NEWES From Bohemia. An Apologie Made by the States of the King­dome of Bohemia, shewing the Reasons why those of the Reformed Religion were moued to take Armes, for the de­fence of the King and themselues, especially against the dange­rous Sect of Iesuites.

WITH A plaine Declaration, that those who belong vnto the Monasteries and Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction (according vnto his Maiesties Letters, and Agreements made betweene the States of the Reformed Religion and the Papists) haue good right, as being Sub­iects of the Imperiall Maiestie, to the peaceable exercise of their Di­uine Seruice, and building of Churches.

Translated out of Dutch into Latine, and thence into English, by Will. Philip.

LONDON, Printed by George Purslow for Ralph Rounthwaite, and are to bee sold at his Shop, at the Signe of the Flower de luce and Crowne, in Pauls Church-yard. 1619.

Reasons whereby it is shewed and proued, that the peo­ple of Bohemia, that are Subiects to the Monasteries and Clergie of the same Realme, in their resorts, by the Letters Patents, and the Vnion, contracted and made betweene those of the Reformed Religion, and the Papists, haue liberty to build themselues Churches, and freely to exercise their Religion therein, without interruption.

1 FIRST, it is declared, and expresly set down in his Maiesties Letters Patents, that all the vnited members of the Reformed Religion, viz. the Lords, and Knights, as also those of Prage, Ruttenbergh, and other Townes, together with their Subiects; and, briefely, all those that make profession of, and acknowledge the Bohemian Con­fession, no man excepted, shall and may freely and peaceably in all places, exercise their Christian Religion of communicating vnder both kinds, ac­cording [Page]to the said Confession, and the Vnity made, and shall be suffered quietly to professe and confesse their faith and Religion without interruption.

2 That from the day of the date thereof, none of the superiour free Estates, nor any of the Cities, Townes, nor Country people shall, neither by their Magistrates, nor any other person whatsoeuer, Spiri­tuall or Temporall, be troubled for their said Reli­gion, neither by force or violence be constrained or compelled to exercise the contrary Religion by any meanes whatsoeuer.

3 Thirdly, that against the said Priuiledge, no Counter-mand, nor any other prohibition which may in any sort be, or procured, the least impediment or alteration thereof, from his Imperiall Maiestie, his Heires and Successors, Kings of Bohemia, shall not be made nor granted: and if any such thing shall happen, or be enterprised and taken in hand by any one, it shall be of no force nor vigour; neither shall there be any further pursuite thereof made in Law, or otherwise directly or indirectly whatsoeuer.

4 That his Imperiall Maiestie certifieth and gi­ueth all supreme Officers, both present and future, to vnderstand, that it is his will and pleasure, that the Barons, Knights, Townes of Prage, Ruttenbergh, and other places, together with all their Subiects; and namely, all those that professe the Reformed Religi­on, and acknowledge the Bohemian Confession, by vertue of his Maiesties Letters Patents, shall be suf­fered and permitted by them, and euery of them, freely to enioy all the Articles, Clauses, and Sen­tences therein set downe and declared, and no hin­derance, [Page]let, nor interruption to be done vnto them for the same, by any man; but to the contrary, that they shall aide, helpe, & assist them therein to the vt­termost of their powers: And if it shall happen that any Spirituall, or Temporall person shall doe any thing contrary to his said Maiesties Letters, or to the end thereby to disanull or interrupt the same, his said Maiestie shall and will, as also his Heires and Successors, Kings of Bohemia, and the States of this Realme, euery one of them for their parts, pro­ceed against euery such persons, as against pertur­bators of the common Peace and Tranquillity of the Law, and will defend and protect the said States of the Reformed Religion, in all respects, as the Articles in the Statute of the Vnion con­cerning the peace of the Land, containe and im­port.

5. And in the Articles of Vnion between both the religions, for the better explaning of the Letters Pa­tents, as also in the Exchequer or Office of the Rowls or Records of the Realme, in Quaterno Emptionum ar­genteo, Anno 1609. it is inserted in these words, That in such places or Cities vnder the Kings, Queenes, or the Emperors Maiesties regiment, those of the re­formed Religion, that haue not their owne particu­lar Churches, places of burial, nor any places among those of the contrary religion, by vertue of his Maie­sties Letters Patents, shall haue power to make and prepare Churches, Hospitals, and Burying places for themselues whensoeuer they will.

