Come, and see.

A CON­CENT of Scrip­ture, by H: BROVGHTON.

TO THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCE ELISABET, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, QVEENE OF Englande, France, and Irelande, defender of the fayth. &c.

THE whole Booke of GOD (most gratious Soueraigne) hath so great an harmony, that euery part of it may be knowen to breath from one Spirite. Al soundeth the same poynt: that by CHRIST the sonne eter­nall, we are made heyres of lyfe: whom they that knowe not, abide alwayes in wrath. Prophecyes in euery age, the first larger, the later narrower, all briefly tolde, all for euent fully recorded: these shewe the constancy of this trueth. The lyke reuolutions are of Abraham, Iacob and his children togeather, of Sems house: & againe to Iapheths sonnes, and all families: wherein the former be stampes of the later: so that in one speach, an other thyng also is spoken. These shew the eye of IEHOVAH, and his spirite. The kinredes, places, and tymes, the lyghtes of narrations, are registred so profitably: that it shoulde be a blasphemy to affirme any one to be idle. Our LORD his Fathers are recorded from Adam, by Dauid and Nathan, to his Grandfather Ely: likewise they, after whom he is heyre to the kingdome of Dauid, Salomons lyne so long as it continued: and afterwardes they who from Nathan were heyres to Salomons house. So other Families, who came all of one, as from them all come: they by Moses and the Prophetes be plentifully expressed. In like sort the places of their dwellinges are cleerely taught. The course of time is most certaynely ob­serued: euen to the fulnes, the yeere of saluation, wherein our Lorde dyed. Of which time the very houre was foretolde by an [Page] Angell, not seauen yeeres before, but seauentie tymes seauen yeeres. Dan 9. 24. To this all, other Ebrewes and prophane Grekes, beare witnesse strongly agaynst them selues. These helpes be starres in the Story. The frame of all this, with coupling of ioyntes and proportion of body, will much allure to study, when it is seene how about one worke all Families, Coun­tries, and Ages, buylde or pull downe: and finde the kindnes or seueritie of GOD. For this worke I endeuored, to call auncient Ebrewes and Grekes, to further the buylding of iustice and peace, to come from Salem and Athens, to these endes of the earth, the possession of Christe: to speake in Englande the tongue of Eber and Iauan. This my paynes, I humbly present to your Maiestie.

Your Maiesties Subiect, HVGH BROVGHTON.

To the Reader.

FOR the better vnderstanding of DANIEL, who mentioneth large Kingdoms, and pictureth them: this Table of the North part will giue some light: which sheweth where NOE his sonnes dwelt, by the notes which you see at them. Those Fa­milies giue names to great Realmes, and are found in Greeke Heathen writers: placed of them as in this Table. The Kings which DA­NIEL speaketh of are ioyned to their pictures. A short Chronicle is added: but the breuitie will require diligence. A. B. C. D, printed in the Pictures, are expounded ouer the Beare, and placed in the Chronicle ouer the tree.

Iaphets sonnes.
[...] I Gomer, or Gamer, in the 70. [...].
[...] II Magog. [...].
[...] III Madai. [...].
[...] IV Iauan. [...].
[...] V Tubal. [...].
[...] VI Meshech. [...].
[...] VII Thiras. [...].

Gomers sonnes.
[...] VIII Ascanas. [...].
[...] IX Riphath. [...].
[...] X Togarmah. [...].

Iauans sonnes.
[...] XI Elisha. [...].
[...] XII Tarshish. [...].
[...] XIII Kittim. [...].
[...] XIIII Dodamin, or Rho. [...].

Sems sonnes.
[...] 1 Elam. [...].
[...] 2 Asshur. [...].
[...] 3 Arphaxad. [...].
[...] 4 Lyd. [...].
[...] 5 Aram. [...].

Arams sonnes.
[...] 6 Vs, or Aus. [...].
[...] 7 Chul. [...].
[...] 8 Gether. [...].
[...] 9 Mash. [...].

Ioktans sonnes.
[...] 10 Elmodad. [...].
[...] 11 Shalaph. [...].
[...] 12 Hatzarmaueth. [...].
[...] 13 Iatach. [...].
[...] 14 Hadoram. [...].
[...] 15 Vzal, or Auxal. [...].
[...] 16 Diklah. [...].
[...] 17 Obal, Ghobal. [...].
[...] 18 Abimael. [...].
[...] 19 Sheba. [...].
[...] 20 Ophir. [...].
[...] 21 Chauila, or Auila. [...].
[...] 22 Iobab.  

Chams sonnes.
[...] a Cush. [...].
[...] b Mitzraim. [...].
[...] c Put. [...].
[...] d Canaan. [...].

Cush his sonnes.
[...] e Seba. Amongest these dvvelt the sons of Nachor, Lot, Ketura, Ismael, and Esau. [...]. [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...].
[...] f Chauilah.   [...].
[...] g Sabatha.   [...].
[...] h Regmah.   [...].
[...] i Sabtecha.   [...].

Regmah his sons
[...] k Sheba. [...].
[...] l Dedan. [...]. [...] [...].

Mitzraims sons.
[...] m Ludim. [...].
[...] n Anamim. [...].
[...] o Lehabim. [...].
[...] p Nephtuchim. [...].
[...] q Pathrusim. [...].
[...] r Casluchim. [...]. [...].
[...] s Caphtorim. [...].
[...] T Philistim. [...].

The Preface, shewyng the summe of the Booke, directions to the Reader, and the olde reading of the Law and the Prophetes.

THE holy writers haue a perfect consent, The summe of the Scripture. Iohn. 17. in their doctrine of lyfe eternall: which as from one mouth teach, how that stan­deth in knowing the true GOD, who is but one; and the sending of IESVS CHRIST. All Families were hereby to looke for grace, in all Countries and Ages. Some speciall the holy Writers do mention, The olde vvorlde, & the vvorlde novv. for the olde worlde, and the worlde now. Ten of the fyrst are Fathers, not onely to our LORD, but to all Nations. They were al fayth­full, and shoulde mooue their Chyldren to beare in their brestes VRIM and THVMMIM, Fayth and Loue. They had Abel an ensample of being faythful vnto death for Christ, to fynde an eternall crowne of life. Cain and his house warned them of their corruption, taken from Parentes, that they shoulde looke for regeneration. Iob. 22, 16. 1. Pet. 3, 19. The destruction of the men that delyted in Caines wayes, whose bodyes wrinkled by the deluge, whose spirites are in prison: These shew that the eternall spirite of Christ, hath in long pa­tience a [...]ust kingly anger. Of this olde Worlde, the Writers olde and new, teach the same. Their places are lytle mentioned: but Our Fathers ages. The beginning of Genesis is fitted to the capacitie of chyldren. our Fathers ages are wonderfully layde downe by the heauenly Father, teachyng vs as babes be taught. Thrise they are reckoned: how olde they were when they be­gate their sonne: how long they lyued after: and how much those two numbers make. This sheweth that the Story is penned for the simple and chyldren. The sundry comparisons wyll occupy the wysest. The olde Fa­milies of the worlde now, are set foorth sufficiently. Sem kepeth a name vntyl Christ Luk. 3. Sem keepeth in one lyne a name vntyll he commeth, who is blessed for euer: whose name none knoweth but hym Apo. 19, 12. felfe. Gen. 9. Babel. Vnto Sem and his blessing al his Families, Iapheths and Chams were to looke: they soone turned asyde. For, buyldyng BABEL to make them selues a Shem or name, despising SEM, they founde a Shame. Their tongues became seauentie of one: their dwellynges were parted accordyngly: their whole state was a Confusion, and they perished for euer, that repayred not to Sems Tentes. The fyrst Families Moses na­meth, and their places: which the Prophetes describe where they dwelt, by their merchandize, Virgil Geor. I [...] vnder Assur & Catrim are comprehended the generall op­pressours: and the Churches chiefe stories are in the lov [...] & high Ieru­ssalem. as to Tyrus Eze. 27. or by their Warres. The Hea­then kept styll a memory of these fyrst poyntes, but full of fables. Coeum and Iapet, they beare in mynde, whom they call the sonnes of the earth: Sem they forgate, and all aboue. The Families scattered from Babel, left their names vpon their Countries, which yet abyde in Greke writers. Their Warres generall agaynst the faythfull, Moses prophecyed, vnder Assur, and Cittim. The Prophetes and Apostles recorde what fell out. Cities here, chiefly two for name are to be marked: the low IERVSALEM, (which the faythfull styl helde, or looked to holde, vntyl the LORD came) and the high IERVSALEM buylt by the GOSPEL euery where, which Cittim or Italy, that destroyed the low, shoulde labour alwayes to besiege, tyll GOD sendes his enemies a finall destruction. The course of times with the Lord his nation was truely kept of the faythfull and fayth­lesse. From the creation to Abrahams promise: thence to the comming from Egypt, to the foundation of Salomons Temple, to the Captiuitie & burning of the Temple, to the returne to buylde it: The genera­tie is in Math, [...] and Luke 3. for the 490 yeere. Dan. 9. shake the Grekes accōp [...], vvho ouer­reach 100 [...]. and thence to the death of our Lord. For euery partition of these tymes, auncient consent of Hebrevves and Grekes may be brought. I wyll labour to set foorth all these poyntes brefly, from the beginning, folowing the order of tyme measured by Stories of our Lord his kinred. The places of auncient dwellinges shalbe ioyned in one Map, of the north part, when Chams house, Sems, and Iapheths, all three in Daniel fight with the auncient kingdomes agaynst the blessed of Sem and [Page] kingdome of Christ. That Mappe was to be larger in breadeth then the quantitie of this Booke. One Mappe vvas to be made of the oldest names: & an other vvith later names of dvve [...]lers. The Romanes are not in the Image Dan. 2. or beast. Da. 7. In it Pictures are grauen, onely of the tyrannous kingdomes that Daniel speaketh of, who are consumed by the byrth of our Lord, whereof the Romanes are no part. For all the Image, and fourth Beast was to perish before the incarnation of Christ. Ievves do conclude agaynst vs, against trueth, and their owne saluation vpon that our errour. Doubtles Rome in the ende reuiueth their impietie, folowyng their manners very neare: wherby many haue thought Daniels Prophecy to blame the Romanes. For playnnes and distinction herein, I wyll in a Mappe of an other quan­tity set downe Rome, and some other later names of Countries, with some ancient, as the story shal require: and compare also by most liuely Pictures out of Scripture, the Romans with Daniels Kingdomes. This whole Vew I call A CONCENT OF SCRIPTVRE, because it would shewe that. Through the booke are other Titles touching time & person, for the present matter. And wheras I often compare briefly, later writers with for­mer: to shew the Reader how he him selfe may do that more at large: I lay downe fyrst in this Preface a table of the Ievves, shewing how they read the Prophetes. Pharisees they are at this day, who keepe a recorde of this: and of the Pharisees of olde, Math. 23, 2. for this much the Lord gaue a testimonie that they sate in the Chayre of Moses. Elias in Thishi in the worde PETARAH, recordeth this occasion, to haue been the beginning of Petaroth: that when Antiochus Epiphanes forbade to reade MOSES law ( Isaac ben Arama. fol 2 b which was the par­ted into so many Those sections they call Peta­roth expositions. Directions for the Reader. Sections, as be Sabbothes in an yeere.) In steade of Moses they chose a part of some Prophet lyke vnto it: which custome of readyng they kept styll, after their libertie restored to vse Moses and his ceremonies freely. Before you come to that Table, I wyll here geue direction for the reading of this Booke, touching the two Tables conteynyng the Fathers ages, and certayne other poyntes. The number vnder the Father sheweth what his age was when the Sonne set in that lyne was borne. The other numbers shew his age at the Nephewes byrth ouer agaynst it: or at the issue of the matter, noted in that lyne. Afterwardes you haue sundry tytles of their tymes parted: as Promise, Egypt, Temple, Diuision, Captiuitie, Seauens, whereupon the chiefe knottes stande. Also the tymes are noted by our Lordes byrth, Manifest faultes as Luke for Mat. Asa for Achaz, and such, many the Readers gentlens must amende. by the age of the Worlde, and sundry perticuler men, which the Reader may know in markyng what man famous in Story is agaynst the fyrst number. Moreouer, touchyng the Columne, vnderstande that you shalbe often to marke by the matter, that the sayinges depend not vpon the next aboue them, but vpon those that be on the other Columne oueragaynst them. A marke you haue to note an vncertaynetie in the tyme of some Stories, that touch not Chronicle: this is the forme of it. ‡ as in Hezron: but there the Corrector was deceyued, who placed his byrth neare Iosephes death, though he was borne before Iacob came to Egypt. Other notes touchyng tymes, two of one kynde shewe, eyther that the Narration is dryuen from the due tyme: and shoulde looke to the marke of the same forme: or compareth one Kinges reigne with an others, as you oft shall fynde in Iudah & Israel. Testimonies I cite short: and in one clause drawen from sundry, I name but one Author, when about that place I had named some other, for most of the matter there layde downe. The common Latine translation, whose soeuer it is, I named it as the Title goeth, Ierom. Abbreuiations chiefly be these. b. for borne, d. for dyeth, y. for yeeres. Once faulty C. for Ch. Christes. For other names, Antiochus Epimanes, and Epiphanes, Appian Archelaus, Artaxact, Athenaeus, Carthusianus, Clemens Alexandrinus in Stromatibus, Cedrenus, Dio. for Dionisius, Hal [...]carnasseus, Diodo­rus Siculus, Hystaspis, Elias Leuita, Epiphanius, Eusebius, Florus, Herodotus, Homer, Iliades Horace, Ierome, Iosephus, Ireneus, Iustin the historiographer, Iuuenal, [Page] Massecheth, once faulty for Halacoth in Maymony, Nazianzenus, Pausanias, Plato, Plutarch, Polybius, Ptolomy in Almagesto, Rabbi Abraham, Sadaias, Strabo, Thuci­dides, Tully, Valerius maximus, Virgil, these be the most names, noted by ab­breuiations: other wordes shortly named, by the matter may be gessed at, or be so common, that euery one knoweth them.

Now I wyll returne to speake of the ancient maner of readyng Moses and the Prophetes. S. Iames sheweth Actes 15, 21. that Moses was of olde tyme reade in the Synagogue in euery Citie euery Sabbath, Maymony wri­teth of that in Volume I. Birchath Cohenim from Cha. 12. that Moses ordey­ned that custome: and that Ezra renued it after the returne: and that in his tyme, The Rabbines cōmonly make Ezra the au­tour of the Petarothes distinctions: not agreeing vvith Elias Leuita. (long before Antioch Epiphanes) Lectiones of the Prophetes were by him chosen out, agreeable in number and matter to the Lectiones in Moses. They beganin the Feast of Tabernacles, and in a yeere finished all. After the readyng of the Law and the Prophetes, they that woulde, hauing leaue of the ruler of the Synagoge, spake vpon those Scriptures. That we see was reteyned Act. 13, 15. I haue set downe their Sectiones, and Lectiones, as they part Moses, and haue put forth their Petaroth at Venice by Bombergius in one Booke.

1 GENESIS. Chap. 1. 1 ESAY. Chap. 42. Verse. 5. to the 31.
2 chap. 6, 8. Verse. 2 Esay. 54, 1. 10.
3 chap. 12. 3 Esay. 40, 27. to the 16. of 41.
4 chap. 18. 4 2. Kinges. 4, 1. to the 38.
5 chap. 23 5 1. Kinges. 1, 1. to the 31.
6 chap. 25, 20. 6 Malachi. 1, 1. to the 7. verse of the 2. chapter.
7 chap. 28, 10. 7 Hosea. 7. to the 15. verse of the 12. chap.
8 chap. 32, 2. 8 Obadiah all. Also Hos. from 11. 12.
6 chap. 37, 1. 9 Amos. 2. to the 9. verse of the 3. chap.
10 chap. 41, 1. Da. 2. 10 1. Kinges. 3, 15. to the ende of the chapter.
11 chap. 44, 18. 11 Ezekiel. 37, 15. to the 38. chapter.
12 chap. 47, 27. 12 1. Kings. 2, 2. to the 12.
13 EXODVS. Chap. 1, 1. 13 Esay. 27, 6. to the 14. verse of the 28. chap.
14 Chap. 6, 2. Verse. 14 Ezekiel. 28, 25. to the 30. chapter.
15 chap. 10, 1. 15 Ieremiah. 46. from 13. to the ende.
16 chap. 13, 17. 16 Iud. 4, 3. to the 6. chap.
17 chap. 18. 17 Esay. 6. all the chap.
18 chap. 21, 1. 18 Ieremiah. 34, 8. to the ende.
19 chap. 25, 1. 19 1. King. 5, 12. to the 13. verse of the 6. chap.
20 chap. 27, 20. 20 Ezekiel. 43, 10. to the ende of the chap.
21 chap. 30, 11. 21 1. King. 18, 1. to the 39. verse.
22 chap. 35, 1. 22 1. King. 7, 12. to the 26.
23 chap. 38, 21. 23 1. King. 7, 50. to the 21. verse of the 8. chap.
24 LEVITICS. Cha. 1 24 Esay. 43, 22. to the 23. verse of the 44. chap.
25 Chap. 6, 1. 25 Ieremi. 7, 6. to the 2. of 8.
26 chap. 9, 1. 26 2. Samuel. 6, 1. to the 17. verse of the 7. chap.
27 chap. 11, 1. 27 2. King. 4, 41. to the 20. verse of the 5. chap.
28 chap. 14. 28 2. King. 7, 3. to the 8. chapter.
29 chap. 16. 29 Ezekiel. 22. to the 23. chap. 15. verse.
30 chap. 19, 1. 30 Amos. 8. from 21. to the ende of the chap.
[Page]31 LEVIT. Chap. 30, 1. 31 Ezekiel. 44, 15. to the ende.
32 chap. 25, 1. 32 Ieremiah. 32, 6. to the 28. verse.
33 chap. 26, 3. 33 Ieremi. 16, 19. to the 14. ver. of the 17. chap.
34 NVMERI. Chap. 1. 34 Hosea. 2, 1. to the 22. verses.
35 Chap. 4. verse 31. 35 Iud. 13, 2. to the ende of the chapter.
36 chap. 8, 1. 36 Zach. 2, 14. to the 8. verse of the 3. chap.
37 chap. 13, 1. 37 Ioshua. 2. all the chapter.
38 chap. 16, 1. 38 1. Samuel. 11, 14. to the 23. ver of the 12. chap.
39 chap. 19, 1. 39 Iudges. 11. to the 34. verse.
40 chap. 22, 2. 40 Micha. 5, 6. to the 9. verse of the 6. chap.
41 chap. 25, 9. 41 1. King. 19, 46. to chap. 20.
42 chap. 30. 2. 42 Ieremiah. chapter 1.
43 chap. 33, 2. 43 Ieremiah. 2. from verse 3. to verse 26.
44 DEVTRON. Cap. 1, 1. 44 Esay. 1. verses 28.
45 Chap. 4, 3. 45 Esay. 40. to verse 25.
46 chap. 7, 12. 46 Esay. 49, verse 15. to the 5. of chap. 51.
47 chap. 11, 26. 47 Esay. 54. from 11. ten verses.
48 chap. 16, 18. 48 Esay. 51. from 12. to 12. of chap. 52.
49 chap. 21, 10. 49 Esay. 60.
50 chap. 26, 1. 50 Esay. 61. from 10. to 10. of chap. 63.
51 chap. 29, 10. 51 Esay. 55. to verse 9. of chap. 56.
52 chap. 31, 1. 52 Hosea. 14. frō verse 2.
53 chap. 32. 53 or Ioel, from ver. 15.
54   54 or Sam. 2. the Psa 18.

As their Leape yeere fell, so they dealt with their three last Lectiōs, accordyng to the number of their Sabbathes: as they did cast their yeere.

The Ievv that readeth the Section now in the Iewes Synagoge, beginneth with praysing GOD, who chose Moses and the Prophetes, and delyghteth in their most true wordes: lykewyse endeth praysing GOD, who speaketh and perfourmeth: sayth and stablisheth: so that no one worde fayleth. Then he prayeth for ELIAS to come, and for the kingdome of DAVID in CHRIST. Yf the Caytifes would reade Mel [...]hies last ende, and fyrst oration of the new Testament, and try all the new Testament with the olde, the Gospel with Moses, the Actes with the Kinges, and the Apocalypse with all, they myght see how ELIAS, and that kingdome of DAVID is come: And see that the perfourmauuce which they extoll, is not cleere, without the new Testament. Aud for an exposition of all their expositions, may they vse the oration of the Angel delyuered at their deliuery from Babylon: Which I wyll translate agreeably to the Ebrevv, that the Reader may see that, plainely at the first, to which through this Booke he must haue recourse. Dan 9. 24.

SEAVENTIE SEAVENS (of yeeres) are cut out, for thy people, & for thy holy Citie: to consume wickednes, and to abolysh sinnes, and to make reconciliation for iniquitie, and to bring righteousnes euerlastyng, and to seale Vision and Prophet, and to shew CHRIST the HOLY of HOLY. Know then and marke: from the outgoyng of the Worde, to returne and to buylde Ierusalem, vnto CHRIST the gouernour, shalbe seauen seauens (of yeeres) and sixtie and two seauens: in th' other it shalbe restored and buylded, Streete and Wall: and troublous shall these times be. In that after the sixtie & two seauens CHRIST shalbe killed: and not for him selfe: thereupon the Citie and holy place shall be destroy, the GOVERNOVRS owne people to come: and their ende shalbe with a Flood: and at the ende of warre, it shall haue a finall iudgement to desolation. But he shall confirme the Testament for many the last Seauen: when in HALFE THAT SEA­VEN he shall ende the Sacrifice and Oblation. Afterwardes by an Armie abomi­nable he shall make a desolation: euen tyll vtter destruction and finall iudgement flow vpon the desolate. And this much for the Preface.

A Concent of Scripture.

THe heauenly Concent of holy Wryters, who haue penned for vs the booke of Trueth, is needefull to be knowen for to strengthen our Fayth, that we may see a constant agreement in seuerall ages, Ebr. 1, 1. for matters often tolde in di­uers partes and maner. Touchyng that, I la­bour in this Booke to lay downe certayne principall heades drawen through the whole body of Scripture. The beginnyng ought to be from hym who is A and [...], Apoc. 1, 8. the begin­nyng and the ende: who filleth all with his goodnes. Thereof this is a true saying, and founde intertaynement of all the fayth full that GOD is one, and there is none but he. Of this, that is grauen on the Gate of that fyrst and great Commaundement: Deut 6, 4. Mark. 12, 29. Heare ISRAFL, IEHO­VAH, our GOD IEHOVAH, is one. Whom if we loue with all our hart, mynde, soule, and strength: and holde them happy whose Psal. 33, 12. God IEHOVAH is, we must learne to know him aright. The name IEHOVAH importeth BEING, which the Eternal sayth is his name. 1. Iohn. 5, 7. Vnder this name and nature, there be three, the Father, the Worde, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one. The WORDE is the Sonne, and he is Ramban the Cabalist noteth that Christ is called Ieho­uah, vpon Gen. 34. from Ier. 23 6. and 33, 16. IEHOVAH, as Iohn Cha. 12, 41. expoundeth Esay. 6, 9. The holy Ghost is [...] IEHOVAH, as Paule expoundeth the same text of Esay, Acte. 28, 25. This name is opened thus: [...] WHO WAS, WHO IS, WHO WILBE. The names IAH, & EHIEH, [...] (I, AM) are of the same force. Though mens blynde hartes can not thus know God: The Scriptures are manifest, that teach the Trinitie, and the holy Tongues of all ages so spake of God. Most playnely is that shewed in the beginnyng & ende of our Lord his preachyng. Mat. 3 1. & 28, 19. For that purpose God geueth hym selfe a named ELOHIM: which is in meanyng MIGHTY, The forme plural in Elo­him is rightly noted of many learned in Ebrevv, to im­port the diuine persones, That should not haue been blamed of others. in forme plurall, as Gramarians speake: which as Prophane men speake it, by frame of language soundeth GODDES. God woulde neuer so speake of hym selfe, vnlesse he would haue vs to consider thereby the diuine persons. For the forme were dangerous, if necessitie required not knowledge of distinct di­uine persons. The enemies graunt a mystery in that forme, with at­tributes plurall: Aben Ezra vpon Psal. 11. who also citeth R. Iaphath, there.

This name hath also a forme singular [...] ELOAH, & a shorter [...] EL. These formes singular are fit to teach, of the vnitie of Godhead: and lykewyse the other when the attributes speake of one, as ELOHIM, (GOD) he created. But to manifest distinct persons often do the [...]earmes ioyned speake in the number of many, as yf I shoulde say THEY God. The faythles Iewes can not tel vvhat to say of these playne places, as appea­reth in Masse­cheth Sophe­rim, Cha. 4. Gen. 20, 13. They God caused 2. Sam. 7, 22. They God went.

e SHADDAI also doth God call him selfe MIGHTY, RICH, or AL­SVFFICIENT: Though the Greke Diuines reteyne not the letters, but [...]n a composition [...]. TZVRI SHADDAI, My rocke is God. The Heathen of olde heard of these names, and turned them to sundry Goddes. But Israel did not so. All faythfull know that GOD is one, and the [Page] persons three: Ebr. 11, 6. and that he regardeth all them, that feeke him in spir [...] and trueth: who is a spirite eternal, infinite, holy, iust, and mercifull. Vnsearchable are his iudgementes: Iohn. 4, 24. Rom. 11, 33. Deut. 29, 29. Ephes. 2, 4. Act. 15, 18. Exo. 20. but the open thynges are for vs. GOD hath chosen vs in CHRIST, before the worlde was made: and of eternitie knew all his owne workes. In sixe dayes God made all creatures, Man last, and gaue them a commaundement: which how soone they brake Moses turneth to tell after mention of the Sabbath. The Lord rested the seauenth day from creatyng, and appoynted that day for holy rest: which the Fathers obserued before Moses.

Now the man and his wyfe were both naked, & were not ashamed. Ramban vpon Gen. 26 fol. 46. & Abenezra vpon. Exo. 20. Psal. 91, 11. Iohn. 8, 44. 1. Iohn. 3, 44. 2. Pet 2, 4. Iud 6. Ephes. 2, 1. Ouer them God gaue his Angels charge: but some Angels stoode not in the trueth, nor kept their standyng, but fell as Starre [...] from heauen, and became an enemious company, and staunderers of God. In Ebrew Satan, & in the Grake Deuels. Of beastes the Serpent was subtilest: into whom Satan entred: spake to the woman agaynst God, and his commaundement: perswaded her, who drew the man also to breake the commandement. Then they both became dead in sinne. So from the beginning, as sone as man was, Satan was a lyer and a murtherer: and therefore marueyle not that the wrath of God is so vehement vp­pon ADAM through al his generatiō:, because quickly sinne was com­mitted to the extremitie. The circumstaunces shew the spedines of it. Satan woulde omit no tyme: the woman if she had ben practised better woulde not so sone haue erred: their speach sheweth that no Fruite had been eaten before. Doubtles the woman fell a Virgin: and yf they had stoode but a short tyme, the blessing of God had not been in vayne for propagation. Aboue all reasones this must be confidered, that the Redemption was to be shewed presently vpon the Creation. For that is the fyttest to mooue men to holde it: and God omitteth nothyng that best helpeth to that. This shoulde moue all men to put no trust in them selues: for that That in Psal. 49, 20. is holden of Clem. R. Na­than, R. Me­nachem, and Midrad Til­lin, to be spo­ken of Adam. Adam hauyng once iustice, and true holynes, did not lodge one nyght in honoure, but became lyke the Beastes that pe­rysh. And the lyght that shyneth in darknes, mooued men of all reli­gions to holde this. For this opinion hath been euery where receyued, that they fell the day of their creation. So the Ievves generally holde. I heard neuer of one that was of an other iudgement: and yet many of them see not how fitly they say, for the Redemption by the seconde Adam. The Heathen Bibliander preface in Chro. Christians haue helde this from the beginnyng. The Gre [...]et Ireneus, Chryostome, Theodorus, Theophylast, and Cedrenus age. They haue a common sentence at this day, in speache of Adam: that in one day he was formed and deformed: by dryuing out of the Garden. What shoulde I name Latines, as Augustine and Bernarde? the Euen Chau­cers pardo­uer. fol 66. They haue strange eares, eyes, & mindes, that holde this [...] curious or vncertayne poynt. simplest learned this much. Adam myght better then Iob curse the day wherein he was made and yet CHRIST is then promised a Redeemer. There­vpon Adam nameth the Woman LIFE: seeying how she redeemed from death shoulde be the mother of Chyldren that by CHRIST myght lyue for euer. The affections of Chyldren to theyr Mothers should moue them to know the trueth of this poynt. I wyl once againe in fitte place repeate this: and hence to Christ his death wyll by yeeres expresse the direct state of the Worlde, repeatyng these last poyntes [...] of the speedy fall, and comfortable Redemption.

[Page] [Page]

A MAP OF THE EARTH WITH names (the most) from Scriptures He Stretcheth the NORTH vpon the Empty.

WHEREVPON ARE THE PILLERS OF THE EARTH SET. OR who layd the corner stone thereof, God hangeth y e earth vpon nothing. Iob

[Page] [Page]

Adam his yeeres. Adam falleth before the woman is called Eue:
130 Seth borne, Gen. 5, 3. And Christ is promised a destroyer of the Deuils vvorkes.
235 105 Enos borne. Gen. 5, 6. * Sacrifice is a seale of iustice geuen by fayth. The faythful are called the children of God. Ioh. 2, 12
325 195 90 Kenan borne. Gen. 5, 9.
395 265 160 70 Mahalaleel B. Gē. 5 * By Enos birth religion is sorovvfully corrupted, through mariages vvith Cains house the seuenth from Adam. Iude
460 330 225 135 65 Iared B. Gē. 5.
622 492 387 297 227 162 Henoch B. Ge. 5
687 557 452 362 292 227 65 Mathuselah borne. Gen. 5, 21.
874 744 639 549 479 414 252 187 Lamech borne. Gen. 5, 25.
930 800 695 605 535 470 308 243 56 Adam dieth. Gen. 5, 5.
987 857 752 662 592 527 365 300 113 Henoch is taken away. Gen. 5.
1042 912 807 717 647 582   355 168 Seth dieth. Gen. 5, 8.
1056   821 731 661 596   369 182 Noah, B. Gē 5. 29. Tho. [...]. frō Adā
1140   905 815 745 680   453 266 84 Enos dieth. Gen 5, 11.
1235     910 840 775   548 361 179 Kenan dieth. Gen. 5, 14.
1290       895 830   603 416 234 Mahalaleel dieth. Gen. 5, 17
1422         962   735 548 366 Iared dieth. Gen. 5, 20.
1536 The pacience of God abode 120 yeres, in vvhich the spirit of Christ preached vvhile the ark vvas in making, to the spirites novv in prison. 1. Pet. 3, 19. 849 662 480 CXX yeeres begin. Gen. 6
1556 869 682 500 20 Iapheth B. Gen. 5, 32.
1558 871 684 502 22 2 Sem borne.
1651 964 777 595 115 95 93 Lamech D
1656 Mathuselah dieth, Gen. 5, 27. 969   600 120 100 98 The flood

Wor. Noa. Sem. Flod. Mans age is shorte­ned halfe in halfe. Noah prophesieth blessednes in Christ to Sem, and Ia­pheths, dvveling in Salem. Gen. 9.
1658 602 100 2 Arphaxad borne. Gen. 11.
1693 637 135 37 35 Selah borne. Gen. 11.
1723 667 165 67 65 30 Eber B. * Babel is buylded by the cursse of Cham,
1757 701 199 101 99 64 34 Peleg B. * the house of Nimrod. Mich. 5, 6. Se­uentie Families are distinguished into 70 languages. Ages borne. agayne halfed.
1787 731 229 131 129 94 64 30 Regu B.
1819 763 261 163 161 126 96 62 32 Serug B.
1849 793 291 193 191 156 126 92 62 30 Nahor
1878 822 320 222 220 185 155 121 91 59 29 Terah B. Gen. 11, 24.
1996 940 438 340 338 303 273 239 209 177 147 118 Peleg dieth.
1997 941 439 341 339 304 274   210 178 148 119 Nahor dieth.
2006 950 448 350 348 313 283   219 187   128 Noah dieth.
2008   450 352 350 315 285   221 189   130 Abram borne.
2018   460 362 360 325 295   231 199   140 10 Sarai borne.
2026   468 370 368 333 303   239 207   148 18 8 Regu di.
2049   491 393 391 356 326     230   171 41 31 Serug di
2083   525 427 425 390 360 Terah dieth.   205 75 65  

Promise. Abraham     Mans age the thyrd ☞. World. ☜ time is almost halfed.       Christ.
  76   The Pro­mise is geuen, that CHRIST
shoulde be the sonne of A­BRAM
after the fleshe.
Gen. 12, 430 yeeres before
the Lavve. Gala. 3, 17.
SEM in Canaan called Melchi­sedec
king of Salem, a figure
2084 The Lavv vvhich vvas 430 yeeres after,
cannot disanull the couenant, that it shoulde
make the promyse of none effect. Gala. 3, 17.
Senear serueth Elam: Ellasar & Tidal
vvith them fal before Abrā: so do the same
nations fight & fal by the Ebrewes. Dā. 7
being 4 troublesome beastes, vvhose Images
  80         1840
  82   2090      

After the PROMISE. Abraham Isaac   WORLDE.     Ismael Before the birth of CHRIST.

of the son of God, blesseth
Abram. Gen. 14.

