THE True watch.
OR A DIRECTION FOR The examination of our spirituall estate (according to the word of God, whereby wee must be iudged at the last day to helpe to preserue vs from Apostacie, or decaying in grace, and to further our daily growth in Christ.
‘If wee would iudge our selues, we should not be iudged.’ 1. Cor. 1. 30.
‘Them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise mee shalbe despised.’ 1. Sam. 2. 30.
AT LONDON Printed by G. Eld, for Samuel Macham and Mat. Cooke and are to be sold at the Tigers head in Pauls Church yard. 1606.
- 1. Some special places of Scripture to bee in our heartes continually.
- 2. The triall of our estate.
- 3. Meditations, to make our examination more powerfull.
- 4. Rules for our better direction and comfort in our examination.
- 5. The glasse of the law, or the examination of our liues by the law.
- 6. The glasse of the Gospel, or the examination of our faith therby.
- 7. The benefits of this examination dewly practised.
- 8. Some necessary questions of
- 1. Senselesnesse in sinne.
- 2. Obstinacy in sinne.
- 3. Whether any but those who labour after holinesse, can haue any found comfort in Christ?
- 4. How so many fall backe to coldnesse and lukewarmenesse?
- 9. Some speciall preseruatiues against euery sinne.
- 10. Meanes to keepe alwaies a tender conscience.
To the right Honourable, Henry Earle of Huntingdon, Lord Hastings, Hungerford, Botreaux, Molines and Moiles, my singular good Lord.
I Haue studied (right Honourable) what way I might manifest my thākfull minde, for the exceeding fauours, wherewith I and mine are bound vnto your house for euer. I finde none more likely, then if I might adde somewhat (after the faithfull and happy trauels of others) to your present and immortall honour. Considering therefore, that the God of heauen, hath set you in so high a place, not onely in his owne eye, but also in the view of your countrey, to be beholden of all, as a marke, for the saluation or perdition of very many, and that little faults in your Honour, must needs much blemish [Page] you, as a vertuous life shall make you glorious: I haue indeuored for my part to put into your handes a true glasse and perfect mappe: Iam. 1. 25., a glasse which will not flatter you in shewing your spotts, because it is the Lordes, a mappe which will not deceiue you, for the narrow way of life, because it is bounded by the Lord himselfe, troden by our Sauiour, with all his holy Saintes, which haue gone before you; yet so small as you may euer carrie in your bosome. My humble suite at the hāds of the Lord and your honour is this, that when you haue tried them to bee such, (where the superstitious Papists spend some houres in blind deuotions) you would bind your selfe by a constant vow before the Lord, to spēd but one houre weekely, besides other your holy exercises, in vewing your selfe in this Christal glasse, Iam. 1. 23. 24. 25. desirous to clense your spotts hereby; and to consider your waies according to this map, Psal. 119. 59. labouring so to direct your steppes: for setting your selfe with resolute purpose of heart Acts. 11. 23. to walke herein all your dayes, you haue the Lords [Page] owne promise, that he will make you truly honorable in the sight of all men, 1. King. 3. 11. 12. 13. as euer was any of your Progenitors, so as your very enemies shall acknowledge it, Dent. 4. 6. 7. & 28, 10. 11. 12. 13. and hee afraid of you: and that he will moreouer prolong your dayes, and giue you a gard of his glorious Angels for your safetie, Psa. 91. 11. 12. and 34. 7. to beare you in their handes in the day time, and in the night season, when you are secure, to pitch their tents about you: your country shall bee blessed, that euer God vouchsafed such a light vnto it. 1. King. 10. 8. 9. Where any point seemes doubtfull there make a marke. Phil. 3. 15. walke in the rest vntill the Lorde cleare that vnto you. As this shall adde vnto mee ioy, 2. Ioh. 1. 2. 3. 4. so for thousands which now pray for the encrease of this honour, manie times ten thousands shall euer praise the God of heauen for you. Now is the time, all mens eyes are vpon you. Your honor knoweth the prouerbe well. Magistratus virum indicat. Striue forward cheerefully (most noble Earle) in this narrow waie of life, Mat. 7. 14. according to the hopes now long conceiued of you, following herein all the [Page] worthies of the heauenly Hierusalem, Apoc. 21. 26. 27. and you shall liue with them immortallie; but if you should turne to the broad waie of all the worlde (which the Lord forbid) you must perish with the world eternally. Apoc 22. 14. 15. Mat. 7. 13. The Angell hath sworne it, Mar. 8. 38. Time shall be no more, Apo. 10. ⟨6.⟩ but how soone it is vnknowne vnto you. Luk. 12. 20. 21. 34. 35. 36. Take it now while it is called to daie; Heb 3. 7. 13 paie your vowes and shine for euermore. Dan. 12. 3. Psal. 56. 12. & 50. 14.
To the Christian Reader.
COnsidering (christian Reader) that in euerye place, all those who haue found any sound comfort in the Gospel, are desirous to expresse the same in their conuersations, by walking in thankfulnesse as it becommeth the seruants of Christ, to adorne their profession, and yet notwithstanding the greatest part do much fayle herein: I haue thought it my bounden duety to afford vnto thē such helpe as God hath vouchsafed mee in this behalfe. For alasse it it too manifest, that too many euen of them, do omit sundry and those of most necessary dueties, as by looking perhaps to some of the dutyes of the first Table, neglect the second, or to the second onely omit the first, which is called the great commaundement: or looking onely to the law, are too short for the gospel: [Page] or boasting of faith regard not works. Others lie in fearefull sinnes thorough ignorance hereof. And very many are obserued dayly to fal into grieuous offences, to the dishonour of Christ, and discredit of their profession, yea to the griefe of the godly, offending the weake, hardning the vngodly eye, to open the mouthes of the Papists, and Atheists, with all the profane, to blaspheme that glorious name whereby we are called. And not onely so, but more also to the wounding of their owne consciences, and giuing aduantage to Sathan, to accuse them before the Lord. Nay sundrye of most vpright hearts, and who haue made good proceedings in godlinesse, are yet known to lie languishing vnder the burthen of their sinnes, and feare of Gods displeasure, thorough want of knowledge howe to finde out their speciall offences, whereby their consciences are disquieted, & Gods hand doth lie so heauily vpon them: Many [Page] liuing in continuall doubt whether they bee in the fauour of God or no: great multitudes in all places ordinarily thrusting themselues vnreuerently into the presence of the Lord, to the word, sacraments, and all other exercises of the seruice of God, without any examination, or preparation of their hearts before, to the prouoking of the grieuous wrath of the Lord thereby. Now for these (I say) and for al other, whose desire is to walke with God, and be pleasing vnto him, finding the true felicity that is in godlinesse, I haue thought my selfe bounde by the Communion of Saints, to offer this my poore labour, which first was vndertaken for my selfe and some few of my christian friends: the better to preuent all the former euills, and for the more easye obtayning the benefits following such a carefull watch. Herein I haue vsed the helpe of sundry learned and godly diuines, following chiefely the direction of these [Page] two holy men of GOD, Maister Greenham and Maister Perkins; whose writings were the first occasions of thinking hereof: M. Greenhā in the comfort of an afflicted conscience pag. 130. the one requiring this examination necessarily vnto true and sound repentance, M. Perkins. of the practise of repentance. cap. 7. the other for the thorough curing of the wounded conscience. And hence also I haue bin more incouraged, to make this publike, not vpon any vaine or by respect, but by some gracious experience of the profit hereof in both accordingly: especially in restoring some of no meane note, from much trouble, and horrour of conscience, to exceeding ioy, and strong assurance, when all other means haue fayled. Neither can this seeme strange to any considering it aright; for what is it that brings that peace and ioy of conscience passing all vnderstanding to a Christian soule but an assured testimony of our conscience, that we doe not lie in any one sinne, so farre as by wise searching wee are able to finde it out, but hate [Page] and abhorre euen the very least? and contrarily, that we haue begun, and so striue on forward to walke in euery commandement of God without reproofe: and that of true loue to our Lord and Sauiour: for to such a soule onely all the promises doe appertaine, as they are applyed thorough the whole Booke of GOD. In a word, I haue beene more imboldened, by obseruing dayly, how on the one side the godly preachers, vpon euery occasion, calling men to repentance, exhort all earnestly with the Prophet Ieremy to examine and try their wayes, Lā. 39. 40. & turne againe vnto the Lord, if euer they will find mercy with him: which worke of examinatiō hardly one of a thousād knoweth how to performe in any good measure, as may bring true cōfort vnto their soules. And on the other side, how many of our simple seduced brethrē, haue bin drawn to a dislike of our religiō & a liking of popery, by this especially, because ours, (as they [Page] say) is a religion of carnall libertye, theirs of holinesse, ours full of diuisions and vncertainty, theirs of perfect vnity, that they also may see hereby, that ours is indeede a religion of perfect holinesse and vnity prescribed by the Lord himselfe, whereunto so many of vs as are truely called to the sound profession of it, do striue instantly to attaine day and night: so worshipping the God of our fathers, in spirit and trneth: walking in the selfe same narrow way of eternall life. And that all their imagined holinesse is nothing for the most part, but meere superstitiō, in outward shewes, of mens inuentions, concerning which, GOD will aske them one day, Esa. 1. 12. who hath required thē at their hands, Deu. 4. 2. & 12. [...]. 32. altogether neglecting most of the duetyes of true piety, as those of the first table: that so they perceiuing how they haue beene dedeluded, Act. 13. 48 (may at least some of them whom God hath ordayned vnto life) come out off the snare of the deuill, 2. Tim. ⟨2.⟩ 25. 26. [Page] and ioyne themselues to vs againe: Ap. 14. 9. 10. 11. so to escape that torment which all that receiue the marke of the beast, by any such submission to that Romane Antichrist, must eudure for euermore. Pardon mee therefor, that I haue presumed to offer this vnto thee, seeing that how plaine so euer it is, yet it may proue profitable (as I hope) to manye thousand poore soules, who want leasure or ability to search greater volumes, being so briefe and easie for all: and also that it may be to mee as the widowes mite, throwne into the treasure of the Lord, If thou be one who by reason of thy ripenesse and perfection, despisest it, as hauing no neede of any such a helpe, yet haue compassion of thy brethren: neither knowest thou what a day may bring forth: or if thou seest the good that may come to very many by such a course, helpe to perfect, that which is here thus begun, or at least, if God shall perswade thee, of the benefit which thy selfe may reape [Page] hereby spend one houre with mee constantly euery weeke, in trying thy wayes, and turning thy feeete vnto the testimonies of the Lord. And then, as I cannot doubt of thy prayers for me, so I assure my selfe that the chiefe comfort and blessing shal turne into thine owne bosome; thy Lord and Sauiour shall bee glorified by thee, the godly edified by thy holy ensample, the wicked conuerted, or at the least haue their mouthes stopped, and be left more without excuse.
Meditate seriously of these worthy places of scripture.
‘Let not this booke of the law, depart out off thy mouth, but meditate therein day and night, that thou maiest obserue and do according to all that is written therin, for then shall thou make thy waies prosperous, & then shalt thou haue good successe.’ Ios. 1. 8.
‘Blessed is the man that doth not walke in the councell of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornefull.’ Psal. 1. 1.
‘But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night.’ 2.
‘For he shalbe like a tree planted by the riuers of water, that will bring forth her fruit in due season: whose leafe also shall not fade, so whatsoeuer he shall doe shall prosper.’ 3.
‘The wicked are not so, but as the chaffe. &c.’ 4.
‘VVhete withall shall a young man redresse his way in taking heede thereto according to thy word.’ Psa. 119. 9.
‘I considered my wayes, and turned my feete vnto thy testimonies.’ vers. 59.
‘I made hast and delayed not the time, to keepe thy commaundements.’ 60.
‘Oh how loue I thy law? it is my meditatiō continually.’ 67.
‘By thy commandement, thou hast made me wiser then mine enimies, for they are euer with mee.’ 98.
‘I haue had more vnderstanding then all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my meditation.’ 99.
‘I vnderstood more then the ancient, because I kept thy precepts.’ 100.
[Page] ‘I refrayned my feete from euery euil way, that I might keepe thy word.’ 101.
‘Thy word is a lanthorne vnto my feete, and a light vnto my paths.’ 105.
‘Thy testimonies are my delight & my coūcellors’ 24.
‘They are better vnto mee, then thousands of gold and siluer.’ ⟨72.⟩
‘The Lord is with you whilst you are with him, if you seeke him he will be found of you, but if you forsake him he will forsake you.’ 2. Ch. 15. 2.
‘The hand of our God, is vpon all them that seeke him in goodnesse, but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him.’ Exr. 8. 22.
‘The iust shall liue by faith, but if any withdraw himselfe, my soule shall take no pleasure in him.’ Heb. 10. 38.
‘Because iniquity shalbe increased, the loue of many shall wax cold, but he that endureth to the end he shalbe saued.’ Mat. 24. 12. 13.
- Prou. 3. 21, 22. ad 26. et 4. 6, 19, 20, 21, 22
- Iob. 22. 21, 22▪ 23. 10, 11, 12. 28. 28.
- Mat. 7. 13. 14. Apo. 22. 14.
‘VVherefore is liuing man sorowful? man suffereth for his sin. Let vs search & try our wayes, & turne againe vnto the Lord. Let vs lift vp our hearts with our hands to God in the heauens.’ Lam. 3. 39. 40, 41.
‘VVhen I held my tongue my bones consumed, or when I roared all the day. Then I acknowledged my sin vnto thee, neither hid I myne Iniquity: for I thought I will confesse against my selfe, my wickednesse vnto the Lord, and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne.’ Psa. 32. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.
- Iob. 33. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
The triall of our estate.
The meanes whereby we may obtaine a certaine assurance, that we are the children of God, and in his fauour, and also get the same more confirmed daylie.
THe meanes is, 2. Cor. 13. 5 by a carefull examination of our selues, 1. Cor. 11. Mar. 1. 15. whether we feele these two graces, Act. 1. 38. Luk. 3. 3. Repentance and Faith: Ioh. 1. 12. Gal. 3. 26. and that increased in vs, or at least continued: Col. 3. 9. 10. 11. for hereby we haue put off the old man and put on the new, and so are acceptable to the Lord through Iesus Christ.
2. The rule of our triall.
We must trie our repentance by the lawe of God, Heb. 6. 1. whereof the ten Commaundements are the summe: and our faith by the Gospell, Mat. 1. 15. whereof the Articles [Page 2] of our faith containe a short summe also.
3. The Subiect of our triall or parts to be examined,
We must examine our selues, and that for all parts. 2. Cor. 13. 5.
1. 1 Thes 5. 23. Our minde whether it be inlightned to know that which is good and to be imbraced, Col. 1. 9. 10 and that which is euill for to be auoyded. Heb. 5. 14. 1, Thes. 5. 21.
2. Our memory whether it do firmly keepe those things that it hath learned. Psa. 119. 11.
3. Pro. 7. 1. 2. Our will whether it chuse the good and refuse the euill. Luk. 2. 51. Rom. 7. 18. 9. 20.
4. Our affections whether they loue that which god loueth, hate that which he hateth. Rom. 7. 22. 24.
5. 1. Cor. 6. 20 Our body whether it indeauour to performe euery duety accordingly and in euery part, Rom. 6. 12. 19. and all this at all times and in all places. Iam. 1. 26.
