THE GOLDEN FLEECE. Whereto bee annexed two ELEGIES, Entitled NARCISSVS Change▪ AND AESONS Dotage. By RICHARD BRATHVVAYTE Gentleman.

LONDON Printed by W. S. for Christopher Pursett dwelling in Holborne, neere Staple Inne. 1611.

TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL M. ROBERT BINDLOSSE Esquire, his approued kind Vnkle: The continu­ance of Gods temporall blessings in this life, with the Crown [...] of immortalitie in the World to come.

RIght Worshipfull, I haue penncd heere a short Trea­tise, entituled the Golden Fleece, which I no sooner had reuie [...]ed and corrected, ma­king it fit for the presse: as not doubting but it should passe the presse of detraction, which delighteth more in carping, then dis­creet [...] [Page] censuring of others labours: But I bethought me of some Patron, not so much for the pr [...]s [...]ruing this my first issue from a­bort [...]ent, as from the detraction of male­ [...]lent carpers, whovse to finde fault with Nature herselfe that she set not the Oxes [...]ornes vpon his backe rather then vpon his head, being the stronger and more puissant part. At the first I resolued to dedicate these fruits of my labours vnto him, from whom [...] receiued the grouth, and quiet encrease of my studies: But it pleased God to alter my purpose, [...]y preuenting him by death, who was the nourisher of my slender endeuours, and the protectour of mine orphane labours, which had no sooner hapned then in a distast of my studies, wanting him, whose relish sweetened my vnseasoned poemes, I was fully resolued to haue wrapped this tract vp in ob­liuion, and to haue depriued it of publike view. But the troubled course of our estates, and the fauourable regard you had of our at­tonement, which is now so happily confir­med, enforced me to consecrate this pamphlet as one of Bassas fragments, to your best af­fectioned [Page] selfe: to shew a willingnesse in me to gratifie that sollicitous and carefull regard you euer had, since the time of our desola­tion, euen his death, whose life was a mir­rour in his time, and whose well concording death ensued, as a reward of eternitie for his well spent daies: for his fruits shall fol­low him. The argument of this Treatise is morall: the vse spirituall, morally deriued from Iason sonne to Aeson by Polymela, who, after the death of his father was com­mitted to the tuition of his vncle Pelias: he to vsurpe the possessions, limited to his Nephew Iason deuised a dangerous enter­prise for him, to get the Golden Fleece of Cholcos, which he h [...]uing atchieued with great honour, and the safe returne of such Argonautes as went with him: recei­ued his inheritance, Vid Ouid, in Meta­mor. and propagated his glo­ry to the vtmost bounds of Asia. The vse, or morall implies: what felicity they shall ob­taine that with resolution and long animitie sustaine the pe [...]illous gusts of afflictions, with a respect had to vertue, without which regard no happy or successiue euent can at­tend [Page] any intendment: This tract though com­pendious, may afford no small fruit to your conce [...]uing vnderstanding, shadowing vn­der this title of Golden Fleece, the reward of a sincere and prouident pilgrim, who with Iason endureth patiently the surging Sea of persecution, the r [...]ging tempests of [...]ffli­ction, not to be allured with the inchanting voice of the Syrens melodie, abstaining from Cyrces cup, Ponet De­us his quo­que [...]ine [...]. Virgil. say [...]ing by the peril­lous rockes of Scylla and Charybdis, and now at last arriuing at the port of a prosperous repose, crieth out; hic [...]edes fata quietas o [...]tendunt.

Alexander had his Homer in reuerence, Alcybiades his Socrates, Caesar the peru­sall of his owne deuine writings, Scipio Affrican [...]s the workes of Xenophon, E­paminondas will receiue instruction of his Lysias, In Cyro­pedia. Agesilaus of Xenophon, Scipio by Genesius: Yea Bassus was sometime acceptable to his Caesar.

I feare not but there be euer some Mae [...]e­nas to giue a fauourable respect to the mea­ne [...]t labours. Socrates thinketh his works [Page] very fruitfull, and to haue produced good ef­fectes, when by them he hath prouoked any to the knowledge and learning of ver­tue.

Stylpho the Romane had neu [...]r attai­ned the chast name of a continent Citizen, Vid. Cicer. in lib de Orator. if he had not applied his corrupt disposi­tion to morall discourse, and made morall poems a soueraigne for his lasciuious inten­tions.

Those famous matrons of Rome, Octauia, Gorcia, Caecilia, and Cornelia, bestowed no lesse time in moralitie then Tullia, Vid. Apo­theg Plu­tarch. &c. Lu­cilla, and Claudia did in musicke and har­monie: more renowne attained they, by morall obseruations, then those wanton Dames did by their discourse of Hyme­naeus.

Semyramis and Cleopatra neuer grew more memorable for their affecting dain­ties, Vid. Trog. Pom. then Hermyone and Dyotmia for their morall precepts.

Many which professed moralitie, haue beene the preseruation of whole Cities, as [Page] Aristotle, Vid. Quint Curt. in octau. lib. in descrip. Dyon. & Dyonisij. by whose meanes, and for whose sake Alexander commaunded the Cittie Stagyra to bee builded ag [...]ine, being de­molished in the raigne of his father Phi­lip.

The like of Socrates we reade, Vid. vit. Socrat. and reason good, since Apollo termed him the wisest man in all Greece.

But wherefore should I prosecute this argument, Vid. Apo­theg. de Apell▪ & Prolog. alwaies putting my hand with Protogenes to that table which I am sure can be bettered by no colours? Receiue this vnripe fruite into the warme harbour of your loue, let it be kindly entertained, least it blush and be ashamed, to receiue so ill an en­tertainment, where it expected an vndoub­ted welcome.

This Mindian building haue I erected before her, to vsher her, and encourage her modest face, with the assurance of your ac­ceptance.

The Lord of heauen continue his bles­sings towardes you, lengthen your daies, multiply your comfortes heere vpon earth, [Page] that enioying Heauen vpon Earth in this life, you may be inuested with the crowne of immortalitie in the world to come.

Your affectioned Nephew, Richard Brathwaite.

PIERIDVM INVOCATIO, QVARVM OPE AEGON IN T [...]IVIIS, Aedon in nemoribus cecinit. Quarum auspic [...]s riuos saltim apertos degustare licuit, tenuis (que) stipulae liber­tate frui.

YOu sacred Muses by whose diuine skill,
Each Poet in his rank obserues his measure,
Direct the progresse of Menalchas quill,
Enrich his labour with your heauenly treasure.
And so vouchsafe to fauour his poore verse,
That some may daigne his poems to rehearse.
Well doe I know so many rurall swaines,
Seeke to [...]euote their labours to your shrine,
That they offend you with their fruitlesse paines,
Since in harsh straines their labours they confine.
Yet pittie them and me, whose barraine wit,
Will moue you in remorce to pittie it.
And yet when I consider worthlesse men,
Such as Afranius, Bardus, and the rest,
Then with a cheerefull countenance doe I pen,
Since many illes doe counterpoise the best.
Necre [...]e poe­mata digna, [...]ec regu [...] so­ [...]iis.
For sure I am with Bardus I can sing,
Though not a matter worthie of a king.
Affranius, he will wearie Traians eare [...],
With rude impolisht, tunelesse harmonie,
He is impudent, Affranius, nothing feares,
His Oaten pipe delights his Maiestie.
But I esteeme of such as little worth,
Their works be correspondent to their birth.
For as Affranius was of meane estate,
As is re [...]or­ded in his life.
raisde from declining fortunes low descent,
So his immodest vaine engendreth hate,
Since his sharpe poems with his ayle be spent.
His works confusde, his harsh vnseasoned stile,
Doe ill beseeme the Sybils of our Ile.
Such works I scorne to pen, as may detract
From the respect of any meane estate,
I hate that Aspes that is of splene compact,
The furi [...]s brands which vaun [...] of [...]ought but hate.
Aemulate vertuous men, for vertues sake,
Is a good ha [...]red, so Ile alwaies hate.
But to contemne the meane degrees of men,
Or to enuie sailes of prosperitie,
Nere shall my Muse ensource her odious pen,
Furnisht with nought but [...]ags of enmi [...]ie.
I smile when others smile, when others weepe,
I plunge my selfe into like sorrowes deepe.
[Page] [Page]
THis little Treatise is a Golden Fleece,
Not that which [...]ason got from Colchos Ile,
For this comaines a more celestiall [...]rize,
Since mundane states doe earth [...]y men beguile.
This is that prize which will procure soules peace,
Vnto thy minds content, heau'ns Golden Fleece.
No Argonautes can get you this s [...]me prize,
Nor no Maedea can procure this gaine,
No fruitfull Colchis can this Fleece comprize,
No braine sicke Zethes can this spoile obtaine.
If thou wilt haue this Golden Fleece, this prize,
With due attention here reflect thine eyes.
FIrst doe not giue thy selfe to fond delights,
Calais and Zethes were brethren and sons to Boreas, [...]ccō ­panying la­son in his iourney, &c.
Which like the morning dewe fade and decay,
Restraine thy flesh which gainst thy spirit fights,
Reforme thy peruerse life from day to day.
Let abstinence be Empresse and commaund,
Lest hatefull lust deuotion should withstand.
For many times by abstinence desire
Of hatefull lust is quite extinguished,
Which otherwise like an incessant fire,
By curious fare would soone be nourished.
And that desire which is restrainde by thee,
Shall worke content in minds tranquillitie.
Spare not to trauaile nor to passe the sea
Of surging waues this treasure to obtaine,
The way to rest, is through calamitie,
The port to harbour, is through shelfes of paine.
For valiant Iason neuer could haue wonne,
The Golden Fleece, if he had sorrowes shunne.
Now by Charybdis,
Ratibus (que) inimica cha­rybdis nunc sorbore fre­tum nunc reddere. Ouid. in s [...] [...]im. lib. [...]et.
now by Scylla tossed,
Shipwrackt poore man, distressed by winters rage,
Those Gusts of griefe wherwith his course was cros­sed
Will rest memorials to ensuing age.
So then if thou, with Iason will attaine
Such glorious Trophies, thou must suffer paine.
Sylenus he can tumble in his caue,
A lazie lubber made to cherish sloth,
Nought besides ease,
Silenus fo­ster-father to Bacchus.
his blockish trunke doth craue,
From secure sleepe to rise he's very loth.
Yet this Ile tell him his securitie,
Shall bring his sloth to extreme penurie.
Sylenus is no souldier for thy Tent,
Stout Iason, which combines thy force with death,
He harmelesse soule, to liue at ease content,
Not in a forraine warre to spend his breath.
But thou contemnes base seruitude, base feare,
That thy renowne may to the world appeare.
It doth appeare, for Pelias repines,
That thou shouldst get faire Colchis monument,
Vncle to [...]a­son.
Yet thy aspiring thoughts some good diuines,
Aymes at some conquest, in thy sacred Tent.
Liue then for euer, thou shalt euer liue,
For enuious hate shall not thy fame depriue.
I would we had such Argonautes as these,
That could and would embarke them on the Sea,
Qui partici­pant pass [...]oni­bus, partici­pant consol a­tionibus.
So to obtaine that prize, that Golden Fleece,
Purchasing heauen by suffring miserie.
Then might we glory full as much or more;
Then euer Greece of Iason did before.
S. Aug [...]st.
I would such Argonauts liude in this Ile,
This Hyble faire, famous by memorie,
That Hydra-headed monster to beguile,
And purchase to them immortalitie.
Then should we sing more Trophies in their praise
Then euer Colchis did in former daie [...].
But such is times iniquitie, whose frame,
Is out of frame, confusde, disordered,
So that she seemes to change her timelesse name,
Whose name was Golden, now's relinquished,
That Golden Age, an Iron Age appeares,
Producing nought but sad euents of feares.
Once did those Golden Ages flourishing
Giue a good morrow to the Easterne parts,
Aure [...] secla.
VVhere vertues springing, were in nourishing,
VVhich ministred great comfort to our hearts.
But now the Moon's eclipsde, that age decaide,
Depressing downe her head, as one affraide.
Affraid: no maruaile since such enmitie,
Ariseth twixt our manners, and her state,
That they opposed stand at mutinie,
Which makes the Golden Age, so out of date.
Since Sa [...]urnes ki [...]gdomes be dispeopled here,
Saturnia reg­ [...]a.
Or else like snailes shut in their heads for feare.
Hesi [...]d relates of one Prometheus
Who was astute and sub [...]ile in his drifts,
And he reports of Epymetheus.
A simple soule deuoide of cunning shifts.
Sure Epymetheus liueth in this age,
De [...]perib. et dieb vid. He [...]s [...]od.
[...]rometheus, he is fled for want of wage.
Iupit [...]r god of the celestiall powers,
Sent on a time Argicid as from heauen,
To bring a gift, w [...]h limit of his howers,
Vnto Prometheus [...] whereon was engrauen.
Who takes this gift, shall presently enioy
Rest in his minde▪ deliuered of annoy.
Prometheus conceiuing what was ment,
By [...]oues attracting gifts, refusde the same,
For through his wisedome, he knew [...]oues intent,
Wherefore this prudent answer d [...]d he frame.
Pomon [...].
quoth he, I thanke high [...]oue,
That he hath shewde to me his diuine loue.
But forasmuch as I deserue the least,
Much lesse the great [...] and choisest gifts he hath,
I wish he should some other man inuest,
With this celestiall token of his breath.
Hie thee to Ioue, and tell him this from me,
Prometheus binds him to his deitie.
Ioue hauing heard, what sage Prometheus said,
Commended much his humane pollicie,
Prometheus (quoth Ioue) is sore affraide,
Lest Golden gifts smell of hypocrisie.
Well Epymetheus wants Prometheus shifts,
For well I know he will accept my gifts,

[Page] NOTE This volume has a very tight binding and while every effort has been made to repro­duce the centres, force would result in damage▪ [Page] [...] [Page] [...]

