THE TRVE VSE OF ARMORIE, Shewed by Historie, and plainly proued by example: the necessitie therof also discouered: with the maner of differings in ancient time, the lawfulnes of honorable funerals and moniments: with other matters of Antiquitie, incident to the ad­uauncing of Banners, En­signes, and marks of noblenesse and cheualrie, By William Wyrley.

Imprinted at London, by I. Iackson, for Gabriell Cawood. 1592

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS AND OTHERS THE professors of martiall discipline.

NOBLES and Gentlemen, I will salute you with a sentence of mine Author sir Iohn Froysard, The aduentures of armes (saith he) are so diuers, and so far oftentimes beyond expectation, as that their effects causeth great admira­tion: which saying of his caused me with the more attention to read ouer his works, and finding the same most truly prosecuted through the whole course of his historie, but especially in the actions and aduentures of two famous Capitains Sage and Imaginatiue, the one sir Iohn Chandos, and the other sir Iohn Grayllie by name (commonly called the Captall de Buz) it delighted me (as a louer of honor and cheualrie) to note downe their seuerall for­tunes with some reasons of their falles, as men may gesse at the iudgements of God, and hauing enterprised the publishing there­of, haue dedicated these my labors, such as they be, to your hono­rable societie: which doings of mine though they may seeme to some men friuolous and not woorth your regard, yet doubt I not but you shall finde matter of benefit valuable to the time you shall therein bestow, both by way of imitation, and vertuous aemu­lation, as being a subiect that may stir your woorthie endeuors to the honor of God, your dutifull seruice of hir Maiestie, the benefit of your countrie, and your owne eternall glorie. I haue been care­full to set downe (as my maner is) the Standards pennons, cote armours, and other marks of honor, to the end it may publikely be knowen of what necessitie the vse of them is (as being for that cause first ordeined) how and in what maner they are to be vsed, and to whom they do of right most chiefly and properly appertaine and belong. And these matters being well conceiued (as indeed without such tokens no martiall discipline can be exercised, no [Page 2] armie ranged, no attempt of any companie atchieued, and so (by consequence) no conquest made, nor so much as any Common­wealth (whatsoeuer) defended, neither from outward enimies, ciuill discord, nor the rebellion of any plebeian rout, be the same neuer so simple, rude, or of small esteeme) it will (I hope) reduce into esti­mation a matter both of honor, order, and necessitie, which now (through the abuse thereof) is so far run into contempt, as that (of many men) it is holden for a thing of no price, but thought to be a very mockerie, and a matter of no other sequence, than to set vp vaine and fantasticall glorious fellowes into a pride, and to drawe from them some small summes to certaine persons into an office instituted, which no doubt was by the wisest and best gouerned states at the first deuised, and generally by all of any policie recei­ued to a most necessarie end: yet thinke they (as it is now in vse) it serueth but onely for that purpose. And indeed I must by the way complaine, that certaine of the said officers (or others pertaining to them) either for want of skill or maintenance, or otherwise for their gaine, haue committed faults not iustifiable, whereby they haue brought a matter of great honor into defame, and iniured thereby the Commonwealth, and brought both others that haue managed those affaires with more discretion, and themselues into obloquie. But these faults and errors, and some others also (spoken of in this dedication instituted to that purpose) will in the hand­ling of this matter more easily appeere, and the thing be (I hope) reformed either by the good endeuors which the officers (vnder­standing thereof) will vse, or else by the magistrate, when he shall haue knowledge of such the abuses as he may be informed of. And first that Guydhomes ensignes and marks of armorie be of necessi­tie, let it be but considered whether wars be somtimes of necessi­tie to be taken in hand or not, and surely I thinke there is none of so very meane capacitie, but will yeeld vnto it that they be: especially defensiue, and in some cases also offensiue: which as a thing granted I will ouerpasse. And then I say further, that wars being lawful and of necessitie, it must also be granted, that the same must be made by companies and bands of men, ouer which some must command, and the rest obey, and then will it follow, that for the oredring & diuiding of those to the best aduantage, standards and banners must be allotted to euery companie, to the end they may draw togither in their strength, and performe such actions as [Page 3] they shall be cōmanded, thus may you see the necessitie. And for the vse it doth also appeer, that sithence some must be commanders, it is of importance that they be known both by the persons ouer whom they command, & generally by al, and that so perspicuously that vp­on euery sudden occurrent, the meanest & simplest common soldier may thereby know euerie particular officer, and captaine that hath charge: for which purpose our ancestors deuise was, that such men should weare some such coate of marke ouer his armor, as whereby they might be easily discerned, to be the same persons which in­deed they were: and where somtimes (when occasion so offered it selfe) they were forced to vse pauishes for their defence, whereby a great part of the marke which was vpon their vesture, was shado­wed from sight, it was thought necessarie that their markes should be also laide vpon their shieldes: the commanders of horse-men (their faces being for the most part couered) they added to the crests of their helmets some further distinction to be the better al­so knowen by: thus much for the ordinance and vse of armorie. And hereby also may it appeere to whom they do properly belong and appertaine, namelie, to Kings, Princes, Archbishops, Bishops, Earles, Barons, Lords of prouinces and fees, Knights, officers in the Armie, Nauie or peece, and generallie to all that haue charge ouer bands and companies of soldiers. And now sithence from hencefoorth manie of my speeches will tend to the discouerie of such things as I take to be abused, erronious, or faultie, wherein I may peraduenture not square in opinion with some others, and being my selfe no officer or of any authoritie, whereby I should haue cause to deale in these affaires, I will therefore first beseech your honors and all others to whom it may appertaine, that if anie thing shall passe my pen which shall be offensiue, that they wil con­ceiue no woorse of it then I meane, which is but to bring these mat­ters of armorie into question, to the ende that if anie thing be a­misse (as I for my part thinke that manie things are) that then the same may be reformed: but if happelie I mistake, that then it would please such as be of iudgement or skill, to iustifie the same as well done, and I shall most willinglie yeeld to authoritie and rea­son: and so not speaking but vnder correction, I saie that first I find (as I conceiue) some blame to be imputed in your selues which be professed soldiers, that where your ancestors and al others general­lie did in their standards, banners, and pennons shew foorth to the [Page 4] viewe and face of the enimie, certaine faire, ancient, and knowne marks, which their elders for the most part had vsuallie before time carried, or at least themselues had then taken (if they but then were in their rising age) wherby their owne people were in a good­lie and decent order conducted and led, and their enimies verie much terrified, when they should see those marks shewed foorth, the owners whereof had in their memories by plaine feat of armes ouerthrowne their parents, or happely themselues, beaten them out of the fielde, razed downe their castels and fortresses, sacked their townes and cities, wasted and spoiled their countries, ranso­med their people, and generally so daunted and amazed them, that it was sometimes found to be true, that verie bare names of some valiant persons ouercame whole armies. I can not but blame you of all sorts which shall make choise of banners (which you call co­lors) so curtein like and so far from all due order of Ancient bea­ring as may be, and for your parts which are descended from An­cestors of marke, I would be glad to heare any reason from you, to what end you should lay the same a side, and make choise of a cur­tein in the place thereof. And you others (whose wisedome and valure haue gained you the reputation of a charge) I would gladly also heare from you what should moue you to be of that mind, as not to take some conuenient marke, such a one as may be thought meete by authority for you, whereby you may gaine an honor, both to your selues and your posteritie, and by your good vsage thereof much enlarge the reputation, you haue by your valours obtained.

An other thing that is amisse as I take it, and hath great need to be reformed, is the quartering of many marks in one shield, coate, or banner, for sithence it is true that such marks serue to no other vse but for a commander to lead by, or to be knowen by, it is of ne­cessitie that the same be apparent, faire, and easie to be discerned, so that the quartering of many of them together doth hinder the vse for which they are prouided. As how is it possible for a plaine vnlearned man (who may be as good a soldier in some respects as the best) to discerne and know a sunder, six or eight, (what speake I of six or eight?) sometimes thirtie or fortie seuerall marks clustered all together in one shield or banner, nay though he had as good skill as Robert Glouer late Somerset that dead is, and the eies of an Egle, amongst such a confusion of things, yet should he neuer be able to decipher the errors that are daily committed in this one [Page 5] point, nor discerne or know one banner or standard from another, be the same neuer so large? So that except it be to be made in a pedegree or descent to locke vp in an euidence chest, therby to shew mens titles to their lands or the Alliences and kindreds of their houses, otherwise (as I say) I see not to any vse in the world they serue, specially so many together to be made vpon a mans vesture, Target or banner, and therefore I could wish that euery man would content himselfe with his owne peculiar coate of name, and not to vse aboue one quartered therewith at the most: which one yet doth not so much trouble the capacitie of a man, but that he may both know and discerne a banner or shield well ynough. And this one do I the rather esteeme well of to be borne, for that a Prince or Noble man making challenge or title to any Countrie (for which he is forced to make warres before he can obtaine it) it will be a goodly thing for him to shew foorth his standard of the Armes of that Countrie quartered with his owne amongest those people which in reason and conscience owe him duety and obedience, to the end that they may thereby be the sooner induced to submit themselues to their true and lawfull soueraine, as his subiects. And for that cause (as I take it) King Edward the third and his valiant sonnes de­uised and shewed foorth the Armes of France and England quar­tered together, and although my Author saith that Iaques Dartuell, a honie trier of Gaunt was the first deuiser thereof, yet will I not beleeue otherwise, but that the principall reasons that led the king thereto, was to make knowne the iustnes of his title to that king­dome where he then intended to make warres. But now it may be obiected, sithence a Prince or great Lord may haue title to seuerall Countries, that therefore it is necessarie for him to beare all such tokens or marks as he hath title too: To this I answere, that al­though I could yeeld to them (but that it will bring the confusion aforesaid) yet is it of no such necessity, for that a man needs to shew his title but onely to them whom he means to subdue: and if it should fortune that he had title to diuers and seuerall Countries, and that he would make warres to them all at once, yet should it not be needfull to him to shew foorth any more marks quartered in one standard, but onely vnto euery seuerall countrie the Armes of that nation quartered with his owne. But this being the case of Kings and Princes, wherein (amongest others) our most famous, noble and worthy kings and princes of this land, haue shewed [Page 6] themselues most prudent and wise, to what purpose is it that others being but commanders vnder their prince, and which of them­selues haue neither title to countrie nor are able to maintaine wars, should in their princes seruice pester their banners and shields with such an infinite number as many do? And in this point I cannot ynough commend the Baron of Stafford, who heerin sheweth his great skill and temperance, for althongh his Ancestors haue had title to quarter the marks of that valiant Thomas of Wodstocke (yoongest sonne of King Edward the third) Earle of Buckingham and Duke of Glocester, of Bohune Earle of Hereford and Nor­thanton and high Cunstable of England: and also of that great house of Somerset, which by their ancestor Iohn Earle of Somerset, (yoonger sonne to Iohn of Gaunt) descended from the same king Edward the third, (I omit to speake of diuers Barons and others of great estate, whose heires both with reuenue and honor enlar­ged greatly his family) yet the said Baron contents himselfe with the paternall marke of his house, and neuer so much as dreames of any other, far differing from a number of meaner persons, who if they possesse any mannor or lands by descent, albeit their ancestors married the heire of the same many hundred yeers agone, and whose parents peraduenture neuer did beare any marke, or if they did (time hauing obscured the same) it remaineth vnknowen: yet shall you haue them run to an Herald or painter, as busily as if the matter were of weight, and there make search they know not for what, and the herald or painter (on the other side) to draw some small peece of siluer from them, will find out the badge of some one or other of the same name, although many times none of the kin­dred, and may be neuer came neare that countrey, and that will they inuest them with as their owne, and sometimes (when no marke for any of the name will be found) then deuise some conceit or other, and say they find it borne by such a name, and content them wonderously therewith, which serues yet to no other vse, but to make vp a iust number, whereby their owne marks become the more confused: and yet into this quartering (being a very foun­taine of errors) many both Noble men and Gentlemen, and the officers of Armes themselues, do oftentimes very rashly enter. It is not long sithence there died a knight in Staffordshire of good ac­count, and (in his life time) was a deputie Lieuetenant there, to doe his obsequie came an officer of Armes, who compiled for him nine [Page 7] seuerall marks all in one Escuchion, and yet neuer a one of them (as they were there set foorth) to him belonging, but his owne of name. And as I haue giuen you this one for an instance, so almost can a man come into no towne of any account, nor almost into any Church or house of Noble man or Gentleman, but he shall find errors, so that the numbers thereof be infinite: It were therefore to be wished that this matter of quartering should be reformed, as well for the vntruths therein committed, as for the titles that may be brought in question thereby to lands and Heritages: And as be­ing one of the chiefest things that bringeth the honor of Armory into disgrace: for not long agoe heard I one speake in this maner, did I not (quoth he) know the grandfather of this man (speaking of the owner of a scuchion wherein were quartered many marks) to purchase by plaine patent (although he neuer were man at Armes) both his coate and crest within these fortie yeers, and how comes it now to passe that I see his nephew inuested in all this Armorie? (numbring many and diuers seuerall deuices all in one shield by way of quartering) this being a very mockerie to see a man of no valure or estimation in warlike affaires, and the paternall Ances­tors of whom (for ought that can be prooued) were not in any late age welders of Armes, to entrude themselues into so many badges of Armorie is not the least matter to bring into contempt an order so honorable and necessarie, as the bearing of Armes is.

Another matter that to my vnderstanding is also to be refor­med, is the maner of differings, which are by the yoonger brothers and their posterities laid vpon their marks, being cressants, mol­lets, &c. and that such little ones, as that a man cannot discerne them a verie small distance from him, which differences are in rea­son to be made faire, plaine, and large, that they may be also as easie to be discouered as any other deuise that is in the coate, shield, or banner, otherwise they serue not to the purpose for which marks were first ordeined. And the inconuenience which ensueth of this error will the more easily appeere, if I but set you downe the words of mine Author (treating of an accident that happened in such a case) which be these: Et feist msr Robert Baileul aler sa Banniere tout deuant en escriant moriannes les Henuiers qui inestoint esthauses Aper­ceurent la Banniere de moriannes qui encore estoit tout Droicte, si cuide­rent que ce feust la leur ou ilz se deuoient radresser, car mult petite y auoi [...] de difference de lune a l'autre, car les Armes moriennes sount Barres contre [Page 8] Barres d'Argent & d'Azure a deux Cheuerons de Gueules, et le cheuron de msr Robert auoit vne petite crosete d'or, si ne l'aduiserent mye bien les hennuiers ainsi vindrent bouter de fait dessubs la Banniere de msr Robert, si furent moult fierement reboutes et tous discomfis: For these henowers being led by sir William Baileul thought in the stir and busines to haue come to his banner hearing the surname of Moriens called vp­on, and seeing as they supposed their captains ensigne, and the dif­ference of sir Robert, being the yoonger brother, but a little crosse vpon the vpper cheuron they could not apperceaue, so that the most of them were either slaine or taken, and the elder brother the Knight their leader was glad to saue himselfe as well as he might: The Lord of Cowcie sonne in law to king Edward the third, suffered also reproch through the hard dealings of the Lord of Chine who raised his banner against certaine Englishmen of sir Hugh Caueleys company, being either the same that Cowcies was, or the difference so small as might not be discerned, whereby the said Lord Cowcie though he were absent as far as Austrich, had dishonor spoken of him as in the discourse of the Capitall I haue touched.

Thus then hauing shewed by example the harme and inconueni­ence that cannot but many times happen through the littlenes and nicenes of such differences, I haue thought it not amisse to laie before you the differings that antiquitie vsed, that by comparing them togither you may discerne the great wisedome of our ance­stors and our owne imperfections in this point, for want of due consideration: which was done at the first by changing of the de­uise borne into other colors onely, but when that would not suf­fice for the number of leaders (manie times all of one house) then were they forced to varie their markes by adding of either bars, bends, cheurons, cheefes, quarters, borders, labels, losinges, or such like, and verie seldome should you see in those times cressant, mollet, or such like small little thing borne for a difference, and if anie did, yet was the same made so large and faire that it might be seene as well as any other the deuise which should be in the shielde or banner. And for the proofe, I will giue you the example but of one house onelie for your better information (though I could do the like of manie others) namelie, that of the Bassets, who indeed (in my iudgement) varied their markes of honor verie finelie, and that vpon good respect:

[Page 9]


For Ralph Basset (the sonne of Thurstine who came in with the Conquerour) which Ralph (as it it said) deuised the Lawe of Franke pledge, and manie other good lawes, being Iusticiarius An­gliae, hauing fower sonnes, to wit, Thur­stine, Thomas, Richard, and Nicholas, the first and last both failing, the issue of the one being extinct, and the other ouerthrowne by standing against king Henrie the second with king Steuen: The sonne of Thomas went away with his ancestors marke without distinction (being vndie golde and red.)


But the sonnes of Richard Basset being aduanced by their mother Mauld, the daughter and heire of Sir Geffrey Ry­dell knight, varied the markes of the said Geffrey in this manner: first, Gef­frey Lord of Witering the eldest sonne of Richard Basset and the said Mauld, (surnaming himselfe Rydell) the proge­nie of him bare golde three pals red, with a scarffe or bende of blewe ouer all.


Ralph Basset the eldest sonne of Richard, which Richard was the second sonne of Richard and Mauld Rydell, and to whom his mother gaue the Baronie of Wel­don, bare gold three pals red, a bor­der of steele studded with gold com­passing the same about.

[Page 10]


Also Ralph Basset, the sonne of Ralph, third sonne of Richard Basset & Mauld, to whom the said Richard gaue the Ba­ronie of Drayton in Staffordshire, bare gold three pals red, with a quarter of Brittain.


And Roger Basset of Warwickshire va­ried from Drayton, changing the pals into blacke.


But Ralph Basset (descended from Willi­liam Basset Baron of Sapcote in Leice­stershire, which William was Iustice in Itinere, and yoongest sonne of Richard Basset and Mauld Rydell his wife) (ha­uing no aduancement by the house of Rydell) detained vndie the deuise of the Bassets, and onelie changed the colors thereof into siluer and blacke:

[Page 11]


And Sir Ralph Basset of Chedle knight (a yoonger sonne of Sapcote) varied from that house, by adding to his de­uise of waues, a red Labell, whereunto he was forced by reason the progenie of Thomas Basset had manie waies va­ried the saide vndie, by changing the color thereof.


As Iohn Basset of North Luffenham in Rutlandshire bare it, varied into white and red:


And Allen Basset Baron of Wicombe, differed this deuise of vndie into white and blew, from whom the Sanfords des­cending assumed the same marke, and now Browning beareth it as being des­cended from an heire of Sanfords.

[Page 12]


The house of Chedle yet after this diui­ding it selfe into two branches, Iohn Basset of new place (being of the yoon­ger house) left the Labell, and charged the blacke vnds with manie besants dispersed all ouer them.


But after all this (about the time of king Edward the third) the line of Ralph Basset of Chedle being extinguished: Simon Basset Baron of Sapcote (descen­ded from the forenamed William) and sir Iohn Basset of Blore knight, (heire to the aboue named Iohn Basset of new place) both of them (I know not the cause why) at one instant (as I thinke) relinquished their deuise of vndie, and inuested themselues into ridels: that is to say, Simon into the pals charged with a quarter varrie white and blew, and sir Iohn into the same, with a quar­ter siluer, and a blacke Griffon there­on.

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And in Tamwoorth Church (neere to Drayton) well and olde there standeth gold three pals red, a quarter siluer and a crosse patie blacke thereon.

Thus haue I set downe vnto you (though something tediouslie) the vse that the antiquitie followed in a verie glorious line, for Lords, Knights and Gentlemen, which florished diuers hundreds of yeeres sithence, and you may see that these men (though they were manie of them great Barons) were not ashamed of their dif­ferences, but laide them foorth largely to the view, neither do I esteeme it a shame wherby any man should couet to hide the same, to be descended as a yoonger brother, sithence that euerie brother (hauing the like parents) is as well descended as the eldest, and therefore as good a Gentleman (though not so rich) as he. And the more is his honor, if without the helpe which by reason of his patrimonie the elder hath, he can aduance himselfe into place of office or dignitie, whereby he may raise an other florishing familie of the same surname: And therefore you my masters that be yoon­ger brothers, neuer hide your differences by putting foorth a little cressant, or a peeping mollet, but vse some faire large deuise, si­thence in truth your estimation is by your rising to be had in as good a regard as if you were the elder.

And now being in speech of yoonger brothers and their diffe­rences, I haue obserued two kinds of them which the antiquitie vsed, (besides the aforesaid) one was, that such as were aduanced by Kings, Princes, or other great Lords, did manie times beare some part of the deuise of him who aduanced them, by way of addition vnto the marke of their owne familie, which serued verie aptlie to distinguish them from their elder house.

[Page 14]The other was, that diuers did adde vnto the marke of their owne house, some part of the deuise of that familie from which their mothers descended, and both these two kinds of differings are (in my minde) greatly to be commended, not onely for that they may be made large and apparent, and for that cause serue very properly to the vse for which Badges are ordained, but also that the one makes manifest a gratefull minde (in him that is aduanced) to his prince or lord of whom he receiued benefit, and by reason thereof linketh them togither in a kinde of amitie, which seldome or neuer is worne out, and by that meanes a great strengthening it is vnto both houses.

The other not onely serueth to vnite the families which haue matched togither in the foresaid loue and amitie, and thereby wor­keth the like effect, but besides it sheweth the certainty of the des­sending of the said yoonger brother out of both the said houses, and also giueth knowledge of the time thereof, whereby if any title of inheritance be at any time cast vpon the yoonger brother, either descending from ancestor of the fathers side, or mothers, it giues him a testimonie of his title, and witnesseth vnto the world the truth of his descent by the continuall bearing of that deuise, so that this kind may (many times) worke profit to the bearer, and auoid many troubles and sutes: and therefore into one of these kind of differings could I wish our yoonger brothers, which from hence­foorth shalbe aduanced, to inuest them selues, as being both hono­rable, faire, certaine, and profitable. But now it may be obiected that the order in vse sheweth plainly ynough the diuersitie of bro­thers, as the cressant a second, the mollet the third, that by this means the matters are made certaine: to this I answere, that first the time is not (by this means) signified, neither can it be known which of the Cressant bearers was the vncle or nephew. And further it is a very vsuall matter for euery new Riser at this day, if he can find that there is any of the like Surname that beareth marke, presently to vsurpe the same with a Cressant or some such difference, so that (for my owne part) I do seldome credit such kinde of differinges nor their bearers, vnles it be by some other testimony or proofe made manifest, which cannot be counterfetted so well in the other deuise, except the riser should be throughly acquainted with the descent of him whose line he seeketh to intrude himselfe into, and besides, it [Page 15] may be the sooner espied by them of the true line & forbidden, nor the other dare (for feare thereof) so soone venter the committing of a falsitie. But what a confusion is it when you shall see the second of a second brother, and sometimes an other second from him, to cluster one Cressant vpon an other, many times three or foure, one on horsebacke vpon an other, where as by the aforesaid bearing of the difference from the Prince, Lord, or mothers family, a man may better distinguish the brothers and set downe for a second, a third, and fourth, &c. And after from those againe, in a fairer, larger, and more apparent manner: And the more apt am I to speake against these ordinary differences (as they are called) knowing them to be but new inuentions, and any of them as ordinaries (in fashion as now they are) neuer vsed before the time of King Henrie the sixt, before which time men were much more warie and discreet in bea­ring of their marks, and in foreseeing that no intruders should enter into their families, nor that any should lay away or remoue their differings without speciall warrant or license of them that thereby might be preiudiced: for a Labell being much in vse for the heire apparent (to wear as his difference during his fathers life) was sel­dome remooued to the second brother, but when the inheritance went vnto the daughters of the elder brother, and then the second was permitted to beare the same for his difference, as being the heire male of his familie and as one that remained in expectancie, yet might not the second brother vse to intrude himselfe into the absolute signes of his house (the inheritance being in his neeces or kinswomen) as appeared in the case betweene Gray of Ruthine and Hastings which was this:

Iohn Lord Hastings married to his first wife Izabell one of the sis­ters and heires of Almerie de vallence Earle of Penbrooke, by whom he had issue Iohn Hastings (after Earle of Penbrooke) Elizabeth (mar­ried to Roger Lord Gray of Ruthin) and some other children which needs not to be spoken of, for that (as I take it) al the lines of them failed before the extinguishing of the line of the said Iohn Earle of penbrooke: after (such issue being had) the said Izabell Vallence died, and the said Iohn Lord Hastings tooke to a second wife Izabell the daughter of Hugh Spenser, by whom he had issue Hugh Hastings, and Thomas, and then died, and left as heire Iohn his son by his first wife (who was Earle of Penbrooke as I haue said, erected by reason [Page 16] of his mothers inheritance) which Iohn Earle of Penbrooke married and had issue an other Earle of Penbrooke, who also married and had issue a third Earle of Penbrooke, but in the end all the line of the said Iohn Hastings (first Earle of Penbrooke of that familie) fay­ling, there arose a question betwixt the heires of Roger Gray and Elizabeth his wife being sister (of the whole blood) and the heires of Hugh Hastings brother (of the halfe blood) to the said Iohn Earle of Penbrooke, for the inheritance of the Hastings. But Gray reco­uering the same (by the law that saith, Possessio fratris de feodo simplici facit sororem esse haeredem) called the said Hastings also (hauing re­mooued the difference of his marke for that he was then heire male of that house) into the Court of cheualry, and there hauing a iudge­ment against him, the said Hastings was compelled to vse a diffe­rence (which was a Label of siluer) vpon his marke, a faire red sleeue of his Ladies vpon his golden vesture: Since which the heires of that yoonger familie haue vsed the said Labell euen vntill this our age. So that you may see by this that the law was then taken to be such, that such an heire male as had not the inheritance of his An­cestors should not be suffered to beare his marke without distincti­on, for it should seeme (by this) that the issue of them that had mar­ried the heire generall of any familie (being by reason thereof pos­sessed of the lands) had not onely an interest in the Armes, but might also forbid any man the bearing thereof: and moreouer it would also appeare that the law was then supposed to be such, that the owner of euery marke might dispose of the same, as of his lands and inheritance, and that the Donee had power (by vertue of such gift) to vse the same as his owne proper Armorie, for I haue seene a deed importing thus much: [Page 17]A tous y ceux qui Cestes lēres verrount au orro unt Thomas le fytz monsr Iohn de Herovill Chr. Salutz en deuyn Sachetz moy auoir don̄e & Grauntte A Roger de Wyrley vn escqūchoun darmes queil iamoy per des­cent apres le mort Iohn mon̄e frere ceste a sauoir lesqūchoun de sable ou deus leouns passantz d'argent Coronez & vnglez de or ou vne flour deliz de Azure deuz pies Auoir & tenire A dit Roger & ses Heyrs a tous iours leauandit esqūchioun a dit Roger Wyrley & ses Heyrs en Contre toutez Gens Garrantt: En Tesmoignanc de quell Choses a Cestz escriptz ay meys mon Seall pery ceux tesmoignes, Iohn de Bredwas Roger Basset, Iohn de He­rouile, William Herouile, Iohn Dimock, et autres Estptz a Westbromwich le mardy prochayn a vant le Chaundelme lan du regne le roy Edward 3. puis le Conquest querente vnsieme.


And for proofe that the said grant was not made without war­rant of law authorizing the same, the said Roger Wyrley although he and diuers others his ancestors bare other armes as proper to their owne familie long before the said time, as may appeere by diuers and sundrie peeces of euidence sealed with the same, dated many yeeres before this grant: yet did the said Roger vse and beare the said cote by Heronvile to him granted by vertue of the said deed, after [Page 18] the same was to him granted, as by diuers seales and other moni­ments thereof may appeere, so that the vse concurred with the grant, and therefore not to be doubted but that the law did then take the said grant to be good and vailable. And for a further proofe, amongst diuers I wil giue you one other testimonie, and so leaue to trouble you any more in this point.

A tous yceux qui Cestes presentz lēres verrount ou orrount moy Iean Dowmvill de modberlegh saluts en dieu: Come moy & Ceciliae ma feme A­uons ordegney que margerie nostre fille & les heyrs de son Corps engendres seruont enherites si bien de ma heyritage la dtē Cecile & auer apres nostre deces come per fines leues en playn Countee de Cestre poet Apparere plus apleyn. Sacheut tous Gens qui ꝑ cella cause & autres causes qui me moe­uont ie a ville ordeigne doune & graunt ꝑ ycestes qui Thomas de Holes fitz & Heyre Aparaunt lauant dtē margeri quile Thomas ie appele & teigne mon fitz demesne eit & eniouse a luy & ses Heyres a tous iours mes entier Armes a porter & vser apres mon deces, dont les Colors sont Cesta­sauer le Chiffe d'azure ove vne leon rampant d'argent oues (que) vne coller de Gules: Et prie a dit Thomas & luy Charge saaoir ma beneson de portere & vsere les ditz Armes en la forme suys dter: en Tesmoignaunce de quel chose a cest escrit ia y meis mon Seale de les Armes Auant dtēs ꝑ y cestes tes moygnes: Edward le mascy Hue de Holes Thomas de Swettenham & Autres, done A modberleyh le darrey ioure de mars lan du Reigne le roy Richard 2: puis le Conquest Seszime.


