.) So when thou sayst: Thou wilt not mark it: Ch. 30. 20. Iudge thee afore him, and vvayt for him. Novv for missing, his anger doth pay thee: because Iob regardeth not the great plen­ty of Gods vvayes, vvhich should teach him vvisedome? But doth open his mouth in vaine: vvithout knovvledge doth vse much speach.


Forbeare me a little: I will vtter my knowledge from far, from the nature of God. Mark, the Omnipotent is mighty: no despiser: mighty; and that the wicked feel: the strength of heart; and that the poore in spirit feel. He saveth not the wickeds life: but makes him feel his might: [Page 143] but he yeeldeth right vnto the poore: as he is no despiser. He placeth the just with Kings in throne, as he did thee when thou didst well: and if they be bound in chaines of sorrow, he will open their eares to correction. If they will not heare, they shall die without knowledge. But hypo­crites in heart store vp wrath & their soul dyeth in youth. He saveth the poore in their anguish: and openeth their ea [...]e in oppression. As he made thee great of a small man: one of the richest of Keturaes sonnes. But as thou hast ful­filled the sentence of wicked (some close errour) sentence and judgement have layd hold. Since ire is come: look he cast thee not off: will he esteeme thy noblenes & great hospitalitie? such ransome which thou spakest off, Ch. 29. will not help away. This may be thy very great sin: that thou doest breath vnto death: in thy cōtinuall speaches: as mistrusting Gods will or power to restore thee: And this also: that thou wouldest be reasoning with God. Beware thou look not to sorow: to choose death for thy afflicti­on. Mistrust not Gods power, for thy restoring: Mark, the Omnipotent sets vp, by his strength: and vvho art thou that disputest vvith God? vvho can teach as he: vvho can say, Thou vvorkest evill. Remember to magni­fie his vvorkes: vvhich all men see: even the meteores in the ayre: vvhich all men behould: but none can tell hovv they be ruled: for mercy, and plage: In raine, for men, cattell, and plantes: In thundring and lightening: Ch. 37. in snovv and vvintery vveather: sealing mens hands from vvork: to cast their accompts vvith better leasure, for hus­bandry: Ice, cloudy vveather, clearnes, heat, and such. Through the North a golden light commeth: but a ter­rible glorie is in the Puissant. The almighty, he is huge of strength: able to pay all that vvilbe contending: and him vve cannot find out, to be pleading vvith him: But [Page 144] of judgement in tendring his creatures and justice of [...] ­cy he deliteth not to afflict. Therefore sad-men feare him. He respecteth no vvise in conceit: such as vvilbe pleading vvith him.

Of Ch. 38. 39. 40. 41. & 42.

The speaches of God, plead not of Iobs faults, but The Lord: And Iob. of vvishing to plead vvith God. Whom he teacheth frō his visible vvorks, yet vnsearchable, that Gods counsel for men is deeper. And vvho should plead vvith God: vvho punisheth not but the proud: and the deserving: and vvhy God rejecteth men: none should plead: seing to the visible creatures our vvit reacheth not to see the reason of them. I leave the vvhole text to be sought for them. Novv Chap. 42. hath no hardnes.


Faults escaped.

Chap. 30. vers. 11. for, strings, read, string, and &c. Chap. 31. v. 34. for, and those of families to basenes, that made me shrink &c. read, but such families come to basenes: That made me shrink: &c. Chap. 36. v. 13. put out, [...], in the end of the line.

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