THE TREASVRY OF DEVOTION. Contayning diuers pious Prayers, & Exercises both Practicall, and Speculatiue. TOGEATHER VVITH The seauen little Offices in Latin and English: And sundry other De­uotions, for yong Beginners in Vertue.

Permissu Superiorum, M.DC.XXII.

The Calendar.

b 2 S. Aldar Abbot.
c 3 S. Meliorus Martyr.
d 4 S. Croniake Monke.
e 5  
f 6  
g 7 S. Cede Bishop of London.
  8 Translation of S. William Bishop of Yorke.
b 9 S. Adrian Abb [...]t.
c 10 Sethrild Virgin.
[Page]d 11 S. Higinius Pope & Martyr.
e 12 S. Benedict Abbot of Wire.
f 13 S. Kentigerne Abbot.
g 14  
  15 S. Paul the first Ermite.
b 16 S. Marcellus Pope & Mart.
c 17  
d 18  
e 19 S. Wolstan Bishop of Wor­cester.
f 20  
g 21  
  22 S [...]. Vincentius, & Anasta­ [...]us Martyrs.
b 23 S. [...]erentiana Virg. & M.
c 24 S. [...]mothy Bishop.
d 25  
e 26 S. Poli [...]arp Bishop.
f 27 S. Iohn Chrysostome.
g 28 S. Agnes apparition.
  29 S. Gildas Abbot.
b 30 S. Amnichade Monke.
c 31 S. Adaman Priest.


d 1 S. Ignatius Bish. & Mart.
e 2  
f 3 S. Blase Bishop & Mart.
g 4 S. Gilbert Confessour.
  5 S. Agatha Virgin & Mart.
b 6 S. Dorothy Virgin & Mart.
c 7  
d 8 S. [...] Abbesse.
  9 S. Apolonia Virg [...].
f 10 Translation of S. [...] Bishop of Yorke.
g 11  
  12 S. Edilwarld Bishop.
b 13 S. Ermenild Queen of Mer­cia.
c 14 S. Valentine Priest.
d 15 SS. Faustinus, Iouita &c. Martyrs.
[Page] e 16 S. Tancone Bishop.
f 17 S. [...]inan Bishop.
g 18 S. Simeon Bishop.
  19 S. Acca Bishop.
b 20 S. Mildred Virgin▪
c 21 S. Cimbert Bishop.
d 22  
e 23 S. Milburge Virgin.
f 24  
g 25 S. [...]ursens Abbot.
  26 S. Iohn Bishop.
h 27 S. S [...]use Bishop.
[...] [...] S. Oswald Bishop of Yorke.
d 1  
e 2 S. Cha [...] Bishop.
f 3 S. Wenloc Abbot.
[Page] g 4 S. Lucius Pope & Mart.
  5 S. Wilgise Confessour.
b 6 S. Frodol [...]ne Abbot.
c 7  
d 8 S. Felix Bishop.
e 9  
    Fourty holy Martyrs.
f 10 S. Himeline Ermite.
g 11 Translation of S. Oswine King and Martyr.
b 13 S. Vigane Monke.
c 14 S. Ceolnulph King.
d 15 S. Aristobulus Bishop.
e 16 S. Alrede Abbot.
f 17 S. Patricke Bishop.
g 18  
b 20  
c 21  
d 22 S. Hamund Bishop.
e 23 S. Egbert K. of Northumb.
f 24 S. Lanfranke Bish of Cant.
g 25  
[Page] 26 S. William of Norwich Martyr.
b 27 S. Archibald Abbot.
c 28 Translation of S. Fremund King and Martyr.
d 29 S. Baldred Confessor.
e 30 S. Pat [...]one Bishop.
f 31 Translation of S. Adelme [...].
g 1  
  2 [...] Francis of Paul [...].
c 4 S. [...] Priest.
d 5 S. Vincent Confess.
e 6 S. Ethelwold King.
f 7 S. Sigene Abbot.
g 8 S. Duuianus Confess.
  9 S. Frithstan Bishop.
b 10 S. Eschillus Bish. & Mart.
[Page] c 11  
d 12 S. Hugh Bishop of Roan.
e 13 S. Elflede Virgin.
f 14 S. Triburtius, Valerian &c.
g 15 Translation of S. Oswald Bishop.
b 17 S. An [...]cetus Pope & Mart:
c 18 S. Oswyn Monke.
d 19 S. Elphege Bish of Cant.
e 20 S. Ceadwall King.
f 21  
g 22 S. Soter and Caius Popes.
b 24 S. Mellitus Bishop.
c 25  
d 26 S. Cletus, and Marcellinus Popes.
e 27 S. Walburge Virgin.
f 28 S. Vitalis Martyr.
g 29 S. Peter Martyr. &
    S. Catherin of Siena.
  30 S. Erconwald Bishop of London.


b 1  
c 2 S. Athanasius Bishop.
e 4 S. Monica Widdow.
f 5 S. Algine Queene.
g 6  
  7 S. Stanis [...]aus Bish. & M.
b 8  
c 9 S. Gregory Nazian [...]en.
d 10 S. Gordian and Epimacus Martyrs.
e 11 S. [...] King & Mart.
f 12 S. Ner [...]us, Achilleus, Pan­tratio [...] &c.
g 1 [...] S. Merwyne Virgin.
  [...] S. [...]omface Martyr.
[...] 15  
[...] 16 [...]. Brandan Abbot.
[Page] d 17 Translation of 11000. Virg.
e 18 S. Sewal Bishop.
f 19 S. Pudentiana Virg.
g 20  
  21 S. Godricke Ermite.
b 22 B. Henry King & Confess
c 23 S. William of Rochest.
d 24 B. Edgar King and Confess.
e 25 S. Vrban Pope and Mart.
f 26 S. Eleutherius Pope, &
g 27 S. Iohn Pope. Also
  28 S. Ionas Abbot.
b 29 S. Buriene Virgin.
c 30 S. Felix Priest Mart.
d 31 S. Petroni [...] Virgin.
e 1 S▪ Ro [...]wa [...]d Bishop.
f 2 S▪ [...] K of Scotland.
g 3 S. [...] Ermite.
  4 S. [...] B. of Cornwall.
[Page] b 5 S. Boniface Bish. & Mart.
c 6 S. Gudwall Bishop.
d 7  
e 8 S. William B. of Yorke▪
f 9 S. Columbe the Great.
g 10  
b 12 S. Ba [...]lides, Cyrinus &c. Martyrs.
c 13 S. Antony of Padua.
d 14 S. Basil the Great.
e 15 S. Vi [...]ns, Modestus &c. Martyrs.
f 16  
g 17 S. Bo [...]olph Abbot.
  18 S. Marcus & Marcellianus Martyrs.
b 19 S [...] & Protasius Martyrs.
c 20 Translation of S. Edward King and Martyr.
d 21 S. [...]g [...]h [...]und Mart.
e 22  
f 23 S. A [...]dry Virgin.
[Page] g 24  
  25 S. Amphibale Martyr.
b 26 S. Iohn & Paul Mart.
c 27 S. Leuine Bishop & Mart.
d 28 S. Leo Pope & Confes.
e 29  
f 30  
g 1 S. Romwald Bishop.
b 3 S. Guthagon Confess.
c 4 S. Odo Bishop of Cant.
d 5 S. Modwene Abbesse.
e 6 S. Sexburge Queene.
f 7  
g 8 S. Grimbald Abbot.
  9 S. Edilburge Queene
b 10 7. Brethren Martyrs.
c 11 S. Pius Pope & Mart.
d 12 S. Nabor & Felix Mart.
[Page] e 13 S. Anaclete Pope & Mart.
f 14 S. Ronauenture Bishop.
g 15  
  16 Translat. of S. Osmund B. of Salisbury.
b 17 S. Alex [...]us Confess▪ Also
c 18 S. Simphorosa with her 7. Sonnes Martyrs.
d 19 S. Diman Monke.
e 20 S. Margaret Virg. Mart.
f 21 S. Praxedes Virgin.
g 22  
  23 S. Apolinaris B. & Mart.
b 24 S. Christine V. & Mart.
c 25  
d 26  
e 27 S. Pantaleon Martyr.
f 28 S. Nazarius, Celsus Vict [...]r. MM▪ Also
    S. Sampson Bishop.
g 29 S. Martha Virgin.
  30 S. Abdon and Sennen.
[...] 31  


c 1 S. Ethelwold Bishop.
d 2 S. Stephen Pope & Mart.
e 3 Inuention of S. Stephen Protomartyr.
f 4  
g 5  
b 7 S. Maude Queene.
c 8 S. Cyriac, [...]argus &c. MM.
d 9 S. Hugh Bishop of Ely.
e 10 S. Laurence Martyr.
f 11 S. Gilbert Bish. of Chichest.
g 12  
  13 S. Hypolitus and Cassianus Martyrs.
b 14 S. Eusebius Confess.
c 15  
d 16 S. Thomas Monk & M.
e 17 S. Thomas of [...].
f 18  
g 19 S. Clintanke King & Mart.
[Page] 20  
    S▪ Oswin King & Mart.
b 21 S. Richard Bishop of Saint Andrewes.
c 22 S. Timothy and his fellows Martyrs▪
d 23 S. [...] Monke Mart,
e 24  
f 25  
    S. Ebba Abbesse.
g 26 S. Zepherine Pope Martyr.
  27 S. [...] Ermite,
b 28  
c 29  
d 30 S. F [...]aker Confessour.
e 31 S. Aidau [...]. o [...] [...]ind [...].
f 1 S▪ [...] Abbot.
g 2 S. Ad [...]an Abbot.
  3 S. [...] Bishop & Mart.
b 4  
[Page] c 5 S. Altho Abbot.
d 6 S. Bega Virgin.
e 7  
f 8  
g 9 S. Gorgonius Martyr.
  10 S. Nicolas of Tolentine.
b 11 S. Protus & Hyachintus Martyrs.
c 12 S. E [...]nswide Abb [...]sse,
d 13 S. Werenfrid Priest.
e 14 [...]
f 15 S. Kineburge Queen.
g 16 S. Cor [...]elius & Cyprian M.
[...] 17 S. Stephen & Socrates MM.
b 18 [...] of S. Winocke.
c 19 S. Ianuarius B▪ & Martyr.
d 20 S. Eustachius Martyr.
e 21  
f 22 S. Maurice martyr, with his fellowes.
g 23 S. Linus Pope. Also S. [...]ecla Virg. Mart.
  24 S. Winibald Abbot.
b 25 S. Ceol [...]ride Abbot
c 26 S▪ Cyprian and Iustina.
[Page] d 27 S. Cosmas and Damia [...] Martyrs.
e 28 S. [...]ioba Abbesse.
f 29  
g 30  
  1 S. Remigins Bishop. Also
b 2  
c 3 S. Gerard Abbot.
d 4  
e 5 S. Placidus Monke and his fellowes Martyrs.
f 6 S. Comine Abbot.
g 7 S. Marke Pope. Also S. Osith Virgin.
  8 S. Keyne Virgin.
b 9 S. Denis Bishop & Mart.
c 10 S. Paulin Bishop of Yorke
[Page] d 11 S. Ediburge Abbesse.
e 12  
f 13  
g 14 S. Callistus Pope & Mart.
  15 S. Tecla Abbesse.
b 16 S. Lullus S. of Mentz.
c 17 Transl. of S. Audry Virg.
d 18  
e 19 S. Frideswide Virgin.
f 20 S. Wendelin Abbot.
g 21 Also.
    S. Hylarion Abbot.
  22 S. Cordula Virg. & Mart.
[...] 23 S. Sira Virgin.
[...] 24 S. Maglore Bishop.
[...] 25 [...]. Chrisant & Dar [...] Mar­tyrs.
e [...]6 S. Euaristus Pope & Mart.
f 27 Translation of S. Romwald Bishop.
g 28  
  29 S. Fadsine Bishop of Can­terbury.
b 30 S. Egelnoth Bishop of Cant.
c 31 S. Foillan Bishop & Martyr.


d 1  
e 2  
f 3  
g 4 S. Vitalis & Agricola.
  5 S. Malachy Bishop.
b 6 S. Winocke Abbot.
c 7 S. Willebrord B. Confess.
d 8 S. Willehade B. Confess.
e 9  
f 10 [...]
g 11 [...]
b 13 S. Killan Bishop.
c 14 S. Laurence Bish of Dublyn.
d 15 s. Macloue Bishop.
e 16  
f 17 S. Gregory Thaumatur­gus Bishop. Also
    S. Hugh B. of Lincolne.
[Page] g 18 [...]
  19 S. Pontian Pope and Mart.
b 20 [...]
c 21 [...]
d 22 [...]
e 23 S. Clement Pope & Martyr.
f 24 S. Chrysogonus Martyr.
g 25 [...]
  26 S. Peter Bishop of Alexan.
b 27 S. Oda Virgin of Sotland.
c 28 s. Edwald Ermite.
d 29 s. Saturnine Martyr.
e 30 [...]
f 1 S. Daniel B. of Bangor.
g 2 S. Bibiane Virg. [...]
  3 [...]
b 4 S. Barbara Virgin. S. Osmund Bishop.
c 5 S. Sabbas Abbot.
[Page] d 6  
e 7  
f 8  
g 9 S. Ethelgine Abbesse.
  10 S. Melchiades Pope & M.
b 11 s. Damasus Pope Confess.
c 12 S. Elfrede V. of Crowland.
d 13  
e 14 S. Mimborine Abbot.
f 15 S. Hilda Abbesse.
g 16 S. Bean Bishop.
  17 s. Tetta Abbesse.
b 18 S. Winibald Abbot.
c 19 S. Macarius Abbot.
d 20 S. Comogel Abbot.
e 21  
f 22 S. Hildelide Virgin.
g 23 S. Inthware Virgin.
  24 Ruth Mooke.
b 25  
c 26  
d 27  
e 28  
f 29  
g 30 S. Eustach Abbot.


[...] [...]cording to the Roman reformed Calendar.
[...] [...] [...]
1621 c 7. Feb.
1622 b 23. Ian.
1623   12. Feb.
1624 g f 4. Feb.
1625 e 26. Ian.
1626 d 8 Feb.
1627 c 31. Ian.
1628 b 20. Feb.
1629 g [...]1. Feb.
1630 f 27. Ian.
1631 e 16. Feb.
1632 d c 8. Feb.
1633 b 23. Ian.
1634   12. Feb.
1635 g 4. Feb.
1636 f e 20. Ian.


[...] God 1620. vnto the yeare 1636.
[...] [...] [...]
24. Feb. 11. Apr. 30. May.
9. Feb. 27. Mar. 15. May.
1. Mar. 16. Apr. 4. Iune.
21. Feb. 7. Apr. 26. May.
12. Feb. 30 Mar. 18. May.
[...]5. Feb. 12. Apr. 31. May.
17. Feb. 4. Apr. 23. May.
8. Mar. 23. Apr. 11. Iune.
28. Feb. 15. Apr. 3. Iune.
13. Feb. 31. Mar. 19. May.
5. Mar. 20. Apr. 8. Iune.
25. Feb. 11. Apr. 30 May.
9. Feb. 27. Mar. 15 May.
1. Mar. 16. Apr. 4. Iune.
21. Feb. 8. Apr. 27. May.
6. Feb. 23. Mar. 11. May.


Symbolum Apostolorum.

CREDO in De­um Patrem om­nipotentē, cre­ [...]torem caeli & terrae; & [...]n Iesum Christum Filiū eius vni [...]um Dominum [Page 2] nostrum; qui conceptus est de Spiritu sancto, na­tus ex Maria Virgine▪ passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, & sepultus, descendit ad in­feros; tertia die resurre­xit à mortuis; ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexte­ram Dei Patris omnipo­tentis; inde venturus est iudicare viuos & mortu­os. Credo in Spiritum sanctum; sanctam Eccle­siam catholicam; sancto­ [...]um [Page 3] communionem; re­missionem peccatorum; [...]arnis resurrectionem; vitam aeternam. Amen.

The Apostles Creed.

I Belieue in God the Father Almighty, cre­ [...]tor of heauen & earth: & in [...]esus Christ his on­ [...]y Sonne our Lord; who was cōceaued by the ho­ [...]y Ghost, borne of the virgin Mary; suffered vn­der Pontius P [...]late, was crucifyed, dead, and bu­ryed, [Page 4] descended into hel; the third day he rose a­gaine from the dead; as­cended into heauen, sit­teth at the right hand of God the Father Almigh­ty: from thence he shal [...] come to iudge the liuing and the dead. I beleeue in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholik Church, the cōmunion of Saints, forgiuenes of sinnes, re­surrection of the flesh, life euerlasting. Amen.

Oratio Dominicalis.

PATER noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum: adueniat regnum tuum: fiat vo­luntas tua, sicut in caelo & in terra: panem nostrū quotidianum da nobis hodie: & dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut & nos dimittimus debito­ribus nostris: & ne nos inducas in tentationem: sed libera nos à malo. A­men.


Our Lords Prayer.

OVR Father, which art in heauē, hallowed be thy Name: let thy kingdome come: thy wil be done, in heauen, as in earth also: giue vs this day our daily bre [...]d: and forgiue vs our debts, as we forgiue our debters: and lead vs not into tēp­tation: but deliuer vs from euill. Amen.

Salutatio Angelica.

AVE Maria, gratia ple­na, Dominus tecū; benedicta tu in mulieri­bus, & benedictus fru­ctus ventris tui Iesus. Sancta Maria, mater Dei ora pro nobis peccatori­bus, nunc, & in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

The Angelicall Salutation.

HAILE Mary, full of grace, our Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women, and [Page 8] blessed is the fruit of thy wombe Iesus. Holy Ma­ry, mother of God, pray for vs sinners, now, and in the houre of our death. Amen.

The ten Commaundementes of the Decalogue.

I Am thy Lord God, which haue brought thee out from the land of Aegypt, from the house of bondage.

1. [...]hou shalt haue no [Page 9] strange Gods before me.

2. Thou shalt not take the name of our Lord God in vaine. For our Lord will not hold him guiltles, who shall take the name of his Lord God in vaine.

3. Remēber that thou keep holy the Sabboath day.

4. Honour thy Father and thy Mother.

5. Thou shalt not kill.

6. Thou shalt not cō ­mit [Page 10] adultery.

7. Thou shalt not steale.

8. Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy Neyghbour.

9. Thou shalt not desire thy neyghbours house.

10. Neither shalt thou desire his wife, nor ser­uant, nor handmayd, nor oxe, nor asse, nor ought that is his.

The 7. Sacraments of the Catholike Church.

BAPTISME, Confir­mation, the Eucha­rist, Pennance, Extreme vnction, Order, & Ma­trimony.

The Theologicall vertues.

Fayth, Hope, and Cha­rity.

The Cardinall Vertues.

Prudence, Temperance, Iustice, & Fortitude.

The guiftes of the holy Ghost.

Wisedome, Vnderstan­ding, Counsell, Fortitu­de, Science, Piety, & the Feare of our Lord.

The fruits of the Holy Ghost.

Charity, Gladnes, Peace, Patience, Benignity, Goodnes, Longanimity, Meeknes, Fayth, Mode­sty, Continence, & Cha­stity.

The Precepts of Charity.

Thou shalt loue thy lord God with thy whole hart, & with thy whole soule, & in all thy mind.

Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe.

The precepts of the Church.

1. To celebrate the ap­pointed [...]east-dayes of the Church, in abstay­ning from seruile works.

2. To heare reuerently the sacred Office of the [Page 14] Masse on the holy dayes.

3. To fast the Lent, the foure Ember dayes, & the Vigils, according to the custome of the Church: and the Friday and Saturday to abstain from flesh.

4. To confesse thy sins to a Priest approued, & to receaue the holy Eu­charist about the feast of Easter: and to do these thinges at the least once a yeare.

[Page 15] 5. Not to solemnize Marriage on the dayes forbidden by the Catho­like Church.

The spirituall workes of Mercy.

1. To teach the ignorāt

2. To correct the sinner.

3. To assist by counsel him that needeth it.

4. To comfort the af­flicted.

5. Patiently to suffer iniuryes.

[Page 16] 6. To pardon an Of­fence, or Iniury.

7. To pray for the li­uing and the dead, and thy persecutours.

The Corporall workes of Mercy.

1. To feed the hun­gry.

2. To giue drinke to the thirsty.

3. To harbour the stranger.

4. To cloth the naked.

[Page 17] 5. To visite the sicke.

6. To visite those that be in prison, and to ran­some the captiue.

7. To bury the dead.

The eight Beatitudes.

Blessed are the poore in spirit, for theirs is the kingdome of heauen

Blessed are the meek, for they shall possesse the Land.

Blessed are they that mourne, for they shalbe [Page 18] comforted.

Blessed are they tha [...] hunger & thirst after iu­stice: for they shall b [...] filled▪

Blessed are the merci­full, for they shal obtain mercy.

