[Page ij]¶ Here begynneth the Pystles & Gospels / of euery Sonday & holy daye in the yere.
¶ The Pystell on the fyrst Sonday in Aduent. The. xiij. Chapiter to the Romayns. D.
BRethren we knowe that it is tyme nowe that we awake out of slepe / for nowe is our saluaciō nerer thē we beleued. The nyght is passed and the daye is come nye / let vs therfore cast awaye the dedes of darknes / & let vs put on the armour of lyght. Let vs walke honestly as it were ī the daye lyght / nat ī eatyng & drynking / neyther ī chābryng & wantōnes / neyther ī stryfe & enuyeng / but put ye on our lorde Iesus Christe.
¶ The Gospell on the fyrste Sondaye in aduent. The. xxi. chapiter of mathewe. A.
WHē Iesus drewe nye vnto Ierusalē / & came to Betphage vn to the mounte Oliuete / thē sēt Iesus two of his disciples / sayeng to thē. Go into the castell that lyeth ouer agaynst you and anone ye shal fynde an Asse boundē / & her Colte with her / lose thē & brynge thē vnto me / & yf any mā say ought vnto you / saye ye that your lorde hathe nede of thē: & strayght way he wyll let them go. All this was done to fulfyl that whiche was spokē by the ꝓphet / sayeng Tel ye the doughter of Syon beholde thy kynge cōmeth vnto the meke: & sytting vpon an Asse & a Colte / the fole of an Asse vsed to the yoke. The disciples wente & dyd as Iesꝰ [Page] cōmaūded thē & brought the Asse & the Colte / & put on thē theyr clothes / & set hī therō. Many of the people spredde theyr garmentes in the waye / other cutte downe braunches from the trees and strawed thē in the waye.
¶ Morcouer the people that wēte before / and they also that folowed after / cryed sayenge. O sanna the sonne of Dauyd. Blessyd be he that commeth in the name of the lorde.
¶ The Pystell on the seconde Sondaye ī Aduc̄t. The. xv. chapiter to the Romaynes. A.
BRethrē what so euer thynges are wrytten afore tyme are wryttē for our learnynge that we thorowe pacience & conforte of the scripture myght haue hope. The god of pacience & cōsolacyon / gyue vnto euery one of you / that ye be lyke mynded one towardes another after the ensample of Iesu christe that ye all agreyng togyther may with one mouthe honour god & the father of our lord Iesu Christ Uvherfore receyue ye one an other as christe receyued vs / to the prayse of god. And I say that Iesus Christe was a minister of the Circumcisyon for the truthe of god / to confyrme the promyses made vnto the fathers And let the gētyls prayse god for his mercy / as it is wryttē / for thys cause I wyl prayse the among the gentils & syng in thy name. And agayn he sayeth ye gentyls reioyse with his people. Agayne / prayse the lorde all ye gētyls / & laude hī al nacyons. And ī another place Esaias sayeth there shalbe the rote of Iesse / and he that shall ryse to raygne ouer the gentyls: in hym shall the gentyls trust. The god of hope fyl you with all ioye and peace in byleuynge / that ye may be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holy ghoste.
¶ The Gospel on the seconde Sonday in Aduent The. xxi. chapiter of Luke. D.
IEsꝰ sayde vnto his disciples there shalbe sygnes in the Sōne / & in the Mone / & ī the Starres / & ī the earthe / the people shalbe in suche perplexite: that they shall nat tell whiche way to turne them selues. The see & the waues shal rore / & mennes hertes shall fayle thē for feare / & for lokynge after those thynges which shall come on the erthe / for the powers of heuē shall moue / and then shall they se the sone of mā come ī a cloud with power & great glory. whē these thynges begyn to cōe to passe / thē loke vp & lyft vp your hedes / for your re dēpcyon draweth ny. And he shewed thē a simylytu de / behold the fygge tree: & al other trees when they shutt forth theyr buddes / ye se & knowe of youre owne selues that somer is thē nye at hāde So lyke wyse ye (whē ye se these thynges cōe to passe) vnderstāde / that the kyngdome of god is ny. Uerely I sayevnto you / this genetatiō shall not passe / tyl al be fulfylled heuē & erthe shall passe / but my wordes shal nat passe
¶ The Pystell the. iij. Sondaye ī aduēt. The fyrste Pystel & the. iiij. Chap. to the Corinthyans. A.
BRethrene let men this wyse esteme vs euen as the ministers of Christe / & disposers of the secretes of god. Further more it is requyred of the disposers / that they be founde faythfull / with me is it but a verye small thynge / that I shulde be iudged of you other (of mānes day) no I iuge nat myne owne selfe / I knowe nought by my selfe / yet am I nat therby iustified / it is the lorde that iugeth me / therfore iudge nothīg before the tyme / vntyll the lorde cōe whiche wyl lyghtē thīges that are hyd ī darkenes: & open the counseyles of the hertes. And thā shall euery man haue prayse of God.
¶ The Gospel on the iij. Sōday ī aduēt. The. xi. chap̄. of Mathewe. A
WHen Iohn̄ beyng in prysō her de the workes of Christ he sēte two of his disciples & sayde vn to hī Arte thou he that shal cōe or shal we loke for another. Iesꝰ answered & sayd vnto thē. Go & shewe Iohn̄ what ye haue herd & sene The blinde se / the halte go / the lyppers are clēsed / the defe heare / the deade ar reysed vp agayne: & the Gospell is preached to the pore / & happy is he that is nat hurte by me Euē as they de parted Iesꝰ begā to speake vnto the people of Iohn̄ Uvhat went ye for to se in the wyldernes went ye out to se a rede wauering with thewīde / other what / wente ye out for to se. Uvēt ye to se a mā clothed in softe rayment. Beholde they that weare softe clothing / are ī kynges houses. But what wēt ye out for to se Uvent ye out to se a prophete? Ye I [...]aye vnto you / & more thē a prophet / for this is he of whom it is wryttē. Beholde I sēde my messenger before thy face / whiche shall prepare thy waye before the.
¶ The Pystel on the. iiij. sōday in Aduent the. iiij. Chapiter to the Phylyppaynes. A.
BRethrē reioyce ī the lorde alway / & agayne I say reioyce / let your softnes be knowē vnto all mē. The lord is euen at hāde. Be nat carefull / but ī all thīges shewe your peticyō vnto god ī prayer & supply cacyō with gyuīg of thākes And the peace of god which passeth al vnderstanding kepe your hertes / & mides in Christ Iesu.
¶ The Gospell on the. iiij. sōdaye ī Aduēte the fyrste Chap. of Iohn̄. C.
UUhē the Iewes sēt prestes & leuites frō Ierusalē to axe Iohn̄ Uvhat art thou. And he ꝯfessed / & denyed nat / and sayd playnly / I am nat [Page iiij] Christ & they axed hym / what thē? arte thou Helias and he sayde I am nat / Arte thou a prophet. And he answered no. Thā sayd they vnto him: Uvhat arte thou / that we may gyue an answere to thē that sent vs. what sayest thou of thy selfe? he sayd. I am the voyce of a cryar in the wyldernes make strayght the way of the lorde / assayde the prophete Esaias. And they whiche were sent / were of the pharises and they a [...]ed him & sayde vnto him. Uvhy baptysest thou thē if thou be nat Christe / nor Helyas neyther a ꝑphet? Iohan answered thē sayeng / I baptyse with water / but one is come amonge you / whom ye knowe nat. He it is that commeth after me whiche was before me / whose sho latchet / I am nat worthy to vnlose. These thinges were don ī Bethabara beyonde Iordam where Iohan dyd baptyse.
¶ The Pystel at hye masse on Christmas day The fyrst chapyter to the Hebrewes. A.
BRethrē / god in tymes past dyuersly / and many wayes / spake vnto the fathers by prophetes / but in these laste dayes he hathe spokē vnto vs by his sonne / whome he hathe made heyre of all thīges / by whom also he made the worlde. Uvhich sōne beyng the bryghtnes of his glory / and very ymage of his substance / bearyng vp all thynges with the worde of his power / hathe in his owne person pourged our synnes / and sytteth on the ryght hande of the maiesty on hye / and is more excellent them the angels / in as moche as he hath by enherytaunce obteyned an excellent name them haue they / for vnto whiche of the angels sayde he at any ryme thou arte my sone / this day begate I the.
And agayne / I wyl be his father / and he shal be my sone. And agayne when he bryngeth in the [Page] fyrste begottē sone ī to the worlde he sayth. And all the angels of god shal worshyppe hym / & vnto the angels he saythe / he maketh his angels spirytes & his ministers flāmes of fyre but vnto the sone he sayth / god thy seate shalbe for euer / & euer the cepter of the kyngdome is a ryght cepter Thou hast loued ryghtwysnes & hated iniquyte wherfore hathe god whichis thy god / anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes [...] boue thy felowes And thou lorde in the begynnynge haste layde the foundaciō of the erthe. And the heuens are the workes of thy hādes. They shall perysshe / but thou shalt endure. they al shal waxe olde as dothe a garment / & as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them / & they shalbe chaunged but thou arte alwayes the same and thy yeres shall nat fayle.
¶ The Gospell at hye masse on Chrystmas day / the fyrst chapyter of Iohan. A.
IN the begynnyng was the worde / & the worde was with god / and god was the worde. The same was in the begynnynge with god. All thynges were made by it: and without it was made nothynge that was made In it was lyfe: and the lyfe was the lyght of men: and the lyght shyneth in the darknes and the darknes comprehēdeth it nat. There was a mā sent frome god: whose name was Iohn̄ The same came as a wytnes: to beare wytnes of the lyght: that all mē through him myght beleue: he was nat the light / but to beare wytnes of the lyght. That was a true lyght / whiche lyghteth al mē that come ī to the worlde / he was ī the worlde / & the world by hym was made / & the worlde knewe him nat / he came amōge his [Page v] owne / & his owne receaued hym nat / vnto as many as receaued hī / gaue power to be the sones of god / ī that they byleued on his name / whiche were borne nat of blod / nor of the wyll of the flesshe / nor yet of the wyll of men / but of god & the worde was made flesshe / and duelte among vs / and we sawe the glory of it / as the glory of the onely begoten sone of the father / whiche worde was ful of grace and verite.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Steuen daye. The. vi. chapter of the Actes of the Apostels. C
STeuē full of faythe & power / dyde greate wōdres and myracles amonge the people Then there arose certayne of the synagoge: whiche are called Lybertynes & Syrenytes / and of Alexandria / & of Cylycia / & Asya / & disputet with Steuē & they could nat resyste the wysdome / & the spyrite: with whiche he spake.
Uvhen they herde these thynges / theyr hertes claue asoder: & they gnasshed on hym with theyr tethe / but he beynge ful of the holy goste / loked vp stedfastly with his eyes in to heuen / & sawe the glory of god & Iesus stādynge on the ryght hande of god / & sayd. beholde: I se the heuens opē / & the sone of man stā dynge on the ryght hande of god. Then they gaue a shoute with a loude voyce & stopped theyr eares & ranvpō hym all at ones / & cast hym out of the cytie / & stoned hym / & the wytnesses layde downe theyr clothes at a yōge mās fete named Saule. And they stoned Steuen callynge on / and sayenge: Lorde Iesu receaue my spirite / and he kneled downe and cryed with aloude voyce. Lorde laye nat this syn̄e to theyr charge And whan he had thus spoken / he fell a slepe in our lorde.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Steuen daye. The xxiij. chapiter of Mathewe. D
IEsus sayd vnto the Iewes / & chefe preestes beholde I sende vnto you wyse ꝓphetes / wyse men & scrybes / & of thē some shall ye scourge in your synagoges / & persecute frō cytie to cytie that al ryghtuous blode may fall on you / which wasshed vpō the erth / from the blode of ryghtuous Abell vnto the blode of zacharias the sonne of Barrachias / whome ye slewe bytwene the temple & the aulter. Uerely I say vnto you / al these thynges shall lyght vpō this generaciō Ierusalem / Ierusalē / whiche kyllest ꝓphetes & stonest thē which ar sent to the / how ofte wolde I haue gadred thy chyldrē togyder / as the henne gadereth her chyckēs vnder her wynges / but ye wolde nat / beholde your habitacyō shalbe lefte vnto you desolate. For I say vn to you / ye shall nat se me hensforth tyll that ye saye. Blyssed be he that cōmeth in the name of the lorde.
¶ The Pystell on saynt Iohn̄ the euangelistes daye. Ecclesiastice. xv.
HE that feareth god wyll do good: & he that kepeth the lawe shall optayne wysdom and she wyl come agaynst hym as an honorable mother: as a womā yet a virgyn shal she receaue hym. She shal fede hym with the brede of lyfe & vnderstandyng and the water of holsome wysdome she shal gyue him to drynke and she shal exalte hym among hys neyghbours & shal opē hys mouth euyn ī the thyckest of that ꝯgregacyō. And she shal fyl hym with the spryt of wysdome & vnderstādyng / and with the garment of glory shal apparell hym. She shall make hym rych with ioy and gladnes and shall enheret hym of an euerlastynge name.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Iohn̄ daye the euā gesyst. The. xxi. chapiter of Iohn̄. E
IEsus sayde to Peter folow me Peter turned about and sawe that di [...] whō Iesꝰ loued folowyng which also lened on his brest at supper / and sayd. Lord whiche is he that shal betray the? Uvhē Peter sawe hym he sayd to Iesus. Lord what shal he here do? Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym if I wyll haue hym to tary tyl I cōe / what is that to the / folow thou me. Thē went this sayēg abrode [...]ge the brethrē that that dyscyple shulde nat dye. And Iesꝰ sayd nat to hym / he shal nat dye / but if I wyl that he tary tyl I com / what is that to the / the same dyscyple is he / which testifyeth of these thynges & wrote these thynges / and we knowe that his testimony is true.
¶ The Pystel on chyldermas daye. The. xiiij chapiter of the reuelacyon of saynt Iohn̄.
ANd I loked and lo a lābe stode on the moūt Syō & with hym a hondred and xliiij. M. hauig hys fathers name writtē in theyr forhedes / & I herde a voyce frō heuē as the soūde of many waters / and as the voyce of a great thunder / & I herde the voyce of harpers harpyng with theyr harpers / & they sōg as it were a new sōg before the seate & before the. iiij. beastes / & the elders & no mā coulde lerne that sōg but the. C. &. xliiij. M. which were redemed frō the erth. These are they which wer nat defiled with women / for they are virgyns. These folowe the lābe whyther soeuer he goethe / these were redemed frō men beynge the fyrst frutes vnto god and to the lābe / & in theyr mouthes was founde no gyle / for they are without spote before the [...]rone of god.
¶ The Gospell on Chyldermas daye. The seconde chapiter of Mathewe. C
THe angell of the lorde appered to Ioseph ī dreme sayēge Arise & take the chylde & his mother & flye into Egypt & abyde there tyl I brynge the worde / for herode wyll seke thou chylde to destroye hym. Thē he arose & toke the chylde & his mother by nyght and departed into Egypte / & was there vnto the deth of Herode / to fulfyll that whiche was spoken of the lorde / by the ꝓphet / which sayth. out of Egypt haue I called my sone. Thē herode perceauynge that he was mocked of the wyse mē / was excedynge wrothe & sent forthe & slewe all the chyldrē that were ī bethleem / & in al the costes therof as many as were two yere olde & vnder / accordynge to the tyme whiche he had diligētly serched out of the wyse men. Thē was fulfylled the whiche was spokē by the ꝓphete Iere mye sayēge. On the hylles was a voyce herde / mour nyng wepig / & great lamētacyō / Rachel wepyng for her chyldrē & wolde nat be [...]forted bycause they were nat.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Thomas day of Canterbury the. v. chap̄. to the Hebre. A
BRethren euery hye Preest that his takē from among mē ys ordeyned for mē / in thynges ꝑtaynynge to god / to offre gyftes & sacryfyces for synnes whichcā haue [...]passyō on the ygnoraūte / & on thē that are out of the hye waye bycause that he hī selfe also his [...]passed with infirmyte for the which ī firmites sake he is boūde to offre for syn̄es / as well for his owne parte / as for the peoples. No man taketh honoure vnto hym selfe but / he that is called of god / as was Aarō / euē so lyke wyse chryst honored hym self that he myght be the hye preest / but he gloryfyed hī that sayde vnto hym. Thou arte my sone / this daye begat I the / as he also in another place speaketh. [Page vij] Thou art a preest for euer after the ordre of melchi sedech.
¶ The gospell on saynt thomas daye of Canterbury. The. xix. chap̄. of Luke. B
IEsus put forthe a parable vnto his disciples sayenge. A certayne noble mā wēt in to a farre coūtre / to receaue him a kyngdom & then to come agayne / he callede his tē seruaū tes / & delyuered them ten poūde sayēg vnto thē. Bye & sell tyl I come. But hys cytesens hated hī / & sente messen gers after hym sayenge we wyll nat haue this man to raygne ouer vs / & it came to passe when he was come agayne & had receaued his kyngdome he cōmaūded his seruaūtes to be called to him to whome he gaue his money / to wytte what euery mā had done. Then came the fyrst sayēge / lorde / thy poūde hath encreaseth ten poūde / & he saydvnto hym well good seruaūt / because thou waste faythfull in a very lytell thynge / take thou auctoryte ouer ten cyties: and the other cā sayēg lorde. Thy poūde hath en creased fyue pounde & to the same he sayde. And be thou also ruler ouer fyne cyties. And the thyrde came & sayd lorde / beholde here thy poūde which I haue kept in a napki for I feared the bycause thou arte a streyghte mā / thou takeste vp that thou laydeste nat downe and repest that thou dydest nat sowe. And he sayde to hī of thyn owne mouthe iudge I the. Thou euyll seruaūre / knewest thou nat that I am a strayte mā / takynge vp that I layde nat downe & repynge that I dyd nat sowe: wherfore thē gauest nat thou my money ī to the banke: & then at my cōmynge I myght haue req ired myne owne vauntage: & he sayd to thē that stode by. Take frō him that poūde & gyue it hym that hath tene poūde. And they sayde to hym Lorde he hath ten poūde. I saye vnto you / that vnto [Page] all them that haue it shall be gyuē. And frō hym that hath nat / euen that he hathe / shall be taken awaye frō hym. Moreouer those myn enemyes: whiche would nat that I shoulde raygne ouer thē / brynge hyther & sle them before me / And when he had thus spokē / he ꝓceded forth before thē. And went vp so to Ierusalē
¶ The Pystel on the sonday after Chrystmas day the. iiij. Chapyter to the Galataynes. A.
BRethrē I say that the heyre as longe as he is a chylde dyfferith nat frō a seruaunt: though he be lorde of all: but is vnder tutors & gouerners / vntyll the tyme apoynted of the father: euen so we as lō ge as we were childrē: were ī bōdagevnder the ordinacyōs of the world but whē the tyme was full come god sente his sonne borne of a woman: and made bō de vnto the lawe to redeme then: which were vnder the lawe: that we thorow electyon myght receaue the inherytaūce that belōgethe vnto the natural sones / bycause ye are sōes God hath sēt the spiryte of his so ne / ī to our hertes: which cryeth Abba father wherfore nowe arte thou nat a seruaūt: but a sone: yf thou be the sōe thou art also the heyre of god through Chryst
¶ The gospel on the sonday after Chrystmas day: the second chapyter of Luke. E.
IOseph and Mary / the mother of Iesꝰ meruaylede those thin ges whiche wer spoken of him / and Symeō blyssede them / & sayd vnto Mary his mother behold this chylde shall be the fall & resurrectyon of many ī israell / & sygne whiche shal be spokē agaynst / and moreouer the swerde shall pearce thy soule that the thoughtes of many hertes may be opened and there was Anna a pphetesse / the doughter of Phanuell of trybe of Aser? & she was of a greate age / & hade lynede [Page viij] with an husbande seuen yere frō her vyrgynyte & she had bē awydowe aboute foure score & foure yeares / whiche went neuer out of the Tēple / but serued there / with fastynge & prayer nyght & daye / & she came for the that same houre / & praysed god & spake of hym / to all that lokede for redēpcyon in Ierusalē & as sone as they had perfourmed al thynges accordīg to the lawe of the lorde they returned ī to Galyle ī to theyr owne cytye Nazareth / & the chylde grewe & we xed stronge in spiryte / and was ful of wysdome and the grace of god was / with hym.
¶ The Pystel on newe yeres daye The secōde chapyter vnto Tytus. C.
MOst dere beloued Tytꝰ The grace of gode that bryngeth saluacyon vnto all men hath appered & teacheth vs that we shuld deny vn godlynes & wordly lustes & that we shulde lyue sober mynded ryghtuously & godly in this present worlde / lokynge for the blyssed hope & gloryous apperyng of the myghtye god / & of our sauyour Iesu chryste which gaue hym selfe for vs / to redeme vs from all vnryghtwysenes / & to pourge vs a peculyer people vnto hym selfe feruently gyuen vnto good workes These thynges speke and exorte.
¶ The Gospell on newe yeres daye. The. i. chapiter of Luke. C.
ANd whē the eyght daye was come that the chylde should be cyrcūcysed hys name was called Iesꝰ which was named of the Angell before he was [...]ceaued ī his mothers wōbe
¶ The Pystell on twelfe. daye. Esaye. ix
[...]P & receaue lyght. Ierusalem: for thy lyght is cōe / & the glory of the lord isvp ouer the / for be hold darkenes shal couer the erth: & a thicke myst the nacyons / but the lorde shal ryse as the sone ouer the and his glorye shall be sene vpon the / and the [Page] hethen shall walke in thy lyght / and the kynges in the bryghtnes that is rysen ouer the / lyft vp thyne eyes rounde aboute & se / all these are gathered to gyther & are cōe to the thy sones shal cōe frō farre & thy doughter shal be euer by thy syde / thē thou shalt se & shalte haue plēty / thy hert shal wōder / and break out ī ioye / whē the multytude of the see are turned to the / & the armyes of the hethene are cōe vnto the The abundaunce of Camelles shal couer the & the Dromadoryes of Madiā & Epha / shal come al of them from Saba / & bring golde / & frankensence / & shal preach the prayse of the lorde.
¶ The Gospell on the twelfe daye. The seconde chapyter of Mathewe. A.
UUhē Iesꝰ was borne ī Beth leem in Iurye / in the tyme of kynge Herode / beholde / there came wyse men from the Eest to Ierusa lē sayenge where is he that is borne kynge of the Iewes / we haue sene his starre in the Eest / & are come to worshyppe him. Herode the kynge / after he hade herde this was troubled / & all Ierusalem with him / & he gatheryd all the chefe preestes & scrybes of the people / & demaunded of them wher Chryst shoulde be borne. They sayde vnto hym in Bethleem ī Iury for thus it is wryttē by the ꝓphet. And thou Bethleē ī the lāde of Iury / arte nat the lest concerninge the prynces of Iuda for out of the shall come a captayne / whiche shal gouerne my people Israel. Thē Herode p̄uelly called the wyse men / & dilygētly enquyrede of thē / the tyme of the starre that appered / & sent them to bethleē sayenge. Go and serche dylygētly for the chylde / and whē ye haue foūde hym / bryng me worde that I maye come & worshyppe hym also / when they hade herde the [Page ix] kynge: they departed: & loo the starte whiche they sawe in the Eest / went before them / vntyl it came & stode ouer the place where the chylde was when they sawe the starre they were meruaylously glade & entred in to the house / & founde the chyld with Marye hys mother: & kneled downe & worshyppede hym: & openede theyr treasures: & offred vnto hym gyttes / golde / frākēsence & myrre. And after they were warned of god ī theyr slepe / that they shulde nat go agayn to herod / they returned in to theyr owne countree another waye.
¶ The Pystell on the sōday with in the vtas of the Epyphany.
UP and receaue lyght Ierusalem. &c. ye shal fynde this Pystel on twelfday. fo. viij.
¶ The Gospell on the Sondaye with ī the vtas of the Epiphany. The fyrst chapiter of Iohfi. D
IOhn̄ sawe iesꝰ cōmynge vn to hym & sayd. Beholde the lambe of god / whiche take the awaye the synne of the worlde. This is he of whome I sayd: after me cōmeth a mā whiche was before me / for he was yer then I / and I knewe hym nat: but that he shulde be declared to israel. Therfore & I com baptysyng with water And Iohn̄ bare recorde sayēg I sawe the spirite descēdīg frō heuē: like vnto a doue & it abode vpon hī & I knewe hī nat / he that sēt me to baptyse the ī water sayde vnto me / vpō whome thou shalt se the speryte descēde and tari styl on hym that / same is he which baptyseth with the holy goost. And I sawe & bare recorde / that this is the sone of gode.
¶ Te Pystel on the fyrst Sōdaye after the vtas of the Epiphanye / the. xij. chap. to the Romayns. A.
BRethren I beseche you by the mercyfulnes of god / that ye make youre bodyes a quicke sacry [Page] fyee / holy and acceptable vnto god / whiche is your reasonable seruynge of god / & fassyon nat your selues / lyke vnto this worlde but be ye chaūged ī your shape by the renuynge of your wyttes that ye may fele what thyng that good / that acceptable / & perfecte wyl of god is for I say thorow the grace that vnto me gyuē is to euery man amonge you / that no man esteme of hym selfe more thē it becommeth hym to esteme / but that he discretly iudge of hym selfe accordynge as god hath dealte to euery man the measure of fayth as we haue many mēbres in one body / and all membres haue nat one offyce / sowe beynge many / are one body in Chryste / and euery man amōge oure selues one anothers membres.
¶ The Gospel on the fyrst Sondaye after the vtas of the Epipha. The secōde chap̄. of Lucke. F.
UUhen iesus was. xij. yere olde / they wente vp to Ie rusalem after the custome of the feaste / & when they had fulfylled the dayes / as they retourned home. the chylde iesus bode stylle in Ierusalem vnknowynge to his father and mother / for they supposed he had ben ī the company. They came a dayes iorney / and sought hym amōge theyr kynsfolke and acquayntaunce / and founde hym nat They wente backe agayne to Ierusalem / & sought hym / & it fortuned that after thre dayes / they foūde hym in the temple syttynge in the myddes of the doctures bothe hearynge them: and posynge them and all that herd hym / meruayled at his wytte & answeres and when they sawe hym / they were astoyned / and his mother sayd vnto hym / sone why hast thou thus dealt with vs. Beholde thy father and I haue soughte the sorowyng / & he sayd vnto thē how is it / [Page x] that ye haue soughte me / wyst ye nat that I muste go about my fathers busynes / and they vnderstode nat the sayeng that he spake to them / and he wentes with them and came to Nazareth / & was obedyent to them / but his mother kepte all these thynges in her herte / and Iesus encreased ī wysdome and age / and in fauoure with god and man.
¶ The Pystell on the seconde Sondaye after the vtas of the Epy. The. xij. chap̄. to the Romayns. C
BRethren seyng that we haue dyuers gyftes / accordyng to the grace that is gyuen vnto vs / yf any man haue the gyfte of prophesye let hym haue it / that it be agreyng vnto the fayth. Let hym that hath an offyce wayte on his offyce / let hym that teacheth take hede to his doctryne / lete hym that exorteth / gyue attendaunce to his exortacyon / yf any mā gyue / let hym do it with synglenes / let hym that ruleth do it with dilygence / yf any mā shewe mercy / let hym do it with chere fulnes let loue be without dissymulacyon / hate that whiche is euyl / and cleaue vnto that which is good. Be kynde one to another with brotherly loue / in gyuynge honoure / go one before another. lette nat the busynes whiche ye haue ī hande be tedyous to you / be feruent ī the spiryte / applye / your selues to the tyme / reioyse in hope / be pacyent in tribulacyon continue in prayer / dystrybute vnto the necessyte of the sayntes and dylygently to harbowre. Blysse them whiche persecute you blysse but curse nat / be mery with thē that are mery / wepe with them that wepe / be of lyke affectyō one toward another / be nat hye mynded / but make your selues equall to them of the lower sorte.
¶ The Gospell on the seconde. Sondaye after the vtas of the Epypha. the. ij. Chapiter of Iohan. A.
THere was a maryage ī Cana a cytie of galyle / & iesꝰ mother was there / Iesꝰ was called also & his discyples vnto the mariage / & when the wyne fayled Iesꝰ mother sayde vnto hym / they haue no wyne / Iesꝰ sayde vnto her / womā what haue I to do with the / myn houre ys nat yet come his mother sayde vnto the mynysters / what so euer he saythe vnto you do it There were stādyng. vi. water pottes of stone after the maner of purifyenge of the Iewes cōtayning two or. iii. fyrkyns a pece. Iesus sayd vnto thē / fyl the water pottes & they fylled thē vp to the harde brym / & he sayd vnto thē. Drawe oute nowe / & beare vnto the gouernour of the feaste & they bare it Uvhā the ruler of the feaste hade tastede the water that was turnede vnto wyne / neyther knewe whēse it was / but the mynysters which drewe the water knewe he called the bryde grome and sayde vnto hym / al men at the begynnynge set forth good wyne / and when men be dronke / them that whiche is worse / but thou hast kept backe the good wyne vntyll nowe. This begyn nynge of myracles dyde Iesus in Cana of Galyle / & shewed his glorye / & hys dysciples byleued on hym
¶ The Pystell on the. iij. Sonday after the vtas of the Epyphany. The. xij. Chap̄. to the Romayns
BRethrene / be nat wyse in your owne opyniōs. Recōpēce to no mā euyl for euell [...]uyde afore hāde thynges honest in the syght of all men / yf it be possyble yet on your parte haue peace with all men / derely be loued auēge nat your selues. but gyue row me vnto the wrathe of god / for it ys wrytten / vengeaunce is myn / and I wyll rewarde saythe the lorde. Therfore yf thyn enemy hūgre fede hī / yf he thruste gyue hym drynke / for ī so doynge thou shalte heape [Page xi] cooles of fyre on his heed be nat ouer come of euyl. but ouercome euyl with goodnes.
¶ The Gospell on the thyrd Sondaye after the [...]as of the Epypha. The. viij. Cha. of Mathew. A
WHen Iesus was come downe from the mountayn. moche people folowed hym & lo therre came a Lepre and worshypped hym / sayenge / mayster / yf thou wylte thou canste make me clene / he put forth his hande and touched hym sayeng I wyl / be thou clene / & immediatly his leprosy was clēsed / & iesus sayd vnto hym / se thou tell no man / but go and shew thy selfe to the preest / and offre the gyfre that Moyses commaunded. in wytuesse to then whē Iesꝰ was entred in to Capernaū / there came vnto hym a certayne Cēturion / besechyng hym / and sayeng / Mayster / my seruaūte īyeth syche / at home of the palseye / and is greuously payned / and iesus sayd vnto hym. I wyll come and cure hym. The Cēturyon answered and sayd. Syr I am nat worthy that thou shuldest come vnder the rofe of my house but speake the word only and my seruaunt shall be healede / for I also my selfe / am a man vnder power / and haue souldyours vnder me / & I saye to one go / and he goeth / and to another come and he commeth and to my seruaunt do this / and he doeth it. Uvhen Iesus herde that he meruaylede and sayde to them that folowed hym. Uerely I saye vnto you. I haue nat founde so greate fayth: no nat ī israel. I say therfore vnto you that many shall come from the est and west / and shal rest withe Abraham / Isaac and Iacobe / ī the kyngdome of heuen / and the chyldren of the kyngdome shal be caste out in to the vtter darknes / there shal be wepynge and gnass [...]yng of teeth. Then Iesus [Page] sayde vnto the Centureō / go thy waye / and as thou haste byleuede / so be it to the / and hys seruaunt was healed the same houre.
¶ The Pystell on the fourthe Sondaye after the vtas of the Epyphanie the. xiij. Chapiter to the Romayns. B.
BRethren owe nothyng to any mā but to loue ōe another for he the loueth another fulfylleth the law for these cōmaundemētes thou shalt nat cō myt aduoutry / thou shalt nat kyl / thou shalt nat stele. Thou shalte nat beare fals wytnes. Thou shalte nat desyre / an so forthe yf thor be any other cōmaū dyment. they are all comprehendyd in this sayenge. Loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe / loue hurteth nat his neyghbour. Therfore loue is the fulfyllynge of the lawe.