And so he did for iudging no deceipt,
For to proceede from Ioues high Maiestie,
Of this dissembled gift [...]e made receipt,
Hoping to purchase endlesse memorie
But this sweete hony was d [...]s [...]olude to gall,
And this his precious gift procurde his fall.
This was the great desire he had to know
What did concerne the mysteries of Ioue,
From this same roote aspiring branches grow,
Which doe extirpe the seeds of Christian loue.
Presumption of our knowledge, and desire,
Of knowing more doth in our thoughts aspire.
Fond Epy [...]etheus not content to know,
That which allotted was vnto his share,
De [...]ires a further scope then earth below,
That his high knowledge might surp [...]sse compare.
Wherefore de [...]ided he the state of such,
As did not care for knowing ouermuch.
And since that time we haue desirde to know
Things too transcendent,
Scientia b [...]ni & mal [...] mala. Gen. chap. [...]. vers. 1 [...].
higher then our reach,
Mysticall types which God did neuer show
To vs, or euer deignde the same to teach,
Thinking that fittest for mans shallow sence,
Which paralleld his straite circumference.
This fond presumption is a step to sinne,
[...] ab i [...]a vora­gine quocoetus omnium vici­orum exces [...]it Cicer, in ora, cont. Salust.
No it's the roote, and ground of our distresse,
By which we see the Gulph we wallow in,
The mansion of our woe and wretchednesse.
This is the sea of our distresse and woe,
Which doth oppresse vs, wheresoere we goe.
And sure as long as these presumptuous sinnes
Doe burgen in vs,
Poly [...]ices & Etecoles. vid. Hesyod.
with their full encrease,
Like O [...]dipus his two accursed twins
Erected for the [...]uine of our peace.
Farewell content in men of each degree,
If thou be proud, foule hate will follow thee.
Thou canst not haue the Fleece of Colchis Ile,
No [...] that resplendent Fleece of sanctitie,
For why? presumption doth thy thoughts beguile,
Pride cannot dwell with poore humilitie.
Thou mayst remaine,
Psalm. 36.
and flourish for a time,
But ill successe will [...]ntercept thy prime.
So on thy course, and with the Giants [...]ierce,
Wage battaile with the Gods of heauen and earth,
Virg. in [...] Geor. tum [...]partu terra nesando, &c.
Seeme as thou would the starres with Iulian pierce,
Outdare the Authour of thy cursed birth.
Care not for God or man, but in despite,
Damnation in thine vgly forehead write.
Scires a [...]al [...]lade doctam. Quod tamen ipsa negat. ouid Meta. lib. sexto.
she can weaue her purp [...]e threede,
And well conceited of her curious skill,
Challengeth stately [...]allas with all speede,
Whose Art this Art did into her distill,
Pallas (quoth she) I hope I may compare,
With you in spinning, if you better were.
But what succeeded? Pallas did replie,
Tan [...]aq [...]e of­fensa magi­stra, certet ait, mecum? [...]bid.
ere long, Ile teach you to confesse,
Your fond presumption: who, I pray, am I,
Your mistresse sure, I will approue no lesse.
This doth proceede from thy inuectiue tong,
VVhich by this heauenly feature, Ile make dumb [...].
No sooner had she spoken,
[...] comae, cum queis et naris [...]t aures.
but her forme
VVas quite transformde into another shape,
Two twigs by Pallas will, did her adorne,
This feature got she for presumption sake.
And that which had a comely forme before,
In Spiders likenesse doth her state deplore.
These be the fruits of a presumptuous minde,
Bitter in taste,
Atque ita Vi­ue quidem, pende, tamen imp [...]oba di­xit. Ibid.
working thee Authors baine,
And like a Viper deadly to her kinde,
VVhich by engendring, breedeth endlesse paine.
This will dispoile thee of thy Golden Fleece,
Nere to returne from Colchis into Greece.
Vid. Plin, in Nat. Hist.
Be humble,
meeke, obedient to thine head,
Least with a sudden ouerthrow thy friend,
Condole thy fortune by misfortune lead,
Yet cannot by his salue, thy griefes amend.
So succourlesse and eke distrest with griefe,
In thy distresse canst purchase no reliefe.
The lowest Tamricke is the saf'st from haile,
Arbores [...]lti­us plantatae citius ventor [...]s pr [...]pter vehe­menti [...]a foliis priu [...]atur. Stel. de cont. m [...]nd. Eccl. 9. Chap. Vers [...].
The lof [...]iest Cedar's soonest throwen down,
An humble minde ther's nought that can appal,
High spirits be most subiect to a frown.
Each thing by Nature must one time decay,
But meane estates be saf'st from harme alway.
If thou wilt haue this Golden Fleece, this prize,
Thou must embarke thy selfe in troups of griefe,
Those who obtaine thy conq [...]est, sloth dispise,
Oftimes dismaid without the least reliefe.
And then if thou wilt conquer, thou must fight,
By meditation gainst sin, day and night.
The valiant Argonautes did not refuse,
Haile, raine or snow for to obtaine that gaine,
Vnder a faignde pretence they not refuse;
Their serious labour or industrious paine.
Wherefore they got the hauen of their rest,
And did enioy that which they loued best.
A worthy prize, if prizes temporall,
Can haue such worth, or yet deserue such labour:
Who will not seeke a price coelestiall
Purchasde by earnest suite and Gods high fauour▪
Then let it be our will,
Luke Chap. 12. Vers. 33.
our onely pleasure,
Sell all we haue, and buy this heauenly treasure.
No rust can ere consume this precious gemme,
No mothes can eate into this sacred shrine,
A Roabe most fit for well disposed men,
Who at an others state doe not repine.
Of this be sure,
Via a [...]gu [...]ta &c. arctissi­map [...]r [...]a.
who enuies each mans state,
Shall neuer enter in the narrow gate.
If that the Argonautes with mutuall splene,
Should haue enuide at each an others worth,
With this same prize, they neere enricht had been,
But with vnluckie labours curst their birth.
A threesold cord is hardly broke men say,
But being dissolude, like vapours glides away.
Then let this mutuall loue dispell each hate,
[...]. [...]
And each reuenge pretended in your hearts,
Nothing is more pernicious then debate,
Which flourishing Empires many time subuerts.
This is the state of men that each will crie,
Caesar aut Nullus to their enemie.
Caesar if he had raignde in common loue,
Or gouerned his Realme in amitie,
Brutus his owne adopted would approue,
Of his proceedings: without enmitie.
But these aspiring heads be oft brought low,
With tu mi Brute, thoule kill Caesar too.
But of all discords in an humane sence,
Tit. Liu. pa­tauin, [...] de­cad [...]et lib. [...].
None more detested then a brothers hate,
Remus against Romulus prepares defence,
Amulius with Numitor debate.
Virg. in [...]. lib. Aene Ille Sycha [...]u impi­us ante a [...]as, [...] [...]uri caecus amore, clam ferroincautum super at securus am [...]rum German.
And rich Sichae [...]s must of force be slaine,
Alcydes priest, by his Pigmalion.
These sharpe contentions cannot get the price,
But ruine their owne forces by their hand,
These are not vndertaken by aduice,
Eumenid [...]uque sat [...], Vtrg.
But guided by the Eumenides commaund.
All things haue end, to these vnhappie end,
By short prescription, Lord of Lords will send.
Caine is offended with his louing brother,
And whats the cause, perchance his sacrifice
Is better farre respected then the other,
Which he doth offer: wherefore thence he flies,
And doth prouide, by his accurled breath,
To be the Agent of his brothers death.
Yet Abels bloud, like to the morning dew,
As [...]endeth vp vnto Gods heauenly throne,
Shewing how Caine, his hands did [...]rst embrew,
In brothers bloud, his bloud to heauen doth grone
Wheerefore the Lord, who ta [...]es reuenge of sinne,
Damn'd Cains despaire, which he did welter in.
Caine wher's thy brother?
Gen. chap. 4. vers. 9.
Caine doth answer him,
Am I my brothers keeper? insolence
Dar'st thou that art compact of nought but sinne,
Answer him so? who [...]e heauenly excellence.
Ruleth each thing, and hath created thee
To laud his name, not grieue his maiestie.
Go thou thy way, for thou canst ne're obtaine
This Golden Fleece, interred in dispaire,
Go wag thine head, with thy distracted braine [...].
Thou of perdition art the lineall heire.
The Golden Fleece is kept for such as liue,
To please their God, and not their God to grieue.
But such as like the Sabines do disdaine,
[...] Tit [...]. Li [...] pag. 20. Vibes quoque vt catera, ex in [...]r [...]o nasci, &c.
That ere the Romans should in mariage ioyne,
With their renowned stocke, and thinke it shame,
That their vpstart descent, should them detaine.
Shall soone be vanquisht, and deuoid of aide,
To darke obliuions Tombe, retire, dismaid.
The Argonautes, who got the Golden Fleece,
Neuer disdaind to ioyne with any power,
Combinde with euery Nation in a peace,
Which did distill like Danaes Golden shower.
This golden peace did get them that renowne,
Which all the Ile of Colchis puld not downe.
Nought there can be more strong then vnitie,
V [...]pax Gabi­or [...], c [...]u [...]ix­digniss [...] mam quide [...] speciem te [...]er­rima bell [...] sequ [...]ta sun [...] Vid. Ouid. in sast. Cleobis et Byto [...].
If so that vnion doe no discord breede,
For it effects things worthy memory,
Which no commotion in the state doth feede.
For wealth and peace blest Aegias kinde twins,
With mutuall passions, mutuall honour wins.
Both weepe at once, both smile with like desire,
Both walke, both stand, both make a like repose,
And to conclude they burne with equall fire,
Both win at once, both equally doe lose.
Nought there can be, being borne of selfesame mo­ther,
Belonging to the one, not to the other.
And then what is it which obtaines this prize?
Not wealth, nor treasure in aboundance had,
To get this prize, is not to temporize,
For flattery in Princes seemes too bad.
And time obseruers be of small regard,
VVhen diuine honour is the due reward.
Doe not with glosing, nor with sugred speech
Thinke to allure thy God, vnto thy will:
Of thy fraile temple he can make a breach,
And in one moment soule and bodie kill.
The difference twixt God and man assignde,
One kils the bodie, the other kils the minde.
Care not for him,
M [...]t. 10. 28.
that hath power corporall,
Able to kill the bodie is the worst,
But care for him whose power coelestiall,
For he can make both soule and bodie curst.
Wherefore take heede, thou do not grieue that God,
Who can auenge thy folly with his rod.
Be so determinde in thy daily labour,
Vbi non est p [...]r gratiam, adest per vin [...]dictam.
That thou offend not Gods high maiestie,
For he that is out of Gods heauenly fauour,
Shall be destroyed by his deitie.
Almes. Eccl. chap. 7 vers. 32.
The Lord hath pi [...]tie, when he seeth vs take
Compassion on the poore for Christ his sake.
But when with impudent and carelesse eye,
We doe neglect the cries of silly soules,
And wallowing in deepe securitie,
Amos. chap. 6. ver [...]. 6.
Cherish our pleasures; and drinke wine in bowles.
Whilest we annoint our selues with ointments sweet,
Who will with teares ofsorrow wash Christ feete?
No man is sory for poore Iosephs woe,
Iosephs affliction doth not touch our hearts,
Pleasures induce vs where so ere we goe,
Sinnes lamentation instantly departs.
Ioseph in prison,
Gen. chap. 39. [...]ers. 20.
we sweete pleasures taste,
Relieude by none, til all his griefes be paste.
Those who contemne the miseries of men,
Shall nere attaine vnto this Golden prize,
These like to sauage Lions in their den,
VVith proud Cal [...]gula, do ti [...]annize.
Nere shall they come to rest,
M [...]t. 2. chap. vers. 10.
but endlesse warre
Shall scatter them, without a shepheards starre.
Ca [...]la would many times reproue,
The Gods on high, in that they did withstand,
His Saints ordainde to purchase peoples loue,
And brandishing a weapon in his hand.
Come Aeolus (quoth he) and all yee Gods,
Ile whip you like to scholeboies with my rods.
Yet when he heard the messenger of raine,
Qui Deos tant [...]pere co­temneret, ad minima t [...]ni­trua et fal­gura, conni­uere, caput obuoluere, ad ve [...]o maiora proreperet e strato, sub lectumque condere solebat. Vid. Suet. in vit. Cal [...]g.
Thūder, with crackling noise, come hurrying down,
Then he, proud man, to hide himselfe was faine,
And who was high before, is humble growne.
For wandring what did hurrie ore his head
Fond witlesse man, he crept vnder his bed.
Caligula could neuer get this prize,
For he abashed was at euery storme,
Nor with affiance could lift vp his eyes,
To that same God whose grace doth man adorne
For Grace doth beautifie each creature well,
And is a meanes foule vice for to expell.
Now whosoeuer will obtaine that prize,
That Golden Fleece, euen that celestiall treasure,
Let him feare Gods high power in any wise,
And dedicate his life to Gods good pleasure.
Time et T [...] [...]or.
Then he cannot but get this precious gemme,
Reserude for such as be religious men.
There was a world though that waxe hoary now,
VVhen vertue was the scope each leueld at,
But few will vertue in their actions show,
All be respectiue of their priuate gaine.
This priuate state is mundane happinesse,
VVhich is the groundworke of our wretchednesse.
Leaue all thy wealth and thy preferment quite,