All these parts being the Lords, Deu. 6. 4. 5. 6▪ he doth require this holinesse in them all, and that by striuing to perfection. [Page 3] Mat. 22. 37. Luk. 10. 27. 1. Thes. 5. 23. Phil. 3. 12. 13.
Time of our examination.
The fittest time is. Eccl. 4. 17. Ps. 26. 6. 1. Cor. 11. 28. 31.
1. In our preparation to the Saboth, to obserue it continually.
2. More carefully before our receiuing the sacrament or before a fast
- publike.
- priuate.
Ioel. 2. 12. 13. 17.
The reason is because the Lord wilbe sanctified in all them that come neere vnto him in any such speciall manner And moreouer we may certainly expect a measure from him of blessing, Leu. 10. 3, Exo. 19. 22 as we measure to him in our preparation to such holy exercises. Mat. 7. 2. Mar. 4. 24.
Place for our examination.
The meetest place is, Psa. 4. 4. 5. where we may bee most secret, and freest from distractions, setting our selues as in the presence of GOD with whom we haue to deale, and where we may most freely powre out our soules without suspition of hypocrisie.
Helpes before our examination, to make it more powerfull.
We may vse the helpe of this threefold consideration.
1. Of the misery into which euery sin brings vs vntill wee haue truely repented of it.
2. How our sinnes are made more haynous by circumstances.
3. The blessings following a holy conuersation.
The first helpe, viz. danger of impenitency in any sinne.
1. By euery sin we dishonour God more or lesse, according to the quality thereof, and so prouoke him to dishonour vs againe. 1. Sam. 2. 30.
2. Euery sinne defaceth in some sort the Image of God in vs, which we should labour to repaire dayly. This image is the holinesse commanded in the whole law. Col. 3. 9. 10.
3. Each makes vs in part like Sathan, whom in that sin we resemble, ⟨John.⟩ 44. giuing him aduantage thereby both to accuse [Page 5] vs before the Lord, 1. Ioh. 5. 18 and to lay speciall claime to vs for the same, Iob. 1. 9. 10 11. 12. or at least to get liberty to afflict vs thereupon.
4. Each as a cloud separates betwene the Lords mercy and vs, Esa. 59. 2. hides from vs the comfortable light of his countenance, Ios. 24. 19. 20. hindreth the course of his graces, Ier. 5. 25. for our God is so holy, Psa. 5. 4. 5. that no euill can dwell with him, and so turnes away blessings temporall and spirituall.
5. Prouokes the anger of our most louing father against vs, as the faults of children do of their parents. 1. Cor. 10 22. Exod. 4. 14. 24. Ioh. 22. 17. 18.
6. Brings distrust of Gods prouidence, Psal. 50. 16. 17. 18. and weakeneth our faith in all his promises by the same example of a lewd child cōtinuing obstinate against the parents in any fault, Esa. 1. 12. 13. to 17. 66. 3. so that wee cannot say that God is our God, or that we are his dutifull people and children, and in his fauour so long as wee continue therein. The triall of this in our most serious prayers in time of trouble is most euident.
[Page 6] 7. Brings temporall scourges on our bodies, Exo. 4. 24. 26. goods, friends or name, wherby the Lord sheweth his hatred of euery sin euen in his owne children, 1. Cor. 11. 30. 31. awakeneth them, Num. 27. 12. 13. 14. &. 20. 12. 24. that they may not be condemned with the world, preuents the like in themselues and others, as Dauids ensample fully declareth.
8. Greiues Gods spirit to cause it to depart so farre, Eph. 4. 30. as that we shall loose al sound feeling of any true comfort in Christ, 1. Thes. 5. 19. be made vnable to pray, Ps. 95. 8. 9. 51. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. heare or performe any spirituall duty aright, & contrarily become hard hearted without all sense of sinne or Gods Anger for it, to cost vs many a sorrowfull heart before wee recouer it againe: to teach vs to know Gods holinesse and our owne vilenesse, Cant. 5. 2. 3. 6. 7. and so to be made more watchfull after to keepe and stir vp the spirit, to make more account of it and giue it better intertainement.
9. Brings a wounded conscience, Pro. 18. 14. the greatest plague of all other, for the conscience will keepe a remembrance, [Page 7] though it sleepe vntill God awake it, and call it to an account, Gen 4 7. and then will follow.
- 1. Shame to make vs run from God as
Gen. 3. 8.
- 2. Sadnesse as in Naball.
- 3. Terrible feare, as in Bellchazzar.
- 4. Dispaire as in Cain, Saul, Iudas, Achitophel.
5. A hell in our consciences that wee shall be as the raging sea, Esa. 57. 20 21. casting out our owne shame, the worme of conscience beginning to gnaw without hope of release or any ease, vnlesse all this be preuented by speedy and vnfained repentance in this life, which we know not whether it shall be continued vnto the morning. Luk. 12. 20.
10. Barreth vs out of heauen & depriueth vs vtterly of all the ioyes thereof. Mat. 5. 19. 1. Cor. 6. 9 10. 11.
11. Thrusts vs into hell to abide the torment therof with Sathan & his Angells for euermore. Apo. 21. 8. Gal. 3. 10 Rom. 6. 23. Deut. 27. 26. Gen. 2. 17.
The second helpe, viz. by considering the circumstances whereby our sinnes are made so sinfull.
1. The terrible maiesty of the glorious God against whome the sinne is committed, declared euidently in the punishment of the Angells, Adam, the olde world, Sodome, at the giuing of the Law on mount Sinay, 2. Thes. 1. 7 8. 9. 10. and to be reuealed more fearfully, when Christ shal come with thousand thousands of glorious Angells to take an accoūt for the keeping thereof, in flaming fire to render vengeance to all who know not God, being disobedient to the gospell of Christ.
2. Because our sinnes haue bin committed against his mercies bestowed vpon vs, both ordinary and extraordinary. 2. Sam. 12. 7. 8.
3. Against the checks of our consciences which haue bin conuinced for the same. Ioh. 15. 22. 24. Rom. 1. 18. 21.
4. Against our high calling. 1. Thes. 2. 12. and 4. 7. 1. Cor. 1. 2. 1. Pet. 1. 15.
[Page 9] 5. Against our couenants at baptisme, our vowes oft renued, with many holy motions and purposes. Ezech. 16. 4. 6. 8 Eccle. 5. 3. 4. 5.
6. Against threats, and examples of Gods Iudgements and his fatherly chastisements. Dan. 5. 18. 22. 23. 24.
7. By committing the same sinnes oft after our repentance & pardon obtained. 2. Pet. 2. 22.
The third helpe, viz. by considering the blessings following a holy conuersation.
As, 1. The escaping of all the former misery of sin. Deut. 6. 24 25.
2. We shall honour God and adorne his Gospell and so be honoured of him againe. Tit. 2. 10.
3. We shall repaire his image dayly, to cause him to delight in vs. Eph. 4. 23 24. Col. 3. 10.
4. We shall get more assurance of his fauour, Psa. 34. 10. 18. 37. 24. 25. fatherly protection and prouidence for all benefits, so farre as may [Page 10] stand with his owne glory, our saluation and the good of his Church.
5. We shall obtaine boldnesse and power in prayer. Pro. 28. 1. Psal. 4. 3.
6. We shall escape many scourges Heb. 12. 5. Ap. 3. 19. 1. Cor. 11. 30. 31. 32
7. We shall stirr vp and reioyce the spirit of God in vs, and so get an increase of al graces: for to him that hath shall be giuen and he shall haue abundance. Math 25. 29.
8. We shall dismaie and driue away Sathan, with all temptations and accusations. Mat. 4. 11. Iames. 4. 7.
9. We shall stop the mouthes of all the wicked when wee may beare their reproche as a crowne, and so haue boldnesse in the day of tryall to stand forth for any good cause. Iob. 31. 35. 36
10. We shall get and keepe a good conscience, Pro. 15. 15. which is a continuall feast, Rō. 14. 17. euen the beginning of the Kingdome of Heauen in peace and ioy in the holy Ghost, Psa 91. 11 & 34. 7. with assurāce of the gard of the Angells, and all other blessings thereunto [Page 11] belonging. Mat. 11. 29. 30.
11. We shal escape the lake and torment which all the foolish, that is, all impenitent sinners must indure for euermore. Apo. 21. 8.
12. We shall obtaine the crowne & kingdome layd vp for all those who thus walke with God, 2. Tim. 4. 7. 8. 1. Cor. 2. 9. euen the ioyes which neuer eye saw, Mat 6. 1. 4. 6. 18. & 10. 42. nor neuer eare heard, nor entred into mans heart for to consider of, with a certaine rewarde of euery good duty that euer we performed.
13. And so hauing the full assurance of all the promises for the life present, 1: Tim. 4. 8 and that to come, we shall be able to waite continually, for the appearing of our Lord and sauiour, crying alwayes, come Lord Iesu, Come quickly. Apoc. 22. 20.
Some other rules to be obserued for our direction & comfort in our examinatiō.
1. That we examine for sinnes.
1. past. 2. present. 3. Which we are in danger of.
[Page 12] 2. Concerning sinnes past, Psal. 25. 7. & 51. 1. 2. 17. whether wee haue so vnfainedly repented of them, that the very remembrance of them is grieuous vnto vs.
3. A contrite heart after euery offence, Psalm. 51. 4. 17. because we haue therein offended our louing God, with a liuely hatred of the same, and a resolute purpose neuer to commit it againe, (looking withall at Christ, Zac. 12. 10 whom we haue pierced thereby) is as much with God, for all satisfactorie punishment, as if there had beene no sinne committed; with Dauids speech (I haue sinned) is ioyned the answer of the Prophet: The Lord hath put away thy sinne: but we are neuer to rest vntill wee feele our hearts so affected. 2. Sā. 12. 13
4. For sinnes of which we are in danger, Ioh. 15. 7. & 16. 23. 24. because we are strongly inclined to them, or otherwise, or for graces which we want, let vs beg in faith earnestly, looking at Christ. Math. 77. & 21. 22. Let vs aske the ouercomming of any sinne, vsing all the meanes therevnto, 1. Ioh. 5. 14 Iam. 4. 3. especially [Page 13] auoyding the occasions of it, and we shall preuaile by little and little, vntill we attaine a perfect conquest, Mat. 5. 6. & 15. 22. 25. 27. 28. thorow the victory of Iesus Christ, Ioh. 7. 38. so for any grace or an increase thereof, Psal. 10. 17. & 145. 18. 19. let vs importune the Lord after the same manner, Rom. 8. 26 and we shall obtaine the graces, Dan. 6. 10. for such a begging is the grace wee craue, Exo. 29. 38. 39. In
- 1. Acceptance.
- 2. Beginning or first fruites.
- 3. Pledge of perfection.
5. Our begging must be by solemne prayer vpon our knees, Psa. 25. 1. & 123. 1. 2. 3. morning and euening at least, 1. Thes. 5. 17. with giuing speciall thankes for that measure of grace we haue attained vnto, and by the earnest lifting vp of our hearts continually.
6. We must beware that we neither trust so much to our praiers, Mat. 4. 7. as to cause vs to neglect any other meanes ordained of God for whatsoeuer we desire, but that we vse them all still more conscionably, especially the principall, Psal. 127. 1. 2. as the word preached, and all other in [Page 14] order, neyther that wee trust so much to the other meanes as to neglect prayer.
7. So many sinnes as we haue ouercome of conscience and loue to God, or graces as we haue thus attained to or can pray earnestly for, Gal. 5. 22. 23. 24. so many liuely euidences we haue of the sanctifying spirit of God, Rom. 6. 5. and of our sound regeneration so long as we lye not in any one knowne sin: and as wee growe herein, Rom. 6. 12. 14. so grow we in assurance before God.
8. In all these God accepts our indeuour to obey, as perfect obedience, so that it be totall in euery part, Neh. 1. 11. viz. in our minde, Mat. 17. 20. conscience, will and affections, Act. 11. 23. and also earnest to do what we can without hypocrisie, Esa. 42. 3. as he did Abrahams resolution to offer Isaack, Gen. 22. 16 17. and as the kind father accepts the indeauour of the child, Mal. 3. 17. or as it is in almes, 2. Cor. 8. 12 where a man is accepted according to that which he hath, 1. Ion. Iam. 4. 3 and not according to that which he hath not: so that there [Page 15] be first a willing minde, Mat. 5. 6. so is it in all graces if there bee a strife with hungring after more vntill we come to a perfect man, Eph. 4. 13. 14. euen the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ.
9. Gods grace is sufficient for vs. To
- 1. Supply that which is wanting.
- 2. Forgiue that which is cōmitted.
- 3. Impute Christs obedience.
2. Cor. 12. ⟨9.⟩
- 4. Support our weaknesse.
- 5. Restore and raise vs vp being fallen.
10 Gods power is made perfect, 2. ⟨Cor.⟩ 12. 9 or manifest thorough our weakenesse that God may bee glorified and wee humbled continually, that hee that reioyceth may reioyce in the Lord. 1. Cor. 1. 31.
11. In greater measure of graces as we get more assurance, so we must returne more thankefulnesse, & become more humbled, watching against pride, 1. Thes. 5. 18. for feare of the messenger of Sathan to buffet vs: for pride springs vp, 2. Cor. 12. 7 when [Page 16] all other sinnes dye.
12 In lesse measure we are to mourne after an increase by the carefull vse of all the meanes, Mat. 5. 6. for more assurance and comfort, 1. Thes. 4. 1. 10. least wee deceiue both our owne selues & others, hauing nothing but a shew, being as the foolish Virgins, and as the barren Fig-tree. Math. 25. 2. 3. Luc. 13. 7.
The Glasse of the Law, or Map of the narrow way of life, thorow euery commandement, whereby we beholding our owne naturall misery, may be driuen dayly to put on Christ, and considering our wayes, may turne our feete to the testimonies of the Lord.
IN all this view, we must euer remember to be thankfull for euery grace receiued, mourne for euery sinne committed, looking at Christ crucified, begging pardon thorow him, and the imputation of his obedience: In all wants we are to intreat an increase of [Page 17] strength and grace thorow him, Pro. 4. 18 by lifting vp our hearts vntill we attaine to perfection, Eph. 4. 13 14. obseruing how we grow in grace dayly and in subduing of euery sin. 2. Pet. 3. 17.
This is the way, walke in it. Esa. 30. 21.
Lord open thou mine eyes, that I may see the wonders of thy law. Psa. 119. 18.
1. Commaundement. Thou shalt haue no other Gods before me.
Which inioynes vs to haue Iehoua onely for our God, and commands the parts of his inward worship.
Here we are to examine how we walke foreward more cherfully in these principal duties, which are the very entrances to all true godlinesse.
1. Knowledge of God, Pro. 6. 22. 23. and of his will reuealed in his word] which is a principal part of the image of god, Col. 1. 10. 3. 10. wherof we may glory, Phi. 1. 9. 10 & without which we must needes perish, Ier. 9. 23. 24. being vnable to go one steppe towards the Kingdome of heauen. Hos. 4. 6.
[Page 18] 2. Faith] Whereby we beleeue God to be our God, & withal euery part of his word, so as we feele the power of it in our hearts. as of
- 1. Commaundements, to obey them readily, as Noah and Abraham.
- 2. Iudgements and threats, to terrifie vs from sin as the Niniuites.
- 3. Promises to comfort vs, & incourage vs to go on more cheerefully in godlinesse,
Heb. 11. 2. 6as Abraham & al the fathers who receiued good report hereby. Without this it is impossible to please God. Rom. 14. 23.