¶ The Gospell on the fourthe Sonday after the vtas of the Epiphanye the. viij. Chapiter of Mathewe. C.
VUhen Iesus entred in to ashyp and hys dyscyples folowed hym / and beholde there arose a greate storme in the see / in so moche that the shyppe was hydde with waues / and he was a slepe and hys discyples came vnto hym / and awoke hym sayēg. Mayster saue vs we perysshe / he sayde vnto them why are ye feareful O ye of lytell fayth. Thē he arose and rebuked the wyndes and the see / and there folowed a great calme / and the men meruayled and sayde what man is this / that bothe wyndes and see obey hym.
¶ The Pystell on the fyft Sonday after the vtas of the Epiphanye. The thyrde Chapiter to the Colossyans. B.
BRethren / now as elect of god / holy and beloued / put on tender mercy / kyndnes / humblenes of mynde / mekenes / long suffryng / forbering one on ather / yf any man haue a quarell to another / euen as Chryst forgaue you / euen so do ye / aboue all these thynges put on loue / whiche is the bond of perfectnes / and the peace of good rule in youre hertes / to the whiche peace ye are called in one body / and se they be thankful: let the worde of Chryst dwel ī you plenteously in al wysdome teche and exorte your owne selues in Psalmes and Hymnes: and spyrytual songes: whiche haue fauour with them syngyng in your hertes to the lorde: & all thynges what so euer ye do in worde or dede: do in the name of the lorde Iesu: gyuyng thākes to god to father by hym
¶ The Gospell in the. v. Sondaye after that vtas of Epyphanye the. xiiij. Chapiter of Mathewe. G.
IEsus sayde vnto his disciples. The kyngdome of heuen is lyke vnto a man whiche sowed goode sede in his felde: but whyle men slept: there came his foo: and sowed tares amonge the wheate and went his way. Uvhen the blade was spronge vp: and had brought forth fruyte them appered the tares also. The seruauntes came to the householder: [Page] & sayde vnto hī. Syr sowedest nat thou goode seede in thy close / frō whense thē hathe it tares / he sayde to thē the enuyous mā hath done this. Thē the seruaun ces sayd vnto hym. Uvylt thou thē that we go & gather thē & he sayd nay / lest whyle ye go about to wede oute the tares / ye plucke vp also with thē the wheate by the rotes let bothe grow togyther tyl haruest comand ī tyme of heruest / I wyl saye vnto my reapers / gather ye fyrste the tares / and bynde thē yn sheues / to be brēt / but gather the wheate in to my barne.
¶ The Pystel on the Sōday after weddyng goeth out called Septuage. The. i. pystel to the Corynthy ans and the. ix. Chapyter. D.
BRethrē / perceyue you nat how that they which rūne in a course rūne all yet but one receyueth the rewarde / so rūne that ye may optayne Euery mā that prouet maystres abstayneth from al thynges / & they do it to obtayne a corruptible crowne / but we to obtain an vncorruptyble crowne. I therfore so rūne nat as at an vncertayne thyng / so fyght I nat as one that beathet the ayre but I tame my body / & brynge hym in to subieccyon / lest after that I haue preached to other I my selfe shulde be a cast awaye. Brethren I wolde nat that ye shulde be ignoraunte of this / as youre fathers were all vnder a cloude / & all passed tho rowe the see / and were al baptysed vnder Moyses in the cloude / and in the see / and dyd al eate of one spirituall meate / and dyd all drynke of one maner of spirituall drynke and they dronke of that spyrytual rocke that folowed them / whiche rocke was Chryste.
¶ The Gospel on the Sonday after weddynge goeth out called Septuageūma the. xx. chapyter of Matthewe. A.
IEsus sayde vnto his disciples. The kyngdome of heuen is lyke vnto an householder / whiche wēt out erly ī the mornynge to hyrelabourers in to his vynyard. and he agreed with the labourers for apeny a daye / and sent them ī his vynyard. And he went out aboute the thyrde houre / & sawe other standynge ydell ī the market place / and sayd vnto them / go ye also in to my vyneyarde / and what so euer is ryght / I wyll gyue you / and they went theyr way Agayne he wente out aboute the syxte and nynth houre / & dyde lykewyse. And he went oute abouthe the eleuēth houre / and founde other standyng ydell / and sayde vnto thē. Uvhy stā de ye here al the day ydell. They sayd vnto hym. Bycause no man hath hyred vs. He sayde vnto theym. Go ye also in to my vyneyarde & what soeuer shall be ryght / that shall ye receaue. Uvhan euen was come / the lorde of the vyneyarde sayd vnto his Steward cal the labourers / & gyue thē theyr hyre / beginne at the laste tyl thou cō to the fyrste And they whiche were hyred about the eleuēth houre / cam & receaued euery man a penye / Then came the fyrst / supposynge that they shulde receaue more / & they lykewyse receaued euery man a peny. And whē they had receaued yt / they grudged against the good man of the house sayeng. These last haue wrought but one houre / & thou haste made thē equall vnto vs / which haue borne the burthen & hete of the daye. He answered to one of them sayēg frēde I do the no wronge / dyd dest thou nat agre with me for a peny Take that whiche ys thy dutye / and go thy waye / I wyll gyue vnto this laste / as moche as to the / is it nat laufull for me to do as me lysteth with myne owne is thyn eye euyl because I am good / so the last shal be fyrst / & the fyrst [Page] shal be laste / for many are called / & fewe be chosen.
¶ The Pystel on the Sōdaye of. lx. the second pystel to the Corinthyans and the. xi. chapyter. G.
BRethren suffre foles gladly by cause that ye youre selues ar wyse / for ye suffre euen yf a man bryng you in to bondage / if a mā deuoure / if a man take / yf a man exalte hym selfe yf a man smyte you on the face I speke as cōcernynge rebuke as thoughe we had ben weake howbeyt wheryn so euer any mā dare be bolde / I speake folysshely. I dare be bolde also. They are hebrues so am I They are Israelytes / euen so am I. They are the sede of Abraham / euen so am I. They are the minysters of chryst. I speake as afole / I am more. In labours more aboundant of the in strypes aboue measure / in pryson more plenteously / in dethe ofte of the Iewes / fyue tymes receaued I / euery tyme. xl. strypes saue one. Thryse was I beaten with roddes. I was ones stoned. I suffrede thryse shype wrake / nyght & daye haue I bē ī the depth of the see ī iorneynge often. In parels of waters / ī parell of robbers in ieoperdyes of min owne nacyō / in ieoperdyes among the hethē. I haue ben ī parelles ī cytyes / ī parels ī wildernes / ī parelles ī the see ī parelles amōge false brethrē in labour & trauayle / ī watchyng of ten: in hūgre: ī thryst in fastynge often: in colde & ī nakednes: besyde the thynges which out wardely happē vnto me: I am cōbred dayly and care for all congregacyōs Uvho is sycke: and I am nat sycke who is hurte ī fayth: and my hert burneth nat yf I must nedes reioyce: I wyll reioyce of myne infirmities. God the father of oure lord iesus chryst / whiche is blyssed for euermore knoweth that I ly nat.
¶ The Gospell on the Sondaye of. lx. The. viij. chapyter of Luke. A.
[...]Uhē moche people were gathered to gyther: and were come to Iesꝰ oute of the cytyes: he spak by a similitude. A sower went out to sow his sede. And as he sowed: som fel by the way syde: and it was trodē vnder fete: and the foules of the ayre deuoured yt vp and some fel on stones: and as soone as it was spronge vp: yt wyddred away bycause it lacked moystnes: & some fell amonge thornes: and the thornes syrong vp with it: and choked it. And some fell on good grounde: and spronge vp and bare fruyt an hōdred folde. And as he sayd these thynges: he cryed: he that hath eares to heare: let hym heare: his dyscyples asked hym: sayenge: what maner symylytude this shulde be: and he sayd: vnto you it is gyuen to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of god: but to other in similitudes: that whē they se: they shuld nat se & whē they hear: they shulde nat vnderstande: the similitude is this The sede is the worde of god: those that are besyde the waye are they that heare: and afterwarde commeth the deuyl and taketh a waye the worde oute of theyr heries: lest they should byleue and be saued They on the stones: are they whiche when they heare the worde receaue it wyth ioye: and these haue no rotes: which for a whyle byleue: & ī tyme of tēptacyō goo awayne. That whiche fell amonge thornes: are they whiche heare & go forth: and are choked with care and ryches & voluptuous lyuing: & bryng forth no fruyte. That ī the good groūde: they are which with a good & pure hert: heare the worde and kepe it: and bryng forth fruyte with pacience.
¶ The Pystell on the Sonday of. l. the fyrste Pystel to the Corynthyans. The. xiij. chapiter. A.
[Page] BRethrē thoughe I speake with the tonges of men and angels / & yet had no loue I were euē as soūdyng brasse and as a tynklynge cymball. And though I coulde prophesy / and vnderstode al secreces / and all knowlege / ye yf I had all fayth so that I coulde moue mountaynes out of theyr places / & yet had no loue / I were nothynge. And though I be [...]o wed al my goodes to fede the poore / and though I gaue my body euen that I burned / and yet haue no loue / it profyteth me nothing / loue suffreth lōg and is curteous / loue enuyeth nat / loue doth nat frowardly / swelleth nat / dealeth nat dyshonestly seketh nat her owne / is nat ꝓuoked to angre / thīketh nat euyll / reioyceth nat in iniquite / but reioyceth in the trueth suffreth all thīge / byleueth all thīges / hopeth all thin ges / and endureth in all thynges. Though that the ꝓphesyeng fayle / other tōges shall cease / or knowlege vanysshe away / yet loue falleth neuer away / for our knowlege is vnparfyte / and our prophesieng is vnparfyte / but whē that whiche is parfyte is cōe / thē that which is vnparfyte shalbe done awaye / when I was a chylde I spake as a chylde. I vnderstode as a chylde / I imagyned as a chylde / but as sōe as I was a mā I put awaye all childysshenes / now we see in a glasse euē ī a darke speakīge / but whē shall we see face to face. now I know vnparfitly But whā shall I knowe euē as I am knowē / nowe abydeth / fayth / hope / & loue / euē these thre / but the chefe of thē / is loue.
¶ The Gospell on the Sōday of. l. The. xviij. Chapyter of Luke. F.
IEsus toke vnto hī the twelue & sayde vnto thē beholde we go vp to Ierusalē / and all shall be fulylled that are wryttē by the prophetes / of the sones of man / he shall be delyuered [Page xv] vnto the gentyls / & shall be mocked / and shall be despytefully entreated / & shall be spetten on / & when they haue scurged hym / they wyll put hym to deth / and the thyrd day shall he aryse agayn. They vnderstode none of these thynges & this sayinge was hyd from thē / and they perceyued nat the thynges which were spoken / it cā to passe / as he was come nye vnto Ierico / a certayne blynde man sate by the waye syde beggyng / and when he herde the people passe by / he asked what it meante. They sayde vnto hym / that Iesus of nazareth went by / and he cryed sayeng. Iesus the sone of Dauyd haue mercy on me / and they whiche went before rebuked hym / bycause he shuld hold his peace / and he moche the more cryed. The sonne of Dauyd haue mercy on me. Iesꝰ stod styll / and commaūded hym to be brought vnto hym / and when he was come nere / he asked hym sayenge.
Uvhat wylt thou that I do vnto the / and he sayde / lorde that I maye receaue my syght / Iesus sayd vnto hym Receaue thy syght / thy fayth hath saued the / & imedyatly he sawe & folowed hym praysynge god / & al the people when they sawe it / gaue laude to god.
¶ The Pystell on on Asshewednysday. The secon de chapyter of Iohel. D.
OUre lorde sayth turne to me with all your hertes / in fastyng and lamentacyon / & teare your hertes / & nat youre garmētes / and turne vnto the lorde your god / for he is full of mercy / and compassyō / long yer he be angry / & great in mercy / and repenteth whē he is at the poynt to punysshe / who can tell whether the lord wyll turne and haue compassyon & shall leaue after hī a blyssyng / sacryfice and drynke / offrynge vnto the lord your god. Blow a trompet in Syon proclayme fastyng / and call a cōgregacyō / gather the people to gyther / bryng thou the elders to one place / gather the yonge chyldrē [Page] & they that sucke the brestes to gyther / let the bryde grome come out of hys chambre / & the bryde out of her parloure / let the preestes that mynyster vnto the lord / wepe by twene the porche & the alter / & saye spare lorde thy people and delyuer nat thyne enhery taunce vnto rebuke that the hethen shulde raygne ouerthē / why shuld they say / amōg the nacyōs / where is theyr god. And the lorde enuyed for his laudes sake / & had cōpassyō on his people & the lord answered & sayde vnto his people behold. I sēt you corne newe wyne & oyle / that ye shal be satisfyed ther with neyther wyll I delyuer you any more vnto the hethen.
¶ The Gospell on Asshedwednysday. The. vi. chapyter of Mathewe. B.
CHrist sayd vnto hys discyples whē ye faste / be nat sad de as the hypocrites are / for they dysfygure theyr faces: that it myght appere vnto mē that they faste. Uerely I saye vnto you: they haue theyr rewarde. But thou when thou fastest: anoynt thyne heed: and wass he thy face: that it appere nat vnto men how that thou fastest: but vnto thy father that is in secret: and thy father whiche seythe in secrete: shal rewarde the openly. Gather nat treasure to gyther on erth: where ruste and mothes corrupte: and where theues breake through & steale but gather the treasure to gyther in heuē: where neyther rust: nor mothes corrupt: & wher theues neyther breke vp nor yet steale: For wher soeuer youre treasure ys: there wyll youre hertes be also.
¶ The Pystel on the fyrst Sondaye ī Lent / the seconde pystell to the Corynthyans The. vi. chapiter. A.
[Page xvi] BRethren we exorte you the ye receaue nat the grace of god in vayne / for he sayth I haue herde the in a tyme accepted / & in the day of saluacyon haue I suckered the. Beholde now is the well accepted tyme / beholde now is the daye of saluacyon / let vs gyue no mā occasyō of euyll / that ī oure offyce be foūde no faute but ī al thiges let vs be haue oure selues as the ministers of god. I moch pacyēce / ī afflyccyōs / ī necessyte / ī anguysshe ī strypes / ī prysōmēt / ī stryfe ī laboure / ī watche / ī fastīg / ī purenes / ī knowledge / ī lōge sufferyng / ī kyndnes / ī the holy ghost / ī loue vnfayned / in the wordes of trueth / ī the power of god / by the armure of ryghtwysenes on the ryght hāde / & on the lyft hāde ī honoure & dishonour / ī euyl reporte and good reporte / as disceyuers / & yet true / as vnknowen / as dyenge and beholde we yet lyue / as chastened and nat kylled / as sorowynge and yet alway merye. as poore & yet make many ryche / as hauyng nothyng / and yet possessyng all thynges.
¶ The Gospel on the fyrst Sonday in Lent the iiij. chapyter / of Mathew. A.
UUhē Iesus was lede away of the spiryte in to wyldernes to be tēpted of the deuyl. And when he hadde fasted forty dayes & forty nyghtes / at the laste he was an hūgred. Thē came vnto hym the tēpter / & sayd: if thou be the sone of god / cōmaūde that these stones demade breade. He answered and sayd. It is wryttē / mā shall nat lyue onely by breade / but by euery worde that procedeth out of the mouthe of god. Thē the deuyl toke hī vp ī to the holy cyte / & let hym on a pynacle of the temple and sayde vnto hym if thou be the sone of god / cast thy selfe downe / for it is wrytten / he shal gyue his angels charge ouer [Page] the / & with theyr handes they shal holde the vp that thou dassh nat thy fote agaynst a stone. Iesus sayde to hym / this is wryttē also. Thou shalt nat tēpte thy lorde god. The deuyl toke hym vp agayn and let hym in to an excedynge hye moūtayne / and she wed hym al the kyngdomes of the world and al the glory of them / & sayd vnto hym / al these wyll I gyue the / yf thou wylt fall downe & worshyp me. Then sayd Iesus vnto hym / auoyde Sathan for it is wrytten. Thou shalt worshyp thy lorde god / and hym only shalte thou serue.
¶ The Pystell on the seconde sonday in Lent / the fyrst pystel to the Tessalouyās. The fourth chap̄. A
WE beseche you brethrene / & exorte you in the lord Iesꝰ that you encrease more & more / euē as ye haue receaued of vs / how ye ought to walke & to please god / ye remēber what commaundementes / we gaue you ī the name of the lord Iesu christ / for this is thewyl of god / euē that ye shulde be holy / and that ye shuld absteyne from fornicacyon / that euery one of you shulde knowe howe to kepe hys vessel in holynes and honoure. And nat in the lust of concupyssens / as do the heathē whiche knowe nat god that no man go to farre and defraude his brother ī bargayning / because the lord is a vēger of al suche thynges / as we told you before tyme / & testyfyed vnto you / for god hathe nat callede vs vnto vnclennes. but vnto holynes in Chryst Iesꝰ our lorde.
¶ The Gospel on the seconde Sō day in Lent the. xv. chapiter. of Mathewe. C.
IEsus went thēe [...] and departed in to the costes of Tyre and Sydon. And beholde a woman whiche was a Cananite came out of the same costes & [Page xvij] tried vnto hym / sayeng / haue mercy on [...]orde the sone of Dauyd / My doughter is petyously vexed with a deuyl And he gaue her neuer aword to answere. Thē came to hym his dyscy [...]les & besought hym sayēg / send her away / for she foloweth vs cryenge / he answered & sayd. I am nat sent / but vnto the loste shepe of the house of Israell. Thē she came and worshypped hym / sayēg / mayster / sucker me / he answered & sayde it is nat good / to take the chyldrens bred & to cast it to the whelpes / she answered and sayde it is truth / neuertheles the whelpes eate of the crōmes whiche fall from theyr maysters table Thē Iesꝰ an swered & sayd vnto her. O womā great is thy fayth / be it to the euen as thou desyrest / & her doughter was made hole / euen at that same houre.
¶ The Pystel on the. iij. Sondaye in Lent to the Ephesyans the. v. chapyter. A.
BRethrene be ye folowers of god as dere chyldren / & walk ī loue euen as Chryste loued vs / & gaue hī selfe for vs / an offryng & a sacryfyce of aswete sauer to god / so that fornicacyon & al vnclennes or couetousnes be nat ones named amōg you / as it becōmeth sayntes / neyther fylthynes / neyther folysshe talkynge neyther gestynge / whiche are nat comely / but rather gyuyng of thākes for this ye know / that no wromōger: other vncleane persone / or couetous persone whiche is the worshypper of images / hath any inherytaūce in the kyngdome of Chryste and of god. Let no mā deceyue you with vayne wordes / for thorowe such thynges commeth the wrathe of god / vpon the chyldren of vnbyleue. Be nat therfore cō panyons with them / ye were ones darknesse: but are nowe lyght ī the lorde / walke as chyldrē of lyght for the fruyte of the spiryte / is in al goodnes ryghtwysnes and trueth.
¶ The Gospell on the. iij. Sonday in Lent the. xi. chapyter of Luke. C.
IIesus was a castynge out a deuyll / whiche was domme And it foloweth whē the deuyl was gone out / the dōme spake and the people wondred. Some of them sayd he casteth out deuylles / by the power of Belzebub / the cheyfe of the deuylles & other tempted hym sekynge of hym a sygne from heuen he knewe theyr thoughtes and sayde vn to them. Euery kyngdome at debate wythin it selfe shall be desolate And one house shall fall vpon an other. So if Sathan be deuyded with in hym selfe / how shal his kyngdome endure / because ye saye that I cast out deuylles by the power of Belzebub / if I by the power of belzebub caste oute deuyls / by whose power / do youre chyldren caste thē oute Therfore shal they be your iudges / But if I with the fynger of god caste out deuylles / no doubte / the kyngdome of god is come vpon you when a strong man armed watched hys house. That he possesseth / is ī peace but when a stronger then he commeth vpon hym / and ouercommeth hym he taketh frō hym his harneys wherin he trusted / and diuydeth his goodes he that is nat with me is agaynst me / and he that gathe reth nat with me scattereth when the vncleane spirite is gone out of a mand / he walketh through waterlese places sekyng rest / and when he fyndeth none / he sayeth I wyl ceturne agayne vnto my house whē se I came out / and when he commeth / he fyndeth it swept and garnysshed. Thē goeth he and taketh seuen other spirytes with hym worse then hym selfe & they entre in & dwell there. and the ende of the mā is worse then the begynnyng. It fortuned as he thus spake a certayn woman of the company lyfte vp her voyce / and sayd vnto hym / happy is the wombe that [Page xviij] bare the & the pappes which gaue the sucke / & he sayd happy are they that beare the worde of god & kepe it.
¶ The Pystell on mydlent Sondaye. The. iiij. Chapyter to the Galathyans. C.
BRethrē it is wryttē / that abrahā had two sones the one by a bōde mayde / the other by a fre womā ye & he which was of the bond womā was borne after the flesshe but he which was of the free womā was borne by ꝓmyse which thynges betokē mistery for these women are two Testamētes the one from the mounte. Syna / which gendreth vnto bondage / whiche is Agar / for moūte Syna is called Agar / in Arabia / & bordreth vpon the cyte whiche is now Ierusalē / & is in bondage with her chyldren. But Ierusalē whiche is aboue / is free whiche is the mother of vs all / for it is wrytten / reioyce thou bareyn that bearest no chryldren / breke forth & cry thou that trauaylest nat / for the desolate hath many mo chyldrene then she whiche hath an husbande. Brethren we are after the maner of Isaac chyldren of promyse / but as then he that was borne carnally / ꝑsecuted hī that was borne spiritually. Euē so is it now / neuerthelesse what sayeth the scripture. Cast awaye the bōd womā & her sone / for the sone of the bōd womā shal nat be heyre with the sone of the free womā So thē brethrē: we are nat chyldrene of the boūde womā but of the free woman.
¶ The Gospell on mydelēt Sondaye. the. vi. chapiter of Iohan. A
IEsus went his way ouer the see of Galyle nye to a cyte called tiberias / and a greate multytude folowed hym / bycause they had sene the myracles that he dyd on thē whiche were dyseased. Iesus went vp in to a mountayne / and there he sate with his discyples / & Easter a feast of the [Page] Iewes was nye. Then Iesus lyft vp his eyes and sawe a great company com vnto him and sayd vnto Philyp. whēse shall we bye breade that these myght eate. This he sayde to proue hym / for hī selfe knew what he wold do. Phylyp answered hym. Two hō dred peny worth of breade are nat sufficient for thē that euery man myght haue a lytell. Then sayd vnto hym one of his discyples. Andrew Symō peters brother. There is a lade here / which hath fyue barley loues / and two fysshes but what is that amonge so many / Iesus sayd / make the people to syt downe there was moke haye in the place. And the men sate downe / ī nombre aboute fyue thousāde. Iesus toke the breade & gaue tankes. And gaue to the discyples And his disciples / to thē that were set downe. And lykewyse of the fysshes / as moche as they wold / whē they had eatē ynoughe he sayd vnto his disciples gather vp the broken meate that remayneth that nothyng be last. They gathered it togyther / and fylled twelue basketes with the broken meate of the fyue barley loues / whiche broken meate remayned vnto thē that had eten. Thē those men when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd / sayde. This is of a trueth / the prophet whiche shal come ī to the worlde
¶ The Pystel on passyon Sondaye. The. ix. chapiter to the Hebrues. C.
BRethrē Christ being an hye preest of good thynges to come came by a greater and a more ꝑfyte tabernacle. nat made with handes that is to say nat of this maner bildyng neyther by the blode of Gotes and Calues / but by his owne blode / he entred ones for all in to the holy place and foūde eternal redēpcyon / for if the blode of Oxen & of Gotes / and the ashes of an Heyfer when it was spryncled / purifyed the vncleane as thouchynge the purifyenge of the fleshe / how moche more shal the [Page xix] blode of Chryste / which thorowe the eternal sperite offred hī selfe without spot to god / pourge oure cō scyēces frō deed workes for to serue the lyuyng god and for this cause is he the medyatoure of the newe Testament / that thorow death whiche chaunsed for the redempcyō of those trāsgressyons the were ī the fyrste Testamēt they whiche were called myght receaue the promyse of eternall inherytaunce.
¶ The Gospell on Passyō sonday. The. viii. chapiter of Iohan. F.
IEsus sayde vnto the cōpany of the Iewes & the hye preestes / which of you can rebucke me of synne / if I say the trueth / why do nat ye byleue me / he that is of god / heareth goddes wordes ye therfore heare thē nat / bycause ye are nat of god. Thē answered the Iewes & sayd vnto hī? say we nat wel / that thou arte a samaritane & haste the deuyll. Iesus answered? I haue nat the deuyl / but I honour my father & ye haue dishonoured me. I seke nat myn owne prayse but there is one that seketh & iudgeth Uerely verely. I saye vnto you yf a man kepe my sayenges / he shall neuer se deth. Thē sayd the Iewes to hym / now know we that thou hast the deuyl. Abrahā is deed / & also the ꝓphetes / & yet thou sayest yf a mā do kepe my sayen ge he shall neuer taste deth / arte thou greater them oure father A brahā / whiche is deed / & the ꝓphetes ar dead / whō makest thou thy selfe? Iesꝰ answered yf I honour my selfe / my honour is nothīge worth / it is my father that honoureth me / whiche ye say is your god / & yet haue ye nat knowē hī / but I knowe hym / and if I shulde say I knowe hym nat. I shuld be a lyer / lyke vnto you / but I knowe hym / and kepe his sayenge / your father Abrahā was glad [Page] to se my daye / and he saw it & reiorsed. Then sayde the Iewes vnto hym. Thou art nat yet. l. yere olde / & hast thou sene Abraham? Iesus sayd vnto thē Uerely verely I say vnto you yer Abraham was / I am Thē toke they vp stones to caste at hym / but Iesus hyd hym selfe and went out of the temple.
¶ The Pystel on Palme Sondaye. The seconde Chapiter to the Phylippians. A.
BRethren let the same mynd be in you / the whiche was in Chryst iesu. Uvhiche seynge ī the shape of god and thought it not robbery to be equal with god. Neuerthelesse he made hym selfe of no reputacyon / & toke on hym the shape of a seruaūt and became lyke vnto men / & was founde in his apparell as a man / he humbled hym selfe & became obedyent vnto death / euē the death of the crosse / wherfore god harh exalted hym / and gyuen hym a name aboue all names / that in the name of iesus shulde euery knee bowe / both of thynges in heuē / and thynges in erth / and thynges vnder erth / and that all tonges shulde confesse / the iesus Chryst is the lorde vnto the prayse of god the father.
¶ The passyon on palme Sonday. The. xxvi. Chapiter of Mathewe. A.
IEsus sayde vnto his discyples ye know that after. ii. daye shal be Easter a the sone of mā shall be delyuered for to be crucyfyed / thē assēbled to gyther the chefe preestes & the scrybes / and the elders of the people ī to the palays of the h ye p̄est whiche was called Cayphas / & helde a counsell / howe the myght take Iesus by subtylte / and kyl hym / but they sayde / nat on the holy daye / lest any trouble aryse amonge the people / when Iesus [Page xx] was ī Bethany in the house of Symon the lypper / there cā vnto hym a woman / whiche had an alabaster box of precyous oyntment / and powred it on his hede as he sate at te bourde / when his discyples sawe that they had indignacyon / sayenge / what neded this wast? this oyntment myght haue ben well solde / & gyuē to the poore / whē iesꝰ vnderstode that / he sayd to them why troble ye the womā She hath wrought a good worke vpon me / for ye shall haue poore folke alwayes with you / but me shall ye nat haue alwayes. And in that she casted this oyntment on my body / she dyd it to burye me with all. Uerely I say vnto you / where soeuer this Gospel shal be p̄ached through out al the world / there shal also this that she hath done / be tolde for a memoryall of her. Thē one of the twelue called Iudas yscarioth wēte vnto the chefe preestes / & sayde / what wyl you gyue me / and I wyll delyuer hym vnto you / and they appoynted vnto hym thyrty peces of syluer / & from the time he sought oportunite to betray hym. The fyrst daye of swete breade the discyples cam to iesus sayeng vnto hym where wylt thou that we prepare for the to eate the Paschall lābe / and he sayd go ī to the cyte / vnto suche a man / and say vnto hym the mayster sayth my tyme is at hāde I wyl kepe myn Easter at thy house with my discyples / & the discyples dyd as Iesus had apoynted them / and made redy the Easter lambe / when the euen was come / he sate downe with the. xii. And as they dyd eate he sayde. Uerely I say vnto you / that one of you shal betraye me / and they were excedynge sorowfull / and began euery one of them to say vnto hym / is it I mayster / he answered & sayde. He that depeth his hand with me in the dyshe shal betray me the sōne of mā goeth as it is wrytten of hym / but wo be to that man by whom the sone of man shal be betrayed / it had ben [Page] good for that man / if he had neuer ben borne. Then iudas whiche betrayed hym / answered & sayd. Is it I mayster he sayd vnto hym? thou hast sayd as they dyd eate / iesus toke breade & gaue tankes / brak it / & gaue it to the discyples & sayde / take eate / this is my body and he toke the cup / and thanked / and gaue it them / sayenge drynke of it euery one / for this my blode of the new Testament / that shall be shed for many / for the remyssyō of synnes I saye vnto you / I wyll nat drynke hensforth of this fruyte of the vyne tree / vntyl that day whē I shal drinke it newe with you in my fathers kyngdom / & when they had sayd grace: they went out in to moūt Olyuete. Thē sayd Iesus vnto thē al ye shal be offēded by me this nyght for it is wrytten I wyll smyte the shepeherde and the shepe of the flocke shalbe scattered abrode: but after I am rysen agayn: I wyl go before you in to Galyle. Peter answered & sayde vnto hī: though al men shuld be offēded by the: yet wold I be neuer offended. Iesus sayd vnto hym. Uerely: I saye vnto the: that this same nyght before the coke crowe thou shalt deny me thryse. Peter sayd vnto hym / yf I shuld dye with the: yet wold I nat deny the: lykewyse also sayd al the discyples. Then went iesꝰ with then in to a place whiche is called. Bethsemane: and sayde vnto the disciples: syt ye here: whyle I go and pray yonder: & he toke with hym. Peter & the two sones of zebede: and began to waxe sorowfull: and to be in agonie. Then sayd iesus vnto then: my soules is heuy euen vnto the deth: tary ye here and watche with me. And he went a lytel aparte: and fel flatte on his face: and prayed sayeng. O my father yf it be possyble let: this cuppe passe frō me: neuertheles: nat as I wyl: but as thou wylt: & he came vnto the discyples: and founde them a slepe and sayde to peter.
Uvhat coulde ye nat watche with me one houre: [Page xxi] watche and pray: that ye al nat in to temptacyon: the spiryte is wyllyng: but the flesshe is weake.