[Page 19]And this law (I thinke) was grounded vpon this reason, that forasmuch as euery tenant that held lands by a knights fee was tied to do his Lord escuage or shield seruice proportionable to the tenure he held, it is agreeable vnto equitie that he may giue or leaue his Armour to such a person, as he meaneth to make owner of his heritage, whereby he shall be bound to the same seruice that himselfe by the said law was charged to do, as hauing with the marke maintenance answerable thereto. And that this matter was of regard in my Authors time, it appee­reth by the request both of sir Iohn Chandos himselfe, made to the Prince of Wales (as in the discourse of him I haue touched) and of sir Thomas Triuet (a gallant soldier of that time) speaking to the Earle of Buckingham, being rested before the citie of Troys in Fraunce, (in this maner) the words of my Author con­cerning this matter be these: Et msr Thomas Triuet apporta sa banniere toute enueloppe deuant le Countie de Bucquenham et lui dist monseigneur sil vous plaist ie desuelopperay au iourdui ma banniere car deu mercy iay asses de reuenue pour maintenir estate comme a la ban­niere appartient: il nous plaist bien respondit le counte, &c. so that by this the thing is manifested, for that the chiefest reasons wher­by they thought to induce (the one) the Prince, and (the other) the Earle, to giue them leaue to raise their banners, was, that they had sufficient reuenue to maintaine the estate that to a banner did appertaine. And it may also appeere, that it is not necessarie for any to haue marks, but such as be warfaring men, hauing either reuenues to maintaine soldiers, or at least a charge, or some office pertaining to men at armes vnder their Soueraigne: which thing if it were performed according to reason, there should not need so many mollets and cressants for to distinguish yoonger brethren, for that none but such as medled with warlike affaires haue need of Armore, and they (I doubt not) would for their owne necessitie be forced to vse some more large and apparent deuise than such little ones, as be now (of no value) in vse.

There is also another matter out of square, which is, that euerie man that obtaineth large possessions (whether the same be acquired by his iudgment in law, traffike in marchandize, or any other meane) yea although neuer any of his progenitors (from whom he can deriue himselfe) had the charge to lead [Page 20] men of armes, will yet at this day intrude themselues into the badges and marks of soldiers: for although such as be descen­ded from men of martiall discipline, haue an interest in their ancestors marks (amongst other their goods) and therefore may shew foorth the same to their predecessors glorie, and their owne (in respect of their descent) yet such men as rise by their sciences, iudgements, or skill in other arts, affaires, or trades (although they be to be reuerenced for their wisedome & praisefull actions, and had in honor answerable to their ver­tues and dignities) haue yet little to do with the marks or badges of soldiers. For although a reuerent Iudge that hath ministred law and iustice a long time (and that so long as that thereby to his great glorie) he hath obtained reputation, wealth, and reuenue, is to be had in high estimation, and in respect thereof to haue allowed him some note or marke of honor fit for his calling, yet (to my simple iudgement) the same should be disposed vnto him after the old Romane order by signifying the maner of his rising, rather than to put a corselet on his back, a burgonet on his head, a target on his arme, and a sword by his side, being things that would cumber greatly the good old man to vse, either for his owne defence, or but to shew (by way of triumph) for his glorie, sithence neither is it tolerable (by reason of his age) nor in his youth did he exercise himselfe in welding thereof. And as these things are vnseeming for him to weare, no more can I see any reason why he should deck vp the moniments of his house with such signes or to­kens, except he can deriue himselfe from an ancestor that hath had the vse of such things, and then (to set them foorth as a glorie to his deceased parent) will greatly augment the regard of his rising, which rising yet (of it selfe) is a sufficient honor, the same being by any iust, vertuous, or laudable meanes. And these new risings I could wish to be of more reputation than they seeme to be esteemed of, either by others, or themselues that so rise, as is apparent by manie of their dooings, who in­trude themselues into marks of Antiquitie, and setting foorth of descents, wherein they are yet faine many times either to counterfet, or else to deriue themselues from some poore pa­rents, which they (either truly, or by surmize) alledge to haue descended from some ancient familie, and that haue been by [Page 21] some accident or other in former time decaied: wherein me thinkes men do greatly mistake the matter, for that (in my opi­nion) a man that is but of meane parentage and riseth by com­mendable meanes, is equiualent to him that riseth from a de­caied familie, namely when his said parent hath been ouer­throwne for offence, as many times they alledge (in plaine termes) which yet is to be vnderstood although it were neuer spoken of, for that God in his iustice (seldome I suppose) ouer­throweth any of estate, except for some great offence by some of the house committed, although (peraduenture) the same lies hid to the world & appeereth not. But this being an argu­ment that is daily in question amongst learned men, I wil leaue to them to be discussed, and returne to my former purpose, which is, that I could wish euerie man that raiseth a house by his good industry, should be honored with some such badge or marke, as should be answerable to the qualitie of his rising, and not euerie man of what condition soeuer they be, to entrude themselues into the signes and markes of soldiers, and such as follow the field with martiall exploits.

Some people also there are that be so precise, as that they do disallowe altogither the setting foorth of any memory of well deseruing men, which haue shewed themselues valiant either in the act of Religion, their Princes seruice, or defence of their countrie, neither allowing their posteritie to set foorth any me­morie of their praises, nor suffering any moniments or garnish­ments to remaine of their burials, as though it were a matter offensiue to God to haue goodmen well spoken of, or their va­lorous doings by their obsequies either reuerenced, or by anie record, remembred: To such men I haue not thought it amisse to shew them their error by directing them to such places of Scripture as do not onely tolerate and allow of such actions, but also praise and commend the dooing thereof, and in some sorte charge and command the same to be done, wherby both they may (if they be not obstinate) reforme their misconceaued opinions, and others may be fortified in their praisefull ende­uors towards the honoring of vertuous and woorthie men, to the animating of posteritie to imitate their laudable actions, sithence indeed the chiefest matter that stirreth vp men to do well next their zeale to God, and the loue of vertue it selfe, is to [Page 22] thinke that not onely their soules shall be rewarded with the mercies of God, but also that their doings shall be had in a re­uerent remembrance with the reports of all good men that shall speake of them: And first, that the vsing, bearing and set­ting foorth of Banners, Ensignes and markes of armorie are allowable by the sacred scriptures, it appeareth by the holie E­uangelist Saint Luke recording the peregrination of Saint Paul, and speaking of armorie without reprehension (which he would not haue done had the vse thereof been offensiue) in this sort: Act. Apost. Cap. 28.Post menses autem tres nauigauimus in naui Alexandrina, quae in insula Hyemauerat, cui erat insigne Castorum.’

And in the booke of Numeri God by his prophet Moyses commandeth his people of Israel to deuide and dispose them­selues into companies by their Ensignes & Banners speaking vnto them in these words: Num. cap. 2.Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen & Aaron, dicens, singuli, per turmas, Signa, atque vexilla, & domos cognationum suarum, castra­metabuntur, filiorum Israel per Gyrum tabernaculi foederis.’

So that by this you may see, that as these matters be no new inuentions of men, so they are also things allowable by the word of God.

Neither do obsequies or moniments ensuing woorthie acts want the authoritie of Scriptures, for in the booke of Numeri it is written thus: Num. ca. 31.Cumque accessissent principes exercitus ad Moysen, & Tribuni, cen­turionesque dixerunt, nos serui tui recensuimus numerum pugnatorum, quos habuimus sub manu nostra: & ne vnus quidem defuit ob hanc cau­sam offerimus in donarijs Domini singuli quod in praeda auri potuimus inuenire, periscelides & Armillas, annulos & dextralia ac murenu­las, &c. Et susceptum intulerunt in Tabernaculum testimonij in moni­mentum coram Domino.’

And in an other place of Numeri thus: Num. cap. 16.Locutus (que) est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens, praecipe Eliazaro filio Aaron sacerdoti, vt tollat Thuribula quae iacent in incendio, & ignem huc il­lucque dispergat: &c. produc atque ea in laminas, & affigat altari: &c. vt cernant ea pro signo & monimento filij Israel.’

Also in the booke of Iosua I finde these words: Iosue lib. cap. 4.Et ait Iosue ad eos, ite ante arcam Domini Dei vestri ad Iordanis me­dium, [Page 23] & portate inde singuli singulos lapides in humeris vestris, iuxta numerum filiorum Israel, vt sit signum inter vos: & quando interroga­uerint vos filij vestri cras, dicentes, quid sibi volunt isti lapides? Re­spondebitis, defecerunt aquae Iordanis ante arcam foederis Domini, cum transiret eum, idcirco positi sunt lapides isti in monimentum filiorum Israel vsque in aeternum.’

And for the disposing of heritages it is written thus. Num. cap. 27. Homo cum mortuus fuerit abs (que) filio, ad filiam eius transibit haereditas. si fili­am non habuerit, habebit successores fratres suos. quod si & fratres non fuerint, dabitis haereditatem fratribus patris eius. sin autem nec patruos habuerit, dabitur haereditas his qui ei proximi sunt. Eritque hoc filijs Is­rael sanctum lege perpetua sicut praecepit Dominus Moysi.

And for the collection of Genealogies thus saith God to Moyses and Eleasar: Num. cap. 26. Numerate omnem summam filiorum Israel à viginti annis & suprà, per domos & cognationes suas, cunctos qui possunt ad bella procedere: &c. Ruben primogenitus Israel huius filius, Henoch, à quo familia Henochitarum: & Phallu, à quo familia Phallui­tarum: & Hesron, à quo familia Hesronitarum. And for a further proofe of the recording of Genealogies, it is to be conside­red how diligently the same hath beene obserued through the whole course of the Scriptures, as the descents from Adam to Noe, and from Noe to Abraham, &c. do sufficiently testifie. And more that with the spirit of truth the Genealogie of Christ our Sauiour and redeemer as concerning his humani­tie is also by the writing of his holie Euangelistes most plainelie and sincerely remembred and set downe. All these things being therefore by the Scriptures of God, and decider of all controuersies, prooued and declared: Your Lordships may see that the bearing of Armes, raising and aduaun­cing of Standerds, Banners and Ensignes, vsing of obsequies, erecting of moniments, enroling and regestrings of pede­grees and descentes haue ioyned to the auncient customes and Lawes both of this Land and all other nations, the autho­ritie of Gods word being very well accompanied with discre­tion, reason, and iudgement, for God hauing by his sacred institution ordeined Kingdomes, Prouinces, and Seignories, and that ouer them Kings, Princes and Magistrates, shall com­maund, rule and gouerne his people, to the ende chiefely that his heauenly kingdome may be replenished with the blessed [Page 24] soules of his seruants, for the instructing whereof he hath also ordeined his holy Church, and the Bishops, pastors and mini­sters of the same, which Bishops and other spirituall officers cannot so well enforme his Christan people without the aid of the said Kings and temporall Lords: neither can they gouerne their particular Countries either from the inuasion of out­ward tyrants or inward rebels, but through the vse of their sword of iustice, which sword cannot be exercised against vn­ruly persons being of strength wanting men skilful in Martiall Discipline, who cannot manage those affaires but by meane of the aforesaid Armes and ensignes, in maner as before I haue more largly expressed. And in like sort as Princes, great Lords, Iudges, Magistrates and Gouernors, do vse to weare sacred Robes of gold, purple, scarlet, and other ornaments and appa­rell, not to take pride in, or for any vaine ostentation or show, but onely that they may be distinguished from the inferior peo­ple, to the end that a reuerent regard may be had of them in respect of the high office which vnder God here on earth they beare. And as these things no man of any reason will gainsay, so I see not but as wel may their iust vertues and good gouern­ment be remembred with funerals, obsequies, and moniments, after their decease, whereby such as succeed in gouernment may also be had in more high estimation, and a faire example is thereby giuen them to imitate the regiment of their prede­cessors. Likewise doth the registring of descents carrie with it reason ioined to authoritie and custome, for as by Gods lawe there is commanded a priuiledge of enheritance to the first be­gotten of Israell, and so for want of sonnes to the females, and from them to others answerable to the proximitie of their blood and kindred, which with our lawes of this land, and of most nations do concur and agree, it doth well stande with peacefull gouernment for the auoiding of contentions which may rise for want of records, to testifie the truth of mens titles to their enheritances, that Genealogies and Pedegrees should be enrolled and kept in remembrance.

I haue my good Lords stood the longer vpon this point, for that of late traueling through some countries of this Land, and hauing a desire to see the moniments of antiquitie which haue remained in such places as I passed by, for which cause as [Page 25] otherwise I many times resorted to Churches and other hou­ses to satisfie my affection, I found that many moniments both of burials and in glasse were so broken and defaced, that vneth may be had any knowledge what the fragments remaining did signifie: and enquiring of the inhabitance how it came to passe that those things were so blemished, they made report that certaine persons, delighting as may seeme in noueltie, for they can abide no marke of antiquitie, had defaced the same. These men that take vpon them to be reformers, whose desires are great through the singularitie & pride they haue in their owne wits and vnderstandings, weening themselues to be very wise, where indeed they are verie simple, and onely looke but into the abuses of things, and do not see into the grounds & depth of the reasons and causes for which good ordinances were made, go about to finde faults, where many times none are, but if peraduenture they hap to finde an ordinance well made misused, then streight neuer seeke they to reforme the abuse, but by their wils, downe goeth ordinance and all, such is their insolencie, rashnes, and want of iudgement. It were well done therefore my good Lords, and I could wish that your Honors hauing somtimes accesse to hir Maiestie, and oftentimes con­ference with my Lords of hir priuie Councell, should enforme hir Highnes, and their Honors of the said abuses committed, and to be thereby a meane that these simple fellowes taking vpon them to be reformers, might be reformed themselues, and both kept from destroieng of good ordinances, and be punished for their offences in that behalfe committed. In the meane time yet shall I desire that Honorable personages will looke better to the moniments of their ancestors, by correct­ing the destroiers thereof, and therein to imitate the lauda­ble actions of William Fleetwood, Serieant at the Law, and Recor­der of the Citie of London, who being commissioner amongst others for the visitation of causes Ecclesiasticall, by the Princes authoritie, by vertue thereof imprisoned certaine wilfull per­sons that had defaced the moniment of Queene Katherine Dowyger at Peterborough, vntil such time as they had reformed the same, which thing was through his good endeuor reedi­fied and perfected againe, and so remaineth to this daie: for although some happily see standing those of their own parents, [Page 26] yet it were good they should foresee that no others be pulled downe, for that there is not to be looked for but that suffering such iniuries to rest vnpunished, the dooers thereof wil in time growe more insolent, and haue a cast to ouerthrowe theirs also.

And now being in speech of moniments, I cannot but re­member their ignorance who make small account of anie an­cestour except before the Conquest, weening that all that lie crosse-legged so were: and that all ancient euidence without date is the like: whereas the one was not had in vse vntil after the Palestine wars, and the other, such as be sealed, be also since the Conquest, for I could neuer see nor heare of any that had seene sealed deed, but the same was made sithence the Conquest of this Land, when the vse (as I take it) of sealing with waxe first began in England.

But these men will not stoupe one iote vnder the Conquest, telling manie fables of their ancestors then preseruing their houses, Honors, & Armories, forgetting quite that it is much more glorious and honorable to be descended from a most fa­mous nation conquering, then such people by plaine feate of Armes subiuged, for as the Poet saith,

quis enim sua praelia victus
Commemorare velit? referam tamen ordine, nec tam
Turpe fuit vinci, quàm contendisse decorum est,
Magnaque dat nobis tantus solatia victor.

So that if they haue any thing praise woorthie left to brag of, it is that they well contended with so puissant conquerors, which were then in their time as wise, glorious, and famous a nation as were in the whole world to be found.

Another sort there be not much more skilfull, who if they see any Armorie, straight enter into the comparison of the fairenes thereof: and foule and false is it, if mettall lie vpon met­tall alone, or colour vpon colour: And yet I could wish we should neuer haue more dishonorable men nor woorse soldi­ers than haue so borne their Armorie: for to omit that woor­thie Godfrey, and that Mack Morise king of Lymster in Ireland, whose onely daughter and heire was married to Richard Strong­bowe Earle of Penbroke, and bare in a blacke shield a red ram­ping Leon, of our owne sir Richard Sanbach of Sanbach in Ches­shire, [Page 27] sir William Wakbirge of Wakbirge in Darbyshire, two vali­ant Knights, yet both bare colour vpon color. Passing the num­ber of examples, I will onely recite the words of mine Author speaking of the aduentures of a braue Knight in the companie of sir Robert Canole resting by Parris, this Knight hauing vowed to strike with his launce on the barriers of the citie, performed it, and then the words be these: Celluy cheualier ie ne sca comment il auoit nom ne de quel pays il estoit mais s'armoit a gueulles a deux fous­ses noyeres et vne bordure noyre non endente. And although I grant they be not so well to be discerned, as when mettal and colour be varied the one with the other, yet sithence the number be great of most woorthie men that haue borne their armes in such maner, I will esteeme their marks as honorable as the rest, and neuer impute any falsitie to them. And this kinde of men also commonly descant vpon the proportion, nature, and qualitie of the deuise, as if the name of Richard were better than Robert, and Ralph better than Roger, and in their conceits the Eagle or Faulcon are the fairest birds to be borne of all fethered foules, and so of other the like: when indeed except for the reuerence due to the bearers, who do honor their bea­rings by their renowme, vertue, and valure, otherwise there is no difference in the fairenes of marks: but that those onely are to be preferred which be easiest to be perceiued, discerned, and knowen to be the same things they be marked out for: And therefore the Capitale of Beusz blacke Midas head with his faire long Asse eares was as good a crest, as sir Iohn Chandos chiftains head proper in a white scarffe goodly enuellopped: and as faire a cote is Hopwells, being three red hares playing on bagpipes in a siluer shield, as Newinton which bare d'Azure three eglets d'Argent displaid. And now me thinks I heare some that esteeme me to mend, and become more fine, skilfull, and Herauld like in my emblazons, as vsing the French phrases of d'azyer & d'argent, who thinke I doubt not, but that I haue committed a great error for want of vsing the said French phrases in my emblazons, notwithstanding I will ioine in opi­nion with such as esteeme it to be more proper to speake and vse English termes and phrases in an English booke dedicated to Englishmen, than French or Latine, otherwise than cited authoritie leadeth.

[Page 28]And now my good Lords, and you braue Soldiers and Gen­tlemen, I haue little else to trouble you with at this time, but to wish you had no woorse a writer to eternize your fame then mine Author sir Iohn Froissart was to the Knights, and Cap­tains of England your predecessors, and to craue your patience in that I haue been so vnaduised to molest you this long with these tedious and simple trauels of mine, caused through the great zeale and affection I beare to your praiseable profes­sion, and that you would pardon my boldnes in the writing and dedicating thereof to your Honors: neuerthelesse, I be­seech you again sithence they entreat of matter tending to the aduancement of your glories, that you would vouchsafe to ac­cept of them in good part, and with the shields of your woor­thie fauors to protect them from the outrage of such as enuie your memorable vertues, praieng to God that all your noble atchiuements may be with no lesse praise remembred, then our knights of that time were spoken of by sir Arnold Dandrehen martiall of France, there enemie to King Henrie of Castile the valiant bastard, a little before the battaile of Naueret, and be­cause at my first entrance into this matter, I saluted you with a sentence of mine authour, I haue thought it no bad Decorum with his report of those speeches being as followeth, to take my leaue. Sire sire saulue soit vostre Grace (saith he) vos dy q̄ quāt par battaille vous assembleres au Prince vous trouueres la gens d'armes tels comme il les fault trouuer car la est la fleur de tout Cheualrie du monde, & la trouueres durs sages Combatants & à bonnes certes & ia pour mourir plain pie nen fuiront, &c.

LORD CHANDOS. THE GLORIOVS LIFE AND HONORABLE DEATH OF SIR IOHN CHANDOS, LORD OF SAINT Saluiour, le Vicount, great Seneschall of Poyctow, high Constable of Acquitaine, Knight of the honorable order of the Garter, elected by the first founder king Edward the third at his institution thereof.

