Orlando Inamorato.
Charles doth a Royall Feast, and Ioust proclaime,
Where (with
Argalia) comes
Dares all to fight, and
Malagigi's tane;
Being sent as Prisner to
Astolfo runs, (but vanquisht doth remaine)
And (as th'agreement was) doth lose the day,
Ferraw doth Ioust, and falls, yet will not yeeld,
And at the last, kills Giantes foure in field.
I Sing of Him that Wonders wroght throgh Loue,
That Monsters, Fiends, and Giants huge did tame,
And many a weary Iorny oft did proue,
To seeke, to finde what lost had bin his gaine,
A cruell Heart with pittie milde to moue
(Which he too faithlesse found vnto his paine:)
So neere and deere he loude her, and so well,
As (for her sake) distraught of wit he fell,
Famous ORLANDO was the Man I meane,
And faire ANGELICA that vsde him so,
These two must be the subiect of my Theame,
If my Deare ALBA so much fauor show,
Who in her hate to me is too extreame,
(Like sea that neuer ebbes, but still doth flow)
My comfort's this, though high my Thoughts be plac't,
If I obtaine not, None shall Shee's so chaste.
ANd thou faire BROOKE, whence springs ech sweet Conceit,
Where Beautie bides in her perfection,
Thy Gracious Aspect humblie I entreat,
(As happy Planet) me to shine vpon,
Whilst I in Others, of thy selfe repeat,
Volumes of Praise due to thee long agon:
Helpe BRADAMANTA, whilst I write the praise
Of stoute RVGIERO forth a broad to blaze.
Long since did sway the Scepter in the East,
A mightie King, and he
Gradasso hight,
Whose dreadfull name, from most vnto the least,
Throughout the worlde with terror did affright,
This Prince by force, meant for to be possest
Baiardo and
Durindana bright,
As Monarchs vse, who oft in minde aspire,
"Things that are hardly got for to desire.
And to this end he through his kingdomes great,
An hunderd fiftie thousand Knights most bolde,
Doth muster vp, to bring to passe this feat,
Who expert were in martiall pointes of olde,
Yet meant not this proude King them to intreate,
To trie their valour, though full faine they would,
For he (alone) himselfe thought with his lance,
Able great
Charles to conquer, and all
Now whilst
Gradasso, thrice inuincible,
Conducts his hugie Armie on the way:
Carlmagnus, that for curt'sie doth excell,
Proclaimes most solemne Iousts for many a day,
Paris to be kept as Heraldes tell,
Where, any Knight (what ere) come thither may,
And of his valour shew some perfect proofe,
Mounted in Armour, best for his behoofe,
By chance there were assembled at that time,
Within the royall Cittie, and the Courte,
The twelue chiefe Peeres of
Fraunce calde
With diuers neighbouring Princes of great porte,
To shew of vertue theirs, some wortie signe:
Pagans, aswell as Christians there resorte,
For all might safely come withouten feare,
Vnlesse a Traitor false to the State he were▪
This causde a number to ariue from
All valiant Souldiers, and of worthy prize,
No Caualire did then behinde remaine,
But ritchly did appeare in sumptuous wise:
Amongst this martiall crue that was of Fame,
Were these (whose Prowesse sounds vnto the Skies:)
Serpentine, Balugant and
With other Knights for Honour that aspire.
Paris resounds with Musickes Harmony,
With Trumpets, Drums, with Fiffes, and Bells for ioy,
The barbed Steeds are trapt most gorgeously,
Each one hath his Deuice and seuerall Toy,
With Gold and Pearle, to please his Mistris eye,
As to rehearse the same your eares would cloye:
For all did seeke (their Emprour for to grace,)
Who should as then, most Pompe shew in that place.
And now is come the day, in which begin
They should their Solemne Iousts; when
Attirde in Robes of poudered Etmiline
Inuites each Lord and Knight, that thither came,
In his great Hall to feast and feed with him,
Since they to honour him had tooke such paine:
The number of which Guestes, were as I gesse,
Twentie two thousand and thirtie, and no lesse.
Charles himselfe with cheere
In Throne of Gold sate at his Table round
Amongst his Peeres, who blythe and merrie were:
And ore against him right, the
Sarasins on ground,
Who did on boord or bench to sit forbere,
But lay along as Mastiues oft are found:
On Carpets sate they (as their fashion is)
And I dare say, no small pride tooke in this.
Hard by his right side, and on his left hand
Tables were plac't and set in fitte degree:
At first sate none but such as did command
England, Brittaine, and or'e
Three famous Kings (as then) of Christen Lande:
Otton, Salomon, and
[...] free:
The rest vnnam'de in order tooke their place,
As cu'ry Monarch doth in such a case.
Dukes sate at second Boord, and Marquises,
Earles (onely) at the third, and Caualires;
Much graced were as then the Maganses,
And chiefely
Gano, who himselfe proud beares,
Rinaldo storms, much it doth him displease
Because he spies by signes those traiterous Peeres,
Amongst themselues doe scoffe and iest at him,
For that as they he is not halfe so trim.
Magansesi were noble House,
And next to
Charles, mong'st Peeres the chiefst of all:
Yet were they Cowards, base, and timerous,
Traitors, and pickthankes, enuious, full of gall,
Fewe was there of them counted vallerous,
Or held for courage-worthy Knightes and tall:
Charles, them more then they deseru'd held deere,
Because of kinne to him so nigh they were.
[...] he did smile,
Concealing inwardly his wrath in showe,
But to himselfe he said; Base Rascals vile,
Ere long your Betters I will make you knowe,
Ile see how you can fitte your horse the while
I charge against you, as your deadly foe:
For I not doubt (though now so proud you are found)
When we shall meete, to make you kisse the ground.
Balugant, who saw his collour oft
To come and goe, his meaning did diuine:
And therefore by a Trunchman, of him sought
If that in Courte, (mongst Christians, Chiefe and prime)
Men were for wealth or merite raisde aloft:
Because he being a stranger at that time
Desirde to know the custome, least he swerue
In honouring any, as they should deserue.
Rinaldo smiles, and with a cheerefull looke,
Balugant his Messenger thus saide,
Friend, tell thy Maister, since that he can brooke,
Christians by him with Honor should be paide,
Base Gulls at table, Queanes in bedde are tooke
(For sporte) oft mongst vs, and are much of made:
But where we come our valour for to trie,
Each one receaues his Honor orderly.
Whilst thus this Message is deliuered,
Sweete musicke soundes throughout the royall Hall:
The Emperour wils each Boord be furnished
With daintie Cates to feast these Barrons tall,
Carowsing vnto them whilst that they fed,
In cuppes of gold wrought richly ouer all▪
Each oue he honoureth with this Gift or that,
Shewing thereby, he them hath not forgot▪
They frolicke, and are merrie as may be,
Discoursing mongst themselues in voice but lowe:
Pippins sonne, that now himselfe doth see
Attended on with such a royall Showe
Of Kings, of Dukes, of Knightes in their degree:
The Pagans steemes as dust that wind doth blow▪
But see, a chaunce vnlookt for did appeare,
That made both him and all the rest to feare.
For on the sodaine did appeare in sight
Foure Giants great and strong of limme and bone,
And in the midst of them a Damsell bright
Attended on with one sole Knight alone,
A starre she seemde, so glorious was this Wight,
Like her no flowre on earth hath euer growne:
In briefe the trueth to tell, she all did passe,
Neuer before her, like for Beautie was.
Yet was sweete
Galerana in that place,
Alda wife vnto
Orlando bould:
Clarice, and
Armelina faire in face,
And diuers other Ladies left vntold,
Who beauteous were and full of louely grace:
Beauteous indeede, framde right in Natures mould▪
But when mongst them appeard this Flower so gay,
The prize of Beautie straight she reft away.
Each Barron braue, and Prince of Christendome,
On that rare Obiect doe their eyes still cast,
The barbarous Pagans rise from ground and runne
To honour her, who makes them all agast,
Whilst with so sweete a smile shines this cleare Sunne▪
As she is able, a stony heart at last
To melt for loue, and to her selfe to winne,
And thus to speake she smiling doth beginne.
Most mightie Lord, thy vertue more then great,
And wondrous valour of thy Peeres of fame,
Whose prowesse so far throughout the world doth beat,
As any seas their vtmost bounds containe,
Giue me some hope; the trauel, and the sweat
Of vs poore Pilgrimes shall not be in vaine:
Since both thy Court and thee we comen are
To honour from the worlde his ende afaire.
And that I may not holde thee ouer long,
Know this the reason is I came to thee,
This is
Vberto (surnamde
Leo) strong,
A Noble borne and Knight of chiualrie,
Expulst from out his kingdome by much wrong,
(Wronged like him could neuer any be:)
And I that was banisht with him that day,
His sister am, and calld
From hence 200 daies iournie at least,
Tana (where our Countrie is) we haue
Heard much of this thy royall Ioustes, and Feast
And of th'assembly of these Gallants braue,
And that who best deserues, is not possest
Of golde or pearle, (gifts for a seruile slaue)
But to enhance his vertuous honour more,
The Conquerour, a crowne of roses wore.
This is the cause
Vberto brother mine
Meanes for to trie his force and valour heere,
Mongst all the flower of Barrons of this time:
All will be trie, although he buy it deere,
Be he a Christen or a Saracin,
Without the Cittie gates he will appeare,
Hard at the Pine within the meddow greene,
Merlins tombe is called as I weene.
But yet with this condition will he ioust
As Ile repeate, that all may know the same;
Who shall vnhorst be, and from saddle thrust,
No more shall runne his honour to regaine,
But yeelde himselfe as prisner to him must;
And who
Vberto layes on sandie plaine,
My person shall enioy to him for praye,
And he with Giants his shall wend their waye.
Thus hauing saide, fore
Charles she kneels on ground,
Expecting his short answere speedily,
Her feature rare doth make them all astound,
And chiefly stout
Orlando who drawes nie
To her with trembling heart, through Loues deepe wound,
Although it to conceale he had an eie:
Casting his lookes oft times on th'earth belowe
As one ashamde thereof he well did showe.
Alas fond man, he to him selfe then saide,
Why giu'st thou so large raine vnto thy will?
Perceiu'st thou not in errors thou dost wade?
And gainst thy God (as peruerse) sinnest still?
Ah how am I by Fortune ouerlaide!
I see my fault,
[...]e cannot mend this ill:
I that the worldes great'st force did set at naught,
Am by a seelly girle orecome and caught.