Blessed are the clean [...] of hart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peace makers, for they shalbe called the children of God.

[Page 19] Blessed are they that [...]ffer persecution for iu­ [...]ice, for theirs is the [...]ingdome of heauen.

The fiue bodily Senses.

[...]ight, Hearing, Smel­ [...]ng, Tast, & Touching.

The seauen Capitall sinnes, which are commonly called Deadly.

Pride, Couetousnes, Le­ [...]hery, Enuy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Slouth.

Sinnes against the Holy Ghost.

1. Presumption of God mercy.

2. Despaire.

3. Impugning trut [...] knowue, more freely t [...] sinne.

4. Enuying others spi­rituall good.

5. Obstination in sin▪

6. To dye in sin with­out repentance.

Thinges necessary for the repentant Sinner.

Contrition of hart. En­ [...]re Cōfession to a Priest capable and approued. Satisfaction by Works. This Contrition con­sisteth in harty displea­sure of sinne past, for the [...]oue of God, and full re­solution not to commit any more.

Foure thinges crying to hea­uen for vengeance.

1. Willfull murder.

[Page 22] 2. Sinne of [...]odome, o [...] against Nature.

3. Oppressiō of the poor Widdowes & Fatherles

4. Def [...]auding labourer of their wages.

Nine wayes of being accessa­ry to another mans sinne.

1. By Counsell.

2. By Commandment

3. By consent.

4. By prouocation, or inducing others.

5. By prayse or flattery.

[Page 23] 6. By concealing of the [...]ilty.

[...]. By partaking.

[...]. By holding our peace, [...] not correcting such as [...] vnder our charge.

[...]. By dissembling, or [...]ot finding fault, & let­ [...]ng when we may, or [...]aue charge.

Three kinds of good works.

[...]. Almesdeeds, or works [...]f Mercy.

[...]. Prayer.

[Page 24]3. Fasting.

Three Euangelicall Coun­cells.

1. Voluntary pouerty

2. Perpetuall Chastity

3. Entiere Obedience.

The foure last thinges to b [...] remembred.

1. Death.

2. Iudgement.

3. Hell.

4. Heauen.


VVhen thou rysest in the morning, arming thy selfe with the signe of the holy Crosse, say.

IN the name of the Fa­ther, and of the Son, [...]nd of the holy Ghost.

This done, thy hands ioyned [...]efore thy breast, say. A­men. [Page 26] Blessed be the ho [...]ly, and vndeuided Tr [...]nity, now and for euer world without end. [...]men. Our Father &c. Haile Mary &c. I beli [...]ue in God &c. Then say▪

I Confesse vnto A [...]mighty God, to th [...] euer Blessed Virgin M [...]ry, to S. Michael the A [...] changel, to S. Iohn Bap­tist, to the holy Apost [...] S. Peter, and S Paul, [...] to all the Saints; that [Page 72] [...]aue sinned very much, [...] thought, word, and [...]eed, by my fault, by my [...]ault, by my most grie­ [...]ous fault. Therefore I [...]eseech the euer B [...]essed Virgin Mary, S. Michael [...]he Archangel, S. Iohn Baptist, the holy Apo­ [...]tles S. Peter & S Paul, & all the Saints, to pray [...]or me vnto our Lord God.

℟ Almighty God haue mercy on vs, & forgiue [Page 28] vs all our sins, and brin [...] vs vnto euerlasting life ℟. Amen. vers. Almigh [...]ty and most mercifull Lord, giue vnto vs pa [...]don, absolution, and re­mission of al our sinnes ℟ Amen. Vouchsafe O Lord, to keep vs thi [...] day without sinne. Be merciful vnto vs o Lor [...] be merciful vnto vs. Le [...] thy mercy O Lord, b [...] on vs, euen as we haue hoped in thee. O Lord [Page 29] [...]eare my prayer: and let [...]y cry come vnto thee.

Let vs pray.

O Lord God Almigh­ty, who hast caused [...]s to come vnto the be­ginning of this day: saue [...]s by thy power, to the [...]nd that this day we fall [...]nto no sinne, but that [...]lwayes our wordes may [...]roceed, & our thoughts [...]nd works may be dire­cted, to execute thy Iu­stice, [Page 30] through our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen.

Let vs pray.

VOVCHSAFE, O Lord God, King o [...] heauen and earth, to di­rect and sanctify, rule and gouerne, this day, our hartes and bodyes, our senses, speaches and our deeds, in thy law, & in the workes of thy cō ­mandments: that heere, and euer, O Sauiour of [Page 31] [...]he world, we may de­ [...]rue to be safe and free, [...]ou assisting vs, who li­ [...]est and raignest world [...]ithout end. Amen.

O Angell of God, who [...]rt my keeper, illumi­ [...]ate, guard, rule and go­ [...]erne me this day, com­mitted vnto thee by the [...]upernall piety. Amen.

The Blessing.

OVR Lord Iesus blesse vs, and defend vs [Page 32] from all euill, and bring vs vnto eternall life: & the soules of the fayth­full through the mercy of God, rest in peace▪ Amen.

VVhen in the Morning, Noone, and Euening, the signe of the Aue-Bell is giuē, say at the three tols.

ANGELVS Domini nunciauit Mariae, & concepit de Spiritu san­cto. Aue Maria &c.

[Page 33] Ecee Ancilla Domini, at mihi secundum ver­um tuum. Aue Maria &c.

Et verbum caro factū [...]st, & habitauit in nobis. [...]ue Maria &c.


GRATIAM tuam, quaesumus Domine, [...]ētibus nostris infūde: vt, qui Angelo nunciāte christi filij tui incarnati­onem cognouimus, per [Page 34] passionem eius & cru [...] ad Resurrectionis glori [...] am perducamur. Per e [...]undem Christum Domi­num nostrum. Amen Et fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei re­quiescant in pace. Amē ▪

The same in English. At the first toll.

THE Angell of our Lord declared vnto Mary: & she conceaued of the holy Ghost, Haile Mary &c.

[Page 35] [...] the second toll. Behold [...]e Hand-maid of our [...]ord: be it vnto me, ac [...]ording to thy word, [...]ayle Mary &c.

[...]t the third toll. And the [...]ord was made flesh: & [...]welt in vs. Hayle Mary &c.

The prayer.

VVE beseech thee o Lord, powre forth [...]hy grace into our min­des: that we who knew [Page 36] the incarnatiō of Chris [...] thy Sonne, the Angel declaring it, may b [...] brought by his passio [...] and crosse vnto the glo­ry of resurrection. Tho­rough the same Chris [...] our Lord, Amen. The soules of the faythful [...] through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amē ▪

A Prayer before the begin­ning of any worke.

PREVENT we beseech thee, O lord, our acti­ons, [Page 37] by thy holy spi­ [...]it, and prosecute them with thy helping hand: that all our prayers and works may begin alwaies from thee, & begun, by [...]hee may be ēded. Tho [...]ough Christ our Lord.

After the end of the worke.

ACCEPT, O most clement God, by the prayers and merites of Blessed Mary euer a Vir­gin, and of all the Saints [Page 38] this office and duety of our seruice: & if we haue done any thing prayse-worthy, thou being mer­cifull regard it: & what is done negligently, cle­mently pardon. Who li­uest and raignest God in perfect Trinity, world without end. Amen.

In going forth of the house, say.

SHEVV me, O Lord, thy wayes, and teach [Page 39] me thy pathes. Direct my stepes according to thy word, to the end that no iniustice do rule ouer me. Make perfect my goings in thy paths, that my steps be not moued.

Entring into the Church.

O Lord, in the multi­tude of thy mercyes I will enter into thy hou­se, I will adore at thy ho­ly Temple, and will cō ­fesse vnto thy Name.

In sprinckling of holy water.

THOV shalt sprinkle me o Lord, with Hy­sope, and I shalbe clean­sed: thou shalt wash me, & I shalbe made whiter then snow.

Vnto the holy Sacrament of the Altar.

ALL haile true body borne of the Virgin Mary, that truly suffe­red, & was offered vpon [Page 41] the crosse for man: whos side being pierced, there flowed out water with bloud; graunt that wee may tast thee in the trial of death. O sweet, o pit­tiful, o Iesu the Sonne of Mary, haue mercy vpon me. Amen.

A prayer before Masse.

O Most clemēt Father of mercyes, & God of all consolation, who hast bestowed not only [Page 42] once, thy only begoten Sonne vpon the Crosse, for our Recouery, but wouldst that his oblatiō most acceptable vnto thee, should daily be re­newed in thy Church, to renew in vs the fruite therof: graunt vs we be­seech thee so attentiuely reuerently, & louingly to be present at this so admirable, & most hol­some mystery of thy Pi­ety, that we may be able [Page 43] most effectually to attain the participation there­of: through the same our Lord Iesus Christ. Amē.

The Blessing before meate for secular persons.

Benedicite. ℟. Benedi­cite.

The Prayer.

BLESSE VS, O Lord, and these thy guifts, which we are to receaue of thy bounty. Through Christ our lord. ℟ Amē.

Grace after meate.

Blesse we our Lord. ℟. Thankes be to God.

The Prayer.

VVE giue thee thāks O Almighty God for all thy benefits: who liuest and raignest world without end. ℟. Amen. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Our Father, in secret. ℣. And lead vs not [Page 45] [...]nto temptation. ℟ But deliuer vs frō euill. vers. The name of our Lord be blessed. ℟. From this tyme forth, & for euer­more.

Let vs pray.

VOVCHSAFE, O Lord, to render to all our benefactours, for thy names sake, life euerla­sting. ℟. Amen.

vers. And the souls of the faythfull, through the [Page 46] mercy of God, rest in peace. ℟. Amen.

VVhen thou goest to bed, ar­ming thy selfe with the signe of the Crosse, say.

IN the name of the Fa­ther, & of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost. Then thy handes ioyned be­fore thy breast, say, Amen.

Blessed be the holy & vndeuided Trinity, now & for euer, world with­out end. Amen. [Page 47] Our Father &c. Haile Mary &c. I belieue in God &c. I confesse &c. as before▪

Then make this act of Con­trition.

O My lord Iesus Christ true God and man, my Creatour & Redee­mer, thou being whome thou art, and for that I loue thee aboue all thinges, it grieueth me from the bottom of my [Page 48] hart, that I haue offen­ded thy diuine Maiesty: Loe heere I firmely pur­pose neuer to sinne any more: and to flye all oc­casions of offēding thee: and to confesse my sins, and fullfill the pennāce, which shalbe enioyned me for the same. And for loue of thee, I do freely pardon all my enemyes: & do offer my life, my wordes, and workes in satisfaction for my sins. [Page 49] Wherefore I most hum­bly beseech thee, trusting [...]n thy infinite goodnes and mercy, that by the merites of thy precious bloud and Passion, thou wouldst pardon me, and giue me grace to amend my life, and to perseuere therein vntill death. A­men.

The Hymne.

BEFORE the light­some day expire
[Page 50]Creator of al, we the [...] require,
That of thy wonte [...] clemency,
Thou keep vs in thy custody.
Let dreames from vs passe farre away,
And nightly fanta­sies decay;
Our ghostly foe likwise restraine,
Least that our bodies foule remaine.
Heauenly Father to [Page 51] this accord,
Throgh Iesus Christ [...]ur only Lord;
Who doth for all e­ [...]ernity,
Raigne with the ho­ [...]y Ghost & thee. Amen.

Saue vs, O Lord, wa­king, and keep vs slee­ping: that we may wake in Christ, and rest in peace.

Keep vs, O Lord, as the apple of the eye: & protect vs vnder the [Page 52] shaddow of thy winges.

Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keepe vs this Night without sinne.

Haue mercy vpon vs O Lord, haue mercy v­pon vs. Let thy mercy, O Lord, come vpon vs, euen as we haue trusted in thee.

O Lord hear my pray­er: and let my cry come vnto thee.

The Prayer.

VISITE we beseech thee, O Lord, this habitation, and repel far from it all snares of the enemy: let thy holy An­gells dwell therein, who may keep vs in peace: & thy blessing be vpon vs for euer. Throgh our Lord Iesus Christ. Amē.

O Angell of God, who art my keeper, enlightē, guard, rule, and gouerne [Page 54] me this night, commit­ted vnto thee, by the su­pernall piety. Amen.

The blessing.

Almighty, and our mercifull Lord, the Fa­ther, and the Sonne, & the Holy Ghost, blesse, and keep vs for euer. A­men.

WEEKLY LITTLE OFFICES in Latin, & English. WHEREOF That of our B. Ladyes Concep­tion, is to be sayd euery day; togeather with one of the o­ther, set downe in order for the Weeke. Collected by I. VV. P. Anno Domini, 1622.



Eia mea labia nunc an­nunciate,

Laudes & praeconia Virginis Beatae.

Versus DOmina in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Me de manu hostiū po­tenter [Page 58] defende

Gloria Patri, & Filio, & Spiri­tui sancto.

Sicut erat in principio & nunc, & semper, & in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

SAlue mundi Domina,
Caelorum Regina:
Salue Virgo Virginum,
Stella matutina.
Salue plena gratiae,
Clara lux diuina:
[Page 60] Mundi in auxilium
Domina festina.
Ab aeterno Dominus
Te praeordinauit
Matrem Vnigeniti
Verbi, quo creauit
Terrā, pontū, aethera:
Te pulchram ornauit
Sibi sponsam, in qua
Adam non peccauit.

Vers. Elegit eam Deus, & praeelegit eam.

Resp. In tabernaculo suo habitare facit eam.


SANCTA Maria, Regi­na Caelorum, Mater Domini nostri Iesu chri­sti, & mundi Domina, quae nullū derinlinquis, & nullū despicis; respice me Domina clementer oculo pietatis, & impe­tra mihi apud tuum di­lectum Filium cunctorū veniam peccatorum: vt qui [...]unc tuam sanctam Conceptionem deuoto [Page 64] affectu recolo, aeternae in futurū beatitudinis bra­uium capiam, ipso quem Virgo peperisti, donan­te Domino nostro Iesu Christo, qui cum Patre & sancto Spiritu viuit & regnat in Trinitate per­fecta, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. A­men,

Vers. Domina exaudi o­rationem meam.

Resp. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

[Page 66] Vers. Benedicamus Do­mino.

Resp. Deo gratias.

Vers. Fideliū animae per misericordiam De [...] re­quiescant in pace.

Resp. Amen.


DOmina in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Me de manu hostium potenter defende.

[Page 68] Gloria Patri, & Filio, & Spiritui &c.

SALVE Virgo sapi­ens,
Domus Deo dicata,
Columna septemplici
Mensa [...]ue exornata:
Ab omni contagio
Mundi praeseruata,
Antè sancta in vtero
Parentis, quàm nata.
Tu Mater viuentium,
Et porta es Sanctorum,
[Page 70] Noua stella Iacob,
Domina Angelorum.
Zabulo terribilis,
Acies castrorum,
Portus & refugium
Sis Christianorum.

Vers. Ipse creauit illam in Spiritu sancto.

Resp. Et effudit illam super omnia opera sua.


SAncta Maria, Regina Caelorum &c.

Vers. Domina exaudi o­rationem [Page 72] meam.

Resp. Et clamor meus a [...] te veniat.

Vers. Benedicamus Do­mino.

Resp. Deo gratias.

Vers. Et fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei, requiescant in pace.

Resp. Amen.


DOmina in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. [Page 74] Me de manu hostiū po­tenter defende.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, & Spiritui &c.

SAlue Arca foederis,
Thronus Salomonis,
Arcus pulcher aetheris,
Rubus visionis.
Virga frondens germi­nis,
Vellus Gedeonis,
Porta clausa Numinis,
Fauus [...]ue Samsonis.
Decebat tam nobilem
[Page 76] Natum praecauere
Ab originali
Labe matris Euae,
Almam, quam elege­rat
Genitricem verè,
Nulli prorsus sinens
Culpae subiacere.

vers. Ego in altissimis habito.

Resp. Et thronus meus in columna nubis.


SAncta Maria, Regina Caelorum &c.

Vers. Domina exaudi orationem meam.

Resp. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

Vers. Benedicamus Do­mino.

Resp. Deo gratias.

Vers. Et fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei, requiescant in pace.

Resp. Amen.


DOmina in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Me de manu hostiū po­tenter defende.

Gloria Patri, & Filio, & Spiritui &c.

SALVE Virgo puerpe­ra,
Templum Trinitatis,
Angelorum gaudium,
Cella Puritatis.
[Page 82] Solamen moerenti­um,
Hortus voluptatis:
Palma patientiae,
Cedrus castitatis.
Terra es benedicta
Et Sacerdotalis:
Sancta & immunis
Culpae originalis,
Ciuitas Altissimi,
Porta Orientalis:
In te est omnis gratia,
Virgo singularis.

vers. Sicut lilium inter [Page 84] spinas.

Resp. Sic amica mea in­ter filias Adae.


SAncta Maria, Regina Caelorum &c.

Vers. Domina exaudi orationem meam.

Resp. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

Vers. Benedicamus Do­mino.

Resp. Deo Gratias.

Vers. Et fidelium animae [Page 86] per misericordiam Dei, requiescant in pace.

Resp. Amen.


DOmina in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Me de manu hostium potenter defende.

Gloria Patri, & Filio, & Spiritui sancto &c.

SAlue Vrbs refugij,
Turris [...]ue munita
[Page 88] Dauid, propugnaculis
Armis [...]ue insignita.
In Conceptione
Charitate ignita,
Draconis potestas
Est à te contrita.
O mulier fortis,
Et inuicta Iudith,
Pulchra Abisai Virgo,
Verum fouens Dauid!
Rachel curatorem
Aegypti gestauit;
Saluatotem mundi
Maria portauit.

vers. Tota pulchra es [Page 90] amica mea.

Resp. Et macula origina­lis nunquam fuit in te.


SAncta Maria, Regina Caelorum &c.

Vers. Domina exaudi orationem meam.

Resp. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

Vers. Benedicamus Do­mino.

Resp. Deo gratias.

Vers. Fidelium animae per misericordiam [Page 92] Dei, requiescant in pace.

Resp. Amen.


DOmina in adiutoriū meum intende

Resp. Me de manu hostium potenter defende.

Gloria Patri, & Filio, & Spiritui sancto &c.

SALVE horologium,
Quo retrò gradiatur
Sol in decem lineis;
[Page 94] Verbum incarnatur,
Homo vt ab Inferis
Ad summa attollatur,
Immensus ab Angelis
Paulò minoratur.
Solis huius radijs
Maria corruscat:
Consurgens Aurora
In conceptu micat.
Lilium inter spinas,
Quae serpentis conte­rat
Caput, pulchra vt Lu­na,
Errantes collustrat.

[Page 96] Vers. Ego feci in caelis vt oriretur lumen inde­ficiens.

Resp. Et quasi nebulam texi omnem terram.


SANCTA Maria, Regi­na Caelorum, Mater Domini nostri Iesu chri­sti, & mundi Domina, quae nullū derelinquis, & nullū despicis; respice me Domina clementer oculo pietatis, & impe­tra [Page 98] mihi apud tuum di­lectum Filium cunctorū veniam peccatorum: vt qui nunc tuam sanctam Conceptionem deuoto affectu recolo, aeternae in futurū beatitudinis bra­uium capiam, ipso quem Virgo peperisti, donan­te Domino nostro Iesu Christo, qui cum Patre & sancto Spiritu viuit & regnat, in Trinitate per­fecta, Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorū. Amen,

[Page 100] Vers. Domina exaudi orationem meam.

Resp. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

Vers. Benedicamus Do­mino.

Resp. Deo gratias.

Vers. Fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei, requiescant in pace.

Resp. Amen.


COnuertat nos, Do­mina, tuis precibus [Page 102] placatus Iesus Christus filius tuus.

Resp. Et diuertat iram suam à nobis.

vers Domina in adiuro­rium meum intende.

Resp Me de manu hosti­um potenter defende.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, & Spiritui &c.

SALVE Virgo flo­rens,
Mater illibata,
Regina clementiae,
[Page 104] Stellis coronata.
Supra omnes Ange­los
Pura, immaculata,
Atque ad Regis dexterā
Stans veste deaurata.
Per te Mater gratiae,
Dulcis spes reorum, Fulgens stella maris,
Portus naufragorum.
Patens Caeli ianua,
Salus infirmorum,
Videamus Regem,
In aula Sanctorum. A­men.

[Page 106] Vers. Oleum effusum, Maria, nomen tuum

Resp. Serui tui dilexerūt te nimis.


SAncta Maria, Regina

Caelorum &c.

Vers. Domina exaudi orationem meam.

Resp. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

Vers. Benedicamus Do­mino.

Resp. Deo gratias.

[Page 108] Vers. Et fidelium animae per misericordiam Dei, requiescant in pace.

Resp. Amen.