LET none reioice too much in fortunes state,
Reading the storie of my tragike death,
But watchfull be t'attend some turning fate,
Which like wild whirlwind all our dooings sweath.
For as graue Senec, in wise morals seath,
No mortall man with Gods gaine fauor might
Of warrantice, to see next mornings light.
No earthly one, how goodly so he seeme
Fine, faire, or perfect how so he appear,
Renowmed, rich, of excellent esteeme,
That firmly stands, and fixed forme doth bear,
For wauing fortune so the ship will stear,
With giddie guiding to hir fond intent,
Nor wit nor prowesse can bad rule preuent.
Vncertaine more than is slow Lidian brooke,
Which dallieth his winding banks within
Fast forward hasts, then doth regardant looke
Staying in doubt, th'ocean t'enter in,
Or to reslide where first it did begin
Yet suddenly, quicke plungeth in amaine
After much showe turnes backe to springs againe.
No whistling fowler hath so many gins,
No wading fisher halfe so many baits,
No nimble spider threeds so many spins,
No toiling hunter tenth part of deceits
That fortune hath of woondrous ticing feats,
Training men on, triumphing in their fall,
Shewing them honie, poisning them with gall.
As AEacus imagind was to deale
With Tantalus deluded with the pray
Of hungers ease: and scalding thirsts assaile,
Whom wearie proffers make to emptie way,
Yet near vncaught the luring frute doth stay,
So are they fed high honors seeke to gaine,
Sheed manies blood and purpose not obtaine.
When fortune shewes hir friendly countenance,
What mightie ones in selfe conceits we seeme,
Weightie affaires dispose by ordinance,
As what we list to bring to passe we deeme,
In our owne reach ech thing we do esteeme,
We him appoint to death, and him we [...]ease,
Welding whole world as doth our liking please.
Led onward with hope of long assurance,
We neuer thinke of fortunes frowning,
But high honors plant as if perdurance
had promised continuall showring,
Fresh still to increase increased springing,
But long before proud honor taketh roote
Wisest forecasting proued is no boote.
Oft when we are most busie tampering,
Some foes to trap within our plotted snares,
Not him vnlike who pit is digging,
Headlong into it fals himselfe vnwares,
So we surprised in our owne affaires,
For fortune that attendeth worldlie chaunce,
Where smooth she smild, now blinketh wide askaunce.
For proofe marke me of hir deare darlings one
That seemd to haue hir fettred fast in giues,
It might be thought that onely I alone
Faire fauor had: and thus she daily striues
To haue the chiefest regement of our liues,
That when she list to knit the brows and frowne
He standing high is quickly tumbled downe.
When first that woorthy golden booke began
For Magistrates bright mirror cleare indeed,
Through which eternall praise the Authors wan,
Streight I beleeud as truly as my Creed
My hard mishap so happely would speed,
As that some one of those rare learned men
My blis and bale would haue vouchsaft to pen.
In perfect die could they haue pictured
False turncote with true shadowes in true kind,
Hir fained shew of truth, and truest falshed,
Hir glosing face, and hir vnconstant mind,
And hir continuall foe-mate still I find,
Since fates she driues my spent life to rehearse
In lowly rimes refuse of loftie verse.
Outragious she slayeth without remorse
Alike most woorthy and vnwoorthy wight,
As roling waue that needs must haue the force
Tossing light things subiected to great might
Respectles where or when so ere they light,
So careles she not caring when or how
She casteth downe or maketh low to bow.
What time King Edward first inuaded France
With good aid of th'erle of Henauld won,
Friend fortune then mine actes seemd to aduance,
So euenly my silken threed did run.
High enterprise what I attempt was done
With shining glory, and faire honors name,
As golden trumpe shield foorth Iohn Chandos fame.
Then as my King by Cambray Cittie past
I armd approchd the barriers of the towne,
There lept I in, my foes some wondred fast
To see my deed: a Squier of renowne
Iohn de saint Ager, stroue to beat me downe:
Right strong we coped with sterne courage bold
Our mightie bufs some ioyed to behold:
Ecchoing stroks on eithers helmet lights
With sparkling fier thundering mightilie,
All for glorious praises both our fights
Stird with youths heat and mindfull dignitie,
Th'assailed strikes and both incessantly
Imprinting dents do yeald, so I at last
Returnd with praise: on with the Armie past.
When as the French had gathered mightie power
Came to Vironfosse, where treatie ended war,
Froisard me recounts among the flower
Of English Squiers, sets my fame full far.
In his large booke is shone: how much we are
In reuerence bound, vnto such learned clarks
As with their paine eternize broad our warks.
For if none should register noble deed,
Thers none would striue to shew his noblenes,
Or presse in vertues others to exceed,
If memorie none made were of valiantnes:
Freshlie burgening to future ages,
This pricking spur doth harts heroick heaue,
To thinke fell death faire Fame cannot bereaue.
Some sots there be so scrupulous that nought
At all beleeue but what themselues do see,
These coy iudgers haue seld or nener thought
Of times forepast what mightie men might be:
Of others deem by thimbecilitie,
Found in themself, recall in question when
Our acts memorizd are by learned men.
This truce expirde King Edward new prepard
puissantly to passe the foming flud,
Which gate king Phillip strongly thought t'aue bard,
Decking a fleete thick seeming like a wood,
Whereof had charge three captaines seamen good,
Sir Hugh Kyriell, Babuchet, Barbnoire,
With stretched sailes the narrow seas do scower.
These Chieftaines fortie thousand men command
Laid by French King to stop vs if they could:
Which when our King had spide he doth demand
What masts they were so thicke he doth behould,
His Pylot named them and well he tould,
These were the foes that so his costes anoid,
Southamton towne, and th'yle of Wight destroid.
Replide the king: Saint George, God be our guide,
I much desire with yonder fleete to fight,
A looffe to winde-ward all our Nauie wride
To view the turne right goodlie was the sight,
Banners, pensils, stremers, wauing bright:
Ladies we had whose minds these sights might daunt,
Going to see the Queene brought bed at Gaunt:
Whose presences fresh minds incouraged
With double flame t'assaile the enimie,
For trustie seruants oft had vowed
For their sweete sakes t'prooue all extremitie
T'fight for his Ladie knights felicitie,
hot feruent loue makes coldest coward bold,
desirous much gaie Ladies grace to hold.
In front the French foorth plast a goodly ship
The Christopher: from ours but latelie tane,
Fraught full of those which we compeld to skip
mid washing waues vnto their dismall bane,
Thus may we note how Fortunes fuls do wane,
Blith this ship of Clarions now doth sound
And euen now with horror doth abound.
Our foes whose number fower for one did pas,
Like men at armes they Fortune striue to trie,
Hideous broyle, monsterous noise there was
Enuffe t'haue made a fainting hart to die,
On surging seas more fell fierce battails be
Then on firme land: ech one must bide the fray,
And fight it out there is no other way.
From dashing ships the pointed arrow flie
Like stones of haile forst by an esterne winde,
Wherewith great numbers Frenchmen stout do die,
And now to boord, then linked chaines do binde
Bigge ships so fast, they cannot soone vntwinde,
Fierce strong incounters and huge deadly blowes
From forced arme that many ouerthrowes.
From morne till noone indurd tempesteous broile
With mightie rage vpon the raging floud,
We English soldiers tooke no little toile,
Stout enimies aduentrous tride and good,
Yet voiding scoppers voided out their bloud,
Neere vnto Sluce they were all take and slaine,
Victorious we do home returne againe.
About this time the Duke of Britton died,
Wanting issue for so right noble place,
A brother one he had by fathers side
Iohn Earle Mountfort sprong of ancient race:
Another brother had he in like case,
Begot of father one and mother same
Dead: left issue, a noble vertuous dame:
Married well vnto sir Charles of Bloys
Extract from race right honorable faire,
Germaine cosen to Phillip of Valoys,
Strife great begon for the Duke of Brittons chaire,
For either of these claimed to be heir.
Braue King of France Bloys his part maintaind:
Stout English King, the Mountforts he sustaind.
To Britton did send backe thrise noble knight
Sir Robert D'artois Earle of Richmount made,
Whose banner blew with golden lillies dight
A Castile labell faire for difference laid:
And by his skill in valiant warlike trade
He conquerd Vaus, and countrie proching neer:
But conquered towne did cost him very deer,
For in defence of it he knightly died.
His too soone losse displeasd king Edward so,
Enraged sware he would not long abied
Till well he were reuenged of his fo,
Strongly prepard to Britton doth he go,
Soone brake we holds, and tore wald castles strong,
Foure mightie towns besiegd at once ere long.
The Normain Duke like right valiant prince
Came with foure thousand proper men at armes,
And thirtie thousand of others to conuince
Our English troups that dreadles were of harms,
By skilfull means of two wise Cardnals charms
Calme peace was made three whole yeers to endure,
And valiant kings both sware to keepe it sure.
Thus he that in eternall heauens rayns
And harts of kings hath in his gouernance,
Their frowning storms vnto faire smiling gleams
Doth change vnto his heauenly pleasance,
Rules oft their thoughts so to his ordinance.
They may deuise, but he will whole dispose,
What long they build, he soonest ouerthrowes.
Thyer a thousand three hundred fortie, more,
Saint George his day king Edward did prepare
A royall feast, proclaiming it before
In Fraunce, Flaunders, in Henault, and Almaine,
All knights that would vouchsafe to take the paine
Should safetie haue for to returne in peace
When as the iusts and knightly sports did cease.
And there the king selected prooued knights
In martiall feats and battelous stoure,
That had their shields shone to their en'mies sights,
And forcement made with strong redoubted power,
Due praises gaind and durable honour,
And made vs sweare that feasts continuance,
Which was maintaind through noble chevachance.
Thus as the king triumphant sports did hold,
Newes him was brought did much his mind displease
How Lord Clisson had lost his head they told,
And maletrait, the French kings ire t'apease,
Conceiud bicause some did false rumor raise,
Vntrue they were vnto the crowne of Fraunce,
Ten Lords there died, such still is fortunes chaunce.
Which knowne report caused king Edwards frowns,
And fierce maintaind the French had broke the peace:
Sir Henrie Leon set at ten thousand crowns
For ransome when he promisd not to cease
For to defie his king in open presse,
Th'erle of Darbie he into Gascoyn sends
To vengefull war his mind he all intends.
Which valiant Earle Plantagenet namde
At Hampton barkt, at Burdeux doth ariue
(His banner, England with French label famde)
He thought to shew vnto his foes beliue,
Staid at Burdeux but euen daies thrise fiue,
Bergarath, Angolesme, and Aguilon,
With thirtie holds and towns he tooke anon.
Toth court of Fraunce this voiage well was knowne
How this stout Earle so many towns had wone,
The spoile his soldiers got far wide was blowne,
The king pondering of this mischiefe done,
He sommons made, and sent Duke Iohn his sonne
Attended with a hundred thousand men,
His late lost towns for to obtaine agen.
This mightie host did Angolesme inclose,
Which braue Iohn Norwich an Englishsquire held
Hardly constraind, wisely doth dispose
His buisnes and this mightie armie weld:
Thanks his good wit that so his lesson speld.
An honest shift to find at time of need,
Deserueth praise vpon the happie speed.
It was the eue, before our Ladie day,
He saw the towne began to mutonie
Vnto the wals he tooke the readie way
Made none acquainted with his priuitie,
His cap toth host he waued speedily,
They are aduisd: demanding what he ment:
He said to speake with Duke was his intent.
The courteous Lord him quickly satisfied,
Then being come demanded if he would
Yeeld: he said I am not so aduised
Most noble Duke, the towne I well may hold,
I doe intreat your grace we may be bold,
The morrow next without yours disturbance
To doe vnto our Ladie reuerence.
In honor of whom I your grace requier
Of one daies truce for me and all my band:
The Norman Duke agreed to his desier.
With thanks Iohn bowed like a pliant wand:
The morrow morne faire armed he doth stand
Streight parted downe in blew and fierie red,
With ermine, Lyon sterne ramping decked.
Then issuing the French to Armor stirred,
He stepped foorth and willed them to stay:
Sirs he said? your Duke vs peace hath granted
Which I must vse to mine owne best assay:
On suddenly some went without delay
Vnto the Duke: declard what had been said,
And how as yet the Armie had him staid.
When this good duke his wise excuse had hard
Commandment gaue that he should safe depart,
His promise giue he wild should not be bard,
For kept he would tho woorser were his mart:
A vertue fitting well his Princely hart.
The Captaine gone, then Angolesme doth yeeld
With seauen Townes more, the Frenchmen hold the field,
Right strong before Aguillon be they come,
Plast in the meddowes faire about the hould,
A hundred thousand men, a goodly sume,
on foote and horsebacke well and truely tould,
Before they part this Castle haue they would,
The Duke so vowd, vnlesse for him the king
His Father sent and for no other thing:
Full seauen months the armie held their ground,
Within which time so many braue assaies
For to defend so many practise found
In forraging so many goodly fraies,
Such skirmiges and that such sundrie waies,
To win the same: as Greekes had neuer more
When they strong Ilion planted were before.
This Castle strongly seated is betweene
Two sliding streames, that vessels well may beare:
Enuironed with gawdie meddow greene,
Vpon the which right bitter bickering are
Oft on the riuers fight they without feare,
Sir Gualter Mannie chiefe of the English band,
Full expert knight on water or on land.
This courteous knight sage, imagenatiue,
Found to his foes much warlike buisnes,
Right warilie affaires doth he contriue
For sure defence of honor spotles,
Couragious knight and valiant doubtles:
Yellow banner he shewd, three Cheurons blacke
An English Lion on the highmost stake.
Whilst thus thassailaunt and defendaunt striue
Euery day some practise new to doe,
The King of England maks hast to ariue
Hearing declard his friends besiged so,
Conueniently he hasts himselfe to go
To rease the Duke: from Hamton port he saild,
Contrary wind made that his purpose faild.
For where he thought in Gascoine to take land
Sir Godfrey Harcourt causd him change his mind,
Whose reasons being by grauest counsell scand
And likte bicause contrary was the wind,
A faire large bay in Constantine we find
Cald Hogg saint vast: from shipping well ariud
In Battails three our Armie is contriud.
Toward wealthfull Cane we onward hold our way,
And all the Countrie wast with sword and fier,
The Earle of Tankervile made with vs a fray
Fast to the towne we forst him to retier,
After taken by his owne desier
Within the towne, of which we Masters were
And Countrie round all trembled fast with feare.
Our soueraine determinde in his mind
To passe through France to Callis if he could:
The Castle of Poys we in the way do find
Rease assault and easly gaine the hould,
Nothing so strong might dure our forcement bould
Absent the owner of the fort away:
Spoild was the towne bicause they false did play.
Two damesels faire were in this Castle found
Of bewtie rare and of fine tender age,
Who rudely Rauisht had been in that stound
Saue that Lord Basset, and my selfe in rage
Did them defend, and by aduisement sage,
Safely protect, and brought before the King
Which them receiud and thankt vs for the thing.
Right princely he and sweetly intertaind
These Virgins, causing them to be conuaid
To Corby towne: high praise hereby we gaind.
Ech armed Knight who Knighthood true hath waid
Will suffer no foule act done silly maid,
A souerain praise it is to armed Knight
Outragious acts to hinder by his might.
What wight, vile sin forbids not if he may,
Consents and giltie is to wicked ill.
The King doth march to Callis seeking way
The riuer of some we are attaind vntill
Where Godmare say a Knight of warlike skill,
Hauing in charge from soueraigne to keepe
The passages where water was not deepe.
The Knight obeyd, and Knightly did his best,
Due woorthie praise ech man doth well deserue
That to his power fulfils his Princes hest,
Tho tickle fortune seeme oft times to swerue
As vnto him who leader like did serue:
Strong Archer shot so whely all togither
From kept defence the Frenchmen they deseuer.
When this Baron I meane sir Godmare say,
Sawe this huge mischiefe light amongst his men
What he can helpe when fortune sayeth nay:
Fairly withdrew the best he could as then,
Its wisedome good for ech commander when
Things crosse fall out, to gouerne so his will
That he the more for lesser do not spill.
Into the water brauely did we mount
Which at that time passed with channell loe,
Where ouerthrowne Knights were of good account
The passage won, dame fortune fauored so
To be admierd how she can ouerthroe,
Thus we Blanchtaque by noble courage gaine
Gladded with ioy in lew of passed paine.
Thus when we had acquierd the further banke,
The gratious King as duety doth requier
To mightie God yeeldeth most humble thanke:
Highly inflamed King Philips boyling yer
In streete to close vs was his chiefe desier,
Angerly vexed with Lord Godmare fay
Till sir Iohn Henault doth his rage allay.
Foorth hould we martch to Cressie in Ponthew,
The King his mind the Campe should there be staid
Well informed the Frenchmen him pursew,
A space pondring lastly to vs said,
This Land my mothers dower should haue staid
It giuen was: therefore here make I choice,
To challenge it from Philip of Valoys.
And for that we were scarcely one gainst eight,
We warely batteled at aduantage
Th'assayling tempter by fine skilfull sleight
Of warlike heed for to indammage,
Three battailes ordred for knightly vsage:
Ith first the Prince, and Earle of Warwicke were
In guls a fes six croslets gold did beare.
Sir Reignald Cobham, strongly armd in red
Three sable stars plast on a Cheuron gold.
Sir Barthelmew Burwash in like colour sped
Gold ramping Lion queue doth forked hold.
Amongst these first, my name is also told.
Sir Richard Stafford in gold shield did beare
A gulie Cheuron and blew Labell faire.
With vs there were eight hundred men at Armes,
Two thousand Archers, Brigands a thousand
Purposely bent to worke fell enimies harms:
Ith second did th'earle of Northanton stand,
With men at Armes iust numbred to our band
Twelue hundred Bowes: in gold Lord Basset dight
Three Rubie piles a quarter ermins bright.
Faire clad in Armes seuen hundred the king
With bowmen thousands two for gard abide
Well pointed and directed euerie thing,
Our second battell moude somwhat aside
Vs first to second as the time espide:
The king withdrew him to a windmill hill,
Where he and his all day they stooden still.
When as the French thus heard of our addresse
They forward came bedect right sightly,
It pleasure was taview their noblenesse,
Their gilded armors glistering brightly,
To fight with them stird vs more lightly:
High valerous mind where enterprise is braue
Would conquer honor and due praises craue.
Too long to tell the fierce incounters made,
The puissant strength or courage of the foe,
How euerie prince in order doth inuade,
Or how the arrowes flew like flakes of snowe,
Or how the horse their masters ouerthrow,
Or how we were oppressed so with might,
As that we sent vnto the king a knight:
Requesting him with his fresh power to aid
His tender sonne so fiercely fought withall:
What slaine or wounded is my sonne he said:
That thus they send and for my succour call:
Neither: the knight? then tell him that he shall
Replide the king? his first worne spurs obtaine
To him and his the honor shall remaine.
When as we heard this answer vs resent,
As lions fell with fasting mawes near pinde
Amongst the herds new come do fellie rent
The sillie flocke: such like our vs finde.
For many liues from bodies we vntwinde,
Fourscore banners deiected to the ground,
And sixscore knights were there prostrated found,
And thirtie thousand of the common sort:
With sir Reignald Cobham three Heraulds sent
Searching the fields of truth to giue report
For to be slaine: so fully were we bent
To fight when as we hard the Kings intent:
Some Knights yet thought he dealt but ouer hard
That of his succour we were so debard.
This happie day by noble valiantnes
We vanquished, immortall fame we gaind:
And so the King held on his purposes
To Callis, where as we long time remaind:
That stoutest Knights garding the towne constraind,
Surrender make of Callis to his will,
All which he doth with English people fill.
Duke Hanniball when as graue senate sent
And him home cald to aid his natiue soyle,
From Italy with no lesse anguish went,
Then did Duke Iohn from Aguillon recoyle,
Long hauing lean was loth to suffer foyle,
But his sad father wild him thence in hast
Vs to resist that much his Countrie wast.
How turning times do trauerse humane course,
From ruffling war to calmest quietnes,
And doth allay the mightiest rage and force
Appearing plesant temperat stilnes,
Freed of Tumult, stur or buisnes,
For clanging trumpet and harsh armors sound
Daintie blis and meriment is found:
For Cardnall Guy of Bullen he was sent
As legate into Fraunce, well doth intreat
Firme peace between the kings, vntill was bent
Their raged minds: t'endure without deceat
Twixt them and theirs, till two yeers out were beat.
Home went our king: but Britton was except
Where two braue Ladies cruel wars they kept:
The one of Mountfort intitled Countesse,
Whose husband dide a prisoner late in France,
Redoubted Lady of great valientnes
Sharp wars maintaind for all hir Lords mischance,
Amason like would ride with sheild and Launce,
Defend hir selfe with battelous axe in fist
Threatning blowes bestow and well resist.
On swelling seas puissance hath she tride,
In stormie fight amongst the mightiest
With enimies blood the marble waters dide,
With braue Bundutia or Viragoes best,
Great Edelsleda or the woorthiest,
Of manly dames, that wouen maile haue worne,
She may compare for valerous adorne.
Th'other possest a Lions hart in brest
Little Inferiour to hir couragious foe,
Sir Charls of Bloys hir husband now did rest
A prisoner, fell fortune would it so:
Gainst whom she oft hir mightie power did shoe.
These warlike dames hard wars do still maintaine
T'on for hir sonne, th'other for husbands gaine.
The two yeers truce expierd King Phillip died,
And Iohn his sonne was Crowned in his sted.
Our Prince of Knights when he his time espied
Surnamed blacke: from England is he sped,
And into Gascoine warlike Knights he led,
Whose vertue good and courage did abound,
And for no death would flee on foote of ground.
To Thoulous, and Carcasson led his host
Late before the Riuer of Garron past,
Hauing burned and spoyled all the cost,
With pillage store and prisners fiaunct fast
To Burdeux safe returned at the last,
Tho th'earle of Arminack and th'earle of Fois
Had Countries charge with soldiers of some chois.
The prince fresh in the flowers of his youth
So much desierd to follow martiall deeds,
As duly to recount of him the truth
His noble thought thereon he onely feeds,
Right busie Lord, to sow wilde otes his seeds,
A second rode doth into Berry make,
And countrie round at pleasure spoile and take.
King Iohn informed of our chevachaunce
His sommons cald: but first of all he sent
Three Barons wise t'aduise our ordinaunce:
Lord Craon, Bowciqualt, and the Herment,
Cald of Chaumount: who ordred their intent
Vs to intrap: abushment one they plast,
From which we droue them to a castle fast,
Cald Remorentine: the prince doth me command
To go persuade these foresaid knights to yeeld,
I salued them, which done I do demand
Surrender of the castle which they held
Vnto my Lord, that matters so would weld
Of curtesie, vnto his rendred foe
Of custome vsed in like case to shoe.
This rendring mart they thought too bad to make
All three men of prooued valure much,
In silken white that puffing blast did shake
Blacke egle spred whose either head doth tuch
The banners sides: sir Bowcequalts was such,
That foorth he hoised wefting in the winde,
Thinking he doth himselfe in safetie finde:
Plaine said he would no follie such commit
As to become a prisner without cause,
Trusting right well himselfe for to acquit,
But morrow morne they yeelded without pause
Thereto compeld by raging fiers lawes,
Of well conceiued hope they were beguild,
Their fortresse left, forsaken and exild.
Like sparkling lightning droue by southern blast,
Scorching all it findeth in hit power,
The valerous prince proceedeth with like waste
In burning Townes, in raising many a Tower,
Such hideous stormes he on the French doth shower,
Rich spoiles we gained, and great booties wone,
Without controle of ought which we had done.
The valiant and renowmed king of Fraunce
When as he hard our Prince in field to be,
Vowed to fight, in armes to prooue his chaunce,
And carefull was by Poyicters towne least we
Should there repasse, or that he should vs see:
Woorthie king most woorthie glorious crowne,
Right valiant Lord, though Fortune now did frowne.
He sommoned braue Dukes, stout Earles and Lords
In batteled armes before him to appeere,
With so much haste as hastie speed affords
Encountring strength against vs foes to reare,
Resolud to fight as one deuoid of feare,
No spare of coste to furnish his intent,
Loftie thoughts on vengfull battaile bent:
When this great masse of men all mustered were
The battailes three ordained out of hand,
Gay duke of Orleaunce first well gouernd there,
Where sixe and thirtie wauing banners stand,
Long pennons twice so many there were fand,
Beate with fine armes of euerie Lord and knight
Most glorious vnto the gasers sight:
Charls duke of Normandie had second guiding,
The third, stout king, and there drest to behold
Faire knights in glistering armors shining,
Proud stamping steeds richly trapt in gold,
High placed crests that hautie helme doth hold,
Trim flower of France in their braue araie,
For gallantnes here present were full gaie
Ordred: did mount on steed as white as snowe,
Of courage like the king that on him sate,
Knightly armd ride foorth from ranke to rowe
With smiling grace his men to animate,
Did pleasing and right stirring words relate
So Castor like, with kingly resemblaunce
And kindled heat his speech he did aduaunce:
My Lords in parle at Parris when you be
Your English foes you stoutly menace,
Desiring that so happie day to see
To find them ranged in some open place,
Heere is the thing apparant to your face
The onely thing that you so much did craue,
The English plast in open field you haue:
And as the king was in this parlaunce
Lord Ribamount, who had our battels seen
Sent for that cause to view our guidaunce,
Approcht the king saying, sir as I ween,
Your enimies in one battell placed been
Are men at arms two thousand as I gesse,
Fiue thousand, fiue hundred, archers no lesse:
Right sagely they and warily ordred ar
With bowmen they haue all the hedges lind,
None can approch the streights the watching bar
We hard aduenture and perilous find
If we assaile: the king requiers his mind
Which way were best: for he ment to inuade,
Then presently all things were readie made.
As thus the king prepared was to fights
The cardnall of Perigourt came in hast,
Full lowly on his knees toth king resits
How dangerously he might deere subiects wast,
Pondring if it pleasd his grace to cast
With him all his peers his enimies wear
A desperate remnant waying what was thear,
Willing the King to giue him leaue to prooue,
Whether the Prince so to him would agree
Peace might be had: the Prince thereto did mooue
If with his honor it might concluded be,
Faire offers made: king Iohn would none but he
Himselfe, and more, a hundred in his field
Of his owne choice as prisners all should yeeld:
Whilst busie cardnall spent this day in vaine,
It being truce: some speciall knights did ride
Their foes to view, and maner of their traine,
I riden foorth, returning me espide
Lord Cleremount, who quicklie to me hied,
Chandos quoth he? how long thus haue you borne
My sole deuise, and for your owne it worne?
We both were clad in vestments wrought as one,
A Ladie blew in glistering Phoebus raies:
I then replid, its onely mine alone
And none of yours? whereto the Frenchman saies,
You English ianglers vse such speech alwaies,
Of your grosse wits can nothing new deuise,
What others weare, is pleasing to your eies.
But if the truce withheld not I would prooue,
It whole were mine and that you did me wroong.
Why sir (I said) to morrow ile not remooue
From of the field, I will be in the throng,
But if it chance I meete you them among,
Ile make it good for all your fluent tong,
That properly to me it doth belong.
Contrarie vnto sacred vsage
I was not in my armes inuested,
Ware strange deuise too great abusage,
And an others which he not disgested,
No knightly minde should be infested
With error such, his owne armes not to weare,
But found conceits and others toys to beare:
Too cruell I causd this braue noble kild
The morrow when hydeous was the fray,
For checking me I made his blood be spild,
His murther I commanded that same day
Prouiding that no ransome he should pay,
For which God would the like to hap to me
In my discourse as you shall plainly see:
