¶The excusation of the prentar.
☞ The contentis of this buke.
- IN the first the proheme apon the cosmographie schawand ye fyne of vicius and virtewis leiffing. And causis quhy the translatoure tuke this werk on hand.
- ¶The discriptioun of Scotlād deuidit in rubrikis & cheptouris.
- ¶Ane compendious narratioun of the auld institutionis, maneris & leuing of scottis with ane morall doctryne deploring sindry recent and euill conswetudis brocht in this realme, to the gret difformite of the pepill now present in the samyn.
- ¶Ane schort recapitulation of all kyngis of Britane fra the first beginning thairof, to the empire of kyng Hary the .viii. regnand now with gret felicite aboue Inglismen.
- ¶The table of ye historie contenand euery buke & cheptour, craftely seuerit be thaym self.
- ¶The names of all kyngis and gouernouris of Scotland sen the realme began. Schawing in quhat bukis and cheptouris of the historie followyng thair lyuis and marciall dedis salbe esalie foundin.
- ¶The proheme apon the historie schawand breiffelie the contentis & maist notable thingis in this buke.
- ¶The beginnyng of Scottis & quhy thay wer callit with that name, thair happy cumyng out of Egipt to Spanȝe, Ireland, the Ilis of Albion, and to that regioun that wes callit be thaym Scotland.
- ¶The vailȝeant and weirlie dedis of all kyngis, princis, gouernouris and chiftanis of Scotland with maist dangerus and terribil battallis fochtin be sindry chancis of fortoun aganis ye Britonis, Pichtis, Saxonis, Inglismen and Dauis.
- ¶The beginning of Pychtis, thair confideratioun with Scottis in amite, blud, & freindschip, thair weris lang continewing aganis y e Romanis be support of Scottis, thair exterminioun and finall expulsioun out of Albion be the weris of scottis.
- ¶The beginning of Britonis, thair lang weris perseueryng aganis ye Romanis. How yai wer subdewit, & thair realme maid tributar in forme of prouince, and finalie doung out of Britane in Walis be weris of saxonis.
- ¶The cumyng of saxonis in Britane, thair weris, slychtis, and marciall dedis wrocht be sindry chancis aganis the Britonis, Scottis, and Pichtis.
- ¶The weris of Inglismen eftir the cumyng of Saxonis.
- ¶Mony vncouth meruellis and wounderfull thingis schawin ay in the samyn season as thay fell with the names of maist notable clerkis and sanctis leuand for the tyme in the warld.
- ¶Mony graue concionis, orisonis, consultationis, and epistillis contenand rycht fructuus & morall doctrinis, with sa resolute & degest responses that na othir buke salbe foundin mair proffitable nor plesand to the reders.
- ¶Ane epistill direckit be the translatoure to ye kyngis grace in ye letter end of this buke, inducyng his hienes to frequent reding of ye historie precedent.
☞Heir begynnis the Cosmographe and discription of Albion.
☞¶Hovv all thyngis is sub devvit to alteratioun and deith. and na thyng permanent in the erd. Ca. primo.
I Traist nane hes sa dirk intelligence. Bot knawis Cosmographye maist necessar to the knawlege of hystoryis. And ȝit to dis [...]riue the samyn is the office of na smal ingyne. Attoure all the auctouris (y t hes wryttyn apon the discription of the warld) ar patent & knawin to ilk regioun & pepyll. Amang quhome hes bene mony crafty & resolut men schawing mony gret thyngis aboue ingine of men, with so ꝓfound sentence▪ that the samyn is na thing different fra the verite in discription of mony vncouth & diuers thingis succeding contynewally to the gret cōmodite & pleseir of reders. Ȝit sen the mater (that thay treit) is not solide nor permanent in the samyn forme & ymage as it was first found, Apperis baith to vnletterit pepil & vtheris quhilkꝭ hes na sicht to the continewal alteration of materis, that ye verite is not schawin to thaym in al partis. And sen all thyngis (quhilkis ar comprehendit within the speir of the mone) ar sa thirlit to deith & alteration, y e [...] or othir consumit afore ws, or ellis we afore yame, Apperis na thing mair corruptible, nor ȝit of mair alteratioun than the erd & situatioun thairof. Be [...]us it changis sa mony figuris be lang age & proces of ȝeris. For we nocht [...] may se presently be our Ene, bot fyndis be mony crafty & profound [...]. That quhare sum tyme bene maist notable cietes or maist plen [...]us lesuris & medois, now throw erd quaik & trymblyng, or ellis be continewall inundation of watteris, nocht remanis bot othir the huge seys or ellis [...]nproffitable ground & sandis. Attoure y • see be alluu [...]oun & pres of rage and [...]t [...]ers cumys in on sum landis, & gangis furth on vtheris, as dayly occurris be experience. For baith seys & watteris geuis be iniust merchis als mekle to sum landis, as thay reif fra vtheris. Heirfore I beleif be syndry chances & lang proces of tyme, y t euery thyng sall not be respondent to the samyn perfection & knawlege, as it was discriuit [...]e auld cosmographouris in the figure & situation of the erd. Thairfore na man suld haue admiration, howbeit recent [...]houris discriue ye warld in sum vthir figure & sort, than it hes bene discriuit afore be Pompouiꝰ mela, Ptholome, & othir auld cosmographouris. For the erd is now mair frequent in pepyl, thā it was in thay dayis, & the passage in al cuntreis mair knawin. Throw quhilk the situation of all regionis be exact & scharp deligence of authouris is the mair patent. Artoure gif thir auld cosmographouris war bot men (as we ar) followis na admiration. Howbeit thay had na sicker cognosance & ful erudition of al thingis. And for yat caus thay mycht not wryt forthir than thay saw be thair a win inquisition. Or ellis be experience of vtheris authourꝭ past afore yame. For thir reasonis we think it lytyl wrang sum tymes nocht to follow al thair opinionis, for thay had not knawlege nor experience of all materis. And thairfore we dar the mair baldly wryt sū thingꝭ for y e cōmon proffet specially cōcernyng y e fygure & situation of scotland with the maneris of the pepyll thairof in sū vthir sort, than hes bene schawin afore be vthir authouris. For we haue not onely sene the samyn bot hes knawlege thairof be lang experience & vse. Throw quhilk yis our quhat sumeuir werk sal not be vnprofitabyl, nor ȝit vnplesand to ye reders. For in it [Page] sawe schawin the maneris and conditioun of the pepill of scotland with the situation thairof. Attoure to mak ye reders more bowsum and attent, we pro mit faithfullie to writ na thing in this werk bot allanerlie sik thing as bene maist patent & knawin to ws. Othir be our awin exact deligence & industrye, or ellis be rehers of otheris rycht trew and faithful auctouris. And thairfore gyf this our werk be found plesand to the reders, we sall writ sum othir tym mair largelie of othir materis batth to thair eruditioun and pleseir.
☞ The discriptioun of Albion and quhy it vves callit vvith that name. The beginning of Britonis and Scottis. Ca. ii.
THe hail Ile of Albion, quhilk contenis baith the realmes of Ingland & Scotland, as is discriuit be ye latyne and greik cosmographouris is enueronyd on euery syde with the gret occeane. Hauand on the eist syde the Almane seis. On the south syde the Franche & Britane seis. On the west syde the Ireland seis. And on the north syde the Norroway seis. Yis Ile is extendit be lang passage fra the southsoutheist to the northnorwest. And is mair extendit to the lenth than breid, nocht far differēt fra the figure of ane triangle. This Ile be auld cosmographouris wes callit Albion & remanis ȝit vndir the samyn name. Sum auctouris sayis this Ile wes callit Albion ab albis montibus. That is to say, fra the quhit montanis thairof full of calk. Utheris allegis it wes callit Albion fra ane lady namit Al [...]yne. Quhilk history is nocht vnlik the fabulis that ar writin of the .l. vouchteris of Danaus kyng of Argiues. Yis Albyne (as is allegit) w t hir .l. sisteris (eftir that thay had slane al thair husbandis) pullit vp salis and come out of Grece throw the seis of Hercules to Spanȝe. And fra Spanȝe come throw ye Franche and Almane seis but ony impediment to ye said Ile. And eftir hir arriuing in the samyn namyt it Albion fra hir name. Yis Albyne with hir .l. systeris eftir thair cumyng in the said Ile conuersit with deuillis in forme of men. And consauit childrin be naturall cōmixtion. Thir childrin increscit of sa huge stature and pissance, that thay wer callit be ye peple giandis. And inhabit the said regioun continewallie to the tyme of Brutus the first beginner of Britonis. This Brutus wes nepot or ellis pronepot to the gret troiane Eneas. And becaus he wes exilit and banist for slauchter and othir gret offencis done be hym in Italie, he wes constranit to depart with y e residew of Troianis his fallois to [...]erche sum new dwellyng. Eftir lang trauell be tempestiꝰ and storme seis he arriuit in Albion fra the beginnyng of the warld .iiii.M.xxvii. ȝeris. This Brutus and his fallowis eftir thair cumyng in Albioun inuadit the Giandis afore rehersit with sindry chancis of battall. And finalie brocht thaym to sa hie rewyne, that baith yair landis and guddis fell in pray to Brutus and his fallowis. And sa ye cuntre wes callit Britane. And ye pepill Britonis. Bot the beginnyng of Scottis wes in ane vthir maner. It is writtin be our anciant historiographouris, that Gathelus ane rycht illuster & vailȝeant knycht discending be lang progressioun and lynage of ye blud riall of Grece marijt Scota douchter to kyng Pharo of Egipt, and youcht mony riche landis fell to hym with gret honouris be singulare manheid in y e realme of Egipt. Ȝit he wes so astonist be mony terrible & greuus plagis appering be prophecy of Moyses in plane euersioun of the realme and peple of Egipt, [Page] that he thoucht na thing sa gud nor proffitable, as to be maist remote & distāt thairfra. Gathelus mouit for thir causis come furth of y e mouth of Nyle with his wyfe, his freindis and seruandis, Grekis and Egiptianis, throw the seis mediterrane. And finalie brokin with lang and incredible danger of vncouth chancis, he arriuit in the north part of Spanȝe. And to conques the more beneuolence of his wyfe, he namit his pepill Scottis eftir hir name. Yair vulgar laūgage wes callit Gathelik. Gathelus eftir hꝭ cumyng in Spanȝe send ane band of weirmen in Ireland. Quhilkis be singulare manheid & prudence dantit so the pepill thairof, that thay gat the hail empire of the said Ile. And [...]ang in it mony ȝeris eftir with gret honoure and glore of armys.
☞¶Hovv the scottis and Pich [...]is come in Albioun. Of thair syndry lynnage & maneris. And hovv the said Ile vvas inhabit be thre syndry pepyll. Ca. iii.
NOthesay ane of the kyngis sonnis of Ireland come schort ȝeris eftir with ane cumpany of ȝoung and hardy pepill in the Ilis of Albion. And becaus he fand the samyn waist & nocht inhabit as yan with ony empire of Britonis, he sat doun with his remanent fallowis, wiffis, and barnis in y e said Ilis. And namit thaym Hebredes fra the name of Hibernia, or ellis fra the name of Hiber the first son of Gathelus. Yis Rothesay come sone eft with his freindis out of the said Ilis in Albion. And sa mekil as he gat possessioun of, [...] callit it Scotland. The day that Scottis come first in Albion wes fra the beginning of the warld .iiii.M.vi.C.xvii. ȝeris. Mony ȝeris eft thair cummyng in Albion thay wer callit realbi [...]is, that is to say, kyngis of Albioun to mak thaym sum thing different fra the remanent kyngis that inhabit ye said land eftir or afore thair cumyng. Forthir youcht the Scottis be thair singulare manheid and prudence rang continewallie but ony interruption baith in Spanȝe and Ireland, ȝit thair name is perist in yai partis. Othir be yair cō mixtion with vncouth blud, or ellis be roust and lang proces of ȝeris. Throw quhilk remanis na scottis in memory. Bot thay that inhabitis the last boundis of Albion. Attoure the Spanȝeartis that dwellis ȝit in ye montanis and vthir desertis of Spanȝe) knawis na thyng of the Romane weris. And ar lityll different fra Ireland men baith in thair maneris, habit, and langage. Ye Britonis (becaus thay wer mony ȝeris afore ws in Albioun) occupyis y e south and maist plentuus boundis thairof. And we inhabit the north partis full of montanis, quhilk ar nocht sa fertill and cōmodius as the said landis occupiit be Britonis. Eftir the cumyng of Scottis and Britonis on this maner in Albioun, ane vncouth peple namit Pychtis, vthirwayis namit Agathirsanis (quhilkis wer banist out of Sarmathia) come in Denmark, quhair thay sone eftir gat schippis with all prouisioun efferyng thairto. And eftir thair finall arriuyng in Albioun thay sat doun in the waist and myddil boundis betuix Britonis & Scottis, and maid wyd marchis betuix baith thair realmes. The cumyng of Pychtis in Albioun wes eftir the cumyng of Scottis in the samyn .ii.C.l. ȝeris Ȝit amang sum authouris rysis ane fuliche dout, quhidd the Scottis or Pychtis come first in this regioun. Sum of thir authouris al legis, that Rewther wes the first beginnar of Scottis in Albioun. Bot this opinioun is far different fra the treuth of our historie. For fyue scottis kingis [Page] rang continewallie ilk ane succeding to vthis afore Rewther, as apperis [...]leirke in the historie following. And sa this Ile of Albioun wes inhabit fra the beginning thairof with thre sindry pepill, that is to say, Britonis, Scottis, and Pichtis. The first part of this Ile (Becaus it wes inhabit be Brutus and his posterite) wes namit Britane. The secound and myd part (becaus it wes inhabit be Pichtis) wes namit Penthland. And the remanent boūdis thairof wer inhabit be Scottis and namyt Scotland. Ȝit the Romane historicianis and Ptolome (quhē yai treit ony thing cōcernyng this Ile of Albioun) callit y e hail Ile Britane, and all the peple thairof Britonis, Thir thre peple namit all vnder ane name Albianis, inhabit ye said Ile. Ȝit the romanis in all partis quhare thay come within this Ile namit the peple thairof with sindry names. For thay namit the men of Walis Tegenianis fra Tegenia. Ye men of Angus Horrestianis, fra Horrestia. Ye men of Cauder and Callender wod Calidonianis, fra Calidonia. Ye men of Galloway Brigandis fra Brigantia as apperis be Cornelius Tacitus, quhilk writis that beȝound ye Britonis dwellis in Allbion to y e gret north, two peple richt different fra vther in maneris & nature, yat ane for yair ȝallo hair callit Pichtis discendyng of Albianis. And this vthir for thair blak and curland Hair callit Scottis, na thyng different fra Spanȝcartis in nature and conditionis. Yis Ile in our dayis is inhabit allanerlie be two peple Inglismen and Scottis. Ye south partis ar inhabit be Inglismen, and the north part be Scottis. Now haue we schawin the causis quhy the Britonis wer callit with that name, and the maner of thair cummyng in Albioun. And we sall schaw in the end of this cosmographie with quhat peple the realme of Britane hes bene inhabit continewallie vnto the tyme of kyng Hary y e .viii. regnand now with gret felicite aboue Inglismen.
¶The boundis of Albioun vvith the sindry cōmoditeis thairof in generall. Of the gret infirmiteis that fallis to the peple thairof for thair intemperance. And of ye religion vsit be thaym in auld tymes. ca. iiii.
THe Ile of Albioun contenis in the hail circumference & compas circular two thowsand mylis, hauand in lenth .vii.C. mylis, and in breid .iii.C.l. mylis. As apperis weill be the fu [...] thairof fornence the Franche seis. And fra the fute thairof it procedis ay the more small, quhill it come to ye vter marchis and last boundis baith of Ingland and scotland. For betuix the Mule of Galloway fornence the Ireland seis to sanct Ebbis heid fornence the Almane seis, ar skars ane hundreth and .lx. mylis in breid. And frathens it gaderis ay mair small, quhill it be cumyn to the last boundis thairof, quhare it hes skarslie .xxx. mylis in breid. It is ane rycht profitable Ile full of peple. And nocht onlie rycht plentuus of store and bestiall [...]ot of all kynd of cornys in euery boundis thairof, saiffing allanerlie thay boundis quhair god of his singulare gudnes hes ordanit maist ryche mynis of gold, siluer, tynne, bras, copper, and quik siluir, with sic fouth and aboundance of metallis, that the samyn ar nocht onlie sufficient for all maner of necessaris to the peple of the said Ile. Bot ar sufficient to all vthir oure nychtbouris that dwellis about ws, gyf our peple had perfite craft and industrye to wyn the samyn. Bot the superflew aboundance of all vthir thyngis necessar to the vse of man (quhilk nature hes producit in oure regioun) makis the [Page] peple the les industrius and crafty delyi [...]ng ay mair in sleuth than ony exercitioun. For besyde the gret fouth of gers, cornis, and bestiall in our landis, besyde the gret aboundance of fowlis in the air, sa gret plente is of fische in all partis of our feis, specially towart the north, that y e samyn is sufficiēt yneuch to nuris all our peple howbeit thair wer na frutis growand on oure land, as apperis be experience. For all landis yat lyis about ws as France, Flanderis Zeland, Holland, and mekill of Almany, cumys with sindry flotis sekand fische ȝeirlie in our seis. And nocht allanerlie be thair prudent industry wynnis fische sufficient to sustene thaym self. Bot be generall marchandyce of yir fische thay sustene the peple of all vthir cuntreis, passand in the tyme of lentroun throw y e seis mediterrane ay selland thair fische to yair gret proffet and winning. Mony vthir riche and precius thingis ar to be gottin in y e said Ile▪ haldin in gret delit to y e eist peple of the warld, quhat may be said of our wol? quhilk is sa quhit and small, that the samyn is desyrit be all peple, and cof [...] with gret price, speciallie with marchandis quhair it is best knawn. Of this woll is maid the fyne skarlettis with mony vthir granit and deligat clathis. Heirfore I dar baldlie affirme, gif the Albianis had sic grace, that yai mycht leif with concord amang thaym self, or gif thair realmes be ony honest way mycht cum vnder the empire and senȝorie of ane kyng, thay mycht nocht allanerlie haif all necessaris within thaym self vncoft, bot with small difficultie mycht dant all nychtbouris & cuntreis lyand thaym about, quhen ony externe or h [...]outh weris hapnit to inuaid thaym. Thay haue sa elegant stature, sa fair and lusty bodyis, that na vthir peple may be preferrit to thaym. Thay ar rycht ingenius and abill als weil to letteris as vthir virtewis and corporall exercitioun of the handis, rycht hardy & reddy to all ieoperdyis baith in weir and peace, in sic maner that na thyng may be difficill to thaym [...]if thay leiffit temperatlie. Thairfore the prouident beginnar of y e warld hes nocht but gret resoun maid thair region nakit & bair of wynis, Knawing be his eterne wisdome that wynis (howbeit the samyn ar rycht necessar to all vthir peple) ar rycht skaithfull to the nature of Albianis. For thay ar geuin to sic vnnaturall voracite and desire of vncouth metis and drinkis, that thay can nocht refrene thaym self fra immoderat excesse. As apperis weill be experience. For throw thair crapulus and schamfull glutone thay ar strikin oftymes with sa dangerus and irremediable infirmiteis▪ that howbeit thow wer accumpanyt with thaym all thair tender age, thow sall fynd thaym throw thair intemperance and surfet di [...]t sa fowsumlie growin in thair myd or latter age, that thay sall appeir als vncouth to thy sycht, as thow had neuir knawin thaym in yair tender age. Quhairthrow thay sal appeir erar misfassonyt monstouris than ony naturall peple. Sindry of thaym throw surfet diet growis furius in thair latter age with mony sorowfull maledeis following thaym. For as y e prouerbe sayis, sendyll ar men of gret glutonie sene haue lang dayis or agit with proces of ȝeris. Becaus thair excessiue and intemperat diet consumys al the substanciall humouris of thair bodyis. Bot we wil return to our purpos. The Albianis (as writis Cesar in his cōmentaris & Cornelius Tacitus) wer rycht religious eftir the ryte that wes in thay dayis. For in thay dayis wer ye preistis of Britane namyt Driades rycht expert baith in naturall and morall Philosophie. Be thair doctrine come the first sculis of thair sect and opinion [Page] in France. The principall s [...]ct of thir preisti [...] wes in the Ile of Man, quhilk w [...]s in that tyme the spectacle and fontane of all honest [...]uditioun and letteris. And fra thir preistis we [...] anis profest in catholik faith, thay presen [...]i [...] with gret constance in it but ony spot of he [...]if [...].
☞The discriptioun of Est, VVest, and myddyll bordouris of Scotland vvith the maist notable tovvnis and fludi [...] thairof. Ca. v.
THe Pichtis had sum tyme the principall and maist plenteus boundis of al y • landis, that ar now vnder the empire of scottis, eftir that thay had rougin in the samyn .i.M.i.C.li. ȝeris vnder ane blude, amyte, an [...] freindschip with Scottis concurrand with thaym equalie in euery danger and ieoperde of battall aganis the Romanis & Britonis, & sū tymes fechtand aganis the Scottis thair awin confiderat freindis be vnprudence of ȝoung and suspect personis, quhil at last be outragius & exorb [...] tant haytrent rais sic slauchter and murdir on all sidis, that thay werbrocht to vter rewyne, and doung out of Albion be the wer [...]s of Scottis. And yocht the scottis hes bene oftymes brokin with maist terrible and dangerus wer [...]s of mony scharp ennymes. Ȝit be diuyne beneuolence thay fluris hail vnto thir dayis, and hes dantit al yair ennymes. Thir cōmodites (quhilkis ar now schawin generalie of Albion) ar patent with mony vthir singulare prerogatiuis, speciallie amang the scottis in the hieland. For the peple thairof hes na repair with marchandis of vncouth realmes. And becaus thay ar nocht corruppit nor myngit with vncouth blude, thay ar ye more strang and rude, and may suffir mair hungir, walking and distres, than ony vthir peple of Albion maist hardy at ieoperdyis, rycht agill and deliuer of bodyis, rycht ingenius to euery new inuentioun, maist sychty in rea [...]t of cheualrie, & kepis thair faith and promes with maist seuerite and constance. Scotland hes the Mers (quhilk wes sum tyme the maist plenteus regioun of Pichtis) for thair march [...] fornence the Almane seis. This regioun (sa lang as it wes inhabit be Pichtꝭ) wes nami [...] Deere. And eftir the expulsioun of Pychtis it wes namit y • Mers▪ that is to say, the marchis. For the scottis eftir the expulsioun of Pichtis eki [...] thair marchis to Tweid, quhilk deuides Northumbirland fra ye Mers. On the tothir syde sindry small burnis discendis fra the hillis of Cheuiot and vthir moutanis lyand thair about deuiding Cumbir fra Annar [...]ail, and fallis in the watter of Sulway▪ Yis watter of Sulway rynnis in y e Ireland seis. And in the marche of Scotland fornence the west [...]. The hillis of Cheuiot ( [...] quhilk springis mony small burnis on ilk side) [...] marche of Scotland. The Mers hes sindry marchis at sindry partis qu [...]h [...] it is extendir. Sum tyme it hes the Alm [...]u [...] seis. Sum tyme eist [...] Sum tyme Tweid and sum tyme Fo [...]th for ye marchis▪ amang mony strang castellis in the Mers i [...] the town and [...] of Ber [...], sumtyme nami [...] Or [...]dolutium, and the inhabitantis thairof namit Ordolm [...] [...] first spryngꝭ fra ane small fontane, and be agmentation of vthir [...] that fallis [...] it discendis wich braid str [...]nes in the [...] seis. [...] Tweid to ye [...] [...] marche vnder Cheui [...]t lyis [...], that is to say, [...]he val [...] of [...]. Be [...]ȝound it lyis Esdail, the [...]ail of Es [...]. Fo [...] Es [...] opunis throw the [...] of▪ Forn [...]n [...] Es [...]ail on yet [...]thir side [...] [Page] and fallis in the watter of. And and [...] fallis in Tweid▪ On y e tothir side fornence ye Ireland [...] his Annandail fra y e watter of Annand. It marchis sum tymes with the ou [...] d [...]undis o [...] [...]idisda [...], quhair all yir thre riuers forsaid Eus Annand & Sulway discendis togidder vnder ane streme in the Ireland seis. In Annandail is ane loch namit Lochmaben, fyue mylis of lenth and foure of breid full of vncouth fische. Besyde this loch is ane castell vnder the same name, maid [...] dan [...] the [...]eu [...]sion of theuis. For nocht all lanerlie in Annandail, bot in all the daies afore [...]thersit ar mony strang and wekit theuis, inuading the cunt [...] with perpetuall, thife, [...]eif, & sto [...]chte [...] quhen thay se ony trublus tyme▪ thir then in (becaus thay haue inglismen thair perpetuall ennymes ly and dry marche apon tha [...] [...] bordour) [...] Ingland with continewal weris. Or ellis [...]ith quiet th [...]. And [...] pure and miserabill lyfe. In the tyme of pe [...]e, thay ar so accustomi [...] [...] thay can nocht desist. bot inuadis the [...] (howbeit thay ar ay miserabilye put doun) with Ithand heirschippis. Mony riche and plentuus boundis of. Scotland lyis waist for feir of thair inuasion. Nocht far fra Sulway ar mony s [...]nkand sandis sa perilus, that na peple may transport thaym self throw the samyn but gret difficulte and danger of thair lyuis. Yis [...] of Annand wes sum tyme namit Ordouitia. and ye pepill namit Ordouices. quhais [...]ou [...]lceis wes sa gret, that thay abhorrit nocht to eit the flesche of [...]lden prisoneris. The wyuis vs [...]t to slay thair husbandis, quhen yai wer found cowartꝭ or discomfist be thair ennymes, to gif▪ occasioun to otheris to be more bald & hard [...] quhen danger occurrit. Quhill at last thay wer [...]alie distroyit be the weris of Romanis. On the west borduris to the gret north lyis Nidisdail namit fra the water of Nith. It begynnis with ane narow ane strait [...]al [...] ▪ and incressis mair braid quhair it lyis to the middil marchis of Scotland. In N [...] disdail is the toun of Dunfreis, quhair mony small and deligat quh [...]is a [...] maid, haldin in gret daynte to marchandis of vndouth realmes.
☞The discription of Gallovvay, Kyle▪ Christ, and Cunyng [...]m [...] ▪ vvith the notabyll tovvnis l [...]chie and [...] in the samyn. Ca. vi.
Aboue Nidisdaill is Galloway namit sum tyme Brigantis▪ & the peple thairof namit Brigandis. This region [...] be the watter of [...] two partis. The part that [...] to Nidisdaill is [...] Nethir Galloway. The tothir [...] [...]yis aboue [...] [...]allit Ui [...]e Galloway. In N [...]thir Galloway is Kirk [...] ane riche t [...]k [...]n full of marchandi [...]e. In [...]aer Galloway [...] the Abbay of Quhittern [...] to the haly bischop [...] in gret veneratioun of peple. Abo [...]e Quhi [...]ern is the [...] of Migto [...], and nocht far fra it is the loch of [...]. The half of this l [...]h fres [...] [...] congelariou [...] [...]her [...]s lochis [...]. The tothir half [...]. In Galloway as two vthir l [...]chi [...]. Sal [...]e [...] and [...] as Lothmyrtoun. Galloway [...]ynni [...] [...] passage in the Ireland [...]. Th [...] [...] [...]allit be the [...] [Page] of it in y • sett, it makis two gret lochis namit be ye pepil loch Reane & Lowis. Su [...] of thir lochis ar .xxx. and sum▪ sextene mylis of lenth. Thay ar baith ful of ostreis, he [...]ing, congirellis, mussillis and coklis with mony vthir fische. Sum men haldis that Brigance wes the samyn regioun of Ingland that is now callit Walis; quhai [...] the Britonis leiffi [...] mony [...]eris eftir that thay wer doūg out of britane, bot this opinion is bane. For y e romane auctouris sayis, the yle of Man lyis fornence Brigance. And is myd passage betuix it and Ireland. As ȝit apperis be experience. And howbeit the brayis be alluuioun and flux of seis ar worne. And mair distan [...] fra vthir than thay wer afore. Ȝit the samyn latitude and eleuatioun of [...]he pole (that Ptolome assignis to Brigance) correspondis weil to the eleuatioun of the pole aboue Galloway. Quhilk is distant and seuerit be lang Iurnay fra Walis. For y e Ile of Man lyis thre hundreth mylis fra Walis in ye sycht of Galloway. A [...]oure be [...]estimoniall of sindry auctouris we say, that out of Brigance ye toun of Spanȝe (quhilk is now namit Compostella) come ane new cumpany of peple in Ireland, and wer namit Spanȝeartis. And out of Ireland come ane gret cumpany of the same pepill with king Fergus in Albioun. And in remembrance of the ciete of Brigance (quhilk wes sum tyme be thaym inhabit in Spanȝe) ya [...] war all callit Brigandis. To this opinioun applaudis Cornelius Tacitus, saying the Brigandis wer discendi [...] of the Spanȝeartis, and dwellis in the remot and last boundi [...] of Britane. For he callis Britane the hail Ile of Albioun. Thir regionis afore rehersit, that is to say. Annandail, Nidisdail, and Galloway, nocht allanerlie aboundis in fyne woll and store of bestiall. Bot ar rycht proffitable i [...] all maner of cornis except quhie [...]. Aboue Galloway is Carrik a [...]e part of Silu [...]ie. For Silurie is deuidit in thre partis, that is to say▪ Carrik, Kyle, and Cunnynghame. In Carrik wes sū tyme ane riche [...]ete vnder the same name, quhais ruynus wallis schawis the gret magnificence thairof. In this cuntre a [...] mony strang castellis rycht strenthy baith be nature & craft of men. In this region ar mony fair ky & oxin, of quhilk y e flesche is rycht delicius and render. The talloun of thair wambis is sa sappy, that it fresis neuir, bot flowis ay be nature of the self in maner of onlie. Beȝound Carrik is Kyle namit fra Coyll kyng of Britonis, quhilk wes slane in the said regioun. In Kyle is ane s [...]ane nocht .xi [...]. mylis fra the toun of A [...]c [...]xx▪ fu [...] of hycht, and th [...]e [...]llis of breid, callit be ye peple the deif s [...]ane. For quhen [...]ne man is at the fut of it▪ he may nothir heir quhat is said nor done o [...] the tothir syde. Howbeit ane [...] it. Nochtheles ay ye more he s [...]a [...] his a dreich fra it▪ he [...] [...]y the h [...]ter. [...] Kyle is Cunnynghame [...] pa [...]t of Silurie Quhais peple wer ma [...]st noysum to Rom [...]is. In Kyle [...] ane loch n [...]mit Doune▪ fra quhilk dif [...]endis the watter vnder the same [...] and [...] in the Ireland seis. In Cunnynghame [...] loch [...] not [...] vnlike to loch Doun full of fis [...]he. And [...] of [...] is, quhare sum tyme [...]aucht kyng Alexander ye thrid with gre [...] [...] of victorie aganis the [...]anis.
☞The discription of [...]
[Page]THe watter of Clide deuidis y • Len [...]x on the north side fra y • barony of Renfrew, & risis out of y e samyn montane within y e wod of Cal [...]one, fra quhilk risis Annād, & discendis w t lāg passage in y e Irelād seis▪ not far fra y e fōtanis of clide springꝭ y • fōtanꝭ of forth, quhilk dis [...]es w t āple & braid [...]ꝭ in the Almane seis. On ye tothir syde, ye watter of Clyd (Eftir ya [...] it hes roun lang to wart the north) crukis ay inw [...]rt, quhill it come to the montanis of Granȝebane. Syne discendis with lang passage to the south, quhill it fall in the Ireland sets. Ye cuntre (quhair it rynnis) is callit Clidisdail. Betuix Clid and Lennox lyis the baronie of Renfrew, in the quhilk ar twa lochis namye Quhyn south and Leboth, sum .xx. and sum .xii. mylis of lenth rycht plentuus and full of fische. Aboue Renfrew to the Occeane seis, lyis the Lennox, nami [...] be Ptolome Lelgonia, in quhilk is ane gret loch namit Lochmond .xxiiii. mylis of lenth and .viii. mylis of breid. Within this loch ar .xxx. Ilis weil biggi [...] with kirkis, templis, and housis. And in yis loch ar thre notable thingis, fisch swomand but ony fyn, ane rycht dāgerus and storme wal but ony wynd, and ane Ile that fletis heir and thair as the wynd seruis. ¶This loch standis at the fute of the montanis of Granȝebene. Quhilkis wes sum tyme the gr [...] marchis betuix the Scottis and Pychtis, and gangis fra Lochlowmond to the mouth of Dee. Ye Pichtis had n [...] landis beȝound the montanis of Granȝebene nor ȝit lyand to the Ireland seis, for thir boūdis wer ay inhabit be scottis .viii. mylis fra Lochlowmond is y e castell of Dunbri [...]ane namit sum tyme [...], quhair the watter of Leuin fallis in Clyde. Beȝound Lochlowmōd is Argyle, ane cūtre ful of rochis, craggis, and montanis. In it ar twa lochis Lochtyne and Lochquho. Ye land is deuidi [...] in thre patres. Ye land yat lyis in myddis thairof is callie Knapdail, in Lochfyne is mair plente of heryng yan is in ony seis of Albion. In Lochquho ar mony fische sik as leiffis on [...]esch watter. In Argyle ar twa castellis Glennunquhart and En [...]one [...]l. And in it ar .xii. Ilis. Bot thay ar mair proffitable in store of b [...]stial, yan ony cor [...]is. In Argyle ar mony riche mynis full of metall. Bot ye pepill thairof hes [...] craft nor industry to wyn the samyn. It is sa [...] in this cuntre is ane stane of sic nature, yat it kendlis cauld stra or hardis in fyre, quhen it is inuoluit thairwith. In Argyle ar .vii. vthir lochis, sum .xxx. [...]ylis in [...]nth ane breid, and [...] les. It wes said be schir Duncane Campbell to ws, that out of [...]arlo [...] any loch of Argyle ye ȝeir of god. i.M.v.C.x. ȝetus, come ane terrible beist als [...] as ane grew hound, furit lik ane ganar, and straik doun gret theis with the dyn [...] of hir tail. And slew thre men quil [...]i [...] wer at thair houn [...] with [...] of hir tail. And wer not y e remanent [...] thay ha [...] bene all slane in the samyn maner. Eftir the slanch [...] o [...] thir [...] [...]eidlie to the loch. Sindry prudent me [...] beleuit gret [...] land be appering of yis [...]eist. For scho wes sene [...] foll [...]wing thairefter. Marche and with Argyle ly [...] Lorn, quhilk [...] part thairof. For it lyis in maner of ane [...]oung [...] lang hals .ix. mylis of lenth and breid. Yis toung ( [...] within ye seis) wes sum tyme namit Nouantia. Bot now is it callit Kyntyre, that is to say▪ y • heid of Lorn. Ye outm [...]st part of yis toung [...], Sū auctouris sayis baith Argyle & [...] makꝭ n [...] mention of argyle ī his cosmograp [...]ie. In [...] growis heir w t [Page] gret plente. Beȝound Lorne is Lochquhabir, quhilk wes sum tyme ane part of Murrayland. It is full of mynis sic as Irne and leid, and rycht proffitabill in store of bestiall. In it ar mony woddis, lochis, and riuers full of Salmond and vthir fische swomand sa plenteuslie, that the samin is tane but ony craft. The principall riuers of Lochquhabir ar Lochtie and Spanȝe. Howbeit the cause thairof be vncertane. Lochtie risis nocht .viii. mylis fra Lochnes, and fallis vnder ye same name in the Almane seis. Besyde it is ane roche crag, dippand with ane lang hals in ye seis namit Hardnomorth. In y e mouth of Lochtie wes ane riche toun namyt Inuerlochtie, quhair sū tyme wes gret change be repair of vncouth marchandis. Quhill at last it wes sa vterlie distroyit be weris of Danis, that it come neuir to ye honour and magnificence as it had afore. And quhiddir the samyn procedis be sleuth of our pepill or be inuy of lymmers, quhilkis may suffir na wallit tounis in this cuntre, it is vncertane. Beȝound Lochtie is the castell of Dunstafage, sum tyme namit Euonium. Beȝound Dunstafage is the mouth of the watter of Spanȝe, quhair it fallis in the Almane seis.
¶The discription of Ros, Stranauern, and Murray land, vvith the louchis, fludis, and notable tovvnis thairof. Ca. viii.
BEȝound ye watter of Spanȝe, lyis Ros, sum tyme namit Lugia, rising with ane strait narow hals, and yair eftir is cassin furth with mair braid lesuris, valis, and montanis circulit baith on the ta syde and the tothir with the Occeane. Yis cuntre (quhair it lyis maist approchand to the Ireland seis) hes rycht difficill passage, and ganis mair for store of bestiall yan ony habitatioun of man. It is best manurit fornence the Almane seis, rycht plentuus baith of gers and corn. For thir hailsum valis (quhare the riuers discendis) makis the herbis rycht delicius and nurisand. In Ros ar sindry lochis, bot Lochbroun is maist. Mony riuers ar in Ros full of fische. In Ros is Cromarte ane firth & sicker port to all shippis, to saif yame fra danger of tempest namyt be the peple the heil of schipmen. In Ros is ye toun of Thane, quhair the blissit banis of sanct Dutho restis in gret veneratioun of peple. In ane vale of Ros at twa housis round in forme of ane bell. And ar saiffit to our dayis in memory of sum antiquiteis of our eldaris. Merchand with Ros lyis Stranauern, the outmaist boundis of Scotland. Of quhilk the se cost lyis northnorthwest and crukis in agane sum tyme fornens the Almane seis, hauand fornens it on the gret north Cathnes. On y e gret eist Sutherland. On the gret south Ros. And on the gret west the northnorwest seis. Thre gret craggis lyis on the outmaist syde of Stranauern namit Hoy, Howbroun, and Downis [...]ie. And becaus thir thre rochis schutis far in ye see, thay mak twa gret firthis and lochis seuerit fra vthir. Merchand with Cathnes lyis Sutherland ane proffitable cuntre baith for store and cornis. On the ȝond syde of it lyis Murray, sum tyme namyt Uararis. Bot it hes nocht the samyn marchis now as it had than. For all the boundis betuix Spay and Nes to the Ireland seis wer namyt Murray. Bot now it lyis sum tyme beȝound the watter of Spay & Kissok quhil it cum to the Ireland seis. Betuix Ros and Murray the land crukis in with ane gret discens and vale in quhilk fallis fyue riuers. Nes, Nardyn, Findorn, Los, and Spay. Spay [Page] rynnis with sa feirs and violent strem [...], that the see tyde (quhen it cumys in maist swiftlie) may nocht resist the violent discens and streme of this watter. Bot is with the preis and streme thairof born doun per force to chefeis. Nesrysis fra ane loch vnder the same name, nocht .viii. mylis fra the samyn loch, that Lochtie cumys fra. And rynnis in the Ireland seis. Nothir fresis the water of Lochtie, nor ȝit the loch that it cumys fra in ony storme of wynter, and to the greter admiratioun, ony frosyn thyng (that is cassyn in it) meltis and resoluis hastelie. It is yairfore rycht proffitable to al frosin beistis. In y e mouth of Nes standis the toun of Innernes, quhare sum tyme wes gret plente and tak of heriyng. Howbeit thay be now euanist for offence that is maid aganis sum sanct. Treuth is, quhen ony auaricius and vnhappy men fechtis for the fische that god sendis be his infinit gudnes to the sustentatioun of the peple and diffoulis the see be thair blude, Mony ȝeris eftir na fische swomis in that place besyde Lochnes quhilk is .xxiiii. mylis of lenth and .xii. of breid ar mony wyld hors. And amang yame ar mony martrikis, beuers, quhitredis and toddis. The furringis and skynnis of thaym ar coft with gret priee amang vncouth marchandis. In Murray is nocht allanerlie gret aboundance & fouth of quheit, beir, aytis, and siclik cornis with gret plente of nutis and appillis Bot in ie ar gret fouth of fische and speciallye Salmond. In this cuntre is ane vncouth maner of fisching. For the peple makis ane lang mand narow halsit and wyid mouthit with mony stobis Inouth maid with sik craft that the fische thrawis yame self in it, and can nocht get furth agane, and als sone as t [...]e see ebbis, the fische ar [...]ane dry in the crelis. In Murray is ane loch namit Spy [...]ee, quhair gret plente is of swannis. The cause quhy the swannis multiplyis sa fast in this loch is throw ane herbe namyt Olour, quhilk burionis with gret fertilite in the said loch. And the seid of it is rycht nurisand and delicius to swannis. This herbe is sa brudy, that quhair it is anis sawin or plantit, it can neuir be distroyit. As may be prouin be experience. For youcht this loch be .v. mylis lang, and wes sum tyme (as y e memorie of man ȝit beris) full of salmond and vthir gret fische, ȝit fra this herbe began to burgeon in it the watter is growin sa schauld, that ane man may waid throw the maist partis thairof. And thairfore all maner of gret fische is quit euanist out of it. In Murray land is the kick of Pette, quhare the ba [...]is of lytill Iohne remanis in gret admiratioun of pepill. He hes bene fourtene fut of hycht with square membris effering thairto .vi. ȝeris afore the cumyng of this werk to lycht we saw his hanche bane als mekill as the haill bane of ane man. For we schot our arme in the mouth thairof. Be quhilk apperis how strang and square pepill grew in our regioun afore thay wer effeminat with lust & intemperance of mouth. In Murray is y e toun of Elgyn, nocht far fra y e mouth of Spay. In quhilk is the nobill Cathedrall kirk of Murray decorit richelie with the college of channonis. Sindry riche abbayis ar in Murray. As Killos of the ordoure of Cestuus, and Pluscardie of the ordoure Clunacensis.
☞ ¶The discriptioun of Boene, Anȝe, Buchquhane, Mar, Mernis, Fifte, and Angus, vvith the lochis, fiudis, abbayis, tounis, and vthir notable thingis thairof. Ca. ix.
[Page] MArcheand with Murray lyis Boene and Anȝe twa plentuꝰ Regionis in store of bestiall liand with ample & roume boū dis to the seis. Thir regionis ar full of scheip and nolt. For the sindry lesuris and woddis in the samyn. And throw the myddis thairof rynnis the watter of Douern. In ye mouth of this watter standis the toun of Bamf. Under thir two regionis afore namit lyis Buchquhane, ane proffitable land for scheip. For it passis all cuntreis lyand about it in riches of quhit and deligat woll. Mony watteris ar in Buchquhane, all full of salmond except Rattra in quhilkis ar nane. In Buchquhane is the castell of Slanis the constablis hous of Scotland. Beside quhilk is ane meruellus coue. For the watter [...]at droppis in it, growis within schort tyme ī maner of ane hard quhit stane. And wer nocht the coue is oft temyt, it wald be fillit sone with stanis. Na rattonis ar sene in this cuntre. And als sone as thay ar brocht thair, thay de. In Buchquhane growis aytis but ony tylth or seid. Quhen the peple passis with set purpos to scheir yir aytis, thay fynd nocht but tume hullis. Ȝit quhen ya [...] pas but ony premiditatioun, thay fynd thir aytis ful & weil ripit. Thir thingꝭ cumys nocht be nature, but erar be illusioun of deuillis to the dissait of blind and supersticius pepill. Under Buchquhane lyis Mar, ane plentuus region in store of bestiall, lx. mylis in lenth and breid fra the Almane seis to Badȝenoch. In it is the ciete of Abirdene the bischoppis seit with generall vniuersite flurising in all science, and wes foundit be the nobill bischop William Elphinstoun with ane riche and magnificent college. This ciete lyis betuix two-riche riuers, Done and Dee. In quhilkis ar mair fouth of Salmond, yan in ony part of Albioun. Marchand with Mar lyis the Mernis to the see, ane riche cuntre for store of bestiall. In it is Dunnothir ye marschel of Scotlandis hous. In the Mernis is the toun of Fordoun, quhare the blissit banis of sāct Paladie restis in gret veneratioun of peple. On the out marchis of Mernis, rynnis ye watter of Esk, vthirwayis namit Northesk ane dangerus watter, quhare mony passingeris perisis for falt of ane brig. Bordorand with y e Mernis lyis Angus. Quhilk wes sum tyme ane part of Horrestia, and is deuidit with thre riuers, Northesk, Southesk & Tay. In Angus is ane hie montane dippand in ye Almane seis callit the Reid brayis. Tay risis far beȝond y • montanis of Granȝebene fra Loch tay, quhilk is .xxiiii. mylis of lenth, and .x. mylis of breid. And discendis with gret plente of fische, quhill it cum in the Almane seis besyde Dunde, ye toun quhair we wer born, quhair mony virtewꝰ and lauborius pepill ar in makyng of claith. In Angus ar mony vthir gud townis, as Montroys, Brechin, and Forfair, with sa gret noumer of castellis that it wer ouir tedius laubour to writ thaym all. In Angus ar mony lochis full of fische. And in it ar mony abbayis, as Resteneth of channons regulare eftir the ordour of Augustyne. Aberbrothak & Coupar, the first of the ordour of Turonen. and the nixt of the ordour of Cistuus In the vale of Esk is sa quhit and small wol, that it hes na compair in Albioun. Besyde Tay is fiffe, sum tyme ane part of Octolyne. In it growis all maner of cornis with als gret plente as dois in ony part of Albioun. And quhare na cornis ar, it is rycht proffitable in store of bestial. In Fiffe ar won blak stanis (quhilk hes sa in tollerable heit quhen yai ar kendillit) y • yai resolue & meltꝭ Irne, & ar yairfore [Page] rycht proffitable for operation of smythis. Yis kynd of blak stanis ar won in na part of Albion, bot allanerlie betuix Tay and Tyne. In Fiffe is maid gret plente of quhit salt. In Fiffe ar mony noble townis as sanct Androis the archebischopis seit of scotland. Kirkcawde, Disart, Kyngorne, Cowpar, & Dunfermeling, quhare ane riche abbay is decorit with generall sepulturis of kingis. Mony vthir abbayis ar in Fiffe [...]edicat to ye blissit virgyne, as Cul [...]os, Bawmerinoch, Petmoyg, & Pettinwenie. In Fyffe ar sindry lochis, as Loch Torre, Lochleuin. In Lochleuin is ane castell with mony Ilis. And in ane of thaym is the kirk of sanct Phillane. Fiffe is deuidit fra Louthiane be the reueir of Forth, quhilk rynnis with ane braid firth in the Almane seis. This firth is rycht plentuus of coclis, osteris, muschellis, selch, pellok, merswyne & quhalis with gret plente of quhit fische. amang mony vthir Ilis in this firth is the Ile of May decorit with ye blude & martirdome of sanct Adriane and his fallowis. In the myddis of this Ile springis ane fontane of fresche and purifyit watter outhrow ane roche crag to the gret admiratioun of peple, considerin it lyis in y e myddis of the seis. Beside this Ile is ane wounderful crag risand within the see with sa narro and strait hals, that na schip nor bait may arriue bot allanerlie at ane part of it. This crag is callit the Bas vnwynnabill be ingyne of man. In it ar coues als proffitable for defence of men, as yai wer biggit be crafty industri. Euery thīg y t is in y e crag, is ful of admiration & w [...]under. In it ar incredible noumer of soland geis, nocht vnlik to thir fow [...] [...]hat Plineus callis see ernis. And ar sene in na part of Albion, bot in this crag and Ailsay. At thair first cumin (quhilk is in ye spring of the ȝeir) yai gadder sa gret noumer of treis & stikkis to big thair nestis, that ye samyn mycht be sufficient fewell to ye keparis of ye castell, Howbeit yai had na vthir prouision. And yocht ye keparis tak fra yir fowlis yir stikkis & treis, ȝit yai tak litil indingnation thairof. Bot bringis haistelie agane als mony fra vthir placis quhair thay fle. Thay nuris thair birdis with maist deligat fische. For yocht yai haue ane fische in yair mouth aboue y e seis quhair yai fle, ȝit gif yai se ane vthir bett thay lat ye first fal & doukis with ane fellon stoure in ye see, & bringis haistelie vp the fische yat thay last saw. And youcht this fische be reft f [...]a hir be ye keparis of ye castell, scho takkis lytill indingnation, bot fleis incontinent for ane vthir. Thir keparis of ye castell forsaid takis ye ȝoung geis fra thaym with lytill impediment. Thus cumys gret proffet ȝeirlie to ye lord of y e said castell. Within the bowellis of yir geis, is ane fatnes of singulare medicyne. For it helis mony infirmyteis, speciallie sik as cumys be gut and cater discedyng in the hanches or lethes of men and wemen. In this crag growis ane rycht delicius herbe, & quhen it is transportit or plantit in ony othir part, it is of lytill sapor or gust. In this crag wes sum tyme ane stane full of ene & holis like ane watter spounge holkit in the myddis of sik nature, that all salt watter that is waschin thairwith becumis incontinent fresche and delicius to the mouth. We heir now that this st [...]ne is in fast castell. In ane Ile of Forth is ye abbay of sāct Colme of chānons regulare eftir the ordour of sanct Augustyne. Mony othir Ilis ar in this firth full of cunnyngis. Oftymes ar sene in this firth vncouth and wounderfull fische with coulis hingyng ouir thair hedis, like monkis, and signifyis ay mortalite of men and beistis quhare yai ar sene.
☞ The discriptioun of Louthian [...], Striuel [...]ng, Menteith, Calidon [...] vvod, bovvgevvall, Gareoth vvith the notable [...] teis castellis and fludis thair of. Ca. x.
ON the south side of Forth lyis Louthiane, callit with tha [...] name fra Lothane of the principall kingis of Pichtis. Louthiane is maist plentuus ground of Scotland. In it ar mony abbayis, castellis, and tounis, as Hadingtoun, Dunbar, Northberwik, Leith, bot Edinburgh passis thaym all baith in polese, reparation, wisdome, & riches. And aboue it is y e castell vnder y e same name sū tyme callit y e madin castell, & ȝit remanis vnder ye sam [...] name. Nocht two mylis fra Edinburgh is ane fontane dedicat to sanct Katrine, quhair sternis of oulie springis It handlie with sic aboundance, that howbeit the samyn be gaderit away, it springis incontinent with gret aboundance. This fountane rais throw ane drop of sanct Katrynis onlie, quhilk wes brocht out of mont Synay fra hir sepulture to sanct Margaret the blissit quene of Scotland. Als sone as sanct Margaret saw the onlie spring Ithandlie be diuine miracle in the said place, scho gart big ane chapell thair in the honour of sanct Katherine. This onlie hes ane singulare vittew aganis all maner of cankir and skawis. Nocht far fra the mouth of forth is the castel of Dunbar, quhilk be nature & crafty industre of man is the strenthiest hous this day of Albion. Dunbar wes sū tyme y e cheif chemis of y e erlis of Marche. Nocht far fra it is ane toun vnder the same name with ane magnificent and riche college of channons foundit and honorabily dotat be the said erlis. On the eist syde of louthiane lyis the Mers, the cuntre quhilk be ws is first diser [...] uit. Under ye Mers lyis Teuidail. And aboue it lyis Twedail. Under Twedail lyis Dryisdaill, Waulco [...]dail, Douglasdail, and Clidisdaill. All thir dalis beris the name of that reuer that discendis throw thaym. The principall toun of Clidisdail is Glasqw the archebischoppis seit, quhare ane nobill kirk is dotat richelie in the honour of sanct Mungow, and biggit with gret magnificence. In Glasqw is ane generall vniuersite & study of all liberall science. In Clidisdail is ane riche myne of gold and asure won but ony laubour. Sū tymes ar won in it sindry precious stanis of variant hewis. Y [...]s goldin myn [...] wes found in y e [...]yme of kyng Iames the fei [...]d, quhilk had sa mony singulare virtewis that he had decorit his realme with infinite riches be this myne, gy [...] god had fortunit hym to haue had dayis. Now be sleuth and necligence of vncrafty peple this myne dois small proffet. Fra Glasqw north lyis Menteith, and Striuelingschire marcheand with Argyle and Lennox. In Striuelingschire is ye toun of Striueling. And aboue it standis ye castel vnder y e samyn name, sum tyme namit the dolorus montane. At this toun began ye gret wod of Calidon. This wod of Calidon ran fra Striueling throw Menteith and Stratherne to Atholl & Lochquhabir. As Ptolome writtis in his first table. In this wod wes sum tyme quhit bullis, with crisp & cursand mane like feirs lionis, and youcht thay semit meik and tame in the remanen [...] figure of thair bodyis yai wer mair wyld than ony vthir beistis, & had sic hatrent aganis the societe & cūpany of men, y t yai come neuir in y e woddis nor lesuris quhair thay fand ony feit or haynd thairof. And mony dayis eftir thay eit nocht of the herbis [Page] y t wer twichit or handillit be mē. Thir bullis wer sa wyld y t yai wer neuir tane but slycht & crafty laubour, and sa impacient yat eftir thair taking thay deit for importable doloure. Als sone as ony man inuadit thir bullis, thay ruschit with so terrible preis on hym, that thay dang hym to the eird, [...]akand [...]a feir of houndis, scharp laneis, nor vthir maist penitriue wappinnis. It is said, king Robert Bruce eftir his coronatioun went to ane hunting in this wod, hauand bot ane quiet cūpanye with hym. And eschapit narowlie of his lyef. For ane of the bullis (eftir that he wes sair woundit be the huntaris) ruschit feirslie on the kyng. Howbeit he had na wapinnis in his hand to debait hym self fra the dynt thairof. Incontinent ane man of gret spreit (quhilk wes standing neir by) lap afore the kyng. And nocht allanerlie kest the bull be manifest force to the erd, bot held hym quhill the remanent huntaris slew hym with thair wappinnis. This man that rescoursit the kyng wes callit Turnbull, and wes rewardit with riche landis be the kyng. And youcht thir bullis wer bred in sindry boundis of the Callidon wod, now be continewal hunting and lust of insolent men thay ar distroyit in all partis of Scotland and nane of thaym left bot allanerlie in Cumarnald. on the eist syde of Menteith lyis Strathern, & marchis on the samyn syde with Fiffe. Out throw the valis of this regioun rynnis the watter of Ern and fallis in Tay, and nocht four mylis fra y e place quhare▪ Ern fallis in Tay, is ane stane of small quantite. Howbeit it be of meruellus nature. For thair is nothir preis nor ingyne of man, that nay transport it out of the place quhair it lyis. Attoure ane man and ane hundreth mouis it elik. On the tothir syde of Tay beȝound Angus & Gowrie lyis Stermond, ane plentuus regioun baith of Gers and cornis. Nocht far fra Stermond lyis Athole, in quhilkis ar mony lusty valis and fludis ful of fische and the ground sa riche, that it beris cornis but ony lauboure. In it is ane toun namit Lud, of quhilk the land is sa plentuus. That gif it be weil manurit, it beris gud beir but ony seid. In Athole ar vthir landis of mair contrarius nature. The quheit that is sawin in it, degeneris and turnis in Ry. Under Buchquhane and Boene to the west, lyis Bostgewell and Gareoth rycht plentuus regionis baith in gres and cornis. In Gareoth is ane hyll namit Doundore, that is to say the goldin montane. The scheip that gangis on yis montane ar ȝallo, thair teith ar hewit like gold, thair flesche reid as it wer littit with safron, thair woll is on the same maner. In this regioun is ane carnell of stanis liand togiddir in maner of ane croun. And ryngis (quhen thay ar doung) as ane bell. Ane temple wes biggit (as sum men beleuis) in the said place, quhare mony auld [...]itis and superstitionis wer maid to euill spretis. Mony vthir regionis ar in Scotlād, as Bradalbane, Strabraun, and Badȝenoth with sindry vthir small landis and fludis. Howebeit thay ar nocht sa notable, as thir landis that we haue schawin▪
☞¶Of the gret plente of haris, hartis, and vthir vvild bestiall in scotland▪ Of the meruellus nature of syndr [...] Scotti [...] doggis, And of the nature of Salmond. Ca. xi.
[Page] BEcaus we haue discriuit all regionis of Scotland in speciall, we will schaw sum thing concernyng thaym in general. And first we say, that in all boundis of Scotland except yai partis (quhair continewall habitatioun of peple makis impediment yairto) is gret plente of haris, hartis, hindꝭ, dayis, rais, wolffis, wyld hors, & roddis. Yir wild hors ar not tane but crafty slycht. For in tyme of wynter the landwart peple puttis certane tame cursouris and merls amang thir wild hors. And be thair cōmixtioun and frequent cumpanye, makis thaym so tame, that thay may be handilli [...]. The Uolffis ar rycht noysum to the tame bestiall in all partis of Scotland, except ane part thairof namit Glenmores. In quhilk ye tame bestiall gettis litill dāmage of wyld bestiall specialie of toddis. For tik hous of this cuntre nurisis ane ȝoung tod certane dayis, and mengis the flesche yairof (eftir y t it be slane) with sic meit as thay gif to yair fowlis or vthir smal beistis. And sa mony as etis of this meit ar preseruit twa monethis eftir fra ony dāmage of toddis. For toddis wyll eit na flesche that gustis of thair awin kynd. And be thair bot ane beist or fowll, that hes nocht gustit of this meit, the tod wyll [...]heis it out amang ane thousand. In Scotland ar doggis of meruellus nature. For aboue the cōmoun nature and conditioun of doggis, quhilkis ar sene in all partis, ar thre maner of doggis in Scotland, quhilk ar sene in na vthir partis of the warld. The first is ane hound baith wycht, hardy and swift. Thir houndis ar nocht allan [...]lie feirs and cruell on all wyld beistis. Bot on theuis and ennymes to thair maister on the same maner. The secound kynd is ane rache, that sekis thair pray, baith of fowlis, beistis and fische be sent and smell of thair neis. The thrid kynd is mair than ony rache. Reid hewit or ellis blak with small spraingis of spottis, and ar callit be the peple sleuthoundis. Thir doggis hes sa meruellus wit, that yai serche theuis and followis on thaym allanerlie be sent of the guddis that ar tane away. And nocht allanerlie fyndis the theif, bot inuadis hym with gret cruelte. And youcht the theuis oftymes cors the watter, quhair thay pas, to caus y e hound to tyne the sent of thaym and the guddis. Ȝit he serchis heir and thair with sic deligence, that be his fut he fyndis baith the trace of the theif and the guddis. The meruellus nature of yir houndis wil haue na faith with vncouth peple. Howbeit the samyn ar rycht frequent and ryfe on the bordouris of Ingland and Scotland. Attour it is statute be the lawis of the bordouris, he that denyis entres to the sleuthound in tyme of chace and serching of guddis, salbe haldin participant with the cryme and thift cōmittit. Of fowlis sic as leiffis of reif, ar sindry kyndis in Scotland, as ernis, falconis, goyshalkis, spa [...]halkis, marlȝonis. and sik like fowlis. Of watter fowlis is sa gret noumer, yat it is wonder to heir. Mony vthir fowlis ar in Scotland, quhilkis ar sene in na vthir partis of the warld, as capercailȝe ane foul mair than ane rauin, quhilk leiffis allanerlie of barkis of treis. In Scotland ar mony mure rokis and hennis, quhilk etis nocht bot seid or [...]r [...]ppis of hadder. Sic like ar gret noumer of blak cokis and hennis, nocht vnlike to ane fa [...]ane baith in quantite and sapoure of yair flesche. Bot thay haue blak fedderis and reid [...]e breis And beside thir thre vncouth kynd of fowlis, is ane vthir kynd of fowlis in [Page] the Mers mair vncouth, namit gustardis, als me [...]le as ane swan, bot in the colour of thair fedderis and gust of thair flesche thay ar litil different fra ane pertrik, thir last fowlis ar not frequent bot in few noumer. And sa far haytis the cumpany of man, that gif thay fynd thair eggis ayndit or twichit be men, thay leif thaym, and layis eggꝭ in ane othir place. Thay lay yair eggis in the bair erd. All othir kynd of fowlis ar in Scotland on the same maner as yai ar in ony othir realmes. Of fische is mair plente in Scotland speciallie of salmond, thā is in ony▪ vthir partis of y e warld. And becaus the procreation & nature of salmond is vncouth and strange, we haue inserit the maner thairof in this buke. Thir salmond in the tyme of heruist, eumis vp throw the smal watteris, speciallie quhare y e watter is maist schauld and loun, and spawnis with thair wamis plet to vthir. Ye hie fische spawnis his meltis. And y e scho fische [...]ir rounis. And incontinent coueris thaym ouir with sand in the reueir. And [...]ftir thair spawning thay grow sa lene and small, that na thing apperis on thaym bot skyn and bane, and hes sa warsche gust that thay ar vnproffitable to eit. Sum men sayis all othir salmond that metis thaym eftir thair spawning growis lene on the same maner as thay ar. For sindry of thaym ar foūd lene on the ta syde, and fat on the tothir. Forthir of thir rownis and meltis quhilkis at hid (as said is) vnder the sandis, growis at the spring of the nixt ȝei [...] [...] render fische, na gretar than ane mannis thoume. And gyf thay be handillit, thay melt away like ane blob of watter. Alwayis at the first streme of watter that risis yai discend to the see. And within .xx. dayis eftir yai grow in meruellus quantite. And with maist feruent desyre and appetite returnis to the samyn placis, quhair thay wer generit. Forthir becaus mony of y e watteris of Scotland ar full of lynnis, als sone as thir salmond cumis to ye lyn, thay lei [...]. And s [...] mony as ar wycht or lepis weil, thay get vp throw the lyn. And returnis to the place quhair thay wer bred, and abidis thair quhil the season [...]um of thair generatioun. Utheris quhilkis lepis nocht cleirlie ouir the lyn, brekie thaym self be thair fall & growis mesall, vtheris ar kepp [...]t in caw [...]rounis. for the la [...]d wart peple settis oftymes cawdronis playand with hair watter at the cheik of the lyn. Thus quhen the salmondis faillis thair loup▪ thay fall callour in the said caldrounis, & a [...] than maist delitius to the mouth. It is defendit be our lawis to sla ony salmond fra y e .viii. day of september to the .xv. day of nouembre. Na man knawis quhair on thir fische leiffis. For na thing is found in thair wambe quhen thay ar oppinnit, bot ane thi [...] grosse humour.
☞¶Of the syndry kyndis of muffillis and Cocles in scotland. Of the perlis that ar gottin in yame. Of sindry vncouth & strange fische. Of the nature of hadder. Ca. xii.
NOw we will schaw the nature of mussillis and coclis▪ of quhilkis mony kyndis ar amang ws. Sum ar small with the m [...]it thairof rycht delicius to the mouth. Utheris ar mair, nocht vnlike in forme and quantite to the samyn mussillis ya [...] hes the purpure. And howbeit yai haue na thing thairof, ya [...] ar ȝit rycht delicius to the mouth. Utheris ar lang and greter [Page] callit hors mussillis and ar gottin in sindry reueris specialie in De and Done And in thir mussillis ar generit the perlis. Thir mussillis [...] in the mornyng (quhen the lift is cleir and temperat) opnis thair mouthis a litill aboue the watter, and maist gredelie swellis the dew of the heuin, and eftir the mesure and quantite of the dew that thay swellie, thay consaue and bredis the perle. Thir mussillis ar sa doyn gleg of twiche and heryng, that howbeit the voce be neuir so small that is maid on the bra besyde thaym, or the stane be neuir sa small that is cassin in the watter thay douk haistelie atanis, and gangꝭ to the ground, knawing weill in quhat estimatioun and price the frute of yair wambe is to al peple. Als sone as the fischaris fyndis yir mussillis, thay thrist thaym fast togidder. The maner of thair takyng followis. ¶First four or fyue personis passis in the reuer togidder, and standis in maner of ane round cirkill within the watter to thair schulderis. Ilk ane of thaym hes ane staffe in thair hand, that thay sall nocht slide, and syne thay luke and viseis throwe the cleir and purifyit watter quhill thay se the mussillis. And becaus yai may nocht tak thaym vp with thair handis thay cleik thaym vp with thair tayis, and slingis thaym to the nixt brayis. The perlis that ar gottin in Scotland ar nocht of littill valoure. For thay haue ane cleir schynand quhitnes round and lycht. And sum tymes ar als mekleas the naill of ane mannis fyngar▪ of quhilkꝭ we haue had part. It wes schawin to we be thaym yat come fra sanct Iames, that thair is siclike mussillis in Spanȝe, bot thay haue na perle, for thay leif in salt watter. In all the see costis of Scotland ar coclis and mussillis on the same maner youcht tha be mair proffitable to the mouth than ony procreatioun of perlis. Mony vncouth forme and figuris of fische ar in scotland. Sum of thaym armyt with schellis, sum with hard skalis. And sum of thaym ar round as ane ball bakkit like ane hurcheon, hauād bot ane conduc [...] baith to purge thair wambe and ressaue thair mei [...]. To schaw euery kynd of fische that is in Scotland, it wer bot ane faschious and vane lauboure. For the samyn ar knawin to al cuntreis. ¶Of al othir kyndis of fische is sa gret plente throw all partis of our seis, that howbeit infinit noumer of thaym wer tane away on the ta day, na thing thairof salbe myst on the morow. Attoure ane thing is that cumys not but singulare prouidence of god, for ay ye mair derth and penurite of vittallis is in Scotland, the fische swoumis with the more abundance and plente. Attoure in all the desertis and muris of this realme growis ane herbe namit hadder but ony seid richt nutritiue baith to beistis and fowlis specialie to beis. This herbe in the moneth of Iulii hes ane floure of purpure hew als sweit as huny, the pychtis maid of yis herbe sum tyme ane rycht delicius and hailsum drynk. Nochtheles the maner of the making of it is perist be exterminioun of the said Pichtis out of Scotland. For thay schew neuir the craft of the making of this drink bot to yayr [...]. Attoure thair is na part of Scotland sa vnproffitable bot it producis othir yrne or ellis sum vthir proffitable kynd of metal, as may be notabilly prou [...]n throw all the Ilis of Scotland.
☞ The discriptioun of the Ilis of Scotland, and of the maist notabyll thingis thairof. Capitulo. xiii,
SEn we ar now fallyng in cōmonyng of the Ilis we will discriue y e same in maner & forme as followis. Fornens scotland to y e Ireland seis lyis .xliii. Ilis, of quhilkis sum ar .xxx. mylis lang, vtheris .xii. mylis, vtheris mair and vtheris les. Thir Ilis wer callit be sum auctouris Ebonie, and be vtheris ar callit Hebredes. The principall Ile is the Ile of Man, quhilk lyis fornens Galloway and wes sum tyme the principall seit of the preistis namit Driades, as Cornelius Tacitus, Cesar in his cōmentaris, and mony othir Romane auctouris testifyis. North fra the Ile of Man lyis Arane vthirwayis namit Botha. This secound name wes geuin to it be sanct Brandane. For he biggit sum tyme ane hous in it namit Both. Fra Arrane lyis He law and [...]othesay namit fra the first Scot yat brocht the Scottis out of Ireland in Albioun. Nocht far fra thir Ilis is Ailsay, quhair siclik plente of so [...]and g [...]s is, as we schew afore in the Bas. Fra Ailsay lyis mony vthir Ilis de [...]idi [...] & seuerit be thair awin names full of mynis sik as Irne, tyn, leid, and [...] metallis. Ȝit the maist notable Ile of Scotland is Ila, quhilk lyis beȝou [...] the toung of Lorne in the sycht of Lochquhabir, ane riche cuntre xxx mylis of lenth, rycht plentuus of corne and full of metallis, gif thair wer. ony crafty and industrius peple to wyn the samyn. Nocht far fra Ila lyis Cumbra and Mula als mekill as Ila baith in lenth and breid. In this Ile of Mula is ane cleir fontane two mylis fra ye see. Fra this fontane discendis ane litil burne, or strip rynnand ful of rounis to y e seis, thir rounis ar round & quhit schynand like perle full of thik humour. And within two houris eftir that thay come to see thay grow in gret cocles. Schort gait fra thir Ilis is Iona othirwayis namyt Colmekill, in quhilk is ane abbay full of deuot religius men. This abbay wes the cōmoun sepulture of all Scottis kyngis fra the tyme of kyng Fergus the secound, to ye tyme of kyng Malcolme Cā more, quhilk biggit the abbay of Dunfermling, quhair the maist part of our kyngis lyis sen the fundatioun thairof. Passand forthwart to the northnorwest seis, Fornens Ros is ane Ile namit Lews .lx. mylis of lenth. In yis Ile is bot ane reueir. It is said gif ony woman waid throw this watter at the spring of the ȝeir, thair sall na salmond be sene for that ȝeir in the said watter. Otherwayis it sall abound in gret plente. Beȝound the Lewis lyis two Ilis namit Sky and Rona. In this last Ile is incredible noumer of selch, pellok and meirswyne, na thing astonist for the sycht of men. The last and out maist Ile is namit Hirtha, quhare the eleuatioun of the pole is .lxiii. greis. And sen the eleuatioun of the pole aboue the Ile of Man is .lvii. greis, Ilkgre extending to .lxii. mylis and ane half in distance, as Ptolome and vthir [Page] astronimeris nowmeris. I conclude that fra the Ile of Man the first Ile of Albion, to Hirtha the last Ile thairof, ar thre hundred .lxxvii. mylis. This last Ile is namit Hirtha, quhilk in Irsche is callit ane scheip. For in thꝭ Ile is gret nowmer of scheip, ylk ane gretar than ony gait buk with hornis lang & thykkar than ony horne of ane Bewgyll, and hes lang talis hyng and down to the erd. This Ile is circulit on euery syde with roche craggis and na baitis may land at it bot allanerly at ane place, in quhilk is ane strait and narow entres. Sumtyme thair mycht na pepyll pas to this Ile but extreme dangeir of yair lyuis. And ȝit thair is na passage to it bot quhen the seis ar cawnie but ony tempest. In the moneth of Iuny ane preist cumis out of y e Lewis in ane bait to this Ile, and ministeris the sacrament of baptisme to all y e barnis that hes bene borne in the ȝeir afore. Als sone as this preist hes done his office with certane messis, he ressauis the tyndis of all thair cōmoditeis, and returnis hame the same gait he come. In the Ile of Lewis ar .ii. kirkis ane dedicat to sanct Peter, and the tother dedicat to sanct Clement. The fame is, als sone as the fyre gangis furth in this Ile, the man (that is haldyn of maist clene and innocent lyfe) layis ane wosp of stra on the alter. And quhen the pepyll ar geuyn maist deuotly to thair praers, the wosp kyndellis in ane bleis. Beȝound thir Ilis is ȝit ane vthir Ile, bot it is not inhabit with ony pepyll. In i [...] ar certane beistis nocht far different fra the figure of scheip, sa wyld that thay can nocht be tane but girnis, the hair of thaym is lang and tattie, nothir like the woll of scheip nor gait. Betuix thir Ilis is oftymes richt dangerus passage, for the see be contrarius stremes makis collision, sum tymes ȝettand out the tyd, and sum tymes swelleand and soukand it in agane, with sa forcy violence, y • ▪ quhē y • schippis ar saland throw thir dangerus veylis, oftymes thay ar othir drownit or ellis brokin on craggis. The gretest vele heirof is namit Corbrek. For it wyll othir synk or ellis draw ane schip to it, howbeit it be distant thair fra ane myle.
☞¶Of the nature of claik geis, and of the syndry maner of thair procreation. And of the Ile of Thule. Capitulo. xiiii.
HEstis now to speik of the geis generit of the see namit clakis. Sum men beleuis that thir clakis growis on treis be the nebbis. Bot thair opinioun is vane. And becaus the nature and procreatioun of thir clakis is strange, we haue maid na lytyll lauboure and deligence to serche ye treuth and verite yairof, we haue salit throw ye seis quhare thir clakis ar [Page] bred, & fyndꝭ be gret experience, y t the nature of the seis is mair releuant [...]aus of thair procreatioun than ony vthir thyng. And howbeit thir geis ar bred mony syndry wayis, thay ar bred ay allanerly be nature of the seis. For all treis that ar cassin in the seis be proces of tyme apperis first worme etin, and in the small boris and hollis thairof growis small wormis. First thay schaw thair heid and feit, and last of all thay schaw thair plumis and wyngis. Finaly quhen thay ar cumyn to the iust mesure and quantite of geis, thay fle in the aire, as othir fowlis dois, as was notably prouyn in the ȝeir of god ane thousand .iiii. hundred .lxxxx. in sicht of mony pepyll besyde the castell of Petslego ane gret tre was brocht be alluuion and flux of the see to land. This wonderfull tre was brocht to the lard of the ground, quhilk sone efter gart deuyde it be ane saw. Apperit than ane multitude of wormis thrawing thaym self out of syndry hollis and boris of this tre. Sum of thaym war rude as thay war bot new schapin. Sum had batth heid, feit, and wyngis, bot thay had na fedderis. Sum of thaym war perfit schapin fowlis. At last the pepyll hauand ylk day this tre in mair admiration, brocht it to the kirk of sanct Androis bes [...]de the town of Tyre, quhare it remanis ȝit to our dayis. And within two ȝeris efter hapnit sic ane lyk tre to cum in y e firth of Tay besyde Dunde worme [...]tin and hollit full of ȝoung geis in the samyn maner. Siclike in the port of Leith beside Edinburgh within few ȝeris efter hapnit sic ane lyke cais, Ane sch [...] [...]amit the Cristofir (efter that scho had lyin .iii. ȝeris at ane ankir in ane of th [...]r Ilis) wes brocht to leith. And becaus hir tymmer (as apperit) failȝeit, scho was brokin down. Incontinent appe [...]it (as afore) al the inwart partis of hir worme etin, and all the hollis thairof full of geis, on the samyn maner as we haue schawin. Attoure gif ony man wald allege be vane ar [...]ument, that this Cristofer was maid of sic treis, as grew allanerly in the Ilis, and that all the ru [...]is and treis that growis in the said Ilis, ar of that nature to be fynaly be nature of the seis resoluit in geis. We preif the cuntre thairof be an [...] notable example schawin afore our ene. Maister Alexander Galloway person of Kynkell was with ws in thir Ilis, geuand his mynd with maist ernist besynes to serche the verite of thir obscure and mysty dowtis. And be aduenture liftit vp ane see tangle hyng and full of mussill schellis fra the rute to the branchis. Sone efter he opnit ane of thir mussyll schellis, bot than he was mair astonist than afore. For he saw na fische in it bot ane perfit schapin foule smal and gret ay efferyng to the quantite of the schell. This clerk knawin ws richt desirus of sic vncouth thingis, come haistely with the said tangle, and opnit it to ws with all circumstance afore rehersit. Be thir & mony othir reasonis & examplis we can not beleif, y t thir clakis ar producit be ony nature of treis or rutis thairof, bot allanerly be y e nature of the Oiceane see, quhilk is ye caus & production of mony wonderful thingis. And becaus y e rude & ignorant pepyl saw oftymes y e frutis y t fel of y e treis (quhilkis stude neir y e see) cōuertit within schort tyme ī geis, yai beleuit y t yir geis grew apon y e treis hingād be yair nebbis siclik as appillis & vthir frutis hingis be yair stalkis, bot thair opinioun [Page] is nocht to be sustenit. For als sone as thir appillis or frutis fallis of the [...] in the see [...]lude, thay grow first worme [...]. And be schort proces of tyme ar al [...]eta [...] in geis. Now we haue schawin sufficientlie yneuch of the Ilis of Scotland gyf we had schawin ane thing, that is to say, nocht allanerlie wes ye. Ile of Thule with all the remanent Ilis of Scotland sene be ws, bot als [...]er sen [...] be mony Romane auctouris. [...]or Cornelius Tac [...]tus sayis the Romane nauy (quhilk wes send about the Ilis [...]e cōmand of Iulius Agricola) saw yis Ile of Thule, with the remanent Ilis [...]ande yair about. An [...] you [...]h [...] Ptolom [...] writtis that the Ile of Thule ly [...]s amane the Ilis of Scotland. Ȝit his wr [...] ting be prouin experienc [...] may haue na faith. For Thule is mony mylis distant fra Schetland, for Schetland [...] beȝound Orknay approe [...]hand t [...] Noroway. Sum auctoutis sayis that T [...]ule is the samyn▪ Ile that w [...] call Island. For thir auctouris sayts that Thul [...] is the [...]ast Ile of ye occeane see. And sa is Island, quhilk lyis in the cauld and frosty seis beȝound the [...]rkill artik to the north pole. The peple of Island (becaus na cornis grow [...] in it) leif [...]is allanerlie of fische. Thay bray dry fische als small as meil, and b [...]ikis thaym with watter at the fyre. And vsis it in maner of breid.
☞ The discriptioun of Orknay, Schetland vvith sindry vthir small Ilis. And of the maneris and conditionis of the peple thairof. Ca. xv.
BEȝound all the Ilis of scotland lyis Orknay, sum part to y [...] northnorwest seis, and sum part to y e Almane seis. The principall Ile of Orknay is Pomonia ye bischoppis se [...]t in quhilk ar two strong castellis. In Orknay growis na quheit. And it is nakit of wod. All othir comis growis in i [...] with gret plente. Orknay hes na vennomus beistis, more than Ireland. Na beist ennyme to the nature of man may le [...] in Orknay. And sen we ar now fallyn in speking of Irelād, howbeit it pertenis na thing to the purpos we tuke on hand, we will schaw ane wonder thairof quhilk passis all wonderis that eui [...] we red afore in ony othir bukis. In Ireland is ane loch, and about the famyn be mony mylis growis nothit her [...]e [...]or tre. And gyf ony [...]re be affixit and [...]et doun in this loch, within the space of [...]ne ȝeir eftir, this [...]re alteris. For sa mekle of it as is hyd within the erd tu [...]is in ane hard stane, it y • is hyd in the watter turnis in Irne. And sa mekle as is abo [...]e the watter kepis the nature of the tre. And so the tre, stane, and [...]r [...]e ar [...]unyt togidder vnder ane st [...]k. Bot we will returne to Orknay to schaw l [...]ill▪ les wonderis of it. And first howbeit the pepill be g [...]uin to excessiue drinkin and be plente of b [...]ir makis the stark [...]st ail of Albioun, [...]it nane of thaym a [...] sene wod, daft, or dru [...]kin. Als thay [...] and feir in thair bod [...]is to extreme [...]ge but o [...]y vse of [...] with strang and fai [...] bodyis. The [...] of this cuntre hes [...]y two [...], or [...] thre ata [...]is, and of wyld foull & tame is mai [...] fou [...]h in Orknay, than in [...] part of Albioun. Thair hors ar li [...]ill mair, than asynis. Bot thay may indure mair labour, than ony othir hors. To speik of fische, thair is mair [...] thairof th [...]n ony vncouth p [...]ple may beleif. In Orknay is ane gret fische mair than ony hors of meruellus [Page] and incredible sleip. This fische (quhen scho beginnis to sleip) [...]e [...]is hi [...] [...]eith fast on ane crag aboue the [...]. Als sone as the marineris fyndis hi [...] [...]n sleip, thay cui [...] with [...]ne stark cabill in [...]ne boit. And eftir that tha [...] haue borit ane gret hole throw hir tale, thay fes [...]e hir be the samyn. Als sone as [...]is fi [...]cheis awalknit, scho makis hir to [...]ip with gret force in y e see. And fra scho fynd hir self fast, scho wrythis hir out of hir awin skin, and deis. Of the fatnes that scho hes, is maid dulie in gret quantite. And of hir skyn (becaus it in du [...]is lang) is maid strong cabellis. Ane hundreth skylis beȝound Orknay [...]is Scherland, of q [...]hilk the riches standis onlie in fische dryit be son. M [...] ny hydis and skynnis of oxin, scheip, [...]ait, and ma [...]trikis dryit with the sonne [...]mys out of this cuntre, in Scotland, and on the same maner, the marchandis of Holland, Ȝeland, and Almanie, [...]umys ȝei [...]lie to Schetland, to interchange othir marchandyis with the p [...]ple [...]hairo [...] quhilkis ar of the same nature and conditionis as the peple is of Orknay. B [...]ound schetland ar mony Ilis quhilkis le [...]ffis on the same maner a [...] it dois. And youcht ye peple of yi [...] Ilis be pure, Ȝit thay leif langer and ar better content of thair lyuis, tha [...] thay that hes mair welth and riches of the warld. N [...] contentioun is amang thaym for singulare proffet. Ilk man prouidis for sa mekle fische in ye symer as may sustene his hous agane the wynter. Thir peple ar nakit of all ambitioun and vice, and neuir trublit with vncouth wer [...]s. Amang all pleseiris ( [...] ar iosit be mankynd) thay think na thyng sa gud, as to leif in concor [...] and peace, hauand ane quiet lyfe but ony vthir displeseir. Yis perfection of lyfe cumys to thaym onlie throw thair symplicite, And followis be the samyn y • fu [...]steppis of crist. Ilk ȝeir anis cumys to thaym ane preis [...] out of Orknay, and ministris to thaym the sacrament of baptisme. And eftir that he hai [...] do [...]e his deuore, he ressauis his teyndis Iustlie and returnis the samyn gait he come to Orknay. Forthir gif ony giftis of nature may be noumerit aman [...] wardly guddis▪ I say thir Ilis hes may feliciteis and guddis than ony vthi [...] cuntreis. For the peple thairof ar fair, lusty, and strong of body, dotat with mony giftis of nature, and hes gud h [...]ill of body, quhilk may be preferrit to all riches, as we [...]l knawis thir men that [...] experience of lang infirmiteis. For thir gy [...] the peple be m [...]ist riche that standis sa content with thair awin gudd [...]s, that thay couet na vtheris▪ I say yi [...] peple ar als happy as ony vthir peple of the warld. Fo [...]hir gyf [...] wa [...]d say thir thingis that I writ ar vane, considrin I wes neuir ī yir Ilis. I say I wes weil informit of yame be ane noble man Edward sum tyme [...] [...]shop of Orknay. For to this bischop come ane man out of thir Ilis, and [...]cht alt [...]nerlie schew thir thingis with al [...] circumstance afore rehersit, Bot [...] thaym be hym self. For he passit the commoun stature of men, and sa wycht that na man durst cōtend nor wers [...] with hym. And he wes [...] of visage and hyde, than wes ony lady of the warld. Be thir reasonis appe [...]is, that the auctorite of thay auctouris is na worth, that sayis all peple [...] the sonne a [...] barbour and miserable. For thair is na happiar creaturis in the warld than thir peple of thir landis forsaid. Amang the [...]ochis and craggis of thir Ilis growis ane maner of electuar and goum, he wit like gold, and sa attractiue of nature, that it drawis [Page] stra, flox▪ or hemmis of claithis to it. On the samyn maner as dois ane Adamont stane. This goume is generat of see froith, quhilk is cassin vp be continewal repercussion of craggis aganis the see wallis. And throw Ithand motioun of the see it growis als teuch as glew ay mair and mair, quhill at last it fa [...]s doun of the crag in the see. It is said be thaym that hes experience thairof, that this goum (quhen it lyis on the crag) is like ane froith and blob of watter. Becaus it is nocht than sufficientlie wrocht be motioun of the see. Oftymes the see tangle is foūd inuoluit with yis goume. Becaus it is doung heir & thair sa mony wayis be alluuion of watter, and sa lang as it fletis, it is sone inuoluit with ony thing that it metis. Twa ȝeir afore the cumin of this buke to lycht arriuit ane gret lomp of this gou [...] in Buchquhane, als mekle as ane hors. And wes brocht hame be the hirdis (quhilkis wer kepand thair beistis) to thair housis, and cassin in the fyre. And becaus thay fand ane smelland adour thairwith, thay schew to thair maister, that it wes ganand for the sens that is [...]aid in the kirkis. Thair maister wes ane rud man as thay wer, and tuke bot ane litill part thairof. And left the remanent behynd hym as mater of litill effect. All the partis of this goum (quhen it wes brokin) wes of the hew of gold. and schane [...]ke the lycht of ane candyli. The maist part of this goum and electuare wes [...]is [...]royit be rud peple, afore it come to ony wyse mannis eris. Of quhome ma [...] be verifyit the proueth. The sow cutis na balme. Als sone as I wes aduertist thairof. I maid sic deligence, that ane part of it wes brocht to me at Abirdene. Thir ar the maist notable thingis that we culd fynd concernyng the I [...]is of Albioun, Orknay, and Schetland. ¶Thus it wer neidf [...]ll to put ane end to our cosmographie, wer nocht ane vncouth and wounderfull historie taris a lityll our pen. Maister Iames Ogilby with vthir noble men wes send as ambassatouris fra the maist noble prince kyng Iames the feird to the kyng of France. And be tempest of see, thay wer constranit to land in Norroway, quhare thay saw nocht far fra thaim mony wild men nakit and roth on the same maner as thay ar payntit. And at last thay gat aduertising be landwart peple, that thay wer doum beistis vnder the figure of men, in tyme of nycht yai vsit to cum in gret cumpanyis to landwar [...] villagis. And quhair thay fynd na doggis, thay brek vp durris, and slayis al the peple that thay fynd thair intyll. Als sone as thay heir ye noys of doggis thay euanis, and dar nocht abide. Thay ar of sa huge strenth, that sum tymes thay pull vp treis be the r [...]tis. And fechtis thairwith amang thaym self. The ambassatouris wer astonist be thir monstouris and maid stark waches with gret fyris birnand all nycht. And on the morow thay pullit vp salis and departit. Forthir thir Norroway men schew to the said ambassatouris, yat yair wes nocht far fra thaym ane peple, that swomit all the symer like fische in the see, leiffand ay on fische. And in the wynter (becaus the watter is cald) thay leif of wyld beistis, that discendis fra the montanis. And sum tyme bringis yir bestis hame to thayr couis. ¶And sa endis heir ye cosmographie and discriptioun of Scotland.
☞ Ane prudent doctryne maid be the auctoure concernyng baith the nevv maneris and the auld of Scottis. Capitulo xvi.
BEcaus sindry nobill men hes desyrit me to schaw ye auld maneris of scottis (quhilkis ar skatterit in sindry partis of yis buke) vnder ane cōpendius treit, that it may be knawin how far we in thir present dayis ar different fra the maneris and leiffing of our auld fad [...]ris. And youcht I knaw na thyng bettar, bot the schawing thairof wyll draw me in hattent of sindry gret personagis. For few ar that may suffir thair vices to be taxit, or thaym self to be repreuit. Ȝit becaus I stand sum part vnder the reuerence of thir nobill men forsaid, I haue condiscendit (as I may) to thair desiris. For thay allege it will be proffitable to the rederis, speciallie to sik men, that ar nocht geuyn ouir immoderatlie to thair awin affectioun. No [...] ȝit ouir mekill sopit in sensuall pleseir. For sik men may be reducit fra thair errouris. And thairfore I intend first to schaw quhat maneris hes bene amang our eldaris baith in tyme of weir & peace. And be quhat ingyne, wisdome, & cheuelrie thay haue debatit aganis sa mony strong ennymes. Howbeit thair ennymes come oftymes in this realme with maist dangerus i [...]cursionis. And finalie we will schaw how the notable strenth, vigour, and souerane virtew failȝeit ay the mair amang thaym, that thay declinit fra ye temperance of yair [...] is, quhill at last it is cumin to thir dayis, in quhilkis we leif in gret tranqui [...]lite. Howbeit the samyn is mair be beneuolence & sleuth of our nychtbou [...]s, than ony manlie prowis of our self. Now will I schaw the schortest way I may, how we in thir present dayis ar drounit in all maner of auarice & lust. Ȝit I beleif that sic men (as at of seuere lyfe, following ye temperance of yair eldaris) sall reiose to heir the honourable maneris of thair eldaris. Utheris (that ar of mair brutall and vicius lyfe, seyng thair vices taxit with sik dish [...] nour) sall dres thaym plesandlie to reuert fra thair euil and schamefull dedis to better lyfe. ¶First I suppone that the thing that I say in repreuing the corruppit maneris of the warld now present, be nocht takin in repreif of euery man. Bot allanerlie to sik men that leiffis with intemperance. For sik men deseruis mair repreif than I may gif thaym at this tyme. And gif ony man fyndis his byle opnit for purgatioun be me, that he hyde nocht his infirmite, bot erar seik y e best rameid he may to amend his lyfe. ¶Our eldaris howbeit thay wer rycht virtewis baith in weir and peace) wer maist exercit with temperance. For it is the fontane of all virtew. Thay wer of temperat sleip, meit and drink, and sic refectionis as wer preparit with litill laubour or cost. Yai [...] breid wes maid of sic stuf, as grew maist [...]salie on the ground, thair vitallis wer nocht [...]iftit (as we do now) to mak thaym delicius to the mouth. Bot wer all ground togidder vnder ane forme. [...]e flesche maist frequent amang yame wes othir wild flesche won on the fellis be thair hunting, quhilk maid thaym of incredible strenth. Or ellis it wes of thair awin tame bestial, specially b [...]if, as we do ȝit in our dayis. Howbeit we ar rycht far different fra the vse and custome of all vthir nationis. The steirkis (quhen thay ar bot ȝoung velis) [Page] ar othir slane, or ellis libbit to be oxin, to manure the land, bot ye quiokis war [...], quhill thay wer with calfe, for than thay ar fattest and maist delicius to the mouth. The common meit of our eldaris was fische nocht for ye plente of it, bot erar becaus thair landis lay oftymes waist throw continewal exercition of cheuelry, & for yat caus thay leiffit maist of fische. Thay disiunit [...]rly in the morning with smal refectioun, and sustenit thair lyffis thairwith, quhil the tyme of sowper, throw quhilk thair stomok was neuir surfetly chargit to empesche thaym of vthir besines. At the sowper thay war mair large, Howbeit thay had bot ane cours. Quhen thay kest thaym self to be mery, thay vsit maist aqua vite nocht maid of costly spicis, bot of sic naturall herbis as grew in thair awin ȝardis. The common drink that thay vsit was ayll. And in tyme of weir (quhen thay lay in thair tentis) thay vsit nocht bot watter. Ilk man had als mekyll mele as mycht suffice hym for the day, & maid breid yairof at the fyre, on the samyn maner as the romanis did, specialy Antonius Caratallus empriour, thay had sendyll flesche in yair campis, bot gif it war won be pray of ennymes. Thay eit for cōmon flesche half raw, for the saup is maist nurisand in that maner. ¶Attoure thay had ay with thaym ane gret vessell wrocht full of butter, cheis, mele, milk, & vinac [...]e temperit togidder, be quhilk thay saiffit thair liffis mony dayis fra exstreme hungar soukand the ius and humouris thairof, quhen na vittallis throw incursionis of ennymes mycht be found. And howbeit thay had peace with yair ennymes, thay sufferit nocht thair bodyis to be corruppit with sleuth, bot wer exercit othir in continewall hunting for in that game was gret honour amang our eldaris▪ or ellis thay had exercition of rynnyng. Sum tymes fra the planes to the montanis, and fra the montanis to the planis. Or ellis thay war exercit in wirslyng or vthir corporall exercition. Thay had thair hedis ay cowit, as the Spanȝeartis vsis but ony bonet or couer les▪ thā thay war trublit with infirmite. Nane of yame throw ythand cowing of thair hedis grew beld. Thay ȝeid commonly bairfu [...]it, and gif thay had ony schone, thay dippit thaym first in the watter or thay put thaym on, specialy in wynter quhen maist schill and persand stormes apperit, that thair sollis (quhilkis war hardyn with the hetis of the semer and snawis of wynter) suld be the mair abyl to sustene laubour. Thair abulȝemēt was not maid be motion of insolence, bot erar efter the general gise of the cū tre. Thair hois war maid of smal lynt or wol, and ȝeid neuir aboue thair kne, to make thaym the mair waldyn and sowpyll. The mantyllis that thay vsit in wynter wes maid of gros woll, and in semer wes maid of small and fynest woll that thay mycht get. Thay slepit on benkis or bonchis of stra but ony couer, and lernit thair sonnis fra thair first ȝeris to eschew eis & to sleip on the samyn maner. Ilk moder wes nurice to hir awin barne. It was ane suspition of adultre aganis ony woman quhare hir milk failȝeit▪ the wemen thocht yair barnis wa [...] not tender nor kyndly to thaym, bot gif thay war nurist als weill with the mylk of thair breist, as thay war nurist afore with the blude of thair wambe. ¶A [...]toure thay held that thair barnis war degenerat fra thair nature and kynd, gif thay war nurist with vncouth mylk. Thay war sa accustomit▪ with ythand pyne & laubouris▪ that thay curit nothir the feruent heytes of the semer, nor ȝit the schyl frostis in ye wynter. Thay trauelit maist on yair [Page] fute. And in the tyme of weir thay had thair carlagis and vittallis turst with thaym on thair hors. And quhen dangeir occurrit, thay refusit na maner of besines nor laubour that micht pertene to forsy campionis▪ gif it hapnit yam be mischance to be vincust, thay fled with sic spede to the montanis, that na hors men micht ouirtak thaym. The iniure done to ony ane of thaym was repute sa common to thaym al, y t thay wald neuir euoid ye displeseir yairof out of thair hertis, quhill the samyn war recompansit with the blude of thair ennymes. He that wes maist noble desyrit erest to fecht in the wangard, quhare his vassalage and manheid mycht be maist knawin. The nobyllis & commonis contendit, quhay suld be maist faithful to othir. And quhen the capitane throw his fers spreit and hardynes apperit in ony extreme dangeir of ennymes, all the band that was of his opinion ruschit sa fersly to his defence, that othir thay delyuerit hym out of y e present dangeir, or ellis all atanis lois thair lyues with hym. The sepulturis of all nobyllis war decorit with als mony hie stanis rising about the same, as he had slane afore of ennymes in his lyfe. He that was found in the army but flint and furisine. Or but his swerd beltit fast to his sidis, was schamefully scurgit. And he that sald his swerd or laid it to wed, was degradit of auctorite, and banist as vnworthy creature out of thair cumpany. He that fled in tyme of battall, or departit fra the army without cōmand of the capitane, was slane but ony dowme, quhare euir he mycht be apprehendit. Bot his gudis war geuyn to his sonne. The wemen war of lytyl les vassalage and strenth, than was the men. For al rank madynnis and [...] (gif thay war nocht with child) ȝei [...] als weill to battall, as the men. Als sone as the army was passand forthwart, thay slew the first leuand beist that thay fand. And nocht allanerly baithit thair swerdis with the blude thairof, bot taistit the samyn with thair mouth, with na les religion & faith, than thay had bene than sicker of sum felicite following▪ gif thay saw thair awin blude in battall, thay grew nocht astonist, bot boldin in maist bryme fury set thaym to reuenge the samyn▪ in all battallis assailȝeit be thaym, thay socht neuir victory be treason, falset, nor slicht. And thocht ay degrading to thair nobilite to vincus thair ennymes with ony othir thing, bot force of fechtyng. Thay held it for gret febylnes to reuenge ony displeseir, hatrent, or slauchter be treason. attour sencerite and sympilnes was equaly honorit amang thaym all▪ quhen thay war to pas on thair ennymes, ylk mā ȝeid (as we do now) apon his awin cost, Except sa mony as war wagit. He that was trublit with ye falling euyl, or fallyn daft or wod. Or hauand sic infirmite as succedis be heritage fra the fader to the son, was geldit, that his infeckit blude suld spreid na forthir. The wemen that was fallyn lipper or had ony othir infection of blude was banist fra the cumpany of men. And gif scho cōsauit barne vnder sic infirmite, baith scho and hir barne war buryit qu [...]k. All dronkattis, glutonis, and consumers of vitttallis mair than was necessar to the sustentation of men wer tane. And first commandit to swelly thair fouth of quhat drink thay plesit, and incontinent thairefter was drownit in ane fresche reuer. ¶Forthir (howbeit thay had na administratioun of Iustice in tyme of weir) Ȝit sic Iustice was mynyste [...]d in tyme of peace, that oftymes thay war ouir seuere in yair puuition. For thay knew weil fra [...]hair pepyl wer drawin fra battal to peace, thay [...]ul [...] [Page] be geuyn to sa mony enormyteis, that the samyn mycht nocht be dantit but gret punition▪ For the pepyll war of sic nature. als sone as thay knew thaym self gylty of ony offence committit aganis the kingis maieste, or commoun weill, thay set thaym to rais diuisioun amang the gret princis of the realme. Nochtheles quhē thay ar tretit with soft and moderat empire, thay ar found richt humane and meke pepyl, richt obeysand to reason. And nocht allanerly kepis thair faith efter the reason of thair contract. Bot geuys ane gowpin, or ellis sum thingis mair aboue the iust mesure that thay sell. This consuetude is sa straitly kepit, that gif the samyn be nocht done, the biar wyll nocht stand to the contract of merchandice. Thay vsit the rytis and maneris of Egiptianis fra quhome thay tuk thair first begynnyng. In all thair secret besines thay vsit not to writ with cōmon letteris vsit amang othir pepil, bot era [...] with sifars and figuris of beistis maid in maner of letteris, sic as thair epithafis and superscriptioun aboue thair sepulturis schawis. Nochtheles this crafty maner of writing (be quhat sleuth I can not say) is perist. And ȝit thay haue certane letteris propir amang thaym self, quhilkis war sum tyme vulgar and commoun. Forthir thay that spekis with the auld toung of that cuntre hes thair asperatioun, thair diptongis and thair pronunciation better thā ony othir pepyl. The commonis ar nocht exercit thairwith, bot allane [...]ly thay that dwellis in the hie partis of the land. And becaus thir men hes thair langage mair eloquent and propir, than the commonis hes, thay ar callit poetis, & makis poetis effering to thair eruditioun and science, with mony gret cerimonyis, beside mony traftis and science (quhilkis thay haue translatit in yair awin toung) thay profes maist the science of medcinary, and ar richt excellent in it. For thay knaw the nature of euery he [...]be that growis in thay cuntreis. And curis all maner of ma [...]edyis thairwith, Heirfore I say thair is na region in the warld sa barrant nor vnfrutfull be distance fra the Sunne, Bot be prouidēce of god, all maner of necessaryis to ye sustentatioun of man may be gottin plesandly in it, gif thair war si [...] pepyll that cu [...]d laubour it effering to the nature thairof. Nochtheles as our e [...]datis (quhilkis dwelt continewally merchand with the realme of Ingland) lernit the saxonis [...]oung be frequent ieoperd [...]is and chance of battall sustenit mony ȝeris aganis thaym. Sa the pepyll now present in scotland hes tynt ba [...]th the langage and maneris of wrytyng vs [...] sum tyme be ou [...] eldaris. And hes now ane new maner of writingis and langage. Howbeit the hieland hes ba [...]th the writingis & langage as thay had afore [...] ingenius than ony othi [...] pepyll. How may thair be ane greter [...] than to make ane bait of ane [...] hyd, bound with na thing bot wandis. This bait is callit ane [...] with the quhilk thay fysche salmond, and [...] passis [...] gret riuers thair with. And quhen thay haue done thai [...] [...] ony place on thair b [...]k quhare thay pleis. Bot we wyl [...]. Be chāce of sindry seasonis specialy [...] Malcolme C [...]more, al thingis began to change. ¶For [...] the Brytonis wa [...] maid effeminat be lang [...], and douing ou [...] of Britane be the Saxonis in Walls, We began to [...] of Romanis with Inglysmen, specially efter the [...] of Pichtis. And [...] and dayly cumpany of thaym we [Page] began to rute thair langage, and superflew maneris in oure breistis. Throw quhilk the virtew & temperance of our eldaris began to be of lytyl estimation amang ws, thā we war geuyn efter the arrogance and pride of Inglismen to vane glore & ambution of honouris. And began y e tyme to seke new names of nobilite. Howbeit afore thay dayis he was maist nobyl, that was decorit mair with virtew than riches, confiding mair in his awin dedis, than in ony dedis of his eldaris. Than began in Scotland the maneris of Dukis, Erlis, Lordis, and Baronis. For afore thay dayis the principall men of Scotland vnder the king war callit Thanis. That is to say gaddera [...]is of the kyngis malis. And war ay rewardit be the kyng, as thair faith and virtew deseruit. Bot now I beleif nane hes sic eloquence, nor fouth of langage, that can sufficiently declare how far we in thir present dayis, ar different fra the virtew & temperance of our eldaris. For quhare our eldaris had sobriete, we haue ebri [...] te, and dronkynnes. Quhare thay had plente with sufficence, we haue immoderat cursis with superfluite. As he war maist noble and honest▪ that culd deuore and swelly maist. And be extreme deligence serchis sa mony deligat cour [...]is, that thay prouoke the stomok to ressaue mair, than it may sufficiently degest. Throw quhilk we ingorge and fyllis our self day and nycht sa full of meris and drinkis, that we can nocht abstene, quhyll our wambe be sa swon, that it is vnabyl to ony virtewis occupation. And nocht allanerly may surfet dennar and sowper suffice ws abo [...]e the temperance of oure eldaris. Bot als to continew our schamefull and immoderyt voracite with duble dennaris and sow [...] aris. Throw quhilk mony of ws ganis to na othir besines, bot to fil and teme our wembe. Attour to continew this schamefull intemperance aboue the necessar sustentation of nature, we geif ws to sic vnhappy laubour, y t na fische in the see, nor foule in the aire, nor best in the wod may haue rest, bot socht heir and thair to satify the hungry appetit of glutonis▪ Nocht allanerly ar wynis socht in france, bot in Spainȝe, Italy, and Grece. And sum tyme baith Aphrik and Asya socht for new delicius metis and wynis to the samyn effect. Thus is the warld sa vterly socht, that all mane [...] of droggis and electuaris (that may nuris the lust and insolence of pepyl) ar brocht in Scotland with maist s [...]mptuus price to na les dammage than perdition of the pepyll thairof▪ [...] this immoderat glutony our wit and reason ar sa bli [...]dit within the [...] of the body, that it may haue no knawlage of heuy [...]ly thyngis. For the body is inuoluit with sic clowdis of fatnes, that howbeit it be of gud complexiou [...] be nature, it is sa opprest with superfl [...]w metis and drinkis, that it may [...] weild nor ȝit ouir the self, bot confessand the self vin [...]ust, geuis place to all infirmiteis, quhill it be miserably distroyit, as apperis [...]e syndry experience. F [...]r mony of our pepyll in remot & in maist cauld region ar strikyn oftymes with maist vehement feuer, Yair inwart bo [...]ellis blesand as yai war in [...] fyre. Quhilkis cumis of sic spicery and vncouth d [...]ggis, brocht [...] of remot cuntreis in this regioun. Utheris of thaym ar sa sw [...]llyn, and growin full o [...] humouris, that thay ar strikin haistely deid in the poples [...]. And [...] recouer for ane schort tyme efter, thay ar bot ane deid p [...]pyl, [...] sepulture. hauand bot ane schadow of life, Ye ȝoung pepyll and [...]nis followyng yir vnhappy customis of thair [...] self to lust & insolence, [Page] hauand all virtuus occupation and craftis in contemptioun. And becaus ya [...] ar lang customit and hantit thairwith (quhen tyme occurris of weir to defend the cuntre) thay ar sa effeminar and soft, thay pas on hors as heuy martis, and ar sa fat & growin, that thay may do na thing in compare of the souerane mā heid of thair eldaris. Als sone as thay ar returnit hame (becaus thair guddis ar not sufficient to nuris yame in voluptuus life and pleseir of thair wambe) thay ar geuyn to all maner of auarice. And othir castis yame to be strang and maistrifull theuis, or ellis sawaris of dissention amang ye nobyllis. Thir and mony othir enormiteis following thaym, procedis originaly fra ye fontane of voluptuus leuyng and intemperance. Nochtheles wald we refrene ws thairfra I wait thair is na region vnder ye Sonne mair halsum nor les subdew it to pestilence. Nor ȝit mair commodius and nurisand of the lyfe of man. Ȝit I am nocht sa disparit, bot traistis within schort tyme that all corruppit mane [...]is of our pepyl salbe reparit to ane better fassoun. For nocht allanerly in syndry partis of this realme, remanis ȝit y e futsteppis of mony auld virtewis vsit sum tyme amang our eldaris. Bot als risis euery day new feruent deuotioun to the ornament of cristin fai [...]h. Ane thyng I wyl say vnder reuerence of vthir realmes, yair was neuir pepyl mair sicker in ye cristin faith, nor ȝit mair constant in thair faithful promis, than the scottis hes bene ay sen thair first beginning. And thairfore I say ane thing finaly nocht allanerly for yair louing, bot als in exhortation of yair perseuerāce. In sa fat as our pepil p̄sently leuād in this region, passis thair eldaris in sūptuus & riatus abulȝement, in sa far yai ar mair eligant & honest in yair housis & letterꝭ, & mair magnificent thā afore in ornament of yair kirkis & templis. Yus want yai na maner of virtew y t yair eldaris had, except the temperance of thair bodyis, to quhilk mot bring yame haistely the blissit lord. Amen.
☞¶Follovvis ane compendius recapitulation of all kingis of Britane▪ sen the first begynnyng thairof to the tyme of king Henry the .viii.
THe history of Scotland is sa implicat with the history of Ingland that it is difficyll to knaw. And becaus the crown of Ingland hes bene iosit with syndry pepyll, be syndry chances and variance oftymes, I thocht expedient for cōmodite and pleseir of rederis to now mer thair genelogy first fra Brutus. Be quhom the Britonis war brocht out of Grece in this Ile of Albion Fra the begynnyng of the warld .iiii.M.xxvii. ȝeris, & iosit ye crown of Britane be the space of .i.M.i.C.xvi. ȝeris. In quhilk tyme thay war inuadit cruelly be Iulius Cesar & not only vincust, bot thair realm maid tributar in forme of ꝓuince. And howbeit thir Britonis had kingis lang tyme namit of the Britonis blud. Ȝit thair realme was gouernit ay be Romanis. To the ȝeir of god .iiii. hundreth .xxxvi. ȝeris. And in that season thay war subdewit to Scottis and Pichtis. And nocht allanerly maid tributaris to thaym .xxx. ȝeris, bot gaif ouir mekyll of thair landis to the empire of Scottis & Pychtis. As Paulus Diaconus, Beda, Sabellicus. & mony othir recent authouris schawis at lenth in yair historyis. Nochtheles thir Britonis [Page] impacient to sustene ye empire of ba [...]har pepyll (becaus thay war accustomit afore with Romane pleseiris) chesit Constantine the son of Androenus duke of Bertanȝe to be king, in hatrent of scottis & pichtis. This Cōstantyne come with sic pissance & army in Britane, y t he delyuerit y e Britonis of al seruitude, & recouerit thair realme fra our redēption .iiii.C.lxv. ȝeris. Efter Constantine rang Constantius his son, & efter Constantinus rang Uortigern ye space of xxii. ȝeris. In the mene tyme ye scottis & pichtis rais with sic army, y t thay almaist subdewit y e Britonis agane to seruitude. Throw quhilk Uortigern wes constranit to seke support of Saxonis, & be yair weris resistit certane ȝeris al inuasion of scottis & pichtis. Quhill at last he was tane be slicht of Hengist, & brocht to extreme seruitude & banist with al y e Britonis in Walis. Thꝰ come ye remanent boundis of Britane vnder ye empire of Hengist, & callit Hengist land, & ye pepyl yairof Hengistis men. Bot now be corruption of langage the realme is callit Ingland, & the pepyl Inglismen. Ye Britonis war not onely disparit be this ttubyl, bot mony ȝeris efter faucht aganis Inglismen be kīg Arthure with sindry chancis of fortoun. Bot efter his deith yai war subdewit agane, & content to be callit Inglismen vnder ane name with Saxonis. Fra ye deith of king Arthure (quhilk was in ye ȝeir of god .v.C.xlii. ȝeris) to ye ȝeir of god .i.M.xvi. ȝeris, Ye realme of Ingland was gidit be Inglismen ay vnd y e empire of ane king. Bot sone efter it was deuidit in .vii. syndry kingdomes, & brocht agane to y e empire of ane king, vnder y e samyn marchis y t it hes now. And not lang efter it was subdewit & conquest be Danis, & .v. kingis of thair [...] continewally efter othir succeding. Of quhom the last was namit hardy Canute, quhilk maid mony proude lawis aboue Inglismen, & rang with sic tyranny, y t ye Inglismen fynaly rebellit & slew al ye Danis within ye space of ane nicht. Hardy canute inuadit on al sidis slew hym self be disperation. The Inglismen efter his slauchter creat Edward y e son of king Eldrede yair kīg. For this Eldrede rang aboue yame afore ye cumyng of Danis. Nochtheles y e Inglismen efter y e slauchter of king Edward (quhilk was [...]it for his haly lif to ye nowmer of sanctis) dred y t ye Danis suld cū on yame with new battall, & thairfore creat Herald yair king. For he was discendit baith of ye lynnage of Inglismen & Danis. Thus was Edward neuo to sanct Edward, & bruthir to sanct Margaret ye haly quene of scotland, disherist of the crown of Ingland. This Herald geuyn to rage & insolence of lust, maryit ye douchter of Willyā bastard of Normandy, & within few dayis efter brocht hir in Ingland. At last he tuk sic hatrent aganis hir & hir blud y t he causit hir to be schamfully defow lit with rebaldis & lymmaris of his cuntre. Wyllyā ye bastard & duk of Normandy impatient to sustene this odius offence, come in Ingland with gret army, & depriuit king Herald baith of his lyfe and realme atanis. Ye ȝeir of god i.M.lxvi. ȝeris. efter ye first conques maid on yame be Danis .l. ȝeris. Williā ye bastard & cōcreour of Ingland tuk ye crown efter the slauchter of king Herald, & causit ye Normanis & Inglismen to [...]ncres togidd [...] vnd ane blud but ony memory of ye name of Danis. Ye posterite of this W [...]iam perseueris ȝit with gret honour and victory to thir dayis, tegnand abo [...] Inglismen at this tyme kyng Hary the .viii. quhilk for hi [...] illuster and [...] dedis salbe put in gret renoun and memory be our posterite.
¶Followis the table of the history contenand the mater of euery buke craftely seuerit be thaym self.
- ☞How Gathelus our first progenitour left the land of Grece, & come in Egipt, & maryit Scota douchter to king Pharo, and of his cumyng to Spanȝe. Ca. primo. Fo. i.
- ¶How Gathelus beildit the ciete of Brigance and namit al his pepyl Scottis. How he send his .ii. sonnis in Irelād, & of his deceis. Ca. ii. fo. ii.
- ¶How Hemecus gouernit Irelād, and how Symon Brek was maid king efter his deith. Ca. iii. fo. ii.
- ¶Of y e gret posterite of scottis regnand ī Ireland efter Symon brek. Of the first cumyng of Scottis and Pichtis in Albion, & how ye Pichtis war alliat with scottꝭ. Ca. iiii. fo. iiii.
- ¶How the Britonis be thair quent [...]ichtis dissoluit ye band of alliance betuix scottis & Pichtis. Of the trubyl that fel thairthrow. Ca v. fo. iiii.
- ¶How the pichtis & Scottis maid thair ordināce to inuaid othir be battal. How Ferquhard king of Irelād send his son Fergus with ane army in support of scottis aganis ye Pichtis, & how the said Fergꝰ was maid kyng. Ca. vi. fo. v.
- ¶How king Fergꝰ come with gret ordinance aganis the pichtis. How the dissait of Britonis was discouerit baith to Scottis and Pychtis. And of the orisoun maid be Fergus to the kyng of pichtis. Ca. vii. fo. vi.
- ¶Of syndry cōsultationis maid be pichtis, and how thay war recounsalit with the Scottis. Ca. viii. fo. vii.
- ¶How Coyl king of Britonis was slane, & his army discomfist be scottis and pichtis. Ca. ix. fo. viii.
- ¶Of king Fergꝰ [...]ison to his noblis, & how the crown of Scotland was tatlȝeit to hym and his successouris. Ca x. fo. viii.
- ¶How king Fergus partit the landis of scotland amang the noblis of his realme. And of the maneris of brigandis. Ca. xi. fo. ix.
- ¶How king Fergus maid concord betuix the princis of Ireland, & how he perist return and be the Ireland seys. Ca. xii. fo. x.
- ¶How the scottis efter king Fergꝰ deith contendit for the crown. And how it was inhibit that ȝoung chyldryn salbe kingis. Ca. primo. Fo. x.
- ¶Of kyng Ferithais, and of his deith. Ca. ii. fo. xi.
- ¶How Ferlegus was banist for ye slauchter of king Ferithais. And of king Maynus. Ca. iii. fo. xii.
- ¶Of king Doruidilla, & of his ꝯstitutiōis, manerꝭ, & deith. ca. iiii. fo. xiii
- ¶Of the tyrane king Nathak, and of his slauchter. Ca. v. fo. xiii.
- ¶How Rewthar ane ȝoung child was maid king contrar the lawis. how Ferquhard capitane of Lorne was chasit be Dowall in the Ilis. and of his orison maid to the pepyll thairof. Ca. vi. fo. xiiii.
- ¶How Ferquhard & Dowal recoū terīg othir be plane battal war baith slane with al the nobilite of scottis & pichtis, ye king of pichtis slane, & ye king of scottis tane. Ca. vii. fo. xv.
- How y e scottis & pichtꝭ war doūg out of Albiō be ye britonꝭ. Ca. viii. fo. xv.
- ¶How the scottis & pichtis recouerit thair landis & discomfist Sysyll king of Britonis, and of the residew of kīg Rewtheris life. Ca. ix. fo. xvi.
- ¶Of king Rewtha & his lawis & gouernance. How Ptolome king of Egipt send his oratouris to se ye situation of scotland. Ca. x. fo. xvi.
- ¶Of king Thereus, & how he was exilit for his tyranny. How Conane cheiftane of Brigādis was maid gouernour [Page] duryng his proscriptioun. Ca. xi. fo. xvii.
- ¶Of king Iosyne, and of the experience and preching of two philosophouris. Ca. xii. fo. xvii.
- ¶Of king Finnane & his lawis, & of the college of clerkis in the Ile of Man. Ca. xiii. fo. xviii.
- Of kīg Durstꝰ, & how he was slane for his cruel tyrāny. ca. xiiii. fo. xviii.
- ¶Of gret contention amang ye capitanis. Of the orison maid be Chacon capitane of Argile, & how Ewin the first of that name was maid kyng. Ca. xv. fo. xix.
- ¶How Gillus bastard son to kyng Ewin slew two sonnis and two nepotis of Durstus to make hym self king. And how ye thrid nepot Edeir eschapit. Ca. xvi. fo, xxi,
- ¶How kyng Gyllus was banist, how Cadall cheiftane of Brigandis w [...]s maid gouernour, and slew Gyllus in Ireland. And how Ewin y e secound was maid kīg. ca. xvii. fo. xxi.
- ¶How Cadal returnād out of Ireland lost y e maist part of his army be rage of seys, & of ye cōsolation maid to hym be kīg Ewin. ca. xviii. fo. xxii.
- ¶How the kingis of Scottis and Pichtis war alliat togidder be mariage. how Balus king of Orknay slew hym self be disperation. Of the wyse counsall geuyn be kyng Ewin to Edeir. Ca. xix. fo. xxiii.
- ¶Of king Edeir, and how he reuē git y e heirschippis maid be y e tratour Bredꝰ in y e Ilis. Ca. primo. Fo. xxiiii.
- ¶How the Britonis send ambassatouris to king Edeir for support aganis Iulius Cesar. Of yair orison, & of king Ederis answer, and how y e said Iuliꝰ was doūg out of Albion be support of scottis. Ca. ii. fo. xxiiii.
- ¶How Iuliꝰ returnit in Britane, and maid it tributar to Romane empire. Ca. iii. fo. xxv.
- ¶Of syndry messagis send be Iulius to scottis & pichtis, & of thair answer. Of Iulius hoif, & syndry opinionis concernyng the first foundaris thairof. Ca. iiii. fo. xxvi.
- ¶How the tratour Murket, and hꝭ complicis war punist. Of the deith of king Edeir. Of the vicious kyng Ewin ye thrid, and of his lawis and deith. Ca. v. fo. xxvii.
- ¶Of kyng Metellane. Of the natiuite of Crist our saluioure, of gret fouth of Poetis, Oratouris, and philosophouris, that flurisit in his tyme. Ca. vi. fo. xxviii.
- ¶Of kyng Caratak, and how he dantit syndry conspiratouris of his realme. How the Britonis rebelland aganis the Romanis war discomfist. And of thair message send to the Scottis. Ca. viii. fo. xxix.
- ¶Of Caratakis answer▪ How the Britonis solis [...]it Normanis and Picardis to rebellion, & how y e said britonis war discomfist be Romanis, & thair king slane. Ca. viii. fo. xxx.
- ¶How Claudius emprioure come in Britane and subdewit Orkenay to his empire Of sanct Peteris first cumyng in Italy, and of the assumptioun of the glorius virgine Mary. Ca. ix. fo. xxxi.
- ¶How sindry princis of Britane cō spirand aganis Aruiragus war discomfist. How the confiderat kingis come to support thir princis of Britane aganis y e romanis. ca. x. fo. xxxi.
- ¶Of the message send to Caratak be Plancius, and his answer. Of ye deith of Genissa. And how Uespasian was send in Britane to dant ye Britonis. Ca. xi. fo. xxxiii.
- ¶How the thre kingis of Albioun mouād weir aganis Uespasian war discomfist. How Uespasian ressauit Aruiragus to his mercy, and maid [Page] his landis tributar to Romane empire. Ca. xii. fo. xxxiii.
- ¶How Uespasian [...] wan the town of Camelon, and discōfist Caratak. Ofhꝭ message send to Caratak, & of Caratakꝭ answer. Ca. xiii. fo. xxxiiii.
- ¶How Caratak cumand with new [...]my aganis romanis was vincust, of the deith of Planciꝰ, & how Ostorius was send in his place, & dantit the Britonis. Ca. xiiii. fo. xxxv.
- ¶How Caratak fechtād with new army aganis the Romanis was discomfist, and maid presoner to Ostorius be treason of Cartumandia his stepmoder. Ca. xv. fo. xxxvi.
- ¶How Caratak was brocht to Rome▪ and how he returnit in scotland. Of vncouth meruellis sene in Albioun▪ & of sindry nobyl clerkis, & of ye deith of Caratak. Ca. xvi. fo. xxxvi.
- ¶How Corbrede was maid kīg of scottis, how the pichtis rebellit aganis y e romanis, & slew Ostorius yair ca [...]itane. Ca. primo. fo. xxxvii.
- ¶How Manliꝰ valens capitane of britane was discōfist be y e pichtꝭ, how Didiꝰ was send in his place. Of the message send be pichtꝭ to Corbrede, & of his answer. Ca. ii. fo. xxxviii.
- ¶How Cartumandia quene of scottis was buryit quick, how ye scottis and pichtis faucht aganis the romanis with vncertane victory, & war cō stranit to tak peace. & of the deith of Didius. Ca. iii. fo. xxxviii.
- ¶How Ueranius was maid capitane of Britane. & of his deith. How Swetonius his successoure put the Ile of Man to sak. How Britonis maid new rebellion on ye romanis, and of syndry prodigies & meruellis sene in Abion. Ca. iiii. fo. xxxix.
- ¶Of the [...]plaint maid be Uoada quene of Britonis to Corbrede. Of his message send to Cattus, of Cattus answer. Of sindry incursionis maid be scottis on the romanis. and of the first cumyng of Murrayis in Scotland. Ca. v. fo. xl.
- ¶Of the orisoun maid be Uoada quene of Britonis to the confiderat kingis. And how scho vincust the romanis, & fynaly slew hir self, & of ye deith of king Corbrede. ca. vi. fo. xli.
- ¶Of sindry nobyl clerkis, how Petir & Paule war martirit. How Dardannus was maid king of scottis, & slane for his tyranny. Ca. vii. fo. xlii.
- ¶How mony Romane capitanis for thair febyll administration war intchangit ī britane. how Galdꝰ wes maid king of scottis, & how he wes discōfist be petuliꝰ. Ca. viii. fo. xliii.
- ¶How ye noble lady Uodicta inuadit the Romanis with battall. How scho was finaly slane, and hir army discomfist. Ca. ix. fo. xliiii.
- ¶How Iuliꝰ Frontinꝰ was maid capitane of Britane. Of his message to pichtis, and of thair answer. And how the said Iulius inuadit the scottis with gret iniuris. Ca. x. fo. xlv.
- ¶How Iulius Agricola was send in Britane. Of hꝭ frequent victoryis maid on scottis and Pichtis, & how he subdewit sindry of yair landis to Romane empire. Ca. xi. fo. xlvi.
- ¶How the king of pichtis send his ambassatouris to Scottis desiring support aganis the Romanis. How Agricola inuadit ye scottis baith be see and land. how ye king of pichtis was slane be seditioun of his army. Ca. xii. Fo. xlvi.
- ¶How Galdus pecifyit al sedition amang the pichtis, and how he faucht aganis the Romanis, and was discomfist. Ca. xiii. fo. xlvii.
- ¶How sindry almanis and danis come in support of scottis & pichtis. How ye romane nauy peryst in Pētland firth. Ca. xiiii. fo. xlviii.
- [Page]¶How Agricola brocht his army ouir Tay▪ how Galdus come in defence of the Pichtis with .xl.M. scottis, and of his orison maid to exhort his army to battal. Ca. xv. fo xlviii.
- ¶Of the orisoun maid be Agricola to his army, and of the huge victory falling to Romanis be discomfitour of scottis. Ca. xvi. fo. xlix.
- ¶How Agricola reparit his nauy to pas about the Ilis of Albion and brint syndry schippis of Danis. Of vncouth meruellis sene in Albion. & of y e deith of Agricola. Ca, xvii. fo. l.
- ¶How Tribellius was send in Britane. how the Romanis fell in gret diuisioun amang thaym self, and of ye huge victory gottyn on thaym be Galdus. Ca. xviii. fo. li.
- ¶How y e Romanis war doung out of all partis of scotland, and syndry [...] vincust be the vailȝeant Galdus. Ca. xix. fo. li.
- ¶Of ye message send be Romanis to the confiderat kingis, and of yair answer. How the considerat kingis gaif peace to Romanis. Ca. xx. fo. lii.
- ¶How all the strenthis of scotland war recouerit fra the romanis be cō dit [...]on of peace. And of the deith of Galdus. Ca. xxi. fo. liii.
- ¶Of the vicius king Lugtak, and how he was slane for his vnhappy lyfe and tyranny. Ca. primo. Fo. liiii.
- ¶Of king Mogallus, and how he come with ane army aganis the Romanis. Of his orison maid to the sepulture of Galdus. Ca. ii. fo. liiii.
- ¶How the confiderat kingis come with thair armyis aganis ye Romanis. Of the orison maid be Mogallus, and Lucius Antonius to thair armyis. And how the Romanis was discomfist. Ca. iii. fo. lv.
- ¶How Adriane empriour come in Britane, and biggit ane strang wall to saif the Britonis & Romanis fra scottis and pichtis. how he returnit in france, and left victor [...]ed be ca [...]pitane of Britane. Ca. iiii. fo. lvi.
- ¶How scottis and pichtis par [...]t y e landis beȝond the wall of Adriane. how king Mogallꝰ was degener [...] in corruppit lyfe, and slane for his tyranny. Ca. v. fo. lv [...].
- ¶Of syndry nobyll clerkis. Of the vicius king Conarus, & how hel [...]es degradit of all auctorite, and his se [...] uandis hyngit for thair wickit counsall. Ca. vi. fo. lvii.
- ¶How Argadus was maid gouirnour of scotland during the tyme of Conarus in presoun, and of his ly [...] and gouernance. Ca. vii. fo. lviii.
- ¶Of king Ethodius the first, and how he pecifyit ye Ilis. how the scottis and pichtis brak down ye wal of Adriane, and faucht aganis the Romanis with syndry chancis of vi [...]tory. Ca. viii. f. [...]. lviii.
- ¶How Uictorine was d [...]priuit of auctorite▪ & Calphurnius [...] send in his place, how [...] repari [...] the wall of Adriane and returnit to Rome. Ca. ix. fo. lix.
- ¶How T [...]ebellius w [...]s s [...]nd in britane, and was vincust [...] the scotti [...] & Pichtis. Of the rebellioun of Br [...] tonis aganis hym, & of his message send to the empriour. Ca. [...]. fo. li [...].
- ¶How Argadꝰ lieutenand to king Ethodius was slane, and his army discomfis [...] in y e Ilis. of syndry [...]awis and actis maid be Ethodius, and [...] his slauchter. Ca. x [...]. fo. lx.
- ¶Of mony nobil clerkis. How britane tuke the faith of Crist. Of the vicious kyng Sat [...]ahell, and of his deith. Ca. xii. fo. lxi.
- ¶Of [...]yng Donald the first. how y e Britonis war inhibit be the Romanis to haue ony king of thair blud [...], & how thay [...] it y e scottis & pichtis [Page] to assist to yair rebelliō. ca. xiii. fo. lxi.
- ¶How Seuerus emprioure come in Britane to reuenge the oppressionis done to Romanis. How the Britonis fled in scotland. How y e scottis & pichtis fechtand in support of britonis war discōfist. Ca. xiiii. fo. lxii.
- ¶Of gret cruelteis done be Seuerius empriour aganis the noblis of Britane. Of his weris aganis scottis and pichtꝭ. How Anthonius reparit the wall of Adriane, & of the empriouris deith. Ca. xv. fo. lxiii.
- ¶How Anthonius slew his brothir Getus to make hym self emprioure. how scotland tuke the faith of Crist, and cunȝeit money. Of mony nobyll clerkis in sindry partis of y e warld, & of kīg Donaldꝭ deith. ca. xvi. fo. lxiii.
- ¶Of king Ethodius the secound, & how the noblis fyndyng hym vnabyl to gyde the realme, gouernit ye samyn be thair auctorite in gret Iustice. Ca. xvii. fo. lxiiii.
- ¶How Athirco was maid kyng of scottis, how the noblis cōspirit aganis hym for his cursit tyranny. and how he slew hym self be disperatioun. Ca. primo. Fo. lxv.
- ¶How Nathalak vsurpit y e crown, & ꝑsewit al y e lynnage of Athirco w t gret cruelteis, & fynaly was slane be his familiar seruand. Ca. ii. fo. lxv.
- ¶Of king Findok, and how he dā tit the Ilis, & was slane be two men thairof. Ca. iii. fo. lxvi.
- ¶How Carance was banist for his brotheris slauchter, and Donald the secund maid king. Of his deith, & of sindry noble clerkis. Ca. iiii. fo. lxvii.
- ¶How mony haly men war martirir for y e faith of Cryst. how Donald of the Ilis the thrid of that name, vsurpit the crown and was slane be Craithlint. Ca. v. fo. lxvii.
- ¶Of king Craithlint, and how the scottis and pichtis fell in contention be thair hunting, & faucht with gret slauchter on al sidis. Ca. vi. fo. lxviii
- ¶How Carance brothir to Findok returnit out of Italy with gret ryches in Albion, how he cōquest Westmureland, & maid peace betuix scottis and pichtis. Ca. vii. fa. lxix.
- ¶How Carance be support of scottis & pichtis slew Bassiane capitane of Britane, and tuk y e crown yairof, and of his deith. And how ye crown of Britane was restorit to romanis. Ca. viii. fo. lxx.
- ¶Of gret cruelte done be Dioclesiane empriour aganis cristin pepil. How Coyll vincust the Romanis & conquest the crown of Britane. how he was alliat with Constantius emprioure, and of the natiuite of gret Constantyne. Ca. ix. fo. lxx.
- ¶How Fincormak was maid king of scottis, and Octauius king of britonis. How Herculeus Romane capitan [...] was slane be Octauius, and the Romanis vincust. How y e scottis & pichtis come ī support of Octauiꝰ, & chasit Traherꝰ ī frāce. Ca. x. f. lxxii.
- ¶How Octauius was put fra the crown of Britane be Traherus Romane capitane. How the said traherus was slane, & Octauius restorit to the crown. and of Fyncormakis deith. Ca. xi. fo. lxxii.
- ¶How the heresyis of Arrius was condampnit. How Ireland tuke the faith of Crist. How Romak, Fethelmak, and Angusiane contendit for y e crown. how romak was maid kīg, & slane eft for hꝭ tyrāny. ca. xii. fo. lxxiii
- ¶How Angusiane was maid king of scottis. How Maximus subdewit ye britonis be syndry victoryis. how scottis & pichtis inuadit othir with set batal▪ h [...]w baith yair kingis war slane, and the Scottis discomfist. Ca. xiii. fo. lxxiiii.
- [Page]¶How Fethelmak was maid king of scottis, and how he slew Nectane king of Pichtis, and wes slane efter be thair treason, and of mony nobyll clerkis. Ca. xiiii. fo. lxxv.
- ¶How sanct Roule brocht sāct Androis arme in scotland, and how the kirk of sanct Androis was dotat be Hergest king of Pichtis. And of the louing thairof. Ca. xv. fo. lxxv.
- ¶How Eugenius wes maid kyng of scottis. how Hergest king of pichtis wes cōfiderat with romanis for distruction of scottis. How Maximꝰ capitane of Britane inuadit the scottis with gret cruelteis & slauchter. Ca. xvi. fo. lxxvi.
- ¶How Maximus returnit in Galloway to reuenge the iniuris done be scottis aganis pichtis. How Eu [...]nius come with .l.M. men to resist [...]he Romanis, pichtis, and britonis. How he was slane, his brothir tane, & hꝭ army discōfist. ca. xvii. fo. lxxvii.
- ¶How the scottis be gret cruelte of pichtꝭ war exilit out of Albion, how the abbay of Comekyl was foundit. Ca. xviii. fo. lxxviii.
- ¶Of syndry meruellis sene in Albion. how y e scottis (that fled in Ireland & the Ilis) returnit in scotland with gret power, and how thay war discomfist & slane. Ca. xix. fo. lxxix.
- ¶How Maximꝰ ꝯquest [...]e hꝭ liberalite y e crown of britane. how he slew Gratiane emprioure, & was slane be Theodosius Ca. primo. fo. lxxx.
- ¶How Octauius wes maid kyng of Britonis, how Mercius and Uictorine war send in Albion to dant the britonis. how the pichtis war thirlit to gret seruitude. and how yair king slew hym self. Ca. ii. fo. lxxxi.
- ¶Of Etheodius brothir to Eugeniꝰ afore rehersit. of his gouernance in Denmark, and of his succession. How Rome was tane be. Gothis, & how syndry spulȝeis thairof fell to Fergus the secund. Ca. iii. fo. lxxxii.
- ¶Of sindry clerkꝭ & sāctꝭ flu [...]sing in y e warld. Of the first message send be pichtis & scottis. ca. iiii. fo. lxxxiii.
- ¶How gratiane king of Britonis and Mercius romane capitane war slane, and Constantine put in Mercius place, and of his deith. Of the secund message send be pichtis to fergus. And how he come in Albion, & was aggreit with Pichtis, & recouerit his realme· Ca. v. fo. lxxxiii.
- ¶How the Romanis fechtand aga [...]is the scottis and pichtis war seuerit be ane schoure of hayl. Of syndry vassalage done be ye vailȝeant Grahame at the wal of Abircorne. of his lynnage & allia with kyng Fergus. Ca. vi. fo. lxxxiiii.
- ¶Of syndry consultationis maid be y e scottis for thair defence aganis the romanis and britonis. How Uictorine conquest the croun of britane. And how he was punist thairfore to the deith. Ca. vii. fo. lxxxv.
- ¶How Placidus romane▪ capitane was discōfist with his army be scottis and pichtis. how king Fergus recouerit al his landis be condition of peace fra Romanis. Of his cyuyll & religious industry for y e weill of his pepyll. Ca. viii. fo. lxxxv.
- ¶Of the deith of Placidus. Of the message send be Castius capitane of Britane to Fergus, and of Fergus answer. how the Romanis war discōfist & Castiꝰ slane. ca. ix. fo. lxxxvi.
- ¶How Maximiane capitane of britane come with huge army aganis the scottis and pichtis. Of Fergus orison to his army, and how baith y e kingꝭ of scottis & pichtis war slane, and thair army discomfist be Romanis. Ca. x. fo▪ lxxxvi.
- ¶How the Romanis wrocht gret [Page] iniuris on scottis and pichtis. How Maximiane wes alliat with Dioneth prince of Walis, and tuke the crown of Britane contrar the auctorite of Romanis. Ca. xi. fo. lxxxvii.
- ¶Of king Eugenius the secound▪ of grete vassalage done be Maximiane in britane and france. How Ursula and hir fallowis war martirit. Ca. xii. Fo. lxxxviii.
- ¶How the confiderat kingis come with gret armyis aganis the britonis. Of Eugenius orison. of ye gret heirschippis maid on britonis. how Gallio Reuēnas was send in suport of Britonis, and of his vassalage. Ca. xiii. fo. lxxxix.
- ¶How the scottis and pichtis kest down the wall of Abircorne, & wrocht gret cruelteis on y e Britonis. Of the message send be britonis to Etiꝰ. and of his answer. Ca. xiiii. fo. lxxxx.
- ¶How Conanus prince of Walis exhortit y e britonis to tak peace with scottis and pichtis, & was slane. how the britonis efter his slauchter faucht amang yame self. ca. xv. fo. lxxxx.
- ¶Of gret vassalage done be ye nobyll Grahame at the wallis of Abircorne and Adriane, and how the scottis conquest all landis betuix Tyne and Humber. Of the epistyll send be Britonis to Etius, & of his answer. Ca. xvi. fo. lxxxxi.
- ¶How the britonis war vincust & maid tributar to scottis and pichtis and of the cōditionis of peace geuyn to y e said britonis. Ca. xvii. fo. lxxxxii.
- ¶Of mony nobyl clerkis & sanctis in syndry partis of the warld, of syndry prodigies and meruellis sene in Albioun. And of Fynmakcoule. Ca. xviii. fo. lxxxxii.
- ¶How mony romane prouinces fel in pray to syndry pepyll, and how sindry realmes began thairthrow, Ca. primo. fo. lxxxxiii.
- ¶How Conanus exhortit the Britonis to recouer thair liberte. Of the message send be scottis & Pichtis to britonis. And how the noblis and cō monis of Britane inuadit othir be battall. Ca. ii. fo. lxxxxiii.
- ¶Of syndry afflictionis & plagis, quhilkis fell on y e Britonis for yair iniquite & corruppit life. Of ye deith of kyng Eugeniꝰ. Ca, iii. fo. lxxxxiiii.
- ¶Of king Dongard, and of the secund orison maid be Conanus to ye Britonis. And how thay send ambassatouris to Androenus king of Bertanȝe for support aganis scottis and pichtis. Ca. iiii. fo. lxxxxv.
- ¶Of the deith of Conanus, and of the orison maid be Guytellyne to the king of Bertanȝe. How Constantine his son was send with ane army in Brytane, and maid kyng thairof. Ca. v. fo. lxxxxvi.
- ¶How Dongard king of Scottis come with gret power aganis Constantyne kyng of Britonis. Of his orisō to hꝭ army▪ how he was slane & y e britonis discōfist. ca. vi. fo. lxxxxvii
- ¶How Constantine ye first, & thrid brothir to Eugenius was maid kīg of scotus. Of his vnhappy lyfe and tyranny. and how Constatyne kyng of Britonis was slane be gyle of pichtis. Ca. vii. fo. lxxxxviii.
- ¶Of king Congallus and of his administratioun. How the monk Cō stantius was maid king of britonis▪ how Uortigern be slauchter of Constantius tuke the crown of Britane▪ Ca. viii. fo. lxxxxviii.
- ¶How Ambrose and Uter the sonnis of king Constantyne fled in bertanȝe. how Gwytel prince of Walis was slane be the scottis, & his army discomfist. Ca. ix. fo. lxxxxix.
- ¶How Uortigerne send Ambassatouris in Almany to fe wageouris [Page] in his support. how Hengest and Orsus come in britane with .x. thousand Saxonis, & of yair cruelteis & vassalage done aganis pichtis. ca. x. fo. C.
- ¶Of the secound message send be pichtis to the scottis▪ How scottis & pichtis faucht aganis the saxonis & britonis & war discōfist. Ca. xi. fo. C.
- ¶How Hengist was richely rewardit for his victorius dedis. How .xv. thousand Britonis war slane be weris of scottis and pichtis. How Hengistis wife & douchter arriuit in britane with new army of Saxonis. Ca. xii. fo. C.i.
- ¶How Hengist & Uortimer come with gret armyis to inuaid the confiderat pepyl. Of sindry quent slichtis deuisit be scottis to cōstrane yair ennymes to battall. Of sindry chan [...]is of victory thairefter followyng. Ca. [...]iii. fo. C.ii.
- ¶How Hengist was maid protectour of Britane, and how he brocht his son Occa with .x.M. saxonis to resist the armyis of Ambrose & Uter. How Uortigern come to ane banket with Hengist and maryit Roxena hꝭ douchter. Ca. xiiii. fo. C.iii.
- ¶How Uodine bischop of London with mony preistis war slane be tyranny of saxonis. how Hengist maid hym self king of Kent. how Uortigerne was depriuit and Uortimer his sonne maid king of Britane. Ca. xv. fo. C.iiii.
- ¶How Scottis and Pichtis war confiderat with king Uortimer aganis the Saxonis, & discomfist Occa in Northumbirland. How Hengist and Occa war vincust in Kent, and doung out of Britane. How kyng Uortimer was slane be poisoun. Ca. xvi. fo. C.v.
- ¶How the Britonis efter deith of king Uortimer fell in gret disputatioun quhay suld be kyng, and how Uortigern was restorit to the crown of Britane. Ca. xvii. fo. C.vi.
- ¶How hengist and Occa returnit with new power of Saxonis in Britane, and slew mony nobyllis thairof, and tuke Uortigerne presonere. how Uortigern was banist in Walis, and hengist maid kyng of Britane. Ca. xviii. fo. C.vi.
- ¶How Uortigerne demandit the prophete Marlyne of the end of his life, and of Marlynis answer. how Ambrose, and Uter come in Walis, and brint Uortigern with his sonne and riches. Ca. xix. fo. C.vii,
- ¶Of sindry illusionis and dissaitis of euyll spretis. Ca. xx. fo. C.viii.
- ¶How Ambrose was confiderat with scottis and pichtis, and how he slew hengist and dang the Saxonis out of Britane. how his two sisteris war maryit on y e confiderat kingꝭ, & of syndry haly men. ca. xxi. fo. C.ix.
- ¶Of king Contānus, and how he maid lawis to punis extorsiōis. how Occa and Passentius arriuit with new power of saxonis in Ingland. and how thay war vincust be Ambrose. Ca. primo. fo. C.x.
- ¶Of gret cruelteis done be Occa to Britonis. how scottis and pichtis war frustrat of thair voyage, of gret meruellis sene in Albion. Of the interpretation of thaym be Merlyne. Ca. ii. fo. C.xi.
- ¶How Uter wes maid king of britonis, and how he was discomfist be Saxonis and chasit in Walis. how Saxonis and britonis war aggreit. Ca. iii. fo. C.xii.
- ¶How Uter slew the prince of Cornewal. and gat Arthure on his wife. how Loth king of Pichtis clamit y e crown of Britan. And how britonis war purgit of thair herysyis. How Terdix & Keneik come to Occa with [Page] new powe [...] of Saxonis. And how the [...] war discomfist be [...] Ca. iiii. fo. C.xii.
- ¶How [...] & Nathaleodus inuading [...] be batt [...]l war baith slane with .xv.M. Britonis. How ȝoung O [...]a was maid kyng of Ingland. And of his ordinance aganis y e scottis and Pichtis, and how thay was v [...]ust, and kyng Uter slane be pois [...]. Ca. v. fo. c.xlii.
- ¶Of ye Romane Boece, and of his werkis and martirdome. Of the institutionis of the ordour of sanct Benedict, & how superflew rentis makis euyll religious men. How Loth king of Pychtis clamit the crown of Britane. Ca. vi. fo. c.xiiii.
- ¶How the Saxonis war syndry tymes vincust and maid tributaris to kyng Arthure. How O [...]ca arriuid with new power in Northūberland, and chasit Arthure in Walis. How the surfet cheir of Ȝule was euyl institute. how Pichtis and Britonis war aggreit. Ca. vii. fo. c.xv.
- ¶How the scottis and Pichtis war confiderat with king Arthure aganis the Saxonis. how the Saxonis war vincust be y e Albianis, & doung out of Albion. Ca. viii. fo. c.xvi.
- ¶How the scottis and pichtis come with .xx. thousand men in support of king Arthure aganis Saxonis, and how the Saxonis war discomfist. Ca. ix. fo. c.xvi.
- ¶How Conset chancell [...]r of scotland was slane for his wrangus administration of Iustice. Of king Cō sannus deith. Of Iustiniane empriour, and of his prudent constitutionis, fame, and cheuelry, and of syndry captiuiteis of Rome. Ca. x. fo. c.xvii.
- ¶Of king Eugenius the thrid and his lawis. Of Conrānus wyfe. how scho fled with [...] in Inglād▪ Of king Arthuris fame, cheuelry [...] [...]ound table. how the Britonis con [...]trary air promes maid Constantine prince of britane. Ca. xi. fo. c.xviii.
- ¶Of the message send be Pichtis to britonis, and of yair answer▪ how king Arthure was slane with mony of al the nobillis of Britane be scot [...]ꝭ and pichtis. how Guanora his wyfe was brocht ī Angus, of hir sepulture, and of the calamite that fell to Albianis be thꝭ battal. ca. xii. fo. c.xviii.
- ¶How Constantine king of Britonis stew the sonnis of Modrede. Of vncouth meruellis sene in Albioun. how Eugenius gaif syndry landis with armis to nobyll men of his realme. how Constantyne king of Britonis was maid monk in Ireland, & of Eugenius deith. ca. xiii. fo. c.xix.
- ¶Of king Conuallus & his lawis and deith. Of the cumyng of sanct Colme in Scotland, and of sanct Mungo. ca. xiiii. fo. c.xx.
- ¶Of king Kynnatyll, and how he resignit the crown to Aidane. Of ye orisoun maid be sanct Colme. How Scottis and pichtis faucht amang thaym self, and war aggreit be sanct Colme. ca. xv. fo. c.xx.
- ¶How the Saxonis deuidit Ingland in seuyn syndry kingdomis. how Pichtis and Saxonis war confiderat togidder, and discomfist the scottis and Britonis. Of the orison maid be kyng Aidane to his army. how the said Aidane was vincust be Saxonis and his sonne slane. ca. xvi. fo. c.xxi.
- ¶How Saxonis and Pichtis war discomfist in Northumberland be Scottis and Britonis. Of the deith of sanct Colme and sanct Aidane· Of the vengeance that come on the Saxonis for dinging of sanct Austine, [Page] and of syndry holy men. Ca. xvii. fo. c.xxii.
- ¶Of king Kenneth. Of Eugenius the feird. How the kyng of Britonis was doung out of this realme be Saxonis, and recouerit the samy [...] ▪ How Ethelfreid kyng of Northumberland was slane. Of syndry haly men. Ca. xviii· fo· c.xxiii.
- ¶Of the vi [...]ius tyrane kyng Ferquhart, and how he flew hym self. and of the haly man Fiacre. Ca. xix. fo. c.xxiiii.
- ¶Of kyng Doneuald, and of the deith of Edwyne kyng of Northumberland. how Eufred and Os [...]yk kyngis of Northumberland war punist for thair tyranny done to cristin pepyll. And how kyng Oswald cō uertit the Saxonis to the faith of Crist. Ca. xx. fo. c.xxv.
- ¶O [...] [...]he vnhappy prophete Machome [...]e and his fals lawis. Of syndry haly men. Of kyng Ferquhart and his extorsionis done aganis the pepyll, and of his miserable end. Ca. xxi. fo. c.xxvi.
- ¶Of kyng Maldwyne, and how he was slane be his wyfe, and his wyfe brint. Of gret mortalite be rage of Pest in syndry partis of the warld. And how the Scottis war preseruit fra the samyn. Ca. [...]xii. fo. c.xxvii.
- ¶Of Eugenius the fift, and of the message send to Edfred kyng of Northumberland. And of the peace takin thairefter. how king Edfred was slane be Eugenius with .xx. thousand Saxonis. And of the haly man sanct Cuthbert. Ca. xxiii. fo. c.xxvii.
- ¶Of gret trubyll done be Sarazenis to cristin pepyll. Of king Eugenius the sext, and his actis. Of vncouth meruellis sene in Albioun. Ca. xxiiii. fo. c.xxviii.
- ¶Of the [...] [...]eleth and of his deith. Of kyng Eugenius the seuynt. How the Scottis and Pychtis war [...] togidder be affinite, and of the slauthter of Eugenius wife. Of seuy [...] haly virginis d [...]tat be the kyng of Pychtis in Abirnethy. Ca. xxv. fo. c.xxviii.
- ¶Of king Mordak and his werkis and of his deith. Of foure syndry pepyll in Albioun. Of the gre [...] mirakyllis of sanct Niniane, and of sanct Bede. Ca. xxvi. fo. c.xxix.
- ¶Of king Ethfyne, & how he maid foure regentis to gouern his realm. Of gret cruelteis done be Donald of the Ilis, and of the deith of king Ethfyne. Ca. xxvii. fo. c.xxix.
- ¶Of king Eugenius the .viii. and how he was slane for his tyranny. & his euyll counsallouris hyngit on Iebatis. Ca. xxviii. fo. c.xxx.
- ¶Of the vicius kyng Fergus the thrid, and how he was slane be his wife. Of hir orisoun maid to the coū sall, and how scho slew hir self. Ca. xxix. fo. c.xxx.
- ¶Of kyng Soluathius, and how be dantit syndry gret lymmaris of his realm. Of his deith, and of m [...] ny haly men. Ca. xxx. fo. c.xxxi.
- ¶Of king Achaius, and how he aggreit his nobyllis of all contentionis. Of his message send to the princis of Ireland. and of thair answer. How mony Ireland men perist in yes [...]is. How the Scottis and Ireland men war aggreit. Capi. primo. fo. C.xxxi.
- [Page]¶How king Charlis send his ambassatouris to be cōfiderat with scottis and Pichtis. Of thair orisoun maid to kyng Achaius. And of the orison maid aganis thaym be Culmane. ca. ii. fo. c.xxxii.
- ¶Of the answer maid to this last orison be Albiane. How France and Scotland wer perpetuallie confiderat. How Pichtis refusit to be confiderat with France. And of the articlis contenand ye band betuix Scotland and France. ca. iii. fo. c.xxxiii.
- ¶How paip Leo the thrid and the Florentinis wer restorit to thair honour and liberte be kyng Charlis. Of sindry abbayis foundit be Scottis Guilliam. How the vniuersite of Paris began be scottis. Of the louyng of the samyn. ca. iiii. fo. c.xxxv.
- ¶How the Scottis and Pychtis wer cōfiderat be mariage, and slew Athelstane kyng of Ingland, and put his army to flycht. Of king Hū gus lawis & liberte to kirkmen. Of the deith of kyng Charlis, and king Achaius. And of sindry noble clerkꝭ. Capi. .v. fo. c.xxxv.
- ¶Of kyng Conuallus, and of his deith. ca. vi. fo. c.xxxvi.
- ¶Of kyng Dongallus, and how he punist certane conspiratouris. How Alpyne prince of Scotlād clamit the croun of Pichtis as nerest heritoure thairto. Of ye Pichtis answer. How the scottis concludit to moue weir on y e Pichtis for denying of the croun. ca. vii. fo. c.xxxvii.
- ¶Of kyng Alpyne. And how he slew Feredech kyng of pichtis. How Brudus & Kenneth kyngis of pychtis wer baith slane. And Brudus ye feirs maid king. How kyng Alpyne wes slane, and ye scottis discomfist. Capi. viii. fo. c.xxxviii.
- ¶How Kenneth the secound wes maid kyng of Scottis. Of the deith of Brudus kyng of Pichtis. And how Donskene wes maid kīg. How the heid of kyng Alpyne wes brocht in Scotland. How the Pichtis wer discomfist. ca. ix. fo. c.xxxix.
- ☞ Of the message send be Donskene to Kēneth, and of his answer. Of the orison maid be Donskene to Kenneth. And of his answer. How ye Pichtis wer discomfist, and king Donskene slane▪ ca. x. fo. c.xl.
- ¶How the swerd and cote armour of kyng Donskene wer send to colm kill. Of the orisoun maid be kyng Kenneth to his nobillis. How the Pychtis wer slane and banist out of Scotland. And how the Dunbaris tuke thair beginning. ca. xi. fo. c.xlii.
- ¶Of vncouth meruellis sene in Albioun. How the chiar of merbill wes brocht out of Argyle to Scone. Of the lawis maid be Kenneth for the cōmoun weil of Scottis. And of his deith. ca. xii. fo. c.xliii.
- ¶Of the vicious kyng Donald. How Osbret & Ella with gret noumer of Inglismen wes discomfist. How .xx.M. scottis wer slane. And kyng Donald tane be Inglismen & Britonis. Of ye message send be scottis to Osbret, and of his answer. Capi. xiii. fo. c.xliiii.
- ¶Of the orison maid be Calenus. How Scottis tuke peace with Inglismen and Britonis. How king Donald wes put in preson for his vicis and slew hym self. Of sindry meruellis sene in Albioun. ca. xiiii. fo. c.xlv.
- ¶Of kyng Constantyne the secund And of his lawis. Of the heuy regrait maid be Euanus of the Ilis. to his folkis. And how the said Euanus wes punist for his rebellioun. Capi. xv. fo. c.xlvi.
- ¶How Gadanus kyng of Danis [Page] send his two brethir Hungar and Hubba with gret armyis to inuade the Scottis, and how the said Hubba was vincust. and his army put to flicht. Ca. xvi. fo. C.xlvii.
- ¶How kyng Constantine was slane and his army discomfist be the Danis. Ca. xvii. fo. c.xlviii.
- ¶Of king Ethus and his actis. How Osbret kyng of Ingland with mony othir pepyll was slane be cruelte of Danis. Of syndry meruellis sene in Albioun. And of the deith of Ethus. Ca. xviii. fo. c.xlviii.
- ¶Of king Gregoure and his lawis. How he recouerit syndry landis of his realme and discomfist Herd [...]ut with all the army of Danis. How Rasyne gret capitane of Danis was slane be Inglismen. Ca. [...] fo. c.xlix.
- ¶How Gregoure recouerit syndry la [...]dis of his realme, and slew Constantyne kyng of Brytonis. How Scottis, Britonis, and Inglismen war confiderat aganis the Danis. Ca. xx. fo. c.l.
- ¶How kyng Gregoure come in Ireland to reuenge certane iniuris done in Galloway. And how he dantit the samyn with syndry victoryis, and was gouernoure thairof mony ȝeris. Of his louyng and deith. Ca. xxi. fo. c.li.
- ¶Of kyng Donald the sext. How the realme of Normanis, and duchery of Flanderis tuke begynnyng. Of the gret cheuelrye of Danis in syndry partis of the warld, and of his deith. Ca. xxii. fo. c.lii.
- ¶Of kyng Constantine the thrid. How Danys and Inglismen war confiderat be mariage. And how the peace was dissoluit. How the Scottis war discomfist be ye Danis, and of the deith of kyng Constantyne. Ca. primo. fo. C.liiii.
- ¶Of kyng Malcolme the first. How Cumbir and Westmureland was annexit to the prince of Scotland. Of the slauchter of kyng Malcolme and punitioun tane for the samyn, Of y e deith of king Athelstane. Ca. ii. fo. C.lv.
- ¶Of kyng Indulphe. How A [...]alassus kyng of Danis was discomfist be kyng Edmond be support of Scottis. How syndry Danis war discomfist in Buchquhan, and king Indulphe slane. Ca. iii. fo. C.lv.
- ¶Of kynge Duffus and how he was trublit with gret infirmite be wychecraft. How he punist certane conspiratouris, and was slane. Ca. iiii. fo. C.lvi.
- ¶How Culyne prince of Scotland punist ye slauchter of king Duffus. Of syndry meruellis sene in Albion. Ca. v. fo. C.lvii.
- ¶Of kyng Culyne and his vicius lyfe. Of the trubyll that fell in the realme be his euyll ministratioun. Ca. vi. fo. C.lviii.
- ¶Of kyng Kenneth the thrid and his gouernance. Of his orison maid to the nobyllis. And how he constranit thaym to bryng syndry theuis to his Iustice. Ca. vii. fo. C.lix.
- ¶How the Danis inuadyng the Scottis with gret cruelteis war discomfist be kyng Kenneth. And how the Hayis tuk thair first beginning and armis. Ca. viii. fo. C.lx.
- ¶How kyng Kenneth slew the [Page] prince of Scotland, that his sonne mycht succede to the crown. Of the message send be Sanct Edward to kyng Kenneth, And of Kennethis orisoun maid to his nobyllis. Ca. ix. fo. C.lxi.
- ¶How the auld lawis war abrogat be Kenneth concernyng the el [...]tioun of kyngis, and new lawis cō trar to thaym institute. Of the visioun that come to hym in his bed, and of his deith. Ca. x. fo. C.lxii.
- ¶Of kyng Constantyne the feird, and of syndry meruellis sene in Albioun. How Constantyne and Malcolme contendit for the crown. how Inglismen and Danis war aggreit be Malcolme lord of Cumbir. how Constantyne and Kenneth recounteryng othir be set battall wer baith slane. Ca. xi. fo. C.lxiii.
- ¶Of kyng Gryme, and of gret trubyll that fell betuix hym and Malcolme prince of Cumbir for contentioun of the crown, And how thay war finaly aggreit. Ca. xii. fo. C.lxiiii,
- ¶How gret nowmer of Danis war slane be slicht of Inglismen. Of the orisoun maid to kyng Gryme be the nobyllis, and how he was slane be Malcolme prince of Cumbir. Ca. xiii. fo. C.lxv.
- ¶Of kyng Malcolme the secound. How Sueno kyng of Norroway with double victory chasit king Eldreid of Ingland, and opprest Inglismen with gret cruelteis. Ca. xiiii. fo. C.lxvi.
- ¶How Olauus and Onetus come in Scotland with gret army of Danis. And how kyng Malcolme was discomfist. Ca. xv. fo. C.lxvii.
- ¶How the castell of Narne was tane, and the soudiouris thairof treasonabylly slane be Danis. And how the Danis war discomfist at Murthlak. Ca. xvi. fo. C.lxviii.
- ¶How Camus prince of Noroway cumand with ane flote of Danis in Angus was slane, and his army discomfist be kyng Malcolme at Barre. And how the surname of Keithis tuke thair begynnyng. Ca. xvii. fo. C.lxviii.
- ¶How .v. hundreth Danis war slane be the Thane of Buchquhane. How Canute come with new army of Danis in Scotland, and was discomfist. How Scottis and Danis war finaly aggreit on all debaitis. Ca. xviii. fo. C.lxix.
- ¶How kyng Malcolme deuidit his realme in baronyis. How the nobyllis gaif to hym the wardis, releiffis, and mariage of thair airis quhen thay vaikit. How the sait of Abirdene first began. Of the deith of kyng Malcolme, and of syndry meruellis sene in Albioun. Ca. xix. fo. C.lxx.
- ¶Of kyng Duncane. How the surname of Stewartis tuke thair first begynnyng, and how Makbeth punist syndry enormyteis done in kyng Duncanis tyme. Capi. primo. Fo. C.lxxi.
- ¶How Edmond Irnesyde and Canute deuidit betuix thaym y e realme of Ingland. How Sueno kyng of Norroway come in Scotland with ane army, and vincust kyng Duncane. How the foresayd Sueno was eftir vincust be ane vncouth slicht. Ca. ii. Fo, C.lxxi.
- [Page]¶Of the weirdis geuyn to Makbeth and Banquho. How Makbeth was maid Thane of Cawder, and how he slew kyng Duncane to mak hym self kyng. Ca. iii. fo. c.lxxii.
- ¶How Makbeth vsurpit y e croun, and chasit the sonnis of kyng Duncane in Cumbir. how he punist syndry lymmaris and maid lawis for the commoun weill. Ca. iiii. fo. C.lxxiii.
- ¶How Banquho was slane be Makbeth, and his sonne Fleance slane in Walis. How Walter the sonne of Fleance come in scotland, and of the genelogy of Stewartis. Ca. v. fo. c.lxxiiii.
- ¶How Makbeth slew his lordis for proffet of thair landis and guddis. how he byggit the castell of Dū [...]ane, and slew Makduffis wife and his barnis. Of the orison maid to Malcolme Cāmore be Makduf. Ca. vi. fo. c.lxxv.
- ¶How Malcolme Cāmore schew hym self vnabyll to be kyng for his syndry vicis. And how he come in scotland and was maid kyng thairof, and of Makbethis deith. Ca. vii. fo. c.lxxvi.
- ¶Of the deith of Edmond Canute Herald, and Hardy Canute kyngis of Ingland. How the crown of Ingland was recouerit fra Danis. and Godowyne weryit for the innocent slauchter of Alarude. Ca. viii. fo. c.lxxvii.
- ¶Of kyng Malcolme Cāmore and his actis, and how he punist sindry conspiratouris aganis hym. Of the deith of kyng Edward. and how the bastard of Normandy conquest Ingland. Ca. ix. fo. c.lxxviii.
- ¶How kyng Malcolme maryit sanct Margaret, and ressauit al hi [...] freindis in Scotland. how syndry armyis of Ingland war discomfis [...] be scottis. And how peace was maid betuix Inglismen and Scottis. Ca. x. fo. c.lxxix.
- ¶How king Malcolme dantit syndry conspiratouris in his realme. Of his gret deuotioun and liberalite to the kirk with ane complaint of riatus cheir. Ca. xi. fo. c.lxxx.
- ¶Of the deith of kyng Wyllyam bastard of Normandy. Of syndry nobyll actis done be kyng Malcolme. Of the deith of the said Malcolme and sanct Margaret. and of syndry meruellis sene in Albioun. Ca. xii. fo. c.lxxxi.
- ¶Of king Donald the seuynt, and how the sonnis of kyng Malcolme fled in Ingland. how Duncane bastard sonne of king Malcolme vsurpit the crown, and was slane for his tyranny. How Edgar recouerit his realme. And of the deith of Donald. Ca. xiii. fo. c.lxxxi.
- ¶Of the vassalage done be syndry cristyn princis in the haly land. how Maid eldest douchter to kyng Malcolme was maryit on the king of Ingland, and the ȝoungest douchter maryit on the Erle of Bolony. Of thair successioun, and of the deith of king Edgar. Ca. xiiii. fo. c.lxxxii.
- ¶Of king Alexander the first. how Dauid his brothir was maid erle of Huntington and Northumberland. Of y e weris maid betuix Hary Bewcleir and France. Of his doloure in the deith of his sonnis, and of the deith of kyng Alexander, Ca. xv. fo. c.lxxxiii.
- ¶How king Dauid past to the [Page] hountis [...]n the croce day in heruest. How he was doung fra his hors be ane wylt hart. And how he foundit the abbay of halyrudhous be mirakil of the haly croce. Ca. xvi. fo. c.lxxxiiii.
- ¶Of the gret liberalite of kyng Da [...]d t [...]wart the kirk in dammage of his successouris, and of the battal of Allartoun. and how peace was maid betuix Scottis and Inglismen. ca. xvii. fo. c.lxxxv.
- ¶Of the deith of Hary prince of Scotland. Of the orisoun maid be kyng Dauid to his nobillis. How Malcolme his first nepot wes maid prince of Scotland. And William his secound nepot erle of Northumbirland. Of the deith of kyng Dauid. And of sindry gret clerkis. Capi. xviii. fo. c.lxxxvi.
- ☞ Of king Malcolme the madin. Of gret mortalite and deith in Scotland. How kyng Hary toke Malcolm in his weris aganis frāce And of sindry slychtis deuisit aganis Malcolme be the said Hary. Ca. primo. fo. c.lxxxvii.
- ¶How kyng Malcolme punist sindry conspiratouris. And how the Murrayis for thair rebellioun wer disherist, and put out of Murray. Ca. ii. fo. c.lxxxviii.
- ¶How the bischop of Sanct Androis persuadit Malcolme to mariage. Of syndry actis do [...] be king Malcolme, and of his d [...]th. Ca. iii. fo. c.lxxxviii.
- ¶Of kyng Wyllyam and his actis. How the Scottis sustenis mair displeseir be theuis than be externe weris. How kyng Wyllyam w [...]s tane at Anwyk. Capi. iiii. fo. c.lxxxix.
- ¶How sanct Thomas of Cantorbury was martyrit. How kyng Willyam was redemit. How Gylbert defendit the liberte of Scotland aganis the papis legat. Of syndry meruellis. and how the abbay of Abirbrothok and Hadington was foundit. Ca. v. fo. c.lxxxx.
- ¶How pape Alexander send to king Wyllyam ane rose full of balme. How Gylcrist was disherist for the slauchter of his wyfe. Of gret cruelteis done be Turkis to crystyn pepyll. How kyng Wyllyam dantit the theuis, and tuke Gylcrist in fauoure. Ca. vi. fo. c.lxxxxi.
- ¶How kyng Wyllyam recouerit his landis. How Rychard kyng of Ingland and Phyllyp kyng of France went with gret armyis in Iowry. Of thair vassalage and trubyll. How erle Dauid returnit out of the haly land and foundit Lundoris. Ca. vii. fo. c.lxxxxii.
- ¶How kyng Richard returnit in Ingland. How kyng Wyllyam punist gret lymmaris in his realme. Of the natiuite of prince Alexander. Of the coronation of kyng Iohne. How y e pape send ane swerd to king Wyllyam. Ca. viii. fo. c.lxxxxiii.
- ¶How kyng wyllyam and kyng Iohne war confiderat togydder be mariage. Of kyng wyllyamis haly lyfe and liberalite to the kirk. How the town of Perth tuke begynnyng. Ca. ix. fo. c.lxxxxiiii.
- ¶How kyng Iohne subdewit Ireland and walis. How kyng Wyllyam punist syndry conspiratouris. How Ingland and Ireland war maid tributaris to ye pape. Of king wyllyamis deith▪ and how syndry ordouris of freris began. Ca. x. fo. c.lxxxxiiii.
- [Page]¶Of kyng Alexander the secound and his actis. How kyng Iohne of Ingland inuadit the k [...]rk with gret exactionis. How the pape and kirkmen war corruppit be his mon [...]y to assist to his opinioun. How kyng Alexander renewit the band of france▪ and of the deith of kyng Iohne, Ca. xi. fo. c.lxxxxv▪
- ¶Of the generall counsall hal [...]yn at Rome be paip Innocent, and how the kyngis of Scotland and Ingland inuadit a [...]hir realmes with gret heirschippis and slauchter, and how thay war [...]ggreit. ca. xii. fo. c.lxxxxvi.
- ¶How kyng Hary and kyng Alexander war alliat be mariage. Of the translation of sanct Thomas of Cā torbury. Of syndry legatis send in Scotland be the pape to conques [...]. ca. xiii.. fo. c.lxxxxvii.
- ¶How kyng Alexander punist syndry conspiratouris in his realme. Of the first cumyng of blak & gra [...] freeꝭ in scotlād. ca. xiiii. fo. c.lxxxxvii.
- ¶How kyng Alexander punist syndry cōspiratouris and aggreit king Hary of Ingland and his nobyllis▪ Of his new mariage, and of the [...]atiuite of his sonne Alexander. How mony noblis of scotland war slan [...] in Iowry. Ca. xv. fo. c.lxxxx [...]iii.
- ¶How the reliques of sanct Margaret war translatit. how king Ale [...] ander was haldin in captiuite with y e Cumyngis. Of his mariage with king Hary the thrid, and of the bigging of sanct Mungois kirk. Ca. xvi. fo. c.lxxxxix.
- ¶Of gret derth in Albioun. how Acho kyng of Norroway in [...]adi [...] Scotland with gret cruelteis. Of the orisoun maid to hym be ambassatouris of kyng Alexander. Ca. xvii. fo, c, lxxxxi [...].
- ¶How king Alexander [...] with [...] king A [...]ho. Of the orisonis [...] be the [...] kingis to thair a [...]pis, and how kyng Acho was discomfist at Largis. Ca. xviii. fo. CC.
- ¶Of the [...]tiuite of Alexander the feird. Of the message send be Magnus king of Norroway to king Alexander the thrid, and of his answer. and how the said Alexander [...]couerit the Ilis of Scotland fra the Dauis. Ca. xix. fo. CC.i.
- ¶Of the ans [...]er maid to the papis legat be kyng Alexander. Of the natiuite of Robert Bruce the va [...]l [...]ean [...] conqueroure. Of the deith of kyng Alexanderis wyfe, and hir barnis. Ca. xx. fo. cc.ii.
- ¶Of syndry actis done be kyng Alexander, and of his deith. Of Thomas Rymoure. Of syndry meruellis sene in Albioun, and of mony nobyll clerkis. Ca. xxi. fo. cc.ii.
- ¶How Scotland was gidit be .vi. goue [...]nour [...]s. how the mariage betuix the madin of Norroway & king Edward [...]keit. How Bruce and Ballioll contendit for the crown [...]. how the [...]ecisio [...]n an thairof was committit to kyng Edward. And how he maid the Ballyoll kyng. Ca. pri [...]. fo. CC.iii.
- ¶How the Ballyoll c [...]me in gr [...]t trubyll for the makyng of homage to kyng [...]dward. Of his al [...]ta with kyng Phillip of France. How king Edward w [...]n Berwyk betreaso [...]n and slew al scottis in the samyn. Ca. ii. fo. cc.iiii.
- ¶How kyng Ballyoll was dyscomfist at Dunbar, and t [...]nt all ye [Page] strenthis of Scotland, How he gaif ouir ye crown to king Edward and fled in France. Ca. iii. Fo. CC.v.
- ¶How kinge Edward come with ane army aganis France. How the erle of Buchquhane maid gret heirschippis in Ingland. Of Wyllyam Wallace and his vassalage aganis Inglismen. Ca. iiii. fo. CC.v.
- ¶Of king Edwardis message send to Wallace, of Wallace answer. And of his gret prudence in cheuelry. how the Scottis war discomfist at the Falkirk. And how the kyng of france purchest peace to Scottis. Ca. v. fo. CC.vi.
- ¶How Inglismen war discomfist at Roslyng. how king Edward conquest gret rowmes in Scotland, & how the Forbessis tuk thair first begynning. Ca. vi. fo. cc.vii.
- ¶Of syndry gret cruelteis done be king Edward aganis Scottis, how the Bruce and Cumyn war confiderat. And how ye Cumyn was slane. Ca. vii. fo. cc.ix.
- ¶How Wallace was betraisit be schir Iohne Menteith. Of king Robert Brucis coronatioun and of his gret misery. how he conquest Scotland, and how ye Douglas tuk yair begynnyng. Ca. viii. fo. cc.ix.
- ¶Of the deith of the tyrane kyng Edward langschankis. and how Edward Carnauer his son was maid kyng of Ingland. How kyng Ro-Robert gat syndry victoryis on his ennymes, and of gret derth in Scotland. Ca. ix. fo. cc.xi.
- ¶Of the condition of trewis tane betuix Edward Bruce and the capitane of S [...]riueling. How kyng Edward come with .iii.C. thousand mē to reskew striueling. Of the victory fallyn to erle Thomas Randale. Ca. x. fo. cc.xi.
- ¶How the two kingis exhortit yair armyis to battall. how Inglismen war discomfist at Banochburn, and king Edward chasit be the Douglas to Dunbar, Of gret riches yat fell to Scottis be this victory. how the town of Handwarp and flemyngis tuke thair begynnyng. Ca. xi. fo. cc.xii.
- ¶How the crown of scotland was tailȝeit to king Robert and hꝭ airis. how Edward his brothir was maid kyng of Ireland and slane be Inglismen. how king Robert sufferit gret distres in Ireland. Ca. xii. fo. cc.xiiii.
- ¶How king Edward was discomfist be schir Iames Douglas. Of gret vassalage done be Wyllyam Sinclar bischop of Dunkeld aganis Inglismen, and how Berwyk was recouerit. Ca. xiii. fo. cc.xiiii.
- ¶Of the blak Parliament. How king Edward complanit to the paip for iniuris of Scottis. Of ye orison maid be the papis legat to king Robert, and of his answer. Ca. xiiii. fo. cc.xv.
- ¶How king Edward efter gret cruelteis done be his army in scotland was discomfist be kyng Robert at Byland. How the Hāmyltonis tuke thair begynnyng. And of kyng Edwardis deith. Ca. xv. fo. cc.xvi.
- ¶How Iohne Ballioll transferrit all richt that he had to the crown of Scotland in kyng Robert. How the crown was new tailȝeit to Dauid Bruce. How schir Iames Douglas & erle Thomas Rādale did gret vassalage in scotland. Ca. xvi. fo. cc.xvi.
- ¶Of the deith and louyng of kyng Robert Bruce. and of his testament and legacy. How schir Iames Douglas was chosyn to pas with his hart in the haly land. Ca. xvii. fo. cc.xvii,
- [Page]¶How schir Iames of Dowglas past with king Robertis hart to the haly graif. Of y e coronation of king Dauid Bruce. And how y e erle Thomas Randale was maid gouernour & of hꝭ deith. Ca. primo. fo. CC.xviii.
- ¶How the erlis of Marche & Mar was maid gouernouris of scotland. How Edward Ballyoll come in scotland to conques the crown. And of y e battal of Duplyne. Ca. ii. fo. CC.xx.
- ¶How Edward Balliol was crownit at Scone. How king Dauid fled in France. How Perth was recouerit, & the ballioll vincust be the Douglas. And how king Edward segi [...] Berwik. Ca. iii. fo. CC xxi.
- ¶Of the orison maid be Alexander Seytonis wyfe, & how his son was s [...]ane be tyranny of kyng Edward. Ca. iiii. fo. CC.xxii.
- ¶How ye scottis war discomfist at Halydon hyll. & Berwik randerit to Inglismen with mony othir strenthis and munitionis of Scotland▪ Ca. v. fo. CC.xxii.
- ¶Of the contention betuix Alexander Mowbray & Hary Bewmont, & how Inglismen perist at the sege of Lochleuyn. Ca. vi. fo. CC.xxiii.
- ¶How Robert Stewart & Iohne Randall recouerit syndry strenthis of Scotland. How Dauid Cumyn was brocht to gret trubyll for his rebellion aganis scottis. & how he westane in fauour. Ca. vii. fo. cc.xxiiii.
- ¶How king Edward come in scotland with gret armyis baith be see & land. How the duke of Gilder was discomfist, and how erle Dauid Cumyn was slane. Ca. viii. fo. cc.xxv.
- ¶How Andro Murray was maid gouernoure of scotland. How kyng Edward returnit with new army in scotland, and how Inglismen war discōfist at pāmore. Ca▪ ix. fo. cc.xxv.
- ¶How Wyllyam Talbot and Richard Montagew wa [...] vi [...]ust be scottis. Of the deith of Andro Murray▪ Of syndry vassalagis done be Wyllyam Douglas, & of gret derth in Albion. Ca. x. fo. cc.xxvi.
- ¶How the ballioll fled in Ingland of gret vassalage done be Robert stewart and Wylliam Dowglas. how king Dauid returnit in scotland, & how Wyllyā Douglas was banist▪ Ca. xi. fo. cc.xxvii.
- ¶How kyng Dauid rewardit the airis of thaym yat war slane at D [...] plyne and halydon hyll, and how he inuadit Ingland sindry tymes with gret iniuris. Ca. xii. fo. cc.xxvii.
- ¶How king Dauid at the reques [...] of france inuadit Ingland with gret displeseris, and how he was takyn at Durame. How Inglismen conquest gret boundis in Scotland. Ca. xiii. fo. cc.xxviii.
- ¶How Wyllyam Dowglas recouerit syndry lādis out of Inglismē nis handis & inuadit Ingland with gret displeseris, and how king Edward wrocht gret trubyll in Scotland. Ca. xiiii. fo. cc.xxix.
- ¶Of the battall of Poyteris. how king Dauid was redemit. and how he punist his baronis for yair fleing fra him at Durame. ca. xv. fo. cc.xxx.
- ¶Of gret trubyll that fell in scotland be kyng Dauidis secound mariage, of hꝭ deith. Of syndry gret clerkis and meruellis sene in Albioun. Ca. xvi. fo. cc.xxxi.
- ¶How Robert stewart was maid king of Scottis. Of his sonnis and douchteris. And how the realm was tailȝeit to thaym. Ca. i. fo. CC.xxxi.
- ¶How y e erle of Marche brint Roxburgh. And how Inglismen war sindry tymes discomfist be Scottis. Ca. ii, fo. CC.xxxii.
- [Page]¶Of gret pest in Scotland. How Inglismen was discomfist at Sulway. Of the message send be Charlis of France, and how the surname of lyonis tuke thair begynnyng. Ca. iii. fo. CC.xxxii.
- ¶Of gret cruelteis done be Inglismen aganis Scottis. How the king of France send gret support to scottis. Ca. iiii. fo. CC.xxxiii.
- ¶How king Rychard inuadit scotland with gret cruelteis. Of gret vassalage done be Wyllyam Douglas. Ca. v. fo. CC.xxxiii.
- ¶How Robert Stewart and Wyllyam Douglas dyd gret vassalage in Ireland. how Iames erle of Douglas vincust Hary Perse in syngulare battall. And how he segit the new castell. Ca. vi. fo. CC.xxxiiii.
- ¶How Inglismen war discomfist at Otterburn, the erle of Douglas slane and the Perse brocht presoner in Scotland. How the Hepburnis tuke thair begynnyng. Ca. vii. fo. CC.xxxv.
- ¶How Robert erle of Fyffe was maid gouernour of Scotland, how Alexander bastard sonne to kyng Robert was punist for his tyranny, and of kyng Robertis deith. Ca. viii. fo. CC.xxxvi.
- ¶Of kyng Robert the thrid. Of ye deith of Wyllyam Douglas lord of Niddisdale. how the Clannis of Clā kayis and Glenquhattanis faucht at Perth. Ca. ix. fo. CC.xxxvi.
- ¶How kyng Robert maid his son duke of Rothesay, and his brothir duke of Albany. Of gret vassalage done be the erle of Crawfurd. Ca. x. fo. CC.xxxvi.
- ¶How schir Robert Morlo was vincust be Hew Traill▪ how Hary duk of Longcastel conquest y e croun of Ingland, and depriuit kyng Rychard. Ca. xi. fo. CC.xxxvii.
- ¶How the mariage betuix the duk of Rothesay and ye erle of Marchis douchter was dissoluit. Of the trubyll that come thairthrow. Ca. xii. fo. CC.xxxviii.
- ¶How king Hary come in Scotland with gret army. Of the deith of the duke of Rothesay. And how the Scottis war dyscomfist at Nesbet be the erle of Marche. Ca. xiii. fo. CC.xxxviii.
- ¶How the Scottis war discomfist at Homildoun. how Hary hattspur and Thomas Perse his brothir wes slane at Schrewisbery, and the erle of Douglas tane. Ca. xiiii. fo. CC.xxxviii.
- ¶How Iames secound son to king Robert wes tane be Inglismen. Of the tennour of the letteris send with hym. Ca. xv. fo. CC.xxxix.
- ¶Of the gret lamentation maid be king Robert the thrid for the taking of his sonne. and of his deith. Ca. xvi. fo. CC.xl.
- ¶How the vniuersite of sanct Androis tuk begynnyng. How gret virtew and police was brocht in Scotland be kyng Iames the first [...]. How gret skaith fallis in this realme be promotion of vitius prelatis. Ca. xvii. fo. CC.xli.
- ¶How the erlis of Buchquhane & Wigtoun went with gret armyis in support of france, & of y e deith of duk Robert. Ca. xviii. fo. CC.xii.
- ¶How the duke of Clarence was slane with mony othir lordis of Ingland at Bawge. Of y e deith of king Hary and king Charlis. Ca. xix. fo. CC.xlii.
- ¶How ambassatouris war send in Ingland for redemption of Iames y e first. how the franchemen & scottis war discomfist at Uernoll, & of gret vassalage done be y e madyn of frāce. Ca. xx. fo. CC.xliii.
- [Page]¶How Iames the first was redemit. Of his coronation and actis. Ca. primo. fo. CC.xliiii.
- ¶How duke Murdo and his two sonnis war iustifyit be king Iames. how the erle of Cathnes was slane at Inuerlochty, and the erle of Mar vincust. Ca. ii. fo. CC, xlv.
- ¶Of gret Iustice done be kīg Iames the first in al partis of scotland. Of the natiuite of Iames ye secund. Of syndry actis done be the said nobyll prince Iames the first. Ca. iii. fo. CC.xlv.
- ¶How y e bischop of sanct Androis be lang precheing dissuadit the riatus custome of bankettis. Ca. iiii. fo. CC.xlvi.
- ¶Of the sege of Roxburgh. How the king brocht mony craftismen in this realme. How Paule craw was brint, and the charturaris of Perth foundit. Ca. v. fo. CC.xlvi.
- ¶How ye erle of Marche was forfaltit. Of syndry vassalage done be the erle of Mar. And of his gret industry & wisdome. Ca. vi. fo. cc.xlvii.
- ¶How Denmark and Scotland war aggreit of all debaitis. How kyng Iames douchter Margaret was maryit on ye dalphine of frāce. And how the Perse was discomfist be the Douglas at Pyperdene. Ca. vii. fo. CC.xl.vii.
- ¶Of the slauchter of kyng Iames the first. And of the punitioun that was maid thairfore. And of syndry meruellis se [...]e in Albioun. Ca. viii. fo. CC.xlviii.
☞ ¶Heir begynnis the names of all Scottis kyngis, sen thair realme began. Schavv and breuely in quhat buke, chapitoure, and leif, in the story follovving thair lyui [...] and marcyall dedis salbe esaly foundyn ⸫
- FErgus the first kyng of scottis in the first buke. ca. vi. fo. v.
- Ferithais the secund king in the secund buke. ca. ii. fo. xi.
- Maynus the thrid king in the secund buke. ca. iii. fo. xii.
- Doruidilla the fei [...]d king in the secund buke. ca. iiii. fo. xiii.
- Nathak the .v. king in the secund buke. ca. v. fo. xiii.
- Rewtar the .vi. kyng in the secund buke. ca. vi. fo. xiiii.
- Rewtha the .vii. king in the secund buke. ca. x. fo. xvi.
- Therius the .viii. king in the secund buke. ca. xi. fo. xvii.
- Iosyn the .ix. king in the secund buke. ca. xii. fo. xvii.
- Fynuane the .x. king in the secund buke. ca. xiii. fo. xviii.
- Durstus the .xi. king in the secund buke. ca. xiiii. fo. xviii.
- Ewin the first and .xii. king in the secund buke. ca. xv. fo. xix.
- Gyllus the .xiii. king in the secund buke. ca. xvi. fo. xxi.
- Ewin the secund & .xiiii. king in the secund buke. ca. xvii. fo. xxi.
- Edeir the .xv. king in the thrid buke. ca. i. fo. xxiiii.
- Ewin the thrid and .xvi. king in the thrid buke. ca. v. fo. xxvii.
- Metellane the .xvii. king in the thrid buke. ca. vi. fo. xxviii.
- Caratak the .xviii. king in the thrid buke. ca. vii. fo. xxix.
- Corbreid the .xix. king in the feird buke. ca. i. fo. xxxvii.
- Dardannus the .xx. king in the .iiii. buke. ca. vii. fo. xlii.
- Galdus the .xxi. king in the .iiii. buke. ca. viii. fo. xliii.
- Lugtak the .xxii. king in the .v. buke. ca. i. fo. liiii.
- Mogallus the .xxiii. king in the .v. buke. ca. ii. fo. liiii.
- Conarus the .xxiiii. king in the .v. buke. ca. vi. fo. lvii.
- Ethodius the first and .xxv. king in the .v. buke. ca. viii. fo. lviii.
- Satraell the .xxvi. king in the .v. buke. ca. xii. fo. lxi.
- Donald the first and .xxvii. king in the .v. buke. ca. xiii. fo. lxi.
- Ethodius the secund and .xxviii. king in the .v. buke. ca. xvii. fo. lxiiii.
- Athirco the .xxix. king in the .vi. buke. ca. i. fo. lxv.
- Nathalak the .xxx. king in the .vi. buke. ca. ii. fo. lxv.
- Fyndok the .xxxi. king in the .vi. buke. ca. iii. fo. lxvi.
- Donald the secound and .xxxii. king in the .vi. buke. ca. iiii. fo. lxvii.
- Donald the thrid and .xxxiii. king in the .vi. buke. ca. v. fo. lxvii.
- Cra [...]hlynt the .xxxiiii. king in the .vi. buke. ca. vi. fo. lxviii.
- Fyncormak the .xxxv. king in the .vi. buke. ca. x. fo. lxxii.
- Romak the .xxxvi. king in the .vi. buke. ca. xii. fo. lxxiii.
- Angustane the .xxxvii. king in the .xi. buke. ca. xiii. fo. .lxxiiii.
- Fethelmak the .xxxviii. king in the .vi. buke. ca. xiiii. fo. lxxv.
- Eugenius the first and .xxxix. king in the .vi. buke. ca. xvi. fo. lxxvi.
- [Page]Fergus the secund and .xl. kyng in the .vii. buke. ca. v▪ fo. lxx [...]ii.
- Eugenius the secund & .xli. king in the .vii. buke. ca. xii. fo▪ lxxxviii.
- Dongard the .xlii. king in the .viii. buke. ca. iiii. fo. lxxxxv.
- Constantyne the first and .xliii. king in the .viii. buke. ca. vii. fo. lxxxxviii.
- Congallus the .xliiii. king in the .viii. kuke. ca. viii. fo. lxxxxviii.
- Conrannus the .xlv. kyng in the .ix. buke. ca. i. fo. C.x.
- Eugenius the thrid and .xlvi. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xi. fo. C.xvii.
- Conuallus the .xlvii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xiiii. fo. C.xix.
- Kynnatyll the .xlviii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xv. fo. C.xx.
- Adane the .xlix. king in the .ix buke. ca. xv. fo. C.xx.
- Kenneth the first and .l. king in the .ix. kuke. ca. xviii. fo. C.xxiii.
- Eugenius the fourt and .li. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xviii. fo. C.xxiii.
- Ferquhard the first and .lii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xix. fo. C.xxiiii.
- Don [...]uald the .liii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xx. fo. C.xxv.
- Ferquhard the secund and .liiii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxi. fo. C.xxvi.
- Malwyne the .lv. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxii. fo. C.xxvii.
- Eugenius the .v. and .lvi. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxiii. fo. C.xxvii.
- Eugenius the sext and .lvii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxiiii. fo. C.xxviii.
- Amberkeleth the .lviii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxv. fo. C.xxviii.
- Eu [...]nius the .vii. and .lix. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxv. fo. C.xxviii.
- Mordak the .lx. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxvi. fo. C.xxix.
- Ethfine the .lxi. king in the .ix. buke. ca. [...]xvii. fo. C.xxix.
- Eugenius the .viii. and .lxii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxviii. fo. C.xxx.
- Fergus the secund and .lxiii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxix. fo. C.xxx.
- Soluathius the .lxiiii. king in the .ix. buke. ca. xxx. fo. C.xxxi.
- Achaius the .lxv. king in the .x. buke. ca. i. fo. C.xxxi.
- Conuallus the .lxvi. king in the .x. buke. ca. vi. fo. C.xxxvi.
- Dongallus the .lxvii. king in the .x. buke. ca. vii. fo. C.xxxvii.
- Alpyne the .lxviii. king in the .x. buke. ca. viii. fo. C.xxxviii.
- Kenneth the secound and .lxix. king in the .x. buke. ca. ix. fo. C.xxxix.
- Donald the feird and .lxx. king in the .x. buke. ca. xiii. fo. C.xliiii.
- Constantine the secound and .lxxi. king in the .x. buke. ca. xv. fo. C.xlvi.
- Ethus the .lxxii. king in the .x. buke. ca. xviii. fo. C.xlvii.
- Gregoure the .lxxiii. king in the .x. buke. ca. xix. fo. C.xlix.
- Donald the fyft and .lxxiiii. king in the .x. buke. ca. xxii. fo. C.lii.
- Constantyne the thrid and .lxxv. king in the .xi. buke. ca. i. fo. C.liiii.
- Malcolme the first and .lxxvi. king in the .xi. buke. ca. ii. fo. C.lv▪
- Indulphe the .lxxvii. king in the .xi. buke. ca. iii. fo. C.lv.
- Duffus the .lxxviii. king in the .xi. buke. ca. iiii. fo. C.lvi.
- Culyne the .lxxix. king in the .xi. buke. ca. vi. fo. C.lviii.
- Kenneth the thrid and .lxxx. king in the .xi. buke. ca. vii. fo. C.lix.
- Constantyne the feird and .lxxxi. king in the .xi. buke. ca. xi. fo. C.lxiii.
- Grime the .lxxxii. king in the .xi. kuke. ca. xii. fo. C.lxiiii.
- Malcolme the secound and .lxxxiii. king in the .xi. buke, ca. xiiii. fo. C.lxvi.
- Duncane the first and .lxxxiiii. king in the .xii. buke. ca. i. fo. C.lxxi.
- Makbeth the .lxxxv. king in the .xii. buke. ca. iiii. fo. C.lxxiii.
- Malcolme the thrid and .lxxxvi. king in the .xii. buke▪ ca. vii. fo. C.lxxvi.
- [Page]Donald the sext and .lxxxvii. kyng in the .xii. buke. ca. xiii. fo. C.lxxxi.
- Edgar the .lxxxix. king in the .xii. buke. ca. xiii. fo. C.lxxxi.
- Alexander the first and .lxxxx. king in the .xii. buke. ca. xv. fo. C.lxxxiii.
- Dauid the first and .lxxxxi. king in the .xii. buke. ca. xvi. fo. C.lxxxiiii.
- Malcolme the fourt and .lxxxxii. king in the .xiii. kuke. ca. i. fo. C.lxxxvii.
- Wyllyam the .lxxxxiii. kyng in the .xiii. buke. ca. iiii. fo. C.lxxxix.
- Alexander the secound and .lxxxxiiii. king in the .xiii. buke. ca. xi. fo. C.lxxxxv.
- Alexander the thrid & .lxxxxv. king in the .xiii. buke. ca. xvi. fo. C.lxxxxix.
- Iohne Ballyoll the .lxxxxvi. king in the .xiiii. buke. ca. i. fo. CC.iii.
- Robert the first and .lxxxxvii. king in the .xiiii. buke. ca. viii. fo. CC.x.
- Dauid the secound and .lxxxxviii. king in the .xv. kuke. ca. i. to the end thairof.
- Robert the secound and .lxxxxix. king in the .xvi. buke. ca. i. fo. CC.xxxi.
- Robert the thrid and .C. king in the .xvi. buke. ca. ix. fo. CC.xxxvi.
- Iames the first and .C.i. king in the .xvii. buke. ca. i. to the end thairof.
- ¶Iames the secound son to Iames the first was the .C.ii. king of scottis. He had gret trubyll certane ȝeris in the begynnyng of his regne be conspiratioun of his principall baronis aganis hym. Bot at last he dantit thaym all. And efter that he had rong .xxiiii. ȝeris, and brocht all his subdittis to gret trāquillite and peace, he was slane at Roxburgh be sklice of ane gun that brak be ouirchargeing. The .xvii. day of August, the ȝeir of god .i.M.iiii.C.lx. & for certane reasonable causis mouing ws we haue left the history vnwrittin baith of Iames, the secund, thrid, and feird, quhill tyme mair ganand occur.
- ¶Iames the thrid son to Iames the secound wes y • .C.iii. king richt different fra y • chance and fortoun of his fader in gouernance of his realme. For he began with gret tranquillite, with peace and Iustice. Bot at last be conspiration of the maist part of his baronis aganis hym. He was slane y e .xi. day of Iuny. The ȝeir of god .i.M.iiii.C.lxxxviii.
- ¶Iames y e fourt son to Iames y e thrid was ye .C.iiii. king & had his realme mony ȝeris in gret tranquillite be equall ministration of Iustice throw al partis of his realme. All theift, reif, and slauchter dantit be his seuerane Iustice. Quhil at last fortoun began to Inuy his gret felicite, and causit hym to moue weir aganis Ingland for y e action allanerly of france, y t he micht be his battal draw the king of Ingland out of france, quhilk was inuadyng it for the tyme with maist awfull & dāgerous weris, and come to the bordouris with ane hundreth thousand armit men. And efter y t he had won the castell of Norame with mony othir strenthis of y e bordourꝭ of Ingland he abaid .xx. dayis but ony battall, quhill the two part of his army war skalit fra hym. At last ruscheand ouir feirsly on his ennymes but ordour was slane at Floddon with mony of all his nobyllis the .ix. day of September, the .xxv. ȝeir of his regne. The ȝeir of god ane .M.v.C.xiii.
- ¶Iames the fift is the .C.v. king of scottis regnand now with gret felicite & honour aboue ws, ye maist noble and vailȝeand prince yat euir rang afore his tyme. Quhom god conserue and grant him grace to perseuere in Iustice, with lang empire and gud successioun of his body. Amen.
☞¶The translatoure sayis to his buke,
☞ Heir efter followis the history and croniklis of Scotland compilit and newly correckit be the reuerend and noble clerke maister Hector Boece channon of Aberdene▪ Translatit laitly be maister Iohne Bellenden Archedene of Murray, channon of Ros. At the command of the richt hie, riche excellent, and noble prince Iames the .v. of that name king of Scottis. And imprentit in Edinburgh be Thomas Dauidson dwellyng fornens the f [...]ere wynd.
¶Heir beginnis the first buke of the croniklis of Scotland,
¶Hovv Gathelus our first ꝓ genitour left the land of Grece, and come in Egipt, & mary it Scota dochter to king Pharo, and of his cumyng to Spanȝe. Capitulo. Primo.
EFter the maner of othir pepyl y e Scottis desyrand to schaw thair beginning richt anciant schawis thame be this present historie discendi [...] of the Grekis & Egiptianis. For as auld croniclis beris, thair wes ane Greik namyt Gathelus sonne of Cec [...]o [...]s kyng of Athenes, otherwayis sonne of Argus kyng of Argiues. Gathelus be his insolence maid mony heirschippis in Macedone and Achaia / quhilkis war certane landis of Grece. And becaus he couth not suffer y e correctioun of freindis, he left his natiue cuntre of Grece & come in Egipt with ane cumpany of siclik ȝoung men fugitiuis as he wes fra thair cuntre. In this tyme rang in Egipt Pharo the scurge of the pepyl of Israel: quhais son follow and his faderis iniquite wes drownit eftir w t all his army in y e reid seis be punitioun of god. Gathelus wes the more plesandly resauit in Egipt that he appecit be his cumpany to support kyng Pharo aganis ye moris and pepyll of [...]nd, quhilkis be vnprouisit and haisty incursionis wastit all the landis and townis of Egipt to Memphis the principall ciete of his realme, thus had Pharo sene ane miserabyll rewyne of all his realme war nocht he changit the gouernance of the empyre of Epipt be industry of Moyses, to quhome be command of god the army of Pharo wes cōmittit. Pharo be supple of Gathelus wan ane maist dangerus battall agane the moris, and brocht thame to sa hie rewyne, that he tuk thair principall ciete callit Meroy. Gathelus [...]ftir this happy victory returnit in Egipt, and becaus he wes ane lusty persone strang of body, with greit spreit, he conquest baith the fauour of ye kyng and his familiaris. This plesand victory generit mair inuy thā glore to Moyses. For the Egiptianis hatit all the blud of Israell, and thairfore Moyses knawing the hatrent of Egyptiants persewyng hym ylk day to the deith fled out [...] Egipt in Ynde to saif his lyfe. Gathelus for his victorius and vailȝeand dedis wes maid generall lieutenand to all kyng Pharois army. And becaus he wes ane lusty ꝑson, semely, & of the blud riall of Grece, with prudent ingyne, he gat kyng Pharois dochter namyt Scota in mariage, with part of thay landis in heritage, quhilk laitlie war tane be force of battall fra the pepyll of Israel. For thir causis ye Grekis began to reios, seand thair capitane in sic familiarite with the prince traistyng thairthrow sumtyme to haue ane sicker dwellyng place in Egipt. Schort ȝeris eftir Pharo deceissit, eftir quhome succedit to the croun of Egipt his sonne Bochoris Pharo, [Page] quhilk opprest the pepyll of Israell with mair seruitude and tyrā ny than dyd his fader, apperit thus na esperance of liberte to the said pepill quhill Moyses returnit furth of Ynd in Egipt to schaw the cōmand of god to this Bochoris Pharo for delyuering of the said pepyll out of seruitude, Eftir this Egipt wes punist with vncouth plagis, becaus thay held the prophecy of Moyses in de [...]isioun. Thus war the Egiptianis sa astonist, that thay inquirit thair goddis of remeid. Be quhome wes ansuerit, the present plagis (quhilkis rang amang thame for y e [...]yme) war na thyng in respect of the terrible and greuous plagis quhilkis war appeirand to cum haistely on thame. Gathelus astonist be this respon [...], and seand the pepyll presently tormentit with sorrowful plagis▪ tuk ferme purpos to leif Egipt, and [...]rar to assailȝe the chance of fortoun for sum vthir dwellyng, thā to abide y e manifest vengeance of goddis. And thairfore maid prouisioun of all thingis necessar to saling, and come out of the mouth of Nyle with his wyfe, his frendis, and seruandis Grekis & Egiptianis for feir of the said plagis, the ȝeir fra the begynnyng of the warld .iii.M.vi.C.xliii. eftir mekyll wylsum trauell be the seeis mediterane, he arriuit in the land of Numide, quhare he w [...]s stoppit be the inhabitantis to land. Eftir this he pullit vp salis, and be lang and paneful trauell he arriuit in ane part of Spanȝe callit thā Lusican, quhylk wes eftir be his arryuyng thair callit Portyngall, that is to say the port of Gathele. Quhay may surely affirme ane mater of sa greit antiquite? Gathelus sowpit be lang trauell and hauand na thyng to refresche his cumpany landit his folkis to seik vittallis and vthir necessaris to cumfort thayme eftir thair wery labour. In the meyne tyme ye inhabitantis of that regioun gaderit aganis hym with arrayit battal, nochttheles thay war discumfist and put to flycht. Throw this vyctory Gathelus and his folkis grew in esperance of gud fortoun, traisting eftir sa lang and wylsum trauel to put end to thair labouris and haue ane stabyll and permanent abydyng in the said regioun. Eftir this victory the inhabitantis maid ane band of peace with Gathelus, and assygnit to hym certane lādis quhair he suld haue his dwelling ī tymes cuming. S [...]chort time eftir he bigg [...]t ane toun [...]pon the reuair of Munde, quhylk wes callit that tyme Brathare▪ bot now it is callit Bersale. Nochttheles the inhabitantis dredand that thir new pepyll of oncouth blud suld incres haistely in riches and strenth beside thame wes penitent of the contract be thame maid. And thairfor be assistāce of thair nychbouris arrayit thame in battall aganis Gathelus. and first send certane armit men to interrup thair biggynnis, syne maid thame [...]elf reddy to cum in the staill. Gathelus weill aduertist that this battel mouit aganis hym micht suffer na delay, arrayit his folkis to meit his ennymes, exhortyng thame to do vailȝeantly for thair liuis and honour and to haue sicker esperance of victory sen the battell wes to be led be thame (quhylkis war victorius) aganis thair vincust ennymes quh [...]lkis had na exercition nor knawlaige of cheualry. The inhabitantis seand thir strangearis cum in batell with mychty curage & spreit in ane oncouth cuntray, dred gyf thay war [Page ii] vincust in the said battell, thay suld be brocht to perpetuall seruytude. And thairfor desirit Gathelus to ane cōmonyng. In the quhilk thay gaif to hym be new appointment certane landis in the north part of Spanȝe callit now Galicia. For thay had in ꝓphecy ane strange pepyll suld cum sumtyme to dwell in thay boundis, and cōmandit hym to pas with his pepyll in the sayd partis quhylkis suld be brukit be hym but ony impedimentis in tymes cumyng. And ꝓmyttit (gif ony pepyll hapnit to inuade hym) to assist to his support.
¶Hovv Gathelus beildit the ciete of Brygance & namit all his pepyll Scottis. Hovv he send his tvvo sonnis in Ireland. And of his decels. Ca. ii.
THe band roborat in maner forsayd, Gathelus maid sacrifice (as the vse wes in thay dayis) to his goddis. Syne past to the north partis of Spanȝe, & thair with amite confiderit with the inhabitantis thairof beildit ane toun callit Compostella. Quhair he resident in princely dignite maid lawis to caus his subdittis to lif togidder ī iustice. Efter this he callit all his pepyll Sco [...]tis for affectioun that he had to his wife callit Scota, on quhome he gat two sonnis Hiber and Hemecus. The Spanȝeartis na thyng reiosyng of the brudy spreding of Scottis dred the samyn sumtyme to ryse to thair displesour. Thus tuke thay ferme purpos to bring the Scottis to vter distructiō. Gathelus knawyng weil thair ordinance, brocht furth his pepyl arrayit in battel. Than followit ane richt dangerus & doutsum battell, Bot at last the vyctory succedi [...] to Scottis. nane of thir parteis war glaid of the chance that fell be this battell. For the maist forcy & vailȝeāt capitanis war slane on athir side. Thus war thay cōstranit on ilk side to seik peace, quhilk wes fynalie tre [...]tit vnder thir cōditionis. Baith thir pepyll ī tymes cumyng sal ceis thair weris, and euery ane of thame sall lyfe on thair awin lawis, and reios ye samyn landis but impedimentis, quhylk thay possedit afore this last battel but ony further persecutioun. Throw quhilk it hapnit ane certane of thair pepyll be proces of tyme to be send efter ī Ireland. Sicker peace thus standyng amang the two pepyll, Gathelus sittand in his chiar of merbyll within his ciete of Brygance gouernit his pepyll in iustice▪ This chiar of merbyl had sic weird, y t it maid euery land (quhair it wes found) natiue to Scottis, as thir versis schawis.
THrow quhilk hapnit that the said chiar of merbyll wes eftir brocht out of Spanȝe in Ireland, and out of Ireland ī thay partis of Albion, quhilkis wer callit efter Scotland. In this chiar all kingis of Scotland war ay crownit, quhil y e tyme of kyng Robert Bruse. ☞¶In quhais tyme besyde mony othir cruelteis done be kyng Edward lang schankis the sayd chiar of merbyll wes taikin be Inglismen and brocht out of Scone to London [Page] and put in to Westmonistar quhare it remanis to our dayis ☜ Gathelꝰ s [...]and his pepyl incres in Brygāce with mair multitude than mycht be sufficiently nurist, thocht mair expedient to bryng his pepil to sum othir part, quhair thay mycht be esely sustenit, than to violat his bād of faith. And thairfore be counsal of prudent men he send exploratouris to spy gif ony landis war within the Occeane see, to quhilkis he mycht bryng ane part of his pepill. For the fame was fornens Spanȝe to y e north wes ane Ile inhabit w t rude pepill, hauand na lawis nor maneris. Sic thingis knawing to Gathelus, he brocht all the schippis he mycht get to the nixt port, ī quhylkis he put baith his sonnis Hiber and Hemecus, with marinaris w [...]rmen and othir thingis ne [...]essare thairto. And cōmandit Hiber (as admyrall) to pas to the said Ile, quhylk is now callit Irland. Thir two sonnis of Gathelus pullit vp salis, and with fortunat wyndis arriuit the fift day efter in the said Ile. And efter that thay had landit thair folkis, thay affixit thair tentis on y e nixt strēthis. The rude pepyl of this Ile astonist be cumyng of thir weirmen, fled with thair bestial & guddis to thair cau [...]nis. Hiber efter his cumyng send certane armyt men to se quhat pepyll inhabit this Ile. The weirmen (quhilkis war send for this effect) hapnit to cum apon the sayd pepyll, fleand (as said is) with thair guddis. And be auenture ane part of thaym slew, and otheris brocht as prisoneris to thair admyrall. Hiber knawing be syndry signis the land plentuous, commandit (gif the pepil wald be plesandly subdewit, that na forthir inuasion be maid on thaym. The pepyl seand hym mercyfull, cā drit thair self and thair guddis, and he ressauit thaym with sic beniuolence, that he sufferit thame to incres with his pepyl vnder ane name and lawis, & left his broder to gouerne thaym be his autorite and Iustice. Sic thyngis done he maid sacrifice in the honour of his goddis to send felicite to his pepyll. Syne returnit in Spanȝe, leuand behind hym ane strang garison with wiffis and barnis to inhabit this land, and to keip the same vnder obeysance of his brother Hemecus. Hyber at his returnyng in Spanȝe fand his fader Gathelus deccissit. Efter quhais deith he wes maid kyng, and began to eik the boundis of his empire, and wan sindry townis fra the Spanȝeartis, hauand with hym at all tymis ane strang gard of men. Be quhais pissance and cheualry he dantit the pepyll on sic maner, that he wes haldyn in gret estimatioun & reuerence amang the sayd pepyll. Thus war thay constranit to seik his peace. Efter this last band of peace y e Scottis grew in Spanȝe, quhylk wes namit than Hiberia fra Hiber with sic amyte that baith the pepyll grew vnder ane name and blude, with sic tender & freindly beneuolence y • but ony memoree of auld iniuris, ilk man set hym to defend his nichbour as his brothir or fader baith in weir & peace. Of this Hiber discendit be lang progressioun ane gret posterite efter hym lynealy succedīg. Amāg quhom wer mony nobyll and famous princis, as Metellius, Hermoneus, Ptolomeus, Hibertus, & Symon Brek.
☞ Hovv Hemecus gouernit Irland. And hovv Symon Brekvves maid king efter his deith, Ca. iii.
[Page iii] QUhill sic thyngꝭ war done in Spanȝe, Hemecus (quhilk wes left as said is be his brothir Hiber in Irelād) gouernit y e same in gret felicite, and namit the samin Hibernia fra Hiber, quhilk is callit in our langage Ireland. This Ile wes inhabit in thay dayis be two pepill, the Scottis & the auld inhabitantis of it, quhilkis war gottin (as sum auctouris sayis) be gyandis. Hemecus gouernyt baith thir pepill in gret Iustice, hauand na les respect to the seissoun as the tyme occurrit than to the maneris of the pepill vnder his obeysance, knawyng weil nathyng mycht bryng the pepill sonar vnder ane freindschip and band, yan sic doyngis. And ȝit he mycht neuir bryng thaym to that effect. Schort tyme eftir Hemecus deceissit. Eftir quhais deth rais ane odious debait quha suld be gouernour, euery natioun contendyng to haue the lord of thair awin blude. Quhill at the last thay creat two gouernouris. Betuix quhom rais continuall battall and slauchtir on athir syde, throw ambitioun & byrnand desyre to be gouernour of the sayd Ile. Efter lang battallis thir two pepyl brokyn w t syndry displesourꝭ war cōstranyt to tak peace, howbeit the same schort tyme indurit, ilk ane of thaym persewyng othir with battal. And ȝit thay dwelt mony ȝeris togiddir be interchange of weir & peace. Quhill at last y • scottis brokyn ylk day with mair iniuris send thair ābassatouris to Metelliꝰ, quhilk wes y e tyme regnand aboue the Scottis in Spanȝe, desiryng be thair lamētabill regrait to haue support aganis ye auld inhabitantis of Ireland. And schawand thaym ane wyld pepill impacient to suffir oncouth empire aboue thame. Throw quhilk y e scottis mycht haue na tranquilite, without the said pepill wer mair haistelie dantit▪ the message of scotis was y e mair acceptabili to Metellius, y t it concernit y e cōmoun weil baith of the scottis of Spanȝe & Ireland, discending be lang progression of a lynage & blud. King Metellius nocht refusit thayr desyris, traistyng the samyn to succeid na les to the honour and glore of hym self, than to y e proffet of his freindis. And thairfore send his thre sonnis Hermoneꝰ Ptolomeus and Hibert, with ane army of vailȝeant men in Ireland, quhair thay with richt dangerus battal vincust the auld inhabitantis of the said Ile. Sic thyngis done in Ireland, Hermoneus the eldest brodir returnit in Spanȝe, leuand behynd hym his two brethir Ptolomeꝰ & Hibert quhilkis gouernit the pepill of that lād mony ȝeris eftir in gret tranquillite and Iustice. And maid lawis efferyng to the ryte of thay dayis, and instrukkit the preistis to mak sens & sacrifice to the goddis on y e same maner as the Egiptianis vsit. Thus incressit the pepill mony ȝeris eftir in gret felicite & riches. Bot as the nature of men is, ouir greit prosperite engeneris euil maneris, and causis men to wirk frequent displesourꝭ on thaym self, quhē thay fynd na ennimes to inuaid thaym at hame. Thir pepil eftir lang peace war deuidit in two opinionis cōtendyng for the gouernance & administratioun of this realme. Thir two partis had all vterlie distroit othir, war not thay war reconseld togiddir be ane nobill man namyt Thanaus, principal man vnder the kyng, quhilk wes send afore as ambassatour to the said Ile, reiosyng [Page] of the felicite succedyng to his frendis, to caus thaym be his prudēt consultation to incres togidder vnder a mynd. This Thanaus be his honest behauyngis was hal [...]yn amang thaym of gret prudence, hauand bot newtrall affection to baith the partyis, and persuadit thaym at thair conuentioun to remoue all cō tentionis risyng amang thaym, and to cheis ane (quhō thay thocht maist expedient) to be thair kyng, and be obeysant to hym in all thair gouernance. For na thing micht be ī erd sa gud as ane gud kyng. Throw this persuasioun y e pepyll tuk sic feruent desyre to haue ane kyng, that all iniuris beand reparit, thay cōmandit Thanaꝰ to [...]heis hym kyng, quhom he thocht maist expedient. Thā said Thanaus, I knaw ȝour myndis sa deuidit in syndry factionis, that na man (that is participant thairwith) may be esaly ȝour kyng. And senȝour myndis is to haue ane newtral person to regne aboue ȝow, thair is now in Spanȝe ane nobyll man of gret seuerite and Iustice namit Symon Brek, weill accustomit w t ȝour lawis, and lynealy cumyng of Metellius ȝour ancient progenitour, quhais sonnis sumtyme nocht only supportit ȝow (quhan maist danger occurrit) bot gouernit ȝow mony ȝeris efter in gret tranquillite & Iustice, quhais posterite ȝit remanis amang ȝow ī maist honouris. I think this Symon maist abyll to be ȝour kyng. The partyis herand the name of Symon Brek war glad to haue hym kyng, becaus y e name wes haldyn richt fortunat in thay dayis. ¶And but ony lang tary thay send thair ambassatouris in Spanȝe to caus this Symō to cum in Ireland to ressaue the crown thairo [...]. Symō knawing be degest auysement the entent of thir ambassatouris prouydit ane flote of schippis, and finaly be ꝓsper windis arriuit in Ireland, quhair he wes solemply ressauit▪ & crownit in y e chiar of merbyll, quhilk wes brocht out of Spanȝe as maist riche iowell in thay dayis. Symon wes the first kyng that rang abou [...] the Scottis in Ireland, fra the begynnyng of the warld, iiii.M.v.C. and .iiii. ȝeris, Fra the flude of Noy .ii.M.CC. and .viii. Fra the begynnyng of Rome .lx. ȝeris. Fra the empire of Brutus in Albion .CCCC.lxxii. ȝeris. Before the incarnatioun of god .vi.C.lxxxxv. ȝeris. This Symon gouernit Ireland in gret ꝓsperite be counsel namely of Thanaus, to quhome he gaif syndry landis lyand in the south partis of Ireland, beside the ryuere of Birsus, quhilkis landis ar now callit Dowdale, quhair the said Thanaus dwelt efter with the pepyll y • he brocht with hym out of Brigance, the famous ciete of Spanȝe. Thir pepyll war callit Brigandis, of quhome efter be proces of tyme discendit mony nobyll and vailȝeant men, quhilkis come efter with Fergus y e first kyng of Scottis in Albioun. Be quhome all thay landis of Scotland (quhilkis ar now callit Galloway) wes callit Brygance, quhais inhabitantis war fundin ay full of manheid, and strangest ennymes to Romanis and Brytonis, as we fall efter heir. This Symon gouernit Ireland in gud felicite, and deceissit the fourty ȝeir of his regne▪
¶Of the gret Posterite of Scottis regnand in Ireland efter Symon Brek. Of the first cumyng of Scottis and Pichtis in Albion, and hovv the Pichtis vvar alliat vvith the Scottis. Ca. iiii.
SYmon deceissit (as said is) his sonne Fanduf wes maid kyng. Efter hym succedit Ethione. Efter Ethione succedit Glaucꝰ. Efter Glaucus succedit Nathasyll. Efter Nathasyll succedit Rothesay. This Rothesay wes the first kyng that send ony Scottis in the Ilis of Albion. The first Ile that he inhabit he callit it Rothesay fra his name. The remanent Ilis wer callit Hebredes fra Hiber the eldest sonne of Gathelus. This Rothesay herand the deth of his fader Nathasyll returnit in Ireland, quhair he be generall vocis of the pepyll wes maid kyng. The ȝeir that Scottis wer brocht out of Ireland in Albion was fra y e empire of Symon Brek in Ireland CC.xvi. ȝeris. Fra the begynnyng of the warld, iiii.M.vi.C.xvii. ȝeris. The scottis cumyng out of Ireland in this maner spred ī syndry Ilis of Albiō lyand to y e gret north thairof, & deuidit thaym ī syndry tribis. The first Ile that thay tuk possessyoun of (as the croniklis schawis) wes nami [...] Ardgaell, fra Gathelus quhylk now be corruptioun of langaige is callit Ardgile. The Scottis deuidit be this maner in syndry tribis chesit certane capitanis to euery tribe to gouerne thaym baith ī tyme of weir and peace, hauand the name of thair capitane in sic reuerence, that quhasa euir tuke the samyn in vane war na les punist than thay had manesworne thair goddis. Attour that thay maid inuocation thairto (quhē maist trubyll occurrit) as sum diuinite war in the samyn to preserue thaym fra all danger. This consuetude perseuerit mony ȝeris efter in the Ilis. Nocht lang efter a banist pepyll namit Pichtis come furth of Denmark to serche ane dwellyng place. And efter y t thay war īhibit to land baith in France, Brytane & Ireland, thay landit ī Albion. Sum authouris sayis thay come first ī Orknay. & sone efter in Cathnes, Ros, Murray, Mernis, Angus, Fiffe, & Louthiane, and expellit all y e pepyll, that inhabit that region afore thair cumyng. Thir pepyll war callit Pichtis, outhir for thayr semely personis, or ellis for the variant colour of thair clethyng, or ellis thay war namit Pychtis fra the Pychtis namit Agathirsanis thair anciant faderis. In probation heirof Orknay wes callit the auld realme of Pichtis. Siclike the seeis betuix Cathnes & Orknay war namit Pentland fi [...]h. And all the landis (quhilkis ar now callit Louthiane) war callit thā Pētland. Sum authouris sayis thir Pichtis wer y e residew of Hunn [...]s banist be Flemyngis, and come first in Britane to seik ane dwelling, quhair thay be sorrowfull battall lost Humber thair king, be Lot [...]yne and Camber sonnis of Brutus, quhilk began y e empire of Britane. This opinion is plesant, war nocht y e dait of ȝeris is descordant to y e history. For Brutus and his sonnis war mony ȝeris afore thair cumyng in Albion, Of thir Pichtis wrytis mony auld and recent authouris, to quhom applaudis Cornelius Tacitus in the lyfe of the Romane Agricola, quhare he namis y e Scottis cumyng of Spanȝeartis, [Page] and the pichtis of Almanis. of quhat sum euer natioun thay ben discendit, treuth is, efter thair cumyng in Albion, thay war ane ciuill pepyl, richt ingenious & crafty baith in weir and peace. Sone efter thair cumyng in Albion, quhilk wes fra the begynnyng of the warld .iiii.M.viii.C.lxvii. ȝeris, they creat ane kīg to gouerne thaym in Iustice, and began to maik policy in byggyng of munitionis, townis, and castellis. And becaus thay knew al pepyl but successioun abyll to perische, thay send thair ambassatouris to y e Scottis desyring to haue thair dochteris in mariage. And schew (thocht thay war of oncouth blude) thay suld nocht be vilependit, sen thay with na les prudence thā manheid hes ouirset incredibill dangeris baith be see and land. And now laitly conquest throw beneuolence of the goddis richt plentuous landis with sic peace and tranquillite, that nane othir pepyll may clame thaym be reason. Confiding surely (gif y e goddis support thaym) be thair awin industry to be equall to ony thair nychtbouris baith in peace and weir. Forthir gif the Scottis cōdiscendit to thair honorabyll desyris, it mycht fall the two pepyl incres togidder sa strang vnder ane blude, that thay mycht y e better resyst the fury of ennymes, quhen euir it hapnit thaym to be inuadit. This legatioun wes vnplesand for the first tyme to Scottis, think and vnworthy to haue ony societe or mariage with ane vncouth and banist pepyll. Ȝit be degest auisement thay fand thair cōmoun weil wes nocht risyng to sic pyssance, y t thay mycht resist y e Britonis, quhilkis hatit thaym sen thair first begynnyng. Heirfor to augment thair cō moun weill, and to maik thaym the more strāg aganis y e Britonis, thay wer profoundly resoluit to haue aliance with y e Pichtis, and to gif thair dochteris in mariage vndir thir condicionis, ylk ane of thaym sall reiose ī tyme cumyng al thay landis quhilkis thay reiosit afore the mariage. And to concurre togidder with thair hale pyssance, als oft as thay war inuadit be ennymes. He that maid offence to ony ane of thaym sall be reput as ennymy to thaym baith, & als oft as the croun of Pichtis come in pley, the king to be chosyn of the nerrest of the womānis blude. Thir conditionis plesand in all sydis, the scottis gaif thair douchteris in mariage to the Pychtis.
¶Hovv the Britonis be thair quent slichtis dissoluit the band of allyance betuix the scottis and Pichtis. Of the trubyll that fell thairthrovv. Ca. v.
THe Britonis tuk na lytyl suspitioun of this mariage, dredand gif thir two pepyll incressit togiddir vnder ane blude to be sa strang in schort tyme, that nothir micht the said Britonis for the tyme present, nor thair posterite be sufficient to resyst the pyssance of thir two pepyll. And thairfor tuke purpos to distroy thaym baith. And to inuade thaym erar with fraudefull slychtis thā ony force of battal. And to bring thair purpos to effect, thay deuysyt to [...]ais sic seditioun betuix thir two pepyll, that ylkane of thaym sall inuade othir with battall. And fra that ane war cleirly distroyit, this othir brokyn with y e same wetris micht be the more facyl pray to thaym, ¶Ȝit to couir thair slychtis more [Page v] secretly, thay supersedit thair intention for thre ȝeris, to auyse gif ꝓces of tyme mycht gif ony better occasioun to moue battall. The same tyme be affinite afore contrackit, the Pichtis multiplyit with ane brudy successioun, quhairthrow the two pepyl grew in equal beneuolence, The Pichtis geuand thair industry to polecy and labour of thair handis, and settand thair ingyne to beilde municiounis and townis for defence and agmentation of thair cōmoun weil. The Scottis exerceyng thaym in craft of hunting, halkyng, and nurising of thair bestiall, hauād na othir riches bot it only that grew be thair store, and war dayly clothit in haberione of mailȝe with bow & arrowis in ythand exercition, als reddy at all tymes to defend thair lyuis, landis and liberteis, as thair ennymes war to inuaid thaym in set battal. In the menetyme the Brytonis send thair ambassatouris to y e Pichtis, hauand gret wounder quhy thay preferrit y e Scottis to thaym, sen thay war ane pepyl full of riches & glore. Quhais famous cheualry wes knawin in France, Almany, and othir syndry regionis be seeis and landis. hauand ane riche realme repleit of all mynis of mettall, sa plentuous of euery frutis necessar to the vse of man, y t thay mycht do hie pleseir to thair nychtbouris als weill in weir as peace.
Be contrar the Scottis war ane ondantit pepyll, hauand rude and wyld maneris but ony humanite, cō fydyng mair in thair fuliche audacite, than ony proues or vertew, and dwelling amang strait and barrant montanis, and reiosyng in na thyng sa mekyll as in murdir of men and beistis. Attour thay had be prophecy, that the Pichtis suld be extermynat and vterly distroyit be Scottis without thay socht the more haisty remeid. For thir causis desirit thaim to mak ane new band of confideracioun with Britonis, to that fyne, y e Scottis may be outhir expellit out of Albion, or ellis brocht to vter distruction. Be quhilkis doingis thay mycht haue incredibill commodite, reiosyng baith thair realmes but ony feir in tymes cumyng. And to gif thaym the more prouocatioun to attempt this besynes, thay ꝓmyttit to support thaym with men, money, and vitallis at thair pleseir. This message had the more credit, that the Pichtis had afore ane vehemēt suspitioun, that the brudy spredyng of Scottis suld sumtyme fall to hie dā mage of thair posterite. Als nathing mycht haue causyt thaym mair to moue battall aganis the Scottis, than the responsis of thair goddis concurrand to thair awin suspition. At last the Pichtis be lang consultatioun answerit, thay contrackit affinite with the Scottis mair of necessyte than ony hartly frendschyp, quhais corruppit maneris war richt vnplesand to thaym. Nochttheles sic oportunite may cum be proces of tyme, that thay mycht haue sufficiēt occasyon to moue weir aganis the Scottis as thay desyrit. For na thīg mycht be sa acceptabyll to thaym as the amyte and fallowschip of Brytonis. Prouydyng alwayis the said Britonis maid thaym sufficient help (quhen tyme requirit) aganis the Scottis, Sic besynes done (as occurrit for that tyme) the ambassatouris war dispeschit. Schort tyme eftir the Pichtis seikand oc [...]asyoun to moue battall aganis the Scottis, cōmandit be general edict na Scottis to be found within ony townis [Page] or lādis of Pichtis efter ane prefixit day vnder pane of deth. The Pichtis (efter y t this day wes ouir past) slew all Scottis that war found within thair townis, munitionis & roumes, as brekaris of thair lawis. The Scottis richt vnpacient to sustene sa hie iniuris, ceissit not quhill thay had slane als mony of the Pichtis, as wer afore slane of Scottis. Incontinent be haisty trubil risyng in this maner wes sa lamētable murdir on athir syde, y t ylkane of thame slew othir at thair recountering, regarding nothir affinite, blude, tyme nor place,
¶Hovv the Pichtis and Scottis maid thair ordinance to inuade othir be battell. Hovv Ferquhard kyng of Irland send his sonne Fergus vvith ane army in support of Scottis aganis the Pichtis, and hovv the said Fergus vves maid kyng. Ca. vi.
IN this maner y e peace dissoluit, the Pichtis denuncit battall to Scottis. Efter quhilk followit con [...]inual īcursionis on athir syde. Attour that euery thyng suld be done erar be consultatioun than be inmoderat hatrent, the Pichtis prouidit al thingis necessar for battell, ī quhat wise, & be quhat capitanis it suld be led. quhidder thay suld abide y e cumyng of thair enymes, or inuade thame within thair awin rowmis. The same tyme the Scottis cōuenit in Argyle, quhair the capitanes war deuidit in sindry opinionis concerning this battell. Sum accusyng the tresonable slichtis of Pichtis desyrit to pas on thame haistely, as wrangus and manesworne pepyll, brekaris of thair fayth, quhais iniure wes sa importabyll, it micht suffer na delay. Otheris thocht expedient (sen y e mater wes wechty) to inuade thair ennymes with hyd slychtis & gud ordour. In the mene tyme rais vp ane agit man, and sayd in this maner. I knaw weill (my hartly frendis) this iniure of Pichtis is sa intollerabyll & odius, that we suld rusche haistely to harnes to reuenge y e same▪ Nochttheles all besynes bene weill done, y t procedis be gud auisement, & sen Ireaualis nocht but strenth, knaw weill this battell (that ȝe intende to moue) sall be na les aganis the Brytonis than pichtis. Howbeit ȝe haue nocht that craft of cheuelry nor pissance to resist thame baith. For thir causis I thinke na besines sa profitable, as to send ambassatouris to our aunciant progenitouris of Ireland to haue thair support in this maist dāgerus cais. Forther sen pluralite of capitanis (as oft occurris) rasis seditioun, best is to chese ane amāg ws to haue empire aboue the laif. Under quhais coūsel we sall fecht for our lyuis & liberteis aganis ane fals & manesworne pepyl, quhilk hes inuadit ws but ony occasyoun of iniuris. This last opinioun wes maist apprisit. The Scottis sone efter send thair ambassatouris in Ireland, complenand y e wickit offence done be Pichtis, and desiring support. Ferquhard (quhilk wes that tyme kyng of Scottis in Ireland) sore mouit for displesure done to his frendis the Scottis in Albion, send his sonne Fergus, ane wyse & vailȝeant prince to thair support, and to gyue thame the more esperance of permanent & sonse weird, he send with thame the fatale chiar of marbyll. Fergus wes the more [Page vi] plesandly ressauit be the Scottis, y t thair cōmoun weil wes approchand to hie dāgear be ane maist perellus battall. Efter his cumyng ane counsell wes set in Argyle, in the quhylk Fergus said in this wyse. Maist vailȝeant pepyll ȝe se ane cumpany of nobyll men (as ȝe desyrit) cumyng in this ȝour regioun to resyst the fury of ennymes. The faderis ar sa reuthfull to thair chyldrin, that nane offēce may be done to thair said childrin, bot the same returnis to thair dishonour and schame. We ar dettit to ȝou as faderis to thair chyldrin, schaw ȝou thairfor oure chyldrin as we sall schaw ws ȝour faderis. Lat ane iniure be commoun to ws baith, sen we ar coniunit togydder, in blud & amyte. That glore & honour may redound to ws & proffyte vnto ȝow. Ȝit ane thyng bene necessar to auyse quhidder y e empire of ane or of mony be mair proffitabill for ȝour cōmoun weill. And quhilk of thame ȝe think maist proffitabill, sall be plesand to ws, sen we be fauoure and beneuolence of goddis ar happely arriuit in ȝour regioun. And cumyng only for ȝour syngulare weill and support. The counsel (efter this orison of Fergus) thocht pluralyte of capitanis vnproffitabill, and thairfor be degest consultatioun condiscendit to be gouernit be empire of ane kyng, & this kyng to haue empire on thame als weill in peace as in euery trubyl appering aganis thair ennymes. Attour to remoue all suspitioun of hatrent (becaus ylk tribe desyryt ane kyng of thair awin lynnage) thay chesit Fergus baith for his nobyll blude and othir his excellent virtuous to be thair kyng. Attour he wes sa prouyn in manheid & iustice, that na capitane of the tribis mycht be comparit to hym. Fergus chosyn kyng in this maner wes crownit in the fatale chiar of merbyl, quhilk he brocht with hym be respons of goddis to stabyll his realme in Albion. And wes y e first kyng y • rang aboue the Scottis in y e regioun, fra the begynnyng of y e warld .iiii.M.viii.C.lxix. ȝeris. Afore the incarnatioun of god .CCC.xxx. ȝeris. Fra the begynnyng of Rome .CCCC.xx. Fra the impire of Brutis in Brytane, viii.C.xxxvii. ȝeris.