3. Confidence in Gods prouidence] to be able to cast our burden onely vpon God, Psa. 55. 22. reioycing in him alwayes, Phil. 4 4. that he is our God: Psa. 3. 6. full of Christian courage as Dauid, Nehemiah, Daniel. Neh. 6. 10 Dan. 6. 10.
4 Patience with cheerefulnesse in the middest of all our trialls, euen then when God seemerh to haue forgotten vs, Rom. 8. 28. or to frowne vpon vs, Gen. 50. 20 hauing our eye still at him, and howe he disposeth [Page 19] all for our comfort in the ende: thus wayting for the happye issue, Iob 13. 15. saying with Iob, Heb. 13. 5. though hee kill mee I will trust in him, and [...]prooue my wayes in his sight, knowing assuredly that he cannot forsake, faile, or forget vs.
5. Loue of his Maiesty because of his goodnesse, louing feruently all his commaundements, ordinances and seruants with whatsoeuer he loueth, & that for his cause onely, zealous therein to promote his honour, hating that which he hateth with a vehement indignation, as our Sauiour and Dauid. Psal. 69. 9. 17.
6. Child-like-feare] liuing alwayes as in Gods presence, Psal. 16. 8. labouring to approue our hearts vnto him, Gen. 5. 24. thus walking with him as Enoch vntill he take vs hence: not fearing the faces of men, but as the three children and Nehemiah. Nehem. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13: 14. Dan. 3. 17. 18.
7. Humility] because of his excellency [Page 20] and our vildnesse, his holinesse and our sinfulnesse, 1. Pet. 5. 5. 1. Cor. 4. 7. so giuing all the glory of all our good things to him alone, Psal. 131. 1. 2. as the free gifts of his rich mercy, acknowledging withall, Iam. 1. 17. that we are not worthy the least of them, 1. Cor. 1. 26. 31. as Iacob and Daniel, mourning withall for all the horrible sinnes of our time, Dan. 9. 3. 4. as iust Lot, 2. Pet. 2. 7. 8 and the mourners in Ierusalem before the captiuity. Ezech 9. 4.
Abhorring contrarily all the breaches of this commaundement; as the mother sins, of all the fearefull abhominations that are committed in the world.
1. Atheisme] whereby most liue, as if there were no God, or heauen, Iudgement or place of torment, as those fooles that say in their hearts, there is no God, Psal. 14. 1.
2. Ignorance] or spirituall blindnesse, Hos. 4. 6. whereby multitudes perish liuing without Christ and without GOD in the world, Eph. 2. 12. and so go hudwincked to hell, Esa. 1. 3. as the Gentles; worse then the Oxe [Page 21] that knoweth his owner.
3. Infidelity] whereby the greatest part neither regard the word or works of God, nor yet depend vppon him, shewed euidently by these signes.
- 1. Prophanesse of life.
- 2. Contempt of Gods word.
- 3. Impacience and fainting in trialls.
- 4. Tempting God by vsing vnlawfull meanes in stead of wayting his leasure.
2. Kin. 6. 33 7. 2.
- 5. dispayre of his mercy.
- 4.
Carnall confidence] trusting in vanity, euen in any thing but God, whether In
- 1. Wit and policie.
- 2. Power and strength.
- 3. Wealth.
- 4. Friendes, fauour or any other meanes, for hereby we withdrawe our hearts from God,
Ier. 17. 5.bring a curse vppon our selues making these our Gods.
- 5.
Coldnes] or lukewarmnesse in the loue of God his trueth and seruants as the Laodicean,
Apo. 3. 15. 16.or decaying in our first loue, as the church of Ephesus. Apo. 2. 4. 5
[Page 22] 6. Louing or delighting in any thing aboue God, his word and ordinances, or preferring them before God and his fauour, as—
- 1. Parents, children, or friend, as Elie.
- 2. Pleasures, as Esau.
- 3. Pompe and wealth of the world, as the yong man comming to Christ.
Mar. 20. 21 22.
- 4. Our selues, whereunto Peter perswaded our Sauiour. Mat. 16 22.
- 7.
Hatred of God] appearing in malice against his word,
Rom. 1. 30or seruants for doing his commandements,Exo. 20. in Cain, Ahab. Deut. 7. 10.
- 8. Wilfull disobedience] against the light of our consciences, as in Saul, which is rebellion, and as the sinne of witchcraft. 1. Sam. 15. 22. 23.
- 9.
Timorousnes] fearing men more then God,
Apo. 21. 8.and therupon doing, or forbearing good or euill, for feare of men only, which is Idolatrie, making Gods of men.
- 10.
Presumption] vpon his mercy to
[Page 23] sinne because hee is mercifull,
Rom. 2. 4. 5as most hypocrites doe, though hee haue sayd plainly hee will not bee mercifull vnto such. Deut. 29. 19. 20. 21.
- 11.
Pride against God] setting our selues against his word, iudgements or seruants with an high hand,
1. Pet. 5. 5as Pharao: or taking his praise to our selues as Herod, not considering our owne weaknes, as Peter. Luke. 5. 8.
- 12.
Hauing other Gods] whether the Pope of Rome, as all the Papists reuerence his word, and ordinances aboue Gods:
Rō. 10. 14.or any of the Saints, whom they inuocate,Phil. 3. 19.or our bellies, or Mammon. Mat. 6. 24.
2. Commaundement, Thou shalt make thee no grauen image &c.
Which commaundeth Gods outward worship with all the parts and meanes thereof, that wee worshippe him onely according to his will reuealed in his word.
Here we are to examine how we walke on more conscionably.
1. In a more carefull vse of all the ordinary meanes of holinesse, and parts of Gods seruice, as frequenting the word preached, which is the ordinary meanes to beget faith, and the principal to increase it, reading or hearing some part of it read dayly, meditation, conference, the vse of good bookes, company of the godly, practise of the duetyes of piety, Exo. 29. 38. 39. omitting no oportunity nor part thereof priuately nor publikely, Dan. 6. 10. prayer duly morning & euening at least: in the most humble manner, as the perpetuall morning and euening sacrifice vnder the law.
2. Vsing the helpes ordained to bind and stirre vp our selues hereunto, as
- 1. Vowes of things in our owne power,
Esa. 22. 12. Iacob.
- 2. Fasting when God calls vs therevnto,
Ezr. 8. 21. 22. & 10. 6. some iudgement already vpon vs, or threatned, or for obtaining some [Page 25] speciall blessing. Act. 13. 2. 1. Cor. 7. 5.
3. Striuing for the maintainance of the faith, Iud. 3. that is of Gods pure worship and trueth, without any mixture of mans inuentions or of any other corruptions. 1. Tim. 6. 14.
Abhorring all breaches of this commandement.
1. Imagery of the true God & Christ, or of fained Gods, Saints or Angells for any religious vse, as Crucifixes and the like. Deu. 27. 15.
2. Euery outward representation, deuised by a man, to be eyther a part of Gods worship or to teach some religious duety: for all such likenesses are expresly condemned. Nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue. &c.
3. All will-worship] that is all not warranted by the word of God though done in neuer so good an intent, as in Nadab and Saul, Deu. 12. 32 for Christ is the onely teacher of his Church, Mat. 7. 7. 8. 9. and sole ordainer [Page 26] of the meanes of his owne worship. Luke 12. 1. 2. 1. Sam. 15. 15. Mat. 23. 10.
4. All approbation of any idolatrie, superstition, or false worship
- 1. Presence.
1. Th. 4. 22.
- 2 Speech.
Rom. 1. 31.
- 3. Gesture.
2. Cor. 6. 14▪
- 4. Silence.
1. King. 19. 18.
5. Keeping reliques, Deu. 7. 25. 26. monumēts, or other remembrāces thereof vndefaced, which God being a iealous God cannot indure. Esa. 30. 22. Iud. 23. Deut. 12. 31. Exod: 20. 5.
5. Al occasions of insnaring our selues or others in superstition, Deu. 7. 2. 3 4. 5. 25. as by vnnecessarie and vnlawfull traficke, or familiaritie with Idolaters or false worshippers; seeking helpe of, 2. Cor. 6. 14 and 18. or fauouring them. Ezra 9. 2. 14. 12. 10. 1. 11. 12.
6. Adoring Saints or Angels, as the Papists doe. Acts. 20. 25. 26. Apoc. 19. 10. 22. 6.
7. Esa. 8. 19. 20. Worshipping Sathan, Apo. 21. 8. by seeking to effect strange matters by meanes [Page 27] forbidden, or not warranted: For Sathā is very readie, when any homage is done vnto him by practising such meanes, as to Saul seeking the witch when he was forsaken of God, and to sorcerers, as we see by daily experiēce.
8. Hipocriticall worship] as
- 1. Outward ceremonies, or bare shewes of religion.
Mat. 23. 23▪ 25.
- 2. Forwardnesse in small matters, omitting the most waightie,
1. King. 18▪ the Pharisies.
- 3. Halting between two religions.
9. Neglecting the seruice of God or any part or meanes thereof.
3. Commaundement, Thou shalt not take the name of &c.]
ordayning the right manner of performing Gods worshippe.
Here we are to vewe how we run on more cherefully in these duties.
1. A reuerēt vse of al the names of God, as
- 1. Titles, as God, Lord.
Deu. 28. 58
- 2. Attributs, as mercy, Truth.
- 3. Ordinances, as worde, sacraments, [Page 28] ministerie. Acts. 9. 15.
- 4. Iudgments
- bodely.
- spirituall.
- 5. Mercies
taking occasion to consider of and set forth Gods glory shining in euery one of them, vsing them to the ends he hath appointed.
2. Swearing religiously.] that is by the Lord alone, and in matters of importance, for his glory and the good of our neighbour, which cannot otherwise be ended, Ier. 4. 2. and also with great aduise, least we forsweare, Heb. 6. 16. or at least take that glorious name in vaine, at which we ought to tremble, & so performing our othes faithfully. Psa. 15. 4.
3. In a more fruitful vse of the word, sacraments and other means of our saluation, Luk 8. 15. that is with feeling the power of sanctification by thē through mixing them with faith. Heb. 4. 2.
4. Praying with feeling, Eph. 6. 18. feruencye and faith, Col. 4. 2. giuing thankes also with cheerefulnesse.
5. Sanctifiyng al Gods benefits, ordinances [Page 29] and chastisements with the workes of our calling by the word and prayer, 1. Tim. 4. 5. that so we may haue a more holy vse thereof.
6. Making bold and wise profession of euery part of Gods religion, Rō. 10. 10. gracing it by a holy conuersation, 1. Pet. 3. 2. 14. 15. as our Sauiour, Mat. 5. 16. and Abraham, who built Alters wheresoeuer he came, Dan. 6. 10. euen amongst the Infidels. Ier. 10. 11.
7. Performing faithfully and constantly all our holy vowes. Psal. 50. 14. 116. 14.
And contrarily mourning for and abhorring all abuses of the glorious name of our God▪ as
1. Carelesse vsing any of his names in our common talke. Deut. 28. 58.
2. Swearing lightly, or prophanely, for which the Lord[?] ⟨Land⟩ mournes, Hos. 4. 2. & much more for forswearing, Ier. 13. 10. as Zedekiah. 2. Chr. 36. 13.
3. Blaspheming] by speaking basely or contumeliously of any of his names [Page 30] to his dishonour. Leu. 24. 11. 14. 16.
4. Cursing] for God hath giuen vs tongues to blesse with, and said, blesse and curse not. Iames. 3. 9. 10. Rom. 12. 14.
5. Abusing Gods Religion] as his word, sacraments or other ordinances (whereby hee most familiarly shewes himselfe and all his goodnesse to vs, & would haue vs to make profession of him) which is done not onely by neglecting of any of them, Heb. 2. 3. but
1. by vsing them vnprofitably without reformation of life, 2. Thes. 2: 10. 11. 12. and increase in holinesse▪ Psal. 50. 16. 17.
2. Making a profession, yet liuing profanely to make Gods enemies to blaspheme. 2. Sam. 12. 14. Acts. 2. 13.
3. Vsing them vnreuerently or scornfully. Act. 2. 13.
4. Dissembling any part of the trueth, where we ought to professe it. Romans. 10. 10. 1. King. 19. 18. Dan. 3. 12. 17. 18.
[Page 31] 5. Vnseasonable or crafty profession. Phil. 1. 15. 16.
6. Lightly passing ouer Gods iudgments, as the Egyptians.
7. Receiuing his benefits vnthankefully, 1. Sam. 15. 17. 18. 19. or requiring them vnkindely. 2. Sam. 12. 7. 8. Whether
- Publike as
- 1. Gospell.
- 2. Peace.
- 3. Deliuerance
- 4. Prosperity.
- Priuate in
- Soule.
- Body.
- Goods.
- Friends.
- Name.
8. Abuse of our Christian liberty though in things of their owne nature indifferent. 1 Cor. 8. 9. Rom. 14. 13. By
- 1. Grieuing the godly. Rom. 14. 15. 20.
- 2. Causing the weake Christian to stagger. Rom. 14. 13. 22. 23.
1. Cor. 8. 7. 10. 11. 12. 13.
- 3. Nuzling the ignorant in superstition.
- [Page 32] 4. By Hardning the Idolater.
- 5. By Giuing occasion to the wicked to blaspheme,
9. Breach of our vowes and couenants with God, as that at baptisme & euer since. Deu. 23. 21 Eccl. 5. 3, 4, 5.
4. Commandement, Remember the Sabboth to keepe it holy]
inioyning the time of Gods solemne worship.
Here we are to consider well how we grow in a conscionable practise of all the dueties of the Sabboth.
I. Before the assemblies,
1. Remembring the Sabboath before it come, that we may dispatch all our owne workes in the six dayes, Esa. 56. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. to attend the right sanctification thereof, according to the caueat Remember: so to consecrate it as a glorious day vnto the Lord, to honour him, not doing our owne wayes, Esa. 58. 13. 14. nor seeking our own wil, nor speaking a vaine word.
2. Preparing our selues thereunto, [Page 49] either the day before, Eccl 4. 17. or rising early in the morning, Exod. 19. 14. 15. 22. by examining our hearts both by the law, Leuit 10. 3. and Gospell, and so reconciling our selues to God, 1. Cor. 11. 28 31. renewing our vowes of walking more conscionably after wee haue clensed our hāds by repentance. Mat. 5. 23. 24. Gen 35. 2. 3.
3. Making fernent prayer, Psal. 26 6. for
- 1. Forgiuenesse of our particular sinnes.
Eze. 7. 10.
- 2. Increase of those graces wee most stand in need of.
- 3. That the preacher may bee fitted so to speake, & we to heare, as may be most to Gods glory, & our saluation.
2. At the assemblies.
1. Being present with the first at all publike assemblies of the Church, Ezek. 46. 10. with carefulnes and reuerence, Psal. 1 10. 3. 40. 8. & 95. 1. 6. 1. as before the Lord of the whole earth, both to declare our loue and homage, Deut. 33. 3. and for the good ensample of others; Esai. 2. 3. 49 23. afrayd of the least vnseemly gesture, Acts. 20. 9. 10. or being ouertaken by sleepe or drowsines.
[Page 34] 2. Ioyning with the congregation in euery publike action, chiefely in our hearts, as being one body of Christ, of one heart and of one soule. 1. Cor. 12. 12. Act. 2. 46. 4. 32.