What greater burden to a noble mind
Then to be clogged with murtherous thought?
What mightier harme can braue captains find
Then when their noble doings are foorth sought?
That they vnto their fame such blame haue brought:
This cholerike action oft I did repent
When God on me threw equall punishment.
When labring Cardnall could no truce obtaine
He did depart: but we that day had spent
Right busily, did ech deuise ordaine
That best was thought or Art could best inuent:
Eight thousand we that in this iourney went:
Threescore our foes mongst which two thousand knights
Full goodly Armd; t'aue seene these gorgeous sights.
The morrow day when blushing sunne did rise
Great pleasure twas thus to behold vs dight:
One of the things that most delights mans eies
Is for to see a glistering Armie bright,
Faire drest in Armes, in order duely pight,
Prepard to ioine: euen so both parties were
And euer I about the Prince was nere:
Who Hector like in battelous Armes was clad,
Enuirnd as he intending to haue burnd
The Greekish fleets: said noble harts be glad,
High victorie almightie God hath turnd
To fewest folkes and greatest number spurnd,
If we be slaine we all haue valiant friends
To venge our deaths on those that worke our ends:
Therefore I pray ech Lord in presence now,
To prooue his best, and haue regard to see
His honor kept, I heer my Lords do vow,
A Knight most good and resolute to be,
And that no chaunce shall make me yeeld or flee.
Most mightie Prince thy words did so inflame
Our setled minds to die was but a game.
And as the battailes now approchen near,
Sir Iames Audley clad in glorious red
Faire fretted gold: doth to the Prince appear,
Requesting that for former seruice led
T'is father and to him in loyall sted,
To giue him leaue the foremost man to be
For to assaile the ventrous enimie.
Sweetly accords the prince to his desier,
Gaue him his hand, and wisht him well to speed,
Such speciall grace that he might there acquier
All present knights in vertue to exceed:
He chose a place to make his vow a deed,
And by the helpe of four right trustie squiers
He woon th'achieument of his high desiers.
Sir Eustace Dabrigcourt fearing t'be behind
Did baisse his gleaue and well imbrace his shield,
And as the arrow from the bow doth twind
He flieth towards the enimies field,
An Almain knight his comming well behield
In siluer targ that bare fiue roses red,
They strongly meet and both downe tumbled,
Dabscote no harme receiued by his fall
But lightly vp himselfe againe doth rease,
Fiue Almains streight they light vpon him all
At once: and beare him downe with mightie feas.
So mongst his foes tide to a chear he staies,
Vntill that we that ground recouered had
Losd, he fard, like tiger raging mad.
Heere lustie knights were and aduenturous
As euer foming courser carried,
At good vertue most brauely aemulous
Euer thinking too long they tarried,
Vntill that enimies stout they harried,
The venturous hart doth oft aduenture chieue
That manie hearers scarcely will beleeue.
So hideous waxt the stur, so strong the broyle,
So fell the fight, so cruell was the shot,
And men at armes they stroue with forced toyle,
Nor shields, nor armors gay defended not
The bodies from the shafts, who paid the scot
Where right they hit: and thus discomfit was
Their martiall host that foremost on did pas.
I waited time and spake vnto the prince,
Sir sir passe foorth, the iourneys yours I see,
Set on the king, good fight must him conuince,
He valerous is I know he will not flee,
This day you vowd a knight most good to bee.
He quickly said, Iohn, forward lets aduaunce?
We so performe, we tooke the king of Fraunce
With as much toile as Phillips sonne did take
Darius: we the French kings person wan,
No need there is large prosses for to make,
Or slaughter shew how it befell as than
Or prisoners name, but seuenteen earls we wan
With many Lords and knights which we did gaine,
And near six thousand one and other slaine:
In this strong medle taken was a knight
The Chattelon of Dampost neer alide
Toth Cardnall: th'inflamed prince had sight
Of him: humblie had I not denide,
Distressed Chattelon suddenly had dide,
The noble prince tooke in high dispite
Thats maister would against him let him fight.
This battaile to the French maulpartuis,
Two leagues from Poycters cruell and furious,
Enduring with horrible noise and huis
From prime till noone, the prince desirous
Like stoutest lion t'be victorious,
With princelike courage foes pursues apace
And many knights beares he downe in chase.
No heed tooke I good prisoner rich to gaine,
But had regard the prince so well to guide,
Hot, fresh, and yoong, wherfore I ply my paine
As dutie would, lest harme should him betide,
His owne desier was I should abide
His person near, in thickest of the fraies,
He credits what I speake: to my great praise.
All as we would: glad prince did franke bestow
A stately supper t'prisoner king and praid
His good content, though buisnes gainst him goe,
For your owne selfe renowmed king he said,
Your prowes past all those to you obaid,
Byth true censure of our best skilled knights
The soueraigne praise you wan in all the fights.
What triumphing in England knowne these newes
At Burdeux, what great reioicing seene
In forren courts how honored all our crewes
Where they became? my seruice as I weene
That heere I did was highly in esteeme,
About a prince men thought me meet to be
As well for counsell as for cheualrie.
King Iohn int'England gladly was conueid
On trampling steed through London doth he ride:
Note fortunes change a king that scepter sweid
With large command, through noble Fraunce doth bide,
In forren land: there pricking him beside
His conquerer on cole black hobbie plast,
On whom the woondring vulgars praises blast.
No Romain in his triumphs glorious
Through citie passing with trumpets sounding
More apparant appeered victorious,
Than our braue prince by modest riding
At peoples plause with ioy abounding,
Remembring those high words he earst did say,
Neuer shall England ransome for me pay.
Betwixt the kings there grew agreement,
And if performd then backe Iohn should retier.
The peeres of Fraunce denide their kings intent,
Wherat king Edward stormd with furious yer,
And vowd their plague with wastfull sword and fier
Vntill they grant the thing which he thought good:
Strongly prepard he past the swelling flud,
Lands at Callis, thence marcheth in aray
With brauerie such and shew of martiall might,
In goodly armors dect so fine and gay,
All beat with Arms fine banners tossing light,
On vs dan Phoebus ioyd to haue a sight,
With fauning face he seemd on vs to smile
We fresh be seen reflexion cast the while.
Vndoubtedly in all the world was not
More noble band than heer were present now,
What knight was he that honor had not got,
In some strange land well shone his vertue how
For leader good a man might him allow,
Most happie realme, thrise happie is that king
Whose subiects fame in forren regions ring:
First if the prince of Wales I should recite,
Or Henrie Duke late Darbie Earle before,
Or Reignald Cobham that much renowmed knight,
Lord Mowbray, Manny, Basset, with great store,
Lord Audley, Willoughby, and many more
Than now I shew: what if I tell my name
And say that Chandos was not lest in fame.
Fame our names imblasoned not so far
For tennise plaie or handling of a lute,
Nor dauncing fine or glistering as a star,
As women drest in most vnseemly sute,
Our chiefest musicke trumpe and checking flute,
Our daunce, our march: our tennise oft to feele,
Thundring blowes: our clothing tried steele.
Through Picardie and Artoys spoyld we passe
Int fertile Cambray making there some stay,
In former places found we little grasse,
Toward Thyriach we martch anone away
Till foulding siege to Cittie Reames we lay,
Which countrie was so wasted and so foild
That all our horse for want wel ny wer spoyld:
Sir Barthelmew Burwash whilst siege doth hold,
My selfe, Lord Audley, and Lord Mucedent,
Sir Richard Pontchardon, a prudent knight and bold
agreed all fowr, and with our troups we went
To Chalous in Campayne, for ventures bent
We approcht strong Cragney a castle hey,
Whereas two knights couragious captaines be
Ton Caples cald: who bare in golden sheild
An ancred crosse of sables: we asseild
Rudely the hold, from whence some one did weild
A mightie stone, that head a peeces peild
Of Lord Mucedent: but it was not feild,
For to reuenge his hard mischance againe
Tooke the hould and all the soldiers slaine.
Seauen weeks at Reames the king made his abode,
and forrage faild and men began to want,
For still we knights the countrie ouer rode,
Whereby ech thing waxed exceeding scant,
Then to remooue the king and nobles mant,
Chalous, Troys, and countries neere we wast
Passing the riuer Muson at the last.
So foorth we marcht keeping same ordinance
At first ordaind to Aguyllon we came,
Did hauke and hunt passing in pleasaunce,
Oft tride our horse and vsed warlike game,
Which still among, much did the Frenchmen tame,
Nothing vnlesse too hot for vs could staie
T'heauie or cold but we did beare away.
Sweeping from hence to Paris ward apace
The countie of Neuers and Gastenoys we waste,
Raunge at our wils continuing foorth our race
Vntill that we at Burge le royne were plast
Two leagues fro Paris: and so the towne we facst.
Well famed Fraunce might waile, for nought but flame
Was to be found in bowels of the same:
Where Meroue puissant warrier raind
Whom fierce Attila ouerthrew in fight,
Where Charls le main that many kingdomes gaind,
In all Europa feared for his might,
Vnconstant fortune taking so far flight,
Sometimes the yoke on others shoulders laid
With biting snaffle now are strongly staid:
From Burg le royne to Mont le herri we
In sightly wise our battailes all do draw,
Our constant dealing when the french Lords see
Perseuering still in Fraunce to make a flawe
Consuming all as fier doth the strawe,
Vnto a peace to mooue our king they ment
Their Chaunclor and their learned counsaile sent.
They vnderstood our king would not depart
Till pleasing peace he conquerd as he voud,
Which thing neere toucht duke Charls his tender hart,
And nobles for owne harmes too hawtie proud
Faire conditions twixt them were aloud,
By thundring storme which God from heauen sent
And knotted haile our king doth first relent:
A written deed at Charters there was framd
Betwixt the kings, their heires, allies and friends,
In which faire townes, strong castles all were namd
toth king and his were giuen for amends
For passed paine, and so the strife it ends,
More Castles, Townes, more Cities and more ground
Were giuen then in England could be found.
Some speeches were braue dukedome to inclose
Of Britton, in the charter of this peace:
Yet do they not of it so well dispose
So as fresh wars in that place did not cease,
How track of time hard bound doth of release
Charls thoughts vpbound within his stubborne brest,
Them foorth to loose supposed now his best.
Home went his grace, soone I repasse the seas
As regent and lieuetenant for my king
Taking the othes, possessions and the keas,
Of Lords, Cities, Castles, which did wringe
Some Frenchmens harts like percing adders sting:
Great griefe it was subiuged to be bound
To strangers most vncurteous they had found:
I stewards, bailifes and captaines do ordaine
As liked me: and this when I had done
Came to Nyort, there purposd to remaine,
Keeping estate whereby mens harts I won
Largely I spent most like a Princes son,
In plentious fare bountifull and much,
King Edwards loue and lowance to me such:
His royall loue to me was passing rare,
Numbers thought I did deserue no lesse,
Courteous I aduisd and would not spare
But liberall be, fraught with temperatenesse,
Faire points of honor would I not disgresse,
Amongst braue Lords, faire Ladies, I esteemd
Of great estates in gentle fauor deemd:
Foorth of the charter was except the land
Saint Saluiour, sir Godfrey Harecourts late,
Who Pollux like at Constantine did stand
To his defence, when slaine was euerie mate
With weldie axe, his stroke so heauie sate,
Not prowdest enemie durst sad blowes abide
Till at the length two horsemen at him ride
Inragd beare downe a knight most cheualrous,
Which stradling set his legs to stand more suer
On surest leg: and there dispiteous
They beare him downe who fights whilst he may duer,
Liue still his praise and glory fresh in vre,
For wisdome and prooude skill in martiall facts
No liuing knight one iote exceeds his acts.
With plainest difference of Earle Harcourts race
In glorious red two golden bars did beare:
Daring gainst foe toth vtterance shew his face,
Which tride he was well woorthie armes to weare,
Amongst his foes that durst them noblie reare,
The home made knight that neuer ward in field
Small title hath vnto a noble sheild.
In his past life his land he did behest
To my good king and he to me it gaue,
Toth valiant Iohn of Fraunce he made request
For his consent that I the same might haue:
He gently seald to what the king doth craue,
I it enioid well woorth in yeerely rent
Of hundred franks fifteene: which free I spent
Most bountifully, amongst soldiers bould
To gallant men my purse was neuer closd,
Which caused that as often as I would
I had companions, valiants lads disposd
To warlike feats, that strongest holds haue posd:
Sweet behauiour ioind to liberall hand
Reasons I was with manly soldiers mand.
Braue Duke of Lancaster mars his Henrie dide,
Whilst I at Nyort kept so high estate
Faire cosen Germaine to the king allide,
Good gentle Duke, lamented was thy fate
Mongst valiant knights thou nobly ledst of late,
When as thou didst with Darbie title raine
As after when the Dukedome thou didst gaine:
In battelous Arms before the king of Fraunce
Like Pallas knight thou entredst roiall list,
Gainst Brownswick Duke, full bent to prooue the chaunce
Of doubtfull combat, the king cause why it mist
Staid the euent: great eithers losse he wist.
This Brownswick Duke tride strong champion bold
Bare faire in red two lions passant gold.
True golden fame, blacke death cannot defile,
Glistering honor buds from dustie graue,
Ech noble Lord that beareth glorious stile
Spend must his life eternall praise to haue,
As thou high Duke didst honor euer saue,
Most mightie God let England neuer want
Such noble Lords true honor seeke to plant.
In England cause the prince kept princely port
Most like himselfe: the counsell thoughten best
Int' Acquitaine that he should make resort,
Partly for that the Gascoins do request
His presence: and reuenewes largely rest
His noblenes right noble to vphold.
And Gascoin Lords desier that he would
Repasse the seas: he answereth their desiers
Once landed, carefull I to meet him well
Accompaned, with knights and youthfull squiers
On coursers mounted decked euerie sell,
And receiuing him at warlike Rochell
We thence attended vnto Poycters towne
As reason wild and dutie had vs bowne:
Of Acquitaine I Cunstable was ordaind,
High honors giuen and feastings to me made
Continually his fauor more I gaind,
Through enterprises of account I wade,
Noble exploits I end by skilfull trade,
Which plaisd him so as he loude me euer
Bicause in honor still I do perseuer:
Peter of Lusignon King of Cypresse Ile
Made means to all the Kings of Christendome.
From iarring discord to abstaine a while
Helpe to repulse the miscreants late come
Their borders neere: and much of neighbors wone.
Had been in Italie, France, and Almaine,
In Flaunders, England, came to Acquitaine:
Not when swift fame had pierced hautie skies
Admetus praise which made Apollo bowe
Downe from estate, to view with leeuing eies
His bountifulnes, which seen made him alowe
So well of it, and further did avowe
Fame sparing was: yet suer my Prince exceeds
The praises of Admetus lib'rall deeds.
For when he hard of this strange kings ariue,
He sent me foorth with knights accompaned
In gentlenes could with right courteous striue:
At kings first entrance he saw well placed
Fortie knights so many squiers faced,
All for the honor of Lady Princes
Faire was the iusts ech prooued blamles:
More signe of loue, more shew of princelie power,
Rare welcoms giuen, fine curtesies withall,
Of curtesie sweete prince a pearles flower:
Nor wandring king did neuer see nor shall
More store of knights in earthly regents hall.
The prince me will to take him to my guide
Him plesaunce shew in his dominions wide:
A vermile crosse the Cyprian king still wore,
For holy voyage he had vndertake
Against the Turke: his soueraign to adore
In glorious Arms: a partie prince to make
He wild, and found to no good seruice slake
Our loued prince: departed well content,
Great intercourse of loues betwixt them blent.
Thus hauing been most kindly intertaind,
By me: and stout sir Thomas Phelton much,
Sir Neal Loring, sir Simon Basset, daind
Him well to treat: sir Baldwine Fr [...]uile such
His kindnes shewd, as spite could not but gruch
To see the like: he safely went his way
The principalitie through I him conuay.
King Iohn of Fraunce into England past
Braue king, faire queen, gay nobles for to see
Through true firme loue which doth eternall last
Whers fained loue, small iars remembred be,
No vertues more in phear of high degree
Than were resiant in this soueraine,
Whose woorthie praises euer may remaine.
Bloodie parcas what meanest thou to sheare
His vitall twine so woorthie longer life,
Canst thou, pale malice, such priuly vertues beare?
Than bluntest coulter duller be thy knife:
Amongst best things thou mischiefe euer rife:
But mightie God oft takes away the best
For our bad sins, or for to ease his blest.
Whilst this good king in England made his stay,
Him sicknes tooke with sharpe incresment sore
And strong oppresment at Sauoy where he lay,
Death doth approch then flesh can breath no more
His losse king Edward greatly doth deplore,
From England Parris: to stately tombe conueid,
And Charls his sonne the Regall scepter sweid:
Oh vading flower why flatterest thou thy selfe
In pompeous seat of mightie maiestie,
Fraile honors titles or foule wasting pelfe,
Forgetting great eternall dignitie,
Scorneth mightiest earthly Imperie:
What low inferior fears of you amisse
That high superior threts againe ywis.
Sir Iohn Montfort in th'aprill of his youth
Gay Arms gan weld: and with successe begon
In Britton: to sir Charls of Bloys his ruth,
This faire new knight was that braue Countesse sonne
Of whom I spake: Bloys hearing what was don
By him, and how he sieged strong Alroy,
And with sharpe war the countrie doth destroy,
Told king Charls: who aiding cosen Bloys,
Sent sir Bertram Glesquine who doth intreat
Knights such he knew of whom he had good choyse,
Him to assist in ventrous warlike feat:
Sir Bertrams praises now were waxen great.
King Charls him had in reuerence and account
In praisfull vertues cause he doth surmount.
Yoong Earle Mountfort of their assemblie hard,
Seald letters into Acquitaine doth send
To some good knights telling how he fard,
Especially he writ to me his frend
Willing my presence, helpfull to defend
His heritage: I soone agreed to go
If my good prince would say it should be so.
I licence craue for this departaunce,
If that thereby I might not breake the peace,
The prince said no breach: and releasaunce
Gaue vnto me and others, who not cease
Him to beseech my numbers to increase,
Through Xanton, Poyictow I passe vnto Alroy
Friendly welcomd with no little ioy,
Of Earle Iohn and many a valiant knight,
Accouting all themselues in safetie now
So long as me amongst them haue they might,
My counsaile their opinions so allow,
And twas not long ear some plaine told hus how,
Sir Charls Bloys accompaned doth aduaunce
In best appoint that hath been seene in Fraunce,
And faste approcht: which newes when so I knew
I placed me where comming I behold
A seemely band, as eie did euer vewe,
And goodly dight as hart desier cold,
Oftlie returning vnto freends I told,
That I had seene of noblenes the flower
For discipline in ordring of a power,
One cannot cast a gloue from off his hand
But it on Launce will or on basnet light,
So properly in order plast they stand,
Their leader is a Lord of great insight,
They haue vs taught our battails soone to dight:
My friends then said, sir you our Chieftaine are
Please you command and all we will prepare?
Though yoong Earle were soueraine in the place,
To Martiall buisnesses yet I tend
By princely letters from King Edwards grace
To me, he wild the Earldome to defend
Heedy for this, my time here well to spend:
Three battails then I ordred with good hast,
And in the first sir Robert Canole plast
Lord of Duriuall, hardie Britton borne
Sir Oliuer Clisson the next doth guide
Whom Lion white in red crownd, doth adorne.
The third fresh Earle, with whom my selfe abide,
Him well t'aduise for doute what might betide,
Reregard of fiue hundred men I made,
To sir Hugh Caueley these few words I said,
Sir knight, this companie I appoint to you,
Withdraw your selfe and chuse some peece of ground,
From thence not buge vnlesse you plainly vewe
Vs to disrout, then hasting in that stound
Vs reunited to place retier you round,
Lately left: there tending like do stay
More better seruice can no man do this day.
When stout sir Hue all hard my speeches passe
Right shamefast waxt, and thus in haste replide:
Such charge to take he neuer minded was
With feruent words flatlie the same denide,
Halfe angrie asking what weaknes I espide
In bodie his, with foremost not to fight,
Willing the gifter to some other wight.
Aduisedly to him I answered,
Your valour sir I passing tried know,
Your high desiers I throughly measured
Strong ablenes to fight in foremost row,
Bicause right sage and wise your selfe I know
This charge I giue, wishing you that place
In which you shall acquier thankefull grace,
With honor and applause amongst the best,
And furthermore I faithfull promise giue
To you sir knight, to grant the first request
You shall demaund if that Iohn Chandos liue,
My rightfull treating herein do not depriue:
This noble soldier tookt still in dispite
He might not in the front of battaile fight.
Whose setled minde to see well neare I weepe,
Him to that passe it commen was I told
He or my selfe the reregard must keepe,
Which better was, allow his iudgement should,
Confusd he staid, yet take the charge he would,
For which salt teares distill from manly eies
Departs to ground that fittest he espies:
A Baron rich in Britton there did dwell
Lord Beumanoyr, a prisoner safely sworne
Vs English too: which thought he might do well
Spending his time fell strife might out be worne,
To passe between of both sides was he borne,
By his spent trauell so much he brought to pas
As one whole day and night of truce there was:
Gay Phoebus lodgd faire Luna prest in place,
Our English soldiers most requested me
Largely telling the poorenes of their case
With much expence, that I should not agree
To peace: determined to win or die
By battaile: to whom I easely giue consent
As one thereto by inclination bent.
Chast Cynthia gon, Aurora blushed
Lord Beumanoyr betime was stirring
From his campe toward vs his footings sped,
In hope to speed: I soon departing
We salued at our first incountring:
He wild I would indeuor to accord
These parties for the goodnes of our Lord.
Contrarie to his iust desiering
I answered, good sir of Beumanoyr?
I counsell that you haste retiering
From whence you came, our companies deuoyr
Is you t'inclose, and slaie as destroier
Of their desiers: they so hate talke of peace
Therefore herein your best is for to ceace,
And furthermore tell to sir Charls of Bloys,
Earle Iohn this day will Duke of Britton be
Or slaine abide, shunning other choise:
When this rich Baron hard these words of me,
Said Chandos, Chandos? as good will as yee,
Or your yoong Lord, my Lord hath to the fray
Calme peace yet offereth if you said not nay.
We both depart and both to friends returne,
I scarcely ariud Earle Mountfort asked
What newes? for he in longing thoughts doth burne.
I told him now that he was hardly tasked,
But fairest truth I fouliest masked:
Lord Beumanoyr hath sent you word by me,
This day your foe will Duke of Britton be,
Or else this day he will not breath at all:
Which message told he colour seemd to change
Willed t'aduance and streight to battell fall,
T'inflame his courage I from truth did range
Somwhat to make the matter seeme more strange,
I said aduise, whether you will fight or leaue.
Yes by Saint George: our banner forward heaue.
Lord Beumanoyr his answer likewise framd
Saying, he had the prowdest langage hard
Of me, that euer erst: foorth to Bloys he namd
What were my words, but more he plain declard
How that all right I said clean him debard
From truest title to great dukedome quite.
He doth reply: God knowes whose is the right.
The Ermine banners of the dukedome right
Were placed, ech gainst other orderly,
To see braue Lords vnder their pennons dight
All beat with Arms bedecked properly,
So feateously both battels beautify,
As to the gaser well it might appeere
That all the Vallewer in the world was heere.
As raging tides about some Ilsland meet
In stredned channell forced by a prime,
With like incounter both our battels greet
Like bustling rage was shewed at this time,
Red sprinkling bloud our weapons doth begrime,
A brauer battell better fought by skill
Was neuer seene our present age vntill.
Our enimies more than we in number were
And opened vs by strength of fighting well,
Sir Hugh Caueley, quickly succord there,
Beat backe fierce foes, eger, stout and fell,
Four times that the very truth to tell,
His siluer banner, with gulie fes in sight
Between three calues of sables, set vs right.
Like armed Mars with weldie axe in hand
Complet formd and full of valiantnes,
In hammered steele strongly do I stand,
Full fraught with strength as well as hardines,
Few durst abide me in my furiousnes,
The Earl I wild to do now this or that,
He me beleeud, wherby much fame he gat:
On th'erle of Aucer and fierce French I set
With courage such as they discomfit were,
To say the truth right valiant knights we met
As by prooud vertue plaine they made appere
Which nought auaild: by strength was taken there
Th'erle of Aucer, Iognie, and Lord of Preer,
Rich Norman baron ransome cost him deer:
Their banners torne and cast down to the ground,
Their companie in maruels mischiefe then,
In battell if that one to flee be found
He causeth three, if three, there flieth ten,
If ten, twentie, and then a hundred men.
When giuen them was this stronge ouerthro,
On Glesquine I and sturdie Brittons go,
Where many a mightie feat of Arms was doon,
Where many heauie sounding blow was giuen,
Where many a prisoner rescude was and woon,
Where many a basnet was a sunder riuen,
Where many a man dead to the earth was driuen:
Hote Earle of Raix, who maruels wrought that day
I prisoner tooke and swore with me to stay,
Vnder my pennon was brauely taken heer
Sir Bertram Glesquine, then all fled that might
Excepting some that held their Lord full deer
Which strong vnite and sharply gan to fight,
But thither streight my selfe and power I dight,
Then was atchieued many a feat of Arms,
Slaine were our foes and beaten downe by swarms:
Heer murthered was Right noble gentle knight
Sir Charls of Bloys, his face towards his foes:
For so it was determind ouer night
Ton of these Earls vnto his ending goes,
Our enimies the selfesame thing dispose,
Both parts resolud this day should be the last
Betwixt these Earls, and so the dice were cast:
No man of honor almost doth escape,
For when they forced were to fearfull flight
Much mischiefe fell, for many knights mishape
For cruell slaughter, happened in this fight
The scambling chace eight leags endurd right,
Ending almost at the gate of Reans
And som our friends in it good booties geans:
This battell finisht was neer to Alroy
Whilst Phoebus in the ballance wandred,
The present yeer of mans eternall ioy,
A thousand threescore and three hundred,
And single four, as some haue numbred,
Earle Montforts banner on high bush was pight,
Returning friends of it might haue a sight:
As ech commander foes left to pursue
From weary chase he thither might him get,
Long time it was or all togither drew,
Much ioy was made when as we all were met,
My Guydhome next vnto th'earls Ermins set
Sir Eustace Dabscote, sir Mathew Gorney,
Bare palie gold and Azure euenley,
Sir Robert Canole, sir Iohn Bouchier came,
Sir Walter Huet, sir Hue Caueley stout,
For this daies seruice woorthie lasting fame,
Who ordred vs we ginning to disrout,
From mongst his friends strong foes he beateth out,
I wild the Earl to ioy at his good hap
Since he was placed in dame Fortunes lap,
He said your prowes it sir knight atchiud
all knights so thinke that here with vs remaine,
Deserued honor ought not to be depriud,
Next vnto God by you I battaile gaine,
And drinking recht a flagon glad and faine
To me: and said, drinke now to our good speed,
And thus on conquest gladed thoughts do feed,
As ioyfull meriment was in making nowe
All chaffed from the chase like wounded bore,
Sir Oliuer Clisson, with eie beate from his browe
Comes bringing with him prisners noble store,
Though his great wound did greeue him very sore,
Approching yet light from his courser downe,
Et fut receue cōme cheualier asses boune.
Now to Duke Iohn by Heraulds word was brought
His late riuall dead they saw to lie,
Then said the Duke he shall of me be sought,
I rather would in such estate him spie
Then for the Dukedome striuing armd to bee,
When slaine he sawe him couered with his shield
He wept, but soone I tooke him from the field:
More needfull cause had I to weepe alas
Then he, because I caused so his death,
And from that place I willed him to pas,
For sir quoth I, euen thus the matter swaieth,
By this mans end the Dukedome with you staieth,
On these great Lordships fie vpon them all