To part from her sweet face I haue no powre,
My life vppon her louely lookes doth stay,
Withouten her I languish eu'ry houre,
And soule from out this body wends her way:
Now see I well no force, nor frowning showre
Can loue withstand, whom I must now obay:
"Wisedome helpes not, nor good aduise to chuse,
"What's best I know, yet best I doe refuse.
She is a Heathen, I a Christen borne,
Nor know I if she me will euer like,
May be shee'le other loue, and me will scorne,
(And yet for him she is, that best can fight;)
I know not if my fortune be forlorne,
Yet for her sake, Ile trie her brothers might:
My hop's that soone shall ended be this strife,
Either Ile win her, or Ile lose my life▪
Thus to himselfe laments this Barron bolde,
Of his new Loue, vncertaine of her grace;
The like Duke
Namo did though he were olde,
("Wood old and drie burnes soon in such a case,)
Hee shakes as one troubled with agew colde,
And all his blood doth run from out his face:
In briefe, her pleasing beautie rare was such,
Charles him selfe (with ech one) likte her much.
All stoode stone still as they were in a maze,
Staring vppon her with no small delight,
But youthfull
Ferraw, whose heat was no blaze
But sparckling fire, thrise meant by force of might,
To take her from the Giantes, and thrise stayes,
[...]oth the rest of Barrons to despight.
Therefore his first entent he soone let fall,
Least he should be condemned of them all.
He stamps and leapes as if he trode on brier,
He shakes his head, nor knowes he what to doe,
Rinaldo with the rest his hart's on fier,
[...]oone as he began her for to view,
Malagi that knew her, comming nigh her,
(Quoth he vnto himselfe) Ile make thee rue
That here thou camst enchauntresse false and vile,
"For to deceiue deceiuers tis no guile.
Charles a long discourse makes pleasantly,
Vnto this Damsell whom he doth adore,
The longer for to haue her companie,
He wondring talkes, and talking wonders more,
Nor dares he (what she doth request) denie,
But all confirmes, though he repent therfore,
Swearing to keepe what he fore her doth say,
Wherewith she pleasde wends with her troup away.
Scarse were they passed through the Cittie wall,
Malagigi takes his Booke in hande,
Foure diuels from depth of hell he foorth doth call,
Whom (what shal hap) to tell he doth commaund,
But soone his frightfull minde they did appall,
When he by them was giuen to vnderstand,
Charles no better was then one that's dead,
And all his court vndone dishonored.
For this yong maide surpassing beautie faire,
Sole daughter was vnto King
Full of deceit, in falshoode passing rare,
And of enchaunted spells knew euery one,
Come was she hither for to bring much care,
To Christen Knights, and sent by that olde crone,
With her brother, who
Argalia had to name,
(And not
Vberto) as she false did faine.
A wondrous horse this olde man gaue his sonne,
As blacke as cole, more swift then whirling winde,
A target and a brest-plate faire that shonne,
With helmet such, and sword he him assignde,
All which by magike art were wrought and donne,
(For deere he loude him, and to him was kinde:)
Withall a launs he had of glittring golde,
Most ritch and strangly wrought for to behold.
His Father sent him with this armour braue,
Thinking (through this) he was inuincible,
Besides a pretious Ring he to him gaue,
Though he it vsde not, yet it did excell;
For being in ones mouth, it men did saue
Vnseene, and kept them as inuisible;
Holding it on the left side, without harme,
And worne on hand, all witchcrafts did vncharme.
But chiefely that
Angelica should go
With him in companie was his deuise,
Because he knew her flattering face as tho,
Each Barron bolde to combate would entice,
Whom, when she could by witchcraft ouerthrow,
She should bring with her, as her beauties prise:
Bound fast in chaines to
Galafron, where he
Would vse them worse then curs or māstiues be.
Thus do the sprites of
Malagigi saine,
Whom we will leaue his busines to mine,
And to
Argalia we will come againe,
Who is to
Merlins tombe come by this time,
Pitching a ritch pauilion on the plaine,
(Within the meddow) wrought with cunning fine:
Wherevnder he himselfe doth straite repose,
For great desire to rest himselfe he showes.
Angelica not far from him doth keepe,
Vpon the ground her golden tresses lay,
Vnder the Pine she by a spring doth sleepe,
The Giants foure as Gardiants bout her stay,
An Angell, and no earthly creature leeke,
Whilst in a slumber sweet shee smiling lay:
Her brothers ring whereof we spake before,
Of pretious vertue, she on finger wore.
Malagigi doth a Diuell bestride,
And softly in the Ayre doth thither come,
Where he the Maide how she doth lye hath spide,
Hard by the Fountaine that doth trickling runne:
The watchfull Giants foure he hath discride,
Who (to their Charge to looke) no labour shunne.
Foule vgly Beastes (saith he) ill you befall,
Il'e catch you straight, saunce striking strooke at all.
Your threatnings proud, your grim and gastly looke
Shall small auaile, your darts not weapons strong:
Il'e plague you all, you (sleeping) shall be tooke,
As Rascals base, that meant vs thus to wrong▪
And saying so, he forth doth take his Booke,
With other Tooles, nor thus he stayed long:
But ere that he one leafe had well nigh read,
They all fell sound asleepe as they were dead.
That done, he to the Virgin nigh doth drawe,
His sworde vnsheathing softly her to kill,
But when so sweete a daintie face he sawe,
To murther her he had but little will:
To vse her so, he thinkes t'is too hard Lawe,
At last he saith, My mind I'le thus fulfill,
By Magicke arte to sleepe I will her make,
And so my pleasure on her sweetly take.
Vpon the grasse he flings his naked sworde,
And takes his boeke vnto him once againe,
Before he leaues, he readeth euery worde,
But to what end? his charming is in vaine:
The vertue of her Ring the same procurde,
Malagigi who knew not the same,
Thinking she could not stir once in that place,
Begins her in his armes for to embrace,
She skriching out, a feareful noyse doth make,
Wretch that I am (cries she) I am betraide:
Malagigi well nigh dead for feare doth quake,
When he perceiues his cunning so to vade.
Argalia with her cry as then did wake,
When she was like strange sporte to haue assaide.
Who halfe awake, halfe sleeping as he was,)
Vnarmd and nakte, out of his Tent did passe.
And seeing on the sodain in that place,
A fellowe tumbling his faire Sister by,
He so amazde was at this vncouth case,
As he at first durst not approach them nye.
But after comming to himselfe within a space,
He thought with cudgell to kill him presently:
Crying to him: Villaine thou art but dead,
That hast my Sister thus dishonoured.
Nay, binde him first (cride she) good Brother mine
Fore him I let goe, for a Coniurer
[...]s; and wer
[...] not for this Ring of thine,
Thy force (as now) too weake against him were:
This said, the young man runnes, and stayth no time,
Where as the Gyants lay, but nere the neere,
For though he cride, and paines therein did take,
Th'enchantment was so strong, they could not wake.
He shakes and tugs and puls them to and fro:
But to no ende, which when he doth it see,
From out his Club he puls a chaine as tho,
And doth returne where as the other bee,
Malagigi binding, full of woe;
And fore he could do so, much paine had he,
His necke, his armes, his legges no chaine did misse,
No part from head to foote, but fettered is.
As soone as he was backe and bellie bounde,
The Damsell searcheth forth with in his breast,
And there the damned Booke she straightway founde:
Which Circles strange, and shapes of Fiendes exprest.
No sooner she some wordes therein did sound,
And opened had those damned leaues vnblest,
But Sprites of th'ayre, earth, sea, came out of hand
Crying alowde, What is't you vs command?
I will (quoth she) this prisoner you conuay
Twixt India, and Tartaria, and him bring
Into that Cittie calde Cataia:
Galafron my father raignes as King,
That I him sent as Prisoner, to him say,
And that I cause was of his prisoning,
Tell him, now I this man in Bonds haue caught,
Charles other Barons I esteeme as naught.
No sooner said she so, but that in th'ayre
Carried was
Malagi, fore
Who vnder Sea, a prison did prepare
For him, within a rocke of flintie stone.
And now through Ring the Gyants wakened are
By faire
Angelica through vertue showne,
They wondering at the same, doe maruell much,
How they escapt vnkild from danger such.
Whilst thus abroad, this busie busines goes,
Contention great in Paris doth arise,
Orlando doth himselfe dispose,
To be the first to tilt in martiall wise:
Pipins sonne vnwilling hereof showes,
And as a thing gainst reason him denies:
So doe the Paladines, so doe the rest,
Each will goe first, each man himselfe thinkes best.
Orlando doubtes lest that some other man
Should winne his Mistresse, whome he holdes so deare:
For who vnhorse her Brother (brauely) can,
May her (as Conquerers prize) home with him beare.
Now he that his owne strength did rightly skan,
Thought her his owne, (as if he conquered were)
Onely it grieues him ouer long to stay:
"For Louers thinke a yeere the shortest day.
A Counsell hereupon in Courte they call,
And euery thing is right examined:
Where euery one to ende this martiall Brall,
What best he can for his behoofe hath sedd:
But in the ende this is agreede of all:
That they by Fortune shall be ordered,
And he on whome the Lot shall first alight,
Shall haue the honor first to goe and fight.
Forth with the names of Euery Palatine
Were taken, writ and placed secretly:
Each Christian Knight, and Barons Saracine,
And in a pot of gold put by and by:
Which done they call a little boy that time,
Who (one by one) doth draw them orderly,
As to his hand chaunce, and the first that came,
Astolfo hight of England he did name.
Next vnto him was
Ferraw read alowd,
Rinaldo thirde, the fourth was
Dudon bold,
Crandonio then, a Giant huge and prowd,
Berlinger, and then King
Otton old,
The paper next King
Charles his name did shrowd,
And that I may you here no longer hold,
Thirtie were drawne before
Orlanaoes tourne;
Imagine then, how he did grieue and mourne.
Fore all was doone, it grew neere to be night,
Aastolff with a bold and dauntlesse cheere,
Calls for his weapons and his Armour bright,
And though small time for to prouide him were,
Considering that next morning he must fight,
Yet speakes he brauely; for nought did he feare:
Saying he quickly end would this prowd warre,
And at the first take
Vbert prisonar.
One thing I now must tell you by the way:
No Baron was as English
Astolfe faire
Courtlike and kinde, and rich in his array▪
But somewhat wantonly himselfe he bare,
Commend his valour yet not much I may,
For many times ill lucke hapt to his share;
Yet would he say, t'was chaunce, not want of skill,
He was vnhorst; such his excuse was still.