SVpplices offerimus
Tibi, Virgo pia,
Has Horas cononicas:
Fac, nos vt in via
Ducas cursu prospero,
Et in agonia
Tu nobis assiste,
O dulcis Maria. Amē.

[Page 110] Sequens An̄a à Paulo V. Pontif. Max. approbata est; qui eamdem, vnâ cum Orati­ne de Immaculata virginis Conceptione recitantibus, centum dierum Indulgentias concessit.

An̄a. Haec est virga, in qua nec nodus origina­lis, nec cortex actualis, culpa fuit.

vers. In Conceptione tua, Virgo immacu­lata fuisti.

Resp. Ora pro nobis Pa­trem, [Page 112] cuius Filium pe­peristi.


DEVS, qui per im­maculatam Virginis Conceptionem, dignum Filio tuo habitaculum praeparasti: quaesumus, vt sicut ex morte eiusdē Filij sui praeuisa, eam ab omnilabe praeseruasti; ita nos quoque mundos cius intercessione ad te peruenire concedas. Per [Page 114] eumdem Dominum no­strum Iesum Christum filium tuum, qui tecum viuit & regnat, in vnita­te Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saecu­lorum. Amen.


Vidit & approbauit,

Petrus Steuartius Vicarius Leodiensis.



Vers. Ah, let my lippes sing, and display,

Resp. The Blessed Vir­gins prayse this day.

Vers. O Lady, to my help intend:

Resp. Me from my foes [Page 59] strongly defend▪

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ [...]her, & to the Son &c.

Resp. Euē as it was in the beginning, and now and euer, and world without end. Amen.

The Hymne.
HAyle Lady of the world,
Of heauē bright Queen:
The Virgin of Virgins,
Starre early seene▪
Hayle full of all grace,
Cleere light diuine:
[Page 61] Lady, to succour vs,
With speed incline.
God from Eternity
Before all other,
Of the Word thee ordain'd
To be the Mother,
Wherwith he created
The earth, sea, the skye:
His faire spouse he chose thee,
From Adams sin free.

Vers. God hath elected, and preelected thee.

Resp. He hath made her dwell in his Tabernacle.

Let vs pray.

O Holy Mary, Mother of our Lord Iesus Christ, Queene of Hea­uen, and Lady of the world, who forsakest or despisest no man; behold me mercifully with the eye of Piety, and obtain for me of thy beloued Sonne, pardon of all my sinnes: that I who with deuout affection do now honour thy holy Con­ception, may heereafter [Page 65] enioy the reward of E­ternall blisse; through the grace and mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ, whome thou (o Virgin) didst bring forth. Who with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, liueth and raigneth, one God, in perfect Trinity, for euer and euer. Amen.

Vers. O Lady heare my prayer.

Resp. And let my crye vnto thee.

[Page 67] Vers. Let vs prayse our Lord.

Resp. Thankes be to God.

Vers. And let the souls of the faythfull departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Resp. Amen.


O Lady to my help in­tend.

Resp. Me from my foes strō ­gly defend.

[Page 69] Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, &c.

The Hymne.
HAILE Virgin most prudent,
House for God plac't:
With the seauenfold pil­lar,
And table grac't.
Sau'd from contagiō, Of the fraile earth:
In wombe of thy parent, Saint before byrth.
Mother of the liuing, Gate of Saints merits:
[Page 71] The new star of Iacob,
Queene of pure spirits.
To Zabulon fearefull,
Armyes array:
Be thou of Christians,
Refuge and stay.

Vers. He hath created her in his holy Spirit.

Resp. And hath powred her out, ouer all his workes.

Let vs pray.

O Holy Mary, Mother of our Lord &c.

Vers. O Lady heare my [Page 75] prayer.

Resp. And let my crye come vnto thee.

vers. Let vs blesse our Lord.

Resp. Thanks be to God.

Vers. And let the soules [...]f the faithfull departed [...]hrough the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Resp. Amen.


Resp. O Lady to my help in­tend.

[Page 75] Me from my foes strō ­gly defend.

Vers. Glory be to the &c.

The Hymne.
HAile Arkeof couenāt,
Throne, Salomons fame,
Bright rainbow of heauē
Bush safe in flame.
The fleece of Gedeon,
The flowring Rod,
Sweet hony of Sampson
Closet of God.
T'was meete Sonne so noble,
[Page 77] Should saue from stayn,
Wherwith all Eues chil­dren
Spotted remaine,
The mayd whome for Mother,
He had elected,
That she might be neuer
With sinne infected:

Vers. I dwell in the Highest.

Resp. And my Throne in the pillar of the cloud.

Let vs pray.

O Holy Mary Mother of God &c.

Vers. O Lady heare my prayer.

Resp. And let my crye come vnto thee.

Vers. Let vs blesse our Lord.

Resp. Thanks be to God.

Vers. And let the soules of the faythful depar­ted throgh the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Resp. Amen.


O Lady, to my help in­tend.

Resp. Me from my foes strongly defend.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, &c.

The Hymne.
HAYLE mother and Virgin,
Of the Trinity
Temple, Ioy of Angels,
Cell of Purity.
[Page 83] Comfort of the Mour­ners.
Guarden of pleasure:
Palme-tree of Patience,
Chastityes treasure.
Thou land Sacerdotal
Art blessed, holy:
From sinne Originall
Exempted solely.
The Citty of the Hi­ghest,
Gate of the East:
Virgins gemme, in thee
All graces rest.

Vers. As the Lilly amōg [Page 85] thornes.

Resp. So my beloued a­mong the daughters of Adam.

Let vs pray.

O Holy Mary mother of our Lord &c.

Vers. O Lady heare my prayer.

Resp. And let my crye come vnto thee▪

Vers. Let vs blesse our Lord.

Resp. Thanks be to God.

Vers. And let the soules [Page 87] of the faythful depar­ted throgh the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Resp. Amen.


O Lady to my help in­tend.

Resp. Me from my foes strongly defend.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, & to the Son &c.

The Hymne.
HAyle Citty of refuge,
King Dauids tower:
[Page 89] Fensed with bulwarkes,
And armours power.
In thy Conception,
Charity did flame:
The fierce dragōs pride
Was brought to shame.
Iudith inuincible,
Woman of Armes:
Faire Abisai Virgin,
True Dauid warmes.
Sonne of faire Rachel,
Did Aegvpt store;
Mary of the World,
The Sauiour bore.

Vers. Thou art all favre [Page 91] O my beloued.

Resp. And originall spot was neuer in thee.

Let vs pray.

O Holy Mary, Mother of our Lord &c

Vers. O Lady heare my prayer.

Resp. And let my crye come vnto thee.

Vers. Let vs prayse our Lord.

Resp. Thanks be to God.

Vers. And let the souls of the faythfull departed, [Page 93] through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Resp. Amen.


O Lady to my help in­tend.

Resp. Me from my foes strongly defend.

Vers. Glory to be to the Father &c.

The Hymne.
HAyle Dyall, in which
Turnes retrograde
The Sunne ten degrees;
[Page 95] The Word flesh made.
That man frō Hel pit
T' heauen might rise,
Th' Immense lesse then Angells,
In stable lyes.
This Sun did on Mary
Betymes appeare:
Made her Conception,
A morning cleere.
Fayre Lilly mongst thornes,
That serpent frights:
Cleer moon that in dark
The wander lights.

[Page 97] Vers. In heauen, I made a neuer fayling light arise.

Resp. And I couered all the world as a mist.

Let vs pray.

O Holy Mary, Mother of our Lord Iesus Christ, Queene of Heauen, and Lady of the world, who forsakest or despisest no man; behold me mercifully with the eye of Piety, and obtain [Page 99] for me of thy beloued Sonne, pardon of all my sinnes: that I who with deuout affection do now honour thy holy Con­ception, may heereafter enioy the reward of E­ternall blisse; through the grace and mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ, whome thou (O Virgin) didst bring forth. Who with the Father, and the holy Ghost liueth &c. Amen.

[Page 101] Vers. O Lady heare my prayer.

Resp. And let my crye come vnto thee.

Vers. Let vs prayse our Lord.

Resp. Thanks be to God.

Vers. And let the soules of the faythful depar­ted throgh the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Resp. Amen.


LEt thy Sonne Christ Iesus, O Lady, paci­fied [Page 103] by thy prayers, con­uert vs.

Resp. And turne his an­ger from vs.

Vers. O Lady to my help intend.

Resp. Me from my foes strongly defend.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, & to the Son &c.

The Hymne.
HAYLE florishing Virgin,
Chastityes renowne:
Queene of clemency,
[Page 105] Whome stars do crown.
Thou pure aboue An­gells,
Doest Sonne behould:
Sits at his right hand,
Attyr'd in gould.
Mother of grace, hope
To men afraid:
Bright starre of the sea,
In shipwracke ayde.
Graunt heauen gate o­pen,
That by thee blest;
We thy Sonne may see,
In blissefull rest.

[Page 107] Vers. Thy name, O Ma­ry, is sweet oyle pow­red out.

Resp. Thy seruants haue loued thee exceedingly.

Let vs pray.

O Holy Mary Mother of our Lord &c.

Vers. O Lady heare my prayer.

Resp. And let my crye come vnto thee.

Vers. Let vs blesse our Lord.

Resp. Thanks be to God.

[Page 109] Vers. And let the soules of the faythful depar­ted throgh the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Resp. Amen.


TO thee Virgin pious,
We humbly pesent,
These houres Canonical
With pure intent.
Guide pilgrims vntill
With Christ we meet:
In our agony ayde vs
O Mary sweet Amen.

This Ant-hymne following, with the Prayer of the Immacu­late Conception of the B. Virgin is approued by Pope Paul the V. who hath graunted an hundred dayes of Indulgence, to all fayth­full Christian that shal deuout­ly recite the same.

Ant-hymne. This is the branch, in which was neither knot of originall, nor barke of actuall sinne found.

Vers. In thy Conceptiō, O Virgin, thou wast immaculate.

Pray vnto the Father [Page 113] for vs whose Son thou didst bring forth.

Let vs pray.

O God, who by the im­maculate Conceptiō of the Virgin, didst pre­pare a fit habitation for thy son; We beseech thee, that as by the foresight of the death of the same her Son, thou didst pre­serue her pure from all spot: So like wise graunt, that we by her intercessiō [Page 115] made free from sinne, may attaine vnto thee: Through our Lord Iesus Christ thy Sonne, who with thee, and the holy Ghost liueth & raigneth one God, world without end. Amen.


Vidit & approbauit,

Ioan. Floydus Soc. IESV Sacerdos.



Vers. Benedicta sit sancta & indiuidua Trinitas, nunc & semper, & per infinita saecula saeculorū.

℟. Amen. Alleluia.

[Page 118] versus. DOMINE labia mea aperies.

Resp. Et os meum annū ­ciabit laudem tuam.

Vers. Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuā ­dum me festina.

Gloria Patri, & Filio, & Spiritui sancto.

Sicut erat in principio, & nunc, & semper, & in saecula saeculorum. A­men. Alleluia.

[Page 220] A Septuagesima vsque ad Pascha, loco Alleluia, dici­tur, Laus tibi Domine, Rex aeterne gloriae.

OLVX beata Trini­tas,
Et principalis vnitas:
Iam Sol recedit igne­us,
Infunde lumen cordi­bus.

Antiph. Benedicta sit san­cta creatrix, & guberna­trix [Page 222] omniū, sancta & in­diuidua Trinitas, nunc & semper, & per infinita saecula saeculorum.

Vers. Benedicamus Pa­trem & Filium, cum san­cto Spiritu.

Resp. Laudemus & su­perexaltemus eum in sae­cula.


OMnipotens sempiter­ne Deus, qui dedisti famulis tuis, in confessi­one verae fidei, aeternae [Page 124] Trinitatis gloriam ag­noscere, & in potentia maiestatis adorare▪ Vni­tatem: quaesumus, vt e­iusdem fidei firmitate ab omnibus semper munia­mur aduersis. Per Domi­num nostrū Iesum Chri­stum filium tuum, qui tecum viuit & regnat in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.


Vers. Benedicta sit sancta & indiuidua Trinitas, nunc & semper, & per infinita saecula saeculorū.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEVS in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio. Alleluia.

ORTVS refulget Lu­lifer,
Sparsam (que) lucem nun­ciat:
Cadit caligo noctium,
Lux sancta nos illumi­net.

An̄a. Gratias tibi Deus, gratias tibi vera & vna Trinitas, vna & summa Deitas, sancta & vna V­nitas.

Vers. Benedicamus Pa­trem [Page 130] & Filium, cum san­cto Spiritu.

Resp. Laudemus & su­perexaltemus eum, in sae­cula.


OMnipotens sempiter­ne Deus &c.


Vers. Benedicta sit sancta & indiuidua Trinitas, nunc, & semper, & per infinita saecula saeculorū.

Resp. Amen.

[Page 132] Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuā ­dum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

SVmmae Deus clemen­tiae,
Mundi (que) factor machi­nae:
Vnus potentialiter,
Trinus [...]ue personali­ter.

[Page 134] An̄a. Te inuocamus, te laudamus, te adoramus, spes nostra, honor no­ster, libera nos, viuifica nos, Obeata Trinitas.

vers. Benedicamus Pa­trem, & Filium, cum san­cto Spiritu.

Resp. Laudemus & su­perexaltemus eum in sae­cula.


OMnipotens sempiter­ne Deus &c.


Vers. Benedicta sit sancta & indiuidua Trinitas, nunc, & semper, & per infinita saecula saeculorū.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEVS in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers▪ Gloria Patri, & Filio &c. Alleluia.

DA dexteram surgen­tibus,
Exurgat vt mens so­bria,
Flagrans & in laudem Dei,
Grates rependat debi­tas.

An̄a. Charitas Pater est, gratia Filius, communi­catio Spiritus sanctus: verax est Pater, veritas Filius, veritas Spiritus sanctus: Pater, & Filius, [Page 140] & Spiritus sanctus vna substantia est, O beata Trinitas.

Vers. Benedicamus Pa­trem, & Filium cum san­cto Spiritu.

Resp. Laudemus & superexaltemus eum in sae­cula.


OMnipotens sempiter­ne Deus &c.


vers. Bendicta sit sancta [Page 142] & indiuidua Trinitas, nunc, & semper, & per infinita saecula saeculorū.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

TV Trinitatis Vnitas,
Orbem potenter qui regis,
[Page 144] Attende laudum canti­ca,
Quae excubantes psalli­mus.

An̄a. Tibi laus, tibi glo­ria, tibi gratiarum actio in saecula sempiterna: & benedictum nomen glo­riae tuae, sanctum & lau­dabile, & superexaltatū in saecula, O beata Tri­nitas.

Vers. Benedicamus Pa­trem, & Filium, cum sancto Spiritu.

[Page 146] Resp. Laudemus & su­perexaltemus eum in sae­cula.


OMnipotens sempiter­ne Deus &c.


vers. Benedicta sit sancta & indiuidua Trinitas, nunc, & semper, & per infinita saecula saeculorū.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEVS in adiutorium meum intende.

[Page 148] Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

TE manè laudum car­mine,
Te deprecemur vespe­rè:
Me nostra supplex glo­ria,
Per cuncta laudet saecu­la.

An̄a. Te Deum Pa­trem ingenitum, te Fili­um [Page 150] vnigenitum, te Spi­ritum sanctum Paracli­tum, sanctam & indiui­duam Trinitatem, te to­to corde & ore confite­mur, laudamus at (que) be­nedicimus, tibi gloria in saecula.

Vers. Benedicamus Pa­trem, & Filium, cum san­cto Spiritu.

Resp. Laudemus & su­perexaltemus eum in sae­cula.


OMnipotens sempiter­ne Deus, qui dedisti famulis tuis, in confes­sione verae fidei, aeternae Trinitatis gloriam ag­noscere, & in potentia maiestatis adorare Vni­tatem. quaesumus, vt e­iusdem fidei firmitate ab omnibus semper munia­mur aduersis. Per Domi­num nostrū Iesum Chri­stum filium tuum, qui [Page 154] tecum viuit & regnat in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.


Vers. Benedicta sit sancta & indiuidua Trinitas, nunc, & semper, & per infinita saecula saeculorū.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. COnuerte nos Deus salutaris noster.

[Page 156] Resp. Et auerte iram tu­am à nobis.

Vers. Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuā ­dum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

GLORIA tibi Trini­tas
Aequalis, vna Deitas,
Et ante omnia saecula,
Et nunc & in perpetu­um.

[Page 158] An̄a. Gloria Patri qui creauit nos: gloria Filio qui redemit nos: gloria Spiritui sancto qui san­ctificauit nos: gloria summae & indiuiduae Trinitati, Deo nostro in saecula saeculorum.

vers. Benedicamus Pa­trem, & Filium, cum san­cto Spiritu.

Resp. Laudemus & su­perexaltemus eum in sae­cula.


OMnipotens sempiter­ne Deus &c.


HAs horas canonicas, cum deuotione
Dixi, Sancta Trinitas, tui ratione;
Vt sis mihi praesens mor­tis in agone,
Et regnemus iugiter cae­li regione. Amen.



Vers. Blessed be the holy and vndeuided Trinity, now and euer, and world without end

℟. Amen. Alleluia.

[Page 119] Versus. O LORD thou wilt o­pen my lippes.

℟. And my mouth shall shew forth thy prayse.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Father, &c.

Resp. As it was in the begin­ning, both now, & euer, and world without end. Amen. Alleluia.

[Page 121] From Septuagesima to Ea­ster, insteed of Alleluia, is sayd, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of eternall glory.

The Hymne.
O Light, most blessed Trinity,
And eke most perfect V­nity.
Now that the Sunne is out of sight,
Infuse into our harts thy light.

Ant-hymne. Blessed be the holy Creatour, and [Page 123] Gouernour of al things, the holy and vndeuided Trinity, now and euer, world without end.

vers. Let vs blesse the Father, and the Sonne, with the holy Ghost.

Resp. Let vs prayse, and superexalte him for e­uer.

Let vs pray.

ALmighty, and euer­lasting God, which hast graunted to thy ser­uants, in the confession [Page 125] of a true fayth, to ac­knowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of maiesty, to adore the Vnity: we beseech thee, that by the firmenesse of the same faith, we may be alwayes defended from al aduer­sityes. Throgh our Lord Iesus Christ thy Sonne, who liueth and raigneth with thee, God in the v­nity of the holy Ghost, for euer & euer. Amen.


Vers. Blessed be the holy and vndeuided Trinity, now, and euer, world without end.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THE morning starre doth now appeare,
And light's dispersed e­uery where:
Now that the night hath hid her face,
Enlighten vs, with the light of grace.

Antiph. Thankes be to thee, O God, thankes be to thee, O true, and one Trinity, one and suprem deity, holy & one vnity.

Vers. Let vs blesse the [Page 131] Father, and the Sonne, with the holy Ghost

Resp Let vs prayse, and superexalte him for e­uer.

Let vs pray.

ALmighty, and euer­lasting God &c.


Vers. Blessed be the holy and vndeuided Trinity, now and euer, world without end.

Resp. Amen.

[Page 133] Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Father &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
O God most sweet and mercifull,
Who framd'st the world so wonderfull:
One powerful Essence is in thee,
And yet in persons thou [Page 135] art three.

Antiph. We inuocate thee, we prayse thee, we adore thee, our hope, our honor, deliuer vs, quic­ken vs, o B. Trinity.

Vers. Let vs blesse the Father, and the Son, with the holy Ghost.

Resp. Let vs prayse, and superexalte him for e­uer.

Let vs pray.

ALmighty, and euer­lasting God &c.


Vers. Blessed be the ho­ly, and vndeuided Tri­nity, now & euer, world without end.

Resp. Amen.

versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
HElp vs to rise with thy right hand,
That rysen, constant we may stand:
And growing feruent in thy prayse,
Be duly thankfull al our dayes.

Antiph. The Father is Charity, the Son Grace, the holy Ghost Cōmu­nication: the Father is true, the Son truth, the holy Ghost truth: the Fa­ther, [Page 141] Sonne, and the ho­ly Ghost are one truth, O blessed Trinity.

Vers. Let vs blesse the Father, and the Son with the holy Ghost.

Resp. Let vs prayse, and superexalte him for e­uer.

Let vs pray.

ALmighty, and euer­lasting God, &c.


Vers. Blessed be the holy [Page 143] and vndeuided Trinity, now, and euer, world without end.

Resp. Amen.

versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
O Vnity of Trinity,
Which rul'st with powerfull equity:
[Page 145] Whilest we doe watch, and prayse thy name,
Attend with mercy to the same.

Antip. To thee be prayse, to thee be glory, to thee be thankesgiuing for e­uer and euer. And bles­sed be the name of thy glory, holy, and to be praysed, and superexal­ted for euer, o B. Trinity

Vers. Let vs blesse the Father, and the Son with the holy Ghost.

[Page 147] Resp. Let vs prayse, and superexalte him for e­uer.

Let vs pray.

ALmighty, and euer­lasting God, &c.