Quis est ami­cus Det? qui nimtrum nu [...] ­dum contem­n [...]t propt [...]r Deam [...] Stell. de cont, mūd. lib. 2.

Info [...] aminibus et caucr [...]ulis petra &c. Cantic. chap. 2. vers. 14.

Flie to the Anchor of thy hope and stay,
Heres Iacobs ladder, which may thee incite,
Vpon thy soueraigne Lord thine head to lay▪
Christ is no place whereon to laie his head,
But Christ his hand will vs to glory leade.
Buie once this gemme againe, and tell me then,
If euer Iewell were of such a price,
A Iewell requisite for Christian men,
For her's no Christian that will it despise.
Sell all and buie it, for it will procure
Thy endlesse safetie which will ere endure.
What is it drawes thee from thy louing Lord?
Is it promotion? hope of present gaine?
Or is it all that fraile earth can afford?
Nought but vaine shadowes doth fraile earth con­taine.
Leaue then the shadow, and the substance get
Immortall things immortall minds beset.
What was the reason Alexander thought,
And there­fore slew Ca­listhenes. vid. Quin. Curt. Quia eum pro Deo ve­nerari nolui [...]. &c.
Nought could containe mans mind that worldly was?
Euen forasmuch as he for honour sought
Which hauing gotten like a shade did passe.
And hauing conquerde all the world beside,
Yet he perceiude nought constant could abide.
One arrow piercing Alexanders thigh,
Homines di­cunt me esse immortalem, sed haec sagit­ta probat me esse mortal [...] Ibid.
From whence there gushed streames of crimson bloud,
Now doe I grant (quoth he) mortalitie
Is incident to me, as here is shewed.
Nor prince nor begger can debarre his state,
To be eclipsed by a mortall date.
Thou that wi [...] win [...]e this Golden [...]leece, this prize,
Conf [...]sse thy se [...]fe a man and not a God,
With pure denotion [...]leuate thine eyes
Least thou be da [...]ht in peeces by his rod.
Psalm. 2.
And being dasht reuerreceiue aga [...]ne
Gods d [...]uine spirit, A Cordiall for thy paine.
Get thee to Noa [...]s Arke, and like a Doue,
Come flying with an Oliue in thy bill,
The Ol [...]ue is the token of true loue,
Which will [...]he hatred of the serpent kill.
Gen. ch [...]. [...]. [...]er [...]. 11.
For thou as long as thou abidest there,
No ouerflowing deluge needs to feare.
When Z [...]th [...]s aged Boreas sonne and heire,
Came downe from Colchis into Arcadie,
When vnto Phin [...]us Court he did repaire,
And was receiude by Phineus sumptously.
He ayded Phineus the Harpies to expell,
VVhose filthie ordure gaue a no [...]some smell.
For wheresoeuer Phineus did goe,
They did pursue him, both by Sea and land,
And made king Phineus full of dismall woe,
Fo [...] they were plagues inflicted by Ioues hand.
In that he did put out his childrens eyes,
VVhich did ascend to Ioue with wofull cries.
Zethes by force expelde these cruellbirds,
Expulsing them the bounds of Arcadie,
Maliominis aues, &c.
And for his welcome, this kinde loue affords,
And loue for loue is showne as mutually.
It was an a [...]mes for to renew his life,
Since what was done, was plotted by his wife.
Then this example shall induce thy loue,
Miserum est ingratum esse hominem.
Not with vnthankful and fo [...]getfull minde,
For to requit [...] his kindnesse wh [...] did proue
A fai [...]hful [...] friend, and in distresse most kinde.
Pia [...]grato [...]omine p [...]ius terranil [...]rea [...] Ausonius [...]
For Zethes was in great dis [...]esse before,
Till he arriude vpon th' Arcadian shore.
And sure vnthankfull minds be most accurst,
Officiosa al [...]s exuiosa suis. Alcia. [...] Emblem.
Since they like Vip [...]rs be vnkind to those
Who fos [...]red them, and make their wombes to burst,
Vipers to Vipers be the hatefull foes.
Many foule vice, saith Seneca,
In Epi [...]t. ad L [...]cid.
I ken,
In Rome, yet none worse then vnthankfull men.
It is inhumane to forget good will,
The king of Persia did accept a gift,
Dariu [...] ▪ Vid. Apoth. Plutar. [...]t E. rasm. Rote­rod.
Euen a small handfull which a wife di [...] fill
O [...] liquid water, void of subtile drift.
This he accepted, and with like desert,
repaid the kindnesse of her louing heart.
And sure who is vngratefull to his friend,
Inimica ani­mam, exin­anitio m [...]rito­rum dispersio virtutum, &c. S. Bar­nard.
Shall nere obtaine this sacred prize of heauen.
And since Gods bountie store of gifts doth send,
Striue in an equall poize, to be found euen,
And whensoere thou doest perceiue Gods grace,
Stirre thee to good, cease not his name to praise,
Thou an vnfruitfull seruant, doe thy best,
Yet all thou doest, not so much as thou ought,
Christ with his sacred robe doth thee inuest,
And in his mercy hath thee homeward brought,
And yet thou wandrest in the fields astray,
Vnlesse Gods mercy be thy hold and stay.
He is thine hold, yet like a drunken man,
Thou reelest from his shoulders to depart,
Ami [...]a luto sus. Horat. Sus [...]utulenta Cic. in dec. cont. Salust.
Vnto thy vaine delights, doe what hee can,
With second death thou penetrat'st his heart,
Thou mak'st it bleede afresh, and in thy sin,
Like Sow in mire delight'st to wallow in.
Lament thy stragling footsteps, thy offences,
Lament the horrour of thy mis spent time,
Lament thy sinne, thine Hypocrite pretences,
Lament: so shall soules-splendour brightly shine.
The spirit and the flesh bandie their force,
With flesh the diuell ioynes without remorce.
Be thou remorcefull, and the Lord will take
Pitie vpon all thine infirmities,
Euen for his death, and for his passions sake,
Will he exempt thee thine enormities,
And bring thee to the place of heauenly ioy,
Void of distresse, exempted from annoy.
Buy this celestial treasure, this reward,
This heauenly Manna, made for Angels foode,
This precious iewell all wise men regard,
Vid. Aulum Gell. in A [...]t. noclib.
Purchasde to vs, by Christs effused bloud.
This is no Tolosanum aurum, which was brought
To Rome by Q. Cepio, deerely bought.
That was the ruine of him that did find it,
This is the blessing of him, doth possesse it,
Who is he then that will not greatly minde it?
To be the worthiest gem, who'le not confesse it?
Since who obtaines it, lasting life obtaines,
Albeit precious, got with little paines.
That is obrizum aurum; gold refined,
Purer then Cristall, cleerer then the Glasse,
This heauenly treasure is to such assignde,
As in deuotion doe their life time passe.
Then get this gold, and like a bracelet tie it,
About thine arme, sell all thy goods and buy it.
Then shalt thou get this Golden Fleece of ioy,
Solace vnto thy soule, and endlesse blisse,
Esteeme not of it, as a triuiall toy,
Since it's the hauen of thy happinesse.
So runne & so con [...]inue in thy running,
Cor. chap. 9. vers. 24.
That thou maist be eternizd at Christs comming.
None must obtaine, vnlesse they holde their course,
For he that liueth must proceed therewith,
Perfectio vir. tutisest perse­u [...]rantia,
And this same lewesse will each man enforce,
To runne all breathlesse to recouer breath.
God grant we may so runne this mortal race,
That we with ioy, may see Gods heau'nly face.
Alwaies prouided for the day to come,
Least vnawares our soule sustaine the spoyle,
And then euen speechlesse we appeare as dumbe,
And vndergoe an euerduring foyle.
Then shall we weepe, and eke deplore our state,
But lamentation then will come too late.
Those fiue wise Virgins had their Lamps prouided,
Therefore they were accepted in the roome
Of nuptiall rites,
Mat [...]h. 25. chap. vers. 12.
the other were de [...]ided,
That vnprouided would presume to come.
Oh then let vs prouide our Lampes with oyle,
So shall the Lord vs of our sinne assoyle.
For those who haue no oyle within their lights,
Shall bee debarred heau'ns f [...]licitie,
And rest enthroned in perpetuall night,
Where howling is their sweetest harmonie.
Nothing is better th [...]n prouision sure,
To get that life, which euer shall endure.
Many intend to spend t [...]eir worthless [...] life,
In [...]aking riches [...] through desire of gaine,
But such things be t [...]e nourishers of st [...]ife,
And th [...]s thy substance will thy conscience staine.
It shall distaine thy conscience and oppresse,
Thy deere bought soule with gall of bitternesse.
Galde be he euer, that bestowes his time,
In things offensiue to Gods maiestie,
Employing n [...]t himselfe in things diuine,
But in prophanenesse and impietie.
Soone die they in despaire and discontent,
Paenitentia vera nunqu [...] es [...] Sera.
Who grieue their God, and g [...]i [...]uing not repent.
There can be nothing happier then t [...]at man,
Paenitentia s [...]ra raro est vera. Aug.
Who doth direct his industrie therein,
Which is concordant to Gods high commaund,
The safest antidote against all sin.
For he shall sure obtaine that pr [...]ze, that pay,
Which power of darknesse [...] nere shall take away.
Labour for this, and then thou shalt doe well,
Thou shalt attaine vnto the port of rest,
Sidus naui [...] ganti [...]u, nau­fragii portus.
There to remaine euen in that sacred cell,
Which aboue all is to be loued best.
S. August.
That sacred mansion of tranquilitie,
Eternall rest of heau'ns felicity.
Who would remaine in this salt Sea of woe?
In this vnfruitfull vale of miserie?
Who would in sinners pathes delight to goe?
Since nought there is but sharpe calamitie.
Be not besotted with this earthly pleasure,
Lest thou do leese the hope of heauenly treasure.
And then farewell fond man,
Aetna a moū ­taine in Si­cilie, now called Gibel­lo monte, from whēce issue forth wholesi [...]kes of fire, proceeding out of the adusted matter of the earth. Vi [...]. Iust.
for thy distresse,
Cannot be vttred by the tongue of any,
Such is the platforme of thy wretchednesse,
That thy distresses be in number many.
And then an Aetna with a scorching flame,
Shall vexe thy soule with euerlasting paine.
Now giue a sob, in token of thy griefe,
Now weepe amaine,
Quando spi­r [...]tu [...] hominis suspirat, spi­ritus Dei as­pirat.
least thou remorcelesse die,
A sigh perchance will yeeld thee some reliefe,
And make thee with a dolefull heart to crie
Pittie deare Lord, pittie good God, I craue,
I doe confesse, that I offended haue.
This short petition will appease his ire,
Such is his mercy towards penitents,
And though it burnd before more hote then fire,
Yet at thy teares he presently relents.
And answers thee, if thou wil [...] cease from sin,
Thou shalt in ioy for euer raigne with him.
If thoule not weepe, Iesus will weepe for thee,
For ore Ierusalem did he lament,
He will cond [...]le thy woe, thy miserie,
And tell thee plaine, thy fall is imminent.
He hath more feeling of our wretchednesse,
Then we our selues haue of our owne distresse.
How often hath he calde vs euen with teares,
Stretching his racked armes vpon the crosse,
Yet we runne headlong, void of filiall feare,
Secure and carelesse of our owne soules losse.
Oh weepe for shame, and let thy teares bewaile,
Thy carelesse life, which did thy Sauiour naile.
Shall thy distresse more moue another man,
Then thine owne heart? which should sustaine the griefe,
Sure whosoeuer shall thy folly scan,
Will deeme thee most vnworthie of reliefe.
For this thy soule is cauterizde with sin,
Which thou for euer meanes to dally in.
Lasciuious minion that consumes thy daies,
Dicit se vetu­lam cum sit [...] p [...]pa pup [...]m [...] G [...]llta cū sit A [...]us. Ferre nec ban [...]poss [...]s, p [...]ssis Coliue, necillam, alterari [...]icula est altera [...]utidula. Valer. Martial. in Qua [...]. lib. Epigram
In tricking vp thy selfe in fine attire,
In decking those proud parts thy name decayes,
Thy honour fa [...]les, dishonourd by desire.
Thou with the Argonautes shalt ne [...]e obtaine,
Without Gods speciall grace, this heauenly gaine.
Yet if with Marie Magdalen thou weepe,
And shed salt teares in token of r [...]morce,
If thou repose not in a sinfull sleepe,
Thy teares, thy sigh [...]s shall be of equall force.
Cleere to exempt thee f [...]om [...]he sting of death,
Which otherwise with mist would choak thy breath.
Oh that I could lament as Peter did,
Oh then should I to mercy haue recourse,
But through dist [...]ust of mercy I am hid,
With Adam in the gro [...]e,
Luke. chap. 2 [...]. ver [...]. 62.
made worse and worse.
O [...] mollifie (deare Lord) this heart of mine,
Gen. ch [...]p. 3. vers. 8.
That in contrition I may be found thine.
What if I haue aboundance of all treasure?
Wallow in curious cates, and sumptuou [...] fare?
Yet all my deeds opponents to Gods pleasure,
Oh th [...]n (God knowes) how poore I am and bare?
Naked, forlo [...]ne, opprest with misery,
And so distrest, who ist will p [...]ttie me?
Grant vs deare Lord,
A petition?
so to employ our time,
And so our [...]alent thou to vs hast lent
That like the starres in glory we may shine,