But for to come againe vnto my Tale:
By this time is he armed at his pleasure,
Bright Orient Pearle his Target doth impale,
His Armour counteruailes a good Kings Treasure,
And all of Gold is wrought his shirt of male,
His Helmet costly is beyond all measure,
By reason of a Rubie therein put,
A rich one t'was, as bigge as any Nut.
His braue Caparisons with Leopards
Embost were, sumptuously with glittering gold,
Alone he rides, nor company regards:
But like a Champion stout, his way doth hold,
T'was earlie, therefore he staies afterwards,
Merlins tombe he came vnto most bold:
Where he his horne puts to his mouth and blowes,
And warning of his comming thereby showes.
Argalia heares the noyse, and straight doth rise,
For he did lie hard by the foresaid Spring,
To arme himselfe, he straightway doth deuise,
From toppe to foote, nor wantes he any thing,
And gainst
Astolfo goeth in warlike wise,
He and his horse in white show glistering:
His shield on arme, his golden launce in hand,
Which many Knightes hath east downe on the sand.
Each one the other kindly doth salute,
Their first conditions they againe renew,
Angelica stands by with smiling looke,
Whilst they to th'end of Lists themselues withdrew,
Which done, they run with launce in wrest, that shooke,
Striuing who shall by force of stroke subdue:
But braue
Astolfo at th'encounter furst,
Was strait vnhorst and on the ground was thrust.
Vpon the sand tumbling he lies along,
And chafing saith, ah fortune false and slie,
Too partiall still to doe me mickle wrong,
My sadle was the cause I fell, not I,
For had I bin to keepe my seate so strong,
The Dame had mine bin, and that presently:
Thou madst me fall, because I Christian am,
The more to raise this Pagans glorious fame.
The Giants strait as prisner take this Knight,
Conducting him to a Pauilion faire,
And when he was of armour spoiled quite,
To view him well the Damsell doth not spare,
For he was comely, and a goodly wight,
Which was the cause she had of him some care:
As pittying him, commaunding he should be,
Honour'd far more then with his state did gree.
He was not bound, nor any did him garde,
But at the fountaine for his pleasure staide,
Angelica still lookes vpon him harde,
(Yet vnperceiude) for light the Moone displaide,
But when the gloomy night her seing barrde,
He, in a stately bed to rest was laide:
Whilst with her brother, she, and Giants stoute,
Kept watch their ritch Pauilion without.
Ferraw comes when scarse tis breake of day,
In complet armour brauely to contend,
And with his horne doth sound so strange a saye,
As if the world should at that blast haue ende,
The voice was such, as all men there did fray,
Who from that sound themselues sought to defend:
Argalia for it doth not passe,
Quickly he rose, and soone he armed was.
On head th'enchaunted helmet he puts on,
And mounteth on his wooundrous flying steed,
His sword he places his right side vpon,
And takes his shielde, and launce, as he had need,
Nor flow in pace seemes startling
But treades so light, and with such winged speed,
As in the grauell where he trampling goes,
No signe of any print of feete he showes.
Ferraw doth longe vntill
Argalia come,
"For euery Louer long delayes doth hate,
And seeing him, his talke with him's soone done,
He staith not much with him to parl and prate,
In steed of him saluting, he doth run,
Gainst him with speare his foes best force to bate,
For he makes sure account, and durst to sweare,
That he the Lady faire away shall beare.
But he no sooner with his enimies launce
Was toucht, but he was mazde in wondrous wise,
No more with force he could him selfe aduaunce,
For all his amourous heat on sudaine dies,
[...] before was heard of such a chaunce,
For downe he falls on ground: and there he lies:
Yet he not scarce so soone had toucht the grasse,
But that he strait reuiude, and lusty was.
"Loue, heat of youth, the nature of some man,
Hath many, oft, through too much ire orethrowne,
Ferraw louing much, as many can,
Was yong, and prowd, and ouer hastie growne,
And who with such conuerse, in danger stan,
He on his friend, for nothing would haue flowne:
He was so froward and of so sauadge mind,
As for a fether to fight you should him find.
Anger and shame soone made him rise from ground,
He gets him vp, and now reuengde he'le be,
Forgot he hath how he by oath is bound
To yeeld himselfe, his sworde now draweth he,
And towards
Argalia running comes he round,
Who when to breake his worde he doth him see,
Saith thus to him, thou art my prisonar,
And both thy selfe and me wrongst thus to iarre.
Ferraw heares not what he to him doth say,
But meanes by force therwith for to dispence,
Which when the Giants see, hard by that stay,
They all come towardes
Argalia for defence,
And forth so great a crie aloud they braye,
As if it were some thunders violence,
So great a cry these roaring Giants make,
As two miles off the ground was found to shake.
This made
Ferraw looke backe, but not to feare:
Argosto was the Gyant first that came,
Monstrous in growth,
Lampordo did appeare
Next, clept
Velluto, (so was his surname)
Because his bodie's all ore'growne with hea
Vrgano was the third (for strength) of fame,
Turlone was the fourth, who was in heig
Iust thirtie foote, when he stood bolt vp
Lampordo first did greet him with a dart,
And had't not bene his body woundlesse was
By Dest'nie, struck he had beene at the hart,
With such great force it on his breast did pa
But neuer plaide a
[...]ray-hound swifter part,
Nor whirle-winde whiskes in troubled seas with
Nor thunderbolte comes halfe so soone from heauen▪
Ferraw for reuenge sought to be euen.
He hittes
Lampordo on the rightest side,
And pates him off in midst hard at the thies,
The mortall wound cutts through his Nauell wide,
Nor thinkes he this braue blowe must him suffice,
His sworde each where about him he doth glide,
For th'other three beset him in sore wise:
Argalia vantage will not take,
But looketh on to see what end they'le make.
Ferraw leapes vp full twentie feet at least,
To reach to the Grants, who were monstrous hie,
His sworde by chance is on
Vrgano seast,
Cleaueing his head to's teeth most furiously,
But whilst he bids them to this bitter feast,
Argosto doth his yron club let flie:
And such a dangerous blow he doth him giue,
As blood from forth his nose and mouth doth driue.
This made him fiercer then he was before,
As one that nothing fearde in such a case,
So as with strokes, that Giant downe he bore,
Cutting his shoulders off to'th girdling place,
But now he grew to be in danger sore,
Turbon who was strongest of that race,
Caught him within his armes, though he did striue,
Meaning to cary him away aliue.
But was it force, or fortune of the Knight?
I know not which, but soone from him he got:
The Gyant then with iron Club doth fight:
Ferraw with his sworde, who weyes him not:
Seldome they misse, hitting each other right,
And now the Fray begins afresh most hot,
And each of other, now his handes full hath,
Striuing to giue each other harme and skath.
No dallying is there twixt themselues as now,
The Gyant with all force that he can make,
Striking the Barons helmet off, doth wound his brow:
Disarming quite his head he makes him quake:
Ferraw makes him like an Oxe to low,
So great a blow he doth him rightly take
Vpon the legges (though they in male were shutte,)
As off from bodie his, he them doth cutte.
Th'one dying, th'other falling in a sound,
Both (at one instant) fell as dead they were:
Argalia lightes from horse, and from the ground,
The Knight doth to the Spring most kindly bere:
And with fresh water which did there abound,
He him reuiues againe, and doth him chere.
That done, he leade him would vnto his Tent:
Ferraw to be prisoner, nill consent.
For what care I (saith he) though Th'emperor
Promisde that such Conditions firme should stand;
Am I his Vassall or his Seruitor,
That he vnto my losse may me command?
I came to fight for Loue (like Conqueror)
With thee, thy Sister faire for to haue gaind:
And her I'le haue (or els I here will die)
Lesse I haue lost my wonted Chiualrie.
Astolfo hearing such a noyse and dyn,
Begun out of his heauie sleepe to come:
Besides the Gyants showte had waked him,
Whose Eccho to his eares from Meade did runne:
And seeing these two Champions to begin
A fresh to brawle (which he would haue them shunne)
Sought all the meanes, as friendes to make them gree;
Ferraw to it would not perswaded bee.
Alas poore man, said then
Perceiust thou not howe thou vnarmed art?
Perhaps thou thinkst thy Helmet still doth stay
Vpon thy head, which broke's in many a part,
Then chuse, if Prisoner thou wilt be, or slay
I shall thee, (though to doe so grieues my heart:)
For if thou fightst and nothing hast on head,
Thou canst not scape, but soone thou must be dead.
Ferraw replide, and yet my minde me tels,
Withouten helmet, armour or with sword,
I shall thee conquer, though I nought haue els,
Naked with thee to fight I can afford
For my deere Loue (despite of charming Spels:)
Thus braude this Baron, not one foote thence sturd:
For Loue had him so heated with desire,
He would for her haue leapt into the fire.
Argalia now began to sweare and stare,
Seeing so basely he of him did steeme,
As being nakte, (to combat) durst him dare,
And that being twise o'recome before, doth seeme
Still prowder, nor for him at all doth care,
But better then at first his strength doth deeme:
Well Knight (quoth he) I see thou seekst thy Bane,
And since thou dost, Il'e soone giue thee the same.
Now doe thy worst, and quickly take thy horse,
For I haue vsde thee too too ouer-well:
Nor thinke once more in me to finde remorse
For Helmet lost, which from thy head late fell:
Th'ast offered wrong, and find shalt hardest force:
"Pittie to thankelesse men I will not fell;
Looke to thy selfe, and that full warily,
No way there is but one, thou needes must dye.
Hereat did
Ferraw smile, his wordes he waide
As nothing, but to his horse himselfe did take:
That done, (Sr Knight, a word with you) he said,
Giue me thy sister faire, and for her sake
Commaund me, and thou shalt be straight obaid.
I will be friendes with thee, and handes will shake:
But if to graunt this: thou denie me now,
Il'e send thee to another world, I make a vow.
Argalia was with anger so ore'come,
To heare these speeches arrogant and prowde,
As to his horse, he in a rage doth runne,
Threatning he speakes he knowth not what alowde,
So fast it coms out of his roling tongue:
He drawes his sworde, and fiercely towards him bowde▪
Forgetting (to his coste) his golden launee,
Which at the Pine tree he had left by chaunce.
Both storming thus, they meet with sworde in hand,
And each doth other turne from off his steed,
Stronger then these the world cannot commaund,
Nor liues there, that in valour them exceed,
Did here
Orlando or
Rinaldo stand,
Yet who would proue most valiant, doubt t'would breed,
As by the sequell of the second song,
You heare shall, for this first hath bin too long.
of Orlando Inamorato.