Vers. Blessed be the ho­ly, and vndeuided Tri­nity, now & euer, world without end.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

[Page 149] Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THe morning let vs prayse thy name,
And euening let vs doe the same:
Let vs with all humili­ty,
Prayse thee for all eter­ty.

Antiph. Thee God the Father vnbegotten, thee [Page 151] the Sonne only begottē, and thee holy Ghost the comforter, the holy and vndeuided Trinity; thee with our whole hart and mouth we cōfesse, prayse and blesse; to thee be glory for euer.

vers. Let vs blesse the Father, and the Son, and the holy Ghost.

Resp. Let vs prayse, and superexalte him for e­ner.

Let vs pray.

ALmighty, and euer­lasting God, which hast graunted to thy ser­uants in the Confession of a true fayth, to ac­knowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of maiesty, to adore the Vnity: we beseech thee, that by the firmenesse of the same faith, we may be alwayes defended from al aduer­sityes. Throgh our Lord [Page 155] Iesus Christ thy Sonne, who liueth and raigneth with thee, God in the v­nity of the holy Ghost, for euer & euer. Amen.


Vers. Blessed be the holy and vndeuided Trinity, now, and euer, world without end.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. COnuert vs, O Lord, our Sauiour.

[Page 157] Resp. And auert thy an­ger from vs.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Father &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
GLORY to thee, O Trinity,
One equal perfect deity,
As was from all antiqui­ty,
Be for all perpetuity.

[Page 159] Antiph. Glory be to the Father, who hath created vs: glory be to the Sonne, who hath re­deemed vs: glory be to the Holy Ghost, who hath sanctifyed vs: glo­ry be to the suprem and vndeuided Trinity, our God for euer and euer.

Vers. Let vs blesse the Father, and the Son, with the holy Ghost.

Resp. Let vs prayse, and superexalte him for e­uer.

Let vs pray.

ALmighty, and euer­lasting God &c.


THese houres canoni­call, O holy Trinity.
I haue rehearsed heer to thy Diuinity,
That thou O Lord assist my last extremity,
And I may raigne with thee for all eternity.



Vers. Spiritus sancti gra­tia illuminet sensus, & corda nostra. ℟. Amen.

versus. DOmine labia mea a­peries.

[Page 164] Resp. Et os meum annū ­ciabit laudem tuam.

Vers. Deus in adiutori­um meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, & Spiritui sancto.

Resp. Sicut erat in prin­cipio, & nunc, & semper & in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Alleluia.

A Septuagesima vsque ad Pascha, loco Alleluia, dici­tur, Laus tibi domine, [Page 266] Rex aeternae gloriae.

NObis sancti Spiritus gratia sit data,
De qua Virgo virginum fuit obumbrata,
Cùm per sanctum An­gelum fuit salutata:
[...]rbum caro factum est Virgo foecundata.

An̄a. Veni sancte Spiri­tus, reple tuorum corda fidelium: & tui amoris in eis ignem accende.

[Page 168] Vers. Emitte Spiritum tuum, & creabuntur.

Resp. Et renouabis faci­terrae.


ADsit nobis quaesu­mus Domine, virtus Spiritus sancti, quae & corda nostra clementer expurget, & ab omni­bus tueatur aduersis. Per dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium tuum, qui tecnm &c.


Vers. Spiritus sancti gra­tia illuminet sensus, & corda nostra. ℟. Amen.

Versus. DEVS in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio. Alleluia.

DE Maria Virgine
Christus fuit natus,
[Page 172] Crucifixus, mortuus, atque tumulatus:
Resurgens discipulis fuit demonstratus,
Et ipsis cernentibus, in Caelis eleuatus.

Ana. Veni Sancte Spiri­tus, reple &c.

vers. Emitte Spiritum tuum & creabuntur.

Resp. Et renouabis faci­em terrae.


ADSIT nobis, quaesu­mus Domine, &c.


Vers. Spiritus sancti gra­tia illuminet sensus, & corda nostra. ℟ Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

SVum sanctum Spiritū Deus delegauit,
[Page 176] In die Pentecostes Apo­stolos confortauit,
Et de linguis igneis ip­sos inflammauit;
Relinquere Orphanos eos denegauit.

An̄a. Venii sancte Spiri­tus, reple &c.

vers. Emitte Spiritum tuum, & creabuntur.

Resp. Et renouabis faci­em terrae.


ADSIT nobis, quaesu­mus Domine, &c.


Spiritus sancti gra­tia illuminet sensus, & corda nostra. ℟. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, &c. Alleluia.

SEptiformem gratiam tunc acceptauerunt;
[Page 180] Quare idiomata cuncta cognouerunt:
Ad diuersa climata mū ­di recesserunt,
Et fidem Catholicam tunc praedicauerunt.

An̄a. Veni sancte Spiri­tus, reple &c.

Vers. Emitte Spiritum tuum & creabuntur.

Resp. Et renouabis faci­em terrae.


ADSIT nobis quaesu­mus Domine &c.


Vers. Spiritus sancti gra­tia illuminet sensus, & corda nostra ℟. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuā ­dum me festina.

Vers Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

SPiritus paraclitus fuit appellatus.
[Page 184] Donum Dei, charitas, fons viuificatus,
Spiritalis Vnctio, ignis inflammatus,
Septiformis gratia, cha­risma vocatus.

An̄a. Veni Sancte Spiri­tus repl [...] &c.

Vers. Emitte Spiritum tuum, & creabuntur.

Resp. Et renouabis faciē terrae.


ADSIT nobis, quaesu­mus Domine &c.


Vers. Spiritus sancti gra­tia illuminet sensus, & corda nostra. ℟. Amen.

versus. DEVS in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

DExtrae Dei digitus, virtus spiritalis,
[Page 188] Nos defendat, eruat ab omnibus malis:
Vt nobis non noceat dae­mon infernalis.
Protegat, & nutriat, fo­ueat sub alis.

Ana. Veni sancte Spiri­tus, reple tuorum corda fidelium: & tui amoris in eis ignem accende.

vers. Emitte Spiritum tuum & creabuntur.

Resp Et renouabis faci­em terrae.


ADsit nobis quaesu­mus Domine, virtus Spiritus sancti, quae & corda nostra clementer expurget, & ab omni­bus tueatur aduersis. Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium tuum, qui tecum &c.


Vers. Spiritus sancti gra­tia illuminet sensus, & corda nostra.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. COnuerte nos Deus salutaris noster.

Resp Et auerte iram tu­am à nobis

vers. Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

SPiritus paraclitus nos velit iuuare,
Gressus nostros regere, [Page 194] & illuminare:
Vt cùm Deus venerit omnes indicare,
Nos velit ad dexteram▪ suam appellare.

Ana. Veni Sancte Spiri­tus, reple &c.

vers. Emitte Spiritum tuum & creabuntur.

Resp. Et renouabis faci­em terrae.


ADSIT nobis, quaesu­mus Domine, &c.


HAS Horas canonicas cum deuotione,
Tibi sancte Spiritus, pia [...] ratione
Dixi, vt nos visites in­spiratione,
Et viuamus iugiter cael [...] regione:



Vers. The grace of the holy Ghost enlightē our our senses and harts.

℟. Amen.

Versus. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.

[Page 165] ℟. And my mouth shal shew forth thy prayse.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, & to the Son &c.

Resp. At it was in the be­ginning, both now and euer, and world without end. Amen. Alleluia.

From Septuagesima to Ea­ster, insteed of Alleluia, is sayd, Praise be to thee O [Page 267] Lord, King of eternall glory.

The Hymne.
THY holy spirit grant to vs, O Lord,
By which the virgin did conceaue the Word.
When Gabriel with his message to her came,
God became man, and she cōceau'd the same

Antiph. Come, O holy Spirit, replenish the hartes of thy faythfull, & enkindle in them the fire of thy loue.

[Page 169] Vers. Send forth thy spi­rit, and they shalbe cre­ated.

℟. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord, that the power of the holy Ghost may be present with vs, which may mercifully purge our harts, and de­fend vs from all aduersi­tyes, through our Lord Iesus Christ thy Son &c.


vers. The grace of the holy Ghost enlightē our senses & harts.

℟. Amen.

Versus. O God incline to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THE body which to christ the virgin gaue
[Page 173] Dead on the Crosse, was buryed in the graue.
Rysing againe to his dis­ciples eyes,
He shews himselfe, & so to heauen flyes.

Antiph. Come o holy Spi­rit, replenish &c.

℣. Send forth thy spirit, & they shalbe created.

℟. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord &c.


vers. The grace of the Holy Ghost enlighten our senses and harts.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
ALmighty God, sen­ding the holy Ghost,
[Page 177] Strengthned the Apostls at the Pentecost.
Enflamed them with clouen tongues of fire,
Left them not orphans, such was his desire.

Antiph. Come o holy Spirit, replenish &c.

℣. Send forth thy Spirit, & they shalbe created.

℟. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord &c.


Vers. The grace of the holy Ghost enlightē our senses & harts.

℟ Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THen they al receau'd the seauenfold grace,
[Page 181] And vnderstood the tō ­gues of euery place.
Then to the corners of the earth they reached
And all the world tho­roughout, the Ghos­pell preached.

Antiph Come o holy Spi­rit, replenish &c.

℣. Send forth thy spirit, & they shalbe created▪

℟. And thou shalt. &c.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord &c.


Vers. The grace of the holy Ghost enlightē our senses and harts.

℟. Amē

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Father &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THe spirit he was cal­led comfort giuing.
[Page 185] Guift of God, charity, and fountaine liuing.
Vnction of the spirit, fire enflamed.
Seauenfold grace, free gift: so was he named.

Antiph. Come o holy Spi­rit, replenish &c.

℣. Send forth thy Spirit, and they shalbe created

And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord &c.


Vers. The grace of the holy Ghost enlightē our our senses and harts.

℟. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
FIngar of Gods right hand, power of the [Page 189] spirit:
Defend and saue vs from all ill demerit.
That by the fiend of hel we may not perish,
Vnder thy wings protect vs still, and cherish.

Antiph. Come o holy Spi­rit, replenish the harts of thy faythfull, and en­kindle in them &c.

v. Send forth thy spirit, and they shalbe created.

Resp. And thou shalt re­new the face of the earth

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord, that the power of the holy Ghost may be present with vs, which may mercifully purge our harts, and de­fend vs from all aduer­sityes, throgh our Lord Iesus Christ thy Son &c.


Vers. The grace of the holy Ghost enlightē our senses and harts.

[Page 193] Resp. Amen.

Versus. COnuert vs. O Lord, our Sauiour.

Resp. And auert thy an­ger from vs.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
SPirit of comfort help vs with thy grace,
Direct our steps, shew vs [Page 195] thy shinning face,
That when God comes to iudge both great and small,
To his right hand he vs with mercy call.

Antiph. Come o holy Spi­rit, replenish &c.

℣. Send forth thy spirit, & they shalbe created.

℟. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord &c.


THese houres, o holy spirit, of deuotion
I haue rehearsed to thee by pious motion:
That we in heauē, grant vs thy inspiration,
Euer with thee may mak our habitation.



vers. Sit nomen domini benedictum in saecula.

Resp. Amen.

Versus▪ DOmine labia mea a­peries.

Resp. Et os meum annū ­ciabit [Page 200] laudem tuam.

vers. Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine adiu­uandum me festina.

vers▪ Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, & [...]piritui sancto.

Resp. Sicut erat in prin­cipio, & [...], & sem­per, & in saecula saeculo­rum. Amen. Alleluia.

A Septuagesima vsque ad Pascha, loco Alleluia, dici­tur, Laus tibi domine, Rex aeternae gloriae.

IESV dulcis memo­ria,
Dans vera Cordi Gau­dia,
Sed super mel, & om­nia,
Eius dulcis praesentia.

An̄a. Humiliauit semet­ipsum Dominus Iesus, factus obediens vsque ad mortem, mortem autem Crucis: propter quod & Deus exaltauit illum & [Page 204] donauit illi nomē, quod est super omne nomen, vt in nomine Iesu omne genu flectatur, caelestiū, terrestrium, & inferno­rum.

Vers. Omnis terra ado­ret te Deus, & psallat tibi.

Resp Psalmum dicat No­mini tuo, Domine Iesu.


DEus qui gloriosissi­mum Nomen Domi­ni nostri Iesu Christi v­nigeniti Filij tui fecisti fidelibus tuis sūmo sua­uitatis affectu amabile, & malignis Spiritibus tremendum atque terri­bile: concede propitius, vt omnes qui hoc No­men Iesu deuotè vene­rantur in terris, sanctae consolationis dulcedinē in praesenti percipiant, [Page 208] & in futuro gaudiū ex­ultationis & intermina­bilis iubilationis obtine­ant. Per eumdem Do­minum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium tuum, qui &c.


Vers Sit Nomen Domi­ni benedictum in saecu­la.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

[Page 210] Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

NIL canitur suaui­us,
Auditur nil iucundius,
Nil cogitatur dulcius,
Quàm Iesus Dei Fili­us.

An̄a. Humiliauit semer­ipsum Dominus Iesus &c.

[Page 212] Vers. Omnis terra adoret te Deus, & psallat ti­bi.

Resp. Psalmum dicat no­mini tuo, Domine Ie­su.


DEus qui gloriosissi­mum Nomen Do­mini nostri Iesu &c.


Vers. Sit Nomen Domi­ni benedictum in saecu­la.

[Page 214] Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

IESV spes poenitenti­bus,
Quàm pius es petenti­bus!
Quàm bonus te quaerē ­tibus!
[Page 216] Sed quid inuenienti­bus?

An̄a. Humiliauit semet­ipsū Dominus Iesus &c.

vers. Omnis terra ado­ret te Deus, & psallat tibi.

Resp. Psalmum dicat No­mini tuo, Domine Iesu.


DEus qui gloriosissi­mum Nomen Domi­ni nostri Iesu Christi, v­nigeni Filij tui &c.


vers. Sit Nomen Domi­ni benedictum in saecu­la.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEVS in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio. Alleluia.

IESV dulcedo cordi­um,
[Page 220] Fons viuus, lumen mē ­tium,
Excedens omne gaudi­um,
Et omne desiderium.

An̄a. Humiliauit semet­ipsum Dominus Iesus &c.

Vers. Omnis terra ado­ret te Deus, & psallat tibi.

Resp Psalmum dicat No­mini tuo, Domine Ie­su.


DEus qui gloriosissi­mum Nomen Do­mini nostri Iesu &c.


Vers. Sit Nomen Domi­ni benedictum in saecula.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus i [...] adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuā ­dum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio [Page 224] &c. Alleluia.

[...] lingua valet di­ [...]
[...] patest erede­ [...].
[...] Iesum dilige­ [...].

[...] [...]miliauit semep­ [...]psu Dominus Iesus &c.

vers. Omnis terra ado­ret te Deus, & psallat tibi.

[Page 226] Resp. Psalmum dicat No­mini tuo, Domine Ie­su.


DEus qui gloriosissi­mum Nomen Domi­ni nostri Iesu &c.


Vers. Sit Nomen Domi­ni benedictum in saecu­la.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

[Page 228] Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

IESV Rex admirabi­lis,
Et Triumphator nobi­lis,
Dulcedo inessabilis,
Totus desiderabilis.

An̄a. Humiliauit semet­ipsum Dominus Iesus, [Page 230] factus obediens vsque ad mortem, mortem autem Crucis: propter quod & Deus exaltauit illum & donauit illi nomē, quod est super omne Nomen, vt in nomine Iesu omne genu flectatur, caelestiū, terrestrium, & inferno­rum.

Vers. Omnis terra ado­ret te Deus, & psallat tibi.

[Page 232] Resp▪ Psalmum dicat No­mini tuo▪ Domine Iesu.


DEus qui gloriosissi­mum Nomen Domi­ni nostri Iesu Christi v­nigeniti Filij tui fecisti fidelibus tuis sūmo [...]ua­uitatis affectu amabile, & malignis Spiritibus tremendum atque terri­bile: concede propitius, vt omnes qui hoc No­men Iesu deuotè vene­rantur [Page 234] in terris, sanctae consolationis dulcedinē in praesenti percipiant, & in futuro gaudiū ex­ultationis, & intermina­bilis iubilationis obtine­ant. Per eumdem Do­minum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium tuum, qui &c.


Vers. Sit Nomen Domi­ni benedictum in saecu­la.

Resp. Amen.

[Page 236] Versus. COnuerte nos Deus salutaris noster.

Resp▪ Et auerte i [...]am tu­am à nobis

vers. Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

MANE nobiscum Domine,
Et nos illustra lumine,
[Page 238] Pulsa mentis caligine,
Mundum replens dulce­dine.

An̄a. Humiliauit semet­ipsū Dominus Iesus &c.

vers. Omnis terra ado­ret te Deus, & psallat tibi.

Resp. Psalmum dicat No­mini tuo, Domine Iesu.


DEus qui gloriosissi­mum Nomen Do­mini nostri Iesu &c.


HAS Horas canonicas cum deuotione,
Dixi, pie Iesu, tui ra­tione.
Vt sis memor mei mor­tis in agone,
Tecum & congaudeam caeli regione. Amen.



Vers. Let the Name of our Lord be blessed for euer

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.

℟. And my mouth shall [Page 201] shew forth thy prayse.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, & to the Son &c.

Resp. At it was in the be­ginning, both now and euer, and world without end. Amen. Alleluia.

From Septuagesima to Ea­ster, insteed of Alleluia, is sayd, Praise be to thee O Lord K. of eternal glory.

The Hymne.
Sweet is the memory of Blessed Iesus,
Which when our hartes are sad, with ioy doth ease vs.
But if in presence with our soules he meete,
Then is he, than al swee­test things, more sweet.

Antiph. Our Lord Iesus hath humbled himselfe, being made obedient euen to death, yea the death of the Crosse; for [Page 205] the which God also hath exalted him, and hath giuen him a name, that is aboue euery Name, that in the Name of Ie­sus euery knee may bow, of those that are in hea­uen, vpon the earth, and vnder the earth.

vers. Let all the earth a­adore thee, O God, & let it sing vnto thee.

Resp Let it say a Psalme to thy name, O Lord Iesus.

Let vs pray.

O God who hast made the most Glorious name of thy only begot­ten Sonne our Lord Ie­sus christ amiable to thy faythfull, with a most great affection of sweet­nes; and dreadfull and terrible to the malignāt spirits: graunt fauoura­bly that all [...] deuout­ly reuerence this Name of Iesus vpon earth, may for the present receaue [Page 209] the sweetnes of holy cō ­solation, & in the world to come may obtain the ioy of exultation, & ne­uer-ending iubilation. Throgh the same Lord Iesus Christ thy Son &c.


Vers. Let the Name of our Lord be blessed for euer.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

[Page 211] Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
NOthing more cōfor­table is to sing,
Or with more pleasure in the eare doth ring,
Nothing more sweet, that we should think of, rather
Thē Iesus Christ the son of God the Father.

Antiph. Our Lord Iesus [Page 213] hath humbled &c.

Vers. Let all the earth adore thee, O God, and let it sing vnto thee.

Resp. Let it say a psalme to thy name, O Lord Iesus.

Let vs pray.

O God who hast made the most glorious Name of thy Son &c.


vers. Let the Name of our Lord be blessed for [Page 215] euer.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
IEsu the hope of peni­tents that be,
How mild art thou to them that sue to thee!
How good art thou to them that seek about.
[Page 217] To find thee! what to them that find thee out!

Antiph. Our Lord Iesus hath humbled &c.

Vers. Let all the earth a­dore thee, O God, and let it sing vnto thee.

Resp. Let it say a Psalme to thy name, O Lord Iesus.

Let vs pray.

O God who hast made the most glorious Name of thy &c.


Vers. Let the Name of our Lord be blessed for euer.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Father &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
IESV in thee, our hart all sweetnes findes.
[Page 221] Fountain of life & grace, light of our mindes,
Excesse of all contente­ment is in thee,
And of all ioyes, that may desired be.

Antiph. Our Lord Iesus hath humbled &c.

vers. Let all the earth adore thee, O God, and let it sing vnto thee.

Resp. Let it say a Psalme to thy name, O Lord Iesus.

Let vs pray.

O God who hast made the most glorious Name of thy Sonne &c.


vers. Let the Name of our Lord be blessed for euer.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther [Page 225] &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
NO tongue is able to declare,
Writings and books too short they are:
Only he, that doth it proue,
Knowes what it is Iesus to loue.

Antiph. Our Lord Iesus hath humbled &c.

Vers. Let all the earth adore thee, O God, and let it sing vnto thee.

[Page 227] Resp. Let it say a Psalme to thy name, O Lord Iesus.

Let vs pray.

O God who hast made the most glorious Name of thy &c.


vers. Let the Name of our Lord be blessed for euer.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

[Page 229] Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
IESV thou art our ad­mirable King,
Whose noble triumphs al the world doth sing.
Iesu thy sweetnes cannot be exprest,
Thou wholy art to be desir'd and blest.

