IERIM. 9.21.
Death is come vp into our windowes, and entered into our Houses.
LIke tender Plants, beate, with too great a showre,
Or like a Tree that's blasted; or a Flowre
Pluckt from the Roote; Decembers gloomy shade,
The Sunne ecclips'd; Youth to disease betraid:
Or like to any thing, that
Chance, or
Or Heauens iust
Anger, scourges in the
Disroabing it of Ornament, of Grace,
And seating what's opponent in their place
[Page]Sits now the Mistresse, Lady of her kinde;
That Queene, whose Beauty did attract the minde
Of All, to see it; to admire, to loue,
And (in their Functions serue it) to approue
Her worth, and their owne duties: ó like these,
Or sadder Figures, of Her sad disease
London now; beate, blasted, wither'd, shooke,
Of strangers pittied, of Her owne forsooke.
But, to diuide Her sorrowes, and to bring,
The wounds, sighes, teares, and each particular sting
Of Her afflicted Bosome, to your Eye,
Liues not in my Intention. Nor if I
Had such a Will, had I the power to speake
My Griefe; for Hers (too strong) makes me too weake.
Her selfe doe that, for what's in Sorrowes breast,
The Bearer of it, can decipher best:
I onely drawe the Curtaine, and thus show,
This Queene of Cities, now, the Queene of woe.
London, the Anatomizer, of Her owne miseries, as out of a broken slumber thus speakes.
HOw saine would Sorrow sleepe? But as my Head
Would touch the Pillow, of that downy Bed
The mournfull sound of sighings, of deepe groues,
Vision of Teares, and vniuersall mones
That doe present themselues before me, keepe
That Comfort from me, and command me weepe.
Her Bells, continually Towling.
O Heare the Instruments, my soule did loue,
My Bells, that summon to the Spouse, the Doue,
The Oracle of Heau'n, Now sadly sound
Nothing but frightfull summons to the ground:
Nothing but calls to Death; nothing but Knells;
All notes of Griefe, for All are passing Bells.
Nay more to adde, to my Affrights, affright
Death, will haue all Times, minutes; and by Night
Towling night and day.
Command this dolefull Towling, as by Day:
We know who sends him, and we must obey.
What change there is in all things vnder Fate?
How sadly now they found? And but of late,
When their shrill voyces, did proclaime the Gaine
Englands Heart, out of the Hate of
What Dulcet sounds they had? — And while they plaid
To th'mounting flame of Bonfires, that were made
The King his returne from
Ioying His safe Arriuing? Since that Time
What musicke made they, when the pride and prime
Of all her Sex (MARIA) in our Land
The Queenes arriuall.
Made Her most wisht Arriuall; Hand in Hand
Ioyning two royall Sisters, to Aduance
The Glories of them both: Great
Britaine, France.
But I too farre, in this Digression goe,
My joy (almost) made me forget my woe:
The woes of my disease; —The Sore, that treads
My Beauty vnder foot; — The Sore that spreads
[Page]O're all my Happinesse; — The Sore that makes
Me, to be loath'd and left; — The sore that takes
My Sonnes and Daughters from me; And the Sore
That makes this mournfull musick sound, all o're
My spatious Circuit, round about my Walls;
The neglect of our duties remembred.
For round about them, are the dreadfull Calls
Of Death, in their sad language. — Had we heard
Their Calls vnto the Temple, and prepar'd
Zeale, and Diuine affection, that the word
Sowne in our soules, might (as it ought) afford
A fruitfull Haruest of good workes, no doubt,
We had not heard these clangors flye about
Her Counsell to flye to him, from him we cannot.
Thus to affright, to wound vs. — But 'tis Iust
Those sounds, we would not heare, these sounds we must;
Till Heau'n be pleas'd to still'em. — That He may
Lets flye to meet him;
Weepe, and
Fast, and
The Graues still greedily gaping.
O See, (like wounds digg'd in my tender side)
My multitude of Graues, that gaping wide
Are hourely fed, with Carcasses of Men;
Those hardly swallowed, they'le be fed agen,
Gorg'd with my Sonnes and Daughters: as if Hee
All things made for man, man for God.
All things were made for, were but made, to be
A prey to wormes: — As if the end of Birth,
[...] to cry, to labour, and in Earth
[Page]Haue his eternall period: — As if Breath
Were a Childes bubble, and the sport of Death:
For so Hee triumphs now; so now He kills,
Deaths Triumph.