That are possest by others deadly fall:
To Guingant Towne good Earle of Bloys was borne,
In reuerent sort he there entombed lies,
Whose name the Clargie do so much adorne
With martiers crowne for truths defence that dies,
A heauie clog might on my conscience pries
That would no peace, vntill this Earle were ded,
Almightie God causd me with like be sped.
For measure such as we to other meat
Is oft vnlookt remeasured againe,
By iustest God from his tribunall seat:
Wherefore great Lords that now in world do raine
Warelie heed what harme to selues you gaine,
And all your dooings peasd with temperaunce
Brings quiet end freed from anoyaunce:
This valerous hap soone blasted was abroad
How by my counsaile had Lord Mountfort don,
Which caused many me with praise to load
When knowne how knightly we the battaile won:
Displeasd king Charls, fraile Fortune so did run,
Much sorrow he for cosen Bloys doth make,
And much for Glesquine and for others sake:
Duke Mountfort letters writ of credence
Vnto king Edward, ioifully he sent
By a Poursuuant, performing diligence
Found the king, and shewd how buisnes went,
For which good newes he so his fauor bent
As for a Herauld true he him allowd
Surnamed Windsore fairely him indowd.
We hold the fields, win Townes and Castles strong,
Wasting, spoiling, conquering as we go,
Colde king of Fraunce tooke counsaile ear too long
Wise message sent Earle Mountforts minde to kno,
The Dukedome whether he would hold or no
Of him: but then, Lord Latimear was sent
Int' England for to know the kings intent:
Which vnderstood these parties do accord,
That our yoong Earl should Duke of Britton be,
But lowly homage, now he must afford
Vnto king Charls, and so they all agree
Without heirs mals if that he hap to die
It shall descend vnto the Bloys his son,
Still quiet now and brawling wars are done.
Our Irish seas do neuer rage so rough
When northern windes doth on their billows smite,
As though they would the threatning rocks so tough
Make leuell with their calmnes for dispite,
And ouldest pilote from passage doth affright,
Yet brething Zephirus can their raging slake
As gentle as the meanest standing lake:
How soone great God can rage of wars alaie,
For where but late the trembling mother cride
Dreading hir babe: in safetie doth she plaie,
None carefull now their treasures close to hide,
None watcheth now for doubt what may betide,
Britton but now, with bluddie wars did rage,
And now faire concord doth all furie swage.
Now doth weare the great Castilian Crowne
Dan Peter: whose extremest rage was such
As on him all his chiefest nobles frowne,
And vulgar commons at his doing gruch,
Some said his deeds whole Christendome did tuch,
The Pope, the French, and Arragon agree,
Him to depose and Henrie plast to be:
And for that cause the foresaid states do pay
Sir Bertram Glesquins ransome vnto me,
For hundred thousand franks I said not nay,
From his gagd fiaunce cleere I set him free,
These states request me into their iorney,
As one to rule, and speciall roume to beare,
I flat refusd my liking was not there.
Yet certaine of my princes knights did go:
When these troups assembled were in Spaine
They thirtie thousand soldiers were and mo,
When ech considered the euill raine
Of Peter, and the nobles he had slaine
They him depose, and Henrie do adorne
As king, although Alphonsus bastard borne:
Thus he possest: bestoweth right largelie
And soldiers bountifull him account:
To Siuile citie first in haste doth flie
Forsaken king, thence to high sea doth mount
Accompaned with Dan Casters, in count
Faithfull knight: to Galitia ward amaine
Making saile, there of one castle faine
Called Coulone: on craggie cliffe strong plast,
Distressed selfe, welth, children, and treasure,
There doubting staid, sent trustie knight in haste
T'acquitain, with letters shewing the seasure
Of bastard Henries, wrongfull displeasure,
Vnto my Prince: who thought too hard euent
Was falne on him and too sharpe punishment:
Spitefull Fortune great enimie to those
Of high degree, what pastime canst thou take?
Through turning times thy selfe so to dispose
Of mightie king meane fugitiue to make,
But peeuish selfe thou all men wilt forsake:
To highest things peasd leuell dost thou ame,
At sharpest fals thou makest sporting game,
A king but late vnto whose onely becke
Whole Castile bowd: liues like a prisner pend,
Dares not appeere for feare of too great checke
And stateliest troupes of nobles with attend,
Remayns one knight like, sad AEneas frend
Large countries late obeid his bending will,
And now possest but barren basest hill:
The Prince cald me these letters in his hand
And braue sir Thomas Phelton speedilie,
In most princely fauor we highly stand,
Sir Knights quoth he, strange news is come to me
Which vnto you shall soone imparted be,
Which don he wild as was his vsage
Our opinions to so great voyage,
Then presently a parlement was cald,
To which repaird the noble Gascoine knights,
Arminack, Gomigines, Dalbreth stald
In highest rooms: from hence four woorthie Wights
T'england sent as reason wils of rights:
King Edward he our iourney doth allow,
Fresh Iohn of Gaunt to go with vs doth vow.
Without delay into Nauar were wild
Sir Thomas Phelton and my selfe to fleet,
We so exploit with iourney labring hild,
As with the king at Pampelune we meet,
From loued prince him do we nobly greet,
He promisd be, at Bayon by a day,
With courteous leaue we home returne our way.
Our prince, dan Peter both do meet him there,
With parle much at last he condescends
Hard passages to ope that straightest were,
For which dan Peter promisd for amends
The Groine, and countrie shoring that extends
To Sauater, and more a hundred thousand franks,
Thus he an aid toth prince and all his ranks.
The prince two heraulds doth dispatch with speed,
To Castile ward, giuing his knights to kno
The purposd war, and what he had decreed,
His pleasure knowne, they came king Henrie fro,
But why they part they little to him sho:
Then Caueley, Dabscote, and bold Huet was,
Gay sir Iohn Deuereux, all thence do passe
Companions some hard not so soone this newes,
Safe to returne much toiling they endure,
King Henrie closely vp all passage mewes,
In dangerous state remaine the most vnsure,
The prince doubted his enimies might allure
Them to their wils, which well twelue hundred were
Of pyked men in welding shield or spere,
At th'entrie of Foix inclosd they stay
And may not pas, th'erle doth flat forbid
Them t'enter in his countrie any way,
Most noble prince of message send me did
Toth Earle of Foix, and shew him he would rid
Him of these men, and that what harme they should
His countrie do, that he remend it would.
The Erle accords to their safe passage:
I chaffer so as them I wholie hier,
Mongst whom in wars full many a trustie gage
All which one word would worke to my desier,
To busie prince I hastelie retier:
These waged soldiers do themselues deuide
By companies, toard Acquitaine they ride,
Toward Tholouse some, their rediest iourney take
At Mountabon the riuer seeke to passe,
Sir Guy Dazay and Earle of Narbone make
Quick sommons, and of soldiers gether a masse,
Sir Iohn Comes Mountabons captaine was:
The French toth towne sent courrors riding
T'see if companions would be stirring:
Sir Iohn demaunds why thus in armors drest
They came t'inuade the principalitie?
They chaffing said our enimies with you rest
Whom we will rouse for their iniquitie,
Sir Iohn, sir Iohn you know not curtesie,
If thus you harbour the pillers of the land
Here be their foes will wake them out of hand:
Lords he replide, heer be some men of war
Into Montaubon lately entered,
That with my Lord the prince retained ar
And him must serue as is indented
Better vndoon than soon repented,
Aduise you well ere forward you proceed,
My princes frowns you haue good cause to dreed.
But when our men tride and aduenterous,
Threatning enimies plast before them see
To hazard battell hard and dangerous
They ment: ordaining ech thing feateouslie
Though pressing enimies far more numbers be:
Sir Iohn Comes, his soldiers all armed
Then to assist great need required,
Sir Perducas Dalbreth, sir Robert Cheney,
Passe all before, requesting safe they might
Go by in peace, the Frenchmen fierce denie:
Then suddenly terrible was the fight,
Back to the towne our men were beaten right
Nandon of Begerant, and Burg of Bertvell,
Had rid all night and came in time so well
Vnto their aid: as foes were take or slaine,
Rich prisoners were woon and fienced
Vpon their faiths: which lost our men there gaine,
For with their othes the Pope dispenced,
Wherof our captains to me complained,
And wild redresse in this they thoughten wrong
To me of Arms the iudgement did belong:
To cipher plainly how braue Lords did cum
gaily beseen with valiant numbers,
How Lord Dalbreth was countermand his sum
Of thousand spears: wherat he woonders,
Or else what lets peect buisnes sunders,
Or all winter t'shew the princes charge
Where things past count asking recitall large,
With buisnes much we pearse into Nauare,
With toiling more some streights we got beand
Which asperous, foule and stiep [...]e doubtles are,
Mantled with snow was all t'high mountaine land,
Horse nor man scarce on their feete might stand,
Our armie closd, in three we do deuide
That one might passe whilst other two abide:
On munday armd like youthfull Troyilus
And fresh as he in all his iolitie,
As stirring, weldie, and as cheualrous
As Chaucer makes him in felicitie,
Past Iohn of Gaunt: and with him passed I,
Twelue hundred pensils vnder me remaine
Wrought with my armes that glisteren on the plaine.
On twesday past our Hector princelie,
Spanish Peter: and Charls king of Nauare:
Lewis Harcourt, in barons dignitie,
Sir Thomas Phelton well drest for war,
His brother William of selfe had little care
King of Malorques on wensday ouer came
Accompaned with Lords of peereles fame,
Erle Arminak, Dalbreth bold Gascoynes all,
Pomiers, Gomigines, and stout Mucident,
And of Buiff couragious capitall,
Lord Clisson, and sir Robert Canol went,
Barnerdle Sall, that was to scaling bent,
Of Rounceuauls we haue forsake the streights
Which flieng Fame to bastard Henrie beits.
And more how we strong Sauatar had won,
Placed at the entrie into Spaine,
When storming king all hard what we had don
He sommons forst, and doth such numbers gaine,
Entring in armes into the open plaine,
Which newes foreriders to the prince haue tould,
Who saith the bastard valiant is and bould:
The cherefull trumpet soundeth to addres,
Fresh knights furbishen armors hastelie:
And many squiers to stirre vp hardines
The noble prince doth knight immediatelie:
Some made the duke, and some were made by me:
But th'ennimie battaile doth denie before
Braue Frenchmen come in number fortie score.
Right warlike band which bold sir Bertram led,
And wise sir Arnole Cleped Dandrehen,
With heedie toiling wairie iourney sped
At Spannish campe ariuing with their men,
It hapt vnto king Henries brethren when
They new were come to ride our hoste to vew
With the attempt some haples ouerthrew,
Strike fierce into the Canton where I set
The watch: I stirring they recoile with speed,
Returning they with both the Pheltons met,
Which foorth were rid to do some valiant deed,
With hundreds two well Armed for their need,
Sir Richard Cauton, sir Hugh Hastings
With other knights of faire proceedings,
These Spaniards six thousand were no lesse,
And when our English once they had espide,
Which little mountaine t'aue had in distresse
With shooting ioy amaine they toard them ride,
Where many a skilfull feat of war was tride,
But in the end they were all take but one
And he too rash doth lose himselfe alone:
For when he saw proud Spaniards placed
In leueld plaine, his sharp gleiue he taketh,
His hard resisting sheild he soone imbraced,
Towards the thickest speedie hast he maketh,
One stroke he dead: then bright sword he shaketh
So vigorously, in his threatning hand
And stroke, and foynd, and lasht, whilst he might stand.
Armed he was in red most glorious,
Two Ermin Lions passant crowned gold,
With Scottish treasure diffrence spatious,
His brother and his friends the fight behold,
And saw his ending too aduenterous bold:
Raging furor, fair knighthood doth confound.
Sir William Phelton brought dead to ground.
Spaniards of faire aduenture ioyious,
The leaders were king Henries bretheren
Their iourney to their brother prosperous
They glad declare, shew prisoners taken,
Great thanks he gaue: and residue threaten,
Soft stepped foorth a soldier bold and wise,
Praying the king heerin to take aduise:
Sir saue your grace: your speech I not gain say,
But yonders armed manie a prooued knight
As euer rangde in battelous affray,
Hardie in Arms and matchles in strong might,
If with stout prince you do assemble fight,
Youl find no fliers what so ere betide
Twixt life and death toth vntraunce theile abide,
In reuerent sort vnto your grace I speake,
Abstain from war, let fierce enimies be,
Contagious aire will make their strongest weake,
Your countrie left behind them shall you see,
They pincht with want it so will chaunce that we
May fight with them, who present are the flower
Of cheualrie, of wisdom, and of power.
Marshall replide the king, I so desier
The princes power with good power to meet,
He shall not (by my fathers soule) retier,
Till him I do in ioined battell greet,
Seuen thousand I haue armed head and feet
Of genetors full twentie thousand more,
And threescore thousand: which haue truly swore
Me not to faile, therefore sir Arnole I
A basht to be, may seeme to haue no cause,
Stout willing numbers vowd haue with me to die.
Yet full six daies vpon these things they pause:
We forward come compeld by hungers lawse,
The swift riuer near to the groyne we passe,
Where as we find a better soile for grasse.
At entrance first when we approched Spaine
King Henrie seald letter sent our Prince,
Requesting knowledge and the title plaine
Why so with power he sought him to conuince,
The Herauld was retained euer since
He came till now: wherein seuen weeks spent
Now backe by him his answer thus he sent,
That his true cosen he was come to aide
In rightfull cause as iustice doth desier,
Therefore, quoth he, Earle Cristmer hauing waid
Your great wrong thus to the Crowne t'aspier,
Am come in armes, but yet I faire requier
You both t'accord, right king to haue the crowne,
Your selfe rich lands: but if at this you frowne
Then you chiefe cause of slaughter, spoile and blood
Which I God knowes am passing loth to sheed,
I wish you would well ponder of the good
We offer: and not trust th'uncertaine speed
Of fickle chaunce, so careles in hit heed,
Here rest your frends if that you say not nay,
Dated from Groyne in March the thirtith day.
This Herauld gon, his letters red with all,
Sir Bertram said now shortly shall we haue
A doo: therefore O noble King let call
Ech officer, his charge to order braue,
The hawtie prince doth nought but battaile craue,
Replide the king, I little do him dreed,
Good hope is of a furtherance to the speed:
Int' three their fights: the first sir Bertram lad,
Aduentrous French and strangers where with him
Th'erls of Dancell, and sanxes second had
Greatly renowmed cause they late did win,
The third stout King, martiall passing trim,
A hundred thousand the one and other were
Right noblie seene before vp deckt appere:
As busie king pricketh from ranke to ranke,
Neerer Naueret we a little drew,
Where they behold vs raised on a banke
From vnder which we all the vallies vew,
Couerd with helms: whose banners some I knew
Gainst me ear this reasd had they been and borne,
Taken and beat, and all too peeces torne.
Sir Bertram Glesquine thimperiall egle bare
In siluer, gulie baston ouer all:
Sixe white spur rowels Dandrahen doth reare
In field of red, a checkered fes doth stall
Of th'on and th'other colour: then I call
My banner for, vproled I hit bring
Vnto my Prince, in presence Spanish king,
Beloued Lord behould my banner hear,
Vouchsafe the pains it to vnfould for me,
Graunting licence this day it vp to rear,
Thanks good Father yours: and your large bountie,
Faire lands I hold t'maintaine it in degree.
The Prince, and King as two that all vs rules
Disuellope siluer a sharpned pile of gules:
Right well they wish: with dutie I depart
To my good freends companions feareles,
Take here my banner and yours with good hart,
Which all you beare in greatest buisnes,
I said I know your valuers peareles:
All plast on foote, all ordred be so well,
That prieng spite would say we did excell:
Here mightie prince the cristall skies beheld
Praieng to God the iourney might be ours,
Aduance he cride God shall the buisnes weld:
Duke Iohn and I fierce charge the stragers powers
Dashing with force, as some mightie towers
Together rusht, right long lasteth the fraie
Or either could be opened any way:
Much foyning here with speares and axes fell,
Much rushing here with shields and pauish strong,
Much striuing here ech other to excell,
Much strugling here as hapneth in like throng,
And by much strength we mixe ech other among,
Amongst the rest was I feld to the ground,
And Spannish captaine fallen on me I found
Cald Martine Ferrant: greatly in esteeme
Amongst his nation for his woorthines,
In dangerous furie I drew a knife full keene
That oft I wore, and through true valiantnes
I deadly wounded Martine dredles,
Slaine he abides, streight vp rose I againe
Rescude by right valiant friends with paine.
Like chaffed Lion scaped from the toile,
Amide his foes fell ragd in angrie moode,
Heer byting one, there doing other foile,
Inflamd I fare as furious Lion wood,
Amongst the French tride matchles soldiers good,
Excepting vs, we forced them t'open
Whereby aray and order all was broken.
Well to report, they knightly did their power
Vs to resist which prooud companions were
Sir Robert Cheney, sir Perducas a flower,
In mars his field: sir Robert Bricquet there
Laid him about: too long to name them here
Fierce foughten so as wonder t'was to see:
All these bould French or slaine or taken bee.
Too sloe I praise couragious Iohn of Gaunt
Like Priams sonne strong broyling mid his foes,
All timorousnes from him bed he auaunt,
And boldly in amongst the thickest throes,
Such poissant, weldie and so thicke his bloes,
Whom sound he hits with staggring steps doth reel
They knew it sure that his sad thundring feel.
Sir Bertram and sir Arnold taken were,
I taking none attended to the fight,
Yet many a Lord about me taken nere,
On King Henrie we driue with all our might,
Who shewed himselfe a kingly leader right,
Most terrible and stormie grew the fray,
And stout Henrie did many fliers stay.
Princely Edward mirror of Cheualrie,
Accompaned with martiall puissance
So hotte assaild the enimies fast do flie,
Recouering horse some swift away do praunce
Desierous Henrie with gentle semblaunce
Returnd them oft: braue Edward beat them thence
As oft: for nought gainst him could ablie fence:
Which pestilence when stout King Henrie sawe
Assuredly if taken to be slaine,
From out so sharp a tempest doth withdraw:
Quickly mount we vnto our horse againe,
Chasing our foes fleeing lost field amaine,
Great slaughter and miserable drowning
Of those that sought the riuers passing [...]
Some do repasse the bridge to Naueret neare,
Sad towne right fast their flying friends receaue,
Hard pursued and surprisde with feare,
Take is the towne where many life do leaue,
Of trustiest hope we flatly them bereaue,
Of saint Iames grand Prior: chiefe of Calcan
Both taken here with many a valiant man.
Proud Darius Campe was little richer
When Macedonian soldiers entred,
Gold, siluer vessels glorious glister,
Things that increase stout soldiers venter,
To reaching thought these toyes no tempter,
Yet meaner soldier that liueth by the ware,
Of his maintenance ought to haue some care.
Dam Peter would the prisoners all to die,
But gentle Prince their pardons doth obtaine,
Reason wild him no demand denie,
But lowlie said high Prince the realme of Spaine
By your good vertue t'me restord againe:
When tidings came how Henrie safe was fled,
He was perplext and pesterd in his hed.
Thus turning times their changes often haue,
Thus fortune fraile is mouing too and froe,
Thus things that are, do passe, and others craue
Their place: which hasting after them do goe,
Mad fortune like vnconstant wind doth bloe.
What was not is, what is, right soone doth cease,
Now ruffling war: then sweet temperat peace.
What sots be we to heed so great a care
For worldlines that no man can combine
In saftie; what dolts sweetest sleepe to spare
For earthly trifles slipper then the slime,
No earthly great, but wasted is with time,
He crownd, he fled, he fled and then he crownd,
Regno Regnaui, fortunes wheele goth round.
This act knowen wrought contrarie effects,
Our friends reioyst, thers great sorrow make,
Ours hopt with ioy: thers worser ils suspects
Then be: for most mens harts will quake
Dreding worst till best the better make:
This spanish Peter dealeth very ill
With noble Prince possessed of his will.
Fairly possest all Spaine is at his beck,
Vanisht so great a hundred thousand armd,
Gay fortunes fauns, after frowning check,
Too small a salue where thou so greatly harmd,
Fie on thy spite so many nobles charmd.
For euer long Dam Peter proud was slaine,
And bastard Henrie crowned king againe.
Most countries famd faire prince to highest skies,
Him woorthie thought Imperiall crowne to weare,
Goodly his fame for princely praise doth rise:
Three mightie kings by him discomferd were
Of which the brauest he away did beare:
Th'other two as Philip, and Henrie,
Fast fled the field and feard his cheualrie.
No couenant held king Peter that he seald,
To our good prince ith vale of oliues staid
Sent to him knights, but smally that auaild
Delaying scuces for himselfe he laid:
Which soundest counsell circumstances waid,
Sir Dandrehen the beugie of vitams were
Exchangd for knights of ours late taken there
Sir Thomas Phelton, sir Richard Cawton,
Sir Hue Hastings, armd gold we do redeem
With gulie manuch, and siluer labell on
These taken were, thought act of high esteem
By Henries brethren dastads plainly seem:
Parching drought and hot infesting aire
Causes vrging hastie home repaire.
Huge vastie Ocean stirred with large wind
High mounting waues demonstrat mightie rage,
So shipmen tost and toild themselues do find,
Esteeming that stormes neuer will asswage
Till drenched bodies pawned be in gage,
So AEolus huffs, so billowes big arise,
As to be lost ech man himselfe doth prise:
Vnexpected, so gently breaths a calme
As gliding channell smilingly doth pas,
The wanton Dolphin dallieth on ech walme,
Large sea it selfe seemeth as smooth as glas,
Sweete cheerefull songs are chaunted for alas
The sayler drinks, quicke boy hies to the top,
Ech nouist stands, and doth on hatches hop,
Glistering swords vnshethed for reuenge
Blacke thretning frowns, fell furie felt withall,
The rumored noise and sound of armors clenge
is husht, to battaile none doth trumpet call,
Scaling ladders reare none against the wall,
Now rage, now calme, now war, now pleasant peace,
Now blooddie broil, and now the battails ceace.
To Acquitaine returned noble prince,
And into England fresh valerous Iohn,
Sir Bertram Glesquine prisoner euer since
Our fights to me: remaining once alon
In chamber with the prince, who askt anon
How he fard: and what most people said
That he so long as prisoner with him staid:
Well most gratious prince he answered,
For though prisoner sworne I do abide,
It is with knight most nobliest vertued
I know: and diuers people talke beside
Vnto my praise: you doubt to let me ride:
Be God not so, the Prince replied, pay
A hundred thousand franks and go your way.
He tooke the word, and soone the monie paid
Against my minde: yet do I not denie
The deed: but sure he should haue staid
Till Dan Peter sent vs safe the monie
He promisd: by him impeached suer t'be,
Wanting which a fowage was desierd
To pay the soldiers for this iourney hierd:
This taxe displeasd our Gascoyns maruels much,
Who flat refusd at all to pay the same,
In open words at princes doings gruch
In counsaile chamber at Paris him they blame,
With ticing words cold Charls his minde they flame,
He venters t'send, the prince a sommoning
At Paris court to make appeering:
Sterne looking Lion hauing run his race,
Safe home retierd, still resting in his den,
The prickeard foxe should send tis noble grace
Bidding him come, and make account as then
Of wrongs he wrought: or threaten him to pen
In bower: fierce Lion fell, couragious
Would storme, at bringer, sender, meruelous,
Tossing his head: this answer to the fox
Poore hartles wight thy father haue I had,
In grasping pawes giuing his kindred knox
For lended life thy sier fauor had,
What desperate furie vexed thee so mad,
My onely name me thinks should cause thee quaile,
Beware I plucke not off thy bushing taile:
For head thoult saue within some peeuish hole,
Neere like to this the princes speaking
The same his case, with words he doth controle
King Charls: and saith his to Parris comming
Shalbe with helmet his head inclosing:
Armd threescore thousand waiting him vpon,
Letters in haste he writ to me anon.
(Int Constantine: first when this speech was had
Of taxe: (I went) for much I hit disleeke,
I knew the Gascoyns would account it bad,
Being great commanders furthermore would seeke
Redresse: and here we lost more in a weeke
Then was recouered the remnant of my life,
And thus againe began new cause of strife.)
His pleasure knowen right reddie speed I make,
Attained streight faire Angolesme in hast,
Smooth sea but late more still then standing lake
So roreth, as the world it would all wast,
For Charls defide King Edward at the last,
So flaming wars were open on ech side,
To Mountabon commanded I do ride:
Vnto the French to hold war frontier
The Captall Beuff, sir Lewes Harcourt went,
Sir Richard Pontchardon, for mars a soldier
Whose sables shield siluer plats ysprent:
We issues make, of most knightly euent,
Two Gascoin Lords warie bushment make,
Tooke a Seneshall namd sir Thomas Wake,
Armd in siluer two fair bars of red,
Three rundels in the lostie chiefe do stand
In sable bordure deepely ingreled,
This venture hap betwixt Lusiguen and
Meribell: great error soone was fand
In so weake riding: we closer trouping kept
Toward our enimies well appointed stept
Vnto Terriers, and siege about it laid,
Raised assaults the which auailed nought,
Fearing least too long a time we staid,
Good myners got that so their buisnes wrought
The strong foundations of the wals out sought,
Spoyld was the Towne and greatest numbers slaine,
We heaped welth and treasure in it gaine.
Atchiued to Mountabon we retier,
Sir Eustace Dabscote new come from Nauar
Vnto the prince, foorth sent by his desier
Vs to assist in this braue fronting war
In Ermins sheild three hamets red he bare,
We him receud as fresh as Aprils flower
Faire Marques Iuliers onely paramour:
In true amors liud this knight valerous
And Ladies forme in brest close shrined,
Absent thoughts vewd Ladie glorious,
With Iulie thinking stout hart it pined
And mightie goodly things it shrined
For to attempt: knight of amorous trade
Lou'd Ladies fauor hath more valiant made:
Sir Robert Canole in Britton rested,
Where he large lands and heritage possest
From thenglish his hart he neuer wrested,
Euer most true and loyall to vs prest
Knowing how the French themselues addrest
On vs to win: with threescore men at armes
Like nomber archers dreadles of their harmes,
Left Britton, and ariud at Rochell Towne:
Where sir Iohn Deuereux captaine doth remaine,
Counter changed to Sir Walter Deuereux the elder house.
Whose gulie armor with faire fes was bowne
In cheefe three plats of siluer standen plaine,
He noblie doth sir Robert intertaine,
Staid not long doth Angolesme attaine
Where of his knights th'prince maks him soueraine,
And sent him now asscotiat passing well
With stirring knights towards vs forth the launce
Came to Agen, from whence not far doth dwell
Sir Perducas Dalbreth that ward for Fraunce,
Speaking with him, preached so by chaunce
As English he for euer doth abide,
Commanding well three hundred by his side.
So marching they to Darmell siege do lay
Strong fortresse and most able to endure,
Besides in it fiue warlike captains stay
Skild in defence, and warie garding suer,
The onely practise cheefe they put in vre,
I hard of this and those which were with me
Thither to wend we shortly all agree:
But in our way to Mountsac neere we came,
Strong towne and kept: we thought to passe it bie
Foure, vittaild sommers going vnto the same
We met, asking, they do not ought denie,
How stood the towne, and then we backward wrie,
Take it: and leaue sir Robert Mutton there,
In siluer shield a cinquefoile blue doth beare:
Hauing sped we to the siege approched,
Where sir Robert doth highly vs receaue,
Well pondring here how little we incroched
Of these stout fiue: we it and them do leaue.
Marched to Doume, and there assault do heaue,
Strongly seated by nature and by art,
But long we staid not ear we thence depart,
We resting here Chandos my Herauld goes
Vnto sike prince from vs of credence sent,
Declaring t'him the order of our foes
And other affairs great and importent,
Willing herein his gratious plaisment,
He gone: Gauaches, Foyns, and Rochmadore
We gaind, and make them English subiects swore:
Toward Villa frank we swingd and countrie spoile,
Faire townes, strong castles, by treatie or by force
We take: with flame doth champion countrie broile,
In Thoulasine we prosecute like course,
And Villa frank was take with some remorse,
The Duke of Aniow fell angrie in his mind
At vs: but yet no remedie durst find.
My Herauld come in quercy doth vs find,
Tribulation greatly we had brought
The countrie in: to learne the princes mind