3. In hearing, & applying each speech as spoken by the Lord to vs particularly, Psa. 27. 8. & 40. 8. Thus
1. Humbled for reproofes & threats against sin, whether our own or others, as members of the same bodie, or in danger thereof. Ez. 8. 9. Act. 2. 37. 2. Chr. 34. 27
2. Reioycing in all promises.
3. Thankefull for the mercies.
4▪ Desirous of the graces.
5. Resolute to walke in euery good way, Psa. 27. 8. to depart from the euill. Exod. 24. 3.
This is the best art of memory, for exceeding ioyes, griefes, hatred, or desire, doe leaue the deepest impression in vs, and so sticke longest in memory.
4. Wayting for the blessing to bee put on vs, by the Minister, neuer departing [Page 35] before it be pronounced. Num. 6. 23. 27. Ezek. 46. 10.
3. After the Assemblies.
1. Meditating on the whole sermon in order, as 1. Text. 2. Occasion, meaning, diuision. 3. Doctrines seuerally, by marking the text, and how they were gathered out of it. 4. Proofes of the seuerall doctrines. 5. Vses. 6. Applying it better to our selues, trying what worke euery part had in vs.
2. Conferring of the same in the same order with our families or others.
The benefit whereof is most euident by experience, both herein and in euery trade and science, for those who conferre most, Mal. 3. 16. are euer most expert: besides that hereby the godly do kindle zeale in one another, Luk. 24. 14▪ and contrarily without it are made drowsie and vnprofitable hearers, Mar. 4. 25. letting Sathan steale away the seede out of their hearts▪ Mat. 13. 19.
3. Meditation vpon the creatures.
[Page 52] 1. Generally to behold the Lord in euery one of them, Rom. 1. 10. that is, his
- 1. wisdome
- 2. Power.
- 3. goodnes.
- 4. prouidēce.
2. Specially by considering these things more fully in their seueral ends and vses, or as the Scriptures apply them.
4. Priuate reading
- scriprures.
- holy bookes.
5. Singing Psalmes. Acts 8. 28. & 17. 11. Iam. 5. 13.
6. Excercising then principally the workes of mercy, visiting others by
- 1. Instructing.
- 2. Exhorting.
- 3. Admonishing.
- 4 Reprouing.
- 5. Comforting.
- 6. Collecting.
- 7. Relieuing.
Auoyding as warily all the breaches of the Sabath, as
1. Doing any worke more then holy, and necessarie, whether taking iourneyes, as to sayres, wakes, or whatsoeuer, [Page 53] for
- pleasure.
- profit.
Esa. 58. 13. 14.
2. All vaine delights and sports, hindring godlinesse, immoderate feeding or whatsoeuer may make vs heauie or vnfit for the seruice of God. Rom. 12. 11. Deut. 28. 47.
3. That ordinarie good fellowship in tipling, vaine talke void of edification, Eph. 4 29. & much more all open profanesse. Col. 4. 6.
5. Commaundement. Honor thy father and thy mother, &c.
wherein the Lord takes order for preseruing the honour and dignitie which he hath bestowed vpon euery one.
Here we are to examine how wee performe these duties.
1. Towards Superiors.
1. Honour belonging to thē
2. Obedience belonging to thē Ro. 13. 1. 7. 1. Pe. 2. 13. 14.
[Page 38]3. Thankfull requiring at least in
- 1. Acknowledgment.
1. Sam. 10. 26.
- 2. Hearty affection.
2. Sā. 21. 17
- 3. Prayer. 1. Tim. 2. 1. 2
2. Towards Equalls.
1. Reuerent estimation as of brethren or sisters, Rō. 12. 10. preferring them before our selues.
3. Towards our selues.
1. Mainteinance of our reputation according to our places, Phil. 4. 8. walking vprightly in euery duty, to grace our professiō. For our honor is in this, walking religiously towards God, righteously towards men, soberly in regard of our selues, and so without reproofes. Tit. 2. 12.
4. Towards Inferiours.
1. Shining before them in a holy conuersation with all grauity, according to our place, Mat. 11. 29 as our Sauiour and Paul. Phil. 3. 17.
2. Yeelding to them in good things, as Naaman. ⟨2 Kings. 5. 13, 14⟩
3. Afraid to wrong or despise the [Page 39] basest of them as Iob. Iob. 31. 13.
1 Magistrates speciall dueties.
1. Promoting the religion of God with all their power, Ezr. 7. 23. ad 27. defacing the contrary, and discountenancing all vngodlinesse, 2. Chr. 15. 12. 13. as Dauid, Iehosaphat, Hezekiah, Iosia, Nehemiah. Nehem. 13. 17. and 22.
2. Procuring each way the good of the people committed to them, as tender nursing fathers, repressing the wicked. Esay 49. 23. Rom. 13. 4. Being
- 1. Men of courage.
- 2. Fearing God.
- 3. Dealing truely.
- 4. Hating couetousnesse.
Exo. 18. 21
- 5. No accepters of persons.
Deut. 1. 17.
2 Dueties of them that are vnder authority.
1. Acknowledgement of the authority from God, though the persō should be wicked, as Dauid of Saule; yea an infidell▪ as our Sauiour of Caesar.
2. Paying & performing chearefully vnto them all subsidies, seruices [Page 56] and dewe impositions. Mat. 22. 21. Ro. 13. 6. 7.
3. Excelling in any guifts
- outward.
- inward.
1. That our hearts be not puffed vp by them, Deut. 17. ⟨20.⟩ but that wee acknowledge them to be from God, and so bee more humbled by them, as hauing more to be accountable for, Luke. 12. 48. giuing God all the glory, as Iacob. Gen. 32. 9.
2. That we imploy them carefully, Mat. 25. 26. 27. as may be most to Gods glorie, Iob. 29. 12. 13. 31. and the benefit of his people as Iob. The primitiue Church Acts 2. 44. 45. 4. 32.
4. Ministers duties.
1. Waiting for a lawfull calling. Heb. 5. 4.
2. Applying their guifts as may bee most to Gods honour, & the good of their people, 2. Tim. 4. 1. 2. watching ouer euery one faithfully by teaching, admonishing, exhorting, comforting
- publickly.
- priuatly.
Acts 20. 20. 31.
[Page 57] 3. Labouring to go before them in all holy ensample, 1. Pet. 5. 3. in conuersation and sufferings, 1. Tim. 3 4. both in themselues and familie, 2. Tim. 3. 10. afraid of giuing the least offence, but framing themselues to all, 1. Cor. 9. 19. 20. 22. to become all to all. (viz. in all things in their power) the more easily to win all.
5. Peoples duties towards their pastor.
1. Submission, Heb. 13. 17 to be taught and guided by him, Iohn 10. 4. 27. knowing his voyce, imitating as Christs sheepe, his holy doctrine and conuersation.
2 Giuing him double honour, Gal. 4. 14. 15. as the Galathians to Paul: with all necessaries. Gal. 6. 6 1▪ Cor. 9. 6. 7. 8.
3. Not following strangers. Ioh. 10. 5.
6. Husbands duties.
1. Wise gouernment, as the head, and Christ ouer the Church, honoring the wife as the weaker vessell, Gen. 3. 16. especially in couering and bearing with her infirmities, as Abraham. 1. Pet. 3. 7.
2. Tender loue as in Christ towards [Page 42] his church. Eph. 5. 25. Pro. 5. 18. 19.
3. Good husbandry, in prouiding wisely al necessaries for the hole house and dispensing them aright. 1. Tim. 5. 8
7. Wiues speciall dueties.
1. Subiection to her husband as to her head, and as the church to Christ, Eph.▪ 5. 22. 24. Gen. 3. 16.
2. Loyalty or faithfull loue, Pro. 5. 19. desirous to giue al holy contentment to her husband.
3. Helpe for
- this
- better
life. Genesis 2. 18.
8. Parents duties.
1. Education of their children in
- the feare of God.
Eph. 6. 4.
- some honest trade painfully.
2. prouision for children for time
- present
- to come.
and so taking care by wil to leaue their houses in order: 2. kin. 20. 1. else they are worse then infidells. 1. Tim. 5. 8.
3. Moderate correction by
- word. Pro. [...]3. 14. 22.
- rod. 15. 23. 13. 29. 15.
9. Childrens duties.
[Page 43] 1. Reuerent and louing obedience. Eph. 6. 1. Psa. 127. 4. 5.
2. Thankfull requiting. By
- 1. Being a crowne to their parēts, by their good behauiour,
Prou. 17. ⟨6.⟩so cō forting them.
- 2. Ayding them as Ioseph.
- 3. Carefull for their honour in
- life.
- death.
10. Maisters dueties.
1. Dealing equally with their seruāts, as hauing themselues a maister in heauen, as Iob. Eph. 6. 9. Iob. 31. 13.
2. Carefull prouision for their
- soules
- bodies
praying with their families dayly. Ps. 127. 1. 2. 1, Tim. 4. 4. 5. Ier. 10. 25.
3. Paying their wages duely with the better. Iob. 31, 38. 39.
11. Seruants dueties.
1. Faithfulnes for their maisters profit, with al wisdom, as Iacob, Eliezer, Ioseph.
2. Subiection in
- seruice.
- abiding correction, as the Angell bids Hagar, Gen. 16. 8. 9.
12. Schoolemasters duties.
1. Practising painfully & constantly most profitable courses, Rom. 12. 7. for the speedier furnishing their schollars, 1. Cor. 12. 31 & 14. 12. with the best learning & manners to the greatest good of the
- 1. Schollers.
- 2. Church.
- 3. Countrie.
2. Drawing them on to loue, and honest emulation, Eph. 6. 4. with rewards, Col. 3. 21. vsing moderate correction, abhorring crueltie. Pro. 12. 10.
3. Indeuouring especially to bee a patterne to them of all vertue, Psal. 101. 2 [...].Tim. 4. 12. as being alwaies in their eyes, so to procure more
- true reuerence to themselues.
- blessing to their schollers.
13. Schollers duties.
1. Strife to excell their fellowes. in
- 1. Learning.
1. Cor. 12. ⟨31.⟩ & 14. 12.
- 2. Manners.
- 3. Obedience.
Phil. 4. 8. 9.
- 4. Loue to their master.
6 Commandement. [Page 61] Thou shalt not kill]
commanding by all meanes to preserue life of
- body.
- Soule.
Here we are to examine how we indeauour to performe all these duties with more conscience.
1. Which may preserue or make this present life more comfortable.
1. Procuring and vsing al helpes therunto, as. holesome diet and clothing 1. Tim. 5. 23.
2. Holy mirth, reioycing in al our labours, and at all times in the Lord. Pro. 14. 30. 15. 15. 17. 22. And this by keeping alway a good conscience which is a continuall feast; Phil. 4. 4. for the ioy of the Lord is our strength causing good health, 2. Co. 1. 12. Neh. 8. 10. Eccl. 3. 12. 13. and a principal part of our portion in this life, Rom. 14. 17. and of[?] the begining of the kingdome of heauen. Rom. 13. 4. Pro. 22. 3.
3. Seeking all holy meanes of refuge against all violence and danger, as our Sauiour, especially flying to the Christian Magistrate, as to Gods lieutenant.
[Page 46] 4. Helpe of the Phisitian and surgeon. Mat. 9. 12.
5. Exercise. 1. Tim. 5. 23.
2. Auoyding as warily all things hurtfull and perillous] as
1. All contagious diseases. Pro. 22. 3
2. All euill purposes of offering violence to our selues, or naughtie wishes vpon discontentment, 1. Pet. 5. 8. 9 and therein flying all prouocations, Iam. 4. 7. furtherances and occasions thereof, Gen. 3. especiall solitarinesse or reasoning with the temptation, or any way harkening thereunto.
3. Rash aduentures without a warrantable calling, Mat. 4. 6, 7.
4. Worldly grief, Pr. 17. 22. which dryeth vp the bones, and causeth death. 2. Cor. 7. 10
5. Anger and enuy which are the rotting of the bones. Pr. 14. 30.
6. Surfetting, intemperance, and excesse, which kill more then the sword, Pro. 23. 29. 30. being causes of innumerable diseases, and griefes.
7. Prouoking others, to the hurt of [Page 47] our selues▪ as Iosiah did to the king of Egypt. 2. Chr. 35. [...]. 20. 21, 22, 23, 24.
2. Concerning the life and comfort of our neighbour.
1. Earnestly seeking peace with all men, so farre as is possible, as Abraham and Dauid.
And to this end labouring to attaine to these vertues, which are most auaileable to gaine loue euen from our very enemies, & do much adorne Christianitie.
1. Curtesie without dissimulation, as Abraham to the Hithits.
2. Meekenesse in suffering, forgiuing and forgeting wrongs, leauing vengance to God. Rom. 12. 19. Eph. 4. 32.
3. Labouring to ouercome enemies by kindnesse, Rom. 12. 20, 21. seeking occasions to gratifie thē, at least praying for thē, that they may obtaine mercye, and haue their hearts changed.
4. Dealing iustly with all, that we [Page 48] may weare their reproach as a crown, as Iob. Samuel. Iob. 29 31.
5. Abounding in compassion and good workes, as our Sauiour.
6. Aduenturing boldly, for their defence and deliuerance, and much more for the Church of GOD, and our country, as Abraham for Lot, Dauid for Israel.
7. Offering & seeking reconciliatiō, where it may stand with the credit of the Gospell, the saluation of the party and others. Mat. 5. 23. 24.
2. Auoyding as carefully all occasions of the contrary, as
1. In heart.
Vnaduised, anger Eph. 4. 27. whereby wee first giue place to the Deuill to enter into our hearts.
2 Malice or hatred, 1. Ioh. 3. 12 which is murther before God, especially Cains hatred for the good things we see in men, although we pretend other causes of our hatred. This is the ordinary sin of the world. Mat. 10. 22. Ioh. 15. 19.
1. In wordes.
- 1. Bralling and rayling, as Shemey, and Rabsakey.
- 2. Crying out against others, or reuiling vncharitably. Eph. 4. 31.
- 3. Threatning or skoffing at thē, Esay. 58. 9.
2. In deeds.
- 1. Fighting, blowes, maymes, danger. Leuit. 24. 19. 2 [...].
- 2. Crueltie.
- 1. Punishing vnmercifully. Deut. 25. 3.
- 2. Oppressing the poore, to make them wearie of their liues. Iere. 22.
⟨17.⟩ Tit. 14. 2.
⟨Titus. 3.2⟩
- 3. Denying helpe or reliefe, as the priest and Leuite, Luke. ⟨10.⟩ 31. 32.
- 4. Betraying other, as Iudas.
- 3. Sheading innocent bloud,
Gen. 4. 8.which defileth the land, and cryeth for vengeance. Num. 35, 33. [Page 50] By
- 1. A weapon, as Ioab slew Abner, 2. Sam.
- 2. Poyson, inchantment, destroying the conception, or any secret practise.
Num. 35. 31.
- 3. Consent as
Saul to
Stephens death.
1. King. 2. 31.
- 4. Sauing the wilfull murtherer.
2. Concerning our soules or spirituall life wee are to examine how we increase in care.
1. For the sauing our owne soules by,
1. Walking more warily in this narrow way of life. Pro. 16. 17.
2. Auoyding all those things which tend to the destroying of our soules, & that so much more carefully, as the soule is more excellent then the bodie, eternal life then this, and eternal death more fearefull, as
1. To liue in any one knowne sin, Rom. 6. 23. for the wages of the least is death eternall, Gal. 3. 12. & will certainly destroy the soule, Psa. 34. ⟨12. 13, 14.⟩ [Page 51] if it be liued in with delight. Pro. 11. 19. Ezek. 18. 11. Iam. 2. 10. Mat. 5. 19. 1. Iohn 3. 8.