He went away ones more & prayed / sayēg. O my father / yf this cuppe cam nat passe away from me / but that I drynke of it / thy wyll be fulfylled / & he cam & founde thē aslepe agayn / for theyr eyes were heuy / & he left them & wēt agayne & prayed the thyrde tyme / sayeng the same wordes Then came he to his discyples & sayd vnto thē. Slepe hens forth & take youre rest / take hede the houre is at hande. & the sone of mā shalbe betrayed in to the hādes of synners. Ryse let vs be goyng / behold / he is at hād that shal betray me Uvhile he yet spake / loo Iudas one of the twelue came & with hym a great multytude / with swerdes and staues / sent frō the cheyf of the preestes & elders of the people / and he that betrayed hym / had gyuen thē a token / sayeng who so euer I kysse / that same is he: lay hādes on hym. And forth with all he came to Iesus / and sayde. Hayle mayster. And kyssed hī / and Iesꝰ sayd vnto hī? Frend wherfore arte thou com. Thē cam they & layd handes on Iesꝰ & toke hī: And behold one of thē which were with Iesus stretched out his hand & drew his swerd & stroke a seruaūt of the hye preest & smote of his eare. Then sayd Iesus vnto hī. Put vp thy swerd ī to his shethe: for al that lay hād on the swerd: shal perishe with the swerd: eyther thinkest thou that I can nat now pray to my father & he shal gyue me mo thē. xii. legiōs of angeles: but how thē shuld the scriptures be fulfylled: for so must it be: The same tyme sayde Iesus to the multytude: ye be come out as yt were vnto a thefe with swerdes and staues for to take me: I sate dayly teching ī the temple amonge you: and ye toke me nat. Al this was done that the scriptures of the ꝓphetes myght be fulfylled. Then all the dyscyples forsoke hym: and fledde. And they toke Iesꝰ and led him to [Page] Cayphas the hye preest / where the scrybes and the elders were assembled / and Peter folowed hym a farre of / vnto the hye p̄estes place. And went in / and sate with the seruauntes / to se the ende. The cheyf preestes / and the elders / and all the counsel / sought fals witnes agaynst iesus for to put hym to death / but founde none / in so moche that when many fals wytnesses came / yet founde they none. At the last cam two fals wytnesses and sayd. This folow sayd I cā destroye the temple of god and buylde it agayn in. iii dayes. And the cheyf preest arose and sayd to hym / answerest thou nothyng / how is it that these bere witnesse agaynst the / But iesus helde his peace. And the chief preest answered & sayd to hī I charge the in the name of the lyuyng god / that thou tel ws whether thou be Christ the sōe of god. Iesꝰ sayd to him / thou haste sayde / neuertheles I say vnto you / here after shal ye se the sone of mā / syttynge on the ryght hande of power / and come in the cloudes of the skye Then the hye preest rēt his clothes / sayeng. He hath blasphemed / what nede we of any moo wytnesses / beholde / now ye haue herde his blasphemy / what think ye. They answered and sayde? he is worthy to dye / then spatte they in his face / and buffetted hym with fystes / and other smote hym with the palme of theyr hādes on the face / sayeng / Tel vs thou Christ: who is he that smote the. Peter satt without in the palayes / and a damseel came to hym sayenge. Thou also wast with iesus of Galyle but he denied before them al sayeng I wote nat what thou sayest. Uvhē he was gone out ī to the porche / another wēche sawe hym / & sayde vnto thē that were there. This folowe was also with iesus of nazareth / & agayne he denied with an othe that he knew nat the man. And after a whyle came vnto hym they that stode by / & sayd vnto Peter / Surely thou art euē one of thē / for th [...] speache [Page xxij] be wrayeth the. Thē begā he to curse / & to swere that he knewe nat the man. & immediatly the cocke crewe / and Peter remēbred the wordes of Iesu whiche sayd vnto hī / Before the cocke crew / thou shalt deny me thryse. And wēt out at the dores / and wept bytterly when the mornynge was come al the cheyf preestes and the elders of the people helde a counsell agaynst Iesu / to put him to deth / & brought hī boūde & delyuered hī vnto Pōcius Pilate the debyte. Thē when Iudas which betrayed hym / sawe that he was cōdēpned / he repēted hym self. And brought agayn the. xxx. plates of syluer to the hye preestes & elders sayenge. I haue synned / betrayenge the innocēt blode. And they sayd what is that to vs / se thou to that: And he cast downe the syluer plates in the temple & departed / & went and hōge hym selfe / and the cheyfe preestes toke the syluer plates and / sayed / It is nat lauful for to put them in to the treasury / bycause it is the pryce of blode / and they toke counsell / and bought with them a potters felde / to burye straungers in / wherfore the felde is called the felde of blode vnto this daye. Them was fulfylled that whiche was spoken by Ieremy the prophet sayenge / and they toke. xxx. syluer plates / the pryse of hym that was valued / whom they bought of the chyldren of Israel / and they gaue them for the potters felde / as the lorde appoynted me. Iesus stode before the debite / and the debite axed hym / sayenge / Art thou the kyng of the Iewes. Iesus say de vnto hym. Thou sayest / and whē he was accused of the cheyf preestes and elders / he answered nothyng / Then sayde Pilate vnto hym / herest thou nat how many thynges they laye against the / and he answered to hym neuer a worde in so moche that the bebite meruayled greatly. At the feest the debite was wont to delyuer vnto the people a prisoner / whom they world desyre [Page] He had then a notable prisoner called Barrabas / & when they were gathered togyther Pylate sayd vnto thē? whether wyll ye that I / gyue lose vnto you / Barrabas or Iesus whiche is called Chryste / for he knew wel / that for enuye they had delyuered hī whē he was set downe to gyue Iudgement his wyfe sent to hym sayēge. Haue thou nothynge to do with that iust mā / for I haue suffred many thynges this dare in a dreame aboute hym. But the cheyf preestes and the elders had perswaded the people that they shulde are Barrabas / & shulde distroy Iesus. Then the debite answered and sayd vnto them. whether of the twayne wyll ye that I let lose vnto you / & they sayd Barrabas Pylate sayde vnto thē what shal I do thē with iesus whiche is called Chryste. They all sayde to hym let hym be crucifyed. Thē sayde the debyte? what euyl hath he done. And they cryed the more / sayeng let hym be crucifyed. whē Pylate sawe that he preuayled nothynge▪ but that more busynes was made / he toke water and wasshed his handes before the people sayenge. I am innocent of the blode of this iust person. And that ye shal se. Thē answered all the people & sayde. His blode be on vs / & on our chyldrē. Thē let he Barrabas lose vnto thē / & scourgede iesus & delyuered hym to be crucifyed. Thē the souldyours of the debite toke Iesꝰ vnto the cōmen hal. And gathered vnto hym al the company / & they stripped hym / & put on hym a purple robe. And platted a crowne of thornes / and put vppon his hedde / and a rede in his ryght hande. And bowed theyr kenees before hym and mocked hym / sayenge / Hayle kynge of the Iewes / & spytted on hym / and toke the rede & smote hym on the hed. And when they hade mocked hym / they toke the robe of hym agayn and put his owne reyment on hym / and lede hym awaye to crucyfy hym. And as they came out / they foūde a [Page xxiij] man of Cyren / named Symō? hym they cōpellede to beare his crosse. ✚ And when they cam vnto the place called Golgotha / that is to sar / a place of deed mens srules they gaue hym vyneger to drynk mengled with gall and when he tasted thereof / he wolde nat drynke / when they had crucifyed hym / they partede his garmētes / & dyd caste lottes to fulfyll that was spoken by the prophet. They deuydede my garmentes amōge thē / & vpon my vesture dyd caste lottes & they sate and watched hym there / & they set vp ouer his hed the cause of hys deth wrytten. This is the kynge of the Iewes / and there were two theues crucifyed with hym / one on the ryght hande / & another on the lefte. They that passed by / reuylede hī / waggynge theyr heedes & sayenge / Thou that destroyest the temple of god & buyldest it in thre dayes saue thy selfe yf thou be the sone of god come downe frō the crosse / lykewyse also the hye preestes mockynge hym / with the scrybes & elders sayde. He saued other / hym self he cā nat saue / yf he be the kynge of Israel / let hym now come downe frō the crosse / & we wyl byleue hym / he trusted in god / let hym delyuer hym nowe / yf he wyl haue hym / for he sayde I am the sone of god. That same also the theues whiche were crucifyed with hym / caste ī his teeth / from the syxt houre was there darkenes ouer all the land vnto the nynth houre. And about the nynth houre Iesus cryed with a loud voyce / sayenge. Ely Ely Lama As [...]athany. That is to saye My god / my god why hast thou forsaken me / Home of thē that stode there / when they [...] that [...] This man calleth for Helias. And strayt way one of them ranne and tok a sponge and fylled it ful of vynegre / and put it on a rede / and gaue hym to drynke. Other sayde / let be / lette vs se whether Helyas wyll come & delyuer hym. Iesus cryed agayn with a loud voyce and yelded [Page] vp the ghost. And beholde the vayle of the temple dyd rent in twayne / from the toppe to the bottome. And the erth dyd quake. And the stones dyd rēt and graues dyd open / and the bodyes of many saintes whiche slept / arose and came out of the graues after his Resurreccyon / and came in to the holy cite / and appered vnto many / whē the Century on and they that were with hym watchyng. Iesus sawe the earthe quake & those thynges which happened / they feared greatly sayeng / of a suerty this was the sone of god. And many women were there / beholdynge hym a farre of / which folowed Iesus from Galyle / ministryng vnto hī. Among which was Mary mag daleyne / & Mari the mother of Iames & Ioses / & the mother of zebedes chyldrē. Uvhē the euē was come there came a ryche mā of aramathia named Ioseph / which also was Iesꝰ disciple He wēt to Pilate & begged the body of Iesus. Then Pilate commaunded the body to be delyuered and Ioseph toke the body and wrapped it in a cleane lynyn clothe / and put it ī hys new tom be / which he had hewen out euin in the rocke. And rolled a great stone at the dore of the Sepulchre / & departed And there was Mary magdalem & the mother Mary sittīg ouer agaīst the Sepulchre
¶ The Gospell on Palme. Sondaye.
THe next daye that foloweth good fryday / the hye preestes & Pharyses got thē selues to Pylate & sayde. Syr we remembre / that this deceauer sayde whyle he was yet alyue. After. iij. dayes I wyll aryse agayne. Commaunde therfore the Sepulchre be made sure / vntyl the thyrde daye / leest perauenture his disciples come and steale hym away / and saye vnto the people / he is rysen from [Page xxiiij] death / and the laste errour be worse thē the fyrst. Pi late sayd vnto them. Take watchemen / go and make it as sure as ye cā. And they went & made the sepulchre sure with watchemen / and seased the stone.
¶ The Passyon on good frydaye. The. xviij. Chapyter of Iohan. A.
IEsus wēt forth with his disciples ouer the broke Cedron wher was a gardeyne / into the whiche he entred with hys discyples. Iudas also / whiche betrayed hym knew the place for Iesus oftimes resorted thither with his disciples. Iudas thē after he hade receaued abōd of mē / and mynysters of the hye p̄estes and Pharises came thyther with lāternes & fyrebrōdes & wepons Then Iesus knowyng al thinges that shulde come on hym went forth and sayd vnto them whom seke ye. They answered hym. Iesus of nazareth. Iesus sayd vnto them? I am he. Iudas also which betrayed hym / stode with them / but as soone as he hade sayd vnto them I am he / they wēt backewardes and fell to the grounde and he asked them again. Uvhom seke ye. They sayde? Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus answered? I sayd vnto you / I am he / yf ye se ke me / let these go theyr way / that the sayenge myght be fulfylled whiche he spake. Of them whiche thou gauest me / haue I nat lost one. Symō Peter had a sword / & drewe it / & smote the hye preestes seruaūt & cut of his ryght eare The seruaūtes name was Malchus Thē sayd Iesꝰ vnto Peter put vp thy swerd ī to the sheath shal I nat drynke of the cuppe [Page] whiche my father hathe gyuen me / Then the company & the captayn & the ministers of the Iewes toke Iesus & bounde hym / and let hym away to Anna fyrst / for he was father in law vnto Caphas whiche was the hie preest that sam yere Caphas was he that gaue counsel to the [...]ewes that it was expedyent that one man shulde dye for the people. And Symō Peter folowede Iesꝰ and another dyscyple / that dyscyple was knowen of the hye preest / & went in with Iesus ī to the Palars of the hye preest but Peter stode at the dore withoute. Thē went out the other dyscyple whiche was knowen vnto the hye preest / & spake to the damsell that kept the dore & brought in Peter Then sayd the damsell that kepte the dore / vnto Peter. Art nat thou one of this mans dyscyples he sayd I am nat. The seruauntes and the mynysters stode there & hade made a fyre of coles / for it was colde / & they warmede them selues. Peter also stode amonge them / & warmed hym selfe. The hye preest axed Iesꝰ of his dys [...]les & of his doctrine. Iesꝰ answeted hym? I spake openly ī the worlde I euer taught in the Sinagege & ī the tēple why th [...] al the Iewes resorted & ī secrete haue I sayd nothynge / why axest thou me are them whiche herde me / what I sayde vnto them / beholde they can tel what I sa [...]d. Uvhē he had thus spoken / one of the ministers whiche stode by / smote Iesus on the face sayenge / answerest thou the hye preest so / Iesus answered hym / yf I haue euyl spoken beare wytnesse / of the euyl / yf I haue wel spoken why smytest thou me. And Annas sent hym bounde vnto Cayphas the hye preeste. Symō Peter stode & warmed hym selfe / & they sayde vnto hym / a [...]te thou nat also one of his discyples. He denyede it & sayde. I am nat. One of the seruantes of the hye preest / his cosen whose eare Peter smote of sayde vnto hym / dyd nat I se the ī the gardeyn with [Page xxv] hym. Peter denied it agayne / & īmediatly the cocke crewe. Then led they Iesus from Cayphas ī to the hall of Iudgemente. It was in the mornyng / & they thē selues wēte nat in to the iudgemēt hall / lest they shulde be defyled / but that they myght eate the Paschall lambe. Pylate then went out vnto them / and sayde. Uvhat accusacyon brynge ye agaynste this man. They answered & sayde vnto hym yf he were nat an euyll doer / we wolde not haue delyuered hym vnto the. Then sayde pylate vnto thē / take ye hym / & iudge hym after your owne lawe Thē the Iewes sayd vnto hym / it is not laufull for vs to put any mā [...]o deth. That the wordes of Iesus myght be fulfylled / whiche he spake / sygnifieng what deth he shulde dy [...]. Then Pylate entred in to the iudgemente hall aga [...]ne & called Iesus and sayd vnto hym. Art thou the k [...]nge of the iewes. Iesꝰ answered? sayeste thou that o [...] thy selfe / or dyd other tel it the of me. Pylate answe [...]ed? Am I [...]a [...]iewe. Thyne owne nacyon and hye p̄estes haue delyuered the vnto me. Uvhat hast thou done. Iesus answered. My kyngedome is nat of this worlde. yf my kyngdome were of this world then worlde my mynisters surely fyght that I shuld nat be delyuered to the iewes / But now is my kyngdome nat from hense. Pylate sayde vnto hym. Arte thou a kynge / Then Iesus answered Thou sayest that I am a kynge for this cause was I borne / & for this cause came I in to the world / that I shuld beare witnesse vnto the trueth / & al that are of the truth heare my voyce. Pylate sayd vnto hī / Uvhat thynge is trueth / & whē he had sayd that / he wente out agayne vnto the Iewes / & sayd vnto thē. I fide ī hym no cause at al / Ye haue a custōe that I shulde delyuer you one lose at Easter. Uvyll ye that I lose vnto you the kynge of the Iewes. Then cryed they all agayne sayenge / Nat hym but Barrabas / that Barrabas [Page] was a robber. Then Pylate toke Iesus and scourged hym / and the souldyours woūde a crowne of thornes and put it on his heed and they dyd on hym a purple garment / and sayd. Hayle kyng of the Iewes and they smote hym on the face. Pyla [...]e wente forthe agayne / & sayde vnto them. Beholde I brynge hym forthe to you / that ye may know / that I fynde no fau [...]e in hym. Then came Iesus forth wearing a crowne of thorne and a robe of purple / & Pylate sayd vnto thē / beholde the man. Uvhen the hye preestes & mynysters sawe hī / they cryed sayeng Crucifye hī / crucifye hī. Pylate sayd vnto thē. Take ye hym and crucyfye hym for I fynde no caus [...] ī him. The Iewes answered him / we haue a lawe & by our lawe he ought to dye / bycause he made his elfe the sone of god. Uvhē Pylate herde the sayer [...]ge / he was the more afrayde / & wēt agayne in to th [...] iudgemēt hall / & sayde vnto Iesus. whense art th [...]u but Iesus gaue hym none answere. Then Pyl [...]te sayde vnto hī / speakest thou not vnto me know est thou nat / that I haue power to crucifye the / & ha [...]e power to lose the. Iesus answered? Thou couldeste haue no power at al agaynst me / except it were gyuen the from aboue. Therfore he that delyuered me vnto the / is more ī synne / & from thensforth sought Pylate meanes to lose him / but the Iewes cryed / sayeng. Yf thou let hym go / thou art nat Cesars frende For who soeuer makethe hym selfe a kyng / is agaynst Cesar whē Pylate herde that sayeng / he brought iesus forth and sat downe to gyue sētēce in a place called the pauement / but in the Hebrewe tōge. Gabba tha / it was the Saboth euen whiche falleth ī the easter feest / & aboute the. vi. houre / he sayde vnto the Iewes / behold your kyng. they cryed away with hī awaye with hym crucyfye hī. Pylate sayd vnto thē sha [...] ▪ I crucifye your kyng. The hye p̄estes āswered [Page xxvi] we haue no kyng but cesar. Thē delyuered he hym vnto thē / to be crucyfyed / and they toke Iesus & led de hym away & he bare hys crosse / & wente forthe in to a place called the place of deedmenssculles / whi [...]he is named ī hebrewe Golgotha / wher they crucyfyed hym / & two other with hī / on eyther syde one: & Iesus in the myddes / & pylate wrote his tytle / & put it on the crosse. The writyng was Iesus of Nazareth kynge of the Iewes Thys ty [...]le rede many of the Iewes / for the place where Iesꝰ was crucyfyed / was nye to the Cytie. And it was wrytē / ī Hebrwe / Greke / & Laten. Then sayde the hye preestes of the Iewes to pylate. wryte nat kyng of the Iewes / but that he sayd I am kīge of the Iewes. pylate answered what I haue wryttē that I haue wryttē Thē the souldyours / whē they had crucyfyed Iesꝰ toke his garmētes & made foure partes / to euery souldyour a parte / and also his cote the cote was without seme wrought vpon thorowe out / & they sayd one to another / let vs not deuyde it / but caste lotteswho shal haue it. That the scripture myght be fulfylled whiche sayth They parted my raymēt among thē / & on my cote dyd cast lottes & the souldyours dyd suche thynges in dede. There stode by that crosse of Iesus his mother / & his mother syster / Mary the wyfe of Cleophas & Mary Magdaleyne. whē īesus sawe his mother & the dyscyple stādyng whom he loued / he sayd vnto his mother. Uvomā beholde thy sone. Then sayde he vnto the dyscyple / beholde thy mother / and from that houre the dyscyple toke her for his owne. After that whē iesꝰ perceaued that all thynges were perfourmed that the scrypture myght be fulfylled / he sayde. I thryst / there stode a vessell full of vyueger by / and they fylled a sponge with vyneger / and vounde it about with ysope / and put it to his mouth as sone as Iesꝰ had receaued of the vineger h [...]sayd [Page] it is fynisshed / & bowed his heed & gaue vp the gost. The Iewes them bycause it was the Sabothe euē that the bodyes shulde not remayne vpon the crosse on the saboth daye / for that saboth day was an hye day / besought Pylate that theyr legges myghte be brokē & that they myght be takē downe Then came the souldyours and brake the legges of the fyrst / & of the other whiche was crucyfied with iesꝰ but whē they came to iesꝰ and sawe that he was deest alredy theyr brake not his legges but one of the souldiours with a spere thruste hym in to the syde / & forth with came there out blode & water / & he that s [...]we it bare recorde / & his recorde is trewe / & he knoweth that he sayth true / that ye myght byleue also These thinges were done that the scrypture shuld be fulfylled. Ye shal not breake a bōe of hī / & agayne another scripture sayth. They shal loke on hī / whōe they ꝑsed.
¶ The Gospell on good friday.
AFter that Ioseph of Aramathia / whiche was a discyple of Iesꝰ / but secretly for feare of the Iewes / besought Pylate that he myght take downe the body of Iesus & Pylate gaue hym lycence / and there came also Nichodemꝰ whiche at the begynnynge came to Iesus by nyght & broughte of myrre and Aloes myngled togyther about an. C. pounde weyght. Thē toke they the body of Iesu & woūde it in lynnyn clothes with the odoures as the maner of the Iewes is to bury / & in the place where I [...]ꝰ was crucifyed was a gardeyn and in the gardeyn a newe sepulcre wherin was neuer man layde. There layde they Iesus bycause of the Iewes s [...]both euē for the sepulcre was nye at hande.
¶ The pystel on Easter day the fyrst pystel to the Corynthyans. The. v. chapiter. C.
BRethrene pourge the olde leuen / that ye may be newe dow as ye are swet breade. For christ [Page xxvij] our Easter lābe is offred vp for vs. Therfore let vs kepe holy day / not with olde leuen / nether with the leuen of malycyousnes & wyckednes / but with the swete breade of purenes and trueth.
¶ The Gospel on Easter day. The. xvi. chapiter of Marke. A.
MAry magdalayne and Mary Iacobi & Salome / bought odures / that they myght cōe & anoynte Iesꝰ. And erely in the mornyng the next day after the Saboth daye / they came vnto the Sepulcre / whē the sōne was rysen & they sayd one to another / who shall rolle vs awaye the stone frō that dore of the Sepulcre. And whē they loked / they saw how the stone was rolled awaye / for it was a very great one. And they went in to the Sepulcre / and sawe a yonge man syttynge on the ryght syde clothed in a long whyte garment & they were abasshed. And he sayde vnto thē / be nat afrayde / ye seke Iesus of Nazarethe whiche was crucifyed / he is rysen / he is nat here / beholde the place where they put hym but go your way / and tel his discyples and namely peter he wyl go before you in to Galyle / there shal ye se hym as he sayde vnto you.
¶ The pystel on the monday in the Easter weke. The. x. chapyter of the Actes of the Apostels. F.
PEter stode vp amōg the people & sayd vnto them / ye knowe wel that Iesus christe was preached throughout al Iury / & begā in galile / after the baptyme whiche Iohn̄ preached / howe god anoynted Iesus of Nazareth with the holy ghost / & with power. Uvhiche Iesus wēt about doynge good / & healing al that were oppressed of the deuyls for god was with hī and we are [Page] wytnesses of al thynges / whiche he dyd in the lande of the Iewes and at Ierusalē / whom they [...]lewe / & hong on tree / hym god reysed vp the thyrde daye / & shewed hym opēly / nat to al the people / but vnto vs wytnesses chosē before of god / which eate and dranke with him / after he arose frō deth. And he cōmaunded vs to p̄ache vnto the people & testifye that it is he that is ordeyned of god a iudge of q icke & deed. To hī gyue al the ꝓphetes wytnes / that thorowe his name shal receyue remissiō of syn̄es al that byleue ī hi.
¶ The Gospell on the Mōdaye ī the Easter weke The. xiiij. chapyter of Luke. C.
Two of the dyscyples of Iesus wēte that same daye to a castel which was frō Iesalē about thre score forlōges / called Emaus / and they talked togyther of al these thynges that had happened And it chaunsed / as they cōmoned togyther and reasoned / that Iesꝰ hymselfe drewe nere / & wēte with thē but theyr eyes were holden that they coulde not knowe hym and he sayd vnto thē. Uvhat maner of communycacyons are these that ye haue one to another as ye walke and are sadde. And the one of them named Cleophas answered and sayde vnto hym: art thou onely astraunger in ierusalē / and hast nat knowen the thynges which haue chaūsed there ī these dayes to whome he sayde what thynges / and they sayd vnto hym of Iesus of Nazareth whiche was a prophete / myghty ī dede & worde before god and all the people. And howe the hye preestes and our rulers delyuered hym to be condēp [...]ed to deth and haue crucyfyed hym / but we trusted that it shulde haue ben he that shulde haue delyuered israel And as touchynge all these thynges / to day is euen the thyrd [Page xxxvij] daye / that they were done / ye & certeyne womē also of our company made vs astonyed / whiche came erely vnto the Sepulcre and founde nat his body / and came sayeng that they had sene a visyon of angels / whiche sayd that he was alyue / and certeyne of them whiche were with vs went theyr waye to the Sepulcre / and founde it euen so as the women had sayde but him they sawe nat. And he sayde vnto thē O foles and siowe of herte to byleue al that the prophetes haue spoken / ought nat christ to haue suffred these thynges and to entre in to his glori. And he began at Moyses and at al the prophetes and interpreted vnto them in al scryptures whiche were written of him and they drewe nye vnto the castel which they went to and he made as though he wolde haue gone further / but they constraned hym sayeng / abide with vs for it draweth towardes nyght and the day is far passed / and he wēt in. To tary with thē / & it came to passe as he sate at meate with them he toke breade / blyssed it / brake and gaue to theym and theyr eyes were opened / & they knewe hym / and he vanysshed out of theyr syght / & they sayde bytwene them selues / dyd nat oure hertes burne within vs / whyle he talked with vs by the waye / and as he opened to vs the scriptures. And they arose vp the same hour and retorned agayne to Ierusalem / and founde the eleuē gathered togyther and them that were with them / whiche sayd the lorde is rysen ī dede / & hathe appered to. Simon and they tolde what thynges was done in the waye / and how they knowe hī in brekynge of brede.
¶ The pystel on the tewysday in the Easter weke The. xiij. chapyter of the Actes of the Aposteles. C.
PAule stode vp and beckened with the hande & sayde. Ye men and brethren chyldrē of the generacyon [Page] of Abraham / & whom soeuer amonge you feared god / to you is this word of saluacyon sent. The inhabiters of Ierusalem and theyr rulers bycause they knew hym nat / nor yet the voyces of the ꝓphetes which are redde euery saboth day they haue fulfylled thē in condēpnyng hym. And whē they foūde no cause of deth in hym / yet desyred they pylate to kyl hym / & whē they had fulfylled al that were wryttē of hym / they toke hym downe frō the tree & put hym in a Sepulchre / But god rased hym agayne frō deth / & he was sene many dayes of thē which came with hym frō Galyle to Ierusalē / whiche are his witnesses vnto the people. And we declare vnto you / howe that the ꝓmyse made vnto that fathers god hathe fulfylled vnto vs theyr chyldren / in that he raised vp Iesus agayne.
¶ The Gospel on tewisdaye in the Easter weke. The. xxiiij. chapiter of Luke. F.
IEsus hym selfe stode ī the myddes of his discyples & sayd vnto thē peace be with you. And they were abasshed & a frayde / supposynge that they hadde sene a spyryte / And he sayde vnto thē. Uvhy are ye [...]oubled / & why do thoughtes a [...]se ī your hertes / beholde my handes & my fete that it is euen my selfe handle me and se / for spirytes haue not flesshe & bones as ye se me haue / & whē he had thus spokē he shewed thē his hādes & his fete and whyle they yet byleued nat for ioy / & wōdred / he sayde vnto thē / haue ye here any meate / & they gaue hym a pece of a broyled fysshe / and of an hony come be / and he toke it and eate it before them / & he sayde vnto them. These are the wordes whiche I spa [...]e vnto you / whyle I was yet with you that al must [Page xxix] be fulfylled whiche were wrytten of me in the lawe of Moyses / and in te prophetes / and in the psalmes. Thē opened he theyr wyttes / that they myght vnderstāde the scriptures / and sayd vnto thē / thꝰ is it wryttē / & thus it behoueth christ to suffre / & to ryse agayne from deth the. iij. day. And the repentaunce and remission of synnes shulde be preached ī his name among al nacions.
¶ The Pystell on the wednysday in the Easter weke. The. iij. cha. of the actes of the apostles. C.
PEter openyng hys mouth sayd / ye men of Israel & al ye that feare god. heare God of Abrahā Isaac & Iacob / the god of our fathers hath glory fyed his sone Iesus / whō ye betraed & denied in the presence of pylate when he had iudged hym to be losed / but ye denyed the holy ghost & iust and desyred a Murdrer to be gyuē you / & kylled the lord of lyfe whom god hath reysed frō deth / of the which we are witnesses / & nowe brethren I know that thorowe ygnoraunce ye dyd it / as dyd also your heddes / but god which shewed before by the mouth of al his prophetes that Christe shuld suffre / hath thus wyse fulfylled it. Repent therfore and tourne / that yousynnes may be done away.
¶ The Gospell on the wednysday in the Easter weke. The. xxi. Chapiter of Iohn̄. A.
AFter that Iesꝰ shewed hym selfe agayne to his dyscyples at the see of Tiberias And on thiswyse shewed he hym selfe. There were togyther Symō peter & Thomas whiche is called Didimus. And Natha nael of Cana a cytye of Galyle & the sonnes of zebedes / & two other of the dyscyples. Symon peter sayd vnto thē I go a fysshynge. They sayd vnto hym / we also [Page] wyl go with the They wēt theyr way & entred in to a shyp straytewaye / and that nyghte caught they nothyng / but whē the mornynge was nowe come iesus stode on the shore / neuertheles the discyples knewe nat that it was iesus. Iesꝰ sayde vnto thē / syrs haue ye any meate. They answered hym no & he sayd vnto thē / caste out the net on the ryght syde of the shyp & ye shal fynde. They cast out & anone they were nat able to drawe it / for the multytude of fysshes. Then sayd the discyple whō Iesus loued vnto Peter / it is the lord. Uvhā Simō Peter herde that it was the lorde / he gyrde his mātel to hym for he was naked / & sprang ī to the see the other discyples came byshyp for they were not farre frō lande / but as it were two hōdred cubytes & they drewe the nette with fysshes As sone as they were come to lande / they sawe hote coles & fysshe layd therō / & breade. Iesꝰ sayd vnto thē brynge of the fysshe whiche ye haue caughte Symō Peter stepped for the & drewe the nette to lande full of greate fysshes an hondred and. liij. & for all there were so many / yet was nat the nette brokē. Iesꝰ sayd vnto then / Come & dyne. And none of the discyples durste axe hī / what arte thou / for they knewe that it was the lorde / iesꝰ thē came & toke breade & gaue thē and fyshe lykewyse. And this is now the thyrd tyme that Iesꝰ appered to his discyples / after that he was rysen agayne from death.
¶ The Pystel on the fyrst sō day after Easter daye called low sō day / the fyrste pystell of Iohan and the fyfte. chapyter. E
MOst dere beloued brethrē all that is borne of god ouercōmeth the worlde / & this is the victory that ouercōmeth the world / euē our fayth who is it that ouercōmeth the worlde / but he which byleueth that Iesꝰ is the sone of god. This Iesꝰ chryst is he that came by water & blode / nat by water only / but by water & blode / and it is the spirite that bereth [Page xxx] wytnesse / bycause the spirite is trueth / for there are thre which beare recorde ī heuē / the father / the worde [...] the holy ghost / and these thre are one / for there are thre whiche beare recorde in earth. The spirite / the water / & blode / & these thre are one / yf we receaue the wytnesse of men / the wytnesse of god is greater / for this is the wytnesse of god / which he testifyed of his sone he that byleueth on the sōe of god / hath wytnesse in hym selfe.
¶ The Gospell on the fyrst Sonday after Easter day called lawe Sōday. The. xx. chap̄. of Iohā. E
[...]He same daye at nyght / which was the morowe after the Sabaoth day / whē the dores were shutte where the disciples were assembled to gyther for feare of the Iewes / came Iesꝰ / & stode ī the myddes / & sayde to thē. Peace be with you / and when he hade so sayde / he shewed vnto thē his hādes / and his syde. Then were the discyples glad / when they saw the lorde. Them sayde iesus to them agayne. Peace be with you. As my father sent me / euen so send I you / and when he had sayde that / he brethed on them and sayd vnto them. Receaue the holy ghost / who soeuers synnes ye remyt / they are remytted vnto them and who soeuers synnes ye retayne / they are retayned / but Thomas one of the twelue called Didimus: was nat with them when Iesus came / the other discyples sayd vnto hym. Uve haue sene the lorde / and he sayde vnto them. except I se in his handes / the prynt of the nay les / and put my fynger in the hooles of the nayles / & thruste my hāde ī to his syde I wyll nat byleue. And after. viij. dayes. agayne / his discyples were within: and Thomas with thē. Then cam Iesus when the [Page] dores were shut & stode in the myddes / & sayd. Peace be with you. after that sayd he to Thomas / bryng thy fynger hyther / & se my handes / & brynge thy hande & thruste it in to my syde / & be nat faythlesse / but byleuyng Thomas answered & sayde vnto hym. my lorde and my god Iesus sayde vnto hym. Thomas bycause thou hast sene me therfore thou byleuest. Happy are they that hath nat sene / & yet byleue. And many other sygnes dyd Iesus in the presence of his discyples / which are nat wryttē in this boke. These are wryttē that ye myght byleue that Iesꝰ is christe the sone of mā / and that ī byleuyng / ye myght haue lyfe thorowe his name.
