An interpretation in English of some proper Irish names contained in this description of Irelande for the better vnderstanding of the readers. Glyn Can Carick Knock Slew B
[...] Bale Kill
[...] Lough Enis M
• M
c O
To the most sacred and renowned my Gratious Soueraigne ELIZABETH by the grace of God of Englande France and Ireland QVEENE. Defendresse of the true Christian Faith
[Page] In this generall discription or Chart of IRELANDE, particularlye is showne theise contentes heerafter folowinge. First by the round priked
[...] the diuision or boundes of the 4 Provinces the on from the other viz Mounster, Conaght, Lenoster, and Vister. also the diuision of eueri countrye by smaler pricked lynes distinguished in their seuerall coulours. Counties names, Rivers, Baies, Headlandes, Pointes, Barres, Rockes, Sandes, Islandes, & Loughes, Bishopriese, Monasteries, cheife Townes, Villages, Castels, Mountaines, Hills,
[...] , and Paces all in their proper and seuerall names.
[...] names & Contrie names of euery particular place either of any Counte or generally thorought the whole Kingdome of Ireland. Dilligently and truly collected & partly
[...] by Baptista Boazio