2. To neglect any meanes ordayned to saluation, Heb. 2. 3. as hearing the word preached ordinarily, &c. whereby men become dead, Apoc. 3. 1. hauing a name to liue, or at least loose their ioy or feeling. Psa. 51. 10. 11. 12.
2. Concerning the saluation of others.
1. Taking euery occasion which the Lord offereth for procuring or furthering the saluation of others, 1. Cor. 10. 33. and so pleasing all in that which is good to edifie, Pro. 11. 30. because he that winneth soules is wise, Dan. 12. 3. and shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament for euermore, Iam. 4. 17. but hee that gathereth not with Christ scattereth, Lu. 11. 23. and to him that knoweth to doe well and doth it not, to him it is sinne.
2. Being afrayd of hindring the saluation of any one, 1. Co. 8. 11. and much more of being any cause of their damnation or fall, by
- 1. Giuing offence thorough our scandalous liues,
Mat. 18. 6.or euil ensample,Ro. 14. 15.[Page 52] or by the abuse of our christian libertie. 1. Cor. 10. 28.
- 2. Prouoking others any way to sinne, as Iosephs brethren, Dauid in the murther of Vriah.
- 3. Incouraging or praysing others in their sinne,
Hab. [...]. the false Prophets, crying peace.
- 4. Consenting any way to the sinne of others, as the Beniamites, and the company of Corah. Ro. 1. 32.
- 5. Not testifying our dislike, so far as we may conueniently,
Ezek. 33. 7. 9.and hindering.
- 6. Not punishing according to our authoritie,
Nu. 25. 4.but rather winking as faults,1. Kin. 20. 42.or vsing too much lenitie, as Elie.
3. Mourning for the fearefull murthers of innumerable soules, by al sorts to whome they are committed, Zac. 11. 16. 17. but especially by vncōscionable ministers, Esa. 56. 10. as
- 1. Idoll ministers, or blinde guides.
- 2. Negligent or carelesse pastors.
- [Page 53] 3. Corrupt teachers, as the Pharisies.
- 4: Flatterers, as the false Prophets, crying peace, peace.
4. Stirring vp all to whome others are committed, Exo. 20. 10. to be more conscionable for the saluation of their soules. Eph. 6. 4. 9. 1. by admonishing, 2. exhorting. 3. reprouing, 4. instructing by catechisings or procuring other meanes, 5. giuing good ensample, 6. compelling to outward obedience and submission to the meanes, as Abraham, Iosua, Hester, Nehemia, Cornelius. Gen. 18. 19. Ios. 24. 15. Neh. 13. 15. to 22. 8. 1, 3, 8. Hest. 4. 1 [...]. Acts 10. 2. 24. 33.
7. Commaundement. Thou shalt not commit adulterie]
wherin the Lord commaunds his people to be a chast and a holy people.
Here wee are to examine how wee increase in 1. Chastitie, possessing our vessels in holines & honour, 1. Thes. 4. 4. 5. both in the single & [Page 54] married estate, by vsing carefuly these helpes and preseruatiues.
1. Modestie, obseruing Christian comlinesse, Iob. 31. 1. to expresse the holinesse of of our heartes, and that in all our
- wordes. Gen. 4. 1. Ps. 51. 10.
- behauour. Gen. 24. 46.
2. Temperance, Pro. 23. 29. 33. in the sober vse of our
- 1. diet.
- 2. sleepe.
- 3. pleasures.
to vse them onely so farre forth, 1. Cor. 7. 30. 31. as they bee no prouocations to the flesh, Gal. 5. 13. nor hinderances to holinesse, otherwise to abate them. 1. Cor. 9. 27.
3. Painfulnesse in our special calling, with instant prayer, 1. Cor. 9. 27. giuing thankes for that grace we haue attayned to. 1. Cor. 7. 17. 24.
4. In the single estate, taking the benefite of holy marriage when other meanes auaile not. Psa. 91. 11. 12▪ 1. Cor. 7. 2. 9. Obseruing. therein
- 1. Equalitie for
- 1. religiō. 2. Co▪ 6. 14
- 2. age.
- 3. parentage or condition.
Gen. 2. 18, 20. 6. 2.
[Page 55]2. Right ends for
- 1. auoyding of incontinencie.
- 2. mutual helpe & comfort.
- 3. the increase of the church, in the yonger sorte.
1. Cor. 7. 2. Gen. 1. 28. Mal. 2. 15.
- 3. That there be no nerenes of bloud. Leu. 18.
- 4. Consent of
- Parents 1. Cor. 7. 38.
- parties. Gen. 24. 57.
2. Abhorring not only those monstrous kinds of vncleanes which ought not to bee named amongst Christians, as fornication, Eph. 5. 3. adulterie, incest, rape, Sodomy and the like, which the very light of nature condemnes, but more
1. All wantonnes
- priuatly
- with others.
Ephe. 5. 3. 4.
2. Nocturnall pollutions comming of excesse. Deut. 23. ⟨10, 11⟩ Ro. 13. 13.
3. Voluptuous abuse of the marriage bed, otherwise then for some of the [Page 56] right endes of marriage before mentioned. Yet obseruing duely
- 1. The naturall time of separation.
Leu. 18. 9.
- 2. Of solemne humiliation, when the bride and bridegroome are to leaue the marriage chamber. 1. Cor. 7. 5. Ioel 2. 16.
Ezek. 18. 6.
- 3. Shunning as warily all causes & occasions of vncleanesse, as
- 1. Within vs, all vnpure thoughts and lusts which are the adulteries of our hearts. Mat, 5. 28. 15. 18.
- 2. without vs all prouocations, as
- 1. Surfetting and drunkennesse,
Ezek. 16. 49.immoderate eating and drinking;Prou. 23. 32. 33.or of such things as most stirre vp lust, at vnseasonable tymes.
- 2 Idlenesse and sluggishnesse, as in Sodome, Dauid.
- 3. Pride appearing in face, hayre, apparell, or behauiour: as in the women of Iudah before the captiuitie. Esai 3. end.
- 4. Societie with lasciuious persons, which are infectious. Gen. 39. 10.
- [Page 57] 5. Lewd books or ballads, fitter to be burnt, as Acts. 19. 19.
- 6. Filthy talke, or foolish iesting,
Mat. 12. 35. 36,bewraying an vncleane heart, & corrupting others. 1. Cor. 15. 33. Pro. 7. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Ephes. 5. 3▪ 4. 5. 12.
- 7. Wanton lookes, from eyes full of adulterie, as in Potiphars wife. Dauid. 2. Pet. 2. 14.
- 8. Lewd houses, of euill reporte. Prou. 5. 8.
- 9. Wanton pictures, playes, dancing or dalliance, of the very beholding whereof, euery ones conscience will tel him the daunger, when it is truely awaked, at least for breeding wanton thoughts and lusts condemned by our Sauiour. Mat. 5. 28.
- 10. Wearing of apparrell contrarie to our sex, as man to weare the womans apparrel, or the womā the mans. Deut. 12. 5.
- 11. Vnlawfull diuorce, or separation. Mat. 5. 32. 19. 9.
- 12. Priuate company of man & woman [Page 58] togither, though otherwise both honest and intending no euill. Pro. 6. 27. 28.
- 1. Surfetting and drunkennesse,
- 4. Increasing in a holy iealousie ouer our selues,
Pro. 5. 8. & 7. 8. running away from
- each occasion.
- the least apparence. 1. Thes. 5. 22.
- 1. Sathan.
- 2. The wicked.
- 3. The godly.
- 4 Our selues.
8. Commaundement. Thou shalt not steale]
inioyning the preseruation and increase of our owne goods, or outward estate, and also of our neighbours.
Here we are to examine, 1. How we labour to maintain our estate holily and honestly, according to our place and calling, walking in all these duties more cheerefully.
1. Painfulnes in our particular calling, as Iacob in Labans seruice, Paul [Page 59] both in his ministerie and to get his liuing; Eph. 4. 28. Acts 20. 31. 2. Thes. 3. 8. 9. vsing double paines early or late to recompence the time spent in the seruice of God; as in gathering Manna before the Sabboth, that they might rest that day. Exod. 16. 22. 23.
2. Thrift] putting all things to the best, Iohn. 6. 12. Pro. 5. 15. 16. 17. & 21. 17. 12. 27. looking warily that nothing bee lost, as our Sauiour, who gaue charge for sauing the crummes, though he was able by his word to prouide what hee would.
3. Contentation] with that estate wherin the Lord setts vs, 1. Tim. 6. 8. assured that hee seeth the estate to be best for vs, liuing within our compasse, depending onely vpon his prouidence without distrustfull care, and much more without repining, or murmuring, as the Israelites in the wildernesse, being certainly perswaded, Heb. 13. 5. 6. that he will not faile vs of that which shall be best for vs, in his due, time, so vsing the world, as though we vsed it not. 1. Cor. 7. 31.
4. Liuing within our compasse. 1. [Page 60] Thes. 4. 11. 12.
4. Peaceablenes] auoyding law and contention, Mat. 5. 5. 1. Cor. 6. 7. vsing all honest meanes to get and hold our own with peace, if it be possible, remēbring that the meeke shall inherite the earth, puting vp some wrongs as Abraham to Lot.
6. Dealing vprightly] being sincere both in word & deed, such as in whom is no guile, as Nathanael.
2. We are to examine, whether wee indeuour to imploy our goods aright according to Gods will.
1. To the promoting and maintenance of Gods religion and seruice, by our selues & others, both priuatly and publickly, as at the building of the tabernacle & Tēple, euery one brought their guifts of the best things: & so in al the sacrifices: the women ministring to Christ, & in the Primitiue church. Acts 2. 44. 4. 32.
For this is the honour dewe to God for all, Prou. 3. 9. and the chiefe end of our riches; otherwise Idolaters shal condemne vs, [Page 61] who haue beene euer deuout herein, Mic. 6. 67. as the Israelites at the making of the golden calfe, the Papists at this day.
3. To the charitable reliefe of all in necessity, Gala. 6. 10. as kinsfolks, Rom. 12. 13. friends, neighbours▪ church, country, especially the godly poore: Heb. 13. 2. so that of them wee respect our kinsfolks in the first place, if they bee such, and so others according to more special bonds. 1. Tim. 5. 4. Thus to imploy them to Hospitality; to good works, and almes, 1. Pet. 4. 9. 10. as
Iob, Iob. 29. 31 who caused the backs, & bellies of the poore to blesse him. 1. Kin. 18. 13. Obadiah which fedde the Prophets of the Lord with perill of his life. Acts 9. 36. 39. Dorcas who made garmentes for the poore Christians. Nehemiah Neh. 5. 14. 15. that worthy gouernour who tooke not his due, because hee would not be chargeable to the poore people, in their distresse: but maintained at his own charges sundry of those who were in need: which fact comforts him to intreat the Lord, [...]er. 17. 18. 19. to remēber him in goodnes according to that▪ Cornelius, whom [Page 62] the holy Ghost hath set forth as an ensample for this, Acts 10. 2. 4. and shewes how God kept a remembrance of it. Acts 11. 29. 30. The Christiians of Antioch, Macedonia, and Corinth sending reliefe to the poore brethren in Iudaea. 2. Tim. 1. 6. Onesiphorus to Paul in prison, not ashamed of his chaine. The primitiue church generally. Acts 2. 45.
This is the feeding of Christ that shal be acknowledged before the whole world, Mat. 25. 35 45. 46. & the very want of it shall condēne al the world, nothing being more neglected then it, euen amonst them that make shew of godlines. 2. Ti. 3. 5.
4. To the dewe performance of all promises, Psa 15. 4. 37. 21. which is a propertie of a blessed man, and the contrarie of an vnfaithfull and wicked. Pro. 25. 14.
5. To be able to lend freely, Luk. 6. 35. looking for nothing againe, that is for no gaine, and sometime not the principal. Neh. 5. 10.
6. To make restitution to the vtmost of whatsoeuer our consciences can charge vs to haue been vniustly Luc. 19. 8. [Page 63] gotten or detayned: Ezek. 18. 19. as Zachaeus.
7. To keepe iustice, giuing to euery man his right, and iudgement, Iere. 22. 3. 15. neuer consenting to the wronging of any man, but sauing all from wrong, so far as we are able. Psal. 82. 3. 4.
3. How we preuaile in rooting out of our hearts that bitter roote of
1. Couetousnesse] whereby we are either hindred from heauenly duties, 1. Tim. 6. 9. 10. or from feeling the sweetnes that is in godlines, or from depending vppon Gods prouidence: or are drawne immoderately after the loue of the world, as to seeke to get by vnlawfull meanes, or to vex and disquiet our hearts with carking cares. 1. Tim. 6. 10.
4. How we grow in our detestation of all kinds of thefts proceeding from couetousnesse.
1. Thefts in the Church.
1. Simony] buying or selling the guifts of the holy Ghost, Acts 8. 18. 20. whether Church offices, or places to exercise those offices in, or the goods of the Church to [Page 64] the hindrance thereof, or to our owne priuate gaine.
2. Sacrilege] conueving to our selues, Ios. 6. 8. 19. or detayning things dewe to God, Mal. 3. 8. 9. 10. whereby he is robbed of his honour, or the saluation of his people hindered, as by al sorts of vnconscionable ministers, and all others keeping away Church liuings, without dewe regarde of the peoples saluation, and Gods worshippe.
3. Gaine by things hindring the gospell, and true pietie, or furthering superstition: as Demetrius the siluersmith. Acts. 19. 24.
2. Thefts in ciuill dealings.
1. Counterfeit or coloured deceipt by faire wordes, or the like, as in Amos dayes. Amos. 8. 4. 5. 6.
2. False scales, waights, or measures, all which God abhorreth. Deut. 25. 13. 14. 15.
3. Racking the prices of things, to the oppression of the poore, or euill ensample of others: thus did the gygyants [Page 65] before the floud, that the earth was full of crueltie: Mic. 2. 1, 2, 3. and the great men before the captiuitie, Gē. 6. 4. 11. for which God threatned to plague them with other spoylers, Esa. 5. 7. 8. as it came to passe: This causeth the poore to sigh, whom God will auenge. Exod. 22. 23.
Deut. 15. 9. 10. 11.
4. Ingrossing] getting vp all commodities to sell as men list, euen the the[?] verie refuse. This is to swallow vppe the poore, a sinne which the Lord will not forget. Am 8. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8.
5. Sale vpon day] to the hurt of the buyer: 1. The. 4. 6. that is, inhauncing the price, onely in consideration of longer time of payment, more then the buyers are able to make of it, which is vsury or worse.
6. Becomming bankrupt, to inrich our selues by the spoyles or goods of others, which is flat cosinage and theft. 1. Thes. 4. 6.
3. Thefts in lending.
1. Vsury] as when men exact a gaine [Page 66] by couenant, aboue the principall lent, onely in lieu and recompence of the lending, Exo. 22. 14. 15. which is biting ordinarily, for it is very rare when one or other is not bitten by it. Psa. 15. 5. All vsurie is of this sorte wherein charitie is broken towards any one. Neh. 5. 7. 8 9. 10.
4. Thefts in withholding.
1. The pledge. Ezek. 18. 7.
2. That which hath been committed to vs in trust for others, as the husbandmen the vineyard. Mat. 21. 41. Pro. 3. 28.
3. Our debt] which is a marke of an vngodly man; for the godly should owe nothing but loue, and that to euery one. Psal. 37. 21. Rom. 13. 8.