HAGAR the bondwomā
an Egyptian, is geuen to
Abram. Gen. 16, 2.

ARPHAXAD dieth being
438 yeeres olde. Gen 11, 13
Iust Lot fretteth at the vngodly.
The cursse of Cham vnto Ca­naan
here beginneth to appeare,
measure for measure: vvho moc­ked
his Fathers nakednesse: in
vvhose posteritie filthy nakednes
brake out. An ensample of filthy­nes
punished in euerlastyng fire
is shevved in the destruction of

ISAAC bor. Gen. 21, the se­uenth
Eber. They are not
all children that are Abrahams
seede. Ro. 9. but in Isaac shall
thy seede be called.
Gen. 21.

ISMAEL & Hagar are cast
out of
Abrahams house.
Gen. 21, 14.

As then he that was borne
after the fleshe, persecuted
hym that was after the
spirite: euen so is it now.
But what sayth the Scrip­ture?
Cast out the seruant,
and her sonne, Gal. 4. 29.

SELAH dieth bieng 433
yeeres olde. Gen. 11, 15.

ISMAEL hath 12 Duke­domes
in the land of Cush,
in whom Sem ruleth Cham.
Vnto this time Ismàelites fo­lowing
Mahomet trouble the
Churches for their Idola­trie,
& are described. Ap. 9.
For neare Euphrates: Turkes
& Ismaelites, discōtent with
Iambrel king of Babel, ioyne
force, & set vpon EVROPE,
then idolatrous. Cedremus,


Rome bears for armes [...] one,
cutting Christiās: Ap. 13. as
Cittī should Eber. Nū. 24.
ISMAEL is borne. Gen. 16.
It is vvritten Abra. had tvvo
sonnes, one by a seruant, an other
by a free vvoman: these are the
tvvo Testamentes: Sina & Ie­rusalem.
Gala. 4, 22.

Fayth vvas imputed to Abra.
vvhen he vvas vncircumcised:
after receiued he the seale of
righteousnes of his former faith,
that he should be the Father of
the beleeuing, circume [...]sed and
vncirumcised: that righteousnes
myght be
imputed to
them also.
Ro. 4, 11.

and Ismael are
both circumci­sed.
Gen. 17. 16.

Moab & Ammon B. The
childrē of iust Lot vnavvars.
HERE beginne the first mani­fest
afflictions of Abrahams
seede, by Ismael the Egyp­tian
by Hagar 400 yeere,
before the commyng from E­gypt.
Gen 15, 13. & Act. 7, 6.
400 yeres Abrahams seede
vvas to be a soiourner in a land
not theirs. that is, not Egypt
only, but also first Canaan:
vnto vvhich in the 4 age Is­rael
should returne, to holde it
their ovvne. These 4 are Ko­hath
1, Amram 2, Aaron,
3, Eleazar 4, vvho parted
the Land. Ios. 14. Kohath
vvas one of the 70, Gen. 46.
he liued 133 [...]. Amrā 137,
Moses 80, vvhē Israel came
foorth, all is but 350 in extre­mitie.
VVherefore in Egypt
they coulde not be 400 yeeres.
215 after the comming of A­braham
into Canaan, but
70 soules of Abrahās loynes
go into Egypt. 215 yeeres
after that, 600000 valiant
men come foorth.

10 85          
  87       1  
  88       2  
  89       3  
  90       4 1830
  91       5  
  92   2100   6  
  93       7  
  94       8  
20 95       9  
  96       10  
  97       11  
  98       12  
  99       13  
  100   *   14 1820
  101 1     15  
  102 2 2110   16  
  103 3 *   17  
  104 4     18  
30 105 5   19  
  106 6     20  
  107 7     21  
  108 8     22  
  109 9     23  
  110 10     24  
  111 11     25 1810
  112 12 2120   26  
  113 13     27  
  114 14     28  
40 115 15     29  
  116 16     30  
  117 17     31  
  118 18     32  
  119 19     33  
  120 20   34 1800
  121 21     35  
  122 22 2130   36  
  123 23     37  
  124 24     38  
50 125 25     39  
  126 26     40  
  127 27     41  
  128 28     42  
  129 29     43  
  130 30     44 1790
  131 31     45  
  132 32 2140   46  

After the PROMISE. Abraham Isaac   WORLDE     Ismael Before the birth of CHRIST.
  133 33

ISAAC is bound, & layde
vpon the Alter to be sacri­fisced.
Gen. 2, 29. So Christ
vvas bound. Mar. 15.

SARAH our mother D. being
127 Y. old. Gē. 33, vvhose daugh­ters
the faythful are. 1. Pet. 3, 6
REBECCA is maryed to
Isaac Gen. 25. to Rebecca vvhe
she had conceyued by one, euē our
father Isaac before the Children
vvere borne: and vvhen they had
done neither good nor euil, it vvas
sayd, The elder shall serue
the younger.
Rom. 9, as it is
vvrittē, Iacob I haue loued, E­sau
I haue hated. Mala. 1.

SEM dyeth beyng 600
yeeres olde. Gen. 11, 11.

Of him many thinges are
to be said, which are hard
to be vttered, because we
are dull of hearing. Heb. 5.
GOD vvas not ashamed to be
called the God of
Sem. and
Sem is the first in this honour.

IACOB & Esau are B. Gē. 25
the 22 generation from Adam,
vvhich 22 ages are compared to
the 22 letters of the Ebrew
tongue Epipha. in Ancorato
the old Testamēt is parted accor­dingly
into 22 bookes. Euseb.
Naziā. Iero:
the Apocrypha
reiected: vvhich vvere not kno­vvē
vvhē the Massorites rec­koned
al the letters in the Pro­phetes.
Elia. Massoreth.
toke his brother by the heel
in the vvōbe, & by his strength he
had povver vvith God. Hose. 12, 3.

ABRAHAM dieth at the
age of 175 yeeres. Gen. 25.

God vvas not ashamed to be
called Abrahās God. Heb. 11.

EBER dyeth being 464
yeeres olde. Gen. 11, 17. the
seuenth frō Enoch: and not
far inferiour to hym in


Abraham shevved his loue in
not sparing his only sonne: God
shevved his loue in not sparyng
his only sonne. Rom. 8, 32.

The only vvoman vvhose vvhole
age is recorded in Scripture.
After Sarahs death Abrahā
marieth Keturah: and to his
chyldren by her geueth substance,
and sendeth them forth into the
East. Suach is of his sonnes, of
vvhom cōmeth Bildad. Iob. 2.
These families, I thynke,
are tearmed the Children
of the East.
Iob. 1.

VVhereas the holy Ghost noteth
Moses d [...]scription of Mel­chisedec:
that he hath no men­tion
of his father nor mother
some thinke that Melchisedec
can not be Sem: because his fa­ther
is mentioned. But they are
deceyued. For it is spoken, not of
the vvhole Scripture: that he
hath no els vvhere a father, but
of that particuler text of Mel­chisedec.
Gen. 14. Novv vvho
but Sem shoulde be that most
royal king, king of iustice, sacri­ficer
to the high God: euen vvhen
Terah had fallen, vvith the
rest to strange gods? vvho should
be lykened to the sonne of God,
and greater then Abraham,
Heb. 7, 7, rather then Sem, to
vvhom the sonne of God vvas
promised? vvhiche therefore
shoulde be the fyttest to deli­uer
the promise to Abraham.
Besides, seeyng that Iapheths
sonnes fetch their religion from
Salem. Actes. 2, vvhom God
vvoulde persvvade to fetch it
from Sems tentes: vvho should
rule Salem, vvhere God his
Tabernacle shoulde be Psa. 76,
rather then Sem? Therefore
tht Hebrewes hold him Mel­chisedec,

  134 34   48  
60 135 35     49  
  136 36     50  
  137 37   51  
  138 38     52  
  139 39     53  
  140 40     54 1780
  141 41     55  
  142 42 2150   56  
  143 43     57  
  144 44     58  
70 145 45     59  
  146 46     60  
  147 47     61  
  148 48     62  
  149 49     63  
  150 50   64 1770
  151 51     65  
  152 52 2160   66  
  153 53     67  
  154 54     68  
80 155 55     69  
  156 56     70  
  157 57     71  
  158 58     72  
  159 59     73  
  160 60     74 1760
  1 61     75  
  2 62 2170   76  
  3 63     77  
  4 64     78  
90 5 65     79  
  6 66     80  
  7 67     81  
  8 68     82  
  9 69     83  
  10 70     84 1750
  11 71     85  
  12 72 2180   86  
  13 73     87  
  14 74     88  
100 15 75     89  
  16 76     90  
  17 77     91  
  18 78     92  
  19 79     93  
  20 80     94 1740
  21 81     95  
  22 82 2190   96  

After the PROMISE. Jacob Isaac   WORLDE.     Ismael Before our L. Bir. CHRIST.
  73 133

though he sought it vvith
teares. For he found not the place
of repentance: but sayde I vvyll
kill my brother.

IACOB goeth to Laban,
he seeth a ladder reach vp
into Heauen, and the An­gels
of God ascending &
descending by it. Gen. 28, 12.

Iacob fled into Aram and Is­rael
serued for a vvife. Hos. 12.

LEAH is geuen to Iacob
in stead of Rachel for his
wyfe, Gen. 29, 23.

IVDA is borne. Of him after
Ieroboams vvithdravvyng of
ten tribes, the fathful Ebrewes
as Mordecai, of Beniamin,
Hest. 2. and Paul Act. 22,
and all Tribes Rom. 1 are called
Iewes. Saluation commeth of
the Iewes. Ioh. 4. Christ is the
Lion of the tribe of Iuda. Ap. 5.

IACOB goeth from La­ban,
he wrestleth with the
Angell, and is called IS­RAELL.

Gen. 32▪ 28. By his
trength he had povver vvith
God: had povver ouer the An­gell:
vvept: & prayed vnto him:
the Lorde God of Hostes is his
strength. Hos. 12, 3. Iacob the
Aramite peryshing Deut. 26,
bought groūd of Hamor Ge, 33
that possession Iacob gaue to his
son Ioseph: & there vvas Ia­cobs
vvel. There Iesus talked
of the mountaines and Ierusa­lems
vvorshyp: and of the true
vvorshypers. Ioh 4.

IVDA his incest. PHA­RES
is borne of Thamar his
daughter in law. Gen. 38.

Thamar can not be Sems
daughter, for she must be
elder thē Iacob, if she were.

ISAAC dyeth. Gen. 35, the
longest lyuer of any since
Terah, that the strength of


Esau or Edom his seede hated
Iacobs: vnto Herode vvho
vvas an
Idumean as Iose­phus

CHRIST shevveth Natha­nael
vvho is that Ladder.
Ioh. 1, 51. He founde Iacob in
Bethel: & there he spoke vvith
vs. Hose. 12, 4.

Iacob vvould be content vvith
meat & clothes So Paul. 1. Ti. 6
RVBENS prerogatiue in time
turneth to Rachels sonne, vvhō
Iacob thought he embraced
Gen. 48, 5. and Ruben is a pu­nishment
to Iacob for his necli­gence,
in vsing Bilhah. Gen. 30

IOSEPH is borne. Gen. 30.
Of Christ God spake by the
mouth of his holy Prophetes,
that the Lorde shoulde aryse
from Iuda. Ebr. 7, 14.

ESAV terrifieth Iacob.

BENIAMIN. B. Rachel di­eth
at Bethleem. Ge. 35, 18.
VVhen our Lord is borne there:
and children killed: Rachel vvil
not be comforted. That is, the
mothers there: afflicted as Ra­chel
vvas, vvhen she called her
sonne, Ben-oni her sonne of
sor [...]vv. Herod is a nevv Esau
Mat. 2.

IOSEPH is solde for a slaue.
Gen. 37, 2. 28. vvhen he had been
norished 17 yeeres of his Father.
VVhen they thought euill agaynst
hym, God disposed it to good: to
saue much people alyue. Gen. 50,
20. The Patriarkes moued vvith
enuie sold Ioseph into Egypt.
But God vvas vvith him: and
deliuered him out of all his trou­bles.
Act. 7. They helde his feet [...]
in the stockes, the counsel of the
Lord tryed hym. Psal. 105, 18
IOSEPH expoundeth Pha­raohs
Dreame. Gen. 41. 4 [...].

  74 134        
  75 135        
160 76 136        
  77 137      
  78 138        
  79 139        
  80 140       1680
  81 141        
  82 142 2250      
  83 143        
  84 144      
170 85 145        
  86 146        
  87 147        
  88 148        
  89 149        
  90 150       1670
  91 151        
  92 152 2260   1  
  93 153     2  
  94 154   3  
180 95 155     4  
  96 156     5  
  97 157     6  
  98 158     7  
  99 159     8  
  100 160     9 1660
  101 161     10  
  102 162 2270   11  
  103 163     12  
  104 164     13  
190 105 165     14  
  106 166     15  
  107 167     16  
  108 168     17  
  109 169     18  
  110 170     19 1650
  111 171     20  
  112 172 2280   21  
  113 173     22  
  114 174     23  
200 115 175     24  
  116 176     25  
  117 177     26  
  118 178     27  
  119 179     28  
  120 180     29 1640
  121       30  
  122   2290   31  

After the PROMISE. Jacob Isaac   WORLDE.     Ismael Before our L. Bir. CHRIST.
  23 83

godlines. He was the lon­gest
lyuer of all that was
borne after the Floodde,
and none after BABELS
buylding exceeded much
halfe his yeeres, for Peleg
the longest had but 239
yeeres. Gen. 11, 19.

He vvas a great Prophet foretel­lyng
the diuision of Tongues.

Ebers name continued in A­brahams
faythfull posteritie:
vvho vvere called of Eber, E­brewes.
language re­mained
vvith them vnto the last
Prophetes: though neare lost in

ESAV taketh his wiues of
Canaan. Gen. 25, 34. &. 26, 46.

Which were a griefe to
Rebecca: & displeased Isaac,
therefore went Esau to Is­mael,
& tooke his daughter
Maalath to wyfe. Gen. 28, 8.

ESAV solde his byrthright
for a messe os red Pottage,
therefore was his name
called EDOM. Gen. 25, 30.

LET no man be prophane as E­sau
vvas, vvho for a portion of
meate solde his Byrthright.
Hebr. 12, 16.

OF Esau, eyght Kinges succes­siuely,
& after that many Dukes
togeather ruled: before Moses
vvas king in Israel Gen. 36.

GOD gaue to Esau the lande of
Seyr Gen. 36, and by his svvord
did he liue. Gen. 27, 4.

ISMAEL dyeth beyng 137
yeeres olde. Gen. 25, 17. The
onely vvicked vvhose vvhole
age is recorded in the Lavv.

IACOB stealeth the bles­sing
from Esau, who shall
in tyme breake the yoke.
Gen. 27.

VVhen Esau vvould haue in­herited
the blessing he vvas re­iected:


the vsuall iudgement
of the Latines, and the aun­cient
English vvriters doth so.
The Grecians fyrst resisted,
being deceyued by their Trans­lation
700 yeeres, betvveene
Arpharads byrth and Abra­hams:
vvhich Trnslation for
a close purpose differed from the
Hebrewe, vvhereof to speake
it vvoulde be a long and an hard

Though many hold that Abra­ham
bre the name Ebrew,
not of Eber, but of passing ouer
Euphrates: of vvhich opinion
the Greke translators are: yet
that cannot I allovve, for these
causes: An action common to many,
as to change Soile ouer Eu­phrates:
should not sone geue a
proper name. Besides a trop [...]
should not be sought: vvhen pro­prietie
standeth vvell enough
Moreouer: these tvvo texts con­clude
playne: SEM was the
Father of all the sonnes of
Gen. to. CITTIM
shall afflicte ASSVR, and
Nū. 24. Here Moses
calleth Israel to consider Sem:
and to remember them selues na­med
of Eber. If the Iewes had
considered Sem and Heber.
hovv glorious they vvere: before
Abraham had circumcision:
the Epistle to the Ebrewes
vvould haue persvvaded them to
leaue Abrahams ceremonies:
vvhen Christe had confirmed
the couenaunt for Many D [...]. 9
as vvell as for Abrahams
seede Psal. 105, Beyng a sacri­ficer
for euer, after the order of
Melchisedec: to vvhom all
Famylies, before Abraham
vvas, myght haue accesse.

  24 84     98  
110 25 85     99  
  26 86     100  
  27 87     101  
  28 88     102  
  29 89     103  
  30 90     104 1730
  31 91     105  
  32 92 2200   106  
  33 93     107  
  34 94     108  
120 35 95   109  
  36 96     110  
  37 97     111  
  38 98     112  
  39 99     113  
  40 100     114 1720
  41 101     115  
  42 102 2210   116  
  43 103     117  
  44 104     118  
130 45 105     119  
  46 106     120  
  47 107   121  
  48 108     122  
  49 109     123  
  50 110     124 1710
  51 111     125  
  52 112 2220   126  
  53 113     127  
  54 114     128  
140 55 115     129  
  56 116     130  
  57 117     131  
  58 118     132  
  59 119     133  
  60 120     134 1700
  61 121     135  
  62 122 2230   136  
  63 123 137  
  64 124        
150 65 125        
  66 126        
  67 127      
  68 128        
  69 129        
  70 130       1690
  71 131        
  72 132 2240      

After the PROMISE Jacob     WORLDE.     Joseph Before the birth of CHRIST.

the promise might appere:
Iob is much in his case, who
being broken with sorow,
yet is restored to longer
lyfe of 140 yeeres. Iob. 42, 6
The famine beginneth through all
the earth. Gen.
41, 54. &. 45, 6.

IACOB goeth into Egypt.
Gen. 47, vvith 70 soules. Deut.
10, 22. The Greke translatours
borovv fiue more frō the Chro­nicles:
namely Suthelah and
Tahan, Ephraims sons: and
Edē a nephevv. To Manas­se,
a sou, & Galead a
nephevve: to shevve hovv Io­seph
savv his children to the [...]
age. Gen. 50. S. Luke folovveth
that. Act. 7. but fevv haue mar­ked
it, vvhereby most thought the
text coroupted.

17 Y. Iacob is kept by Ioseph
that shepheard: feeding Israel as
meate is put into a babes mouth.

IACOB dyeth in Egypt,
in his last vvyll he foretel­leth
his sonnes of their estate,
tearmyng them by sundry notes,
& proph [...]sieth of Siloh: vvhich
is CHRIST. Gen. 49, to. Iu­dah
hath the prerogatiue, and is
preferred before al the Tribes for
gonernemēt, therefore the Mac­cabees
vvere to blame to make
Kinges of their families. their
punishmēt vvas to be Saduces:
and to be ouerthro vven by An­tipater
their ovvne seruant, &
his posteritie the Herods. Ia­cobs
vvill is an abridgement
of his sonnes euentes: vvho spea­king
of Baracks victorie vn­der
Naphtali: VVhy should he
omit Tobi, yf his matters had
been true? or Iudith vnder Sy­meon,
vvhom he curseth for
that cause, For vvhich Iu­dith
blesseth him? Beniamin
in Mordecai, and Hester, is
famous: vvho saued the Iewes


Compare Ioseph vvith Dani­el.
Both in holde, shevve skil of
dreames: both their kings after 2
yeeres dreame: both their Magiti­ans
can say nothing: both they in
haste are brought to their kinges:
both are demanded of their skill:
both say it is not in their vvisdōe:
but God by thē vvil shevv it to
their kinges: both thereupō ruled
those kingdōes: both vvere before
hand sent of God for the com­fort
of their brethren that should
come after, to those countreys.
Ioseph Iacobs sonne feedeth
Iesus our Lorde an infant in
Egypt Math. 2. Thither A­braham
vvent: thither Iacob
to Ioseph: and the Lord vvent
vvith him. Thither vvent Io­seph
the son of Iacob: & t [...]ke
our L. vvith him. VVhen Israel
vvas a child I loued him, & cal­led
my son out of Egypt Hos. 11
TO IACOB the vvorldes age
is reckoned by 22 perticuler
men, vvhiche are that to the
Chronicle: that the 22 E­brew
letters are to the lan­guage.
Aftervvarde by greater
summe [...] the bandes of times doth
God tie: But the knots are no
lesse famous nor no lesse certaine,
vntyl the Lorde: death, then the
accomptes dependyng vpon these
perticuler mens ages.

VVhen Iosephs brethren savv
that thier Father vvas dead, they
sayd, forgeue the trespasse of the
seruantes of thy fathers God. Thy
Father commaunded before his
death, saying Forgeue the trespas
of thy brethren. To vvhom Io­seph
sayd: Feare not: for am I to
you like God? I may not hurt
you vvhose doinges God ruled
to common good.
And he
comforted them, & spake kindly
vnto thē. Gen. 50. If ye do forgeue
men their trespasses. your heuenly

  124       33  
210 125       34  
  126       35  
  127       36  
  128       37  
  129       38  
  130       39 1630
  131       40  
  132   2300   41  
  133       42  
  134       43  
220 135       44  
  136       45  
  137       46  
  138       47  
  139       48  
  140       49 1620
  141       50  
  142   2310   51  
  143       52  
  144     53  
230 145       54  
  146       55  
  147     56  
          59 1610
      2320   61  
240         64  
          69 1600
      2330   71  
250         74  
          79 1590
      2340   81  

After the PROMISE.       WORLDE.     Joseph Before the birth of CHRIST.

from the Heathen: Also in
Paul: and his systers sonne, to
vvhom all the vvorlde is behol­den,
vvho by an Heathen saued
Paul from the Iewes. An­dronicus,
& Hero­dion,
are also in the euenyng of
tymes noble deuiders of spoyles
agaynst Satan. Rom. 16, 7.

SAMSON of Dan, is to the
Philistines a Serpent by the
vvay, an Adder by the path: by­ting
the Horse heeles, so that his
rider shall fall back vvarde. Io­seph
is a fruiteful bough: tvvo
boughes: vvhereof ech do reach
vnto the vvall: By reason of
Manasses and Ephraim:
vvho not only make tvvo Tribes,
vvherby they had officers double,
and authoritie according: but also
encreased so in number, that E­phraī
ouermatched sōe vvhole
Tribe and thereafter had his por­tion
of the Holy land. Compare
vvith this Iacobs speache, the
blessing vvhervvith Moses bles­seth
the chyldren of Israel, vvho
speaking of Iosephs tvvo sons,
as tvvo Tribes: omitteth Sy­meō:
because more thē tvvelue,
neyther he nor any Prophet rec­koneth
together. Symeon for
euyl behauiour at that time vvas
vvorthiest to be vnnamed. Af­tervvardes
Dan deserued most
contempt, that first brought in I­dolatrie.
VVhē tvvelue Tribes be
reckoned in Ap. 7, vvherof tvvo
are for Ioseph, that more thē 12
shoulde not be reckoned, Dan is
left out, in detestation of his Ido­latrie.
VVherefore some thought,
that the Antichrist shoulde
come of Dan. In trueth he fol­lovveth
that Idolatrie, & by im­tation
is his sonne, but in propri­etie
Abaddon Ap. 9, is of
Cittim or Italy, Nū. 24, called
in Ebrevv Adey-obed. VVho


father vvil also forgeue your tres­passes.
But if you do not forgeue
men their trespasses, no more vvil
your Father forgeue your trespas­ses.
Iesus praide for thē that cru­cified
hym, Father forgeue
them: for they knowe not
what they do.
Luk. 23, 34
VVhen they heard Peter, they
vvere pricked: and gladly re­ceyued
his vvordes and vvere
baptised: and the same day there
vvere added 3000 soules. Act. 2
Steuen prayed for them that
stoned him: Lord lay not this
sinne to their charge.
Act. 7.
And Paul cōsented to his death:
and breathed threatninges against
the brethren, yet the lyght of the
Lord shined about him: & cōuer­ted
him, & he preached Christ.
Act. 9. Forgeue ye one an
other, as
God in Christ for­gaue
Eph. 4.

HEZRON. 1. Chro. 2, 5.

IOSEPH dyeth in Egypt.
being 110 Y. olde. Gen. 50, 26.
By Fayth Ioseph vvhen he di­ed,
made mention of the depar­tyng
of the Chyldren of Israel,
and gaue commaundement of his
bones Heb. 12, 22. His bones vvere
buried in the lande of Promyse.
The Fathers also vvere remoued
into Sychem, and vvere put in
the Sepulchers that vvas bought
for money of Hamor the Sy­chemite.
Act. 7, 16. The ar­chers
greeued Ioseph, and shot,
& hated him. His Bovve abode
in strength, and his armes had a
golden might: through the God
of Iacob vvhence he fed: from
the stone of Israel The blessinges
of Iacob vvere stronger then the
blessinges of his fathers. Gen. 49.

260         84  
          89 1580
      2350   91  
270         94  
          99 1570
      2360   101  
280         104  
          109 1560

After the PROMISE. Moses     WORLDE.       Before the birth of CHRIST.

shall perishe in the ende: at our
Lordes appearyng. 2. Thess. 2.

AS Christ is the chiefest of
Eber, vvhen at his birth Cit­tim
in Augustus afflicted,
compelling Ioseph and Mary
to repayre to their ovvne to vvne
to be taxed: and vnder Tibe­rius
crucified, euen the King of
glory: Reason vvoulde that the
Kingdome by vvhich the Lord
vvas killed, should be continually
punished, both vvith manifest
and spirituall Plagues. The Em­pire
of Rome, both by Paul, &
by the Apocalyps, is discoue­red
to afforde Emperours open
enemies. And after their de­struction,
a company making the
corporation of the man of sinne,
pretēding the povver of Christ,
& hauing hornes like the lambes:
yet practising the beastly Empe­rours
povver: being Adoni­kam,
standing vp as if he vvere
God. Ezra. 2, 13. Apoc. 13.
VVherefore let none dreame that
he riseth frō Dan: vvhose Tribe
vvas skattered a thousand yeeres
before the Popes supremacie.
None of Israel forsake the
idolles of
Egypt. Ezek. 20.
Therefore God geueth o­uer
their children to the
Exod. 1. This is the
only time since the Flood:
Satā might with most
liklihood brag that he had
ouercōe the whole earth.
the accuser of the brethrē
Iob. 1. Apo. 12. goeth abont seeking
vvhom he may deuoure. 1. Pet. 5.
MOSES is borne. Ex [...]. 2, 2.
The 7 generation from
buried of God: a
NOAH: saued in the
120 yeeres a prea­chyng
to the worlde, and
euer afterwardes.


GENESIS endeth in Ioseph,
conteynyng yeeres 2369. The
Booke of Iob, though it vvas
vvritten after Moses death: yet
in order of tyme falleth out be­fore
Exodus. But Moses vvas
to handle Abrahams blessing in
Isaac and Iacob: of vvhom our
LORD descendeth after the
flesh. And not the other families
of Abrahams seede by Ketu­rah.
Neuerthelesse vvhere as
God geueth Abraham a te­stimonie
of carefulnes in teaching
his house. It vvas good for vs, to
haue holy monumentes to register
their religion: That doth the booke
of Iob afforde in 23 vvyse ora­tions.
VVhereupon the Lord him
selfe cōmeth moderator of the dis­putatiō.
In the nevv Testamēt
their speaches be often cited to
most vveighty purposes: and the
vvhole booke is a diuine commen­tarie
vpon Genesis.

The chyldren of Israel filled the
land, and a nevv King arose that
knevv not Ioseph, vvho vexed
thē, and caused them to serue, and
cōmaunded the Midvviues to kil
the male children: and vvhē thus
he profited nothing, he charged
his people to cast euery man child
that sholde be borne into the

SATAN compasseth all
the Earth. IOB in the land
of Hus is sure that his re­deemer
liueth, and that he
shal stande the latter man
vpon the earth. Iob. 19, 25.
IOB is of Abraham by Ke­turah:
as may be gathered.
He can not be I [...]bab, who
died some ages before Mo­ses
was king in Israell. He
is sayde to be the rychest
of the sonnes of the East:
by which name the kinred
of Madian is tearmed. Ind. 6

  5         1490
  7   2440      

After the PROMISE. Moses     WORLDE.     Hosea Before the birth of CHRIST.

Moses first receiued & vvrote
diuinitie, vvith propheticall au­thoritie.
The booke of the Lords
vvarres: in Sichons victorie
Nō 21, 14. vvas after the Lavv:
and vvas some song made by Si­chons
fauourers: yet true for an
open action: & vvorthy citing: as
Aratus Act. 17. Menander
1. Cor. 15. Epimenides. Tit. 1.
Enoch his testimony, vvhich S.
Iude eiteth, is not frō a more anci­ant
thē Moses: but as the doctors
of Iuda did frame for Enoch a
long speach frō those short say­inges
that Moses vvriteth of
Enoch. The like they at this day
haue, for Satan disputing at
Moses buriall: as S. Iude folo­vveth.

HOSEA doth Moses call
Iesus, foreseeyng that he
shoulde bryng the people
into the land: & not him
not Moses [...]awe of vs vn­performeable,
bringeth vs
into the eternal rest. Nō. 13
Hosea vvas far frō couetous­nes.
19. To him Christ said,
1. I wil not leaue thee,
nor forsak thee. To vs. Eb. 12
MOSES visiteth his brea­thren.
Act. 7, 23.

BY fayth Moses, when he
was come to age, refused
to be called the sonne of
Pharaohs daughter, & chose
rather to suffer aduersitie
with the people of God,
thē to enioy the pleasures
of finne for a season, estee­ming
the rebuke of Christ
greater ryches then the
treasures of Egypt: for he
had respecte vnto the re­compence
of the reward
Heb. 11, 24.