Angelica from combate takes her flight,
Ferraw with her brother doth contend,
Who followeth after her on Courser light;
Ferraw, Rinaldo, and
Orlando wend
To finde her ont, with all theire force and might,
And her to seeke, in vaine their labour spend:
Charles I ousts begin, where Pagans passing braue
Cary themselues: the
[...]oile the Christians haue.
HOnour and
Loue together here do fight,
Argalia his faire sister to defend,
Ferraw for sweet
Angelica, his might
Doth shew; gainst Loue, for loue he doth contend,
Of valour n'er was seene so rare a sight,
Thrise happie they that so their liues do end:
None honours, loues his Mistris more then I,
Yet I cashierd am most disdainfully.
I honour her and tender her good name,
More then the dearest apples of mine eine,
So much I loue her, as her loue to gaine,
Gladly I woulde dispend this life of mine,
Yet she my chaste request quits with disdaine,
Shewing of pittie not so much as signe:
My heart she seekes to tyranize and kill,
Shee borne to punish, I to suffer still.
(Before) I tolde you how our Champions were
Buckling together with despight and ire,
Argalia doth reuenge on
Ferraw sweare,
Ferraw burns gainst him with like desire,
The one enchaunted armour strong doth beare,
The others death by wound none can conspire,
Saue in one place, with steele that couered was,
As hardly any weapon through could passe.
Who hath two Lions seene combat in Wood,
When they together meet most furiously,
Or who two thundercraks to heare hath stood,
Which flashing lightning doth before descrie,
(Comparde to this strange fight) see nothing s
So desperat are they whilst their force they trie:
Heauen seemes to burne, and all the worlde to quake,
Whenas their sparkling blades encounter make.
They lay on load, with blowes themselues to smother,
Frowning with sdainfull lookes, and collor great,
Th'one thinking to be stronger then the other
Trembles for rage, and doth with labour sweat,
And now
Argalia ore his foe doth houer,
And on his naked head his sworde doth seat,
Thinking, that with that stroke he him had giuen,
His soule from out his bodie he had driuen.
But when he sawe vpon his sworde most plaine,
No blood to be, he was amazed so,
As haire on head vpright gan to remaine,
It seemde to him to be so strange a show,
Ferraw meanes to shew to him like game,
Thinking to cleaue his armour braue as tho,
Crying to
Macon now I thee commende,
For with this blow I thee to him will send.
And saying so, his force he gathereth round,
With both his hands at him he hard doth strike,
As had it beene a rocke of diamond,
He at that stroke in twaine had cleude it quite,
The well wrought Helme that was enchaunted found,
Was cause withouten hurt it there did light:
Ferraw thereat wondered, iudge but you,
He was so mazde, scarce what he did he knew.
But after they had breathed for a space,
(Pawsing a while) withouten striking stroke,
One wondring at the other in this case,
(For not one word as yet tweene them was spoke,)
Argalia first to
Ferraw turnes his face,
Baron quoth he (for now he silence broke)
This armour which I weare, I will thou know,
Is by enchauntment made from top to toe.
Then leaue off with me, more thy force to trie,
For nought hereby but danger thou canst haue:
So helpe me
Macon, as I doe not lie
Ferraw) I no armour neede, to saue
My selfe, for what thou seest on me with eye,
I cary but for shew and flourish braue,
And not for need, for I vnto the bone,
All ore am woundlesse, saue one side alone.
Therefore Let me this councell to thee giue,
For, for thy good I now speake as a friend,
Seeke not (as wilfull) death, when thou maist liue,
For if thou wilt, this quarrell soone shall end:
Thy sister graunt to me for whom I grieue,
Else thee the world from death cannot defend:
But if thou shalt be found so kinde to me,
I shall be bound for euer vnto thee.
Couragious Baron then
Argalia sayd,
Thy▪oft mou'de motion well I vnderstand:
I, for thy loue, (not feare) am well apaid,
To haue with thee a friendly kinsmans band.
But I will know before I further wade,
If with her liking good this bargaine stand,
Els I'le doe naught;
Ferraw replies, Content:
Goe, talke with her, to know if shee'le consent.
Ferraw, (though young,) hard fauoured was, not faire,
With morphew tand, his speech was full of pride,
A countenance grim and terrible he bare,
His eyelids quicke, and like a Ferret eyde:
To keepe his body cleane he ne're did care,
For on his face great store of dust did bide.
His head like to a sugar loafe was sharpe,
His heare cole-blacke, by nature curld, not Art.
Angelica mislikes him for this cause,
For she did loue the Flaxen yellowish heare,
And to
Argalia saith, when he did pause:
Kinde Brother, well I know you hold me deare,
Yet first I'le cast my selfe in swallowing iawes
Of these deepe waters, or begge euery wheare,
Then take for husband such a man as he,
"Better be dead, then with a madman be.
Therefore I pray thee for God
Macon sake,
That thou be pleasde, although I can not like:
Once more thy weapons gainst that Baron take,
Meane while by magicke Art I'le worke the slight,
My selfe to be conuayed home to make:
Follow me after thou mayst, by some fained flight.
I by Ardennas wood will take my way,
And there for thee vntill thou come will stay.
To th'end we both may glad our auncient Sire,
Who longes for vs: but if within three dayes
You come not to me, as I you require,
I through the windes as then will goe my wayes,
Through helpe of coniuring Booke of that Dogde Squire,
Who (for he would haue rauisht me) deere payes:
And after you may come by land with ease
To me; the way you know if so you please.
Argalia backe comes, nor to tell doth misse,
How he his Sister cannot make consent:
Ferraw giue ouer will not for all this,
But stil to combat with him is he bent,
To winne her, or to die, his minde it is,
And whilst to hold him still in fight he ment:
The Maid doth vanish from them sodainly,
Which soone the ielous Louer doth espie.
For as he fought, he oft lookt her vpon,
Thinking his force did double and not lacke,
But after that he saw that she was gone,
He had small minde to keepe him longer tacke:
Meane space
Argalia with his horse is flowne
Like winde away, and from him turnes his backe,
Out of the Meddow he doth spurre apace,
Leauing the fight, and
Ferraw in that place.
Th'ennamorde youth, gulld seeing himselfe to be,
(As madde) out of the Meade doth runne amaine,
Into the Wood he goeth to search and see,
Whilst in his face he redde lookes like the flame:
To thinke how he is mocked, grieude is he,
Vowing to be reuenged for the same:
And still he runnes, and pries, but all in waste,
For what he seekes, he cannot finde in haste.
Now let vs to
Astolfo turne (that Knight)
Who as you know, alone stayd at the Spring,
Viewing with pleasure how those twaine did fight:
And at their matchlesse Valor wondering;
He now is free, maugre all Fortunes spight:
And thanketh God that so released him:
And least delay with danger should him crosse,
He being armde, betakes him to his horse.
But now a Speare wanteth our Pallatine;
For in his fall, his brake vnhappilie:
He lookes about, and at foote of the Pine,
Argalia's was) he doth espie;
A faire one t'was, set out with gold most fine,
And all enammeled ouer curiously:
With this rich Launce furnisht, he homewardes makes,
Nor any other thing with him he takes.
Thus as he forwardes on his iourney set,
Merrie and blythe to thinke he scapte such Thrall:
Hard by the Wood side he
Rinaldo met,
Reporting vnto him what had befall.
Aymons Sons stomacke Loue so had whet,
As in no place he rest him could at all:
Therefore he forth of Paris walls was come,
That he might know what
Ferraw now had done.
But when he heard, the Knights into the Wood
Were runne together, he no more doth say,
But turnes his horse, and spurs till forth coms blood,
And on
Rayardos slownesse fault doth lay:
His Lordes impatience beares this Gelding good;
As if like tyred Iade he ledde the way.
This Gelding good which with such haste doth goe,
As scarse doth shaft when out it flies from bow.
But leaue we now
Rinald his loue about,
And turne we to
Astolf, who is to Paris come:
Whom soone pensiue
Orlando findeth out,
And cunningly (Suspition for to shunne)
Demaunds of him the Battell that was fought,
But of
Angelica he nothing said but Mum,
To talke with him of her he did refraine,
Because he knew he was a Pratler vaine.
But when he heard the Ladie with the rest,
Into the Wood one after other ranne,
And that
Rinaldo followed them in Quest,
He went his way, with countenance pale and wanne,
Flinging himselfe on Bedde with griefe opprest,
As he no longer liue for sorrow can,
This valiant Knight, true Valors chiefest Ioy,
Weepes on his Pallet like a peeuish Boy.
Woe's me (saith he) that in this weakned corse,
I no defence against my foe can proue:
Why should not
Durindana be of force?
Battell to wage against this Tyrant Loue,
Since it my Soule torments without remorse,
As no such griefe so much my sense can moue:
What plague (compard to mine) can rightly be,
Who burne in Loue, and freeze in Ielousie.
I know not if that fauour Angelicke,
To me vnworthy, so great grace will show,
For more then treble blessed is that Wight,
On whome she'le daine such kindnesse to bestow,
And fore all Creatures he may vaunt aright,
Who can in credit with so sweete Saint grow▪
But if in s'dainfull termes gainst me she stands▪
I murther will my selfe with mine owne hands.
Ah should
Rinaldo in the wood by chance,
Meet with this louely virgin secretly,
He would (his beastly hot desire to staunch)
Her maiden head enioy, or he would die,
And now perhaps he leads her such a daunce,
The whilst like to a puling woman I,
Leane with my hand vppon my face with griefe,
Easing my selfe with tears without reliefe.
May be, I thinke, if I conceale the same,
I couer may the heate which burns my heart,
But neuer Ile die for a little shame,
For by Gods grace from hence at night Ile part,
From foorth of
Paris for to finde this Dame,
This Dame that doth procure my deadly smart:
Whom (both by heat and colde) vntill I meet,
In earth, in sea, in heauen, in hell Ile seeke.
So saying, vp he leapeth from his bed,
Where he long time wailing his hap had laine,
He longes for night and with that hope is fed,
Now here, now there, doth run his troubled braine,
To stay so long great griefe within him bred,
And now heele take this course, and now that same,
But th'euening had no sooner banisht light,
But secretly in armes himselfe he dight.
He had not then his vsuall coulours on,
For now in blackish purple he is clad,
Briliadoro he doth ride vpon,
Whilst forth alone from
Paris he goeth sad,
Vnknowne to all that he away is gone,
For, for the nonce his flight conceald he had:
Heauie he went, oft sighing with pale looke,
And towardes
Ardenna, he his iorny tooke.