So empties Houses; so the Graue he fills,
Those Tenements of his. —Where many lye,
(Too many manyes) not like things that dye
Assur'd in their Redeemer, that they shall
Rise to a Beeing, whence they ne're can fall;
But — I ha'done; — Passion, thy power is strong
The rest in weeping; teares are sorrowes Tongue.
Sleepe, sleepe in peace my Children, in your dust
Wee see what t'is, to brittle life to trust,
A great helpe to liue, is, to remember we must die.
And Her still fayling Adjuncts: For thus fades
The Pompe of flesh: And — enter'd those darke shades
From Court, or from the Village, All are one,
Degrees in Life there are, in Death there's none.
Her Houses, their Masters Prison.
O See my Sonnes and Daughters, that suruiue
Their Houshold massacr'e, (halfe dead) aliue,
In their owne Houses buried; or as bad,
Enjayl'd, imprison'd; — In that passion clad,
That to behold them, makes Affection wring
My Heart to Blood, mine Eyes into a spring;
(Maternall loues Companions) — See the Wife
The Wife.
Sadly bemone, the losse of halfe Her life,
[Page]I'th' losse of her poore Husband. — See her sit,
(While sighes, doe sighes, and teares, doe teares beget)
Ready to follow him, from this sad vale
To His eternall Mansion. — See the pale
And gastly seate of death, vpon the face
The Husband. Parents. Children.
Of Husbands for their Wiues: —Behold the Race
Of griefe in Parents, for the sad depart
Of Sonnes and Daughters; Sonnes and Daughters smart,
To see the stroake, this strange Disease doth giue
Vpon those Liues by which they Be, and Liue.
See them debard all meetings of delight,
See them debard society, and sight
Of Kindred, and Familiars; — See them there
Bard the best pleasure, that doth Passion cheare,
Their Recreatiue walkes, losing their share
Of what all taste, the sweet and wholsome Ayre,
A poore mans only physicke. — See them loose
The benefits of those poore Trades they vse:
The summ of their misery
To summe vp all their miseries in one,
See them i'th' Dongeon, of laments and mone.
Yet thus it must be, by the Lawes, and Loue
Of me, their Citie, and of that Aboue,
For 'tis by Heau'n commanded. — —Thou great God
Yes Prayer.
That more delightst in Mercy, then thy Rod.
(Ioyning them both together) — be to these
In their need plenty, in their Languor ease.
And in the midst of this infectious flame,
Let thy good Angell come, and be the same
[Page]To them, and me their
Mother, that He was
To those i'th' midst of burning Flames did passe
Vntouch'd, or vnoffended. —In thy Hand,
Is Life and Death; All power in thy Command.
Her Multitude of Crosses.
O See me full of
Crosses; see, and weepe
To see the
Crosse thus like a Gangrene creepe
From part to part vpon me. —Nor ist strange
Wee weare these
Crosses; they are Heau'ns exchange
Crosses with's.— Wee
Crosses had before.
The Rich-mans
Crosse vpon the hungry Poore,
Our Crosse dealing one with another.
In griping and ingrossing: which to quit,
Need ha's agen (with a dexterious Wit)
Crost them in Cheats and Theeuing. —Woe is me
The many
Crosses of a Terme to see;
Crosses in strange Cases: —Then a sleight;
Crosse of Measure, and the
Crosse of Weight;
Crosse of honest-seeming, to deceiue;
Crosse of Swearing, to make men beleeue
What Truth is rackt to looke on. —And for these
Our sinnes the cause of our fichnesse.
Crosses of Sinne, the
Crosses of Disease
Sticke like a brand vpon's; vpon vs fall
The First, on many; but the Last, on All.
But to the
Crosse agen, which doth present
In all, (but in my Sorrowes) all Content.
George his
Crosse, Englands, the Badge of Ioy,
These Crosses the Badge of Death.
Is heere the Badge of Him that doth destroy,
No Champion euer like Him: —For His power,
In thousand Places, Thousands in one Hower
Her incitement to Prayer and
[...]oly duties.