MOSES was faythfull in
all his house as a seruant.


he called Bildad of Suach A­brahams
sonne, with the o­ther
disputers, his brethrē.
Though Eliphaz be of Esau,
and Elihu of Nahor, yet Iob
must far rather be of Ke­turah,
and a token of Gods
testimonie to Abraham for
instructing his posteritie.
ELIPHAZ Iobs felovv, is
Temanite: of Teman, of
Eliphaz, of Esau, of Isaac, of
Abraham: about the seuenth
Abrahā: elder then Iobs
father, if he speake of him selfe.
15. by vvhose age vve must
conclude that
Iob cānot be many
ages before
Moses, the seuenth
in an other line from
HOSEA is born, the se­uenth
frō blessed Ephraim.
Thus his byrth tyme is gathered.
All the particulers of
480 Y. in
1. King. 6. are noted, sauing 17
for Hosea: 110 frō the end of
that he vvas borne. For so long he
lyued. So long lyued lykevvyse

Ioseph. The equalitie of age,
dravveth vs to vveigh the equa­litie
of the personages.

Moab droue out the Gyants
Emims: and Ammon the
Zamzūmims Deu. 2. Sems
God not Camos did this.

CALEB, B. in Eg. Aram, & A­minadab,
D. Naassō, & Salmō B.
MOSES age vvhen he killeth
the Egyptian, is recorded of S.
Steuen to be 40 yeeres. And
of most lykelyhood so holden of the
Ebrewes in that tyme: other­vvyse
the holy man vvoulde not
haue troubled men, and aduersa­ries
vvith a nevv matter: yet the
later Ebrewes of purpose dif­fer,
taking heede least they agree
vvith vs, vvhere soeuer vve haue
not expres vvords. But the cause
it selfe may vrge thē, seeyng God
in his gouernement vseth most

360 10          
  15         1480
  17   2450      
370 20          
  25         1470
  27   2460      
  28   1  
  29       2  
380 30       3  
  31       4  
  32       5  
  33       6  
  34       7  
  35       8 1460
  36       9  
  37   2470   10  
  38       11  
  39       12  
390 40       13  
  41       14  
  42     15  
  43       16  
  44       17  
  45       18 1450
  46       19  
  47   2480   20  
  48       21  
  49       22  
400 50       23  
  51       24  
  52       25  
  53       26  
  54       27  
  55       28 1440
  56       29  
  57   2490   30  

After the PROMISE. Moses Egypt   WORLDE.     Hosea Before our L. bir [...]. CHRIST.

But CHRIST is GOD, who
made al. Nō. 12. Eb. 3. MOSES
saw Christ the Angell, the
God of Abrahā, Isaac, & Ia­cob,
in the bush. Ex. 3. Deu. 33.
MOSES taught that Christe
shoulde suffer by death to
ouercōe death. Eb. 2. Death
reigned frō Adam to Moses,
5. He that beleeueth
not Moses, will not beleeue
though one should rise frō
the dead. Luk. 16. But whē
Moses is read a couering li­eth
vpon the Ievves hartes.
2. Cor. 3, 14. Of Christ God
spake to
Moses: I sende my
Angell before thee: My
name is in him. Exod. 23, 20.
He is the ingraued forme
of Gods person. Ebr. 1, 3.
Iannes & lamb. cause to plagues.
MOSES brīgeth Israel out
of Egypt, by the blood of a
Lambe Exod. 12, 42. figuring
the Lambe of GOD, which
taketh away the sinnes of
the worlde. Iohn: 1, 29.

The Law was geuen by
Moses, but grace and trueth
came by Iesus Christ. Ioh. 1, 17
Nisan the 7, is hence the first.
The Fathers were al bap­tized
vnto Moses, in that
cloude, and in that Sea: &
did al eate the same spiri­tuall
meate, and did all
drinke the same spirituall
drinke: for they dranke of
the spiritual Rocke that fo­lowed
them: & the Rocke
was CHRIST. 1 Cor. 10, 2, 3.

The Fathers did eate
Manna, a spirituall meate,
bread frō Heauen: the Fa­ther
geueth the true bread
from Heauen, and geueth
lyfe vnto the worlde.

IESVS is the bread of
lyfe. Ioh. 6, 31.


playne numbers in mens ages and
yeeres most fit for the affayres.
This busines required the coun­tenaunce
of a stayed age, to make
an agreement ber vvene striuers.
The peregrinatiō of the childrē
of Israel vvhich vvere soiour­ners
in Egypt, vvas 430 Y.
Those being expired, the selfe
same day they departed. Ex 12. 40
Chams sonnesdelt vvith them
as the Kites vvoulde haue done
vvith the carkeises of Abra­hams
sacrifices: but God iudged
the nation, and brought Israel
foorth vvith great substaunce:
as Gen. 15, 14. There vvas not
one feeble persō among thē: vvho
vvere aboue sixe hūdred thousād
men, besides vvomen & children.
Leui his sonnes, their atyre, the
Tabernacle, vvith Arke, Table,
Altars, Candlesticke sacrifices,
these vvere a shadovv & should
cease frō vse at Christs death.
Moses telleth that vvhen they
are to come frō Babylon, God
vvil remember them of that to be
his couenaunt. Leu. 26, 42. That
falleth out in Daniel Dā. 9, 24.
Then they might knovv the very
houre of the ceremonies ended:
Christ the body entring into the
most holy, euen the heauens. Eb. 9.
Rome is called Egypt. Ap. 11
RACHAB borne.

SICHON taketh Cities from
Vaheb K. of Moab. Nō. 21.
that Israel might take them frō
Sichō. othervvise Israel might
not medle vvith Moab. Deu. 2.
Moses calleth humane testimo­nies
for these vvars, takē in hand
by a speciall purpose of God, the
booke of the vvars of Iehouah.
Mans age is brought to 70 yeres,
Psa. 90. vpon the misbelefe of the
ten spies, and the people the se­conde
yeere. Nō. 13. Then vvas
Caleb 40 yeere olde.

  59       32  
410 60       33  
  61       34  
  62       35  
  63       36  
  64       37  
  65       38 1430
  66       39  
  67   2500   40  
  68       41  
  69       42  
420 70       43  
  71       44  
  72       45  
  73       46  
  74       47  
  75       48 1420
  76       49  
  77   2510   50  
  78       51  
  79       52  
430 80   *   53  
Exod. 12, 41. Since the cōming frō Egypt. 81 1     54  
  82 2     55  
  83 3     56  
  84 4     57  
  85 5     58 1410
  86 6     59  
  87 7 2520   60  
  88 8     61  
  89 9 *   62  
  90 10     63  
  91 11     64  
  92 12     65  
  93 13   66  
  94 14   67  
  95 15     68 1300
  96 16     69  
  97 17 2530   70  
  98 18     71  
  99 19     72  
20 100 20     73  
  101 21     74  
  102 22     75  
  103 23     76  
  104 24     77  
  105 25     78 1390
  106 26     79  
  107 27 2540   80  

Since the cōming from EGYPT. Moses Egypt   WORLDE.     Hosea Before the birth of CHRIST.
  108 28

As Moses lyft vp the Serpent
in the Wildernes, so must
the Sonne of man be lyft
vp. Ioh. 3, 14.

NAASSON dieth.

Balaam speaketh of Christ:
his Starre: his Scepter. Nō. 24.
The 40 y. in the vvildernes, is
named in Ex. 16. No. 14. Deu. 1.
Ios. 5. Ne. 9. Psa. 95. Act. 13.
By fayth Phinehas stayed the
Plague. He begat Ezra. Ez. 7.
MOSES dieth. Deut. 34.
HOSEA, Ioshua, or Iesus of
Ephraim, ruleth 17 Y. and
executeth the cursse
Gen. 9.
making Caanā a seruant to
Sem. The Sunne stayed. Hab. 3.
The Sun lost his lyght. Mat. 27.
THE seuenth yeere the Lande
shall rest. Leui. 25.

YF Iesus had setled the people
in rest, then vvould not Dauid
after this, haue spoken of an o­ther
rest. VVe haue a great Sa­crificer,
vvhich is entred into hea­uen,
euen Iesus the sonne of
God: Let vs study to enter
into that rest. Heb. 4, 8.

IESVS dieth 110 Y. olde.
iudgeth Israel 40 Y. Iud 3, 11
40 Yeeres after the death of
Iesus, Othoniel iudgeth and
reuēgeth the cause of Israel: as
a rare Captaine: not as a cōtinual
officer. The high coūsel & ordi­nary
officers vver to rule. vvher­of
Otho. might be a special mā.
OTHONIEL the vanquisher
Chusan sheweth in good
part that
Iudah is a Lyon
for Shiloh: whom they o­beyed
not, nor droue out
the Heathen as
Christ that
Shiloh cōmaunded thē, but
learned of the Heathens
workes, and serued theyr
Idols, which were their
Psal. 106, 34.


BALAAM speaketh of de­struction
to Amalek, Edom.
Moab, Assur Cittim
in the
end OBED, cōming to destructiō.
By Cittim afflicting Heber,
vvhose chiefe son Christ vvas:
he meaneth chiefly Italy: vvhose
first name vvas Cittim. VVith
this agreeth Ierom. The He­brewes,
Onkelos, Iarchi,
Ezra, Sadaiah, Isaac, Ram­bā,
vvho saith: he sea­leth
his prophecie in Abaddon
vvhich is the povver of
Rome &c. as Paul doth. 2. Th.
and Ap. 9. in Abaddō, &. 17.
Balaam taught of a Beast:
myght teach that Beast. Ap. 11.
vvho is that bad Abaddon.
CALEB is 85 Y. olde. Ios. 14.

Thou shalt number seuen
Sabbaths of yeeres vnto
thee, euen 7 times 7 yeres:
and the space of the 7 sab­baths
of yeeres wilbe 49
yeeres. Then thou shalt
cause to blow the Trum­pet
of the Iubilee in the 10
day, the 7 moneth: euen in
the day of the reconcilia­tion
shal ye make the trū ­pet
to blow, throughout
al your lande. And ye shal
hallowe that yeere, euen
the 50 yeere, & shall pro­clayme
libertie in the land
to all the inhabitaunts
thereof: It shall be the Iu­bilee
vnto you, and ye shal
returne euery man to his
possessiō, & to his familie.
For it is the Iubilee, & shall
be holy vnto you. Leu. 25.

Seeyng euery promise of God
in Christ is yea and amen,
the Iubilee must be referred to
Christ his death, sealing euery
phrophesie. Dan. 9. Therfore men
are bound to marke the due ac­compt

  109 29     82  
30 110 30     83  
  111 31     84  
  112 32   85  
  113 33   86  
  114 34     87  
  115 35     88 1380
  116 36     89  
  117 37 2550   90  
  118 38     91  
  119 39     92  
40 120 40     93  
    1     94  
    2     95  
    3     96  
    4     97  
    5     98 1370
    6     99  
    7 2560   100  
    8     101  
    9     102  
50   10     103  
    11     104  
    12     105  
    13     106  
    14     107 Rest.
    15     108 1360
    16     109  
  17 2570 110  
60 3          
  4         Rest.
  8         1350
  10   2580      
  11         Rest
70 13          
  18         1340
  20   2590      

Since the cōmyng from EGYPT. Othoniel Ehud   WORLDE.     Chushan Before the birth of CHRIST.
  21 *

BY this time the elders are
dead in 42 yeres after the
conquest. Here aboutes
Moses house bringeth in I­dolatrie:
for Ionathan the
Nephew of Gerson the son
of Manasses was Priest to
the tribe of Dan, vntill the
transmigratiō of the land.
That is, while the Arke
was in Silo Iud. 18, 30.

IN this age, though Phinehas
were yet aliue, they knew
not God. Iud. 20. Gibeah de­stroyed
65000. They fo­lowed
Baalim. God solde
them to their enemies.

SALMON begat Booz of
Rachab, now holy. Eb. 11.

S. Mat. citeth cōmon recordes.
EHVD of Beniamin a man
lame of his right hande,
iudgeth Israel. 80 yeeres
Iud. 3, 30.

DO not thynke that Ehud
ruled 80 yeeres, for so you should
deceiue your selfe. Since the shor­tenyng
of mans age to 70 or 80
yeeres: none in Scripture is re­corded
to haue ruled any thyng
neare 80 yeeres. Iosepth in
Egypt vvas the last in all the
Scripture that bare rule so long a
season. But after the fourtie
yeeres mentioned vnder Otho­niel,
it vvas 80 yeeres to the
ende of Ehuds affayres.

IVDA and Beniamin hauing
the fyrst glory in defen­ders,
Othoniel and Ehud re­uiue
the memory of Iacobs
last speche, wherein they
two are shewed to be the
holders of their soyle, as a
Lion, and a VVolfe: vntyll
Shiloh come, euen to the
euenyng. Gen. 49.

BENIAMIN had neede of
great comfort: after their great
slaughter at Gibeah. They


of Iubilees beginning: &
to ioyne the last to the L. death.

The Ebrewes red Moses
for Ma nases lifting na, to
shevv Gerson Moses son:
& their quicke deadly fall:
S. Ierome reuerenced that:
& layeth do vvne there Mo­ses
for Manases, Marke
the Ebrewe in Venice
Print: and Ieroms trans­lation
there. Iud. 15, 30.

CHVSAN risathaim
king of Aram-naharaim op­presseth
Israel 8 yeeres.
Iud. 3, 8.

Because of sinne I saw the
tentes of Chusan. Hab. 3.

IN the Iubilee they returne
to their possessions: by o­uercommyng
Chusan. Here
the Ceremonie and the
Historie agreeth.

Likewise in the seuenth, vvhē
Samuel ruleth: and in the 28
vvhen our Lord dieth. Then
vve returne to open recouerie of
Paradise: from vvhiche A­DAM
vvas driuen Luk. 23, 43.
Then vvas a resurrection for
some turned once to dust: and
that vvas a vvonderful yeere:
a tyme vvhich the Lorde had
made. The Iewes vpon Leu. 25.
vvrite of singuler blessinges for
that yeere vvhich fall out in the
yeere vvherein our Lord died.
in most strange & heauenly sort.
Then the Lord hauyng ouer­come
death, vvas seene 40 dayes:
and of 500 breathren at once:
but neuer of any vvickedmen: to
vvhom the resurrection turneth
not to glory & ioy, but to shāe &
vvoofulnes euerlasting. 1 Cor. 15.
Esay teachyng of Christ she­vveth
the notation of his name:
and contriueth all to Christ his
death, saying: The spirite of

80 23          
  28       1330
  30   2600      
Rest. 32 *        
90 33       1  
  34       2  
  35       3  
  36       4  
  37       5  
  38     6 1320
Rest 39       7  
IVB. 40   2610   8  
1 1          
100 3          
Rest 6          
  8         1310
  10   2620      
110 13          
  18         1300
  20   2630      
Rest. 21          
120 23          
Rest. 28         1290
  30   2640      

Since the comming from EGYPT.   Ehud   WORLDE.     Eglon Before the birth of CHRIST.

vvere then so actiue, that left
handed they coulde sling stones at
an heares breadth, and not fayle.
Iud. 20, 16. God deliuereth them
by one of Beniamin lame of
his right hand.

NOTE for Salmon, Booz,
and Iesse, that they be­get
their sonnes being each one a­bout
Abrahams yeeres vvhen
he begate Isaac. This mooued
them to thynke vpon some spe­ciall
grace of God: though they
had not since Iudah Gen. 49.
vnto Dauid 2. Sa. 7. a distinct
persōnamed, of vvhō our Lord
after the fleshe shoulde aryse.
For theyr foure ages, vve haue
eyghteene from Korah to Sa­muels
sonnes. Marke hovve
Samuel cōmeth of Korah.
IN this order. 1, is Korah, 2
Assir, 3 Elkanah, 4 Ebia­saph,
5 Assir, 6 Tachath, 7
Vriel, 8 Vziah, 9 Saul, 10
Elkanah, 11 Amasai, 12
Tzophai, 13 Nachath, 14
Eliab, 15 Ierocham, 16
Elkanah, 17 Samuel, the
18, Vasni or Ioel. 1. Chr. 6.
Note that the congregation gate
them avvay from the Taberna­els
of Korah, Dathan, and
Abiram. And the earth svval­lovved
them vp, vvith their
Families, and all the men that
vvere vvith Korah. Nom. 16,
27. But the sonnes of Korah
dyed not. Nom. 26, 11. Therefore
they fledde from their Father to
Moses. Of them commeth Sa­muel:
and the makers of cer­tayne
Psalmes, all of comfort.
Israel is steyned vvith their
vvorkes. Their foes Moab. &
Amalek Nō. 25. Iud. 3. Ex. 17.
are Lordes ouer them, yet God
vvhen they vvere in affliction
hard their cry: and remembred
his couenant. Psal. 106, 39.


the Lord God is vpō me,
thereforc hath the Lorde
annoynted me: he hath
sent me to preache good
tidinges vnto the poore,
to bynde vp the broken
harted, to preach libertie
to the captiues, and to thē
that are bound, the ope­nening
of the prison, to
preache the acceptable
yeere of the Lord. Isa. 61.
THE Lord shevveth in Na­zareth
hovv he then preaching
of the acceptable yeere of the
Lord: did performe that in their
hearng. And as for preaching the
doctrine of saluatiō, the most
vvas to be killed: euen of
his ovvne: vvho vvoulde not
knovv him: so they of Naza­reth
shevved presently their
inclination: vvho bearyng vvit­nesse
to his gracious vvordes,
led hym to an hill to cast hym
dov vne headlong Luc. 4.

The terme Iubal signifieth car­rying,
or a streame. This Iubilee
cannot be named of a Rams
horne by the Ebrew: but of Iu­bal,
a streame or dravving, as
vvhich leadeth vs to C. death.

EGLON Kyng of Moab,
and with him Ammon, &
Amalek oppresseth Israel 18
yeeres. Iud. 3, 13.

His name is a Calfe, and so like
a fat Calfe he vvas: his slouenlike
ende is an ensample for them
vvhose God is their belly: vvhose
belly God filleth vvith his hid
treasure, vvho are of the vvorld,
and haue their portion in this
lyfe. Psal. 17.

Such a mōstter vvas Pt. Phys­con,
that ended the Iron legge of
Egypt. Dan. 2. Athenaeus.

SAMGAR killed 600
Philistines with a Goade, &
helped Israel. Iud. 3, 31.

130   33        
    38       1280
    40 2650      
    42       Rest.
140   43        
    48       1270
    49       Rest.
    50 2660     IVB.
    51       2
150   53        
    56       Rest.
    58       1260
    60 2670      
160   63     1 Rest.
    64     2  
    65     3  
    66     4  
    67     5  
    68     6 1250
    69     7  
    70 2680   8 Rest.
    71     9  
    72     10  
170   73     11  
    74     12  
    75     13  
    76     14  
    77     15  
    78   16 1240
    79     17  
    80 2690   18  

Since the comming from EGYPT. Samgar, etc. Gideon   WORLDE.     Sisera Before the birth of CHRIST.

The 40 Y. beginne here,
which after mention of
Samgar, Iael, Deborah, Barak,
are reckoned after Siseras

HERE the people vvoulde be
chosing strange Goddes. Therefore
shortly the Lord solde them into
the hand of
Iabin King of Ca­naan:
that the seruaunt of ser­uauntes
shoulde rule them, that
forsoke the blessed God of
hauyng tasted of such great sal­uation
Now their
path fayled: their villages
fayled: the warrier was at
their gate: the noyse of the
Archer was among the
drawing welles. Yet God
gaue that remnant of Ca­naan
to the coragious Ba­rak:
the Lord made Deborah
rule by the myghty Iud. 5.

SAMVEL repeateth this story,
and others about it saying: vvhē
they forgat the Lord, he solde
thē to Sisera, the Philistines,
and the King of Moab. But
they cryed vnto the Lord to de­lyuer
them. Also the Lord sent
Ierubbaal, and Bedan, that
is, Samson of Dan, Iephte,
and Samuel, and delyuered you
from your enemies 1. Sam. 12, 9.
Gideon, Barak, Samson,
Iephte, Dauid, Samuel,
the Prophetes obteyned promises,
and receyued not the promise.

GIDEON, or Ierubbaal:
That Barley cake, of Manasses
Iud. 6. defendeth Israel. 40
yeeres. Iud. 8, 28.

Sancuniathon an olde vvri­ter
of Canaan, in Ierub­baals
tyme, vvho vvrote in that
language, and vvas translated
into Greke by Philo Byblios
nameth one [...] Ierom­baal,


A great Famine in Israel ma­keth
Elimelech and Naomi
goe to Moab vvith their tvvo
sonnes, vvho maried there, and
dyed there also, Elimelech di­ed,
vvidovv Naomi, after ten
yeeres returneth to Bethleem
and Ruth vvith her, a
Moabite, vvidovv to Mach­lon.
This daughter, of Lot
that blessed Abraham & left
his countrey for him, Gen. 12,
leaueth Parentes & countrey, to
be couered vnder the Lordes
vvinges. The Lorde vvas her
recompence Christ commyng
of her. Math. 1. O depth of vvis­dome,
that Lots vvine, or this
vvant shoulde be a meanes that
Christ should come of him.

SISERA chiefe Captaine
Iabin king of Canaan op­presseth
Israel 20 yeeres.
Iud. 4, 3. He had 900 iron Cha­rets:
& in Israel among 4000
vvas not a Shylde or Speare.
Yet Deborah arose a mother in
Israel, vvho styrred vp Barak
of Nephthali, to vvrestle the
vvrestlynges of God, and to goe
lyke an Hart loused agaynst Si­sera
and all his Charets. GOD
vvould goe before him: the Stars
shoulde fight: the vvaters of
Mageddō the riuer Kishon
shoulde svveepe them. Iud. 5.

GOD prouiding a better thing
for vs, that they vvithout vs
should not be perfect. Ebr. 11.

MAGEDDONS fielde was
fought by Barak wherein
Sisera was ouer come.

This victory at Mageddon
that is the place of cutting in
peeces is reuiued Apo. 16. by
the like against the Antichrist,
at the moūt of Mageddō, vvhē
lyghtnyng and voyces are heard:
vvhich notably fell out this yeere
1588. agaynst the 7 hilled

180 3          
  8         1230
  10   2700      
Rest. 12          
190 13          
  18         1220
Rest. 19          
IVB. 20   2710      
3 21       1  
  22       2  
200 23       3  
  24       4  
  25       5  
  26       6  
Rest. 27       7  
  28       8 1210
  29       9  
  30   2720   10  
  31       11  
  32       12  
210 33       13  
Rest. 34       14  
  35       15  
  36       16  
  37       17  
  38     18 1200
  39       19  
  40   2730   20  
Rest.   1        
220   3        
Rest.   8       1190
    10 2740      

Since the comming from EGYPT. Abimelech Gideon   WORLDE.     Madian Before the birth of CHRIST.

sacrificer to Iehouah
[...]. This must needes be Gi­deon
of any recorded in Scrip­tures,
though he vvere not of
Leui, Euseb. 1 Dem.
NOTE vpon this poynt, that of
most auncient tyme Iehouah
vvas pronounced, not Adonai
but Iehouah: Therefore Pa­gnine
and our learned men do
better then the Pseudoca­tholiques,
in pronouncing of it.
It may be that the Heathen
corrupting the terme, the Iewes
myght reade it seldomer to keepe
it from their mouthes.

GIDEONS valiāt souldiers drin­king
vvithout bovving dovvne,
is alluded vnto in phrase. Psa. 110
He shall drynke of the
brooke in the way: he shal
lyft vp the head.
His fayth
staying vpon thinges vnseene is
renovvmed. Ebr. 11.

GIDEON had 70 sonnes by
his vviues, and Abimelech
by a Concubine.

three yeeres. Iud. 9, 22.

TOLA of Issachar de­fendeth
Israel. 23 yeeres.
Iud. 10, 1.

HE hath no great matter recor­ded
of hym. Marke hovv God
parteth his graces amongst the
Tribes. He shevveth some glory
to al Leahs childrē sauing Ru­ben
& Symeon: None to her
handmaydes: because Rachel
vvas to haue some equalitie frō
vvhose ovvne sonnes: & sōnes by
her mayde: Iudges are stirred vp.
In Tola Issachar vvas a strōg
Asse: in vvhose dayes they re­ioyced
in their Tentes, and savv
rest that it vvas good: beyng


Mountayne, vvhen the Dragon
and the false Prophet had styrred
Kinges of the earth to syght
vvith Shyppes hygher thē hilles:
vpon the vvaters vvhere they
vvere cut in peeces: thē flames of
pouder vvere seene, & thundering
of Gunnes vvere hard: But chiefly
vvynde and vveather made the
Papistes starke mad: that Ca­naan
can neuer recouer their
strength. So God hath cut them in
peeces, that novv the blynde may
see Babel fall. Curse Meroz O
Lord, and all that fauour Babel
likevvise destroy: but let them be
as the bright Sunne that loue Ie­rusalem.
our Q. to buylde it: vvhom thou
hast made a Lampe to all Israel
through Europe. Let that cur­sed
Canaan the seruaunt of
seruauntes knovve hym selfe a
Beast. Amen.

MADIAN oppresseth Is­rael
7 yeeres. Iud. 6, 1.

AMALEK assist, and the east,
vvhō I holde Keturahs chyl­dren.
Oreb and Zeb are an
ensample for Gods fooes Psa. 83.
This ABIMELECH slevve all
his breathren, sauing Iotham:
and is made King in Sichem.
The Oliue, the Figge tree, and the
Vine: The former Iudges vvhich
had the iwyce of grace, vvould not
reigne, but vvoulde haue God
theyr king: but the Bramble
vvoulde, from vvhō a fire consu­med
the Cedars: Abimelech
his braine pan is broken by a vvo­man
in Tebez. He biddeth his
Page kil him out right Iud. 9, 54.
Dauid repeateth that: 2. Sam.
11, 21.

230   13        
    18       1180
    20 2750      
    22       Rest.
240   23        
    28       1170
    29       Rest.
    30 2760     IVB.
    31       4
250   33        
    35   1  
    36     2  
    37     3 Rest.
    38     4 1160
    39     5  
    40 2770   6  
  1     7  
260   1       Rest.
    5       1150
    7 2780      
    8       Rest.
270   11        
    15       1140
    17 2790      

Since the com̄ing from EGYPT. Jair Tola   WORLDE.     Philistines Before the birth of CHRIST.

kept in the quietnes vvhich Ge­deon
had gotten.

IAIR of Manasses defen­deth
Israel. 22 Y. lud. 10, 3.
HE is thought to be called also
Bedan, named 1. Sam. 12, 11.
and 1. Chr. 7, 17. In Nomb. 32.
There is a former Iair of Ma­nasses:
& hath there cities cal­led
Chauoth Iair, after his
ovvne name. 1. Chr. 2. An other
Iair: is sonne of Segub, vvhich
toke a vvifein Gilead: by vvhō
he helde 23 Cities. This man is of
posteritie: as tyme vvell argueth,
and had 30 sonnes and Cities.
I can not thinke Iair to be Be­dan:
for from his tvvelfth yere,
Ammon afflicted Israel: and
vvere not deliuered: but by Be­dan
they vvere.

ELY borne.

IEPHTE of Manasses the only
Harlots son commended of God.
Ebr. 11. ruleth 6 Y. Iud. 12. 7.
He sacrificed not his daughter,
but made her a perpetual virgin.
Da. Cimchi in Thanah.
Iuda & of Beth­leem
7 yeere. Iud. 12, 9. He had
30 sonnes and 30 daughters, all
maryed. Booz, he cannot be,
by age: though many dreame of

ELON of Zabulon 10 Y.
Iud. 12, 11. He hath no perticu­ler
recorde of any exployte there­fore
vve must referre his actiui­tie
to such enemies as vvere na­med
in generall. I did put you
partly in mynde hovv God cho­seth
these Captaynes vvith spe­ciall
regarde to deuide his bles­singes
among the Tribes,
vvhose Patriarkes by birth or
behauiour, or some other cause
had not great inferioritie.


ISRAEL agayne vvorshyppe
the Goddes of Aram, Sidon,
Moab, Ammon,
and the
Philistines, therefore God
gaue them to the Philistines
and the Moabites. Eyghtteene
yeeres the Moabites oppresse
them, vnsubdued by Iair, vntyll
Iephte. The Philistines vn­mighty
hitherto since Othoniel
afflict them vnto Samson, &
Ely: a lytle vnder Samger.
OBED of Ruth, or such other
godly, being the foundation of the
state, make Israel acknovvledge
their sinne. So God regardeth

ABOVT Iephte his victorie
Samson is borne: and decla­red
from God to be a reuenger.
IEPHTE citeth Sichons story:
vvhich citatiō Moses prepared.

THE 300 yeres since the
commyng of Israel out of
Egypt Iudg. 11, 26.

This place sheweth that
Hosea cannot haue 28 Y.
as the levves in their histo­rie
Cahalah thinke, which
wilfully disturbe all. Be­sides
that, S. Paul geuing
Saul 40 yeeres. Act. 13, 21.
leaueth to Hosea but 17
yeeres of the 480 men­tioned
in the 1. King. 6.
Note that the 40 Y. in the vvil­dernes
are ioyned as one tyme
here, and els vvhere, that a thing
done in any part of it may be rec­koned
from the beginning.

PHILISTINES oppres­seth
Israel 40 Y. Iud. 13, 1.
IESSE B. Christ is of Iesse:
a goodly spring. Isa. 11.
The tovvne Nazareth allu­deth
vnto that Luk. 2.

280   20        
  2         1130
  4   2800      
Rest. 6          
290 7        
  12       1120
Rest. 13          
IVB. 14   2810      
5 15 *        
300 17          
Rest. 21 *        
  22         1110
    2 2820      
310   5        
Rest.   6        
  4         1100
  6   2830   1  
  7       2  
    1     3  
320   2   4  
    3     5  
    4     6  
    5     7  
    6     8  
Rest.   7   9 1090
    8     10  
    9 2840   11  

Since the com̄ing from EGYPT. Abdon Samson   WORLDE.     Philistines Before the birth of CHRIST.

ABDON of Ephraim 8 Y.
His countinance & vvealth in 70
knights of his loynes is his prayse.
He shevveth Gods goodnes in
multiplying Ephraī. If he op­pressed
not, he repressed the Phi­listines:
yet sone they here a­boutes
freshly oppresse 40 Y.

SAMSON of Dan iudgeth
his people
20 Y. Iud 16, 31.
A Serpent to the Philistines:
in the Foxes, Asseiavv, & house
postes: the heeles of that Horse
vvhervpon 3000 Philistines
rode, & fellbackvvard. Gen. 49.
IACOB looked for God to be
his saluation in Christ: vvho
in death shoulde ouercome his
enemies: and saue him selfe.
From Zora & Estaol Dans
idolatrie sprang, and from E­phraims
eleuen hundred sicles:
for vvhich Israel suffered op­pressours
an hundred and eleuen
yeeres: and Dalilas eleuen hun­drethes
of Sicles ouerthrevve
Samsō Vpon vvhō at Zora &
Estaol Gods spirite came.

ELY of Leui of Ithamar 40
yeeres. 1. Sam. 4, 18.

HE in zeale is vnlike Phinehas
of Eleazar: vvho killing the
Fornicators, stayed the Plague, &
receiued from God a couenant of
peace. Nō. 25. Ely stayed not his
sonnes from adultery: vvherefore
God brought death vpon him &
thē, vvith 34000 of Israel,
and shame vpon his house.

SAMVEL borne. 1. Sam. 1
Anna vvas a Prophet, & spake
of Christ 1. Sā. 2. vvhō An­na
Panuels. D.
savv. face to
face. Mary folovveth Annas
song. Lu. 1. vvhich helpeth much
to knovv her meaning.

Samuel is a nevv Moses: &
cōparable to him in many poynts.
Both of Leui, vvere kings 40 Y.