And reape the fruits of pilgrims steps well spent.
Iux orien [...] ab al [...]o sol Iustiti [...].
So shall that O [...]ient Sun our eyes del [...]ght,
And beautifie vs, both by day and night.
So shall that heauenly light enlighten vs,
That we shall neuer stray from Gods desire,
Not turning things conuenient to abuse,
Nor through presumptuous folly to aspire.
For true humility shall ere protect vs,
And in this night of darknesse shall direct vs.
Stay thee a little while, ere thou proceede,
Doe not go hurrying on thine headlong course,
Allocutio a [...] seipsum.
With bitter Satyres make mens hearts to bleede,
Least they by reading be made worse and worse.
So reade, and so conce [...]ue amidst thy reading,
Thy stony heart for sinne may fall a bleeding.
Yet will I know thou canst not this performe,
[...]n the first progresse of thine haplesse race,
Without Gods Spirit (poore soule) thou art forlorne,
Where [...]ore with teares call vnto God for grace.
Grace will illuminate thy purblinde eies,
Before whose beames, whole heaps of vapors lies.
Solace thy selfe in that which is diuine
Doe not bestow thy time in wantonnesse,
Direct thy pathes vnto the equall line
Of Gods directions, where thine happinesse
Onely consisteth: and dependance hauing,
Is soone obtained by incessant crauing.
Is not this mercy, and a kindnesse great,
To be delighted onely in bestowing.
F [...]ns perennis integer ma­nans. S. August.
For when for mercy we doe him entreate,
Mercy we haue, as from a fountaine flowing.
And this same fountaine dried vp is neuer,
But floweth with continuall graces euer.
Then beate thine heart, and be ashamde of sinne,
Put thee on sackcloth,
Ionah. chap. 3.
and in heart relent,
The goale is gotten, and the triumph winne,
Heau'ns Paradise attainde, if thou repent.
Pierce thine obdurate heart with moisturde teares,
And then soules comfort shall dispell all feares.
Tremble and be astonisht for thy life,
Cum timore et tremore.
In that thou hast offended thy good God,
Put from thee all contention,
Deus quia vere bou [...]s. Vid. S. Aug. in Meditat.
and all strife,
Lest thou be punisht by his fearefull rod.
And that his rod shall be eternall fire,
Prepar'd for hardned sinners as their hire.
But if thou cease from sinning, then receiue,
Veni [...]e, blessed of my father come,
Like sheepe vpon my right hand you shall haue,
Rewards prouided for you by his sonne.
The other branded with [...]bite goe,
Apoc. chap. 19. vers. 20.
Into the lake of brimstone full of woe.
Oh that we might attaine vnto that heauen,
Whose gates are purer then the finest Gold,
Admirde in vision by the Martyr Stephen,
Promisde to Dauids seede,
Act. chap. 7 vers. 55. 56.
in time of old.
Grant gracious Lord, that we may so endeuour,
That we with thee may raigne in ioyes for euer.
So let thy countenance shine vpon that mist
Of ignorance,
Quamuis dis [...] pa [...]sit singu. lorūg loria, tamen com­munis est [...]mnium laeti [...] tia. Aust.
which hath obscurde our minds,
That we may be by Chores of Angels blist,
As those, to whom be seuerall ioyes assignde.
As those who haue obtainde the hauen of blisse,
Enthroned in the thrones of happinesse.
Oh let thy gracious fauour flourish still
With a continuance of thine heauenly loue,
Directed by the leuell of thy will,
Without a blemish, spotles [...]e, as the Doue.
So shall we laud and magnifie thy name,
That deigned hast to make vs free from blame.
Let vs with speede [...]ake vp our bed and walke,
Let vs not wallow in lasciuious beds,
Let vs with speede heare what our Christ doth talke,
Sounding alarums in our d [...]afest ear [...]s.
Come vnto me that labour and are distrest,
Retire to me, for you shal be refresht.
Is not this solace to thy wearied spirit?
Plus affctu [...] quam affat [...], plusg [...]mui [...] bus quam s [...]rmonibus efficitu [...], &c.
Is [...]ot this comfort to thine heauie load?
Since Christ rewardeth thee, who nought doth merit,
A greater kindnesse, neu [...]r could be showd.
Lament thy sin with teares, thy Christ doth craue,
He'le in his mercy, soule and bodie saue.
Now is the Golden Fleece attainde vnto,
Then which no gem more precious or more [...]aire,
Since Christ [...] of ou [...] wor [...]hl [...]sse works allow,
And hath adopted vs to be his heire
This G [...]den Fl [...]ece is got, none can w [...]thstand
The confi [...]ation of Gods sacred hand.
Canc [...]ll'd he hath the writin [...] which he had,
He hath can­celled the handwri­ting he had against v [...]v. 8. &c.
To shew aga [...]nst vs, & h [...] p [...]ec [...]ous bloud,
Wh [...]ch he effusde fo [...] vs that e [...]st were bad,
H [...]h wash away ou [...] sinnes: O blessed foode.
Mo [...]e [...] & more swe [...]te then Hesh [...]ons pooles,
Whole p [...]asant st [...]eames refreshed thirstie soules.
Flow thou for euer sweetest of all sweets,
Whose Nectar fountains relisheth our gall,
[...]. brosiaet ne­ctare. &c.
And with a kinde salute our anguish greets,
Protecting vs, least our fraile steps should fall.
Defend vs Lord, and as thou hether hast,
Protected vs, continue thy repast.
For thy repast will nourish vs for aye,
And feed our hunger-bitten soules with cates,
And sundry dishes, euen from day to day,
Hauing promoted vs to high estates.
VVhat cause ha [...]st thou, since we deserued least,
To fashion vs like man, and not like beast?
It was thy mercy Lord not our deserts,
That thou shoulds [...] this impart vnto thy foes,
Blessings full manie flowing [...]n our hear [...]s,
As in redemption from soule-bleeding woes.
Lord these thy blessings what tongue can vnfolde
This which our Fathers haue declarde of old?
Thou mightst haue made me like a worme or beast,
[...]r sencelesse creature,
In P [...]rsons [...].
like to plants or stones,
But with thine owne forme thou didst me inuest,
Like to thy selfe, and thy elected ones.
F [...]r which I cannot giue thee worthy praise,
Yet I will praise thee, and thy name alwaies.
O that the nature of our stony hearts
Would be dissolude to teares, whil'st they receiue
Those inward passions suffred for our parts,
For whose extreamest sorrowes we do craue.
That God would pittie take,
A Petition.
and vs redresse,
Which destitute of helpe, are comfortless [...].
Thou art our comfort,
Gaudiū per quod gaudeo▪ quando sane gaudeo, &c.
and our solacer,
That solacest our miserie and woe,
Thou art our piller and our nourisher,
VVho doest sustaine vs wheresoere we goe,
Then happie wee, since happinesse consists,
To be by thee in heau'n for euer blist.
Blest be he euer that resides in Christ,
And doth repose h [...]s comfort in his loue,
For in his loue all happinesse comprisde
Hele fixe the Anchor which will nere remoue,
Let vs exceede, if so we can exceede
In louing him, who for our loue did bleede.
Neuer did man sustaine, that he sustained,
To expiate that sinne, we h [...]d committed,
For by his death, eternall life we gained,
And we vnto his fauour were admitted.
Pittie vs Lord, as we haue heere transgressed,
Endew vs with that grace, we haue professed.
If I could merit,
Omirabilis censur [...] conditio, e [...] ineffabilis mysterii dis­pos [...]tio, &c.
then there were no neede
Of any merits Christ hath wrought for me,
But Christs deere heart did for my [...]ollies bleede,
And he was wounded for my misery.
Then for thy wounds, and for thy passion sake,
August. 1. med. cap. [...].
Saue me O Lord, whom thou didst re-create.
I haue gone wandring in this surging sea
Of many troubles, shipt in waues of woe,
I was depriued of the puritie
Of mine owne soule,
Inpers [...]. Au­th [...]r.
from whence these griefes did flow.
For mine owne soule defiled is with mudde,
Which erst was raised by thy precious bloud.
Weepe now,
Da mihiirri­guū superi [...] & inferius.
hard heart, and call to minde the death
Of thy sweete Sauiour, who appeasde theire
Of Gods displeasure, and whose heauenly breath,
Attempred that which burnd more hote then fire.
There is no marble-heart so hardened,
But by Christs death, it will be mollified.
Oh stonie conscience fraught with wretchednesse,
Oh vile disfigurde creature made of sinne,
Thou that compacted art of wickednesse,
How by thy merits canst thou fauour winne?
Nay, nay to flie to them, thou wouldst be loth,
For they be filthier then a menstruous clo [...]h.
P [...]al. Dauid.
Here let me fixe my staffe with Scipio,
I [...] ludibrio [...]ratris nouos transilire mu­ros. [...]. [...]iuius Patau.
And set my foote vnto Alc [...]des frame,
Beyond which pillers neuer one could goe,
Non vltra fixte, to memorize his name.
Here's Romulus high wal, who leapes ore this,
With Remus vnder it interred is.
Scipios firme staffe I haue defixed here,
In token that my prouince is obtainde,
Vnto whose sacred shrine let all draw nere,
Now is the prize, the Golden Fleece regainde,
That Golden Fleece the subiect of my verse,
The rarest Motto on a dead mans herse.
For none that dieth, pleasure can enioy,
Vnlesse he haue a garment made of this,
Not like that poisoned shirt which did annoy,
Seneca in tragaed, Oet [...], Her [...]ul.
Oetea [...] Hercules depriude of blisse.
This is the garment of our chastitie,
The milke-white Albe of our sinceritie.
Who doth not make his garment of this woole,
Purer then purple of the finest dye,
Doth his owne soule with wickednes defoule,
Depriude of Christs death, means to cure his pai [...]
This garment is the ornament of loue,
That Oliue branch brought by a Turtle Doue.
The Tyrians were rich,
Tyrr [...]en [...] ve­stes prouerb.
with orient gemme,
Yet not so rich, as this most precious iewell,
The Arabians sweete perfumed odors sends,
But those for daintie dames remaine as fewell;
Tmolus ame­mum mittit [...]
Pontus brings forth rich beuers of all kind,
But not comparde vnto the peace of mind.
India is rich, furnisht with golden mines,
But sauage minds possesse them without vse,
Virosaque Pontus casto­rea, Elyadum palmas Phyro [...] equarū, Virg. Super extre­mos penetra­tit Indos. Long [...] qualiter resonante Eoa tundeturvnda. Catul. 1. lib. eleg.
More expert coasts, at the Indians rapines,
In that such precious mettals they abuse.
But we repine not at their Indians gaine,
So we this heauenly treasure may obtaine.
Craesus was rich,
Trog. Pom [...]. & Lenoph in cyrop. Ouid. in Epist. vid.
yet he obtainde not this,
Irus was poore, Codrus as poore as he,
And these two beggars had their share of blisse,
As much as Craesus for his maiestie.
Quint. Cur­tium in vit.
Then what doe I regard such wealth,
Alexan [...]. de obit. & sepul [...] Craesi. in [...]up­ple [...] [...]nto.
such store,
Since after death, I am not blest therefore.
Poore Thestylis did labour to maintaine,
Her poore estate,
Virgil. in ec [...]log.
by daily toyle and care,
Rich Menedemus carkte for rustie gaine,
Yet at her death she had as much to spare.
Terent. com [...] in [...].
Both these did toyle, yet toild they not for this,
To be partakers of e [...]ernall blisse.
This richesse is a canker which consumes
The rare fram'd substance of the soule diuine,
For rich men through their rich estates presume
To purchase heau'n, as they did earth for [...] time.
But gold adoring creatures they must know
That their confusion from their richesse grow.
Thus that conuerted is to bitter paine,
Which they reserude for antidotes of health,
They lose in traffique, where they thought to gaine,
Not much vnlike vnto Prometheus stealth,
Hesiod. et Aeschyl. in Tragaed.
Who by his theft resoluing to reuiue,
His liuelesse shrines, himselfe of life depriude.
Who being on mount Caucasus stands bound,
Enchaind in fetters of captiuitie,
Whose heart consuming Eagles grapple round,
Yet right reuiues his endlesse miserie.
Hartlesse consumde by day,
[...]r [...]metheus punishment▪
his griefes renewde,
For with a new framde heart he is endewde.
Night doth create in him that which the day
Had quite consumde, wounded by Eagles billes.
Thus he tormented is, as Poets say,
The night reuiuing what the day time killes.
A poeticall [...]ction.
Thus discontented, rests in discontent,
A iust reward for theft, or thefts entent.
Reade but these leaden poems,
Conclusion with an ex­hortation. &c.
finde of gold,
For gold is subiect to their shapelesse forme,
Though they degenerate from a golden mould,
Yet pious wits will not such fragments scorne.
And as a maske oft veles deformitie,
So may my errors by your clemency,
A kinde embrace encourageth a swaine,
Et tandem tener ausus e [...] Catullus▪ ma­gno mittere passerem Ma [...] roni. Catul. [...]is Eleg.
To tell his rusticketale, and doth excite [...]
His silly muse to frolicke, or the plaine,
So kindest censures them that rudely write,
If these naked poems please, I doe protest
In bounden loue, deuoted I will rest.
To be commanded in the highest straine
That poore Menalchas euer shall attaine.