4. The hirelings wages] a sinne crying for vengeance. Iam. 5. 4. Ier. 22. 13. 14.
5. Thinges found] if wee can know the owner. Leu. 6. 23. Deut. 12. 1.
6. That which we haue vniustly gotten from others, and not making restitution thereof with the better, if wee be [Page 69] able. as Zachaeus. Phil. 4. 8. Leu. 6. 1. ad 8. Luke 19. 8.
5. Theftes, whereby we rob our selues and those who depend vpon vs, disabling vs to performe the duties which wee owe to them and others.
1. Vnthriftines] not regarding to saue that which God hath giuen, but wasting without reason or regard, vppon lewde companions, or vaine delights, as the prodigall sonne. Luk. 15. 13.
2, Eph. 4. ⟨28.⟩ Liuing inordinately] without painfulnes in our calling; the Pismire shall condemne such vnprofitable seruants. Prou. 6. 6.
3. Rash suretishippe] without regard of the circumstances, so oft forbidden by the wise Salomon. Pro. 17. 18.
6. Other ordinarie thefts, in getting goods by vnlawfull meanes.
1. Remouing our neighbours markes, [Page 68] or bounds, to inlarge our owne, which is accursed. Deu. 27, 17.
2. Vncharitable inclosure] to the hurt of the common wealth, or of any one, without sufficiēt satisfactiō, for which the Lord threatneth a wo. Esa. 5. 8.
3. Peruerting the law, or corrupting iudgement, by bribes, friendship or craft, to wring the poore, as Iezabell did Naboth for his vineyard.
4. Man-stealing] viz. stealing away or inticing children or seruants, a farre worse theft then stealing any goodes inasmuch as these are more precious. 1 Tim. 1. 9. 10.
5. Practise of vnlawfull arts] as such as haue no warrant by the lawe of God or nature, as magicke, coniuring, playing the wiseman, for no such ought to be found amongst Gods people, being abhominable to the Lord. Deu. 18. 9. 10. 11. 12.
6. Gaming] for more then we may cōueniently spend, or could be cōtent to giue, especially at vnlawfull games, [Page 69] or vnfit times, Phil. 4. 8. or falsely. A matter of badde report, to the hurt of our selues, or our neighbour or both, accompanied commonly with many disorders, brawles, grudges, couetousnesse, oaths fraud, and the like.
7. Falsifiyng the will of the dead] a sin against the Lawe of nature. Gal. 3. ⟨19.⟩
8. Pilfering] the least matter or cosening, 1. Thes. 4. 6 for God is the auenger of all such things.
9. Conspiring] or any way fauouring or consenting to any such fact, he that doth this hateth his owne soule. Pro. 29. 24.
9. Command. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour]
inioyning vs to seeke all means to maintaine our own good name and our neighbours.
1. For our owne good name wee are to examine how we grow.
[Page 70] 1. Seeking a good name by liuing religiously, walking in al the commandements of God without reproofe, Luk. 1. 6. as Zacharie and Elizabeth, Act. 10. 1 Cornelius, Act. 16. 1. ⟨2.⟩ Timothic a yong man: Pro. 10. 7. For the memoriall of the iust being as a pretious ointment shall bee blessed, but the name of the wicked shall rotte. Eccl. 7. 3.
2. Keeping narrow watch against euery sinne continually, because euery fault is to the godly man, Eccl. 10. 1. as the dead flie, marring the sweetest oyntment, & a litle leuen to the whole lumpe, besides the malice of Sathan, and the wicked to blaze vs, & blaspheme our religiō for any one fault, passing by al the good things in vs, as in Dauid for Vriah. 2. Sam. 12. 14. Euen this is a staine to the worthiest kings of Iuda, that yet the high places were not taken away.
3. Seeking in euery thing Gods glorie alone] and not our owne more then for him, for then hee will giue vs glorie aboundātly, but seeking our own glory he will turne it into shame. 1. Sa. 2. 30.
[Page 71] 4. Carefull to iudge and speake the best of all other, professing godlinesse] for God will cause others to measure so to vs againe. Eccl. 7. 24. Mat. 7. 2.
5. Vsing but few, and wise speeches] for in many wordes are much vanitie, Pro. 10. 19 but such speech in due time are like apples of gold, with pictures of siluer. Pro. 25. 11.
6. Striuing to cheerefulnesse and affability in all our speeches, as our Sauiour. Matth. 11. 17. 19.
7 Indeuoring to be sincere in word and deed, abhorring dissembling; so we shall haue the commendation of Nathaniel euen of the wicked, at least in their heartes, to be right Christians in whome is no guile, Ioh. 1. 47.
2. Concerning our Christian neighbours good name, whereby God is glorified.
1. Reioycing at it, as Iohn for the elect Ladie and her children. 2. Ioh. 1. 4.
2. Defending their credit by publike [Page 72] or priuate testimony according to our perswasion of them, as our Sauiour did of Iohn and of his owne disciples, they againe giuing testimony to him. Mat. 11. 2. 7.
3. Gladly acknowledging all the gifts of God in them, as our Sauiour of the 7. Churches, and Paul of the Christians, to whom he writ.
4. Couering their faulty so much as we may without sin, as Shem and Iaphet their fathers nakednes, for which they are blessed, yet not approuing of the least of their sinnes, but seeking priuately in all loue the reformation of them Eph. 5. 11.
5. Readily receiuing euery good report of them, for that is the nature of true loue, Act. 16. 3. yet not committing our selues ouer hastely vnto them, 1. Cor. 13. 7. vntill sufficient triall, Ioh. 2. 24 as our Sauiour.
6. Expounding each doubtfull matter in the better part, if there be any probability thereof, as Iacob the death of Ioseph and his dreames, for loue thinketh [Page 73] not euill. 1. Cor. 13. 7.
7. Shewing a dislike to whisperers and talebearers, which wil driue away the slaundering tongue. Psa. 15. 3. Pro. 25. 23.
8. Vsing all good meanes for the mainteinance of the good name of euery one professing the feare of God, by admonishing, exhorting, or directing them in loue and wisdome by our selues and others.
Abhorring these contrary vices.
1. Enuie at the worthy credit of any, as the pharisyes against our Sauiour.
2. Euill suspition without euident cause, as the Barbarians against Paul. Act. 28. 4.
3. Itching eares to heare our owne commendations with the discredit of others, or at least to be flattered, as Ahab by the false prophets.
4. Speeches sauouring of malice or disdaine at the credit of others, as [Page 74] Corah and the Pharisies.
5 Boasting] seeking our owne glory, though with the disparagement of others, as the proud Pharisie.
6. Vncharitable iudgeing of others for some slipps, infirmities, euill reports, crosses, or some other accident, as Hely of Hanna, Iobs friendes of him, to be an hypocrite, & much more to iudge so for good things, or such as may be well taken, as the Pharisies of our Sauiour eating with the Publicans.
7. Aggrauating small faults or slaū ders, without care to couer or amend them.
8. Reporting mens bare wordes or actions without their intent and meaning, wresting or any way peruerting them, as the false witnesses against our Sauiour, Iewes against Stephen.
9. Bearing false witnesse] or accusing falsely, as Haman against the Iewes, Amazia against Amos: as also the accusations, Amo 7. 10 against our Sauiour, Ieremie, Paul.
[Page 75] 10. Lying] which is very falshood in word or deede with purpose to deceiue. This is a principall sinne of Sathan, Ioh. 8. 44. who was a lier from the beginning, and the father thereof.
11. Vniust or rash arbitrement or giuing iudgement, as the Elders against Naboth.
12. Malicious accusations, not of any conscience to God, or for amendment of the partie, or good of others, but of spite, as Doeg.
13. Betraying others, or their cause, craftily vnder pretence of friendshippe or otherwise: as the Herodians intended, and Iudas delt with our Sauiour.
14. Bewraying the secret or infirmitie of our neighbour to his discredit, which wee might well haue concealed. Mat. 18. 15.
15. Lightly beleeuing flying tales or suspitions, Psa. 15. 3. against our brother, as Saul against Dauid, and the Priestes, much more spreading them, or adding to them.
[Page 76] 16. Flattering] as Corah and his company did the people; and as Absolon or the false Prophets crying peace, which is to lay nets for men, and to be huntsmen for Sathan.
10. Com. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house]
wherein the Lord requires our very hearts to be vpright towards our neighbour.
Here we must examine our hearts how we grow.
1. In intertaining only holy thoughts, purposes and affections for the good of all men. 1. Th. 5. 23
2. In suppressing euill thoughts and motions, Zach. 7. 10. that we may neuer giue any consent, Rō. 7. 7. 20 23. 24. nor take the least delight in thē, but labour to the vtter burying of all concupiscence, vntill we be perfect in the heauens.
The glasse of the Gospell, or the examination of our faith, according to the Articles of faith, which containe the summe of the Gospell. Rules.
1. THe measure of our faith is according to the measure of the power therof in comfort and sanctification, 1. Cor. 4. 20 issuing from euery article, 2. Tim. 3. 5. except in the time of temptation. 2. Cor. 1. 22
2. All the benefits contayned in the articles of faith, 2. Cor. 1. 20 are ours, in & through Christ onely, when he is ours.
3. Let vs proue our selues therefore whether we are in the faith, let vs examine our selues; 2. Cor. 1 3. 5 knowe wee not our owne selues, how that Iesus Christ is in vs, except we be reprobates.
4. And if Christ be in vs, Rom. [...]. 10. the body is dead because of sinne, but the spirit is life for righteousnesse sake.
5. For the Kingdome of God is not in word but in power. 1. Cor. 4. 20
6. We must therefore shew our faith out of our workes: for as the bodye [Page 78] without the spirit is dead, euen so faith without works is dead. I am. 2. 18. 20. 26.
1. Article.
I beleeue in God]
1. This is my faith, that though by nature thorough Adam, I & the whole Church are Apostates from God, Eph. 2. 13. and enemies to him & his law, yet by grace thorough the secōd Adam Iesus Christ, God is our God, and we his people reconciled vnto him, Heb. 8. 3. to serue him in newnesse of life all our dayes. Luk. 1. 74 75.
2. This is my comfort hereof, that God is my God, and hath sealed mee for himselfe, Ioh. 20. 28. 29. and therefore I am most blessed, being in such a case. Psal. 144. 15.
3. This giues mee further assurance that this my faith is sound, because together with this comfort, he hath giuē me since I beleeued in his name a heart desirous to depart from all iniquity. 2. Tim. 2. 29.
[Page 79] 1. This is my faith, Gal. 3. 22. 26. that though I was a child of wrath, yet by grace in Christ I am the child of God, Ier. 4. 19. and God my louing father.
2. This comfort I receiue hereof, that I being thus his child shall lacke nothing, because my heauenly father doth tender me much more, Mal. 3. 17. then any earthly father his child. Esay. 46. 15. 16.
3. This is my assurance, that my faith herein is sincere, Mal. 1. 6. because together with this comfort, Mat. 12. 50. I feele my selfe affectioned to reuerence, Gal. 4. 5. 6. loue and obey him as my most deare father, and am inabled by his spirit to runne to him with boldnesse in al my wants, crying Abba, oh my father. Rom. 8. 15.
This is my faith, that though I be weake and vnable to resist my enimies bodilie or spirituall, no way able to helpe or prouide for my selfe, yet my heauenly father is of all maiesty and power, Mat. 8. 2. guiding continually [Page 80] men, Angells, Psa. 23. 4. deuils, and all creatures to serue for his owne glory, and the good of his children.
2. This comfort I receiue hereof, that he doth & will continually make all things worke togither for the best vnto mee, Rom. 8. 28. not only the holy meanes appointed thereunto, 1. Cor. 3. 20 21. 22. but also myne afflictions, Acts. 4. 28. yea my greatest enimies, Sinnes and Sathan himselfe, vntill I be perfected in the Heauens. Gen. 50. 20.
3. This also doth further assure mee, that he thus works for mee: because he hath first shewed the same mighty power, quickning and raysing mee vp from the death of sin, Eph. 1. 19. 20. which he shewed in raysing my Sauiour from the graue, and secondlie for that I haue sensibly felte all things thus working togither for my saluation.
Maker of heauen and earth]
1. This is my faith, that though thorow Adam I had lost the right, [Page 81] both of heauen and earth, and of euery creature, so as I could haue no comfort in the vse of thē, but terror as an vsurper, being cast forth off the earthly paradice, Gen. 3. 24. lest as an heire of the curse, yet thorough my Sauiour the second Adam, Rom. 5. 17. 18. since I truely beleued in him, I am restored to a farre better estate, Heb. 1. 2. being made in him a right heyre of all, Rom. 8. 17. neuer to be cast forth off my inheritance any more.
2. This comfort I receiue hereof, that heauen is mine and all the ioyes thereof, Eph. 2. 6. and that I am set already in the heauēly places in Christ my head, who reserues the full fruition for mee. And secondly that all the creatures in heauen and in earth bee they good or bad, Iob. 5. 23. are at a league with mee, 1. Cor 3. 21. 22. 23. to helpe for my good, so far as may stand with his glory, my saluation and the good of his Church. Hos. 2. 18.
3. This is also my assurance, that my faith is sincere herein, because that together with this comfort, I both [Page 82] perceiue all the creatures thus ready to helpe me, Exod. 16. 25. 35. & 17. 6. especially in time of triall when ordinary meanes fayle: 2. Tim 4. 5. and also feele a holy care wrought in mee to vse the creatures aright, sanctifying them by the word and prayer, Eph. 2. 6. and that my affections are sette on heauenly things. Col. 3. 2.
2. Article.
And in Iesus]
1. This is my faith, Psal. 51. 5. 1. & 39. 1 [...]. that though I am guiltie of innumerable sinnes both originall and actuall, euen the breach of the whole law, Rom. 3. 10. 11. 13. 19. 20. 21. 22. and euery part thereof, and so am worthy to bee damned, and haue al the plagues of God dewe to my sinne cast vpon me, 2. Tim. 2. 26. yea though I was a bondslaue to sin and Sathan, yet I beleeue that Iesus is my Sauiour, Luke. 4. 18. & hath deliuered me from al my sins, both the guilt, & satisfactory punishment of them, Psal. 1. 21. as also from the power of sinne and Sathan. Iob. 1. 29. Rom. 6. 12. 14.
[Page 83] 2. This saith is my comfort, and moreouer that all my sinnes and enemies shall not hinder my saluation. Rom. 8. 39.
3. This is also for my ful assurance thereof, Luk. 1. 47. because besides that I feele my soule reioycing in God my Sauiour, & I perceiue my selfe also deliuered from the tyranny of Sathan, and power of sinne, euen of those sinnes which before led me captiue, Rom. 6. 12. so that no sinne hath any more dominion ouer mee, Rom. 7. 24. 25. that I doe serue it in the lusts thereof, and for that I am withall deliuered from the terrors of conscience for my sinne.
1. This is my faith, Dan. 9. 24. that though I was in the kingdome of darknesse & a stranger from God by my sinne, yet Christ was anoynted for me with all the gifts of the spirit to bee my mediatour, my
- King.
Heb. 1. 9.
- Priest.
Psal. 45. 7.
- Prophet. Mat. 23. 10. Act. 3. 22. 23.
Apoc. 1. 5.