2841 Ephraim needed no glory:
& yet for Ioseph & Iosuahs
sake God vvould geue them one
Iudge: Ephraī despised Ma­nasses:
nothing regarding Iair
for iudgshyp: nor his Cities nor
sonnes: nor Gideon for discō ­fiture
of Madiā & Amalek:
nor Iephte for Ammō though
for their lisping pride therein,
42 thousand smarted. Michas
Idolatrie frō mount Ephraim
infecting Leui & Dan, might
haue humbled them: vvhereby
they three have the last and least
glory among the Iudges: vntyll
their idolatrie is by Samuel re­moued,
after the transmigration
of the Land. Also that Idolatry
might be a great cause, that God
gaue vp 4000 of Israel in a
better cause to Beniamins
svvorde. That Historie is ioyned
to Samsons death, to geue a
close vvarning of Gods displea­sure
in Samson: & Ely: & in
remouing the Arke frō Syloh.
Yet for due time is must be placed
as I haue set it: though great men
olde & nevv thinke othervvise.
This one reason of many may
serue: Phinehas vvas then a­liue:
and about 90 Y. aged: In
Chusans first yere, to haue 266
yeeres more by Samsons fall: it
vvere strange. The Ebrews
that gaue him so many, spake as
the phrase lyeth, accordyng to
their maner, not as they thinke,
in proper trueth. So they make
Naamah Noahs vvife: and
Dina Iobs: Thamar Mel­chisedecs
daughter: because in
open phrase better men cannot be
named▪ though in truth it cannot
be so. So in Phrase Melchise­dec
cōtinueth for euer as GOD.
In Zoar vpō Gen. 14. & Heb 7.
So folovving the phrase in 18 se­uerall
Scriptures of the Iudges
  1     13  
330 2       14  
  3       15  
  4       16  
  5       17  
  6       18  
  7       19 1080
  8       20  
    1 2850   21  
    2     22  
    3     23  
340   4     24 Rest.
    5     25  
    6     26  
    7     27  
    8     28  
    9     29 1070
    10     30 Rest.
    11 2860   31 IVB.
    12     32 6
    13     33  
350   14     34  
    15     35  
    16     36  
    17     37  
    18     38 Rest.
    19     39 1060
    20     40  
  1   2870      
360 4          
  5         Rest.
  9         1050
  11   2880      
  12       Rest.
370 14          
  19         1040
  21   2890      

Since the com̄ing from EGYPT. Ely Samuel   WORLDE.       Before the birth of CHRIST.

fought, killed kings, prated for Is­rael.
Both their byrth, educatiō,
& cōfirmatiō had great notable­nes:
to shevv thē restorers of the
state. Ely heareth tvvise from
God, that his sonnes shal die in one
day: that his house shalbe Icha­bod
vvithout glory for euer: that
a true one shalbe set vp euen Sa­doc,
vvho is of Eleazar. Ther­in
God againe remembreth Phi­nehas
Nū. 25. For vvhose sōnes
necligēce God set vp Ely, vvhose
Achimelec is deriued from
Ithamar. 1. Chr. 24. & 1. Sā. 2
BARZILLAI B. is 80 Y. olde
vvhē Absalō rebelled 2. Sā 19.
thē his strength vvas but sorovv.
& Saul 40 y. Act. 13.
Midras. Ps 24. & Cimchi Ps. 99.
Samuel reuiueth prophecying:
vvhich is the Horses & Charets
of a Kingdome: and a recreation
of the vvorlde: vvhich thing ap­peareth,
and so is tearmed, in
the seuenth age, vvhen ELIAS
vnder Iosaphat is taken vp.

DAVID the seuenth sōne
of Iesse, & 14 frō Abraham
is borne in Bethleem, where
the Lord should be: whose
dignitie maketh the lytle
towne great. Mich. 5. Mat. 2.
Since the Arke vvas taken and
brought to
Cariath Iarim the
vvooddy fielde from
Syloh E­phratha.
Psa. 132. vntyll 20
yeeres the Philistines vvere
hard enimies. But then they fall
and are oppressed for all the tyme
Samuels sole gouernement.
1. Sam. 7.

Samuel vvaxing olde, his sōnes
Ioel & Abiah ruled: but cor­ruptly:
thereupon Israel desired
a King, not as Moses and the
Iudges vvere, but as the Hea­then
had. God appoynteth
SAVL of Bēiamin. 1. Sā. 9.


and oppressours: For the vvhole
tyme 339 yeeres vvhich is rec­koned
vvith the Iudges or defen­dours.
VVe haue III yeres more:
for Chusan 8, Eglon 18,
Sisera 20, Madian 7, Am­mon
18, Philistines 40, af­ter
a sort 450 Act. 13. euen so
Iosep. Ant. 8, 2. includeth the
same accompt exactly in a grea­ter
sūme, reckoning frō Moses
dealyng vvith Pharaoh to the
foundation of Salomons Tem­ple
592 yeeres for the 480. 1.
King 6. This shevveth the num­ber
Act. 13. to conteyne no fault:
but plaine heauenly vvisedome:
that in one vvorde reckoneth all
the Iudges and all the troublers.
MARKE vvhat God hath done
to Syloh. 1. Sā. 4. 34000 die.
The Arke is taken: Hophni &
Phinehas are killed, Ely brea­keth
his necke: his daughter in
lavv nameth her childe Icha­bod
no glory, and dyeth.

AS God hath done to Syloh:
so vvil he do to Ierusalē. Iere [...].

Hytherto the Arke vvas in
Ephraim. Novv God despiseth
Syloh the Tabernacle of Io­seph:
& choseth not Ephraim
but Iudah from vvhom Shi­loh
vvas to arise. Gen. 49.

HERE Theoderetus may be
cited vpon Leuiticus: vvhat
meaneth: Then shal the land
rest & pay her Sabbothes;

He sayth, you shalbe in your ene­mies
land, for in Babylon they
serued 70 Y. Novv from Sauls
reigne to the Captiuitie, are 490
yeres vvhere in are 70 seauens.

AS Israel despised God
in Samuel to finde Saul: so
Iuda despised Christ for
Caesar. God geueth suche
Kinges in vvrath and re­moueth
them in his anger.
Hose. 13, 11.

380 24          
  29         1030
  31   2900      
Rest. 33          
390 34          
  39         1020
Rest. 40          
IVB.   1 2910      
7.   2      
400   4        
Rest.   8        
    9       1010
    11 2920      
410   14        
Rest.   15        
    19       1000
    21 2930      
Rest.   22        
420   24        
Rest.   29       990
    31 2940      

Since the comming from EGYPT. David Samuel   WORLDE.       Before the birth of CHRIST.

DAVID is vncted in Bethleē:
killeth Goliath: harpeth avvay
Sauls feende: marieth not Me­rob
but Mical: shūneth Saul:
to Gath, Moab, Ammon:
vvandring as Kedar. Psa. 120.
RVBEN & GAD glory ouerthe
Hagarims. 1. Chro. 5. 10.

SAMVEL duth. Seder-lam.
DAVID is vncted K of Iuda
in Hebrō at 30 yers as Christ
vvas at his baptisme.

Many of altribes run to Dauid:
Though Isbosheth resisted him
7 Y. in the end he vvas killed, as
he liued a man of shame. 2. Sā 4.
DAVID vncted K at Ierusa­lem,
exactly a thousande yeeres
before Christ vvas baptised:
reigneth our Lords yeeres 32, 6.
moneths. He tamed the Philist.
at Perazim Esa. 28. Aram,
Moab, Ammon, Edom,
him riseth that Scepter for all
Seths sōnes. He delt as a Lion
ascending frō his pray. Gen. 49.
CHRIST the Liō of Iuda
5. is promised by Na­than
to be of Dauids loynes:
who hath the keyes of Da­uids
kingdome. Apo. 3.

SALOMON B. of Beth­seba,
wyfe once to Vriah,
of Canaan: now a possesion
Dauid of Sem. Dauid na­meth
that sonne NATHAN,
vvho shoulde be father after the
flesh to the sonne of God. For
Vriahs vvife and lyfe: Satan
stirred griefe in Thamar de­flovvred,
Amnon killed after
tvvo yeres, Absalō arebel after
5 yere. His rebellion fell out som­vvhat
before Dauids 40 Y.

Barren Michals children, as
Nephevves vvhich one bare, not
she but Merob, to Adriel, are
vvithout partialitie hanged.
2. Sam. 21. Blame not the Text.

SALOMON 40 yeere


SAVL saueth thankfull Iabes
frō miserable Ammō. Iona­thā
discomfiteth Philistines.
Heb. 11. Saul vvylbe a sacri­ficer,
tender to Amalek, cruel to
Ionathā, Dauid, Leuites,
vvanteth an E­phod
folovveth a witch: seeth
a Samuel: goeth to destruction.
DAVID for his 40 yeeres vvas
a nevv Moses, or Samuel.

He alludeth to Moses saying,
He toke me as he did Moses
frō many waters. Psa. 18, 16
This Patriarke & Prophete in
holy Psames speaking by the spi­rite
of God. 2. sam. 23. Mat. 18.
taught his people the histories
past, and the prophecies to come:
vvhich dravv vnto Christ: as
if the matters vvere present.
Christ he called his Lord. Psa.
110. The sonne in vvhom they
that trust are happy. Psa. 2. Also
after God had promised hym
Christ, he called him Dauid:
Psa. 132. Mat. 3, 17.
Moreouer he spake of the Angels
vvorshipping of him at his com­ming,
of his body ordeyned for a
Sacrifice: Zeale, for Gods house▪
Hosanna cry, by Babes: conspi­racie,
by Herode and Pilate:
betraying, by one of his Table:
garmentes, lotted: vvordes, Ely,
Ely: bystanders flovvting in
vvordes & gesture: drinke, Gall:
sacrificehood, figured by Mel­chisedec:
resurrection, ascentiō,
Gentyles beleife: lastly, praying
for Salomon the King, tur­neth
his speach to Christ: Is­raelites
are thornes: Dauids
Kinges bad: yet Gods coue­nant
cōstant. Of Dauids loynes
Fathers to Christ onely Na­than,
Salathiel, Pedaiah,

and Zorobabel, are in the
Ebrew, for speciall purpose.
ROBOAM borne.

430   34        
    39       980
  1   2950      
  3         Rest.
440 4          
  9         970
  10         Rest.
  11   2960     IVB.
  12         8
450 14          
  17         Rest.
  19         960
  21   2970      
460 24         Rest.
  29         950
  31   2980     Rest.
470 34          
  38         Rest.
  39         940
    1 2990      


THE HOVSE OF DAVID VN­till our Lords daies: both his naturall line, and them after whom by right he was heire to the Kingdome.
  • DAVID.
    • [...] Salomon.
    • [...] Roboam.
    • [...] Abia.
    • [...] Asa.
    • [...] Iosaphat.
    • [...] Ioram.
    • These thre & Ie­hoiakim killed for euill ruling S. Mat. omitteth.
      • [...]
        They are greatly de­ceaued that end Salo­mons house with A­chaziah: and bring a­boue six hundreth er­rors into the genealo­gie. Besides, they de­riue our Lord from most wicked folke: though he honored all his true fathers with the gift of faith, being the roote of goodnes, whom we are to fol­low in the honouring of our parents, & can not go before him.
      • [...]

        That Ioas was sonne to Achaziah, and that Salomons stocke did not faile in Achaziah: we are taught by sixe plaine testimonies of Scripture 2. King. 11, 2 13, 1. 14, 13. 1. Chron. 3, 11. 2. Chr. 22. 11. 23, 3.

      • [...] Amaziah.
    • [...] Ozias.
    • [...] Ioatham.
    • [...] Achaz.
    • [...] Ezekias.
    • [...] Manasses.
    • [...] Amon.
    • [...]
      VVhereas Iosias be­getteth Iechonias & his brethren: Matt. 1. Vnderstād by brethrē cousins: that Iosias the grādfather begate vn­cles to Iechonias; as Tzedekias, called his brother, 2. Chr. 36. 10. but was properly his vncle & brother to his father, 1. Chr. 3. 15. and 2. King. 24. 17. & is also his sonne for successi­on. 1. Chr. 3. 16. Tzede­dekias died before the 37. yeres of Iechonias deliuerāce out of pri­son: in which prison after Tzedekias death Iechonias declared Salathiel his heire.
    • [...] Iakim, or Iehoiakim.
    • [...] Iehoiachin, or Ie-Chonias.

      He ended Salomons race: Ier. 22. Though Chonias were a signet vpon my finger, I will plucke him thence. O earth, earth, earth: write him childles. For none of his seede shal sit vpon the throne of Dauid or beare rule any more in Iuda.

    In that day I wil powre vpon the house of Dauid the spirite of grace & prayer: and they shall looke vpon me, whom they per­ced (saith Ieho­uah) & they shal bitterly mourne for that, euerie familie a parte: the familie of Nathan, of Da­uids house apart &c. Zach. 12. 10.

    • [...] [...] Nathan.
    • [...] Mattatha.
    • [...] Mainan.
    • [...] Melea.
    • [...] Eliakim.
    • [...] Ionan.
    • [...] Ioseph.
    • [...] Iuda.
    • [...] Simeon.
    • [...] Leui.
    • [...] Matthat.
    • [...] Iorim.
    • [...] Eliezer.
    • [...] Iose.
    • [...] [...] Er.
    • [...] [...] Elmodam
    • [...] [...] Cosam.
    • [...] [...] Addi.
    • [...] [...] Melchi.
    • [...] [...] Neri.
    • [...] [...] Salathiel.
    • [...] [...] Pedaiah.
    • [...] [...]

      When Babels 70. yeres were ended Da. 9. In Zorobabels first yere: an Angel telleth of seauentie seauens exactly decreed, for [...], Christ the Soueraine, to be killed, not for him selfe, but to take away sinne, to bring iustice, to seale visiō & prophet: after 3. yeres & a halfs preaching in confirming the Testa­ment for many. D [...]. 9.

      • [...] Abiud.
      • [...] Eliakim.
      • [...] Azor.
      • [...] Sadoc.
      • [...] Achim.
      • [...] Eliud.
      • [...] Eleazar.
      • [...] Matthan.
      • [...] Iacob.
      • [...] Ioseph.

        The husband of Marie the mother of our Lord Ie­sus Christ, who being to be holden Iosephs sonne by all law, was borne King of the Iewes. That he ac­knowledged: Pilate graunted: and the Iewes could name none but Caesar to hinder his right. Before the starre shewed, and Herod sought one borne a King. Afterwarde a further Kingdome is shewed. At that day when the halfe seauen came: Dan. 9. that the sonne was sealed, or was made as a signet, Agg. 2. Cantic. 8. 6. Then he is called Christ, Ioh. 1. 17. & hauing cōfirmed the Testament for ma­ny by his bloud: when they looked that the King­dom of heauen shoulde appeare: then is he made heire of all, ouer all powers in this worlde, and in that to come.

      Iehouah sayd to Aggei: Speake vnto Zorobabel Duke of Iuda, saying: I will shake heauen & earth, and ouer­throwe the throne of kings, (cōteined in the Image Daniel. 2. and beasts. Dan. 7.) At that day, saith Iehouah of hosts: I will take thee Zorobabel the sonne of Sa­lathiel. O my ser­uant, saith Ieho­uah, & wil make thee as a signet: for I haue cho­sen thee saith Ie­houah of hostes. The Apostles do 20. times record our L. to be of DAVID.

      • [...] Rhesa.
      • [...] Ioanna.
      • [...] Iuda.
      • [...] Ioseph.
      • [...] Semei.
      • [...] Mattathias.
      • [...] Maath.
      • [...] Nagge.
      • [...] Essi.
      • [...] Naum.
      • [...] Amos.
      • [...] Mattathias.
      • [...] Ioseph.
      • [...] Ianna.
      • [...] Melchi.
      • [...] Leui
      • [...] Matthat.
      • [...] Eli.
      • [...] Marie.

        Iesus promised to Eue, Noe, Sē, Ab [...]han, Isaac, Iacob, Juda, Dauid, Zo [...]o [...] bel, Marie, that truely beloued [...].


from EGYPT. Temple Salomon   WORLDE.   Jeroboam   Before the birth of CHRIST.

Sal. vvas vncted K. vpō strife.
Ioas and Ioachaz vvere.

THE foundation of the
temple is layde on Mount
the shoulders of Ben­iamin,
33. 480 yeeres
since Israel left Egypt. 1 Kin 6
Salomō being an holy Prophet
must be holden to be in heauen.

THE Temple wholly fi­nished,
wherein 7 yeeres
were spent. 1. King 6, 38.

SALOMON prayeth and pro­phesieth
of Daniels tymes.
Dan. 6, & 9. Fyre falleth from
heauen & burneth the sacrifices.
The glory of the Lord filled
the house: so that the sacrificers
could not enter therein. So vvàs
it vvhē Tabernacle vvas set
vp. Exo. 40. God agayne appea­red
to Salomon, & confirmeth
hym, thereupon he began a Pa­lace
of 13 yeres vvorke. Salo­mō
excelleth al kings in vvomē,
riches, & vvisedome. Salo. one
of the vvisest of the sōnes of God
falleth to Idolatrie, & is corrupt,
by the allurementes of the daugh­ters
of the sōnes of mē. Salo. re­pēteth:
vvriteth the Prouerbs
and Ecclesiastes: shevveth his
people that all pleasure, vvealth,
and vvisedome are but vanitie,
sauing the feare of God. Salo.
vvrote his Songes in his olde
age, after he had buylt the tovver
of Libanus. Canti. 7. He reig­ned
40 Y. 1. King. 11. 42.

ROBOAM reigneth ouer
the two tribes 17 yeeres.

Three Y. Iudah vvalked in the
vvayes of Dauid & Salomō.
K of Egypt after that
for their Idolatry vvith 1200
Chariots, 60000 Horsemen, and
innumerable people frō Egypt,
Succiim, Lubī,
& Chush,
commeth agaynst Iudah, and
spoyleth the Temple. 2. Chro. 12.


480 Noah began the Arke.
480 to the 2 Temple. Ezra. 3.
Ralbag vpō 1. Kin. 6. 480
thence to the last seuen begīning:
vvherin Ch. buylt his Temple.
THE Lambe is the Temple.
Apo. 21. tovvardes vvhō he that
looketh in prayer shalbe heard.
The Christians are the Temple
of God. 1. Cor. 3. Apo 15.

NEBCHADNEZ. that burnt
it, for 7 y. vvas mad. Dan. 4.
Tvvo Pillers Iachin & Boaz
shevv, as Apo 3. that by trueth
vve are steaddy as Pillers to serue
God in his Temple.

In this sort is expressed Apo. 15.
the spirituall confirmation of the
faythfull agaynst Pilats Vicar,
dryuyng thē through a sea of fire
(as vve haue seene in Smith­feelde.

The Temple vvas full of the
smoke of the glory of God, & of
his povver, and no man vvas able
to enter into the Temple tyll the
7 Plagues of the 7 Angels vvere
fulfylled, suche reuerence the
Christians stryke to the plagy
& plaged Pseudocatholiks.
came to Chanaā
in Salo. dayes, Clem 1. Strō.
vvhereby Dauids 37 vvorthy­est
are auncienter then Achilles
or Hector & such other.

THE queene of Sheba shal con­demne
the Iewes that vvoulde
not heare a greater then Salo­mon.
Mat. 12.

IEROBOAM of Ephraī
for Salomons idolatry, and
Roboās tyrany is confirmed K.
ouer Israel: He ordeyned Al­ters,
Feastes, and Sacrificers of
his ovvne head. Iosias is na­med
331 yeeres before he vvas
borne. The Prophete is killed
by a Lyon for breaking Gods
cōmaūdement. Israel shalbe sha­ken
as a Reede & caried avvay.

480 1 4      
1. King. 6. Since the Temple. 2 5        
  3 6        
  4 7        
  5 8        
  6 9   * Adams yeeres at his death 930 are hence to our L. Byrth: who is the second Adam and the third Temple. 930
  7 10        
    11 3000      
    13       Rest.
10   14        
    19       920
    20       Rest.
    21 3010     IVB.
    22       9
20   24      
    28       Rest.
    29       910
    31 3020      
30   34        
    35       Rest.
    39       900
36   40        
  1   3030 1    
Iuda or Asas Kingdome, [...]vvise called Israel. 2     2   Rest.
  3   Israel or Ephraim once is called Iuda. 3    
  4     4    
  5     5    
  6     6    
  7     7    
  8     8    
  9     9   890
  10     10    
10 11   3040 11    

from the DIVISION. Roboam Abiam Iuda. WORLDE. Israel. Jeroboam Nadab Before the birth of CHRIST.

SISAK or Sesace is famous in
Heath [...]n vvriters called Sesos
of Diod. Sicul. by vvhom his
great army in like sort is descr [...]bed
at here vve read, Bok. 1. lef. 35.

ABIAM 3 Y. He slevv fiue
hundred thousand of Israel.

ASA 41 yeere. 1. King. 15.
He greatly clensed his kingdome
from Idolatrie, and disgraced
Maacha, his graceles Grand­mother.

AS A made a lavv, that euery
one that sought not Iehouah
thoulde dye: Iudah had peace
ten yeares: Asa had. 500000
vvarriers, dicomforted Zerach
vvith 1000000 of Cush &
Lubim. Cursed Cham might
not subdue blessed Sems sone.
THE 36 yeere of Asas king­dome,
2. Chro. 16, 1. Baasa
vvould haue buylt Rama. Be­nadad
hyred by Asa spoyleth
his Countrey: Chanani bla­meth
Asa: is put in Prison: after
Benadads departure Baasa
renueth troubles to Asa, conti­nuyng
it all his lyfe.

OMRI surmounted Iero­boam
in vvickednes. His
statutes and all the maner of
the house of Achab in time
and their counsels corrupt
Iudah. Mich. 6, 16.

IORAM borne. He coulde
not be 42 at Omries house ru­ine:
much lesse coulde his sonne
then be 42. VVaigh the phrase,
2. Chro 22, 2.

ASA falleth into a gout, vvhich
holde him vnto his death.
Apo. 11. killeth martyrs


Ieroboams hand vvithereth:
The Alterrenteth a sunder.

Al Israels kinges vvorship his
Calues sauing Sallum and
Hoseah. The Popes Idolatry
Apo. 9. is in the lyke impietie
and fal from Iudahs Shyloh.
Many thinges hence are taken, to
reueale Rome in the Apo.

NADAB of Ierob. 2 yeeres.
BAASA killed Nadab,
and reigned ouer Isra. 24 yeere.
He performed Achiahs vvords
vpon Ieroboams house. Iehu
telleth him of the lyke for him
selfe. At the besiege of Gibbe­thon
house perished:
vvhen Gibbethon is besieged
doth Baasas house peryshe.
Though Elah vvere not there
fightyng agaynst the Phili­stines,
but drinking in Tirza.
ELIAS B. of vvhō the vvorlde
vvat not vvorthy. Ebr. 11.

BENADAD this mans sonne
remembreth this to Achab, na­ming
Baasa father to Achab:
that is predecessor in aucthoritie
1. Kin. 20. 34. So Iechonias is
father to Salathiel the sonne of
Neri. Mat. 1. & Lu. 3.

ELAH of Baasa 2 yeeres.
ZIMRI, Omri, & Tibni.
begīneth that famous 42
Y. not cōmonly marked, & is sole
King. After 4 Y. in 31 of Asa.
He buylt Samaria Aholi­bamah,
and made her sister to
Ierusalem Aholibah Eze­ki.

Iudahs Kinges match to their
ruine, vvith Iezabels house.

ACHAB of Omri 22 yeeres.
CHIEL buildeth Iericho vvith
the price of his eldest & youngest
son, as Ios. foretold it should cost.
ELIAS prophecieth.

He vvas clothed in heare, fed by a

  13     13    
  14     14    
  15     15    
Rest. 16     16    
  17     17    
  1   18  
    2   19   880
* 1 3   20 *  
20 2 3050 21 1
  3 *   22 2 *
Rest. 4       2  
  5       3  
  6       4  
  7       5  
  8       6  
  9       7  
  10       8 870
Rest. 11       9  
IVB. 12 * 3060   10  
10 13       11  
  14       12  
  15 *   13  
  16       14  
  17       15  
  18     16  
Rest. 19       17  
  20       18 860
  21       19  
40 22   3070   20  
  23       21  
  24       22  
  25       23  
Rest. 26     1 24  
  27 2 1
  28     2 2  
  29   3 3  
  30     4 4 850
  31 5    
50 32   3080 6    
Rest. 33     7    
  34     8    
  35   9    
  36     10    
  37     11    
  38 12 1
  39       2  
Rest. 40       3 840
  41 1   4
60   2 3090   5  

From the DIVISION. Joram Josaphat Iuda. WORLDE. Israel. Achab Joram Before the birth of CHRIST.

clad in heary coates, and hath no
raine in 42 moneths, persecuteth
D. 1260 as Achab did Elias,
frō vvhose mouth fire d [...]uoureth
the enemy, & an Earthquake kil­leth
7000, such as bovv to the
Beast. The martyrs slaine seeme
agayne to be alyue, as Eliseus
hath a double portiō of the spirite
of Elias taken vp. Rome ha­ting
Elisabets Christian ser­uants
folovveth Iezabel, dronke
vvith the blood of Aaron and
Elisabets sonnes.

IORAM thrise viceroy and
Roy 17, and 22, and 25 of
Iosaphat, neuer prospered.
He learneth by an Epistle from
Elias of his heauy ruynes & sor­rovves
for killing his 6 brethrē.
Edom rebelled: and Esaw
brake Iacobs yoke. Gen. 27.
Arabians carry avvay his
vvyfe and all his sonnes sauing
Achaziah. After tvvo yeeres
tormentyng sicknes he dyeth.
Achazia is in 42, being 22, & D.
ATHALIAH the daughter
of Achab and Grandmother to
Ioas killeth the Kinges seede,
and reigneth 6 Y. 2 Kin. 11, 3.
She had sonnes by an other
vvhich she tendered, 2. Chr. 24.

IOAS the naturall son of
Achaziah, beyng hyd in the
Temple by his fathers sis­ter
6 Y. is vncted King
in the 7. 2. King. 11. and
reig. 40 Y. His age & the
womā that saued him ar­gueth
that he is not of Na­thans
house. That forged
Philoh which Annius hath,
that endeth Solomons house
in Achaziah, must be dete­sted,
as drawyng vs to in­numerable
errors, against
playne Scriptures, and to
be ridiculous to all Ievves
cūning in the Prophetes.


Rauē, fed a vvidovv, quicked her
child, fasted 40 D. seeth a vvind,
earthquake, & fire, & by fire frō
heauen burneth sacrifices, killeth
Baalistes, & souldiers. Iohn
seeth heauē opened, vvhē
our L. begā to preach 42 mōths or
1260 D. vvho feedeth the hūgry,
quickneth the dead, hath a firenot
to burne Samaria: but a graci­ous
fire of iudgemēt, bringeth E­lias
& Moses to him, is killed,
ariseth, ascendeth, sendeth fire,
Act. 2. & seuē Epistles. Apo. 2.
ACHAZIAH 2 Y. [...] Kin. 22.
IORAM the sonne of Achab
reigneth 12 yeere. 2. King. 3, 1.
A great Famine 7 yeeres is in
Samaria, 2. King. 8.

Note that Iosaphat is called
King of Israel. 2 Chro. 21, 2.
So Asa is called King of Israel.
Both vvhich places the 70 trans­ate:
Iudah, least the strangenes
shoulde trouble the vulearned.

The famous 42 y. ende.
IEHV as word of God, is
vncted king and reigneth
28 yeeres. He slevv Iezabel,
Ioram: 70 sonnes of Achab,
vvith 42 of Achaziahs brea­thren:
his vncles sonnes.

Tvvo vvayes the 42 Y. ar [...]
reckoned, one by the open phrase,
an other by comparing the tvvo
kingdomes. For in the 31 Y. of
Asa, Omri is full King (4 Y.
before he begā to reigne) reckō by
Iudah thus. Asa 9 Y. Ioso­phat
25, Ioram 8: al is 42.
Or thus by Israel. Omri 6,
Achab 22, Achaziah 2,
Ioram 12: in all 42 Y. Novv
as Iorā of his 8 Y. had 4 cōmon
vvith Iosaphat: so in Omri
his house 4 Y. must be likevvise
cōmon to fathers & sōnes, as you
may see, and 4 Y. sooner from
Zimries death must you begin

    4   7    
    5 8    
    6   9    
    7   10    
    8   11    
    9   12    
    10   13   830
    11   14    
70   12 3100 15    
    13   16    
    14   17   Rest.
    15   18    
    16   19    
1 17   20  
2 18   21 1
  3 19   22 2  
  4 20     3 820
  5 21     4 Rest.
80 1 22 3110   5 IVB.
  2 23   6 11
  3 24     7  
  4 25     8  
  5       9  
  6       10  
  7       11  
  8 1 †   12 Rest.
    1   1   810
    2   2    
90   3 3120 3    
    4   4    
    5   5    
    6   6    
  1   7 Rest.
  2     8    
  3     9    
  4     10    
  5     11   800
  6     12    
100 7   3130 13    
  8     14   Rest.
  9     15    
  10     16    
  11     17    
  12     18    
  13     19    
  14     20    
  15     21   790
  16     22    
110 17   3140 23    

From the DIVISION. Joas Amaziah Iuda. WORLDE. Israel. Jehu Joachaz Before the birth of CHRIST.

who finding vs vnable to
bring the right fathers of
our L. and to reconcile S.
& S. Luk: through
our falt reiect those must
holy writers & religion.
Io AS repayreth the Temple
2. Chro. 24. He falleth to Idola­trie,
& vnthankefulnes, after the
death of
Iehoiadah, Iohn, or
Barachias, vvho died 130
Y. olde. 2. Cho. 24, 15. reuiuing
the memory of
Adam at Seths
byrth, of Terah at Abrahās,
of Iacob entring into Egypt.

ZACHARIA the son of
Iehoiadah is stōed to death
betwene the Temple and
the Alter by K. Ioas. Mat, 23
Syria spoyleth Ierusalem.

AMAZIAH Viceroy &
29 yeeres, 2 King 14.
Ioas is killed. Amaziah kil­leth
20000 of Edom: souldiers
dismissed, kill & spoyle Iudah.
vvorshippeth Edōs
Gods. Ioas ouercōmeth Ama­ziah,
robbeth the Temple: and
disvvalleth the Citie 2 Chr. 25.

Amaz. is killed his sonne being
but 4 y [...]olde, vvhom some regent
gonerned vntil he vvas 16 Novv
the vvhole body of Iudah is
sicke, & they destroyed as Sodō ▪
but for aremāt, Esa. 1. And this
for Zach, his death. vvorse they
are for our L▪ his death. Rō. 11.
ROME is buylt by Romu­lus
vpon 4 hyllet, vvhich are
Palatinus, Capitolinus,
& Exquilinus
Seruius Tullus
enlargeth it
compassing vvithin the vvalles
three other hylles, vvhiche are
Coelius, Viminali [...], and
Quirinalis. Galen, Plut.
Liuy. Virg. Ouid. Dio.
ha [...] ­dle
these These are called seuen
in Apo. 17.

THE kingdome of Iuda


the stile of the holy story, seeming
to be intricate lyuely expresseth
the intricate state of these king­domes:
& in one some relieueth
the Student.