¶Hovv kyng Fergus come vvith gret ordinance aganis the Pichtis. Hovv y [...] dessait of Britonis vves discouerit baith to Scottis and Pichtis. And of the ori [...]on maid be Fergus to the kyng of Pichtis, Ca, vii.
THe Scottis rysyng on this maner (as we haue schawin) in Albioun, kyng Fergus gaue his hole mynd & attendance to resyst the iniure of this battall mouit be the Pichtis. And efter that he had callit al the capitanis afore hym, he cōmandit euery ane of thame to be reddy to pas with hym w t careage hors of fourty dayis vitallis. And becaus he knew na thyng mair odius than seditioun amang weirmē, he maid afald concord amang his pepyll. And cōmandit thame to be obeysant to thair capitanis with sic ordour, that none of thame wauer fra thair fallois, ī auē ture thay fall as pray to thair ennymes. Sic thyngis done he maid sacrifice in the honoure of his goddis according to y e vse that wes in thay dayis, Praying the goddis to take vengeance of y e party that gaif first [Page] occasyoun of battall aganis othir. And to grant hym sic felicite in his iust defence, y e victory may succede to hym but heuy dammage of his pepyll. Quhill the scottis war at thair besynes, the Pichtis assemblit ane army with na litill gareson of Brytonis concurrant to thair support, apperit on athir syde ane wickit and vnnaturall bergane betuix two pepyl, freindis and cietezouris, faderis and sonnis. The Pichtis come first in y e Scottis lādis. Aganis quhome w t na les curage thā manheid went Fergus w t anciant armis displayit in forme of baner. In quhilk wes ane reid lyoun rampand in ane feild of gold with thunderand steir awfully dyngand his bak as is the gise of the gentyll lyoun, quhen he enforsis hym to wrayth. Fergus wes the first that bure thir armis in Albion. And efter hym thay war ay the armes of all kyngis discendyng of his lynnaige to our dayis. Quhyll the Scottis and Pichtis wer ar [...]ayit in otheris sycht, the army of Brytonis stude arrayit on dreich nocht far fra thame deuisand be quhat slychtis thay micht distroy thame baith with ferme purpos, Quhen the Scottis and Pichtis wer ionit togidder, and the ta [...]e of thame discomfist, thā the party vyctorius suld finaly be distroit be thair f [...]esche army. And quhen thir two pepyll war distroyit be this slicht, y e Britonis mycht reiose baith thair realmes in Albion but ony feir in tymes cumyng. This subtel slicht wes discouerit to Fergus be ane banist Briton. Throw quhilk it hapnit that baith y e armyis mouit na les be feir of ennymes than be thair awin propir dammage supersedi [...] battall certane dayis. In the meyne tyme kyng Fergus desyrit ane cōmonyng with the kyng of Pychtis apon hi [...] materis concernyng na les the weill of Pychtis than of Scottis. The kyng of Pichtis refusit nocht the cō monyng, & met kyng Fergus with ane few cumpany of his nobillis, the oistis standing on ylk syde arrayit. Than sayd Fergus in this maner. ¶Oftymes riche townis [...]nd pepyll contendyng for the su [...]eriorite hes brocht thaym self to [...] rewyne, and thair ennymes [...] hie cō moditeis. Quhilk thingis [...]ll nocht faill to cum on ws, gif we happin to fecht this day. The occasion of battell (quhylk ȝe mouit first aganis ws) desyris nocht at this tyme to be discussit lauchfull or iniust. Howbeit the Scottis hes sustenit of ȝour pepyll importabyll iniuris but ony redres. Ȝit gif it be leful erar to schaw the verite than ony flurisand wourdis, the desyre of kyngdowme and slicht of Britonis hes mouit ȝow to battall. Ȝe wald neuir haue inuadit ws ȝour faderis, war nocht the Britonis oure commoun ennymes hes deuisyt the same be quent slichtis to baith our mischeiffis. And quhidder thir thyngis be trew or fals ȝe may best discus. Howbeit na reasone may perswaid me to beleif ony othir bot this battall sal cum (gif we cōtinew) to the irrecouerable dammage of ws baith. Gif we fecht, quha doutis▪ b [...]t victory sall be vncertane. For we ar of equal pissāce. Suppone we be vicust (quhilk may nocht succeid but vndemus murdir of ȝow) than sall ȝe be ane facyll pray to ȝour ēnymes, bryngand thaym to tryumphe and honour, and ȝour self to misire & seruitude. Quhat thyng may be more odius or more detestabyll▪ than the sonnis to inuade thair faderis. We a [...] faderis, ȝe our sonnis, ȝour sonnis [Page vii] our nepotis. And quhidder we be vincus [...] or victorious, ȝe sall defoull ȝour self with maist terribyll offence aganis the goddis. Heirfor lat ws commoun of peace, as nychtbouris and freindis alliat togidder. And cō sider quhat infinite dammage this battall sall do to ws and quhat commodite to our commoun ennymes. And gyf ony iniure be done be scottis to ȝour pepyll. It sall be redressit be me, to that fyne that we (quhilkis ar of ane proximite and blude) may euade the quent slychtis deuisit be Brytonis to baith our dammage, & inuade our ennymes with y e samyn tressoun that thay deuysit for ws. That reason and Iustice may seme mair pyssant amang ws, thā hatrent or inuy. For I beleif na othir way is sa souir to stabyll our pepyll in this Ile of Albion.
¶Of syndry consultationis maid be Pichtis. And hovv thay vvar recounseld vvith the scottis. Ca. viii.
THe king of Pichtis āswerit to thir wordis of Fergus, that he mycht nocht be his priuate autorite dissolue thīgis done be publyk counsell of his nobyllis. This battall that he mouit wes decernit be publyk & nocht be priuate counsell. Nochttheles he wald glaidly auyse with his nobillis, quhidder thay wald haif weir or peace, and sal conuene to the same place with thair mynd. Als sone as baith y e kyngis returnit to thair tentis, the kyng of Pychtis rehersit the wourdis of Fergus afore his counsell and schew how the same day behuuit thaym nocht only to haue fochtin aganis y e Scottis, bot aganis the tressoun of Britonis. And to verify his entent, he brocht certane britonis in testimoniall thairof. Attour the inoportune sollicitation of Brytonis desyryng battal aganis Scottis, maid the slycht more credibill to Pichtis. The Pichtis auysyng vnprudently in this mater war deuidit in two opinionis. Sum allegit the amyte of Scottis wes to be refusit. For thay haue persewit the Pichtis with sa mony slauchteris reiffis, the same may nocht be dewly redressit. Heirfor all thair alliance, al thair condicionis and peace aucht to be cō temnit. For sic thyngis may nocht indure, quhare reif, iniure & hatrent ar more estemit, than faith, reason & Iustice, Otheris said the amyte of scottis wes baith honest & necessare, becaus thay did mony pleseiris afor to Pichtis, & mouit na battall quhil thay war first iniurit. And sen the Britonis war cōmon ēnymes baith to Scottis and Pichtis, force is to thaym to be reconseld or ellis to be schāfully doūg out of Albiō. Attour the affinite and blude rysyng betuix thaym suld put end to thair weris. sen na thyng is more detestabyll to the goddis, nor abhominabyl to mortal creaturis, thā thay pepil to moue battall aganis othir, quhilkis ar alliat vnder ane cōmixtioun of blude. Thairfor apperit na thing sa gud to Pychtis, as to haue freindschyp of Scottis, les than thay purposit to rendir falset, hatrent and euyl dedis, for faith, luf and gud thankis. Efter that mony of the Pichtis war geuin to peace, ane of the Pichtis ennemy to Scottis (becaus his broder wes slane in this last battall) said on this wise. How is this blind contentioun rysyng amang ȝow (maist vailȝeant [Page] men?) haue ȝe nocht sufficient experience of the falset and cruelte of scotti [...]? delite ȝe ony forther to assailȝe gif ony band may be kepit with vnfaithfull pepyll, full of fers ingyne & cruelte, borne to our vter mischeif. Beleif ȝe the respons of our goddis be vane. Suld we nuris this pestilē cius vennome to the fynall perdicioun baith of ws and our realme. This bludy and tressonabyll pepyll (gif our goddis schawis the verite) sall nocht fail to rais amang ws ane flame that sall neuir be sloknit. To this wickit man answerit ane othir Picht, and said. Ȝe suld nocht be mouit be the respons of goddis. For gif thay be of determit verite, thay may nocht be eschewit. Gyf thay be fals thay suld nocht be dred. Heirfor all iniuris done be ony slicht & tressoun of athir partus suld be remouit, and to saif oure honestee, lat neuir oure aith and band be brokin in oure defalt, becaus we haue sufficient experience in our dayis, quhat notabyll vengeance bene takyn apon mony nobyl & vailȝeant campionis, quhen thay had nocht thair faith nor goddis in reuerence. Lat ws returne to the band of scottis, sen y e same may nothir be dissoluit but offence of goddis, nor ȝit but incredibill scham [...], sa that we may perseuere in kyndnes but offence othir to y e inmortall goddis, or our tender freindis. Als nature the moder of euery thyng constranis ws to luffe our faderis, for thay luffe our barnis thair nepotis. It is nocht necessar thairfor to haue ony battal bot erar to luffe our freindis, that we be nocht in derisioun to our ennymes. Als sone as thir wordis war said, the wyffis of Pychtis (quhilkis followit the army for luffe of thair husbādis) fell on kneis with ruthfull teris, praying thair husbandis to violat nocht thaym self with schamful slauchter of thair faderis. It is better to ws & our barnis (said thay) to de ony maner of deith, than to se our faderis and husbandis slaand othir with cruell wondis. The Pychtis mouit sum part be luffe of thair wiffis and barnis, sum part be reuerence of thair godis condiscendit to haue peace with the Scottis vnder thir cōditionis. Redres maid on ylk syde, the Brytonis (quhilkis wer mouaris of this battall) sall be haldyn ennymes to baith the pepyl. All other chargis to be at the pleseir of the two kyngis, quhidder thay list to strength peace vnder the auld conditionis or new. And gyf thir conditionis war nocht sufficient to roborat the peace, with quhat other conditionis the two princis thocht maist ganand. Sone eftir ane day was set to renewe the peace. The Brytonis (quhilkis come ī support of Pichtis) heirand this concord returnit hame, dredand y e samyn to succede to thair lytyll proffet. On the day affixit the Scottis and Pichtis war agreit on al debatis, efter the tenour of y e auld band with thir new conditionis. Ilk ane of thir two pepyl sal leif content of thair awin rowmes, supportyng othir als weill in honour as in profit, quhen hie and difficil chargis occurris aganis thair ennymes. The iniuris done to ony ane of thaym sal be reput commoun to thaym baith. And quhen it wes necessar to thaym to fecht aganis thair ennymes, baith the pepyll sall conuene togidder vnder ane mynd & ordināce. The peace beand roborat in this maner, bait [...] the kyngis returnit hame.
¶Hovv Coyll kyng of Britoni [...] vvas slane and his army discomfist be scottis and Pichtis. Ca. ix.
COyll kyng of Brytonis herand at Ȝork the scottis and pichtis confyderat in maner foresaid, was richt sorrowfull, for he dred thir two pepyl to incres sum tyme to his hie displeseir. Astonist heirof and nocht knawing be quhat ingine he micht distroy thaym baith (for his slychtis afore come to lytyll effect) he tuke ferme purpos to haue experience. Gyf the scottis (quhome he held for ane vagabound and banist pepyll, of vncouth blude, strang in murdir of bestis) durst fecht aganis his pepyll full of glore and cheualry. Ȝit he supersedit this mater for two ȝeris, to se gif ony prowd insolence mycht gener new deuisyoun amang thaym, quhairthrow he mycht fynd sum better occasioun to inuaid thaym be battall. For he vnder stude na sickir tranquillite nor peace mycht be had amang his pepyll duryng the fallowschip of scottis and pychtis vnder ane concord & blude. Heirfor to rais sum occasioun of battal betuix thir two pepyl he send ane cumpany of Brytonis in few nowmer to inuade the bordouris of pichtis with frequent heirschippis. And quhen the same be reason of trewis was desyrit be pichtis to be reparit, the Britonis schew thaym neuir accustumate with sic corruppit de [...]is of thyft, and said the same wes done be scottis allanerly. At last y e ground of this slycht was so serchit and brocht to lycht, that y e same was prouyn cleirly on y e brytonis. Throw quhilk the two confiderat pepyll tuke syk hatrent aganis the said Brytonis, y t efter incredibyll slauchter of thair pepyl, thay inuadit thair realme and brocht ane multitude of bestyall out of the samyn. ¶Kyng Coyll impacient to suffer this outraige maid hym to wirk that thyng be force of armes, quhilk he micht not do afore be slycht of ingyne. And assemblit sone efter ane huge nowmer of pepil with gret ordinance of battall, and entrit at the west bordouris of Scotland, and affixit his tentis on the ryuer of Dune inuadyng the countre with continuall heirschyppis, fyre & slauchter. Fergus weill aduertist of thair doingis, cōmandit the bestiall & guddis to be dreuyn to y e mōtanis, & with thaym cōmandit y e wiffis, barnis & other febyll creatouris to pas to y e strenthis of y e said montanis to eschew y e fury of ennymes. Sic thyngis done he cōmandit be general proclamationis al fensabyl mē to be reddy in thayr best auyse to resist thair ēnymes. Howbeit he desyrit na thing mair than to prolong the battal, y t be lang tary and penurite of vittallis his ennymes mycht be wery and irkit. In the mene tyme ane Scot tresonabilly fled to kyng Coyll, & discouerit to hym euery thyng deuysit be kyng Fergus. Incontinent kyng Coyll send .v. M. Britonis to take the said pray of bestyall fra the montanis, and that he mycht be vntraist suddante the more cruelte exerce, he maid his army reddy to inuade the scottis on y e nixt morrow. Sic thyngis schawin to Scottis and Pychtis be thair scurriouris apperit na lytyll affray in thair army. Than Fergus tuke consultatioun of his nobillis quhat was best to be done. Mony of thaym astonist be multitude and curage of brytonis dissentit to battall. Utheris exhortit hym [Page] thairto, saying thay war ane sufficient army, and determit to fecht for defence of thair wiffis, barnis, & lyberteis to the deith, sa that he wald assist to thaym. Attour it wes na les necessar than honorabyll to assail [...]e the chance of battall. For victory is gottyn erar be manheid & prudence, than ony multitude of pepyll, Efter dyuers opinionis it was concludit y e Fergus with his folkis at the first vigill sall set on the wache of Brytonis. And y e kyng of Pichtis with his folkꝭ sal pas ouir y e watter of Dune, quhare the army of Britonis lay, to cū haistely on thair bakkis, als sone as thay heir the nois ryis be scottis. Sic thyngis done with manheid & prudence to submit the resydew to the chance of fortoun. The samyn [...]aycht Fergus (as was deuisit) slew be gret ieoperdy the wache of Britonis, and nocht only braik thair trinschis, bot enterit fersly within thair tentis, afore king Coyll was aduert [...]st of his cumyng. Incōtinent rais ane terribyll clamour amang the britonis fast raschand to harnes to resist this haisty effray, quhen suddanly the Pichtis come on thair backis, suspekand na thyng les than sic irruptioun of ennymes. The Britonis nocht weill walkinit of thair sleip war inuadit on al sydis, & discomfist or thay mycht cum to array. Amang quhome kyng Coyll vnwarly kepit be his nobillis, was slane. In memory heirof y e place quhare he was slane was namit efter Coyll, quhilk regioun remanis ȝit vnder y e same name or lytyll different thairfra callit now Kyle.
¶Of king Fergus orisō to his nobillis, and hovv the croun of Scotland vvas tailȝet to hym & his successouris, Ca. x.
EFter this victory the Scottis and Pichtis with displayit baner conuenit on ane lytyll mote. The resydew of Brytonis (quhilkis war eschapit fra this battall be thair [...]eyng vnder nycht herand thair kyng slane, and thair army discomfist) send ane herald to desyre peace. The Scottis and Pichtis more insolent efter this vyctory than afore rebutit the Britonis, & denyit peace. Nochttheles the two kyngis (quhilkis knew weill the gret pissance of britonis) cōdiscendit to thair peticionis. Quhen the pray & spulȝe of this battall was equaly deuydit amang y e two pepil efferyng to thair manheid and prowes the two kyngꝭ returnit hame. Sone efter Fergus cōuenit his nobillis ī Argyle, & said ī this wyse. Ȝe se (maist vailȝeant cā pionis) how ȝe be speciall fauour of goddis hes vincust ȝour ennymes & brocht ȝour landis be wysdome and manheid to sickir peace, & thocht ȝe war vnequale baith in nowmer and pissance, Ȝit the goddis hes bene sa propiciant, y e ȝe haue vincust the ennymes quhome ȝe maist dred in this erd. Ȝe haue put down ȝour noysum ennyme with al his army, & ar richit with thair spulȝe. Thay that contemnit ȝow afore as febyll, banyst & vnarmit pepyll, hes reuthfully desyrit ȝour peace mair necessar than honest to thaym. To be ane notabyl exampyll in tymis cumyng how vnsycker is to confyde in ony vane pissance of man. We knaw weill, how riche, how pissant ar the Brytonis baith be see and land, and the more riche thay ar, the more schame redoū dis to thaym, & the more glore to ws. Sen thay at vincust be ws quhome [Page ix] thay held maist vyle and febyll. We haue vsit our victory but ony cruelteis. We haue vincust our Ire, to that fyne that the goddis (quhilkis hes geuyn ws sa prowd victory) sall nocht fynd be our peruerst insolence ony occasyon to bring ws sum othir tyme in derisioun of ennymes. Sen we nocht exercit our hattent on thir dyscomfist Brytonis, fleyng oure fury be dirknes of nycht, bot sufferit thaym to depart with our mercy and peace. Thus may we euydently se, that our wiffis, barnis, liberteis and landis (quhilkis our ennymes intendit to haue bereft ws) ar saiffit allanerly be fauour of goddis. Restis now to auyse be prudent cōsultation how we may eschew all dangier apperyng in tymes cumyng. Quhylkis thyngis sall succede the better, Gyf we haue the goddis in reuerence, kepand our band to Pychtis and Britonis as we promyttit, continewyng the realme in the samyn gouernance, as ȝe deuysit at our first cumyng. Prouydyng all wayis that we remoue seditioun scurrilite and auaricius leuyng with sic thyngis as may induce hatrent amang ȝow. Forthir to maik ylk persone leif on his awin, it war best to part all the landis of this regioun be generall consent. Swa that euery ane of ws content of his awin may haue na occasioun to iniure his nychtbour, for sic thyngis sall caus ws to incres in glore and honour to oure freindis, and dredour to our fayis. And wald god I mycht se ȝow (my deir pepyll) rysyng in sic vertew afore my deid, that I mycht with syckir esperance schaw to ȝour eldaris the weil apperyng to thair posterite. ¶Quhen Fergus had endit this orisoun, the pepyll schew thaym reddy to fulfyll his desyre and neuir to be gouernit in tymes cumyng bot be the empyre of ane kyng, & nane to regne aboue thaym bot kyng Fergus blude. And failȝeing thairof prayit y e goddis to send na les vengeance on thaym & thair posterite, than fel sumtyme on thaim in Egipt & Spanȝe for transgressioun of the cōmand of goddis. Kyng Fergus gat charter and euydence of the crown of Scotland to hym & his successouris in this sort. Quhilkis charteris war grauyn in merbyll with ymagis of beistis in forme of letteris as was vsit in thay dayis. Syne gaif the samin to maist religious preistis to be obseruit in thair tempillis.
¶Hovv kyng Fergus partit the landis of Scotland amang the nobyllis of his realme. And of the maneris of brigandis. Ca. xi,
SChort tyme eft quhē the Scottis had refreschit thaym with huntyng and othir exercitionis, kyng Fergus cōuenit his nobyllis, and said in this maner. Now is the tyme (maist prudent faderis) sen oure realme is stablit in gud peace, to part the landis of this realme (quhylk ȝe reiose now but ordour) amang ȝow & otheris that come with me out of Ireland in this regyoun. ¶To do this more plesandly ar to be chosyn .vii, newtrall men amang ws, quhilkis sall deuyde this realme with sic reasone and prudence, that quhare the lādis ar maist plētuous salbe geuyn y e les, & quhare y e samyn ar barrant, [Page] to be geuin the more. The pepyl well applesit of this counsell chesit seuyn prudent men, quhilkis cōsiderit the boundis of Scotland, and deuydit the samyn with marchis equally refering thairto. Thir prudent men returnit the fourt moneth efter to Argyle, quhare kyng Fergus was resydent for y e tyme. In quhais presence all y e landis of Scotland war cassin in cauyll amang the nobyllis thairof. Be the first cauyll fell to Cornath capitane and his tribe, the landis of Cathnes lyand fornens Orknay betuix Dummysbe and the watter of Thane. Secundly to capitane Lutork, fel the landis betuix the watter of Thane and Nes callit now Ros. This Lutork come with ane band of vailȝeant men out of Ireland with kyng Fergus in Albion. This land of Ros lyis in breid fra Cromarte to the mouth of the watter of Lochte. In this countre was the famous castel of Urquhart, of quhilk the rewinous wallis remanis ȝit in gret admiratioun of pepyll. Thridly to capitane Warroch, fell the landis lyand betuix Spay and Nes fra y e almane to the Ireland seis. The pepil of this land war callit Wares be name of thair capitane. Bot sone efter thay war sa sedicious that thay war doung out of that countre, and the Murrayis brocht in thair rowmis, be quhom y e landis war callit Murray land, Be the nixt cauyl fell to capitane Thalis, the landis of Boyne, Aynȝe, Bogewall, Gariot. Formartyne, and Bowquhan, Thir landis war callit than vndir ane name Thalia be name of thair capitane. Be the nixt cauyl fell to capitane Martach all the landis of Marre. Badeȝenoch, and Lochquhaber. Be the, vi. cauel fell to capitane Nouāce the landis of Lor [...]e & Kyntter with the hillis & montanis thairof lyand fra Marre to the Ireland seis. Be y e vii. cauell fell to Atholus the landis of Athole, for he was discendit of the scottis of Spanȝe, and come out of Spanȝe in Ireland, and out of Ireland he come with Fergus in Scotland, ane vailȝeant man and weill prouyn in fatis of armis. Be y e .viii. cauill fel to Creones and Epidithis two capitanis of tribis the landis of Strabrawn and Braidawane lyand west fra Dunkeld. Be the nynt cauyll fell to capitane Argathelus the landis of Argile. His folkis war namit Argathelis fra Gathelꝰ thair first progenitour. Bot now thay ar callit men of Argyle. Be the .x. cauyl fel to capitane Lolgonas the landis of Linnox and Clidisdail. Be the .xi. cauyll fell to capitane Silurch the landis of Siluria, quhilk regioun is now deuydit in Kyle Carrik and Cunynghame, quhais pepyl war rycht engenius and fers. Be the .xii. cauyll fell to the brigandis the landis of Brigance now callit Galloway. Thir brygandis war ane vailȝeant pepyll and war deuysit thairfor to dwell neir y e Britonis, to resist thair incursionis gif ony occurrit. Ane certane of thir brigandis wes banist efter for thair seditiōis fechting, quhilkis confiderat thaym with ane cumpany of Pichtis outrageous & wickit lymmeris as thay war, and inhabit thay landis quhilkis ar now callit Annandale, and put the Brytonis out of the same. Quhais posterite grew sa full of fury, that thay inuadit thair nychtbouris with all maner of cruelteis. ¶The wemen past with thair husbandis to battall, and fauche mair cruelly than dyd the men, hauand na [Page x] mercy, quhare thay war vyctorius, thay eschamit to be takyn in battall and reiosit to de fechtand. Quhen thay saw thair freindis vexit with lang and irrecouerabyll malideis (y t thay sall nocht de in thair bed) thay slew thaym be the swerd. This land of Annandale hes ane strait entres, & circulit on euery syde outhir with seis, mossis, or synkand sandis. Throw quhais difficill enteres hapnit y t the inhabitantis thairof dwelt in cauernis, leuand on thair incursionis and thyft, regardyng nouthir the empyre of Scottis Pychtis nor Britonis, & had cōtinual wachis als weil be nicht as day. Als sone as thai war aduertist of ony īuasouris, thay drew thaym pertly to thair wappinnis on sic maner, that quha abstenit or cowartly absentit thaym (quhen sic chargis occurrit) was efter slane be thair wiffis at thair returnyng. Thay that sufferit thaym self to be taikin as prisoneris war haldyn ay sklauis to thair wyffis, quhill thay be sum honest wassalege recouerit thair honour thair wiffis war commoun, the barne wes haldyn his son to quhome he was maist like in vissage. Al othir boundis of Scotland war than in the Pychtis handis. As the Meirnis, Angus, Steremond, Gowry, Stratherne, Perth, Fiffe, Striueling, Callender, Calderwod, Louthiane, Mers, Teuedale. With othir the remanent dailis, and the scherefdome of Berwik.
¶Hovv king Fergus maid concord betuix the princis of Ireland. And hovv he perist returnand be the Ireland seis Ca▪ xii
QUhen Fergus had deuidit the landis of scotland in this maner, and brocht the same to sicker peace. He tuke ferme purpos to nuris his pepyll in gud maneris, and to do all thyngis the better he began at Iustice. But quhylk na pepyll may leif togidder, he maid sic lawis to punis theft and slauchter, that all the bestiall and gudis of Scotland war saiffit in the feildis but ony trubyll. Efter this he beildit the castel of Berigone in Lochquhaber. This castell standis in the west part of Scotland fornent the Ilis, quhare he exercit his lawis to that fyne, that his pepyl micht be drawin thair the more esaly for exercitioun of Iustice. He past the remanent of his dayis in tranquillite and peace with his nichtbouris. The Britonis and Pichtis, geuand his ingyne to caus his pepyll incres togidder vnder ane beneuolence and concord. Quhyll at last he was chosyn ane Iuge arbitrall to discus certane hie debatis fallyng amang his freindis of Ireland. ¶Sone efter the said Fergus accumpanyit with ane certane of his nobillis past in Ireland, and pacyfyit thaym of all deba [...]tis. This wes the last act he dyd. ¶For efter the agreance, this nobyll prince returnyng hame throw the Ireland seis be ane wickit tempest was dreuyn apon ane crag, quhare he perist with all his nobyllis the .xxv. ȝere of his regne. ¶In quhais memory the crag (quhare he perist) is namit ȝit crag Fergus. ¶In his tyme rang Esdaill kyng of Britonis. And Cruthneus Cameloun kyng of Pychtis, quhylk byggyt efter apon the watter of [Page] Carron the ciete of Camelon y e princypall chymmes of Pichtis, quhare sumtyme wes ane gud hauyn to ressaue schippis contrar y e wynter stormes, thocht it be alterit now be necligence of pepyll, and turnit in ane medo. This ciete of Camelon resistit mony ȝeris efter to the Britonis and Romanis. Quhyll at last Kynneth kyng of Scottis (quhilk put the Pichtis out of Albion) brocht it to vter subuersioun. This Cruthneus biggit the town & castell of Edinburgh namit sumtyme the madyn castell. For al y e nobyl wemē of Pichtis war nurist within this castell in crafty labouris of thair handis, quhil thay war reddy to mary. ¶And sa endis heir the first buke of thir croniklis. In the quhilk we haue sene how the Scottis first began, and how Fergꝰ was the first kyng y e brocht Iustice and lawis amang thaym. ¶Now we wyll schaw the residew of y e kyngis succedyng efter hym in the same ordour as thay rang.
❧Heir begynnis the secund buke of thir croniklis of Scotland.
☞ Hovv the scottis efter kyng Fergus deith contendit for the crovvn. And hovv it vvas inhibit that ȝoung childrin sall be kyngis. Ca. i.
FErgus on this maner perist, ane day was set be the counsel to cheis the king. Quhen the day was cumyn, the nobillis war deuidit ī syndry opinionis. For Fergus had two sonnis of ȝoung & tender age. Sum men thocht it wes ane odius thing baith to god & man to defraude the ayris of kyng Fergꝰ (thay beand pupillis) of thair faderis heritage, puttyng his hous to sic vter dishonour and skaith. He doing in his tyme sa mony nobyll actis for thair commoun weill. Otheris said ȝoung barnis war vnabyll for ony publik administratiō. For ane king suid be ane prudent man, hauand wisdome and māheid baith to resist y e fury of his enymes, and to punis trespassouris be his auctorite & Iustice. Othir wayis na pepyll mycht leif togidder. For the fame of ane nobyll prince is ane grete firmance to his realme. To this answerit Sembathis capitane of Argyle in maner following. ¶Nane is amang ȝow (gud freindis) that is nocht mouit be mony reasonis to defend the barnis of Fergus, sen he be incredibyll luffe brocht to ws ī our extreme neid ane strang army, be quhilk he nocht allanerly delyuerit ws of maist dangerus battal, bot maid of our ennymes freindis, and of this land ane realme, & decorit ws w t honest lawis. Hes he nocht dantit the pissant Britonis? ane pepyll full of riches and cheualry and put thaym baith out of the boūdis of Scottis & Pichtis, geuand to ws sic institutionis that we may leif (as otheris nichtbouris) but feir of ennymes, gif we haue▪ na discentioun amang our self. Quha sall thynk ws worthy to haue kyndnes? [Page xi] gyf we defraude thir barnis of his iust heritage? quhat displeseir sal we do to our ennymes? gif we do sic importabyl schame to our prince. Lat Fergꝰ goyst knaw ws gud mē luffaris of vertew & not vnmyndful of gud dedis, with y e same mynd (as he left ws) to his posterite. Ressaue now his eldyst sonne to the crown, gif ȝe haue ony respect to ȝour faith, gyf ȝe had ony fauour to hym duryng his lyf. Other wayis ȝe sall be odius to the immortall goddis and men. The pepyll war sum part mouit be thir wourdis. Than Frauchtaus chiftane of brygandis said in this maner. I se ȝow (belouit freindis) contendyng heir, quhithir it be more expedient to haue Fergꝰ ȝoūg sonne, vnabyl to regne for his minorite, or ane othir prudent man to be kyng, I thynk Sembathis mynd suld be louit, gyf na thyng bot kyndnes suld be considerit in electioun of ane prince. Nane is that misknawis amang ȝou how odius and detestabyll it is to defraude kyng Fergus sonnis of thair kyndly heritage. Na sic cruelteis (as I beleif) is in our myndis. Occurris nocht at this tyme to decerne gyf Fergus sonnis suld immediatly succeid, bot only to se, how the crown may be kepit hale to thair perfyte aige. Quhat vengeance, skaith and dammage sall fall on ws and our commoun weill? Gif we (accordyng to Sēbathis mynd) suffer ane barne to be our kīg. First sall ryse amang ws ane byrnand occasion of hatrent. For thair is mony amang ws equall to othir in power and rentis. Attoure the empyre and gouernance of this realme duryng this ȝoung kyngis mynorite sall be geuyn to ane of ws. And he that gouernis the realme duryng y e kyngis mynorite sall be kyng for the tyme, and honorit amang ws with auctorite reuerence and euery other honoris that efferis to princely estait. Quhay is he that wyll nocht besely contend for that honour? suppone ane of ws obtene this office, this mā sall be kyng for y e tyme and sal riche his awin hous. And als oft as ony thyng occurris to be done for the cō mon weill, as ambassatouris of gret realmis to be rewardit, or armyis to be send apon our fayis. This man that regnis duryng the kyngis mynorite sall conuert hym only to our gudis. We sall be constranit to gyf hym our substance. We man nuris ane auaritius cumpany of lymmers about hym, nothir for the weil of the king, nor his realme. It is ane thing to haue na admiratioun, ane man is plesant sa lang as he is priuat, howbeit he alter his maneris, quhen he is clothit with publik auctorite. For gud fortoun & gud maneris ar seildin grantit at anis to leuand creatouris. Fynally quhen this ȝoung kyng is cumyn to age of, xiiii. ȝeris & takis on hym the gouernance of the realme, he wyl be accumpanyit with suspitious pepyll, and maik hym to repair al wrangis done to his liegis within his tender aige. And do al sic besynes as is requirit for the commoun weill. Howbeit he can do nathyng y e tyme for laik of wysdome. Than quhen he hes maist neid of wise counsalouris, he sal suffir nane to be with hym bot thay only that wyll assist to his vice. Than sal thay corruppit rutouris his mynȝons, be salut as kyngis, and haldyn in reuerence amang ws. Nochtwithstandyng thair insaciabyll auarice but schame. Quhay sall haue y e curage or spreit to punis thaym for feit of [Page] this insolent price? forthir to behald ane ȝoūg prince regnand aboue ony realme is siclike as quhay wald se the commoun weill sweyand down. Than sall we haue theiffis and oppressouris takand oure gudis baith in burgh and land without punytioun, than for laik of Iustice sall be ythand slauchteris, the realme deuidit, the pepyll but bridyl and gouernance, and may nocht leif in fayth & Iustice. Thairfore said y e wyse Salomon. Uengeance and sorrow sall the pepyll haue that hes ane ȝounge kyng. For thir reasonis I thynk the barnis of Fergus suld be geuyn to wyse preceptouris to lerne lawis, gud hauyngis and maneris, that thay may be abyll efter to gouerne the realme. And as now the gouernance of the realme to be geuyn to [...]rithais thair eme, or to ony othir a [...]yll man quhome ȝe thynk expedi [...]nt, be quhais auctorite the crown sall remane reddy to be geuyn to thaym at thair parfite age. And als sone as the kyng deys, thir barnis to succede immediatly to the crown, gyf thay be abyll thairfore, and duryng the kyngis lyf thay sall be honorit as immediat successouris to y e crown efter the kingis deth. Be this way ȝe may saif the barnis of Fergꝰ vndefraudit of thair kyndly heritage. Gyf we desyre to eschew y e sprout of sedicioun, with innomerabyll inconuenientis efter followyng. Gyf we desyre baith to defend our self, & bryng our commoun weil to proffet, this electioun of princis suld be obseruit, for it is conforme to y e mynd of Fergus, quhilk duryng his lyffe wald neuir haue socht ony syngulare proffet in dammage of our commoun weill. Quhen Ferithais had endit this orisoun y e counsall assentit haill to his opinionis, and be plane consent of parliament maid actis. Quhen it hapnit thair kyng to deceis, leuand behynd hym ȝoung children gottin of his body, the nerrest of the kyngis blude and ablest to do Iustice sall reiose the crown for his tyme. Efter his deith the kyngis son sal succeid to the crown but pley gyf he war abyll thairto. It was defendit be that samyn act that na barnis be kyngis. This consuetude was kepit mony ȝeris efter, throw quhylk rais mekyll troubyll in this realme. For oft tymis the fader brother regnand in y e minorite of his neuo kest his extreme desynes to distroy hym, Siclik the neuo to his fader brother for ambitioun of the crown, throw quhilk occurrit cōtinual slauchteris of kyngis and nobyllis to the gret trubyll of the realme, and dammage of the commoun weill·
¶Of kyng Ferithais, and of his deith. Ca. ii.
BE thir actis afore rehersit Ferithais brother to kyng Fergꝰ was chosyn kyng.
This prince efter his electioun maid ane orisoun to his nobyllis. The effect thairof was y t he wald nocht ressaue the crown for riches, ambition, or dignite, bot only to support his neuois, quhill ane of thaym war abyll to succeid. And becaus he was left tutour testamenter be thair fader, he wald leif na thyng vndone that mycht auance the commoun weill othir in weir or peace, with na les affectioun to his neuois than thay war his awin sonnis.
¶Syne he exhortit the nobyllis to [Page xii] make sic support and fauour to his said neuois that nocht he, bot thay, suld appere to gouerne the publyk weill. Hauand in perpetuall remembrance the honorabyll actis done be thair nobyl fader kyng Fergus. He desyrit als, graue and wyse preceptouris to be chosyn to his said neuois, y t thay mycht incres als weill in vertew and science as ī ȝeris. but ony dammage of ennymes. And fynaly declarit, he wald accept na publyk gouernance on hym, quhil thir thyngis war first prouidit. Sic thingis done, Ferithais was crownit in the fatall chiar of merbyll, and ressauit the kyngis armis, in quhylkis was ane scherand sword with septoure crown and tressour in maner of ane weirly trinsche for defence of his realme ī lyberte and punition of trāsgressouris be Iustice. Fra thens thir war ay y e nobyll armis of Scotland but ony varyance, quhyll the tyme of kyng Achaus, quhylk maid the first band of confideratioun betuix ws and France with Charllis the magne kyng of France and Romane emperour. Be quhylk confyderatioun was eikit to the tressour foure goldyn lyllyis, with four goldyn crocis set ī equale ordour about the tressour, to sygnify the Scottis hes ay inuiolatly kepit the crystyn faith but ony spot of heresy, sen thai first tuke the same. Sone efter ane conuention was maid betuix y e two kyngis of Scottis and Pychtis, in the quhylk war syndry vtilites deuysit for the weill of y e two realmis. New peace was ratifyit, and punitioun maid on lymmaris and mouaris of sedition and trubyll betuix the two realmes, and redres maid on all sydis for obseruatioun of the peace in tymes cumyng. Sic thyngis done, the two kyngis returnit hame. Sone efter Ferlegus eldest sonne to kyng Fergus be motioun of his familiaris and otheris corruppit men (that mycht nocht suffer Iustice) begā to hate his eme Ferithais, with purpos to distroy hym. At last seand his wyckit purpos cum to lytyll effect, he gaderit ane cumpany of euyll disposit men, and desyrit the crown to be geuyn to hym, as iust heritour thairof. Ferithais dredand (gyf he war repugnant to thir desyris) to be cruelly inuadit, ansuerit, he suld exoner hym glaidly of y e crown at y e nixt conuentioun on y e same maner as it was geuyn to hym. For he was neuir of purpos to beir auctorite langar than ony of his brother sonnis war abyll to succede. And desyrit na thyng sa mekyll as to se ane of thaym reiose the empire, that he mycht schaw efter his deid to Fergꝰ y e sycker weill apperyng to his poste rite. And forther he desyrit his said neuo to pas with hym to the conuentioun, in the quhilk he suld baith exoner hym of al auctorite, and do euery thyng sa far as pertenit to y e weil of king Fergus hous. This plesand ansuer so mesit the mynd of Ferlegus, that all hatrent for that tyme beand amouit, thay conuenit baith togidder afore the nobillis in counsall, quhair kyng Ferithais said in this maner. ☞ ¶I traist it be nocht vnknawin to ȝow (wyse faderis) quhē it was disput amang ȝow, be quhat wyse this realme mycht be gouernit in y e minorite of Fergus sonnis. Ȝe gaif me the crown, (thocht I was vnworthy) nocht only to gouerne it be Iustice, bot that the same suld remane hale, quhyll the sonnis of Fergꝰ war abyll to regne.
Quhat trauell, quhat incredybyll [Page] danger haue I sustenit baith for ȝour commoun weill and felicite of this realme now rysyng in honouris, and sen na thyng is mair patent to ȝow thā sic besynes, I wyll omyt y e resydew thairof, that ȝe may haue na occasyoun to deme me arrogant or desyrus of fenȝet glore. I war rycht inhumane (sen I haue na airis of my body) gyf I wald defraude my brother sonnis of thair kyndly herytage, or transfer the samyn in ony vncouth blude. Ferlegus my cousyng and iust heritour to the crown clames the samyn fra me of gud reason, for he is ȝoung lusty of hie engyne, of strang and lusty body to sustene gret chargis, and sall be euery day more abyll to gouerne this realme. Be contrar I am feblit be lang [...]ge and desiris to be releuit of heuy [...]. I beseik ȝou thairfore that y e publyk administratioun (quhylk I ressauit be ȝour auctoryte) be geuyn to my cousyn, sen he is abyll and I vnganand thairfore. Na thing may be sa plesand for me as to haue ane priuat lyffe in tymes cummyng, but ony publict chargis. Ressaue y e auctorite with mair gladnes than euer it was geuyn to me. The counsall knawyng weill quhat irremidiabyl displesouris war apperyng to thair realme, gyf this ȝoung and insolent prince Ferlegus war maid kyng, cō tinewit Ferithais in his empyre, and requirit hym to sustene the gouernance of the realme (as he did afore) but ony feir of his aige. Sen realmes ar gouernit mair be wysdome of aigit personis than ony corporall strenthe. The nobyllis wald nocht abrogat the lawis maid afore aganis the empire of ȝoung chyldryn. and tuke gret indignation that Ferlegus desyrit sic thyngis as war repugnant to thair commoun weill.
And thoucht thay ressauit hym in thair counsal with reuerence and honouris, ȝit thay seuerit hym fra the pepyll, repreuyng hym quhy he ȝeid fra the counsall of the wyse nobyllis his keparis, and desyring the crown without thair aduise, to make it knawin, that he suld obey the counsal of his wyse lordis. Ferlegus brokin on this wyse fra his purpos, maid hym with heuy cheir to depart fra y e counsall. The nobyllis dredand syndry displeseris to follow be his departyng brocht hym agane be force, and kest all his corruppit counsullouris in preisoun. ¶Amang quhom ane was that schew to y e kyng in quhat maner his deith was deuisit, traistīg be reuelatioun thairof to get his lyf saiffit. The pepyll heirand this tressoun war sa cōmouit that thay had slane Ferlegus, war nocht the kyng pecifyit thair Ire in tyme. And thocht the kyng was aduertist of this tressoun deuysit in his slauchter, ȝit to schaw hym mair reuthfull than rigorus prince, he kest his mynd to meis the fury of the pepyll, and to keip his neuo fra displeseir. Ferlegus was geuyn in new keipyng of the nobyllis. Bot his seruitouris war punist to the deith. Ferithaes (als sone as this conuentioun was skalit) raid throw his realme for equall administratioun of Iustyce, quhyll at last he was slane within the nycht be his neuo Ferlegus thre monethis efter y e first conspiration, the .xv. ȝeir of his regne.
¶Hovv Ferlegus vvas banist for the slauchter of kyng Ferithais, and of kyng Maynus. Ca. iii.
[Page xiii] FErithais slane (as we haue now schawin) Ferlegus the murderar and all other that war gylty of the said cryme fled amang the Pychtis, and fyndyng thair na securite of his lyffe he fled in Brytane, quhare he consumed the residew of his dayis in gret misery. The nobillis efter the slauchter of Ferithais conuenit to the castell of Dounstafage in Argyle, for election of the king. Quhilk day the counsall mouit of kyndnes to kyng Fergus chesit Maynus his ȝoūgest sonne the .xxiiii. ȝeir of his aige to be kyng. ☞ ¶Maynus was ane nobyl prince richt different fra his bruthir hauand all vicious men in gret hatrent. He exercit Iustice equaly in his realme, and gaif commission to his liegis to conuene and dres all debatis amāg thaym self. The difficyll materis (quhen thay occurrit) was discussit be him self anis ī y e ȝeir, quhen he past throw his realme halding his Iustice ayris for redressyng of wrangis▪ and punitioun of trespassouris. The same tyme Crynus kyng of Pychtis send ambassatouris to kyng Maynꝰ reiosyng of his felicite, & desyryng the band of peace maid afore betuix Scottis and Pychtis to be renewit. Kyng Maynus weill īstruckit be his nobillis (quhat was to be done) ressauit thir ambassatouris, and condiscendit to thair petition. The peace ratefyit in this maner, the Scottis began to burgeoun in sycker peace. ¶Kyng Maynus knawyng weill na pepyll may incres but Iustice, peace, and religioun, and seand realmes and euery thyng in erd sa subdewit to y e power of goddis, that na deuise nor ingyne of man may auale bot gyf the goddis stand propiciant thairto, quhais beniuolence bene sicker gard & protectioun to all pepyll. ¶Thairfore to moue his liegis to religioun, he eikit certane new cerimonis to be maid in the honour of goddis, within thair tempyllis. And first he ordanit ane huge stane to be rasit on the south syde of the said tempyllis, on quhilk thair sacrifice was maid. ¶In memory heirof remanis ȝit in our dayis mony huge stanis drawin togidder in forme of circulis, namit be the pepyll y • anciant tempyllis of goddis. It is na lytyll admiratioun be quhat ingine and strenth sa huge stanes bene brocht togidder. ¶The sacrifice vsit in thay dayis, was ane portioun of cornis, cattellis, or ony othir frutis y t grew apon the groūd, quhilk was geuyn to kyrkmen for thair sustentatioun, and offerit to y e goddis quhen the samyn was super flew, or mair thā was sufficient sustentatioun to the preistis. ¶Kyng Maynus foundat als ane sacrifice to be maid monethly in the honoure of Diane goddis of woddis and hū taris, and thairfore the pepyll maid thair adoratioun to the new mone, quhilk superstitioun was lang vsit amang oure anciant faderis with mony othir va [...]e cerymonyis efter the ryte of Egiptianis. ¶Quhen Maynus had gouernit his pepyl in gud Iustice, & institute thaym with thir and othir superstitionis plesand to the religioun of thay dayis, He resygnit the crown to his sonne Doruidilla, and deceissit the .xxix. ȝeir of his regne. Kyng Elgane regnand aboue the Brytonis, & kyng Thaar aboue the Pychtis.
¶Of kyng Doruidilla. And of his constitutionis maneris and deith▪ Ca. iiii.
MAynꝰ deceissit as we haue writtīg, his son doruidilla wes maid kyng. Efter his coronatioun he renewit peace with his nichtbouris the Pychtis and Brytonis, and schew hym nurisar of tranquillite, detesting na thing mair than sic besynes as gaif occasioun to battal, and delytit in euery thyng that mycht draw his pepyl in peace. He tuke gret delyte of huntyng, rachis, and houndis, and maid lawis that grew quhelpis suld nocht lyne thair moderis, for he fand by experience hoū dis gottin in that maner vnproffitabyl [...] huntyng. He ordanit als that yik nobyll suld nuris twa rachis & ane hound to his huntyng, & quhen the houndis war manȝeit be aduenture of chais, to be sustenit on the cō moun gud. He ordanit the slayar of ane wolf to haue ane Ox to his reward. Oure eldaris persewit this beist with gret hatrent for the gret murdir of beistis done be the samyn. The Scottis hauand na occasioun of cyuyll nor of vncouth weris set thair ingyne to pre [...]ell all othir pepyll in y e craft of huntyng, and maid dyuers lawis concernyng the same. ¶In the first commandit y t quhais dog first bait the deir, suld haue the hyde thairof, quhais dog bait nixt, suld haue the heid and the hornis. y e body curit to be at the pleseir of the maister of huntis, the resydew to be for the houndis. Gif ony contention rais amang the hūtaris to cheis ane Iuge with all thair consentis in the tempyll of Diane to aggre thaym.
Thir lawis war maid be generall consent of the pepyl, to nuris thaym in commoun pleseir, drawyng fra thaym all occasioun of iniuris and hatrent. Quhylkis lawis war kepit mony ȝeris efter. Thir cōstitutionis and vtheris deuysit afore be kynge Fergus war colleckit togidder in tabillis, and geuyn in kepyng to the wysest and maist profound clark for the tyme, to shaw baith to the Iuge and to the persone quhilkis war to be accusit the punition conforme to thair demeritis, that the pepyll mycht vnderstand the Iuge past nocht fra his boundis of Iustice in punytioun of crymes. Attour the counsal wald condāpne na faltouris in thay dayis, quhyll y • lawis war first schawin accordyng to the falt. Throw quhylk it come in vse that all criminabyll personis seand thaym be iust sentence cōdampnit to the deid, tuke the samyn in pacience, gyf ony punytyon was maid on thaym aboue the lawis thay murmurit as opprest be the Iugis. ☞ ¶This maner of Iustice remanis ȝit amang the Ilis of Scotland, & may na way be abrogat. For thair bene certane interpretouris of the lawis but quhom thay can gyf na richtwys iugement.
¶Quhen Doruidilla had roung xxviii. ȝeris he deceissit at Berigone, & left behynd hym ane ȝoung chyld namit Rewthar, quhilk micht nocht succede for y e lawis maid afore aganis ȝoung chyldren.
¶Of the tyrane kyng Nathak, and of his slauchter. Ca. v.
EFter y e deith of Doruidilla, his brothir Nathak ane fair & lusty persone & abyll (as apperit) to publik [Page xiiii] administration was maid kīg. This prince rang skarsly two ȝeris, quhen he opprest his pepyll with sic seruitude that he was haldin for ane myscheuous tyrane, he sufferit na lawis to be exercit, he spulȝeit the cō mounis of thair ryches and gudis, and persewit his nobillis with slauchteris & banissing. Thir doyngis maid hym odius to his liegis, and maid his empire rycht vnsycker, & thocht he oft tymes was counsallit be his freindꝭ to abstene fra sic enormyteis, he desislit nocht, bot grew ay the more in vyce that he incressit in ȝeris, lyke ane bludy monstoure but schame and mercy. ¶Ȝit his cruell and vnhappy dedis war nocht lang vnpunist. For Dowall capitane of Brygandis (quhome he thocht afore to haue slane for his ouir greit pissance) be assistance of mony vthir nobyllis conspirit aganis hym. And to bryng his purpos the sonar to effect, he maid Rewthar the sonne of kyng Doruidilla to be thair gouernoure, to that intentioun that gyf thir hie attemptatis succedit nocht with syk felycyte as he desyrit, the charge thairof suld allanerly redound to Rewthar. ☞ ¶Dowal to fynd occasion that he micht bring his purpos to effect, broucht this ȝoung Rewthar with ane cumpany of armyt men in the samyn place, quhare kyng Nathak remanit. And quhen he sawe the mater dressit (as he deuysit) to haue occasyoun of debait, he gaif displesand wourdis to kyng Nathak, saying he was ane fals tyrane but schame, and nocht only spoylȝeit Rewthar of y e crown, bot rang with maist cruell & odius tyranny aboue the pepyll, and with hyd slychtis and tressoun hes slane ane gret part of all the nobyllis.
¶Nathak ansuerit agane in his wod fury, that he was kyng be ordour of Iustice, and suld thairfore regne in tymes cumyng contrar the mynd of Dowall and all otheres of his opynyoun in sic maner, that the said Dowall sall neuer fynd hym mair fauorabyll nor gratius thā he was afore, & declarit w tin few dayis he sall punys hym and al vtheris of his opynyoun in the scharpest sort that mycht be deuysit for thair attemptatis. ¶Dowall mouit with thir dispitfull wordis ruschit forthwart with his complicis, and slew kyng Nathak with all the nobyllis that war of his mynd the secund ȝeir of his regne ⸫
¶Hovv Revvthar ane ȝoung chyld vvas maid kyng contrar the lavvis. Hovv Ferquhard capitane of Lorne vvas chasit be Dovval in the Ilis, & of his orison maid to the pepyll thairof. Ca. vi.
NAthak y e tyrane slane (as sayd is) Dowall maid ane conuentioun and be assistence of syndry nobyllis to his opinion, he crownit Rewthar in the chair of merbyl. Mony of the nobyllis war nocht cō tent of thir doyngis, hauand gret indignatioun that baith thayr kyng was slane, and y e lawis concernyng the electioun of thair prince abrogat be his priuat auctoryte, and ane ȝounge chylde maid kynge aganis thair honourabyll actis laitly maid for thair commoun weill.
¶Thir nobyllis that war of this mynd maid ane priuat conuentioun togydder, and amang thaym was Ferquhard capytane of Kyntyre [Page] and Lorne, maich to kyng Nathak, ane man of subtyll [...]ngyne and hauand gret ambition to the crown. ¶This Ferquhard beleuyng the tyme ganand to conques the crown with dissimilit mynd (as he wald debait the actione of the commoun weill) complanit baith the slauchter of Nathak be the cruell Dowall, and ane barne maid kyng to the dā mage of the pepyll and commoun weill. And exhortit thairfore the coū sall to prouyde ane haisty remeid to resist the tyranny of Dowall, quhilk intendit to vsurp the crown in name of Rewther. And gyf the samyn war nocht done, sic sedicioun and ciuill weiris [...]all ryse hais [...]ely amang the chiftanis of thair realme, that the samyn suld fynd ane haisty subuersioun. ¶Skarsly war thir wordis sai [...] quhen Dowal enterit with ane ban [...] of men and slew syndry nobillis in the counsall, bot Ferquhard euyll woundit eschapit with ane certane of his frendis, and fled in the Ilis, quhare he conuenit all the clā nis and pepyll thairof to ane counsall, and sayd in this maner. Had we obseruit the lawis concernyng the election of our kyngis. (Maist vailȝeant pepyll) it had nocht bene necessar to me this day to make this orisoun, for we mycht haue leiffit in gud tranquillite and peace vnder y e empire of Nathak our wyse & vailȝeant prince now laitly slane be Dowall the cruell tyrane. Attour to aggrege this importabyl cruelte ī mair dammaige of our commoun weill, he hes nocht only slane our kyng, bot intrusit ane ȝoung chyld in his place in plane derogatioun of oure lawis, intēdyng thairthrow to bring baith ws and oure commoun weill to vter myscheif. I fynd na thyng (maist forcy campionis) y t may seme ws les, than to lurk heir schamfully as effiminat pepyll, eschewyng the wraith of oure ennymes, and regardyng nouthir our honour nor proffet, Sen thair is na other way sa plesand to strenth our ennymes, and to febyll oure self. This maist cruel tyrane hes nocht only slane the nobillꝭ of this realme, bot slane y e preistꝭ and religious men, and that na esperance suld remane in ws to withstād his cruelte, he hes tressonably put down all the vailȝeant men that fauorit ws in Albion. He haldis all the [...]igit men (that mycht haue proffit ws be thair wyse counsall) in sic captiuite, y t thay ar na better than deid.
And that he may oppres ws with more pissance, he hes maryit R [...]wther ane ȝoung chyld (quhome he namis kyng) on the douchter of Gethꝰ kyng of Pychtis. ☞¶This vnmercyfull tyrane hes deuysit (as we ar surely aduertist) als sone as he hes vincust ws, to cut oure eyris, and put out oure eyne, that we may then remane on lyue to oure schame and perpetuall derisioun.
☞¶Ȝit wyl ȝe concur with mā heid and wysdome to my opinioun, traist fermely ȝe sall nocht only eschew sic cruelteis be fauour of goddis, bot punis hym conforme to his demerites and beleyf fermely that all thyngis sall succede to ws with hie felicite, gyf we with na les curage than wysdome defend oure rycht oure liberte, and oure fayth. For we se oft tymes vailȝeant and gret pryncis deieckit fra thair honoure and Imperyall dygnyteis, quhen thay applaudit to tressoun and falset. ☞¶Heirfore gyf we be men and worthy to be callit the posterite of oure nobyll progenitouris, quhilkis neuir refusit to assailȝe maist dangerus battallis in thair [Page xv] iust defence, lat ws defend our richt, our lawis, wiffis and chyldryn aganis this maist odyus tyrane. And erar assailȝe extreme chance of battall, thā to leif in perpetuall schame. But dout the goddis sall be propiciant to ws for oure iust persut, be contrar thay salbe repugnant to our ennymes for thair tyranny. Lat ws othir de with honoure, or ellis haue victory with triumphant glore and reuenge the murdir of the kyng & his nobyllis recently maid be this tyrane.
¶Hovv Ferquhard and Dovvall recountering vthir be plane battall vvar baith slane vvith all the nobyllyte of Scottis and Pichtis, the kyng of Pichtis slane, and the king of Scottis tane. Ca. vii.
THe capitanis of the Tribis and pepyll thairof mouit ī gret hatrent be thir wordis, turnit all feir of deith in maist rageād fury, and baithit thair hādis w t mannis blude, as y e ryte was in thay dayis and maid thair aithis to reuenge the slauchter of Nathak and his nobyllis in the scharpest maner that mycht be deuisit. And but moretary thay gaderit ane army out of Ireland, Argyle, Lorne, Canter, & othir partis adiacent. Syne landit with mony galȝouns and lang faddis in Albioun. Ferquhard returnyng in this wyse drew mony of the pepyll (quhare he come) to his opinioun. And tuke thair aithis outhir to reuenge the slauchter of king Nathak, or ellis to de all at anis. Dowall knawyng his cummyng, met hym with an army at Berigone, quhare it was cruelly fouchtyn on all sydis. Bot at last Dowall was discomfist, and seuyn thousand men of his army slane, and ȝit more slauchter had bene maid, war nocht the nycht seuerit thaym. On the morrow Dowall with furius hatrent colleckit the resydew of his army to new array, hauand with hym Gethꝰ kyng of Pichtis, and Rewthar king of Scottis with mony of all the nobyllis of baith thair realmes. ¶On the army aduersar was Ferquhard with y e inhabitantis of Cathnes, Argyle, Murray, & mony otheris of the Ilis. Thir two armyis met fynally togydder in mair fury than afore, and faucht neir to the vter exterminioun of thaym baith.
¶In this vnhappy battall was slane Gethus kyng of Pichtis with incredibyll nowmer baith of nobyllis and commounis, and baith the chiftanis Dowall and Ferquhard slane with all the nobilite of Scottis. ¶This lamentabyll and vnhappy battall was fochtyn with sic perseuerant hatrent, that allanerly remanit .viii. hundred men vnslane on baith the sydis. ¶The resydew of Ferquhardis army (to quhome this vnplesand vyctory succedit) seyng the feild left efter sa huge murdir, followit on y e chais, with ythand slauchter, quhyll thay come to the castell of Callender, thair was king Rewther tane. ¶Throw this vnhappy battall was maid sa terribyll slauchter, that mony ȝeiris efter nouthir Scottis nor Pychtis was left on lyffe sufficient to inhabit this realme, nor ȝit to withstand thair ennymes.
¶Hovv the Scottis and Pychtis vvar doung out of Albion be the Brytonis, Ca. viii.
THe Britonis (quhilkis war ay our ennymes) heirand thꝭ lamētabyl distructioun of Scottis and Pychtis cumyng on thaym be vnprudence of ciuill weris, traistit the tyme sufficient to make thaym reiose y e hale empire of Albion. And thairfore rasit thair army in maist weirly ordinance, and inuadit syndry landis of Pychtis baith with swerd and fyre. The Pychtis brokin with the weiris afore reheirsit, and disparit of support gaderit all thair [...] [...]ll & gudis with thair wiffis. chyldren▪ and freindis, and come be mony wylsome and difficil gaitis to Orknay, and efter thair cumyng chesit G [...]hus, brother to kyng Gethus afore deceissit to be thair kyng, and dwelt syndry ȝeris efter in y e said regioun in gud peace and freindschip with the pepyll thairof. Thairfore Orknay was ay namyt the aulde realme of Pichtis. The Brytonis herand y e Pichtis departit in this wise come in Penthland, Mers, and Teuydaill, and plenist all the strenthis thairof with thair gudis and pepyl, and nocht lang efter thay come in y e Scottis landis. The Scottis rich [...] affrayit of thair cumyng, and seyng na other remeid drew thaim to thair harnes & wappynnis, & met thaym in arrayit battall at Calder wod. Nochttheles the scottis war discomfist & two thowsand of thaym slane, y e resydew fled heir and thair in syndry partis, The fame of this vnhappy battall maid the pepyl na les disparit, than all the nobyll blude of Fergus had bene endit that day in Albion. The Brytonis proud and insolent be thir feliciteis herand be thair exploratouris, that ane certane of scottis (quhilkis eschapit fra this last battal) war fled to Berigone for defence of king Rewther (for he was in the said castel with ane few nowmer of nobyllis) and the resydew of Scottis with thair wiffis and barnis fled in the Ilis, gaderit ane army be the ordinance of Oenus thair kyng, and lade ane sege to the said castell. Nochttheles the Scottis defēdit it lang tyme, quhil at last thay war dreuyn to sic penurite (becaus thair vittallis failȝeit) that thay kest cauillis quha suld be first deuorit to sustene the liffis of thaym that war within the hous. And becaus thay saw the maist vailȝeant campionis fall to be deuorit in this miserabyll wyse, thay deuysit the samyn nycht to ische on thair ennymes, and erar to reuēge sum displesour on thaym, thā miserably to de in that sort, and that the kyng micht ische more esely with his noblis thay deuysit y • Colane chiftane of Lorne sal ysche with ane hundreth mē to y e nixt montane. And as it was deuysit so followit, for Colane yschyng furth on this wyse, and fechtand to the vter exterminioun of his fayis, was finaly slane with all his folkis. ¶And in the mene tyme (quhen he was maist ernestly fechtand kyng Rewther ischit at ane quiet posthern with his nobyllis, and come hastely to the see, quhair schyppis war reddy abidynge his cumyng. Rewther eschapyng on this maner arriuit in the Ilis, and fyndyng th [...]ir na securite of his lyffe, he past in Ireland. [Page xvi] The wiffis of y e tribe of Lorne seing all thair hus [...]ādis slane afore thair ene, slew thaym self, that thay suld nocht remane in seruitude of thair ennymes. The Britonis knawyng fynaly how Rewther & his nobyllis war eschapit, war sa cōmouit y t thay slew the resydew of Scottis in all partis quhair thay war apprehendit. Syne garnist al the strenthis of Scottis with thair garisonis. The resydew of the scottis sauit be thair fleyng and seyng thaym self nocht of pissance to resist the Britonis, fled to the montanis, and debaitit thair miserabyll lyffis be straytnes of the ground, with scars and hard fude, leuand in the somer on mylknes, rutis of herbis, and beryis. And in the wynter of wyld flesche of the montanis. And sumtyme thay draif gret prayis of bestial be dirknes of nycht fra y e Britonis, to sustene thair liffis. Thus stude the Scottis and Pychtis (that abaid in Albion) nere twelf ȝeris vnder seruitude of Britonis.
¶Hovv the Scottis and Pichtis recouerit thair landis, and discomfist Sysyll kyng of Britonis, and of the resydevv of kyng Revvtheris liffe. Ca. ix.
QUhill sic thingꝭ war done ī Albion. King Rewther had on his wyf in Ireland ane sonne namyt Thereus. And not lang efter be request of Gethus kyng of Pichtis, he returnit in Albion, and landit at Lochbroun ī Ros. Als sone as the Scottis war returnit on this wyse ī Albion, thay slew be auld rite the first man thay met, & bathit thair mouth and swordis ī his blud, syne prayit the goddis to grant thaym sic felicite that thay may condingly reuenge the slauchter of thair progenitouris. Belyue thay maid thaym to pas forthwart towart the south. And in the mene tyme thay war aduertist that Gethus kyng of Pichtis was cumyn w tin .xxx. milis to thaim with ane gret army that was send to thaym be thair freindis out of Albion to help thaym to recouer thair landis. The thrid day efter baith the armyis met togydder with gret triumphe, and passyng forthwart to y e south thay met all the Scottis and Pichtis quhilkis war haldyn y e ȝeir afore vnder seruytude. Sysyl kyng of Brytonis herand thir tythyngis gatherit haistely ane army to reconter his ennymes. Incontinent the cō fiderat pepyll but ony sicht to conques ony strenthis or gudis entrit with auful army in Britane, and inuadit the samyn with gret iniure & cruelteis. Kyng Sysyll to reuenge thir cruelteis inuadit the scottis and Pichtis with haiste battall. Nochttheles his army was fynaly disconfyst. The hie and souerane manheid of kyng Rewther was principal occasyon of this glorius victory. And in memory thairof y e cuntre (quhare the battall was fochtin) is callit ȝit to oure dayis Rethirdayll, that is to say y e vale of Rewthir. This battal was sa cruelly fochtin, that baith the armyis war constranit to talk peace vnder thir conditionis. The Britonis sall render al the strenthis landis and townis pertenyng to the Scottis and Pichtis, and sal nocht inuaid thaym in tymes cumyng. The Scottis Pychtis and Brytonis leuit mony ȝeris efter in gud trā quillite and peace. ☞ ¶The ȝeir that kyng Rewther recouerit his realme was fra the begynnyng of y e [Page] warld .iiii.M.ix.C.lxxxxv. ȝeris. afore y e incarnatioun .CC.iiii. ȝeris. fra y e beginnyng of Rome .v.C.xlvi. ȝeris. Kyng Rewther leuit the resydew of his dayis but ony vncouth weris or seditioun of his liegis, and deceissit the .xxvi. ȝeir of his regne.
¶Of kyng Revvtha and his lavvis and gouernance. Hovv Ptolome kyng of Egipt send his oratouris to se the situatioun of Scotland. Ca. x.
REwther deceissit (as we haue schawin) his sonne Thereus wes of so tender age y t he mycht nocht succeid to the crown, be [...]eason of the lawis afore rehersit. And thairfore his cusyng Rewtha was maid kyng, for thay war brethir barnis. This Rewtha was the first kyng amang the scottis, y • [...]aud ingyne to put nobyll men for thair vailȝeant dedis in memory, & maid riche sepulturꝭ for y e bodi [...]s of thaym y t war slane be Brytonis in defence of this realme. He commandit als mony hie stanis to be set about the sepulture of euery nobil mā, as was slane be hym of Brytonis. In memory heirof syndry of thaym remanis ȝit in the hie landis, that the pepyll may knaw sic men war vailȝeant in thair dayis. Throw quhylk it come ī vse, that the sepulturis of nobyll mē was haldyn ī gret reuerence amang the pepyll. On thir sepulturis was ingrauyn ymageris of dragonis, wolfis, & othir beistis. For na inuentioun of letteris was in thay dayis to put the deidis of nobyl men in memore. The commoun pepyll was geuyn that tyme to store of beistis and telyng of thair landis but ony othir industry. Thus [...]ȝet al ingenious craftis in this cuntre. And thairfore kyng Rewtha brocht all maner of craftismen out of othir contres, and sparpellit thaym in syndry schiris of his realme with feis & dewteis, sum part to be takyn on the commoun purs, and sum part as thay mycht wyn be thayr laubouris. The heid of euery ox that was slane was geuyn to the smyth of that schyre, the [...]rag to the forester of the wod, the toung to the man of law, half ane cost to the sercheouris of theuis, als mekyll to the wricht, two rybbis of the cost to the medcinat, als mekyll to the surrurgiane. And besyde this war geuyn to thaym certane mesouris of aitis & beir, becaus na change of money was ī thay dayis. Throw partyng of the ox in this wyis rais vp the annuell rentis in this land. Efter that king Rewtha had plenist his realme on this maner with craftismen, he was informit, that gret dāmage fell oftymis to his pepyl be ignorāce of euil medcinaris, & thairfore he inhibit vnder payne of deid y t ony man exerce y e art of medicinary, without thay war found richt expert with lang experience thairof. Afore this tyme na medcinaris was vsit in this cuntre. For al personis (that war trublit with infirmiteis) war brocht to the marcat, or to ony other commoun place, quhare the pepyll mycht se thaym, to gyf thaym counsall to vse sic remedyis, as thay vsit quhen thay conualescit of thayr maledis. It was ane thyng richt odius in thay dayis to visee nocht the pacient with comfort and consolation. About this tyme come certane oratouris fra kyng Ptolome of Egipt, to explore y e maneris and situacioun of euery pepyll and regioun, thi [...] [Page xvii] oratouris war plesandlie ressauit be y e kyng. For thay war discendit of y e Egiptianis his forbearis. The king gart conuoy thaym bath throw the realme of Scottis & pychtis accordyng to thair desyris. Thir oratourꝭ wrait in thair bukis, the situatioun of hillis, firthis, Ilis, townis, lochis and castellis within this region, w t the lenth of dayis and nychtis baith in wynter & symer, as thay war commādit be king Ptolome, quhilk gaif his ingyne to discriue ye situatioun of the erd in euery regioun and Ilis quhare ony mē vsit to haue passage with discriptioun of the montanis firthis and cieteis of the samyn be diuers instrumentꝭ of astronomy. Be quhais deligence and laubour remanis now ane rycht crafty and proffitable werk namit the Cosmographe of Ptolome richt expert ī methamatik. This ingenius werk was completit in the tyme of Adriane the empriour. Quhen thir oratouris had sene and degeistlie considerit this regioun, thay persauit the samyn ritis the same maner of writtyngis, the same toung and the same habit and cerymonyis as was vsit amang the Egiptianis. And for that caus thir oratouris war the more plesandly [...] depischit of this realme. Kyng Rewther gouernit his realme .xiiii. ȝeris efti [...] ī gret Iustice, but ony vncouth or ciuill weris. Quhill at last he began to suspek his lang felicite. And thairfore to preuene all calamite (gif ony war approcheand be mischance of fortoun) he resignit the crown to Thereus son to kyng Rewther the xvii. ȝeir of his regne.
¶Of kyng Thereus. and hovv he vvas exilit for his tyranny. Hovv Conane chiftane of brigandis vvas maid gouernour during his proscription. Ca. xi.
THereus ress [...]uing y e crown on this man apperit the first sex monethis of his regne to be ane virtewis prince. Bot sone eftir he becam ane vicioꝰ tyrane inuoluit so w t lust, y t he had na regard to ressone, honesty, nor Iustice, & was namit amang the pepill y e scornar of religioun. Ye pepill be Imitation of this insolent prince increscit euery day more and more in corruppit maneris. Throw quhilk followit Ithand slauchter of nobill men, with reif & heirschippis in all partis. Strongest theuis and gretest oppressouris war haldin in maist veneratioun & honouris. The cōmonis war sa disparit for y e irrecouerable skaithis done to thaym that thay traistit nocht possibil ony tyrane more vicious mycht regne aboue thaim. The capitanis of y e tribis mouit be thir insufferable offēcis thocht vnworthy, that ony noble men suld be misgidit be sic ane corruppit monstour. And thairfore maid ane quiet conuentioun amang thaym self. In the quhilk thay cōcludit baith to degraid hym of his crown and kyngdome. Thereus heirand this conspiratioun of his nobillis aganis hym, was sa astonist, that he fled in Brytane. At last quhen he had socht lāg tyme support of the Britonis to restore him to his realme, frustrat yair of, he cōsumit y e residew of his dayis in misere at Ȝork the .xii. ȝeir of his regne. Quhen Thereus was exilit on this maner, the nobillis of Scotland (that thair common weill sal incurre na dāmage for lakyng of ane king) chesit Conane capitane of Brigandis to be gouernour. This Conane (efter that he was maid gouernour) [Page] tuke gret laubouris to meis al dissentionis that war rissyn afore amang y e nobyllis be sleuth of Thereus. He punist theiffis, reuers, and othir criminabyll personis with sic seuerite and Iustice, that the bestiall & gudis lay thairfurth but ony trubyl. Quhill at last kyng Therus deceissit in Brytane, be quhais deith his auctorite was expirit.
¶Of kyng Iosyne, & of the experience and prechyng of tvvo philosophouris. Ca. xii.
ALs sone as the nobillis war aduertist of the deith of Thereꝰ, thay maid ane conuentioun at Berigon. In y e quhilk Iosyne bruther to Thereus was maid kyng. This Iosyne renewit y e peace with his nychtbouris the Pichtis and Britonis, & held surrurgianis & medcinaris in gret reuerence. For he wes nurist the tyme of his ȝoutheid with sic personis in Ireland, he was ane gud medicinar, & had gud experience of herbis. Our forbearis vsit na othir medcin in curyng thair woundis or infirmiteis, bot herbis. And in thay dayis thair was nocht sa mony dyuers kindis of maladyis, as now ar sene. Few infirmiteis war sene that tyme, bot grauellis caterris & siclike maladyis cumyng throw distemperance of cauld and donk humouris. The pepyll leiffit with sa skars and naturall fude, that thay had nocht only lang dayis, bot war preseruit fra all maner of maledyis. Nochtheles fra the abstinence of our forebearis was set asyde, thā vncouth & delicious coursis begā to multiply sa [...]mang ws, y t with vncuth & strange metis, come vncouth and strange infirmiteis. And becaus the vnȝemē tis & drogareis y t our forbearis vsit mycht nocht cure the new maledyis, the pepyl war cōstranit throw importabyl dolour incressing be the samyn, to seke remeid be new ingyne & craft. And sen our tyme is now sa vēnomit with vncouth & superflew metis & drīkis, we thocht sum thing necessar to rehers the temperance of our forebearis in thair leuyng, with sic maledyis & remedyis as war vsit in thair dayis. Of quhilkis sall be schawin more largely efter, quhen tyme occurris more expedient. In y e tyme of kyng Iosyne war brocht to his presence at Berigone two venerabyll clerkis, of plesant visage, bot thay war al maist nakit. It is wryttin y t thay war preis [...]is of Spanȝe, & passyng out of Portingale to Athenes be vnmercifull tempest of sees, war schip brokin at Ros, thair schip and remanent pepyl (that was with thaym) perist, and thay only sauit. And becaus thay war philosophouris & mē of gret experience, thay war weill tretit. At last quhen thay war xiiii. dayis refreschit efter thair walkyng & trubyll of see, thay war brocht agane to y e kyngis presence. The king demādit thaim to schaw quhat thay vnderstude of the nature of the ground of Scotland, & of the maneris & religioun of the pepyll thairof. Thir philosophouris answerit, thay mycht nocht say perfitely to thir questionis, becaus thay had nocht lang tyme to haue experience thairof, and als war sum part febillit in thair fā tasyis, for the calamite laitly falling to thaym be storme of sees. Nochtheles (sa far as thay micht coniecture) thair was more riches & proffet to be [Page xviii] gottin within the vanis of the erd of Scotland, thā aboue. For it was more geuyn to winnyng of mynis & metallis, thā ony production of cornis. Thay knew this (said thir philosophouris) be the influence of the heuyn, as to the maneris & religion of y e pepyll, thay declarit thair religion was nocht to be commendit, for thay adorit ymagis of brutall beistis, in forme of leuand goddis, as y e Egiptianis vsit quhilk suld nocht be. For god was that thyng only, that contenit landis, sees, & euery creature. Quhais perfyte & verray ymage cā not be payntit nor deuysit be īgyne of man. It was necessar thairfore y t the pepyll suld leif thair ydolatryis. And adore allanerly the leuand god mouer of the heuynnis, with sacryfyce & prayer in thair tempillis allanerly but ony ymageryis. And finaly to leif in hope of reward, gif thay leiffit with clene lif, & Iustice, vthir ways not was deuisit for thaym bot dolour & tormēt. Thir philosophouris preching in this maner inducit y e pepyll to leif thair ydolatryis, makand thair sacrifice & prayer allanerly to the mouer of heuyn the eternall god. Thus war the pepyll brocht to that way y t the sacrifice (y t was wont to be geuyn to Isis & Apis the goddis of Egypt) was abrogat. Throw quhilk the scottis war mony ȝeris efter sa religious, that thay made ado [...]ation only to god the mouar of the heuyn. Ȝit vtheris war sa indurat ī thair awn errouris, that thay couth nocht omyt thair auld suꝑstitionis, & beleuit firmely that the son, mone, & otheris the sternis & lanternis of y e heuyn, war verray goddis. For thay war sa obstinat & blyndit in the auld arrour of gentilis, y e quhē thay saw na thing in erd more bricht nor meruellus, thā the son, mone, & vther lychtis of the heuyn, thay beleuit sum diuinite thairin, & adorit thaym as goddis. This history (sa far as it is now drawin) is colleckit out of Ueremond, Iohne Campbell, & Cornelius Ireland, quhom we haue determit to follow (as maist autētik auctouris) to y e end of this our quhatsū euer werke. Kyng Iosyne was ane virtuous prince, & deceissit at Berigone the .xxiiii. ȝeir of his regne.
¶Of kyng Fynnane and his lavvis. And of the college of clerkis in the Ile of Man. Ca. xiii.
EFter the deith of Iosyne, his son Finnane ane wise & virtuous prince was maid kyng. He was sa gret luffar of Iustice, that he rychely rewardit all the capitanis of the Tribis, quhare he fand thaym luffaris of the cōmoun weill. He gaif his hale attendance to wyn the hertis of his pepyll, & maid na exercition nor ministration of Iustice, but aduise of his nobillis. He ekit the nowmer of his counsal with ma Senatouris thā was afore to mak thaym y e more renoumit. He maid ane law, that the kyng sall do na thyng concernyng y e publik administration of his realm, but aduyse of his nobillis. He maid als ane vther law that the kyng sall nothir denonce weir nor treit peace, but aduise of y e capitanis of Tribis. Be thir & siclike constitutionis, king Fynnane conquest gret fauour and beniuolence of his pepyll. Be this maner of gouernance he maid hym sa strang amang his liegis, that he was neuir assailȝeit efter with ony vncouth weris, & grew in gret aboū dance of ryches. Fynaly he set his mynd to repare y e religiō of goddis▪ [Page] for it wes decait in his faders tyme. First he commandit the ymagis of thair goddis to be restorit to thayr tempillis, that the pepil mycht haue the samyn ī adoration as afore. And ȝit he wald nocht inhibit the pepil to adore the leuand god mouer of heuyn. For that wes institute afore be the philosophouris. He sufferit his pepill to adore quhat god thay plesit. He wes the first kyng that institute prelatis and clerkis to be in yis realme. And that thir clerkis suld remane togidder, he gaif thaym y e Ile of Man lyand betuix Ireland and Britane fornens Brigance, quhare thair principall seit wes ordanit to be. Thir clerkis conuenit Ilk ȝeir anis at the cōmand of the gret maist and bischop thairof, specialie quhen ony hie and wechty materis occur [...] concernyng the defence of thayr [...] or common weil. ¶Thir preis [...]is war namyt Druydes, & wes [...]stitute in this Ile be aduy [...]e of the kyng and his nobillis. To mak sacrifice in ye honour of thair goddis, and to instruk the sonnis of nobill men in virtew and science, siclik as thay war lernit at Athenes. It wes commandit that ane of thaym as bischop and maister sall haue Iurisdictioun aboue the laif. Before quhom wes borne ane gleib of fyre in signe of hꝭ honour & diuinite. Eft quhais deith ane othir maist approcheand to virtew and cunnyng, wes chosyn to succeid in his place. Thir clerkis throw thair Ithand exercitioun increscit sone eftir rycht expart in morall and naturall philosophie. And wes haldin be the pepill maist Iust & haly creaturis. Thay maid lawis to discus the doutis baith of publik and singular actionis. And deuisit nocht onlie punitioun for all maner of cryines, bot ordanit condigne rewardis to be geuyn for al gud dedꝭ. Thay cursit thaym that contempnit thair auctorite. This punition wes euir odious amang oure forbearis. For y e cursit pepil war in thay dayis resecat fra al gud cumpany, and not participant with the reward of honouris or digniteis, bot numerit amang the cumpany of infamyt and wickit misdoaris. ¶Thir preistis war exemit fra all chargis of weir & othir exactionis. ¶Of thir preistis writtis mony auctouris, affirmyng thair ordour & religioun first found in Britane. For thay cal the hail Ile of Albion vnder ane name Britane. Fynnane wes ane virtuous prince and na les honorit for his ciuil than religious maneris, be quhilkis he decorit his realme. ¶He maryit his son Durstus on Agasia douchter to the kyng of Britonis, and conquest be the samyn na litill glore and beneuolence amang the britonis. At last he past to gyf consolation to y e kyng of pychtis, quhilk wes lyand y e tyme ī vehemēt feuer at Camelon quhare he deceissit the .xxx. ȝeir of his regne. His body wes brocht to berigone, & beriit amang the remanent sepulturis of his progenitouris.
¶Of kyng Durstus, and hovv he vvas slane for his cruell tyranny. Ca. xiiii.
FYnnane deceissit on this wyse, his sonne Durstus wes mayd kyng. Yis Durstus be insolēt ȝouth wes geuyn to drounknes and vnbridelit lust, and so different [Page xix] fra his faderis gouernance, y t he hat tit all thaym that his fader luffit. He brak the ordour of law that wes institute afore be his ꝓgenitouris for ministratioun of Iustice. He vsit na counsal in gret materis, bot onlie of thaym that fauorit his vicious maneris, and culd fynd to him new maner of lustis. He was sa mischeuous ane tyrane, that al y e nobil men (that his fader vsit on his secret counsall) war be him othir slane or banist, Or ellis be feynȝeit causis forfaltit of thair landis and guddis. And finalie he wes brocht to sic cruelte, that not onlie he slew yame (quhilkꝭ war odius to hym) bot als slew al thaym quhare he beleuit to get ony riches or guddis be thair deith. He repudiat his nobil quene Agasia the kyng of Britonis dochter. And gart his vicious harlotis deforce hir. Quhill this vnhappy tyrane wes inuoluit with thir and siclik abhominable dedis, the capitanis of the Ilis, Lorne Argyle and Ros be frequēt conuentionis amang thaym self, maid ane conspiratioun aganis hym. So far haitit thir capitanis the rage of tyrany, that thay wald na langar abid at his opinion. And to yat fyne thay sall nocht appere as brekaris of the faith that suld be kepit to thair natural prince, thay schew thaym be opin proclamatio [...] [...]cht assemblit to inuaid the [...] onlie to punys his vicious and vnhappy counsalouris, be quhome the realme was brocht to sic enormiteis, that without remeid war haistely prouydit, y e samyn suld pas to vter rewyne. ¶Quhyll the capitanis foresayd war preparand thair armis on this maner, the cōmonis rycht desy [...]us to dystroy this tyrane, rais haist [...]y on athir hand to assist to thir capitanis. Ȝit part of the commonis wald nocht concurre with thir capitanis, beleuyng thaym nocht assemblit for ony cōmon weill, bot only to vsurpe the crown. Durstus na litil affrayit o [...] thair assemblance (for he knew hym self gilty) maid hym to flee, and seand na place sufficient to keip him he send to the Britonis desyring his quene Agasia to be send to him with ane power of armyt men, to resyst ane certane of his nobyllis aganis hym conspirit. At last seand na support apperand, he began to turne his treasonabyll mynd to falset and slychtis. And tuke purpos to sla thir cōspiratouris be sum hyd waching. Beleuyng be that way only to eschew the danger apperyng. ¶Incontinent he send ambassatouris to thir capitanis, and fenȝeit hym sa penitent, that he wald reforme all offē cis and iniuris done be hym in perditioun of the commoun weill, and promittit nocht only to gouerne the realme in tymes cumyng be thair aduyse, bot to punys his wickit coū salouris, quhilkis war occasioun of all displesouris be hym done. ¶It was als ane odious thyng to ane kyng to fecht aganis his subdittis, specyally quhen thay ar nocht set to degraid hym of his crown, bot only to reduce hym to better estait. And for the obseruation thairof he wald bynd hym in the tempyll of Dyane, vnder quhat astrictionis thay plesit. And gyf that mycht nocht be sufficient, he suld cum to thaym but ony assurance, and submit hym to vnderly quhat correctioun thay pleasit. ¶And that his wordis mycht haue the more credyt, he kest ane certane of his seruitouris in prysone, as he war to punys thaym to the deith for thair assistence to his vyces. [Page] ¶Otheris of small estimatioun he arrayit in precious cl [...]thyng, and send thayme to the sayd capitanis to be punyst at thayr plesour. The capitanis geuand haistelye credence to his wordis, send Doron capytane of the Trybe of Lorne to take his aithis eftir his promys. Thus was Durstus brocht in the temple of Diane, and sworne before y e preist thairof with all aithis that couth be deuisit, to ressaue thir capitanis to maist tender freindschip Remitting the rankour of his mind with al maner of cryme that micht be imput to thaym. And not onlie to hald thaym as his faithfull and tendir freindis, bot to gouerne the realme in tymes cummyng be thair auise. Als sone as thir capitanis be vane cōfidence wer cumyn to hym, he ressauit yame sa plesandlye, that baith his wordis visage and contenance apperit but ony dissimilance. Thus was generall concord & blythnes maid on athir syde. Kyng Durstus reiosyng of this concord callit thir capitanis to ane banket within his castell of Berigone. Als sone as thay war entrit, this vnmercyfull tyrane past to ane towr of the castell. And incontinent certane armyt mē ruschit furth of the chalmeris quhare thay war hyd, and slew thir capitanis and all vtheris that enterit in the castell of thair opinioun. The wiffis and matronis that followit thair husbandꝭ to this terrible banket euil hurt and woundit in debait of thair said husbandis past out of Berigone with dolorus spraichis, crying vengeans on this cursit tyrane for violatioun of his faith and promys. This treson & falset of Durstus was nocht lang vnpunist. For al the remanent freindis of thir capitanis assemblit ane army baith of men and wemen sufficient to beir wappynnis sa haistely, that thay laid ane sege about y e castel of Berigone or Durstus was aduertist yairof. Ane certane of yam past incontinent to the wallis, and said / thay suld haue sone experience, quhidder he was more crafty in treason or fechtyng. Durstus disparit of help come out of y e castel in his wod fury with ane cumpany of euill arrayit peple. And was sone spulȝeit baith of his liffe and crown the nynt ȝeir of his regne. ¶And howbeit he was ane vicious tyrane, he was buryit in ane kingly sepulture amang his forbearis.
¶Of gret contention amang the capitanis. Of the orisoun maid be Charon capitane of Argyle, & hovv Evvin the first of that name vvas maid kyng. Ca. xv.
DUrstus slane in yis maner, his sonnys fled in Irelād. sone eftir ane cōuention was maid to cheis the kyng. The nobillis beand all of ane mynd, concludit to suffir nane of Durstus blude to regne aboue thaym, in aduenture y e sum of yame suld reuēge his slauchter. And thair fore thay tuke lang consultation of quhat lynage, and blud y e kyng suld be chosin. Sū desyrit Ragaon chiftane of the Ilis, for he cōspyrit first aganis Durstus. ¶Ȝit becaus he fauourit euill dedy men he was repellit. Utheris desyrit Cormanus capitane of Lorne ¶Thus war ye Tribis deuidit in syndry vocis. Eft lāg [...]te [...]ion, Charon capitane of Argyle said ī this maner. Ȝe may haue [Page xx] perfite experience (wyse faderis) be the ciuill weris of Dowall and Ferquhard, and now more recentlie be y e empire of wickit Durstus, how dangerus and vnthankfull is to all pepill to haue ane cruell tyrane regnand aboue thaym. For be thay samyn weris yis nobil realme (quhilk has bene debatit sa mony ȝeris with gret manheid wisedome & curage) wes neir brocht to finall euerstone. For be the samyn weris our nobillꝭ war slane, and our cōmonis brocht to sa vile seruitude / that (gyf the samyn had continewit) oure name and lynage suld haue perist in Albione. Quhat miserie sustenit our faderis in Berigone? quhen thay war cōstranit be vrgēt necessite to saif thair miserable lyuis on the fude of thair bowellꝭ. Quhat danger sustenit our kyng Rewther euadyng his ennymes be maist perellus Ischeyng? quhen his realme was neir lost, and Colane the vailȝeant capitane slane onelie for defence of hym and his realme. Quhat fury was in thay nobill wemen? that slew thaym self at Berigone that thay suld nocht leif in seruitude of ennimes. Quhat hes brocht our nobillis to sic mesiry that thay war banist and socht suple at vncouth realmes? nocht bot sedition intestyne amāg thaym self. The Britonis for al thair riches and cheualrie, mycht neuir haue maid sic incursionis and heirschippis on our landis and peple. War nocht we maid first ane reddy gait to thaym be our awin dissentioun. It is thairfore to be eschewit (rycht vailȝeāt men) that this dissentioun now risyng amang ȝow, cum nocht to dāmage of ȝour common weil. ¶Ȝe haue deliuerit now laithe the realme of the tiranny of Durstus. Ȝe haue sufficientlye reuengit the slauchter of the nobillis be his deith. Now is the tyme maist ganand to help oure materis. Tyne nocht (my gud freindis) the victory be ciuill dissentioun, that ȝe haue conquest with gret labour. ¶Ȝe se the pepil glaid of Durstus deith, and desirus to haue ane kyng be ȝour election. Quhil thay ar now at ȝour opinioun, mak ane kyng yat will tak ȝour part. ¶Otherwayis na thyng salbe amang ȝow, bot ciuill weris, heirschippis, and slauchter baith of nobillis and commonis. And in the meyntyme sum of Durstus freindis sall nocht onlye vsurp the crown, bot sall punys ȝow for his slauchter. The nobillis and commonis seand Charon of sic exellent wisdome, gaif to hym power to cheis quhom he thocht best to be kyng. Than Charon (that the crown sal remane ay of y e same blud) chesit Ewin the first of that name to be kyng, for Durstus and Ewin war brethir sonnis. ¶Thus was Ewin crownit in the chair of marbill at berigone. This castell was haldin certane dayis aganis him be freindꝭ of Durstus. Nochtheles it was finalie randerit. ¶This Ewin was the first kyng of Scottis, that socht the aith of fidelite fra his subditis / that is to say / that his nobillis & subditis suld be leil & trew to hym. Throw quhilk it come in vse mony ȝeris eftir, that all the capitanis of tribis at thair electioun constranit thair subditis to gyf thair aithis of fidelite. Quhilk ryte is ȝit obseruit. ¶For the pepill dwellyng in the hie land and Ilis thairof, at electioun of thair capitane haldis vp thair handis to be leil and trew to hym. And als sone as the Capitane Is chosyn, thay past to the nyxt mote, and defendis [Page] vnder pane of deid, y e nane of thaym name thair capitane with ony vthir sloggorne bot with the auld name of that Tribe. And quhen thay heir his name, to bek and discouer thair heid, with na les reuerence than he war a god. I beleif thairfore that y e pepyll that dwellis in hie land or in the Ilis, quhen thair hieest besynes occurris, sweris be the fute or hand or name of thair capitane, as sum hyd diuinite war in the same. Ewin to stabyl his realme in virtew, commandit the ȝoung children of his realme to be nurist with skars & hard fude. And to sleip erar on hard burdis, than on plumis or coddis. And to be ythandly exercit in swift rynnyng, and werslyng, to make thaym the more abyll to debait his realme, quhen tyme requirit. And ordanit thaym to abstene fra all thyng that micht make thaym soft or effeminat. This virtuus prince past throw all the boundis of his realme for ministration of Iustice, and punist criminabyll personis with syndry punitioun. Sum skurgit, and sum he punist to y e deith. The samyn tyme come the ambassatouris of Pichtis desyryng be the tenoure of confideratioun to haue support aganis the Britonis, quhilkis war laitly cummyng with gret incursionis in the Mers, & purposit to sege thair ciete of Camelon. Kyng Ewin to support his confiderate freindis, come with ane haisty army aganis the Brytonis. The Scottis and Pichtis assē blit in this maner, went forthwart with na les curage, thā victory had ben present in thair handis. So far war thair myndis inflammit to reuenge the iniuris done to thaym in y e ȝeris afore. The Britonis na thing affrayit of thair cumyng met thaym with na les ferocite, on the tothir [...] followit ane dangerus & cruell battall fochtin lang tyme with vncertane victory. Bot at last the nicht seuerit thaym with rycht sorowfull & doutsum chance of battal. The confiderat kyngis seand thair army brokyn fled vnder nycht to Pentland hyllis. And y e Britonis brokyn with siclike calamite, and disparit of ony new support, fled on y e same maner as disconfist pepyll, and left thair carage behynde thaym. Als sone as y e confiderat pepyl war aduertist heirof, thay returnit to the same partis quhare y e Brytonis war cāpit afore, & partit the spulȝe thairof be custum of armys. Sic thyngis done kyng Ewin returnit to Berigon, & rewardit richely y e freindis of thaym that war slane in this battall. Sum of his capitanis for thair prouyn vassalage war promouit to publik officis, & othirs rewardit with ryches and gudis. And fra thens he concludit to gouerne his realme in trāquillite and peace. He maid certane Iugis to abide in syndry regionis of his realme, to minister iustice to the pepil. He ordanit certane exploratouris to remane in ilk schire, that thay micht serche sornaris, theiffis, & reiffaris, & bring thaym to his lawis. And that thir exploratouris mycht continew in thair offyce, he dotat thaym with syndry landis. In memory heirof remanis ȝit to our days syndry infeftmentis of auld baronis, quhais landis war geuyn be virtuous princis for the samyn caus. Howbeit thay exerce nocht the effect thairof. Kyng Ewin biggit ane castel nocht far fra Berigon callit then Ewin efter his name, now callit Dounstatage, and gidit his realme mony ȝeris efter to the gret commodite of his common [Page xxi] weil, and deceissit the .xix. ȝeir of his regne.
¶Hovv Gillus bastard sonne to kyng Evvin slevv tvvo sonnis & tvvo nepotis of Du [...]stus to make hym self kyng, and hovv the thrid nepot Edeir eschapit. Ca. xvi.
EFtir deith of Ewin his bastard son Gillus, conuenit the nobillis to bury his fader. And in the tyme of hꝭ obsequies com Dothane and Dorgall two sonnis of Durstus, fast contendyng for the crown. For thay war reconseld with kyng Ewin afore his deth. Ȝit becaus thay war two twynnis borne atanis, the law couth nocht decerne in thay dayis, quhilk of thaym had maist richt to the crown. Thus rais ane schamful debait betuix thir two brethir, Ilk ane of thaym set ī othir slauchtir. This Gillus was ane mā of subtell Ingyne, and seik and occasioun to conquis the crown, ekit the hatrent of thir two brethir be mony slichtis & armit yame in athir slauchter. At last be appoyntment of Gillus, thir two brethir war brocht togidder to be agreit be auise of freindis of all debatis, and ane of thaym to be maid kyng. Nochtheles thay war sa extreme at this conuentioun on athir side, y t thay partit war freindis than thay met. Nocht lang eftir thay war brocht agane be Gillus in ane secreit chalmer. Eftir lang consultatioun, it was concludit sū tyme to deuide the crown betuix thaym, & sum tyme to mak ane of yame king. Alwayis Gillus inflāmit more yair hatrent thā he mesit. And in y e mene tyme certane armyt men ruschit out of priuat chalmeris as thay war cō mandit be Gillus, and slew thaym baith. Eftir thair slaucht Gillus ran heir & thair w t piteus cryis, schawin how he eschapit ane richt dangerus aduenture, quhare the kyngis sōnis war layd for his slauchter and baith slane. And incontinent he commandit his freindis (y t stude about hym) to haue hym to sum sycker place, for gyf he fled nocht in tyme, he suld be tynt. His freindis beleuyng al thyngis trew (as he schew) followit hym to the castell of Dounstafage. Gyllꝰ enteryng in this wyse within the castel, & fynding mony of his opinion, arrayit his men in syndry abuschementis, & cōmandit to sla all thaym that war repugnant to his desyris. Incontinent he callit the capitanis of the tribis to ane counsall, & began be lang orisone to detest y e insolence, auarice, and vnnatural hatrent of y e kyngis sonnis, quhilkis cōtendyng for the crown hes slane thaym self. And on the same maner he detes [...]it y e bludy tyrany of Durstꝰ thair fader, schawand be mony reasonis his sonnis vnabyll for y e crown, & gaif thā kis thairfore to y e goddis, y t the cuntre was deliuerit of thair tyrāny, & y e tresson falling on thaym self, quhilk thay deuysit for hī. Finally he schew the gret laubour, cure, & diligence y t he tuke baith for the commoun wele & to haue brocht the kyngis sonnis to cōcord, quhilkis as thā war baith slane, he nocht knaw and be quhat maner, bot narrowly eschaping w t his lif. And forthir he schew how his fader kyng Ewin left hym gouernour be his testament, with power to part all his tresoure and gudis amang y e nobyllis that luffit hym duryng his lif. And that the commoun weil mycht suffer na dammage, he desyrit the administration of the realme to be geuyn to hym, quhyll it [Page] war cleirly discussit, quhay war iust herytouris thairto. The capitanis quhilkis war at this tyme within ye castell knawand weil his treason to saif thair liffis maid hym kyng. Als sone as Gillus was maid kyng on this wyse to stabil the realme to him with sickir firmance, he tuk y e a [...]this of his pepil to be his faithful liegis. Sic thingis done he partit the tresure and guddis of kyng Ewin as he promittit. And be that way he cō quest thair beneuolence and fauour Nochtheles the same ambition and auarice that mouit hym to seik the crown, remanit with hym eftir that he was kyng. For he set his mynd be mony slychtis, to distroy all the lynnage and blude of Durstus, that he mycht reiose y e crown but ony clame of otheris, and becaus he wes aduertist that Dothane the sonne of Durstus afore slane, had thre sonnis nurist in the Ile of Man vnder y e wise clerkis thairof, of quhilkis ye eldest Lismorus had .xii. ȝeris in age. The secund Cormacus .x. ȝeris. And the thrid Ed [...]ir nocht thre ȝeir of age, he wēt y e nerrest way to y e said yle w t dissimilat mīd, as he wald haue brocht thir children to his castell of Dunsta [...]age, to be fosterit thair with otheris nobillis sonnis of ye realme. The eldest two arrayit in thair best auyse met kyng Gillus, quhome he maist tenderlie ressauit, and spendit the residew of y e nycht in cherisyng thir barnis, that ye gret maister and bischop of the said Ile suld haue na suspition of his hyd treason. ¶On the morow he began to cōmon with the bischop & his clerkis concerning thair religioun, constitutionis and lawis. ¶On the thrid day he maid sacrifice to his goddis with solempnit cerimonis. And eftir that he had left certane men behynd hym to s [...]a the thrid sonne Edeir, he pullit vp salis & arriuit at Doūstafage, hauand with hym the two eldest sonnis of y e said Dothane with thair fostar fader & brether. For in thay dayis y e pepyll had na les affection to thair foster brether & fader, thā to thair awī naturall fader or brether. The ȝoungest son Edeir was in sic infirmite, y t na man beleuit his lif. Als sone as he began to conuales, he was brocht be his nuris to Argyle, quhare he was nurist lang tyme amang the desert craggis & montanis of y e land, for scho suspeckit na gud to cum of his two remanent brether y t come in Gyllus handis. And as scho coniecturit, so followit. For the first nycht y t Gyllus returnit to Dounstafage, he slew baith thir sōnis of Dothane in the armis of thair foster fader & brether. And herand y t the thrid son Edeir was eschapit, he become sa wod & furius, that he slew the men (y t he left behynd hym for his slauchter) at thair returnyng. And fra thēs he set hꝭ vter besynes to ꝑsew Edeir to the deith, and ceissit nocht, quhyll he was suerly aduertist of his fleyng in Ireland.
¶Hovv kyng Gyllus vvas banist, hovv Cadal chiftane of Brigandis vvas maid gouernour, and slevv Gillus in Ireland. And hovv Evvin the secund vvas maid kyng. Ca. xvii.
NOt lāg efter ane coū sall was set at Doū stafage. In y e quhilk Gyllus schew be lāg orisō, that he had deseruit na litil fauour of his nobyllis & commonis for the prudent administratioun of his realme, [Page xxii] geuand his vter besines baith to take away al mouaris of sedicion, & to saif it fra dissention & weris intestine, and fra the insolence of ane ȝoung prince. And thairfore he desyrit na suspition to be imput to hym, howbeit the sōnis of Dothane war deceissit (as apperit) be the mynd of goddis. For as thay ordanit kyngdomes & empire to be, so haue thay cōmandit na wemen nor barnis, bot men only of prouyn virtew to haue the samyn in gouernance. Forthir thair was syndry seditius men and mouaris of discord, the quilkis was necessar to be drawin fra y e laif. Als sone as Gyllꝰ had said thir wordis, he enterit with ane certane of his nobyllis in the castel of Dounstafage. Incontinent he gart sla all the freindis of Durstus but ony miseration quhidder thay war men, wiffis, or barnis. Mony of the noblis (y e stude about hym) was rycht astunist for this cruelte, dreidand to be slane on the same maner, Gyllꝰ seand thaym affrayit maid thaym consolatioun, for gif thay continewit at his opinioun thay sall leif in gret felicite in tymes cumyng. Efter this he kest his wickit mynd ylk day to more cruelte, that he mycht all vterly distroy all thaym, that fauorit Durstus. quhen this bludy tyrane had roung certane tyme with thir & siclike inhumane cruelteis, vnsemand to ane prince, The capitanis and nobyllis of Scotland assemblit ane army of chosyn men fra all partis of the realme, & conspirit aganis hym with sic prudēce, y t this tyrane wist nocht thairof, quhyl yay war arrayit afore hym at Dounstafage. Gyllus than destitute of all support and hauand nane with hym bot sa mony as war outhir haldyn aganis thair wyll, or coft with his money, gat ane fischar bait and fled in Ireland. Efter his fleyng his men war al ȝoldin to Cadal chiftane of brigandis, and baith his castellis Berigone and Dounstafage taikin. The nobyllis be gud aduisement (that this tyrane Gillus suld be perpetually exilit) maid Cadall gouernour, quhilk kest his extreme labour to persew Gyllus to y e deith, and come fynaly in the Ilis, quhare he fand Edeir the thrid son of Dothane, quhilk was sauit afore fra the treasone of Gyllus be his nurice, as said is. And becaus the sayd Edeir was destitute of freindis (for thay war al slane be Gyllus) he was send to Epiak the principall ciete of Brigance to be kepit thair, quhil he war of more perfectioun and aige. Gyllus banist on this wyse complanit to the princis of Ireland of the heuy iniuris done to hym be y e Scottis, be quhome he was exilit & spulȝeit of his empire and kyngdome. Throw quhylk na place was left sicker to hym in Albion, and promittit gif the said princis wald restore hym to his realme, to gif y e Ilis of Scotland fra the empire of Scottis to be haldyn perpetually of the dominion of Ireland. The Ireland princis glaid of his promis assemblit ane army to cum in Scotland for y e same effect. Cadal weill aduertist of thair ordinance, returnit to Doūstafage. and tuke consultatioun of the nobillis how the said Gillus mycht be esely resistit. Than was it concludit, y • Ewin the secund of that name sal be kyng, for he was nepot to kyng Fynnane, gottin of his bruther Dowal. Gyllus seand the see campis stuffi [...] in all partis of Albion to resyst his cumyng, arryuit in the Ilis, quhare he exercit his cruelte but ony miseratioun [Page] or piete, syne tuke with hym all the guddis that mycht be caryit, and the remanent put in fyre. Kyng Ewin impacient to suffer thir in [...]uris, prouidit ane flote of galȝeonis and schippis with marineris, weirmen, and other thingis necessar, and send thaym with Cadall his admyrall in Ireland. Sone efter Cadall pullit vp salis, and with fortunat wyndis arriuit ī Ireland. At quhais cumyng went sic confluence of pepil to hym, that he semit nocht only to vincus Gyllus, bot all the pepyll of Ireland. Gyllus sone efter arrayit his folkis, and be sound of trumpet baith the armyis iunit, and faucht with gret cruelte on ylk syde, quhyll at last mony of Gyllus folkis wery and mate (specially thay that thocht [...]t odius to fecht aganis thair natiue pepyll) fled fra Gillus▪ and randerit [...]haym to Cadall. Than Gyllus dispa [...]it of victory raif of his coit armour, and fled in a thik wod. Sone efter certane armit men war send to seik Gyllus, and fand hym fynaly in ane dirk coif of the wod neir famyst of hunger. And incontinent thay slew hym, and brocht his heid to Cadall. ☞ ¶This miserabyll end maid Gyllus the secund ȝeir of his regne, confydyng ouir mekyll in his tyranny and falset.
¶Hovv Cadal returnād out of Ireland lost the maist part of his army be rage of sees. And of the consolatioun maid to hym be kyng Evvin. Ca. xviii.
EFter y e deith of Gyllus Cadall was returnand in Albioun be the Ireland sees with his vyctorius army, quhen suddandly rais ane vnmercyful storme, and turnit all his glore of victory in desolatioun. For the irrecouerabyll skaithis fallyng be the said tempest passit all the proffet of his victory. The miserabyll moderis and wiffis knawing thair husbandis and sonnis perist in the sees, conuenit to the schippis with hydduous spraichis and schowtis. Amang othir lamentabyll sichtis, Cadall come to land in dolorus array, beirand his handis to the heuyn, and warying fortoun and the goddis, that distroyit sa mony nobyll and vailȝeant men, conuertyng thair glore of victory in supreme misery, quhais dolorus hauyngis war sa petuous, that euery man had compassioun thairof. ¶Kyng Ewin rycht sorrowfull of thir nouellis, come with gret diligence to Cadall, and said in this maner. Thou hes brocht to me and my realme (maist vailȝeant Cadall) na lytyll consolatioun, returnyng with thy victorius army in Albioun▪ vnbrokyn be [...]uris of ennymes. Thou hes vincust my ennymes in ane vncouth regioun▪ fechtand manly be displayit baneris for the eis of my realme and common weill. The tyrane Gyllus pump of euery vice is vincust, Howbeit his schamefull fleyng mycht be no support to hym, quhais heid schorne fra his body is brocht in Albion, to that fyne that he sal nocht want now (quhen he is deid) the schame and dishonour that he deseruit for his tyranny in his lyf. My aduersaryis ar penitent of thair rebellyoun, and brocht to my opinion. Our army be thy industry ar saiffit but reproche amang thair vncouth and strongest fais. Thou hes left na thing vndone, that pertenit to ane forcy campioun, Na caus occurris [Page xxiii] to reclame aganis fortoun nor the heuynnis. For yocht ane part of thy army be perist be tempest and rage of seis, ȝit thow be beneuolence and fauour of goddis ar saffit to the hie honour of this realme. Thow arriuit in Ireland nocht bot propiciant fauour of y e goddis, returnyng with sa riche spulȝeis but ony iniuris of ennymes. And thocht thy ennymes reiose of ye mischance fallyng to thy army, ȝit na glore may succeid thairof to thaym. For the stait of eirdly creatouris hes this condicioun. Eftir prosperite cumys aduersite. And eftir aduersite cumis prosperite, proceding be reward of fatal destineis, quhais affect may nocht be mouit, nor ȝit esche wit be prudence of mortall creatouris. Thow hes thairfore na caus to lament, bot erar to haue thy aduersite in pacience, saiffyng the to ane better forton. And sen na creatouris may remeid thir displesouris bot the goddis (quhilkis gouernis the empire of men at thair pleseir) schaw now ane plesand vul [...] with ws, that thy freindis and ennymes may knaw the be ferme constance na mair brokin in aduersite, than prowd in prosperite, that thy spreit and curage may appere als inuincible, as thy body is in battall. Cadal heir and this consolatioun of his prīce, fenȝe [...]t al y • cheir he mycht. Howbeit he repentit sair that this vnmercyfull tempest (that consumit sa mony vailȝeant men) left hym on liue, to se thair mischeif and sorow. Of this calamite fallyng to Cadall is sumpart rehersit be y e poete Claudiane and othir auctouris.
¶Hovv the kingis of Scottis & Picht [...] vvar alliat togidder be mariage. Hovv Balus king of Orknay slevv hym self b [...] disperation. Of the vvyse counsall geuyn be kyng Evvin to Edeir. Ca. xix.
KYng Ewin eftir the slauchter of Gyllus desiryng to gouerne his realme in Iustice visit all the boundis thairof & punist faltourꝭ, and gaue to Cadal for y e faithfull seruice be hym done the town of Epiak with sindry othir landis and townis of Brigance in fre regalite, nocht lang eftir kyng Ewin accumpanit with his nobillis met Gethus kyng of Pychtis on the borduris of Brigance, and renewit the band of peace with Pychtꝭ. This peace wes roborat be mariage. For king Ewin maryit Stora dochter of Gethus the thrid king of Pychtis. This mariage wes solempnisit be ye bischop & preistis of the Ile of man. Nocht lang eftir he wes aduertist that Balus kyng of Orknay wes cumming with ane flote of schippis throw Pentland firth, & maid na litill heirschippis and slauchter in Ros and Cathnes. Kyng Ewin to meit thir attemptatis assemblit ane flote of schippis with sic deligence, that Balus wes not aduertist thairof, quhill he wes arriuit in sycht. ¶The Orknay men abasit of his suddand cummyng war constranit to gyf battall. Bot thay war sone discomfist, and be continewall chais dreuin to the seis, quhare ane part of yame eschapit be fischear batis, and the residew vincust & slane. Kyng Balus seyng na way to eschape (that he sall nocht cum in his ennymes handis) slew hym self. Kyng Ewin throw yis victory [Page] conquest gret fauour of his pepill. And quhen he wes returnyng hame be the Ireland seis, he arri [...]it in the mouth of Lochtie, quhare he biggit ane town callit Inuetlochtie And maid thair ane sicker refuge in the honour of his goddis, defēdyng vnder pane of deid, that ony criminabill personis be abstrakit out of ye samyn. Nochtwithstāding quhat sumeuir crymis be thaym cōmittyt. This town wes eftir ane commoun port till all marchandis of France or Spanȝe for the incredibill plente of fische swōmand in thay seis. Of this town remanis nocht ī our days [...]aif onlie the ruinus wallis thairof. For it wes euertit be the Danis as we sall eftir schaw. Kyng Ewin biggit ane othir town on y e riuer of Nes quhilk is ȝit namyt Innernes, qu [...]air sū tyme wes gret repair of mar [...]handis, quhilkis come out of Almany to seik riche furringis as martrikis, bewatis, & siclik skinnis, quhilkis aboundis in that regioun. This town remanis ȝit vnd y • auld name full of marchandise & guddis. Howbeit it be oftymes heryit be euil [...]ychtbouris liand thair about. Kyng Ewin (as ane noble & illuster prince baith in peace and weir) passit the remanent of his dayis but ony domistik or vncouth weris, and peacefyit the seditionis that rais in ye Ilis be maruellus wisdome. For he detestit ay ciuill weris als weill quhen he wes in priuat as ī publik [...] Schort tyme afore his deith he past. to Epiak to agre the sonnis of Cadall, quhilkis fell in gret contention efter thair faderꝭ deith for his riches and guddis. Nochtheles this nobyll prince aggreit thaym sone efter his cumyng. And efter that he had done the obsequies for Cadall efferyng to the gyse of thay dayis, he gart rais ane huge stane grauyn to the quik ymage of Cadall apon ane hie mo [...], & cōmandit the pepyll to offer hym wyne and sens, for oure forebearis war dissauit als weil as othir pepyl in thair arrouris. Kyng Ewin sorrowfull of the deith of Cadall fell in heuy infirmite, and was sa dispari [...] of his heill, that he resignit y e crown to Edeir the thrid nepote of kyng Durstus, for he was iust h [...]rytoure to the crown as we haue schawin. And to that fyne that Edeir suld be ane gud kyng, he counsalit hym to defende his liegis and subdittis fra all iniuris, and to do na man iniure, and to geif na man office nor auctoryte that is ennyme to Iustice, and to dres all gret materis be hym self, and the small materis to commit to his nobillis. And to gouerne hym ay in sic maner, that he may be worthy to regne aboue his subdittis, and neuir to moue battall les than he mycht na othir waris do. And quhen it was necessar to haue battal to yrk of na chargis pertenyng to weirly ordināce▪ & to deuoid him neuir of picte. For that virtew was maist semand in ane prince. And fynaly commandit hym aboue all othir besynes, to haue his goddis ī reuerence, quhais fauoure wes ane souer protectioun to all realmis. And quhen he had geuyn this coūsal to Edeir, he dece [...]ssit y e .xvii. ȝeir of his regne. Eft quhais deceis was raisit ane crafty ymaig [...] maid to his symylitude quhylk was haldin mony ȝeris efter in gret veneratioun amang the pepyll. ¶And sa endis heir the secund buke.
Heir begynnis the thrid Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
¶Of kyng Edeir, and hovv he reuengit the heirschippis maid be the tratoure Bredus in the Ilis. Ca. primo.
EWin deceissit ī this maner, Edeir was crownit in the chiar of merbyl. And sone efter he vesyt all the boundis of his realme, quhais passaige was the mair plesand to his nobyllis, that he was geuyn to huntyng. For he delytit in no thyng more than in chais of wild beistis with houndis and rachis, & specially of Wolffis, for thay ar noy sum to tame bestiall. This regioun throw the cauld humouris thairof ingeneris Wolffis of feirs & cruell nature. Kyng Edeir brocht the pepil to sic tranquillite, that thay leuit mony ȝeris but ony oppression or iniure of nychtbouris. Bot at last Bredus of the Ilis cosyng to Gyllus afore rehersit arriuit with mony schyppis and galȝeonis in Argyle to reuenge the slauchter of the said Gyllus and othir his freindis slane in Ireland. The pepyll impacient to suffer the heirschippis and slauchter be hym maid complaynit to kyng Edeir quhylk was huntand on the nixt montanis for the tyme. Kyng Edeir aduertist heirof past that same nycht with ane cumpany of chosyn mē to y e sees quhair the said Bredꝰ was arriuit. And first he brint all thair schyppis and gailȝeonis that thay mycht haue na refuge to fle in Ireland. ¶On the nixt morrow kyng Edeir persewit this Bredus and his complicis with sic manheid, that thay war finaly tane & put to detth. ¶Sic thyngis done kyng Edeir past in the Ilis quhare he punyst syndry conspiratouris that followit the opinioun of Gyllus & Bredus.
¶Hovv the Brytonis send ambassatouris to kyng Edeir for support aganis Iulius Cesar. Of thair orison, and of kyng Edeiris ansvver, and hovv ye said Iulius vvas doung out of Albiō be support of Scottis. Ca. ii.
ALs sone as Edeir had dantit all inuasouris of his realme, he returnit to Dounstafage. In the mene tyme come to hym the ambassatouris of Cassibilane kyng of Brytonis, desyryng support aganis Iuliꝰ Cesar romane emperour, quhais army was reddy with maist awfull ordinance to cum in Albion. Edeir plesandly ressauit thir ambassatouris, and commandit thaym to propone thair eirandis. ¶Sone efter ane nobyll man namit Androgeus, sayd in this maner. ¶I wyll say na thyng before this famous auditoure in the name of Cassibilane king of Brytonis (maist nobyl prīce) saif it only that sal pertene baith to y e weil of thy realme & liegis. Nature [Page] the wyse moder of all creatouris hes put in this Ile of Albioun thre vailȝeant pepyll, nocht to y e behuffe, that thay suld leif in seditioun, and inuaid othir as beistis but reasoun. Bot to incres togydder vnder ane beniuolence and freindschip, y t thay may be the more strang to resist vncouth ennymes quhen euir it sall happin thaym to be inuadit. Quha may beleif or traist y e realme to stand sicker? quhen y e Britonis ar distroyit be Romanis. Bot gyf sum man be vane esperance wald traist the Romanis (quhylkis reiffis sceptouris fra kyngis) to be the more plesand & mercyfull to ȝow, that ȝoure nychtbouris ar distroyit. Thou may haue cognossance be dāmage of othir pepyll, that this opinioun is vane. The romanis calland thaym self be proude insolence lordis of y e warld, quhilkis ar hatit with all pepyll for thair tyrannye) ar determyt to cum haistely in Albioun to subdew the sa myn to thair empire. Quhat othir thyng may we beleif the Romanis sall do? quhen thay haue subdewit ws Britonis, bot with siclik auarice and tyranny to reif fra ȝow Scottis and Pichtis ȝour landis, lawis, and liberteis. Quhat othir thyng desyre thay? bot to sit down in our landis, castellis, and townis, and outhir to thryll ws to maist schamefull seruitude, or ellis to banis the maist nobyll and vailȝeant men amang ws. Thair deidis schawis weill thair tyranny▪ as may be weil prouyn to ws be the rewyne of Cartage, sumtyme the ryche ciete and brocht finaly to nocht, fra it was randerit to Romanis, nochtwithstādyng that it abaid at thair opinion and faith. Forther gif sa remot & vncouth hystory may nocht moue ȝow, beh [...]ld the Gallis ȝour nychtbouris, quhilkis (als sone as thay war vincust be Romanis) war thirlit to perpetuall seruytude. Thair munitionis and euery maner of wappynnis tane fra thaym. It is nocht to be traistit that romanis sall be more propiciant to ws Albianis, gif w [...] be vincust. Than thay haue bene to otheris afore. For ay y e more incressis thair dominioun, thair tyranny is the mair insufferabyll. Lat ws heirfore resist thir commoun iniuris with all our pissance equale cō curryng. Best is to resist this violence of romanis in the begynnyng. in aduēture thay grow efter sa strāg (quhē thair power is iunit togidder) that thay may nocht be resistit. Belt ye thairfore maist (inuincibyl prince) with thy prouyn virtew, to support ws be thir thy vailȝeāt pepyl. Come lusty gallandis arrayit ī battal aganis our common ennymes. Defend ȝour anciant liberte▪ and haue ferme esperance of victory, sen our cōmon ennymes nocht content of the remanent boundis of the warld, be insaciabyl auarice and [...]ut ony occasion of iniuris, intendis to subdew this Ile (quhilk is seuerit fra all pepyll) to thair empire. Forthir quhen ȝe be fauour of goddis h [...]s conquest [...]ictory, aboue mony vn [...]ellabil comod [...] teis ȝe sall reiose ȝoure liberte, and conquest glore immortall baith to ȝow and ȝour realme. Quhen [...]idr [...] geus had endit th [...]s orison he was remouit asyde, quhill the noblis had aduisit quhat was to be done. Efter ripe deliberation it was concludit to send support to Britonis to resist the commoun [...]anger app [...]ryng. Than kyng Edeir maid answer to thir ambassatouris on this wyse. Ȝe desyre a thyng (weil belo [...] britonis) baith honest & proffitabyll tyll our cōmon [Page xxv] weill, mouand ws to defend this realme (quhilk hes bene sa vailȝeantly defendit be oure progenitouris) fra extreme dangeir thairto apperyng, The auarice, riches, cheualry, & pridfull empire of Romanis ar schawin weill to ws be thaym that hes bene subdewit thairto. And forthir we knaw weill gyf the Romanis subdew ȝow Brytonis to thair dominioun, thay will inuaid ws nixt and, outhir thryll ws to vile seruitude or ellis expell ws out of Albyoun. The dammage of Gallis and Spanȝartis (fra quhome our anciant faderis discēdit) schewis dayly to ws, quhat afflictioun and misery thay sustene, that ar subdewit to Romanis. It had bene mair honest to thaym be my opinion to haue fouchtyn maist strangly to y e deid in defence of thair liberte, than to haue reseruit thair miserabyll lyuis to sic schameful seruitude, We knaw the Britonis wyl nocht [...]ine thair realme, thair liberte and lawis, but strang bergane. And sen our common weill may suffer na danger sa lang as ȝe Britonis standis ī sicker firmance, we ar be degest counsall profoundly resoluit to ieoperde our lyuis & guddis in defence of ȝow, thynkand better to de vailȝeantly in that sort (gyf sic thyngis be plesand to the goddis) than to remane at hame, suffering ȝow our tender freindis to be reft fra ȝour landis & liberteis, and fynaly to rander oure natiue goddis, wiffis, and barnis in our ennymes handis. For thir reasonis we wyll caus our army in maist weirly ordinance to be send haistely to London in support of Cassibilane kyng of Brytonis. ¶We wyll als require Gethus our confiderat brother the kyng of Pychtis to concur with ws be band of alliance to the same affect. And we beleif all thay y e dwellis in Albioun be respect (thay haue to the common weill) wyll heir ws gladly in that behalf, for the luf we beir vnto our natyue cuntre enforcis ws with inuincibyl bodyis to assist thairto. The ambassatouris of Britonis rasit in esperance of gret felicite be this answere returnit to Cassibilane. Als sone as thir ambassatouris war dispaschit kyng Edeir send two vailȝeant men Cadallane and Dowall capitanis of Brygandis and Lorne with .x.M. chosyn mē to London. ¶The cumyng of thir Scottis was the more thankfull to Cassibilane, y t he was to fecht aganis the maist pissant ennyme Iulius dantour of the warld. In the mene tyme Cassibilane was aduertist that Iulius was arriuit within his sees and brocht his army on land, and ye pepyll fled that war left to resist his cumyng on the see camp. The nobyl men (that vailȝeantly resistit) slane, and the Egyll (quhilk is the ansenȝe of Romanis) prowdly dysplayit on hycht. Be thir nouellis na lytyll affray was amang the Brytonis. Nochtheles Cassibilane maid yame plesand cōsolation, & exhortit yame vehemently to battall for defence of thair realme and liberte, thair wiffis barnis and natyue goddis, quhilkis ar sa deir to mortall pepyll, that but thaym the lyf of man is nothir plesand nor sicker. Beleif na othir thīg (said he) bot sicker victory, sen ȝour ennymes persewis ȝow be na occasioun of iniuris, bot only be thair insaciabyl auarice. The Britonis war rasit in gret esperance of victory be cummyng of Scottis and Pychtis, for thay had na lytyll confydence in thair manheid and cheualry. ☞ ¶Incontinent Cassibilane [Page] went forthwart with his hale power aganis the Romanis. And first he send his hors men with syndry wageouris in weir cartis to breke the array and ordināce of Romanis. At the first contering was two smal incursionis be vncertane victory. Bot at last baith the armyis iunit with thair hale power, followit ane doutsum batt [...]ll lang continewing with vncertane chance. Quhyll at last be cumyng of Welchemen & Cornwal, sa huge nois rais be reird & sowne of bellis y t hang on thair bardyngis, y t the ennymes war affrayt, and finaly put to flycht. The Brytonis with Scottis and Pichtis (that come to thair support) followit on the chace, with sic fury skatterit but array, y t thay gat mair skaith than thay dyd to thair ennymes. The Romanis kepit si [...] ordour in thair fleing, & abaid sa fast togidder at thair ansenȝe that thay maid thaym oftymes to renew battall, howbeit thay war nocht of power to resist. The Brytonis wyde skatterit in syndry buschement [...]s eschapit nocht in thair chace but gret slaucht, quhyll at y e last nicht seuerit thaym. Als sone as Iulius persauit the chace endit, he gaderit y e residew of his folkis togidder, and send all y e woundit men to his schippis, with purpos to reuēge this outrage on y e morrow. Nochtheles herand on the morrow that mony of his schyppis war sa brokin be violent tempest, y t thay war not abyll to do hym proffet, and dreidand that this calamyte fallyn to his schippis suld be na les curage to his ennymes than discomfitour to his awin folkis, he supersedit his intent quhyl he saw ane tyme mair ganand. Als sone as he had reparit his nauy, he brocht all his folkis to new strength, quhare the Britonis mycht nocht inuaid hym. syne pullit vp salis within the nycht, and returnit in France leuand behynd hym ane huge pray of guddꝭ, quhilk mycht nocht be turst for laik of schippis. The ȝeir that Iulius come first in Albion was fra the begynnyng of the warld .v.M.C.xxxix. ȝeris. Afore y e Incarnation .lx. ȝeris. In y e iiii. ȝeir of the empire of king Edeir.
¶Hovv Iulius returnit in Britane, and maid it tributar to romane empire▪ Ca. iii.
QUhen Cesar was doung out of Albiō in this wyse, the Albianis y t is to say, Scottis Pichtis & Brytonis partit the spulȝe found in his tentis be custum of armis, reiosyng of this glorious victory, and maid sacrifice to thair goddis, beleuyng perpetually to be delyuerit baith of the weris of Romanis and all othir vncouth pepyll in tymis cumyng. Cadallane and Dowall richely rewardit be Cassibilane returnit with y e army of Scottis, and schew to kyng Edeir al thingis done in maner afore rehersit. Edeir reiosyng of thir nouellis commandit generall processionis and sacrifice to be maid in the honoure of goddis. Than followit sa incredibil luf and kyndnes betuix the Scottis Brytonis and Pychtis, that thay apperit to le [...]f in tymes cumyng in perpetuall peace. In the ȝeir followyng kīg Edeir past to Innernes, quhare he be sindry marchandis was aduertist, that Iulyus had pecifiit France to his empire, and was makand prouisyon for ane new army to returne ī Brytane to reuenge y e iniuris done [Page xxii] to hym in the ȝeir afore. Edeir sone efter send his ambassatouris to Cassybilane to schaw the hie dangeris appering to his realme, and promittit to send (gyf he plesit) .x.M. chosin men to his support. Thir ambassatouris at thair cumyng to London schew thir offeris to Cassybylane. The Brytonis mouit be vane arrogāce (y t y e glore of victory suld not be tane fra thaym) refusyt to haue ony supple of Scottis or Pichtis, & answerit thay war nocht brocht to sic febylnes, y t it was necessar to thaym to haue support al tyme quhen ennymes inuadit thaym, & thay had the same pyssance instantly, be quhylk thay dantit the Romanis in the ȝeir afore. King Edeir & his nobillis had na lytyll admiration of sic vane arrogance to refuse support aganis sa pissant ennymes the dantaris of the warld, and Iugit thairfore the nobyl realme of Britonis be proude insolence for ane smal victory to sustene gret dammage, quhylk thyng was weill sene in the end of thir weris. For Iulius returnit sone efter in Brytane. At quhais cumyng the pepyll (that was left to resyst hym) affrayit be infynyte multitude of schippis, fled to thair best refuge. Nochtheles Iulius was stoutly assailȝet be Cassibilane, and thre syndry tymis put abak, bot at last Cassibilane was discomfist, and all his vailȝeant capitanis tane or slane. Cassibilane brokin ylk day with irrecouerabyll skaithis, and disparit of support, randerit hym to Iulius▪ and gaif plegis that his realme sall remane tributar as romane ꝓuince. Cassibilane ȝoldin ī this maner was cōmandit to pay ȝeirly .iii.M. poundis of syluer to romane pepyl in maner of tribute.
¶Of syndry message send be Iulius to scottis & pichtis, & of thair ansvver. Of Iulius hoif, & of syndry opiniōis cōcernyng the first foūdaris thairof. Ca. iiii.
ALs sone as Iuliꝰ had dā tit the Brytonis in this wyse he come to London, quhare he was ressauit with gret reuerence and honoure. And quhen he had tarryit thair certane dayis to refresche his army, he maid prouision to pas on the Scottis and Pichtis. The motiue of his weris was, becaus the scottis & pichtis maid support afore to Brytonis the first tyme he come ī Britane. Ȝit afore he maid ony battall aganis thaim, he thocht best to assailȝe thair myndis be his ambassatourꝭ, quhidder thay lyst haue weir or peace. peace. Gif thay wald be subdewit to Romane empire. Weir. Gif thay ꝑuersly wald cōtempne the same. Belyue he send ambassatouris to y e two kyngis of scottis & pichtis to schaw thaym, y t all realmis be fauoure (as apperit) of the goddis war subdewit to Romanis. For y e goddis be sindry reuolutionis of tyme has geuyn the monarchy & empire of the warld to syndry pepil. That is to say to Affricanis, Medis, Persanis, Grekis, & now instantly to Romanis. Few placis ar foundin in the erd quhare the Romane cheualry is vnknawin, for thay be fauour of goddis hes brocht all realmis & landis vnder thair empire▪ Thay haue vincust Aphrik, Egipt, Araby, Ioury, Perthia, Troy, Thebes, Asia, Macedone, Grece, France & Spanȝe, & now laitly Brytane. Al regionis circulit with y e occeane sees ar obeysant to Romane lawis. Na pepyl ar in erd y t knawis nocht the name of romanis, thair is na sicker leuyng nor honeste bot [Page] only quhare y e Romanis lawis hes dominioun. For the senat and pepyl of Rome ar the port and sycker refuge of all pepyl, quhais glore is to defend thair subdittis and freindis in Iustice and faith. For thir causis it war na lytyll honour to Scottis and Pichtis to haue societe with Romanis, and be callit the confiderat freindis quhilkꝭ hes sa mony cietes and realmis brocht to thair prouinces, so mony kyngis vnder thair seruitude. This is the cōmand of Cesar and Romane pepyll, quhilk suld be feruently desyrit for syngular cō modite baith of Scottis and Pychtis, les than thay wyll be rebelland to the goddis, quhilkis hes determit to bryng the hale warld vnder romane empire. Kyng Edeir & his noblis herand thꝭ message vnderstude the colorit dissait of Romanis. And thairfore maid answer sayng, thay wald defend thair wiffis, childrē, lā dis & liberteis, with al y e power thay mycht to the vter end of thair lif, & [...]rar to ieoperde thaym to maist dangerus battall, than to leif in seruitude. The fame of Romanis was nocht knawin to thaym, bot in sa far as thay war repute aboue ingyne of man maist auaricious theiffis, and reiffaris of realmes, depriuing kyngis be fenȝeit causis and slichtis, & subdewyng fre pepyll be iniust dattall to seruitude. Forthir gif the Romanis mouit but occasyon of iniuris bot only of corruppit malyce hapnit to inuade thaym be iniust battal. Thay tuke the goddis (quhilkis ar punyssaris of iniuris done to innocent pepyll) in wytnes, to fecht to y e deith for defēce of thair lādis, quhill ane of thaym war left on lyf. The ambassatouris hauand siclike answer of the Pichtis, returnit in Britane. Quhen Iulius had herd this answer of Scottis and Pychtis, he send to thaym his secund message w t mair dispiteful chargꝭ thā afore, as efter followis. The gret cesar Romane counsull persuadis the kyng Edere and ȝow Scottis, to submit ȝow to Romanis y e maist pissant pepyll of y e warld, in adu [...]ture ȝe bring ȝoure self be imprudent fechtyng to vter exterminioun. Take exempyll be irrecouerabyll scaithis fallyng to vthir pepyl for thair vane rebellion. Behald y e maieste of Romane pepil, cōsyder y e magnitude of thair name. Wyl ȝe assailȝe thaym with chāce of battall, as the Britonis ȝour nychtbouris hes laitly done, quhilkꝭ be fuliche b [...]rgane ar outhir slane or tane, & brocht to perpetuall seruitude. Quhat pissance haue ȝe in respect of Romanis the concreouris of the warld? Haue ȝe that vane cōfidence that Romanis the dantouris of all pepyll may be vincust be ȝow y e hynmaist pepyl thairof, or beleif ȝe y t the warld may be deliuerit fra seruitude of romanis be ȝow? may ȝour power (quhilkis is nocht in respect of Romanis) restore the empire of sa mony kyngis dystroyit. Knaw ȝe nocht y t thair is mony Romane campionis, na les actiue thā Cesar baith in wisdome, māheid, and cheualry, quhais illuster deidis hes decorit all regionis quhare the sonne schynis. And ȝit it is more difficil to vincus Cesar hym allone, than to vincus all the warld. How is this presumptuous foly cumyn to ȝow? contempne ȝ [...] the goddis? quhilkis be thair propiciāt fauour to romanis hes ordanit all regionis to be to thaym subdewit. Beleif ȝe the Romanis wyl be sa irkit be straitnes of ȝour craggis, mō tanis, or marressis, or be p [...]nurite of [Page xxvii] vittallis? that thay may nocht abide in ȝour regionis. Beleif ȝe to be sicker in ȝour said montanis with ȝour guddis? Ȝe ar dissauit gyf sic bane confidence be in ȝow. For sic impedimentis sal moue na mair the Romanis fra thar purpos, than ȝour rowmys war plentuous, & full of euery frutis necessar to sustene thair weris. For ye Romanis hes experience aboue ingyne of man in cheualry. Sa agill of thair bodyis, that thay may dant all thortour and difficill gatis. Swift of rynk, and reddy to euery kynd of Ieoparde. Of skars meit and sleip, and accustumat with euery danger y t may occurre in battall, and sa prouident that thay sall caus vittallis (gyf neid beis) to be brocht to thaym out of all regionis adiacēt. For Cesar hes ane ripe wit for euery cais that may occurre. Heirfore (gif ȝe haue ony regarde to ȝour weill) gyf ȝe be prudent eschew warly, that ȝe by fuliche and vnprudent bergane bryng nocht ȝoure self, ȝour wiffis, frendis, and barnis to Irrecouerable dāmage. Ȝe may haue now honest cōditionis of peace afore the victory, quhilk ȝe sal nocht obtene quhen ȝe be force of battal ar randerit. For than sall ȝe for ȝour rebellioun be reft baith of ȝour landis and honouris. And finaly be brocht to sic disperatioun, that ȝe sall neuir haue esperance to recouer ȝour liberte. Als sone as thir wourdꝭ war said sic fury & noys rais amang ye Scottis (for thay war impacient of seruitude) y t thir ambassatouris had bene maist cruellie slane, war nocht the law of pepill (quhilk our forbearis had ay ī maist reuerence) saffit yame Nochtheles answer wes mayd to thaym be Cadallane in the kyngis name as followis. ¶Suppois the Scottis be sum opinionis ar repute nocht circumspect bot of fuliche and dull ingyne. Ȝit thay ar nocht mouit mair be Cesaris plesand and disfaitfull wourdis, than be his awfull minassyng, to lose thair landis and liberteis but extreme Ieopardie of battall. For thay ar nocht in vse to obey tyranis & reuaris of realmes & kyngdomes, bot onlie to obey thayr natiue prince. And yairfore be degest auisement and counsall, thay ar profoūdly resoluit to haue na amite nor alliance with Romanis, becaus yair fair wourdis ar nocht but hyd treason and falset. And as to thair wrangus and iniust weris, thay haue the same in plane diffiance committing thaym in thair Iust actioun to the protection of goddis. Iulius rycht commouit at this answer maid his ordinance but tary to dant thayr rebellion. In the mene tyme he gatte lettris fra Labienus his admirall, that Normādis & Piccardis (quhilkis war pecifyit at his departyng) war rebellit. Attoure Carnutes hes rasit gret truble in France, and has slane ane man namyt Transegeriꝰ, quhilk wes chosin be Romanis to be kyng of France, and to hald the same vnder ye empire of Romanis. Iulius for feir of this nouellis left his comyng in Scotland, and becaus vittallis war skant in his army, and na apperance of new vittallis to cum in Britane (for it was y e wynter season quhen tempestuus seis sufferis na passage of marchandis) he gaderit the residew of his army togidder, and returnit in France leuand behynd hym Britane tributar to his empire, and the Scottis litill abasit of his weris. This historie of the cummyng of Cesar in Britan [...] and subdewing of it to his empire, [Page] nocht far discordāt fra y e wourdis of his commentaris, ar drawin be ws out of Uerimond, Campbell, and othir authouris. Bot it is said in our vulgare croniclis, that Iuliꝰ come to the Callēdare wod, and kest down Camelon the principall ciete of Pichtis, efter that the samyn was randerit to hym. Syne left behynd hym nocht far fra Carron ane roūd hous of square stanis .xxiiii. cubitis of hecht, and .xii. cubitis of breid, to be ane memory of his cumyng to y • place. Otherꝭ sayis he vsit this hous (as his tent) in al his viage, and had it ay tursit with hym. And for y e caus it was callit Iulius hoif. Ȝit becaus na famous authouris makkis mention of ony weris led be Iulius aganis the Scottis & Pychtis, We lat thaym pas, and wyll infer na thyng in this werke, bot it only y t may not be repreuit. As to this hous of Iulius it is round, as we may ȝit se, hauand na wyndois, bot aboue in maner of y e anciant tempillis, quhilkis ar ȝit sene in Rome with benkis of s [...]ane roūd about within. The pauement hes bene of aselar stanis. & the Egyll (quhyik is y e romane ansenȝe) craftely in it ingrauyn. Bot now be roust of ȝeris is worne away. In it was ane huge stane standand to the south, on quhylk the gentilis maid thair sacrifice. Utheris authouris wryttis, this tempyll was biggit be Uespasiane in honour of Claudius emperour and the goddes Uictory, as the tytyll thairof schew. Bot it was cassin down be Edward y e first king of Ingland of y t name. As we wyl schaw mair largely heir efter.
¶Hovv the tratour Murket, and his cō plicis vvar punist, of the deith of kyng Edeir, of the vicious kyng Evvin the thrid, & of his lavvis & deith. Ca. v.
SOne efter that this dyffiance was send to Iuliꝰ, king Edeir assemblyt ane army frome all boundis of his realme to resist y e romanis. For he knew nocht the impediment of Iulius weris. And in y e mene tyme (quhen he was gaderit on this wise) come Murket, quhylk was nepote to Gyllus afore rehersit, and arriuit with mony galȝeonis in the Ilis, & slew thair baith wiffis barnis and agit personis but ony resistence. For all fensabyll mē (as said is) war drawin out of thay boundis be kyng Edeir. Als sone as Edeir was aduertist thairof, he send Cadallane capitane of Brigance with ane band of army [...] men in the Ilis. quhylk sone efter his cumyng brynt all the galȝeonis and ba [...]tis within the nycht that pertenit to this Murket. And on the morrow he tuke this Murket, and hinggit hym with his complicis on y e gallous. Kyng Edeir leuit y e residew of his dayis but ony vncouth or domistik weris. And deceissit at Doūstafage the .xlviii. ȝeir of his regne, the .xxvi. ȝeir of the empire of August emperour, fra the beginnyng of y e warld .v.M.C.lxxxiii. ȝeris. His body was burnt in Dounstafage & about his sepulture war rasit mony hie pillaris in memory of his nobyl deidis. This Edeir for his syngulare virtew my [...]ht haue bene callit ane happy prince baith leuand and deid, war nocht he left his sonne Ewin the thrid of that name, y • maist vicius man in erd, heritoure to the crown. This Ewin eftir deith of his fader was maid kyng and was beleuit be ylk man to haue followit the futesteppis of his fader. Nochtheles fra he was declarit kyng, he began [Page xxviii] to burgeon in euery kynd of vi [...]e, so effeminat and soupit in iust, that he past aboue the common insolence of ȝouth. He had ane hūdreth concuvinis chosyn of the nobillest matronis & virginis of his cuntre. And thocht he wes Irkit of so surfet noumer, ȝit he couth neuir be saciat. And be persuasioun of lymmers and harlottis quhilkis he maid vp of nocht for assistance to his vice, he banyst ane certane of his nobillis, & otheris slew be hyd wachyng, to y e fyne he mycht the more esaly waik to his lust. And set his mynd to sla or banis be fenȝeit causis all thaym that haitit his vice. This abhominable tyrane geuyn on this wyse to maist terribill cruelteis enuennomit the cuntre .vi. ȝeris w t na les infelicite pan schame be counsall of certane diffamit creaturis, quhilkis in hop of proffet extollit and louit all his gouernance. Schortlie this tyrane become sa auaritius and vnthankfull but ony reuerence of the lawis of goddis, or men that he spulȝeit his seruitouris of al thair landis, riches, and gudis that thay conquest vnder hym. And finalie he grew in sic blynd fury, yat he nurist opinle within hous theiffis to mak reiffis and heirschippis in y e cuntre but ony punitioun. And tuk ane large part thairof for his assistence. And beside thir and mony othir thyngis vnworthy to be reheirsit, he maid lawis, that his liegis sal haue als mony wyffis as thay pleis efferyng to thair guddis. Ane othir law he maid that wyffis of the commonis sal be fre to the nobillis. And the lord of the ground sall haue the madinheid of all virginis dwellyng on the same. And thocht ye first two lawis wes reuokit eftir be counsall, ȝit this last law wes sa plesand to ye ȝoung nobillis, that it couth neuir be abrogat, quhill the tyme of kyng Malcolme Cammore and his blist quene Sanct Margaret, quhilkis thocht the samyn sa iniurius baith to god and man that thay solistit ye nobillis to reuoik the said law. Takand thairfore ane goldin penny callit the marchetis, quhilk is ȝit payit to the lord of the ground quhen virginis ar to be maryit in redemption of thair honour and chaistite. Bot we wil returne to Ewin, quhais horribill vices wes sa dreuin in euery mannis eir, that the nobillis thoch [...] this effeminat monstoure that wes geuyn to sic cruelte & vices vnworthy to be thair prince, and maid yair fore ane haiste cōspiratioun aganys hym. Ewin nochtwithstandyng yis conspiratioun come with displayit baner to the feild with ane certane euill arrayit mē. Nochtheles he wes sone vincust and tane. Eftir lang cō sultation it wes cōmādit be ye nobillis yat he salbe degradit of his kyngdome, and remane in perpetual prison. It wes ordanit als that Cadallane duryng his lyfe salbe gouernour. Bot in the first nycht that he wes put in preson, he wes slane be ane ȝoung child. Quhilk traistit (becaus he wes odious to the pepill) to get reward for his slauchter. Bot on the morow this child wes Iustifyit in presence of mony pepil. This end maid the vnhappy tyrane kyng Ewin, and deceissit the .vii. ȝeir of hꝭ regne but ony airis of his body, the xxxii. ȝeir of the empire of August.
¶Of kyng Metellane. Of the natiuite of Crist our saluiour, of the gret fouth of poetis, oratouris, and philosophouris, that flurisit ī his tyme. Ca. vi.
[Page] EFtir y e deith of kīg Ewin, the nobillis chesit Metellane (quhilk wes nepote to kyng Edeir gottin be hꝭ brodir Carrō) to be king. Yis Metellane wes y e maist humyll prince y t rang aboue y e scottis to his days, hauand na vncouth nor domistik weris duryng his tyme, and gouernyt all materis baith at hame and a fe [...]d with gret felicite. He wes ane mercyfull prince to his subditis, and rycht religious eftir ye rite of thay dayis. He tuk gret labouris to abrogat the cursyt lawis of kyng Ewin. Nochttheles he wes so faschit be Inopertune solicitation of his nobillis, specially thay that war geuyn to thair lust, that he wes constranit to desist. About this tyme come ambassatouris of Romanis to Kymbalyne king [...] Britonis, thankand hym of his perseuerance in peace & amyte with the senat and pepill of Rome. And schew to hym that y e hail warld w [...]s that tyme in peace with more tranquillite than euir wes sene in ony tyme afore. And exhortyt the Brito [...]is thairfore be example of othir pepill to keip peace and concord amāg thaym but occasioun of ony ciuill or vncouth weris. For sic doyngis pertenit baith to the felicite of August empriour and all othir pepill. Thir same ambassatouris come sone eftir to kyng Metellane with siclike exhortatioun. Kyng Metellane heirād be narratioun of thir ambassatouris that the farrest pepill of the oriēt secht amyte of the Romanis. And send syndry goldin crownis to August emprioure. He thocht he wald nocht be so vnplesand to cōtempne the maieste & magnitude of romane pepill. And send thairfore with thir ambassatouris sindry riche iowellis to be offerit to August empr [...]oure & othir Romane goddis in ye capitol. Be this way kyng Metellane conquest sicker amyte of Romanis quhilk mony ȝeris eftir indurit. Of yis message send be August to the Britonis, writtis Strabo in his buk of geography callit the discriptioun of the erd. In quhilk is schawin the situation of Britane with y e maneris of the inhabitantis thairof. ¶The warld beand thus in peace, Christ our saluioure wes borne of the virgyne Mary, douchter of Anna and Ioachym, in Bathelem cite of Iowry▪ The same tyme quhen the scheip hirdis herd y e angellis syng. Quhen the thre kyngis gydit he the sterne, come to the place quhare our saluiour wes borne. Mony vncouth and strange miraclis apperit in the tyme of his natiuite as haly writ schawis His natiuite fell in the .x. ȝeir of the regne of Metellane, fra the begynnyng of the realme of Scottis .iii.C xxx. ȝeris. The .xlii. ȝeir of the empire of August. Fra the begynnyng of ye warld .v.M.i.C.lxxxxix. ȝeris. Kyng Metellane rang mony ȝeris in gud peace, doyng na man iniure. And sa happy and plesand to his subditis, that his fame wes patent throw all boundis of Albioun. He deceissit the xxxix. ȝeir of his regne. The .xiiii. ȝeir of Tiberius empriour. Fra the natiuite of Crist .xxix. ȝeris. In this tyme wes in Rome the prince of latyne poetis Uirgill, Horace, Ouide, Tullius, Marcus Uarro, Strabo, Titus Liuius, Salustius with mony othir naturall and morall philosophouris. Sic fouth of virtew and letteris multiplyit in thay dayis be felicite of the birth of Crist ye geua [...] of science and grace. For apperandlie wes neuir sene sa mony eloquent [Page xxix] poetis and profound clerkis leuand at anis as wes at that tyme quhen god clothit with nature of man wes sene in the erd. Bot we will returne to our historie.
¶Of king Caratak, and hovv he dantit sindry ꝯspiratouris of his realme. Hovv the britonis rebelland aganis ye romanis [...]va [...] discomfist, & of thair massaige send to the Scottis. Ca. vii.
MEtellane micht haue ben callit maist happy prince that euir rang aboue the scottis, war nocht he decessit but airis of his bobody. Throw quhilk ye crown come to Caratak son of the vailȝeant Cadallane afore rehersit. For he wes nepot to Metellane gottin of his sister Ewropea. Caratak eftir his coronatioun ressauit the huge treasour and riches gaderit be kyng Metellane And excedit all the pepill in Albion in riches. Nocht lang eftir he past throw al the boundis of his realme. Syne past with ane army in ye Ilis For the capitane thairof wes rebellit aganis hym. Nochtheles he peacefyit all truble that rais be his seditioun, and punist the principall mouaris thairof to the deith. All thingꝭ peacefyit on this maner, he returnyt in Albioun. Syne past to Carryk, quhilk wes the principal ciete of yat schyre. Quhil sic materis wa [...] [...]ressit in Scotland. Deceissit Kymbalyne kyng of Britonis. Quhilk in his ȝouth wes sa familiar to August, y t he held ay the Britonis at the opinion of Romanis. Eftir quhais deith Guiderius wes maid kyng. This Guiderius seing the realme stabillit to hym, thocht heuy that the Britonis suld leif vnder seruitude of Romanis. Mouit heirfore be vane esperance to recouer his liberte, he conuenit his nobillis to ane counsall. Quhare he be lang orison complenit that his realme and liegis war haldin vnder seruitude of Romanis, & nocht onlie y e said Romanis held all the strenthis of his cuntre garnist with sodiouris, bot resset his rebellis, and wald nocht restore y e pledgꝭ that war geuyn to thaym, bot causit thaym to waist thair dayis in captiuite and preson. Best is thairfore to rebell aganis the Romanis, & suffre na lāger thair ȝoke of seruitude. Ye Britonis inflammit be thir wordis concludit with generall consent to suffer na langer the seruitude of Romanis. Incontinent thay ruschet to harnes, and slew all the Romanis y t war found or takin vtouth thair munitionis or strenthis. In the mene tyme Guiderius gaderit ane army to distroy all the garisoun of Romanis, afore ony noys of his rebellion war knawin in Rome. Nochtheles Claudius empriour wes sone aduertist thairof, and send two capitanis namit Aulus Plancius and Gneus Sentius in Britane, with mony Romane legionis to dant the said rebellioun. Thir capitanis at yair cū myng in Britane, reparit al strenthis & munitionis (quhilkis war than vnder the romane obeysance) with new vittallis, sodiourꝭ & vtheris siclik ordināce to resist y e britonis. And that thay suld not be segit w tin yair strenthis, thay brocht yair army to y e planis to be reddy for battall quhen thair ennimes list inuaid yame. Not lang eftir Guiderius assailȝeit ye romanis w t arra [...]it battal. Notheles ye victory succedit to y e romanis. Ye Britonis eschapit w t smal dāmage be cumyng of y e nicht. Than folowit mony incursionis with gret slaucht baith of romanis & britonis cōtinewing [Page] all the symer. At the cumyng of wynter y e Romanis held thaym with in thair munitionis & tentis. About this tyme come certane ambassatouris fra Guyderius to Caratak kyng of Scottis, and said in this maner. I thynk it reasonabyl (maist illuster prince) that thay that seikis support of strange and vncouth realmis (as we now do) gyf na amite nor kyndnes be deseruit be thaym for gud dedis, to schaw than the thyng y t thay desyre to be honest and proffitabyll. For thir reasonis we Britonis ambassatouris of kyng Guiderius opprest with heuy weiris, and destitute of all supple and help (saif only of ȝow Scottis and Pichtis) ar cumyn h [...]illy to ȝow. Treuth is the Romane pepyll (quhilk dayly inuadis ws with insufferabyl iniuris) ar sare [...]ymes, rycht pissant baith in ry [...]hes and cheualry aboue the estimatioun of men. Nochtheles thay may be vincust. For Cesar the vailȝeant emperoure be ȝour support and virtew was doung baith out of our realme and ȝouris. Howbeit all Frāce, Spāȝe, Almane, Grece, Asia, Egipt, and Aphrik obeyit to hym. And thir romanis (that now inuadis ws) ar bot the refuse of Cesaris army. And but dout thay may be vin [...]us [...] to ȝour gretter honour (gif y e goddis be fauourabyl) that thay call thaym self be proude insolence, lordis of the warld and ȝow the hynmest pepyll thairof. And to dyng thir oure commoun ennymes out of Albyoun, we desyre ȝoure support, sen the samy [...] may nocht be done be oure pissance, the quhilk thyng gif ȝe do in remembrance of ȝour anciant kyndnes and amite, supportyng ws now in oure maist aduersite and dangere. Ȝe sall conques aboue ȝoure hon [...]st victor [...] interminabyll glor [...] and honoure to ȝow and ȝour posterite. First becaus ȝe help ws quhilkis ar nocht pe [...]sewaris bot only defēdaris. For na thīg may be sa honest and plesand amāg leuand creatouris as defend the actioun of common liberte and natiue goddis. Secundly ȝe sall delyuer ȝoure realme and pepyll fra hie dangeir thairto appering. For the romanis ȝour deidly ennymes intendis to subdew ws, that the way may be the more patent to ȝow. And sen thir thī gis ar manifest to ȝow (maist vailȝe-campionis) gif ȝe haue respect to the weil of ȝour self, or ȝour landis garnis ȝoure realme with all maner of munitionis aganis the Romanis, quhilk thyng may be esaly done, gif ȝe and Pychtis equaly concur with ws aganis our common ennymes. For the samyn (as we dare bauldly afferme) sall pertene na les to ȝoure common weill, than to ouris. For quhen the romanis hes vincust ws in battal, spulȝeit ws of our guddis, and subdewit oure realme in forme of prouince, thay wyl be y e more abyl to subdew ȝou to thair empire. Now is the tyme to assailȝe our ennymes in battall, quhill we haue strenth, & quhil we may be help of othir be sufficient to wi [...]hstand thaym. Suthly gif y [...] [...]lbianis wyll equaly concur togi [...]r all of ane mynd, thay sall draw als mekyll fra the romanis, as thay haue won on ony othir pepyll. Heirfore lat the pissance of Scottis, Britonis, and Pichtis equaly concur togider to defend the common liberte. Lat ws tak our wappinnis at anis to resyst the iniure appering, & thocht we war vincust (quhilk god forbeid it war na reproche to ws, for than we ar not vincust with ane pepyl, bot with the pissance of y e warld. [Page xxx] And gif we be victorius (as our iust actioun fermely beleuis) the victory sall be na les glore & proffet to ȝow, than to ws. And ȝe salbe perpetually estemit with all pepyll.
¶Of Caratakis ansvver. Hovv the Britonis solistit normanis and picardis to rebellion. And hovv the said Britonis vvar discomfist be Romanis, and thair kyng slane. Ca. viii.
CAratak maid ansuer to this message ī maner followyng. Had ȝe Britonis nocht refusit oure supporte frely offerit to ȝow, quhen Iulius the romane counsull inuadit ȝow with iniust battall▪ it suld nocht haue bene necessar to ȝow this day, to seik support at ws, nor ȝit suld it haue ben necessar to ws, to rais our army aganis sa pissant ennymes. For than be iunyng of al our pissance togidder, we mycht esaly haue vincust thaym, and bene delyuerit of all dredoure, reiosing oure rowmis in Albion with perpetuall rest. Ȝit better is (as thay say) lait than neuir thryf. It is nocht now to be deuysit, how we mycht haue dantit the romanis in tyme bigane. Bot how we may eschew the hie dangeir now appering. Ȝe complane that ȝe ar iniustly inuadit be ane ryche pepyl, richt desirus to haue dominion, and to reif othir mennis guddis. Ȝe haue bene subdewit to thaym mony ȝeris, lyffand vnder thair seruytude in ȝour awin defalt. For ȝe ar deuidit amang ȝour self be seditionis intestyne, and sa lang as ȝe stand so, ȝour common weill sall neuer be fre. Forthir ȝour munitionis & strenthis ar stuffit with romane sodiouris, & ȝour planis ar garnist with thair tē tis. We heir als that Claudius Cesar, and Uaspasiane ar aduertist of ȝour instant rebellioun, and reddy to cum with mony legionis of pepyl in ȝour realme. I think thairfore (sen ȝe ar brokyn with sa many calamiteis and battallis) howbeit y e haill power of Albion war concurrant with ȝow. Ȝe can not resist sa pissant ennymes for this tyme, les than y e goddis war contrarius to thaym. Best is for thir causis to meis all seditionis amang ȝoure self, superseding ȝoure weris for ane seasone, and set ȝour laubour with maist crafty ingyne to trāsport this dangerus battall on France. To wirk this prudently ȝe man solist the normandis, picardis, bartaneris, almanis, with all vthir pepyll lyand on the bordour of France, to rebell aganis romanis, in esperance to recouer thair liberte, and promit (gif thay wyll assyst thairto) to support thaym with schippis, weirmen, gold and vthir necessaris pertenand to thair weris. Ȝe man eik be confiderat with all pepyll that hatis the romanis. And gif ȝe do this weill, ȝe sall eschew this battall that the Romanis intendis to moue on ȝow, & conuert it on Frāce. Thus sall baith ȝe and we be delyuerit of all fere of ennymes, & leif the remanent of this ȝeir in quiete, & the mair abyll y e nixt ȝeir for battall. And gif thair be na way to eschew this maist dangerus battall, than think I best to assemble all the pepyll of Albion togidder, to fecht with honest battal to the deith, but ony respect to our lif, bot allanerly to our glore & honour, for na pepil may de mair honestly than fechtand for thair liberte & natiue goddꝭ aganis y e lordꝭ of y e warld. The ambassatouris of Britonis rasit in esperāce [Page] of gud fortoun be this answer, returnit to Guiderius in Britane.
Quhen Guiderius had hard this wyse counsall of Caratak, he send his ambassatouris to persuaid the normandis, pycardis, bartaneris, & all othir pepyll of the see costis to rebell aganis the Romanis, saying na thyng was more abhominabyll to fre pepyll, than contrar thair natiue lawis to be subdewit to Romanis. Quhilkis war ane proude and cruel pepyll, dayly exercyng be thair tyrā ny sa many new & intollerabyll conditionis of seruytude on the plegis of subdewit realmis, that na maner of deith [...]uld be refusit to recouer thair liberte, but quhilk the lif of mā [...]s nocht. For thir reasonis na thyng [...] sa gud as the pepyll throw all [...]undis of France to rebell aganis Romanis, and sla thair sodiouris in all partis, quhare thay mycht be apprehendit. And to gyf the more hortatioun thairto, thay schaw how all kyngis of Albion sal assist to thaym, and support thaym with money, vittallis, schippis, weirmen, & all othir necessaris referyng thairto. And schew how the Romanis (quhilkis war laitly cumyng in Britane) hais tynt all thair horsmen. And the remenant brokyn with sic calamite, that thay ar outhir chasit to y e see, or ellis to thair strenthis. The cietezouris of Teruana in Flanderis (to quhom thir ambassatouris first come) rycht desyrus to recouer thair lyberte, refusit nocht thir offeris. Bot the charge was so hie, that thay couth nocht answer, quhyll thay war aduysit with thair nichtbouris. And prayit thaym to keip thair peticionis secrete. For gif the samyn war diuulgat, al thair plegis (that war geuyn afore to the Romanis) sall be cruelly tormentit. And to remoue all suspitioun, prayit thaym to remane in Calice, quhyll thay war resoluit in this mater. ¶Thus abaid thir ambassatouris of Britane certane dayis in Calice, abiding thair answer. In the mene tyme Guiderius was aduertist, that Aulus Plācius had rasit his camp, and distroyit al the landis with fyre and swerd, that stud at his opinion. Guiderius seand na way to eschew his ennymes, gaderit all his pepyll togidder in arrayit battall, & closit thaym with wanis & car [...]is on euery syde, except the part fornens thair ennymes, to that fyne that nane of thaym sal haue esperance to fle, syne put the wiffis in the said wanis and cartis to exhort thair husbandis to fecht vailȝeantly for thair lyffis and landis. On the tother syde Plācius deuidit his army in thre battallis, & be blast of trumpet come sa fe [...]sly on the Britonis, that thay had na space to schute thair arrowis. Than the britonis slāg thair bowis fra thaym and faucht with thair swerdis. The wiffis exhortit thaym w t loude cryis to delyuer thaym of Romane seruitude. This battall was cruelly fochtin, bot at last the Brytonis war discomfist, and Guiderius thair kyng slane. Mony of all y e wemē war smorit in the cartis be preis of thaym y t fled. The chais ceissit nocht quhyll the Britonis war dreuyn to y e reuer of Garieme .vi. mylis fra the place, quhare the feild was discomfist. This victory was nocht rycht plesand to romanis, for Gneus Sencius with mony othir romane nobillis war slane. Als sone as this vnhappy battall was schawin ī Frāce. it maid all the pepyll thairof disparit to recouer thair liberte. And so y e ambassatou [...]is (quhylkis war send [Page xxxi] as said is ī France) returnit but ony expedition of thair message. This hystory (as we haue wryttyn) is colleckit out of Godofryde wrytar of Inglis historyis, and out of Ueramond, Iohne Campbell, Cornelius Tacitus, and Eutropius.
¶Hovv Claudius emprioure come in Britane, and subdevvit Orknay to his empire. Of sanct Peteris first cumyng in Italy. And of the assumptioun of the glorius virgine Mary. Ca. ix.
SChort tyme eft Claudius empriour and Uespasiane ane mā of singulare virtew arriuit with mony legionis of pepyll in Britane. The Britonis herand his cumyng war gretumly affrayit. Nochtheles be publik aduysement thay send oratourꝭ to excuse thaym, sayng the offence committit aganis the Romanis was done only be euyl counsall. And thay wald thairfore not only repare all iniuris to thaym done, bot be obeysant to the empire of Romanis & thair lawis in tymes cumyng. Claudius than cōmandit thaym to geif plegis for obseruatiō thairof, syne commandit all the princes & lordis of Britane to cum afore hym aganis ane certane day, with intimatioun gyf thay dyd nocht, he suld persew thaym to the deith, The Britonis knawyng na refuge, gaif plegis, and come to London as he desyrit. At last quhen Claudius had demandit thaym, quhy thay brak thair faith, thay fell on kneis confessand thair offence, & prayit hym (sen thay war sufficiently punyst be the goddis) to ressaue thaym agayne to his mercy, and saif thair liffis vnder quhat condition or seruitude he plesit, & maid solempne aithis neuer to rebell in tymes cumyng, & gif thay failȝeit, al vengeance in erd to fal on thaym and thair posteryte. Sum of the Romanis gaue counsall to Claudius to punys thair rebellioun, and to sla the principal mouaris thairof, othir wayis the Britonis mycht nocht be haldyn at his opinion. Nochtheles Uespasiane persuadit hym be mony reasonis to mercy. For ane prince but mercy may well be dred bot neuir luffit. Als na thyng pertenit sa mekyll to maieste of Romane pepyl, as to haue mercy on thair subdittis, and defend thaym fra al iniure of ennymes, for be that way y e empire of Romanis was ekit and suld indure be the samyn way to the end of the warld. Thir wordis of Uespasian mesit the empriour ī sic maner▪ that he chesyt erar to be namyt ane mercyful prince than ane vengeabyl tyrane. In the mene tyme he began to treit of materis concernyng y e administratioun of Britonis, & first he maid Arniragus kyng of Britonis, that the crown sall remane in the natiue blude, for he was prince of Walis and bruthir to Guiderius afore slane. He ordanit Plautius to be gouernour as afore, and .M. Trebelliꝰ to be thesaurar, & commandit thaym to stuf all the strenthis and townis of Brytane with strang gareson of weirmen, to minister Iustice be the lawis, to hald the Brytonis in peace and defend thaym fra all iniure of pepyll liand thaym about, specially fra the Scottis & Pichtis, quhilkis wer ane pepyll full of cheualry & impacient of seruitude. And to seik na occasion of weir aganis thaym, & gif it war necessar to haif battal, to haif than stout wachis, baith at hame & [Page] a feild, hauand na les respect to keip the Britonis at the opinion of Romanis, than to e [...]k thair empire. And finaly he exhortit the nobyllis of Britane to remember y e affliction fallyng to thaym be thair rebellion, & to keip thair faith in tyme cuming for the weill of thaym self, thair barnis and gudis. Sic thyngis done, y e Britonis returnit hame, & gaif thankis to Uespasiane for his humanite schawin to thaym. Efter this Claudius Cesar desyryng sum triumphe of honouris afore his returnyng to Rome, thocht expedient to vesy Orknay the last Ilis within the occiane sees. the motiue of his weris aganis thaym was becaus thay supportit y e Albianis in the battall afore rehersit aganis the Romanis. Schort tyme [...] Claudius prouidit with all necessaris come out of Brytane with prosper windis, & passit throw Pentland firth to Orknay quhare he was nei [...] perist. Nane of the Orknay mē was sene at his first cumyng. For quhē thay saw sa huge flote of schippis arriuit w tin thair sees, thay hyd thaym in cauernis. Claudiꝰ find and this Ile desert, went to kirkwall, & send his scurriouris to spy the nature of the cuntre and pepyl thairof. And fra he was aduertist y t the same was full of euery bestyall and foulis necessar to sustene the lyf of man, he thocht y e same sufficient eneuch to decore his triumphe. On the morrow herand that Ganꝰ kyng of Orknay was in ane castell nocht .xii. mylis fra his army, he send ane cumpany of weirmen to sege the said castell. And quhē thir mē war passand forth wart to ye same effect, thay persaui [...] syndry rude pepyl of that cuntre cū mand fra ye couis quhare thay war hyd all the nycht, & passyng to y e montanis. Thir rude pepyll war astonist be sycht of Romanis. Nochtheles se [...] & na refuge, thay facht cruelly ane quhyle, bot at last thay war all slane or tane. The Romanis reiosyng of this victory laid ane sege to y e castel. At last quhen kyng Ganus had debaitit lang tyme & saw na rescours, he randrit the castell and was brocht presoner with his wiffe and children to Claudius. Thā Claudius pullit vp salis, & arriuit at Calice, quhare he abaid certane tyme quhill his army wer refreschit, Syne returnit to Rome and led Ganus with his wyf barnis and the plegis of Brytonis in his triumphe. ¶This hystory of Claudius cummyng in Brytane is drawin out of Suetoniꝰ. Eutropiꝰ. Beda. Campbel, and Cornelius Ireland. The same tyme sanct Peter ye appostyll come out of Antiochia to Italy. Efter that he had ereckit mony kirkis ī Asia, quhare he prechand ye euangell of Crist began to found the crysten fayth. About this tyme was the glorius and blissit vergyne Mary moder of god tane with body and saule to heuyn in the .v. ȝeir of y e empire of Claudius. Efter the Incarnatioun .xlvii. ȝeris.
¶Hovv syndry princis of Britane conspirand aganis Aruiragus vver discomfist. Hovv the confiderat kyngis come to support thir princis of Britane aganis the Romanis. Ca. x.
ALs sone as Aruiragus was maid kyng on this maner, he repudiat his lauchfull quene Uoada sister to Caratak, and put hir in preison efter that scho had borne to hym two douchteris and ane sonne. And in the mene tyme he mariit ane Romane [Page xxxii] lady [...]amit Genissa be ꝑsuasiō of pla [...]etis [...] gif it hap [...]t ye [...] to rebell aganis the [...] the affinite ceissing betuix hym & Cara [...]ak, he sall get na supp [...]rt of Scottis. Syndry princis of Britane war rich [...] cōmo [...] it that Aruiragus had [...] his quen [...] in this maner▪ & persuadit hym be mony reasonis [...] hym of ye romane lady and to adheir▪ to his lauch [...]ull wy [...]e▪ quhy [...] had bene with [...] & borne to hym plesand chyldr [...]n▪ [...] quhome na thyng [...]rd mirht be [...]omparit. Attour thay s [...]hew quhat proffet mycht be had of frottis, gif his ennymes hapnit sū tyme to inuaid hꝭ r [...]alme. And prait hym to eschew, y t he be rage of lust & dissaitful wordis of Romanis, drew nocht hym self and the Britonis fra [...] of thair [...]uld confderat freindis. Nochtheles quhen thay had assai [...]eit hym ī vane with thir & siclik wordis, thay fand nocht bot his reason blyndit with new lust but ony sich [...]o wisdome or honour. In y e nycht followyng thay brak the preison (quhare Uoada was incarcerat) and brocht hir & hir barnis with thaym ī Walis. Than Aruiragus wrait to the gre [...] prin [...]is of his realme, schewyng y t his freindis the lordis of Walis in quhom he maist confidi [...]) tuke indignatioun that he had preferrit ane Romane lady to his first wiffe, as it had bene vnleiffull to hym to haue syndry wiffis at his pleseir. Howbeit nouthi [...] the lawis nor the [...]o [...]suetude of Britane maid diroga [...] [...]ha [...]rto. Affermyng eik the said mariage was for na rage of lust, bot only y e Britonis and romanis micht [...] togidder vnder ane blude & amyte. Forthir he desyrit thaym (gyf the lordis of Walis hapnit to conspire aganis hym) that thay defend th [...]t fayth promittit to Romanis. It was answer [...]t be thaym y t it was vnleiffull to hym ony maner of way to prefer ane new wif to hꝭ first wif. And for that caus thay war nocht cō tent of the iniuris done to hir. Aruiragꝰ knawing quhat mynd thir nobyl [...]is bure to hym, thocht best to inuaid thaym but more tary, and be aduise of Plancius he assemblit ane army of Romanis and Brytonis and went in Walis. The princis of Walis na thyng affrayit of his cumyng met hym with ane gret power, nochtheles thay war vincust and put to flycht. On the morrow Aruiragus and Plancius was aduertist, y t Darby, Longcastell, Ȝork & syndry othir schiris war rebellit, dredand thairfore that thair ennymes suld inuaid y e [...]ist partis of Britane, thay returnit to London. Fra thens Plancius had lytyl confidence in the Britonis and send in France for two new legi [...]nis to support his army. Syne garnist all his strenthis with new wageouris & vittallis. Sic thyngis done be Plancius, the princis of Walis conuenit at Schrewisbery to take consultatioun in this maist dangerus mater. At last it was concludit that all pepyl vnder thair obeysance sal conuene ane certane day & place, to expell y e romanis out of Britane, or ellis al at anis to [...]e. Be the same counsal was decernit that oratouris sall pas to the lordis of Carlyll, Kendell, and Durame to solist thaym to the samyn effect. In the heruest followyng thir princis foresaid conuenit at Schrewisbery, quhare thay be lang regrait of Romane iniuris lamentit heuely the fekylnes of Aruiragus, quhilk had more desyre to be seruand to Romanis than kyng of [Page] Britonis. Nochtwithstandyng with haill mynd & pissance thay concludit to recouer thair anciant honouris & liberte. Bot than began na lytyl contention quha suld be capitane of the army, for few of thaym wald geif place to othir. Thā Comus prince of Walis said in this maner. We may sone gadder (maist vailȝeant mē) ane greter army of our pepyl & freindis, thay may be esaly resystit, sa y t euery thīg war gouernit be craft of cheualry, for than ī stādis al victory & glore of battall. Nochtheles sedition, discord, & ambitioun of honouris, ar so cōtratius thairto, that quhare thay sprout nouthir ordoure nor craft of cheualry may haue place, nor ȝit victory may be had of ennymes. Thairfo [...]e all ambition is to be drawin aw [...]y▪ & all dissentionis to be expirit. And fynaly ane man to be chosyn to quhome the remanent pepyll sall be obeysant. Be quhais auctorite this battall sall be led, and gif we intend to haue victory to be obeysant thairto. And because we ar nere equale to othir in power, thairfore it is best to send oratouris to Caratak kyng of scottis, quhilk is maist cruell ennyme to Romanis, & desyre hym cōcur with ws to reuenge the oppressioun done to his sister Uoada, and to defend his neuo, quhome y e Romanis intendis to defraude of the crown of Britonis. And to exhort hym to take y e gouernance thairof quhill his neuo war of perfite aige. And thay to obey hym in all chargis as occurrit. For the more affection that he haue to his sister and neuo, the more esaly may this mater be solistit. Sone efter oratouris wer send to Caratak, & schew hym all this mater at lenth as it is afore rehersit. Caratak answerit y t he was more greuit y e Aruiragus had maryst ane romane lady in distruction of hym self & his realme, than of ony iniuris done to his sister or neuo. Knawing weil how [...]omanis be vane fallowschip & gyle▪ subdewis vnprudent kingis to thair dominion. Nochtheles he promittit to eū agane ye spring of y e ȝeir to support yame w t his army as he thocht maist expedient. ¶The oratouris depeschit in this maner returnit t [...] Schrewisbery. At the spryng of the ȝeir (as said is) thir foresaid princes of britane be generall edict assemblit all men y t mycht beir wappynnis to ane certane day at Ȝork to defende thair cōmon liberte to ye nowmer of lxxx.M. men. And at y e said day come Caratak & Congestus ye confidera [...] kyngis of scottis & pichtis, quhais cumyng maid the Brytonis sa reiosit, y t thay beleuit na thing bot sicker victory. Incontinent (as was afore deuysit) Caratak was maid general capitane of all this army, & he maid vnder hym syndry othir capitanis quhare thay war found of maist wisdome & manheid, & exhortit the pepyl to be obeydient thairto▪ with sic respect to thair singulare & commoun weill, that thay suffer nocht thaym self to be randerit to ennymes. And sumtyme he prayit thaim to remēber the manheid of thair elderis, quhilkꝭ dang ye vailȝeant Iuliu [...] out of Albion. The Albianis inflāmit to battal be this hortation come forthwar [...] weill arrayit on thair ennymes. Als sone as Plantiꝰ & Aruiragꝰ war aduertist thairof, thay arrayit thair folkis. Nochtheles thay thocht it vng [...] nand to geif hasty battall, knawing weil thair ennymes ful of yre & hatrēt, & thairfore cōcludit to yrk thaym [...]at with lāg tary, walkyng, labour & penurite of vittallis thā to ieoꝑde [Page xxxiii] aganis sa huge multitude of peple all enragit aganis thaym at anis, quhilk culd nocht be vincust but vntellabil murdir. The albianis be delayng of battall come to sic poynt, y t thay mycht nocht for multitude of peple be haldin togidd. For sic derth and hunger rais in thair army, that sindry of yame deꝑtit fra yair camp to seik vittallis. Of quhom ane certane wer takin & brocht to Planciꝰ, and schew the Britonis be hunger, walking & truble neir discōfist. Plā cius on the morow maid his armye reddy for battall. Caratak weil aduertist yairof. Arrayit his folkꝭ, and be sound of trūpat Iunit. Followit ane scharp battal & fochtin cōtinewalie with vncertane victory quhill y e nycht seuerit thaim on ilk side. Plā cius on y e morow seyng y t he mycht nocht renew hꝭ army, returnit to Lō don, eftir y t ye maist part of his hors men wer tynt. Caratak brokin in y t samyn maner come with ye remanēt of his army to Ȝork. And cōmandit al his folkꝭ to pas hame quhil thay wer new warnit.
¶Of the message send to Caratak be Planciꝰ & of his ansvver. Of ye deith of Geniss [...]. And hovv Vespasian vvas send in Britane to dant the Britonis. Ca. xi.
PLancius eftir yis vnhappy batal send his oratourꝭ to Caratak And schew y t he had gret admiration, yat Caratak but ony occasioun of iniuris inuadit ye landis of Romanis, and supportit thair ennymes, hauand na remēbrance of ye gret humaniteis done to hī be Claudius [...] empriour, quhen y e said Claudius w t smal difficulte micht haue subdewit hꝭ realme & pepil. Howbeit he abstenit & exertit his wraith on Orknay. And thairfore desyrit him to repair al iniurꝭ be hym done, & obstene thairfra in tymes cumyng. Or ellis he suld be reput ennyme to romanꝭ. It wes answerd be Caratak, that it wes not to haue admiratioun yocht he defendit his nepote Guideriꝰ vndefraudit of his Iust heritage and kyngdome. And to y e remanēt pointꝭ he answerit. It wes for na fauour y t Claudius inuadit nocht y e relame of Scottꝭ bot onlie becaus he knew ye samyn nocht possible to be conquest but extreme ieoperde & chance of battal. And for y e caus he past on y e rude & vnarmyt pepill of Orknay, quhilkis mycht be sone vincust to y e fyne that he y • glorius & vailȝeant empriour amāg febil creaturꝭ mycht haue ane fenȝeit glore of triūphe. For thir causis y e Romanis suld redres baith the new & auld iniuris done to scottꝭ and pychtis. And depart hastely out of Albion with thair folkis. Utherwayis nocht wes to be traistit, bot Scottis Pychtꝭ & Britonis (quhom thay held in maist contemption) suld be thair perpetuall ennymes for defence of thair liberte & natiue goddis. Plancius be yis answer tuk hie indignatiō, & thocht it rycht vnworthy, that ane pepill nothir pissant in riches nor cheualry so pertlie sal contempne the power of Romanis. And maid thairfore his aith to reuenge this proud contemption done be Caratak. Mony othir Romanis maid thair aithis in that samyn maner. Quhen Aruiragus had considerit y e gret constance of Caratak in yis maner, He tuke ferme beleif gif his pissance wer concurrant with the remanent Albianis, y e Romanis mycht be esalie doūg out of Albion. Desiryng thairfore to recouer his anciant honouris & liberte, he left Plancius & [Page] past with al that war of his opinion to ye remanent princis of Britonis, quhilkis war conuenit for the tyme at Schrewisbery, quhare he was plesandly ressauit. Genissa the romane lady (quhome Aruiragꝰ tuke ī place of his lauchfull wyf) herand the rebellion of Aruiragus tuke sic displeseir, y t scho partit with child & sone efter deceissit. Than Aulus Plancius ilk day hauand les cōfidence in Britonis (becaus thair faith was sa oft brokin) began to garnis the muni [...]ionis strēthis & townis of romanis with new wageouris & vittallis, & send letteris with diligence to Claudius, cōplenyng y e falset of britonis, quhilkis mycht na way be haldyn vnder the Romane lawis, bot maid new rebellion & hes brocht w t thaym [...] [...]cottis & pichtis ye maist cruell & b [...]dy pepyll in erd. And thairfore ye battal sal not be led ī tymes cuming only aganis y e britonis bot erar aganis all y e albianis. For thir reasonis gud war to send hasty support to romanis, y t thay be nocht schamefully doung out of Britane. Als sone as Claudius rede thir letteris, he send Uespasian with mony romane legionis ī britane. Uespasian efter his cū myng seyng y t dāgerus cais (y t romanis war intyl) maid hym to bring all materis to beter estait. And first he callit afore hym ye said Plancius to se gyf the dāmage fallyng to romanis in this battal succedit be his imprudence or sleuth. Plancius for hie [...]purgation maid few wordis, bot sufferit his dedis to schaw thaym self. For euery thyng (y t pertenit to craft of cheualry) war sa wysly be hym ꝓuydit, y t the same was in sic admyraration to Uespasian y t he fermly beleuit the said Plancius was sufficient (howbeit na othir power had cumyn to hym) to haue subdewit the albianis to romane empire.
¶Hovv the thre kingis of Albion mouand vveir aganis Vespasian vver discō fist. Hovv Vespasian ressauit Aruiragus to his mercy. And maid his landis tributar to romane empire. Ca. xii.
UEspasian sone efter maid his ordinance to pas on Aruiragus & the britonis for thayr rebellyon. Aruiragus aduertist thairof cōuenit his noblis at Ȝork, quhare the scottis & pichtis war deuisit to cum. In this counsall was not deuysit (as afore) y t euery mā sufficient to beir armoure suld conuene to expel y e romanis out of Albion. Bot ane certane of euery schyre allanerly, y t thair vittallis mycht be ye mair esaly prouydit. Thus war ye britonis at y e day affixit gaderit to the nowmer of .lxv.M. chosin mē, & conuenit at Ȝork with two monethis vittallis abidyng ye cumyng of y e confiderat kingis, quhilkꝭ come sone efter with .lx.M. men. The Albianis assemblit togidder in this maner deuidit thaym ī syndry battallis with capitanis to hald thaym ī gud array. On the tothir syde Uespasian rasit his tentis, & was cōuoyit be certane treasonabyll brytonis quhare y e Albianis war. Followit sone ane dā gerꝰ & terribil battal. for y e Albianis stude at ane strenth besyde ane mos, nocht .xii. mylis fra Ȝork. Alway ye romanis y t faucht in the rycht wyng war neir discomfist. Nochtheles Uespasiā supportit thaym with ane new legion, be quhais cumyng thair curage was sa rasit y t notwithstādyng thair heuy woūdis, thay renewit battal. And quhē thay war persit throw y e bodyis, thay ceissit not quhyll thay slew thair ennymes fornens thaym. Otheris faucht sa cruelly y t quhen [Page xxxiiii] thair hand & swerd was doūg away, thay fell aboue thair ennymes, and raue thaym with thair teith. Nochttheles ye fatal necessite of victory geuyn be deuyne weirdis to Romanis micht not be vincust y e day be multitude māheid nor lang ꝑseuerance in battal, be repugnance of the goddis quhilkis had determit to subdew all realmis to romanis, For ye albianis (howbeit thay left na thyng vndone yat mycht pertene to vailȝeant campionis) war finaly discomfist. Aruiragus opprest with heuy dolour for slauchter of sa mony nobyl campionis wald haue slane hym self, bothe he was stoppit be his freindis ī esperance of better fortoune. Caratak saiffit with ane few nowmer of pepil went to Brygance. Illithara kyng of pichtis desiring not to leif efter ye slauchter of his dere freindis, raif of his coit armour, & was slane sone efter vnknawin quhat he was. The britonis efter this vnhappy battall send ane herald to vespasian desyrīg peace, & schew sa huge calamite fallyng to thaym be yre of goddꝭ, yat of lxv.M. britonis war left only .vi.C. mē on lyue, & war sa punist yat thay mycht be sufficient exemple to schaw quhat vengeance & sorow cumis to all pepyl for violation of thair faith & ꝓmys. Uespasiā answerit he wald heir na cōdicion of peace, quhyll Aruiragus wer brocht to his presence. Aruiragus seand na refuge, comperit ī his humly maner. Quhilk thīg mouit Uespasiā to gret reuth, seyng be chance of fortoune yat he (quhylk was sa ꝓuit yat day at morow) was thā sa destitute of freindis, yat he desyrit mercy at his ennymes. Incontinent Aruiragus fel on kneis, saying y e goddis had tane sa rigorus punition on hym & his pepyl, yat he couet not to leif aboue so hie calamite. And thairfore he desyrit nocht, bot grace to his son & wif, quhilkꝭ he afore had wrangusly exilit but ony falt. Uespasian seing his dolorꝰ estait had sic cō passiō y t he micht not ꝯtene fra teris. Nochtheles he tuke counsall how he suld behaif hym ī this mater. sū gaif counsal, yat Aruiragus suld be send w t his wif, childrē, & guddis to rome (as lauchful pray) to abide the iugement of romane senatouris, to be exempyl to all pepyll, quhat frute procedis of rebellion aganis the romanis. Otheris hauand sicht to chance of fortoune, coūsulit hī to haue reuth & not to trauel ye said Aruiragus to rome, sen he was not thair lauchful pray, bot cumyng vnder assurāce of Romanis, quhais empire was eikit be inuiolat faith & be no slichtis on thair subdittꝭ. Uespasian be this coū sal tuke Aruiragꝰ to his mercy, & cō tine wit hym in his auctorite. Syne cōmandit all y e strenthis of y e townis of britane (quhilkis afore war stuffit aganis y e romanis) to be randerit to his capitanis, & plegis to be geuyn for obseruation yairof. The prīcipal mā y t was geuin at this tyme ī plege wes Guiderius prince of Britane, & sonne of Aruiragus, quhilk passand with Uespasian to Rome fell in gret infirmite & deceissit. Quhen Uespasian had dantit the britonis on this wyse, he distroyit al thair awin lawꝭ, & brocht on thaym ye lawis of romanis, & cōmandit y t na man sal haif cō mission of blude within Britane bot Plancius or his deputis, be quhom certane mē war lymit to minister iustice on y e romane maner. The fame of thir lawis causit al y e remanēt brytonis to be ȝoldin to Uespasian, and gaue hym mony riche iewellis in satisfaction of thair offence,
¶Hovv Vespasiane vvan the tovvne of Camelon, & discomfist Caratak, of his message send to Caratak. And of Caratakis ansvvere. Ca. xiii.
NOw was the winter cummyn and causit Uespasiane to returne to Ȝork, quhare he abaid all the sayd wynter with Aruiragus. And at the nixt somer he rasit his army, and come within the boū dis of Mers & Berwyk pertenyng to the dominion of Pichtis, quhais inhabitātis war ay maist vailȝeant and strangest ennymes to Britonis, nochtheles thay war than sa brokin at this tyme with the battall afore rehersit, yat thay mycht make lytyl resistance, bot war haistely ȝoldin to ro [...]nis. Utheris (quhilkis war mair nobyl) fled to Camelon, beleuand ye romanis suld nocht cum thair, for difficill and strait passage. Uespasiane weill aduertist of thair departing, come with more diligence than ony mē presumit, & wan y e said town of Camelon. Amang mony riche & precius iewellis in spulȝeing of this town war found the armis of y e kyngis of Pichtis & ane crown of gold set about with precius stanis of variāt colouris▪ & ane swerd with heft of gold maist curiously wrocht with in ane purpour scheith. This swerd was worne mony ȝeris efter be Uespasiane in all his weris. All the nobyllis of Pichtis (that war takyn in Camelō) war licent to returne hame on thair pledgis. Uespasiane abaid lang tyme efter in Camelon & brocht dyuers auld capitanis to dwell in it and to leif vnder romane lawis, instrukand the rude pepyll thairof in ciuill maneris. He biggit ane tempil nocht far fra the said town apon the watter of Carron in honour of Claudius & Uictory, & cōmandit y e samyn to be adorit be ye pepyl. Quhill Uespasian was geuyn on this maner to polesy & vane religion of gētilis, he was aduertist be his exploratouris, y t Caratak kyng of Scottis had renewit hꝭ army, & cumand furthwart to reuenge y e iniuris done to hym be Romanis. Uespasian lytyll affrayit of thir nouellis, abaid in Camelon & cōmandit Planciꝰ with ane part of ye Romanis army to meit hym. Not lang efter be soūd of trumpat baith the armyis iunit & faucht with incredable slauchter on athir syde. At last quhē thay had fochtin fra y e dawyng to ye mydday▪ the victory succedit to Romanis. The residew of scottis (y t eschapit fra this sorowful battall) fled to the montanis. Kyng Caratak euyl woundit was brocht out of y e felde with gret difficulte to Doū stafage. Throw fame of this vnhappy battall mony pepyl war ȝoldin to romanis. All thay that dwelt in Brigāce hauand lytyl cōfidence in thair strenthis fled with thair wiffis, children, & guddis to ye nixt montanis. The fourt day efter Plancius tuk y e town of Carrik & ꝑtit al ye spulȝe & guddis found in it amang his weirmen, & send ane herald to Uespasian to aduertis hym of this victory, and schew y t Brigance the principal prouince of Scotland was to be randerit but ony forthir rebellyon. Uespasian reiosyng of thir nouellis come to Carrik, quhare he ressauit mony of the pepyll of Brigance to his opinion. Efter this hauand compassion of y e lamētabyl chance fallyng to Caratak fechtand to the vter exterminion of his pepyll, for defence of his lyberte he send messingeris to hym, saying it was nocht ganand to hym [Page xxxv] to be ony forthir repugnant to the goddis. Be quhome all victory, empire and auctorite procedis in erd. quhais deliuerit sentence hes ordanit all regionis to be subdewit to romanis. It wes necessar thairfore to hym and his pepill to obey the goddis, quhilkis hes tane ane manifest punitioun on hym and his pepill for thair rebellioun. Attoure promytti [...] (gyf he wald be obedient to romane empyre) that he suld remane in honouris as afore. And to be reput as freind to the senat & pepill of Rome. Uthirwayis gyf he wald be repugnant, and perseueir be vnprudent hatrent aganys thaym, he suld be degradit of auctorite and his peple vterlie distroyit. To thir wourdis answerit Caratak, it wes na les fury than inprudence to mortall pepill to presume (as thay war familiar with goddis) to haue ony cognoscance of thyngis to cum. Forthir gyf the Romanis but ony occasion of Iust battall wald inuaid hym, he culd do na thyng les, than resist sa farre as he mycht. For he traistit ye goddis not to be sa iniust, to gif victory to iniurius and wrangus pepil. Forthir he culd nocht vnderstand that Romanis suld defend hym in his realme, sen thay haue socht sa mony wayis to reif hym as thay haue done to othir kyngis. As to ye amite & freindschip of Romanis, he thocht ye same to be desyrit, gyf it mycht do hym ony cōmodite. Bot as than it was to be refusit, for gret dāmage suld follow thairthrow to his realme & subditis. Ye realme of Scottis wes als fre to hym as the kyngdome of Romanis wes to Cesar empriour. And sen all pepill that will nocht defend thair awin ar repute na les detestabil, than thay that reiffis othir mennis realmes, he suld perseueir in battall aganis the Romanis to the fynall end of his liue in defence of his realme and liberte.
¶Hovv Caratak cūand vvith nevv army aganis romanis vves vincust, of the deith of plātiꝰ, & hovv ostoriꝰ vvas sēd ī his place & dātit ye britonis. Ca. xiiii.
BE this answer Uespasian tuk gret admiratiō, seing Caratak of sa inuinsabyl sperit quhē al y e remanent princis of Albion wer subdewit. He only pretēding to fecht aganis romanis, & for his proud cōtemptiō he tuk purpos to put hī & his pepill to vter rewyne. Ȝit becaus the passage wes difficil, & vittallis mycht not be trāsportit in his boundis but huge dammage of Romanis. He changit his mynd & maid hym reddy to pas in y e Ile of Man, liand betuix Ireland & Albion. And for the expedition thairof he brocht mony schippis & galȝonis to the nixt port reddy to y e samyn effect. In y e mene tyme he gat lettris schewand y t baith Walis & y e Ile of Wicht wes rebellit. And vncertane gyf y e same procedit be persuation of France or not. Uespasiane traisting na thyng sa gud as to meit this presēt truble (afore it ony forther spred) supersedit his passage in the Ile of Man, and past in Britane leiffand behynd him y e strent [...] of Brigance garnist with strang sodiouris and the residew of his army with Plancius. At his cumyng in Britane the pepill with facill lauboure wer sone dantit. And y e principal cōspiratourꝭ punist for yair rebellion. Uespasiane eftir thir feliciteis returnit be commād of Claudiꝰ empriour to Rome, quhare he wes ressauit with gret triumphe. ¶Als sone as Caratak wes aduertyst that Uespasyane [Page] wes deꝑtit out of Albion, he thocht tyme ganand to recouer the landis of Scottis & Pychtis, quhilk war reft afore be tyrany of romanis. And assemblit thairfore ane army fra syndry boundis of Albion with al pepil that hatit ye Romanis, or desyrit to reuenge thair iniuris. Ye Romanis weil certifyit of hꝭ cūing met him w t arrayit ostis. Followit ane terribill bergane fochtyn with birnād hatrēt on all sydis. The scottis desiryng to recouer thair liberte, & the romanis to tyne not y e landis, that thay wan afore with gret difficulte and pyne. This battall wes lang fochtin with vncertane victory. Nochtheles the wisdome & cheualrie of romanis wā the victory, and put the scottis to the flycht. Caratak seyng his army brokin, colleckit the residew of his folkꝭ and come to Donstafage, quhare he [...] consultatioun afore his nobillis tuke auisement, how he mycht defend his realme aganis the romanis. And desyrit ane new army to be gaderit out of al boundis vndir his dominioun, with al support y t micht be gottin fra the princis of Ireland thair anciant faderis to expel ye Romanis out of Scotland, or than all at anis to de. The counsal ripely a [...]sit with thir p̄sent calamyteis fallyng on thaym be frequent victorye of Romanis thocht nocht profitable to ieoperd ye realme to y e last chance of battall. Bot erar to suffer yair pepill to vaik sumtyme fra battal to recouer sum strenth quhilkis hes bene sa oft diffait afore. Be y e samyn counsall wes deuisit that certane chosyn men suld lye on the bordour of Brigance to stop the Romanis fra inuasioun of y e remanent boundis of scotland be frequēt incursionis erar yan plane battall, Thus wes the battall prolongit twa ȝeris ef [...], but ony gret slauchter. The samyn tyme Plancius gouernour of Romane army fel in Irremediable infirmite of flux And quhen he vnderstude cleirly he mycht nouthir conuales be support of nature nor medcine, he wes sa disparit of his life, y t he desyrit Claudius empriour (sen he mycht nocht labour forthir for the common weill of Rome) to send ane prudent capitane in his place, to hald the Albianis vndir Romane lawis, that y e landis conquest afore with gret difficulte wer nocht tyn [...]. Claudius at his desyre send in Britane ane vailȝeant knycht namyt Ostorius Scapula. And sone eftir his cumyng Plancius deceissit in Camelon. His body wes brynt eftir the custome & rite of Romanis, and consecrarit in ye tempill of Claudius and victory. Thus rais ane cōsuetude mony ȝeris eftir obseruat amang the scottis & pychtis to byrne the bodyis of thaym yat deis. as apperis ȝit be mony signys to our dayis. For in the ȝeir of god i.M.v.C.xxi. ȝeris. In Fyndou [...]e ane town of ye Mernis .v. mylis fra Aberdene wes found ane anciant sepulture, in quhilk wer .ii. lame piggis craftely maid with letteris ingrauit full of brynt powder, quhilkꝭ sone eftir that thay wer handillit [...]el in dros. Siclike in Kenbothen ane town of Mar .x. mylis fra Aberdene wer found two sepulturis on the samyn maner full of brynt powder. Mony othir sepultutis hes bene oft tymes found on the same maner ful of brynt powder. Bot we wil return to our historye, quhare we left. The Britonis eftir the cummyng of Ostorius Scapula beleuyng to recouer yair liberte (becaus he knew not thair maneris nor countre) rebellit. [Page xxxvi] Ostorius desyryng to haue occasion of rebellioun (y t he mycht schaw his proues and manheid) rasit his camp to inuaid the Welche men & otheris Britonis in the west partis of Brytane. And finalie put thaym to discomfiture. Eftir yis victory he went on y e est Britonis fornence y e france seis. Quhilkis war ye principal monaris of this rebelliō. Thir britonis seyng na refuge, fledde to ane strait ground quhare thay mycht nocht be esalie inuadit. Nochtheles thay wer finalie vincust. Throw fame of this vnhappy battall, all the remanent britonis wer subdewit to Ostorius.
¶Hovv Caratak fechtād vvith nevv army aganis ye Romanis vvas discomfist & maid presoner to Ostoriꝰ be treason of Cartumandia his stepmoder. Ca. xv.
OStorius schort time eftir tuk ane castell in Cūber namit Carlill. And eftir (that he had tane gret praye of guddis out of all partis lyand thair about) he come with al his army baith ī Penthland, Carrik, Kyle and Cunyngham, and wrocht insufferabil iniuris with fyre & swerd on the pepyll thairof. Caratak impacient to sustene thir offēcis determit outher to de, or ellis to reuenge the samyn. Mony othir Albianis come to hym on y e samyn mynd The army of Caratak at this tyme wes noumerit to .xl.M. men, & wes arrayit in sic maner, y t al yair bakkꝭ wer set contrar ane deip riuere but ony furde to y e fyne, y e nane of yame may haue esperāce to flee. Yan wes al y e agit wemen (quhilk come ī gret noumer to visie the chance of this feild) set on Ilk syde of the battall to rais y e spreitis of men with thair clamour. And to cast stanis at thair ennymes & sla thaym quhen thay fell. Al othir wemen (yat war ȝoung and wicht) war arrayit with armour and wappinnis amang y e men. Sic thyngis done the capitanis went heir & thair about y e army exhortyng yame all in general to battal, and said yat daye behuffit thay othir to recouer thair liberte, or ellis be thirlit to perpetual seruitude. And sūtyme thay maid inuocatioun to y e deuine spreit of thair eldaris, quhilkꝭ be yair man heid & glorius cheualrie dang Iulius out of Albion, and maid thaym & thair posterite exonerat fra al tribut and seruitude of Romanis. Yan followit sa huge clamour & noyis in ye army, y t Ilk man promittit (but ony feir) to fecht for thair realme & liberte to the deith. Ostorius wes na litil astonist, seyng y e Scottis of sa huge multitude, & brym desire of battall. Knawyng weil how dangerꝰ it wes to fecht aganis ony men in extreme disperation but refuge. Caratak ȝit to gyf ye army more curage & spreit to fecht, schew y t thair ꝑpetual liberte wes than present to thaym in yat feild for the wynnyng. On the othir syde Ostorius wes na les prudēt in hortation of hꝭ folkꝭ, desiryng yame be lang orison to remēber how thay wer romanis dantaris of all pepill. And thair ennymes bot rude & barbar but humanite, and cassin be nature the crafty moder of al creature in ye remote & last nuyk of y e warld. Incōtinent baith ye armyis be thunderand preis of trumpat Iunit, and faucht w t mair cruelte, yan euir wes herd ī ony warld afore. Nochtheles the romanis wer finalie victouris. In this battall wes tane Caratakis wif, hꝭ docht & bred. & as oft is sene, few men cā haif sickir freīdꝭ ī aduersite [Page] This Caratak fled to his gud moder Cartumādia quene of Scottis, quhilk eftir deceis of his fader Cadallane wes maryit apon ane va [...]ȝeant knycht namit Uenisius. Curtumandia seyng Caratak distitute of all consolatioun deliuerit hym to Ostorius, the .ix. ȝeir eftir that ye b [...]ttall wes begun be Romanis in Albion. Ostorius seyng Caratak brocht afore hym and re [...]t fra kynglie dignite, Had sic compassioun, That he tuke hym be the hand and said. O Caratak yis mischance suld be sufferit with pacience. For thocht thow be distitute of gud fortoun. Ȝit thou art nocht cumyn in our hādis nakit of virtew. Eschame nocht to be the pray of Romanis, quhilkis hes subdewit sa mony riche and vailȝeant kyngis and led thaym in triumphe▪ [...] this answerit Caratak with heuy [...]heir. I mon (said he) suffer this aduersite. Howbeit it be contrar my will. And ȝit na thyng is sa greuous to me as fortoun, quhilk is sa cōtrarius to my gouernance, yat scho hes de [...]eckit me at thy feit to be example of hir mutabilite, and maid me presoner more be treason thā force. Quhil my pyssance indurit I maid Impediment. Bot now be treason of my stepmoder Cartumandia (in quhom had I maist confidence eftir my discomfitour) I am cumyn in thy handis. My part is now to obey to the as victour, and vnderlie ye wil and pleseir of my ennyme. Thy part salbe to vse ye chance of ane victorius capitane and so mercifull, that vincust and miserable peple may haue sum esperance of grace. Als sone as Caratak had said thir wourdis he wes brocht to the tentis of Romanis, and tretit with all reuerence (as [...]fferit) to ane kyng.
¶Hovv Caratak vvas brocht to [...]ome, & hovv [...]e returnit in Scotland. Of vncouth meruellis sene in Alhion, and of syndry nobyll clerkis, and of the deith of Caratak. Ca. xvi.
CAratak within few dayis eft wes brocht throw Italy with hꝭ wiffe, douchter and bredir to Rome. Ye pepil heirand his cū myng assemblit out of all ꝑtis rycht desyrus to se that vailȝeant kyng Quhilk had fouchtyn sa mony ȝeris aganys ye romanis. At his cumyng stude arrayit in the stretis of Rome ye band of weirmen in gret ordour. First wer schawin his hors, harnes, bardyng and riche spulȝeis, quhilkꝭ war gottin in the feild aganis hym. Followit his wif and douchter, and last of all hym self. Caratak brocht afore the empreour in this maner & seyng his freindis (that come with hym sumpart astonyst) to schaw his curage na thyng de [...]eckit in this calamyte. Said in this maner. Had I bene als fortunat in prosperite and riches, as I am in hie nobilite and blud. I micht haif erar cūmin freind than presonere in this town. For I wes nocht vnworthy throw my progenitouris and gret dominioun to haue bene cōfiderat with Romanis. This present calamyte is na les honorable to the Cesar empriour, than vnplesād to me. I had sūtyme hors, harnes, men, & riches. Quhat wonder is thocht I haue lost thaym aganis my wyll? For gyf ȝe Romanis will haue empire aboue ye warld, on force al peple man be th [...]llit to ȝour seruitude. Had I bene canderit to romanis sone eftir thair cuming in Albioun. Nothir had thy glore nor ȝi [...] my calamite bene sa notable & knawin, [Page xxxvii] & yocht thow punys me y t am thy presonere to ye deith, the memory of me sall sone euanys. Ȝit will thow suffer me returne to my realme. It salbe ane perpetuall example of thy mercy. The emprioure incontinent gaue pardoun & grace baith to hym, his wiffe and brether, and delyuerit thaym of bondaige. Sone efter the faderis conuenit, and fell in syndry communicationis concernyng ye capitane of Caratak. Mony of thaym thocht the takyng of hym na les honorabyl to Romanis, than was the takyng of kyng Syphax be Scipio or Persis be. L. Paulus, or y e taking of ony othir vincust kyngis be ye romanis, & decernit thairfore ane triumphe to be geuyn to Ostorius. Caratak was commandit to returne in Scotland▪ leiffand his eldest brothir and douchter in pledge. Mony prodigeis and vncouth meruellis war sene in Albion that ȝeir yat Caratak faucht with Romanis. ane gret battall of horsmen war sene arrayit in y e feild. And sone eft with huge noyis and murdir on athir syde iunit togidder, bot thay euanist sa suddanly that na maner of signe apperit in ye feild, quhare thay war first sene. In the nycht afore the battal apperit to the wache ane multitude of wolffis, and tuke ane of thaym that war at the wache away, & brocht hym with thaym to the nixt wod. Bot on the morrow (als sone as lycht apperit) thay brocht hī agane but ony harme of his body. In Carryk was ane child borne with ane rauyn heid. Thir vncouth signis apperit to nales terrour than admiration of y e pepyl. The deuinouris interpret thaim to signify gret trubyll and dangeir appering to Caratak the heid of the realme. Nochtheles seing hym returne fra Rome but ony displeseir, thay begā to interpret thaym to ane othir face. The pepyll reiosyng of Caratakis returnyng ressauit hym with excellent honouris, and conuoyit hym to the town of Carryk. This town be cōmand of the empriour was restorit to hym with Brygance, Kyle, and Cunyngham. Caratak past the remanent of his liffe in tender amite with the Romanis but ony vncouth or domistik weiris. for baith his brethir & douchteris war send hame to hym be fauoure of the empriour. Caratak leiffit two ȝeris efter this in gud peace, and deceissit the .xxi. ȝere of his regne, ane prince mair vailȝeant than fortunat all his dayis, geuand his ingyne and curage to defend his realme and subdittis fra seruitude of Romanis and to institute thaim ī gud manerꝭ. About this tyme was mony nobyll clerkis as Persiꝰ, Iunenale, Senica. The pepyll began als in all partis of the warld to ryis in sicker faith of Crist and all vane ydolatreis and superstitionis put downe. And sa endis heir the thrid buke.
Heir begynnis the feird Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
¶Hovv Corbrede vvas maid kyng of Scottis. Hovv the Pichtis rebellit aganis the Romanis & slevv Ostorius thair capitane. Ca. primo.
[Page] CAratak beād on yis maner deceissit & beryit w t funerall triumphe in Carryk, ane riche & precius sepulture wes maid for hym with hiear pillaris rysyng about ye samyn, than euir wes sene afore to hꝭ eternal glory. This prīce had na ayris bot ane douchter to succeid to his realme. And wes trublit with sic infirmite yat scho deceissit ane virgyne. Eftir hir deith Corbreid ȝoungest brothir to Caratak wes maid kyng. For his eldest brothir deceissit (as we schew afore) passand with Uespasiane to Rome. Yis Corbreid wes of fers ingyne nocht far differēt fra his brothir Caratak in maneris. In ye beginnyng of his empire he went in the Ilis, Ros and [...], quhare he punist mony we kir schrewis for thair attemptatis. And rewardit all thaym yat he fand defendouris of y e cōmon weill with large cōmoditeis. Quhill Corbreid wes geuen on this maner to Iustice the Romanis began to decay in Britane. For the Pychtis eftir creation of [...]hair new kyng conkist in hope to recouer thair liberte, slew mony of y e Romanis heir & yair skatterit throw the cuntre. For thay traistit eft deith of Caratak na recounteryng to be foundin. Thus had nane of the Romanis eschapit, war nocht thay hapnit more haistelie to be reskewit be support of thair strenthis. Nochtheles mony of the principall capitanis wer slane. Ostoriꝰ inpacient to suffer yir iniuris, come with ane haisty and weil arrayit army aganis the Pychtis. Followit sone ane sore battal fochtin with sic cruelte & slauchter, that the Romanis wer neir discomfist. Than Ostorius ruschit sa fersly forwart to haue maid thaym support, that he wes euill woundit, And narrowly eschapit vntakin. Nochtheles the nycht seuerit thaym with lamentable slaucht on ilk side. Followit cōtinewal incursiōis with reif and slauchter as the chance succedit. Throw fame of this victory come sindry cumpanys of pepill to the Pychtis, and gaue occasioun to fecht aganys the Romanis. Bot skarsly wes ye battall Iunyt, quhen the Pychtis left ye feild and fled (as thay had bene discomfist) to yat fyne that thay mycht draw the Romanis to the said place quhair thair ambuschement wes laid. And as thay deuisit, sa succedit eftir. For ye Romanis following in this maner wer slane. Als sone as Ostorius wes aduertist heirof, he fled with gret dredour to his tentis, and wrait to Claudiꝰ emprioure. That the Pichtis wer rebellit and mycht na ways be haldin vnder Romane lawis. Than Claudiꝰ maid his vow to punys the Pichtis ī sic maner, that thair name and memorie sall peris in Albioun. And to bryng his purpos to effect, he send in Britane two Romane legionis. And nochtwithstanding ye cumyng of thir legionis, the Pychtis grew Ilk day more insolent aganis the Romanis. And finalie be suddan Irruptionis slew two capitanis of Romane sodiouris, quhilkis wer assemblit afore to mak incursionis in the cuntre. And partit thair spulȝeis amang thair fallowis that concurrit with thaym in the said bergane. ¶Ostorius trublit with heuy curis and doloure risyng of the woundis (that he gat in this last battall) deceissit to the gret consolatioun of his ennymes.
¶Hovv Manlius Vale [...] capitane of Britane vvas discomfist be the Pichtis. Hovv Didius vvas send in his place. Of the messaige send be Pichtis to Corbreid. And of his ansvver. Ca. ii.
OStoriꝰ beād decessit in this wise, Manliꝰ Ualēs wes maid capitane to Romanis in Britane. And com with mony auful legionis aganis y [...] Pichtis. Followit [...]ne scharppe bergane fochtin lang tyme with doutsum victory. ¶And quhen y e Pychtis stude in maist danger, come haistelye .iiii.C. men of Kendill (quhen na man beleuit) to thair support. Be quhais cummyng the Romanis war put to flycht. In this battal wes slane .iii.M. Romanis. And twa thousand pichtꝭ. Claudius aduertist of thꝭ vnhappy chāce falling to romanis in Britane, send Aulus Didius with two Romane legionis to succeid in his place. Yis Aulus at his cummyng in Albioun [...]and the Romanis in small felicite, and maid hym thairfore to reuenge the iniuris done to thaym. And persewit the Pychtis (quhare euir thay mycht be apprehendit) to the deith. ¶And first he callit all the Romanis afore him, and reprochit thaym that thay failȝeit to thaym self. And war nocht sa walkrif and prouident in al materis (as thay suld haif ben) eftir the takyng of Caratak. He meru [...]llit eik that thay wer sa far degenerit fra Romane glore to be schamfullie ouirthrawin with thair febyll ennymes. And finalie he prayit yam to beleif nocht thair discomfitoure cummin be ony manheid or virtew of thair ennymes, bot onlie de thair awin necligence & s [...]euth. And prayt thaym to be so obedient to thair capitane, that he haue na occasioun be thaym to leis his curage. The Romanis maid incontinent thair solempne vowis to reuenge al iniuris done be thair ennymes. The Pychtis at the first brut of thir nouellis wer effrayit. Nochtheles be memorie of yis recent victorie thay began to tak gud curage. And send incontinent thair ambassatouris to Corbreid kyng of Scottis, schawing to him. Yocht thay haue laitlie cōquest two victoreis on the Romanis. Ȝit the said Romanis be more hatrent than afore intendis to cum with awfull incursionis in Pentland, and purposyt eftir the distructioun of Pychtis to inuaid the Scottis on y e same maner. And thairfore desyrit the said Corbreid to send support in tyme to occurre the present dangeir erar afore his pyssance wer brokin, than quhen his landis wer so wais [...]it, that he mycht mak na support. It wes answerit be Corbreid yat he knew weill how Didius wes cummyng in Albion with na gud mynd to hym nor his realme. Intendyng nocht onlie to keip the landis conquest afore be Romanis. Bot als to augment the samyn with new regionis and landis. Ȝit becaus he wes conf [...]derat with Romanis, he wald na wayis inuaid thaym with battal Bot gyf thay first inuadit hym. For he wes oblist yairto be cōtract maid afore be Caratak Nochtheles for defence of his realme and pepil he suld cum within ane certane day with al his power erar to mak impediment to Romanis than to inuaid thaym with ony battall.
¶Hovv Cartumandia quene of Scoti [...] vvas beriit quik. Hovv the scottis & pichtis faucht aganis the Romanis vvith vncertane victory▪ & vvar cōstranit to take peace. and of the deith of Didius Ca. iii.
ALs sone as thir oratouris war depeschit, Corbreid went with ane army in Brigāce. Didius heiryng his cummyng, chargit hym be ane herald to depart haistelie thairfra. And allegit it wes the prouince and land of Romanis, and grā [...]it but onlie to Caratak duryng his lyfe. Certifying hym (gyf he wer rebelland to this charge) he suld be [...] ennyme to Romanis. And [...]o [...]ing be force out of all boundis of his realme. Scarslye wer thir wor [...]s said quhen tithingis come that Cesius Nasica lieutenant to Didiꝰ wes entrit with ane army in Brigance. Corbreid incontinent gaderit all his pepyll to ane gret strenth. Traisting na les honour to keip his subdittis but perell, than to wirk dā mage on his ennymes. Syne wen [...] to Epiak to be consulit in this maist dangerus mater with Uenisius the husband of Cartumandia his gud moder. ¶This Uenisius wes ane man of hie ingyne. And wes lang tyme defendit fra iniuris of nychtbourꝭ be auctorite of Romanis. Ȝit becaus he saw thair tyrany & proud dominioun sa importabyll, He rebellit. And come to the opinioun of his natiue prince. Cartumandia quene of Scottis and spous to the said Uenisius rycht sorowfull for thir feliciteis dayly succedyng to Corbreid and dredand hir to be punyst ( [...] scho treasonabilly randrit Caratak afore to Romanis) tuke hir husband and freindis be crafty slychtis, and held thaym in preson. ¶Corbreid mouit for thꝭ offence come to Epiak And eftir that he had put ye said Uenisius and his freindis to liberte, he commandit this we [...]it woman C [...] tumandia to be buryit quik. ¶ [...] cumpany of Scottis at this tyme followit so vnwarly on the chase of Romanis, that thay wer beltrit about on euery syde with ennymes afore thay wist, and all slane. This discomfitoure maid the remanent Scottis within thair municionis and strenthis so effrayit, that thay mycht scarsly be haldin fra fleyng. On the fyft day eftir the Romanis went forwart to assailȝe this munitioun of Scottis with thair horsmen. Bot it wes sa circulit on Ilk side within ane mos, y • na horsmen mycht inuaid thaym. And it had na out passage bot at ane part quhilk was maid be thaym with flaikis scherettis and treis. ¶Nochtheles quhen thir Romanis knew that the Scottis and Pychtis wer within thre mylis to thair army, thay left thair purpos. Incontinent Cesius Nasica capitane of Romanis broch [...] all his army weil arrayit to the feild and abaid styll quhill the cummyng of thair ennymes. ¶On the tothir syde the confyderatte pepill I mene the Scottis & Pychtis went so fast forthwart (quhen thay saw thayr ennymes in sycht) that thay wer out of aynd or [...]uir thay come to ony straikis. And ȝit thay Iunyt at ye occasion of y e sonne, and faucht continewally quhill thay wer senerit be cummyng of the nycht. And than the Romanis fl [...]d to thair t [...]n [...]is, [Page xxxix] and [...]he confiderat kyngis to the montanis. ☞ In the mene tyme Didius the Romane legate send ane herald to Cesius his leutenand, and schew gret trubyll amang the Brytonis in Walis. And thairfore commandit hym to make sum honest way of peace with the Scottis and Pychtis, that the landis conquest afore with sa huge dyffyculte war nocht schamefully tynt. Thir nouellis maid Cesius to defaik sum part of his curage. The confiderat kyngis brokyn with this recent bergane send thair ambassatouris on the nixt morow to Cesius to haue peace, Lamentyng the huge murdir and calamite fallyng to baith thair armyis be this last battall▪ And schew thairfore it was sufficient yneuch to Romanis to haue the confiderat kyngis as thair freindis in tymes cumyng. For thay war sa obstinat, that na thyng mycht vyncus thaym duryng thair lyffe. ¶Cesius hauand this honest occasioun to treit peace with the confiderat pepyll set ane day to common on all materis. And at the said day peace was fynaly tretit betuix the Romanis Scottis and Pichtis vnder thir conditionis. ¶The Romanis sall keip the landis be thaym conquest afore this peace but ony ferder conques. And sall nouthir inuade the Scottis nor Pychtis with battall, les than the Scottis and Pychtis inuade thaym fyrst. ¶The Pychtis sall leif on thair awin lawis, and conkist thayr kyng to regne aboue thaym as afore, payand the auld tribute to the wageouris of Camelon. The iurisdictioun of blude sall be onely with Romanis. ¶Na Franchemen nor Brytonis (that ar fugitiue fra the Romane lawis) sall be resset amang the Scottis and Pychtis. ¶The Scottis sall reiose frelye all thayr landis and vse thair awin lawis. ¶Prouydyng all wayis that thay support nocht the inhabytantis of the Ile of Man with vyttallis or wappynnis, for the iniuris laitly be thaym done to Romanis. ¶And fynally the sayd Scottis sall nouthir support the Pichtis in Britane▪ gyf ony of thaym happynnis to rebell aganis the Romanis. Nor ȝit inuade thaym with battall sa lang as thay abaid at the fayth of Romanis. ¶The peace beand confirmit in this sort, all partyis returnit hame. ☞ This peace indurit but ony violatioun sa lang as Didius was capitane in Brytane. And the saxt ȝeir efter he deceissit in London.
¶Hovv Ve [...]anius vvas maid capitane of Britane and of his deith▪ Hovv Svvetonius his successour [...] put the Ile of Man to Sak. Hovv Brytonis maid nevv rebellyoun on the Romanis, and of syndr [...] prodigies and meruellis sene in Albioun. Ca. iiii.
[Page]DIdius beand deceissit (as said is) be cōmand of Nero emprioure was send in Brytane ane new capitane namit Ueranneus. Quhen this Ueranneus had vysyt sindry prouincis of Britane, he come to Camelon, and maid sacrifice in the honoure of the goddes Uictory & Claudius emprioure, quhilk was laitly deceissit and de [...]ficat be the Romanis. Ueranneus rycht desyrus to be equale to his antecessouris in glore of cheualry, socht mony occasionis to moue battall on his nychtbouris. ¶So hapnit that certane hieland theuis of Scotland tuke ane pray of guddis out of the Pychtis landis. Ueranneus traistyng yis sufficient occasioun to moue battall, [...]ocht na redres be reasoun of y e peace afo [...]e contrakkit. Bot send ane multi [...]de of pepyll but ony mair tary in the landis of Scottis. And be frequent incursionis brocht away ane gret pray of men and guddis with thaym in Pentland. The Scottis mouit be this outrage ruschit haistely to harnes. Followit ythand heirschippis and s [...]a [...]chter on [...]thir side. And in the myddis of this trubyll Ueranneus deceissit. His last wourdis war sa full of vane arrogance and glore (as wrytis Tacitus) that he beleuit hym self sufficient (gyf he had leiffit two ȝeris mair thā he did) to haue subdewit all the boundis of Albion to Romane empire. ¶Efter his deceis Swetonius ane humyll man was send in his place, quhylk efter his cuming renewit peace with Albianis. And quhen he had reparit all iniuris quhare thay complanit, he maid hym [...] to pas on ye Ile of Man, for it [...] full of vailȝeant pepyll, and generall resse [...] to all thaym that ha [...]it [...] [...]ebellit aganis the Romanis. At his cumyng in the said Ile, he fand ane strange gyse of battall arrayit aganis hym ¶Fyrst stude ane cumpany of wod wemen arrayit in furius habyte on the sandis▪ with hair hyngand ouir thair ene, and armyt with fyre brandis in thair handis. Efter thaym stude the preistis namyt Druydes, heuand thair handis to the heuyn, and makand maist terribyl cursyng on the Romanis. And in the myddis of thaym stude ane band of armyt men reddy to fecht. The Romanis wa [...] mair astonist for this vncouth sycht of furius wemen & preistis, than ony terrour of armyt men. Nochtheles be hortatioun of thair capitane thay went forthwart with displayit baner. And fynaly baith thir wemen and preistis war discomfist and ȝoldin. Swe [...]onius efter this victory garnyst all the strenthis of this Ile with garnison of Romanis, and maid plane euersioun of all the woddis quhare the preistis vsi [...] thair sacrifice in the honour of thair goddis. ¶Quhen Swetonius had dantit the Ile of Man in this maner, he was aduertyst that France was rebellit. And thairfore to peacyfy this trubyll he pullyt vp salis and ar [...]yuit in Bartanȝe. The Brytonis herand his departyng, thocht the tyme ganand to recouer thair lyberte, and rebellit. The motiue of thair rebellyoun was that A [...]uiragus thair last king left his two dochteris and the emprioure herytouris to his kyngdome and ryches, traistyng to saif thaym fra trubyll be that way. Howbeit all thyngis succedit contrar his beleif. For his realme was gouernit be Romane capitanis, and his hou [...] put to seruitude as it had bene [...] be pres of battal. [Page xl] His wyf Uoada bet with straikis, & baith his two dochterꝭ deflorst. The Britonis opprest with thir iniuris & dreidand ylk day mair displeseris to follow, maid plane rebellion, and socht support in all partis quhare thay mycht. Mony vncouth meruellis war sene about this tyme in Albion. The occiane see apperit bludy, and mony deid bodyis cassyn to the brayis thairof, wemen ȝeid wod and declarit terribyll thyngis to cum. The ymagis of Claudiꝰ beside Camelon fel down in dros, & the ymage of Uictory fell down fra the alter on hir bak as scho had bene vincust, the spaymē said thir prodigies signifyit gret dammage apperyng to Romanis. The Pychtis (quhylkis war in Camelon and othir munitiōis thair beside herand this answer) wer ereckit in esperance of better fortoun, & nocht only maid priuat cōspiration aganis ye Romanis, bot slew mony of thair wageouris afore thair rebel lyon was patent. The agit romanis (in quhome y • Pichtis had maist hatrent) war slane in gret nowmer, and the resydew chasit out of al boundis geuyn to thaym for lang seruyce, & fynaly thir agit romanis fled to ane auld tempyll within the boundis of Berwik, quhare thay war al slane be the inhabitantis of that region. Petus Cerealis lieutenant to Swetonius desyryng to support thir agit capitanis, come with ane legioun of romanis & ane cumpany of horsmē. Nochtheles his legion was discomfist, and hym self chasit to ye romane tentis. The nixt nicht he fled to Cattus procuratour of Brytane, quhilk was for that tyme in Kent. Als sone as Cattus was aduertist of the trubyll ylk day rysyng in Brytane, he fled for feir of his lyf in France.
¶Of the complaint maid be Voada quene of Britonis to Corbreid. Of his message send to Cattus. Of Cattꝰ ansvver. Of syndry incursionis maid be Scottis on the Romanis. And of the first cumyng of Murrayis in Scotland. Ca. v.
VOada quene of britonis opprest with dayly iniure of Romanis, send hir secretar to hir brothir Corbred kīg of scottis complenyng hir mesirie and trouble, hir dochteris deflorit, & hir self sa schamefully doūg be the Romanis, That pacience mycht nocht auaill bot onely to be ane place to new iniuris. Sūtyme wes bot ane king ī Britane, bot thā rang two kyngis, the legat & the Romane ꝓcuratour, that ane hauand power to distroy thair blude, and this othir to deuore thair substance. That man was reput maist nobyll amang Romanis, that mycht defoule monyast wemen or make maist herschyppis on the pepyll. And becaus na thyng mycht suffyce to satefy the insaciabil lust and auarice of Romanis, scho requirit hir brothir to suffer nocht hir, his onely syster to be schamefully doūg, and hir dochteris defould but punition. And finaly schew how the Britonis for y e infinite harmes done to thaym be Romanis war rebellit, throw quhylk he mycht haif better occasion to inuaid y e Romanis with battall, at this tyme than ony othir tyme afore Corbreid mouit be this pieteous complaint send ane herald to Cattꝰ romane ꝓcuratour, quhilk was laitly returnit in britane, cōmā ding him to redres al offēcis done to his sist, & failȝeing yairof declarit hī [Page] to be ennyme to Romanis in tymes cumyng. It was answerit be Cattꝰ, that na thyng pertenit to Corbred, quhydder rycht or wrang war done to Uoada. Als it was ane vane foly to Corbred (sen he was bot ane rud & barbar mā) to seme [...]rius ī romane materis, pertenyng na thyng to his chargis. Forthir gyf ony displeseir war done to Uaoda quene of Britonis, the samyn sall be [...]ikit with doubyll iniuris. For the romanis wald nocht dedenȝe thair maieste to satefy the desyre of barbar pepyll in ony othir sort, and tuke na regard quhidder he war freind or fo, or quhat he mycht do. Corbreid mouit be this outra [...]eous answer. maid new band of confideration with Pichtis. And within schort tyme efter the confiderat kyngis rasi [...] ane army of all [...] men y t mycht be foūdin within thair realmis, with syndry Ireland men that come to thair support, and slew y e Romanis in al partis quhare thay mycht be apprehendit but ony r [...]nsom or piete. And in this iurnay thay tuke Berwik quhilk was than maist populus town of that region. And quhē thay had slane all romane sodiouris foundyn thair intyll, thay kest downe the wallis thairof onto the ground. The inhabitantis of the Ile of Man heirand thir nouellis thocht the tyme ganand to recouer all thair strenthis. Sone efter all pepyl of Brigance▪ Carryk, Kyle and Cunyngham come to thaym, & past in arrayit battall throw syndry prouincis of Romanis, ceissyng fra na maner of cruelteis that mycht be deuisit on thaym. The town of Carlell was nocht saffit fra this cruelte, for efter that it was tane, all the ciet [...]anis thairof war slane, & y • strang wallis thairof equat to the ground. The wemen duryng this fury war sa desyrus to reuenge the cruelteis done be romanis, that thay bure armour and wappynnis. About this tyme ane pepyl namit murrayis discendyng of Almane blude, & doung out of thair natiue regiō be romane weris, come skatterit in syndry cumpanyis to y e mouth of Ryne, quhare thay pullit vp salis with thair capitane Rodorik to seik ane new habitation. At last efter that thay had bene lang trauellit on the wylsum sees, & inhibit to land in France and Brytane, thay arriuit in Forthe, quhilk is ane arme of y e see deuydyng Pentland fra Fiffe. The Pichtis ressauit thaym ye mair plesandly, that thay apperit with strang bodyis▪ to support thaym aganis thair pissant ennymes, and war nocht only discendit of thair linage and blude, bot als war sworne (sa far as thair power mycht) to reuenge the iniuris done to thaym be romanis. Rodorik brocht in Pentland with the Murrayis on this maner went to ye confiderat kyngis, and before thaym lamentit sore the tyranny of Romanis, quhilkis be onely desyre of dominioun hes subdewit ane large part of Almany. And nocht only thirllit the pepyll thairof to importabyl seruitude bot subieckit thaym to romane lawis. Siclike ye Murrayis (to quhom he was capitane) w [...]r doung out of thair natiue landis, & constranit (becaus thay mycht suffer na seruitud) to seik new habitation. Alwayis it wes ane gret consolatioun to hym & the murrayis, yat thay be fauour of goddis wer brocht in thay landis, quhare thay mycht reuenge ye iniuris done to thaim be thair ennymes. And for thir mo [...]iuis he desyrit the confiderat kyngis to suffer him and [Page xli] the murrayis to pas formast in support of thair peple, and desyrit (gif it hapnit thaym be thair manheid and cheualry to ding the romanis out of scotland) to grant yame wiffis, yat thay mycht incres vnder ane blude with Scottis and Pychtis. Be contrar gif it hapnit thaym to be slane, thay tuke na cure of thair deith, swa that thay had sufficientlie reuengit the iniuris done be thair proude ennymes. Thir desyris of ye murrayis wer the more acceptabill to the confiderat kyngis, yat thay vnderstude thaym enragit with maist cruell hatrent aganis the Romanis, and yair fore condiscendit to all thair peticionis, traisting be yair incredible man heid and strenth to wirk sum hie displeseir to thair ennymes.
¶Of ye orison maid be Voada quene of Britonis to the confiderat kyngis▪ & hovv scho vincust the romanis & finaly slevv hir self. And of the deith of kyng Corbreid. Ca. vi.
