Certayne psalmes chosen out of the psalter of Dauid / commonlye called thee .vii. penytentiall psalmes, drawen into englyshe meter by Sir Thomas Wyat Knyght, wherunto is added a prologe of y e auctore before euery psalme, very pleasaūt & profettable to the godly reader.
Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyarde, at the sygne of thee Starre, By Thomas Raynald. and Iohn Harryngton
¶To the right honorable and his singuler good Lord, William, Marqu [...]she of Northampton, Earle of Essex, Barone of K [...]ndal, Lord parre, & knig [...]t of the most noble ordre of the Garter, youre moste bon [...]en orator at commaundement, Iohn Hattington, wysh [...]th helth, & prosperite wyth encrease of v [...]rtue & the mercy of God for euer.
COnsyderyng th [...] manyfolde dueties and aboundant seru [...] ce that I owe vnto your good Lordeshyp (ryghte honorable, & my Singul [...]r good Lord) I cā not, but see infinite causes [...] why I chiefely of all others oughte (wyth all cheref [...]ll and ready endeuoure) to gratifye your good Lordshyp by all meanes possyble, and to applye my selfe wholye too thee same, as one that woulde gladly, but cā by no mean [...]s [Page] able to do accordinglye as hys bondē duette requireth: I cānot, I say, but se & acknowledge my selfe boū dē, and not able to doo soche seruice as Iowe, both for the inestimable benefites y t your noble progenito [...]s, and also your good Lordship hath shewed vnto my parentes & pr [...]dycessors: & also to my selfe, as to one least able to do anye acceptable seruice, thoughe the wil be at all tymes most ready, In tokē wherof, youre lordship shal at all tymes perceaue, by simple thinges, that my [...]ittel wit shal be able to inu [...]nt that yf myne harte coulde do you any seruyce: no labour or trauayle shulde witholde me frō doynge my duetie [...] & that yf busy labour & y t hert myght be able to paye the du [...]tye that loue oweth: your lordshyp shulde in no poīt fynde me ingrate or vnthākful. And to declare this my redye wyll: I haue dedicated vnto your name, thys little [Page] treatyse, whyche after I had perused and by thaduise of others (better learned then my self) determined to put it in printe, that the noble fame of so worthy a Knighte, as was thee Auctor hereof, Syr Thomas Wyat, shuld not perish but remayne as wel for hys syngul [...]r learnīg, as valiant dedes in [...]ne [...]cyal f [...]ates: I thought that I could not find a more worthy patron for soch a mās worke then your Lordship, whō I haue al [...]wayes knowen to be of so godlye a zeale, to thee furtheraunce of gods holy & a secret gospel, most humbly b [...]sechynge your good Lordeshippe, herin to accepte my good wyll, and too esteme me as one that wissheth vnto the same al honour, healthe, and prosperous successe.
¶ The Prologe of the Auctor
Domine ne in furore
The Auctor
Beati quorum remisse sunt.
The Auctor
Domine ne in furore tuo.
The Auctor
Miserere mei deus
The Auctor
Domine exaudi orationem meam.
The Auctor
Deprofundis clamaui ad te domine.
The Auctor
Domine [...]x [...]di orationem meam.
¶ [...]um Preuil [...]gio ad imprimendum S [...]lum.
M.T.XLIX. The last day of December.