Sat vobis est hac tenui & serpente vena.



NArcissus pestred with the Summer heate,
Came to a fountain whose stil-flowing spring,
Refreshed him where siluer fountaines meete,
Vpon whose banks did ripened berries hing.
VVhose pleasant colour did such beauty show,
That they their forme did to the banks bestow.
Such was the beauty of that ripened fruite,
Whose faire adorning shadow did oreshade
The banks adioynde, where Clio with her Lute,
Vsed to play, with flourie roabes araide.
Where Clio plaid, the Naiades replide,
With tripping grace, in Tempe deifide.
Here did Narcissus bath himselfe a while,
And with a Nectar sweetnesse quench his thirst,
Ling him downe, with quicke conceit did smile,
Glutted with water, which he longde for first.
Where he perceiuing how thee berries cast
A beauteous colour, thus he spake agast.
Faire were that creature that surpassed these,
In beautie, or in colour, but no shape,
Can be comparde to these delicious trees,
Whose fruitfull sprigs send out this louely grape.
O why should Gods (quoth he) such berries make
Of such rare colour for Narcissus sake?
Narcissus is not in his shape so faire
Nor in his colour, so admirde as these,
Bright-eide Alexis is beyond compare,
Yet not comparde to these broad shadowing trees.
Phyllis was fayre, yet not so faire to me,
As these faire berries speckled pretily.
Thus whil'st he spake, he did reflect his eyes
Vnto the fountaine, where he did perceiue,
His owne affected beauty, which descries
Conceit of beauty doth young youthes depraue.
For he conceited of his beauteous forme
With high ambition did his shape adorne.
Doest thou aduāce (quoth he) wi [...]h high prizde praise
The beauty of these berries grow hard by?
And will not thine owne beauty eternize,
Decked with pleasures in variety?
Thy blush exceeds the feature of all plants,
Thou art endewde with that the Cupresse wants.
The Cypresse tree doth not her verdure lose,
Cupr [...]ssus in hyeme viridi­tat [...]m no [...] amittit suam.
But still reserues her vernant shape and springs,
With cheerefull die, so doth the blushing rose,
VVhich to her pruner, fragrant sauour bring [...].
Plin. in Nat. Histor.
Neither the Rose, nor yet the Cypresse tree,
In any wise may be comparde to thee.
Damon hath told me oft,
Orytha or▪ O­rychia daugh­ter to king Erycthetus, whom Bo [...] ­cas stole a­way.
I was most faire,
Yet I beleeude him not: but now I see,
My beautie is mongst other shepheards rare
No marueile if Orytha fauour me.
Since Nature by Apelles hand hath sought,
To passe that nature which foretime was wrought.
Crotons fine daughters, framde by Zeuxes art,
VVere much admirde for beauty yet must yeeld
To thee Narcissus, for in euery part,
Thy well proportiond members them exceld.
They faire by art, thou by dame Nature faire,
Nature with art, we vse not to compare.
Thersites that mishapen Grecian swaine,
was of my stocke and louely progenie,
But he foule man, should be reformd againe,
For his ill featurde formes deformitie.
But thou N [...]rcissus dost enioy that name,
VVhich Nature doth enuie, whil'st she doth name.
Namde be thou euer, for thou doest enioy
The honour and the credit of thy maker,
Thou art Narcissus that same louely boy,
That of celestiall forme art made partaker,
Partaker be thou euer of that forme,
Since nature as her gemme did thee adorne.
Narcissus gemme, for who can ere compare
With the surpassing beautie of his face?
Which intermixed i [...] with red most faire,
Resembling Io, whose admired grace.
Strucke such a loue in [...]upiters high brest,
Io daughter to the riuer Inachus, &c.
That he protested, he lou'd Io best.
One day amongst the rest, high Ioue would kisse,
The parragon of beauty Ios face,
The descrip­tion of Ioues loue.
Iuno stood at his backe, and seeing this
You might forbeare, quoth she whilest we are in place,
It were enough to vele your crimes by night,
And not to act them in your Iunoes sight.
Ioue he replied litle, but expressed,
His loue to Iuno still with feigned lookes,
Io stood still, her silence lust confessed,
Such is the attracting power of diuine hookes.
Their diuine power is such, that being showne,
The chastest maids that breathe be not their owne.
Ioue loued still, yet could not hide his loue,
From iealous Iuno,
Inque inten­tem Inachy­dos vu [...]tus mutau [...]at ille iuuēcam.
wherefore he inuented,
By metamorphozde shape, his ioyes to proue,
Io poore wench, without delay consented.
And left faire shapes, should Ioues conceit reueale,
An heifers forme, did Io's shape conceale.
Ouid. in Meo tamor.
Fondest of fonds will thou compare thy feature,
With a lasciuious heifer Ioues delight?
Thou art the curious frame of diuine nature,
Nature sure made thee in her owne despight.
For she despiteth thee, thou art so faire,
That Nature with her worke may not compare.
Leda faire wife to royall Tindarus,
Drew Ioue from heauen, proportion of a swan,
For Gods at that time were voluptuous:
From whence the twins of Leda first began.
Ledas two egges, Pollux and Hellen hight,
Castor and Clytemnestra brought to light.
These faire surpassing faire, endewed were
With vitall breath by Ioues faire swanlike forme,
Castor and Pollux staid not long time there,
For they bright lamps, the heauēs with light adorn:
Hellen though faire, yet Hellen did amisse,
And Clytemnestra grew adulteresse.
Auant degenerate thoughts, ill may betide thee,
Ob [...]ruding lustfull Hellen to my shrine,
Or Clytemnestras knowne adulterie,
Or with celestiall bodies which doe shine
In heauens supernall Throne, and what are they,
That thou the brightest starre, should stars obey.
Looke at thy face, and in this Christall fount,
Gaze at thy golden locks: Oh doe not blush,
Fairest of men, fit for Idalias mount,
There to inhabite:
Idalio o [...] I­dalus a moūt dedicated to Venus.
crownd with myrtle bush.
What shall I say Narcissus, to thy beauty,
To which Apollo tied is in dutie.
Apollo followed Daphne in a chace,
C [...]i Deus, et quoniam [...]on­iux mea non potes esse, ar­bor [...]riscerte dixit. Ouid. in Me [...]am.
An vnchast chace, when gods do follow maids,
And in this shamelesse course, this haplesse race,
Daphne makes refuge to the Lawrel shades.
Where she transformed was into that tree,
Vnder whose shade poore wench, she wisht to be.
But what high Ioue,
Iphicus son to Praxoni­des, who first ordained the games of Olympus.
or what Apollo can,
Transforme Narcissus, since his shape exceeds,
Faire Hippodamia for whom Pelops ran,
Iphicus heart for me with sorrow bleeds.
And let it bleede I am of purer frame
Then each lasciuious mate to entertaine.
But if faire Deiopeia would descend
Daughter to Iuno,
Quar [...] pul [...] cherrima D [...]opeia.
and entreate my loue,
Then would I to her suite attention lend,
And in a mutuall sort her teares approue.
V [...]rgil. in A [...]ne [...]d.
I am too faire for Galataeas vaine,
Whom I loude once, yet nere will loue againe.
Though she allure me with her pretty fauours,
Sending me bracelets, made of diuers sorts,
And fragrant nosegaies, mixed with sweetest sauours,
Yet maids of greater place to me resorts.
Themis a shepherdesse
If any earthly creature me obtaine,
It shall be Themis, she's a louely swaine.
But it's no humane creature can content me,
It must be some diuiner power shall haue me,
Therfore some faire shapde god thou shalt inu [...]t thee
To be thy mistresse, who ere long will craue thee.
And crauing thee, will dote vpon thy face,
Wishing thou wert borne of celestiall race▪
Thus whil'st Narcissus spake, his twisted armes
Began to flourish with a greene clad least
VVith grim Nemesis by her posherfull charmes▪
Ille caput vi [...] ridi fe [...]sum submisit in herba. Ouid. Metam.
Composde to be the blossomes of his grest.
His head was cloathed with a colour greene,
None knew Narcissus where he erst had beene.
This was the high prizde loue he did conceiue
Of his owne beautie fitter for Gods then men,
Ambitious thoughts doe worthie parts depraue,
More sauage farre then Lyons in their den.
For hauing got their prey, they rest content,
But [...]oaring thoughts are still to lewdnesse bent.

Another Elegie called Aesons af­fecting youth.