IOACHAZ 17 Y. Vnder him
Chazael and Benadad per­forme
Eliseus teares vpō Isra­el.
Them Amos remēbreth.
THE Olympiades, that is
ganet, after 4 Y. ended vsed in
Olympia: there are to be placed:
yf in Olympiade 202 the
fourth Y. our L. died. But P [...]u­tarch
in Numa sayth truly,
that they are nothyng to be re­garded:
they are most vncertaine
& vnreconed of many hundred
Y. vntyll Xenophons time.
IOAS of Ioachaz raigneth
16. yeeres. 2. King. 13, 10.
Vnder him olde Eliseus dieth:
vvho vvrought miracles to turne
Israel: In the vvaters of Ior­dan
by Elias Cloake: and Na­aman
his Leprofie. Luk. 4. in
the vvaters of Moab: in the
vvaters vvherin the axe svvam:
in the potage made healthy: in
bread & cyle multiplyed: in vic­tuals
procured to Samaria: in
pūishing Gehazi vvith a Le­prosie
& 42 of Bethel by tvvo
Beares, in raysing tvvo frō death.
IEROBO AM of Ioas 42
yeeres. 2 King. 14, 23.

yeeres before Alexander died.
Ptol. 3. His name neare a thou­sande
yeeres vvas obscure: yet
novve Chroniclers make him a
grounde: though they cānot finde
vvho by Scripture he shoulde be.
About Mardocempad and
Nabopolassar, like discentiō
is. None of all their accomptes in
Ptol can be by scripture proued.
Chaldean lyers fayned them
of purpose to obscure Daniel.
gilty: as Israel. Mich. 1

  19     25    
  20     26    
  21     27    
  22     28    
  23   1  
  24       2  
  25       3 780
  26       4  
120 27   3150   5  
  28       6  
Rest. 29       7  
  30       8 [...]
  31       9  
  32       10  
  33     11  
  34       12  
  35       13 770
Rest. 36       14  
IVB. 37 3160 1 15  
12 38 1 2 16
  39 2   3 17  
  40 3   4    
    4   5    
    5   6    
    6   7    
Rest.   7   8    
    8   9   760
    9   10    
140   10 3170 11    
    11 * 12    
    12   13    
    13   14    
Rest.   14   15    
  15   16 1
    16     2  
    17     3  
    18     4 750
    19     5  
150   20 3180   6  
Rest.   21     7  
    22     8  
    23     9  
    24     10  
    25     11  
    26     12  
    27     13  
Rest.   28     14 740
    29 *   15  
160 1   3190   16  

From the DIVISION. States Ozias Iuda. WORLDE. Israel-Iuda.   Jeroboam Before the birth of CHRIST.

is 11 y. ruled by the states vntill
Ozias first y. touched the 27 of
Ierob. That fell out partly for
his youth and partly because the
states hated their K. as Israel
did. VVherof Lachis is blamed
for yeelding vp Amazias to thē
that killed him. Many sorovves
they suffred by their 4 last kings.
IOEL prophecyeth.

OZIAS 52 yere. His first
great vvorks are said to be after
his fathers death, to vvarne vs
that he ruld not vvith his father
Tvvo Y. before an Earthquake
Amos telleth Aram of cap­tiuitie
to Kyr, and Ieroboā
house of a ruine, & Iuda to be
captiued: yet fully restored [...]
Christ, vvith Edom or all
nations. Act. 15.

ZACHARY shevvyng the
Iewes destruction by Rome,
(before vvhich the Lord on moūt
Oliuet told of Earthquakes to
come) sayth: ye shal flee, Ieho­uah
standing on moūt Oliuet,
as ye fled in Ozias dayes for
the Earthquake. Before Amos,
IOEL telleth of svvarmes of
Caterpillers, like Horses & vvith
Lyons teeth, causing famine.
The Locustes Apo. 9 (vvhich arfensed
as bard Horses, and vvith
Lyons teeth, and haue Abaddon
of Cittim, their King)
cannot agree to any but to the
Popes spiritualtie: vvho strong
by policie & vvealth, denoured
the fruites of other mens labours
in moste of their kingdomes.

IOTHAM b. 28 of Ozias.
OZIAS yet can not be in
that Leprosy for sacrificing. Be­sides
a long time he must needes
haue to conquer the Philistines
strong tovvnes: the Arabiās, in
Gur-baal, and Meünim,
and to humble Ammon: and
to buylde his great vvorkes:


IERO. recouereth Chamath
to Iudah in Isra. Here the on­ly
place is that his kingdōe is cal­led
Iudah. Dauid vvan Cha­math,
to Iudah: & by Iudahs
ryght vvas he to fight for it.

IONAS sent to Nineue, fled
to Ioppe: hopeles to con [...]ert
Nineue, vntyll he had been 3
dayes & 3 nightes in the VVhales
belly as Christ shoulde be in
the belly of the Earth.

SIMON Bar Ionas likevvise
fled from the Heathen: vntill at
Ioppe God altered him. Ac. 1 [...]
PV L might be that repenting
K. to vvhō God g [...]ueth povver
ouer Israel. Arā hitherto vvas
mighter thē Assur. Heathē sto­ries
before Cyrus are but tales.
Homer knevv neither Nine­ue,
nor Ecbatanas
vvealth: els he vvould not haue
brought Thebas Agyptias
for an example. Il. 10 Stra. 15.
THE kingdome is by seditiō 22
Y. vvithout a king, vntill 38 of
Ozias, thē Zachary reigneth
the fourth from Iehu 2. K▪ 10.
The Earthquake in Amos had
in Israel his euentes. Here their
state is tolde Ose. 1. to be Iez­reel
of Gomer the Harlet: and
God breaketh the bovv of Israel
for the valley of Iezreel: vvhē
Iehus vvicked house smarteth
for Achabs, as did his for
Nabothes. Notvvithstanding
yet they be pittyed Ruchama,
& Apeople-Ammy, as the
faythfull heathen are Rom. 9.
1. Pet. 2. But they shalbe vnpit
[...]ied Lo-Ruchama, & No-People
as vve
vvere from Noes dayes, before
God taught all nations to repent,
and to seeke Dauid. Act. 27.
ZACHARY 6 months.
SALLVM 1 month.

MENACHEM 10 yeeres.

  3       18  
  4       19 Israel called Iuda
  5       20  
  6       21  
  7       22  
  8       23  
  9     Aram falleth. Assur riseth. 24  
  10       25  
170 11 3200   26  
  1     27
    2     28  
    3     29 Rest.
    4     30 PVL.
    5     31  
  6     32  
    7     33  
    8     34 720
    9     35 Rest.
180   10 3210   36 IVB.
    11     37 13
  12     38  
    13     39  
    14     40  
    15     41  
  * 16   1    
    17   2   Rest.
    18   3   710
    19   4    
190 * 20 3220 5    
    21   6    
    22   7    
    23   8    
    24   9   Rest.
    25   10   Iezreel born of Gomer.
    26   11    
    27   12    
  * 28   13   700
    29   14    
200   30 3230 15    
    31   16   Rest.
  * 32   17    
    33   18    
    34   19    
    35   20    
    36   21    
    37   22    
  38   1 690
* 39   * 1
210   40 3240   2  

From the DIVISION. Jotham Ozias Iuda. WORLDE. Israel. Pekachiah Menachem Before the birth of CHRIST.

vvhereof some engines vvere, in
force lyke Gunnes, to shoote ar­rovves
and stones.

ESAY prophecyeth. Of Christ
he speaketh as an Euangelist: of
heathen cōmon vveales, he she­vveth
that their potentates that
seeme to be their starres shal fal
as a Fig tree casteth her Figges,
as in Apo. 6. the Romans do.

IOTHAM 16 y. 2. Kin. 15
CHRIST fylleth the Temple
vvith a smoke of āger: vvhich to
Salomō he filled vvith a gra­cious
cloude. Seraphim vvith
sixe vvinges crying holy, holy,
prayse his iustice, vvho
ten times punisheth Iudah: that
vvill not yet see, vntyll they be
destroyed. Esa. 6. Mat. 13 Mar. 4.
Luk. 12. Ioh. 12. Act. 28. Rō. 11
The going to Babel, & the af­flictions
vnder Iauan: vntil the
cōming of Christe, the bright­nes
of glory. Esa. 4. Ebr. 1, 3. All
are shevved in Iothās times.

ACHAZ 16 yere. 20 Y.
olde when he reigned.

ESAYS chyldrē are geuen for a
signe. Sear-iasub & Maher­salal-chas
Esa. 7. and 8.
Beholde the chyldren that God
geueth to Emmanuel. Eb. 2.
Achaz disdayned the soft flo­vvyng
vvaters of Siloam,
vvhich in Ioh. 9. vvash blind eyes
of one sent thither, to see Em̄a­nuel:
hyreth Assur,
vvho vvill ouerflovve the lande
of Emmanuel. Esa. 7.

EZEKIAS 29 y. Novv 25
yeeres olde. (Vnder him Assur
thaued & ouerfloovvde, Em̄a­nuels
land: taking 330 Ta­lentes:
and destroying many
tovvnes) He vvas to the Phili­stines
a Cockatrise: as Ozias
vvat to them a Serpent, he ob­teyned
health frō ficknet. Eb. 11.


About this time liued Homer,
& Gyg, the first that
vvas called Tyrannus. Clem. 1.
Str. vvho reigned in Lydia:
vvhose sōnet reigned vnto Ha­lys
the ryuer: vvhere first setled
the most of Iaphets house. Of
him the lande is called Gog.
Eze. 38.

PEKACHIAH 2 yeere.
PEK ACH hath part of the 51,
but more of the 52 at the compa­risons
after vvill shevv.

REZIN of Aram recouereth
Eloth from Achaz: & vvhen
Pekach had killed 120000 of
Iudah both besiege Ierusalē:
trembled: vnstayed and
vnbeleuing not vvilling so much
as to demand of God for triall
a miracle. Esay telleth of Gods
fauour for Dauids house, that
a virgin shal beare Emma­nuel,
as Mat. 1. vvho is a child
and a sonne that beareth on his
shoulders principalitie, a vvon­derfull
counseller, mighty God,
father of eternitie, prince of
peace, of vvhose mysticall large
principalitie and peace in Da­uids
throne there shalbe no end.
Tiglath Pileser captiueth
Galily, to be Lo-Ruchama
tyl Christ beginneth to preach
vvhere Captiu [...]tie began. Esa. 9.
Mat. 4. Pekach is kild by O­see.
captiued to Kyr
56 y. after Amos foretolde it.
OSEEK▪ 9 y. in one sort, & a­gayne
to the ninth after once he
vvas remoued. The kings of As­sur
are called for Isr. & Iuda
that is defender. Ose. 5.
Osee sends Oylefor a present to
So King of Egypt: to vvin
his fauour. Salmanasar cap­tiueth
him. His first y. vvas the
20 of Iotham. His thyrd in the
second sort of gouernēent, other­vviseh [...]s
12 vvas Ezekias

    42     4  
    43     5  
    44     6  
Rest.   45     7  
    46     8  
    47     9  
    48     10 680
220 50 3250 1  
    51   2 1  
Rest. 1 52     2  
  2   The 1 of 10 calamities.   3  
  3       4  
  4       5  
  5       6  
  6       7  
  7       8 670
Rest. 8       9  
IVB. 9   3260   10  
14 10   Achaz k▪ of Israel. 2. Ch. 28. Blame not the text: but learne.   11  
  11       12  
  12       13  
  13       14  
  14       15  
  15       16  
Rest. 16 1*   * 17  
  17 2*     18 660
ACHAZ so young a Father as Elisabet an olde mo­ther, should haue hoped in Emmanu [...]l of a virgin. 18 3     19 Vnpitied Lo-R [...]h [...] b. as we once were.
  19 4 3270 1 20  
  20 5   2    
    6 Salman-asar King of princes. Os. 8. 10. 3    
    7   4    
    8   5    
    9   6    
    10   7    
    11   8    
    12   9   650
  13     1  
    14 3280   2  
    15     3  
  1 16 The second and third of the ten calamities. 4  
  2       5 Loammi borne. Israel is no people.
  3       6  
  4   7  
  5       8  
  6 *   * 9  
Rest. 7          
260 9   3290      

From the DIVISION. Ezekias Manasses Iudah. WORLDE. Emmanuel.     Before the birth of CHRIST.

and to knovv his ende of lyfe.
Yet one fault caused an open de­noūcing
of captiuity to his seede:
seruing Babels king. Esa. 39.
Sanacharib loseth 185000.
The last part of Ezek. 14. y.
might be a rest: at Ralbag ga­thereth
by 2. King. 19.

Vpon Ezekias sicknesse the
Sunne goeth backe 10 houres:
30 Y. after Achaz vvould not
take a signe: also after Em­manuel
vvas promised. After
Emmanuels birth 30 y. on
the tenth houre of a certaine day
in an yeere vvhē heauen opened
Iohn Bap. shevveth Christ.
The like reuolutiō of time st [...]rreth
vs to marke those matters.

MANASSES 55 yeere.
Vnder hym Esay vvat savved
to death. Talmud in Ieba­moth
lefe 49. That it touched
Ebr. 11. They vvere cut vvith a
savve. Of him doth Oecume­nius
vnderstand it. Iustine
martyr also obiecteth the same
to Trypho.

Manasses vvas once vvorse
then any Chananite, and is
caryed by Assur to Babel. Thē
he repented. The K. of Assur
novv ruling, seemeth to be A­sarcha-don,
or Sardan.

He is that Osnappar that sent
more dvvellers to Samaria:
vvho vvere continuall molesters
of the Iewes. Ezr. 4. Neh. 10.
and lothed of them. Ioh. 4.

Babel at this time vvas of smal
reputatiō: dvvelt in by strangers:
the Palaces turned to vvatch
tovvres, and brought to ruine.
Esa. 23, 13.

TIRKANA, K. of Cush or
Ethiop may vvel be that Te­arcon
that Strabo shevveth
to haue been of great povver:
Geogr. 15. vvhere also he recor­deth


his first: his 7, the others fourth.
Then is Samaria besieged. His
ninth the sixt of Ezechias.
Then Gomer Israel beareth
Loāmy. They myght vvish the
Moūtaynes to fal on thē. Ose. 10.
So might Ierusalem Luk. 23.
for their destruction by Rome:
and the prophane Romanes
for persecutyng. Apo. 6.

Herodotus in Egypt heard
Sanacharibs story: but corrup­ted.
Likevvise of the Sunne tur­ned
backe: and of a King that
vvas tolde from God hovv long
he should lyue. Herod. 2.

CYRVS is named long before he
it borne, declared a destroyer of
Babel: and deliuerer of Israel
a buylder of Ierusalem, and
vncted of God. Esa. 44. & 45.
Here novv Iudah is saued in
part for the Oyle. That it
Christ. Esa. 10. By Iehouah
their God. Ose. 1. But Israel
is skattered amongst the Heathē
To Calach and Abor and the
Cities of Madai. 2. King. 17.
Further then Damascus vvho
vvere caried to Kyr, Amos 7
and beyonde Babylon. Act. 7.
I agree vvith them that take
Calach and Abor here for
Colchis & Iberia as heathen
name Countries, and vvith their
obseruation out of Herodotus
the oldest Greke story: vvho
speaking of Circumcision vsed in
Colchis, is thought therein to
meane Israel skattered there.
Abrahams sōnes multplying
lyke as the starres are in number,
myght sone fill Togarmah,
& Turkes Countreys: vvho
novv holdyng Circumcision, and
reteining the names of Abrahā,
or Salomon, Io­seph,
and such, shevve vvhence
they come for great part: and
ioyne vvith Ismael. VVhere

Rest. 14          
  15       1  
  16       2  
  17       3 630
  18       4  
270 19   3300   5  
Sanacharib or Sargon. 20       6  
  21     7 Rest.
  22       8  
  23       9  
  24     10  
  25       11  
  26       12  
  27       13 620
  28       14 Rest.
280 29   3310   15 IVB.
    1       15
    7       Rest.
    8       610
290   10 3320      
    12 The fourth of the ten calamities.      
Asarchaddon, or Sardan.   14       Rest.
    18       600
300   20 3330      
    21       Rest.
    28       590
310   30 3340      

from the DIVISION. Amon Manasses Iuda. WORLDE.       Before the birth of CHRIST.

Nabocodrosor to haue
ben coūted of the Chaldeās as
famous as Hercules vvas to
any▪ Before Pul Arā had grea­ter
fame thē Assur as vve reade
in the stories of Gods Booke.
VVhereby vve must iudge that
the late vvritinges, supposed old,
that make Assur the first of 4
Monarches, and frō aūcient time
great, those deserue smal credite.
Since Pul, Assur pilde ma [...]y
coūtries, & grevv to be a tree, as
Ez. 31 but novo they begā to fal.
NAVM prophecyeth of a ruine
to Nineue, and Abakuk of
the Chaldeans to arise: vvho
soue grevv to be as great a Tree,
Dan. 4. as Assur had bene. That
vvould the Iewes then no more
beleeue that Babel should ma­ster
them: Then they beleeued
Paul. Act. 13. citing Aba­kucks
vvordes, of Gods vvrath
to make an ende of them.

AMON 2 yeeres.

IOSIAS 31 y. VVho vvat
named long before: vvhen the
Alter at Bethel rented. 1. Ki.
13. It may very vvell be that
Manasses the grādfather after
his repentance, did thinke of that
Prophecy, and savve that vvell
might his nephevvo performe it,
after that Israel vvas captiued.

In the 8 y. of his kingdome,
vvhen he vvas a very chyld (yet
he vvas Father to Eliakim)
thē he sought the God of Dauid
in his 12 y. he destroyed Idoles,
and brent Popel [...]ke Baalistes
bones. In his 18 y. he kept a
very solenne Passeouer.

MOSES original that vvas hid
in the Temple is read to Iosias,
vvho vveepeth at the prophecy
of transmigration.

Mathanias, or Tzedek. b.


marke, that as for Idolatry they
fell: so in Europe men fallyng
from Christ by Idolatrie, are
punished then as th [...]y vvere by
Assur, for the same sinne: for
they rysing from Euphrates,
Apo. 9. and 16. ouerthrovve
Rome or Babylon for vvor­shypping
of Images.

Touchyng the stoying of the
Sunne, it vvas for that age vvhē
Christ vvas promised to come
of a Virgin, to the first King that
did beleeue it, the same in force:
that the Sunnes Eclipse vvas to
the Centurion. Mat. 27. to
make him acknovvledge the Son
of God. Consider novv the
malice and folly of the Heathen.
Merodac king [...]f Babel sent
to Ierusalem to demaunde of
this matter. That in Scripture
vve learne Yet the Chaldean
Astronomers vvoulde suppresse
all this: vvho in Ptolomy of­ten
mentionyng Eclipses about
these tymes, passe ouer this mi­racle.
The Grecians turne all
to a vvicked tale: That for
Hercules byrth the Sunne
made a longer nyght. Lucian.
yet here their tale somevvhat
toucheth a trueth.

ELIAKIM, or Iehoiakīb.

IOACHAZ, Iohn, or Sal­lum
borne. Elder then his eldest
brother in reigne. 1. Chr. 3. though
in byrth tvvo yeeres younger.

IEREMY prophecieth.
Iere. 1, 3. He laboreth to keepe
Iudah from beyng caried to
Babel, as into a vvildernes, 40 y.
before the thyrde Captiuitie,
that vvhich folovveth the Tem­ples
burnyng. To that looketh
Ezek. 4. After that, three or
fore yeeres, he laboreth to keepe
the remnaunt in the land: but
preuayled not.

Rest.   35        
    36       DAVID [...]
    38       580
320   40 3350      
Rest.   42        
    48       570
Rest.   49        
IVB.   50 3360      
16.   51        
Rest. 2          
    1       560
340   3 3370      
Rest.   7        
  11       550
350   13 3380      
Rest.   14        
Rest.   21       540
360   23 3390      

[Page] THE state of the fourtie yeeres of IEREMIE is more largely handled in Gods booke, Ezek. 4, 6. thē that euery yeres story may be touched once in one line: wherefore I wyll so farre breake of the Chronicle, as to make some dis­course of thinges fallyng out within it. Iere. 7, 14. All IOSIAS dayes IEREMY taught freely, 2. King. 23, 21. 2. Chro. 34, 21. Sophe. 1. that IERVSALEM should be as SYLOH. The king reformed his state, kept a most solenne Passeouer, and looked for captiuitie: but God reiourned it vntyl his death. SOPHONY after reformation, war­neth the kinges sonnes of Gods iudgement, 2. K in. 23, 29. The fyfth calamitie. and blameth many for closse Idolatrie. On EGYPT they stayed, whose king NECHO killed at MAGEDDON, IOSIAS the vncted of IEHOVAH. That ZACHARY re­membreth. 2 Chro. 35, 20. 2. King 23, 34 The syxth calamitie. Cha. 12. and sheweth, that such shalbe their mournyng for kil­lyng of CHRIST: but to better cōfort. Then Necho helde CARCHEMYS against ASSVR, and displaced king IOACHAZ, carrying him into EGYPT, and placed ELIAKIM king in IVDAH, changing his name vnto IEHOI­AKYM. In the first yeere of Iehoiakym Ieremy doth prophecie, that SAL­LVM or IOACHAZ shall not returne from EGYPT but dye there. Chr. 22. That NABVCHADNEZAR shalbe king of BABEL: Iere. 27, 12. & TZEDEKIAS of IVDAH: that IERVSALEM shalbe made as SYLOH. VRIAH is kylde, & IEREMY quit. His thyrd yeere endyng, and much of his fourth, Iere. 26, 23. Dan. 1, 1. Iere. 25, 1. is the fyrst of Nabuchadnezar. Then Ieremy prophecieth that NECHOS Garrisons of CARCHEMYS, and al EGYPT shalbe subdued by Nabuchadnezar. The for­mer presently tooke effect. Nabuchadnezar commeth agaynst Ierusalem, and Ieremy telleth againe more particulerly of Nabuchadnezars power and king­dome to be great for seauentie yeeres: Dan. 1. The seuenth calamitie. and of Ierusalems desolation for seauentie. Then Ierusalem besieged his taken, IEHOAKIM, DANIEL, ANA­NIAS, AZARIAS, and MISAEL, with others of the kinges stocke, are brought to BABEL. The king is sent home agayne, & made tributarie to Nabuchadnezar. Iere. 36, 15. Iere 22, 19. 2. King. 24, 1, 2. Chro. 36, 6. Dan. 1, 8. Leuit, 11. The same yeere: and the next Ieremy lamenteth Ierusalem. BARVC is his Scribe, readeth his Lamentations: which IEHOAKYM cut in peeces: thereupon God telleth that he shal be buried as an Asse. Three yeeres Iehoakym serued Nabuchadnezar, the next herebelleth. Three yeeres Daniel, Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bestowe in Chaldean studies: hauyng shewed rare care and courage in straight obedience to MOSES ceremo­nies. When Iehoakym rebelled, then the other are found ten tymes better learned then the Chaldeans, by the kyng: and appoynted of hym to serue in his Court. Esa. 39, 6. So Esays prophecy is fulfylled. 2. King. 20. DANIEL had also skill in Visions and Dreames: whose case I compared before with IO­SEPHS for tyme of shewyng skyll, for kinges affection, for excellyng Magicians, for aduauncement to the mayntenaunce of their brethren. Two yeere after he had shewed the kyng the dexteritie of his studie, Consider Da­niel, Chap. 2. vvith the 7, 8, and 11. The king in one dreame seeth how BABEL alone, MADAI and PARAS ioyntly, IAV AN fyrst ioyntly, after parted, in EGYPT and BABEL shoulde rule many Nations, & afflict EBER vntil the birth of our Lord, the king of all kinges: as Esa. 9. This he saw in one Image, and forgate his dreame. DANIEL saw the same: remembred it: taught it the king: is made a great man: preferreth Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, to be rulers in BABEL. Sone after the king setteth vp a great Image: and casteth Ananias, Azarias, Dan. 3. and Misael, into a Fornace of flaming fyre, accused to refuse the worshyp­ping of it. Esa. 43, 2. [...]hr. 11, 34. When they went into the Fire IEHOVAH went with them: and Nabuchadnezar saw one like the sonne of God. By fayth they quenched [Page] the force of fyre. The king is amazed, maketh it death to speake amysse of their God: yet Iehoakym in Iudah repenteth not, of oppression, & blood­shed, The eyght calamitie. and sacrilege, and vnloyaltie. Ierusalem is agayne taken: Iehoakym bound fyrst: at the last, cast away vnburied, as an Asse deserued. IEHOI­ACHIN his sonne is now eyghteene yeeres olde, 2. King. 24, l. The ninth calamitie. who was ten when HE (the Father) was made king: he was king three monethes: of hym Ieremy tolde, that none of his seede shoulde sit vpon DAVIDS throne, and that he shoulde die chyldles. Iere. 22, 30. 2. Chro. 36, 10. 1 Chro. 3, 15. 2 King. 24, 17. Iere. 27, 5. Iere. 28, [...]. verse 17. MATHANIAS his brother by generall terme of coosenage: His fathers brother properly, in successiō his sonne is made king by Nabuchadnezar, as God tolde Ieremy. Foure yere Ieremy labou­reth to teach how nations must beare the yoke of BABEL: After Iechonias and Mordochay were caryed away. In his fourth yeere ANANIAS prophe­cyeth falsely: that within two yeeres God will breake the yoke of the king of BABEL, and restore IECHONIAS home, and all that were caryed with hym: Ieremy telleth Ananias that for his false prophecie he should dye that same yeere: which death of his fell out as it was foretolde. The same yeere Ieremy writeth to Israel caryed to Babel, that they shoulde looke for the ende of seuentie yeeres before they looked to returne. Also, he sendeth to Babylon a prophecie of the fall of Babylon, Iere. 50. and, Chap. 51. larger then that in ESAY. Chap. 13. & 14. & 21. Or that in ABAKVK Chap. 2. and charged the bearer SARAYAS ruler of Menucha, who was sent from TZEDEKIA [...] to Babel that he shoulde reade the Prophecie at Euphrates: then shoulde he tye it to a Stone, and cast it into the myddle of Euphrates, saying: Thus shall Babylon be drowned. Apoc. 18, 21. Apoc. 17, 5. The lyke are we taught, Apo. 18. touching ROME, called BABYLON in a mysterie. Then a myghty Angell tooke vp a Stone lyke a great Milstone, and cast it in [...]o the Sea, saying: with such violence shal the great citie Babylon be cast and shalbe no more found. As Ieremy writes to Babylon to keepe Israel in true patience, Iere 28, 17. and hope of deliueraunce: so false Prophetes in Babylon resisted him: One ACHAB and TZEDEKIAS, Iere. 29, 22. of whom he prophecyeth that Nabuchadnezar will make them an ensample, and a byworde of myserably cursed: burnyng them in fyre. We may be sure so it fell out, because they styrred men to fall away from his obedience. He that spared not the Chaldeans, Dan. 2. would not spare them. Also in Babylon there was a man called SAMAIAH, who wrote to Ierusalem agaynst Ieremy, that he shoulde be clapt vp in Lytle-ease, for writyng to Babel that their captiuitie shoulde be long. IEREMY from God sendeth him a bitter answere: He calleth him a Neclemite: which is, a Dreamer. It may be his family came of NACHAM 1. Chr. 4, 19. and as he pretended, that the punishers of Ieremy shoulde fo­lowe Iehoiada: Iere. 29, 32. so myght Ieremy taunthim, that he was rather to be cal­led a dreamyng Neclemite, then a Noe-like Nachamite: for of Nacham, (which meaneth comfortyng) had NOE his name. Gen. 5. Of him Ie­remy wryteth, that in Babylon his family shall peryshe.

When Ieremy had ben thus resisted, Ezek. 1, 1. by false Prophetes, God styrreth vp Ezekiel to perswade the remnant by wryting, that they shoulde be caryed to Babel. Est 2, 6. He was captiued when Iechonias and Mardochai were. His exam­ple, Eze. 40, 1. and the experience of two Captiuities myght haue warned them not to store vp wrath: but to marke how Israel pylde by PVL, captiued and pylde in part to strayght slauery by Tiglath-Pel-esar, had ful payment to bondage by Salman-asar. So Iudaht Citie already surprised twise by [Page] IEHOIAKYMS frowardnes, was now past hope of abilitie to resist one set vp a Conquerer for their sinnes, when they dayly more and more prouoked Christ agaynst them. Ezeki. 1. The thyrteth yeere after the solenne Passeouer, & fyndyng of MOSES originall, EZEKIEL seeth the glory of God and Christ: also he seeth the mynistery of the Angels, which in wit excell, in might are strong, in seruice vnweary, in quicknes flit: them he saw in forme of bodyed weightes, bearyng in part the forme of a Man, of a Lyon, of on Oxe, of an Egle: they had also wynges: and a voyce was heard: of the blessed glory of IEHOVAH from his place. The Christi­ans redeemed from the Heathen, Apoc. 8, 7. haue much the lyke. Apo. 4. Here were also wheeles within wheeles with fellyes full of eyes: whereby the cre­ature ruled by an endles foresight, ought to be meaned. There appeared besydes vpon a Sapphyre throne the lykenes of a man, with the sight of fyre myxt with the Raynebowes coloure. So Christ sheweth hym selfe afore the ende of ten Calamities named Esa. 6. Ezeks. 3. & 4. Now Ezekiel in Table, Dyet, and lying on his Sides, betokeneth that Ierusalem by siege, and famyne, shalbe taken: wherein note specially the tyme, applying a day to a yeere. Three hundred and ninetie dayes represent so many yeeres from the fallyng away by IEROBOAM. By so many yeeres shall Ierusalem be destroyed, and left defolate. In the ende of them, when you are within fourtie of the last, on the other syde, was Ezekiel to lye fourty dayes for a new remembraunce of the sinne of IVDAH: who shoulde be destroyed as aforesayd: and that when fourtie yeeres shoulde be accomplyshed in the preachyng of Ieremy, whom they so much despised. Famous woulde God haue the paynes of that his seruaunt. Ezeki. 5. The same tyme Ezekiel sha­uyng his head, and partyng the heare, sheweth IVDAHS case. One part [...]he burnt with fyre: an other part he cut with a sworde: the thyrde part [...]he skattered into the wynde. One part he bound vp: and soone after [...]he brent also that part. So Israel shoulde peryshe in besiege by famyne, pestilence, and such dispertion, and a small remnaunt for a whyle left with Gedaliah, shoulde soone by Ismael come to nothyng. Iere. 41, 2. The next yeere agayne he seeth the glory of Christ, leauyng the Temple, the Che­rubim accompanying, and goyng to Mount Oliuet. The lyke forsakyng of the Temple Christ shewed with his Disciples in the dayes of his [...]eshe. Mat. 24. But Iudah knew not God in Christ, reconcyling the worlde vnto hym selfe. Thus the two yeeres confute Ananias the false Prophet. In the seuenth of Tzedekias Ezekiel telleth that Israel brought from the Wildernes into the PLEASANT LANDE, shalbe brought agayne into the Wildernes of the Heathen. Note that to be the name of Chanaan, Ezeki. 20, 7. Dan. 8, 9. Dan. 11. 16. Ezeki. 21, 26. the PLEASANT LANDE in Eze. 20. & Dan: 8 and PLEASANT Mountayne. Dan. 11, for Syon or Ierusalem. In that yeere Ezekiel calleth Tzedechias a pro­phane bad man: and telleth of his abasing, & Ie-chonias aduancement: & the Crowne ouerturned, & that the Kingdōe shal be no more vntyl HE commeth to whom it belongeth. He meaneth thereby CHRIST: Luk. 1, 32. who shall fit vpon the throne of DAVID for euer. Luk. 1. To this place of Ezekiel respected Nathanael, when he sayth to the Lord: Iohn. 1, 49, Thou art the Sonne of GOD: thou art the king of ISRAEL: acknowledgyng that he was come [...]o whom it belonged. Deut 15, 12, Iere. 34, 14. In the yere of Rest, Seruantes were made free ac­cording to Moses: whom their Maisters made bound againe against the Law: thereupon Ieremy telleth of their bondage.