THe cōfiderat kyngꝭ reiosyng of y e cummyng of murrayis on yis maner, went forthwart with deligence to meit Uoada y • vailȝeāt quene of Britonis, quhilk wes thā gaderit with ane huge noumer of Britonis abidyng thair cumyng. Als sone as Uoada vnderstude hir bruthir Corbreid and the kyng of Pychtis wer cumin w t thair armyis. Scho went forthwart to meit thaym, eftir maist tender and hertlie embrasyng on ilk syde, Uoada said to yame on yis maner. Had I bene borne (maist vailȝeant campionis) ane man, I mycht nocht ha [...]e sufferit sa mony cruell & intollerable iniuris as now ar done be Romanis. Nochtheles in quhat sume [...]ir ymage nature hes formit me, gyf ȝe will concurre with me to reuenge the cōmon offence done to ws all, thir Romanis (yat ar sa vailȝeant aganis wemen, and sa cruel to thair subditis) sall sone se quhat vassalage may be done be ladyis quhen extreme danger occurris. And yocht I may no wayis deuoid me of wiflie ymage. Ȝit I sall not want mannis hardyment. Bot I sall fecht formest in the bront with .v.M. armyt ladyis, quhilkis ar all sworne to reuenge the cruelteis done be Romanis. We sall pas formast in battall but feir of deith or bludy woundis. We sal nocht (as othir wemen vsis) be affrayit for ony woundis tane or geuyn be our ennymes. I can haue na mercy on thaym, yat hes inuadit my freindis with sic odius slauchter and cruelteis. Thir odius tyrannis nakit and vode of piete, hes slane sa infinit noumer of pepill, and deflorit sa mony honest virginis and matronis, that thay knaw nocht thaym self (as I beleif) men, nor borne of wemen. Arme ȝow for this motiuis (maist vailȝeāt kyngis) aganis ȝour cōmon ennymes, with sic curage as ȝe sall se ladyis haue afore ȝow. And beleif nocht bot sicker victory. For y e Romanis ar sa effrayit that thay cō fide in na thyng sa mekle as in yair fleyng. And haist ȝour army with al deligence in auēture, sū new power come nocht with Cattus ye romane procuratoure, throw quhilk it salbe y e more difficyll to resyst. And fynaly I beseik ȝow to rander nocht ȝoure self, ȝour wiffis & barnis, but scharp bargane to romanis. Quhē Uoada had endit this orison, the confiderat kingꝭ apprisit hir wisdom, & curage. [Page] Cattus aduertyst of thir nouellis wes effrayit. Nochtheles he come forthwart with arrayit oistꝭ to meit the Albianis. And thay na thyng eschewit his cummyng. Incontinent baith the armyis Iunyt. At the first cummyng, all the horsmen of Romanis wer discomfist. And sone eftir ye futemen on the samyn maner. Follow [...]t ane miserable slauchter on the flearis. Cattus euill woundit in yis battal eschapi [...], and fled in France. The Albianis proud of this victory partit the spulȝe and riches of this f [...]ild amang thaym. And slew ye Romanis in al ꝑtis quhare thay mycht be apprehendit. In this battall wer slane (as writtis Cornelius Tacitꝰ) ixx.M. Romanis. And .xxx.M. Albianis. Be this cruel slauchter the Romanis wer brocht to sic calamyte, y e [...] nocht Suetonius the Romane legatte come the more haistelie fra France to thair support, The Albianis had bene perpetuallie deliueryt of Romane iniuris. This Suetonius come in Britane with twa legionis and .x.M. wagiouris of sindry nationis. And tuke purpos to ꝑsew the Albianis with new battall. Uoada heiryng the returnyng of Suetonius in Britane, send to the Britonis to cum to hir but ony tary. At the day p̄fixit come to hir ane huge army of Britonis, Scottis, Pychtꝭ and Murrayis, deuidit in sindy buschementis all atanys reiosyng be thair recent victorie, that thay had occasioun and ganand season to distroy y • Romanis. The wiffis (quhlkis come with thair husbandis) as y • custome wes in thay dayis, wer set in cartis on the out bordouris of the campe to beir witnes quhay didde maist vassalage. Quhen the Britonis, Scottis, Pychtis, & Murrayis wer ord [...]rit in gud array, quene Uoada nocht vnworthy to be noumerit amang maist douchty campionis, ruschit about the army with hir two armyt dochteris, & schew hir not cū myn amang sa mony vailȝeant capitanis onlie to defend hir realme a [...]d riches, bot to reuenge y e mony scham full and vnworthy offencis done to hir be Romanis. And had na lytill indignatioun in hir mynd that the Romanis enragit ī so vnbridlit lust that no estait of virginis nor matronis wer left be yame vndeflorit, and forthir scho schew how the goddis (quhilkis ar Iust punysaris of all wrangis) wer presentlye cumyn to beir witnes of ye iniquiteis done be Romanis. And hes recentlye punist thaym in this last battall w t schame and slauchter. Becaus thay mouyt iniust battal aganis fre peple. Now restis nocht (said scho) bot onelie to fecht aganis thay miserabil catiuis that wer saiffit be thair schamefull flycht fra this last battal. And yocht Suetonius yair new capitane may exhort thaym to battall. Ȝit he may not restore (sen thay ar vincust) yair curage and spreit. Will ȝe considir (said scho) ȝour vincust and discomfist aduersaris (aganis quhō ȝe suld now fecht) wil ȝe considir ȝour awin pissance & ye occasioun of battal. Ȝe sall thynk it honorable othir to be victorius in this battal, or ellis al atanis to de▪ For nobil men suld cheiserar to de honestly, than schameful-to leif. On this othir side Suetoniꝰ ceissit not to exhort his army to battal. For yocht he had gret confidence in thair manheid, he requirit thaym to regard nocht the vane mynassyng of barbour pepill. Amang quhom wes more noumer of wemen than of men. Thay wer als bot ȝoung, febill [Page xlii] and vnarmy [...] pepil but ony cognossance of cheualry. And mycht thairfore the more esalie be discomfist, fra thay haue prouin the manheid and scharp swerdis of Romanis. And [...]hocht his said army wes bot of few noumer, the more glore [...]uld follow, Gyf thay with sa few and sufficien [...] pepill, vincust sa huge multitude of [...]arbour ennymes. And finalie prayit thaim to weild thair sweirdis and [...]artis maist ferslie to the murdir of thair fayis. And to haue na sycht to spulȝeis, quhil the victory wer cleirlie conquest. Eftir quhilk all thyngꝭ mycht succeid to thair plesour. Thir wourdis of the capitanis mouit the armyes to brym and ardent desyre of battall. The agit knychtꝭ be lang experience and vse, had na les confidence in thair māheid & virtew, thā victory had bene p̄sent in thair handis. On the tothir syde the Albianis confidyng in the huge multitude of armyt men, be sound of trūpet gaif signe to Iune. Followit ane bludy and terrible battall. Bot at last the Albiants wer vincust, chasit & put to flycht with gret slauchter. And ye more slauchter followit, that thayr army wes circulit on euery syde w t sic multitude of cartis, that the discomfist pepill had na place to fle. Yt Romanis slew all the wemen in yis battal but ony piete or ransoun. Yis battall wes honest bot rycht vnplesand to Romanis. For y e maist part of thai [...] army wer tynt. In this battall wes slane (as Tacitus writtis) lxxx.M. Albianis. The Murrayis for the maist part wer all slane with thair capitane Rodorik▪ Quene Uoada (that scho suld nocht cum quyk in hir ennymes handis) slew hir self▪ Baith hir dochteris wer tane, and brocht armyt (as thay facht) to Su [...] tonius. The eldest of hir dochteris wes maryit apon ane nobill knycht of Romane blude namyt Marius. For he bereft hir virginite afore, & wes maid kyng of Britonys be auctorite of Cesar. This Marius eftir his Coronatioun went in Kendale ane part of Britane liand fornens Annandale and Brigance. And namyt that land eftir his name west maria, that is to say, Westmurland. Kyng Corbreid brokin with this sorowfull battall returnit with the residew of his army in Scotlād, and gaif to the Murrayis (quhilkis eschapit out of this feild) all the landꝭ liand betuix Spay and Innernes, quhilkis lādis wer callit eftir yame Murray land. The auld inhabitantis of thir lādis namyt Uararis wer expellit. Becaus thay wer ane seditious pepill, and more geuyn to ciuill weris for dissentioun of thaym self and thair nichtbouris, than ony defence of the realme. The Mur [...]ayis wer than maryit on Scottis virginis, and grew vnder ane blude and amyte with the Scottis. Corbreid past the remanent of his dayis but ony weris. For y e Romanis wer so Irkit with ciuill battallis, that it wes gret difficulte to hald the south partis of Britane at thair opinioun and for that cause thay persewit not the Scottis nor Pychtꝭ mony ȝeris eftir. This nobil prince brokin with dammage of ȝeris deceissit at Donstafage the .xviii. ȝeir of his regne. And wes beryit amang the remanēt sepulturis of his progenitouris, in the first ȝere of the empire of Uespasiane emprioure. Fra the incarnation .lxxi. ȝeris.
¶Of syndry nobyll clerkis. Hovv peti [...] and paule vvar martirit. hovv Dardānus vvas maid kyng of Scottis. and slane for his tyranny. Ca. vii.
MOny nobill clerkis flurist about this tyme in Itale. As Statius, Persius, & Plutercus. And the faith of Christ began to spreid fast in al ꝑtis throw preching of the haly apostolis Peter & Paule Quhilkꝭ gaue thair hale attendans (as gud hyrdis) to instruct yair flok in the sicker faith, but ony respect to riches, or feir of thair liffis. Quhill at last thay wer baith slane in Rome be the wickit Nero. Peter wes hyngit be the feit in a place of Rome callit Mont Auri. And Paule hedit be the werd in ane place of Rome callit Porta Hostiensis. King Corbreid left behynd hym thre sonnis so ȝong that nane of thaym mycht succeid to the crown. Thair namys wer Corbreid, Tulcane, and Brekus. The first of thaym wes nurist in Britane with his ant U [...]ada the vailȝeant quene of Britonis with sic courtlye maneris and hauyngis, that he wes callit Corbredus Galdus. For ȝit amang ws al pepill that is componit and honest is callit Galdis. The nobillis eftir ye deith of Corbreid (that the croun mycht remane hail to Galdus at his perfite age) maid Dardā nus kyng. For he wes nepot to king Metellane. This Dardānus wes of sa large stature, that he wes callit the gros kyng. He wes rycht plesād to the nobillis afore he wes kyng, & rycht tender to kyng Corbreid baith in weir and peace. The pepil beleuit yat he suld haue followit y e maneris of otheris wyse kyngis his progenitouris. And becaus he wes ane lusty person, of fair vissage and body, he wes gre [...]umlie luffit amang the pepill. Nochtheles his mynd wes geuin to maist effeminat vices. As apperit in the end of his lyfe. In ye begynnyng of his empire, he vsit the counsal of his nobillis, & wes noch [...] far discordant fra y e maneris of ane gud prince. Bot within thre ȝeris eftir he left all thyngis pertenand to Iustice. And slaid in euery kynd of of vice. And be counsall of certane wikkit schrewis his familiaris, he tuke all officis concernyng publik ministratioun of Iustice fra wyse & nobil mē. And gaue yame to vicioꝰ rebaldis, yat assistit to his insolence and lust. And had all wyse and virtews personis in na les hatrent yan suspitioun. ¶At last quhen he had waistit his substance and tresour be assistance of thir vnhappy lymmaris, quhilkis had na sycht to his honour, bot allanerlie to yair singular auantage. He become sa auaritious desyryng vthir mennis guddis but ony conscience or reason, yat he slew be vane causis ane nobill mā namit Cardorus, quhilk wes gret Iustice to the last kyng Corbreid and had na occasion to sla this innocent mā, bot allan [...]rlie becaus he repruuit hꝭ vices. Mony otheris nobillis and innocent men wer slane be hym in that samyn maner. Thir doyngis maid hym odius to his nobillis and commonis. ¶At last he [...]st his extreme b [...]synes [...]o distroy Galdus & his two b [...]ethir. Traistyng (becaus the crown pertenit to thaym eftir his deceis) to stabill the [...]ame with sicker firmance to [...]ym and his ayrꝭ And to the same effect, he send ane seruand namyt Carmonak▪ Quhilk [Page xliii] wes corruppit with his money to sla Galdus and his two brethir in the Ile of Man. ¶Carmonak instruckit in this maner, come in the sayd Ile. And fynaly quhen he had socht lang tyme ane ganand oportunite to sla Galdus, he was tane waytand in ane secrete place with drawin swerd, quhare he beleiffit Galdus to cum. And was brocht before the gret Iustice of this Ile, and accusit sa scharplye, that he reuelit in quhat sort he was instruckit to sla Galdus and his brethir. Als sone as he had schawin this treasoun he was put to deith. The nobyllis herand this treasoun conspirit aganis Dardannus, for thay haittit hym afore for his inhumane cruelteis, And than maist of all seand hym geuyn to the slauchter of the kyngis sonnis. And first thay slew al thaym that fauourit hym. ¶In the mene tyme rais ane man of vyle and obscure lynage namyt Conanꝰ, quhilk was promouit to gret riches and honouris for his assistance to Dardannus, and maid hym to gaddir the pepyl in grete nowmer to support this tyrane aganis the nobyllis. Bot at last he was tane be thaym, and hyngit on ane Iebait. Incontinent thir nobyilis come with ane army aganis this odius tyrane, and maid Galdus thair capitane. ¶Dardannus aduertist heirof, & seand na refuge wald haue slane hym self. Bot he was stoppit be his familiaris in esperance of better fortoun. At last he was brocht afore Galdꝰ, and slane. His heid was efter schorne fra his body, and borne on ane staik throw all the army to his gret schame. And his body cassyn in ane maist vile closet. ¶This ende maid the odius tyrane Dardannus the fourt ȝeir of his regne in the sext ȝeir of Uespasi [...]ne empriour, fra the Incarnatioun .lxxv. ȝeris.
¶Hovv mony Romane capitanis for thair febyl administratiō vvar interchangeit in Britane. Hovv Galdus vvas maid kyng of Scotti [...]. And hovv he vvas discomfyst be Petulius. Ca. viii.
THe romanis about this tyme began to decay in Albion, be necligence of febyl capitanis and dammage of cyuyll weris. For Swetonius legat of Brytane for his arrogance and cruelte vsit on the Britonis was deponit. And Petranius Turpilianus (as mair mercyful capitane) was send in his place. This Turpilianus at his cumyng in Britane mesit all seditioun and trubyll amang the Romanis, and rand [...]rit all thair prouynces to ane new capitane namyt Trebellius Maximꝰ ane man of slaw curage, hauand lytyll experience of cheualry. ¶This Trebellius seand gret sedition and trubyll apperand to ryse throw lang peace in his army, he randerit the samyn to ane othir capitane namyt Uectius Uelanus. Quhylkis on the samyn maner dantit the Brytonis mair with amite and kyndnes than ony auctorite. ¶And he was in the tyme of Galdus, of quhylk sall be oure hystory nixt followyng. ☞ ¶Efter the deith of Dardannus ye nobyllis set ane counsal, and [Page] [...]and the said Galdus baith rychtuous ayre to ye crown, and ane maist excellent person dotat with sindry virtewis and hie prerogatiuis. And thairfore crownyt hym in the fatall chiar of marbill. Galdus eftir his coronatioun maid sacrifice to the goddis. For the felicite fallin to hym. Syne gaif thankis to his nobillis and remanent pepill. And promittit to gouern his realme be consultatioun of the maist prudent and nobil men thairof. Throw quhilk he wan gret fauour and luf of his pepil. He wes of ȝoung and flurisāt age, and nocht vnlyk to Corbreid his vailȝea [...]t fader. ¶Forthir he wes of nobill and anciant blude of baith his parentis. His modir wes the kyng o [...] Pychtis douchter discendyng be lan [...] lynage of kīgis. Quhair throw na [...]hyng failȝeit to hym that mycht conques the fauour of his pepil▪ In the begynnyng of his empire he set hym to punys y e wickit consalouris of Dardannus. Be quhome the realme wes misgouernit, and brocht to gret tr [...]le. ¶Sic thyngis done he past throw sindry boundis of his realme. And maid sic punitioun on trespassouris that he stabillit his realme in gret tranquillite. In y e mene tyme come to hym the Murrayis. And schew thaym reiosit that Dardannus ye inuasour of the common weill wes distroyit. The cummyng of Murrayis was the more acceptabyll to the kyng, that thay brocht syndry oppressouris and theuis to his Iustyce. Quhylkis war sone efter punyst to the deith. Nocht lang efter ane counsall was set in Douns [...]afage, quhare mony nobyll actis war deuysyt for the commoun weil. And ye wyckit law of Ewin (quhar [...] the wyffis of the commonis was fre to the nobyllis) abrogat and annullit. And ȝit he could nocht purches the remanent cursit lawis of kyng Ewin to be reuocat. For all y e ȝoung nobyllis war repugnant thairto. ¶Quhyll Galdus was geuyn to sic besynes, come nouellis to hym, that ane new capitane namyt Petulius Cerealis was send be Uespasiane with ane army in Brytane to recouer the landis tynt afore be neclygence of febyll capytanis, and purposit to cum haistely in Annandale and Brigance. ¶Galdus richt astonist be thir nouellis (howbeit he walde proclame na weiris quhyll he war mair surely aduertist) send his spyis to explore the counsall of Romanis. Thir spyis returnit with diligence, and schew how the Roma-war cummyng baith in Mers and Berwyk, with mair awfull ordinance than euer was sene afore in Albioun. The bestya [...]l dreuyn away, the cornis and insycht [...]rynt. And ane gret nowmer of Pychtis (quhilkis inuadit the Romanis in defence of thair awin guddis) slane. ¶The Scottis richt affrayit be thir nouellis said the Brytonis war vnkynd, quhylkis wald not aduertis thaym of the cummyng of Romannis, consyderyng thay laitly faucht neir to the vter exterminioun of thaym self, for defence onelye of the sayd Brytonis. Nochtheles Galdus set hym to me [...]t the Romanis afore thair cū myng in his realme, and assemblit ane strang cumpany to the nowmer of fyfty thousand men, few Scottis (that micht [...]eir armour) war absent that day. Quhen Galdus was passand forthwart on this maner, app [...] ru syndry vncouth meruellis to his [Page xliiii] sycht. Ane Egyll flew all day with gret laubour aboue his army, to nales terrour than admiratioun of his pepyll. For it was interprete that the Scottis suld be distroyit be the Egyll, quhylk is the ansenȝe of Romanis. Nochtheles Galdus requi [...]it thaym to haue gud esperance, for he interpret that ye said day suld put the Romanis to gret lauboure. Ane armyt knycht was sene fleyng in ye air. And quhen he had floyn round about all his army, he suddanly euanist out of sicht, the lift apperit dirk and full of clouddis. Dyuers fowlis fell out of the air full of blude in the place quhare the battallis efter iuni [...]. Galdus nochtwithstandyng thir sorowfull and vncouth prodigies apperyng sa suddanly in y e face of his army, allegit that thay sygnifyit gret felicite to his pepil, and perswadit thaim to pas forthwart with gud esperance of victory. In y e mene tyme come nouellis that the Romanis war enterit in Brygance with mair pissance than euir thay come afore in thay boundis, with purpos nocht onely to fecht, Bot be plane cō ques to sit downe in thay landis. For thay had sic confidence in thair cheualry and māheid, that na power of erdly creatouris mycht impesche thaym fra thair purpos. Galdus na thing affrayit thairof, thocht to meit the Romanis with sic hard cheualry as he was lernit be his eldaris. Trastyng efter sa mony happy chancis fallyng to Romanis yat fortoun ye instabyll gydar of mortall creatouris sall sumtyme bryng the Romanis be hyd wachyng to ruyne. For the goddis oft tymes ar sene fauorabyll to all pepyll, that iustly defendis thaymself fra iniure of ennymes. Sum men perswadit the kyng to inuade nocht haistely his ennymes, bot to tary with ane few pepyll and suffer the resydew of his folkis to returne hame. to that fyne that ye Romanis micht be constranit throw laik of vittallis outhir to depart out of Brigance. or ellis to be trubylli [...] with hunger and othir incommoditeis. This counsall was weil apprisit be y e nobyllis. Ȝit mony of thaym dred thair vailȝeant pepyl to defaik curage be lang tary. For ye Scottis at thair first assemblance hes maist curage and spreit, & ar brokin with na thyng mair than lang tary. And for thir reasonis, na thyng was sa gud as to inuaide thair ennymes quhyll thair fury indurit. Galdus & his nobyllis followyng this last opinioun rasit his army and brocht the samyn on the thryd day efter in sicht of Romanis. The grete multitude and syngulare manheid of Romanis sa oft assailȝeit with frequent victoryis maid the Scottis sa astonist, that all thair esperance of victory was turnit ī maist drery sollicitude. Ȝit be hortation of thair prudent capitanis, thay enforsit thaym self to new curage. And maid inuocatioun to thair goddis to send thaym victory. Incontinent baith the armyis iunit with vncredibyl fury. The Silurianis I mene the men of Carrik▪ Kyle, and Cunynghame in the same battall (quhare Galdus was) faucht sa vailȝeantly, That the richt wing of Romanis was nere discomfyst. ☞ ¶Quhen Petulius was aduertist thairof. he send ane new legioun of Romanis in thair support ¶Thus war the Sylurianis ouir set. ☞ ¶Thair followit ȝit ane cruell and terrybyll bargane with [Page] vntellabyll murdir. For the capitanis faucht in sic yre, that thay pretermittit na thyng that mycht pertene to forcy campionis. Petulius ȝit ythandly went about the Romanis quhare thay faucht, and supportit thaym with new power quhare thay failȝeit. Quhyll Petulius was fast ves [...]and his army on this wyse, he beheld Galdus fechtand with gret manheid and spreit amyd his fois.
And incontinent enkendelit with mychty curage and desyrus to conques sum hye honoure be notabyll and souerayne vassalage. he tuke purpos outhir to slay Galdus, or than magre his pissance to put hym to flycht. Bot than rais ane battall mair vehement than afore. For mony of the maist vailȝeant and forcy [...] amang y e Scottis [...] with perseuerand manheid to the deith war slane in defence of thayr prynce. Galdus euyll woundit in the face, montit on hors, and departit fra the [...]eild. The resydew of Scottis disp [...]rit be fleyng of the king fled heir and thair to thair best refuge. The chais followit be the Romanis in [...]ic yre, that the Scottis war slane in all partis quhare thay war tane. In this battall war slane .xij. thousand Scottis. and .vi. thousand Romanis. Galdus euyll woundit on this wyse, colleckit the residew of his army, and returnit to ane castell of the leuynok. The Romanis abaid the remanent of this ȝeir in Epiak. And subdewit all the bundis of Brygance but ony trubyl of battall to thair empire.
¶Hovv the nobyll lady Vodicia inuadit the Romanis vvith ba [...]tall, hovv scho vvas fynaly slane and hir army discomfist. Ca. ix.
PEtulyus legate of Brytane rycht insolent efter this vyctory and desyrand na les to [...]ik the empire of Romanis, than to succeid in equale glore, to his antecessouris, rasit his campe to subdew the remanent boundis of Brigance. The Brygandis be ythand incursionis and lycht battallis refusit lang tyme his weris. For it was defendit be decreit of parliament efter flauchter of sa mony vailȝeant Scottis to feild y e Romanis with plane battall, or to ieoperde the realme vndir the chance of ane battall. Quhyll the Romanis inuadit Brygance in this maner. Uodicia ȝoungest douchter to Uoada, quhylk was deflorit (as we schew be Romanis, and exilit be wraith of Marnis hir gud brothir) to reuenge the pollution of hir body and othir intollerabyl offencis done to hir modir Uoada, assemblyt ane army of Brygandis and Brytonis with the inhabitantis of the Ile of Man. And come with awfull battall on the Romanis, quhen thay beleuit na thyng les than hir inuasion. At the first cummyng of this army was hard ane huge dyn and noyis be sound of pepyll ylk ane exhorting othir to battall. And incontynent come sa thik schoure of arrowis and dartis on the Romanis, that the lyft micht not be sene aboue thair heidꝭ· Thus war y e Romanis sa astonist y t thay knew not quhat was ī this suddand dāger to be done. For nouthi [...] knew thay quhat ennimes thay war [Page xlv] that dyd thaym so awfully assa [...]lȝe. nor ȝit had thay sufficient manheid to fecht aganis sa gret multitude of vncouth and strange pepyll cummand on thaym vntymuslye within the nycht. Quhyl the Romanis war in this affray, thair ennymes ruschit on ylk syde with sic hardiment and curage, that thay brak the trinschis of Romanis. And enterit perforce apon thayr tentis, quhare the maist vailȝeant and forcy campionis amang the Romanis war slane. Thus had the Romanis bene vterly distroyit, and the Brygandis perpetually delyuerit of seruytude be Uodicia, war nocht Petulius come the mair haistely to thair support. For Petulius met this extreme dangeir sa prudently, that he with byrnand flammys of Pyk, Roset and Brintstane (quhylkis he had preparit aganis sic occurryng ieoperdijs) withstude his fayis, quhare gretest noyis was herd, and dang thaym be force of rage and flambꝭ fra his tentis. Bot Uodicia sa craftely exhortit hir army aganis Petulyus, that scho oft tymes renewit battall, Thā was the bergane sa cruell, that al ye nycht followyng was nocht sufficient to schaw the ende of thair laubouris. At the spryng of the day Uodicia was discomfist, and hir cumpany put to flycht. Petulyus efter this victory dredand sum hyd dangere occurryng, inhibit his folkis to follow ony forthir on the chace. ¶Uodicia prouoket ylk day with mair iniuris past to Epiak & brynt the said town with mony agit knychtis and wageouris of Romanis, to that fy [...]e scho mycht reuenge the iniuris on the Romane garnysoun, quhilk scho mycht nocht reuenge on Petulyus. Petulyus to punys thir offencis send ane legioun of Romanis, and put Uodicia and hir army to flycht. Nochtheles scho was fynaly tane, & accusit quhy scho durst pretend sic thyngis aboue the spreit of wemen. Scho answerit scho was thair ennyme, and wald haue slane hir ennyme, and laikit na gud wyll, howbeit hir power failȝeit. And had na thyng in mair hatrent than prosperite of Romanis, for the gret cruelteis done be thaym to hir and hir freindis. The Romanis but more tary slew hir. ¶In the mene tyme Petulius was aduertist, that ye Ile of Wycht and Kent schyre was rebellit, and Maryus chasit. Apperit thus plane rebellyoun of Britonis, les than the trubyll war the mair haistelye dantit. ¶Thir nouellis mouit Petulyus to returne in Brytane, quhare he with small deficulte dantit the Brytonis. The Romanis that abaid in Brygance behynd Petulius, war geuyn mair to keip the landis afore conquest, than to persew the pepyll with new conques. And in the ȝeir followyng Petuliꝰ deceissit▪
¶Hovv Iulyus Frontinꝰ vvas maid capitane of Brytane. Of his message to Pychtis, and of thair ansvver. And hovv the said Iulius inuadit the Scottis vvith gret iniuris. Ca. x.
EFter the deith of Petulius, ane vailȝeant knycht namyt Iulius Frontynus was send in Albion with two legiōis. & [Page] was plesandly ressauit be Maryus.
¶Iulius efter his cummyng in Brytane went throw all the Romane prouincis, and persuadit the britonis be mony reasonis to perseuere at the opinion of Romanis. ¶Als sone as he had pecifyit thaym of al trubyll, he began to be desyru [...] of fame and glore, as his antecessouris war afore, and tuke purpois to subdew the last Ilis of Albion to Romane empire. Howbeit thay war oft afore assailȝeit bot neuir vincust, & to bring his purpos to effect, he left Marius behynd hym ī Kent to hald the Brytonis vnder Romane lawis, syne came ī Brygance with ane gret army. Ȝit in his passage he dyd na iniure nor trubyll to the Pichtis for he beleuit thaym (fra the Scottis war vincust) sone ouirthrawin, Be [...] of Iulius in this maner was na lytyll effray amang the scottis, for y e name was of gret renown and estimatioun amang the scottis, This Iulius at his cumyng in Brigance, vesyit ye munitionis (quhare the romane sodiouris lay) and exhortit thaym to perseueir ī gud curage, For be thair manheid and virtew it mycht happyn the haill Ile of Albiō to cum vndir the empire of Romanis. Sic thyngis done he send letteris to the Pich [...]is, desyryng yat thay and Romanis mycht incres togydder vndir ane freinschip and amyte, and sumtymes remembrit thaym of y e mysery & trubyll fallyng to thaym be the weris led afore aganis the Romanis, & to haue na cumpany with scottis, for he was commandit be ye empriour outhir to distroy thaym [...]l vterly▪ or ellis to thyrll thaym to perpetuall seruitude. The Pychtis had thair desyris in gret suspitioun, and answerit, thay had gret admiration [...]e quhat motiue, the Romanis mycht haue ony iust occasyoun of battall aganis the Scottis. Or quhat suld moue thaym nocht content of the empire of the warld to seik the last Ilis of the occiane sees, & to reif fra y e Albianis thair natiue lyberte, les than thay be insaciabyll auaric [...] war set to reif fre realmes but ony reason, hauand na feir nor dredour [...] of the goddis to be punist for thair insufferabyll iniquiteis, And for thir causis thay wald cum in battal aganis y e Romanis with al thair power in support of thair confiderat freindis for defence of thair realme and lyberte. For ye same was nocht only proffitabyll for thair commoun weil bot thay war als bound thairto be [...]ic contract that mycht na wayis be dissoluit. Iulius in contemption of this answer was the mair fers, and properant aganis the Scottis, and come in Kyle, Carrik, and Cunynghame, quhais pepyll war mair strāg than ony pepyll that faucht afore aganis the Romanis. Galdus astunist be this new ordinance of Romanis (Nochtwithstandyng his heuy woundis gottin in this last battall) gaderit his folkis out of all boundis vndir his dominioun, to defend his realme. ¶Than followit continewall scarmussyng with lycht hors but ony greit slauchter. For Galdus be noy of his woundis set hym erac to yrk the Romanis be lang tary, than to inuaide thaym be battall. Followit be thir incursionis mony syndry chancis of fortoun. Sumtyme the romanis vincust, sū tyme victorius. Quhyll at last the Scottis be frequent slauchter of thayr vailȝeant capitanis war attenuat, [Page xlvi] and brokyn. And Galdus be noy of the woundis gottyn in this last battall was sa wery, that he mycht nocht do the office of ane forcy campion, bot was brocht on an hors lytter to Argyle. Within few dayis efter the Romanis come in Carrik, Kyle, & cunynghame, and slew .iii, thousand Scottis, and the remanent vincust and chasit, And efter this victory the Romanis returnit to thair tentis.
¶Hovv Iulius Agricola vvas send in Britane. Of his frequent victoriis maid on scottis and pichtis, and hovv he subdevvit sindry of thair landis to romane empire. Ca. xi▪
IN the nixt wynter Iuliꝰ Frontynꝰ fell in gret infirmite be īmoderat flux of catter, generit of wak humouris, becaus ye air was nubilus & donk throw cōtinual schouris of rane and sleit procedyng be the hycht of montanis & gret multitude of fludis and lochis aboundyng in this regioun. This infirmite incressit ylk day more be vncouth and intemperat cauld, and mycht be curit be na ingyne nor art of medcine. Domiciane empriour aduertist of his vehement dolour, causit hym to returne ī Italy to recouir his heil be new air and fude. And send Iuliꝰ Agricola (ane of the maist vailȝeant capitanis that come afore his dayis in Britane) to succeid in his place. The same tyme the men of Annandale slew ane gret nowmer of romanis on the bordouris of Brigance, & throw the samyn victory persuadit the Pychtis and Brigandis with ye Silurianis to rebell aganis the romanis. Agricola aduertist of thir attemptatis rasit his army, and come in Pentland with mair diligēce thā ony man presumit. And efter that he had tane, and garnist all y e strenthis of thair cuntre with his wageouris, he come to Camelō. Caranach kyng of Pychtis aduertist of his cumyng gaif hym battall. Nochtheles he was fynaly discomfist with all his army. Efter this discomfitoure Caranach fled to Fyffe, quhilk is ane plenteous regioun lyand betuix two firthis Tay and Forth, full of woddis Lesuris and Ualis to the gret proffet baith of corne and bestyal. In it ar mony louchis full of syndry fysche. This regioun is now bair of woddis, for ye theuis war sūtyme sa frequent in the samyn, y t thay micht na way be dantit, quhyll the woddis war bet down. Agricola efter this past with his victorius army in Annandale. The inhabitantis thairof knawyng his cumyng met hym in thair scharpest maner. Nochtheles thay war fynaly chasit and slane, ye remanent of thaym (y t eschapit) war all slane be thair wyffis y e first nycht thay come hame. Agricola proude of this victory, past to y e Ile of Mā, quhilk rebellit mony ȝeris afore aganis Romanis, and tuke it with lytyll laubour. Quhen he had stuffit the munitionis thairof with Roman sodiouris, he returnit in Brygance, leuand his army in the wynter schelis. ¶The nixt symer he come throw Brygance, Carrik, Kyle and Cunyngham. Quhais passage maid the pepyll sa astonist, that thay left thair townis desert and fled to the montanis. ¶In the symer followynge he brocht syndry nobyll men of Albioun afore hym. And [Page] exhortit thaym to polecy and cyuyll maneris, that thay mycht haue templis and biggyngis on the Romane fassion. And to put thair sonnis to wyse preceptouris, that efter the end of Romane weris thay micht ryse in virtew, eloquence, and gud hauyngis. Thus past Agricola the wynter seasoun instruckand the princes of Albion with sic thyngis as apperit for thair commoun weill. The thrid ȝeir efter he come to Striuelyng, quhilk was callit in thay dayis the dolorus montane. For the inhabitā tis thairof hard syndry tymes ane dolorus & lamentabil crying, quhilk come be illusioun of wickit spreitis, [...]essauyng the pepyll with vane superstitioun. Quhen Agricola saw ye castell of Striuelyng set on sa strāg [...], he reparit and biggit it with [...]a crafty and sumptuus lauboure, y t it apperit vnwynnabyll. And nocht lang efter he byggit ane bryg ouir Forth and transportit all his army be the same. On the morrow he laid a sege to y e castell of Montbennart, traisting to haue found the kyng of Pychtis in it. Bot the Pychtis war so astonist be the cumyng of the Romanis, that thay left the castell, and come with gret diligēce vnder nycht to cast down y e bryg of Stryuelyng lairly biggit be romanis, that y e said Romanis mycht be inclusit betuix Tay and Forth but ony refuge. Agricola weill aduertist thairof returnit fra the sege of Montbennart, and followit with sic diligence on ye Pichtis, that thay war constranit to geif battall. Nochtheles thay war fynaly vincust, and thair kyng Karanach chasit to the watter of Tay, quhare he gat ane bait, & eschapit. The remanent Pychtis for feir of this victory war ra [...]derit with all thair munitionis & strenthis. Than Agricola past throw all boundis of Fyffe, Fothrik, and Erne, sumtymes biggand, & sumtymes castand down the strenthis of the cuntre quhare he plesit.
¶Hovv the kyng of Pychtis send his ambassatouris to Scottis desyryng support aganis the Romanis. Hovv Agricola inuadit the Scottis baith be see & land. Hovv the kyng of Pychtis vvas slane be sedition of his army. Ca. xii.
KAranach kyng of pichtis brokyn be this last discōfiture, fled to Dunde, quhare sumtyme was ane strang castell, bot it wes cassyn down in ye tyme of kyng Robert Brus, becaus it micht not be keipit fra Inglismen as we sal efter schaw. The Pychtis conuenit to the said castell, and exhortit Karanach thair kyng to haue na disperation.
Howbeit his pepyll war brocht to gret afflictioun and trubyll, for gret nowmer of thaym was ȝit on lyue baith vnbrokyn with weris, & sufficient (gyf y • goddis war propiciant) to dyng ye Romanis out of Albion. For it mycht happyn that the Romanis prowd and insolent efter sa mony hie victoryis may fal (quhen thay beleif leist) in sic inuy to fortoun, to be vincust be the pepyl quhom thay held of vilest reputatioun. For this instabyll goddes turnis with suddand quhirle ye gouernance of mortall creaturis. Scho hes rasi [...] mony othir realmes with gret feliciteis afore the Romanis had dominioun, & brocht thaym (quhen thay war in thair hie and souerane honouris) to fynall rewyne. It is nocht thairfore [Page xlvii] to be supponit that the empire of romanis (sen it began with mortal pissance) sall perpetually indure. Bot necessar sumtyme to haue rewyne. yocht thir & sic persuasionis of pichtis war apprisit be thair kyng, Ȝit nane of thaym mycht rais his spreit and curage to ony gude esperance aganis romanis, bot traisting thair mai [...]ste & pissance sa montit aboue y • hycht of naturale chance, that na pepill may resist thair to. Eftir lang cō sultatioun it wes concludit to send ambassatouris to Galdus to haue support aganis the extreme dangeir apperand to baith thair realmes, accordyng to the band sa mony ȝeris continewit betuix Scottis & Pychtis. Galdus glaidlie condiscendit to thair peti [...]ionis. For he had na les indignatioun aganis the Romanis for thair wrangus conques maid be thaym on the Pychtis, than on scottis. And thairfore determit erar to haisart his realme to extreme ieoperde of armys, than to leif Ilk day in Ithand displesour. And finalye be subdewit to seruitude. Quhil the cō fiderat kyngis wer geuin in yis sort to resist thair ennymes the Silurianis be plane rebellioun slew all Romanis (quhare thay mycht be apprehendit) and not onlie recouerit thair munitionis, bot brynt all thair cornis and vittallis except sa mekill as mycht be caryit with thaym. To yat fyne, that na thyng thairof suld remane to y e proffet of thair ennymes. Agricola weill aduertist of thir motionis come so haistelie on the Silurianis, that he dantit & punyst yame in maist rigorus wyse. Nocht lang eftir he wes aduertist, that his ennymes wer gaderit in gret buschementis (vncertane to quhat effect) aganis the Romanis. Incontinent he followit thaym with gret violence, and chasit thaym ouir Clyde. This riueir is diuidit ane lytill space fra y e riueir of Leuin quhair yay fal baith nocht far fra othir in y e Ireland seis and nocht far fra the said riueir of Leuyn is ane castell more strang be strenth of ane crag than ony artificiall laubour namyt be the pepil auld Cleuch. Bot now callit Dunbrito [...] that is to say, the castel of Britonis. Alwayes it wes so stuffet with men and vittallis that it mycht na waye be tane. Agricola occupyit with thir and siclik besynes ouir past ye fourt wynter. And in the spryng of ye nixt ȝeir he causit the Romane nauy (quhilk abaid with his ordinance in the Ile of Wycht) to cum to Lochfyne beside Argyle. That his ennymes mycht vnderstād na landis nor seis fre fra Romane dominioun. ¶And quhen he had brocht his army ouir Clyde, he fand thair the men of Lenax ane pepill vnknawin afore to Romanis and tuke purpos to subdew thaym to Romane empire. In the mene tyme he gat writyngis yat the Pychtꝭ wer rebellit. And becaus he dred gret truble to ryse (bot gyf y e samyn wer ye more haist [...]lie dantit) he left his first purpos, and come in Pentland with ane legion of Romanis. And dantit the Pychtis. The nixt symer he began to serche all the hauynis and portis of Argyle, and othir Ilis thair about w t his schippis. And come land gait ouir the riueir of Leuyn to tak ye munitionis and strenthis of the cuntre. The Romanis wer first Irkit with scharpe and difficill passage full of bre [...]is & thornis to thair gret Impediment. Bot quhen thay cōsyderit y e virtew & manheid of thair anciant faderis, nathyng apperit difficill to thaym. [Page] And sa with curage ay more incressyng thay dantit na les the difficyll passage of the cuntre, Than the pepill thairof. & finalie returnyt with huge pray of men & guddis to thair tentis. Sic thyngꝭ done galdꝰ maid ane conuentioun in Athole of all pepil vnder his empire abiding y e cummyng of the kyng of Pychtis to yat fyne. That baith yair armyis beand Iunyt togiddir thay mycht ye more esalie resist the Romanis. Now war the Pychtis cumand ouir the montanis of granȝebane (quhilkis rynnis fra the fut of De to the castell of Dunbritone) and wer nocht fiue mylis fra the army of Scottis. Quhen thay be vnhappy chāce wer deuidit [...] two factionis, and faucht amang thaym self to y e gret murdir of baith [...], for ane vane cause. The kyng of Pychtis seyng this lamen [...]abil cais, ran feirslie but his co [...]t armour amang the preis (quhair thay wer maist keinly fechtand) to haue put thaym sindry, & wes slane thair vnknawyng quhat he wes. The res [...]dew of Pychtis quhilkis war left on lyue fra this vnhappy bargane k [...]awing y e slauchter of thair kyng, skalit. And returnit hame.
¶Hovv Galdus pecifyit all seditioun amang the pichtis. And hovv he faucht aganis the Romanis and vvas discomf [...]t. Ca. xiii.
GAldus heirand the deith of his tender freind the kyng of Pichtis, become rycht sorowfull. For it cō st [...]anit hym to superseid his army aganis the Romanis. Nochtheles he callit his nobillis to ane counseal. Quhare he schortlie detestand ye inopertune seditioun rysyng amang y e Pychtis, prayit thaym to ripely auyse, how his realme mycht be defendit in sa hie dangeir thairto approchyng. Eftir diuers opinionis it wes decretit to resist the Romanis erar be frequent incursionis yan set battall fra ony forthir conques. At tour prudent men sal pas to y e Pychtis to peacifi [...] thaim of al seditionis And ambassatouris sall pas in Irelād, Norway, and Denmark to seik support aganis the Romanis. Be this counsall ambassatoris wer send to the Pychtis. And schew y e sic dammage & cruelteis ꝓcedis of ciuil weris, yat na realmes may stand in sicker firmance quhare the same induris. Finalie the Pichtis wer aggreit amang yame self of al debatis. And Garnardus maid kyng in place of Karanach afore deceissit. The Pychtis (as wes deuisit) send thair ambassatouris in Norway and Denmark to y e effect afore said. quhil sic thingꝭ wer done be Pychtis, Galdus assemblit ane army fra all boundis of his realme. And diuidit the same in diuers buschementis. Be quhais wisdome and Ithand ieoperdis the Romanis wer stoppit all the symer followyng fra ony forthir conques on the Scottis. The wynter following wes sa tempestuous that na weris mycht be sustenit. And in y e nixt symmer (quhilk wes the .vii. ȝere of the weris maid be Agricola (come ane gret cūpany of Ireland men to Galdus & Garnardus at Athole, quhair thay wer present for ye tyme with al the nobillis of baith thair realmes On y e tothir side Agricola knawing▪ weill the ordinance of Scottis and Pychtꝭ, diuidit his army in thre battallis abidyng thair cummyng. Galdus weill aduertist in quhat sort Agricola purposit to inuade him, chā git haistely his purpos. And come within y e nycht on [...]ne strang legio [...] [Page xlviii] of Romanis. Quhilkis wes not far fra his army. Now had the Scottis slane the wache of this legioun, and fechtand ferslie within thair tentis, quhen suddanlie Agricola weill conuoyit be his exploratourꝭ come with strang buschemētꝭ baith of futmē & hors men on thair bakkis. Nochtheles the battal wes fochtin with gret crueltie and slauchter on all sydis. Quhyll the Romane baneris schynyng in ye cleir morrow schew Agricola w t al his army arrayit fornens thaym in battall. Incontinent the confiderat pepill gaif bakkis. And fled throw desertis & mossis to thair best refuge.
¶Hovv sindry Almanis & Danis come in support of scottis & pichtis, hovv ye Romane nauy perist in Pentland firth. Ca. xiiii.
BE yis vnhappy battall, the confiderat kyngis wer so brokin, that thay defendit thaym self, yair bestiall and guddis al the symer following mair be frequēt incursions, yan ony set battall abidyng the cumyng of▪ Danys and Norowanis to thair support. Bot the Romanis Ilk day more feirs & insolent be frequēt victoryis & traistīg na thyng possibil to resist thair souerane virtew, come throw the wod of Calidon with purpos to serche all the last boundis of Albioun. And becaus thay wer stoppit be strait groūd yairof, thay come ouir the watter of Awmond, and set down thair tentis nocht far fra Dū keld, quhair Tay rynnis deip with few furdis in the Almane seis. This reueir beside Dunde is two mylis braid deuidyng Fiffe fra Angus. Ye Pichtis effrayit be cummyng of Romanis sa far within thair landis, brynt ane riche town namyt Inchecuthill, quhilk stude apon the riueir of Tay, that the samyn suld be na refuge to yair ennymes, and fled with thair wiffis, children & guddis to ye motanis of Grandȝeben. Ye samyn tyme arriuit in Forth ane cumpany of Almanꝭ namit Usipianis, banist out of thair natiue landis for slauchter of ane Romane capitane and othir pepill vnder his band. And becaus thay bure extreme hatrent aganis Romanis, thay wer plesandlye ressauit. And ordanit to haue certan landis to thair habitatioun beside y • Murrayis. For thay wer baith of a blude. And nocht lang eftir arriuit in the firth of Tay ane vailȝeant capitane namyt Gildo with .x.M. Danis to support y • Scottis & Pichtis. Thir Danis wer the more plesandlie ressauit be Garnardus kyng of Pychtis. That his cōmon weil wes approcheand to hie dangeir. Galdꝰ rycht glaid and reiosyng of the cummyng of Gildo come to Dunde to gyf thankis to hym & the remanent folkis y t come to support thair freindis. And eft maist her [...]lie embrasing Galdus said in this wyse. I haue na litil caus of Ioy (maist vailȝeant Gildo) seing the with sa mony fair & lusty personis cumyn but [...]ruble in Albioun for defence of Pychtis thy anciant lynage, and ws thair confyderat brethir standyng now in sic extreme dangeir & ꝑell. We abaid mony dayis ȝour cuming. And now we ar mair reiosit thairof, than may be schawin at this tyme. And randeris to the and thy pepil infinite thankis thairfore. For be thy cūyng sic esperance is rasit in our curage, that we beleif be ȝour support to vincus our ennymes & banis yame furth of our [...] [Page] the Brigandis perpetually of seruytude (gif fortoun had bene propiciant) It is nocht to be traistit, bot we (quhilkis ar mair vailȝeant) sal recouer our liberte at our first metyng. And traist nocht bot Romanis may be vincust. Quhat nowmer of yame bene laitly slane in the wod of Calidon. Beleue ȝe that the virtew of Romanis be als gret in tyme of battal, as thair lust is ī tyme of peace, thay conques honour be our ciuil weiris & dissension, thay turne the vices of thair ennymes to ye glore of thair army, quhilkis is gaderit of dyuers pepyll vnder dyuers myndis, and sall thairfore skaill als fast syndry (quhē aduersite occurris) as thay assemblit togidder now ī thair maist prosperite. Traist ȝe that Franche men, [...], & Britonis (quhilkꝭ ar ane g [...]et part of thair army) sal haue ony othir affection or faith to thair ennymes, Bot inuade thaym quhen thay se occasioun. Traist na thing other, bot dreid & terrour ar sa vnsicker bā dis of luf, y t quhen the same ar remouit and put asyde, extreme hatrent sproutis in thair place. Mony persuasionis apperis in ws to haue victory. For y e romanis hes nocht thair wiffis present to exhort thaym to curage, nor ȝit thair agit faderis to reproche yame of fleyng. Few of yame hes ony certane cuntre or habitation les than it be reft. Thairfore y e goddes in punitioun of thair iniquiteis hes laitly randerit ane certane of yame vagabound & vincust in oure handis. Be not astonist (I pray ȝow) for this vane visage & schynyng of gold & syluer, quhilk may nocht defend nor wound ȝow. Lat ws fynd out handis in y e bront of ennymes, y e Britonis sal knaw thair caus of battall, the Gallis sall remember thair anciant lyberte. Al pepyl of vncouth nation sal leif yame at thair first iunyng. Na occasioun remanis of dredour, our castellis ar left be thayme wast, the townis (quhare thair agit capitanis dwelt) betwix euyll obeysance & iniust empire ar brocht to seruitud. Heir ar ȝour capitane & army to wyn glore & riches, ȝondir ar ȝour ennymes to put ȝow to surfet tribute, or ellis to condampne ȝow to wynnyng of mettellis. or sū othir kind of punition, y • quhilkꝭ salbe ꝑpetuall to ȝow & ȝour posterite, les thā y e samyn be recouerit in this battal. Quhen ȝe thairfore ar to pas fortwart, remember baith ȝour eldaris past afore, & ȝour posterite & successouris to cum,
¶Of the orisō maid be Agricola to his army & of the huge victory fallyng to romanis be discōfitour of scottꝭ. ca. xvi.
EFter this orison of Galdꝰ followit in the army gret noyis & clamoure be desyre of battal. On the tothir syde (yocht Agricola beheld his army richt impatient of lang tary) ȝit he said to yame as followꝭ. Now is y e .viii. ȝeir (gud cōpanȝeonis) sen ȝe be felicite of romane maieste with trew & faithfull laubouris hes conquest Annādale, y e Ile of Man, Carrik, Kyle, & Cunynghame w t mony othir regionis, quhilkis war neuir subdewit nor knawin afore to romane empire. Ȝe haue sustenit na les fortitude aganis ȝour fais, than pacience & laubour almaist aganis nature. Ȝe haue na caus to be penitent of me ȝour capitane, nor I to be penitent of ȝow my gud men of armis. Ȝe haue subdewit may boundis of Albion, than ony armyis did afore, & I haue wō mair hono r, thā ony othir capitane did afore me, we haue not socht y e last boūdꝭ of Albiō be rehers & fame of [...]theris, bot persit y • samyn be strang army and camp. Quhen ȝe [Page l] (my gud cōpanȝeonis) war oftimes wery ouirpassing the difficyll montanis, mossis, and fluddis of this regioun. I had gret compassion, and knew euery ane of ȝou be ȝour voce. Criand quhen sal our ennymes haif curage? quhē sall thay meit ws? now thay ar cumand furth of thair dennis, quhare thay war hid. Now may ȝour manheid & virtew be sene, euery thyng salbe plesand to thaym yat ar victorius & vnplesand to thaym y t ar vincust. And as na litil honour apperis to ws quhylkis hes ouirset sa mony strait montanis, woddis, fludis, and dangerus firthis of this region. Sa sall it be ane vassalage of souerayne honour (howbeit it be dangerus) to withstand fersly oure ennymes and put thaym to flycht. And yocht mony placis of this cuntre be vnknawin to ws and hes na gret plenty of vittalis. Ȝit we laik na manheid nor curage, in quhylk lyis the haill frute & glore of armes. Forthir sa far as pertenis to me, I thynk nothir is the capitane nor the army syker that geuis thair backis to ennymes, thairfore honest deith is better than schamefull lyf. And hele & honour ar situat baith in ane place. Forthir it war na gret schame to our honoure howbeit we war defait heir in y e last and outmaist partis of the warld. Gif ȝe war now to be assailȝet be vncouth and strange ennymes, I suld exhort ȝow to fecht be vassalage of othir vailȝeant pepyll. Now haue E to ȝour honoure, and knaw that thir pepyl (that standis with face arrayit aganis ȝow) ar nocht bot the refuse of thay febyl catyuis, quhilkis war discomfist laitly within the nicht be ȝour onely noyis and clamoure. Thay ar the maist febyll bodyis amang all y e Brytonis, and remanis for that caus sa lang on lif, and as maist forsy and strang bestis be thair awin ieoperdyis ar oft slane. And as maist cowart and febyll bestis saiffis thaym self for dā geir, & fleis quhen thay heir y • sound of ony cumpanyes. Sa all the vailȝeant Britonis ar slane, and nane of thaym ar now on lyf, saif thay onely y t be cowart flicht hes debaitit thair miserabil lyuis. And wald p̄tend na resistence, war not thay ar now tane but refuge, quharthrow ȝe may haif honest victory. Pas gud companȝconis throw ȝoure ennymes, and fynis the .li. ȝeris weir with this solempne day, that it may be put in kalender▪ as end of all ȝour weris. Do sa that nothir ȝour lang tary nor rebellioun of ennymes may be impute to ȝoure necligēce. Skarsly was this orison endit, quhē baith y e armiis be byrnād desyre of battall iunit. Agricola arrayit his folkis in sic crafty ordour. (Howbeit thay wer of les nowmer than thair ennymes) that thay sall nocht be assailȝeit nothir on ane syde nor othir. Galdus with na les prouidence arrayit the formest part of his army on ane hye mote to discomfis the wingis of ye Romane army▪ and exhortit thaym with schyll voce to perseueir in ythand bergane, and outhir to conques immortall glore or perpetual seruitude. For yat was thair last day. in quhilk thay mich [...] wyn outhir honour or schame. The first battall was fochtin on dreich. For the Albanis, Danis, and Norowanis schot ane huge nowmer of arrowis and ganȝeis at thair first contering, Nochtheles the Romanis eschewit the samyn with thair targis. The bowmen efterflicht of arrowis faucht w t swerdꝭ & lytyl buklarꝭ (as we do ȝit ī our days) mair semād for [Page] nychtboure weir than ony defence of realmis. Throw quhilk oure pepyll hes gret dammage quhen thay meit with ennymes of vncouth realmes. The battal of speris (quhilkis stude nixt the bowmen) in the brount with Galdus tuschit furthwart atanis, & bure mony of thair ennymes with mony bludy woundis on thair backis, Followit the byllis, axis, lang swerdis, and ledyn mellis with sic slauchter that y e Romanis had bene all vtterly discomfist, wer nocht ane band of almanis (quhilkis war send la [...]tly in Britane) come y • more haistely to thair support. Attour this Agricola was sa circumspect that he stuffit his army with thir Almanis in al partis quhare he saw ony danger oc [...]ring. The Albianis seyng thaym [...] [...]heir and thair sa cruelly ouirset, war astonist. Nochtheles seyng na r [...]fuge bot in thair handis, thay ruschit al togidder in ane knot but ony feir of deith or woundis with delyueri [...] mynd to fecht for thair realme and lyberte to y e deith. Followit ane sorowfull battall. For the confiderat pepyll facht mair be force than craft of cheualry. Mony of thaym sloppit throw y • body fel downe aboue thair slaatis. Otheris offerit thaym self wylfully to be slane. Otheris (efter thay had eschapit thair ennymes) slew thaym self. The place (quhare thay faucht) was bludy all ouercouerit with leggis, armis, and wappynnis skatterit throw al boūdis thairof. Baith y e armyis faucht with perseuerand hatrent, quhyll the nycht constranit thaym to seuer. The confiderat pepyl & thair freindis (quhilkis war left on lyue) efter this vnhappy battall fled to the nixt montanis, quhare thay biggit fyr [...]s to oui [...] pas the nycht. Than come to thaym gret confluence of men and wemen seik and thair freindis with mony sorowfull sychis, murnyng, and teris. Incontynent Galdus (that thir dolorus spr [...]ichis and cryis sall nocht be patent to his ennymes) commandit all his army to schout with schyl noys and sang, quhyll the wemen war expellit fra his camp. The confiderat kyngis seyng on the morow thair power sa brokyn y t thay mycht nocht renew battall, cōmandit thair folkis to returne hame. And left behynd thaym ane huge fyre birnand with bald and vehement flāmes on the said montanis to the heuyn, that thair ennymes mycht haue na presumptioun of thair departyng. In this vnhappy battall war slane .xii. thousand Romanis. & .xx. thousand scottis and pichtis with mony othir pepyll that come to thair support. Gyldo y e vailȝeant capitane of Danis ruscha [...]d ouir feirsly on his ennymes was slane on y e samyn maner with ye maist part of his cumpany.
¶Hovv Agricola reparit his nauy to pa [...] about the Ilis of albioun, and brint syndry schippis of Danis. Of vncouth meruelli [...] sene in albioun. and of the deith of Agricola. Ca. xvii.
THe day followyng this vnhappy nycht, maid y e discomfiture of Scottis patent to thair ennymes, for thair camp was void, and plenist with nocht bot deid bodyis but ony quhisperyng on the montanis, quhare maist gild was hard afore. the Romanis traisting thir tythingꝭ procedyng be sl [...]cht, inhibit ony for [...]hir chace to be. O [...]he [...]s proud efter [Page li] efter thir feliciteis commandit vailȝeant and chosyn men to serche all y e woddis & strenthis to espy gyf ony hyd wachyng of enimes war within the samyn. Ane certane of Romanis followīg this last coūsal followit sa vnwarly, that thay war all slane. On the morrow Agricola seand his army sa brokin, that he micht nothir renew the samyn, nor ȝit pas ouir ye mōtanis of Granȝebene but extreme dangeir, past with his victorius army in Angus, quhare he abaid al ye nixt wynter. And in the mene tyme he was aduertist, how the maist part of his nauy was lost, and y e resydew thairof brokyn with gret calamyte arriuit in Argyle. Agricola mouit nocht his contenance for thir nouellis, for he fermely beleuit his army for this smale calamyte delyuerit of all othir trubyll that was apperyng thairto be inuy of fortoun efter sa lang prosperite and victoryis. Incontinent he reparit his schippis w t new marineris and otheris quhilk had sicker experience of al dangeris and firthis in the occiane sees. And cōmandit thaym (as he war to fecht aganis all chance of fortoun) to pas the samyn way (thay ȝeid afore) about the Ilis of Albion. This nauy be prosper wyndis arriuit finaly in the mouth of Tay and brynt the flo [...] of Danis quhylk lay in ye said firth all the wynter afore. Syndry meruellis war sene in Albion afore this last battal, that Galdus faucht with romanis. Mony byrnād speris war sene fleand in the air. Ane gret part of the wod of Calidon apperit birnand all nycht. Howbeit na thyng apperit thairof in the day. Ane flot of schyppis was sene in the ayre, ane schoure of stanis was in Athole, siclike in Angus ranit paddokis, Ane monstoure was borne in Inchecuthyll with doubyll membris of men and wemen with sa abhomynabyll fygure, that it was distroyit be ye pepyll. Thir vncouth and wonderfull meruellis maid the pepyll astonist, for thay war interpret to syndry facis. Sumtymes to y e gud, sumtymes to the euyll. The empriour Domiciane heirand thir hie and vailȝeant dedis of Agricola, was rycht sorowfull in his mynd, hauand na lytyl in dignatioun, that the fame of ane priuate man suld obscure his imperiall estait. And thairfore send haisty writtingis to hym to returne (al excusatioun ceissing) to rome to ressaue y e gouernance of ane new ꝓuince namyt Syria, vacand be deceis of Actilius Ruffus last legat thairof. Agricola sone efter his cumyng to Rome was poisonit be inuy of the said Domiciane empriour.
¶Hovv Tribellyus vvas send in Britane. Hovv the Romanis fell in gret diuisioun amang thaym self. And of the huge victory gottyn on thaym be Galdus. Ca. xviii.
EFter y e deith of Agricola, Gneus Tribellius was maid capitane of Brytane, & fan [...] the Romanis in gret felicite, howbeit the samyn schort tyme indurit. For ane gret contention rais betuix this new capitane Tribellius and ane othir capitane namyt Tribellianus, quhilk of yame suld haue maist auctorite aboue the army. The first was autorist be ye army, for he was cosing to Agricola. The secund was autorist be the empriour. Efter lang contentioun Tribellianus departit [Page] with ane nowmer of chosin men in France. Galdus knawyng weil yis seditioun amang y e Romanis come with ane army of Scottis & Pychtis in Angus, quhair this new capitane Trebellius wes with the residew of Romanis for the tyme. Trebellius astonist be his suddane cummyng tocht al thīg wes to be done than, erar be manheid and gud werkis, than be ony consultation. And nochtwithstandyng that his army bure hatrent aganys hym, he went [...]orthward with displayit baner. At last the army seand hym nocht [...]o ye chargis of ane vailȝeant capitane, dischargit him of auctorite. And [...] Sysynnius (quhilk wes brod [...]r to Trebellianus afore rehersyt) [...] [...]uerne thaym in that maist [...] auenture. Sysynnius refu [...]i [...] this charge, and said. Gyf he [...]ssauit auctorite in sic extrem [...] dan [...]eir, it suld be occasioun of gret diuisioun and truble within the army Quhill the Romanis wer at sic deba [...], Galdꝰ come with arrayit hoist en sycht. The Romanis be suddane cumyng of Galdus mycht nocht array thaym in thair best auyse. Nottheles baith the armyis Iunit with birnand desyre on ilk syde. The confiderat pepill faucht with perseuerand manheid. Quhill at the last Sysynnius woundit to y e deith, fled out of the feild and mony othir Romanis with hym. Incontinent all the army of Romanis gaif bakkis, and fled to ye nixt wod. On quhom followit the Scottis and thair confiderat freindis with Ithand slauchter. Quhill at last Galdus dredand sum dangeir to fall be thair continewal feirsnes, callit yame be sound of trumpat to his standart. Nocht the les thay wer sa far enragit with hatrent aganys the Romanis, thay couth nocht be brocht yairfra, quhil the nycht bereft thaym the lycht. Ye confiderat pepill passit the nycht followyng with gret Ioy & blythnes of dansyng, singyng and playing. Siclike as wes vsit in thay dayis.
On the morrow the preistis come with processioun in thair maist reuerend habitis, and gaif thankis to the goddis, quhilkꝭ eftir mony calamyteis sustenit be thaym mair than i. ȝeris in continewall battall had grantit anis ane honest victorye of thair ennymes.
¶Hovv the Romanis vvar doung out of all partis of scotland and syndry tymes vincust be the vailȝeant Galdus. Ca. xix.
THe romanis brokin in this maner, and seyng na sickirnes to abide in Angus aganis sa feirs & cruel ennymes, rasit thair tentis and come within the nycht to Inchecuthill. And quhen thay had transportit the residew of thair army ouir Tay. Thay brak the brig thairof, that thayr ennymes suld nocht follow▪ Galdꝰ aduertist of thair fleyng partit the riche spulȝe (that wes gottin in yis last feild) amang his army efferyng to thair manheid and vassalage. And on the morrow he tuke consultatioun quhat wes best to be done. Be this consultatioun it wes concludit that the Scottis sall persew the Romanis, and dyng thaym furth of all partis of Albioun. The Scottis incontinent ruschit to harnes with all the army of Pychtis cō curryng to thair opinioun. And followit on the Romanis, that ye iniuris so oftymes done be thaym suld [Page lii] be anis sufficientlie punist. At last quhen thay wer cumyn to Inchecuthill, thay fand the brig bet down. And returnyt thairfore to Dunkeld quhair thay transportit all thair army be ane brig of [...]re. The Romanis heirand thair eūyng ordourit thaim self in gud array and chesit ane new capitane namit Chelius to gouerne thaym in this maist dangerus battall. Sone eftir baith ye armyis Iunyt, & faucht lang tyme with vncertane victorie. Quhill at last the Romanis wer vincust and chasit with Ithand slauchter, quhill thay wer dreuin to the wod of Calidone. In this battall wer slane .v.M. Romanis. And .ii.M. of scottis and thair confideratis. Syndry cumpanyis of Britonis eftir this victorie come to Galdus. For als sone as it wes schawin in Walis, that the Romanis wer twyis vincust be the Scottis and Pychtis, incontinent all the princis of Britane maid rebellioun. And eftir that thay had slane the Romanis in al ꝑtis (quhair thay mycht be apprehendit) thay send ambassatouris to Galdus with mony riche Iowellis, schawyng thaym reiosit that eftir sa lang rage of fortoun aganis hym, he began to be victorius and fortunat. In the mene tyme the Romanis send thair ambassatouris to Marius king of Britonis, lamentand the heuy iniuris done to thaym be Scottis and Pichtis. And schew (gif thay gat nocht support in tyme) thay suld be schamefully doung out of all boundis conquest with sa gret difficulte afore be Romanis. Mariꝰ answerit throw rebellioun of Britonis in sindry partis aganis hym, he stude ī daylie feir of his lyfe. Attour the ȝoung wenchis, gestouris, & cō moun pepil sang daylie [...]allattis in derisioun and skorne of Romanis. And be yat way he knew not quhay wer freindis or fayis to hym in Britane. Attoure Domiciane empriour wes so haitit for the cruell slauchter of the Senat & cietezanis of Rome, that nocht apperit bot ciuill battallis. Thus mycht na support come in Britane. For thir causis his mynd wes set erar to keip ane part to hym of Albion with sicker firmance, yan schamefully to tyne the hail empyre thairof. This answere maid na lytyll affray amang the Romanis. In the mene tyme wes schawin, y e Galdus wes within ten mylis fra the tentis of Romanis with ane army baith of men and wemen yat mycht beir wapinnis to dyng ye Romanis out of all boundis of his empire. Ye Romanis for feir of his cuming left the wod of Calidon, and fled in Brigance. Galdus weil aduertist be quhat passage his ennymes wer departi [...], set him with maist diligēce to follow on yair bakkis, yat he mycht distroy thaym but ony recouer, afore thay gat ony support fra Rome. In this voyage Galdus left the segyng of the castellis and strenthis stuffi [...] be romanis. And come with gret deligence in Brigance, and thair me [...] hym ane huge nowmer of pepyll si [...] as haitit the Romanis, all reiosyng atanis that the said Galdus brokin with sa mony calamiteis and truble wes neuir disparit, bo [...] euir reseruyng hym & his pepill to better fortoun. Galdus ressauit all thir pepill with plesand visage, and persuadit thaym to haue gud esperance. For as than he wes nocht passand to battall, bot erar to sic [...]er victorie. And the hard fortoun sa lang rageand aganis hym & his pepill wes brokin▪ And thairfore traistit behynd sa mony [Page] cruell extorsionis done be ennymes to haue sumtyme ane glorius victory of thaym. The Romanis seyng the confiderat pepil cum in Brigance with sa hie curage and spreit wer affrayit. Nochtheles confidyng in na thyng mair surele, thā in yair handis Thay went forwart in thayr best array, sayng that day wes othir the gait to thair triumphant glore or than perpetuall schame Than ilk ane exhortit othir to haue hope of victory, sen thay wer to fecht aganis ane vane & barbar peple, and to haif in memory the gret manheid & virtew of yair eldaris with more respect to thair cōmon than singular weill. And erat to de in y e battal, thā to incurre the schame and dishonour that ya [...] mycht neuir eftir do away. quhil the Romanis wer exhortyng thaym [...] [...]ith thir and siclike wou [...]dis, come haistely ane heuy schoure of arowis and ganȝeis schot on thaym be thair ennymes. In ye mene tyme ane cumpany of Britonis (quhilkis wer laitlie send be Marius in support of Romanis) come to the Scottis and Pychtis. Mony of the Romanis be fleyng of thir Britonis de fakit curage. Otheris seyng na remeid tuke the more spreit, and with gret force ouirset the wyngis quhair the wemen faucht. Than Galdus rycht circumspect in all his werkis, send ane cumpany of fresche men to thair support, be quhom the Romanis wer dreuin sum part abak. The wemen wer more cruel thā ony men quhen thay saw thayr ennymes vincust. Thus had the Romanis bene inuadit on Ilk syde, wer nocht thay had thair tentis at yair bakkis. Mony of thaym perseuerit in battall, and wer slane. Otheris fled to thair tentis▪ on quhom the Scottis followit sa fast, that thay slew thaym heir and thair and kes [...] thaym in the fowseis. Intendyng be filling of the fowseis with deid bodyis to make ane reddy gai [...] to thair tentis. Nottheles the Romanis defendit thair tentis with incredibyll laubour and manheid, & wald not suffer thair ennymes to entre on thaym, quhill the nycht seuerit thaym on ylk syde.
☞Of the message send be Romanis to the confiderat kyngis. And of thair ansvver. Hovv the cōfiderat kingis gaif peace to the Romanis, Ca. xx.
THe Scottis nochtwithstandyng the cumyng of the nicht went to the nixt wod to bring treis to fyl the fowseis quhare the tentis of romanis lay. Otherꝭ maid syndry instrumentis to breke down thair trinschis. Otheris wacheit all nicht to stop yame fra fleing, & abaid the cumyng of ye day with byrnand desyre. ¶The Romanis seyng on the morrow sa gret ordinance reddy atanis to inuade thaym, desyrit assuuerance of the wache to send oratouris to the confiderat kyngis to treit peace. Part of Scottis said, na conduct suld be geuyn to Romanis, and na alliance to be maid with thaym. Bot victory to be vsit with maist rigoure. And all the Romanis (that fled to yair tentis) slane. That be thair slauchter al othir pepyl may take exampil how odious it is baith to goddis and men to inuade realmes and pepyll but occasioun of iniure. Otheris said, best was to vse thair victory with mesure, and not to be ouir insolent and proud for yis felicite, sen euery pepyll ar thirlit to [Page liii] sic vncertane lawis of fortoun that eftir aduersite cumys ꝓsperite. And [...]fti [...] ꝓsperite cumys aduersite. And [...]or this reason the Romanis suld be herd, and yair ambassatouris saiffit be the law of pepill. This last counsal wes apprisit. Incontinent come four honorabil men with fair vissage cloithit in thair maner with na les precious than semand abulȝemē tis, and fell on kneys afore the confiderat kyngis. Als sone as thay wer [...]sit. Ane of thaym (to quhilk the charge wes committit) said in this wyse. The Romane army and capitanis dantouris of the warld desyring ȝour amyte and freindschip (inuincibill kyngis) requiris ȝou humilie of grace. Quhom thay haue thi [...] mony ȝeris persewit with auful and kene battall. And traist fermelie na thyng mycht haue cumyn be glore of marciall dedis sa hie to ȝour honour, or mair worthy to haue memory than to haue the ambassatouris of Romanis (be quhom all kyngis & realmes bene subdewit) de [...]eckit at ȝour feit, & humilie desyryng grace. Ȝe haue vincust ws (we grant) our lyfe & deith now dependyng in ȝour handis be hatrent of goddis, quhilkis ar commouit aganis ws for the iniust battall that we haue led aganis ȝow. Use now sic victorye as ȝe thynk respondent to ȝour honoure. And vincꝰ ȝour Ir [...], sen ȝe haue vin [...]ust ws the dantouris of the warld. And gyf ȝe can nocht refrane ȝoure Ire Than sla ws all as we haue we [...]ll deseruit. ¶Nochtheles sen ȝe (quhilkis ar heir in the farrest nuyk of the warld) precellis all pepill in manheid and virtew, vnderstand y e na thyng may schaw ȝour humanite mair, than to be mercyfull eftir sa huge victory. We knaw now the hatrent of goddis. We knaw ȝour cheualry, & desyris peace vnder quha [...] conditionis ȝe pleis. Than Galdus maid answere to yame, and said. Ye Sottis and Pychtis the last pepyll of the warld, sen thair first begynnyng desirit na landis bot thaym onlie y • wer geuin to thaym be beniuolence of goddis, & faucht neuir bot in yair pure defence. The Romanis wer knawin to thaym first as cursit reuaris of realmes be insaciabill auarice. Eftir y t thay had maid weir on Britonis ane hundreth and fifty ȝeris with sindry chancis of fortoun And quhen thay had subdewit the warld and the maist part of Albion to the gret dāmage of pepyl thairof, thay ar vineust be y e pepyll quhome thay held maist rude & febill. And finalie dreuyn but esperance of better fortoun to thair last refuge within thair tentis. To be ane notabill exempill in tymes cummyng, how vnsicker bene ye stait of man be chance of fortoun. And yocht sindry nobyll men in his army counsallit this victory to be vsit on thaym with maist rigour. traistyng thair iniuris na othirwayis to be eschewit, ȝit he wald be more propiciant, thynkand sufficient baith for y • tyme present & to cū that ye ambassatouris of Romanis dantouris of the warld wer deieckit at his feit humylie desyryng mercy. Nochtheles it plesit hym weill be cō sent of his confiderat bruthir y e king of Pychtis to gyf peace vnder thir conditionis. The Romanis sal pas out of all boundis pertenand to scottis and Pychtis. And rander all munitionis and pledgis with the guddis reft fra thaym duryng ye weris and sall gyf thair gret ayth neuir to inuaid Scottis nor Pychtis bot euir to stand thair gud freindis in tymes [Page] cummyng. The Romanis ressauit peace in this maner, and departit but ony forthir iniure.
¶Hovv all the strenthi [...] of Scotland vvar recouerit fra the Romanis be conditioun of peace. And of the deith of Galdus. Ca. xxi.
BE Gneus Tribellius, ye Romane army was nowmerit (Quhen Agricola left it) to .lx. thousand men. Bot at this tyme throw frequēt victorijs maid on thaym, thay war skarsly .xx. thousand left on lyue. Efter thair departyng all the boundis of Scotland (quhilkis war garnist afore be Romanis) war randerit to Scottis. & Pychtis. Efter this Galdus skaillit his army and went to Epiak, quhilk was the principal ciete of Scotland and began to institute his pepyll in ciuill maneris. And to y e fyne y • na mā of his realme be occasiō of sleuth sall vse reiffis on the cuntre, he send all superflew pepyl to be wageouris to the brytonis. Syne rewardit his nobyllis ylk ane efter thair vassalage prouyn in his weiris. Than Galdus went throw all boundis of his realme. And at his entres ī ylk town y e pepyll met hym w t sound of trumpat and clarioun to his honour & louyng. Quhyll the pepyll war geuyn to laude & magnyfye thair prince on this maner, rais gret cōtentioun betuix the Scottis and Pichtis for certane debaitabyll landis that lay betwix thair realmes. This contentioun rais be euyll dedy men that mycht suffer na peace▪ Bot s [...]cht occasioun to breke the cunire, nochtheles the two confiderat kyngis met fynaly togidder in the wod of Calidon, & pecifyit all debaitis amang thaym self. Galdus ragne mony ȝeris efter in gret felicite & occupyit his pepyll in virtewis laubouris & exercition, & deceissit at Epiak the .xxxv. ȝeir of his regne maist vailȝeant prince yat euir rang aboue the scottis. Fra the incarnatiō of god .i.C.iii. ȝeris. fra y e begynnyng of y e warld .v.M.iii.C.ii. ȝeris. his body was buryit besyde Epiak with funerall pompe & gret lament of pepyll. To quhome ane maist precius sepulture was rasit. In quhilk was ingrauyn how he recouerit his realme be souerane man heid fra the Romanis. Mony huge pillaris war rasit about his sepulcure to testify his precellent virtew & glore of cheualry. And yat his memory sall neuir peris be decreit of parliament was cōmandit, that the landis namit afore Brigance salbe callit in tyme cūmyng Galdia, becaus this nobyl prince maid ane end of all his weris in thay partis. In our dayes that region is callit Galiudia be corruption of langage, that is to say Galloway. This history in sa far as we haue schawin of Carratak, Corbreid, & Galdus kyngis of scottis is drawin sum part fra vulgar croniklis, sum part fra Corneliꝰ Tacitus. For we haue nocht onely writtyn his sentence, bot als his wordis. that ye redaris baith of romane story & scottis may vnderstand ylk history concordant with othir. And knaw be testimoniall of oure ennyme, how vailȝeantly our nobyl elderis hes fochtis for this realme aganis romanis. And to the mair pruffe heirof we haue inserit the eloquent [Page liiii] orisonis of Galdus & Agricol [...] word ī word as Cornelius Tacitus rehersis thaym in this our quhat sumeuir werkis. And sa endis heir the fourt duke of thir croniklis,
Heir begynnis the fyft Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
¶Of the vicius kyng Lugtak and hovv he vvas slane for his vnhappy lyfe and tyranny. Ca. primo.
THe vailȝeāt prince Galdꝰ endit in maner afore rehersit, succedit his sonne Lugtak ane odius & mischeuus tyrane. He was als far haitit with the pepyll for his vice, as his fader was luffit for his virtew. He was far different fra his fader baith in maneris and ingyne, geuin to his eys and lust. He slew mony of all ye riche men in his cuntre. For na othir caus, bot allanetly to confiske thair guddis. He gaif the ministration of Iustice to maist wrangus and auaricius men specially sic men yat war geuyn to cōques guddis to hym but ony reason or sycht to Iustice. Followit continewall reiffis in al partis of his realme put punitioun. Gretest schrewis maist autorist, & virtuous personis maist ouirthrawin. This odius tyrane persewit his nobyllis be vane causis. Sum of thaym banist, and othiris slew that he micht conques thair landis and guddis. He had sic affectioun to reiffairis & oppressouris, that he namit thaym brethir and counsalouris in his wrytyngis, & luffit nane sa weill as hym that culd fynd ingyne to reif his subdittis. The remanent dedis of his vnhappy lyfe ar sa dedestabyll, that thay ar mair worthy to be hyd than dreuyn in ony mannis eiris. For he with vnbridillit lust fulȝeit his anttꝭ hꝭ douchteris, his systerꝭ & his sister douchteris. And was penitent of na thing bot only that he mycht nocht suffice to cōpleit his lust with thaim all, his horribyll dedis war sufferit twa ȝeris be his nobyllis. Bot na thyng mouit thaym sa mekyl, as his scornefull detractioun. Be quhilk he callit thaym auld dotand fulis. He had nane sa familiar to hym, as fidlaris, bordellaris, makerellis, and gestouris, and siclike men of vile estimatioun, and cled thaym with publik auctorite, beleuyng all thyngis to succede weil be thair gouernance. Bot his cruelteis and foly mycht nocht be lang vnpunist. For sone eftir ane counsal was set be hym at Doū stafage to punis syndry men that repreuit his vice. In the mene tyme rais sic debait betuix hym and his nobillis, that he was slane with all his cursit cumpany in quhome he gaif baith the gouernance of his body and realme, in the Thrid ȝeir of his regne, he was buryit with ryche pompe in Dounstafage bot the bodyis of his vnhappy counsalouris war left on the feildis, to be deuorit be the houndis.
¶Of king Mogallꝰ, and hovv he come vvith ane army aganis the romanis. Of his orisone maid to the sepulture of Galdus. Ca. ii.
LUgtak the tyrane endit ī this maner, Mogallꝰ was maid king for he was nepote to Galdꝰ gottin of his douchter. This Mogallus efter his coronation set hym to follow the wisdome and maneris of Galdus his gudschir, and to kepe the faith and promis to Romanis & Britonis be the peace afore contrackit. And that his pepyl mycht leif in quiete but ony seditioun, he reparit euery thing that was afore mysgidit be the tyrane Lugtak. And restorit the relygyoun of goddis with the samyn cerymonis as thay war fyrst institute. Traistyng fra he had gottyn the beniuolence of his goddis (quhilkis war ennymes to his pepil for the abhomynabil life of Lugtak) that al thingis suld succede y e better. The scottis began to rise ylk day in esperance of better fortoun. seyng thair kyng follow ye behauyngis of his gudschir Galdus, and reddy to reforme al enormyteis of his realm. Nocht lang efter come ambassatouris fra Pichtis to Mogallus desyryng support aganis the Romanis and Brytonis. Quhilkis war laitly cumyn with fyre and swerd in Pentland, and slane ane gret nowmer of pepyll in defence of thair awin guddis, Siclike the men of Galloway and Annandale complanit that ane huge pray of guddis war tan [...] be romanis out of thair landis. Mogallus hauand ingyne na les geuyn to cheualry than werkis of peace, reiosit to haue occasioun of battall, that he mycht be sum notabyll vassalage be comparit to his vailȝeant antecessouris. Nochtheles he send his ambassatouris desyryng [...]edres of the dammage be thaym done. Thir ambassatouris gat nocht bot ane answer full of hie contemptioun and skorne. Than Mogallus tuke the goddis in wytnes that baith y e faith prompttit to hym be Romanis wa [...] brokyn and his message cōtempnit. And sone efter he rasit his army, & come in Galloway quhare he visy [...]e the sepulture of Galdus his gudschir. And quhen he had maid certane cerimonis efter the custome of thay dayis, he fel on kneis, and said. O vailȝeant and inuincibyll prince quhilk efter sa gret aduersite of fortoun did recouir the realmes of scottis and pichtis with huge difficulte. And dang thy pyssant and riche ennimes be fauoure of goddis out of thir boundis with na les honoure than manheid. We thy natyue pepyll (quhylkis wirschyppit the on lyue with mair reuerence and lufe thā may be tauld) fallis now on kneis with lamentabyll voce before this thy eternall sepulture the last refuge to ws in extreme neid, besekyng hū ly thy funerall goist to be our helper aganis our ennymes. Quhom thou sumtyme maist vailȝeantly vincust in thir boūdis, & prayis the gif thow hes ony auctoryte afore the goddis for thy syngulare virtew schawin to ws in the erd, to suffer nocht ws thy posterite to be ouirthrawin with dyspytefull ennymes, quhylkis inuadis ws but tytyll of battall. ☞¶Suffer nocht thy fame O vailȝeant campyoun to decay now amang ws be vyctory of thy iniust ennymes, sen thay ben sa oft vincust be the in thir boundis, and dreuin be thy syngulare manheid to implore thy mercy in thair last refuge. [Page lv] Quhairthrow thy name emparyng sall na wayis, bot euir indure in terroure of thy fais. ¶Als sone as Mogallus had maid his prayer to Galdus in this maner, all the army began to enbras his ymage, & maid thair prayer thairto for happy passage and returnyng in thair iurnay. The wod wemen (sic as war inflammit with diuine spreit) skurgit yame self to make thaym seme the mair religious. And be aduise of Druydes the solempne preistis afore rehersit, thay maid solempne cursynis on the romanis for violation of thair faith and band afore contrackit.
¶Hovv the confiderat kyngis come vvith thair armyis aganis the romanis. Of the orison maid be Mogallus, and Lucius Anthonius to thair armyis, and hovv the Romanis vvar discomfist. Capi. iii.
MOgallus come not lang eftir in Annandale, to meit Unipane king of Pichtis. For he abaid his cū ming with ane weil arrayit ost of pichtꝭ. Als sone as baith thair armyis was assemblit togidder, thay went baith in Westmurland & Cumbir, quhilkꝭ war (as than) prouinces of romanis. And first thay brocht ane huge pray of men & guddis fra the samyn. And the resydew that mycht nocht be tursit) put in fyre. The inhabitantis for feir of thir iniuris fled to Ȝork, and complanit to Lucius Anthonius roman [...] capitane of the cruelteis done be Scottis and pichtis. Lucius thā assemblit ane strang army, and went forthwart with greit ordinance to [...]ant his ennymes. Mogallus seing his ennymes in sicht, callit his men to the standart, and said in this maner. I fynd na thing (vailȝeant campionis) that bringis nobyll mē soner to louyng and glore, than to resist ye iniure of ennymes fechtand for yair realme and liberte to the deith, that thay be nocht subdewit to schamfull seruytude. As may be weill prouyn baith be example of vncouth pepyll, and be syngulare virtew of our vailȝeant antecessouris. Remember, be quhat manheid and wysdome kyng Edere supportit Cassibilane king of Britonis, Quhen Iulius the Romane consull was doungin out of Albion, be quhilk he cōquest na les honour to him self, thā to his posterite. Siclike the nobyll Caratak was na les decorit be his virtew in merit of louyng, quhen he fechtand sa oft tymes be syndry chācis of fortoun mycht neuir be vincust. And yocht he had ane hard fortoune, and brocht (as presoneir) to Rome be treasoun of Cartumandia. ȝit he had inuincibyll spreit, defendyng ay his realme to his last dayis. And was haldy [...] yairfore in sic reuerence and dredour amang his ennymes, that he was finaly restorit baith to his realme and honouris, to be exampyll to all othir efter hym to haue excellent fortitude aganis all trubyl. Siklike Corbreid his bruthir in defence of his liberte, faucht sa cruelly aganis the proude Romanis and brocht thaym to sic irrecouerabyll afflictioun and slauchter, that thay mycht neuir inuade this realme duryng his lyffe.
¶Remember alsua my gudschir Galdus maist vailȝeant prince that euir was afore his dayis. Howbeit he was inuadit with perpetuall trubyll fechtand nocht only aganis [Page] Romanis bot aganis fortoun, sa oft vincust and chasit, his army brokin. (Ilk calamite īcressing aboue othir) Ȝit with mychty curage he perseuerit ay in hope of better fortoun. Quhill at last be lang battall of virtew aganis his vnhappy infortuniteis, he ouirthrew fortoun, and conquest be mercyall prowes and manheid sa interminabyl victory & glore, that he vincust his ennymes with iii. syndry battallis, & brocht thaym be fleing to thair tentis to sic subiectioun and mesiry, that quhare thay culd nocht be content afore of the [...]aill boundis of the warld, that mycht nocht we [...]ll defende thaym self within thair sorowfull tentis, throw quhilk he gat the excellent glore that neuir afore succedit to leuand crea [...]. Hauand the ambassatouris of Romanis (be quhome al kingis and realmis be subdewit) deieckit at his feit desiring grace. In mair witnes heirof (the place quhare thir Romanis war defait) is callit Galloway that the fame of his illuster werkis sall neuir euanis bot ay remane in recent memorye. Forthir the mair strang, the mair pissant that his fais war, the mair glore succedit to hym and his pepyll. Heirfore ȝe my gud cumpanȝeonis (quhilkis ar ye posterite of thay forcy cāpionis that sumtyme faucht aganis the Romanis with y e said Galdus). Remember ya [...] ȝour battall is this day only aganis yame, quhilkis hes afore sa oftymes bene vincust be ȝour cheuelry, & remanis only on lyue be ȝour mercy. Consider weill quhat ȝe ar, for ȝe ar victouris vnbrokin of curage, & defendouris of ȝour realme, liberteis, wyffis, barnis, and natyue guddis, and ar to fecht for na ambutioun nor auarice, bot allanerly be cōstant virtew. Consider als quhat schame it i [...] to thinke that Romanis may noch [...] be vincust. Sen thay haue bene s [...] oft before defait, traist fermely the same virtew & fortoun is in to ȝoure handis, as was in ȝoure eldaris· Pas forthwart (vailȝeant campionis) for victory is present in ȝour handis & put ȝour vincust fais to flicht, for all thingis sal follow (as ȝe pleis) gyf ȝe haue curage. ¶Mogallus be thir wordis inflammit ye myndis of his army to battall. ¶On the tothir syde Lucius Anthonius was na les diligent perswadyng the Romanis be vehement orison to do vailȝeantly be exemple and imitation of thair forebearis, and to remember thaym be quhat difficill laubouris thay led battallis, and vincust thair forcy & strang ennymes. Remēbring thaym als how thay war than to fecht aganis ane barbar pepyll but virtew, and mouit to battall be wodnes and fury. Be quhilk baith thair manheid and reason was confundit, and mouand thaym to battall be fuliche hardiment. And thairfore (quhen maist dangeir occurritt) hay war sone discomfist and brokin. He desirit yame als to haue confidence in y e Romane virtew, and take na feir of thair bludy cruell and vnarmit ennymes, deuidit amang thaym self be perpetual sedition. And nocht assemblit for luf and weill of thair self, bot onely for hatrent of thair fais. ¶Take ȝoure wappinnis (said he) with sicker esperance of victory, and ȝe sall conques infinite glore but straik, and recouir the landis tynt afore be sleuth of Gneus Tribellius. ¶Skarsly war thir wordis said, quhen baith the armyis iunit with mair ardēt Ire thā may be tauld. The Romanis schot yair dartis, & ye cōfiderat pepyl yair [Page lvi] arowis ganȝeis and stanis. Quhen ye wemen (of quhilkis gret nowner was in this army) had cassin incredybill multitude of stanis, thay tuke thair awful wappinnis, and faucht aboue the cruelte of men ruscheand on thair fais but ony feir of woūdis or deith. The strenth of the ground was na les support to oure folkis than impediment to oure fais. For thay knew nocht the ground and fell sumtymes in swardis of mossis & sūtyme in well Eys, throw quhylk thay war oft tymis deuydit in thair fechting. Ȝit the battal was cruelly fochtin in all partis specially in the myddis quhare the capitanis inflamit the curage of thair army. The romanis contending to saif thaym fra thirlage of barbar pepyll. And the Scottis to keip the victory gotin be manheid of thair eldaris. Efter lang and lauborius battall thay left thair swerdis and faucht with schort dagerꝭ. And becaus sa innowmerabyll slauchter was on all sidis, and nane of the armyis appering to geif place to othir, the capitanis on athir syde war penitent that thair army iunit that day. At last the scottis and pichtis be innatiue ferocite began to put thair ennymes abak. Nocht as thay war discomfist, bot eschewing sum thing the fury of battall. Becaus thay mycht na forthir resist y e multitude of thair ennymes. Quhill Lucius beheld sa hie dāgeir appering to his folkis, And was exhortyng thaym to renew battall, he gat sic ane straik with ane arow, y t he mycht na mair tary, bot fled out of the feild. Incontinent all his army fled to ye nixt woddis. Ane cumpany of thaym war stoppit to cum to thair fallowis, and nocht knawyng (quhare to fle) war slane be scottis, becaus thay wald nocht be takin presoneris.
¶Hovv Adriane empi [...]ioure come in Britane, and biggit ane strang vvall to saif the Britonis and Romanis fra scottis & pichtis, hovv he returnit in Frāce & left Victorine to be capitane of Britane. Ca. iiii.
NOw was the sonne fast tendyng to his occasion, quhen the confiderat pepyll be sound of trūpat colleckit the residew of thair folkis fra the chace, and passit the remanent of y e nycht with incredibyll blithnes, syngyng, dansyng, and karolyng. At the spring of the day thay gaderit the ryche spulȝeis of slane men. And in the mene tyme quhen the two kyngis war takand consultatioun for the weill of thair army, was schawin that ane cumpany of Romanis (quhylkis war eschapit fra this last battal (war within twa mylis to thair army gāgand wyll and nocht knawand be quhat cuntre or partis thay mycht maist esaly fle, Incontinent ane band of scottis went to thaym, and left none of thaym on lyffe, for thay refusit to be takyn. ¶On the morrow the confiderat kyngis maid sacrifice (as the gyse was in thay dayis) to thair goddꝭ for y e victory fallyng to yame. Syne tuke diligent examynatioun quhat personis dyd maist vassalage in this last battall, and rewardit thaym thairefter. ¶Lucius Anthonius vincust in this maner send to the emprioure Adryane, schawyng quhat trubyll was laitly fallyn in Brytane be weris of scottis & Pichtis, & desyring hym to send haistely [Page] support in Britane. Otherwayes ye Romanis salbe schamefully doung out of all boūdis thairof, or ellis subdewit to seruitude of barbar peple. Adriane empriour to dant this rebellioun come with ane huge army in Albioun. Eftir this cumyng he wes aduertist how y e Scottis with more cruelte than afore, wer cumyng in y e Romane landis, ceissyng fra na maner of cruelte that mycht be deuisit on ye inhabitantis thairof. Adriane astonyst & rycht desyrus to reuenge thir offencis, come to Ȝork▪ Quhare he remanit with the remanent army of Britonis, quhill he wes prouidit with twa monethis vittallis to pas on the Scottis and Pychtis. Sone eftir he rasit his campe, and with gret difficulte brocht ye samyn [...] Tyne. And on the four [...] day eftir, he come in the landis quhilkis wer waistit be the Scottis. And becaus he fand euery thing (yat mycht nurys his army) distroyit, he began to inquire of quhat lyfe & condition thir pepill bene, that maid sic extorsionis in the Ronane landis. It wes schawin. Thay wer ane rude & vndantit pepill, and lay thair furth all wynter nocht withstanding ye cauld frostis & stormꝭ. And lay at sic strenthis & mossis, that thay mycht not be persewit but extreme dangeir to thair inuasouris. For thir causis he left purpos to pas ony forthir, and to keip thaym fra all incursionis of ennymes in tymes cumyng, he beildit ane huge wall of fail and deuait rycht braid and hie in maner of ane hill fra the mouth of Tyne fornens the Almane seis to the flude of Esk fornens the Ireland seis. This wal was .lxxx. mylis of lenth. It is said in our croniklis that this dike wes begun be Adriane, and endit be Seuerus the Romane emprioure. And callit the wal of Seueir. Bot we followyng Ueremond callis it the wal of Adriane fra the first foundoure. Sone eftir Adriane past in Westmureland & Walis, quhare he wes aduertist of new rebellioun maid aganys hym be the inhabitantis of y e said lād, nochtheles he behauit hym sa prudently in this mater that the principall mouaris yairof wer punyst. And the cuntre restorit to his opinioun. Eftir this he come to London and Kent, and rewardit the nobillis of Britane for thair faith and obedience kepit to Romanis. Sic thyngis done he returnit in France with Lucius Anthoniꝰ quhilk wes yan trublit with gret infirmite. And left Uictoryne ī his place. This Uictoryne eftir y e departyng of Adriane stuffit all the castellis and strenthis of Britane with new munition and vageouris to resist the violence of Scottis and Pychtis. Followit mony ȝeris eftir gret tranquillite amāg the Britonis.
¶Hovv Scottis and Pichtis partit ye landis be [...]ond the vvall of Adriane. Hovv kyng Mogallus vvas degenerit in corruppit lyf, and slane for his tyranny. Ca. v.
THe Scottꝭ & Pychtis partit amang thaym al ye landis of Brytane lyand beȝound the wal of Adriane in this maner. All the landis fornens the Ireland seis wer geuin to Scottis. And the landis fornens the Almane seis to Pychtis. The strenthis liand nixt y e wal of Adrian war gar [...]yst with gret munitionis to keip the countre fra iniure of Ronis. Bot we returne to our historie. [Page lvii] the resydew of Mogallus lyffe was in quiete but ony vncouth or domestyk weiris. Nochtheles this huge victory of romanis maid hym degenerit fra virtew in maist detestabyll vicis. For he was sa geuyn to auarice and lust in his eild, that he eschamyt of na maner of vice nor oppressioun done aganis his liegis, defloring the wyffis of his nobyllis and cōmonis but ony schame or respect to thair estait. And nocht onely deforsit virginis and matronis, bot annullit all constitutionis & lawis maid for punitioun of sic horribyll dedis. Attour to aggrege his tyranny, he gaue lycence to theiffis and reuaris to take the gudis of thair nychtbouris (gif thay wantit) but punitioun, and slew all the riche men of his cuntre be vane causis and cō fiscat thair gudis. He was the first kyng that statute y e gudis of banist or condampnit personis to be confiscat to the kyngis vse, but ony respect to thair wiffis, children, or dettouris. Afore that tyme, the gudis, landis, and possessionis of all condampnit ꝑsonis come but ony pley to fre dispositioun of thair wyffis & childrē. This law (quhilkis schawis weill y e cursit auarice of Mogallus) is ȝit obseruat but ony reuocatioun in this regioun. And ȝit the horribyl dedis of this tyrane mycht nocht be lang vnpunist. For the nobillis and commonis impacient to suffer sic tyrannyis, conspyrit aganis hym, and instruckit certane men to wait ganand place and tyme for his slauchter. Mogallus knawyng the nobyllis cōspirit aganis hym on this maner, tuke consultatioun of certane Iuglouris (quhylkis war richt frequent in thay dayis) to fle in y e Ilis. And to dissimill his passage he went to his bed sonar than he was wont, as he had bene strikin with suddane infirmite. Sone efter he armyt hym with his halkrig, bow, and arowis, and fled with two seruandis to the nixt wod, and left behynd hym the residew of his cursit cumpany (as ane tyrane dois) that confidis in no creature. The nobyllis that war conspirit aganis hym beand aduertist of his fleig, followit on hym sa scharply, that he was finaly comprehendit and slane the .xxvi. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the incarnation .i C.xlviii. ȝeris. Anthonius Pius beand emprioure and Phiacus albus regnand aboue the Pychtis. the heid of Mogallus was borne on ane staik to the nyxt towne, quhare ane multitude of pepyll war gaderit to his perpetuall schame. It was deuysit be the pepyl y t his body suld be cassyn to y e houndis and reuanus beistis, nochtheles the nobyllis mouit be ye worthy dedis of Galdus his gudschir cōmandit his heid and body to be buryit amang the kyngly sepulturis of his progenitouris. This schameful and vnhappy end maid Mogallus, degenerat fra the virtew of his antecessouris.
¶Of syndry nobyll clerkis. Of the vicius kyng Conaru [...], and hovv he vvas degradit of all auctorite, & his seruādis hingit for thair vvickit counsal. Ca. .vi.
ERa the deith of Dardānus to thir days, war mony excellent clerkis ī syndry ꝑtis of y e warld as Quintiliane oratoure, Serapio medcinar. Philo Iow philosophour & oratour. Cayus Pleniꝰ secundus that wrait the hystory naturall [Page] in .xxxviii. bukis, with na les treuth than eloquence. Cornelius Tacitus writar of hystoryis, quhom we haue followit in this werke. Cecilius Plenius secundus oratoure. Suetonius Tranquillus▪ Ptolomeus maist excellent ī mathamatik, Quhilk brocht the cosmography of Ptolomy afore rehersit to ane better knawlage with mony new additionis. L. Apuleus oratour. Aulus Gellius, Plutercus Cheronius philosophour. And in thay dayis war excellent poetis. As Iuuenale, Sillius, Italicꝰ, Mercialis, with mony othe [...]is. About this tyme y e Romane princis persewit cristen pepyll with gret cruel [...]e, and brocht gret nowmer of [...]ha [...]m to marterdome, nocht knawyng quhat constance was in the reli [...]ioun of cristin faith. Quhilk [...] ay the more strenthy that it [...] ꝑs [...]wit be tyranny, and agmen [...]it with na thyng sa nickle, as be scharp persecutioun. Bot we will retur [...] quhare we left) to our historie. Mogallus mycht weill haue bene noumerit in the begynnyng of his empire amang maist nobill princis. Bot ī y e end he wes nothir worthy to be kyng, nor ȝit ane leuand creature and deseruit weil y e end that he gat. Forthir, his sonne Conarus (quhilk succedit eftir him) had litil better for toun or maneris. For he instrukit hꝭ men with hid wachyng to sla his fader, and so be vnnaturall cruelte he succedit to ye crown. In the begynnyng of his empire he dissimilit the vices, to quhilkis he wes naturally inclinit. Als sone as the realme wes stabillit to hym in sicker peace, he waistit al the publik rentis ꝑ [...]enand to the crown in his infamit lust, and gaue braid landis & riches to maist vile and diffamit creaturis, becaus thay louit his corruppit maneris & vice▪ and be counsall of thir wickit schrewis he gouernit his realme, detestyng all nobill and virtewis men of his realme. And set hym to induce his peple to superflew & riatus bankettis contrar the temperance of his antecessouris. At last quhen he had waistit all his treasour & substāce in mony schāful wayis, he cōuenit his nobillis to ane counsal. In y e quhilk he schew be lang orison the honest & triumphant cheir of his hous, as na litill glore suld be geuyn thairto. And becaus his rentis and treasour wes nocht sufficient to sustene the samyn (as he vsit) he desyrit ane geneall stent to be tane throw ye realme of Ilk person eftir his faculte, to sustene his hous and seruandis, accordyng to his estait riall and honourꝭ It wes answerit be his nobillis, y t thay mycht nocht gyf ane haisty deliuerance in sa gret ane mater. Becaus he desirit certane thyngis, quhilkis wer neuir desyrit be ony othir prince afore. And for that cause thay suld degestlie auyse, & schaw to hym thair mynd concernyng the same on the morow. Thir nobillis in y e nycht followyng conuenit to thair secreit counsall. And becaus thay fand the kyng of euill gouernance, thay concludit to degraid hym of his auctorite and kyngdome. On the morow thay cōuenit with thair kyng in coū sall and said to hym, that thay had na litill wounder, that ye rentis pertenand to ye crown mycht nocht suffice als weill to hym hauand his realme but ony trudill in peace. As it did to othir maist nobill princis his progenitouris afore baith in weir & peace. The nobill Galdus (that recouerit his realme) desyrit neuir stent of thaym for na maner of chargis [Page lviii] that he sustenit aganis hꝭ ennymes. Knawyng weil how odius it was to the pepyl to seik ony new exactionis on thaym. And ȝit the gouernance of Conarus was vnlyke to the nobyll Galdus. For Galdus be counsall of prudent men remouit all prouocatioun of lustis fra his army with all othir thingis yat micht maik thaym effemynate, geuand his lauboure to defend his subdittꝭ, and to resist his ennymes. Be contrar Conarus was drownit ī lust, passing his life amāg maist vyle and abhomynabyll creaturis, pretendyng ay to gouerne the realme (quhen hieast besynes occurrit) [...]e thair vnhappy counsall, disherysing the nobyllis of the realme to maik vp his myscheuous lymmarꝭ. And fynaly efter sa mony importabyll wrangis done be hym, he had socht ane thyng richt vncouth & odiꝰ to thaym, to be ane preparatyue to othir kyngis his successouris in tymes cumyng to seik new exactionis on thaym, that all thair riches and guddis micht cum fynaly in his hā dis. Bot his vnhappy counsalouris & mysgidaris of y e realme sall nocht onely be frustrate of thair intentionis. Bot brocht to sic estait, that thay sall myster lytyll reward or ryches fra hym in tymes cumyng. For thay war profoundlie resoluit baith to degraid hym of his kyngdome and honouris. And to punys hꝭ wickit consalouris to the deith. That all pepyl of vile & obscure lynnage may take exempill to abuse realmes and kyngis, and that kyngis may vnderstand quhat dangeir is to thaym to be iniurius tyrannis to thayr subdittis. Conarus heirand thir wourdis said. How dar ȝe mischant fulis pretend sic thyngis aganis me and my seruandis, This treason (that ȝ [...] haue deuisit aganis me) sall turne in dammage of ȝour self. And ȝe sall be punyst in maist cruell maner that may be deuisit. The nobillis answerit that he was vnworthy to be yair kyng. For he sufferit the realme to be distroyit be insolence of vicious lymmers. Incōtinent rais ane huge noys and clamour amang thaym. And in ye mene tyme certane wycht and rank men tuke hym be the myddill. And bure hym perforce to ane quiet chalmer quhare he remanit y e residew of his dayis in miserie. His seruandis (yat wer occasioun of his corrupit lyfe nurisand hym in vice) wer tane and hynggit on Iebaittis as thay deseruit.
¶Hovv Argadus vvas maid gouernou [...] of Scotland duryng the tyme of Conarus in presoun. And of his lyfe and gouernance. Ca. vii.
COnarus beand degradit in yis maner ye nobillis chesit Argadus capitane of A [...]yle to be gouernour of ye realme sa lan [...] as Conarus wes in presoun. This Argadus in ye begynnyng of his auctorite tuke gret laubour for ornament of commoun weill. And stanchit thift, reif, & slauchter, and all othir sic exhorbitant crimes with meruellus craft and prudence. Hauand sic moderatioun, that he semyt nothir to slaw nor ȝit to cruell in administratioun of Iustice. Throwe quhilk he wes traistit to be ane myrrour of virtew to all nobill princis. And ȝit (as oft occurris) gud forton turnyt his mynd fra Iustice. For he set aside al gud maneris, and gouernit his realme (quhen hieast chargis [Page] occurrit) be domistik counsall. And nurist seditionis intestyne betuix ye gret princis of his realme to cause thaym haue the may erandis with hym. He maryit the prince of Fiffis douchter. And be affinite yair of drew the Pychtis to his freindschip, yat he mycht [...]e y • more strang amang his awin pepill. The nobillis impacient to suffer his vicis, callit hym to ane counsall, quhare he wes scharply repreuit, that he chosyn gouernour be thair auctorite for the virtew than apperyng in hym suld make hym nocht onelie to follow the vicious tyranny of Conarꝰ (quhom yai depriuit for his detestabil dedꝭ) bot als to mary w t vncouth blude but thair auyse, and gidyng the realme be priuat counsall to the gret dammage of the common weil. And hes tynt schamefully the gud [...] that he conquest afore in the beginnyng of his auctorite. Argadus heirand hym reprochit in this wi [...]e▪ ȝet furth mony terꝭ & desirit his nobillis to haue hym excusit for ya [...] tyme be yair beniuolence, and nocht to punys hym accordyng to his demeritis. For he promittit to amend al enormiteis done be hym in quhat sort thay plesit. The nobillis mouit be his humyll wourdis continewit hym still in auctorite, and kest al his counsalouris in presoun. Argadus correckit be his nobillis in this maner gouernit the realme in gud Iustice, and did na thyng in tymes cū myng concernyng publik materis without consultatioun of his nobillis. And becaus diuers townis and cieteis of the realme had ouir large preuilege in administratioun of Iustice, he minist mony of yair prerogat [...]uis, and commandit thaym to punis na thyng bot small crymes. all hie offencis to be replegit to his gre [...] Iustice. He maid extreme deligence to serche theuis, reuaris, and oppressouris speciallie thaym that mayd heirschippis in Argyle, Ilis, and othir partis adiacent. And ay quhare thay wer apprehendit thay wer hyngit but ony mercy on Iebaittis. He commandit all personis (that had ony office or auctorite of hym) to abstene fra sic thyngis as mycht mak thaym inebriat or dronkin, to cause thaym haue sum preeminence and wisdome aboue the commonis. He commandit al scudlaris, tauernaris dronkartis and othir siclike vile pepill deuisit more for lust, than ony necessar sustenance of men to be exilit within ane certane day. The day beand run, he commandit thair guddis to be confiscat quhare euir thay mycht be apprehendit. Finalie the commoun pepil sum part be beniuolence of Argadus, & sum part be thir institutionis wer reformit in gudde maneris, quhill at last Conarus be lang se [...]knes and malancoly (quhilk he tuke for his incarceration) deceissit the .xiiii. ȝeir of his regne, Anthonius Aureliꝰ beand than empriour.
¶Of kyng Ethodius the first & hovv he pecifyit the Ilis, Hovv the scottis & pichtis brak dovvn the vvall of Adriane, & faucht aganis ye Romanis vvith syndry chancis of victory. Ca. viii.
EFtir deith of Conarꝰ the nobillis be generall cōuention maid Ethodiꝰ kyng. For he wes nepot to Mogallꝰ gottin on his sister. Ethodius eftir his coronation rewardit Argadus gouernour with landis and riches, for his gud ministration of Iustice duryng his tyme [Page lix] and maid hym generall lieutenand of his realme. Yis nobill prince past in Ilis, and pecifyit the same of all debaitis. At his returnyng ī Albion he wes aduertist, that the Romanis had brokin down ye wal of Adrian. And in place thairof hes beildit gret strenthis of treis, stanis, & deuaitis. And be the samyn maid mony heirschippis in the landis of Scottis & Pychtis. Of quhom ane gret nowmer wer slane in defence of thair awin guddis. And ye remanent discomfist. Als sone as Ethodius hard thir nouellis, he send ane herald to Uictoryne. Desiring redres to be maid within .xv. dayis, with certificatioun gif y • samyn wer nocht done within ye said tyme. He suld recouir the samyn be force of battal. It was answerit be Uictoryne that this last pray of guddis was takin be Romanis to recompens syndry othir heirschippis maid afore be scotis & pichtis. For thay war ane seditious pepyl and confiderat only for dāmage of thair nichtbouris as apperit cleirly, becaus thay brak first y • said wall of Adrian, & beildit syndry strenthis fornens the samyn to trubyll the Romanis and Britonis but ony sycht to peace afore contrackit. Ethodius mouit be this answer send his ambassatouris to the kyng of Pichtis, and desyrit hym to cum with his folkis agane ane certane day to recouer thair guddis tane be Romanis. The kyng promittit to be reddy as was desyrit, The Romanis weil aduertist of thir materis, prouydit ane huge ordinance of battall aganis thair ennymes. The confiderat pepyl rasit thair armyis at the day prefixt, & brak down the wall of Adrian in mony partis, & enterit with maist cruell heirschippis and slauchter in the landis of Romanis. In y e nycht followyng the Romanis slippit by y • tentis of Scottis and Pichtis, and come baith in Mers and Berwyk to draw thaym out of the Romane landis. The confiderat kyngis weil aduertist thairof come with gret diligence on y e morrow to rescours thair landis. Incontinent baith y e armyis ruschit togidder, & faucht with syndry chance of victory. For the rycht wyngis war victorius on ylk syde, and the left wyngis discomfist. The myd batallis faucht ythandly quhyl the nycht bereft thaym thair sycht. And sa [...]aith the said battallis seuerit on thair awin wyll but ony victory. On the morow al the wemen (yat followit the Scottis and Pychtis to this battal) seyng the feild desert, gaderit the spulȝeis of slane men & returnit with the samyn in Scotland. This battall was sa sorowful, that the ȝeir nixt followyng was in quiet but ony motioun of weiris.
¶Hovv Victorine vvas depriuit of auctoryte, and Calphurnius Agricola send in his place. Hovv Calphurnius reparit the vval of Adrian, & returnit to Rome. Ca. ix.
VIctoryne seyng his army brokyn ī this maner, wrait to Aurelius emprioure▪ and schew all this trubyll that fell to Romanis be this last battall with euery circumstance afore rehersit. ☞ ¶The emprioure traistyng this trubyll, fallyn to Romanis be febyll curage of victoryne, depriuit hym of all auctoryte, and send Calphurnius Agricola (quhilk was [...]epot to Iuliꝰ agricola [Page] afore rehersit) in his place. Calphurniꝰ at his cumyng ī Britane assemblit ane large power of Britonis & Romanis at Ȝork to inuade the confiderat pepyll. And first maid sacrifice to the goddis to haue victory on his ennymes. Syne rasit his camp & come beȝond the wall of Adrian, quhare he fand be frequent weiris al the landis waist but ony cornis or frutis. All the townis brynt be scottis, that na lugeyng suld remane to thair ennymes. Calphurnius nochtwithstandyng thir direptionis went forthwart with his army & inuadit baith Mers & Pentland with irrecouerabyl skaithis, and slew the inhabitantis thairof in al partis but ony mercy or ranson. Sic thyngis done he returnit to Ȝork, & remanit thair the wynter followyng with the resyd [...]w of his army makand prouysion [...] the scottis & pichtis agane the nixt symer In the mene tyme he [...] [...]etteris, that Welche men with syndry othir pepyll of Brytane wer reb [...]llit. And be the said rebellyoun mony cieteis and townis that stude at the opinioun of Romanis brynt & heryit, and the inhabitantis thairof [...]uelly slane. Calphurniꝰ dreidand to tyne the landis conquest afore be sa huge difficulte in persewt of new rowmis, left y e Scottis and Pichtꝭ and maid hym with all diligence to renew the wall of Adrian, that the samyn mycht be ane targe in tymes cū myng aganis the violence of Scottis and Pychtis. Sone efter he gat syndry craftismen to clenge the fowseis and to repair the said wall in all partis with touris and bastailȝeis rysyng in the strangest maner that mycht be deuisit. And quhen the wal was reparit in all partis, he left ane band of weirmen to debait ye samyn fra violence of ennymes, and went with the resydew of his army on the Welche men. And thay with na les diligence met hym in arrayit battal. Nochtheles thay war fynaly vincust and chasit. Skarsly was this battall pecifyit, quhen haistely followit ane othir be rebellyoun of the Ile of Wycht. The inhabitantis thairof come with proude baner aganis the Romanis, and war vincust on the same maner as afore. The cō fiderat pepyll seand the Brytonis dantit in this wyse, held thaym in thair awin rowmes but ony inuasyoun of Romanis, dreidand y e samyn chāce of victory in this Calphurniꝰ Agricola, that was afore with Iulius Agricola. Quhilk subdewit sa mony regionis of Scottis and Pychtis to Romane empyre. Calphurnius heirand be thir exploratouris how the confiderat pepyll war skalit but ony molestatioun done to his pepyll, maid hym to meis al seditionis (gif ony war rysyng) amang the Brytonis. And quhen he had pecifyit thaym on all debaittis he returnit be command of Anthonius Commodus empriour of Rome.
¶Hovv Trebellius vvas send in Britane, and vvas vincust be the scottis & pichtis. Of the rebelliō of Britonis aganis hym, and of his message send to the empriour. Ca. x.
EFter the departyng of Calphurniꝰ, ane new capitane namit P. Trebellius was send in Brytane be the Emprioure.
This Trebellius gouernit Brytane mair be beniuolence & fauoure than ony auctoryte. He vsit the counsall [Page lx] of Britonis in his hie besynes & did gret honour to Lucius kyng of Britonis, cōmendyng hym oftymes be his wrytyngis to the emprioure, that he was baith luffer of the commoun weil of Rome, and ennyme to all thaym that hatit ye empire thairof. Trebellius come in sic fauour to Lucius kyng of Britonis be thir cō mēdationis, that he beleuit na thing micht succede to his dāmage in Britane. And began thairfore to schaw his fenȝeit mynd as man of insaciabyll auarice. For he slew mony riche men in Britane only to confisk thair gudis, and otheris banist to ye same effect. Thir cruelteis maid hym sa odius, that he had bene oftymes inuadit and slane, war nocht he was ythandly supportit be the said Lucius. The confiderat pepil knawing the hatrent of Britonis aganis Trebellius, thocht the tyme expedient to reuenge auld iniuris. And efter that thay had gaderit ane army with all prouysyoun (that mycht be deuysit) thay brak down the wall of Adriane quhilk was reparit afor be Calphurnius▪ and wrocht intollerabyl cruelteis on the Britonis, that obeit to romanis. Trebellius mouit be thir displesouris went with ane army of horsmen and futemen aganis y e scottis and pichtis. At his first iunyng ye Britonis and Frenche men (quhilkis wer ane gret part of his army) left hym. Throw quhilk he was esaly vincust, and all his army put to flycht. And yocht ye victory succedit to scottis and pichtis in this battall ȝit innowmerabyl slaucht was maid on thaym als well as of romanis. Trebellius dyscomfyst on this maner, colleckit the resydew of his army, & returnit to Ȝork. The scottis & pichtis become richt insolent efter this victory. And to reuenge y e slauchter sa mony ȝeris maid on thaym, thay slew al the presoneris, quhilkis war takin in yis last feild, And come with new army on the pepyl y t dwelt in Westmureland & Kendale, & inuadit yame with sic cruelte, y t thay war disparit but refuge. Howbeit Trebellius was gretumly commouit at thir offencis, he durst nocht assaylȝe his ennimes with battall▪ for he had na les suspection aganis y e Britonis than aganis the scottis and pichtis. Nochtheles be frequent ieoperdyis he slew his ennymes ay quhare he mycht apprehend thaym but ony miseration. In y e samyn tyme rais mekyll trubyll in Britane. For ye cōmonis seing thaym ylk day mair iniurit be ye scottis & pichtis but ony esperance of redres, chesit Caldorꝰ ane vailȝeant knycht of pichtis blude to be thair capitane in thair rebellion. For he was mony ȝeris accustomit with thair manerꝭ, hauand na thing in mair hatrent, than tyranny of Romanis. Trebellius knawing y e gret dangeir appering be this trubyll, tuke lang consultation be quhat industry & laubour he mycht best resist thairto. Efter degeist aduisement, he tuke purpos to fecht with Britonis. For gif thair power war midli [...] with scottis & pichtis, y e samyn mycht not be dantit but gret slauchter of romanis. The Britonis (becaus thair army was colleckit of commonis) wer astonist be his cūmyng. Nochtheles be impulsion of Caldorus thair capitane, thay iunit with thair ennimes in gret ferocite and spreit. Followit ane bludy & terribyll battall fochtin w t doutsum victory. Bot at last y e britonis war vincust. Caldorꝰ eschapit out of yis battal w t certane his freindis & returnit ī Pentland, reiosing ī [Page] his mynd that sa mony Romanis & Britonis wer slane be his industry. Mony nobillis of Britane wer in thꝭ feild aganis y • Romans. Howbeit thay wer cloithit vnder landwart habyt. And quhen thay saw the Romanis be rageand fury sla sa mony of ye cōmonis, thay discouerit yame self to Romanis, traistyng (becaus thay wer nobillis) to be y e erar saissit and tane presoneris. Quhen Trebellius wes aduertist how thay dissimulit thair habyt, and wer the caus of this rebellion, he gart hing yame in presens of al the pepill on Iebai [...]is. This cruelte maid Trebellius [...]cht odious to ye Britonis. For on the morrow thay tuke als mony Romanis and hangit thaym on the samyn maner. Trebelliꝰ dreding gret dangeir apperyng in al partis, [...] to the emprioure of the trea [...] of Britonis and iniuris done be Sco [...]tis and Pychtis. And desyrit support to be send haistely, or ellis y e Romanis suld be doung schamefully out of Britane. Comodus Anthonius empriour to dant yis rebellion of Britonis, Scottis and Pychtis, send ane vailȝeaunt knycht namyt Pertenar in Britane. Quhilk eftir his cumyng dantit the ennymes of Romane empire mair be beniuloēce than ony preis of armys. Howbeit ane certane of thaym (y t wer of smal reputatioun) wer punyst to ye deith Eftir yis he rasit his camp, and combeȝond the wall of Adriane, quhare he inuadit the Scottis and Pichtis with heirschippis and slauchter, bot quhen he suld haue ꝓcedit forwart. He gat writyngis, that Commodus emprioure wes slane be treason of his famyliaris. And sone eftir he returnyt to Rome, quhare he wes chosin emprioure, and eftir his coronatioun Trebellius wes send agane in Britane.
¶Hovv Argadus lieutenand to kyng Ethodius vvas slane and his army discomfist in the Ilis. Of syndry lavvis and actis maid be Ethodius, & of his slauchter. Ca. xi.
QUhil sic thingis wer done in Britane, succedit gret trubyll to Ethodius in Scotland. For sindry gret Clannis of the Ilys to reuenge y e slauchter of thair freindis (quhilkis wer slane be Argadus quhen he wes gouernour) ariuit w t ane gret power in Argyle, and maid slauchter and heirschippis in all partis thairof but ony miseratioun of estait. Ethodius to punys thir attemptatis, send Argadus his lieutenand with ane cumpany of chosyn men in Argyle, and come with ane army baith of Scottis and Pichtis to the wall of Adriane to fecht with Romans & Britonis gyf thay wald inuaid hym. The Clannis of y e Ilis knawyng the cumyng of Argadus conuenit suddanlie wi [...]h thair capitane to meit hym. And left two .M. Ireland men (quhilkis come with thaym for spulȝe) hid vnder craggꝭ & couis of that land to take Argadus (gyf thay mycht) at sū auātage. Als sone as thir Ireland men persauit Argadus cumyng by thaym. Thay ruschit al atanys apō hym with ane schout. Argadus seing hym inuadit on athir syde, turnyt all dredour in maist fury, and faucht with incredibill manheid to the deith. And wes finalie slane with .ii. thousand men of his army. And the residew put to flycht. Kyng Ethodiꝰ become rycht displesant to the Clannys of y e Ilis for this offence. For he come sone eftir [Page lxi] with .xx. thousand men in Argyle. The clannis of the Ilis aduertist of his cumyng, pullit vp salis to haue fled in y e Ilis. Nochtheles thay wer dreuin agane in Argyle with contrarius wyndis. Kyng Ethodiꝰ knawyng thaym disparit men, and nocht abill to be vincust but hie dammage & slauchter of his pepil, brak thaym mair be wisdome than ony violence of battall. And brocht thaym to sic necessite, that thay wer cōstranit for falt of vittallis to seik peace, quhilk wes grantit to thaym vnder thir cō ditionis. Ye principall capitane and twa hundreth (quhom ye kyng wald cheis of thair cumpany) salbe deliuerit to vnderly ye wil of hym and his nobillis. And ye remanent to return hame but thair swerdis in the Ilis. Thir Clannys and men of the Ilis seyng na refuge tuke peace on the samyn condition, and deliuerit sa mony as the kyng plesit, quhilkis wer Iustifyit and pu [...] to deith. The residew seyng thair capitane and thair freindis slane, come with ane huge nowmer of stanis (becaus thay wantit thair swerdis) on the kyngis army. As rammist and wod creaturis to haue reuengit y e slauchter of yair freindis. Nochtheles ane gret end of thaym with litill lauboure wes slane and ye remanent put to flicht. The Ilis dantit on this maner, & ye Britonis leuand in seruitude vnder romanis, Ethodiꝰ had his realme ī peace but ony vncouth or domistik weiris mony ȝeris eftir. And eftir y t he had visit all boundis thairof, he chesit sindry prudent men to be Iugis for administratioun of Iustice to his subdittis. And that he suld nocht dull be approchyng of age in sleuth, he gaue his ingyne to huntyng. As he wes lernit in his ȝouth. And commandit the lawis maid afore be his nobill antecessouris concernyng hūting to be obseruit. And first he cōmandit y t na haris be slane (quhen thay ar lyand) with clubbis, arowis, dartis, or ony siclik instrumentis. Nor ȝit tane be nettis or girnis, becaus haris wer oftymes murdrist be sic maner but ony game. He commandit als gyf y e haris had forrun the hundis be lang renk, to be na forthir persewit. Siclike that na man sla ane baggit Hynd, nor ȝit thair calffis. It wes defendit als to sla ane hair with ony othir ingyne than chace of hundis, and na huntyng to be vsit duryng the season of wynter and Ueir. For in that season the erd is so ouir couerit with snawis, that the deir ar constranit to discend fra the montanis to the planis to serche thair fude, & oftymes murdrist but ony game. Thir lawis wer maid be Ethodius. For he detestit na thyng mair, than the honorabill game of huntyng (quhilk wes ordanit for his nobillis and gentill men) to be distroyit be sic febill slychtis but solace. Attoure quhen yis prince vakit fra his hūtyng, he wes geuin to honest pleseiris, and nurist with hym crafty menstralis of all sortis Bot at last he wes treasonably slane vnder nycht be ane menstrale of the Ilis, quhome he had in gret delite. This menstrale wes fynalie tane be the kyngis gard, and quhen he wes accusit, quhy he slew hꝭ natiue price yat wes so familiar and tendir with hym, he answerit that he slew the king, becaus the king slew mony of his freindis afore in Argyle. And sen he had so condingly reuengit ye slauchter of his freindis, quhilk he wes determyt mony dayis afore to do, And his vehement affectioun satifyit [Page] be his vailȝeant deid, he desyrit to leif na lāgar. And bad thaym vse quhat cruelte thay list, for his offence. For his curage was na les reddy to sustene the deith thā it was to sla the kyng. Attoure thair was na kynd of deith sa cruell to be deuysit on hym, that mycht cause hym to repent the kyngis slauchter, sen he be the samyn hes so cōdynglie reuengit the slauchter of his deir freindis Skarsly wer thir wourdis said be the said menstrale, quhen his body wes drawin sindry with wyld hors. Ethodius wes slane the .xxxiii. ȝeir of his regne. And beryit in Dunstafage amang the sepulturis of his ꝓgenitouris. His regne come to the empire of Seuerus emprioure.
¶ [...] mony nobyll clerkis. Hovv [...] tuke the faith of Crist. Of the vici [...]us kyng Satrahell and of his deith. Ca. xii.
ABout yis tyme fluryst mony nobill clerkis ī sindry par [...]is of the warld, as Galian [...] and Ipocrates medcinaris Appollonius oratoure, quhilk wes martyrit be Gentylis, for makyng of ane orisone in louyng of y e glorius virgine Mary. Mony pepill began in this tyme to detest the errouris of Gentilis. And tuke the sicker faith of Crist. Luciꝰ kyng of Britonis heirand be the Romanis vnder Trebellius of the myraclis and religion of Cristin faith, send writyngis to Elethuriꝰ (quhilk wes the .xiiii. paip fra sanct Peter) to gyf the cristin faith to hym and his pepill. Sone efter come in Britane, two haly men Fugatius & Damanius. Quhilkis brocht the said Lucius and his pepill to the sacrament of Baptyme. And put doun al vane superstitionis and Idolitrys. The ȝeir that Britane tuke the faith of Crist wes fra his incarnatioun. ane hundreth .lxxxvii. ȝeris. Bot we wil return to our history. Eftir deth of Ethodius, his sonnis wer of so tender age, yat thay mycht nocht succeid. And thairfore Satrahell his brothir wes maid kyng. This Satrahell wes ane man of sle and fals ingyne, and geuin to sic cruelte and treason, That he slew be fenȝeit causis mony of all the freindis of Ethodius to defraude his ayris of the crown. He wes so vnmerciful to the commonis and nobillis, yat he spulȝeit thaym baith of yair guddis and landis. And mony of yame for vane causis put to deith. Thus grew he Ilk day rycht odius baith to his cō monis and nobillis. Sone eftir followit discord, dissension and domistik weris amang freindis & nychtbouris to the gret dammage of the common weil. Thir and mony othir damagis apperyng in plane exterminioun of the pepill, come throw sleuth and imprudence of yis vnhappy tyrane. For he durst nocht cum to lycht to punys trespassouris. Becaus the pepill had hym in extreme hatrent for his cursit tyranny, quhil at last he wes slane be ane of his famyliaris within the nycht the fourt ȝeir of his regne.
¶Of kyng Donald the first. Hovv the Britonis vver inhibit be the Romanis to haue ony kyng of thair blude. And hovv thay solistit the Scottis and Pichtis to assist to thair rebe [...]lion. Ca. xiii.
[Page lxii] SAtrahell slane in yis maner, Donald brothir to Ethodius the first wes maid king, ane Iust and humyl prince rych [...] far discordand fra the maneris of the last tyrane, nocht geuyn to slychtis nor falset. Bot settand his mynd to meis all contentionis and truble amang his liegis. And quhen he had peacifyit his realme of all debaitis, he began to vesy all boundis thairof makand residence oftymes in his honorabil castellis with his nobillis And doyng Iustice to his subdittis but ony respect of the party. And punyst all crymes efferyng to y e offence thairof. Throwe quhilk the pepill (that wes wyld and vndantit afore be necligence of euill princis) wes brocht to ciuill maneris. And abyll to withstand thair ennymes quhen dangeir occurrit. This nobil prince had ane gard of chosyn men reddye for all chargis baith in tyme of weir and peace. About this tyme Lucius kyng of Britonis deceissit. The Romanis eftir his deith knawyng the kyngis of Britane wes occasioun of sa frequent seditioun in tymes bygane, Inhibit that ony of thair blude suld regne in tymes cumyng. Throw quhilk gret trubill succedi [...] in Britane. For Fulgencius (quhilk wes discendit of y e blude riall of Britane) rycht cōmouit that the noblis thairof suld be disherist of y e crown, conuenit mony of the nobillis thair of to ane counsall. And complenyt ye gre [...] tyrannyis done be Romanis in plane euersioun of thair natyue lawis and liberte. Thair virginis, wedowis, and matronis fulȝeit be insaciabill lust of Romanis. Thair guddis escheitit. New tribute and exactionis ilk day desirit. Beside mony othir infinite oppressionis. And last of all the nobill blude disherist of the crown. And thairfore (gyf the samin wer nocht haistely reparit) na nobill blude, bot onlie cōmonis suld be left in Britane. ¶ The Britonis mouit with yir reasonis, set ane day to meit hym in thair best maner to inuade the Romanis. Sone eftir Fulgencius send ane herald to Donald kyng of Scottis, schawyng y e rebellioun of Britonis aganis the Romanis, and desyryng support to expell thaym out of Albioun. For ye samyn mycht be done yat tyme with les truble than ony tyme afore. For the empriour wes agit and brokin with sa mony calamyteis, that he wist nocht quhat wes to be done. At toure sa mony pepill wer rebellit aganis hym in France, Almanȝe, and the eist partis of the warld, that na help mycht be send fra hym in Britane. ¶ Kyng Donald reiosyng of thir tithyngis, and glaid to haue occasioun of battall (becaus his pepill mycht nocht leif but ciuil weris amang thaym self quhen thay haue na externe weris on othir pepil) promittit to cum at ane prefixi [...] day w t his power to inuaid the Romanis. The Pychtis ꝓmittit thair support in the samyn maner. ¶Fulgentius knawyng the punytioun of Scottis and Pychtis maid to the effec [...] foresaid, Come with ane army of britonis to the wal of Adriane fornens the Irelād seis. And brak doun ane gret part thairof agane the cuming of Scottis and Pychtis. And thay with na les deligence met the Britonis. Als sone as the Albianis had mengit thair armyis togiddir, thay come forthwart to Ȝork. Traisting to haue found Trebellius with othir [Page] sindry romane Capitanis in it. At last quhen thay had line lang tyme at the sege of this town, and vnderstude y e principal romanis (quhō thay desyrit maist) fled in Kent, thay left the s [...]ge. And maid incursionis with heir [...]chippis and slauchter on all pepill that obeit to Romanis. Ye commonis astonyst be thir cruelteis and nocht of power to resist, past to the confidera [...] kyngis in thair plesand maner. And ressauit thaym w t [...] the portis of thair town, thair armyis wer lugit vtouth the town so lang, as ony thyng mycht be gottin [...] [...]ai [...] sustentation. And than thay went to othir placis ay makand siclike heirschippꝭ as afore. Nocht ceis [...]ng fra thair cruell fury, quhill the [...]allerable & cold stormys of wynter constra [...]it thaym to skaill and [...] hame.
¶Hovv Seuerus emprioure come in [...]tane to reuenge ye opp̄ssio [...]is done to Romanis. Hovv the Britonis fled in S [...]otland. Hovv the scottis and pichtis [...]tand in support of Britonis vvar [...]scomf [...]st. Ca. xiiii.
TRebellius Impacient to suffir thir offencis, wrait to Seuerus emprioure. How the Britonis nocht onlie wer rebellit▪ bot als hes inuadit the Romane landis with sic cruelti [...] and heirschippis, yat it wes necessar othir to send ane new army or ellis to cum hym self in Britane. Seuerus emprioure glaid to haue occasioun of battall, that he mycht cōques siclik honour in subdewyng of Britonis, as he had won afore in subdewyng of baith the eist & north partis of y e warld, tuke his wayage on ane hors litter. And come finalie with gret lauboure and dylygence (howbeit he was agit & pynit with y e gout) in Britane. And brocht with hym baith his sonnis, Anthonius & Getas to that fyne, that he mycht draw thaym fra corrupit and sensuall plesouris to merciall werkis. At his cumyng in Britane, he gaderit ye residew of Romanis with his new army to inuaid the Britonis. Fulgentius and the remanent Britonis of his opinion astonyst be suddane cummyng of the emprioure with ane huge power, send oratourꝭ to excuse thaym, and desyrit peace. The empriour dipeschit thir oratouris with plane repuls. Than Fulgentius frustrat of his desyris conuenit the nobillis to ane counsall, perswadyng thaym be lang orisoun to recouer yair liberte, and to res [...]ore the blude royall of Britane to the crown. Reuengeyng ye intollerable outragis sa mony ȝeris done be Romanis. And declarit how na thyng mycht moue hym to take this maist dangerus mater on hand. Bot onlie to recouer ye liberte of Britane, and to banis vncouth blude fra y e croun. And yocht he persuadit thaym sumtyme to battall, sayng the Romanis wer ane army gaderit of diuers opinionis and myndis, and mycht yair fore be ye soner vincust fra Scottis and Pychtis (quhilkis wer maist ennymes to Romanis) wer cumyn to thair support. Ȝit he thocht mair proffitable to brek y e Romanis with smal incursionis, thā ony set battal traistyng gyf the goddis wer propiciant, that Britane mycht be perpetuallye deliuerit of Romane seruitude. The Britonis mouit be thi [...] wourdis come out of Britane with [Page lxiii] thair wiffis, children and guddis to the montanis beȝond the wall of Adriane. In ye mene tyme Fulgentius gaderit ane cumpany of the noblest Britonis of his opinion, with purpos erar to defend thaym self than to inuaid thair ennymes. And sone eftir the Scottis and Pychtis come to hym reddy to assailȝe all maner of Ieoperdeis for yair common weill. Seuerus empriour knawing all the wayis of the Albianis. Left na thyng vndone yat mycht pertene to the prouisioun of his ordinance. And quhen al thyngis wer prouidit (as he desyrit) he left his ȝongest son namyt Getas to gouerne the Britonis vnder romane lawis. And come with al his ordināce to Ȝork, quhair he wes ressauit with gret honour & triumphe. Eftir his intres he went to the templis, and maid his salutationis to the goddis. Syne past to the Castell (quhair Trebellius wes with sindry Romane sodiouris) and tuke lang auisement how ye barbar pepill mycht be best dantit. Nocht lang eftir he rasit his campe & come forthwart with displayit baner. Ye Britonis (quhilkis wer of Fulgentius opinioun) seyng na refuge, [...]uk purpos to fecht aganis the romanis and othir to de maist vailȝeantly, or ellis to leif with victory and honour Ȝit quhen thay saw thai [...] ennymes with sic multitude of pepill in sycht, thay changit purpos. Nochtheles thay Iunyt with maist fury, and faucht lang tyme with vncertane victory, quhill at last thay wer vincust. And the Scottis and Pychtis put to flycht on the samyn maner. Fulgentius wes brocht out of the feild be his freindis in esperance of better fortoun, The Scottis and Pychtis eftir this discomfitour gaderit the residew of thair army, and returnyt hame. In this vnhappye battall wer slane of Scottis, Pychtis, and Britonis .xxx. thousand.
¶Of gret cruelteis done be Seuerus emprioure aganis the nobyllis of Britane▪ Of his vveris aganis the scottis & pichtis. Hovv Anthonius reparit the vvall of Adriane, and of the empriouri [...] deith. Ca. xv.
THe Scottis & pichtis brokin with yis calamytye, send in Ireland, Norway, and Denmerk for support of freindis to resist the Romanis. And Fulgentius on the tothir syde ceissit not to hyre all pepill (ya [...] he mycht get) for money. Eftir this battall the empriour Seuerus past throw all boundis of Britane. And slew all the nobillis thairof (quhom he mycht apprehend) hauand miseratioun onelie on the commonis.
For thay did no offence, bot followit thair maisteris. Als sone as he had reparit all dammagis done be necligence of febyll capitanis, he retournyt to Ȝork. And left his army in thair wynter schelis. In the nixt symer the Scottis and Pichtis seand na support come fra Ireland, set thaim era [...] to defend thair awin▪ than to inuade thair ennymes. Fulgentius with the Brytonis (that stude at his opinioun) in esperance of better fortoun fled to the Scottis and Pichtis. Sone efter Seuerus emprioure rasit his campe, and come beȝonde the wall of Adriane. [Page] Throw quhilk the empriour began nocht allanerly to fauoure the crystyn pepyll. Bot als inhibit ony persecutioun to be maid on thaym, and kepit the crucifix in the maist secret partis of his chalmer. ¶In the samyn tyme was Plotinus with mony othir clerkis of syngular eruditioun sum gentilis, and sū of thaym crystyn pepyll. This was the first tyme that the Scottis began to leir Theologe and haly writ be clerkis quhilkꝭ war send be Uictor the pape for thair eruditioun in Albion.
☞ ¶Of kyng Ethodius the secund, and hovv the nobyllis fyndyng hym [...]nabyll to gyde the realme, gouernit the samyn be thair auctorite in gret [...] Ca. xvii.
DOnald deceissit in this maner. Ethodius the secund of that name, sonne to Ethodius the first was maid kīg, he was nurist in the Ile of Man vnder the wyse preceptouris thairof. Howbeit it was vncertane in quhat maneris he wald incres, quhen he was put to lyberte. For quhen he was declarit kyng and frely delyuerit of his preceptouris, he apperit of dull ingyne mair abyll to gadder riches be his insaciabyll auarice. than to gouerne ane realme. And becaus the nobyllis pers [...]uit hym of euyll gouernance, thay gydit the realme be thair prudent constitutionis. Gude Iustice followit, and prudent men put in euery schyre baith to punis criminall personis, and to kepe the pepyll but ony extorsionis. Sic diligence was maid yat misdoaris war punist, and na man punist bot according to the lawis. It was defendit be the samyn, to speke for ony criminall personis in iugement. And he that spake for the said personis war reput as participant with thair cryme. Attoure quhare ony trubyll apperit be seditioun, the samyn was haistely m [...]sit. The Britonis leuit al this tyme in gude peace vnder trybute of Romanis, and durst pretend na rebellyoun aganis thaym. For Seuerus emprioure tuke sic pleggis of thaym afore his deith, that thay war constranit to leif in peace. Siclike the Scottis and Pychtis duryng the tyme of Ethodius nothir did nor tuke iniure of Romanis nor Britonis. Quhyll at last kyng Ethodius was slane be his gard the .xvi. ȝeir of his regne, becaus he was ouir mekyll geuyn to auaricious gadering. And sa endis heir the fift buke of thir [...]roniklis.
Heir begynnis the sext Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
¶Hovv Athirco vvas maid kyng of scottis. Hovv the nobyllis conspirit aganis hym for his cursit tyrannyis. and hovv he slevv hym self be disperation. Ca. primo.
NOcht lang efter the slauchter of Ethodius, the nobillis cō uenit to publik coū sall & maid Athirco sonne of Ethodius afore deceissit, kyng, & yocht he was ȝoūg, ȝit he was dispēsit be y e nobillꝭ notwithstādyng his age. He apperit in the begynnyng of his empire prudent & gratius to his subdittis, delytyng in doctrine of letterit mē sic as knew the haly wryt or the hystory of his progenitouris. He was weill exercit in werslyng and all othir corporall exercition cumyng be ingyne or strenth of body, and sa lyberal yat he tyistit the pepyll to his fauoure. And ȝit he grew nocht in virtew as he grew in age. For efter yat he had roung .viii. ȝeris, he become ylk day mair vnplesand and ay y e mair vicious yat he procedit in ȝeris▪ like ane monsture degenerat fra al honest exercitionis, geuyn to vnsaciabyll auarice, & doyng ylk thyng mair be Ire or dredur, thā be beniuolence or gud counsal. Thus tint he be auarice, al the freindis yat he conquest afore be his liberalite. And nocht onely was he īuoluit with thir crimes, bot with all kynd of corruppit vice and lust y t micht make hym effeminat. And tuk sic delyte in syngaris, sportouris, & menstralis, yat he eschamit nocht to pas in sycht of al the pepyll playing on ane flute. The nobyllis thouch [...] vnworthy, to be gouernit be sic ane monsture that desyrit erar to schaw hym ane fydlar than ane virtuous prince. And war commouit eik that ȝoung mē be his wykit exempyl war ylk day mair drownit in lust to the dammage of thair commoun weill and laik of Iustice, seand thair king sa inuoluit with euery kynd of vyce, that he tuke na solicitude of the gouernance of his realme. Bot gaif occasioun ylk day mair and mair aganis hym. Than was in Argyle ane man of gret auctorite namyt Nathalak, quhilk had two douchteris of excellent beawte. Athirco aduertist of thaym be his corruppit rutouris, ceissit nocht quhyll he had deflorit thaym baith▪ And quhen his lust was saciat, he causit his mischeuous rebaldis to fulȝe thaym on the samyn maner. Nathalak herand yir cruelteis done to his dochteris, seirchit his ingyne be quhat way he micht best reuenge the samyn. And in y e mene tyme he maid consolatioun to his douchteris, knawing weill thair bodyis mair violat than thair myndis. On the morrow he conuenit his freindis to ane counsal, and complanit heuyly y e defloration of his dochteris. Incontinent all his allia and freindis ruschit to harnes, and maid solempne votis to punis this tyrane for his demeritis. On the morrow mony of al y e nobyllis assistit to thair opiniō, & com to doūstafage, quhare this vicius king remanit for y e time. The nois and ratlyng of armit men maid na lytyl effray amang the commonis at thayr first cumyng. Nochtheles fra y e caus wes maīfest of yair assēblance the pepyl gaderit fast out of all partis to assist to thaym. Few was than in that army, that thocht nocht baith this tyrane worthy to be degradit of auctorite, & punist to the [Page] knawlege of all his petitionis, and said the empyre of kyng Nathala [...] sall haue ane haisty and myserabyll end, be ane of his maist famyliaris. This Murray nocht content of sa general responce, prayit hir to schaw his name in specyall that suld sla ye kyng. Scho answerit, thow sall sla hym. Than this Murray began to chyde with the wyche, saying thow can deuyne nocht bot sayis (as thow pleis) be flattery or malyce. Thow sall be fals, for I sall refuse na kynd of deith or I attempt sa odius cruelte. This Murray hauand na othir answer was richt astonist, and maid hym to return to the kyng. Ȝit afore his cumyng to the kyng, he changi [...] purpos oft reuoluyng in his mynd, quhat dangeir mycht follow gyf he [...] ye answer (as y e wyche schew) [...] kyng, oft musand the gud and the [...]yl thairof, and knawyng weill in quhat dāgeir he stude, gif y e kyng tuke ony suspitioun of hym. Efter lang musyng, he was fullely resoluit erar to sla the kyng (as the wiche schew) than ay to leif in dangeir of his ly [...]e. At last quhē he was cumyn to the kyngis secrete chalmer allone with the kyng▪ he began be lang circumstance to schaw the wounderful slychtis and operatioun of this wyche. In the mene tyme the king was sa trublyt be flux of wambe, that he was cōstranit haistely to pas to his eys. Als sone as this Murray saw the kyng at quiet, he pullit furth his dageir and draue ye kyng to y e hart, suspeckand na thyng les thā sic treason, and kest his body down in the closet. Syne stall away be ane priuate postrome, and was the first mā that schew the deith of the kyng to his conspiratouris. This end maid Nathalak ye .xi. ȝeir of his regne fra the Incarnatioun .ii.C.lii. ȝeris. In the tyme of Galienus the maist febil empriour that was afore hym. for in his tyme .xxx. tyrannis inuadit the commoun weill of Rome with gret afflictionis but ony resistance in the contrar.
¶Of kyng Fyndok, and hovv he dantit the Ilis, and vvas slane be tvva men thairof. Ca. iii.
NAthalak the tyrane slane on this maner y e nobyllis send this Murray in Pentland to bryng y e thre sonnis of Athirco to Dounstafage. And y e eldest of thaim namyt Fyndok ane lusty and vailȝeant prince was maid kyng. He kepit gud peace with his nychtbouris the Romanis & Britonis. And conquest freindis mair be beniuolence, tha [...] ony feir of mynassyng. Bot (as oft fallis amang ws) lang peace intertenit with vncouth pepyll, generis ciuill contentionis amang our self. Donald of the Ilis (to reuenge the slauchter of Nathalak) come with ane gret power ī Murray and Ros, to the gret heirschippis and slauchter of the pepyll. Becaus thay fauorit y e slaa [...]is of Nathalak his freind. Fyndok to punis thir attemptatis, come haistely in the Ilis, and faucht with Donald, & put hym to flycht. Donald discomfist in this maner, fled to the sees, quhare he fand ane bait, and enterit with sic multitude of folkis, that scho sank within ane myle to land, And all the pepil in hir perist. Howbeit the men of the Ilis war brokin be this chance of battal, thay ceissit nocht fra thair vndantit malyce▪ Bot che [...]t Donald (quhilk [Page lxvii] was sonne to Donald afore perist) to be thayr capitane. And inuadit ye cuntre with mair trubyl than afore. Fyndok to punys thir conspiratouris, returnit in the Ilis, & slew all y e war apprehendit of thair opinioun. Syne kest down the strenthis of the cuntre, that na refuge sall remane at thair returnyng. Donald afore the kyngis cumyng fled in Ireland, & efter the kyngis departing returnit in the Ilis. And seand the cuntre heri [...] and his freindis slane, he kest hym to do the thyng be slycht, y t he mycht nocht do be force, and send ane messyngeir (as he had bene penitent of all offence) to Fyndok, and desyrit grace. The kyng mouit of piere condiscendit to thir desyris, sa y t the said Donald come with the principal mouaris of this rebellion but wappynnis to Dounstafage to vnderly his wyll. Donald nocht content to haue peace in this maner, chesit erar to vnderly the chance of fortoun, than the kyngis wyll. And thairfore to cō plet the treasonabyl purpos be hym deuysit, He send two men of subtyle ingyne to Dounstafage to await sū ganand tyme to sla the kyng. Thir two men fenȝeit thaym gentyll men of y e Ilis, and ennymes to Donald, And at thair first cūmyng thay gat lytyll credence. Bot at last be menis of Carance the kyngis brothir, thay war admyttit to ye kyngis presence, and maid sa famyliar that thay war deput be the kyng to sit baith on his priuat and publik materis. At last quhen thay persauit Carance set in slauchter of the kyng, to conques ye crown. Thay opinnit thair mynd to hym, & he na thyng suspendit thair purpos, bot with large ꝓmes tyistit thaym mair to the samyn. Within schort tyme efter y e kyng went to ane huntung besyde Doūstafage to sla ane Wolf. And sat down on ane mote, nocht knawing how thir lymmaris war set for his slauchter. At last quhen the faid had brocht in y e wolf afore the houndis the skry arais, & ylk mā went to his gam. Thus wes the kyng left his alone but ony cumpany except thir two Ilis men. Thā ane of thaym began to hald ye kyng in talk, quhyll the tothir tratourusly come behynd hym and draue hym throw the body with ane hountyng staffe. Als sone as thir tratourꝭ had slane y e kyng, thay left y e staf stikand throw his body. The huntaris returnyng fra thair game, and fyndyng y e kyng slane, followit sa fast on his slaaris, that thay war baith takyn, [...] demandit be scharp punytioun for quhat occasioun thay slew ye kyng. Thir tratouris with spreit lytyll affrayit cōfessit pertly y e cryme, schawyng how thay war instruckit be Donald of the Ilis and Carance to sla the kyng. And quhen thay had discouerit ye treason (as said is) thay war baith put to maist terribyll deith. ¶Kyng Fyndok was slane the .x. ȝeir of his regne, quhylk was in the tyme of Floriane empriour. His body was buryit efter the vse of cristin princes with gret lament of pepyl in ane ryche sepulture nocht far fra Dounstafage.
¶Hovv Carāce vvas banist for his brotheris slauchter, And Donald the s [...] cund maid kyng. Of his deith, and of syndry nobyll clerkis. Ca. iiii.
CArance the secund sonne of Athirco, herand the treason sa manifestly confessi [...] be y e slaaris of Fyndok, fled in Italy. [Page] Quhair he wan gret fame and honouris in the weris of Dioclesiane and Aurelius Empriouris. As we sall eftir schaw. Fyndok slane in yis maner, his brothir Donald y e secund of that name, and thrid sonne to Athirco wes maid kyng. This prince wes takand auisement of his nobillis, Be quhat maner he mycht maist esalie reuenge the slauchter of his brothir Fyndok. Quhen suddanlie come tythyngis, that y e said Donald of the Ilis wes cumyn in Ros and inuadyng y e pepil thairof with heirschippis & cruelteis. Kyng Donald mouit for thir attemptatis, come haiste [...]ie in Murray with ane certane chosin men. And commandit be generall proclamatioun vnder pa [...]e of deith al sensabill men to follow him [...] [...]ary, at his cumyn in [...] he wes bot ane few nowmer▪ he partit his army at ane gret strenth to abide y e cumyng of the remanent army. Donald of the Ilis seyng the kyng of small power tuke purpos to Ieoperd hym to y e chance of fortoun. And but more tary, he come with sa scharp battall on the kyng, that ye kyng mycht nocht vse his ordinance of bowis and speris. Bot constranyt haistelie to fecht w t swe [...]dis. Followit ane terribill and scharp bargane. Quhil at last kyng Donald ouirset with gret multitude of pepyll fechtand aganys hym, wes tane w t .ii.M. mē of his army, & .iii. thousand slane. Kyng Donald finalie tuke sic malancoly that he deceissit the thrid day eftir that he wes tane in the first ȝeir of his regne. In thir dayis wer mony clerkis of singulare eruditioun. As Quintus Tortulianus, that wrait mekyl aganys the errouris of Gentylis. Pylocratis bischop of Ephesei, in quhais tyme wes gret contentioun concernyng ye cerimonys of pasche. Cipriane oratoure quhilk renuncit the errouris of Gentilis, & become cristin. And eftir wrait sindry bukis for the eruditioun of cristin pepill.
¶Hovv mony haly men vvar martyrit for the faith of Crist. Hovv Donald of the Ilis the thrid of that name vsurpit the crovvn▪ and vvas slane be Craithlint. Ca. v.
THe cristin faith sufferit gret persecutioun at this tyme. Mony haly men & wemen martyrit. As Cipriane, Sextus, Laurence, Hipolitus, Barbara, Cecilia, Agatha, with mony otheris throw tyrany of Decius empriour. And in this tyme the Scottis began to be rycht profound in theologie and haly writ be doctryne of certane monkis, Quhilkis wer callit in thay dayis Culdey, that is to say, the honoraris of god. For thā al preistꝭ y e honorit god war callit culder, thir prestꝭ be general vocis chesit ane bischop to haue auctorite and Iurisdiction aboue thaym. And he wes callit the bischop of scotland. Bot we will return to our historie. Eftir deith of kyng Donald▪ gret truble followit in the realme. For Donald of the Ilis, had sa mony nobillis tane in this last battall. And held thaym in sis captiuite, that nothir thay, nor thair freindis durst attempt ony thyng aganis his desiris. Throw quhilk he tuke y e crown and nocht onlie habandonit all the cuntre, bot thirllit ye nobillis to his assistance Howbeit thay lay ay in wait to sla hym, quhen tyme & place mycht appeir. Donald knawin yair [Page lxviii] hatrent aganis hym tuke sic feir of his lyfe, that he gaif na man credit. Bot (as the vse of tyrannis is) had euery man in suspitioun & dredour. Thus grew he Ilk day more terribill and odius to his pepill. And gouernit the realme with na better ȝeil than he gat it. At last his dredour procedit sa far, that he durst cum in na opin place but gard of armit mē about hym with halbertis and axis. And inhibit that ony othir man beir wappynnis saiffyng his awin gard Finalie he culd nocht be satifyit in his mynde quhill he had slane all thaym that he suspeckit. And confiscat thair guddis in fauour of yame that assistit to hym. Intendyng (as ane bludy monstoure) to conserue ye crown with siclike cruelte as he gat it. He slew als mony othir nobillis be vane causis to promoue men of vile and obscure lynnage to riches and honouris but ony sycht to virtew. And reiosit in na thyng sa mekill as to gener frequent seditionis amang his subdittis, traistyng be thair seditioun to haue felicite. And be thair concord to haue trubill in his crown. It wes said this cruell tyrane leuch neuir bot quhē he hard discord and slauchter of his nobillis And als sone as he hard ye same, he confiscat all thair guddis but ony sycht to wrang or reason. And sayd oftymes amang his familiaris. Na sycht mycht be mair plesand to hym than to se men murdir othir. Attour the slauchter of nobillis and riche men ar rycht necessar to y e tranquillite of all realmes, becaus thay ar ennymes baith to the kyng and commoun weil. And quhen this tyrane had roung .xii. ȝeris in maist cruelte aboue the pepill but ony tityll. He come to Enuerlochte with purpos to pas in the Ilis. Bot he wes slane ye first nycht he come yair be Craith lynt sonne to kyng Fyndok afore reheirsit the .xii. ȝeir of his regne. Craithlynt eftir the slauchter of this tyrane schew to y e nobillis how he had put doun the tyrane Donald of the Ilys. Restit thairfore ganand occasioun to reuenge the gret oppression and cruelteis done sa mony ȝeris be his vnhappy counsalouris. The nobillis glaid of this tyrannis slauchter ruschit haistely to harnes. And slew that samyn nycht .ii.C. of the principall assistaris to his opinioun and the remanent chasit in Athole. Quhilkis wer all slane sone eftir be the pepill, quhen thay wer aduertist of Donaldis slauchter.
¶Of kyng Craithlynt. And hovv the Scottis and pichtis fell in contentioun be thair huntyng▪ and faucht vvith gret slauchter on all sydis. Ca. vi.
DOnald the tyrane slane in yis maner, the crown wes restorit to the blude of Athirco. ¶For Craithlynt son to Findok (becaus he slew this last tyrane sa vailȝeantlie) wes maid kyng. Craithlynt glaid of this felicite gaif thankis to his subdittꝭ, & detestit be lāg orisō afore ye coūsal y e tyrāny of Donald of the Ilis. Usurpar of the crown but ony tityll. And gydyng the samyn with treason, falset, reif and slauchter of nobillis. And exhortit the pepill (sen this tyrane be his prudence wes distroyit) to reiose and to suffir nane of the said Donaldis blude on liue. In auenture thay nuris sic displesour to thaym self be thair non aduertence [Page] as sum tyme dyd king Donald fechtand vnwarly with ye said Donald of ye Ilis. Quhair throw y e nobilite of Scotland was oppressit xii. ȝeris with sic tyrannyis, that na man mycht resist the samyn. And for thir reasonis he desyrit thaym to assist to hym to repare all oppressionis done be cruelte of the said Donald of the Ilis. Quhilk thyngis beand done all materis mycht succede with in schort tyme as thay desyrit. The nobillis na les mouit be his excellēt beawte and lustynes of person, than be his wordis, swore to take his part in al materis. Nocht lang efter al y e lynnage of Donald Ilis was socht in all partis and slane but ony difference of thair estait. Sic thyngis done Craithlint chesit wyse and [...] men to do Iustice throw al boū di [...] of his realme. Syne past with ane certane his nobyllis to the montanis of Grāȝebene to pas his tyme in huntyng. In the mene tyme come to hym ye ambassatouris of Thelargus king of Pichtis, schawing hym reiosit, y t ye tyrane Donald of y e Ilis was [...]lane, and the crown restorit to the natyue blude. And desyrit thairfore the auld band of peace to be renewit for the weill of baith thair realmes. Thir desyris war plesandly grantit, and the ambassatouris honorably depeschit. Nocht lang efter certane nobyllis of Pichtis come to hunt with the kyng in Granȝebene. The Pichtis in thair huntyng stentit strang nettis on lesuris and medois, and draue the hertis apone the nettis with thair hundis. And quhē y e beistꝭ eschapit, thay cloithit thaym w t brāchis & leuis of treis lik stalkaris, sine slew the deir with braid arrowis & dartis, quhen thay war lyand wery. The scottis na thyng content of this game (becaus it was cō trar thair lawis) gart remoue thair nettis and hunt on thair maner, takand the pray be swift hoūdis allanerly. The Pichtis seand thair hoū dis of les reputatioun than y e scottis baith in bewte, swiftnes, lang renk, and hardyment, desyrit ane certane of euery kynd of hoūdis to be geuyn to thaym, y t the samyn micht be bred amang thaym self. And quhen thay had gottyn euery kind yairof geuyn to thaym (as thay desyrit) thay stale ane certane houndis, & went ham [...] with y e samyn but ony aduise of scottis. Amang thir hoūdis tane (as said is) be thir Pichtis, was ane quhyte hound plesand & mair spedy thā ony othir. Quhō Craithlint had ī maist delite. The maister of hūtis astonyst throw y e wantyng of this hound, followit sa scharply y t he fand y e samyn, & was sa feruent ī recoueryng thairof, yat he was finaly slane. The skry arrais efter this slauchter, & maid y e nobillis & cōmonis of scotland to returne ī maist fury to reuēge y e same. The Pichtis on y e samyn maner gaderit on the tothir syde with na les fury to resist. Throw quhilk followit ane haisty and myscheuus battall with gret slauchter on ilk syde, nane of thaym knawing y e motiue nor occasion thairof. In this vnhappy bergane wer slane .lx. scottꝭ gentyl men with gret nowmer of cōmonis. And of Pichtis mo than ane hundreth. The fame of this vnhappy battall diuulgat in the cuntre, mouit y e freindis of thaym (that war slane) to seik vengeance with mair hatrent than afore. Thus gaderit thay agane on al sydis, and faucht but capitane, baner, or ordour of cheuelry neir to the vter distruction of thaym baith. Alwayis y e scottis war discōfist .iii.M. [Page lxix] of thaym slane, and .ii.M. Pichtis. Be this slauchter thir two pepyll y t was sa lang cōfiderat togidder fra the tyme of Fergus the first kyng of scottis to thir dayis ay risyng vnder ane blude amite and kyndnes grew in maist hatrent aganis otheris for ane sponk of small occasioun of vnkindnes, hrow quhilk nane of yame apperit to ceis fra vter extreminion of othir. Followit sa mony bludy in cursionis day & nycht, y • na houssis nor respect of age mycht be defence or refuge contrar thair cruelte and slauchter on athir syde.
☞Hovv Carance brothir to Findok returnit out of Italy vvith gret riches ī Albion. Hovv he conquest vvestmureland, and maid peace betuix Scottis & Pychtis. Ca. vii.
THelargus kyng of Pichtis richt agit & nere consumit he ȝeris, was sorowfull for this contention fallyng betuyx the two pepyll sa lang confiderat, cumyn be suddane pertinacite of vndantit ꝑsonis. And send hꝭ oratourꝭ to Craithlint, schawand hym na les displesit for the slauchter and trubyll fallyng to Scottis, than to his awin pepyl, for the same tendit to the dāmage of baith thair commoun welis. Attoure na cryme micht be impute to hym. For he neuir consentit thairto. And sen y e said trubyll was cumyn mair be priuat than publict auctorite, he thoucht y • pepyll sa lang confiderat, suld put end to thair werꝭ, & haue peace with othir. For gif thay ꝑseuerit with Ire & hatrent aganis othir, nocht sal follow bot vter ruyne of baith thair realmes, & ye samyn to fall in pray to romanis. Forthir he was reddy to repair al offence & iniuris done be his pepil to scottis, and desyrit to haue peace, y • baith ye pepil micht erar returne to concord for defence of thair realmes, thā to perseueir ī battallis to ye finall euersion of thaym baith. The scottis war sa impacient for ye recent slaucht maid on thaym be Pichtis, y t thir oratouris micht skarsly purches licence to schaw thair message. Nochtheles thay gat finaly presence▪ & schew yair desyris to Craithlint in maner afore rehersit. It was answerit be king Craithlint, that na thing micht cū sa displesand to hym as suddane trubill fallyng amang▪ thay pepil, quhilkis hes bene so lāg confiderat togidder ī amite & blude. And youcht peace war mair plesand to his pepill, thā battall. Ȝit y e recen [...] slauchter is sa deip ingrauin ī thair breistis, yat thay refuse to gif peace. Nochtwithstandyng he wald gif of his awin auctorite thre monethis trewis, y t the nobillis of baith thair realmis may be ꝓfoūdly resoluit to pas & repas to decerne quhat is to be done. The trewis tane in this maner war plesant to the kyng of Pichtis, beleuyng thairthrow to put ane end to thir debaittis & to all displesourꝭ following be y e same. Ȝit nochtwithstanding thir trewis sindry incursionis war maid on athir syde. Quhill sic thyngis occurrit betwix scottis and pichtis, Carance the secund brothir to Findok (quhome we schew banist afore for his slauchter) wā gret honouris ī Italy. This Carāce efter his proscripption was ane man of armis in the romane weris, howbeit nane knew his nobil blude▪ and wan sic fame be his manheit [...] and proues, that na capitane was repute [Page] mair worthy to haif chargis be the empriour. Nocht lang efter this Carance was send be Dioclesiane empriour with ane flote of schippis to defende the costis of Normandy & picardy fra iniure of saxonꝭ franche men and othir pirattis, quhylkis inuadit the samyn with frequent iniuris. At his cumyng he wald noch [...] ieopard hym aganis his ennymes. Quhil thay war ladyn ful of riches and guddis, to that fyne that fra the pray war tane he mycht be enrichit thair with. Ȝit becaus he nothir delyuerit the pray thairof to ye empriour nor his capitanis, he was haldyn suspect, and persewit to the deith. Als [...]one as Carance vnderstude the empriour mouie with sic hatrent aga [...]s him, he pullit vp salis, and come [...] his weirmen and riches be the [...] seis in Westmureland ane [...] of Britane nocht far fra the lā [...]s of scottis and pichtis, traistyng to haue sum rescours of thaym aganis the Romanis. Sone efter he set his army on land, and with smal difficulte gat all the pepyl thairof randerit to hym. Sic thingis done he send his oratouris to Craithlint his nepot, schawand (youcht he was banist for suspitioun of the slauchter of his brothir Fyndok be inuy of wikit personis & brocht in gret misery and trubyl thairthrow). Ȝit he was innocent thairof, and had gouernit hym sa wysly efter syndry chargis geuyn to hym be the empriour, that he was send with ane flote of schippis to pecify the occiane seis. And be the samyn hes won gret honour & riches. Ȝit becaus the empriour was mouit aganis hym be inuy of detractourꝭ, he was cumyng with sic army & ryches in Westmureland, y t he hes brocht y e inhabitantis thairof to his opinion. Thus had he ferme esperance (gif the scottis and pichtis wald cō cur with hym) to ding the Romanis out of Albion. For the power of Romanis was dayly wastit in Britane. And sa gret rebellyon maid aganis thaym in all partis, that thay mycht send na support in Britane. Thus mycht the scottis & pichtis haue ane ganand tyme to dyng the Romanis out of Britane, & to kepe hym thair natyue blude in the empire thairof. Swa thay wald remoue all hatrent and sedition rysyn amang thaym, & haue peace with othir. Craithlynt thocht the kyndnes of his eme Carance nocht to be refusit, s [...]and hym cumyng in Britane with sa gret pissance, and reddy to support hym ī all dangeris. And thairfore answerit to thir oratouris y t he mony ȝeris gone, had forȝet all offence (gyf ony was maid to his fader) & reiosit nocht lytyll of the present felicite fallyng to his enie Carance. And wald fulfyl hꝭ desyris (sa far as he micht) at al pointis aganis ye Britonis▪ gif he micht haue peace of pichtis. And yocht he mycht haue nane, he suld send in his support ane cumpany of chosyn mē. Bot hꝭ sel [...] behuuit to abide at hame for defence of his realme aganis the said pichtis. Carance glaid of this answer stuffit al y e strenthis of Westmureland, and come with ane cumpany of weill accuterit men to y t wa [...] tir of Esa, nocht far fra the wall of Adriane, quhare he met Craithlint, & fell on kneis at his first metyng▪ declaring hym be mony euydent reasonis innocent of Fyndokis slauchchter, and desyrit the kyng to haue hym in na suspitioun, for yocht he was bannist be inuy and hatrent amang vncouth pepell, Ȝit he behauit hym self in sic maner, that [Page lxx] he was returnit in Albion baith to the honour of hym self & his freindis. Craithlynt embrassit his enie Carance maist tenderly and prayit hym to stand gud freinde, as he suld do to him, and to leif na thing of his purpose, sen gret honour and proffet (gif fortoun war propiciant) mycht succede be the samyn. And promittit gif the Pichtis weris war nocht impediment to hym, he [...]uld nocht faill to support hym with his vter pissance. Carance reiosyng of the kyngis beniuolence said, he had sufficient army to expell the romanis out of Brytane, And to transfer ye crown thair of in the lynnage of scottis, Gif scottis and pichtis wald assist to hym. Finaly be prudent industry of Carance baith thir two kyngꝭ war brocht togidder accumpanyit with ane few nowmer on ylk syd. And to brīg thaym to the mair sycker concord, Carance began to remembir thaym, how the auld affinite betuix thaym was cōmodius. Be contrar the violatioun thairof full of dammage to thaym baith. And remēberit thaym of thair frequent cheuelryis sa lang continewing aganis the fury of Romanis & Britonis in defence of thair realmis & lyberteis, with sic amite & kyndnes, that iniuris done to ony ane of thaym war repute equale to yame baith. For thir reasonis it was necessar to thaym othir to haif peace with othir for thair commoun weill or ellis to perseueir in battall to the distruction of thaym baith. Be thir & siclike wourdis the two kyngis war ꝑsuadit to haif peace, And to repair iniuris on athir syde. sone efter .viii. newtral ꝑsonis of gret prudēce war chosyn with baith thair consentis, be quhome the peace was finaly roborat, & al iniuris plesandly redressit.
¶Hovv Carance be support of Scottis and Pichtis slevv Bassiane capitane of Britane. And tuke the crovvn thairof and of his deith. And hovv the crovvn of Britane vvas restorit to Romanis. Ca. viii.
NOcht lang eft Quī tus Bassianus capitane of britane rasit his camp to inuade ye said Carance, for he was cummyn to Ȝork with thre gret buschementis of Scottis Pichtis and otheris his freindis, and gottin the samyn randerit to hym but ony offence of the inhabitantis, Bassianus (nochtwithstandyng y e frequent rebellion maid aganis the Romanis in all partis) Ȝit to reuenge the attemptatis done be Carance, rasit his army & par [...]it the samyn within y e nycht betuix two mossis on ane strait groūd. Carance nocht .x. mylis fra hym and weil aduertist of his doyngis, come forthwart in the samyn maner to gif hym battall. On the morrow Bassianus arrayit his folkis, & exhortit thaym to remembir how thay war to fecht for defence of equite aganis certane fals conspiratouris, Specially aganis y e treasonabil murdresar Carāce, maist odius creatour to god for his detestabil offence. And forthir prayit thaym to haue respect to y e Romane virtew, quhilk hes ben ay of sa gret estimatioun baith afore immortall goddis & men, that thay mycht haue be reward of victory, nocht only infinite ryches, bot perpetuall louyng be thair posterite. On this othir syde carāce was na les diligēt, exhortīg hꝭ army to battal, sayng yair ennymes had gret disauantage to fecht with [Page] thaym, becaus y e maist part of yame wer Britonis, hauād na les hatrent aganis Romanis than he hes, and wald leif yame quhen thay saw ony dangeir occurryng. And thairfore victory wes present in thair handis gyf thay with manheid & prudence ferslie ruschit on yair ennymes. Als sone as baith the armyis be blast of trumpat Iunit, The Britonis left ye Romanis and went (as thay had bene fleand) in gud array to the nixt hyll. The Romanis seyng thair sydis nakit be fleyng of Britonis wer astonist▪ and more myndfull of yair sing [...]lar weill than ony glore of victory. Finalie thay wer sa deieckit of thair curage, that thay wer put to flicht. On quhom followit Carance with all his army in maist hatrent. And slew yame ay (quhare thay wer [...]) bu [...] ony miseratioun. Carance [...]and sa huge slauchter maid be the chace▪ callit his folkis be [...]ound of [...]umpat to the standart. In yis battall [...]er slane Quintus Bassianus capitane of Britane, and Hirciꝰ procuratour with mony othir nobillis and commonis of thair blude. The residew of Britonis (quhilkis wer escuapit fra this battall) wer randerit to Carance, and gaif pledgis of the noblest that wer in yair realme▪ nocht within .xx. ȝeris nor aboue .lx. ȝeris to be his trew subdittis in tymes cumyng. Als sone as the praye of guddis fallyng be chance of battall wes deuidit amang the victoriꝰ pepill, Carance past to London quhair he wes ressauit with gret reuerence, and tuke ye sceptour and Diademe of Britane contrar the empire of Romanis. Eftir yat it wes maid tributar to Iulius .iii.C.xlvi. ȝeris. Carance crownit in yis maner held ii.M. Scottis and Pychtis continewally about hym in maner of ane gard. The remanent Scottis and Pychtis returnit hame richit with the spulȝe of this last battall. Than Carance in more princely reward of thair laubouris gaif all the landis lyand betuix the wall of Adriane & Ȝorke namyt Westmureland and Cumber to thair perpetuall dominioun. And throw this liberalite he come in gret hatrent baith to Romanis and Britonis. And howbeit he wes oftymes assailȝeit be thaym w t scharp battallis. Ȝit he wes victoriꝰ at all Iornays. And brukit y e crown of Britane be crafty prudence, quhil at last he wes slane the .vii. ȝeir of his regne be Alectus Romane capitane. This Alectus eftir the slaucht of Carance set his extreme besynes to bryng the Britonis agane to Romane lawis. And quhē he saw thay mycht na wayis be brocht thairto, for the cruell hatrent thay had aganis Romanis, he maid laubouris to haue thair beniuolence, and finalie applaudit to yair opinioun, and tuk the Crown of Britane contrar the auctorite of Romanis. And ȝit he rang with na better fortoun, than dyd Carance. For he wes slane in the samyn maner be Asclepiadotus the thrid ȝeir of his regne. Eftir quhais deith ye crown of Britane wes restorit (as it wes afore) to the Romanis.
¶Of gret cruelte done be Dioclesian emprioure aganis cristin pepyll. Hovv Coell vincust the Romanis and cōquest the crovvn of Britonis. Hovv he vvas alliat vvith Constantius empriour, and of the natiuite of gret Constantyne. Ca. ix.
[Page lxxi] DIoclesiane emprioure at yis tyme be vassalage of Constantius, Maximianus, and Galerius dantit the warld with sindry chances of battall. And wes the first Romane emprioure y t wes adorit with kingly reuerence. For afore thay dayis the emprioure vsit nocht bot salutationis. This emprioure causit riche perle and precious stanis to be set in his schone in mair taikin of insolēce than ony ornament. Afore yat tyme wes na difference betuix empriouris and vthir pepil except the Rob ryal. This Dioclesiane wes sa odious & bludy tyrane, that .xvii.M. men and wemen wer martyrit be hym for defence of cristyn faith. This cruelte nocht onlie enragit in the eist & west partis of the warld, bot als in Britane. And aboue thir cruelteis Infinite nowmer of yame wer condampnyt to the Galionis. Wynnyng of querrellis and mynis. Be hym also wer brynt innoumerable bukis of Cristin faith contenand the euangellis of Crist with ye actis & epistillis of his appostollis, traistyng thairthrow that the faith of Crist suld all vterlie expire. Throw quhilk y e cristin faith ouirthrawin w t new scurgis & perseuerand cruelte wes neir perist. Mony haly and relligious men for feir of thir cruelteis fled in desertis and elraige placis. Quhair thay wer exonerit of all truble and leiffit ane haly lyfe. This dispitfull tyrane Dioclesiane eftir sindry his triumphis maid in Rome for victoryis of diuers pepill of the warld, wes trublit be punition of god with mony vncouth infirmiteis. And for slauchter of sa mony innocent pepill he become furious at Salonas, and slew hym self be drynk of vennome the .xx. ȝeir of his regne. To be exampill that na man put confidence of felicite and eternall lyue in vane fauour & assentatioun of pepil. Quhil sic thingis wer done be Dioclesian, Coel discendyng of the anciant and nobill blude of Britonis wes solistit be thaym to rebel aganis the Romanis. Asclepiadotus aduertist heirof met hym with y e army of Romanis, and othir that stude at his opinioun Followit ane aufull and dangerus battall lang fochtin with doutsum victory. Bot at last y e Romanis wer discomfist, and Asclepiadotus thayr capitane slane. Coel eftir this victory wes maid kyng. And to stabill ye realme to hym in sicker peace, he cō mandit be generall edict all Romanis and otheris of thair opinioun to be slane quhare euer thay mycht be apprehendit. Constantiꝰ emprioure to meit this rebellioun come in Britane with mony Romane legionis. Aganis quhome went kyng Coel with ane army of Britonis to defēd his realme and liberte. Nochtheles he wes vincust and his army put to flycht. On the morrow Constantiꝰ wes informyt be the Britonis, that kyng Coel wes natiue prince of Britane. And discendyng be lang progressioun of the blude ryall thairof. And thairfore be cōmiseratioun, he send ane herald to hym schawyng gyf he wald be randerit (as othir briton kingis wer afore) to romanis he suld be sufferit to remane in hꝭ auctorite. Kyng Coel wes this tyme trubillit with gret infirmite cumyn be surfet cauld and walking in his weris aganis the Romanis. Constantius heirand of his infirmite past to mak hym consolatioun. Eftir maist tender embrasyng, the said constantius continewit kyng Coell in his [Page] auctorite. And tuke his douchter Helene ane virgyne of maist excellent bewte in mariage. ¶This affinite maid Romanis and Britonis to beleue ane finall end to al thair weris. Sic thyngis done, Cōstantiꝰ went to vesy the Romane strenthis in britane. And nocht onlie reparit yame (quhare thay wer ruinus) bot stuffi [...] thaym with new prouisioun of men and vittallis. Syne commandit the cietezanis of euery town (quhare he come) to be obeysant to kyng Coell duryng hꝭ life, becaus he wes freint [...] of the Senat and pepill of Rome▪ Schort tyme eftir Constantius had ane sonne gottin be this new affinit [...] namyt Constantyne. Quhilk for [...] singulare manheid & prudence succedie eftir his faderis deith to the [...] Imperiall. And wes the [...] priour that gaif peace to the Catholike kirk. And dotat it with mony riche templis, landis, & iowellis be hortatioun of y e haly paip Siluester. But we will returne to the mat [...]iall dedis yat Constantius did afore this tyme in Britane. Constantius eftir ye deith of Dioclesiane h [...] uand Britane, France, and Spanȝe peacifyit to his empire, gaderi [...] ane army to expell the Scottis & Pychtis out of Westmureland and Cumber, quhilkis wer geuyn to thaym afore be king Carance. Eftir his cummyng to Ȝork he wes aduertist yat Scottis and Pychtis wer stronglie gaderit to resist hym. And becaus he knew thay micht not abyd lāg togi [...] der, he thocht best to brek thaym be lang tary. And to the samyn effecte he abaid still with sindry Romanis at Ȝork. And cōmandit ye Britonis to pas hame and be reddy to return quhen thay wer chargit. finalie quhen he had remauit certane dayis in Ȝork. geuand his extreme deligence to brek the Pichtis fra the Scottis, he tuke sic malācoly (becaus he mycht nocht bryng his purpos to gude fyne). That he fel in ane hait feuer And y e .vii. day eft deceissit. Quhais powder wes gaderit in ane goldin veschell with mony smelland odouris, and brocht with funerall triumphe to Rome. Yis Cōstantiꝰ (as we haue schawin) wes rycht thankfull to cristin pepil. Nochyeles sindry britonis traistyng hym to persew the faith of Crist w c sic cruelie (as Dioclesiane did afore) come in Scotlād Quhare thay wer plesandly ressauit be Craithlynt And ordanit to maik yair residence in y e Ile of Man with kirkis ereckit to thaym in Catholik maner for deuyne seruice. Yus wer the auld rytis & cerymonis of Gentilis (quhilkꝭ indurit to thay dayis) abrogat. The first bischop that wes amang thaym in this Ile wes ane Britone namit Amphibolus, quhilk prechit the euangellis throw all the boundis of Scottis and Pychtis. And nocht onlie remouit al vane superstitionis, bot laid the sickir foundement of y e cristin faith. Craithlynt kyng of Scottis dotat this kirk be his singular deuotioun with mony Iowellis and precious ornamentis of gold & siluer, and maid ane alter of copper craftely closit with lokkis in quhilk wer gaderit ye rentis and malis of sindry lādis, quhilkis wer geuyn be the king for sustentatioun of diuyne seruice. This wes ye first kirk that wes dedicat amang ws in Catholik maner, and first sait of bischoppis callit Sodoren. Howbeit y e reason thairof be tynt be roust of ȝeris, quhilk distroyis euery thyng. Craithlynt passyng his tyme in this maner with religious & ciuil materꝭ [Page lxxii] wes ane nobill prince and finalie deceissit the .xxiiii. ȝeir of his regne. Ye first ȝeir of the empire of gret Constantyne empriour. Fra the incarnatioun .iii.C.xxii. ȝeris. Fra the beginnyng of y e warld .v.M.iiii.C.lxxxx. ȝeris. Fra y e begīnyng of y e realme of Scottis .vi.C.lv. ȝeris.
¶Hovv Fyncormak vvas maid kyng of Scottis. & Octauius kyng of Britonis. Hovv Herculeꝰ Romane capitane vvas slane be Octauiꝰ and the Romanis vincust. Hovv ye scottis and pichtis come in support of Octauius▪ & chasit Thraherus in France. Ca. x.
CRaithlynt deceissy [...]on this wyse, succedit his cosyng Fyncormak. For thay wer brethir sonnys. This Fyncormake wes crownit in the first ȝere of gret Constantyne. In quhais tyme rais gret trubil in Albion. For y e cōmonis of Britane hauand extreme hatrent aganis the tyranny of Cayus Herculeꝰ capitane of Britane, chesit Octauius prince of Walis to be thayr kyng. Cayus Herculeus to dant yis rebellion rasit his camp aganis Octauius. Bot at last he wes slane and his army discomfist. Octauiꝰ traistyng na thyng sa gud (as to vse his victory with maist rigoure) come to London. And eftir that he had gottyn all the strenthis thairof randerit to hym, he slew sindry nobill men of Britane for thair assistance to romanis. Syne persewit the Romanys to the deith quhair euir thay mycht be apprehendit, Constantyne empriour to punis this rebellion send ane vailȝeant capitane namyt Traherꝰ with mony legionis in Britane. Be quhom Octauius wes put to flycht and ch [...]sit amang the Scottis. Traherꝰ insolent eftir this victory, chargit Fyncormak to send Octauius y e inuasour of Romane prouince boūd to hym to be punist for his rebelliō. Uthirwayis he suld be repute ennyme to ye Senat and pepil of Rome. It wes answerit be Fyncormak, yat he resset nocht Octauius to be iniurious to Romanis. Bot allanerlye for the auld amyte betuix Scottis and Britonis. Attoure it mycht obscure his honour and maieste to condiscend to sa manifest prodition, and randir the man to his ennymes yat socht refuge at hym. Forthir gyf Traherus inuadit hym onelie for y e cause, he suld resist the best way he mycht. Bot ȝit gud wer afore he mouit weir, to degeistely avise. Quhiddir Romanis hes gottyn mair schame or honour, mair proffet or skaith in thair weris aganis Scottis in al tymes bygane. Traherus na thyng satifyit be this answer, come with al his ordinance to Ȝork. Quhair he wes aduertist that Fyncormak wes gaderit with .lx.M. Scottis Pichtis and Britonis in support of Octauiꝰ. Nochtheles he went forwart quhill he come in sycht of ennymes. Fyncormak (quhen baith ye armyis wer arrayit in otherꝭ sicht) send ane herald inquiryng Traherus, quhat mouit hym but occasioun of iniuris to inuaid the cōfiderat pepil as thay wer ennymes to Romanis. Traherus maid litill answer thairto bot cōmandit the Scottis & Pychtis to pas haistely out of all landis pertenand to Romanis, & to pay ane ȝeirly tribute to yair procuratour as ye Senat and pepill of Rome thocht expedient. And but ony more tary de liuer Octauius to be punyst for his conspiration. Othirwayis thay suld haue sone experience, quhat foly is [Page] to contempne the empire of Romanis. Fyncormak hauand thir chargꝭ at dyffyance, come forthwart with his army. Followit sone ane dangerus battall. Alwayis the Romanis had bene victorius, wer nocht ane multitude of landwart men hapnyt to come rynnand doun ane hyl, driuand away yair bestial fra dangeir of ennymes. And apperit to the Romanis as thay wer cumyn on thair bakkis. And so the Romanis wer finalie discomfist. In this battal wer slane .xv.M. Albianis, and .xvi.M. Romanis. The chace continewit be Fyncormak and Octauius on the Romanis quhill thay come to Ȝork Quhair ye two kyngis wer plesandly ressauit be ye nobillis of Britane And Octauius restorit to the crown thairof. ¶The nobillis of Britane [...] to Fincormak for his assistance [...] Octauius in the said feild all the [...]ndis of Westmureland and Cumbe [...] with clame and kindnes thairof perpetually, & sweir neuir to cum in ye contrar thairof. Traherus knawyng na place sicker to remane ī Britane eftir this victory, fled ī France.
☞ Hovv Octauius vvas put fra the crovvn of Britane be Traherus romane capitane. Hovv the said Traherus vvas slane & Octauius restorit to the croun· & of Fyncormakis deith. Ca. xi.
THe romanꝭ vincust on yis wise, ane coū sal wes set at Ȝork in the quhilk ye nobillis of Britane cō cludit to defēd yair realme and libertie fra iniure of Romanis, and to suffi [...] na vncouth blude to beir auctorite in tymes cumyng aboue thaym. Attoure it wes concludit to extend the marchis of Britane to the wal of Adriane. And to expell the scottis out of Westmureland & Cumber nocht withstandyng the aith and promyse maid to thaim afort. Quhil sic thīgꝭ wer done in Britane, Octauiꝰ come with .x.M. Britonis on the Scottis and Pichtis dwellyng in Westmurland. Bot at last he wes discomfist. And his army put to flycht. In the mene tyme Traherus capitane of Britane, Quhilk wes chasit (as we schew afore) in france, returnit with two Romane legionis and .xx.M. wageouris in Britane. Be quhome Octauius wes discomfist, and destitute of all support and freindis. Finalie this Octauius hauand na confidence in the Scottis nor Pychtis for violatioun of his faith, come to the mouth of Number▪ Quhair he pullit vp salis, and went in Norroway. Traherus eftir yis victory ilk day incressit in sic pissance, that the Britonis wer randerit to hym. Nottheles he exercit gret crueltes on al the nobillis and cōmonis of Britan And finalie restorit the crown thair of to Romane empire. And quhen he had stablit the realme in this maner throw corruppit insolence eft sa hie felicite, he become the maist vicious tyrane, y • euir had ony charge afore ī Britane. And inuadit y e nobillis & cōmonis thairof with Ithand heirschippis and slauchter. Throw thir tyrannys followit sic rebellioun aganis hym in al partis, that he wes finalie slane. Octauius heirand the slauchter of Traherus, returnyt fra Denmark in Britane. and persewit the Romanis with sic cruelte, yat na kirkis nor sanctuariis mycht be refuge to thaym. And maid distributioun of his officis and auctoriteis to his freindis & nobillis, as he thocht maist expedient to keip his subditiꝭ [Page lxxiii] in Iustice and to defend thaym fra iniure of romanis. And youcht seyn dyl ar found mē but insolence, quhē thay find felicite efter trubyll. Ȝit Octauius was alterit in sic maner. that quhare he was sumtyme maist fals & treasonabyll in his werkis, he become maist faithfull and nobyll prince. And sone efter he send ambassatouris to kyng Fyncormak with sindry iowellꝭ desiring hym to haue na respect to ye offence maid be hym aganis the Scottis and Pychtis in tymes bygane. bot to leif in amyte and freindschip with hym and Britonis in tymes cumyng. And to haif his sicker kyndnes, he was content that Westmureland & Cumber war perpetually annixit to the empyre of Scottis and Pychtis on the samyn maner, as Carance gaue thaym afore to kyng Craithlint. Mony ȝeris efter Octauius gouernit Britane in gud Iustice, Quhill at last he was sa brokin with frequent weris, that he randerit all the strenthis of his realme to haue peace with Romanis in his eld, and was content to pay the auld tribute. Followit sicker peace mony ȝeris efter amang the Scottis Pychtis and Brytonis in Albioun. In quhilk tyme Fyncormak richt illuster in glore of cheuelry and cyuyll materis be lang infirmyte generit of catare, deceissit the xlvii. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the incarnatioun .iii.C.lviii. ȝeris.
☞Hovv the heresyis of Arrius vves condampnit. Hovv Ireland tuke the fayth of Crist. Hovv Romak Fethelmak and Angusiane contendit for the crovvne. Hovv Romak vvas maid kyng and slane efter for his tyranny. Ca. xii.
DUring this tyme, the cristin faith apperit to rise in gret dignite. Nochtheles the cursit heretik Arrius began to poyson it with vennymus doctrine. Saying Crist was nocht the verray sonne of god, coequall and coeternall to the fader bot different fra hym in substance. Efter degeist consultatioun all his opinionis war condampnit in counsall of Nicia with mony othir vane errouris, quhilkis I wyl not rehers at this tyme. ☞ For I haue maid thꝭ trāslatiō mair for pleseir of lawir mē thā ony vane curius clerkꝭ, be quhom all heresyis begynnis. ☜ ¶Ireland about this tyme tuke y e faith of Crist be ane womā of y e Pychtis blude, Quhylk instruckit the quene of Ireland in the faith. And scho instruckit hir prince the kyng. And sa within schort tyme all the regioun thairof tuke the faith. Mony othir pepyll in y e Eist and West partis of the warld tuke the faith in the samyn maner. Bot we wyll returne to our hystory. ☞ ¶Fyncormak left behynd hym two sonnis, Eugenius of .xviii. ȝeris of age, and Ethodius nocht ane ȝeir of age. Thir sonnis of Fyncormak for y e lawis afore rehersit micht nocht immediatly succede to the crown, and thairfore ane counsall was set in Argyle to theis the kyng. Quhilk day comperit Romak Fethelmak and Angusiane cō tending for the crown, for thay war nepottis to Craithlint gottyn on sindry his brethir all thre nere equal in ȝeris, freindis, & gudis. Romak clamit the crown as maist nobyl▪ for he was not only cumyn of y e blude ryal of scottis, bot als of pichtis, and had [Page] thairfore mony of the nobillis assistyng to his opinion. Augusiane clamyt the crown with consent of Fethelmak, and alledgit he wes ane man of more reason, experience and wisdome, thā wes Romak. And wes abillar thairfore for ye ministration of the realme. In the mene tyme Romak gaderit ane band of armit men to sla his two cousyngis, traisting y e more esalie to succeid to the crown. Thus rais na thing bot Ire and hatrene amang the thre cosingis euery ane of thaym cruellie set in otheris slauchter. And lauboryng to draw moniast of the nobillis to thair opinioun. Alwayis the maist nowmer of nobillis assentit to Augusiane. For Romak wes ane man of mair ferocite than wisdome. Be cōtrar An [...]u [...]iane wes more reasonable, ha [...]nd nocht sa mony subtel and fals [...] as Romak had. The nobillis seyng thaym abil na wayis to be b [...]o [...]ht to concord, tuke final purpois to deuide the realme betuix thaym. Ȝit otheris more prudēt men thocht the samyn vnproffitable. For it mycht rais perpetual seditioun in dammage of thair commoun weill. Finalie Romak impaciēt of lang tary be birnand desyre to haue the crown gaderit ane army of Pychtis. And come with arrayit battall aganis Augusiane and his othir cosyng Fethelmak. Than Augusiane send his oratouris to the kyng of Pychtis praying hym to foster na seditioun amang the Scottis and Pychtis, and to solist his cosing Romak erat to concord than battall. Sen he mycht haue all thyng accordyng to reason but ony plee. The kyng of Pichtis thynkand thir desyris reasonabil tuk purpos to returne hame. Nochttheles be euill counsall of freindis, he abaid & gaif vnplesand answere. This vnplesand answer wes nocht onlie occasioun to y e nobillis of scotland to assist to Augusiane aganis Romak, bot als to haue the Pichtis at extreme hatrent. Sone eftir Angusiane aduertist that Romak lay in wait of his slauchter, gaderit ane army with purpos erat to end the mater be swerd than ay to leif in dā geir of his lyfe. Romak impacient of lang tary met hym on the same maner. Followit ane sorowfull battall. Nochtheles Augusiane wes discomfist and baith hym self and his cosing Fethelmak chasit in ye Ilis. And findyng na securite thair thay fled in Ireland. Augusiane doung out of Albioun in this sort, mony of the nobillis assistit to Romak. And declarit hym kyng. Ȝit (as y e custom of tyrannys is) he conquest y e realme wekitlie and gouernit it on the same maner. And had nane familiar with hym, bot sa mony as wer ennymes to Fyncormak and his sonnis. Sic thyngis done he maid hym to vesy all boundis of his realme. Doyng Iustice in his maner. This tyranny of Romak beand diuulgat throw ye cuntre, causit Eugenius and Ethodius the sonnis of Fyncormak to fle in Westmurelād. And thair finding na securite, thay fled to the Ile of Man. Than followit gret truble in Scotland. As proscriptioun, slauchter and oppressioun on all the nobillis that fauorit Augusiane but ony difference of age. The nobillis impacient to suffer sic cruell tyrannyis cōuenit togidder be secret writingis to redres al oppressionis & wrangis done be hym. Syne gaderit ane army with sic diligence, that this tyrane Romak knew nocht of thair assemblance, quhill thay wer cumyng [Page lxxiiii] on hym in ane arrayit battall within .x. mylis. Romak astonist be thair cummyng fled in Pentland. Nochttheles he was sa ferslye inuadit be ane buschement of Scottis that followit on hym, that he was slane with syndry otheris Scottis of his opinion y e thrid ȝeir of his regne, his heid borne on ane staik throw al the army. Mony gentyll men of Pychtis war slane at this tyme with Romak, sic as fauorit his gouernance. & causit hym to rage with gret cruelte on the Scottis.
☞Hovv Augusiane vvas maid kyng of Scottis. Hovv Maximus subdevvit the Britonis be syndry victoryis. Hovv Scottis and Pichtis inuadit othir vvith set battall. Hovv baith thair kyngis vvar slane and the Scottis discomfist. Ca. xiii.
ROmak the tyrane slane in this maner, Augusiane returnit in Albion, and was maid kyng. Quhyll sic thyngꝭ war done in Scotland, the Brytonis grew insolent be slauchter of Traherus Romane capitane, and restorit the crowne of Brytane to Octauius, quhylk was than far run in aige. Throw quhylk thay recouerit baith thayr munitionis, landis, and lyberteis. ¶Constantius emprioure and sonne to the gret Constantyne, send ane vaylȝeant knycht namyt Maximus in Brytane to dant the Brytonis. ☞¶This Maximus sone efter his cumyng faucht aganis the Brytonis, and put thaym to flycht. ☞¶Be this vyctory he was put in esperance to subdew the Brytonis (as thay war afore) to seruytude. ☞¶Octauius kyng of Brytonis heirand thir tythyngis tuke sic malancoly that he deceissit the thrid day efter. And efter his deith Octauius his sonne fled in ye Ile of Man. Quhare he remanit with Ethodius and Eugenius▪ vnknawin quhat he was. The Brytonis nocht mekyll astonist be this discomfitoure, gaderit ane new army with mair pissance than afore, nochttheles thay war vincust and chasit on ye same maner. Maximus efter thir victorijs past throw syndry boū dis of Britane, and gat mony of the pepyll randerit to his opinioun. Otheris (quhilkis war repugnant) war put to wraik, and thair str [...]this cassyn down. Quhyll sic thyngis was done in Britane, rais gret trubyl in scotland. For Nectanus kyng of Pichtis to reuenge the slauchter of his cosyng Romak wastit the landis of Scotland be syndry incursionis. The Scottis to resist this violent deceptionis war constranit to rise in battall aganis the Pychtis. Nochtheles the Pychtis drew ane gret nowmer of Scottis (quhilkis war mouit for slauchter of Romak) to thair opinioun, and prouokit the residew of scottis ylk day to battal. Nochtheles Augusiane send his ambassatourꝭ to thaym, schawyng hym desyrus of peace, and geuyn to the weill of baith the realmes. And desyrie thaym to deuoid all iniutis, and concur togidder in amyte (as thair faderis did afore) for defēce of thair realmis. At last quhen Augusiane saw his desyris repellit (y t his sleuth suld nocht be occasioun of insolence to his ennymes) he gaderit his folkꝭ and went furthwart in gud array. Efter mony syngulare battallis of vailȝeant mē, baith y e armyis iunit, [Page] and saucht with gret Ire and hatrent on athir syde. At last the Pichtis war discomfist, and mony of all thair nobillis slane. Kyng Nectanus was chasyt. quhyll he come to Camelon, And sone efter his cummyng thairto, he conuenit the resydew of his nobillis to ane counsall, & complanit be lang orison baith the slauchter of his cusyng Romak, & y e noblis of his realme that war slane with hym, & desirit ane new army to reuenge the schameful iniuris done la [...]tly be scottis. The Pichtis mair set for the kyngis foly & plesour, thā for thair cōmon weill, concludit ane new army to be rasit aganis the scottis out of all boundis vnder thair empyre. And sone efter thay come with the said army to the wod of Calydon. Augusiane richt prouident in [...] his doyngis, & knawyng the pich [...]is sa awfully gaderit aganis hym▪ assemblit his folkis out of all boundis of his realme erar to draw the Pichtis to concord, than to haue battall with thaym, for he dred the Brytonis be ꝑswasion of romanis to cū in support of pichtis. And for y e caus he send his plesand letterꝭ to y e kyng of Pychtis, praying hym to remember the anciant amyte & kyndnes sa lang contynewing betuix the two pepyll. And to put end to thair weris, and to geif peace to Scottis but ony battal on that samyn maner as he war victorius aboue thaym, sen peace was necessar to baith thair armyis. For Maximus Romane capitane was wirkand ylk day new attemptatis in britane, & purposit (als sone as he hes subdewit Britane) to conques baith ye realmes of scottis & pichtis, efter y t thay haue distroyit othir with ciuill weris. The king of Pichtis cōtempning this profitab [...]l counsal, and hauand na thing in les estimatioun than peace, rasit his army aganis Augusiane. On y e tothir syde Augusiane arrayit his army, & becaus it was necessar othir to ieoparde hym to y e chance of fortoun, or ellis to geif backis to his ennymes with irrecouerable schame, he exhortit his mē to haue curage, & set asyd al dredour (gif thay had ony) remembring the gret spreit and manheid of thair eldaris, that thay may acquite thair deith, & yocht thay faucht with vnfortunat chance of battal, y t thay de nocht vnreuengit of thair ennymes. Attoure he prayit thaym to be nocht mouit (youcht thay be now to fecht aganis the pepyll that was sa lang cōfiderat with thaym in amite and blude), sen thay gaue na occasioun of battal. And hes left na thing vndone, that mycht haue recounsalit thaym to concord. for quhilk thay suld beleue, y • god the luffer of peace suld fauour thaym in thair iust defence. On the tothir syde the king of Pichtis ceissit nocht to solist his army to battal. Incontinent ye archearis schot on all fydis, & efter thaym followit men with licht harnes, and schot incredibill nowmer of stanis & ganȝeis with corsbowꝭ and slongis. Incontinent thay iunit with speris axis and swerdis. Followit ane terribyll battall fouchtyn lang tyme with doutsum victory. At last Angusiane seand the victory inclyne to Pychtis, raif of his coit armoure, and come amang the commonis, quhare he faucht with perseuerant hatrent to the deith. The Scottis traisting thair kyng erat fled than slane, gaif bakkis. Otheris perseuerant with mair obstinat mynd faucht quhill thay war slane, and yocht the vyctory succedit to the Pychtis. [Page lxxv] Ȝit it was vnplesand to thaym, for baith the kyngis war slane in this feild with infinite nowmer of nobillis and commonis slane on ylk side. The residew of Scottis and Pichtis (quhilkꝭ war eschapit out of this feild) returnit hame, & wari [...]t thaym that was the first occasioun and motyue of battall betuix the two pepyll sa lang afore confiderit togidder in blude, amite, and freindschip.
☞ ¶Hovv Fethelmak vvas maid kyng of Scottis. and hovv he slevv Nectane kyng ef Pichtis▪ and vvas slane efter be thair treason, and of mony nobil clerkis. Ca. xiiii.
AUgusiane slane in this maner, Fethelmak the third nepot of Craithlynt was maid king, he gaderit ye residew of Scottis togydder with lytyll better fortoun, than his two cosyngis did afore. And in the secund ȝeir of his regne, he rasit his army to reuenge y e iniuris done be Pichtis, and come in Augus inuadyng y e inhabitantis thairof with gret heirschippꝭ and cruelteis. The Pychtis rageand in hatrent for thir extorsionis ruschit ī thair maist fury to harnes. And ye scottis nocht abasit yairof, met thaym in y e samyn maner, & put baith thair wyngis to flicht. Sone efter discomfist y e middillward in the samyn maner with gret murdir maid on thaym ī al partis. Nectanus kyng of Pichtis brothir to kyng Nectanus afore rehersit, was brocht out of the feild. And deceissit y e thrid day efter, be wound ane of arrow. The Scottis insolent efter this victory wais [...]it Angꝰ and Fiffe with Ithand incursionis. The Pichtis brokyn be this last discomfitoure, set thaym erar to stop y e scottis fra taking of thair munitionis & strenthis be licht berganis, thā ony set battal. And to do al thingis with mair prudence, thay chesit Hergestꝰ (ane mā of sle and fals ingyne) to be thair kyng. This Hergestus knawyng his pepyll sa brokyn with continewal weris that he mycht nocht reuenge the iniuris of Scottis, kest hym to do the thyng be slycht, that he mycht nocht do be force. And conducit two men of Pichtis to dissimi [...] and fenȝe thaym Scottis, that thay mycht mair esaly wait ane ganand tyme to sla the kynge of Scottis. Thir Pichtis war crafty in castyng of dartis, & becaus y e kyng of Scottis tuke delectatioun in y e game, yall war maid the mair familiar to hym. Nochyeles thay socht ay ane ganād tyme and place for his slauchter. Kyng Fethelmak hapnit to pas to Carrik, quhare he was in gret sollicitude all that day. At euyn he went to his bed, and cōmandit ane harpar to syng ane soft sang to draw hym out of heuy materꝭ on sleip. Als sone as he was fallyn on sleip, the two Pychtis afore rehersit was conuoyit be the harpar quhare he lay, and slew hym sleipand in his bed y e thrid ȝeir of his regne. The wache herand the granis of ane deand man enterit haistely in the chalmer quhare ye kyng was lyand bullerand in his blude. Incontinent thay followit on his slayaris sa scharply, yat thay war all tane. And quhen thay had confessit all y e maner & circumstance of this treasonabyll slauchter, thay war all punist maist cruelly to the deith, & drawin syndry with wyld [Page] hors. This slauchter of Fethelmak hapnit in the fyft ȝeir of Constantius emprioure. About this tyme wa [...] mony clerkis profound in euery scyence. As Uictoryne oratoure, Donatus gramariour, and preceptour to sanct Ierome. Alcinus and Delphidinis philosophouris with mony otheris quhilkis war ouir ꝓlixie to rehers.
☞ Hovv sanct Reule brocht sanct Androvvis arme in Scotland▪ and hovv the kirk of sanct Androvvis vvas do [...]at be Hergest kyng of Pichtis▪ and of the louyng thairof. Ca. xv.
SAnct Reule the haly abbot arriuit about this tyme in Albion with sāct Androwis arme. This Reule was ane monk of [...] borne in Achaya▪ and abbot [...]n the town of Patras, quhare mony religious men war obeysant vnder his cure. He was ane of thaym y t was send be Constantius empriour to [...]esy the blissit reliquies of sanct Andro. And quhen the said Reule had done his deuotioun with maist reuerence, he was cōmandit be ane heuynly visioun to take the arme of sanct Andro with .iii. fyngaris and iii. tayis of his fut. And to pas with the samyn in ye far nuke of y e warld namit Albion. Reule monist be this visioun come with the said reliquies throw the seis mediterrane to Portingale, and with huge pyne & trubyl he come throw y e spanȝe, franche, and almane seis. And arriuit in the town quhilk is now callit sanct Androwis, quhare thay war schip brokin, and na thyng sauit except ane few nowmer of haly men, quhylkis come with the said reliquies. Thir tithingis diuulgat in the cuntre causit the kyng of Pichtis & his pepyll to cum with riche offerandis out of all partis to adore the reliquies of y e haly appostyll sanct Andro. The kyng of Pichtis with his pepil war ressault be sanct Reule and his fallowis ī thair religious habitis with sangis & ympnis & othir diuine cerimonyis as afferit. Than Hergestus fell on kneis, & with maist reuerence kist thir blissit reliquies, & gaif his palice ryall richely biggit efter y e vse of thay dayis to sanct Andro, sanct Reule, and otheris his fallowis, & biggit ane kirk nocht far fra ye said palice dedicat in the honour of sanct Andro. Men sayis it is y e samin kirk y e standis ȝit in the cōmon kirk ȝard of the abbay, & was callit in auld tymes the kirk of sanct Reule, bot it is now callit the auld kirk of sanct Andro. Hergest dotat thꝭ kirk with cowpis, challicis, basingis, lawaris, and syndry othir riche Iowellis of gold & siluer to remane thair perpetually in y e honour of deuyne seruyce. The posterite of kyng Hergestus succeding efter hym. & the scottis (quhen the pichtis was exilit of this realme) h [...]s had sanct Andro in maist reuerence, as patroun of thair realme. The abbay kirk was dotat efter be kyng Malcolne y e madyn, and kyng Robert Brus with rentis, landis, & possessionis mair largely. This abbay was in gouernance of ane nobil mā Iohne Hebburne priour thairof in y e tyme of y e first compiling of thir croniklꝭ. This priour was ane wise prelat & decorit thꝭ kirk in with with mony riche ornamētis, he biggit ane wall of square stanis about y e kirk. This wall includis the kirk of sanct Leonard, quhare the nouicis of the said abbay and vthir scolaris lernis thair grāmer, logik, theology, with [Page lxxvi] mony othir science of naturall and morall Philosophy, and hes sic continewal exercitiō y t mony resolute & profound clerkis risis dayly in gret virtew throw the samyn. In this kirk war first preistꝭ callit culdeyis. Bot now in it ar channonis regular efter the institutionis of sanct Augustyne, geuand thair ingyne in cō tinewall exercitioun of letteris and professioun of thair religioun. Heirfore gif thow wyl haue respect to letteral exercition, thow sall fynd thair generall study in euery science. Gyf thow wyll be cōtemplatiue, thow sal fynd thair maist honorabyll seruyce of god with heuynly and delitious sang ī maist crafty music. Gif thow wyl haue sicht to magnificence and curious biggin, thow sal fynd nane of mair honestee nor admiration in Italy, France, or Almany biggit curiously be this nobyll man. Quhilk deceissit the ȝeir afore the cumyng of thir cronyklis to lycht, to na les dā mage of commoun weill, than spredyng of letteris ī this realme. amāg mony othir his honorabyll werkis it is gretumly to be louit, that afore his deith he maid his nepot Patrik ane man of syngular virtew & eruditioun his successoure, to compleit the magnificent werkis that he afore began. ¶The ȝeir that sanct Reule come with the reliquies of sanct Andro in Scotland was fra y e Incarnatioun .iii.C.lxix.
☞Hov Eugenius vvas maid kyng of Scottis, Hovv Hergest kyng of Pichtis vvas confiderat vvith Romanis for distruction of Scottis. Hovv Maximus capitane of Britane inuadit the Scottis vvith gret cruelteis & slauchter. Ca. xvi
FEthelmak slane in maner afore rehersit, the nobillis brocht Eugenius and Ethodius ye sonnis of Fyncormak out of the Ile of Man, quhare thay abaid eschewin the fury of Romak, Augusiane, & Fethelmak. And the eldest of thaym namit Eugenius y e first of y e name was maid kyng. Maximꝰ capitane of britane knawyng y e hatrēt betuix ye scottis & pichtis, na les desirus to distroy thaym baith, than to agment y e glore of Romane empyre deuisit sic ane subtyll slicht, y t he mycht first distroy the scottis, & syne ye pichtis▪ and to wirk this mater with mair crafty slichtis, he send ambassatouris to Hergest kyng of Pichtis, schawyng hym richt sorrowfull for the iniuris done to hym be Scottis. And desyrit thairfor to be confiderat with the said kyng of Pychtis aganis the Scottis. Quharethrow i [...] mycht happyn that his pepyl mycht rise in sic pissance be support of Romanis and Britonis, that thay mycht othir thirll the Scottis to maist vile seruytude, or ellis expell thaym (gyf thay plesit) out of Albyoun. And conques thair landis and rowmes to thaym and thair posterite. Kyng Hergest plesādly ressauit thir ambassatouris, and gaue thankis to god, that send to hym support in sa extreme dangeir aganis his cruell ennymes. And sayd, it plesit hym weill to be confiderat with the Romanis, sa thay wald concurre with hym and his pepyll to reuenge the iniuris done be the Scottis. ☞¶Maximus condyscendit to thair desyris, traisting the samyn to cum to hie felicite of Romane empyre. ¶Nocht lang efter it was [Page] concludit be conuention of Hergestus & Maximus at Ȝork, y e Pychtis Britonis and Romanis salbe cō fiderat togidder in tendir amit [...]. & the Scottis to be haldyn as ennymes to thaym all▪ Efter this conuentioun Maximus send ane herald to Eugenius king of Scottis, chargeand hym to redres all skaithis done to Pichtis, and delyuer the mysdoaris to kyng Hergest to be punist at his plesour. Uthirwayis he and his pepyll suld be reput as ennymes to the senat and pepyll of Rome. Eugenius answerit, he neuir offendit the Romanis nor Britonis be iniuris, and thairfore he beleuit y • Romanis wald nocht be sa wrangus, as to inua [...]e hym with battall but reasonabyll motiue or occasioun. Forthir he v [...]derstude the Romanis has nocht gottin sic humanite and kyndnes of Pichtis, to moue ony weir aganis the Scottis thā present, sen thay neuir offendit to Romanis. Alwayis he was content baith to geif & take redres with the Pychtis, and thay (quhilkis inuadis vthir with iniuris in tymes cumyng) to be punys [...] as the cryme requirit. Forthir gif y • romanis be aduyse of Pichtis wald inuade hym but ony iust occasion of battal, he mycht do na thing les, thā cōmend his gud actioun to god the punisar of wrangis, and do the best he mycht for defence of his realme & liberte. For y e Romanis (as weill apperis) ar na les set for exterminioun of Pichtis▪ than of Scottis. Maximus efter this answer assemblie ane large army of Romanis, Britonis, and Franchemen & enterit in Westmureland, ceissyng fra na maner of cruelteis on y e inhabitantis thairof. And garnist all the strenthis of that regioun with Romane sodiouris. And sone efter he come in Annādale Galloway▪ and syndry vthir boundꝭ exercing gret cruelteis on the same maner. The scottis herand sa huge multitude of pepyll assemblit aganis thaym, war affrayit. Nochyeles s [...]and na vthir remeid, thay come out of all partis of Scotland be cō mand of Eugenius with na les mā heid thā ardent desyre to resyst yair ennymes, and faucht with romanis besyde the watter of Cree, Quhare he was put to flycht, and his army discomfist. Sa gret slauchter was maid on the brayis of this reuer, yat the same was fyllit full of deid bodyis. The Romanis followit sa fast on the chace of Scottis, quhyll at last thay enterit in ane new bergane with ye men of Argyle, for thay war cumyn forthwart to support Eugenius army, knawyng na thyng of this discomfiture. And quhen thay saw the romanis follow with sic cruelteis on the Scottis, thay ruschit with terribyl vissage, noyis, & rummysyng on the said Romanis, and maid sic vndemꝰ slaucht on thaym, that the resydew of Scottis (quhilkis war laitly diffait) returnit to battall, and chasit the Romanis agane to thair tentꝭ, inuadyng thaym with contynuall slauchter quhyll y e nycht put end to thair laubour. Thꝰ was the chance of battall variant y e first day betuix the Scottis & thair ennymes. The Romanis nocht knawing the counsall of scottis (howbeit mony of thaym war slane) stud in houor, nocht knawyng quhidder thay wald renew battal in y e samyn nicht, or abyde the day. Ȝit to haue thaym reddy aganis all chance that mycht follow, thay stuffit thair tentis with maist crafty ordinance. Eugenius seyng on the morrow his pepyll brokin [Page lxxvii] with sic innoumerable slauchter rasi [...] his tentis within ye nycht, and come to Carrik, quhair he tuk lang consultatioun, how he mycht arme hym best aganis al chance of battal that mycht follow. Maximus on ye morow intendyng to persew the scottis with new battall, wes aduertist of gret seditioun risyng in Britane Speciallie amang thaym yat dwelt within ye Romane prouincis. Thir nouellis causit hym to desist fra his purpos, and returne in Kent. Eftir that he garnist all y e strenhis of Galloway with men, munitionis, & vittallis. Thir wer the dedis of Maximus aganis Scottꝭ in y e first ȝeris.
☞Hovv Maximus returnit in Gallovvay to reuenge the iniuris done be Scottis aganis Pichtis. Hovv Eugenius come vvith .l.M. men to resist the Romanis Pichtis and Britonis. Hovv he vvas slane, his brothir tane▪ and his army discomfist. Ca. xvii.
MAximus in the ȝeir followyng wes sa Ithandlie occupyir with this trubill of britonis afore rehersit, y t he mycht nocht returne to ye weris of Scottis. Nochtheles mony frequent incursionis continewit al the said tyme betuix his wageouris, and the Scottis. At last quhen the scottis had assailȝeit lāg tyme (Howbeit it wes in vane) to recouer y e strenthis of Galloway, thay past throwe Menteith, Striuilyng and Fyffe, and sindry othir boundis of Pychtis, Inuadyng the same with sic cruelte, that thay wer left desert. Maximus apperit rycht heuy at thir offencis, howbeit na thyng wes more plesand to hym than to heir the Scottꝭ and Pychtꝭ inuadyng othir to baith thair mischeiffis. Finalie he come in Galloway w t purpos to pas throw all the remanent boundis of Scottis. Than wes Eugenius nocht far fra the Romanis abidyng the cummyng of his pepill, to quhom comperit gret cōfluence of sensabil men and wemen to the nowmer of fifty thousand pepil rycht desirꝰ to fecht, and criand atanis with huge noys othir to de, or ellis to haue victory. For thay wer cruelly slane in al ꝑtis quhare thay mycht be apprehēdit be romanis but ony mercy or ranson, & nochtwithstāding thair gret curage thay wer sumpart astonist, herand y e Romanis cummyng in thair landis with more multitude and pissance of pepill, than euir wes sene in ony of thair boundis afore. Ȝit otheris hauand the Romane tyranny at dispite, wer rasit in maist fury, regardyng na thyng thair life in defence of thair liberte. Than Eugenius with gret curage dissimulit his contināce, as he wer affrayit of na thīg les, than of the Romanis. And deuidit his army in thre battallis. The richt wyng wes geuyn to his brodir Ethodius. The left wyng to Doalꝰ capitane of Argyle. And in the myddilward wes hym self. Thir battallis wer arrayit in sic craft, that in ye place (quhair the battall wes set) he beleuit nocht onlie to haue the riuer of Munda deip but ony furd on the bakkis of his army, that thay suld fecht but refuge. Bot als to haue ye sonne gangand to siclik on yair bakkis, that thair ennymes micht nocht hald vp thair eyn for reflixioun of contrar beymis in thair sycht. Sic thyngis done, Eugenius went to ane hie mote, and callit his army to the standart, and said in yis maner. [Page] Our eldaris that began this realm with continewall laubour & brocht the samyn with honour to our days (forcy campionis) commandit thair posterite to defend thair realme and liberte (quhilk is maist dulce and heuynly treasoure in ye erd) aganis al inuasouris, hauand esperance of victory (quhen tyme wes to fecht aganis yair ennymes) in na thing more thā in yair handis, & to be obeysant to the wyse and nobill capitanis of this realme. Quhais auctorite and prudence bene sicker targe baith to thair guddis, landis, and liffis aganis all preis & dangeir of ennymes. All our eldaris (that ar passit afore ws) wer ay obedient to the cōmand of thair nobillis, & yocht thay haue touchtin oftymes with sindry chan [...]is of battall aganis the dantouris of the warld, ȝit thay wer finalie victouris. Nowe mon we fecht (maist vailȝeant campionis) with sic manheid & curage (as our eldaris faucht afore ws). Or ellꝭ mon we tyne oure realme and liberte, And be thirlly [...] to maist vile seruitude at the wyll of oure ennymes. ¶Now approchis Maximus our cruell and vnmercyfull ennymy, to reif baith our landis and guddis, gyf we support nocht oure self be grace of god and oure manheid. He is sa ful of fals ingyne and slychtis, that he is now confiderat with Pychtis als weill in perditiō of thaym as of ws, intēding yair throw to bryng the haill empire of Albioun (howbeit the samyn wes neuir hard afore) vnder Romane obeysance. ¶The Pychtis be mischant foly passis to battall in support of thair profest ennymes, quhilkis ar rycht desyrus to reif fra thaym yair kyngdome and honouris. Thay come aganys ws (quhilkis wer ay thair protectouris) sen first thair realme beganne. It is vncertane be quhat mischeif thir Pychtis bene abusit, nocht knawyng the Irrecouerabill dāmage yat is to fal on yame in euersioun of thair common weill and liberte. And youcht thay knaw the same, thay gyf no attendance thairto. Ȝit sa far as pertenis to our actioun, consider that our ennymes ar to fecht aganis ws, quhome we neuir offendit with iniuris. Throw quhilk thair werkis salbe the more vnchancy and mair odious to god. Be contrar remember ȝe ar to resist thair inuasioun. And in ȝour pur [...] defence ar to fecht for ȝoure realme and liberte. And ar the posteritie of thay forcy campionis that, sumtyme maist gloriously chasit the Romanis out of thir boundis. Now it is cumyn to sic poynt, that we mon othir be vincust and suffir extreme miserie and seruitude, or ellis to be victouris, and stabill oure landis to ws with glore, honoure and permanent eys. I beseik ȝow (my gud companȝeonis) for the vnuincibill manheid, faith and virthew of ȝour eldari [...], and for thair paill goist [...]s (quhilkis defendit this ȝoure realme in liberte to thir dayis) to suffir nocht ȝow thair sonnis to be rest and spul ȝeit of ȝour realme, liberteis and gudis, nor ȝit to be taikin (as catiuis) to vnderly thair tyrannyis. And gyf it hapnis ȝow be aduers chance (quhilkis god defend) to de, than do (sa far as in ȝow) to acquit ȝour deith. And thynk, better is to de honestlie, than to leif in schame. Knawe ȝoure self dotat with incredibill manheid and virtew. And heritouris be ancyant lynnage als weill to ȝour nobill faderis in wisdome and cheualrye, as in thair landis, nocht gaderit of diuers [Page lxxviii] nationis, bot of ane pepill vnder ane mynd. And seruandis to the eternall god that geuis victory to Iust pepill in reward of thair virtew. And to fals and wrangus pepil schame, discomfiture, and slauchter. Belt ȝow thairfore (lusty gallandis) with manheid and wisdome to haue victory. Quhilk sall nocht fail to succeid (gyf ȝe with constant curage haue na thyng bot schamful fleyng in dredour). And inuaid ȝour ennymes with siclik cruelte, as thay intend to inuaid ȝow. Skarsly had Eugenius rasit the spreit of his army be this hortatioun, quhen Maximus apperit in sycht with all his army. And come forth wart with more deligence, than wes beleuit. For he come sone eftir the sonne risyng. Ye Scottis wer astonyst be huge multitude of ennymes. Nochtheles seand na refuge, thay de [...]mit to assailȝe the extreme Ieoperde of armys. Sone efir thay arrayit thaym with thair bakkis to the sonne. That the glance & beymys thairof suld nocht be impedimēt to thair fechting. And skarslie wer thay weil arrayit, quhē thay ruschit forthwart on thair ennymes. This feirs rynnyng wes impediment to Maximus to do his deuore. Nochtheles seand the tyme sa schort, he exhortit his army to remember ye Romane virtew, & to be not affrayit of barbar pepil, quhom thay recently discomfist. Incontinent baith the armyis be sound of trumpat Iunit with huge nois and clamour on all sidis. At the first contenyng it wes so cruelly fochtin that it wes vncertane to quhat ꝑty maist dangeir succedit. Than followit sindry chancis of fortoun. For the Scottis (y e faucht in the richt wyng vnder Ethodious to wyn na les honour than glore) set on the Pychtis fornence thaym. And chasit thaym throw the watter of Dune. Quhair mony of yame ouirset with slik and glar yairof wer slane than be proud and insolent glore (as thay had bene sicker of victory) thay stragulit fra yair fallowꝭ, cassin to spulȝe. Throw quhilk mony of thaym wer slane eftir be ane Romane legioun yat wes send be Maximus in support of the said Pychtis. In the last wyng (quhair Doalus faucht) the Scottis met with franchemen, Britonis and Almanys, quhair yai wer slane fechtand with perseuerand manheid to the deith for defence of thair realm. Than all the Romane army be command of Maximus ruschit on the myddill warde quhair Eugenius faucht with his nobillis wery and neir vincust be multitude of yair ennymes. Howbeit mony of thaym feirsly repugnāt (quhil thay mycht) failȝeit na thyng yat pertenit to forcy campionis. ¶The nobillis (that faucht in Eugenius army) seing the victory inclyne to Romanis, desyrit Eugenius to saif hym be flycht to better fortoun. And incōtinent thay raif of his coit armoure par force to mak hym vnknawin. Nochtheles he abaid fechtand with perseuerand malyce aganis the Romanis. And wes slane ye thrid ȝeir of his regne. Quhil sic terrible murdir wes maid ī y e army of scottꝭ, al yair careage mē (that wer left to keip thair bestiall & vittallis) hauand na armoure bot swerdis to defend thaym, and seyng sa mony nobill men slane, be pietuꝰ commiseratioun Ruschit on thair ennimes. And wer al slane fechtand to the deith. Quhill the Romanis wer followyng in the chace be gre [...] Ire and hatrent on yis maner, thay [Page] fell in ane vncouth maner of bergane. For the agit and febyll personis (yat war left at hame as vnfensabil bodyis) rycht desyrus to heir quhat chance was fallyn to thair sonnis, come to the place, quhare the battall was. Bot quhen thay saw sa pietuous and lamentabyl slauchter maid on thair sonnis and freindis, thay ruschit on thair ennymes lyke [...]riꝰ creaturis, regardyng nothir life, reason, nor aige. The wemen come efter with terribyll noyis rummysching as wod rageand beistis and set on the Romanis. Nochtheles baith the aigit men and wemen war fynalye slane. The Romanis passit the nycht followyng with sa huge feir and dredoure, that na trinchis nor walkyng mycht be sufficient munitioun to thair army. For the hyllis, valis, and lesu [...]is resoundit all y e nicht with maist terribyl spraichis of ȝammeryng pepyll in the deidthr [...]w. For nocht was hard bot ho [...]rybyll murnyng of sobband and deand pepyll. Cryand ane vengeance on Romanis and Pychtis, be [...]uhais treasonabyll slychtis this huge murdir was maid on thaym. On the morrow Maximus partit the spulȝe of the feild amang his army, and maid the deid bodyis to be buryit. And to schaw hym nocht degenerat fra Romane mercy, He maid thaym (that war left on lyffe and sair woundit) to be curit with maist crafty surrigianis. ¶Amang quhome was Ethodius brothir to Eugenius tane▪ and curit be reuth of Maximus of all his woundis▪
¶Hovv the Scottis be gret cruelte of pichtis vvar exilit out of Albion. Hovv ye abbay of Cokil vvas foūdit. ca. xviii.
THe Scottis discomfist in this wyse, Kyng Eugeniꝰ was found slane. Quhome Maximꝰ gart bury with funerall obsequies. Syne went with his victorius army throw syndry boundis of Scotland, & gat mony of y e inhabytantis thairof randerit as he plesit. The Pychtis desyryng the vter exterminioun of Scottis, tuke hie displeseir, that the said Scottis war sufferit in this wise to leif in Albioun. Maximus maid hym to meis thair indignatioun, saying it pertenit to Romane maieste to haue na les mercy on thair subdittis, than ferocite aboue thair conspiratouris and rebellis. ¶It was alsua pr [...]pir to Romanis to conques pepyll mair be beniuolence than tyranny. For na thing micht degraid mair the romane glore, than to vse cruelteis on thair subdewit pepyll. And becaus the Scottis war sufficiently punyst for thair rebellyoun, thair kyng slane, thair army dyscomfist, and thair strēthis tane, he wald inuaid thaym with na forthir punytyoun, les than thay conspirit with new rebellioun. ¶The kyng of Pychtis and his nobyllis na thyng satyfyit of this answer. Bot erar mouit with mair indignatioun, desyrit Maximus be mony gret perswasionis to sla all Scottis in euery part quhare thay micht be apprehendit. Saying thay war thair profest ennymes borne in thair vter exterminioun▪ and reiosyng onelye in murdir of Romanis. Othirwayis the Romanis [Page lxxix] and thair confiderat freindis mycht haue na sicker felycyte in Albioun. The Pychtis seyng thaym frustrat of thair desyris began to conuert thaym to mair slycht. And fynalye corruppit Maximus with large money, quhylk mouis all mortall creaturis to maist terribyll fellonyis. And purchest all Scottis to be monyst vnder pane of deid to pas out of Albioun at ane prefixt day, That thair landis and rowmes mycht cū in pray to Romanis and Pychtis. The day byrunne all Scottis war exilit, and cōmandit vnder pane of maist cruell punitioun neuir to returne in Albioun. ¶Be this proscriptioun sum of thaym went in to the Ilis. Otheris in Ireland, Orknay, France, Italy, Norroway, and Denmark. ¶Efter proscriptioun of the men, come syndry ladyis of Scotland arrayit in thair dule habit for doloure of thair husbandis, quhilkis war slane in this last battall. And desyrit Maximus with lamentabyll regrait to suffer thaym leif (as catyuis) the resydew of thair miserabyll lyfe within thair natyue land to pray for thair husbandis, and fynaly be buryit with thaym in graif. Bot thai couth purches nocht with all thair dolorus teris, bot plane repuls. And sa the ladyis and gentyll wemen war exilit on the samyn maner as the men. Thir doingis war occasioun to Maximus to detest the inhumaniteis and cruell maneris of Pychtis. The Pychtis rageand ylk day in mair cruelte efter the day of generall proscription, murderit all Scottis (quhare thay micht be apprehendit) but ony piete, ransoun, or miseration of thair estatis. Quhyll sic deligent serchyng was maid in all partis, Cartandis quene of Scottis with two madynnis and ane seruand was found at the sepulture of hir husband Eugenius neir consumit with murnyng and teris. And becaus scho was the prynce of Walis douchter, scho was brocht to Maximus but ony displesoure. Maximus than remembryng y e vnsicker stait of man, and hauand compassioun of hir sorrowfull chance, met hir in his honest maner and maid hir al the consolatioun he mycht, and prayit hir to be of gud confort, for he suld treit hir (as his fy [...]t) in tymes cummyng. Sone efter he cloithit hir with honest and semely abulȝementis, and gaif hir the town of Carrik with syndry rentis and possessyōis to sustene hir ryal estait. Nochtheles Cartandis nocht vnknawand fra quhat hie felicite scho was deieckit, Plesandly ressauit the ȝok of seruytude. And quhen scho was returnand to the said town of Carrik, scho was tane be the gait be ane cumpany of Romanis and Pychtis. And nocht onelye spulȝeit of hir hors, clethyng, money, and Iowellis, bot als hir seruandis slane▪ and hir madynnis fulȝeit. Maximꝰ aduertist of this outtrage c [...]issit nocht quhyll the mysdoaris war punyst and hir guddis restorit, Syne preseruit hir mony dayis efter fra all iniure of ennymes. ¶On the morrow the Pychtis come to Maximus complanyng heualy that thair men war slane be perswasyoun of ane catyue womā ennymy to thaim. And said thay deseruit othir kyndnes of Romanis, fechtand to y e deith for amplyatioun of thair empyre aganis the pepyl with quhylkis thay war confyderat to thay dayis, and desyrit thairfore that Cartandis suld be exylit in Brytane amang [Page] hir freindis. ¶ Cartandis heirand thir wourdis said scho was bot ane miserabyll [...]reature, nakit of hir husbād and freindis, and wald be mair miserabyll gif scho beand deiecki [...] fra hie felici [...]e, was repute sa vnworthy, that scho mycht nocht be sufferit to leif amang hir ennymes, bot commandit to leif in dayly schame amang hir freindis. Howbeit it war mair plesand to hir to be in Scotland praying for the vailȝeant pepil that was slane with hir husband duryng hir sobir lyfe, than to leyf in honoure of ony pryncely estait. Fynaly quhen scho had desyrit outhir to be put haistely to deith, or ellis to be sufferit to leif (as scho desyrit) in Scotland. Sic commiseratioun [...]ais amang the Romanis mouit be hir comploratioun that scho was licent (contrar the mynd of Pychtis) to remane in Scotland quhare scho lyst with rentis and possessionis effering to hir estait. Sic thyngis done, all preistis, monkis, and religious personis of Scottis blude, war erilit on the same maner out of Scotland. Throw quhylk mony of thaym come in Ilis, and byggit the abbay of Colmekill, quhare mony deuoit personis remanis ȝit to oure dayis. Uncertane quhidder the samyn be mair plentuous of haly wemen or men, quhilkis leiffis deuoitly in thair secret housis. Quhare throw it happenit that this abbay (howbeit it began soberly be deuotioun of pepyll and princely rewardis) was maid the cōmoun sepulture mony ȝeris ef [...]er of all Scottis kyngis. And yocht Ethodius brothi [...] to Eugenius with otheris presoneris of scottis war euyll woundit in this battal. Ȝit thay war exilit efter yair curing on y e samyn maner, & sworne nothir to pas in Ireland, Orknay, nor Ilis, and cons [...]ranit thairfore to pas in Norroway. ¶ The ȝeir that Scottis war exilit out of Albion be the weris of Romanis was fra the beginning of the warld .v. thousand v.C.xlvii. ȝeris. Fra the incarnatioun of god .iii.C.lxxix. ȝeris. Fra the begynnyng of Scottis in Albioun .vii.C.xii. ȝeris. In the secund ȝeir of Iuliane emprioure, quhilk was namit appostita, becaus othir empriouris afore hym war catholik pryncis and he ane heretike.