¶ The Pystel on the. ij. Sōday after Easter daye the fyrst pystel of Peter. the. ij. chapiter. C.
MOst dere beloued brethrē Chryste suffred for vs / leuyng vs an insāple / that ye shuld folowe his steppes / whiche dyd no synne / neyther was there gyle foūd ī his mouth / wich whē he was reuyled / reuyled nat agayn / when he suffred / he thretened nat / but ꝯmytted the cause to hym that iudgeth ryghteously which hys owne selfe bare our synnes in his body on the tree / that we shuld be delyuered frō synne & shuld lyue ī rghtwysenes by whose strypes ye were healed / for ye were as sheape goyng astraye / but are now returned vnto the shepherde & bysshop of your soules.
¶ The Gospel on the secōde sōday after easter day. the. x. cha. of Iohā. C.
IEsus sayd to his discyples. I am the good shepherd / the good shepherd gyueth hys lyfe for the shepe / an hyred seruaunt / whiche is nat the shepherd neyther the shepe are hys [Page xxxi] owne seythe the wolfe commynge and leaueth the shepe and flyeth / and the wolfe catchet them / & scattereth the shepe. The hyred seruaūt flyeth / bycause he is an hyred seruaūt / & careth nat for the shepe. I am the good shepherde / & knowe mine / & am knowē of myne. As my father knoweth me / euē so knowe I my father / And I gyue my lyfe for the shepe / and other shepe I haue whiche are nat of this folde / thē also must I bryng / that they may heare my voyce / & that theare may be one floke / and one shepherde.
¶ The pystell on the. iij. Sondaye after Easter daye The fyrste pystel of peter the. ij. chapyter. C.
MOst dere beloued brethren I beseche you as straungers & pylgrymes / abstayne frō flesshly lustes / which fyght agaynst the soule & se that ye haue honest cōuersacyon amōge the gētyles that they whiche backbyte you as euyl doars may se youre good workes & prayse god ī the daye of visytacyon / submyt your selues vnto al maner ordinaūce of mā for the lordes sake / whether it be vnto the kynge as vnto the cheyfe heed / other vnto the rulers / as vnto thē that are sent of hym / for the punysshemēt of euyl doars / but for the laude of thē that do well / for so is the wyl of god / that ye put to silence the ignoraūcye of the folysshe mē / as free / & nat as hauyng the liber tye for a cloke of malycyousnes but euen as the seruaūtes of god / honour al men / loue brotherly felyshyp feare god and honour the kynge / seruauntes obey your maysters with all feare / nat onely yf they be good and courteous / but also thoughe they be frowarde / for it commeth of grace in Chryst iesus our lorde.
¶ The Gospel on the. iij. Sonday after Easterday the. xvi. chapyter of Iohan. D.
IEsus sayd to his discyples after a whyle ye shall nat se me & agayne after a whyle ye shall se me. for I go to the father / thē sayde some of hys discyples betwene thē selues / what is this that he sayth vnto vs. After a whyle ye shal nat se me / and agayn after a whyle ye shall se me / & that I go to the father. They sayde therfore what is this that he sayth after a whyle / we can nat tell what he sayth. Iesus ꝑceaued that they wold axe hym / & sayd vnto thē. This is it that ye enquyre of bytwene your selues / that I sayde after a whyle ye shal nat se me / & agayne / after a whyle ye shal se me. Uerely verely / I say vnto you / ye shall wepe & lament / and the worlde shal reioyce / ye shal sorowe / but your sorowe shall be turned to ioye / A woman whē she trauayleth hath sorow / bycause her houre is come / but as soone as she is delyuered of the chyld / she remēbreth nomore the anguyss he. for ioy that a man is borne in to the worde. And ye now are in sorowe / but I wyl se you agayn / And your hertes shal reioyse / and youre ioye shal no man take from you.
¶ The Pystel on the. iiij. Sondaye after Easter day. The fyrst chapiter of Iames. C.
MOst dere beloued brethrē euery good gyfte and euery perfyte gyfte / is from aboue and commeth downe / from the father of lyght / with whō is no varyablenes / neyther is he chaūged vnto darkenes. Of his owne wyll begate he vs with the word of lyfe / that we shulde be the fyrst fruytes of hys creatures.
Uvherfore dere brethren lette euery man be swyfte to heare: slow to speke: & slow to wrath for the wrath [Page xxxij] of mā worketh nat that whiche is ryghteous before god. wherfore saye a parte all fylthynes / al suꝑfluyte of malycyousnes. And receaue with mekenes the worde that is grafted in you / whiche is able to saue your soules.
¶ The Gospel on the. iiij. Sondaye after Easter daye the. xvi. chapiter of Iohan. B.
IEsus sayde to his discyples now I go my waye to him thatsēt me. and none of you axeth me / whyther goest thou / but bycause I haue sayde suche thynges vnto you / your hertes are ful of sorowe. Neuertheles I tell you the trueth / it is expedyent for you that I go awaye for yf I go nat awaye / that conforter wyl nat come vnto you / but yf I departe I wyll sende hym vnto you. And when he is come / he wyl rebuke the worlde of synne / & of ryghtwysenes & of iudgemēt of synne / bycause they byleue nat on me: of ryghtwysenes bycause I go to my father / & ye shall se me no more. And of iudgemēt / bycause the cheyfe ruler of thys world is iudged all redye. I haue yet many thynges to say vnto you / but ye can nat beare them awaye nowe. How be it when he is com I meane the spyryte of truth he wyl tech you all truth. He shall nat speake of hym selfe but what soeuer he shal heare / that shal he speke / and he wyl shew you thynges to come he shal gloryfye me / for he shall receaue of myne & shal shew vnto you. Al thynges that the father hath / are myne. Therfore sayde I vnto you / that he shall take of myne and shewe vnto you.
¶ The Pystel on the. v. Sondaye after Easter day / whiche is the next sonday before the crosse dayes: the fyrst chapyter of Iames.
[Page] MOost dere beloued brethren se that ye be doers of the worde / & nat hearers onely / deceauyng youre owne selues with Sophistrye for yf any heare the worde & do it nat / he is lyke vnto a mā that beholdeth his bodely face in a glasse / for as soone as he hathe loked on hym selfe he goeth his waye / & hathe imediatly forgotten what his fassion was / but who soeuer loketh ī the parfyte lawe of lybertye & [...]tynueth theryn (yf he be nat a forgetful hearer / but a doer of the worde) he shal be happye ī his dede / yf any man amōge you seme deuoute / & refrayne nat his tōge / but deceyue his owne herte / this mānes deuocyon is in vayne. Pure deuocyō & vndefyled before god the father / is this. To visite the frēdles & wydowes in theyr aduersite / and to kepe hym selfe vnspotted from the worlde.
¶ The Gospel on the. v. Sonday after Easter day whiche is the next sondaye before the Crosse dayes the. xvi. chapiter of Iohan. E.
IEsus sayde vnto his discyples / verely verely I saye vnto you / what so euer / ye shall aske the father in my name / he wyl gyue it you / hetherto haue ye asked nothyng in my name aske & ye shall receaue it that youre ioye may be full. These thynges haue I spoken vnto you ī prouer bes / the tyme wyl come / whē I shall speake no more to you in puerbes / but I shal shew you playnly frō my father. At that daye shall ye aske in my name / & I saye nat vnto you that I speake vn to my father for you. For the father hī selfe loueth you / bycause ye haue loued me / & haue byleued that I came out frō god. I wente out frō the father and came in to the worlde. I leaue the world agayne / & [Page xxxiij] hym: behold nowe speakest thou playnly / and thou vsest no prouerbes. Now we know that thou vnder standest al thynges / & nedest nat that any man shulde aske the any questyon. Therfore byleue we that thou commest from god.
¶ The Pystell on Mondaye in the Crosse dayes. The. v. Chapyter of Iames. D.
MOst der beloued brethrē knowlege youre fautes / one to another and praye one for another / that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghteous mā auaylet moch / yf it be ser uēt. Helias was a mā in daunger to trybulacyon as we are / and he prayed in his prayer / that it myght nat rayne And it rayned nat on the earth by the space of thre yeres & syxe monethes & againe he prayeth and the heuen gaue rayne / & the erth brought forth her frute yf any of you erre from the truth and another cōuert hym / let the same knowe / that he which conuerted the synner frō goyng a straye out of his waye / shall saue a soule from deth / and shall hyde the multytude of synnes.
¶ The Gospell on Monday in the Crosse dayes the. xi. Chapyter of Luke. B.
IEsꝰ sayd vnto his disciples whiche of you shuld haue a frēde and shulde go to him at mydnyght / and sayd vnto hym frēde lend me thre loues for a frende of myne is come out of the waye to me / & I haue nothynge to set before hym & he within shulde answere & sayde: trouble me nat / nowe the dore is nowe shyt / & my seruauntes are with me ī the chāber. I cā nat aryse & gyue thē vnto the I say vnto you thoughe he wyl nat aryse & gyue hī bycause he is his frēde yet bycause of his im [Page] portunite he wold ryse / & gyue hym as many as ne deth / & I saye vnto you / aske / & it shall be geuē you. Seke & you shal fide knocke / & it shal be opened vn to you for euery one that asketh receaueth / & he that seketh fyndeth / and to hym that knocketh shal it be opened. Yf the sone aske breade of any of you / that is a father / wyll he gyue hym a stone. Or if he aske fyshe / wyll he for a fyshe gyue hym a serpēt Or if he aske an egge / wyl ye offre hī a Scorpyon? Yf ye thē which are euyl / cā gyue good gyftes vnto your chyldrē? How moche more shal your father of heuē gyue the holy ghoost to them that desyre it of hym.
¶ The Pystell on the ascensyon euē. The. iiij. chapiter of the Actes of the Apostels. G.
THe multytude of thē the byleueth were of one hert & of one soule also none of thē sayde / that any of the thynges whiche he possessed was his owne / but had al thynges cōmō / & with great power gaue the Apostels wytnes of the Resurreccyon of oure lord Iesꝰ Christ / & great grace was with thē all. Neyther was ther any amonge thē that lacked for as many as were possessors of lādes or houses sold them and brought the price of the thynges whiche were solde & layde it downe at the Apostels fete / and distribucyon was made vnto euery man accordyng as he had nede.
¶ The Gospel on the assensyon euen the. xvij. chapyter of Iohan. A.
Iesꝰ lifted vp his eies to heuē & said father the houre is come / glorify thy sōe / that thy sōe may glorify the As thou hast gyuē hym power ouer all flesshe / that he shulde giue eternall lyfe to as many as thou hast gyuē hī. This is life eternall that they myght [Page xxxiiii] knowe the / that onely very god: & whō thou hast sēt Iesus Chryst. I haue gloryfyed the on the earth. I haue fynysshed the worke whiche thou gauest me to do / and nowe gloryfy me thou father with thyne owne selfe / with the glory whiche I had with the yer the world was I haue declared thy name vnto those which thou gauest me out of the world. Thyne they were & thou gauest them me / and they haue kepte thy sayēges. Now haue they knowen that al thynges what soeuer thou hast gyuē me / are of the. For I haue gyuē vnto thē the wordes / whiche thou gauest me / & they haue receyued thē & haue knowen surely that I came out frō the / & haue beleued that thou dyddest send me. I pray for thē. I prayed nat for the worlde / but for thē which thou hast gyuē me for they are thyne / & al myne are thyne / & thyne are myne / & I am gloryfyed ī thē And nowe am I nomo re ī the world / but they ar ī the world & I cōe to the
¶ The Pystell on the Ascensyō daye The fyrste chapyter of the Actes of the Apostles. A.
SAynt Luke which wrote the Actes of the Apostels sayth ī the former treatyse (dere frēd theo philꝰ) I haue writē of all that Iesꝰ begā to do / & theache vntyll the daye ī the which he was takē vp after that he thoroughe the holy ghoost hath gyuē [...] maun demētes vnto the Apostels / whiche he had chosē / to whō also he shewed hī selfe a lyue after hꝭ passiō / by many tokēs apperīg vnto thē forty dayes / & spake vnto thē of the kyngdōe of god / & gathered thē togyther / & cōmaunded thē that they shulde nat departe frō Ierusalem / but to wayte for the promyse of the father / whereof ye haue herde of me. For Iohā baptysed with water / but ye shall be baptysed with the holy ghost / & that within this fewe dayes. whē they were come togyther. They asked of hym sayenge. Lorde wylte thou at this tyme restore agayne the [Page] kyngdome to Israel? He sayed vnto them it is nat for ye to know the tymes or seasōs which the father hath put ī his own power but ye shall receaue power of the holy ghoste / whiche shall cōe on you. And ye shal be wytnesses vnto me ī Ierusalē / & ī all Iewry and in Samary / and euen vnto the worldes end / and whan he had spoken these thynges / whyle they beheld he was taken vp and a cloude receaued hym vp out of theyr syght / & whyle they loked sted fastly vp to heuē as he went / Beholde two mē stode by thē in whyte clothynge whiche also sayd / ye men of Galyle? why stand ye gasyng vp in to heuē. Thys same Iesus whiche is taken vp from you in to heuē / shal so come / euen as ye haue sene hym go in to heuen.
¶ The Gospel on the Ascension daye the. xvi. chapiter of Marke. C.
AFter that Iesus appered vnto the eleuē as they sate at meate / & cast ī theyr teth theyr vnbelefe & hardnes of herte / because they beleued nat thē / which had sene hī after his resurreccyon / and he sayde vnto them / Go ye in to all the worlde / and preache the. Gospel to al creatures / and he that byleueth / and is baptysed shal be saued / and he that̄ byleueth nat shall be dampned. And these sygnes shall folowe them that shall byleue in my name / they shall cast out deuyls / and shall speake with new tonges / and shall kyll serpentes / and yf they drynke any deedly thynge / it shall nat hurte them / they shal laye theyr handes on the sycke and they shall recouer. So thē when our lorde Iesus had spoken vnto them / he was receaued in to heuen / and is sette downe on the ryght hande of god / and they went forth / and preached euery where. And ower lorde wrough [Page xxxv] with them / and confyrmed theyr preachynge with myracles folowynge.
¶ The Pystel on the Sōdaye after the assensyon daye the fyrst pystel of Peter & the. iiij. chap. B
MOst dere beloued brethrē be ye discrete / & watche in prayers / but aboue all thynges / haue feruēt loue amonge you / for loue couereth the multitude of synnes. Be ye harberours one to another / and that without grudgynge as euery mā had receaued the gyfte / minister the same one to another / as good ministers of the many folde grace of god. Yf any man speke: let hym talke as though he spake the wordes of god. Yf any man mynyster / let hym do it as of the habylyte whiche god mynystreth vnto hym / that god in al thynges may be gloryfyed thorowe Iesus Christe.
¶ The Gospell on the sōdaye after the Assensyon daye the. xv. Chapyter of Iohn̄. D.
IEsus sayd vnto his dyscyples / when the cōforter is come who me I wyll sende vnto you from the father whiche is the spyryte of verite / whiche procedeth of the father / he shall testifie of me & ye shal beare witnes also / bycause ye haue bē with me frō the begīnyng These thīges haue I said vnto you / bicause ye shuld nat be hurte ī your fayth. They shal excōmunicate you ye the tyme shal come / that who soeuer kylleth you: wyl thynke that he doth god true seruyce. And such thīges wyl they do vnto you / bycause they haue nat knowen the father / neyther yet me. But these thynges haue I tolde you that when that houre is come / ye myght remember them that I tolde you so.
¶ The Pystel on wytson sonday / the second Chapyter of the actes of the Apostels. A.
[Page] WHē the syfry daye was come whiche is witsō sondaye / the Apostels with one accorde were gathered togyther ī one place. And sodenly there cam a soūde frō heuē as it had bē the cō mynge of a myghtywynde / & it fylled al the house where they sat And there apered vnto thē clouē tō ges / as they had bene fyre / & it sate vpō eache of thē / & they were all fylled with the holy ghoost / & begā to speak with other tōges / euē as the spiryte gaue thē vteraūce. There were dwellīge at Ierusalē Iewes deuoute mē / whiche were of al nacyōs vnder heuē. Uvhē this was noysed aboute / the multytude cā to gyther & were astonyed / bycause that euery mā herd thē speake ī his owne tōge. They wōdered al & meruayled sayēge amōg thē selues loke are nat all these whiche speake of galyle: & howe heare we euery mā his owne tōge / wherein we were borne? Parchyās / Medes / & Elamites / & the īhabiters of Mesopotamia of Iewry / Cayadocia. Pōtꝰ / & of Asia / Phrigia Pamphilia & of Egypte / & of the partyes of Libia / which is besyde Sirene / & straūgers of rōe / iewes / & Proselites / Grekes / & Arabiās / we haue herde thē speake with our own tōges the great workes of god
¶ The Gospel on wytson sondaye the. xiiij. chapyter of Iohan. E.
IEsus sayde vnto his disciples yf any mā loue me / & wyll keape my sayenges. My father also wyl loue hī & we wyl com vnto hym & wyll dwell with hym. He that loueth me nat / kepeth nat my sayenges / and the wordes whiche ye heare are nat myne but the fathers whiche sent me / This haue I spoken vnto you / beyng yet presēte with you / [...]ut the conforter whiche is the holy ghost (whome [Page xxxvi] my father wyll gyue in my name) shall teache you all thynges / and brynge all thynges to your remembraunce / what so euer I haue tolde you / Peace I leaue with you / my peace I gyue vnto you / nat as the world gyueth / gyue I vnto you / let nat your hartes be greaued / neyther fere ye / ye haue herd how I sayd vnto you. I go & come agayn vnto you / yf ye loued me ye wolde verely reioyce / bycause I sayde. I go vnto the father / for the father is greater thē. I And now haue I shewed you before it cō / that whē it is come to passe. ye myght byleue. Hereafter wyll I nat talke many wordes vnto you / for the cheyf ruler of this worlde commeth & hath naught ī me / but that the worlde may know that I loue the father / & as the father gaue me cōmaundement / euē so do I.
¶ The Pystell on the mōdaye in the wytson weke the. x. chapyter of the Actes of the Apostels. F.
PEter opened his mouth & sayd. Iesꝰ cō maūded vs to p̄ache vnto the people & to testyfye / that it is he that is ordeyned of god a iudge of quyke & deed / to hī gyueth all the ꝓphetes wytnes / that thorow his name shall receaue remyssyon of synnes / all that by leue ī hym / Uvhyle Peter yet / spake these wordes / the holy ghost fell on all them whiche heard his p̄achyng And they of the Circūcisyō / whiche beleued were astoyned as many as came with Peter / because that on the gētyles also was shed out the gyft of the holy ghost for they herd thē speake with tonges and magnyfye god. Thē āswered Peter cā any mā for byd water that these shulde nat be baptised / whiche haue receaued the holy ghost as well as we. And he commaunded thē to be baptised in the name of our lorde Iesus Christe.
¶ The Gospell on Mōdaye in the wytson weke the. iiij. Chapyter of Iohan. B.
IEsus sayde vnto a rular amonge the Pharyses God so loued the world / that he gaue his onely sone for the entent / the none that beleue in hym shulde perysshe / but shuld haue euerlastyng lyfe / for god sent nat his sone in to the worlde to condēpne the worlde but that the worlde thorowe hym myght be saued. He that beleuyth on hym shall nat be condempned. But he that beleueth nat is condempned al redy / because he beleued nat ī the name of the onely sone of god / And thys is the condempnacyon. That lyght is come in to the worlde and the mē haue loued darknes more them lyght: because theyr dedes were euyl / for euery man that doth euyl hateth the lyght neyther cōmeth to lyght leste his dedes shulde be reproued but he that doeth the trueth commeth to the lyght / that his dedes myght be knowē / how that they are wrought in god.
¶ The Pystell on the tewysday in the wytsone weke The. viij. Chapiter of the Actes of the Apostels. B.
VUhē the Apostles whiche were at Ierusa lē herd say that samaria had receaued the worde of god / they sent vnto them Peter and Iohan / whiche when they were come / prayed for then / that they myght receaue the holy ghost / for as yet he was come on none of them / but they were baptised onely in the name of Chryst Iesu. Then layde they theyr hādes on them and they receaued the holy ghost.
¶ The Gospell on the tewysday in the wytson weke the. x. Chapyter of Iohan. A.
IEsus sayde vnto his discyples verely verely I saye vn to you who so euer entreth nat in by the dore in to the shepe fold but clymeth vp some other way he is a thefe / & a robber. He that goeth ī by the dore / is the shepherd of the shepe. To this man the Porter openeth the dore / & the shepe here his voyce / & he calleth his owne shepe by name / & he leadeth them out / and when he hath sent forth his owne shepe / he goeth before thē / and the shepe folow hym / for they knowe his voyce A straunger they wyll nat folowe: but wyl fly from hym / for they know nat revoyce of straungers. This maner of sayenge spoke Iesꝰ vnto them / and they vnderstode nat what thynges they were / whiche he spake vnto thē. Then sayde Iesus vnto thē agayn. Uerely verely I say vnto you / that I am the dore of the shepe. All euē as many as came before me / are theues & robbers / but the shepe dyde nat heare them. I am the dore / by me yf any mā entre in / he shal be safe / & shall go ī and out / and fynde pasture. The thefe cōmeth nat but for to steale / kil / and destroy / I am come that they myght haue lyfe / and haue it the more habundauntly.
¶ The Pystel on wednysday in the witson weke The. ij. chapyter of the Actes of the Apostels. C.
PEter stept for the with the eleuen / & lyfte vp his voyce & sayd vnto them / ye men of Iewry and al ye that inhabyte Ierusalē / be this knowen vnto you / and with your eares here my wordes. These are nat dronkē as ye wene for it is yet but the thyrde houre of the day but this is that whiche was spoken by the prophet Iohell. It shal be in the laste dayes (sayth god) of my spirite I wyl powre out vpō all flesshe / and your sones and your [Page] doughters shal prophesye / & your yong men shall se vysyōs / and your olde Men shall dreame dreames / and on my seruauntes / and on my hand maydēs. I wyl powre oute of my spyryte in those dayes / & they shal prophesy / and I wyl shewe wounders in heuen aboue / & tokēs in the earth byneth / blode & fyre & the vapour of smoke. The son shall be turned ī to darknes / & the moone ī to blode / before that gret & notable day of the lorde shall come / & the tyme shall come that who soeuer shal cal on the name of the lorde / shall be saued.
¶ Te Gospel on the wednysdaye in wytson weke the. vi. Chapiter of Iohan. E.
IEsus sayde vnto his discyples and to the company of the Iewes. No mā cā come vnto me except my father whiche had sente me drawe hym / & I wyl rayse hym vp at the last daye. It is wryttē ī the ꝓphetes. And they shall all be taught of god Euery mā which hathe herde & lerned of the father commeth vnto me / nat that any man hathe sene the father / saue he whiche is of god. The same hath sene the father. Uerely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth on me hath euerlastyng lyfe. I am that breade of lyfe / your fathers dyd eate Manna in wyldernesse / & arre deed. This is the breade whiche commeth from heuen / that he which doth eate of it / shulde nat dye. I am that lyuyng bread which came downe from heuen / Yf any man eate of this breade he shall lyue for euer. And the bread that I wyl gyue is my flesshe / which I wyl gyue for the lyfe of the worlde.
¶ The Pystell on Trinyte Sondaye. The. iiij. Chapiter of the Reuelacyon of saynt Iohan. A
[Page] I Loked vp & sawe a dore open in heuē / and the fyrst voyce which I hearde / as it were of a trō pette talkynge with me / whiche sayde / come vp hyther / and I wyll shewe the thynges whiche muste be fulfylled here after / and immediatly I was ī the spirite / & beholde / a seate was put in heuen and one sate on the seate / and he that sat was to loke vppon lyke vnto a Iasper stone / & a Sardyne stone / & there was a rayne bowe aboute to seate / to loke vpon lyke vnto an Emeralde / and aboute the seate were. xxiiij. seates / and I saw on the seates. xxiiij. elders syttinge clothed in whyte rayment / & had on theyr hedes crownes of golde / & out of the seate proceded lyghtnynges. & thondrynges & voyces / & there were vij. lampes of fyre burnyng before the seate / whiche are the. vij. spirites of god / and before the seate there was a see of glasse / lyke vnto crystall / & ī the myddes of the seate / & rounde aboute the seate / were. iiij. beestes full of eyes before & behynde / & the fyrst beest was lyke a lyon / the seconde beest lyke a Calfe / and the thyrde beest had a face as a man / and the fourthe beest was lyke a flyeng Egle / and the fowre beestes had eche one of thē. vi. wynges about hym / and they were ful of eyes with in / & they had no rest day neyther nyght sayenge. Holy / holy / holy / lorde god almyghty which was / & is / and is to come. And when these beestes gaue glory / honour / & thankes to hym that sate on the seate / whiche lyueth euermore / the xxiiij. elders fell downe before hym that sate on the trone & worshypped hī that lyueth euer & caste theyr crownes before the trone sayenge / thou art worthy lorde to receaue glory / honour / and power / for thou hast created al thynges / and for thy wylles sake they are and were created.
¶ The Gospel on Trinyte sonday. The thyrde chapiter of Iohan. A.
THere was a mā of the pha reses named Nichodemꝰ / a ruler among the Iewes / He came to Iesꝰ by nyght & sayd vnto hym. Mayster we know that thou arte a teacher / whiche art come from god / for no man coulde do suche myracles as thou doest except god were with hym. Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym. Uerely verely I say vnto the / except that a man be borne a newe / he can nat se the kyngdome of god Nichodemus sayd vnto hym. How cā a mā be borne whē he is olde? Can he entre in to his mothers wombe & be borne agayne? Iesus answered. Uerely verely I saye vnto she / except that a man be borne of water / & of the spirite / he can not entre ī to the kyngdome of god. That whiche is borne of the flesshe / is fleshe and that which is borne of the spirite is spirite / Meruayle nat that I sayde to the / ye must be borne a newe The wynd bloweth wher he lysteth / & thou hearest his sound / but thou canst nat tell whense he commeth / & whyther he goeth. So is euery man that is borne of the spirite. Nichodemus answered and sayd vnto him / how cā the se thynges be. Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym / Arte thou a maister in Israel / & knowest nat these thynges. Uerely verely I say vnto the we speak that we knowe / and testifye that we haue sene / & ye receaue nat our wytnes / yf I haue told you erthly thinges / & ye haue nat byleued / how shulde ye byleue if I shal tel you heuenly thynges. And no man hath ascended vp to heuen / but he that came downe from euen / that is to say the sone of mā / whiche is in heuen. And as moyses lyfted vp the serpent in wyldernes / euen so must the sone of man be lyfted vp / that no man which byleueth in hym perysh / but haue eternal lif.
¶ The Pystel on Corpus chryst daye. The fyrst pystel to the Corynthyans / & the. xi. chapiter. E.
BRethren that whiche I gaue vnto you I receaued of the lorde / for the lorde Iesus chryst the same nyght in the whiche he was betrayed toke breade and thanked and brake / and sayd: take ye and eate ye this is my body whiche is broken for you. This do ye in the remembraunce of me / after the same maner he toke the cup when supper was done sa yenge. This cup is the new Testament ī my blode / this do as ofte as ye drynke it / in the remembraūce of me / for as often as ye shal eate this breade / & drynke of this cuppe / ye shal shewe the lordes dethe / tyll he come. Wherfore who so euer shal eate of this breade / or drynke of the cuppe vnworthely / shall be gylty of the body & blode of the lorde. Let a mā therfore examyn him selfe / & so let him eate of the breade & drynke of the cuppe / for he that eteth and drinketh vnworthely / eateth & drynketh his owne dāpnacyō. Bycause he makethe no differēce of the lordes body
¶ The Gospell on Corpus christ day. The. vi. Chapyter of Iohan. F
IEsus sayde vnto his discysciples and to the company of the Iewes / my flesshe is meate in dede / & my blode is drynke in dede. He that eateth my flesshe / & drynketh my blode dwelleth in me. And I in hym as the lyuynge father hathe sēte me euē so lyue I by my father / & he that eateth me shal lyue by me. This is the breade which came frō heuē / nat as your fathers haue eaten Māna / & are deed. He that eateth of this breade shallyue euer
¶ The Pystel on the fyrst Sonday after Trinite sōday the. iiij. chap̄. of the fyrste Pystel of Iohā B.
[Page] MOst dere beloued brethren God is loue in this appered the loue of god to vs warde bycause that god sente his only begottē sone ī to the worlde that we myght lyue thorowe hym / hereī is loue / nat that we loued god but that god loued vs / And sent his sone to make agrement for our synnes. Derely byloued yf god so loued vs we ought also to lou one another / no man hath sene god at any tyme / Yf we loue one another god dwelleth in vs and his loue is parf [...]te in vs. Hereby knowe we / that we dwell ī hym / & he in vs / bycause he hathe gyuen vs of his spiryte. And we haue sene and do testyfye that the father sēt his sone / whiche is the sauyour of the world who soeuer cōfesseth that Iesus is the sone / of god ī hi dwellethe god / & he ī god. And we haue knowē & byleued the loue that god hathe to vs. God is loue / and he that dwelleth in loue / dwellethe in god / and god in hym / here in is the loue parfyte in vs / that we shulde haue truste in the daye of iudgement / for as he is / euen so are we in this world. There is no feare in loue / but parfyte loue casteth out all feare / for feare hath paynfulnes he that feareth is nat parfyte in loue. Uve loue hym / for he loueth vs fyrste. yf a mā sayd / I loue god / and yet hateth his brother / he is a lyer. Howe cane he that loueth nat his brother / whom he hath sene / loue god / whome he had nat sene. And this commaundemēt haue we of hym / that he whiche loueth god shulde loue his brother also.
¶ The Gospel on the fyrst Sondaye after Trinyte sondaye. The. xvi. chapiter of Luke. D
IEsus put forthe a parable vnto his dyscyples sayeng / there was a certayne riche mā / whiche was clothed in purple & fyne raynes / & fared dely cyously euery day. And there was a certayne begger named Lazarus / whiche laye at his gate full of sores / desyrynge to be refresshed with the crōmes which fel frō the riche mānes borde. Neuer theles that dogges came & lycked his sores. And it fortuned that the begger dyed / & was caryed by the angels in to Abraham bosome. The ryche man also dyed / & was buryed / and beynge in hell in tormētes he lyft vp his eyes and sawe Abrahā a farre of / And Lazarus in his bosome and cryed / & sayde / Father Abraham haue mercy on me / and send Lazarꝰ that he maye dyppe the typpe of his fynger in water / and cole my tong / for I am tormented in this flābe / but Abraham sayd vnto hym sone / remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receauedest thy pleasures & cōtrary wyse Lazarꝰ payne / Now therfore is he comforted & thou art punysshed beyonde al this / bytwene you and vs ther is a greate space set / so that they whiche wolde go from hense to you can nat / neyther may com frō thens to vs. Then he sayd / I pray the therfore father / sende hym to my fathers house / for I haue fyue brethrene / for to warne them / lest they also com in to this place of tourment. Abraham sayde vnto hym / they haue moyses and the prophetes / let them heare thē. And he sayd / nay father Abraham / but yf one came vnto them from the deed / they wold repent. He sayd vnto hym. Yf they here nat Moyses & the ꝓphetes / neyther wyl they byleue / thoughe one rose from deth agayne.
¶ The Pystell on the. ij. sonday after trinyte sondaye the fyrste pystel of iohn̄ / & the. iij. chapyter. C.
MEruayle nat my brethren thoughe the worlde hate you / we knowe that we are translated frō deth vnto lyfe bycause we lowe the brethrene. He that loueth not his brother abydeth in dethe. Uvho soeuer hateth his brother / is a mansleer & ye know that no mansleer / hath eternall lyfe abydynge in hym. Hereby perseaue we the loue of god in that he gaue his lyfe for vs. And therfore ought we also to gyue oure lyues for our brethrē. Uvho soeuer hath this wordes good / and seeth his brother haue nede / & shuttethe vp his cōpassyon frō hym / howe dwelleth the loue of god ī hī. my babes let vs nat loue ī worde neither ī tōg / but in dede and ī verite.