[Page] In the ninth yeere of the second Captiuitie, Est. 2. that is since Iechonias Mard [...] ­chai, and Ezekiel, were carryed captiues, and Tzedechias was made king: the tenth month, 2. King. 25, 1. the tenth day of the month, Iere. 52, 4. Ezekiel is tolde in Mesopota­mia that, Iere. 39, 1. Nabuchaduezar that very day in Iudea layde siege to Ierusalem. Ez. 24, 2. 6, 16. Then God lykneth Ierusalem vnto a pot seethyng full of flesh, vntyl al be marde. Ezekiels wyfe dyeth: for whom he is forbid to mourne, as his peoples sorow for the chyldren of Ierusalem shoulde be greater then open mour­nyng myght expresse. Notwithstanding al this, at Ierusalem litle thought they that their Citie should be destroyed: and Ieremy is in Prison, for say­ing that God woulde deliuer Ierusalem into the hand of the king of Babel. First in straight prison. Iere. 37. & 38 Cha. 37. after in the court prison, after that in a dungeon, thence is brought againe to the court prison, wherein he tarieth vntyll the Citie is taken. Iere. 32, 7. The 19 of Na­buchadne­zar. In Tzedechias tenth yeere the Prophete buyeth a peece of ground of Chanameel his vnckles sonne, Iere. 32. and 33. in token that after their cariage to Babel, there shal be for Iudah a returne, and policy to buye & sel. The same tyme he confirmeth the people in expectatiō of Christ: which couenaunt is stronger that the heauens order. The same yeere Ezekiel [...] prophecyeth that Pharoah king of Egypt (who had ben as a Reede to the house of Israel) should be ouerrun, as before Ieremy had tolde. Cha. 44. And in these tymes of siege, Ezek. 5, 10. extreame sorow befell in Israel by plague, famine, and sworde. Fathers did eate their chyldren, and chyldren their fathers. Moses foresaw and foretolde that. Deut 28, 53. A greater desolation is after told, Dan. 9, 27. 2 whe [...] CHRIST is vtterly denyed by them. King. 25, 2. In the eleuenth yeere of Tzedechias▪ the fourth month, Iere. 39, 3. the Citie is taken: Iere. 52, 5. Then Nergal, Sarezer & other Noble of Babylon enter into it. The Heathen make Nerighsarus one of the kinge [...] of Babel: a pettie king well he might be vnder Nabuchadnezar, but none o [...] the chiefe three, for whose reigne only Iudah should be in Babel. These Po­tentates of Babel executyng the iudgement of Christ, Iere. 26, 8. by the close assistanc [...] of his Angels, are perfourmers of that vision which Ezekiel saw in Tzede­chias sixt yeere: when Angels lyke men come from the north Gate, the [...] another man marketh them in the Forehad that mourned for the sinn [...] of the Citie, Ezek. 9, 3, 4. that they might be kept safe. That falleth out in Ieremy, Bar [...] Abdemelech, and such godly. So in the spirituall fall from the fayth to Idolatry, which the Apocalyps reuealeth: An Angell commeth from th [...] East, Apoc. 7, 8, 9. and sealeth a great number: who makes seuen Trumpeters agayns [...] king Abaddon. Now by nyght Tzedechias fled through the kinges Garden▪ and through the gate betweene the two walles: and he went through th [...] fieldes: 1 King. 25. the Chaldeans ouertooke him at Iericho: brought him to Riblah, con­demned him, slew his chyldren before his eyes, and brought him to Babe [...] but he neuer saw Babel, being made blynde before. This, Ezekiel wa [...] taught in Tzedechias sixt yeere, Ezek. 8. when he was commaunded to prepare in­struments of transmigration: and to change place before his peoples ey [...] on the day lyght: and in the night to goe foorth before them, and dygg [...] hole in a wall, and to bring those that beheld him through that hole: th [...] he was to couer his owne face, that he should not see that Land. Th [...] the wheeles of Gods gouernement appeare ful of eyes, that so according­ly ruled Tzedechias case. The tenth calamity. The nintenth yere of Nabuchadnezar the first mon [...] Nebuzaradan burned the house of IEHOV AH, the kinges house, and all th [...] Nobles houses. Now we are come to the fourtie yeeres Ez [...]. 4.

[Page] [Page]

The Kingdomes that ouerruled the holy Ebrewes

Babylō 70. yeares Medes & Persianes 130. Alexander state. 6. Magog & Egypt. 294. y e Image reigned 500 ye


Babel is a tree Dan: 4. as before Assur had bene. Ezek. 31.

Nabucadnezer driuē from his Kingdome: liueing with beastes. 7. yeares restored to his honour. da. 4

[Page] [Page]

from the DIVISION. Jehoiakim Josias Iuda a Lionesse. WORLDE. Babel, Golden head.   Nebuchadnezzar Before the birth of CHRIST.

Novv I vvill returne to Io­sias
times. Daniel Ananias,
& Misael, vvere b.
about Iosias solenne Passceouer,
if 21 y. aged they serued Na­buchadnezar.
In yoūg yeeres
the youths manifested thē selues.
Ioachaz made eldest, k 3. m [...]n.
IEHOIAKYM reigneth by
Necho 11 yeere.

The first desolation of Ierusa­lem.
Dan. 1. & 9. Iere. 26. The
dayes of Gods slaughter. Soph 1.
The middle of the tyme. Aba. 3.
The space frō Samuel to Na­buchad.
and that frō Cyrus
to Tyberius eightenth is the
sam;, euen seuen seuenties.

CHONIAS k. 3 months.
11 yere.
Sardan-pul loseth Assur. Belesis
or Baltasar stirreth Babel to this
victory, foretelling it from God.
EZEKIEL prophecieth 30
yeeres after the findyng
of the Booke of the law.

This Rest is vvorthy marking.
IERVSALEM is besieged.
b. before Seraia dieth
IERVS ALEM is taken, & the
Temple burnt▪ then the visionie
fire of Ezekiel taketh effect
Cha. 10, 2. So Apo [...]. vvhē An­tichrist
riseth, Christ frō him
selfe the Alter casteth afyre a­gaynst
the prophaners of Ieru­salem.
sent frō Heauen, Ap 3.
Israel seeming to be dead bones
shal returne. Gog & Magog
shal vexe thē: so Iauā in Asia,
for Gygs house novv myghty
in Croesus, is tearmed: Hence
Gog & Magog is borovved
Apo. 20. Obadias telleth E­doms
ruine, and a restoring to
Iacob: to inhabite Chanaā
from Sarepta to Separad.

In the 25 y. of Ezekiels cap­tiuitie
14 y. after the citie vvas
stroken (That time, as the 18 of


Herodotus in Euterpe
somvvhat harpeth vpō the story
of Necho, that kilde Iosias at
Mageddon: saying, that Ne­chos
fought vvith the Syriās
at Magdol, and ouercame
them. Moreouer he recordeth
that Necho heard a prophecy
that his vvorkes should turne to
the benefite of a Barbarian.
That prophecy might be Ieremies
King of Babel, the lande of
Nimrod, Mich. 5, 6. VVhere
the Tovvrebuilding confounded
the mother tongue into 70: his
kingdome ouerthrevv Dauids
outvvard kingdome, and helde
Iudah 70 y. in captiuity from
the first desolation, or Daniels
transmigration. There Daniel
beginneth: and describeth the
troublers of Dauids house vn­til
our Lord his byrth. Them I
haue expressed in a Mapp, vvith
the seats of Noes sōnes, vvhose
Countries in Moses tyme re­pleni [...]hed,
are called all the
Earth. I suppose, that paines vvil
ease him that delyghteth in
that kinde: and vseth it from
this place forvvarde. Nabu.
His kingdome is a Mountaine de­stroying;
a Lion vvith vvinges,
comming out of a Sea: and the
head of the Image. From hence
in part Rome hath the Image
of the Beast, the mouth of a Lion
commyng out of the Sea, and i [...]
the Popes supremacie a Moun­taine
of fyre cast into the Sea.
Also, hence Rome is called
Babylon in a mystery. Apo. 17

Egypt after Ierusalems
si [...]gec, o [...]tended vvith Babel:
agaynst vvhom Ezekiel pro­phecieth
in Chonias 11 y.
Cha. 31. Thē also against Tyrus
Cha. 26, 27, 28. againe in Cho­nias
27. or Nabu. 34. Cha. 30.

Rest.   29        
  ‡ Epmenides b. 31       530
  1   The Lions deuou­ring men. Eza 19.      
370 2   3400      
  3     That Egle Eza▪ 1 [...]. [...] But Phar [...]oah is an Egle. ver. 7.  
Ezek. 4. in the 4 The first captiuity.     1  
  5     Babel is the land of Merchandize. Eza. 17. 2  
  6       3  
  7       4  
  8       5 An Image is of gold, syluer, brasse, iron.
  9       6  
  10       7 520
  11   He & Mar [...]chai &c. are the cedar twigs Eza. 17   8  
Rest. The second captiuity. 1 3410   9 IVB.
    2     10 17
    3 The basket of good Figges Ier 27   11  
  4     12  
    5     13  
    6     14  
    7     15  
Rest.   8     16  
    9     17  
    10     18 Ba [...]sasar Daniel, may wel be Belesus in Diod▪ Sic 3.
390   11 3420 Darius Madai is borne vvhē Nab maketh a K. in Iuda▪ Dā 5. 19  
From Israels sinne vnder Ieroboam 40 y. since Ieremy preached E [...] [...].   The third captiuity.     20  
  427 y. from the Temples foundation.   The basket of bad Figges. Ier. 24.   21  
          26 Reade for Ierusalem now Ieremies lament.
          27 500
      3430   29  
*         33  
          36 Amasis k. in Egypt. Poly­ [...]r [...] friende, Herod. 3.
*         37 490
      Pisistrat [...] ruleth Athens. Anaxā [...]rides Lacedemon.   38  
      3440   39  

IVDA     High Sainctes. WORLDE. Head, Lyon, Tree.   Nebuchadnezzar Before the birth of CHRIST.

Iosias vvas the middle of Iu­bilee)
then Ezekiel seeth a
citie called IEHOVAH There.
That Christ buildeth. Heb. 11.
and Apo 27.

Nabuchadnezar after E­gypts
fal, being at rest, drea­meth
of a great Tree cropt: bea­ring
the hart of a beast seuē yeres.
Daniel expoundeth it of Na­buchadnezar,
vvho after
tvvelue monethes bosting proudly
of Babels [...]uylding: & nothing
repēting for destroying the Tem­ple,
that seuen yeeres vvorke:
Falleth into a madnes: so conti­nueth
seuen yeres among beastes.
After that he proclaymeth his
shame, and Gods glory But styll
[...]he holdeth Bel his God. Dan 4.

The Chaldeans in Abyde­nus
fragment recorde that he
vvas blasted by some God: and
spake of Babels fall, by the
Persians: But the Aey-lyers
make the Babylonian Gods
offended the Authors of that:
and vvill not recorde Gods Pro­phetes
for Babels fall.

The WORD is named Mes­sias
by an Angel. That is in
Greke CHRIST. The time of
his death shalbe after seuen se­uenties.
Into three partes he de­uideth
these seuens: and ioyneth
proper stories to the first and the
last part: Seuen of them from
Cyrus first yeere, and permis­sion
to returne to buylde Ieru­slem.
Esa 44, 45. & Ezr. 4, 12
shall passe before they shall haue
builded it. Thence are sixty tvvo
seuens to the last seuen, set a part
for the Lord his preaching. Of
that last seuen the first part is
past in silence: as for a preparatiō:
that latter halfe doth Christ
bestovv in confirming the Testa­ment
for many: Beginning at his
baptisme: ending at his death.

3441 Then vvas Tyrus ouerthro­vven.
From the destruction of
Tyrus may speches are borovved
Apo. 18. to assure vs of
Romes fall Sone after Ty­rus,
is subdued.
Euilmerodac taketh Ie­chonias
out of Prison Ier.
He and his sonne Belshazar
make vp the rest to touch seuēty
In Bel [...]hazars first yere foure
beastes rising out of a Sea, Dā. 7.
are the Images foure Metalles. a
Lion, Beare, Leopard and one ten
horned. They being cast into fire,
The son of man cōmeth to take
a kingdome. Romes empire is
one beast compoūded of those 4.
Amongst the fathers of Iudahs
families in Babylō, one is A­donikā:
his name is A God-rising:
his children are 666.
Ezr. 2, 13 VVhen the Pope re­uiueth
the empire beast, & riseth
as a God in the Church, falling to
Babel: Then is he the beast hor­ned
like a Lambe. And 666 be­ing
a number attributed vnto a
mā, shevveth a name expressing
the vsurping Vicar of Christ.
and Cyrus: Ar­taxast
Prince. Daniel stop­peth
Lyons mouthes. Eb. 11. The
returne is graunted for buildyng
Ierusalem: hyndered somvvat
by Artaxast in Cyrus third.
Then Messias, vvho shoulde
suffer, appeareth to Dan. Chap.
1. as vvhen he had suffered: he
vvas seene of Paul: contemning
Stephen, hauyng the counte­neunce
of the Angell, and his
vvordes from Dan. 9. But more
alyke doth he appeare agayne to
Iohn Apo. 1. He is called Mi­chael,
the Archangel His An­gell
telleth of the Iewes suffe­ringe
vntyl Epimanes death.
ACHASVEROS the third K.
and Xerxes the fourth. Dan. 11.
        2   480
      Cyrus maketh Cr [...]sus Tutor to Camb [...]ses. 3    
      3450 4   Belshazar She- [...]ac Ier. [...]5. That is, vvhich kept a drunken Feast, drinketh Dan. 5. That Feast is mentioned in Atheneus 14, frō Berosus & Cresias, and in Her. 1. Strabo also (booke 11) expoundeth Saca a Bacchus Feast: and recordeth a victory
        9 of Cyrus by his enemies unsober banquetyng.  
IVB.     Here Cyrus dreameth of Darius Hyst. reigne Her. 1. 13    
18     3460 14    
    onely in Daniel is a dealer against the Iewes. Try that, and it vvill appeare.   21    
Babel falleth▪ by Sems Elā, and Iapheths Madai (an Angel helping.) Dan [...], 6, & 9, 11. Both proclayme Sems God: & Cyrus buyldeth h [...] [...]se. E [...]. [...]. & 6. Ierusalem shalbe destroyed in the next age after our Lord his death Dan. 9. Th [...] Rome   A Ramme is Paras. A Goate Buck Iauā. Da [...]   1  
70     3470   2  
  1   Here first the Grekes knevv the Barbariā stories S [...]. 15.   3  
The first returne. Gabriels 70 seauens. 2       The Head, Lyon, Trees time is ended.  
  7 1      
  1     Sanballat B. vvho savv Alexander.    
  2 *        
  3   3480      
  4   Thucid. Paus. & Athen. hold Grekes of no certainty.      
  7 2        
* Dari [...] Ar­taxast. b. 2 *        
  6   3490      

IVDA, Gabriels 70 SEVENS. Michaels people. WORLDE Brest, Beare, Ram.     Before the birth of CHRIST. The son of man.
  7 3

Achasueros decreeth, that all
Iewes in his 127 coūtries should
die in one day, because their
lavves differed frō the Heathen
Mardochai, and Adossa,
turne it on Haman the Ama­leakite
Num 24. and by fayth do
the Iewes escape the edge of
the svvorde. Ebr. 11.

DARIVS Artaxast is king
of Persia: of Assur Ezr 6. of
Babylon. Neh. 13. He knevv
that Gods vvrath vvas vpon his
predecessors for hinderyng the
Temple. In his second the Tem­ple
is taken in h [...]nde, is finished
in his sixt Ezr. 6. In his seuenth
Ezra returneth vvith auctho­ritte
to imprison, amerce banishe,
kil the disobedient to the Lavv:
Taketh order to put avvay all
vvomen and their chyldren of
natient impure in Moses.

That rule & Nehemiahs is a
Booke for the eues and svvearers:
Sinne is a vvoman cast into a
Bushel, prest by Lead: and caried
to Babel by tvvo. Zach. 5.

IERVSALEM is buylt by
the seuenth seuen: and the Cloy­sters
about the Temple: vvhere­fore
the Temple is sayd to be
49 yeere in buyldyng Clem.
1. Eusebius, Ioseph,
as the City: Abenezra
vpon Dan. 9. That vvas 46
from Cyrus thyrde, vvhen
Daniel mourned for the hinde­rance
of it: to vvhich time vve
may referre that 46 yere. Ioh. 2.
Frō Cyrus third to the ende of
the 62 seuēs, & to the 7 vvherin
our Lord buyldeth his Temple.
are y. 480. Cedrenus recko­neth
out of Iosephus from the
seuē seuēs end, to Ierusalēs de­structiō,
by the Romanes 480 y.
VVhereby Iosephus she vveth
hovv rightly in his age Gabri­els
seuens vvere counted.

3491 Xerxes his name in Greeke
vvriting agreeth vvith this
name Achasueros, as it is
vvritten in Ebrevv, Est 10 yet
that vvhole booke argueth, that
Achasueros to be rather
his father: as Grekes set forth
Darius Hystaspis. VVell
might Xerxes beare that his
fathers name: so the other sonne
Esters child (at the Ebrewes
vvel thinke) bare the name Da­rius.
stirreth Paras
against Iauā, that Messias vvho
hath his handes most pure may
revvarde them, vvith quicke &
sharpe dealing, according to their
vvorkes for hindryng the buyl­ding
of his Temple, and putting
his people in feare of death.
AGGAI and Zachary
teache. Iehouah vvas vvith
them; and the Worde, and the
Spirite. CHRIST shall
come of Zorobabel, vvho is
of Nathan, and before that
Temple shalbe destroyed. Ag. 2.
ZACHARY telleth of Ba­bel
to haue bene at a pit vvith­out
vvater. Chaldeans vvere
hornes: Persians to them Smi­thes.
Christ is an Angell, and
Iehouah. Angels attende. Ie­sus
signifieth him. The Temple
and Ierusalem shalbe buylded
It hath bene vnvvalled to shevv
both God a fyerie vvall: and the
number to come vncumpassable.
The Candlesticke hath tvvo
Oliues vvhich stande before the
Lord of the vvhole earth. Therby
the Church vvith full graces it
meant. Al that testifie the truth,
Apo. 11. are for number & gra­cet
tearmed hence. Gods forecare,
povver, and speede, by his An­gels,
in diuers sortes for Iudah
at home, and in Babel is exprest
by foure Charets commyng out
of moūtaynes of Steele: and Hor­ses
  7 4       430
  1   Reade the booke of Esther for this King.      
  2   3500      
  3 *        
  7 5        
  3         420
  4   Many that savv Sal. Temple vvere yet aliue. Ag. 2, 4.      
  5   3510     IVB.
  6   * Here place the Pelopon warres.     19
  7 6        
  2 2 Returne.        
  6         410
  7 7       To the walling of Ierusalem, Eliasib first stept: and bylt at the Shepgate poole: & sanctified that portion. Ne [...]. 3. Here might wel begin the miracle of the Angel making healthy the waters to all diseases for him that first stept in Ioh. 5, 2.
  1   3520      
  2 3 Returne.        
  7 8        
  4   3530      
  5   Neh. returneth to Artax. in his 32. Ch. 5. & 13.      
  7 9        
20 generations are frō Nathan to Neri, & frō Dauids death to the captiuity 410 y. Zorobabel and Mary make other 20. and frō Cyrus fyrst to our Lordes byrth are yeres 457 in S. Mathevv but 10 generations. Those confute them that bryng 557 yeres. Those men be stars. 7 10 3540      

  Gabriels 70 SEVENS. IVDA, holy people. WORLDE. Brest, Beare, Ram.     Before the birth of CHRIST. The son of man.
  1   After this Artax. Only Da­rius
the last K. is named
in Scripture: Neh 12, 22. Then
vvas Iaddua hygh Sacrificer,
vvho met Alexander. Io­seph
Ant. 11. Ch. 7, & 8. Ezra
savv their vvhole times Ne. 12,
26 and vvrote 1. Chr. 9. in Io­chanās
age, father to Iaddua.
He vvas b. 50 yeeres before Ba­bel
fell: for so long afore his fa­ther
vvas k [...]lde. 2. k 25. vvher­fore
they must stretch his age a­boue
Isaaes 180 y. that geue
Madai & Paras aboue 130 y.
Nehemias a captaīe in Cy­rus
first vvriteth of their last
Kinges. Sanballat his aduer­sarie
vvas great vvith Alex­ander.
Halfe a skore of seuerall
men liued from the time of Ioa­kim
father to Eliasib, to the
ende of the Persians. Neh. 12.
The Grekes exceedingly geue
too many yeres to Cyrus, Ar­taxast,
& Achasueros. The
reprouing of them then is neede­full,
seeyng they thoulde disanull
Gabriels prophecy: and easely
are they disproued. Fyrst by the
age of Mardochai, Zoroba­bel,
& them in Ag. 2, 4.
And through Ezra and Ne­chemias.
Conferre Heathen.
In Spart Anaxandrides it
of Croesus age. His coura­gious
sonne Leonides died a­gaynst
Xerxes. Her. 7. Poly­crates
vvealth, (He vvas A­masis
friende) In Socrates
olde age vvas graunted Isme­nias.
Pla. Epimenides
Tit. 1. aduiseth Nicias of Ni­ceratus
for an Alter to an vn­knovven
God. Laertius.
Act 17. The vvhole successiō of
lyues vvill disproue their de­ceiteful
Olympiades: vvhich
made olde Grekes and La­tines
to misse in 100 yeres.

of diuers coloures. The lyke
for Horses i [...] in Apo. 6. Syria
shalbe plagued by Iauan, and
Iauā Gog-Magog for Iu­dah.
vvil come riding
vpon an Asse: shalbe solde for
thirtie Sicles: He the shepharde
shalbe striken, and the Apostles
the she [...]pe shalbe skattered: his
side shalbe pearsed: They shall
mourne vvhen they consider it.
Act. 2. Apo. 1. The blind Iewes
at this day in the Talmud.
Mass. Suchoth
meane it of
Christ the some of Ioseph,
The sonne of Dauid, vvhich
vvas kilde: vvho asked of God
lyfe for euer, and had it: and all
the earth his possessions. They
seeyng vvill not see. Ierusalem
shalbe destroyed, the Lordes feete
standyng on Mount Oliuet.
There the Lord telleth the same
thing. Mat. 24. A Ierusalem
for all shalbe buylt. This is the
summe of Zachary.

Malachi in Greeke Angel,
endeth the Prophetes. In him
Iohn Baptist is once called
Malachi: and agayne Elias in
the end of his Prophecy. Marke
beginneth vvith Malachi, or
Angel: Gabriel vvith Elias
in the first spech of the nevv Te­stament.
So svveetely in spechet
hath God ioyned the old & nevv
Testament. They vvho holde the
hid Apocrypha to be breathed
by Gods spirite, can not holde this
true. The late Ebrevves reiect
them: for ska [...]t heard of them. In
Ebrew they are not. The nevv
Testament citeth thē not, other­vvyse
then Homer or De­mosthenes.
The old Ebrevves
heard not of any of them, vvho in
Ezdras age, toke order for pre­seruation
of euery letter in the
Prophetes: & brought the vvhole
summe to 805 380. Rab. Sad.

  7 11        
  1         380
  3   3550      
  5   Nicias of Niceratus is kilde. T [...]u. 7.      
  7 12        
  4         370
IVB. 6   3560      
20 7 13 Socrates d. Laertius.      
  7 14       360
  2   3570      
  7 15        
  3         350
  5   3580      
  7 16        
  6         340
  7 17        
  1   3590      

  Gabriels 70 SEVENS. Iuda, The Mountaine. WORLDE. Grecia. CHRIST.
  2   Now the Angell goeth from
Paras, and God nūbreth, way­eth,
& deuideth their power.
Darius the Persian gaue re­wardes
for inuentors of new
pleasures, and thereby he was
not ware how he had sold his
kingdome, vntyll another
was proclaymed to beare his
Scepter Athen. He caried with
him in Campe 350. Concu­bines.
Diod. Sic. In him wor­thely
the Siluer is made dust.
The Beare is cast into fyre:
and the Ramme cast downe.
Dan. 2. 7. 8.
3591 Iauan by 6 yere ruleth Paras. And
6 yere more Alexander doth vvhat
he vvil. Then he dyeth, and his house.
His Captaynes part the spoyle: foure
are chiefe. Perdiccas and Anti­gonus
tvvo of the foure chiefe vvere
in tyme killed by Ptolemy Lagi
and Seleucus Nicator, the tvvo
other chiefe: vvho ioyned povvers,
and continuall affinitie. This much
is in Daniel touchyng Iauan, in
the Belly & Sides: Leopardes foure
heades, and Bucke of sundry hornes.
The tvvo standyng Seleucus and
Pto. make the tvvo Legges & fourth
  7 18    
  4   3600  
  7 19    
  3     The Angel Dan. 11. disauthorizeth the Ma­cabyes by 1. Ma [...] 1, 7. way both diligently.
  4   Iuda, high Saintes GOG-North. World. South, Egypt.  
  5   Alexander toke order
vvith Iuda for token
of subiection, that each
sacrificers childe borne
that y. should be named
Alexāder. R. Abr.
Sanballat to buylde a
Temple for Samari­tans
and fals Iewes.
The sonnes of Iesus of
Iosadak had contrac­ted
affinitie vvith thē.
Those Ezra and Ne­hemias
R. Abr. There­fore
the Iewes of Ie­rusalē
myght not vse
familiaritie vvith thē.
That religion doth our
Lord confute Ioh. 4.
Alexander vvrought
trobles to Chadrach;
countries about Iuda,
Damascus, Tyrus,
and Gaza to
teach that God hath an
eye vpō almen. Zach 9.
Alexanders act are
vvritten by Plutarch,
Diod. Sic. Arrian,
& Iustin.
He is that one of Alex­anders
Princes, migh­tier
then the king of
the South: and of grea­ter
dominion. Dan. 11.
Appian vvriteth of
al his house: and noteth
him to be the mightiest
of all Alexanders
successours. VVhen he
slevv Antigonus,
fell to be vnder
him, because Antigo­nus
had gotten it from
Ptolemy. His king­dome
is playnely spoken
of in Ezekiel in Gog
and Magog. Gyg is
famous in Hero. Plat.
Tul. Gyg-Pole
Gyg-Mount is no
lesse: in Hom. & Str.
or Hiera­polis,
or Bambyce is
as much famous for the
Idolatry to Derceto:
Therefore these tvvo
names Gog & Ma­gog
playnely note Se­leucus
kingdomm: at
doth Meshech, Tu­bal,
Paras, Gomer,
Sele [...]cus Nicator his armes vv [...]re an Ancore: but on his Image vv [...]re gr [...]ē Hornes He buylt Antiochia. Str. vvhere the faithful vvere first cald Christians. Act. 11. to shevv that Christvvas great ouer Gog. PTOLEMY Lagi k. of
Egypt: of him spake
the Angell. Dan. 11.
The king of the
south shalbe migh­ty.
Diod: Sie. noteth
that by speciall di­uine
fauoure he
stode. Humane he
was, and receyued
his reward. He at
the first gate Iudea,
entring into Ierusa­lem
on the Sabboth
as a friende: but
dealt as a Beast
with teeth of Iron.
Thousands of Da­niels
people caryed
he to the lande of
Cham: and placed
them in Garrisōs.
Strabo Geogr. 17. rec­koneth
al the Ptole­myes
vntyl Egypt be­cōmeth
vnder the
Romans. The posee­ritie
of this Ptol [...]my
claymed Chan [...]an,
pretending that he
holpe Sel [...]ue [...] on
that conditiō, that
the shoulde be sure
  7 20   IVB.
  1     21
  7 21    
  1     310
  7 22    
  2     Ioseph. Ant. 12▪ 1.
  4     300
  7 23    
  7 24   290

  Gabriels 70 SEVENS. IVDA, Daniels people. Gog, Ironleg. WORLD South, Ironleg. Before the birth of CHRIST.
  3   IN this age came vp
Saduces: a sect that
sayd there vvas no re­surrection,
nor angel, nor
spirite. Act. 23 The fa­ther
of that sect vvas
one Sadduc. This
Sadd. vvas taught of
Antigonus, to do as
not loking for revvard.
He meant that goodnes,
for the vertue vvas to
be folovved. But the bad
mistake [...] sayd he vvas
taught to looke for no
recompence: and despi­sed
the povver of the
vvorlde to come. This
sect, fearing to be stoned
by the people, pretended
to leane vpon Moses:
but not admittyng any
exposition. R. Abra.
Talmud Pirke A­both,

and Aboth R.
The Lorde
confuted them by the
first Oration that euer
God spake to Moses.
I am the God of
God is not the God of
the dead, but of the ly­nyng:
Abraham must
in Spirite liue. Mat. 22,
In the dayes of Mala­chie
this vvickednes
vvas arysing, then stoute
vvoydes vvere spoken,
that it vvas in vayne
to serue God: that the
proude vvere blest: the
vvicked set vp: the
tempters of God delyue­red.
To vvhom a day
vvas tolde, that should
burne them roote and
branch as stubble. Mal. 3
That novv dravveth
on vnder Iauan, vvhē

and Togarmah.

The Tovvnet buylt
through the East by the
Prince of Magog, and
bearyng Greke names,
all should teach vs to
marke Eze. 39 & Dan.
11. for his house falling
by the tyme of the pro­mise.
At the last Se­leucus
Lysimachus king of
Thrace, once Croe­sus
reigne. Ptol. Ce­raunus
kild Seleu.
He maryed his Fa­thers
vvyfe: vvhich
thyng vvas infamous
amongst the Heathen.
1. Cor. 5. She vvas cal­led
Apamea. Ant.
nāed the tovvne
Apamea after her
name. Str. 12. By this
Apame [...] he had a son
and heyre Antiochus
Such is the
breede of the fourth
Beast: vvhich goeth to
destruction. Magas
the brother of Ptole­my

maryed a daughter of
Soters: him Soter
vvas: fayne to helpe in
vvars agaynst the bro­ther.
His sonne in lavv,
claymed to be King of
Cyren pau. in Att.
Thereupon the [...]vvo
legge [...] began to knocke
one agaynst the other:

At the ende of tymes
they agreed [...] and
the daughter of
Philadelphus vvas
maryed to the King of
the norths son
Theos, to make


of it. But Selcucu [...]
house pleaded that
Cassander, Lysimachus
and Seleucus dyd
vppon a common
agreement con­clude,
when they
ouercame Antigonus
that al Syria should
be vnder Selcucus.
5. Then the
fell to be troden
cōtinually of these
two Legges.

PTOLE Philadelphus.
for him the 70 tur­ned
the Prophetes
into Greke. Much
they altered: Yeres
Gen. 5. and. 11. they
faigned 1350 least
the oftē halfyng of
ages shoulde trou­ble
the faithles. For
persōs, they faine
to Sem one Caynan
[...]an other Caynan be­twene
Arphaxad, &
Selah. Also they
[...]ayne Ioseph a third
generation when
Iacob came to Egypt,
and Ioseph had ben
maried but nine y.
This moued them.
They helde in cō ­mon
speech from
Gen. 10. that 70
tonges & families
sprang by Chams
cursse: that there­vpon
Iacobs house
went to Chams land
with 70 soules: Deu,
32. That those 70
matched in value
all families of the
earth: that none
myght rule ouer

When Sel. placed Iewes [...]remen in al the Cities which he buylt. Iosep. A [...]. 12. Chap. 3. Christ wrought the mystery of saluation and glory ouer Gog: In that Iewes were skattered among Iaphe [...] sonnes: and Greke made a com̄on language. 4      
  7 25    
  1   *  
  3     280
  5   3650  
  7 26    
  4   *  
  6     270
  7 27    
IVB. 1   3660 Menander writeth, that euyll spech marreth good maners. 1, Cor. 15. Aratus writeth, that we are the kinred of God. Act, 17.
22 2      
  7 28    
  4   3670  
  7 29    
  7 30 3680  
  1   Seleucus Callinicus K.  
  7 31    
  1     240
  3   3690  

  Gabriels 70 SEVENS. Iuda, Stars of heauen. Gog-horned WORLD Egypt-horned. Before the birth of CHRIST.

these Saduces come
to extremity. Dan.