A worthy Knight, as first Defendant came,
His skie coullour'd shield a Moone of siluer bore,
Lord of
Bordello, Angelin by name,
A Peere of
France, and one well tride before,
Serpentine him selfe to meete doth frame▪
And that so swiftly as no winde is more:
On th'other side, stout
Angelino's prest,
Him to encounter with his speare in wrest.
On brest plate the Defendant
Doth hit, but yet he is not strucken downe,
Stooping low, himselfe whilst he saueth fine,
Running against his foe with furious frowne,
And on the face so strikes the Paladine,
As vp his heeles flie, and he falls on groun:
Whereat the people showt alowd and far,
Saying the conqueror is the Knight with Star.
Riccardo next prickt forwarde full of might,
And Duke he was of fruitfull
A golden Lion bare this warlike Knight
In bloody field, and runs as he would fly,
Serpentine at shocke did hit him right,
(As he halfe way to meet him fast did hie,)
Giuing to him so shrewde and drie a blowe,
That he his head on grauel pitcht below.
Balugant made not a litle prowd,
To see his sonne so brauely him besteares,
Now cometh he whose target Chesse doth shrowd,
And on his Crest a golden crowne he weares,
Salomon rushing from forth the crowde,
Seeking his Riuall whom he nothing feares:
Serpentine a counterbuffe him giues,
As to the ground both horse and man hee driues.
Astolfo then doth take the golden Launce,
Which late
Argalia left in Meadow greene,
Three golden Leopards in Shield he doth aduaunce
In a Vermilion field, faire to be seene:
Well ranne he, yet vnhappie was his chaunce:
Vnder his Courser he o'rethrowne was cleene,
He lay for dead, nor could he see the light,
Besides strucke out of ioynt was his legge right.
Sorrie were all for this his Fortune hard,
Serpentine as much grieude as the rest:
For in the shocke he thought him to haue sparde,
But could not: so his horse him forward prest:
The Duke (to his lodging borne) but badly farde,
Yet soone reuiude, for quickely he was drest,
And ere t'was long, so well he tended was,
His legge was well, himselfe too in good case.
Serpentine the Deuill thus doth play,
Yet will
Ogier the Dane buckle with him:
He flies on horsebacke like the windes away,
When from the Sea it commeth with a swing:
A Target blew he had displaying gay,
Whereon a Wedge of gold was painted trim,
A Basiliske like Serpent he did beare
Vpon his Creast, in signe he nought did feare.
The Trumpets sound, the Knightes set spurs to horse,
Th'one meeting th'other with strange furie fierce:
Two claps of Thunder ioyne not with such force:
Ogier his enemies saddle through doth pierce,
That longer it could not vphold his corse,
The stroke was monstrous trueth for to rehearse,
So as he backward from his horse doth fall,
Downe tumbles he on th'earth with head and all.
Thus Conqueror of the Field
Ogier became,
Which he against all Commers must defend:
Ballugant lookt redde as fierie flame,
Because his Sonne had made so badde an end,
And he will trie if he can take like shame;
And him the Dane likewise to ground doth send:
His place then takes the youthfull
Strong made he was, and stowte himselfe did bere.
Brother he was to
Ferraw, his greene Shield
Three golden Moones did shew, which there did stand:
Forward he pricks to make
Ogier to yeeld,
But is in midst of Course by countermand
Most rudely throwne downe flatte vpon the Field,
Ogier against him had so shrewde a hand:
So sore the stroke was, that for seuen whole howers
He lay starke dead, bereft of vitall powers.
[...]lter of
Mount-Leon tooke his place,
And to the ground (as th'other were,) was sent:
A Dragon did his purple Target grace,
And in a golden Field the same was pent:
Braue Christian Barons (then
Ogier straight sayes)
Let not our force against our selues be bent:
Let vs encounter gainst the Saracins,
Els who so tryumphs, little honor wins.
Spinello (D'Alta Monte) was a Pagan,
And to King
Charles his Court came for to trie
His prowesse, and his Azurde Shield was plaine,
In which a golden Crowne you might espie:
Who soone vnhorst was by this worthy Dane:
Mattalista followeth sodenly;
Brother he was to
Fiordispina faire,
And on his horse, himselfe he stoutly bare.
His Shield was partie gold, and partie blacke,
And on his Creast a Dragon greene he gaue:
Downe from his Saddle fell he on his backe,
For he no way himselfe as then could saue.
Now coms
Grandonio (who no force doth lacke)
God and Saint
George helpe
Ogier weilde his Staue,
Great neede he hath, for mongst the Pagans all,
Than he, there's none more valiant, or more tall.
This King in height most Gyants huge did passe,
Armed vpon a Steede of monstrous size,
Blacke as a Cole his Sable Target was,
Macon his God, was drawne in curious wise:
No Christian Knight durst once to be so rash,
Scarse for to looke on him with open eyes.
Gano of Pontiers him no sooner saw,
But from the Field himselfe he doth withdraw.
Macario of Vsana did the like:
Pinabel, so Th'earle of
Alta foglia:
Falcon amongst the rest doth shunne his sight,
And longes till he is from him got away:
Onely remaines behind
Griffon that Knight,
And he (perhaps too) gainst his will did stay,
His Honor or his Shame withheld him so,
Or els he saw not when the rest did goe.
Meane time in Field this Pagan terrible
Takes on, as he a whirling Tempest were,
His Speare, for greatnesse doth a Mast excell,
So great a force he able is to beare,
His Courser is as monstrous (trueth to tell)
Which with his foote the hardest ground doth teare,
He breakes the hardest stones, and as he praunceth,
He goeth so swift, as th'earth doth shake and daunceth.
With furie thus against the Dane he blowes,
Whose Target he in middest iust doth split:
Ogiers great fall, his wondrous might, well showes,
For horse and man he to the ground doth hit.
Forth of the Field Duke
Namo with him goes,
Carried in armes, (on horse he can not sit,)
Keeping his bedde, till that a Month did passe,
Before his arme and breast well cured was.
Great was his hurt, and All full sory are,
Except the Saracins, who did not grieue:
Granaonio threatning stands, and naught doth care▪
Turpin of Rana, yet at him doth driue,
But is in middest of his Course downe bare,
And doubtfull t'was, if he would die or liue:
(Good Bishop) be from saddle his was thrust
So rudely, as he sore was brusde and crusht.
Astolfo now was from the Ladies come,
And did bestride a Palfrie white as snowe,
To court them pleasantly he did not shun,
And (saue his sword) vnarmed he did goe,
Amongst those Dames that glistered like the Sunne,
So blyth and sportfull he himselfe did showe:
But whilst he trifling with them standeth thus:
Grandonio doth
Griffon from horsebacke push.
Griffon was of the Maganseses Howse,
His blewish Shield a Falcon white did hold:
The Giant now his plumes begins'to rowse,
What? Christians is your courage now so cold?
Dares none of you gainst me be venterous.
Guydo (this hearing) coms resolude most bold:
A Burgon was he, Lion blacke he gaue
In golden Shield, and from his horse was draue.
Angelero falls vnhappily,
He giues a Dragon with a maidens head,
Auin, Auolio, Otton, B
[...]rlingero bee
One after th'other from their horses sped,
An Eagle blacke they giue in Crest to see,
I meane those first foure Princes vanquished:)
But he that doth this shield in azure weare,
With Cheste of golde, is Duke of ritch
Grandonio still encreaseth in his might,
Hugo of
Marcelleis he doth meet,
Whom dead he strikes, he him doth hit so right,
Ricciardet and
Alardo at his feet
He layeth along; gainst
Charles he railes with spight,
Christians with name of Cowardes he doth greet:
To heare him raile thus
Charles it much astouns,
But see, now
Oliuere the Marques comes.
The sunne then cleere did shew againe to shine,
And all seemde ioyefull of his entering,
The Marques came in shew gallant and fine,
Charles went foorth to meet, and welcome him,
The people crie, liue long, a happy time,
(While all the field with trumpets tantara ring)
Viennas Marques
Oliuer the good,
Grandonio takes his mast, and laughing stood.
And now with furie both together run,
Whilst the beholders be as in a maze,
To see th'euent that hereof's like to come,
So earnestly they on the Tiltters gaze,
In fielde amazed stand both all and some,
And who doth best, each one to marke assayes:
When in th'encounter
Oliuer doth show,
Like Paladine, that he his play doth know.
Nine plates of steele thicke was
Grandonios shielde,
Which he did pierce and breake by force insunder,
He burst his brest-plate through though surely steelde,
The speares point into his body strucke like thunder,
The Giant then his speare so sore doth wielde,
As (that good
Oliuer slaine was not) twas a wonder:
Seuen yardes he from his saddle at the least,
With furious stroke from horse was dispossest.
There's none that sees him, but thinkes he is dead,
For in the midst his helmet clouen was,
None wistly lookes vpon his face, or head,
But swears that life out of his Corse doth passe,
O how with this was
Charles daunted, and sed,
Ah worthy Baron gon art thou alas,
Chiefe honour of my Court, deare as my sonne,
Why suffers God such mischiefe to be donne?
If insolent this Pagan was before,
He's now so proude that scarce on feete he goes,
Now Peacocke like he calls and threatneth sore,
Where are these brauing Palatines our foes?
White hearted liuered Knights, base cowardes more,
More then to bib and quaffe my cunning showes:
Valiant no doubt is this their TABLE ROVND,
It threatens much, yet none to fight are found▪
Pipins sonne, heating this foule disgrace,
And that his Court was made a scoffe and play,
Is much incenst and troubled in his face,
And looking angry bout him, thus doth say,
Where are they that should homage in this place
Do to me now? they now are gon away:
Gan of
Pontiers now?
Rinaldo where?
Orlando stoute? All Traitors, none appeare.
Sonne of a Queane base got, I promise thee,
If euer I do meet with thee againe,
With mine owne handes soone strangled shalt thou be,
Thus, and much more said angry
Astolfo being behinde him, this doth see,
Vnseene on horsebacke he goeth backe amaine:
Saying vnto himselfe, what though I die,
Yet Ile appeare in fielde most valiantly.
Nor doth he thinke that euer he shall finde,
The lucke to ding the Giant on the ground,
But for to shew his good and houest minde
To his vtmost power as he to
Charles was bound,
(He brauely mounted) turnes, his armour shinde
As ventrous Knight at all points at that stound:
Yet those that knew him cride, now God vs saue,
If we than this, no better Champion haue.