¶ The Gospel on the. ij. Sōday after Trinite sonday. The. xiiij. chapiter of Luke. D.
IEsus put forth a similitude to his discyples sayēge. A certayne man ordeyned agreat supper and bad many / & sente his seruaunte at supper tyme / to saye to thē that were byddē [...] come / for all thyngꝭ are nowe redy / & they all at ones begā to make excuse the fyrst sayd vnto hym / I haue boughte a towne / and I muste nedes go & se it / I praye the haue me excused. And another sayde I haue bought fyue yoke of oxen & I go to proue thē / I praye the haue me excused. The thyrde sayde I haue maryed a wyfe / and therfore I can nat come. And that seruaūte wēt & brought his mayster word therof. Then was the good mā of the house displeased / and sayd to his seruaūte. Go out quyckely in to the stretes / & quarters / & brynge ī hyther the poore / & the maymed / & the halte / & the blynd. And the seruaunte [Page xli] sayd / lorde it is done as thou cōmaundest & yet there is roume. And the lorde sayde to the seruaūt / go out in to the hye wayes & hedges / & cōpelle thē to come in / that my house maye be fylled / for I saye vnto you / that none of these whiche were bydden shal tast of my supper.
¶ The Pystel on the. iij. sonday after trinyte sonday. The fyrste pystel of Peter / & the. v. chap. B.
BRethrē submyt your selues vnder the myghty hāde of god that he maye exalte you / whē the tyme is cōe / cast al your care to hym / for he carethe for you Be sobre and watch / for your aduersary the dyuel as a rorynge Lyon walketh about / sekynge whome he maye deuoure / whome resyste stedfast in the fayth remembryng that ye do but fulfyll the same afflyccyons / whiche are apoynted to your brethrene that are ī the worlde / the god of al grace whiche called you vnto his eternall glorye by Christ ie sus shal his owne self after ye haue suffred a lytel afflyccyō make you ꝑfite / shal settle strēgth / & stablysshe you to hym be glory and dominion for euer / & whyle the worlde enduret.
¶ The Gospell on the thyrde sonday after Trinyte Sonday. The. xv. chapyter of Luke. A.
THe Publycanes & the synners resorted vnto Iesꝰ to heare him and the Pharyses & Scrybes murmured sayeng. He receaued to his ꝯpany synners / and eateth with thē. Them put he forthe this symylytude to them sayenge. Uvhat man of you hauyng an hondred shepe / Yf he lose one of them / dothe nat leaue nynty and nyne in the wyldernes / and go after that whiche is lost vntyl hefynde hym. And when he hath founde him [Page] he putteth hym on his shulders with ioye / & as sone as he commeth home / he calleth togither his louers and neyghbours sayeng vnto thē / reioyse with me / for I haue foūde my shepe which was loste / I saye vnto you / that lykewyse ioye shal be ī heuē ouer one synner that repenteth / more thē ouer nynethy & nyne iuste persones / whiche nede no repentaunce. Gyther what woman hauynges. x. grotes / yf she lose one / doth nat lyghte a candel & swepe the house / & seke diligently tyl she fynde it / And when she hathe founde it / she calleth hir louers & her neyghbours sayēge / Reioyse with me / for I haue found the grote whiche I hadde loste / lykewyse I saye vnto you / ioye is made ī the presēce of the angles of god ouer one synner that repenteth.
¶ The Pystel on the. iiij. Sondaye after Trinyte sonday the. viij. chapiter to the Romayns. D.
BRethren I suppose that the afflyccyons of this lyfe are nat worthy of the glory to come which shalbe shewed vpon vs Also the feruente desyre of the creatures abydeth lokyng when the sones of god shall appere / bicause the creatures are subdued to vanite agaynst theyr wyl / but for his wyl whiche subdued them in hope / for the very creatures shalbe delyuered from the bondage of corrupcion / in to the gloryous lybertye of the sones of god / for we know that euery creature groneth with vs also and trauayleth in payne euen vnto this tyme / nat they onely / but euen we also which haue the fyrste fruytes of the spyrite mourne in our selues and wayte for he adopcyon / & loke for the delyueraunce of our bodyes.
¶ The Gospel on the. iiij. Sondaye after Trinyte sonday The. vi. Chapyter of Luke. F.
IEsus sayde vnto his discyples be ye merciful as your father is merciful. Iudge nat / & ye shal nat be iudged Cōdemne nat / and ye shal nat be condempned. Forgyue / and ye shal be forgyuen. Gyue / and it shall be gyuē vnto you good measure pressed downe shaken togyther and runnynge ouer / shall men gyue vnto youre bosomes. For with what measure ye meate with the sāe shall men mete to you agayne. & he put fourth a simylytude vnto thē. Cā the blynde leade the blynde. do they nat both then fal ī to the dyche. The dyscyple is nat aboue hys master / euery mā shal be ꝑfecte. Yf he be as his mayster is. Uvhy seyst thou a mote ī thy brothers eye / and consydereste nat the beame that is in thyne owne eye / eyther howe canst thou saye to thy brother / brother / let me pull out the mote that is in thyne eye / whē thou perceauest nat the beame that is ī thyne owne eye? ypocrite cast out the beame out of thyn owne eye fyrste / & then shalt thou se ꝑfectely to pul out the mote out of thy brothers eye.
¶ The Pystel on the. v. Sonday after Trinite sonday / the fyrste pystel of Peter and the. iij. chapyter. A.
BRethrene be ye al of one mynde / one suffre with another / loue as brethrene / be petyfull be courteous / nat rendryng euyl for euyl / neyther rebuke for rebuke but contrary wyse / blesse / remēbrynge that ye are therūto called / euen that ye shuld be heyers of blessyng. Yf any mā lōge after lyfe / & louethe to se good dayes / let hī refrayne hys tonge frō euyl / & hys lyppes that they speke nat gyle. Let hī eschewe euyl & do good / let hī [Page] seke peace and ensue it / for the eyes of our lorde are ouer the ryghtuous / & hys eares are opened vnto theyr prayers / but the feare of our lorde beholdeth thē that do euyll. Moreouer who is he that wyll har me you. yf ye folowe that whiche is good. Nat with stādynge happy are ye. yf ye suffre for ryghtwysnesses sake / ye and feare nat thoughe they seme terryble vnto you / neyther be troubled / but sancty fye our lorde god in your hertes.
¶ The Gospell on the. v. Sonday after Trynyte sonday. The. v. chapyter of Luke. A.
WHē the people p̄ased vnto Iesus / to heare the worde of god he stode by the lake of genezareth & sawe two shyppes standyng by the lakes syde but the fyssher mē were gone out of them / and were wasshinge theyr nectes and he en [...]red in to one of the shypes which perteyned to Symō & prayed hi that he wolde thruste out a lytel from the lāde / & he sate downe and taught the people out of the shyp / whē he hadde lefte speakynge / he sayde vnto Symō / launche out into the depe / and let slype your nettes to make a draught and Symō answered & sayde to hym / may ster we haue laboured al nyght & haue takē nothīge neuer the lather at thy worde. I wyll loose forthe the net / and when they had so done / they inclosed a great multytude of fysshes / & theyr nette brake / but they made sygnes to theyr felowes / whiche were in the other shyp / that they shuld come and helpe them and they came / & fylled both the shyppes that they sonke agayne. When Symon Peter sawe that / he fel downe at Iesus knees sayenge. Lorde goo from me for I am a synful man for he was vtterly astonyed / and all that were with hym / at the draught of [Page xliij] fysshe which they toke / and so was also Iames and Iohan the sones of zebede / whiche were parteners with Symon and Iesus sayd vnto Symon / feare nat from hensforth thou shalte catche men and they brought the shyppes to lande / and forsoke al and folowed hym.
¶ The Pystel on the. vi. Sondaye after Trynyte sonday. The. vi. chapyter to the Romayns. A.
BRethren remembre ye nat that alwe whiche are baptysed in the name of Iesus Chryst are baptysed to dye with hym / we are buryed with hym by baptyme / for to dye / that lykewyse as Chryste was raysed vp from deth by the glorye of the father enen so we also shulde walke in a newe lyfe / for yf we be grafte in deth lyke vnto hym / euen so muste we be in the Resurrecciō. This we muste remembre that our olde man is crucyfyed with hym also. That the body of sīne myght vtterly be destroied that hēsforth we shulde nat be seruauntes of synne / for he that is deed / is iustyfyed frō synne. wherfore yf we be deade with Chryst / we byleue that we shal lyue with hym / remēbryng that Christ ones raysed frō deth: dyeth no more / dethe hath no more power ouer hī / for as touchyng that he dyed / he dyed concernynge synne / ones. And as touchyng that he lyueth / he lyueth / vnto god. Lykewyse ymagen ye also / that ye are deed cōcernynge synne / but are a lyue vnto god thorowe Iesus Chryst oure lorde.
¶ The Gospel on the. vi. Sondaye after Trynyte sonday the. v. chapiter of Mathewe. C.
IEsus sayd vnto hys dyscyples verely I say vnto you except your ryghtwysenes excede the ryghtwysnes of the Scribes / and Pharyses / ye cā nat entre ī to thekyngdome of heuen ye haue herde it was sayde vnto them of the olde tyme. Thou shalt nat kyl / for who soeuer kylleth shal-be in daūger of iudgement but I saye vnto you who soeuer is angry with hys brother shal be in daunger of iudgement. Uvho so euer sayeth vnto his brother Racha / shalbe ī daūger of a coūcell but who soeuer sayeth thou fole / shalbe in daūger of hell fyre Therfore whē thou offereste thy gyfte at the Aulter and there remembrest that thy brother hath oughte agaynst the / leue there thyne offering before the aulter & go thy waye fyrst & be reconsyled to thy brother and them come and offre thy gyfte.
¶ The Pystel on the. vij. Sondaye after Trynyte sondaye. The. vi. chapyter to the Romayns. D.
BRethrē I wyl speke grosly bycause of the istrmyte of your flesshe as ye haue gyuen youre mēbres seruaūtes to vnclenenes & iniquyte / frō iniquyte vnto iniquyte / euē so nowe gyue your membres seruaūtes vnto ryghtwysnes / that ye may be sāctifyed / for whē ye were the seruaū tes os fynnes ye were nat vnder ryghtwysnes. what [...]ruyte had ye thē ī two thynges wherof ye are nowe asshamed: for the ende of two thynges / is deth. But now are ye delyuered frō synne / and made the seruauntes of god / and haue your fruyte that ye shuld be sāctifyed / and the ende euerlastynge lyfe / for the rewarde of synne is deth / but eternall lyfe is the gyfte of god / thorowe Iesus Chryste our lorde.
¶ The Gospell on the. vij. sondaye after Trinite sonday The. viij. Chapyter of Marke. A.
WHē there was a very gret company with Iesus and they had nothyng to eate Iesus called his disciples to hym / & sayd vnto thē. I haue cōpassyon on this people bycause they haue ben now with me thre dayes / & haue nothyng to eate / & yf I shulde sende them awaye fastynge to theyr owne howses / they shuld faynt by the waye / for dyuers of them came frō farre. And his discyples āswered hi / where shulde a mā haue bread here in the wyldernes to satisfy these. And he asked them howe many Loues haue ye? They sayd / seuen. And he cōmaunded the people to syt downe on the ground / & he toke the seuen loues / gaue thākes / brake / & gaue vnto his discyples to set before thē / & they dyd sette thē before the people / & they had a fewe smal fysshes & he blyssed them & commaunded thē also to be set before them / & they dyd eate & were suffysed / & they toke vp of the brokē meate that was left. vij. baskettes ful / and they that dyd eate / were in nōber about fowre thousande and he sent them awaye.
¶ The Pystel on the. viij. Sonday after Trinyte sonday the. viij. chap. to the Romayns. C.
BRethren we are now detters / nat to the flesshe to lyue after the flesshe / for if ye lyue after the flesshe ye must dye / but if ye mortyfye the dedes of the bodye / thorough helpe of the spiryte / ye shal lyue / for as many as are led by the spyryte / of god / they are the sones of god for ye haue nat receaued the spyryte of bondage to feare any more / but ye haue receauyd the spyryte of addycyon wherby we crye. [Page] Abba father. The same spiryte certyfyeth our spiryte that we are the sones of god. If we be sones / we are also the heyres the heyres I meane [...] of god / and heyres annexed / and to gyther with Christe.
¶ The Gospell on the. viij. Sondaye after Triuyte sonday the. viij. Chapyter of Mathewe. C.
I Es [...] sayd vnto his disciples Beware of fals ꝓphet; whith com to you ī shepes clothīge / but īwardly they are rauenyng wolues / ye shall knowe thē by theyr fruytes Do men gather grapes of thornes / or fygges of breres euē so euery good tree bryngeth forth good fruyte / but a corrupt tre bringeth forth euyl fruyte / a good tre cā nat brīg forth bad fruyte / nor yet a bad tree cā bryng forth good frute euery tree that bryngeth nat forth good fruyte / shal be he wē down & cast ī to the fyre / wherfore by theyr fruytes ye shal knowe thē. Nat al they that saye vnto me. Mayster / mayster / shal entre in to the kyngdom of heuen / but he that doth my fathers wyl whiche is in heuē he shal entre in to the kyngdome of heuen.
¶ The Pystel on the. ix. sōday after trinite sōday the fyrst pystel to the Corithyans & the. x. chap̄. B.
BRethrene we may nat lust after euyl thynges / as they lusted. Neyther be ye worshyppers of Idolles as were sōe of thē accordyng as it is writtē The people sate downe to eate & drynke & rose vp agayne to playe. Neyther let vs commyt fornycaciō as sōe of thē cōmytted fornycacyō / & were destroyed in one day. xxiij. thousāde Neyther let vs tēpte Christe / as some of tēpted / & were destroyed of serpentes Neyther murmure ye / as some of them murmured / & were destroyed of the destroyer. Al these thynges happened vnto them for ensamples / and were [Page xlv] wrytten to put vs in remēbraūce / whome the endes of the worlde are come vpon. Uvherfore lette hym that thynketh he stādeth / take hede lest he fal. Ther hath none other tēptacyō taken you / but suche as fo loweth the nature of mā / but god is faythful / which shal nat suffre you to be tēpted aboue your strenght but shal in the myddes of the tēptacyon make away to escape out.
¶ The Gospell on the. ix. Sōdaye after Trinyte sonday the. xvi. Chapiter of Luke. A.
IEsus put forth a simylytude vn to his discyples sayenge. There was a certayne ryche man whiche had a bayly / that was accused vnto hī that he had wasted his goodes / & he called hym / & sayde vnto hym Howe is it that I heare this of the? Gyue accōptes of thy baylisshippe / for thou mayste be no longer bayly. The bayly sayde within hym selfe / what shall I do? for my master wyll take away frō me the baylyshyp I can nat dygge / & to beg / I am ashamed. I wot what I wyll do that when I am put out of the baylysshypp / they maye receaue me in to theyr howses. Thē called he al his maysters detters & sayde vnto the fyrst how moche owest thou vnto my mayster & he sayde an hondred tonnes of oyle / & he sayde to hym take thy byll / & sytte down quicly & wryte fifty. Thē sayd he to another / what owest thou & he sayde & hōdred quarters of wheate: he sayd vnto him / take thy byll & wryte four score / & the lorde commended the vniust bayly / bycause he had done wyselye / for the chyldrē of this worlde are in theyr kynde wyser thē the chyldrē of lyght. And I saye vnto you / make you frēdes of the wycked Mammon / that when ye shal departe they maye receaue you ī to euerlastyng habitacyons
¶ The Pystel on the. x. Sondaye after Trinyte sōday the fyrst pystel to the corīthyās. the. xij. cha. A
BRethren ye knowe that ye were gentyles / & went your wayes vnto dom Idols / euē as you were led. wherfore I declare vnto you / that no man spekyng in the spiryte of god / defyeth Iesus. Also noman can saye that Iesus is the lorde / but by the holy ghost. There are dyuersityes of gyftes verely / yet but one spirite / & there are differences of admynystracyōs / & yet but one lorde. And there are diuers maners of operacyōs / & yet but one god / which worketh all thynges that are wrought / in al creatures. The gyftes of the spiryte are gyuen to euery man to profyte the congregacyon. To one is gyuen thorowe the spiryte / the vtteraūce of wysdome / to another is gyuen the vtteraunce of knowledge / by the same spiryte to another is gyuen fayth by the same spirite / to another the gyftes of healyng by the same spiryte / to another power to do myracles / to another prophesye / to another iudgement of spirytes / to another the interpretacyon of tonges. And these al worketh euē the selfe same spiryte / deuydynge to euery mā seueral gyftes / euē as he wyll.
¶ The Gospeil on the. x. Sonday after Trinyte sondaye the. xix. Chapiter of Luke. F.
[...]Uhē Iesus came ny vnto Ierusalem / he behelde the cytye / and wepte on it sayēge / yf thou haddest knowen those thynges whiche belōge vnto thy peace / euen at thys tyme / but nowe are they hyd frō thyne eyes / for the dayes shall come vpon the / that the enemyes shal cast a banke about the / and compasse the rounde / and kepe the in on euery syde and make the euen with the grounde with thy chyldren [Page xlvi] whiche are in the / and they shall nat leaue in the one stone vpon another / bycause thou knewest nat the tyme of thy vysytacyon / & he went in to the temple / and began to cast out them that solde therin / and them that bought / sayenge vnto them / It is wrytten my house is the house of prayer / but ye haue made it a den of theues and he taught dayly in the temple.
¶ The Pystel on the. xi. Sōday after Trinite sō day / the fyrst pystel to the Corin. the. xv. chapy. A.
BRethrē as ꝑteynyng to the Gospel which I preached vnto you / whiche ye haue also accepted / and in the whiche ye contynue / by whiche also ye are saued. I do you with after what maner I p̄ached vnto you if ye kepe it / except ye haue byleueth in vaine / for fyrst of al I delyuered vnto you that whiche I receaued / howe that Christ dyed for our synnes / agreinge to the scriptures / and that he was buryed / that he arose agayne the thyrde daye / accordynge to the scryptures / and that he was sene of Cephas them the elleuen. After that he was sene of mo then fyue hondred brethrene at ones of whiche manye remayne vnto thys daye / and many are fallen a slepe / after that appered he to Iames / then to all the Apostels / and laste of all he was sene / of me / as of one that was borne out of due time for I am the lest of all the Apostels / whiche am nat worthy to be called am Apostle / bycause I persecuted the congregacyō of god / but by the grace of god I am that I am / and hys grace which is in me was nat in vayne.
¶ The Gospel on the leuenth Sondaye after Trinyte Sondaye. The. xviij. Chapyter of Luke. A.
IEsus put forth this symilytude vnto certayne which trusted in thē selues that they were perfecte / & dispysed other. Two men went vp in to the tēple to praye / the one a Pha ryse / & the other a Publycan / the pha ryse stode and prayed thus with hym selfe. God I thanke the that I am nat as other mē are / extorcioners vn iust / adulterers / or as this Publycan. I fast twyse ī the weke / I gyue the tithe of all that I possesse. And the Publycan stode a far of / and woide nat lyfte vp hys eyes to heuen / but smote his breest sayēg. God be mercyful to me synner. I tell you this mā departed home to hys house iustyfyed more thē the other for euerye mā that exalted him self shall be brought low / & he that hūbleth hym selfe / shal be exalted.
¶ The Pystel on the. xij. Sondaye after Trinyte sondaye / the. ij. pystel to the Corythyans. The thyrde Chapyter. A.
BRothrene suche trust haue we thorow Chryst to godward / not that we are suffycient of our selues to thynke any thynge as it were of our selues but our ablenes cōmeth of god / which hath made vs able to mynyster the newe Testamēte / nat of the let ter / but of the spyryte / for the letter kylleth / but the spirite gyueth lyfe / if the mynistracyon of deth thorowe the letters figured in stones was gloryous / so that the chyldrē of Israell coulde nat behold the face of moyses / for the glory of his coūtenaūce (which glorye Neucrtheles is done awaye) why shall nat the ministracyon of the spyryte be moche more gloryous / for if the minystringe of cōdēpnacyō be gloryouse / moch more doth the mynystracyō of ryghtwysenes excedei glorye.
¶ The Gospel on the. xij. sōday after trinyte sōday. the. vij. cha. of Marke. D
IEsus departed from the costes of Tyre / & came by Sy don vnto the see of Galyle thorowe the myddes of the coostes of x. cyties / and they brought vnto hym one that was deafe & dome / & prayed hym to lay his hāde ypō hym / and he toke hym asyd frō the people and put his fyngers in his eres / & dyd spytte & touched his tonge / & loked vp to heuen & syghed / & sayd vnto hym / Ephata / that is to say / be opened / & strayte waye his eares were opened / & the strynge of his tōge was loosed / & he spake playne / & he cōmaū ded thē that they shulde tel no man / but the more he forbad thē / in so moche the more a greate deale they publysshed / sayēge. He hathe done al thynges wel / & hath made both the deafe to heare / and the domme to speake.
¶ The Pystell on the. xiij. Sōdaye after Trinite sondaye The thyrde Chapiter to the Galathyās. C
BRethren to Abrahā & his sede were the ꝓmyses made / he sayth nat / in the sedes as in many / but in thy sede / as in one whiche is Chryst This I say / the the lawe whiche begā after wardes / beyond. iiij. hondred &. xxx. yeres dothe nat disanull / the Testamēt that was cōfyrmed afore of god vnto Chryst warde / to make the promyse of none effecte / for yf the inherytaunce come of the lawe / it commeth nat of promyse but god gaue it to Abrahā by promyse / wherfore thē serueth the lawe / the lawe was added bycause of trāsgressyon (tyl the sede came to which the promyse was made) & it was ordeyned by angels ī the hāde of a mediator. A Mediator is nat a Mediator of one / but god is one / is the law then agaynst the promyse of god? God forbyd howbeit if there had ben a law gyuen / whiche [Page] coulde haue gyuen lyfe / then no doute ryghtwysenes shulde haue come by the lawe / but the scripture concludeth all thynges vnder syn that the promys by the fayth of Iesus Chryst shulde be gyuen vnto them that byleue.
¶ The Gospel on the. xiij. Sonday after Trinite sonday. The. x. Chapiter of Luke. D.
IEsus sayde vnto his discyples / happy are the eyes / whiche se that ye se. For I tell you that many prophetes and kynges haue desyred to se those thynges which ye se / and haue nat sene thē / and to heare those thynges whiche ye heare & haue nat herde them / & beholde / a certayne lawier stode vp / and tempted hym sayēge. Mayster what shall I do to inheryte eternal lyfe? He sayd vnto hym / what is wryttē ī the lawe? howe redest thou? and he answered & sayd. Loue thy lorde god with all thy herte & with all thy soule / and with all thy strength and with all thy myude / and thy neyghbour: as thy selfe. And he sayde vnto hym / thou hast answered ryght this, do and thou shalt lyue / he wyllynge to iustifye hym selfe sayde vnto Iesus / who is then my neyghbour. Iesus answered and sayde. A certayne man descended from Ierusalem in to Ierico / and fel in to the handes of theues / whiche robbed hym of his rayment / and wounded hym / & departed leauynge hym halfe deed / and by chaunce there cam a certayne p̄est that same way and when he sawe hym he passed by / and lykewyse a Leuyte / when he was come nye to the place / wēte and loked on hym / and passed by. Then a certayne Samaritan as he iorned cam nye vnto hym / & whē [Page xlviij] he saw hym had cōpassyon on hym and wēt to hym and boūd vp his woundes / and powred in oyle and wyne / and put hym on his owne beest / and brought hym to a comon in / and made prouysion for hym / & on the morowe when he departed / he toke out two pens / and gaue them to the hoste / and sayde vnto hī take cure of hym / and what soeuer thou spēdest more / when I come agayne / I wyl recompence the. which now of these thre / thynkest thou / was neyghboure vnto hym that fell in to the theues handes. And he sayde he that shewed mercy on hym. Then sayde Iesus vnto hym / go and do thou lyke wyse.
¶ The Pystell on the. xiiij. Sondaye after Trinite sonday. The. v. chapyter to the Galathyans. C.
BRothren walke in the spiryte and fulfyl nat the lustes of the flesshe / for the flesshe lusteth contrary to the spiryte / & the spirite contrary to the flesshe. These are cō trary one to the other / so that ye cā nat do that which ye wolde / but and if ye be, ledde of the spiryte / then are ye nat vnder the lawe. The dedes of the flesshe are many fest / whiche are these / aduoutry / fornycacyon / vnclennes / wantonnes / ydolatry / wytche crafte / hatred / varyaunce / zele / wrath / stryfe / sedycyon / sectes / enuyeng / murther / drōkennes / glotony / and suche lyke / of the whiche I tel you before / as I haue tolde you in tyme past / that they whiche commy [...] suche thynges shall nat inheryte the kyngdome of god. But the fruyte of the spiryte / is loue / ioy / peace longe sufferyng / gentylnes / goodnes faythfulnes / mekenes / temperancye. Agaynst suche there is no lawe. They that are Chrystes / haue crucifyed the flesshe / with the appetites and lustes.
¶ The Gospel on the. xiiij. Sonday after Trinyte sondaye the xvij. chapyter of Luke. [...].
AS Iesus went to Ierusalem he passed thorowe Sa maria & Galyle / & as he entred in to a certayne towne or castel / ther met hym ten men that were Lepers / whiche stone a fare of / and put forth theyr voyces & sayde. Iesu mayster haue mercy on vs. Uvhē he saw them / he sayd vnto thē / go & shewe your selues to the preestes & it chaū sed as they wēt they were clensed / & one of thē / whē he saw that he was clensed / turned backe agayne / & with a lowde voyce praysed god / & fell downe on his face / at his fete & gaue hym thankes / & the same was a Samaritane. And i [...]us answered and sayde / are there nat ten clensed but wher are those nyne. Ther are not founde that retourned agayne / to gyue god prayse / saue onely this straunger / and he sayde vnto hi: arise / & go thy way / thy faith hathe made the hoole
¶ The Pystel on the. xv. Sōdaye after trinite sō day. The. v. chapiter to the Galathyans. D.
BRethrene if we lyue ī the spiryte / let vs walke in the spiryte / let vs nat be vayne gloryous ꝓuokyng one another / & enuyēge one another. Brethene yfany mā be fallen by chaūce in to any faute / ye which are spyrytual helpe to amēde hym / ī spirite of mekenes / cōsyderyng thy selfe / lest thou also be tēpted / bere ye one anothers burthen / & so fulfyl the law of Chryste / yfany mā seme to hym selue that he is som what / when in dede he is nothynge / the same deceauethe hym selfe in his ymaginacyon / let euery mā proue his owne worke / & thē shal be haue reioysyng in his owne selfe / & nat ī another / for euery mā shal beare his owne burthin / let him that is taughte in the worde mynister vnto hym that teacheth hym in all good thyng [...] / be nat deceaueth / god is nat moched [Page xlix] for what soeuer man soweth / that shall he reepe. He that soweth in his flesshe / shal of the flesshe reepe corrupcyō / but he that soweth ī the spiryte / shal of the spiryte reepe lyfe euerlastyng. Let vs nat be wery of well doyng / for whē the thyme is come we shall reepe without werynes Uvhyle we haue therfore tyme / let vs do good vnto all men / & specially vnto them which are of the housholde of fayth.
¶ The Gospel on the. xv. Sonday after Trinyte sonday. The. vi. chapyter of Mathewe. C
Iesus sayd vnto his disciples that no mā can serue two maysters / for eyther he shal hate the one & loue the other / or els he shall leue to the one / & despyce the other / ye cā nat serue god & mā mon. Therfore I say vnto you / be nat carefull for youre lyfe / what ye shal ea te / nor what ye shal drynke / nor yet for your body / what ye shal put on / is nat the lyfe more worth thē meate / & the body more of value then rayment / beholde the foules of the ayre / for they sowe nat / neyther reape / nor yet cary in to the barnes & yet your heuēly father fedeth thē / are ye nat moche better thē they? which of you / thoughe he toke though therfore / coulde put one cubit vnto his stature? & why care ye thē for raymēte? Cōsyder the lylyes of the felde / how they grow. They labour nat neyther spynne / & yet for al that / I say vnto you that euē Salomō in al his royalte was nat araed lyke vnto one of these. wherfore yf god so clothed the grasse / which is to day ī felde / & to morowe shalbe caste in to the furnesse / shall he nat moche more do the same vnto you. O ye of lytell fayth? Therfore take no thought saig. Uvhat shal we eate or what shal we drinke / or wher with shall we be clothed / after all these thynges seke the gētyls / for your heuēly father knoweth that ye haue [Page] nede of al these thynges / but rather seke ye fyrste the kyngdome of heuē and the ryghtwysnes therof / and al these thynges shalbe mynystred vnto you.
¶ The Pystel on the. xvi. Sondaye after Trinyte sonday The. viij. chapiter to the Ephesyans. B.
SAy at Paule wrote vnto the Ephesyās sayēg I desyre you that ye faynte nat bycause of my tribulacyons for your sakes / whiche is your prayse / for this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of our lorde Iesꝰ Chryst / which is father ouer al that is called father ī heuē & ī heuē & ī erth / that he wold graūt you accordīg to the ryches of his glory / that ye maye be strēgthed with myght by hꝭ spirite ī the inner mā that Chryste maye dwell ī your hertes by fayth / that he beyng coted & groūded ī loue / myght be able to cō prehēde with all saintes / what is that bredth & lēgth / deepth / & heygth / & to know what is the loue of christ / which loue passeth knowledge that ye myght be fulfylled with al maner of fulnes which cōmeth of god / vnto hī that is able to do excedynge haboundauntly aboue all that we are or thynke / accordyng to the power that worketh ī vs / be prayse ī the congregacyōs by iesus Chryste thorowout all generacyons frō tyme to tyme.
¶ The Gospel on the. xvi. Sondaye after Trynyte sonday The. vij. chapiter of Luke. B.
IEsꝰ wēt ī to a cyte called Naim & many of his dyscyples wente with hym and moch people / whē he came nye vnto the gate of the cytie / beholde there was a deed mā caried out whiche was the onely sone of his mother and she was a wydow / and moch people of the cytie was with her / and when Iesus sawe her he had compassyon on her / & sayde vnto her / wepe not & he wente & [Page l] touched the coffyn / and they that bare him stode styl: and he sayde yonge man / I saye vnto the / aryse / and the deed sate vp and began to speke / and he delyuered hī to his mother / & there came a feare on theym all / [...]oryfyed god sayenge / a great prophet is rysen among vs / and god hathe vysyted his people.
¶ The Pystel on the. xvij. Sonday after Trinyte sonday. The fourth Chapiter to the Ephesyans. A.
BRethrene I which am in bōdes for the lordes sake exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocacyon wherwith ye are called in all humblenes of mynde / and mekenes / and longe sufferynge / for bearinge one another / thorow loue / and that ye be di ligente to kepe the vnyte of the spirite / ī the bōde of peace / beynge one body / and one spirite / euen as ye are called in one hope of your callynge. Let there be but one lord one fayth / one baptyme / one god and father of al / whiche is aboue al / thorow al. And in you al / which is blessed in the worldes of worldes.
¶ The Gospel on the. xvij. Sonday after Trinyte sondaye / The. xiiij. Chapyter of Luke. A.