The godly vvho vver [...]egrave;
contrary to these, vvho
said styl, God marketh,
hath all vvritten in a
Booke for them that
feare God, Mal. 3. Dan.
7. They did commonly
vse in this age the terme
of the WORLDE
the vvyng that therein
stoode the perfect bles­sing.
R. Aba. & God
comforted particulerly
the efflicted by the
prince of Magog.

Such as be vvritten in
his booke: in that all
vvhich sleepe in the
dust shall ryse: the iust
to glory euerlastyng, and
the other to shame e­uerlastyng
Dan. 12.
Accordyng to that the
Martyrs vnder Anti­ochus

(as the sones of Anna)
often mention the resur­rection
1 Mach. & 2.
Mach. & Iosippus.

The Epistle to the E­brewes
doth recorde
properly theyr comfort:
that they vvould not be
delyuered because they
looked for the betterre­surrection.
Cha 11.
Pharises oppose them
selues agaynst the Sad­duces
in an other ex­tremitie,
& vnskilfully.
They said that Moses
receiued an other Lavv
besides the vvritten ge­uen
by traditiō; vvhi [...]h
from Iosuah, Samu­el,
and such,
came to them. They

vnitie: but it vvoulde
not stande. For Theos
had a former vvyfe, na­med
Laodicea: vvho
poysoned her Husbande,
and styrred her sonnes to
kill Berenice vvhich
in tyme they dyd; and a
childe of hers. The An­gell
foretolde this: Hea­then
Appian & Iu­stin
recorde it. Chri­stians
shoulde better
marke it. Herein the
tvvo Legges of the par­ted
Kingdome of Ia­uan
ioyned in mans
seede cleaue no better
together then Iron
vvoulde vvith Clay.
Nab. foresavve that,
and vve mistake it.
SELEVCVS Calli­nicus
is ouercome by
Ptolemy Euerge­tes:
vvho spoyled his
Countrey, and caried
his Nobles to Egypt,
as also the Angel fore­told:
Sel. dyeth by a fal.
Iust. 27. SELEVCVS
Ceraunus, and An­tiochus
set vpon Egypt: but
the first soone died. Af­ter,
Megas setteth vpō
Grece, clayming that,
his: vvhich Sel [...]ucus
vvan from
Lysimachus. The
Consul of Cittim or
Rome foyleth him. He
spoyleth the PLE­SANT

and a Temple, vvhere
he is kilde. Strab. 16.
Iust. 32. Mach.
SELEVCVS Philo­pater
is that taxer that
vvithin fevv dayes is

them rightly more
then ouer al other.
Zohar vpon Ex. To
auoyde danger, by
the king of Cham
his land, though of
Iauans seede, they
altered the text. R.
in Kabalah.

set foorth an huge
army agaynst An­tioch [...]s
fought with an o­ther
great army.
Pol. 5. 3 Mach. 1. An­tiochus
is discomfi­ted:
that Berenices
death myght fully
be reuenged. Not­withstandyng, Phi­lopator
not: but is kylled
by Cleomenes a bani­shed
king of Spart.
Antiochus Megas
sūdry times
against Ptolemy Epi­phanes
the sonne:
whom Philopater
dying, bequethed
to the tutelage of
Rome. They com­pell
Megas to be
quiet, who placeth
in mariage to Epi­phanes
one cald. Dā.
11. Bath-Nasim, a
daughter of speci­all
Cleopatra, the glory
of a Countrey,
Thinking by the
mariage to destroy
his sonne in law.
But the daughter
fauoureth the hus­band,
and both fa­uour
Rome agaynst
him. Liuy. 37.

  7 23    
  4     230
  6   3700  
  7 33    
  7 34   220
  2   3710 IVB.
  3     23
‡ The booke of Iesus the sonne of Syrah is written: which many be vsed as the writing of a learned Ievv, but not vrged as faultles. 7 35    
  3     210
  5   3720  
  7 36    
  6     200
  7 37    
  1   3730  
  7 28    
  2     190
  4   3740  

  Gabriels 70 SEVENS. Iuda, Starres falling. Gog-clayleg WORLD Egypt-clayleg. Before the birth of CHRIST.
  5   vvere Bl [...]nd, leader [...] of
Bl [...]nde. A thyrde sect
there vvas, called Esse­ni,
lyke Monkes. Plin.
These three Shephardes
vvas Christ to de­stroy.
Zach. 11, 8.
Epimanes abroga­teth
Moses: and con­firmeth
in Iuda. That helde
dayes 2300 Dan. 8.
from 142 vntyll full
148 of the Greciās.
The ende vvas Cisleu
25. 1. Mach. 4.
Maymon. Seder­olam.
Three yeeres
& an halfe before that,
the Sacrifice vvas re­noued:
Thence begin
tvvo Accomptes for
tvvo destructions of
Syria: One after dayes
1290: An other after
dayes 1335. Dan. 12.
Happy vvas Daniels
people that patiently a­bode
to see Gods dea­lyng
then. The dedica­tion
began vpon that
25 of Cisleu. Our
Lord vvas at it. Io [...]. 10
and then he shevveth
that he is Michael,
one vvith the Father,
and that none can take
his Sheepe from him:
vvhē he standeth vp for
his people. VVith Epi­manes
is Antichrist
compared. 2. Thes. 2.
The Angel told the per­ticul [...]r
state of Iudas
sufferinges hitherto.
Dan 11. and 12. His
spech is an abridgment,
or rather a key of Di­uine
& humane Greke
cut of: He is called the
Foreman of the Cous­nauat.
He sent his son
Demetrius to re­deeme
from Rome,
by vvhose
meanes he vvas poyso­ned:
and his sonne de­feated.
sister, queene of Egypt
had [...]vvo somet Phi­lometor
and Phys­con.
They stroue for
the gouernment. Epi­manes,
vnder pre­tence
of defendyng
right, inuadeth Egypt
thrise: The seconde
tyme onely he lost his
Laboure. The Romās
called of the Angell,
Cittim, sende Popi­lius
to stay him vvith
a letter, commaunding
hym to depart: he cha­fed:
and turned his chol­ler
agaynst the holy Co­uenant.
To vvhat ex­tremitie
of sinne vvas
Iuda come to, that one
shoulde dravve them
from God by terrour,
vvhom one letter might
stay. The legende of Iu­dith
do the Rab­bines
referre to this
age in Col-bo, out of
Hagadah. That she
cuttyng of the head of
the king of Iauan,
frighted his Garrisons
from Ierusalem: and
caused the feast of De­dication.
This they
fayne to deface the
Greke vvrit of Iu­dith:
vvhich though
of long tyme it vvere
vsed, can neuer be
rightly defended.

Of the Romanes.

Thrise in Da­niel
be the Romanes
spoken of: once,
where the discom­fiture
of Megas is
handled. Agayne
where Shippes frō
Cittim come a­gainst
Epimane [...].

There they are ra­ther
helpers then
hynderers to Iuda.
agayne, where by
them Ierusalem is
destroyed. Here
they come vp to be
mighty: where the
myght of Grecia is
at an ende. This
tyme is called in
Dan. 8. The ende of
wrath, & the ende
of the kingdome
of Iauan: for hence
by their neigh­bours
curtesie, ra­ther
then by their
owne strēgth they
reigned. The name
Cittim is common
to the Grecians, and
to the Romanes. Of
Cittim Iauan his son
Macetia or Macedon
sprang. And the
inhabitantes of I­taly
came frō Acha­ia
Portius Cato, Caius
Sempronius, Diōis. Hal.
Ouid. in Fast.
that Italy was great
Grece. Suidas in Lati­no
sheweth that
Italj were before
called Cetii. By the
name of Cittim af­flicting
Assur: the
former and later
Cittim are meant.

  7 39 Ant. Epiphanes causeth starres to fal. Dan. 9. So doth Antichrist. Apo. 8.  
  1 Matathias.    
Cornelius Taci [...]us recordeth that A [...]o­chus Epiphanes laboured to bring the Iewes to the fashion of the Heathen: vvhich from performyng he vvas [...]red by the Par­thian vvarres. That badman testifieth, that the Angels vvordes had their effect. 2      
  7 40   Of Iudah [...] misery in these tymes spake Esay. Chap. 4. and of Christ sone after to come. They be calde wyse, who marke this state. Dan. 12.
  3 Iudas Machabeus.    
IVB 3   3760  
24 4   Antiochus Eupator, Dime [...]rius Soter.  
  7 42    
  2 Ionathan.    
  6   3770  
  7 43 Alexander false Ephiph. Demetrius Nicator.  
  7 44   150
  2   3780  
  4   Antiochus Theos: Trypho.  
  7 45    
  1 Symeon.    
  3     140
  5   3790  

  Gabriels 70 SEVENS. Leuies tyranny. Gog-clayleg. WORLD Egypt-clayleg. Before God taketh Emmanuel Zorobabel in Mary
  6   SYMEON, as Iudas
and Ionathan made
a leage vvith Rome,
and Spart. That plea­sed
not God. All the
brethrē dyed by svvord.
Iohn, Symeon his
son became a Sadducy,
and made inquisition
for all Pharisees, and
did put them to death,
and despised the sacri­ficehood.
vvare a crovvne
as a King first of any
Leuite: then he kilde
his brother Antigo­nus,
and shortly dyed
vvith torment of con­science,
and vomityng
of blood. His brother
ALEXANDER reig­ned
after him, and kilde
50000 of the Phari­sees,
being a Saddu­cy,
reiected by them.
vvyfe reigned after
him. She bare him tvvo
sonnes, Hyrcanus &
Aristobulus. Both
stroue for the kingdome
a long time, and drevv
sundry Nations to their
factions. Hyrcanus
had partakers Anti­pater
an Idumean,
belonging to his fathers
house, and Arethas
King of Arabia.
Scaurus, Pompeys

legat [...] fauoured Ari­stobulus:
but after­vvardes
altereth Pompey,
vvho came vvith an
h [...]ast to Ierusalem,
and surprised the Citie
on the Sabboth day, and
placed Hyrcanus in

Alexander, Deme­trius
kilde Trypho:
him selfe (as the for­mer)
is kilde, in vvars
agaynst Parthia.

Cleopatra Philo­metor
bare to hym,
Antiochus Cuzi­cenus:
and to false
Epiphanes Ant.
kilde. To Ni­cator,
Grypus. Nicator
& Seleucus [...]he kild:
vvoulde haue poysoned
Grypus: is compel­led
to poyson her selfe.
Grypus is troubled by
Physcon, adnauncing
one Alexander: but
he sone altereth: and
geueth Grypina to
Grypus. Cuzice­nus
maryeth his other
daughter Selene. The
halfe brethren vvarre,
& their vvyue [...]. Gry­pina
killeth Selene,
being captiued: successe
altered, Cuzicenus
killeth her, and vanqui­theth
Grypus. Ant.
of Grypus dryueth
him out: and for tyranny
is kilde. Then reigned
Antioch, of Cuzi­cenus
vvho maried his
fathers vvife: an other
Selene: vvas calde in
floute Eusebes. And
God [...] him
by Tigranes, vvhō
Syria chose King.
Lucullus a Roman [...]
droue out Tigranes:
& made K. Antioch
of Euse­bes:
but Pompey
suceeding, disanulled

kylde in warres a­gainst
his sonne in
law. Then his son
succedeth not: but
had bene king of
Cyren. This Phys.
maried Cleopatra,
his naturall syster,
wyfe once to their
brother. On the
mariage day he
kilde her sonne by
Philometor: in tyme
he doth loath her,
and marieth her
daughter Cleopatra.
Extreme crueltie
he sheweth to his
people that made
hym king: and fil­leth
al with blood
and banishment.
After banishing o­thers,
he fleeth
with the Queene
his wyfe: he sen­deth
for his eldest
sonne from Cyren:
and least Alexandria
shoulde make him
king, he kylleth
him. Therevpon
the people cast
downe all Images
of hym: whiche
thyng he suspec­tyng
to be done
by his sisters pro­curement,
his sonne by her,
and caused him to
be minced and
brought to the
mother as a dyshe
of meate on her
birth day. That
Cleopatra the syster
therupon fleeth to
  7 46    
Panuel, Symeon, Zachary, Achim, Eleazar, Mathhat, Iacob, Ianna, Leui, Melchi. Matthat, as in Mat. & Luk. lyued about these tymes, and taught many to looke for the redemption of Israel. 5      
  6     130
  7 47    
  1   3800  
  7 48    
  2     120
  4   3810 IVB.
  5     25
  7 49    
  5     110
  7 50 3820  
  1     100
  7 51    
  3   3830  
  7 52    
  4     90
  6   3840  

  Gabriels 70 SEVENS. Leuies tyranny. Gog-clayleg. WORLD Egypt. Before SHILOH  
  7 53 the Regiment, and Sa­crificehood:
and caried
Aristobulus vvith
his tvvo sonnes Anti­gonus
& Alexan­der
captiues to Rome.
Thence sundry escapes
they made, and mooued
vvar [...]es in Iudah.
couetous Crassus to
surprise Ierusalem:
vvho spoyled the Tem­ple
of 60 tūnes of Gold.
Crassus & his campe
vvere vvholly ouer­throvven
at Charan
by the Parthians: and
Alexander vvas
kilde by Scipio. Ari­stobulus
the father
fauoured by Iulius
vvas poysoned
by Pompeys side.
Antigōus requested
of Iulius Caesar the
kingdome of Iudah;
in vvhich Pompey
setled Hyrcanus. But
Caesar bestovved it
vpon Antipator once
Hyrcanus seruaunt,
an Idumean. After
Caesar died, Anti­pater
vvas poysoned
by Malchus. Him
Cassius slevve.
by Pacor king of
Parthia, reigneth in
Ierusalem. Hyrca­nus
[...]ntised to go to
Pachor, it of him
kept prisoner. Novv
HERODE escaped to
Rome, there is pro­claymed
king of Iuda:
brought into the Capi­toll
betvveene Anto­nius
and Octauius:

that, and ended the
gouerament of Syria.

Novv Gog troubler of
Israel, vvith his evvne
svvord found destructi­on
and God sent sixfold
Iudgementes, Plague,
Blood, Raine, Hayle,
Fire, Earthquakes. Also
the Foules of the ayre
be called to e [...]te their
carcases. VVhen they
fall by Rome, novo
prosperout: In tyme
Rome hath the name
Gog & Magog, &
most of these punish­ments,
in the Apoca­lyps.
Skilful vve ought
to be to diserne the pro­per
Gog & Magog
Eze. 38. from that spo­ken
spiritually in a my­stery.
Apo. 20. The
Grekes vpō Eze. 38.
may stay the vnstayed,
vvho by Mesech
and Togar­ma
mean [...] Cappa­doceans,
nations of Seleucus
subiectes. Novv for
Ezechiels Earth­quakes:
Fyfty seauen
Earthquakes vvere in
one yere, vvhē Roma­ni
& Poeni fought at
Thrafimenus, yet
Neyther of them felt
it. Them Arsaces rob­bed
Gog of the East:
and shortly Megas
vvas made of lytle
povver in the vvest by
Rome: then first gro­vving
to povver, and
quaking at his greatnes,
but nothing at al, at the


Demetrius her sonne
in lawe for helpe
Physcon ouermat­cheth

Prolemy Latharus, hi [...]
mother defeated
him for a time, &
made Alexander K.
who kild his mo­ther,
and was ba­nished.
Lathurus reigneth.
After Pt. Piper, is ba­nished:
his daugh­ter
Berenice maryed
to Cybiofacte [...] of G [...]y­pus:
strangled that
clowne. Pompey
holpe Piper home.
Piper kilde Berenice
die [...]hsone Cleopatra
his daughter raig­neth
& Dionys. He
kild Pompey: & pe­risheth.
Cesar vseth
Cleopatra: & beget­teth
Caesario. That
strengthener of E­gypt
is also kilde.

Antonius maryeth
her: she stryuyng
with hym for a
wager who could
inuent the costlier
diet: did eate one
of the two Pearles
which she had, of
an vnestimable
valew, and would
haue eaten the o­ther,
if one Plancus
had not helde her
hande. Pliny. 9. 35.

Antonius and Cleo­patra
fight by Sea
with Egypt, Arabia,
Herod, Bactra, India,

and the strength
of the east agaynst
Italy. Italy ouer­commeth

  Greke is cōmon. Tul. for Po [...] Arch. Th. Apostles vvrite i [...] that cōmon tongue. Their vvordes must be try [...] by former A [...]o [...]es: so they are cleare.
  6   Anna borne. Luk. 2.    
  7 54   80  
  2   3850    
  7 55      
  3     70  
IVB. 5   3860    
26 6        
  7 56      
  6     60  
  7 57      
  1   3870    
  7 58      
  2     50  
  4   3880    
  7 59      
  1   *    
  5     40  
  7 60 3890    

  Gabriels 70 SEVENS. Heauens kingdome. Gog-dust. WORLD Egypt-Dust. Before the cōming of the son of man. CHRIST.
  1   vvhen Domitius
and Afi­nius
vver [...]
Consult. Then Virgil
aegl. 4. vvrote of a
Chylde that shoulde
come from Heauen, and
of a golden vvorlde.
Many nations dealyng
novv vvith Iudah,
learned the tyme and
fame of the kingdome
of Heauen. Herode
brought home by Ven­cidius,
and holpen by
Sofius, taketh Ieru­salem.

is brought to Anto­nius,
and of him be­headed,
as an enemy to
the people of Rome.
is after­vvardes
confirmed by
Antonius and Cle­opatra,
rulers of
Egypt. And so E­gypt
hath some part
of the Imaget to [...], vn­tyll
our LORDE his
byrth: and the Ma­chabees
that robde
Iuda of the regement:
and left the Sacrifice
hood, be rooted out by
theyr sornauntes. Rā.
Ban. vpon. Gen. 49
SHILOH is come
IESVS is borne: The
VVORD is made flesh:
The Seede promised
to Eue a virgin is
borne of a virgin, and
made vnder the lavve,
to redeeme vs from the
curse of the Lavv: The
blessed God of Sem the
king of iustice and K.
of peace, vvhom Sem
resembled, at tvvelue
yeeres of age commeth

Earthquakes, a greater
vvonder. This Pliny
noteth. Also vvhen
Tigranes vvas cho­sed
King in Syria and
Selēucus house peri­thed,
an Earthquake
destroyed 170000
men, and many Cities.
Iust. 40. That vvhich
Ioel speaketh, of the
darkenyng of the Sun:
and Moone turned to
Blood: Cimchi and
Rambam expounde
of sorovves to Gog-Magog
and Iuda
before the Lordes day
commeth. And further
D. Cimchi agreeth
vvith Peter. Act. a.
but knovv no more thē
Cayphas, vvhat he
spake. At Gog vvas
plagued so vvas Iuda
frō the time of Chas­monay

Before Iuda had been
bout, and Ephraim
furnished vvith bovv
agaynst Iauan. But
since, CHRIST brake
both his stanet, Delight
and Bynders. VVhereas
he had delyghted, and
bounde Iuda vvith
Ioseph: Since, seeing
they loathed hym, he
left the lost Sheepe to
poryth, that vvoulde
neede [...] be perishyng.

Zach. 1 [...]. vvhom yet
he pitieth. Math. 10.
Zachary & his Ma­lachi
begin the
nevv Story. Luk. 1.

The redemption by
Christ shoulde be
(thought mere glori­ous)
yet in many things [...].


them, to
make Egypts legge
dust. They both
kill them selues.
Augustus kilde Cle­opatras
Antony by Fuluia:
Her sōnes by An­thony
he spared and
cherished as his
cosins. After Alex­āders
death 294 y.
Plat. 3. Clem. Strom. 1.
this sea fyght be­tweene
them was
fought. Aeneas
Shylde is trymde
with that victory.
Am. 8. and snudry
others do write of
it. Cleopatra would
needes before E­gyptes
fall show her
pride, and prouo­ [...]ed
Anthony to
make her Queene
of Italy. Plut in Ant.
Val. Max. Ouid. Her.
Iuu. Zonaras.

Sundry warres
had Augustus after
this, to quiet the
world: But al from
Parthya to England [...]
by the time of our
Lord his birth
were content to
haue friendshyppe
with the Romanes.
Read Stra. 4 & Flor.
They do taxe Beth­le [...]m
whē the bread
of lyf [...] doth there
appeare. The
kinge [...] son shoulde
be free: but Cittim
was to afflict E­bus

Archelaus is bani­shed

  7 61    
  1     30
The Sibyll writ which Virgil is thought to folow & La [...]tantius citeth, may well be made by some wittie man, taught of a Iew. Or the Spirites otherwyse myght well speake of these tymes, what D [...]iel taught playnely. 2      
  3   3900  
  7 62    
  4     20
  6   3910 IVB.
  7 63   27
  7 64   10
  2   3920  
  7 65    
  2 * *  
  3 1   1
  4 2    
  5 3 3930  
  6 4    
  7 5    
  1 6    
  2 7 *  
  3 8    
  4 9    
  5 10 3940  
  6 11    
  7 12    
  1 13    

IERVSALEM called IEHOVAH-There. Eze. 48 Apo. 21.
  Gabriels 70 SEVENS. Jesus   World    
  2   14 into his ovvne temple at Salem
Ag. 2. apposeth at 12 y Doctors:
after is a Carpender. Mar. 6.
Beginning to be 30. Is baptized,
manifested by the spirit, and by
the father appoynted the tea­cher,
vvhom vve must heare.
VVhen he teacheth, he reformeth
the corruptions of the Doctors:
teacheth fully vvhat Moses
shortly taught: Of the Gentiles
election: of him selfe destroying
by death, Satans vvorkes, and
Salems ceremonies. His mira­cles
proue him to be GOD. His
parables are after the Psalme 75.
THE L. is baptized, in Tisri,
seeing the fourth passouer ended
halfe a seuen: vvhen the lambe of
God CHRIST is kilde, leauing Bread and VVine for the Lambe. He dyed the day that Satan murdered Adam in the beginnyng.
All tyme after this halfe seauen is called hence three yere and an halfe. Beda and Carth. vpon Apo. 11. for Satan [...] vvhole rage. Apo. 12. Romes Apo. 13. The Popes proper. Ap. 11.
Gen. 3. Ioh. 8. and by death ouercame hym that had the povver of death. Of Adams day agree Ebrewes, Chaldeans, Arabians, Grekes, Latines, Barbarians, of all Religions and ages: and sundry Scriptures that may not be vvrested. The Startuppe [...] that vvould not haue Christ proclaymed heyre of all, the first day of man, blaspheme that vvhich they knovv not. Our first Mo­thers name might teach them that auncient vvay to the doctrine of lyfe. The Sabbath vvholly the Lord resteth, vvhich Adam neuer savv vvholly kept. Therein he finished that Ceremony. The first day of the vveeke his resurrection maketh the Lord his day. Apo. 1. He appeareth fourty dayes: is taken vp into the Heauens, and sitteth on the ryght hande of the maiesty in the hyghest, vntyll he maketh his enimies his footestole. His openest enemies novv, vvere the Iewes that denyed hym, and the Romanes, by vvhose policy he vvas crucified. The King vvas vpon this to destroy the kinges ovvne Nation, Citie, and Sanctuarie. Of that he foretolde them, that their place shoulde be desolate. Mat. 24. and of the proper token: vvhen Ierusalem should be besuged of an host. Luk. 2 [...] And referreth men to Daniel. 9. vvherein Gabriel teacheth the full doctrine touchyng Christ, and of the destructiō of the Iewes. The vvhole state spake the same, saying: yf vve let him goe (by his resurrection they coulde not chose) all men vvill beleeue on hym and the Romanes vvyll come and destroy our Place, and Nation. Ioh. 11. Yet vvhen Stephen sayd, that IESVS of Nazareth vvoulde destroy that Place: they helde it blasphemy in an other to speake so of their Place, though he had the countenance and vvordes of the Angell Gabriel. Act. 6. The Lord closely limitted the tyme, tellyng hovv that generation should not passe, vntyll all those thinges shoulde be perfourmed. By the most mens accompt it vvas fourty yeres: so it falleth a day for an yere, for misbeleeuing there surrection. Of the Romanes speaketh Paul of the remouing of the Empire, and of the sinfull rysing, in lieu of hym. Of that mischiefe spake our Lord. Mat. 24. and the matter myght tell that the Citie by vvhich he vvas kilde, vvasvvorthiest to be in this curse. Of this I wyll ioyne here a narration, somewhat large: and after conclude in the doctrine of the kingdome.
3491 like that frō Egypt. Bochai
vpon Gen. 49. Mary is here
greater then Moses sister. Eli­sabet
cosen matcheth
Elisabet the other Maries
cosen: for Iudah and L [...]ui it is
alike. Here Ioseph of Iacob
feedeth a better ISRAEL in
Egypt then thother did. Gē. 47.
The godly in a synode conclude
that Christ is novv come: vvho
vvas spoken of by the Prophetes.
By mistaking the tyme of Za­charyes
ministerie our Lorde
his byrth is mistaken. For by a
tale that he ministred in the feast
of Tabernacles, Iohns byrth is
cast to Mydsommer, and the
Lordes to sixe monethes after
Tongues novv buyld, at Salem.
  3   15    
  4   16    
  5   17    
  6   18    
  7 68 19    
  1   20    
  2   21    
  3   22    
  4   23 3950  
  5   24    
  6   25    
  7 69 26    
  1   27    
  2   28    
The last halfe seauen, and the last Iubily. The acceptable yeere: the day of Saluation. 3   29    
  4   30    
  5   31 The fulnes of tyme the kingdome of heauen.  
  6   32   Satan is tyed for Christians a thousande yeeres, that some Churches holde Christ, vvithout Idolatry. Apo. 20.
IVB 28 7 70 33 3960  

[Page] [Page]

The Jmages metalles, in Daniels sight ar beastes *

The Golden head is nowe a Lion the armes and breast are a beare setting vp, on Gouernment from [...] East to three costes *

The Grekes are boeth these beastes first the state whole, and sone▪ after come to foure chiefe. thence they of Magog and Egypt *


Here properly are they named that folow y e head & lion Babel

The Ramme is the Kinges of Madai and paras. The buck is the Kinge of Iauan. The horne betwixt his eyes is the first King Alexander. y e foure are the foure Cheife Kingdomes, one lytle horne is Antiochus Epiphanes *

ROME, BABYLON in a mystery, which crucified CHRIST. Apo. 11.

In the deluge of Ierusalems destruction do ende Daniels last sayinges, Daniels booke cōteineth 600 y. 70. 490. 40. Gen. 5, 29. touchyng order of tyme. Chap. 9, 27. His whole booke conteyheth so long a warnyng geuen to the Ievves, as GOD by Lamech gaue to the olde worlde, when he named Noah A speciall Comforter. But the Ievves went in the misbeliefe of the olde worlde. The Lorde by these times had shaken not only the Earth, Heb. 12, 26. Him that came not in the name of the father, but in his ovvne name, they re­ceyue. Ioh. 5. Dan. 9, 27. Math. 14, 15. Mark. 13, 14. Zacha 11, 1, 2. Ezek. 47. and earthly Emperours, but also the Heauens & the olde Ceremonies, that figured the doctrine of the kingdome: that such as shoulde not be shaken myght be setled. Yet the Ievves denying the true Messias, cleaue to Bar-chozba, who sayd that he was Christ: for him they rebelled, though after he reigned two yeeres and an halfe, they kylled hym. Talmud in Sanedren. Cha. Chelek. Pa. 93 & 97. Thereupon the Romane abominable infidels with force of desolation come to the mountayne and place once holy: and worke a finall iudgement vpon it. Then Libanus did open the gates: fyre brent the Ceders, the Firre, and Oke houled: when Nations warred agaynst Ierusalem, tooke the Citie, rifled the houses, defiled the women. And now is the day of liuely waters issuing from a Ierusalem from east to west: To which Citie they who wyll not come from all the families of the earth to worshyp the king IEHOVAH of hostes, their flesh, eyes, and tongue shall consume. Zach. 11. 14. accordyng to this, after the fall of that Ierusalem God reuealeth to Iohn beyng in obscure Patmos: Apo. 20, 19. Apo. 21. How the Romanes wyll fight also agaynst the heauenly Ierusalem: the glory of which he seeth most goodly. Concernyng the Romanes: these two thynges he discouereth, the prophane Emperours tyranny: and after their fal, the Popet double impietie poysoned with hypocrisie. The Sto­ries of both, be most manifest of any Stories: and the Pseudo-catholikes owne testimonies wyll confirme the matter. Apoc. 1. Tren 5. Eus. Chr. 3, 18 That Rome is condemned in the beginnyng for banishyng Iohn, all graunt, that know Domitian. That Rome holdeth on to the ende, in the Cup of the last wrath it is euident: Apoc. 12, 3. and 13, 1, 11. Apoc. 8, 3. Apoc. 17. Kinges. 1 Consules. 2 Decemuires. 3 Dictators. 4 Triumuires. 5 Caesares. 6 Popes & Em­perours 7 & 8 L [...]uy. 1. Tul. Off. 3. Apoc. 17. Dan. 7. when the citie shall peryshe which had the reigne ouer the Kinges of the earth. Cha. 16 & 17. Let vs consider the state of Rome, and marke how sitte armes it hath, in two beastes of small difference: both seauen headed: in one horned lyke a Lambe: in a Woman, Locustes, and in the Serpent: whose power extreamely is executed. Rome stoode vpon seauen Hilles, and had the policie altered fiue t [...]mes before Casares, they make the fixt: After Emperours and Popes togeather, made a seauenth, which after a sort should be an eyght. That power is noted by a beast of seauen heades: wherupon the Angel expoundeth it of seauen Hilles, & seauen Kinges. Any political state is in the Ebrew phrase calde a King, as Dan. 8, 21. Rome was infamous for cruelty euer since Romulus kylde his brother: but specially in the ten Persecutors and the Popes. The one beast the later hath for that, purple coloure. The beast Chap. 13. hath a cleere note from famous stories. Whereas the Image of the Emperours in Daniel were a Lion, Beare, Leopard, & abeast with ten hornes: Rome hauing subdued all those Countries, thereaftet is a Beast with ten hornes, lyke a Leopard, footed lyke a Beare, Apoc 17, 12. Steuchns a­gaynst Laur. Valla booke. 2. mouthed like a Lion. Also the other Beast hath ten hornes very fitly: both for the ten Persecutors, and ten Kingdomes that Iohn fore­saw should be vnder the Popo: and Steuchus doth pretely confesse: and the Greke Scholiast foretolde that it would fall out so. The kingdomes [Page] 1. of Spayne and Portugall. 2. of Hungary. 3. of Englande. 4. of Denmarke. 5. of Ruscia. 6. of Creatia and Dalmacia. 7. of Aragon. 8. of Bohemia. 9. Sueuia and Noruegia. 10. of Dacia: These Steuchus recordeth to haue geuen their power to the Beast. For they payde tribute to the Pope, who calde his throne the Apostolike seate, Apoc. 13, 5. & had the mouth of the Dra­gon. The Greke Scholiast speaketh most fitly vpon this place: saying, that the ten Hornes are ten Kinges, which in the later times shall arise from the Romane power, among whom the A [...]tichrist shal ryse. Areth [...] was no Prophet, yet the playnnes of the matter caused him to say this much. And in these ten Kingdomes is reuiued a spice of the gouerne­ment of the people of Rome: Which then when Iohn wrote had de­uided their Countryes of Lieutenantshyppes into ten: as Srabo, who saw Iohnt dayes, lately had recorded Geo 17. This Empire notwith­standyng their strength was ouerthrowen for the Emperours fylthy lyfe, specially for kyllyng them that had the testimony of IESVS. For the Lord Iesus fought agaynst them in iustice and power, Apoc. 10. Apoc. 6, 2. The vvhyte Horse, the 1 and 5 seale. as riding on a white Horse, with a Bow, and Arrowes sharpe in the hart of the kinges enimies. The holy Martyrs, who had hartes lyke Lions, they layed vnder the Aulter, styrred vp the holy and iust LORD, to iudge and reuenge their blood, vpon those beastes that ruled the earth. They in patience, as Oxen sacrificed, yeelding their blood, saw a iust recom­pence of bloodshed. For all their prophane Emperours almost (some somwhat fauoured Christians) brought their heades, with blood to the graue: as they came not vp without great bloodshed. The vēgeance of God was to them as a red Horse, The red Horse the 2 seale. with a rider hauing a great sword▪ and a commission to take peace from the earth: that men should kyll one another. Famine in great warres is not greatly strange: but here scarcitie exceeding plentiful did they see who were men in deede, a punishment of the Gospel reiected. Many learned men of the heathē noted the pitifull state: but had not the iudgement of a man to know that for sauage cruelty agaynst the Gospell, this punishment was sent. The wyse myght see a blacke Horse sent from God, The blacke Horse the 3 seale, with a ryder hauyng a balance weighing Corne, as Spice for dearth: though Oyle and Wine, and some sustenaunce of the earth was granted by the pa­tience of God. Gods patience not being regarded, he sent among the Caesaret vpon the persecution by Diocletian, threefold iudgementes to the Emperours, as sword, hunger, and death all togeather. They who with Eagles eyes, woulde come to see Christ his iustice, myght now beholde a pale Horse▪ hauyng death and hell ryding vpon hym. Tbe pale Horse the 4 seale. Sozimus, booke 2. noteth that Licinius one of the stri­uers at once of his 130000. souldiers lost all sauyng three. The 6 seale. Then such slaughter made the Caesaret, and the Augusti, of them selues and of their people, that the Kinges, and Dukes, and Earles, and euery free man, and seruaunt, were fayne in all places to hyde them selues from them that fauoured Christianitie, whom God made the stronger. The prophane men for Idolatry felt such wrath as did Samaria, when Isra [...]h kingdome ended: when they well myght say to the Mountaynes, fall vpon vs, and hyde vs. Yea, they that thought them selues to be the Sunne, Moone, Starres, Heauens, and Mountaynes of the Worlde, and to rule all Ilandes, are brought to such destruction, that the whole worlde as touchyng them is altered: The Earth is shaken, the Sunne blacke the Moone blooddy, the Starres fallen, the Heauen rowled as a [Page] rowle, Apoc. 6, 14. and euery Mountayne and Iland haue such alteration of dwel­lers as yf they were mooued from their place. These speeches may fitly be applyed to the tymes of Constantius and Constantinus, the fyrst Christian Emperours. The lyke tropes are in Esa. 34. of matters fal­len out before these tymes: though most properly it wyll fall out, when vpon the Popes vtter destruction the whole worlde shalbe ended. But once it must be meant touchyng the destrustion of the Empire.