He bowes himselfe fore
Charles in lowly guise,
My gratious Lord (saith he) before them all,
To vnhorse this Pagan proud in valiant wise
I venter will, if so you please I shall,
The King knitting his browes▪ with angrie eies
Saith, go thy waies, no doubt a fray most tall
Thou'lt make; then turning to them that stoode by,
Now quoth he, we shall shamde be presently.
Astolfo threates, the Pagan at first sight
To take prisuer, and as his Gallie slaue
To vse him; and these words so much him spight,
As he is madde for furie, and doth raue,
And in the next song Ile describe the
[...]t fight,
If so your wonted patience I may haue,
To daine to listen with your gentle eare,
Where wonders strange nere heard of you shall heare
Orlando Inamorato.
Astolfo wins in field the Prize at last,
Yet he (through treason) is in prison laide,
Rinaldo Merlins Fountaine strange doth taste,
Where loue he bare
Angelica doth fade,
Ferraw once more
Angelica hath out traste,
Kills him, and drownes him, (for such sute he made)
That done he meets
Orlando and doth fight,
With him for faire
Angelica the bright.
LIGHT of mine eyes, LIFES spirit vnto my HaRT,
That makst my fearefull Muse, to mount so hie,
Thy sun-shine beames, a while on me revart,
Whilst I thy praises sing most worthily,
For thou alone true honor dost impart,
Vnto my Verse by vertue of thine eye:
Since, who of such a worthy story writes
As is thy selfe? LOVE (Poet-like) indites.
LOVE framde the Heauens, and Harmonies sweet ground,
Loue made the world, of sauadge to be milde,
Loue, first delightfull Poetrie out found,
Loue, peace did breed, and bloody wars exilde;
Ah then, where first thou hurtst, heale thou the wound,
DAIZIE of CHESSHIRE, view my heauie plight,
Who am Loues MaRTIre, torturde day and night.
(If you remember) but euen now I tolde,
How braue
Astolfo in most scornefull wise
Taunted the Pagan, saying (Sitra) be not so bold,
Left I thee send, where ne're more thou shalt rise:
What though thy strength our Barons hath controld▪
Yet (Rascall) I'le thee learne another guise
When th'art in Gallie, and Gyant, since I see
Thou art so strong, my chiefe Slaue thou shalt be.
Grandonio, who vsde others for to braue,
But neuer for to take such wordes of skorne,
Began to swell for anger and to raue
As troubled Sea, that swelleth high through storme
When windes doe force the mounting billowes waue,
And euery Shippe, by waters vnderborne:
Grandonio so doth rage with furie lead,
Gnashing his teeth, and shaking of his head.
Like to a Snake, for anger he doth hisse,
And with
Astolfo longs to grapple faine,
His monstrous Club to take he doth not misse,
Thinking most sure, therewith to be his bane,
Either to make him dead, the ground to kisse,
Or for to strike him through the midst in twaine,
Or for to pull him from his Steede perforce,
And quarter him in foure without remorce.
Thus coms the Pagan with this furious minde:
Astolfo turnes to meere him in the face,
Pale lookes hee, and fearefull his heart doth finde,
Yet willing more to die, then take disgrace:
And both incenst runne swifter then the winde,
Meeeting in surie with a desperate pace:
Grandonio falles, but Iudge you if you please,
If such a violent Fall was with his ease.
The People showte, making a Noise and crie,
As if the earth were firde, or Heauen should fall:
There's none that this hath marked with his eie,
But whoopes for Ioy, as well the great as small:
Each one commendes him, and that worthylie,
Whilst that the Saracens are daunted all:
Th'empror seeing the Pagan where he lies,
Though he it seeth, beleeues not his owne eies.
The Gyant falling, fell on his left side,
Which was the cause the wound he had before
Tooke, through
Vienna's Marquesse valour tride,
Was hurt farre worse, and opened now farre more:
So as halfe dead, he on the ground did bide,
The English Duke had wounded him so sore:
Powring out blood from out his corse so fast,
As scarse a fountaine doth forth water cast,
Some say
Astolfo's valour made him bleede
With Counterbuffe, and therefore him they praise▪
Other reporte the trueth thereof indeede,
Some I, some no, each as him liketh, sayes,
Grandonio was conuaid away on Steede,
Astolf for this Blow full dearely payes:
For (in the ende) the Paynim did him giue
His deaths wound, nor himselfe did after liue.
Astolfo in the Listes as Conquerour
Standeth, and yet he doubts if he be so:
Two Knightes there were yet of the Pagans power
Onely, that had not tryde their force as tho,
Kinges Sonnes they were of Chiualrie the Flowe
Giasart as Browne,
Pyliaz Flaxen did show:
Giasarts Father all Arabia won,
Through force of Armie his, which he o'recome.
The Sire of
Pyliaz, all Russia
Had seizde vpon and got into his hand,
Besides he held much of Tartaria,
And vnto Tana's Confines did command:
These twaine (no longer hereon for to stay)
Ranne with
Astolfo, him for to withstand:
And to be briefe, so fiercely he them mette,
That both of them from off their horse he fette.
Meane time, one went to
Gano, and him tolde,
Astolf, Grandonio had discomfited,
But that by him so braue a Pagan bolde
Should foyled be, t'will ne're sincke in his head,
He rather doth in his opinion hold,
That some ill chaunce to the Gyant's happened,
Neuer beleeues he that
Astolfo's able
Him to vnhorse, he thinks, t'is but a fable.
Herewith, he hopes the Honor of the day
To get, and of the Ioust the royall prise,
And for to shew more braue in his array,
That greater Glorie vnto him might rise,
Seuen Armed Earles with him he bringes away:
With these (All of his Howse) towards
Charles he hies,
Whome for to pardon him in humble speech,
For his so late comming, he doth beseech.
The Emperor little said, but what he ment
I know not, yet he showde to him good cheare:
This done, straight
Gano to
Astolfo sent,
That (since no Saracin more did appeare)
To runne with him, hee'lde not be discontent:
And since his Courage knowne was euery where,
He should denie none, for more Honor grew
Still vnto him, the more he did subdew.
Astolf, who of this speech conceiude the sense,
Said to the man that brought the Message had:
Gano, that I make no difference
T'wixt Sarasin and him, he is so bad
A foe to God and to mans excellence:
A Traiterous Lolard, Villaine fit for stab:
Come when he dare, no more I him esteeme,
Then of a filthie doung-cart I would deeme.
Gano the Earle hearing him braue him so,
Said little, but with choller burnt like fire,
In haste to meete
Astolfo he doth goe,
And to himselfe sayth, I'le pay thee thy hire
Dogbolt; whom I am, I wil make thee know,
When I shall thee vnhorse and cast in mire.
And trueth to say, he thought so to haue done,
For he (before times) better then he had runne.
Yet now he reckon did without his Hoste,
Gano was vnhorsed presently:
Macario, then
Astolfo doth accoste,
And he (falling) beares
Gano company:
[...]s, may it be, this Dolt o're vs should boste
And shame vs thus? then
Pinabell did crie,
Shall be
Magansa's Princelike House thus foyle?
And vs of Honor and of Valor spoyle?
Yet he's from saddle throwne about that place:
Nor thinke not, but
Astolfo layes about,
Crying alowde, Where is this damned Race?
Flat on the ground I'le lay that cursed Rowt,
Smerilio coms with Speare apace,
Astolf flinges him groueling on his snowt:
Sore was he hurt, and forth from thence was led,
For which
Gano was much discomfited.
Falcon saide, can fortune be so blinde,
That such an Asse as this and scoffing foole,
Should dare to haue so braue resolued minde,
So many Knights by force to beate and schoole?
So saying, he himselfe most fast doth binde
Within his saddle, nor can he recule,
This done, to finde
Astolff apace he comes,
Vnhorst he cannot be, whilst that he runs.
The Duke iust in the face encounters him,
And with such force his speare gainst him doth wielde,
As he doth bow from horse, now out now in,
As though he strait should dead his Goast forth yeeld,
All looke when he from horse would topple trim,
Whilst some espie how bound he came to'th fielde:
Wherewith they with a noise the aire do fill,
Crying, the Traitors bound, the Dastard kill.
Away his friends him cary with great shame,
Yet greater is his wound an hundered folde,
Astolfo knowth not how this courage came,
Yet doth he say with dauntlesse visage bolde,
Come who so list, Ile learne him loosers game,
Though he be bound, his seate surer to holde,
A Cowarde I will chastice being bound,
Better then if he losed should be found.
Anselmo della Ripa, Countie vile,
Thinkes (in him selfe) reuengement for to take,
For his friends shame, by some deceitfull guile,
Which was assoone as
Astolf forth did make,
To any one (on sudden) he the while
Vnwares would set on him:
Rinard doth shake
His speare first gainst him,
Anselm comes behind,
Astolff on his feet to set doth minde.
Astolf meets
Rinard, whom from saddle bow,
He with his legs wide open, strikes on grasse,
And being not yet well setled through the blowe
He gaue
Rinard; Anselmo straight doth passe
To him, and traiterously him downe doth throw,
Giuing no warning that he comming was,
Perswading him t'was chance, and not his will,
That he had proffered vnto him this ill.
Astolfo lieth all along
Vpon the grauell, and imagine you,
If heauie he toke not this monstrous wrong;
He starteth vp, his sword from side he drew,
And laide about him mongst that traitrous throng,
Thinking to make some for their fault to rue:
Gano and his kin, he brauely fights,
And meeting
Griffon, on the head him strikes.
And dide hee had, had not his helmet fine
Saude him as then, and now they all take hart,
Gano now,
Macario, Vgoline,
Thinke for that blow to make
Astolfo smart,
Namo, Turpin, and
Ricardo at that time
Seeing the ods, begin to take his part:
Together now one gainst another runs,
Meane space King
Pippins sonne amongst them comes.
All those he meetes, he stiikes, now here, now there,
(For thirtie pates he broken had at least,)
Quoth he, where is this Traiterous rebell? where?
That to disturbe presumes my Royall Feast?
He rides amongst the thickst with tronchion speare,
Nor though his sworde were drawne, his furie ceast:
And now each maketh place forth'Emperer,
Either for honour, or that they him feare.
Gano and
Astolfo thus he spoke,
What quoile is this? thinke you you vse me well?
Griffon, whose sconce was well knockt and broke,
Before King
Charles for Iustice crying fell,
Sending forth scalding sighes from breast like smoake,
And Iustice still, he forth aloude doth yell:
Iustice (my Liege) for in thy presence, I
Am set vpon, and spoilde most traiterously.