UUhen Iesus wente in to the house of one of the cheyfe Pharyses to eate breade on the sabothe day and they watched hym / and beholden there was a man before hym whiche had the dropsye / and Iesus answered and spake vnto the law yers / and Pharyses sayenge / it is laufull to hea le on the Saboth day? and they helde theyr peace / & he toke hym & healed hym / & let him go / & answered them sayeng. Uvhiche of you shal haue anAsse or an ore fallē in to apytte / & wyl not strayte waye pull hī [Page] out on the Saboth daye? and they coulde nat answere hym agayne to that. He put forth a simylytude to the gestes / when he marked how they preased that hiest roames / & sayde vnto thē whē thou arte bydden to a weddyng of any mā / sit nat downe ī the hyest rou me lest a more honourable mā thē thou be biddē of hī & he that badde both hym & the / come & saye to the: gyue this mā roume / & thou thē begyn with shame to take the lowest roume but rather whē thou arte byddē / go & syth in the lowest roume / the whē he that badde the cōmeth / he maye saye vnto the: frēde syt vp hyer. Thē shalte thou haue worshyp / in the presēce of thē that syt at meate with the / for who soeuer exalteth hī selfe / shalbe brought low / and he that humbteth hym selfe shall be exalted.
¶ The Pystell on the. xviij. Sōdaye after Trinyte sonday / the. i. pystel to the Corinth. & the fyrst cha. A
BRothrē I tanke my god alwayes on your behalfe for the grace of god which is gyuē you by Iesus Chryst / the m [...]al thynges ye are made riche by hym / in al lernynge & ī all lernyng & in al knowledge euē as te Testimony of Iesꝰ christ was confyrmed in you / so that ye are behynde in nogyfte / and vayte for that aperyng of our lorde Iesus Chryste whiche shal strenght you vnto the ende that ye may be blamelesse ī that day of our lord iesꝰ christ
¶ The Gospel on the. xviij. sonday after Trinyte sonday The. xxij. chapiter of Mathewe. D.
THe Pharyses wēt vnto Iesu s / & one of thē which was a doctour of the lawe / asked hym a question / tē ptyng hym & sayeng. Mayster whiche is the great cōmaundemēt in the law? Iesus sayd vnto hym thou shalt loue thy lord god with al thyne arte / with al thy soule & with al thy mynd this is [Page li] the fyrste & that greatest cōmaūdemēt / & there is another lyke vnto this. Thou shalt loue thy neyghbour as thy self. In these two cōmaūdymētes hange al the law & the ꝓohetes / Uvhyle the Pharyses were gathe red to gyther iesus asked thē sayeng. Uvhat thynke ye of Chryste? Uvhose sone is he / they sayd vnto hī / the sone of Dauid. He sayd vnto thē. Howe thē doth Dauid in spirite call hym lorde sayēg. The lord sayd to my lorde / syt on my ryght hande tyll I mak thyne enemyes thy fote stole / if Dauid called hī lorde / howe is he then his sone? & none of thē could answere hym agayne one worde. Neyther durst any mā from that day forthe aske hym any mo questyons.
¶ The Pystel on the. xix. Sōday after Trinyte sō day. the. iiij. chap̄. to the Ephesians. E.
BRothren be ye renued ī the spirite of your myndes / and put on that new mā / whiche after the ymag of god is shaped in ryghtwysenes / & true holynes. Uvherfore put awaye lyenge / & speak euery mā trueth vnto his neyghbour / for as moch as we ar mē bers one of another / be angry / but synne nat / let nat the sonne go downe vpō your wrathe / gyue no place vnto the backbiter let hī that stele / stele no more but let hī rather labour with his hādes some good thyng that he may haue to gyue vnto hym that nedeth.
¶ The Gospel on the. xix. Sondaye after Trinyte sondaye The. xix. Chapiter of Mathewe. A.
IEsus entred ī to the shyppe and passed ouer and came in to his owne citye / and beholde they brought vnto hym a man sycke of the palse y / lyeng in his bed / and whē Iesus sawe theyr fayth / he sayd to the sycke of the palsey / sonne be of good chere: thy syn nes are forgyuē the / & beholde certayne of the scribes sayd in thē selues / he [Page] blasphemeth & whē Iesꝰ saw teyr thoughtes he sayde wherfore thynke you euyl'in your hertes? whether is esyer to say / thy syn̄es are for gyuē the / or to say aryse & walke? That ye maye knowe / that the sone of man hath power to forgyue synnes in erth / thē sayd he vn to the sycke of the palsey aryse / take vp thy bed / & go home to thy house. And he arose and departed to his house / & whē the people sawe it / they meruailled & gloryfied god / whiche had gyuen suche power to men.
¶ The Pystell on the. xx. Sondaye after Trinyte sonday. The. v. chapiter to the. Ephesyans. D
BRethrene take hede that ye walke cyrcūspectly nat as fooles, but as wyse / redemyng the tyme for the dayes are euyll wherfore be ye nat vn [...] e / but vnderstāde what the wyll of the lorde is / & [...]e nat dronke with wyne / wherin is excesse / but be fulfylled with the spiryte / spekynge vnto your selues in Psalmes & Hymnes / & spyrytuall soges / syngynge & makynge melody to the lord ī your hertes gyuinge thā kes alwayes for al thyng ī the name of our lord Iesꝰ chryst to god the father submitting your selues one to another ī the feare of god.
¶ The Gospel on the. xx. sōday after trinyte sōday. the. xxij. cha. of mathew. A
IEsus sayd vnto his discyples the kyngdome of heuen is lyke vnto a certayne kynge / whiche maryed his sone & sent forth his seruaūtes / to cal thē that were bydde to the weddynge & they wolde nat come. Agayne he sent forth other seruauntes / [...]yenge / tell them whiche are bedden / beholde I haue prepared my dyner / myne oxen and my fatlynges are kylled / & al thynges are red y / come vnto the maryage. They made lyght of it / and wente theyr wayes: one to hys ferme place / another aboute hys marchaundyse / the remnaunte toke hys [Page lij] seruauntes and intreated thē vngoodly & slew them: whē the kynge herde that: he was wroth / & sent forth hiswarrers & destroed those murthers & brēt vp their cyte / thē sayd he to his seruaūtes / the weddynge was prepared: but they which were biddē therto were nat worthy Go ye therfore out ī to the high wayes / & as many as ye fynde byd thē to the mariage / the seruauntes went out in to the hygh wayes / & gathered to gyther as many as they coulde fynde / both good and bad / and the weddynge was furnyssed with gestes. The kynge came in to viset his gestes and spied there a man which had nat on a weddyng garment / and sayd vnto hym / frende howe camist thou in hythe r / and hast nat on a weddynge garment? and he was euen specheles. Thē sayd the kyng to his ministers: take and bynde hym hande and fote and cast hym in to vtter darkenes / ther shal be wepynge / & gnassyng ofteth / for many are called and fewe be chosen.
¶ The Pystel on the. xxi. Sondaye after Trynyte sonday the. vi. Chapyter / to the Ephesyans. B.
MY brethrene be stronge in the lorde / and in the power of his myght / put on the armoure of god that ye may stāde stedfaste agaynste the craftye assautes of the deuyll / for we wrestle nat agaynst flesh & blode / but agaynst rule / agaynst power / & agaynst worldly rulers of the darkenes of this worlde / agaynste spyrytuall wyckedne s / for heuēly thynges For this cause take vnto you the armour of god / that ye may be able to resyst in the euyll day / & to stond ꝑfecte ī al thīges. Stōd therfore & your loynes gyrde about with veryte / hauynge on the brest plate of ryghtwysnes & shodde with showes p̄pared by the gospel of peace aboue all take to you the shyld of fayth / wherwith ye may quēche al the fyre dartes of the wycked / & tak the helmet of saluacyō & the swerde of the spyryte / which is the word of god
¶ The Gospell on the. xxi. Sonday after Trinyte sonday. The. iiij. chapiter of Iohan. G.
THere was a certayne ruler / who se sone was sycke at Capernaū as he herde that Iesꝰ was come out of Iewry in to Galyle / he wente vnto hī and besoughte hym that he worlde de scēde / & heale his sone for he was euen redy to dye. Thē sayd Iesꝰ vnto hym / except ye se sygnes & wounders. ye byleue nat / the ruler sayde vnto hym: syr come away or euer that my chylde dye / Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym go thy way thy sone lyueth / & the mā byleued the wordes that Iesus had spoken vnto hym / & wēte his way & anone as he wente on his waye / his seruaū tes met hym & tolde hym sayēg. Thy sone lyueth thē enquyred he of thē the houre whē he begāne to amēde & they sayd vnto hym: yester daye the seuē the houre / the feuer left hym / & the father knew that it was that same houre / whē Iesus sayd vnto hym / thy sone lyuethe / and he byleued and al his housholde.
¶ The Pystell on the. xxij. Sōdaye after trynyte sō daye. The. i. chapiter to the Phylyppyans. A.
BRothrene we truste in our lorde Iesꝰ Christe that he whiche beganne a good worke ī you shall perfourme it vntyll the daye of Iesus christ as it be / cōmeth me so to iudge of you all / bycause I haue you ī my herte / & haue you also euery one cōpanyons of grace with me in my bō des as I defēde / & stablysshe the gospel. God beareth me recorde howe greatly I longe after you all from the very hert rote in Iesus chryst & this I pray that & our loue maye encreace more & more in knowledge and in al fealyng / that ye myght accepte thyngꝭ most excellēt that ye myght be pure & suche as shulde hurte no mānes cōscyence / vntyl the daye of Chryst fylled [Page liij] with the frutes of ryght wysnes whiche / frutes came by Iesus Chryste vnto the glory and laude of god.
¶ The Gospell on the. xxij. Sondaye after Trinyte Sondaye. The. xviij. cha. of Mathewe. C.
IEsus put for the a similitude vn to his discyples sayenge. The kyngdome of heuen is lykened vnto a certayne kynge whiche woulde take a cōptes of his seruauntes & whē he had begō to reken / one was brought vnto hym whiche ought hym. x. thousande Talētes / but when he had nought to pay / the lorde cōmaunded hym to be solde & his wyfe & his chyldrē / & al that he had & paymēt to be made. The seruaūt fel downe & besought hym sayēge. Syr gyue me respyte and I wyl paye it euerye whyt. thē had the lorde pyte on the seruaūt / & loosed him & forgaue hym the det. The same seruaūt wēt out & foūd one of his felowes which ought hym an hōdred pens / & layd hādes on hym & toke hym by the throte sayēg. Pay me that thou owest & his felow fell downe & besought hym sayēg. Haue pacyēce with me. & I wyl paye the al / & he wolde nat / but wēt & cast hym in to prison / tyl he shuld paye the dette. whē his other felowes sawe what was done / they were very sory / & came & tolde to theyr lorde all that had happened. Thē his lorde called hym / & sayde vnto hym. O euyll seruaunte I forgaue the all the dette / bycause thou praydest me / was it nat mete also / that thou shul deste haue had cōpassyō on thy felowe euen as I had pity on the? & his lord was wroth & delyuered hym to the Iaylers / tyll he shuld pay all that was owe vnto hym. So lykewyse shall my heuenly father do vnto you / If ye wyl nat forgyue with al your hertes / eche one to his brother theyr trespases.
¶ The pystel on the. xxiij. Sondaye after Trinyte [Page] sondaye the. iij. Chap. to the Philippians. C.
BRothrē folowe ye me & loke on thē which walke euē / so as ye haue vs for an ensāple for many walke (of whome I haue tolde you often / and now tel you wepynge) that they are the enymyes of the crosse of Chryst / whose end is dāpnacyon / whose god is theyr belye / & whose glorye is to theyr shame / which are wordely mynded but our cōuersacyō is in Heuē / from whēce we loke / for the sauiour euen the lorde Iesus Christe whiche shal chan̄ge ī to another fassyō our vyle bodies / that they may be fassyoned like vnto his gloryous bodye accordyng to the workynge wherby he is able to subdue al thynges vnto hym self / ī Iesꝰ Christ our lorde
¶ The Gospel on the. xxiij. Sōday after Trinyte sonday the. xxij. Chapiter of Mathewe. B.
THe pharyses wēte & tooke coū seyll / howe they myght tangle Christe Iesꝰ ī his wordes / & sent vnto hym theyr dyscyples with Herodes seruaūtes sayēg Mayster / we knowe that thou arte true / & that thou techest the way of god truly / neyther careste for any mā / for thou [...]syderest nat mē nes estate / tell vs therfore how thynkest thou? Is it laufull to gyue tribute vnto. Cesar or nat? Iesꝰ ꝑceaued theyr wylines / and sayde. why tēpt ye me ye Ipocrytes? Let me se the tribute money / & they toke hym a peny / & he sayd vnto thē? whose is this Image & suꝑscrypcyon? They sayd vnto hī cesars / thē sayde he vnto thē. Gyue therfore to cesar that whiche is cesars / & gyue vnto god / the whiche is goddes.
¶ The Pystel on the. xxiiij. sōday after Tri nite sōday the fyrst. Chapiter to the Collossyās. B.
BRothrē we cease nat prayēge for you / & desyrīg that ye myght be fulfylled with the knowledge [Page liiij] of his wyl [...]al wysdome & spirituall vnderstandyng / that ye myght walke worthy of the lorde ī al thynges hat please: beīg frutful ī al good workes & encreasig tre & t knowledge of god / strengthed with all myght throwe his gloryous power / vnto al pacyēce / & longe sufferīg / with ioyfulnes in Iesꝰ Chryste our lorde.
¶ The Gospell on the. xxiiij. Sonday after Trinyte sōdaye. The. ix. Chapi. of. Mathewe. C.
UUyles Iesꝰ spake vnto the people / beholde there came a certeyne ruler / & worshypped hī sayeng / my doughter is euē now decessed / but come & laye thy hād on her / & she shall lyue / & Iesꝰ arose & folowed hī with his discyples & beholde a womā whiche was dyseased with an yssue of blode twelue yeres came behynde hī / & touched the heme of his vesture / & she sayd ī herselfe. Yf I may touche but euē his vesture onely. I shal be sa [...] Iesꝰ turned hym about / & behold her / sayēg doughter be of good cōforte / thy fayth hath made the safe / & she was made hole euen the same houre.
¶ The Pystel on the next sōday before Aduēt sōday. Ierem̄. xxxiij.
BRothrē behold the dayes wyl com saith the lord the I wyll stere vp vnto Dauid a ryghteouse braūche / & he shall raygne a kyng / & shal be wise / and shal do equite & iustyce ī the erthe / & ī his dayes Iuda shal be safe / & Israell shall dwell without feare / & this is the name that they shal cal hym / the lord our ryghteousnes wherfore the dayes wyll come sayth the lord that they shal say no more / the lorde lyueth that brought the chyldren of Israell out of the lande of egypt / but the lord lyueth which delyuered & brought thesede of the house of Israell / out of the lāde of the north / & frō all lādes whether I trust thē / & they shal dwel ī theyr owne lāde sayth the lord god almyghtye
¶ The Gospel on the next sōdaye before Aduēt sō day The. vi. Chapiter of Iohan. A.
UUhen Iesꝰ lyfted vp his eyes & sawe a greate cōpany come vnto hī / sayd vnto Phylyp: whence shall we bye breade that these myght eate. Thys he sayd to ꝓue hym / for he him selfe knewe what he wolde do. Philyp answered hym / two hondred peny worth of breade are nat sufficient for thē / that euery man haue a litel Then sayd vnto hym one of hys dyscyples / Andrewe Symon Peters brother. There is a chylde here / which hath fyue barley loues and two fysshes / but what is that amonge so many? Iesus sayde make the people to sytte downe (there was moche haye in the place) and the men satte downe? in nomber / about fyue thousāde. Iesꝰ toke the breade and gaue thākes / and gaue to his dyscyples / and his dyscyples to them that were set downe / & lykewyse of the fysshes / as moche as they wolde / when they had eaten inough / he sayd vnto his disciples / gather vp the brokē meate that remayneth / that nothyng be lost. They gathered it togyther / & fylled twelue baskettes with the brokē meate / of the fiue barly loues / & too fyshes which broken meate remayned vnto thē that hade eatē. Thē those men / when they had sene the myracle that Iesꝰ dyd / sayde. This is of a trueth the same prophet / whiche shal come in to the worlde.
¶ The Pystell on the dedycacyō daye the. xxi. Chapiter of the reuelacyon of saynt Iohan. A.
IOhn̄ saw the holy city new Ierusalē cōe downe frō god out of heuē p̄pared as a brid / garnished for her husbād / & I herd a greate voyce frō the trone sayēg. behold the tabernacle of god is with mē & he wyl dwell with thē & they shallbe his people / & god hī [Page lv] selfe shall be with thē / & be theyr god / & god shall wipe awaye all teares frō theyr eyes / and there shall be no more dethe / neyther sorowe / neyther cryēg / neyther shall there be any more payne / for the olde thynges are gone / & he that sate vpon the seate sayde / beholde I wyll make all thynges newe.
¶ The Gospell on the Dedicacyon day. The. xix. chapyter of Luke. A.
IEsus entred ī / and wēt thorowe Ierico / & beholde there was a mā named zacheus / & he was a ruler amōg the Publycās and ryche also and he made meanes to se Iesꝰ what he shuld be / & he coulde nat for the preace / because he was of a low stature. Uvherfore he ran before / and ascended vp in to a wylde fygge tre / to se hym / for he wolde com that same waye & whē Iesꝰ came to the place / he loked vp and sawe hym / & sayd vnto hym / zache / hastely come downe / for to day I must abyde at thy house / & quicly he came downe / & receaued hym ioyfully & whē they sawe that / they all grutched sayenge / he is gone in to. Tary with a mā that is a synner. zache stode forth & sayde vnto the lorde. Beholde lorde / the halfe of my goodes I gyue to the poore / & if I haue done any mā wrong. I wyl restore hym foure folde Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym / this daye is helth come vnto this house / for as moche as this same house is be come the chylde of Abraham / for the sone of man is come to seke and to saue that whiche was loost.
¶ Here begynneth The Pystels / and Gospels of the Sayntes.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Andrewes daye / The. x. chapiter to the. Romaynes. C
BRothre the belefe of the herte iustifieth / & to knowledge with the mouthe maketh a man safe For the scrypture sayth who soeuer beleueth on hym / shall nat be ashamed. There is no difference bytwene the Iewe & the Gentyle. For one is lorde of al / which is ryche vnto all that cal vnto hym.
For who so euer shal cal on the name of the lorde shal be safe / Howe shal they cal on hym / on whom they by leued nat? Howe shal they byleue on hym / of whome they haue nat herde? Howe shall they heare without a preacher / and howe shall they preach except they be sent. As it is written howe beuteful are the fete of thē whiche brynge glade tyndynges of poas And brynge gladde tydynges of good thynges / but they haue nat all obeyed to the gospel. For Esaias sayth / lord who shall byleue our seyinges? So thē faythe cōmeth by hearyng / & hearyng cōmeth by the worde of god. But I aske haue they nat hearde? No doubte / theyr soūde wēt out ī to all lādes / & theyr worldes ī to the wordes in to the endes of the worlde.
¶ The Gospell on saynt Andrewes day. the fourthe cha. of Mathew. C
AS Iesꝰ walked by the see of galile / he sawe two brothren / Symon whiche was called Peter and Andrew his brother castynge a nette ī to the see [...] for they were fyshers & he sayde vnto thē / folow me / & I wyll make you fysshers of men And they strayght waye left theyr nettes / & folowed hym. And he went forth frō thence / & sawe other two brothren. Iames the sōne of zebede / & Iohn̄ his brother in the shyp / with zebede theyr father mendynge theyr nettes / & called thē: & they with out taryēg lefte the nettes / and theyr father / and folowed hym.
¶ The Pystel on Saint Nicolas day. Ecclia. xliiij
BEholde an excelent preest which is in his dayes pleased god / and was founde ryghteous / and ī tyme of wrathe made an atonemente: lyke to hym there is nat founde / that kept the lawe of the most hyest And he was in couenaunt with hym / & in his fleshe he wrote the couenaunte / & in tyme of tē ptacyon he was foūde faythfull. Therfore he made hym a couenaunte with an othe that nacyons shulde be blyssed in his syght / & that he shulde be multipled as the duste of the erth / he knewe hym in his blyssynges & gaue hym an inherytaunce and he kept hym thorowe his mercy / that he foūde grace in the eyes of god. An euerlastynge couenaunte dyd he make hym / & gaue hym the office of the hye preest / he made hī happy in glory / in fayth / & ī softnes / he made hym holy / & chose hī out of all f [...]eshe.
¶ The Gospel on Saynt Nicolas day. the. xxv. cha. of Mathew. B
IEsus sayde vnto his discyples. A certayne man redy to take his iourney to astraunge countre / called his seruauntes to hym / and delyuered to thē his / goodes / & vnto one he gaue. v. talētes / to another. ij. & to another one / to euery mā after his abilyte / & strayte waye departed. Then he that had receaued the. v. talētes wēt & bestowed thē / & wan other. v. lykewyse he that receaued. ij. gayned other. ij. but he that receaued one / wēt & dygged a pytte ī the erth & hyd his maysters money After a lōge seasō / the lord of those seruaūtes came & rekened with thē. Thē cā he that had receaued. v. talētes & brought other fyue sayēg. Mayster thou delyuerdest vnto me fiue talētes / lo I haue gayned with thē. v. mo Thē his mayster sayd vnto him well good seruaunte & faythfull / thou haste bē faythfull ī lytell / I wyll make the rular ouer moche. Entre into thy [Page] masters ioye / also he that receaued two talētes / came & sayde / mayster / thou delyueredest vnto me. ij. talē tes [...]o I haue wonne two other with thē / & his mayster sayde vnto hym wel good seruaunte & faythful I wyl make the rular ouer moch go ī / ī to thy maysters ioye.
¶ The Pystel on the Concepcyon of our Lady. Ecclesiastice. xxiiij.
AS a vyne / so brought I forth a sauour of swetnes and my flow res are the fruyte of glory & ryches. I am the mother of bewtyful loue & of feare / & of greatnes / & of holy hope. In me is all grace of lyfe & trueth / and in me is al hope of lyfe and vertu. Come vnto me al that desyre me / and be fylled with the fruytes that spryng of me for my spiryte is sweter thā hony or hony cōbe. The remēbraūce of me is for euer & euer. They that eate me shal honger the more / & they that drynke me shall t [...] the more he that harkeneth to me / shall nat be [...]ed / and he the worketh by my coūsell / shall nat [...] they that brig ī to lyght shal haue eternall lyfe
¶ The Gospel ou the Concepcyon of our Lady the fyrst chapiter of Mathewe. A.
THis is the boke of the generacyō of Iesꝰ christ the sone of Dauid / the sone also of Abraham. [...] begate Isaac. Isaac begate Iacob. Iacob be [...] Iudas / & his brothrene. Iudas begate Phares / [...] of Thamar. Phares begate Esrō. Esrō be [...] begate Aminadab. Aminadab begate [...]n. Naasson begate Salmon. Salmō begate [...]oos of Ra [...]ab. Boos irgate Obed of Ruth. Ol [...]d [...]egate Iesse. Iesse begate Dauid the kynge. Dauid the kyng tegate Salomō of her that was Uries wyf Salomō begate Roboā. Roboā begate Abia. Abia begate Asa. Asa begate Iosaphat. Iosaphat begate [Page lvij] Iorā. Ioram begate Ozias. Ozias begate Ioatham Ioathā begate Achas. Achas begat Ezechias. Ezechias begat Manasses. Manasses begat Amō. Amō begat Iosias Iosias begat. Iechonias & his brothren about the tyme they were caried awaye to Babylon / and after they were bronght to Babilō Ieconias begate Salathiel. Salathiel begate zorobabel. zorobabel begate Abiud. Abiud begat Eliachim. Eliachim begat Azor. Azor begat Sadoc. Sadoc begat Achim. Achim begate Eliud. Eliud begate Eleasar. Eleasar begate Mathan. Mathā begate Iacob. Iacob be gate Ioseph the husbande of Mary / of whome was borne that Iesus / whiche is called Chryst.
¶ The Pystell on saynt Thomas daye the Apostle The seconde chapiter to the Ephesyans. D.
BRothrene nowe ye are no more straungers / & foreners but Cytesyns with the Sayntes and of the houshold of god / & are bylte vpon the foundacyon of the Apostels & prophetes / Iesus Chryste beynge the heed corner stone / ī whom euery buyldinge coupled to gyther / groweth vnto an holy temple in the lorde in whome ye are bylt to gyther & made an habytacyon for god in the spiryte.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Thomas daye the Apostell The. xx. chapiter of Iohan. F
THomas one of the twelue called Didimꝰ was not with theym whē Iesus came. The other discyples sayd vnto hym / we haue sene the lorde. And he sayde vnto the: except Ise ī his hādes the prynt of the nayles / and put my fynger in the holes of the nayles / and thrust my hande in to his syde / I wyll nat byleue / & after viij. dayes agayne / the discyples were within / & Thomas was with theym. Iesus came when the dores [Page] were shutte / and stode in the myddes and sayd. Peace be with you. Then sayde he to Thomas / put ī thy fynger here and se my handes / and put forth thy hande / and thruste it in to my side / & be not without fayth but byleue. Thomas answered and sayde vnto hym / my lorde and my god. Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym. Thomas bycause thou hast seue me / therfore hast thou bileued Happy are they that haue not sene / & yet haue bileued
¶ The Pystell on the Conuersyō of saynte Paule. The. ix. cha [...]. of the Actes of the Apostles. A.
SAul yet brethyng / out threatenynges and slaughter agaynst the discyples of the lorde / wēte vnto the hye preest and desyred of hym letters to Dania scon / to the Synagoges that yf he found any of this way whether they were men or womē / he myght bryng them boūde vnto Ierusalē. As he wente on his iourney / it fortuned that he drewe nye to Damascō / and sodaynly theyr shynede rounde aboute hym alyght from heuen / and he fel to the erth and herde a voyce sayēg to hym. Saul / Saul. Uvhy persecuteste thou me? And he sayde / what arte thou lorde. The lorde sayde / I am Iesus whom thou persecutest / it shal be harde for the to kycke agaynst the prycke / he both trē blynge and astonyed sayd lorde what wylte thou haue me to do? And the lorde sayd vnto hym / aryse and go in to the Cytie / and it shal be told the what thou shalt do. The men whiche companyed with hym on his waye / stode amased / for they herde a voyce / but sawe no man. Saul arose from the erth and whē he had opened his eyes he saw no man. Thē ledde they hym by the hāde / and brought hym in to Damascon and he was thre dayes without syght & neyther eate nor drāke. There was a certayne discyple at Damascon named Ananias: to hym spake the lorde in a visyon [Page lviij] / Ananias. And he sayde beholde / I am here lorde. And the lorde sayde vnto hym / aryse and go in to the strete / whiche is called strayte / and seke in the house of Iudas / after one saul of the Cytye of That sus / for beholde he prayeth and hathe sene in a visyō / a man named Ananias commyng in vnto hym / and puttyng his handes on hym / that he myght receaue his syght Ananias answered / lorde I haue herd by many of this man / howe moche hurth he hath done to thy sayntes at Ierusalem / and ī this place he hath auctorite of the hye preestes to bynde all that cal on thy name. The lorde sayde vnto hym. Go thy wayes for he is a chosen vessel vnto me to beare my name before the gentyls and kynges / and the chyldren of Israel / for I wyl shewe hym howe greate thynges he muste suffre for my names sake. Ananias wēt his way / and entred in to the house / and put his handes on hym / and sayde: brother saule the lorde that appered vnto the in the way as thou camest sent me vnto the that thou myghtest receaue thy syght / and be fylled with the holy gost. And immediatly there fell frō his eyes as it had ben scales / and he receaued his syghte / and arose and was baptysed / and receaued meate and was conforted. Then was saul certayne dayes with the discyples whiche were at Damascon / and strayght way he preached Chryst in the Synoge ges howe that he was the sone of god. Al that herde hym were amased and sayde / is nat this he that spoyled thē whiche called on this name ī Ierusalem? and came hyther for the entent that he shulde bryng thē boūde vnto the hye p̄estes? Saul encreased ī strēgth / and cōfoūded the Iewes whiche dwelled at Damascon affyrmyng that this was very chryst.
¶ The Gospel on the Conuersyon of saynt Paule. The. xix. chapiter. of Mathewe. D
PEter sayd vnto Iesus. Be holde we haue forsaken al an haue folowed the / what shall we haue therfore. Iesus sayd vn to thē / verely I say vnto you / that ye whiche haue folowed me ī the secōde generacyon (when the sone of mā shal syt in the seate of his maiesty) shal syt also vpon. xij. seates / & iudge the. xij. tribes of Israel / & who soeuer forsaked house or brothren or systers / or father / or mother / or wyfe / or chyldren or lyuelod / for my names sake / the same shal receue an houndred folde / and shal inheryte euerlastyng lyfe.
¶ The Pystell on Candelmas daye. Malachie. iij.
BEholde I sende my messēger which shal prepayre the way be fore me / and sodaynly shal the lorde whome ye seke come vnto his tēple / and the messenger of the couenaūte whome ye desyre. Beholde he commeth sayeth the lorde Sabooth. Uvho shal endure in the daye of his commyng / or who shal stande to beholde hym? for he is as tryenge fyre / & as the herbe that fullers scoure with all / & he shall syt tryēg & purgyng syluer / & shal puryfye the sones of Leuy / and shal fyne thē as gold & syluer / and they shal brynge offeryng vnto the lorde of ryghteousnes / & the sacryfyce of Iuda & of Ierusalem / shal be delycyous vnto the lord as ī the olde tyme / & in the yeres that were at the begynnynge.
¶ The Gosuel on Candelmas daye. The seconde chapiter of Luke. D.
UUhen the tyme of Puryfycacyon (after the law of Moyses) was come / they brought Isus [Page lix] to Ierusalē / to present hym to the lorde / as it is wrytten in the law of the lorde? euery mā chylde that fyrste openeth the ma [...]yr / shalbe called holy to the lorde / & to offre as it is sayde in the lawe of the lorde / a payre of turtle Doues / or. ij. yong Pygyons / and beholde there was a mā in Ierusalem / whose name was Symeō & the same mā was iuste & feared god / & longed for the cōsolacyon of Israell / & the holy ghost was in hym / & an answere was gyuē hym of the holy ghost / that he shulde not se dethe / before he had sene the lorde Chryst. And he came by inspyracyon ī to the tēple. And whē the father & the mother brought ī the chylde Iesus / to do for hym after the custome of the law. Then toke he hym vp in his armes & sayd lorde nowe lettest thou thy seruaūte departe in peace accordynge to thy promyse / for myne eyes haue sene the sauyour sent frō the / whiche thou hast prepared before the face of all the people. A lyght to lyghten the gentyls / and the glorye of thy people Israel.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Mathias the apostles day. The. i. chapiter of the Actes of the Apostles. C.
PEter stode vp ī the myddes of the discyples & sayde (the nombre of the names were aboute an hondred & twēty) ye mē & brothrene / this scrypture muste nedes be fulfylled / which the holy ghoste thorowe the mouth of Dauid spake before of Iudas / whiche was guyde to thē that toke Iesus / for he was nombred with vs / & obtayned foloweshype in this mynystracyon / & he hathe nowe possessed a plot of groūd with the reward of īiquyte / & when he was hāged / braste asonder in the myddes / & all his bowelles gusshed out / & as it is knowē vnto all the inhabyters of Ierusalē. In so moch that that felde is called [Page] in theyr inother tonge Acheldema / that is to say the bloody felde. It is wrytten in the boke of Psalmes his habytacyon be voide / & no man be dwellyng therī and his byshopricke let another take. Uvherfore of these men / which haue ꝯpanyed with vs (al the tyme that the lord Iesus went in & out amōge vs / begynnynge at te baptyme of Iohan vnto the same daye that he was taken vp from vs) must one be ordeyned to it a wytnes with vs of his Resurreccyō. And they appoynted. ij. Ioseph colled barsabas / whose surname was Iustꝰ / & Mathyas / and they prayed sayeng Thou lord which knowest the hertesofal mē / shewe whether thou hast chosen of these two / that the owne maye take the roume of this mynystracyō / & Apostle suyp frō the which Iudas by transgressyō fel / that he myght go to his owne place / & they gaue forth theyr lottes & the lote fell on Mathias / and he was coūted with the eleuen Apostles.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Mathias the Apostles daye / The. xi. chapiter of Mathewe. D.