Turnes to the Pit before Him. — Gainst this losse
O lets petition Heau'n; and that this
This Viol full of Anger may bee staid;
Which, till it be (by the Almighty laid)
Wee patiently must beare it; 'Tis decreed:
For Hee for Vs vpon a
Crosse did bleed,
Has told vs plainly we His
Crosse must beare,
The necesty of them
Or nere ascend His Dwelling. —Where no care,
No Chance, no Change, Time or Defection dwels;
But All so full of Glory, it excels
The Compasse of Mans thought. —Toth'
Crosse we then
Add —
Lord haue Mercy vpon vs All. —AMEN.
¶ Her Termes.
O See my
Termes cut off, in them the
(That eeuen Line, Iustice her selle doth draw,
Guiding to pious dealing) Like a Mute;
Nor hinder wrong, nor help a rightfull Suite,
While my Infection spreads. Woes, woe succeed,
Of all
Demurres, heeres a
Demurre indeed.
Her Parament.
¶ See how the City ha's disturbd the Court,
How my Disease ha's troubled the Import
And weighty Businesses of that High Seat,
Where Royall
Charles and his graue Synod treat
The grounds of all our safety. —And at last
Dissolu'd that Royall meeting heere, and plac'd
LONDON, Westminst.
Mine, and my Sisters Dignity and Grace
[Page]Vpon a Handmaid to vs. —Ore which Place,
Oxenford. Her Petition.
Thou God of Mercy all thy Mercies spread,
And there, and heere, and euery where strike dead
This All-deuouring Monster. Let thy loue,
Make this an Act, in thy great Court aboue.
¶ O See how my Disease, has seem'd to checke
¶ Her Pageants.
The loue, and dutie, is prepar'd to decke
My streetes with stately Pageants. Things should weare
What they should be.
Much Cost, much Art, and in their structures beare
The fulnesse of Inuention: where the Eye,
May feast it selfe, on the varity
Of specious Formes, and Figures, and the Eare,
The soule, of all those rich Inuentions heare
Deliuer'd, in Choyce language. — I presume
What they shall be.
That thus they shall be, when they shall assume
Their costly Robes preparing. — But (alas)
They yet stand bare and naked; and men passe
What they are.
By them, as by my selfe: for that Disease
That dyms my lustre, has denyed it these,
And all those Beauties my large Bounds embrace.
Repaire sweet Mercy, what sad frownes deface.
Her briefe Petitions
O see how thicke, these shafts of vengeance flye,
How thicke they fall, how thicke Men fall and dye,
Of this Massacre in generall
Which way so e're we turne vs! If your eyes
Can see for Teares, see how this Tyrant plyes
The cruell part Hee's acting. How He sweepes
Whole Familyes before him, and then keepes
Whole Families taken away.
(In dismall emptinesse) Possession there,
Where life againe would enter, but that Feare
[Page]Do's for a time deterre him. For this Foe,
(Inuisible, Inuincible) a Blow
Giues aboue all resist. — O see my Streets
To many, Death-beds; for this Monster meets
Men boldly there and strikes 'em: —heere Men tread,
To sight, in safety; there o'th' sodaine dead.
See, see, O see, how thicke from all my parts
Gallants in Coaches, and their Goods in Carts
Flye my poore wounded Body: —where before
The Flight of Citizens Her Sons,
[...]ith her
[...]ender Hearts an
[...]uish for it.
(That their rich splendor might in mine be more)
They would embrace me, hugge me. —But the Flight
Of these moue little; That would kill me quite,
Is, that my Sonnes, (They that vpon my Brest
Haue had repose, (a long and tender rest)
And from it suck'd the Substance made them grow
Great in the Worlds Opinion) In my woe,
Want and distresse forsake me. These, that
That was a Bond-man, and by me made Free;
That tooke his Oath to loue me, and submit
His best Endeuours to mee, to beget,
Guard and maintaine mine Honors. —But no more.
Thus Swallowes Winter flye; the Rich, the Poore.
Vpon Relation of the many Miseries, that many of those that flye the City, doe
fall into in the Countrey.
Her Teares, Sighes, and Passion augmented.
O My full Tyde of Anguish! Yet myne Eye
Drops not so fast, so much to see them flye;
As, in that Flight, to see them headlong runne
To greater dangers, then they flye to shun:
In multitudes we finde it; and still thus
1. Her gree
[...] for them that mind not Hers.