We readie, his pleasure hauing sought,
Desiering all his mind should whole be wrought,
Accordingly to Angolesme we goe,
Prest to depart we let our Captains knoe,
What towne, strong fortresse, so from French they take
For keeping it to haue at all no dout,
We strongly would such speed vnto them make
That angred enimies should not get them out,
Doutles they were a braue and ventrous rout
Ortigo, Wisk, and Bernard Delasale,
Who ouer a wall like anie cat would scale.
These three the castle of Belperch do gaine,
Olde Queene of Fraunce Duke Borbons mother there
Made her abode: great cause had she to plaine
Such companions of her rulers were,
How so she plaine hard Fortune must she bere,
Ortigo, Launt, and Bernard Wysk I weene
With sale, right happie thus to rule a Queene,
From Quercy we: from Burdell so retierd
Both erles of Cambrig and of Penbroke
It hauing wone as greatly they desierd,
Where sir Iohn Mountague at the skirmige toke
Two brethren Batfoyls oft their hoste awoke,
Arnaldin & Barnardine
At Angolesme arriued all by chaunce,
To ech the prince shewd lowly semblance.
Still purposing fierce foes with war to vex,
The Roch sur you a fortresse mightie strong
Which enimies held, we thought to ours tanex:
Iohn Bloudew captaine was the French among,
The peece toth Duke of Aniow did belong
Thinking it against our power sure
Ablie well, one yeare strong to indure,
Attempting we gaind it in little space,
Madlie displeasd the fretting Duke his minde,
Poore Bloudew found with him but little grace,
For in a sacke some drowned do him finde,
In which the Duke some caused him to binde,
We returned, of wished purpose sped,
The castle won, and captaine Bloudew ded:
Magnanimous Proteselaue that desirde
The threatning Troians first for to inuade,
Therby vnto perpetuall fame aspirde,
Of loftie honor gaining highest grade,
Before the best the ventring way he made,
So oftentimes when men do most dispise
Their liues faire fame ene then doth highest rise:
Our Proteselaue, at Poicters that vs led
Sir Ieams Audley, thrise renowmed knight
Sharpe sicknes tooke, causing him keepe his bed
Wherin he dide, with praises euer bright,
His funerall the prince caused be dight
Most solemly, himselfe in person there
At Poycters where his bodie we Iteer:
Thus changing time about doth changes wheele,
Present in office I do him succeed.
Shortly making stoutest Frenchmen feele
My being there: I euer found good speed
Which greatly made them stand of me in dreed.
Although bright sun heer Poyctow seemd to lose,
Yet many deemd another to them rose.
For Seneschall of Poyctow was I made
Int' Aniow then I ment to make a rode,
Gathered knights, and men of warlike trade,
Th'erl of Penbroke at Mortain made abode,
Chandos my herauld vnto him he yode,
To ride with me him most humbly praying
With his command: he sent me the denaying.
At first he seemed gladly to agree,
AEmulous som about him that attend,
Affirmd the honor would remaine to me
Of his iourney: and farther do defend
That by himselfe it honor was to wend.
A batchelor I, respecting his regard
So he refusd, but yet I forward fard
Foorth sending, hauing gathered som my friends
Sir Thomas Percie, who in sun bright banner raisd
A blew lion rampine, which difference fends
From challenging: sir Thomas Spencer plaisd
With me to ride, sir Eustace Dabscote seasd
His launce and came: sir Thomas Balester
All in good will the French stout to master,
Sir Iohn Crinell, sir Steuen Gouseton
Three roses gold in Azurd shield had pend,
Sir Neal Loring, who fairly Arms put on
Quarterly white, and red, of guls a bend:
Sir Richard Dargenton doth knightly wend,
Who faire in Corall bar as we beheld,
Three siluer cups bright glistering in the field:
Burned Aniow: bout Loundonoys we bide,
Right plentious, rich, and good the countrie was
By Crewse green banks, we Thourayn ouer ride
Burning, wasting, that many shrike alas,
Thence to Vicount Rochaorts land we pas,
Sir Lewis Sanxer I hard did rest vs near
Who Campain banner did sans difference bear:
Toth Earl this caused me to send againe,
Desierous this Marshall fresh to vew,
Created for old was sir Dandrehen,
Notwithstanding th'erl all this well knew
He yet to me excuses framd of new,
I discontent for orgule that he did
Refuse: dischargd, and back to Poycters rid:
Earl Iohn of Penbroke gatherd soldiers bold
Entring spoild, where late I left before
A manche of rubie richly set in gold
In banner ventelan en la vent he bore,
Rochaorts lands he burneth very sore,
One day by noon vnto Puirone he came,
The Frenchmen well aduised had the same,
Well purposing to rest him there all night,
Dismounting soone as one that dreaded nought,
His people all from off their horses light,
Some herbage for themselues and them they sought,
But here they all close in a trap were cought:
Sir Lewis Sanxer, for the noueltie
Of his new office, sought for dignitie,
He knew the erl couragious gaie and yoong
More sooner for to be intrapt then I,
His folks assaild, the foemate was too strong
At entrance they our Ladie Sanxer crie,
Of therls troupe a hundred and twentie die
At greeting first: therle him soone adrest
Assembling fast his masd freends the neerest,
Sir Thomas Percey, sir Baldwine Freuile,
Perceiuing strength and foes furiousnes
Into a house their men within a while
They drew: the French making great ioyousnes
Apperceiuing them well so succourles,
Saieng they should most dearely and suerly pay
For their misdeeds before they went away:
So fierce assaile, so fine defence againe,
So strong attempt, and then so sure resist,
Such eger climing, such tumbling downe amaine,
More briefer worke no soldier euer wist,
That afternoone the French their purpose mist,
Wearie and toild at night they make retrait
The morrow morne determind of their fait.
Ne could they scape so hardlie inclosed,
The French men thought they had them sure and fast:
Good watch they kept least any escaped,
Distressed erl strange misse auenture cast
And found himselfe oppressed sore at last,
For vittaile none, nor comfort ought at all,
But helpfull hands, and bad thin stonie wall:
At silents hower and darkest of the night,
Good squier he cald in whom he trusted much:
Intreating him with swiftest speed he might
To Poycters: considering danger such,
From needfull iourney true squier doth not gruch
From postern parting, wandred vp and downe
All night could finde no way to Poycters towne:
Till broad day, his horse then wearie was
Yet traueling by nine to me he came,
Found me kneeling as custome vsd at masse,
The state of his left Lords doth plainly frame
Repeating oft the erle of Penbroks name,
Praieng aide: greatly I repinde
At former act so easely not inclinde:
Pawsing a space, then dinner was prepard
And I disposd to dine before I went,
About this time the fight exceeding hard,
The erle a second squier to me hent
Willing him ride ragd foes for to preuent,
From finger taking his knowne ring of gold
Chandos from me salute, praie him he wold
Giue me releefe: so hardly in distresse,
By storming foes: who many ladders brought
Right egerly ascending to oppresse
Them toild within so vertuously they wrought,
That desperate climers deerely climing bought,
So well induring as woonder was to see
So weake a place defended strong to bee.
This knightly erl was as couragious,
As full of comfort in extremitie,
As any Lord that armes battelous
Euer put on to quaile his enimie:
As braue defending prooued most plainlie
Daring do, what to tride armes belongeth
As proudest he, largest praise out throngeth.
This latter squier entring in my hall
On bended knee doth foorth sad message tell,
I staide, halfe dind, pondring said I shall
Be highly blamd, and sure I do not well,
To suffer him lost whose valor doth excell,
So high allide, companion at assaies
To my good Lord of Cambrig woorthy praise,
Himselfe great Lord extraght from noble birth:
Presently commanding ech to horse
Vnto my knights words full of pleasing mirth,
Most glad to see me bent to sweet remorse,
Grand gallop we hold a hastned corse,
Which newes was brought vnto the French by chaunce
Fast comming I was with two hundred launce.
All sodenly they left oft to assaile
Long wearie erle, and fast away they flie,
These fresh gallant of hoped purpose faile,
Thinking not good my comming to abie,
Or toyled sore a battaile for to trie,
My drawing neere our labred friends do iudge
When fast they saw away their foes to trudge,
Then leaping on such horses as they had
Leau Puirone, mounting some two on one,
Some walke a foote whose chaunces were so bad
To lose their horse way with the Frenchmen gone,
In this estate we encounter them anon
Slo comming onward: where as great semblaunce
And shew of loue made at incountraunce,
Saluings done low thanks both giue and take,
Gaie erle as blith as scaped bird from snare
To Mortayn glad his reddie way doth make,
Accounting me cheefe cause of his welfare
Saith to his frends, we much beholding are
To Chandos: at great pleasure doth recount
His scape, my aide, to Poycters I remount:
Ech one which from aduentures dangerous
Is safe escaped by good accident,
Though losse were much beseeming dolerous
Yet selfe escaping is woes bannisment,
The greater danger greater meriment,
Forpassed trauell most pleasant telling,
Sweet is fresh aire to lost prisners smelling.
Pale enuie greeues, when matter wants to grieue,
At others weale pines more then owne mischaunce,
Ioyes when disaster hap doth all depriue
Some mortall wight of happie pleasaunce,
Full sadly beweeping ech faire semblaunce,
Bad fauorite of blacke infernall diuell,
Gladly delighting in most wicked euill:
Cancred malice sound reasons enimie,
Vile enuies cheefest agent of her thought,
Wide blasting bellowes to raging furie,
For wilfull selfe mischiefe hath out sought,
Where ginnings bad there endings euer nought,
As true loues flame the minde to honor boundeth,
So malice rage the sences all confoundeth,
As lurcking sparke in hept straw inclosed,
Feeling winde quicke life of cresment blowing
Stealing at first, to strong flambes disposed
His late couer, with furious bestowing
Both selfe and couers sooner ore throwing,
So lurking malice cares not selfe to burne
So that others with selfe she ouerturne:
No state so holly free from enuies bait,
No man so voud, but malice seeks to raine,
Prieng occasion the humor doth awaite
Of better sort, glad if she can then gaine
To take reuenge to weakest humors straine,
Her onely heauen in black reuenge doth rest
As soueraine good reuenge she counteth best.
An Abbey strong seuen leags from Poycters stood,
Called Saint Saluine, a place of some defence,
Wherein there celd a Monke of enuious moode,
That his superior hated: through pretence
Of buisnes some, one day he got him thence
To the roch of Poisay where did remaine
Two captains French right glad of me to gaine:
Caring not, what, or how, so they might haue,
Knowing wicked monke to these two he came,
In close darke night to come of them doth craue,
He would restore the towne to them agame,
Sir Lewis saint Iulian, Carlonet frame
Their wils to his, the towne is so betraid
The knight it kept and there as captain staid:
False cursed monke, true causer of my death,
What made thee gad thy ciuill cloister out?
Sweet contemplation vowd not thee staieth,
Monsterous furie stird thy thought no dout
Vsing thy worke to bring my end about,
Hadst thou been of blessed Barnards trade
Good thoughts diuine had thee more honest made:
I whom slie fortune neuer once did mate,
In high dispite tooke so foule treason don,
Wicked treason wrought my luckles fate,
The vilest plague that raineth vnder sun
Goodnes neuer by thy bad working don.
Practising thoughts had I lost place t'regaine
Forcing not how or by what subtile traine:
To armed knights and squiers in my charge
Bout this reprince I secretly do send,
Bold Poytouins to me in bounties large
Of louing thoughts which freely they did lend,
Vnto my requesting soon condescend,
On Newyeers eue the period of the yeere
They commen are to me they loued deere:
Sir Richard Dangle, sir Lewis Harcourt came,
Two golden bars that bare in field of guls,
Pons, Dargenton, Pount Chardons must I name,
Sir Thomas Percy the Rochelos that ruls,
Sir Baldwine Freuile, from me he not reculs,
A patie crosse of red in gold he bare
On which fiue losinges varrey placed are:
When ech braue knight with his bold ventring band
Ariued were, three hundred spears we found,
With iudgement much our great buisnes scand,
Poycters we left, and swift away we bound,
None but we chiefe commanders knew the ground,
Where well I thought to bring fine feat to pas,
By wondrous hap I much deceaued was:
Approched close vnto saint Saluins wals
In deepe diches buisie to ascending,
Our horses giuen to wayting boys there cals
A shirling horne, with sharp sownd eccoing,
We were discride I warely doubting
Said we haue faild, and willed to remount,
What worlds deuise is woorthy good account.
What practises we mortall men deuise,
God doth dispose as likes his pleasure best,
Our wise conceats, right foolish doth he prise,
Vaine the soundest iudgements of our brest,
His high decrees permanently do rest:
We platforms lay but sequell neuer see,
Example plainly doth appear in me:
Rebounding horne shirl hard the worst I dout,
Casting indeed my thoughts beond the Moone
Vngratious fortune, me to my teeth doth flout,
Making my deepe pondrings all vndoone,
My long studies were confounded soone:
Mightie God my dooings laught to scorne,
Daunting my courage byth sounding of a horne:
The reasons why it sounds that proper hower
From Poysay roch, with onely fortie launce
Came Carlonet, to seeke sir Lewis power
Ariuing here with vs by luckles chaunce,
With ioyned soldiers pointed to aduaunce
This night int Poyctow hoping there to win,
His horne doth winde his friend should let him in:
Had I taken the oportunitie
Faire, offered by these captains absence,
The towne had I surprised speedilie
And well atchiued forewished pretence,
Against decreed fate, finde no defence
Wight euer could, why should I hope alone
To finde the grace that erst found neuer none?
Of these two Frenchmen their foorth outriding
We ignorant euerie one retier,
Vnto Chauigney: there purposd I some byding
Good knights of Poyctow courteouslie desier
Ift pleased me t'command their seruice hier:
I render thanks with no: they farwels take
Some English knights with them a partie make,
The latest night of all forepassed yeare
My valiant friends and I disceuered,
Aduenterous harts well worthy arms to beare:
Come to my house from saddle alighted,
Sir Thomas Percy me kindly asked
If I determind here to make my staie
Till morrow morne that it were perfect daie,
Why gentle knight, quoth I, do you inquier?
Replieng said, departing I request:
Him wished I remount ats owne desier:
In melancholious troubled thoughts I rest
Which to remooue attendants gan to iest,
With iangling words and chatting meriment:
A stranger entreth with fast approchment
Saieng: my Lord I speedy newes haue brought,
I, what: he told, sir Lewis and Carnet were
Both ridden foorth, and so aduentures sought:
Of small account I hould the thing I heare,
Perhaps say thel' buy their ventring deare,
Our armed friends to ride that had a minde
Are strong inuffe if that they may them finde.
I foorth inquier, which way French captains hould:
To Poicters ward he said with speedie race:
Most carefull I, lest seeking enimies should
Do some dispite sounding t'my disgrace,
Deepe pondering vpon that thing a space
Called to ride, but little hauing gon
We caught the track of Frenchmens horse anon:
Fast galloping strong brig for to attaine
Vnder which Vingenna doth swiftly slide,
Percy them spieng, strikes with spurs amaine
It first to gaine, being on the other side
With so quicke and valiant speed he hide
There ariuing to stop fierce foe, doth light
With companie few like valerous knight:
A foote lights the foe, it apperceiuing
Egerly bent him stoutly to assaile
Who noblie trusted to good defending,
As manly he their bouldnes could not quaile,
French horses giuen vnto their boys, ith taile
Of them came I, with floting banner spred:
Which seene they knew, and fast away they fled,
Leauing their masters horses in the place,
To whom I riding briefely gan to say
With taunting words: intend you French a space
That armed raunge this countrie night and day,
Rich prisoners take and ransoms beare away,
Castles, townes, and other things you gaine
In stealing sort, where seneschall I remaine:
Asking of me no leaue, at pleasure
Riding, you two so mightie maisters be,
From of this soile springs all your treasure,
We now must reckon, how so we shall agree
For iniuries so great you offer me,
And know this thing doth please me passing well
We fit are met that I these words may tell:
More than a yeer and halfe haue I desierd
Conueniently to incounter you,
Told haue I been how greatly you requierd
In open plaine my personage to vew,
I am Iohn Chandos aduise me this is trew,
Your feat of Arms from which your praise doth grow
We mean to prooue and lessen much I trow,
Still stood the French holding themselues all coy,
Seeme not dismaid: but whilst to them I speake
A hardie Britton thinking not to toy
Vnto one Dodale my seruant gaue a beake,
Downe from his horse he tumbled all too weake,
Which busling buisnes when I had espide,
Chaffing a fresh I to the rescue hide:
I hastly turning, of my men demaund
Why suffer you your fellow to be slaine?
A foote, a foote, with speed I do commaund
feard Dodale, rescude was with little paine,
And to sharp battell ech one doth him straine,
Ech one prepard for fending and defence,
And on all parts the battell doth commence.
Foorth I proceed in knightly order clad,
In weldie armes and in right faire addresse,
Side vesture wide of glistring white I had,
Which two large piles full goodly do impresse
Of glorious red that wrongs seeke to redresse,
Downe to the ground doth sweeping vestment flake
One pile before and one plast on my backe:
In my right hand strong thretning instrument,
Prepared for to worken wrathfulnes,
Targ on my left, in which faire mark imprent
Of rightfull arms true signes of noblenes,
High crest on helme gay note of woorthines,
Big chiftains hed white wreath inueloped,
In proper colours featly dressed:
With kindled courage as I forward rusht
Purposing my enimies ouerthro,
My foot did slide and all proud brauerie crusht,
Flundring, almost flat on earth I go,
But Iaques Marten sent at me a blo
Whilst thus I staggered, which doth attaine
Near to my eie and entred to my braine:
The mischief double my visor was not downe,
Besides the stroke at all I did not see,
For that ith lands that long to Burdenx towne
In chasing of a hart I lost my eie,
Most foolish sport great harme thou bredst to me
Fiue yeere before: the dolor that I feele
By this same stroke I to the earth do reele.
Twise wallowing ore as wounded vnto death,
Striuing Frenchmen would win me to their side,
But Edward Clifford my vnkle, bout him laith
So mightily none durst fell blowes abide,
Betwixt his legs me wounded doth bestride,
Where friendship and true kindred are conbind
There neuer doth knit true loues, band vntwind.
Vnhappie wight that gaue my deadly wound
Heeded by a valiant English squier,
Vpon him running purposd to confound
The striker: with inraged furious ier
Striuing for reuenge with hot desier:
Sir Iohn Cambo, sir Bertram Case do fare
Like men through rage, depriud of wisdom are.
Though maruels well my valiant seruants fought
Against their foes and for reuenge do striue,
Yet being too few their striuing was for nought,
Ah how they mist their maister now aliue
That wonted was prooud courage to reuiue.
Aliue alas I lay in pitious plight
With deadly wound right dolefull to their sight:
Lusac brig built high is in the middest,
Where Percie Frenchmens comming doth abide:
The foes and I met in the valley lowest,
Wherfore of him bad buisnes was not spide,
The foe recoyld he thought: doth t'Poyicters ride,
Knowing lest of sorrowfullest mischaunce
How groueling I prostrate on ground in traunce:
The French though winners angerly complaine
Bicause of horse they thus frustrated be
Our garcons void, seeing my mischaunce amaine
Theirs fled so soon as they my banner see,
The place they said by vertuous cheualrie,
Remains with vs: yet we sore traueled
Laden with armor must needs be staied
By enimies: since in countrie wandred
Of theirs we be six leags from any friend,
Our hurt people and many sore wounded
T'whom reasons laws wilds vs to attend,
Two foorth they sent: thus staying at wits end.
Three warlike captains fast toward them praunce
Hauing them sought with armd two hundred launce,
Sir Richard Dangle, sir Lewis Harcourt,
Sir Baldwine Freuile, with wasting banners light,
Which when the French see in so stronge effort
With glistering Arms, for sought battell dight
Vnto my men these words they vtter right,
We you acquite from othes and promise free,
Desiering in faire Arms good companie,
You losse haue had, we rather you should gaine
Then yonder foes that come gainst vs so fast,
Sad were my friends, for me their maister slaine,
Yet condescend vnto their wils at last,
Mischieuous fortune thus to and fro doth cast,
These conquerors now, are prisoners to their thrall,
From one to thother thus she hurls the ball.
A goodly custome of our passed wars
That passing faire and Christian like did seeme,
For euer at the end of hottest iars,
The conquests selfe so much we did esteeme
That ransom better than spilt blood we deeme,
On solem oth we oft great prisoners trust
That would redeem their gaged promise iust,
For curtesie at end of battels rage
We Englishmen and French are greatly famde,
For cruell handling and slauish vsage
Rough Almains and sterne Spaniards greatly blamde,
Vnciuill, rude, and beastly were they namde,
Vndoutedly braue knight most valerous
Vnarmed is most sweet and courteous:
With baissed launce the knights approch amaine,
Foorth stept the French willing them to hold,
For as tane prisoners they do all remaine:
My heauie seruants that same thing haue told,
When coummen knights saw me lie on the mold
In wounded state, they greatly do bemone
My luckles death that heer was slaine alone:
Sharpe brinish teares trickle from their eies,
Some wring their hands making full pitious griefe,
Some fill the eare with their resounding cries
My speciall seruants such whose sole reliefe,
Stay, comfort, aid, and succor was I chiefe.
I heard one waile my hard and luckles chaunce,
And in his mone my praises high aduaunce:
Sweete gentle knight he said faire peerles flower
Of Mars his traine, good valiant champion stout,
What wicked wight to forge bad gleaue had power
Whereby bright lampe of life was striken out?
Blacke colie smith when first thou wents about,
This toole to forge: I would thou hadst ben mad,
Dan Vulcans luck or woorse mischaunce hadst had,
Braue England neuer bred a brauer knight,
Puissant Fraunce hath felt no fierceser foe,
Fairer conditionde neuer liuing wight,
More curtesies no earthly man did knoe,
More finer wit, more iudgement none did shoe
In his attempts: more honors none hath gaind
By high exployts then those thou hast attaind.
From out our bunch our Orients pearle is gon,
From treasure ours our rarest iewell lost,
From iuorie ours stolne is our whitest bon,
Reft from our welth rich thing of greatest cost,
Of all our pillars falne is most surest post,
Good Chandos slaine I saie no more but this,
Best English knights thy presence much will mis:
Companions bold adiutors of thy acts,
Captains stout whose harts with thee did dwell,
Soldiers true the furtherers of thy facts,
For thy mischaunce their pleasures will expell
As onely he they loued deerely well:
This speech I hard but could not speake againe
Oppressed I so much with dolefull paine:
Right pensiuely resorteth to my minde,
Lord Cleremount slaine at Poycters feild
Not far from hence: sir Charls of Bloys I finde
My conscience neere, whom I from peace withheild:
Now I as he lay tumbled by my sheild,
Ech captaine that doth slaie when he may saue
Some blooddie end must euer looke to haue:
More praisefull vertue in a conquerer
Then mansuetie is none to be found,
More famous neuer any victorer
Then those whose acts do breath good gentle sound,
Loth tyrant hatefuls name vpon the ground,
As thundring storme suffers smooth calme at last
Well intreating should be when battails past,
Vertuous clemencie spareth life from death,
When gastly Mors attacheth with sharpe dart
The onely thing dasht mind in quiet sleath,
From crueltie is free to haue the hart,
Sweete soule it makes most ioyfully depart,
A princely thing the yeeldeds life to spare
Most manly minde in victor doth declare:
On sheilds and pauish laied warely
Borne to Mortimer, plast on softned bed
My wounded hed vnarmed charely,
And salues applied to that which freshly bled,
In dolerous plight I laie, thus sore bested,
But in the space of fowr and twentie howers
Foorth flew my soule to faire Elisian bowers,
The English they lament my sodaine losse,
Some Frenchmen ioyed much at my mischaunce,
Because I woonted was with them to tosse
In warlike wise to their anoyaunce,
My fortunes fauors they thought abundaunce
Frends English loud, because in me they found
Bountie, valure, and vertue, to abound:
Foes French, feared from hence growed their hate:
Vile giddie fortune laugh vntill thou burst,
Triumph and ioy that thus thou gaues a mate
To me shewing hatefull spite at woorst,
Who trusts thy fauns is senceles, mad and curst,
Toling me on vnto my sharpe decay,
Setting my sun and closing vp my day:
At prosperous things thy leuell dost thou ame,
Proud though thou hast thus foild me in the feild,
No fretting time shall yet decay my name,
Thou strengthles art bright glory to ore weild,
But vertuous fame thy spite obscureth seild,
All mortall men be subiect to mishap
But cheefely those that sit in fortunes lap.
I Chandos felt the force of fortunes power
How fickle she, how soone she doth decay,
In greatest brauery me lesse then in an hower
She did confound, as here perceaue you may:
At Chauigney if I had made my stay,
What I desirde had come vnto my hand,
For Frenchmen had been taken and their band,
Or being come if that I had not slid,
And so receud my fatall deadly blo,
Or that my vysore closed downe had bid,
Or Percy had of my aduenture kno,
What do I here of ifs fond resons sho?
My dismall day my latest time was doon,
My oyle all spent, and hastie course out run:
My death bewaild mongst Lords and noble dames,
For that in me much noblenes they found,
Full many a knight my great misfortune blames
To whom my curtesie often did abound,
For my large fame about the world did sownd,
A batchelers life pursuing armes I liud,
In countries cause, that hastie death depriud:
What glorious praise deserues that woorthy wight,
Whose armd bodie as bulwark gainst the foe,
Dispising life in throngs of foes doth fight
For cuntries cause and sweetest sweet bestow?
Though bodies die, wide do their praises gro,
Seld well got honor sufferd is to die
But memorized liues perpetually.
I count not my past death vnfortunate
Because I was in my kings quarrell slaine,
But that when least I thought of fortunes mate
Alone I was brought to my finall baine:
Why God so would the reasons shewed I plaine,
Though like offence on earth God pardoneth,
Great dangers is of that still lasting death:
For though vile murtherer florish as a palme
Fast planted in faire Iordans meddows flore,
And goodlike daies passe foorth in pleasant calme,
And bended peoples knee him doth adore,
Great kingdome rules, from one toth other shore,
Yet douted is it that eternally
He is condemnd to hels perplexitie:
Wherefore good captains sprong of English race,
That faire atchiue makes Lords of life or death,
To yealded foe shew woonted English grace,
Before you kill do as olde prouerbe saith,
Talke, eate, drinke, sleepe, and often take your breath,
Ear you execute thing of importaunce,
Then seldome will ensue repentaunce:
Rare is the vertue hurt not to reharme,
Great fortitude offences to remit,
Shining glorie to strong conquering arme,
To sheath his sword, when ended fighting fit,
Which happie fames doth so togither knit
As wering age can neuer waste the same,
Pleasant musicke to sound mild victors name:
Armed knight true staie of commonwealth
Selfe gouerning in goodly temperaunce,
Conseruer of her cheefest states in health,
Good winner of her peacefull plesaunce,
For lawyer none could plead his ordinaunce,
Vnles thy armed bodie did defend
Him and the thing whereto his speech doth tend.
Departed life, the Prince my heire remaind
Vnto my goods, which great esteemed were
Foure hundred thousand Franks which I had gaind
In wars pursuit, of body I had no heire,
On expert knight King Edward loued deare
Sir Allain Bocquesels, who bare in shield of gold
A Lion blew that siluer fret did fold,
Saint Saluiours lands sir Godfrey Harcourts
Late, he bestowd: and sir Thomas Percie
My office had: and thus coy fortune sourts,
Some now aloft and then cast downe we see,
Thus gasing stages euer filled bee,
He was, he is, he is vp, and now he is downe,
He liues, he dies, here is, here was the towne.
Ah throughfare full of balefull miseries,
Hard passage couerd with sharp thretning rocks,
Vile toilsome life subiect to destinies,
Mad fools on stage whom flouting fortunes mocks,
Poore silly sheepe to slaughter led by flocks,
Drunke peeuish men, whom safties thought confound,
Dreaming they neuer shall consume in ground:
As silent night brings quiet pawse at last
To painfull trauels of forepassed day,
So closing death doth rest to labors cast,
Making of our toilfull worke a stay,
Thoughts, griefes, sad cares, are bandon then away,
In pomp and glory though braue daies we spend,
Yet happie none vntill be knowen his end.