[Page 84] 2. This is my cōfort, Col 1. 13. Ioh. 10. 28. 29 30. that he being my king, hath and will fully deliuer mee from the kingdome of Satan, & giue vnto mee his heauenly kingdom. Rom. 3. 24. 25. Secondly being my Priest, hath first recōciled mee to his father; 1. Ioh 2. 1. by the sacrifice of himselfe, Heb. 7. 25 & 9. 24. and keepes me since in fauour, by his perpetuall intercession. Thirdly being my Prophet, Rom. 8. 34. will proceede to teach me all the will of his father necessary to eternall life. Heb. 8 10. 11.
3. This is for my assurance hereof, Apo. 1. 6. because I feele my selfe to haue receiued of the anoynting of euery one of these from Christ & the fruit of them. 1. Cor. 9. 27 1. of his kingdome, 1 Ioh. 3. 3. inabling me to begin nor onely to subdue my synnes & euill affections, but also to rule so sar ouer my selfe, as to bring my verye thoughts and all committed vnto mee into some obedience to Christ. 2. Cor. 10. 5 2. Of his Priesthood whereby I am made able to offer to the Lord my selfe, 1. Pet. 2. 5 supplications, Rom. 12. 1. thankes and works of mercy, Heb. 13. 15 16. with all that I haue to serue him.
[Page 85] 3, Of his Prophesy, Rō. 15. 16. making mee to growe in the knowledge of himselfe, 2. Ioh. 2. 20. 27. and in care to instruct others therein. Ioh. 6. 45.
His onely sonne]
1. This is my faith, that hee beeing the onely sonne of the Father by nature, Ga. 4. 4. 5. 6 hath made mee a child and heire by the grace of adoption, Eph. 2. 3. who was by nature a child of wrath and perdition.
2. This comfort I finde herein, Gal. 4. 7. that to mee belongs the inheritāce of Gods sonnes. Rom. 8. 17. Gal. 47. Rom. 8. 17.
3. This also is for my assurance, for that he hath sent the spirit of his sonne into my heart, whereby I can call him father with comfort, which is my witnesse and seale. Romans. 8 16. 2. Cor 1. 22.
Our Lord]
1. This is my faith, Ga. 4. 5. 6. 7 that though I was vnder the Prince of darkenesse, 1. Pet. 1. 19. hauing Sathan my Lord, Ioh. 10. 29 vntill I belieued [Page 86] in Christ, yet since I am Christs and he is my onely Lord By
- 1. Purchase with his bloud.
- 2. Gift from his father.
Ephe. 5. 32.
- 3. marriage cōtracted to be cōsumate at his appearing.
Hos. 2. 20.
2. This is my comfort, that being thus purchased and giuen to him as a peculiar guift, Ioh. 10. 28. I shall neuer perish, and being thus contracted to Christ my Lord, the bond thereof is in such faithfulnesse, Hos. 2. 19. as shal neuer be dissolued, vntill I be brought into the bride-chamber, and fully glorified.
3. This increaseth my assurance, for that together with this comfort, Apoc. 5. 9. 24. 4. I feele my selfe redeemed from the earth: viz. my earthly conuersation, & doe delight to heare the voice of my bridegroome.
3. Article.
Which was conceiued by the holy Ghost, borne of the virgin Mary]
1. This is my faith: that though I was conceiued in sinne, Psal. 51. 5. and borne in [Page 87] iniquitie, and so corrupted in all the parts both of my soule and body, yet that both the conception, birth and whole nature of Christ my Sauiour, Rom. 8. 2. 3 was fully sanctified by being vnited to his Godhead, Luke 1. 35. to bee imputed vnto mee.
2. This is my comfort, that my God hath giuen me this holines of his son, 2. Co. 5. 21. as a robe to couer all my sinfulnes, Phil. 3. 9. and wherby I doe both presently, and shal euer stand most gloriously in Gods sight, chiefly at the great day.
3. This is my further assurance hereof, because I can mourne for this totall corruption in mee, and being humbled in the fense of it, Rom. 7. 14. 15. 18. 23. 24. am driuen daily to put on Christ by faith: and for that I feele also the newe birth in me, by a change begun in all the powers both of my bodie and soule, Rom. 7. 22. wrought by vertue hereof, since I was conceiued and borne in the Church, by the power of the holy Ghost.
4. Article.
Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate: was crucified]
1. This is my faith, Gal. 3. 13. that besides all the euills which my Sauiour indured for mee, in all the course of his life, he also indured that most shamefull and accursed death which I had deserued, to satisfie his fathers instice for me, & to pacifie his wrath towards mee.
2. This is my comfort hence, Gal. 3. 13. that I am deliuered from the curse of the law, he beeing thus accursed for mee, & that whatsoeuer sufferings I indure in this life, are sanctified hereby to be to me Fatherly
- 1. Exercises.
- 2. Chastisements.
- 3. Trialls.
- 4. Fulfilling of Christs afflictions.
- 5. Meanes to confirme mee to Christ my head,
Rom. 5. 3 Heb. 12. 11 & 6, 7, 8. Apo. 3. 10. Col. 1. 24. Rom. 8. 29.
- 6. Examples to others.
3. This also warrants the soundnes [Page 89] of my faith herein. Gal. 6. 14. 1. Because I feele my selfe to profit in Christianity by my afflictions and crosses. Psa. 119. 67 71. 2. I desire to take pleasure in such suffrings for Christs sake. 2 Cor. 12. 20. 3. Because the old man in mee beginnes to bee crucified with Christ, Gal, Phi. 1. 29. 2. 19. 5. 24.
1. This is my faith, 1. Cor. 15 55. 56. 57. that Christ hath died for my sin and by dying hath ouer come death, and so taken away the sting thereof, that it cannot hurt any of those that beleeue in him.
2. This comfort I finde hereupon, that death shalbe so far off from hurting mee, Phi. 1. 23. 2. Cor. 5. 1. 2. that it is already sanctified by this death of my Sauiour, to be to mee the gate of life.
3. This also increaseth my assurance that my faith is sound herein, because I finde together with this comfort, that euery sinne hath receiued his deaths wounde in me (each beginning to dye) and for that I feele a power by Gal. 2. 19. [Page 90] Christs death, Phil. 3. 10. to triumph against the terrors of death, Col. 3 2. waiting for it, when I haue finished my course, Phil. 1. 21. 23. wishing to bee dissolued and to bee with Christ. Rom. 7. 24.
And buried]
1. This is my faith, that Christ was buried for me, both to assure me of the certaintie of his death for me, and that all my sinnes are buried in his graue, yea withall to bury sinne in mee, Rom. 6. 3. 4 and to sanctifie my graue to bee a sweete bedde for my body to rest in vntill the resurrection. Esay. 57. 2.
2. This very faith is my ioy, and moreouer that my sinnes thus buried shal neuer come into remembrance to accuse or condemne mee, Rom. 8. 34. 35. or to hinder Gods euerlasting mercy & loue from me.
3. This also furthers my assurance, for that together with this ioy, I feele many sinnes buried in me, Col. 2. 11. 12. and consuming daily by the vertue of this death [Page 91] and buriall of my Sauiour, especially, Rom. 7. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. the strength and delight I tooke in euery sinne.
He descended into hell]
1. This is my faith, that Christ suffered not only in his body the punishment due to my body, but in his soule also the tormēt due to my soule, which I should haue indured for euermore, Mar. 14. 33. 34. and that not onely vppon the crosse, Luke 22. 44. but also in the garden, as appeareth by his speeches, his pravers, Heb. 5. 7. his crie, his agony, and bloody sweate, and so hath for me triumphed ouer hell.
2. This is my comfort, that though I stood euer in danger of eternal death for all my sinnes, yet now by my Sauiour I am deliuered from the terrours thereof. Heb. 2. 15.
3. This is further for my assurance hereof, Ioh. 3. 14. 15. for that I haue receiued comfort in this onely, Num. 21. [...] euen then when the paines of hell haue gotten hold vpon mee for my sinnes; and because I feele [Page 92] a desire to saue others also from that place of torment by leading them to this my Sauiour, Ioh. 3. 18. 36. and haue now entred the narrow way to heauen following my Sauiour therein, Mat 7. 13. 14. hauing left the broad way going to destruction.
5. Article.
The third day he rose again from the dead]
1. This is my faith, that my Sauiour hath fully satisfied the iustice of his father for my sinn, euen to the vttermost farthing, Rom. 4. 25. in that he rose againe, because any one sin of his elect not satisfied for had kept him in death, 1. Cor. 15. 15. 56. 57. seeing he tooke vpon him to become surety for them all.
2. This is my ioye, that thorough him I am iustified and stand as righteous in the sight of my God, all my sins being vtterly done away, Rom. 4. 25. and couered hereby.
3. This helpeth my assurance hereof, [Page 93] for that besides this comfort, Eph. 2. 5. 6. I feele my selfe also raysed vp to a desire of a perfect holinesse. Phil. 3. 10. Apo. 20. 5. 6.
6. Article.
He ascended into heauen]
1. This is my faith, that when my Sauiour had fulfilled all things in the earth for the redeeming of his church, he went vp into heauen, Luk. 24. 51 both to prepare the way, Act. 1. 9. and also to take possession and to keepe it for mee. Ioh. 14. 2.
2. This is my ioy, that none can hinder mee from thence, Ioh. 17. 24 but where my Sauiour and head is, there shall I bee also.
This ratifieth my assurance, for that my affections are already ascended, beeing set on things that are aboue. Col. 3. 2.
And sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty]
[Page 94] 1. This is my faith, Mat. 28. 18 that my Sauiour hath all power giuen him ouer all sorts, Iohn. 17. 2 to giue eternall life to whom he will, Eph 4. 8. 10 and condemne the rest, sittes as King at the right hand of his Father, filling his Church with his gifts, guiding it by his word and spirit, vntill he haue glorified it, Esa. 54. 10 59. 21. and subdued all his enemies, 1. Cor. 15, 24. 25. conuincing them by the light of
- Nature
- his
- workes,
- 1. creatures.
- 2. iudgmēts.
- 3. mercies.
- word.
- workes,
2. This is my comfort, that he will guide me by his word & spirit continually: Phil. 1. 6. & ouer-rule whatsoeuer Sathā or the wicked can doo against mee, 1. Pet. 1. 5 to serue for my good, Esa. 8. 16 & against thēselues.
3. This is also for my further assurance herein, because I feele my selfe desirous to be guided by the direction of his holye spirit speaking in the word: and moreouer, Esa. 30. 21. I heare a voyce behind mee saying; This is the way, Esa. 59. 21. walke in it, when I turne to the right hand or to the left.
7. Article.
From thence hee shall come, to iudge the quicke and the dead.]
1. This is my faith, Ioh. 5. 22. that my Sauiour shal come to be the iudge of the whole world, Ro. 14. 10. to iudge euery one according to their workes. 2. Cor. 5. 10
2. This is my ioy, that though I did, and doo naturally quake, so oft as I heare or thinke of the terrible iudgement, Act. 24. 26 yet remembring the iudge, 2. Thes. 1. 10. who hath by himselfe satisfied for all my sinnes, so taking them on himselfe, and giuen me his owne absolute righteousnesse, I can cry; Come Lord lesus, Apo. 22. 20 come quickly, sith hee shall come to mee a most happy Sauiour, and not an angry iudge.
3. This is also for the accomplishmēt of my assurance, 2. Cor. 5. 9. 20. 11. that this my faith is sincere, because besides this comfort, I labour alwaies to haue a cleare conscience, that I may haue boldnesse at that day, and can perswade men, knowing [Page 96] The terrour of the Lord.
8. Article.
I beleeue in the holie Ghost]
1. This is my faith, that the holy Ghost is God, 1. Cor. 12. 12. 13. the third person in Trinity, sanctinfier and preseruer of his Church, Eph. 4. 15, 16. & 4. 4. knitting the whole church to Christ the head thereof, & euery mē ber one to another.
2. This is my comfort, that hee will perfect in mee this good worke of sā ctification vntill the appearing of Iesus Christ, Phil. 1. 6. hauing already so knit mee to Christ my head, as I can neuer bee separated.
3. This assureth my heart, because I haue already receiued the first fruits of this blessed Spirit, Rom. 8. 23. 26. whereby I am inabled to sigh, wayting for the perfect adoption, and to pray with groanes, striuing against that corruption in me therefore it is to mee as the seale and earnest of my inheritance against the [Page 97] day of glory. 2. Cor. 1. 22.
9. Article.
The holy catholike Church.]
1. This is my faith, that God hath alwayes a chosen flocke, Esa. 59. 21 not onely of those who triumph already in the heauens, Rō. 11. 3. 4. but euen militant here in the earth, Mat. 28. 19 vniuersally scattered, Mar. 16. 15. all which he hath ordained to eternall life, Ioh. 4. 21. 22. 23. by his sonne Iesus Christ, to whom all his promises appertaine, Mat. 28. 29. & 10. 14. hauing these principall markes, Luk. 10. 16 a cheerefull submission to the word and sacraments outwardly, Act. 2. 42. 46. and holy affections inwardly according to the same, Mat. 7. 23. proceeding from this holy faith: though the number of them haue beene very small in the most florishing ages of the church, and those ordinarily of the baser sort, 1. Cor. 1. 26 27. and shall scant be found when Christ shall come. Luk 18. 8.
2. This is my comfort, that GOD hath vonchsafed mee to bee one of [Page 98] that little flock. Luc. 12. 32.
3. This assureth mee further hereof, because I feele in my selfe a hungring after the word and Sacraments, Ioh. 6. 27. & 10. 27. as my spirituall nourishment, and can willingly submit my selfe to be guided by the same word, for the perfecting this worke of grace begun in me.
The communion of Saints.]
2. This is my faith, Rom. 8. 15. 16. 28. 30. that this whole Church hath a communion or felowship together in Christ & al his benefits, Eph. 4. 4. 5. & so in euery article of this faith, 1. Cor. 1. 9. as in the same Sauiour, 1. Iohn 1. 3. Father, 2. Pet. 1. 2. preseruer & sanctifier: Phil. 2. 2. and also amongst themselues, 1. Pet. 1. 10. being affected alike both inwardly in loue, Act. 2. 44. 45. 46. & 4. 32. hatred, ioy, griefe, that is, to loue the same things, and for the same: and outwardly in relieuing, helping, and caring for one another.
2. This reioyceth my soule, that the Lord hath vouchsafed mee to bee of this blessed communion.
[Page 99] 3. This further assureth me hereof, because together with this comfort, I am so affected to all the true seruants of God, 1. Cor. 12. 26. thus soundly professing the Gospell, Ro. 12. 15. that I can pray hartily for them, Mat. 12. 49. 50. mourne and reioyce with them, and for them, as for my brethren and sisters, and bereadie to helpe them in whatsoeuer, esteeming of them as members of Christ with mee, and can clayme the word as my portion and heritage for euer. Psal, 119. 111.
10. Article.
The forgiuenesse of sinnes]
1. This is my faith, Heb. 8. 10. 11. 12. that all this whole church & euery member thereof, Apo. 7. 14. haue all their sinnes forgiuen for Christ, being all washed in his blood.
2. This comfort I finde hereof, that howsoeuer I am a miserable sinner many wayes, yet none of all my sinnes shall euer be imputed vnto mee, being of this holy Communion. Rom. 8. 33.