Deplore their Sorrowes, though they mind not vs.
Heere Bils and Halberts meete 'em; —where, (as one
Had dar'd the Law in some great mischiefe done)
2. Met and stayed like Fel
They must be staid, examin'd, and there show
What place they came from, to what place they goe;
Th'occasions of their trauaile; and before
Some Constable, can hardly tell three score,
Must shew their Passes. And from place to place,
3. Shew their Passes like Rogues
(Passing through Villages) through this disgrace
Passe till they end their Iourney. And what then?
What comfort find they (poore distressed Men)
When (through these scornes and loathings) they haue got
The place to which they trauaile? Are they not
With great suspition, much amaze and feare,
(As if each part about them seem'd to bearo
Their en
Plagues and infections in them) entertain'd
At Halberds point, at distance? and constrain'd
(In their least pitty) to a priuate Roome?
Though nere so sound they are; and in the Doome
Of that Imprisonment, some part o'th' load
Of what they shun at home, they meet abroad.
[...] mise
But this is but disgrace: See some poore soules
Vnder necessities more harsh controules
Made strangers to acquaintance; nay, the Sonne
A stranger to his Father; Brothers shun
The Partners of their Blood; and Mothers
Those they haue hugg'd and dandled, (as they me.)
O let me weepe, (weepe blood) and through that glasse
Hardly welcome
Looke yet a little further; where (alas)
Wee may behold some of my Sonnes that here
Had soft and easie lodging, lodging there
In Stables, Barnes, out-Houses; nay be glad
To sleepe in Houils; thinke no roome too bad
That had a couering o're it: some be faine
To lodge, where neither 'gainst the Wind, the raine,
Nor the Suns fury, they could shelter haue;
Heau'n only couering them, and they their Graue.
Then, as a sad Companion to their woe,
(For miseries doe seldome single goe)
[...]. Their miseries in their sicknesse.
Behold them in these Lodgings, faint and weake,
Their Purses many may some comfort speake,
But purchase none or little; and that too,
But dealt among them, as a man should doe
[Page]Such duties to a Lyon, to a Beare,
Or some such sauage Creature, in great feare,
Fling some poore pittance to them, and then flye:
9. The tendance.
Heere's all their tendance, let them liue or dye.
See some o're taken with so faint a breath,
10. Many there, as with vs, dye in the common way,
[...] & Ditche
Ere halfe their Iourneyes done they Inne with Death,
I'th' common way they tread on; as they goe
Fall to the ground and dye: great numbers so
In Rodes, in Ditches, in the open Field,
The debt of Breath, thus to their Maker yeeld;
And wher
[...] they dye, are buried. Some agen
(So bold we are to sinne to adde more sinne)
On Sledges, Barrowes, Dung-carts, any thing
(The wisedome of those places please to bring)
Are borne to places more remote; and some
(Like Dogges) are hal'd with Cart-ropes to a Tombe
Fit, but for Dogges and Caryon: into which,
As they are found, th'are tumbled; Poore, and Rich:
Their rich Apparell, their rich Pockets; All:
Nay, Gold it selfe they bury; that must fall
To'th' place it came from: so that by this Rod,
The s
[...] God, a D
[...] uell.
That seemes a Diuell now, seem'd once. God.
Oh, I could weepe my selfe into a Stone,
Or my, as senslesse Image, in the mone
Of my poore Sonnes and Daughters; that with me
Her Apostrophe in Groues & sighing.
Had had farre better vsage: But, in vaine
I weepe for them: Now to my selfe againe.
[Page]So, (as preparing to a Bridall Bed)
In what a Path of Hearbs and Flowers men tread,
Which way so ere they wander: For, each Street
Seemes now a Garden; All as greene, as sweet.
But Oh, my sad my sicke, my bleeding Heart!
These are no Nuptiall strewings; heere no part
Of such a Ioye's appearing: For (O, see!)
These Paths are for the Dead, and such as be
The halfe, dead traine attends them. Euery where
Nothing but Graues, but Coffins, but the Beere,
And bearing breathlesse Bodies to the Ground;
Delight's an Exile now, pale Mourning Cround.