Aesons do­tage.
THere was one Aeson who long time had liude,
And waxing old, was clad with hoarie haire,
Sonne to Cretheus▪ Vt infra.
So that each day he lookt to be depriude
Of his scarce liuing life consumde with care.
And euery day he rose, farewell quoth he,
For ere to morrow death will summon me.
A lookt for summons, yet not much desirde,
For what man liuing will desire his fall?
If that my fortunes haue to wealth aspirde,
And that the Gods haue blest me therewithall,
Why should I die?
Quid m [...]iar.
yet these gray haires portend,
Yet ere long time my state must haue an end.
With that he wept, and sighing did despaire,
Watring his pale-facde cheeks with aged drops,
Aeg [...]on or Briareus a man of re­morcelesse spirit. &c.
And weeping, wipte his eyes with snow-white haire.
His beard was long, bedeckt with aged locks.
So that to see this oldman homwards creepe,
Would moue Aegaeon if aliue, to weepe.
Now whil'st he wept, and did lament his woe,
Iason came to him, Iason was his sonne,
And with a quicke pace mixt with te [...]res did goe,
Hearing his father say, he was vndone.
Vndone quoth Iason, why deere Sir (quoth he)
Is it in that I haue offended thee?
No quoth old Aeson, its because mine age,
Growes out of frame,
Oreth [...]us [...] f [...]ther to Ae­son, Alcide mon and Ae [...] [...]ythaon.
decrepit and decaid,
Once was I nimble be'ng Cretheus page,
But now I flie vnto my staffe for aide.
This (my kinde sonne) is cause of my distresse,
Of all my sorrow and my heauinesse.
Iason did smile, yet he concealde his smile,
Least he should seeme to scorne his fathers yeares
Or pure compassion of his griefes exile,
But wash'd his tearelesse face with fained teares,
And Aeson hauing all his woes descride,
VVith framed speech young Iason thus replide.
Deare father, if distresse consist in this,
That is in sorrowing for your aged yeares,
Iasons spe [...]ch
I thinke it were not very farre amisse,
To shew Medaea these your wofull teares.
VVhe [...]ewith (quoth Aeson) can she comfort me,
That will be dead, ere she can visit me?
Iason to comfort him, poore doting man,
Helicon and Hamonia two delight­full places.
she had vsde the like experiment
Of diuers others: and that Helicon
Yeelds powerfull hearbs, by Aesculapius sent.
Vid. Ouid.
he would make hast, and bid her trie,
What she could doe in this extremitie.
Aeson did thanke him, with a fathers blissing,
Praying the Gods to prosper him for euer,
And like a dotard cloyed him with kissing,
Hoping to liue for aye: Die should he neuer.
Iason made hast to his inchanting wife,
Med [...].
Bidding her trie her skill for Aeson [...] life.
Medaea wept to heare her Iason aske,
Nec t [...]nuit lachrimas [...] est pietate r [...]gātis. Ouid. Quod petis, experiar, ma­ius dare mu­nus. Ias [...]n. ibid.
In such lamenting manner for her father.
Protesting oft, this was an extreme tast,
Nothing on earth, but she could doe it rather.
Iason commaunds which she will not withstand,
But gins to trie hearbs vertues with her hand.
And going farre and neere, she gatherd flowers,
Which she distild into a vessell pure,
Illic [...] valleresect as & [...].
From whence proceeded such all working powers,
That she by them could make men ere endure.
And more to die, which did content her sire.
For to be euer young was his desire.
When she had this confession made and tride,
The same by skill, made on a fruitlesse tree,
Whereof the withred branches downe did slide,
To which applying Art: sprung fruitfully
Faire Oliue branches, by whose vernant show
The vertu [...] of her herbs she soone did know.
Wherefore she came to Aeson spedily,
Taking him by th'hand: young man (quoth shee)
Whereat she laught,
I haue found remedie,
For your old age, if youl'e be rulde by me.
And drawing out [...] boxe of pleasant oyle,
This will (quoth she) asswage your forepast toyle.
Hauing annoynted him good gods (quoth he)
How agile, and how nimble be my bones?
By lasting fame eternized be she,
That healde mine akes, yet saying this he grones.
For he beheld the excrements of time,
Gray haires dispoile him of his flowry prime.
And sighing thus, you haue done good to me,
Daughter Medaea, in that you haue curde
My chill-cold ioynts spent with debilitie
For which approued kindnesse, rest assurde.
That Iason shall enioy old Pelias ground.
Since thee more kinde then Pelias I haue found.
One thing is yet awan [...]ing, which if thou
By thy diuinest skill shalt ere performe,
Or if by thy endeuours thou canst doe,
With a perpetu [...]ll wreath Ile thee adorne.
And character the honour of thy name,
With the dispersing of thy sacred fame.
She without further question made, applied
Vnto his aged haires such fragrant smell,
Seminaeque [...] flores et suc­cos incoquit atros.
And by her concoct hearbs so liquefied,
That in all hast, his hoary haires downe fell,
And being fallen,
Ouid. Ibid.
there sprung vp in that place,
A coale-blacke bush of haire vpon his face.
Seeke not with Aeson to be young againe,
But haue desire to end thy pilgrimage,
Since it is fraughted with a sea of paine,
Parainesis se [...] institutio &c. in Senectut.
Who would with youth change his declining age?
Youth is licentious,
age experienced,
Tels vs, That lust is to be banished.
[...]t vos Pompilius sa [...]guis carmen reprehendite,
Ad Zoilum.
Quod non multa dies-litura coercuit
Atque, perfectum decies non castigauit ad v [...]guem.

SONNETS OR MADRIGALS. With the Art of Poesie an­nexed thereunto by the same Author.

Horatius in Lib. de arte Poetica.
Non satis est pulchra esse Poemata, dulcia sunto,
Et quocunque volunt animum aud [...]toris agunto.
Nec modus aut requies, nisi mors reperitur amantis,
Verus amor nullum nou [...]t habere modum.
Hei mihi, quòd nullis amor est medicabilis herbis.

Printed at London for Christopher Purset. 1611.

TO THE WOR­SHIPFVLL HIS Ap­proued brother THOMAS BRATHVVAITE Esquire, the prosperity of times successe in this life, with the reward of eternitie in the world to come.

IAnus ha [...]h now shut vp his Temple, our [...] iuil warres be now ended, vnion in the sweete harmony of minde and coniunction, hath preuented the current of ensuing faction, we may now sit downe [Page] vnder our Beech tree: and make a vertuous vse of an experien­ced necessitie. Trauellers hauing passed many perils, inexplicable dangers, vse to be delighted with the recounting of their forepast miseries, sea beat mariners hauing sustained the tempestuous gustes of the surging sea, and at last ar­riued at their hauen, which so long time with importunacie they desired, seeme not a little delighted with the description of their manifolde daungers. Wee haue purchased by a mutuall ex­perience of our owne power, a mutual peace: and reposing vnder the comfortable shade of minds attonement, may make discourse of our forepast griefes.

[Page] Themystocles exiled his natiue countrie, and kindly entertained by the king of Persia, vsed to say to h [...]s traine: periissē, nisi periissem. O sirs, I had bene vndone, if I had not beene vndone; so we, for in our losse consists our welfare, ha­uing tried the rough chasticement of discord, and exiled as it were, the borders of peace and amitie, and now enioying the content of mindes vnion, may say, we had neuer beene thus happy, if we had not bene vnhappie, for the fruition of happinesse hath the best taste in his palate, who hath once tasted the bitter relish of vn­happinesse.

We may now make a good consort, since the iarring strings [Page] of discord be reduced to so plea­sant harmony, that the verie straines of our well concording strings may delight our friendes with a soule conceiuing melodie, but distract the minds of such as in the billowes of our vnnaturall troubles, conceiued no small feli­citie. But these were like Tyrtaeus that enuious Poet, who hearing how the workes of others grew acceptable and delightfull, han­ged himselfe in despaire of their good fortunes.

But let them alone, they labour of their owne phrensie: and Co­drus bowels will burst with his owne enuie; I haue composed some few Sonets, and dedicated them vnto your selfe, the frag­ments [Page] of Pernassus mount, thogh of the meanest: yet some fruite may bee gathered out of Ennius dunghill, they be amorous, pen­ned in a foolish passion, they are more fit for Venus shrine, then V­ranias shape: for I would not de­rogate from the praise of beautie, least I should haue Stesychorus for­tune, who for dispraising Hellen of Greece, lost his sight. Let these harsh poems now and then take place amongst more serious stu­dies, Damon euer carried about with him some works of Pythias as memorials of his affections, Pylades the impression of his O­restes, & Pyrithous the statue of his Thesaeus: A poeme of loue will re­lish the bitter tast of grauer stories.

[Page] Pyndarus fountaines lie open as well to Ouid, to write lasciuiously, as to Sophocles to write tragically: the minde affects variety, as the stomach vseth to be glutted, if she find no change, one instrument of Musicke would make a slen­der consort.

It was no small praise for Alci­biades, to be esteemed skilfull in exercises, and to haue generall ap­plause in what exploit soeuer he tooke in hand. Terpnus, who was Neroes musitian, was out of his element when he had not a Lute in his hand, and a wanton song before him: Aeschines had little to speake, when he was not plea­ding, but these resemble actors vpon a stage, who can speake [Page] nothing, but in their owne parts: interrupt them but a little, they stand like Praxiteles pictures. I receiue that Gentleman more ac­ceptably, who hath a superficiall knowledge in all discourses, then such an one as is exact in one di­stinct knowledge alone.

Thus recommending these few scattered poems to your reading, and wishing you as much com­fort as earth can afford you in this life, with the fruition of hea­uens glory in the life to come, I take my leaue euer resting,

Your affectioned Brother, Richard Brathwaite.

Vpon the dedication of the last Epistle.

AFter this proeme, proeme, I may call it,
Came pensiue tidings to my Muses cell,
At which my Muse, in boundlesse wars empalled
Resolude to bid lasciuious rithms farewell.
Yet they in spite of me and my Muse
Burst out against my will (as others vse.)
Then pardon me that could not vse mine owne,
In singing layes, when odes should best befit,
This was my first birth, which being riper growne,
Shall yeeld the blossomes of maturer wit.
Meane time receiue this poeme which I shew
Portraid in sable colours vnto you.

The Authour to his dis­consolate Brother.

L [...]t not mishap depriue you of that hope,
Which yeelds some rel [...]sh to your discontent,
Ayme your aff [...]ctions at heauens glorious scope,
Whic showres downe comfort, when all comfort's spent.
Then rest secure, that power which you adore,
Will make your ioyes more full then ere before.
Let not the Sunne now shadowed with a cloud,
Make you suspect the Sunne will neuer shine,
That ill, which now seemes ill, may once proue good,
Time betters that, which was depraude by time.
Thus let my prayers, your teares concord in one,
To reape heau'ns comforts, when earths comfort's gone.


NO sooner doe I gaze vpon that face,
But rauisht with the beautie of thy cheeke,
Would thinke it were a Paradise to place,
Those vernant comforts, which each day ith weeke,
Are now renewd by singing Al [...]mons happe,
Vnder the Sunshine of thy vestall lappe.
Whole weeks seeme minutes when I am with thee,
And yeares as howers doe vanish from my sight,
There is no pleasant note, no melodie,
That makes a lustre equall to that light,
Thy sparkling eies reflect more faire by farre,
Then radiant Ph [...]bus in his Iuory carre.
Those burnisht lockes, like Damons flocks appeare
Before the temple of refined loue,
And as the heards which shepheards vse to sheare,
Or like the smoth plumes of the turtle Doue.
Neer'st to a Doue thou art, and I will call
Thine heart, a Turtles heart that hath no gall.
That albone skinne more pure, more polished,
Then the faire tombe, wherein Prince Ninus lay,
Whose structure (faire) was neere demolished,
Deare, thou my mansion art, my life, my stay.
Therefore like Ziscoes skinnne, I will prepare
To sound Alarum in Antenors chaire.
If those same nimble fingers, which thou hast,
That tune the warbling Lute so pretily,
Be but engript about thy tender waste,
O what a beautie shewes there presently?
Wilt thou beleeue me? there's no creature borne,
Whose beauteous out [...]ide, better gifts adorne.
I am no Merchant that will sell my breath,
Good wine needs not a bush to set it forth,
Yet I will praise thee euer, till pale death
Cut off the Poet of thy flowry youth,
I will enshrine thee in an hearse of time,
Which being made shall glad this heart of mine.
I cannot sing, for I haue lost my voice,
With telling tales of loue, and Venus groue,
But yet drone-like ile buzze and make a noise
Of Cupids arrowes, Hyppodamias loue.
For I can keepe a measure with my teares,
And sighing still make sad the grauest eares.
Atlas three daughters, were beyond compare,
For Aegle was as faire, as faire could be,
And Arethusa was for beautie rare
Hesperitusa full as faire as she.
Yet these three daughters, if mine eye be true,
Seeme but as shadowes in respect of you.
These three faire daughters kept a Garden sweete,
Wher [...]in a serpent slept continually,
Which with a trembling fell before their feete,
As rauisht with their beauties Maiesty.
Thou keptst a garden (loue) more faire then they
Which for Alcydes were a worthy pray.
There be sweete fruits so mellow and so rare,
That dropping downe vpon their tender twigs,
Oft times amongst the vallies they repaire
To decke wit [...] spangled dew their budding sprigs.
Beleeue me deare, that fruit which growes of thee,
Is interlaid with full varietie.
VVell were that Gardiner that enhedgde were,
VVithin the beds of that same rosarie,
No raggie bugbeares he should need to feare.
But were enthronde with pompe and maiestie.
And in a precious carknet of pure gold
Like to a chaine, might all his ioyes enfold.
Those pretie Daysies that spring on those bankes,
With little stalkes relisht with fragrant smels,
Giue to the Gods aboue continuall thanks,
That such a Gardnesse in their borders dwels.
For they are well assurde and oft haue said,
Whil'st thou lookst ore them, they can neuer fade.
I could not talke of late, when thou appearde,
Yet glad I would haue beene to speake my minde,
And standing still, enclosde twixt hope and feare,
Within those lookes of thine I was confinde.
Yet willingly confinde, I must confesse
For all my throbbing senses shewd no lesse.
Well you may take it rudenesse in me then,
In that I could not couer, as others did,
But you must make a difference twixt such me [...],
As neuer were in loue, but wholy rid
Of all distempered passions, and of such
As cannot court by louing ouermuch.
Neere could I see a perfect loue endure
To cogge, to flatter in his masters sight,
Loue is refinde, and is so passing pure,
That with a monster it will dare to fight.
It hates vaine complements, nor can agree
To glosing congies, or a bended knee.
I would not be a Pandor to my loue,
Least I should leese the fruits I oft haue sought,
I will not praise too much, lest I approue,
Mine owne vndoer, and to ruine brought,
Lament too late, that I should her commend,
Who by her praise, brought me to timelesse end.
Therefore will I heere fixe my staffe and stay,
Least like Candaules while I praise my wife,
I shew a Gygas her, and he betray
My best lou'd loue, depriuing me of life.
I cannot laine, and yet I will not praise
That sacred shrine which consecrates my daie [...].