¶Of syndry maru [...]lli [...] sene in Albioun. Hovv the sctottis (that fled in Ireland and the Ilis) returnit in Scotland vvith gret povver▪ and hovv thay vvar discō fist and slane. Ca. xix.
IN the ȝeir that Eugenius faucht with Romanis war sene mony vncouth meruellis in Albioun to the gret terroure of y e pepyll. In y e nycht apperit mony swerdis and wappinnis birnand in the air. Bot at last thay ran al togidder ī ane gret bleis and euanist out of sicht. The watter of Dune ran full of blude, and the brais of it schane all nycht as it had bene full of ythand fyris. ¶ Mony small foulis fell out of the ayre in maner of ane schoure. And incontinent come ane huge multitude of Rauynnis and deuorit thaym all. Howbeit the deuynouris and wod wemen schew that thir vncouth and wonderfull prodigies sygnyfyit the exterminioun of Scottis, Ȝit thay war haldyn in derysyoun to the pepyll and inhybit to geif faith to sic fretis. ¶ Sic felicite succedyng to [Page lxxx] Romanis, & the scottis beand exilit out of Albioun, Gyllo capitane of Ilis aduertist of the proscription of Ethoditis in norroway but esperance of his returnyng, had sic desyre to recouer his realme yat he come with ane gret power ī Argyle. In y e mene tyme his folkis wyde skatterit at thair incursionis and spulȝeis, hapnit be aduenture to cum on ane army of Pychtis laid for defence of ye cuntre, be quhome thay war finally chasi [...] and slane. All thair schippis & galȝeonis war brocht to y e nixt port to resist the residew of Scottis▪ gyf thay happinnit to returne with ony new army. The men of Ilis brokin on this wyse with dowbyll calamite baith with slauchter and tynsall of thair schyppis, had na pyssance to pers [...]w thair ennymes with ony forthir battal. The residew of scottꝭ (to eschew y e Ire & hatrent of romanis) fled in Ireland, & pi [...]tuisly cōplanit afore the kyng and pryncis thairof y t thair kyng Eugenius was slane, and all thair freindꝭ sumtyme maist vailȝeant in marcyall dedis, banyst out of Albion be tyranny of Romanis, Britonis and Pychtis. Quhais cruelteis war sa odiously schawyn on thaym, yat na estait nor aige war sauit. Bot dreuyn be preis of battall in vncouth realmis to leif ī powerte and seruitude. Thus was thair nobyll and anciant realme sa lang defendit be vailȝeant [...]āpionis to thay dayis brocht to vter exterminioun be insaciabyll auarice of Romanis, and geuin (as pray) to Britonis and Pichtis in reward of thair falset & [...]reason. And desirit thairfore for the luf and tendernes that nature the crafty modir of all creatouris, hes ordanit y e parētis to haif to thair children to support thaim aganis thair vnmercifull ennymes, that the scottis sumtyme descendyng of thair blude, and reiosyng the realme of Scotland aboue .vii.C. ȝeris be nocht brocht to vter confusioun be Romane weris, sen thay ar cumyng to thaym as to thair sycker anker and last refuge in that extreme neid. The pryncis of Ireland mouit be commiseratioun of this sorrowfull chance fallyng to Scottis thair natyue pepyll, send .x. thousand Irelād men with thaym in Albion to recouer thair realme. This army come in Carrik▪ Kyle, and Cūnynghame, and ceissit fra na maner of cruelte on the Britonis and Pychtis, that war found in thay boundis. Herdur stane brothir to Hergest kyng of Pychtis afore rehersit, beryng sa gret cruelteis done to Pichtis come haistely with ane army to inuaid y e scottis. Nochtheles he was put to flicht and his army discomfist. Than the scottis tuke aduysement, quhat wes to be done. Sum allegit (howbei [...] victory succedit) to assailȝe nocht ye chance of fortoun ony forthir. Bot efter this plesand victory to returne in Ireland with the riche spulȝe of m [...]n and guddis takyn be thaym in the said battal, & erar to kepe thaym to ane better fortoun, than to abyde be manifest foly y • Romane pissance. Quhylk had sa hye and syngulare preemynence baith in ryches and cheualry, that na pepyll mycht resist thairto. Otheris said, best was to follow fortoun, and recouer the remanent landis reft fra thaym, sen thair begynnyng succedit with sa happy chance, thair end suld follow with the mair prosperi [...]e. For it is oft tymes sene y e gret multytude of pepyl bene vincust be few men. And thairfore ī esperance of bett fortoun [Page] best was to rais thair curage, and outhir recouir thair natiue realme, or all atanis to de. This last opinioun was apprisit. Than the Scottis and Ireland men tuke full purpos to recouir all the remanent landis, that pertenit to thaym be ony tityll or law in Albion. At last quhen thay had fochtyn with maist rageand fury aganis thair ennymes, na better fortoun succedit to thaim, thā succedit afore to ye men of Ilis. For few of thaym eschapit vntakyn, or slane with Romanis. The princis & nobillis of Ireland richt affrayit of thir tithingis, cōuenit to ane coū sall to haue consultatioun, how the scottis mycht be restorit to thair realme, and the Romanis best resistit. And quhen thay saw na sufficient remeid for the samyn, thay set asyde all othir materis, and concludit to send thair oratouris to haue peace of Romanis. The ambassatouris (y • come to this effect) war reprouit be Marimus, quhy thay supportit the Scottis aganis the Romanis, consydering na realmes in erd (saif Ireland) war fre of Romane weris to thay dayis. Ȝit peace was grantit to thaym vnder thir conditionis, ye princis and nobillis of Ireland sall resset na ennymes of romanis within thair realme in tymis cumyng, & thay sal make na support to thaym, that mouis ony weris aganis y e Romanis or thair confiderat freindis. Na theiffis nor lymma [...]ꝭ of Ireland, sal cum to do erandis in tymis cummyng in Albiou. The peace ratifpit in this maner followit na trubyll efter in Albioun be Ireland.
¶And sa endis heir the sext bu [...]e of thir Croniklis.
Heir begynnis the seuynt buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
☞¶Hovv Maximus cōquest be his lyberalite the crovvn of Britane. Hovv he slevv Gratiane emprioure, and vvas slane be Theodosius. Ca. primo.
MAximus hauand trubyll of ennymes dantit in all partis with sicker peace, to make his prudēt maneris mair patent, schew hym sa beniuolus to the pepyl, y • na man was denyit his presence, & had with hym ī dayly fallowschip mony of the gret nobyllis of Brytane, and tretit thaym sa plesandly, that syndry of thaym war drawin to his fauoure. For quhen he ceissit fra publict materis, he gaif his ingyne to tornamentis, warslyng▪ and othir knich [...]ly exercitioun with Britonis. and become sa liberall, that he gaue on ane day amang thaym mair thā all the tribute of Britane mycht extend to for ane ȝeir. All the weirmen and knichtis in his campe war perswadit to take his part be his liberalite aganis quhat sum euir ieoperdeis y • mycht fall. Maximus knawyng the myndis of his army geuyn with sic feruent amyte to hym▪ set ane conuentioun at Ȝork, and partit all y • landis partenand sumtyme to Scottis amang the Pichtis and [Page lxxxi] Britonis. Sic thyngis done he garnist al the strenthis of Britane with men, munitionis & vittallis. Syne callit afore hym all his freindis and men of armys (quhō he knew maist fauorable to his desiris) and demandit thaym be quhat ingyne or wayis he mycht maist easely conques the crown of Britane. The Britonis knawyng his imperial lynnage and liberalite with hie manheid & craft of cheualrie creat hym kyng. Yocht Paulus Diaconus writtis that he wes maid kyng contrar his wyll, I will follow my auctouris afore rehersi [...], erar than vncouth historicianis. Ualentiniane empriour knawing y t Maximꝰ had vsurpit y e crown of Britane, send diuers capitanis & armyis to dant his rebellioun. At last quhen he persauit ye said Maximus inuincibill in battal and mony of his capitanis and armyis discomfist and slane, he condiscendit lychtly to haue peace with the said Maximus. Thus wes Maximus sufferit be the empriour to reiose the crown of Britane, quhilk he gouernit .xvii ȝeris efter but truble. Hauand the hale empyre of Albion vnder his dominion. Quhilk hapnyt neuir afore to leuand creature. He had the Pichtis in sic familiarite, that y e strangest of thaym wer chosin capitane in his army. And other maid sodiouris in sindry castellis of Britane. And quhen he come in yair lādis, he clotthit him with mantil bordorit with gold and silkin flouris eftir thair gyse▪ & of thaym desyrit nocht bot ane smal tribute to be ane memorial, yat thay wer tributaris to hym in name of romanis. The Pychtis and Britonis deliuerit thꝰ of al deidly feir of scottis, had Maximus in na les luf yan vehement affection, And reiosit that the Scottis yair auld ennymes wer exilit out of Albioun and put to vter rewyne. Quhen Maximus had gouernit the crown of Britane certane ȝeris with gret manheid & prudence, he began be insaciable auarice to couate the haill empyre of the warld. And to conqueir the samyn, he went in France eftir that he had stuff [...] all the strenthis of Britane with strang munitioun and wageouris. At his cumyng in France he wes tenderlie ressauit be certane legionis of romanis, quhilkis wer ennymes to Graciane emprioure. And bure hym in deidlie hatrent. Becaus he had vncouth and barbar pepill in more reuerence than Romanis. Maximus fauo [...]it be this mene be ye Romanis in France, gaderit ane army with al pissance that he mycht assemble, and be suddane incursionis slew Graciane empriour the .xxix. ȝeir of his empyre. Eftir this slauchter Maximꝰ went throw Almany, & Italie. And be feir of his onlie fame he cōstran [...] the peple to pay hym tribute▪ Nochttheles he wes finalie slane be Theodosius emprioure. Als sone as the Romanis (quhilkꝭ wer left ī Frāce) knew y e slauch [...]er of Maximꝰ, thay tuke in continent his sonne namy [...] Uictour. And spulȝeit hym baith of his auctorite and lyfe. As Paulus Diaconus writis at lenth in the life of Graciane and Theodosius empriouris.
☞¶Hovv octauius vvas maid kyng of Brytonis. Hovv Mercius and Victoryne vver send in Albioun to dant the Britonis. Hovv the Pychtis vvar thirllit to gret seruitude. & hovv thair kyng slevv hym self. Ca▪ ii.
[Page] THe romane princis beand deuidit on this maner amang thaym self. Octauius sonne to Octauius kyng of Britane afore rehersyt returnit in britane for he fled (as we schew) in France to eschew the tyranny of Maximus, quhen he subdewit Britane to his opinion. And clamyt the crown to pertene to him as Iust heritoure discending of the blud tyall thairof be lang progression. And promittit (gyf thay condiscendit to his opinion) to deliuer thaym of Romane seruitude. And to suffer nane bot yair natiue blud to regne aboue thaym in tymes cumyng. The Britonis mouit be his reasonis, & rycht desirus to recouer yair liberte maid hym kyng. The Romanis (quhilkis kepit the strenthis and munitionis of Britane) wer repugnant to thir doyngis. Thus apperit gret contentioun. The Britonis set to defend Octauius, and ye Romanis to keip Britane vnder the empyre of Theodosius empriour. This rebellion of Britonis wes occasion to the empriour to send new capitanis with mony Romane legionis to dantye Britonis. Bot quhē he fand thay mycht nocht be ouirthrawin be force of armes. He gaif thaym peace vnder yir conditionis. Octauius sall remane kyng of Britane duryng his lyfe & amyte with Romanis. The munitionis and strenthis of Britane to be kepit be ye Romanis. The administratioun of Iustice to be at ye will of Theodosius. Quhome he list depute for the samyn. Paying siclike tribute to y e empriour as thay payit afore to Maximus. Thus wes Britane maid tributar (as afore) to Romanis. Nocht lang eftir two capitanis wer send with mony legionis in Britane. That ane namit Marcius to mak his residence at Londoun. And this othir namyt Uictoryne to remane at Ȝork. Be gouernance of thir two capitanis followit mony ȝeris eftir gret affliction to ye Albianis. For Uictoryne conuenyt y e Pichtis to ane coūsal, and repruuit yame for vsyng of thair awin lawis, in cō temptioun of Romane auctorite as thai had bene fre pepil. Nocht astric kit to the empriouris seruitude. Eft sindry consultationis he maid actis that nane of Pichtis sall regne eftir Hergest, na ministration of Iustice to be maid be thair awin lawis bot onlie be Romanis. And the said Romanis to haue aboue thaym in tymes cumyng the auctorite of lyfe & deith. And gyf thay wer found repugnant to thir constitutionis to be punyst to the deith. Hergest kyng of Pychtis thirllit thus to vile seruitude in his latter age, wes penitent of the weris maid afore aganis the Scottis, seyng eftir thair proscriptioun sa intollerable calamyteis apperyng bai [...]h to his peple than present and to thair posterite. And becaus he couth nocht put remeid yair to for vehement dolour he slew hym self. Uictoryne knawing this vnhappy end of Hergest, cōmandit that na pychtis blude vsurpe the crown in tymes cumyng. And y e nane of yani [...] beir office nor auctorite vnder pane of deith, with all other chargis to be obseruat (quhilkis thay wer thi [...]lli [...] to be Maximus) quhen he exilit th [...] Scottis. Yus wes y e realme of Pichtis spulȝeit of thair natiue lawis & subdewit to Romanis in maner of prouince, siclik as y e realme of Britonis. Ye Pichtis hauand the chargis [Page lxxxv] of Uictoryne in derisioun wer rycht impaciēt to suffir y e crown be reft fra yair natiue blud. And maid Dur [...]ꝰ ye son of Hergest to be thair kyng. Uictoryne mouit for thair rebellion thocht best to dant yame afore thay gaderit ony more pissance, and come haistely in Pentland with gret ordinance. ¶The Pychtis in Camelon with thair new kyng heirand the cumyng of Uictoryne, began to garnys thair town with all prouisioun. Nochtheles soner than thay [...]raistit the Romanis beltit thair town with strang seige & tuke it finalie be force of armes. In this towne wes tane king Durstus, and send to Rome to vnderly the Iugement of Romane Senatouris. The principal mouarꝭ of this rebellioun wer scurgit with wandis throw ye town of Camelon The Pychtis dantit be Uictoryne in this maner, wer cōmandit to pay ȝeirlie to the Romane Thesaurer ye fourt part of all the frutis growand on thair landis, with the feird part of thair bestial vnder pane of deith. For he [...]hocht ye Pychtis sa insolen [...] eftir the eiection of Scottis out of Albion, yat (gyf thay wer nocht dantit in tyme) mony hie offencis mycht ryse be thaym in Albion. And by all thir importable chargis, he thirllye thaym to maist vyle seruitude. And send thaym in Britane and othir realmes to wy [...] mettellis, querrellis, and to mak tyld. And aboue all thir calamyteis thair come to thaym ane mair insufferable iniure deuisit in finall distruction of thair realme▪ For within schort tyme eftir, thay wer cō mandi [...] to pas with yair wyffis, children, & guddi [...] vnder pane of deith beȝond the watter of Forth. And leif behynd yam [...] M [...]rs, Berwik, Pentland, Galloway, Striuelyng, Carrik, Kyle & Cunnynghame & mekill of all the wod of Calidon. That the samyn micht be perpetually inhabit in tymes cummyng be Britonis. At toure thay wer cōmandit to big ane heych dike fra Abircorne to Dunbriton to deuide thaym fra Britonis. And gyf ony Pychtis transcendit this dyke to be punist na les than thay had offendit aganis ye maieste of Romanis. The Pychtis greuit with thir and mony othir intollerabill iniuris began to lament yair sorowfull chance fallin to thaym be thair awin offence. ☞ And rasy [...] thair eyn to ye heuyn, humyly praying y e mercifull god to deliuer yame of Romane tyranny.
☞ ¶Of Ethodius brothir to Eugenius afore rehersit. Of his gouernance in Denmark and of his successioun. Hovv Rome vvas tane be Gothis, and hovv syndry spulȝeis thairof fell to Fergus the secund. Ca. iii.
QUhill y e Pichtis wir punyst with thir and mony othir afflictionis, ye Scottis wer vagabound & banist in vncouth realmes with thair wyffis & children. Sum of thaym leuand on the laubour of thair handis. Otheris beand wageouris and men of armys vnder sindry princis & capitanis of ye warld. Ethodius brothir to Eugenius, banist (as we haue schawin) with his wyfe out of Albioun, wes plesandly tretit be the kyng of Denmark. And gat certane landis, quhair he remani [...] with his wife. On quhom he gat ane sonne namyt Erthus. Thus Erthus eftir ye deith of his fader Ethodius, maryit ane nobill lady namyt Rocha douchter to Rorik, quhilke wes gretest prince of Danis vnder [Page] the kyng. And gat on hir ane sonne namyt Fergus the secund. Quhilk recouerit the realme of scotland as we sall now schaw. This Fergꝰ in his flurisand ȝouth past be cōmand of the kyng of Danis with ane cumpany of chosin and vailȝeant men to Alarike kyng of Gothis. Quhilk at that tyme wes passand with huge army to confound and distroy ye empire of Romanis. Fergus wes rycht glaid of this woyage. For he bure extreme hatrent aganis ye Romanis, becaus that slew his eldaris, or ellis banist thaym fra thair natiue realm in vncouth regionis, fynalie eftir mony battallis fochtyn be sindry chancis of fortoun betuix the Romanis and Gothis, Radagasus principal capitane of yis army beād slane with infinite nowmer of pepill, and the Romanis siclike brokin w t thair army & pissance, ane strait seige wes laid about Rome be the said Alarik kyng of Gothis. The Romanis debaitit the town lang tyme be sindry ieoperdyis. Quhil at last thay laikit vittallis. Throw quhilk wes sic hū ger amang thaym, that thay abhorrit nocht to eit y e flesche of men with othir sindry forbodin metis. In deploratioun of yis calamyte my [...]oce (sayis sanct Ierome) astonisis, and the sobbyng cuttis my wourdis. Ye town is tane, that tuke al ye warld, vincust more be hunger yan swerd. And few found on lyue within the samyn. Sa far sprang the hungry raige, that it constranyt the pepill to eit abhominable meitis. The mod [...]r sparit nocht to swelly ye frute of hir awin bowellis. Thus wes Rome fynalie expugnant be Gothis ye first day of Apprile fra the begynnyng of it be Romulus .i.M.i.C.lxiiii. ȝeris. Fra y e incarnation of god .iiii.C.xii. ȝerꝭ. Als sone as Rome wes tane The Gothis ceissit fra slauchter of the pepill. And fra spulȝe [...]ng of the tempillis of the Appostillis Peter & Paule. Throw quhilk mony pepill (that fled thairto) wer sauit of thair guddis and liuis. Rome sumtyme the lady of the warld wes spulȝeit thus be cruelte of Gothis. And the spulȝeis of it deuidit be ryte of armes amang the Gothis. It is said that besyde mony ryche iowellis & precious geir that fell to Fergus ye secund be y e said spulȝe, ane kist wes geuyn to hym full of bukis, quhilkꝭ be brocht out of Italy with incredibill laubour and deligence in Almany. And send it to remane in Colmekill with mony othir cronikillis and historyis of Scotland, vncertane be quhayis impulsioun this procedit. It is said that Eneas Siluius (quhilk wes send as legat fra Eugeniꝰ the fourt paip to kyng Iames the first) tuke purpos to pas in the Ilis of Scotlād, to se gyf he mycht fynd ony of the werkis of Titus Liuius quhilk is wer distroyit at this tyme be cruell weris of Italy. For ma notabill thingis bene distroyit be battall than be [...]oust o [...]ȝeris. Nochtheles fra the said Eneas knew the passage dangerꝰ (becaus the kyng wes slane) he left his purpos. And we of that samyn maner rycht desirus to knaw, quhat bukis this bene) quhais fame wes sa diuulgat in all partis) maid [...] deligence. That at last fyue auld bukis wryttyn in Romane letteris war brocht to ws at Abirdene be industry of ane bobyll man maister Iohne Campbell thesaurer to the kyng the ȝeir of god ane thousand .v. hundreth .xxv. ȝeris. In the quhilkis war nocht, bot brokyn leiffis and few of thaym braider than [Page lxxxiii] the palme of ane mannis hand, writtin craftly on rude and hard parchement. Bot yai wer sa blynd, we mycht nocht reid ilk tent wourd. And quhiddir thir bukis wer ane part of thaym that wer distroyit be the said werꝭ of Italie, or gyf yai wer brocht to the said abbay out of vncouth & strange placis, it is vncertane. Ȝit be testimoniall of thaym that red ye samyn, we fynd thay soundit mair to the eloquence of Salustius, than of Liuius. ¶Forthir at this same tyme wes brocht to ws be the same messengeir, ye werkis of Ueremund Archedene of Sanctandrowis▪ contenand the historie of this realme fra the first begynnyng thairof to kyng Macolme Cāmores tyme. Quhilkis authouris we haue followit with the maist wyse bischop William Elphinstoun to the end of thꝭ our quhat sumeuir werk. Bot we wyll retourn to our historie. ¶Fergus the sonne of Erthus departit out of Rome with Alarik thre dayis eftir it wes put to sakke. And went with hym to the expugnation of sindry othir townis in Italie. Nocht lang eftir he wes ordanit to pas with certane schippis in Sicil. And in ye mene tyme rais sa vnmerciful tempest on hym, that he wes dreuin be force of contrarius wyndis agane in Italye and narrowly eschapit of his lyfe. ¶At his retournyng Alarike wes deceissit, and Athalphas maid kyng of Gothis, and generall capitane of thair army. With quhome Fergus become sa beluffit for his singular manheid and virtew, that (als sone as Italye wes dantit be the Gothis) he wes sufferit to returne hame with mony Danys in Denmark full of ryches and treasoure gottyn the said weris.
☞¶Of syndry clerkis & sanctis flurising in the vvarld. Of the first message send be Pichtis to Scottis. Ca. iiii.
MOny nobil clerkꝭ flurist at this tyme in y e warld. As Claudian poete writtar in sum part of our hystorie. Apollinaris confoū dar of the heritikis that wer emposionit be Porphirius. Martyn bischop of Turuyn in France with mony resolute and haly men. Amang ws wes in thai dayis sanct Nin [...]ane the first bischop of Galloway, quhair he biggit ane kirk in ye honour of sanct Martyne his eyme. In ya [...] dayis wes als sāct Ambrose bischop of Myllane, quhilk brocht sanct Augustine to the faith and sacrament of baptisme. This Augustine was the first begynnar of chānownis regular, of quohom ar now mony abbayis ereckit in the warld be magnificence of syndry pryncis. Of this ordour bene .xxx. papis besyde mony byscoppis & nobyll prelatis, quhais nowmer may not be comprehendit. Be imitation of this ordour rais ye Eremitanis quhilkis ar incressit to so incredibyl nowmer (howbeit thay sūfferit gret afflictioun of gentilis) that thair is of thaym this day in Europe aboue two thousand & .iii. hundreth abbayis, beside thaym ya [...] ar in Affrik and Egipt. This Augustyne was nocht onely commendabyll in his institutioun of religious maneris. Bot als for his syngulare eruditioun in euery kynd of science. For he had skars .xx. ȝeris in [Page] age. quhen he red rethorik in Cartage, and lernit baith his philosophie and mathemathik but ony preceptoure. ¶Efter this he come to Myllane, quhare he be prechyng of sanct Ambrose ressauit the cristyn fayth, and was sa proffitabyll thairto, that he vincust and put down ane .C. syndry opinionis of herisis, & wrait sa huge nowmer of bukis, that na age of man may suffice to reid yame and deceissit the .lxxx. ȝeir of his age. And in thir dayis was als Basilius the first begynnar of monkis. Cirillus byschop of Ierusalem and sanct Ierome the pape, quhilk translatit the bybyll out of Ebrew in Latyne with mony othir volomes in that samyn maner. His werkis was hald [...] in sic reuerence be the pape Damasus, that thay war commandit to be red amang othir deuyne seru [...]ce. Bot we wyl returne to our hystory. The Pychtis seing thaym ylk day m [...]ir tormentit with romane in [...]u [...]s, and yrkit with importabyl seruytude, send thair secret messengeris to the Scottis, quhilkis war exilit in y e Ilis▪ Ireland, and Norway. Desyryng thaym to returne in Albion to recouer thair realme. And ꝓmyttit be thair gret aithis othir to restore the Scottis to thair realme and landis or ellis to fecht in thair support to the deith aganis the Romanis and Britonis. Quhen Fergꝰ had hard thir desyris of Pychtis, he send b [...] aduyse of the kyng of Denmark, his traist seruandis in al partis, quhare ony Scottis war, to explore thair myndis towart him. And quhē he fand thaym all of ane mynd to recouer thair realme, and reuenge the iniuris done to thaym be Romanis and Britonis, he cōducit ane gret nowmer of schippis and weirmen part with the ryches he wan in the weris of Italy, and part be support of his gudschir Roryk to cum in Albioun.
¶Hovv Gratiane king of Britonis, and Mercius Romane capitane vvar slane. and Constantine put in Mercius place. and of his deith. Of the secund message send be Pichtis to Fergus. And hovv he come in Albioun, and vvas aggreit vvith Pichtis & recouerit his realme. Ca. v.
DUryng this tyme Gratiane Brytone be consent of Mercius Romane capitane tuke ye crown of Brytane. This trubyl was sone pecifijt. For sic contention rais betuix thaym that ylk ane of thaym slew othir. The Romanis rycht sorrowful for the deith of thair capitane chesit constantyne but aduyse of Honoriꝰ empriour to succede in Mercius place. This constantyise was nocht ane man of nobyll blude nor ȝit of mercyal werkis. Als sone as he was chosyn capitane▪ he went in Frāce with ane army to delyuer the samyn fra iniure of Gothis & Swi [...]s, quhar [...] he was vincust be ane nobyl knycht namyt Constantius and slane. Als sone as Uyctoryne knew the slauchter of Mercius and Constantyne, he went to London, and garnist all the strenthis of brytane wi [...] strang munition and weirmen. And set his ingyne mony wayis to hald the Brytonis at the opinioun of Honorius empriour. For the empyre of Romanis was inuadit with grete rebellyoun [Page lxxxiiii] in al partis. The Pichtis seyng the Britonis haldyn with gret difficulte at the opinion of Romanis, beleuit fermely (gyf the Scottis war brocht agane in Albion and concurryng to thair support) to recouer thair liberte, And for thir causis, yai send thair secund message to Fergꝰ, schawyng sa gret trubyl in Britane amang the Romanis, that na tyme mycht cum sa ganand as than to recouer his realme. Sone efter Fergꝰ pullit vp salis▪ and arriuit in Murray, quhare he set his army on land. The fame of his cumyng diuulgat throw Albion, causit the scottis out of all partis to conuene to hym with thair wyffis and chyldren on y e same maner as thair ennymes had bene chasit and vincust, and as thay war to remane perpetually in thair natiue landis but ony forthir trubyll. Than come syndry Pychtis in gret cūpanyis to Fergus thankyng hym that he for syngulare lufe to recouer his natyue realme, was cumyn in Albion nocht astonist of the wynter stormes nor dangeir of feis, quhen passage bene maist parellus, and desyrit hym to set on syde all iniuris, (gif ony war in tymes bygane) betuix Scottis and Pichtis, that thay mycht be new confiderat efter the tennour of y e auld peace. And prayit hym to imput na falt to thaym for ye wekit offencis committit aganis the nobyll kyng Eugenius his progenitour, Bot to imput y e same allanerly to thair fore eldaris, quhylkis [...]uld nothi [...] for that tyme haue experience of the dissait of Romanis nor ȝi [...] vnderstand quhat vengeance & calamyte was apperyng to thaym be the weris maid aganis the Scottis, quhen thay beand dissauit be plesand wordis of Romanis in dāmage of thair commoun weill brocht thaym self to intollerabyl seruitude. Throw quhylk thay war sa cruelly punyst, yat euery kynd of deith wes to be preferrit to romane dominion. To this answerit Fergus, he wald gladly haue peace and amyte with Pichtis with siclyke condicionis as thay war afore confiderat with his progenitouris, & wald ieoperde hym self with thaym in battall contrar romanis and Britonis thair auld and perpetual ennymes▪ and fecht to the deith for thair commoun weill to reuenge the iniuris done to thaym. Swa that the said pichtis wald plesandly depart with thair wiffis, children, and guddis out of the landis quhilkis war treasonably reft afore fra the scottis, as to ye auld iniuris of ye said Pychtis, he thocht thaym sufficiently punist be iust punitioun of god for thair offence. S [...]n thay war nocht onely reft and spulȝei [...] of thair natyue landis, Bot thirllit to maist vyle and intollerabyl seruitude. The Pichtis content of thir desyris creat ane kyng, and set ane day to meit Fergꝰ. At the day affixit the scottis and Pychtis war confiderat togidder efter ye auld band in maist souer way y t mycht be deuysit. Sic thingis done Fergus ressauit al the landis and strenthis that war reft fra his progenitouris afore be Romane weris. And sone efter he past with ane honest cumpany to Argile, quhare he was crownit in the fatal [...] chiar of merbyll. The ȝeir that Fergus recouerit his realme was the .x [...]v. ȝeir efter that the scottis war expellit out of Albion. Fra the incarnation .iiii.C.xxii. ȝeris. Fra the first begynnyng of scottis .vii. hundreth lv. ȝeris. In the .xviii. ȝeir of Honorius emprioure,
¶Hovv the Romanis fechtand aganis the Scottis and Pichtis vvar seuerit be ane schoure of hayll. Of syndry vassalage done be the vailȝeant Grahame at the vvall of Abircorne. Of his lynage & allya vvith kyng Fergus. Ca. vi.
VIctoryne cōmouit that Scottis war brocht agane on yis maner in Albioun, assemblit ane army and come to Ȝork. Efter his cūmyng he send ane herald to the Pychtis, sol [...]ad thaym with mony large ꝓmyssis to dissolue ye band maid lait [...] with Scottis. At last seyng his [...] cum to lytyll effect, he began to [...] the Pichtis, as fals & maynswo [...]ne pepyll. And to be wrokyn of thair rebellyoun he come with ane army of .l.M. men throw Kendell, Mers, and Pentland, to the gret dā mage of the pepyll thairof, and set down his tentis nocht far fra Camelon. Fergus aduertist of ye cumyng of romanis in this maner (for baith he and the kyng of Pichtis war gaderit with ane gret army) come ouir forth. And within y e nycht set down his tentꝭ nocht far fra his ennymes w t delyuerit mynd to assaylȝe yame in the brek of the day. The Romanis on the tothir syde knew weil the ordinance of Scottis and Pichtis▪ And at the thrid vigill maid thaym reddy to battall, and faucht with the confiderat kingis besyde the watter of Carron. This battall was rycht cruelly fochtyn, and sa gret multitude of pepyl slane yat the said watter ran mony mylis with purpoure stremis to the seis. Quhill thir armyis war fechtand on this maner with vncertane victory, come suddanly ane scharp schoure sa full of haill & sleit, y e nane of thaym mycht knaw ane othir. Throw quhylk yai war constranit to seuer mair yrkit than saciat of otheris slauchter. Thus war baith the armyis sa brokyn, that mony ȝeris efter nane of thaym micht inuaid othir be battal. Uictoryne on the morrow seyng his army brokyn returnit in Kent, & left behynd hym mony sodyouris ī Pentland to kepe the samyn in maner of prouynce aganis the Scottis and Pichtis. The confiderat kyngis cō mandit the residew of thair pepyll (quhylkis war left on lyue) to returne hame. And becaus yai fand yame self vnabyll to renew battal thay set thair ingyne to saif baith thaym self & thair landis to ane better fortoun. Sone efter thay conuenit in Argile to se quhat wayis thay micht best resist thair ennymes, reuengyng the iniuris be thaym done, and to lerne thair pepyll the art of cheualry. For thay war mony ȝeris abusit but ony exercition thairof. Efter syndry consultationis the Scottis seyng the Pichtꝭ of mair nowmer, than micht be nurist ī Angus, Fiffe, Striueling and Stratherne, sufferit thaym to remane in Athole beȝond the hyllis of Granȝeben, quhyll thay mycht be sum better fortoun recouer the resydew of yair landis. quhilkꝭ war reft fra thaym be tyranny of Ramanis. The Pychtis spred fast in Athole, & maid syndry strenthis and polecy [...] in it. In the mene tyme Uictorine capitane of Britane, cōmandit the Britonis be general edict to byg ye wal betuix Abircorne and Dunbritane with staik and ryse in thair strāgest maner to saif thaym fra inuasion of scottis & pichtis, And to big yis dike [Page lxxxv] war assemblit mony craftismen out of al partis with syndry weirmen to fai [...] thaym quhyl ye dyke was byggit. In y e mene tyme (quhē thay war biggād it maist besaly) come ye vailȝeāt Grahame (quhais dochter was ma [...]yit on kyng Fergus) & slew ane gret nowmer of thir weirmen at the bygging of this dike, & ye remanent put to flicht. And incōtinent be fers incursiō he brocht ane huge pray of men & gudis fra ye Britonis in the scottis landis. This Grahame was discēdit of ane anciant hous of Dē mark, & gottin on ane nobyll lady of yat samyn cuntre be ane of y e scottis yat was banist with Ethodius out of Albion. And efter ye proscription of scottis, he maryit ane virgine of y e blude rial of Denmark on quhom he gat ane dochter of maist excellent bewte, quhilk was geuyn to Fergꝰ in mariage. Fergus gat on hir .iii. sonnis afore his cumyng in Albion, quhais names war Eugeniꝰ, Dongarus, & Constancius. Of quhome salbe our history followyng. Uthir sayis this Grahame was ane Bryton, quhilk eschewyng the Romane tyranny, fled am [...]ng the scottis, and was efter banist with thaim in Denmark, For he was gret ennyme to romanis, seyng thaym regne with sic tyrāny & auarice aboue thair subdittis Always of quhat sumeuir hous or lynnage he was discendit, treuth is he was ane mā of hie curage and spreit baith in weir & peace. & strangest ennyme to romanis & Britonis. Of this Grahame discendit the surname of Grahamis.
¶Of syndry consultationis maid be ye scottis for thair defence aganis ye Romanis & britonis. Hovv Victorine conquest the crovvn of Britane▪ & hovv he vvas punist yai [...]fore to ye deith. ca. vii.
THe britonis brokin with syndry battallis in this maner, ceissit mony ȝeris efter fra batall, content to defend yair a win landꝭ. At this tyme come infinite nowmer of scottis out of Frāce, Spanȝe, Almany, Italy, & othir ꝑtis (quhair thay war wageouris) to king Fergꝰ, traisting (becaus sa huge rebellion wes maid in all realmes aganis Romanis) to recouer thair landis in Albion. Fergus reiosing of thair cumyng went with thaym ī Carrik, quhare he faucht with ye Romanis, & gat na les displeseir than he gat afore. Throw quhilk he was cōstranit to leif Carrik, & returne to Argyle▪ quhare he remanit all the wynter followyng. Ane conuentioun was maid be hym in the nixt symer, In quhylk syndry of his noblis perswadit him to rais new army to resyst Uyctoryne (for he was cumyn than in Galloway) and erar to ieoperd hym to extreme dangeir of battall, than dayly to leif in sic afflictioun. ¶Otheris sayd best was to tary and nocht to fecht with the Romanis. Becaus thay war twyis dyscomfist, in aduenture gyf thay war dyscomfist the thryd tyme, thair realme suld be pray to thair ennymes. ¶Best was thairfore to ceis fra battall▪ Quhyll thair pyssance war conualescit. Be quhylk thay mycht be the mair abyll to resyst. ☞ ¶Attour sa frequent rebellyoun was maid aganis the Romanis in all partis, that Uyctoryne mycht nocht lang abyde in Brytane. ¶And thairfore sen the Empyre of Romanis apperis sa manifestlye to declyne, ¶It may happyn that Uyctoryne [Page] be constranit to fle out of Brytane, and than the Scottis and Pichtis may haue ane ganand oportunite to recouir thair realme but ony gret dā geir. This last counsall was apprisit. And sa it was concludit that scottis and pichtis sall inuaid thair ennymes mair be scarmussyng, than plane battall. In the mene tyme Honorius emprioure tuke gret suspitioun aganis thꝭ Uictorine, traisting that he suld vsurp the crown of Britane. Thus was it demit be mony pepyll, that the empriour suld exone [...] Uictoryne of al auctorite in Britane. Als sone as Uictorine was aduertist thairof, he tuke the crown of Britane with incredibyll fauoure of his army. Part of Britonis assistit [...]o [...], bot otheris followit the [...] of Dioneth sonne to kyng Octauius afore deceissit. Apperit thus gret seditioun in Britane. Nochtheles Honoriꝰ empriour seyng sa gret trubyll rysyng in Brytane, send ane vailȝeant knycht namit Heraclius to dant thayr rebellyoun, Quhais cummyng maid the Britonis & otheris that assistit to Uictoryne (sa astonist [...] yat yat brocht Uictoryne bound to this Heraclius with mony otheris quhilkis war mouaris of thair rebellioun. Sone efter Uictoryne was send to Rome with mony otheris of his opinioun, and punist to ye deith. Thus was Britane brocht agane be Heracliꝰ to romane empire.
☞¶Hovv Placidus Romane capitane vvas discomfist vvith his army be Scottis and Pychtis. Hovv kyng Fergus recouerit all hi [...] landis be conditioun of peace [...] a Romanis. Of his cyuyl and religious industry for the vveil of his pepyll. Ca. viii.
HEraclius, quhen he had brocht Britane on this maner to romane opinioun be command of Honorius, he returnit to Rome, and went in Affric to dant ye rebellion of Athalꝰ tyranne, and left behynd hym in Britane ane man of febyl curage namit Placidus, quhylk throw his auaryce was found richt vnabyll to gouerne ony prouynce. Fergus knawyng weill the febyll curage of Placidus, thocht ye tyme ganand to recouer the landis reft fra hym afore be Romane weris. And sone efter he come with ane army in Carrik abydyng the cummyng of the kyng of Pychtis with his army. Als sone as the Scottis & Pychtis war met togydder, thay went throw Carrik, Kyle, Cunynghame, and Galloway ceissing fra na maner of cruelte on thaym that obeyit to the empyre of Romanis. And on the same maner, thay come in Pentland, Mers, and Berwyk, and left nothir Romanis nor Britonis in the same. Placidus capitane of Brytane herand thir attemptatis, come with ane huge army in Pentland. Ye Scottis and pichtis nocht affrayit of his cuming met hym with gret fury. Followit ane terribyll & fair battall, & first ye horsmē of Romanis war discomfist. And sone efter the remanent legionis war [...]a opprest with ythād schot of arrowis, yat thay gaif bakkis on the same maner. Than was ane sorrowfull slauchter maid on the flearis. Placidus narrowlye eschapyng of his ly [...]e fled to Ȝork. The confiderat pepyll insolent efter this victory, tuke purpos to sege Ȝork. Nochthel [...]s thair army was [Page lxxxvi] sa brokyn, that thay war constranit to desist. Placidus na les astonist be mony othir afflyctionis fallyng to Romanis in syndry ꝑtis of y e warld, than be this last discomfitoure, dred that Britane suld pas fra Romane dominioun gif the Britonis mouit ony new rebellyoun. And thairfore he began to seik peace with Pichtis and Scottis. Than was peace fynaly tretit vnder thir conditionis, al lā dis & munitionis reft afore fra scottis and Pychtis be Romane tyranny salbe restorit to thaim agane. Na incursionis nor heirschyppis sall be maid in tymes cumyng be Scottis and Pichtis in the Romane landis. The romanis sall stand cōtent with the landis conquest on ye Britonis, and sall nocht inuaid y e Scottis nor Pichtis with ony weris ī tymis cumyng. Als sone as y e confiderat kyngis had ressauit thair landis & rowmes be this maner, thay gaif thair exact delygence to instruct thair pepyll in plesand and cyuyll maneris but ony thirllage of seruytude. Thā Fergus to incres the Scottis, Danis, and otheris yat come with hym to recouer thair realme vnder ane freindschip & blude, gaif syndry lā dis of his realme amang thaym. Throw quhilk mony landis of his realme tynt thair auld name, & was callit efter the name of the new possessouris. ¶And becaus the name of euery land in Scotland ar weill knawin to all scottis. I wyll schaw na thynge thairof. Than Fergus reparit all the kirkis that war failȝeit be necligence of the pepyll and feft syndry preistis with rentis and possessionis to do deuyne seruyce. He brocht all the monkis (that war banyst) agane to his realme and treti [...] thaym with gret reuerēce to instruct his pepyll in the faith. He biggit the abbay of Colmekyll & dotat it with syndry landis, rentis, and possessionis. And commandit the samyn to be in tymes cumyng ye commoun sepulture of all kyngis succedyng efter hym. He feft als certane funerall obsequies to be done ȝeirly for thair saulis. This Fergꝰ was geuyn als weill to cyuyll as religious maneris. For he reparit all the strenthis lyand on his bordouris fornentis ye brytonis, quhare he ordanit his agit sodiouris to remane perpetually for defence thairof on y e cōmoun purs.
☞¶Of the deith of Placidus. Of y [...] message send be Castius capitane of britane to Fergus, and of Fergus ansvver. Hovv the Romanis vvar discomfist and Castius slane, Ca. ix.
QUhen Fergus had recouerit his realme in this maner, and restorit his pepyl to thair anciant hono [...] ris and dignite, deceissit Honor [...]us emprioure. Efter quhom succedit Theodosius quhilk send ane nobyll man namit Ualentiniane in Italy, to repare all dammagis done be cyuyll weris. And in ye mene tyme Placidus capitane of Brytane deceissit. The Scottis and Pychtis traistyng to haue gud occasyon be deith of Placidus to inuaid the Britonis. (For peace was dissoluit be his deith) come in west mureland, Cumber, and vthir regionis (that war tane fra thaym afore be romane weris) & [...]eissit fra na maner of cruelte on thaym, that obeyit the Romanis. Mony of the Brytonis [Page] fled to Castius. For he was maid capitane of Brytane efter the deith of Placidus. This Castius dredand (y e thyng that come efter) that Dioneth sonne of Octauius afore rehersit suld vsurpe the crown of Brytane be assistence of Scottis and Pychtis (for he marijt Fergus syster) send to Fergus, chargeand hym be ane herald (gyf he desyrit peace & to leif on the auld landis and marchis pertenand to his eldaris) to inuaid na otheris. And gif he desyrit nocht bot battall he maid hym to vnderstand he had the samyn ennymes y t dang his eldaris out of Albioun, & thirllit the Pychtis to seruitude. To this charge was answerit be Scottis & Pychtis. Thay wald haue na peace [...] Romanis, quhyll Westmure [...] and Cumber war restorit to [...]aym with all the munitionis and [...] thairof. ¶Castius greuit with this answer, come forthwart with his army. And quhen he was cumyn throw the Romane prouynces nocht far fra Westmureland, he was aduertist yat Dioneth was cū mand with ane gret power out of Wal [...]s in support of Scottis and Pychtis. The Brytonis knawyng y e feirsnes and cruelte of welchemē, war astonist be thir tythyngꝭ▪ nochtwithstandyng be hortation of Castius, thay rasit yair spreit▪ and come the thrid day efter rycht desyrus of battal in thair ennymes sycht. Now was Dioneth and the confiderat pepyll mengit with thair oistis togidder, & weill arrayit for battal, quhen suddandly baith the armyis iunit, & faucht lang with doutsum victory. Quhyll at last the wageouris (that faucht in the wyngis with lycht armour) gaif bakkis. Followit an [...] huge affray amang the Romanis, & the samyn was y e mair e [...]kit be slauchter of Castius thair capitane, and incontinent the myd battall fled, on quhome followit the Scottis, Pichtis and welchemen with lang chace and murdir. Ȝit becaus thay keipi [...] na ordoure in thair chare, thay gat mair skaith than thay did to thair ennymes. The Romanis discomfist on this wyse, colleckit the resydew of thair army togidder. & past in walis, & left behynd thaym al the strenthis of the cuntre but ony defence.
☞Hovv Maximiane capitane of Britane come vvith huge army aganis the Scottis and Pichtis. Of Fergus orison to his army, and hovv baith the kyngis of Scottis and Pychtis vvar slane▪ and thair army discōfist be romanis. Ca. x.
DIoneth efter this discomfitour of romanis, tuk y e toun of Britane, and inuadit all the pepyl thairof with gret cruelte & slauchter that obeit to Romanis. Thus apperit Britane (bot gif this trubyll war the mair haistely dantit) to pas fra dominion of romanis. At this tyme was in France ane nobyll man namit Etius▪ general capitane thairof be auctorite of the emprioure. This Etius heryng (that Britane was nakit of support) send be desyre of Brytonis ane vailȝeant knycht namit Maximiane to dant all this trubyll appering be welschemen, Scottis & Pychtis. Maximiane come sone efter with ane army in Albion, quhom the Brytonis ressauit with gret triumphe, & prayt god to send hym ane gud fortoune aganis his ennymes. Maximiane knawyng mair trubyll apperyng by rebellyon of Dioneth▪ [Page lxxxvii] than be ony vthir danger occurring (for he was of the blude ryal of Brytane) thocht lang tary impediment to his weris. And come with his army in maist delygence to Ȝork. And sone eft he come in Westmureland. The confiderat kyngis heryng his cumyng, come with thair armyis in y e same maner. And in y e mene tyme come to thaym Dioneth king of britane with all his power out of walis. At the spring of ye day (quhen al thair power was mengit togidder) Fergus callit thaym be sound of trū pat to his standart, and said on this wyse. I wald (wise freindis) that yis battall (quhilk we ar now to leid aganis oure maist dangerus ennymes) war fo [...]htin with sa huge mā heid, curage, and spreit, that the samyn may be to ȝour honour & proffet, and to my hie pleseir & glaidnes. Suthly wyll ȝe ponder this mater wysely, ȝoure myndys (that bene sa lang distra [...]kit fra eys and sa occupyit with ythand exercitioun of cheualry) suld be ereckit ī gret esperāce of victory, seyng ȝour ennymes in sicht quhom ȝe sa oft afore discomfist & chasit. It semis all forcy campionis euir to beleif ye best, and haif excellent fortitude aganis quhat sumeuir aduersite that may occurre. For fortitude is so hie and souerane virtew, that it perswadis euery nobyll man be impulsioun of nature to resist aduersite. This virtew is mair renownit to resist the iniure of ennymes, thā to inuaid thaym with ony iniure. For he y t is wrāgusly iniurit, hes ay gud esperāce of bett fortoun to follow. Thus incressis he strang be esperance, & be his iust querall he growis prudent. Be contrare he ya [...] dois wrang, is iniurius to hym self, & hes na esperāce of gud fortoun to follow. Maximꝰ sumtyme capitane of Britane be his treasonabyll slychtis was confiderat with pichtis, na les for ye exterminion of thaym, thā of scottis. As the end thairof schew. Thay slew my gudschyr Eugenius with mony of ȝour nobyll eldaris & put thaym to sic affliction, that thay war mony ȝeris exilit this regioun, throw quhylk he conquest the hayll empyre of Albion. And nocht cōtent of that felicite, he thirl [...]it ye Pichtis our auld cōfiderat freindis, contrar his band & ꝓmes to vyle seruitude. Nochtheles the end of this alliance schew to the said Pichtis, quhat dā mage cummis to be confiderat with treasonabyll pepyll in contemption of thair trew freindis. Bot at last ye Pichtis penitent of the importabyll iniuris done to ws, began (youcht it was to lait) to be prudent, & brocht ws agane in this realme. And sone efter our cummyng we vincust oure feirs ennymes with small difficulte. Now ar thir vineust tyrannes returnit to inuaid ws be aduyse of Maximiane thair capitane. As he wald restore thaym to thair curage, quhylk thay tynt afore be slauchter of thair capitane Castiꝰ, thay charge ws (as we war vnder thair dominioun) to pas out of Cūber & Westmureland, quhilkꝭ pertenis to ws be iust tytyl. For thir reasonis I thynk we suld not only be repugnant to thair chargis. Bot als persew oure iust action aganis thaym with al pissance. Heir fore be awalknit (vailȝeant campionis) & tak ȝour wappinnis with gud curage & spreit, thynk na gret difficulte occurris to vincus thay febyll creaturis, quhilkꝭ sa cowartly gaue place afore to ȝoure armoure. Pas forthwart ioly cōpanȝeonis, & haue na les memory to ȝour honour, than [Page] to the iniuris done to ȝour ennymes And conques sic glore, that ȝour posterite be Imitatioun of ȝoure dirtew may lerne to fecht vailȝeantlye for thair realme. Als sone as Fergꝰ had said thir wourdis, he gaue ane signe be sound of trumpat to Iune. The tothir two kyngis of Pychtis and Britonis vsit na les hortatioun to thair armyis. Incontinent baith the armyis Iunit. At the first counteryng y e Romanis wer neir discomfist. For sa huge nowmer of arowis and ganȝeis come on thaym, that ye lyft mycht skarslie be sene aboue thair heidis. Maximiane seyng the first bront of Romanis in dangeir, send ha [...]stelie ane legioun of fresche men in thair support. This wes the battall renewit and cruelly fochtin, [...] at last the out wyngis of Ro [...]nis be multitude of pepil ouirset thair ennymes fornens thaym. The confiderat pepill and Britonis (that faucht vnder Dioneth) maid lang debait. Bot at last the wageouris (y e faucht in ye vter skirtis of Romane wyngis) come in y e same battall (quhair thay wer fechtand) on yair bakkis. The confiderat peple (howbeit thay wer affrayit with yis suddane terrour) ruschit all togidder in ane knot, with stout curage to fecht to y e deith. The maist forcy and strang capitanis of our pepill, rycht desyrus to reuenge thair deith (becaus thay saw na othir remeid) maid thaym with maist violent force to rusche throw thair ennymes, quhair thay wer all slane, to the gret murdir of thair ennymes. Quhill ye Romanis wer besalye geuyn to stop this forcy irruptioun of the nobillis forsaid, mony of all the remanent Scottis come feirslie throw thair ennymes. And wer sauit be [...]air flicht. And ȝit the chais followit fa cruelly be Romanis, that few wer sauit quhome thay mycht apprehend. Bot at last y e nycht put end to yair laubouris. In this vnhappy battall wer slane Fergus kyng of scottis the .xvi. ȝeir of his regne. And Durstꝰ kyng of pichtis with all ye nobilite of baith yair realmes. Dioneth prince of Walys euil woundit wes brocht to the see port, nocht far fra ye feild, quhair he gat ane bait. And fled in Walis.
¶Hovv the Romanis vvrocht gret iniuris on scottis and Pichtis. Hovv Maximiane vvas alliat vvith Dioneth princ [...] of vvalis, and tuk the crovvn of Britane cōtrar the auctorite of romanis. Ca. xi.
EFtir this mischeuoꝰ battall, sic terroure rais throw all y e landis of Scottis and Pychtis, that nocht wes traistit bot vte [...] exterminioun of baith yair realmes. And becaus thay had na esperance of support, thair maist forcy campionis beand slane, thay thoch [...] na thyng sa gud as to fle in vncouth realmes. Maximiane think and best to vse ye present fortoun (as it occurrit) ceissit fra na maner of cruelte (y t mycht be [...]euisit) in Galloway, Annandale, Mers and Pentland, with sic rage of fyre & swerd, yat na estait wes sauit fra his fury. The pepill (yat fled to kirkis and sanctuaryis) wer slane but ony sycht to god. The town of Camelon with mony othir nobill cietris and townis of Scottis & pichtis wer tane, & cassin down to y e ground. This cruelte ceissit no [...] quhil at last y e scottis & pichtis war dreuin schamefully ouir y e wal y t ryn nis fra Abircorn to dūbritō, & sworn neuir to returne beȝond the samyn. Ane part of Romanis gaif counsall [Page lxxxviii] to Maximiane (sen the Scottis and Pychtis wer sa brokin at this tyme and mycht be haldyn with na pepill in faith and peace) to distroy thaym all [...]etly. Or ellis to banis thaym out of Albion. Utherwayis na thīg mycht be done efferyng to ye cōmon weill of Romanis. Maximiane refusit this counsall, for the wynt wes approcheyng. Throw quhilk his army behuuit to rest in thair wynter schelis. And becaus na vittallꝭ wer amang the Scottis and Pychtis to sus [...]ene his army. And sic vehement cauld in to thair montanis, that na craft mycht withstand y e samyn. For it wes for the weil of thair army to abyde y e nixt symer. Attoure becaus Welschemen his nerrast nychtbouris rebellit aganis hym. It wes necessar to dant thaym first. In auenture gyf he persewit y e Scottis and Pychtis leuand behynd hym sa perrellus ennymes, more dāmage than proffit mycht cum be his weris. For thir causis he returnyt with his victorius army to Ȝorke, quhair he remanit all that wynter. And brocht vittallis out of all ꝑtis to sustene ye samyn. At the spring of the ȝeir he ras [...]t his tentis, & come with displayit baner aganys Dioneth in Walis. For he wes haldyn kyng of Britonis fornentis the Ireland seis. And in the mene tyme this Maximiane wes aduertist be writtingis, yat Bonifacius had slane twa Romane capitanis in Affrik, and yair army discomfist. Throw quhilk Affrik wes wist fra Romane dominioun. And y e said Bonifacius maid king thairof. Attoure franchemen (quhilk wes y e tyme ane pepil of Almany) wes cummyng ouir Ryne. And entrit in Gallia, quhilk wes callit eftir France. with more cruelte thā euir wes hard afore. And cōquest y e landis of Orliance and Paris, and maid ane kyng of thair a win blude. Throw quhilk it appe [...]it, that all the landis callit y e tyme Gallia, suld cum vnder the dominioun of franchemen. Maximiane knawyng sa mony rebellionis in all ꝑtis aganis Romanis, thocht best to rebel in the samyn wyse. And tuke the crown of Britane contrar the Romane auctorite. And to pecify the realme to hym of al debaitis, ya [...] he mycht be the more strang aganis the Romanis (gyf thay list inuaid hym) he tuke the eldest douchter of Dioneth namit Othilia ī mariage. For Dioneth gat on kyng Fergus sister two douchteris but ony mayl childrin. The secūd douchter namyt Ursula wes maid ane nun, to that fyne y e scho suld haue na succession. Be yis affinite sic tendernes inccessit betuix Maximiane and Dioneth that ye said Dioneth wes sufferit to haif gretest empyre nix [...] Maximian in Britane.
¶Of kyng Eugenius the secūd. Of gret vassalage done be Maximian ī britane & France. Hovv Vrsula & hir fallovvi [...] vvar maryit. Ca. xii.
SIc thingis done in Britane, the residew of scottꝭ (quhilkꝭ wer eschapit out of the feild afore rehersit) conuenit in Argyle. And maid his sonne Eugenius the secund, kyng. Fra ye Incarnation .iiii.C.xxx. ȝeris Fra the begynnyng of the realme of Scotland .vii.C.lx. In ye feird ȝeir of Ualentiniane empriour. Eugenius began the administration of his realme be piete. And tuke the bonis of his fader fra ye place quhair thai wer beryit be Romanis. And betyit thaym with funerall triumphe in ye abbay of Colmekil. Fergus wes the [Page] first kyng of scottis y t wes beryit in Colmekill. And thairfore it wes cal lit eftir y e cōmon sepulture of al scottis kyngꝭ vnto kyng Macolme Cā moris dayis. Quhilk biggit the abbay of Dunfermelyng be perswasioun of sanct Margaret. Quhare mony of all the scottis kyngis bene beryit sen syne. Kyng Eugenius rycht desirus to recou [...]r ye landis reft fra his fader be Romanis and Britonis wrait all the names of his pepill fra sexte to sextene in ilk town, y t mycht beir armour and wappinnis. Nochtheles seing thaym (quhen [...]aiwer g [...]derit) of small nowmer & pissance, he suꝑsedit his purpos, quhill ane tyme more ganand. And youcht the scottis & pychtis wer brokin on yis wyse, and feblit in yair pyssance. [...] Maximiane send thaym peace [...] desirit. And becaus yis Maximiane saw the empire of romanis persewit on al ꝑtis, he set his besynes to haue ane ꝑt thairof▪ & tuke ye crown of Britane with fauour & beniuolē ce of all ye pepyl. Sone efter his coronation he past in Bertanȝe, & left behynd hym his gud fader Dioneth with ane legion of pepyl to gouerne Britane, Fynaly he dantit ye Bertonaris with sic importabyl affliction, that thay wer randerit to his dominion. Than Maximiane tuke be scharp segeing syndry townis, sic as lay on ye see costis of Bertanȝe. And sone efter he come with al his army to ane strāg town of bertanȝe namit Redoun, quhilk was kepit be Sulpicius in y e name of Ualētiniane empriour. Quhē maximiane had seigit yis town lāg tyme, & micht get it na way be force of armꝭ, he kest hym to inuad y e cuntre, mair be rubbery, thā be honest weir. In y e mene time y e ber taneris gat sic ꝑswasion be Etiꝰ capitane of fr [...]nc [...], y t thay rebellit aganis maximiane [...] only recouerit al thayr strenthis & townis, bot slew al his weirmen quhare thay war ap [...]hendit. Maximiane mouit be thir iniuris, returnit with al his army to y e said town of Redoun▪ Efter mony scharp assaltis it was be hym tane▪ & euery pepil foūd i it but [...]ny miseratiō sla [...]e or banist y e [...], for he tuk extreme yre aganis yanie for violation of yair faith. Etiꝰ seing france ythandly inuadit [...]e ye burgūdianꝭ, send in britane to bryng ye legion y t was left thair be maximiane) to support hym ī his weris. This was britane left nakit of support, & gaif occasion to scottis & pichtis to inuade y e britonis, becaus thay a [...]aid at y e opinion of maximiane. Finaly quhen yis maximiane had cōquest Bertāȝe & slane ye maist [...]t of al y e pepyl yair of, ȝit y t it [...] not be ane pray to franchemē thair nixt nichtbouris, he brocht ane gre [...] nowme [...] of pepyl out of britane to inhabit ye said cūtre. Sū authouris writis thair come ane. C.M. men out of britane to inhabit ye lād of bertanȝe with Conanꝰ. This Conanus was ane tender freind to Dioneth, & maid king of bertanȝe, & sa yis land [...]ynt ye auld name Ar [...] rica, & was callit Bertanȝe fra thir britonis yat come to inhabit ye said land. Thā Conanꝰ king of bertanȝe knawīg y t euery pepyl failȝeis with in y e age of mā (gif thay haue na succession) send his ambassatouris ī britane to haue wemē to be thair wiffꝭ. The ambassatourꝭ (yat come for yis effect) gat consent be the nobyllis of Britane, yat al the dochteris, sisterꝭ, & antis ꝑtenand in blude to the brytonis (yat war thā in bertanȝe) suld pas to yame en haist, togidder with Ursula the Nun, quhilk was tane [Page lxxxix] out of ye abbay (quhare scho was ꝓfest, & put in [...]chip with ye remanent hir fallowis, yat the lynage of Dioneth suld not faill, becaus hir othir sister Othili [...] (quhilk was mari [...]t on Maximiane afore) was deceissit but [...]ny chyldrin. And yocht the passage of thir wemen was vnplesand to ye Britonis▪ ȝit it come efter to the gret felicite of Ursula & hir cūpany. For quhen thay suld haue passit to Bertanȝe, be tempestious streme of seis, thay war dreuyn with na lytyl dangeir of thair lyuis in the mouth of Ryne, quhare thay landit. And becaus thay had sic trubyll be the seis, [...]ay tuk purpos than to pas in Bertanȝe be land. Othirꝭ authourꝭ says thay tuke thair voyage to Rome be perswasion of this haly Nun Ursula, & war tane be y e Hūnis, be quhoin thay war al slane, becaus thay wold not consent to the polution of thair bodyis. The kirk thairfore syngis ȝeirly dyuyne cerimonyis in thair glore and louyng.
¶Hovv the confiderat kyngis come vvith gret armyis aganis the Britonis. Of Eugenius orison. Of the gret heirschippis maid on Britonis. Hovv Gallio R [...]uenna [...] vvas send in support of Britonis. And of his vassalage. Ca. xiii.
EUgenius knawing Brytane be continewal weris destitute of Romane sodiouris cōuenit with Durstus kyng of Pichtis to ane counsal. In quhilk efter lang cō sultatiō was cōcludit, to maik weir aganis the Britonis with sic prouidence, y • na aduertence suld be maid thairof. quhyl thay war arrait with in thair realmes. ☞ Sone efter ane day was assignit to baith thair pepyl to conuene with .xl. dayis vitallis. And vthir necessaris in thair best maner. At the day prefixt come gret multitude of pepyll out of all boūdꝭ of his realme to ye wo [...] of Calidone. Eugenius seing his freindis & subdittꝭ gaderit in yis maner said as fallowis. Nane is amāg ȝow (vailȝeant campionis) that wyll degestlie consider baith y e materis ꝑten and to ws and our ennymes. Bot he sall thynk all tary vnproffitable to ws this day. Consideryng the hie & Importable iniuris done thir mony [...]eris to ws be romane tyranny. My vailȝeant & nobill fader y e recouetar of this realme slane. Aboue infinite calamiteis sufferit be ws. Ȝe se Carrik, Kyle, Cunnynghame and Galloway with mony othir landis of our realme fallin in pray to romanis, & youcht ye battall strikin afore be my fadir aganis Maximiane wes infortunat to ws. It wes nochtheles rycht vnplesād & sorowful to our [...]ays. Forthir the Calamyteis fallyng be this battall hes nocht (as I beleif) feblit ȝour curage. Bot more enkendil lit the samyn to reuenge ye auld iniuris done sa mony ȝeris aganis ws and our progenitouris, be romanis and Britonis. And vnderstand als mekll as our pissance is minist be romane weris, sa far ar the Romanis brokin in yair pissance be hatrent of fortoun, quhilk intēdꝭ to bring yair empire to nocht. Throw quhilk tha [...] at nocht onl [...]e odius to all pepil bot als inuadit with cruell weris. And thair prouincys fallyng to praye of ennymes in all partis. For the Uandalis hes tane fra thaym all Affrik. The Uisigothis all Spanȝe. The Franchemen and Burgundianys hes tane y e maist part of Gallia now namit France. The hūnis hes won [Page] Pānonia Mysia. Thracia & Macidon. All pepyll (y t is in the Eist ꝑtis of the warld) hes recouerit thair lyberte, or ellis randerit thaym self to ennymes of romanis. Rome sūtyme the lady of the warld hes bene twys tane be the Gothis, heryit and brint. Forthir the romanis ar brocht to sic calamyte, y t thay haue na landis nor empyre this day▪ saif only in Italy & Britane, the quhilk is now nakit of all garnison and weirmen be weris of Maximiane. Forthir thair is na Romane capitane that wyll or may bring ony support aganis ws. Now is Britane drery and nakit of al support, & sa disparit, that it sall be erar ane pray than obstakyll to ȝour weris. It nedis nocht heirfore (vailȝeant capitanis) to exhort ȝow to battall, sen knychtly curage mair aboū [...] than failȝeis in ȝow. For syckerly [...]hair is ane mair huge pray abydyng ȝow, than euir was apperyng afore de chance of fortoun to ony of ȝour eldaris, Occasioun the moder of all werkis (that ar to be done) offeris hir wylfully to ȝow, perswading all impedimentis and tary of battall to be set asyde. And exhortis ȝow to follow hir in aduenture (gyf ȝe tyne hir be ȝour febyll eurage) ȝe sall nocht wyn hir agane, howbeit ȝe wald. Be not mouit (I pray ȝow) to ceis fra ȝour honest vassalage for ony band y t ȝe haif maid with Maximiane. For thir Romanis and Britonꝭ hes inuadit ws with mony cruel inuris sen y e said band was maid. And sen our ennymes hes not ceissit to inuaid ws in brekyng of the said band. How may we do ony thyng les [...] than inuaid thaym on the same maner. Belt ȝow thairfore (lusty gallandis) with manheid, and tak ȝour wappinnis to this honest interpris. Follow [...] spreit and curage of ȝour eldaris, & ȝe sal nocht [...]aile the glore of victory. The army be thir word [...] war inflāmit to battall, and promittit to ieoperd thaym self to al maner of dangeir yat thay mycht reuenge the iniuris done to thaym. For the affliction of Romanis (quhylk was richt patent) maid y e remanent wordis of Eugenius to haue the mai [...] credit. Than ylk man with schillnoyis bad rais thair ansenȝeis, and proceid forthwart. The Pichtis in y e samyn maner war inflāmit to battal be exhortation of thair kyng. In continent ye confiderat pepyl inuadit ye Britonis with fyre & swerd in all partis quhare thay come. And chasit ye Britonis out of Pentland, Mers, Berwyk, Galloway, and Annandale. And yairefter thay past to Kendale, Cumber, Westmureland, and Ȝork, & tuke all the munitionis & strenthis of the cuntre. And quhē thay had spulȝeit the townis, thay slew al y e cietezanis thairof, & left na Britonis on lyue, except thaym that war sauit be flycht. Apperit thus all Britane to cū haistely vnder the empire of scottis & pichtis. Gif the samyn war not mair haistely resistit. The britonis impaciet to suffer yir displeseiris, send thair oratouris to y e empriour Ualentiniane, & promittit thair ꝑpetuall subiection to hym. sa yat he wald support thaym aganis thair vnmercyfull & cruel ennymes. Ualentiniane [...]ycht desyrus to keip britane vnder his empyre, send ane nobyl capitane namit Gallio [...]euēnas with mony legionis of pepyll in yair support, The scottꝭ & pichtis knawing the cummyng of this new army, left all th [...] landis in Brytane quhylk war laitly heryit and dystroyit be thaym, syne returnit hame. [Page lxxxx] For thay thocht not profytabyll to ieoperd thaym aganis y e Romanis, knawand be frequent battallis afore past thair gret māheid & cheualry. The Romanis at thair cumyng in Albion followit be lang chace on the Scottis to ye watter of Forth, & mony of thaym slew be haisty scharmising. And becaus thir Romanis micht not mak lang tary in Albion, for extreme dāgeir appering to frāce be inuasioun of syndry pepyll, thay gart repare haistely the wal afore rehersit betuix Abircorne & Dūbritane with gret expensis, & rasit ye samy [...] with faill deuat & stanis .xii. cubitis of hicht, & .viii. cubitis of breid, with mony strang touris rising on all sydis. Thir touris & bastailȝeis war doung togidder with sic thingis (as wald nocht byrne) to saif the Britonis fra thair ennymes. On the hicht of thir touris thay set fyre pānis to aduertis the cuntre, quhen dangeir occurrit. And thay that come not to y e defence heirof (quhen the fyre was sene) war punist to the deith.
¶Hovv ye scottis & pichtis kest dovvn ye vval of Abircorne▪ and vvrocht gret cruelteis on ye Britonis. Of ye message send be Britonis to Etius▪ and of his ansvver▪ Ca. xiiii.
BRitane brocht be this maner to romane seruitude, Gallio Reuennas returnit in France, [...]uhais departyng gaif occasion to the confiderat kyngis, to inuaid the Brytonis with mair cruelte than afore. Than kyng Eugenius assemblit all his pepyll afore hym, and sumtyme inflā mit thaym with huge Ire aganis [...]hair ennymes. And sumtymes prouokit thaym be esperance of pray & ryches to be gottin on thair ennymes. And the kyng of Pichtis ceissit not to exhort his pepyll on the same maner, & promittit be publik edict to geif y t capitanry of Camelon to him that first past ouir this wal of Abircorn. The Britonis knawyng weill the assemblance of scottis & pichtis, come arrayit in thair best maner to defend this wal afore rehersit, & put ane gret nowmer of weirmen in the bastailȝeis & touris thairof to resyst the inuasioun of ennymes. Aganis quhom was send the vailȝeant Grahame with ane cumpany of scottis & pichtis armyt with corsbowis slonges & handbowis. Als sone as this Grahame had doung the Brytonis fra this wal. Incontynent come masonnis, wrychtis, and mony otheris craftismē with syndry instrumentis, & kest down the dyke vnto y e groūd. Ane gret [...]ād of britonis maid yame to withstand y e euersyon of this wal, bot thay be obstinate fechtyng war all slane. Otheris (that knew ye cruell furye of confiderat pepyll) gaif bakkis, confiding in na thyng mair than in thair flycht. Quhill sic thingis war done at ye wal of Abircorn, thair come ane othir cumpany of pichtis out of Fiffe in Peatland, and dyd mair cruelteis to the Brytonis (quhare thay come) thā did thir scottis & pichtis that come afore thaym. Als sone as baith thir cumpanyis war assemblit togydder, nocht was (but fyre and slauchter) quhare thay come. The inhabytantis affrayit be thir cruelteis, fled with thair wiffis, barnis, & guddis beȝond the watter of Tyne. Incontinent all gudis betuix Tweid & Tyne be general proclamation of ye two kyngis war denuncit frely eschetit & pray to thair army. Followit mony schamefull & [Page] abhominable dedꝭ be persuasion of Ire, hatrent, and auarice. The skry and terrible noyis arrayis be furye of weirmen, ceissyng fra na maner of cruelte, throw all y e landis betuix ye Ireland seis on the ta sayde, and y • Almane seis on the tothir. The Britonis for feir of thir importable terrouris reparit the wall of Adriane with huge lauboure and expensis. The confiderat pepil knawyng (becaus the wynter wes approcheyng) thair army mycht nocht abide togidder, ceissit fra seging of ye said wal. And sat doun with thair wyffis and children in all the landis that wer conquest at this tyme be richt of battall. The Britonis dreidand ye scottis and Pichtis at the cumyng of ye [...] Ueir to inuaid yame with more [...] than afore, send thair ambassa [...]ouris to Etius, quhilk wes capitane of France (as said is) and desyrit support aganis the confiderat pepill. Alwayis yis Etius send na support to ye britonis, vncertane quhidder he wald send nane (becaus he fauorit nocht the emprioure Ualentiniane) as he that purposit to vsurpe the crown of France. Or gyf he mycht nocht mak support to ye said britonis for feir of the scharp battall that his ennymes had aganis hym.
¶Hovv Conanꝰ prince of vvalis exhortit the Britonis to tak peace vvith scottis & pichtis. & vvas slane. Hovv ye Britonis efter his slauchter faucht amang thaym self. Ca. xv.
NOw wer the oratouris of britonis returnit with this repulse of Etius in Britane, followit syndry consultationis amange thir Britonis. Sum gaif counsall to inuaid the Scottis and Pychtis als weil be see as land. And to defēd thair liberte (quhilk wes laitlie recouerit) to the deith. And nocht onelie to bryng men, bot all fensabill wemen for defence of thair realme, and to conuene with all deligence at the wal of Adriane. And erar to ieoperd thaym to extreme daungeir than to suffer sa continual heirschippis and slauchter, or to tak peace (howbeit it wer necessar) with ony inhonest conditionis. In the mene tyme Conanꝰ prince of Walis discending be lang progressioun of ye natiue kyngis of Britane, said to the Britonis in this maner. It is necessar to all pepill (wyse faderis) gyf thay intend othir to mak cōques, or to keip yair awin rowmis fra iniure of fayis, to haue respect baith to thair pyssance & the season (as occurris) for ye tyme. Sa lang (suthlie) as we wer supportit be Romanis & wer sufficient to defend this realme aganis our vnmerciful fayis, we socht na peace with y e treasonable Scottis and Pychtis. Bo [...] now (allace) oure realme abidis ane othir chance. For we ar attenuat & brokin be tyranny of y e proud Maximiane. Quhilk hes bene more noysum to ws, thā ony ennymes mycht haif bene quhen he be auarice socht the empyre of the warld. And we ar sa waistit be the same, that we maye haif na cōfidence of victorie, gyf we fecht be our awin pissance. Now we haue na esperance be support of Romanis, & sen we ar insufficiēt be our awin power to resist our ennymes ī tymes cūyng, how may we plesādly debait in sic perrellus auenture [...] yir cruell tyrannys our ennymes nocht brokin with lang we [...]ꝭ, laubour nor distres, hes nothir dreid of god, man nor of deith to be reuengit of the iniuri [...] done to thaym sa mony ȝeris [Page lxxxxi] afore be ws. Amang thaym is na deference of age nor of kynd man and wife equale, rageand in battall but ony mercy. Thair cheualry is nocht bot wod fury. For thay reiose in na thing sa mekill as in murdir of agit men and barnis, and siclik febill personnis, with sic insaciable thrift that thay eschame nocht to drynk ye blud of yair ennymes. And delitis ī nocht bot in thift and slaucht. Thairfore we mon othir haue peace with yame or ellis suffer at thair will ma importable cruelteis yan afore. And yocht peace be rycht schamefull to ws, ȝit better is to haue pacience for ane tyme, than to lois our realme and liberte with more schame. I say thir wourdis for na desyre of conques or honouris, bot onlie for ye singulare affection y t I beir vnto ȝour cōmon weill. Auyse thairfore quhidder the samyn be mair frutefull or noysum thairto. The Britonis war rycht cō mouit that Conanꝰ persuadit yame to peace. And said thay wald haue na amite with Scottis nor Pychtis for y e sindry cruelteis done be yame. Thay knew als (sayd thay) how he spak nocht for thair cōmoun weill. bot onlie to fynd sum occasioun be his slychtis to vsurpe the crown of Britane. At last quhen the nobillis had tane lang consultatioun in this mater oftymes lamentand thair vnhappy chance, & knawyng the estait of man sa miserable, that it tendis more swiftlie to ruyne, than to ony hycht, be counsall of obstinat and in oportune pepill thay finalie concludit to assemble thair ordinance baith of men & sensable wemen to inuaid the Scottis and Pichtis. And to cō uene at ane prefixi [...] day & place. Conanus rycht sorowful for thir doingis Ischit fra the counsall. Sayng I tak the eternall god in witnes. I assent nocht to this furius sentence and beleuis na thyng mair, than the anciant & noble realme of Britane, to cum to irrecouerable dammage throw sic fuliche coūsal in our dayis Ane certane of Britonis heirād Conanus regrait thair doyngis on yis sort, said thy auctorite sall nocht be of pissance to stop yis sentence. And efter that thay had pullit furth yair swerdis, thay draue hym throw the body. The skry arrais haistelie efter his slauchter be freindis of Conanꝰ and socht his slayaris in yair maist furye. Throw quhilk the peple wes deuidit in twa partis & mycht nocht be pecifyit be auctorite of y e nobillis quhill ane huge nowmer wer slane on athir sydis.
¶Of gret vassalage done be the nobyl Grahame at the vvallis of Abircorne and Adrian▪ and hovv the Scottis conquest all landis betuix Tyne and Humber. Of the epistyll send be Britonis to Etius. and of his ansvver. Ca. xvi.
ALs sone as y e fame wes brocht to London, that the Scottis & Pychtis had maid cruell incursionis in ye landis of britonis, ane huge feir and terrour went throw all y e ciete. And quhen the Britonis wer takand thair consultatioun (youht it wes in vane) how thay suld dres al materis, come the vailȝeant Grahame with ane cumpany of chosyn men to the wall of Abircorne. And brak doun the same in all partis so halelie, that he left na thyng thairof standyng more than remanis nowe in thir dayis. And for that cause yis wall wes callit eft Grahamis dike. Sic tyngis done Grahame went to [Page] the wall of Adriane fornens the Ireland seis. And kest it down on the samyn maner. And slew al y e weirmen that wer laid for defence thairof. Ye residew of Britonis heirand nocht bot murdir and rūmissyng of deand pepill, sauyt thaym self be flycht. Ye wall of Adriane bet doun to y e groud in this maner, the Scotꝭ desiring na thyng mair than to reuenge y e iniuris done afore be Britonis, ꝓclamit be generall edict na fensabill bot agit and febill personis to be saiffit. Bot this edict wes nocht obseruat. So far enragit wes ye army in cruelte, that thay past with fyre & swerd throw all the boundis [...]and betuix Tyne and Humber. And wrocht on ye inhabitantis thairof sic heirschip and slauchter, that thay wer othir [...] or chasit out of the cuntre. Yir [...]yngis schawin to the nobillis of Britane at London, mouit thaym to se [...]k new remeid aganis thair ennymes. Finalie quhen thay had lang auysit in yis mater, it wes concludit t [...] send two syndry ambassatouris for expedition of thair materis. Ane of thaim to pas to y e cōfiderat kyngꝭ of Scottis and Pychtis. And to gif thaym frelie all the landis liand beȝond Humber with large soumys of money. Swa thay wald condiscend to peace, & desist fra truble of thaym in tymes cumyng. The s [...]cund ambassat to pas to Etius capitane of France▪ deplorand thair calamyteis with this epistill. ☞ ¶ To Etius thryis consul the regrait of Britonis. ¶Quhē our forbearis first rāderit yame to romanis, yai traistit be mony reasonis, y t the Senat and pepill of Rome, wes the port and sicker refuge of all pepill cūyng vnder thair empire. Bot we yair posterite be iresonable slycht of Maximiane agane our cōmon weill, ar sa brokin in our strenth be our continewance at yair opinioun, that we ar bot ane facill pray to our ennimes. Throw quhilk it apperis that othir the romanis ar degenerat fra the manheid & illuster dedis of thair eldaris. Or ellis thair braid empyre be vengeance of god begynnis to declyne and geuyn be pray to euery pepill. Nochtheles gif the fatale chance of tyme and weirdis couatis this our realme to be dissoluit fra amyte & freinschip of Romanis, constraning ws to seruitude of othir barbar peple, we cure nocht quhat pepill haue dominioun of ws Sa that we eschew the tyranny of Scottis and Pychtis. Quhais bludy swerd hes wrocht on ws sic heirschip and calamite, that we knawe nocht quhat way our miserabill lyuis salbe sauit. [...]en all our guddis a [...] lost and tynt. Thay haue nowe bet doun y e wallis & strenthis (quhilkis suld haue defendit ws fra thair cruelteis). Syne entrit in y e r [...]mane prouince with al maner of cruelteis. Waistit our lādis▪ brint our townis and castellis. Bet doun our wallis to the ground. And slane our wyffis childrin and agit ꝑsonis. Besyde infinite othir displeseiris quhilkis we may nocht writ for doloure. We (the residew of thaym) ar chaist and dreuin to the seis. And becaus we may nocht haue passage throw ye samin, we ar dreuin agane in our ennymes handis. Quhait throw na esperance apperis of releif. Bot othir to be slane or peris in the fletand seis. Be seikand the heirfore gyf thow regardis othir ou [...] faithful kyndnes or ȝit the glore of Romane maieste (to quhilk we bene sa mony ȝeris obeysant) to suffer nocht ws the freindis of ye Senat & pepill of Rome▪ to be [Page lxxxxii] thirllit to sic vndantit cruelte of ennymes. Bot send ws support ī haist, that we be nocht mair cruelly betrasit be Romanis, thā tynt be barbar pepyll. Othir wayis sic thyngis sall be ane perpetual memory to our successouris to haue na confidence nor societe with Romanis. Etius answerit that he was richt sorrowfull that the romane empyre was persewit sa on euery hand, that he mycht skarsly defend France fra inuasioun of barbar pepyll. And thairfore he mycht send na support ī britane. Nochttheles he exhortit thaym to maik the best defence thay mycht in esperance of better fortoun. For quhen the Romanis had pecifyit all trubyll, the scottis & pychtis suld be condignely punist for thair attemptatis.
¶Hovv the Britonis vvar vincust and maid tributar to Scottis and Pychtis▪ and of the conditionis of peace geuyn to the said Britonis. Ca. xvii.
IN the mene tyme quhen this answere come fra Etius, y e ambassatouris returnit fra the Scottis and Pychtis. And schew that ye petitionis of Brytonis war na thyng plesand to the said Scottis and Pychtis. For thay wald not ceis fra ythand slauchter & heirschip of Brytonis, quhill othir thair realme was conquest, or ellis frely randerit to thaym. The Britonis war richt affrayit be thir wourdis, nochtheles thay enforcit thaim self to curage, & ruschit haistely to harnes, detes [...]yng thair effeminate sleuth. Be quhilk thay gaif audacite to thair ennymes, and tynt ye victory be thair cowartry that thay conquest afore with thair vyctory & manheid. The scottis & pichtis weil aduertist yat ye Britonis war repulsit be Etius of thair desiris, gaderit thair pepil out of all boundis vnder thair dominion. And come with displayit baneris aganis yair ēnymes. The Britonis ī y e samyn maner war aduertist be the exploratouris, how yair ennimes war cumand on yame with sic pissance, yat thay mycht not be resistit. Bot thā thay begā to curs & wary thaym that gaif thaym counsall to fecht aganis sa pyssant ennymes in dāmage of yair cōmon weil. Ȝit to saif yame fra mair displesour thay send othir ambassatouris to ye cōfiderat kyngis, desyryng peace as afore. And becaus yai culd purches na peace bot gif thay war randerit with wiffis, childrin, & guddꝭ, throw extreme Ire on the ta syde, & disperation on y e tothir syde, yai maid yame all with ane consent to battal. Incō tinent be blast of trumpat baith the armyis iunit. Followit ane maist terribyll bergane, for the Britonis delyuerit to reuenge thair deith, & [...]o [...]de for defence of yair realm, set on yair ennymes with gret preis, & mony of thaym bure vnto the ground. Than ylkane desyring to support othir ruschit togidder with sa obstinat mynd, y t thay semit na thing to regard yair deith. Throw quhilk mony of y e scottis & pichtis (quhilkꝭ faucht ī y e first battal) war neir discomfist. Graham y e [...]ailȝeant capitane seand his freindis in extreme dangeir, send ane gret cumpany of Ilis men fra ye carage in thair support. Incontinent y e scottis & pichtis (that war afore woūdit & discomfist) renewit battal, Than y e Britonis ouirset with multitude of ennymes ruschyng apon thaym on all sydis, & disparit of victory fled to ane mos nocht far fra the feild. The cariage men seyng y e battal discōfist [Page] left thair cariage, and slew thair ennymes heir & thair quhare thay war tane ouirset in y e mossis. In this battall war slane .iiii.M. scottis, and of Britonis .xv.M. The princes & nobillis of Britane war sa halely slane in this battall, y t the residew of Brytonis mycht mak na defence for yair realme. And thairfore be generall consent thay send thair oratouris to the victorius kyngis humely desyring peace vnder quhat conditioun thay plesit. The confiderat kyngis na les mouit be the sorrowfull chance fallyng to Britonis, than with ye present calamyte fallyng to thaym self, cōdiscendit to haue peace vnder thir conditionis. The Brytonis in tymes cumyng sall ressaue na Romane capitane with armyis aboue thaym in Britane. And sall suffer na [...]omanis, gallis, saxonis, nor ȝit na ethir pepyll (that ar ennymes to scottis and pichtꝭ) to pas throw thair lā dis. Thay sall nothir treit peace nor alliance nor ȝit make weir aganis ony pepyll but cōmand of the confiderat kyngis. Thay sall fecht (quhē thay ar chargit) in support of Scottis and pychtis aganis all pepyl, Al ye landis lyand beȝond Humber sal remane ꝑpetually vnder y e empire of Scottis and Pychtis. And the Brytonis to pas out of the samyn with thair wiffis, chyldrin, and gudis but ony tary. Finaly thay sal pay .lx.M. pundis amang thair weirmen, and ȝeirly in tymes cumyng .xx.M. pundis to the confiderat kyngis in maner of tribute. And for securite heirof thay sal geif ane .C. men in oistage at the wyll of the confiderat kyngis. Ilk man na eldar than .xxx. ȝerꝭ. And na ȝoungar than .xviii. ȝeris. Gif ony of thir pointis war brokyn, y e peace to be dissoluit in ye self. The peace ratif [...] on this maner, the Ile of Albion was brocht to better quiet than afore. Britane was tane fra ye empire of Romanis in this maner, & maid tributar to Scottis and Pichtis .iiii, C.lxxxxvi. ȝeris. Efter y e Iulius Cesar maid it first tributar to Romanis, quhilk was in ye .vii, ȝeir of kyng Eugenius. Fra the Incarnatioun .iiii.C.xxxvi. ȝeiris. Fra the empyre of Brutus the first kyng of Britane ane .M.vi.C. and .iii. ȝeris. Fra thens the Britonis began to declyne baith in thair manheid, landis and honouris. I knaw weil this hystory that I haue schawin of Maximus Romane capitane in Britane. And of Octauius and Dioneth kyngis of Britane. And als of the cumyng of Saxonis in Albioun (quhilk I intend now to schawe) is richt discrepant fra the croniklis of Brytonis maid be Galfrede. And ȝit thair suld nane haue admiration thairof. For the authouris (that I follow as Eutropiꝰ, Paulus Diaconꝰ, Beda Ueremundꝰ with othir mair recent and expert hystoricianis) concordis with this Galfrede nouthir in the narratioun of the hystorye, nor ȝit in the dait of ȝeris. We think thairfore it is mair sowndand to the verite to follow mony prouyn & attentyk authouris in discriptioun of oure historye concurring with the hystorye of Romanis baith in narratioun and dait of ȝeris, than to follow the said Galfrede writand but ony testimoni all of othir authouris▪ and syngular in his awin opinioun.
☞ Of mony nobyll clerkis & sanctis in sindry partis of the vvarld. & of syndry prodigies and meruellis sene in Albion. & of Fy [...]akco [...]e. Ca. xviii.
[Page lxxxxiii] MOny nobyl mē war in thir days. As Anselmus, Philippus Hilarius. Amang ws wer ī thay days Palladius, quhylk was send be Celestine pape to confound y e heresy of Pelagius risyn than in syndry partis of Albion. This Palladius was the first byschop that bure authorite amang the Scottis and was creat be ye pape. The byschoppis afore hym war creat be votis allanerlye of the monkis and preistꝭ namyt Culdeis. This Palladius purgit y e Scottis and Pichtis of mony vane superstitionis & ritis of gentilis vsit in thay dayis. And thairfore he was callit y e apostyll of Scottis, and deceissit in ane town of Mernꝭ namit Fordoun, quhare his blissit body restis ȝit haldin in gret veneration amang ye pepyll. His banis war laitly translatit be ane nobyl man Williā Scheues archebischop of sanct Andros, & put in ane syluer cais with mony solempne cerimonyis. Fra ye incarnation of god ane .M.iiii.C.lxxxxiiii. ȝeris. This Palladius maid sanct Serf bischop, and send hym in Orknay to instruck the rude pepyll thairof in y e faith. Als he gaif the sacrament of baptem to Teruanus, & maid hym archebischop of Pichtis. About this tyme was send fra pape Celestyne sanct Patrik in Ireland to defend y e samyn fra heresy of pelagiꝰ. Throw quhilk the crystyn faith began to incres in Ireland and Albion. Mony meruellis war sene in syndry partis of Albion, afore the Britonis faucht aganis the Scottis and Pichtis. The mone beand ī opposition (quhē it is maist round) apperit suddanly as it war foure nukit. In Ȝork war mony schouris of blude. ☞ The branchis and leuis of treis war strokyn with thonder and wederit in mony partis of Albioun. ¶The merkat gait of Lōdon raif with ane huge gaip, and mony housis besyde sank. The pepyl preichit thir signis to cum in dammage of ye Britonis. Nochtheles the same wes mesit be y e preistis quhilk cōmandit na credence to be geuyn to sic fantasyis. It is said that Fynmakcoule the sonne of Coelus scottis mā was in thir days ane man of huge statoure of .xvii. cubitis of hycht. He was ane gret huntar and rycht terrybyll for his huge quantite to the pepyll. Of quhome ar mony vulgar fabyllis amang ws nocht vnlyke to thir fabyllis that ar rehersit of kyng Arthure. And becaus his dedis is nocht authorist be autentik authouris. I wyll rehers na thing thairof. Bot declare the remanent geistis of kyng Eugenius and othir nobyllis. ☞ ¶And sa endis heir the seuynt Buke of thir Cronyklis.
Heir begynnis the aucht Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
☞¶Hovv mony Romane prouinces fell in pray to syndry pepyll, and hovv syndry realmis began thairthrovv. Ca. Primo.
[Page] QUhen Britane westane in this maner fra the empyre of romanis, and maid tributar to Scottis & Pychtis. The Uandalis, Gothis, Hunnis, and franche men maid gret slauchter in Spanȝe Affrik, Italie, Almany, and France. Throw quhilk apperit the manifest declinatioun of Romane empire in sindry realmes, as y e variant chance of fortoun succedis. For the franche men (quhais begynnyng is vncertane) come ouir the riuer of Ryne And past throw ane gret part of gallia▪ quhilk wes eftir callit France be thir franchemen. And eftir yat thay had tane Orliance and Paris thay sat doun besyde the reueir of Sane, [...] thay chesit Ueremond to be king. And maid the first foundemēt of y • nobil realme of France. Throw quhilk it wes cōmandit that all the landis lyand betuix the mouth of Ryne and the hillis of Pirrony, deuidyng France fra Spanȝe on the ta syde. And fra ye montanis of Sauoy to the occ [...]ne seis on the tothir side, suld be callit France. About yis same tyme Genferik began the realme of Uādalis in Affrik. And wes the first kyng that rang aboue the pepill. Quhais posterite had na better chance in the end, than in the beginnyng of thair empire. For as yai began with tyranny and slauchter of innocent pepill, siclike thay wer inuadit baith with extern weris and cyuyll battall, and fynaly brocht to ane myserabyll end. The visigothis and astrogothis (ane pepyll borne in ꝑdition of romanis) began to regne this same tyme in Italy & Spanȝe. And in this tyme began the Hūnis to regne in Pānonia, & becaus thay grew vnder ane blude with the auld inhabitantis of y e cūtre, callit Garis, ye cuntre was callit Ungaria. Mony vthir infinite cumpanyis of barbar pepyll went throw the warld yat tyme persewand Romanis with all malyce. Throw quhilk it hapnit yat na man mycht trauall in thay dayis but extreme dangeir of yair lyfe. For quhen passingeris war inq irit, quhat yai war? gif thay answerit thay war freindis of y e senat & pepyl of Rome. The demandaris said thay war ennymes, & for y t caus yai war spulȝeit of yair geir or lyuis. Siclike gif yai answerit thay war ennymes to Romanis, the demandaris wald allege thaym freindis, & sa thay war spulȝeit & slane in y e samyn maner. Sic thyngis maid the Gallis (quhylkis war ye auld inhabitantis of France) astonist to intercommon with romanis and Franchemen. The britonis (quhilkis war laitly syttyn down in Bertanȝe) knawyng this trubyll be y e romane weris sufferit na vncouth blude to cum within thaym, for thay knew nocht quhay was freindis or fayis.
¶Hovv Conanus exhortit the Britonis to recouer thair liberte. Of the message send be scottis and pichtis to Britonis. And hovv the noblis and commonis of Britane inuadit othir be battall. Ca. ii.
THe nobyllis of Brytane brokyn with frequent weris. and seyng na pepyll but trubyl, held thaym in quiete certane ȝeris. Paying iustly thair trybute to the victorius & confiderat kyngis. And sa past .x. ȝeris or euir ye Britonis began ony rebellioun aganis Scottis and Pichtis. In the mene tyme rais new trubyll in Kent. For Conanus sonne of Conanꝰ [Page lxxxxiiii] (quhilk was slane afore as we schew) conuenit syndry nobyllis of Brytane be secrete messingerꝭ to ane counsal within ane wod, and said in this maner. ȝe se now (wise freindis) how our pepyll sumtyme sa pissant and vailȝeant in deidis of cheualry, and haldyn in reuerence to all pepyl is now maid tributar to Scottis & pichtis with infinite calamiteis dayly wrocht on ws. ¶ Quhat may be (allace) the caus of this afflictioun? nocht bot our awin sleuth, be quhilk we haue failȝeit sa far to our self, & brokyn be the gyle of Maximiane, yat we (as maist febyl creaturis) hes tane the ȝok apon our nek. We may sone cōsider how far we bene degenerit fra the curage of our nobyl eldaris, quhilkis sumtyme dang y e Scottis out of Albion. And youcht in yis last vnhappy battal strikin be ws .x. ȝeris ago aganis scottis and pichtis we war constranit for the huge slauchter of oure nobyllis to seik peace mair necessar yan honest. Ȝit now y e tyrane Maximiane is put down, & our pissance cōualescit. For now ar rissyn in Britane mony rank & forcy ȝoung men reddy for al laubour and ieoperdes. Quhais vnbridillit insolence salbe mair noysum to ws, than ony cruelte of ennymes. Gif we suffer y e samyn to dul in sleuth, we haue plente of ryches and strenth, and na thing laikis, bot curage baith to vincus our ennymes and to delyuer ws of barbar seruitude. Remēber thairfore (vailȝeant campionis) ye illuster dedis of ȝour eldaris. Deuoyd ȝow of sleuth, & belt ȝow with gud hoip, gladnes, and virtew. For sic thingis ar y e souerest way to bryng ȝour materis to gud fyne, that ȝe may resembyll the anciant excellence of ȝour ꝓgenitouris in sic wyse, y e nocht onely ȝour ēnymes bot al othir pepyl may vnderstand that ȝe ar mair geuyn to virtew and glore of battall, than to ony feir of deith. The nobyllis of britane be thir wourdis war drawin in sindry opinionis. Sū of thaim with furius vult and continence desyrit nocht bot battal. Otheris mair prudent dred (gif thay mouit weir in yis sort) that yair sonnis (quhilkis lay in hoistage) suld be slane, & wald nocht consent thairfore to battall. Fynaly quhen thay had put of the day with mony altercationis, thay seuerit on ylk syde but ony effect of thair purpos. Nocht lang efter the confiderat kyngis wer aduertist of thir consultationis maid amang ye Britonis, & begā to punis thair plegis with syndry afflictionis, and maid thair ordinance to inuade the Britonis as brekaris of thair faith and promys. Ȝit afore thay rasit yair army, thay send ambassatouris to Britonis to espy the myndis of thair nobyllis, and cō monis. Thir ambassatouris at thair cumyng ī Britane schew yame send fra the victorius and confiderat kyngis to exhort the Britonis to perseueir in the band afore be thair faith & promis. And prayit thaym to geif na credit to thaim, y t persuadit yame be vane reasonis to rebellyon, in aduenture (gif thay sa did) thay laborit mair in thair awin dammage than proffit. Attoure thay brocht certane chargis fra the confiderat kyngis to the said Britonis with certification (gif y e samyn war nocht obeyit) thay sall be inuadit with mair awfull battall than afore. The chargis war, that the Brytonis sall hald na publik counsal nor parliament amang thaym in tymes cumyng but aduyse of y e confiderat kyngis, and thay sal keip the auld conditionis of peace in [Page] all poyntis as it was afore contrackit. And thay sal ressaue agane thair auld plegis and delyuer doubyl als mony new plegis for ye samyn. The Britonis greuit with thir importabyll chargis, thocht first extreme chā ce of battal erar to be assailȝeit, than sa schameful conditionis of peace to be obseruit. And thairfore thay had ruschit all of ane mynd with maist cruelte to harnes, war nocht thair noyis & dyn of armoure wes haistely mesit be y e nobyllis. The cōmonis brokyn of thair purpos in this wise, maid ane lamentabyl regrait amāg thaym self of the febyll cowarty of thair nobillis. Throw quhilk thair cōmon weil was put to gret affliction. Nocht lang efter followit amāg thaym ane mair sorrowfull contention than afore. For the cōmonis im [...]cient to suffer vncouth seruitude, [...]schit to harnes, and be plane rebellyon thocht to distroy all y e nobyllis of Britane, becaus thay war degenerit fra the virtew of thair eldaris, & thirllit thaym to y e empyre of barbar pepyll. This pley was fynaly discussit be the swerd, for the cōmonis rageand in maist fury faucht aganis the nobyllis with mair hatrent than ordour of cheualry, and war discomfist with incredibyll slauchter. This cruelte of cōmonis was nocht dan [...]it be this bergan. For sone eft thay ruschit agane tyll harnes, & faucht aganis thair nobyllis with lytyl better fortoun thā afore. Throw quhilk thair pyssance was sa brokyn, that thay durst not remane in thair awin housis bot fled with thair wyffis & chyldrin to the montanis, and maid frequent heirschippis on the noblis. It last thay war constranit on athir sydis to haue peace. For the nobillis micht not leif but industry of cōmonis, nor the cōmonis but y e authorite & prudence of nobyllis. Thir cyuyll weris hurt y e realme of britane with na les dāmage than did the tyranny of Maximiane afore quhen he maid it nakit baith of weirmen & pepyll.
¶Of syndry afflictionis & plagis quhilkis fell on the Britonis for thair iniquite and corruppit lyfe. Of the deith of kyng Eugenius. Ca. iii.
FOllowit be thir cyuyl battallis gret mortalyte and hungir. & cōtinewit thre ȝeris togidder amang ye Britonis. Than followit incredybyl plente w t mair habūdance & fouth than was euir rememberit in ony tyme afore. Throw quhylk rais vncouth lust the pomp of all myscheif amang y e pepyl. Euery ane of thaym geuyn mair tyl riatus surfet & glutony of yair wambe, than to ony virtew of thair eldaris. Throw quhilk thay become of sa vicious & sa corruppit life, that na pepyll of gud maneris mycht leif amang thaym. And nocht onely (as sanct Bede testifijs) war y e temporall estait drownit in thir vicis, bot the spretuall estait in the samyn maner. This terrybyll pest of glutony hurt the Brytonis mair in yair virtew, guddis, & glore of armys, than euir dyd ony swerd afore. And schortly (as the reward of glutony is) thair come on thaym sa huge mortalyte, that the quyk was skarsly sufficient to bury the deid. And youcht thay war maist cruelly punist in this wyse, nothir the feir of deith nor p̄sent calamite micht draw thaym fra thair inhansit synne. ☞¶And thairfore thair vicis (in quhylkis thay war drownit sa myserably) was occasyoun, that thay war efter conquest be the Saxonis. And tynt baith thair ryall maieste [Page lxxxxv] and crown with sic displesoure, that thay micht neuir recouer agane yair anciant honouris. Quhill Brytane was in sic trubyll, the scottis & pichtis wer in gud peace, geuand thair attendance efter sa lang weris to decore thaym self in riches, faith, & honest institutionis, And gaif thankis to god yat causit thaym perseueir in gud felicite, and yair ennymes in sic displeseir be iust punytioun of thair demeritis, that thay micht nothir defend thaym self, nor inuade thair nychtbouris. And thairfore traistit all the landis betuix Humber and the Franche seis to cum haistely vnder thair perpetuall dominioun. Kyng Eugenius hauand na weris nor ennymes in this maner, brocht his realme to mair honour thā euer it had afore. And deceissit ye .xxx. ȝeir of his regne. Quhilk was in the fourt ȝeir of Leo empriour. Fra the Incarnatioun .iiii.C.lxi.
¶Of king Dongard, and of the secund orisone maid be Conanus to the Britonis. And hovv thay send ambassatouris to Androenus king of Bertanȝe for support aganis scottis and pichtis. Ca. iiii.
EUgeniꝰ deceissit on this maner but ony ayrꝭ of his body, his brothir Dongard was maid kyng. This Dōgard wes nocht far dyfferent fra the maneris of his brothir Eugenius, richt desyrus of peace▪ & nocht detestyng weir quhen it was necessar. And becaus he had na occasion of weris, he send prudent men in syndry partis of his realme to minister Iustice, and reparit all failȝeit castellis and strenthis of his realme quhare thay war ruinus or decayit, that the samyn micht be reddy aganis quhat sumeuer chā ce that mycht fall, knawyng weill al realmes and pepyll sa thirllit to mutabilite of fortoun, that thay mycht nocht perseueir lang tyme in quiet. Attoure becaus peace engeneris ryches, and riches engenerꝭ insolence▪ and insolence geuys occasion of battall. He began to haue the gret felicite succeding to his empyre in suspition, traisting na thing mair surelye than battall succeding efter sa lang peace. And thairfore he garnyst all y e munitionis of the bordouris with maist weirly ordinance in na les dylygence than the weir war instantly appering. Sic thyngis done he dotat ye kirkis of Palladius & otheris his colleigis with mony riche lādis and rentis to the sustentation of deuyne seruyce. And cōmandit the kirkis and sanctuaris of his realme to be sicker refuge to all crimynal personis duryng thair resydence in the samyn, Nocht withstandyng quhat sumeuer offence of lese maieste committit be thaym. Attoure he dotat ye kirkis with otheris priuilegis and eikit thaym be his ryall magnificence with mair ampyll boundis than thay war afore. Quhill sic thyngis war done in Scotland, ye Britonis lamentit thair sorrowfull chance, seand thaym self trybutar to the last pepyll of the warld, and sa thirllit to seruytude that thay nothir durst nor ȝit mycht resaue strangearis amang thaym to ryche thaym be sic chance of marchandyce as thair eldaris did afore. And aboue thir calamyteis thay war punyst for thair wickit synne, with swerd, hūger, and deith. Efter mony sorrowfull afflictionis thay maid generall processionis in al partis of thair realme, and prayit [Page] mercyfull god to delyuer thaym of al trubyl & plaigis fallyng on yame for thair iniquite, that thay micht recouer thair anciant fame & honourꝭ. Fynaly thir Britonis war sa penitēt that thay maid yair solempne votis all atanis to amend thair lyuis & desist fra thair synnis, for delyueryng of thaym fra iniure and seruitude of ennymes. Than Conanus (quhylk maid y e orisō afore to Britonis) traisting to haue oportunite to moue y e nobyllis to recouer thair honoure & liberte said in this maner. Had my wordis said in ȝour last counsall mouit ȝour myndis (wyse Brytonis) to battall contrar ȝour dispitfull ennymes, it had nocht bene necessar this day to mak this orison. For ȝe micht nocht onely haue doung ȝour ennymes out of al boūdis of ȝour realm, [...] als mycht haue had baith ȝoure realme extendit to ye auld marchis, and ȝour pepyll dwellyng vnder natyue kyngis of Britane but ony iniuris of ennymes. Now ȝe ar brokin be swerd, hunger, and pest, with mony othir calamyteis▪ & hes now gud experiēce quhat myscheif, vengeāce, and sorrow fallis to mortal pepyl be corruppit lust, nocht hauād god nor his institutionis in reuerence. Ȝour pissance in tymes bygane was mair ampyll and strang than now. Howbeit ȝoure myndis war nocht geuyn than (as the deid schew) to regard quhat precius treasoure is lyberte. Nor ȝit quhat honoure was to recouer ȝour realme. Bot now be aduer [...] fortoun ȝe be mair prudent, and hes recouerit ȝour curage to attempt sic thyngis as bene maist expedient for ȝour cōmon weill. For now ye desyre of ȝour anciant honouris and lyberte enforcis ȝou to assa [...]ȝe for ȝour cō moun weill the chance of fortoun. And wyll we degeistly ponder this mater, we sall knaw oure ennymes incressyng awfull and ylk day mair repugnant to our weil. I se yairfore na thing that may seme ws les, than to ouirpas our dayis in miserabyll sleuth, of quhilk ye end is nocht bot schame. And sen we but reason ar geuyn to riatus and vicius leuyng (be quhilk al vengeance sproutes in displesour of mā) lat ws returne to god the fontane of mercy and grace, and pray hym to put ane end to our afflictioun. For as be his wraith all realmes failȝeis, sa be his fauour & mercy all pepyl conualescis, quhen thay ar penytent. ¶And sen we haue sufferit gret punytyoun iustlye deseruit for our iniquite. Lat ws haue sicker confydence in god to pardoun our offencis be his mercy, changeand our drery life in better fortoun. The tyme sall wyrk all thingis weil gyf we meis the Ire of god, for he repellis nane that seikis to hym. Quhat is he that euir sufferit ony aduersyte of forton fechtand in iust battall? bot gyf it cum throw his folye. Thairfore gif we be worthy to be callit the posterite of thay vailȝeant campionis (quhylkis vincust sa oft the Scottis and Pychtis). Lat ws assailȝe. how we may best recouer our landis, and reuenge the cruelteis done sa mony ȝerꝭ to ws, with sycker confidence of vyctory. Sen fortoun is changit be oure curage, and oure ennymes dullyt be lang sleuth. And maist of all that we ar to fecht in iust battall, aganis oure peruerst ennymes. ☞ This orison of Conanus mouit sa the pepyl, that thay had run haistely to harnes, wer nocht syndry prudent men schew be euydent sygnes, thay war nocht of sic pyssance for the tyme that thay [Page lxxxxvi] may withstand thair ennymes without thay had support of othir cuntreis. Thus was it cōcludit to send ambassatouris to Androene kyng of Bertanȝe, quhilk was bot fourt persoun fra Conane the first kyng of y e blude▪ to schaw hym the intollerabil iniuris done to thaym be Scottis & Pychtis, and to desyre support aganis thaym to recouer thair landis. Nocht lang efter Conanus & Guytellyne byschop of London wer send (as ambassatourꝭ) to Androene king of Bertanȝe for support of Britonis aganis the confiderat pepyll.
¶Of the deith of Conanus▪ and of the orison maid be Guytellyne to the king of Bertanȝe Hovv Constantyne his son vvas send vvith ane army in Britane. & maid kyng thairof. Ca. v.
QUhen Conanus and Guytellyne war departit on this maner to pas to the king of Bertanȝe. This Conanus be corruppit ayre of seis fell in ane feuer, and deceissit betuix Britane and Bertanȝe. Guytellyne rycht sorrowfull of his deith, arryuit ī Bertanȝe and burijt hym with funerall triumphe. Syne past with the resydew of his cumpany to kyng Androene in Bertanȝe, and said to hym in this maner. Wer the caus of my cumyng and quhat I am vnknawin to the (maist inuincibyll prynce) it had bene necessar to begin my orison in ane othir maner, y t I mycht be y e samyn haue drawin the in mair fauoure and compassion of our trubyll. Bot sen I knaw sic thyngis ar rycht patent afore thy sycht, I wyll declare the effect of my message at schort wordis. The scottis and pichtis maist cruell pepyl in erd (quhen thay knew ws nakit of weirmen & Romane soudiouris) inuadit ws & our realme with sic cruelteis of swerd & fyre, that thay put ws out of all boundis lyand betuix ye wal of Abircorne and Tyne. And ȝit nocht saciat be thir attemptatis▪ thay brak downe y e wal of Adryane, and come with sic rageand fury aganis our pepyll, yat thay semyt to subdew all Brytane to thair dominion. And fynaly thay had subdewit the samyn without recouir, gif yai had possedit sufficient nowmer of pepyl, als weil to inhabit the land, as to cō ques the samyn. Quhen our pepyll war brokyn with thir & mony othir skaithis, and couth fynd na support of Romanis, thay concludit erar to ieoperde thaym self to maist dāgeir, thā dayly to leif in sic displeseir. And sone efter (as forcy and vnabasit cā pionis) thay come aganis thair ēnymes with delyuerit mynd othir to delyuer thaym of sic insufferabyll displesouris, or than all atanis to de. Efter syndry chancis of battall we war fynaly vincust, our strangest capitanis tane or ellis slane▪ our ennymes efter this vyctory mair insolent thā afore, and desyryng na les to deuore our blude, than to conques our realme, wrocht on ws ylk day mair dispitfull cruelteis. Quhyll at last we war sa brokyn in oure substance & strenth, that we war constranit to haue peace with thaym mair necessar than proffitabyl, & cōstranit be y e samyn to gif y e noblis sonnis of our realme in plege for the obseruyng of al pointis efter the tenour of y e peace with yame contrackit. At last our pepil thirllit ilk day w t new & intollerable opp̄ssion, war penitēt of yir cōditionis of peace succedīg (as apperit) [Page] in euersion of thair common weill. Throw quhilk rais ane odius contention betuix the nobillis and commonis, quhilk was nocht endit but huge murdir on all sydis. Efter this slauchter followit gret derth and pouerte amang ws. Bot than succedit plente ye moder of insolence, quhilk was mair scaithfull to ws than was y e hunger afore precedent. For throw this huge plente was generit ane terribyll pest with greter mortalyte of pepyll than euir was remembrit afore in Britane. Ȝit all thir calamyteis and trubyll put nocht ws to sic afflictioun, as did the furius cruelte of Scottis and Pichtis, be quhome new extorsionis at dayly deuysit on ws. New plegis commandit to be geuyn, and new tribute sa surfetly tane that our guddis ar confiscat, & [...] bodyis pynit. ¶And schortly we fynd na securite of lyfe, quhare our ennymes hes dominioun. Thir greuous and intollerabyl displesouris na les sorrowfull to the inuyncybyll prince, than to ws may nocht be schawin but indignatioun. Fynaly we war sa brokin thairwith, that we war constranit to knaw god, seyng that we be his iust punition war fallyn in sa mony calamyteis for oure wekit offence. Thus we determit with delyuerit mynd (sa far as may be done be ingyne of man) to amend all offencis, that we haue done baith to god and man. Traistyng (fra we haue pecifyit the Ire of god) y t euery thing sall succede as we desyre. For thir motiuis (maist inuyncibil prīce) we haue tane purpos to delyuer ws of seruytude, and to recouer our realme & honouris. Ȝit becaus we ar brokyn sa mony ȝeris in our pyssance and strenth, we may not attempt sic materis▪ And at cūmyn thairfore humly praying the to haue compassioun on this sorrowfull chance fallyng to ws thy progenitou [...]is▪ quhilkis ar put to sic punytioun, that we may make na defence aganis oure vndantit fais, les thā thow support ws with thir thy vailȝeant pepyll, quhilkꝭ beand grātit, we sal delyuer ws schortly of all dishonour fallyng to ws thir syndry ȝeris be our awin defalt, for nane is bot thow that dar oppone thaym aganis the cruelteis of Scottis & Pychtis. Understand heirfore thow sall nocht defend vncouth housis bot onely the felicite of thy awin realme, quhais crown is natyue to the. For youcht the empyre of Brytonis was sumtyme deuydit in two realmes Britane & Bertanȝe, now remanis nane on lyue sa neir of blude (as thow) to succede to thaym baith. Contempne nocht this occasion sa plesandly offerit to the. Support this mater, for it pertenis na les to thy self than to ws. Thow may regne and haue empire of baith the realmes with gud felicite. Kyng Androene answerit, that he was na les sorrowful for the calamyteis fallyng to y e Britonis, than to hym self. Nochtheles the chance of the warld is sa, that mortall pepyll ar oftymes deieckit fra hie felicite ī supreme misery. And fra supreme misirie exaltit agane in maist prosperite. For nature hes subd [...]it men to sic lawis, that thair estait is nocht but mortal. and sumtyme hes experience of gud fortoun sumtyme of euyll. And forthir he thocht the Britonis war worthy to be louit, becaus thay had na les curage in thair aduersite, thā fortoun was respōdent to yair desir [...]s. As to his cummyng in Britane, he schew hym sa agit, y t he mycht nocht sustene y e charge of weris. Nochtheles [Page lxxxxvii] he suld send his sonne Constantine, ane ȝoung and vailȝeant prince with all the power yat he mycht prouide in Britane to support thaym aganis the Scottis & Pychtis. And quhen he had promittit this support he causit bischop Gwytelline to pas to the town of Redone to mak his residence quhill the army wer reddy to pas with hym. Incontinent king Androene cōmandit all the schippis of his land to cum at ane p̄fixit day in ye port of sanct Maclouius, with thair patronis & marineris in thair best auyse. Als sone as all thyngis wer dewlie prouidit, Cōstantine pullit vp salis. And finali [...] arriuit in Britane. Quhair he wes ressauit w t incredible triumphe and Ioy. For the pepill traistit be his gret manheid and prudence, to recouer thair realme and liberte. Nocht lang eftir ane counsall wes maid be the nobillis of Britane. In the quhilk Constantyne wes maid kyng, & sworn to fecht for y e cōmon weil of his realme to the deith.
☞ Hovv Dongard kyng of Scottis come vvith gret povver aganis Constantyne king of Britonis. Of his orison to his army. Hovv he vvas slane & the Britonis discomfist. Ca. vi.
COnstantyne king of Britonis sone eftir his coronatioun, cō mandit be generall edict all sensabil ꝑsonis to cōuene ye .xl. day eftir at Hūber prouidit in thair best auyse to obey y e cōmand of yair capitane. The pepill had sic ardent desyre to recouer thair liberte, that few wes absent at the prefixit day al inflammit at [...]nis with sic curage, strenth and pissance, that thay semit alluterly to distroy the Scottis. Als sone as kyng Dongard wes aduertist of this rebellioun of Britonis, he cōmandit all thair pledgis to be slane, & with maist deligence assemblit ane army out of all boundis vnder hꝭ empire, and come to Ȝork. Quhair he with spreit na thyng affrayit abaid the cumyng of Britonis. ¶On the morrow knawyng be his spyis that his ennymes wer within foure mylis he rasit his tentis & come haistelie in his ennymes sycht. Quhilkis wer liand nocht far fra the montanis of Humber. On the nixt morrow Dongard went to ane hie mote and said to his armye as followis. ☞ It suld be na admiration to ȝow (gud cōpanȝeonis) youcht Britonis haue left ye feildis (quhair thay suld haue fouchtin) & fled to ye montanis of Humber. For thay bene of sa febill ingyne and nature, yat howbeit thai mak gret bost and mannassyng (as thay wer maist vailȝeant aganis thair ennymes) ȝit thair spreit and curage sone dekeyis Quhen thay se thair ennymes in sycht that dantit thaym afore. Now ȝe haue experience, how facill the Britonis bene to moue new trubill, so full of wyndis and vane behechtis. And now ȝe knaw how soft thay ar to execute thair interprisis. Thay come on ws yis last day with schynand armour and wappynnis, desyring battall. As thay wer haistelie to inuaid ws. Criand with frequent vocis, quhen sall oure ennymes cum? quhare ar thay fled now? quhare ar thay hyde bot now this ar dent desyre of battall is forȝet. For thay ar fled to the montanis, discomfist be our onlie sycht. Nochtheles gyf thay retourn to gyf ȝow battal. [Page] Traist nocht bot sicker victorie. For ȝe ar to fecht aganis fals and treasonabil pepil, brekaris of thair faith and band. And youcht thair pissance be sum part ekit now, ȝit thair curage is na mair ereckit than afore. Beleif ȝe that Constantyne (quhylk is brocht out of ane vncouth realme, and now maid kyng of Brytonis) may quickin the curage or spreit of thaym that ar geuyn onely to bordellis, sensualiteis, or surfet nurysyng of thair wambe, and accustomat afore ye iunyng of battallis to fle. Or beleif ȝe y t yat may resist ȝow quhom thay haue found sa oft victorious. Traist fermely (gud companȝeonis) the houndis ar nocht sa dreidfull to the haris, nor the wolffis to ye schip as ȝour visage is to thaym. Be noc [...]t a [...]asit for thir arrowis, dartis, [...]anȝcis, and othir munitionis that ȝ [...] se in thair army. Becaus y e samyn may nocht be vsit but strenth of body and craft of ingyne. Of quhylk is nocht amang our fayis. And sen our ennymes bene febyl and effeminat ꝑsonis, sic ordinance salbe mair impediment to thaym than proffit quhen thay fle, les than the same be haistely cassyn fra thaym. Nochtheles I beseik ȝow haif na les sicht to all materis pertenand to ȝou [...] ennymes than to ȝour self. And gif ȝe intend to fecht, pas nocht fra disciplyne of cheualry. Gyf ȝe happin to follow on the chace of ennymes, be war yat ȝe follow in array and ordoure, in aduenture (gif ȝe stragill fra ȝour fallowis) ȝe fall in pray to ȝour vincust ennymes, to our gret dishonour and schame. Pas forthwart (lusty gallandis) and assailȝe gif Brytonis can decide the richt of battall be the swerd. Pas forth wart my trew knychtis, in quhome dekeyit neuir manheid, wysdome, nor pyssance. ¶And knaw well I am he, y e sal condingly reward nobyll and vailȝeant men with maist riches, and punis febyll cowartis with torment and schame. Skarsly was thꝭ orison endit, quhē the Britonis war sene descend in arrayit battall to the planis. ¶Than Dongard with gret curage & spre [...] arrayit his army, and commandit na prisoneris nor spulȝeis to be tane quhyll the feild war clerely discomfist. And maist of all desyrit, that na gentyll mā suffer hym self to be tane cowartly as prisoneir. In continent baith the armyis iunit with huge noyis and clamoure. The confiderat pepyl assailȝeit thair ennymes in sic cruelte, yat thay put baith y e wyngis to flycht. Bot the myddylward maid resistence, quhare kyng Constantyne faucht maist vailȝeantlye, and prolongit battall. Than kyng Dongard ernystly beheld in euery part quhare king Constantyne faucht. And fynalye was enkendlit be hye curage to do sum notabyll vassalage, and richt desyrus to sla kyng Constantyne, And in this fury accumpanyit with ane few nowmer of chosyn men he ruschit fersly amang the thickest preis of Britonis, quhare he fecht and with na les manheid than cruelte to the deith for falt of support was borne to the ground with dynt of speris, and slane, becaus he wald nocht be tane. Mony of the Scottis astonist be suddane slauchter of the kyng, tuke y e flycht. Otheris not affrayit bot mair feirs and rasit to reuenge his slauchter perseuerit in contyne wall battall to the deith. And the Pychtis on the same maner, faucht with gret manheid and curage to the end of this battall. And ȝit the vyctory was vncertane [Page lxxxxviii] quhill mydday. And than ye Britonis wer discomfist and put a bak. ☞ In this vnhappy battall wer slane of Britonis .xvi.M. and of Scottis and Pychtis .xiiii.M. Kyng Dongard wes slane the fyft ȝeir of his regne. In y e .viii. ȝeir of Leo emprioure. Fra the incarnation iiii.C.lxv. ȝeris.
☞Hovv Cōstantine the first & thrid brothir to Eugenius vvas maid kyng of Scottis. Of his vnhappy lyfe & tyrāny. And hovv Constantyne kyng of Britonis vvas slane be gile of pichtis. Ca. vii.
THe Scottis & Pichtis wer sa brokin be this sorrowfull victorie, that thay micht nocht follow with lang chace on the Britonis, and returnyt hame with ye body of king Dongard. And buryit it with funerall triumphe in Colmekill. Sone eftir ane conuention wes maid and Constantyne brodir to Doungard maid kyng. For the sonnis of kyng Dongard wer of so tender age, that thay mycht nocht immediatlye succeid to the crown. This Constantyne wes rycht discrepant fra ye maneris and virtew of his brodir. For he wes borne more to sensual pleseir yan to ony gouernance of ane realm For he wes ane rauisar of virginis, fulȝear of matronis, gret nurisar and fauorar of detractourꝭ. He wes ay trist and sorowfull amang his nobillis, and come bot sendyll in thair cumpanyis. Be contrar he reiosit and schew hym triumphant prince amang fydlaris, sangstaris & siclyk men of vile reputation. And youcht he wes lik Cōstantyne kyng of Britonis in name, ȝit he was far discordāt fra hym ī manerꝭ, for Constātine king of britonis na les religioꝰ than ciuyll in his gouernance, recouerit the realme of Britonis. And decorit it with notable maneris. Bot Constantyne kyng of Scottis wes sa degenerat and ignobill, that he did no thyng semand to ane kyng. Quhen his nobillis desyrit hym to reuenge the slauchter of kyng Dongard his brodir, he said he knew weill eneuch quhat wes to be done cōcerning publik administratioun, and nedit na ingyne bot his awin to beir all chargis of his realme. Finaly his gouernance maid his folie patent. For he gaue peace to Britonis with small tretie. And but ony consultatioun of his nobillis, he remittit nocht onlie the tribute of Britonis, bot randerit to thaym sindry strenthis of the bordouris, and wes to do sindry thingꝭ more importable to thair cōmoun weill, wer nocht the nobillis withstude his insolence in tyme. At last quhen the mater wes brocht to sic poynt. That nocht apperit bot rebellioun aganis hym in al partis. Dougall of Galloway ane man of gret auctorite schew be mony reasonis, quhat infinite trubill wer appering to the cuntre, gif it wer inuadit with domistik and ciuill weris. And yan speciallye sen the Britonis hes laitlie recouerit thair realme. And rysyng ilk day with more pissance, hauyng ane ȝong prince richt fers and desyrus of glore, and reddy (quhen he saw occasion) to inuaid ye Scottis and Pychtis with battall. Atour the Britonis kepit neuir gud peace to thair nychtbouris, bot quhen thai dred thaym maist. Als the Pychtis wer ane pepill full of slychtis inclinand ay, quhair thay beleuit victorie to follow. Bot Cōstantyne kyng of Scottis wes bot ane effeminat [Page] glutoun, and luffit na mā of virtew nor honeste. Bot onlye thaym that wer geuyn to yair sēsualite and lust of wambe. Thus apperit he nothir abill for priuat nor publik administratioun. And thairfore ye Ire and seditioun y t wes amang thaym wes to be first mesit. And abid ane ganād tyme, that euery thyng may be done with more wisdome. ¶The pepill obeyit to thir persuasionis of Dougall, howbeit mony of yame wer variant in thair opinioun, rycht cōmouit that the realme wes sa mony ȝeris misgydit be this wickit tyrane. The Pychtis seyng ye kyng of scottis drownit in vice on this maner but ony signe of virtew apperyng, dred that the Britonis suld incres thairthrow the more fers & insolent and inuaid thaym to reuenge auld iniuris. And thairfore the said Pichtis tuke purpos to do the thyng he slycht that thay mycht nocht do [...]e force. And instruckit certane men quietlie to sla Constantyne kyng of Britonis. The men (that wer subornat to this effect) come in Britane. And wer haldyn as natiue pepill thairof. At last thay come in y e kingꝭ court, quhair thay be vane assentationis and subtell behauyngis gat sic familiarite with the kyng. That thay purchest credence in sindry his maist graue materis. At last watād thair tyme (quhen the kyng wes at quiet) thay come to hym as sum hie besynes wer to be done. And slew hym, suspeck and na thyng les than thair treason. The kyngis gard herand the rūmissyng and granis of ane deand man ruschit haistely in ye chalmer. Quhair thay fand ye kyng slane and bullerand in his blude. Nochtwithstandyng with brym furie thay followit sa fast on thir Pichtis. That thay wer baith ta [...]kin and cruelly put to deid. This slauchter of Constantyne kyng of Britonis happinnit in the .xv. ȝeir of Constantyne kyng of Scottis. Quhilk had lityl better fortoun than had this othir Constantyne kyng of Britonis. For he wes slane be ane gentil man of the Ilis for the defowlyng of his douchter. Eftir yat he had gouernit Scotland vnworthely .xvii. ȝeris.
☞¶Of kyng Congallus and of his administration. Hovv the monk Constā tius vvas maid kyng of Britonis. Hovv Vortigern be slauchter of the said Constantius tuke the crovvn of Britane. Ca. viii.
COnstantyne king of scottis slane in yis maner, His nepote Congallus sonne to king Dongard wes maid king. Yis Congallus wes a man of hie ingyne als abill to weir as peace. Ȝit ī ye beginnyng of his regne he schew hym geuin halelye to peace. And maid hym to repare all thyngis done be necligence of Constantyne his eme. Sū gaif hym counsal to reuenge y e slauchter of his fadir Dongard. Nochttheles becaus he wes bot ane ȝoung prince nocht stabillit in his empyre, he supersedit sic hie materis, Quhill ane tyme more ganād occurrit. And finalie he did sic Iustice throw al ꝑtis of his realme. That ye same wes brocht to gud tranquillite & peace. Quhill Congallꝰ wes geuin to werkis of Iustice on this wyse, Uortigern ane man of gret slycht and autorite amang the Britonis tuk purpos to conques the crown, and to bring his purpos to effect, he tuke [Page lxxxxix] Constantius sonne to Constantyne kyng of Britonis, afore rehersit out of the relygyon quhare he was profest monk, Efter that his fader fand hym vnabyll to regne. And be assistence of syndry gret princis of Brytane, this Uortigern maid this Constantius kyng of Britane. This slycht ꝓcedit be auarice of Uortigern. Traistyng (becaus this monk had na experience of the warld) that he mycht haue the gouernance of ye realme and cōques gret riches vnder his empyre. And efter yat he was enrichit in guddis to distroy the said Constantius, and vsurpe the crown of Britane. Ȝit to couir his slicht (as he war geuyn allutterly for the common weill) he maid peace with Scottis and Pichtis, and causit ane hundreth Scottis and Pichtis to come to London to remane (as ane gard) about this Cōstantius, and to haue his body in keping. At last quhen Uortigern had gaderit gret treasouris vnder the empire of Constantiꝰ, he thocht the tyme conuenient to tak the crown, and quietly seducit ane certane of Scottis and pichtis with gret soumes of money to sla y e king. And promyttit (gif thay brocht this mater to effect) to reward thaym condingly for thair laubouris. The scottis and pichtis blyndit be auarice & geuand ouir haistely credence slew fynaly this kyng Constantius. Als sone as Uortigern knew the kyng slane (for he was not far of abydyng the end of that mater) he ruschit fersly in the secret chalmer, quhare the kyng was lyand deid baith and ī his blude. And incontynent tuk the slay aris of the kyng & slew thaym haistely that thay suld nocht schaw that he perswadit thaym to sla the kyng. And incontinent he began to lament the kyngis slauchter as na thyng war sa displesand to hym as the kyngis deith. For be his deith mony infinit harmys sall haistely follow in dammage of the commoun weill. ¶Incontinent this Uortigern socht the resydew of Scottis and Pichtis out of all partis of the town, (howbeit thay war innocent of his treason) & gart haue thaim to strang presoun. Syne maid hym to burye the kyng. ¶On the morow he come with his freindis and fauouraris, (quhylkis war corruppit with his money) to the stretis, quhare mais [...] confluence of pepyll was, and complanit the treasoun of Scottis and Pichtis, quhilkis slew the king that was committit in thair kepyng, and maid y e realm (sa far as was ī yan [...]e) but ane heid to that purpos (as apperit) othir to deuide the Britonis amang thaym self, or ellis to make al the landꝭ vnder thair empyre for falt of ane kyng patent to iniure of ennymes. Heirfore gif this odius cruelte war nocht condinglye punist, mai [...] displesouris sall follow haistely (gyf mair may be) in euersion of thair cō moun weill. Necessar war thairfore to punis all the remanent Scottis and pichtis. For thay war na les criminall than the principall personis yat was tane be hym with hait blud and put to deith. Quhen he had mouit the pepil in maist cruelte aganis thir innocent men, he tuk thaym out of pryson quhare thay war, and put thaym all to deith. ¶This punytioun maid on the Scottis & pichtis causit Uortigern to be haldin amāg the ygnorant pepyl as fader and defendoure of thair realme. ¶Nochtheles to couer this dissait, h [...] desyret thaym to haue respect to thair commoun weill. ☞And to suffer [Page] nocht Ambrosius the sonne of kyng Cōstantyne to regne. Saying yocht he was richtuous ayre to the crown of Brytane, ȝit he was of sa febyll & tender age, that infinite harmys sall follow to the realme in ye empyre of his non age. At last quhen thay had cōcludit y e Ambrose sall not be maid king vortigern demādit yame, quhō thay wald make kyng. And incontinent all the pepyll with huge noyis and clamour declarit hym king. Als sone as Uortigern was maid kyng on this wyse, he stuffit al ye castellis and strenthis of London with gret munitionis and weirmen. Syne cō mandit ane certane of his familiarꝭ & freindꝭ (quhome he promouit afore to riches & honourꝭ) to wait on hym. [...]nd incontinent he set hym to sla all y • freindis & lynage of kyng Constā tyne. Sum of thaym be vane causis banist, of otheris cōfiscat thair guddis▪ & punist thair bodyis to y e deith.
¶Hovv Ambrose and Vter the sonnis of kyng Constantyne fled in Bertan [...]e. Hovv Gvvytell prince of vvalis vvas slane be the Scotti [...]. and his army discomf [...]st. Ca. ix.
THrow feir of thir cruelteis, Ambrose and Uter sonnes to kyng Constantyne come out of Walis (quhare thay war kepit vnder wyse p̄ ceptouris) and fled in Bertanȝe. In the mene tyme the Scottis and Pichtis war aduertist of ye schamefull murdir of yair freindis maid at Lō don be treason of kyng Uortigern. Impacient thairfore to suffer this iniure thay enterit haistely with ane army in the Brytonis landis, and inuadit the samyn with gret cruelte of fyre and swerde. The Brytonis opprest with thir afflictionis disparit of support and nocht of power to resist, left all thyngis behynd thaym that mycht nocht be tursit and fled within ye cuntre. Uortigern herand thir cruelteis done to his pepyl, and knawyng the gret hatrent that the nobyllis of Brytonis bure aganis hym for his persute aganis the sonnis of Constantyne, began (as the nature of ane tyrane is) to haue ylk mā in dredour. And becaus he durst nocht ieoperde hym self in battall he send Gwytell prynce of Walis with ane army to reuenge y e iniuris done be Scottis and Pychtis. Gwytell dreidand the rewyne of Brytane (gif the Scottis and Pichtis war nocht haistely repressit) went forthwart w t his army, and was conuoyit in the samyn landis of Britane, quhare ye scottis and pychtis war gaderit but array, inuadyng the cuntre with syndry incursyonis. Incontinent with displayit baner he set sa haistely on thaym, that thay war put to flycht, and .v.C. of thaym tane, quhame he gart iustefy (as theuis). The confiderat kyngis mouit with thir iniuris come with ane new army, and maid the Britonis richt astonist. Nochtheles Gwitel exhortit thaym to battal, saying the Scottis and pichtis war ane pepyll mair accustumat with reiffis and slauchter of wiffis and harnis, than ony marcial dedis, & gettis na victory, bot only of febyl and myserabyll creatouris. The Brytonis inflāmit to gret curage be thir wordis went forthwart, & set down yair tentis beside y e tentꝭ of yair ēnymes. Followit thā frequent skarmyssing, & sumtymes syngular battallis betuix vailȝeant men. At last baith the armyis impatiēt to sustene athir iniurꝭ ruschit fersly togidder, & faucht [Page C] lang tyme with vncertane victory. Quhyl at last y e middilward (quhare Cōgallus faucht) was neir discomfist. Than Gallanus kyng of Pichtis (for he faucht in the rycht wyng) seand his cōfiderat brothir in sic dā geir come with ane cumpany of chosyn men & maid y e Britonis that faucht fornens Cōgallus richt astonyst The Scottis (youcht thay war neir vincust afore fra thai war supportit on this maner) ruschit with new curage on thair ennymes and fynalye put baith the wyngis of Britonis to flycht. Als sone as the Pychtis saw the victory inclyne to Scottis thay tuke haistely the tentis of Brytonis that the same suld be na rescours to thaym efter. ¶Thus war the Brytonis slane but ony refuge in all partis quhare thay fled and war fynalye randerit to Scottis and Pychtis. The confiderat kyngis gaue all the spulȝeis and presoneris conquest at this tyme frelye amang thair army, becaus thay faucht sa vailȝeant lye that day. Sic thyngis done the confiderat kyngis went forthwart with thair victorious army to take the remanent strenthis on the bordouris. ¶In this battal war slane twenty thousand Brytonis with Gwytell prynce of Walis and mony othir nobyll men of Britane. Bot of Scottis and Pychtis war skarsly .iiii. thousand slane.
¶Hovv Vortigern send ambassatourꝭ in Almany to fe vvageouris in his support. Hovv Hengest and Orsus come in Britane vvith .x. thousand Saxonis. And of thair cruelteis and vassalage done aganis Pychtis. Ca. x▪
THe Brytonis efter this present discomfitour conuenit quhare vortigern wes at London to aduise be quhat craft & ingyne this dangerus battal was to be led aganꝭ yair cruel ennymes. Efter lang consultation (becaus na sicker way couth be deuisit to delyuer the pepyl fra extreme dangeir appering) Kyng Uortigern nakit of counsall & hauand sa mony scharp aduersarys baith at hame and on feild tuk purpos to depart out of Britane in sum vncouth realme, nochtheles his freindis thocht vnworthy yat he suld pas fra hi [...] & souerane dignite, hauand as ȝit na experiēce of aduersite to be ane myrrour of derision to his ēnymes. Best was thairfore (as thay allegit) to assailȝe the vter fyne of his materis, & mair honest to hym to be vincust in his iust defence than to be victorius in his wrangus action. And youcht he was vincust be one battall, ȝit na disperatioun suld follow. For thair was riches & gold sufficient in Brytane nocht only to dant thair ennymes be chance of Battall, bot als to ding thaym out of Albion. Quhare mycht thair be sa plesand or sa cōmodius sicht for yair cōmon weil? as to se ye cruel Saxonis, Scottis, & Pichtis fechtand and distroyand othir for the liberte allanerly of Brytane. For be this & be nane othir way mycht the cruelte of thair ennymes be best dantit, Uortigern apprisit this counsall, and send ambassatouris with money in Almany to fe wageouris to defend his realme aganis y e Scottis and Pichtis. Than was amang the Saxonis two brethir namyt Hengist and Orsus dyscending [Page] of the anciant blude of that region, richt vailȝeant in dedis of armis, & desyrus of na thyng mair than of glore and honouris. Thir two brethir herand the desyris of the ambassatouris tuke wageis and come in Britane with .x. thousand weil exerrit and vailȝeant men. Thir Saxonis war the mair plesandly ressauit be Uortigern that baith his self & his realme was approchyng to sa hie dangeir. At last quhen he had rewardit thaym with money and ryches he causit the cōmonis to remane in thair tentis, and the nobillis to remane in the nixt townis quhyll thay war refreschit of thair trauell and walkyng be ye seis. Belyue two armyis war prouydit, ane of Saxonis, and ane othir of Britonis, and come forthwart with sic diligence, y t thay war past Humber or euer the Scottis and Pichtis war aduertist of ony cumyng of Saxonis in Britane. The Scottis and Pichtis (yat dwelt that tyme in the Britonis landis) war suddanly affrayit be cumyng of the Saxonis. And becaus thay war nocht of power to resist sa huge army, ane certane of yame saif fit thaym self be flycht. And the remanēt fel in pray to thair ennymes. The Sa [...]onis traistyng al thingꝭ y e better to succeid (gyf thay gat y e first blude) slew all the prisoneris tane be thaym at this tyme but ony miseration of estait or age. And nocht content of the murdir maid on Scottis & Pichtis betuix Humber & Tyne, thay went in the Mers & Pentland, and inuadit the pepyll thairof with gret cruelteis of fyre and slauchter. Traisting fra y e Pichtis war brocht to fynall exterminioun, the landis pertenand to Scottis mycht be the mair esy pray. The Pichtis affrayit be thir cruelteis send thair ambassatouris to Congallus kyng of Scottis, desyring hym to cum with al his power in haist to resyst thair ennymes, quhylkis war nocht gadderit of febyl Brytonis, bot of maist cruel Saxonis. Skarsly was this message maid to scottis, quhen tythyngis come that Brytonis and Saxonis in arrayit battal war cumyn ī Pentland, puttand the pepyl in all partis (quhare thay cum) to heirschip and slauchter. The kyng of Pichtis impacient to suffir thir iniuris assemblyt his pepyll with maist diligence, and met his ennymes but aduyse of Scottis. Hengist gouernour of all the army vnder Uortigern, arrayit y e samyn in sic maner that he inuadit ye pichtis with .iii. battallis at anis. ¶Thus war the Pichtis sa ouirset with multitude of ennymes yat thai war put to flicht. This day maid ye Saxonis mair reiosit thā Britonis. For Hengist beheld the Britonis fechtand this day mair febilly thā ony othir pepyll. And for y e caus he tuke ferme purpos to conques thair realme. Efter that Scottis and Pichtis war doung out of all boundis of Brytane.
☞ Of the secund message send be Pichtis to the Scottis. Hovv the Scottis and Pichtis faucht aganis ye Saxonis and Britonis, & vvar discomfist▪ Ca. xi.
THe Pichtis brokyn in this maner send thair secund message to Cōgallus desyryng haisty support aganis y e Saxonis. Quhen thir ambassatouris had schawin to Congallus the cruelteis done be saxonis [Page Ci] and Britonis, thay desyrit hym and his nobillis to suffer nocht the Pichtis thair auld confiderat freindis to be distroyit be thair cruell & vnmercifull ennymes. In aduenture thay be brynt sone eftir with the same flā mys with quhilk y e Pychtis ar now presentlie consumyt. Congallus mouit be cōmiseratioun of ye trubil fallyng to his confiderat freinds the Pychtis. And seand the same truble (les than it wer the more resistit) approching haistelie to scottis cōmandit all fensabill men within his realme to meit hym in the south part of the wod of Calidon the .xx. day eftir with twa monethis vittallis vnder the pane of deith. Be this edict he gaderit .xl.M. men strang & weil armyt at all deuise. And come sone eftir in his ennymes sycht hauand with hym his confiderat freindis ye Pychtis. Als sone as his army saw yair ennymes of more nowmer and ordinance than euir thay saw afore thay fled in sindry partis to eschew the present dangeir. The confiderat kyngis send incontinent thair capitanis to tak ye flearis, quhilkis wer apprehendit and put to deith on Iebattis, to be exempill to otheris of thair fleyng. Be thir punitionis all the dredour and fleyng of the Scottis army wes set asyde. Als sone as Hengist saw the confiderat kyngis in sycht he exhortit his army to fecht Saying be speciall fauour of goddis wes arrayit fornens thaym the pepill (quhilkis wer sa lang ꝑpetual ennymes of Britane) quhair throw thay mycht haue sufficient occasion to reuenge auld iniuris. And conques baith thair riches and landis at thair pleseir. And na peril wes to be dred. For all materis behuuit to succeid with gret felicite, becaus yai wer to fecht in thair gud actioun aganis ane fals and wrangus peple, famous theiffis reuaris and inuasouris of vncouth realmes. As to ye victory (sa far as he had ony cognosance be lang experience of battall) thair fayis suld nocht fail to gif bakkis als sone as thay feill the preis & violence of Saxonis and Britonis. Ye victorie thairfore mon be quhair the goddis hes ordant. Hengist be thir wourdis inflammyt ye myndis of Saxonis to gret rage and cruelte aganis thair ennymes. The Britonis ereckit in curage be exemple of Saxonis desyrit battall. On the tothir syde the confiderat kyngis ceissit nocht with mony plesand persuasionis to exhort thair folkis to battall. Sone eftir baith ye armyis Iunyt, quhen suddanlie come on thaim frequent schouris of arrowis and ganȝeis schot on euery side, and incōtinēt thay ruschit togiddir with scharp swerdis, speris, and byllis in maist hatrent, bot ȝit na party semyt to haue victorie. Quhill at last the Britonis (y e faucht in ye rycht wyng aganis y e Scottis) wer put to flycht Than suddanlye come ane huge schoure of haill, and obscurit the air with sic terrible cloud of mirknes as it had bene nycht. Throw quhilk baith ye armyis wer sa astonyst, yat yai knew nocht quhedir it wes best to fle or follow. Hengist astonist be this vncouth wounder gaderit his folkis be sound of trumpat to the standart. Be than the schoure we [...] ceissit (quhen the Scottis and Pichtis) traisting yair ennymes vincust, fell to the chace of Britonis but array, and maid slauchter & spulȝe in thair maist furie. Hengist seand the Britonis vincust, and the cōfiderat pepill geum to spulȝe and slauchter [...] [Page] rum togiddir in array. The confiderat kyngis to put remeid to thir impedimentis and that the curage and spreit of yair army suld not dekay be lang tary cōmandit ilk man to wyn als mony scherettis on the ground (as he mycht beir) to mak ane gait throw the mos to assailȝe thair ennymes. Sic thyngis done the confiderat kyngis rasit thair tentis & maid thaym reddy for battall aganis the nixt morow. And beleuing yat micht nocht inuaid the tentis of ennymes but extreme dangeir thay come throw the mos be ane quiet gait to ane hill that stude aboue yair ennymes. Sum of thaym stude in y e face of this hill yat thay micht cast doun cragis and stanis amang the oist of futmen. The strenth of this hyl gaif gret curage to our folkis to assail [...]e sic thyngis, as thay beleuit mycht [...] the array of thair ennymes. At [...]ast seyng the Saxonis and Britonis wald nothir Ische fra thair tentis, nor ȝit gyf signe of battall to Iune, thay deuisit be ane new and vncouth slycht to astonis yair ennymes. And in y e nycht following thay brocht ane huge multitude of had [...] to the face of the hyll fornentis thair ennymes. And becaus yis haddir is of nature dry, and takꝭ sone fyre yai maid sindry faggottis thairof. And eftir yat thay had put thaym in fyre thay slang thaym ouir the hill. Incontinent thir faggottis wer dreuin be preis of wyndis amang ye tentis of ennymes, quhilkis with gret terrour wer effrayit. for the stra & stikkis (quhare thay lay) tuke fyre, and brint Infinit pepill in thair army. Thā rais ane huge nois & clamour. And sum dredyng ye hid watcheing of ennymes ran haistely to defend y e trinchis of yair tētis. Otheris maid yame to slok in y e flāmis ay more incressyng be preis of wyndis. Finalie the faggottis fell sa fast out of the heuin all blesand togiddir in flāmis that na man wist quha [...] wes to be done, throw rei [...]d of men & beistꝭ of quhilkis ane gret multitude wes in thair tentis and throw feir of lowe and smouk vnder nycht, the capitanis wes sa trubillit that thay concludit erar to assailȝe thair ennymes with extreme ieoperdyis of battall, than cowartly to be brynt to y e deith And incontinent thay ischit fra yair tentis and past in arrayit battall to the planys. Hengist seyng his folkꝭ mycht nocht be weil haldin within thair tentis gaderit the Saxonis be sound of trūpat to his standart, and abaid the cumyng of the day. The Scottis & Pychtis traistyng thair ennymes brokin be this effray, left ye strenth quhair thay stude & come arrayit to the planys reddy to gyf battall. Bot quhen thay fand thair ennymes in gud array, thay supersedit thair purpos, quhill the cumyng of the day. On the morow Congallus exhortit his folkis to consider quhat glore & honour bene cōquest be virtew and forcy dedis of thair eldaris. And desyrit thaym to obscure not be thair recēt sleuth y e fame of sa nobill campionis, and prayit thaym to keip the honour yat thair eldaris wan. And think na thyng wes sa schamful as to gyf backis to yair ennymes, & be thirllit to ȝok of seruitude. For na thyng wes sa honest as othir to haue victorie as thair eldaris did afore, or ellis to fecht with glore & manheid to the deith, & Hengist in the same maner ceissit not to persuade his army to pas forth war [...] w t hie curage, & to distroy yair ennymes. Quhilk beād done, thay micht [Page Ciii] reiose the residew of thair dayis but ony dangeir of weris. Skarsly wer yir wordꝭ said, quhē baith y e armyis iunit. At y e first metyng baith y e saxonis & britonis had bene discōfist wer not ane buschemēt of .iii.M. fresche men come haistely out of ane wod (quhare thay wer hid be Hengist) to yair support. Thir fresche mē come w t gret noyis & clamour on y e bakkꝭ of scottis. Thus wer the confiderat pepill inuadit on euery syde to thair gret terrour. And ȝit y e truble arrais the more, yat euery ane of yame wes impedimēt to othir in ye weilding of thair wappinnis. Than followit diuers chancis of fortoun. For y e Pichtis be souerane manheid put y e Britonis y e faucht fornentꝭ yame to flicht, & ꝑseuerit ī sic furious rage of chace aganis yame, y e mony of Britonis wer dreuin to eschape thair cruelte ī y e nixt riuer quhair thay perist. Otheris tane be ye gait war slane. Bot ye Scottis (quhilkꝭ war inuadit thꝰ on aithir side be Saxonis) eftir lang ꝑseuerance in battall wer finalie vincust & slane. Cōgallus euyl woundit was brocht out of the feilde be his freindis to the nixt montanis. The Saxonis eftir this victory of Scottis tuk purpos to ꝑsew the Pichtis. For thay vincust (as said is) the britonis. Nochtheles be cumyng of the nicht thay supersedit yair purpos to ye morow. Thir pichtis dreidand to be inuadit be saxonis on the morow gaderit all thair cofferis, cartis, wanis, & othir thīgis (quhilk mycht not be weil tursit for y e tyme) & put yame all in fyre, y t the fume & reik thairof mycht obscure the ayre quhill thay war past all dangeir. Sic thyngis done ye Pichtis returnit hame with ye residew of Scottis quhilkis wer eschapit out of this feild,
¶Hovv Hengist vvas maid protectour of Britane, and hovv he brocht his son Occa vvith .x.M. Saxonis to resist the armyis of Ambrose & Vter. Hovv Vortigern come to ane bāket vvith Hēgist▪ & mariit Roxena his doucht. Ca. xiiii.
HEngist efter the syndry chancis of victory fallyn in this last feild began to nowmer his army, and fand the confiderat pepyl fled & .iiii.M. Saxonis slane. Syne returnit with y e residew yairof to Ȝork, and cōmandit yame to be reddy to resist yair ennymes gif ony new trubyl apperit. Incontinent he returnit to London to take consultation with Uortigern and his noblis quhat was to be done concerning ye weris of scottis & Pichtis in tymes cumyng. ¶Uortigern ressauit hym with gret reuerence and honoure, & proclamit hym protectour of his realme and pepyll, with power & auctorite to vse al the townis, strenthis, and riches thairof at his pleseir. Sine cōmandit publict playis to be maid throw all ꝑtis of Britane with general procession to geif louyng to god, for the excellent victory fallyng to hym aboue his ennymes. And to entrete Hengist with mair pleseir, he gaif hym and his pepyll lycence to make adoratioun to ydolis efter the maner of gentilis. In ye mene tyme was schawin to Uortigern that Ambrose & Uter ye sonnis of kyng Constantine war makand gret puruiāce in Bartanȝe to recouer ye crown of britane. Thir tithingis maid Uortigern affrayit. For he had ane ꝓphecy, that he suld be slane be this Ambrose. Nochtheles he inquirit Hengist, be quhat ingine & power he micht best resist the army of Ambrose. [Page] Hengist glad of his trubyl promyttit tyll resist the army of Ambrose & Uter gif he wald suffer ye Saxonis quhilkis dwelt in Ȝork schire to cū to the see camp fornens France. And the castellis and strenthis of that cuntre to be deliuerit to him and his folkis, that he mycht the mair esaly resist Ambrose and Uter quhen thay landit. Als sone as thir petitionis war grantit, Hengist desyryng na thing mair than to haue y e Britonis vterly distroyit (that yair realme mycht fall in pray to hym and his Saxonis) instruckit ane man of Almany (as he had bene ane Britone) to cum to Uortigern with dissimilit wordis. saying he was laitly cumyn fra Pētland, quhare he saw na thyng bot knychtis schynyng in armour. The trumpattis soundyng and the gold [...] stremaris reflirand aganis the [...]. And schortly all the pepyll of that regioun reddy in maist weirly sort to cum haistely on the Britonis. This Almane that was subornat in this wise said to Hēgist. Thair was ane .C. ȝoung and vailȝeant men of Scottis sworne all of ane mynd to distroy him. And had na sicht to yair lyuis, sa thay mycht bring thair purpos to effect, for thay held hym the pyllar of Britonis. Syndry of thir personis wer cumyn at y e same tyme to London to execute thair myndis. And thairfore na place mycht be souir to hym, bot quhē he beleuit leist, sum of thir men sworne to the effect foresaid sal wair yair lyuis on hym. And yocht he eschape ane, force was to abyde the chance of the residew. Becaus the Scottis and Pichtis traistis (quhen he is slane) to be delyuerit of all trubyll. Uortigern astonist be this fenȝeit slycht demandit Hengist quhat was to be done, Hengist apperit richt effrayit in the same maner. Nochtheles syndry of the Saxonis (quhilkis war instruckit be ye said Hengist) prayit Uortigern to be of gud comfort, for youcht he war inuadit on euery syde with ennymes, he suld be souir of Saxonis to defend hym in al his weris. For y e confiderat pepill (quhilkis hes prouyn y e chance of battall fechtand vnhappely aganis ws) sal neuir attīpt ane thing mair to thair dāmage, thā to inuaid thy pepyll with iniuris, and prouoke ws agane to battall. And gif Ambrose and Uter come (as is beleuit) with huge pepyll on the south partis of the realme, siclike as the confiderat pepyll intendis to do on the north partis thairof, than sal Occa ye sonne of Hengist (quhilk is ane vailȝeant knycht and exercit in cheualry sen his first ȝouth) cū with ane new band of Saxonis. Throw quhilk thow salbe souir fra all inuasion that may follow to the and thy realme. For Occa sall resist the scottis and pichtis in the north. And Orsus ye army cumyng with Ambrose out of Bertanȝe. And Hengist sall remane ay with thy self to keip thy body fra treason of Britonis, gif ony of yame be fauour of Ambrose wald pretend ony rebellioun aganis thy auctorite. Be quhilk way thow sall haue mery dayis but ony feir of ennymes. Uortigern knawīg na othir way apperand to dant his ennymes in all partis (becaus mony of the noblis of Britane haitit his maneris) maid gret instance to Hēgist to send for his sonne Occa to cum haistely in Britane with ane band of Saxonis to resist his ennymes. Hengist wirk and his purpos with dissimilit mynd and slicht, maid hym to withstand the kyngis desyre. Saying it [Page Ciiii] was [...] dāmage to haue baith hym self & his sonne sa far distant fra y e gouernance of his landis & possessi [...]is. Nochtheles be lang instance o [...] [...] & othir Britonis (quhilkis war mair set for y e kyngis foly & pleseir, thā for y e cōmon weil) condiscendit to his desyris. Within few dayis efter Occa arriuit in Britane with .x.M. saxonis, & sat down in Northumberland with wyffis & barnis reddy to fecht aganis all pepyll that lyst inuade thaym. Hengist knawing the cumyng of his sonne, & this new army of Saxonis desirit king Uortigern to cum, & se his wife children & frendis, quhilkis war reddy to al seruice & chargis as he wald command. And said it suld rais his army in gret curage, gif he wald do y e honoure to decore thaym with his presence. Uortigern richt glad of ye cumyng of this new band of Saxonis condiscendit to his desyris. How beit mony of his nobyllis war richt heuy & tuke na lytyl suspitioun that sa huge nowmer of Saxonis war cumyn ī britane aganis yair cōmon weill▪ Fynaly Uortigern come with ane certane of his nobillis to Towquhā castel, quhare he was plesandly ressauit & feistit with all maner of delytis & plesouris that micht be deuysit. Than Hengest set hym to prolong the banket within the nycht y t the kyng mycht be takin with y e wynis. Incōtinent Roxena y e douchter of Hengist (as scho was instruckit) went to the kyng with ane coupe ful of mychty wyne, & said, I drink to y e, Kyng Uortigern drank mychtely of the coupe, & quhen he had embrasit hir in his armis, he set hir down nixt hym self in the banket. Efter lang cō monyng he fel in blind raige of lust. Quhilk thing was nocht onely occasion to him efter to do adultry, bot als to tine his kingdom. For incontinent throw birnād flame of new lust he had nothir respect to the law of god nor ȝit to the law of matrimony afore contrackit with his lauchfull wife. And but mair delay he tuk the said Roxena to his wife. Syne gaif to Hengist all y e landis of Kent with castellis, to w [...]is, & munitionis pertenyng thairto. Sone efter the saxonis sat down in the samyn with yair wiffis & childrin & put out the auld inhabitantis thairof. Sic thingis done Uortigern returnit with his new quene to London, and repudiat his lauchfull wyfe.
¶Hovv Vodyne bischop of London vvith mony preistis vvar slane be tyranny of Saxonis. Hovv Hengist maid him self kyng of Kent. Hovv Vortigern vvas depriuit and Vortimer his sonne maid king of Britane. Ca. xv.
VOdyne byschop of London ane mā of singular deuotioun & life, be aduyse of Uortimer went familiarly to Uortigern, and schew yat he had not done (as ane cristin prīce) departing fra his lauchfull quene & takand ane othir womā to his wife. Quhais fader Hengist duke of saxonis was baith ennyme to the cristin faith and set with delyuerit mynd to conques the crown of Britane and said sen he had sa done, he suld sone haue experience quhat dāmage suld follow to his pepill nocht onely in euersion of y e cristin faith in britane, bot als in translation of the nobyll realm of britane (quhilk was brocht hail & vnbrokī vnder mony nobil prī cis to his days) ī ane vncouth blud. [Page] Than said Uortigern. I haue failȝeit and was nocht prudent quhē I brocht Saxonis first in Brytane to support me aganis my ennymes, & that was the first begynnyng of my foly. Bot I semit mair imprudent quhē I was tane be immoderat lust of his doucht Roxena. For I knaw weill the end of my empire salbe terribyll, bot gif my offence be the mair haistely reparit to god. And yairfore (sa far as I may) I sall put remeid thairto. Hengist heirand ye sound of this lamentabyll regrait come in the sectet chalmer (quhare he was) & repreuit hym, quhy he maid sa heuy cheir in the tyme of his mariage be persuasioun of ane prophane man of fenȝeit lyfe. & incontinent he slew the haly man Uodyne with mony othir preistis and relligious ꝑsonis being with hym for the tyme▪ and to attempt ane thing of more audacite he seirchit Uortimer to y e deith. Uortimer knawyng his euyl mynd aganis hym fled quhare he thocht expedient. In y e mene tyme Hengest send secrete writingis to his sonne Occa, cōmandyng hym to abstene fra ony forther iniuris of scottis and pichtis and suffer thaym peciably reiose all the landis beȝond Tyne. Prouiding always y t the strenthis betuix Tyne & Humber be weill garnist with mē and vitallis. And forthir he cōmandit hym to seik sum occasion quhare throw he micht sla al the noblis of y e cuntre quhare he was, & to haue sic respect to ye cōmon weill of saxonis, y e Britane micht cū sumtyme vnder yair empyre. Occa knawing y e mind of his fader, tuk first Ȝork with mony othir strenthis & munitionis of y e cuntre. And as his fader deuysit he slew mony noblis & barons be fenȝeit causis. And quhen he was accusit be Uortigern, quhy he dyd sic cruelteis on his noblis, he answerit as he was instruckit be his fader y t thir noblis (quhilkis be hym war slane) wer ennymes to ye king. Becaus he had Saxonis in mair reuerence thā britonis. And yir noblis intendit to haue rāderit Ȝork with mony othir gret strenthis & munitionis of Brytane to scottis & pichtis, wer not he put remeid mair haistely yairto. Als the boūdis of Britane geuyn to his keping suld not haue bene gouernit prudently, gif y e samyn had not bene purgit fra all inuasouris of thair cō mon weill, for sic doingis suld cū efter, baith to ye gret proffet of y e king & honour of his realme. The cruelte of Saxonis ylk day mair incressing aganis y e Britonis maid Uortigern na lytyl cōmouit, & the mair y t he considerit yame dayly seikand occasion to conques his realme. And quhē he could find na sicker remeid aganis ye said dangeir, he began with drery contenance to deplore his mysfortoun. Sum of his familiaris gaif hym counsall to dant the cruelte of Saxonis, quhill he mycht but pley, in aduenture the Britonis brokin be yair iniuris war brocht to sic calamite y t thay mycht nothir haue sufficient pyssance to distroy thair ennymes nor ȝit to defend thair realme. Kyng Uortigern hauand the Britonis in na les suspition thā the Saxonis (becaus he was odius to yame baith) supersedit to attempt yis gret mater, for certane dayis. ¶In the mene tyme ye Britonis brokin with intollerabyll iniuris sustenit mair cruelteis of Saxonis. than euer thay sufferit afore of ony othir pepyl. ¶And aboue thir skaithis followit othir syndry outtragis mair odius and importabyll to thaym. [Page Cv] For Hengist left kyng Uortigern, and come to ye resydew of Saxonis at Kent, & be generall edict chargit al Britonis to pas out of the samyn within ane schort day vnder y e pane of deith. ¶The day byrun he slew baith commonis and nobyllis but ony fauoure, mercy, or ransoun, yat ganestude his command. Al wayis y • Saxonis enragit in sic inhumane cruelteis, y t all the kirkis & sanctuaris of Kent war suspendit with crystyn blude. The nunnis and religious weirmen war tane be force out of thair abbayis and constranit to mariage or pollutioun of thair bodyis. The lordis of Britane commouit be thir sorrowfull iniuris maid ane conuention at London (quhare thay repreuit Uortigern) that he put the Saxonis on his secret counsall, knawyng thaym bot ane hethyn pepyll leuand efter the lawis of gentilis, and nocht brocht in Brytane to beir the gouernance of the realme, bot onely to sustene the weris aganis thair ennymes. ¶Attoure thay schew that he was vnprudent in sa far as he enrychit ye Saxonis with landis, rentis, and auctoryte in dystructioun of all his realme and legis, and nocht onely repudiat his wyfe, bot aganis the institutionis of crystyn fayth maryit ane woman, quhylk was of the ryte of gentylis. Fynalye becaus he deseruyt the haterent of god for syndry abhomynabyll cruelteis fallyn in the realme be his foly and necligēce, exponyng baith thair pepyll and common weil to extreme dangeir, thay degradit hym of all auctoryte, and send hym in Walis, quhare he remanit mony ȝeris efter in prysoun. And that thay suld nocht be without ane heid, yai maid his sonne Uortime [...] kyng.
¶Hovv Scottis and Pichtis vvar confiderat vvith kyng Vortimer aganis the Saxonis & discomfist Occa in Northū berland. Hovv Hengist and Occa vvar vincust ī Kent. & doung out of Britane. Hovv kyng Vortimer vvas slane be poison. Ca. xvi.
UOrtimer maid king in thꝭ maner, thocht na thing sa honorabyll as to inuade the Saxonis ennymes of god be strang battal, and to do ye samyn with mair felicite, he send ambassatouris to ye confiderat kyngis (quhilkis had ye Saxonis in maist hatrent) to schaw y t the iniuris done to thaym be Saxonis▪ procedit only be kyng Uortigern but ony aduyse of his nobyllis. ¶For yocht Saxonis war enrichit with lādis & rentis be Uortigern, ȝit al ye noblis of Brytane war ennymes to thaym, knawing yair myndis set to vter euersion of thair realme & lyberte, as apperis weil be yair cruel dedis excercit laitly to na les blasphematioun of god, thā martyrdome of crystyn pepyll. & becaus yir & mony othir importabyl cruelteis wer cumyn be necligēce of Uortigern assister to yair opinion, y e nobles hes degradit him of auctorite & maid vortimer his son kīg. And forthir yai schew how Uortimer hes maid gret ordināce of battal to expel y e saxonis out of Albiō, & desirit yair fore y e cōfiderat kingꝭ to set asyde all iniuris, & concur with yame to resist ye cōmon trubyl appering to al y e pepil of Albion, & ꝓmittit (gif yai wald support ye Britonis in this extreme dangeir) to geif y e landis beȝond Hū ber but ony pley ī tymes cumyng to to thair perpetual empyre with consent of all the nobyllis & cōmonis of Britane. Congallus kyng of scottis [Page] heirand thir offeris said to thir ambassatouris, he vnderstude weill in quhat dangeir ye realme of Britane stude be treason of Saxonis ennymes to cristyn faith, & was richt sory thairof, knawing na thyng bett (gif thay war nocht resisti [...] in tyme) ye catholik faith suld expire in Britane. & yocht ye Britonis hes bene gret ennymes to his pepyll, ȝit to maik his labour manifest baith for ye cōmon weil of britane & heil of cristyn faith he suld rais his army & concur with thaym aganis Saxonis to ye deith. Swa that peace war ratifyit in sic maner amang thair pepyll, that all debaitis micht ceis, & the landis beȝond Humber neuer to be reclamyt in tymes cumyng be the Britonis, thir ambassatouris beand depeschit with siclyke answere of Pychtis, returnit to vortimer. The bād of peace was ratifyit sone efter amang ye britonis, pichtis, & scottis. And incontinent thay ruschit al togidder to harnes aganis the Saxonis. The scottis & pichtꝭ come with maist hatrent aganis the Saxonis dwellyng betuix Humber and Tyne. And quhen thay war inuadyng thir Saxonis with maist cruelteis that culd be deuisit, thay persauit Occa cummand with displayit baner aganis thaym. Occa seand his ennymes appeir of sic strenth & multitud, y t he micht not weil geif thaim feild▪ wist not quhat was to be done. Nochtheles y • lang tary suld not febyl the curage of his folkis, he maid ane sygne be soūd of trumpat to iune. The first metyng was equalye fochtyn on all sydis. Bot at last the Saxonis hauand na pyssance to resist sa gret preis o [...] ennymes fornens thaim began to geif bakkis. Occa stoppit thair fleing sa far as he mycht, sumtyme be mynassyng, sūtyme be respect of honouris. Nochtheles ye feir of deith mair pissant amang abasit pepyll than ony charge of capitane maid thair discō fitour richt patent. Occa seing nane vthir way to saif his lyfe fled to the mouth of Hūber, quhare he gat ane bait, and come to Thamis with few nowmer of personis. The Scottis & Pychtis vsit this vyctory with gret cruelte on the Saxonis, and saiffit nane that perseuerit fechtand in the battal. And than ylkane began to exhort othir to follow fast on ye chace, that thay mycht reuenge the cruelteis sa mony ȝeris done be thir Saxonis. Alwayis gret nowmer of Saxonis war slane in y e battall, bot mair nowmer of thaym in the chace. In the mene tyme Uortimer rycht desyrus to recouer the lyberte of his realme, rasit the baner of the croce, and commandit all crystyn pepyll to follow the same. Thus he gaderit ane army of .lxxx. thousand men als weil of preistis and relygyous men, as of temporall estaitis. And be ye samyn he slew .x.M. Saxonis, and gat sa huge victory of thaim, y • Kent schire with mony othir boundis adiacent war recouerit to the Brytonis. And all the landis lyand betuix Tyne and Humber restorit to the Scottis and Pychtis. ¶Hengist and Occa come out of the feild with the resydew of thair vincust army and fled in Northumbirland with purpos to remane yair, quhil new power come to thaym out of Almany. Nochtheles thay war doung out of thay boū dis be scottis & pichtis, and chasit to the mouth of Humber, quhare thay fand schippꝭ & returnit with certane nobyllis of that samyn blud in Saxony. Kyng Uortimer was sa mercyful efter yis victory, y t he brocht lityl [Page Cvi] cruelte on the remanent Saxonis, bot sufferit thaym to returne in yair awin cuntre. And otheris (quhylkis war bot commonis) war sufferit to remane in kent with thair wyffis & childrin to lauboure the land vnder seruytude of Britonis. Roxena douchter to Hēgist was sufferit (becaus scho was with child) to remane in ye toure of London with certane keparis to wait on hir. Than Uortimer set hym to purge his realme of al heryseis brocht in it be Saxonis. And to repare the kirkis laitly bet down be thaym. For sindry Britonis war constranit be cruelte of Saxonis to make sacrifice to ydolis. And mony of thaym fell agane in herysy of Pelagius. And to purge sic arrouris war send in Brytane out of France twa haly byschoppis Germanus & Lupus be desyre of kyng Uortimer. Fynaly all the Brytonis (that war found repugnant to gud religioun) war othir slane or banist the realme. And sa mony as wald nocht be abiurat nor reuoik thair arrouris war brint. Uortimer recouerand y e realm of Britane and bringand the samyn to the sicker faith, leuit certane ȝeris efter richt plesand to god & his subdittis. Bot at last he was poysonit be Roxena and otheris nobyllis of brytane applauding to hir opinion.
☞Hovv the Britonis efter deith of kyng Vortimer fel in gret disputatioun quhay suld be kyng. And hovv Vortigern vvas restorit to the crovvn of Britane. Ca. xvii.
EFter deith of Uortimer ane conuention was maid at Londō quhare the nobyllis tuke lang consultation, quhiddir Uortigern suld be tane out of prysoun, & restorit to his auctorite and honouris as he was afore. Or gif y e sonnis of Constantyne suld be brocht out of Bertanȝe to succeid to ye crown, sen thay war maist natyue thairto. Sū alliegit y t Uortigern was penitent of all offencis done be hym aganis thair cōmon weill, & knawis be lāg exꝑience quhat heuy dāmage & iniuris hes fallyn laitly to his pepyll be hꝭ necligence & vnbridillit lust, & alliegit (sen he was ane prudēt prince vnbrokyn with trauell and weiris) he suld be restorit to the crown. For he had na thyng in mair hatrent thā treason of Saxonis, and knew weil how the realme suld be gouernit specially in sic extreme dangeir, as than apperit baith be Franchmen, Britonis, and Saxonis. And was thairfore maist abyl to sustene thair chargis, gif he war sworne neuir to admit ony vncouth blude in Brytane to sustene yair weris. And to inuade the Saxonis with all maner of violence (gif thay returnit) in Albioun. As to the sonnis of Constantine to be brocht out of Bertanȝe to succeid to the crown of Britane, thay semyt vnganand thairto. For thay war ȝoung but experience of cheualry, & nocht abil to sustene sa gret chargis as apperit thā aganꝭ yair ēnymes ī al partis. For y e frenchmen (quhilkis laitly cōquest the realme of Gallis now callit France & richt desirus to conques ma realmes) war cōfiderat with y e sonnis of Cōstantyne to cū in britane, & abiding not bot sufficient occasioun to inuade the samyn with siclike iniuris and tytyll of conques as y e Saxonis wald. Throw quhilk ye cummyng of kyng Constantinis sonnis in Britane was na les suspitious, than ye cumyng of Saxonis. [Page] Otheris thocht it rycht suspitius to restore hym to y e crown, quhom thay afore degradit be yair auctorite. For it mycht happyn that all thay (quhilkis war of that opinioun) suld othir be slane at his returnyng, or ellis exilit y e realme. Bot ȝit this last opinion was reieckit, be vniuersal vocꝭ of al the noblis. Saying Uortigern was ane man of peace but desyre of vengeance, and set erar to amend all offencis done aganis the weill of his su [...]dittis, than to reuenge ony iniuris done to hym, nocht vnknawyng how proffitabyl all thay noblis war for the commoun weill (quhilkis depriuit hym of auctoryte, and gaif it to his sonne Uortimer as mair abyl for the gouernance thairof. ¶Efter lang consultatioun Uortigern was tane out of pryson, and restorit with gret triumphe to the crown. And he nocht onely remyttit al offencis and [...]atrent, quhylkis he tuk aganis his nobyllis quhen thay degradit hym of auctorite, bot als resauit thaym with gret beniuolence and rewardit thaym richely for yair gud myndis.
¶Hovv Hengist & Occa returnit vvith nevv povver of Saxonis in Britane, and slevv mony noblis thairof, and tuk Vortigern prisonere. Hovv Vortigern vvas banist in vvalis, and Hengist maid kyng of Britane. Ca. xviii.
UOrtigern efter his restitutioun to the crown of Brytane, garnist all the strenthis of his realme, with gret ordinance aganis quhatsumeuer aduenturꝭ mycht fall, and held strang bandis of weirmen about hym with na les cost thā he had bene presently to fecht with ēnymes. And behad hym sa prudently, that baith his nobyllis and commonis wyst nocht quhat honour [...] & pleasour thay mycht do hym. Nocht lang efter he renewit p [...]ace with the confiderat kyngis in the samyn maner, as it was maid afore be kyng Uortimer his sonne. Quhyll Uortigern was geuyn to sic materis, tithyngis come that Hengist was arryuit at Thames hauand with hym his sonne Occa and his two brethir with incredibyll nowmer of Saxonis, and dyd na iniuris nor offentis to the inhabytantis of the cuntre. Uortigern astonist of y e dāmage appering to his pepil be cumyng of yir Saxonis, cōmandit the nobyllis of Brytane to meit hym haistely with yair power at Kent to withstand Hē gist, quhylk was cumyn with sa awfull army. That he purposit othir to subdew the cuntre to his empyre, or ellis to put the samyn to irrecouerabyll heirschip. Quhais inhumane cruelteis beyng nocht haistely repressit, na sicker lyfe mycht be to his pepyll. The pryncis of Britane hering thir tithingis come haistely to Uortigern with all fensabyl pepyll vnder thair boundis. Hengist knawyng ye myndis of Britonis mouit with extreme hatrent aganis hym, thocht nocht expedient for that tyme to ieoparde hym to the chance of battall. For sen thay war delyuerit to fecht for defence of thair realme & lyberte to the deith, he mycht nocht haue victory but large murdir of his pepyll. For thir reasonis he set hym to do ye thyng be slycht, quhylkis he mycht nocht do be force of armys, and send ambassatouris to Uortigern. Saying he was nocht cumyn in Britane to defraud his gud sonne Uortigern of the crown of Britane, for he was mai [...] dete and precius to hym than ony othir thyng in erd. Nor ȝit was [Page Cvii] he set to defraud the ȝoūg infant gottyn on Roxena hꝭ douchter, bot erar to support thaym baith, & to punis thaym y t slew the nobyl prince kyng Uortimer be poison. Attoure he was aduertist afore his cumyng out of Almany y t his gud sonne Uortigern was brocht to sic infirmite be lang incarceratioun, that he mycht nocht leif ane ȝeir. And yairfore he was cū myng to kepe his ȝoung nepote vndefraudit of the crown of Britane. And forthir gif yir materis war not plesand to y e Britonis, he suld haistely returne agane in Almany or ellis to remane quhare thay plesit. Sa y t thay wald suffer his army to cum in Kent. Nocht to reiose y e landis thairof, bot allanerly to recouer ye gudis quhilkis thay left behynd thaym at thair departyng. And forthir desyrit kyng Uortigern (gif it war plesand) to assigne ane day & place to intercō moun of thir & hiear materis concernyng perpetuall amyte, kyndnes, & peace betuix Saxonis & Britonis. And gif thay list set this day▪ he suld cū yair with sa mony as thay thocht neidfull, armit or vnarmit at thair pleseir. Quhen ye nobyllis had tane consultation certane dayis quhethir thir desiris of Hengist suld be repulsit or nocht, thay war deuydit in syndry opinionis. Mony of thaym be lang experience knew weill his falset & slichtis, & beleuit nocht bot treason hyd vnder dissaitfull wordis, & thairfore thocht the samyn to be refusit. Otheris dreidand the ferocite & manheid of Saxonis thocht thair realme ouirbro [...]yn with weiris to suffer ony new affliction. And thairfore concludit to meit his gyle & falset be siclyk slychtis, hauyng na confidence in his wordis bot to laboure maist craftely to caus hym depart out of Britane with amyte & freindschip, & to spare nothir labour nor expen [...]ꝭ to bring his purpos to gud fyne. And gif he wald na way depart w t beniuolence, to inuaid hym maist cruelly, & to dyng hym out of thair boundis perforce, & deuysit for that same effect ane cūpany of maist forcy & vailȝeant men to be haldyn reddy aganis quhatsumeuir aduēture mycht fall, quhyl thay saw to quhat purpos or fyne his mynd was delyuerit. As to ye metyng of Uortigern & Hengist to intercōmoun of hie materis as he deuysit, thay thocht the same honest, sa that kyng Uortigern & Hengist met fra yair armyis with equale cumpanyis on all sydis but wappynnis. Mony of ye noblis condiscēdit to this last opiniō, traisting fra Hengist had ressauit the guddis left behynd hym in Kent at his last departyng, yat he suld depart out of Britane with pleseir. Ȝit syndry othir pryncis of Britane mycht nocht be satifyit in yair mynd, suspeckand ay sum hyd treason vnder thir desyris of Hēgist, becaus he was cumyn in Britane with sa awfull power. Nochtheles the .x. day efter was fynaly set to Hengist & Uortigern, & baith sworn to cum allanerly with xxx. of the maist noblis of baith yair armyis, but ony swerd or dagere in thair cumpany to intercommoun on all materis to ye effect foresaid. The place (quhare thay cōuenit) was not far fra Salisbery on ane hyll callit Ambry, & quhen thay war cumyn to y e samyn as was deuisit be Hengist, ylk Saxon had ane dagare hyd vnder his sleif, to sla the noblis of Britane quhen thay saw ganand occasion, & quhen thay war at yair maist ernest cōmonyng, Hengist maid ane signe to ye Saxonis, & thay but ony [Page] tary slew all the nobillis of Britane that come to this conuention except ane namyt Heldolus. Quhilk pullit ane dagger fra ane Saxoun, & with the samin slew sindry Saxonis, and deliuerit hym self out of yair handꝭ. Be this treasoun kyng Uortigerne wes takin, & brocht schamfully to ye army of Saxonis. Hengist deliuerit be this maner of al feir of ennymes come to Kent. The remanēt britonis rycht astonist of his cuming eftir petuous lamentation for slauchter of yair nobillis, maid yame with maist hatrent to reuenge ye samyn. Nocht the les seand na man able to tak yis charge on hand, thay supersedit yair purpos, & retournyt hame with gret displeseir. Uortigern traisting dayly to de be mannassyng of Saxonis, to deliuer hym self of the present dangeir randerit to Hengist all the mu [...]tionis and strenthis of his realme with huge treasour of gold & siluer ī cōpositioun of his ranson. And quhen he wes deliuerit of bondage be this way, he past with ye residew of Britonis with thair wyffis and childrin in Walis. Quhair all the pepil discendyng of y e Britonis blude mony ȝeris eftir succedit. All the remanent landis of Britane ȝeid than vnder the empyre of Saxonis. Ye vailȝeant dedis of Hengist schawin in Almany, causit ane multitude of pepil to cum in Britane of greter noumer than afore with cōmonis, wiffis & childrin to inhabit y e land. Throw quhais cumyng Hengist grew of sic pissance that the Britonis wer of na power in cōpair of Saxonis in Britane. Hengist seand Uortigern put fra ye crown & banist ī walis, thocht best to stable the crown to hym. And set ane conuentioun of Saxonis in Lōdon & maid hym self king. Syne cōmandit the cuntre neuir to be callit in tymes cūyng y e realm of Britonis, bot y e realm of saxonis. And so y e realme wes callit Hengist land. And the pepill Hengistmen. Bot now be corruptioun of langage the realme is callit Inglād, & y e pepill Inglishmen. Be this samyn decreit wes cō mandit y t na Britonis suld be found out of Walis within .xx. dayis eftir the proclamatioun vnder the pane of deith. Siclik y t na mā suld leif of ye faith of Crist, or to do ony cerymoneis efter the rite of crystyn pepyll vnder y e samin pane. The day byrun gret murdir & punicioun was maid on al yame y • war repugnant to this proclamation. The p̄latis war slane at ye alter, the kirkis brint. And as Bede sayis baith y e publict & priuate housis war bet down to the ground be tyranuy of Saxonis. And ȝit yair was ane othir thing mair miserabyl to yame than al thir calamiteis. Sa far enragit ye cruelteis of Saxonis y t na men durst bury ye cristin pepil. Mony miserabil britonis war takin in ye montanis seikand thair fude, & but ransoun, fauour, or mercy slane▪ Otheris fled out of the cuntre, otheris baid styll in Britane amang the desertis and montanis of the samyn ay in feir of thair ennymes.
¶Hovv Vortigern demandit the prophete Marlyne of the end of his lyfe. & of Marlynis ansvver. Hovv Ambrose & Vter come in Vvalis & brint Vortigern vvith his sonne and riches. Ca. xix.
ALs sone as the Saxonis had conquest Britane on this maner, thay garnyst the strenthis thairof in al ꝑtis with men, munition, & vittallis, & vsit the cursit ritis of paganis, aberand fra ye cristin faith & makand odoratioun to ydolis, as [Page Cviii] As thay wer institute in yair first errouris. Throw quhilkis the kirkis sum tyme had in reuerence amang cristin pepill with the blude of yair cursyt sacrifice wer defowlit. And that thair ennymes suld not inuaid thaym vnprouisitlie, thay laid ane strāg garison of armit men for [...]ens the bordouris in all partis of thair realme. And brocht ilk day new pepil out of Almany to expel y e Scottꝭ & Pychtis out of ye landis y t lay betuix Hūbir & Tyne. Uortigern spulȝeit of his croun, and seing his ennymes multiplie baith at hame and on feild and siclik the saxonis & franche men haitit hym na les than britonis wes sa disparit for his corruppit life yat he beleuit na support of god nor ȝit of othir mortale creaturis to recouer his realme. And thairfore he set his ingyne to haif knawlege of thingis to cum be response of ꝓphettis as is the vse of disparit pepill in extreme dangeir but refuge. Incontinēt he brocht afore hym ane prophet namyt Merlyne. And inquirit hym quhat suld be the end of his empyre and lyfe. This Merlyne wes gottin (as the fame wes) be conmixtion of ane deuill in forme of man with ane lady of Britane. And wes lernit be wichecraft to rais wekit spretis to his familiar cōmonyng. And be yir narrationis knew mony thingis to cum. Als sone as vortigern had brocht yis Merlyne afore hym, he inquirit quhat suld be the end of his werꝭ Or gyf he mycht recouer the crown of Britane. And finalie quhat suld be ye end of his son & hym self. Gyf ony of his blude suld regne behynd hym in Britane. Or gyf he mycht haue ony skaith be werꝭ of Ambrose and franchemen. Merlyne answerit pertlie to thir petitionis, that baith vortigern & hꝭ childrin within schort tyme suld be vincust be Ambrose & Uter sonnis of Constantyne. And suld be brynt with all his treasour [...] and gudis. This prophecy of Merlyne wes weill prouin in the end of his empire. For sone eftir y e said Ambrose & Uter come out of Bertanȝe to Walis with ane army to reuenge the slauchter of kyng Constantius yair brothir, quhilk wes slane be dissait of the said Uortigern. Als sone as Uortigern hard of thair cuming▪ he assemblit ane gret power hauand na confidence in this prophecy, and come with arrayit oist aganis Ambrose & Uter. And left behynd hym his son with all his treasour in ane castell of Walis, traistyng (gyf he suld peris) mair honest to de fechtād in battall aganis his ennymes than ony othir wayis. Skarslie wer the armyis Iunit, quhen mony of yame (that faucht in ye first wyng of Uortigernis army) come to Ambrose. Thus succedit victorie to Ambrose but ony straik. Uortigern seyng his army vincust Raif of hꝭ coit armour and faucht with incredible cōstance to that fyne, that he mycht haue deit amang the cōmonis and escheuit ye fatall necessite of deith, quhilk wes schawin to hym afore be prophecy of Merlyne. Nochtheles he wes brocht out of ye feild be his freindis in hope of better fortoun to y e samyn castell quhair his sonne & treasoure wes left afore the battall. Ambrose hauand victorie on this wyse, followit on Uortigern, & beltit y e castel with strāg sege. & howbeit he mycht not tak it haistlie, ȝit y t his army suld nocht be in dangeir throw lang tary he brocht mony huge sillis & treis out of the nixt wod, syne fillit the fowsis and trinchis of ye said castel [Page] with the samyn. Eftir yis he kest birnand faggottꝭ with gret multitude of treis within the castell. Throwe quhilk the fyre grew sa bald that ye castell & all that wes within it brynt and wes resoluit in powdir. Accordyng to the prophecy of Merlyne.
¶Of syndry illusyonis and dissaitis of the euyll spretis. Ca. xx.
TO declare quhat ꝓphete bene yis merlyne gottin (as the fame wes) be ye deuill, or gif sic generatioun be possible to nature of man, it ꝑtenis litill to y e purpos quhilk we tuke on hand. Nochtheles becaus we haue fallin in cōmoning of sic detestable cōuersation of deuillis with the nature of man. We will writ sū thingis yat happinnit nocht lang afore the makyng of this buke. The ȝeir of god .i.M.iiii.C.lxxxvi. ȝeris. Certane marchādis wer passand betuix Forth & Flanderis (quhen haistelie come sic ane thud of wynd) yat sail mast and [...]aikillis wer blawin in the brym s [...]is, throw quhilk the schip beleuit nocht bot sicker deith. The patroun thairof astonist with sa huge and vncouth tempestis aganis the season of y e ȝeir becaus it wes about sanct Barnabyis day (quhen the seis apperis more calme than rageand) traistit ye samyn erar cumin be illusioun of the deuil the ennyme of man, than be violence of weddir. In the mene tyme ye voce wes hard of ane woman in the how of ye schip wariand hir self. For y e instant hou [...] scho wes conuersit with ane deuil in ymage of ane man. And schew how this deuill had vsit hir in yat mane [...] mony ȝeris afore. And thairfore besocht ye pepill to cast hir in the seis, that be hir deith the remenant pepill in the schip mycht de sauit. Than be cōmand of y e patroun ane preist w [...]t to hir in y e heuy cheir. Cōmandyng hir to mak confessioun of hir abhominable lyfe. And to haue cōfidence in god, be quhais mercy all synnis ar purgit, quhen the synnar hes repentance and teris. Quhen yis woman wes makand hir confessioun with gret repentance to the preist in sycht of al ye pepill. Ane vglie cloud with ane crak of fyre and [...]eik flew out of the schip and fell doun with ane vennomus stink in the seis. Incontinent this tempest ceissit, and ye marchādis arriuit at ye port quhair thay desirit but ony forthir trubill. And about yis same time happinnit sic ane like exempill in ane town of Gariach nocht fourtene mylis fra Abirdene. Ane child of gret bewte complenit to y e bischop of Abirdene, that he wes trubillit lang tyme be ane deuyll in forme of woman apperandly the fayrest creature that euir he saw in his lyfe, quhylk come to hym (quhen durris and wyndowis bene closit.) Syne tistit hym be voluptuous brasing to hir plesoure, & departit ay in the brekyng of ye day but ony noyis. And yocht he had assailȝeit mony wayis to be delyuerit of hir, ȝit he couth fynd na remeid. The bischop astonist of this illusion cōmādit thꝭ ȝoūg child to resort hym in sū othir placis, & to be mair feruēt in fasting and prayer than he was afore. Quharthrow it mycht happin that the deuyl mycht be vincust and leif hym in tymes cumyng. And as the bischop deuysit sa it come efter to this ȝoung child, for he was delyuerit of this illusion be ye same maner. [Page Cix] Nocht lang fra this tyme happinnit ane thyng nocht vnlyke to ye samyn illusioun in the land of Mar as was schawin to ws be syndry yat saw the samyn. Ane madin of nobill blude and excellent bewte (efter that scho had refusit the mariage of mony nobyll men) fell in abhominabyll conuersation with y e deuyl. Hir freindis seing hir wamb rise, commandit hir to schaw y e deflorar of hir chastite. To quhome scho answerit, y t ane lusty child (as apperit) vsit to cū to hir in the nicht, & sumtyme in y e day. Howbeit scho wist not how he come nor how he departit. Hir freindis richt desyrus to knaw the maner (as scho reuelit) war aduertist at last be the madyn that lay in hir chalmer, y t the deflorar of this madin was cumyn. Incontinent thay come with huge licht of torchis and candellis to the bed quhare scho lay, and fand in hir armis ane maist terribyl monstoure. Mony pepyl ran to se y e sicht. Amang quhome was ane preist of gud lyfe and spreit, quhilk seing ye remanent pepyl astonist tuk na feir, bot abaid styll redand the euangyll of sanct Iohne namit In principio. And quhen he had red to Verbum caro factum est. The deuyll flew away with horribyll cry and bure the bed and rufe of the hous with hym. The thrid day efter this woman was delyuerit of ane monstour of mair terribyll visage than euir was sene be ony pepyll afore. The meidwiffes brint the samyn that it suld nocht remane to the dishonour of the hous. And becaus thir illusionis of deuyllis war sene in oure dayis, we haue collecket thaim in our buke, that the reidaris may vnderstand sic illusionis of deuyllis may be. Forthir tuiching y e propheciis of Marlyn (howbeit mony of thaym be verifiit ī our dayis). We wyll leif thaym to be discussit be Theologis, quhidder thay suld be abrogat or haue faith, for we wyl stand content to obey thair conclusionis, and writ furth the vailȝeant deidis of nobyl men as we haue begun and returne to oure hystory quhare we left.
¶Hovv Ambrose vvas confiderat vvith Scottis and Pichtis▪ and hovv he slevv Hengist and dang the Saxonis out of Britane. Hovv his tvvo systeris vvat mariit on the confiderat kyngis, and of syndry haly men. Ca. xxi.
EFter deith of Uortigern ylk day come to Ambrosius mair confluence of pepil, throw quhilk he had sa strang ane army that he tuke purpos to recouer his realme. And to do y e samyn mair plesandly, he gat Scottis and Pichtis (becaus thay had extreme hatrent aganis saxonis (cōfiderat with hym. In the mene tyme gret nowmer of Britonis come to hym quhilkis war banist afore be Hengist amang the Scottis and pichtis. Ambrose seing ylk day sa gret multitude of pepyll cumand to hym all of ane mynd to recouer thair realme went to ane hie mote quhare he micht be sene. And complenit the treasonabill deidis of Uortigern aganis the hous of Constātine in dāmage of britonis & yair common weill, & lamentit the huge cruelte of saxonis done aganis god and man. Throw quhilk he enflammit all the pepyl in sic desyre to recouir yair lyberte, and to reuenge the iniuris done to thaym, that thay with ane consent war delyuerit to [Page] follow his baner aganis Saxonis. And to cause yair purpos to be mair stablit thay maid hym king of Britane. Fra the incarnatioun of god. iiii.C.lxxxxviii. ȝeris. efter [...] Uortigern & Uortimer his son had rong. xvii. ȝeris in britane. Ambrose maid kyng in this maner begā to put his pepyl in sic ordour as he was lernit in ye weris of France, & come forthwart with displayit baner aganis y e saxonis. The .vi. day efter met hym Loth kyng of Pychtis & Conrannꝰ lieutenand to Cōgallꝰ kyng of scottis with ane gret army. Ambrose rycht glaid of thair cumyng ressauit yame with gret beniuolence, & promittit (quhen he micht haue oportunite) to recōpence yair kindnes. Incontinent Ambrose rasit his tentis & come with thre battallis of Scottis Pichtis & Britonis to ane place [...] Mahesbel. For Hengist was [...] thair with ane army of Saxonis abiding thair cumyng. Quhill ye tea [...]is of baith ye armyis war stā dyng thus in athir sicht, followit frequent preiking skarmussyng & syngular battallis on athir syde. Quhil at last yai iunit togidder. And quhē thay had fochtyn lang with vncertane victory, the pepyll of Bertanȝe with Frenchemen fechtand aganis the myddilward of Saxonis be new ingyne & practik of battal dyd yame gret trubyll. Be than the scottis and Pichtis had brokyn bath ye wingis of thair ennymes in sic maner yat y e standartis of Britonis, pichtis, and Scottis war cumyn out throw the Saxonis and met togidder. Incontinent y e Saxonis gaif backis. Hengist seing na way to renew battall mon [...]t on his hors, and was the last man y t fled in his army. Ambrose seyng the feild discomfist followit in maist hatrent on Hengist & ran hym throw the body with ane speir. The residew of Saxonis astonist be his slauchter fled with Occa his sonne to the nixt montanis. Efter this victory Ambrose come with his victorius army to London, and maid all ye Saxonis & soudiouris (quhilkis war left to defend y e town) sa affrayit quhen thay hard Hengist slane & his army discomfist, y t yai oppinnit the portis and fell on kneis petuisly desyring grace. Than Ambrose put ane buschement of armit men to the portis, y • na [...]an suld depart, quhyll he had tane aduisement quhat was to be done. And incōtinent he past to the castell. The nobyllis (quhilkis war left to defend the samyn be Hengist) seyng hym cum with victory on this wyse fell on kneis afore hym, and said. ye goddis hes geuyn to ye (maist inuyncybyll prince) licence to punis ws at thy plesour, becaus thy manheid and fortoun is inuinsibill. Nochtheles gif it be lefull to ȝoldin and miserabyll creaturis dei [...]ckit to extreme rewyne be hatrent of goddꝭ to implore mercy and grace afore ane victorius campioun (quhen lyfe and deid is in his handis) we lawly beseikis the for ye happy victory fallyng be strang battall to the as richtuous prince of this realme, to suffir ws of thy benyng grace to returne nakit wappinles and scurgit with wandis (gyf it be thy pleasoure) in our awin regioun. Gyf thow wyll condiscend thairto, thow sall be put in memory not only for maist honest victory aganis sa pyssant ennymes, bot als for thy mercy geuin to desolate pepil. Ambrose mouit be yir wordis wrocht na iniuris on Saxonis. Bot tuk the castel and sufferit yame to pas hame with all thair guddis. [Page Cx] Sone efter be generall edict al fensabyl men of Saxonis wer cōmandit to pas in Almany, bot y e remanēt baid styl as labouraris of y e ground cōtent to pay tribute to Ambrose, & to ressaue ye cristyn faith. Efter this victory al Britonis (yat war exilit in syndry partis of y e warld eschewyng the tyranny of Saxonis) returnit in britane. Thā kyng Ambrose cōmandit al kirkis to be reparit, ye preistis & religious men to be restorit to yair liberte & rowmes. Throw quhilk ye cristyn faith was in gret veneration throw all ꝑtis of Britane. The ymageris of ydolis put down, & all ydolis (quhare thay war app̄hendit) brokyn, & general processyon maid syndry dayis be ye pepyl. The kirkis & housis decorit with flouris, claythis of arres & tapestreis, & the stretis resounding with heuynly noyis & melody in maist delicius musik to ye cō solation & reiosyng of pepyll. Than Ambrose to schaw his beniuolence mair feruent to the cōfiderat pepyll, brocht Loth king of Pichtis & Conrannꝰ gouernour of scottis within London, leuand thair armyis nocht far fra y e samyn, & feistit thaym certane dayis with all maner of dāteis that mycht be deuisit. And quhen he had rewardit thaim with riches and Iowellis (as afferit) he commandit thaym be assent of his nobillis to be honorit amang his pepyll, as defendouris & recoueraris of his realme. Sic thyngis done, new peace was maid betuix thaym vnder thir conditionis. Al landis liand beȝond Hū ber suld pas in perpetual dominion of scottis & pichtis but ony clame of Britonis ī tymes cumyng, & y e Saxonis to be haldyn ēnymes to thaym baith. And gif ye Saxonis returnit in ony part of Albion, the Albianis with equale mynd suld cōcur togidder to resist thaym. Thir cōditionis of peace wer the better kepit be affinite y t followit efter. For Ambrose had two sisteris, of quhilkis y e eldest namit Anna was maryit on Loth kyng of Pichtis, & the ȝoungest namit Ada was maryit on Conrannꝰ to y e fyne y t the Albanis suld be haldyn togidder vnder ane blud & amite to withstand the Saxonis. This Ada partit with child within two ȝeris efter scho come in Scotland & deceissit. And sa y e affinite ceissit betuix Ambrose and Conrannꝰ, bot Anna bure vnto Loth kyng of pichtis thre sonnis Modreid, Walwane, & Thamete, as we sall efter schaw. The britonis, scottis, and pichtis stude mony ȝeris in gud amyte & concord but ony iniure of ennymes. In the mene tyme part of Saxonis (quhilkꝭ wer sufferit to remane vnder tribute, & to tak the crystyn fayth) maid priuate sacrifice to ydolis, & war brynt quhē it was knawin. In the samyn tyme Cōgallꝰ kyng of scottis vexit be lāg infirmite deceissit y e .xx. ȝeir of his empire. & was buryit in y e abbay of Co [...] mekill. About this tyme war mony haly mē in syndry partis of y e warld as Remigius byschop of Remens, quhilk gaif y e sacrament of bapteme to Clodouius king of France. This Clodouius biggit ane kirk of sanct Genouefa hallowar of Paris. In yai days war amang ws Colmane, Medane, & Modane gret precheouris. Syndry Britonis wer martyrit afore this tyme in Albion be cruelte of saxonis. Throw quhilk mony of yame fled ī scotland, amang quhom was Patriciane ane mā of singular deuotion, quhilk was eft bischop of y e Ile of Man, & deceissit ī ye tyme of Cōrannus, of quhilk salbe our nixt history. And sa endis heir the aucht buke of thir cronyklis,
Heir begynnis the nynt Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
¶Of kyng Conrannus & hovv he maid lavvis to punis extorsionis. Hovv Occa & Passentius arriuit vvith nevv povver of Saxonis in Ingland. and hovv thay vvar vincust be Ambrose. Ca. primo.
COngallus burii [...] in this maner, his brodir Conrannus wes maid kyng. For the sonnis of Congallꝰ war of sa tendir age thay mycht nocht succeid be y e lawis afore rehersit. Yair namys wer Eugenius, Conuallus and Kynuatillꝰ and wer send to be nurist vndir wise preceptouris in y e Ile of Man. Conrannus eftir his coronatioun (that na truble suld ryse amang his legis for ouir lang peace) went throwe all the boundis of his realme for executioun of Iustice. And punist mony cryminabill personis accordyng to thair demeritis. And quhen he wes passing throw y e cuntre in this wise, he wes aduertist that sindry of his cōmonis wer sa opprest be tyranny of his nobillis, yat thay durst nothir cōplene nor ȝit follow thair [...]ctioun afore his Iustice. And thairfore, yis nobill prince to punis sic extorsionis done to his pepill, cōmandit certane exploratouris to pas throw al boundis of his realme, & to serche (quhair ony sic suspitius personis wer). Yat baith thair namys and [...] crymis be writtin in the kyngis [...]lls. And gif ony of thir personis wer found criminabill eftir (quhen thay wer accusit be y e kyngis aduocat) thay wer punist to the deith. Thus wer the cō monis mony ȝeris eftir deliuerit of all oppressioun of the nobillis. This maner of Iustice is conterfaitit ȝit in our dayis. It is said yat Conrannus vsit (quhen his counsall sat in ony part of his realme) outhir to be p̄sent, or ellis to be ī ane wod at his huntyng nocht far fra yame to mak his officiaris ye more auctorist. And quhen he wes at hūtis in Athole not far fra the montanis of Granȝebene he slew ane hart be lang chace. And fand ane huge multitude of serpentis in his wambe to y e gret admira [...]io [...] of pepil. For y e hornis of ane hart ar ane singular remede aganꝭ ye bit of serpentꝭ, & chasis al vthir venimꝰ beistis, Quhil sic thyngis war done in scotland Ambrose kyng of Britonis fell in ane dwynand seiknes namyt the Ethik feuir. Be quhilk his body wes pinit sa but remeid of medicyne, that he mycht haue na rest, & wes disparit of his lyfe. Occa and Passentius ye sonnis of Hengist aduertist of this infirmite fallyng to Ambrose, beleuit (gif he wer deceissit) to recouer y e realme of Ingland, & thairfore gaderit ane huge power be support of all the princis of Almany, and returnyt in Ingland. At yis tyme Uter the prince of Walis brodi [...] to ambrose wes in gret doloure be malady of flure with vehement thrist and feuer. Throw quhilk the Britonis wes desolat (as apperit) but ony capitan [...] to sustene the weris aganis the Saxonis. Nochtheles ane conuentioun wes set of the noblis to auise quhat wes to be don [Page Cxi] in this maist dāgerus ma [...]. Eftir lāg consultatioun thay wer deuidit in sindry opinionis. Ambrose seyng be thair cōtrarius vocis sa hie dangeir apperand to his realme, tuke na solicitude of his infirmiteis. Bot causit hym self to be tursit apon ane litter betuix twa gret hors. Syne past forthwart aganis ye Saxonis. And send his Ambassatouris to solist the Scottis and Pychtis his cōfiderat freindis to cum with maist deligence to that samyn effect. ¶Bot afore thair cumyng the iniuris and cruelteis of Saxonis wer sa importable, yat Ambrose wes cōstrenȝeit to fecht with thaym. And youcht he wes in maist vneis and maledy, ȝit he laikit na thyng that mycht pertene to ane forcy campioun or to rais the spreit of his army to maist curage. At yair first Ionyng the Britonis wer sumpart put abak. And gret slauchter maid on yame. Nochtheles Ambrose traistyng na thyng mair honest yan to de (gif yat wer his chance) amang his vailȝeāt knychtis, went about y e army, exhortyng thaym to perseueir in ythand battall. And to remembir quhat excellent palme of glore wes abidyng thaym gyf thay be force of armes dang yair ennymes or deceissit for defence of thair realme, liberte and faith. The Britonis rasit be hic spreit and curage be his wourdis, ruschit with maist furie in battall. And finalie put thair ennymes to flycht. On quhome followit ye Britonis with lang chace, & maid gret slauchter. Ambrose seyng the nycht fast approche, inhibit the chace, and brocht his army be soūd of trumpat to his standart. Ye Britonis duryng the nycht, stude arrayit in battall, & on the morow thay partit the spulȝe thairof be rite of armes. Ȝit quhen thay began to nowmer thair army, thay fand mair slauchter succedyng to thaym than to Saxonis, howbeit thay had the victorie. Ambrose fyndyng his army brokin in this wyse, dred (gyf he ieoperd thaym ony forthir aganis Saxonis) na felicite to follow. And thairfore skalit his army, and tuke four monethis trewis with Saxonis. Occa aduertist that Scottis and Pychtis wald cum in support of Ambrose send his brodir Passentius to bryng ane new army out of Almany. Sum auctouris sayis, quhen Passentius wes passād in Almany be contrarius windis he wes dreuin in Irelād, quhair he wagit ane huge multitude of weirmen and returnit with thaim in Britane. Occa nochtwithstandyng yis strāg army brocht in Britane be cumyng of his brodir, thocht y e chance of battall aganis Britonis rycht dangerꝰ duryng the empire of Ambrose. And yairfore he instruckit ane saxon (quhilk had perfite language of Britonis) to sla Ambrose. This Saxon (y t wes subornat in hꝭ slaucht) wes ane mōk namit Coppa. And fenȝeit hym to be ane medcinare hauand remeid aganis all maner of infirmiteis. At last he wes brocht to the kyng, quhair he lay at Gowntoun. Eftir lang cōmonyng he promittit to gyf the kyng certane drinkis be quhilkꝭ he suld baith recouer his heil, and be deliuerit of al maladie. Quhen Coppa wes cōmandit be y e kyng to mak his drynkis, he vsit not the first day bot delicious seropis maid of soft spycis and liquouris plesand to the mouth. Throwe quhilk he gat credence to vse eftir quhat drinkis [...]e list. ¶At last this Coppa watand tyme to poyson y e king, gadderit sindry herbꝭ inducyng men to sleip and [Page] meddillit the Ius thairof with vennome, of quhilkis he maid ane serop & brocht y e samyn to ye kyng, saying this drink sall mak the conuales, & be deliuerit of al dolorus infirmite. Ambrose hauand na suspition tuke ye drynk & wes cōmandit be Coppa to tak rest to that fyne that the vennom mycht skail throw all ye vanis of his body. And quhen he fand the kyng on sleip, he cōmādit y e chalmer to be kepit but ony noyis. And in ye mene tyme he stall away to the nixt wod. Quhare he fand part of Saxonis waitand with swift hors to take hym away. Quhen Ambrose be vnhappy sleip had skaillit the vennom throw ye vanis of his body. He gaif ane litill sobe, and deceissit the .vii. ȝeir of his regne. His body wes buryit in the abbay of Stenthend. quhilk wes biggit be hym afore inmemore of ye nobill men yat wer slane be treason of Hengist.
☞ Of gret cruelteis done be Occa to Britonis. Hovv scottis and Pychtis vvar frustrat of thair voyage. Of gret meruelli [...] sene in Albion. Of the interpretatioun of yame be Marlyne. Ca. ii.
AMbrose deceissit (as we haue schawin) the Britonis maid sa huge lament for his deith, that y e saxonis wer aduertist yairof. Occa glaid of thair dolorus cheir and knawing be deceis of Ambrose, and of ye lang infirmite fallyng to kyng Uter na pissance in Britane to resist aganis hym, tuk purpos to oppres the Britonis (afore thay wer assemblit) in ye maist cruell maner that mycht be deuisit. Mony of the Britonis abasit be his cruelte, fled ī Walis, Oth [...]rꝭ fled in Scotland. Otheris remanit still in Britane thirlli [...] to seruitude and plesour of Saxonis. ¶In the mene tyme ye Scottis and Pychtis come with strang army in Britane in support of Ambrose to expell the Saxonis out of the samyn. Bot quhen thay wer aduertist of Ambrose deith, and wist not gyf he wer slane be treasoun of Saxonis or deuision of Britonis amang thaym self, vnknawing quha wes freind or fa, yai returnyt hame the same gait thay come. ¶At this tyme wer sene mony vncouth meruellis in Albioun & wer interprete be Merlyne to the gret terroure of pepill. Ane firy comeit wes sene with mony terrible bemes. Ane crownit dragoun wes sene birnand in the lift. Grene treis tuke suddand fyre and brynt. Auld treis (that wer afore cuttit fra the ground) flurist and bure leuis. The reueir of Thamys apperit bludy. Ane well sprang vp in the myddis of Ȝorke with sic haboundance of blud, that all the stretis wer repleite thairof. In Kent ane child leuch in his motheris wambe. Thir meruellis be interpretatioun of Merlyne causit the Britonis cum in battal aganis the Saxonis. For merlyne interpreit yis comeit to king Ambrose. This crownyt dragoun to Uter his brodir. The blude signifyit his bludy swerd aganis the Saxonis. And ye fyre signifyit ye vter exterminion of Saxonis. ¶Uter gaue sic credence to yir interpretationis of Merlyne, that he tuke the crownyt Dragon for his armys, and bure it birnand as gold in ane feild of asure to the coloure of the lyft. And wes callit thairfore Uter Pendragon be the pepill.
☞Hovv Vter vvas maid kyng of britonis, and hovv he vvas discomfist be saxonis and chasit in Vvalis. Hovv saxonis and Britonis vvar agreit. Ca. iii.
THe nobillis of Britane tuk sic persuasion be Merlyne & his prophecy, that thay come to Uter in Walis and maid hym king. Sine cō mandit the pepyll to be reddy at ane schort day to pas on the Saxonis. Kyng Uter (efter that the Britonis war gaderit at the day prefixit) gaif the charge of battall to Nathaliodꝰ ane mā of vyle and obscure lynnage mair for his familiarite thā virtew. The nobyllis of Britane tuke na lytyll indignation that ane mā nocht perregall to thaym in lynnage nor pissance, was preferrit to thaym in honour & dignite, and said the kyng was imprudēt, his empire not beād stabillit, to decore ane man of small lynnage with sa hie chargis in thair contemptioun. And iugi [...] thairfore, gif he had sicker peace but trubyl of ennymes, to magnifye men of small lynnage with honourꝭ aboue yame. Ȝit becaus thair cōmoun weill was approchyng to hie dangeir, thay put sylence to sic materis be counsall of prudent men. Nathaliodus (nochtwithstanding the indignation of yir nobillis aganis hym) tuke peirtly ye charge, & wēt forthwart with proud baner aganis saxonis. Occa aduertist be his exploratouris (quhat y e britonis intendit) brocht forthwart his army with diligence. Followit sone ane battal richt vnplesand to Britonis. For Gothlois prince of Cornewal impacient to suffer Nathal [...]odꝰ p̄ferrit to hym, cū out of y e feild with all his oist, & left the remanent army of Britonis reddy to ressaue y e iniure of ennymes. Thus war the britonis fynaly discomfist. Occa (nochtwithstāding thꝭ discomfitour) brocht his army be sound of trumpat to y e standert, & inhibit ony ferther chace to be maid on britonis. Traisting Gothlois fled onely be slycht to inuaid ye Saxonis, quhen he saw occasioun. Gothlois seand y e britonis put to flicht (y t he suld not be ane pray to his ennymes) fled within ye nycht y e nerrest way he mycht ī Cornewal. Occa on y e morrow seyng ye campe desert, vnderstude ye britonis war discomfist, & send ane herald to Uter, chargeing hym to pas in Walis with ye Britonis vnder pane of deith, & to leif Ingland (quhilk he conquest be the swerd) to be inhibite be hym and saxonis. Uter reuoluyng how dangerus & doutsum was to renew battall aganis saxonis, & knawing his realme bot ane facil pray to his inymes (gif thay feirsly ꝑsewit) begā to detest ye dāmage of al weris, & āswerit to the herald, he wald leif all hatrent aganis y e saxonis & haue peace, nocht for feir of thaym bot onely to remoue trubyl, that his pepyl mycht leif in peace. And desyrit Occa (sen na gret occasion of werꝭ was betuix hym and britonis) to put fyne yairto ī tyme cumyng. And forthir he wald be content y e foure prudent men wer chosyn on ylk syde to euyn all debatis betuix yame, y e britonis & saxonis micht incres togidder vnder ane perpetuall amite in tymes cumyng. Occa knawing thir offeris procedyng mair be febyll curage than ony mā heid, tuk peace with glaid cheir, & reiosit (sen victory & chance of battall was vncertane) y t the realme of Ingland was sa esaly conquest. Efter this, peace was maid in this maner, [Page] All the landis of Ingland liand fornence ye Almane s [...]is sall pas in tymes cumyng vnder the empire of Saxonis. The residew of that regioun callit Britane to remane vnder the empire of Britonis, as it wes afore, & athir pepill to leif vnder ya [...]r awin lawis. Throw yis peace baith the pepill incressit togiddir in polecy & riches but ony iniuris of otheris. Ye Saxonis leuand on thair hethin lawis. And y e Britonis eftir y e cristin faith. Ȝit mony of thaym wer intricat with Pelagius herisyis aberrād fra the sicker faith.
¶Hovv Vter slevv the prince of Cornevvall▪ & gat Arthure on his vvyfe. hovv [...]oth kyng of pichtis clamit the crovvn [...] Britane. and hovv Britonis vvar put [...] of thair herisyis. Hovv Terdix and [...] come to Occa vvith nevv povver of Saxonis▪ & hovv the saxonis vva [...] vinc [...]st be myrakyll. Ca. iiii.
IN thys tyme Uter king of britonis wes degenerat fra virtew in maist schamefull lust. For the surfet ydelnes & exces of plesoure regnand than amang the Britonis wes occasioun nocht onlie of his adultry, bot als of slauchter. Throw quhilk succedit mony terrible weris to ye gret affliction of his pepill. Schort tyme following Uter maid ane riatꝰ banket in Londoun on ȝuyll day. On quhilk all the nobillis of Britane with thair wyffis wer present. Amang quhome wes ane lady of gret bewte the spous of Gothlois prince of Cornewell. Uter rauist with bewte of this lady, send his cubicularis with riche Iowellis to solist hir to his plesour. Gothlois knawyng Uter effeminate & desiryng to defoule his bed, fled haistelie with hir to Cornewell. On quhome Uter followit with gret power, hauand na sycht to his grauiteis nor princelie estait. And finalie had this lady at his will. And gat on hir ane sonne namit Arthure, quhilk succedit to hym, as eftir we sal schaw. Sic thingis done Uter segit the castell, Quhair Gothlois wes and slew hym, eftir that the castell wes tane. Alliegeand that he fled fra Nathaliodus quhen Britonis faucht aganis the Saxonis. Howbeit his mynd wes to sla this Gothlois, that he mycht reiose his wyfe frelie in tymes cummyng. Sum men writtis that Uter wes transformit be craft of Merline in Gothlois similitude. And be that way he gat Arthur. Nochtwithstandyng in quhat sumeuir way it wes, treuth is that Uter gat hym on ane othir mannis wyfe. Als sone as Arthure wes cumyn to perfite age, Uter gaderit all his nobillis of Britane to ane coūsall. And causit yame to be sworne on the euangell to suffer nane othir to regne in Britane behynd hym, bot Arthure his sonne. Quhilk thyng rasit y e Pychtis with gret hatrent aganis Uter. For Loth kyng of Pychtis wes impacient & rycht cōmouit, that Arthure gottin in adultrye suld be preferrit to his childrin gottin in lauchfull bed, and Iust heritouris of the crown of britane. ¶Nochtheles quhen this kyng Loth of Pychtis had assailȝeit lang to brek Uter of his mynd, and mycht na wayis do the samyn, he supersedit all his purpos quhill he saw the seasoun more expedient. [Page Cxiii] Mony of the Britonis be frequent conuentioun with Saxonis left the rycht faith, and maid adoratioun to ydolis. Utheris followit the errouris of Pelagius, and set thaim to distroy the cristin faith in Britane. Throw quhilk thair errouris wer sa gret, that baptysme wes inhibit with mony othir artikillꝭ of y e faith. The prelatis of Britane hauād gret displeseir, y t yir errouris wer sprong sa hie amang yair pepill, brocht sāct Germane and sanct Seueir in Britane. Quhilkis finalie be haly lyfe and continewall precheyng kythit mony mirakillis. And maid the Britonis to be penitent of yair errouris & to return to y e trewe faith of Crist. Thir haly men also purchest licence at Occa to preche amang the Saxonis. Sic thingis done in Britane, arriuit in Ingland twa nobill men namit Tardix and kenrik with new armyis of Saxonis. And al yir saxonis wer plesandlie ressauit be Occa. Bot Kentik wes ane scharp persew ar of cristin men. And wes slane eftir be the cōmonis of Ingland, becaus he gart sanct Germane ly yair out in ane euill nycht. The cumyng of thir Saxonis in Ingland wer rycht suspicious to kyng Uter. And maid hym beleue that Occa wes irkit of peace, and seikand new occasioun contrar the peace afore contrackit to inuaid the Britonis. And yair fore he send ane herald till Occa exhortyng hym to keip the amyte and peace afore contrackit with Britonis, and to a [...]stene fra all thyng yat mycht gener occasioun of discord betuix the two pepill, and to caus thir Saxonis laitly cumyn in Ingland to returne in Almany. Utherwayis litill tranquillite apperis betuix the two pepill in tymes cumyng. Occa thocht Uter ouir proud to desyre sic thyngis or to inhibit hym to ressaue freindis (as hym plesit) in Ingland. Nochtheles he answerit that he wes als weill set to keip the band betuix ye two pepil as Uter. And did neuir (sen the peace wes contrackit) iniure to Britonis. Thus mycht the Britonis haue na sufficient causis to lament. Nochtheles he vnderstude weil that kyng Uter wes seikand occasioun to moue weir betuix Britonis and Saxonis cōmandyng hym to ressaue na Saxonis in Ingland, bot to send yame schamfullie agane in Almany, howbeit the Saxonis come nocht in Ingland be cōmand of Britonis, nor ȝit wer to depart at thair pleseir. It wes thairfore to be eschewit, that Uter and his nobillis be fuliche chargis bring nocht yame self fra sicker eys to maist dangerus fall. And sen thay first socht occasioun of battall, thay suld haue it, quhil ane of yame wer vterly distroyit. Uter & the nobillis of Britane rycht astonist of this answere, send thair secund ambassatouris to Occa with large soumys of gold and riches to draw his mynd fra battall. Occa resauit the gold, and for contemption maid the ambassatouris to returne hame but ony answer. Ye Britonis mouit with thir iniuris, and seyng na bandis nor peace mycht hald the Saxonis at freindschip, maid thair ordinance in yair best maner for battall. And beliue y e peace wes geuyn vp on all sydis. Loth kyng of Pychtis knawyng thir weris risyng betuix Saxonis & britonis offerit him wilfullie to cum with al his pepil in support of Occa aganis y e britonis. Becaus thai intendit to defraud his sōnis of ye crown of britane, quhilk ꝑtenit to yame be iust titil. And send [Page] his ambassatouris to Conrannus king of scottis to cōcur with hym to y • samyn effect. Bot Conrannꝰ refusit, saying he wald nothir violat the peace maid afor with Britonis, nor ȝit support ye ennymes of god aganis catholik pepil. The britonis knawing ye ordinance of pichtis & saxonis aganis yame, complenit to thair haly bischopis germane & seueir, yir bischopis cōmandit yam to assemble yair army & commit yame to god, & gif thay sa did thay suld not faill to haue victory of thair ennymes. The britonis (howbeit thay had na lytyll [...]ir of thir Saxonis) come with thir haly bischopis ī arrayit battall. And q [...]hen thay wer doing deuyne ser [...]ce on Pasche day, tithingis come y e saxonis & Pichtis wer cumand in arrayit battall. Incontinent be commād of Uter ylk mā past to his best [...] ▪ And sanct Germane promysit [...] [...]echt in the first battall with the preistis. The saxonis & pichtis knawyng yair febyl ordinan [...]e presumit not bot victory, & war thairfore the mair ꝓperant in battal. Sanct Germane bure ye baner & exhortit the pepyl w t gret noyis to pas forth wart. At the first iunyng the preistis cryit with ane hie voce. Alleluya. And incontinent y e reflex of ye voce resoun [...]it agane ye rochis (quhare thay iunit) with sic preis y t yair ennymes beleuit not bot al y e montanis & craggꝭ wer tūbland down on yame attanis. And incontinent thay fled but ony mair debait to ye nixt riuer, quhare mony of thaym be feirsnes to fle pe [...]ist. The maner of this battal & victory is rehersit at lenth be sāct Bede, becaus it come be mirakill of sanct germane.
¶Hovv Occa & Nathaliodus inuading othir be battall vvar baith slane vvith xv.M. Britonis. Hovv ȝoung Occa vves maid kyng of Ingland▪ and of his ordinance aganis the scottis & pichtis. and hovv thay vvar vincust. and kvng Vter slane be poysoun. Ca. v.
THe britonis proude of this victory tuke na sicht to ye weil of yame self, nor hatrent of saxonis, & gaif yame to yair auld corruppit vicis with sic riatus surfet. y • yaī spendit sumtyme twa, sumtyme thre dayis but interruption in thair bankettis, throw quhilk thay war degenerat fra vailȝeant pepyll in maist schamfull drunkettis. The prelatis & othir kirkmen richt sorrowfull for thir vicis of yair pepyl, ceissit not cō tinewally to preche. Sayng gif yair vicius lyuis war no [...] amendit. thair realme sall fall in pray to yair ennymes. And as thir haly bischoppis cō iecturit, sa followit. For Occa withī schort tyme eft inuadit yame be battall, & slew Nathaliodus lieutenan [...] to Uter with .xv.M. britonꝭ. Nochttheles he followit sa feirsly on y e chare y t he was slane & mony vailȝeant capitanis with hym. The Britonis war sa brokin be this battall, y t thay ceissit in tymes cumyng to inuade y e saxonis. Efter the slauchter of Occa ye Saxonis maid Occa his brothir sonne king of Ingland. And becaus Loth king of Pychtis supportit the britonis ī this last battal (as certane prisoneris of pichtis takin in y e feild schew) y • saxonis maid yair ordināce to inuade the pichtis. Ȝit dredand (y e scottis suld cū in thair support) thay brocht ane nobyl mā namit Colgern with ane new power out of Almany, & ꝓmittit (gif he distroyit ye pichtis) to geif hym al ye lādis y t the pichtis reiosit beȝond Hūber, becaus ye said [Page Cxiiii] pichtis war cōfiderat afore w t yame & contrar thair bandis faucht laitly with britonis in thair cōtrar. Sone efter Colgern arriuit in Northūberland inuading ye cuntre with importabyll cruelteis. The inhabitantis yairof impaciēt to sustene sa hye iniuris, faucht aganis hym with gret fury, nochtheles yai war discomfist. Als sone as Occa knew ye cumyng of Colgern, he tuk peace with britonis, & come with gret army aganis ye pichtis. This last cruelte done be Colgern in Northūberland mouit y e confiderat kingis to cū with al pepil vnder yair empire to reuenge ye samyn. ȝit quhē yair army was cumyn in sicht of ēnymes, & saw sa gret multitude of pepil aganis yame, yai wer affrayit specially be rehers of britonis, quhilkis come to thair support sayng y e saxonis war of huge bodiis & stature, sa pissant in battall y t oftymes yai put thair ennymes to flicht be yair terribil visage. Thir wordis maid ye army sa astonist, y e mony of yame had fled but ony tary, war not schame cōstranit yame to abide. On ye morrow ye cōfiderat kingis seing yame sa abasit callit y e noblis of baith ye armyis, & said to yame in this maner▪ we meruel (gud cōpanionis) quhy ȝour proud curage bene sa dekeyit, y t mony of ȝow (y t ar in yis pissant army) apperis be onely sicht of your ēnimes affrayit, & sa degenerat fra māheid, y t ȝe seme disparit but ony dangeir appering, for saxonis ar not of sic virtew & strenth, bot othir pepil may dant yam [...] be victory. Ȝe haue experiēce y t y e said saxonis bene oft vincust ī Albion to our gret triū phe & honour. Thay war vincust be king Uortimer, & chasit be hym out of britane. And yai war vincust also be Ambrose, & becaus thay durst not meit hym ī plane battal (as apperit) thay slew him be treason, & the britonis (of quhilkis mony ar now wagiouris to saxonis) hes bene oft discō fist be ȝow, & mony ȝeris maid tributar to ȝow, na thing restis thairfore (forci cāpionis) to mak ȝow affrayit. Attour sen ȝour action is iust & ȝour aduersaris wrāgusly inuadīg ȝow, how may ȝe beleif ony othir thing, bot victory? Gif ony effrayis ȝow be gret magnitude and strenth of saxonis, thay ar euyl Iugeis. For na pepyl ar ī erd of mair stature or of strā gar bodyis, than ar the Scottis and Pichtis. And gif ȝe be of les spreit & curage than saxonis ar, that may be impute to nocht bot to ȝoure awin sle [...]th. For ȝour bodyis ar of na les stature & strenth than yairis. Thus suld nane of ȝow accuse nature gif ȝour curage be nocht corespondent to ȝour bodyis. And sen nature hes maid ȝow strang, lusty, delyuer of bodyis, & reddy to sustene all labouris, nocht remanis bot to deuoid al schameful cowardy, following the manheid and virtew of ȝour eldaris, and remembring na thing may succede mair to ȝoure schame and dāmage, than to be myserably vincust, bringand ȝour self, ȝour wiffis, children, & landis vnder seruitude of ennymes. And sa far as pertenis to our deuore, beleif not bot we sall ieoperd our lyuis in defēce of ȝow, yat our ennymes may vnderstand quhidder y e noblis of scottis & pichtꝭ ar mouitmair to scham or dredour, to defēd yair realme in extreme dāgeir. Be thir wordꝭ y e army was inflāmit with birnād desire to fecht. Mony of yir capitanꝭ schew yam neuir of purpos to fle nor ȝit to do ony thīg cōr [...]ar y e mynd of yair prīce. Skarsly war thir wordis said, quhē baith y e armyis iuni [...] [Page] and faucht with incredibyll hatrent & doutsum victory. Bot at last ye cō fiderat pepil ouirset with multitude of ennymes gaif bakkis, on quhom followit the saxonis inuading yame with ythand slauchter, quhill y e nycht put end thairto. On the morrow ye kyng of Scottis with ye residew of his army returnit in Galloway, & the kyng of Pichtis in Pentland. Efter this victory Occa slew all the scottis & pichtis found betuix Tyne and Tweid, & garnist all the strenthis thairof with strang munitioun & wageourꝭ, & maid Colgern prince of Northumberland to defend ye samyn aganis all inuasouris. Efter this victory of scottis and Pychtis, kyng Occa come with his victorius army aganꝭ y e britonis, becaus thay supportit y e scottis & pichtis contrar yair band. and schortly dang thaym [...] of Ingland in Walis, and repa [...] the strenthis in all partis of Ingland, sumtime makād scarmussing on Britonis, Scottis and Pichtis, to caus the pepyll vnderstand, that thay mycht nocht leif but exercition of weris. Kyng Uter about this tyme fe [...]l in ane feuer and desyrit ane of his seruandis to bryng hym ane drink of clere watter fra the nixt fo [...] tane to slokin his vehement thrist. And incontinent ane saxone instruckit to the same effect gaue hym ane drynk enuenomit with poyson. And sone efter he deceissit in the .xviii. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the Incarnatioun v.C.xxi. ȝeris.