Antiph. Our Lord Iesus hath humbled himselfe, [Page 231] being made obedient euen to death, yea the death of the Crosse: for the which God also hath exalted him, and hath giuen him a Name, that is aboue euery Name; that in the Name of Ie­sus euery knee may bow, of those that are in hea­uen, vpon the earth, and vnder the earth.

vers. Let all the earth a­dore thee, O God, & let it sing vnto thee.

[Page 233] Resp. Let it say a Psalme to thy name, O Lord Iesus.

Let vs pray.

O God who hast made the most Glorious name of thy only begot­ten Sonne our Lord Ie­sus christ amiable to thy faythfull, with a most great affection of sweet­nes; and dreadfull and terrible to the malignāt spirits: graunt fauoura­bly, that al who deuout­ly [Page 235] reuerence this Name of Iesus vpon earth, may for the present receaue the sweetnes of holy cō ­solation, & in the world to come may obtain the ioy of exultation, & ne­uer-ending iubilation. Throgh the same Lord Iesus Christ thy Son &c.


Vers. Let the Name of our Lord be blessed for euer.

Resp. Amen.

[Page 237] Versus. COnuert vs, O Lord, our Sauiour.

Resp. And auert thy an­ger from vs.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
O Lord from vs ne­uer depart:
Enlightē with thy light [Page 239] our hart.
Expell the darknes of our mind,
In whom the world doth sweetnes find.

Antiph. Our Lord Iesus hath humbled &c.

vers. Let all the earth a­dore thee, O God &c.

Resp. Let it say a psalme to thy Name &c.

Let vs pray.

O God who hast made the most glorious Name of thy &c.


THese houres canoni­cal with hart affected
To thee, Sweet Iesus, I haue now directed▪
Be mindful of me in my last extremity,
That I may raigne with thee for all eternity.



vers. Angelis suis Deus mandauit de te, vt cu­stodiant te in omnibus vijs tuis.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. [Page 244] DOmine labia mea a­peries.

Resp. Et os meum annū ­c [...]abit laudem tuam.

vers. Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, & Spiritui sancto.

Resp. Sicut erat in prin­cipio, & nunc, & sem­per, & in saecula saeculo­rum. Amen. Alleluia.

A Septuagesima vsque ad [Page 246] Pascha, loco Alleluia, dici­tur, Laus tibi domine Rex aeternae gloriae.

CVstodes hominum psallimus Angelos
Naturae fragili quos Pa­ter addidit
Caelestis comites, insidi­antibus
Ne succumberet Hosti­bus.

An̄a. Sancti Angeli Cu­stodes nostri, defendite [Page 248] nos in proelio, vt non pereanius in tremendo iudicio.

vers. In conspectu An­gelorum psallam tibi Deus meus.

Resp. Adorabo ad tem­plum sanctum tuum, & conf [...]bor nominituo.


DLus qui ineffabili prouidentia sanctos

Angelos tuos ad nostrā custodiā mittere digna­ris: largire supplicibus [Page 250] & eorum semper prote­ctione defendi, & aeter­na societate gaudere. Per Dominum nostrum Iesu Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum viuit &c.


Vers. Angelis suis Deus mandauit de te, vt custo­diant te in omnibus vijs tuis.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEVS in adiutorium meum intende.

[Page 250] [...] [Page 252] Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio. Alleluia.

NAM quòd corrue­rit Proditor Ange­lus,
Concessis meritò pulsus honoribus:
Ardens inuidia, pellere nititur
Quos caelo Deus aduo­cat.

[Page 254] Ana. Sancti Angeli Cu­stodes nostri &c.

vers. In conspectu An­gelorum psallam tibi Deus meus.

Resp. Adorabo ad tem­plum sanctū tuum, & confitebor nominituo.


DEus qui ineffabili prouidentia &c.


vers. Angelis suis Deus mandauit de te, vt custo­diant [Page 256] te in omnibus vijs tuis.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuā ­dum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

HVC Custos igitur peruigil aduola,
Auertens patria de tibi credita,
Tam morbos animi, [Page 258] quàm requiescere
Quidquid non sinit in­colas.

An̄a. Sancti Angeli Cu­stodes nostri &c.

vers. In conspectu An­gelorum psallam tibi Deus meus.

Vers. Adorabo ad tem­plum sanctū tuum, & confitebor nominituo.


DEVS qui ineffabili prouidentia sanctos

Angelos tuos &c.


Vers. Angelis suis Deus▪ mandauit de te, vt custo­diam te in omnibus vijs tuis.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

CHRISTE Sancto­rum decus Angelo­rum,
[Page 262] Rector humani generis & auctor,
Nobis aeternum tribue benignus
Scandere caelum.

An̄a. Sancti Angeli Cu­stodes nostri &c.

Vers. In conspectu An­gelorum psallam tibi Deus meus.

Resp. Adorabo ad tem­plum sanctū tuum, & confitebor nomini tuo.


DEVS qui ineffabil [...] prouidentia &c.


vers. Angelis suis Deus mandauit de te, vt custo­diant te in omnibus viji tuis.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina▪

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

ANgelum pacis Mi­chael ad istam
Caelitus mitti rogitamus aulam,
Nobis vt crebrò veni­ente crescant
Prospera cuncta.

An̄a. Sancti Angeli Cu­stodes nostri &c.

Vers. In conspectu An­gelorum psallam tibi Deus meus.

Resp. Adorabo ad tem­plum [Page 268] sanctū tuum, & confitebor nomini tuo.


DEVS qui ineffabili prouidentia sanctos Angelos tuos &c.


Vers. Angelis suis Deus mandauit de te, vt custo­diant te in omnibus vijs tuis.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

[Page 270] Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

ANgelus fortis Ga­briel, vt hostem
Pellat antiquum, volitet ab alto,
Saepiùs templum veni­ens ad istud
Visere nostrum.

An̄a. Sancti Angeli Cu­stodes nostri, defendite [Page 272] nos in proelio, vt non pereamus in tremendo iudicio.

vers. In conspectu An­gelorum psallam tibi Deus meus.

Resp. Adorabo ad tem­plum sanctum tuum, & confitebor nomini tuo.


DEus qui ineffabili prouidentia sanctos Angelos tuos ad nostrā custodiā mittere digna­ris: largire supplicibꝰ tuis [Page 274] & eorum semper prote­ctione defendi, & aeter­na societate gaudere. Per Dominum nostrum Iesū Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum viuit &c.


Vers. Angelis suis Deus mandauit de te, vt custo­diant te in omnibus vijs tuis.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. COnuerte nos Deus salutaris noster.

[Page 276] Resp Et auerte iram tu­am à nobis

Resp Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

ANgelum nobis me­dicum salutis
Mitte de caelis Raphael, vt omnes
Sanet aegrotos, pariter (que) [Page 278] nostros
Dirigat actus.

Ana. Sancti Angeli Cu­stodes nostri &c.

vers. In conspectu An­gelorum psallam tibi Deus meus.

Resp. Adorabo ad tem­plum sanctū tuum &c.


DEus qui ineffabili prouidentia &c.


HAS Horas canonicas cum deuotione
[Page 280] Dixi Custos Angele, tui ratione:
Precor, me custodias mortis in agone,
Et praesens me deducas caeli regione.
ANgele Dei, qui cu­stos es mei,
Me tibi commissum pie­tate suprema,
Hodie illumina, custodi, rege, guberna.




Vers. God hath giuen his Angels charge of thee, that they keep thee in al thy wayes.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. [Page 245] O Lord thou wilt open my lips.

℟. And my mouth shall shew forth thy prayse.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, & to the Son &c.

Resp. At it was in the be­ginning, both now and euer, and world without end. Amen. Alleluia.

From Septuagesima to Ea­ster, [Page 247] insteed of Alleluia, is sayd, Praise be to thee, o lord K. of eternal glory.

The Hymne.
VVE sing of Angells Guardians of mā ­kind,
Whom God our heauē ­ly Father hath assign'd
For our assistance, least the mortall foe,
Our soules by craft and malice ouerthrow.

Antiph. O holy Angells our Guardians, defend [Page 249] vs in the combat, that we do not perish in the dreadfull iudgment.

Vers. In the sight of the Angel, I will sing vn­to thee, O my God▪

Resp. I will adore at thy holy temple, & I will confesse to thy name.

Let vs pray.

O God who by thy vn­speakable prouidēce vouchafest to send the holy Angels for our cu­stody, graunt to thy hū ­ble [Page 251] suiters both to be al­wayes defended by their protection, and to enioy their euerlasting society: through our Lord Iesus Christ thy Sonne &c.


vers. God hath giuen his Angells charge of thee, that they keep thee in all thy wayes.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

[Page 251] [...] [Page 253] Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Father &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THe traiterous Angell seeing himselfe de­stroy'd,
Falne from the honour which he once enioyd,
Enflam'd with Enuy striues to dispossesse
Of heauēly ioyes whom God hath chosen to blesse.

[Page 255] Antiph. O holy Angells our Guardians &c.

Oers. In the sight of the Angels I will sing vn­to thee, o my God.

Resp. I will adore at thy holy temple, & I will confesse to thy name.

Let vs pray.

O God who by thy vn­speakeable &c.


Vers. God hath giuen his Angells charge of thee, [Page 257] that they keep thee in al thy wayes.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
O Yee our Watchfull Guardians stil attēd,
And euer from al harme your Charge defend.
Keep both our soules & [Page 259] bodyes from annoy,
Who your so firme pro­tection do enioy.

Antiph. O holy Angells our Guardians &c.

Vers. In the sight of the Angels I wil sing vn­to thee, o my God.

Resp. I will adore at thy holy temple, & I will confesse to thy name.

Let vs pray.

O God who by thy vn­speakable prouiden­ce vouchsafest &c.


vers. God hath giuen his Angels charge of thee, that they keep thee in al thy wayes.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
O Christ in whome, Angells their glory [Page 263] findes,
Gouernour & Creatour of mankind:
This fauourable grace to vs extend,
That we may to th' eter­nall heauen ascend.

Antiph. O holy Angells our Guardians &c.

Vers. In the sight of the Angels I wil sing vn­to thee, o my God.

Resp. I will adore at thy holy temple, & I will confesse to thy name.

Let vs pray.

O God who by thy vn­speakeable &c.


Vers. God hath giuen his Angells charge of thee, that they keep thee in al thy wayes.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
SEnd downe from hea­uen, the Angell
Of peace, the great Saint Michael,
That comming often at our need,
All thinges may prosp­rously succeed.

Antiph. O holy Angells our Guardians &c.

Vers. In the sight of the Angels I wil sing vn­to thee, o my God.

Resp. I will adore at thy [Page 269] holy temple, & I will confesse to thy name.

Let vs pray.

O God who by thy vn­speakable prouiden­ce vouchsafest &c.


vers. God hath giuen his Angels charge of thee, that they keep thee in al thy wayes.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

[Page 271] Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
LET Gabriell the An­gell strong,
Defend & saue vs from all wrong.
And visiting vs frequēt­ly,
Defend vs from our e­nemy.

Antiph. O holy Angells our Guardians, defend [Page 273] vs in the combat, that we do not perish in the dreadfull iudgment.

Vers. In the sight of the Angel, I will sing vn­to thee, O my God.

Resp. I will adore at thy holy temple, & I will confesse to thy name.

Let vs pray.

O God who by thy vn­speakable prouidēce vouchafest to send the holy Angels for our cu­stody, graunt to thy hū ­ble [Page 275] suiters both to be al­wayes defended by their protection, and to enioy their euerlasting society: through our Lord Iesus Christ thy Sonne &c.


vers. God hath giuen his Angells charge of thee, that they keep thee in all thy wayes.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. COnuert vs, O Lord, our Sauiour.

[Page 277] Resp. And auert thy an­ger from vs.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
COME also Raphael the diuine
Angell of God, the me­dicine:
By whome our soules, that are infected,
[Page 279] May healed be, our deeds directed.

Antiph. O holy Angells our Guardians &c.

Vers. In the sight of the Angels I will sing vn­to thee, o my God.

Resp. I will adore at thy holy temple, &c.

Let vs pray.

O God who by thy vnspeakeable &c.


THese hours, o Angel guardian, for thy sake
[Page 281] I haue rehearsed: them with fauour take.
Protect me in the dan­gerous agony
Of death, and bring me to felicity.
O Angell of God, My keeper who art,
Committed vnto thee By the diuine part,
Defend me this day, Enlighten my hart.




vers. Panem Angelorū manducauit homo, & paratur ei mensa Domi­ni.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. [Page 284] DOmine labia mea a­peries.

Resp. Et os meum annū ­ciabit laudem tuam.

vers. Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad ad [...] ­uandum me festin.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, & Spiritui sancto.

Resp. Sicut erat in prin­cipio, & nunc, & sem­per, & in saecula saeculo­rum. Amen. Alleluia.

A Septuagesima vsque ad [Page 286] Pascha, loco Alleluia, dici­tur, [...] tibi domine, Rex aeternae gloriae.

PANGE Lingua glo­riosi
Corporis mystrium,
Sanguinis (que) pretiosi,
Quem in mundi preti­um,
Fructus ventris genero­si,
Rex effudit Gentium.

[Page 288] Ana. O quàm suauis est Domine spiritus ruus, qui vt dulcedinem tuam [...] filios demonstrares, [...]ne suauissimo de caelo [...] esurientes reples [...] fastidiosos diuites [...] inanes.

Vers. Panem de caelo prae­stitieis Domine.

Resp Omne delectamen­tum in se habentem.


DEus qui nobis sub Sacramento mirabi­li, Passionis tuae memo­riam reliquisti: tribue quaesumus, ita nos Cor­poris & Sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, vt redemptionis tuae fru­ctum in nobis iugiter sē ­tiamus. Qui viuis & re­gnas cum Deo Patre in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.


Vers. Panem Angelorū manducauit homo, & paratur ei mensa Domi­ni.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiuuā ­dum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

NObis datus, nobis natus
[Page 294] Ex intacta Virgine,
Et in mundo conuersa­tus
Sparso verbi semine;
Sui moras incolatus,
Miro clausit ordine.

An̄a. O quàm suauis est Domine spiritus &c.

Vers. Panem de Caelo praestitisti eis Domi­ne.

Resp. Omne delecta­mentum in se haben­tem.


DEus qui nobis sub Sacramento &c.


vers. Panem Angelorū manducauit homo, & paratur ei mensa Domi­ni

℟. Amen.

DEvs in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio. Alleluia.

IN supremae nocte coe­nae
Recumbens cum fratri­bus,
Obseruata lege plenè
Cibis in legalibus,
Cibum turbae duodenae
Se dat suis manibus.

Ana. O quàm suauis est Dominus spiritus tuus, qui vt dulcedinem tuam in filios demonstrares, pane suauissimo &c.

[Page 300] Vers. Panem de Caelo praestitisti eis Domi­ne.

Resp. Omne delectamen­tum in se habentem.


DEvs qui nobis sub Sacramento &c.


Vers. Panem Angelorū manducauit homo, & paratur ei mensa Domi­ni.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. [Page 302] DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

VErbum caro panem verum
Verbo carnem efficit:
Fit [...]ue sanguis Christi merum,
Et si sensus deficit:
[Page 304] Ad firmandum cor sin­cerum
Sola fides sufficit.

An̄a. O quàm suauis est Domine spiritus tuus, qui vt dulcedinem tuam in filios &c.

Vers. Panem de caelo prae­stiti eis Domine.

Resp. Omne delectamen­tum se habentem.


DEus qui nobis sub Sacramento &c.


Vers. Panem Angelorū manducauit homo, & paratur ei mensa Domi­ni.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c.

PANIS Angelicus
Fit panis hominum;
[Page 308] Dat panis caelicus
Figuris terminum.
O rex mirabilis!
Manducat Dominum
Pauper, seruus, & humi­lis.

An̄a. O quàm suauis est Domine spiritus tuus, qui vt dulcedinem tuam in filios &c.

Vers. Panem de caelo praestitisti eis Domi­ne.

Resp. Omne delectamē ­tum in se habentem.


DEvs qui nobis sub Sacramento &c.


Vers. Panem Angelorum manducauit homo, & paratur ei mensa Domi­ni.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio [Page 312] &c. Alleluia.

TAntum ergo Sacra­mentum
Veneremur cernui:
Et antiquum documen­tum
Nouo cedat ritui:
Praestet fides supplemē ­tum
Sensuum defectui.

An̄a. O sacrum conuiui­um, in quo Christus su­mitur: [Page 314] recolitur memo­ria passionis eius, mens impletur gratia; & futu­rae gloriae nobis pignus datur.

Vers. Panem de caelo prae­stiti eis Domine.

Resp Omne delectamen­tum in se habentem.


DEus qui nobis sub Sacramento mirabi­li, Passionis tuae memo­riam [Page 316] reliquisti: tribue quaesumus, ita nos Cor­poris & Sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, vt redemptionistuae fru­ctum in nobis iugiter sē ­tiamus. Qui viuis & re­gnas cum Deo Patre in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.


Vers. Panem Angelorum manducauit homo, & [Page 318] paratur ei mensa Domi­ni.


Versus. COnuerte nos Deus salutaris noster.

Resp Et au [...]rte iram tu­am à nobis

vers. Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

GEnitori, Genito [...]ue
Laus & iubilatio:
[Page 322] [...] [Page 318] [...] [Page 320] Salus, Honor, Virtus quoque
Sit & benedictio:
Procedenti ab vtroque Compar sit laudatio.

An̄a. O quàm suauis est Domine spiritus tuus, qui vt dulcedinem tuam in filios demonstrares, pane suauissimo de caelo praestito esurientes reples bonis, fastidiosos &c.

vers. Panem de Caelo praestitisti eis Domi­ne.

[Page 322] Resp. Omne delectamē ­tum in se habentem


DEvs qui nobis sub Sacramento &c.


HAs Horas canoni­cas cum deuotione
Dixi, in memoria tui, Iesu bone,
Corporis sanctissimi, pia ratione:
Fac vt illo perfruar cae­li regione. Amen.



Vers. Man hath eaten the [...]read of Angels, and the table of our Lord is pre­pard for him.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. [Page 285] O Lord thou wilt open my lips.

And my mouth shall shew forth thy prayse

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, & to the Son &c.

Resp. At it was in the be­ginning, both now and euer, and world without end. Amen. Alleluia.

From Septuages [...]ma to Ea­ster, [Page 287] insteed of Alleluia, is sayd, Praise be to thee, o lord K. of eternal glory

The Hymne.
SIng thou my tong with accent cleere▪
The glorious b [...] mystery,
And of those dro [...] bloud most deare
By which he let the lost-world free.
Whome the most noble wombe did beare,
To whome all Nations [Page 289] subiect be.

Antiph. O how sweet, O Lord is thy spirit, who that thou mightst shew thy sweetnes towardes thy children, by most sweet bread sent frō hea­uē, fillest the hūgry with good things, sending the fastidious rich empty a­way.

vers. Thou hast giuen them bread &c.

Resp Hauing all delight­fullnes within it.

Let vs pray.

O God who vnder an admirable Sacramēt hast left vnto vs the me­mory of thy Passion, grant vs we beseech thee so to reuerēce the sacred mysteryes of thy body, and bloud, that we may continually feele in our selues the fruite of thy redemption: who liuest and raignest with God the Father in the vnity of the holy Ghost &c.


Vers. Man hath eaten the bread of Angells, and the table of our Lord is prepared for him.

℟. Amen.

vers. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Father &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
HE giuen for vs, born for our sakes,
[Page 295] A pure mayde for his Mother chose:
He in the World his dwelling makes,
And heer his seed of do­ctrine sowes:
This stay, when he the earth forsakes,
He doth with wondrous order close.

Antiph. O how sweet O Lord &c.

Vers. Thou hast giuen them bread &c.

Resp. Hauing all &c.

Let vs pray.

O God who vnder an admirable &c.


Vers. Man hath eaten the bread of Angels, and the table of our Lord is pre­pared for him.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
AT his last supper made by night
He with his brethren takes his seate,
And hauing kept the auncient rite,
Vsing the lawes prescri­bed meate,
His twelue discipls doth inuite
From his owne handes himselfe to eate.

Antiph. O how sweet, O Lord, is thy &c.

[Page 301] Vers. Thou hast giuen them bread from hea­uen, o Lord.

Resp. Hauing al delight­fullnes within in.

Let vs pray.

O God who vnder an admirable &c.


vers. Man hath eaten the bread of Angells, and the table of our Lord is prepared for him.

Resp. Amen.

Versus. [Page 305] O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THe Word made flesh to wordes imparts
Such strength that bread his flesh is made.
He wine into our bloud conuerts.
And if our sense heere faile and fade,
[Page 305] To satisfy Religious hartes
Fayth only can the truth perswade.