My Gratious Lord, to me be but thus kinde,
To know of these, who first began the fray,
And if by me this English man you finde
Assayled to be first in any way,
I yeelde that Traitor-like you me shall binde,
And in this fielde that quartered be I may:
But if this ill I do endure (sauns cause)
Let him be punisht, that thus breakes your lawes.
Astolfo was so angry at this tale,
That he forgot
Charles presence, and his Grace,
Villaine quoth he, this shall thee small auaile,
Thou art a Spawne sprung from that damned race,
Thy heart Ile haue, else of my will Ile faile,
Before that thou shalt get from forth this place:
Griffon saith, do thy worst and do not spare,
Were I from hence, for thee small would I care.
But now my selfe to reason I submit,
Not to disgrace my Soueraigne Prince at all,
The Duke replies, base Rascall think'st by wit,
And by deuice, that I thee suffer shall?
Charles hearing this, scarce on his horse could sit
He was so chaft, and thus to him doth call:
By heauen, if better speech thou dost not giue,
Ile make the to repent whilst thou shalt liue.
Astolfo to these words lends little heede,
But vseth him in termes most spightfully,
(As one that wronged was in very deed,
Though not the rest thereof could right descrie)
At last comes in treacherous
Anselmo slie,
Whose sight in
Astolff doth fresh coller breed:
The English Dukt no sooner doth him see,
But that he with his blade at him doth flee.
And doubtlesse with that blow he had beene slaine,
Had not he saude bin by the Emperur:
But euery one doth now
Astolfo blame,
And apprehended is he for this stur,
To prison by the furious rowt he's tane,
Since he
Charles Roiall anger durst incur:
There, for his rashnes did he dearely pay,
Kept longer then he thought by many a day.
Where wee will leaue him since he liueth well,
And better's then those wretched Louers are,
Which for
Angelica feele second hell,
And night and day (to finde her) trauell far,
Each tooke his seuerallway (by chance as fell)
And now be to
Ardenna come with care,
The first that there ariude was
Aymons sonne,
Thankes to his spurres,
Baiardo well did run.
No sooner was this Baron in the wood,
But he about him looketh euery where,
Where he espies a Groue that shadowed stood,
Enuiron'd with a Cristall Riuer cleare,
The sight whereof to him did mickle good,
And therefore to the same he enters neere,
Where, in the midst he found a fountaine faire,
As neuer wit of man framde one so rare.
This Fountaine more then wondrous for delight,
Was carude with Alabaster passing fine,
Set out with gold, adorning it so bright,
As all the Meadow Sun-like made to shine:
MERLIN it built, (a famous coniuring Wight)
Because worthie Sir
Tristram at that time
Drinking thereof, should leaue that louely Queene,
Who was in th'end his vtter ruine seene.
But luckelesse
Tristram (his chaunce was so badde)
Ne're to that Fountaine could ariue (alas)
Though oft to finde it he did venture sadde,
And bout the Countrie, for the same did passe.
Now this same Fountaine such strange Nature had,
That whatsoeuer Knight ennamored was,
Drinking thereof, should Loue from thought exile,
Forcing him hate whom he had loude ere while.
The Sunne was at the highest, the day was hot,
When Prince
Rinaldo hyes vnto this place,
(Sweating through trauell, and great thirst had got)
When as longing to drinke in such a case,
He lightes from horse, and drinking, t'is his lot,
His Loue, and drynesse both away to chase:
For when he tasted had this water cold,
He straight forgate the Dame he loude of old,
And now he thinkes, what base a thing it is,
A woman vaine to follow and esteeme:
Nor now, that Beautie, countes he such a Blisse,
Which whilom, more then humane he did deeme:
He doth Recant; his minde is farre from this,
Such force in this so wondrous Water's seene:
And now his Thoughts so changed are of late,
He worse then Toade
Angelica doth hate.
Forth of this Wood he coms with s'dainfull mind,
Shaming to thinke vpon his Follies past:
Whilst musing thus, a Riuer he doth finde,
Whose cristall Streame runnes smoothly, trickling fast,
Alongst whose bankes all flowers by Natures kinde
(As if the Spring had beene in prime) were plast,
And o're the Foorde for shadow there was seene,
The Beechen tree, the Pine, and Oliue greene.
This Riuer called was the BROOKE of LOVE,
Merlin had not inchaunted this (as yet)
Who drinkes hereof, to Loue it doth him moue,
His Heart must subiect be to Fancies fit.
Many braue Knightes, (unstaking) this did proue,
And many haue beene quite vndone with it.
Rinaldo tasted not of this, for why?
He at the other Fountaine dranke before being dry.
Yet he so well this pleasant place doth like,
As here a while he meaneth to repose:
From horse he lightes, and him vnbridles quite,
(And for to feede
Bayardo) lettes him lose:
Meane time in thickest shade this wearied Knight
(Not thinking any thing) to slumber goes:
Sleepe doth our Baron, and doth take a nappe:
But now behold what Fortune did him happe.
Angelica away did flie,
Ferraw with her Brother fought at furst,
She on this Riuer chaunst, and being drie,
Did light and dranke thereof to staunch her thurst:
But now (sweete Ladies) marke how worthilie,
LOVE tamed that proude hart of hers so curst:
No sooner she this Knight sawe on the grasse,
But that ennamored straight of him she was.
Her Palfrie white she to the Pine doth raine,
And to
Rinaldo stealing, commeth neere,
Gazing on him whose sight did breede her paine,
Nor hath she power, one foote from thence to steere:
Within this Meadow did there store remaine
Of Lillies, and of Roses euery where;
These with her snowie handes she plucks apace,
Flinging them all vpon
Mount Albons face.
Wherewith he wakes, and she perceiuing this,
Smiling, salutes him in most louely wise,
Yet he her thanketh not, nor her doth kisse,
But takes his horse, and quickly from her flies,
Her wooing wordes, deserued fauour misse:
Shee him intreats to stay, but he dentes;
As he were madde, he flings from out the Wood:
And after him she spurres with gallop good.
She followeth him, and after him doth crie;
Ah stay sweete Knight, a little while but stay:
Why dost thou from me (who thee followeth) flie?
Ah doe not her, that holdes thee deere, thus slay:
I am not
Ginamon of Baion I,
VVho thee to kill in Forrest did assay:
Gano, nor
Macario false that bee,
Them and their Race I hate, so, loue I thee.
More then my soule I sweare that I thee loue:
Yet do sthou flie from me with skornefull hate:
Looke but once backe, may be, I may thee moue:
See if my face can thee so fearefull make.
To hurt thy selfe, through furie doe not proue:
This VVood is dangerous, and thou harme maist take:
Ah, if thou loue me, goe a little safter:
And thee to please, I'le not so fast come after.
[...] to thee any mischaunce should come,
Whilst thus thou headlong rid'st, or to thy Steede,
Small should I ioy, my life as then were done,
And for thy hurt, my heart to death would bleede:
Turne backe at last, my sight still doe not shunne:
Thinke whome I am, I merrit better meede:
My Beautie's such, as none ought for to flee:
Rather if I fledde, thou shouldst follow me.
Thou hast not slept enough, then light on growne,
And for thee I'le prouide a Princely Bedde,
My daintie Corse shall be thy Cowch of downe,
My Skinne shall serue for finest sheetes in stedde:
Where thou, o're eares, thy selte with ioy mayst drowne,
My softe Breastes, pillowes shall be for thy head:
Whilst Nymphes and Graces shall about thee keepe,
With heauenly Musicke lulling thee asleepe.
With such sweete sugred wordes the Maid entreates,
Running still after him, but all in vaine:
Bayardo swift, the way like wind forth breakes,
Carrying his Master out from Woddie plaine:
The Ladie wearied, now her selfe downe seates,
Wringing her handes, and crying out amaine,
Vpon the Heauens and starres she oft doth call;
Cruell she tearmes them, and vnluckie all.
But she
Rina'do doth aboue the rest
More cruell call, and that in piteous wise:
Who would once thinke (saith she) that in that brest?
In those faire lookes of his no kindnesse lyes?
Yet I of wit am not so dispossest,
But that I know for him I am no Prize:
I haue not worth enough him for to moue:
Yet ought he not hate me, though he'le not loue.
At least he might haue giuen me some leaue,
For to haue gazde vppon his manly face,
And so perhapps I lesse then shoulden grieue,
If he had shewde me this small tiny grace,
I see by louing I my woes thred weaue,
"But where Loue is, there Reason takes no place:
Cruell he is, a Cho
[...]le, hard hearted still,
Yet what so ere he is, I loue him will.
Thus wailing shee teares som her eyes forth powers,
And turning to the Beech where (fore) he lay,
Thrise happie Herbes, and treble blessed Flowers,
That toucht so sweet a Countnance she doth say,
Far better is your fortune then is ours,
Since you haue kist whom not once touch I may,
Ah might I (as you had) such fauour found,
I willing would be dead, low in the ground.
So saying, from her Palfray passing white
The Ladie doth dismount, and comes on ground,
And for to kisse those flowers shee takes delight,
Which by the place where
Rinald lay she found,
Thinking her heat to lessen by that sight,
When she therewith more deadly makes her wound:
Shee thinkes being there lesse sorrowes will her cumber,
Wherwith she layeth her downe and there doth slumber,
So sweetly sleeps shee, as she seemes to smile,
And in her dreame
Rinaldo oft dothcall
Whilst to embrace him, shee her armes the while,
Stretcheth out wide, and sudden wakes withall;
But when she sees how fancies her beguile,
She pitious weepes, and teares like pearle lets fall,
Sighing, her stainles womb doth pant and moue,
Period of Ioy, round Center of sweet Loue.
(CHASTE CRVEL CHOICE) I know to you tis g
That yet
Gradasso's not on
Charles his Coaste
In all this while, you meruaile what's the reason,
But not aboue three dayes he'le stay at most,
And now to
Spaine, his ships are come in season,
But I must yet leaue him and all his Hoste:
First will I tell you of our wandring Knights,
And first of
Ferraw and his dangerous fights,
He walketh searching vp and downe the Wood,
And mad for anger wellnie doth appeare,
Anger and Louelo heaten haue his blood,
As he his life no more steemes then a heare,
Lesse he
Argalia with his Armour good,
Or his faire Sister finde a way to beare,
Might he but of her Brother be reuenged,
He thinkes his griefe the sooner would be ended.