¶Of the Romane Boece & of his vverkis and martyrdome. Of the institutionis of the ordour of sanct Benedict▪ & hovv super [...]levv rentis makis euyll religious men. Hovv Loth kyng of pichtis clamit the crovvn of Britane. Ca. vi▪
IN thir dayis was Boere the Romane senatoure rycht expert in Theology, Philosophy, Mathematik, and syndry othir science. He wrate excellent werkis of the Trinite. And siclik of Logik, Rethorik, Geomatry, Arsmetrik Musik, & Astronomy sa ꝓfoundly, that his werkis ar ȝit in gret admiration to all pepyll. At last he was slane at Reuēna be Theodorik king of Ostrogotis, with mony othir haly men. For thay wald not applaude to the herisy of Arrius, bot this cruelte was nocht lang vnpunist be Iustice of god. For this Theodorik deceissit sone eft miserably, & the name of Gothis put out of memory. And y e said Boece with his fallowis e [...]kit to y e nowmer of sanctis. In yir days was sanct Benedict quhilk institute y e ordour of monkis, yocht it was begun afore be Basilius in the orient. And becaus he was irkit w t frequēt cūpany of pepil, he come to Cassinū quhate he trāslatit y e tempyll of Appollo ī ane abbay of his ordour, & dedicat it to sanct Iohne y e baptist. Sic felicite hes succedit to this ordour, y t thairof hes bene .xxiiii. papis .i.C.lxxxviii. cardinalis, & of othir p̄latis innowmerabil. Amang ws siclik armony riche abbayis of this ordoure with men of gret deuotion, howbeit yai wald haue bene mair religious & deuot, gif yai had bene do [...]at w t les magnificence of princes. for y e superflew rentis of yir abbayis geuyn be magnificence of princis inducis religious men mair to sleuth & sensuall lustis than to ony feruent deuotion. This Bn̄dict deceissit at Cassinū fra y e incarnatiō .v.c.xviii. ȝeris▪ quhate he is buryit with Scolastica his sister in ye tyme of Iustyne empriour. [Page Cxv] and at this tyme Brigida the haly virgine hauād bot .xiiii. ȝeris in age dedicat hir virginite to god. & was confirmit be the bischop of the Ilis in the Ile of Man. Scho bure ane leddern belt aboue ane quhyt kyrtyl with ane vale ouir hir schoulderis, & was haldin in gret reuerence in scotland & Ireland for hir singular halynes, of quhome ar mony kirkis in this regioun. Scho deceissit in the .xviii. ȝeris of Conrannus, and was buryit in Ireland ī ane town namit Dune. Howbeit sum of the Scottis haldis that scho lyis in Abirnethy. In this tyme was sanct Geberine Scottis mā quhilkis fled in Frāce with his brethir & sisteris to eschew the cruelte of Saxonis, and was efter bischop of Remens, quhare he kithit syndry myrakyllis. And in this tyme was institut the processioun of the gang dayis in France thre dayis afore the Ascension day be Mamercius byschop of Ueen. And it was ressauit in Scotland be Conuellanꝰ abbot of Colmekyll. This Conuellanus was ane prophete, & schew mony thyngis to cum concernyng y e exterminion of Pichtis & Britonis. He schew als gret felicite to cum to scottis. And how Inglismen war to be conuertit to sicker faith. He schew als gret calamite to fal to y e nobillis of Albion, bot gif yai haistely amendit thair corruppit lyfe. This Conuellanꝰ was in the tyme of Arthure, quhilk was kyng of Britonis efter deith of Uter. Quhil sic thingis wer done amang ye Scottis, Loth king of Pichtis send his ambassatouris to Britonis clamand the crowne of Britane be the lawis vsit in Albion quhen ony man marijt ane virgine, his children suld succeid to the heritage that micht iustly pertene to hir. And becaus he marijt Anna y e syster of Ambrose & Uter (quhilkis war deceissit but lawful ayris) he alliegit y e Modred & Wal wan hꝭ sōnis gottin on Anna suld succeid be iust tytyl to the crown of Britane. Nochtheles y e ambassatouris war depeschit be the Britonis with displesand answer & gat na thing of thair desiris.
¶Hovv the Saxonis vvar sindry tymes vincust and maid tributaris to kyng Arthure. Hovv Occa arriuit vvith nevv povver in Northumberland and chasit Arthure in Vvali [...]. Hovv ye surfet cheir of Ȝule vvas euyll institute. Hovv Pychtis and Britonis vva [...] agre [...]t. Ca. vii.
SChort tyme efter king Arthure gadderit ane army of Brytonis, and faucht aganis the saxonis nocht x. mylis fra London, & dantit yame with sa huge victory that thay war maid tributar, & thirllit to seruitude vnd his empire. The britonis proud of this victory come to London, quhare thay remanit syndry monethis makand thair ordinance aganis the saxonis dwelland beȝond Humbir, quhilkis war confiderat that tyme with Pichtis, and all iniuris redressit on al sydis. kyng Arthure cumād on this maner to Ȝork arrayit his army, & maid y e prīce of bertanȝe his lieutenand to fecht aganis the Pichtis, for he was cumyn afore with ane gret power out of the samyn to his support. The battallis fynaly being arrayit with maist awful ordinance iunit togidder, and faucht with vncredibill hatrent. Quhil at last baith the Pichtis and Saxonis wer discomfist, on quhome followit the britonis inuadyng yame with cōtinew all slauchter, quhil yai come to Ȝork [Page] quhair mony of thaim wer ressauit. Arthure hauād sa frequent victorie on Saxonis layd ane sege aboute Ȝork. And quhen he had bene thre monethis at the samyn and it reddy to be rāderit for laik of vittallis, he wes aduertist yat Occa (quhilk wes chasit afore in Almany) wes returnit in Northumberland with newe power of Saxonis. and colleck [...] ye Pychtis agane to hym with mair ardent furie of battall than afore. And becaus he vnderstude sa gret nowmer of fayis reddy to inuaid him, he left ye sege forsaid, and fled with his army in Walis, leuand behynd him Hoell duke of Bertanȝe with ane ꝑt of his army to withstand his ennymes duryng the wynter seasoun. Schort tyme eftir he returnit to Lō don to d [...]nt the furie of Saxonis Quhilkis wer cumyn in Kent and otheris regionis thair about. And vsit sic liberalite to wyn the fauoure of his pepill, that sumtyme he laikit money to his necessare vse. In the nixt symer he rasit his camp & come forthwart aganis Colgern & Occa quhilkis wer makād gret heirschippis in sindry partis of his realme. And finalie he dantit thaym with sindry victoryis. And tuke Ȝork the thrid day eftir his returnyng be treason of ane Briton, quhilk wes h [...]ldin for ane Saxon in the town. Be quhome he brocht gret nowmer of Britonis within ye said town vnder [...]ycht sa quietlie, that it wes tane & all y e sodiouris yairof cruellie slane. The remanent pepill wer sauit be his mercy. The nixt symer ouirpast [...]e frequent skarmussyng betuix the Saxonis in Northumbirland and the Britonis in Ȝork. Yis ciete wes rycht populus all the nixt wynter with mony nobillis and cōmonis of britane. Quhilkis wer geuin to yair lust, sleip, riatus bankettis and sensualite, confidyng more in thair victorie bygane, than in thair present strenth. It is said y e surfet cheir (that is vsit ȝit amang Inglismen and Scottis .xiii. dayis togiddir eftir Cristinmes) wes institute that tyme be kyng Arthure. Nochtheles how euer yat schamfull glutony first began, it has corruppit sa y e ingyne of Inglismen and Scottis, that in the dayis of Cristis natiuite, thay arre mair geuin to voracite yan virtew▪ and more to thair wambe, than to deuyne seruice. Throw quhilk that solempne feist sum time had in sic deuotioun and reuerence amang oure anciant faderis, is sa corruppit that it is like vnto the feistis of Gentilis maid in honour of Bachus Flora & Priapꝰ. Quhilkis wer deuisit more for ye lust and plesouris of men and wemen, than ony gud religioun. In the nixt symer (quhen Arthure wes cumyn to Humbir to inuaid the saxonis) he fand his army sa effeminat & soft, that thay wer nocht able to sustene laubour nor siclik weirly besines as thay wer afore. Throw quhilk mony ȝeris eftir thay did lytill displeseir to yair ennymes. And had na esperance of victorye, quhil Loth kyng of Pychtis wes confiderat with kyng Arthure in this maner. That Arthure suld reiose the croun of Britane duryng his lyfe. And eftir his deith the sonnis of Loth sall succeid. The Pichtis to concur with Britonis aganis saxonis in tymes cumyng. And al landis (quhilkis ye pichtis micht cōques beȝond Hūbir) to pas vnd yair dominion. Attoure Modred kīg Lothis son sal mary ye docht of Gawolane gretest prīce vnder y e kyng of Britane, & ye childrin [Page Cxvi] gottin betuix yame to be nurist with thair gud schyr Gawolane. And yat Gawane brothir to Modred sall remane in continewall resydence with kyng Arthure to be tretit accordyng to his estait.
¶Hovv the Scottis and Pychtis vvar confiderat vvith kyng Arthure aganis the saxonis. Hovv the saxonis vvar vincust be the Albianis, and doung out of Albion. Ca. viii.
THe peace roborat in maner afore rehersit, kyng Arthur desyring to banis cristis ennymes out of Albion, solistit the confiderat kyngis to cum at ane prefixt day to concur with hym for defence of cristin faith. Quhilk day the Britonis Scottis and Pychtis conuenit togidder vnder ane mynd and purpos. Kyng Occa aduertist heirof rasit his cāpe, and met the Albianis in his maist cruel wise. Quhen the battalles war arrayit on athir syde, Colgern prīce of ye Saxonis in Northumberland come on ane sweift geldyng to the Pychtis, repreuand thaym of thair vnfaithfull mynd considering thay ressauit the pepyll in frendschip and kindnes, quhilk war laitly yair deidly ennymes, and bure armour aganis thair anciāt freindis lang afore with thaym confiderat. And ȝit gyf thay pas forthwart that day to support the Britonis, thay sal haue sum experience quhidder thair awin falset, or the faith of saxonis war maist abyll to haue victory. The Pychtis na thing mouit with yir wordis, displayit thair baner and faucht with incredibyll hatrent aganis ye Saxonis. Followit ane terribyl bergane for the Scottis (y • faucht in the richt wing) slew Childrik cheiftane of saxonis fornentis thaym, & put yat battal to flicht. Colgern (quhilk faucht in ye left wyng aganis y e pichtis) richt desirus to conques glore, ruschit sa fei [...]sly aganis Loth king of pichtis y t he dang Loth frome his hors. Nochtheles Loth was reskewit be the Pichtis, and Colgern inuadit be yame sa cruelly. that he was brocht with speris to the ground and slane. The myddyl ward seing baith thair wingis discomfist gaif backis. On quhome the Britonis followit with lang chace & murdir. Occa euil woū dit fled out of y e feild amang y e horsmē. And quhē he saw na place sicker to his defēce, he gat ane schip & fled in Almany. The remanēt Saxonis brokin with this slauchter, & seyng na rescous randerit thaym to kyng Arthure vnder thir cōditionis, thay sall ressaue y e faith of Crist & leue as tributar vnder hym. And geif yir cō ditiōis war not acceppit, to leif yair wappynnis & guddis behynd yame, & depart of y e cuntre within ane certane day. Sa mony of Saxonis (as micht get schippis afore ye said day) fled in Almany. And quhen y e Almanis saw yame return with sic misery & trubyll, thay maid thair solempne aithis to reuenge the schamful eiectioun of thaym out of Britane, quhē euir thay mycht haue sufficient oportunite. Part of saxonis fenȝeit yame to take the faith abidyng ane better fortoun, and otheris war slane becaus thay wald nocht renunce thair ydolatrie.
☞Hovv the Scottis & pichtis come vvith .xx. thousand men in support of kyng Arthure aganis Saxonis. & hovv the saxonis vvar discomfist. Ca. ix.
[Page] QUhill the Saxonis war banist & thirl [...]i [...] to seruitude on this maner, king Arthur set hym to repare ye kyrkis and all enormiteis done in Ȝork. For the Saxonis wrocht in it gret cruelteis. In y e ȝeir followyng he was aduertist, yat the Saxonis (that inhabit the Ile of Wicht) with otheris of Kent war assemblit togidder makand grete cruelteis and heirschippis in y e britonis landis. To repres thir attemptatis, Arthure went with ane gret power to London. And to bring his purpos to ane better fyne, he solistit Eugenius the sonne of Congallus afore rehersit, and Modred sonne to Loth to cum with .xx. M. Scottis & Pichtis to his support. Arthur knawyng [...] gret dammage that come to his [...]epyll in tyme bypast be riatus and surfet cheir maid hym to withstand thair insolence, yat na occasion suld appeir to effeminat his army. With in schort tyme efter he tuke y e ymage of the blissit virgyne Mary to his ansenȝe, and went forthwart in hope of victory. Modred and his gud fader Gawolane richt desyrus to wyn honour went afore the army of Britonis with .v.M. horsmen. The saxonis knawyng Arthur within foure mylis to thair campe. send thair ambassatouris desyring hym to pas n [...] forther, and to geif thaym licence to pas out of Albion with yair guddis but iniure of Britonis. Als sone as Arthure had condiscendit to thir petitiōis, thay desyrit .iii. days tre [...]is, bot that was denyit be Arthure. For he tra [...]s [...]it (as was prouin efter) sum hyd treason vnder yair desirꝭ. Noch [...] theles he promyttit to pas lytill forthir for y e day. The Britonis bean [...] aduysit, quhat suld be done in this mater, & beleuand na thing les than treason, The Saxonis set on Modred & Gawolane, becaus thay war certane mylis fra kyng Arthuris campe, and slew ane gret nowmer thairof, and the remanent chasit to y • tentis of Britonis. Arthure incontinent callit afore hym y e ambassatouris of saxonis, and said he wald nothir heir thair desyris in tymes cumyng, nor ȝit haue peace with yame during his life. Becaus thay treasonabylly inuadit his pepyl vnder cō monyng of peace. Skarsly war thir wordis said, quhen .xl. of y e nobyllest men amang Saxonis come to the kyng to excuse the treason recently committit. Saying it was done be ȝoung men but aduise of thair nobillis. Arthure presumand na les treason vnder this last message thā vnder the first, commandit thaym to remane styll in his campe with y e first messingeris. Syne rasit his army within ye nicht, & come arrayit with thre battallis on y e Saxonis, or thay war aduertist of his cumyng. The saxonis war gretūly affrayit, knawyng nothir quhat was to be done, nor ȝit quhat was answerit to thair ambassatouris. In the mene tyme Modred & Gawolane inuadit yame with sa properant diligence, y • mony of thaym war discomfist or thay mycht cū to array. On quhom followi [...] Arthure with sic rageand fury, that nane of yame war saiffit quhare ya [...] mycht be tane. Throw quhilk nocht was hard bot rūmissing of d [...]and pepyll in all partis thairabout. The campe repleit with deid carionis, & the [...]ludis rynnand with bludy s [...]remes to the seyis. In this battal wa [...] slane s [...] huge nowmer of Saxonis▪ that apperandly thay mycht neuir [Page Cxvii] recouer y e dāmage thairof. Nor ȝit haue pissance to resist the Britonis in tymes cumyng. Thus wer the Saxonis thirlit to more seruitude than afore, bot y e nobillis wer licent to pas in Almany, the Scottis and Pichtis abaid certane dayis in Lō doun. And returnyt hame richely rewardit be kyng Arthure but displeseir in thair weris.
¶Hovv Tonset chancellar of Scotland vva [...] slane for his vvrangus administration of Iustice. Of king Conrannꝰ deith. Of Iustiniane empriour▪ and of his prudent constitutionis fame and cheualry & of syndry captiuite [...]s of Rome. Ca. x.
SIc thingis done in Britane be Arthure, the realme of Scottis wes gouernit in gret felicite and Iustyce be kyng Conrannus, Quhil at last be dāmage of his lang age syndry displesouris followit in his realme. Thair was ane mā of pure lynnage namit Tonset and wes maid chancellar be king Conrannus, bot he was mair set for the kingis proffet, than ony Iustice, geuand his mynd and hale industry to punys men be extreme rigoure, to conques money to the kyng. Conrā nus (as the ingyne of syndry kyngis ar) had thaym in maist fauour and reuerence, that couth maist craftely escheit the guddis of ye pepyl to his proffet. Tonset efter syndry wrangis and oppressionis done be hym in y e kyngis auctoryte, callit afore hym certane merchandis of Fores ī Murray, and for smal or vane causis put thaym to deith (as misdoaris) syne confiscat thair guddis to the kingis b [...]huffe. The nobyllis of Murray cōmouit for thir oppressyonis done to thair freindis the marchātis foresaid ruschit haistely to harnes, and slew this Tonset ī plane iugement▪ quhare he was doyng mair iniure than Iustice to the pepyll. The skryrais efter his slauchter, and maid thir men to be serchit with maist diligence. And thay as disparit men fled to the montanis traistyng na grace nor remeid, bot gyf thay dyd sum gretar cruelte to redeme y e first, as it is the commoun opinioun ȝit in our dayis. And thairfore concludit to sla the kyng, and delyuer the pepyll of all extorsioun done be hym. Quharethrow thay mycht conques the fauour of the commonis, and be restorit to thair peace. Schort tyme efter Donald capitane of Athole, richt familiar with the kyng, & knawyng this conspiratioun send his secret seruant to caus thir lymmaris to cum to Inuerloch, quhare y e king was resident for that tyme, and promyttit thaym support to accomplis yair intēt. And fynaly ressauit yame with gret humanite, & inclusit yame with thair swerdis and wappinnis in ane secrete chalmer quhare the kyng vsyt to be solitar. Syne departit out of the town as he had knawin na thyng thairof. The kyng at last enterit in ye chalmer quhare yir lymmaris war, waitand for his slauchter. Als sone as he saw thaym▪ he fell down on his kneis and desyri [...] grace. Nochtheles yir limmaris but ony myseratioun slew hym in the .xxxv. ȝeir of his regne. Quhilk was in the .xvi. ȝeir of the empire of Arthure. In the twenty ȝeir of Iustiniane emprioure. Fra the Incarnatioun .v. hundreth .xxxv. ȝeris. His body was brocht to Colmekyll, and buryit amang the anciant sepulturis of his forebearꝭ. This Iustinian [Page] was ane of y e nobyl empriouris that was afore his dayis. For he causit the Romane lawis and constitutionis to be colleckit togidder with sic reason and eloquence, that the fame is in gret admiratioun to all pepyll. This Iustiniane pecifyit mony landis pertenyng to Romane empire, for he delyuerit Affrik fra Uandallis, Italy fra the Gothis, and Dalmasia fra the tyranny of Mundus be cheualry of ane richt vailȝeant capitane callit Bellisar. He delyuerit Rome fra the tyranny of Theodorik kyng of Ostrogothis. Efter yat it was segit mony ȝeris, this Bellisar faucht mony strang battallis for defence of Rome aganis Totylla king of Gothis. Bot at last this Bellisar fell in gret infirmite, and sa Rome was fynaly tane be the said [...] kyng of Gothis, the wallis and [...] bet to the ground with the capitol [...] and mony othir housis priuat and publik on the same maner, and all the ci [...]tezanis thairof slane, to be ane p [...]rpetua [...]l memory to all pe [...]yll. How lytyl confidence suld be had in felicite of mā. Rome was distroyit in this maner, fra the Incarnatioun .v.C.l. ȝeris. It was tane first be the Gawlis brint & distroyit, quhen it began first to fluris, & not lang efter it was distroyit be Alarik king of Gothis. And on ye same maner it was tane be Athalphꝰ quhilk rang efter [...]larik. And sone efter it was tane agane be Gensiricus king of Uandalis, & put to na les rewyne than Cartage was afore be Romanis. This town (quhilk bene decorit with sa mony vailȝeant deidis, the dantar of al pepyl, sa oft tane be ba [...] bar pepyll) schawis weill na thyng sycker, bot fragyll and mortall in this warld. Bot we wyll returne to our history quhare we left.
¶Of kyng Eugenius the thrid, and his lavvis. Of Conrannus vvyfe. Hovv scho [...]led vvith hir sōnis in Ingland. Of king Arthuris fame, cheualry, and round t [...] byll. Hovv the Britonis contra [...] thair [...] mis maid Cōstantine prince of Britane. Ca. xi.
COnrannus slane (as said is) Eugenius ye sonne of Congallus was maid king. Mony freindis of Courannꝰ gaif hym coū sall in the begynnyng of his empire to punis the slauchter of his eme, y t otheris mycht tak example in tymes cumyng to sla ane kyng. Eugenius na thyng mouit of thair counsal not onely left the slayaris of hym vnpunist, bot als put thaym on his secrete counsall. And thairfore he was suspeckit of his faderis slauchter. Conrannus wyfe suspeck and hym on ye samyn maner, fled with hir children Regiman and Aydane in Ireland, quhare scho remanit certane ȝeris. And deceissi [...] with hir first sonne Regimā. Bot Aidane remanit with the kyng of Ireland weill tretit mony ȝeris efter. Kyng Eugeniꝰ (to schaw hym plesand in y e begynnyng of his empire) sat oftimes in iugement, to cause hym appeir benigne to the pepyll. And quhare ony personis war condampnit wranguislye, he gaif thaym lycence to appeill to his othir Iugis. He supportit the indegent pepyll with the commoun gud quhen thay had na guddis to follow thair action. Be this lawe he commandit that na man call ane pupyll in iugement afore his lauchfull age. And na wedow to be drawin ane mile fra [Page Cxviii] hir dwellyng place to Iugemēt. He maid als gret punition on theuis & ressettouris, & kepit gud peace with Pichtis & britonis his nychtbouris. Sum auctouris writtis y • Arthure in thir dayis dantit Scotland, Iseland, Orknay, Dēmark, Swethrik, Spruse, ȝelād, Gotlād, Hollād, Braband, Flanderis, Picarde, Normandy, Bertanȝe, and all France. And maid al y e pepil yairof tributar to hꝭ empire. And elikwyse he subdewit all Grece, Peirse, Araby, Egipt, Affrik, and Spanȝe. And finalie vincust Lucius Romane emprioure be singular battall. This historie sall haue faith with thaym that ar anctouris thairof. For we knaw ferme lie that Arthure deceissit in the tyme of Iustiniane emprioure. Quhen ye Gothis, Burgundianis, Uandalis, and all othir nationis inuadit ye romane empire. And thairfore it is not apperand (sen sa mony sindry pepill maid diuers weiris amang thaym self that tyme) that thay micht be gaderit vnder ane mynd to fecht aganis Arthure. Attoure thair wes at yis tyme maist horrible weris betuix Gothis & Franchemē. And y e historicianis that wrait thair weris maid na mentioun of Arthure. Nochtheles sen we ar set to mynnis na mannis honour nor fame, we fynd that Arthure wes in glore of marcial dedis na les vailȝeant than ony othir princis of Britane. And [...]ikit his realme equaly in polecy and riches. It is writtin that Arthure tuke gret delectatioun in werslyng of strang kempis, hauand yame in sic familiarite, yat quhen he vsit to dyne or tak consultatioun in his weris, he gart thaym sit down with hym in maner of ane round crown, y e nane of yame suld be preferrit tyll otheris in digni [...]e. For quhilkis his seit wes callit the round tabil. And youcht his vailȝeant dedis wer worthy to haue memorie. Ȝit the vulgare fabillis (quhilkis ar fenȝeit of the samyn) hes violat thair fame and makis thaym to haue the les credence. The Britonis insolent be lang peace vnder ye empire of Arthure wer penitent of the contract maid afore with Loth king of Pychtis, think and nocht profitabill for thair weill yat vncouth blud suld regne aboue thaim. And desyri [...] kyng Arthure to schaw to thaym (quhom he thocht maist abill) to succeid. Arthure bad thaym cheis ane be thair general vo [...]is yat wer wyse and discendyng of the blude riall o [...] Britane. And thay bot more delay namit Constantyne ye sonne of Cadorus prince of Cornewell quhil [...] ▪ wes admittit be Arthure, and declarit prince of Britane. Nocht that he wes than kyng bot Iust heritour [...] to succeid eftir his deith. Throw quhilk it come in vse that the eldest son of kyngis wer callit prince of the realme. Constantyne declarit prince in this maner, apperit be mony euident signes wyse and gracious to ye pepill and conquest ane gud name amang the Britonis.
☞ Of the message send be Pichtis to Britonis, and of thair ansvvere▪ hovv kyng Arthure vvas slane vvith mony of all the nobyllis of Brytane be Scottis and Pychtis. Hovv Guanora his vvyfe vvas brocht in Angus▪ of hir sepulture▪ and of the ca [...]amyte that fel to Albianis be this battal. Ca. xii.
[Page] AT this tyme deceissit Loth king of pichtis. Be quhom ye landis that wes afore namit Pentlād wer namit Lowthiane. Eftir his deith modrede kyng of Pychtis send his ambassatouris to kyng Arthur and to the nobillis of Britane, saying it wes nocht semyng to princis to violat yair faith and band but interuentioun of sum leifful cause. The band maid betuix hym and kyng Arthure wes nocht vnknawin to thaym. Be quhilk it hes ratifyit, that nane suld regne behynd Arthure in Britane bot ye sonnis of Loth and Anna his wyfe & ye heritouris discendyng of thair successioun. And becaus the [...]ame wes, that Constantyne prince [...] Cornewell wes namit be thaym [...]o succeid to y e crown of Britane cō trar thair band and faith afore contrackit, he requirit kyng Arthure to gyf na aduertence to the iniust persuasioun of his pepil, quhilk hes na respect to religion nor picte, bot onelie to cause hym distroy baith ye law of god & man. And thairfore prayit hym to perseueir in ye band afore cō trackit, that na punition cum on his pepil be Iustice of god for violation of his faith and promys. It wes answerit be ye nobillis of Britane, yat ye band betuix Arthure & Loth wes maid bot duryng the langar leiffar of thaym twa. And sen Loth wes deceissit, ye band wes dissoluit ī ye self. Attoure thay violat nocht yair faith (howbeit thay maid Cōstantine ane nobill man of the blud riall of Britane to be yair price) becaus na thīg semyt kingis mair, than to keip yair realme be prouidence and wisdome, that it come nocht vnder the empire of vncouth blude. Attour it was suspitius y e britonis suld cū vnder dominion of pichtis▪ sen yai bene ay thair auld ennymes. This answer rehersit to the pichtis maid yame to detest the treason of Britonis, and to be penitent y t thay supportit yame in subdewyng of saxonis. Nochtheles yai tuke consultation quhat was best to be done. And fynaly with ane cōsent concludit to inuade the Britonis, & to bring in thair contrar all pepyll y e war yair ennymes. Ȝit afore thay attempt this mater, thay thocht it ganand to assailȝe ye mynd of scottis & Saxonis, and fand thaym reddy to assist to yame in peace or weir. Eugenius grantit the mair plesandly to thair petitionis, yat the Britonis ressaui [...] all the rebellis of his realme. Arthure seand the peace geuyn vp betuix hym and the pychtis, garnyst all y e strenthis of his realme. Syne come with aue huge pepyll aganis the Scottis and pichtis. Traisting (howbeit the saxonis returnit in Britane) thay suld be esaly vincust, sen thay war sa oft brokyn and discomfist with his weris. Nochtheles ane strang army of Scottis and pichtis war assemblit afore his cumyng at Humber, as in that place quhare yai ben ay maist fortunat to win) quhen the battallis war arrayit in otheris sycht, the bischoppis and prelatis of Scottis, Pichtis, & Britonis come (as mediatouris) desyryng thaym to remember how dangerus it war to thair commoun weill and vnnaturall to perseueir in battall, sen thay war ordanit be nature to leif togidder within yat Ile, and debait yame fra inuasion of othir strange pepyl. Attoure thair cyuyll battallis and [Page Cxix] contentionis amang thaym self suld be occasion to saxonis to returne in Albion. For thay reiose in na thyng mair, than in subuersioun of Albianis. Modred and Eugeniꝰ mouit be deuote wordis of thir prelatis condiscendit to put ane end to all thair weris, gyf the Britonis wald stand at y e band afore contrackit. The bischoppis with this answer went to Arthure & brocht his mynd to peace. Bot y e freindis of Constantyne war nocht onely repugnant to thair petitionis. Bot als gaif vnplesand wordis, and said becaus the confiderat kingis denuncit first weris to Arthure, it was nocht his honour to desist thairfra. Als it was bot foly to thaym to persuaid peace, quhen the army is war arrayit in otheris sicht, bot gif it war to wirk sum prodition vnder colour of peace. Skarsly war thir wordis said, quhen huge noyis and clamoure rais on all sydis. And sone efter baith y e armyis iunit with mair cruelte than euir was hard in ony warld afore. The place (quhare thay iunit) was ful of mos and marces, and sa vnplesand to Britonis y t thay mycht nocht weilde thair ordinance and wappynnis as thay desyrit. Throw quhilk the battall was prolongit, and sa huge multitude of pepyll slane, that the ryuer of Humber ran full of bludy stremys to the seyis. ¶Quhill the armyis war fechtand in maist raige on this maner, ane of the Pichtis instruckit for the nanys cryit with schyll voce fle fle. Arthure is slane with all the nobilite of Britonis. ¶This cry rasit the Scottis and Pychtis with mair spreit than afore. And maid the Britonis sa astonist, that na auctorite nor sound of trumpat mycht garre thaym tary. Bot haistely left thair wappynnis and fled to thair best refuge. ¶In this sorrowfull battall was slane of Scottis and Pichtis twenty thousand with Modrede kyng of Pychtis and all the noblis of baith thair realmys slane. Of Britonis and Bertona [...]is (that come to thair support) thritty thousand. Amang all otheris was slane kyng Arthure and Walwane bruthir to Modrede kyng of Pychtis. Quhilk faucht that day for lu [...]le of kyng Arthure aganis his naturall bruthir. ¶On the morrow all the spulȝe of kyng Arthuris campe was partit amang the confyderat pepyll be ryte of armys. ¶Guanora the quene of Brytane & spouse of kyng Arthure was tane with mony ladyis and knychtis dependyng on hir for the tyme. ¶The hors, ryches, and cofferis gottin with hir, fell in pray to the Scottis. Bot hir self, hir ladyis and knychtis▪ fell to the Pychtis, and was brocht in Angus to ane castell callit Dunbarre. Of quhilk na thyng remanis now bot the prent of the wallis quhare thay leiffit the remanent dayis of thair lyfe. ¶In memorye heirof in Megyle ane towne of Angus ten myle fra Dunde, a [...] mony anciant sepulturis had in gret reuerence of pepyll. And specyally the Sepulture of Guanora. As the tytle wryttyn thairapon schawis. ☞ ¶All wemen (that strampis on this Sepulture) sall be ay barrant but ony frute of thair wamb, Syclyke as Guanora was. ¶And quhydder that this be of verite or nocht latte thaym schawe that hes experience thairof. Bot ane thyng we knaw. ¶All wemen abhorris to strampe [Page] on that sepulture. It is sayd be Gal fride writare of y e history of Britane, that Modrede and Arthure faucht nocht at Humbir, bot at the town of Gwyntoun, and come out of y e f [...]ild on lyue. And Guanora for displesei [...] enterit in religioun, quhilkis ar not far discrepant fra the hystory as we haue writtin. Nochtheles we follow Ueremond Turgot and otheris mony autentyke authouris, quhilkis writis the trew deidis of nobyll men but ony fictioun. ¶Attoure quhare euir this maist dāgerus battal was strikin, sic displesour come efter to ye Britons Scottis & Pichtis be huge s [...]auchter that mony ȝeris efter thay mycht nocht recouer the dammage thairof.
¶Hovv Constantine kyng of Britonis [...] the [...]on [...]s of Modrede. of vncouth [...]e [...]uellis sene in Albion. Hovv Eugeniu [...] gaif syndry landis vvith armys to nobyll men of hi [...] realme. Hovv Con [...]tā tyne kyng of Britonis vva [...] maid monk in Ireland & of Eugeniꝰ deith. Ca. xiii.
THe Brytonis efter this discomfitour & slauchter of kyng Arthure, maid Constātyne (quhilk was declarit prince afor) kyng of Brytane. This Constantyne (that na succession of Modrede suld clame y e crown of Britane) slew the sonnis of Modrede in presence of thair moder. quhilk was douchter of Gawolane. Throw quhilk all the successioun of Modrede fa [...]lȝ [...]it. Thir afflictionis fell on the Albianis fra the Incarnation .v.C.xlii. ȝeris. In the .xxiii. ȝeir of ye empire of Arthure. And y • .viii. ȝeir of the regne of Eugenius. Mony vncouth meruellꝭ war sene afore this last battall in Albioun. Herbes war sene in Ȝork full of blude. Ane calf was found nocht far fra Camelon with two heidis, & ane lam siclik with dowbyll nature. The sonne [...] mydday apperit bludy. The lift schane two dayis cōtinewally ful of sternis. The piottis and nicht crawis faucht with y e rauynnis & maid vncredibyll slaucht on euery syde. Bot we wyl returne to our history. Kyng Eugenius efter his returnyng in Scotland, nowmerit the residew of his army, & rewardit richely y e freindis of thaym that war slane in this feild. & to caus thair vailȝeāt deidis remane ī lang memory, he gaif yame landis with syndry armys that yair posterite may vnderstand, how thay war decorit be nobyll kyngꝭ for yair vailȝeant and worthy deidis. Eugenius with sic victorius & virtuous deidis conquest ane gud name and was haldyn in na lytyll veneration amang his pepyll, & gouernit yame in tymes cumyng mair be beniuolence thā rigour. Iurmi [...]ik duke of saxonis aduertist of this intollerabyll slauchter of britonis, come with ane huge nauy & pepyll in Ingland quhare he with smal labour subdew it king Constantyne, and chasit him with y e remanēt britonis in Walis. This Constantyne fyndyng na securite of his lyfe in Walis, fled in Ireland, quhare he leuit certane ȝeris with his wyfe and children vnknawin amang the indegent & pure pepyll on almous. Als sone as he was knawin, be persuasion of monkis he schoif his held in ane abbay of the samyn cuntre, quhare he leui [...] ane deuote lyfe, and was slane efter be Scottis, and eikit to the nowmer of martirꝭ. In memory heirof mony [Page Cxx] kirkis at amāg ws dedicat to hym. ¶This Iurmirik (howbeit he was nocht institute in y e sicker faith) sufferit y e euangel of Crist to be prechit to Inglysmen, and maid ane band of peace betuix hym and ye Scottis & Pichtis, quhilk endurit to the end of his lyfe. Eugenius hauand gud peace, the residew of his dayis deceissit the .xxxiiii. ȝeir of his regne. And was buriit in Colmekyl, fra the Incarnation .v.C.lxviii. ȝeris. In y e .vi. ȝeir of Tiberius the secund of that name emprioure.
¶Of kyng Convvallus and his lavvis & deith. Of ye cumyng of sanct Colme in scotlund. And of sanct Mungo. Ca. xiiii▪
EUgenius buriit in Colmekyll, his brothir was maid kyng ane prince rycht catholyke. For he commandit all the principall castellis and townis of his realme to be payntit with the sygne of the croce, that the pepyll thairthrow mycht haue remembrance quhat cruell pane and doloure our saluioure sufferit thairon. He had ane syluer crucifix borne ay afore hym quhare he past▪ & kyst it afore he montit on his hors. It was wryttyn with goldyn letteris about the crucifix, Th [...] glore of crystyn pepyll. He inhibite to paynt or graif the signe of the croce on ony pament of kirkis that the pepyll suld nocht trampe on y e samyn. He was neuir sene in the kirke bot with heid discouerit. He maid mony lawis for the liberte of haly kirke. He y • dang ane preist suld want his hand. He that slew ane preist suld be brint, and his guddis confiscat. The teindis of euery frutis that grew on ye ground suld be geuyn to y e kirke. He that war cursit be auctorite of ye kirke, suld be banist fra gud cumpany, and nane to do him reuerence, na lawis to be patent to hym, na faith to be geuyn to his dispositioun. He dotate the kirkis with riche Iowellis & possessionis to sustene deuyne seruyce. He gaif all vicaris and personis certane croftis and landis lyand about the kirkis to caus thaym to be the mair feruent in thair residence and deuotioun. Thus was ye crystyn faith honorit in all partis of his realme. The fame of this catholike prince causit sāct Colme ane mā of syngulare lyfe to cum out of Ireland in Albioun with mony relygyous pepyll. At quhais cumyng was gret confluence of Scottis and Pichtis. For ye grete felicite and swei [...] nes thay fand in his preching, he gaderit syndry monkis, quhilkis wa [...] that tyme vagabound throw the realme, & put yame in syndry abbayis, quhilkis war foundit afore be Conuallus. And not lang efter he come in Lowthiane. Quhare he purgit Brudeus kyng of Pi [...]htis, and his pepyl fra Pelagius herisyis. At this tyme was sanct Mungo the haly byschop of Glasquew, quhilk was gottin on sanct Thanew the douchter of Loth kyng of Pichtis, opprest contrar hir wyll be Eugenius last kyng of scottis. This Mungo heirand sanct Colme preiche afore Brudeus, was rauist in spreit be his deuyne wourdis, and followit hym to Dunkeld, quhare Conwallus beildit ane riche abbay afore. Bot now be magnificēce of princis it is maid ane bischoppꝭ seit craftely biggit w t square & polyst stanis, quhē thir two haly men had remanit .vi. monethis [Page] in Dunkeld, thay departit hame. Sanct Mungo returnit to Glasquew and sanct Colme to Ireland, and schew to y e princis thairof, how plesandly he was tretit amang the Scottis and pichtis, quhat feruent desire thay had to his preching, bot ane thing was thair aboue all meruellis sene be hym afore. Conwallꝰ kyng of scottis nochtwithstanding his princely estait and riches (quhilkis suld induce hym mair to pleseir than virtew) was na les religious than ony othir prelat or kirkman in his realme. And for his prouyn virtew was haldyn in sic reuerence amang his pepyll, y t na persone durst be iniurius to othir, nor ȝit speik of hym ony detraction. Throw quhilk al vicis of his pepyl (yocht thay war naturally inclinit thairto) war dan [...]it mair be his virtew than ony rygour. In the ȝeir followyng sanct Colme returnit in Albion, & brocht with hym the son of Conrānus namit Aidane, quhilk fled afore (as we schew) ī Ireland, to eschew y e wraith of Eugenius. At his cumyng in the Ilis he was aduertist how Conwallus was deceissit the .x. ȝeir of his regne, and his body cumand with gret lament of pepyll to be buri [...]t in Colmekyl. And thairfore he went to his abbay, & did his funerall obsequeis in deuote maner.
¶Of kyng Kynnatyll, and hovv he resignit the crovn to Aidane. Of the orison maid be sanct Colme. Hovv scottis & pichtis faucht amang thaym self. & vvar agreit be sanct Colme. Ca. [...]v.
COnwallus deceissit in this maner, ane counsall was set in Argyle fra oure redēption .v.C.lxxviii ȝeris. In quhilk Kinnatyll brothir to Conwallus afore rehersit was maid kyng. Kynnatyll (as na man beleuit) ressauit Colme and Aidane with gret humanite, & prayit Aidane to be of gud curage. For within schort tyme he suld reiose the crown of Scotland, and haue sic succession that he suld delyuer ye realme of mony displesouris. And ȝit it was vncertane for the tyme be quhat deuyne reuelation or prophecy, he mycht schaw sic thīgis. Within few dayis eftir ane imoderat flux of catterre fel in his throte & chaftis, and causit hym to resigne the gouernance of his realm to Aidane. Sāct Colme seand hym approche to the extremis of deith, Exhortit hym to haue all thing in contemption, saiffing the felicite of heuyn, quhare he was haistely to pas. Kinnatyl deuotely obtemperand to Sanct Colme randerit his saule to god the feird moneth of his regne, his body was buryit in Colmekyll. Ane cōuention was maid sone efter in Argyle, in quhilk Aidane was maid kyng. Sanct Colme (becaus he was present at his conuention) put the diademe on kyng Aidanis heid, & said to the nobyllis in this wyse. ¶It is nocht neidfull (maist nobyll men) to exh [...] ȝow to ony gret deuotion, sen ye sa [...]nyn incressis dayly as apperis amang ȝow. Ȝit I thynk nocht vnganand to exhort ȝow to be obeysant to ȝoure prynce Aidane vnder ane mynd and assent, For he is not only brocht to this solempne auditour be my industry, bot erar be prouysyoun of god. His offyce sall be to gouerne ȝow in equale Iustice & peace, an [...] delyuer ȝow of trubyll quhen it occurris. Ȝour part salbe thairfore t [...] leif togydder vnder hym with an [...] gud mynd and beniuolence, stāding [Page Cxxi] sa content with ȝour awin guddis, that ȝe couat nane otheris. And remembryng the sindry beneficis geuin to ȝow be the ineffabill gudnes of god, quhilk hes instruckit ȝow in his blissit lawis and maid ȝow his deir pepil. And fortunat ȝow to haif ane prince of singular virtew. Be quhais prudence ȝour faith salbe sic kir, and ȝour cōmon weill put to profet with sic felicite (gyf ȝe be obeysāt to hym) that na ennymes sall appeir aganis ȝow. Be the contrar (quhilk god forbeid) gyf ȝe declyne the constitutionis of god, and be rebelland to ye ministeris of Iustice. Or gif ȝour prince Aidane be vnmindfull of the giftis of god, abusand him in ye administration of his realme. Thā sal nocht faill to cū on ȝow sindry plagꝭ and ciuill contentionis, quhilkis sal gyf occasioun to ȝour ennymes to inuaid ȝow to ȝour vter exterminiō, les than ȝe amend ȝour demeritis in tyme. Prouide thairfore ȝe be nocht sa insolent eftir hie chance of prosperite, that ȝe incur ye hatrent of god, exponand baith ȝour singulare and cōmon weill to extreme dangeir. Ye pepil beyng exhortit be yir wourdis promittit thair faithfull obedience to kyng Aidane. Sic thingis done sanct Colme returnit in y e Ilis. And Aidane went in Galloway, quhare he be Iustice dantit part of theuis, quhilkis infestit the cuntre. And to repres vthir enormiteis done in his realme. He set ane conuention of his nobillis in sindry partis thairof. In quhilk be prudence of sanct Colme wer deuisit sindry thyngis for the cō mon weill. Throw quhilk gret tranquillite succedit mony dayis ef [...]ir. Nochtheles (as the chance of man oft occurris) few pepil hes that prudence to mak yame stand in lang felicite. Certane nobillis (quhilkꝭ mycht nocht lang suffir peace) fell ī ane hie contentioun at the huntis be interuentioun of ane caus of nocht. Throw quhilk followit haistly gret slauchter. The slayaris knawyng yame feirslie socht be rigour of Iustice, & hauand na refuge to eschewe the kyngis lawis, fled to Brudeus kyng of Pychtis. Als sone as kyng Aidan wes aduertist yairof, he send his ambassatouris to y e kyng of Pichtis, requiryng hym be tennour of his confideratioun, to deliuer thir men to his Iustice. Brudeus mouit be cōmiseratioun and picte of thir banist men refusit his desyris, and be frequent message excusit thair iniquite. Thus maid he the iniuris of otheris to be occasioun of battall aganis hym self. ¶Kyng Aidane (becaus thir rebellis wer nocht deliuerit at his pleseir) send ane cumpany of armyt men in Angus to inuaid y e cuntre with all displesouris yat thai micht. The scottꝭ (quhilkis wer send to this behalf) brocht ane huge pray of guddis out of Angus. And slew all thaym that maid obstakill. The Pychtis vnpacient to suffir this iniure recompensit ye samyn with siclyk heirschippis and slauchter on ye Scottis. The fury and rage of insolence ylk day more incressyng maid this debait to be finalie decidit be ye swerd. Sone eftir thay gaderit on baith y e sydis in Striuelyng, quhair thay faucht togiddir with gre [...] murdir. And youcht ye victorie succedit to ye Scottis, ȝit it wes vnplesand. For Arthurus eldest sonne to kyng Aidan and prince of Scotland wes slane in this feild, Thus tuke y e scottis more heuynes and dolour be his slauchter, than pleseir be thair victorie. Sanct Colme he [...]rand this vnhappy [Page] battall come to kyng Aidane and repreuit hym that he for smal occasioun mouit battal on his confiderat freindis. Throw quhilk he wes cause nocht onlie of maist lamentabill slauchter, bot als bringyng mony pepill to schamefull and vter pouerte. And thairfore declarit (gyf ye sam [...] wer nocht hastely reparit) he and all his blude be Iustice of god suld be cruelly punist. Aidane affray it be yir wourdꝭ, Prayit sāct Colme to schaw be quhat way he mycht amend the offence be hym cōmittit. This haly man seyng Aidane penitent be cōmiseration. Went to Brudeus kyng of Pychtis. And schew how vnprudentlie yis vnhappy bergane wes begun, and quhat mischeif wes to follow on baith y e pepil, [...] thay perseuerit in battal aganis othir. Be thir wourdis Brudeus cō di [...]cendit to haue peace. Thus wer ba [...]h y • kingis content y e sāct Colme be Iuge in this debait to euin all ma [...]cis as he thocht best. Finalie baith thir kyngis wer aggreit, and brocht be his prudence to the samyn tendernes as thay wer afore. Within schort tyme this haly man sanct Colme returnit in the Ilis, and fell in ane gret infirmite be immoderat flu [...] of caterre, quhilk followit him to the end of his lyfe.
☞¶Hovv the Saxonis deuydit Ingland in seuyn syndry kyngdomes▪ hovv pichtis and Saxonis vvar confiderat togidder▪ and discomfist the Scottis and Britonis. Of the orisoun maid be kyng Aydane to his army. Hovv the said Aydane vvas vincust be Saxoni [...] and his sonne slane. Ca. xvi.
QUhen y e saxonis had doung the Britonis in walis, and punist thaym Ilk day with new afflictionis, yai deuidit the realme of Inglād in seuin sindry kingdomes▪ To that fyne y t the Britonis mycht neuir haue place to recouer yair ald rowmes. And maid seuin sindry kingis. Amang quhom wes Ethelfreid kyng of Northumberland, quhilk had ane singulare malyce aganis al Britonis. And becaus he wes rycht desirus to eik his empire, he solistit Brudeus kyng of Pichtis to inuaid the Scottis. And promittit gyf he wald inuaid thaim be battall (sen ye iniuris done be his pepill wes nocht redressit) to support hym with all the power that he mycht. This battall wes nocht persuadit be Ethelfreid for ony affection he had to Pichtis, bot onlie to haue thaym brokin with Scottis. that he mycht than y e more esalie conques thair realme. Brudeus refusit at y e first tyme to rais ony army aganis his confiderat nichtbouris. Nochtheles be inoportune sollicitatioun of his nobillis, he condiscendit thairto. The motiue of yis battall was, becaus the guddis reft afore fra his pepyll be Scottis war nocht restorit as the contract proportit. Kyng Aydane to meit baith the treason of Pichtis & Saxonis was confiderat with Malgo kyng of britonis in this maner. Gif the saxonis and Pychtis inuade the Brytonis, kyng Aydane sall cum in thair support. And gif the Pichtis and Saxonis come on the scottis, the kyng of Britonis sal support yame in yat samyn maner▪ The Saxonis weil aduertist of this cōfideration, to draw y e scottis fra thair rowmes, & to mak [Page Cxxii] thaym laik vittallis, Enterit with y e Pichtis in y e Britonis landis. kyng Aydane sone efter assemblit all the pissance of his realme, & come with the samyn in support of Britonis. The Saxonis and Pychtis nochtwithstandyng his cummyng maid yame to eschew battall be lang tary, abiding the cumyng of syndry othir saxonis to thair support. Than suddanly apperit in sycht Cenlyne king of west saxonis with new garison to support thair army. The Scottis & Britonis (howbeit thay war affrayit of thair cumyng) thocht best (sen na help apperit, bot in thair handis) to meit this new army of west saxonis, and fynaly put thaym to flycht and slew Cutha sonne to Cenlyne. Efter this victory the Scottis and Britonis reiosit with sic excellent mirth, as was vsit in thay dayis. In the mene tyme the north saxonis with y e residew of yair folkis (quhilkis wer laitly discomfist) come on the Scottis and Britonis with new battall. Thus war the Scottis and Britonis sa affrayit, y • na noyis nor word was in all thair army. Kyng Aidane knawyng this scilence na sygne of audacite, bot erar of de [...]eckit mynd said in this maner. Quhare is now (gud companionis) ȝour knichtly curage [...] quhare is now ȝour inuincibyl sprei [...]? Is ȝour glaidnes euanist afore ȝe be vincust? ac ȝe defate be only sicht of thir our febyll ennymes? sen ȝe be merciall prowes hes put sa vailȝeant pepyll afore to flicht. Lat neuir this ȝour strang army be randerit to ēnymes. Lat neuir ȝour fais haue glore be ȝour cowartry, nor ȝir haue victory but debait. Return heir fore (my hartly freindis) to ȝour anciant virtew and curage. And vnderstand ȝour ennymes inuadis ȝow be wrang persute, be motioun of the treasonavil Ethelfred. And yairfore exerce ȝoure wraith and cruelie on hym, sen he is first rute of al this trubyll, and ȝe sall haue quhat plesand reward that I may geif ȝow gyf ȝe haue victory, quhilk now is ī to ȝour handis. Thir wourdis war skarsly rehersit, quhen the Saxonis fechtand in the rycht wyng war put abak. And incontinent Ethelfred come with ane chosyn cumpany ī yair support. Exhorting thaym to tak na affray of thair febyll aduersa [...]is, quhome thay sa oft vincust afore. Brudeus fechtand in ye richt wyng with the Pichtis, and his maist vailȝeant capitanis in the left wyng, p [...] the Scottis in gret afflyctioun, Nochtheles the Scottis perseuerit in ythand battall quhill thay saw ye myddyll ward (quhare the Britonis faucht) discomfist. And than thay gaif backis, on quhome foll [...]wit the Pychtis and Saxonis with lang chace. ¶In this battall war slane Brennius Thane of y e Ile of Man, Dongarus the thrid sonne of Aydane with mony nobyllis and commonis on all sydis. kyng Ethelfred loist ane of his eyne. Brudeus was euyll woundit and mony of his nobyllis slane in his defence.
☞¶Hovv Saxonis and Pychti [...] vvar dyscomfist in Northumberland be Scottis and Brytonis. Of the deith of sanct Co [...]me and sanct A [...]dane▪ Of the vengeance that come on the Saxonis for dingyng of sanct Austyne. & of syndry haly men. Ca. xvii.
[Page] EThelfred na thyng satifyit of yis victory of scottis and Britonis at Deglaston come the nixt symer with y e pichtis ī Galloway with purpos othir to bring y e same to vte [...] heirschip, or ellis bryng the samy [...] vnder thair dominion. Aidane weill aduertist of thair mynd send to the britonis to cum to his support, syne went with all power that he mycht get in Galloway. And fand at his cumyng the Pychtis & saxonis besy a [...] thair incursionis but array. And incontinent he set on thaym with array [...] battall, & mony of thaym slew and the remanent put to flicht. And in the nycht following he come to ye army of Britonis, and mengit baith the armyis togidder. Als sone as ye [...]ychtis and saxonis wer aduertist [...]hairof, thay set thaym with strang bus [...]hementis to keip all the entres and straitis of Annandale. Thus wes na way nor passage to ye army of Scottis and Britonis, bot onlie to pas throw the dangerus riuer & sink and sandis of Sulloway. The Britonis and Scottis seand thaym inclusit yus on al sidis, parkit yame haistelie amang the strenthis of the cuntre, as thay wer in the samyn to remane. Syne rasit yair army with in the nycht quhen yair fayis suspec kit na thīg les thā yair remouing▪ & com ouir Sulloway y e maist ꝓperāt way thay mycht in Northumbirlād. And left behynd yame ane huge fyre birnand al nycht, that yair ennymes suld haue na presumptioun of thair departing. And at thair cumyng in Northumberland, thay inuadit the pepill thairof with maist cruelte of fyre & swerd. The saxonis and Pichtis knawyng thair pepill in Northū berland opprest be this violence, left galloway. And with huge pyne co [...] in thair ennymes sycht. On the morow baith y e armyis rageād in m [...]ist hatrent aganis othir Iunyt togi [...]. The saxonis with sic incredible furye ruschit in battall aganis the scottis but ony sycht to deith, that mony of thaim wer doung be dynt of swerdis to the ground. Ȝit becaus fr [...]ch men come in all placis (quhair thay wer slopit) the victorie wes l [...]ng vncertane, and the chance of fortoun newtrale. Quhil at last Aidane with othir his vailȝeant capitanis began to rais his folkis in hope of victorie and spretit yame with sic curage, yat thay be perseuerand fechting put ye saxonis & pichtis to flicht▪ and maid mair slauchter on thaym be cha [...]e▪ than wes in the first battall. In the nycht afore this battall sanct Colme wes in the abbay of Colmekill, and schew to y e brethir thairof y e king Aidane wes to fecht on y e morow, & cō mendit hym and his army to thair prayaris, and na dout is bot ye prayer of yis haly man wes richt supportable to kyng Aidane. For in the samyn houre (that victore fell to Scottis) he reuelit it to his brethir in the said abbay, and gart thaym gyf the louyng thairof to god. Eftir yis victorie the kyng be sound of trumpat gaderit his folkis to the standart. And eftir gret apprisyng of thair manheid, He gaue ye tent part of ye spulȝe gottin in this feild to repare the kirkis of Scotland▪ and send ye banaris of saxonis and Pychtis to san [...]t Colme to remane in his abbay of Colmekill. In memorie of this excellent victorie. In this battall wes slane Cenlyne king of west saxonis with Culyne & Qu [...]itelyne his principall capitanis. Schort tyme followyng sanet Colme brokin with [Page Cxxiii] lang infirmite deceissit. And wes buryit in y e said abbay. Howbeit otherꝭ auctouris schawis hym buryit in ane town of Ireland namit Dune. Quhare he is haldin in gret veneration and on his sepulture ar grauin thir versis.
KYng Aidane leuyt schort tyme behynd sanct Colme. And deceissit the .xxvii. ȝeir of his regne. In the tyme of Mawricius emprioure. Fra the incarnation .vi.C.vi. ȝerꝭ. About thꝭ tyme wes institute be sanct Gregoure y e procession callit Latania maior on sanct Markis day to implore the mercy of god aganis ane terrible pest, quhilk rais in Rome be inundatioun of Tibir. This Gregour send in Inglād twa haly men namyt Austyne & Millite to bring the saxonis to cristin faith. For ye saxonis bure sic hatrent aganis the Britonis & Inglismen, that thay wald heir na doctryne nor precheing of yame. And yairfore it wes necessar that thir two haly men suld cum in Ingland to instruk the saxonis in y e Cristin faith. Finalie quhen this haly man sāct Austyne wes precheand to ye saxonis in Myglinton, thay wer nocht onlie rebellād to his precheing, bot in his contemptioun thay sewit fische talis on his abi [...]ement. Otheris alliegis thay dang hym with skait rumpillis. Nochtheles this derisioun succedit to thair gret displesoure. For god tuke on thaym sic vengeance, that thay and thair posterite had lang talis mony ȝeris eftir. In memorie heirof ye barnis that ar ȝit borne in Myglintoun hes the samyn deformite. Bot ye we men hauād experience thairof, Fleis out of this toun in the tyme of thair birth. And eschapis yis malediction be y e way. Nochtheles thir haly men perseuerit with sic feruent precheing that mony of all the saxonis ressauit the sacramēt of baptyme. Ethelfred kyng of Northumbirland heirand sa gret noumer of saxonis conuerti [...] to the cristin faith, become rycht sorowfull. And votit hym to be thair perpetuall ennyme. At yis tyme wes in Scotland thre haly men of oure natioun. Baldreid, Dunstane, and Connall. The first wes ane excellēt doctour, and deceissit in y e Basse ane strang castall within the see. The parochinaris of Auldham, Tynnyngham and Prestoun contendit, quhilk of thaym thre suld haue his body to decore thair kirk. Finalie thay wer cōtent to superseid yair debait, quhil the nixt morow to be consultit be the bischop. On the morow thay fand be mirakill of god, thre be [...]s with thre bodyis na thyng discrepāt fra otheris in quantite, coullour nor arrayment. Than be cōmand of the bischop ilk parochin tuke ane of yir bodyis to thair kirk. And sa the body of this haly man lyis be mirakill in all the thre kirkis. The secound Dunstane wes eme to king Aidane. Bot he contempnyt the warlde and wes ane religious man. The thrid Connall wes the discipill of sanct Mungo. And is buryit in Inchynnane nocht far fra Glasqw. Quhair he is haldyn in gret veneratioun of pepill.
☞ Of kyng Kenneth. Of Eugenius the fourt. Hovv the kyng of Britonis vvas doung out of his realme be saxonis. and recouerit the samyn. Hovv Ethelfred kyng of Northumberland vvas slane▪ of sindri haly mē. ca. xviii.
ANe cōuention wes maid in Argyle eftir deith of king Aidane In the quhilk Kennethkeir son to Cōwallus afore rehersyt wes mayde kyng. And deceissit ye fourt moneth eftir his coronation. Eftir his deith Eugenius the fourt of that name & sonne to Aidane wes maid kyng. It is said that sanct Colme schew afore his deith to kyng Aidane, that how [...]it he had mony othir sonnis elder than Eugenius, ȝit nane of thaym suld reiose the crown of Scotland bot onlie Eugeniꝰ. Quhilk wes prouin weill eftir. For ye residew of his sonnis wer slane be sindry chancis of battal. Eugeniꝰ wes sa institute in his ȝouth be doctryne of sanct Colme, that he wes geuin erar to defend his awin thā to inuaid otheris. he wes ane Iust & vertuus prince to his trew subdittis. And ryche displesant to misdoaris. He cōmandit all Idill pepil as Iuglaris, menstralis bardis, & scaffaris, othir to pas out of the realme, or ellis to fynd sum craft to wyn yair leiffyng. He punist thift with na les cruelte than reif or slauchter. He maid regorꝰ punition on his nobillis▪ quhen he fand yame oppressouris of his pure subdittis. Be contrar he tretit yame with gret reuerence and honouris, quhen he fand thaym virtewis. In the ten [...]t ȝeir of his regne, Cingell kyng of west saxonis, and Ethelfred kyng of Northūbirland come with ane gret army aganis Cadwallo kyng of hi [...] tonis. And chasit hym in Scotland. Nochtheles he abaid schort tyme [...] it bot past to Bartanȝe, quhare he gat sic support be the kyng thairof, that he returnyt in Walis. & nocht onlie recouerit his realme, bot slew gret noumer of saxonis. At yis tyme Reidwald kyng of eist saxonis and Ethelbreid kyng of south Saxonis com with gret armyis aganis Ethelfreid kyng of Northumbirland. For he put thaim afore to gret affliction for taikyng of the cristin faith. Thir armyis faucht togidd at Wintringham, quhair Ethelfreid wes slane with the maist part of all his pepill. His last wourdis wer yir, I de as I leuit protectour of religioun of goddis, and ennyme to cristin pepil. And with thir wourdis he randerit his vnhappy saule to pyne. Succedit in his place ane cristyn man namyt Edwyne. This Ethelfreid had .vii. sonnis namyt Eufreid, Oswald, Oslaws, Oswan, Offas, Osmond, and Osyk. Thir .vii. brethir detestand the treasoun of Pychtis (because thay come nocht in support of thair fadir) fled to Eugenius, quhair thay wer plesandlie ressauit. And tuke the cristyn faith. Thair sister Ebba eschewyng the pollutioun of hir body, gat ane bait be deuyne mirakill, and come but helpe of man to the heid of Humbir. Quhair scho wes professit, nun and deit ane haly virgyne. ¶Sic thyngis done kyng Eugenius reparit al y e kirkis of his realme. Quhilkꝭ wer afore distroyit be cruelte of Saxonis. And stuffi [...] the strenthis of his bordouris with strang munitionis, mē and vitallis. and deceissit the .xv. ȝeir of his regne [Page Cxxiiii] fra the incarnatioun .vi.C.xx. ȝeris. and was buryit in Colmekyll. At this tyme Bonifacius bischop come with ane cumpany of haly men out of Italy in the mouth of Tay. ¶Sum authouris sayis he was chosyn pape efter sanct Gregoure, and wylfully renunsit the paperie, and come to the Scottis. And yocht he be nocht nowmerit amang the legend of papis. Ȝit we fynd hym ane man of syngulare lyfe and doctrine. The place (quhare he landit first in Scotland) was ereckit be hym in ane kirk in honour of sanct Petir ye appostyll. Efter this he went to ane town namit Tullyne thre myle fra Dunde, Quhare he rasit ane othir kirk siclike in name of sanct Petir. He foundit the kirk of Restynneth, quhilk is now ane abbay of channownis regular. Efter this he went throw syndry partis of Scotland, quhare he precheit the euangellis. ¶At last he come in Ros quhare he perseuerit to the end of his lyfe, and was buryit in Rosmatkyn. And in this tyme was the haly man and bischop Sanct Melok ane gret precheour, and was buryit with sanct Boniface. ¶And in this tyme Gilliam and Columbane Scottis dyscending of the nobyll blude thairof, for thair syngulare and haly lyfe war haldyn in gret reuerence amang frā chemen. ¶This ylk tyme pape Boniface dedicat the temple of goddis callit Pantheon in the honoure of the blissit virgin Mary ye moder of god and of all sanctis.
☞¶Of the vicius tyrane kyng Ferquhart. and hovv he slevv hym self. and of the haly man Fiacre▪ Ca. xix.
EUgenius deceissit (as we haue schawin) had thre sonnis. Ferquhart▪ Fyacre, and Doneuald▪ Ye eldest Ferquhart was maid king. Thir thre sonnis of Eugenius was geuyn in yair ȝouth to y e haly man sanct Conane bischop of the Ile of Man. Ferquhart and Doneuald proffitit na thynge in y e said Ile, traisting letteris vnproffytabyll to thair estait, The thrid bruthir Fyacre was geuyn to contemplation, and tuk purpos to eschew y e cumpany of men with all warldly digniteis. And to make hym vnknawyn to the pepyll, he tuke ane pure habit and departit out of Scotland in France, quhare he leiffit ane solitar lyfe, and gat ane croft geuyn to hym be sanct Pharo bischop of Melden, and ane chapell ereckit to hym▪ quhare he leiffit the residew of his dayis. It is said all wemen that gangis in his chapell wyl be othir blind or wod. In the empire of Ferquhart throw lang peace rais gret deuision amang the nobyllis to the gret dammage of the realme. ¶This kyng was sa neclygent and sowpit in all maner of vice, yat he gaif na labour to meis the seditioun amang his nobyllis, traisting sa lang as trubyll and slauchter endurit amāg his nobyllis, na rebellyon suld rise aganis hym. Throw quhilk the realme was put to gret mischeif. And becaus all yis trubyl come throw necligence of yis vnhappy tyrane, he was hatit & reput maist abhominabyll to his pepyll, throw quhilk he come to sic infelicite, that he had nothir reuerence to god nor sicht to the cōmoun weil. ¶And as the vse of tyrannis is, he dred all men, and no man had hym [Page] in reuerence. The nobillis hauand gret displesour that the realme was mysgouernit be hym in this maner, conuenit amang thaym self, and reparit all iniuris but his aduyse. It was beleuit be the nobillis (becaus thay saw sa mony enormiteis ī hym) y t he suld fall in Pelagius herespis. Howbeit all othir Scottis kyngis afore hym war neuir attētit with sic thingꝭ. Thair suspition was y e mair vehement, that he was accumpani [...]t w t britonis of ye samyn errouris. At last he was aspyit makand derision that ȝoung children war brocht to ye font to haue baptisme, & yat ye pepil maid thair confession to preistis. Ye nobillis mouit with his detestabyll werkis, send ane herald to brīg hym to thair counsal to knaw gif sic thingis (as war deuulgat of hym) had [...]aith. And becaus thay fand hym rebelland to thair chargis, thay tuke hym be force out of y e castell (quhare he was) and put hym in pryson. And incontinent thay tuke consultatioun quhidder he suld be degradit or haldyn in perpetual pryson. Efter lang aduysement it was concludit to continew hym styl in prison, and to send ambassatouris in France to bryng Fyacre the secound son of Eugeniꝰ in scotland to ressaue y e crown thairof. And gif thay micht persuaid hym be na reason to the said effect, to desyre Clotarius king of France to interpone his auctorite to caus Fyacre to be send in Scotland to ressaue ye gouernance thairof. The ambassatouris (quhilkis war send to this effect) come finaly quhare this Fyacre was at his contemplatioun. Bot ȝit afore yair cumyng he was aduertist be ane visioun of thair desyris, and besoucht god to suffer hym nocht be frustrat of the heuynly plesour that he had in his solitar contemplation, god hard his prayer. And quhen yis ambassatourꝭ was brocht to his presēce, he apperit to yair sycht sa ful of lipper, that he was repute be thaym maist horribyll creature in erd. The ambassatourꝭ seing him at sic point, demandit hym cauldly, gif he couate to return ī Scotland, quhare he mycht be purgit of his malady be natyue fude, and schew thaym send be ye nobyllis of scotland to prouide hym in all necessaris to the samyn fyne. Fyacre (quhilk had na mair respect to honouris than to maist abhominabyll pestilēce) answerit. I beleue ȝe knaw how I haue tane me fra cū pany of the warld to ane solitar life, howbeit the sorrowful malady (that I suffer) be erar emendatioun of my lyfe induceing me to humillyte, than ony vyce of nature. My sufficience is with this pure sell and sobir herbis quhilkis I prepare with my hā dis, and standis sa content thairwith, that I desyre na warldly dignite. Thairfore returne hame, and bid my brothir and his noblis haue sycht to god religioun and Iustice, and arme yame with virtew, quhilk may be vincust be na irruption nor violence of ennymes. And vnderstand that I am brocht to sic estate be wyll of god, that ane priuate life is maist ganand for me. ¶Fyacre had ane syster namyt Syra. quhilk heirand of hir brutheris halynes. come to hym at Melden. be quhom [...] scho was professit Nun with mony othir virginis of the samyn mynd. and perseuerit in gud relygyoun and deuotioun to the end of thair lyfe. ☞¶The nobyllis of Scotland knawyng be thir ambassatouris the estate of Fyacre, chesit foure men to be gouernouris of ye realme [Page Cccv] quhill thay war mair profundly resoluid concernyng the gouernance yaitof. The samyn tyme Ferquhart vexit with malancoly and seiknes be his prisonyn [...] (that he suld nocht remane in pyne) slew hym self y [...] .xii. ȝei [...] of his regne. Fra ye incarnation vi.C.xxxii. ȝeris.
¶Of kyng Doneuald▪ and of the deith of Edvvyne kyng of Northumberland. Hovv Eufred and Osrik kyngis of Northumberland vvar punist for thair [...]ā ny done to cristin pepyl▪ and hovv king Osvvald conuertit the Saxonis to the faith of Crist. Ca. xx.
FErquhart ye tyrane slane (as said is) ane counsall was set in Argyle. In y e quhilk Doneuald the thrid sonne of Eugenius was maid kīg. This Doneuald following the gouernance of his fader reparit all placis, quhilkis wer dekeyit afore be neclygence of Ferquhart. ¶At this tyme Cadwallo kyng of Brytonis, and Penda kyng of south Saxonis war considerat togydder, and slew Edwyne kyng of Northumberland, and come with gret cruelte throw Mers and Berwyk and tuke syndry landis fra dominioun of Pychtis. The Pychtis hauand na power to resist thair c [...]uelteꝭ send to king Doneuald for support. And becaus thay ga [...] na support thay war opprest with importabyll iniuris▪ Kyng Doneuald he [...]ād the deith of Edwyne send to his considerat brothir Cadwallo kyng of Brytonis, praying hym to admyt Eufred the sonne of kyng Ethelfred to the crown of Northumberland, & quhen the samyn was grantit, Eufred left his remanent brethir in scotland, and was admittit to the half of the crown of Northumberland, and that othir half was geuyn to ane fals and vnhappy man namyt Osrik. Thir two kyngis of Northumberland war fynaly confyderat togidder be affinite. For Osrikis douchter was geuyn [...]o Eufred in mariage, and [...] y e catholik faith, and become maist odious tyrannis and persewaris of goddis seruantis fylland the cuntre full of fals errouris of gentilis. Throw quhylk syndry Pichtis fell in the said errouris. Quhill at last be correctioun of the bischoppis thay war recounsallit to the faith. Cadwallo kyng of Britonis rycht displesit that Eufred and Osrik (quhylkis war promouit be hym to the empyre of Northumberland) war fallyn in sic errouris, that thay desyrit erar to be heritikis, than cristin pepyll, send preistis to purge thaym of thair errouris. Bot thir preistis returnit euyll doung and na thyng sped of yair purpos. The c [...]istin princis of Albioun heirand this contemption send othir messingeris to thir two kyngis with scharp wrytyng than afore, bot thir preistis for the mair contemptioun war slane. The rage and cruelte of thir dispitfull tyrannis grew sa gret, that all cristin pepyll dwellyng besyde yame war martyrit, except sa mony as wer sauit be flycht. The pryncis of Albioun mouyt be thir cruelteis tuke purpos to punys thaym with maist rygoure. And to bryng the samyn to gud fyne, thay maid Cadwallo and Penda generall capitanis of thai [...] we [...]is, and gaderit ane gret multytude of Brytonis, Pychtis, and Saxonis hauand na thyng at mair hatrent than errouris of gentilis. [Page] Osrik and Eufred knawing the [...]ū myng of sa mony pryncis aganis yame rasit all pepyll vnder thair dominion, and faucht aganis the said princis of Britane. Nochtheles yair army was discomfist and thair self tane prisonerꝭ, and within few dayis efter thay slew thaym self be disperatioun. In this battall nane was found sa cruell aganis Osrik and Eufred as Oswald thair bruthir, & for that cause he was maid kyng of Northumberland. Kyng Oswald efter his coronatioun send to kyng Dowald desyryng certane precheouris to be send out of Scotland to conuert his pepyl to the faith. Kyng Dowald send at his request ane mā of na les grauite than erudition namit Cormane. And quhen this Cormane had prechit lang tyme amang the Northumbrianis, he was sa cu [...]ius in his Theology, that his sermon apperit mair for vane ostentatioun and pryde, than ony doctryne to the pepyll. And fynaly he returnit in Scotland, and schew to the prelatis thairof, yat the Northumbrianis war sa dull, that na doctryne mycht proffit thaym, and war nocht onely repugnant to his command, bot contempnit y e samyn, as contrar to yair lawis and constitutionis. The prelatis heirand thir wordis tuke syndry consultationis, quhat was best to bring thair pepyl out of thair arrouris. Sum men thocht expedient to send Cormane agane in Northumbirland with mony otheris doctouris, and to spare na lauboure for the weill of crystyn fayth and plesour of thair freind kyng Oswald. Traisting be continewall labour, y t y e Northumbrianis micht be bro [...] to the faith, Yocht sic thingis micht nocht be haistely done. Otheris said gif the Northumbrianis mycht [...]ny way haue bene recoūseld to y e faith, thay wald haue dene brocht be Cormane erar than ony othir, becaus he was richt resolute in deame letteris & was ane profound clerk. And sen his doctrine na thing aualit, it was not necessar to send ony othir doctouris to ye samyn effect. Than Aidane the haly bischop said in this maner. To bring men fra errouris, and to reduce yame to sicker faith, I thynk it expedient (wise faderis) to schaw sic thingis in ye begynnyng, as may persuaid yame in feruent luf of god. And quhen the precheour hes maid y e pepyl desyrus to heir his sermon, & tane yair beniuolence, to preche first the foundment of ye cristin faith but ony ostentation or arrogance, nocht inuoluyng the pepyl with sic difficil materi [...] as may not be apprehendit with yame. For as ye ingyne of men at nocht drawin haistely fra euyl accustome, siclik thay lerne all science & virtew be proces of tyme, & lernis the maist facil materis first. Be this way I traist thair science is ye mair imprentit in thair breist. Heirfore gif the reuerend byschop Cormane had obseruit this rite in ye begynnyng, & obstenit fra curious questyonis of our faith. I dout nocht bot the pepil suld haue bene obeydient to his commādemētis. Thairfore sen na thing is sat [...]fyit to the desyre of kyng Oswald. I thynk the samyn is cumyn na les in defalt of the doctoure, than the pepyll. For thir causis best is ȝit to send ane new pr [...]cheoure in Northumberland, that sal first in his precheing geif thaym mylk, & efter geif yame mair ferme [...]ude. Othir wayis thay wyl neuir be brocht to ye faith. The bischoppꝭ apprisit his coūsal, & w t ane mynd send hym self to do yis [Page Cxxvi] charge in Northumberland, and he refusit not ye charge, bot come with glaid their to king Oswald. At quhais cumyng sic confluence of pepil conuenit, that he was constranit to preche outwith ye kirkis throw multitude of pepyll that come to his prechyng. alwayis becaus this Aidane had nocht y e langage of Saxonis, he had gret impedimēt in his preching. Nochtheles kyng Oswald had the langage baith of scottis & saxonis, and interprete all his prechyng to ye pepyl. Throw quhilk thay war haldyn baith in gret veneration, and cō uertit .vii.M. Saxonis within few dayis to cristin faith. The Saxonis thā wer callit Inglismen. The Northūbrianis chesit Aydane to be yair bischop. & becaus thay saw ylk day thair deuotion incres, and gret now mer of preistis come in support of Aidane. thay biggit sindry kirkis in Northumbirland and dedicat yame in the honoure of god & the virgyne Mary. Throw quhilk the said regioun grew na les catholyk, than ony othir prouince of Ingland. At this tyme Penda king of Marchis tuke purpos to inuade kyng Oswald, & to conques his realme. Oswald to withstande his inuasioun assemblit ane large nowmer of pepyll, & was slane and his army discomfist. Oswald for his haly lyfe & myrakillis was eikit amāg y e nowmer of sāctis. His slauchter was in the .xii. ȝeir of the empire of Dowald, quhilk leuit nocht lang efter his deith. For in the xv. ȝeir of his regne, he perist ī Lochtay, quhare he hapnit to be at ane fisching with his seruantis for his solace. his body was found be creparis, and buryit in Colmekyll. Fra ye Incarnation .vi.C.xlv. ȝeris.
¶Of the vnhappy ꝓphete Machomete and his fals lavvis. Of sindry haly men. Of kyng Ferquhart and his extorsionis done aganis the pepyll, and of his miserabyll end. Ca. xxi.
ABout this tyme deceissit y e warijt creature Machomete, quhilk was in the tyme of kyng Ferquhart. he was got tyn be ane ydolatour, vncertane of Arraby or Persy. And his moder was ane catholyk woman of the Hismaelitis. ¶This Machomete was Instytute in his ȝouth baith in the hethyn and crystyn lawis. ¶And becaus he thocht nane of thaym accordyng to his plesoure, he maid ane fals and supersticius rite richt warijt to mankynd. Quhen he was cumyn to mā nis age, he conquest his leuyng on thift and pikary. And mariit ane wedow namit Cadigane. Be quhome he conquest gret riches, landis and possessionis. and come be syndry chā cis to sa gret estimatioun amang ye pepyll of Araby, that he maid lawis to gouern thaym in Iustice. He wes instruckit be ane cursit Monk namit Sergius, be quhom he colleckit his lawis fra institutionis of syndry pepyll. He ratifyis the sacrament of baptisme. And haldis Crist borne of ane clene virgyne. He commendis the psalmis and euangellis, and say is thay war mendit be his Alcorane.
This Alcorane was the maner of ane Bybyll gaderit be hym with mony fals Institutis and lawis. ¶He ratifyis the Circumcision as Iowis dois. He denyis the Trinite as the Sabellianis dois. He denyis that y e [Page] fader is coequale to the sonne as the ennomianis dois. He sayis the haly spreit is ane creature as the Macedonis dois. Schortly his lawis at all maid for the sensualite of man. Throw quhilk he drew syndry pepil to his opinion, This corruppit faith of Machomete is spred in Asia, Affrik, and mekyll of Europe. It begā fra ye incarnation .vi.C.xxxv. ȝeris. At this tyme war in France mony haly men as Fursius, Stoilanus, & Uulcanus brethir, gottin of y e blude rial of Scotland & Ireland. Amang ws war in that tyme Connane Columbane, Cromane and Domiane, with mony otherꝭ. This history tuiching sanct Colme, kyng Aidane, & s [...]nct Aidane with mony othir haly [...] afore rehersit, is colleckit be sāct [...] bot we wyl return to our history▪ Efter the deith of kyng Dowald, [...] brothir sonne Ferquhard sonne to kyng Ferquhard afore rehersit was maid king. He was ane man of hie ingyne. Bot efter his coronation he was alterit fra ane liberall & humane prince in maist insaciabyl and bludy tyrane. Quhē he was but auctoure▪ he was liberal aboue his power, and gaif his guddis to support madynnis to yair mariage, and had s [...]c cōmiseration on euery persone y t was deieckit fra gud fortoun ī powerce, that he conquest gret fauour of the pepyll, and was iugit thairfore to be ane nobyll prince. Als sone as he he was clothit with publik auctorite he become ane oppressour of the pepyl, full of auarice like ane bludy fleschour ennyme to religion, comparit iustly to ane insaciabyl pul [...], and clamit agane all the guddis) quhilkis he gaif afore his auctorite) to hꝭ nobillis, and said thay war bot lent. And fynaly he slew all thaym y e war repugnant to his wayis, or ellis confiscat thair guddis, and held thaym in prysone. He opprest all the riche men of his realme & confiscat thair guddis be vane causis. At this time war two haly men namit Finnane & Colmane haldin amang Scottis in gret veneration. Thir haly men herand the cruelte done be this bludy tyrane, come for ȝele of Iustice persuading hym to amend his life. At last finding him penitent na wayis, thay denuncit hym cursit. This vnhappy man tuke litill indignatioun thairof, and be assistance of vicious lymmaris (quhilkis war reddy to intertene hym in his insolence) he tuke plesoure thris ylk day to fars his wambe with all surfettis and delycius cheir y t micht be deuisit to make hym inebriat and drūkin with othir vices not worthy to be rehersit. His mouth was sa insaciabill, y t na foule in ye ayre, nor fische in the seyis had rest for his schamefull glotony. And ȝit na thing maid hym sa odius to ye pepill, as his rebellioun aganis the censuris of haly kirke. Amāg mony othir his enormiteis. he fukeit his two douchteris, and slew his wife, becaus scho detestit his vices. The pepill seing hym perseuere in sic horribill tyranny gaderit with deliuerit mynd to put hym to deith. Nochtheles thay war inhibit be sanct Colmane, quhilk schew be deuine prophecy (gif he amendit not haistely his life) he suld be punist be y e iustice of god, & that was weill prouin within ane moneth efter. For this king was hū tand ane wolf in the fellis, and quhē scho was sarit with ye hoūndis, scho ruschit on the king and bait hym in y e syde. Fynaly this kyng fell in ane maist vile and schameful maledy vncertane quhidder it come be bit of ye [Page Cxxvii] wolf or be ony othir occasioun. Ane vennomus humour eit & consumyt ye inwart membris of hꝭ body with intollerabill pyne. His lymmis feit & secreit membris with vile [...]eroure wer dissoluit. His wambe throw immoderat voracite wes swolin (as he had bene edroppit). And quhen he had continewit two ȝeris in this infirmite, as abhominabill to all creaturis, He become penitent. Saying had I bene obedient to the counsall of Colmane I had nocht bene deuorit with this horrible malady & etin with vile wormes be Iust punition of god. This vncouth and Importabill doloure schawis nowe mony gret offencis baith aganis god and man. Now I am destitute of all remeid without his mercy be ye more. Thir wormes y t ar bred in my flesch schawis me maist horrible & vnhappy creature. In the mene tyme ran to hym his seruandis, and inquirit gyf he desyrit ane preist to heir his confessioun. Than said he, Bring to me bischop Colmane. Als sone as this Colmane wes brocht to hym, he affoilȝeit him first of the cursyn, and eftir that he had hard his confession he ꝑsuadit him to be of gud curage, and to haue hop in god, quhais mercy wes mair yan ony syn y t he mycht do. For god said turne ȝow to me, & ȝe salve saif. Kyng Ferquhart rasit in hope be thir wourdis, fell on kneis askand mercy with pictuus teris, and ressauit the blissit body of Crist. Sone eftir he wes brocht out of the hous quhare he lay with vile claithꝭ to the nixt mote, Quhair he gaif the gaist the .xviii. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the incarnatioun .vi.C.lxiiii. ȝeris. And in this samyn ȝeir sanct Aidane bischop of Northūberland deceissit. In quhais place succedit Fynnane quhilk deceissit sone eftir in y e samyn maner. Eftir his deith succedit bischop Colmane, be quhais haly precheing gret multitude of Saxonis wer brocht to cristin faith. This Colmane past throw al y e kirkis amang the saxonis, precheing the wourd of god. And wes translatit to the Cathedrall kirk of Lyndefern.
¶Of kyng Maldvvine. & hovv he vvas slane be his vvife, and his vvife brint. Of gret mortalite be rage of pest in syndry pa [...]tis of the vvarld▪ & hovv ye scottis vvas preseruit fra ye samyn. Ca. xxii.
FErquhard deceissit in yis wyse, Maldwyne son of Dowald wes maid king. He wes ane deuote price & tuk peace with Pichtis & saxonis. He tuke sic deligence in administratioun of Iustice, that his pepil leuit but iniuris. Thus succedit al thyng plesandlie in the begynnyng of his empire. At last rais ane seditioun betuix the men of Leuenax & Argyle. and drew mony of y e nobillis in forttifying of thair debait. And becaus the Ilis rais with Argyle, and Galloway rais with the Leuenax, mony heirschippis followit on all sydis. Kyng Maldwyne to punis thir extorsionis come with ane army aganis the principall mouaris thairof. And ceissit nocht quhill thay be extreme rigour of Iustice wer punyst to the deith, Thus trubill (that wes so fulischelie begun) wes dantit so haistelie. That it maid the name of Maldwine sa feirful to his nobillis that na seditioun followit thair eftir duryng his empire. Nocht lang eftir the kyng went to Colmekil to vesy the sepulturis of his eldaris. And reparit the said abbay with new biggynnis fra the ground, and dedicat it in honour of god & sanct Colme. [Page] At this tyme rang ane terrible pest to the gret mortalite of the pepill in sindry partis of the warld. And ceissit nocht quhill y e pepil be continewall prayar fastyng and gud werkis peacyfyit ye wraith of god. The scottis in thir dayis knew na maner of hait feuer. And wer preseruit fra the samyn be tēperance of thair mouth. For this cruel pestilence rang neuir amang the Scottis, quhill thay left the hailsum temperance of yair eldaris and maid thaym self reddy, to re [...]aue al infirmiteis. Colman bischop of Lyndeferne seand ane huge multitude of saxonis peris in the pest returnit in the Ilis. Quair he biggit ane Abbay and dwelt in it with his brethir to the end of his lyfe. Eftir y e departyng of Colmane y e Northumbrianis be support of Pychtis maid [...]eitschippis on the Scottis. Kyng Maldwyne ceissit nocht quhill the samyn wer recompensit with siclike displesoure baith to Pychtis & saxonis. And for that cause he incurrit thair extreme hatrent. Followit be perseuerand malyce gret heitschippis and slauchter on all sydis. quhil at last kyng Maldwyne wes slane within the nycht be his wyfe for suspitioun of adultry in the .xx. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the incarnation .vi.c.xxxiiii. ȝeris. Yis cruelte wes not lāg vnpunist. For on y e nixt morow this vnhappy womā wes tane w t all hir cōplicis, & brynt cruelly to the deith.
Of Eugeniꝰ ye fift. & of ye message send to Edfred king of Northūberland. & of the peace takin thairefter. Hovv king Edfred vvas slane be Eugenius vvith xx.M. saxonis, & of the haly man sanct Cuthbert. Ca. xx [...]ii.
MAldwyn slane (as we haue writtin) his nepote Eugeniꝰ the fift wes maid kyng. He send his ambassatourꝭ to Edfreid kīg of Northūberland desirand peace. Edfreid heirād ye desiris of Eugeniꝰ fenȝeit him ane luffar of peace. Howbeit his mynd wes geuin to na thyng mair thā battal. Nochyeles he gaue trewꝭ for .xii. monethis to y e fyne, y t he mycht duryng y e season mak ꝓuision of al thingis necessar to his weris. Ye trewis wes geuin vnder thir cōditionis. The scottis sal repair al enormyteis done to saxonis & pichtꝭ, & redres to be maid on al sydis. gif scottis inuadit ye pichtis or saxonis in tymes cumyng, ye peace to be dissoluit & ye saxonis & Pychtis fre to inuaid the scottis. notwithstāding ony cōtract of peace. Maldwyne suspeckit the dissait of saxonis & maid gret ꝓuisiō for battal. Sine garnist al y e str [...]this of his bordouris with mē munition & vittallis aganis al dāgeir y t mycht fall. At the Ische of the tent moneth Edfreid send ane buschement of saxonis in ye scottis landis. And eftir y t thay had slane ane gret nowmer of scottis yai returnit with gret pray of mē & guddis in Northūbirland. sone eft ambassatouris wer send be Eugenius to Edfred desyring redres. Be quhō was answerit y t he wald īuade ye scottis with mair trubil thā afore but oni redres. Eugeniꝰ seād y e peace violat w t in ye trewis, besocht god y e punisar of wrāgꝭ to turne y e dāmage following be ye weris on yame that gaif y e first occasion of battal. Finalie heirand y t his ennymes wer to cū in galloway. He gaderit ane gret power to preuene yair cūing. Ȝit afore his cūing y e saxonis & pichtis wer liand at y e seige of Donskene ye strangest castel of Galloway ī yai dayis. Edfred be haisty cūing of scottꝭ wes cōstranit to leif ye seige & met yame at ye riuer of Lewis ī galloway. quhilk was y e tyme be inudation of [...]n [...] wis boldin aboue y e brayis. The scottis [Page Cxxviii] seand yair ennimes in sicht maid aithꝭ neuir to pas out of y e feild, quhil ane of yam war on lyue without thay had victory. [...] battallis iunit haistely with equale hatrēt. Edfred exhortit his men to remēbir yair anciant virtew, & to vincus yair ennymes only be violent force. siclik Eugeniꝰ ceissit not to pas about his folkis exhorting yam to schaw yair inuincibil curage, y • yai micht reiose y e palme of victory. quhill ye saxonis & scottꝭ war fechtād thꝰ in maist fury, y e pichtis fled to y e nixt mote, y e fleing of pichtis deieckit gretūly ye curage of saxonis, for yai dred y e yir pichtis suld cū on yair backꝭ. nochyeles kīg Edfred exhortit his folkis to ꝑseueir in ythand battal. & quhē he was spekand maist specialy, he rasit vp his visour to be ye mair feruēt ī speche, & īcōtinēt he was doūg throw y e heid be ane ganȝe quhare his face was bair & fel to ye groūd. Ye saxonis seand yair king slane gaif backis, on quhō followit ye scottꝭ w t lāg chace & draue yam to y e riuer of Lewis, quhare mony of yame perist & few of yame tane. In this battal wer slane x.M. saxonis with Edfred yair kīg. & of scottis .vi.M. y t residew of yair army was euyll woūdit. Ye saxonis of Northūberland was not only discōfist in this battal, bot als mony of al othir saxonis of Ingland, quhilkꝭ come to yair support. Brudeꝰ kīg of pichtis knawing hym self odiꝰ baith to scottꝭ & saxonis, & seand ilkane of yame brokin w t otheris weris come w t ane new army on y e northūbrianꝭ & had subdewit yam but ony recouir war not sāct Cuthbert of Durhame supportit yame be mirakil. Yis haly mā schew to Edfred afore yis battal y t he suld not fail euersion of his realm & subdittꝭ, gif he inuadit īnocēt pepil with wrangꝰ weris. Ye pichtis ceissit not fra īuasion of northūbrianis, quhil at last yai fell at cōtention amāg yame self for y e spulȝe fallin to yame be frequent heirschippis of ye said pepil. throw quhilk yai war brokin & finaly cōtent to haue y e lādis of Berwik peceably in tymes cumyng but inuasion of northūbrianis. King Eugenius efter yis victory returnit hame. And fra thens ye saxonis began ilk day to decline in Northūberlād, & mycht not recouer yair honouris mony ȝerꝭ eft. Eugeniꝰ leiffit not lang eft yis victory & deceissit y e ferd ȝeir of his regne. fra the incarnation vi.C.lxxxviii. ȝeris.
¶Of gret trubyll done be sarazenis to cristin pepyl. of king Eugeniꝰ ye .vi. and his actis. of vncouth meruellis sene in Albion. Ca. xxiiii.
AT yis tyme arriuit ane huge nowmer of sarazenis out of egipt in sicil & affrik, to y e gret dāmage of cristin pepil. Eft deith of Eugeniꝰ ye .v. Eugeniꝰ ye .vi. & son to Ferquhart was maid king. He was sa weill institute in his ȝouth be the reuerend bischop namit Adānane, y t he held religion ī gret reuerēce, he held peace w t ye northūbrianis▪ bot ȝit nathing micht ꝑsuade hym to be cōfiderat with pichtꝭ. for he bure yame ī extreme hatrēt, becaus yai faucht treasonably aganis y e scottis afore ī support of saxonꝭ, & kepit not yair faith to y e northūbrianis. nochyeles he tuk trewis w t yame for ane ȝeir. Als sone as y e trewis war out rūning he send ane herald & denūcit weir to yame. Ye haly bischoppis sāct Cuthbert & sanct Adānane went (as ambassatouris) to draw yir two pepil to cōcord. & becaus yair labourꝭ war frustrat, ya [...] went to yair prayeris, beseking god to sēd cōcord to y e .ii. pepil. It is said yir haly mē gat grāt at god (to quhō al empire & thocht of mā ar subieckit [Page] baith ī peace & weir) y e scottis & pichtis sal not meit aganis othir w t hail power of yair realmes, sa lāg as Eugeniꝰ leiffit. Yus continewit y e witis betuix scottis & pichtis but ony gret dāmage of baith thair realmes to ye end of Eugeniꝰ life, quhilk wes in y e x. ȝeir of his regne. Fra y e incarnatiō vi.C.lxxxxviii. ȝeris. His body wes buryit in Colmekil. Mony vncouth meruellis wer sene this tyme in Albion. Ane flote of schippis wes sene with all maner of ordinance in the riuer of Hūbir. And suddanlie euanist out of sicht, gret noyis of armor and wappynnis wes herd in y e kirk of Camelon. In the last boundis of scotland wes ane schoure of blude. In sindry landis of pychtis ye mylk turnyt in blude. & the cheis siclik ī lū pis of blud, The corne wes bludy in [...]eruest. Yir meruellis (quhē yai war diuulgat) maid the pepyl affrayit.
☞Of ye vicius tyrane Amberkeleth and of his deith. Of kyng Eugenius the vii. Hovv the scottis & pichtis vvar recounsalit togidder be affinite▪ & of the slauchter of Eugeniꝰ vvyfe. Of .vii. haly virginis dotat be ye kyng of Pichtis in Ab [...]rnethy. Ca. xxv.
EFter y e deith of Eugeniꝰ y e .vi. Amberkeleth son or ellis nepote to Eugeniꝰ y e first was maid king. This king alterit his manerꝭ fra he gat auctorite. Afore his electioun he semit to be defēdour of y e pure pepyl & kirkmen. Nochtheles fra he was clothit with auctorite, he apperit ane vicius monstour drownit ī lust, auarice, & effeminat lyfe. Garnardꝰ kīg of pichtis seand this schameful monstoure vse na thyng semand to ane prince, tuke occasioun to inuade the Scottis, traisting to fynd sufficient tyme to reuenge the iniuris done to Pichtis and maid gret heirschippis and slauchter on y e Scottis landis. Amberkeleth (that his febyll curage sall nocht moue ennymes to hye attemptatis) assemblit his army to resist the Pichti [...] [...] [...]cht he durst skarsly confide in his noblis (as the vse of tyranny is) quhilkis leuis ay vnder feir & dreid. Ȝit he went forth wart with displayit baner. He come the first nycht to the watter of Tay. And efter supper past furth in y e glomyng to do his eis with two seruandis. And in the mene tyme he was schot throw the heid with ane arrow be quhom it was vncertane. And deceissit the secound ȝeir of his regne. And burijt in Colmekyll. The nobillis lytyl cōmouit of his deith (y t thair army suld nocht peris for falt of ane heid) maid Eugenius the .vii. of that name, kyng. This Eugenius was bruthir to Amberkeleth ane man of gret body & gud conditionis. And becaus he vnderstude hꝭ army brokin be lang weris, he tuk peace with his nichtbouris the pichtis, & causit redres to be maid on aithir syde. And in the mene tyme y e two kyngis war confiderat be affinite. For Spontana douchter of Garnard kyng of pichtis was geuin in mariage to king Eugenius. In y e ȝeir following two brethir of Athole (quhilkis wer conspirit in y e kyngis deith for slauchter of thair fader) slew this lady gret w t child ī sted of Eugeniꝰ, for scho was lyand in his bed quhen he happenit to be away. Eugeniꝰ be murmour of the pepyll was lang tyme suspeckit of hir deith & was constranit thairfore to schaw y e pietuis maner of hir slaucht. The murdresarꝭ at last war takin & put cruelli to deith. Eugeniꝰ gaif hym to religius & ciuyl materꝭ. & causit al y e mercial dedis of his ācecessouris to be put in cronykillis to rais the knichtly curage of his posterite ī desire of honouris & laude. He [Page Cxxix] causit thir cronikillis to be keipit ꝑpetually in the abbay of Colmekyll. & expert hystoricianis to be sustenit thair on the cōmon purs, not only to writ the dedis of scottis, bot of all othir pepill as y e chance & tyme occurrit. This Eugenius reparit syndry kirkis of his realme, and did gret reuerence to the byschoppis & prelatis thairof, & e [...]kit yair patrimony with syndry possessionis, landis and rentis. He perseuerit in gud peace with Pichtis and Saxonis. and deceissit the .xviii. ȝeir of his regne. fra the incarnatioun .vii.C.xvi. ȝeris. In his tyme was Doneuald the haly man (quhilk leuit ane sobir lyfe at Ogylny sex mylis fra Dunde) haldyn amang Pichtis in gret veneratioun. It is said y t he had .vii. douchteris, quhilk leuit w t hym in gret pēnance on beir breid & wattir. Thay eit neuir bot anis on ye day. & the residew thairof occup [...]it ī continewal labour & orison. His eldest douchter Maȝot maid inhibitation to the wyld geis, to eit hir faderis corne, & thay obeyit hir haly monitionis, & yairfore wyld geis was neuir sene eft on y e groūd. Thir haly virginis efter deceis of thair fader, knawyng na securite to leif in desertis but sum defendouris of thair chastite, come to Garnard kyng of Pichtis desyring sum place (quhare thay mycht leif ane solitar lyfe) in the honour of god. Garnard cōdiscendit to yair desyrꝭ, & gaif yam ane hous in Abernethy with certane rentis to be takin vp of y e nixt lādis, to thair sustentation, quhare yai leif fit ane deuote lyfe & war burijt at ye rute of ane ayk, quhilk is haldin ȝit in gret veneration amang the pepil. Abernethy ī y e tyme was ane ciete of pichtis decorit with y e first seit of bischoppis of thair realme. Bot it was efter sa distroyit & brint be weris of scottis, y t it come neuir agane to the first stait. Thir virginis war not in tyme of Conrānꝰ w t sanct Brigitta (as ye cōmonis haldis) bot in y e tyme of Eugenius y e .vii. for he perseuerit in gud peace with Garnard & visyit oftymes yir vginis w t his liberalite & guddis & resignit y e crown to Mordak, of quhō salbe our nyxt history.
¶Of king Mordak & his vverki [...] & of his deith. of .iiii. sindry pepil in Albion. of the gret mirakill [...]s of sanct Niniane. and of sanct Bede. Ca. xxvi.
THe noblis efter y e deith of Eugeniꝰ chesit Mordak son of Amberkeleth to be kīg. He was ane humyll & liberal prince. He tuk gret labouris to caus al the pepyl y t was in Albion to leif togidder in amite & concord. He maid peace betuix y e Pichtis Britonis & remanent kyngis of Ingland. In this tyme (as sanct Bede remembris) foure syndry pepil war in Albion cōfiderat togidder in peace, richt different in thair manerris, langage, and institutionis▪ that is to say y e britonis, scottis, pichtis, & saxonis, quhilkis war callit Inglismen. And becaus y e wordis of Bede ar corespōdent to this history I haue inserit yame heir as followis. Ye nation of Pichtis was confiderat with the Saxonis that tyme reiosyng to be ꝑticipāt with y e vniuersal kirk in peace & catholik verite. The scottis (quhilkꝭ īhabit britane) wer sa cōtēt w t yair awin boūdꝭ, y t yai wrocht na iniuris nor slichtis cōtrar saxonis, & suppos y e maist part of britonis had ane natural hatrēt aganꝭ Inglismē for sindry suꝑstitionis, Ȝit be repugnance of y e law of god & mā, yai mycht not optene yair purpos nor desyrꝭ, for yocht y e britonis be sūꝑt fre. ȝit yai ar thirllit sū part be Inglismen, & thairfore mony of yame, baith noblis and commonis be insolence and [Page] felicite of lang peace ar mair geuyn to contemplation of bukis and religion, than to ony cheualry or dedis of armis, & quhat end sall cū thairof sall appere sone to oure posterite. Yir ar y e last wordis of y e history writtin be sanct Bede. fra y e incarnation vii.C.xxxi. ȝeris. bot we wil return to our history. Kīg Mordak reparit mony abbayis & kirkis ī his realm, quhilkis war distroyit afore be y e weris of his eldaris. he foundit y e abbay of quhittern, quhare the blissit byschop sāct Ninian kithꝭ daily ma miraklis thā euir was sene of ony othir sāct ī Albion. king mordak deceissit y e .xvi. ȝeir of his regne▪ fra the incarnation vii.C.xxxi. ȝerꝭ. sāct bede callis quhit [...]ern Pythynnia & callis y e bischop y t succedit īmediatly eft sanct Nimane [...]ta, bot ȝit it is necessar to say, gyf ony bischop had yair seit ī quhit [...]ern yai ȝeid sone out of y e vse yairof, for y e Ilis obeyit to the bischop of Galloway and Sodoren quhilk had his principale seit in y e Ile of Man vnto y e tyme of king Malcolme y e .iii. And ī his tyme y e abbay of quhittern was not first institute, bot restorit to y e bischoppis of galloway. Sāct bede deceissit sone eft y e cōpleting of y e history of britonis, & was buriit at Durhame▪ fra ou [...] redēption .vii.c.xxxiiii ȝeris. Ane cōtenion is ȝit betuix the Italianis & Albianis cōcerning the place quhare sanct Bede was borne. Ye Italianis sayis he was borne in Ianis & buriit in the samyn, & his sepulture is yair ȝit ī gret veneration, in quhat sumeuir place he deceissit or was gottin, Treuth is he maid lang residence (quhē he grew in age) in Northumberland, & vsit oftymes in Melros, quhilk is ane abbay of gud religious men in scotland, & deceissit in ye tyme of king Ethfyne of quhom sall be our nixt hystory.
¶Of king Ethfyne, and hovv he maid foure regentis to gouern his realme, of gret cruelteis done be Donald of the Ilis▪ and of the deith of kyng Ethfyne. Ca. xxvii.
MOrdak buriit in Colmekyll, ane conuention was maid be the noblis, & Ethfyne son to Eugeniꝰ the vii. maid king. This Ethfyne was ane man geuyn to Iustice & peace, & kepit the band maid afore with Britonis Inglismen & Pichtis be Mordak & Eugeniꝰ▪ he purgit his realm of al misdoarꝭ & set his labour baith to ye defence of his liegis & honoure of religion. Thus grew ye scottis in riches & honest maneris. All theuis, reiffaris, & sawaris of displesour amāg ye noblis & cōmonis put down & punist be his Iustice. & fynaly he was ha [...]din ī sic reuerence & dredour for his virtew, y t na mā durst nor mycht say of reason ony displesand wordis of hym. Quhil at last he fel ī age y e gaif ye administratioun of his realm to .iiii. regentis be decret of coū sal, quhais names war Donald thesaurer of Argyle. Collane Thane of Athole. Mordak Thane of Galloway & Conraith thane of Murray. Yir regentꝭ gidit not ye realm w t sic iustice as it was gidit afor be y e kīg. For ilkane of yam labourit sa besal [...] for yair freindis y t yai had na respect to Iustice. Throw quhilk ye noblis & othir ȝoung men returnit to thair ald insolence to the gret dāmage of polecy and cōmon weill of thair realme. Donald of ye Ilis ane man of strang body with ingyne na thyng set to virtew, held ane cūpany of vagabūd lymmaris with hym. & maid ythād reiffis and heirschippis on ye cuntre but ony punition. And yocht Mordak was ane of the foure regentis chosyn to gouern the realme. [Page Cxxx] Ȝit he wald not punis yir cruelteis done be donald. vncertan quhidd he was iunit to hym in blude or participant with hym in the proffet of his reiffis. The cōmonis brocht to Uter heirschippis and powerte complenit to Mordak in maist lamētable wise. And desyrit restitution of thair guddis. And becaus the kyng was that tyme in extreme malady, nane was to put remeid to thair displesouris. The commonis opprest with thir sorowis & seand na remeid rasit thair handis to the heuyn, and complenit thair miserijs amang yame self. Bot ay the mair thay complenit, the mair cruelte followit be this Donald. Apperit thus na esperance of tranquillite, quhill at last kyng Ethfyne deceissit the .xxx. ȝeir of his regne, and was burijt in Colmekyll the ȝeir of god .vii.C.lxii. ȝeris.
¶Of kyng Eugenius the ·viii. and hovv he vvas slane for his tyranny. and his euyll counsalouris hyngit on Iebatis. Ca. xxviii.
EFter y e deith of Ethfyne, Eugenius ye .viii. son to Mordak was maid kīg. In y e beginnyng he semit y e mair plesand y t he ceissit not quhill thꝭ Donald & his complicis war punist to the deith in presence of the pepyll for thair demeritis. And ȝit the kyng was nocht full sithit with his Iustice, bot with mair rigoure punist Mordak to the deith, becaus he was alliat to y e sayd Donald & participant with hym in his treason. Sic thingis done, kyng Eugeniꝰ accusit y e remanēt regētis Dowald Collan & Cōraith. & becaus thay mycht haue sauit y e pepil fra trubil done to yame & was found necligent thairintyl during y e kingis infirmite. Thay payit gret sowmis to y e kingis proffet ī redemption of thair lyuis. Throw yir punitionis ye realme was pecifiit in al ꝑtis, & the king had in sic dredour to his pepyll, y t na rebellion apperit to rise amang y e cōmonis during his tyme. The pepil beleuit to haue got tyn ane gud prince, quhen this Eugenius began to regne aboue yame, bot as oft occurris ye ingyne of mā is mair procliue & reddy to euyl werkis thā to gud. Thꝭ Eugeniꝰ hauād his empire vnder lāg peace & sleuth fel in maist schamful vices rageād ī mair lust than semit to ony man. He was ane fulȝear of virginis & nobill matronis deliting in na thing mair thā in bordellis & tauernis▪ he luffit nane bot yame only y e couth bring hī moniest cōcubinis to nurꝭ him ī new lu [...]t & plesour. throw quhilk he īcressit ylk day in mair vice, & become sa auariciꝰ, y t he regardit nothir y e law of god nor mā & slew sindry trew mē of hꝭ realm baith spiritual & tēporal be vane causis to cōques yair lādis & riches to sustene ane cūpany of vicius līmaris about hym. bot his cruelte & viciꝰ dedis war not lāg vnpunist, for ye noblis seād y t he micht not be refrenit fra sic enormiteis & schā full werkis, & seand y t he had nothir ye censouris of haly kirk nor god in reuerēce, cōspirit haistely aganis hī. & slew hym in ye tolbuth, quhare he was ꝑsewād ane trew mā to y e deith for his awin geir. Sine tuk his familiaris quhilk assistit to his vnhappy dedis, & hingit yam on Iebatis to ye gret plesour of y e pepill. This end maid Eugeniꝰ ye .viii. ye thrid ȝeir of his regne. His body was ordanit to be cassin ī ane closet, or ellis be deuorit with hundis & rauēnous beistis. nochtheles (y e sic thingis suld not succeid to na les scham of his ātecessorꝭ thā posterite) his bodi be licēce of his noblis wes brocht to colmekil, & buriit amang y e sepulturꝭ of othir kīgꝭ.
¶Of the vicius kyng Fergus the thrid. and hovv he vvas slane be his vvife. Of hir orison maid to the counsal. & hovv scho slevv hir self. Ca. xxix.
FErgus the thrid of yat name and son to kyng Ethfyne was maid king efter deith of Eugenius the viii. and was nocht far discrepant fra maneris of Eugenius ye .viii. for he become ane drunkin glotoun with sic effeminar lustꝭ, that he necleckit the administration of his realme, and tuke plesoure of nane bot of s [...]udlaris, insaciabyl drū kettis, and sic vicius and detestabyl personis. He was hatit with all virtius pepyll, and had ane grete nowmer of huris followyng on hym, & held thaym in sic familiarite with hym that he lichtlijt and contempnit his awin wyfe, and brocht hir to sic penurite that scho was constranit to serue othir nobyl wemē for hir sustē tation. This woman impacient to suff [...]r sic iniuris come syndry tymes to the kyng & prayit hym to amend his life, gif he desyrit to haue lang empire and schew (gif he continewit in adultre) he sall nocht eschew deuyne punitioun quhen he leist wenit. The kyng na thyng regardyng hir wordis ceissit nocht ylk day to rage in mair insolence. At last the quene s [...]and hir self defraudit of the det of matrimony, thocht bettir was to hir to be wedow, than to leif in dayly cō temptioun amang thir concubinis. And fynaly scho slew the kyng sleipand in his bed, the thrid ȝeir of his regne. His body was brocht on the morrow in the counsall hous to serche be diligent inquisitioun, quha durst attempt sa gret cruelte. Mony of the kyngis freindis and seruy [...]ouris comperit in Iug [...]ment with sorowful chere, desyring the werkaris of thꝭ cruelte to be serchit with maist diligence. And becaus na man had suspition of the quene to persew hir husband with ony displesoure. Mony of y e kyngis familiaris wer tane, and be scharp questionis demandit and syndry punist with importabyll tormentis. The quene heirand thir innocent men punist for the crime y t scho committit, come haistely to the counsall and said in this wyse. ¶I knaw nocht (my tender pepyl) quhat conscience me accusis, nor quhat deuyne vengeance esfrayis me with syndry thochtis. For al this day and nicht bygane my mynd and body is aflocht, specially sen I hard thir innocent men sa cruelly tormentit. For gif my Ira had nocht bene mesit be sum temperance, I had wrocht my self maist schameful displesoure. the kyngis slauchter is my deid. conscience ꝑsuadis me for heil of my saule to schaw the verite, that thir innocēt men be nocht punist for the cryme y t I cōmittit. Understand thairfore, y t thir men that ȝe accuse ar innocent of his deith. for I am scho that slew kyng Fergus with my cursit handꝭ this las [...] nycht be impacience of Ire & lust quhilkis ar two maist sorrowful broddis amang wemē. For he defraudit me of my lawfull bed vsyng his īmoderat lust with othir wemē, thus quhen na esperance nor ȝit persuasionis apperit to recounsall hym to my desyris, Sic huge and bryme fury rais in me, quhil I was tyistit to do this cruelte, thynkād mair plesand to remoue occasion of adultry & to be destitute of my husband than to leif perpetually defraudit of his bed, & iniurit be thir spous brekaris. [Page Cxxxi] assoilȝe heirfore thir men that ȝe accuse of his deith, and to punys me quhilk is ye onlie werker of yis murdir salbe na gret laubour. I yat did this fellony sal tak punition on my self. Skarslie wer thir wourdis said quhen scho in presence of the pepill or thay mycht aduert dang hir self with ane dager to the hert, and fell doun deid afore the pepill. Mony of the peppil had gret wonder of hir cō stance, & louit hir conscience, becaus scho reuelit y e hyd treason to delyuer y e innocent men fra yair deith, & slew hir self to preuene ye schame & displesoure y t wes apperand to hir. Otheris thocht nane of hir doingis apprisable, bot repugnāt to y e law of god and nature. Saying it wes nocht leifful to ony ꝑsō to reueil yair awin nor ȝit othir mennis treasoun. And maist detestable of all innaturally to sla thaym self. Quhill the pepill wes at this disputatioun the body of Fergus wes cōmandit be the nobillis to be brocht to Colmkill. Quhair it wes buryit. Fra the incarnatioun .vii.C.lxvii. ȝeris. The body of the quene (becaus scho slew hir self) wes inhibit to lye in cristin beriis.
¶Of kyng Soluathius & hovv he dan [...]t svndry gret lymmaris of his realme. of his deith and of mony haly men. Ca. xxx.
FErgus buriit on yis wyse, Soluathius sonne of Eugenius y e .viii. wes maid kīg ane noble prince and abill tyll haue done mony nobill actis in his realme, gyf the weirdis had bene propiciant. In the thrid ȝeir of his regne, He tuk ye gout throw vehement cald that he consauit afore in his hunting. This infirmyte fel so sare in his iuncturis and lethis of his body, yat he mycht nocht do the chargis pertenand to ane gud king. For it cōtine wit with hym to the end of his lyfe. And becaus the kyng wes vexit with sic infirmite, mony gret trubillis followit in the realme. The first trubill rais be Banꝰ capitane of y e Ile of Tyre. For he gaderit ane cumpany of lymmaris. And tuke all the strenthis of the Ilis & callit hym self kyng. And nocht lang efter he come with mony lang faddis in Kyntyre & Lorne, and maid heirschippis and slauchter in al partis quhare he come. The king commouit at thir attemptatis, send Douchquhall capitane of Athole, & Culane capitane of Argile with certane chosin men in the Ilis. And yat with small impediment put this Banus and his cumpany to flicht. And draue thaym be lang chace in ane strait coif of Lorne within ane crag aboue ane riuer deip but ony furdꝭ. This coif had na out passage. Thꝰ behunit thir men y t fled to the coif returne the samyn gait thay come. Banus with his cumpany dreuin in this coue be aduenture maid hym to returne (as he come) bot he fand the gait closit with his ennymes. Nocht yeles he socht mony ways to eschew and quhen he had passit the day in sindry opinionis, & finding na thing proffitable. He arrayit ane wache within the nycht for defence of his cumpany. Finalie he wes dreuin to sic penurite, becaus he had na vittallis to sustene hym y t he send messengeris, desyring licence to depart in the Ilis, his lyfe saif. At last seand nocht ellis bot repuls of his desyris, he arrayit his folkis and come aganis Douchquhall and Culane in ye brekyng of day and wes slane with all his cumpany to be ane notable [Page] exempill in tymes cumyng. Quhat frute followis of rebellioun aganis yair prince. Eft yis victorie Douchquhall and Culane went in ye Ilis. and pecifyit the cuntre of all tru [...]yll as thay plesit. Nocht lang efter rais ane newe trubyll in Galloway be Gyllequham son of Donald, quhilk was iustifyit (as we schew) be Eugenius the .viii. Nochtheles this trubyll was pecifyit with smal labour, fra the heiddismen (be quhom y e first occasioun rais) war punist. At this tyme rais gret seditioun betuix the Saxonis in Ingland and the Bry [...]onis in Walis. For multitude of kyngis, syndry lawis. Lang peace & riches generit discord, and the Pich [...]is war not but cyuyl debait amang thaym self. Thus was sa gret sedition amang the Albianis, that thay micht not inuade thair nichtbouris. Kyng Soluathiꝰ duryng this tyme had his realme in gud tranquillite be prudent industry of his nobyllis. and all boundis thairof weill obeysant to his empyre. w t na les Iustice than he had passit in proper persoun throw his realme. And deceissit the xx. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the incarnatioun .viii.C.lxxxvii. ȝeris. In thir days war mony clerkis of singulare eruditioun and lyfe. As Macharius bischop of Abirdene to quhom [...] the cathedrall kirk is dedicat. Diuinicꝰ archedene, Congane and Dunstane abbotis. Thir and mony othir thair disciplis war precheouris and lanternis of haly kirk. Sum authouris writis thir haly men war in othir kyngis days. Bot we vary na thing fra out first purpos, following Ueremond and Campbell, baith in the history and the dai [...] as we promittit, And sa endis heir the .ix. buke of thir croniklis.
Heir begynnis the Tent Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
¶Of kyng Achaiꝰ & hovv he agreit his nobillis of all contentionis. Of his message send to the princis of Ireland, and of thair ansvver. Hovv mony Ireland men perist in the seyis. Hovv the Scottis and Ireland men vvar aggreit. Ca. i.
SOluathiꝰ beand deceissit on this wyse▪ Achaius son of Ethfyne was maid kīg. This prince in y e begynnyng of his empyre set hym to meis all discord & seditionis amang his nobillis. For he traistit na thyng sa plesand for the felicite of his realm as to bryng his nobyllis and commonis to concord. This trubyll beyng mesit, apperit ane othir of greter motioun betuix Ireland and the Ilis. Ane cumpany of Ireland mē maid certane heirschippis in Kyntyre. And incontinēt all y e pepyll of the Ilis ruschit haistely to harnes, and slew ane gret nowmer of thir Ireland men. ¶Than Achaius (to preuene all trubyl that mycht follow be this last bergane) send his ambassatouris to y e princis of Ireland schewyng hym aduertist that Ireland men (fra quhome the Scottis tuke thair beginnyng) was purposit to cum haistely to inuade [Page Cxxxii] his realme to the gret dāmage of the two pepill quhilk hes bene sa lang togiddir confiderat vnder ane blud and amyte. And schew it wes na sufficient cause of battall to nychtbouris & freindis to inuaid othir with battall howbeit ilk theif reif othir. And thairfore gyf the Ireland men wer mair desirus of peace than weir and glaid to keip ye auld band hail, the Scottis wald perseuere in kyndnes with thaym. Be contrar gif yai desyrit battall erar than peace. And nocht resolute quhat wes best to be done, he desyrit thaym with degest counsall to auise, quhat trubill and sorow mycht follow be thair weris. And sen peace wes finalie necessar, to auyse quhiddir it wer mair plesād afore the weris or eftir. Or mair profitable to haue peace, quhen n [...] displesoure wer precedent. Or quhen baith yair realmes wer brokin with athiris iniuris. The princis of Ireland (nochtwithstandyng yir humyl wourdis) answerit, thai suld sustene all chargis sa vailȝeantlie, yat na aduersite sall follow. And thairfore yai wald haue na peace with Scottis, quhill the iniuris done be thaym in Kyntyre wer redressit or reuengit w t mair skaith. Thay wer als profundlie auisit quhat proffit or dammage mycht follow be yair weris, and had prouisioun of all thyngis necessar, aganis quhat sumeuir chance of fortoun yat mycht follow. And youcht yir weris wer of litil proffet, Ȝit yai war sa accustomit thairwith y t thay wald vse ye samyn as thair elderis did afore. Quhen yir ambassatouris wer returnand be ye Ireland seis in scotland. And ye scottis traisting na thing les yan battall be Irelād. Ane flote of Irelād men arriuit in y e Ilis. & ceissit fra na maner of cruelteis on the inhabitantis thairof. At last quhen thay had heryit ye cuntre, & makand thaym to returne hame ladyn with infinite guddis, sic ane storme rais be violence of ye heuin, yat few of thaym eschapit vnperist in y e seis. Kyng Achaiꝰ heirand yis calamyte fallyng to Ireland men be Iust punitioun of god (for thay inuadit his realme within the trety of peace) concludit to assailȝe yam na forthir with sic desyris, and beleuit thaym sa brokin be yis forsaid trubil, y t thay suld seik peace at hym. And as y e kyng cō iecturit, sa followit. For the Ambassatouris of Ireland come to hym at Inuerlochte, cōfessand the manifest punition fallyng on yame be iustice of god for ye wrangis be yame done to scottis, and prayit Achaius to gif peace to yame, quhilk thay refusit a fore to gyf be thair insolence. to thir ambassatouris answerit Achaius. Youcht Irelād men wer obstinat & mycht not vnderstand yair proffet, quhill thay sufferit affliction, and refusit oftymes sic thīgꝭ as bene maist proffitable for yam. Ȝit he wald not be repugnant to reason, sen he sawe thaym (yat wer his ennymes for yat tyme) be Iustice of god punyst for yair offence, to be exempil to al pepil quhat vengeance fallꝭ on yame, yat inuadis yair nychtbouris but iust tityll of battal. Heirfore to schaw hym seruād of crist (quhilk cōmēdit peace sa gretumlie to ye weil of mortal pepill) he wald set asyde baith recent & ald iniuris, & haue peace with yame youcht yai deseruit not. Ye ambassatouris depeschit on yis maner, returnit hame reiosing of y e peace grantit to yame. & y e scottis wer not vnglaid yairof, hauād experience be lāg vse, quhat dammage or pleseir may follow be weris of vncouth realmes.
¶Hovv kyng Charlis send his ambassatouris to be confiderat vvith scottis & pichtis. of thair orison maid to k [...]ng Achaius, and of the orisoun maid aganis thaym be Culmane. Ca. ii.
IN ye mene tyme Charlis the Mayne kīg of Frāce and romane empriour, set his mynd w t vter power to distroy the ennymes of cristin faith. Eft y t he vndstude Inglismē be victorie of britonis brocht to sic insolence, y t thay trubillit baith ye Almane & Franche seis. & sūtyme exercyng sic cruelteis & heirschippis on France, y e marchandis mycht haue na passage be see or land, to dant this insolence of Inglismen (yat yai [...]ll nocht haue power to inuaid the [...]anche & almane seis in tymes cummyng kyng Charlis be decreit of hꝭ nobillis tuke purpos to be cōfiderat with scottis & pichtis vnder yi [...] conditionis. Als oft as Inglismen [...]ūis [...] [...]ne army in france. Ye sco [...]tis & pichtis sal inuaid Ingland. Gif Inglismen inuaidis scottis & pichtis, y e franche m [...]n on y e maner sall inuaid Ingland. To dres this mater wer [...]ēd ambassatourꝭ out of frāce to kīg Achaius. And quhen yai wer brocht to his presence, ane of thaym said in yis maner. Rycht illuster prince wer nocht Charlis the Mayne ye glore & protectoure of Catholik religion aganis sarazenis, knawis be experience franchemen fauorit to the & thy pepill. He had nocht send ws for sic thingꝭ as we wil desire at yis tyme. The fame of thy gud name to wart the cristin faith, and eik thy beneuolence schawin to marchandis of our cuntre (quhen thay trauel in yi [...] boū dis) mouit ws the ambassatouris of kyng Charlis to cum to the with the more confidence. We beleif it is not vnknawin to thy hienes ī qhuat extreme dangeir the catholik pepill hes stand thir mony ȝeris in Italie France and Spanȝe be cruelte of sarazenis the ennymes of god, quhat nowmer of pepill bene slane thairwith? quhat lādis and townis brint and brocht to vter euersioun? quhat nobill cietezanis bene brocht to importable seruitude? And becaus sa gret trubill risis daylie aganis the Cristin pepill, The maist Catholik prince Charlis hes votit hym to the deith in defence thairof aganis the ennymes of god. Desyring na thing more ardētlie, yan to bring his mind to [...]ic fyne, that cristin pepill may be deliuerit fra truble of sarazenis, and kirk men restorit to thair first institutioun, and dredis na thing sa mekill as to be empeschit fra his hailsū purpos be seditioun risyng amang cristin princis. For now diuers pepepill as Saxonis, Frisonis, Normannis and Inglismen (quhilkꝭ ar of Saxonis blude) hes be manifest tyranny conquest the realme of Britane inuadyng ye pepill baith be see and land with vntellable cruelteis. To dant thair attemptatis, and to abandoun thaym in tymes cumyng that thay sall nocht inuaid France nor this thy realme with sa bludy incursionis as thay did afore. Kyng Charlis of Frāce be deliuerit mynd of his nobillis desyris to be confiderat with the and thy pepill vnder sic fallowschip, that Franchemen sall support Scottis, and Scottis Frā chemen, gyf it happynnis Inglismē to inuaid ony of thaym. Thus may the iniure of Inglismen the maist auaricius pepill ī [...]rd be best eschewit to baith the pepill. For thir reasonis I beleue ȝe (maist vailȝeant pepill) [Page Cxxxiii] quhom god hes defendit sa lang vnbrokin fra ȝour riche and strang ennymes, will be fauorable to thir honorable desyris of kīg Charlis. And support ws als weil aganis Inglismen, as aganis y e ennymes of cristin faith. For the cōmodite heirof sall finalie succeid na les to ȝour weil, thā to ouris. The ambassatouris eftir this orison wes ressauit in ye kyngis palyce with all honour and magnificence that mycht be deuisit. In the mene tyme rais ane strang disputatioun amang the nobillis, quhiddir it wes proffitable or nocht for the cō moun weill of Scotland, to be confiderat (as the ambassatouris desyrit) with France. Mony noblis wer variant in thair opinioun. And yair fore thir ambassatouris wer send to pas thair tyme at the huntis with othir nobillis, quhill the counsall wer resoluit in this difficill mater. Than Culmane capitane of Mar said to y e coūsal on yis maner. I haue na admiration (maist nobil prīce) howbeit thy pepill desirꝭ to be cōfiderat with France, beleuand na thyng sa gud, sa honest nor sa plesand for thair cō moun weill, as to be confiderat with the maist riche pepill yis day in Europe. For throw this societe and alliance y e Scottis sall rise of gret fame & reuerence in all partis of y e warld. Nochtheles all this cōmodite & plesour y t now cumis (as apperꝭ) be yis band, salbe of lityl estimatioun in respect of the heuy & irrecouerable dā mage y e sal follow thairthrow to ws eftir. Ye mischeuꝰ end be my opinioō sall schaw to our posterite, how far we in our p̄sent dayis wer aberrand fra yair cōmon weil ī making of yis bād w t frāce. Quhat othir frute may we haue to be cōfiderat with france aganis. Ingland our daylie nychtbourꝭ (quhais freindschip wes maist plesand to ws) bot onlie to mak our nixt nychtbouris our strāgest fayis, and our freindis seuerit fra ws be ye braid seis. At quhais plesoure we man moue battall contrar our nixt nychtbouris, & ieoperd our bodyis landis & gudis to extreme dangeir for ye weil of yame, quhilkꝭ ar far seuerit fra our support. Heirfor I thīk sen y e mater is sa hie, & apperād mair to our singular dāmage thā ony cō modite, we suld be sa ꝓfoūdly resoluit, y t we seik na sic colourit honour nor improffitabil glore, y t may ꝓuoik our nixt nichbouris to frequēt werꝭ, & caus ws to tyne schamefully our landis & liberteis, quhilkis bene sauit sa mony ȝeris afore be our nobyl antecessouris. Quhat may be deuisit mair skaithfull to fre pepill? than to ieoperd yair realm (quhe yai haue it in peace) apon ye chance of battal, or to thirle yame wylfully to seruitude of vncouth pepil. Gif frāchemē brek y e band of cōfideration within y e fury battal mouit be vs only for yair cause, & sine be ꝯfiderat w t our nichtbouris & dayly ennymes, leuand ye hail preis of batal on ws. How sal y e gret dāmage & iniuris sustenit in our weris aganꝭ Inglismē be thā redressit▪ Haue we riches & strenth to recouer yir displesouris on franchemē, efter y t we ar brokin be yair werꝭ, & brocht neir to vter exterminion. Attour gyf we happin to be brocht in to sic calamite y t our gudis ar waistit and our pissance brokin, and franchemen cō fiderat with Inglismen in our contrar. How sal we than resist Inglismen? Quhome sall we than accuse for violation of the band betuix ws & france? siclik gif we be confiderat (as is deuisit) with france, we salbe ī dayly bergan of ennymes, & sendyll haue cōsolation of freindis. we sall haue frequent weris with ennymes, [Page] [...] [Page Cxxxi] [...] [Page] [...] [Page Cxxxii] [...] [Page] [...] [Page Cxxxiii] [...] [Page] And neuir fynd our [...] bot throw lang passage & dangerus seis▪ na marchādice salbe brocht to ws out of frāce, spanȝe, nor almany, Bot be tollerance of Ingl [...]smen. Yus sal ou [...] marchandis be so destitut, that thay sall haue na ress [...]it nor port, quhen dangeir or stormis inuadis yame. Yus sall thay othir peris for fal [...] of refuge in ye stormy seis, or ellis tyne thair schippis & guddis and be rāderit in yair ennymes handis. Be thir reasonis apperis (nobill prince) quhat skaith & dāmage sall follow to be cōfiderat with France. Best is yairfore to ꝑseueir in y e auld band with pichtis, britonis & Inglismen, as our eldaris did afore, quhil [...]is knew al ye frute y • mycht cum to thaym be ony bād of france. And sen our vailȝeant & nobill eldaris mycht neuir fynd ye band of France proffi [...]abill for thair cōmon weill, I think [...]e suld leue on ye samyn maner as ya [...] did, & na cōfideration to be maid w t new & vncouth pepyll, les thā we wylfully list ieoperd our realm, our lyuis & gudis but ony respect to our awī weil for y e luf allanerly of frāce.
¶Of the ansvver maid to this last orison be A [...]biane. Hovv France and scotland vvar perpetually cōfiderat. Hovv [...]ichtis refusit to be confiderat vvith France, & of the articles contenand y [...] band betuix scotland & france. Ca. [...]ii.
SIndry of the noblis tuke gret indignatioun at th [...] wordis of Culmane. For thay thocht it was baith necessare & honest to thaym to haue societe & band with France. [...] ane nobyll man namit Aldiane cap [...] tane of y e Ilis said in this wyse. Gyf the foure pepyl that dwellis now in Albion namit Brytonis▪ Scott [...]s, Saxonis & Pychtis [...]icht leue togider vnder ane m [...]nd & peace, or [...] we miche be fickeris leue ī peace w t Inglismē be tēnour of yair [...] or faith. I think the counsal geuyn be Culmane war not vnproffitab [...]l, nor ȝit suld be refusit. For thā we micht haue na occasion nor motiue to seik cōfideration of vncouth pepyl. Bot sen thair was neuir found be na pepyl mair falset & treason, thā scottis, pichtis, & britonis hes found be saxonis. I think it necessar othir to haue cōtinewal weir aganis na les falset than weir of Inglismen, or ellis to be confiderat with the pepyll y t may support ws aganis thair perpetuall inuasion. Quhidder ac thir doingis faith or desait? quhen y e britonis had brocht the saxonis in thair realme to defend yame fra yair ennymes, & eft yat thay had tretit yame in ye maist tender maner yai miche, & rewardit yame with gret honour & riches. Yir treasonabil saxonis turnit yair myndꝭ fra amite to feid & hatrēt, & s [...]hew yam self maist ennymes to brit [...]is. quhare thay suld haue bene y [...]r protectouris. & bure armour & wappinnis aganis ye said britonis, & nocht allanerly inuadit yam with infinite slauchter, bot spulȝeit yame of thair realme & honouris. Quhat band or cōfideration hes haldin thir saxonis at peace with any pepyl ī tymes bygane? Thay ly ay in wait to tak yair nichtbouris at auantage but [...]ny respect to faith or band as the tyme accu [...]ris. Quhat misery & trubyl is fallyn to the britonis be dissait of saxonis? How oftymes hes y e saxonis brokin (quhen we beleuit leist) the peace betui [...] ws & pichtis [...]thay ar contending now amang yame self mair be treason & falset, th [...]n any honest weris. Thay haue slane sa mony kyngis [...] Northumberland, yat skarsly may ane mā be found y • da [...] ressaue [Page Cxxxiiii] the [...] yairof. Was not Oswyn king of Northūberland within thir few ȝeris slane be Oswane. And Osw [...]ne be Os [...]ik, & mony othir kingis of Northūberland in ye samyn maner war ay fynaly murdrist be thair successouris. Attour Inglismen hes na [...]es contention in al ꝑtis (quhare ya [...] haf now thair dominion) thā ya [...] haue in Northūberland. For kirkmē & p̄latis for feir of yir cruelteis done be saxonis (quhilkꝭ now ar callit Inglismen) hes left yair cathedral kirkis & abbayis, & fled in vncouth regionis. And ye caus y t thay inuadit ws not at this tyme, cumis be na reuerence yat thay haue to god nor to yair faith, bot only for deuisiō amāg yame self, & dout not bot als sone as thay ar pecifyit of ciuil debaitis, yai sall inuade ws, nochtwithstandyng ony band maid be yame. Heirfore to dan [...] thir attemptatis of Inglismen I find na thing sa expediēt as to be ꝯfiderat w t y e pepil y t may chaistefie yame maist esaly. Now hes fortoun geuyn baith heft & blaid of this mater to ws. For now ar cumyn y e oratouris of france offering it wylfully y t is maist proffitabil to ws. Lat ws hei [...]fore be cōfiderat with yame yat hes france, spanȝe, & mekil of Almany vnder yair empire, may sic cōmoditeis be refusit to wise men? May y e band of France offerit frely, be deny it be ws ye last pepil of ye warld, sen thay for thair faith to god & mā hes sa brai [...] empire & landis in y e warld, na thing may be sa hailsū nor ꝓffitabil yairfore to ws as y e bād of frāce, gif we ressaue it plesādly. For we sal haue sa mony freindis yairthrow, y t y e passage of marchandis w t al kind of marchādeis salbe sicker & frequēt to ws but ony dāgeir of seis or ennymes. Heirfore nane is (I beleif) y • wil cōsidder yis mater degestly, bot sa [...] think y e [...] (quhilk is ane faithful pepil riche & potēt baith be see & land) mair proffitabil to ws, th [...] ̄ ony band of Inglismē. Nane is sa mischane (I trow) amāg ȝow, bot he knawis y e Inglismē na les set to vter ꝑditiō of scottis, thā of britonꝭ with equale desire to cōques ou [...] realm. Heirfor gif we intend to eschew y e hatrent of our maist feirfull ennymes, gif we intēd to honour y e faith of crist (for quhais defence y e franche mē beris now yair armour & wappī nis) gif we haue mair respect to verite thā falset, gif we labour for y e fame & honour of our nation▪ gif we wyl defend our realme, & bring it to tranquillite & peace, & finaly gif we wyl mak defence for our liberie & liuis quhilkis ar maist dere to mā. lat ws plesandly be ꝯfiderat with frāce. & ꝑseuere yairintyl, hau and cōfidēce y t ye said band sal not only be defēce to ws in tymes cūing to defend our realme, bot als to resist the iniure of Inglismē richt cōmodius & proffitabil. Albiane be yis orisō drew mony of ye pepil to his opinion. Achaiꝰ seand his noblꝭ plesādly resoluit to be ꝯfiderat with frāce, cōmandit ye ambassatourꝭ on ye morow to heir hꝭ answer. Incōtinent thir ambassatourꝭ war brocht within ye kingꝭ palice & feistit with maist triumphāt cheir y e micht be deuisit. Yā y • noblis cōuenit to ane coūsal, in ye quhilk was ꝯcludit to send Guilliā brothir to kīg Achaiꝰ with mony othir noble & prudent men to mak the said band, & to th [...] ̄k y e kyng of frāce y t he desirit the bād of scottis aboue al othir pepil of Albion. Attour it was ꝯcludit to sēd iiii.M. mē furnist with al necessaris in support of king Charlis aganis the sarazenis. Incontinent Achaiꝰ callit afore hym yir ambassatouris, & said in this maner. Si [...] thingis as [Page] ȝe desyrit in [...] of Charlis y e [...] catholik king, ar sa plesand [...] my pepyl, yat nane is in al [...] cumpany nocht cōdiscending to [...] desyris, or not traisting gret feli [...]te to succeid to yame amang [...] pepyll, gif thay be decorit with societe of sa nobil ane realme & pepyl, & ya [...] fore we decerne ws & our pepyl to be ꝑpetually cōfiderat with y e maist cri [...]tin king charlis & his pepyl quhais we [...]l [...]s maist dere to ws aboue all othir creaturꝭ ī yis erd, praying god y • [...] band may succede to the perpetuall felicite of baith the pepyll. & y t the said band may be ye mair [...] roborat. We haue ordanit oure [...] Guilliā with .iiii. men of syngulare [...]rudition & prudence to pas [...] in France to make the said [...]. And hes send .iiii.M. armit mē [...] with kyng Charlis in quhat [...] he plesis aganis ye ennymes [...] faith. The ambassatouris [...] reiosit of yis answer gaif than [...] to king A [...]haius & his nobillis. [...]yne went to Hungꝰ kyng of pichtis▪ & desyrit to be confiderat on ye samyn maner with hym & his pepyl as [...] desyrit afore Achaius. Ye king of pichtis thankit kyng Charlis of his beniuolence, & said y e mater was sa hie, y t it micht not be discussit but [...]egeist aduisement. And presently sa far as reasoun mouit his intelligence, he thocht yair band not proffitabil, sen thay war sa far seueri [...] fra his support. Yairfore yair band was to be refusit in aduenture his pepyll cū to sic dāmage throw y e said band, y • ye samyn micht neuir be recouerit. [...]us returnit y e ambassatourꝭ bu [...] expedition of yair erādis to Achaius. Within ane moneth efter guill [...]ā w t yir ambassatouris of frāce togidder with .iiii. clerkꝭ of maist erudition & prudence namit Clement, Iohne, [...], & Rabane [...] ī fran [...] with y e ordinance of wei [...]men afore cohersit, & yai war al plesandly ress [...]uit be king Charlis, & [...] in ordinance to leif on his wagis amāg y e [...] army of frāce. sone eft be y e [...] of scotland war schewin Achaiꝰ writingis desiring ye frāchemē & scottis to be cōfiderat for yame & yair posterite with articlis as follow [...]. ¶The amite & cōfideration of franchemen & scottis to be maid for euir baith for the pepyl present & to cum.
¶The iniure of Inglismen done to ony of thir pepill salbe haldin as cō moun to thaym baith.
¶Quhen franchemē ar inuadit be Inglismē, y e scottis sal send yair army ī defēce of frāce, sa yat yai be supportit with money & vittallꝭ of frāce. ¶Quhen scottis ar inuadit be Inglismen the franchemen sal cū apon thair awin expens to thair support. ¶Gif ony priuate or publik person of yir confiderat pepil supportis Inglismen aganis ony ane of yame w t counsal, money, or vittallis, or remane amāg yame during y e tyme of battal. Ye doar thairof salbe hal [...]in tratour and ennyme to thaym baith. Nane of yir .ii. pepil sal tak peace or truis w t inglismē but auice of otherꝭ Thir cōditionis of peace roborat in maner foresaid salbe writtin in ꝑchemēt with interchāgit selis of king & king to remane ī scotlād & frāce in ꝑpetual memory of yis lyig to yame & yair posterite, & y t y e noblis of scotlād salbe mair mindful of yis p̄sēt lyig, to y e kīg of scotlādis armes (quhilkꝭ was y e tyme ane reid lyon rāpand in ane feild of gold) was eikit ane double tressour with contrar lyllijs including ye lyon on all partis to signify that the said lyon was than armyt with ye lylly and riches of france, and confiderat with the samyn [Page Cxxxv] perpe [...]ually, & to signify y t al y e kingꝭ of scotland sall [...]echt vailȝeantly for yair realme & liberte yair religion & innocence perpetually & support frā chemen aganis all ennymes.
¶Hovv pape Leo ye thrid & the Florē tinis vvas restorit to thair honour & liberte be kīg Charlis, of sindry abbayis foundit be scottis Guilliam. Hovv the vniuersite of Paris began be scottis, of the louyng of the samyn. Ca. iiii.
EFter y t ye band was roborat in maner foresaid betuix scotland & frāce, scottis Guilliā remanit with mony othir scottis in cōtinewal residēce w t king Charlis ī al his weris. & conquest be his māheid & prowes sic fame, y t he was callit y e knicht but reproche in al his weris, & gat sic ryches & lādis y t he was gretuly renownit amāg y e princis of frāce. He ꝓsperit in al his weris, & dantit mony sindry pepil, as saxonis, hungarianis & Normānis. Efter y • yai wer rebellād to king Charlis, & wald not ressaue his lawis. Yis Guilliā wan excellēt honouris ye tyme y e king Charlis restorit pape Leo y e thrid to his seit, eft y t he was doung out of Rome be iniure of romanis. He wan also gret fame, quhen the said Charlis passand throw Tuskany restorit ye town of Florāce to yair anciāt honouris, eft yat it was distroyit be Gothis he brocht y e florētinis agane to y e said toun. & reparit it with new wallis, kirkis, & institutionis, yat y e cietezanis yairof micht leif ī liberte. Yir & mony othir honorable actis war done that tyme in Italy, & othir partis of the warld be scottꝭ Guilliā, howbeit yai war ay done vnder y e name of kyng Charlis. For king Charlis remanit not lang in Italy, bot left ye charge to guilliā to do al materis as he thocht expedient▪ & he with sic ꝓuidence did all chargis cōmandit be the said king Charlis, yat he eikit ye senȝory of Florence w t sindry townis to yair dominion. Ye florentinis for yir humaniteis done to yame be scottꝭ guilliam tuk ye reid lylle na thing different fra ye lylle of France, bot in cullour, for yair armis, to be ane memorial y • yair town sum tyme distroyit be Gothis was restorit be frēchemē. Yai ordanit eik publik playis to be maid in yair town of Florēce, in quhilk ane lyon is crownit with mony solempne cerimonijs. Yai cōmandit als quik lyonis to be nurist ȝeirly in yair said town on y e cōmon purs, becaus ye samyn was ye armis of scottis Guilliā. It is said y e Florentinis hes ane ꝓphecy. sa lāg as lyonis leuꝭ in florence, & sa lang as y e lyon of florence beris yis crown, yair ciete sall neuir be subdewit to vncouth empire. Yir & mony othir cerimonijs war institute be Guilliā afore his returning out of Italy in France▪ Ȝit quhat sū euer way yir playis war institute ī florence, yai ar ȝit in ȝeirly vse efter the samyn rite as yai war first deuisit. Guilliā eft īfinite labour tane with king Charlis for the weil of cristin faith grew ī age, & becaus he had na succession of his body (for he was geuin al his days to cheualry & neuir to frute of mariage) he maid Crist his ayre and foundit mony abbayis baith in Italy and Almany, & dotat thaym with riche landis and rentis to be hospitalis for cristin pepill, and to nuris thaym in virtew & letterature, & nane to be abbottꝭ of y e said abbayis bot scottis mē allanerly. In witnes heirof ar ȝit mony abbayis in Almany na thyng changi [...] fra ye institutionis as thay war first deuisit. Kyng Charlis schort tyme [Page] afore y e Guilliam was cumyn ī age, held with hym y e two scottis clerkis, Iohne & Clement ī gret familiarite. for yai war send with scottꝭ Guilliā (as said is) to mak y e band of Frāce. Yir clerkis wer of sa syngular [...]rudition in all science y t yai gat ane place geuyn to yame be y e king ī Paris w t certane lādis to sustene yair estait, & to instruct ye nobil childrin of Frāce in sindry science. Be thir mē come sa frequent cōflu [...]nce of pepil out of al partis desyrus to haue lette [...]is, y t in [...]chort tyme be yair exact diligēce in erudition of ȝoung childrin the ciete of Paris was maid ane solempnit [...]niuersite of resolute mē in al sciēce, king Charlis hauād gret de [...]ectatiō y • letteris began to fluris in his realme be industry of thir two scottis me [...], cōmandit y e Clement suld remane as principall regent of Paris. & Iohne his colleig to pas to Pauy a [...]e town of Lūberdy for spreding of letteris in y e samyn. Throw yis smal begynning rais the scule of Paris, quhilk hes at this tyme sic f [...]uth of [...]rudition y t it hes na compai [...] ī erd▪ for out of it ar ꝓcedit sic nowmer of doctouris ī Theology, Canon law, Medicine, sa gret nowmer of Philosoph [...]rꝭ & oratouris y t al pepyl (quhare mē trauellis) hes experiēce yair of. Yair is cōtinual exercition cōtending quha salbe maist resolute [...] euery science. Yair is ye sloure of Theology. Yair is al maner of philosophy with eloquence at fouth. Yair ar prouin oratouris, and ane multitude of ȝoung childrin weill institute ī letteris be diligence of yair p̄ceptouris, & y e place sa cōmodius y • nocht [...]at [...]is yair quhilk nature hes ꝓducit for y e weil of mā. Yis nobil vniuersit [...] (y t is sa worthy to be louit ī euery w [...]ld) suld be honorit be ws, for youcht we [...] sū part ī Aberden, we tuk [...] first [...]rud [...]tion in yis foresaid vniuersite of Paris, & yairfore we wyl haif na les reuerēce & l [...]f to it, thā y • barn hes to his natiue mod. bot we wyl return to y e remanēt geistis of Achaiꝰ.
¶Hovv scottis & pichtis vvar confiderat be mariage▪ & slevv Athelstane king of Ingland & put his army to flich [...]. Of king Hungꝰ lavvis & liberte to kirkmē. of the deith of kyng Charlis & king Achaius. & of sindry nobill clerkis. Ca. v.
THe Scottis irkit with frequent iniuris of pichtis as y e fyne of all weris is, set ane conuention with pichtis to redres all skaithis sa far as micht be on euery side. In y e quhilk thay war fynaly agreit on al debaitis, & that the samyn suld perpetually endure▪ Hungus kyng of pichtis gaif his sister Fergus [...]ane in mariage to king Achaius, quhilk had ane sonne to hym namit Alpine, Athelstane kyng of Ingland rycht desyrus to eik the boundis of his realme, come with ane army in the landis of Mers and Berwik pertenād to pichtis, & alliegit the samyn to ꝑtene to his empire, and reft afore fra Northumbrianis be iniure of pichtis. And quhen he had ceissit fra na maner of cruelte and heirschyppis in the said landis, he returnit with gret pray of guddis in Northumberland▪ to dant ye rebellion of certane Inglismen quhilkis war laitly conspirit aganis hym. Hungus king of Pichtis impacient to suffer thir iniuris, send ambassatouris to Achaiꝰ desyryng support to resist his ennymes. Achaiꝰ sone eft send .x.M. chosin mē to king Hūgꝰ to y e said effect. Than Hungus rasit his army in Northumberland & inuadit it with sindry cruelteis. & returnit with gret pray of guddis in Lowthyane. king [Page Cxxxvi] Athelstane to dant this attemptatis come in Louthiane with mair diligence thā was beleuit, and followit hait fute on the Pichtis. ¶In the mene tyme ye Pichtis had set down thair tentis besyde ane burne nocht two mylis fra Haddyngtoun, & war aduisand amang thaym self how ye spulȝe laitly gottyn be thaym out of Northumbirland suld be partit be richt of armes, & traistyng na thyng les than the cumyng of Inglismen. ¶Athelstane weill aduertist of the counsall of Pichtis come forthwart with arrayit oistis, and cōmandit be opin proclamation na Pichtis to be saiffit. The Pichtis astonist be this cry, and seand sic multitude of pepil aganis yame began to muse quhat chance of fortoun suld thairefter follow. Nochtheles be cōmand of Hungus ylk man ȝeid to array, traistyng the curage and pray (quhylkis war laitly [...]eft be this last iornay) suld be occasioun to breke the array of thair ennymes, and tuke aduysement al y e day, how thay micht best eschew the dangeir appering. And yocht the armyis on euery syde stude maist awfully arrayit in otheris sicht. Ȝit nane o [...] yame durst inuade othir for y e day. In the nycht followyng the Pichtis concludit to assailȝe the chance of battall, and othir to haue victory or ellis all at anis to de. On the morow efter thair first sleip thay went to yair confession & prayaris, & askit help of Crist, & sanct And [...]o thair patron, to support yame his speciall pepyll aganis yair ennymes. kyng Hū gꝰ beand on sleip, apperit y e appostil sanct Andro & bad hym be of gud cō fort hauand gud hope in god. for he suld haue on ye morow ane glorius victory of Inglismen. It is said yat ane schinand croce was sene in y e lift straucht aboue the army of Pichtis not onlik to ye samyn croce y t the appostil deit on. This croce vanist neuir out of ye lift quhil ye victory succedit to Pichtis. kyng Hungꝰ awalkynnit out of his sleip, fand hꝭ army behalding this croce with gret adm [...] ration. & incōtinent he callit yame to his standart & schew his visioun to yame with al circūstance afore rehersit. Incōtinent rais ane huge noyis & clamour throw al ye army of scottis & Pychtis. The Inglismen war richt affrayit for this noyis, & mair affrayit seand y e croce schinand with awfull bemis in y e lift. For it apperi [...] to yame for ane euyl signe. At y e brek of ye day kyng Hungus arrayit his folkis, & be sound of trumpat gaif y e sygne of iunyng criand with schyll voce sanct Andro our patron be our help. The Scottis & pichtis rasit be thir wordis, come on thair ennymes with sic fury, that thay war finaly vincust, & gaif backis. On quhome followit the Scottis & pichtis with lang chace, & maid mair slaucht thā was maid afore in y e battal. The prysoneris (quhilkis wer tane afore be Inglismen) seand y e scottis & pichtis victorius, inuadit yair ennymes w t mair cruelteis thā did yair maisterꝭ y t wan y e victory. Sa far enragit yis slauchter y e skarsly of al yis army of Ingland war left .v.C. men on liue. kīg Athelstane at y e first iunyng wes schot throw y e body with ane spere & slane with sindry noblis of Inglād. The place (quhare he was slane) is callit ȝit Athelstane furd. king Hungus efter yis victory be sound of trū pat callit his mē to y e standar [...], & stud al y e nicht arrayit quhill y e morow, & thā partit the spulȝe of y e feild be rite of armis. kīg Athelstane was burii [...] with funerall triūphe in y e nixt kirk. [Page] Sic thyngis done, kyng Hungus with al his victoriꝰ army we [...]t bair fute to y e kirk of sanct Andro to thāk god & his appostyll of this glorious victory, & maid solempnit [...]ote y t he & his posterite sall vse na ansenȝe in tymes cumyng (quhē tyme of battal occurrit) bot y e [...]ro [...]e of sanct Andro. This custome remanit not only to y e pichtis, bot als w t scottis efter ye exterminion of pichtis. Be yis victory y e scottis gat not only riche spulȝeis of enymes, bot als gret rewardis be Hungus, & returnit hame with gret honouris. Hungus for his excellent victory b [...]ildit y e kirk of sanct Andro maist richely be his magnificence, & [...] it with mair nowmer of preistꝭ for deuyne secuyce, & gaif to it mony [...] Io [...] [...]llis of gold & syluer. He ma [...]d ye ymage of Crist & his .xii. app [...]st [...]llis of fyne gold & syluer to re [...]ane in y e said kirk in perp [...]tual memory of this victory. He gaif ye te [...]n [...]is of all maner of frutis growand within his realm to sustene kirkmē. And cōmandit that nane of yame he sūmond in iugement before ony prophane or temporall Iuge, nor ȝit to b [...] pu [...]ist to the deith nochtwithstanding quhat sumeuir cryme be yame cōm [...]it. Thir priuilegis war nocht [...]ng obseruit amang ye Pich [...]istpunc; for [...] war abrogat be kyng Feredeth, quhilk was ye feird king of Pichtis immediatly succeding efter Hungꝰ. Attour this Feredeth tuke all the riches & Iowellis geuyn afore to the kirk to his proper vse, & cōmandit y e kirkmen to leif content of sic s [...]bir frutis as thay had afore y e empire of Hungus. Thus war y e kirkm [...]n re [...] fra all thair liberteis & possessionis geuyn to yame afore be Hungus, & yair landis geuyn to his familiaris. The noblis cōdiscendit weil yairto, traisting all thing (geuyn to y e kirk) na les tynt. than thay war fallyn in pray to yair ennymes. Thir excorsionis done aganis kirkmen, succedit to the grete infelicite of Pichtis. For it was the caus yat thay war brocht within few ȝeris efter to v [...]er exterminion as we sal sone heir. ¶Kyng Achaius had his realme ī gud peace & deceissit ye .xxxii. ȝeir of his regne, fra our redemption .viii.C.xix. ȝeris. & was buryit in Colmekyll. In thir dayis was y e nobil historitiane Paulus Diaconꝰ, quhilk eikit .viii. bukꝭ of Romane empriouris to y e history of Eutropiꝰ. This Paulus maid y e Hymne of sāct Iohne, Vt queāt laxis. And in thꝭ tyme Isward wrat y e buk callit the martyrdome and lege [...]d of sāctis. Amang ws war in thay days Geruadius, Glaciane, Modane, & Medane gret doctouris & mē of singulare erudition. In y e tyme of king Achaius ye Romane empire wes deuidit ī two senȝorijs. for kyng Charlis wes empriour of the west part of the warld, & Constantine empriour of the Eist, be quhais auctorite was ane conuention at Nere of .iii.C. &. l. bischoppis to decerne gif y e ymagerꝭ of sāctis suld be honorit in kirkis or not. Finaly be generall d [...]rit was statute y t ye ymageris of sāctis (as y e kirk of Rome vsis) sall be honorit & had in reuerence in al partis, not as ony deuinite war hid in yame, bot to represent the figoure of god and his sanctis. At this tyme kyng Charlis empriour na les preeminent in glore of mercial than cyuyl dedis d [...]c [...]issit at Aquisgr [...]ny the .xlvii. ȝei [...] of his regne of France. and the .xvii. ȝeir of his empyre aboue the Romanis. fra the incarnation .viii.C.xv. ȝeris,
Of kyng Connal [...]us &c his deith. Ca. vi.
[Page Cxxxvii] EFtir deith of Achaiꝰ succedit his brothir sonne Cōuallus. For Alpyne the sonne of Achaiꝰ wes of so tendir age, yat he micht not su [...]ceid to the crown. This Cō uallu [...] wes rycht tenderlie belouit with Hungus kyng of Pichtis. For [...] set his laubour to hald the scottis and Pychtis in amyte and concord eftir the auld hand. And thairfore sa lang as thir two kyngis leiffit, na thyng wes done othir be weir or peace but auise of othir. Throw quhilk [...]aith thair realmes wes in gret tranquillite and rest duryng thair tyme. At last kyng Hungus worn be lang age deceissit. Eftir quhom succedit to ye crown of pichtis Dorstor lorgus. And Conuallus leiffit nocht lang eftir kyng Hungus. For he deceissit y e .v. ȝeir eftir. And wes buryit [...] Colmekill.
☞ Of kyng Dongallus, and hovv he punist certane cōspiratouris. Hovv Alpyne prince of scotlād clamit the croun of pichtis as nerest heritour thai [...]to▪ of the pichtis ansvver. Hovv ye scottis cō cludit to moue vveir on ye pichtis for denying of the croun. Ca. vii.
COnuallꝰ decei [...]sit on this maner, succedit his cousing Dongallus sonne of Soluathius afor reheirsit. Syndry scottis seand this prince inclinyt to Iustice, maid hortation to Alpyne sonne of Achaius to tak ye crown. Traisting the extorsionis do [...]e be thaym to the cōmonis suld be vnpunist be y e way. And becaus he wes nocht sa deligē [...] (as thay desyrit) thay come on hym with awful mannassyng. And swore (gyf he tuke nocht haistely y e crown) thay suld slay hym. Alpyne astonist of his lyfe come with ane gret nowmer of pepill in Argyle to take the crown. Nochtheles dredand gret trubill to appeir in ye realme be his rebellioun, he fled with two tendir seruitouris to kyng Dongallꝰ, and wes sa plesandlie ressauit, that Dongallus promittit (gyf the pepill wer content) to exoner hym of the crown in fauour of the said Alpyne. For he desyrit na thyng sa [...]ekill as the felicite of Achaius hous. Alpyne gaif hym thankis. And said he wald not ressaue the crown sa lang as Cōuallus wes on lyue. And schew the gaderyng of pepyll and trubyll apperyng in the cuntre wes nocht mouit be him, bot only be treason of certane conspiratouris, quhilk wald haue slane hym, gif he had nocht assistit to thaym for the tyme. And on the thrid day eftir come messengeris fra thir conspiratouris to Dongallus, excusyng thaym and putting al the treason on Alpyne. Nochtheles ye king gaue litil faith thairto. And maid sic deligence, that he come on thir conspiratouris, quhen thay beleuit na thyng les than his cuming. And punist thaym with si [...] rigoure that the realme wes brocht mony ȝeris eftir in gret tranquillite. Quhill sic thyngis wer done amang the scottis, Eganus secound sonne to Hungus kyng of Pychtis slew his bruthir Dorstorlorgus to mak hym self kyng. This Eganus to stable the crown of pichtis to hym cōuenit his nobillis, & with gret liberalite de [...]t his faderis treasoure and guddis amāg thaym, to haue thair fauoure & veneuolence. Syne maryit Brenna his brotheris wife doucht to ye king of Marchis. To y e fyne yat Brenna suld not be degradit of hir estait rial [Page] nor hir fader cōmonit for the slaucht of his gud sonne. This Eganꝰ had sic feir of his lyfe (as the vse of tyrannis is) yat he come neuir to [...]cht but ane gard of armyt men. And wald nothir suffir his wyfe nor ten [...] freindis cum to his presence, quhill his gard ripit thaym, to se gyf thay had ony wappīnis hid in sū quie [...] place. Traislyng (as it wes eftir prouin) sum quiet personis [...]tand ay in wait to inuaid hym for ye slauchter of his bruthir. And as he cōiecturit sa followit. For he wes slane be B [...]cuna his wyfe slepand in his bed amang his army [...] gard, to reuenge y e slauchter of hir husband. Alpyne heirand the slauchter of his two [...] but ony succession of yair bodyis on liue, [...] his ambassatouris to y e princis of Pychtis clamand ye crown of pichtis as Iust and nerest her [...]our to [...] king Hungus gottin on his inter Fergusiane, al othir childrin of Hungus beand deceissit but ony succe [...]ioun. Quhilk (as [...]) wes cum [...] be deuyne puru [...]ance, that the two pepil sa lang inuading othir be continewall weris mycht finalie cū [...]e inseuerable cōmixtioun of blude vndir the empire of ane kyng. The pichtis knawing we [...]l the desyris of [...]ir ambassatouris ches [...] ane man of gret prudence and auctor [...]e amang thaym namit Fer [...]deth to be kyng, that Alpyne suld haue na place to clame the crown. Als sone as yi [...] ambassatouris wer cumyn to Camelon (quhai [...] Feredech & his nobillis wer assemblit for ye tyme) & began to propone yair message desyring y e [...]rown of pichtis to be deliuerit to Alpyne, sic gild & noyis rais in the counsall, that silence wes put to thir ambassatouris, and answer geuin to ya [...] be Feredech, that ye pichtis wald suffi [...] na prince of vncou [...]h blude to regne aboue thaym. And wer accustomat to transfer ye crown of yair realme fra ane hous to ane othir, as thay thocht expediēt. It wes inhibit be ye samyn lawis to depriue thair kyng during his lyfe. And youcht Alpyne wes nepot to Hungus gottin on his sistir Fergusiane, Ȝit sen he wes gottin of vncouth blude, he mycht na wayis succeid to ye crown be lawis of yair realme. Dongallus heirand this answer send y e secound message to pichtis with certification, gif tha [...] refusit he wald inuaid thaym be battal. Als sone as y e pichtis wer aduertist of y e cumyng of yis secound message, thay send certane armit men to stop yair cūing. And to inhibit yame to pas ony forthir vnd pane of deid. The ambassatouris affrayit be thir wourdis denuncit battal to ye pichtis in name of Dongallꝰ & Alpyne. And incontinent thay returnyt ye samyn gait thay come. Eftir thair returnyng ye nobillis of Scotland cō uenit at Carrik with kyng Dongal to auise how y [...]s battal suld be led aganis ye pichtis, & in yis cōuention the nobillis cōcludit with ane mynd to [...]eopard yair lādis, liuis, & guddꝭ in ꝑsu [...]e of Alpynis rycht. & othir to haue hym kyng of pichtis, or ellis al attanis to de. Incontinēt ilk ane of yir two pepil maid yair ordinance to inuaid othir with diuers myndis & intentionis. The pichtis desiring to suffer na vncouth blude to regne aboue yame. & ye scottis not to be defraudit of yair Iust heritage. Dongallꝰ makīg gret deligence to assembil his pepil aganꝭ y e pichtꝭ c [...]e to y e watter of Spey. & gat ane cobill to pas ouir y e famyn, bot at last be force of streme he wes borne downe the watt & perist ye .vi. ȝ [...]ir of his regne. [Page Cxxxviii] Fra y e incarnation .viii.C.xxx. ȝeris. And wes buryit in Colmekill.
¶Of kyng Alpyne, & hovv he slevv Feredech kīg of pich [...]is. hovv b [...]udꝰ & Kē neth kīgis of pich [...]is vvar baith slane. & brudus ye [...]e [...]rs maid kīg. hov kīg alpine vvas slane▪ & ye scottis discōfist. ca. viii.
DOngallus perist in this maner, Alpyne son to Achaiꝰ wes maid kīg. Als sone as he wes crownyt, he set his deligence to ꝓuide al thingis necessar for his army aganis the pichtis. Feredech king of pichtꝭ ceissi [...] not in y e samyn maner to mak his ꝓuision for ordinance of battal, traistyng be deith of Dongallꝰ sum bett chance to follow to his weris. & but more tary he tuke purpos with ane cūpany of chosin men to pas in Angus, quhare ye remanēt army of pychtis wes cōmādit be him to cōuene. ȝi [...] afore his cumyng the scottis wer campit in ye same place quhare his cōuētion wes set, and began to sege the castel of Forfair. On y e thrid day eftir kyng Feredech come with ane army weil arrayit to Restēnoth. Incontinent baith y e armyis Iunit. At ye first Iuning y e rych [...] wyng of scottis wes neir vincust. And in ye mene time Fidenoth Thane of Athol com with .iiii.C. fresche mē ī yair support. yus wes y e battal renewit with huge slaucht but ony signe of fleing. Howbeit ye chance wes rycht doutsū. For sū tyme ye ansenȝeis wer left be yam that suld haue past afore in defence thairof. and sum tyme saiffit agane be y e wageourꝭ. At last kīg Feredech s [...]and ye myddil ward of pichtis approcheand to discōfitoure, ruschit w t sic farde amang his ennymes, yat he wes excludit fra his awin folkꝭ. And quhen he saw na way to eschew, he faucht w t ꝑseuerand manheid to the deith. & wes slane with mony othir nobill mē fechtand on y e same maner to ye deith. the residew of pychtis na thyng astonist of this slaucht perseuerit in continewal battal, quhil the nycht bereft thaym y e sycht. Yus wer baith ye armyis brokin. & cōstranyt (as discōfist pepil) to return to thair tentis. Ye pichtis knawing yair kīg and nobils with ye maist ꝑt of thair army slane, left ye woundit men behynd yame with yair cariage. & fled hame y e nerest way thay mycht. The scottis wer sa brokin y t yai had fled in the same maner, wer nocht it wes schawin to Alpyne, y t ye pichtis wer fled & left yair cariage behynd yam▪ Yir nouellis causit y • pichtꝭ to abyde in array quhil y e nycht wes gone▪ on the morowe certane spyis wer send furth to serche y e wodis & montanis and fand yair ennymes fled. Ye scottis reiosyng of this victorie, partit y e spulȝe fallin to thaym be ryte of armes. ye body of Feredech wes bur [...]t with solempne cerimonijs ī Forfair. The scottis eft yis victorie fand the thrid part of yair army slane. & wes cōstranit yairfore to inuaid ye pichtꝭ erar be frequent skarmussyng, than ony plane battall. Nochtheles thay come sone eftir in Angꝰ & brocht out of ye samin ane huge pray of cornis & guddis to Athole, & y e remanēt put in fyre. Be yir & othir frequent heirschippis Angus wes left waist. Ye pichtis to resist yir iniurꝭ, chesit Brudus son of Feredech to be king. quhilk for his febill & soft administration wes haldin ī more derision yan honour to his pepil, and wes slane y e first ȝeir of his regne be ane fenȝei [...] sedition amang ye pichtis. Eftir the slaucht of Brudus hꝭ brodir Kēneth wes maid king. and had lityll better chance yan Brudus had. For eft ya [...] [Page] he wes cumyn in Angꝰ with ane army of pichtis, he tuk sic feir [...]eand hꝭ ennymes fornentis hym, y t h [...] [...]aif of his cote armour & fle [...] fra his army to ye nixt montanis, quhare he was schamefully slane be ane landwart mā, not knawing quhat he was. Ye remanent pichtis knawing g [...]t difficulte to meit yair ennymes but ane he [...]d, chesit Brudꝰ ane feirs & vailȝeant prince to be yair king. Yis Brudus eft his coronation send ambassatouris to kīg Alpine, desiring all iniuris to be redressit on athir side, and peace to be renewit, efter y e auld bād [...] y e two pepyl. It wes answerit [...]e Alpine he wald haue na peace, quhil ye crown of pichtis wer geuyn to hym, as iust heritour yairof. Brudꝰ seing y t the scottis war set to ꝑseueir in battall aganis hym, send his oratouris with gret sowmes of money to be confiderate with Edwi [...]e king of Ingland, & to haue certane wage [...] of Ingland to resist ye scottis. [...]ing Edwine ressa [...]it yis money, & promittit (quhat day Brudꝰ lyst assigne) to cū to his support. Sindry of ye pichtis reiosit of this answere, [...]raisting be support of Inglismen to v [...]cus ye scottis Otheris thocht lytyll confidence to be geuyn to yame, becaus ye said pichtis slew Athelstane king of Ingland, with mony of his noblis afore in Lowthyane. In ye mene tyme y e scottꝭ heri [...]t al Angꝰ fra y e fute of Granȝebene to y e watter of Tay. Brudꝰ to reuenge [...] cruelteis send ane herald to kīg Edwyne desiring his army to be send haistely to resist ye scottis. It was answerit be kyng Edwyne, y t he was sa impeschit with ciuil weris amāg his awin pepil, y t he micht mak na support to hym at y e tyme, & als he was [...]equestit be Lowis king of Frāce to do na iniure to scottis, & to support na pepyl in yair cōtrar. Nochtheles (wald y e said Brudꝰ suꝑseid hꝭ battal quhil ye nixt ȝeir, he suld gladly cū to his support. Brudꝰ [...]okit on this wyse begā to detest y e treason of Inglismē, & notwithstanding his repuls, he cō mandit al fensabil mē of his realme to meit hym y e .viii. day efter followyng with vittallis necessar for thair sustentation at ye fute of ye calidon wod. Ye pichtꝭ war enrag [...]t with sic hatrent, yat few of yame wer absent at ye day & place assignit. Brudꝰ seing yame assēblit with sic hatrent come ouir y e brig of Dūkeld to Angꝰ. & in y e nicht afore ye battal be wise coū sal of agit knichtis, he causit al ye cariage men & wemen (yat come with his army) to stand in arrayit battall with lynnyn claithis aboue yair bodyis, with siclik wappinis & armour as yai micht get for y e tyme▪ Sic thī gis done, he put ane .C. horsmē to gouerne yame but ony noyis in ye nixt wod, & cōmandit yat nane of yame cū in sicht, quhyl y e battallis war iunit. King Alpine was at yis tyme in ane castell, quhilk stude on ane mote not far fra Dunde, besyde quhilk is ane plane lyand to y e North, quhare ye army of scottis lay for y e tyme. Alpine beheld the pichtis on ye castell heid (quhare he was) cumand forthwart ī array, & incōtinent he arrayit ye scottis, & exhortit yame be lāg orison to schew yame vailȝeand in battall, & not only for fei [...] of schame bot for luf of yair cuntre to do sum notabyll vassalage, & to rusche feirsly on yair ennimes, & to traist fermely but ony dredour of deith to haue victory in reward of yar labouris, s [...]n thair quarell was iust. Ye pichtis war sa desyrus of battal, yat afore y e soūd of trūpat thay iunit, & faucht with sic [Page Cxxxix] incredibil fury, y t y e richt wing of scottis was vehemently trublit. Alpine seand yame abasit, come with ane cū pany of chosin men to yair support. Throw quhilk sindry scottis returnit fra yair fleing, & set on yair ennymes with mair cruelte thā afore. In the mene tyme y e cariage mē & wemē (quhilkis war hid afore ī ye wod) began to schaw yame as yai war mouand forthwart to cū on yair backis, be quhais sicht ye scottis war sa affrayit yat but ony forthir debait, yai gai [...] backis. on quhom followit y e pichtis with lang chace, & slew al scottis quhare yai micht be apprehendit but ony mercy or ransoun. Yis policy & slicht of cariage mē & wemē hyd vnder couert (as we haue schawin) was mair discomfitour to y e scottis, than all the feirsnes & strenth of pichtis. Ye horsmen of pichtis followit sa fast yat yai saiffi [...] na scottis y e micht be ouirtakin. In yis battall was tame king Alpine, & brocht with his handis bound to ye nixt village, quhare he was heidit with ane hewing a [...], the .iiij. ȝeir of his regne. fra y e incarnation .viii.C.xxxiiii. ȝerꝭ. Ye place (quhare king Alpine was heidit) is callit ȝit Pasalpine, y t is to say the heid of Alpine. Efter yis huge victory of scottis king Brudꝰ returnit to Camelon with king Alpinis heid & put it on ane staik on the hyeast part of all thair wallis to be ane signe of his victory.
¶Hovv Kenneth ye secoūd vvas maid king of scottis, of ye deith of Brudꝰ kīg of pichtis, & hovv Donskene vvas maid king. hovv ye heid of king Alpine vvas brocht in scotland▪ & hovv the pichtis vva [...] discomfist. Ca. ix.
THe scottis efter yis vnhappy battall, fled out of Angus in Argyle, & maid Kenneth sonne of Alpine king. Ye pichtis richt insolent & proud efter yis huge victory of scottis cōuenit at Camelō, & gaif louing to god with mony solempne cerimoniis & prayer. Als sone as y e suffrage was done, yai maid yair aithis on y e haly euangellis neuir to ceis fra battal, quhil ye scottis wer alluterly distroyit, & maid ane statute quhat euir he war yat labourit to haue peace or trewis with ye wickit scottis, he sall be heidit. sindry of ye pichtis thocht yir votis vnplesand, & said best was to vse victory with mesoure, nochtheles sa mony as war of yis opinioun war chasit with gret displesour out of y e tempil, quhare thay cōuenit. Ye scottis be this manassing of pichtis war not deiecait, bot erar inflāmit to hie curage, traisting na lytyl felicite to follow to yam ī plane euersion of pichtꝭ, as weil apperit be yair proud insultatiō eft yis ꝓsperite. In y e nixt symer y e pichtꝭ cūand with ane army aganis ye scottis, fel at debait amāg yame self for ane thīg of nocht. Yus was yair army deuidit ī sindri factionis, & fel be iniuriꝰ wordis ī sic slaucht, yat y e samyn micht not be stāchit quhil y e nicht seuerit yame. Yan brudꝰ tuk lang cōsultation how yis discord micht be best pecifut. nochyeles quhē he had tane gret labour to brīg his noblis to cōcord, & seād yam not coūsalabil to ye cōmon weil, he was cōstranit to return hame with the residew of his army, and fell in sic malancoly, that within few dayis efter he deceissit. Ye pichtis (yat thair common weil suld nocht peris for falt of ane heid) chesit Donskene brothir to king Brudꝰ afore rehersit to be yai [...] kyng. Yis Donskene maid concord amang his pepil, & redressit al iniurꝭ quhare he micht. In the mene tyme [Page] certane vailȝeant Scottis think and richt vnworthy y e king Alpinis heid sul [...] stand on ane staik, fen [...]e [...]t yame to be pichtis (for thay had y e lāgage) & come to Camelon as marchandis quhare thay remanit certane dayis. Als sone as thay saw thair [...]yme, ya [...] tuk down ye heid & come away with it ī yair cuntre▪ king Kēneth ressauit his faderis heid with solempne processiō, & send it to Colmekil to be buryit with ye remanent body, syne rewardit thir men (y t did ieoperd yame to sic honest vassalege) with riche lā dis. Efter yis settand his ingyne to defence of his realme, he put strang [...]diou [...]is in al strenthis [...]ornentis y • bordouris of Pichtis. & cōmandit [...]ꝭ folkꝭ to be dayly exercit ī cheualry, & to be reddy aganis euery trubyl y t mycht occur. Ȝit mony of the noblis war mair set to defend thair awin, than to p [...]rsew ye pichtis, for ye gret [...] y • fel to yame be yis last batt [...]l. Otheris thocht best to dissin [...]ll [...] ane tyme▪ & [...]e [...]s fra all inuasion [...] pichtis, quhill ye scottis war con [...]les [...]it, & thair pissance recouerit. & than to persew the crown of pichtis, & reuenge he slauchter of kyng Alpine with [...]er power. The Scottis of yis last opinion (howbeit ya [...] war of small no wi [...]er) war apprisit with Kenneth. And becaus he saw sa hye dāgeir appering to his realme, he pecifi [...] all sedition amang his noblis, & intertenit yame with merualus affection & kindnes. Followi [...] thre ȝerꝭ with frequent incursionis but ony gret slaucht. In y e fourt ȝeir Kēneth maid ane cōuention of his noblis, & tuk lang consultation how he micht optene y e crown of pichtis & reuenge his faderis slauchter, & schew be mony reasonis it was na tyme [...] than to dul in sleuth, sen thay war born to cheualry. For y e season was expedi [...] to rais thair army on ye pichtis, & to obtene ye crown thairof, quhilk hes bene sa mony ȝerꝭ iniustly haldin fra yame. Ȝit quhē Kēneth had maid al ye instance he mycht to persuade his noblis to battall, thay micht be ꝑsuadit na mair to his purpos, thā the samyn had bene to yair vter cōfusion. For ye recent slaucht of king Alpine & othir noblis slane with hym afore be ye pichtis, drew al thair mynd fra battall. Kenneth seing y t his noblis be na persuasion war abyll to be solistit to battall, deuisit for yame ane vncouth slicht neuir hard afore in ony mannis age, & conuenit all his noblis to ane counsall to abuyse on certane othir h [...]ar materis, & feistit yame within his palice be solempne banket, quhil it was far run within ye nicht. Sone eft thay went to yair chalmeris within his palice, & quhē thay war fallyn on ꝓfound sleip, Kē neth causit sindry men cled w t fische skynnis to pas to the beddis quhare thir lordis lay. Yan to ylk lordis bed past ane of yir me al at ane set hour, ylkane of yame had ī thair hand ane club of muscane ire, quhilk kest ane vncouth glance with y • fische scalis in y e myrk. In yair othir hād ylkane of yame had ane bugil horn, & spake with sa how voce throw y e samyn, y e yair voce apperit not like to ye voce of ane mā. Ye noblis (quhare yai lay ī yair beddꝭ) war richt astonist be yis vncouth sicht, & not knawing quhidder y e same was visionis or dremis yai kepit silence. Yan thir men spak throw y e bugyl horn with heuy basse voce, nocht semand as it [...] of mortall creaturis, and schew thaym angellis send be cōmand of god to the noblis of Scotland, to caus thaym obey the desyris of thair prince, for [Page Cxl] his desyris war sa iust, y t the pychtis for the repuls thairof sall cum to sic vter rewyne, y t na engyne nor pissāce of mā suld resist thairto. Als sone as thay had said thir wordis, ylkane of yame hid thair staffe vnder yair claithis, and inuoluit thair fische skynn [...]s togidder to y e fyne, y t thay & thair lycht micht euanꝭ baith atanis. The nobillis seand this vncouth visioun war astonist and tuke lytyll rest for the residew of that nicht. On the morow efter thair conuentioun ylkane schew to othir all thair visionis, and seand y e samyn apperyng vnder ane tyme and maner, thay concludit it to be na fantasy. Bot ane heuynly visioun send to thaym be syngular fauour of god to aduertis thaym (gyf thay war respondent thairto) of yair sickir felicite, yat was haistely to follow. Incontinent thay schew to the kyng how thay war monist be y e angellꝭ to obtemper his wyl in al chargis. And thairfore with ferme constance, thay wald perseueir in battal aganis the pichtis. The king answerit, siclik visioun of angellis apperit to hym (howbeit he durst not schaw the samyn) in aduenture the pepyll suld deme hym glorius, as he wa [...] sa familiar with god, y t his angellꝭ suld aduertis hym of thingꝭ to cū. Nochttheles se [...] thay war admonist in the samyn maner, he wald reueill his vision, for it apperit to haue ane gud fyne. The noblis condiscendit to his mynd, & be generall edict cōmandit al fensable ꝑsonis of y e realme to cū at ane certane day & place affixit w t vittallis, wappin [...]is, & al thingꝭ necessare aganis y • pich [...]ꝭ. Be yis edict was assemblit at Striuelyng ane army of scottis with mair multitud of pipil, thā euir was sene afore in thai boundis. Than kyng Donskene to meit this battall of scottis, gaderit ane army baith of Inglismen & pichtis, & come within ye nicht betuix ye scottis & yair awin landis. Skarsly was ye day brokin, quhen baith y e armyis inflāmit with birnand hatrent iunit but ony soūd of trumpat. The pichtꝭ gat gret skaith be yair haistie & vnauisit rinning on yair ennimes. Nochtheles thay gat mair skaith be Inglismen. for thay left the army of pichtis ī thꝭ extreme ieoperde, & fled to y e nixt mōtanis. The reird & noyis rising be fleing of Inglismen maid ye pichtis affrayit. king Donskene (nochtwithstanding this disceyte of Inglismen) exhortit yame to return▪ thay answerit it was not thair custome nor vse to geif battall but capitane or but array. The pichtis (as apperit) offerit yame wylfully to be slane with yair ennymes. It ꝑtenit als to ye craft of weirfair (quhē na esperāce of victory apperit) to schaw battal. The scottis seand ye myd battal nakit of ye wing (quhare yir Inglismen suld haue foch [...]in) & reddy to ressaue iniure of ennimes, ruschit forthwart with sic preis y t ye pichtis war cōstranit to geif backꝭ. Thā Kēnethꝭ army followit on yame baith w t futmen & horsmē, & cōmādit nane to be saiffit, to reuenge ye slaucht of king Alpine & his noblis, quhilkꝭ war slane eft y t thay war ȝoldin. Ye chace ꝑseuerit quhil ye pichtis war dreuyn to ye watter of Forth, quhare mony of yame perist, & ye remanēt wer slane be yame y • followit. kīg Dōskene (efter y t ye battal was discōfist) was born away be ane swift hors. Kēneth dreidand sū hid treason to follow be slycht of thir Inglysmen (quhilkis war nocht far fra thair army) brocht all his folkis be sound of trumpat to the standart, and stude all ya [...] [Page] nycht in arrayit battal. On the morow he partit the spulȝe of the fe [...]d be rite of armis, and returnit hame.
¶Of the message send be Dons [...]ene to Kenneth and of his ansvver. Of the orison maid be Donskene to Kenneth. and of his ansvver. Hovv the Pichtis vvar discōfist & kyng Donskene slan [...]. Ca. x.
KIng Donskene eftir this battall send his oratouris to Kēneth desyryng peace. Kenneth āswerit he wald gladly geif peace sa y t the crown of Pichtis (quhilk pertenit to hym be iust title) war geuyn [...]o hym▪ Nochtheles the Pychtis refusit to geif peace in yat sort and, be repulse thairof gaif occasion to scottis to inuade thaym with mair cruelte than afore. In the nixt ȝeir Kenneth come with ane army in Fyffe & Angus, and maid the inhabitantis yairof sa astonist, y t thay war sworn to leif vnder his empire and lawis. Sone efter Kenneth tuke all thair [...]enthis and garnist thaym in his maner. Syne rasit his camp & come to Striuelyng to tak it in ye samyn maner. And quhen he had brocht ye Pichtis thairof to his domi [...]ion, tythingis come y t all the scottis (quhilkis war left behynd hym in Fyffe & Angus) war slane be treason▪ Kenneth incontinent left y • sege of Striuelyng, and returnit in Fiffe, quhare he be fyre and sw [...]rd left na Pichtis (y • micht be tane) on lyue to be exempyll in tymes cumyng, quhat frute succedis to mortall pepyll be violation of thair faith to kyngis. Quhyl yir & siclik inhumane cruelt [...]is war done amang the Scottis & Pichtis, kyng Donskene conuenit all fensabyll personis of his realme but ony difference of ky [...] with [...] baner othir to reuenge y e cruelt [...]i [...] done be Scottis, or all at anis to [...]e. The pichtis ī this iurnay come [...] Scon [...] quhare now is ane riche abbay of channonis regular, and [...]and kyng Kenneth with al his army afore yai [...] cuming. On ye morow (quhen baith ye armyis war arrayit in othir sicht) kyng Dōskene desyring erar to seik peace quhyll he [...]lude in prosperite, than to seik it efter that he was vincust▪ send ane herald to kyng Kēneth desyring licence to cōmon with hym afore the battallis iunit of certane matteris concernyng na les ye weill of Scottis thā of Pichtis, kenneth refusit nocht the cōmonyng. Belyue the two kyngis accumpanyit with ane few nowmer of noblis come fra thair army to ane place as was deuisit. Than the king of Pichtis said in this maner. It cūmis not (inuincible prince kenneth) but propiciant fauourꝭ of god, y t I ye kyng of pichtis (quhais pissance hes ay bene equale to Scotti [...]) humylly is cumyn efter sa mony chancis of battall desyring peace at the. We (that hes bene als oft victorius on scottis as we bene vincust be thaym) ar cumyn fynaly to this point, yat othir man we haue peace vnder quhat cōdition [...]s thow lift, or ellis force is to ws to ꝑseueir in battall baith in perditioun of ws and ȝow. Ȝit thair bene syndry thyngis yat suld persuade ws to put ane end to all thir weris but ony ferthis inuasion, as baith the new and auld affinite of our pepyll sa lang continewyng togidder vnder ane blude & amyte of our antecessouris, and als the frequent cheualry of baith oure pepyll sa oft ieoperd to extreme dangeir aganis our ennymes, & fynaly ye vter euersion of ws baith, quhilk [Page Cxli] sall nocht fa [...] (gif we cōtinew in battall) to cum on ws. For our ennymes seand ws brokin with [...]thir iniuris sal expel ws out of Albion with gret dishonour & schame. Yair is now na occasiō of battal. Forȝe haue not only all y e riches & treasour of Pichtis in recompensatioun of the slauchter of kyng Alpyne & his nobillis. Bot als ȝe haue now all the treasour and riches of scottis, quhilkis thay tynt afore be industry of kyng Feredech. For thir reasonis best wer that we Scottis and Pychtis leiffit content of our awin landis and rowmys, as oure eldaris did afore. And treit of peace, for the chance of battall is dou [...]sum, and oftimis fortoun geuis victorie to thaym, that ar maist approchant to perell. Na thyng is yairfore sa gud nor sa sickar as peace. & y t is now ī thy handis, bot victorie is in the power of fortoun. Of quhais instable fauoure we haue sufficient documen [...]ts, yat scho conuertis oftymes hie glore in miserable estait, for ȝe may se ws now desolate & seikand peace, quhilkis within thir few ȝeris vincust al y e army of scottꝭ, quhat is he y • will beleif fortoun more propiciant to Scottis? than scho hes bene to Pychtis. Hes scho promittit ȝow sickir victore? quhilk scho did neuir to ony pepill afore. Quhat pepil hes scho dissauit with smyland visage? quhen scho semis maist fauourable, scho is maist to be dred. Heirfore vnderstand, peace to thy gret honoure is better afore the battall, than esperance of victorie duryng the battall. In auenture gif aduersite followe, thy preeminent glore and magnitud of merciall dedis be chance of forton sall [...]key in irrecouerable dāmage. Attoure y t we may haue peace na les necessar to ws yan proffitable to thy pepill, we ar content that Fyffe and Angus pas vnder perpetuall dominioun of Scottis. To that fyne yat we may reiose the remanent landis of our realme in times cuming with thy fauour & peace. Be quhilk waye thow may conques interminable honoure but ony dāmage eftir following, & be namit be yt posterite maist vailȝeāt prince that euir rang aboue the Scottis. To thir wourdis answerit Kenneth. Howbeit fortoun be na les vnstable, than ye stait of man vnsicker. And yocht our werkis and exercitionis be subieck it to variant chance of fortoun, as may be prouin be mony exemplis of oure eldaris. Ȝit in thir present besynes fortoun apperis to be more sorowfull to Pichtis than to Scottis. Becaus thay ar to cum (as in ane wrangꝰ action) to defraude the Scottis of y e crown of Pychtis pertenand to thaym be Iust title. Thus hes y e Scottis iust cause to persew yair rycht be battal, sen yai may optene it na othir ways. Attoure baith the recent & auld affinite sa lang continewing betuix the two pepill suld moue ye Pichtis (gif thay had respect to thair reuerence & faith) to suffir me succeid to y e crown thairof, sen it pertenis to me be Iust heritage. Be quhilk way baith the pepill may haue pepetuall peace vnder ane kyng and lawis but ony promis of Fiffe or Angus, Quhilkis ar now my lādis and inhabit with my pepill. Forthir I wer rycht vnmercy full, gyf I wald nocht gyf peace to Pichtis on the samyn maner as the Pichtis gaif peace afore to Scottis quhen thay wer brokin with weris. Bot now y e mat is at ane vter point. For y e Pichtis ar sworn be solempne atthis neuir to gif peace to ws. And the Scottis on y e same maner sworn [Page] neuir to gif nor ȝit to tak peace with Pichtis, quhill ye crown of Pichtis be geuin to me ye Iust heritour yairof. Gif thow desiris peace? exoner ye of the crown of Pichtis. And deliuer in my handis al ye strenthis yairof, that I be generall cōsent of al ye pichtis may be declarit kyng. Gif thir desyris semis importable to Pichtis Force is to thaym to perseueir in battall aganis ws, quhilkis ar preparit in maist wei [...]ly ordinance to inuaid yame. Traisting be esperance of our Iust persute to haue victorie. The two kyngis seuering in this maner but ony expedition of yair desyris, returnit to yair tentis. Incōtinet rais ane hidous clamour & reird in baith the armyis desyring y e rycht to be de [...]it be the swerd with [...] chance as fortoun list gif. Kenneth exhortit his folkis to assailȝe feirslie thair ennymes & to ꝑseueir in feruent battal, y • [...] may be discussit be y e day, quhiddir the scottis [...]all abandoun ye pichtis. Or the pichtis ye scottis. Ye reward of victorie wes ye realme of pychtis [...]petual honour & dominioun aboue yair ennymes. Be cōtrar be yair fleyng sal follow ye rewyne of yair realme, gret murdir with schamfull exterminioun baith of yame self & yair posterite. Thir wourdis beand said, Kēneth arrayit his battall with doubill wyngis. In euery ane of thaym he put his archearis and cors [...]owis. Nixt yame stude ye speris & pikkis. And behynd yame stude swerdis byllis & axis. To y e rycht wīg wes maid ane nobil capitane namit Bar. To y e left wyng Dongallꝰ. & to y e myddill ward wes donald y e kyngis broder▪ & behynd yame all, stude Kēneth with ane gret buschemēt of horsmē reddy to support yame at al dangeir. Incō tinēt be thonderād preis of trumpat baith the armyis [...]unit. Than rais ane huge reird & clamour, and maid mony of y e pichtis so affrayit, y t thay apperit (afore yai assailȝeit y e chance of battall) to f [...]e. Nochtheles Donskene exhortit yame to assailȝe thair ennymes with gret spreit, & sūtyme reprochit yame of yair febilnes. And sumtyme rasit yair spretis to n [...]w curage, promitting gret riches & lādis in reward of yair laubourꝭ. followit sone ane terrible bergane. Ye wemē seing yair husbandis wōdit gaif sic horrible spraichis, that yai wer more impediment yan support to y e [...]echtaris. Be yan wes ye richt wyng of pichtis (quhare gretest multitud of wemen faucht) de [...]eckit & put to flycht. Than Kenneth send ane buschemēt of fresche men on y e bakkis of yame that wer fecht and in y e myddilward. Yus wer y e pichtꝭ sloppit with huge slaucht. And becaus yai had na hope of victorie nor ȝit power to resist, yai slāg yair wappīnis fra yam, & tuk y e flycht. Sa huge pepil wer slane in y e place quhare thay first Iunit, and sa huge noumer of armour & wappinnis that ye scottis in yair chace wer cōstranit to pas ouir innoumerable carionis & wappinnis of deid pepil. Throw quhilk sindry scottꝭ wer brokin fra array of thair fallowis and dreuin amang gret buschementis of pichtis quhair yai wer cruelly slane. Kenneth knawing this dāmage be sound of trūpat callit his folkis to y e standart. And eftir y t he had arrayit sindry buschemētis of maist ganād men for ye chace, he gaif to yame capitanis, cōmandit yame to follow on thair ennimes with gud armour and to saif nane y • micht be apprehē dit. Yan Kenneth passit y e residew of yat day & nycht following w [...] ane cū pany of chosin men. The capitanis [Page Cxlii] glaidly obeyit ye empire of Kēneth, & slew be lang chace all ye pichtis y t thay micht ouirtak. King Donskene with ane cūpany of pichtis fled to y e watter of Tay & abaid yair sa lang on ane bait y t he was slane with al hꝭ cūpany. It is said y • pichtis renewit battall y e day .vii. tymes aganis the scottis, & war ay discomfist.
¶Hovv the svverd and cote armour of king Donskene vvar send to Colmekyl. Of the orison maid be king Kenneth to his noblis. Hovv the pichtis vvar slane & banist out of scotland. & hovv ye Dū barris tuk thair begynning. Ca. xi.
EFter this victory ye scottꝭ partit ye spulȝe of yis battal be rite of armis, & sēd y e swerd & cote armour of kyng Donskene to sanct Colme to remane in Colmekyll in perpetuall signe of thair victory. On ye morow al ye noblis of scottis come to Kenneth reiosand of this victory, & desyrit him to tak rest eft sa gret labour. & suffer hꝭ army to return hame. Bot Kenneth thocht not ꝓffitabil to ceis quhil he had put ane end to hꝭ werꝭ. Incōtinent he callit al his noblis afore hym & said in yis maner. It is y e deuore of ane forcy cāpion (gif he intendis to vse victory to y e weil of his army) to [...]eis not fra battal quhil he haue ma [...]d amite with his vicust ennymes, or ellis brocht yam to sic ruyne y • yai micht neuir recouer. for gif ony mā wald suffer his ennyme (quh [...] he is brokin & neir vincust) to rest quhil he may recouir his strenth, Be my Iugement he suld do ane thing richt dām [...]gius to hym self. as to ye dāgeir presently appering, y e pichtis a [...] now brokin with our weris, & brocht to sic state, y • yai may be distroyit be [...], & ȝit it war ane thīg [...] abhominable to inuade thaym with sic cruelte gif we micht ony maner of way brīg yam to sicker amite & freindschip, cōsidering yai ar now enragit aganis ws for displesouris to yame done. Nochtheles yir pichtis as ȝe knaw ar subtel & desiris na thing mair than vengeance on ws & our posterite. And for y e caus yai sall neuir deuoid yair hartis (sa lang as yai leue) of yir importable cruelteis done be ws. Yus may na amite nor freindschip be drawin ī tymes cūing betwix ws & pichtis. for sic cruelteis ar now exercit on euery side, y e yai cā not be redressit. Gif ȝe haue sicht yair fore to our singulare weill, na thing is sa gud as to seif nothir man, wif, nor barne of Pichtis blude on lyue, in aduenture yat sic posterite rise of thaym sone efter that sall baith reuenge thair faderis slauthter and bryng oure realme in greit dangeir. Yis opinion of ye king (yocht it was cruel) was found for sindry reasonis richt proffitable to y e weil of scott [...]s. Incōtinent sic cruelte & bludy rage was maid on pichtis in all partis, y e nane of yame was left on lyue out of Camelon & othir strenthis, except ii.M. ꝑsonis quhilk fled to y e Inglismen. Yan Kenneth partit y e landis of pichtis amāg his noblis be sycht of yair meritis & prowes. & namit al ye landis▪ montanis, & riuaris of yis region with new names. Ilk land tuk y e name efter y e possessour for y e tyme. to y e fyne y t the auld names of yir lā dis suld peris with memory of pichtis. Bar an noble mā gat for his singular vassalage prouyn in this last feild ane strang castel in Lowthiane namit Dūbar. Fra this name rais ye hous & surname of Dūbaris, quhilkis ar of gret renoun & honour to yir dayis. Of this hous come y e erl [...]s of Marche continewyng with lang [Page] ꝓgression of thair sonnis & [...]enois heritouris of the said hous. [...] ar of this hous mony nobill clerkis and doctouris clothit for thair notabil virtew with prelacijs and honouris to thir dayis. Sic thingis done, Kenneth went with mony army [...] mē to sege ye town of Camelon. For sindry pichtis fled to it with yair [...]ffis and children, traisting (becaus the town wes strenthe) to haif ane sickir refuge in it. First ane herald past to Camelon to assailȝe, gif the pychtis wald randir the town. And becaus thay refusit, ane strait sege wes laid thairto, quhilk mony monethis eftir cōtinewit. Ye scottꝭ war sa irkit with the sege, that thay serchit mony ingynis to wyn the town. And finalie yai brocht ane gret multitude of treis to [...] the [...]renchis and fowsyis yairof. In the mene tyme the cie [...]ezanis began to laik vittallis, and send thair oratouris to Kenneth desyryng thre [...]ayis trewis. That thay mycht tak [...]sement amang thaym self concernyng ye randeryng of ye town. Kenneth hauand na suspicion of dissait, consentit to yair desiris. And cōman [...]i [...] his army to ceis fra segyng of ye [...]own, duryng the thre dayis e [...]tir followyng. In the mene tyme ane certane of pychtis Ischi [...] at ye thrid vigill out at ane auld port, quhilk wes not oppinnit mony ȝeris afor [...], and first slew ye wache of Scottis, syne come with gret affray to the kyngis tentis, and maid Ithand slauchter, sa lang as ye nycht endurit, and fled incontinent to ye town. Nochtheles the Scottis followit on thaym with sic slauchter, that thay had won the town, wer nocht thay wer stoppit be ganȝeis arowis & stanis sch [...]t out of y e touris of Camelon. In yis [...] mussing wer slane ma yan .vi. [...]. scottis. Nochtheles Kenneth maid ane new wache in the s [...]me ordour as afore. And becaus y e pichtis had violat thair faith to hym, he maid ane solempne aith neuir to seuer fra this town, quhill the wallis thairof wer equate to ye ground. And youcht he assailȝeit to tak this town be sindry ingynis, ȝit na thing yairof come til effect. For the pychtis sa vailȝeantly resistit, that the sege continewit styll foure monethis but ony interruption. Throw quhilk sic miserable hunger rais amang the cietezanis thairof, that thay abhorrit not to eit maist vile & abhominable metꝭ. And yocht thay wer in sic [...] xtreme rage of hunger, ȝit thay slew all yame that gaif counsall to rander the town. At last this town beyng ouirset & wery be Ithand persute of Scottꝭ, yair fowsyis fillit with wod and othir sindry stuf to the wallis, Kenneth send .vi.C. men to y e nixt wod to mak ledderꝭ. Thir mē returnit with y e same on ye morow & went with vnfrayit curage to ye wallis. And finalie entrit at sindry partis thairof with sindry abuschemētis. The cietezanis astonist with yis suddane irruptioun of scottis, & nocht of power to resist, left y e wallis. & faucht (sa lāg as ya [...] [...]icht) with perseuerant hatren [...] to y e deith. And finalie wer all slane but ony mercy or ransoun. The nobillis commandit to cast down ye town and to leif na pychtis on lyue within the sa myn. The preistis, matronis, virginis & childrin come afore Kenneth with pietuous cheir desiring grace. Bot ye fury of Scottis wes sa gret that thay but ony miseration wer al slane. Eftir yis y e wallis, housis, castellis & kirkꝭ wer brint, & brocht to y e ground. Of all this town sum tyme sa honest, remanit nocht haistely bot [Page Cxliii] the powder w [...]ll & calsay, of quhilkꝭ sum thing r [...]manis ȝit in thir dayis. The samyn tyme the madyn castell of Edinburgh wes garnist w t strāg soudiouris and pichtis. Nochtheles the pychtis within the same dredand si [...]lik subuersioun of thaym, as wes laitlie in Camelon, left the castell desert, and fled in Northūbirland. Yus failȝeit the realme of pychtis in Albioun, and all thair pepill brocht to nocht. Eftir that thay had roungin in the samyn .i.M.i.C.li. ȝeris. The ȝeir of thayr exterminioun out of Albioun wes fra the incarnation .viii.C.xxxix. ȝeris. Fra the first cumyng of scottis in Albion .i.M.iiii.C.xxi. ȝeris. Fra the begynnyng of y e warld vi.M.xxxviii. ȝeris.
¶Of vncouth meruellis sene in Albion. Hovv the chiar of marbyll vvas brocht out of Argyle to Scone. Of the lavvis maid be Kenneth for the cōmon vveill of Scottis, and of his deith. Ca. xii.
IN the samyn ȝeir apperit twa Cometis rycht horribill to the sycht of man. That ane apperit before the sonne risyng in heruest. This othir schane ay eftir ye sonne gang in to in Ueir. Oftymes wes sene in the nycht twa battellis of armyt men fechtand togidder with birnand speris in the ayre. And als sone as ane of yame wes vincust, the tothir sone euanist. Quhen the bischop of Camelon wes doand diuyne seruice in his pontifical, his staf tuk neid fyre, and mycht nocht be slokynnit quhil it wes resoluit to nocht. On fair day lycht besyde Camelon sic noyis and reird of armyt men wes hard, that the pepill wer astonist and durst not remane thairabout. Thir meruellis wer interpret sum tyme to the gud. & sum tyme to the euill of the pepil, as ye deuinouris plesit. Quhen Kēneth had distroyit the pichtis & conquest thair realme in yis maner, he brocht the fatall chiar of merbill out of Argyle to Gowry, quhilk chiar (as said is afore) wes brocht out of Spanȝe in Irelād be Symon Brek. And out of Ireland be Fergus the first king in Argyle, quhare it remanit ay quhill thir dayis. And becaus this last victorie of Pychtis happinnit nocht far fra Scone, he ordanit y e said chiar to remane perpetuallie in the said abbay. And all scottis kyngis to resaue thair diademe in the samyn. Ye pychtis banist out of Scotland in this maner, and seyng ye Inglismen mycht na wayis be persuadit for the ciuill weris amang thaym to inuaid the Scottis, went in Denmark. Otheris serching gyf thay mycht ony way get support to recouer thair realme, fled in Norroway. Otheris remanit in Ingland seikand thair leuyng be cheualrye or frute of thair handis. Kenneth kepit his subditis eftir the exterminioun of pychtis in sicker peace duryng his lyfe, as ane nobill prince worthy to haue indifficient glore. And wes geuin na les to polyce and ciuyl maneris, yan to cheualrie. He drew all y e confusit lawis of Scotland in ane cōpendius volumen, and abrogat al thaym that wer vnproffitable, and maid new lawis mair expedient. Of quhilkis sindry remanis [...]it as followis.
☞In ilk schire of this realme sal be ane man of law to decide doutsū materis quhen thay occur. And yair sonnis sal lern the lawis in yair tendir age.
¶The lawis and constitutionis of this realme salbe kepit onlie be [Page] thaym. And gif ony of thaym be conuickit of falset or ony othir cryme of lese maieste, thay sall be hyngit on ane Iebat.
¶He yat is conuickit of thift, salbe hangit. He that makis slauchter, sal be heidit.
¶Ane woman conuickit of ony capitall cryme salbe drownit or buryit quyk.
¶He that blasphlemys god o [...] his sanctis, Or blasphlemys ye kyng or his capitane sall want his toung.
¶He yat makis ane lesyng in dammage of his nychtbour, sall ty [...]e his sw [...]rd, & be exilit fra gud cumpany▪ ¶Al ꝑsonis suspeckit of ony cryme sal suffir y e inquest of .vii. wyse mē of [...] xi.xiii.xv. & sa furth in od noumer, ¶All reuaris, oppressouris and inuasouris of othir mennis landis, sal be heidit.
¶All vagaboundis, fulis, bardis, s [...]udlaris, and all siclik Idill pepill, salbe brint on the cheik and scurgit wi [...]h wandis, bot gif thay fynd sum craft to wyn thair leuyng.
¶The wyfe sal nocht be punist for hir husbandis iniquite. Bot ye man salbe punist for ye cryme of his [...]fe gyf he knew the cryme. And gif scho [...]e nocht his wife, bot his concubyne scho salbe punist with the samyn pu [...]itioun as the man deseruis for his cryme.
¶He that reuisis ane virgyne ( [...]ot gyf scho desire hym in mariage) salbe heidit.
¶He yat fulȝeis ane other mannis bed, salbe put to deith with the woman, les than scho be [...]eforsit. ¶He that deforsis ane wom [...], salbe heidit. And the woman sall [...] na skaith, bot declarit innocent. ¶Gyf the sonne be iniurius to the fader in wourd or deid, the membir yat fatlȝeit, quhiddir it be fut, toung or hand, salbe cuttit fra hym. And efti [...] this punitioun he salbe hingit on ane Iebat, and his body sall remane vnburyit aboue the erd.
¶He yat is ane manslayar or borndum, or vnthankful to his fader, sall succeid to na heritage.
¶Iouglaris, wichis, and makaris of priuat patronis with deuyllis, salbe brint to the deid.
¶Na seid salbe sawin, quhill it be purifyit fra all noysum granis. He that sufferis his land to be fyld with guld or siclik vnproffitabyll wedis▪ sall pay for the first falt ane o [...] to the cōmoun gud. For the secound falt .x. oxin. And the thrid tyme he salbe for faltit of his landis.
¶Gyf thy companȝeon or freind be slane in ye feild, he salbe buryit, and thy ennyme left but sepulture. ¶Ane beist found gangand wil, salbe geuyn to the awnar or to the serchoure of theuis or ellis to the preist of the parochyne. Quha withhaldis it thre dayis, salbe accusit of thyft. ¶He y t fyndis his nichtbouris gei [...] sall inqui [...]e be opin proclamation ye awnar thairof, othir wayis he salbe punist as ane theif.
¶He that strikis his colligit [...]t in iugement sall tyne his action, & gyf he be actor, his par [...]y salbe absoluit fra his petition.
¶Quhē vncouth [...]y fechtis amāg thaym self, gif ane of thaym happenis to be slane, and vncertane quhat kow maid ye slauchter, the kow yat is homyll sall beir the wyte, and the awnar thairof sal recompens ye dā mage of the kow that is slane to his nychtboure.
¶Ane swyne y t etti [...] hir gris [...], salbe s [...]an [...]t to deid, & hir flesche forbodin. ¶Ane swyne y t eit [...]s corne or wortis [Page Cxliiii] othir mennes landis, salbe slane but ony redres to the awnar.
¶Al othir beistis yat [...]ittis mennis corne or gres salbe poyndit quhil the awnar thairof redres the skaithis be thaym done.
¶Altaris, kirkis, ymagis of sanctꝭ▪ oratouris, chapellis, preistis and all ecclesiastik personis salbe haldin in reuerence.
¶Festuall & solēpne days, fasting, vigillis and all othir cerimonyis of the kirk salbe obseruit, siclik as the kirk hes institute. He yat hurtis ane kirk man in word or in deid salbe punist to the deith. All sepulturis salbe haldin ī reuerence, and ane croce set on yame y t na man stramp thairon. ¶The place (quhare ane mā is slane or buryit) salbe .vii. ȝeris vnteild. ¶The corps of ane deid man salbe buryit effering to his gudis. Gyf he was ane noble man & did gret actis for the cōmoun weill, his body salbe buryit with funeral triumphe in yis maner. Two horsmen sall pas afore hym to the kirk, that ane arrayit in his best claithing, berand hꝭ armour and wappynnis on ane quhite hors. This othir sall pas in dolorus weid on ane blak hors. And quhē y e corps is enterit in the kirk, ye man with ye blak hors sal turn his bak to y e altar & lamentably deplore ye deith of his maister, & sal depart the samyn gait he come. Yis othir sal offir his hors, armour, and wappynnis to y e preist, & bury hym ī magnificēt sepulture. This custome of burying of nobyll m [...]n was abrogat efter be the pepyl & in redemption thairof yai payit. vpund to the preist of ye kirk. Yis nobyll king kenneth with thir & mony othir institutionis gouernit his pepyll to y e end of his lyfe in gud peace felicite & Iustice. He translatit the bischoppis se [...]e of A [...]irnethy to the kirk of sanct [...]eule, quh [...]lk was namit efter y e kirk of sanct Andros. Ye bischop yat succedit efter in yis cit [...]e was callit the gret bischop of Scotland. For the realme of scotland wes nocht deuydit than as now in diocises. Bot ilk bischop (gif he was foūd of gud life) resauit his oblatioun in quhat sumeuir place he come, & yis custome indurit in ye kirk of scotlād vnto the tyme of king Malcolme ye thrid, quhilk was monist (as we sall efter rehers) be vision to institute ye sete of Murthak now callit Abirden. Yis seit of sāct Andros hes bene haldin in gret reuerence fra the first institution thairof to thir dayis, of quhome hes bene mony nobyll byschoppis of singular crudition & lyfe to the nowmer of .xxxvi. Bot I wyll return to my history. Kenneth eikit the boundꝭ of his realme, fra the Almane seyis besyde Northumbirland to y e Ireland seyis beȝond ye Ilis, & deceissit at Fortiuiot be flux of cater the .xx. ȝeir of his regne. fra the incarnatioun .viii.C.lv. ȝeris. His body was buryit in Colmekyl amang the anciant sepulturis of othir kingis.
¶Of the vic [...]us king Donald. hovv Osbret and Ella vvith gret novvmer of Inglismen vvas discomfist. Hovv .xx.M. scottis vva [...] slane. & kyng Donald tane be Inglismen and Britonis. Of the message send be Scottis to Osbret, and of his ansvver. Ca. xiii.
KEnneth y e nobyl prince deceissit on [...] wise, hꝭ brothi [...] [...] the fift of that [...] was maid king [...] different fra his [...] othir. For skarsly had he roung [...] [Page] [...]eris, quhen his abhominabyl [...] lust be multitude of [...] & riatus sur [...]t maid all the pepy [...] effemin [...]t, and geuyn mair to his sensual ples [...]uris thā ony defence of his realme, as na dāmage war appering be his ennymes. Thus was the temperance of out auld faderis set aside, & [...] vi [...]is brocht amang the pepyll. Mony [...]f the noblis (sic as war luffa [...]is of [...]irtew) dete [...]ing with gret indigna [...]on thir schamful m [...]neris of y e kīg [...] his pepyll ay risyng mair in dā mage of the cōmon w [...]il, went to the [...] exhortyng hym to remembir [...]uhat miserable & mischeuous end [...]llowis on vile and sensuall [...] publik & priuat personis bene [...] be the samyn? quhat pest [...]lence [...] dangeris succedis thairthrow. [...] quhat crymes and schamful [...] men ar dreuyn be occasion of [...] lustis. And yairfore prayit hym [...] he had respect to his singulare [...] weill) to remoue suspect & [...] personis out of his cūpany, & [...] hym erar ane wyse prince [...] his brothir Kenneth, than effe [...]a [...] mons [...]oure like Sardan apalus, quhilk [...]int his lyfe with the empire of [...]ssirianis becaus he was ay accumpanyit with wemen, and o [...]ir [...]kyll geuyn to his lust. Quhen ye noblis of Scotland had schawin yir and siclike wordis to thair prince, & seand na emendation of his ly [...]e bot his hatrent dayly rising aganꝭ [...], thay left thair purpos. Thus was the pepyll be vicius leuyng of thair prince degenerat in euery vice▪ all reason turnit in dissait, and Iustice rang for iniquite. In yis mene tyme ye residew of Pichtis (quhilkis fled [...]mang Inglismen) he [...]rand the insolence of Scottis tuk desyre to reco [...]r thair realme in Albion. And solistit Osbret and Ella two gret princes of Ingland to moue weir aganis ye scottis, and promitti [...] [...]o obey to thaym and thair posterite, gif the said princes wald restore thaym to thair landis in Albion. Osbret and Ella men of hie ingyne & prudence, and knawing be quhat detestabyll vicis the Scottis war effeminat, refusit nocht thir desyris of Pychtis. And ȝit yai wald not schaw yame ennymes to Scottis, quhill all contentionis war pecifyit amang thair nobillis. And quhen y e samyn war dressit maist prudently, thir foresaid capitanis Osbret and Ella come with ane army of Inglysmen and Britonis. ¶And efter that thay had set down thair tentis in Mers and Berwyk, thay send ane herald to kyng Donald, chargeand hym to restore the landis laitly tane fra Pychtis, othir wayis Inglismen and Britonis suld be na les ennymes to hym than Pychtis was afore. Donald astonist be this message, and knawyng nocht quhat was to be done, began to serche quhare he mycht best hyde hym, to eschew the fury of ennymes. Ȝit fynaly be hortatioun of his nobillis (that he suld nocht be his cowarty expone the realme to extreme dangeir) He commandit all pepyll vnder his dominioun to conuene certane day and place with all ordinance necessare to resist thair ennymes. ¶Kyng Donald accumpanyit with his nobyllis and commonis in this sort, gaif Osbret and Ella battall at Iedburgh. ¶In this battall the Danis war dyscomfist with gret slauchter, and chasit to the montanis. ¶Donald rycht insolent efter this victory, and beleuing hym self formelye d [...]lyueryt of all truble, come to the mouth of Tweid [Page Cxlv] with his victorius army, and fand thair two schippis ladin with winis vittallis and all othir thingis necessar to sustene the army of Inglismē. Kyng Donald tuk finaly yir schippis with smal labour, and partit the spulȝe and riches yairof amang his weirmen. The spulȝe of yir schippis was mair noysum to the scottis, thā war yair ennimes. For Donald was geuyn to sic voracite and lust of his wambe, that he corruppit all his army in detestable maneris. The ȝoūg men following the maneris of kyng Donald, fillit the army full of bordellis, tauernis, and huris. Followit dising & carting▪ and of yame come cōtention and slauchter. Thus war y e army maid ane gadering of licherus pepyl but ony ordour of cheualry. Osbret heirand y • Scottis geuyn to sic immoderat plesour and lustis, come on yame with ane new army, quhen thay beleuit na thing les thā his cumyng. and slew thaym nakit of armour full of wyne and sleip in thair beddis. The skry suddanly vprais throw terrible [...]ūmyssing of deand pepil, and awalkynnit the army with miserabyl affray. Followit sone ane lamentabyl murdir of Scottis. Sum contending (bot in vane) to euaid yair ennymes. Otheris slane but bebait. Otheris fled quhare thay micht best. ☞¶In this vnhappy bergane war slane .xx.M. scottis. King Donald was tane full of wyne and sleip, and led throw the cuntre to be ane derision to al pepil. And with hym was tane all y e remanēt noblis y • war left vnslane, & put in prison, yair tentis spulȝeit & maid pray to Inglismen & britonis. Ye fame of this vnhappy battall maid ye remanent scottis na les dolorus thā yair realm had fallin ī pray to thair ennymes. Sum began to wary fortoun. Otheris traistit al thir mischeuis fallin only be vengeance of yair vnhappy kyng & his cursit counsal. Otheris ran throw stretꝭ inquiryng yame y t thay met quha was tane or slane, & quhat the Inglismen intendit to do eft yis victory. At last heirand y e Inglismen war cumyn ī Lowthiane, & ye britonis ī Galloway ceissing fra na maner of cruelte y • micht be deuisit, yai war mair affrayit thā euir was ony pepyl afore. Ye spraichis & lamentabyl cryis of wemē heirand ye miserabyll slau [...]hter of thair freindis & husbandis af [...]ayit all the cuntre. The ȝāmering was sa huge, y t few apperit othir to reuenge y e iniurꝭ of ennymes, or ȝit to defend yair realme. Throw quhilk al y e boundis of scotland fra Humbir to Striuelyng was ouir riddin, & nothir man, wyfe, nor page left on lyue y • mycht be ouirtakyn be Inglismen or Britonis. And belyue thay maid yame reddy to cū in Fyffe & Angus. Than ye capitanis of ylk region mesit all trubyl (sa far as thay micht) amang y e pepyl. And with al sensabyl men y t yai culd gaddir, Yai stoppit certane dayis the cumyng of ennymes ouir Forth. Osbret incontinent stuffit certane schippis with x.M. chosin men to cum ouir Forth. In ye mene tyme rais sa vehement storme, y • .v.M. of thaym perist & the residew but mast or t [...]ikyll returnit to land. Osbret s [...] and his army but greit dangeir mycht nocht be tur [...]it be see, come to the brig of Striueling to conuoy his army land gait in Fyffe. Than ye scottis send thair oratouris to Osbret desyring peace, & said it [...]tenit not to vailȝeāt cāpionis hauīg victory but debai [...] to inuaid vincust pepill with new iniuris, yair kīg captiue, & yai [...] [Page] noblis beand sa miserablie slane, & remembring yame y • scottis war vincust mair be thair awin sleuth & necligence, than be ony manheid of Inglismen. Als fortoun was sa vnstabil, yat oftymes scho takis fra mortall pepyl the victory yat scho geuis to thaym, les than thay vse it with mair mesure. Als na glore micht succeid to hym howbeit he vincust febil pepil quhilk was set to tak peace vnder quhat condition he plesit. Nochttheles gif he wald na wayis condiscend to peace, ya [...] suld prefer honest deith to schamefull lyfe. Osbret degeistly auisit on thir petitionis was cōtent to haue peace with scottis vnder yir conditionis, y t al landis conquest fra scottis at this tyme sall remane vnder perpetual dominion of Inglismen & britonis. & na forthir conques to be maid on scottis. The remanent land reft fra pichtis sal remane (as afore) vnder ye emp [...]re of sco [...]tis. The watter of Forth sall be marche betuix scottis & Inglismen in ye Eist partis, & it salbe nam [...] ay f [...]a thyne furth ye scottis see. Ye wat [...]r of Clide to Dūbartane salbe marche ī ye wast partis betuix y e sco [...]tis & britonꝭ. Yis castel afore thꝭ day was callit Al [...]luch, & thā namit Dūbritane, y t is to say, the castell of britonis. It salbe imput for treason, gyf ony scottis mē pas ouir Forth & be foūd in ony lādis ꝑtenand to Inglismen or Britonis. Gif ony scottis be dreuyn in y e said landis thay sall depart within thre dayis efter, without yai haue impediment. Thay sall by nor [...]urs na thing out of the realme bot vittallis & watter. Thay sall [...] na strenthis fornens Britonis nor Inglismen, And thay sall pay ylk ȝeir ane .M. pund to britonis quhill .xx. [...] war outrunnyng. And for obseruation thairof sall geif .lx. of yair noblis sonnis to reman [...] in plage. Osbret commandit thair oratouris (gif peace vnder thir conditionis war thocht heuy) to cum not agane with new message.
¶Of the orison maid be Calenus▪ hovv scottis tuk peace vvith Inglismen and Britonis. hovv kyng Donald vvas put in prison for his vicis, & slevv hym self. Of syndry meruellis sene in Albioun. Ca. xiiii.
MOny of the Scottis thocht the peace sorrowfull vnder yir cō ditionis. Otherꝭ thocht the realme in sic dangeir y • peace wes necessare ī quhat sumeuir sort it micht be had. Thus thay had bene deuidit in syndry factionis, war nocht ane agit man namit Calenus thane of Angus (quhylk had .vii. sonnis slane with king Donald at this last battall) pecifyit yame in this maner. I fynd in the croniklis, how ye vailȝeant▪ Galdus our souerane (for quhais singulare preeminence in glore of armes the landis of Brigance war callit Galloway) brocht the Romanis (quhilkꝭ war [...]antouris of all pepyll) to sic extreme calamite, that thay socht his peace vnder quhat cō ditionis he plesit, that thay mycht eschew the irrecouerabyll dangeir thā appering to yair army. And youcht he had slane yame but ony mercy or rāsoun, he had d [...]ne bot smal outrage or dishonour to ye residew of romane pepyll. Heirfore gif y e Romane army dep̄st w t euil fortoun & hauād ma nobil men of singular prudence and counsal thā ar now amang ws) submittit thaym to haue peace at ye wyll of thair [...]nnymes, becaus thay [Page Cxlvi] micht na othir wayis aschew the dā geir [...]curring. I think thairfore we suld not eschame sen we ar vincust, our realme standing in extreme dangeir, our king & noblis tane to haue peace w t ennimes in quhat sumeuir sort it may be had. And ȝit micht our cōmon weil (quhilk hes bene sa vailȝeātly debaittit to our days) haue defēce ony othir way. I think we suld erar ieopard ws to extreme dangeir of battall, than to seik sa sorrowfull cōdition of peace. Forthir micht our lyuis wylfully offerit to the deid delyuer our realme & pepyl, fra y e schame & trubyll now appering. I suld be ye first y t suld wylfully offer hym self in sacrifice in y • behalf. Bot sen we ar cumyn to sic calamite & affliction, y • force is to haue peace vnder quhat sumeuir cōditionis it may be had for this tyme, or ellis to tine our realme fechtand fulichely with ennymes to y e deith. Best is yairfore to haue peace, & to saif our realm (quhilk hes bene with syndry chancis of fortoun sa vailȝeantly defendit) to esperāce of greter prosperite, y • ȝe may sū tyme reco [...]er the landis reft fra ȝow be iniure of ennymes. And gif ȝe othir wayis do ȝe sall tyne ȝour self, ȝour wiffis, childrin, & realme but ony recouer. The noblis for this coū sal send ambassatourꝭ to haue peace with britonis & Inglismen in ye maner afore rehersit. The peace beand ratifyit. Donald was send ī scotlād rāsonit with gret sowmes of money. Than ye Britonis & Inglismen sat down [...]eacia billy ī sindry braid boū dis of scotland. The Britonis gat al ye landis fra Striuelyng to the Ireland seis, & fra the watter of Forth & Clide to Cu [...]bir with all strenthis thairof. The Inglismen gat all the landis betuix▪ Striueling & Northū berland. Thus was Clyde marche betuix scottis & britonis on that ane syde, & the watter of Forth namit ye scottis se [...] marche betuix yame & Inglysmen on y e tothir syde. And Striuelyng cōmon marche to thre pepyl▪ scottis, Britonis & Inglismen. The castel was in keping of kīg Osbret, quhilk reparit it with new munitionis. Nochtwithstanding ye rewyne thairof maid afore be scottis, quhen thay spul [...]eit y e pichtis of yair realm. Yis osbret had his cunȝeouris within this castel (be quhom ye striueling money tuk begynning.) The Inglismen beildit ane brig of stane ouir ye watter of Forth. In y e middis yairof stude ane ymage of y e crucifix, & vnd y e samyn was thir versis ingrauyn.
THe Pychtis seand thir thre pepyll brocht to concord dred be suspition yat Inglismen and Britonis (quhilkꝭ war afore thair freindis) suld becum thair ennymes be desire of yair landis, & yairfore to saif yair lyuis thay f [...]ed to thair freindis in Norroway and Denmark. Otheris (quhilkis had na refuge) war slane be Inglismen. This was the end of Pichtis quhilkis fled in Ingland efter ye expulsion of yame fra yair realm. In ye same tyme king Donald quhylk was brocht hame yocht he was vnworthy with gret triumphe remouit all virtuous and nobil men out of his cumpany, and fell to all vicis as afore. And youcht importable aduersite [...]el to hym ylkane aboue othir. Ȝit nane of thaym nor ȝi [...] gud coūsal micht draw hym fra his corruppit lyfe. And quhē he had tint [Page] the tane half of his realme be his sleuth, and the tothir half m [...]s [...]dit for fait of Iustice, and na thing appering mair cleirly thā exterminion of his realme be continewall seditionis dayly rising in y e samyn. H [...] was tane be the nobillis (that the realme suld not be tint be his foly) and put in ward, quhare he within few days efter slew hym self be disperation, in the .vi. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the incarnation .viii.C.lx. ȝerꝭ. Mony meruellis wer sene about this tyme in Albion. Thair was ane child ī Lowthian of .vi. monethis auld, & schew [...]o his moder within schort tyme the ennymes sall haue empire and dominion of Lowthiane, and counsallit hir thairfore to fle yairfra. The [...]xin [...] thair pasture tuke ane vncouth cowting and schot ha [...]stely to deith. Fi [...]he was found deid on y e see syde [...] Forth, lytyll different fra ye ymage of man. In Galloway ane huge multitude of serpentis fell out of ye ayre, and suddandly war resoluit in corru [...]tion to the gret mortali [...]e of men and beis [...]is. The s [...]aymen coniecturit be thir meruellis y e empire of king Donald to end with mischeif.
¶Of king Constantine the secound▪ & of his lavvis. Of the heuy regrait maid be Euanus of the Ilis to his folkis▪ and hovv ye said Euanus vvas punist for his rebellion. Ca. xv.
DOnald the tyran [...] slane (as we haue wrytyn) Cōstantine the secound of that name, and sonne of Kenneth was maid king. In the beginnyng of his regne he tuke labour to recouer y e landis quhilkis war [...] afore fra scottis be sleuth of his [...] Donald. The nobyllis knawyng thaym brokyn be dāmage of the weris afore past, wald not assist to hym quhil the corruppit maneris (quhilkis war brocht amang the pepyll be insolence of king Donald) war first put down, and all thyngis brocht to the same estait as thay wa [...] afore in the tyme of Kenneth. Kyng Constantyne to dres thir materis conuenit his nobillis to ane counsall at S [...]one, quhar [...] he be publik auctorite maid thir lawis vnder writin. ¶In the first he cōmandit kirkmē to wait diligently on diuine seruice, thay sall abstene fra all prophane labouris, and leue con [...]ent of the patrimony pertenand to thair kirkis. Yai sall preche the worde of god to ye pepyll. Thay sall leue on y e samyn maner [...]s thay teche the pepyll. And to that fyne y t thay may the mair esaly serue god, thay salbe fre in tymes cū myng of al chargis pertena [...]d to ye weris. Thay sall nothir nu [...]is hors nor houndis for thair plese [...]r. Thay sall beir na wappynnis nor decide prophane actionis.
¶And gif thir kirkmen failȝe and do nocht thair deuore as cris [...] pepill thinkis reasonable, thay sal pay for the first falt gret sowmes of money, and for the secound falt (gif yai amend nocht thair life) yai salbe degradit of thair preisthe [...]d.
¶Ȝoung childrin salbe refrenit fr [...] all lustis and nurist with rude meit, and sall eit bot anis in the day, and abstene fra al thingis [...] at may mak thaym drunkyn.
¶Ane chyld or ane m [...]dyn y t is fu [...] dyn drunkyn salbe pu [...]ist to y e deith. ¶Ȝoung men salbe [...] in swift rynnyng, w [...]slyng, [...]ith corshow, hād [...]ow, & casting of [...] to hald yame fra [...] thingis [...] makis yame [Page Cxlvii] And thay [...]al sleip on burdis, & hard beddis to mak thaym abell to suffir distres in the kyngis weris. Nane of thi [...] thingis wer inhibit to agit men. Bot allanerlie to eschew superflew and mony coursis.
☞It wes cōmandit be y e same decreit all tauerneris, drunkattis, Bordallaris, & prouocaris of the pepil to intemperat diet or lustꝭ sall pas out of the cuntre within ane certane day vnder pane of deth. Be thir lawis ye pepill wer maid within schort tyme of lichorus glutonis temperat men, of soft bodyis reddy to suffir laubouris. & of effeminat creatouris maid wyse & manly campionis. Followit sone eftir gret felicite to the realme throw wyse and prudent administratioun of kyng Constantyne. the first trubill that rais in his tyme wes be Euanus capitane of y e Ilis. For our pepill hes bene ay of sa peruerst and insolent ingyne sen thair first beginnyng, that thay may nothir sustene lang peace nor weir. Quhen thay ar waistit be lang weris, thay think na thyng sa displesand to thaym as battall. And laubouris than to haue peace with vter deligence, eftir lang peace thay flow in riches, & incressis Ilk day sa insolēt y t thay may nocht suffir equale administration of Iustice. And than seikis be frequent occasion othir to haue weir with ennymes, or ellꝭ to haue weir amāg yame self. On the same maner Euanus of the Ilis irki [...] of lang peace gaderit ane c [...]pany of siclik līmaris as hym self in the castell of Dunstafage (for it wes in his keping) and be lang orisoun cōplenyt afore thaym that continuatioun of lang peace with vncouth pepill hes brocht the nobillis to seruitude. Constantyne yair kyng wes ane dum, seuere, and vnmercyfull prince, more proffitable to cōmonis yan to noblis. and hes maid certane lawis to be execute equale on pure and riche but ony reuerence of estait. And hes richit his familiaris be vane coulour of Iustice, putting his nobillis to gret punition. Thus wes na place left to gentill men and nobillis to sustene thair lyfe with sic honour as yair eldaris did afore. Be contrar men of vile and obscure lynnage ar daylie promouit to riches & honouris. Na man micht leif for his strait lawis, bot gif yai pas thair tyme with innocence as churlis dois, quhilk na gentill hart mycht suffir. Heirfore that nobil men sal nocht be haldin vnder sic perpetual seruitud▪ and that churlis sall nocht in tymes cuming haue occasioun to be insolēt & proud, Best is to conspire aganis Constantyne. And othir to tak hym or ellis inuaid hym with al y e power thay mycht, quhilk beand done, all thingis micht succeid as thay plesit. The Ilis men rycht desirus to haue thair renȝeis fre (that thay mycht iniure the pepill as afore but ony punitioun) assistit to his opinioun. And solistit all ye pepill of Murray, Ros and Cathnes to rebell aganis thair prince. Nochtheles the treason wes sone discouerit to the kyng. And causit hym with ane cumpany of chosin men to cum haistely to Dunstafage, quhare yis Euanus hapnit to be for the [...]yme. And tuke hym with sindry his complicis and hingit thaym on Iebaitis. And becaus sindry gret princis of ye cuntre wer participant of his treasoun. Thay wer all tane on the samyn maner, & put in strang presonnis, quhil y e kyng mycht haue degeist consultation quhat punition wes efferyng to thair offence.
¶Hovv Gadanꝰ king of Danis send his tvvo brethir Hungar and Hubba vvith gret armyis to inuaid the Scottis▪ and hovv the said Hubba vvas vincust▪ and his army put to flicht. Ca. xvi.