Antiph. O how sweet, O Lord is thy &c.

vers. Thou hast giuen them bread from hea­uen, O Lord.

Resp. Hauing all delight­fullnes within it.

Let vs pray.

O God who vnder an admirable &c.


vers. Man hath eaten the bread of Angells, & the table of our Lord is prepared for him.

Resp. Amen.

vers. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THe bread Angelical,
Is giuē to al mankind
[Page 309] This bread celestiall,
Vnder the forms we find
O wonder of al wonders the most great!
A seruant poore & base his Lord doth eate.

Antiph. O how sweet, o Lord is thy spirit, who that thou mightest shew thy sweetnes &c.

Vers. Thou hast giuen them bread from hea­uen, o Lord.

Resp. Hauing al delight­fullnes within it.

Let vs pray.

O God who vnder an admirable &c.


Vers. Man hath eaten the bread of Angells, & the table of our Lord is pre­pared for him.

Resp. Amen

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther [Page 313] &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THen to this Sacra­ment so high
Low reuerēce let vs now direct.
Old rites must yield in dignity
To this with such great graces deckt.
And faith withall those wants supply,
Wherein the senses feele defect.

Antiph O holy banquet, [Page 315] in which Christ is recea­ued, the memory of his passion is renewed, the soule is filled with grace, & a pledge of the glory to come is giuē vnto vs.

vers. Thou hast giuen them bread from hea­uen, o Lord.

Resp. Hauing all delight­fullnes within it.

Let vs pra [...]

O God who vnder an admirable Sacramēt hast left vnto vs the me­mory [Page 317] of thy Passion, grant vs we beseech thee so to reuerēce the sacred mysteries of thy body, and bloud, that we may continually feele in our selues the fruite of thy redemption: who liuest and raignest with God the Father in the vnity of the holy Ghost &c.


Vers. Man hath eaten the bread of Angells, & the [Page 319] table of our Lord is pre­pared for him.

Vers. COnuert vs, O Lord, our Sauiour.

Resp. And auert thy an­ger from vs.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
TO the Father and the
Sonne we bring
[Page 323] [...] [Page 319] [...] [Page 321] Prayes, and ioyful songs we frame.
Their honour, health & strength we sing,
And euer blesse their holy name.
And he who from them both doth spring,
Must haue like prayse & equall fame.

Antiph. O how sweet O Lord &c.

Vers. Thou hast giuen them bread from hea­uen, o Lord.

[Page 323] Resp. Hauing al delight­fullnes within it.

Let vs pray.

O God who vnder an admirable &c.


THese houres in me­mory, O Iesu blessed,
Of thy Sacred Body I haue addressed.
Graunt me by vertue of thy holy Name,
That in heauē stil I may enioy the same.



Vers. Per signum Crucis de inimicis nostris.

Resp. Libera nos Deus noster.

vers. DOmine labia mea a­peries.

[Page 326] Resp. Et os meum annū ­ciabit laudem tuam.

Vers. Deus in adiutori­um meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, & Spiritui sancto.

Resp. Sicut erat in prin­cipio, & nunc, & sem­per, & in saecula saeculo­rum. Amen.

Non dicitur Alleluia, ne (que) Laus tibi Domine.

PATRIS Sapientia,
Vertitas diuina,
Deus homo captus est hora matutina:
A notis disciplis citò de relictus:
A Iudaeis traditus, ven­ditus, & afflictus.

An̄a. O crux venerabilis quae salutē attulisti mi­seris, quibus te efferam praeconijs; quoniam vi­tam nobis caelitem prae­parasti.

[Page 330] Vers. Adoramus te Christe, & benedici­mus tibi.

Resp. Quia per sanctam Crucem tuam rede­misti mundum.


DOmine Iesu Christe, fili Dei viui, pone passionem, crucem, & mortem tuam inter iu­dicium tuum, & animā meam, nunc, & in hora [Page 332] mortis meae: & mihi lar­gire digneris gratiam & misericordiam; viuis & defunctis requiē & ve­niam; Ecclesiae tuae pacē & concordiam; & nobis peccatoribus vitam & gloriam sempiternam. Qui viuis & regnas cum Deo Patre in vnitate spi­ritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorū. Amen.


vers. Per signum crucis [Page 334] de inimicis nostrls.

Resp. Libera nos Deus noster.

Versus. DEVS in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c.

HORA prima Domi­num ducunt ad Pi­latum,
Et à falsis testibus mul­tù accusatum,
[Page 336] Colaphis percutiūt ma­níbus ligatum:
Vultum Dei conspuunt Lumen caeli gratum.

An̄a. O Crucis victoria, & admirabile signum, in caelesti curia fac nos captare triumphum.

Vers. Adoramus te Chri­ste, & benedicimu [...] tibi.

Resp. Quia per sanctam Crucem tuam rede­misti mundum.


DOmine Iesu Christe Fili Dei viui &c.


Vers. Per signum Crucis­de inimicis nostris.

Resp. Libera nos Deus noster.

Vers. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c.

CRucifige, clamitant hora Tertiarum:
Illusus induitur veste purpurarum:
Caput eius pungitur co­rona spinarum▪
Crucem portat humeris ad locum poenarum.

Ana. Funestae mortis dā ­natur supplicium, dum Christus in cruce nostra destruxit vincula crimi­num.

Vers. Adoramus te Chri­ste, [Page 342] & benedicimus tibi.

Resp. Quia persanctam Crucem tuam rede­misti mundum.


DOmine Iesu Christe Fili Dei viui &c.


vers. Per signum Crucis de inimicis nostris.

Resp. Libera nos Deus noster.

vers. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

[Page 344] Resp. Domine ad adiuuā ­dum me festina

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c.

HORA Sexta Iesus est Cruci conclauatus:
Est & cum latronibus pendens deputatus:
Prae tormētis sitiens fel­le saturatus:
Agnus crimen diluens sic ludificatus.

An̄a. Per lignum serui fa­cti [Page 346] sumus, & per sanctā Crucem liberati sumus: fructus arboris seduxit nos, Filius Dei redemit nos.

Vers Adoramus te Chri­ste, & benedicimus tibi.

Resp. Quia per sanctam Crucem tuam rede­misti mundum.


DOmine Iesu Christe Fili Dei viui &c.


Vers. Per signum Crucis de inimicis nostris.

Resp. Libera nos Deus noster.

vers. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c.

HOra nona Dominus
Iesus exspirauit:
[Page 350] Eli clamans, spiritum Patri commendauit:
Latus eius lancea miles perforauit.
Terra tunc contremuit, & Sol obseurauit.

An̄a. O magnum pietatis opus! mors mortua tunc est, in ligno quando mortua vita suit.

Vers Adoramus te Chri­ste, & benedicimus tibi

Resp. Quia per sanctam Crucem tuam rede­misti [Page 352] mundum.


DOmine Iesu Christe, fili Dei viui &c.


vers. Per signum crucis de inimicis nostris.

Resp. Libera nos Deus noster.

Versus. DEvs in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

[Page 354] Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c.

DE Cruce deponitur hora Vespertina:
Fortitudo latuit in men­te diuina,
Talem mortem subijt vitae medicina.
Heu! corona gloriae ia­cuit supina.

Ana. O crux benedicta, quae sola fuisti digna por­tare talentum mundi: Dulce lignum, dulces [Page 356] clauos, dulcia ferens pō ­dera: super omnia ligna cedrorum tu sola excel­sior, in qua mundi salus pependit, in qua Chri­stus triūphauit, & mors mortem superauit in ae­ternum.

Vers. Adoramus te Christe, & benedici­mus tibi.

Resp. Quia per sanctam Crucem tuam rede­misti mundum.


DOmine Iesu Christe, fili Dei viui, pone passionem, crucem, & mortem tuam inter iu­dicium tuum, & animā meam, nunc, & in hora mortis meae: & mihi lar­gire digneris gratiam & misericordiam; viuis & defunctis requiē & ve­niam; Ecclesiae tuae pacē & concordiam; & nobis peccatoribus vitam & gloriam sempiternam▪ [Page 360] Qui viuis & regnas cum Deo Patre in vnitate spi­ritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorū. Amen.


vers. Per signum crucis de inimicis nostris.

Resp. Libera nos Deus noster.

Versus. COnuerte nos Deus salutaris noster.

Resp▪ Et auerte iram tu­am à nobis

[Page 362] Vers. Deus in adiutoriū meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c.

HORA Completorij datur sepulturae
Corpus Christi nobile, spes vitae futurae,
Conditur aromate: cō ­plentur Scripturae:
Iugi sit memoriae mors haec mihi curae.

[Page 364] An̄a. Saluator mundi salua nos, qui per cru­cem & sanguinem tuum redemisti nos: auxiliare nobis, te deprecamur Deus noster.

Vers. Adoramus te Christe, & benedici­mus tibi.

Resp. Quia per sanctam Crucem tuam rede­misti mundum.


DOmine Iesu Christe, fili Dei viui &c.


HAs Horas cauonicas [...],
Tibi Christe [...] pia ratione▪
Vt qui pro me passus es amoris ardore,
Sis mihi solatium mor­tis in agone. Amen.



vers. By the signe of the crosse frō our enemyes.

Resp. Deliuer vs, O our God.

Versus. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.

[Page 327] ℟. And my mouth shall shew forth thy prayse.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, & to the Son &c

Resp. At it was in the be­ginning, both now and euer, and world without end. Amen.

Alleluia is not heer sayd, nor, Prayse be to thee, o Lord.

The Hymne.
THE Fathers wise­dome, Verity diuine,
God and man taken at Matutine,
By his disciples was no more frequented,
And by the Iewes be­trayd, sold, and tor­mented.

Antiph. O Venerable Crosse, who hast broght saluation to the misera­ble, with what prayses shall we extoll thee, be­cause [Page 331] thou hast prepared a heauenly life for vs.

Vers. We adore thee, O Christ, and we blesse thee.

Resp. Because by thy ho­ly Crosse thou hast re­deemed the world.

Let vs pray.

O Lord Iesus Christ, the Sonne of the li­uing God, put thy passiō, crosse, & death, between thy iudgement and my soule, now and in the [Page 333] houre of my death: and vouchsafe to graunt me grace and mercy: to the quicke and dead rest and pardon: to thy Church peace and concord: and to vs sinners euerlasting life & glory; who liuest and raignest with God the Father in the vnity of the holy Ghost, God for euer and euer. Amen.


Vers. By the signe of the [Page 335] crosse frō our enemyes.

Resp. Deliuer vs O our God.

Vers. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to helpe me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c.

The Hymne.
AT Prime, to Pilate they our Lord doe bring,
Accusing him of many a wrongfull thing.
[Page 337] They buffet him, bin­ding his handes by night,
And spit vpon his face, the heauens light.

An̄a. O Conquest of the Crosse, and admirable signe: graunt vs that we may triumph in the Court diuine.

Vers. We adore thee, o Christ, & we bles [...]e thee.

Resp. Because by thy ho­ly crosse thou hast re­deemed the world.

Let vs pray.

O Lord Iesus Christ, the Sonne of &c.


vers. By the signe of the crosse frō our enemyes.

Resp. Deliuer vs, O our God.

Vers. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Father &c.

The Hymne.
AT th' houre of Third Crucifige they cry,
And cloath him with purple scornefully,
Vpon his head they set a crowne of thorne,
And on his backe a hea­uy Crosse was borne.

Antiph. The punishmēt of cruell Death is con­demned, whilest Christ vpon the crosse destroy­eth our bonds of sinne.

Vers. We adore thee, o [Page 343] Christ, and we blesse thee.

Resp. Because by thy ho­ly Crosse thou hast redeemed the world.

Let vs pray.

O Lord Iesus Christ, the Son of &c.


Vers By the signe of the Crosse frō our enemyes.

Resp. Deliuer vs, O our God.

Vers. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

[Page 345] Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c.

The Hymne.
AT the sixth Houre vpon the Crosse he mounted,
Nayled thereto, among the theeues accoūted
Thirsting throgh payne to drinke they gaue him gall,
So did they mocke the Sauiour of all.

[Page 347] Antiph. By wood we were made slaues, and by the holy Crosse we are deli­uered: the fruite of the tree sedu [...]ed vs, the Son of God redeemed vs.

Vers. We adore thee, o Christ, and we blesse thee.

Resp. Because by thy ho­ly Crosse thou hast redeemed the world.

Let vs pray.

O Lord Iesus Christ, the Sonne of &c.


vers. By the signe of the crosse frō our enemyes.

Resp Deliuer vs, O our God.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c.

The Hymne.
AT the ninth Houre
Iesus his life he ēded,
[Page 351] With Eloi his soule to God commended.
A souldiours speare into his side did runne,
The earth did shake, & darkned was the Sun.

Antiph. O worke of piety most great, and eke most good: for death was thē destroyed, when life dy­ed on the wood.

Vers. We adore thee, O Christ, and we blesse thee.

Resp Because by thy ho­ly [Page 353] crosse thou hast redeemed the world.

Let vs pray.

O Lord Iesus Christ, the Sonne of &c.


Vers. By the signe of the crosse frō our enemyes.

Resp. Deliuer vs O our God.

Vers. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

[Page 355] Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c.

The Hymne.
AT Vespers from the Crosse he was depo­sed,
Whilst power diuine was in his soule enclosed,
Ah! Iesus yielding him­selfe so to dye,
The crowne of glory on the ground did lye.

Antiph. O blessed Crosse which only wast worthy to carry the talēt of the [Page 357] world; sweet wood, sweet nayles, and bearing a sweete burthen. Thou only art higher then al the woodes of Caedars, vpon the which the sal­uation of the world did hang, vpon the which Christ triumphed, and death ouercame death for euer.

Vers. We adore thee, O Christ, and &c.

Resp Because by thy ho­ly Crosse &c.

Let vs pray.

O Lord Iesus Christ, the Sonne of the li­uing God, put thy passiō, crosse, & death, between thy iudgement and my soule, now and in the houre of my death: and vouchsafe to graunt me grace and mercy: to the quicke and dead rest and pardon: to thy Church peace and concord: and to vs sinners euerlasting life & glory; who liuest [Page 361] and raignest with God the Father in the vnity of the holy Ghost, God for euer and euer. Amen.


Vers By the signe of the crosse frō our enemyes▪

Resp. Deliuer vs, O our God.

Vers. COnuert vs, O Lord, our Sauiour.

Resp. And auert thy an­ger from vs.

[Page 363] vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c.

The Hymne.
AT Complyne in the graue took habitatiō
His pretious body, hope of our saluation:
And was enbalm'd, the Scripture to fullfill:
Let this be ob [...]ect of my thoughts and will.

[Page 365] Antiph O Sauiour of the world, saue vs, who by thy Crosse and Bloud hast redeemed vs: help vs we beseech thee, o our God.

Vers. We adore thee, o Christ, and we blesse thee.

Resp. Because by thy ho­ly crosse thou hast re­deemed the world.

Let vs pray.

O Lord Iesus Christ, the Sonne of &c.


THese houres canoni­call (deuoted Verse)
To thee, o Christ, with reason I rehearse.
As thee for me to dye thy loue did make,
So in thee let me dying comfort take.



vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

vers. DOmine labia mea a­peries.

Resp. Et os meum annū ­ciabit laudem tuam.

[Page 370] Vers. Deus in adiutori­um meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio, & Spiritui sancto.

Resp. Sicut erat in prin­cipio, & nunc, & sem­per, & in saecula saeculo­rum. Amen. Alleluia.

A Septuagesima vsque ad Pascha, loco Alleluia, dici­tur, [...]aus tibi domine, Rex aeternae gloriae.

IOSEPH Dauid filius clara stirpe natus,
Iesu Christi Domini pa­ter nuncupatus,
Desponsatus Virgini, mente copulatus,
Vtrius [...]ue custos caelo destinatus.

Ana. Salue Patriarcha­rum decus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei oeconomus, cui panem vitae, & fru­mentum electorum cō ­seruasti.

[Page 374] Vers. Ora pro nobis san­cte Ioseph.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus christi.


SAnctissimae Genitri­cis tuae Sponsi, quae­sumus Domine, meritis adiuuemur: vt quod pos­sibilitas nostra non obti­net, eius nobis interces­sione donetur. Qui vi­uis & regnas eum [...] vnitate Spiritus [Page 376] sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amē.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

Vers. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c Alleluia.

TV qui sponsam gra­uidam dolens cùm videres,
[Page 378] Cogitabas anxiùs, an eam retineres.
Sed caelestis Monitor, ne ampliùs timeres,
In somnis admonuit, vt potiùs gauderes.

An̄a. Salue Patriarcha­rum decus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei &c.

vers. Ora pro nobis san­cte Ioseph.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Chri­sti.


SAnctissimae Genitri­cis tuae sponsi &c.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

Versus. DEVS in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

BEthleem profectus censum soluturus,
[Page 382] Cum pregnante Virgine vbi nasciturus
Erat mundi Dominus, qui [...]ue mox facturus,
Vt ipsum infantlū esset amplexurus.

Ana. Salue Patriarcha­rum decus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei &c.

vers. Ora pro nobis san­cte Ioseph.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Chri­sti.


SAnctissimae Genitri­cis tuae sponsi &c.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

vers. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c.

CVM Herodes im­pius in pueros saeui­ret,
[Page 386] Gabrielis monitu am­plius ne dormiret,
Retulisti sponsae, vt tecū veniret,
Et accepto paruulo in Aegyptum iret.

Ana. Salue Patriarcha­rum decus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei &c.

vers. Ora pro nobis san­cte Ioseph.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Chri­sti.


SAnctissimae Genitri­cis tuae sponsi &c.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

vers. DEus in adiutorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Filio &c. Alleiuia.

HOSTIBVS defun­ctis inde recessisti,
[Page 390] Et in Galilaeam tecum reduxisti
[...], & sponsam, si­cut didicisti
[...], & Nazareth humilis vi [...]isti.

An̄a. Sal [...]e Patriarcha­rum de [...]us, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei &c.

vers. Ora pro nobis san­cte Ioseph.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur promissionibus Chri­sti.


SAnctissimae Genitri­ [...]is tuae sponsi &c.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

Versus. DEVS in adintorium meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

O Qui Iesum factum duodecim annorum
[Page 394] Perdidisti, tuum lumen oculorum!
Sed inuentum postea in medio Doctorum,
Custodi sedulus Regem Angelorum.

An̄a. Salue Patriarcha­rum decus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei oeconomus, eui panem vitae, & fru­mentum electorum cō ­seruasti.

Vers. Ora pro nobis san­cte Ioseph.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur [Page 394] [...] [Page 396]promissionibus christi


SAnctissimae Genitri­cis tuae Sponsi, quae­sumus Domine, meriti [...] adiuuemur: vt quod pos [...]sibilitas nostra non obti­net, eius nobis interces­sione donetur. Qui vi­uis & regnas cum Deo Patre, in vnitate Spiritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amē.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

vers. COnuerte nos Deus salutaris noster.

Resp Et auerte iram tu­am à nobis

Vers. Deus in adiutori­um meum intende.

Resp. Domine ad adiu­uandum me festina.

Vers. Gloria Patri, & Fi­lio &c. Alleluia.

FElix, quem in vlnis Iesu cum Maria
Tenuit cubantem, dum in agonia
Spiritum efflares, vt di­recta via
Tenderes ad Patres, fū ­ctus vita pia.

An̄a. Salue Patriarcha­rum decus, & Ecclesiae sanctae Dei &c.

vers. Ora pro nobis san­cte Ioseph.

Resp. Vt digni efficiamur [Page 402] promissionibus Chri­sti.


SAnctissimae Genitri­cis tuae sponsi &c.


HAS Horas Canoni­cas cum attentione
Dixi, sancte Ioseph, tu [...] ratione:
Vt sis memor mei in o­ratione:
Et viuamus simul in cae­li regione. Amen.



vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

vers▪ O Lord thou wilt open my lips.

℟. And my mouth shall shew forth thy prayse

[Page 371] Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, & to the Son &c

Resp. At it was in the be­ginning, both now and euer, and world without end. Amen. Alleluia.

From Septuagesima to Ea­ster, insteed of Alleluia, is sayd, Praise be to thee, o lord K. of eternal glory▪

The Hymne.
IOseph the Son of Da­uid of great fame,
Of Christ to be the Fa­ther had the name:
Spouse to the Virgin, ioyn'd to her in mind,
Guardian of both from heauē he was assigned

Antiph. Al hayle, honor of the Patriarkes, Stew­ard of the holy Church of God, who hast con­serued the bread of life, & the wheat of the elect.

[Page 375] Vers. Pray for vs o holy Ioseph.

Resp. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord, that we may be helped by the merits of the Spouse of thy most holy Mother, that what our possibili­ty doth not obtayne, may be giuen vnto vs by [...] who [Page 377] liuest and raignest with God the Father &c.


vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
THe Virgin when with child thou didst per­ceaue,
[Page 379] Thou thoughtst her of thy presēce to bereaue.
But when to feare no more the Angell bad thee
In sleep, it did no more feare thee, but glad thee.