[Page 100] 3. This is also for my assurance, Zac. 12. 10 because I can oft mourne bitterly, Mat. 5. 11. when I looke at my Sauiour, Rom. 7. 20. whom by my sinnes I haue crucified, Mat. 6. 14. & 5. 44. 45 and do abhor them as none of mine, but fruits of that sin that still dwelleth in mee in part, and moreouer because I can forgiue and pray euen for my very enimies, & haue set my selfe to wage continuall war against euery sin.
11. Article.
The resurrection of the body].
1. This is my faith, that all bodies shall rise againe at the last day, Ioh. 5. 29. when Christ comes, the bodies of al the faithfull to eternall ioy by the resurrection of Iesus Christ, though all the rest to condemnation.
2. This is my comfort, that this my body now subiect to diuerse infirmities, Iob. 19. 25. 26. 27. as sicknesse, manifold paines and sorrowes, Phil. 3. 21. &c. shall then arise a glorious body like the shining bodye of [Page 101] Iesus Christ, Apo. 7. 16. 17. & 14. 13 free from any more misery, paine, or labour, all teares beeing wipt away from mine eyes.
3. This is also my further assurance hereof, because I feele in my selfe the first resurrection, by a dayly rising in my inner man, to newnesse of life. Apoc. 20. 6.
12. Article.
The life euerlasting]
1. This is my faith; that in steede of this transitory life, so full of labours and griefs, God hath prouided for all this holy church a most happy and blessed life, which shall continue for euermore. Apo. 21. 22. & 22. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
2. This ioy I finde herein, that though my life bee full of crosses and troubles, euery day subiect to a thousand temptations, and very momentanye, Rom. 8. 18. yet then it shalbe a most glorious life, 2. Cor. 4. 17 & 12. 4 when I shall dwell in Paradice in [Page 102] the presence of God, Psa. 16. 11. and all his blessed Saintes and Angels for euermore. 1. Th. 4. 17 1. Thes. 1. 9. 10.
3. This finally confirmeth my assurance hereof, because I feele the life of grace begunne in mee alreadie, Gal. 2. 20. which is the beginning of this eternall life (but that then it shall be far more holy and glorious, Rom. 14. 17. and euery way more blessed then the heart of man can conceiue,) and moreouer for that he hath giuen me this grace to belieue in the sonne: Iohn 3. 18. 36. 5. 24. 25. I therefore know by the testimony of my Sauiour, that I haue eternall life; 1. Ioh. 5. 11 12. and withall he hath giuen me a heart to heare his voyce with delight, Iohn 10. 27. 28. so that I shall neuer perish: yea my faith herein is such, that I account all things but losse and dung, in respect of Christ Iesus my Sauiour, Phil. 3. 9. and al the troubles of this life, Rom. 8. 18. not worthie the glorie, Phil. 3. 13. 14. that shall bee then reuealed vnto me, & so striue hard forward towards this marke, labouring alwaies to keep a good cōscience, both toward [Page 103] God & man; Luk. 20. 35 that I may euer be prepared for the ful fruitiō hereof, & coū ted worthy to enter through the gates into the Citie. Apoc. 22. 14.
This is the victory that ouercommeth the worlde, euen our faith. 1. Ioh. 5. 4.
Be thou faithful vnto the death, and I will giue thee the crowne of life. Apoc. 2. 10.
Here is the patience of Saintes, here are they which keep the commandements of God, and the faith of Iesus. Apoc. 14. 12.
I haue sworne and will performe it, that I will keepe thy righteous iudgements alway. Psal. 119. 160.
Then shall I not be confounded, when I haue respect to all thy commaundements. Psal. 119. 6.
Lorde increase my faith. Luke. 17. 5. Mar. 9. 24.
The benefits of this practise of examination to incourage vs vnto it, sith it is wearisome and vnpleasant to flesh and bloud.
1. Performing it aright, wee shall avoid al hardnesse of heart, luke warmnesse, Ps. 119. 6. 80. 101. 104. sleeping in any sin, and preuent an euill conscience, with many other punishments of sinne, Lam. 3. 39. 40. and withall we shalbe able to recouer our selues forth with, out of euery grosse sinne, and from Sathans power, yea euen from the gulph of deepest dispayre. Psalme. 32. 4. 5.
2. We shall dayly be putting off the old man, and putting on the newe: strippe vs off the ragges of our sinnes, and put on our wedding garment, Eph. 4. 21. 22. 23. 24. to make vs still more glorious in the eies of our bridegrome: yea we shall caste away the workes of darkenesse and put vpon vs the armor of light. Rom. 13. 12.
3. Being thus armed, wee shall be so [Page 105] inabled to watch continually, Eph. 6. 11. 22. 13. 14. 15. &c. and defend ourselues against Sathan, Mat. 4. 11. and all his power, that he shall neuer giue vs any deadly wounds, Iam. 4. 7. but we shall put him to flight, Rō. 16. 20. and in time trample him vtterly vnder our feet.
4. We shalbe able to see the good way and wherein the perfection of a Christian consists, Pro. 2. 9. with his true glorie and felicity in this life, Psa. 1. 1. 2 and to reioyce in them that are such: 1. Ioh. 1. 1 2. 4. and withall to behold the feareful state of the world, Ps. 119. 136 to mourne for it with iust Lot: 2 Pet. 2. 7. 8 so to iudge aright betweene the godly and the wicked, Luk. 19. 41. 42. and specially to iudge for our owne estate. Phi. 1. 9. 10
5. We shall be fitted in some measure according to our place and calling as wee are Christians, to teach, conuince, admonish, reproue, exhort and comfort both our selues and others.
6. We shall be inabled to pray for our selues and others, Rom. 15. 14. with the whole Church of God, 1. Thes. 5. 11. 24. according to our seuerall [Page 106] necessities, Ioh. 15. 7. 1 and after the will of God in faith, 1. Ioh. 5. 14 [...] 3. 22. and withall to make a most sound confession of our sinnes generall or particular, with feeling, and so most seweet thankesgiuing for all mercies, with a like comfortable profession of our faith.
7. We shall so grow in Christ, and repayre his image, as by beholding & obseruing our selues, 2. Pet. 1. 10. 11. we shall get most strong consolation, 1. The. 1. 3. 4. 5. that wee are true branches of that holy vine, liuely mē bers of Christs body, Iohn. 15. 1. 2. 7. 8. the very sheepe of his fold, to stand at his right hand, and hence most certaine assurance of eternall life sealed vnto vs by his holy Spirit, 1. Tim. 4. 8. hauing in the meane time all the promises of this life, 1. Cor. 3. 21. 22. 23. and that to come, all being ours and for vs.
8. Seeing our growth in grace, perceiuing what sinnes wee haue ouercome, Rom. 5. 10. and what graces we haue obtained, Gal 3. 3. we shalbe incouraged to striue forward to perfection, Heb. 10. 32. 33. vntill wee obtaine the ende of our strife, 2. Tim. 4. 7. 8. the crowne [Page 107] of glory. Apoc. 2. 9. 10.
9. Wee shall shine as starres in the world, Phil. 2. 15. to the greater glory of our god. the comfort and good ensample of Gods seruants, 1. Pet. 2. 12. 15. the conuersion of the wicked, or stopping their mouthes, and leauing them more without excuse.
10. We shall increase the brightnesse of our glorie in heauen, Dan. 12. 3. as wee haue more glorified God in the earth: Rom 2. 6. 7 for the practise of this examination in the course of our life, Mat. 19. 28. 29. is a spirituall sowing, 2. Cor. 9. 6. whereof wee shall in due time reape a plentifull haruest, if wee faile not. Gal. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. Wee shall be sure to gette and keepe a good conscience, wherof such peace, boldnesse, securitie, and heauenly ioy will follow in vs, Pro. 15. 15. as passeth all vnderstanding, Rom. 5. 3. 2. 3. and no carnall man can possibly feele, Phil. 4. 7. but onely those for whome the kingdome is prepared, 2. Cor. 1. 12 because it is the beginning of it in this world. Ro. 14. 17.
[Page 108] 12. Briefly, which is the summe of all, we shall get this assurance that Iesus Christ is our Sauiour anointed for vs, our
- King.
- Priest.
- Prophet.
hauing made vs also Kings and priests, Apo. 1. 6. to our God for euermore. 1. Pet. 2. 9.
Some necessary questions appertayning hereunto.
1. Of senselesnesse in sinne.
Quest. Can any man liuing without feeling of his sinne, and misery by it, or of his spirituall pouerty, haue any sound hope of his saluation by Christ?
Ans. No. Christ is a phisition onely to them that are sicke, Luk. 4. 18. a deliuerer to them who feele themselues in prison, Esa. 61. 1. calls them only that trauell, Mat. 11. 29 30. and are ready to faint vnder the burthen of their sinnes.
Of obstinacy in sinne.
[Page 109] Q. Can any who continue stubbornely in any one sinne, not submitting themselues to bee ruled by the word of Christ and his ministers, in all things, hope for eternall life by Christ, or the fauour of God?
A. No, Mat. 16. 24. 25. they that come to Christ must followe him forsaking themselues, Luk. 9. 23. taking vp their crosse dayly, Mat. 11. 30 and learne of him to beare his yoake: Act. 3. 22. 23. if euer they will finde rest vnto their foules, Luk. 10. 16 they must heare his voice, or else they shall be destroyed from among his people. For they that despise Christs messengers, refusing to heare them, despise him: and all that boast of faith, Iā. 2. 17. 18 must shew their faith by their workes, to be a liuing faith, else it shall no more profit them then the faith of the deuills, yea all must followe holinesse without which no man shall euer see God with comfort. Heb. 12. 14.
3. To whom sound comfort belongs.
[Page 110] Q. Can any but they who indeauor to walke with GOD in holinesse all their daies, haue any comfort that they shall be heard in their distresse, or can they pray?
A. No, for the iustice of God will not admitte it: for hee that turnes away his care from hearing the law, Pro. 28. 9. his praier is abhominable, and what maruell is it, if God call to vs, and wee will not heare to obey him, Prou. 1. 24. 25. 28. 29. though hee heare not vs, Psal. 66. 18 when wee call and cry to him. Therefore we must hold the prophets rule for certaine. Iohn 9. 31. That if wee but incline vnto wickednes in our hearts, Esay. 1. 15. God will not heare vs. Esa. 66. 2. 3.
Experiment generall.
Trie whether wee can finde any sound cōfort in our prayers, that God will heare vs in the day of our affliction or any time of neede, or that any one of the promises of GOD belong to vs, or so much as beleeue any [Page 111] article of faith with comfort, vntill we haue soundly repented of all our sinnes, our known sinnes particularly, vnknowne generally, with a full resolution to know the Lord, and feare him, walking in all his commaundements for euer.
4. Quest. Of the causes of backsliding.
Quest. Sith sinne hath such fearefull effects, and men voyde of feeling of their sinne, are in so dangerous a case, how come a number, who haue had some good feeling, to such coldnesse in religion, hardnes of heart and senselessnesse in sinne, as to make no conscience almost of any sinne?
Ans. 1. By neglecting the meanes of the preseruation of grace, as of ordinary hearing, reading of the Scriptures and other good bookes prayer, Mar. 4. 24. 25. meditation, Heb. 10. 24 25. 38. 39. conference, examination, [Page 112] fasting, and the like, or doing these things for a fashion onely, without reuerence, or at least not waiting, for the fruit of them.
2. By committing some grosse sin, or liuing in some knowne sin without repentance, Mat. 25. 29 as Dauid, or for not glorifiyng god according to our knowledge of him, Rom. 1. 21 22. 24. 16. 28. in practising all holy duetyes which he requireth, or at least, not receuing the loue of the truth. 2. Thes. 2 10. 11. 12.
3. By ouermuch greedinesse in seeking earthly things, whether our pleasures, profits, Mat. 13. 23 44. 45 46 ease or credit, which steale awaye our hearts and choke grace; Luk. 8. 14 or seeking thē more then Gods glory and his fauour, Mat. 6. 33. [...]. 37. 38. with the things concerne his kingdome, Mat. 6. 24. or with the neglect hereof, 1. Ioh. 2. 15 and of the saluation of our brethren. For our loue cannot bee in the highest degree, to two contrary maisters: but as it increaseth towardes one it decreaseth towardes the other. neither will our iealous God part our [Page 113] loue with the world, for eyther hee will bee loued with all the hearte, Iam. 4. 4. and with all the soule, Mat. 22. 37 and aboue all earthly things, Luk. 14. 26 or not at all.
4. By familiaritie with the enemies of Gods religion, Psa. 26. 45 & 16. 3. 4 & 25. 4. or men notoriously prophane, Pro. 22. 24. 25. or luke-warme professours for it is the iust iudgement of God to leade vs into temptation hereby, Deut. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. so giuing vs vp for these sinnes.
Some speciall preseruatiues against euerie sinne.
1. That wee be resolute to choose rather to indure any misery, then to sinne against God. as Ioseph, Dan. 1. 8. Daniel, and the three children.
2. That wee consider the haynousnesse of the least sinne, that it is against Gods infinite maiestie, and Christs bloud, deseruing the eternal curse of God; and more by the fearefull punishment of the sinne of the angels, Num. 29. 12. of Adam, Moses, Vzzah, Saul, [Page 114] and chiefly, Deut. 3. 26. that vppon the sonne of God himselfe, 2. Sam. 6. 6. 7. so to accustome our selues to subdue the very least sinnes.
3. That wee warily resist the first motions to any sinne, 1. Chro. 13. 10. and bee carefull auoyd euery occasion thereof, 1. The. 5. 22. as we doe of infectious diseases. Gen. 39. 10. Pro. 5. 8. & 6. 25. 27. 28.
4. That we liue alwaies as in Gods presence who may take vs away on a suddaine, Gen. 17. 1. remembering also our appearance before him. Iob. 32. 22. Acts. 24. 15. 16.
5. That wee keepe continually a freshe remembrance of Gods great goodnesse, 2. Cor. 5. 10. 11. especially his chiefest mercies bodily, Psal. 203. 2. 3. 4. 5. &c. 116. 12. & 16. 3. and spirituall, ordinarie, and extraordinary, Gen. 39. 9. to say alwaies as Ioseph, Psa. 91. 11. how can I doe this, and sinne against my good God? Neh. 6. 11. 13.
6. That we be walking euer painfully in our special calling with God. Deut. 32. 15.
7. That we keepe withall a perpetuall memorie of the former miserie of sinne, and blessings of righteousnesse.
8. That aboue all wee vse seruent [Page 115] prayer vpon all occasions to bee kept by these preseruatiues. 1. Thes. 5. 17. Eph. 6. 18.
Meanes to keepe alwaies a tender conscience.
1. This practise of considering our waies. Psal. 119. 59.
2. Carefull vsing all the meanes of grace, 2. Tim. 1. 6. neglecting no one.
3. Auoyding presumptions, Psal. 29. 13. or grosse sinnes.
4. Companying familiarly onely with the godly, auoyding the contrary so farre, Psal. 15. 4. &. 16. 3. & 119. 63. as is possible.
5. Watching against worldly cares, that they steale not away our hearts. Mat. 6. 24. & 13. 22. Luk 21. 34.
This is the generation of them that seeke him, of them that seeke thy face, this is Iacob. Psa. 24. 6.
The way of the righteous shineth as the light that shineth more and more vnto the perfect day. Pro. 4. 18. 19.
[Page 116] The louing kindnesse of the Lord endureth for euer and euer vppon them that feare him, and his righteousnesse vpon childrens children. Vnto them that keepe his couenant, and thinke vppon his commaundements, to doe them. Psal. 103. 17. 18.