ALs sone as yis trubil wes peacifyit on yis wyse, followit ane othir of gretar motioun. For the stair of mā hes neuir experiēce of more aduersite, yan quhen ye samyn leist apperis. Gadanꝰ kyng of Denmark come with ane army first aganis scottis, and syne aganis Inglismen. The motiue of his weris wes becaus ye residew of p [...]chtis, quhilk [...]ed in Denmark (quhen thay wer doung out of Albion be ye weris of scottis) resignit to hym al richt y • yat micht haue to yair realme ī Albion. And for y e caus he send his .ii. brethir Hūgar & Hubba with ane flote of dani [...] in Albion. And finalie arriuit in [...] or euir the brute of thair weris come to the eris of scottis. And eftir thair arriuyng, thay inuadit the pepill with sic cruelteis, that thay wer cons [...]anit for saifte of thair lyuis to seik new habitatioun. In the mene tyme wes in thay regionis ane huge noumer of haly men, quhilk prechi [...] daylie the scripture and euang [...]llis to the pepill. Bot thay wer inuadit with sic slauchter and cruelte be the Danis y t the maist part of yame fled with Adriane bischop of scotland to the Ile of May, to eschew y e dangeir appering. This May is ane Ile betuix Fiffe & Lowthiane, and ī it was ane abbay of monkis. Bot nothir ye reuerence of yis religious place, nor ȝit ye innocence of thir haly men micht saif thaym, for thay war al slane with vncouth punition & torment. Thir haly martyris sanct Adriane & his fallowis ar haldin ȝit in gret venecation be Inglismen & Scottis, & dayly myraclis kithi [...] be yame [...] king Constantine seand y • furius cruelte of Danis ylk day mair incre [...]ing, thocht mair expedient to assailȝe the chance of fortoun quhil his pissance was haill, Than quhen it was attenuat be frequēt displesouris. & yairfore cōmandit all his pepyll to mete hym in thair best maner agane ane certane day & place. The day byrt [...]n he come with ane army aganis the Danis & fand yame [...]ampit in Fiffe, and liand two mylis syndry deuidit be ye watter of Leuyn. This watter was boldin at thair cumyng be sic violent schouris, yat it mycht not be riddyn. And efter the inundatioun thairof, followit sa meruellus serenite, that it gai [...] occasion to Constantyne to inuaid the Danis with battall. And becaus nane of thir two armyis of Danis micht support othir, Constantyne come with arrayit battall aganis Hubba, quhilk was capitane of danis on ye southe syde of Leuyn, Ye danis had sa feruent desire to fecht, y t thay micht na wayis be haldin within yair tentis. Hubba maid hortation to superseid yai [...] fury quhil thay micht haue rescours of freindis. Nochyeles yai war sa fers. y t thay come to array without aduise of Hubba thair capitane, and had aboue thair harnes cote armouris bordourit with reid sylke, schinand with meruellus brichtnes, and stok swerdis quhom na armour micht resist. Yir danis apperit richt terrible be yair huge bodyis▪ nochtwithstanding baith y e armyis iunit & faucht with incredible fury. At last y • danis ouirset with multitude of pepil war sa inuadit on ilk side y t yai micht not resist, & slang haistely yair wappinnis fra yame, & fled. Mony of yame [Page Cxlvii] fleād to yair tentis war slane. Otheris war cas [...]in in fowseis and with thair deid carionis maid ane gait to the scottis to cum to yair tentis. Sū of thaym perist in the riuer. Otheris be craft of swomyng wer sauit. Hubba swame throw y e riuer but ony ꝑel. Than wes Humber rycht reiosit yat his brodir hubba had eschapit baith the dangeir of ennymes and y • riuer. And incōtinēt he armit hym w t gret Ire to reuēge y • slaucht of his folkꝭ.
Hovv king Cōstantine vvas slane & his army discomfist be the Danis. Ca. xvii.
THe scottis wer sa insolent eftir this victorie, yat yai tuke lityll sollicitude or thocht to the residew of thair battall that wes to be led aganis the Danis. Bot as na aduersite mycht follow, and as euery thyng wer dantit be thair onlie virtew, yai had thair ennymes in contemption. And spendit two dayis in dansyng, reuellyng and singing but ony sycht to cheualrye. Sa far procedit thair foly y t thay kest cauillis, quhay suld haue ye maist riche presoneris amāg the Danis, na otherwayis than victorie had bene present in yair handꝭ. And aboue this insolence the ȝoung and agit nobillis fell in contentioun with maist outragius wourdis aganis othir. The agit men desiryng to be preferrit be reason of yair lang experience and age. The ȝoung men be reason of thair manheid & ȝouth reddy to assailȝe all perellis. Bot thayr wes na sermone amang thaym how yair army suld be arrayit. Nor ȝit be quhat wayis thair ennymes suld be vincust. At last quhen the watter of Leuyn wes fallin, kyng Cōstantyne brocht ouir his army to fecht with y e residew of Danis. Ye Danis hauād more sycht to y e gouernance of thair battal, yan to ony spulȝe arrayit yair army in this sort. In ye rycht wyng wes Hubba with .vi.M. danis. In the left wyng wes Buernus Inglisman, quhilk wes banist out of Ingland for pollution of Osbret ye kīg of Inglandꝭ wife, & he come to this battal aganis scottis with y • residew of pichtis quhilkis war banist afore out of Albion. In the myddylward was Hūgar with y e remanent danis exhorting yam to pas to battal with gud curage, & schew how the Ile of Albion w t y e riches & frut yairof suld be reward of thair victory. Be ꝯtrar gif yai war vincust, nocht micht follow bot deid & slauchter of yame all with ꝑpetual schame. And to inflam yame with mair fury, he swore neuir to return to his tentꝭ without he had victory, & causit yame to be al sworn in y e samyn wyse. On the tothir syde king Cōstantine put Ethus his brothir in ye richt wīg, & Dūcane thane of Athole in ye left wing with .x.M. mē in ilkane of thair battallis, & arrayit hym self in y e middilward with ye residew of scottis. Sine began to mak his orisoun to his army, & first he gaif thākis to god for yis victory recently fallin to his pepil, & exhortit yame, to fyle not with schamfull fleing ye glore y t yai conquest afore be yair māheid & virtew, & prayit yame to haue na feir of yair ennymes▪ for yai wer bot corpolent bodyis but ony virtew, & micht thairfore be sone vincust. Gif thay war inuadit on ye samyn maner as thay war afore, & finaly requirit yame to ryn not ouir feirsly ī battal, bot erar to suffir yair ennymes to cū on yame. For he beleuit the said ennymes be rage of Ire to ryn sa fast forthwart yat yai suld be wery & brokin or eui [...] yai come to straikis, Bot this cōmand of Constantyne [Page] wes rycht noysum tyll our [...]olkis. For the bald sp [...]eit and feirsnes that suld haue bene ekit be hortatioun of yair capitane, wes gre [...]mlie menist be yis cōmand of Constantyne. Our folkis vsis (quhen thay ar to fecht) to cum with sic faird & noys that thay rais na les thaim self with hie [...]urage, than astonisis thair ennymes with dredour. Ye danys be s [...]ūd o [...] trumpat went forthwart. Nochttheles yai wer so expert in cheualrie fra thay saw thair ennymes nocht mei [...] thaym that thay sum tyme abaid. And sum tyme went forthwart with esy pais schowtand thair ganȝeis and dartis. On the tothir syde the scottis schot at yir danis arowis and sloung stanys. Belyue baith the armyis Iunyt, and faucht with incredibill fury, quhyll at last the scottis wer put to flycht. On quhom foll [...]wit the Danis with lang slaucht and chace. In this vnhappy battall wer slane .x.M. scottis, amang mon [...] othir presoneris, kyng Constantyne wes tane & brocht to ane coue besyde the see, quhare he wes heidit the .xiii. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the incarnatioun .viii.C.lxxiiii▪ ȝeris. The place (quhair he wes slane) is ȝit callit ye blak coue, to be ane memorie of that wickit deid.
¶Of king Ethus and his actis, hovv Osbret king of Ingland vvith mony othir pepyl vvas slane be cruelte of Danis▪ of sindry meruellis sene in Albion▪ and of the deith of Ethus. Ca. xviii.
BE yis vnhappy battal sic miserabil skaith followit to scottis, y t had not bene Ethꝰ brothir to kīg Cōstantine happinnit to be saiffit be hꝭ fleyng, ye name & memory of scottis had bene endit yis day ī Albion. Ye residew of scottis (quhilkis eschapit fra this vnhappy battall) cōuenit at Scone, & maid Ethꝰ kīg. Mony vncouth & strāge meruellis war sene at yis tyme in Albion. Ane multitude of fische was sene in Forth, the tane half of yame aboue y e watter na thīg different fra y • figour of mā callit be ye pepil Bassinatis. Thir fische hes blak skynnis hingand on thair bodyis, with quhilk sumtyme ya [...] couir yair heid & yair cragis euyn to yair schulderis. Quhen thir fische fletis in our seyis, yai signify gret infortuniteis to mortall pepyll. Ye lochis & riuaris stude frosin fra y e beginning of Nouember to y e end of Aprille, eft quhilk followit ane thow with sa cō tinual & ythand raynis of [...]leit & snawis, y t al y e planis stude ful of watt. Thā followit sa infinite nowmer of padokis, y t the ayre was infeckit to y e gret dāmage of pepyll. Ane comite was sene with fyrie bemis risyng afore none, & schane all the moneth of Aprile. The pepyll astonist with sic vncouth meruellis beleuit gret affliction to cum on yame. The Danis efter yis victory come in Louthiane, & chasit the inhabitantis thairof in Northūb [...]rlād, & fauch [...] yair aganis Osbret king of Ingland be support of bruernꝰ quhilk was banist (as we schew afore, & fynaly yai slew ye said Osbret be plane battall & put all his folkis to flicht, & efter his slauchter yai went with bludy swordis throw all the boundis of Ingland, ceissing fra na maner of cruelteis on crys [...]yn pepyl, throw quhilk mony haly men sufferit matyrdome. Amang quhom was ane haly man sanct Edmond king of Northfolk and Southfolk, quhilk was slane be yair tyrāny. Ye remanent kīgis of Ingland faucht [Page Cxlix] certane ȝeris eft be syndry chance of fortoun aganis y • Danis. Finaly al ye Inglismen y t dwelt fornens y e Almane seyis war outhir slane or thirllit to seruitude of Danis. & ȝit thair cruelteis war not lāg vnpunist. For yai war dantit be ye vailȝeant Alarude, quhilk succedit eft kīg Eldrede to y e realm of northfolk & southfolk. Yis Eldrede vincust ye danis be frequent battal▪ & slew baith Hungar & Hubba, & restorit Ingland to y e auld liberte. Bot we wyl return to y e remanent geistis of king Ethꝰ. It is said this prince was sa swift, y t he mycht tak ane hert or ane hoūd be force of speid. Nochtheles quhat sūeuir giftꝭ of nature followit hym, he apperit richt vnabil to gouern ye realm. For quhen he micht haue recouerit with sober besynes Fif & Louthiane with othir lādis tane fra scottis be iniure of Inglismen & britonis. He tuk na regard thairof hauand mair sicht to his lust, thā ony cōmon weil of ye realm, as ye samyn suld not haue bene reformit to ane better chance. He seruit hꝭ vnbridillit lust but ony respect to ciuil or religius maneris, & yocht he was rycht agil & deliuer of body with mony othir giftis of god & nature, he abusit yame sa, y t na thing semit hym ī his gouernāce. Ye noblis knawing his corruppit manerꝭ noysū to y e cōmon weill & abyll to gener displeseir amang ye pepyl (y t y e realm suld not cū to mair affliction be his misgouernance) yai maid ane quiet cōuētion amang yame self to take y e king. & to y e fyne y t yair intētion suld not be diuulgat afore it come to effect, Thay come haistely on him, quhen he was at y e huntis in ye wod of Calidon, & tuk hym be force of armit men to prison, quhare he deceissit the thrid day efter for malancoly in the secound ȝeir of his regne. Fra the incarnation .viii.C.lxxvi. ȝeris.
¶Of king Gregoure & his lavvis. hovv he recouerit sindry landis of his realm & discōfist Herdeut vvith al ye army of danis▪ hovv Rasyne gret capitane of danis vvas slane be Inglismen. Ca. xix.
EThus beand yus miserably deceissit ī prison, Gregoure sonne to Cōgallus (yat tang afore kyng Alpine) was crownit at Scone. He had bot two monethis in age, quhen his fader perist at Spay. Yis Gregoure efter his coronation knawing weill that deuine helpe is the only targe & sicker munition of kingꝭ & realmes, but quhilk na kyngdomes may stād ony tyme permanent. Thairfore yat he mycht begyn his empire w t mair felicite, he set ane conuention of his nobillis at Forfair for agmentation of deuine seruice. And that kirkmen mycht the mair frely geif thair attendance to ordoure thaym in gud religion, he statuit be publik parliamēt that kirkmen salbe perpetually exonorat of all weris, tributis, and publik exactionis, that ar to be put on the pepyl be hym or his successouris in tymes cumyng. And thay sall not be drawin afore prophane iugis▪ bot allanerly to be submittit to thair ordinat Iugis. He gaif power to all bischoppis of his realm to decide afore yame al actiōis ꝑtenād to faith of body, with power baith to caus ye pepyl keip yair faith ꝓmittit to yair nichtbour, & to punis yarne for violation yairof. He gaif als power to y e said kirkmen to make lawis & constitutionis for the weill of cristin faith. And to discus al debaitis cōcerning oblationis or teindis, testamentis, obligatiōis or legasi [...]s, to īterprete y e lawis, & to punis manesworn pepyl [Page] blasphlemaris of god or his sanctis. To curs al pepyl rebellād to yair cō stitutionis, & to inhibit yame to cum quhare deuyne seruice was done, & y t al personis (quhilkis war cursi [...] be yame) suld brouk na heritage, nor be hard ī Iugement. Bot exilit gud cū pany, & na faith to be geuyn to his deposition & witnes. He cōmandit y t al [...] princes succeding efter hym sall mak thair aith efter yair coronation to defend y e honour & liberte of haly kirk & kirkmen. And sall mak na derogation to the constitutionis of the kirk. This Gregoure had ane naturall inclination to the seruice o [...] god with sa graue & sententious lāgage, yat al his wordis & dedis apperit as thay had ben pasit in iust balance. He was sa institute in his ȝouth yat he leuit al his days ane heuynly life of skars fude & sleip, but ony lust or cōuersation of wemen, & had in gyne na les geuyn to polecy & administration of Iustice than to cheualry. Ye first iornay yat he maid was in fiffe to recouir i [...] fra tyranny of Danis & Pichtis. At quhais cumyng the Pichtis (quhilkis war left be Danis to i [...]habit ye said land) war sa astonist, knawing the huge hatrent y e scottis b [...]re aganis yame y • yai fled in Louthiane. Gregoure fyndand Fiff [...] desert in this maner, brocht scottis out of syndry partis of his realme to inhabit ye samyn. Efter yis he come in Louthiane, & brocht it in y e samyn maner to his dominion. Sine went to y e mers, quhare syndry cūpanyis of pichtis & Danis war assemblit to geif hym battal. Nochthelis y e danis s [...]and sa gret multitude of scottis ī thair sycht, fled to Berwik quhare syndry othir Danis wer of yai [...] opinion. Efter this yai went in Northū birland, & fand syndry Danis laitly cumin to yair support. Ye Inglismē (quhilkis war yat tyme in B [...]rwyk) hauand na thing in mair hatrent than the empire of Danis, randeri [...] the town of Berwik to scottis. Gregoure resauit ye town & gaif lycence to Inglismen to depart or remane at thair pleseir, and slew all Danis (quhom he fand in it) but ony mercy or ransoun. And quhen he had garnist this town with all necessaris for keping thairof, he come with his army in Northumberland to e [...]k ye samyn to the empire of scottis. In the mene tyme war two armyis liand in Northumbirland, ye tane of Danis not far fra Ȝork. Yi [...] othir of Inglismen not .xx. mylis fra the campe of Scottis. Herdeut prince of Danis heirand y • sa mony Danis war slane at Berwik, maid his aith to reuenge thair slauchter with sic cruelte, y • na scottis salbe left on lyue in Albion, & to brīg his purpos to effect, he come with displayit baner not far fra the samyn place quhare y • scottis war liand in yair tentis. Gregoure seand his ennymes arrayit afore hym, tuk purpos to haue maid ane orisoun to his army afore y • iunyng, quhen suddāly rais sic noyis & clamour amāg yame be desyre of battall, yat it was mair necessar to array yame than to exhort thaym to battall. Nochtheles he besocht yame to reuenge y e shamfull slauchter of kyng Constantyne slane treasonably eft y t he was tane. Incōtinēt y e scottꝭ [...]uschit forthwart with na les māheid thā preis, & come sa fersly with thair lang speris that yair ennymes had na laseir to schote thair dartis. Efter y e speris come the residew of Scottis with lang swerdis [...]illis and axis in sic Ire, yat yai nedit na hortation. Thus war y • Danis vincust & chasit to the nixt montanis. The scottis followit with na les cruelte in ye chace thā yai faucht [Page Cl] afore in y e battall, & be maist violent irruption thay braik the trinschis, & come perforce within y e tentis of ennymes, quhare ane huge slauchter was maid. On the morrow Herdeu [...] colleckit y e residew of his army, and (seand ma of yame slane thā was on lyue) he tuk purpos to pas to Rasyne the gret maister of Danis in Ingland. Bot skarsly was his army gane .xl. mylis, quhen sicker tithingꝭ come, y • Rasyne was slane & all his army discomfist be Inglismen. And to his mair derisioun, his heid borne on ane staik throw syndry townis & cieteis of Ingland. Apperit be thir nouellis y e proude empyre of Danis was [...]ast tending to rewine. Herdeut richt astonist, & not knawing quhat was to be done (becaus his ennimes war liand about hym on euery syde) parkit his army in ane st [...]ate place with purpos to remane, quhyll he war fynaly aduertist quhat ye remanent Danis intendit to do.
¶Hovv Gregoure recouerit syndry lā dis of his realme▪ and slevv Constantine kyng of Britonis. Hovv Scottis Britonis and Inglismen vvar confiderat aganis the Danis. Ca. xx.
EFter this victory of Danis Northumbirland come vnder y e dominion of king Gregoure. & al y e inhabitātis yairof maid tributar to hꝭ empire. Sone efter he skalit his army, and come to Berwik, quhare he tuk aduisement be quhat ingyne he micht bring maist felicite to his realme. At the begynnyng of the nixt symer, he rasit his campe aganis the Britonis, quhilkis had y e tyme gret boundis of scotland, quhilk iornay succedit to hym with na les felicite thā this othir done afore aganis the Danis. For ye Britonis attenuat & brokin [...]e frequent weris of Danis to be delyuerit of al dāgeir apperīg, gaif ane huge sowme of money to y e said Danis, & tuk trewis with yame for, xx. ȝeris. Nochtheles ye danis abaid schort tyme at thꝭ peace, bot inuadit ye britonis with mair cruel iniuris thā afore. Ye britonis seand na band of amite nor faith micht continew y e danis but ythand iniuris, sēd yair ambassatourꝭ to kīg Gregoure ꝓmitting to renunce al ye landis (y • pertenit to ye empire of scottis) sa y t he wald support yame aganis y e danis. Gregoure knawing (gif the thre pepyll of Albion, scottis, britonis, & Inglismen) war ꝯfiderat vnder ane mynd & pissance, na vncouth pepyll war to be dred, cōdiscendit to yair desyris. Yus war scottis, Inglismen, & britonis fynaly agreit on al debaitis. Al lādis tane afore fra scottis be yair weris rāderit plesandly to Gregoure, & ye realme of scottis dela [...]t to the auld marchis. Ye peace tretit in this maner, apperit na les terribil to ye danis, thā plesand to ye Albianis. Bot it indurit schort tyme, for ye proude felicite fallin to Inglismē be victory of danis & slauchter of Allarudꝰ yair capitane, gaif occasion to britonis to brek yis bād laitly maid with scottis. Sone efter Cōstantine king of britonis began to be penitēt of yis bād maid with scottis, & to recouer y e saidis landis to his empire, he come with ane army ī Annādale. Yus was y e peace desoluit betuix scottis & britonis. Ye britonis sēd tyl Inglismen for support, & becaus thay war frustrat thairof, yai tuk ane huge pray of gudis out of Annandale w t purpos to pas with y e samyn ī walis. Kīg Gregour aduertist of yir extorsiōis met kīg Cōstātine at Louch mabē, quhare it was cruelly fochtyn [Page] on al sidis. At last Cōstantine seand his ansenȝe not ereckit with sa per [...] curage (as he desiri [...]) ruschit w t maist feruent curage to the defence thairof. Quhare he fechtand with mair respect to his honour thā to his lyfe was slane. Efter quhais dei [...] followit sa huge slauchter of his strāgest campionis, that the Brytonis gaif bakkis, and war sa brokin with this affliction, y t thay come in maist hatrent baith to Danis and Scottis, and na thing luffit with Inglismen. Nochtheles (that thair realme suld nocht faill) thay chesit Herb [...]rt (quhilkis was brothir to Constantine afore slane) to be thair kīg. And send yair oratouris to king Gregour desiring peace. Saying the violation of the band betuix thaym and Scottis was only be insolence of Constā tine, quhilk was punist iustly for hꝭ offence to gret dāmage of Britonis. And sen he was iustly punist for his offence, na occasion apperit to dissolue the band afore contrackit betuix Scottis and Britonis. Atto [...]e yai schew y t thair kīg Herbar [...] was ane luffar of peace & desyris na thing sa mekyll as to leue in amite with his nichtbouris the Scottis. To this message was answerit be king Gregoure on this wyse. Nothir the luffe of faith nor of peace, nor ȝit the reuerence of band nor of aith hes mouit y e Britonis now to seik peace [...]t ws. Sen thay but ony respect to thair faith or band come in Annandale, wirkand importabyll iniuris b [...]t ony occasion on Scot [...]is, bot only becaus yai ar sa brokin ī thair pi [...]sance that thay may not be party at this tyme to ws, knawand na thing better than vter exterminion of thair realme, gif thay perseueir ony forthir w t weris aganis ws. Yairfor schaw ȝour kyng Herbart, we wyll haue na peace with hym nor his treasonabyl pepyl, quhil y • str [...]this & munitionis of Cumbir and Westmurland be rā derit in our handis. And y e said Herbert sworn neuir to reclame y e saidis landis in tymes cumyng. And .lx. of nobyll men to be geuyn in plege for the obseruatioun thairof. Kyng Herbart seand hie dammage approcheand to his realme, and dreidand gif he perseuerit in battall, Ye fynal euersion of his realme and his subdittis, condiscendit be aduise of his nobillis to fulfyll all thingis, as yai war desyrit be Gregoure. Als sone as plegis war geuyn in this maner, the Britonis left Cumbir and Westmureland, and past in Walis. Thā Gregoure went to Carlyll, quhare he assemblit his nobyllis to ane coū sall, and said in this maner. It is patent yneuch quhat felicite is cumyn to our realme be propiciant fauour of god, sen we began to honour hym with trew religion & faith, in sa far as he hes nocht onely restori [...] to ws but ony gret slauchter or peryll the lādis tane sumtyme fra our eldaris be iniure of Danis, Inglismen and britonis, bot als in punising of yair iniquiteis hes brocht thair nobyl lā dis as Northumbirland, Cumbir, & Westmureland be iust conques in our handꝭ. We haue optenit be grace & fauour of god mair thā we beleuit. Our landis recouerit, & dyuers boundis of Inglismen & Brytonis falling ī pray to ws be rite of b [...]ttal. We haue honest victory, triumphe of ennymes with land & glore to our posterite. Be cōtrar our fais hes not only tint schamefully the landis yat thay wrangusly cōquest, bot [...] vincust in battall, chasi [...] and doung fra thair rowmes, and inuadit with vncouth [Page Cli] & domistik weris. And [...] nocht assailȝe the chance of fort [...] ony forthir with ws in auentu [...] yai bring thaym self to irrecouerabil dā mage & schame. Now a [...] the britonis [...]e fauour of god and our awin man heid sa vincust, yat yai wilfullie hes exil [...]t thaym self. And na bett chance hes succedit to Danis. Bot doung out of yair boūdis schamefully with condigne slauchter maid on thaym for the iniuris wrocht afore on ws. Cumbir, Westmureland, & Northū birland with all munitionis thairof maid pray to ws as we desyrit. Heirfore (forcy campionis) sen ȝoure prouin virtew and manheid (to quhom god standis sa propiciant) persuadis ȝow nocht to rest with this victorie▪ nor ȝit to stand cōtent with yis pray. We beseik ȝow follow vehementlie the thing ya [...] is offerit to ȝow be prouidence of god. For now na villagis nor rude pepil ar to be assailȝeit▪ and sen ennymes apperis in na partis maist strenthy wallis and townis ar to be taikin be our weris. The Danis ar vincust and fled in Kent. And the Inglismen sa astonist, that thay haue left all chargis of battallis in our landis to resist thair ennymes. Lat ws heirfore pas with recent victorie to Ȝork quhare na greter laubour than afore, Howbeit mair riche pray of guddis abidis ws. And aboue yir proffettis (gyf we do al chargis wy [...]lie) we sall conques infinite glore and honour to oure posterite. Thir ar the materis that I wald persuade ȝow to y e fyne ȝe may so reuēge y e iniuris done to ennym [...]s, y e indifficient honouris and hie felicite may succe [...]d to ȝow. Be thir wourdis ilk man maid prouisioun of sic thyngis as we [...] maist accordīg to his weris. In the mene tyme come to Gregour the ambassatouris of [...]llarud kyng of Ingland reiosand yat he with inuincible curage had dantit his ennymes. And sa vailȝeantlie reuengit ye slauchter of Cōstantine kyng of scottis. That the Danis be his support wer dreuin out of Albioun, desiryng hym thairfore to renew y e auld band of peace, that Inglismen and scottis (beand cōfiderat togidder vndir ane mynd) may resist the b [...]tter all inuasion of Danis, gif thay return sumtyme in Albioun. Kyng Gregour assentit to thir petitionis. Followit s [...] kir peace ratifyit vnder this mane [...] ▪ The Scottis sal perpetuallie reio [...] al boundis of Northumbi [...]land [...] ony infestatioun of Inglismen in [...] cuming. Gif Danis moue weir aganis ony ane of thir two pepil, ye iniure salbe repu [...] cōmoun to thaym baith. And baith the pepill to concur equalie to the defence yairof. Attour nothi [...] Inglismen nor Scottis sall inuaid otheris. Gyf ony theuis of Ingland mak thift or reif within ye landis of Scottis, the peace sall not be dissoluit thairfore. Bot baith the theif and resettoure, salbe deliuerit quhair the cryme is cōmittit.
☞Hovv king Gregoure come in Ireland to reuenge certane iniuris done i [...] Gallovvay▪ and hovv he dantit the samyn vvith syndry victoris▪ and vvas gouernour thairof mony ȝeris▪ of his louyng and deith. Ca. xxi.
THe peace ratifyit in maner forsaid, Gregoure beleuyng to haue put fyne to al his weris, wes constranit be new trubill of Ireland to renew the samyn. For Ireland men come with ane gret flote in Galloway. And tuke ane gret pray of men [Page] and gudis out of ye boūdis yairof, Ye motiue of yair weris (as yai allegit) was y e men of Galloway spulȝeit two schippis of Dublyne efter y t the samyn wer arriuit in yair watteris. Als sone as Gregour was aduertist yairof, he followit with gret d [...]ligence on yir Ireland men, & yai herand his cumyng, war sa affrayit that yai sped yame with gret deligence ī yair cuntre. Incōtinent Gregour follwit on yame with ane army in Ireland, & maid al the princes yairof▪ astonit be his cumyng. Schort tyme afore his cumyng ye king of Ireland▪ [...]es [...]e [...]cissit, & had left behynd hym ane ȝoung child namit Duncane to succeid to the crown. & throw his deith the princis of Ireland war contending amang thaym for gouernance of the realme, & war deuidit in two opinionis. Brennus was prince of y e [...]a faction & Cornelius of the tothir. Now war ye scottis tynnand throw all the cuntre with sa awfull incursion of fyre and slauchter, that apperit without thair fury war the mair haistely repressit, that ane gret part of Ireland suld be distroyit. In the mene tyme sidry nobyl mē of Irelād labourit to mak concord amang the foresaid princis, y t the realme be yair dissention suld not be ieoperd to extreme dangeir. And becaus sic thingis culd nocht be dressit, thay tuke [...]rewis betuix yame for certane monethis to resist thir cruelteis. Thir two prīcis foresaid come with huge [...]rmy to the riuer of Bane, and set [...]own thair tentis in two syndry cū panyi [...] nocht far seuerit fra othir▪ ye [...]yll (quhare thair tentis lay) was sa strenthy, yat na army micht cum on yame be industry nor ingyne of man keipand gud array. This was done be Irelād men to y e fyne, y e king [...]rego [...]is army be production of lang tyme suld laik vittallis, nochtheles yair slichtis war vincust be wisdō of Gregour. for ye scottis brocht sufficient vittallis of breid & cheis to sustene yam for .l. days, & vnderstud weil (quhare euir yai com) yai micht haif fouth of watter for thair drink. Gregour seing y t he micht not weil īuaid his ennymes, tuk ꝯsultation certane dayis quhat was to be done. And in ye mene tyme he send .ii.M. mē to ye bak of Mont fut within ye nicht, to y e fine y t als sone as yai saw gregour inuading ye tētis of Ireland mē, yai suld cast doun cragꝭ & stanis on yair bakis▪ be quhilk way ye Ireland mē suld othir suffir ītollerabi [...] dāmage, or ellis ꝯstranit to geif batal. & quhe he had socht be lāg auisement, quha suld tak yis charge on hand, he [...]and nane sa abil yairto as Kēneth thane of Carrik▪ Yis kēneth come ouir the riuer of Bane within ye nicht to the bak of this montane foresaid be ane difficile & strait gait. On the morow als sone as y e Ireland mē maid yam with al yair power to resist ye inuasion of gregour, yair fel down sa huge cragis & stanis [...]n yair bakis vnprouisitly behynd yame, yat yai war constranit to leif yair tentis and fle, eft y e .i.M. of yam war slane but ony straik. Incontinent the scottis followit with lāg chais, and brocht ane huge nowmer of prisoneris to kyng gregour. In ye mene tyme ye tentis of Brennꝰ war tane & hym self foūd slane be straik of ane stane. Corneliꝰ the tothir capitane heirand sic displeseir fallyn to his cumpanion, fled with al his folkis to Dublyne. Gregoure seand his beginning succeid with sic felicite, cōmandit his folkis be scharp incursionis to bring all ye bestial and gudis yat thay micht get [Page Clii] to thair sustentation. And to abstene fra fyre and slauchter. And cōmādit thaym to do na iniure to agit men, wiffis, nor barnis, and to bryng all rank men (quhom thay fand in thair gai [...]) presoneris to him. Mony of yir Ireland pepill seand ye kyng so mercyfull randerit thaym with yair munition & guddis, and wer plesandlie ressauit. Gregoure seand his army weil stuffit with vittallis, and na iniure of ennymes apperand, laid ane strait sege to the town of Dongard. And eftir y t he had lyne certane days at ye sege thairof, it wes randerit to him▪ nochtheles he tuk bot ane sobir money fra y e cietezanis ī redēption of yair lyuis & guddꝭ. quhē grego r had lyne .iii. days at Dōgard, he left ane buschemēt of mē to keip y e said toun, & past w t his remanent army to sege y e toun of Pontꝰ. And becaus it wes randerit to hym but ony straik, he cō mandit na pray of guddis to be tane fra thaym. Now wes Gregour reddy to pas to sege the town of Dublyne, quhen [...]ithingis come to hym, that Cornelius the tothir capitane wes cumand with infinit noumer of pepill nocht ten mylis fra his army. Gregour heirand thir nouellis, left his purpos, and arrayit his folkis on the nixt planis. On ye morow apperit thre battallis of Ireland men in sycht. Ye first wes of lycht bodin men arch [...]aris, castaris of dartis & slongis▪ The secound wes of stout men armit with coitis of mailȝe and lang swerdis▪ In the thrid battall wes Cornelius with all the nobillis of Irelād, sworne to fecht with manheid and curage to the deith, and armit with lang swerdis, billis, axis, and ledyn mellis. Gregour seand this ordour of ennymes aganis him cōmandit ane buschement of lang speris to sette on the archearis. Be quhome mony of the Ireland men wer borne with dynt thairof to the ground. Cornelius seand his folkis put abak be yis way, cōmandit with gret clamour to cut the speris. And quhen he wes rasyng the visare of his heumōt to exhort his folkꝭ more eirnistlie to fecht, he wes hurt in the face with ane speir, and constranit to pas out of the feild. Throw quhilk the remanent army gaif bakkis. Followit more slauchter in the chace▪ than wes afore in the battall. And continewit still on thaym quhill yai wer chasit within ye wallis of Dublyne. The Ireland men wer sa brokin be this battall, that thay mycht assembill na army in tymes cumyng aganis the Scottis. On the morow Gregoure beltit the town of Dublyne with strang sege. In this town wes sa gret noumer of pepill, that it wes constranit to seik peace. Sum of thaim alliegit more honest wes to Ische and to ieoperd thaym to extreme chance of fortoun, than to be subdewit to the empire of Scottis. Otheris seand the gret trubill and slauchter that wes cumand on yame be this last battall, dred (gyf yair nobillis wer presentlie distroyit) to se the vter euersion of yair realm. And thairfore send bischop Cormach ane man of singulare prudence to kyng Gregour, desiryng hym to haue miseratioun on thaym and thair town. And to saif thair ȝoung prince Duncane to quhome y e crown of Ireland iustlie pertenit. And schew that vailȝeant campionis suld haue respect as weill to thair honour as proffet. Als it wes na honour to him to mak conques on ane ȝoung knycht, as to the town it wes at his cōmand with all ye cuntre about it. And thairfore [Page] prayit hym to auyse, quhiddir it wes erar the office of ane kyng to defend the rycht of princis and townis, or to se thaym brocht to vter euer [...]oun▪ kyng Gregoure answerit, he come nocht in Ireland to conques it. Nor [...] to defraude his cosyng Duncane of ye crown. Bot onlie to reuenge ye ini [...]ris done to his pepil. For ye scottis mouit na weir quhil Ireland began it first on thaym. And ȝit he suld a [...]ise how ane end micht be put to al his weris, & saif ye crown hai [...] quhil his cosyng Duncane wer reddy to succeid. The cietezanis of Dublyne heirand this answer oppinny [...] y e por [...]is, & ressauit Gregoure with all his army. Yan Gregour enterit w t gret [...]riumphe in the towne. The pepill [...]hit furth of al partis of y e town to meit hym. Yan come y e religius men [...] processioun. Amang quhome wes bischop Cormach in solempnit habit [...]eirand ye croce. Eftir quhom come ye nobillis of Ireland fallyng all at anis on yair kneis, & desiring grace. Gregour incōtinent demontit of his [...]ors, & with gret veneration kis [...] the [...]roce. Yan Cormach said to him. We haue na litill caus to thank god, sen he hes ordanit ye to haue auctorite aboue our lyuis & guddis, y t hes put in the sic cōpassioun & mercy, yat na cruelteis ar exercit on ws be fyre & swerd, howbeit y e samyn be rite of armes mycht be esaly done. Gregoure enterand in the town on yis maner, left ane buschement of armit men to keip ye stretis aganis al aduenturis yat micht fal. and als sone as he had done his deuotion in y e kirkis of our lady & sanct Patrik, he went to the castell quhair he remanit al y e nycht. On y e morow sindry scottis (quhilkꝭ [...]ulȝeit virginnis & matronis in the nycht afore) wer tane. And be iustice of yis wise prīce put to deith quhilk thing causit hym to be had in gret fauour & beneuolence with the pepill. Eftir yis ane counsall wes se [...] betuix Gregour & ye noblis of Ireland. In the quhylk peace wes roborat vnder thir conditionis. Ȝoung Duncane kyng of Ireland salbe geuin in keping of wyse preceptouris within the castell of Dublyne to teche hym letteris. And king Gregour salbe gouernour of Ireland duryng his tendir age. And sal ressaue al ye strenthꝭ & proffettis of the cuntre to gide the samyn in Iustice. Attour na Inglismen, Britonis, nor Danis without his cōduct salbe ressauit in Ireland. The I [...]elandmen swore with glaid cheir to fulfyll all thir poyntis. And the more plesādlie, becaus Gregour wald nocht vsurp ye crown of Ireland ī dāmage of yair natiue prince. Howbeit he mycht haue done ye samyn with litill dāmage. All hatrent & weris peacifyit in this sort in Ireland, Gregour returnit with his victorius army in Albion with .lx. plegꝭ of ye noblis sonnis of y e region, quhilkis wer geuin to him for obseruation of al articlis afore deuisit. Eftir yis ye scottis had gud peace but ony trubil during al y e time of Gregour. Quhil at last yis nobil prince protectour of ye kirk, & hal [...]ar of his pepil in equite na les pyssant in polecy, religioun & Iustice, than in mercial glore & dedꝭ of armes, fell be lāg age in gret maledy. & deceissit in Dudore ane castel of Gareach ye .xviii. ȝeir of his regne. Fra y e incarnation .viii.C.lxxxxiii. ȝerꝭ. & wes buryit ī colmekil.
Of king Donald ye sex [...]. hovv ye realm of Normanis & duchery of flāde [...]is tuk beginning. of ye gret cheualry of danis in sindry partis of the vvarld and of his deith, Ca. xxii.
[Page Cliii] [...] ye s [...]xt [...], and sonne to Constantyne ye secoun [...] [...] of na les [...] heid and curage than gregour. Howbeit he we [...] not fortunat. In y e tyme of Gregoure wes ane nobill [...] Iohne S [...]ot of singulare [...]rudition in theologie. And wes mony ȝeris in y e sc [...]lis of Athenes, quhare he ꝓffet mek [...] in gre [...]k letteris. & wes brocht eft out of Athenis in France be Lewis Romane emprioue, quhare he maid mony excellēt werkis. Amang quhom he translatit y e Iherarchy of sanct Denis in latyne, ane buke haldin in gret veneration amāg clerkꝭ. And moralie new cōmētit be ane doctour of Paris namyt victor. This Iohne Scot wes send eft be cōmād of Charlis y e thrid king of Romanis (as ambassatour) to Alarud kyng of Ingland to thank hym, yat eftir victorie of Danis, Ye said Alarude had maid amyte with his cōfiderat freindis ye Scottis. To quhome he wes maid sa tendir, y t he wes chosin preceptour to his sonnis. And quhen he had techit baith moral & natural philosophie with theologie ī ane Abbay of Inglād namit Maluisbery spreid and letteris amang ȝoung men of y e cun [...]re, and geuand his laubouris to chaistifie yair corruppit maneris, yir ȝoung men (quhen he wes reidand maist curiouslie) slew hym for repreuyng of thair vices. And wes ekit to ye noumer of sanctis. Schort tyme afore thir materis, began the realme of Normannis in France on yis maner. Rolland kyng of Denmark gaderit ane cumpany of Danis out of Ingland, Norr [...]way, Suedrik, and Dēmark. And ȝeid throw sindry partis of France, ceissyng fra na maner of cruelte [...] ye pepill yairof▪ And be [...] wes implicat with freq [...]nt weris [...] Italie aganis ye [...] Danis ragit with sa [...] renȝeis. Y [...]t gret boundis of France apperit [...] vn [...]er yair dominion, les than thair fury wer ye more haistely dantit. Kyng Ch [...]rlis eftir his returnyng out of Italie gaderit ane gret army to resist yir Danis. And yai na thing effrayit, went forwart to mei [...] him in yair awfull maner. The princis of France knawing the gre ferocite of Danis prouin afore in all partis quhair yai war assailȝeit) & seand thaym be frequent victorie sa insolēt yat but gret slauchter yai mycht not be vincust, perswadit kyng Charlis to mak peace with the said Rolland yat yair realme suld nocht be ieoperdit to extreme dangeir, throw the weris baith in Italie & France. At last be assent of ye kyng, peace wes roborat with ye Danys in yis sort, [...]yng Charlis douchter salbe geuin in mariage to Rolland▪ And Rollād with all ye Danis sall ress [...]ue ye Cristin faith, and in y e name of touchquhare sall haue al yai landis quhilkis wer namit afore New [...]ria hand betuy [...] Deip, Picardy, Paris, & Bertanȝe. thir lādis wer callit be hym Normā dy, that is to say, the realme of Normannis. Rolland maid kyng of Normandy be yis peace, w [...]s [...] R [...] bert be ressait of baptisme. And commandit be y e said Charlis to pay ane ȝei [...]ly tribut to hym & his posterite. To signify y t ye said landis wer no [...] conquest be force of armes, bot [...]nlie geuin fra ye crown of France in mariage. The ȝeir y e Normanni [...] begin to regne in Normādy, wes fra ye incarnatioun .viii.C.lxxxvi. ȝeris. The vailȝeāt dedis done be D [...]nis in sindry [Page] partis of the warld was [...] gret admiration to al pepil. [...] this tyme yai maid weir on Lotha [...] the first king of Frāce. And [...] his sonnis war deuidit in sindry [...]ctionis, ye danis enterit in France & inuadit ye cuntre with gret heirschippis & cruelte beside y e riuer of [...]iger. And yocht king Charlis (quhilk succedit efter Lotharnis) come with huge armyis aganis yame, ȝit he micht not meis yair cruelte, bot dang yam to Normandy & othir boundis of ye marchis of frāce, & not only yai war not content of thir rowmes [...] ȝeid in Italy & ouirraid al Cicil, Ca [...]bre & Naplis be Gustard yair cap [...]ane. Yis Gustard was y e fift man y e rang eft Rolland in Normandy. F [...] Rolland gat on king Charlis douchter Williā ▪ to Williā succedit Richard, to Richard succedit Richard the secound, quhilk had .ii. sonnis Robert & Gustard. Yis Robert gat Williā y e bastard of Normandy, quhilk com efter in Ingland, & dantit baith the danis & Inglismē, syne tuk y e [...]rown yairof, quhais blud regnis ȝit with gret felicite in Ingland. The samyn tyme Bal [...]wyn ane richt nobil [...]ycht maryit Iudicha douchter to Cl [...] tarius king of France. & be ya [...] alli [...] began the duchery of flander [...], quhilk was afore y e tyme inhabit mai [...] be wild beistis than ony pepyll. Bot we wyll return to our hystory. Kyng Donald seand ennymes appeir ī na [...] happy blasphlemation is [...] now [...] ws be insolence of gret men mair thā euir it rals in ony tyme afore amang our eldaris, & [...] sa far [...] it the ingyne of our pepil, yat few ar foundin at this tyme hauand sic reuerence to god or sicht to thair awin weil, y • abhortis yir detestabill atthis & blasphlemation. Bot as yai war leifful & sū honeste in the samyn to decore ye doaris thairof. Ilk day risis new blasphlemation. god geif thay be soddin or roistit in hell with othir mair abhominabil ait [...]s, than my spreit for dreid of god dare rehers. Bot alace yai ar ꝓcedit sa far, y • na preching, na monition, nor reason may reforme ye samyn. Bot we wyll return to our history. King Donald in yis tyme was aduertist, that Gormond king of danis was cūyng with ane army ī Northūbirland, vncertane to quhat purpos, howbeit y e fame was y t he come to inuaid Inglismen & not scottis. nochtheles he send, v.M. fut men & .ii.M. horsmen to support Alarude king of Inglād, aganis yir danis. Not lang eft king Alarude faucht w t danis at Abington. & howbeit he g [...]t victory, the samyn was not gottyn but gret slauchter on al sidis. Yus war baith the armyis constranit to haue peace vnder yir conditionis. Ye danis sal leif in tymes cumyng vnder [...] & freindschip with Inglismen & sall [...] the sacrament of baptisme, & [...] of y [...]me sal geif plegis to othir for obseruation of al [...] cō tenit in ye said peace. Followit gud [...] ȝeris efter [...] Inglismen & [...]. Ye peace [...] in Ingland [...] [Page Cliiii] [...] in scotland [...] [...] & ye [...] of [...] inuading othir with si [...] sla [...]chter [...] of yame wa [...] slane within two monethis on ylk syde. King Donald impacient to [...] come on yame with ane army, & [...] not quhil ye principal [...] of this troubyl w [...]r tane, & punist for yair demeritis to ye deith. The cuntre [...]eand dantit in yis maner, king Donald began to haue ye cōcord of da [...]is & Inglismen at suspition, & mind his habitation ī Northumberland, hauād with hym ane cūpany of chosin men reddy to resis [...] al inuasion y e micht occur. And finaly be deceissit ī y e same efter y t he had roung .xi. ȝeris & was bu [...]yit in Colme [...]yl. fra y e incarnatiō .ix.C.iii. ȝerꝭ. And sa endis heir the .x. buke of thir Cronikles.
Heir begynnis the leuynt buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
¶Of king Constantine the thrid, hovv dani [...] & Inglismē vvar cōfiderat be mariage, & hovv the peace vvas dissolait▪ hovv the scottis vvar discōfist be ye [...]. & of the [...] of king Constantine. Ca. primo.
EFt (er) deith of king Donald succedit Cōstātine y e .iii. son to king Ethꝰ▪ he was geuin mair to domestik & religious maneris, thā to che [...]alri, [...] tyme Edward kīg of Inglād son to [...] last king yairof to [...] of battall aganis ye scottis, send ane herald to king Constā tine chargeand hym to restore to Inglismen [...] of Northūberland, [...], & Westmureland, quhilkis Gregour re [...]t fra yame afore, w t certification gif ye same war not done, he suld within .xl. days efter be inuad [...] w t battal. king Cōstātine said to thꝭ her [...]ld. Return ha [...]e & say to kīg edward, howbeit he haue na occasiō of battal aganꝭ ws, intēding be wr [...] ̄ gꝰ titil to reif outlandꝭ fra ws, ȝit we sal defend y e same (sa far as god wyl gif ws grace) to y e vt end of our life. praying god to turn y e dāmage (y t is to fal be y e werꝭ) on yam y e gaif y e first occasion yairof. followit sone eft frequent incursiōis on athir side. ȝit for feir of danis yai durst not meit with set battal. y t y e danis suld not haif sufficient oportunite to conques baith yair realmes. At last quhen yai war brokin w t athir iniuris, y [...] noblis of Ingland seand sa hie dāmage appering to yair realm, ꝑsuadit king Edward to cōuert his hatrent on danis & to haue peace with scottꝭ. Edward not refusing yis coūsal send his oratourꝭ to king Cōstātine. & with smal labour purchest peace▪ redres beand maid on ylk side. schort tyme eft happinnit y e certane pure mē of Inglād war tane be danis & hingit on I [...]batis as theuis. & ye Inglismen s [...]kād occasion of battal slew certane of dauis quhilkꝭ war doing yair crandis in Londō, in recōpence of yir Inglismen y e war afore slane. Followit thā slaucht [...] Inglismē & Danis ī al placis quhar [...] yai [...] & gaif occasion to baith [...] pepill to cū with set battal aganis othir, nochytles quhē yai war arrayit ī otheris sicht, [...] to fecht yai war seuerit be inte [...]tution of [...] brocht agane to [...] & allis vnder thir cōditioni [...] ▪ beatrice [...] of kīg [...] salbe grayn in mariage to [...] of danis, & ye atris male gottin betuix [...] [Page] at last ye array was brokin on all sydis, ilkane fechtand throw other reddy to fle. In ye mene tyme two Lo [...] thiane men namit Dūbar & [...] maid yam to mo [...]ure, as yai war cuming on ye backis of Danis, and incontinent ye danis fled. Nochtheles mony of yame perseuer [...]t in battall, quhill thay war slane. Otheris nocht knawand to quhat place thay suld fle, fell amang mossis and war slane be the pepel. Indulphe hauād victory on this wyse went throw the campe with ane sobir cumpany, as na dāgeir war occurring, & happinnit to cum on ane band of danis hid vnder couert in ane vale, quhare he was slane fechtand to the deith to ye vter distructioun of his fays, & was buryit in Colmekyl the .ix. ȝeir of his [...]egne. fra y e incarnation .ix.C.l [...]viii. ȝeris. And in yis ilk ȝeir deceissit Edmond king of Englād, efter quhom succedit Eldrede.
¶Of king Duffus▪ and hovv he vvas [...] vvith gret infirmite be vvichecraft. Hovv he punist certane conspiratouris. and vvas slane. Ca. iiii.
EFter deith of kyng Indulphe, ane conuentioun was maid at Scone. In the quhilk Duffus the sonne of Malcolme y e first wes ma [...]d king. & Culyne son of Indulphe maid prince of Scotland and lord of Cumbir. Duffus efter his coronation went in the Il [...]s, and callit afore hym all the Th [...]is thairof, & maid his ai [...]h (gyf thay dā tit not the theuis within thair boundis) to punis thaym na les than the principall misdearis. The Thanis of the Ilis dreidand the seue [...]tie of the king, tuk mony sornaris and vaga [...]ndis lymmaris of the cu [...]tre, & put yame to deith. Thus war the remanent of thir [...] pepyll constranit to fle in Ireland, or ellis to seik sum craft to wyn thair leisting. Ȝit syndry of the nobyllis tuk indignation, that thair freindis (quhilkis war cumyn of nobyll blu [...]e) suld be cōstanit to seik yair leisting on vile craftis. And the cōmonis (quhilkis war borne to seru [...]tude) war preseruit to yame ī honouris and dignite, and thocht thairfore ye kyng vnworthy to regne aboue yame. This murmuration was not only in the Ilis, bot in syndry partis of the realme. In the mene tyme king Duffus fell in ane heuy maledy vnknawin to medcinaris in yai days. He was not onely trublit ylk day with new dolour, bot was resoluit in ane continewal sweit, & micht get na rest nor sleip. Attour his maledy was y e mair in admiration, that the aynd proceding fra his vitale spreitis schew hꝭ blude in dew proportioun with soft puls [...]s. And nochtwithstandyng he grew sa leyne y t his body semit haistely to euanis. The medcinaris disparit of his lyfe & knawyng na remeid aganis his infirmite, began be plesand wordis to mak hym ꝯsolation, sayng he suld reuert at the spring of the ȝeir, quhen euery thyng be natural influence conualescis. The kyng disparit finaly of his heil, send for al the capitanis of y e tribis. and prayit yame to haue sic sicht to thair honor and cōmoun weill, that (nochtwithstandyng his infirmite) the realme micht be gouernit ī peace & Iustice. The capitanis ꝓmittit to do al thingis as he desirit. Nochtheles thair rais ylk day continewal slauchter & reif in [...] partis of the realme with mair trubil than may be rehersit. Ye medcinaris inhibit yir displesouris [Page Clvii] to be schawin to the kyng. In auenture he tuk sic malācoly yairthrow, that it mycht haisty him to his deith. In ye m [...]ne tyme rais ane murmour amang the cōmonis, that the kyng wes nocht trubillit with natural infirmyte. Bot onlie be deuilry & craft of wichis. Of quhilkis gret noumer wes in Fores ane town of Murray. Als sone as the kyng wes informyt heirof, he send sindry wyse & craftye men to serche th [...] verite thairof. Yir men (quhilkis wer send to yis effect) schew thaym send to treit concord betuix y e king and y e murrayis. At euin thay entrit in ye castell of Fores and schew to Doneuald capitane thairof ye cause of yair cumyng. And prayit hym to serche deligently gif sic thingis (as ye fame schew) wes of verite. The capitane gat finalie experience of all this treasoun be ane of his soudiouris, quhilk had the douchter of the principall wiche to his lamen. & gart hir reueil in quhat hous of the town this wichecraft wes vsit. Thā the kyngis seruandis with ane cumpany of soudiouris enterit in the samyn hous quhare thir wichis wer, & fand ane ymage of wax maid to the similitude of Duffus drepād on ane treyne speit afore the fyre. And fand ye wichis infundyng certane liquor on ye ymage with othir charmes vsit to ye same effect. The soudiouris tuke thir wichis incōtinent, & brocht thaym with the ymage to the castell, quhair thay confessit, sa lang as the walx meltit afore y e fyre, king Duffꝰ wes resoluit in perpetual sweit. And sa lang as thay ȝet the said liquor on his ymage, he suld neuir sleip. And fra the walx wes meltit away, y e kīg suld de. Ye wichꝭ wer demādit, quha lernyt thaym sic craft. And quha solistit thaym to the samyn, Thay answerit thay had the craft be y e deuyl. Bot the murrayis solistit thaym to sla ye kyng be y e ingyne. Ye capitane brak the ymagis & brint thir wichis. It is said ye samyn nycht y t thir wichis wer tane on this wyse in y e town of Fores, kyng Duffus wes deliuerit of all his maledy, and nocht onlie tuk gud rest all y e nycht, bot wes restorit to his heil, as he had neuir bene vexit with ony infirmyteis. And on ye morow he come to Murray to punis certane rebellis y e conspirit aganis his maieste. And maid sic deligēt persute on thaym in Ros, Caithnes, and othir partis quhair thay fled, y t thay wer finalie brocht to Fores and Iustifyit. Amāgis quhom wer slane sindry kynnismen & freindis of Doneuald capitane of the said castell of Fores. Howbeit thay cons [...]irit mair be otheris than be yair awin persuasioun. This executioun of Iustice mouit Doneuald in sic hatrent for y e slauchter of his freindis, that he determit (gyf he mycht fynd sufficient oportunite) to sla the kyng. Nochtheles he dissimilie his Ire for ane time▪ his wyfe seand hym ilk day more melancolius, demādit y e cause of his displeseir. At last be lāg franyng of his wyfe, he schew quhat schame y e king had done to hym for his faithful seruice, puttyng his freindis to maist vile deith. Yis wife wes ane woman of vnmercyfull cruel [...]e hauād na les hatrēt yan hir husband had aganis y e king. for sindry of hir freindis wer Iustifyit in y e samyn maner. Throw quhilk hir vēnomꝰ Ire wes boldin euery day w t mair indignation, not knawing to quhom scho micht opin ye samyn. Bot quhen scho vndstude hir husband of y e samyn intentioun, scho exhortit hym to be of gud cheir, and ꝓmittit to fynd y e way how this [Page] iniuris mycht best be reuēgit, sayng the king wes oftymes familiarly lugit with yame, & mycht be [...]saly punist. Doneuald wes inflāmit be thir wourdis aboue his hatrent, abiding na thing b [...]t sufficient oportunite to sla y e king, & becaus y e king wes to depart on y e morow, this Doneuald set hym with more deligēce to bring his cursit purpos to effect. In the nycht following (als sone as the kyng had done his deuotion) he wēt to hꝭ chalmer & fel on sleip. Yan wes yis Do [...]euald sa enragit w t cruelte, y t he mycht get na eis quhil his cursit mynd wes fulfillit. Incō [...]inent he callit ye kingꝭ cubicularis to ane bāket & f [...]istit yame cōtinewallie quhil yai wer [...]ane with y e wynis. & sa sop [...] y t thay wer cōstranit to tak rest, hauand na suspitioun of yis treason de [...]isit in y e kingꝭ deith. Doneuald seyn [...] y e cubicula [...]is on sleip, send four seruandis (quhilkꝭ wer corruppit afore with hꝭ money) in y e kingis chalmer, & finaly slew hym. And brocht his body but ony noyis out at ane postrain tw [...] mylis fra ye place, quhair he wes slane to ane burn, & buryit it in ye myddis yairof quhair ye streme vsit to pas. Syne put ane gret stane aboue his body, yat na thing suld appeir hid in ye said place. Thir tratouris y e slew ye king fled ī Orknay, y t y e dee [...] corps suld not schaw the slayaris. For it is haldin amang ws, y t ye body of ane slane man bledis afore y e slaa [...]. And quhiddir ye same be trew or not, lat yame testifie y t hes experiene thairof. Doneuald eftir ye slaucht of y e kyng (to cause him appeir innocēt yairof) past the residew of the nycht with ye kingis gard, schawing y e gret humaniteis done to him sindry tymes be y e king. On ye morow the skry r [...]is amang y e familiarꝭ, sayng y e king wes slane, his bed bullerand in blud, and y e bodi tane away quhair na mā wist. Doneuald heirand ye noyis come in ye chalmer with ye remanēt cubicularis, as he had knawin na thing of this treason. And becaus he saw the bed bludy, he slew ye cubicularis as yai had bene gilty yairof. & ran vp & doun ye castel like ane furiꝰ mā to se gyf he micht se ony taikin of y e kingꝭ slaucht. At last he fand the postra [...] opin, & Iugit tha [...] [...]ckirl [...]e y t ye cubicularis had slane ye kīg. For yai had ye keyis of ye castel in yair kepyng. Ye noblis richt astonist come haistely to seyis terribil deid hauand more admiration y t y e bodi wes tane away, ya [...] ▪ of hꝭ slaucht. Nochtheles sindry of yame tuk suspitioun y • yis cruelte wes done be Doneuald. Becaus he maid deligence in serching ye auctoris of this treason aboue ye me [...]oure of Iust affection, & sone eft yai returnit hame. Sex monethis eftir nothir son, mone, nor stern wer sene in y e heuin. Bot ye lift ouircouerit with ꝑpetual cloud to y e gret trour of y e pepil.
¶Hovv Culyne prince of Scotland punist ye slaucht of king Duffus. Of sindry vncouth meruellis sene ī Albion. Ca. v.
CUlyne prince of Scotlād and lord of Cūbit, rycht astonist of yis perpetuall dirknes continewyng sa lang to ye gret terrour of pepill, demandit his noblis. Quhat mycht be the cause yairof. Be quhom wes answerit (as yai beleuit) god wes sa cō mouit at ye slaucht of ye nobill king Duffus, yat (gif ye samyn wer nocht punist haistelie) maist terrible vengeance wes to follow on thair realme. Incōtinēt Culyne cōmandit general prayaris & [...]asting to be done throw all partis of ye realme. & maid his solempne aith neuir to ceis, quhill he [Page Clviii] punist y e tresonable slaucht of duffꝰ. Nocht lang eft he come in murray, & be his cūing he maid ye murrayis rycht effrayit. Doneuald knawyng hym self gilty of this treason, fled to the mouth of Tay, [...]uhair he pullit vp salis to pas ī norroway & had w t hym ye slayaris of kīg Duffus. For ye mynd of al cursit tyrānis be natural inclination dreidꝭ euery creature and schawis yame self criminabil othir in vult or cōtinance. & hes ay sic [...]eir of yair life, y • yai gif na man credence. bot eschewis al famꝰ cūpany, and cōfidis ī na thing sa mekil as in mirknes and fleyng. On the samyn maner this Doneuald schew be his fleing y e hid treason y t na man suspeckit, gif he had abidin y e kīgis cūing. Yus wes he brocht to sic miserie, yat quhair he wes repute sū tyme familiar to y e kīg & lu [...]fer of hꝭ cōmon weil, he wes haldin maist odius & treasonabil cowart. Ye pepil seing hym fle for suspition of ye said treason prayt god to send vengeance on him & his cūpany, quhilk followit sone eft. For Culyne heirand his deꝑting tuke ye castel of Fores, & fand ī it doneualdꝭ wife with his thre douchteris. Eftir lāg inquisition scho cōfessit al y e maner of his deith. & how his body wes hid in y e myddis of ane streme w t all circūstance as said is. On y e morow (quhen y e pepil wes passād to tak vp ye boby of Duffus, tithingis come y e Doneuald w t his cōplicis wes schip brokin & tane be y e pepill to be punist for his offence. sone eft be cōmād of Culyne he wes brocht to Iugement with his wife & .iiii. seruādis, & put cruellie to deid, yair bodys quarterit & hūgin in sīdry townis of yis realm to be exampil to al pepil, quhat iniq i te is to sla ane kīg. Ye takaris of doneuald & his cōplicis wer not onlie rewardit richely, bot exemit fra al publik exaction in tymes cuming. Sic thingꝭ done y e body of kyng Duffus wes tane vp & brocht w t gret solēpnite to Colmekil, quhair it wes buryit. It is said (youcht kīg Duffꝰ lay .vi. monethis vnd erd) his body wes als fresche of cullour & hide as the first hour it wes hid. & fra his body come aboue y e erd, ye wedd chāgit to maist serenite. Ane brig is now in ye samin place, quhair his body wes hid. Beside quhilk now is ane abbay of Cestiꝰ ordour namit Kyllos dedicat to ye virgyne Mary. Mony vncouth meruellis wer sene at yis tyme in albion. Hors eit yair awin flesche. Ane woman wes deliuer of hir birth quhilk had nothir eyne, nose▪ nor fute. Ane sparhalk wes strāg [...]la [...] be ane howlat. And maist wound of all nothir son, mone, nor sterne apperit in sycht .vi. monethis. bot y • lift ouircouerit with perpetual dirknes as we haue schawin.
¶Of king Culyne, & his vicius life. Of the trubyl that fel in the realme be hi [...] euyll ministration. Ca. vi.
DOneuald slane in yis maner, Culyne wes maid king. In y e ferd ȝeir of king Duffꝰ, fra ye incartion .ix.c.lxxii. ȝeris. Ye pepil beleuit y • he suld haif bene ane nobil prince, seand hym begyn with sa souerane Iustice. Howbeit litill virtew wes sene in him eft. For he gouernit not y e realm be aduise of his noblis. bot geuin be rage of ȝouth to maist insolēt & corruppit lyfe. & throw his vice he gaif occasion to his pepill to grow wildar vnd his empire, yan euir ya [...] war vnd ony othir price afore. Finalie y e realme wes brocht to sic poynt, y e theuis, reuaris, & s [...]clik pepil wer not onlie vnpunist bot had in greit estimation. Sa gret truble rais Ilk day more & more in y e [...]untre, y e (gif ye samyn wer not haistelie punist) y e realme [Page] apperit to cum to vter rewine, quhē culine was rep̄ [...]it y e yir & mony othir enormiteis com only yrow his misgouernāce▪ he maid litill excuse. bot said, ȝong mē wer not lik ī ꝯditionis to agit ꝑsonis. Yairfor his ȝouth behuffit to haue ane cours, quhill it wer stabillit be proces of tyme. And suld not bedā [...]it be ouir gret seuerite bot to be moderat accordyng to the season yairof. Attour his antecessouris Indulphe & Duffus wer ouir se [...]eir in administration of Iustice, as apperit in ye end of yair empire. For quhen thay intendit vnd culloure of Iustice to oppres yair noblis to conqueir yair landis or guddis, yai mouit thair noblis to rebellion in finall distruction of yame self. Better wes yairfore to regne with fauoure & beneuolence aboue his noblis, than to regne with mānassing & terrour▪ for be y • & be na othir way mycht his nobillis be haldin at hꝭ opinion. Yocht this answer of king Culyne wes vnproffitable to the cōmoun weil, ȝit na man durst oppinly repreue the same. For euery man cōmendit his gouernance speciallie yai y • haiti [...] Iust or pru [...]ēt men. Ye noblis seand y e kingꝭ familiaris ilk day more insolēt, & na thyng done to y e vtilite of y e realme, drew thaym fra y e court. Otheris (as bane flatteraris & nurisari [...] of vennom in ȝoung ꝑsonis) set yarne to cō [...]inew y e king in his voluptuous life inducyng him to al thingis y t mycht affeminat his mynd in maist schameful vices▪ quhil at last yis vnhappy prince wes brocht to sic miserie, y t he had sicht to na thing bot onlie to his sensual plesouris. & cherist nane bot maist vicius & vile lymmarꝭ. & nocht onlie he deflorit sindry vncouth virginis & matronis. bot als fulȝeit his awi [...] sisteris his douchteris & religious wemen. He had also ane cūpany of vicius herlottis thai did na othir thing, bot espyit quhair yai micht se ony plesand virginis or matronis, y e yai mycht aduertis hym yairof. And finalie thay wer ay brocht to hym othir be weir or peace. Ȝi [...] ane thyng followit more miserable. Als sone as ye king had tane his lust & pleseir of yir virginis, he causit his vnhappy seruitouris to deflore yam eft him in ye same maner. Gif ony cōplanit of yir odius cruelteis, yai gat na othir amendis, bot yair leggis or armys brokin. And yocht yis effeminat mō stour had waistit his body with ouir frequent cumpany of wemen, ȝit he tuke pleseir to se his familiaris conuers with yame opinlie in his sycht. And wes abusit in yis maner thre ȝeris continually. Throwe quhilk he grew not onlie ane defamit creature Bot throw his misgouernance rais al maner of truble & displeseir to his subdittis. The [...]is, reuaris, sornaris & oppressouris rais with sic pissance, yat na man durst punis yame. gif ony man maid hym to resist yame or cōplene, he wes sone eft slane, or ellꝭ his guddis confiscat & his bigingis brint. And nocht onlie temporal men bot als spretual wer heryit in y e same maner. Yair guddis & ornamētꝭ tane be force. Throw quhilk y e cōmonis & landwart pepill leiffit mony ȝeris in gret oppression & miserie. Kyng Culyne at last throw his surfet & vnbridillit lust fel ī ane maist vile & schamful infirmite, his nature slidyng but ony pleseir or ꝑsauyng. And throw this maledy his body & visage grew ilk day so attenuat & leyne, y t he past ye residew of his dayis with gret dishonour & schame. The noblis nochtwithstādyng his heuynes, maid ane cōuention at Scone to depriue hym of auctorite, & to cheis ane new kīg▪ als sone as Culine knew quhat wes [Page Clix] diuisit aganis him, he past with ane quiet cūpany to Scone. In y e mene tyme Cadardꝰ thane of Meffen met him vnhappely be y e gait. & slew him becaus he deflorit his doucht afore. This end maid ye vicius tyrane Culyne accordīg to hꝭ cursi [...] lyfe▪ in y e .v. ȝeir of hꝭ regne. fra y e īcarnation .ix.c.lxxvi. ȝerꝭ. & wes buryit in colmekill.
Of king Kēneth ye .iii. & his gouernāce▪ of his o [...]ison maid to ye noblis▪ & hovv he cōstranit yame to bring sindry theuis to his Iustice. Ca. vii.
CUlyne slane (as said is) Kēneth bruthir to kīg duffus wes maid king. In y e beginning of his empyre he had gret laubour to bring y e pepil (quhilk wes growin wyld be necligence of Culyne) to virtews leuyng. For it is ane thyng daylie practicat amang ws. First y e noblis & syne the cōmonis followis ye maneris of the king. Gif y e kīg be virtews. Ye pepil be his imitation inclinis to virtew. Quhen he is vicius, ye pepil on ye samyn maner followis his vicis. King Kēneth (y t he suld not detest y e schamefull deformiteis in otheris quhilkis wer apperād ī himself) schew him to y • pepill as ane chaist pīrce, of skairs fude, liberal & meik in al his doyngꝭ, hating al scurrilite. He banist all tauernaris, drūkartꝭ, scaffaris & vane flecheouris out of his hous. & nuris [...] concord baith with vncouth & domistik pepill▪ so far he haitit al sedition yat he punist ye mouaris yairof to y e deith. & had sic affection to ye cōmon weil, y t na mā wes sufferit to abid in hꝭ court, bot sa mony as had sufficiēt virtew & craftis to wyn yair leuing. Yus wer his subdittis nothir effeminat be lāg sleuth. Nor ȝit Irkit with exercition of gud werkis. Yis prince for his virtews gouernaunce wes reput maist worthy to regne aboue his pepil, & tuk purpos to pas throw all boundis of his realme for punition of theuis. At his cūyng to Lanerk, come sindry of his subdittis to him & cōplanit of mony importabil iniuris and wrangis done to yame be sindry līmaris of y e cuntre. Als sone as thir lymmaris wer aduertist yat ye king wes to sit in Iugemēt for execution of Iustice, ya [...] fled be assistence of ye noblis in the Ilis. Ye king rycht cō mouit y t he wes stoppit on this ma [...] be his nobillis to do Iustice, supersedit his displeseir for ane tyme. & in y e ȝeir nixt following, he maid ane general cōuētion of hꝭ noblis at scone. In ye nycht afore his conuention he hid ane noumer of armit men in ane quiet chalmer, nocht far fra ye place quhare y • counsal wes set, cōmāding yame to be secreit quhil yai wer warnit. & than to execute the chargis cō mittit to yame. On ye morow all his noblis wer ordourit at yair conuention in yair awin placis, ay nerest ye king as yai wer of blud & auctorite. In y e mene tyme yir armit mē yschit out of y e chalmer quhair yai wer hid, and stude about ye counsall. Kēneth seand yame astonist said in yis man̄. Howbeit ȝe breid y t this new gyse of Iugement aboue the auld custome of oure eldaris (wy [...]e freind [...]s) succeid to ȝour displeseir for feir of thir armyt men y t standis about ȝow. Ȝit gif our mind (quhilk is set to na thīg mair yan to ye cōmon proff [...]t of ȝour realme & ȝow) ar not ordanit to do ony dāmage to ȝow or to y e nobilite of scotlād, bot onlie to be y e s [...]ckir targe of our cōmon weil. Beleue not (wyse freindis) y t we with ony treasonable slychtis hes brocht yis ga [...] to ȝour [...] distruction. sen ȝe ar y e onli [...] esperāc [...] of our realme. Yairfore vnderstand thir armit men schawis na mannassing, bot defence of ȝour singulare & [Page] cōmon proffet. Yair is sindry euil [...]isposit ꝑsonis in yis realme, ay repugnāt to y e weil yairof, & geuin to thift, reif, slaucht, birnyng, & siclik importable extorsionis on y e pepil. ȝe knaw quhat enormiteis hes bene don [...] baith in ye tyme of Culyne, & in the begynnyng of our empyre in ꝑpetuall euersion of our cōmonis. And ȝit ȝe knaw our cōmonis with thayr continewall laubour sustenis ws. We ar richelie cloithit, & hes al kynd of costlie meitis. Yai ar purelie arrayit, & le [...]s of skars fude. And sen we haif al y e frute of yair labouris. I think quhen thair guddis ar saif, we ar saif. Quhen yai ar heryit & put to pouer [...], nane of ws ar at eys. Thay wirk youcht we be ydill. & with cōtine wa [...] [...]bour wynnis ws riches. Ye frute o [...] yair laubouris cumys to ws and [...]ocht to yame self. Thairfore quha [...]euis yame, reuis ws. Quha nu [...] isis t [...]euis ī yair dāmage, ar ennymes to ws & our cōmon weil. For yir reaso [...]s al sic importable iniuris on inno [...]ent pepil suld be inhibit. & not onlie suld I desyre sic thingis to be done. [...] ȝe suld desyre yame on the sume maner. Gif ȝe be affeckit othir to the weil of yis realm or to ȝour self, ȝour wi [...]fis or children. We deuysit as ȝe remembir at Lane [...]k to purge yis realme of al misdoaris, yat y e cōmonis & noblis may be nurist in tymes cū yng in peace & tranquillite. Ȝit thir misdoaris in cōtemption of our auctorite cōpe [...]it not in Iugemēt. And youcht I knaw na thyng bett than yair cōuoying away be assistence of gret men. Ȝit I suꝑsed it yis offence quhil more oportunite occurrit. Howbeit mony of ȝow (as we wer sic kerlie informit) wer ꝑticipant yait k [...]h, and conuoyit yame fra our Iustice. Attour ye frequent message send betuix ȝow & yir theuis makand [...] d [...] lig [...] ̄ce til bring yame to our Iustice, hes maid ye mat more credible. Noctheles in quhat sume [...]ir way ye mat standis, we haue remouit all suspitioun, gyf we haue had ony aganis ȝow▪ & haldis ȝow at yis tyme not as fauoraris of lymmaris, bot erar defendourꝭ of our realm. Praying ȝow (gif ȝe haif ī times bigane bene more sleuthfull yan neid wes) to repair all errouris, y e ȝe may appeir as luffarꝭ of ȝour singulare & cōmon weil. And first I wyll y • ȝe bring yir theuis & rebellis to our iustice, y • yai may be punist according to yair demeritis. For I promit ȝow, ȝe sall not be deliuerit of this gard, quhill I se yame put to deith. And ye more haistelie y • ȝe put thir chargꝭ to execution, ye more haistelie sal ȝe be deliuerit of boundage & richelie rewardit for ȝour laubouris. The noblis heirand yir wourdis fell on kneis, praying hym to remyt all offence done aganis his maieste, and ꝓmittit not onlie to do al chargꝭ as he desyrit. Bot to remane quhair he plesit quhill yair freīdis had brocht yir mis [...]oaris & rebellꝭ to his iustice. Sic thingꝭ d [...]ne, ye kīg brocht all [...] nobillis with str [...]ng gard to ye castell of Bertha. This castell slude ap [...]n ye wait of Tay, & wes sa straitlie keippit in yai dayis within wach & out wache, y t na man gat ysche nor entres but speciall licence of y e kyng. Al vagabound & ydil pepil (quhilkꝭ wer f [...]nd in y e gait) wer brocht for suspition to the castel. Ye noblis in the mene time wer occupyit with reding of historyis. For you wes not vs [...] sic hant of dyse & carus, as ar now vsit. finalie yai maid sic ways be extreme deligence of yair freindis, yai . [...].C. of yir maist notable theuis wer brocht to y e castell of Ber [...]ha & hing [...]t on Iebaitis & yair bodyis inhibit to be tane doun, to gif exampill to otheris [Page Clx] quhat frute followys of sic [...]. Sic thingis done ye noblis wer deliu [...]rit, & exhortit be y e kyng to suffer nocht the pepill to be iniurit with sic oppressouris in tymes cumyng. The scottis remanit mony ȝeris eft in sicker peace.
¶Hovv ye Danis inuadyng ye Scottis vvith gret cruelteis vvar discomfist be king Kēneth, & hovv ye Hayis tuk yair first beginning and armes. Ca. viii.
THe Danys ilk day rageand ī more hatrēt, becaus th [...]y had muir sufficientlie reuengit the frequent murdir maid on yair freindis be the weris of scottis, arriuit w t ane gret flor in Albion. And wer determi [...] as it wes weil prouin in ye end of thair weris, in quhat sumeuir part of albion yai arriuit, to remane thair with continewall residēce. & othir be force of armes to subdew y e realme to yair empyre. Or ellis al atanis to de. Yis flo [...]e of Danis arriuit at y e reid brayis in Angus, quhare now standis ye abbay of Abi [...]brothok dedicat to the honour of sanct Thomas of Canterbery. Eftir ye ordour of sanct Benedict. Part of y e Danis gaif counsall to land not in yir partis, bot erar to pas in Ingland. For y e scottis of yat regioun wer rycht vailȝeant, & with frequent battallis did oftymes gret dāmage afore to ye Danis. And sen yis landis (quhair thay wer new arriuit) wer more plenteus of treis yan of cornis, It wes not proffitable to ieoperde yame for sa smal regionis. Be contrarye landis of Ingland liand to ye south wer more riche, & the pepill thairof geuin to na thyng les than to cheualry, and mycht yairfor the more esaly be subdewit. Forthir gif thay couat ony riche landis in albioun but ony extreme dangeir eftir following, best wes in pas in Kent. Otheris said yai wer not arriuit [...] albion onlie to cōq [...] landis [...] to reuenge the iniuris done be scottis, quhilkis wer ane bludy p [...]pill mair curius in defence of othir mennys guddis, than yair awin, as wes prouin in ye last battal f [...]uchtin in Northumbirland, quhen yai come in support of Inglismen. And yairfore als sone as yai ar cumyn in Kent, yai salbe cōstranit to fecht not only aganis Inglismen, bot aganis scottis. Be contrar gif yai abaid in scotland, yai suld fecht all [...]ne [...]lie with scottꝭ. Yus wes it best to inuaid ye scottis first. And quhen y e scottis wer distroyit to pas th [...]n with recent victorie on Ingland, and commit ye remanēt chargi [...] to the chance of fortoun. The danis wery be lang truble of seis, applaudit to yis last opinion, & landit finalie besyde Montros. & not onlie tuk ye toun bot slew al pepil tane in it, and brak doun the wallis thairof to ye groūd. and sone eftir yai come throw y e remanent boūdis of Angus to y e firth of Tay, ceissyng fra na maner of cruelte y t mycht be deuisit. Ye peple effrayit be yir displeseiris com to kyng Kēneth. For he wes than in Striuelyng occupyit ī ministration of Iustice, & beleuyng na thyng les yan sic irruption of ennymes to inuaid his realme. Eftir schort aduisement (yat his realme suld not be patent to more extorsionis), He cōmandit be general edict al fensable personis to meit hym at ane schort day. & finalie at y e day affixit, he come with ane army to y e mouth of Erne. On y e morow wes schewin to him, y • ye danys wes cumyn ouir Tay, liand w t ane strāg sege about ye castel of Be [...] tha with sic insu [...]e [...]able cruelte. Ya [...] na kynd of pepil, townis, nor ki [...]kis (quhair yai wer maisterꝭ) wer sauit. The king mouit with yir iniuris, rasit [Page] his army with maist deligence [...] hꝭ ennymes. In y e nycht f [...]llowing he come to Loncarte, quhilkis ane town not far fra Tay. Ye d [...]nis na thyng affrayit of his cumyng arrayit yame to battal. Yan Kēneth arrayit his folkꝭ in ane ganand pl [...]e. And to moue his noblis with hir curage & spreit aganis yair ennymes, he dischargit yame of all malis and dewiteis aucht to hym for .v. ȝeris to cum. Syne promittit be oppin proclamation to gif to ilk man y e brocht to hym y e heid of ane dane .x. [...]i. o [...]ellꝭ land perpetually respondent yairto. Ef [...]ir this he maid his orison to god to send his army gud forto [...], and to theis erar with māheid & honour to perseueir in battall to y e deith, yan to be tane fleand with schame & displeseir. The scottis rasit be yir wourdis [...] esperāce of victorie arrayit th [...]ym [...] gud ordour. Malcolm Duf pr [...]ce al Scotland & lord of Cūbir wes arrayit in y e rycht wyng. And Dūcane thane of Athole in y e left wyng. In y e myd battall wes kyng Kenneth. On the tothir syde ye danis wer arrayit a [...] y e fut of y e hill not far distant fra y e scottis. Ye armyis s [...]ude lāg arrayit in otheris sycht, quhill at last y e scottꝭ ouir feirs & desyrus of battall, come with incredible schoure of dartis, arowis & ganȝeis on y e danis▪ and [...] impacient to sustene yis inuasion of scottꝭ come forwart with gret noy [...]. Incōtinent baith ye armyis Iuny [...], but ony signe of [...] ▪ & faucht sa fei [...]slie y e nane of yame mycht sustene the preis of othir. And youcht lang bargane followit with vncertane victorie, ȝit na thyng wes more impedimēt to scottis yan yair desire to haue the heidis of danis erar yan victory. quhē yis was knawin to danis. yai cryit with schil voce othir to haue victory or al atanis to de. And incontinent yai ruschit with sic properant fard, y e baith y e wingis of scottis wer put to flycht. Nochtheles ye myd battall resistit vailȝeantlie the hail preis of ennymes. Now stud [...] our army ī extreme dangeir. For mony of ye scottis fled, and wer cruelli [...] slane be danis. This day had bene y e vter exterminion of scottis, wir not ane land wart man namyt Hay with his two sonnis of strang & rude bodyis (howbeit thay wer of maist nobill curage) come haistelie in support of Kenneth & his nobillis, eftir thay wer neir vincust with yair ennimes. This Hay hauand na wapinnis bot the ȝok of ane pleuch and seand the myddilward (quhair Kenneth wes fechtand aganis ye danis) nakit of baith the wyngis. Thocht na thyng sa honorable as to de vailȝeantlie amang sa mony nobill men▪ than wes ane strait passage nocht far fra y e battall, quhare gret noumer of scottis wer slane miserabill [...]e [...]l [...]yng. This Hay traisting na thing sa gud [...]s to stop the fleyng of the scottis, a [...]aid in this strait passage with his two sonnis. And slew baith danis & scottis quhom he fand fleand with his ȝok. In ye mene tyme ane certane of scottis (quhilkis wer richt forcy and vailȝeant) cryit with schill voce. All gud scottis men return [...] renew battal for defence of ȝour kyng & realm. And auise now quhiddir it is more honest to ieoperd ȝow w t gud chance in defence of ȝour prince, than to be schamfullie murdrest in ȝour fleing. This Hay with his two sōnis n [...]mit (as said is) with ȝokis of a ple [...]ch ahaid in this strait passage & cons [...]ranit the scottis (quhilkis wer fleand) to return with him to battal aganis yair ennymes. Ye danis astonist be yair returnyng, & trai [...]ing sum new army cūing on yair [...]akkis, le [...]t the [Page Clxi] chase of scottꝭ & maid yame to return to yair fo [...]ꝭ. Yan y e scottis (quhilkis war vincust afore) war rasit w t new spreit & curage ruschit feirsly on yair ennymes, & pu [...] yame to flicht, gret slacht was maid ī y e battal, bot mair in y e chace. Ye scottis gat thꝭ day ane gloriꝰ victory of danis, be ꝑseuerant fechting of y e noblis of scotland in y e mid battal to y e deith▪ ȝit maist hono [...] succedit to Hay & his sōnis, for he helpit to win y e fe [...]ld eft y t it was discomfist. Ye scottis past y e nicht efter this victory w t singing, dansing, & incredibil blithnes. On y e morow Kēneth gaif y e maist part of al y e spulȝe of yis battal to Hay & his sōnis. y e remanēt yairof war deuidit be rite of armes amang scottis. Sic thingis done kē neth returnit to y e castel of Bertha, & cōmandit yis Hay & his sonnis to be clothit with riche claithꝭ & to follow him to y e said castel. Bot Hay na thīg desiring yairof come w t his .ii. sōnis [...] yair auld & rusty habit strinklit w t dust & sweit of battal. In the samyn maner as yai faucht reddy to do quhat chargis he micht at y e kingis pleseir. Ye pepil richt desirus to se Hay & his sonnis quhilkis be yair singular māheid had saiffit y e king & ye realme stāding in maist dāgeir of ennimeis, come with gret multitude, & cō uoyit yam (as vphalda [...]ꝭ of y e realm) to y e kingis palice. Hay accūpanit w t huge pepyll in yis wise, enterit in ye kingꝭ palice, b [...]rād y e ȝok on his schulderis ī y e same maner as he faucht aganis y e Danis. Sone eft ane couns [...]l was set at Scone, ī y e quhilk Hay & his sōnis war maid nobil, & dotat for yair singular virtew prouin ī yis feild w t sindry lādis to sustene thair estait. It is said y t he askit fra y e king certane lādis (quhilkꝭ he knew richt plentuous afore) liand betuix Tay & Arole, & gar als mekil yairof as ane falcon flew of ane [...] hād or scholichtit. Ye falcō flew to ane toun .iiii. mylis fra Dūde callit [...], & lichtit on ane stane, quhilk is ȝit callit y e falcon stane, & sa he gat al y e lādꝭ betuix Tay & Arole .vi. milis of lenth & .iiii. of breid. quhilk lādis ar ȝit inhabit be his posterite. Attour that nane of his vailȝeant dedis suld peris bot ay remane in recent and perpetuall memory. King Kenneth gaif hym thre reid scheildis in ane feild of syluer to beir in maner of armis in place of ye ȝok, to signify y t he was promouit fra smal & obscure lynnage to gret honourꝭ, riches, & lādis. Attour yair was rikit to his armes y • figour of y e ȝok, w t quhilk he helpit y e scottis ī yair maist neid. Of yis Hay ar descendit mony nobyll & vailȝeant men ay defēdouris of yis realme, quhais hous is decorit with sic auctorite y t it is Constabill of Scotland.
¶Hovv king kēneth slevv ye prince of Scotland. yat his son micht succede to ye crovvn. Of ye message send be sanct Edvvard to king Kēneth. & of Kēneth [...] orisoun maid to his noblis. Ca. ix.
EFter thir discōfitouris of Danis, followit sindry cōtentionis in yis realm. Ye men of Ilis tuk ane huge pray of gudis out of Ros. nochyeles yai war al tane & slane be pepil of y e cuntre. Als sone as yis trubyll was pecifijt, followit ane othir in Angꝰ & Mernis of greter motiō. Yair was ane mā namit Cruthneth quhilk gaderit the kyngis m [...]lis of all ye landis of Angus liand betuix south Esk, & north Esk. He had ane doucht namit Fenel, quhilk had ane feirs & vndantit mā to hir son namit Cruthlint. Yis Cruthlint come to ye castel of Delbogyn, quhare his gud schir was & be his insolence fel at sic debait for ane caus of nocht, y e .ii. of his seruādis war slane hym self narrowly [Page] eschaping w t hꝭ life. So [...]e [...]ft he com to Fethircarn quhare he met his moder, & schew to hir this [...]iur [...] laitlie done to hym, & scho na thing mesi [...] his Ire. Bot inflāmit hym sa [...]ar, y t he gaderit ane gret cumpany of pepil out of ye mernys, and returnit within ye nycht to the said castel, and not onlie slew his gudschir. Bot left nane on liue within y e said castel. And on ye morow he brocht ane gret pray of guddis out of Angus. The men of Angus impacient to suffer thir heirschippis, rais with gret cū panyis. & maid heirschippꝭ & slaucht in the Mernis on ye samyn maner. [...]yng Kenneth knawing how [...]acill ye ingyne of his pepill wes to rebellion (quhen na punitioun wes maid thair eft) beleuit gif thir attemptatis [...]er nocht haistelie danti [...], more sedi [...]ioun suld rise haistelie on dāmage of his realme. And thairfore he summond al yame y t wer suspiciꝰ of this cruelte baith of ye Mernis & Angus [...] cōpeir at Scone ye .xv. day [...]ftir following to vnderly ye law vnder panys of rebellion. And becaus yai comperit not, the kyng followi [...] on yame with sic diligence, y • yai war al tane & brocht to Donsi [...]ane. Cruthlint & ye principall monaris of this [...]rubil war put to deith. Yis executiō of Iustice brocht kyng kēneth knew fauour to his pepil w t sic affection, y e nane of yame wald heir nor suff [...] ony detraction of hym. Followit gret tranquillite, quhil at last ye .xxii. ȝeir of his regne this prince sa lang decorit with Iustice cōmittit [...]ne maist schamfull slauchter, quhilk appe [...]it the mair sichty, y t his life was reput afore maist innocent, & geuyn for ye cōmon weill. Ye blind & immoderat affection (y t he had to his son) was occasion y t he slew be poison Malcolm Duf prince of scotland & lord of Cū bir. y t Malcolme his son my [...]ht succede to ye crown of scotland, & ȝit na man beleuit y e sic cruelteis was committit be hym, becaus al othir wayis he apperit ane iust prince. king kenneth efter the deith of Malcolme the prince, send in sindry kirkis to do funerall obsequies for his saule, & he micht not refrene fra teris, quhen he herd his name spokyn. Nochtheles syndry of ye noblis suspeckit hym of ye princis deid, persauyng hym dissimulat & his dolour exceding ye iust affection of his mynd. Ȝit becaus al thingis ar vncertane, the pepyll left yair suspition. In ye mene tyme sāct Edward (quhilkis was efter martyrit be his stepmoder Esculda) send hꝭ ambassatouris to Kēneth, schawing hym richt commouit for the deith of Malcolme prince of scotland. Nochtheles sen all pepyl ar mortal, he desirit y t the two realmes micht ꝑseueir in athir frēdschip efter ye tennour of ye auld peace, and to [...]heis ane [...]thir prince of Cūbir, yat war wise & [...]uri sar of peace betuix ye two pepyl. Kē neth answerit he was na thing penitent of ye band maid betuix him and Inglismen, & wald ratify & apprei [...] ye samyn in tymes cumyng, as to ye election of ye prince, he schew yat he wald conuent his noblis on the morow to cheis the said prince, & prayit thai [...]fore thir ambassatouris to return agane on ye said morow, y t thay micht heir quha war declarit prince of scotland & lord of Cumbir. Than Kēneth callit his noblis to ane counsall at Scone and said in this wyse. Gif ȝe haue sicht to ye weil of this realme and to ye tranquillite of ye pepyl yairof with lang perseuerāce in tymes cumyng (discreit & wyse faderis) it is necessar to haue not allanerly respect to the administration and gouernance of this realme in tymes [Page Clxii] bygane, bot als ī tymes cumyng, specially concernyng the institution of ȝo [...] prince. Ȝe man consider quhat maneris quhat gouernance & auctorite [...]cernis ane prince. The ingyne and maneris of al pepil ar mutabyl, and corespondent to the season as it occurris. Oftymes succeding to the worst. New maneris requiris new lawis. It is thairfore not discrepant to Iustice concerning ye reparation of our errouris to vse y e thing amāg ws, quhilkis are institute be reason & lawis and vsit in al othir realmes. And yocht auld ritis war sum tyme plesand to oure eldaris. Ȝit thay ar found now vnproffitabyll. Ane law was maid efter Fergus ye first, yat becaus his sonnis Maynus & Ferlegus war not abyl to gouerne the realme for yair tender age, yat the nerrest of thair blud abyll to do Iustice for ye tyme suld be king. Quhilk beand deceissit ye son of the king afore deceissit (gif he war abil) suld succeid but ony pley. It was defendit be the samyn law to eschew incōuenientis, yat na chyldren of tendir age sal succeid. And yocht this law was found proffitabyl to sindry for the tyme. It apperis be my Iugement contrarious & noysum to ye cōmon weil, nurisand extreme hatrent amāg nobyl men. Was not Ferithais the secoūd king (yat rang efter Fergꝰ) slane be Ferlegus, howbeit the said Ferlegꝰ was banist for the samyn caus, & endic [...] dayis in misery. Thus succedit doubyl s [...]aith. Ferlegus banist, & Ferithais slane. Siclik be this cursit law followit displeseir to the realme, quhē Reuther was maid king to the gret murdir baith of scottis & pichtus, and euerson of thair cōmon weil, quhilk was brocht to sic calamite, that efter the murdir of maist forcy campionis, all the nobillite of scottis and pichtis war othir banist or put to seruytude. And youcht the realme was restorit to the auld stait, ȝit followit frequent slauchter of ye maist nobyl & vailȝeant men of this realme, throw quhilk not onely the realme was haldin in perpetual trubyl, bot maist tender cosingis cōstranit be suspition to fecht amang yam self for the empire. Oftymes the iust heritour of the crown slane, and not only men of obscure lynnage brocht to gret riches, bot mony nobyll men put down & murdrist. Forthir throw yis cursit law, al vailȝeant men war degenerat in cowardis. Humyl men in bludy mōstouris. Iust mē in auaticiꝰ tyrānis. Liberall men in gredy reuaris. Chaist men in lichorus vela [...]is inuading the pepyl with maist odious cruelteis. Amang all othir skaithis (quhilkis may nocht be rehersit but displeseir) ȝoung chyldren (quhilkis had iust tytyll to y e crown) war murderit be thaym that had the realme in gouernance quhen thay desyrit mercy in yair faderis armes. Quhat cruelte quhat detestabyl fellonyis bene hard in ony realme in comparysoun of sic thyngis as bene done be motioun of this cuesit constitution▪ Thairfore maist prudent faderis prouide aboue all thyngis that this cursit law. (be quhilkis the kingis son is disherist of his iust heritage) be abrogat. Becaus the samyn is sa iniurius that it hes nuri [...] amang ȝow mony vnthankfull displeseiris contrar to the law of god and man. And be irrecouerabyl dammage hes brocht ȝour common weil neir to vter euersyoun. ¶Suffer heirfore nane othir bot the kyngis sonne to regne aboue ȝow in tymes to cum sa lange as he hes [Page] ane on lyue, that efter the vse of [...] thir landis the son of y e king may immediatly succede, nochtwithstāding quhat sumeuir age he be of, quhare throw ȝour cōmon weil may appeir gouernit nocht be auctorite of ane man bot be the haill pepyl, to y e fyne yat the kyngis son may be haldin in tymes cumyng in mair veneration, & ȝe mair luffit & deir to hym.
¶Hovv ye auld lavvis vvar abrogat be Kenneth cōcernyng ye election of kingis, & n [...]vv lavvis contrar to yame institute. Of the vision yat come to hym in [...]is bed, and of his deith. Ca. x.
QUhē Kenneth had endit this orison, certane of his familiaris come amang ye noblis desi [...]ing yame to cheis Malcolme y e son of [...]ē neth to be lord of Cūbir, y t he mycht be y e way y e better cū to ye crown efter his faderis deid. And quhē ye noblis wer aduising degestly on yis ma [...]er, Kenneth inquirit yame quhom thay desirit to be lord of Cumbir & regent on ye bordouris betuix Inglismen & scot [...]is. In ye samyn tyme war .ii. nobil mē of gret auctorite in y e counsal, y t ane was namit Cōstantine son to kīg Culme, & yis othir namit G [...]ime neuo to king D [...]ffus, quhilkis war [...]ust heritouris to ye crown efter Kē neth be ye auld lawis. nochthelis for feir of yair liffis thay said, it was at his wyll to mak not only quho [...] he list prince of Cūbir, bot als to abragat ye auld lawis & to creat new institutionis ꝯforme to his purpos as he plesit. Ye residew of ye noblis following the vocis of thaym declarit Malcolme y e son of Kenneth lord of Cūbir, howbeit he was ȝoung & vnabyl to beir ony auctorite. On y e morow yir ambassatouris of Ingland war depeschit & ressauit ȝoūg Malcolme to mak his obedience to king Edward for ye landis of Cū [...]ir. Sic thingis done king Kēneth be aduis [...] of his noblis abrogat ye auld l [...]wis concernyng y e creation of yair king, and maid new lawis in maner as followis.
☞The king beand deceissi [...], his eldest son or his eldest nepot (notwithstāding quhat sumeuir age he be of▪ & youcht he war born efter his faderis deith) sal succede ye crown.
¶The nepote gottin on the kingis son salbe preferrit to the nepot [...] gottin on the kingis douchter.
¶On the samyn maner the nepote gottin on ye kingis bruthir salbe preferrit to y e nepot gottin on his sister. ¶The samyn lawis salbe obserui [...] amāg al otheris noblis of yis realm in succession to thair heritage.
¶Quhen ye king is ȝoung, ane nobil man of gret prudence & auctorite salbe chosin gouernour of ye realme quhil ye king be cumyn to ye age of xiiii. ȝeris, quhilk ȝerꝭ beand [...]trun the king salbe fre to gouerne his realme be his awin auctorite.
¶All othir heritouris sal succede to yair faderis heritage efter y e ysche of xxi. ȝeris, & within y e tyme thay salbe gouernit be yair curatouris, & quhil y e ȝeir be out run, thay sal not be admittit to clame thair heritage.
☞¶Kenneth trai [...]ing the realm sta [...]illit to hym and his posterit [...] be thir lawis, gouernit the commonis in gret Iustice and [...] the noblis be donatioun of landis and guddis in fauour, and youcht he was rep [...]t richt happy be sindry opinio [...]s. Ȝit he was maist vnhappy to hym self, euir dredand in his mynd, yat ye innocent slauchter of Malcolme Duf (quhom he afore poisonit) suld [...] sū tyme to licht, & wes sa ful of susp [...]tiō, y t he beleuit quhen [...]ny man r [...]undi [...] to his fallow, that thay spake euyll [Page Clxiii] of hym. For it is geuyn be nature to ylk creature, y t quhen he is gylty of ony hor [...]ibyll cryme be impulsion of his cōscience to īterpret euery thing y t he se [...]s to sū terrour of him self. In the samyn maner, yocht Kēneth had his realme in gud tranquillite but ony inuasion of ennymes. ȝit he had gret trubyll in his mynd. At last quhen he was lyand in his bed he hard ane voce as apperit be sū vision say and to hym in this maner. O kēneth beleif not y t ye cursit slaucht of Malcolme Duffe is hid to god. O thow vnhappy tyrane (quhilk for desire of ye crown) hes slane ane innocent, inuading thy nichtbour with treasonabill murdir, quhilk thow wald haue punist with maist rigour, gif it had bene done be ony othir person than thy self. And yairfor thow hes incurrit sic hatrent of god, y t baith thow & thy son salbe haistely slane. For now sindry of thy noblis ar [...]spirit in thy deith. Traisting (quhē thow & yi son ar slane) to reiose y e crown at yair pleseir. Ye king was sa affrayit be this voce, y t he past y e remanent nicht w t gret noy & displeseir. On the morow he maid his confession with gud repentance [...] ane haly byschop namit Mou [...]ane, & confessit y e cryme in y e samyn maner as it was done. Moueane heirād hym penitēt ꝑsuadit him to do pēnance, & said yocht his offēce was odius, god was mercyful. Finaly king Kēneth be coūs [...]l of yis haly mā begā to do sindry werkꝭ of piete. & left nocht vndone y e pertenit to ane [...]rist [...] prīce. At last he wēt to Fordoun quhilk is ane town of Mernis) quhare Palla [...]ius y e blissit appostyll of scottis lyis haldin ī gret veneratiō. And quhen he had done his pylgrymage, he come to y e castell of Fethircarn, & was lugit with Fenella lady yairof. Yis Fenellla was ane tender cosingnace to Malcolme Duf afore slane be kēneth, & als to Cōstantine & Grine, quhilkis had sum titil to ye crown. Attour scho had extreme hatrent aganis Kēneth for y e slaucht of hir son Cruth [...]ynt, quhilk was slane afore be his Iustice. This womā rageant in Ire aganis kēneth for causis aforesaid couth not rest, bot deuisand alwayis how scho miche maist esaly sla the kyng. And becaus scho knew the mynd of kenneth geuyn to magnificent bygyng & polesy, scho brocht hym in ane toure of y e said castel, quhilk was thekit with copper, & he win with maist subtyll muldry of sindry flouris & ymagerijs. Ye werk sa curius y t it excedit al y e stuf yairof. This toure was apparalit inwth with riche tapestreis of gold & sylk. And behynd thaym war crosbowis bendit with ganȝeis reddy to schute. In the middes of thꝭ hous was ane ymage of bras maid to ye similitude of kenneth, with ane goldin apill in his hand with sic ingyne, y t als sone as ony man maid hym to throw yis apill out of ye hand of y e ymage, the wrying of the samyn drew all the [...]ituppis of the crosbowis vp at anis, & schot at hym y t threw ye apill. Als sone as kenneth was brocht in this toure ī maner foresaid, na thing knawing y e treason deuisit be this subte [...] womā, ye duris beand closit & nane with hym bot yis lady, he began eft y t he had visijt sindry meruellis w tin yis toure to inquyre quhat yis ymage & apyl sygnifiit. Yis ymage (said scho) is maid in similitude of the, ya [...] ye pepyll may vnderstand quhat reuerence & affection I bei [...] yairto. Yis goldin apill with sa mony precious stanis is ord [...]nit to be geuyn to the in ye signe of lufe, & yairfore ressau [...] it with maist hartly ben [...]uolence. Y [...] king threw the apyll to haue tane i [...] ▪ [Page] And with y e thrawīg thairof he drew vp [...]e tituppis of ye crosbowis, & incōtinēt ane of yame schot him throw ye body. Fenella seand ye king slane lokit y e dure & rā to y e ȝet quhare scho gat hors & fled away. Ye king [...] seruā dis abaid lang on his out cūing, quhil at last yai brak y e dure & fand him bullerand ī his blud. king Kenneth was slane on yis wise ye .xxv. ȝeir of hꝭ regne. fra y e incarnatiō .i.M. ȝirꝭ.
¶Of king Constantine ye .iiii. & of sindry meruellis sene in Albion. hovv Cō stantine & Malcolme cōtendit for the crovvn. hovv Inglismē & danis vvar aggreit be Malcolme lord of Cūbi [...], hovv Constantine & Kēneth recountering othir be set battalvvar baith slane. ca. xi.
Kēneth slane be yis vncouth & wondful slicht, Cōstā tine son to kyng Culyne com with ane gret power of his freindis to Scone, & tuke the crown. About yis tyme war sene mony meruellis in Albion. stanis ranit baith in France & Albion. Ane infinit nowmer of fische was foūd deid on ye sandis in Buchquhane, & with pair corruppit & pestilentius odour infeckit y e aire to y e gret morta [...]te of pepill▪ Ye mone was sene terribyll & bludy. Ye frute & cornis throw insufferabil heitis of y e symer failȝeit in al [...]tis of ye realme. Sone eft followit sic derth, y e war not ye fische sw [...]ne w t mair habundance y • ȝei [...] thā thay war wont, ye pepil had bene all uterly perist. Ye scottis astonist be thir & othir vncouth plagis dred gret calamiteis to cū on yame, gif yair lyuis war not ye mair haistely amen [...]. & yocht ye nobil precheourꝭ Mo [...]ane Medane Blaane & mony othir excellent doctouris exhortit dayly our pepill to penāce for yair [...] na p̄ching nor feir of terribil plagis nicht caus yame to detest yair cursit lyuis. bot ylk day offending god with mair offence. throw quhilk intollerabil affliction ilk day aboue othir come ī scotland as w [...]s sene eft. For Malcolme son of kēneth & prīce of Cūbir heirand y e Cōstantine was maid king aganis the lawis laitly maid be his fader. gaderit his freindis to ane coūsall to aduise be quhat way he micht best recouer ye crown. Sū of yame thocht best to feil y e mindis of the noblis or yai procedit ony forthir, in aduenture quhē he beleuit [...]rast to delyuer hym of al dāgeir, he bring hym self in gret trubil to heuy dāmage baith of his priuat & cōmon weill. Otherꝭ coūsal it hym to inuaid Cōstātine or he war maid strāg ī his auctorite. For Cōstantine had sindry with hym at y e tyme, quhilkis wald not only leif hym bot brīg hym boūd to his ennymes quhē yai saw tyme. Malcolme following yis last counsal, come w t .x.M. mē in Louthiane. On ye tothir syde kyng Cōstantine gaderit ane army of sic pissance, y t he chasit Malcolme in Cūbir. Thꝰ had Malcolme comin to maist schamful ꝯfusion, war not Kēneth his bastard br [...]thir come w t ane gret power to striueling, & stoppit y e army of Cōstā tine to pas ouir Forth. Thꝰ rais gret derth & hūger ī baith y e armyis. king Cōstantine for la [...]k of vitallis micht not follow fortoun, bot was constranit w t gret indignation to skaill his army. Thꝰ was ye realme deuidit in sindry factionis. Followit sa yt hand incursionis, heirschippis, & slauchter in al ꝑtis yairof, y t it micht haue bene sufficient document to al pepil of vē geance & sorow that fallis be ciuyll weris. The landwart pepyll be this weris war brocht to sic pouerte and heirschip, that th [...]ir la [...]d w [...]s le [...]t [...] & [...]. Finaly [...] trubil rais sa fast [...]n othir, y • infinite [Page Clxiiii] slach [...]e [...], re [...]. & extorsionis war done with al maner of cruelte y t micht be deuisit but ony esperance of bett fortoun. Quhil y e scottis war at sic trubil sāct Edward kīg of Inglād neir vterly opprest be werꝭ of danis, was ꝯstranit to redeme y e liberte of his pepil w t infinite money. & becaus yair tyranny ceissit not be y e way, he tuke purpos to inuaid yam be battal, & solistit malcolme prince of Cūber to cū w t [...]ne army to hꝭ support. Be cūing of his army y e danis war sa astonist y t yai cōdiscendit to haue peace in yis maner. Kīg Edward sal pay ane .M. pundꝭ striueling to y e danis, & ye danis sal stand cōtent w t ye lādis conquest afore y e tyme fra Inglismen, & sall inuaid na forthir bot stand gud freindꝭ in tymes cūing & debait yam aganis yair ennymes. quhil y e danis & Inglismē war at yis appointmēt, king Cōstātine traisting to find sufficient oportunite to bring y e boūdis of scotlād vnd his empire (becaus y e prīce of Cūber was implicat with sic weris of danis) come with .xx.M. mē in Louthiane quhilk stude at y e tyme vnd the dominion of ye said prince & lord of Cūbir. Kēneth y e bastard foresaid (quhilk was left be his bruthir y e prince of Cūbir to resist y e werꝭ of kīg Cōstantine) come haistely with ane army to Crawmond. & skarsly war baith y e armyis iunit togidder, quhē suddanly rais ane vehement wynd ī y e Eist, & blew ye sand w t sic preis on ye face of king Cōstantinis army, y e nane of yam micht hald vp yair heidis aganis yair ennimes, & sa his army was finaly discōfist. Eft maist lamētabill murdir maid on athir side, Cōstātine & Kēneth met togidder be singular battall, & war baith slane. kīg Cōstātine was slane ī thꝭ maner y e .iii. ȝeir of hꝭ regne & bur [...]it ī colmekyl fra y e incarnation ane .M.ii. ȝerꝭ▪
¶Of king Gryme & of gret trubyll yat fell betuix hym & Malcolme prince of Cumbir for cōtentioun of the crovvn. & hovv thay vvar finaly aggreit. Ca. xii.
GRime nepot to king Duf heirand how vnhappely king Cōstātyne & kēneth war slane at Crawmond, gaderit ye residew of k [...]ng Cōstantinis army, & come to Scone, quhare he was crownit be tēnour of ye auld lawis. Als sone as Gryme had tane ye crown in this maner, he intertenit y e freindis of Cōstantine with maist liberalite & pleseir he micht, & ꝯquest the fauour & beneuolence of the pepyll in mony sindry wayis. And fynaly to stabyll ye crown to hym with mair sicker firmance, he rewardit sindry freindis of Malcolme with landis and riches. & of otheris (quhilkis war to hym repugnant) cōfiscat yair guddis, halding thaym as ennymes to the cōmoun weill. Malcolme prince of Cumbir richt sorowfull y e Gryme had tane the crown on this wise, callit all his freindis to ane counsal to aduise in this mater, and dissimilit his mynd, as he regardit not the power of Gryme. Ȝit mony of his freindis persuadit hym to cōtempne not hꝭ ennyme. for sindry of y e noblis assistit to his opinion, & yairfore coū salit hym to contend aganis Gryme erar with wisdome than pissance, geuand hꝭ labour (gif he micht) to draw the noblis fra his mynd. Malcolme be thair counsall send his secret seruandis to ye noblis y e war w t grime▪ And prayit yam to kepe yair faith & promes maid to his fader kēneth, & to assist sa to hym in his gud mater, y t the lawis laitly maid cōcerning y e election of prīces be not abrogat be ambitiō of y e tyrane grime, & ꝓmittit (gif yai abaid at his opinion) to gouern y e realm in sic felicite, y t al occasion [Page] of debaitis suld be mesit at yair pleseir. Mony of y e noblis be yis message left king Gryme, & solistit thair freindis, to y e same effect. Othe [...]ꝭ tuk thir seruandis of Malcolme, & send yame bound (as tratourꝭ) to Gryme, quhō he put ī prison. Malcolme mouit w t yir iniuris come w t ane army aganꝭ grime. Ȝit becaus he was aduertist y e grime was cumād aganis him w t mair nowmer of pepil thā he was, he cōmādit vnd pane of deith, y t na mā cōmon nor be ressau [...]t w tin hꝭ army quhil yai war first brocht to his p̄sence. Yis wes done be wisdom of malcolme, y t his army suld not be [...]duertist of y e huge ordināce aganis [...]ame. Nochyeles fame & ruma t (quhilkis incressis ay mair & mair be fre [...]ue [...] passage) maid y e thing maist [...] to hꝭ army, quhilk he desirit maist hid. And forthir it was schawin, y e sic [...]reason was ī his army, y • (gif he ȝeid forthwart) he suld fecht na les aganis yame y e war ī his army, thā aganis his ennymes. Yis rumo • rais be marchādis, quhilkꝭ had mair knawlege in chāging of yair gudis, thā in ony craft of cheualry. Yir marchandꝭ becaus gret nowmer of yam was in yis army nakit of armour & wappinnis) desirit licence to pas to malcolme. And becaus thair desire was denyit▪ yai fillit al y e army ful of mur [...]yng & dolour. Be yir wordis & dredo • of marchādis al y e capitanis (quhilkis war ī Malcolmis army) war affrayit. Yan Malcolme seād his capitanis astonist, thocht not ꝓffitabil [...]o ieopard yame vnd sic dredour to y • chāce of battal. And yairfore [...] coū sal of his familiarꝭ to eschew y e p̄sent dāgeir he sufferit y e marchād to pas hame, & abaid at ye watt of Forth w t certane houshald & gent [...]lmē to stop his ennymes to cū ouir y e watt. Quhil sic infinite trubyl was ī scotland Fothadꝰ bischop yairof ane man of prouin virtew & clemence, seād ye pepil infestit thꝰ be ciuil werꝭ of grime & malcolme, & drawand ye b [...]dy of y e realm ī sindry opinionis, went with ane cūpany of p̄latis in solempne ꝓcession vnd yair habitꝭ to kīg grime quhom he ressauit with reuerence, & inquirit quhat erādis mouit hym to cū in sic gise. To quhō he answerit, I am cūin as seruand of Crist ye geuar & lord of peace to make intercession to ye tyl haue miseration & piete of y e gret trubil fallin in yi realm, sen god hes maid ye prince thairof. For now sa mony syndry motiuis of debait sproutis ī it, y t it sal not fail (bot gif yow ꝓuide mair haistely remeid) to haue ane miserabil rewine. Ye ciuil weris ar sa frequent ī yis realm y t yai haue broch [...]ꝭ samyn to sic calamite y t nocht haboūdis in it bot cō tinewal reif & slauchter baith of noblis & cōmonis, apperādly as y e weir dis war determit to bring yis realm to nocht. For not allanerly mischeuous ꝑsonis & limaris ar vnpunist, bot autorist for yair iniquite. Nane may remane ī his awin hous, bot or day slane or herijt of all his gudis & insicht. And vnderstād surely sa lāg as yir odiꝰ ꝯtentionis regnis betuix y • & malcolme, na Iustice nor polecy sal appeir ī yis realm. na trāquillite sal follow. na end salbe put to sic mischeuis, quhill thow be finaly agreit w t malcolme. Ȝit wyl yow be plesād & stand to my counsal I dout not to bring al materis to gud fine. For yir reasonis (nobil prince) haue miseration of y e gret trubil falling to yi pepil, quhilkis ar brokin now w t mair calamite, thā micht mou [...] maist cruel tyrānis to pietuous teris. & gif na afflictiō of yi realm & pepil, may moue y t to reuth, ȝit haue cōpassion of yi self. quhilk may haue na sicker [...] [Page Clxv] quhē yi pepyl ar perist. King Gryme mouit be yir wordꝭ āsuerit, y t he wald condiscend to haue peace. sa it war not degrading to his honour, for he was kīg be y e auld lawis vsit sa mony hūdreth ȝeris ī yis realme, & thair fore he wald not seuer with y e croun, bot fecht for ye samyn aganis Malcolme & al y e war of his opinion to ye end of his life, nochyeles gif Malcolme wald skaile his army & stand cō tent w t ye lādis of Cūbir w t purpos to inuaid hym w t na lāger battal, he wald heir peace. othir wayis he suld ꝑseueir ī battal aganis hym, quhil y e richt war decernit be y e swerd. Fothadus prait ye king to ceis ane litil fra al malice, quhil he had sene ye mynd of Malcolme. for it micht happin y t he micht brīg al materis to gud purpos, gif ony of yame had sicht to the cōmon weill. Eft yis Fothadꝰ went to Malcolme at Striueling, quhare he be lāg orison lamētit y e gret trubil falling to y e pepil be sedition of yir .ii. prīces, & quhē he had schawin quhat mis [...]rabil end micht follow yairapō, he brocht Malcolme to sic point, y t he was cōtent to pas ī Cūbir sa y e king Gryme wald skaile his army. King Grime refusit not yis appointment, traisting to ꝑseueir in ye empire quhilk he had socht afore w t sa huge dā geir. Incōtinent he skailit his folkis & come to Forfar to aduise with his freindis quhat was to be done in yis mater. In ye mene tyme Fothadꝰ ye bischop maid cōcord betuix yame in yis maner. King Grime sal reiose ye crown during his life, & eft his deith ye crown to remane w t Malcolme & ye nerest of his blude ꝑpetually but ony pley. He y t was foūd efter repugnant to ye pointis of yis peace, salbe haldin as ennyme to ye cōmon weil. Attour al ye lādis liand betuix Louthiane & Northūbirlād, & betuix Clid & Westmureland sal cū p̄sently vnd ye dominion of Malcolme, & he sall stand gud freind to king Grime in al materis, & gif he abaid not at yis appointmēt or do ony thing in p̄iudice yairof, he sall baith tyne ye lādis geuyn to hym be yis appointment, & ye crown fra him & his posterite. Quhē yir .ii. princes war sworne ī straytest forme y e mycht be deuisit to obserue al pointis ī yis cōtract, yai scalit yair cūpanyis. & set yair myndis to repare ye trubyll falling to the pepyll be yair deuision. followit than gud peace mony ȝeris efter.
Hovv gret novvmer of Danis vvar slane be slicht of Inglismē, of ye orison maid to king gryme be ye noblis, & hovv he vvas slane be Malcolme prince of Cumbir. Ca. xiii.
QUhill sic thingꝭ war ī scotlād. Eldred was maid king of Ingland be deceis of his brothir sanct Edward. Yis Eldred sufferit gret oppressionis of Danis, quhilkꝭ be yair weris intendit to sit down with yair wiffis, childrē & freindis ī his realm. & finaly yai wrocht sic heirschippis & cruelteis in al ꝑtis quhare yai come▪ y t nothir peace nor ȝit yair faith afore ꝯtrackit be virtew of sacrament, micht caus yame to leif ī peace. Yus apperit na thing mair sicker, thā plane euersion of y e realm of Ingland. Kīg Eldred to ceis yis cruelte set ane coū sal of his noblis, in y e quhilk was deuisit secretly to sla al ye danis y e war in Ingland on ane day. Yis subtell slicht had cumin finaly to hand, war not ye danis war aduertist yairof, & eschewit the murdir deuisit aganis yame. Nochyeles mony of yame wer slane be y e samyn way. Ye residew of danis (quhilkꝭ war eschapit fra this murdir) mouit be y e slauchter of yair freindis, garnist al strenthis & castellis quhare yai had ony boundꝭ w tin [Page] Ingland, & send to Sueno king of Denmark for support to reuenge ye treason done to thaym be gyle of Inglismen▪ quhil sic thingis war done in Ingland, king Grime be affluēce of riches & lang peace was degenerat fra his liberalite & chais [...] lyfe, in maist corruppit & auaricius lyuing. And quhē he had slane sindry noblis of scotland (as oftimes occur [...]ꝭ) to cō ques yair lādis & gudis, he opprest y e pepil ylk day be mair tyrāny. Ye pepil knawing na mortal Iuge aboue hym to punis his cruelte, eft lang regrait of insufferabil iniuris sustenit be yame, fel on kneis makand inuocatiō to god y e punisar of syn to haue piete of yair affliction, & to change y e realme in sū bett gouernance▪ Ye noblis hauand gret indignation in lyk wise of y e trubil fallyng baith to yam [...] yair cōmonis, send ane certane of g [...]ntyl mē (as ambassatouris to kīg Gryme, ꝑsuading hym in yair name to deuoid hym of vnhappy & mischeuous limmaris, in quhō he had ouir gret cōfidence (as apperit) to y e dāmage of his cōmon weill. Ane of y [...] ambassatouris (to quhō ye charge was geuyn) said in yis maner. W [...] (quhilkis ar ane part of thy noblis & ouir trew to yi crown) ar cumyn to ꝑsuad y e (gif we may) to y e weil of thy self & yi realme. It is not vnknawin to ye (richt nobil prince) quhat infinite calamite & trubil hes bene done yir sindry ȝerꝭ to thy legꝭ be insaciabyl auarice of yir vnhappy & mischeuous lī maris thy seruādis. Ye schame & displeseir heirof may not be weill excusit bot redoūdis ay to thy maist dishono r & sleuth. Heirfore sen it is at yi pleseir to distribute al officis & auctoriteis w tin y e realm. Yow mā respōd for y e crimis & iniqui [...]eis done be thy secuādis aganis thy legꝭ & s [...]bdittꝭ. Ye swerd is geuin to y • not to enriche & magnify theuis & tratouris, nor ȝit to inuaid trew & innocent pepill, bot only to punis gilty & mischeuous lī marꝭ. It war bett yi pepil to be deid (as y e cōmon voce [...]s) thā to leif in sic dayly trubyll as yai leif be iniure of yame y t suld be yair defendourꝭ. Heirfore we exhort y t to remoue al yir vnhappy tyrānys thy coūsalouris, & to gouern y e realm & cōmon weill w t sic felicite as thy eldarꝭ hes done afore, for we think it vnganand sa lang as we ar on lyue (gif yow wyl be rewlit be ws) y t thy subdittis suld be opprest othir in tyme of weir or peace, sen we haue bene euir reddy to defend y t w t our bodyis & gudis bot ony regard to our lyuis, & yairfor schaw thy self ane iust prince. & cast y t to be luffit w t yame quhō yow desiris to be yi freindis. & vnderstand y • ane iust kīg makis his cietezanis obeisant but ony rebellion or debait. Quhē king Gryme had answerit w t dissimi [...]it & fenȝeit wordis to yir ambassatouris, he callit yam to ane bāket with purpos to haue put yame in prison, nochtheles yai war aduertist yairof & fled w t swift hors to Bertha, quhare y e remanent noblis war assēblit for ye tyme. King Gryme not mouit be thir wordis, bot traisting ilk thing to succeid with sic felicite (as afore) gaif hym to his lust & insolence, not ceissyng fra frequent exactionis & scurge of his legis. Quhil at last he was aduertist y t his noblis war rebellit aganꝭ him. & incōtinent he rasit his baner & come with gret nowmer of pepil to inuaid yame y • war repugnant to him. Yan followit mair trubyll than euir was sene ī Albion, for y e castellꝭ war cassin doun, y e townis brint, y e cornis distroyit, & y e pepyl slane in kirkis at yair deuotiō. Sic cruelteis & trubil causit Malcolme prince of Cūbir to cū out of Inglād fra y e werꝭ of danis [Page Clxvi] in scotland. At his cumyng al pepyll specially y e hatit Grime come to hym to be releiffit of y e cruel tyrānijs done to thaym, and said he was not borne only for the weil of hym self, bot sum part for the weil of his freindes and cuntre, and discendit of nobyl blude, hauand riches and manheid to support his cuntre quhen tyme occurrit. and to delyuer thaym of ye odius tyrant Gryme, quhilk [...]eand done all thyng mycht succede to hym as he plesit. Malcolme mouit be thir ꝑsuasionis come with gret nowmer of pepyll aganis king Gryme. Als sone as Gryme was aduertist thairof, he gaderit all the folkis that he mycht get for the tyme. Fynaly baith the armyis set down thair tentis fornens othir at the town of Auchnabart on y e ascension day. King grime traislīg that Malcolme mycht be esaly vincust, as he yat was geuin mair to deuotion thā ony cheualry be solēpnite of y e day, come forthwart with al his power in the brek of ye day. nochtheles Malcolme was weil informit of his purpos. And efter that he had requestit hym (howbeit it was ī vane) to desist fra battall be reuerence of y e blissi [...] day, baith the armyis ruschi [...] togidder. At y e first meting was gret slaucht, bot at last kīg Grimis army was vincust and put to flycht. It is said y t king Grime was tane fechtād with gret ferocite and manheid, and efter that he was strikin with mony bludy woūdis in his heid, baith his eyen war put out. And quhen he had leiffit certane dayis on this wyse in mesirie & dolour, he deceissit y e .ix. ȝeir of his regne & was buryit in Colmekyl. fra ye incarnation .i.M.x. ȝeris.
¶Of king Malcolme ye secoūd. Hovv Sueno king of Norrovvay vvith doubil victory chasit kyng Eldred of Ingland in Normādy & opprest Inglismen vvith gret cruelteis. Ca. xiiii.
MAlcolme efter yis victory callit sindry of his noblis (quhilkis war takin prisoneris at yis time) to his p̄sēce, & eft y t he had tretit yam w t gret humanite, he schew to yame yat he was iust heretour to ye croun of scotland, & faucht not aganis the weil yairof, bot allanerly to releif ye pepil of ye tyrāny of Gryme. Ye .xv. day efter, ane ꝯuention was maid at Scone quhare al ye nobilite of scotlād beand p̄sent, Malcolme declarit y t he wald not ressaue y e croun of scotland, quhil y e lawis maid afore be hꝭ fad kēneth war approbat, & y e noblis sworn neuir to cū in ye ꝯtrar yairof. sic thingis beand grātir, Malcolme was crownit in y e fatal chiar of marbil & maid sic ꝯcord with his noblis, y t al occasion of hatrēt & seditiō was set aside. Eft his coronatiō he delt hꝭ offices ꝯcerning ciuil actiōis to yan [...] y e war maist resoluit ī y e lawis▪ othir offices ꝑtening to cheualry war geuin to maist vailȝeāt capitanꝭ, throw quhilk followit bett iustice thā was sene mony ȝerꝭ afor. Quhil y e empire of scottis was gouernit ī yis maner, Sueno kīg of danis ariuit ī britane with gret nauy to reuēge ye iniu [...]is done afore be Inglismē. Yis Sueno efter his coronation (as is writtin in y e history of danis) wrocht sic punitiō & cruelte on cristin pepyll, y t his subdittꝭ war cōstranit to renūce y e cristin faith, & returnit to yair auld suꝑstit [...] onis. nochtheles his cruelte was not lang vnpunist. for he was eft be iust punition of god thris tane prison [...] with his ennymes, & thris ransonit with infinite money, & finaly brokin with sa frequent incursionis, that he was doung out of his realme be Alanus king of Norroway. Als sone as [Page] Sueno was banist in this wyse, he come to the scottis desyring support to recouer his realme. The Scottis hauand compassion of his calamite, brocht hym first to the sacrament of baptisme. and finaly supportit hym in sic maner, that he was r [...]storit to his kyngdome. Sueno sone efter y t he was restorit to his realme come with ane army of Danis, Norowanis, Suessis, Gothis, Uandalis, & Frisonis in Ingland, & chasit kyng Eldrede in Northumbirland. This Eldrede be band of confid [...]ratioun drew the scottis to his support, & tuk purpos with new curage to assailȝe the chance of fortoun aganis the danis. Proceding heirfore straucht aganis his ennymes, he set down his ten [...]is not far fra Ȝork apon the ryuer of Owse. In y e mene tyme Sueno hauand na memory of the gret humaniteis done to hym be scottis, chargit yame to returne hame, & leif y e opinion of Inglismē. Uth [...]rwayis he wald inuade yame be battal. Kīg Eldrede tuk the herald (quhilk come to this effect) and kest hym ī [...]etteris. kyng Sueno went haistely forthwart with weil arrayit battall. Incontinent baith the armyis iunit sa haistely, y t nane of yame had power to schote thair dartis. Ye battal was lāg fochtin with vncertane victory, quhil at last the Inglismen war put to flycht. King Eldrede efter this discomfitour fled ouir y e riuer of Owse in ane bait, the resydew of his army war othir tane or slane. Eldrede seyng ylk day mair trubyll r [...]syng in his realme and disparit of releif▪ fled in Normandy, quhare he was sa tenderly ressauit be R [...]chard d [...]k yairof, y t he marijt his douchter Emma, and ga [...] on hir two sonnis Alarud & Edward. He had als ane othir sonne namit Edmōd ane mā of hie curage & strenth of body. Yis Edmond was gottin be Eldrede on his first wyfe afore the Danis inuadit his realme and was callit Irneside (becaus he was exercit in cheualry) & rang .xvi. ȝeris aboue Inglismen as we sal efter schaw. Sueno proude of thir feliciteis tuk auisement with the remanent Danis, how ye Inglismen mycht be maist esaly distroyit, that he micht stabyll the realme to hym and his posterite but ony impediment of Inglismen in tymes cumy [...]g. The nobillis of Ingland aduertist of yis extreme hatrent of Danys aganis yame fell on kneis afore Sueno, exhortīg hym to haue mercy on yame, sen thay war ane anciant pepyl sum tyme maist pissant baith be see and land. and prayit hym to suffir yame remane on lyue vnder quhat seruitude he pleasit. For thay desirit na castellis, townis, nor riches, bot only to leif with thair wiffis & chyldren vnder seruitude. Howbeit Sueno was be nature maist cruel, ȝit he vsit his victory with les indignation on Inglismen than he purposit. And cō mandit yame mony ȝeris eft to beir na wappinnis, bot to vse husbandry or othir labouris vnder seruitude of Danis, honoryng hym as thair iust prince. And in the mene tyme he commandit yame to bring al thair gold, siluer, Iowellis, wappinnis, and armour to him aganꝭ ane prefixit day. And to rander thair townis, castellis, and munitionis to hym yat thay mycht be keipit in tymes cumyng be Danis. gif ony of the Danis war repugnant to yir materis, to be punist to the deith, The Inglismen war finaly sa brokin with ylk trubil [...]ising aboue othir, that thay fulfyllit thir chargis in all pointis. Thus was ye [Page Clxvii] croun of Ingland cōquest be danis. Eftir ye first conques maid on it be saxonis Fra the tyme of Uortigern v.C.xxix. ȝeris. Sueno rang eft this with gret tiranny aboue Inglismē. And reft fra thaym yair liberte in sic maner, that he wald suffer nane of yair blude beir auctorite nor honouris within Ingland. The preistis & prelatis nocht onlie wer degradit of yair benefices, bot cassin in presoun, and danis put in yair roumes. The Inglismen opprest with sic miserabil calamiteis, began to lament yair vnhappy chance, wareand yame self that thay chesit not erar to haue deit quhen thay mycht, than to leif with sic daylie oppressioun be tyranny of vnmercyfull ennymes. Ȝit Sueno wes na thīg mouit with yair lamentable regrait. Bot thirllit thaym the more thay lamentit, to new & importable seruitude. For the ingyne of tyrannis is ay of sic condition, ye more thay se thair subdittis and liegis deieckit in supreme miserie & truble, ye more thair vnmercyfull tyranny ragis on thaym with new iniure. Finalie y e Inglismē wer brocht to so gret calamite & miserie be Danis, yat ilk hous in Ingland wes constranit to sustene ane Dane, y t ye samyn mycht be ane spy to ye kyng. And aduertis hym quhat wes done or said in that hous. Be quhilk way ye king mycht knaw sone quhare ony rebelliō wes aganis hym. Yis spy wes callit lord Dane. Quhilk is now tane for ane ydyll lymmer that seikis his leuyng on othir mennis laubouris.
☞ Hovv Olauus and Onetus come in scotland vvith gret army of Danis. & hov [...] kyng Malcolme vvas dyscomfist. Ca. xv▪
INglismen opprest in this maner & spulȝeit of thair croun and riches, Sueno (to stable hꝭ realm) thocht expediēt to tak peace with his nychtbouris, the Normannis, Britonis, & Scottis vnder yir conditionis, that nane of tham support Inglismen aganis Danis. And aboue yir cōditionis, he send his herald to y e Normā nis, chargeand thaym to send kyng Eldred with his two sonnis to hym in Ingland, or ellꝭ to distroy yame, y t na successiō of yam sal remane on life to be impedimēt to him or his ayris in tymes cūing. And becaus nane of thir cōditionis wer obseruit, He garnist al y e strenthis of his realme fo [...] nens Normandy with strang munition & vittallis. And maid his prouision to inuaid y e scottis, & to y e fyne he mycht bryng his purpos more esaly to effect, he cōmandit Olauus & Onetus his lieutenantis to cū haistely in Scotland with all ye pepil y t thay mycht get to inuaid y e scottis. Sone eftir yir forsaid capitanis arriuit w t ane gret army in y e mouth of Spayand iādit with sic awfull ordinance▪ that ye inhabitantis fled with thair bestiall, wiffis, & children to yair best refuge. The danis eft yair cumyng, brint ye kirkis, templis, & townis in Murray. and slew al ꝑsonis quhom thay micht apprehend, and tuk al ye strenthis of Murray except thre castellis allanerlie. yat is to say, Elgen Fores, & Narne. At last y e danis laid ane sege to the castell of Narne, and traistit (quhen it wes tane perforce) the tothir two castellis to be randrit but ony straik. In y e mene tyme thir danis wer aduertist. yat kyng Malcolme wes cumand forthwart with al ye army of Scotland to gif yame battall. And incontinent yai left the sege of ye castell, & went with na les [Page] curage aganis ye scottis, than victory had bene present in thair handis. Sone eftir come ambassatouris of Malcolme to thir danis, inquiryng quhy yai inuadit his landis but ony occasioun▪ skarslie had yir ambassatouris done yair message, quhen yai wer slane [...]e cruelte of danis. Kyng Malcolme mouit with this cruelte & cōplenyng ye law of pepill br [...]kin be slaucht of his ambassatouris, corne that same nycht with gret malācolie [...]o ane medow besyde Killos. Gret [...]yis & clamour wes all y e nycht amang his army desyring battal to reuenge the cruelteis done be danis. Nochtheles fra yai saw ye danis on the morow with more noumer of pepill & better ordour yan yai had sene afore, thay began to decay of yair curage, and tuk more solicitude to saif thair liuis yan to inuaid yair ennymes. Malcolme seing yame astonist [...]red, gif he desyrit thaym to fecht y t thay suld othir fle, or ellis be repugnant to his chargꝭ. And yairfore ȝeid to ane mote quhare he callit his nobillis to ane coūsall, and detesti [...] yair cowartdris, thay beand sa vailȝeand at hame, quhen na danger occurrit. And at ye first sycht of yair ennymes astonist. Quha [...] thīg (said he) hes mouit ȝow my gude freindis to pas sa suddanlie fra the office of vailȝeant campionis? deuoidyng ȝour anciant fortitude but ony experience of battal. For gif ȝe dreid yir bludy & furiꝰ pepil, & ar disparit to haue victorie be ȝour manheid & curage. Yan ar ȝe nocht worthy to be sōnis of tha vailȝeant campionis y e vincust yir danis at Loncarte be cheualry of Kenneth my fader. We fynd gret multitude of danis vincust in Albion to y e interminable glore of our eldarꝭ. Quhat schame and displeseir hes succedit to d [...]nis for thair weris mouit aganis ws? sa infinite noumer of thaym ar buryit in Albion, that it may be callit iustlie the sepulture of danis. Sū of yame ar slane in ȝour days, othirꝭ in ȝour eldaris. Bot yir danis (yat ar now to fecht aganis ȝow) ar nocht of sic manheid & strenth, as yai y t wer vincust afore at Loncarte. Heirfore ȝour curage suld nocht decay bot incres ye more y e ȝe ar to fecht nocht onlie aganis the residew of vincust danis, bot aganis ye brekaris of y e law of god & man. Ȝour virtew & ꝑseuerant constance sall schaw sone (gif ȝe fecht as ȝour eldarꝭ did afore) quhat folie wes in danis to inuaid ws but ony occasion of iniuris. Quhy sonȝe ȝe maist vailȝeāt cāpionis? quhy pas ȝe nocht forthwart with gret spreit? na place is nowe to tary nor auise, bot gif ȝe haue more sycht to ȝour fragill bodyis, quhilk sal sone peris w t more schame, yan to ȝour singulare and cōmon we [...]l. The noblis mouit be thir wourdis) y t yai suld nocht appeir cowartis (began to exhort thair folkis to battall. Incōtinent rais sic noys & rageand fury in yair army, y t thay but ony sycht to the pissance of thaym self or thair ennymes ruschit but ordour on y e danis. Olauus and Onetus seing thaym cum sa furiouslie met yame in arrayit battall. Followit sone ane trible battall fochtin with incredibyl manheid to the gret murdir of baith the sidis, & na thing pretermittir y • micht pertene on athir side to forcy campionis. Ye scottis cō tending to defend thair landis & liberteis. Ye Danis to saif yair liuis. bot at last y e scottꝭ war put to flycht. king Malcolme was euyl woūdit, & hꝭ hewmond doūg sa fast to hꝭ heid, y t it micht na way ꝑt yairfra. no [...]hyeles he was bro [...] out of y e feild for deid & hid ī ane wod quhil he was sū part [...]ualescit, & sone eft he retnit hame.
¶Hovv the castell of Name vvas tane and the soudiouris thairof treasonably slane be danis. And hovv ye danis vvar discomfist at Murthlak. Ca. xvi.
THe danis efter this victory think ād not proffytabyll to leif Murray quhyll it war pecifijt to yair dominion, gaderit the spulȝeis of the feild, & returnit to sege the castell of Narne with mair pissance thā afore. Yis castel stude y e tyme al within the see beildit with strang touris & wallis with na les crafty thā curius lauboure. Ane strait passage was to it maid be ingyne of man in maner of ane brig. Throw quhilk men micht pas out of y e samyn to land. Ye soudiouris (quhilkꝭ war left in ye said castel) heirand how kīg Malcolm wes discōfist, randerit ye castel in ye handis of danis vnder this condition. Yai sal leif thair armour & wappinnis behind yame & depart, yair life & remanent gudis laif. Notwithstanding ye danis cōtrar yair faith & ꝓmis hangit treasonably al personis (quhō yai [...]and) within y e said castel. Thus was Narne y e strangest castel of Murray tane be y e danis, & sa garnist be yair industry y t it semit vnwī nabyl. Ye soudiouris in Elgyn & Fores, heirand yis treason done be danis, left the castellis desert, & fled to king Malcolme. Ye danis reiosyng of thir feliciteis & traisting to haue sicker dwelling in Murray, send for yair wiffis & children in Norroway & Denmark to cum haistely in scotland. And in the mene tyme yai scurgit sindry of y e scottꝭ sic as war waik & fehyl bodyis, and constranit yame to scheir thair corn. King Malcolme dredand the danis, be new cumyng of pepyll to be mair pissant, come in begynnyng of the nixt symer with gret multitud of pepil to Mur [...]hlak ane towne of Mar, quhare the first foundament was of the kirk of Abirden, and was nocht far yat tyme fra ye sicht of danis, quhē suddāly baith ye armyis war astonist be sicht of othir. Ye scottis hauand experience of y e cruelte done afore be danis war affrayit. & ye danis on ye same maner. for yai war seuerit fra yair schippꝭ, & becaus yai knew no [...] y e ground thay dred mair y t hid waching, thā y e opin violēce of yair ēnymes. At last baith ye armyis be hortatiō of yair capitanis iunit w t birnād hatrent on al sydis. In the first bront thre vailȝeant campionis Kenneth of Ilis, Gryme of Strathern and Patrik Dūbar of yat ylk ruschand ou [...] feirsly on yair ennymes war slane, & gaif occasion to sindry scottis to fle. And ȝit ye place (quhare yai fled) was sa strait, yat na pepyl mycht fle esaly throw ye samyn. And yocht malcolme withstud his ennymes in ꝑseuerant māheid. Ȝit he was dreuyn abak as he had bene fleand. And ye place (quhare he faucht) semit ay mait strait & difficil throw syndry fowleis of watter and fail, quhilk was maid afore for nichtbore weir. Attoure mony treis war hewin down liand thortwart y e land & stoppi [...] baith the entres & out passage of this gait. In myddis of quhilk was ane chapel dedicat in ye honour of sāct Molok. Malcolme dreuin on this maner abak, rasit his hā dis to the heuyn & said. Gret god of virtew, rewardar of piete, and punisar of synne, we thy crist [...]n pepyl defendourꝭ of our natiue rowmes grā tit be thy beniuol [...]nce (quhilkis ar now na [...]it of mortal help and inuadit be treasobil iniure of danis) recurris to the in this our extreme necessyte, praying the to haue compassion [Page] on our miserable chance. Remoue O mercyful lord yis schameful te [...]rour fra our pepil. And O thow modir of god ye sicker refuge of mortall pepil in yair distres. & O thow sanct Molok (to quhom yis chapell is dedicat) be our help. And we sall big ane cathedral kirk ī ȝour honour to be ane memorial, yat our realme wes saiffit be ȝour support. Skarslie wes this orison endit be Malcolme, Quhen ane part of ye noblis said, O cōpanȝeonis▪ god wil y t we return & renew battall on our ennymes. The s [...]ry & noyis of y e army be yir wourdis rais with curage ay more incressing. sayand schaw now pertlie ȝour visage. Debait ȝoure land & liuis, quhilkis ar maist deir to euery creature ī erd. Incontinent al y e scottis return [...]t as it had bene be miracle, & maid incredible slaucht on yair ennymes but on [...] sycht to yair liuis or bleidād won [...]s. In ye mene tyme kīg Malcolm come w t ane buschement apon One [...], quhilkis wes yan prāsand throw y e feild (as he had bene sicker of victo [...]y) with heid nakit of heumond. & finalie he straik Onetus fra his hors amang the futmen, quhare he wes slane. Ye residew of danis seand yair capitane slane ceissit fra ony for thir persecutioun on ye scottis. Yus succedit gret blithnes to scottis. and e [...] treme desolatioun to danis. And ȝit the battall continewit lang on a [...]hir side, quhil at last y e danis wer put to flycht, & mony of yame slane & few tane. Olauus heirand his colle [...]g slane, fled with ane few cumpany of danis in Murray. Kyng Malcolme knawing ye maist vailȝeant campionis of his army slane, ceissit fra ony forthir persute of danis, and deu [...]dit the spulȝeis of the feild amang his men. Syne went in Angus, quhare he remanit the residew of that ȝeir takand cōsultation of sic materis as pertenit to the cōmon weil and recoueryng of Murray fra danys.
¶Hovv Camus prince of Norrovvay cumand vvith ane store of Dani [...] in Angus vvas slane, and his army discomfist be king Malcolme at Barre, and hovv the surname of Keithis tuke thair begynnyng. Ca. xvii.
SUeno kyng of Danis & Inglismen heirand how vnhappely y e danys faucht at Murthlak, yat yis present aduersite suld nocht deiect y e glore of Danys nor mak ye name of scottis ouir glorius, deuisit two nauyis with gret noumer of Danis to cum in Scotland. ¶The first wes deuisit to cum furth of Thamys in Ingland. And in this othir to cum out of Denmark with ane vailȝeant knycht namit Camus to be admiral of baith the flotis. The nixt ȝeir Camus come with yis nauy ī ye mouth of Forth beside sanct Eb. Quhare he wes stoppit mony dayis to land. At last be prosper wyndis he pullit vp salis, and arriuit at the reid bra [...]s in Angus, and landit his men or the cūtre mycht be gaderit to resist hym. Camus eftir yat he wes lādit in yis maner, went to ye nixt mote, and reiosit that he wes landit in the place quhare danis had wrocht afore sindry iniuris, and cassyn doun y e town of Montros. and tra [...]stit thairfore the more felicite to succeid in his remanent viage. Sone eftir he rasi [...] his campe and went throw Angus ceissing fra na maner of cruelte y e micht be deuisit and kest doun kirkis, templis, cieteis and townis but ony miseratioun quhare he come. Sic thingis done, he went to Brechin, quhare sum tyme wes ane strang castell with ane kirk dedicat in the honour [Page Clxix] of the Trinite. And becaus the castell micht not be haistely tane, yai enterit baith in ye town & kirk with sic cruelte y t thay left not ane stane thairof vncassin downe. Camus rageand w t yir & siclik cruelteis baith aganis god & mā was finaly aduertist, y t Malcolme was cū to Dunde with all ye power of scotland. And incontinent he fled to ye see not far fra Balbrid, quhare he vsit na les cruelte than afore on y e pepyll. King Malcolme desyring to delyuer his realm fra tyranny of danis, come w t arrayit oist to y e town of Barre two mylis fra Balbrid & tuk lytyll rest y e nicht. For his army was to fecht on ye morow for defence of thair realm & liberte. On the morow he callit hꝭ noblis to his standert, & prayit yam to consider how thay war to fecht aganis ane pepyll blyndit with auarice, not seikand thair leuing be iust battal bot only be reif & pykery, and not onely ennymes to cristin faith, bot inuading īnocent pepyl but ony occasion of battall, & set to distroy ye trew faith in Albion. Als to remembir how thay war only defendouris of thair awne realme, & ordanit be god to punis y e cruelte of danis, and yairfore prayit thaym to pas forthwart with sic manheid & curage, yat yai may othir de honorably, or ellis haue victory maist vailȝeantly. On ye tothir syde Camus exhortit y e danis to battal with sicker hope of victory, & to remembir yai behuiffit outhir to de miserably in ane vncouth realme, or ellis to haue victory with immortall honour. Sone eft Malcolme come with arrayit battal aganis y e danis with y e mair audacite & curage, y t he had afore experience of yair cruelte. For y e ingyne of nobyll men ar of sic faculte, y • mair yai haue experience in honest materꝭ, the mair risis thair curage to do sū notabyll vassalage. Ye two armyis birnād in athir hatrent, ruschit finaly togidd w t maist cruelte. Throw quhilk followit sic slauchter, y t y e burn of lochte ran with bludy stremis to y e almane seys, & ȝit nane of yame semit to geif place to othir. Sindry war sene yat day strikin throw ye body & fehtand with sic cruelte, y t yai fell at erd with sic grip of yair ennymes, y t yai seuerit not quhil yai deceissit baith togidder. Throw quhilk apperit yai faucht with na les Ire than gud wyll. quhil at last ye danis war vincust, & Camus chasit to ye montanis. The scottis followit on hym w t sic fury, y t he was finaly slane. In signe heirof ye place (quhare he was slane) is callit ȝit Camustane. The principal slaar of thꝭ Camus was ane ȝoung man namit Keith, quhilk for his singulare vassalage prouyn in yis feild gat certane landis in Louthiane callit Keith. Quhais hous is now decorit with gret honoure, & callit Marschellꝭ of scotland. Of quhom ar discendit mony nobyl & vailȝeant men ay defendourꝭ of yis realm sen thair first beginning. Ane othir cūpany of danis fleand ī ye samyn maner war slane at Abirl [...]non not .iiii. mylis fra Brechin quhare ane gret slane is ingrauyn w t crafty letteris to aduertꝭ ye passingerꝭ of ye anciant & illuster dedis done be our eldaris aganis ye danis. Ye residew of danis (quhilkꝭ eschapit this feild) fled to yair schippis, & schew ye gret infelicite & harmes with al circūstance afore rehersit to thair companȝeonis.
Hovv .v.c. danis vva [...] slane be ye Thane of Buchquhane. Hovv Canu [...]e come vvith nevv army of danis in scotland, & vvas discōfist. hovv scottis & danis vvar finaly agreit on al debaitis. Ca. xviii.
[Page] [...] afald for the cōmoun weill, ge [...]and extreme besynes all his dayis, that y e kyng suld regne aboue his liegis mair with beniuolence and fauour, thā ony extremite or rigour. yat his baronis mycht luf and dreid hym ay rising vnder hym in amyte and concord, and that kirkmen micht leif vnder thair institution, And fynely yat euery thing suld be done na les to ye pleseir of god, than to y e cōmon weil. Efter hym succedit ane nobill man Gawyne Dounbar ane of the gud prelatis that euir was in this realm For he biggit ane brig ouir Dee w t gret magnificēce quhare neuir brig for violence of watter mycht stand afore. And foundit ane ȝeirly leuing to sustene y e same, w t mony othir notabil dedis quhilkꝭ war ouir prolixit to schaw at thꝭ tyme. Bot we wyl return to our history. Kyng Malcolme efter sa mony cruel battallis led aganis the Danis gouernit the realme mony ȝeris in gud Iustice, and maid ane buke callit Regiam maiestatem contenand the lawis how his realm [...]uld be gouernit, and quhat cōmoditeis [...]al [...]e geuyn in feis to his chancellar. Secretar, Constabyll, Marschell, Chalmerlane, Iustice, Thesaurer, Register, Comptrolla [...], and othir officis in his hous. This Malcolme had bene in fame and l [...]uyng nocht behynd ony othir prince that euir was in this realme. Gif sic vir [...]ew had bene ī his lat [...]er age as was in his first ȝouth or mānis age▪ nochtheles all his excellent glore was ful [...]eit with immoderate auarice. For (as oftymes occurris) he come baith at anis to eild and auarice, and was penitent of the landis geuyn be his liberalite to his nobillis. And to recouer the said landis he slew and banist mony of his lordis be van [...] and fenȝeit c [...]usis. The noblis mouit be thir iniuris and hauand gre [...] indignation, that the king nocht only put handis in thair bl [...]d, [...]ot was set to conques yair landis and rowmes be fenȝeit causis conspirit aganis hym with frequent conuentionis to the same effect. Kyng Malcolme heirād thair cōspiration to saif his lyfe fled with certane his familiaris to Glā mis, quhare he was slane be freindꝭ of the nobillis quhilkis war slane afore be hym. Thir cursit lymmaris efter his slauchter fled with thair cō plices be swift hors▪ howbeit thay war vncertane quhare to fle. For ye groūd was sa ouircouerit w t snaw, that thay mycht not knaw the gait. Fynaly thay come to ye loch of Forfare, quhilk was sum part frosin for y e tyme. Als sone as thay war cumyn to the myddis thairof, thay fel down throw the Ise, and perist miserably in yat maner. Nocht lang efter thay war drawin out of the loch with creparis, and yair quarteris houng vp in sindry townis of Scotland in punition of thair cruelte. Yis end maid kyng Malcolme the .xxxi. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the incarnation ane .M.xl. ȝeris. And was buryit in Colmekyll. In this tyme mony meruellis was sene in Albion. On ȝule day the erd trimblit, and ane gret rift was maid be the samyn in the myddis of Striueling, out of quhilk sprang sa huge multitude of watter that it bure away the nixt wod to the watter of Forth. The see in the sy [...]r rais forther in the land than euir it was sene afore in ony tyme. On mydsymer day callit the Natiuite of sanct Iohne Boptist was sa schill frost, that all y e cornis war slane and maid gret derth in the cuntre, And sa endis ye leuynt buke of yir Cro [...]iklis.
Heir begynnis the twelf Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
☞ Of kyng Duncane. Hovv the surname of Stevvartis tuk yair first begynnyng. And hovv Makbeth punist sindry enormyteis done in king Duncani [...] tyme. Ca. primo.
MAlcolme slane as we haue schawin, succedit his nepot Duncane gottyn on his douchter. For Malcolm had two douchteris, of quhilkis the eldest namyt Beatrice wes geuyn in mariage to Abbanath crynin, quhilk wes thane of the Ilis and west partis of scotland. On hir wes gottin Duncane quhilk succedit immediatlie eft him to ye croun. Ye secound douchter namit Doada, wes geuin in mariage to Synel thane of Glāmis, on quhome wes gottin ane feirs & vailȝeant man namyt Makbeth rycht ganand to haue gouernit ony realme, wer nocht his strenth wes geuin oui [...] mekil to cruelte. Yocht Dūcane and Makbeth wer sister sonnis, yai wer [...] differēt fra othir ī maneris. For Duncane wes sa mercyfull, yat he apperit nocht abill to punys the vices of his pepill. Be contrar Makbeth wes geuin als mekill to cruelte as Dūcane wes geuin to piete. And yairfore y e peple desyrit yair manerꝭ to haue bene tempora [...] with otheris. Duncane in the begynnyng of his empire gouern [...]t the realme in gud peace and Iustice. For it wes gouernit be the same counsalouris yat gouernit it duryng his faderis tyme. Thus leuit the cōmonis mony ȝeris but ony iniure or oppression of gret men. Ȝit the feble mynd of Dūcane (quhen it wes patent to y e pepil) wes not only cause of gret seditionis amāg the noblis. Bot occasion to Danis to attempt new weris aganis ye scottis. The cause of thir seditionis rais be ye thane of Lochquhabir namit Banquho, quhilk wes ye beginnar of ye noble surname of Stewartis in this realme. Of quhome oure kyng now p̄sent he lang progression is discendit. Quhen this Banquho had gaderit all the kingis rentis, he punist sindry lymmaris of ye cuntre with sic extreme rigour of Iustice, y t the pepil rais aganis hym with gret power, and spulȝeit hym of all ye money quhilk he had gaderit afore to y e kyngis vse. And youcht he eschapit with his lyfe, ȝit he wes euil woūdit. At last quhen he wes curit of all his woundis, he come to the kyng desyring the iniuris and contemptioun done to hym to be punist. Kyng Dū cane to dant thir attemptatis send ane officer of Armes, and sūmond all personis (that wer suspect in this mater) to vnderly ye law agane ane certane day. Thir lymmaris yat did this cruelte heirand thaym sūmond▪ for more contemption slew y e officer. And becaus y e kingis power wes to cū on yame to punis yair offence, yai maid Makdowald yair capitane. & he glaidlie tuk the charge of battall on him, knawing the king soft. & (as he alliegit) more abill to gouerne ane abbay of monkis than to gyde ony band of weirmen. Yis Makdowald gaderit ane cūpany of mischeuous lymmaris out of Ireland, Ilis, and othir regionis yair about. And slew [Page] Malcolme lieutenand to Duncane in Lochquhabir, and put his men to flycht. Kyng Duncane astonist be slaucht of his men (for he wes nocht exercit in weris nor ȝit knew how sic thingis mycht be dressit) cōuenit his noblis to ane coūsal to tak punition on thir attemptatis. Eftir sindry opinionis Makbeth repreuit kyng Dū cane of his soft gouernance, hauand na ingyne to punis iniuris [...]one to his pepill. And schew gif y e landis of Lochquhabir wer geuin to him and banquho▪ yai suld leif nane of Makdowaldis blude on lyue. And as he promittit, sa followit. For sone eftir his cūing in Lochquhabir, the pepil heirand y e fame of hꝭ vassalage durst nocht attempt sic thingis as yai did afore▪ and mony of yame lef [...] makedowald and come to Makbeth. All wayis Makdowald wes sa inuadit, that it wes necessar to him to gif battal to Makbeth. Nochtheles he wes discomfist and chasie to ane castell in Lochquhabir. Makbeth followit on hym to y e said castel and be lang sege brocht hym to sic miserie, yat he wes cōstranit to ask grace to him self his wyfe and barnis. And becaus he gat nocht bot repuls yairof, he slew first his wyfe & barnys, y t yai suld not remane in decisioun to his ennymes. Syne slew hym self on ye same maner. Makbeth enterit in ye castell & youcht he fand makdowald slane, ȝit he schure of his heid & send it to the castel of Bertha, quhair y e king wes, and gart hyng his body on ane hi [...] tre. The Ilis men maid yair compositionis with gret soumes of money. Otheris of thaym wer punist to the deith. Ye remanent pepill of ye Ilis mouit be the slaucht of yair [...] gaif displesād wourdis to Makbeth callād hym ane bludy monstour but ony mercy. makbeth incōtin [...] maid his ordinance to pas in the Ilis to punis thaym for yair vnbridlit language. Nochtheles be solistation of thair freindis he ceissit and tuke recompensatioun of thair guddis.
¶Hovv Edmond Irnesyde and Canute deuidit betuix yame the realme of Ingland. Hovv Sueno king of Norrovvay come in scotland vvith ane army & vincust king Duncane. Hovv the foresaid sueno vvas efter vincust be ane vncouth slicht. Ca. ii.
SKarslie wes ye realme of scottis deliuerit be Makbeth of al tyrannis, quhē Sueno kyng of Danis wes arriuit in scotland with ane army, and to schaw of quhat lynnage this Sueno wes descendit, we will repeit sum part his original. Sueno the first king of danis y t rang aboue Inglismen had thre sonnis. Herald, Sueno, and Canute. The first wes maid king of Ingland. The secund kyng of Norway. And ye thrid king of Denmark. The first wes slane be Eldred efter y t he was exilit be Sueno in Normandy ye thrid ȝeir eft his faderis deith. And ȝit Eldrede reiosit nocht lang y e croun of Ingland. For Canute kīg of danis come with ane army in Inglād to reuenge y e slauchter of his eldest bruther Herald, and slew the said Eldrede. Eftir quhais deith his sonne Edmound Irneside come with ane army aganis Canu [...] with purpos baith to reuenge y e slauchter of his fader, and to recouer the croun. At last quhen y e battallis wer arrayit ī otheris sicht reddy to fecht. This Edmond [...] afore his army desiring to fecht with Canute in singulare battall. Sayng it wes mair honour to decern y e rycht betuix yam two, yan be ony murdir of pepil. and he (yat wer victoriꝰ of yame two) sall succeid to ye crou [...] but ony more debait. [Page Clxxii] Canute wes gīaid of this condition, hauand na les confidence in his manheid yan had this othir Edmond. Incōtinent yai come fra yair armyis on yair bardit coursouris, & ran with scharp & groundin speristik ane aganis othir to the deith. At last quhen thay had fouchtin lang with vncertane victory, thair steidis ouirset & wery. Canute said. O Edmond quhilk hes now sickir experience of my feirs and awful dynt I se yow may nocht be vincust (as apperis) but ꝓpiciant fauour of goddis. For thay will y t thow haue ane part of my kingdome & regne with me in this region. Refrene thy swerd. And be cōtent y t the croun of Ingland be deuidit sa betuix ws, that yow reiose the half thairof, hauand equale impire with me during my life. Edmōd glaid of yis cōdition of peace thecht bett to succeid to the half of Inglād but ony mair dangeir, than to [...]oꝑd hym self to vncertane chance of battall. Traisting sum tyme to fy [...]d occasioun to recouer ye hail empire of Ingland with litill laubour. Incontinent thay demontit of thair [...]oursouris, & embrasit othir with [...]aist tendernes. Yus wes ye realme [...] Ingland deuidit betuix yame in yis maner. The part of Ingland fornence France wes assignit to Canute. And the tothir part to Edmond. In the mene time Enna quene of Ingland dredand this concord na thyng profitable to hi [...], fled in Normādy with hir two sonnis Alarude & Edward, quhilkꝭ scho bure to y e said Eldrede. Bot we will returne to our historie. Quhen Sueno kyng of Norroway saw his brothir eik to his empire of Denmark the half of Ingland, he tuke desyre to be equale to his brothir, als weil in rentis, as in marcial glore. And to bring his purpos to effect, he come with ane army in Fisse. The motiue of his cumyng wes to reuenge the slauchter of his eme Camus & othir danis slane with him at Barre Crowdane and Gēmere. And youcht Sueno wes cumyn (as said is) to conques fame & honour, ȝit be wes na thing cōparit to his brothir Canut. For he slew innocent barnis wemen & agit personis but ony difference of thair estait. Kyng Duncan [...] heirand yir importable & schameful cruelteis done to his pepil, began to be ane prudēt capitane. For oftymes dull & sleuthfull pepil ar constranyt be necessite to becum prudent & virtuous. Kyng Dūcane heirand how Sueno wes cumyng in maner forsaid to inuaid his realme, assemblit ane army of all pepill vnder his empire, and deuidit thaym in thre battallis. The first battal wes geuin to Makbeth. Ye secound to Banquho▪ And he abaid hym self in ye myddilward with the remanent nobillis of scotland. Syne met his ennymes at Culros, quhare baith ye armyis faucht with gret cruelte. Bot the scottis war finaly discomfist. Ȝit the danis war sa brokin be this battall, y t thay maid not lang chace, bot stude al nicht in arrayit battal. On the morow quhen thay saw ye feild discomfist & na ennymes appere, thay ꝑtit y e s [...]ulȝeis be rite of armes, & inhibit to sl [...] nakit men. Traisting to conques ye realm w t fauour & beniuolence of ye pepyl. Sic thingis done, Sueno rasit his tentꝭ to follow on ye remanēt scottꝭ. And becaus he was aduertist, y t king Dūcane was fled to ye castel of Bertha, & makbeth gaderyng ane new army to resist hꝭ incursionis, he laid ane strait sege about ye said castel. Als sone as king Duncane saw hym self beltit on ylk syde with ennymes, he send ane officer be counsal of [Page] Banquho to Makbeth, cōmanding hym abide at Inchecuthill quhill he send hym othir word. In the mene tyme he send ane herald to Sueno desiring licence to hym self & [...]he noblis y t was within y e castel to depart yair lyfe & guddis saif. Yis was desirit be Duncane, howbeit he knew na thing better thā repuls yairof, y • hꝭ ennymes micht haue na othir suspition. Bot ye castel was to be randerit but ony mair delay. At last quhē Sueno had desirit ye castel to be rā decit▪ king Dūcane to intertene him quhil all materis war brocht to gud purpos, promittit to send an [...] large prouision of vittallis out of y e castell to refresche his army. Yir offerꝭ war not only plesand to Sueno, bot als to his army. For thay had bene mony days afore but ony fresche vittallis in gret penurite. Incontinet the scottꝭ tuk y e ius of mekilwort herijs, & mengit it in yair wyne aill & breid, & send ye samyn in gret quantite to yair ennymes. Sueno & his army reio [...]ing of yis fouth of vi [...]tallis begā to waucht on yair maner. & to haue experience quha micht ingorge yair wambe with maist voracite▪ quhil at last ye vēnoun of yir beryis was skalit throw all partis of thair bo [...]yis. Throw quhilk thay war resoluit in ane deidly sleip. Yan Duncane send to Makbeth cōmanding hym to inuaid his ennymes with al diligence, for thay war at ane esy point to be v [...]cust. Makbeth but mair tary com with his folkis to the tentis of ennymes. And first he slew thair wache, & ye remanent of yame sowpit w t sleip war al murdrest ī yair beddis. Sueno was brocht with few nowmer of his folkis to the schippis, qu [...]are he pullit vp salꝭ & returnit ī Norroway. Of all this army eschapit nane bot Sueno & .x. personis with him by ye marineris. Mony ȝerꝭ eft na knichtꝭ war maid in Norroway, quhill thay war sworne to reuenge ye slaucht of yair freindis ī scotland. Ye remanēt schippis (quhilkis war left behind y e danis in ye scottis firth) within thre dayis eft thair departing raschit ilk ane on othir be violence of ane Eist wind, & sank down in y e firth, quhare thay ly ȝit to ye gret dangeir of all othir schippis y t cumis ī ye samyn. for quhen ye see flowis, thay ar couerit with watter. & quhen it ebbis, yai appeir sū part aboue ye samyn callit ȝit be ye pepil Drūlaw sandis, Ye scottꝭ efter yis victory gat ye spulȝeis of y e feild, & maid general ꝓcessiōs throw al ꝑtis of yair realm, geuand thākis to god for y e felicite falling to yame. Quhil ye scottis war at yair▪ ꝓcessionis in yis wise, tithingis come y • ane new flote of Danis war artiuit at King orne, & ye weirmen cumyng on land inuading ye cuntre with maist cruelteis. to dant yir attēpta [...]is wer send with ye kingis auctoryte Makbeth & Banquho, quhilkis slew ane gre [...] part of yir danis▪ & the remanēt chasit to thair schippis. Thir danis that fled to thair schippis gaif gret so [...]es of gold to Makbeth to suffer thair freindis (that war slane at hi [...] ieoperd) to be buryit in sanct Colmes Inche. In memory heirof mony auld sepulturis at ȝit in the said Inche, grauyn with armis o [...] danꝭ. At last peace was ratifiit betuix scottis & danis ī this maner. The danis sal neuer cū in scotland to moue ony weir aganis ye scottis. Thir war ye weris of kyng Duncane led aganis the danis the .vii. ȝeir of his regne.
¶Of the vveirdis geuyn to Makbeth and Banquho. Hovv Makbeith vvas maid Thane of Cavvder. And hovv he slevv kyng Duncane to make hym self king. Ca. iii.
[Page Clxxiii] NOcht lang eftir hapnit ane vncouth and wounderfull thyng. Be quhilk followit sone ane gret alteration in ye realme. Be auenture Makbeth and Banquho wer passand to Fores, quhair kyng Duncane hapnit to be for ye tyme, & met be ye gait thre wemen clothit iuelrage & vncouth weid. thay wer Iugit be the pepill to be weird sisteris. The first of thaim said to Makbeth Hale thane of Glāmis. The secound said, hale thane of Cawder, And the thrid said, hale kyng of scotland. yan said Banquho, quhat wemen be ȝe sa vnmercyfull to me, and sa fauorabil to my companȝeon. For ȝe gaif to hym nocht onlie landis & gret rentis bot gret lordschippis & kingdomes, and geuys me nocht. To this answerit the first of thir weird sisteris. We schaw more felicite apperyng to the, than to hym. For youcht he happyn to be ane kyng, his empire sall end vnhappelie, and nane of his blude sall eftir hym succeid. Be cōtrar yow sall neuir be king. Bot of ye sal cum mony kingis, quhilkis with lāg progressioun sall reiose ye croun of scotland. Als sone as thir wourdis wer said, thay suddanlie euanist out of sycht. This prophecy & diuinatioun wes haldin mony dayis in derision to Banquho & Makbeth. For sum tyme Banquho wald call Makbeth kyng of scottis for derisioun. And he on the samyn maner wald call Banquho ye fader of mony kingꝭ. Ȝit becaus al thyngis succedit as thir wemen deuinit. The pepill traistit and Iugit yame to be weird sisteris, not lang eft it hapnit y t ye thane of Cawder wes disherist & forfaltit of his lā dis, for certane crymes of lese maieste, and his landis wer geuyn be kīg Duncane to Makbeth. It hapnit in the nixt nicht y t Banquho and Makbeth wer sportand to g [...]ddir at thair supꝑ. Yan said Banquho, thow hes gottin all y t ye first two weird sisterꝭ hecht. Restis nocht bot ye croun, quhuilk wes hecht be ye thrid sist. makbeth reuoluyng all thingis (as thay wer said be thir weird sisteris) began to couat y e croun. And ȝit he cōcludit to abide quhil he saw y • tyme ganād yairto. Fermelie beleuyng y t ye thrid weird suld cum as y e first two did afore. In the mene tyme kyng Duncane maid his son Malcolme prince of Cūbir to signify, y t he suld regne eftir hym, quhilk wes gret displeseir to Makbeth. For it maid plane derogatioun to the thrid weird promit [...]it afore to hym be thir weird sisteris. Nochtheles he thocht (gif Duncane wer slane) he had maist rycht to the croun, becaus he wes nerest of blud yairto be tennour of of y e auld lawis maid eftir ye deith of kyng Fergus, quhen ȝoung children wer vnabil to gouern ye croun, the n [...]rrest of yair blude sall regne. Als the respons of thir weird sisteris put hym in beleif, yat the thrid weird suld cū als wei [...] as the first two. Attour his wyfe impacient of lang tary (as all wemen ar) specially quhare thay ar desirus of ony purpos, gaif hym gret ar [...]ation to ꝑsew ye thrid weird, yat scho micht be ane quene, calland hym oft tymis febyl cowart & nocht desyrus of honouris, sen he durst not assailȝe ye thing w t māheid & curage quhilk is offerit to hym be beniuolence of fortoun. Howbeit sindry otheris hes assailȝeit sic thingꝭ afore with maist terribyl ieopardyis, quhen thay had not sic sickernes to succeid in ye end of thair laubouris as he had. Makbeth be persuasion of his wyfe gaderit his freindis to ane counsall at [Page] Innernes, quhare kyng Duncane happinnit to be for ye tyme. And becaus he fand sufficient oportunite be support of Banquho & otheris his freindis, he slew king Duncane the vii. ȝeir of his regne. His body was burijt in Elgyn, and efter tane vp & brocht to Colmekyll, quhare it remanis ȝit amang ye sepulturis of vthir kingis▪ fra our redemption ane .M.xlvi. ȝeris.
¶Hovv Makbeth vsurpit the crovvn. & chasit ye sonnis of king Duncane in Cū bir. Hovv he punist sindry lymmaris & maid lavvis for ye cōmon vveil. Ca. iiii.
ALs sone as Dūcane was slane on thꝭ maner, Makbeth come with ane gret power to Scone, and tuk the crowne. Syne chasit Malcolme Cāmore & Donald bane [...]he sonnis of king Duncane in Cū bir, quhare Malcolme reman [...]t continewally, quhill sanct Edward son to king Eldred recouerit the realme of Ingland fra the danis, and ressauit the said Malcolme in maist tendernes, bot Donald went in Irelād. Makbeth efter yair departing to stabyl the realme to hym with sicker firmance, maid distribution of the kingis rentis amang the noblis, and be that way he conquest thair fauoure. And becaus he saw na man oppone thaym to hym, he set him to gouerne the realme in Iustice, and to punis all enormeteis that fell be febyll administration of king Duncane. Ȝit becaus he dred gret trubyl to follow (gif his purpos war deuulgat or it [...]ome to effect) he deuisit ane subtell slicht to bring all mysdoaris and brokin men to his Iustice, & solistit syndry his liegꝭ with large money to appele ye theuis (quhilkꝭ opprest yame maist) in barras aganis ane prefixit day. And quhen thir theuis war enterit in barras (quhare yai suld haue fouchtin) aganis thair nichtbouris, thay wer all takin be armit men and hangit on Iebatis according iustly to thair demeritis. The remanent mis [...]oaris war dantit in sic maner, yat mony ȝeris efter al thift & reiffis war dantit, and the pepyll brocht to gret tranquillite▪ Sic thingis done kyng Makbeth visyit al the boū dis of his realme, and was haldyn the sicker targe of Innocent pepyll, and maist deligent punisar of al iniuris done aganis the cōmoun weil. And gaif his labouris to caus ȝoūg men incres in gud maneris, & kirk men to do thair deuyne seruyce. He slew syndry thanis of Cath [...]es, Suthirland, Stranauorne, and Ros, becaus gret trubyl rais in the realm be thair sedition. He brocht Galloway in gud peace, and slew ye tyran Makgyll, quhilk contempnit mony ȝeris afore the kingis auctorite. Attour he maid lawis for the cōmoun weil, and was worthy to be nowmerit amang nobyll kingis, gif he had succedit to the crown be iust tytyll & had perseuerit in Iustice to the end of his empire. And becaus syndry of his lawis apperis ꝓffitabyl. I haue colleckit thaym in this werk to mak thaym the mair patent as followis. ☞ He that is within ordouris sall not answere afor ane ꝓphane Iuge, bot salbe remittit to hꝭ iuge ordinar. ¶The tent part of al frutis growyng on the ground sall be geuyn to kirk men, and god salbe adorit with oblationis and prayer.
¶He that perseueris in cōtemption aganis the kirk standyng curst ane ȝeir, and wyll nocht be recounsalit thairto, sall be repute ennyme to the cōmoun weill, gif he perseueir with indurat mynd two ȝeris, al his guddis salbe confiscat.
[Page Clxxiiii]¶He y t is maid knycht salbe sworne to defend wedois, cōmonis, and pupyllis. And he that is maid king sal be sworne in the samyn maner.
¶The eldest douchter sal succeid to heritage, failȝeing of the eldest son. And gif ony woman mary with the lord of the ground, scho sall tyne hir heritage.
¶Na man sall posseid landis, rentis, officis or bigingis be ony othir auctorite, bot allanerly be the kynges lycence.
¶Na office salbe heritage but during the kingis pleseir.
¶Na man sall sit in prophane nor temporall actionis without commissioun of the king.
¶Al cōuention, office, & Iustice sal be led in y e kingis name & auctorite. ¶He that makis band or is sworne man to ony othir man bot allanerly to the king, salbe punist to the deith, & ylk man salbe bound to defend the king aganis al othir leuād creaturꝭ. ¶He y t raisis ye kingis liegis salbe put to deith, & his guddis confiscat, and all the pepyll that ar gaderit on that samyn maner.
¶He that followis ane man to the kirk or market or ony othir conuention, salbe punist to y e deith without he leif be his industry y t he followis. ¶Ane hors fed be cōmonis to ony othir vse than laubouring of ye erd, salbe escheat to the kyng.
¶Fulis, menstralis, bardis, & al othir sic ydil pepil bot (gif thay be specially licent be the kyng) salbe compellit to seik sum craft to wyn thair leuyng. Gif thay refuse yai salbe drawin lik hors in y e pluch & harrowis. ¶Howbeit ye son be put in fee of ye land during the lyfe of his fader be licence of the kyng, ȝit he salbe disherist efter. gif his fader be found criminabyl to the kingis maieste.
¶All wemen y t is maryit with ony fre baron or lord (howbeit scho haue na barnis to hym) sal haue the thrid of his land efter his deith and the remanent salbe reiosit be his airis.
¶All gret baronis salbe inhibit to mary w t othir vnder pane of deith, specialy gif thair landis and rowmes lyis togidder.
¶All armoure & wappinnis (yat ar borne to ony othir effect) than to the kingis weris, salbe confiscat with al his othir mouabyll guddis.
¶The kingis capitane y e byis ony landis within y e boundis (quhare he is capitane) sall tyne baith ye land [...] y e money. Siclik gif he mary his son or douchter with ony folkis dwellād within his boundis, he sall tyne his office. & it sal not be leifful to his son nor his mawchis to bruke his office. ☞Thir and siclik lawis war vsit be king Makbeth, throw quhilk he gouernit the realme .x. ȝeris in gud Iustice. Howbeit the samyn was cō trar his naturall inclination. For he was geuyn to conques the fauoure of his pepyl and to stabyll the realm to hym erar than to ony sycht of the cōmoun weill.
¶Hovv Banquho vvas slane be Makbeth, and his son Fleance slane in vvalis. Hovv VValter the son of Fleance come in scotland▪ And of the genology of Stevvartis. Ca. v.
SChort tyme efter Makbeth returnit fra al meiknes to his innatiue cruelte. for he was led be wod furyis as y e nature of all tyrānis is, quhilkꝭ cōquessis landis or kingdomes be wrāgus titil, ay full of heuy thocht & dredour. & traisting ilk mā to do siclik cruelteꝭ to hym. as he did afor to othir. Forthir remēbring the weirdꝭ geuī to hī (as is reherlit) y • Bā quhois [Page] posterite suld reiose y e crown be lang progression. He callit Banquho & his son Fleāce to ane supper with purpos to sla yame baith. Howbeit thay suspeckit na thyng les thā his treason. Makbeth (quhen the bā ket was done) thocht not expedient to sla thaym in his awin hous. And thairfore to eschew al suspectioun of cryme y t micht be imput to hym yairby, he laid ane band of armit men in thair gait to sla yame baith ar thair returnyng hame. Thir men (y • war laid in wait to this effect) slew Banquho. Nochtheles fleance be couert of nicht eschapit & was saiffic (as apperit) be syngular fauoure of god to an [...] better fortoun. Fleāce eschaping [...]yis wise▪ & seing new waching laid for his slauchter, fled in Walis▪ quhare he was plesandly ressauit be ye prince [...]hairof, & maid sa familiar w t ye princis doucht y t he maid hir with [...]hyld. The prince of Walis finding his douchter deflorit persewit this [...]leance with sic hatrent that he finaly slew hym, and held his douchter [...] maist schameful seruitude, becaus scho cōsentit to hir defloration with vnc [...]th blude. At last scho was deleuerit of ane son nam [...]t Walter, quhilk within few ȝerꝭ became ane vailȝeant & lusty man of greter curage & spreit, than ony man that was nurist in land wart as he was. And youcht he was haldin with y e prince of Walis his gudschir in law estait. Ȝit he had ane hye mynd and abyll to na thyng mair thā to attempt gret chargis. At last he fel at contention with his companȝeoun, quhilk obiec [...]it to hym, y t he was not gottin in lauchful bed. Efter mony feirs and iniurius wourdis on athir syde, this Walter was sa impacient, that he slew his companȝeon. Syne fled in scotland to seik support of freindis, At his cū myng he happynnit in cūpany with the Inglismen (y t come in scotland w t sanct Margaret) quhare he behauit hym sa plesandly in euery sort, y t he conquest yair beniuolence and fauour. Nocht lang efter he was send with ane gret power in ye Ilis, Galloway, and othir partis of scotland to punis tyrannis & lymmaris of ye cuntre, quhom he dantit with sic mā heid and prudence, yat he was maid stewart of scotland to ressaue y e kingis malis & rentis out of al partꝭ of y e realme. This Walter stewart had ane son namit Alane Stewart, quhilk efter passit with the duke of Lorane, and Robert bastard son of the king of Ingland in y e haly land, quhare thay did mony vailȝeant deidis aganis the Turkis. Fra the incarnation of Crist ane .M.lxxxxix. ȝeris. of this Alane was gottyn Al [...]xander Stewart, quhilk [...]oundit the abbay of Paslay, quhare mony religious men hes bene of the ordour of sanct Benedict. Of this Alexander was gottin Walter stewart of Dundonald, quhilk faucht vailȝeātly ī support of Alexander y e thrid at Largis, as we sall efter schaw. This walter had two sonnis. Ye first namit Alexander, quhilk faucht ī support of hꝭ fader at the said feild of Largis. His secound son namit Robert Stewart gat y e landis of Terbowtoun, & marijt the air of Crukeistoun. fra quhō discendit ye erlis of Leuenax & Deruly. Attour of this Alexander Stewart y e foundit Paslay, war gottin sindry othir sonnis Iohne & Iames, & sindry otheris▪ howbeit thay tuke new surnamis be name of ye landis to quhilkis thay succedit. ¶This Iohne Stewart efter deith of his brothir Iames, maryit the ayre of Bonkyl ane virgyne of gret bewtie, and gat on hir Walter Stewart, [Page Clxxv] quhilk succedit to the landis of Bonkyll, Rāfrew, Rothessay, Bute, and Stewartoun, efter y t his fad Iohne was slane at Falkirk. This Walter stewart marijt Mariory bruce douchter to king Robert Bruce, of quhō was gottin Robert the secound of y e name. This Robert the secund tuke I [...]sobell Mure ane virgine of incredibyl bewte douchter to schir Adam mure knycht in place of his wyfe, & gat on hir thre sonnis & thre douchteris. Ye first was Iohne Stewart othirwayais namit Robert, quhilk succedit immediatly to ye crown. Ye secound was Robert erle of Fif and Menteith, duk of Albany, & was gouernoure of scotland .xv. ȝeris. The thrid son was namit Alexander erle of Buchquhane & lord of Baudȝenot. The eldest douchter was marijt on Iames son & air to William erle of Dowglas. The secound was maryit on Iohne Dunbar brothir to George of Dunbar erle of marche, & he was maid erle of murray. He gat on hir bot ane douchter quhilk was maryit on the Dowglas, and sa the Dowglas come to the erldome of murray. The thrid doucht was maryit on Iohne Lyoun, quhylk was maid efter lord Glammis. Attoure this Robert the first king of ye Stewartes maryit Ewfame douchter to the erle of Ros, and gat on hir two sonnis Walter erle of Athole, and Dauid erle of Stratherne. Thys Walter solistit Robert duk of Albany to sla Dauid Stewart duke of Ro [...]hesay. And efter y e hame cuming of kyng Iames the first he solistit y e king to sla al duk Robertis līnage on y e samyn maner. Ay [...]raistīg efter the slauchter of his freindis to cū to the crown. And finaly he solistit his nepot Robert Stewart and Robert Grahame his douchter sonne, to sla king Iames the first. For the quhilk cryme the said Walter was efter cō uickit and distroyit with all his sonnis. And of his brothir Dauid erle of Buchquhane come na succession. And thairfore baith thair landis returnit agane to the crown but ony memory of thair blude. Of Robert Stewart duke of Albany come duk Murdo, Quhilk maryit the erle of Lanox douchter, and gat on hir thre sonnes Walter, Alexander, and Iames. Duke Murdo with his first two sonnis war slane at Striueling be kyng Iames the first. And the thrid brothir Iames, to reuēge yair slauchter brint Dunbertane. And efter that, he was chasit in Ireland, quhare he deceissit but ony successioun. Robert the thrid of that name maryit Annabyll Drommond douchter to schir Iohne Drommond of Stobhal knicht, and gat on hir Dauid & Iames. The first deit in Falkland. And that othir was Iames ye first, and maryit Iane douchter to Iohne Bewfuerd erle of Somerset in Ingland. He gat on hir two sonnis borne at anis Alexander and Iames. Ye first deit in his infance, the secoūd was Iames the secound. He had .vi. douchteris, of quhilk the eldest was maryit on the dalphyne of France. The secound on the duke of Bertanȝe. The thrid on the lord of Feir. The feird on the lord of Dalkeith. The fift on the erle of Huntly. And the sext had na successioun. Iames the secound maryit Margaret douchter to the duke of Gylder, and gat on hir thre sonnis and two douchteris. The first sonne was Iames the thrid. The secound namit Alexander was duke of Albany, and maryit first y e erle of Orknayis doucht, & gat on hir Alexāder now Bischop of Murray. And nocht lang efter [Page] he partit with hir, and went in Frāce quhare he maryit the counte [...] of Bolony and gat on hir Iohne Stewart duke of Albany, quhylk was mony ȝeris gouernour of Scotland in our days. The thrid sonne Iohne Stewart was erle of Mar [...]e, and was slane in y e Cānogait ī ane baith fatt. The first douchter of Iames the secound was maryit on the lord Boyd. Of quhome was go [...]tin ane sonne quhylk was slane be the lord of Mongumry. And ane douchter Gregane quhylk was maryit efter on the Erle of Cassellis. And efter the deith of the lord Boyd this douchter of Iames the secound was maryit on the lord Hammyltoun. And [...]e that way the hous of Hammyltoun is decorit in the kyngis blude. The tothir syster was maryit on the lord Creichtoun, and of hir come lytyll successioun worthy to haue memory. ¶Iames the thrid maryit Margaret douchter to the kyng of Denmark, On hir was gottin Iames ye feird. Alexander quhilk was byschop of sanct Androis and duke of Albany. And Iohne Stewart [...]le of Marre, and thay deit baith but ony successioun. ☞¶Iames the feird maryit Margaret douchter to kyng Henry the seuyn [...], and gat on hir Iames the fift, quhilk regnis now with gret felicite aboue ws The ȝeir of the translatyng of thir Cronyklis. Bot we wyll returne to oure hystory.
☞¶Hovv Makbeth slevv his lordis for the proffet of thair landis and guddis. Hovv he biggit the castell of Dunsynnane, and slevv Makduffis vvise and his barnis. Of the orisoun maid to Malcolme Cammore be Makduf. Ca. vi.
NA thyng succedit happely to Makbeth efter the slauchter of Banquho▪ for ylk man began to feir his life, and d [...]rst nocht compeir quhare Makbeth was. Thus followit ylk day mair displeseir. For quhen this tyrane persauit ylk man hauand hym in dreid, he began to dreid ylk man in that samyn maner, & be yat way he grew maist odius to his subdittis ay slaing his noblis, or ellꝭ confiscand yair guddis be vane causis. At last quhen he had gottin gret proffet be slauchter & proscription of his noblis, he began to put his handis mair pertly in thair blud. For he thocht the proffet sa sweit y t come to hym be slaucht of his noblis, that he mycht not desist thairfra. For he had doubil proffet be yat way. First thay war slane y t he dred. And secoundly he gat thair guddis to sustene ane gard of armit mē to defend hym fra iniure of yam y t he suspeckit. Forthir y t he micht inuade y e pepyl with mair tyrāny, he biggit ane strang castel in ye hicht of Dunsynnane, ane hyll in Gowry x. milis fra Perth. Yis castel was biggit w t infinit expensis. For for na stuf micht be carijt to y e samyn but gret difficulte. And ȝit he ceissit not fra ye bigging yairof, bot causit al the Thanis of ylk schire to big ye said castel yair cours about. At last it fel to Makduf thane of Fif to big his ꝑt of y e said castel, And becaus he durst not cā to yis werk, in auenture y e king put handis in hym as he did afore in othir noblis of ye realme, he send craftismen with al prouision, & cōmādit yame to do sa ī his absence, y t ye king micht haue na occasion to be mouit aganis hym. Sone efter Makbeth come to vesy his castell, & becaus he fand not Makduf present at the werk, he said. Yis mā wyl not obey my chargis, quhill he be riddin with ane mollet brydyl. Nochtheles I sall gar hym draw lik ane auir in [Page Clxxvi] ane [...]ar [...]. Fra thens he mycht neuir se makduf [...] patience, othir becaus he thocht his power ouir gret. Or ellis becaus it wes schawin be the prophecy of ye foresaid wichis, yat mak duf suld inuaid hym with disples [...]ir. And (as oft occurris) quhare ony prince takis suspitioun, ane smal offence is occasion of gret iniuris. Finalie he had slane Makduf be sum slycht, wer nocht ane wiche, in quhō he had gret confidence said, To put hym out of all feir. yat he suld neuir be slane with man yat wes borne of wife, nor vincust, quhill the wod of Birnane wer cū to ye castell of Dunsynnane. Makbeth hauand gret cō fidence in thir wourdis, set asyde all feir of deith. And traistit fermely yat he mycht do quhat he plesit but ony punition eftir following. For be y • ta ꝓphecy he beleuit it wes vnpossible to vincus hym. And be ye tothir, vnpossible to sla hym. Bot yir fals illusionis of ye deuil brocht hym to vter cōfusion, & gart him rage in Ithand slaucht of his subdittis but ony feir of his lyfe. At last Makduf disparit of his lyfe, tuk purpos to pas in Ingland, y t he mycht bring Malcolme Cāmore in scotland to resist the tyrā ny of Makbeth. And ȝit the samyn was not deuisit sa secretly, bot Makbeth gat knawlage thairof. For all kingis (as the prouerbe sayis) hes scharp sycht & lang eiris. Yis Makbeth had in euery gret hous in scotland part of men (quhilkis war corruppit be hꝭ money) to reueil al thingis said or done in thair housis, and throw this slycht he opprest all the noblis of the realme, or thay mycht fulfyl yair attemptatꝭ aganis hym. Yis tyrane was ay ful of sollicitude, dre [...]dand to haue ane terribil end for his cruelte. For that cumis be impulsion of cōscience, quhilk bringꝭ euery man (y t is gylty) in perpetuall sollicitude, but ony securite of his life. On y e samyn maner Makbeth euer ī feir of ennymes for his treasonabyl murdir & tyrāny, come haistely with ane gret power about Makduffꝭ hous. Ye men y t was in the hous trais [...]ing na euyl oppinnit ye ȝe [...]is. Incontinent Makbeth entrit & slew Makduffis wyfe & hir barnis, with all othir personis y t he fand in it, syne cō fiscat Makduffis guddis & put him to y e horn. Makduf banist in yis maner fled ī Ingland to Malcolme Cā more, to se gif he micht find ony way at his hand to reuenge ye slauchter maid sa cruelly on hꝭ wife & barnis. & quhē he was comyn to Malcolme, he declarit y e gret oppression done to hym be Makbeth, & how ye said tyrane was hatit w t al his liegis for y e innocent slaucht baith of his noblis & cōmonis, & sindry othir detestabyl cruelteis not worthy to be rehersit. At last quhen he saw malcolme sich for cōpassion of his sorowis, he said. How lang sall thow suffir the murdir of thy fader and othir freindis to be vnpunist? Quhen sall thow be saciat with ye affliction of thy realme? Quhat dāmage haue we sufferit be thy proscription? Thow was y e tyme of sa tender age, yat thow mycht not debait aganis sa bludy monstoure. And youcht we condiscendit sūtyme to the election of this tyrane to oure gret dāmage. Ȝit now for experience of his cruelte, we desyre na thyng mair than to be exonerat thairof. Ye pepyll murnis accusyng thair wylfull ygnorance, consentyng to sa hye myscheuis in thair awin perdition. And now thair onely esperance is in the. Traisting be the to be deliuerit of thair calamite. Thairfore (les thā the affliction of thy pepil & thy awin ꝓscription be thy maist ples [...]ir) dre [...] [Page] the to delyuer thy pepyl of the tyranny be yame dayly sustenit. For king Edward (the maist humane & gracious prince) sal not fail to support ye with al pissance as thow [...]esitis, becaus his realm was sūtyme opprest be tyrannis. And finaly delyuerit be grace of god and his awin manheid out of yair cruel handis. Attour gif thow knawis not quhat beniuolēce thy pepil hes to the. Thow may vnderstand sū part be thir wordis, thy pepyl ar murdrist in al partis as yis bludy fleschoure ta [...]kis in heid. And yairfore thow nedis not to dout, bot thy returnyng ī scotland salbe richt plesand to all scottis men. For thir cruelteis dayly done to ws suld not be lamentit be effeminat pepyll, bot e [...]ar reuengit be vailȝeant campionis. Sen thow art nocht only sauit fra inuasion of thy ennymes to bett fortoun. Bot ordanit be deuyne prouydence to delyuer thy pepyll of all afflictionis.
¶Hovv Malcolm Cāmore schevv hym self vnabyl to be kyng for his syndry vices▪ and hovv he come in scotland and vvas maid kyng thairof. And of Makbet his deith. Ca. vii.
DOucht Malcolme was gretu [...]ly commouit for t [...]e sindry oppression and cruelt eis done to scottis. Ȝit be gret prudence he dissimulit his mind to haue the better experience of Makduffis intention. That is to say, to se gif he war cumyng to the samyn effect as he desyrit. Or gif he war cumyn be dissait and industry of Makbeth to betrais hym or put hym in his ennymes handis. And thairfore [...]e answerit. I am richt sorowful for y e trubyll fallyng to my cuntre. And y [...]cht I haue gret affection thairto, ȝit for certane irremediabyll vicis following me. I am vnabyll [...]uthir to gouern the realm, or to releif the pepyll of ye trubill that thay presentlie sustene. First for immoderat lust the abhominabyl fontane of all vicis, quhilk ragis ī me with sic vndantit renȝeis. Yat gif I wer maid king of scottis I suld deflore virginis & matronis in sic maner, yat my intemperance suld be mair importabyll to ȝow than the bludy tyranny of Makbeth. To yis answerit Makduf, that is ane euyll falt. For mony nobyll princis & kyngis bene disherist & tynt baith thair lyfe and kyngdomis for the samyn. Nochtheles thair is gret plenty of wemē in scotland. And yairfore wyll thow do my counsall, make thy self kyng. I sall dres y e mater sa wysely, yat thow salbe satifyit at thy pleseir, and thy vice salbe vnknawin. Than said Malcolme. I am als the maist auaricius man in erd, and I wyl seik sa mony occasionis to conques landis or gudis, that I wyl sla mony of all the noblis of scotland be fenȝeit causis, to that fyne yat I may reiose thair realmes, landis, and guddis. And yairfore to schaw ȝow quhat infinite harmes sal cum on ȝow be my insaciabyl auarice. I wyl remembir bir ȝow ane fabil. Ane tod was ouirset with ane byke of fleis, continewally soukād out hir blud. And quhē ane passinger be the gatt had demā dit hi [...], gif scho wald haue thir fleis skalit fra hir body. she answerit na, becaus thir fleis (that sat on hir woū dis) war all full of hir blud, and for fouth yairof sat with lytil displeseir. And gif thay war skalit, vtherꝭ (quhilkis war mair ȝeuery and tume) suld licht in thair rowmes, and souk out the residew of hir blude, quhilk war vnpro [...]tab [...]l. Heirfore suffir me remane quhare I am, in aduenture [Page Clxxvii] sic displeseir fall amang ȝow be my vnsaciable auarice, that ȝe sall eftir chace me out of ȝour realme w t more schame, & think yir displeseiris now regnand amang ȝow bot small in respect of sic terrible outragis, quhilkꝭ sall appeir sone be my cumyng. To this answerit Makduf, this is ane wer falt than ye first. For auarice is the rute of all mischeif. And ye maist part of all our kyngis ar slane for y e cryme. Nochtheles mak thy self kīg, and do my counsall, thow sall haue riches at [...]outh. For yair is gold and geir Ineuch in scotland to satifie ye at thy pleseir. Than said Malcolm. I am ful of lesingis and dissait, and reiosis in na thing sa mekle as to be trais all thaym that geuis me credit or traist. And sen na thīg semis mair ane prince, yan constance, verite and Iustice. And na thing sa vnsemand as falset, treason & lesingꝭ, Yow may cōsider how vnabil I am to gouern ony prouince or cūtre. And sen yow hes sa mony rameidis to colour all y e la [...] of my vicis. I pray ye to hyde or colour this vice amang the laif, yan said Makduf. Yis is the warst falt of all. And yair I leue the. O vnhappy and miserable scottis, quhilkꝭ ar scurgit with sa mony calamiteis ilk ane aboue othir. Ȝe haue now ane cur [...]it deuyll that regnis aboue ȝow but ony tityll. And distroyis ȝow be his bludy tyranny. This othir y t hes ye rycht to y e croun, is so repleit with ye treasonable maneris and vicis of Inglismen, that he is vnworthy to be kyng. For be his awin confession he is nocht onlie auaricius & geuin to vnsaciable lust. Bot so fals ane tratour, yat we may nocht trow ane wourd he sayis. Adew scotlād. Now am I banist for euir but ony confort or cōsolation, and with thir wourdis the teris fast halit ouir his cheikis. At last quhen he wes makand hym to depart, Malcolme tuk hym be the sleif, and said be of gud confort. For I haue nane of thir faltis. Howbeit I refusit onlie to haue experience of thy mynd. For Makbeth hes oftymes be sic wayis desyrit my slaucht. And the more slaw yat I wes to condiscend to thy mynd. I salbe y e more deligent to fulfill the same. Incontinent thay enbrasit othir & tuk auisement, Howe thay mycht prouide all materis for thair singulare & cōmon weil. Sone eft Makduf send letterꝭ to the nobillis of scotland schawing how Malcolme wes cōfiderat with him to cum haistely in scotland, and prayit yame, sen the said Malcolme wes Iust heritour to y e croun, to assist to hym, that he may recouer ye samyn. In y e mene time Malcome purchest the erle of Northumbirland to cum with .x.M. men to help hym to recouer his realme. Thir tithingis (fra thay wer schawin in scotland) drew ye nobillis in two sindry factionis. Of quhilk the tane assistit to Makbeth. & yis othir to Malcolme. Throw quhilk rais aftymes sindry frequent scarmussyng betuix yir partyis. For y e nobillis (quhilkis wer of Malcolmes opinioun) wald nocht ieoperd yame to vter chance of battall, quhil his cūyng out of Ingland to thair support. Makbeth seyng finalie his ennymes incres ilk day w t more pissance, fled in Fi [...], and abaid with all his freindis & part takaris at Dunsīane with purpos to fecht w t hꝭ ennymes erar than to fle out of y e realme schamfullie but ony straik. His freindis gaif counsall othir to tak peace with Malcolm, or ellis to fle haistelie with his treasour & gold in y e Ilis. To y e fin [...], yat he mycht [...]ee sindry gret princis of y e realme with his money to tak part aganis Malcolme. [Page] Nochtheles he had see confidence ī his fretis, y t he beleuit fermely neuir to be vincust, quhil y e wod of Birnane war brocht to Dūsynnane. naȝit to be slane with ony mā borne of ane womā. Malcolme following ha [...]stely on Makbeth, come ye nycht afore his victory to the wod of Birnane. And quhē his army had refreschit yame ane schort tyme, he cōmandit ilk mā to tak ane brāche of y e wod y t thay micht come on ye nixt morow arrayit in the same maner in his ennymes sicht. Makbeth seing hym cū in this gyse vnderstude ye prophecy was completit y t the wiche schew to hym, nochtheles he arrayit his men. Skarsly had his ennimes cassin fra yame the branches & cumand forthwart in battal, quhen Makbeth tuk the flicht. on quhom followit Makduf with gret hatrent saying. Tratour now thy insaciabyll cruelte sall haue ane end. Than said Makbeth, thow followis me in vane. For nane [...] born of ane woman y t may sla me. Than said Makduf I am the same mā. For I was schorne out of my moderis w [...]mbe. Incontinent he slew Makb [...]. & brocht his heid to Malcolme. This was y e end of Makbeth efter y t he had roung .xvi. ȝeris. In y e begynnyng of his empire he did mony p [...]offitabyl thingis for ye cōmon weil. Bot sone efter be illusion of deuyllis, he was degenerat fra his honest beginning in maist terribyll cruelte, And slane, fra the incarnation ane thousand .lxi.
¶Of the deith of Edmond Canut, h [...] rald, & hardy Canut, kingis of Ingland hovv the crovvn of Inglād vvas recouerit fra danis. & godovvine vveriit for ye innocent slauchter of Alarude. Ca. viii.
NOw we wyll schaw how the empire of Ingland was tane fra danis, & restorit to king Edward iust heritour yairof. Quhen Canute & Edmond had ꝑtit ye realm of Ingland betuix yame be ꝯcord (as said is) ye realm was in gud peace foure ȝeris nixt following. For ylkane of yame dred ye pissance of othir, ay desiring to haue ye hail empire of Inglād vnder yair singular dominion. In ye samyn tyme ane wickit & maliuolꝰ mā namit Edrik tuk purpos to attempt ane hardy vassalage to cum ī fauour (as he beleuit) to ane of yir two princis. Yis Edrik delyuerit in yis maner to haue thankis or cō moditeis, awaitit, Quhen king Edmōd was sittād at hꝭ eis & ane straik hym throw ye scheir in his bowellis. throw quhilk yis Edmond deceissit. Edrik efter yis schamefull slauchter went to Canute, & said. Hayl king of al Ingland. Canut astonist be thꝭ salutation, began to demand how the mater stude mair diligently [...] & quhē he fand king Edmond slane be treason of this vnhappy man. he thocht na thing sa gud as to geif hym reward according to his treasonabyll labour, & gart hyng hym on ane Iebat. Canut exonerat be yis way fra al suspition of Edmondis deith succedit with beniuolence of y e pepyll to y • hail empire of Ingland. Sone eft ane coūsal was set in y e quhilk ye noblis delyuerit baith king Edmondꝭ lādis & his .ii. sonnis Edward & Edwyn in y e hādis of Canut, quhom he certane ȝeris tretit with gret humanites. bot sone eft he changit his purpos, & thocht to sla yame baith y t the realm micht be stabillit to his posterite. Not lāg eft he send yame to valgariꝰ regēt of Swedrik with quiet letteris to sla yame baith. nochyeles yis regent knawing y e innocent & nobyl blude of yir .ii. children was mouit [Page Clxxviii] with sic reuth, that he send yame baith to Salamon king of hungary and maid Canut vnderstād, y t al his chargis wer done as he deuisit. Eft deith of Canute succedit his son Herald namit for hꝭ gret swithnes hair fut, quhilk reiosit y e croun of inglād twa ȝeris. Eftir quhome succedit his brother Hardy canut, maist vicious and proud tyrane y t euir rang aboue Inglismē. For he wald nocht suffir y e bonis of hꝭ brothir to rest vnd erd. Bot for vnnaturall dispit tuk vp hꝭ bonis, and set his heid apon ane hie staik, quhair maist confluence of pepil wes in London. And kest ye residew of his body ī Thamis. He maid ane law, that euery Inglisman sall bek & discouer his heid, quhē he met ane Dane. gif ane Inglisman & ane Dane come baith to ye brig atanis. y • Inglisman sal tary, quhill y e Dane be past ouir ye brig. The Inglismen richt cōmouit of yir displesād lawis, cōspirit aganis ye Danis in al partꝭ of Ingland, and callit al yair wageouris to supper, & slew yame all quhen yai wer ful of wynis on ane nycht. Hardy Canut heirand al his mē put doun be yis slicht of Inglismen, slew hym self be disperatioun. Thus wes Ingland deliuerit fra tyranny of Danis. For schort tyme eftir y e noblis of Ingland send ane of the gret princis yairof namit Godowine, quhilk had maryit afore Canutis douchter in Normādy to bring two sonnis of Eldrede in Ingland, and to resaue y e croun yairof. Yis Godowyne (becaus he maryit Canutis doucht) thocht to cōques y e croun to hꝭ awin son. And yairfore at his cūing ī Normandy he deuisit to distroy baith ye sonnis of Eldred be poison. Ye eldest son namit Alarude wes slane be this maner. Bot Edward eschapit be mirakil of god. And come sone eftir in Inglād, quhair he ressauit y e croun· Godowyne seing y t his attemptatis com not to purpos, durst not return in Ingland for feir of y e treason yat he did aganis ye said Edward. Not yeles y [...]s Edward wes ane man but ony rankoure. And sa reuthful to ye pepil y t he wes reput ane myrrour of virtew. Quhen Godowyne askit grace at hym for y e slaucht of his brothir, he not onlie remittit ye offence. Bot als maid his son Herald duk of Oxfurd. And ȝit yis cruelte done be Godowyne wes not lang vnpunist. For within schort tyme eftir he wes standing at ye burd afore kyng Edward. And quhen he hard y e no [...]illis lamēt y e deith of Alarude y e kingꝭ brothir, he eit ane pece of breid & said, god gif y e breid wory me gif euir I wes othir art or ꝑt of Alarudꝭ slauchter. And incōtinent he fel doun weryit on y e breid. Ye noblis astonist be yis deuyne punition, gaif louyng to god y t he had punist yis tyrane. & cō mandit his body to berijt vnd y e gallous. Bot we wil return to our historye quhair we left.
¶Of king Malcolme Cāmore & his actis. And hovv he punist sindry cōspiratouris aganis hym. Of y [...] deith of king Edvvard. And hovv the bastard of Normandy conquest Ingland. Ca. ix.
MAlcolme Cāmore be support of Edward kyng of Inglād recouerit his realme in ye .viii. ȝeir of the regne of ye said Edward. And wes crounit at scone y e .xxv. day of aprile. Fra y e incarnation .i.M.lxi. ȝeris. Eftir his coronation he maid ane generall cōuention of his noblis at Forfair. In y e quhilk he reward it al yam (yat assistit to him aganis makbeth) with landꝭ & offices. And cōmādit y e ilk man haif his office & landꝭ namit eft his surname. He maid mony erlis [Page] lordis, baronis, & knichtis. At his cū myng mony of yame y • war than is afore war maid erlꝭ, as Fif, Mēteth, Athol, Leuenox, Murray, Cath [...]s, Ros, & Angus. Yir war ye first er [...]is amang ws as our croniklis beris. Mony new surnames come at this tyme amang ws. as Caud, Loka [...]t, Gordon, Seyton, Laud, Wawa [...]e, Meldrū, Schaw, Leirmouth, Libertoun, Strachquhen, Cargill, Rattray, Dundas, Cokburn, Mirtoun, M [...]eis, Abircr [...]my, Lesly, with mony [...]thir namis of lādis quhilkꝭ gaif namis to yair possessourꝭ for y e tyme. Otheris gat yair surnamis be off [...]cꝭ as stewar [...], durward, banermā. Mo [...] othir ꝓper namis of vailȝeant cā p [...]onis war turnit in general surnamis▪ as Kennedy, Grahame, Hay, w t [...] otherꝭ quhilkis war ouir ꝓlix [...] [...] [...]oumer. In yis samyn coūsal kīg Malcolm maid mony ciuil & religiꝰ la [...]is to [...] hono r of god & ꝓffet of hꝭ realm, & gaif to Makduf erle of Fif & his airꝭ, becaus he was prīcipal brigat of hym in ye realm .iii. priuilegꝭ. [...]irst▪ y • ye erle of Fif sal croun y e kīg. [...] ▪ ye erle of Fif sal strik ye [...] [...]attallis quhen y e king [...] [...]o pas on his ennymes. Ye thrid, [...] haue fre regalite to mak officeris within hym, & to replege his mē ( [...] neid heis) fra ye kingis lawis to his regalite. It was ordanit als be ye said coūsal y e fre baronis sall mak Iebattis & draw wellis for punition of criminabyl personis. And amang mony othir his cōstitutionis he abrogat al the lawis maid be Makbe [...]h. Quhill king Malcolme was geuyn to sic besines, tithingis come y e Lugtak was cumyn with ane gret nowmer of pepill to Scone, & maid hym self kīg. To resist sic fuliche attemptatis was send be ye kīgis auctorite Makduf erle of Fif quhilk fynaly slew y e said Lugtak be set batal & put his cūpany to flicht. Followit sindry ȝeris eft gud peace, quhill at last ane gret noumer of theuis come ī Mars & Louthiane inuading ye cuntre w t cōtinual heirschip & slauchter. Nochtheles yai war finaly tane & iustifijt be Patrik Dūbar of y e ilk. Yan king Malcolm (y • na virtew suld be vnrewardit) maid yis Patrik erle of marche, & gaif to hym ye landis of Cokburnis peth. Under yis condition, y t in tymes cumyng ye erlis of marche sal purge Mers & Louthiane of all theuis. In memory heirof he bur [...] in his baner ane theuis heid strinklid with blud. Not lang efter king Malcolme was aduertist y • syndry his noblis war cōspirit aganis hym & deuisit his slaucht. Incontinent but ony feir or dredour he went pertly to ye hūting quhare his slauchter was deuisit, & drew y e principal mouar yair of in cōmoning, quhil yai war baith seuerit fra al cūpany. and incōtinent he pullit out his swerd & said. Tratour thow hes deuisit my deith, now is best tyme. debait thy self, & slaine now, gif thow dow. Yis man y t was cōspirit aganis him, knawing hꝭ singular māheid fel on his kneis, & desirit grace. Ye king seand hym penitēt said, I remit thy offence sa thow attempt na sic treassonabyl dedis in tymes cumyng. Quhil sic thingis war done ī scotland, Edward king of Ingland (becaus he had na airis of his body) send hꝭ ambassatourꝭ ī vngary to bring hame ye two sonnis of Edmond namit Edwyn & Edward. bot Edwyn was mony ȝeris afore deceissit, & yis othir Edward marijt on Agatha douchter to ye king of Ungary. on quhō he had ane son namit Edgar with .ii. douchteris Margaret & Cristine. Sone efter Edward come with his wyfe & children in Inglād. [Page Clxxix] at hꝭ cumyg kīg Edward wald haue resignit to hym y e croun. Howbeit he refusit it saīg, he wald not be so inhumane to take the crown duryng his on [...]lis life. Heir is ane thing to be in admiration to al pepyl. Ane mā refusis ye croun offerit frely to hym with beniuolēce, quhilk al pepyll couatis with maist desire, regardyng na cruelte y t may fallow be fyre or swerd to succeid to ane kingdom. And ȝit y • felicite of yir .ii. princꝭ succedit not lāg to Inglād. For Edward of Ungary sone eft deceissit. Throw quhilk kīg Edward hꝭ on [...]le tuk sic dolour y t he sone eft deceissit. followit thā gret cō tētion for y e croun of Inglād. for yo r y e same ꝑ [...]enit iustly to Edgar nepot to king Edward afore deceissit. ȝit ye noblꝭ assistit to Herald erle of oxfurd son to Godowyne afore rehersit. Als sone as Herald was maid kīg of Ingland, he begā to gouern y e realm in gud Iustice, ceissing fra al slauchter, as sindil is sene with yame y e vsurpꝭ y • croun be wrangꝰ menes▪ he sufferit als Edgar with his moder & sisteris to pas at liberte in al boūdis quhare ya [...] list howbeit the said Edgar was [...]ichtwis air to y e croun. & yairfore apperit y t he had fortoun in cōtemptiō, beleuyng na thīg micht succeid aganis his felicite. Nochtheles Agatha hauand suspition of trub [...]l efter following kepit hir son Edgar secretly in hir chalmer. Quhil at last kīg Herald (as na besines war to do at hame) tuk purpos to pas in Flāderis, & was [...]reuin be cōtrarius windis in Normādy amang his vnfreindꝭ, for Godowyn afore slew Alarud, quhilk was nepot to Williā bastard of Normādy. Als sone as he was p̄sentit to y e said duk, he said w t dissimilit & fals mynd y t he send not (as othir kingis vsit) ambassatourꝭ to do his erādis. bot was comyn in ꝓper ꝑson to treit mariage betuix hym & ye said duk of Normādy. Williā duk of Normādy suspekand na dissait vnder his wordis, gaif sic credit, y t he cōdiscendit to geif his douchter to hym ī mariage. Belyue ane day was set & y e mariage maid with al solēpnite y t micht be deuiset to ye gret pleseir of al the pepyl baith of Normādy & Inglād. within certane dayis eft king Herald returnit with his new wyf ī Ingland, hauand with hym mony noblis of Normādy for affection (as apperit) of his new wife. Nochtheles fra he was cū myn to London, he cōmandit be general edict, al ye normanis to depart of his realm within .iii. dayis vnder pane of deith. & nocht satifyit of this iniure, he causit hꝭ vnhappy limaris to defoule his lady. And eft y t he had causit yame to cut hir erꝭ, he send hir agane ī ane fischer bait in Normādy. Williā bastard & duk of Normandy mouit with [...]his insufferabil iniure, arriuit with ane army in Ingland. & efter his cuming brint al his schippis y t his folkis micht haue na esperance of flicht, bot outhir do vailȝeantly with yair hādis, or ellis schamfully to de. Finaly he faucht with Herald at Townis brig, & spulȝeir hym baith of his life & kingdome atanis, & was crounit sone eft at Westmynster be Eldred archebischop of Ȝork the .xxv. day of December, the ȝeir of god ane .M.lxvi. ȝeris.
Hovv kīg malcolm mariit sāct Margare [...] & ressauit al hir freindis ī scotlād, hovv sindry armyis of Ingland vvar discōfist be scottis▪ & hovv peace vvas maid betuix Inglismen & scottis. Ca. x.
EDgar seyng ye crown of Ingland cōquest (as said is be y e bastard of Normandy) was disparit to succeid ony way to ye crown. And yairfor to eschew al dāgeir apperīg▪ he gat ane schip with purpos to return with his moder & sisteris ī Ungary. [Page] Nochtheles be contrar windis he arriuit in ane part of Forth callit y e quenes ferry. King Malcolme quhilk was thꝭ tyme in Dūfermelyng heirand ye cuming of yis schip, send his familiaris to se quhat pepyl yai war laitly arriuit in his watter, & to inquire yame quhat yai desirit. Als sone as he vnderstude thay war Inglismē & discendit of king Edward, quhilk did sū tyme to hym sa mony pleseiris. he come with ane honourabyll cūpany to the schip quhare thay war. Edgar on y e samin maner array [...] hym with his moder & systeris in yair best auise, & was ressauit be kīg Malcolme with maist tendernes, & brocht within his palice. Schort tyme eft king Malcolme seand y e excellent bewte, wisdome, & gud maneris of Margaret eldest syster to the said Edgar, ꝓpo [...]it to Agatha hir moder to haue hir in mariage. And Agatha knawing weil hir douchter not abyl to get sa nobil ane prīce ī yis wa [...]ld, c [...]n [...]iscendit glaidly to his desiris. [...]one efter be cōuention of al ye noblis of scotland efter the octauis of Pasche, quene Margaret and king Malcolme war spousit with maist triumphe & honour y t micht be deuisi [...]. Williā ye bastard of Normandy & cōquerour of Ingland heirand yis mariage betuix king Malcolme and quene Margaret, dred y e sindry factionis suld follow in his realme be assistence of Edgaris freindis. & yairfore he banist al y e lynnage & blude y • ꝑtenit to ye said Edgar. Be this proscription of Edgaris freindis thair come ane gret nowmer of pepyll in scotland to king Malcolme, & mony of yame gat landis fra hym for yair honest behauyngꝭ. Amang quhome war Līdesay, Waus, Rāsay, Louel, Towris, Prestoun, Sandelandis, Bissart, Sowlis, Wardlaw, Maxwel, with othir sindry. Attour thair come gret nowmer of pepyll out of Ungary to quene margaret. As Creichton, Fotringhā, Giffart, Meluil, Borthwik, [...] surnames be sindry chancis [...] come out of france in scotlan [...] [...] Fras [...]i [...], Sinclare, Boswel, mowtray, montgūmery, Cāpbel, Boyis, Betoun, Tailȝefer, & Bothwel. with mony othir quhilk we may not schaw for ꝓli [...]ite of tyme. Yir men (y t come out of Inglād to Edgar) brocht mek [...]l siluer & gold with yame w t mony haly reliquies quhilkꝭ war haldin in gret reuerence amang ws. In y e mene tyme Williā y e cōquerour of Ingland send his herald to malcolme, desiring Edgar to be delyuerit in his hādis, certifying (gif he refusit) he suld tak hym be force of battal. King malcolme notwithstāding this gret minassing of kyng Williā ye cōquerour, gaif plane repuls to his desirꝭ, & said yai war not respōdēt to equite. King Williā for yis repuls denūcit weir to scottꝭ. In y e mene tyme al y e pepil of Northūbirland assistit to king Malcolm. for he was yair erlis sister son. Sone efter kīg Williā send ane vailȝeāt capitane of y e blud rial of Normādy namit Roger w t ane army ī Northūbirlād. howbeit he abaid schort tyme in honour, for he was discōfist be scottis & Northūbrianis. King williā litil aff [...]ayit of yis discōfitour sēd y e duk of Glocester w t ane new army ī Cūbir. Aganꝭ quhō war send y e erlis of marche & mēteith, & kepit y e boūdꝭ of scotlād fra al inuasiō of ye said duk, kīg williā herād na vassalage done be ye said duk sēd ane new army w t mair pissance thā afor ī Northūbirlād. Be yis last army ane gret noumer baith of scottꝭ & northūbrianꝭ war vīcust & slane▪ kīg malcolm mouit w t yi [...] īiurꝭ rasit ane army of al pepyl vnd his [Page Clxxix] dominion, & be support of y e Northū brianis followit with na les deligēce thā hatrent on yis army of Inglād. [...] with infinit slauchter put yame to flicht. Kyng williā na thyng brokin with thir displeseris send his son Robert with greter power than afore in Northumbirland. And quhē he had remanit lang tyme at the watter of Tyne & durst assailȝe na thing worthy to haue memory, he maid peace betuix y e two kingis vnder thir conditionis. King Malcolme sall haue y e part of Northumbirland (quhylk lyis betuix Tweid, Cūbir, & Stane mure), & sal mak homage to all kingis of Inglād for y e samyn, & in myddis of Stane mure salbe ane croce with the king of Inglandis ymage on the ta syde and the kyng of scotlandis on ye tothir, to signify y e tane salbe marche of Ingland, & this othir of scottis. Yis croce is callit now the Recroce. That is to say, the croce of kingis. Attoure Uoldosius sonne to the erle of Nortūbirland sal haue kyng Williamis cosingnais in mariage, and salbe male f [...]e for .xx. ȝeris eftir following.
¶Hovv king Malcolme dantit sindry cōspiratouris in his realme. Of his gret deuotion & liberalite to the kirk. vvith ane complaynt of riotus cheir. Ca. xi.
EFtir that the two kingis wer aggreit in this maner, Followit in scotland part of trubill. The men of Galloway & Ilis rais with gret noumer of pepil, and maid gret slauchter and heirschippis in all partis quhare thay come. Kyng Malcolme to punys yir attemptatꝭ, send Walt the sonne of Fleance afore rehersit with ane band of chosyn men in Galloway. Finalie this Walter dantit all thir lymmaris with sic felicite, y t he wes maid stewart of scotlād, and callit stewart to his surname. Eftir yat yis truble wes dantit in yis wise followit ane othir of gretar motion. The Murrayis gaderit to yair opinioun y e inhabitantis of Ros, Caithnes with sindry othir pepill thair about. And nocht onlie slew y e kingis seruandis and ministeris of Iustice. Bot be assistance of Makduncane maid mair heirschippis and slaucht than wes hard ony tyme afore. To punis yir cruelteis wer send Makduf with ane army in Mar. The inhabitantis thairof astonist be his cū myng, thocht na thing sa gud as to stop his inuasioun be thair money. In the mene tyme happinnit kyng Malcolme to cum to Monymusk. & gat aduertisyng, that al y e north ꝑtis of scotland & ye Ilis wer confiderat with thir Murrayis aganis him. Ye kyng affrayit be yir tithingꝭ, demandit his thesaurar, gif ony landis wer in yai boundis ꝑtenand to ye croun. And fra he wes aduertist y t ye barony of Monymusk ꝑtenit yairto, He vowit it to sanct Andro to send hym victory. At last quhen he wes cūyng to Spay, & fand his ennimes of gret power yan he mycht resist, he espyit his baner mā for feir of ēnimes trimbla [...]d, & not passand so ꝑtlie forward as he desyrit. Incōtinēt he pullit the baner fra him. & gaif it to schir Alexāder Carron, quhilk gat mony riche landꝭ for y e samyn office. bot hꝭ name wes turnit eft to Skrymgeour. Of quhilk is discēdit ane nobil hous ꝑseuerand ȝit in gret honour vnd y e samyn surname. Quhē kīg Malcolme wes cūing ouir [...]pay quhair y e armyis wer reddy to fecht on al sidis, thay wer seuerit be interuētion of prelatꝭ. and trewis tane vnd yir cōditionis. Ye cōmonis sal return hame, & ye noblis sal submit yame to y e kingꝭ will▪ yair liuis & lādꝭ saif, notyeles mony [Page] of thaym war spulȝeit of thair guddis, and haldyn in preson to the end of thair lyfe. Sic thingis done king Malcolme be persuasion of his haly quene gaif hym haill to virtew, & began to do haly werkis ī sic maner, y t he excellit all othir mē in his days in feruent deuotion, and was sa obedient to his haly quene, that he left na thing vndone, y t pertenit to werkis of piete. Ye deuotion of thir two haly leuaris brocht mony pepyll be thair imitation to clene lyf [...]. Thay contendit quhilk of thaym suld be maist feruent in the luf of god. Agatha and hir othir douchter mouit to religious maneris be example of yir two haly leuaris▪ left ye cumpany of pepyll and went to ane priuat and solitare lyfe, geuand thaym haill to thair contemplation. It is said the peace be and maid betuix Inglismen and scottꝭ, Edgar went to William king of Ingland quhare he gat certane landis to sustene his estait. And become sa familiar to hym, y t he was haldin with hym in gret felicite to ye [...]nd of his lyfe. Forthir kyng Malcolme ceissit not be imitation of his wife to do gud w [...]kis, and gaif his extreme deligence to recouer y e thing that was tynt afore be necligence of his predecessouris. Afore this tyme wa [...] in scotland bot foure bis [...]hoprikis. Sāct Andros, Glasgew, [...]alloway, and Murthlak. Sāct Andros & Murthlak stude in yat samyn maner as thay stand now. Bot Galloway and Glasgew war all desert, quhil thay war restorit to thair auld dignite be king Malcolme, and two byschoprikis eikit to yame Murray and Cathnes. It is said that [...] insolence rais that tyme amang our eldaris, quhen the maneris, langage, & superflew cheir of Inglismē come first amang ws, yat the noblis w [...]nt to kyng Malcolme, and lamentit heuely that this vennomus pe [...] was burg [...]and fast in perdition of his pepyl. And prayit hym to rem [...]d the samyn that the pepyll micht leif with sic temperance as thair eldaris dyd afore. For our eldaris eit nocht botanis on the day, desyryng na superflew metis (quhilkis war socht curiously be see and land) bot allane [...]ly desirit sa mekyll as nature requirit to yair necessar sustentation, hauand thair bodyis in y [...]hand exercitioun. Throw quhilk yai grew mair strāg and greter of bodyis, than we ar in thir dayis. For thay war lyke gyandis with gret bodyis, gret armes & leggis, cumand lyke feirs lyonis aganis thair ennymes, and war not astonist thairwith. For thay passit al strenth of man that is in thir dayis. King Malcolme tuk gret laubourꝭ to expell this spro [...]tand pest fra his pepyl. Nochtheles the ingyne of mā is sa vnhappy, that it is mair reddy to euyl than ony gud werkis. Howbeit the scottis war afore content of scarsnes, knawyng na intemperat nor riotꝰ surfet. Ȝit fra thay traistit ye vennomus bait yairof, it incressit ylk day sa far, that na thing micht refrene the samyn. And ȝit the riotus and superflew maneris, quhilkꝭ war brocht in this realme be cumyng of Inglismen with king Malcolme, ar of lytyl comparison to sic thingis as ar vsit in our dayis. In thay dayis the nature of man was not sa ouerset with superflewiteis as no [...]. For than the pepyll eit bot twyis on the day, and had bot two [...]. Bot now the auaricious taist of mannis w [...]mbe is sa desyrus, that na frute growyng vnder the heuyn be land or see may be sufficient to sa [...]fy the hungry appetit of glutonis, Na mā sa estimet nor ȝit cōmendit, as he yat [Page Clxxxi] may swellie maist, comparit Iustlie to the nature of gredy wolffis. Bot it proffettis litill to complane be my wourdis. For this [...]oust is ron sa far that it may be purgit be na maner of way. The pepill salbe erar allute [...]lie distroyit or yis vice be brocht away.
¶Of ye deith of kīg VVilliam bastard of Normādy. Of sīdry noble actis done be king Malcolme. Of the deith of the said Malcolme and sāct Margaret. And of sīdry meruellis sene ī Albion. Ca. xii.
QUhil sic thingis wer done in scotland, kīg William y e conquerour deceissit the .xx. ȝeir of hꝭ regne. Fra y • incarnation .i.M.lxxxvi. ȝeris. And left behind him .iii. sonnis, Robert duke of Normandy, William with y e reid face, quhilk succedit eft hym to y e croun of Inglād. And Henry Bewcleir, to quhom he left gret riches and iowellis. About yis tyme kyng Malcolme kest doun the auld kirk of Durame. And biggit it fra the ground with gret magnificence▪ y • priour of yis abbay wes namit Turgot, quhilk wes eft maid bischop of sanct Andros, and wrait the liuis of sanct Margaret & Malcolme in vulgare langage. He deceissit ī sanct Andros, but his body wes br [...]ht to Durame. Becaus he wes prior sumtyme thairof. Kyng Malcolme be persuasion of this Turgot biggit ane kirk in Dunfermelyng. quhilk wes ordanit to be the cōmon sepulturis of all kyngis of scotland in tymes cumyng. Attour quhay list to knaw the lyfe of kyng Malcolme Cāmore and his blissit quene sanct Margaret, may returne to the said Turgot, quhilk schawis y e samyn at lenth. Amang mony werkis quhilkꝭ he did. It wes not litill to be cōmendit, that he abrogat the wickit lawe maid be kyng Ewin ye thrid, and cō mandit half ane mark of money to be payit to y e lord of y e ground in redemptioun of ye womannis chastite and honour. Callit ȝit the merchetis of wemen. This law wes nocht vnlik to the thing that wes vsit in ane town nocht far fra Louane, quhare the gud man redemit the vse of his wife with gret soumes of money fra the lord of the ground. Kyng William with ye reid face (eftir y t he had ressauit the croun of Ingland) inuadit ye kirk with intollerable iniuris. And reft fra ye samin all landis and rentis quhilk wer geuyn to it afore. He kest doun mony abbayis. for yai wer (as he alliegit) impedimēt to his huntyng. He slew al his nobillis yat wer repugnant to his doyngis. and banist Anselme bischop of Canterbery, and wald suffir nane of his lynnage to abyde in his realme, becaus he repreuit his doyngis. Finalie herand that scottis had ane gret part of Cumbir and Northumbirland, he rasit his army, & inuadit yame with gret slaucht afore ony weris wer denūcit to yame. At last he tuk y e castell of Anwik & slew all pepil foūd in it. King Malcolme to resist sic thingis in the beginning, come with ane army in Northūbirland & segit y e castel of Anwik. And quhen y e castel be lāg segeing wes reddy to be rāde [...]it, ane knycht of Ingland intendyng to do ane hardy vassalage come on ane swift hors out of the castell but armour. Beirand ye keyis of the castel on his speir poynt. To signify ye castel reddy to be randerit. The wache seand hym cum in sic maner tuke na suspition. Bot brocht him with gret noyis & clamour to y e kingꝭ palȝeon. Ye king heirand ye noyis, come out of ye palȝeon to se the cause thairof. In ye mene tyme yis Inglismā held [Page] out y e keyis to king Malcolme. And quhē y e kyng wes lukand maist deligently yairto, yis Inglismā ran him throw ye left E [...], and fled haistelie to the nixt wod. Yus wes ye kyng slane in myddis of all his army. It is said that kyng William of Inglād changit the surname of yis hardy knycht and callit him pers E, of quhome is discendit ane noble hous vnder the same surname, decorit with gret honouris callit the erllis of Nortūbirland. Ye scottis eftir slaucht of kyng Malcolme skalit fra the sege, and returnit hame, and buryit kyng Malcolme in y e abbay of Tinmouth with in Ingland. Bot he wes tane vp eft be Alexander his son & buryit in Dū fermelyng before the Trinite a [...]ter. Eftir deith of kyng Malcolme followit new displeseir. For Edward prince of scotland eldest son to king Malcolm deceiss [...]t throw ane [...]ond that he gatt at ane scarmus nocht far fra Anwik. And wes buryit in Dunfermelyng. Quene Margaret heirand ye deith of hir husband and hir son, fel in malancoly, and decessit ye thrid day eft. King Malcolm wes slane y e .xxv. ȝeir of his regne. [...]ra our redemption .i.M.lxxxxvii. ȝerꝭ. The samyn tyme mony vncouth meruellis wer sene in Albion. Be inundation of the Almane seis mony townis castellis & wodis wer drounit baith in Ingland & scotland. And in this ȝeir al y e lādis of Godowyne be spait of seis wes couerit with sandis. And yairfore it is callit Godowyne sandis. Ye pepil beleuit this vengeance cumyn to hym & his posterite for the slaucht of Alarude as we ha [...]f schawin. Sindry castellis & townis in Murray wer cassin doun be y e see fludis. Sic thundir rais y t baith men & beistis wer slane, and gret housis cassin doun. In Louthiane, Fiffe & Angus grene treis & cornis tuk neid fyre. In the tyme of king Malcolme was ane generall counsal haldyn at Clairmont, in the quhilk Urbane ye secound of y e name Institute ye houris & matynis of the blissit virgyne Mary to be said dayly in hir louing, and cōmandit the pepyll to haue hir in speciall remembrance ylk satterday. For on satterday efter gud fryday the cristin faith was [...]ynt in all erdly creaturis saif in her all anerly. Ye samyn tyme Li [...]ia (quhilk is ane gret part of Asia) was distroyit be y e sa [...]aȝenis. & ye bonis of sanct Nicholas brocht out of y e samyn to Barre.
¶Of king Donald ye .vii. and hovv the sonnis of king Malcolme fled in Inglād. hovv Duncane bastard son to king Malcolme vsurpit the croun, and vvas slane for his tyrāny, hovv Edgar recouerit hꝭ realm. & of ye deith of Donald. ca. xiii.