And whilst his way on horsbacke he doth keepe,
Thus thinking, and doth watch him to espie,
He seeth whereas in shade a Knight doth sleepe,
And that
Argalia tis doth soone descrie,
Vnto whose Steed
Ferraw doth softlly creepe,
Being tide to a tree, him losing presently:
Then with a Bough he keepeth reuell rout,
Coursing the Gelding all the wood throughout.
That doone, he to a Bay his owne horse ties,
Vnder the shade of which he sits him downe,
Expecting when
Argalia would arise,
And hardly he forbeares with fretfull frowne,
From taking sweete reuenge in wrathfull wise,
Yet he so much tenders his owne Renowne,
Although he might, he will no vantage take,
No not so much, as him from sleepe to wake.
And long it was not, but wake did the Knight,
Who missing strait his Palfrie, chaseth sore,
You may imagine how it did him spight,
Since he vppon his feet must goe therfore:
Ferraw soone appeareth in his sight,
Saying (Sir) tis in Vaine, then grieue no more:
For thou or I must die here at this time,
Who scapes of vs, shall haue this horse of mine.
I let thine lose, lest thou shouldst run thy way,
Againe, and so escape from hence, and flee,
Therfore thy vtmost force gainst me aslay;
Once, gainst all honestie thou got'st from mee,
But for thy falsenes now I will thee pay,
Not on thy worde, I more will credit thee:
Neede hast thou to bestirre thy selfe then braue,
If thou dost meane thy life (condemnd) to saue.
Ile not denie (replide
Argalia) here,
But that in flying, I my selfe forgot,
But by this Arme and Heart of mine I sweare,
For wound or shame, the fight I shunned not,
Nor that I wearied was, or thee did feare,
Onely my Sisters loue did make this blot,
Against my Promise from thee then to goe,
My dearest Sister, mee intreated so.
Then take it as thou list, and as thou please,
I nothing doubt but thou thy match shalt misse,
Tis in thy Choice, if thou wilt warre or peace,
Thou knowst
[...] thee haue tride before ere this,
And saying so,
Argalia bolde did cease,
Ferraw resolute to combat is:
Fiercely he cries, come leaue thy foolish charming,
Looke to thy selfe, and say I giue thee warning.
Together then they flie like Dragons fierce,
With furie great, and with a furious force,
Their hugie strokes the trueth for to rehearse,
More then a mile were heard without remorce,
Argalia though he
Ferraws body pierce
Cannot, yet hopes to bombast well his corse,
Saying, I doubt me him I cannot kill,
Yet on the ground for dead, I lay him will.
Thus thinking, he with his ore-heauie wait,
To loade his bones, with furie towardes him came,
Ferraw first into him leapeth strait,
And so to graple they begin amaine,
Argalia is the stronger, but in slaight
And quicknes
Ferraw best is of the twaine:
But in the end, though long it were before,
Ferraw, hath vnder him
Argalia bore.
Yet he as one that was surpassing strong,
So hard gripes
Ferraw that he cannot get
Away from him, whilst (tumbling him along,)
He with his Gantlet, all his face sore beat,
Ferraw this feeling, his Dag plac't not wrong,
For where he was vnarmde, there it he set,
Into his groine it passt through guttes and all,
(Alack that such hard hap should him befall.)
For whilst this yong man liude, a brauer knight,
Nor curteous more did euer liue on earth,
Onely the Christian faith he wanted right,
And now he sees he scarce can draw his breath,
Wherefore he turns in heauie dying plight,
And speakes to
Ferraw thus before his death:
One onely Boone let me intreat of thee,
Since now my soule, is fleeting hence from mee.
This which I craue, I begge (for Knightship thine,)
(As thou a braue and courteous Baron art)
That me with all this Armour that is mine,
Thou wilt in deep'st of Riuer next imparte,
Lest any chauncing on this Armour fine
Should say, (as if I wanted force or harte,)
Worse then a Coward was this Knight in field,
That (armed thus) himselfe would let be kild.
Ferraw hereat, for pittie milde doth weepe,
Like thawing Ice that meltes against warme Sunne,
And to
Argalia saith: deere Baron sweete,
Heauens knowe how I doe grieue at this is done:
And how I for the same doe sorrow deepe,
T'was Fate (not want of force) thou couldst not shunne:
Onely for Honor, I with thee did trie,
T'was not thy Death I sought, but Victorie.
Let this suffise, Ile yeeld to thy demand,
And on my faith to keepe the same I sweare:
In signe whereof, I giue to thee my hand:
Then nothing doubt hereof, (most valiant Peere)
But since now my abode's in Christian Land,
And that to be indangered I doe feare
Being a stranger, if they should me knowe,
(Kinde Baron) but this fauour to me show.
Lend me thy Helme, which may stand me in stead,
(But for foure dayes,) and then I'le drowne the same,
Argalia dying, listeth vp his head,
Shewing, he this request to graunt did daine:
Ferraw stands by him till his breath's forth fledde,
Weeping vpon his liuelesse Corse amaine;
And seeing him as colde as any stone,
He him embraceth, making piteous mone.
That done, he (fighing) doth him soone vnarme,
And on his owne head quickely putteth on
The trustie Helmet, made by cunning Charme,
The Creast he leaues that was the same vpon,
Because he (as vnknowne) would ride sauns harme;
He takes the Corse vp, and away is gone
With it, which he vnto next Riuer brings,
Where into the midst,
Argalia deepe he flings.
And looking after him a prettie while,
Heauie and sadde, from thence he forward wends:
But to
Orlando now I'le turne my stile,
Who searching in that Desart his time spends,
And yet
Angelica doth him beguile,
For which as wondrous wroth, he sighes forth sends:
And whilst he sought this Damsell with great care,
He coms vpon her ere he is aware.
So sweetely lay she sleeping on the ground,
So louely, and with such a pleasing grace,
As if the flowers had sproung about her round,
And that cleere Brooke had parlde of Loue apace▪
So faire a Creature waking ne're was found,
Neuer was any borne with such a face:
The glorious Sunne, to her, seemde but a starre:
Shee peerelesse was, All came behind her farre.
The staring Countie pleasure great doth take,
Standing as if he were deepe in a maze,
Nor, for his life, once dareth her to wake:
Whilst earnestly he on her still doth gaze,
And to himselfe he whispering softly spake:
Am I here, or in Paradise, he shyes?
Sure I her see, Oh no, I dreame, Alas?
This is a Dreame, and for a Dreame must passe.
Thus looking on her, spends
And to no end stands whispering all in vaine:
(Poore Soule) he better farre knowes how to fight,
Then Ladies faire with Loue to entertaine.
"For who finds Time and cannot take it right,
Vnworthie's of such fortune and such game,
As to him hapt, who much himselfe did wrong,
Loosing sweete sporte with gazing ouer-long.
"The Eye was made, rare Beautie to admire,
And (as an Obiect sweete) presents the same
To Fancie, Fancie straight the Heart on fire
"Doth set, which seekes by meanes it to obtaine:
The Fruites of Beautie to enioy, more doth requuire
Then looking on: To looke on is small gaine;
Vnworthy he, to tread Loues daintie Maze,
That might be dallying, and yet idly stayes.
Ferraw chaunst by happe to come that way,
Stumbling vpon that Riuer and the Meade,
And seeing there
Orlando for to stay,
Orlando he knew not indeede)
He wondred why he stood so at a Bay:
But when he of the Ladie had tooke heede,
He presently did call her to his minde,
And glad he was, that he her so did finde.
He surely thought, and did for certaine hold,
This Knight (as Gardian) for to watch her was,
Wherewith, he with audacious voyce and bold,
Turning to him, speakes thus to him o're rash:
This is my Wench, already bought and sold,
If thou be wise, away from hence soone passe:
Leaue me the Ladie, or els lose thy life.
Els shalt thou winne her from me by meere strife.
[...] now too late begins to fret,
Seeing how he was troubled in his Ioy:
Knight, quoth he, Hence away I pray thee get,
And seeke not wilfully thine owne annoy,
For I sweare, ne're my minde was willing set
To iniute any, no, not the least boy:
But if thou here dost bide, then gainst my will
Thou'lt vrge me so, as needes I must thee kill.
Why then I see, or thou or I must part
(As by thy speech I gather) now from hence,
But I'le assure thee once more, I'le not start,
And thou too weake art for me in defence,
For were a fire here, I (spight of thy hart)
Would throw thee in, before thou haue my Wench:
Get thee then gone, whilst that thy bones be whole:
Ferraw (
Braue like) doth deale his dole.
Herewith the Earle incenst, waxt pale and wan,
His face did looke as redde as crimsen blood:
I am
Orlando (saith he) nor for any man
I care; although a World against me stood:
And thou as able art me to withstan,
As is a child new borne, or stocke of Wood:
Base Ribald, sonne to a whore, vnfit to breathe:
So saying, hee
Durindana doth vnsheathe.
And now begins the greatest Battell fierce,
That euer fought was twixt two Knightes of yore:
Their trenchant blades, their strongest armour pierce,
Haste to dispatch doth make them striue the more,
One gainst th'other, doth their force reuerse,
And well they saw it did import them sore:
For should the Damsell once awake from sleepe,
It was in vaine for them this sturre to keepe.
And too too soone shee waked for their ill,
Greatly amazed these strange sights to see,
Hewne harnesse all the meddow ore to fill,
And in so dangerous a fight to bee,
Her Courser she leaps on with great good will,
Leauing them as they would for to agree:
Out of the wood from them she takes her flight,
Which when
Orlando sees, he staies to fight.
Braue Knight, quoth he, vouchsafe now for this time,
This battell to defer in curtesie,
That I may follow after Lady mine,
And bound to thee I shall be wonderously,
For tis of follie great no little signe
For vs to buckle thus, and know not why:
She's gone for whom this quarell we maintaine,
Then truce, that I may after her amaine.
Not so, saith
Ferraw bolde, shaking his head,
For if of fighting now thou weary art,
The Dame by thee must bee abandoned,
For this for certaine I to thee imparte,
Onely of one she must be followed;
As long as I haue any power in hart,
And if I thee orecome, then Ile be hee,
If me thou kil'st Ile leaue my right to thee.
By Christ then I sweare
Orlando then doth say,
By coping thus with me, thou small shalt get:
Neuer was fought on earth so strange a fray,
As in the Canto following downe Ile set,
Still are they bent their valour to assay,
Orlando that he thus is crost doth fret,
And thinke not but hot
Ferraw chafes as fast:
But heere a while my ship shall Anchor cast.