CONSTANTINVS hating the idolatry of olde Rome, The Beast hath one head vvoū ­ded to death. Apoc. 13, 3. Sozimus bok. 2. Orosius. 7. Ierom to Placi­dia. Rome became a pray, & sk [...]ffe to most nations. Sigibertus. Homer. Iliad. 8. ver. 448. Appi. in Libyc. The vvounded head healed. Steuchus a­gainst Valla. Booke. 1. Apoc. 13, 3. Apoc. 17, 11. made By­zantium the princes seate: called it NEW ROME, and endowed it with the priuileges of OLDE ROME: and gaue it also another name. CONST ANTINO-POLIS. The Empire being there placed, the OLDE ROME that in Italy was litle set by, and by Gods iust iudgement often ouerrun. For Alaricus and the Gothes spoyled it, and so preuayled there, that they purposed to haue named it GOTHIA. Genserieus and his Vandales rifled it, that they bestowed fourtene dayes in ransaking it. Odoacer with many nations surprise it, & reigne there many yeeres. But many more yeeres doth Theodoricus with his Ostrogothes rule it. Totilas the Goth brent it, as Scipio did Carthage. Then Scipio spake verses of Homer: which Hector had forespoken of Troyes ruine. Polybius demaundyng of what Citie he spake: he sayd, of ROME: that the day should come, that it should be made like Carthage. That saying of Scipio is applyed to Alaricus his time: it might be to Totilas, who brought ruinous Rome to an extreamer ruine. And so the citie there was defaced. But when the PONTIFICALITIE is set vp by the decree of GOD, then all Heathen from east to west worshyp the Pope no otherwyse, then of olde t [...]e they dyd the Emperours: whereas if it had not been for the pon­tificalt [...]ie, ROME shoulde neuer haue bene reuiued, but left a most fylthy habitation of hogges. This Steuchus confesseth. So by the POPE the Beast that was dead, is made aliue. Chap. 13. And that which. Cha. 17. for estimation once had bene and after had not bene, now againe for estimation is: and the POPE rulyng ouer the Empire, maketh the seuenth and the eyght Policy in ROME. Apoc. 13, 11. To make that poynt more playne, of reuiuyng Rome by the POPES, we haue a new vision. For they are a Beast with hornes lyke a Lambe, and the mouth of the Dragon: who maketh the image of the former Beast to haue lyfe, spirite, voyce, and worshyp of nations, with kylling the men, and con­fiscating their goods, Reade the for­ged donation of Constan­tine. that yeelde not to their ioyned power. Hereupon it hath bene clearly shewed by the Learned, that for Lawes, Apparell, and Idolatry, the POPES are a lyuely image of the prophane Emperours: with a religion more after Homer, then after the Scripture. Moreouer to declare what should be meant by Hornes like a Lambe: in the vsur­ping Vicar of Christ, we haue a certayne name poynted at: whose frame and force wyll shew the matter. Many mens names there be in the HOLYBOOKE, of fit markes for thynges that men conceyue of God, or would fynde in them selues. And in the supposed barren pla­ces, Ezra. 2, 13. as in Ezra great fertility of wysedome groweth. From thence hy­ther God geueth vs a number attributed vnto a man, which wyll shew vs what mans name beyng opened for the force wyll vtter the state of the Beast: and we should make more accompt of the golden wise­dome herein conteyned, then SALOMON would of the 666 Talentes [Page] of Gold, As in the booke of Numbers, so in Ezra the names & num­bers are to be diligently re­garded. which he receyned yerely. 2. Chr. 9, 13. The booke of Numbers, as Ierome marked, conteyneth the mysterie [...] of Arithmetique. For that Booke Midrat Tillin ryghtly obserueth great Religion conteyned, in the names that be therein: that they are not Egypticall, but fyt for Gods chyldren. As doubtles they are apt touching notation for the first borne, recorded in the Heauens. Heb. 10. ELI-TZVR, GOD-IS-MY-ROCKE: TZVRI-SHADDAI, MY-ROCKE-IS THE ALSVFFICIENT, These shew how the summe of Religion is con­teyned in their names, whereby that nation would not soone vnder­stande the terme ROCKE, Math. 16. of a bare man of Abrahams seede, nor ioyne with POPES for the supreame Rocke of the Church. The booke of Ezra is much of the same kinde: but in that age men had lesse regard to the disigent wysedome of their Fathers, as the Mid [...]a [...] also remembreth. Thence we haue a name marked by a number: wherin both must be considered. The number ordeyned is 666: by which we fynd out a mans name fyt for the wofull POPES. In Ezra Chap. [...] ▪ 13. it is written, The sonnet of ADONI-KAM vvere 666. Here then a name of a man by a number is shewed: And what myght his name meane? Adoni-kam, is by interpritation A God standyng vp.

What name can better agree with the POPE, the man of sinne that speaketh with the mouth of the Dragon most tragically, I am a God vpon the earth. Baldus in C. ecclesia vt sit peudeat fol. in cap. ego N. de Iurciur. Dan. 11. [...]. Thessa. 2. 1. Macha. 1, 57. R. Abr. Adon [...]. Zonaras. bo [...]ke. [...]. The Pseudo-catholikes them seluessay: the POPE is GOD vpon the Earth. The POPE is Lord of Lordes, and hath the authoritie of the King of Kinges ouer his Subiectes. And is not he then the only man to whom properly belongeth the name ADONI-KAM? Seeing he setteth vp him selfe in the Temple of God, as yf he were GOD. Antiochus Epiphanes who started from Rome and set in the Temple the Idole of Iupiter Olympius, dyd not so much exalthym selfe aboue God. The POPE began to stand vp a Lord, when im­pudent Boniface gate the supremacy by the murtherer Phoca [...]. But that mystery of iniquity wrought further to the quickenyng of the Beast, in that sad tyme of Gregory the thyrde. For he to strengthen Ido­latry, excommunicated LEO the Greeke Emperour, putryng downe Images, though he dyd that by the consent of councell, vpon the ex­presse commaundement Exod. 20. That excommunication kindled sedition, which inflamed the Longobardiet agaynst the Emperour.

After that he lost fyrst the Exarchy of Rauenna, and in processe of tyme the gouernement of Italy. When the Longobardi increased styrres in Italy, and the Greke Emperours troubled at home, vpon the former sedition for Images, were lesse able to helpe Italy & Rome: Charle [...] the great is mooued to warres vpon an iniury done by Desiderius king of the Longobardie [...] to him selfe. And (as defenders prosper) He put Defiderius besides his owne kingdome, and holdyng Italy then by that conquest: kept it styll. This breach in the Empire came by the POPE, and his Idolatry. Charles the great gaue much reuenwes to aduaunce holy knowledge, being taught by Englysh Alcoinus: and sundry of hi [...] posterity folowed hym. All their liberality the POPES labour to turn [...] from paynefull study, to superstition and their owne power: And a [...] the last perswade the people, that they had authority ouer the Empire: and prescribe Idolatry through al the Empire: reuiuyng the old Beast.


The State of Rome▪ for crucifying our Lorde *

Babylon y mother of fil [...]y fornicatiō.

The empire Romania, the vsurping vi [...]ar, y belly god cleargy, Satans Throne. Ap. 8. 9. 1. 12. 13. 17 *

[Page] [Page] Now for the other poynt, To beare the number of the beasts name vvhat it is. the bearyng of the NVMBER of his name: it is all one as to haue a marke in hand or forehead, worke or any profession: but that the allusion is fetched from Ezra. 2, 13. For as the sonnes of ADONIKAM make vp the number 666: So they that be the POPES babes, and holde hym to stande vp as GOD in the Church, are sayd to haue his names number. And for most cleere condemnyng of Rome, marke who the Woman is that rideth vpon the Beast. Apoc. 17. One running by may see. Any lyuing when Iohn wrote would graunt Rome to be there condemned. Tertul. aga­inst the Ievves, and Ierom. Ep. 17. Cha. 6. and the Greke Scholiaste deadly cōdem­nyng Rome, made the le­suites mad to seeke redicu­lous distinctiōs. See their Te­staments notes. Apo. 17. There they byte theyr [...]vvne tongue. In S. Ieromes dayes it was doubtles, the Grekes styll are of that iudgement: Rabanus and Al­bertus note how manifest it is: the Iesuites can not deny it: but they shal striue against their owneselues. And that place is a key to opē a gate to the other visions: through al which Rome is cōdemned extreamly.

From this BABYLON came Idolatry, which caused CHRIST to cast fyre into the Earth. And though as it were seauen Trumpets soun­ded all poyntes of dealyng and doctrine, men would not heare what GOD spake to the congregations. 1. Trumpes. Full often dyd the Emperours badnes (specially in Mauricius and Phocas) cause hayle and fyre to be myxt with blood. 2. Trumpet. The supremacie of POPES was a Mountayne of fyre cast into the Sea. 3. Trumpet. Their ceassyng to be Pastors maketh a Starre fall from Heauen. Thereupon to the Church closely, as openly by Mahomet folow great harmes. The Starre fallen from Heauen, was an Angell of a congregation: his sedition is a Torch: his deadly corrup­tyng Scriptures is Woormewood making bitter waters. In a short tyme they that seemed to be as those in Gen. 37. 10. the Sunne, 4. Trumpet. Gagneus a Papist condem­neth here Popes Cardinales, and Bysh [...]ps. 5. Trumpet. Moone, and Starres, be much darkened. After this the Starre that fell from the heauenly congregation, the Pope worketh strange thynges: by the Keyes of the Pit he loosed out a smoake of heresies, that darkened Sunne and Ayre: al brightnes of Scripture. Thence aryseth his Clear­gie, which most lyuely is expressed. They be Locustes for their idle bellies, and troupes of loyterers: they be Scorpions for close poyso­nyng doctrine: Esa. 9, 15. And the Tayle is the Prophet that speaketh lyes. They are for the Warres which they make, and strengthenyng of their owne Authority: as Horses ready for battell: with wynges of Charrets: with teeth of Lyons, with habergions of Iron. For ouer­runnyng Magistrates, they haue crownes of counterfeyte Golde: for priuate state in pretence: they haue faces of Here the terme Man is vsed, as Dan. 7 in the Lion, Ver. 4. and litle horne v. 8. com­pared vvith Cha 11, 21. for priuate, and vvithout right of gouernement politicall. men: for Cloysterkee­ping & womanly life: and for many of woman sexe, they haue heare lyke women. These notes al agree most fitly to the Pseudocatholiques.

Now consider Moamed or Muchumet, whom God gaue vp to a blynde mynde, and effect in errour, that by hym Christians myght see, what mischiefe myght aswel come by Popes supremacy. This Moamed an Is­maelite beyng a poore man, tyll he maryed a wydow welthy and of high countenaunce: hauyng the Fallyng sicknes, whereby the wydow was sory that she matched with hym, perswaded her by hym selfe and others, that his fyttes were but atraunce: wherein he talked with the angel Gabriel. The woman made women beleeue that her husbande was a Prophet: afterwardes men by helpe of certayne Haeretiques set the false Prophet forward. From Iudaisme, Arrius, Nestorius, and his owne brayne, he frameth a doctrine. Much he was opposite to the [Page] Pope, as in polygamy agaynst his Monachy: much in the same kynde, as that he hath the Keyes of PARADISE: as the Popes were then, some­what talkyng of S. PETERS keyes. Both had Keyes of the Pit. He preuayleth so by force of his wilde company, and guile deceyuing the simple: that before his death he winneth As Ismaels 12 sonnes of olde dvvelt frō Sur to Cha­uilah. Arabia, and the countries about Enphrates. 6. Trumpet. The Saracens be as naturally of Sara, as the Pope hath truely h [...]lynes, and as the Pa­pistes are Ca­tholiques. The sonnes of Ismael ashamed of Agars name, borow from Sara the tearme of Saracenes. The Pope was bolder, that taketh from God the title HOLYNES. His sonnes of darkenes folow him that appropriate the name of Catholikes, beyng but Psendocatholiques. Both in their deceyte encrease much: the one by successe in warres, and one poynt of playne trueth: that Images might in no wyse be worshypped. Th [...]other prospered by teachyng a short way, supposed of Saluation, to know and feare God so farre as an Idole did moue to vnderstan­dyng and reuerence. The Pope was mighty in causing Starres to fall from Heauē. Agarenet preuayled in conquest of the earth. These coun­tries in speedy processe were ouerrun, Phanicia, Palaestina, Ierusalem, all Syria, Of Moamed reade Cedre. Fol. 633. and Volater. Lib. 12. in Arab. Persia, Armenia, Spayne, Sicily, Crete, much of Italy, Calabria, and all Longobardia: euen to Rome once great. But God would haue there a throne for a vicar of Pilates holynes: and Cittim to holde such Abadd [...] vntyll the ende. At the last thus the Turkes ioyne with them. When the Saracene [...] had conquered much they make fyue myghty Empires. In Spayne, Lybia, Egypt, Babylon, and Persia. Muchumet of Imbrael king of Persia hauyng warre agaynst Babel and India: hyreth three thousand Turkes, Herodto. in Melp. to whom one Tangolipex was generall. They by name and place shoulde ryse from Togarma. In Herodotus the name Iyrkes is recorded: where the place somewhat argueth the men to be the same. These hel­ping Muchumet, at last fell to a mutany, and to auoyde punishment, shronke to a place of great vantage for safety. Whom Muchumet seeking to represse, by vnheedines lost 20000 of his men: beyng angry, pulde out his Captaynes eyes, and threatned to put all the other Souldiers to open shame. The Souldiers fearyng, fled to Tangolipex. Muchumet with all his power commeth agaynst him: is kylde in the fielde, and Tangolipex proclaymed Sultan: (That is, Ruler) of all that Muchumet had. The terme Sultan is in Daniel 3. In the Caldy. Dan. 3. The Sara­cens descripti­on it much af­ter the Pa­pistes. That Israel was skattered neare the Turkes: I shewed before. Thus from Euphrates, Saracenes and Turke [...] spring to haue thousandes of thousandes: to be foure Angels of Gods wrath vpon Idolaters, ready for houre, day, moneth▪ yeere: as Idolatry & other sinnes prouoked God. As their conuersatiō, so their descrip­tion is after the Pseudocatholiques rate. which through these fynde mea­sure for measure. Their force is Horses: their courage is Lions heades. Their great desolation which they make, burnyng where they goe, is Habergions, fyery blew and brimstony. Their might, and doyng this vpon a worde, is fire, smoke, and brimstone, commyng out of their mouthes. Their false Doctor, guyding their rule, is the tayle lyke a Serpent, that draweth as Papistry to the seconde death.

The Greke Emperours vnderstood that for Idolatry they were pu­nished: Cedrenus & Nicepho­rus tell this, though vvith malice. and by learned counsell did represse it vehemently: From Leo Isauricus to Theophilus: who coulde not abyde any Picture to allure the mynde: which ought to regarde not shadowes, but trueth. Yet after his death Idolatry confyrmed in olde Rome, came so to new Rome: that [Page] Saracenes Angels from Euphrates were let loose. Papas is Fa­ther, & Popes Deuels. Eust. vpō. Homer. The description of Satan by Romes armes openly argueth Rome to be Satās throne. This came from Papes turned to Popes: from Fathers to Deuels. The description of Satan the Dragon is therefore lyke the Romane power, with red coloure, seauen heades and Diadems, and ten hornes. Though Satan stryued by myght and guyle: yet from the tyme of our Lord his death he was tyed a thousande yeeres from deceyuing generally. For Martyrs and other faythfull that thousand yeeres learned the lyfe of Christ: and reigned with hym. As for the faythlesse dead in sinne, Satan was not tyed to them, who would not be holy and happy, in knowyng the first resurrection. But after a thousand yeeres, Satan was let loose euery where, and few found Martyrs that helde cleere the testimony of Christ. Gregory the seauenth manifestly helde the throne by Satan. And Vrbanus that confirmed his decrees, was in the same condemnatiō. He no lesse besieged the holy city of Christians in al his proceedinges, and became a mountayne of Fyrein the myddes of the Sea: Specially in kindlyng the In they. 1085 Volater. Of th [...]s vvarres. vvriteth Guilhelmus Yyrius, Ab­bas, Vrspur­gensis Bene­dict a Coltis, Paulus Aemilius, Volater­ranus, G [...]o. 1 [...]. and in part Latine vvri­ters of Engl [...]sh stories. Warres for Ierusalem: and causing that place to be counted styll holy. There nygh 200 yeere fell the force of the West: whereby Emperours & Kinges were weakened, to be vnder the Popes. Vpon the same the Saracenes more hated the Christians of the east: When they marked our Idolatrous and supersticious conspiracies. So long sharpe warres neuer were in the worlde, of such calamities to both sides. The places by olde names, fal properly within the text: for plagy Antioch was buylt by that GOG Ezek. 38. And Ierusalem was called the Holy Citie: notwithstanding here the foure quarters of the earth, & troublers of the Christians be meant. So [...]hat, Ap [...]: 14 the blood reaching to the Horse brydles 1600 furlonges, fitly is spoken of this vvarres for the lande of Israel: for in Salomons Temple blood reached to the horse brydles: and the vvhole land of Israel, (through all vvhich this vvarre vvent) is holden 1600 furlongs large in R. Mena­chem vpon Gen. fol. 60. Now the Pope king Abaddon of Gyges sleight by mans helpe cannot be ouerthrowen. But Michael that stoode on the waters, & calmed the old Gogs waues, standeth and sweareth in like sort agaynst him. Seauen thunders declare the thun­der of his power: seauen Angels power vpon the beast going to de­struction, the last Plagues from seauen Cuppes of Gods wrath.

In quietnes they haue fylthy Boyles, in troubles lesse and more, their waters are turned to Blood. That holynes throne is vile in Satans darknes, and for trechery they finde burnyng affliction. For Idolatry styll they from East and Euphrates myghtely preuayle: and when they styrre their Kinges agaynst vs in the West: their three froggy spirites, that of imperiall power, that of false prophecy, that of Satans sleight: all three bryng their Nauy, and other force, as to the waters of MA­GEDDON, to be cut in peeces. They shall feele the seauenth Cuppe of wrath, and heare the seauenth Trumpet: when Nations opprest by them, learne skylfully to syng, HALLELV-IA: and with vnderstan­ding can prayse the Lord. Euen the Lord must consume this bad king Abaddon of Cittim Italy in the ende, at his glorious appearyng. For lyght & comparison of both, you shall haue a fuller. Mappe, and Pictures. As those Beastes in Daniel by the fyrst commyng of CHRIST into the worlde, were wholly consumed: for whom God sate on a fyery Throne: So the Beast compounded of those Armes, shall perysh at the seconde: For whom a whyte throne of iustice is openly reuealed. By sentence thence the false Prophet POPE, and the Beast of his auctority shall aye feele Gods wrath vntyll they both be cast to the Dragon into Brimstony fyre. Euen so, Amen. Holy and iust are thy iudgementes O Lord, the king of the Sainctes.

[Page] After the destruction of Babylon, let vs behold the saluation of Syon: which mountayne the Lordes death lyftted aboue all Mountaines: Esa. 2, 2. Mich. 4, 1. Apo. 14. that all Nations might folow the Lambe vpon it. At Ierusalem the Disciples receyued power from aboue: beyng togeather about an hundreth and twentie soules: to declare the great workes of God, in raysing his sonne from death. Then were Ievves from all Nations vn­der Heauen at Ierusalem. Saint Luke reckoneth them much after the countryes, into which men were first scattered vpon the confusion of tongues, for the building of Babylon: and according to the kingdomes that oppressed the fayth­full Ebrevvet after Babels ruine by Sem and Iapheths posteritie. The number of an hundred and twentie to speake to all Ievves, that from farre Countryes came to Ierusalem: was fit to reuiue the story of their dispertion vnder Darius and Cyrus: Ierom vpon Dau. 6. Dan. 6. and 9. 2. Chro. 36, 22. Ezra. 1 3. Luke. 19, 11. when by decree of Madai and Faras the God of heauen was preached: Cyrus sent Iudah to buylde Ierusalem: and Gabriel tolde what yeere, day, and houre, CHRIST shoulde dye. That Prophecy made them come that yeere to Ierusalem, to looke for the kingdome of Heauen to appeare. Then from Syon was the Law to goe foorth, Esa. 2, 3. and the worde of the Lord from Ierusalem, euen when the most Holy by his death had confirmed the testament for many. The learnyng of salua­tion by Grekes hence fyrst taught: was that dwellyng of Ia­pheth in Sems tentes. Hytherto was that place glorious by the blessing of Sem, That Melchisedec vvas cmmonly holden to be Sem, these Authors of sundry religions I had at hande to name, to stay such as thinke that a nevv opiniō. Hebrewes vpon Gene. 14. Rabbi Leui, Ben-gersō, Abē Ezra, Baalhaturim, R. Symeon ben Iochai, Ramban, S. Iarchi from Hagada, Moses Hadarson in Pet. Ga­latin, Midras Tillin Psa. 76. Cimchi, Psa. 110. Seder-ol. Talmud in Nedarim, and Aboth R. Nathan, [...]. Bochai vpon Gen. fol. 21. vvho noteth for the phrase that in Sems generati­ons, Dying is not mentio­ned vntyl Thara ( vvhich vvas mentioned in all from Adam to Noe) because CHRIST shoulde come of Sem, vvho lyueth for euer. Consider Syrach, 49. The learned Latines also commonly holde Sem to be Melchisedec. Sel­neccerus vpon Gen. 14. Namely take th [...]so, Ie­rom, Luther, Melan­thon, Carion, Peuce­rus, Chytreus, Nau [...]clerus, Lyra, Gul [...]el­mus Tyrius, Lib. 23. Cha. 9 Rigistrum Chro­niearum, Aquinas, [...]as­samus, bad Gene­brard, often vpon sundry occasions in Chro. fol. 27, 28, 36, 38, 39. 41, 46, 54, 58. Contemne not our ovvne nation, Engl [...]she vvriters 400 yeres olde, Bale votar. Page. 3. Lanquet in his Chro. and the Tables ioyned to the Bibl, collected by R. F. H. Also the Calen­der translated from Ar­query. A lew vvoulde loath him that vvoulde holde any man then aliue, greater then Abraham, not beyng of the ryght lyne of the Fathers. Of the like mynde is S. Aug. in qu [...]st. ex vtro (que) mix­tim, Cap. 109. who vnder the persō of Melchisedec, was styl alyue in description. Gen. 14, 18. To which description the Ievves were to looke, that CHRIST myght be knowen to be God the iust king, heyre of the worlde, faythfull ouer his owne house, a fynisher of Aarons office, of al Sacrifice & Of­fryng, an eternall sacrificer by once offeryng hym selfe. In this Citie they receyued power in a strong wynd, in fyery clouen tongues, were fylled with the holy Ghost, and could speake to euery one in his owne language. So the Ierusalem from aboue was to be buylt, that all nations myght woorke in it, as contrariwyse by tongues not vnderstoode, the worke was but Babylon a confusion: and men [...]kattered caused the name Synear: and were estranged from the Tentes of Sem: and lyfe of God, without whom beyng their guyde, they perysh for euer. Hence the Disciples went foorth to teach how CHRIST was to suffer: to aryse from death, and to geue saluation to the worlde.

That worke they perfourmed by the strength of God: who confirmed their doctrine with signes, wonders, powers, and gyftes of the holy spirite, accordyng to his wyll. Some of these godly Angels soone dyd seale their doctrine with their blood: some later ended their goodly combat: some ly­ued to see CHRIST come in his kingdome with power: when the worde was fruitefull in all the worlde: & that citie was buylt by Fyshers of Galilee, which is called IEHOV AH-THERE.

[Page] Then Tongues, Nations, and people of all Kingdomes departed from the power of darknes, by fayth and obedience to the kingdome of Christ, geuyng honour and glory for euer to the king euerlyuing, holy, vnuifible, God, only wise. Of the Ievves there helde styll the fayth an infinite number, tearmed by thousandes 144 after their reckoning of many. These with vs Heathen come to the feast of Tabernacles with Palme, crying HOSANNA, Saluation to God, and to the Lambe. This company of faythfull s [...]les, called to the blessed mariage of the Lambe, are a Ierusalem from Hea­uen. Apoc. 3. & 21. Ebr. 12. Though such glorious thynges be spoken concernyng this citie of God: the perfection where­of cannot be seene in this vale of teares, yet here God wipeth all teares from our eyes, and each blessing is here begunne. The name of this Citie much helpeth Ievv and Gentile, to see the state of peace. For this is called IERVSALEM: and that in Canaan hath Christ destroyed. This name should cleerely haue taught both the Ebrevves not to looke and pray dayly for to returne to Canaan: and Pseudocatholiques not to haue fought for speciall holynes there. We lyue in this by fayth, and not by eye sight: and by hope, we behold the perfection. Of this Citie saluation is a wall, goodly as Iasper, cleere as Crystal. The foundations are in number twelue: of twelue precious Stones, such as Aaron ware on his brest: all the woorke of the Lambes twelue Apostles. The Gates are twelue, each of Pearle: vpon which are the names of the twelue Tribes of Israel: of whose fayth all must be, which enter in. Twelue Angels are conductours from east, west, north, & south: euen the starres of the Churches. The citie is square: of Burgesses setled for all turnes. Here God sitteth on a Throne, lyke a Iasper and Ruby, comfortable and iust. The Lambe is the Temple: that a thyrd Temple should not be looked for to be buylt. Novv that Melchise­dec representeth GOD, these very Ebrewes graunt. R. Symeon in Zoar, and R. Mena­chem, fol. 45. that he represented CHRIST. R. Isaac ben Arama vpon Gen. 47. and Mose [...] Hadarson vpo [...] Num. 16. they holde that. Yet their darknes cannot comprehende the light of God dvvelling in Christ. Thrones twise twelue are for all the Christians: borne of Israels twelue, or taught by the Apostles: who for dignitie are Seniores: For infinite, are tearmed but foure and twenty, in regarde of so many Tribes and Apostles. Here the Maiesty is honorable: as at the delyuery of the Law, from whose throne thunder, [...]oyces, and lyghtninges, do proceede. Here oyle of grace is neuer wantyng: but burnyng with seuen Lampes, the spi­rites of Talmud in Sane­drin, Cha. Chelec, fol. 73. b. Messias, of wit & wysedome▪ of counsell and cou­rage, of knowledge and vnderstandyng, and of the feare due to the eternall. Here the valiant patient, witty, and speedy, with sharpe sight, are winged as those Seraphim that wayted on Christ: when ten calamities, and vtter destruction was [...]olde for the low Ierusalem. They of this Citie are not as Israel, after the flesh, which would not see for all the wonders that our Lord did. But these redeemed by his precious Blood are full of eyes, lyghtened by Lampes, the glory of IEHOV AH, and beholdyng Christ through all the Prophetes: [Page] a perfourmer of our fayth, Iohn. 6. Dan. 9, 24. Apoc. 6. Esay. 60. Apoc. 21. Esay. 35, 8. Aggi. 2, [...]. Dan. 2, 44. Ephes. 1, 4. Ephes 2, 19. Ioh. 7, 38. Cant. 4, 15. Apoc. 2. Psal. 95, 7. sealed of God: sealer of all vision, opener of seales for the stories of the Church. Here is the true lyght, where the saued-walke. Hither kingdomes bring their glory: Hither the blessed Nations cary their Iewels. This is a kingdome vncorrupted, which shall not be geuen to a strange and vncleane people. They must be written in the booke of the Lambe, and chosen of eternitie, sanctified of God, which here be citizens. Through this there gusheth a streame better then the foure in Eden: a streame of lyuely waters by beliefe in Christ, as those waters flowyng from Lebanon. Here is that Tree of lyfe in the myddes of the Pa­radise of God, with leaues to heale the nations, that wylbe cured, whyle it is sayd to day: with twelue fruites, to geue foode continually: to such as feede also vpon the h [...]d Manna: who after death, receyue the crowne of iustice and lyfe, 2. Tim 4, 8. Apoc. 2. Apoc. 3. the mornyng starre, white clothyng, and the white stone: wherein a name is written, equall to all the Law. Deut. 27, 2. The first state of the first Adam in the first Para­dise was glorious: This is better. And as Moses began with the terrestriall, so the holy worde endeth in the celestiall: that to wheeles full of eyes, may the writ of trueth be compared. The full consent and melody of Prophetes and Apostles: how their Harpes are tuned on Mount Syon, it wyll fully ap­peare in the full sight of peace: when our bodyes are made conformable to Christ his glorious body in the worlde to come: Phil. 3, 21. and our eyes shall see the Lord in that Syon. For that commyng, O thou whom my soule loueth, be lyke to the Roe vpon the mountaynes. Cant. 1. &. 3. Amen, euen so come Lord Iesus. Then we shall in perfect holynes worshyp thee: to whom the Angels alwayes geue holy worshyppe: saying, prayse, and glory, and wisedome, and thankes, and honour, and power, and myght, be vnto our God for euermore.


Imprinted at London, for Gabriell Simson and William White.


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