¶ See how my Streets are emptied, how my Trade,
(Io which there is another Sicknesse made)
Lyes as 'twere dead and Buried. See, (O, see)
The Shops of those are Dead and those that Flee,
So euery where shut vp, a man may say;
What's all this Time; but
¶ Yet see my emptinesse too
[...] mone,
For not a Friend, a Friend without a groue,
Sighes and sad Language meet. —See Death destroy
All our expected pleasure, all our ioy,
Till Heau'n shall stop his Progresse. Vnawares
Our Feasting's turnd to
FASTING; Play, to
Most fit it should bee, and most fit, wee praise
Holy KING, that made these
[Page]That has commanded, what his God commands,
His Proclamation is Falling an Prayer
Niniu. buckler.
That Second God to vs, that vnderstands
That the best Buckler, to defend the stroake,
Heau'n layes on Sinners, which their sinnes prouoke;
Niniuies. That Prayers and Teares,
Hezekiah, was beset with feares,
Hezekiahs Prayer.
Procur'd an Angell, in his cause to fight,
Whose vnresisted power, in one night,
A hundred, fourescore, and fiue thousand men
Laid dead before him; Hee who knowes agen,
When God had purpos'd this good King to death,
By Prayer, He chang'd that purpose, and got breath
His life prolonged by Prayer
For fifteene Summers longer. He that knowes
How; when the fiery Serpents, wounded those
Murmur'd at
Moses, when good
Moses prayed,
Those Serpents lost their stings, that Plague was staied.
So Lord stay this, this Serpent, whose sharpe sting
Has pierc'd to many; and let Mercy spring,
In thy good pleasure to vs. — From the Deepe
[...] anguish Lord we call, we pray, we weepe,
[...]nd doe as they did: By this Serpent strooke,
Wee on a second; on our Sauiour looke,
Expecting cure. — To which be pleas'd to Bow,
And what their prayers did then, let ours doe now.
With this Exhortation to her Sonnes, in the briefe Enumeration, or Repetition of some things formerly spoken by way of Allusion, Shee Concludes.
HEare then my Bells, call to the Church, and Death;
Reuiew my Graues: There the full point of Breath;
Know thy proud flesh, a Prison to thy Soule;
Crosse a Badge, did Death and Hell controuse.
[...] thou the Lawe of Heau'ns eternall Loue,
The Acts and Statutes of that Court Aboue;
Loue thou the sights, the blessed Angels see;
Serue thou the God, with whom All pleasures be;
Obey his Royall Substitute, thy King;
Let loue among you, haue an endlesse Spring:
Leuell your words, and Actions to the will
Of Him, has power to pardon, or to spill,
And I shall soone be well; and you in Me,
And I in you, All our best wishes see.
The Authors comfortable Conclusion and thankfull Remembrance of Gods great mercies, in the happy surcease of this dangerous Contagion, and preseruation of those, who are yet liuing.
THus much for this Cloude of miserie, now to that gloriou
[...] Sunne of Gods mercy, which most graciously rising vpon vs, hath begun to dissolue, dissipate, and dispell it, in the decrease of those that dye of this heauily bewayled Contagion: Vpon which looking, let vs say with
Dauid, What shall I returne to the Lord, &c. Withall, make this promise, and zealously striue to performe it; That that God, that in his Anger, remembers Mercy; That desires not the death of a Sinner, but rather, than he returne and liue, may continue this mercy to vs; and speedily (if it be his blessed will and pleasure) say as he said, to that destroying Angell, in the time of his Kingly Prophet,
It is sufficient; hold now thy hand. That so, we heere at home, and those abroad, that (as if they could slye from God) slew from vs, may againe meete; he decently merry; Liue louingly, assist one another willingly, and finally that All together, to him that of
[...]othing, hath made vs; that lost, hath Redeemed vs; that erring, reduced vs; that Ignorant, hath taught vs; that sinning hath gently chastised vs; that dispayring hath comforted vs; that falling hath raised vs; that standing hath held vs; that going hath lead vs, that Comming hath receiued vs; And, that from this and many other dangers hath deliuered vs. Wee may shew our selues euermore thankfull: still pray, still praise him, that so this span of Life ended, we may, (falling in death) rise againe to that Life that shall neuer end.
Foure things euer to bee Remembred.
Thinke on thy Sinne,
That thou maist grieue:
That thou thy sin maist leaue:
The Last great Iudge,
That thou maist feare:
that thou not dispaire.