CAPITALL DE BVZ. THE HONORABLE LIFE AND LANGVISHING DEATH OF SIR IOHN DE GRALHY CAPITALL DE BVZ, one of the Knights elected by the first founder of the Garter into that noble order, And somtime one of the principall Gouer­nors of Guyen, Ancestor to the French King that now is.

LOVE is a thing that cannot be compeld,
Nor further wrested then his liking growes,
Not mines of wealth, nor honors glory weld,
Nor blandisment with hir faire pleasing shoes:
Not gastfull death, from which great horror growes:
Not lothd imprisonment, nor loue of libertie,
Nor sad conceits plungd in perplexitie.
The more you striue, the more you vainely striue,
Thinking to mooue a constant setled mind:
Such one as seeks not after gainfull thriue,
But firmely doth his thoughts to honor bind,
And troubles makes him faster for to twind,
Fast gaged band of loue, and scornes to liue,
More rather then the same he will vnriue.
Rather then that one iot of plighted truth,
Good valiant hart, will swerue from voud behest,
It suffer will, much woe and pining ruth,
With endles griefes, and torments ouer prest:
For true loue dwels but in a valiant brest:
Harboreth but, in high Heroique thought:
For cowards loue is fickle, light, and nought.
Record my selfe, a knight in Gascoine borne,
And to the house of Foix by wife allide,
Germaine Remond, from him fame did adorne,
With Phoebus surname for his wittie guide,
His honor, wealth, estate, were bruted wide,
For errant knights, such as braue Arms professe,
Right welcome these, strange knights his chiefest gesse.
And vnder him I first gan Arms to wear,
Learnd faire to ride, and tame the raging steed,
To don my helme, and couch my thretning spear,
To brandish sword, to serue his maisters need,
That daring foe by these his end might reed:
To weld resisting shield, with gold bedight,
On sables crosse, fiue siluer scallops bright.
The English partie strongly I maintaind,
And euer armd against the crowne of Fraunce:
Much honor, praise and noblenes I gaind,
Most highly me king Edward did aduaunce,
Deckt in his knightly Garter gay I praunce,
Mongst first elected, is my name enrold,
And euer went my valure vncontrold:
At Poicters field, in battelous aray,
I raunged was among the hardie knights,
My shining pennon wefting I display
Amid the throngs in thickest of the fights:
On whom soeuer my sad axe it lights,
Is either feld, or slaine, or prisoner bound,
So dealt I death, and many a dolefull wound.
Sir Charls D'artoys, and many knights were tane,
By me and mine, that ransoms rich we gaine,
For through the presse I pressing made a lane,
Of ventring Arms delighted with the paine:
No trifling heere, nor leasure was to faine,
But fight, or die, or yeeld with foule reproofe,
Defend, assaile, for honor and behoofe.
The battaile wone, our furie all was laid,
In such triumphant iolitie we groe,
That ech one thinks him selfe so well apaid,
As numbers of our captiues we let goe
On their gagd faiths, we trust them euen soe,
Word, and deed, deare Christian blood is saude,
The conquest ours, the thing we onely craud.
The noble mind nought but the conquest seeks:
And where the quarrels but for titles cause
Faire wars should be, not like reuenging Greeks,
Whom scattered blood, and fier made to pawse:
For as our God is iust in all his lawes,
Plagues the murtherous, and bloodthirstie mind,
With blood, for blood, as those fell Greeks did find.
I ouer passe the taking of King Iohn,
His yoongest son, and many a great estate,
The numbers slaine, of Erles, and Lords, ech one,
But fortune here, did yoong Lord Barckeley mate
Pursuing foe, with swift and speedie gate,
With courage stout: through too much courage lost,
His iorney did a Barons ransom cost.
A squier he spide to void the field in hast,
Well mounted braue, he after him doth hie,
The French lookt backe, and was not much agast,
Though fine in Armes, the Lord he dight espie,
In field of gneuls, ten formed croslets bee,
Of siluer bright, a cheuron them betweene,
Full knightly Lord one might him easly deeme.
This skilfull squier, a warie man at Armes
Practisde in fight, and heedy in his deed,
The Lord venterous, dreadles of all harms,
Fast spurring coms, as he that thought to speed,
But fortune him, a little faild at need,
Right poysent bloe he stroke, and haples mist,
For th'others checke hit right vpon his wrist.
Th'incountring stroke did force his sword to fall
Into the field: the Lord dismounted streight
As he no misaduenture could apall,
But as he stoupt, the squier by cunning sleight,
Picketh his sword, and pearst his thies with weight:
Iohn Helens light, the Lord his prisoner swore,
Drew out his sword, and from the field him bore.
Such doth of wars the rare aduentures fall,
Most sonst to loose when least we do mistrust.
Now was blacke prince so buissie t'order all
His great affairs, abstaine a space he must
From Armes, but I, lest that mine Armour rust,
With cosen Foix to war in Pruce do wend,
Where Sarisines soules full fast to hell we send:
Like Christian knights on miscreants we war:
High honor gaine, and home we ment returne,
But now in France was falne so foule a iar,
To heare the same ech honest eare would burne,
The pesant French, did at the gentle spurne,
No Scythian, nor lothd Parthian act
So monstrous euer, both for forme, and fact.
This clownish rabble by troups assembled,
Vntill that they six thousand were increast,
They still increast, outragious waxed,
Neuer meaning, from mischiefe to haue ceast,
But practised, who should be likst a beast,
Of their bad horrible acts, one ile recite,
To shew the substance of their vile delight:
Within his house they tooke a woorthy knight,
And on a broch they thrust his murthered corse,
Then rosted him, in wife and childrens sight,
Now after twelue had rauisht hir perforse,
To eate the scorched flesh, without remorse,
Of hir deare Lord they did compell: then slew
Hir piteous selfe, that lothed life to vewe.
What cruell Atreus, might the like deuise?
What bloodie Progne, like torture could inuent?
Nor he, nor she, nor Diuell, I surmise
Might haue bethought more dierfull bad euent:
Or worken thing of more astonishment:
Most villanous doer of wicked thing,
Their hellish voice, make him their beastly king.
At Chalons, occasion offered stay,
In our returne from Pruce, to enter Fraunce,
Of these helhounds, we heard the people say
How diuers Ladies, like were to mischaunce
In Meulx: for these dogbolt crewes aduaunce,
Thither enragd, with spoile, and rauishment,
Sad murther, cause of wofull pale lament:
Which newes foorth told, the Earle and I accord,
To rescue them, or do our best deuoyre,
There once ariud: vs welcoms they afford
Most glad the Ladies of their present power:
Ioy makes their tears distill like siluer shower:
Faire Duches of Normandie, and Orleance,
With more, three hundred, all in like mischance.
Though I were English, yet tender pitie mooud
My melting hart, to fauor their distresse:
Twixt both the kings, peace for a space was prooud,
If not? what armed knight could haue done lesse,
Than to comfort chast Ladies comfortlesse,
Against such feends, sterne bent to rude vprore,
Nine thousand thought, yea som did number more:
And to the gates of Meulx inragd they came,
Which opened were byth villains of the towne,
Full were the streets, with catiues void of shame,
With chilling fear, the Ladies swapped downe,
In deadly sownd, to heare ech rakehell clowne,
Yeall showting threts, which made our house to shiuer,
Compasd part with Marne, the gentle riuer.
Against their rage our gates we open wide,
Wherin there stood in glorious arms so bright,
The Earle of Foix: and goodly armd beside,
Him stands the Duke of Orleance warly dight.
Their noble banners before them both they pight,
Foix bare gold, three pales of streaming blood.
Thother Fraunce: with faire large difference good.
With thretning Axe in hand I was at hand,
And my disuelopt pennon me before,
Thus when these clowns perceiud vs fearles stand
Purposely Armd their filthie corps to gore,
As cewting Curs, trudge when the lions rore,
So hartlesse clowns, fled from our tried might,
Base clowns, base thoughts, and basely take their flight.
We slew the beas till wearie conquering tooles
Were foule distaind with filthie rascald blood,
This dunghill broode, these brainsicke fuming fooles,
That furies rage, incensed raging wood,
Of their wild gore we make a gushing flood:
Of these base slaues, we seuen thousand slew,
Fetherd with fear, the rest fast nimbly flew.
Lothing the slaughter of this rascald rout,
Cause chaffering townsmen taken had their part,
Bright flaming fier, we cast the towne about,
To teach them learne more ciuill kind of art,
The Ladies court vs, with freed willing hart,
High praises ring of this that we had wrought:
Clownish practise soon are to ending brought.
A speciall time for valure to be shone,
A rare aduenture for heroique spirits,
Heer was that boyling valure might be shone,
We ours extend and giue vs but our rights,
The clowns nine thousand, gatherd in our sights,
My cosen Foix and selfe, had threescore launce,
With them we did atchiue this happie chaunce.
In such a cause, for noble knight to die
And sacrifice himselfe for iust defence
Of Ladies truth: beleeue it suer will I,
Of mightie God he shall haue recompence,
And in some sort for other sins dispence,
Braue knight, chast Ladie, bound is to defend,
Chast dame, braue knight, in honor to attend.
Ech knight that clothes himselfe in burnisht steele
For Ladies truth and noble damsels right,
Least that reproch and bashfull shame he feele
Must hazard life, and enter dangerous fight,
As heer did we, Ioue abled much our might,
These rascald peasants like to mad dogs slaine,
With thanks rewards remercied was our paine.
About this time from Parris safe was fled
By cunning sleight king Charls king of Nauare,
His buisnes slie so craftily he sped
Or that the busie regent were aware,
Spitefull defiance to him he doth declare,
And to the mightie realme in generall
The like, and then he ward vnto them all.
His part I tooke with those of my retaine,
He frankly paid and we did freshly serue,
Stoutest Frenchmen we mightily constraine
For hunger many readie were to sterue,
The earth vntild, none did the vineyard carue.
We patisd all the countrie to and fro,
That no man durst without our pasport go.
Thus of the fields and of the riuers Lords,
Faire castles, towns, we daily wan and tooke,
Vntill the Legate Cardnals set accords
Between the Regent, and the king, who tooke
His oth to be bon Francoys on a booke:
Before Melune, his brother Philip was,
All malecontent from thence he soon did pas.
Int Normandie he, and I to Cleremount,
For iarring wars were thundred openly
To Fraunce, for that they held not of account,
The treatise made in England sincerely,
In Beauesine, I warred right fiercely,
Till Edward king, safe past the raging streames,
Fully resolude to place his siege to Reames.
For me he sent, I speedily obeyed,
Hauing wadge war to all the countrie round
And came in time, when as his siege he leayd,
To th'intended towne, and all the prochaine ground
We rifled, and toth siege brought what we found,
The countries neere, were growne so passing pore,
With thriftie hand, the creasing yearth none store.
From thence the king remoud to Aguylon,
Staid there the lent: for that an English squier
Had tane Flauigni, cald Iohn Dalison,
Wherein prouision was of great acquier,
With as good wine as need would well desier,
The squier was armed, all in trustie blew
A shining siluer scuchion faire to vew:
From thence toward Parris, with consuming waste
No costly building from our wrathfulnes,
Ech thing almost, we turne vnto degaste,
Proud Frenchmens ioy we bring to balefulnes,
Their arbors spoile, and vineyards pittiles,
That fairest buildings, make we fowlest place,
And goodliest worke, we batter, breake and race:
Neere to the citie when the king was plast,
Commands a Herauld to him speedilie:
Toth regent Charls, he said depart in hast,
And shew him here is staid his enimie,
That much desiers him and his knights to see,
In warding arms, as noble knighthood should
Defend his countrie by his courage bould:
This messenger performs commanded charge,
But Charls in battaile so to trie ne ment:
Some noble Lords hearing this message large,
To issue out, for fight were fully bent:
But th'regent staid them dreading detriment:
For by experience had he learned late
In pitched feilds that little good he gate.
Sir Walter Mannie toth barriers went,
Conducting fresh yoong knights new made before,
Full of proud courage, through new aduancement:
Fierce was the fraie, and many wounded sore,
In Parris were of prooued knights good store.
When time he spide faire backe his fighters drue,
Full soberlike rash perils to eschue:
Like aged Pylote tride in many a flawe,
High towering fleet hath in charge to guide,
Leads foorth by counsaile, and sad sober sawe,
Aduising turne of winde, and change of tide,
Sholes, sands, and rocks, that vnder water bide,
Performes his voyage, by his warie heed
Such at Parris prooued Lord Mannies deed:
The king remooud: most surely I thought,
And counsaile tooke with sixe of my accord,
That gaie yoong knights such as aduentures sought,
Whereof in Parris numbers great there hord,
Some issue after vs they would afford,
This thought of mine, did come to good effect,
The French do sallie as I did suspect:
A valiant troupe that prowesse tride professe
On stamping coursers properlie prepard,
Careles come on, some hoping to conuince,
That scatter should from out their battaild ward,
Or whom t'incounter nought at all they card,
They past, the busment, we had closely laid,
They past, we glad, and little time we staid:
Sir Aimon de Pommiers & the Lord of Courton.
Three Gascoins we, three English were the rest,
Lord Moubrey armed in desierous red,
A siluer Lion ramping reddie prest
To raise his foe: Lord Neuill forward sped,
In glistering Armes most goodly clothed,
In guelie shield he siluer saltier bare,
Stout Pounchardon we six the Christains were:
Of this attempt: two hundred we command,
In ruinous house sequestred from the way,
We ambuscade, where one might well haue paund
His life, no foes would there haue made astay,
With bustling noise, we bustle to the fray,
Like furious tempest foorth we rushen fast,
The French lookt backe amased at our hast:
With wonderment from whence we issue could,
Turning their reains our fury to withstand,
Strongly our points ariue with courage bould,
Ech against foe direct with leueld hand,
That from their seats some tumbled to the land,
Some horse and man, reuersed ouer quite,
So fell enragd, so strongly some do smite:
When as we had our course with courage run,
Ech drew his sword, where many a proper feat
And practise of faire Armes was brauely dun,
Sometimes it seemd, the Frenchmen had the bet,
And straight againe it seemd that we did get,
Of all our coast I wan the soueraine praise,
With Lord Compreney on the French it staies.
Who noblie fought vnder his banner faire,
A Beucle red in siluer plast betweene
Six martlets blacke: slaine he that did it beare,
The Lord himselfe was taken on the greene,
And all these troups are now disparted cleene,
The most there dide, some into Parris ran,
Or else they had been taken euery man:
Valiant harts whose thoughts to honor bend
Sleepe not in rest, but daily do deuise
New matters and strange accidents to send,
Their praises foorth in golden sounding wise:
Whilst sluggish knight, in sloth and slumber lies,
Vnwoorthie arms, who doth not vse the same,
Foule wight that brings fair honors marks to shame.
What booteth it of Gentries brag to boast,
What vaileth it, old ensignes foorth to show
To tell how grandsiers whon in many a coast,
When we our selues no warlike practise trow?
But rest our selues with this old idle know,
Our shields the signes of Antique moniments
We maken babish lothly instruments.
Well when we had our buisnes brought to passe,
And in good couenant all our prisoners bound,
We marcht where as the king of England was,
Our welcoms do with hartie praise abound,
Prisoners vs their maisters courteous found,
Foorth on we hold, vntill that peace was toke
At Charters, and our Armie vp it broke.
Our king this Charter in October gaue
At Callis on the fowr and twentith day,
After the virgins sonne was come to saue
All mankind lost and wandred far astray,
One thousand, three hundred, threescore I reckon may:
Now on the king, int' England I attend,
Where good intreatie much I might commend.
Yet staid not long, but into Bearne I sped
To Ortoys, where I found the Earle of Foys:
Letters I receiud and speedily red,
From Naueroys king, who gladly did reioise,
For wide it bruted was by common voice,
That Iohn of Fraunce, was now in England ded,
And he thought long till Fraunce he harrowed.
Sendeth for me, as chiefetaine to attend
His wars, by guidment of my prooued skill:
To his intreatie soone I condescend,
Requesting other knights vnto my will,
Imbarkt, and wind so well our sailes doth fill,
As safe at Cherbroke we descend to shore,
Men at arms and soldiers twentie score:
Breathing life toth melancolious thought,
Of this sad king: because he late had lost
Maunt, and Meulanc, both byth treason sought
Of Bouciquall, and Glesquins brittish host,
T'haue sweete reuenge he spare would for no cost,
Right glad was I that th'youthfull Regent,
Should haue some newes against his corwnment:
At Eureux then I made my chiefe amasse,
And found I had full seauen hundred speares,
Three hundred archers: fiue hundred there was
Of brigands: to hus most willingly appeares,
Captaines companions not dreading future feares,
But he that brought greats numbers to our aide,
Of armed heds, for enterprise araide
Was sir Iohn Ionel, a valiant English knight,
And sir Iames Planchine with him did resort:
Against our foes we strong and freshlie dight,
For our delights consist in warlike sport:
With courage good we march foorth in effort,
T'incounter foe, is plast our whole intent,
Much wishing triall of his hardiment.
To Passie ward, and to the brig of Tharch;
We drew: casting the warie Frenchmen would
The riuer of Sene ore passe at that same arch:
Pretended iorney if they onward hould,
Transierd they were, as it was to me tould,
For as we rode the twesday in Whitson weeke
I met a Herauld (who well for me did seeke)
Surnamed Faulcon: I knew him passing well,
For he toth king of England doth pertaine,
In haste I asked if he could foorth tell
Newes of the French? faire I him entertaine,
He answere framd, in reuerent sort againe:
I came my Lord from where they do abide
Expecting your approching at this tide.
What haue they past the riuer yea or no?
On this same side they rest (he doth replie)
Neere vnto Passie, they do abide I tro.
What numbers and what captains to discrie
I will him, and then plainly sheweth he
Fifteene hundred of fighting men they were,
That Bertram Glesquine cheefest rule did beare.
Lord Aucer was, and Vicount Beumont there:
Sir Balwine Danekin:
Maister ofth crosbowes: Lord Chalon: and Beweu:
Tharchpriest: and sir Edward Remie were:
Sir Arnole Canole: bro­ther to sir Robert Canole.
These French and Brittons there my selfe did vewe:
Of your owne countrie some knights I also knewe,
There is the Lord Dalbreth his companie,
Properly armd a valiant meanie.
Sir Aymone of Pomiers: the soldich
Lord of Lestrayt: then gan I angerly
To waxen red, and much in minde I wish
Reuenge to those I hard so busely,
Though frends to seeke me as an enimy:
For Dalbreth selfe I aske, and he replide
With Charls the Regent now he doth abide,
Who sunday next to Reams t'be crownd is led,
And after that I studied had a space
I laid my hand vpon my buissie hed,
Be there (quoth I) such Gascoyne Lords in place?
Yes suer he said: I tooke it in disgrace,
Gascoyne thus, gainst Gascoyne, then I swore
By that same cap that saint Anthony wore.
My Lord (said Faulcon) a herauld by doth stay
From tharchpriest sent of message vnto you:
That herauld French let pack him hence away,
For not at all my person shall he vewe,
Tharchpriest his master is a knight vntrew,
Then sir Iohn Ionell, wild he should be brought,
But I said no, his message is for nought,
His master faine our dealing would descrie,
And for no other would he hither come,
Iangle, and prate, he would so many a lie,
That paine it were to heare him part or some,
When Faulcon thus had hard my settled dome,
He went whereas the herauld French doth staie,
Faire answer gaue the other went his waie,
For otherwise then I in choler spake,
This modest herauld smoothly me excusd
In peacefull maner he the best did make,
As one that strife and discord flat refusd,
Peace, meeknes, loue, his ciuill hart had vsd,
For rancor, malice, pale enuie, and wrong,
Vnto no heraulds office doth belong,
Throughly waieng euery thing at large,
Being buisnes of so great a substance,
As valiant foes as welden sheild or targe
Were named, and of as good approuance,
That thus gainst me were come in ordnance,
To praise the foes, doth honors owne aduance,
What seuer is theuent of battailes chaunce:
If one reproch his foe of cowardise,
And with base words him greatly doth defame,
Afterwards doth of hoped purpose misse,
Being ouerthrowne: much to his owne shame
Hath he foorth told: foes honorable name
Doth conquest make right great and glorious,
And abiect triumphs more lesser famous.
Who can assure himselfe of victorie,
That is but flesh and blood as others are?
Then foule is it, and too great infamie,
The basenes of the foe for to declare,
Which often hurts owne selfe at vnaware:
Mean conquest is it, base rascolds to subdue,
Vnto the foe giue then faire praises due.
Thus both we parties of ech other hard
By both these heraulds: presently I sent
To Eureux, shewing the captain how I fard,
Willing him all such to fight that ment,
To send them foorth to me incontinent,
Which if performd, I then do vow to fight
With these French troupes attain them if I might.
Directed by this heraulds warie guide,
It hapned that the four and twentith day
In pleasants month of all faire Vernas pride,
To Chocherell ward we light into the way,
Where we behold foemats provd display,
So many banners wefting in the aire,
They seemed twise the number that they were.
Whose glistering marks when as I do behold,
And many knew whom faithfull friends I thought,
I thought gainst me they neuer raise them would,
As great a matter percing coine hath wrought,
My countrimen should no such gaine haue sought,
And leagmen to one king and soueraine,
But kingly rule no louing harts doth gaine:
They made three battels and a reregard,
The first had Glesquine, and his Brittons bold,
The Earle of Aucer ruld the second ward,
Th'archpriest did their tertian battell hold,
The Gascoins held the rergard that I told,
Led by Pomiers, the souldish, and Curtone,
Perducas Dalbreth, my neighbors euerie one.
When as they busie were in marshalling,
Themselues to fight within the meddowes faire,
On Itons banks, which doth neere Couches spring,
Shoring a hill, we plainly do appeer
By a little wood, and to our enimies neere,
Into the which our boies, and carriage went,
Lest in the fight they suffer detriment.
We egal battails gainst our foes ordaine,
Except a reregard, and with his English crew
Sir Iohn Ionell our first did well deraine:
The second rightly plast in order dew
I ruld my selfe: the third as faire to vew
The Marnel held: my banner high was pight
Vpon a bush appeering plaine in sight,
That if our men were scattered in the fray
Thither they might as time would serue retier,
Twice twentie men, about mine ensigne stay
It to defend and honor to acquier,
Thus how to win I plast my whole desier,
And vantage tooke ofth' hill for more auaile,
Purposd to let my enimies me assaile:
Which they perceiuing drew to counsaile all,
Many of them that day had eate no meat,
Thinking betimes to fight which I did stall,
Some thirstie were, nigh sweltred with the heat,
Some scorcht almost, and choked with their sweate,
Some presently would fight without delay,
The wiser some that thing would flat denay:
Of weightie affairs as thus they hould debate,
And counsailes hard, and verdits too and fro,
The Gascoyns who perused well my state,
Taught by triall, my dealing for to kno,
Said, Lords aduise, ear forward that yee go,
A better knight, found is there in no land,
Then is the Captall for to lead a band.
First do ordaine some men of armes t'assaile
Those that his banner haue in charge to gard,
Much heedie care in this for to preuaile,
Then thirtie of the best that may be spard
Mounted well, and so to take regard
For nothing else, but suerly to aduise
To take the Captall prisoner for a prise,
And carrie him straight from out the field amaine,
For otherwise, so long as he may bide
To win the same it will be passing paine,
The Captall is a knight so nobly tride,
But of his men when his surprise is spide,
They sodenly will so discomfort be,
As ours you shall the iorney present see.
Beshrew his hart that there did praise me so,
For by his counsaile was I ouertane,
And for that I mine enimies wise do kno
And heedy were, to bring me to my bane,
I held the hill, which made them nothing faine,
For by no art, or policie they could
Me there assaild, vnlesse be lost they would.
When they perceiud me plast in such a strength,
New counsaile then these gallants new deuise,
Ech thing well waid, they all accord at length
That me t'attempt they might be thought vnwise,
High mounting Phoebus blasing, hotly fries,
Some of them faint, and neither bread nor wine,
Nor no auitaile had they for to dine.
Good policie it oft is to refuse,
And warie deale when foes strong numbers beene,
Sir Bertram slie, our doings doth peruse,
Which smally pleasing were to him I weene,
And then he said, Lords, I do suerlie deeme,
If we make shoe back ore the brig t'retier,
Our foes will soone descend in great desier,
And thinke wele flie, then round vpon the plaine,
We may returne, in order duly pight
With wishing courage set on them amaine,
Obseruing former constitutions right,
This counsell liked was of euery knight,
They execute, which when I do espie
Fine cunning working easly I descrie.
But sir Iohn Ionel, hastily to me said,
Sir see you not how yonder Frenchmen flee?
Yes sure quoth I, their doings I haue waid,
They thinke to vs no good I easly see,
But tole vs from the strength wherin we bee,
Suddenly back vnto his men he hide
And fight he would whatseuer should betide:
And boldly spake such as my person loue
Rest not behind: with battelous glaue in fist
He forward floong: but when I saw him moue,
Of great presumption that deed I tooke and wist
The knight too far the enimies meaning mist,
I frowning said he fights not without me,
Our foes in order swiftly turned be.
This English knight right brauely dealt his blowes
Amongst the Brittons with couragious stower,
With mightie force he many ouerthrowes,
In haste I came to aid him with my power,
At first our foes do find their turning sower:
Saint George we cride, our Ladie Glesquine they,
So fell and bitter gan this mortall frey:
Now when the battels strong assembled were,
Th'arch priest streight departed from the field,
Willing his men his banner on to bere,
And crie his cries, as if his place he held,
Gainst me himselfe his Arms would neuer weld,
He promise kept, well made to me before,
For which of treasons some accusd him sore.
Sir Iohn Ionel who first this fray began,
Payed for rashnes at too high a rate,
Mad furie that confoundest euery man,
Who wisdome wants thy raging to abate,
Doth oft too soone his error find too late,
When strength, and blood, and life, and all is lost,
Purchast too deare the wit that so much cost.
Who wars doth vse must nought at all be greeud
To haue the worse, or conquerd be in field,
For he that triumphs most of all atcheeud,
Hath eftsoons lost his strong resisting shield,
Vnconstant fortune is constant very sield,
Losse is no shame, nor to be lesse then foe,
As selfe esteemes ech man is euen soe,
This hardy knight sore wounded was and dide,
Who had before delt thundring strokes amaine,
Lord Beumont French among the dead doth bide,
Sir Baldwine Danekine here likewise slaine:
They bought it deare before the place they gaine:
My ventrous men stroue with commended pride
Presuming victory would with them abide,
Th'instructed thirtie, found me where I deale
So huge and mightie bloes, as that no plate,
No hardned steele, no quilt, nor warped meale
Could make resist, but yeelded open gate
To my sharpe axe, my bloes so heuie sate,
But here these thirtie sease me in the fray,
And by fine force they bear me thence away.
Fast to the rescue crie my friends apace,
When they perceud me rauisht in this wise,
Much broyling there, much foyning for a space,
Forth' rescue some, and some to saue their prise,
But foes preuaile as earst they did deuise,
To Vernon then I was transport in hast,
And there in saftie strong and suerly plast:
As much respect they tooke to win the field,
Such heedie care was had lest I were slaine,
The noble mind with murther very seld
His fame and estimation will distaine,
His foe may liue and ransome yeeld againe,
To saue when one may slay an enimie
Is chiefest vertue praisd in cheualrie.
From Vernon t'Parris with ioy I was conueid,
Where tharchpriest of the king is fouly blamde
For his depart, but all the matter weid
Although the Lords of Fraunce him much defamde,
Yet holpe I much t'excuse him badly namde,
The matter furthered for that he lately had,
In Burgoyne slaine foure hundred robbers bad:
What harme tooke I through much mistrustfulnes
Toward him that did my faithfull friend remaine,
Calling his truth in question questionles,
That faire my fauor sought to entertaine,
His carefull message flatly I disdaine,
Preiudicating his intendiment
Was for to worke me some foule bad euent,
Yet time discouered his fidelitie,
And my outragious rash mistrusting
Great mischiefe bred through wicked ielousie,
Of frendly honest thoughts: often working
The minde from truth, by bad misdeeming,
The friend suspected without giuing cause,
Is breach sometime of truest trueloues lause.
Tharchpriest he sent vnto me for my good,
But I refused to heare his message,
Being distempered in my cholericke moode,
Which bare the rule then vnto my dommage,
Reason I taste the follie of my rage,
Yet now we talked at Parris being,
And good leasure had of cold agreeing:
For by the meanes of Lord Dalbreth I went,
About the citie where I pleased best,
The coward Charls so cruellie was bent,
Against Lord Saqueuile, with me distrest
As he cut off his noble cheefest crest:
Lord Ganuile, at that present time had dide
But that his sonne a meane did well prouide.
Who notice gaue vnto this king of Fraunce
That if he vsd t'is father any tort,
Or that he died reprocht with sad mischaunce,
The Lord Lauall, a man of great resort
His prisoner now would vse in equall sort,
By this braue deed this noble sonne did saue
His fathers life they sought for to depraue:
Renowmed act well woorthie woorthie sonne,
For parents life to hazard life and all,
Careles striuing, owne selfe to be vndon
Rather then suffer so his fathers fall,
No danger strange he danger ought to call,
That sonne, or friend, desireth to be namd,
Suffering father, friend, by death defamd,
I well haue seene a master guide his barke,
When blustring winds and tumbling waues did rage,
Sauing himselfe and friends with care and carke,
Vntill the swelling surges did aswage,
This skyphier haue I seene through dotage,
To sand his ship in calme and quiet floud,
When neither blasts nor tides his course withstood:
More harder much in compas good to liue,
When careles heed our minde hath whole possest,
And sense to daintie pleasure quite is giue,
Then when we are with anguishment distrest,
In troublous times we hide our guidment best,
For hundred vice the thoughts doth conquerd make,
When bathing hart doth floting pleasure take:
As by my selfe a patterne of reproofe,
Who well did saile when fretting tide did thret,
From sholes and flats I warie lay aloofe,
No gaping fish no hoped praie could get,
My leueld course by carde and compas set,
Yet did I ground when least was winde and tide,
Strike on the cliues in danger to haue dide:
For whilst at Parris prisoner I remaine
In banding pleasure void of warines,
The king and nobles me sweetly entertaine,
So that I furthered much their buisnes,
Holpe to perswade a band of sikernes,
And peace betwixt the Kings Nauare and Fraunce,
So was I quite of ransome and finaunce:
The Lord Dalbreth full often for me spoke,
And greatly holpe the battaile of Alroy,
Which was performd with manie a blooddie stroke,
Which to king Charls brought little cause of ioy,
Yet treaties had and faire exchanges coy,
Which all fell out to further my desier,
I was redeemd as prisoner could requier:
Subtile Charls shewed me great signes of loue,
Castle Denemoux with thappurtnance gaue,
Willing my seruice for his more behoue,
His pension rich far more then I did craue,
I homage yeeld for these rewards I haue,
Into Acquitaine to the prince I came,
Who hearing this full sharpely doth me blame,
And said I was too woondrous couetous,
Lands to take in Fraunce, where nothing loud,
Nor honored, and thus dispiteous
Spake he, by reason none it could be prooud,
That I two Lords might serue, thus Iulie moud,
A squier I, resent vnto the king,
Surrendring castle and ech other thing:
Making abodement with the loued Prince,
Whose wisdome seeing me bashed in such sort,
And how his words so much did me conuince
He all forgot, turnd all to pleasant sport,
Endewd me rich for to maintaine my port,
Doubtles I loude his fauor so entier,
Than Croesus coine I did it more desier.
Let him that stands heed well he do not slide:
For he that in a Princes fauor dwels
Must wary watch, lest blame to him betide,
And carefull be when meaner sences swels,
It to surpresse, when seuer it rebels,
And not to yeeld, to ought that may displease
His soueraines mind and breed his owne disease:
Heed and temperance are the things whereby
Men must them rule that liue in Princes grace.
Far out stretched, recheth his persaunt eie,
Vewing ech person, time and secret place,
Much beond his rule and dreded mace:
Therefore disseuerd from thy soueraines sight,
Doe as his eie vpon thy act were pight.
I with my Prince and in my Countrie staid,
Till that Don Peter was come out of Spaine.
Bastard Henrie of crueltie he vpbraid,
In crueltie deposing him of raine,
The Prince resolud to place him there againe,
Sending for me and many a Gascoine Lord,
That vnto him our legence due afford:
Him I attend and highly was esteemd,
Amongst the noblest held I euer place,
For highly was my knightly seruice deemd,
As well for Mars as prudent Pallas grace,
With Lord Clisson sprong of Brittish race,
This Spanish iourney did I companie hould
An expert knight in ventring arms right bould.
And when the prince this king restored had
To former height, inuest in Royall state,
Full like him selfe, he dealt with vs but bad,
His peruersnes too long were to relate,
His breach of promise wrought the great debate,
That hapt between the Gascoins and my Lord
The prince: fell cause of war and much discord:
Though many Gascoin Lords my kinsmen near
The English left and French themselues out shoe,
Yet I gainst them did still my banner rear,
In fronting war my time I did bestoe,
With Chandos to Mountaboune armd I goe,
That soon I trust we made our foes to feele
Our Axes sharpned were with caruing steele:
Now when the French the English had defide,
And noise of strifes were bruted openly,
Sport was to see the captains them diuide,
As their affections led them stirringly,
Without requests to yeeld them willingly,
Those that were French did English streight become,
Contrariwise there changed other some:
Yoonger brother to sir Lewis Robersart.
Lord Chanoyne Robersart he English turnd,
Whose hautie seruice welcomed our king:
Sir Perducas Dalbreth toth French returnd,
Who gulie shield about his neck did fling
Wrapt with dented bordure siluer shining:
Do what one can affection will be free,
Spite of desert or highest dignitie.
Bold sir Hue Caueley now in Arragon,
This thundring newes of wars had plainly hard,
With all his soldiers he arriud anon
At Angolesme a partie for to ward,
The prince him had in reuerent regard,
And presently him noble chiftaine made
Of thousands two, and sent him to inuade
The lands of Lord Dalbreth and Arminacke,
The greatest two of all our Gascoyne Lords,
Where many a tower and towne he fiercely bracke,
And fier and bloud vnto his foes affords:
Thus all we captains growing of accords
Seeke to defend, and to offend our foes,
Which likewise so themselues towards vs dispose:
When Canole, Chandos, and sir Thomas Phelton,
Who did in red two ermine lions beare
Passant crowned gold: my selfe for one,
Go to the prince, who held vs all full deare,
Such companions as behinde vs weare,
We promised new fortresse if they gaine
And then besiegd we rescue will amaine:
Which of our friends did three encourage so
As they Belperch do win and there they kept:
About this time did fortune ouerthro
Lord Chandos, for whose losse great numbers wept:
The Duke of Burbon little space he slept,
For that our captains held his mother fast
Within Belperch where they perforce were plast:
Duke Burbon hauing purueied iollie store
Of warlike knights strong siege did bout them lay,
With battering engins he constraind them sore,
His power still increasing day by day,
To sir Iohn Deuereux, they sent without delay
Which Seneschall of Limson was, and he
Toth former promise was a partie:
This gentle knight toth prince in haste he came,
And did their case with such effect declare
In shewing that to vs it would be blame,
If that we should not succour them that bare
Themselues so well, good words he did not spare
For their behoofe: and so it was agreed
The captains should be rescude with some speed.
Therle of Cambrige faire brother to the prince,
Therle of Penbroke prest for deeds of arms,
Sir Iohn Montague who Batfoyles did conuince,
Sir Thomas Phelton dreadles of his harms,
Sir Robert Canole that oft the Frenchmen charms,
My selfe: we met a noble knightly crew