6. In the coniunction of the States of the Religi­on in Bohemia, and the Papists, with the Princes and [Page]States of the Dutchy of Silesia, these words are in­serted. Whosoeuer, vnlesse it be the Emperors Ma­iesty himselfe, (whether he be a Spirituall, or a Tem­porall person, of what dignity or condition soeuer, none excepted) eyther in his Imperiall Maiesties name, his owne, or any others whatsoeuer, shall goe about, or attempt to trouble or molest the Lords of the three Estates of the Crowne of Bohemia, or the Princes and States of Silesia, or Slesia, that are of the Ausburge Confession, or any of the Subiects of the same profession, whether they be vnder Spiritual or Temporall, Catholike or Euangelicall iurisdicti­on in their Christian religion, Churches, Scholes, or Consistories, in any manner, or vnder any pretence whatsoeuer of right belonging before to the Catho­like foundatiōs, Cloysters, Churches, Scholes, Con­sistories, Rents, In-comes, or Reuenues, and now at this present are vsed and enioyed by these of the re­formed Religion in both countries, and still remaine so, and would molest them for the same, it shall bee lawfull for all the sayd States of the reformed Reli­gion, to ioyne and stand fast altogether, and to doe their vttermost endeuour to the last drop of bloud in their bodies, for the defence of the reformed Re­ligion, Churches, Scholes & Consistories, and their appurtenances, and to hold and keepe the same for their security: And that whensoeuer they or any of their subiects or others of their profession, that are vnder temporall or spiritual iurisdiction, as aforesaid, are troubled or vexed, or by any Magistrate assaul­ted or assailed violently, vnder, or by what meanes or pretence soeuer it be, as if they were seditious & [Page]Rebels, or otherwise, (as the enemies of God and his Word are wont to doe, and daily practise the same, as we commonly see.) The said three Estates of the reformed Religion in the Kingdome of Bohemia, vp­on the first motion thereof made vnto them by the Princes & States of Silesia, within one month then next after ensuing, shall leuie one thousand horse­men, & two thousand footmen; at the second time, the like number; and at the third time, all the forces in Silesia, to aide and assist them: and the like shall be done by the Princes and States of Silesia, in the Bohemians behalfe, if need require. Which their said coniunction, action, and vnity, his Impe­riall Maiesty shall fully & euidently confirm & allow.

7. In his Maiesties Letters Patents giuen & gran­ted to those of Silesia, it is likewise expresly sig­nified and set downe, that all the Subiects of the Prouinces of Silesia, whether they be vnder Spiritual or Temporall Princes, Commanders, or hereditary Princes of Dutchies, Cities, Townes and Villages, and other Magistrates, none excepted, shall be there­in comprehended, in these words: That none of them, whether they liue vnder spirituall or temporall power & iurisdiction, shall be compelled to vse any other religion then that they professe, neyther shall bee sent away, or banished from his dwelling place, nor put from his office or dignity for religion, or in any sort vexed, molested or troubled for his consci­ence.

These Letters Patents granted to Silesia, were af­ter ours, and by vs and our meanes proceeded, ney­ther [Page]were they largelier made to them, then to vs, nor vnto vs then to them; & yet we as the superior mem­bers, cannot be of worse or meaner condition: be­sides this, the Articles in our Letters Patents, are ge­nerally & compendiously contained, but in the Sile­sian Patent, more expresly and particularly declared.

8. At the making of his Maiesties Letters Patents touching the Vnion, it was not otherwise meant nor intended, then that the Cloysters are his Imperiall Maiesties princely goods and reuenues, and that he, as the superior, hath ful power ouer them, as it is suffi­ciently knowne vnto them that then were present at the time of the making of the contract.

9. That in the Kingdome of Bohemia, the Spiri­tualty haue no singular state as those of Morauia and other Prouinces haue, neyther haue any voyce in Parliament, but are distinguished & ordered by the Emperors Maiesty among the other States, in all things concerning them.

10. That all Ecclesiasticall goods be of the Arch­bishopricke, as also of all the rest by superior right, & are vnder the power and disposition of the Kings of Bohemia, as the highest and supremest founders and Patrones thereof.

11. That the same Ecclesiasticall goods by the Statutes of the Land, D. 40. belong to the Kings Ex­chequer or reuenew; wherefore, according to a Sta­tute of the Realm, Anno 11. no Colledge nor Cloy­ster, without the Kings cōsent, can alienate or change any thing belonging thereunto, and if they do pawn, sell, change, or alienate any thing thereof, it shall be of no force, and that whosoeuer doth take any thing [Page]of them in that sort, he shall restore the same againe freely vnto the King, or to any other to whom it shall please the King to appoint him to doe it.

12. That Spirituall men are feodaries and admi­uistrators of their temporal goods, only for their life­time, and so they ought to vnderstand it; for that the Kings of Bohemia alwaies had right and power ouer their spirituall goods, to sell the same vnto any of the inhabitants of the Land, without the consent of the said Spirituall persons, and to alienate and make them hereditary, and to record them for such in the Records of the Exchequer or Rowles: whereof many examples are extant in the reignes of Ferdinando, Maximilian, and Rodulphus, Emperours and Kings of Bohemia.


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