MAlcolme had .vi. sonnis with sāct Margaret. Edward, quhilk was slane (as said is) Etheldred quhilk deit in his tender age, & buryit in Dunfermelyng, Edmond quhilk renuncet the warld & leiffit ane haly lyfe in Ingland. The tothir .iii. war namit Edgar Alexander & Dauid. Sū authouris sayis this Edmond was put in preson & slane be his oncle Donald bane. This Donald (as we schew afore) fled in the Ilis to eschew the tyranny of Makbeth. And efter the deith of kyng Malcolme his brothir, he returnit in Scotland be support of ye king of Norroway. For he promittit to geif the Ilis of Scotland to perpetual dominion of the said king, sa that he optenit the croun be his support. Donald finaly tuk the croun with small difficulte. For the pepil detesting the riotus & intemperat maneris brocht amāg thaym be Inglismen, assentit sone to [Page Clxxxii] his opinioun. And traistit becaus he wes nurist w t thair auld customis & gud maneris, to recouer be his seuerite the temperance of thair auld progenitouris. Als sone as Edgar bruthir to quene Margaret wes aduertist that Donald Bane had tane the croun of scottis, he brocht quietlie hꝭ thre nepotis Edgar, Alexander, and Dauid with yair twa sisteris in Ingland. And quhen he had kepit yam certane tyme, ane knycht namit Organus mouit of malice & traistyng to get reward thairfore accusit hym of treason. Saying he nurist his sister sonnis & douchteris within Ingland to be heritouris to the crown thairof. Bot this malice wes nocht lang vnpunist. For the said Organe wes slane be ane freid of Edgar, quhilk assistit to the said Edgar and defendit his action in singular batta [...]l to the deith. Quhen Donald had resauit y e croun at Scone, he fand part of the nobillis nocht afald to his opinion, hauand more beneuolence to y e childrin of kyng Malcolme than to hym. And for y e cause he said amang his familiaris eft collation, that his nobillis suld haistelie repent thair doyngis, les yan thay applyit yame to his opinionis. Bot thir wourdis w [...]r depar prentit in yair myndꝭ yan he beleuit. In y e mene tyme schir Dū cane bastard son to king Malcolme wes send out of Ingland be support of king Williā w t y e reid face to put kyng Donald fra y e croun. King Donald aduertist of his [...]ūyng, met him w t ane army. And quhen y e battallis wer reddy to Iune, mony of y e noblis & cōmonis of scotlād com fra donald to schir Duncane. Thꝰ wes Donald ꝯstranit to flee in y e Ilis. Schir Dū cane come haistely with his victoriꝰ army to Scone, and tuk the crown. & becaus he wes more exercit in cheualry than ony administratioun of Iustice, he traistit na thing Iust nor richt, bot as it succedit be swerd and rycht of battal. Followit infinite trubill and deuisionis in ye realme. Donald Bane heirand yir diuisionis amang ye lordis, solistit Makpender erle of Mernis to assist to his opinion. And finalie slew kyng Duncane slepand in his bed. Eftir that he had roung ane ȝeir and ane half. And becaus this Duncane wes ane tyrane geuyn to cruelte & blude, few menit his slaucht, or thocht it euil done. Eftir his slaucht Donald wes restorit to the croun, quhilk he brukit afore schir Dūcane ane ȝeir & .vi. monethꝭ. And sa ye realme wes in cōtinewall trubill .iii. ȝeris be thair tyranny. Ye nobillis socht mony occasionis to finis his empire. In y e mene time rais gret slauchteris & heirschippis in al partis of ye realme. And nochtwithstanding yis diuision and trubill amang the lordis, ȝit the weris continewit aganis Inglismen. Howbeit na thing followit worthy to haif memorie. Nocht lang eftir Magnꝰ kīg of Norroway come with ane [...]lote of schippis about al y e Ilis of scotland and garnist all the strenthis thairof with men, munition & vittallis, and maid y e samyn lawis & institutionis quhilkis ar ȝit vsit in ye Ilis. The scottis hauand gret indignation y t ye Ilis of scotland suld pas vnd vncouth empire, send yair oratouris to Edgar quhilk wes fourt son to malcolme, desiring him w t gret instance to recouer his faderis heritage and croun of scotland. Edgar sone eftir send his ambassatouris to hꝭ eme donald. Promittīg (gif he wald exoner hym of ye croun plesandlie sen it pertenit nocht to him) to deliuer to hym gret lordschippis in Louthiane. Yir ambassatouris be cruelte of kyng [Page] Donald wer finalie slane. Edgar rycht desirus to reuenge thir iniuris come in scotlād with ane gret power be support of William kyng of Ingland. And quhen he wes cūyng to Durame, he gat ane visioun in his sleip. (Gif he rasit the baner of sanct Cuthbert) He suld haif victorie. On the morow he enterit in the abbay of sanct Cuthbert quhair he gar [...] do deuyne seruice with maist reuerence. & sone eft (as he wes cōmādit in his vision) he displayit sāct Cuthbertis baner. Nochtheles kyng Donald met hym with arrayit oistis. And eftir lang battall he wes chasit in y e Ilis, quhair he wes tane & finalie brocht to Edgar and put in preson quhare he sone eftir deceissit. Edgar eft this victory went to Dunfermelyng to holy the sepulturis of his blissit mo [...]r sanct Margaret & his remanent brethir. Syne maid ane conuention of his nobillis at Scone, quhare he [...]essauit ye croun. And wes ointit be Godrik bischop of sanct Andros the ȝeir of god .i.M.i.C. & ane ȝeir. For sāct Margaret purchest schort tyme afore hir deceis fra paip Urbane, y • [...]f [...]er hir al kingꝭ of scotland suld be ointit. And thairfore Edgar was the first king of scottis that was ointit. Yis priuilege was cōfermit efter be paip Iohne the secound of y e name.
¶Of ye vassalage done be sindry cristin princis in the haly land. Hovv Mald eldest douchter to king Malcolme vvas mariit on the king of Ingland, & ye ȝoū gest douchter maryit on ye erle of Bolony. Of thair succession. & of the deith of king Edgar. Ca. xiiii.
Two ȝeir afore y e coronation of kyng Donald mony nobyll men passit to the haly land, amang quhom was Robert duk of Normā dy, Godofrid duk of Lorne, Ye erle of Blasen, Ye erle of Flanderis, with mony othir princis of France. And becaus thay went to inuaid ye sarazenis & gaif large feis to yair men of armis, yai gaderit ane army of mair pissance & nowmer of pepil thā euer was sene afore. Yis army went first throw Grece & cōstātinople▪ sine com throw y e seys callit Hellespontꝰ with displayit baner to litill Asia, & wan ane s [...]rang toun namit Antioche in y e land of Siria, quhare yai war warnit be ane vision of sāct Andro y e appostil, y t y e speir heid y e ꝑsit cristꝭ hart was hid vnder y e erd in y e kirk of sāct Peter. Finaly efter mony strāg townis tane be yame yai tuk Ierusalē y • heid toun of Iowry. fra our redemption .i.M.lxxxxix. ȝeris. And becaus y e haly land was recouerit in yis maner fra sarazenis ye pepyl maid frequent ꝓcessionis throw al partis of cristindome, geuand louyng to almichty god for thir happy victoryis fallyng to cristin princis. Efter yis fell ane gret cōtention amāg yame quha suld be king of Iowry, ylkane refusit y e honour, & knawing himself not worthy to sustene sa gret charge. At last be general vocis Robert duk of Normādy was chosyn to be king. Nochtheles becaus he was aduertist y t his brothir king Williā of Ingland with ye reid face was deceissit but ony airis of his body. He refusit ye croun of Iowry, traisting mair expedient for hym to haue y e empire of Ingland with y e duchery of Normā dy, thā to be kyng of Iowry, & yairfore he gaif his richt yairof to y e duk of Lorane. Sic thingis done mony of yir cristin princis returnit hame. Robert duk of Normandy was frustrat baith of y e croun of Iowry & Ingland, for efter y t he had refusit to reiose ye croun of Iowry, he was preuenit be his brothir Hary Bewcleir of ye croun of Ingland. This Hary [Page Clxxxiii] Bewcleir mariit Mald eldest syster to king Edgar of scotlād, And king Edgarꝭ secound sister namit Mary was maryit on Eustachius erle of Bolony, & [...]uce to hym ane douchter quhilk was heritoure to Bolony, & was maryit efter on Steuyn erle of Marche in Ingland quhilk succedit immediatly to the croun thairof. For he was nepot to kīg Hary Bewclere as we sal efter schaw. Yis Hary bewcleir gat on Mald first sister to king Edgar two sonnis namit Richard & Williā, & two douchteris namit Effem & Mald. Bot we wyl ruturn to our hystory. ¶Kyng Edgar for the beniuolence schawin to hym be sanct Cuthbert gaif al y e lādis of Colding hame to the monkis of Durame, & gaif y e town of Berwik to Canulphꝰ bischop of Duram. And becaus this Canulphus cōmittit sindry treasonabyl dedis aganꝭ king Edgar, he tint [...]aith y e keping of Berwik & was depriuat of his benefice. Quene Mald efter y e scho was maryit on kīg Hary bewcleir gaif hir to singular virtew following ye lyfe of hir blissit moder sanct Margaret. throw quhilk scho was ane myrrour of gud leuyng to all pepyl of Ingland. King Edgar had na vncouth weris nor trubyl in his dayis and gouernit his realme in gud peace, & was haldin in mair veneration than terrour amang his pepyl, quhil at last he deceissit the .ix. ȝeir of his regne at Dūde. And was burrit in Dunfermelyng fra our redemption .i.M. and .ix. ȝeris.
☞Of king Alexander the first. Hovv king Dauid his brothir vvas maid erle of Huntingtoun & Northumbirland. of the vveris maid betuix Hary bevvcleir & France. Of his dolour in the deith of his sonnis. And of the deith of kyng Alexander. Ca. xv.
EFter deith of kīg Edgar, succedit ye .v. son of Malcolme namit Alexander y e feirs, becaus he dātit theuis with singular māheid. In ye beginnyng of his regne, ye Murrayis & Rossis seing hym cōtinually exercit in sic cōtemplatiue materis (as hꝭ fader & mod vsit afore) maid diuers [...]eiffis & extorsionis in ye cūtre with gret slauchter baith of men, wiffis, & barnis quhare yai come. King Alexā der to dant yir attemptatis come w t sic diligence on thir cōspiratouris, y t thay war finaly tane & punist to the deith. At hꝭ returnyng hame, ane womā fell on knees afore hym in dolorus array, cōplening y e baith hir son & husband war slane be y e maister of Mernis. King Alexāder mouit wi [...]h yis pietuus cōplaynt lichtit doun of his hors, & come neuer on him, quhil he saw ye erlis son hyngit for his offēce. Sic thingꝭ done he tuk purpos in his returnyng to repare ye castell of Baledgar, quhilk was foundit afore be king Edgar ī Gowry. quhair gret multitude of theuis vsit to remane in ye wod, inuading ye pepyll oftymes with slauchter & heirschippis. Ye king gat certane landis fra ye erle of Gowry, & annexit yame to yis castel. Ȝit quhen he was biging yis castel with maist diligence y t theuis tuk sic feir dredand y t ye said castel suld be ane aw [...]ād aganis yame. y t ya [...] cōspirit aganis hym, & corruppit his cubicularis w t money to suffer yame to ly in wait within ane closat of yis castel, y t thay micht cū with in the nycht to sla the king quhen he was sleipand. Nochtheles sone efter yair cumyng within the chalmer the king was aduertist be prouidence of god, & pullit haistely hꝭ swerd quhilk was hi [...] gand on his bed heid, & slew first his cubicular, becaus he was [...] [Page] decorit the ordoure of Cis [...]uns with singulare eruditioun and h [...]ly lyfe. this ordoure beg [...]n be sanct Robert ye ȝeir fra our red [...]ytion .i.M.lxxxv. Bot sanct Barnard deceissit in ye abbay of Clairwall. And wes buryit in the said abbay with sanct Melchiad scottisman. Bot we will returne to our history. Eftir deith of Alexander ye first. His brothir Dauid c [...]me out of Inglād. & wes [...]rouny [...] at Scone the ȝeir of god .i.M.i.C.xx [...]iii. ȝeris. And did gret Iustice eft [...] coronation in all ꝑtis of his real [...]e. He had na weris duryng the tyme of kyng Hary. And wes sa pi [...]uous, that he sat daylie in Iugement to caus his pure cōmonis to haue Iustice. And causit ye actionis of his noblis to be decidit be his othir Iugꝭ. He gart ilk Iuge redres y • skaithis y t come to ye par [...]y be hꝭ wrang sentence. Throw quhilk he decorit his realm with mony nobil actis, and eieckit the vēnomus custome of riotus cheir▪ quhilk wes inducit afore be Inglismen, quhen yai com with quene Margaret. For ye samyn we [...] noysum to al gud maneris, makand his pepil [...]ender & effeminat. In the fourt ȝeir of his regne yis nobill prince come to visie the mad [...] castell of Edinburgh. At this tyme all the boundis of scotlād wer ful of woddis, lesou [...]ꝭ, & medois. For y e cūtre wes more geuin to store of bestiall than ony productioun of cornys. And about this castell wes ane gret forest full of hari [...], [...]ndis, toddis and siclike maner of be [...]stis. Now wes the Rude day cumyn callit the exaltation of the croce. And becaus y e samyn wes ane hie solempne day, ye king past to his cōtē [...]lation. Eftir that the messi [...] wer done with maist solempnite & reuerence, comperit afore hym mony [...]oung and insolent baronis of scotland, rycht desyrus to haif sum plesei [...] and solace be chace of hundis in the said forest. At this tyme wes with y e kyng ane man of singulare and deuoit lyfe namyt Alkwine, chan [...]n eftir ye [...]rdour of sanct Augustyne. quhilk wes lang tyme confessoure afore to kyng Dauid in Ingland, the tyme y [...]t he wes erle of Huntingtoun & Northumbirland. This religious man dissuadit the kyng be mony reasonis to pas to this huntis. And allegit ye day wes so solempne be reuerence of the h [...]ly Croce, that he suld gif hym [...] for that day to contemplation than ony othir exercition. Nochtheles his dissuasionis lityll a [...]alit. For the kyng wes finalie so ꝓuokit be in oportune solicitatioun of his baronis, that he past nochtwithstandyng ye solempnite of yis day to his hoūtis. At last quhen he wes cumyn throw the vail that lyis to the gret eist fra the said castell, quhare now lyis the Cannogait. The staill past throw the wod with sic noyis & [...]yn of [...]achis and bugillis, yat all the bestis [...]er rasi [...] fra thair dennys. Now wes ye kyng cumyn to the fute of ye crag, and all his noblis seuerit h [...]ir and thair fra hym at thair game and solace, quhē suddanlie apperit to his sycht the farest hart y t euir w [...]s sene afore with leuand creatour. Ye noyis and dyn of yis hart ry [...]nād (as apperit) with auful & braid [...]yndis maid the kingꝭ hors so effrayit, that na remeis mycht hald hym, bot can yer f [...]ce ouir myre and mos [...]is away with y e kyng. Nochtheles ye ha [...]t followit so fast, that he dang baith the kyng and his hors to ye ground. Than y e king kest & bak his handis betuix ye tyndis of yis hart to haif sa [...]t him fra y e strak yairof. & ye haly croce slaid incōtinēt in hꝭ handꝭ, y t hart fled away w t gre [...] violence, & euanist in ye same place▪ [Page Clxxxv] quhare now springis the rude well. Ye pepyll richt affrayitly returnit to hym out of all partis of y e wod to cō fort hym efter his trubyll, & fell on kneis deuotly adoryng y e haly croce. For it was not cumyn but sū heuinly prouydence, as weill apperis. For yair is na man can schaw of quhat mater it is of, metal or tre. Sone eft ye king returnit to his castel. And in y e nicht following, he was admonist be ane vision in his sleip, to big ane abbay of chānonis regular in ye same place, quhare he gat ye croce. Als sone as he was awalkinnit he schew his vision to Alkwine his cōfessour. And he na thing suspendit his gud mind, bot erar inflāmit him w t maist feruent deuotion yairto. Ye king incōtinent send his traist seruandis in France & Flanderis, & brocht rycht crafty masonis to big this abbay. Syne dedicat it in ye honour of yis haly croce. Yis croce remanit continewally in y • said abbay, to y • tyme of king Dauid Bruce, quhilk was vnhappely tane with it at Durame, quhare it is haldin ȝit ī gret veneratiō. Yis abbay was laitly in gouernāce of ane gud man den Robert Bellenden abbot .xvi. ȝerꝭ. He delt ylk owlk iiii. [...]owis of quheit & .xl.s. of syluer amāg pure houshaldaris & indegēt pepyl. He brocht hame y t gret bellis, the gret brasyn fount .xxiiii. capis of gold & sylk. He maid ane chalice of fyne gold, ane eucharist with sindry challicis of siluer. He theikkit y e kirk with leid. He biggit ane brig of leith ane othir ouir Clide▪ with mony othir gud werkis, quhilkis war ouir prolixt to schaw. Nochtheles he was sa [...] be sindry othir prelatis, becaus he was not geuyn to lust & insolence efter yair maner, y t he left the abbay, & deit ane chartour monk.
¶Of the gret liberalite of king Dauid tovvart ye kirk in dāmage of his successouris & of the battall of Allartoun▪ & hovv peace vvas maid betuix scottis & Inglismen. Ca. xvii.
Kyng Dauid biggit .xv. abbayꝭ in scotland, quhais namis ar Halyrudhous, kelso, Iedburgh, melros, Newbottel, Holmcultrane, Dū dranane, Cābuskēneth, Kinlois, Dū fermeling, Holme ī Cūber .ii. Nūrijs ane at Carlele & ane othir at North Berwik. He foundit .ii. abbayis beside y e New castel, y • tane of sanct Benedictꝭ ordour, & y e othir of quhit mō kis. He foūdit .iiii. bischoprikꝭ. Ros, Brechin, Dūkeld, & Dūblane, & dotat yame with gret rentis, landis, & possessionis. Sindry prudent mē na thing apprisis the gret liberalite of king dauid toward y e kirk, for he dotat y e kirk sa richely with y e lādis pertenand to ye croun, y t his successourꝭ micht not sustene yair riall estait eft hym sa weil as yai did afore, & for y e caus he hes bene y e deith of mony nobyl princis ī thꝭ realm, geuand yame sū tyme occasion to bring gret housis to nocht to cōques lādis to sustene y e croun. Sum tyme inuading ye cūtre with cōtinewal stentis, & importabyl exactionis on ye pepyl. And sū tyme cōstranis yame (as disparit prī ces) to inuaid Ingland w t battal takand na sollicitude quhat cū of yair life, & sū tyme prentand euyll money aganis y e cōmon weil. Al yir mischeui [...] hes followit sen syne ī yis realm becaus the croun wes left indegent throw ampliation of gret rentis to y e kirk. Howbeit king Dauid did the samyn (as he beleuit) for the best. for ye pepyl war sa symple ī thay dayis, that thay traistit fermely na man mycht haue sa syngulare fauoure of god, as he y t gaif maist riches & landis to y e kirk. Thairfore y e wise prince king Iames y e first (quhen he com [Page] to Dauidis sepulture) at Dunfermelyng said, he was ane soi [...] sanct for the crown. as he wald mene y • kyng Dauid left ye kirk ouir riche and ye crown ouir pure. For he tuke fra the crown (as maister Iohne Mair writis in his cronikles) lx.M. [...]i. scottis, quhilk is possedit this day be y e kirk to na les dāmage of cōmon weil, thā perditioun of gud religion. For gyf king Dauid had consider [...]t the maneris & nurising of deuote religion, he had nothir dotat the kirkis with sic riches, nor ȝit biggit thaym with sic magnificence. For the superflew rentis of kirkꝭ (now as thay ar vsit) ar not only occasion to euyl prelatis to rage in maist insolent & [...]orruppit life. bot ane sicker n [...]t to draw al maner of gold & syluer out of thꝭ realm. Howb [...]it les dāmage w [...]ld succeid, gif the abbayis war prouid [...]t be yair ordinaris but ony dyspensation fra yair habit & religious maneris, and the ordinaris be thair primat but ony exemption. And y • primat be yair coūsal prouincial. For in verite w tin thir .lxx. ȝeris na maner of benificis bot allanerly bischoprikꝭ ȝeid to Rome. And sen syne we se quhat infinit gold & syluer is tane out of thꝭ realm be thair continewal promotion. And thairfore, this realme salbe brocht to sic irrecouerabyll pouerte be continewal promotion of prelatis within few ȝeris, that it salbe ane facyl pray to our ennymes. For it may not sustene now sa gret charge in tyme of weir, as it has done afore be our eldaris. And becaus nothir spirituall nor temporall estait within this realme hes ony affection to the cōmon weil thairof, bot ylk man se [...] allanerly for his awin singular way. I wyl deplore na mair the calamiteis succedyng dayly be thair imprudence. Bot wil return to our histor [...] quhair we left. ¶King Dauid translatit ye sait of Murthlak to Ab [...]dene, quhare mony nobil bischoppꝭ hes bene, as we sall efter schaw. Kyng Dauid had ane sonne namit Hary gotin (as we haue schawin) on Mald heritour to Northumbirland, Cūber. & Huntingtoun. Yis Hary was maryit on the erle of Warrānis douchter, and gat on hir thre sonnis. Malcolme, William. & Dauid. And thre douchteris. Adama, Margaret, & Mald. In y e mene tyme king Dauidꝭ hous was in gret displeseir. For his wyfe deceissit in hir flurisant ȝeris, & was buryit at Scone. fra our redemptiō ane .M.i.C.xxxii. ȝeris in ye .vii. ȝeir of y e regne of king Dauid. Efter hir deith king Dauid passit the residew of his dayis but ony cūpany of wemen. Quhil sic thingis war done in Scotland, Mald douchter to Hary Bewcleir returnit in Ingland. For hir husband Hary y e fourt of y e name empriour was deccissit but ony airꝭ of his body. At hir cumyng in Inglād, hir fader king Hary maid ane general cōuention of all his noblis, & ga [...]t yame sweir to defend the said Mald his douchter as iust heritour to y e croun of Ingland, syne maryit hir on Gawfrid Plantaginet erle of Angeos. to quhō scho bure ane son namit Hary, quhilk wes efter king of Ingland callit be the pepyll y • son of y e emprice. At yis time Robert duk of Normādy deceissit but ony succession of his body, be quhais deith the duchery come to Hary Bewcleir his brothir. Yis Hary Bewcleir deceissit fra our redemption .i.M.i.C.xxxiiii. ȝeris. Yan succedit gret trubil in Ingland. for Mald the emprice was in the tyme of his deith with hir husband Gawfrid Plantaginet at Angeos, quhilk was that tyme in gret infirmite, hauād hir son hary bot .ii. [Page Clxxxvi] ȝeris of age. In the mene tyme Steuyn erle of Bolony, sister son to Hary Bewcleir, gaderit ane gret army to cū in Ingland, y t he micht cōques y e croun yairof. And first (as he war to vndermynd ye cuntre be his slichtis) he desirit y e croun to be geuyn to him, quhil prince Hary war of lauchful age to succeid. Ye noblis seād his petitiōis reasonable maid hym kīg, & randerit all y e strenthis of y e cuntre garnist with mē, munition, & vittallis at his pleseir. Schort tyme efter king Steuin send ane herald to kīg Dauid of scotland chargeād hym to cū but ony tary in Ingland to geif his [...]ith of fidelite & homage for the landis of Northūbirland, Huntingtoun, & Cūbir▪ with ītimation, gif he refusit, to inuaid him w t battal. king Dauid answerit y t he gaif his aith afore for yir lādis to Mald his wife, & sen it was not lefull to violat his aith, he wald erar stand at y e faith y t he hes ꝓmist, thā to applaud to new inuasouris▪ King Steuin mouit be this answer send y e duk of Glocester with ane army ī Northūbirland, quhilk stude y e tyme vnder ye empire of scottis, & maid incredibyll slauchter & heirschippis in all ꝑtis thairof. Ye scottis mouit with yir iniuris ceissit n [...]t, quhil yai recōpensit y e said iniurꝭ on Ingland. for y e erlis of Marche, Menteth, & Angus went ī Ingland with ane gret power and faucht at Allirton, quhare ye Inglismen war discōfist, & mony noblis of Ingland w t the said duk brocht presoneris in scotland. King Steuyn throw this discōfitour was cōstranit to redeme y e said duk & hꝭ noblis with huge money, & in payment of thair redēption gaif ouir al richt & clame, y t he or his successouris micht ony way haue to Northūbirland, Cūbir, & Huntingtoun. Nochtheles efter y e redemptiō of his noblis, he become penitent of yis discharge foresaid, & come ī Northūbirlād, quhare he maid gret slauchter & heirschippꝭ throw all boūdis yairof to recouer it to his dominion. King Dauid to resist yir iniuris, gaderit ane army with deliuerit mynd othir to expel Inglismē out of al boū dis ꝑtenand to his empire, or ellis al atanis to de. Eft his cumyng to Roxburch come to him y t bischop of Ȝork & maid peace for .iiii. monethis vnd yir cōditionis, y • Inglismen sal delyuer Northūbirland fre to Hary prīce of scotland. And becaus thir cōditionis war not kepit, king Dauid come with ane new army ī Northūbirlād, & left na Inglismē in it on lyue. Kīg Steuyn to reuenge yir iniuris com with gret ordinance to Roxburgh, & was constranit to return hame but ony inuasion of scottis, becaus his noblis wald not assist to his purpos. At last peace was tretit vnder yir cō ditionis. Northūbirland & Huntingtoun sal remane vnder the empire of Hary prince of Scotland be richt of his moder. And Cūber to remane w t hym be richt of kyng Dauid his fader. And for thir landis y e said Hary & his successouris sall mak homage to al kingis of Ingland for ye tyme,
¶Of the deith of Hary prince of scotland▪ of the orison maid be king Dauid to his noblis. hovv Malcolm his first nepot vvas maid prince of scotlād. & Vvilliā his secoūd nepot erle of Northūbirland. Of the deith of king Dauid. & of sindry gret clerkis. Ca. xviii.
THe peace ratifijt in this maner, king Steuyn returnit to Kent. And king Dauid to Cūbir, quhare he remanit certane tyme reparyng the towne of Ca [...]lele with new walles. ☞ ¶Thir war the dedis of kyng Steuyn the thrid ȝe [...] [Page] of his regne. In the .iiii. ȝeir Mald y e emprice, come in Ingland with ane army to recouer hir heritage & left behind hir Gawfrid hir husband w t hir ȝoung son in Angeos. At hir cū myng baith ye erle of Ch [...]ster & Glacester with mony othir yair freindis went to hir opinion, & becaus ye residew of y e noblis assistit to king Steuyn, y e decision of yis ple [...] cōtinewit with lang weris in Ingland w t sindry chancis of fortoun. In ye mene tyme Hary hir sone maryit Elynore, quhilk was heritour of y e [...] of turing & of ye erldomes of Poyteris & Mans. Throw quhilk he was supportit & come with ane gret army in Ingland. Nochtheles quhen ye battallis war reddy to iune, peace was maid in this maner. Hary sall haue ane part of ye landis ꝑtenand to the croun of Ingland to sustene hym during the life of king Steuyn, & efter his deith to succeid to ye h [...]le empire of Ingland. Yis Elynor [...] was maryit afore on Lewis dalphin of frāce & partit with hym becaus scho was cō [...]unit to hym in proximite of blud. Scho bure to this Hary ane son namit E [...]hard, quhilk was efter heritour of Inglād, Normādy, Angeos, & Gascunȝe be richt of his [...]ad, & was heritour of the duchery of Turyng, poyte [...]ꝭ & Mans be his mod. Sic thī gis done ī Ingland Hary son to kīg Dauid of scotlād deceissit with gret lament of pepyll, & left behynd hym (as we haue said afore) thre sōnis of smal age. He was buryit in y e abbay of Kelso ye ȝeir fra our redemptioun i.M.i.C.lii. ȝeris. Ye deith of yis Hary was richt displesand to king Dauid, for he was ane prince of singular virtew & gud maneris, Eft deith of Hary y e noblis cōuenit f [...]th of al partis of scotland to mak [...]solation to king Dauid for y e dolour y t he tuk in y e deith of his son. Ȝit becaus Hary left behynd hym .iii. sonnis & .iii. douchteris on lyue, thay thocht y e realm weil garnist. King Dauid seing his noblis richt dolorus & heuy for y e deith of hꝭ son, callit yame to ane bā ket, & said ī thꝭ maner. Tender freindis ȝour trew faith & perseuerand deligēce for my weil is richt patent yis day, howbeit na experience in tyme bigane had bene thairof. For I se ȝour myndes geuyn to me with na les compassion on my heuynes, than ony of ȝour awin sōnis had deceissit. Ȝe ar cumyn to mak me consolation for the dolour that I haue tane in y e deith of my son. And becaus we may not rander ȝow condigne thankis at this tyme, we superseid it quhill we may do it mair plesandly, as now it is ynouch to confes, all thing y t is in me baith body and saule is dettit to ȝow. Forthir concernyng ye mater y t ȝe ar cumyn for schawyng ȝour humanyte towart me, ȝe may haue my mynd in few wordis. My parentis (quhom I beleue eikit to ye nowmer of sāctis for y e singular & deuote life) hes institute me in my ȝouth to worschip god with all reuerence, quhilk dois na thing ī vane, bot euery thīg disponis be hꝭ infinite wisdom to sū gud fyne. Quhen I cōsidder y e wyse & deuote cōmandementis of my parentis, baith aduersite & gud chance ar paisit be me in equale balāce. our fader, our moder, brethir, & sisterꝭ ar passit fra yis fragil life, & we mā nix [...] follow. And sen we ar mortale, al aduersite suld be paciently sufferit be ws, les than we be corruppit lyfe list thirl our self to eternal deith. I thīk thairfore y t I suld erar reiose y • god gaif me ane son be hꝭ special fauour, quhilk hes conquest beniuolence of al pepyl be his gud hauyngis, thā to sorrow in his deith▪ for quhat iniure [Page Clxxxvii] is it [...] for ȝow [...] haue posse [...]it lang tyme be my tollerance. And ȝit I beleif, that I sall nocht be lang absentit fra my [...]nne. Trais [...]ing be will of hym yat is maist pyssant kyng to be suddanly brocht to hym & otheris my freindis. Quhilkis ar now of more preeminance and glore, yan [...] wer [...] to this sorowfull vail. Now I [...] that ye mercyfull god hes geuin ws sick [...] esperance to beleif my son passit to that ꝑmanent glore, quhair we intend al to cum. And prayis god that we may be worthy (quhen our s [...]ule m [...]n seuir out of this corporall preson) to pas to the felicite, quhare we traist he is gone. Eftir yis orison the noblis went to thair lugeingis, hauand gret admiration of ye kingꝭ constant deuotion and mynd. Sone eftir kyng Dauid causit Malcolme eldest sonne of Hary afore rehersit to be declarit prince of scotland, and ye nobillis sworne in his opinion. Eftir this he went in North [...]birland. And maid William his secund nepot erle thairof. Eftir yis he went to Carlele quha [...] he maid Hary prince of Ingland [...]nycht. And take his aith ya [...] he [...] Northumbirland, [...], nor Hūtingtoun fra the empire of scottis. Schort tyme eft king Dauid fell in [...]ne heuy maledy, quhilk pers [...]ueris with him to ye end of his lyfe. And quhen he fand him self [...]; he went to the kirk, and tuke y e [...] his realm fra corruppit and [...], bot causit his seruandis to be [...] in virtews occupationis. Neuir vicious wourd wes hard of his mouth. Na insolence within his hous. Na ri [...]tus banketting nor surfet collation vsit in hꝭ cumpany. Al wourdis, werkis, & doingꝭ of his seruād [...]s wer ay direckit to sum gud fyne but ony seditioun or displeseir, with sic cherite and concord, that all his seruādis apperit vnd ane mynd and amyte. In the tyme of kyng Dauid wer mony nobill clerkis. As Richard scottisman channoun of sanct Uictouris abbay, quhare he wes eftir buryit. Peter of Lumbardy doctour of theologie and bischop of Paris. Siclik wes in thay dayis Graciane that gaderit all the decretis to giddir in ane volumen. ¶And sa endis heir the twelf buke of thir cronikillis.
Heir begynnis the .xiii. Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
☞¶Of king Malcolme the madin, of gret [...] and de [...]th in scotlād, Hovv king Hary tuk Malcolme in his vveris aganis France. And of sindry [...] aganis Malcolme be the said Hary. Ca. primo.
[Page] DAuid buryit on yis wise, his [...]epot malcolme gottin on Hary his sonne [...]uād bot .xiii. ȝeir [...] ī age, wes maid kyng. & yocht he wes nocht ganand to sustene sa gret charge for his tendir age, ȝit he apperit for his maneris and virtew to be ane nobill prince. He wes nurist fra his first ȝouth with sa clene & haly life, yat he wes namyt Malcolme y e madin. In the first ȝeir of his empire Hary prīce of Ingland tuke y e croun. throw quhilk kyng Steuin tuke sic malancoly that he deceissit. At this tyme wes ane miserable derth throw all boundis of scotlād. And sone eft followit ane violent pest (howbeit it wes not contagius) to y e gret mortalite baith of man & best. This mortalite gaif occasioun to Somerled to attempt ane mater of hiear besynes, than semyt to his estait. And becaus he saw the ta half of ye realme slane be pest, and this othir be hunger. He come with ane huge peple to co [...]ques the croun. And slew or ellis heryit all thaym yat he [...]and repugnant to his mynd. Bot his attemptatis [...] lang vnpunist. For [...] erle of Angus, slew .ii.M. of his [...]. And chasit hym self in Ireland▪ Hary the secound of that name kyng of Ingland heirand yat kyng Malcolme had dantit his ennymes in this sort, dred that the same suld gif hym occasioun to be insolent, and inuaid Ingland with battall. And thairfore be counsall of his nobillis, h [...] send ane herald to kyng Malcolme Chargeand hym to cum to London [...] mak homage and seruice to hym for y e landis of Cumbir, Northūbirland and Huntyngtoun, siclik as Dauid his gudschir did afore to Hary the first, with certification gif he [...]. He suld tak fra hym all the said landis. Kyng Malcolme obey [...]t yis charge. Howbeit it wes vnder this condition, that it suld nocht be preiudiciall to the liberte of scotland. King Hary had weir at yis tyme aganis Lewis the .vi. kyng of France. And constrani [...] kyng Malcolm to pas with him in France. For yocht kīg Malcolme had ane saif cōduct to pas & repas. Ȝit he mycht nocht ganestand kyng Haryis charge a [...] that tyme. Attoure he wes meik & more desirus of peace than of battall, and youcht he knew it detestable and iniurius to pas in weirfair aganis his cōfiderat freind the kyng of France. Ȝit he thocht (becaus he wes constranit) he mycht haue sufficient mater to excuse hym self quhen tyme occurrit. Y [...]s obeyit he to kyng Hary in all pointis. [...] this voyage Kyng Hary inuadit France with gret iniuris. And seg [...] the town of Tullus, & tuk with hym kyng Malcolme in all his expeditionis and weris. To that [...], that kyng Malcolme suld incurre sic hatrent and indignatioun [...] that the samyn mycht [...] the [...]and [...] thaym and [...] last kyng Hary brokyn with gret [...] of his nobillis [...] Ingland. [...] Malcolme to [...] in Scotland. Kyng Malcolme eftir his returnyng [...] ambassatouris to mak [...] to the [...]. And eftir thair [...] ▪ ane [...] [Page Clxxxviii] tyme. And beleuit thairfore the kyng of France suld haue litill hatrent aganis hym for that mater, fra he vnderstude the verite. Kyng Hary not satifyit y t he gaif occasioun of seditioun betuix Malcolme and his nobillis in tymes bigane. Bot to renew the samyn with more displeseir, he causit kyng Malcolme to return agane to Ȝork. Eftir his returnyng thairto, he complaynit to his noblis that kyng Malcolme reuelit all the secretis of his army to franchemen to na litill dāmage and slauchter of his pepill. And said thairfore the samin wes sufficient reason to depriue hym of the landis of Cumbir, Huntyngtoun, & Northūbirland. Youcht kyng Malcolme be mony sufficient reasonis declarit yir ymaginationis of vane effect. Ȝit kyng Hary afore kyng Malcolmes returnyng in scotland send wourd to the nobillis yairof, that kyng Malcolme had renuncit all clame that he had to the said landis to mak hym odious to all his realme & liegis. Als sone as he wes returnit in Scotland, mony of the nobillis conspirit aganis hym, and segit hym in the castell of Bertha. Howbeit he knew na thing of yir iniuris wrocht aganis hym be slycht of Inglismen. Nochtheles fra thay knew the verite, thay skalit fra the sege & askit hym mercy. Kyng Malcolme mouit with thir iniuris and seand his landis haldin wranguslye fra hym, rasit his army and inuadit Ingland with sindry displeseiris. At last eftir sindry chances of battall, ane cōuention wes maid at Carleil and peace maid in this maner. Northumbirland sall pas vnder the empire of kynng Hary. Bot Cumbir & Huntingtoun sall remane (as afore) vnder the empire of Malcolme,
¶Hovv kyng Malcolme punist syndry conspiratouris▪ and hovv the Murrayis for thair rehellion vvar disherist & put out of Murray. Ca. ii.
THis trubill beand mesit ī maner afore Rehersyt, followyt ane othir. howbeit it wes of les motioun. Angus thane of Galloway seand his attēptatꝭ micht not cū to effect (quhen yai wer quietlie done) come with ane gret cūpany to vsurpe ye croun. Nochtheles his army wes discōfist be Gilcrist erle of Angus. And hym self chasit to Quhiterne, quhare ane girth is dedicat in ye honour of sāct Niniant. King Malcolme wald not brek ye girth. Nochtheles he cōmandit ane gard to wait on this Angus sa lang, quhill he come in will. King Malcolm to dant his insolence, and that he suld nocht haue occasioun to do sic attemptatis intymes cuming, cōfiscat the maist part of all his landis, and tuke his sonne in pledge for gud reule of hym in tymes cummyng. Angus seyng that he mycht nocht sustene his estait (quhen his landis wer taikin fra hym) as afore, schoif his heid in Halyrudhous and deceissit ane channon thairof. Nocht lang eftir rais ane othir trubil of siclik motioun. The Murrayis be aduise of Gildo thair capitane, heryit Ros Bogeall, Mar, Gareach, Buch quhen and mernis. And slew ye kingis seruandis quhilkis wer send to inquire y e motiue of yair iniuris. To punys thir attemptatis kyng Malcolme send Gilcrist erle of Angus with ane army in murray. Nochtheles the murrayis put hym to flycht. Kyng Malcolme (nochtwithstāding yis discōfitour) come with displayit baner ouir Spay, and dantit y e murrayis [Page] with syndry victoryis. And in punition of thair offencis, he cōmandit nane of thaym to be saiffit except wyffis, barnis, and agit personis, to be exemple to all othir his subdittis to moue rebellyon aganis hym in tymes cumyng. The murrayis beand on this wyse neir distroyit in al partis of the realme, the kyng cōmandit new pepyll to be set down in thair lā dis for the inhabitation thairof. In the mene tyme Somerled thane of Argyle (quhilk was banist as we ha [...]e schawin in Ireland) traisting kīg Malcolme to be odius to his nobyllis and cōmonis for his cruelte vsit aganis ye Murrayis, thocht expedi [...] to assailȝe new chāce of fortoun, and returnit with certane nakit mē in scotland, bot his attemptatis com to mair infelicite than afore, For he was vincust, and hingit on ane Ie [...]it be cōmand of king Malcolme.
¶Hovv the byschop of sanct Andros persuadit Malcolme to mariage. of synd [...]y actis done be king Malcolme, and of his deith. Ca. iii.
MAlcolme void of all solicitude and charge of battall, and hauand ennymes in na partꝭ, set his engyne to gouern his realm in Iustice. And becaus he had two sisterꝭ reddy to mariage namit Margaret and Adame, he maryit the first on the duke of Bertanȝe, and this othir on the erle of Holland. Sic thingis done he set ane counsall at Scone for certane materis concerning y e common weill. The nobyllis beand assemblit, rais vp ane man of syngulare prudence namit Arnald bischop of sanct Andros, & said in thir wise. Ane thyng is (maist nobyll prince) that I wald say for the commoun weill, praying thairfore thy hyenes to geif eiris thairto. for it sal pertene na les to thy syngulare honour than cōmon weil. Not lang ago thow tuk purpos to pas thy tyme but frute of maryage. And sen thow tuke this purpos in thi tender ȝouth (howbeit it was be ȝele of virtew) ȝit gif thow geif eiris to me (quhilkis neuir exhortit y t to vane purpos) Thou wyll change thy mynd as vnproffitabyll to the gouernance of thy realme. For quhat thyng may be mair honest than mariage, quhilk was not Institute be Mynois kyng of Crete, nor Ligurgus kyng of Lacedemon. nor Solon of Athenes. Howbeit thay war maist cyuyll and prudent men in thair constitutionis, bot allanerly be god, as maist honest and proffitabyll to the nature of mā. And gyf that wyse and prudent begynnar of the warld had found ony othir thyng mair proffytabyll than mariage, he had commandit it for weill of man. ¶Attoure quhat is mair proffytabyll than it, that bryngis all leuand creaturis in y e warld. Quhat is than mair naturall than coniunctioun of male and female. And youcht thow wald allege▪ Crist and mony othir his sanctis leiffit chaist. I say sic lyfe is nocht ordanit for publict personis, Nor ȝit for euery stait, bot allanerly for religious men, & precheouris of the lawis. bot thow art chosyn to ane othir office. That is to say, to gouerne thy pepyl in Iustyce, And to leif succession of thy body, that may proffet the commoun weill efter thy deith. Quhat thyng may be mair plesand or proffitabyll to the, than to haue ane lady to thy fallow, quhilk may gei [...] the [Page Clxxxix] consolatioun in euery doloure or aduersite that may fall. To do the pleseir in thy heill. To meis the quhen angir apperꝭ. To cure thy body and refresche thy spreit quhen thow art wery. And dispair nocht bot sum lady may be found rycht aggreabyll to thy conditionis. Othir pryuat personis mycht haue solicitude or gret cummer in espying sic thingis. Bot thow suld haue na feir thairof. Fynaly quhat thyng is mair dulce and plesand to kyngis and princis, thā to haue children of thair bodyis, quhilkis ar maist necessar to thaym in weir and peace. In peace, that thair commoun weill may be gouernit maist faithfully be thaym. In tyme of weir, that thay may be thair lieutennantꝭ and inuincibyl campionis, and beir sic chargis that thay sall be na les terroure to thy fayis than munitioun to thy pepyl. Thairfore said the prudent and wyse philosophouris. Men ar nocht cumyn in yis warld allanerly for yair awin weill, bot sum part for the weill of thair freindis and thair children. And sum part for the weill of thair realme and cuntre. Specyally thay (that ar maid be god and nature) publict personis. Heirfore sen na thyng is sa commendabyll, sa honest, nor ȝit sa proffitabyll to thaym that hes the publik gouernauce, as to leif successioun behynd thaym for the commoun weill. Traist fynaly thow sall nocht do ane thyng mair displesand to god, than to defraude thy realme of successioun. Quhen byschop Arnold had assailȝeit with thir and mony othir reasonis to persuade the kyng to maryage. The kyng was mair repugnant to the samyn than afore, For he was institute sa in his ȝouth, that he dedicat his virginite to Crist. Nochtheles god prouidit that the realme suld nocht want ayris to gouerne the samyn in Iustice. Nocht lang efter kyng Malcolme fell in ane heuy malady, and be noy thairof he was constranit to tak peace with his nichtbouris. And in the mene tyme he foundit the abbay of sanct Reule now callit sāct Andros▪ quhilk is biggit (as we se) with gret magnificence. Bot he dotat it with small rentis sufficient ynouch to sustene diuyne seruyce. And thairfore the channonis of the said abbay leuit than in maist feruent deuotioun and seruyce of god, becaus thay had na prouocatioun of lustis be superflew rentis, nocht geuyn to auarice and pleseir bot onely to thair contemplatioun. ¶He foundit als the abbay of Cowpa [...] efter the ordoure of Cistius, and dotat it in ye honour of ye blissit virgyne Mary with mony landis and possessionis. ☞ ¶At this tyme Thomas of Cantorbury (ane man of syngulare lyfe and deuotioun) was exilit out of Ingland▪ Kyng Malcolme fynaly vexit with lang infirmite deceissit at Iedburgh the .xii. ȝeir of his regne. Ane come [...]schane fourtene dayis togydder afore his deith with lang and terrybyll bemis. His body was buryit in Dunfermelyng. Fra the incarnatioun ane thousand, ane hundred .lxv. ȝeris.
☞¶Of kyng VVyllyam and his actis. Hovv the Scottis suste [...]s mair displeseir be theuis than be externe vveris. Hovv kyng VVyllyam vvas tane at Anvvik. Ca. iiii.
[Page] MAlcolme buryit on this maner in Dunfermelyng, Wyllyā his brothir callit for his syngulare Iustice the lyoun, was maid kyng. Efter his coronatioun, he thocht na thyng sa honest, as to recouer the landis reft afore fra his brothir king Malcolme, and send his ambassat [...]uris to kyng Hary desyryng Northumbirland to be restorit to hym, becaus it pertenit to hym be kyndly herytage. King Hary answerit he suld haif al thyngis pertenand to hym be reason, sa that he wald (as his eldaris did afore) cum to London and make homage for the landis of Cumber & Huntyngtoun, Kyng Wylliam sone efter come to London, and quhen he had maid his obedience for the said landis, he desyrit Northumbirland to be restorit to hym. King Hary re [...]sit thir desyris. Saying, the landꝭ (quhilkis war annerit to the crown) mycht nocht be seuerit thairfra be ony priuat auctorite. Nochtwithstā ding he promittit to conuene his nobyllis to ane counsall to fulfyll his desyris, gif thay war found reasonabyll quhen tyme occurrit mair expedient. In the mene tyme kyng Hary went with ane army in Normandy and causit kyng Wyllyam with mony othir nobyllis of scotland to pas with hym in the sayd iornay. Kyng Wyllyam wald not refuse yir chargis at this tyme in aduenture the samyn war occasion to repell his desyris. At last quhen he had taryit lang tyme in this army, and was in na esperance to recouer his landis, he desyrit lycence to returne hame. quhilk beand with gret difficulte grantit, Kyng Wyllyam with his nobyllis come throw Ingland y e maist haiste way he mycht in Scotland and set his ingyne to punys the cruelteis done be theuis and tratouris of his realme. This act be my estimatioun was the maist proffytabyll thyng that he mycht haue done. For gyf ony wyse men wyll consydder baith the dammage and commoditeis of this realme, thay sall fynd the skaith and dāmage done be theuis, ar mair displesand and skaithful to ws, than ony weiris of Ingland. For oftimes we fynd innocent pepyll and passingeris murdryst be the theuis for sobir geir in thair vaiage. And ȝit thir displeseiris ar bot small in respect of othir crueltris and iniuris done be thir theuis. Quhen thay ar gaderit, thay birn the cuntre, and slay is the commonis, quhilkis may nocht resist thaym, with mony othir cruelteis mair insufferabyll to ws, than ony vncouth weiris, howbeit the samyn be nocht done sa opinly. Attour the slauchter and heirschippis maid be vncouth weris, ar nocht sa miserabyll and vnworthy to be rehersit, as thir cruelteis done be strang theuis and tratouris. For in euery chance of battall is sum consyderatioun concernyng the estait of all pepyll. Bot thir bludy fleschouris and theuis makis heirschippis and slauchter but ony mercy quhare thay cum. And thairfore the prudence of this nobil prince in dantyng of sic strang lyminaris was mair to be commendit, than to haue slane mony thowsandis of vncouth ennymes.
¶Sic thyngis done kyng Wylliā send his ambassatouris to kyng Hary desyryng Northumberland (as afore) to be restorit to hym, certifying gyf the samyn war nocht done with fauour, it suld be takin be force [Page Clxxxx] of battall. Kyng Hary seand that he [...] othir to leif Northūbirland, or ellis to fecht with se [...] battall aganis the scottis, be auise of his noblis restorit kyng Wyllyam to sa mekyll of Northumbirland as was inhabit afore be Malcolme his gudschir. King Wyllyam thocht nocht the samyn to be refusit, howbeit he wald nocht [...]it the rycht that he had to y e hail landis. And ȝit kyng Hary with in few yerꝭ efter was penitent of yis contract. And to recouer the said landis he persuadit the residew of Northumbrianis (quhilkis stude vnder his empire) to prouoke the scottis be frequent heirschippis to battall, yat he mycht haue sum occasioun to inuaid the scottis and recouer the landis of Huntyngtoun, Cumbir, and Northumberland to his empire. Als sone as yir iniuris and heirschippis war maid on the scottis, the wardan of the scottis bordour desirit restitution. And becaus na thing was done according to Iustice, the wardanis rasit gret cumpanyis and maid heirschippis and slauchter on athir side. Ȝit becaus king Hary was thꝭ tyme in France, and the corne to be won, thay wa [...] content on all sydis to defend thair awin but ony forthir inuasion of othir quhill the nixt ȝeir. In the nixt symer kyng Wyllyam come with ane army in Cumbir, the rycht wyng was geuyn to Gilcrist, quhilk for his singulare manheid & virtew prouyn oftymes in the tyme of kyng Malcolme had maryit his syster. Ye left [...] was geuyn to ane cous [...]g of the [...]yngis namyt Rowland. In the myddyl ward was king Williā. Quh [...] y e scottis war arraying [...] in this maner, kyng Hary send ane herald to kyng Wyllyam desiring hym to ska [...]l his army but ony [...] inuasioun, & he to redres all expensis maid [...]e his werꝭ. King Wyllyam answerit that he rasit nocht hꝭ army for desire of money, nor ȝit gaif the first occasioun of battal, bot was ay cōtent to haue leiffit on his awin. And forthir he was nocht sa inhumane nor desyrus of blude, bot he wald gladly skaill his army, sa that the landis (quhilkis pertenit to hym be iust herytage) war restorit. At last quhen kyng Wyllyam had waistit all Cūbir, he come to Anwyk in Northumbirland quhare he abaid mony dayis to haue had battall of Ingland. In the mene tyme the Inglismen lay sa clois togydder but ony noyis ordyn, yat na scottismē knew quhare thay war. Kyng Wyllyam irkit with lang residence at Anwik, and seand na ennimes appere, maid hym afore his returning in scotland to do sum notabyll vassalage, and send al his army heir and thair with maist awful and weirly incursionis throw the cuntre, and left none bot ane few nowmer of pepyl with hym self to thair returnyng. Incontinent ane buschement of Inglismen come on hym with ansenȝeis of Scotland and war nocht suspeckit for Inglismen, quhyll [...] kyng was circulit with thaym [...] syde. and fynaly tane away or ony Scottisman wy [...] saif onely ane few cumpany quhilkis war left (as said is) with hym for the tyme. ¶Kyng Wyllyam was tane on this wyse at Anwyk the xiii. day of Iuly, the .x. ȝeir of his regne. Fra the Incarnatioun a [...]e thousand ane hundred .lxxiiii. ȝeris. Not lang eftir he was brocht to king Hary as prisonere in Norma [...]y. And nochtwithstandyng this trubyl that fel to king Willyam (becaus na slauchter was maid at his takyng) the weris continewit styl betuix Ingland and Scotland. Quhill at last peace was [Page] maid vnder thir conditionis during the captiuite of king Wylliam, Northumbirland sall remane vnder the dominion of Inglismen. And Cumber and Huntingtoun sal remane as afore vnder the empire of scottis.
¶Hovv sanct Thomas of Cant [...]bury vvas martyrit. hovv king VVilliā vvas redemit. Hovv Gilbert defendit the liberte of scotlād aganis ye paipir ligat. of sindry meruellis. & hovv the abbayis of Abi [...]brothok and Hadingtoun vvas foundit. Ca. v.
AT this tyme Thomas bischop of Cantorbury (quhilk was [...]anis [...] afore for his obstinat mynd in defence of the liberte of haly kirk) was recunsaled to king Hary be requeist of sindry gret princis. bot this recoū saling succedit to his gret dāmage. for within schort time eft king Hary richt impacient to sustene ye hatrent within his breist, quhilk he had consauit aganis sāct Thomas send his familiaris and houshald men namit Wyllyam Bretoun, Hew Mo [...]well, Willyam Trace, & Reginald Fittis. and finaly slew this haly bischop at the mes within his kirk of Cantorbury before the hie alter of sanct Benedict apon the sext day follow [...]ng y e natiuite of Crist. The ȝeir nixt following king Hary returning out of Ireland) efter that he had put it to gret affliction, for rebellion aganis his empire) arriuit in Normandy & com to y e cathedral kirk of Ro [...]ne, quhare he be solempne aith p [...]rgit hym of the slauchter of sanct Thomas, and ȝit within few dayis [...] he become sa penitent, that he [...] in his lynnyng [...] to the sepulture of sanct Thomas, and [...] salt teris askit [...] for his [...]. The thrid [...], and eskit to y e nowmer of sāctis. In this ȝeir apperit ane meruellous sterne standing styl in the we [...]t baith day and nycht with mony othir sternis about the samyn. Quhen ye vnhappy chance of kyng Wyllyā was diuulgat throw the realme, his brothir Dauid erle of Lewcester be lycence of king Hary come in scotland to gouerne the realme quhil [...] his brothir war redemit. Als sone as he had stabyllit the realme in gud Iustice▪ he send Richard bischop of sanct Andros with mony othir noblis in Normādy to king Hary and maid kyng Wyllyamis r [...]nsoun vnder this maner. King Wyllyam sal pay ane hundreth thousand poundis striueling for his redemption, the tane half to be payit with argent cōtent. And for sickir payment of this othir half he sal geif Cumber, Huntingtoun, and Northumbirland vnder ane reuersioun, ay and quhil the residew of his ransoun war payit to y e kyng of Ingland. Attoure kyng Wyllyam sall moue na weir aganis Ingland for retention of thir landis fra his empire. And for the mair securite of yis premissis, foure of y e strange [...] castellis within scotland, y t is to say Berwik, Edinburgh, Roxburgh, & [...] salbe delyuerit in Inglismē nis hādis. Sic thingꝭ done followit new trubyll in scotland. for G [...]l [...]r [...] of Galloway ane cruell and ane vnhappy man tuk purpos to conque [...] the croun, and [...] slauchter & heirschippis a [...] all y [...]me that [...] [Page Clxxxxi] kirkis of Ingland. Als sone as he had refourmit yame, he come in scotland, and summond all y e bischoppis thairof to Northamptoun. Eft thair conuentioun he began to persuade thaym with lang orisoun to obey to ye archebischop of Ȝork. Saying al othir realmes had ane bischoppe to heir thair complayntis y t yai mycht eschew gret expensis and laubouris in deuoluyng thair causis to Rome. And becaus na metropolitane kirk wes in scotland (quhair thay mycht conuene to thair consultatioun) best wes to obey to the archebischop of Ȝork. For be that way thay mycht eschew surfet expensis, hauand decision of yair actionis with esy proces be thair superior. To this answerit Gilbert ane ȝoung man of gret eruditioun, quhilk wes send be the king to suffir na thyng to be done preiudiciall be this cardinall to his realme. And said in this maner. Scotland (sen it first tuke y e faith of Crist) wes neuir subdewit to na othir bischop. Bot allanerlie to Cristis vicar. And thairfore it wes ane thing rycht vnreasonabil to thꝭ cardinal to desyre y e Scottis to be subdewit to Inglismen, consideryng ilk ane of thaym hes weir ꝑpetually with othir. Howbeit it apperit more honest to treit cō cord or peace amang thaym, than to gif occasioun of battall. Attoure na thing wes done be the bischoppis of Scotland worthy to depriue thaym of thayr liberte. And gif ony wrangꝭ wer done in Scotland, thay mycht be decidit sufficiently within the realme be ciuill or prudent men. And gif ony gret chargis occurrit, thay be decidit be the kyng. For thir and siclik reasonis, he desyrit our haly fader the paip, to thirl nocht ye realme of Sotland to ony Iurisdiction or empire of ennymes, cōsidering it neuir offendit to his sait. Becaus this Gilbert defendit so weill the liberte of Scotland, he wes maid bischop of Caithnes. And for his haly lyfe he wes eikit to y e noumer of sanctis. Sindry meruellis wer sene this ȝeir in Albioun. On mydsymerday callit the natiuite of sanct Iohne the [...]aptist, wes sic vehement schour of hail, that it slew mony small bestial. The pepill (that wer out of housis) in yis mene tyme wer strikin at erd be violence of the samyn. In September the son obscurit of his lycht at noun twa houris but ony eclipse or interposition of cluddis. In Ȝorkschire wes sa gret thundir with vncouth flammys, that mony abbayis and kirkis wer brynt be the samyn. Not lang eftir this tyme wes biggit the abbay of Abirbrothok of the ordour of sanct benidict dedicat to sāct Thomas of Canterbery, & dotat be king Williā maist richely, fra our redemptioun .i.M.i.C.lxxviii. ȝeris. The samyn tyme y e abbay of Haddingtoun wes foundit be Adama quene kyng Williamis moder quhilk deceissit sone eftir it wes dotat.
☞ ¶Hovv pape Alexander send to kyng VVilliam ane rose full of balme. Hovv Gilcrist vve [...] dish [...]rist for ye slauchter of his vvife. Of gret cruelteis done be turkis to cristin pepill. Hovv king VVilliam dantit ye theuis. & tuke Gilcrist in fauoure. Ca. vi.
SChort tyme eftir kīg Williā send ambassatouris to mak his obedience to paip Alexander ye thrid. Ye paip sone eftir send to king Williā ane gold [...]n rose, full of balme with sindry new priuilegis cōcernyng y e liberte of haly kirk. Ye samyn tyme Gilcrist slew his wyfe for suspitioun yat he had aganis his [Page] of adultry. King Williā mouit with yis contemptioun banist hym out of scotland. And kest doun his hous to the ground. This Gilcrist had ane brothir namyt Bredus, quhilk afore this trubil gat ye landis of Ogiluy. Of quhome the Ogiluyis tuke yair begynnyng. At yis tyme kyng Hary gart rander the castel of Edinburgh b [...] request of the bischop of Durame to kyng William. This William eftir deith of his first wyfe maryit Emengarda doucht to y e erle of Bewmont, quhilk wes gottyn on kyng Williamis the bastard of Normand [...] [...] sister. Be this mariage and [...] the peace wes roborat betuix scotland and Ingland in sic maner, that nane of yame mycht resset othir rebellis within thair realmes. Thus wes Gilcrist (quhilk wes banist a [...]ore in Ingland for his wyffis slauchter) constranit to returne in Scotland, quhare he and his two sonnys [...] lang tyme ane miserable lyfe, vnknawin for thair pure habites to ony pepill amang ye woddis and co [...]is of the cuntre. ¶At this tyme the Soldane inuadit the haly land with heuy weris. And recouerit Ierusalem with mony othir townis, quhilkis wer that tyme vnder dominioun of cristin men. So far enragit the cruelte of this Soldane, that he culd nocht be sac [...]at with blude of cristin pepill. For be hym wer slane xxx.M. futmen .i.M. twa hundreth horsmen. Sic as wer bischoppis prelatis and maisteris of hospitalis. Ye [...]ame of thir miserabill calamiteis (quhen yai wer diuulgat) maid the pepill to lament with sorowfull murnyng. Attoure incredible noum [...] of nobill men wer haldyn in captiuite, quhilkis send yair freindis to al cristin princis for support to thair redemptioun, and schew the miserie & displeseiris that thay sufferit. Thair townis segit and thair self brocht to captiuite, quhais infinite sorowis wer sa importable that thay mouit euery pepill to miseration and teris. Kyng Hary mouit be thir insufferabill cruelteis done to cristin pepill▪ promittit to cum haistly with ane army to thair support. Bot his purpos wes impeschit be sindry trublis, quhilk followit in his realme. For his sonne Hary (quhilk wes crounyt be hym afore) conspirit be assistence of sindry princis of his realme to put hym fra the croun. Thus wes he cō stranit to ceis fra his hailsum purpos. At yis tyme kyng Williā come in Ros, and punist Makulȝene and Makbenne with mony othir wekit lymmaris of the Ilis. Sic thingis done, kyng William come to Abirbrothok, and cōman [...]it the craft [...]smē to ceis not for expensis, that it micht ryse with maist magnificence to the honour of god. At his returnyng to the castell of Bertha, he saw be auenture Gilcrist with his two sonnis, castand scherattis for thair meit, nocht knawing quhat thay wer. For thay wer disgisit. Nochtheles he had gret meruell that sa plesand ȝoung men (as thay apperit) wer occupyit with sic vile laubour. Incōtinent Gilcrist with his beld heid fel on kneis afore hym, and said. Gif ony mercy be for tynt men in y e maist reuthful prince, quhen thay ar punist condignely for thair offence. I beseik the for the luf that crist had to all sinfull pepil, quhen he sparit nocht to sched his precious blude for thair redemption to haue piete and reuth on me, and thir my miserable sonnis, quhilkis hes sufferit gret displescir with me but ony cryme [...]e thaym cōmittit. At last quhen kyng William had inquiri [...] hym quhat he wes, and how he wes [Page Clxxxxii] brocht in sic miserie, the teris fell sa fast fra his ene with ythand sychis, that he mycht nocht schaw lang tyme quhat he was. At last he said, I am Gylcrist maist vnhappy and sorowfull creature in erd, quhilk (alace) put my handis in thy blude, and was thairfore disherist of all my landis, and exilit in Ingland with thir my two sonnis. And becaus I mycht nocht suffer the schamefull iniuris done to me be Inglismen, obieckand dayly the gret felicite that I had sum tyme to my derisioun. And als for the lawis maid laitly aganis outlawis of aithir realmes I was constranit to cum heir with my sonnis, quhare we leif on the rutis of herbis in symer, and castis scherettis (as thou seys) to sustene our liffis in the wynter. Heirfore gif ony reuth or piete be in thy [...], or gyf thy indignatioun be mesit be lang tyme byrun, haue mercy on our sorowfull lyfe, and remyt ws oure offence. For we desyre nocht to be restorit to oure heritage and honour, Bot allanerly to thy fauoure and grace. And gyf thow wyll condiscend heirto, thow sall not onely conques gret honoure and fame be exemple of piete, bot be ane renownit prynce amang all pepyl. And wyn gret merite afore god. Schawyng thy self the followar of Cryst, the geuar of mercy and peace. ¶The kyng mouit be thir wourdis and remembryng the gret manheid (quhylk he had sa oft prouyn afore at syndry Ieoperdyis for the honour and commoun weill of scotland) and seyng hym deieckit fra gret honoure in supreme myserie▪ nocht onely remyttit all his offence, bot pe [...]uisly embrasit hym in his armys, and commandit hym to be of gu [...] comfort. Syne gaif hym hors and money to follow hym to Forfair, quhare he restorit hym and his two sonnis to all thair landis, except sa mekyll as war geuyn afore be kyng Wyllyam to the abbay of Abirbrothok. Efter this Gylcryst perseuerit in gud faith and obeysance to the kyng. And becaus his eldest sonne deceissit but ony airis, and his othir sonne vnabyll to mary, he gaif mekyll of his herytage to Abirbrothok. Efter his deith his sonne was of na les deuotioun, for he gaif the resydew of his landis to the said abbay. And thairfore Gylcryst and his two sonnis ar buryit in the said abbay before sanct Katherynis alter, as thair superscription schawis. And youcht kyng Wyllyam was geuyn in this wyse to the byggyng of the said abbay, Ȝit he left na thyng vndone that micht pertene to ane gud prynce, and gouernit his realme in Iustyce, Geuand his engyne to reward all gud men, and virtewis personis, and to punys lymmaris. ¶He maid syndry lawis to punys theuys and oppressouris of the cuntre, quhylkis war ouir prolixt to put in this buke.
☞¶Hovv kyng VVyllyam recouerit his landis. Hovv Rychard kyng of Ingland & Philip king of France vvent vvith gret armyis in Iovvry▪ of thair vassalage and trubyll. Hovv erle Dauid returnit out of the haly land and foundit Lundoris. Ca. vii.
QUhyll sic thyngis war done in Scotland, kyng Hary the emprice sonne deceissit in Ingland. To quhome succedit his [Page] sonne Richard. For Hary hꝭ first son wes deceissit. ¶Kyng Richard eftir his coronatioun full of curage and spreit, gaderit ane strang army to pas in the haly land, and maid peace with all his nychtbouris, that na trubill suld follow in his realme be his absence. Afore his Iornay he rande [...]it Berwik, Roxburgh and Striuelyng to kyng William with sa mekil of Northumbirland as wes tane fra hym afore in this last battall at A [...]wik. He gaif ouir all the landis of Cumbir and Huntyngtoun vndir thir cōditionis. The munitionis and strenthis thairof sall remane vndir his capitanis. And the remanent landis thairof to be inhabit be the scottis. Attoure to haue the more beneuolence of scottis, he dischargit y e [...]sidew of kyng Williamis ranson except .x.M. poundis, quhilkis he tuke allanerly to support his weris. And quhen kyng William had resa [...]it al his landis and castellis on yis maner, he maid his brothir Dauid [...]rle of Huntyngtoun. And send him with .v.M. men to support kyng Richard in his weris. Kyng Richard left his brothir Iohne gouernour of Inglād to his returnyng, and maid his sister sonne Arthure duk of Normandy to be heritour to ye croun of Ingland failȝeing succession of him and his brothir. Nocht lang eftir kyng Richard come with mony nobil men, dukis, erlis, baronis, to massilia ane port of Prouance, quhare he pullit vp salis with ane hundreth and .l. schippis to pas to Ierusalem. Fra our redemptioun ane thousand ane hundreth .lxxxxi. ȝeris. On ye samyn maner Phillip kyng of France come out of the port of Ianis with mony nobill men spirituall and temporall. And arriuit at Achon ane strang town of Iowry, quhilk wes that tyme vnder the empire of sarazenis. And beltit y • samyn with strait sege. Quhill kyng Phillip wes lyand thus at the sege of Achon, King Richard arriuyt in the Ile of Cipre, and tuke purpos (or he went ony for that) to purge y e samyn of Cristis ennymes. Sone eftir he displayit his baner and come with bludye swerd throw the said Ile. And finalie tuke the kyng of Cipre with his douchter presoneris. And quhen he had deliuerit this Ile to cristin pepil, He pullit vp salis to meit kyng Phillip at Achon, and be aduenture met ane flot of sarazenis be ye gait, quhilkis wer cumyng in support of the said toun. And eftir lang and terrible bergane he sank ane large part of the sarazenis vnder seis. And y e remanent put to flycht. Syne went forthwart to kyng Phillip. The sege continewit lang tyme at yis toun throw ye gret defence that ye sarazenis maid with the samyn. Howbeit the vter wallis wer brokin in sindry partis be force of rammis and othir instrumentis of cheualry. At last kyng Phillip fell in sic infirmite, that he wes constranit to returne in France. Nochttheles kyng Richard determit nocht to depart fra the sege of Achon, quhill the samyn wer expugnat. In the mene tyme hapnit ane Scot namyt Oliuer to be in the said toun. For he wes banist afore out of scotland and fled to y e sarazenis. And be lang conuersatioun with thaym he had thair perfite langage, nane of yame knawing quhat he wes. This Oliuer wes yan sodiour in ane toure of this toun quhare na trinschis nor out wallis wer beȝond ye samyn. He happinnit be auenture to se amang ye wache of erle Dauid of Huntington ane of hꝭ kinnismē namit Iohne Durward, with quhome he wes lāg [Page Clxxxxiii] tyme afore acquentit. And incontinent he cryit on hym be name desyryng vnder assurance to commoun with hym. Efter certane cōmonyng this Olyuer set ane houre to geif entres to erle Dauid with al his army in the toun, sa that erle Dauid wald restore hym to his land and heritage in scotland. The houre set, erle Dauid come with ane gret power of mē to the toure afore rehersit, quhare he gat enteres with his army. And incontinent with gret noyis and clamoure he come throw the town to ye gret slauchter of all pepyll foundyn in it. Kyng Richard seand on the morow the scottis standart on the wallis, enterit in the town. And within schort tyme efter brocht ane gret castell (quhilk stude nocht far fra this town) to rewyne. Attoure he had rane mony othir gret townis and strenthis of Iowry, quhylk war takyn afore fra cristin men be cruelte of sarazenis. War nocht ane wyckit contentioun rais betuix Inglismen & Franche men for desyre of honouris. At last quhen kyng Rychard had dystroyit this town of Achon, and was returnand in Italy, ane suddane tē pest seuerit his nauy. Throw quhilk he was destitute of freindis, and fynaly be treasoun of certane euyll cristin men he was brocht to Hary empryoure. The schip (that erle Dauid was in tyl) be regeand tempest was sa brokin, yat mony of thaym (quhilkis war in hir) perist, and he narrowly eschapit with his lyfe. Efter this he was tane be the inhabitantis of this land and brocht to Alexandria, quhare he was haldyn lang tyme in preson. Quhyll at last he was cost be marchandis of Uenice, and brocht to Constantinople. Nocht lang efter he was brocht to Uenis, quhare he was redemit be merchandis of Ingland and brocht to Flanderis. And thair he pullit vp salis to returne in Scotland. And (quhen he was lytyll departit fra the land) he was dreuyn be vnmercyfull tempest nocht far fra Norroway & Scheitland with incredybyll dangeir. Finaly quhen he had maid ane voit to byg ane kirk in the honoure of the virgyne Mary, gif he war fortunat to eschape the dangeir of Seis, he arryuit in Tay besyde Dunde, not far fra sanct Nicholas chapell but ony rudder or taikyll, and gaif thankis to god and the blyssyt virgyne for delyueryng of hym fra sic extreme peryll. The place (quhare he arriuit) was callit Allectum. Bot efter his cummyng it changit name and was callid Dunde, quhilk sig [...]ifyis in our langage the gift of god. King Wyllyam heirand the returnyng of his brothir (quhome he beleuit mony ȝeris afore deceissit) come with maist diligence to Dunde, and embrasit hym. Syne gaif thankis to god and the blyssyt vyrgyne Mary, that delyuerit his brothir fra sa mony dangeris. Efter thꝭ he gart maik generall processionis throw the realme to geif thankis to god for the happy returnyng of his brothir. Sic thingis done ane conuentioun was maid at Dunde. In the quhylk licence was geuyn to erle Dauid to byg ane abbay in quhat place he plesit of Scotland, and to dotat it with landis and rentis at his pleseir. Kyng Wyllyam gaif mony priuilegis to Dunde, quhilkis induris to thir dayis. Dauid nocht refusyng ye beneuolence of his brothir, byggit ane abbay callit Lundoris efter the ordour of sanct Benedict. Ane thing is thair richt meruellus, na man is [Page] hurt in that abbay with eddaris. Thir eddaris lyis in the myddis of ane vale circulit with wod and rynnand watter. Throw quhilk thay burgeon with mair plentuous nowmer thā euir was sene ī ony othir ꝑtis. Howbeit na mā gettꝭ skaith yair of. For we haue sene [...]oung barnis play amang thaym but dāmage or hurt following.
☞ ¶Hovv kyng Richard returni [...] in Ingland. Hovv kyng VVyllyam punist gret [...]ymmaris in his realme. Of the na [...]iuite of prince Alexander. Of the coronatioun of kyng Iohne. hovv the paip send ane suerd to kyng VVilliā. ca. viii.
KYng Richard schort tyme efter was redemit with sa huge money, that mekyl of al the syluer and goldyn vessel of Inglād was cunȝeit for his redemptioun. Thus was he fynaly delyuerit and [...]essauit in Ingland with gret triumphe. Kyng Wyllyam heirand the returnyng of king Richard in Inglād come with his brothir erle Da [...]id to London, and gaif to hym two thousand mark striuelyng, For he had waistit all his money be payment of his ransoun and weris. Be thir humaniteis followit gret amite & tendernes betuix the two kingis. In ye mene tyme kyng Wyllyam f [...]ll in gret infirmite within Ingland, and becaus the pepyll beleuit his deith, rais gret trubyll in all partis of scotland. For sindry lymmaris tra [...]ing all Iustice to expire be his deith, inuadit the pepyll with heirschippis and slauchter in al partis. ¶Nocht lang efter kyng Wyllyam conualescit of his infirmite and returnit in Scotland with sic deligence that mony of yir limmaris war tane and punist effering to thair demeritis. The principal mouar namit Herald was brocht to the kyng, fyrst his ene was put out, syne he was geldit and hyngit efter apon ane gallous. Attoure all his freindis war geldit on the samyn maner, that na succession suld follow of thaym in tymes cummyng. In the ȝeir following was mair derth thā euir was sene afore. for the boll of beir mycht scarsly be coft for .v. cronis. ¶And in the nixt ȝeir (quhilk was fra the incarnation ane thousand ane hundred nynte & nyne) was mair abundance & plente than euir was hard afore. In this ȝeir kyng Wyllyamis wyfe namit Armāga [...]da was delyuerit of prince Alexander. The samyn ȝeir kyng Richard of Ingland deceissit, to quhō Iohne his brothir succedit. The .iii. ȝeir following Alexander was maid prince of scotland. The samyn ȝeir was send ane legat fra the paip to kyng William and presentit to hym ane swerd w t hiltis & scheith of gold▪ set with mony precious stanis. This legat als presentit ane bonat of tyre maid in maner of Diademe of purpoure hew, to signify that he was defendar of the faith. At this tyme mony [...]indultis & priuilegis war grātit be the paip for y e libe [...]te of haly kirk in scotlād. It was cōmandit be king Wyllyā y e saterday salbe haldyn halyday fra .xii. houris furth at none, quhilk sall be schawin to the pepyll be sound of bell, and na prophane laubouris to be exercit fra that tyme furth quhil Monunday. And the pepyll to perseu [...]ir allanerly in diuyne seru [...]ce. Gret punitioun was ordanit for thaym that war found rebelland thairto.
☞ Hovv kyng VVyllyam and kyng Iohne vvar confiderat togydder be mariage. Of kyng VVyllyamis haly life & liberalite to the kirk. Hovv the toun of Perth tuk beginnyng. Ca. ix.
EFter this kyng Willyam returnit to Lō don to make his homage for the landis of Northumbirland Cumbir, and Huntingtoun. Als sone as he had maid his homage, king Iohne desirit hym to pas with hym in France aganis kyng Philip. And becaus he refusit (for the band that his eldaris maid afore with France) king Iohne clamit agane his landis foresaid, and tuk ane gret nowmer of guddis out of the samyn in maner of po [...]nd for y e proffet bygane. Nochtheles the nobyllis of Ingland knawing rycht dyffycyll to haue weir baith with France and Scotland atanis, causit all the saidis guddis to be redressit. In the ȝeir followyng was sa vehement frost in Scotland, that na pluch micht be put in the land afore the myddis of Marche. Attoure the aill was sa frosyn, that it was sald be pound wechtis. efter quhilk followit ane huge snaw to the gret mortalite of bestyall. Als ane continewall trymblyng and erd quaik followit fra the Epiphany day to Februar. Efter this wynter, kyng Iohne endit his weris on France. And to haue occasioun of battall aganis ye Scottis, he began to byg ane castel fornens Berwyk. Kyng Wyllyam aduertist heirof, send his ambassatouris to kyng Iohne desiring hym to se [...]k na occasioun of battall, and to b [...]g na strenthis fornens hym▪ & becaus he gat nocht bot repuls of hꝭ desiris, he come with ane gret power and kest down ye said castel. King Iohne to reuenge thir iniuris, rasit ane army to cum in Scotland. And kyng Wyllyam to preuene his trauell come to the bordouris. Ȝit quhē baith the armyis war reddy to fecht, thay war seuerit be interuention of prudent men. Finaly baith y e armyis skalit, and the two kyngis come to Ȝork. quhare peace and amite was roborat betuix thaym vnder thir conditionis, King Wyllyamis two douchteris namit Isobell & Margaret sal mary two sonnis of king Iohne namit Hary and Rychard▪ to that fyne. Gif ane deit, the tothir sall succeid to the crowne of Ingland. For quhilkis king Wyllyam sal geif sufficient drowry. Attour the castel (yat was cassyn down laitly be kyng william) sal remane in y e samyn maner neuir to be edifiit in tymes cumyng. In the plege of Towquhare and obseruatioun of al thir premisses, nyne nobyll men of scotland salbe delyuerit to king Iohne. In this conuentioun king wyllyam resignit the landis of Northumbirland, Cumbir, & Huntingtoun in the handis of king Iohne, that his sonne prince Alexander micht be sesit thairintyll. For siclik consuetude was obseruar in iosing of thir landis be Scotland, yat thay suld be haldyn of the kyng of Ingland, and homage to be maid to hym & his successouris be all scottis kingis y • iosit and brukit yame for y • tyme. Efter y t thir two kingis wa [...] at thair counsal at Ȝork was brocht to thaym ane child of gret bewte, he ritour to sindry landis of Ingland. bot he was trublit with meruellus infirmite, For ane of his ene was consumit be flux of euyll humouris, his hand pynit away, and had na power of his toung, nor ȝit his ta syde. ¶The medcynaris seing [Page] hym haue sic contrarius infirmiteis and nocht knawing ye caus thairof, iugit hym incurabyll. Nochtheles kyng Wyllyam maid ane croce on hym and restorit hym incontinent to his heill. Syndry beleuit th [...] done be myracle of god, that the virtew of this nobyl man sall nocht be hyd nor vnknawin to the pepyl. Nocht lang [...]fter kyng Wyllyā returnit in scotland and dotat the kirkis of Newbottell, Melros, Dunfermelyng, & [...] with sindry landis. He foū dit ane new bischoprik callit Argyle with landis sufficient to sustene the samyn. Sic thingis done king Wyllyam went to the castell of Bertha. And within schort dayis efter the [...]atter of Tay & Almond rais with sa terrybyll inundatioun and preis, that it brak ye wallis of Bertha and drownit mony of the pepyl that wes in it. And yocht king Wyllyam narowly eschapit with hꝭ wife, barnis, and freindis. Ȝit his ȝoung son na [...]it Iohne perist with his nurice & [...] personis that dependit on hym for the tyme. Thus rais na les dolour and lamentation, than is [...]th the pepyll quhen thair townes ar [...]ane with ennymes. For the preis of rage and watteris apperis to me mair terribyll and dangerus, [...]han ony fyre. For the fyre increissis with small begynning, & schawis sa sone y • self that it inuadis the pepyl mair [...]n thair guddis thā in thair bodyis. and is sone slokin quhare men ar deligent. Be contrar no wit nor delygence of man may resist the inundatioun of watteris. for it enteris at duris and windowis with sic violence, that na remeid is aganis it, bot gyf ane man fynd haistely schyppis or baittis. And quhen sic thyngis can nocht be gottin, yocht the pepyll pas to the hicht of the hous, ȝit thay ar nocht saiffit be that way. For ye watter gangis aboue thair heidis, and pu [...]tis thaym to miserabyll deith. Thꝰ ar sindry houssis (quhilkꝭ stude on land) nocht bot seyis. King William seand the castell of Bertha distroyit be inundatioun of watter in this wise, foundit the towne quhilk was callit eftir Perth be ane man of that name, quhilk gaif the ground quhare this town was biggit. King William to caus the samyn rise in honour and ryches gaif sindry preuilegis thairto. Bot now this town is callit sāct Iohnestoun and was foū dit fra our redemption ane .M.ii.C. and .x. ȝeris.
¶Hovv kyng Iohne subdevvit Ireland and VValis. Hovv kyng VVyllyam punist sindry conspiratouris. Hovv Inglād and Ireland vvar maid tributaris to ye paip. Of kyng VVyllyamis deith. and hovv syndry ordouris of freris began. Ca. x.
THe ȝeir followyng kyng Iohne of Ingland subdewit ye maist part of Ireland to his empire, and the ni [...] ȝeir he subdewit all Walis. The samyn tyme rais in Caithnes gret trubyll▪ For Gothred son of Makculȝem (quhais rebellyon was schawin afore) maid gret heirschippis in Ros and syndry othir boūdis thairabout. His cumpany incressit ylk day mair, be assistence of syndry lymmaris of Lochquhaber & Ilis. To punis thir attemptatis king william send the erlis of Fyf, Atholl, & Buchquhane with .vi.M. men. and thay be set battall vincust the said Gothred & brocht hym presoner to y e kīg, quhom he gart heid w t mony otherꝭ quhilkꝭ war brocht to him on y e [Page Clxxxxv] samyn maner. At this tyme rais ane gret dissensioun betuix kyng Iohne of Ingland and paip Innocent the thrid as efter followis. King Iohne tuk be generall exaction the tent peny of al landis and frutis pertenand to the kirk, and punist thaym y • war repugnant thairto, with maist cruelte, and becaus certane abbayis & bischoprikis within his realme war nocht obeysant. He tuk possession of all thair landis, and nocht onely reft fra thaym all thair gold, syluer, and Iowellis, bot banist the religious mē thairof. Paip Innocent traistād sic cruelteis nocht semand to cristin princis (yat othir princis suld nocht inuaid the kirk with siclik auarice) persuadit kyng Iohne mony wayis to desist fra thir extorsionis, and to redres all iniuris done be hym to ye kirk. And becaus he couth na way diuert his mynd fra the samyn, he denuncit hym cursit and depriuit hym (sa far as he micht) of al honour and dignite, makand inuocatioun to all cristin princes to cum with thair armyis aganis hym for defence of the liberte of haly kirk. Kyng Iohne seand hym of na pyssance to resyst sa mony armyis deuysit aganis hym in all partis fenȝeit hym penitent. And to haue absolutioun for the offence that he had committit aganis the kirk, he gaif ouir the realmes of Ingland and Ireland to paip Innocent to pay ȝeirly, quhyll .vii. ȝeris war gone .x. thousand markis striuelyng to the paip and his successouris for the realmes of Ingland and Ireland. Quhilk pensioun is ȝeirly payit to oure dayis. ¶Sic thingis done kyng Iohne and his realme wes assoylȝeit fra all censuris led aganis thaym. ¶Schort tyme efter kyng Wyllyam brokyn with lang age deceissit at Striueling the .xlix. ȝeir of his regne. Fra our redemptioun ane thousand two hūdred .xiiii. ȝerꝭ, & was burijt in Aberbrothak before the hye alter. The ȝeir afore his deith two cometis apperit in the moneth of Marche richt terribyll to the sicht of pepyll, that ane schane ay afore the sonne risyng, and this othir afore his down fallyng. In the nixt ȝeir ane calf was sene in Northumberland with heid and crag like the awin nature, and the remenant lyke the nature of ane hors. In the nixt winter was sene two mones in the lift, seuerit fra othir, and hornit naturally as the mone vsis to be in hir incressing or wainding. In the tyme of king Wyllyam war mony nobyll clerkis. As Dominicus spanȝeart channoun of saint Augustinis ordoure, quhilk sone efter left the samyn and began the ordour of freris callit predicatouris. And in this tyme was sanct Francis, quhilk begā the ordouris of freir minouris callit gray freris, of quhom mony abbayꝭ ar now rychely byggit in all partis of the warld. At this tyme was Ioachim abbot of Calaber, quhilk wrait the cōmentaris in the bukis of apocalipsis. That ylk tyme was Rodulphe archebyschop of Culane, quhilk brocht the bodyis of thre kyngis out of Pers to Constantinople, and efter that in Culane, quhare thay remane now in gret veneratioun of the pepyll. The samyn tyme Peter Comestor wrait the hystory ecclesiastik. Amang ws war in thay dayis syndry haly men, as Udward byschop of Brechin. Eustachius abbot of Arbroth, quhilkis war excellent precheouris. Kyng Wyllyam foundit the abbay of Balmernocht bot it was dotat be Emengard his wyfe, and [Page] about thꝭ tyme war institute y • monkis of the Trinite callit the redemptioun of captiuis. Two of yame war send in scotland be paip Innocent. To quhome king Wyllyam gaif hꝭ palyce ryall in Aberdene to big yair abbay, and was of purpos to geif thaym syndry othir thyngis gyf he had leuit.
¶Of king Alexander the secound and his actis. Hovv king Iohne of Ingland inuadit the kirk vvith gret exactionis▪ Hovv the paip and kirkmen vvar corruppit be his money to assist to his opinioun. Hovv kyng Alexander renevvit the band of France. and of the deith of kyng Iohne. Ca. xi.
KYng Wyllyam deceissit in this wyse, his son Alexander the secound was crownit at Scone. Efter his coronation he went to Ahirbrothok, quha [...]e he remanit .xiiii▪ dayis doyng funerall obsequies for kyng Wyllyam his fader, and cōmandit na playis nor bankettꝭ to be vsit for ane ȝeir to cum, that the pepyl micht lament y e deith of his fader with publik doloure. The kingis seruandis war clothit in dule weid all the ȝeir followyng. The first conuentioun yat he maid was in Edinburgh. quhare he ratifyit all thingis done be his fader. And efter that he had assignit certane landis to his moder to sustene hir ryal estait, he assignit certane Iugis to remane in all townis of his realm for decision of dout sum materis and execution of Iustice. At this tyme rais gret discention betuix kyng Iohne of Ingland and his nobyllis. For he was sa full of auarice and birnand desire [...]o conques guddis, that he wald admit na heritoure to thair landis, quhill he had for thair enteres the iust valour of thair heritage for ane ȝeir. He tuk ȝerely pensionis fra abbottis & byschoppis contrar the liberte of haly kirk. And quhē ony prelate deceissit, he tuk all the rentis of the place quhil the successoure enterit. The prelatis of Ingland richt impacient to suffer sic exactionis, solistit syndry gret princes to rise aganis the king. And finaly dressit yair purpos with sic menes, y t baith ye kingꝭ of France and scotland promittit to cum in Ingland to thair support. King Iohne heirand sic rebellyoun maid aganis hym, to eschew the present dangeir maid aggreance with his prelatis, and promittit be his gret aith to repare al iniurꝭ done be hym. Howbeit na thing thairof followit in effect. For he was sa blindit with auarice. yat he returnit to his euyl maneris. And send his ambassatourꝭ to Gawlo ane cardinall of Rome, complaning the violence of his subdittis aganis hym. Quhilkis be yair menis hes persuadit the kingis of France and Scotland to inuade hym in sic maner, that he may nocht gouerne his realm in liberte. Pape Innocent (bebecaus he had ane ȝeirly pension of king Iohne) was the mair cōmouit at this complaynt, and promittit to debait hym with maist fauoure. In thay days war (as thair is now) maist auaritious pepyll in the court of Rome. And thairfore euery thyng was grantit that mycht bryng ony importance to thaym but sicht to reason or conscience. Amang al sic inordinat personis, nane was mair vicious nor couatus than Gwalo. for he pretermittit na thing vnsped to kīg Iohne, quhare he mycht fynd ony cō modite efter followyng. Now wyll we mak ane digressioun, and se how far ye prelatis and kirkmen in auld tymes war aboue the prelatis in [Page Clxxxxvi] our dayis in virtewis and syngular lyfe. Of quhilkis the prelatis now present beris nocht bot the name, na thyng following thair life. For thay auld faderis war geuyn to Imitatatioun of Crist in pouerte, piete, humilite and Iustice. Drawyng the pepyll be thair feruent cherite and continewal precheing in seruyce of god. with equale affectioun to pure and ryche. Nocht arraying thaym with gold, syluer, nor precious abulȝemē tis. Nocht vsing the court nor accū panyit with weirmen and bordellis. Nocht contending to exceid the lust and insolence of princes, nor doyng na thing be dissait, bot leuand with pure conscience and verite. Bot the prelatis and kirkmen in oure dayis ar rutit with ma vicis than ar sene with ony othir pepyl. ☞ Sic enorm [...]teis hes rog [...]e perpetually in the kirk, sen riches was apprisit and ha [...] dyn in maist honoure amang kirk men. Kyng Iohne nochtwithstandyng his promes and obligatioun maid afore be his gret aith (quhen he was aduertist be Gwalois writingꝭ promitting to defend hym in all materis) began to inuade his nobyllis spretuall and temporall with mair exactionis than he did afore. Regarding na thing bot onely to conqueir guddis and riches. The nobillis rycht impacient to sustene thir extorsionis, solistit Lewis Dalphine of France, and Alexander kyng of scotland to cū with gret armyis in thair support. Kyng Iohne hauand lytyll confidence in his subdittis, fled to ane strenth. Throw quhilk Lewis come but ony obstakyll to London, quhare he was reslauit plesandly be the pepyll. Efter this he send to king Iohne desiring hym to abstene fra all exactionis, and nocht to iniure hꝭ pepyll in tymes cumyng with sic extorsionis, for sic thingis makis princes baith odious to thair subdittis and to all othir pepyll. Attoure the said Lewis desirit kyng Iohne to redres all skaithis, quhilkis his subdittis hes sufferit be his tyrāny, and to kepe his faith to thaym as afore promittit. And gyf he thocht sic thingis to be obseruat, to send his sonne with othir his nerest freindis to remane in pl [...]ge for obseruation thairof. Kyng Iohne hauand his confidence in na thyng mair than in his money and in this Gwalo cardinall afore rehersit, wald heir na conditioun of peace, and said he suld nocht ceis quhill the attemptatis done be hꝭ pepil war cōdignely punist. Lewꝭ incontinent rasit his army with sindry Inglismen of his opinion to inuaid kīg Iohne. Nochtheles he was consultit to superseid his passage, becaus the samyn mycht succeid mair to publik dāmage of the cuntre tha [...] punitioun on hym, that was the motiue of all thair trubyl. King Alexader heirand sic trubyll in Ingland come with ane army to London but ony dammage done to the pepyl. Be quhais cumyng al trubyl ceissit. For als sone as thir two princis Alexander and Lewis had cōmonit betuix thaym of syndry materis pertenyng to thair realmes, thay went to kyng Phylyp in France, leuand behynd thaym .x.M. men to assist to the lordis of Inglād aganis kyng Iohne. Sone efter kynge Philip and king Alexander met togydder at Bolonie, quhare the band was renewit betuix Scotland and France with all pointis efter the auld maner. Sic thyngis done kyng Alexander and Lewis returnit in Ingland. Efter quhais cumyng kyng Iohne tuk sic malancoly, that he deceissit.
☞ Of the generall counsal haldin at Rome be paip Innocent. And hovv the kyngis of Scotland and Ingland inuading aithir realmes vvith gret heirschippis and slauchter. And hovv thay vvar agreit. Ca. xi.
EFter deith of kyng Iohne, his son Hary was crounit▪ Quhil sic thingis war done in Ingland, ane generall counsall was at Rome. In the quhilk was .iiii.C. and .xii. bischoppis. and .viii.C. abbotis. In this counsall paip Innocent cursit all thaym that war ennymes to kyng Iohne of Ingland, and in specyall cursit Lewis Dalphyn of France and Alexander kyng of scotland with all otheris of thair opinioun, alliegeand yame inuasouris of the liberte of Rome. Becaus Inglād was tributar to the paip. Schort tyme following Gwalo y [...] auaritious cardynal afore rehersit, come in Ingland and cursit all yame that inuadit king Iohne during his life, and interditit all placis quhare yai com. Lewis seand the maist part of Ingland assist to king Hary and Gwalo bocht ane absolutioun with infinite money, syne returnit in France. Attoure this auaritious cardinal curst and interditit syndry gret princes of Ingland, quhil thay war constranit to by yair absolutionis with infinite money. For he had na sicht to honest nor vnhonest actionis, bot allanerly to his proffet. Nocht lang efter king Hary come with ane army in Scotland inuading the cuntre with gret slauchter and heirschyppis quhare thay come. ¶Als sone as he was aduertist that kyng Alexander was gaderit with all the power of Scotland to geif hym battal, he fled with gret deligence in Ingland. Nochtheles king Alexāder followit on hym, and kest down mony castellis & strē this of Northumbirland to y e groūd. And efter that he had won Carlele and garnist it with folkis, he returnit with gret triumph and honouris in scotland. Kyng Hary hei [...] and yat king Alexāder had skailit his army, returnit with ane new power in scotland, and tuke baith the town & castell of Berwik. Syne brint & heriit all the see camp to Haddyngtoun, & sais [...]it nane yat was found be y e gait except wiffis, barnis, & preistis, & returnit with his army in Ingland. In the mene tyme this auaritious prelat Gwalo traisting to fynd sufficient oportunite to conques gret money in Scotland, put the [...]amyn vnder proces of interdictioun, and persewit king Alexander (becaus he inuadit Ingland) with maist terribyll cursingis. Thir cursing is inflā mit y e scottis with sic hatrent aganis Inglismen, that y e same apperit not to ceis but vter exterminion of baith thair realmes. Nochtheles be interuention of prelatis, peace was fynaly maid betuix the two realmes vnder thir cōditionis. Kyng Alexander sall rander to Inglismen ye town of Carlele. And kyng Hary sall rander the town of Berwyk to scottis. The hail dominon of Cumbir to remane with kyng Alexander with the half of Northumbirland to the recroce, & kyng Alexander to be assoilȝeit of all censuris led aganis hym be Gwalo. The two kyngis beand aggreit on this wyse on al debaitis, king Alexā der was assoilȝeit, and his realme delyuerit fra interdiction. Incōtinent Gwalo (that he sall not depart with tume hand) summond all ye prelatis of Scotland to Anwik, hauand na actionis aganis thaym, bot onely to trubyl yame, quhil thay haue debursit [Page Clxxxxvii] large soumes of money to his profet. Sindry of thaym to be exonerat of truble gaif hym large money. Otheris refusit his desyris, and tuk indignatioun, that sperituall materis wer sa opinly sauld for money. Incō tinēt Gwalo sūmond yame to Rome beleuyng yai suld tak sic feir for lāg Iurnay and trauell thairof, that yai suld cōdiscend to his purpos. Nochttheles thay wer litill affrayit thair with. bot went finalie to ye paip, and complanyt the insufferable iniuris done in Ingland and Scotland be Gwalo. Thus wes Gwalo finalie dischargit of all auctorite, and condampnit in gret soumes of money to the paip. All thir prelatis (yat wer sūmond be hym to Rome) wer assolȝeit fra his petitioun. At this tyme Dauid erle of Hūtyngtoun deceissit. And wes buryit in ane abbay of Ingland namit Seuicia.
¶Hovv king Hary and king Alexander vver alliar be mariage. Of the translation of sanct Thomas of Cāterbery. Of sindry legatis send in Scotland be the paip to conques money. Ca. xiii.
HAry kyng of Inglād eftir his cumyng to [...]erfite age wes more desirus of peace yan weir▪ Ane cōuention wes maid betuix him and kyng Alexander at Ȝork. In ye quhilk the two kyngis wer alliat togiddir in this maner. Iane sister of kyng Hary wes maryit on kyng Alexander. And y e two sisteris of king Alexander wer maryit on two gret princes of Ingland. This alliance wes maid fra our redemption .i.M.ii.C.xx. ȝeris. And in this ȝeir wes y e translatioun of sanct Thomas of Canterbury done be y e kyng and his nobillis spirituall & temporall with al solempnite and reuerence y t mycht be deuisit. In the nixt ȝeir ane legat wes send be ye paip in Scotland to purches money to furnis ane new army to pas on ye turkis. And quhē he had gottin na litill money to this effect ī scotlād, he spendit it in hꝭ lust and insolence. And said at his returnyng to the paip that it wes reft fra hym be Brigandis. Schort tyme eftir his cumyng to Rome, ane othir legat wes send to the samyn effect in scotland. Kyng Alexander aduertist afore be his cumyng, conuenyt his noblis to ane coūsal. in y e quhilk ane bischop said to him as followis, howbeit sindry thingis presentlie occurris (quhilkis effrayis me to schawe sic materis as bene preiudiciall to y e cōmoun weil) ȝit (maist nobil prince) quhen I cōsidir thi humanite, faith, and cōstance geuin to na thing mair than defence and weil of thy liegis. I can nocht ceis for the action of cō mon liberte, to schaw y e suth. For [...] the tyranny is intollerable, quhilk is exercit be kingis or princis discending of lynial succession to yair kindly heritage, mekill mair is y e tyranny insufferable, quhen it is exercit on ws be men of vile & obscure lynage. Heirfore gif the sindry and manifest wrangis done to ws thir mony ȝeris bigane, had cū [...] be ye paiyis mind, yai wer to be sufferit in sum maner. Bot sen lymmaris of vile & obscure lignage (quhilkis ar promouit to be neficis for thair horrible vices) hes nocht onlie interditit our realm but ony cōmission, bot hes spendit ī yair corruppit vices the money that thay gaderit in our cuntre be ye papis autorite for rasyng of armyis aganis the turkis. I think thair cursit auarice suld haue na forthir place amāg trew pepill, specially amang ws, becaus thay haue oure simplicite and meiknes in cōtemptioun. The ȝeris [Page] afore passait ȝe complanit ye iniuris done be Gwalo, quhen he held ȝour realm interditit and mony of al ȝour prelatis vnder cursing, becaus thay wald not answere hym of money to sustene his lustꝭ. Attour this Gwalo wes so periolus fontane of al iniquite and vice, yat howbeit he wes send to [...]reit concord betuix Inglismen & scottis. Ȝit be his auarice he gaif sic occasioun of battall, that baith the realmes (wer nocht yair hatrent wes the more haistely mesit) had inuadit othir to thair vter distructioun. And sen thir terrible dedis ar patent, quha [...] nedis thaym to be remembrit to ȝour displeseir. Attoure eftir that we wer exonerat of Gwalo, come in his place ane new legat of na better lyfe bot erar wors. For quhen he had got [...] large money fra ws for redemptioun of presoneris & rasyng of new armyis aganis ye turkis, he spendit it all in his insolence, and fenȝeit yat it wes [...]eft be brigandis. Heirfore [...] we haue experience of sa mony [...] and heuy dāmagis done to ws be yir two legatis afore rehersit, we salbe reput mischant fulis to admit the thrid. For it is not to be beleuit, that this new legat salbe of bett conditionis than his fallowis wes afore. And gif ony man list demand me quhat is to be done in yis mater. I say nothir this legat, nor ȝit na othir legat in tymes cumyng suld be ressauit within this realme. Becaus the samyn is heryit & waistit of money be thair c [...]ntinewall exactionis, gif ony of ȝow hes superflew money ȝe may dispone it erar to pure folk than to sic corrupit vse of vicioꝰ [...]egatis. Finalie thir wourdis wer sa apprisit be the counsall, that this legat wes nocht admittit to cum in ye realme.
¶Hovv kyng Alexander punist synd [...]y conspiratouris in his realme. And of ye first cumyng of blak and gray frei [...]is in Scotland. Ca. xiiii.
THe peace robora [...]in maner forsaid, followit ane ciuill battal in Scotland be motioun of Gilespy Ros. for he com with gret army aganis the kingis auctorite, and eftir that he had slane mony of the kyngꝭ liegis, he brint ye toun of Ennernes To punis yir attemptatis wes send Iohne Cumyn erle of Buchquhane with ane cumpany of chosyn men. And finalie slew the sayd Gil [...]spy with baith his sonnis, & brocht thair heidis to the kyng. This trubill beand dantit (as said is) followit ane othir. For the men of Caithnes brint Adam yair bischop, eftir yat he had cursit thaym for non paymēt of yair teyndis. Kyng Alexandir heirand si [...] terrible cruelte done to this nobil prelat, ceissit nocht quhill .iiii.C. of the principall doaris yairof wer hingit. Attour y t na successioun sal cum of this wickit seid, he gart geld yair sonnis. The place (quhare thay wer geldit) is callit ȝit the staney hyll. Attoure (becaus the Erle of Caithnes maid na support to bischop Adam) nor ȝit tuke punitioun on thir lymmaris that cōmittit this cruelte, he wes forfaltit of all his landis. King Alexander for this punitioun wes grerumly louit be ye paip. Sic thingis done kyng Alexander went to Abirdene, and dotat it with mony priuilegis. Howbeit the samyn wes dotat afore with sindry cōmoditeis be othir kyngis. The bullis (quhilkꝭ war grantit be sindry p [...]ipis concernyng the liberteis of the kirkis of [Page Clxxxxviii] scotland) wer geuyn in kepyng to s [...]net Gilbe [...]t archeden of Murray, quhilk sucedit immediatly to ye sait of Caithnes eftir the slauchter of bischop Adam. In y e thrid ȝeir eftir, the erle of Caithnes come to kyng Alexander, Quhen he wes sittand with his modir on y e Epyphany day at his ȝuyll and desirit grace. Kyng Alexander wes so pieteous & reuthfull, yat he restorit hym to his honouris, landis, and possessionis be ane sobir compositioun of money. Nochttheles the offence that wes vnpunist be man, wes sone eftir punist be gret Iustice of god. For he wes slane be his awin seruandis slepand in his bed. And the hous (quhare he wes slane) brint, that na man suld haue suspitioun of his slauchter, bot as it wer cumyn be suddane auēture, & so he perist ī y e samin maner as bischop Adam did, of quhais deith he wes participant. At yis tyme sindry blak freris wer send in scotland be sanct Dominik. It is said quhen kyng Alexander went in France to renew the band of Scotland with kyng Philip, He prayit sanct Dominik to send part of his freiris in Scotland to instruct the scottis. And thairfore thir freiris wer plesandly ressauit & kirkis ereckit to thair contemplatioun. And youcht thir men (quhilkis wer send be sāct Dominik) leiffit (as thay wer institute be hym) in singulare lyfe, ȝit (as oftymes hapnis) all thyngis fra gud begynn [...]g fallis in wers maneris. All thair successouris declinit fra gud religion in maist insolence and lust, and continewit in vicious lyfe .iii.c. ȝeris. Quhil at last thay wer reformyt in oure dayis be freir Iohne Adamison ane man of singulare [...]rudition and lyfe, quhilk wes professit in theologie with ws at Abirdene. On the samyn maner wer send in scotland freir minouris of sanct Francis ordour. Mony of thaym in the same maner wer sindry ȝeris eftir the deith of sanct Frances nocht sa religious as he wes. Nochttheles thay ar now men of best lyfe specially amang ws in Scotland.
☞ ¶Hovv kyng Alexander punist sindry conspiratouris. And agreit kyng Hary of Ingland and his nobillis. Of his nevv mariage. And of the natiuite of his sonne Alexander. Hovv mony nobilli [...] of Scotland vver slane in Iovvry. Capi. xv.
LAng peace perseuerit eftir this in scotland. Quhyll at last Alane lord of Galloway and constable of Scotland deceissit. And becaus he deuidit al his landis afore his deith amang hꝭ thre douchteris, His bastard sonne gaderit ane army of .x.M. men, beleuyng to recouir the lordschip of Galloway. At last quhen he had inuadit the cuntre with gret trubill, he wes slane with v.M. men of his opinioun be ye erle of merche & Walter Stewart. And y e residew of hꝭ oist discomfist. The eldest douchter of this Alane of Galloway wes maryit on Roger Quincy, quhilk wes maid Constable of Scotland, and brukit it continewally be his succession, quhill the tyme of kyng Robert the secound. In quhais tyme this Roger of Quincinis successioun wes disherist and forfaltit for certane crymes cōmittit aganis the kingis maieste. And eftir his forfalt, the constabillary wes geuyn to the Hayis of Arroll. Sic thingis done in Scotland kyng Alexander wes aduertist of gret deuisioun rysing betuix kyng Hary of Ingland and his nobillis. And thairfore to [Page] to meis the samyn he went to London with Iane his quene and Isobell his sister. And quhen he had agreit kyng Hary and his nobillis of all debaitis, He maryit Isobell his sister on the erle of Northfolk. And in the mene tyme Iane his quene deceissit but ony successioun. Quhilk thyng causit kyng Alexander to return with gret lament in Scotland. In the nixt ȝeir quhilk wes fra oure redemptioun ane thousand twa h [...]ndreth xxxix. ȝeris, Kyng Alexander [...] becaus he had na successioun of his body▪ maryit at Roxburgh ye douch [...] of Ingeliame erle of Gow [...]y ane [...] of incredible bewte namyt [...]. On quhom he ga [...] ane sonne [...] Alexander. Quhilk succedit [...] lie eftir hym to the croun [...] [...] this ȝeir kyng Hary dantit [...] and slew the principall mouaris [...] aganis hym. Duryng [...] wes ane knych [...]lie turnament at Hadingtoun, quhare kyng [...]lexander with all his nobillis wer assemblit for ye tyme, and mony vail [...]aunt men be souerane vassalage wan gret honouris. Nochtheles the end of al thair ples [...]ir succedit to ang [...]s & sorow. For Patrik Cuming [...] of Athole wes slane within the nycht be Iohne Bissart. And y e place (quhare he wes slane) brynt, that na man suld haue suspition of his sla [...] cht [...]r. Bot as it wer cumyn onlie be suddane auenture of fyre. And for this cryme the Bissa [...]is wer banist out of Scotland and votit to the haly land, thair to fecht aganis the turkis and neuir to returne in scotland. About this tyme Somerleid thane of Argyle son to Somerleid afore rehersit rasit gret truble in al part [...]s quhare he come, quhil at last he w [...]s brocht be the erle of Merche with ane cord about his hals afore y e king and gat remissioun be that way [...] his offence. At this tyme wer mony seditious personis in ye court of Ingland, trai [...]tyng gret cōmoditeis to fall to thaym be weris. And youcht the samyn wer contrarius to thair cōmoun weill, Ȝit thay traistit the oppression done to y e pepyll to be vnpunist during the weri [...]. For lawis and Iustice hes na place in tyme of battal. Thir men in hop of thair perticular cōmoditeis inflambit kyng Hary cōtrac his faith to inuaid scottis with battall, & began to bygane castell fornens Berwik (howbeit it was cassyn down afore be king William be condition of peace) neuir to be edifyit in tymes cumyng. Ye bigging of this castell had bene sufficient occasion of weir betuix Inglis & scottis, war not y e noblis of Ingland inhibit the samyn as contrar to yair band and promes. And thus al occasion of battall ceissit. In the nixt ȝeir followyng come ambassatouris fra Lewis kyng of France, schawyng hym reddy to pas in Iowry. & yairfore desyrit support of Scotland in hꝭ iornay. King Alexāder be tenor of his confideration with France, send Patrik erle of Marche, Dauid Lindesay of Glenesk, and Walter Stewart of Dundonald with ane nowmer of chosyn men to support kyng Lewis in y e said iornay. All thir scottꝭ war slane be pest & swerd ī Egipt, & nane of yame returnit. Fra y e tyme furth, king Alexander le [...]ffit not lāg, and deccissit in ane Ile of Argyle efter gret infirmite ye .xxxv. ȝeir of his regne, the .viii. day of Iuly fra oure redemp [...]ion ane .M.ii.C.xlix. his body was buryit in Melros. In ye tyme of king Alexander war mony nobyll clerkis as Hugo cardinall of ye ordour of freir predicatouris, quhilkis maid the cōmentaris of y e bybyll [Page Clxxxxix] siclik wes in thir dayis sāct Gilbert bischop of Caithnes. It is said the haly bischop sanct Dutho was in thir days preceptour to sāct Gilbert. Otheris sayis he was lang ȝeris afore this tyme. Nochtheles in quhat sumeuir tyme he was, treuth is, He was ane man of syngular and haly life, rich [...] acceptabyll to god & man. His body lyis in Ros haldin in gret veneration of pepyll.
¶Hovv the reliques of sanct Margaret vvar translatit. Hovv king Alexander vvas haldin in captiuite vvith the Cumyngi [...]. Of his mariage vvith king Hary the thrid. And of the bigging of sāct Mungois kirk. Ca. xvi.
ALexander the secound buryit on this wise, his son Alexander y e thrid hauād bot .ix. ȝeris in age was maid kyng. In the tyme of his coronatioun stude afore hym ane hieland man, & salust hym kyng of scottis in eloquēt meter of his langage, schawing al y e kingis of quhilkis he was linialy discendit to Gathelus the first begynnar of scottis, and was plesandly rewardit for his labouris. King Alexander ī y e secoūd ȝeir of his regne conuenit all the prelatis & baronis of his realme, & tuke vp the bonis of his grandame sanct Margaret, & put yame in ane precious fe [...]tour of syluer the .xxi. day of Iuly. And quhen hir blissit reliquies war brocht forthwart with maist veneration, thay baid styll at the sepulture of Malcolme hir husband. and wald na way be seuerit fra y e samyn. The pepyll war astonist be this vncouth miracle, not knawing y e caus yairof. quhil at last ane agit mā mouit be y e haly spreit exhortit yame to heir hym, & said sanct Margaret hes hir husband in na les reuerence now quhē he is deid, thā quhē he was on lyue. And yairfore scho wyl not pas to y e place, quhare ȝe deuise hir blissi [...] bonis to rest, quhil y e bonis of hir husband be translatit with hir on y e samyn maner. And quhen the samyn was done, scho was brocht esaly to y e samyn place quhare scho lyis to yis day in gret veneratioun of pepyll, & baith buryit in ane place. King Alexander had bot .ix. ȝeris of age quhen he was crownit. Ye noblis dredand y t be cōtemption of hꝭ auctorite, gret trubyl suld rise, send ambassatouris in Ingland to renew peace, & to desire king Haryis douchter to hym in mariage. In the same ȝeir baith this kingis cōuenit with mony nobyl mē speritual & temporal of baith y e realmes at Ȝork, Quhare king Alexander maryit Margaret doucht to kīg Hary the thrid in maist solempnite & reuerence y • micht be deuysit, on sāct Steuins day in Ȝoule, and within few days efter king Alexander returnit in scotland. During y e tender age of king Alexander, ye realme of scotlād was gouernit in gret felicite be his noblis. And efter h [...]s cumyng to perfite age, he maid hym to puni [...] sindry extorsionis done be certane of his noblis, & sūmond y e erlis of Menteith, Athole, & Buchquhane, & the lord of Strabogy quhilkis war all Cumingꝭ, & put yame to his horne, becaus yai cōperit not to hꝭ Iustice. Yir lordis mouit w t yis displeseir set yame to reuēge y e samin, & finaly tuk y e king at Kinrossy with ane gret power of men, & brocht hym to Striueling▪ quhare yai held hym lang time in captiuite & ward. Throw quhilk ylk day tais mair trubyl in y e realme than was sene afore, becaus ye king was haldyn in captiuite, quhilk suld haue done thaym Iustice. The hous of Cumyngis war in thir dayis full of riches, landes, and manrent. Fo [...] [Page] by thir thre cellis and lord foresaid thair was .xxx. knychtis and landie euen all of ane surname. Bot as oft occurris in this realme, men of gret dominioun and rentis ar sa suspitiꝰ to the kyng, that ye same is occasion of thair rewyne. Within few dayis efter that kyng Alexander was tane in this maner, Walter erle of Menteith the cheif of all the Cumyngis was poisonit be his wyfe. Throw quhilk y e remanent Cumyngis war sa astonist, that thay put the kyng to liberte and tuk remission for all crimes that micht be imput to thaym. This woman that slew hir husband the erle of Menteith with hir new [...]uffer Iohne Russell fled in Ingland quhare scho deit in miserye. About this tyme paip Urbane the [...] of that name Institute ye feist of [...]orpus Cristi to be ylk thurisday [...]fter Trinite sonday. The Carmili [...]e [...]reris come at this tyme in Scotland and ereckit ane chapell of oure lady ou [...] with the wallis of Perth to be thair kirk. It is said y t ane monke of Melros was admonist in the samyn tyme be ane vision in his sleip, and fa [...]d ane part of the haly croce nocht far fra Peblis in Louthiane within ane cace. And nocht far fra y e samyn thay fand ane pig craftely in grauyn. In quhilk was found certane bonis wound in silk, bot it was n [...]t knawin quhais bonis yai war. Als sone as y e cace was opnit quhare y e haly croce was inclusit, mony myraclis apperit. Kyng Alexander mouit be deuotioun thairof, biggit ane abbay in the honour of y e haly croce, In the quhilk ar now monkis efter the ordour of the Trinite. Not lang efter was ane conuentioun betuix ye two kyngis of Ingland & scotland at Wark accumpanyit with yair noblis of baith thair realmes. Thair was sa gud redres maid on ylk syde, that baith the realmes war in g [...]ttar tranquillite than [...]uir was sene in ony kyngis tyme afore. At this tyme the kirk of Glasgew was completit to the same perfectioun as it standis this day biggit with gret magnificence. the maist part be liberalite of William bischop thairof, quhilk leuit nocht lang efter the completyng of the samyn.
¶Of gret derth in Albion. Hovv Acho kyng of Norrovvay Inuadit Scotland vvith gret cruelteis. Of the orison maid to hym be ambassatouris of kyng Alexander, Ca. xvii.
IN the ȝeir of god ane .M.ii.C.lxiii. was ane gret derth in Albion. For the heruist was sa wak in ye ȝeir afore, that the cornis for y e mais [...] part war corruppit. and maid ane miserabyll derth throw all boundis of Albion. Acho kyng of Norroway & Denmark heirand how Scotland was trublit in this maner, beleuit to find sufficient occasion to subdew it to his dominioun. and arriuit with ane flot of schyppis in the Ilis on Lammas day callit aduincula Petri. The Ilis war continewally hal [...]in vnder the empire of Danis fra king Edgaris tyme to thir days. Eft this king Acho come in Arrane & Bute. And quhen king Acho had subdewit yame to his empire in esperance of mair felicite▪ he arriuit in Albion & tuk y e castel of Aire be lang sege, & began to waist al y e boundis liand yair about. King Alexāder astonist be yir nouellis (for he was of ȝoung & tender age and not sufficient to resyst the cruelte of Danis efter sa frequent victoryis fallyng to thaym) thocht na thing sa gud as to brek hꝭ ennimes be lang tary. and to that fyne he mycht prolong the battall, he [Page CC] send ambassatouris to king Acho, of quhilkis the principall said to hym in this maner. War nocht our king and nobillis be anciant consuetude obseruit sen thair first begynnyng, [...]eikis redres of all iniuris done to thaym, afore thay inuaid thair ennymes with battall. Thow suld nocht se oratouris send to the, bot erar ane army cumand in thy contrar with maist awfull and weirly ordinance. We get neuir sa huge spulȝe nor ȝit sa triumphant victoryis of our ennimes, as quhen thay inuaid ws with maist wrangis, and wyll heir na reason nor redres. We thynk na thing sa gud, as to eschew battall and tak restitutioun of our guddis, quhilkis ar tane fra ws be iniure of battall. ¶Quhow may thair be ony gretar wodnes or fury, thā to do the thyng be swerd or fyre, that may be tretit be plesand wordis. Nochtheles quhen oure honorabyll and iust desiris ar refusit be ennymes, quhen we fynd thaym mair desirus of weir than peace. We ryse haistely with maist hatrent to reuenge thair contemptioun. Heirfore we ar send fra our souerane to inquire quhat occasioun thow hes to inuaid his realme and subdittis in violatioun of peace, quhilk hes bene obseruat betuix hym & Danis thir hundred ȝeris bygane, and cumand nocht onely to reif fra hym Bute and Arrane with othir lā dis quhilkis he hes iosit in peace. Bot als ceissing fra na maner of cruelte yat may be deuysit on his pepyl. Quhat offence, quhat cruelteis hes his pepyl done aganis the to inuaid his realm with sic awful ordinance. Slaing wiffis, childrin, & febyll personis without ony mercy or rāsoun, howbeit maist cruell tyrannis hes miseratioun of sic personis. Quhat furius Ire hes mouit the to birne ye kirkis of god & his sanctis to y e gret murder of his pepyll. Quhy puttis thow al placis (quhare thow cumis) to heirschippis & rewin. Attour gyf thow dredis not god quhilk gouernis al thing y t we se be his prouidence. Gif thow dredis not sanctis, nor vengeance to cū on the be punytion of god. Ȝit thow suld dreid the two maist pissant kingis of Albion alliat togidder with maist tender blud, quhilkis sal cū on the with sic pissance, y t thow may not resist. Heirfore sen thow may depart with honoure, best is to ye redres al skaithis in tyme, in auenture thow be brocht to sic extreme disperation, thy army discōfist, y t thow sall be vterly distroyit, & fynd nocht but repuls yocht thow wald implore mercy. Thir wourdis war said be the ambassatouris to put sū terrour to this hardy kyng Acho. nochtheles he answerit to yame ī thꝭ maner. Ȝe beleif (wise ambassatouris) to astonis ws be ȝour fers & awfull wourdis, traisting ws sa full of dredour, y t we wyl desist fra our purpos be ȝour onely minassyng. Ȝe ar void of al reason and prudence, gyf ȝe sa ymagyn, and quhare ȝe aggrege our iniuris be reiffyng of certane Ilis fra ȝour dominioun, we vnderstand ȝe ar na lauchfull Iugeis to geif decision of ony iniurꝭ or richtis pertening to ws or our liegis. Forthir gif ȝe desire y e caus quhy we haif inuadit Arrane and Bute. We say not only thir Ilis of Arrane & Bute bot al the Ilis of Albion pertenis to ws and our pepyl be auld heritage. And we ar cumyn to tak as mekyll proffet of our landis presently, as ȝe haue tane of thaym in tymes bygane. Thairfore schaw to ȝoure kyng we feir nocht his minassyng nor na othir violence that he may do aganis ws, Nochtwithstandyng gyf [Page] he be mair desirus of peace thā battall, and couatis to eschew the diceptioun and birnyng of his townes, y e slauchter of his pepyl, or gif he desyrit not to se y e vter exterminion of his realm afore his ene, cōmand hym to send to ws .x.M. markis striueling for the frutis of our landis tane vp be hym and his eldaris in tymes bygane. Dischargeand hym thairof in tymes cumyng, that the said Ilis may pas vnder our perpetual dominioun. Gif he refuse the charge, force is to hym to abide the chance of battall aganis ws, quhilkis ar prepari [...] with maist weirly ordinance to inuade his realme and pepyll.
☞Hovv king Alexander come vvith [...] army aganis king Acho. Of the [...] maid be the tvvo kyngis to thair armyis▪ and hovv king Acho vvas d [...]scō [...]st at largis. Ca. xviii.
ALexander cōmouit with this answer and seing na waye to eschewe battall, thocht thing na sa gud as to assailȝe ye chance of fortoun, & gaderit .xl.M. m [...] to meit his enaimes quhilkꝭ wer deuidit ī thre batallꝭ. In y e first [...]ing wes ane vailȝeāt kny [...]ht Alexander Stewart nepot to y e Alexander. Yat dotat ye abbay of paslay. He had with hym all the m [...]n of Argyle, Leuenax, Athole, and Galloway. In the left wyng wes Patrik Dunbar hauand with hym the men of Louthiane, Fiffe, Me [...]s, Berwik and Striueling. In y e myddil wa [...]d wes king Alexander with the remanent pepill of scotland to support ye wyngis quhen dangeir occu [...]rit. Yir ba [...]tallis wer arrayit in sic maner, That euery clan had ane capitane assignit to thayn of thair awin langage to exhort thaym to wyn land & honour be yair manheid. Kyng Alexander seyng his ennymes in sycht, causit mes be done to his army. And said to yame in yis maner. We haif maid now (beluffit freindis) our orisoun to god (be quhais prouidence & wisdome euery thing is gouernit in erd) to send victory to thaym quhilkꝭ hes maist rycht and Iustest caus of battall. Now wald I exhort ȝow to haue sic faith and confidence in him that is ennymy to theuis and re [...]aris, that ȝe may with inuincible curage distroy ȝour ennimes. Beleif weil ȝe ar nocht to fecht now aganꝭ yaim y e inuadis ȝour landis be Iust clame bot only aganis thaym that [...]raistis be penurite of vittallis now regnād amang ȝow to fynd sufficient oportunite to conques ȝour landis. Thir lymmaris reiosis sa mekill in thift & reif, that thay ar nocht content onlie of the landis reft fra ws thir mony ȝeris bigane, bot ar cumin with new tyrāny to dwel in ȝour maist inward lādis. Remembir heirfore nocht onlie the heuy and importable iniuris be yame done. Bot als how necessar it is now to fecht aganis thaym for defence of our wyffis, barnis, liberteis and landis, hauand na securite of lyfe, bot in ȝour handis. Restis schortlie na othir thing, bot othir to vincus ȝour ennimes with manheid Or ellis to leif miserabillie vnd yair seruitude. And suffir ȝoure wiffis & douchteris to be fulȝ [...]it be yair lust. Remembir that ȝe ar nocht to fecht now onlie for ȝour natiue cunire, bot for the liuis of thaym that ar maist deir and tendir freindis. Considir y e nocht onlie I, bot al scotlād seis ȝow fecht yis day. & notis baith ȝour mā heid & cowarty. Belt ȝow yairfo [...] (vailȝeant campionis) with y e more manheid and curage y t ȝour mater is iust and mouit onlie in ȝour pure defēce. Cōsidir how ȝour ennymes inuadis ȝow onlie for pray & spulȝe of gudis, [Page CCi] and salbe thairfore sone vincust, quhen thay se ȝow geuin with perseuerant constance to debait the samyn. And first I pray ȝow refresche ȝoure bodyis with meit. Syne cloith ye samyn with armour, that ȝe may be ye grace of god haue victory. Skarslie wer thir wourdis sayd, quhen kyng Acho began to exhort his army in maner as followis. Wer nocht ȝour manheid is prouin to me lang tyme (wyse freindis) with sicker victory in ȝour hādis. It had bene vane to ieoperde my body this day with ȝow, or to haif assailȝeit sic thingis yat bene vncertane for thaym yat ar certane. It had bene more lesum (gyf ȝe be febill and astonist pepill) to haue leuit ane hard and sobir lyfe at hame with miserie and gret laubour, than to haue ieoperd ȝow in battall aganis ȝour strang ennymes. Nochtheles sen ȝe with deliuerit purpos ar votit to follow gud fortoun and me, ȝe may se how occasion and sufficiēt oportunite schawis quhat virtew & r [...]ward sall follow to Ilk man for his laubouris. Ȝe se now (that ȝe desirit maist) ȝour ennymes full of riches and guddis, quhilkis ar to be gottin now be na thing sa mekill, as preis and dint of swerd. And nocht onlie gif ȝe happin to haue the glore of victory, sall fall to ȝow the ryche treasour of this army. Bot the hai [...]l realme of scotland sal fall in reward of ȝour laubouris. Uincus thairfore ȝour ennymes, & euery thing in scotland salbe offerit to ȝow with maist magnificence, and fra ȝour ennimes be vincust, euery ane of ȝow salbe rewardit with landis at ȝoure pleseir. And ȝe salbe als riche ī tymes cūyng, as ȝour ennymes ar at yis tyme. For thir (sen gret chargis may nocht be done but extreme ieoperdie) I beseik ȝow aduise how esalye yis battal sal be led agan [...]s our ennymes. For the the derth (that now ap [...]eris amang thaym) hes maid thaym more febill than ony othir pepill. Thus ar thay so destitute of corporall strenth, that thay sall gyf bakkis to ws or thay cum to ony straikis. For thay ar bot ane schaddow of pepill, & may yairfore be slane like miserabill beistis, and becaus thay ar in more noumer of pepil than ȝe, thair spulȝe salbe to ȝow the more riche. Be contrar gyf discōfiture fallis to ȝow (quhilk god forbeit) na thing sal fallow bot deith and heirschip quhare ȝe cum. And youcht I beleif na thing les than sic aduersiteis. I beseik ȝow gif ony sic misaduenture fallis, reuenge ȝoure deith, that ȝe be nocht slane like beistis, quhilkis ar offerit in sacrifice. For we ar circulit (as ȝe se) on ilk side wi [...]h ennymes, and our schippis seuerit sa far fra ws, that we may ha [...]f na refuge thairby. Thus restis na succouris to ws gif we be discomfist. Attour quhat folly & quhat extreme miserie is to ony creature, to leif the wappinnis (quhilkis may defend hꝭ life) and haue his confidence onlie in swiftnes of feit. Now sen ȝe haue sa gud experience, quhat commoditeis may fal be ȝour manheid, and quhat mischeif and sorow may fall be ȝour cowartry, suffir nocht ȝour handis to dul in sleuth, y t ȝe may be propic [...]āt fortoun haue sikir victory, quhilk is now in ȝour handis, quhairthrow incredible riches & felicite may thair eftir succeid. Skarsly wer thir wourdis endit, quhen baith the armyis began to array othir. In y e mene tyme Acho come with all his ordinance on the middilward, quhare kyng Alexander wes arrayit for the time, traisting (gif ye samyn wer brokin) ye remanent battallis to be sone vincust. This battall wes fochtyn with gret [Page] cruelte on athir side, specialie quhair the two kyngis faucht. For thay ruschit ay to yai partis, quhair yai saw thair pepil waikest, exhortyng yame to schaw thair manheid and curage Kyng Acho incontinent maid hym with ane band of forcy campionis to rusche out throw ye samyn battal quhair kīg Alexander faucht. Nochttheles he wes stoutlie resistit. For kyng Alexander had sa gret noumer of pepill with hym, that he stuffit the battall with fresche men in al partis quhair it failȝeit, quhill at last baith the wyngis of Danis wer put to [...]lycht. Incontinent Alexander Stewart of Paslay come with an [...] bus [...]hement of fresche men to the myd [...]ilward, quhair kīg Alexander wes fechtād aganis kyng Acho with lāg bergane and vncertane victory. Ye Danis seand this Alexander cum with new and recēt victory on yame, [...] bakkis. On quhome followit y e [...]ottis with gret cruelte throw all [...]unynghame, & maid Ithand slau [...]h [...]e [...] on thaym, [...]uhill the nych [...] [...]ut [...] end to all thair laubour. On the [...]orow king Acho fled with ane few noumer to the castell of Air, quhilk wes tan [...] [...]aitlie be hym, and in the mene tyme he gat tithingis, that his [...]lot (quhilk contenit .l. schippis) wes [...]erist be vnmercyfull tempest. And nane of thaym sauit except foure. At [...]oure the marineris (quhilkis eschapi [...] eftir the tinsal of thair schippis) war all slane be the inhabitantis of the cuntre. Kyng Acho brokin in yis maner gat yir .iiii. schippis, and fled to Orknay. In yis battall wer slane xxiiii.M. Danis. & of scottis .v.M. yis battall wes fourthin at La [...]gis. On ye thrid day of August. Fra our redēption .i.M.ii.C.lxiii. ȝeris. King Acho at his cuming to Orknay send for ane new army out of norroway & Denmark to inuaid y e scottꝭ aganis the nixt symer. Nochtheles becaus he deceissit in ye ȝeir nixt following, all his army ska [...] & ye weris ceissit.
¶Of the natiuite of Alexāder ye ferd. Of ye message send be Magnus king of Norrovvay to king Alexāder ye thrid▪ and of his ansvver. and hovv the said Alexander recouerit the Ilis of scotlād fra the Danis. Ca. xix.
FOllowit gret blythnes in scotland eftir deith of kyng Acho. For the samyn day y t he deceissit ī Orknay that is to say, ye .xxi. day of Ianuar wes borne Alexand prince of scotland gottin on Margaret sister to kyng Hary. Thus wes dowbill Ioy & glaidnes in al partis of scotland. Ye ennyme deid, and ane new prince borne. Eftir deith of kīg Acho succedit his son Magnus ane rycht catholik prince. This Magnꝰ send his chācellar in y e ȝeir following to kyng Alexander at Perth, & offerit to gif ouir all rycht & clame y t the said Magnꝰ king of Norroway had to Arrane & Bute, sa y t ye remanent Ilis mycht be peaceabilly iosit be hym in tymes cumyng. To this answerd king Alexāder, y t y e Ilis pertenit be auld heritage to hym & his ꝓgenitouris kingis of scotland, & mycht haue na amite nor freindschip w t Danis, quhil ye said Ilis war restorit to hym. In y e nixt ȝeir yis chancellar of Norroway with mony [...]thir nobyl mē returnit fra kyng Magnꝰ in Scotland, & be letteris vnder his gret s [...]le renūcit & gaif ouir all rycht & clame y t he had or micht haue to ye Ilis of scotland, & king Alexand sal pay to y e said king of Norroway for y e said renunciation .iiii.M. markis striuelyng togidder with ane ȝei [...]ly pension of ane▪ C.m̄. And for y e mair [Page CCii] rob [...]atioun of perseuerand amite & kyndnes betuix scottis and danis in tymes cumyng. Magaret king Alexande [...]is doucht, hauand bot ane ȝeir in age salbe geuin ī mariage to hannigo ye son of kyng Magnus quhē scho is cumyn to perfite age, and the place (quare mai [...] occision & slauchter wes of Danis) salbe maid ane hospitall of pure folkis. The samyn tyme kyng Hary & his son Edward had weir aganis Symon Morfort and otheris sindry noblis of Inglād And requeistit kyng Alexander of Scotland for support aganis yame. Kyng Alexander send sone eftir Alexander Cumyn with .v.M. chosin mē in Ingland, and supportit kyng Hary in sic maner, that ye maist part of his ennymes war distroyit & ye remanent constranit to seik his mercy. yis trubil beād dātit (as said is) followit ane othir be Roger Mortymer. Howbeit it was sone pecifyit, for the said Roger was tane with mony otheris of his factioun in the castel of Rowlard, & put to deith. About this tyme was y e waithman Robert hode with his fallow litil Iohne, of quhō ar mony fabillis & mery sportis soūg amang the vulgar pepyll.
¶Of the ansvver maid to the papis legat be king Alexander. Of the natiuite of Robert Bruce the vailȝeant conquerour. Of the deith of king Alexanderis vvife and hir barnis. Ca. xx.
IN ye ȝeir followyng wes ane legat send fra pai [...] Clement ye feird, to gader money in Scotland for rasyng (as he allegit) of armyis aganis the Turkis. This legat was not ressauit in ye realme, bot cō mandit to schaw his message on the bordouris. He desyrit be ane breif of ye said paip to haue .iiii. mark striue [...]ng for ilk proche kirk. & .lxxx. markꝭ striuelīg for ilk bischoprik & abbacy yat was ī scotland, & to caus hym to be ye mair plesandly answerit of his desiris, he send certane statutꝭ maid be hym in his vayage richt proffitabyl for ye gouernance of scottis. To yir petitionis was answerit be king Alexander, yat it was not necessar to send sa gret sowmes of money as he desirit. Nochtheles he suld send (gyf it war necessar) certane armit mē prouidit on his expensis to pas with ye papis army aganis y e turkis. To hꝭ othir pointis it was answerit, y e scotlād wald ressaue na statutis, bot only yame yat war cōmandit be y e paip or his generall counsall. For ay the mo preceptis ar geuyn, ye mo transgressouris ar foūdin. In ye ȝeir fra y e incarnation .i.M.ii.C.lxxi. ȝerꝭ. Thomas erle of Carrik past with mony nobil men in y e haly land, al votit vnder ane mynd to fecht aganis Cristꝭ ennymes to the deith. Few of yame returnit, for yai war al slane be pest & insufferable he [...]tis of y e cuntre. Yis erle of Carrik left na heritour to succeid efter hym to his heritage, fai [...] only ane douchter namit Martha of xv. ȝeris. Yis lady for hir solace hapnit to pas to ye huntis, quhare scho be auenture met ane nobyl man Robert Bruce, son & air to Robert bruce lord of Annandale in scotland & Cleueland in Ingland. Yis lady finaly was sa inamorit with yis mā. y • scho hint his hors be ye renȝeis, & forcely led hym with hir to Carrik, quhare scho but lang tary or consultation of freindis tuk hym to hir husband & lord. Als sone as king Alexand was aduertist heirof, he tuk hir castell of Turnebery, & eschetit al hir landis & gudis in his handis, for scho maryit but his consent. Nochtheles ye king within few dayis efter had sic cōpassion of hir, y t he tuk ane esy cōpositiō [...] [Page] his wyfe dansing w t al glaidnes ya [...] mycht be deuisit. Apperit [...] yair sicht ane ymage of ane deid man, nakit of flesche & lyre with bair bonis, throw quhilk ye king & remanēt pepil we [...] sa astonist, y t yai left yair sport with [...] affray. In ye time of king Alexander wer mony nobil clerkꝭ as thomas de Aquino a man of singular [...] lyfe & erudition in theologie, Bonauenture of y e ordour of freir minoris. Michell Scot rycht excellēt in [...], quhilk for his singulare erudi [...]ion wes na les tretit with Edward king of Ingland, yan with Alexand [...]ing of scottis. And sa endis heir ye [...] of yir cronikillis.
Heir begynnis the .xiiii. Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
¶Hovv scotland vvas gydit be .vi. gouernouris. Hovv the mariage betuix ye mad in of Norrovvay & king Edvvard of Ingland failȝeit. Hovv Bruce & Balliol contendit for the croun. Hovv the decision thairof vvas cōmittie to king Edvvard. and hovv he maid the balliol king. Ca. Primo.
ALexander ye thrid, quhilk deceissyt miserabilly (as wes schawin) left na ai [...]ꝭ testamenter nor ȝit gottin of his body to succeid to y e croun, saif onlie y e madin of Norroway, as said is. Yus wes ye realme in gret tr [...]bil, and wes but ony king .vi. ȝeris & .ix. monethis. Followit mony terribill cruelteis in al ꝑtis of ye realme. For sic ꝑsonis (as wer dātit afore be feir of Iustice) began with [...] to ouirhail the peple with sindry oppressionis. And ȝit ye realme w [...]s gouernit al ye said tyme with .vi. regentis. Quhais namis wer Williā Fraseir bischop of sanct Androis, Duncane erle of Fif. & Iohn̄ Cumyn erle of Buchquhan. Yir war regentis in y e north. Robert bischop of glasgew, schir Iohn̄ Cumyn & Iames stewart of scotland war regentis in y e south. In y e mene tyme Edward kīg of Ingland callit lāg schankꝭ tuk purpos to cōques y e realm of scotland, for it was destitute but ony heid. And becaus he knew y e madin of Norroway iust heritour to y e croun of scotland, he send ambassatourꝭ in scotland desiring yis madin of Nort [...]way to be geuin to hym ī mariage. Ye lordꝭ eft lāg cōsultation assentit to his desirꝭ, vnd yir cōditionis y t ye realm of scotland suld be as fre in peace & quiete but ony subiection of seruitude ī his tyme, as it was afore ī y e tyme of kīg Alexand. & gif na succession followit betuix hī & yis madin of norroway, y e croun to return to y e nerrest airꝭ of king Alexand last deceissit but ony clame of king Edward or his successouris in times cumyng. Incōtinēt ii. nobyll knichtꝭ schir Michel scot, & schir Michel wemis war direckit as ambassatourꝭ to brīg yis madin out of Norroway to the effect [...]oresaid. Nochtheles afore yair cumyng this madin was deceissit. Thus returnit yir ambassatouris but ony expeditiō of yair erādꝭ, & be hir deith failȝeit al amite & kindnes betuix Inglismē & scottis. Followit gret trubil ī scotlād be freindꝭ of kīg Alexāder cōtending for y e croun to y e gret dāmage & violation baith of y e law of god & mā. specially betuix Iohn̄ balliol & Robert Bruce. Yis Robert was nepot to yat Robert bruce, y t marijt Isabel ȝounge [...]t [Page CCiiii] doucht to erle Dauid of Hūtingtoun, on quhō he gat ane son namit Robert quhilk maryit y e heritour of Carrik as we haue schawin, & was fad to yis Robert y t clames now the croun. Iohn̄ Ballioll was gottin on Margaret eldest douchter to y e said erle Dauid of Hūtington. For Allane lord of Galloway (quhilk maryit y e said Margaret) had on hir .ii. douchterꝭ. of quhilkꝭ y e eldest namit Doruidilla was maryit on schir Iohne balliol fader to yis Iohn̄ ballioll yat clamit y e croun, becaus he was cūyn of the eldest doucht of erle Dauid, & was be y e reason nerrest aire to king Williā. For nane othir was sa neir approche and ī blud to hym on lyue. On ye tothir side Robert bruce (howbeit he was discēdit of y e ȝoūgest doucht to erle Dauid) was cumyn of ye first mail. For hꝭ fad was first born, & clamit ye croun for y e reason to pertene to hym. Yis debait & clame was sa fauori [...] be assistence of sindry gret princes in this realme, y t it micht na wayꝭ be decidit, howbeit it was oftymis brocht afore yir gouernouris & regentis foresaid. And becaus thay dred (gif yai declarit y e tane of yame king) y e tothir suld vsurpe the crown ꝑforce. Thay remittit the decision of ye richt yairof to kīg Edward of Ingland w t power to constrane ye said ꝑtiis to stād at his sentēc [...]. King Edward plesandly ressauit ye ambassatourꝭ quhilkis war send to yis effect & ꝓmittit to cū to Berwik agane ane certan day. At last quhē he was cūin to ye place & day be him assignit, he began to explore ye richtꝭ of yir .ii. ꝑtiis afore rehersit. & quhē he had considerit yam at lenth, he maid answer sayng▪ he micht not decide ī sa difficil mat, quhil he had sindry wise & prudent assessourꝭ cōcurrand w t hym. & yairfore desirit to haue .xii. scottis of maist knawlege & eruditioun y t was in scotland, & ꝓmittit to tak .xii. of y e maist resolut & wise clerkꝭ in Inglād to sit apon the decision of y e mat, to y e fine, y t all difficulteis & dowtis salbe sa cruelly socht furth, y t ye iust verite micht allanerly triumphe. & quhē he had wryttyn the reasonis & iuris of baith ye ꝑetis, he returnit to Londō. Bot (as dayly [...]ccurris) ye ingine of mortal pepyl ar sa fragyl, y • nane beris cōmissioun or office (quhare ony ꝓffet risis) y t may ꝑt yairwith, quhil yair hādis be weil oynttit. On ye samyn maner king Edward couth not keip his hādis clene in ye cōmission geuin to him apon ye decision of yis debait. For eft his returning to Lō don, he brocht certane resolute men out of frāce to decide on yis mater, & cōmandit yame to be vareant & dowble in yair delyuerance to y e fyne, yat quhen yai war found vareant & not of ane mynd ī decision of yis pley, he micht ye erar mak (quhom he list of yame two) king. Ye maist part of yir mē of law Iugi [...] w t Robert Bruce. For he was cumyn of ye first male, & Iohn̄ balliol of ye secound▪ Otheris (quhilkis war subornat be king Edward) declarit Ioh [...] ballioll to haue maist richt▪ as cumyn of y e eldest sist. King edward beleuing sufficiēt time to cōques y e realm of scottis (becaus it was deuidit in syndry votis) returnit to Berwik, quhare he gaderit ye xxiiii. men of maist eruditioun (as he deuisit afore) to geif finall sentence in this mater. And quhen he was cumyn with baith ye ꝑtiis & his ass [...]sourꝭ in ane quiet chalmer quhare it was deuisit to sit on this mater. He causit ye samyn to be kepit w t maist deligence but ony ysching or entres, and concludit to make hym kyng, that wald be sworn to hald ye croun of hym as superioure thairof. [Page] And becaus he knew Robert Bruc [...] of singulare manheid & wysdome aboue ye Balliol, he thocht best to assailȝe hym first, & gif he war repugnant to his desiris to geif ye crown to y e Balliol. At last quhen king Edward had proponit yis mater in maner afore rehersit to Robert Bruce▪ Yis Robert hauād na respect to his singulare proffet nor honour, in cō pair of the cōmon weill & liberte of scotland▪ answerit y t he wald not rā di [...] his natiue cuntre (sen it bene fr [...] [...] his dayis) to seruitude of Inglismē. King Edward assailȝeit y e mynd of Iohne balliol, quhilk had sa blind [...]sire to ye crown, y t he curit not sa y t [...]e micht [...]ose the samyn, quhethir he [...] in liberte or seruitude. Finaly quhen y e Balliol had geuyn his faith [...] [...]ing Edward to mak hym homa [...] ▪ [...]e gat y e sentence geuyn for hym. [...] said, the erle of Glocester (ane [...] of gret prudence & auctorire in Ingland) seand y e Balliol maid kīg▪ [...] Robert Bruce sa vnreasonably [...], said in this maner. Remembir [...] king Edward quhat is done be y t this day, no [...] geuand iust sentence in this mater. For yocht ye samyn now [...]e hid, it salbe richt manifest (quhen ye gret Iuge y e ripis ye conscience & [...]retis of euery mannis mynd) sall caus ye to answer for it in y e horribyl iugement▪ thow hes geuyn now sentence on ane king, thā salbe iugemēt geuin on y e. Schort tyme efter Iohn̄ balliol went w t gret triūphe to Scone, & was crownit on sanct Androis day. Fra the incarnation .i.M.ii.C.lxxxxii. ȝeris.
¶Hovv the balliol come in gret trubyl for the making of homage to king Edvvard, of his allia vvith king Phillip of France. Hovv king Edvvard vvan Bervvik be treason and slevv all Scottis in the samyn. Ca. ii.
KYng Balliol on sāct [...] day of Ȝule in the nixt ȝeir, come to the new castell and maid homage to king Edward for ye realme of scotland cōtrarye mynd of all his noblis, geuand hym self and his realme (quhilk was fre to his days) in seruitude of Inglismē. howbeit smal felicite succedit be y e samyn. For w tin schort tyme efter king Edward chargit hym be tenour of his band of homage to cū with al y e power he micht to mak weir on ye king of Frāce. In cōtinent king Iohn̄ become penitēt of y e makyng of y e said homage, & sēd his ambassatouris to London to renounce ye said homage, & allegit becaus it was maid but auise of ye .iii. estatꝭ of scotland, it was vane ī y e self & not to be keipit. King Edward answerit to ye ambassatouris of kyng balliol. Sen he wyl not cū to ws, we sal cū to him. & to dant ye scottꝭ mair esaly he send his ambassatouris to y e king of france, with quhō he was cō fiderat be lang peace, & to stabill yis peace with mair firmance ye king of francꝭ doucht was geuyn ī mariage to Edward his son. howb [...]it he purposit (quhē scottꝭ war vtly distroyit) to inuaid france as he did afore, notw t standing ony mariage or band be hym ꝯtrackit. In y e mene tyme king Edward was recōseld with Robert bruce ī sic familiarite, y t he ꝓmittit to mak him kīg of scottis. & in esperāce yairof. he gaif hī y e keping of syndry gret castellis of scotlād, quhilkꝭ war for y e tyme ī Inglismenis handꝭ. kīg balliol dredād be yir slichtꝭ of inglismē, extreme dāgeir to cū to hꝭ realm sēd williā bischop of sāct Andros w t schir Iohn̄ sowlis & schir Ingerame Umfra ī [...]rance to renew y e band w t Phillip ye .iiii. kyng thairof, quhilk wes finaly done vnd yir new [...]oitioꝭ nis. Ye doucht of Charlꝭ erle of Uallance [Page CCv] & Angeos brothir to kyng Philip of France, salbe maryit on Edward the Balliollis son, and sal haif all the landis (quhilkis the Balliol possedit in France) namit Dampart Harecure & Horny, for quhilkꝭ kyng Iohne sall ressaue .lx.M. crounis of towquhair. Than wes the Balliol aduertist, that kyng Edward wes cumand with gret ordinance to sege Berwik. And thairfore he conuenit his nobillis to ane counsal, & be yair auise, send mony of al the baronis & gentilmen of Fife and Louthiane to the defence thairof. The Inglismen come nocht onlie with strang army be land, bot als come with ane gret nauy to sege the said town be see. Ye scottis (quhilkis wer send be ye Ballioll for defence of y e toun) tuk .xviii▪ of thair schippis, and the remanent chasit fra y e sege. King Edward more prouokit than brokin be this displeseir, come w t doubill army more yan afore to tak y e said toun. And becaus he couth nocht get it be force (for the gret defence yat y e scottis maid with in it) he thocht to assailȝe the samyn with maist treasonable slycht, and maid hym to rais his army fra the sege of the said toun. Syne went about to ane othir part, and returnit with fenȝeit ensen [...]eis & baneris of scotland, hauād sanct Androis croce aboue thair harnes on ye scottis maner, & send certane lymmaris of scotland afore to y e toun. Saying Iohn̄ Balliol wes cumand with his army in defence thairof, cōmanding yame to haif y e portꝭ op [...]n agane his cūing. Ye fuliche peple of ye toun reiosing of y e cūing of ye kyng (as yai beleuit) opinnit ye portis, and come furth of the toun on all partis, traistyng not onlie to be deliuerit of feir of ennymes, bot als to be of pissance to meit thaym with plane battall, gif ennymes wald assailȝe yame ony forthir. Ȝit quhen yai saw yame neir y e portis yai knew weill be yair langage & habit, yai wer Inglismen. And incō tinent maid yame with all deligence to rescoues the toun. And in y e mene tyme the Inglismen ran with swift hors betuix yame & y e toun, Incontinent kyng Edward enteri [...] with all his army & slew nocht onlie the sodiouris & weirmen bot barnis, wemen and agit ꝑsonis but ony re [...]th, mercy, or ranson. and left na creature of scottis blude on lyue within y e toun. Yis toun wes tane on gud Friday y e xxix. day of Marche fra our redemptioun .i.M.ii.C.lxxxxv. ȝeris. O Edward maist furious tyrane how mycht yow rage w t sic cruelte on y e peple but ony exception of age? quhair na occasioun wes precedent of iniuris. And quhare ye pepil wes not subdewit be force of armis. Yir cruel tigris ruschit throw al y e toun, & sauit nane in kick nor mercat quhair yai mycht be apprehendit. So lamētable slauhter wes throw al y e partis of y e toun, y • ane mil mycht haif gane two days Ithādlie be stremis of blude. In yis toun wer slane .vii.M. mē w t maist part of all the nobillis & gentilmen of Fiffe and Louthiane.
Hovv king Balliol vvas discōfist at Dū bar. & tint al the strenthis of scotland. hovv he gaif ouir the croun to king Edvvard and fled in France. Ca. iii.
KYng Balliol heirād y e miserabil slauchter of his pepyll at Berwik, gaderit ane army w t gret hatrent to reuenge ye samyn▪ & faucht with king Edward at Dūbar quhare he was discōfist, & mony of al his army tane & slane. Efter yis discōfitour ye erlis of Marche & Menteith w t .lxx. knichtis fled to ye castel of Dūbar & war seigit sa lang quhill thay war [Page] constranit for laik of vittallis to be randerit to king Edward, & thair lyuis to be sais [...]it. Nochtheles yai war al slane be yis cruel tyrane kyng Edward but ony respect to his fayth or promes. It was said be yame y e followit y e opinion of Balliol, y t Robert Bruce solistit al his freindes in y e begīnyng of y e battall to leif y e Balliol, & was be y e way ye caus of this discō fitour. Bot thir wordis war fals & said be y e freindis of Balliol allanerly for malyce, to y e fine yat the Bruce suld cū in hatrēt to y e scottis. Robert [...]ruce [...]fter yis victory past to king Edward & desirit hym to fulfil y e [...] maid be him afore vnd his gret [...]. Nochtheles he gat bot ane [...] answer▪ for king Edward had [...] desire to be king of scotland thā the Bruce had. His answer was, [...] yow y t we haif na othir besines [...], bot to conques realmes & king [...]mes to the. Robert Bruce persa [...]ng sic dissait & treason vnd [...]r the wordis of king Edward, returnit richt sorrowfull to his landis in Ingland, hauand gret indignation in his mynd y t he had obeyit to ye king of Ingland forthir thā reason requi [...], & concludit with deliuerit mynd (quhen tyme occurrit) to reuenge the [...] done be king Edward in his m [...]ist cruel maner. Efter this victory king Edward tuk baith the castel of Edinburgh & Striuelyng, & chasit ye Balliol to ye castel of For [...]ar [...]. And thair Iohne Cumyng lord of Strabogy come to kyng Edward, & was sworn his lege man. And sone efter yis Iohne Comyng brocht the Balliol w t his son Edward to Mō [...] ros quhair y e said Iohn̄ Balliol void of al kingly abulȝemētis, come with ane quhit wand in his hand to king Edward for feir of his lyfe, & resignit all richt & titill y t he had or mich [...] haue to y e croun of scotland be [...] burdoun in king Edwardis hādis, & maid hym chartour thairof in his maner In the .iiii. ȝeir of his regne. Efter this kyng Edward cōuen [...]t al ye noblis of scotland at Berwik, quhare yai war sworn to be leill & trew subdittis to hym in tymes cumyng. And for the mair secur [...]e, he constranit yame to randir all ye strenthis & munitionis of scotland baith be see & land in his hādis. Sic thingis done he send Iohne Balliol with his son Edward to London quhare yai war keipit in strāg ward lang tyme. Quhill at last he sufferit Iohne Balliol to return in scotland, leuand his son in plege y t he suld attempt na rebellion aganis hym. Iohne Balliol eft his returnyng seing hym self nothir cherist with cōmonis nor nobyllis of scotland fled in Normandy to his faderis heritage, quhare he be lāg age wes maid blind. Efter quhais deith his son Edward succedit to his heritage in Frāce, & inuadit scotlād with gret trubyll as we sall efter schaw.
¶Hovv king Edvvart come vvith ane army aganis France. Hovv the erle of Buchquha [...]e maid gret hei [...]schippis in Ingland. Of VVilliam VVallace & his vassalage aganis Inglismen. Ca. iiii.
KYnge Edward nocht remouyng the battal out of his mynd▪ that he supersedit on France, garnist all the strenthis of scotland to resist the rebellyon of scottis. Sine went with ane army in frāce, leuand behynd hym Hew Cressyngham to be Regent of Scotland to his returning. And beleuit lytyll iniuris to be attemptit be scottis, for the gret afflictioun done to yame be his weris afore rehersit. Bot tyrāny is of sic natur [...], y t it may neuir haue [Page CCvi] sufficient munition nor sicker targe, nochtwithstandyng quhat sumeuir garneson be laid in defence thairof. For euery pepyl y t is opprest with tyranny wyll labour to exoner thaym yairof, quhen euir yai may fynd ony sufficient oportunite. Ye lordꝭ of scotland sone efter ye departing of king Edward, renuncit al band & promis maid to hym. & conuenit togidder al of ane mynd at Striuelyng to recouer yair realme & liberte. In thꝭ coū sall wer chosyn .xii. nobyll men to be gouernourꝭ of scotland, ylk mā w tin yair awin boūdis, y t yai micht y e mair esaly resist y e tyrāny of kīg Edward. Amang quhō Iohne Cumyng erle of Buchquhan was principall, ane man of singulare prudence baith in weir & peace. Yis erle of Buchquhan come with ane army in Northūbirland, quhare he ceissit fra na maner of cruelte y t micht be deuisit & waistit al y e landis yairof with fyre & swerd. At last he segit Carlele (bot it was sa strangly defendit) it micht not be tane. In this tyme was ane ȝoung mā namit Wyllyā wallace son to schir Andro Wallace of Cragy knicht, he was of stature & corporall strenth aboue al othir man sene in his dayis, with sic prudēce & craft of cheuelry, y e nane was found perregal to hym. This Wallace fra his first ȝouth ꝑsewit Inglismen with extreme▪ hatrent, & be sindry ieoperdis did mony vailȝeant actis in support of scottis. & was of sic incredible strenth at his cūyng to his ꝑfite age, y t he vincust oftymes .iii. or .iiii. Inglismē atanis in singulare battall. Quhen y e fame of his illuster vassalage was blawin throw the realme mony nobyll men (to exoner yame fra seruitude of Inglismē) assistit to hꝭ opinion. Throw quhilk he was sa strang y t he mycht na way be circūuenit be treasoun of Inglismen, & finaly behad hym sa manly at al ieoperdis y t he was chosyn be general vocis (quhē maist truble apperit) gouernour of scotland ī place of Iohne Balioll to delyuer y e samyn fra seruitude & tyrāny of Inglismen. At this tyme mony of al ye abbasijs & prelatijs of scotland wa [...] in Inglismēnis handis, nochtheles Williā wallace be cōmission of william Fraser bischop of sant Andros eieckit & put yame furth of al ꝑtis of scotland, & left nothir temporal, spiritual, nor religius mā of yair blud in scotland. And sone efter he ressauit y e army y • Iohne Cumyng erle of Buchquhan had afore, & constranit the scottis to obey to hym othir be force or fauour. Syne come w t prowd baner throw syndry partis of scotland inuading Inglismen & all otheris of yair opinion. Efter sindry gret ieoꝑdis he wā y e castellꝭ of Forfare, Dūde Brechin, & Montros, & slew al y e soudiouris fundin in thaym. Wallace prowd of yir feliciteis tuk Dūnoter efter y t ye principal capitanis yairof war furth, & slew all personis found in it. Syne garnist it in his strāgest maner. Efter this he went to Aberdene. quhilk was left wast to his cū yng. And becaus the castel was garnist with sic prouision, y t it mycht not be takyn but gret murdir of pepyll, he left the samyn & returnit in Angus. King Edward heirand thir doingis in France, send Hew Cressinghame with ane army to inuade Wallace. Als sone as Wallace was aduertist of the comyng of this army, he left the sege of Cowpar and went to the brig of Stryuelyng to stop ye ouircumyng of Hew Cressinghame, and fynaly slew hym be syngulare manheid, and put his army to flicht. Efter this victory, he returnit to ye sege of Cowꝑ, quhilk was rāderit to [Page] hym sone efter his returning. Mony scottis send thair ambassatouris to Wallace efter this victory, promitting to support hym with money & vittallis, gif he wald ressaue yame ī fauouris, sindry othir castellis war r [...] ̄derit to hym, quhilkꝭ war garnist be hym with al prouision. Efter this he scalit his army & come to Striueling with ane certane of his maist tē der freindis. And becaus he saw ane miserabil derth rising in al partis of scotland to ye gret mortalite of y e pepyl thairof, he gaif his besines to releif ye pepyl, & to sustene yame on ye frutis of Ingland. Incontinent he cōmandit al scottꝭ to be reddy agane ane prefixt day to pas on thair auld ennymes. And in the mene tyme he maid sic punition on yame (quhilkis [...] repugnant to his ꝓclamation) [...] y e remanent pepyl for feir yairof [...] to hꝭ purpos. Sone eft Wallace w t .iii. battallis arrayit in maist awful ordināce brint & herijt al Northumbirland to the New castel, & be [...]me of his forcy cheuelry become in sic [...]errou [...] to his fayis, y t he returnit with riche spulȝe & gret triūphis in scotland but ony battall.
¶Of kyng Edvvardis message send to VVallace. of V [...]allace ansvver▪ & of his gret prudence in cheuelry. Hovv the scottis vvar discomfist at the Falkirk. & hovv the kyng of Frāce purchest peace to scottis. Ca. v.
EDward lāg schākis heirand ye gret heirschippis & slauchter done to his pepil, returnit with heuy displeseir in Ingland, and send his ambassatouris to Wallace saying, had he bene in Ingland, Wallace durst not haue done sic cruelteis to his pepyl. To thir wordis answerit Wallace, he tuk not bot has tyme on Ingland quhen king Edward was out of it, as kyng Edward tuke on scotland, quhen he fand y e samyn destitute of ane heid, makand hym to conques the realme efter that the noblis had chosin hym, as amiable and freindly cōpositour to geif decisioun apon the Iuris & richtis of two partis contending for ye crown. Attour to mak his syngulare māheid & prudence mair knawin to Inglismen, & that king Edward may vnderstand his besines geuyn in perpetuall defence of scotlād, with obstinat mynd baith to delyuer the said realme out of seruitude & to reuenge the cruelteis done be Inglismen in tymes bygane, He cōmādit ane herald to pas to king Edward to aduertis hym, y t he suld hald his Pasche in Ingland (gif god fortunit hym to be on lyue) in dispite of king Edward & al pepil yat wyll beir armoure in his name. At last quhen king Edward & Wallace war baith cumyn to the place assignit, the day of battall was set on all sydis. Howbeit Inglismen wa [...] in dowble mair nowmer thā scottis. Ȝit Wallace with per [...]e curage na thing effrayit of yair multitude com first to feild. And quhen the armyis war reddy to ione, ye Inglismen left thair palȝonis & maid yame to f [...]e. In the mene tyme ye scottis prowde efter mony victoryis, & seand yair ennymes geif bakkis, micht scarsly be refrenit fra the chace. Wallace (quhilk knew na thing better than y e dissait of Inglismen) ran w t swift hors afore the scottis, exhortyng yame to ryn not wylfully to thair awin perdition, deuisit aganis yame be slicht of ennymes. becaus the hasty fleyng of Ing [...]smen was nocht bet cullourit fra [...]e, & yairfore it was sufficiēt to yame to haue victory bot ony strakis. Ye scottis beand dantit thus of thair wyld fury be prudence of this [Page CCvii] worthy camploun, wer saiffit with thair honour & liuis, and returnit in scotland with infinite spulȝe and riches. Forthir (as the pepill supportit Wallace ay the more yat he grew in manheid & pissance aganis Inglismen) on the samyn maner yai began to inuy hym, quhen he wes cumin be his vailȝeant dedis to maist felicite and honour, specially the gret lordis & princis of the realme, hauand gret indignattoun that ane man of small lynage suld rise be his virtew in sa gret estimation and reuerence aboue yame. Throw quhilk rais gret seditioun in Scotland, specially be the Cumyngis & Robert Bruce, quhilkꝭ inuyit hym maist. ¶Kyng Edward knawing this new sedition, send his ambassatouris to the principall men (quhilkis inui [...]t Wallace maist) and quhen he had gottyn yame bound to his opinion, he come with ane army in Scotland. Wallace knawing na thing of this treason deuisit aganis hym, rasit his army and met hym at the Falkirk. Eftir his cumyng rais ane odioꝰ debait betuix ye Stewart Cumyn & Wallace, quhilk of thaim thre suld haue the wangard. Ye first two thocht heuy, yat a man of sobir lynage and small beginning, suld be preferrit to thaym in dignite and honouris of cheualry. Ye thrid thocht the charge wes geuin to hym be the thre esta [...]tis of scotland. And for yat cause he wald gif na place to yame. In y e mene tyme y e Inglismē come so awfully aganis thaym, that yai wer constranit to cum forthwart aganis thair ennymes, with breistis boldyn more to yair awin yā to yair [...] disples [...]ir. Kyng Edward [...] thair seditioun, come with [...] more deligence in battall. And quhen the battallis wer reddy to Iune, ye Cumyngis fled out of the feild with all fol [...]ꝭ of yair opinion. Robert Bruce wes this tyme with the army of Ingland & my t yairfor mak na support to scottis. And so yai wer miserablie slane on all sydis. And youcht y e scottis wer murdrist on this maner, ȝic Wallace left na thing vndone, that mycht pertene to the deuore of ane vailȝeant campioun. Exhorting his folkis sumtyme to be nocht effrayir with yame quhilkis war afore discō fist with onlie feir of yair visage. sū tyme ruscheand throw his ennymes to yair gret slaucht, and instruck and his folkis quhat wes to be done, bot at last all the scottis that faucht that day with hym ouirset with multitud of Inglismen and ye cumpanyis of Robert Bruce cumand on thair bakkis wer slane. Wallace seand hym circulit on all partis ruschit feirslye throw his ennymes, & deliuerit hym hym self in that maner. In the mene tyme ane strang capitane of Inglād namyt freir Brtangis followit on Wallace w t gret ferocite, bot Wallace na thyng astonist of his cuming met hym (nochtwithstanding ye discomfitour of scottꝭ) with sic manheid and curage, yat he slew yis capitane before the face of al the army of Ingland. Than the residew of Inglismen for feir yairof, ceissit fra ony for thare chace on scottis. In yis vnhappy battal wes slane Ioh [...] Stewart of Bute with al his folkis, quhilkis wer left be Wallace in extreme dangeir efter that he micht haue delyuerit yame yairof. Makduf was slane in this battal with schir Iohne Grahame, quhais deith was [...]icht displesant to Wallace▪ Mony othir nobyl and vailȝeant men war slane in the same maner, quhilkis war ouir prolixt to schaw. It is said that Robert Bruce (efter that he had cumyn on ye backis of scottis said to Wallace [Page] in this maner. ¶O Wallace quhat presumptuous foly is in the, knawyng thy self desert and left be the nobillis and commonis of Scotland, to fecht with sic vane audacite aganis the pissance of the riche kyng of Ingland. Seis thow nocht thy self [...]ynnand to vter confusioun. Consideris thow not the irrecouerabyl dā mage approcheing to thy displeseir. To this answerit Wallace. O Robert thy febyll cowartry and sleuth mouis me to assailȝe so mony patellus ieoperdyis in defence of thy rycht and delyuering of the realme of Scotland fra tyranny of Inglismē. Thir wourdis war sa deip inp [...]entit [...] the brucis hart, that he determit [...] abide na langat at the opinion of Ingland. Treuth is that sendill or [...] ar ye scottis vincust be Inglismen without sum diuisioun amang thaym self. For youcht the Scottis [...] this tyme stude in sic array, that thay war inuincibyl, and culd nocht [...] afore. Ȝit Robert Bruce come with ane buschement of Inglismen on thair bakkis. Be quhilk thay war miserably discomfist and slane. This battall was strykyn on the Magdalen day fra our redemp [...]oun ane .M.ii.C.lxxxxviii. ȝ [...]ris. Thairfore the Inglismen held it ay efter, for ane happy day to fecht aganis scottis. Forthir youcht Robert Bruce (quhilk wes efter king of scottis) was baith at the battall of Dunbar, and the battall of Falkirk at ye opinion of Ingland aganis the scottis, na crime mycht be imput to hym thairfore. First becaus he had na refuge in Scotland. For the Ballioll persewit hym to the deid, becaus he was contendand with hym for the crown. Secoundly he held the lordschip of cleueland of the king of Ingland, and was ane Inglismā born, howbeit he was nerest air be proximite of blud to the crowne of Scotland, and be reasoun thairof behuuit to make hym seruice. Als kyng Edward promittit to retreit the sentence he gaif for the Ballioll and to make the said Robert kyng. Attoure sanct Paule (as we fynd) was ane gret scurge of crystyn pepyll and persewit thaym with maist cruell ennymyte. And fra he come to thair opinioun he was the gretest pyllar of our faith. On the samyn maner he wheit Robert Bruce persewit the Scottis with gret cruelte for postponyng of hym fra his iust heritage & croun. Ȝit fra he was maid kyng, he was the best prince that euir rang aboue the scottis. For youcht he fand scotland in gret miserie and neir conquest be tyranny of Inglismen, Ȝit he recouerit it be his syngulare manheid and left it fre but ony clame in gud tranquillyte. Wallace efter yis discomfitoure come to Perth. And becaus he couth nocht suffir the Inuy of the nobyllis rysyng ylk day aganis hym, he exonerat hym of all auctorite, and dischargit hym of the gouernance of the realme. The samyn tyme Philip the fourt of that name kyng of France, hauand gret miseratioun on the calamyte fallyn to his confiderat freindis of Scotland for the actioun allanerlye of France, send his ambassatouris to Edward prince of Ingland, quhilk was contrackit in mariage before with his douchter, and purchest peace to scottis. Fra y e feist of all sanctis to the Witsonday nixt following.
☞ ¶Hovv Inglismen vver discomfist at Roslyng. Hovv kyng Edvvard [...] conquest gret roumes in Scotland▪ and hovv the Fo [...]bessis tuke thair first begynnyng. Ca. vi.
[Page CCviii] THe Scottis brokin with cōtinewal weris, send thair ambassatouris to paip Boniface. to cōplene the gret afflictiō done to thaym be king Edward. quhilk was set in perdition of thair liberte to cōques yair realme, and desirit y e paip (sen he had mair empire aboue Inglismen than ony othir realme) to interpone his auctorite. And constrane king Edward to desyst fra inuasioun of scottis. For the scottis war content that al pleyis concernyng the liberte and croun of scotland, war decidit be his halynes. Sen the samyn may na othirwayis be decidit, for insufferabil dāmage fallyng to ye pepyl be blind desyre of nobyllis contending for ye crowne. The paip efter that he had tane ripe deliberation in this mater, decernit y e scottis to haue iust action of battal in defence of thair liberteis aganis king Edward. Sone efter the Scottis chesit Iohne Cumyn to be gouernoure of thair realme. Als sone as king Edward was aduertist of yair rebellyon, he send ane army throw all boundis of scotland, & come to Perth inuadyng the cuntre with gret trubyll. Mony of the nobyllis (becaus thay micht nocht suffer his iniuris) war randerit. Otheris quhilkis had mair sycht to thair liberte than seruitude, fled to ye woddis. And chesit Symon Fraseir to be college in thair weris to Iohne Cumyn. Syne gaderit ane power of .viii. thousand chosyn men to reuenge the iniuris done be Inglismen. And fynaly slew euery ane of thaym that was ouir takyn, And the remanent chasit out of the cuntre. Kyng Edward commouit with this vassalage, send ane vailȝeant capitane namit Rodulphe Confrey in scotland with .xxx. thousand men. This Rodulphe efter his cumyng in scotland, tuke lytyl respect of scottis bot allanerly (as he war cumyn) to take all scotland at his pleseir. And thairfore purposit to pas throw the boundis of scotland with thre armyis at thre sindry partis, ylk army hauand x. thousand men in nowmer. And cō mandit thaym to meit all togydder at Roslyng. efter thay had cumyn throw the cuntre at thre syndry partis. Als sone as Iohne Cumyn and Symon Fraseir war aduertist yairof, thay rasit thair folkis, traisting na thyng sa gud as to assailȝe the chance of battal with ane of thir thre armyis, for thay traistit gyf it happinnit thaym to haue victory of ane of thir thre armyis, ye remanent two the mair able to be vincust. Incontinent thay exhortit thair folkis to fecht for defence of thair wyffis, lyberteis, and guddis. The scottis rasit be thir wourdis in esperance of victory, faucht with sic inuincible curage, that thay put the first battal of Inglismen to flicht. Skarsly had thay gaderit the spulȝe thairof, quhen y e secound battall come on yame with mair cruelte than the first. Nochtheles throw curage of thair recent victory thay ionit with incredibyll manheid. And skarsly was this secound battall vincust, quhen the thrid battal come on thaym with fresche power. And yocht the scottis war woundit and slane in gret nowmer. Ȝit be hortatioun of thair capitane thay ruschit pertely with new spreit and curage on thair ennimes. and efter lang bergane thay put all yair ennimes to flycht. Few of yame had bene sauit, war nocht the scottis war ouirset be lang fechting. This victory succedit to Scottis on sanc [...] [Page] Mathewis day, fra our redemption i.M.iii.C. & twa ȝeris. It is in dout, gif euir ony victorie wes conquest afore thir dayis with more manheid and honoure .xxx. thousand Inglismen with lang prouision and set bat [...]all vincust and dyscomfist with skars .viii. thousand Scottis. And thairfore Ilk man beleuit this victory nocht cuming but singulare fauour and grace of god. And ȝit ye scottis kepit bot schort tyme yis victorie. For king Edward knawin yis discomfitour at Rosling, rasit his army to inuaid ye scottis baith be see & land. Ye scottis seand his ordinance of more pissance than thay mycht resist, fled to thair strenthis, throw quhilk king Edwardis army went but ony obstakill throw all scotland fra north to south partis yairof. And na man foūd to resist yame except Wallace and sa mony as assistit to hym, quhilkis leiffit in the montanis and woddis to eschew the fury of Inglismen. Kyng Edward heirand y e Wallace lurkit in dennis and lay in wait abidyng sum tyme to inuaid Inglismen, desirit him be sindry message to be sworne Inglisman, and to haue thairfore gret erldomes & lordschippis within Ingland. Wallace refusit, saying hꝭ liberte wes more to him with small rentis in scotland, than possession of gret landis in Ingland vnder seruitude. The castel of Striueling wes kepit in yir dayis b [...] ane vailȝeant knycht schir William Olifer. And quhen he had bene continewally segit thre monethis, for la [...] of vitallis he rāderit y e hous to king Edward vnder thir conditionis. All personis that ar in ye said castel, sal haue fre pasport to depart with yair baggis and guddis at thair pleseir. Nochtheles kyng Edward (as ane fals tyrane) brak his aith & promes in that behalf. For eftir that the castell wes randerit, he tuke schir William Olifer and send hym as presoner to Londoun, quhair he remanyt mony ȝeris eftir in captiuite. Mony othir castellis wer tane be kyng Edward in the same maner, and all the sodiouris thairof slane but ony mercy or ranson. Ye castell of Urquhard wes takin, and nane left on lyue in it, except ane woman gret with child of quhome the surname of Boyis & Forbes discendit. This woman yat wes sauit in this maner, wes wife to Alexander boyis lord of the said castell. Howbeit it wes vnknawin for the tyme, for scho wes in pure array Eftir taiking of this castell scho fled in Ireland quhare scho bure hir son Alexander. This Alexander (quhen scotlād wes recouerit out of Inglismennis hādis) come to king Robert Bruce, and desirit to be restorit to hꝭ faderis heritage, quhilk wes occupyit for the tyme with othir possessoris. Kyng Robert wery quhat wes to be done in yis ma [...]er, for he thocht it nocht semand that ane prince suld tak the landis fra nobill men, quhilkis wer geuin to thaym in reward of yair manheid. And als it wes not Iust to spulȝe ye man of his kindely heritage. Quhilk had his fader, his freindis, and all his guddis tynt in defence of the realme. Yus wes ane mydway deuisit. Be quhilk certane landis in Mar of litil les proffet yan the landis of Urquhard wer geuyn to the said Alexander boyis. Nochy [...] les this man that wes callit Boyis, wes callit Forbes. For he slew ane beit be singulare manheid. Of quhome the surname of Forbessis is discendit.
¶Of sindry gret cruelteis done be king Edvvard aganis scottis. Hovv ye bruce and Cumyn [...]var confiderat, and hovv th [...] Cumyn vvas slane. Ca. vii.
SCotland beand subdewit in this maner, kyng Edward gart distroy all the auld lawis and constitutionis of Scotland, traisling thairthrow to caus the scottis and Inglismen to incres togidder in blude, amite, and faith. ¶He brint all the Cronikles of Scotland with all maner of bukis als weill of deuyne seruyce as of othir materis. To that fyne that the memorye of Scottis suld peris. Gret punitioun was maid on thaym quhilkis war repugnant to thir chargis. ¶He gart the Scottis wryte bukis efter the vse of Sarum, and constranit thaym to say efter that vse. Attoure he banist all Scottis (quhilkis had ony syngulare eruditioun) and put thaym in Oxfurd, dreidand that the nobillis of Scotland be thair eruditioun suld incres in virtew. And sum tyme delyuer thair realme of seruitude. ¶Attoure this tyrane had sic bane arrogance that he dystroyit all the antiquiteis of Scotland. And efter that he had passit throw syndry boundis thairof, he commandit the round tempyl beside Camelon to be cassin down, quhilk was biggit (as we haue schawin) in the honoure of Claudius empriour and the goddes Uictory. Nocht suffering be his Inuy sa mekyll of the antiquiteis of oure eldaris to remane in memorye. Ȝit the inhabitantis saiffit the samyn fra vter euersioun. and put the Romane ansenȝe and superstitionis out of y e wallis thairof. And ingrauit the armis of king Arthoure, and commandit it to be callit Arthouris hoif. ¶ [...] [...]yng Edward afore his returning in Ingland (that na memorie suld remane of Scotland thair bukis beand vniuersaly brint) send the chiar of marbyll out of Scotland to London. And put it in Westmynster quhare it remanis ȝit. Syne callit all the lordis of Scotland to ane conuention ar sanct Androis and tuk new band of thaym to be leill and trew subdittis to hym but ony rebellioun in tymes cumyng. All the lordis of Scotland war bound to hym that day except Wallace, quhom na landis nor riches mycht brek fra defence of the lyberte of Scotland. ¶Kyng Edward (to hald the Scottis at his opinioun) left behynd hym ane vailȝeant knycht Odomer Wallance to be gouernoure of Scotland. Syne returnit with gret triumphe to London. ¶In the mene tyme Robert Bruce and Iohne Cumyn conuenit togydder. And first the Cumyn said to the Bruce. Thow seis howe kyng Edward slais oure pepyll but ony occasyoun, and occupyis oure kyngrik but reasoun. Be of gud curage thairfore, and take thy armour and wappynnis. Suffer me to haue thy landis, and I sall make ye king. Gyf thow wyll nocht do that, suffer me to be kyng and thow sall nocht onely haue all my landis and heritage. Bot thou sall ay be nixt me in honoure and dignite. ☞ ¶Thus was the Bruce and Cumyn confiderat togidder with endentouris subscriuit with athir handis and interchangit be thair selis. Sic thingis done the Bruce returnit in Ingland. ¶This rebellyoun of Robert Bruce procedit, becaus he was haldyn ay with kyng Edward in suspition for the richt that he had to the crown of Scottis. And thairfore he [Page] durst not remane lang in Scotland. for king Edward had slane hym afore▪ gif he micht haue gottin hym & all his brethir togidder. Efter this confideration ye Cumyn tho [...]ht his power and auctorite wald be of lityl effect in scotland, gif the Bruce war king, & thairfore he send ane secret seruand to king Edward, and schew ye writingis la [...]ly maid betuir hym & Robert Bruce, desiring kyng Edward (gif he intendit to iose scotland but trubyll) to put ye Bruce haistely to deith. Kīg Edward gaif litil faith [...] yir writyngis at the first sicht. for he beleuit y t thay come only be Inuy of the Cumyn, quhilk dred y e yat he suld be of lytyll pyssance in sc [...]tland [...] Robert Bruce gat ony auc [...]orite. At last king Edward schew yir [...] to the Bruce & demandit him [...] he had ony cognossance of his [...] writ. The Bruce denyit [...]e let [...]ris with gret constance, sch [...]wing the samyn proceding onely be Inuy of the Cumyn. And yairfore desirit to be [...] with the letteris for ane [...]icht, & failȝeing yat he preuit not ye letteris fals and fenȝeit. he suld tyne al his landis within Ingland. King Edward gaif lytyll faith to thi [...] let [...]e [...]is. for it was ye wyll of god y t bruce suld be sauit to recouer ye realme of scotland out of seruitude & tyranny of Inglismē. Ye erle of glomer sone efter the departyng of Robert bruce fra the kingis presence, send to hym [...]. striuelyng pēnyis with .ii. scharp sputris. Throw quhilk the Bruce cō iecturit y t na thing was proffitable to hym bot to spur hꝭ hors, & becaus the season was than of wynter & the erd ouircouerit with s [...]awis, he gart ane smyth scho his hors bakw [...]rtis, that nane suld follow hym be his fut steppis. And departit out of Londō with two traist seruandis in all deligence y t he micht & come the .vii. day efter to Lochmaben, quhare he me [...] his brothir Edward quhilk had gret meruel of his haiste cummyng. And incōtinent he schew how he come in gret trubyll be ye Cumyn, and narrowly eschapit of his life. In y e mene tyme as thay went forthwart, thay met ane futman be the way. And becaus he eschewit the gait, thay tuke hym. and fand new wrytyngis with hym direckit fra the Cumin to kyng Edward, quhilk schew gif ye Bruce wer nocht slane, na thing bot conspiration & truble sall follow in al partis of scotland aganis kīg Edward. Als sone as the Bruce had red thir writingis, he inquirit diligentlie quhair the Cumin wes. This seruand suspeekand na euill, schew y t he wes in ye freiris of Dunfreis. Ye Bruce incontinent slew yis man for bering of yir writingis, and come haistly in the queir of Dūfreis quhair he fand ye Cumyn, and eftir y t he had accusit hym & schawin his awin enventurꝭ, he straik hym with ane swerd in the wambe. Syne fled haistely out of ye kirk, and met Iames Lindesay and Roger Kirkpatrik his tender freindis, and said to thaym. I trow the Cumyn be slane. to quhome yai answerit, hes thow attēptit sa gret ane mater & left it vncertane. Incōtinent yai went to y e Cumyn & inquirit him gif he had ony deidis woūdis, or gyf he trowit to recouir gif he had ony gud surrigiane, and becaus he sayd he mycht recouir, yai straik hym .iii▪ or .iiii. othir straikis mair cruelly, & sone eftir he gaif the gaist, the ȝeir of god .i.M.iii. and .v. [...]eris.
☞ Hovv VVallace vves be [...]r [...]sit be schir Iohne Mentei [...]h. Of king Robert Brucia coronatioun and of his gret miserie. Hovv he cōquest scotland. & hovv ye Douglas tuk yair beginning. ca. viii.
[Page CCx] AT thꝭ tyme Wallace wes tane treasonably be schir Iohn̄ M [...]nteith at Glasgew, & deliuerit to kyng Edward. For kīg Edward promittit be general edict syndry landis w t gret sowmes of money to yame y e wald delyuer y • said Wallace ī hꝭ hā dis. Finaly thꝭ Wallace was brocht to London, quhare he was cruelly martyrit be tyrāny of kīg Edward, & hꝭ quarterꝭ sēd to sindry gret tounis of scotland to be hoūg vp to his schame. This end maid y e nobil Wallace maist forcy campion yat was in his dayis. For yocht all othir scottis randerit baith yame self and yair cuntre to seruitude of Inglismen, he wald neuir be subdewit, bot ay iosing the auld liberte of scotland. Nochtheles sic Inuy hes ay bene & is ȝit in scotland, y • na nobyll man may leif in it bot outhir be ane treason or othir finaly distroyit. It is writtin yat ane haly heremite in Ingland reuist in spreit be heuinly contemplation saw this Wallace fleand with inestimabyl glore vnto ye heuyn, as he y • faucht for defēce of his cūtre to y e deith. Robert Bruce efter y e slauchter of y e Cumyng send to the paip for absolution, & to attempt ane thing of mair audacite aganis kyng Edward, be quhilk he micht the better resyst his tyranny in tymes cumyng. He come with his freindis to Scone, quhare he was crownit on the .xxvii. day of Marche. Ȝit quhen he had gaderit al y e pepyl y t he micht to inuaid king Edward he was bot ane small nowmer, for the maist part of Scotland was aganis hym. King Edward aduertist of the rebellion maid aganis hym be king Robert, send ane army in scotland with Odomer wallance his lieutennent. & faucht with kyng Robert at Meffene. y e .xix. day of Iuny, quhare y e said king Robert was put to flycht. And youcht few of his army was slane at this tyme, ȝit the pepil ȝeid fra hym traisting ane euyl signe to begin with sic discomfitour. Odomer wallance efter yis victory. banist all ye wiffis of yame y e a [...]sisti [...] to kīg Robert. Throw quhilk mony noble wemen & ladyis war cōstranit to pas to ye desertis & woddis to eschew ye cruelte of Inglismen. King Robert discomfist on this wise come in Athole, quhare he faucht aganis y e Cumyngis & Inglismē & was put to flicht on y e samyn maner as afore. few of his men slane Ȝit be thir frequent discomfitouris he was sa desolate of freindis, y t he went solita [...] with few personis in his cumpany amang y e montanis & woddis su [...]enand his miserable life on ru [...]ꝭ & herbis, & in yis mischāce he had .ii. maist faithfull seruandis to hym y e erle of Leuenax & Gylbert Hay, & yocht s [...] ̄ tyme b [...] fers persecution of ennimes yai went fra hi [...] presence, ȝit yai baid ay at his opinion. At last al his fr [...]indis for feir of yair liuis skalit & fled heir & thair to thair best refuge. His quene fled to sāct Dutho & was tane be Williā Cuming erle of Ros, & deliuerit to y e king of Ingland, quhare scho abaid cōtinewally to y e battal of Baunochtburn. His brothir Nigell Thomas & Alexander war tane & sū of yame heidit at Carlele, & sum as Berwik. Finaly all thay yat fled fra hym war othir slane within y e ȝeir or ellis haldin presoneris in Ingland. Thꝰ was king Robert brocht to sic misery, y t he was sumtyme nakit and hungery but meit or drink, saif only watter & ruris of herbis, & youcht he knew weil y e slauchter of his brothir with al othir afflictionis done in perdition of hym and his freindis. Ȝi [...] he had sic excellent fortitude in al aduersite, yat na thing mycht brek his [Page] inuincible curage. For he was sa accustomit with euery truble & weiris in his ȝouthe, that he curit nocht to sleip on ye cald erd, nor to drink watter in steid of aill or wyne. Attoure ane thyng is yat apperis to haue cumyn be myracle & grace of god, howbeit his freindis war neir all vterly distroyit. He ceissit neuir to haue ferme esperance sumtyme to recouer hꝭ realme & lyberte of his pepyl. At last quhen he had bene vagabound and wylsum in sindry partis to eschew y e treason of yame, quhilkis war waitand to put hym to deith. He come to ane freind in the Ilis, quhare he gat sic support of men and wappinnis y t he tuk new curage to assailȝe his ennymes. And be y e samyn way he tuke the castell of Carrik, and slew all the Inglismen quhilkis wer fu [...]din in it. Syne delt the spulȝe thairof with gret liberalite amang his we [...]rmen. His freindis (quhilkis war lurkand vnder couert) herirand his doingis begā to return to hym out of al partis. Sone efter be thair assistence he wan ye castel of Innernes, and slew al ye sodiouris thairof, & with siclik felicite wa [...] mony str [...]chꝭ in y e north. And becaus he had na pyssance to keip thaym, he kest thaym down in al partꝭ quhare he ȝeid. At last quhē he was cumand to Glennesk, he gat aduertising y t Iohne Cumyng with syndry Inglismen & scottis war gaderit aganis hym. And (becaus the groūd was strenthy) he tuk purpos to abide yame battall. Nochtheles Iohne Cumyng with yir Inglismē and scottis (quhilkis war gaderit to geif hym battal) seing hym na thing affrayit of thair cumyng, send ambassa [...]ourꝭ to haue trewis to eschew the present dangeir, quhill th [...]y war gaderit mair strangly aganis hym. Ȝit quhen thir desiris war grantit, thay followit hym with new power in thair maist cruel maner. King Robert bure hym sa vailȝeantly, y t oftymes be his singulare virtew he put yame to flycht, and maid ay slauch [...]ter on yame, howbeit the samyn wes bot smal, as occurris oftymes at frequent scarmussing and ieoperdis▪ ye fame of thir honourable actis drew hym in sic fauoure, that syndry gret baronis of scotland assistit to hym. Amang quhome was Iames Dowglas ane man of gret spreit & manheid, quhilk was tendir & familiar cousing to Wyllyam Lambertoun bischop of sanct Andros. This Iames Dowglas to support kyng Robert at his power tuk all the bischoppis gold and hors with sindry othir vailȝeant ȝoūg men of his opinion, & went to kyng Robert, as byschop Lambertoun had knawin na thyng thairof. Howbeit he assistit weil yair to, bot he durst not opinly, in auenture gif ony infeliciteis had followit efter, it micht haue cumyn to hꝭ displeseir. This Iames Dowglas was tē derly ressauit be kyng Robert, & co [...] tinewit in his seruice baith in weir & peace to the end of his lyfe. Of this Iames discendit y e illuster surname of Dowglas. quhilkis war euir the sicker targe & weirwal of Scotland aganis Inglismen, & wan mony lā dis be yair syngular māheid & vassalage. For it is said in y e bru [...]is buke. ☞¶ Sa mony gud as of ye Douglas h [...]s bene.
Of ane surname vvas neuir in Scotland sene.
¶For thay decorit yis realme with mony noble actis, & be glore of marciall dedis grew in gret estimation. Nochtheles thair hicht and gret pissance baith in manrent and landis was sa suspect to the kingis (quhilkꝭ succedit efter yame) that it was the [Page CCxi] caus of thair declination▪ and [...]it sen that surname wes put doun, scotlād his done few vailȝeant dedis in Ingland. Bot we will returne to oure h [...]s [...]orie.
☞ Of the deith of the tyrane kyng Edw [...]d langschankis. And hovv Edvvard Camauer his son vvas maid kyng of Ingland. Hovv kyng Robert gat sindry victory [...] on his ennymes. And of [...] d [...]rth in Scotland. Ca. ix.
EDward of Ingland dredand the scottis be thir feliciteis to ryse ilk day in i [...]ore insolēce, come with ane more aufull ordinance than euir he did afore in scotlād, with purpos to subdew it alluterlie but ony recouir, and at his cumyng to ye bordo [...] ris, he fell in ane heuy maledy, & deceissit suddanlie but ony confessioun or sacrament of haly kirk. Treuth is that ane knycht of Ingland namyt schir William Banistar in ye houre of kyng Edwardis deith▪ fell in ane extasy and saw this odius tyran cruellie [...]eurgi [...] for the murdir of sa mony innocent pepill. And finalie saw hym c [...]nuoyi [...] with infinite noumer of deuillis to hell. Als sone as this knycht had sene this visioun, he fell in ane heuy maledy and culd neuir [...] rest, quhill he wes brocht to ane opin place before al y e pepil to schaw his visioun. And quhen he had schaw [...]n the samyn to the pepill with all circumstance afore reheirsit, he conualescit and perfeuerit in gud lyfe & pennance to his deith. Yis apperis to be trew, becaus this bludy tyrane ragit with vnnatural cruelte on cristi [...] pepil aboue ye rigour of armes. for quhen he wes ī his last extremes he cōmandit .l. ȝoung childrin quhilkis wer takin in ye castell of Kildrū my (eftir that it wes won be Inglism [...]n) to be all slane but ony compassioun of thair tendir [...]eris and innocence. Eftir his deith the nobillis of Ingland [...]uk his s [...]n Edward ou [...] of Carnauer and maid hym kyng. This Edward following ye futsteppis of his fader, sūmond all the lordis of scotland to Dunfreis, quhare mony of thaym wer sworne to make homage and faith to hym as to yair superiour and kyng. Otheris rebellit aganis hym, traisting be ye deith of kyng Edward, gret dissentioun & trubill to follow in Inglād. For his sonne wes ȝoung and tuke na counsal of his lordis▪ bot allanerlie of Peter Ganarstoun, quhilk wes haitit baith with Inglismen and scottis▪ Kyng Edward sone eftir returnit in Ingland, and send ambassatouris in France, desiryng support to his weris. In ye mene tyme Iohne Cumin erle of Buchquhan gaderit ane army of Inglismē & scottis aganis kyng Robert. And yocht kīg Robert wes in gret infirmi [...], he com on ane hors litter to y e camp aganis hꝭ ennymes. The Cumyn with othir scottis & Inglismen in gret noumer ab [...]id at ane strenth, traisting [...]e yair onlie multitude to put kyng Robert [...] flycht. Bot at last the Cumyn wes discomfist, and mony of his army slane or ellis ta [...]e. This victory wes gottin at Enuertour .x. mylis fra Abirdene, and wes sa plesand to kyng Robert, y t he gat his heil yairthrow. In the same ȝeir Donald of ye Ilis come with ane gret power aganis kyng Robert and wes discomfist be Edward Bruce at y e watter of Deir. Kyng Robert eftir sindry chances of battall succeding to hym with gret felicite, come with ane army in Argyle. And nocht onlie subdewit the cuntre to his opinioun. Bot tuke Alexander lord of Argyle out of one strang castel thairof, and banis [...] him [Page] with al his freindis in Ingland, quhair he sone efter deceissit. In y e same ȝeir king Edward come with ane army to Rāfrew, and returnit in Ingland w t few werkꝭ worthy to haue memory. And in this ȝeir throw continewall weris rais sic derth in scotland, that nothir vittallis nor bestial micht be gottin in ony partis thairof. Throw quhilk the derth was sa g [...]et, that the pepyll eit hors & othir syndry forbodyn flesche to sustene [...] lyuis.
[...] Of the condition of trevvis [...]ane [...] [...]dvvard Bruce and the capitane [...]. Hovv kīg Edvvard come [...] .C. thousand men to reskevv [...]. Of ye victory falling to erl [...] [...] Ra [...]ale. Ca. x.
KYng Robert in y e ȝeir followyng. quhylk was fra the incarnatioun ane .M.iii.C.xi. ȝeris chasit Inglismen out of all partis [...] sco [...]land. Syne enterit two sindry [...]ymes in Ingland, and efter that he [...] put mony landi [...] & pepyl thairof [...]o heirschippis and slauchter, he returni [...] in scotland with innowmerabil [...]iches, spulȝe, and pray of besti [...]ll. Throw quhilk Inglād was put [...] na les affliction and trubyll, than [...]cotland was in the ȝeirꝭ afore reher [...] be king Edward. And in the ȝeir following on y e .viii. day of Ianuar king Robert wan ye town of Perth be strang hand, and slew all the pepyll found in it, and kest down all ye wallis yairof to the ground. And in ye sam [...] ȝeir y • castellis of Dunfreis, Aire, L [...]nark, with mony [...]thir strenthis and castellis in Scotland war randerit to hym, and cassyn down to y e ground. The castell of Roxburgh was takin be schir Iames Douglas on fastronis euyn, fra our redemptioun ane .M.iii.C.xiii. ȝeris. And in y e samyn ȝeir Thomas Randale erle of Murray wan the castel of Edinburgh. And in this ȝeir Edward Bruce segit the castell of Striueling. And youcht he assailȝeit it with al ingyne and practik yat micht tak ony hous, ȝit his labour was in vane. For the castell was not onely strang be wallis, bot richt strenthy be nature of ye crag, standing on ane hye mote quhare na passage was bot at ane ꝑ [...]. In this castell was ane vailȝeant knicht schir Phillip Mowbray scottisman (howbeit he followit y e tyme the opinioun of Inglismen) hauand sufficient vittallis to defend it lang tyme. Edward richt sorowfull in his mind, and nocht knawing quhidder he suld leif the sege, or continew styll to his importable expensis, thoucht richt degrading to his honoure (se [...] he had [...]ane sa gret charge apō hād) to desist cowartly thairfra. At last he tuke purpos to assailȝe the mynd of the said capitane▪ & said gif he wald randir the hous with pleseir, he suld be als familiar to king Robert, as he was afore with king Edward. Fynaly becaus the capitane refusit to [...]andir the hous in this sort, he assailȝeit hym on ane new burde. Howbeit ye samyn succedit with mai [...] felicite than prudence, gif the capitane gat na releif of king Edward within ye ȝeir nixt following, he sall randit the said castell to scottis. This conditioun of peace was maid be Edward Bruce with gret foly. For ylk prudent man mycht beleif the ryche and pissant kyng of Ingland wald cum in support of his mater, hauand s [...] lang day to be prouidit thairwith. Attour it was aganis the a [...]t of cheuelry to geif sa lang trewis, quhyll thair ennymes micht be sufficiently armit to inuaid thaym with battall. [Page CCxii] Howbeit thir conditionis of trewis [...]ane be Edward Bruce wer found rycht vnplesand to kyng Robert, ȝit he wald nocht be repugnant yairto. In auenture sum seditioun or truble mycht follow thairefter be [...]ix hym and his brothir, & ȝit he vnderstude the battall wes to be led alwayis aganis the kyng of Ingland. In the mene tyme kyng Edward send to all kyngis and princis that wer alliat with hym to haue support aganis ye scottis, promitting eftir his victory to deuide Scotland amang thaym. And thairfore nocht onlie the peple that stude vnder his empire, bot sindry othir infinite pepill come with hym on thair auenturis. Specially thay that had bot small insycht at hame. Traisting to purches be his conques and victorie landis and riches sufficient to sustene thair estait in tymes cumyng. And in esperance thairof thay brocht with thaym yair wiffis and childrin with all the guddis quhilkis thay mycht turs baith on fute and hors. Ye landis (quhare kyng Edward gat support to this battall) wer thir that followis. Holland, Ȝeland, Brabane, Flanderis, Picardy, Bollony, Gascunȝe, Normandye with mony othir regionis, quhilkis wer all that tyme othir cō fiderat with Inglād, or ellis vnder thair dominioun. And by thaym mony scottis men (quhilkis for the felicite succedyng to Inglismen) tuke part at yis tyme with king Edward contrar thair natiue prince. Ye noumer that come at this tyme in Scotland with king Edward extendit to ane hundreth & fifty thowsand fute men with als mony hors men. And by this, wes infinite noumer of scudlaris & car [...]age men with yair wiffis children, madinnis, and seruandis, as thay wer sicker to sit doun perpetually in Scotland. Throw quhilk the nowmer wes sa gret that na ordour nor craft of cheualry mycht be obseruat amang thaym. For men, wiffis, and childrin wer all mixt togidder. Throw quhilk rais ane huge rei [...]d and clamour in all partis quhare yai come, throw diuersite of toungis. Kyng Edward be this incredible noumer of pepil richt proud and insolent tuke litill sollicitude or thocht of battall. For quhen he wes approcheand neir ye merchis of scotland, he tuke auisement with his nobillis with quhat cruell and schame full torment he micht best punis kīg Robert and his nobillis, presuming be vane arrogance to put thaym to pyne, as thay had bene sicker in his handis. Attoure he brocht with hym ane Carmelite monk to discriue his conques and victory on Scotland. And nocht onlie the kyng, bot euery man in his cumpany vsit maist detraction on the scottis. On y [...] tothir side kyng Robert did all thing with gret prudence & industry, and with xxx.M. men feirs and weil exercit in cheualry he come pertlie aganis his ennymes, & set doun hꝭ tentꝭ w t gud array on ane plane aboue Banochburn. Uncertane quhethir he did yis for the gret confidence he had in his folkis. Or gif he did it to caus his [...]ayis to haue him in na cōtemption, and as he beleuit, so followit eftir. For quhen the Inglismen began to wonder how he durst cū w t sa small power aganis yair huge ordinance. It wes said be ane agit and wyse capitane of Ingland. We will get na victory this day but strang bergane & gret murdir of pepill. For he knew weill ye gret wisdome & manheid of kyng Robert & his forcy campionis sa lang exercit in cheualry. Forthir to strenth hꝭ manheid w t more crafty [Page] slycht, he maid deip fowse [...]s in the place quhare the battall wes set, and dang in sta [...]kis with scharp pointis rysing vp, couerit with scherrettis▪ with sic ingyne that fu [...] men mych [...] pas thairon but ony dangeir, bot quhen ony preis of hors men come abone ye said fowseis, ye lofting suld brek. And incontinent the horsmen suld othir be reuin on staikis or ellis inclusit but ony out passage. Sic thingis done, he abaid still in y e said place abidyng with gret curage the cumyng of Inglismen. And quhen baith the armyis wer approcheing [...] othir within ane myle, kyng Edward send .viii.C. horsmen be ane [...] gait to the castell of Striue [...] to adue [...]tis the capitane of his [...]. Als sone as kyng Robert [...] proceding forthwart, he [...] Thomas Randale with .v. [...] laif the cuntre fra thair in [...], quhilk met thir Inglismen [...] inc [...]dible manheid. Throw quhilki [...] wes touch [...]in cruelly with [...] victorie lāg tyme in y e face of [...]aith y • armyꝭ. In y e mene tyme schir Iames Douglas dred yat erle Thomas his speciall & tender freind suld [...] set be multitude of Inglismē. And incontinent he fell on kneis before kyng Robert desiring licence to support his freind. And becaus the kyng wald nocht condiscend to his purpos sa haistely as he desyrit, he ruschit out of y e army but ony licence with ane cūpany of chosin men to ye effect foresaid. At last quhen he wes cumyng neir y e place quhare the erle faucht, and saw y e victorie inclinand to hym with gret murdir of Inglismen, he stude still, that he suld nocht be his cumyng [...]eif fra his tender freind ye glore of victorie, quhilk he had conquest with sic felicite & manheid. This victorie wes sa plesand to all the army of Scottis, yat euery man wes spretit with new curage. Beleuyng w t sicker esperance more felicite hastely approcheing.
¶Hovv the tvvo kyngis exhortit ya [...] armyi [...] to battall. Hovv Inglismen vve [...] discomfist at Banochburn. And king Edvvard chasit be the Douglas to Dūbar Of gret riches that fell to scottis be yi [...] victorie. Hovv the toun of Handvvarp & flemingis tuk thair begining. Ca. xi.
THe Inglismen wa [...] litil astonist of this discōfitour. Howbeit thay saw the scottis do this vassalage be more māheid, than noumer of pepill. And to that fyne the scottis sall no [...]ht be insolent throw this said victorie. Yat set battal to fecht w t yame on y e morow. Kyng Robert maid his folkis (youcht thay wer in few noumer) reddy for battall in the samyn maner casting hym mony wayis to bring his ennymes in the fowleis afore deuisit. First he cōmandit the army to mak thair confessionis and to be reddy on the morow to ressaue ye blissit sacrament eftir messe. Throw quhilk thay mycht haue the better esperance of victory. On the tothir side the Inglismen be hie curage beleuit nocht bot huge pray of landis & guddis to fal to yame for smal laubour of ane day. All the nycht afore the battall, kyng Robert wes rycht wery hauand gret solicitude for the weil of his army, and mycht take na rest, bot rolland all ieoperdeis and chance of fortoun in his mynd, and sum tymes he went to his deuoit cō templatioun, makand his orisoun to god and sāct Phillane, quhais arme (as he beleuit) set in siluer wes closit in ane cais within his palȝeon, Traisting [Page CCxiii] the better fortoun to follow be the samyn. In the mene tyme y e cais [...]hakkit to suddanlie but ony motion or werk of mortall creaturis. The preist astonist be this wounder went to the alter quhare the cais lay. And quhen he fand the arme in the cais, he crijt, heir is ane gret mirakle, and incōtinent he confessit how he brocht the tume cais in the feild dredand y t the rillik suld be tynt in the feild quhair sa gret ieoperdeis apperit. The kyng reiosing of this mirakill, past the remanent nycht in his prayaris with gud esperance of victorie. On the morow he gaderit al his army to messe to ressaue the body of god to mak thaym haue the more curage aganis thair ennymes. In this army wes ane deuoit man namit Maritius abbot of Inchechaffray, quhilk said messe on ane hi [...] mote, and ministerit the Eucharist to the kyng & his nobillis, and causit his preistis to mak ministratioun thairof to the residew of the army. Eftir this kyng Robert callit y e pepill to his standart & said in this maner. I beleif (maist forcy campionis) nane is amāg ȝow nocht knawing how necessar it is to ws to fecht this day aganis oure ennymes. Ȝe se ane army gaderit aganis ȝow nocht onlie of Inglismen bot of sindry othir nationis liand about yame, and cumyng aganis ws with thair wiffis and childrin nocht onlie to dwel in our boundis bot als to banis ws out of y e samyn, & tēdis to manure our lādis. to frequēt our housis and tempillis. And finalie to bring ws to sic vter rewyne, yat our fame and memorie sall peris in Albion. Oure ennymes hes tane lang consultatioun (howbeit it wes folie) with quhat cruel & horrible torment thay sall pyne ws or euir we be vincust or cum in yair hādis, not knawing ȝour inuincible curage and manheid sa lang exercit in cheualry, quhilk is rycht patent in me be lang experience. Nochyeles gif ȝe wil knaw quhat vailȝeant men bene thir now inuading ȝow with sic vane mynassing (maist forcy and inuincible campionis) thay ar the refuse of all realmes but ony practik or experience of cheualry, and continewally (sen yair first ȝeris) drownit in lustis amang effeminat huris. And becaus thir febill and cowart bodyis hes waisti [...] thair patrimony, landis, and gudis in vile & corruppit vsis, thay intend to ding ȝow fra ȝour natiue landis, heritage, and roumes. Noctheles ȝe sall haue sone experience, yat it salbe na mair difficulte to slay thaym yan scheip. Forther suppois thay wer dotat with maist vertew▪ ȝe suld no [...] ther be affrayit no [...] ȝit fule hardy. for in sa fa [...] as we haue ane iustar qu [...]rrell to defend, yan yai haue to ꝑsew, in sa far suld we beleif yat god salbe mair fauorable to ws yan to yame. God hes now schawin to ws his fauour be myrakle of sanct Phillane quhilk is cumyn (as I beleif) to ȝour eiris. Yairfore I pray ȝow be of gud cōfort as ȝe ar. Set on ȝone confusit multitude of peple. And traist weill, quhare god is concurrant, na multitude of ennimes may auail. And the more noumer of pepil cumis aganis ȝow, the pray and riches sall cum to ȝour more proffet. On the tothir side kyng Edward prayit his folkis to remember gif thay faucht vailȝeant lie for ane hour or two, yai suld haue infynite riches, and ye realme of scotland in reward of thair laubour, of quhilk he desyrit nocht bot the superiorite. Attour prayit yam to remember quhat irrecouerable schame suld follow (sen thay wer departit out of thair cuntreis) to returne hame but [Page] pro [...]fet or victorie. At last quhen yai wer pass and forthwart to battal, yai mycht skarslie [...]e seuerit fra embrasing of yair wiffis & childrin. Nocht yel [...] be hortation of yair capitanis, yai come to gud array. The archea [...]is stude arrayit amang y e hors m [...]n abou [...] [...] wyng. And ye battall euir [...] myddis of yame, traisting yair [...] [...]ocht of pissance to sustene [...] ordi [...]ance▪ kyng Robert, y • [...] sall haue na esperance to [...] thaym to lei [...] ya [...] hors [...] to cum on fu [...]e to [...]at [...] abbot forsaid tuke [...] quhilk the crucifi [...] wes [...] And [...] it afore the [...] of ane bane [...]. [...] of scottis f [...]l on [...] cōmending yam to god▪ [...] ye scottis fal [...] [...] b [...]leuit thaym [...]oldin bu [...] [...] saw yame ryse [...], yai began to b [...] [...] I [...] the first ionyng [...] on all [...] quhilk [...]s wer [...] skirttes of y e v [...]ingis) [...] to y e scottis, quhil [...] Bruce come on yair [...] M. spe [...]s and brak [...] litil more [...] ane battal of hors [...] of .xxx M. mē come [...] atrani [...] to haue [...] scottis. And quhen yai [...] forthwar [...] with maist [...] al a [...]anis in ye fowseis [...] miserably slane but [...] the scottis throw [...] of ennymes wer [...] men & wemen [...] aboue thair [...] doun y e hil fornēce yair ennimes with maist auful & terribill noyis. Ye Inglismē fech [...]and thā with maist fury aganꝭ y e scottis with vncertane victory & seing yis new ordināce cuming down y e hyll on yair face was sore affrayit and beaus thay micht skarsly sustene y e violent preis of scottis thā present, thay beleuit to be vtly distroyit, gif ya [...] ꝑseuerit ony forthir ī battal, & gaif backis, on quhom followit ye scottis with insaciabyll yre, & maid slaucht in al ꝑtis quhare thay come▪ specially quhare king Edward fled▪ schir Iames Douglas with .iiii.C. chosin mē na thīg irkit w t ꝯtinewall slaucht of his ennymes. followit kīg Edward with lang chace to Dūbar, quhare he wes ressauit be Pat [...]ik [...]ū bar erle of Marche with .xv. erlis, & put ī Ingland be ane fischar bait to be exāple of ye vnsicker s [...]ait & glore of princ [...]. for yocht yis Edward wes yis day at morow rycht proud with mony dukꝭ, erlis, & baronis vnd his empire, not vnlik sūtyme to y e gret a [...] my of king Xerris. Ȝit he was cōstranit or euyn to sai [...] his life ī ane pure fischar ba [...] fleand be y • see ī Inglād. In this battall war slane .l.M. Inglismē Ye duk of Glocister w t .ii.C. knichtis. Amang otheris wes slane schir Gelis of Argenty & lyis ī sanct Cuthbertis kirk beside Edinburgh. Ye deith of schir Gelis was sa displesant to king Robert for y e familiar [...]e y t he had with hym in Ingland, y t he reiosit na thing of y e p̄sent victory, & w [...]s yairfore heuely repreuit be his noblis, becaus he apperit dolorus efter sa gret felicite falling to hꝭ pepil. Of scottis war slane scarsly .iiii.M. mē with .ii. knichtis schir Williā we pont, & schir Walt ros. y e spulȝe wes sa gret of gold, siluer▪ & othir iowellꝭ gott [...]n in y e said felo, y t al y e scottꝭ was richit be y e samyn. Notwithstanding [Page CCxiiii] thair gret pouerte falling to thyam afore be ꝯtinewal weris. For yai gat at yis tyme lytyl les money & riches be ranson of Inglis presoneris tane be yame thā of spulȝe in ye feild. Kīg Robertis wyfe (quhilk was haldyn. viii. ȝeris afore ī Ingland) wes inter changeit with ane duk of Ingland. Ye goldin & silkin claithis of (quhilkis kyng Edwardis palȝonis war maid) war distribut amāg y e abbays of scotland to be vestamētis & frontallis to yair altaris, of quhilkis mony ȝit remanis to our days. Attour y e freir carmelite (quhilk wes brocht as we haue writtin) be king Edward to put his victory [...] versis wes tane in yis feild & cōmandit be king Robert in sithement of hꝭ rāsoun to write as he saw. Yis carmelite f [...]eir maid yir [...]ousty versis, quhilkꝭ beginnis thꝰ. De plātu c [...]do metrū cū carmine nudo. It is said in ye nicht afore yis battal ii. men of vncouth habit come to the abbot of Glassinbery in Inglād (for it was ane abbay of hospitalite) & desirit luging. Ye abbot ressauit yame plesandly. And quhē he had demādit yame quhat yai war & quhare thay war passand to, yai schew y t yai war seruādꝭ of god, & send be him to help ye scottis at Banochburn. On y e mo [...]ow y t abbot fand yam away or cuir ye ȝetis wer opnit, & yair beddis stā ding ī ye same array as yai war left. It was beleuit thairfore, y t yai war angellis send be ꝓuision of god to defende ye scottis i [...] yair iust materis aganis ye tyrāny of Inglismen. On y e samin day y t yis battal was strikin ane knicht w t schinād armour schew to y e pepil at Aberdene, how ye scot [...]ꝭ had gottin ane glorious victory of Inglismē. Son [...] eft he went ouir pē t [...]land firth▪ & was haldin be y e pepil to be sanct Maunis prince sūtyme of Orknay, & for y e caus kīg Robert dotat ye kirk of Orknay with .v.li. str [...] ueling of y e customes of Aberdene to furnis, breid, wyne, & walx, to y e said kirk. King Robert eft yis gloriꝰ victory rewardit mony nobil mē of his realme with lādis & gudis, for thair prouin māheid & virtew ī ye said battal. Robert Fleming for his faithful seruice gat ye lādis of Cūmernald, of quhō ar discend [...]t ane noble hous ꝑseuerand ȝit in gret honoure to thir days. It is said y e .ii. knichtis of braban come be request of kīg Edward to yis battal. At last quhen thay had hard maist iniurius wordis & detraction spokin be Inglismen in y e nicht afore y e battal, aganis king Robert, yai prayit god to send hym victory. And for yit wordis yai come ī sic hatrent to Inglismen, y t thay eschapi [...] narrowly of yair lyfe, & proclamationis maid, he y • wald brig yair heidis suld haue .i.C. mark s [...]riueling to hꝭ reward. King Robert he [...]rād ī quha [...] trubil thay come for his sake, rewardit yame [...]ith riche spulȝe of ye said battal, with quhilkꝭ thay returnit in braban & biggit y • toun of Hādwarp & ingrauit y e armes of yt bruce maist curiously ī al ꝑtis of ye said toun, to be ane memorial of y e beneuolence y t yir .ii. knych [...]ꝭ had to kīg Robert for his liberalite. Yis gloriꝰ victory succedit to scottis on ye natiuite of sāct Iohne the baptist fra our redemptioun .iM.iii.C. and .xiiii. ȝeris.
¶Hovv the croun of scotland vvas tail ȝeit to kīg Robert & his airis, hovv Edvvard his brothir vvas maid king of Ireland [...] slane be Inglismen▪ hovv kīg Robert sufferit gret distres ī Irelād. ca. xii.
BAnochburn dicōfist [...] thꝭ maner, king Robert set ane parliament at aire, in the quhilk be consent of the thre estatis, he gat the croun of scotland railȝe [...] to hym and ye aris m [...]le gottin of his body, and [Page] [...] [Page CCxiiii] [...] [Page] failȝ [...]ing yairof, y e croun to cū to Edward bruce his bruthir, & failȝeing y e airꝭ [...]ale of yame baith, ye croun to cū to Mariory his douchter & ye airꝭ gotti [...] on hir body quhatsūeuir, Attour gif kīg Robert & hꝭ bruthir ha [...] nit to deceis or ye airis of Mariory war of ꝑfite age, it was cōmandit y • Thomas Randal erle of Murray & syster son to king Robert sall be gouernour of scotland, quhil y e airꝭ for [...] said war cumin to ꝑfection. Yis mariory was gottin be king Robert on y e erle of Marris sister his first wife, & was maryit efter y e auise of y e noblis [...] Walter gret stewart of scotland. King Robert sone eft maryit Elizabeth [...]oucht to y e erle of Hullester, on [...]uhō he gat ane son namit Dauid, [...] douchterꝭ Margaret & Mald. [...] first was maryit on y e erle of [...] & bure hym ane son namit [...] ▪ Ye secoūd Mald deceissit in [...] in [...]ance. King Robert efter y e [...] of Mariory his first douchter went throw al ye boundis of his re [...]lme, & not only confermit yair auld [...]uilegis, bot dota [...] sindry townis & ba [...]onyis of his realme with new prerogatiuis. Specially ye townis of Perth, Dund [...], & Aberdene, as apperis ȝit be his charteris. In ye ȝeir following (quhilkis was fra our redemption .i.M.iii.C. & .xv.) ye princis of Ireland opprest be lang tyrā ny of Inglismē & traisting (becaus sa huge victory was gotin be scottꝭ) to recouer yair liberte, send yair ambassatouris to kīg Robert, Desiring hym to send his bruthir Edward to ressaue ye croun of Irelād, Edward not refusing yair desiris went with ane few nowmer of mē in Ireland, quhare he be assistēce of y e pepil yairof wan ane gret town namit Ulcony, & slew all ye Inglsmen y t he fand in it. The princes of Ireland efter y t thay had chosin Edward bruce to be king send ambassatouris to ye paip desiring hym to ratify ye thing y • ya [...] haue done for yair cōmon weill. For thay wald leif na langer vnder seruitude of Inglismen. Yir ambassatouris purchest mony terribyl monitionis of ye paip aganis Inglismē, to caus yame to depart out of Ireland, Ȝit yai wald not obey thairto bot thirlit ye pepil yairof ylk day w t mair tyranny, King Robert heirand in quhat dangeir his brothir was bec [...]yn of new armyis of Inglismē ylk day in his contrar, left schir Iames Douglas gouernour of scotland, & went with ane army to support his bruthir in Ireland, quhare he sustenit sic miserabil distres, y t ane gret ꝑ [...] of his army deit of hunger, & ye residew constranit to eit hors. And quhē he was within ane dayis iornay to hꝭ bruthir kīg Edward, to haue supportit hym sufficiently with ye residew of hꝭ army, Ye said Edward not abiding his cumyng faucht vnprudently w t Inglismē, vncertane quhethir he knew not ye cumyng of king Robert his brothir, or gyf he throw birnand desire of battall dred y t his bruthir suld reif hym ye glore of victory. At last seand the curage of his men fail (y t he suld not tine y e honour of his nation) he faucht with na les māheid thā ꝑseuerand cōstance to ye deith & was slane▪ fra ye incarnation i.M.iii.C.xviii. ȝeris.
¶Hovv king Edvvard vvas discomfist be schir Iames Douglas. Of gret vassalage done be VVilliam Sinclar bischop of Dunkeld aganis Inglismen, & hovv Bervvik vvas recouerit. Ca. xiii.
EDward king of Ingland heirād y e passage of kyng Robert in Ireland, thocht the tyme expedient to conques scotland, & come [Page CCxv] with ane greter power than euir he did afore. Nochtheles schir Iames of Douglas gouernoure gaif hym battal on the bordouris, & put hym & all his army to flycht. Howbeit the victory succedit not but infinite slauchter on athir syde. In this battall schir Iames Douglas slew thre of ye maist vailȝeant campionis of Ingland with his awin handis. Kyng Edward disparit for y e souerane mā heid and wisdome of schir Iames of Douglas to conques ony honour in scotland be land, tuk purpos to assailȝe the same be se, & send ane flote of schippis in Forth, quhilk brint & heryit the land on euery syde thaym about. Duncane erle of Fyf heirand yir cruelteis done be Inglismen come w t .v.C. bodyn men to resist yair inuasioun. Nochtheles fra he saw yame of mair power thā he micht resist, he fled abak, In the mene tyme met hym Williā Sinclare bischop of Dūkeld with .lx. weil armit men, & finaly brocht him agane to y e same pla [...]e quhare the Inglismē war rynnand w t awful incursionis throw ye cūtre. At y e first iunyng .v.C. Inglismē war slane & y e remanent chasit to yair baitis, & finaly yai entrit with sa gret nowmer, y t y e baitꝭ sank doun w t yame or yai micht cū to yair schippis. Bischop Sinclare for thꝭ honest vassalage wes ay callit eft king Robertꝭ bischop. In y e same ȝeir Robert Stewart son to Walter Stewart & Mariory Bruce was borne, quhilk succedit efter y e deith of king Dauid Bruce to ye croun. And in this ȝeir quhilk was fra our redēption .i.M.iii.C.xviii. ȝeris. Erle Thomas Rā dal enterit in y e north ꝑtis of Inglād & returnit with gret pray of men & gudis but ony trubyl to his army, & recouerit Berwik be industry of ane Inglismā namit Spalden, be quhō y e said town was recouerit efter y t it had bene in Inglismēnis handis .xx. ȝeris. His posterite brukꝭ ȝit certane landis in Angus for y e samyn caus. In the ȝeir following king Edward segit Berwik. Bot it was sa vailȝeantly defēdit, y t he returnit hame w t smal honour. At this tyme Mariory Bruce king Robertis doucht deceissit. And sone efter lang peace was takin betuix Inglismen & Scottis.
¶Of the blak parliament. Hovv king Edvvard cōplanit to the paip for iniuris of scottis. Of the orison maid be the papis legat to king Robert. And of his ansvver. Ca. xiiii.
KYng Robert ha [...]and his realme but ony trubyl of ennymes, held ane parliament at Perth and desirit his lordis to schaw yair haldingꝭ & charteris of yair landis. The lordꝭ efter lang auisement pullit out all yair swerdis at anis, & said thay had na othir euidentis nor chartouris to schaw for yair landis. King Robert was richt affrayit of this sicht. And howheit he tuke gret indignation & hatrent in his mynd, he dissimilit ye samyn for ane time, & said yai schaw yame nobil men, sen thay wan & deba [...]tit yair landꝭ be ye swerd, nochtheles he [...]re gret hatrent aganis yame in his mynd, & determit to reuenge yair proude cōtemption quhē euir he fand sufficient oportunite. Sindry of y e noblis aduertist yat ye king was mouit with gret hatren [...] aganis yame, thocht best to attempt ane thing mair cruel aganis hym afore hꝭ purpos come to effect, & maid ane bād amāg yame self to put hym be auenture of sum compasit sli [...]htis in kyng Edwardis handis▪ Yis treason was nocht lang hid to king Robert. Nochtheles that the verite thairof suld be the mair patent, king [Page] Robert gart certane quiet person is ly be ye gait to ripe al passingeris to wart the bordouris, to se gyf thay micht find ony letteris with thaym, quhairthrow he mycht be ye mair surely aduertist of yair treason. It is said ane palmer was send be thir lordis to haue passit to the king of Inglād with yair band, & had y • samyn inclusit withī ane staf, nochyeles he was tane, & finaly brocht y e band of letterꝭ cōtenand y e hail treason deuisit aganis king Robert. Als sone as kīg Robert had visit y e letterꝭ, he send for yir noblis to cū to hym w t al deligence as ane gret mater war occur [...]ant, quhilk micht not be dressit but yair cōsultation. Efter yair cuming, he demandit yame gif ya [...] kend yair [...] writtis & selis. And becaus yat [...] not deny, thay war send to [...] castellꝭ to remane in ward, quhil [...] forthir auisit. Sic thingis done he went to Berwik, and cōman [...] ane masar to arrest schir Williā Soulis capitane yairof to his iusti [...]e. And becaus the masar for feir of this gret man was astonist, he pullit the mais fra hym, and said to the capitane. Tratour I arrest the. Thus was schir Williā tane and brocht to Perth. Nocht lang efter was ane cō uention of the lordis at Perth, call it the blak perliament. Fra ye incarnation ane .M.iii.C.xx. ȝeris. In y e first king Robert accusit his sister sonne Dauid Abirnethy. for he knew this treason, Howbeit he assistit not yairto bot he wald not reuele it in tyme. The king wald fane y t he had bene saiffit. Nochtheles he was sa rigorꝰ on the laif, that it micht not be esaly done. And becaus na man laubourit for hym, he was heidit with gret lament of pepyll. for he was haldin ye floure of cheuelry, and had fochty [...] mony ȝeris afore with gret honoure and victory aganis the turkis. On the morow all the remanent conspiratouris war heidit on y e samyn maner but ony m [...]rcy. At yis tyme king Edward send wryttyng is to ye paip complening the iniuris done be scottis, saying he was sa cruelly inuadit be thaym, that he mycht nocht pas with his army aganis the turkis (as his eldaris did afore) nor ȝit cum out of his realme to support or inuade ony othir pepyll. And thairfore desirit the papis halynes (gif h [...] desirit peace amang cristin princis) to [...]is the wyld fury of Scottis rageand with maist cruelte aganꝭ hym. With thir and siclik wourdis he mouit the paip to gret hatrent aganis the scottis. Howbeit he was the haill occasioun of al weris betuix Ingland and scotland. Sone efter ane legat was send be the paip to king Robert complenyng the iniuris and trubyl done be his pepyll aganis Inglismen. Saying ye cristin faith micht neuir be sickir, sa lang as crystyn princis war at contynewall debait amang thaym self, as weill apperit. For the gret turk cruell and vnmercyful ennyme to cristin pepyll, had conquest laitly gret boundis of cristindome, and eikand dayly his empire with new conques. The legat efter thir wordis was remouit quhil the king had tane auisement with his nobillis quhat was to be answerit in this mater. The haill nobilite of scotland beand present at this conuentioun with lang and degeist deliberation, concludit for mair dispite to inuaid Inglismē with new army. And said▪ the wourdis of this legat war nocht worthy to haue answer. For ylk mā mycht cleirly vnderstand the paip w [...]s nocht sa myschant▪ bot he knew weill y e motiue of thir w [...]ris, sen yair caus bene s [...] oft deuoluit afor him [...] [Page CCxvi] Inglismen continewaly set to conques thair realm. Howbeit thay had na iust tytyll nor clame thairto. For the crown of Scotland hes ben iosit with scot [...]is in sic liberte, y e .lxxxxvi. kingis be lang progression hes linaly succedit to thay dayis, ay of ane blude but ony interruption. Quhill laitly Inglismen (quhen thay saw y e succession of king Alexander failȝe) maid thaym to conques the crown of scotland. And for that caus thay wald first dant y e inuasion of Inglismen, and efter that thay wald be correckit at the papis mynd. The legat depeschit in thꝭ maner returnit hame but ony expedition of his desiris.
¶Hovv kyng Edvvard efter gret crueltei [...] done be his army in scotland vvas discomfist be kyng Robert at Byland. Hovv the Hāmyltonis tuk thair begynnyng. & of king Edvvardis deith. ca. xv.
SChort time followīg king Robert enterit with ane army in Ingland, and waistit al the landis thairof w t fyre and swerd quhi [...] he come to the Re croce in Stane mure. King Edward mouit with yir iniuris come in Scotland with ane hūdreth thousand armit mē on fute and hors. King Robert aduertist of his cuming, gart bring al the cornis and bestial within strenthis, quhare thay micht not be gottyn to support the army of Ingland. At last the Inglismen come to Edinburgh, bot ya [...] war constranit within .xv. dayis to depart for penurite of vittallis. and ȝit within few dayis efter thay returnit in scotland, [...] c [...]ssit fra na maner of cruelte on the pepil thairof. Thay spulȝeit the abbay [...] Melros, & slew sindry agit monkis. Thay spulȝeit y e eucarist out of y e [...]ais of siluer, quhairit hang, & kest it in ane trein kist, cō parit iustly to barnis of Lucifer, quhilkis intendit to spulȝe god out of his awin hous. Attoure thay brint Driburgh with mony othir religioꝰ abbayis & places. King Robert to reuenge yir iniuris, come sone efter in Ingland, & waist it all landis & townis yairof quhil he come vnto Ȝork. & faucht with king Edward at Byland, & put his army to flycht with gret slauchter baith of Inglismen & Normandis. Of quhilkꝭ mony war takin & ransonit with gret sowmes of money. This battall was strokyn fra our redemptiō .i.M.iii.C.xxiii. ȝeris. Nocht lang efter king Robert send ane ambassatoure to renew the band betuix france & scotland. & e [...]ki [...] yir conditionis in the said band. Gif succession failȝeit to ony of thir two kingis, vncertane quha suld be yair aire. The clame & richt of the crown to be decidit be the noblis of baith y e realmes. And thay sall not onely exclude tyrānis, gif ony of yame wald vsurpe the crown, bot defend ye iust heritour thairof. This band was ratifyit be comunion of the blissit sacrament & interuention of ye papis auctorite. About this tyme ane Inglisman of nobil bl [...]de namit Hantoun to eschew y e hatrent of kīg Edward, fled to king Robert in scotland. Yis Hātoun eft y e battal of Banochburn was in ye king of Inglandis hous at London, & had ane syngulare fauour to king Robert, oftymes auā sing his gret manheid and virtew. Quhill at last Iohne Spensar rich [...] familiar & tender seruitour to king Edward. (Howbeit he was of vile & obscure līnage) tuk sic displescir for auāsing of king Edwardꝭ ennyme, ya [...] he pullit haistely his swerd and [...] Hātoun, howbeit he was lityl y • wers. Hantoun impatiēt to suffer thꝭ [Page] outrage as man of hye spreit and curage, ceissit nocht fra contynewall wait, quhyl at last he slew this Spē sar. And becaus he was consultit be his freindis to eschew y e kingis hatrent, he fled with gret deligence in Scotland, and was tenderly [...] be king Robert, and gat the landes of Cadȝow, quhais posterite perse [...]eris ȝit amang ws spred in gret nowmer of pepyl callit Hāmyltoni [...] sum part changit fra y e name of yair first begynnar. Quhill sic thyngis war done in scotland, king Edward [...]ouernit y e realme of Ingland baith [...] and peace be counsal of Hew Spensar ane man of smal lynnage. quhilk was montit to hye honoure [...]n sic maner, that the kyng was gouernit onely be hym, & held his [...] noblis in na estimation. The [...]oblis impacient to suffer ane mā of [...] lynnage aboue thaym be [...] of the quene and hir son the prince [...] Ingland tuke kyng Edward be fo [...]ce of armes toward, and slew yis Spensar with mony othir the kyngis treasonable coūsallourꝭ. Schort ty [...]e [...]fter kyng Edward was slane miserably in pr [...]son. For the Ia [...]ellouris (quhilkis kepit the pres [...]un quhare he was) to put hym hais [...]ely to deith be auyse of his sonne pressit down ane heuy burd on his wambe. And becaus he deit not sa haistely as thay desirit be this punition, yai put ane hait yrne throw ane horne in his fundement and brint all ye inwart partis of his body thairwith. quhil he was deid, y t the pepyl micht vnderstand he deit of na outwart woundis bot allanerly of naturale infirmite. Efter quhais deith hꝭ son Edward Windsour succedit & was crownit y e .xxvi. day of Ianuary. Fra ye incarnation ane thousand .iii.C.xxvi. ȝe [...]is.
¶Hovv Iohne Ballio [...] transfertit al rycht that he had to the crovvne of scotland in king Robert. Hovv the crovvn vvas nevv tailȝe [...]t to Dauid bruce. hovv schir Iames Dovvglas & erle Thomas Randaill did gret vassal age in scotland. Ca. xvi.