THen Iesus answered and sayde I prayse the O father lorde of heuen & erthe / bycause thou haste hyd these thynges from the wyse and prudent / and hast opened them vnto babes / euen so father / for so it pleased the althynges are gyuen vnto me of my father / & no man knoweth the sone / but the father / neyther knoweth any man the father / saue the sone & he to whome the sone wyll opē hym. Come vnto me all ye that labour and are ladē / and I wyl ease you / take my yoke on you and lerne of me / for I am meke and lowely in herre / and ye shall fynde rest vnto your soules / for my yoke is easy / and my burthen is lyght.
¶ The Pystel on the Annunciacyon of our Lady. Esaye. vij.
OUr lorde spake to Achas sayēge Axe the a sygne of the lord thy god / from a low byneth / or frō an hye aboue. but achas answered. I wyl nat axe / neyther wyll tempte the lorde. Uvherfore the lorde sayd herkē ye of the house of dauid. Is it so small a thynge for you to be greuous to men / but that ye shuld also be paynfull vnto god neuerthelater yet the lord / he wyll gyue you a signe. Behold a virgyn shalbe with chyld / & shall beare a sone / & shall call his name Emanuell. he shall ease butter & honye / that he maye haue vnderstanding to refuse the euyll & to chose the good.
¶ The Gospel on the Annūcyacyō of our lady. the. i. cha. of luke. C
ANd in the. vi. moneth the aūgell Gabryel was sent frō god vnto a cytie of Galile named nazareth to a virgyn spoused to a mā whose name was Ioseph of the hous of david / & the virgyus name was Mary / & the angell wēt ī vnto her / & sayd: hayle full of grace / the lorde is with the / blyssed arte thou amonge women. whē she sawe hym she was abasshed at his sayenge / & caste ī her mīde / what maner of salutacyū that shulde be. & the angell sayde vnto her / feare nat Mary / for thou hast foūde grace with god / loo thou shalle conceyue ī thy wōbe / & shalt beare a sone / & shalte call his name Iesus. He shall be greate and shal be called the sōne of the hyeste / and the lord god shall gyue vn to hī the seate of his father Dauid / & he shall raygne ouer the house of Iacobe for euer / & of his kyngdom shal be none ende. Thē sayde mary vnto the angel / how shal this be / seynge that I knowe nat a man? & the angell answered & sayd vnto her / the holy ghost shall come vpō the / & the power of the hyest shal ouer shadow the. Therfore also that holy thīge which shal [Page] be borne / & shall be called the sone of god and marke / thy cosyn. Elizabeth / she hath also conceaued a sone in her olde age & this is the. vi. monethe to her which was called baraine for with god shall nothynge be vnyossyble. Mary sayde? Beholde the hande maydē of the lorde / be it vnto me euen as thou haste sayde.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Georges daye. The fyrst chapiter of Iames. A
MY brethrene count it excedyng ioye whē ye fall in to dīuers temptacyos for as moche as ye knowe that the tryeng of your fayth bryngeth paciē ce and let pacience haue her perfecte worke / that ye maye be perfecte and soūde that nothyng be lackynge vnto you / yf any that is amōg you lacke wisdome / let hym aske of god (which gyuethe to all mē in differently / & castethe no man ī the teeth) and it shall be gyuē hym / but let hym aske in faythe and wauer nat for he that doubtethe is lyke the waues of the see / toste of the wynde / and caryed with vyolence. Neyther let that man thynke that he shal receyue any thynge of god. A wauerynge mynded mā is vnstable ī al his wayes / let the brother of lowe degre reioyce ī that he is exalted and the riche in that he is made lowe / for euen as the floure of the grasse / shal he vanysshe awaye. The Sonne rysethe with heate / & the grasse widdereth / and his floures fauleth away & the beaute of the fassyon of it peryssheth / euen so shall the ryche man perysshe with his haboundaūce. Happy is the mā that endureth in temptacyon / for when he is tryed / he shall receaue the crowe of lyfe / which the lorde hath promysed to then that loue hym.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Georges daye. The xv. chapiter of Iohan. A.
IEsus sayd vnto his discyples I am the true vyne / & my father is an housbande man / euery braunche that bearethe nat fruite in me / he wyl take away / and euery braunche the beareth fruyte wyl he pourge that it may brīg more fruyte. Nowe are ye cleane / by the meanes of the wordes wiche I haue spoken vnto you / byde yn me / & let me byde ī you / as the braūche can nat beare fruyte of it selfe / excepte it byde in the vyne? no more can ye excepte ye abyde in me. I am the vyne / & ye are the braunches hethat abydeth in me / & I in hym the same bryngeth forthe moche fruythe / for without me can ye do nothynge yfa mā byde nat ī me / he is cast forth as braunche / & is wyddred & men gather it / & caste it in to the fyre / and it burnethe yf ye abyde in me / & my wordes also bide in you / aske what ye wyl / & it shalbe gyuē to you
¶ The Pystel on saynt Marke the Euangelystes daye. The. iiij. chapiter to the Ephesyans. B.
BRethren vnto euery one of vs / is gyuē grace accordynge to the measure of the gyfte of Chryste / wherfore he saythe / he is gone vp an hye / and hath ledde captyuete captyue / and hathe gyuen gyftes vnto men.
That he ascended / what meaneth it / but that he also discended fyrst in to the lowest partyes of the erthe? He that discended / is euen the same also that ascended vp euē aboue al heuyns / to fulfyl al thynges / and the very same made some Apostles some ꝓphetes / some Euāgelyst some shepherdes / some teachers / that the sayntes myght haue [Page] al thīges necessarye to worke & mynystre withal / to the edyfiēge of the body of chryst / til we euery chone (in the vnite of fayth & knowledge of the sone of god) growe vp vnto a ꝑfyte man / after the measure of age of the fulnes of Chryst.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Marke the euāgelystes day. The. xv. cha. of Ioh. A
IAm the true vyne. &c. as it is wrtten worde by word ī the Gospel of saīt Georges daye. fo. lxi
¶ The Pystel on Phylyp & Iames daye. Sapi. v.
THen shal the ryghteous stā de with greate constaunce agaynst thē that vexed thē and toke away that they hadde laboured for. when the wycked shall se that / they shal be troubled with horrible fere / and shal wounder at the sodayne & vnloked for victorye / and shall saye in them selues / repentynge & sorowyng for anguysshe of herte. These be they whiche we some time mocked and iested on we were out of oure wyttes & thought theyr lyuyng madnes & theyr ende to be without honour / but behold howe they are coū ted amonge the chyldren of god / and haue theyr enherytaunce among the sayntes.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Phylyp and Iames day. The. xiiii. chapiter of Iohan. A.
IEsꝰ sayde to his disciples let not your hertes be troubled / byleue in god / & byleue ye in me. In my fathers house are many mā syons. Yf it were nat so I wold haue tolde you. I go to p̄pare a place for you / & yf I go to prepare a place for you / I wyll come agayne / & receaue you euen vnto my selfe / that where I am / there may ye be also / & whether I go ye know & the waye ye know Thomas sayd vnto hym Lord we know nat whither thou goeste Also howe is it possyble for vs to know [Page lxij] the way? Iesus sayde vnto hym. I am the way / the verite / & the lyfe. No mā cōmeth vnto the father but by me / if ye had knowen me / ye had knowen my father also. And now ye knowe hī & ye haue sene hym. Phylyp sayde vnto hym Lorde shewe vs the father & it suffyseth vs. Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym / haue I ben so long tyme with you / & yet haste thou nat knowē me. Phylyp he that hath sene me / hath sene the father / & how sayest thou them / shewe vs the father? byleueste thou nat that I am in the father / & the father in me? The wordes that I speake vnto you I speake nat of my self / but the father dwellyng ī me / is he that dothe the workes / byleue me that I am the father & the father ī me / at the leest byleue me for the verye workes sake. Uerely verely. I say vnto yo [...] who so euer byleueth on me the workes that I do / the same shall he do / and greater workes thē these shall he do / bycause I go vnto my father / and what soeuer ye aske in my name / that wyll I do.
¶ The Pystel on the inuencyō of the Crosse the. v. Chapiter to the Galathyans. B.
BRothren I haue trust towarde you in god: that ye wyll be none other wyse mynded. He that troubleth you shall be are hꝭ iudgemēt what soeuer he be brothrē if I yet preache cir cuncision / why do I thē yet suffer ꝑsecucyō / for thē had the offēce which the crosse gyueth ceased [Page] I wolde to god they were sondred from you whiche trouble you / as many as desyre with out warde aperaūce to please carnally / they cōstrayne you to be circūcysed / onely bycause they wolde nat suffre persecu cyon with the crosse of Christ / for they them selues whiche are circūcysed kepe natte the lawe? but desyre to haue you circūcysed that they myght reioyce in your fleshe. God forbyd that I shulde reioyce / but ī the crosse of our lord Iesu Christ wherby the world is crucyfyed as touchyng me / and I as concernynge the worlde.
¶ The Gospel on the Inuencyon of the Crosse the. iiij. Chapyter of Iohn̄. A
THere was a man of the Pharises na med Nicodemꝰ a ruler amōg the Ie wes / he came to Iesꝰ by nyghte & said vnto hym. Mayster we knowe that thou arte a teacher / whiche is cōe frō god / for no man coulde do suche myracles as thou doest / except god were with hym. Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym. Ue rely verely I say vnto the / except a man be borne a newe / he can nat / se the kyngedome of god. Nicodemus sayd vnto hym / howe can a man be borne when he is olde / can he entre in to his mothers bodye & be borne agayne? Iesus answered. Uerely verely I say vnto the / except that a man be borne of water / and of the spyryte / he can nat entre in to the kyngdome of god. That whiche is borne of the fleshe is fleshe / & that whiche is borne of the spiryte / is spiryte. Meruayle nat that I sayd to the / ye must be borne a new The wynde bloweth where he lysteth / and thou hearest his sounde / but thou canste nat tel whense he cō meth and whyther he goeth. So is euery man that is borne of the spiryte. Nicodemus answered and sayde vnto hym. How can these thynges he? Iesus [Page xiij] answered & sayde vnto hī. Arte thou a mayster in Is rael / and knowest nat these thynges? Uerely verely I say vnto the / we speake that we knowe / and testyfye that we haue sene / and ye receaue nat our wyttenes / if I haue tolde you erthly thynges / and ye haue nat beleued howe shulde ye beleue if I shall tel you of heuenly thynges? And no man hath ascēded vp to heuen / but he that came downe from heuen? that is to saye the sone of man / whiche is in heuen. And as Moyses lyfted vp the serpent in wyldernes / euen so must the sone of man be lyfted vp / that no man whiche beleueth in hym peryshe / but haue eternall lyfe.
¶ The Pystel on the Natiuite of saynt Iohn̄ Baptist. Esaye. xlix.
THus sayth the lorde. Herkē ye Ilesvnto me / & gyue hede ye peple that are a far re the lorde called me out of the wom be / and made mencyon of my name when I was in my mothers bowels / and he made my mouth lyke a sherpe swerd In the shadow he let me with his hāde / & he made me as an excellēt arow / & hyd in his quyuer / & he sayde vnto me: thou arte my seruaūt. O Israell / in whome I wyll be glo ryfyed / and I sayde. I labour in vayne and spende my strength for nought & vnprofytably howbeit my cause I [...]mitte / to the lord & my trauayl vnto my god and nowe sayth the lorde that formed me ī the wom be to be seruaunt / and to turne Iacob vnto hym / beholde I haue made the a lyght / that thou shuldest be saluacyō vnto the ende of the worlde kynges shal se / and rulers shall stande vp / & shal worshyppe / bycause of the lorde whiche is faythful and the holy of israell hath chosen the.
¶ The Gospel on the Natiuite of saynt Iohn̄ the [Page] Baptist. The fyrst Chapiter of Luke. F.
ELizabethes tyme was cō that she shulde be delyuered & she brought forth a sone & her neyghboures / & her cosīs herd tell how the lord had shewed greate mercy vpō her / they reioysed with her And it fortuned the eight day? they came to circūcyse the chyld / & called his na me [...]achary / after the name of his father / & his mother āswered & sayd nat so: but he shal be called Iohā And they sayde vnto her. There is none of thy kyn that is named with thys name / & they made sygnes to his father howe he wold haue hī called / & he asked for wrytinge tables & wrote / sayenge / his name is Io [...]ā. And they meruayled al & his mouth was opened immediatly / & his tōg & he spake lauding god / & feare cāe on all thē the dwelt nye / & all these thīges were noysed abrod throughout all the hilly countrey of Iewry? & all they that herd thē / layd thē vp ī theyr har tes say [...]g Uvhat maner chyld shall this be? & the hā de of god was with hī / & his father zacharias was fyl led with the holy ghost / & ꝓphesied sayēg. Blyssed be the lord of Israel / for he hath vysyted and redemed his people.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Peter & Paules day. The. xij. Chap. of the Acces of the Apostels. A.
IN that tyme Herode the kyng / layde hādes on certein of the [...]gregaciō to ve xe thē / he killed Iames the brother of Iohan / with a swerd / & because he sawe the it plea sed the Iewes he pceded further / & toke Peter also. Them were the dayes of the swete bread / & whē he had caught hī / he put hym ī prisō / & delyuered hym to. iiij. quaterniōs of soldiours to be kept / entendynge after, Easter to brynge hī forth to the people Thē was Peter kept ī [Page lxiiij] prysō / but prayer was made without ceasyng of the [...]gregacyō vnto god for hi / whē Herode wolde haue brought hī out vnto the people / the same nyght slepte Peter bytwene two soldiours / wūd with two chay nes / & the kepers before the [...]ore kepte the prysō / & be hold the āgell of the lord was there p̄sēt / & lyght shyned ī the lodge / & smote Peter on the syde / & styred hī vp sayēg. Aryse vp q ickly / & the chaynes fel of frō his hādes / & the āgell sayd vnto hī / gyrde thy selfe / & bīde on thy sādalles / & so he dyd & he sayd vnto hī caste on thy mātell about the / & folowe me / & he came & folowed hī / & wyst nat that it was trueth which was done by the āgell / but thought he had sene a vysyon when they were past the fyrst & the secōde watche / they cāe vnto the Irō gate that ledeth vnto te cytye which ope ned to thē by his owne accorde. And they wēt out / & passed thorowe one strete / & by & by the Angell depar ted frō hī And whē Peter cā to hī selfe / he sayd / now I knowe of a suertye that the lord hath sēt his āgell & hath delyuered me from the hande of Herode / & frō all the waytynge for of the people of the Iewes.
¶ The Gospel on saint Peter and Powles daye the. xvi. chapyter of Mathewe. [...].
TUhē Iesꝰ came ī to the costes of the cytye whi che is called Cesarea Philippi / he asked his di sciples sayēg whōe do mē saye that I the sone of mā am? They sayd / some say that thou art Iohā baptist sōe Helias / some Ieremias / or one of the ꝓphetes. He sayd vnto the / but whō saye ye that I am. Simō Peter answered and sayde. Thou art Christe the sone of the lyuynge god And Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym. Happy arte thou Symon the sone Ionas / for fleshe and blode hathe nat opened vnto the that / but my father which is in heuen. And I say also vnto the that thou arte Peter? & vpon this roke I wyl buylde my [...]gregacyon / and the gates of hell / shall nat preuayle agaynst it / & I wyll gyue vnto the / [Page] the keyes of the kyngdome of heuen / & what soeuer thou bindelte vpō erth / shall be bounde ī heuē / & what so euer thou lowsest on erth / shal be lowsed ī heuen.
¶ The Pyltel on the cōmemoracion of saynt Pau le the seconde chapiter to the Galathyans. B.
I Certyfye you brothrene / that the gospel whiche was preched of me / was not after the mauer of men / neyther receaued I it of man / neyther was I taught / it but receaued it by the reuelacyon of Iesꝰ Christ? ye haue her de of my conuersacyō ī tymes past in the Iewes wayes / how that beyōde measure. I ꝑsecuted the cōgregacyon of god / & spoyled it / & preuayled ī the Iewes lawe / aboue many of my cōpanyōs / which were of mine owne nacyō / & was as moch more feruēt meynteyner of the tradycyōs of the elders / but whē it pleased god / whiche seperated me frō my mothers wōbe / & called me by his grace / for to declare his sone by me that I shulde preache hi amōg the hethē / immediatly I cō [...]ened nat of the water with fleshe / & blode / neyther returned to Ierusalē to thē which were Apoitels before me / but wēte my wayes ī to Arabia / & came agayne vnto Damascō Thē after. iij. yere I returned to Ierusalē to se Peter / & aw de with hī. xv. dayes none other of the apostels sawe I / saue Iames the Lordes brother / the thīges which I wryte beholde / god knoweth I lye nat. After that I went in to the costes of Siria & Cilicia / & was vnknowē as touchīge my ꝑsone [...]vnto the cōgregacyōs of iewry which were in christ but they herd onely the he which ꝑsecuted vs ī tyme paste / now precheth the fayth which before he destroyed / and they glorifyed god on my behalfe.
¶ The Gospell on the Commemoracyon of saynt Paule. The xix. chapiter of Mathewe. D.
[Page lxv] PEter sayde vnto Iesus beholde we haue. &c. ye shal fynde this gospel on the conuersyon of saynt Paule. Folio. lviij.
¶ The Pystell on the visitacyon of our lady. Cant. chapiter. ij.
I Am the floure of the felde and Lylyes of the valeys. As the Lilye amonge the thornes / so is my loue among the daughters. As the Appletre amōg the trees of the wode. so is my beloued amōge the sōnes / in his shadow was my desyre to sytte / for his fruyte was swete to my mouth. He brought me vnto his wyne seller / and his be hauer to mewarde was louely / beholde my beloued sayde to me: vp and hast my loue: my doue my bewtiful and come / for nowe is wynter gone / and rayne deperted & past / the flowres appere in our countre / & the tyme is come to cut the vynes. The voyce of the Turtil doue is herde in ourlande / the fyg tree hath brought forth her fygges / and the wyne blossomes gyue a sauour vp hast my loue / my doue in the holes of the rocke. & secret places of the walles / shewe me thy face and let me here thy voyce / for thy voyce is swete / and thy fassyon beautyfull.
¶ The Gospell on the visytacyon of our Lady The fyrst Chapiter of Luke. D.
MAry arose in those dayes and went ī to the mountayns with haste in to a Citie of Iewry / and entred in to the hous of zacharie and saluted Elizabeth / and it fortuned as Elizabeth herde the salutacyon of Mary / the babe spronge in herbelly / & Elizabeth was fylled with the holy ghost / and cryed with a loude voyce / & [Page] sayde? Blyssed arte thou amonge women / & blyssed is the fruyte of thy wombe: & whence happeneth this to me / that the mother of my lord shulde come to me Loo as soone as the voyce of this salutacyon soūded in myne eares / the babe lept in my bely for ioye / and blyssed arte thou that beleuest / for those thynges shall be perfourmed whiche were tolde the from the lorde. And Mary sayd my soule magnifieth the lorde & my spyryte reioseth in god my sauyoure.
¶ The Pystel on the Translacion of saynt Thomas of Cauterbury the. v. Chapi. to the Hebrues. A
EUery hye preeste. &c. yeshal fynde this pystel on saynt Thomas day after chylder mas daye. Folio. vij.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Thomas of Cāterbury the. xix. cha. of Luke. B
A Certayne noble man. &c. ye shal finde this gospel on saīt Thomas daye after Chyldermas daye. Folio. vij.
¶ The Pystel on [...]elyke Sondaye. Ecc [...]a. xliiij.
THese are the men of mercy / whose ryghteousnes are nat forgotten. Goodnesse abyde with the seede of them: theyr kynsfolke / are an holy enherytan̄ce / & theyr seed hath stāde in wytnesses & the sones of thē abyde vnto the worldes ende for thē / the generacyō of thē / & the glorye of them shall nat be left / theyr bodyes are buryed ī peace / & theyr names shall lyue in the worldes / al people shall tel the wysdome of them / and all the congregacyon of sayntes shall shewe the laude of them.
¶ The Gospel on Relyke sondaye. The. v. Chapiter of Mathewe. A.
T [...]hen Iesus sawe the people he went vp in to a moūtayne and whē he was set his discyples [Page lxvi] came vnto hym / & he openeth his mouth & taught thē sayeng. Blyssed are the poore in spyryte / For theyrs is the kyngdom of heuē. Blissed are theyr that morne for they shal be comforted. Blyssed are the meke / for they shal enherete [...]h. Blyssed are they whiche hongre and thruste [...]g [...] ousnes / for they shall be fylled. Blyssed are the [...]yfull / for they shal optayne mercy. Blyssed are the pure in herte / for they shal se god. Blissed are the mainteyners of peace / for they shall be called the chyldrene of god. Blyssed are they which suffre ꝑsecucyon for ryghtuousnes sake / for theyrs is the kyngdome of heuen. Blyssed are ye whē mē shal reuyle you / & ꝑsecute you / & shall falshly saye all maner of euyl sayenges agaynst you / for my sake. Reioyce & be glade / for greate is your rewarde ī heuē.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Margaretes daye.
O Lorde my god thou hast exalted my habytacyon vpon the erth / & I haue prayed for deth to come / I haue called the lord the father of my lord that he forsake me nat ī the day of my tribulacyō. And in the tyme of proude men without helpe / I shall laude thy name dilygently / & shall prayse it ī cō fessyō & my prayer is herde thou haste delyuered me from perdycyō & from a wycked tyme / Therfore O lorde my god / I shall cōfesse and gyue laude vnto thy name.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Margaretes daye. The. xiij. Chapyter of Mathewe. G.
IEsus sayd vnto his discyples. The kyngdome of heuen is lyke vnto treasure hyd in the felde / the whiche a man founde and hyd it / & for ioy thereof / goeth / & selleth all that he hath / & byeth that felde. Agayne the kyngdom̄ of heuen is lyke vnto a Ma [...]haunte se kynge after [Page] good peerles / which whē he had found one precyous perle. wente and solde all that he had and bought it. Agayne the kyngdome of heuē is lyke vnto a Nette caste ī to the see / that gadereth of al kyndes of fyshes whiche when it is full / mē draw to lande / and syt and gathereth the good in to theyr vesselles and caste the bad away. So shall it be at the ende of the worlde / The angelles shall come and seuer the bad from the good / and shal caste them ī to a furneys of fyre / there shal be waylyng / and gnasshynge of teeth. Iesus sayd vnto theym / haue ye vnderstanded all these thynges they sayd ye syr. Then sayde he vnto them / therfore euery scrybe whiche is taughte vnto the kyngdome / is lyke an housholder / whiche bryngeth forth / out of his treasure / thynges bothe newe and olde.
¶ The Pystel on Mary Magdaleyn day. Prouerb. xxxi.
AU voman of power & verite yf a man culde fynde the valew of her were farre aboue perles. The herte of her husbāde trusteth in her / that he nedethe nat spoyles. She rendereth hym good & not euyl al the dayes of her lyfe. She sought wolle & fla xe / and dyd as her handes serued her. She is lyke a marchauntes s [...]y that bryngeth her vytayles from farre. She ryseth yer day / and gyueth meate to her houshold and fode to her maydens. She consydered a grounde and bought it / and of the fruyte of her hādes plāted a vyne. She gyrde her loynes with strēgth / & couraged her armes She ꝑceaued that her huswfry was ꝓfytable / & therfore dyd not put out her c [...]ell by nyght. She set her fingers to the splēdle [Page lxvij] & her hādes caughte holde on the dystaffe. She opened herhāde to the poore / & stretched out her hādes to the nedye. she feared not lest the cold of snowe shulde hurte her house / for al her houshold were double clothed. She made her gay ornamētes / of byce / & purple was her apparell. Her husbāde was hadde ī honoure ī the gates / as he sate with the elders of the lāde. She made lynnē & solde it / & deliuered a girdle to the merchaūt Strength & glory were her raymēt / & she laughed in the later dayes. She opened her mouth with wysdome & the lawe of ryghteousnes was on her tō ge. She had an eye to her housholde & eate nat bread ydly. Her chyldrē arose & blyssed her / & her husbande cōmended her. many doughters haue done excellētly but thou haste passed thē al. Fauoure is a deceauable thynge / & beautye is vanyte / but a womā that feareth god / she shal be praised Gyue her of the fruite of her hādes / & let her workes prayse her in the gates.
¶ The Gospel on Mary magdaleyn day. The. vij. chapiter of Luke. E
ONe of the Pharyses desyred Iesꝰ that he wolde eate with hym / and he came ī to the pharyses house / & sat downe to meate. And beholde a womā ī that cytie / whiche was a synner as soone as she knewe that Iesꝰ sat at meate in the pharyses howse she brought an Alabaster boxe of oyntmēt / & she stode at his fete behīde hī wepyng and begā to wasshe his fete with teares / & dyd wype thē with the eares of her heed / & kissed his fete / and anoynted thē with oyntmēt. whē the Pharyse whiche bade hym to his house sawe that / he spake within hym selfe sayenge: yf this man were a prophete / he wolde surely haue knowen who & what maner woman this is / whiche touched hym / for she is a sinner And Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym / Symon I haue somwhat to saye vnto the / and he sayd: mayster [Page] saye on. There was a certayne lēder whiche had two detters / the one ought fyue houndred pens / and the other fyfty. Uvhē they had nothynge to paye / he forgaue them bothe. Uvhiche of them tell me wyll loue hym moost? Symon answered and sayde / I suppose that he to whome he forgaue moost / and he sayde vnto hym. Thon hast truely iudged. And he turned to the woman / and sayde vnto Symon.
Seest thou this womā / I entred in to thy house / and thou gauest me no water to my fete / but she hath wasshte my fete / with teares / and wiped then with the heares of her heed. Thou gauest me no kysse: but she sence the tyme I came in hath nat ceased to kysse my fete. My heed with oyle thou dydeste nat anoynt and she hathe anoynted my fete with oyntmente.
Uvherfore I saye vnto the many synnes are forgyuen her / bycause she loued moche. To whome lesse is forgyuē / the same doth lesse loue. And he sayd vnto her thy synnes are forgyuen the. And they that sa [...]e at meate with hym / began to say within thē selues Uvho is this which forgyueth euē synnes / & he sayde to the womā. Thy fayth hath saued the / go in peace.
¶ The Pystell on saynt Iames daye the Apostle. The seconde chapiter to the Ephesyans. D
BRethrene nowe ye are nomore straūgers and foreners: but cytesyns with the sayntes / and of the houshold of god and are bylte vpon the foūdacyō of the Apostles and ꝓphetes / Iesus Chryst beyng the heed corner stone in whome euery buyldynge coupled togyther / growethe vnto an holy temple in the lorde / in whome ye also are bylte togyther & made an habitacyon for God in the spyryte.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Iames daye the Apostle. The. xx. Chapiter Mathewe. C
THere came to Iesus the mother of zebedes chyldren with her sones / worshyppyng hym / & desyryng a certayne thynge of hym he sayde vnto her / what wilt thou haue she sayde vnto hym. Graunte that these my two sones / maye syt one on the right hāde / and the other on thy lefte hāde / ī thy kyndome. Iesꝰ answered & sayde / ye wotte nat what ye aske. Are ye able to drinke of the cuppe that I shall drynke of? & to be baptysed with the bapty me that I shal be baytysed with? They answered to hym. That we are He sayd vnto then / ye shal drynke of my cuppe / & shall be baptysed with the baptyme that I shall be baptysed with / but to sytte on my ryght hāde / & on my lyfte hande / is nat myne to gyue but to then for whom it is p̄pared of my father
¶ The Pystel on saynte Annes daye.
Awomā of power & veryte. &c. ye shall fynde this pystell on saynte Mary magdaleyn day. f. lxvi.
¶ The Gospell on saynt ānes daye. The fyrst echapiter of Mathewe. A
THis is the boke of the generacyon. &c. ye shal fide thꝭ gospel on the [...]cepcyō of our lady. f. lvi
¶ The Pystell on saynt Peters daye ad vincula. The. xij. chapi. of the Actes of the apostles. C.
VUhē peter cam out of prisō he came to the house of Mary the mother of one Iohan which was called Marke / where many were gathered togyther in prayer / as Peter knocked at the entrey dore / a damsell came forthe to herken named Rhoda / & when she knewe Peters voyce / she opened [Page] nat the entrey for gladnes / but ranne ī / & tolde howe Peter stode before the entrey / & they sayde vnto her / thou arte mad / & she bore thē downe / that it was euē so. Thē sayd they / it is his āgell peter ꝯtynued knockynge / when they had opened the dore / & sawe hym they were astonyed / he beckened vnto them with the hande to holde theyr peace / and told them by what meanes the lord broughte hym oute of pryson.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Peter day ad vincula. The. xvi. chapiter of Mathewe. B.
WHen iesꝰ came ī to the costes. &c. ye shall fynde this gospell on saint peter & paules day. f. lxiiij
¶ The Pystell on the trāsfyguracyō of our lord / the. ij. pystel of Peter & the fyrst cha. D.
MOste dere beloued brethren we folowed nat deceauable fables when we opened vnto you the power / & commynge of our lord Iesꝰ chryste / but with our eyes we sawe his maieste. Euē thē verely / when he receaued of god the father honour & glorye / & whā there came suche a voyce to hym from that excellēt glory. This is my dere byloued sone / ī whome I haue delyte / here hym / this woyce we herde whan it came from heuē / beynge with hym ī the holy mounte / we haue also a ryghte sure worde of prophesye / where vnto yf we take hede / as vnto a lyght that shyneth in a darke place / ye do wel vntyl the daye dawne and the daye starre aryse in your hertes.
¶ The Gospel on the Transfyguraciō of our lorde The. xvij. chapiter of Mathewe. A
IEsus toke Peter and Iames / & Iohā his brother & brought thē vp in to an hye mountayne out of the way & was transfygured before them / & his face did shine as the [Page lxix] sonne & his clothes were as whyte as the lyght. And beholde there apered vnto them Moyses & Helias / talkynge with hym. Thē answered Peter & sayde to Iesus. Mayster here is good beyng for vs / yf thou wylte / let vs make here. iij. tabernacles / one for the / and one for moyses / and one for helias. whyle he yet spake / beholde a bryght cloude shadowed theym / and beholde there came a voyce oute of the cloude & sayde This is my dere sonne / ī whom I delyte / here hym. And whan the dyscyples herde that they fell flatte on theyr faces / & were sore affrayde. And Iesꝰ came and touched theym & sayde aryse and be nat a frayde then lyfted they vp theyr eies & sawe no mā but Iesꝰ onely. And as they came downe frō the mountaine. iesꝰ charged thē sayenge / se that ye she we the vysiō to no man tyll the sōne of mā be rysē agayne from deth.
¶ The pystel in the feest of the name of Iesus. The. iiij. chapi. of the Actes of the Apostles. A
PEter full of the holy ghost sayd. Ye rulers of the people and elders of Israel / yf we this day be examined of the good dede done to the syckeman / by what meanes he is made hole / be it knowē vnto you all / & to al the people of israel that in the name of iesus Chryst of Nazareth / whome ye crucyfyēd / & whome god raysed from deth agayne / this man standeth here presente before you whole / this is the stone caste asyde of you buylders whiche is sette in the cheyfe place of the corner / neyther is there saluacyon in any other / noryet also is there any other name giuen to men wherin we muste be saued.
¶ The Gospell in the feest of the name of Iesus. The fyrste chapiter of Mathewe. C.
[Page] THe aungell of god apered to Ioseph in slepe sayēg. Ioseph the sonne of da uid / feare not to take vnto the mary thy wyfe / for that which is conceaued in her / is of the holy ghost. She shal bring forth a sone / & thou shalt cal his name Iesus / for he shall saue his people from theyr syn̄es. Al this was done to fulfyl that which was spoken of our lorde by the ꝓphete sayēg. Beholde a mayde shal be with chylde / & shall bringe forth a sonne / & they shall call his name Emanuel / whiche is by interpretacy on / god with vs.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Laurēce daye / the. ij. Pystel to the Corynthyans. The. ix. cha. B
BRethrene / he which sowethe lytell / shal reepe lytell / & he that sowethe plēteously shall reepe plēteously / & let euery man do accordyng as he hath purposed ī his herte not grudgyngly / or of necessyte / for god loueth a chereful gyuer. God is able to make you ryche ī all grace / that ye ī all thynges hauynge sufficiēt vnto the vtermost may be ryche vnto all maner good workes / as it is wrytten. He hath sparsed a brode / & hathe gyuen to the poore his ryghteousnes remayneth for euer. He that fyndeth the sower sede shal mynystre breade for fode and shall multyply your sede / & encrease the fruytes of your ryghteousnes.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Laurence daye. The. xij. chapyter of Iohan. D.