Antiph. Al hayle honour of the Patriarkes &c.

vers. Pray for vs o holy Ioseph.

Resp. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ▪

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee o Lord, that &c.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

Versus. O Lord incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
TO Bethleem Ioseph went to pay the cense
[Page 383] With Mary, forwas to be borne from thence
The Lord of all, where he should haue the grace,
This infant in his armes for to imbrace

Antiph. Al hayle honour of the Patriarkes &c.

Vers Pray for vs O holy Ioseph.

Resp. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, o Lord, that &c.


vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

vers. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Father &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
VVHen cruell Herod th' Innocents op­prest,
[Page 387] Warn'd by the Angell thou didst cal frō rest
Thy spouse, to take the child (God would it so.)
And come with thee, & into Aegypt goe.

Antiph. Al hayle honour of the Patriarkes &c.

Vers. Pray for vs O holy Ioseph.

Resp. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee o Lord, that &c.


Vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
AFTER the Tryantes death, leauing the [Page 391] Land
Of Aegypt, thou con­ueyest out of hand,
To Galilee the Mother and the child:
In Nazareth thou liuest humble and midle.

Antiph. Al hayle honour of the Patriarkes &c.

vers. Pray for vs o holy Ioseph.

Resp. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord &c.


vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

Versus. O God incline vnto myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
O Thou which once hadst lost out of thy [Page 395] sight
At twelue years Iesus, of thy eyes the light!
After when amidst the Doctours thou didst take him,
The King of Angells, neuer didst forsake him.

Antiph. Al hayle, honor of the Patriarkes, Stew­ard of the holy &c.

Vers. Pray for vs o holy Ioseph.

Resp. That we may be [Page 395] [...] [Page 397] made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord, that we may be helped by the merits of the Spouse of thy most holy Mother, that what our possibili­ty doth not obtayne, may be giuen vnto vs by his intercession; who liuest and raignest with God the Father &c.


vers. Iesus, Maria, Io­seph.

vers. COnuert vs, O Lord, our Sauiour.

Resp. And auert thy an­ger from vs.

Vers. O God incline vn­to myne ayde.

Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.

Vers. Glory be to the Fa­ther, &c. Alleluia.

The Hymne.
O Thou most happy Ioseph, who wast graced,
By Iesus and Mary to be imbraced,
Whē at thy death thou longing to ascend
To God the Father, mad'st a happy end.

Antiph. All haile honour of the Patri [...]rkes &c.

vers. Pray for vs, O ho­ly Ioseph.

Resp. That we may be [Page 403] made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord, that &c.


THese houres, o B. Io­seph in good part
Accept, which I thee of­fer from my hart:
That to my Sauior thou forget me neuer,
And I in heauē may liue with thee for euer.

A PREPARATORY PRAYER Before Sacramentall Confession.

O Maker of heauen & earth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who hast made me of nothing vnto thy Image and si­militude, & hast redee­med me with thy owne pretious bloud, whome [Page 405] I a sinner am not worthy to name, nor call vpon, nor yet to thinke of, in hart. I meekly beseech thee, and humbly pray thee, that thou wouldst respect with clemency me thy wicked seruant. And haue mercy vpon me, who tookest pitty vpon the woman of Ca­naan, & Mary Magdalen: who spard'st the Publi­can, and the Theefe hā ­ging vpon the Crosse.

[Page 406] To thee I confesse, O most louing Father, my sinnes, which, O Lord, if I would I cannot hide from thee. Spare me, o christ whom I haue late­ly much offēded in thin­king, speaking, and do­ing, & by all the wayes in which I frayle worme and a sinner might of­fend through my fault, through my fault, tho­rogh my most grieuous fault. Therefore, O [Page 407] Lord, I beseech thy Clemency, who camest downe from heauen for my saluation, who lif­tedst vp Dauid from the fall of sinne, spare me o Lord, spare me o Christ who sparedst Peter de­nying thee. Thou art my Creatour, and my Redeemer, my Lord, & my Sauiour, my King, and my God. Thou art my hope, and my trust, my stay, and my helpe, [Page 408] my consolation, and my fortitude; my defence, and my deliuerance; my life, my saluation, and my resurrection; my light, and my desire; my ayde, & my patronage. I beseech and pray thee help me, and I shall be safe: gouerne me, and defend me; comfort, & consolate me; confirme and glad me; enlighten me, and visite me. Raise me being dead, because [Page 409] I am thy creature and worke. O Lord, despise me not, for that I am thy seruant and vassall: and although euill, al­though vnworthy and a sinner, yet such as I am, whether good or euill, alwayes I am thyne. Vn­to whome shall I flye, except I go to thee? If thou cast me off, who will receaue me? If thou despise me, who wil be­hold me? Re-acknow­ledge [Page 410] me therfore thogh vnworthy returning vn­to thee. For if I am vi­le, and vncleane, thou canst cleanse me: if I be blind, thou canst enligh­ten me: if I be feeble, thou canst heale me [...] if I be dead and burryed, thou canst reuiue me, because thy Mercy is greater then my iniqui­ty: greater is thy piety, then my impiety: more thou canst pardon, then [Page 411] I commit: & more thou canst forgiue, then I a sinner offend. Therfore o Lord despise me not, nor yet regard the mul­titude of my iniquities, but according to the multitude of thy cōmi­serations haue mercy on me, a most grieuous sin­ner. Say to my soule, I am thy saluation; who said [...]st: I will not the death of a sinner, but ra­ther that he be conuer­ted [Page 412] and liue: turne me, O Lord vnto thee, and do not extend thyne an­ger against me. I beseech thee▪ o most clement Fa­ther, for thy mercy, I bow downe and earnest­ly pray thee, that thou direct me vnto a good end, and vnto true pen­nance, pure confession, and worthy satisfaction, for al my sinnes. Amen.

Another Prayer before Sa­cramentall Confession.

REceaue my confessiō O most benigne, and most clement Lord [...] Christ, the only hope of the saluatiō of my soule, and giue vnto me (I be­seech thee) contrition of hart, and teares to myne eyes, that I may bewaile day and night all my negligences with humi­lity and purity of hart. [Page 514] Let my prayer o Lord, approach neere in thy sight. If thou shalt be angry against me, what helper may I seeke? who will haue mercy vpon myne iniquityes? Remember me, O Lord, who didst cal the womā of Canaan, and the Pu­blican to repentance, & didst receaue Peter wee­ping. O Lord my God, accept my prayers: O good Iesu, Sauior of the [Page 415] world, who gauest thy selfe to the death of the crosse, that thou mightst saue sinners, regard me a wretched sinner, cal­ling vpon thy Name, and regard not so my wickednes that thou for­get thy goodnes. And if I haue committed ought, whereby thou mayst condemne me, yet thou hast not lost that whereby thou art wont to saue. Spare me there­fore, [Page 416] o Lord who art my Sauiour, and take mer­cy on my sinneful soule. Loose the band thereof, & heale the woundes, O Lord Iesus. I desire thee, I seeke thee, I will thee: show me thy face, and I shall be safe. Send forth therefore, o most louing Lord (through the merits of the most pure and immaculate euer Virgin Mary thy Mother, and thy Saintes) thy light, [Page 417] and thy truth into my soule, which may shew vnto me truely all my defects, which it behoo­ueth me to confesse; and which may helpe and teach me to expresse thē fully, and with contrite hart. Who liuest and rai­gnest God, world with­out end. Amen.

For those that frequent the same often.

HE that is accusto­med to confesse of­ten, must be very care­full of foure thinges. 1. Of the due examē of his Conscience. 2. Of com­punction and sorrow for his sinnes. 3. Of the cō ­fession [Page 419] it self, that it brief and humble, & sincere. 4. Of ful purpose & true endeauour to amend.

This done let him come hūbly to his Gho­stly Father, & kneeling downe at his feet, say: Benedicite. Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti &c in Latin or English, as he best can vntill the wordes, Mea culpa &c. Then say.

First I accuse my selfe, that I come to this Sa­crament [Page 420] of Pennance not so well prepared as I ought to doe: for which I aske God hartily par­don.

I accuse my selfe, that I haue not had such sor­row, and repentance for my sins past as I ought: for which I aske God hattily pardon.

I accuse my selfe, that I haue not vsed such di­ligence in the dayly exa­mining of my cōscience, [Page 421] and amendment of my life, as I ought to haue done: for which I aske God hartily pardon.

I accuse my selfe, that I haue greatly offended Almighty God, in that I haue not giuē him due thankes for all his bene­fits that I haue receaued cōtinually at his hands, for which I aske him hartily pardon.

I accuse my selfe, that I haue not loued & ser­ued [Page 422] him with such feare, and reuerence, and hu­mility of mind in all thinges, as I ought to haue done: for which I aske him hartily pardō.

I accuse my selfe, that I haue not made my prayers vnto him, with that alacrity & feruour of spirit as I ought, but haue beene very often, and voluntarily distra­cted, slouthful, & could in my prayers, deuoti­ons, [Page 423] and all other pious workes, and exercises: for which I aske him al­so hartily pardon.

I accuse my selfe, for that I haue beene proud & vaine glorious in my inward thoughts & co­gitations: for which I aske God hartily pardō.

I accuse my selfe, for that I haue beene very negligent in putting a­way euill thoughtes of sundry sorts, and haue [Page 424] not endeauoured to keep my mind occupyed in lawfull and Godly ex­ercises, nor thought so humbly of my selfe, as I should haue done: for which I aske God harti­ly pardon.

I accuse my selfe, that I haue not kept my sen­ses in such narrownes & custody, as I ought to haue done, especially my eyes, and my eares: for which I aske God harti­ly [Page 425] pardon.

I accuse my selfe, for that I haue not spoken of other men, and their affaires, with that care, charity, and affection, as I should haue done, but rather haue discouered their defects: for which I aske God hartily par­don.

I accuse my selfe, that I haue not behaued my selfe so modestly in my actions, and conuersati­ons [Page 426] as I should haue done, but haue spent many houres idly in de­sports, laughing, & idle discourses, without pro­fit to my selfe or others: for which I aske God hartily pardon.

I accuse my selfe, that in my workes I haue not purely sought Gods ho­nour and glory, but ra­ther some worldly res­pect, or selfe-content [...]herein: for which I ask [Page 427] God hartily pardon.

I accuse my selfe, that I haue not frequented the holy Sacraments of Confession, and Com­munion with that due preparatiō & reuerence, as I ought to haue done: nor heard Masse, or o­ther spirituall Exhorta­tions with that attentiō, and deuotion, as was fit for such diuine myste­ryes: for which I aske God hartily pardon.

[Page 428] I accuse my selfe, that I haue beene angry, me­lancholy, froward, stub­borne, and very trou­blesome to others often tymes without cause: for which I aske God harti­ly pardon.

I accuse my selfe, that in my talke and other discourses, I haue not beene so careful to keep my tongue from vtte­ring of some vntruthes, nor from swearing by [Page 429] Fayth & Troth without necessity: for which I aske God hartily pardō.

For these, and all my other sinnes and trans­gressions, wherinsoeuer, & howsoeuer els, I haue offended my Lord God: & also for those that at this present I haue for­gotten, and through my negligence cannot call to remembrance, I aske him hartily pardon and forgiuenes, and of you [Page 430] my Ghostly Father, pē ­nance, and absolution. Ideo precor Beatam Ma­riam &c. Or, Therefore I beseech the blessed &c.

If besides this ordina­ry method of Confessiō, thou shalt feele thy con­science troubled or bur­dened with these, or any other sinne, mortall or veniall, thou must ex­presse them distinctly & orderly, withall their due circūstances, to the [Page 431] end thy Ghostly Father may truly iudg of them, [...] [...]posing condign pennance, may absolue thee, according to the rites of the holy Catho­like Church.

A short prayer to be sayd presently after absolutio.

LET, O Lord, I hū ­bly beseech thee, this my Confession be grate­ful and acceptable vnto thy diuine Maiesty, by [Page 432] the merites of [...] bitter death, and passiō and by the [...] of thy Blessed Mother, and all the Saints. And that whatsoeuer, now, or at other tymes hath been wanting in me, ei­ther to the sufficiency of Contritiō, or to the pu­rity and integrity of my Confession, let thy pie­ty, and mercy, O Lord, supply the same; & ac­cording therunto, vou­chsafe [Page 433] to absolue me more fully and perfect­ly in heauen. To whom be all honour and glory world without end. A­men. Sweet Iesus, A­men.

A PRAYER BEFORE Receauing the B. Sacrament.

O Most benigne Lord Iesus Christ, I a sin­ner presuming nothing on myne owne merites▪ but trusting on thy mer­cy & goodnes do feare, and tremble to haue ac­cesse to the table of thy [Page 435] most sweet banquet▪ For I haue a hart, and body spotted with many cri­mes: a mind and tongue not warily guarded.

Therfore o benigne dei­ty, o dreadfull maiesty, I a wretch holde [...] in the [...]e straites, haue recourie vnto thee th [...] fountaine of mercy, I hastē to thee to be healed, I flye vn­der thy protectiō: & he whom I cannot endure, a Iudge, I hope to haue a [Page 436] Sauiour. To thee, O Lord I shew my woūds: to thee I discouer my shame. I know my sins to be many, and great, for which I feare. I trust in thy mercyes, which are without number: looke downe vpon me with the eyes of thy mercy, o lord Iesu christ eternall King, God and man, crucified for man. Hear me graciously ho­ping in thee: haue mer­cy [Page 437] vpon me full of wret­chednesse and sin: thou that wilt neuer restraine the fountain of thy pie­tie to flow. All haile healthfull sacrifice, offe­red vpon the tree of the Crosse for me, and all man-kind. All haile, O noble & pretions bloud gushing out of the woū ­des of my Lord Iesus Christ crucifyed, & wa­shing away the sinnes of the whole world. Re­member, [Page 438] O Lord thy Creature, whome thou hast redeemed with thy bloud: it repenteth me, that I haue sinned, I de­sire to amend that which I haue done. Take away then from me, O most clement Father, al mine iniquities, and offences, that purified in mind & body, I may deserue worthily to tast the ho­ly of holyes: and grant that this holy tasting of [Page 439] thy bodie and bloud, which I vnworthy, desire to receaue, may be a re­mission of my sins, a per­fect purgation of my crimes, a driuing away of filthie cogitations, and a re-engendring of good thoughts, and also hole­some efficacie of workes pleasing to thee, & with­al a most firme protecti­on of soule and body a­against the deceiptes of my enemyes. Amen.

Another prayer before re­ceauing the B. Sacrament.

ALmighty & eternal God, behold I come to the Sacrament of thy only begotten Son, our Lord Iesus Christ. I re­paire as one being sicke vnto the Phisitiā of life, as one vncleane vnto the fountaine of mercie, as one blind to the light of perpetuall brightnes, as one poore and needy [Page 441] to the Lord of heauen & earth. I besiech thee therfore by the aboūdance of thy infinite bounty, that thou wouldest vouchsafe to cure my infirmitity, to wash my filth, to en­lighten my blindnes, to enrich my pouerty, to cloth my nakednes: that I may receaue thee, the bread of Angels, King of Kings, Lord of lords, with so great reuerence and humility, with so [Page 442] great contrition and de­uotion, with so great pu­ritie and faith, with such purpose and intent, as is expedient for the health of my soule: graunt me I beseech thee, not only to receaue the Sacramēt of our Lords body, and bloud, but also the thing and vertue thereof. O God most meeke, grant me so to take the body of thy only begottē Son our Lord Iesus Christ, [Page 443] which he tooke of the Virgin Marie; that I may deserue to be incorpora­ted to his misticall bo­dy, & accounted among the members therof. O most louing Father, grāt me for euer with open face to behold thy belo­ned Sonne, whome now couered in this wayfare, I desire to receaue. Who togeather with thee, and the Holy Ghost &c.

A Prayer after receauing the B. Sacrament.

I Giue thee thankes, O holy Lord, Father al­mighty, eternall God, who hast vouchsafed to replenish me a sinner thy vnworthy seruant, through no merites of myne, but by the only vouchsafing of thy mer­cy, with the pretious bo­die and bloud of thy son our Lord Iesus Christ; [Page 445] and I beseech thee, that this holy receauing, may not be to me as a guilt vnto punishment, but as a wholesome intercessiō vnto pardon. Let it be to me an armor of faith, & a shield of good will: let it be a cleansing of al my vices, a driuer out of concupiscence and lust, an increase of Charity, patience, humility, and obedience: a firme de­fēce against the wiles of [Page 446] all enemies, aswel visible as inuisible, a perfect quieting of my motions aswell carnall as spiritu­all, a firme cleauing vn­to thee, one & true God: and a happy consumati­on of my end: and I be­seech thee that thou wilt vouchsafe to bring me a sinner, vnto that vnspea­keable feast: where thou with thy Sonne and the holy Ghost, art a true [...]ight to thy Saints, a [Page 477] complete fullnesse, an euerlasting gladnes, an absolute ioy, and a per­fect felicity. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Another prayer after recea­uing the B. Sacrament.

PIerce through, o sweet Lord Iesu the mar­row, and bowells of my soule, with the most sweete, and holsome wound of thy loue, with thy true, cleere, most [Page 448] ardent and holy Cha­rity, that my soule may languish and melt, euen by the only loue and de­sire of thee; let it couet thee, and euen languish after thee at thy gates; let it desire to be dissol­ued, and to be with thee. Graunt that my soule may hunger after thee, the bread of Angels, the food of holy soules, our daily & supersubstantial bread, hauing all sweet­nes, [Page 449] and sauour, and all delightfulnes in it selfe: let my hart alwaies hun­ger & eate thee, on whō the Angells desire to looke; and let the bow­els of [...]y soule be reple­nished with the sweetnes of thy tast [...] ▪ let it alwaies thirst after thee, the foū ­tain of life, the foūtain of wisedome & knowledg, the fountaine of eternal light, the riuer of plea­sure, the plentifulnes of [Page 450] the house of God: let it alwayes earnestly couet thee, seek thee, and find thee▪ let it tend to thee, come vnto thee, thinke vpō thee, speak of thee, and worke all things vnto the prayse & glory o [...] thy name, with humili­ty, and discretion, with loue and delight, with facility and affection­with perseuerance vnto the end: and thou alone be alwayes my hope, my [Page 451] whole confidence, my riches, my delight, my pleasures, my gladnes, my rest and tranquility, my peace, my security, my odour, my sweet­nes, my meat, my food, my refuge, my help, my wisedome, my portion my profession, my trea­sure, in the which my mind & hart, is alwayes fixed, firme, and im­moueably rooted. A­men.

Another Prayer after recea­uing the B. Sacrament.

O Lord Iesus Christ, I humbly bessech thy vnspeakable mercy, that this Sacramēt of thy b [...] ­by and bloud, which I (vnworthy) haue recea­ued, may be to me a pur­ging of offences, a forti­tude against frailtyes, a fortresse against the pe­rils of the world, an ob­taining of pardō, an esta­blishment [Page 453] of grace, a medicine of life, a me­mory of thy passion, a nourishmēt against wea­kenes, & a rest of my pil­grimage. Let it guide me going, reduce me wan­dering, receaue me re­turning againe, vphold me stumbling, lift me vp falling, and perseue­ring bring me into glo­ry. O highest God, let the most blessed presence of thy body and bloud [Page 454] so alter the tast of my hart, that besides thee at any tyme it feele no sweetnesse, it loue no fairenes, it seeke no vn­lawfull loue, it desire no consolation, it admit no delectation or pleasure, it care for no honour, it feare no cruelty. Who liuest and raignest, with God the Father, in the vnity of the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.

BRIEFE MEDITATIONS FOR THE SEAVEN dayes of the VVeeke, In imitation of seauen vertues of our Blessed Sauiour.

Of Christs Humility.

1. COnsider the hu­mility, which [Page 456] the Son of God mani­fested in his Incarnati­on, in which for thee he annihilated himselfe, ta­king vpon him the form of a seruant, the Lord of Maiesty became thy ser­uant, to do thee seruice, he came downe heauen, where the Angells were attendant vpon him, & for an ample testimony of his humble seruice to thee, he pleased to be borne in a stable.

[Page 457] 2. Consider, how this Lord of heauen, a while after hūbled him­selfe much more in his Natiuity, when first he subiected his most ten­der and delicate body to circumcision, and decla­red himselfe as a sinner, and standing in need of a remedy (for Circum­cision was a signe of sin, and a remedy against it) & he vouchsafed to nū ber himselfe among sin­ners, [Page 458] al the world behol­ding it: and how more vile, and abiect could he make himselfe, then to take vpon him the forme of a seruant, and to be borne in a stable?

3. Consider the great affection of humility, that our Sauiour exerci­sed in Iordan, when he pleased to be baptized by S. Iohn Baptist, where contemning his own re­putation, he stood amid­dest [Page 459] base persons, and sinners, & was baptized by his Precursour as one of the multitude, and more contemptible sort.