PVh, fie, away I cannot brooke to kisse,
For modest lips detest such wantonnesse,
Hold off those impure hands, whose onely blisse
Is fraughted with the poize of wickednesse.
Shake off these ca [...]kred thoughts▪ these apparitions,
These shittring dr [...]ames, & these lasci [...]o [...] visions.
Thou dreamde the other night, thy masters maske,
Was hid vnder the pillow of thy bed,
And when thou wakt thou presently did aske,
Whose vnchast hands did take it from thine head.
Fond gull beware of these conceits of thine,
Like characters of louser acts doe shine.
Endimion like with groueling in thy caue,
Thou sleptst of Satyres, Fauns, & mountaine gods
Loue is the part thy slumbring eielids craue,
Thou dream'st thou kist Diana in the woods,
Of steepe cliffie Pindust, out vpon the Asse,
Thou kist Diana where she neuer was.
Thou dream'd of bugbeares, and opprest with feare,
Ranne to the pillow for to kill a fiend,
When (in good sooth) there nothing did appeare,
Yet from a shadow did thy soule defend.
Leaue off fond gull, no spirit thou canst finde,
Worse then the spirit of thy iealous minde.
Acteon was a coward to suppose
Each bush a Pandor to his beauteous wife,
And whilst vnto the shadie groues he goes,
He feares the ruine of his worthlesse life.
No care to iealous [...] there can be,
For iealous thoughts despaire of remedie.
Nature hath plagude some with a iealous spirit,
And yet no cause giuen by his honored wife,
For iealous thoughts proceede not still from merit,
Surmisde coniectures breede intestine strife.
Reaping such things, as such minds do befit,
They lose the substance, and the shadow get.
Whenas desire of vaine and wanton loue,
Shewes as a Tyger, and triumphes in woe
Her tyrant hands she in her course doth proue▪
And draweth on despaire where ere she goe,
For desperate loue appeareth oft in such,
As are besotted with louing ouermuch.
But well I know the portraie of thy mind,
Thou lou'st, and art bewitcht with iealousie,
And if a sillie Mouse thou chance to finde,
Within thy chamber, thy impatiencie.
Sweares it hath [...]uckold thee, and in despaire,
Protests the child she hath is not thine heire.
Wherefore should bushes so affright braue men,
That are endewd with wit and dignitie,
How should a Momus portraie with his pen,
Their iealous thoughts, and their impietie?
Beleeue me friend, no viper worse I finde,
Then the ranke poyson of a iealous minde.
The Macedons were more discreete then they,
Who suffred all haue publike liberty.
And to repaire vnto their house each day,
For to supply their imbecility.
I cannot chuse but count that man a gull,
That thinks his Pasyphae nee [...]s euery B [...]ll.
I cannot chuse, but sore condemne that man,
That soothes his pleasure in a vaile of teares,
And blots the current of his glorious name,
By suppositions, and pretended pheres.
Honour thy wife, for she is chaste and pure,
Conceiue but chastly of her, rest secure.
I am thy friend in counsell and must tell,
Thy follies erre, and wander farre amis [...]e,
For iealous thoughts runne posting hast to hell,
Ne're are partakers of an heauenly blisse.
Remember well, let iealous thoughts depart,
Least Queene of chast desires frame thee an hart.
And then still grazing in the shadie groue,
Repent thy foolish and mishapt suspicion,
Which did coniecture false of such a loue,
Grounding a truth out of an apparition.
Can tell this vaine forgde deed, and then prepare,
More honourd thoughts t'extenuate thy care.
Ile leaue thee thus, and if thou doe remaine,
In thine ill formd suggestions then be sure,
There's punishing Gods, that will in lieu of gaine,
Enthrall thy soule in dep [...]h, ere to endure.
Emprisned fast with chaines of slauerie,
Condigne reward for vntunde iealousie.
Haplesse is he who so regards his name,
That he redoubles it with infamie,
Vnfortunate that doth impaire the same,
And shewes his thoughts by harsh tunde iealousie.
Iuno can looke vpon her husband loue,
To know, why he faire Io so should loue?
I haue knowne many in regard of time,
Shew discontent, to see their wiues partake,
Of popular aspect, and to repine
To loue a friend, not for her husband sake,
But none I euer knew, or ere shall know,
That for true loue will seeme besotted so.
When Collatine did giue his signet ring,
Vnto young Sextus void of any ill,
He safe content, within his tent did sing
Deuoted to his chast Lucretiaes will,
Worthie was he of such a beauteous mate,
That could so well discerne of his estate.
He had a pearle, and he did esteeme it,
Not like vaine trash floting with euery winde,
For like a Phoenix vpon earth did deeme it,
Contented well with Iewell of his mind.
Thou hast as faire a gemme as ere had he,
VVhy should thou then affect such iealousie?


PVh, well I know thee, thou loues publike gaine,
And therefore I desire thy wan [...]on face,
I will not reape an haruest of such paine,
Since thou descended art of Lais race.
I cannot loue thee, for thy taste seemes sower,
VVho reapes vnhonest gaine, approues an hower.
I will not talke of what thy life hath beene,
For well it may be thou was once conuerted,
But now it seemes thou art transformed cleane
Thy thoughts and all thy purposes peruerted.
Thou lou'd the Church once, and didst God adore,
But now forsakest him▪ thou lou'd before.
Fie on the visard, Lamia of sinne,
Thou horrid Ghost compast of wickednesse,
Faire though thou be without, thou art foule within,
Concoct of nought, but dregs of [...]luttishnesse.
That ribband which thou wearst hung at thine eare,
Shew what confusion in thy thoughts appeare.
Hoy-day, what may-game haue we heere in hand?
Women with men, and men as wantonly?
Vnto their tackling constantly doe stand,
Rebounding vice with vice successiuely.
I will not say, what here is to be done,
But maids seeme not praecise in being won.
I cannot chuse but blush at such vaine words,
As curious passions birle to their loues,
But knowing what discourse vaine loue affords,
Amongst the shades of Ericinas groues.
I doe not wonder, eares attention len.
For maids must needs make strange in kissing men.
If forrest Oeta where Alcydes dide,
And all the trees within that forrest wilde,
And all the starres, on Moone light nights descride,
And all the grasse piles within earth compilde,
Were metamorphosde to maid [...] beauteous shape,
I should suspect them (minion) for thy sake.
The Gods themselues haue had enough of beauty,
Venus is spotlesse, yet she hath a mole,
In tendring not to Vulcan natiue dutie,
Breathing with Mars, whilst Vulcan with his cole.
Fie on that face that hauing beauteous lookes,
Enchaines desires in two lasciuious hookes.
Runne to the Romane Brothell, not to mee,
For I detest thy common infamy,
The Vestall Nunnes wil not to lust agree,
For they inuested are with puritie.
Couer that wanton face ore with a maske,
Since dregs for wine, be mixed in that caske.
Thou art created to another end,
Then to make prostitute those parts of thine,
Those ea [...]es of thine which doe attention lend,
Vnto each gallant mate opprest with wine.
For wine makes men beso [...]ted so with thee,
Or without doubt, bewitcht they could not bee.
When Nature gaue to thee two eyes, two armes,
Two eares, two legs, two breathing nosethrils wide,
She did ordaine by two, to cure all harmes,
VVhich might occurre vnto the rest beside,
Yet she did but create one heart, one minde,
To which at first, chaste thoughts she did assigne.
One soule is fit, and that desires to dwell
In heau'ns eternall rest, whose purity
Might best be [...]t it: to denounce and tell,
The wondrous works of Gods diuinity.
Then fie for shame, one gemme mus [...] needs remaine,
VVhich is so precious without mole or staine.
This gemme though darkned by a wilfull Eue,
Yet its renewed by Christs gracious loue,
By her originall, our Lord we grieue,
By him we seeme vnspotted as a Doue.
For by his wounds are we to safegard brought,
And much esteemd, that erst appeared nought.
Rest thee vpon this Anchor suredly,
And here repose thee on thy Sauiours crosse,
Flie lustfull thoughts which lackie miserie.
Thy pleasure cannot counteruaile thy losse.
God hath ordaind thou shouldst suruiue with him,
Not to defile thy precious soule with sinne.
That soule composde of sacred harmony,
Rarer then that Act [...]on first inuented,
Not of that horrid,
[...] [...]pollo and Calliope, &c.
iltunde paritie
To which old Orphe [...]s in hell first consented.
VVhen he his wife attaind by Musicks straine,
That did long time before in hell remaine.
Concord befitteth best the rarest wits,
And what tune rather then a quiet minde?
Immortall things immo [...]tall minds befit,
Affecting that which first was her assignde.
Solace thy chastest minde deckt gloriously,
VVith present health, and future dignity.
Arcadian shepheards, borne of meane degree,
VVill not so passe their time, but in regard,
Of times content, and minds tranquilitie
Obtaine that prize which may not be comparde
VVith terrene drosse, more vile then brittle clay,
VVhich one howers sicknesse soone can take away.
Doest thou tricke vp that vessell made of earth,
For to allure fond men vnto thy will?
Vid. Mart. in I. lib.
I tell thee beauty, it is little worth.
VVhen death shall tinckle out her passing bell.
Oh then how good thou art, and not how faire,
VVith dreadfull sights, thou art demanded there.
Oh fie vpon the vizard, baite of sinne,
Pawne not thy credite in a brothell house,
For how canst thou reward of Sion win,
That doest thy soule by misdemeanour lose.
Repaire vnto the temple of that king,
VVhose powerfull might conserueth euery thing.
If I haue any thing preuailde with thee,
To change the horrour of thy mispent time,
Thanke not the Poet, but that deitie,
VVho is the Author both of me and mine.
For whatsoere I haue, I must confesse,
Proceedeth from his gracious prouidence.


DOest thou so fondly loue, and art not lou'de,
In louing those, who little care for thee?
If that thy fancie haue such fruites approu'de▪
I scorne to match with such imparity.
For wel I know a Prince may loue for lust,
Those eyes of thine, and then returne to dust.
If Rosamond had euer bene an hower,
Ner [...] bene interred in her bed of earth,
If she had euer kept such vitall power.
A [...] to smell sweet with her mellistuous breath.
She had bene well excusde to chuse that state,
Which should be neere ecclipsde by mortall date.
But she poore wench did flourish for a while,
Cropt in the primrose of her wantonnesse,
And she that did the noblest thoughts beguile,
[...]s now conuerted into rottennesse.
Thus doe we finde the truth of euery thing,
S [...]nne is a sinne euen in the noblest king.
For there is nought can be esteemed so,
Depraude, deformde, as to apologize,
A sinne actde by a Prince, but hence this woe,
Appeares in Poets which doe temporize.
I will not sooth a Monarch for his crowne,
But I must tell him, sinne will throw him downe.
Plutarch saith well,
In M [...]ralib. [...]. lib.
that he that bridle can
His fond affections, is halfe vertuous,
But he that's wholy firme's an honest man,
His minde remaines certaine not impious,
Not tost with tempests of each breathing winde
But as a mirrour of a constant minde.
Hard things are pleasant,
Quo diffici­lius, [...]o pr [...] ­cla [...]ius.
and those things appeare,
To be the best, which be the hardliest won,
Then if repressing of fond lust thou feare,
To be too hard,
[...] Gr [...]c. prou.
yet being once begun.
A better relish it will yeeld to thee,
Then treasure had in great varietie.
One that should passe the Alpes, and hauing done,
Reposing him vpon some harbour low,
Considers with what perill he begun,
And numbring them discursiuely in row,
Cannot but ioyfully be glad of this,
That he hath ended what his heart did wish.
How o [...]t would he lie groueling on the ground,
And in a descant o [...] his sweete repose,
With ioyfull mirth and pleasure would abound,
To haue trans [...]reted such a Sea of woes.
And by recounting how he earst did creepe
Aboue those cliffes, he would fall fast asleepe.
So thou obtaining this so hard to taske,
Must needs be ioyfull in the victory,
To haue pure liquor in a purer caske,
Which might redound to minds felicitie.
And that same caske, that vessell thou doest beare,
Should haue a crowne of glory, doe not feare.
Loue not too high estates, for theyle despise
Thy poore estate broug [...]t downe to beggery,
Ayme at the lower rank (if thou be wise)
For theyle acknowledge thy supremacie.
Yet in my min [...]e there's nought can equall that,
To condescend vnto an equall state.
Neither can boast of birth or parentage,
Neither can brag of their too high estate,
But passe their daies of wofull pilgrimage,
With like to like, the begger with his mate▪
Irus though he be poore, yet [...]ich in this,
Irus a begger, may a begger kisse.