IEsꝰ sayed vnto his discyples. Uerely verely I say vnto you / excepte the wheathe corne fal into the groūde & dye / it bydethe alone. yf it dye it bryngethe fort moche fruyte. He that loueth his lyfe shall destroye it / & he that [Page lxx] hathethe his lyfe ī this worlde / shall kepe it vnto the lyfe eternal yf any mā minystre vnto me / let hym folowe me & where I am / there shall also my mynyster be / and yf any man mynystre vnto me / hym wyl my father honoure whiche is in heuen.
¶ The Pystel on the Assumpcyon of our lady. Ecclesi. xxiiij.
IN al those thynges I sought reste: & ī some mānes enherytaūce wolde haue dwelte. The the creatoure of all thīges cōmaūded & sayd vnto me: & he that created me dyd sette my tabernacle at reste & sayde vnto me.
Dwel ī Iacob / & haue thyne en herytaūce ī Israell / & rote thy selfe amōge myne electe. Frō the begynnynge / & before the world was I created / & vnto the world to come wyll I not cease: & before hym haue I mynystred ī the holy habytacyō & so ī Syō was I set led / & in the holy cytie lykewise I rested & in Ierusalē was my power And I roted my selfe ī an honourable people / which are the lordes parte / & he theyr enherytaū ce / & amōge the multytude of sayntes I helde me faste. As a cedar tree was I lyfte vp in Lybanon / & as a Lypres tree ī moūte hermō As a Palme tree was I exalted ī Cades / & as rose plātes ī Ierico. As a beautyfull Olyue tree ī the feldes & as a Playntayne tree was I exalted vpō the waters. In the stretes. I gaue an odoure as Sinamon & Balme that smellethe wel / & gaue an odoure of swetenes as ꝑfecte Myrre.
¶ The Gospel on the Assumpcyon of our lady. The. x. chapiter of Luke. G.
IEsus entred into a certaine Castell. And a certaine woman named Martha / receaued hym in to her house? And this woman had a syster called Mary: whiche satte at [Page] Iesus fete / & herde Iesus preachynge. Martha was cōbred aboute moche seruynge: & stode & sayd? Mayster doest thou nat care: that my syster hath left me to ministre alone? bidde her therfore that she helpe me. And Iesus answered & sayd vnto her Martha Mar tha thou carest & arte troubled about many thynges / verely one is nedeful. Mary hathe chosen the beste parte which shal not be taken away from her.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Bartylmewes daye. The. ij. chapyter to the Ephesyans. D
NOwye are no more straungers. &c. ye shal fynde this Pystell on saynt Iames daye. the apostle. Folio. lxvij
¶ The gospel on saint bartylmewes day. The. xxij. chapi. of Luke. C
THere was a stryfe amonge the discyples of Iesꝰ / whiche of thē shulde be taken for the greatest / & he sayd vnto thē / the kynges of the gētyls raygne ouer thē & they that beare rule ouer thē are called gracyous lordes / but ye shall not be so but he that is greatest amōg you shall be as the yongest & he that is chyefe shal be as the mynystre for whether is great / he that syttethe at meate? or he that seruethe is nat he that syttethe at meate? And I am amōg you as he that ministrethe / ye are they which haue byddē with me ī my tēptacyōs / & I apoynt vnto you a kyndome / as my father hath apointed to me that ye maye eate & drynke at my table in my kyndome / & sytte on seates / and iudge the twelue trybes of Israell.
¶ The Pystell on the Decolacyon of saynt Iohā. Prouerbi. x.
THe lokyng after of iuste men is gladnes & the hope of wycked men shal ꝑysshe The strength of a simple man is the waes of [Page lxxi]
the lord / and feare to thē that worke euyll. The iuste mā shall not be moued for euer and wycked mē shall not dwell vpō the erth. The mouthe of a iust man bryngeth forthe wysdome / & the tonge of euyl mē shal ꝑysshe. The lyppes of a iuste man [...]syderethe pleasaūte thynges / and the mouth of wycked men / frowarde thynges. The simplycyte of iuste men shall dyrecte theym and the supplantacyō of euyl mē shal destroy thē. The rygh teousnes of ryghtuose men / shall delyuer them & the wycked mē shall be taken in theyr awaytes The iust mā is delyuered frō heuynes / & the wycked mā shall be taken for hym. A dissimyler deceaueth his frēde with the mouth / & the iust mē shall be delyuered with scyēce A citye shal be exalted ī the goddes of iust m [...]: & laude shall be ī the losse of wicked mē A cytye shall be exalted in the blysynge of iuste men.
¶ The Gospell on the decollacyon of saynt Iohā. The. vi. Chapiter of Marke. C.
HErode the kynge hym selfe sēt forth and toke Iohn̄ & bounde hym & cast hym ī pryson / for Herodias sake / which was his brother Philyppys wyfe. For he had maryed her. Iohan sayde vnto Herode. It is nat laufull for the to haue thy brothers wyfe. Herodias layd wayte for hym / & wold haue kylled hym / but she coulde nat For herode feared Iohan knowynge that he was a iuste man / & an holy / and gaue hym reuerence and when he herde hym / he dyd many thynges and herd hym gladly. And when conuenyente daye was come Herode on his byrth day made a supper to the Lordes / Capteynes / and cheyfe estates of Galile. And the daughter of the same Herodias came in. & daunsed / and Pleased Herode and thē that sate at bourde [Page] also. Then the kynge sayde vnto the maydē / aske of me what thou wylte / & I wyll gyue it the / & he sware vnto her. what soeuer thou shalte aske of me / I wyll gyue it the / euen vnto the one halfe of my kyngdome. And she went forth: & sayde to her mother. what shal I are and she sayde Iohan Baptistes heed And she came in strayte waye with haste vnto the kynge and asked sayeng / I wyll that thou gyuest me by and by in a dysshe / the heed of Iohan Baptyste. And the kynge was sory. Yet for his othes sake / and for theyr sakes whiche sate at supper also / he woulde nat put her besyde her purpose. And ī medyatly the kyng sente Hangeman / and commaunded his heed to be brought in / and he went and beheded hym in the pryson and brought his heed ī a dyshe and gaue it to the mayden / and the mayden gaue it to her mother. Uvhen his dyscyples herde of it / they came and toke vp hys body / and put it in a tombe.
¶ The Pystell on the Natiuite of our Lady
AS A vyne so broughte I forth a sauoure. &c. Ye shal fīde thys pystel ī the Cōcep cyon of our Lady. Folio. lvi.
¶ The Gospel on the Natiuite of our Lady. The fyrste Chapyter of Mathewe. A.
THis is the boke of the generacyon of Iesꝰ. &c. Ye shall fynde this Gospell on the Cōcepcyō of our Lady. Fo. ivi.
¶ The Pystell on the Exaltacyon of the Crosse the. v. Chapyter to the Galathyans. B.
[...]Haue trust toward you in god. &c. ye shall fynde thys Pystel on the Inuencyō of the Crosse Folio. lxij.
¶ The Gospell on the exaltacyon of the Crosse the. xij. Chapiter of Iohan. E.
[Page lxxij] IEsus sayd vnto the people of the Ie wes / nowe is the iudgement of this worlde now shal the Prynce of thys world be cas [...]e out. And I (if I were lyft vp frō the erth) wyl drawe al mē vnto me This sayd Iesus sygnyfyen ge what deth he shulde dye. The people answered hym. Uve haue herde of the lawe that Chryst bydeth euer? And how sayest thou then that the sone of man must be lyft vp Uvho is that sone of mā? Iesus sayd vnto them / yet a lytell whyle is the lyght with youe: walke whyle ye haue lyght lest the darkenes come on you. He that walketh ī the darke woteth nat whyther he goeth. But whyle ye haue lyght / byleue on the lyghte that ye maye be the Chyldren of lyght.
¶ The Pystell on saynt Mathewes daye [...]he apostle.
THe simylytude of the faces of the foure beestes. The face of a man / and the face of a Lyon / on the ryght hande of the foure of thē. And the face of an Eagle aboue thē foure And theyr faces / and theyr wynges stretched ont aboue an hye. Eche hade two wynges coupled togyther / & two that couered theyr bodyes / & they wēt all streyte forwarde / & whyther they had luste to go / thyther they wēt / & turned nat backagayne ī theyr goynge. And the similytude of the bee stes / & the fassyō of thē was as burnīge coles of fyre & as fyre brādes / walkīge bytwene the beestes / & the fy re dyd shyne / & out of the fyre ꝓceded lightnige / & the beestes rāne & returned after the fassyō of lyghtnīge
¶ The Gospell on saynt Mathewes daye the Apostle / The. ix. Chapyter of Mathewe. B.
[Page] WHē Iesꝰ wēt forth / he sawe a man sytte receauyng of a custome named Mathewe / & sayde to hī / Folowe me / & he arose & folowed hym.
And it came to passe / that Iesꝰ sate at meate ī the house / beholde many Publycanes & synners came and sate downe also with Iesus & his dyscyples. Uvhen the Pharyses had ꝑceaued that they sayd to hys dyscyples / why eateth your mayster with Publy canes & synners? Uvhē Iesꝰ herd that: he sayd to thē The whose nede nat the Phisysiō / but they that are sehe. Go & lerne / what that meaneth? I haue Pleasure ī mercy / & nat ī offerīg / for I am nat come to calle the ryghtwyse / but the synners to repentaunce.
¶ The Pystel on saynt Myghels daye. The fyrste Chapyter of the Reuelacyon of saynt Iohan. A.
IEsꝰ sēt & shewed by hys An gell vnto his seruaūte Iohn̄ whiche bore recorde of the worde of god / & of the testymonye of Iesꝰ Chryste and of al thynges that he sawe. Happye is he that heareth & readeth the wordꝭ of the ꝓphesy / & kepe those thynges whiche are writtē there ī / for the tyme is at hāde. Iohn̄ to the. vij. cōgregacyon ī Asia. Grace be with you & peace from hym which is / & which was / & the which is to come and from the. vij. spyrytes / whiche are presente before his trone / & frō Iesꝰ Christe whiche is a faythfull wytnesse & fyrst begoten of the deed / & lorde ouer the kynges of the erth vnto hym that loued vs / and wasshed vs from our synnes: in hys owne blode.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Mygheles daye the. xviij. Chapyter of Mathewe. A.
THe dyscyples cāe vnto Iesꝰ sayēge. who is the greatest ī the kyngdome of heuē? Iesꝰ called a [Page lxxiij] chyld vnto hī / & set hym ī the myddes of them & sayde / verely I say vnto you / except ye tourne and become as childrē / ye can nat entre ī to the kyngdome of heuē. Uvho so euer therfore shall submytte hym selfe as this chylde / he is the greatest ī the kyndome of heuē. And who so euer receaueth suche a Chylde in my name / receaueth me / but who so euer offende one of these lytell wones / which byleueth ī me / it were beter for hī that a mylstone were hāged about his necke / & that he were drowned in the depth of the see. Uvo be vnto the world / bycause of offēces / howbeit it cā nat be auoyded neuertheles wo be to the mā by whome the offēce comith. Uvherfore if thy hande or thy fote gyue the an occasyon of euyl / cut hym of / & cast hī frō the / it is better for the to entre ī to lyfe halte or maymed / rather thā thou shuldest hauynge two hādes / or two fete / be caste in to the euerlastyng fyre. And yf also thyne eye offēde the / plucke hym out and cast hym frō the. It is better for the to entre ī to lyfe with one eye / thē hauyng two eyes to be caste in to the hell fyre. Se that ye despyse nat one of these lytell wones. For I saye vnto you / that in he uen theyr angelles / beholde the face of my father whiche is in heuen.
¶ The Pystell on the Translacyon of Saynt Edwarde the Kynge and Confessour.
THe iuste mā wyll gyue his herte & watch ī the mornyng to the lorde which made hī / & wyl pray in the syght of the most hyest. He wyl opē his mouth ī prayer / & wyl praye for his synnes And yf the greate Lorde wyll / he wyll ful fyll hym with the spirite of vnderstādyng / & he wyl shewe forth the eloquence of his wisdome of swete shouers / & wyll knowled ge to the lorde in prayer / & he wyl directe his counsayll & disciplin / & wyl haue counsell in secret thynges / & he shal spehe opēly / the disciplin of his doctrine & shall glorye in [Page] the Testament of the lorde. Many men shall prayse his wysdome / & it shal nat be done awaye vnto the worldes ende. His remembraunce shal nat go awaye / and his name shall be requyred from generacyon / ī to generacyon.
¶ The Gospell on the Translacyon of saynt Edward the Kinge & cōfessoure the. xi. Chapiter of Luke. E.
IEsussayd vnto his dyscyples. No mā lyghteth a cādell / & putteth it ī a preuye place / neyther vnder a busshell / but on a cādelstyhe that they that come in / maye se lyght. The lyght of thy body is thyne eye. Therfore when thyne eye is syngle / then is all thy bodye full of lyght / but yf thyne eye be euyll / then shal all thy bodye be full of darkenes. Take hede therfore that the lyght whiche is in the / be nat darkenes / for if all thy bodye shall be lyght hauynge no parte darke / thē shal all be ful of lyght / euen as when a cādell doeth lyght the with his bryghtnes.
¶ The Pystel on saynte Luke the Euangelystes daye.
THe symylytude of the faces. &c. ye shall fynde this Pystel on saynte Mathewes day the Apostle. Folio. lxxij.
¶ The Gospell on Saynte Luke the Euangelistes day The. x. Chapiter of Luke. A.
OUr lord apoynted other seuēty also / and sent them two & two before his face / in to euery cytye and place / whyther he hym selfe wolde come. And sayde vnto thē / the haruest is greate / but te labourers are fewe / pray therfore the lorde of the haruest to sende forth hys labourers in to hys harueste. Go your wayes / behold I īend you forth as Lābes amō ge wolues. Beare no wallet neyther scrippe / nor shoes & salute no mā by the way In whatsoeuer house ye entre ī fyrst saye / peace be to thꝭ house. And if the sone of peace be there your peace shall reste on hī / if nat it shall returne [Page lxxiiij] to you agayne & in the same house tary styl eatynge & drynkynge such as they haue / for the labourer is worthy of hī srewarde.
¶ The Pystel on The. xi. thousande Uyrgyns daye.
O How faire is a chast / generacyō with charite / the memorye of it is immortal / for it is knowē to god & mā / & whē it is p̄sēt / they folow it: & desyre it / whē it ledeth thē / & it triumpheth crounned euerlastyngely / ouer cōmīge of batayles vndefyled / a great multytude of wicked men shal nat be ꝓfytable & euyl plantes shal nat brynge forthe hyest trees / neyther shall set a suer grounde / & if they spryng ī tyme ī bowes / they shal be vn suer put / they shal be moued with the wynde / & shall be plucked vp with the vehemency of the wynde / the vnpar fyte bowes shal be brokē / & the fruytē of thē shall be vnprofytable & bytter to eate / & profytable to nothynge / & al the childrē which shall be borne to wicked mē: are witnes of wyckednes agaynste theyr parētes ī theyr iterrogacyō the iust man shall be in reste / if he be occupyed with deth
¶ The Gospel on the. xi. thousand Uyrgyns day. The xxv. Chapiter of Mathewe. A.
IEsꝰ sayd vnto his disciples. The kyngdome of heuē is lykened to. x. Uirgins / which toke theyr lāpes & wente to mete the brydegrome / & fyue of thē were folyshe / & fyue were wyse. the foles toke theyre lāpes but toke none oyle with thē / but the wyse toke oyle with thē in theyr vessels with theyr lāpes also. whyle the brydgrōe taried / al slōbred & slept / & euē at mydnyght the re was a cry made / behold the brydgrome cōmeth. Go & mete hī. Thē al those vrgyns arose & p̄pared theyr lāpes And the folysshe sayd vnto the wyfe gyue vs of your oyl [...] for our lāpes go out / but the wyse āswered sayēg / nat so lest there be nat inough for vs & you / but go rather to thē that sel / & bye for your selues ī ꝯclusyō whyle they wet to [Page] bye: the brydgrome cam / & they that were redy went in with hym to the weddynge / and the gate was shut vp. After wardes came also the other virgyns sayēg. Mayster / mayster / open to vs / but he answered and sayde. Ue rely. I saye vnto you I know you nat / loke that you watche therfore / for ye know neyther the day nor yet the houre / when the sone of man shall come.
¶ The Pystel on Symon and Iudes day. The. viij. Chapiter to the Romayns. E
BRothren we knowe well that al thynges workes for the best vnto them that loueth god whiche also are called of purpose for those which he knew before / he also ordeyned before that they shulde be lyke fassyoned vnto the shape of his sone / that he myght be the fyrst begoten sone amōg many brothren. Moreouer which he apoynted before / them also he called / & whiche he called thē / also he iustifyed / which he iustyfyed / them he also gloryfyed. Uvhat shall we thē saye vnto these thynges / if god be on our syde / who can be agaynst vs / which spared nat his owne sone but gaue hym for vs all / howe shall he nat with hym gyue vs al thynges also. Uvho shal laye any thynge to the charge of goddes chosen? It is god that iustyfyeth / who then shall condempne It is Chryst which is deed / ye rather whiche is rysen agayne whiche is also on the ryght hande of god / land maketh intercessyon for vs / Uvho shall sperate vs frō godes loue. Shal trybulacyō? or anguyshe / or persecucyon / other hōgre? other nakednes? other parell other swerde: as it is writtē / for thy sake are we kylled al day lōge & are counted as shepe appoynted to be slayne. Neuertheles in al these thynges we ouercome / strōgely thorowe hys helpe that loued vs ye and I am suer that neyther deth neyther lyfe / nor Angell / nor rule / neyther power / neyther thynges present / [Page lxxv] nor thynges to come / neyther heeth / neyther lowth / neyther any other creature shal be able to departe vs from goddes loue / whiche is in Christe Iesus our Lorde.
¶ The Gospell on Symon and Iudes daye the. xv. Chapiter of Iohan. C.
IEsus sayde vnto his discyples. This I commaunde you that ye loue to gyther / yf the worlde hate you / ye knowe that it hated me before it hated you / yf ye were of the worlde / the worlde wolde loue you / his owne bycause ye are nat of the world but I haue chosen you out of the world / therfore hateth you the worlde. Remember my sayinge that I sayde vnto you / the seruaunte is nat greater then his lorde / if they haue persecuted me / so wyl they persecute you / if they haue kepte my sayinge / so wyll they kepe yours / but al these thynges wyl they do vnto you / for my namis sake bicause they haue nat knowen hym that sēte me. yf I had nat come & spoken vnto them / they shulde haue had synne / but nowe haue they nothynge to cloke theyr synne / with all. He that hateth me / haeth my father yf I had nat done workes amōgeth whiche none other mandyd / they had natte sene but nowe haue they sene / & yet haue hared both me and my father / euen that the sayinge myght be fulfylled that is written ī theyr law They hated me without a cause.
¶ The Pystell on the all Halowes day. The. vij. Chapiter of the Reuelacyon of Saynt Iohan. A
IOhan saw an angell ascēdynge from the rysinge of the sone / whych had the seale of the lyuynge god / and he cryed with a loude voyce to the. iiij. angels (to whome power was gyuen to hurte the erthe: and the see) sayinge hurt nat the erthe / neyther the see / neyther the trees tyl [Page] whe haue sealed the seruauntes of our god in theyr forhedes and I herde the nomber of then whiche were sealed / and there were sealed. C. &. xliiij. M. of al the trybes of the chyldrē of israel of the trybe of Iuda were sealed. xij. M. of the tribe of Rubē were sealed. xij. M. of the trybe of Gad were sealed. xij. M. of the trybe of Asser were sealed. xij. M. of the trybe of Neptalim were sealed. xij. M. of the trybe of Manasses were sealed. xij. M. of the rybe of Simeō were sealed. xij. M. of the trybe of Leuy were sealed. xii. M. of the trybe of isacar were sealed. xij. M. of the trybe of zabulō were sealed. M. xii. of the trybe of Ioseph were sealed. xii. M. of the trybe of Beniamyn were sealed. xii. M. After thꝭ I behelde & loo a great multytude (which no man coulde nombre) of all nacyons & people / and tonges / stode before the seate / and before the lambe / cleothed with longe whyte garmentes and Palmes in theyr handes / and cryed with a loude voyce sayē ge saluacyon be ascrybed to hym that syttethe vpon the seate of our god / and vnto the lambe and al the angels stode in the compace of the seate and of the elders / and of the. iiij. beastes / and fell before the seate on theyr faces & worshypped god sayenge / Amen / blyssynge and glory / wysdom / and thankes / & honour and power / and myghte be vnto oure god for for euer more.
¶ The Gospel on the al Hallowes day. The. v. chapiter of Mathewe. A.
UUhen Iesus saw the people. &c. ye shal fyde this gospel on Relike sonday. Folio. lxv.
¶ The Pystel on al Soules day the fourth chapiter of the fyrst Pystell to the Tessalonians. C.
I Uvolde nat brethrene haue you ygnoraunt / as concernynge then whiche are fallē a s [...]epe that ye sorowe nat as other do which haue no hope / for yf we byleue that Iesus [Page lxxvi] died & rose agayne / euen so then also which slepe by Iesus / will god bringe agayne with hym. And this saye we vnto you in the worde of the lorde / that we whiche lyue & are remainyng in the cōmynge of the lorde shall nat come ere they which slepe / for the lord hym selfe shal descende frō heuen with a shut & the voyce of the archangel & trōpe of god / & the deed in Chryste shal aryse fyrst / thē shal we which lyue & remayne be cauyght vp with thē also in the cloudes to mete the lorde in the ayre / & so shal we euer be with the lorde. Uvherfore conforte your selues one another with these wordes.
The gospell on thy all soules day. the. xi. cp̄. of ioh. C
MArtha sayd vnto Iesus lord yf thou haddest ben here my brother had nat bene deed / but neuerthelesse I knowe that what soeuer thou askeste of god / God wyll gyue it the. Iesus sayde vnto her / thy brother shall ryse agayne. Martha sayde vnto hym. I knowe well he shal ryse agayn in the Resurrecyon at the laste daye / Iesus sayde vnto her: I am the Resurrecyon & the lyfe. Uvho soener byleuethe on me ye though he were deed / yet shall he lyue: and who soeuer lyuethe / and byleuethe on me / shall neuer dye / byleueste thou this She sayde vnto hym ye lorde I byleue that thou arte Chryste the sōne of god whiche haste come in to the worlde.
¶ The Pystell on saynt martyns day. Ecclesiasti. xliiij
BEholde an excellēt preest. &c. Ye shal fynde this pystel on saynt Nicholas day. folio. lvi.
¶ The Gospell on saynt Martyns day. The. xyv. chapiter of mathewe. B.
ACertain mā redy to take hꝭ iourneye. &c. ye shal fynde this gospel on saynt Nicholas day. fo. lvi.
¶ The Pystel on saynt katheryns daye.
LOrde I dyd lyfte vp my prayer vpon the erth / and besought to be delyuered from dethe. I called vpon the lorde / the father of my lorde / that he shuld not leue me helpelesse ī the day of my tribulacyon / and in the day of that proud mā I praysed thy name perpetually and honoured it with confessyon and my prayer was harde / and thou sauedest me that I perysshed not & delyuered me out of the tyme of vnryghteousnes Therfore wyll I confesse and prayse the / and wyll blysse the name of the lorde.
¶ The Gospel on saynt Katheryns daye. The. xiij. Chapiter of Mathewe. F.
UHe kyngedome of heuen is lyke vnto treasure. &c. ye shal fynde this gospel on saynt Margerates day. Folio. lxvi.
¶ The Pystel on the day of weddynge. The vi. chapi. of the fyrst Pystel to the Corynthyans. C
BRethren remembre ye nat that youre bodyes are the membres of Chryste / shal I nowe take the membres of Chryste / and make them the membres of an harlot? God for byd. Do ye nat vnderstāde that he whiche coupled hym selfe with an harlot / is become one body / for two (sayeth he) shall be one fleshe / but he that is ioyned vnto the lorde / is one spirite fle fornicacyon. Al synnes that a man doth / are without the body but he that is a fornicator / synneth agaynst his owne body. Know nat ye howe that youre bodyes are the temple of the holy gost / whiche is in you whom ye haue of god / and howe that ye are nat your owne / for ye are derely bought. Therfore gloryfye ye in god in youre bodies & in youre spyrytes / for they are goddes.
¶ The Gospel on the day of weddynges / the. xix. chapiter of Mathewe. A.
THe Pharyses came vnto Iesus to tempte hym and sayde to hym / is it laufull for a man to put away his wyfe for al maner of causes. He answered and sayde vnto them. haue ye not read how that he whiche made man at the begynnynge made them man and womā / and sayde for this thynge shall a man leue father and mother / & cleue vnto his wyfe / and they twaine shal be one fleshe / wherfore nowe are they nat twaine but one flesshe. Let no man therfore put asonder that whiche god hath coupled togyther.
¶ The Pystel at burienges / the fyrste Pystell to the Tessalonyans / and the fourth chapiter. C.
IU volde not brethrene haue you ygnoraūte. &c. ye shal fynde this pystell on all soules daye. Folio. lxxv.
¶ The Gospel on buryenges the. xi. Chapiter of Iohan. C.
MArtha sayde vnto Iesus / lorde yf thou. &c. ye shal fynde this gospel on al soules d aye. Folio. lxxvi.
¶ This is the table wherin ye shall vnderstande in what lefe ye shall fynde the Pystels / and Gospels after the vse of Salysbury of euery Sondaye and holy day in the yere.
- [Page]The pystel on the second sō day after Eester day. f. xxx.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the thyrde sō day after Eester day. fo. xxxi
- The gospel on the same day folio. eodem.
- The pistell on the iiij. sōday after Eester day. folio eodē.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. v. sōdaye aft̄ Eester day whiche is the next sōday before the crosse dayes. folio. xxxij.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The Pystell on the mōday in the crosse dayes. fo. xxxiij.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The Pystel on the Assensyon euen. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the Assensyō daye. folio. xxxiiii.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the sōday aft̄ the Assensyō daye. fo. xxxv.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on wytsō sōdaye folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on Mōday ī the witson weke. folio. xxxvi.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystell on the tewysday in the wytsō weke. fo. xxxvi.
- The gospel on the some day folio. xxxvij.
- The pystel on the wednysday in the wytson weke. fo. e
- The gospel on the same day Folio eodem.
- The pystel on trinyte Sonday. Folio xxxviij.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on corpus christi daye. Folio. xxxix.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the fyrst sonday after Trinite sondaye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same Sō daye. Folio. xl.
- The pystel on the secōde sō day after Trinyte sondaye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. iij. sōday after Trinyte sonday. fo. xli
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. iiij. sōday after Trinite sōday. fo. eodē
- [Page] The gospel on the same day Folio. xlij.
- The pystell on the. v. sōday after Trinite sōday. fo. eodē
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. vi. sōday after trinyte sōday. fo. xliii.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. vii. sōday after Trinite sōday. f. eodē.
- The gospel on the same day folio. xliiii.
- The pystel on the. viii. sonday after trinyte sōday. f. e.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystell on the. ix. sōday after trinyte sonday. fo. eod.
- The gospel on the same day folio. xlv.
- The pystel on the. x. sonday after trinite sonday. fo. eodē
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystell on the xi. Sonday after trinite sōday. xlvi.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem
- The pystel on the. xii. sōday after trinite sonday. fo. eodē
- The gospel on the same day fo. xlvii.
- The pystel on the. xiii. sōday after trinite sondaye. fol. eo.
- The gospell on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystell on the. xiiii. son day after trin̄. sōday. f. xlviij
- The gospel on the same day Folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. xv. sōday after trinyte sōday. fo. eodē.
- The gospel on the same day folio. xlix.
- The pystel on the. xvi. sondaye after trinite sonday. Folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day Folio eodem.
- The pystel on the xvij. sōday after trinite sonday. folio. l.
- The gospel on the same day Folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. xviij. sondaye after trinyte sondaye-Folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day Folio eodem.
- The pystell on the. xix. sondaye after trin̄. sōday. fo. li
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystell on the. xx. sōday after trinite sondaye. fo. eod
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. xxi. sōday after trinyte sondaye. fo. lij.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. xxij. sōday after trinyte sōdaye. fo. eodē
- [Page] The gospel on the same day folio. liii.
- The pystel on the. xxiii. sonday after trinite sōday. f. eo.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the. xxiiii. sō day after trin̄. sōday. fo. eod
- The gospel on the same day folio. liiii.
- The pistel on the next sōday before Aduent sōdaye. f. eo.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the Dedicacyon daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio. lv.
- THe Pystle on saīt Andrwes daye. folio. lv.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on saīt Nicholas daye. folio. lvi.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the concep [...]yō of our lady. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on saynt thomas day the apostle. folio. lvii.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the Cōuersyō of saynt paule. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio. lviii.
- The pystel on Candelma [...] daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on saīt Mathias the apostles daye. folio. lix.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the Annūcyacyon of our lady. folio. lx.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on saynt Georges day. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio. lxi.
- The pystel on saynt Marke the Euāgelystes day. fo. eo.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on Philip & Iames daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the Inuēcyō of the Crosse. folio. lxii.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- [Page] The Pystel on the natiuyte saynt Iohan the baptyst folio. lxiii.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem
- The pystel on saynt Peter & Paules daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio. lxiiii.
- The pystel on the cōmemocyon of saint Paule. fo. eod.
- The gospel on the same day folio. lxv.
- The pystel on the Uysytacyon of our lady. folio eodē.
- The gospel on the same day folio. eodem.
- The pystel on the translacyō of saynt thomas of Caūterbury. folio eodem
- The gospel on the same d [...]. folio eodem.
- The pystel on Relyke Son daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pistell on saynt Margaretes day. folio. lxvi.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The Pystell on Mary mag daleyne daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio. lxvii.
- The pystel on saynt Iames daye. The Apostle. fo. eodē.
- The gospel on the same day folio. lxviij
- The pystel on saynt Annes day. Folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on saynt Peters ad vincula. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the transfiguracyō of our lorde. fo. eodē.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pistel on the feest of the name of Iesus. folio. lxix.
- The gospel on the same day of Iesus Folio eodem.
- The pystel on saynt Laurēs day. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same saīt [...]ence daye. Folio eodem
- The pystel on the Assūpcion of our lady. folto. lxx.
- The gospel on the same day Folio eodem.
- The pystel on saynt Bartyl mewes daye. Folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodē.
- The pystel on the decollaciō of our saynt Iohan. fo. eodē
- The gospel on the same day folio. lxxi.
- The pystel on the Natiuyte of our lady. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- [Page] The pystel on the Exaltaciō of the Crosse. folio eodem
- The gospel on the same daye. folio. lxxij
- The pystel on saynt Matthewes day the apostle. eodē
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The Pystel on saynt myghels daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the trāslacion of saynt Edward the kyng and confessour. folio. lxxiij.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on saynt luke the euāgelystes dare. folio eodē
- Te gospel on the same daye folio eodem.
- The pystell on the. xi. thousande virgyns daye. f. lxxiiij
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on Symon and iudes daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem. lxxv.
- The pystel on al hollowes daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The Pystel on the al soules daye. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on saynt martyns daye. folio lxxvi.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on saynt katheryns daye. folio eodem.
- T [...] gospel on the same day folio eodem.
- The pystel on the same day of weddynge. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio. lxxvij.
- The pystel at buryenges. folio eodem.
- The gospel on the same day folio eodem.
¶ Imprinted at Rowen The yere of our lorde. M. D. xxxviij.