As of so many eie did euer vew:
At Lymoges the erls their musters tooke
Fifteene hundred launce our selues we found,
Three thousand others, bent on their foes to looke,
And ioyne with them though numbers do abound,
This hard the French trencht in a peece of ground
With strong inclosure like a castle wall,
That from the fight their ventring foes should stall:
But when we were in opposition plast,
Against the French: a herauld soone was sent
Toth Duke, who closed lay more halfe agast,
The herauld told him through bould hardiment,
We there were riude with vigerous entent
With him to fight: the Duke this answere drest,
That fight he would not so at our request.
And looke how he was dard at Turnehen,
So was he now: our herauld morrow morne
To him rewent: who safe himselfe doth pen,
He said, sir Duke, euen she that hath you borne
Before your face shall led be to your scorne,
Way with my Lords lesse her you rescue will
We tooke her thence, cold Duke he sate him still.
Shirle trumpets sound fresh courage to inflame,
We all are raungd in battelous aray
Launte, Wiske, and Sale, these ventrous three I name,
That from the castle issued at noone day
Sir Iohn De­uereux: and sir Eustace Dabscote.
And Burbons mother brought with them away:
Two noble knightly soldiers did receaue
Led her thence and askt the Duke no leaue.
When Thaniou Duke his armie mightie made,
And Glesquines power to his he had vnite,
They forward came the Princes land tinuade,
Tooke Aguillon byth' thretning siege they pight,
Which made me woonder when I knew it right,
The selfe captaine did once so well it hould
That hundred thousand men ne take it could.
On Dordon riuer a towne is planted faire
Cald Lind, a league from Bergareth no more,
Which Phelton and my selfe did well repaire,
With vittails and artilleries fencing store,
Well puruied now with that it had before:
Sir Touius Batfoyle captaine there doth rest,
And promise voud to gard the towne at best.
And thither doth the Duke of Aniou mooue,
Enuirning close the towne in such a wise,
The dwellers thinke it best for their behooue
To render it, and do their strength despise,
Thunstable commons like Protheus guise
Are so delighted in ech chaffring change,
Like fleeting tides their thoughts do euer range:
The captaine also was becommen French,
infest with loue of glittering ticing gould
Too foule a swill a soldiers minde to drench,
That thoughts to honor euer fasten should,
And his giue promise permanent to hould:
I vnderstood how all this practise went
At Bergareth: and to be there I ment.
At this deliuerie: sir Thomas Phelton and
My selfe do ride, what time the sun was plast
Betwixt the east and west in lower land:
We came as French were reddie entring fast
At thother gate: to Batfoyle spide I hast,
Traitrous Batfoyle was busie t'entertaine
My croching foes in hope of greedie gaine:
In hands I shooke my suer bright shaking sword
Enflamde with courage as reason did requier,
I plainly shewd I came not now to bourd,
Traitor I said, take heere deserued hier,
Treasons no more thou shalt from hence conspier:
And as I spake I lent him such a bloe
That soule and bodie doth a sunder goe,
A iust reward for such foule treason don.
But when the French our wefting banners vew
Their backs they turne and swift away they run,
Lightly clad with feare they nimbly flew,
The townsmen ginne their dealing false to rew
Lay all the fault in him that I had slaine,
And so the towne did English still remaine.
The Duke and Glesquine went to Limoges,
Where the Dukes Berrie and Burbon siege do hould,
Which citie yeelded was byth tretrousnes
Of their Bishop: which matter being tould
Vnto the prince, he sware reuenge he would
So vile despite, by his deere fathers soule,
Which oth he kept unbroke and euer whole.
From Coynoc then he marcht in braue aray,
Twelue hundred Lords, knights and hardie squiers,
A thousand archers, so many Brigands sway,
That all the countrie dread their flaming iers,
On sharp reuenge do boile their hot desiers,
Sir Thomas Percie, and Lord Rosse was there,
Who did in gules three siluer Bogets bear.
Meignill of the north.
Sir William Mesnile a chiff of burnisht gold
Three gemels finely set in Azurd shield:
Sir Simon Borley six bars equall told
Of black, and yellow, in his chiff he held
Of the mettaile, two pales as first is speld,
In midst a scuchion of Rubie fairly dight,
In it three bars of ermins plainly pight:
Right fierce assault the citie so was tane,
Many an innocent with the nocent died,
Man, woman, childe, were brought to blooddie bane,
Such wofull rigor did this towne betide,
The duke of Lancaster stoutlie here was tried
In single fraie, the erle of Cambrig and
The erle of Penbroke, fighting so are fand,
Which tripart combate was so noblie fought
As sick prince tooke pleasure it t'behould,
Causing his litter neerer to be brought,
The French resist so long as ear they could
And lasht, and stroke, with noble courage bould,
But conquerd yeeld, and yeelding fauor finde,
As noble arms her sacred lawes assinde:
Deuine mercy whose lore I euer loud,
The soueraine good that God to man affords,
Most like to God man hath his likenes prooud
That treasure such within sweete heauen hords,
And you great captains and renowmed Lords,
That manage arms hold mercy in your minde,
Bloods wilfull spiller seld doth mercie finde.
I was right glad from this that so I bide
At Bergareth, the frontier to sustaine:
And now through Fraunce with ventring troupe did ride
Sir Robert Canole to the Frenchmens paine:
Welth and treasure did such abundance gaine,
His soldiers, but siluer and gold esteemd,
Oystrige feathers or what was daintie deemd.
Not vertues selfe can lengthen mortall daies,
Yet fame prouides that vertue should not die,
Obliuion repugnes good fame alwaies,
True writers of braue acts doth still defie,
Ech wight depriud of honor shut should lie
She much desiers: all couered with the corse
Of valiant deeds she taketh no remorse.
If Phrigian Poet should the praises shew
Of noble Priam and his woorthie sons,
Their high exploits set foorth in order dew,
Although large fame of all their doings runs,
Yet but defendaunts when toth sight it cums:
Assailant conqueror, this braue English king
Triumphant victors his noble ofspring.
As Priam nor his sonnes left nought behind
But golden praise pronounst by writers skill,
And none could now their names or dooings find,
So hugely woxt the vastie world to fill,
Vnlesse it had dropt from a heedie quill:
So Muse and Mars togither must agree
The first, the last, makes liue eternally.
And since our Hector stout came out of Spaine
He languished, which greatly made vs grieue,
For stealingly ech hower increast his paine,
Gainst which with courage good he much did striue,
Wasting sicknes quite doth his strength depriue:
Now into England to returne he ment
Of peyred helth to seeke amendement.
He sent for all his squiers, knights and Lords
That of him hold: and when we present were,
Such princely gentle language he affords
As might braue courage and allegance steare,
Full sweetly spake he like a noble peere,
In euery thing he wild vs to obay
His brother Gaunt which regent heere should stay.
Then shipping takes the gentlest knight aliue
And most renowmed for his woorthines:
Right pensiue I that sicknes did depriue
His health that bread the Frenchmens sikernes,
In batteled Arms they found him matchles,
For so he pinde, and inly grew his griefe,
As finall death did worke his first reliefe.
He newly gon: fowre Britton knights aduaunce
Themselues to take Mountpaon: and they sped
So well by practise as the matter chaunct,
The Lord therof French turned in that sted:
Which known did make Duke Iohn to shake his hed:
Sommons he forst and vowd it to regaine
In conquering wise or die with deadlie paine.
It toucht him near, bicause it lay him near,
So on a day with kindled courage stout
From Bourdeux accompanied strongly faire
He doth depart with his braue warlike rout,
Of Poyctow, Xanton, and Gascoine, there about:
Of th'english Phelton, Freuile, and Rosse, there was
Sir Michael Delapole did in this iourney passe,
Whose cornerd shield was laid with skilfull blew,
A fesse between three Liberds heads of gold:
Sir William Bewchampe gay as bridegroome new
Of Poiwike.
Armed in red right stately to behold,
A girdle plast between six martlets told:
Glistering bright like Phoebus in his pride:
Well could he iust, and comly could he ride:
Now when we were this castle plast before,
And ordred had ech thing in order dew
We raisd assault, but were resisted sore
A whole long day: then back our soldiers drew,
This castle was inuirond with deep stew,
So fast we fild with fagots vp the mot
As to the wals with much adoe we got:
And now much worke and buisnes was begun,
And many a man reuerst and ouerthrowne,
More feller stut was none vnder the sun,
So that this newes was bruted wide and knowne
At saint Maquere all our striuing showne,
Where Iohn Maltrait; Siluester Buds did hold
Two hardie Brittons couragious, tride and bold:
These two could not agree, which he should part,
To sucker sieged frends: then by accords
They cuts would draw: so fortune and not art
Should chuse: and chance, the longest cut affords
To Buds: whereat they laugh with pleasant words,
Foorth he comes with twelue right hardie men
Got in where we his frends full close do pen:
Loue of frend despiseth dangerous feare.
We one whole quarter of the wall downe breake,
Then marshalling our selues to enter there,
A lowly herauld they sent in haste to speake
Vnto our Duke: finding themselues too weake:
Enraged he so much in angrie minde
Small was the grace that they were like to finde.
But then sir Richard Dangle, sought for me
As one to mercie greatly bent he knoeth:
This noble Duke toth reasons doth agree
That we pronounce: for deer he loude hus both,
So we appeased his conceaued wroth,
Buds his cutting a raunsome deere him cost,
And thus againe the French the fortresse lost.
Mountcounter castle in the marches stands
Of Aniou, and of Poictow, very strong
Foure leagues from Thouars, two captains with bands
Of men it kept, offering neighbors wrong,
The peece toth Duke of Aniow did belong,
Sir Thomas Percie Poictow seneshall
To come to him doth good commanders call:
Assembled soone three thousand armors bright
From citties frends doth mightie engins bring,
And fiercely it assailed day and night,
Incessantly they battring engins fling:
Here were companions courage stirring
Whose harts eirned ought should them resist,
Still toth assault they forward do persist,
Sir Walter Huet, and sir Iohn Carswell heare,
Daui of Hulgreue, in ermins finely clad
A scuchion gules: these three them well do beare,
And cheefest praise at this assailment had,
Companions three the Frenchmen greatly drad:
By heedy force and skilfull warie paine,
Won was Mountcounter, neere alth'warders slaine.
And to these three was this faire castle giuen,
Strong frontier war against the French t'maintaine,
Booties rich from them they often driuen
And patised the countrie for their gaine,
Idle to rest for busie wits is paine:
Braue captaines and good soldiers at assaies
Deserue rewards as well as pleasing praies.
Faire Ladie Blanch the noble Henries heir
Duke of Lancaster and of Darbie erle,
Whose titles Iohn of Gaunt did rightly beare,
But death his percing dart too soone did therle
Bereft her life the worlds sweete orient perle.
In widdowers state this hautie duke did bide
When he thaffairs of Gascoyne had in guide:
Don Peter king of Castile and of Spaine
Slaine: he left two daughters heirs behinde,
Which Ladies yoong in great distresse remaine,
Lest froward bastard vnkle should them finde,
Sir Guiscard Dangle had this thing in minde,
Imparts to me these Ladies titles faire,
Then to the duke both we the same declare:
Perswading him to comfort their distresse:
He speciall knights of good account foorth sends,
Declaring how for their behoofulnes
It was, he so himselfe to them commends
And for their safetie all his thoughts attends,
They come: he likes: the eldest doth he wed:
Thus of a wife and kingly title sped.
Till September with vs he made his staie,
Then into England purposd he to saile:
My selfe, Mucident, and Lespaire, the swaie
He left of Gascoyne, hoping to preuaile
So with the king as that we should not faile,
Of succors when the spring time did returne,
He gon: in Gascoine made I my soiorne.
The sommer prochaine truely to record
Was to vs sent much succors and reliefe,
By th'erle of Penbroke and many a noble Lord,
Which all was lost vnto our heauie griefe,
No worser dispite or blinder mischiefe
Could haue befalne: the erle two daies did fight
In Rochell hauen in the townsmen sight,
Yet could not sir Iohn Arden Seneshall
There at that time, perswade the paultrie maire,
With any of his the erle to helpe at all,
But like a broking varlet dasht with feare
Or traitrousnes, no reasons foorth could steare.
In daintie ermins armed was this knight
Gold and azure in fes faire chekered right.
I hard of this and thither hide amaine,
And many knights of England willing bent,
The Lords of Gascoyne with their gallant traine
Of noble harts fraught with hardiment,
We come too late: our enimies tooke Le vent.
Which made me storme and fret with anger sad
That they and we so hard mischaunce had had.
The Constable French assembled mightie power
With him the dukes Berrie and Burbon both,
Gay erls and Lords drest for warlike stower,
In gaining forts his time he whole bestoth,
Besieged one made sir Iohn Deuereux wroth,
Saint Seuer namde, at Poicters he did bide
When as the siege Saint Seuer doth betide:
Sir Thomas Percie he earnest doth desier
To further that his men may rescude be,
Who condescends to that most iust requier,
So foorth they come and both encounter me,
Shewing the state of friends extremitie,
The ground, and strength, that French foemates hield,
We purposed to seeke them in the field:
So foorth to friends we letters sent in haste
good numbers gaine and for the rescue pace,
Our enimies receiue these newes at last,
Which mightily their courage doth abace
No will they had t'meete vs in open place,
Our friends ignorant of our present post
Yeelded: and our desiers were wholie lost:
When sir Iohn Deuereux of this yeelding hard
He chaft and stampt, for his the castle was:
And thus with vs our Poyctaine buisnes fard:
Thus wauering fortune too and fro doth pas:
Worldly triumphs are like to flowering gras,
Whose fragrant smels and hewe at suns vprise
With liked fauor, vades ere night and dies.
No knight that cloths himselfe for wars affaires
That alwaies can atchiue his harts request,
All are alike to fortune, none she spares,
Her coiest darlings oft she makes distrest,
Now is she sloe and then too forward prest,
She dandles him, and then on him she frowns,
Here spades she giues, and there she deales her crowns:
Oftenest times when least we do mistrust
With some od toy are soonest ouertane,
Euerie hower ech daring captaine must
Be well resolud for to attend her wane,
Often she sports to bring vs to our bane,
Yet noble minds must still despise her might,
Braue honor liues maulgree so wicked wight.
It is a world to marke the iollitie
Of seamen floting in the Liquid sea,
His careles thought of dredles ioperdy,
His buisie prattle, his so plesant lay,
Full merrie mate, like gladsome bird in may,
Fairely forward with spredded canuas flies,
Like him that would attaine the hautie skies:
Of all the liues led vnder Phaetons wheele,
He thinkes none can compare in blisfulnes
With his: such tickling ioy his hart doth feele,
And laughing pride at present happines,
Right cherefully whistles to their buisnes
His company: not any helliers end,
Hawser, booling, but soone he will amend:
Scarce little chip shall lie vpon the hatch,
But for the swabber hastely doth call,
Cleane and fine ech buisnes to dispatch:
Then to his ioy a fresh he gins to fall
Still thinking selfe the happiest man of all,
Large flag and stremers tossen with the winde,
And he himselfe a verie King in minde.
A masse it is to note his miserie
When raging tempests bustle on the flood,
And to admier the strange extremitie
Of him late iocound now chaungd frantike woode,
The flapping brace strikes off his setled hood,
To leeward now the needments tumble fast
Ynuffe to make a stubborne minde agast:
The toilesomst life vnder the circled skie
Doth his appeare, and most vnhappiest,
Such griefe and anguish bout his stomacke bee,
Plaies to prayers he turneth now distrest,
And his sad working seems the weariest
Of labors all: his toyled mates do tend,
But how from death they may themselues defend:
Euery thing out of due order plast,
To trim vp ought thers now at all no care,
With frownings dume, downe are his smilings cast,
And whilst he droups tost in this sad affaire,
The forcefull floud his vessell doth not spaire:
Barely crauling to next recouerd shore
In wailing doth disaster hap deplore.
Like is the state of all aduenterous,
That spend their liues in welding high affairs,
Thinking themselues in times prosperous
Most fortunate: but when swiftly vnwairs
Fortune them flingeth into endles cairs,
Frowning they sit, forsaken desolate,
All male content confessing taken mate.
Recordaunce make with griefe and dolefulnes,
For double sorrow is it to recorde
Contenting ioy changd into balefulnes,
Good liking turned to bad things abhord,
Fortune hath so her frends both crost and scord:
Let no man then shee seemes to fauor most
To highlie of her lended faunings bost.
Faire Subise, is a castle seated strong
At riuer Charents meeting with the sea:
Which to a courteous Ladie did belong
That English held and so she ment to staie.
The Lord of Pons toth castle siege doth laie,
Thibauld Duepont, and well three hundred launce,
To that seruice their bodies do aduaunce.
Siegd Ladie sent to me desiering
My succors, which I promisd should not faile,
I thought to force the Frenchmens soone retiering
With two hundred I ment for to preuaile,
And streight to be the closed Ladies baile,
I might haue taken hundreds two and two,
But these to serue I iudged were ynow:
Thus on my way toward Subise I proceed
With trustie soldiers well accompined,
With former fortuns I braue courage feed,
Too long from thence me thought I tarried,
Coueting to ride through couerts couered,
Come neer our foes a space I do abide
To fit our arms lest harme should vs betide:
We do remount and entrance make in haste,
Among our foes who now our furie feele,
We sodainly downe cabbind lodgings cast,
They know we brought in hand sharpe caruing steele,
We ring our cries, downe do the carcasse reele,
Who thought themselues most safe and suerly well
The Lord of Pons with me doth prisner dwell:
Some fled apace, and some were present slaine,
Some couerts seeke, and some are prisoners sworne,
Some maimed are, left wallowing on the plaine,
Some their armors of their backs haue torne,
With which some others do themselues adorne,
Whilst some toth chace, and some toth spoile do run
A mischiefe hapt and we were all vndon:
A Welchman came that Euan had to name,
With him he brought foure hundred chosen men,
With torches and with faggots fierie flame,
For passing darke it was befaln as then,
On vs he sets: this rare aduenture when
I did behold, I sought for to withstand,
But in the chace wide scattred all my band.
Lo I that late a conquering sword did hould,
Am now become a squiers captiued thrall,
But late I vanquisht foes with courage bould,
And see the like on me is now befall,
Such are the turns of fortuns tennise ball.
Some of my frends through darknes scape the fraie,
But with my foes as prisner safe I staie:
Who proud of their good fortune led me thence
Vnto their fleete at Rochell ancred fast,
No ransome could for libertie dispence,
But I in haste to Paris citie past,
Where my deliuerie was not wrought in hast,
I was the man king Charls did much desier,
Twelue hundred franks he gaue vnto the squier
Me thither as his lawfull prisoner brought:
This cowardly king in prison closd me close
Fearing I should haue still new trobles wrought,
His badgage minde to craft was whole disposd,
His quaking hart I thinke was euer hosd,
Thus led I foorth a melancholious life,
My body quiet and now my minde at strife:
My minde to me no kingdome was at all,
I could not finde that pleasant sweet content
That diuers eld haue found within a wall,
From worlds affairs through wilfull banishment
In this estate found I no easement,
I liud and lackt, I lackt and would haue had,
I had and lothd, such kingdoms all too bad:
Perhaps it might haue chaunct some rare deuine
Thus pend in contemplation to haue liud,
Sequestred so with praiers himselfe to pine
From worlds vanities glad to be depriud,
As though he in a hauen of peace ariud
Haue thought of saints, and martiers iollie store,
Dropt his beads and passed sins deplore:
But I that vsd to weare for hawtie crest
Blacke Midas hed: by side a flaming sword,
And sun bright arms vpon my bodie drest,
Sheeld on mine arme, wherein was fairly scord
Antique signes that praises due afford,
Betweene my thies my gaie stout foming steed,
In hand a launce proud courage fresh to feed:
Wished some sier that hermits life could lead,
Here to remaine for me in hermitage,
Here might he all his former vowes haue paid
To patron after sollemest vsage,
Well vnto God to saine his message,
I would haue spoke that water of the spring
He should haue had and many another thing:
To broyle in arms, to watch, to stir, to gard,
Strong to defend, well to offend againe,
Here battailes ioyne, their frontier safe to ward,
Now close to troupe, then goodly to deraine,
These easements were, I thought these things no paine,
Helme, sword, and launce, faire steed, and goodly sheeld,
Whole all my thoughts these braue deuises heeld:
No torment to a discontented thought,
No feller plague vnto a valiant hart
That rare exploits and high aduentures sought,
Then to be tide so suer he may not start.
How could it chuse but daily breed my smart,
Of faire atchiuements howerly to heare,
And that my selfe in person was not thear:
It rumord was the erle of Salsburie,
Whose shining banner was of siluer bright
In fes faire foild with guely lozings three:
Sir Brian Stapleton a ventrous knight
Who in silken white a sables lion pight,
In ramping wise and flashed faire with gold:
Sir William Luzie did here a partie hold
In rubie armd, three Lucie fishes white
Seemd with croslets like to Phoebus face:
Sir Philip Courtney foundring blowes could smite,
Sir William Mesnile a knight of courtly grace,
Seauen ships of Spain they batter, breake and race,
And vnto battaile well themselues addrest
And Glesquin braud before the towne of brest,
Holding the time sir Robert Canole pight
Which now in haste was gon to Vuryuale,
Theritage which pertaind to him of right.
King Charls well nie excepting him had all
The Brittons harts: now so it did befall
His castle siegd, gaue hostage for a staie,
To yeeld it vp not rescude by a daie,
Sir Hue Brooe that this strong fortresse heild,
That marchet made, who bare in banner red
On siluer cheuron three roses of the feild:
Sir Robert here ariued in that sted,
Before the rendring day expired,
A herauld, French Constable sent to kno
Hostage whether they would redeeme or no.
Sir Robert flatly held: not any one
In absence his, his castle so should mart:
Thanswerd messenger backe is lightly gone,
Tould his Lords, they make him soone depart,
And shew sir Robert if he so do start
His hostages ech one should hedded be.
Herauld (he said) saie to thy Lords from me
Three knights, one squier, in prison here I haue,
If they a hundred thousand frankes would giue,
And mine do die no one of these thest saue.
The French of life the hostages depriue:
Which seene sir Robert a scaffold made beliue,
His prisners brought in duke of Aniou sight
Their harmles heds he caused off to smite.
The siege brake vp, this execution done:
The castle with sir Robert doth remaine:
True hostage true prisners death haue won,
Such chaffring brought good harts their deadly paine,
But noble captains such rigor should refraine,
Lest when their frends they need in such like cace
They make refusall doubting the disgrace.
Iustice oft from ancient custome growes,
Affection seldom lookes with single eie,
Strict iustice like iniurious dealing showes,
Hard law to make the innocent creature die,
And yet good right appeered for to be:
God loues not right which doth to rigor tend,
Neither of both their crueltie can defend.
I likewise heard how noble Iohn of Gaunt
Ariud at Callis with puissant power,
Puissantly the Frenchmen doth he daunt,
Fearfull makes both towne and many a tower,
Numbers my old acquaintance in that stower
As Chanoyne Robersart, sir Hue Caueley,
Sir William Bewchamp, sir Henrie Percie,
Sir Walter Huet, sir Steuen Gousenton,
With many more which some did to me name,
Sir Lewis Clifford, sir Richard Pontchardon,
To heare of whom to sorrow brought some game,
I hopt and wisht the French that they might tame,
But in their cheuachey a venture did befall
That was at Parris talkt with ioy of all:
Fowrscore horse of sir Hue Caueleys band
Were ridden foorth aduentures for to trie:
The Lord of Busiers doth it vnderstand,
The Lord of Chin, sir Iohn Buell, these three
With sixscore launce against them ridden be:
Lord Chin was slaine through his great hardines,
Which to his friends was cause of heauines:
Thus when they were assembled in such sort
Right felonous and cruell was the fray,
And many a deed was don of good report,
Chin his banner disueloped that day,
Which seen the English orgulous words did say
Gainst Lord Cowcie, which English houerd still,
Who was in Austrige warring at his will:
This Chin did raise Lord Cowcies faire deuice,
Which was six bars of varrey and of red:
This was the same, or difference small so nice
and slender, that mongst them this error bred,
Which now were either taken, slaine, or fled:
All men of yoonger house that banners bear
Should haue their difference glistring, large and fair.
I likewise heard the flower of all our pride
The valiant Prince of Wales departed life,
No earthly thing so good may alwaies bide,
Nor honor such preuailing ouer strife
Where glories most mischaunce is euer rife:
Great things great fals, and far abroad are blown,
Low things low fals, their fallings are not known:
His falling known, was fall of all my ioy,
His death depriuer of my comfort chiefe,
His losse the loder of my sad annoy,
His want the wanting of my freed reliefe,
Ah filching death thou felonous bloodie thiefe,
Bereauer of my sole deliueraunce,
Dispoiler of my worldly pleasaunce:
For could it be that any marshallist
Such one as loud to cloth himselfe in Arms,
But honorable presence thine he mist,
And many waies thy losse did worke his harms,
And froward mischiefs backward on him swarms?
Farwell fairst flower of Plantagenets line,
Adiew all comfort to this life of mine.
Full many treaties had the English now
Made with the French, which came to small effect:
Some of my friends oftimes did tell me how
In these their parleys they had of me respect,
Yet did no good: which made me to suspect,
That neuer I my weldie Arms should don
For griefe wherof I pine away with mone.
The yoong Earle Saint Pole, and three other knights,
In exchange they offerd for me alon,
Which Lord Comigines tane had in faire fights
Bith subtill traine of sir Iohn Harleston,
By his coursers bountie sir Hue Chatelon
Was saud, or else he had full dearly paid,
Bicause from England he was late mistraid.
The matter thus: after we came from Spaine,
And that the quarrels fresh gan to renew,
All things to strife and battaile woxt againe,
The French at first the countie of Ponthew
Regaine: this Lord of Chatelon named Hue,
Vnwares he doth sir Nicholas Loudine rest
His prisner: and by slight he him surprest.
When as the valiant duke of Lancaster
At Callis riud new come from Turnehen,
Intending the Frenchmen proud to master,
He fast prepard to make a rode agen
With store of squiers, knights, and noblemen,
Trauasing Fraunce vp and downe at pleasure
In burning, spoiling and gaining treasure:
If oppression to minde valiant
Be offered: by wisdoms warie guid
It so couerneth, through much discontent
As if euer happie chaunce betide,
It shoes the fier close couered it doth hide,
And breaketh foorth into reuenging flame
If euer good occasion mooue the same:
Deepe rooted malice doth not lightly die.
When as the duke passed by Abuile
To Louaines mind repard the iniurie
That Chatelon had done to him erewhile,
Sir Nicholas laid a bushment by a wile
Neere to the towne, for all the streights he knew
Whole three yeers space he vsed them to vewe:
Sir Hue Chattelon at that instant bode
Within the towne as gardant of the same:
Near vnto it he knew the English rode,
Then of the crossebowes he bare the maisters name,
Them to aduise he thought was for his fame,
Only ten and armed saue his head
He came where as the tending bushment stead:
When valiant Louaine saw his shield of guels
Three varey pales on chiffe of loued gold
A martlet blacke: himselfe he scarcely ruels
For ioy: the man (quoth he) I most desier would
In all the world, I comming do behould,
The ransome deere to him this yeer I paid
Shall rendred be if that he may be staid:
And foorth he breaks, the Frenchmen in that sted
Do maruell much from whence doth noise proceed:
One cried Chatelon yeeld or thou art ded.
To whom said he? to Louaine now with speed.
Replied sir Nicholas ioying at his deed:
Being knightly armd in red fresh to behold
A siluer fes tween many billets gold.
And to the host in iolitie retiers
Prowd of his prisner: afterward conueid
To England: where great ransom he desiers.
When Chatelon his mischaunce had weid
Back in a ship in stealing wise he streid:
This same the cause why he so swift did pas
From friends when medling with Gomigines was.
King Edward his death I heard reported,
Who gloriously in knightly dignitie
Had raind: first noble sonne departed,
Which Hector like with great triumphancie
Had conquerd kings through magnanimitie:
Then followed father woorthie such a sonne
A shining sun which still bright glorie won.
Edward the 3. first foun­der of the noble order of the Gar­ter.
The founder of our high fraternitie:
The fortresse of a firme concordance:
The fauor of right noble soueraintie:
The perfect pledge of true assurance:
The constant gage of goodly ordenance:
The founder of the Azurd garter dide
With honor: Ioue, so, long let th'order bide.
The strong incursions sir Hue Caueley made
Then Callis captaine were vnto me told:
How sir Iohn Harleston doth fierce inuade
Captaine of Guins: some did to me vnfold,
And how at Arde Gomigines did hold,
Exploiting well: of braue attempts I hard,
But oh my selfe from fair atchiuements bard.
My closure I with great impatience tooke,
Perplexed thoughts oppresse me euery hower,
This vile restraint I heauily do brooke
And bitter sighes continuall foorth I power,
Right safely shut within this warding tower
Still in danger euery day of death,
Least melancholious griefe would stop my breath:
If thousand marchants venter into Ind,
Seeking forraine stroud for wished gaine,
And only one his ship hath left behind
Through wrack, which peeuish fortune did constraine:
How could it choose but inly breed his paine,
To see the rest in such a reioicing,
For that he hopt: now greeues at the loosing?
For fellowes many in distressednes
Is to the greeuance much releasment:
Far lesse by ods he thinks his wretchednes
That sees with his the tears of many spent,
To saddest woes it is much easement,
When others with like griefe as ours do mone,
And that we are not wracked all alone.
All other captains, my selfe excepting,
Of ech calling had their deliuerie,
Though somtimes they staid th'expecting,
Being not wrought to wish most speedilie,
Yet ear the end it chaunced still to be:
It was my fortune and not deseruing
That thus I lay in prison staruing.
Past hope I make a vertue of my need,
With pining patience I my griefe support,
Desiered death comes on with wished speed,
I drooping passe as one stroke alemort,
This hard restraint was vnto me more tort
Than sharpest death that tirant might deuise,
My swelling mind could halfe so sore agrise:
Thus long I liud, I thought it was too long:
All hopeles of relinquishing my care,
Or relaxment from loth prison strong,
Vnles on booke I would full solemn swear
Against the crowne of Fraunce no Arms to bear.
I flat refusd me leuer were to die
Than to abiure my English loyaltie.
Heere prooud I plaine that force no harts could win,
Heere tride I true that proffers nought preuaile,
Heere was it seen loue forst not of a pin
Sweet libertie, the mind her greats assaile.
No luerments wrought my constant mind to faile,
No, no, my Gascoine bodie bare an English hart
Not mooueable by fortunes ouerthwart.
And in my smart it oft did straine a smile
To thinke how Charls my libertie did dreed,
He doubted least I would within a while
Some broiling wars and battels newly breed,
For quaking fear his hart did euer feed:
How much the English excelled in the war,
So much the French in treaties past them far.
For by the Parley still they somewhat got.
I leading foorth my life all malecontent
In smoking sighs, which out I daily shot,
But for my soule I thought it pertinent,
Which giuen was and must be permanent,
Most quiet and sweet harmonie to make
Of discords all and all the world forsake.
Fore passed life I ouer canuassing,
Found my great sins exceeding numberous,
Subiected to fraile natures trauasing
Ore whelmd vnlesse by mercie wonderous,
We saued were in world so comberous,
By sweetely Lord, that straied sinners sought,
And perisht soules through blessed torment bought.
And he, diuers waies deuinely worketh
To bring vs in the compas of his fold,
Out of the which what worldling dieth
Perisheth as sage deuines haue told,
He grant vs all our selues therein to hold,
Which made himselfe a subiect for our sin,
Yet Lord of heauen, earth and all therein.
Oh how good God vs often suffereth
With worldly wit our selues to iniurie,
Chaffring as occasion offereth
Respecting not the end, till sodainely
Repentaunce comes our frendly enimie,
And then we crie if this had not been don
Then had not fates so foule against vs run:
If I had not perswaded Iohn of Gaunt
For to make choise to Spanish marriage,
Which thing our buisnes French did greatly daunt,
For he tended as is common vsage
To owne aduancement and aduantage,
I had not lean, he me would haue redeemd
How difficult so ear the matter seemd.
And from first time I welded glorious arms
Full carefull I, least murther should attaint
My fame with bad, and blacke reprochfull charms,
Of hellish rumors, to ages to depaint:
Through murther many captains are distaint.
This prouerbe vsd mongst some I highly hate,
(A hedlesse man doth seldome breed debate.)
But often times for cruell murther don
God stirreth vp our friends vnto our harme:
And father hath been slaughtered by his son:
And brother slaine with brothers blouddy arme:
Oft for one murther thousand men will swarme,
Whom greatest God doth vse as instruments
For sharpe reuenge of murtherers torments.
Most happie knight that vseth temperance
So in past life, that he be not defilde
With murtherers name, which works anoyance
Through world of ages badly be reuilde
And lasting heaps of slander hath vp pilde.
In quarrels iust whilst foes resisting bin
To slay them then in fighting is no sin.
No man of life I euer did depraue
In my cold bloud when striuing fight was don,
In hottest wars I willed bloud to saue
Whereby among my foes great praise I won,
The cheefst thing God hateth vnder sun
Is murther, and for mercy bloud to spill,
Bloud crieth for bloud the prouerbe runneth still.
Reuenge on hatefull murther doth attend,
And slie occasion doth so warely watch,
As bloud for bloud with earth doth fouly blend,
Merciles plagues this blacke reuenge doth hatch
When parties selfe of plagues tasts but a smatch,
To generations three or fower they run
Till all the brood and ofspring be vndun.
Oh heauenly God that long didst lend me space
My former faults committed to deplore:
Fiue yeeres I did in lothed prison pace
Which my proud nature did too much abhore,
That so I tamed was I thee addore.
I mercy loud, and thou didst mercy lend,
Sweet mercy far more then man may offend.
Receaue my soule Lord to thy gouernance,
Most richly since from hell thou it redeemd
I flat renounce all worldly pleasance,
Yea those vaine ioies that I so high esteemd,
How lothsome now that earst so likefull seemd,
Lord since I come thy promise is not old,
Receaue me where the ioies may not be told.
Thus closed was his burning lampe of life
That glorious shone in knightly dignitie,
Here was the period set of all his strife,
Conclusion of his fatall destinie,
Lanterne sometime of noble cheualrie,
Dreaded champion whilst the fraie did last,
Louely conqueror at thend of battails blast.
In prison dide this most valiant knight,
Renoumd and dred for magnanimitie,
His funerall king Charls causd be dight
At Parris in estate most solemnly,
Of barrons, knights, and praieng clergie:
A nobler one could scarcely there be found
Within the French or in the English ground.
The king of England lost a trustie hart,
The king of Fraunce a stout couragious fo,
The warlike countrie Gascoine cheefest part,
When thou braue knight wast reft her bowels fro,
Thy glistering fame about the world shall glo
As bright as star set in faire welkings face:
The starrie skie thy fittest dwelling place:
For vertue good transcends the decked skie
Enstalde in throne beond ech twinckling star,
No time, day, night, obscures hir glorious eie,
Ech vading substance so she passeth far
Mongst cheefest knights extold for noble war,
Thou houldst thy seat within sweet heauens rest
In paradice prepared for the blest.
Almightie God, that oft hast England blest
With glorious triumphs ouer enimie,
In thy puissance victorie doth rest
And not in mans weake plotting policie,
Giue t'our Captains in their true cheualrie
Like constant vertue, truth, and courage bold
That Chandos, and the Captall true did hold.

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