THou lou'st for beautie, not for Ve [...]tue sake,
Fie on thee therefore, that hast reasons lore,
And yet canst not discern of such a make,
As being vertuous, thou nede haue no more.
This I haue knowne, and ere approu'd I finde,
None equals her, that hath a vertuous minde.
Thou mak'st description of each seuerall part,
Her Iuory browes, and eke her ros [...]e cheeks,
But how canst thou describe frame of her heart,
If all the minutes were turnd into weeks.
And well I know there is no ioynt, no part,
Can be compar'd vnto a sincere heart.
If V [...]nus had her mole, thou mayst be sure,
Thine hath her blemish, full as foule as she,
If Venus be [...]utie could not ere endure,
Presume not thine to haue ete [...]nity.
Thine (though as fa [...]re) yet if she draw a breath,
Stopt, she will tell me, there ensueth death.
Was not chast Lucrece much respected euer,
As faire, as vertuous, second was to none?
Yet rauished by Sextus, she had leuer
Die in despaire, then liuing make her mone
Of that abuse young Sextus had atchieude.
Which aboue all compare her heart had grieude.
Happie was Collatine of such a wife,
So faire, and yet so vertuously inclinde,
With such to liue it were an happie life,
Enioying aye the state of quiet minde,
Yet Collatine vnhappie was in this,
He was depriude of such celestiall blisse.
Hero I must confesse lou'de constantly,
[...]. Ouil. i [...] Epist.
And young Leander was as firme as she,
Though he be drownd, yet he gets memory
Of constant loue, loues perpetuity.
And Hero she seeing Leander swim,
Loue sicke (poore wench) she thought to follow him▪
But these were borne in Saturnes golden time,
The like we finde not now, for they be rare,
Black Swans, white Moores they liue not in this clime
Our Sexes breath a more inconstant ayre,
And so despairing, I haue knowne of late,
By louing much their loue grew desperate.
I will not make particular discourse,
Fo [...] that seemes odious in each curious eye,
I hope a generall vse will be of force,
To moue iudicious men to pietie.
This I must tell them, beauteous locks of couer
A mishapte soule, a little vernisht ouer.
Will any man seeme such an idle swaine,
As to bestow more money on the case,
Then on the instrument it doth containe,
More on the maske then odors for the face?
Beleeue me friend that man cannot be wise,
That is besotted with a paire of eyes.
I haue knowne some more humerous then wise,
Who in fantastick foolish apparitions,
Seeing a woman maskt all but her eyes,
Fell into such distresse and such distractions.
That he could stay in no place (foolish Asse)
Till he perceiu'd how faire that Mistresse was.
I haue knowne some besotted with a voyce,
could not containe themselues, till they did see,
The worthlesse Author of that warbling noise
Or what sweete Syren that should seeme to be.
And hauing seene her, whom he wisht to know,
Shee seemde a Saint aboue a friend below.
Vid. Hor. in sor. I. pagin.
Fie on that Larua,
Nil bene cum facias, fac attamen om­nia b [...]lle, vis dicam quid sis? magnus es Ardelio. Martial.
or that bugbeares face,
That ce [...]usleth her skin [...]o ga [...]dily,
And puppet-like trippeth in euery place,
With nimble pace shewes her actiuitie.
And so add [...]est to [...]ond A [...]d [...]lios action,
By casting gloues and fauors moueth faction.


WHere mine heart is, there doth my life abide
Mine hart remains with thee, & wherfore then
Should I suruiue in any place beside,
But where thou dwelst? best harbour to such men,
As dote on thy affection, f [...]iend to such
As are distre [...] by louing ou [...]rmuch.
Can I describe with characters of worth,
Those worthy parts of thine so amorous?
Faire in thy habit, borne of royall birth,
Blest ere be they that are thought graci [...]us
In the faire aspect of that shining eye,
On whose bright lustre all things doe relie.
When statues are erected to adore
Those persons, which the statues represented,
Why should not I doe this for thee and more,
With whom my mind in one ha [...]h still con [...]ented,
Honour of women faire beyond compare
The earth were blest, if many suc [...] there were.
Statues I will erect to honour thee,
And euery day will resort vnto them,
And passe the morne with ioyfull harmonie,
Whilst I doe consecrate my vowes vnto them.
And hauing talkt enough I will betake,
My selfe to kisse thy picture for thy sake.
For if Pigmalion doted so on shrines?
Why should not [...] that haue a fairer loue
Then ere Pigmalion had? whose loue combines
Mine heart in thrall, that it can nere remoue,
For the straite durance which she hath possest
In her, by whom my mind is euer blest.
If fond Protago [...]as did so conceiue
Of senselesse stones, that could not moue nor feele
For to enioy an happinesse,
Arist. in Phys.
I haue
More happinesse then stones, their haps conceale.
I clad in blisse which euer will endure,
A strong foundation, and munition sure.
They cannot shew the fruits of their repose,
But I most happy, for I know mine hap,
They scarce discerne from whenc their fortune flowes
But I perceiue me happie in her lap.
My Erycma doth relieue my sheepe,
Whilst quietly I lie me downe and sleepe.
Vnder a myrtle shade or Iuie bush,
Whilst I make couert to my wearied head,
I am delighted with the sweete tun'de Thrash,
Whilst she vpon the Iuie berries feeds.
And being thus annointed with full pleasure,
I hoord me heaps of gold, and Indian treasure.
This gold is not such treasure as we reade,
Vid. Aul. Gell. in noct. Atticis.
That Q. Cepio Consul tooke away
From the Tolosan Temple, which did breede
Destruction to all them receiude that pray.
Nor its no Seian horse by which we finde,
Be signifide calamities of minde.
This is as pleasant and as full of mirth,
As the Corbona of the Iewish Temple,
But farre more gracious: its not got by stelth,
For that were proeme to a worse example.
These gifts, this gem prince Aquiloes excels,
Vid. C [...]ron. aug.
For these be pearles, his were cockle shels.
I cannot speake enough, there for to blame,
To praise in part, and not commend in all,
But its a praise enough, to tell thy name.
Faire Erycina gyrt with Hymens pall.
And all the Nimphes with chaplets cropt for thee
Shall decke the nuptiall triumphes gorgiously.
Faine would I [...]ee the day▪ each houre a yeare,
Each minute is an houre, till I enioy,
That beauteous face of [...], when wilt appeare
To relish [...]orepast sorrow and annoy?
Where couching low in beds of Iuorie.
Wele bandie kisses with loues harmonie.
I Chec [...]e my selfe that [...] should so delaie,
T [...]e vernant spring time of our happinesse,
Fearing least whil'st our times do [...] passe away,
Pale death engripe my bones with wretchednesse.
Let vs not put off time, but vse our time,
And let thy sacred vow confirme the mine.
Sweete vpon better and more ripe aduice,
Let me appoint a time of greater hast,
Our loue will grow chil-cold, if we be nice
And will nor loue, till fruite of loue be past,
What comfort canst thou haue, or what delight,
To hate the day, and yet to loue the night.
The day and sunshine of my life is spent,
And now the night-shade of my life drawes on,
What comfort canst thou haue, or what content
In winter nights (poore soule) to lie alone?
And yet it better is to lie alone,
Then lie with him, whose vitall heate is gone.
If ere the spring time of my younger grouth,
Could moue thy nimble armes to compasse me,
If ere the prelude of my flowrie youth,
Could be a meanes for to sollicit thee?
Take time while time is let not ioyes berest thee,
Some wanton bloomes at lest of youth are left me.
And though I haue not such per [...]ection in me,
For many furrowes in mine aged brow,
Yet these same furrowes may experience show thee
What wanton youth in time could neuer shew.
Those many winters that haue made me old▪
Shall learne thee more then parents euer told.
Do not contemne me for my hoary lockes,
For they are beauteous, full of comelinesse,
And as the Goats that feede vpon the rockes,
Whose beard doe much adorne their raggednesse.
This beard, thou seest or [...]clad with hoary haire,
Is com [...]ly (loue) though not so passing faire.
How well seemes hoary frost vpon greene grasse?
Cana prima. &c.
Flowers interlaid with winters gabard me,
Nought can endure for aye that euer was,
Clouds ouercast those beames which erst did shine.
Greene graffe with hoary frost doe well agree,
So would these hoary locks of mine with thee.
But thou doest feare I haue an old mans minde,
I will be iealous of thy beauty deare,
Doe not thinke so, thou shalt more honour finde,
In these same Armes of mine, thou needst not feare
I will be constant, for no iealous thought
Shall ere perswade my minde that thou art nought.
Ile leaue thee (Deere) I hope thou wilt conceiue,
A better satisfaction of my loue,
Or else be sure thy frowne shall dig my graue,
Which will beare record in the court aboue.
How being lou'd, yet would not loue againe,
Hast causde my Ghost reuiued to complaine.


THou lou'st me but for want of other loues,
And shew'st affection, not for any worth,
Thou see'st in me, but in that thou approues
A wanton smile in me, a straine of mirth.
I should receiue thy loue more willingly.
If thou approude me for my constancie.
Thou shalt not finde me wauering or vnkinde,
But though distressde with want and penurie,
More constant thoughts in me thou ere shalt finde,
Then in ech wauering bubbles vanitie,
I will remaine as firme, my deere to thee,
As to Vlysses was Penelope.
Thou shalt not doubt of my distrust in loue,
For I approue no man so much as thee,
And as the Turtle with her Turtle Doue,
So thou shalt finde the like equalitie.
Beleeue me deere, if euer loue was true,
Confirmd it shall be in my louing you.
I cannot praise possessions, I haue none,
Yet in possessing me, yo [...] may enioy,
As great reuenewes, deere, as any one,
Then be not curious in your choyse, nor coye,
I am demure full fraught of modestie,
And its a Iewell worth a Monarchie.
Be not the inward gifts the richest treasure?
Why shouldst thou then dote so on excrement,
A modest wife affords continuall p [...]ea [...]ure.
Ado [...]nd with grace of Angels ornaments.
Ther's nought so pretious as a modest heart,
For if thou be distrest, she'le beare a part.
Doest thou esteeme gold more then vertuous minds,
And art besotted more with worldly trash,
Then honest education? which combines
In awfull band men vnaduisde and rash.
I am but poore indeed▪ and yet what then
Shall poore estates be destitu [...]e of men?
I can vse honest l [...]bours and obtaine
A daily fruit out of mine homely labour,
Reaping of honest trauaile, honest gaine,
Purchas'd by loues respect and generall fauour▪
I will not winne rewards for lu [...]re sake
My soule a brothell house of sinne to make.
Homely yet safely, I regard my state,
I loue to l [...]ue remote, not aymed at,
Ile be no [...]nare vnto the po [...]entate,
I loue to l [...]ue demure not pointed at.
W [...]th who come heere [...] a Brothellhouse of sinne,
Who by dishonest meanes do [...]h profit winne.
I am not prostitute to slauish thoughts,
I worke my night works [...]ull industriously.
And hauin [...] done that which my purpose sought,
I lie me downe to sleepe contentedly.
I ayme not at the Pallace, but remaine▪
No deerer to the Prince, then to the swaine.
Fie on that woman who with painted face,
Lies open to the su [...]e of euery man,
That painted visard couers little grace,
Though it be faire wi [...]hout, its pale and wan.
Voide of all f [...]uour, grace and exce [...]lence,
Pitching her tent for wantons residence.
I am no couer for a puppet play,
I haue no cerusse in mine Iuory boxe,
In dr [...]ssing me I spend not all the day,
I n [...]uer learnd to phrizle spangled locks.
What I can doe my parents first did tell me,
(Proud hower) I little care if thou excell me.
Thus haue I made description of my beautie,
Not passing faire, well fauorde though I be,
Protesting to thy loue entirest dutie,
If thou by Hymens rites shalt marrie me.
Thus hoping well, I in the meane time rest,
Vowing by heau [...]ns, that I haue lou'd thee best.

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