RObert the recouerer of S [...]otlād efter mony his illuster dedis for the publik weill and liberte of Scotland, howbeit he had richt yneuch to the crown thairof, & knawing the Balliol vnabyll to iose the crown becaus he exonera [...] hym self thairof, and p [...]tyng the realme in his ennymes handis. Ȝit that the airis of Ballioll suld haue na iust clame to the crown efter his deith he send schir Iames Dowglas ī Frāce to solist Iohne Ballioll to transfer his [...]icht in king Robert & his airis, and to geif the Balliol baith money and landis in scotland for his richt. It is said the Balliol at the cumyng of schir Iames was fallyn blynd be lang age. And said, that he was ay vnabyl to haue gouernit the realme of Scotland, and na [...]e sa abyll as king Robert hꝭ cousing, quhilk had sa vailȝeantly defendit it fra maist cruell ennymes. ¶Incontinent the Balliol callit his freindꝭ afore hym, and transferrit all richt and clame y t he had or micht haue in & to y e croun of scotland in ye said king Robert & his airis quhatsumeuir. Desyryng na thing sa mekyl as hym & his airꝭ to regne in perpetuall felicite. Kyng Robert heirand y e returnyng of schir Iames Dowglas with gud expedition of his ma [...]eris, conuenit all his noblis to ane counsall at Cambusk [...]neth, & maid new ta [...]ȝe to his son Dauid in yis maner. gif his son Dauid dece [...]it but airis of his body, hꝭ [Page CCxvii] nepot Robert Stewart gottin on Ma [...]iory bruce hꝭ doucht sal succeid to y e croun, al y e noblis wer sworne to defēd thꝭ new tailȝe. In y e mene time kyng Edward send his ambassatouris in scotland desiryng peace. Howbeit it wes vnder dissait. For nochtstandyng the peace cōtrackit be him, he inuadit scotland with continewal weris. Nocht lang efter kyng Robert fel in gret infirmite, and gaif ouir the gouernance of the realme to erle Thomas Randall and schir Iames Douglas. For thay war .ii. of y e maist nobill knychtis in the warld. Thir two chiftanis enterit in Northumberland with .xxv.M. men. Aganis quhome come kyng Edward with .i.C.M. men. Nochtheles thir two campionis gouernit thair army with sic manheid and wisdome that thay waistit all ye cuntre quhare yai come, and returnit but ony dāmage in scotland. Kyng Edward to resist thir incursionis, come with ane .C.M. men in scotland, and wrocht gret cruelteis quhare thay come. To yat fyne, that the scottis suld come in defence of thair landis and guddis. At last quhen thay had lyue thre dayis at ye watter of Tyne and mycht not cum ouir. For it wes rysin aboue the brayis. Tythingis come yat al Northumberlād wes brint and heryit be scottis, and ye forray passand sa fast throw the cuntre but ony residence, y t na man wist quhare to find yame. In the mene tyme wer send out exploratouris on swift hors to se quhair the scottis wer, and fand thaym within thre mylis to y e tentis of Inglismen arrayit on ane hill reddy to fecht. Edward rasit his tentis incontinent, and come fornens the scottis. On the moro [...] baith ye armyis wer arrayit in vtheris sycht. The scottis beand of small noumer in regard of Inglismen, stude arrayit at ane gret strenth on the hill. At last quhen Inglismen had stand all day and durst nocht brek thair array, thay returnit to thair palȝonis. And send ane herald to scottis desiring yame (gif yat durst fecht) to cum to the planis, quhare thay mycht haue battal. As it had bene na prudence to capitanis to garnis thair army with maist ordour and munition that mycht be deuisit. And quhen y e armyis had stād thre nychtis in athir sycht, and durst nocht inuaid othir, thay returnit to thair tentis. Eftir y e baith ye armyis had standin lang tyme arrayit in othir sycht on this maner, Schir Iames of Douglas tuke purpos to assailȝe ane mater of gret vassalage. And incontinent he chesit .ii.C. rycht vailȝeant and deliuer men with swift geldingis, and slippit quietly by the wache of Inglismen, quhilkꝭ wer at that tyme all on sleip except ane certane, quhilkis wer awalkenit be dyn of hors feit. Thus come the Douglas but ony noyis to king Edwardis palȝoun. And wer nocht the army of Ingland rais the more hastelie on hym, he had slane the kyng, for he cuttit .ii. towis of his tent & returnit to the army of scottis but ony dāmage to hym or his folkis. Ye Inglismen eftir this effray wer the more vigilant in times cuming. For thay had bene alluterlie discomfist, gif the army of scottis had inuadit thaym the said nycht. The Scottis traisting yis vassalage sufficient for this tyme, returnit hame but ony displeseir. Als sone as Inglismen wer aduertist that the scottis wer departit, thay come haistely to ye place quhare thair tentis lay in esperance of sum ryche spulȝe, and fād .x.M. pair of hieland schone skatterit throw all boundis quhair ye army of scotland [Page] lay, quhilkis wer left behynd the cariage as impediment to thair ganging. Ye Inglismen beleuit sic thingis left to thair derisioun, and returnit hame but ony proffet or honoure sallyng to thaym be yis vayage. In this ȝeir Walter Stewart deceissit quhais son Robert wes eftir king of scotland. And in the ȝeir following quene Elizabeth moder to the prince Dauid Bruce deceissit, and wes buryit in Dūfermling, fra our redemptioun .i.M.iii.C.xxviii. ȝeris. In the s [...]myn ȝeir kyng Robert wan ye cas [...]el of Noram, and sone eftir he segit the castell of Anwik, quhare mony nobill men of Scotland wer slane▪ ☞ ¶And in the end of this [...]eir, [...]ng Edwarde send his ambassa [...]ouris in Scotland to treit peace, [...] renuncit all rycht and clame yat [...] had or mycht haue to ye realme of [...]co [...]land. And declarit it als fre as [...] wes in tyme of kyng Alexander ye [...]. Under thir condi [...]ionis. Nor [...]mbirland salbe the marchis of s [...]otland on ye [...]ist partis. And Cumber to be marchis on ye west bordour [...] thairof. Attoure for ye said renun [...]ation maid be kyng Edward. And for the skaithis done be Scottis to I [...]glismen, Kyng Robert sal pay to the said kyng Edward .xxx.M. markis striueling. And that peace sall remane with more sickernes. King Edward maryit his sister Iane on Dauid Bruce prince of scotland at Berwik ye .xvii. day of Iuli [...], in presence of mony nobillis baith of Scotland and Ingland.
☞ Of the deith and louyng of kyng Robert bruce. and of his testament and legacy. Hovv schir Iames Douglas vv [...]s chosin to pas vvith his hart in the haly land. Ca. xvii.
KYng Robert leiffit nocht lang eftir this mariage. For he deceissit at Cardros in lipre, quhilk fel to hym in the letter end of his age the vii. day of Iunii. ye .xxiiii. ȝeir of his regne, fra our redemptioun .i.M.iii.C.xxix. ȝeris. Ane of ye maist vailȝeant princis that wes in ony part of the warld in his dayis, hauand experiēce baith of gud and euil fortoun. His realme beand ty [...]e & all his brethir slane except hꝭ brothir Edward, he perseuerit with sic manheid and inuincible spreit, yat he recouerit his realme & liberte, quhen mony of all the gret baronis of scotland wer aganis him. Attoure he wes in na les honoure & apprising amang his ennymes, yan amang his freindꝭ. For king Edward happinnit to cōmoun at ane solēpnit banker of sindry vailȝeant princis concernyng ye glore of armes and cheualry. And quhen the noblis wer disputand in sindry purpos yairof, thay fel at ane question. quhilkis wer ye thre maist vailȝeant and forcy campionis leiffand in yair dayis. Eftir lang contentioun thay proponit yis questioun to be discussit be ane herald that wes king of armes. The kyng of armes wes rycht stupefact with the residew of the heraldis. For nocht allanerlie the king bot mony of the nobillis that wer with him, beleuit for thair singulare manheid to be noumerit amang yi [...] thre. Howbeit it happinnit far fra thair purpos. For this herald knew nocht onlie all the nobillis of Ingland, bot all othir nobillis and vailȝeant princis of the warld quhare he trauellit, hauand al thair dedis in recent memory. The first maist vailȝeant campioun (said the herald) wes Hary ye emprioure. For he subdewit thre kyngis and thre realmes, and [Page CCxviii] debaittit his imperiall dignite, with gud felicite to the end of his lyfe. ¶The secound was schir Gelis of Argenty, becaus he was victorious in thre sindry battallis aganis sarazenis, and slew thre of thair principall capitanis with his awin handis. ¶The thrid (gif it war nocht displesant to his prince to schaw the verite) was Robert Bruce kyng of Scotland. Incontinent rais ane huge noyis and clamour with all ye pepyll thair present. Becaus the herald sa per [...]ely schew the verite but ony feir in presence of his prince. Than said the herald, I beseik thy hienes (gif I haue nocht failȝeit) to take my declaratioun in na displeseir. For gyf it be necessar to ony mā to be vincust. It is les dishonour to be vincust with hym that is maist vailȝeant, than with hym that is maist cowart. Attoure to schaw ȝow how far I auance the gret manheid of king Robert. Quhilk ȝe may euyl suffer to be nowmerit with thir two first campionis. Howbeit gyf the verite war schawin, we mycht prefer hym weill to the two maist vaylȝeant campionis afore rehersit. For ye gret actis and vailȝeant dedis done be Hary empriour war nocht done be his awin manheid and prudence, bot erar be counsall of his nobillis. Be contrar Robert was exilit his realme, and recouerit it only be his manheid, contrar the gret pyssance of thy nobyll fader and mony of all the gret baronis of Scotland. And fynaly stabyllit it with sic tranquillite, that he apperit mair terribyll to his ennymes of Ingland and otheris his inuasouris, than euir his ennymes war afore to his subdittis. Attoure nane is on lyue that wyll reproche his honoure or wyll deny thir premissis. Bot he wyll preif the samyn with his handis in singulare battall, and the honoure to be adiugit to hym that is victorious. Attoure he had sic incredybyll manheid and strenth, yat nane was in hꝭ realme that durst moue ony rebellioun aganꝭ hym. King Robert schort tyme afore his deith gaderit all his nobyllis to ane counsall, and commendit to thaym the gouernance of his sonne Dauid. For he had that tyme bot seuyn ȝeris in age, and gaif his counsall afore his deith to yame of syndry hi [...] materis concernyng the gouernance of Scotland. First he counsallit thaym neuir to make ane lord of the Ilis. For the pepyll thairof ar ay flowand in thair myndis, and sone brocht to rebellyoun aganis the kyng. And fra thay fall thairintyll, It is extreme lauboure to dant thaym for y e gret straitnes of land and s [...]is. Secoundly neuir to set battall with Inglismen, nor to ieoperd the realme apon the chance of ane battall. Bot to resist Inglismen erar he frequent s [...]armussyng than ony set battall. To that fyne, gyf Scottis be discomfist, thay may haue sum pyssance to resist thair ennymes. Thridly he inhibit that scottis take ony lang peace with Inglismen. For the ingyne of man growis dull and febyll be lang sleuth. And for laik of vse and experience thay may nocht sustene gret chargis of battall, specially quhen thay ar effeminate with lang peace. And sen so is y e Inglismen kepis neuir peace to Scottis (quhen thay se ony auantage) he thoucht best neuir to haue peace with Inglismen aboue thre or four ȝeris. And quhen lest occasion of battall appe [...]is [...]e Inglismen, to be than maist vigilant, in auenture [Page] thair ennymes cum on thaym but ony aduertysyng. And becaus he maid his solempne vote to pas with ane army in defence of crystyn faith aganis the turkis. And was preuenit be Untimus deith. He left his hart to Crist. And chesit his trew knycht schir Iames Dowglas to pas with it to the haly graif, howbeit his presence had bene maist necessar for defence of this realme. And for this caus the Dowglas bure ye bluddy hart in thair armis. ¶And [...] heir endis the fourtene buke of thir croniklis.
Heir begynnis the .xv. Buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
☞¶Hovv schir Iames of Douglas past vvith kyng Roberti [...] ha [...] to the haly graif. Of the coronatioun of kyng Dauid Bruce, and hovv erle Thomas Randale vvas maid gouernoure, and of his deith. Ca. primo.
QUhen schir Iames Dowglas was chosyn as maist worthy of all Scotland to pas with kyng Robertis hart in the haly land. He put it in ane cais of gold with arromitike and precious vnȝementis. And tuke with hym schi [...] Wyllyam Synclare, & schi [...] Robert Logan, with mony othir nobyl men to the haly graif. Quhare he buryit the said hart with maist reuerence and solempnite that culd be deuisit. Sic thyngis done, he went to othir cristin princis, quhilkis war gaderit with gret armyis fra syndry partis of crystyndome to weir aganis the turkis. And be his syngular vassalage he dantit nocht onely the ennymes of Crist. Bot be his frequen [...] victoryis wan gret honoure to all crystyn pepyll. ¶At last quhen he had completit all chargis commandit be his souerane with na les honoure than magnificence, he pulli [...] vp salis to haue returnit in Scotland. And in the mene tyme be contrarius wyndis he was dryuyn on ane angyll of Spanȝe. Quhare he fand the kyng of Aragon reddy to fecht aganis the sarazenis, quhilkis war cumyn with gret nauyis to inuade his realme. The Dowglas to make his manheid and syngulare virtew patent in all partis quhare he come, went to the kyng of Aragon, and faucht in his support at sindry ieoperdyis with gret felicite, quhill at last hauand ouir gret confidence in fortoun, quhilkis bryngis mony nobyl men to deith, he become necligent, and held nocht his weir men about hym as he was accustomat afore. And in the mene tyme ane buschement of turkis (quhilkis warly and afore at wait) come on hym w t displayit baner. And yocht he was of few nowmer, he schrinkit nocht bot faucht obstinatly with perseuerant manheid to the deith. And was slane ye .xxvi. day of August. fra our [Page CCxix] redemption ane thousand, thre hundreth, xxx. ȝeris. ¶This was ye end of the nobyll Dowglas, maist vailȝeant knycht that was in his dayis, quhylk had bene rycht necessar for defence of the commoun weil of scotland, gyf he had bene fortunat to returne. He was .lvii. sindry tymes victorious on Inglismen and .xiii. tymes on the turkis as is wryttyn at lenth in Scoticronicon. Bot we wyl returne to our history. ☞ ¶Efter the deith of kyng Robert, his sonne Dauid hauand bot .viii. ȝeris of age was crownit at Scone ye .xxiiii. day of Nouember. Fra the incarnatioun a [...]e thousand thre hundreth .xxxi. ȝeris. And becaus he was vnabyll to gouerne y e realme be his tender age, Erle Thomas Randale was maid gouernoure. Erle Thomas seyng the pepyll brokyn with lang weris, thoucht maist expedient quhill thay war sum partis enrichit in thair gudis to haue peace with Ingland. Belyue ambassatouris war dereckit be hym in Ingland and purchest peace for thre ȝeris. In the mene tyme Erle Thomas gaue his ingyne to gouerne the realme in equite and peace. And to that fyne the pepyll mycht leif but ony feir of ennymes or theuis to inuade thaym in thair landis or guddis. He commandit that sadyllis, brydyllis, and all othir instrumentis pertenand to the vse of husbandry sal ly thair furth baith day and nycht. Gyf ony of thaym war stollyn or tane away, the schiref of the schire sall caus the samyn othir to be restorit to the aw [...]aris, or [...]llis to pay it on his awin puts. Fynaly sic extreme punitioun was maid on theuis, that baith thift and [...]ykry war dantit in all partis, and the realme brocht to mair tranquillite than euir it was in ony kingis tyme afore. Mony insolent and wild men war dantit be his seuerite and Iustice. ¶Attoure that virtew suld be autorist in this realme, he commandit na vagabound nor ydill pepyll to be ressauit in ony town without thay had sū craft to debait thair leuyng. Be this way he purgit the realme of mony ydill lymmaris. It is said sic seuerite and Iustice was in his tyme, that ane ca [...]le (becaus he mycht nocht steill othir mennis guddis) stall his awin pleuch yrnis that he mycht haue the valour thair of recompensit to hym be the schiref▪ Nochtheles sic extreme dilygence was maid in serchyng of his pleuch yrnes be the schiref, that thay war fynaly found with hym self. And for that caus he was hyngit eftir. Erle Thomas (seand how difficyl it was to bring thaym fra stouth that hes bene hantit thairwith) held ay with hym ane gard of bodin men. Throw quhilk he punist the rebellyoun of lymmaris in all partis of the realm. All personis that competit to his Iustice war punist with mercy. Otheris (that war found rebelland thairto) war othir slane or tane efter be his gard, as hapnit nocht lang efter at Halydon, quhare thre score of men war gaderit togydder inuading the pepyll with reiffis and iniuris. And becaus thay contempnit his offyciaris efter that thay war summond to compere to his Iustice, thay war all tane be his gard and hynggit on Iebatis. Throw this Iustyce na rebellyoun was sene in this realme mony ȝeris efter and sic tranquillite, That nocht allanerly theuis and lymmaris war dantit. Bot the realme incressit with ryches to y e gret terrour of thair fais. [Page] Kyng Edward seyng this gret felicite succedyng to Scottis, and dredād thaym to reuenge auld iniuris be singulare māheid and prowes of this erle Thomas, thocht na thyng sa gud as to attempt the thing be slicht that he micht nocht do b [...] force, y • eft deith of erle Thomas y e realme of scotlād my t be patent to hꝭ iniurꝭ. For king Dauid was ȝoung & mony of his nobillis mouit in gret hatren [...] aganis his hous for the slauchter of thair faderis in ye blak parliament. And thairfore he tuk cōsultation be quhat ingyne and slycht he mycht best distroy erle Thomas. At last he [...]uk purpos to sla hym be vennome. And becaus it was dangerus to attempt this mater be ane Scottismā [...]or re [...]eling of his treason be sum auenture, he thocht it necessar to haue [...] man of gret spreit, quhilk couth [...]ssimill, saying ane thyng with his mouth quhilk he thocht neuir with his hart. And quhen he had serchi [...] [...]ang, he fand nane sa abyll to bring his purpos to effect, as ane monk. [...]or oftymes men of that ordoure hes [...]s respect to schame nor Iustice. Bot clokis thair wickit lyffis vnder fenȝei [...] schaddow of ane co [...]le. ¶Schortly he iustruckit yis monk (as he had bene ane medcin [...] (hauand speciall remeidis aganis the grauell. For in that infirmite erle Thomas was heuely torm [...]ntit. King Edward cōmandit this monk to vse vennomus potionis amang his othir seropis. And promittit (gif erle Thomas was slane be his industry to reward hym maist richely. This monk instruckit in this wyse at his cumyng in Scotland▪ fenȝeit hym to haue knawlege of mony nobillis baith in Ingland and France. And nocht onely curit thaym of syndry grauellis, bot be his crafty potionis brak confermit stanis and hes curit mony & dyuers pepyll of thair infirmyteis. Forthir he was informit that erle Thomas ane of the maist vailȝeant princis of the warld was heuely pinit with the said maledy. Nochtheles gyf the said erle wald vse counsall, he suld be delyuerit within schort tyme of all maledy. ¶This monk had ane othir lymmar instruckit with hym in the same maner to be his colleig. Quhylk schew in all partis quhare he went, that his companȝeoun past all men in practik and science. This monk was fynaly sa cōmendit that he was brocht to erle Thomas, and inquirit be hym, gyf he culd cure his maledy or releif hym of his insufferahyll dishonoure. The monk tuke hym gladly on hand. And as he was instruckit, he commandit the erle to obserue ane diet, sone eft he gaif hym soft seropis. And quhen he was admittit to mair familiarite, he gaif hym ane vennomus potioun (Howbeit the vennome was nocht haiste deid bot erar to consume ane man with lang proces). This monk (efter that erle Thomas had drunkin the [...]ennome to fynd occasioun to get away) said, he had ane syngulare medcine in Ingland, quhilk was neuir vsit be him bot quhen all othir medcyne [...]ailȝeit. ¶Thus fand he occasioun to depart in Ingland, and promittit to returne in scotlād with al deligence. ¶Nocht lang eftir yis monk returnit to kyng Edward and said. Now sen I haue done all thy chargis as thow deuysit, best is to rais thy army in haist, that thow may be in S [...]otland in the trubyl of his deith▪ and conques the realme as thow list. In the mene tyme erle Thomas [Page CCxx] [...]and certane dolouris ylk day mair incressing in hꝭ wambe, & becaus he herd tell y e kīg Edward was cumād with ane army aganis hym and na returnyng of y e monk at his set day, he tuke ane vehement suspitioun of his treason. And fand sone efter be the medcinaris, yat y e vennome was sa sunkin in his bowellis, yat it was nocht remedable. And howbeit he mycht nocht ryde nor gang to meit king Edward, he gart turs hym in ane cheriot. The motiue that kyng Edward had to rais weir at this tyme as he allegit, was for falt of redres on ye bordouris. King Edward aduertist that erle Thomas was cū mand in arrayit battal to meit hym, send ane herald in Scotland to treit peace. Howbeit he was send erar to espy how all materis stude, than to ony othir purpos. Erle Thomas heirand the cumyng of this herald arrayit hym in his best abulȝement, and sat in ane chiar dissimuland his gret infirmite, as na thyng had [...]lit hym. Belyue the herald was brocht to his presence, and schew his message. At last quhen the herald had desyrit certane thyngis nocht respondent to reason, erle Thomas answerit. I sall schaw sone quhat rycht Inglismen hes to sic wickit and iniust petitionis. And quhen he had depeschit the herald with his answer, he gaif all the precious abulȝementis (as he was arrayit for the tyme) to the herald. Sone efter this herald returnit to kyng Edward and said, he saw neuir ane mair lusty nor vailȝeant prince, than was the said erle Thomas. King edward herand that erle Thomas was in gud heill, scalit his army, and beleuyng that the monk had nocht done sic chargis as he promittit, he gart brin him accordyng weill to his demeritis▪ In the mene tyme erle Thomas returnit hame, and deceissit at Mussilburgh, and was buryit in Dunfermeling. fra the incarnation ane .M.iii.C.xxxi. ȝeris.
☞ ¶Hovv the erlis of Marche and Mar vvas maid gouernouris of Scotland. Hovv Edvvard Ballioll come in Scotland to cōques the croun▪ & of the batrall of Duppline. Ca. ii.
ERle Thomas deceissit in yis maner, ane counsall was set be the noblis, in quhilk be generall votis of the thre estatis Patrik erle of Marche, & Dauid erle of Mar war chosyn gouernouris. The first to gouerne the realme on the south syde on Forth. And the tothir to gouerne the north side. Sic thyngis done rais gret trubyll in Scotland be Edward Ballioll afore rehersit in maner followyng. Tha [...]r was ane wykit līmare namit Twyname Lorison, quhilk was oftymes dila [...]it of adultry, and haldin be the officiall of Glasgew mony ȝeris vnder censuris of the kirk. At last he tuk the officiall passand to the town of Ayre, and held hym in captiuite quhil he payit two hundreth pound Striuelyng. Bot this oppressyoun was nocht vnpunist. For he was s [...] scharply persewit be schir Iames of Douglas afore his passage to the haly land, that he fled in Ingland, quhare he met Dauid Cumyn erle of Atholl with mony othir Scottis quhilkis war banist afore be kyng Robert, for thair assystance to the kyng of Ingland. Thir lymmaris confiderat all togydder vnder ane band, abayd lang tyme in Ingland. ¶And fra thay war aduertyst of the deith of erle Thomas Randale and schir Iames Douglas, thay [Page] went in france to Edward Ballioll, and persuadit hym be mony reasonis to cum in scotland to recouer his faderis heritage & crown. The Ballioll persuadit be thair wordis (howbeit he had na sicht afore to y e crown of scotland) come in Ingland to seik support at kīg Edward. for he knew Inglismen ay ennymes to scottis, & ꝓmittit to king Edward (gif al materꝭ succedit with felicite) to hald the realme of scotland of hym as superiour thairof. King Edward glaid of this condition nochtwithstanding y e peace afore contrackit & the mariage of his syster maid afore with kyng Dauid of scotland, send .vi.M. men weill prouydit with schippis to pas with hym in scotland. Traisting efter his cumyng to fynd mony othir freindis yat wald assist to hym. And as we schew afore, mony scottis war in Ingland with the Balliol, quhilkis informit hym (gif he arriuit in scotland) mony of all the lordis yairof wald assist to his opinion. Balliol persuadit be thir reasonis, arriuit at Kingorne, quhare he brocht all his folkis on land, and sone efter slew Alexander Seytoun & put his folkꝭ to flicht. The Balliol proude of this victory, come w t his folkꝭ to Perth. The erlis of Mar and Marche aduertist of his cumyng▪ rasit two gret armyis and come aganis hym, not as yai had bene to fecht aganꝭ weirmen, bot allanerly as thay wer to punis certane theuis or lymmaris of Ingland. At last thay concludit to cōuene baith togidder in Strathern that thay mycht inuade thair ennymes at anis. The Ballioll (howbeit he knew his ennymes cumand with mair power thā he mycht resist) was na thing affrayit. For ye mater was sa far procedit, that na feir of deith nor fleing mycht auale. Nochtheles he beleuit (gif his army faucht with perseuerant Constance) to haue victory be sū chāce of fortoun. Alwayis he set down his tentis at Dupline nocht far fra the water of Erne. In the samyn nycht y e erle of Mar come w t gret multitude of pepyl & parkit yame ī y e sicht of balliollis army, bot the erle of Marche lay at Othirardour. The scottis seand thair ennymes of sa few nowmer, held thaym in cōtemption, and pretermittit yair wache, passing the nycht with syngyng, dansyng, reuelling, & drinking. Thir doingis succedit the mair vnhappely, that thay war done with sa manifest contemption in the face of thair ennymes. Be contrar y e Inglismen richt circumspect and vigilant had sic spyis, y t euery thing done or said in the army of scottis was manifest to thaym. The balliol reiosing of this vane & insolent foly amang scottis, commandit his army to be reddy to inuade thair fais. In the nycht followyng, he come but ony noyis to y e watter of Erne, and fand y e furd thairof be ane lang staik, quhilk was affixit in the myddis yairof be Andro Murray of Tullibard. Be this treason he led all his army ouir the watter of Erne, and come sa quietly to the erle of Marris tentis, yat he slew hym sleipand in his bed. Incontinent with huge clamour he come apon y e remanent army of scottis, and slew yame burit in sleip but ony defence. Followit sa cruell slauchter, that nocht was hard bot rummissing and granis of deand pepyll. And had nocht bene Edward balliol gart ylk man in his army bynd ane quhit clout on his arme, na man mycht haue knawin for myrknes of nycht quha was freindis or fayis. The Inglismen war inflāmit in sic Ire, that thay couth nocht be saciar with [Page CCxxi] blud & murdir of scottis, and sauit nane that mycht be ouirtaikin. Mony of ye nobillis wer slane to ye noumer of .iii.M. with gret noumer of cōmonis. Ane certane of thaym (quhilkis eschapit fra this battall) returnit agane to reuenge the murdir of thair freindis, and wer all slane. Ye principal noblis (quhilkis wer slane in this feild) wer the erle of Mar. Robert Bruce erle of Carrik, Alexander Fraseir knycht, William Hay constable with all his kyn sa halelie, yat wer nocht his wyfe wes deliuerit of ane son, all his surname had bene al vterlie distroyit. Robert Keith merscheall with mony of his surname▪ Dauid Lindsay of glēnesk, Alexand Seiton, George dūbar, Robert strathaquhen, Thomas Haliburtoun & Iohne Skrymgeour knychtis with mony otheris quhilkis wer ouir prolixt to schaw. The erle of Fiffe wes tane. This battall wes strikin on ye thrid day of August. Fra our redēptioun .i.M.iii.C.xxxii. ȝeris.
¶Hovv Edvvart Ballioll vvas crounit at Scone hovv king dauid fled in frāce. hovv Perth vvas recouerit▪ and the ballioll vincust be the Douglas. and hovv king Edvvard segit Bervvik. Ca. iii.
DUplyne discōfist (as said is) the Balioll went to Perth and tuke it with small difficulte. It is said that sindry Inglismen for auld hatrent aganis scottis went eftir thair victory to Duplyne to se gif ony scottis wer liand in the feild abill to recouer, gif yai had gud surrurgianis that yai mycht chace out the residew of thair lyfe. Nochtheles seyng the miserable slauchter that wes maid on thaym in ye nycht afore, thay fell in gret comploratioun, saying thay beleuit nocht sa infinite noumer of scottis slane. The erle of Marche h [...] rand the scottis discomfist sa miserablie at Duplyne, come w t foure gret cumpanyis to sege y e toun of Perth. At last quhen he had lyue certane tyme at the sege yairof. The fowseis brand fild, and the toun reddy to be randerit in his handis. He skalit fra the sege. Howbeit he mycht haif had the toun and the battall baith at his pleseir. The Ballioll incontinent (becaus the peple come fast to his opinioun) come with the bischop of Dū keld and the erle of Fiffe to S [...]one, & wes crounit the .xxiiii. day of September in the ȝeir afore rehersit. Be discomfitoure of yis last battal rais so gret trubil in scotland, y e king Dauid hauād bot .ix. ȝeris ī age be counsall of his freindis fled in France w t hꝭ quene Iane sister to kīg Edward and wes tenderlie ressauit be Phillip the .vi. kyng of France of yat name, quhare he remanit .ix. ȝeris. In the nixt ȝeir Robert Keyth, Alexand Lindesay with othir sindry nobillis to reuenge the slauchter of thair faderis at Duplyne, wan the toun of Perth the fourt moneth eftir thair sege. The erle of Fiffe and Androw Murray of Tullibard wer tane w t otheris thair complicis quhilkis kepit the said toun in name of the Ballioll. The erle wes send in ward to Kildrūmy. Bot Andro Murray for his treason afore cōmittit wes hedit. The toun eftir y t it was tane in this maner, wes geuin in keiping to Iohne Lindesay. The winnyng of this toun be sic manheid and virtew put the scottis in esperance of better fortoun. And yairfore Iohne Randale erle of Murray son to erle Thomas afore rehersit, and Archebald Douglas lord of Galloway and brothir to Iames Douglas slane laitlie in Spanȝe come with ane gret cumpany [Page] aganis the Ballioll. The Balliol weil aduertist yairof, met yam in Annandale quhair it wes cruellie fochtin. Bot at last the Ballioll wes discomfist. And hym self chasit on ane hors but bridil to Roxburgh. In yis battall wer slane schir Henry Ballioll, schir Iohne Mowbray, Walter Cumyn and Richard Kirklie, Alexander Bruce erle of Carrik and lord of Galloway wer taikin presoneris and saiffir be y e erle of Murray. For thay wer nocht lang afore at ye opinioun of Ballioll. Eftir this victorie Andro Murray ane man of gret pissāce and rentis, wes maid gouerno r to be colleig to y e erle of Marche. Thir twa gouernouris knawyng kyng Edward to cum aganis yame with all the power of Ingland, send schir Alexander Seitoun with mony othir gentil men to keip Berwik. Sic thingis done Andro Murray come w t ane army to sege Roxburgh and faucht sa vailȝeantly, yat he put the Balliol to flycht. Nochtheles he followit so feirslie, that he wes tane and brocht presonere within the castell. At this tyme Williā Douglas of Liddisdale callit for his singulare manheid y e flour of cheualry faucht vnhappely aganis Inglismē in Annandale, quhare he wes tane presonere, and his folkis discomfist. This William wes son to gud schir Iames Douglas afore rehersit. Baith thir nobill men wer redemit with gret soumes of money, eftir that yai had bene haldin othir half ȝeir in Ingland. The realme standing thus in ieoperdy, the pepill wer deuidit in two partis. The tane half assistit to the Ballioll, and the tothir to kyng Dauid. Kyng Edward of Ingland seing sa gret truble in Scotland, thocht the tyme sufficient to cōques the croun. For he vnderstud na thīg sa difficill, bot it may be done othir in al or in sum part, gif it be oft assailȝeit. And nochtwithstanding his band of peace and mariage of his sister Iane with kyng Dauid of scotland afore contrackit, he gaderit ane army baith of Ingland, Normandy Angeos and flanderis wagit be his money. And come in Scotland, speciallie quhare maist rebellioun wes aganis ye Balliol. He schew that he wes cumyn in support of Ballioll. Nochtheles gif all thingis had succedit as he desirit. He wald na mair haue kepit faith and promes to the Ballioll, than to otheris. The Scottis seing thaym neir ouirset on al sidis with ennymes, send Iohne Randale erle of Murray in France to kyng Dauid to get sum support fra kyng Phillip of France to debait his realme. At this tyme kyng Edward segit Berwik baith be see and land. Nochtheles the scottis debaitit it als vailȝeantlie as he assailȝeit. & nocht allanerlie Ischit sindry tymes on Inglismē, bot slew sindry of yair wachis. And sum tymes brint thair schippis with gret manheid. In the mene tyme William Seitoun son to schir Alexander afore rehersit, followit sa feirslie at ane scarmusche aganis Inglismen, yat he wes takin. His bastard brothir ane man of singulare manheid inuading ouir feirslie the Inglis schippis vnder nycht fell in the see, quhare he perist. The sege continewit foure monethis continewallie about the town and maid gret penurite of vittallis. ¶At last schir Alexander Seitoun send his sonne to kyng Edward, promittyng (gif he wald ceis the sege) to rander the toun to hym within .vi. dayis▪ gif na support come to hym within the said tyme▪ And for the sickir obseruation of his promys, he left his [Page CCxxii] sonne and air in pledge.
¶Of the orison maid be Alexander Seitonis vvife, and hovv his son vvas slane be tyranny of kyng Edvvard. Ca. iiii.
SIc thingis done at Berwik, the nobillis of Scotland be yair conuention maid Archebald douglas gouernour in Androw Murrayis place. The Douglas to rais the sege of Berwik, come with ane army in Inglād. Kyng Edward aduertist thairof, send ane herald to schir Alexander Seiton certifying him, gif the toun wer nocht randerit in haist, baith his sonnis suld be haistelie hingit afore his eyne. Alexand answerd yat ye dayis wer nocht out run of trewis, and desyrit the kyng othir to keip his faith, or ellis to deliuer his pledgis that he mycht be at his auantage. King Edward hauād na sycht to his faith nor band, gart rais haistelie ane gallous afore the toun, and haue baith the sonnis of Alexander thairto. Ane of yame wes taikin presonere, and that othir deliuerit in maner of pledge, as we haif schawin. Alexander seing his sōnis led on this maner to y e gallous, wes mouit be gret cōmiseration, thinkād it wes ane thing rycht detestable & odious that his sonnis suld be sa innocētlie slane, considering he mycht saif thaym gif he wer obeysant to ye pleseir of y e tyrane. And sa be cōmiseration of his sonnis on yat ane part and faith promittit to the kyng and his realme on the tothir syde, he wes oft drawin in sindry purpos, and mycht skarslie refreine hym self fra randeryng of the toun. Ȝit it is vncertane bot be compassioun of his sonnis and natural affection, he had bene obeysant to the desyre of kyng Edward, wer nocht his wiffe & moder to his sonnis (ane wyse woman aboue the spreit of man) exhortit him oftymes erar to suffer the immolatioun and murdir of his sonnis, Yan to cōmit sa manifest treason aganis his prince. My deir husband (said scho) behald degeistly quhat thow dois. Gif thow fulfyll the desire of this tyrane and violat the lufe that thow hes to thy cūtre. Gif thow brek the faith promittit to thy souerayne for ony feir of deith appering to thy sonnis. Thow sall not fayll to do na les schame to thy self and freindꝭ, thā dammage to thy cuntre. And youcht our sonnis de with excellent fortitude in defence of thair cuntre. It sall succede na les to thair louyng and fame, than to thy gret honoure and weill. Considder first how abhominable thow salbe perpetually to thy natioun, gif thow commit sa manifest treasoun to betrais this town. Ȝon tyrane mynassis oure sonnis with the deith, Intending to bryng ws to so opin schame, that (gif we fulfyl his mynd) we sall neuir (quhil the warld induris) recouir oure honour. Lat neuir thairfore the town committit to our faith and credit, be schamefully tynt be oure dyssait. Traist nocht that ȝon tyrane wyl obserue his promis ony better efter the town be randerit to hym than afore. Haue we not trewis of hym for syndry dayis ȝit to ryn, and ȝit he kepis na faith to ws. Forthir gif ȝon fals and manesworn king wyl nocht kepe sic thingis to ws as he hes promittit, bot failȝe as he hes done ī tymes bygane. Quhat mischeif and sorow sall cum on ws gyf we fulfyll his desire. Oure town salbe put to sak. Oure housis brint. Oure tempillis spulȝeit. Our gudis escheittit. [Page] Oure virginis & matronis fuilȝeit, & all the innocent pepill of our toun slane but mercy or ransoun. Is the lyfe of our sonnis so deir to ws, that we sal redeme yame with vengeance and murdir of sa mony pepill. Ar yai weill sauir fra thair deith, quhen we haue ransonit thaym with sa manifest treason. Quhat pleseir or hone [...]e sall we Iose for ye residew of our lyfe, quhen it is filit with sa schameful cowartry. Apperꝭ thairfore mair honoure to ws to follow the constance and ferme purpos of sic nobyll pepil as bene rememberit in haly writ, than to saif the lyuis of oure sonnis with sic irrecouerabyll dishonoure. Was nocht Danyell cassyn afore ye lyonis be cruel tyrannis, becaus he wald nocht offend god? Was nocht the thre barnis cassin in ane birnand [...], becaus thay wald nocht adorne fals ydolis? Was nocht the seuyn [...]nnis of Machobee with thair mo [...]er put to gret torment, quhen thay [...]o constantly refusit to eit swine flesch [...], quhilk was inhibit to thaym be thair lawis. Considder and reuolue (my deir husband) in thy mynd with quhat constance and plesant vult [...]i sonnis contempnis the tormentis of ȝou tyrane. And wald god that I mycht de siclyke for defence of my cuntre as thay do. For certane, gif I mycht with my deith delyuer this toun as now my sonnis may, thow suld not se me pas with ony feir or murnyng, bot with gret spreit and curage to the deith. For thair slauchter is na deith, bot ane changing of yair fragyll lyffis with eternale glore. Now thynk I the pyne sollicitude and trauel, that I sufferit for thaym ten monethis berand thaym in my wambe weill warit. Now haue I gud frut of my lauboure. Now I se the affection of all my mynd sa oft desyryng thaym to be nobyll men, brocht to gud fyne. Now thynk I nocht my sonnis tynt, bot erar won to remane with intermynabyll honoure. For we ar ȝit abyll to recouer thaym with new chyldren. Bot we may neuir recouir our honoure quhen it is lost. Quhen this happy and nobyll woman had exhortit hir husband with thir and siclyke wourdis. Scho broucht hym with sorowfull and heuy their vnto hir chalmer. ya [...] be commiseratioun of his sonnis he suld commit na thyng outhir aganis his honoure or weil of the toun. And ȝit he was euir flowand in his mynde be impulsioun of lufe that he had to his sonnis on that ane part. And faith that he had to his cuntre on this othir part. In the mene time baith his sonnis war put to deith on the gallous deing with maist honour for defence of thair cuntre.
☞ Hovv the scottis vvar discomfist at Halidon hyll and Bervvik vvas randerit to Inglismen. vvith mony othir strenthis and munitionis of Scotland. Cap̄. v.
ARchebald Dowglas gouernoure of Scotland heirand this schamefull cruelte done be king Edward, come on the thrid day efter with his army fra Northumbirland to reuenge the displeseir thairof, & set down his tentis nocht far fra king Edwardis army. Sindry prudent men war in the Dowglas army, quhilkis per suadit hym be mony reasonis to abstene fra battall. For kyng Edward had ane army full of pepyl, dayly exercit in cheuelry, and richt insolent [Page CCxxiii] eftir thair frequent victoryis with gret munitionis and weirlie instrumentis, be cōtrar the scottis wer brokin with the weris afore past. Thair agit and wise capitanis be sindry discomfitouris slane. And y e peple than present in his army ȝoung & but ony experience of armes. And thairfore alliegit na thing sa gud as to desist, quhill thay had sum practik or experience in armes. To this answerit y e gouernour, that his folkis (howbeit yai wer in few noumer to ennimes) laikit na curage. And wer all mouit with extreme hatrent aganis Inglismen for the cruelte laitlie cōmittit aganis the sonnis of schir Alexander Seitoun. It wes thairfore not profitable to abide. For be lāg tary yair Ire sall peris. Forthir na exercition mycht eik thair strenthis sa mekill as Ire rageand in thair breistis. Ye Douglas left this hailsum counsal, and cōmandit his army to refresche yame self with meit and sleip and to be reddy to fecht aganis yair ennymes on the morow. At the brek of ye day he arrayit his folkis in yair best maner. The wangard wes geuin to Hew lord of Ros, hauand with hym Kēneth erle of Suthirland, Simon and Iohne Fraseir, and Iohn̄ Murray lieutenand to ye erle of Murray quhilk wes yan trublit with gret infirmite. The secound battall wes geuin to Alexander Lindesay with Alexand Gordon, Reginall Grahame and Robert Kenneth. In the thrid battal wes ye Douglas gouernour hauand with hym Iames, Iohne, & Allane sonnis of Walter gret stewart of Scotland. On the tothir side the Inglismen na thing affrayit of this ordinance come pertlie with displayit baneris. And becaus thay knew the ground (quhair the feild wes set be lang residence at the sege forsaid) thay fenȝeit thaym to fle at thair first Iunyng to ane hyll sum part stay. And throw the straitnes thairof it wes rycht contrarius to thaym that assailȝeit, and rycht commodius for thaym that stude at defence thairof. Als sone as the Inglismen wer cumyn to this hill, yai stintit of thair fleing, and be sound of trumpat went haistelie to thair array. And incontinent thay set on the scottis quhilk wer skatterit in y e vail following so feirsly y e mony of yame wer miserabillie slane. The residew wer sa astonist, y e few of yame faucht saif onlie thay that had mair respect to thair honoure than to thair lyuis or victorie apperīg. And yocht thay slew gret noumer of Inglismē ȝit yai wer put to flicht. Finaly mair slauchter wes maid in ye chace than was afore in y e battall, for ane wyng of Inglismen lay afore & stopit yair passage. Thus wer thay miserablie slane on Ilk syde. Na presoneris wer tane except ane few noumer, quhilkis wer sauir onlie becaus thair ennymes wer irkit with slaucht. In this lamentable battal wer slane mony of all the nobillis and gentilmen of Scotland that eschapit afore fra the battal of Duplyne. And yai wer estimit to ye noumer of .xiiii.M▪ mē. Thir ar y e principal men y t wer slane Archebald Dowglas gouernoure, Iohne Stewart, Iames Stewart and Alane Stewart sonnis of Walter Stewart, the erle of Ros, ye erle of Suthirland, ye erle of Carrik, sa mony as wer tane wer all heidit on the morow be cōmand of kyng Edward except ane few ꝑsonis quhilk wer hid be Inglismen for proffet of thair ransoun. Amang quhome wes schir William Douglas of Liddisdale tane. Thꝭ mischeuous & vnhappy battall wes strikin on the Magdalenis [Page] day. Fra our redemptioun ane thousand .iii. hundrth .xxxiii. ȝeris. Efter this discomfitour Alexander Seytoun and Patrik Dunbar capitanis of Berwik disparit of support gaif ouir the town to king Edward thair lyuis and guddis be condition of peace to be sauit. And quhē thay had geuyn thair a [...]this of fidelite king Edward commandit Patrik Dunbar to big the castel of dū bar apon his awin expensis, becaus he kest it down afore quhen he was disparit of releif. And cōmandit him to kepe it in tymes cumyng vnder his name. Kyng Edward efter this sorofull victory of Scottis returnit in Ingland, and left behynd hym mony gret noblis of Ingland with Edward Ballioll to gouerne Scotland at thair deuise. ¶The ballioll went than throw all the boundis of Scotland, and garnist all the stren [...]his thairof with Inglismen, except v. castellis allanerly quhylkis war in Scottis mennis handis, that is to say. The castel of Dunbriton, quhylk was kepit be Malcolme flemyng of Cummerland. The castell of Lochleuyn be Alane Uepount. The castell of Kildrūmy be Cristyne Bruce. The castell of Urquhart be Robert Lauder. And y e peil of Low doun be Iohne Thomeson. All thir castellis stude at the opynyoun of king Dauid.
☞ Of the contention betuix Alexander Movvbray and Hary Bevvmont▪ & hovv Inglismen perist at the sege of Lochleuvn. Ca. vi.
IN the samyn tyme Phillip kyng of France send his ambassatouris to the paip, desyring hym to interpone his auctorite, & constant y e Inglismen to desist fra thair cruell inuasioun maid on the scottis. The Inglismen held the papis ambassatouris in sic contemption that thay wald nocht suffer thaym to cum in thair presence. Throw quhilk thay wer constranit to depart but ony expeditioun of thair materis. Sone efter ane conuentioun was maid be Edward Ballioll at Perth, quhare the nobyllis of Scotland ratifyit hym king, and promyttit be thair aithis neuir to rebell aganis hym in tymes cumyng. In the mene tyme rais ane scharp contentioun betuix Hary Bewmont & Alexander Mowbray for certane landꝭ ī Buchquhā. Hary Bewmont clamit thir landis to pertene to him. For he maryit the said Alexanderis douchter quhylk was heritoure (as he allegit) to the said landis. On y e tothir side Alexander Mowbray clamit thir landis be reasoun of succession, as aire to his brothir. Efter lang contentioun the said Alexander Mowbray gat the landis adiugit to hym be sentence of the Ballioll. Dauid Cumyn e [...]le of Atholl and Richard Talbot allieging this sentence wrangusly geuyn aganis Hary Bewmont, maid ane conspiratioun aganis the Ballioll. And stuffit the castell of Dongard in Buchquhane with mony othir housis of Scotland aganis his auctorite. The Ballioll seyng gret trubyll apperyng to hym be this way, retretit the sentence that he gaif for Alexander Mowbray, and be new sentence adiugit the landis to pertene to the said Hary Bewmont, becaus he maryit the herytoure thairof. The parteis that clamit thir landis war sa gret, that the iust verite of thair debait couth neuir be decidit be sicht of Iustice. Thus was ye Ballioll constranit to haue ay the ta [Page CCxxiiii] party his ennyme, quhen the tothir become his freind. Nocht lang efter the Ballioll come to Ramfrew, and ressauit all the pepyll and strenthis thairof to his opinioun. Than was brocht to hym the keyis of the castellis of Rothesay and Dunnone be schir Allane Lyle Sereif of Bute. Yus grew the Balliol dayly in mair pissance be cōfluence of pepil. For he enrichit thaym with landis and gudis that assistit to him. Robert Stewart heirand the Balliol set ylk day for his slauchter, come out of Bute to the castell of Dunbritane▪ quhare he was plesandly ressauit be Malcolme Flemyng keipar thairof. In the mene tyme the Ballyoll rasit ane army to take all the strenthis of Scotland, becaus thay war occasioun of battall aganis hym. ¶In the nixt ȝeir he laid ane sege to the castell of Lochleuyn. And quhen he had considerit that this castell mycht nocht be tane but lang sege, he left schir Iohne Stryuelyng to ly at the sege thairof with ane gret power, quhyll the castell war won. ¶And to do thair besines mair esaly, thay maid thair bastailȝeis and trinscheis of Fale and Deuat in the kirkȝard of sanct Sarfe besyde Kinrosse. This castell was kepit be Alane Uepount and Iames Lamby cietezanis of sanct Andros. ¶At last quhen thir Inglismen had assailȝeit lang tyme to get this castell. Efter mony gret assaltis with syndry ingynis, howbeit thay war in vane, thay deuysit be ane subtell slycht to take the castell but ony straik. ¶First thay inclusit the watter that ran out of the Loch with ane hye dyke, and biggir it sa strait with fale Deuat and treis, that the wat [...]er of Leuyn suld haue na passage, bot inclusit perforce quhyll it war rysyn aboue the castell, and all the pepyll in it perist. And to caus the dam to boldyn mair haistely, thay brocht burnis fra syndry partis to the said loch. Schir Iohne Stryuelyng capitane of the sege, seand al thingis (as he beleuit) done in dew maner (for na thyng mycht auale bot proces of tyme to wyn the hous) went to Dunfermelyng to his deuotion (becaus it was sanct Margretis day ye haly quene of scotland) & left behynd hym sa mony as he thocht sufficient to kepe the sege. Alane Uepount capitane foresaid knawyng y e gret dangeir apperyng to hym, send .iiii. men out of the castel within y e nicht in ane bait with speris & wappynnis to breke y e dyke foresaid. And quhen thay had laubourit all nycht borand the dike fore said, thay tuke purpos (becaus yai [...] lauboure semit vane) to returne to the castell but ony expeditioun. Nochtheles ane of thaym exhortit y e laif to continew furth ane houre to se quhat fyne mycht cum of thair lauboure. Als sone as thay persauit ane hole maid throw the dyke, thay returnit to the castell. Incontinent the streme followit sa fast quhare the watter gat passage▪ that it brake down the bastailȝeis, and nocht onely drownit the pepyll that lay vnder ye dam, bot brocht thaym with hors cariage & al yair prouision to ye see. Alane Uepount (quhen the watter was fallin to ye auld mesoure) yschit out of the castell, & slew ane part of thaym that war eschapit at this tyme, and the remanent put to flycht. ☞¶Iohne Striuelyng herand sic calamyte fallyng to his folkis returnit to the sege, and maid ane vow neuir to depart thairfra quhyll it war taikyn, And euery person [Page] found in it slane. At last quhen he had lyin lang at the sege thairof, and seing the castell nocht abyl to be takin, he was constranit to leif the sege with gret slauchter of his folkis. This sege of Lochleuin was in Lenttyn fra our redemptioun .i.M, iii.C.xxxv. ȝeris.
¶Hovv Robert Stevvart and Iohne Randall recouerit syndry strenthis of Scotland. hovv Dauid Cumyn vvas brocht to gret trubyll for his rebellioun aganis scottis. and hovv he vvas tane in fauoure. Ca. vii.
KYng Edward in the ȝeir following come in Scotland with fifty thowsand men, and send .lxx. schippis be the see. Of quhilkis mony war brokin betuix Inchekeith and y e Northland. And becaus he saw na rebellyoun aganis hym, he returnit in Ingland with ye Ballioll, and left Dauid Cumyn erle of Athole to be gouernoure to take the remanent strenthis of Scotland, & to hald the pepyll at his opinioun. Erle Dauid be insolence of yis new auctoryte tuke possessioun of all the landis of Murray and Buchquhan quhilkis pertenit to Robert stewart. And nocht onely gat the inhabitantis thairof sworne to his opinioun, bot confiscat all the guddis of yame that war found contrarius thairto. Robert Stewart incontinent assemblit his freindis, & be auise of Dongall Campbell of Lochquhow tuke the castell of Dunnone and slew all personi [...] found in it. The cōmonis of Bute & Arrane glaid of this happy beginning gaderit to ye nowmer of .iiii. hundreth men to fortyfy the said Robert. In the mene tyme schir Alane Lyle sereif of Bute come on thaym with ane cumpany of armyt men. Followit ane scharp battall, quhyll at last the sereif was slane, & his folkis discomfist. Syndry of his folkis war brocht presoneris to Robert Stewart. Thir and siclike feliciteis mouit syndry scottis to leif ye opinioun of Ingland and come to Robert stewart. Not lāg efter y e erle of Murray returnit fra kīg Dauid out of France, and arriuit at Dunbritane quhare he was plesandly ressauit be Robert stewart. For he was ane nobyll man of na les manheid & wisdome than his fader erle Thomas afore rehersit. Sone efter Robert Stewart and the erle of Murray come with gret power in Cliddisdale, Rāfrew, Kyle, Cunyngham and Aire, and brocht ye samyn with Ros & Murray, to king Dauidis opinioun. The erle of Murray heirand gret iniuris done be erle Dauid of Athole went to Aberdene. Erle Dauid seing the pepyll gaderit ilk day with new power to recouer yair leberte fled to the montanis and desertis, quhare he was brocht to gret misere and constranit lang tyme to sustene his lyfe on rutis and herbis. At last quhen he saw na way to eschew, he come in lamentabyll weid petuusly desyring grace. The nobillis of scotland ressauit hym to thair fauour. For he was ane man of nobyll blude of gret manrent and landis, & gart hym sweir to be as trew to kyng Dauid, as he was afore to kyng Edward. At this tyme schir Wyllyam Douglas of Liddisdale & Andro Murray war redemit with gret ranson efter y t thay war haldin thre ȝeris presoneris in Ingland. At thair cumyng to Edinburgh was ane conuentioun of the lordis. The erle of Murray and Robert stewart with generall electioun war chosyn gouernouris. ¶Mony Scottis at this tyme left the opinoun of Inglismen, [Page CCxxv] As Laurence prestoun, Iohne Heryng, and Iohne Halyburtoun knychtis with mony otheris quhilkis baid efter perpetually at y e faith of kyng Dauid. Nocht lang efter ane conuentioun was maid be the gouernouris at Darse, to auyse on syndry gret materis concernyng the commoun weill. Nochtheles Dauid Cumyn erle of Athole come with sa strang power y t thay durst attempt na thing aganis Inglismen.
☞Hovv king Edvvard come in scotland vvith gr [...]t armyis baith be see and land. hovv the duke of Gilder vvas discomfist. And hovv erle Dauid Cumyn vvas slane. Ca. viii.
KYng Edward herād the rebellion of scottis in this wise, come with fifty thousand men to Perth. And brocht .i.C. and .lxxx. schippis in Forth. ¶Thir schippis sone efter y e cumyng in Forth, brint & heryit the see costis on ylk syde. and spulȝeit the abbay of sanct Colme, Bot thair sacralege was nocht lang vnpunist. For quhen thay war returnand in Ingland, thair nauy be violent wedder was brocht to gret trubyll, sum of thaym perist, and otheris brokin on craggis. The residew of thair nauy knawyng that thay incurrit ye hatrent of god and sanct Colme for thair sacralege, returnit to the said abbay, and maid gret offerandis in recompence of thair offence, and returnit hame but disples [...]ir. ¶At this tyme the duke of Gilder come with gret power throw Ingland in support of king Edward, & was discomfist on the burrow mure besyde Edinburgh, and chasit to the cas [...]el thairof, quhilk was that tyme in Inglismennis handis. At last he was constranit be lang sege to cum in wyll, his guddis tynt and his life onely to be sauit. The erle of Murray randerit to hym curtesly all his guddis and sufferit hym to depart, Efter that he was sworn neuir to assist to Inglismen. Amang the spulȝeis of yis battal was found ane woman of meruellus stature, quhylk preuit gret vassalage in this battall, and slew mony vailȝeant men with hir awin handis. Forthir (becaus thꝭ duk of Gilder was freind to Philip king of France) he was conuoyit be the erle of Murray to ye bordouris. In the mene tyme ane buschement of Inglismē and scottis lay in wait, & randerit hym in kyng Edwardis handis. The erle of Athole beleuing new felicite to fall to Inglismen, be taking of the erle of Murray, come to Perth & gaif his faith to the Ballioll and was maid gouernoure of scotland. Sone efter kyng Edward returnit in Ingland & tuke the Balliol with hym. for he beleuit als sone as he had conquest Scotland, that the Ballioll suld rebell aganis hym on the samyn maner as Iohne Ballyol his fader did afore. Erle Dauid richt insolent efter this auctorite began to exerce new tyranny on all the scottis that war repugnant to kyng Edward. Sum of thaym spulȝeit of yair landis and guddis, otheris put to deith. The nobyllis hauand gret indignation that this erle of Athole suld exerce sic tyranny on thair pepil (ꝯsiderīg he was saiffit only in y e ȝeir afore be thair cōmiseratioun) come with gret power aganis hym. Dauid Cumyn herand the lordis gaderit thus aganis hym, left the sege of Kyldrummy, quhare he was that tyme and gaif thaym battall. At last quhen the victory was inclinand [Page] to erle Dauid be multitude of pepyl yat assistit to hym, Iohn̄ Crag capitane of Kildrummy come out of the castel with thre hundreth fresche men, be quhais cumyng the victory succedit to scottis. Erle Dauid disparit of his lyfe that he suld nocht cum quik in to his ennimes hādis, ruschit with ane cumpany of his tender freindis amang the gret pres of his ennymes, quhare he was slane be Alexander Gordoun. In this battal war slane Walter bryde, Robert Cumyn, with mony athir gentyl mē and commonis. Schir Thomas Cumyn was tane presonere, and heidit on the morow. Robert Menȝeis eschapit be his fleing to the castell of Cāmore. And becaus gret nowmer of pepyll enterit with hym but ony prouision of vittallis, The castel mycht nocht be defendit bot was randerit on the morow efter that ye pepyl thairof war sworn to king Dauidis opinioun.
¶Hovv Andro Murray vvas maid gouernoure of Scotland. Hovv king Edvvard returnit vvith nevv army in scotland▪ and hovv Inglismen vvar discomfist at Pāmore. Ca. ix.
DAuid erle of Athole slane on this wyse, ane conuention was maid be the nobyllis, and Andro Murray maid gouernoure in the place of the erle of Murray, quhilk was tane vnhappely (as said is) with Inglismen. This Andro efter that he had lyue lang tyme at y e sege of Cowpar, was aduertist that y e Cumynis maid gret trubyl in the north partis of scotland. And thairfore he thocht it mair necessar to support y e cuntre, than to sege ony castellis. The Cumynis knawyng his cumyng met hym with set battall, bot thay war vincust. In this battall was slane Robert Cumyn, Wyllyam Cumyn, and Thomas Calder, vailȝeant knychtis, Howbeit thay war ennimes to kyng Dauid for y e tyme. This victory gottin (as said is) be Andro Murray, brocht al the north of Scotland vnder gud obeisance to kīg Dauid. Few Inglismen abaid efter this victory in Scotland except sa mony as war within the castell of Dongard. At last the sayd castell was tane and na man left leuand in it except Hary Bewmont capitane, Quhylk was sworn to depart in Ingland but ony returning. Sic thingis done, the gouernour laid ane sege to the castel of Lochindoris, quhare elre Dauid Cumynis wife was for y e tyme. Thꝭ woman knawing hir hous mony dayis afore abyll to be segit, send to kyng Edward and desirit rescours. Kyng Edward dredand to tyne al the strenthis of Scotland (gif the same war nocht haistely rescoursit) come with xl.M. men to the said castell of Loch indors. And efter that he had stuffi [...] it with new prouision, he come with bludy swerd throw Murray. And in his returnyng to Mar, he brint the town of Aberdene. His nauy (quhilk was arriuit in Forth) began on the same maner (as the to thir did afore) to spulȝe the abbay of sanct Colme. And on the samyn maner yair sacr [...] lege was nocht lang vnpunist. For [...]ne of the schyppis that was ladyn with sanct Colmes guddis sank but ony tempest to the see ground. King Edward at his returnyng to Perth (becaus it was cassyn down afore) commandit it to be reparit with new wallis and bastailȝeis on the expensis of thir .vi. abbayis. Abirbrothok, Coupar, Lundoris, Balmerinoch, Dunfermelyng, & sanct Andros. He maid Hary bewmōt capitane of y e castel of sāct Andros, quhilkꝭ returnit [Page CCxxvi] with hym out of Ingland contrar his faith maid afore at the sege of Dongard. Attoure he maid Hary Farrar capitane of the castel of Lucres. Wyllyam Montegew capitane of Sriueling. Wyllyam Feltoun capitane of Roxburgh, & Thomas Urthred capitane of Perth. Quhill sic thyngis war done in Scotland be kyng Edward, come to hym his brothir Heltane, quhilk exercit gret cruelte on the scottis. Nochtwithstā ding thair perseuerance at the opinioun of kyng Edward his brothir. Sum of thaym he slew, and otheris brint in thair kirkis and tempillis. At last king Edward tuke sic displeseir aganis this Heltane his brothir (becaus he brint y e kirk of sāct Bute with ane thousand personis in it) y t he dang hym throw the body with ane swerd afore the alter of Sanct Iohne, and said. This haly place sal be na mair refuge to the, than othir housis of god hes bene afore fra thy tyranny, quhen thow distroyit sa mony innocent pepyll but sicht to rycht or wrang. Sic thyngis done kyng Edward returnit in Ingland, & left behind hym the Ballioll with ane gret power at Perth. At this tyme Hary Bewmont slew all Scottis quhome he mycht apprehend specially thaym that war at the slauchter of his cousin Dauid Cumin. ¶Als sone as Andro Murray was aduertist of king Edwardis departing, he come fra ye mont [...]nis, quhare he lay afore eschewing the fury of Inglismen. At last be assistence of sindry nobyl men he tuk y e castel of Kincleuyn & kest it down to the ground. Sone efter he come to Mernes, quhare he wan ye castel of Kylnesse and kest it down on y [...] samyn maner. Passand forthwart on this wise, he brint Dū notir. On the tothir syde the Inglismen maid na les slauchter and heirschippis in all partis quhare thay come, throw quhilk the Mernis, Angus, Stryuelyng. and Gowry, for continewall reiffis, murdir, and weris done in thaym war left waist. At last this Andro to resist the Inglismen gaderit all pepyll of Murray▪ Mar, and Buchquhan, and faucht at Panmore in Angus, quhare he was victorius with huge slauchter maid on his ennymes. In this battall war slane Hary Montford, quhilk was send laitly be kīg Edward in support of Ballyoll with .iiii.M. nobyllis & gen [...]yll men of Ingland. Throw quhais deith rais gret dolour in syndry partis of Ingland seand thair pissance gretly brokyn, for the [...]ynsall of sa mony noblis. Efter this victory And ro Murray pai [...] throw Fyf and Angus, & kest dowir the castell of Lucres with all othir castellis of Fyf except allanerly the castell of Cowpar.
¶Hovv VVyllyā Talbot and Richard Montegevv yvar vincust be scottis. Of the deith of Andro Murray. Of sindry vassalagis done be VVillyam Douglas. and of gret derth in Albion▪ Ca. x.
KYng Edward heirand ye victory falling in yis maner to his enny mes, send ane vailȝeant knicht namit Willia Talbot in scotland with two armyis in support of Ballioll. Aganis quhom come Williā Keith, Laurence Preston, and Robert Gordoun, with gret power of Scottis & put thir Inglismen to flicht, Ye principall capitane Williā Talbot was tane presonere & payit two hundreth mark striueling for his ranson, schir William Montegew erle of Sarisbery, come with new ordinance to [Page] sege ye castel of Dunbar, & lay .xxii. owlkis at the sege thairof. Nochtheles it was sa vailȝeātly debarttit be y e contes of Marche callit blak Anna that he was constrant to depart fra the sege. In the ȝeir following was ane miserabil derth in all the boūdis of scotland with gret mortalite of pepyl, for y e land lay wast but ony store or cornis for cōtinewall weris afore past. All ye sodiouris (that war in ye castell of Cowpar) for laik of vittallis left the castell desert and fled to Kingorn quhare yai hyrit ane schip to haue pa [...]t in Ingland. Nochtheles be ane euyll mariner thay come on ane sand bed and perist a [...] ye nixt flude. At this tyme mony of all the strenthis of Lowthiane was inhabit be Inglismen. The town of Edinburgh was stuffit with mony sodiouris baith of Inglis and Scottis. Amang quhom was ane scot of gret spreit namit Robert Pendergest, & becaus he fauorit scottismen, ye marscheall callit Thomas Knatoun strake hym so violently with ane club▪ quhyll the blude sprang out of his heid. Robert mouit with this iniure, lay ylk day in wait, Quhill at last he slew the mars [...]heall. and come to Wyllyam Douglas ye nerrest way persuadyng hym to pas with delygence to Edinburgh, quhare he suld fynd his ennymes geuyn to nocht bot lust and insolence. Wyllyā Douglas come incontinent to the said town, and slew .iiii.C. Inglismen in thair beddis buryit ī wyne and sleip. Thus war the Inglismen constranit to be mair vigilant in tymes cumyng. Not lang efter Andro Murray gouernoure of scotland deceissit to the gret dammage of the common weil thairof, and was bury [...]t in Rosmarky. Fra our redemptionane .M. [...]i. hundreth .xxxviii. ȝeris. At this tyme rais ane scharp weir betuix the kyngis of Ingland and France to the gret weill of scotland. For apperandly scotland was sa waik at that tyme, that gyf the kyng of Ingland had continewit in his weris, it suld haue cumyn but ony esperance of releif to vter ruyne. Efter deith of Andro Murray gouernour Robert stewart tuke on hym al the charge of y e realme to ye returnyng of king Dauid out of france. At this tyme Wyllyam Dowglas with mony ieoperdice and gret lauboure recouerit Teuidal out of Inglysmennis handis. And thairfore he iosit ye said landis as heritage conquest be his māheid and prowes. Kyng Edward mouit with thir displeseiris send ane vailȝeant knycht namit schir Thomas Barclay with ane gret power in scotland, aganis quhom come wyllyam Douglas and Robert Stewart gouernoure, and faucht with hym at Blakburn quhare the Scottis war discomfist, few of thaym eschapit vntane or slane. Nocht lang efter this Wyllyā Douglas faucht with Inglismen at the Cragingis hauand with hym bot .xl. men in cūpany and vincust schir Iohne striuelyng with v.C. men of ye opinion of Ingland. And in the ȝeir following he wan ye castell of Harmytage, and slew all personis found in it. In the nixt ȝeir this William Douglas faucht aganis schir Laurence Abirnethy principall capitane to the Ballioll with gret buschementis of men on athir syde, and was fyue tymes dyscomfist. Nochtheles he renewit ay battall. And at last he tuk the said Laurence presonere, and brocht hym to Dūbritane. Be thir vassalagis William Douglas was gretumly estemit and was direckit ambassatoure in France to king Dauid for certane [Page CCxxvii] hie materis concerning the realme. In the mene tyme Robert Stewart come with gret power to sege y e toun of Perth. And lay at the sege yairof ten owlkis. At last quhen he wes disparit to tak the said toun and reddy to depart thairfra, William Dowglas come out of France fra kyng Dauid and arriuit with gret munitioun in Tay. And sone eftir his cū myng the toun wes randerit to the gouernour fra our redemption ane M.iii.C.xli. ȝeris. In this ȝeir wes sic derth in Scotland and Ingland that the pepill wes constranit to eit hors, hundis and othir siclik forbodin flesche.
¶Hovv ye Ballioll fled in Ingland. Of gret vassalage done be Robert stevvart and VVilliam Douglas. Hovv king Dauid returnit in Scotland. And hovv vvilliam Douglas vves banist. Ca. xi.
PErth ressauit on yis wyse & garnist with strang munitionis, y e gouernour wēt with his army to Striuelyng. And tuke it the viii. day. eftir the sege wes laid yairto vnder thir conditionis, that Thomas Fulky capitane thairof mycht pas with his wyfe, barnis, and guddis but ony impeschemēt in Inglād. Edward Balliol seing thir feliciteis fallyng to scottis fled in Ingland. In the mene tyme ye castell of Edinburgh wes won be subtell menis of William Douglas, William Bullok, Walter Fraseir, Walter Touris, and Iohne Sandelandis knychtis in maner following. The Dowglas had ane seruand namit Tourꝭ quhilk come out of his schip be command of the Douglas in Forth fenȝeing him to be ane marcheand with sindry wynis to sell. And be ane deuisit slycht he brocht twa punsionis of wyne out of the schip. And on the morow he drew ane certan gallonis of this wyne and past thairwith to the castell of Edinburgh, and desirit the stewart to cum furth to taist his wynis. The stewart fand his wynis delicious, and said thow sall do ws ane hie pleseir gyf thow prouide ws certane veschellis of this wyne. For wyne hes bene rycht skant to ws yir mony ȝeris. Attoure to mak hym the more sicker of this wyne he gaif money in hand to this Touris, & prayit hym to bring the wyne airly on the morow to the castell and he suld be reddy to ressaue it. Yis Tourꝭ come afore ye lycht with y e twa punsionis. Sone eft his cūyng y e ȝettꝭ wer oppinit be ye portaris to ressaue y e wyne. At last quhē y e cart was cumyn w tin ye ȝettis. Yis Touris pullit out ane wege, and incontinent the cart fel [...] doun with the punsionis in the myddis of the ȝet and stoppit the samyn to clois. The Douglas (quhilk w [...]s nocht far fra this slycht) come haistely with bodin men to the ȝettis. And eftir that he had slane ye portaris, he enterit in the said castell and left na man in it on lyue. Thus wes the realme returnit out of Inglismennis handis be nobill men, Nochtwithstanding the absence of yair king in France. Apperis thairfore yat nobil men ar als necessar to kyngis as ony landis or riches. All ennymes beand dantit on this maner, the Ballioll wes eieckit with al his freindis and cōstranit to returne in Inglād. On the secund day of Iunij in the ȝeir afore rehersit, King Dauid with his wyfe Iane and sindry gret nobillis Franche and Scottis come happely throw ye seis and arriuit at Innerberuy and conuoyit with gret triumphe to Perth. At his cumyng Alexander Ramsay of Dalhouse ane [Page] of the maist vailȝeant men that wes in his dayis, gaderit ane strang power and enterit in Inglād. And first he laid ane buschement of folkis vnder couert in ane vail yat yai mycht tak thair ennymes at auantage quhen thay saw ganand occasion. Sic thingis done he wēt forthwart with the residew of his folkis. In y e mene tyme the bordorarꝭ with sindry garnisonis of the cuntre come aufull [...]e aganis hym. Sone eft he maid hym be craft of cheualry to flee, quhill at last his ennymes followit to ye same place, quhare his buschementis wer lyand vnder wait. Incontinent the buschemētis rais and inuadit yame [...]u [...]ilk side, and finalie discōfist yam with gret slauchter. Amang sindry othir presoneris quhilkis wer tane at this tyme the e [...]le of Salisbery & the capitane of Roxburgh wer tane. T [...]e erle wes interchangit for y e erle [...] Murray, quhilk wes haldin mony ȝeris afore presonere in Ingland. This Alexander Ramsay seand the capitane of Roxburgh with mony of all the sodiouris thairof tane at this Iurnay, come haistely with ledderꝭ to Roxburgh, & enterit perforce ouir the wallis. King Dauid for his vassalage gaif baith ye capitanry of Roxburgh and screifschip of Teuidale to the said Alexander. And for that caus▪ he come in gret hatrent to William Douglas, and wes finalie tane be hym in the kirk of Hawik, And wes haldin in captiuite in the castell of Hermetage quhyll he deceissit. ☞ ¶Kyng Dauid rycht cōmouit yat yis nobill man Alexander wes put doun on this maner, Thocht (gyf sic attemptatis wer vnpunist) thay mycht be occasioun to conspire aganis hym in sum hi [...]ar materis, & so he gart serche yis William Douglas to be punist to the deith. Nochtheles the said William drew hym fra the kyngis presence, and abaid in the montanis & othir desertis of Scotland, quhill Robert Stewart and othir nobillis finaly recounsalit hym to the kyngis fauoure, and gat hym restorit baith to his honour and landis of Teuydale as he was afore.
¶Hovv king Dauid revvardit the airi [...] of thaym that vvar slane at Duplyne & Halidon hyll. And hovv he inuadit Ingland syndry tymes vvith gret iniuris. Ca. xii.
SCotland beand pecifiit on this maner, and Inglismen eieckit out of all partis thairof, King Dauid set ane counsall a [...] Perth, and commandit al thaym yat did ony honest vassalage for defence of the realme, or had thair faderis slane at the battallꝭ of Dupline and Halydon, to be geuyn to hym in byl, that he mycht considder thair honest ieoperdꝭ, and reward yame effering to thair meritis. At last quhen thay war all conuenit, he beand perticularly aduertist of euery dedis done be thaym self and yair faderis, he rewardit thaym richely with gold, seluer, and Iowellis, that thay mycht haue als mekyll pleseit for the tyme present, as thay had sorow for the tyme bygane. Nane was that couth schaw ony of his freindis or kynnismen slane or did ony vailȝeant deidꝭ with his awin handis bot was rewardit with gudly recompence. Amang syndry othir that war rewardit at this tyme, Hew Boece grand schir to maister Hector Boece compilar of thir Croniklis, gat in recompence of his faderꝭ slauchter at Duplyne the heritoure and lady of the barony of Balbrid geuyn to hym in mariage. Quhilk barony is ȝit possedit [Page CCxxviii] be the airis of the said Hew. Quhen kyng Dauid had rewardit the noblis of his realme on yis wyse he thocht na thyng sa gud as to reuenge ye iniuris done sa mony ȝeris afore be Inglismen. Ȝit sindry prudent men gaif him counsall to delay his weris, quhill his pepill wer conualescit baith in thair bodyis & guddis. For thay wer waistit be lang weris afore enduring. Attour ye season wes yan to manure yair landis, that thay mycht releif the pepill of gret derth quhilk yai presentlie sustenit. To thir wordis answerit kyng Dauid, he wald assailȝe y e chance of fortoun, to bring his pepil ī gret riches be spulȝe of Inglismen, & to reuenge the iniuris done be thaym sa mony ȝeris afore. Sone eftir all fensabill men wer cōmandit to be reddy agane ane certane day. Nocht lang eftir he maid the erle of Murray lieutenand to his army, and enterit in Northumbirlād quhare he remanit ane moneth▪ inuading y e cuntre with fyre & swerd, Syne returnit in scotland with gret riches. Sone eftir his returnyng he rasit ane new power of scotland and enterit agane in Ingland. Ye Inglismen seing yame self nocht of pissance to resist his army, gaderit all yair guddis to strenthis. In the mene tyme .v. knychtis of scotland namit, Stewart, Eglintoun, Cragy, Boyd and Fullartoun persewing Inglismen ouir feirslie, wer taikin & redemit eftir with gret ranson. Kyng Dauid seing hym self Ilk day waisting his tyme, and na apperance of battall, returnit in scotland. Not lang eft he went agane in Inglād, & wes trublit with so vehemēt wei [...] & haill, y t he mycht skarslie debait hym self & his army vnperist be storme of wedder. On the tothir syde ye Inglismen wer gaderit aganis hym ouirset with tempest on the samyn maner▪ King Dauid (that his purpos suld nocht be in vane (kest doun sindry strang housis on ye bordouris of Ingland. And returnit in Scotland but ony othir trubyll to his army.
☞ Hovv kyng Dauid at the request of France inuadit Ingland vvith gret displeseiris. And hovv he vves taikin at Durame. Hovv Inglismen cōquest gret boundis in Scotland. Ca. xiii.
KYng Phillip of frāce wes cruelly inuadit duryng this tyme be king Edward of Ingland. And send his oratouris in Scotland desiring king Dauid to inuaid Ingland with battall. To that fyne yat king Edward to resist ye iniure of scottis suld leif ye sege of Caleis. In the mene tyme come ambassatouris fra king Edward in Scotland to treit peace with kyng Dauid and promittit to rander baith Berwik & the Ballioll in Scottis mennis handis. For he wes (as thay alliegit) the gret occasioun of iniuris so lāg continewing betuix Inglis and Scottis. The lordis to answer to yir materis went to thair counsall. Bot yai wer deuidit in sindry opinionis Ilk man eftir his fantasie. Sū be rage of ȝouth and auld hatrent aganis Inglismen wer desirus of battall. Otheris irkit with lang weris desirit peace. And thocht thir offeris of Ingland nocht to be contempnyt, sen mony cōmoditeis mycht follow thairthrow. Alwayis it wes demit, gyf sic honest offeris wer contempnit, more truble than proffet suld follow. Apperit that perpetuall amyte [Page] and kyndnes sall continew betuix Inglismen and Scottis, gif he wer tane away, that was the mouar of thair weris. To this answerit kyng Dauid and otheris, that wer of the opinioun of France. The memorie of infinite pleseiris done to ws be kyng Phillip mouis ws to schaw sum kyndnes to hym. For he nocht onlie ressauit ws quhen maist dangeir occurrit, bot defendit ws fra all ennymes, quhen we wer exilit of our realme. Forthir the band afore contrackit betuix kyng Robert oure fader and France mouis ws to assist to the opinion of France. Thairfore gyf we be nobill men, hauand sycht to thaym that hes auancit our common weill and liberte, no thing wes so gud as to reuenge auld iniuris do [...]e be ennymes. Thus wes it con [...]it to haue battall with Ingland [...] solicitatioun of kyng Dauid. For he desirit to do sū honest vassalage that he mycht thairthrow be comparit to the glore of his eldaris. The ambassatouris of Ingland wer depeschit on this wyse but ony expeditioun of thair desiris. And the ambassatouris of Frāce fullelie satifyit. Sone eftir be opin proclamatioun all fensabill men within this realme wer cōmandit to meit y e kyng at ane certane day and place. In the mene tyme the erle of Ros come with mony folkis to Perth, & maid his mowster to the kyng. And in the nycht following he slew the lord of the Ilis with .vii. of his kynnismen slepand in thair beddis, and returnit incontinēt to Ros. King Dauid (nochtwithstandyng the gret displeseir that he tuke for the said slauchter) rycht desirus to haue punist the same, supersedit the punitioun thairof, quhill tyme occurrit more ganand. At his cūing to y e bordouris he maid mony knychtis to steir thaym to knychtlie vassalage. He maid Williā douglas erle. This William wes son to Archebald Douglas slane afore at H [...] lidon hyll. Sic thingis done kyng Dauid distroyit the maist part of all Northumbirland with fyre & swerd. It is said, king Dauid wes monist be visioun in his sleip, to abstene fra all landis pertenand to sanct Cuthbart. Othirwayis hꝭ weris suld haif ane miserable end. Als sone as he wes awalkinnit, he thocht sic visiōis bot fantaseis. And cōmandit his army (nochtwithstanding sic visioun) to spare na lādis nor townis quhair thay come. At last thay come to Durame, quhare sanct Cuthbart is patron, and spulȝeit baith the abbay & all placis yairabout. Kyng Edward impacient to suffir thir iniuris, send the erle of Northumbirland out of France with gret power. This erle afore his cumyng send ane herald to kyng Dauid desiring him to return in Scotland, and to put end to his weris. Otherwayis he suld haif ba [...] tall on the thrid day eftir. King Dauid tuke litil respect to yis message. Bot cōmādi [...] his folkis to be reddy to resist thair ennymes. On the morow he deuidit his army in thre battallis. In ye first wyng wes Robert Stewart prince of Scotland and Patrik erle of Marche. In the secund wyng wes Iohne erle of Murray, And William erle of Douglas In ye myd battall wes king Dauid with all ye remanent nobillis of scotland. This erle of Douglas (becaus he wes wardane of the bordouris) departit fra the scottis to espye the army of Ingland, and so vnwarlie quhair thair army lay, y e .v.C. of his folkꝭ wer slane, & hym self narowly [Page CCxxix] eschaping with his life. At last quh [...] baith y e armyis wer in otheris sicht, Dauid Grahame come with fyue hundreth bodin men on ye skyrtis of Inglis archearis to haue brokin thaym. Nochtheles he wes so inuadit with arrowis, that mony of his folkis war slane, and hym self narowly eschaping. The Scottis nochtwithstandyng baith thir discomfitouris, ruschit feirsly on thair ennymes, and faucht lang tyme with gret manheid to the deith. At last Robert Stewart and the Erle of Marche seyng thair folkis defaik curage (efter thay had fochtyn lang tyme with doutsum victory) fled out of the feild. This fleing of the erle of Marche and Robert Stewart was ane gret displeseir to all the army of Scottis. For the same battall that faucht aganis thaym come sa awfully on the battall quhare king Dauid faucht, that it was fynaly vincust, and put to flycht. Than was kyng Dauid left with ane small cū pany in the feild. Howbeit he left na thing vndone, that mycht pertene to the deuore of ane forcy campioun. Sum tyme persuadyng his folkis to returne with new battall, And sū tyme ruschit with ane buschement of vailȝeant mē, quhare he saw maist confluence & preis of Inglismen, with purpos to haue put thaym abak, that the resydew of his folkis mycht haue [...]ane new curage to returne in battall. Nochthelis thair abaid nane with hym [...]ot sa mony as had mair respect to thair honoure than l [...]e, fechtand with perseuerand manhe [...] to the deith. And youcht king Dauid was destitute but ony h [...]lp. Ȝit he ceissit nocht to perseuere in obstinat battall, quhyll he was ouirset with multitude of pepyll, and two speris hyngand in his body. And youcht he mycht nothir fle nor ȝit breke the said speris. Ȝit he wald nocht suffer hym to be tane, thynkand na thing sa odious as to remane on life efter sa gret slauchter maid on his nobillis, and ceissit nocht to prouoke his ennymes with maist dispitfull wourdis to sla hym. The Inglismen seing that he mycht nocht eschape set thair besynes to take hym. Than Iohne Copland desyrit hym to be ȝoldyn▪ for baith his swerd and wappinuis war dong out of his handis. Nochtheles he tuke this Copland with sic violent dynt on the chaftis, that he dang out two of his forthir teith. Na better chance was in the left wyng, quhare the erlis of Murray and Dowglas faucht. For that battall was vincust. The erle of Murray slane, and the erle of Dowglas tane. In this sorowfull battall war slane the erle of Murray. The erle of Stratherne, The Constabyll. The Marcheall. The chalmerlane and Chancellar of Scotland with gret nowmer of mony othir nobyllis and commonis. The kyng was tane with .v▪ erllis, that is to say. Dowglas, Fife, Suthirland, Wygtoun, and Menteith. Ane arrowheid was schot in king Dauidis leg, with sic violence▪ that it couth nocht be gotty [...] furth be ingyne of man. Ȝit quhen he had visit sanct Mona [...] the wond opni [...] and the heid fell out. Besyde othir gret ryches tynt in this feild, the haly [...]roce of Halyrudhous was tyn [...] in it. For king Dauid had it on him▪ Traisting be vertew yairof to be inuincibyll in battall. Nochtheles he was spulȝeit of it and of al othir Iowellis found on hym for the tyme. Yis battall was strikin at Durame the .xvii. day of October fra our redemption .i.M.iii.C.xlvi. ȝeris. The [Page] Inglismen efter this victory tuke y e castell of Roxburgh and hermetage. and but ony resistente subdewit Annandale. Galloway, Mers, Teuidale, Twedale and E [...]trik forrest, and maid marchis at Cokburnis peth & Sowtray hege.
¶Hovv VVyllyam Douglas recouerit syndry landis out of Inglismennis handis. and inuadit Ingland vvith gret displeseris. & hovv kyng Edvvard vvrocht gret trubyll in Scotland. Ca. xiiii.
THe Balliol come in the ni [...]t ȝeir out of Ingland with the erle of Northumbirland, & heryit Lowthyane and Cliddisdale, and brocht the spulȝe thairof in Galloway, quhare he abaid lang efter. The Scot [...]is efter this sorrowfull battall of Durame, maid Robert Stewart gouernoure. At this tyme schir Wyllyam Dowglas, son to gud schir Iames of Dowglas y t was slane in Spāȝe, returnit out of France, and be support of freindis chasit Inglismē out of Douglasdale, Teuidale, Twydale, Ertrik forrest, and Twedale. Iohne Copland capitane of Roxburgh gaderit ane army of Inglismen. Nochtheles he was discomfist and chasit to Roxburgh. In the nixt ȝeir quhilk was fra the incarnation ane thousand .iii. hundreth .xlix. was sa gret pest in all partis of scotland▪ tha [...] y e thrid part of y e pepyl deceissit. This pest rais with sa terribyll inflation y e ilk man yat tuk it d [...]ceissit within two dayis efter. And it was sa contagius, yat the fader wa [...]d not vise the sonne nor the sonne y e fa [...]er. In the nixt ȝeir Iohne [...] [...]lew ane nobyll knycht schir. Dauid Berclay at Aberdene within the nycht be procuration of schir William Douglas of Liddisdale quhilk was that tyme haldyn in Ingland with the erle of Dowglas, For this schir Dauid Berclay slew afore Iohne Dowglas bruthir to the said schir Wyllyam, and fader to schir Iames Dowglas of Dalkeith. In the ȝeir following the said schir Wyllyam Dowglas of Liddisdale was slane at the huntis in Ettrik forrest, be his cousyn and god sonne William erle of Douglas for ye slauchter of Alexander Ramsay, and othir auld enuy meteis. Thus was y e hous of Douglas mony ȝerꝭ deuidit amang yam self persewing othir with gret vnkindnes and slauchter. In the nixt ȝeir quhilk was fra our redemption ane thousand .iii. hundreth .lv. Efter Pasche come in Scotland ane nobyl knicht Eugenius de Garanteris with .lx. weil accuterit men, and delyuerit to the gouernour and othir the lordis of scotland to support france in thair weris on Ingland .xl.M. crownis of the sonne. Sone efter ye king of Ingland send ane army in Scotland▪ & brint baith Mers. Louthyane, and Te [...]ydale. The erlis of Marche and Dowglas impacient to suffir this displeseir, rasit ane army to inuade Ingland. Nochtheles fra thay war aduertist, that Inglād was gaderit thay abaid on the bordouris, & send schir Williā Ramsay to ryn ane foray throw ye cuntre. At last quhen he was returnand hame with gret pray of men and guddis. Ye Inglismen brak at hym, and followit with yth [...]nd chace, quhyl thay war cumyn to the army of Scottis. ¶Incontinent the Scottis set on thaym with gret noyis and clamour and put thaym fynaly to flycht. Of Inglysm [...]n war tane, Schir Thomas Gray with his son, Iohne [Page CCxxx] Darras was tane siclyk with mony othir Inglismen, ¶The franchemen coft sindry Inglis presoneris at this tyme, and slew thaym to reuenge y e slauchter of yair faderis quhilkis war slane afore be Inglismen in France. The erlis of Marche and Dowglas efter this victory come haistely with ledderis to the wallis of Berwyk and wan the toun. Howbeit it was nocht but gret slauchter. Of Inglismen war slane Alexander Ogil capitane of Berwik, Thomas Persey bruthir to the erle of Northū birland, and Edward Gra [...]. Of scottis war slane Thomas Uaus, Andro Scot of Balwery, Iohne Gordoun, William Sinclare, Thomas Prestoun, Alexander Mowbra knychtis. Quhen the scottis had won ye town of Berwik in this maner, thay war aduertist y t king Edward was cumand on thaym with new ordinance. And becaus thay had na prouision to resist his army, thay brint the town, and kest down the maist part of the wallis thairof. Nochtheles king Edward efter his cumyng reparit it with new wallis and went to Roxburgh, and thair met hym ye Ballioll, and transferrit all rycht & clame that he had to y e croun of scotland in the said king Edwardis handis. And requestit hym to perseueir with perpetuall hatrent aganis the scottis. Nocht lang efter king Edward come to Hadingtoun to y e gret dammage of all pepyll lyand thair about. Ane part of his nauy spulȝeit the kirk of our lady callit the quhit kirk, & returnit with the spulȝe thairof to thair schippis. bot thair sacralege was not lang vnpunist. For suddanly rais ane north wynd & raschit all thair schippis sa violently on the see bankis and sandis, that few of thaym eschapit, Saif only sa mony as swame to land. Kyng Edward in contemptioun of god (becaus his nauy was trubyllit in this maner) persewit all abbayis and religius placis (quhare he come) with gret cruel [...]e. Treuth is ane Inglysman spulȝeit all the ornamentis y t was on the ymage of our lady in y e quhyte kirk. And incontinent ye crucifix fel doun on his heid & dang out his harnis.
☞ Of the battall of Poyteris. Hovv king Dauid vvas redemit. and hovv he punist his baronis for thair fleing fra hym at Durame. Ca. xv.
SOne efter the returnyng of kyng Edward in Ingland. William Douglas of Nidisdale recouerit y e landis of Galloway. The lādis of Dryisdale war recouerit be Ki [...]kpatrik on the same maner. On the .xx. day of September in the same ȝeir was the battall of Poyteris in France in maner following. Edward prince of Walis & son to kyng Edward Windisore come with ane army in france▪ and inuadit the cuntre sa cruelly, that syndry boundis thairof apperit (gif he war nocht haistely resistit) to cū vnder his empire. In the mene tyme William erle of Dowglas with his kynnismen and freindis to the nowmer of .iii.M. men went in france, & was te [...]derly ressauit be king Iohn̄ the first king of yat name. Not lang efter kyng Iohne rasit ane army & come to Potteris. Edward prince of Walis & son to king Edward Windisore, efter y e cumyng of king Iohn̄ began to rais his army, and fenȝeit hym be subtel slicht (as he war astonist) to depart towart Ingland tha [...] Franchemen and Scottismen suld breke thair array be feirs following on his army. ☞ ¶At the first [Page] skarmushe schir Iohne Claremon [...] merschal of Frāce was slane. Prince Edward glaid of this beginnyng, & seand his folkꝭ rasit in new curage, thocht na thing sa gud as to follow fortoun. And come haistely to Poiteris, quhare king Iohne was campit for the tyme. Notht lang efter baith the armyis iunit, and faucht with gret manheid. Quhill at last the dalphyne of France fled with gret buschementis. throw quhilk king Iohn̄ was left desolat in the feild with his ȝoungest sonne Phillip, quhilk was namit efter Phillip hardy, becaus his swerd was found drawin in his hādis. Thus was king Iohne tane and brocht presonere in Ingland. Ye [...]rle of Douglas was rescorsit be hꝭ freindis out of this feild. Bot Archebald Dowglas son to schir Iames of Douglas y t was slane in Spanȝe was tane, bot he was redemit with small ransoun. For quhen he was brocht afore the Inglismen in cote armoure and gilt harnes in ye same maner as he faucht, schir Wyllyam Ramsay of Colluthy tuk hym on ye chaftis with his neif, and said. Tratoure thow art y e deith of thy maister the erle of Dowglas. For thow clothit the in the same armour yat suld haue debatit hym. Incontinent he causit hym to draw of his butis, and held hym in sic vile laubour, that he was redemit with smal ransoun. It is said y t king Edward full of vane arrogāce sat crownit with septour & diademe betuix two captiue kyngis of Scotland and France in his feist of Ȝule, that sic thingis mycht be rehersit to his glore, takand na respect to the vnsickir stait of man, as na sic aduersite micht fall to hym. King Dauid within certane ȝerꝭ efter wes brocht be y e erle of north Hamptoun to Berwyk, quhare mony of all the lordis of scotland conuenit to make his ransoun. And becaus thay culd not aggre thairapon, he was brocht agane to London. At y e nixt Michaelmes he was redemit for .i.C.M. mark striueling efter y t he had lyin xi. ȝeir presonere in Ingland. And y t this money suld be payit the mair surely, trewis war tane for .xiiii. ȝeris. Mony of all the lordis and baronis of scotland war laid in plege at Lō don for payment of ye said ransoun. King Dauid was obelist eftir his returnyng in Scotland to cast down the castellis of Mortoun, Dalswyntoun, Dunfreis, and Durisdere, becaus thay war noysum to Inglismen. Efter his returnyng in Scotland he set ane parliamēt, and maid gret punitioun on thaym that fled fra him at Durame. And first he brake the tailȝe that was maid to his cousyn Robert Stewart of y e croun of scotland. For he was ane gret occasion of the discomfitoure at Durame be his fleing. And thairfore he transferrit the said tailȝe in Iohne Suthirland quhilk wes gottin on Iane his ȝoungest sister. And causi [...] all the lordis to be sworn to kepe ye said tailȝe. The erle a [...] Suthirland traisting his son Iohne to succede to the crown, delt the maist part of his landis amang his freindis, quhilkis war Hayis, Sinclaris, Ogilbyis, and Gordonis. Nochtheles ye said erle was frustrat baith of his landis and the crown of Scotland. For his son Iohn̄ was geuyn amāg y e remanent plegis for king Dauidꝭ ransoun and deceissit at London. Efter the deith of the erle of Suthirlandis son, Robert Stewart was recounsalit to king Dauid and maid heritour to the croun vnder ye same tailȝe as he was afore. Mony othir gret baronis war punist on ye same [Page CCxxxi] wife for thair fleing at Durame. Ye kirk of scotland gaif the .x. penny of all yai [...] frutis to kīg Dauid to help ye pament of his ranson. At yis time the realme of France wes in gret displeseir. For kyng Iohne wes haldin in captiuite. Quhill at last he left baith his sonnis in pledge for hym and come to paris, quhair he pieteuslie regratit his captiuite, and said. It wes ane gret los to hym, that he had nocht sic nobil men in his dayis as Roland and Gawyne to laubour for his redemptioun, as wes in king Charlis tyme afore hym. Incōtinēt stude vp ane nobil man of gret manheid & wisdome, ennyme to y e kyngis sleuth. And said. Mycht we fynd sic ane prince as charlis, we suld fynd Rolland and Gawyne & othir duche peris ynew. Thir wordis wer deparprentit in kyng Iohnis mynd, than ony man beleuit. Becaus hꝭ febilnes and sleuth wes so opinlie reprochit▪ Nocht lang eftir he returnit in Ingland to visie his sonnis and deceissit at Londoun.
¶Of gret trubyl that fell in scotland be king Dauidis secund mariage. & of his deith. Of syndry gret clerkis and mer [...]ellis sene in Albion. Ca. xvi.
NOcht lāg eftir kyng Dauid callit his lordis and baronis to ane counsall. For in the tyme of his captiuite at London, he [...]romittit to transfer ye croun of scotland in kyng Edwardis sonne, gyf the lordis of scotland wald consent thairto. The lordis (quhen this mater wes proponit afore thaym) answerit. Thay wald neuir cōsent yairto, sa lang as ony of thaym mycht beir wappinnis or armour. Kyng Dauid wes rycht Ioy [...]s of yis answer. For he wes nocht oblist to laubour▪ forthir in this mater, than his lordis wald consent. In the nixt ȝeir, quhilk wes fra our redemption ane M.iii.C.lvii. Lady Iane spous to kyng Dauid past in pilgramage to sāct Thomas of Canterbery in Ingland, and deceissit but ony childrin of hir body. Kyng Dauid eftir hir deith mariit ane lusty woman namit Margaret Logy douchter to schir Iohne Logy. And within thre monethis eftir he repentit, and wes so sorowful▪ y t he had degradit his blud ryal with sic obscure lynnage, yat he [...]anist hir and all otheris that gaue hym counsall thairto out of his realme. At last this lady past with ane certane hir freindis to Auinion, quhare ye paip held his seit for y e tyme. And wes so fauorit that scho gat finalie ane sentence aganis king Dauid to annere to hir as his lawchful lady and wyffe. Thus suld y e realme haue cumyn vnder interdiction and gret truble, wer nocht scho deceissit be ye way returnand hame. Kīg Dauid eftir mony othir poleseis, reparit all y e strenthis of his realme, and biggit ane toure in ye castel of Edinburgh, quhilk wes eft callit Dauidꝭ toure. Finalie quhen he had brocht his realme to gret trāquillite he tuk purpos to pas to Ierusalem to vesy the sepulture of Crist. And quhen he had prouidit al thingis necessar yairto, he fell in ane hait feuour, and deceissit in the castell of Edinburgh, ye xxxix. ȝeir of his regne, and the .xlvii. ȝeir of his age. And wes beryit ī Halyrudhous, fra our redemption ane M.iii.C.lxx. ȝeris. Sindry meruellis wer sene the same ȝeir in Albion. Rauinuis, kayis, & piottꝭ, clekit yair birdis in wynter, contrar the nature of thair kynd. All ye ȝowis wer barrant but ony lāmys▪ Myse & ratonis [Page] abundit with sic plente, that yai mycht nocht be distroyit. Sa gret spate of watter wes in all partis of Scotland, that mony housis and cieteis wer distroyit. At yis tyme wer mony nobill clerkis. As Iohne Duns of y e ordour of sāct Francis. Ane man of gret knawlege ī theologie. Richard Myddiltoun. Williā Ockam with mony otheris. ¶And sa endis heir the .xv. buke of thir croniklis.
Heir begynnis the .xvi. buke of the croniklis of Scotland:
☞ Hovv Robert Stevvart vvas maid king of Scottis▪ of his sonnis and douchteris. and hovv the realme vvas tailȝeit to thaym. Ca. Primo.
KYng Dauid buryit in maner afore rehersit, ye noblis cōuenit at Lithquo, to cheis ane successour to the croun. Quhilk day mony of ye noblis bea [...]d of the opinioun of Robert Stewart, come william erle of Douglas with ane gret power, and clamyt ye croun be richt of Edward Ballioll and ye Cumyn. Saying he wes surrogat in baith yair rychtis. And wes yairfore Iust heritour to ye croun. Apperit that ye said erle william wald vsurpe the croun ꝑforce, gif it wer nocht geuyn to hym with beneuolence. Nochtheles he wes frustrat of his purpos Be George erle of Marche & Iohne Dunbar erle of Murray, & sindry othir gentill men, quhilkis he beleuit to haue fauorit his action. On our [...] lady day in lentern callit ye Annunciatioun the said Robert Stewart wes crowni [...] with gret solempnite y e lvii. ȝeir of his age. And yat ye more amyte & kyndnes sal stand betuix ye said nobill prince & his subdeit the erle of Douglas fore said. It wes accordit yat Eufame eldest douchter to kīg Robert salbe geuin to Iamis ye erle of Douglas son in mariage. Be this way come y e Stewartꝭ to ye croun. Quhais succession regnis ȝit with gret felicite in the .viii. person fra this Robert. Quhen kyng Robert ressauit ye croun, He had to his wyfe Eufame douchter of the erle of Ros. Of quhome he had two sonnis Walter & Dauid, afore he maryit y e said erle of Rossis douchter, He had Elizabeth Mure in place of his wif. And had on hir thre sonnis. Iohne Robert and Alexander. And diuers douchteris of quhilkis ane wes maryit on Iohne Dunbar erle of Murray. Ane othir wes maryit on Iohn̄ Lion lord Glāmis. This erldome of Murray continewit with the Dunbarris allanerlie duryng the lyfe of this erle Iohne & his son, be quhom the successioun failȝeit except ane douchter, quhilk wes heritour to the said erledome, and wes maryit eftir on the Douglas. And be yis way ye Douglas come to the erledome of Murray. Kyng Robert eftir his coronatioun maid sindry erlis, lordis, knychtis, and baronis. Iames Lindesay of Glennesk wes maid erle of Crawfurd. In the thrid ȝeir of king Robert deceissit Eufame his quene. King Robert incontinent maryit Elizabeth Mure lemmen afore rehersit for the affection that he had to hi [...] barnis, that thay mycht be lawchful and reabillit be virtew of the matrimony subsequent. Nocht lang eftir [Page CCxxxii] be auyse of parliamēt he maid Iohn̄ his eldest son gottyn on Elizabeth Mure erle of Carrik. Hir secund son Robert erle of Menteith and Fiffe. Ye thrid son Alexander erle of Buchquhan, and lord of Badȝenocht, his eldest son Walter gottin on Eufame his wyfe was maid erle of Athole & lord of Brechin. His secund son Dauid erle of Strathern. Yis Walter was the slaar of Iames the first, for he pretendit ay gret richt to y e croun. Not lang efter ane parliament was set at Perth. Thair was ye croun of scotland tailȝeit to king Robert and his sonnis in this maner. Iohne his son gottin on Elizabeth Mure his lemman be reason that he was his first gottin son, and legitimat be matrimony subsequent sall succede immediatly to the croun. And failȝeing of his succession male, the croun sall cum to Robert his secund son. And failȝeing of hym, to Alexander. And in falt of his succession the croun to cum to Walter quhilk was gottyn on Eufame his first wife. And failȝeyng succession male of hym, y e croun to cum to Dauid erle of Strathern and his airis quhatsumeuir. All the noblis war sworne in thair straitest maner to obserue and keip this new tailȝe in thair best maner.
☞¶Hovv the erle of Marche brint Roxburgh. & hovv Inglismen vvar syndry tymes discomfist be Scottis. Ca. ii.
THe borderarꝭ of Ingland (quhilkis leuꝭ allanerly be yair werꝭ and spulȝe) be Inuy of fortoun & lang peace of scotland war brocht to extreme pouerte. And thairfore to fynd occasion of weir, thay slew certane freindis of Georgꝭ erle of Marche at the fair of Roxburgh. ¶Erle George impatient to suffer this slauchter, send ane herald to Hary erle of Northumbirland wardane of y e bordour of Ingland, desirand the slayaris of his men to be randerit, and y e iniuris done be thaym redressit. At last quhen he had send oftymes to y e said wardane to the effect foresaid, & fyndand nocht bot answer full of derisioun, he supersedit his displeseir quhill mair sufficient oportunite occurrit. In the ȝeir following syndry marchandis of Ingland cōuenit at Roxburgh. And in the mene tyme ye said erle George gaderit ane gret power with his brothir the erle of Murray and tuk the said town and put it to sak. The Inglismen sone efter come with ane army in Scotland and brint certane landis pertenand to schir Iohne Gordoun. For thay lay on Marche with the erle of Marchis landis, and saiffit nothir wife nor barne quhare thay come, regardyng nocht quhat misery thay sufferit swa thay micht noy thair ennymes. Schir Iohn̄ Gordoun richt desirus to reuenge this iniure come in Ingland with ane gret power & brocht ane pray of men and guddis out of it but ony obstakyll. Aganis quhome come Iohne Lylburn with ane army. & this Gordoun na thing affrayit met hym with gret manheid and curage. Throw quhilk followit ane scharp battal fochtin lang tyme with vncertane victory. For the scottis war fyue tymes vincust yat day, and als oft victorius. At last the Inglismen war cleirly discomfist & Lilburn thair capitane brocht presoner in scotland. Hary Perse erle of Northumbirland come with .vii.M. mē to Duns to reuenge yir displeseiris. In y e nicht following y e lādwart mē & hirdis fillit syndry dry leddryn polkis full of small stanis, & band yam [...] [Page] togidder in maner of clogboggis to thair hors, syne chasit yame about y e campe quhare thir Inglismen lay. Incontinent all the gret hors y t wes amang ye army of Ingland, war sa effrayit with the noyis of thir clogboggis, that na renȝeis mycht hald yame, bot ran skatterit throw the cū tre. For feir of this trubyll y e Inglismen stud all nicht in arrayit battall ay waytand quhen thair ennymes suld inuaid thaym. On the morow thay returnit hame for falt of hors on thair feit, efter y t thair hors war far skatterit fra thaym and fallyn in pray to the cuntre. ¶In the mene tyme Thomas Musgraue capitane of Berwik come to support the erle of Northumbirland bot he was vincust & brocht presonere be Iohne Gordoun in Scotland. And nocht onely war the Scottis victorius in the eist partis of Scotland bot in ye west bordouris on the same maner quhare schir Iohne Iohnestoun of y e ylk faucht with Inglismen at syndry skarmussing & was ay victoriꝰ.
☞Of gret pest in Scotland. hovv Inglismen vvas discomfist at Sulvvay. Of the message send be Charlis of France. and hovv the surname of Lyouns tuke thair beginnyng. Ca. iii.
ABout yis tyme paip Gregour ye .xi. send ane legat fra Auinioun to king Robert & inhibit hym to intromit with ony guddis pertenand to the kirk efter the prelatis deith. In this ȝeir the abbay of sāct Andros was brint be necligence of ane plumbar quhilk left ane of hꝭ hait Irnis in ane craw nest. quhare it rasit sa huge fyre y t it micht not be slokin quhill all the kirk was brint. On the .xxii. day of October fra our redemptioun .i.M.iii.C.lxviii. was borne Dauid Stewart, quhilk was efter duk of Rothesay. And on sanct Andros day nixt following the toun of Berwik was tane be schir Iohne Gordoun within ye nicht, bot it was nocht lang kepit. For he was doung ou [...] be the samyn way he entrit. Efter thꝭ williā erle of Douglas come with .xx.M. men to the faire of Pynnire within Ingland, and spulȝeit y e marchandis of all thair guddis, & returnit with incredibyll pray in scotland. The scottis beleuyng to haue cumyn to gret proffet be thir guddis come to irrecouerabyll dissolatioun. For with thir guddis come sa greuous pest in Scotland, that ye thrid part of all the pepyll deceissit. This was the thrid tyme yat the pest come in scotland. fra the incarnatioun of god .i.M.iii.C.lxx. ȝeris. The Inglismen to recouer thir heirschippis maid be y • erle of Douglas at Pynnire, come in scotlād ouir Sulway, and inuadit the cuntre with fire and slauchter in maist cruel maner. In y e mene tyme the scottis gaderit to the nowmer of .v.C. men & stude at ane strait glen quhil the Inglismen war cumyn by yame, & w t sa huge noyis and clamour set on yame, y t yai gaif backis .iiii.C. of yame war slane, & mony of al y e laif perist in Sulway. King Charlis y e .vi. heirand y e fame of yir illuster dedis, send hꝭ ambassatouris to king Robert ī scotland, exhortād hym to follow for [...]oun. & inuade his ennymes with continewal battal. And ꝓmittit ane ȝeirly pensioun of money to hym & hꝭ successouris kingis of scotland, gif he cōstranit y e army of Ingland to pas out of france. Yir ambassatouris renewit y e band of frāce with scottis, & sone efter war depeschit. And thā was send Walt Wardlaw cardinal & bischop of Glasgew with mony othir nobyll men to renew ye band of france. In [Page CCxxxiii] this nixt ȝeir Iohne Lioun chancellar of Scotland wes slane vnhappely be Iames lindesay erle of crawfurd. It is said y t this Iohne Lioun wes ane lusty man dotat with mony giftis of nature and fortoun with excellent bewte. And for his gud maneris sa plesand to euery creature, y t he wes maid secretar to the said erle, and eftir y e maid sa familiar to kyng Robert, yat he gat his douchter Elizabeth in mariage with mony riche landis callit Glāmis. Of quhom ar discendit the surname of Lionis. In memorie heirof yai beir the lioun in thair armes with lillyis & tressoure on the samyn maner as the king beris. Exceppād allanerlie yat yai beir thair lionis in ane blak feild. Iohne Lioun eftir his mariage grew ilk day ī maist tendernes with king Robert. Throw quhilk ye erle of Crawfurd tuke sic displeseir, that he slew hym at Forfair. Kyng Robert cōmouit for this contemptioun banist the erle of Crawfurd sindry ȝeris out of Scotland. Quhill at last he wes recounsalit be intercessioun of ye erllis of Douglas and Marche to y e kingꝭ fauour. And in ye ȝeir following quhilk wes fra our redemptioun .i.M.iii.C.lxxvi. deceissit prince Edward of Ingland yat tuke king Iohne at Poyters. And in the nixt ȝeir deceissit kyng Edward Wyndesore his fader. And left behynd hym .iiii. sonnis on lyue, that is to say, the duk of Clarence, the duk of Longcastel, the duk of Ȝork, and y e erle of Cambrige And in this same ȝeir wes ye coronatioun of kyng Richart, son to prince Edward afore deceissit.
¶Of gret cruelteis done be Inglismen aganis scottis. Hovv the king of France send gret support to scottis. Ca. iiii.
IN the fourt ȝeir eftir, quhilk wes fra our redemptioun ane .M.iii.C.lxxxi. Iohne Gant duk of Lōg castel come with mony noble men to treit peace betuix the two realmes of Ingland and Scotland. At last quhen he had tane .iii. ȝeris peace with scottis, and wes returnand hame, he gat aduertising, that the cōmonis of Ingland wer risin with gret power aganis this new kyng Richard, and slane the bischop of Canterbery with mony othir nobillis & gentillis of Ingland. Incontinent he returnit to ye bordouris & wes cōuoyit be William erle of Douglas & Archebald Douglas lord of Galloway to Halirudhous beside Edinburgh, quhare he remanit. Quhill at last Iakstro wes quarterit and all otheris of his opinioun punist. Als sone as the trewis wer outrun, Archebald Douglas lord of Galloway rycht impacient to sustene y e iniuris daylie done in Galloway and Annandale be Inglismen of Lochmaben, come with ane gret power be support of y e erlis of Douglas & marche. And quhen thay had lyin at the sege of the said hous .ix. dayis, thay faucht aganis ane buschemēt of Inglismen y t come out of Carleil to reskew y e said hous And put thaym be lang bergane to flycht. Throw quhilk yai gat baith victorie on thair ennymes & ye hous randerit to thaym on ane day. Als sone as ye hous wes tane, it wes cassin doun to y e ground. King Richard heirand Lochmaben tane on yis maner, send ye baron of Gray stok with gret munition & vittallis to fornis y e castel of Roxburgh. At last quhen he wes cumyn withī ane myle to y e said castell, he wes tane be y e erle of Marche & brocht to Dunbar with all his ordinance. King Richart heirand yir [Page] syndry iniuris done be scottis, send his eme the duk of Longcastell with gret armyis in scotland baith be see and land. And eftir yat he had dantit ba [...]th Mers & Louthian he come to Edinburgh. And for the curtesse that he gat yair in ye tyme of his exile, he returnit in Ingland but ony ferder inuasioun. Nochtheles his nauy abaid still in Forth and heryit & brint y t see coistis on ilk side. In yair returnyng thay brint the abbay of sanct Colme, bot the kirk wes sauyt be miracle. It is said ane Inglismā put fyre thryis in the kirk and it ȝeid out ay, and ye Inglisman ran wod. This nauy of Inglismen nocht saciat with yir cruelteis come in Fiffe. And spulȝeit mony tounis yairof. At last Thomas & Nicholas Erskīnis, Alexander Lindesay, & William Cunynghame of Kilmauris set aponne thaym in Fiffe, and slew sa gret noumer of thaym that few of thaym returnit to thair schippis. In this ȝeir the erle of Douglas put ye Inglismen out of Teuidale, and recouerit all ye strenthis yairof, quhilkis wer haldin vnder ye dominion of Inglismen fra ye feild of Durame to thay dayis. This wes the last vassalage done be ye said erle William, ane of the maist vailȝeant men that wes in his dayis. He deceissit sone eftir in y e hait feuour in y e castell of Douglas and lyis in Melros. Eftir his deith succedit his sonne Iames to the erledome of Douglas, Ane rycht feirs & vailȝeant knycht. In the moneth of septēber nixt following, he recouerit the toun of Berwik out of Inglismennis handis, & come with sic ane army in Ingland, yat he brint & heryit all ye boundis yairof to ye new castell. Nocht lang eftir he wes commandit be kyng Robert to return to Perth (all excusation ceissing) to gyf his counsall concernyng sindry gret materis. For Iohne Ueam admyral of France & erle of Ualentines come in the moneth of Maii in Scotland with .ii.C. and .xl. weir schippis, twa thousand .v.C. armit men, mony of thaym baronis & gentilmen .iiii.C. of thaym wer hakbutteris .ii.C. cros bowaris with pickis, halbertis & sic like munition of weir. Thair vittallis fornest and wagis payit for ane ȝeir. And aboue this gret ordinance thay brocht .iiii.C. curacis of quhyt harnis .iiii.C. halflang swordis, and l.M. crounis of the son to be geuin quhare king Robert thocht expediēt amang his nobillis. Nocht lang eft be auyse of all ye baronis of Scotland, King Robert rasit ane army of fifty thowsand men, and maid Robert hꝭ son (quhilk wes erle of Fiffe) lieutenand to the said army, & maid the erlis of Douglas and Marche to be capitanis vnder hym. This army come in Ingland, and kest doun the castellis of Werk, Furd, & Cornwell. Nochtheles the weddir wes so bittir, thay wer constranit to returne in Scotland. At yair returning yai set doun yair tentis at Roxburgh to sege the castell thairof. The Admyrall of France desyrit, gif the castell wer won be his munitioun & folkis, to be kepit in tymes cūing in y e kyng of Francis name. And becaus y e scottis refusit to wyn y e hous in y e sort, ye army skalit. And at y e Hal [...]omes nixt following the Admirall departit in France with ye residew of his folkꝭ.
¶Hovv king Richard inuadit scotland vvith gret cruelteis, & of gret vassalage done be VVyllyam Douglas. Ca. v.
EFter ye departyng of frā chemen, the scottis come with ane army in Inglād and remanit two monethis. Syne returnit with [Page CCxxxiiii] gret pray of men and guddis in scotland. King Richard efter his returnyng out of France to reuenge thir iniuris done be scottis, come with gret ordinance throw the Mers and Louthiane, putting baith lādis, townis, & kirkis (quhare he come) to vt euersion. he brint melros, driburgh, newbotil, & slew al y e religiꝰ mē yairof. als he brīt Edinburgh & y e kirk of sāct geil, bot y e abbay was sauit be y e duk of lōgcastel. for he was lugit ī it afore. Sic thīgis done kīg Richard returnit in Ingland but ony dāmage done to hym be scottis. In ye nixt ȝeir quhilk was fra our redemption i.M.iii.C.lxxxvii. deceissit byschop Walter Warldlaw of Glasgew cardinall. Not lang efter the returning of king Richard in Ingland, ye duk of Albany come w t ane army of .xxx.M. men in Ingland. In his army was Iames erle of Douglas, & Archebald douglas lord of Galloway. This army come sa warly throw the watter of Sulway, yat thay come to Cokirmouth in Ingland, and abaid thair thre days inuading the cuntre with gret cruelteis, & returnit with gret pray of guddis in scotland. Amang syndry spulȝeis gottin at this iornay was found ane charter of certane landis geuyn be ye king of Ingland vnder thir wordis. I king Athelstane geuis to Paulane oddam Roddam als gud and als fair, as euir thay myne war. And yairto witnes Mald my wyfe, quhilk charter is nocht vnlike to ane charter geuin be king Wyllyam in maner as followis. Heir I Wyllyam kyng, the thrid ȝeir of my ring, geuis to y e Normand huntere, to me thow art baith leif & dere, the hop and the hoptoun, and all the boundis vp and down, vnder the erd to hell, aboue the erd to heuyn. Fra me and fra myne, to ye and to thyne. Als fre as the kingrik is myne. To verify y t yis is saith. I bite y e quhit walx w t my tuith, before Meg, Mald, Mariory, & my eldest son. For ane bow & ane braid arrow, quhen I cum to hunt apon ȝarrow. Be thir charteris apperis mair faith was geuin to wordis of kingis, princis, and othir pepyll in thay dayis, than ar geuyn now. For the ingyne of man sekis sa many slichtis & new inuentionis, that na wordis can be found sufficient to strenth sic donationis and charteris geuyn in oure days. In this last iornay aganis Inglismen Wyllyam son to Archebald douglas lord of galloway wan gret fame and honour. For aboue mony othir his vailȝeant dedis, he brint ye suberbyllis of Carlele, hauand bot two seruandis in his cumpany and maid sa meruellus slauchter on the sodiouris thairof, that he kest sindry of thaym ouir the brig, and otheris slew quhilkis kepit the said brig. Efter this quhen the said town was segit, he followit sa feirsly on the sodiouris (quhilkis ischit furth) that he was finaly tane presonere be foure Inglismen, & his wappinnis doung fra hym. At last quhen he was to be brocht within the town, he fellit two of thaym with his neif, and ye remanent two chasit. Throw quhilk he rescoursit hym self fra his ennymes. King Robert for thꝭ maist honorabil vassalage gaif to y e said Williā his doucht Gelis in mariage, quhilk excellit all othir wemen in bewte. It is said y e king of frāce was sa inamorit with yis virgine, y t he cōmandit ane paintour to cū ī scotland to paint hir visage to ye quik. Nochtheles afore ye cūyng of this paintour scho was maryit on ye said Williā. Yis Wyllyā gat on hir ane douchter quhylk was marijt eft on y e erle or Orknay.
¶Hovv Robert Stevvart and VVyllyā Douglas did gret vassalage in Ireland, hovv Iames erle of douglas vincust Hary Perse in syngular battall. & hovv he [...]egit the nevv castell. Ca. vi.
IN the ȝeir following quhilk was fra our redemption .i.M.iii.C.lxxxviii Robert erle of Fiffe and archebald lord of Galloway entrit with ane proude army in Ingland. And in the same tyme come syndry Ireland men with gret buschementtis in Galloway, & tuke gret prayis out of the samyn. Robert Stewart [...] Douglas son to Archebald [...] of Galloway tyll reuenge thair [...] went with ane army in [...] and segit ane strang town [...] Carlingfurd. The cietezanis [...] na pyssance to resist [...] trewis for certane sowmes [...]. And in the mene tyme yai [...] ane cūpany of .viii.C. men [...] of ane othir town namit [...]. Nochtheles the said [...] Wyllyā faucht with sic [...] yat thay vincust yair ennimes. A [...]d efter that thay had spulȝeit this [...] of Carlingfurd, thay brint it in powder. Syne [...]uk .xv. schippis, quhilkis war lyand in the raid & chargit thaym with the guddis of this toun. And in thair returnyng hame thay spulȝeit the Ile of man. Nocht lang efter thair returnyng in Scotland, king Rychard send ane army in scotland. This army enterit in ye Mers, & kest down mony gret touris and strenthis thairof. Kyng Robert than conuenit all his nobyllis at Aberdene, In the quhilk was concludit to rais the power of y e realme with al deligence to reuenge thir iniuris done be Inglismen. Not lang efter .ii. armyis war rasit. The first was geuin in gouernance to Robert Stewart erle of Fiffe, hauand with hym ye erle of Menteith, Archebald Douglas lord of Galloway, & Alexand Lindesay of Walcop to y e nowmer of .xv.M. mē to pas in Cu [...]bir. The tothir army was geuyn to Iames erle of Douglas, and George erle of Marche, hauand with thaym Iames Lindesay erle of Crawfurd. Iohn̄ Dunbar erle of Murray, and Hay constabyll of scotland with siclyk nowmer as afore to inuade Northumberland. Thir armyis wrocht sic cruelteis, yat nocht was hard bot spraichis and rūmissing of deand pepyll in all partis quhare thay come with maist terribyll flambis bryngand gret townis & bigingis to vter rewyne. At last baith yir armyis met togidder at the new castell, efter yat thay had past w t swerd & fyre throw al boundis of Northumbirland and Cumber. In the mene tyme the erle of Douglas chesit .x.M. vailȝeant men to sege y e new castel, quhilk stā dis apon ye watter of Tyne. and began to serche deligētly be quhat maner he mycht maist esaly inuade the said town, quhilk was than full of pepyll. For the maist part of all the chosyn men of Northumberland to Ȝork war in ye said town with schir Hary Perse secound son to ye erle of Northūbirland callit for his ythand priking Hary Haitspure. This Hary confiding in his syngulare manheid & lang vse of armes, come furth of the new castell desyryng to fecht with the erle of Douglas in syngular batttall. The Douglas na thing refusynge his desyris, glaidly condiscendit to fecht ī quhat sort he plesit. Fynaly thir two feits campionis montit on thair ba [...]dit coursouris, and ran aufully togidder with square and ground speris to the deith. [Page CCxxxv] The Dowglas wyse & circumspect in all his doingis, nocht onely sauit hym self fra displeseir of ennymes, bot be his strenth and singulare mā heid dang the Perse out of ye sadyl. The Inglismen (quhilk stude afore the portis abiding the chance of fortoun) suddanly rescoursit the Perse, and brocht hym to yair town. Thus succedit na les honour to the Dowglas than dishonoure to the Perse. Sic thingis done the Dowglas callit all his capitanis before hym to schaw thaym in quhat part the toun micht be maist esaly takyn. Incontinent all his army come pertly with ledderis to the wallis, & fillit ye fowseis with gret multitude of hay and treis. Nochtheles the town was sa vailȝeantly defendit, that he was cō stranit to depart fra y e sege with gret slauchter of his folkis and sone efter he tuke his viage to returne in Scotland.
¶Hovv the Inglismen vvar discomfist at Ottirburn▪ the erle of Doug a [...] slane. and the Perse brocht presoner in scotland. Hovv the Hepburnis tuke thair begynning. Ca. vii.
HOw was erle Iames of Dowglas cumyn to the town of Ottirburn ī Riddisdale to haue returnit in scotland, quhen suddanly come to hym ane bord [...]rar on ane swift gelding, and schew how the Inglismen war cumand on hym with arrayit battallis. Thꝰ war y • scottis gr [...]ūly effrayit. Nochtheles ye Douglas exhortit thaym to remember thair frequent victoryis, be quhilkis yai vincust sa oft afore thair ennymes, And prayit thaym to feir nocht the multitude of thair f [...]is▪ for it was na difficulte to vincus thaim, quhilkis hes bene sa oftymes afore be thaym discomfist. Attour thair ennymes war na ma at yat tyme than thay war afore at Bānokburn, quhare .xxx.M. discomfist .iii.C.M. And fynaly he desirit yam to haue gud sicht to yair manheid & vassalage prouyn with sa gret felicite in the ȝeris afore past, yat thay may conques sum new and recent victory quhilk suld be mair apprisit than ony auld glore of othir victoryis past afore. And becaus he knew al the folkis in his cumpany, and was exercit with yame mekyll of his dayis, he exhortit euery ane of yame be hym self, to schaw thair mā heid and virtew with sum notabyll vassalage on thair ennymes. On ye tothir syde Ha [...]y haitspur capitane of Inglismē exhortit hꝭ folkꝭ to fe [...]ht for defence of yair cuntre, and thair pare [...]tis, children, wiffis, & [...]dids, and schew how thay war of sic pissance, that thay mycht distro [...] th [...]i [...] ennimes at yair pleseir. And becaus victory was sicker in thair handis and thair ennymes perturbat, best was to pas forthwart with sic curage that thair ennymes may be vincust at yair first iunyng. Incōtinent be sound of trumpat baith y e armyis iunit in maist fury, and faucht lang with vncertane victory, quhil at last yai war seuerit fra othir be cumyng of the nycht. Nochtheles thay abaid the risyng of ye mone to [...]echt agane with new battall. Als sone thai [...]fore as the mone was risyn, thay iunit agane with mair hatrent than afore. And quhen the fore bro [...]t of the scottis war slane, the Inglismen began to put ye scottis abak. And but dout thay had won the ansenȝeis of the Douglas and put hꝭ army to flicht, war not Patrik Hepburn with his son & freindis come the mair haistely to support of scottis. Be quhome the battallis war renewit. Quhyll y e armyis war fechtand ī sic cruelte. [Page] The Douglas come with ane heuy mace of mair wecht & quantite, than ony man micht weild in thay dayis, and tuschit amang the gret preis of his ennimes quhare he maid sic terribil slauchter, that thay war finaly put to flicht. The chace continewit with gret slauchter on Inglismē, quhil the brek of ye day. In this battal Hary Perse and his brothir Rodulphe war takin be Keith marcheall of scotland. Of Inglismen war slane v.C. al noblis. Mony war takin, amang quhom war the two Perseis, Robert Ogil, Thomas Halbart, Iohne Lilburn. Willyā wauchlute, Robert Hekon, Iohne Colwell, and Pa [...]rik Louell knichtis with mony othir noblis in sic multitude yat the [...]akaris war of smal nowmer in compare of the gret nowmer of presone [...]is. [...]is victory succedit not to scottꝭ [...] slaucht of mony nobyl mē. For quhen the feild was cleirly discō fi [...], the erllis of Crawfurd, Marche and Murray entrit in the Douglas pall [...]o [...], quhare he was returnit ef [...]er this victory, and fand hym neir deid, thryis strikin throw the body & ane deidis wound in his heid, quhilk was geuin to hym be Inglismen, efter that his hewmond was not boūd weil to his heid. And quhē thay saw hym ī sic dolorus array, yai fel doun in teris & murnyng. Than the Douglas w t sic curage as he mycht said to thaym in thir wordis. My hartly freindis auoid all this lament & dolour out of ȝour breistis, and reiose of ye present victory quhilk is grantit to ȝow be special fauoure of god. We haue ieoperd our lyuis this day for ye honour yat is succedit now to ws. Yairfore turn ȝour terꝭ & dolour in ympnis & orisonis for my saule. forȝet not my gud dedꝭ done for ȝow. howbeit yis mischāce be fallin to me▪ & gif ȝe desire to recōpence my indeficiēt kindnes sa oft sustenit for ȝour weill & eis. I beseik ȝow to pray the reuthful & maist pissant god to haue merci of my saule. I beseik ȝow now cheris virtew & manheid for defence of ȝour realme & liberte, & hald ȝour self in sic ꝑpetuall concord, y t ȝe may dayly incres in honour & amite to ye terrour of fayis. Skarsly war thir wordis said, quhē he ouirset with dolour randerit his saule to god, & wes (quhill he leuit) ane of the maist vailȝeant campionis y t euir decorit this realme with maist honoure. Eft quhais deith sic sorrowful cheir followit in his army, y t nothir ye present victory, spulȝeis, nor gret riches falling to thaym be chance of fortoun mycht contene thair ene fra contynewal teris. Nocht lang efter be cū yng of Robert Stewart erle of Fife the dolour (howbeit it was sum part ceissit) was renewit. For youcht this victory succedit to scottis with gret murdir of Inglismen. Ȝit nane was in that army bot wald haue bene cō tent to haue changit his lyfe for the Dowglas. This erle of Dowglas was brocht eft his deith to Melros, & buryit beside his fader erle Wyllyam. And becaus this erle Iames had na airis gottin on his body, Archebald lord of Galloway succedit to the said erldome, It is said in the tyme of king Dauid Bruce ane Inglisman was tane presoner namit Hepburn, and haldyn mony ȝeris in Scotland for none payment of his rāsoun. At last quhen y e erle of Marche was in dangeir of his lyfe be rage of ane insolent and vndātit hors, Yis Hepburn come pertly to his brydyl, quhen na othir mā durst refrene this hors. Yus sauit he y e erlis lyfe, & gat certane lādis in Louthiane. quhais posterite is growin ī sic pissāce [Page CCxxxvi] of landis & surname, y t now by sindry noble knichtis quhilkis ar in oure dayis, ar discendit of ye samyn blud mony noble erllis of Bothwell, of na les honour, nobilite, and landis, thā ony othir erllis or baronis ar in this realm. And of yat surname hes bene mony noble prelatis of syngular eruditioun, as ȝit occurris in our dayis. This battall of Otterburne was strikin on sanct Oswaldis day ye .v. day of August. The ȝeir of god ane .M.iii.C.lxxxviii. ȝeris.
¶Hovv Robert erle of Fyf vvas maid gouernour of scotland. hovv Alexander bastard son to king Robert vvas punist for his tyranny, and of kyng Robertis deith. Ca. viii.
IN the nixt ȝeir was ane ꝑliamēt haldin at Perth. In the quhilk kyng Robert schew afore his noblis that he was so brokin with age. that he mycht nocht do his deuore in gouernance of his realme. And yair fore be consent of the thre estatis, he maid Robert his secund son gouernour of scotland. For his eldest son Iohn̄ erle of Carrik gat sic ane strake on his leg be schir Iames Douglas hors of Dalkeith, that he mycht nocht trauell throw the realme. King Rychard efter this battall of Otterburn, send the marcheal of Ingland to be wardane fornens Scotland. For Hary Perse & his bruthir was haldyn presoneris in Scotland. This erle at his first cumyng [...]prouit the bordouraris of Inglād of the misauenture fallyng to yame at Ottirburne. And said, it was gret schame to thaym to be vincust with scottis, thay beand ay foure for ane. At last he maid his gret aith (quhare euir he fand ony scottis) he suld geif thaym battall, Howbeit he wa [...] in few and thay in gret nowmer. Nochtheles (as oft occurris) sic vane ostē tation succedis sendyll with grauite and honoure to the end. This erle nocht lang efter, quhen Robert gouernour of Scottis was cumyn in Northumbirland with ane smal army, tuk him to flicht. And quhen the herald demandit hym, quhy he was vnmyndfull of his vote. He answerit, that he was commandit be his maister to ieoperd not sa mony lusty and vailȝeant men as war in his army but sicker auantage. Robert the gouernour (efter that he had waistit the maist part of Northumbirland) returnit with gret pray of men and guddis in scotland. In the same ȝeir trewis was tane for thre ȝerꝭ betuix france and Ingland, and the scottis gif thay plesit, war comprisit within y e said trewis. Sone efter come ambassatouris to king Robert direckit fra kyng Richard of Ingland to se gif he wald stand at this peace afore contrackit. Be quhom was answerit, he wald gladly stand thairto. Quhill thir gret materis war dressit in scotland, Alexander Stewart erle of Buchquhan the thrid son of king Robert, brint the cathedrall kirk of Murray the lantern and ornament of y e North of scotland in thay days. Kyng Robert impacient to sustene sa gret oppression and cruelte done be his sonne Alexander▪ tuk hym efter yat he was brocht to his presence & put hym in strang preson, quhare he remanit to the end of his lyfe. Ye realme beand on this maner brocht to gud tranquillite, king Robert be lang age was brocht to gret infirmite, and deceissit at his castel of Dundonald the .xix. day of Apryle. Fra our redemptioun ane thousand .iii. hundreth .lxxxx. ȝeris, Efter that he had rong .xix. ȝeris.
¶Of kyng Robert ye thrid. of ye deith of VVilliā Douglas lord of Niddisdale. hovv the Clānis of Clankais and Glenquhattanis faucht at Perth. Ca. ix.
EFter ye deith of king Robert ye secund, his sonne Iohn̄ erle of Carrik was crownit at Scone on our lady day in August callit ye Assumptioun. The lordis thocht that Iohn̄ was ane vnchancy name to be ane king. For king Iohne of france wes tane vnhappely at Poyteris, as is afore rehersit. And yairfore thay callit hym Robert efter hꝭ fader. About thꝭ tyme Williā Douglas of Niddisdale was chosyn be y e lordis of sprus as admirall to pas with .ii.C. & .xl. schippis aganis the turkis. Sa far this Wyllyam was estemit afore ye said lordis, that he was inuijt gretū ly be lord Clifford Inglisman. And th [...]irfore y e said Clifford appelit him in singulare battall. Nochtheles afore the cumyng of the day this Clifford was sa affrayit, that he lay in wait with gret buschementis of mē and finaly slew the said Douglas on ye brig of Danskin. Be his deith ceissit this gret vassalage that micht haue bene done aganis the turkis. Nocht lang efter the coronation of Robert the thrid, tithingis come yat Duncane Stewart son to Alexander ye kingis bruthir afore rehersit. was cumyn in Angus with gret buschementis of men, and slew Walter Ogiluy with his sonnis and freindis in defence of the cuntre, bot his attemptatis war nocht lang vnpunist, For he was tane be the erle of Crawfurd and all his complicis punist for thair conspiration. At this tyme mekyl of all the north of Scotland was heuely trublit be two clannis of Irsmen namit Clankayis & Glenquhattanis, inuading the cuntre be thair wetis with ythand slauchter and reif. At last it was appointit betuix the heidis men of thir two clannis be auyse of the erlis of Murray and Crawfurd, that .xxx. of the [...]rincipall men of the ta clan sal cum with othir .xxx. of the tothir clan arrayit in thair best auise, and sall conuene afore the king at Perth for decision of al pleis, & fecht with scharp swerdis to the deith but ony harnes. And that clan quhare ye victory succedit, to haue perpetuall empire aboue y e tothir. Baith thir clannis glaid of this condition, come to the north Inche beside Perth with Iugis se [...] in scaffaldis to discus ye verite. Ane of thir clannis wantit ane man to perfurnis furth y e nowmer, & wagit ane carll for money to debait thair actioun▪ howbeit this man pertenit na thyng to thaym in blud nor kindnes. Thir two clannis stude arrayit with gret hatrent aganis othir. And be sound of trumpet ruschit togidder, takand na respect to thair woundis, sa that thay micht distroy thai [...] ennymes, and faucht in this maner lang with vncertane victory, quhen ane fel, ane othir was put in his rowme. At last y e Clankayis war al slane except ane, that swam throw the watter of Tay. Of Glenquhattannis was left .xi. personis on lyue, bot ya [...] war sa hurt. that thay mycht nocht hald thair swerdis in thair handis▪ This debait was fra y e incarnation ane .M.iii.C.lxxxxvi. ȝeris.
¶Hovv king Robert maid his son duke of Rothesay, & his bruthir duke of Albany. Of gret vassalage done [...] ye erl [...] of Cravvfurd. Ca. x.
IN the thrid ȝeir efter ane parliament was haldyn at Perth, quhai [...] king Robert the thrid efter mony constitutionis [...] the common [Page CCxxxvii] weil maid Dauid his eldest son hauand .xviii. ȝeris of age duk of Rothesay. And Robert his brothir (quhilk wes gouernour & erle of Menteith and Fiffe) duk of Albany. Thir wer the first dukis that wer in scotland. Duryng the peace betuix Inglismen and Scottis frequent cumpanyis wer of Inglismen in Scotland. And siclik of scottis ī Inglād. Throw quhilk oftymes mony honorabil tornamentis wer betuix scottis and Inglis for defence of thair honouris and glore in armes. Amang quhō wes not litil apprisit y e honorabill victorie gottin be Dauid erle of Crawfurd on the brig of Londoun aganis lord Wellis in this maner. Lord Wellis wes sēd Ambassatour in Scotland concerning certane hie materis betuix y e two kyngis of Inglis and scottis. And quhen he wes at ane solempne banket quhare scottis men & Inglis wer cōmonyng on dedis of armes, this lord wellis said lat wourdis haue na place. Gyf ȝe knaw nocht ye cheuelry and vailȝeant dedis of Inglismen, Assailȝe me day & place quhen ȝe list, and ȝe sall sone haue experience. Yan said Dauid erle of Crawfurd. I wil assailȝe. Incontinent be cōsent of athir parteis day and place wes assignit, lord Wellis chesit the brig of Londoun for the place. And erle Dauid chesit sanct Georgis day be reason that he wes sum tyme ane vailȝeāt knycht. Yus deꝑtit lord wellis towart London. Afore the day erle Dauid come with .xxx. personis weil acoutterit to London. Als sone as the day of battall wes cumyn, baith y e partyis wer cōuoyit to y e brig. Sone eftir be soūd of trūpat y e two partyis ran haistelie togidd on yair vardit cursou [...]ꝭ with square & groundin speris to y e deith. Erle Dauid nochtwithstanding the violent dynt of speris brokin in his hewmont & visage, sat so stranglie, y t the pepill mouit of vane suspitioun cryit erle Dauid contrar ye lawis of armys wes bound in the sadil. Erle Dauid herād this murmour, demontit of his hors, & but ony support, ascendit agane in the sadyll. Incontinent yai ruschit togidder with new speris ye secound tyme with birnād Ire to conques honoure. Bot in the thrid rynk lord wellis wes doung out of y e sadyll with sic violence, yat he fell to ye ground with gret displeseir of Inglismē. Erle Dauid seing hym fall demontit haistelye fra his hors, and tenderly embrasit him, yat ye pepill mycht vnderstād he faucht with na hatrent. Bot allanerlie for y e glore of victorie. In signe of more humanite, he vesyit hym ilk day quhill he recouerit his heill. Mony othir contentionis wes at this tyme betuix Inglismen & scottis, ilk man contending to decore his awin nation with maist louing. Not lang eftir erle Dauid maid ane solempne banket, quhair mony noblis of Ingland wer present for ye tyme. Nocht ceissing (as thair custome is) to loyf maist yame self. At last quhen ye herald of Ingland had blasonit this erle Dauid for ane vailȝeant and nobil knycht, ane Inglisman mouit of inuy said. It is not meruel, yocht scottis be nobill & vailȝeant. For yai wer gottin be our nobil eldaris, quhen yair faderis wer banist and yair realme neir conquest. Yan said erle Dauid. It is no meruell youcht Inglismē be febill & degenerat. For yai wer gottin be cukis & freiris of Ingland, quhen the gret nobillis yairof gat ws in Scotland. Sic humaniteis & kyndnes continewing betuix Inglis & Scottis, erle Dauid returnit in Scotland with mony nobillis [Page] of Ingland. And becaus he vincust lord wellis apon sāct Georgis day, he foūdit .vii. preistis to sing for him in our lady kirk of Dunde in ye honour of sanct George.
¶Hovv schir Robert Morlo vvas vincust be Hevv Trail. hovv Hary duke of Longcastell conquest the croun of Ingland & depriuit king Richard. Ca. xi.
NOcht lang eftir schir Robert Morlo Inglisman come in scotland, [...]eddy to f [...]cht aganis ony man that wald assailȝe hym in singulare battall. He vincust Archebald Edmonstoun & Hew Wallace. Bot at last he wes vincust be Hew traill at Berwik, and deceissit for displeseir. Sindry othir tornamentis wer ye samyn ȝeir betuix Inglismen and scottis with variant chance of fortoun. Ye samyn ȝeir kīg Richard of Ingland maryit Isabell doucht to Charlis the .vi. of that name king of France. And becaus scho had bot xi. ȝeris in age, and mycht nocht sustene ye det of mariage, kīg Richard went be auise of his noblis to dant y e rebellion of Ireland with purpos to remane in ye samyn quhil his wif war cumyn to ꝑfection. Sone eft hꝭ derparting in Ireland the erllis of Derby, Northūbirland with mony othir noblis of Ingland cōspirit to put him fra y e croun. Kyng Richard herand this ꝯspiration maid aganis hym, come out of Ireland in walis, and send writtingis to all his freindis to cum haistely to hym y t he mycht recouer his realme, and punis ye rebellion of his noblis. Ye principal lordis (quhilkis cōspirit aganis hī) send thair writtingis, desiring to be reconsalit with hī, & promittit gif he wald remit yair offēce not only to resaue him with maist honour, bot neuir to rebell aganis hym in tymes cūyng. Kyng Richard giffand yame credit in this maner, come out of walis. And in hꝭ returnyng to London wes tane be his lordis. Nochtwithstanding yair promes & put in captiuite quhill he renuncit all rycht that he had to the croun of Ingland, and wes adiugit to perpetual preson. Eftir lang truble, he gat furth of preson vnder habit of ane woman and come in Galloway, quhare he maid seruice to ane Scot namit Makdonald. At last he wes knawin & brocht to king Robert the thrid. Be quhom he wes tretit in gret reuerence. King Richard knawing hym self deieckit fra his rial estait, gaif him hail to cō templation. Quhill at last he deceissit in Striueling, and wes buryit in the blak freris thairof. Eftir his expulsioun Hary ye fourt of yat name & son to Iohne gant duk of Longcastell wes crounyt at westmonister ye .xiii. day of October ye ȝeir of god i.M.iii.C.lxxxxix. Nocht lang eftir Isabel king Richardis wife hauād bot .xii. ȝeris ī age returnit to Paris efter y e scho was redemit be hir fader with gret ransoun. It is said ane he remit come to king Hary eft his coronation, & monest hym he auctorite of god, to restore ye iust heritour to the croun, & pronosticat▪ gif he war rebel land thairto, gret vengeance & calamite suld fall to his hous. King Hary dredand y t this heremitis wordis suld moue ye pepyll to conspiration aganis hī, gart put this heremit hastely to deith, & as yis heremit schew sa followit. for, gret slaucht & trubyl succedit cōtinewally betuix y e airꝭ of king Richard & y e hous of Lōgcastel Quhill at last Hary y e .vii. of y e name marijt y e douchter of Edward y e .iiii. iust heritour to y e croun of Ingland. & so baith thir housis war recoūsali [...] [Page CCxxxviii] to othir but ony cōtētion following.
¶Hovv the mariage betuix the duk of Rothesay and the erle of Marchis douchter vvas dissoluit. Of the trubyll that come thairthrovv. Ca. xii.
IN y e nixt ȝeir, quhilk wes i.M.iiii.C. fra our saluatioun, kyng Robert wed [...]it his son ye duk of Rothesay on ye erle of Marchis douchter. Archebald erle of Douglas hauand indignation, yat y e erle of Marche suld be preferrit to hym, maryit his doucht Meriory on ye said duke be auise of Robert duk of Albany. The erle of Marche afore y e mariage wes completit, went to y e kyng to inquire gif he wald stand to his first contract. And becaus he gat na plesand answer, he maid ane vow to reuenge the contemption done to hym with al displeseir he mycht. Sone eftir he went in Ingland and left his house of Dunbar weil stuffit in keiping of his sister son Robert Maitland. Archebald erle of Douglas eftir his departyng come to Dunbar, and desirit the samyn to be randerit to hym be scharp writtingis of the kyngis. Yis Robert Maitland wes sa astonist be ye kingis writtingis, y t he randerit y e hous to y e Douglas, George erle of Marche knawing ye hous tane fra hym be ye Douglas, brocht all his freindis in Ingland. And determit as maist ennymy to scotland, to inuaid it with all displeseir. King Robert dreidand trubl [...] to returne be his rebellion, send ane herald desiring hym be his writtingis to returne in scotland, and to haif al iniuris reparit at his pleseir. And becaus y e said George refusit to return in scotland, quhill he had done sum hie displeseir to ye erle of Douglas, King Robert send writtingꝭ to king Hary of Ingland, desiryng hym (gif he wald intertene peace with scottꝭ) to put George Dunbar out of his boundis of Inglād, and to suffir na rebellis of scotlād to haif resset with in his realme. Kyng Hary denyit yir honest petitionis of kīg Robert. Yus wes ye peace dissoluit betuix scottis and Inglis. Sone eftir Hary Haitspur & the said erle of Marche tuke gret pray of guddis out of scotland. Nocheles afore thair returnyng to berwik, Archebald erle of Douglas recouerit all ye samyn, & come to Edinburgh, quhare he sone eft deceissit in the hait feuir. This Archebald wes ane nobil man of singulare mā heid & virtew. Hauand preistis & religious men in gret reuerence. He foundit ye colleige of Bothwell and the nunreis of Lynclowden, quhilk wes eftir changit in ane colleige of preistis▪ Becaus the nunnis thairof wer of euill lyfe. Eftir the deith of Archebald erle of Douglas, his secound son Archebald wes maid erle of Douglas. For his eldest son William deceissit in the ȝeir afore.
Hovv king Hary come in scotlād vvith gret army▪ of the deith of ye duk of Rothesay▪ & hovv the scottis [...]ar discōfist at Nesbet be ye erle of Marche. ca. xiii.
SSchort tyme eftir kyng Hary come in Scotland with ane army. Howbeit he did smal iniuris to the pepil yairof. For he desyrit nocht bot his baner to be ereckit on yair wallis, Alwayis he wes ane plesand ennyme. And did gret humaniteis to y e pepil in al placis of scotland, quhair he wes lugit. Finalie he schew to ye lordis of scotland, y t he come in thair realme more be coūsall of his noblis than ony hatrent yat he bure to scottis, sone eftir he returnit but ony ferther iniure in Ingland. In the nixt ȝeir, quhilk wes fra our redemption [Page] i.M.iiii.C. deceissit Walter trail bischop of sanct Audrois. And in the samyn ȝeir deceissit quene Annabell Drōmond. Be quhais deith succedit gret displeseir to hir son Dauid duk of Rothesay. For buryng hir lyfe he wes haldin in virtews & honest occupatioun. Eftir hir deith he began to rage in all maner of insolence. And fulȝeit virginis, matronis, & nunnis be his vnbridillit lust. At last kyng Robert informit of his ȝoung & insolent maneris, send letteris to his brothir the duke of Albany, to intertene his said son y e duk of Rothesay, and to leir hym honest & ciuill maneris. The duk of Albany glaid of yir writingis tuk the duk of Rothesay betuix Dūde & sanct Androis, & brocht hym to falkland, and inclusit him in ye tour yair of but ony meit or drink. It is said, ane woman hauand cōmiseratioun on this duk, l [...]it meill fall doun throw ye loftis of ye toure. Be quhilkis his lyfe wes certane [...]ayis [...]auit. Yis womā (fra it wes knawin) wes put to deith. On ye same maner ane othir woman gaif hym mylk of hir paup throw ane lang reid, & wes slane with gret cruelte fra it wes knawin. Yan wes the duke destitute of all mortall supplie, and brocht finalie to sa miserable and hungry appetite, yat he [...]it nocht allanerlie the filth of the toure quhare he wes, bot his awin fingaris to his gret marterdome. His body wes beryit in Lū doris and kythit miraklis mony ȝerꝭ eftir. Quhil at last kyng Iames the first began to punis hꝭ slayaris, and fra y e tyme furth ye miraclis ceissit. Ye samyn tyme George erle of Marche to reuenge ye cōtemptioun done to him be the erle of Douglas, come with y e erle of Northūbirland in scotlād, & had ane gret pray of men and guddis out of y e samyn, To reuenge yir attemptatis, ye erle of Douglas come with ane army in Northumbirland, and waistit ye cuntre with gret displeseiris. Als sone as he wes returnit, Patrik Hepburn went in Ingland, and did litill les dāmage to it than the Douglas army did afore. And youcht he wes counsalit be his freindis to depart hame, becaus the Inglismen wer cūand on hym with more multitude of peple yan he mycht resist. Ȝit he refusit. And finalie faucht with sic manheid aganis Inglismen, yat he apperit to haif ye victorie. And incontinent George dunbar eldest son to the erle of Marche come with ane hundreth speris on him, and put his folkis to flycht. In this battall wes slane Patrik Hepburn of ye Halis with mony gentyll men of his hous. Sindry wer takin as Iohne & William Cokburne, Robert Lawder of ye Bas, Iohne and Thomas Haliburtoun. Yis battall wes strikin at Nesbet in ye Mers ye xxii. day of Iuni [...], fra our redemptioun .i.M.iiii.C. and [...]wa ȝeris.
¶Hovv ye scottis vvar discōfist at Hō mildoun. hovv Hary haitspur & thomas perse his brothir vvas slane at schrevvisbery & ye erle of douglas tane. ca. xiiii.
NIsbet discomfist on this wyse, followit ane othir discomfitour more displesand. for Archebald erle of Douglas maich to kyng Robert rycht desyrus to reuenge yir iniuris done be Inglismen, come with .x.M men to ye new castell, and brint & heryit ye cuntre on al partis quhare he come. In his army wes Mordok eldest son to duk Robert erle of Fiffe. Thomas erle of Murray, George erle of Angus w mony othir noblis of Scotland. At last quhen yai wer returnand hame with infinite pray of riches & guddis, met thaym Hary [Page CCxxxix] Haitspure & George erle of Marche & trublit yame sa be di [...]t of arrowis y t yai war put to flicht. Nochtheles be hortation of Adā Gordoun & schir Iohn̄ Swintoun yai renewit battal, & faucht with lytyll mair felicite thā afore. for yai war al slane & tane. In this vnhappy battall war slane, schir Iohn̄ Swintoun, Adam Gordon, Iohn̄ Leuinstoun of Callēdar, Alexand Ramsay of Dalhousy with sindry othir gentylmen & nobillis of scotlād. Archebald erle of Douglas, Mordo Stewart eldest son to duke Robert, George erle of Angus, Robert Erskin of Alloway, y e lord Saltoun, Iames Douglas maister of Dalkeith with his .ii. brethir Iohn̄ & Williā with mony of al ye baronis of Fife & Louthiane war tane. Hary haitspur proude of yis victory come with his victorius army throw Louthiane & Mers with purpos to subdew y e samyn to y e empire of Inglād. And be pissance of ye erle of Marche he come in Teuidale, & segit y e castel of Cokclauis. Bot it was sa vailȝeantly defendit be Iohn̄ Greinlay, y t he was cōstranit to depart yairfra. Efter y t the said Iohn̄ Greinlay had geuyn plegis (gif he gat na rescours within .ii. monethis) to rand y e hous. Yis battal of Hōmildon was strikin on ye Rude day in Heruist fra ye incarnaton .i.M.iiii.C.iii. ȝeris. Efter ye deꝑting of Inglismen Iohn̄ gled stanis went to duk Robert gouerno r schawing how y e castel was cōdicionat to be rāderit without it gat support agane y e terme affixit. Mony of y e noblis (quhen yai be cōuenit to yis effect) thocht better to tyne ye castell of Cok [...]lauis, thā to Ieoperd ye pepyl in defence yairof for yai war brokin be y e werꝭ afore rehersit. Yus had ye castel bene left desert, war not the gouernour declarit to pas in propir ꝑson to ye rescours yairof. Howbeit [...]ane of ye noblis wald follow hym. In y e mene time rais sic displeseir betuix king Hary of Ingland & Hary haitspur, y t it was not necessar to sēd ony support ī rescours of ye said castell, for Hary haitspur fenȝeand him to pas aganis ye scottis, rasit ane army be support of y e duk of Ȝork & ye erle of Stanefurd, hauād with hym in cūpany y e erle of Douglas, quhilk was tane afore at Hōmildoun with mony his freindis to support him aganis king Hary vnd yis cōdition, gif ye king of Ingland was discōfist & put fra y e croun, y e said erle of Douglas suld be ranson fre, & haue Berwik rāderit to him in reward of his assistence. King Hary knawing yair rebellion, come with arrayit battall to Schrewisbery, quhare ye Perse was assēblit for y e tyme. quhen ye battallis war reddy to iune, yai war seuerit be interuention of George erle of Marche, Efter y e king Hary was sworn to exoner hym of ye croun of Ingland, gif sic thingis war acceptable to his noblis, erar or sa gret effusion of blud suld be maid in his defalt. The Perse geuand ferme credit to yir wordꝭ, sufferit his army to skaill to yair logynnis for y e nicht y t yai micht ye better be furnist of vittallis. Als sone as yai war skailit ye king set on yam w t arrayit battallis & slew the said Hary Perse & Thomas Perse his brothir with mony othir noblis & heidismen of yair factioun, Ye erle of Douglas (quhilk assistit to y e said Hary perse be ꝯdition afore rehersit) faucht y t day with incredible māheid, & slew .iii. mē array it with ye kingis coit armour of Ingland. & quhē he saw ye fourt cū in y e samyn array, he meruellit be quhat way sa mony kingis war cūyn aganis hym▪ At last quhen ye feild was [Page] dyscomfist he was takyn, and nane of his cumpany saiffit bot hym self. For he was knawin for ane of the maist vailȝeant knychtis [...] Albion. Yis erle was namit Archebald tyne mā, for he wan neuir feild y t he was in. Howbeit he faucht ay with gret māheid▪ He tint ane of his ene at the battal of Hōmildon, & at yis feild he tynt ane of his stanis. At last quhen he was brocht to ye supper at y e quenis tabyll of Ingland (efter y e mony lordis of Ingland war menand yair heuy woūdis gottin ī yis last battal) he said, yai sit full styl, y t hes ane reuyn breik. And yocht ye victory succedit to kīg Hary, Ȝit it was not but gret slauchter of his best capitanis. Bot mair nowmer war slane of his cōtrapart. Hary Perse erle of Northūbirland knawing baith his sonnis slane ī yis last battal at Schrew [...]s [...]ery, traistit na felicite to abyde in Ingland, & come in scotland with hꝭ nepot, & was ressauit be Hary wardlaw bischop of sanct Androis.
¶Hovv Iames secund son to king Robert vvas tane be Inglismā, of ye tēnour of ye letteris send vvith hym. Ca. xv.
NOw was king Robert aduertist, y t his son y e duk of Rothesay was deceissit with gret martyrdome in y e tour of Falkland, & throw hꝭ deith he grew ilk day ī gret sorow & malācoly. At last he send for hꝭ brothir Robert duk of Albany, & accusit him for ye treasonble slauchter of ye duk of Rothesay hꝭ son▪ duk Robert be mony vane reasonis schew hym innocēt of y e duk of Rothesay is slauchter. And ꝓmittit (gif y e king wald pas with him to Edinburgh) to deliuer y e līmaris boūd in his hād [...]s, quhilkꝭ war occasion of hꝭ sōnis deith. Ye king richt desirus to reuenge his sonnis deith, come out of Bute ī ane cheriot to Edinburgh. And ī ye mene tyme duk Robert deliuerit in his hā dis certane līmaris [...] be punist for y e slauchter of ye said duk, howbeit yai neuir saw hym in yair dayis. & yoch [...] yi [...] līmaris war accusit & punist to y e deith, ȝit y e duk was haldin ay in suspition to y e kīg. For he semit to vsurpe y e croun, quhē al the kingis sōnis war slane, & yairfore kīg Robert besocht god to send vengeāce on y e said Robertis posterite, And al otherꝭ, quhilkis war occasion of his son y e duk of Rothesayis deith▪ King robert eft hꝭ returnyng to Bute, send his secūd son Iames prince of scotlād to wal [...] Wardlaw bischop of sanct Androis with ye son of Hary haitspur, quhilk was nepot to y e erle of Northūbirlād & equale in age to ye said Iames. Ye bischop of sanct Androis knawyng duk Robert set with vter besynes to cōques y e croun, send secreit writingꝭ to y e kīg, & schew it was richt difficil & dangerus to kepe his son ī scotlād, cōsidering ye gouernour had al y e realm vnd his obesance. Thꝰ was it cō cludit be ye kīg to send his son, othir in frāce or Ingland, quhare he mycht eschew al treason deuisit aganis hym. Sone efter ane schip was prouidit with all necessaris and tender supplicationis direckit baith to the king of france & Ingland to ressaue hym vnder thair [...]arge, protectioun, and beneuolence, gyf it happinni [...] hym to ariue within ony of thair realmes. Hary lord Sinclare ye secūd erle of Orknay was chosyn to yis besines, & pullit vp salis at ye bas, hauād ye said Iames & ye ȝoūg Perse with mony othir noblis & gentilmē of scotland ī his cūpany. Yis Iames richt wery be vncouth aire & corruption of seys, desirit to refresche hym on the land. & was takin with al his cumpany be that maner. Otheris writis that he was takin at Flamburgh [Page CCxl] held apon the seys be Inglismen, quhilkis war aduertist be treason of certane Scottis of his passage to France. Treuth is he was takyn the .ix. ȝeir of his age, the .xxx-day of Marche, fra our redemption. ane .M.iiii.C.iiii. ȝeris, and was haldin in captiuite be Inglismen .xviii. ȝeris. Efter his taking he p̄sentit yir supplicatiōis, quhilkis war direckit fra his fader kīg Robert to king Hary, quhais rēnour efter followis. Robert king of scottis to Hary king of Ingland greting thy gret magnificence, humilite, & Iustice ar richt patent to ws be gouernance of thy last army ī scotland. Howbeit sic thingis had bene vncertane to ws afore. For youcht thow semit as ennyme with maist auful incursionis ī our realm. Ȝit we fād mair hūaniteis & pleseitꝭ, than dāmage be thy cumyng to our subdittis. Specially to yame y e ressauit thy nobyl fader ye duk of Longcastel ye tyme of his exile in scotlād. We may not ceis yairfore, quhil we ar on life bot ay luif & loif y t as maist nobyl & worthy prince to Iois yi realme. For yocht realmes & nationis cōtend amang yame self for cōques of glore & landis. Ȝit na occasion is amang ws to inuade athir realmes or liegis with iniuris. Bot erar to contend amang our self, quhay sall persew othir with maist humanite & kindnes. As to ws we wyll meis all occasion of battal quhare ony occurris at thy pleseir. Forthir becaus we haue na les sollicitude in preseruing our children fra certane deidly ennymes, than had sum tyme thy nobyl fader, we ar [...]stranit to seke support at vncouth princis, Howbeit y e inuasion of ennymes is sa gret, that smal d [...]fence occurris aganis yame without thay be preseruit be amite of nobyll men. For the warld is sa full of peruersit malyce, that na cruelte nor offence may be deuysit in erd▪ bot ye samyn may be wrocht be motion of gold and syluer. Heirfore becaus we knaw thy hienes ful of mony nobyl virtewis, with sic pissance & riches, y t na prince in our days may be cōpair yairto. We desyre yi humanyte and support at thꝭ time▪ we traist it is not vnknawin to yi maieste, how our eldest son Dauid is slane miserabylly in preson be our brothir y e duk of Albany, quhome we chesit to be gouernoure (quhen we war fallyn in decrepit age) to our subdittis and realme. Besekand thy hienes thairfore to be sa fauorable, that this berar Iames our secund and allanerly sonne may haue targe to leif vnder thy faith & Iustyce, to be sum memory of oure posterite, knawand the vnstabyl conditioun of mannis lyfe sa suddan [...]y alterit. Now flurisand, and suddanly falling to vter consumption. Forthir beleif weill, quhen kyngis and princis hes na othir beild bot in yair awin folkis, thair empire is caduke and fragyll. For the mynd of commoun pepyll ar euir flowand mair inconstant than wynd. Ȝit quhen princis ar roborat be amite of othir vncouth kyngis thair br [...]thir and nychtbouris, Na aduersite may occurre to eiect thaym fra thair dignite riall. Forthir gif thy hyenes think nocht expedient (as god forbeid) to obtemper to thir our desyris. ¶Ȝit we request ane thyng quhilk was ratifijt in oure last trewis and conditioun of peace, that the supplicatioun maid be ony of the two kyngis of Ingland or Scotland sall stand in maner of saifcondict to the berar. And thus we desyre to be obseruat to this oure allanerly sonne. And the gratious god conserue the maist nobyll prynce.
¶Of ye gret lamentation maid be king Robert the thrid for the takyng of his son. And of his deith. Ca. xvi.
QUhen thir letteris war red be kyng Hary, he callit his lordis to ane counsall, to auyse quhat was to be done in this mater. Sum of yame irkit with lang weris, and mouit of commiseration for the aduersite fallyng to king Robert, said. Best was to obtemper his desirꝭ, for his son was cū of his beneuolence to seke refuge aganis ennymes. Otheris war far discrepant fra y e purpos. Sayng Iames wes takin ī tyme of weir, and his fader king Robert not only inuadyng Inglismen with cō tinewal weris, bot ressetting yair ennymes in his realme. and alliegit y e syndry scottꝭ come in support of Hary haitspure and othir conspiratouris at y e last battal of Schrewisbery. Thus was it concludit to kepe the said Iames as lauchfull presoner. Ȝit be beneuolence of kīg Hary war chosin sa wise & expert preceptouris to instruk hym in virtew & science, y t he was na les resolute ī euery sciēce, than he had bene perpetually occupyit bot in ane. For he was weil lernit to fecht with the swerd, to iust, to turnay, to worsyll, to syng & dance, & was ane expert medicinar, richt crafty in playing baith of lute & harp. & sindry othir instrumentis of musik. He was expert in gramer, oratry, & poetry, & maid sa flowand & sententious versis, yat apperit weil he was ane naturall & borne poete. He was als ane cunnyng Theolog. For he lernit all his science during ye tyme of his captiuite, & was ha [...]dyn all ye said tyme in gret admiration to the pepyl for his singuler virtew. Thꝰ succedit his captiuite to hꝭ gret proffet & honoure. Kyng Robert herand how his son was tane on yis maner be Inglismen maid ane heuy lamentation & said. Had I maryit as othir anciant kingis my progenitouris of scotlād did afore with nobyl princis & kingis of honest nationis. I had not bene lichtlit & contempnit (as I am now) with my liegis. For my eldest son is slane & ye tothir chasit of ye cuatre, & for falt of freindis tane with ennymes. Yis may be exampyl to al kingꝭ efter me succeding, neui [...] to degrade thair maieste & blud riall with lawar blud thā thaym self. For be y e way yai salbe lichtlit & cōtempnit with yair awin subdittis, & in na estimation amang vncouth princis. King Robert tuk sic malancoly for y e taking of his son with Inglismē on yis maner, yat he deceissit sone efter, In ye .xvi. ȝeir of his regne. fra y e incarnation .i.M.iiii.C.vi. ȝerꝭ, & was buryit in Paslay with his quene Annabell afore rehersit. King Robert was ane mā of gret stature. richt lyberall & gratious in all his werkis▪ howbeit he was mēȝeit be ane straik of ane hors as we haue schawin. he was richt feruent in his deuotion, & sa mercyful to y e pepyl, y t he wald suffer na iniurꝭ done aganis yame but punitioun. Gyf he mycht haue past throw the cuntre but impediment of his feit, ye realme suld haue bene gouernit w t na les felicite in his dayis thā it was in ony othir princis tyme afore. Duk Robert eft his deith wes chosin be new election gouernour, & gi [...]it ye realme efter ye kingis deith with better Iustice than afore. In y e mene tyme y e castel of Iedburgh wes tane be men of Teuydale, and cass [...]n down to ye ground. Archebald erl [...] of Douglas herand that kyng Robert was deceissit, maid ane way for his redemption, and returnit ī scotland. Not lang efter ane coūsal was set to restore George erle of March [...] [Page CCxli] to his honour & laudis. Efter lang disputation it was concludit, yat he suld want ane part of his landis namit Annerdale and Lochmaben, and y e said lādis to pas vnder perpetuall dominion of ye Douglas. Be thir cō ditionis the erle of Marche was restorit to his landis and peace.
¶Hovv the vniuersite of sanct Andros tuk begynnyng. Hovv gret virtevv and police vvas brocht in scotland be king Iames the first. hovv gret skaith fallis in this realm be promotion of vicius prelatis. Ca. xvii.
AT this tyme rais gret trubil in scotland be Donald of the Ilis. For Willyam erle of Ros sonne to Hew Ros (quhilk was slane afore at Halidoun hyll) had two douchteris, of quhilkꝭ the eldest was geuyn in mariage to Walter Lesly w t ye erledome of Ros, & gat on hir ane son namit Alexander, & ane douchter quhilk was efter maryit on Donald of the Ilis. This Alexander succedit to the erledome of Ros efter ye deith of his fader Walter, and marijt ane douchter namyt Eufamia, quhylk was heritour to y e erledome of Ros, The duke of Albany persuadit this Effem (quhen scho was ȝoung but ony experience) to resing y e said erledome in his handis vnder this condition. Gi [...]scho deceissit without airis of hir body, the said erledome sall cum to his secound son Iohn̄ erle of Buchquhan. And gif ye said Iohne deceissit but airis male gottin of his body his brothir Robert sal succeid. And failȝeing of his airis male in y e same maner the erledome of Ros sal cum than to the croun. Thir thingis done than with gret slicht, Effem deceissit be industry (as was beleuit) of duke Robert, yat the erledome suld cum to his son. Be this way Iohne duke Robertis secound son, quhilk was erle of Buchquhan afore, was maid erle of Ros, & left bot ane douchter behynd hym, quhilk was maryit on Wyllyam Seytoun knicht. For thir causis ye Seytonis clamit y e lordschip of Buchquhan. Donald of the Ilis herand his wiffis ant deceissit, come to duke Robert, desiring ye landis of Ros to be geuyn to hym as nerrest & lauchfull heritour yairto. Nochthels he gat not bot repuls. And thairfore he come with all the power of ye Ilis & subdewit Ros to his opinion. nocht cōtent of thir boū dis he come throw Murray, Bogheual, and syndry othir boundis lyand thair about. Syne come to Garioch to birne Abirdene. To punis thir attemptatis come Alexander Stewart erle of Marre, and faucht aganis ye said Donald at Harlaw, quhair gret slauchter was maid on all sydis. In this battall .ix.C. hyeland men war slane with Makclane, and Makinthos, principal capitanis vnder Donald of the Ilis. And of the erle of Marris syde war slane Alexander Ogiluy seref of Angꝰ, Iames skrimgeour constabyl of Dunde. Alexander Irrewyn of Drū, Robert Mald of Panmure, Thomas Murray, Wyllyam Abirnethy of Saltoun, Alexander straitoun of Lourestoun. Robert Dauidstoun prouest of Abirdene knichtis with mony othir. Yis battall was strikin on sanct Iames euyn ye ȝeir of god .i.M.iiii.C.xi. ȝeris. Donald efter this discomfitoure fled with gret deligence to the Ilis. Nochtheles duke Robert ꝑsewit the said Donald so scharply, yat he come in wyl efter y t he was sworn neuir to inuade y e realme with mair trubyll. Nocht lang efter yis battal, Patrik Dunbar secound sonne to ye erle of Marche, wan Fast castell, and tuke [Page] Thomas Haldane capitane thairof presoner. At this tyme y e brig of Roxburgh was brokin be Wyllyā Douglas of Drumlanerik, & the toun of Roxburgh brint. And in this ylk ȝeir began y e vniuersite of sanct Andros. Mony excellent & noble clerkis war brocht out of syndry cuntreis to be preceptouris in it. Followit gret confluence of ȝoung pepyl out of al partis of scotland for desire of letteris, throw gret exercition of virtew, quhilk began to spreid fast in this cuntr [...], [...]pecially at the cumyng hame of kyng Iames the first in Scotland. [...]his noble prince was sa ful of [...], y t he held al men of science ī gret [...]uerence, geuand his perpetual [...] to caus his pepyll incres in all [...] craftis & virtew, and to bring [...] self in honour & glore to thair [...]. And y t his C [...]etezanis suld [...] plesand and honest craftis to [...] thair ydill & rude maneris, [...] quhilkis they war afore accusto [...]. At his first returnyng in Scotl [...]d [...] thocht na thyng sa gud as [...] & expart clerkis [...] realmes to decore hꝭ [...] weill. He brocht in scotland [...] doctouris of Theology .viii. [...]a [...]cou [...]is of Decreis with mony othir expert men in al science, and promouit thaym to syndry prelacyis. Attour nane was that tyme yat had ony syngular virtew or cūnyng bot was sufficiently promouit to sum leuyng [...]e hym. Na man was promouit to bischoprikis in his dayis with out he war of syngular erudition & science. Gret felicite succedit to scottis in his dayis as y e prouerbe sayis. Happy ar ye pepyll y t hes ane philosophoure to thair kyng. Bot allace how far is now oure tyme different fra yai dayis. For I beleue nane hes sic eloquence nor fouth of langage, y t may sufficiently deplore y e gret displesouris yat fallis to ws for laik of letteris & virtew in our princis. In thay dayis quhen maist graue personis of maist erudition & virtew war socht out of al partis to be in cumpany with y e princis to nuris thaym in virtew & princely maneris. Now ar chosyn nane to that effect, bot thay y • ar maist ygnorāt & mischeuous lymmaris, hauād nane othir ingyne bot only to nuris the princis in vice and insolence. Trow quhilk na les infelicite hes fallen to ye princis of ye realme than to y e pepyl thairof. Nane rasit in dignite, office, honour, nor benifice, bot maist vnhappy and auaritious pepyll, void of all virtew and gud maneris and sa gret ennymes to men of letteris, yat thay may not suffer yame to rise in proffit, dignite, or honouris, appetādly as yai wald na virtew suld spreid in the cuntre, bot the pepyll ay be thair ignorance to be abusit, in auenture gif ye pepil war brocht to perfite knawlege, yat thay suld othir constrane thir prelatis to amend thair lyuis, or ellis to spulȝe thaym of the pray and gudis ya [...] swelly ī thair corruppit vsis. La [...] thaym amend sic faltis that hes the charge yairof, howbeit na thing mouis ws bot cōmiseratioun and piete to detest thair vicis.
¶Hovv the erllis of Buchquhan and VVigtoun vvent vvith gret armyis in support of France. and of the deith of duke Robert. Ca. xviii.
IN this ylk tyme Iohne Drummond slew treasonabilly Patrik Graham erle of Strathern. Nocht withstandyng the assurance tane betuix thaym. The nobyllis maid sic diligence, that this Drummond was fynaly takin, & punist for the said cryme. Nocht lang [Page CCxlii] efter rais gret weris betuix Charlis the .vi. kyng of France, and Hary ye v. king of Ingland. Kyng Charlis held syndry landis of frāce fra king Hary, howbeit thay pertenit to hym be iust heritage. At last king Hary be lang sege wan the town of Hunflew. Syne with proude baner come throw Picardy and waistit all boundis thairof quhill he come to Blainge. And quhen he was returnyng in Ingland, come on hym syndry princis and gaif hym battall. Nochtheles yai war al slane, and thair army discomfist. In the mene tyme kyng Hary was aduertist of gret rebellioun maid aganis hym in Walis. Throw quhilk he was constranit, nocht withstanding yis victory to return in Ingland. Efter his cumyng met hym the prince of Walis with mony gret princis of Inglād of his opinion, and gaif hym battall & put kyng Hary to flicht. Kyng Hary not withstanding this discomfitour come agane with new army in Walis, and brocht thaym at last to irrecouerabyll subiection, Quhil sic thingis war done in Ingland, Wyllyā Halyburtoun wan ye castel of Werk, & slew al ꝑsonis found in it. Howbeit it succedit sone efter to his gret infelicite. For syndry Inglismen knew all the secretis of ye place, & clam vp throw ane scheild, and brak the wall in sic maner that yai maid ane quiet passage to thair fallowis. Thꝰ was the castel tane be Inglismen, and all scottis foūdin in it slane. About this tyme was ane gret sisme in the kirk, thre papis creat atanis. To repair thir arrouris followit the coūsall of Constantine, in the quhilk thir thre papis war eieckit, and ye fourt creat be the said counsall. In y e ȝeir fra our redemption .i.M.iiii.C.xix. the thrid day of September deceissit Robert duke of Albany, quhilk was gouernour of Scotland .xv. ȝeris efter the deith of king Robert y e thrid ane vailȝeant and noble prince all his dayis. King Charlis at this tyme send in scotland the erle of Uandoun & chancellar of France to geit support of scottis aganis Ingland, and promittit gret wagis, landis, and officis tyl all scottis that wald cum in defence of his realme. Sone efter Iohn̄ stewart erle of Buchquhan secund son to duk Robert, and Archebald Douglas erle of Wigtoun past in france with .vii.M. armit mē and war tenderly ressauit be king Charlis. This ordinance of scottis cumand (as said is) in france maid king Hary of Ingland richt cōmouit. And thairfore to caus the said ordinance to depart out of france, he gart ye nois and rumour pas throw all boundis of his realme, that he was to cum haistely with ane army on the Scottis. For feir of thir nouellis the scottis lay al the nixt symer on the bordouris ab [...] dand the cumyng of his army. In y e mene tyme kyng Hary past in Normandy, and opprest ye inhabitantis thairof with gret iniuris, and subdewit the town of Roan to his empire. At last quhen he was cumyn to maist triumphe of victory, abyll to haue gottin the haill dominioun of france, he was vincust be ane lady, and gaif his besynes fra cheuelry to lust and amouris. Be this way king Hary put end to his weris and tuke Katrine the douchter of Charlis the vi. of that name kyng of France in mariage vnder thir conditionis. Gif king Charlis deceissit afore kīg Hary, the said king Hary sall succeid to the crown of France. And gif Hary deceissit first, leuād behynd hym ane sonne gottin on the said king Charlis douchter this son sall succeid to [Page] the crown of france efter ye deith of king Charlis. Be quhilk cōditioun king Charlis son was spulȝeit of all richt y t he had to y e croun of france, & king Charlis to regne allanerly during his life. This peace schort tyme indurit, & thairfore the said erllis of Buchquhan & Wigtoun with thair ordinance war y e mair plesandly tretit be y e king and dalphine of france, and gat the toun of Casteltoun with the castell thairof to remane in tyll quhill thay had schawin sum honest vassalage.
☞Hovv the duke of Clarence vvas slane vvith mony othir lordis of Inglād at Bauge. of the deith of king Hary & kyng Charlis. Ca. xix.
NOw war y e erllis of Buchquhan and Wigtoun aduertist, yat Thomas duk of Clarence was cumyng with .x.M. men to sege ye toun & castell of Bauge, with othir syndry landis of Orleance, quhilk pertenit to the dalphyne of France. The erle of Buchquhan knawing y e subtell slichtes of Inglismen, send his cousyn schir Iohne Stewart of Dernely knycht to spy thair army, bot he was sone efter chasit to the scottis, & schew how the duke was cumand with al his ordinance in arrayit battall on thaym. The scottis incontinent went to harnes, & met y e duk of Clarence on ane plane beside the said toun, quhare baith y e armyis ruschit togidder in maist fury. At ye first [...]unyng Thomas duke of Clarence was hurt in the face with ane speir be the knycht of Swintoun, & was efter slane be the erle of Buchquhan. The resydew of Inglismen astonist be slauchter of the duke of Clarence & othir gret princis o [...] yair land gaif bakkis. The scottis [...]eissit not fra cōtinewal chace of Inglismē quhil it was far run within y e nicht. In this battall war slane ye duke of Clarence, ye erle of Reiddisdale, lord Ros, lord Gray & mony othir gret baronis to ye nowmer of .xvi.C. and of yame war takin the erle of Huntingtoun, ye erle of Somerside & his brothir quhilkis war brethir to kīg Iames y e firstis wyfe. This battal was strikin on Pasche euin fra our redēptioun .i.M.iiii.C.xxi. ȝeris. The dalphyne of france glaid of this victory gaif syndry lādis to ye erle of Buchquhan, & maid hym cōstable of france. King Hary mouit in gret Ire for slaucht of his brothir ye duk of Clarence. come with ane new army in France, and had with hym Iames prince of scotland, traisting to draw ye scottis out of france be his auctorite. For the dalphyne of france rais ylk day in mair pissance and honour be vassalage of syndry chosyn campionis of scotland▪ King Hary schort tyme efter send for the said prince to cum to the counsall, quhare he was auising with his noblis be quhat ingyne & slichtis he mycht best inuade his ennymes. ¶King Hary at ye cumyng of the said Iames, began to schaw quhat displesei [...] bene done to hym be scottis baith in Ingland & france. Efter yat he had schawin mony humaniteis done to hym & his fader king Robert, he desirit ye said Iames to pas to the scottis in france, & to cōmand yame in his name to returne in scotland. King Hary ꝓmittit, gif the said Iames brocht yis mater to gud effect, not only to remit hꝭ ransoun, bot to send hym in scotland with gret riches and honour. To yir wordis answerit Iames. In sa far as thow noble prince hes schawin or wyll schaw ony humanyteis towart me. I sall laubour sa far as is in me to do y e pleseir effering yairto▪ Nochtheles [Page CCxliii] as to this mater quhilk thow desiris me to labour▪ I meruel nocht lityll, yat thow cōsideris nocht how I haue na power aboue ye scottis sa lang as I am ane priuat man & haldin in captiuite. Nochtheles wer I put to liberte & the scottis maid my lawchfull subdittis, I wald glaidlie laubour all materis to thy pleseir. Als sone as he had said thir wordis, he departit fra ye counsall. Yan said kyng Hary, maist happy peple sall thay be, yat happinnis to get ȝon nobil man to yair prince. Mony ieoperdeis and frequent skarmussing wer maid in yis ȝeir betuix ye Dalphyne of France & Inglismen. Ye Inglismen had this tyme all Normandy & Gasconȝe vnder thair empire, & bure sic hatrent aganis ye scottis, yat yai slew yame quhare yai wer tane with maist schamefull deid. Howbeit thay vsit not sic cruelteis on othir pepill. Quhen kyng Hary had distroyit sindry boundis of Bryane with gret heirschippis & slaucht, he inuadit ye landis and kirk of sanct Fyacre, and be vengeance of god he wes strikin with sic infirmite, that na ingyne of man mycht cure hym. At last quhen he had demandit ye medicinarꝭ, quhat maledy yis bene falling to hym sa haistely, thay said. it wes ye maledy of sanct Fiacre, quhilk wes sumtyme ane Scot and discendit of the nobill blude thairof. Yan said kyng Hary. I se nocht bot all scottis born in perditioun of ws, quhilkis ar aye sa gret ennymes to ws leiffand and deid, at hame and on feild. For thay persew ws with na les hatrent now quhen thay ar eikit amang the noumer of sanctis, than quhen yai wer in to this present life. Kyng Hary seing hꝭ infirmite incres ilk day more, causit hym to be brocht to Cornwel, quhare he miserabilly deceissit and wes brocht in ane cape of leid in Ingland, and buryit amang ye sepulturis of othir kyngis. ¶At this tyme Charlis ye .vi. kyng of France deceissit. Eftir quhom succedit Charlis ye vii. of yat name. Be quhais deith ye gret feruour of weris began to cule betuix Inglismen & scottis. And for that cause the erlis of Buchquhan & Wigtoun returnit in Scotlād, sone eftir thair returnyng yai come with ane army to Berwik, and lay lang at the sege thairof but ony werkis worthy to haue memory. And thairfore this Iurnay wes callit the dirtin raid.
☞ Hovv ambassatouris vvar send in Ingland for redemptioun of Iames the first. Hovv the franchemen and scottis vvar discomfist at VVernoll. & of gret vassalage done be the madin of france. Ca. xx.
EFtir deith of duk Robert, his son Mordo Stewart erle of Fiffe & Menteith wes maid gouernour, & Iosit the said office foure ȝeris. Howbeit he wes rycht vnganand thairto. For he had nocht sic wisdome and manheid as his fader duke Robert had afore hym. He wes ane soft prince but ony fortitude in aduersite, or temporance in prosperite. Sū tyme he apperit so febill, yat na consolatioun mycht rais hym in esperance of bett fortoun, sum tyme he wes ouir seuere and more cruell in executioun of Iustice than ye mater requirit, and so necligent in chastifying of his sonnis Walter & Alexander, that yai finalie conspirit aganis him, vncertane quhidder y e same ꝓcedit be softnes of his mynd, in so far yat he couth nocht punys ye iniquiteis of his sonnis for the feruent luf and affection he had to yame. Or gif thair faltis wer so gret, that yai [Page] deseruit more punition thā he micht vse on yame. For thay wer delatit of sindry oppressionis be the pepil. Yis Walter incurrit extreme indignation of his fader for ane falcon, quhilk he slew in cōtemptioun of his fader. Becaus his fader wald not gif hym the said falcon with pleseir, he slew the halk apon hꝭ faderis hand. Duk Mordo mouit with yis gret cōtemptioun said. O Walter sen thow and thy brothir will not be rewlit be my soft empire, I sall bring hym hame, that sal chaistifie ȝow and me baith. Sone eftir he cōuenit all his noblis to ane counsall. And desirit thaym to send ambassatouris in Ingland, for redemptioun of Iames the first of y • name, that he mycht return in Scotland, and ressaue y e gouernance yair of. Oftymes gret feliciteis cumis be contentioun of vnhappy parteis inuadyng othir with athir iniuris, as happinnit at this tyme be yis haisty debait rising betuix duk Mordo and his sonnis, for wer nocht thair contentioun, Iames the first had neuir cumyn in Scotland, the quhilk had bene rycht dāmageus to the realme. Bot we will returne to our historie. The erle of Buchquhan cōstable of France beleuit litill proffet or pleseir to fall to him be ye hame cumyng of Iames the first. Becaus his fader duk Robert held hym so lang out of his realme. And thairfore he solistit his gudfader Archebald erle of dowglas to pas w t hym ī France. Sone eftir y e said erlis past with .x.M. chosyn men in France. And wer ressauit with gret honour be Charlis ye .vii. king of France. And eftir that the kyng had put all thair folkis in ordinance, he maid the erle of Douglas duk of Turyne. For he wes ane nobill man. Howbeit he wes more vailȝeant yan fortunat. In y e mene tyme the duk of Bedfurd lieutenand to y e kīg of Inglād come with gret army in France. And eftir yat he had wyn mony townis & villagis in France, he segit ane toun namit Lyuer, and brocht it to sic necessite, that ye capitane thairof gaif plegis to rander it to Inglismē, Gif he gat na rescours within schort tyme. Kyng Charllis knawand ye castell forsaid in sic dangeir, send the duk of Lanson and the erlis of Buchquhan and Dowglas with the residew of his army to rescours the said hous. Afore yair cūin thay wer aduertist, that Inglismen had gottin y e hous randerit to yame and tane ane othir toun of Normandy namit Warnol. Incōtinent thay went to harnes & arrayit thame on the plane nocht far fra ye toun. And quhen ye armyis wer reddy to Iune the duk of Lanson richt inuyful, yat scottis suld ryse in ony landis or honouris within France, come away with .xx.M. men. The erlis of Douglas & Buchquhan nochtwithstanding this treason ruschit forthwart with pert curage on thair ennymes, and faucht with gret manheid to the deith. Nochtheles baith the armyis of Scotland and France wer finaly discomfist and put flycht. In yis vnhappy battall wer slane Iohne erle of Buchquhan constable of France, Archebald erle of Douglas duke of Turyne and lieutenand of France, Archebald Douglas his son erle of Wigtoun with mony of all the scottis cumpany. Thair bodyis wer buryit with gret lament of pepill in the kirk of sanct Graciane within the toun of Turyne. And of franchemē wer slane the erle of Uentodore, the sereif of Narbone with mony othir Wag [...]ouris and cōmonis to ye noumer of .vi.M. and of thaym wer taikin ye marcheall of France with mony [Page CCxliiii] othir noblis eft this discomfiture succedit gret calamite and displeseir to franchemen in al boundis of yair realme. Few partis thairof vntakin or vnsegit be Inglismen. Thus had the franchemen bene brocht to vter rewyne, wer nocht Iane the madin of France cloithit baith in mannis array and hardiment ereckit kyng Charlis fra extreme desolatioun in esperance of better fortoun. Yis madin come out of Loryne in frāce send nocht but speciall fauour of god. Be quhais hardimēt & happy victoryis kyng Charlis recouerit his realme. And eieckit Inglismen out of all boundis yairof. Bot at last scho wes taikin at luffingburgh be ye Burgū dianis▪ And sald to Inglismen, quhuilkis brocht hir sone eft to Roan quhare yai accusit hir of socery and incantationis▪ saying that scho aganis thair lawis and inst [...]utionis bure armour and mannis claithis vnder the figour of ane woman. Finalie the tyranny of Inglismen wes sa gret, that thay wald heir nane of hir reasonis nor excuse, bot brint hir cruelly to deith. For be hir industry and vassalage yai tynt ye dominion of France. Scho confessit schortlie afore hir deith, sa lang as scho keippit hir virginite, Scho wes victoriꝰ in euery battall but ony experiēce of euill fortoun. And fra scho wes corruppit, scho wes maid sone pray to hir ennymes. At this tyme Robert Patillok come out of scotland with ane army to kyng Charlis y e seuint. And recouerit sindry boūdis of frāce [...]ut of Inglismennis handis. And wes callit thairfore be the inhabitantis thairof pittit [...]oy of Gasconȝe. ¶And sa endis heir the .xvi. buk of thir croniklis.
Heir begynnis the .xvii. buk of the croniklis of Scotland:
¶Hovv Iames ye first vvas redemit. Of his coronation and actis. Ca. primo.
EFtir deith of Archebald erle of douglas duke of Turyne as we haue schawin at Warnoll, succedit his son Archebalde the thrid of that name erle of Douglas. This erle of Douglas & William Hay constable of Scotland & Hary bischop of Aberdene wer send (as ambassatouris) in Ingland for redemptioun of Iames ye first, and drest the mater to sic point, yat he sal return to his realme. and pay for his ransoun ane .C.M. markis Striuelyng. Of quhilk soum the ta half sa [...] be remittit for his to [...]hir, & for payment of the tothir half sindry lordis sonnis of Scotland to be geuin in plege to kyng Hary the .vi. Few of thir lordis sonnis returnit hame, bot deceissit afore thay wer redemyt. Yis Iames for hꝭ singulare virtew had mony freindis in Ingland. Amang quhilkis wer speciall & maist tende [...] to hym Iohne Bewfurd erle of Somersyde, and his brothir ye cardinal of Ingland. Thir two nobill men with mony gret princis of Ingland conuoyit hym to the bourdouris of Scotlād. For he maryit ye said erlis douchter, & gat fra hym besyde mony goldin and siluer veschell sindry [Page] riche & precious hyngaris. In quhilkis war y e history of Hercules maist curiusly wrocht. Thus entrit prince Iames in Scotland & come on [...]are Sonday in lentern to Edinburgh. quhare he was ressauit with all the lordis of scotland spirituall & temporall with maist honour. Gret confluence of pepyl come to hym out of all partis of scotland richt desirus to se hī. For mony of yame had neuir sene hym afore. Or ellis at leist the prent of his visage was out of yair memory, Howbeit yai war weil informit of his syngulare virtew mony ȝeris afore. Als sone as the solempnite of Pasche was done, he come to Perth & sone efter went to Scone, quhare he was crownit with his lady Iane be duke Mordo & Hary byschop of sanct Androis the .xxi. day of May. fra our redēption .i.M.iiii.C.xxiiii. [...]. Mony nobyl men come out of Ingland with Iames the first & gat landis fra him. Amang quh [...]m was ane namit Andro gray, quhilk was rewardit with syndry lādis. Be hym rais y e surname of Grayis in scotlād. quhais posterite ꝑseueris ȝit amang ws cled with gret landꝭ & honouris baith in Gowry & Angus. Sic thingis done ye kyng▪ returnit to Edinburgh, & sūmond all yame that io [...]it ony auctorite duryng y e tyme of duk Robert & duk Mordo gouernouris. And in the first conuenit to hym the Chancellar, the Thesaurer, ye clerk of the register, ye Comptrollar, & all otheris yat bure ony chargis concerning the kingis tentis. At last quhē he be lang compt had found y e maist part of all the landis & rentis pertenyng to y e crown waistit be his emis duke Robert and duke Mordo gouernouris amang thair freindꝭ. And na thing left to sustene the crown except the customes of burrowis, he was na thing content of this estate. Howbeit he schew gud vult for the tyme. Als sone as he had auisit with al euidentis and rollis pertenand to the crown, he set ane parlyament in Edinburgh. And be auyse of y [...] thre estatis was ordanit ane general tax [...] to be rasit throw y e realme .xii. p [...]nyis of the pound of al landis in scotland spirituall & temporal. & .iiii. pennyis for ilk kow, ox or hors for ye space of two ȝeris to cum for payment of his ranson. This taxt was rasit for the first ȝeir. Bot in the secound rais sic murmur amang the pure cōmonis, yat he remittit the residew and tuke neuir taxt of scotland efter y e quhyll his douchter was to be maryit with the dalphine of frāce▪ Amang mony othir thingis done in yis parliamēt, y e pepyll complanit of syndry oppressionis done to yame be duke Mordois sonnis, and otheris gret men of his realme. The kyng incontinent gart arrest Walter Stewart son to duke Mordo, with Malcolme Flemyng of Cumernald, and Thomas Boid of Kylmarnok. Walter was send in ward to the Bas. Bot Mal [...]olme & Thomas war send to ward in Dalkeith. Nochtheles y e king tuk but ane easy compositioun for yame of money, efter that all parteis war [...]thit. In this parliament king Iames gaif hꝭ aith of fidelite to deba [...] the liberteis of haly kirk to the end of his lyfe. And all the remanent baronis efter hym gaif thair aithis on the same maner. Not lang efter ane vthir counsall was set at Perth, in the quhilk the kyng gart arrest duk Mordo and Alexander his son. Archebald the thrid of that name erle of Douglas, his brothir Wyllyam erle of Angus, George erle of Marche, Adam Hepburn of Halis with mony othir gret baronis of Scotland, [Page CCxlv] and put yame all in syndry castellis & strenthꝭ to remane in ward, quhil he war auisit. Incontinent he tuk the castellis of f [...]lkland & doun of Menteith, duk Mordo was send to Carlaurok, and his duches was put in Temptalloun.
¶Hovv duk Murdo and his tvvo sonnis vvar Iustif [...]ie be kyng Iames. Hovv [...]he erle of Ca [...]hnes vvas slane at Inuerlochty. & the erle of Mar vincust. ca. ii.
ON beltane day in the ȝeir nixt followyng callit the Inuentioun of the haly croce. Iames Stewart the thrid son of duke Mordo mouit with gret Ire, that his fader & brethir war haldin ī captiuite come w t ane gret power to Dunbritane, and brint it efter that he had slane Iohn̄ Stewart of Dūdonald with .xxxii. men in it. The kyng richt cōmouit for thir attemptatis followit on yis Iames sa fersly, that he was chasit in Ireland quhare he deceissit. On the .v. day efter war brocht to y e king v. complecis of ye said Iames, and yai war hyngit & quarterit at Stryueling. The king cōtinewit his parliament to the .xviii. day of May in Striuelyng. And thair hym self sittand with septoure, swerd, & crown in Iugement, Walter Stewart son and aire to duk Mordo was conuickit and heidit afore y e castel. On the morow duk Mordo and his secund son Alexander and Duncane Stewart erle of Lanax war conuickit & forfaltit for crymis of lese maieste, & heidit afore the castell on the same maner. be forefaltoure of duk Mordo and his sonnis the erledomes of Fiffe & Menteith and Lanax come in ye kingis handis. The remanent lordis and gret baronis (quhilkis war in ward for the tyme at the kingis pleseir) war richt affrayit, herād ye scharp execution of Iustice maid on duke Mordo & his sonnis. Nochtheles thay war put to liberte with in ane ȝeir efter and recounsalit to the kingis fauoure. In the nixt ȝeir quhilk was fra our redemption ane M.iiii.C.xxvii. The king tuk Alexander lord of the Ilis erle of Ros at Innernes. On the morow war tane sindry wickit lymmaris & oppressouris of the cuntre and hyngit on Iebattis. On the thrid day efter this lord of the Ilis was accusit afore ye king for intertenyng of theuis and not bringing of yame to the kingis Iustice, quhare thay mycht be apprehendit. Becaus this lord of the Ilis promittit to amend sic thingis in tymes cumyng, he was put to liberte. Throw quhilk followit gret trubyll. For within few dayis efter he brint the town of Innernes, & lay Ithandly segeand y e castell thairof▪ quhyll he was finaly aduertist, that the king was cumand on hym with gret power, and thā he fled in y e Iis. At last this lord of ye Ilis seand sa mony pepyl lyand ilk day in wait to bring hym to the kingis Iustice, come dissagisit in pure array, and fell down on kneis afore the king at Halyrudhous on Pasche day quhare he was sittand at hꝭ orison, & desirit grace for his saik y e rais as y e day fra deith. Ye king at requeist of y e quene saiffit his lyfe, & cōmandit hym to remane quhil y e seruice war done. Yan ye king began to muse gif he restorityis Alexand to his landꝭ & honourꝭ but ony forthir punition, It suld be occasion to conspi [...]e aganis hym in tymes cumyng, And thairfore y e said Alexander was send to schir Williā Douglas erle of Angus the kingis sister son to remane in his castell of [Page] Temptalloun, y t na trubyll suld rise be his freindis. Eufame his moder doucht to Walt sū tyme erle of Ros was wardit in sāct Colmes Inche. for scho was ane gret solister of hym to attēpt sic besines aganis ye king. Nocht lang efter Donald Ballocht brothir to the said lord Alexander of the Ilis come with ane gret power of men in Lochquhaber. The erles of Mar & Cathnes to saif ye cuntre fra trubyl come with yair folkis & faucht with y e said Donald at Inuerlochty, quhare y e erle of Cathnes was slane and the erle of Mar discō fist. Thꝰ returnit Donald with victory and gret pray of guddis in the Ilis. The king incōtinent to punis thir attemptatis come with ane army to Dounstafage purposyng to haue passit in y e Ilis, and thair met hym all the heidismen and clannis [...]airof excusyng thair offence. Saying thay war cōstranit aganis yair wyll to pas with ye said Donald in displeseir of the cuntre. All thir clannis war finaly tane in fauour be ye king, & sworn to persew ye said Donald to ye deith. Not lang efter, this Donald fled in Ireland quhare he was slane & his heid brocht to Striueling to the king.
¶Of gret Iustice done be kyng Iames the first in al partis of Scotland. Of the natiuite of Iames the secund. of syndry actis done be the said noble prince Iames the first. Ca. iii.
THis trubyll dantit in maner foresaid king Iames past throw al boundis of his realme, & punist mony strang lymmaris and oppressouris of his pepyl to the deith. Na remissioun geuyn afore be the gouernour was admittit afore his Iustice, for thay war expirit be his de [...]th. Attoure the king thocht it nocht pl [...] sand to god nor proffitable to the cō mon weil, that sa mony slauchteris, reiffis, and oppressionis done afore in the cuntre for falt of Iustice wa [...] vnpunist. It is said, the first two ȝeris of his regne .iii.M. pepyll wa [...] slane be his Iustice for syndry auld crymes and offēcis cōmittit aganis y e pepyll in the ȝeris afore. And yocht thꝭ punition apperit sufficiēt yneuch to all pepyll in his realme. Ȝit ane lymmer namit Angꝰ Duffe of Strathern come with ane cūpany of theuis and tuk ane gret pray of gudis out of Murray and Cathnes. Incō tinent followit on hym Angꝰ Murray with gret power. And this othir Angus Duffe na thing affrayit of his cumyng met hym on y e same maner at Strachnauern. Followit ane scharp battal f [...]chtin with sic cruelte on ylk syde yat .xii. personis war left onely on lyue. Kyng Iames herand yis slauchter said. He was na les sorowfull for the slauchter of the men of Cathnes than Murray. Howbeit nane was left on lyue that mycht be punist for the offence thairof. At yis tyme was ane othir gret lymmer namit Makdonald Ros, quhilk grew be spulȝeis and heirschippis of ye pepyl in gret riches. Yis lymmer schod ane pure wed [...] with hors schone, becaus scho said scho suld gang to the king, & reuele his wekit oppressiōis. ¶Als sone as scho was helit of hir woūdis, scho past to ye king, & schew the gret cruelteis done be this lymmer. The king maid sone efter sic deligence, yat he tuk this Makdonald with .xii. of hꝭ complecis, and punist yame with maist schamefull deith. In ye thrid ȝeir efter quhilk was fra our redemption .i.M.iiii.C.xxx. On y e .xvi. day of October. Iane y e quene [Page CCxlvi] was delyuer of two sonnis at anis, Alexander & Iames. The first deceissit in his infance. The nixt was Iames the secund, quhilk succedit immediatly efter his fader to ye croun. Mony gret baronis and lordis war present at yair baptyme. Thair war [...]. knicht [...] maid. Amang quhom was first Willyam son to Archebald erle of Douglas, quhilk succedit eft him to y e erldome of Douglas. In y e nixt ȝeir efter the king arrestit Archebald erle of Douglas duke of Turyne, & held hym in lang captiuite & ward. At last be supplication of the quene & othir gret prelatis of the realme ye kyng remittit his offencis, and put baith hym and Alexāder erle of Ros to liberte. Als sone as y e realme was brocht to gud tranquillite on this maner, ya [...] passingeris micht trauel but trubyll in all partis thairof, he maid officiaris & iugis to pas throw all partis of his realme, yat Iustice micht haue place als weil ī hie as ye law partis. He causit the prouestis & bailȝeis of ylk town to vse veschel of iust mesuris, concernyng ye interchange of vittallis wyne & aill. Othir [...] y • war not markit with the mark [...] the bailȝeis or prouest war brokin. And the occupiaris yair of cōdampnit in gret sowmes of money. At last quhen he had reparit ye strēthꝭ of his realme with siclike munitionis as afferit, he veseit the vniuersite of sanct Androis, oftimes present at thair generall disputationis and tuk sic pleseir thair intyl, that he dotat the vniuersite with syndry preuilegis, & gaif thaym power to cheis maist perfit personis, that he mycht put thaym to gret prelacyis of scotland as thay vakit. Thus war men ay promouit to benifices effering to thair eruditioun & knawlege. Yairfore all maner of virtew spred fast during his tyme, and aboue al othir commoditeis the seruyce of god incressit with gret reuerence and honour in maist crafty musik as ȝit occurris to our dayis. In the nixt ȝeir quhilk was fra our saluation .i.M▪ iiii.C.xxxi. Hary the .vi. king of Ingland come to Paris and was crownit in nostre dames kirk hauād bot xii. ȝeris of age. And ȝit he was with in few ȝeris efter put baith fra the empire of Ingland and France, and come fugitiue to kyng Iames the thrid, be quhome he was plesandly ressauit. And ȝit he was ane notabyl example of y e vnstabyl and vnsickir chance of fortoun. Sen he that was sum tyme kyng of two maist pissant kīgdomes, was put fra yame baith, and constranit to seke refuge at vncouth pepyll.
¶Hovv the bischop of sanct Androi [...] be lang precheing dissuadit the riottus custome of bankettis. Ca. iiii.
NOcht lang efter wes ane Parlyament at Perth. Amang mony othir actꝭ done at thꝭ Parlyament to remoue ye surfet expensis maid in riottus cheir and bankettis quhilkis war brocht in scotland be Inglismen at the hame cumyng of king Iames to na les dammage of mānis bodyis, than wasting of yair guddis. Rais vp Hary wardlaw bischop of sanct Androis, & said in this maner. Suppos mony nobyl werkꝭ (maist wyse prince) ar brocht in this realme be thy cumyng. As Iustice, religion, & polesy, with mony othir gud lawis to the proffet of the common weill, na thing pretermittit nor left vndone that mycht proffet or auance thy realme. All honest maneris vsit afore amang ws at be thy wysdome confirmit, and al new bonteis [Page] now appering amang ws ar cū myn only be thy industry. For hir y e mair cure & laudour y e thow hes tane to bring sic honest ꝯstitutio [...]is amang ws, I think thay suld ye mair deligently be kepit. Now yair is ane lurkand pest fast burgeand with sic irremediable vēnome, y e gif y t samyn be not haistely remedyit, all thir commoditeis brocht be thy cūyng in yis realme salbe of lytyll effect. The noblis y t sittis heir in thy p̄sence hes desirit me tyl schaw this mater in yair name. And to desire thy hyen [...]s to schaw thy wisdome als weill in this mater, as in othir thingis be y e done. Syndry nobyll men (sic as war thy freindis ī Ingland) ar cumin in this cuntre not vnworthy to haue thy fauour. Howbeit yai haue brocht with yame the maneris of Inglismen, qu [...]lkis ar richt dāmageus to thy pepyll. And youcht thair maneris be not schamfully to yair awin cuntre, becaus yair pepil is accustomit yair with. I think it is ane gret syn to cut thy pepyll in to sic vennomus maneris. I mene thir superflew & costlye coursis of metis y t thay persuade mē to eit and drink mair than is sufficient to the nuttsing of nature. Wyll thow considder the temperance vsit amang oure auld faderis, thow sall fynd na thing sa contrarius thairto, as this new glotony brocht now amang ws. And ȝit I wait not quhid der this sorrowfull pest i [...] [...]myn amang ws mair in our awin defalt or be defalt of Inglismen. Considder we haue geuyn place yairto so sone. Ȝit in quhatsumeuir way this vnhappy custome is cum amang ws. It is to be contempnit, for the mony vicis that followis thair apon sic as ar intemperance, lust, sleuth, reif, & waisting of gudis. For gif tēperāce be nurisar of al virtew. Than intē perance is moder tyl al vice. Fo [...] this lust & intemperance ar sa knit togidder, that thay may na wayis be seuerit fra othir. And he y t is seruand to his wambe, man obey al thingis y t it desiris, Than followis be lust of wambe, defloration of virginis, Adultre, & incest. Thir mischeu [...]s & vennome of ȝoung mē followis onely be superflewite of me [...]is & drinkꝭ. And fra ane man be geuin anis to plesei [...] of his wambe, he becumis ydill but ony thocht of thingis to cū. And ay ye mair yat ye ingyne of man is geuyn thairto, the mair feirsly rynnis he tyl euery kynd of vice. And yocht ane mā haue waistit his patrimony in sic superflew meitis & drinkis, ȝit the vennome y t he swelleis be fenȝeit pleseir thairof sal neuir seuir fra hī, quhil he be deid. Be thir & siclik wordis bischop Hary dissuadit the king & his pepyl fra al superflew coursis & immoderat bankettis. Nochtheles this intemperance is risyn to sa insatiabil voracite, [...]at na foule in ye air nor fische in ye see ar sufficient to satify ye hungry appetite of gl [...]tonis, quhill yair wambe be sa boldin, that thay may not draw thair aynd, with mony othir siclik skaith [...] dayly fallyng to yame as we se be experience.
☞ Of the sege of Roxburgh. Hovv ye king brocht mony craftismen in this realme. hovv Paule Cravv vva [...] brint & ye charturaris of Perth foundit. Ca. v.
IN y e same ȝeir y e .xvii. day of Iuny was ane terribil eclipse of the Son at .iii. houris efter none. ye day mirknit half ane houre togidder as it had bene nycht. And thairfore it was callit y e blak houre. At y e nixt Lāmas efter, the king past with ane army to sege the castell of Marchmond, y t is to say Roxburgh. The Scottis war nowmerit in this [Page CCxlvii] army to .ii.C.M. men by futmen & caragemen. At last quhen the kyng had lyue at y e sege foresaid .xv. dayis and waistit al his munittoun & powder, he returnit hame but ony mair felicite succeding to hꝭ army. Sone efter the returnyng of the army deceissit Robert Cardin bischop of Dū keld. Efter quhome succedit bischop Iames Kennedy the kyngis syster son gottyn on the countes of Angꝰ. And within .ii. ȝeir efter he was trāslatit to the sait of sanct Androis. Kyng Iames to agment his cōmon weill, and to caus his liegis incres in mair virtew brocht mony nobyll craftismen out of France, flanderis, and othir partis. for the scottis war exercit in continewall weris fra the tyme of kyng Alexander the thrid to thay dayis. Thus war all craftismē slane be the weris. Nocht lang efter was tane in sanct Androis ane man of Beum namit Paule Craw, precheand new and vane superstitionis to the pepyl. specially aganis the sacrament of the alter, Ueneration of sanctis, and confession to be maid to preistis. At last he was brocht afore the Theologis and al his opinionis condampnit. And becaus he perseuerit obstinatly to the end of his pley, he was condampnit and brint. He confessit afore his deith that he was send out of Beum to preiche to scottis ye herisyis of Hus and Wiccleif. The king commendit mekyl this punition, and gaif the abbacy of Melros to Iohne Fogo. For he was principall cōuikar of this Paule. Kyng Iames (quhen the realme was brocht to gret tranquillite and peace) on this maner, past oftymes amang his subdittis specially his marchandis, to that fyne that na thyng suld be vnknawin to hym in his realme. At last quhen he had considderit the maneris of thair banketting, he r [...] preuit thaym, becaus thay suff [...]ri [...] men to pay in thai [...] houssis, efter yat thay war callyt to thair dy [...]naris and supparis. ¶At this tyme was foundit the abbay of Charturaris monkis beside Perth with gret magnificence of kyng Iames. In the nixt ȝeir come ambassatouris in scotland fra kyng Hary, desyryng the band of France to be dissoluir betuix▪ Scottis and Franchemen, and promittyng gyf the counsall of Scotland wald assent yairto, to geif ouir Berwik with all the landis lyand betuix Tweid and the Recroce in Northumberland. The kyng knawyng nocht bot dissait in thair promittis depeschit yame but ony mair cōmonyng in thay materis.
¶Hovv the erle of Marche vvas forc [...] faltit. Of syndry vassalagis done be the erle of Mar and of his gret industry and vvisdome. Ca. vi.
THe ȝeir fra the incarnation .i. thousand iiii. hundred .xxxiii. ȝeris. the king tuke George dunbar son of the erle of Marche, that rebellit aganis king Robert the thrid his fader. And wardit hym in the castell of Edinburgh. ¶And sone efter send Wylliam erle of Angus, Wyllyam Creichtoun Chancellar, Adam Hepburn of Halis with scharp wryttyngis to ye capitanis & keparis yairof to delyuer ye said castel but ony tary in yair handis. Yus was ye castel rā drit but ony mair tary. Ye king incō tinent set ane parliamēt at Perth, & thair was George erle of Marche forefaltit for y e treasonabyl rebellion of George his fad aganis king Robert the thrid. Be this way failȝeit y e nobyl & anciant hous of ye erldome [Page] of Marche, quhilk flurisit sa mony ȝeris to the gret defence & munition of this realme, and for small offence brocht to nocht. The kyng mouit be sum miseration within schort tyme efter, gaif y e erldome of Buchquhan to the said George with ane ȝeirlye pension of .iiii.C. markis to be payit to hym of the said erledome of Marche. This pension was brukit be the said George and Patrik his sonne, quhyl the cumyng of kyng Iames ye secound to perfite age. In y e same ȝeir deceissit Alexāder Stewart erle of Mar. This Alexander was ane bastart son of Alexander erle of Buchquhan afore rehersit, quhilk was son to king Robert the secound. He was ane man of syngular virtew in his tender ȝeris & was at the se [...]e of [...]eodium, quhen it was tane be phil [...]yp duke of Burgundie. And for the grit glore that he wan at the said iornay he was maryit on an [...] lady namit Iane, coūtes of Holland. Nochtheles he was put fra hir, vncert [...]ne quhethir it come be ye said countes, becaus scho had ane othir husband. Or becaus the inhabitantis desirit nocht to [...] myngit with vncouth [...]lude. Within schort tyme efter he returnit in scotland and send his seruandis in Holland desyring ye proffet of his land. And becaus he gat nocht bot repuls thairof, he held con [...]inewall weris on the Hollandaris quhill thay war constranit to pleis hym for all the proffettis bygane, & tuke peace with scot [...]is for ane hundreth ȝeris. This erle of M [...]r was ane richt industrius and ciuill man. For he brocht out of Ungary in scotland syndry gret hors and m [...]is to spreid the cuntre be thair genera [...]io [...]m. Thus was the cuntre within few ȝeris efter fillit ful of gret hors. Howbeit afore his tyme was nocht bot small naggis in this realme. This wise erle for his wisdome was maid lieute [...]ād of al y e north of scotland. He was buryit in Dankeld. Efter his deith al his landis, riches, and conques war confiscat in ye kingis handis, becaus he was gottin of vnlauchfull bed.
¶Hovv Denmark & scotland vvar aggret of al deb [...]ti [...]. hovv kīg Iames douchter Margaret vvas maryit on the dalphine of france▪ & hovv the Perse vvas discōfist be the Douglas at Piperden. Ca. vii.
NOt lang afore this tyme ane herald was send be the king of Denmark in scotland. Desiring y e ȝeirly tribute aucht to hym mony ȝeris bygane of the Ilis accordyng to the promes maid be king Alexander the thrid. Sone efter was send be the king schir Wyllyam Creichtoun in Denmark, quhare he dressit all materꝭ sa plesandly, that nocht followit efter bot gud peace and amite betuix the two realmes of Danis and scottis. At this tyme was send ambassatouris be Charlis the .vii. to renew the band betuix scotland & france. And to roborat ye samyn with mair permanent felicite, Margaret eldest douchter to y e said king Iames, wes geuyn in mariage to Lowis daulphine of france. Gret prouysion was maid of schippīs, & mony of ye grettest noblis of scotland send to cōuoy hir in France with ane .C. and .xl. ladyis matronis & virginis. Amang quhom was .v. sisterꝭ of y e said Margaret. Ferther quhen yis prouision was maid & the schippis reddy to ye wyndis, come ane herald of Inglād desirand the kyng nocht to send his douchter in France. And schew gyf he war repugnant thairto, his douchter suld be tane with all hir cumpany [Page CCxlviii] be Inglismen lyand on the see abiding hir cumyng. Kyng Iames nochtwithstanding this bost & mynassing of Inglismen, cōmandit the marineris to pull vp salis with the mair deligence. And in y e mene tyme the Inglismen yat lay in wait for taking of ye said Margaret & hir cumpany, be auēture come apon ane flote of spanȝeartis, quhare gret slauchter was on othir side. And in y e mene tyme, quhē thay war fechtand maist feirsly, the scottis nauy come throw the seys but ony sycht of ennymes, & landit at Turyne, quhare thay war ressauit with gret triumphe be king Charlis. And the mariage maid solempnitly betuix his son Lowis the dalphin & the said margaret. Quhyl sic thingis war done in France and scotland Hary Perse of Northumbirland come with .iiii.M. men in Scotland, vncertane quhidder he come be his awin or be the kyngis auctorite. Wyllyam Douglas erle of Angus to resist his inuasion come with ane cūpany of chosyn men. Amang quhom war Adā Hepburn of Halis, Alexand Ramsay of Dalhoussy, and Alexander Elphinstoun of yat ylk, & met ye said Hary Perse at Piperdene, quhare it was fochtin cruelly with gret slauchter on al sydis, bot at last the scottis war victorius. In this battall war slane of scottis Alexander Elphinstoun of y e ylk with .ii.C. gentylmen & cōmonis of scotland. Of y e said aduersar war slane Hary Cliddisdale, Iohn̄ Ogil Richard Perse w t .xv.C. Inglismē, of quhilkꝭ .xl, war knychtꝭ, & of yame war tane .iii.C. & brocht in scotland.
¶Of the slauchter of kyng Iames the first, and of the punition yat vvas maid yairfore, and of syndry meruellis sene in Albion, Ca. viii.
GRet myscheif and sorow followit in scotland efter this discomfitour of Inglismen at Piperden be hid wachsing of Walter Stewart erle of Athole, quhilk pretendit ay ane richt to the crown, be reason yat he was gottyn be king Robert y e secund on his first wyfe. This erle (as we schew afore in ye genology of stewardis) was the principal mouar of Robert duk of Albany to sla Dauid Steward duk of Rothesay. And efter the hame cumyng of Iames the first, he solistit the said kyng to slay duk Mordo with all othir duk Robertis lynnage. Traisting quhē thir nobyll men war put down to fynd sum hyd way to slay the kyng and his barnis, that he mycht thairefter succede to the crown. And becaus all duke Robertis sonnis war deceissit, sum of thaym slane at the battal of Uernoll and otheris Iustifyit be kyng Iames, he perswadit Robert Stewart his nepot and Robert grahame his cousyn to slay the kyng. This Robert was afore at the kyngis horne, for syndry gret offensis done be hym aganis the kingis auctorite, and had na thing in mair hatrent than the kyng. Thir vnhappy tratouris lyand (as said is) in wait to espy ganand tyme to fulfyll thair cursit purpos, come sone efter to ye blak freris of Perth, quhare y e kyng was lugit for y e tyme. And be licence of the portaris thay enterit in ye kingis hall. Purposyng to haue remanit thair quhyll the cumyng of ane othir familiar seruand to the kyng to haue gottyn entres in the kingis secret chalmar be his way. For he was participant with thaym in the said treasoun. Ȝit afore y e cumyng of yis man, ane seruant namit Walter [Page] Straroun opnit the dure, and went furth to ressaue wyne to the kyngis collation. Als sone as he saw thaym aufully arrayit at the dure he cryit treason, And maid hym with all his strenth to return agane. Nochtheles he was sone slane. Ȝit the slayng of hym maid sic tary to the laif, yat ane ȝoung madyn namit Katherine douglas (quhilk was efter maryit on Alexander Louell of Bolunny) slekit the dure. And becaus y e bar was away yat suld haue closit the [...]ure, scho schot hir arme in to the place quhare the bar suld haue passit scho was bot ȝoung and hir bonis not so [...], & thairfore hir arme was sone [...]rokin in schonder, & ye dure doung [...] be force. Incontinent thay [...]nte [...]. And efter yat thay had slane the [...]miliar seruandis yat maid debait [...] the tyme, thay slew the king with [...]ny cruell woundis, and hurt the [...]ene in his defence. The principall man y t maid debait at yis tyme was Patrik Dunbar brothir to George [...]quhill erle of Marche, and was le [...]t for deid in the chalmer in his defence. This prince wes of myn sta [...]u [...]e, braid schulderit and smal wais [...]it with all his membris sa weil proporcionat, y t na thing failȝeit in hym yat mycht be geuyn be nature. Ane of the maist virtuous princis y t euir was afore his dayis, richt iust in all his life, and scharp punisar of vice. He was slane y e .xxi. day of Februar. the .xliiii. ȝeir of his aige, in the .xiii. ȝeir of his regne. fra our redemption ane .M.iiii.C.xxxvi. ȝeris, His body was buryit in the abbay of charteraris, quhilk he fundit schort tyme afore his deith, The nobillis rycht sorowfull for hꝭ slauchter, maid gret deligence in sercheing of thir forenamit tratouris. Quhill at last thay war all apprehendit and brocht to Edinburgh, quhair thay war punist in this maner. ¶The erle of Athole (quhylk was pryncypall mouar of this treason) was first spulȝeit of all his claithis, saif onely ane lynnyn curche to hyd his priuat memberis. Incontinent was maid ane instrument of tre lyke the drawer of ane wel. And efter that thay had festenit it in ane cart, thay band this erle apon the point of the said drawer, & ȝeid with y e said cart throw ye toun. Sum tyme rasand this tratour, ya [...] the pepyl micht se hym hie in y e aire. & leit hym fall doun with ane swak apon the gait. Syne brocht hym to ane place▪ quhare maist confluence was of pepyll, & crownit hym with hait yrne. For ane weche said to him he suld be crownit kyng afore his deith. Thir illusionis causit hym to leif ay vnder vane esperance to conques the crown. On the morow yis erle was harlit with his complicis throw all streitis of the town. On y e thrid day his wambe was opnit, & his bowellis tane furth and cassyn flichtrand in the fyre afore his ene. Efter al tormentꝭ his hert was tane out of his body and cassyn in y e fyre. His heid was schorne fra hꝭ body, & his body quarterit. His nepot Robert stewart was punist on ye same maner. Robert Grahame principall slayar of the king was harlit throw the town in ane cart, and the hand that slew the king, bound thairto, & hait yrne schot throw al partis of hꝭ body, specially quhare ya [...] beleuit na haisly deid following. And efter gret punition tane on hym, he was demandit how he durst be sa bald to sla the kyng. He answerit. It is bot foly to demād quhat ane mā dar do. I durst (said he) leip in hell, howbeit heuyn and hell war at my chois. All wayis he was condingly punist [Page CCxlix] on the same maner. In y e same tyme was in scotland Eneas siluius ambassatour of Eugenius ye .iiii. pape of y e name ane mā of mony letteris, and was send be y e said pape to trete peace betuix Inglismen & scottꝭ. Yis Eneas wes eft for his syngular virtew maid pape of Rome. Nochyeles quhē he was doing his erādis maist besaly in scotland, come yis Inuy of fortoun, y t the prince was slane. And fra he saw hym deid he said. Ye scottis war not worthy to ioys ony kingdomes or honouris bot gif thay condigly punist y e kingis slaucht. He cō mendit yame gretūly, quhen he saw sa scharp punition maid for his slauchter. In the tyme of kyng Iames y e first war sindry meruellis sene in Albion. Ane sow had hir lytter w t dog heidis. Ane calfe was sene with ane hors heid. Ane comet apperit lang afore the kingis deith with [...] bemes, & sa vehement frost was in y e winter afore, y e wyne & ail was sauld be pound wechtis & meltit agane be the fyre. Ane swerd was sene fleand in the air to na les terroure than admiration of pepyl. And sa endis heir the .xvii. buke of thir croniklis.
☞ ¶The epistil direckit be ye trāslatoure to the kyngis grace.
ERasmus Roterodamus in his buke namit the institutioun of cristin kyngis, schawis (maist nobyl prince) na thing in mair admiration than werkis of kingis, quhilkis ar sa patent to the sicht of pepyll, that euery man hes thaym in mouth to thair cōmendation or repreif. Thus may na thyng be sa fruteful to dant ye cōmoun errouris of pepyll, as honest & vixtewis life of kingis. For ye lyfe of kingis drawis yair subdittis to Imitation of yair werkis worthy or vnworthy, & the same cumis to lycht be impulsion of fortoun that na thing sufferis to be hyd. Forthir in euery history yat men redis, apperis euidently the same maneris with ye pepyl, quhilkis ar vsit be the kyng. And sen na thing is, y t the pepyl followis with mair Imitation, nor kepis in mair recent memory, thā werkis of nobil men. Of reason thair besines suld be mair respondent to virtew thā of ony othir estatis. Amang mony knichtly exercitionis vsit be nobyl princis I fynd nane mair proffitable to yame, thā frequent reding of thir & othir historyis. For in yame may be found mony hailsome documentis. Attoure the frute of history is sa necessare y t but it, y e dedis of forcy campionis suddandly euanissis. Be contrar the effect thairof causis thay thingis (quhilkis ar mony ȝerꝭ gone) appere als recent in our memory, as thay war bot recently done. Thairfore said the moral poete Horace. He that eildis in his awin cuntre, not following sic thingꝭ as bene done afore him, for laik of experience is bot ane barne, for thir reasonis. [...] y t hes bene ȝour humyl seruitour senȝour first infāce, hes trāslatit y e history of scotland sen y e first begynnyng thairof in ȝour vulgar langage▪ yat ȝour h [...]enes may knaw ye vailȝeant & nobyl dedis done be ȝour progenitouris. And haue cognasance how this realme hes bene gouernit thir xviii.C. ȝeris bygane. quhilk was neuir subdewit to vncouth empire, bot only to y e natiue princis yairof. Howbeit ye same hes sustenit gret truble be weris of romanis, Inglismē, & danis, w t sindry chācis of fortoun. Heir may ȝour hienes vndstand how ȝour realme suld be gouernit in Iustice, & quhat ꝑsonꝭ ar maist abil to beir auctorite or office yair intil, seand mony of ȝour eldarꝭ degenerat fra virtew [Page] efter y t thay war accumpanyi [...] with ȝoung and insolent pepyll, vane fleschouris, quhilkis had na regard to the weil nor honoure of thair prince, bot onely to thair awne cōmoditeis. I dout not bot on ye same maner ar mony personis now dependyng on ȝour hienes, so vennomit with auarice, that ȝoure grace can assa [...]ȝe na thing sa dāmagius to ȝour honoure or princely estate. Bot the same salbe weill commendit be thaym gif thay f [...]nd ȝour wyl and pleseir set yairto. Nochtheles ȝoure hienes is cumyn [...]ow to sic perfection, that ȝe vnderstand weill quhay bene presently a [...]saris, & quha best suffaris of ȝour [...]ommoun weil. Sen ȝour mai [...]ste be [...] manheid than wisdome, hes [...] this region, & brocht the same [...] rest, gud peace, and trāquil [...]e. Howbeit the samyn couth nocht [...] done be ȝour gret baronis during [...] [...]ender aige. Apperis thairfore [...] nobyll and worthy deidis pro [...]dis mai [...] be naturall inclinatioun and actiue cu [...]age, than ony gudly pe [...]suasioun of assisteris. And yocht [...]our hienes be dotat with ma gif [...]is of nature, than hes bene sene afore with ony othir prince, Traist ferme [...], gif sic preemin [...]nt giftis of nature [...] vnwa [...]ly abusit, na werkis sall follow worthy to haue memory. ¶Thairfore my souera [...] I dare baldly afferme na othir besines sall be mair fruitfull to ȝour hienes, thā frequent reding of thir & siclik historyis. For sic thingis sall nocht onely moue ȝow to Imitation of virtew. Bot sall infound na les experience & wisdome, thā ȝe war trauellit throw the warld, or agit be lang pr [...]es of ȝeris, seand sa mony exemplis of virtewis and vi [...]ius leuing with sic illuster dedis of armis, that gif ȝour [...] eldaris had possedit prudence equaualent to thair innatiue manheid▪ na pepyl of reason mycht haue bene preferrit to thaym in marciall glore. As at mair lenth apperis in [...]edyng of this history. Heir sall ȝoure grace vnderstand how inuiolatly the faith of Crist hes bene obseruit be ȝoure progenitouris, neuir abarrand fra sicker religion and piete. Heir sal the bra [...]d differēce be knawin betuix kingis & tyrānis. For as Seneca sayis in his tragideis. All ar nocht kingis that bene clothit with purpour and diademe, Bot onely thay that sekis na singulare proffet in dammage of thair cōmoun weill, and sa vigilant that ye life of yair subdittis is mair deir and precius to thaym, than yair awin lyfe. Ane tyrane sekis ryches, ane king sekis honoure conquest be virtew. Ane tyrane gouernis his realme be slauchter, dredoure, and falset. Ane king gidis hꝭ realme be prudence, integrite, and fauour. Ane tyrane suspeckis all thaym tha [...] hes riches, gret dominioun, auctorite, or gret rentis. Ane king haldis sic men for his maist helply frei [...]dis. Ane tyrane luffis nane bot vane fleschou [...]ꝭ vicius and wickit lymma [...]is, be quhais counsall he rages in slauchter and tyranny. Ane king luffis men of wisdome, grauite and science, knawing weill that his gret materis may be weill dressit be thair prudence. Tr [...]uth is y e kyngis & tyrannis hes mony handis, mony ene▪ & mony mo membrꝭ. Ane tyrane settis hym to be dr [...]d. Ane kīg to be [...]u [...]fit. Ane tyrane reiosis to make his pepyll pu [...]e. Ane king to mak yame riche. Ane tyrane drawis hꝭ pepyl to syndry factionis, discord, and hatrent. Ane king makꝭ peace, tranquillite, and concord, knawing na thing s [...] dammagious as di [...]ision amang his subditis. Ane tyrane confoundis all diuine and [Page CCl] humane lawis. Ane kyng obseruis thaym & reiosis in equite & Iustice. All thir properteis salbe patent in reding y e lyuis of gud & euyl kingis in ye history p̄cedent. Yus may ȝour hienes haue gret cōmodite & pleseir be this foresaid storie. For quhat thing may be mair plesand, thā to se in yis present volume (as in ane cleir myrroure) all the variance of tyme bygane. The syndry chācis of fortoun. The bludy fechtyng, and terribyll berganis sa mony ȝeris continewit in the defence of ȝour realme and liberte, quhilk is fallyn to ȝour hienes with gret felicite. Howbeit y e samyn hes oftymes bene ransonit w t maist nobyll blude of ȝoure antecessouris. Quhat is he that wyl nocht reiose to heir ye knichtly affaris of thay forcy campionis, king Robert Bruce, and Wyllyam Wallace. The first be innatiue desyre to recouer his realme was brocht to sic calamite, yat mony dayis he durst nocht appeir in sicht of pepyl. Bot amang desertis leuād on rutis & herbes in esperance of better fortoun. Bot at last be his singulare manheid he come to sic preeminent glore, y t now he is reput maist vailȝeant and nobyl prince, yat wes efter or before his empire. Yis othir of small begynnyng be feirs curage & corporall strenth, not only put Inglismen out of Scotland, bot als befeir of hꝭ aufull visage put Edward king of Ingland to flicht. And held all the bordouris fornence scotland waist. Siclik mony othir vailȝeant princis hes bene in this realme. As Caratak, Galdꝰ, Kēneth, Gregour, Fergus, with mony otheris precedent in this history. And youcht sum of ȝour progenitouris war degenerat fra virtew, followis lytyll admiration. For of Romane empriouris mony war vicious. As Nero, Caligula, Helyogabalꝰ, Domicius, Cō modꝰ, Uttellius with mony otheris. And youcht thair vicius dedis bene abhominabyll to thair posterite, ȝit ye deploration of thair calamite sall moue the redaris to Imitatioun of virtew. For it was neuir hard bot ane man of vicious life hes ane vicious ending▪ & nocht onely kyngis & princis bene deieck it fra thair imperial estait, quhen thay war aberrant fra virtuous discipline. Bot mony nobyll baronis on that same maner▪ quhen thay be proude insolence war repugnāt to thair superiour. Traist yairfore (my souerayne) ȝour hienes wil be put with na les eloquence thā grauite in memory, to haue fame as it deseruis now presently in yis life. Beseikand the glorius & mercyfull lord to geif ȝow grace to perseueir in sic felicite y t we ȝoure subdittis may haue sufficient motiue to desyre ȝour hienes lang on lyue. ¶The quhilk mot grant the gratius god. Amen.
❧ Heir endis the hystory and Croniklis of Scotland, with the Cosmography & dyscription thairof. Compill [...] be the noble clerk maister Hector Boece channon of Aberdene. Translatit laitly in our vulgar and commoun langage, be maister Iohne Bellenden Archedene of Murray. And Imprentit in Edinburgh, be me Thomas Dauidson, prenter to the kyngis nobyll grace.