The particular grieuances of those his Maiesties subiects throughout England and Wales, which lye vnder the oppression of George Woods Patent for the sole printing vpon Linnen cloth.

FIrst, in that the same was obtained vpon a false pretence, that he the said Wood or one Ienkinson (whose inuendon he saith, he hath bought) was the first inuenter of this Art; Wood is by trade a Prin­ter of bookes.whereas in truth the said Wood is but newly attained to any knowledge therein; and for Ienkinson, if he had any maner of inuention therein at all [...], it was some very small thing a­bout thirtie yeares ago, now out of vse, which inuention he hath also sold to a great number of persons, for 2 s. 3 s. 5 s. [...] s. 20 s. 40 s. or any mony that he could get, and they sold it to others. And he hauing made [...]is benefit thereof so many yeares, and in such kind, it cannot now be taken for a new inuention, seeing not onely the Art it selfe, but also the apprenti­ces and people that haue bene trained vp therein▪ are exceedingly increased, so that a great multitude of families both in this Cit ie and throughout the kingdome, would be impoue­rished by the continuance of this Patent, if it should hold.

2. For the validitie of the Patent, it was in way of triall by suite of some Freemen, in the Exchequer; but vpon a Reference obtained from his Maiestie to the Lord Chancellor and now Lord Treasurer, vpon the false pretence aforesaid, they were stopped, and not suffered to proceed to triall.

3. The Patent is so generall, that it extends in preiudice to all his Maiesties subiects: for the goods therein prohibited, though they be bought and sold, paid for, and passed from hand to hand, yet they are forfeited in whose hands soeuer.

4. The Patentee may enter into the houses of the Kings subiects, and seize and cary away and dispose of the goods prohibited. And did execute this his power vpon some before this Parliament.

5. He hath imprisoned othersome by colour of the said Patent, since the Parliament be­gan.

6. He pretended to the Drawers of the Citie, for his more easie obtaining of the Patent, and to gaine their assistance therein, great and good benefit vnto them, which Patent doth now vtterly begger them: for hee giues but a matter of 7 s. 4 d. for that worke which hee himselfe takes 24 s.

7. Hee hath by colour of this Patent, entred into some houses, and taken away goods not contained in the Patent.

8. He hath raised the prices of workes from 16 s. to 24 s. and by colour of the Patent may still raise at his pleasure.

9. He hath giuen out speeches, that he must raise the prises of worke: for that hee doth not onely pay 10. lib. a yeare to the King, reserued vpon the Patent, but also 200. lib. a yeare to some other or others that procured the Patent.

10. The Patentee makes himselfe hereupon so strong, that he hath affirmed hee will not giue three pence to haue the Parliament maintaine his Patent.

11. He had formerly a Patent, vpon pretence the inuention was his owne, whereupon was reserued 40 lib. per annum to his Maiestie: and by that Patent none were prohibited to vse the Art. Which Patent not seruing to his purpose, he then found out this new pretence (though false) and obtained this Patent, which is in benefit to him if it should hold, aboue a hund [...]d for one beyond the other: and yet there is no more reserued vpon this vnto his [...]a [...]est▪ then was vpon the other.

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