4. Consider, how in his last supper, girding himselfe with a lynnen cloth, and falling downe vpon his knees before e­uery one of his Apostls, he washed their feet. At the strangenes of which fact, they were so astoni­shed and confounded, [Page 460] as that S. Peter meruai­ling at it more then the rest, that the Sonne of God abased himselfe so farre, would not, that he should wash his feet.

5. Consider the hu­mility, that the King of Glory declared in his death, when he disday­ned not to be crucifyed out of Hierusalem, in the midst betweene two theeues, in the feast of the Pasche, whither the [Page 461] people were come from all partes in great num­ber, by reasō of the feast; where he made a repre­sentation of the shame­fullnes of his most igno­minious death to the vi­ew of the whole world, when as at another tyme he made a manifestation of some little part of his glory to three of his dis­cipls alone in the desert; neither yet, while he li­ued, would speake any [Page 462] word at al touching this matter.

This Meditation being ended, you that turne the eyes of your mind vpō your selfe, and you shall stir vp these [...] most profitable and practicall docu­ments.

1. SInce that the K. of heauē, & my Lord hath humbled himselfe so many waies, is it meet that I the seruant, and a most vile worme of the earth, should extold my selfe?

2. Neither ought I [Page 463] to make outwardly a­ny more reckoning of my selfe, then I am in very deed.

3. Neither is it meet, that for the conseruing and entertaining of a vaine reputation of my name & credit, I should abandon, or giue ouer the care of my soule.

4. I must not in any sort withdrawe my selfe frō the exercise of those thinges, which I haue [Page 464] giuen ouer.

5. I ought not also to conceale and keep hid­den those thinges, that may serue for my morti­fication, or to propose to the view of all men those thinges, that are wonte to turne to my honour.

Of the Obedience of Christ.

1. COnsider, what the Apostle saith of Christ: He was made obediēt euen vnto death [Page 465] yea to obey the precepts of the law, wherunto he was not bound at all; & he refused no aduersi­tyes, torments, & igno­minyes, such as he suffe­red in his circumcision, and in his whole sacred passion.

2. Consider, how he being the only Sonne of God, and the wisedome of the Eternall Father, was most obedient to his Mother, and to S. Ioseph [Page 466] his reputed Father. And though he were for infi­nite causes more holy, & more wise then they, yet he neuer resisted a­gainst that they commā ­ded, nor murmured a­gainst them, nor censu­red them, but with grea­test humility & promp­titude executed, and did whatsoeuer they com­manded him.

3. Consider the great affection, wherwith our [Page 467] Sauiour tēdred the ver­tue of Obedience, for which from the very beginning he protested to all, that he came into the world not to do his owne will, but the will of his Father. And ther­fore in another place he called Obedience his meate, and therby he si­gnifyed, that it was grea­tly pleasing vnto him.

4. Consider, how he loued obedience, whiles [Page 468] he not only considered not the person of him who commanded, nor also the difficulty of the thing commanded, but was further obedient to his enemyes, who tor­mented him in his Passion, and treated him most ignominiously, when they crowned him with thornes. For being willed to strip himselfe of his garmentes, he de­layed not to doe it: wil­led [Page 469] to sit downe, he o­beyed: when the crown of thornes was put vpon his head, he contradi­cted not, and he tooke the Reed in his hand, that was giuen him for a Scepter.

5. Consider, how the Lord of the Vniuerse o­beyed without any re­ply, or further appeale; in so much as he vsed not the very least word, & accepted of the most [Page 470] vniust sentēce of death, vniustly pronounced a­gainst him by his per­uerse Iudges: and being willed by the Ministers, and officers to carry his owne Crosse, he gladly did it, and tooke it vpon his bruized and torne shoulders, and with it vpon his necke, as ano­ther obedient Isaac, he went vp to mount Cal­uary, there to be sacri­ficed for our sinnes.

The documents, that may be gathered of this Meditation, be, that we omit nothing defectiue against obedience.

1 SInce the Sonne of God, without any obligation at all, obeyed with so great prompti­tude, what shall be my punishment, if I shall not be obedient vnto him, to whome I am bound?

2. How grieuous shal my sinne be, if I shall peraduenture murmure [Page 472] or rise against the com­mandmentes of them, who haue power ouer me?

3. What excuse can I pretend, if for the do­ing of myne owne will, I neglect the will and pleasure of my Lord God?

4. How great a shame and confusion will it be to me, if, that I may not endure any aduersity, I shall contemne to obey?

[Page 473] 5. Who shall exem­pt me from confusion, and fault, if I shall iarre and contend with him, who is my Superiour, & if, which is worse, I shal censure that vniust which is cōmanded me?

Of Christ his Patience.

1. COnsider, how Christ our lord, from the very instant, that he came into the [Page 474] world, began to exercise patience. For when there was not any found in all Bethleem, that would receaue his Mother into their house, he was for­ced to make choice of a poore Cot for the place of his natiuity, where the Manger serued for his bed, & cradle to lye in. Consider what man­ner of intertainment he had, when his Mother was but a yong Virgin, a [Page 475] poore stranger, and wea­ryed by the payns of her long iourney, in the mi­dest of winter, in a poore stable, in the night tyme and from home and out of her countrey.

2. Consider, how he was no sooner borne, thē that he was persecuted, when he was forced to flye into Aegypt because Herod sought his life, & to make him away Con­sider, how many mise­ryes [Page 476] & aduersityes, the poore little child suffe­red in so long and payn­full a iourney, and in Aepypt, a strange and barbarous coūtrey, wher he liued in a most poore manner for some yeares by the labours & paines of S. Ioseph, & his poore Mother.

3. Consider the pati­ence, that the Iewes put him vnto, when they of­ten called him a seducer [Page 177] of the people, seditious, a Magitian, & raiser vp of Diuels, an enemy of God, blasphemer, a pre­uaricatour, & transgres­sour of the Law, & gaue out that he was a drin­ker of wine: sometymes in a fury they rose a­gainst him, and had a desire one tyme to stone him, another tyme to thrust him downe head­long from the top of an hill: but our meeke Iesus [Page 478] is not recorded either to haue reuenged himselfe of so great iniuryes, or to haue been incensed at al against the ingratefull people, but to haue stu­dyed to do them good e­uery way.

4. Consider, how pa­tient he was in al his do­lourous passion. When he was layed hand on in the garden, and carryed away, as a thiefe bound fast; was in the sight of [Page 479] Annas censured for arro­gant, and receaued that vnworthy buffet at the hands of a most vile bound-slaue: Caiphas held him for a blasphe­mer, and Herod for a foole; and being trea­ted for such an one, he endured all without any perturbation of mind, and with exceeding pa­tience. Consider the sin­gular acts of patience, which our Sauiour exer­cised [Page 480] in the house of Pi­late, where he was boūd fast to a pillar, scourged as some notorious male­factour, scorned & moc­ked in putting on the crowne of thornes vpon his head, grieuously pay­ned therewith, his diuin face not only buffeted, but also defiled with most loathsome spittle; and when he had much a do to stand, they for­ced him to carry his own [Page 481] crosse, whereon he was nailed, and did hang till death. All this & much more our Lord suffered with so great patience, as he complained not at al.

Of this Meditation you shall conceaue a confusion and shame, for that you haue suffered so little, or nothing at all for our Lord, who hath suffered so much, & so great matters for vs.

1. THov who see­est, how much thy Sauiour hath endu­red for thee, say now, who dost complayne so [Page 482] much, what thou hast suffered for him?

2. Thou hast not yet from the first instant of thy natiuity begun to suffer.

3. Thou hast not yet beene persecuted vnto death, nor against all e­quity and conscience.

4. Thou hast not byn scourged, nor crowned with thorns, nor nayled to a crosse, nor so much as shed one droppe of [Page 483] bloud for thy Creatour.

5. What manner of pa­tience is thyne, when for euery little aduersity, or word, thou art troubled, or fillest the ayre with complaints?

Of Christ his Meeknes

1. COnsider, how the Scripture sayd of Christ to the Countrey of Iury: Loe thy King commeth vn­to [Page 484] thee, meeke. For where the worlds desert was, that our lord shold haue come downe from heauen, armed with the sword of Iustice, to take vengeance on the ini­quityes of it, he descen­ded all benigne, and gentle, that he might re­dresse it, and giue a re­medy vnto it by meek­nes, and not chasten it with the seuerity, and ri­gour of his diuin iustice.

[Page 485] 2. Cōsider, how Christ was most meek towards his disciples, and gently bare with their defects, when they contented a­bout the primacy amōg themselues: when they were angry with Mary Magdalen, at her an­noynting his head with precious oyntment: whē they forsook him, in the garden, when-he was be­trayed into the Iewes hands. For in these and [Page 486] the like defects Christ, out of his Gentlenes, chose rather meekly and benignly to blame them the in a more seuere mā ­ner, to checke them by shar [...] reprehension.

3. Consider the meek­nes, that he vsed towards the Scribes & Pharisies his enemyes, who calū ­niated his workes, and iniustly persecuted him, affirming that he droue out vncleane spirits in [Page 487] the power of Beelzebub: when he pardoned him, his sins, who was trou­bled with the palsey, and that he blasphemed: & that he had a diuell, whē he reprehended them. For our Lord by answe­ring with mildnes to these & other their like calumniatiōs, confoun­ded their ill meaning, boldnes, and ouermuch presumption.

4. Consider further, [Page 488] how our Lord discoue­red his meeknes in the presence of the Diuell. For he permitted him­selfe to be tempted of him, and though he best knew the peruerse wil of the bad and malignant spirit, and might at the first haue confounded him, put him to silence, and driuen him away; yet he chose rather to o­uercome him with mild answeres, and in that [Page 489] manner to controle the extreme boldnes of the infernall friend.

5. Consider the won­derfull signes of meeke­nes, that Christ vsed to­wards Iudas, who be­trayed him. For though he knew that he had sold him for money, yet he louingly admitted him to his table, washed his feete, and when the houre was come, that he deliuered him into the [Page 490] handes of his enemyes, he friendly imbraced him, permitted him to giue him a kisse, and by calling him friend, in a mild manner wished him to remember him­selfe, and did put him in mind of the sin, that he then committed. Fi­nally like a meek lambe he suffered himselfe to be bound, and to be lead whithersoeuer his Ad­uersaries thought best.

The fruit of this meditation shalbe to vnderstand the defect and want of meeknes, that lyeth hid in thee, and to take paines for the gayning of it.

1. HOw farre thou comest short of thy meeke master Iesus, who art not able to bear with the very least defect in thy Neighbours?

2. How little thy mee­kenes is, who art angry at euery least word, and threatnest therfore.

3. What wouldst thou [Page 492] now doe, if calumnyes were raised against thee, or that thou wert iustly persecuted.

4. What wouldst thou do, if thou wert sold, & betrayed of him, who had receaued singular benefits at thy hands, as Christ our lord was sold and betrayed of his dis­ciple Iudas, vpon whom he had cōferred so great benefits?

Of Christs contempt of the world.

1. COnsider, how our Sauiour cō ­temned all those things, that men of the world desire and seeke after. For first he contemned the riches of this world, and lead so poore a life, as he would not haue possessiō of any earthly thing at all, but liuing of almes, was contented [Page 494] with those thinges, that were necessary for his state of pouerty, and for cloathing.

2. Consider, how he despised al pleasures and carnall delectations. For the Iewes, who had trea­ted him ignominiously many wayes, neuer durst infame him touching Chastity, which he so plainely demonstrated in his very face, as it in­duced and moued euery [Page 495] one, who beheld him, to chastity, and purity of life.

3. Consider, how he not only contemned the honours & dignityes of this world, but also, at what tyme the Iewes would once haue made him King, he accepted it not, but went away from them, as from his enemyes, declyning all other titles & dignityes whatsoeuer. And there­fore [Page 496] he prescribed vnto his Apostles, that the greater of them should be the others seruant: & therof he had giuen thē an instance before, and had giuen answere to Ze­bedeus his sonnes, who made petition vnto him for an earthly dignity, that they knew not what they asked.

4. Consider, how he contemned the pleasurs & contentments, which [Page 497] worldly men so greedily seeke after; and thereu­pon some called him a Carpenter, because he assisted S. Ioseph in his Carpenters trade: and arriuing to 30. years of age, he withdrew him­self into the desert, wher he punished his most innocēt flesh with very soare pennance; and all the remnant of his life after, euer trauailed in procuring the soules [Page 498] health of his neighbors.

5. Cōsider, how cheer­fully he imbraced the things, which this blind world conceaueth so great an horrour of, and flyeth from; that is, he made no reckoning of iniuryes, reproaches, disgraces, tribulations: contempt, and to be re­puted a foole; he neuer sought to be reuenged, as the world doth: and when as by the very least [Page 499] signe he might haue pu­nished his enemyes, he would not doe it, but with a great & generous mind forgaue all them who had offended him.

[...]y this meditation you shall learne to know your inward affections, for the gouerning and moderating thereof, as is most fitting.

1. HEnce you may learne, whether you follow the standard of the World, or of christ. For if you in hart [Page 500] desire more, then is ne­cessary, or be carryed a­way with carnall pleasu­res, with an affection to be honoured and estee­med of men, & with the vanityes of this life; a signe it is, that in affecti­on you follow the world though you make out-wardly neuer so great [...]shew to the contrary.

2. But if your care be to please your Sauiour, and to be like him, and [Page 501] willingly imbrace tribu­ [...]ations, and loue to be mocked & contemned; [...]t is a signe, that you are a good souldier, and the true disciple of Christ.

Of Christs Charity towards his Neighbours.

1. COnsider, how the Sonne of God, whereas he was in Heauen adored of the Angels, neither stood in [Page 502] neeed of any thing, but was most happy & bles­sed in himselfe, pleased to vndergoe the person of a needy man, exposed to a thousand aduersi­tyes and dangers, tha [...] he might in this calamitous banishment be ou [...] maister & conductour whereunto not his owne profit, and vtility, bu [...] his sincere and earnest loue towards vs moued him.

[Page 503] 2. Consider, how our Sauiour thought it not inough to haue take on him mans nature for vs, but also, whē he saw that it was not within the cō ­passe of our weake abili­tyes to satisfy the diuine iustice for our faults & transgressions, he layed all vpon his own shoul­ders, and abundantly sa­tisfyed for all mankind And though his satisfa­ction was superabundāt, [Page 504] where one drop of bloud had beene more then i­nough, yet he shed all.

3. Cōsider how, thogh he foresaw there would be many who would not acknowledg this so great a benefit, & would shew thēselues vnworthy of so great charity, he did not for all that cease to loue vs, nor loued vs the lesse, neither reiected he the ingratefull from be­ing capable of his bene­fits, [Page 505] but as the inexhaust Goodnes, as he was in­deed, most munificent­ly, & most liberally be­stowed himself vpon al.

4. Consider the pains trauailes, and troubles, which Christ endured for helping his Neigh­bours, & you shall giue a gesse at the greatnes of his Charity For he tra­uayled from one castle to another on foot, and from one Synagogue to [Page 506] another, shewing vnto all the way of saluation: he neither feared, nor regarded any aduersi­tyes at all, so he might preach the kingdome of heauē to the multitude. And therfore among o­ther thinges, though he were wearied of his iour­ney, and it were very late he yet cheerfully refused meate, whereof he stood in much need, that he might conuert the Sa­maritan [Page 507] woman.

5. Consider the great loue, which our Sauiour shewed towards vs, whē in the end he loued vs so as he left himselfe vnto vs in the most holy Sa­crament of the Altar. Neither did he leaue vs any lesser testimony of his loue in his sacred passiō, who to set vs free from the bondage of the Diuell, and the miseryes of sin, endured the most [Page 508] cruell tormentes that e­uer were: and while he hanged vpon the crosse, prayed to his heauēly fa­ther for his Crucifiers, & excused them in these wordes: Father forgiue them, for they know not what they doe.

Heere turne your eyes vpon your selfe, and by comparing your selfe with Christ, you shall stir vp your soule to the loue of your neighbour, which is the fruit of this Meditation.

1. VVILL you know how great your [Page 509] Charity towardes your neyghbours is? Examin it with that, which you doe for them, and you shal find it to be as great as be the trauails, payns, & incommodityes, that you take & suffer in hel­ping them.

2. If thou dost good neither to the soule, nor body of thy neighbors, neither hast wil to with­draw the very least thing from thy selfe for their [Page 510] profit: and if what thou doest, thou do it there­fore because it turneth to thyne owne vtility, what manner of Charity is that of thine?

3. He that hath true charity, wisheth spiritu­all good to his neigh­bour, as to himselfe, prayeth to God for him, assisteth him in his neces­sityes as he is able, and willingly forgiueth him, wherein he hath offen­ded [Page 511] him.

Of Christs diligence in spi­rituall matters.

1. COnsider, how diligent our Sa­uiour was in obseruatiō of the law, no otherwise thē if he had byn boūd. For the eight day he was circumcised, and the 40. day he was presented in the Temple; at euery time of the yeare, as it [Page 512] was appointed, he went vp to Hierusalem, ac­cording to the custome to worship God there: and he euer respected S. Ioseph, and his Mother, as the law commanded.

2. Consider how, whē he was to preach pen­nance to others, he wold first of al experience it in himselfe. For after his Baptisme, he retyred into the desert, where he gaue himselfe most [Page 513] diligently, with fasting, and punishing of his owne body, to contem­plation, & to other spi­rituall exercises.

3. Consider how after his returne from out of the desert he begun to preach, & with an ami­able diligence endea­uoured to shew the way of saluation to all. To the infirm he gaue dou­dle health both of body, and of spirit; he repro­ued [Page 514] vice, he exhorted to vertue: he went vp and downe from place to place, that he might help many. To be short that he might do good, he spared no pains at al.

4. Consider, how his wil also was, that his dis­ciples should be diligent in doing of good works. For he oftē sent thē forth to the adioyning castles to preach, to cast forth Diuells, to cure the sicke [Page 515] and diseased, and there­fore he often exhorted them to great Charity, for he best of all knew, that such diligence was the mother, and begin­ning of all spirituall workes.

5. Consider, how dili­gent, and serious he was in prayer; and when as by day, by reason of his ouermuch busines, wherwith he was detayned in preaching, and in the [Page 516] conuersion of his neigh­bors, he could not pray, he attended to prayer by night, and as S. Luke sayth, he spent the night in the prayer of God. And this is also mani­fest, for that, before he began his passion, in great humility and ear­nestnes he addressed his prayer thrice vnto his heauenly Father; and in the expiration of his life he pleased to end it, [Page 517] and to dye in praying; namely, while he did hang vpon the Crosse, he prayed first for his persecutours, and in say­ing: Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit, he gaue vp his Ghost.

The fruit, that is to be gathered of this Meditation.

1. IF the Sonne of God were so dili­gent, not for any profit that were to redound to [Page 518] himselfe, why shouldst not thou be confoūded, who art so negligent in matters of spirit, that were prescribed for the good of thy soule.

2. What will it help thee, if thou be cir­cumspect in temporall and transitory things, & shalt be negligent in prayer, mortification, pennance, and other spi­rituall functions?

3. Thou art also de­ceaued, [Page 519] if thou be di­ligent in thy particuler deuotions, and slouth­full, and drowsy in the obseruation of the com­mandements of God, & of the Church.

4. If thou desire to attaine to a diligence in spiritual matters, endea­uour to loue them, for that the more thou shalt be affected vnto them, the more diligent wilt thou be inprocuring thē.


FOR the due performing of the former Meditations it is to be vnderstood, that the Vertues of our Sauiour may be meditated vpon, three manner of wayes.

1. First, that we may vnderstand their nature and perfection, as the Phi­losophers vse to contemplate the heauens for the vnderstanding of their nature.

2. Secondly, for the praysing, & magnifying of him, who had so excellent vertues. And this second manner is both more noble, and more gratefull to God; for that it hath a more excel­lent, and a more perfect end, that is, the praysing of Gods Godnes.

3. Thirdly, for imitation, and purchasing of thē: & this is the best mā ­ner of all, and more excellent then the other two, and more pleasing to God. [Page 521] For besides that, that it comprehendeth the excellency of the two other, it hath withall a most noble end, which ma­keth a man like vnto the sonne of God. And that is, the greatest perfection of all, that a reasonable creature hath, or can haue in this life.

Moreouer in this manner be exer­cised the three powers of the soule. The Memory layeth before the eyes Christs life, as the acts of vertue [...], which he ex­ercised, whiles he liued. The Vnder­standing discourseth about the vertues, and the qualityes of then [...]. And the Wil to the same vertues applyeth Affection which helpeth to the attayning of those vertues, for in that in which a thing is loued, in that it is sought for to be at­tained.

The vtilityes of his last manner be diuers.

1. The first purgeth the soule from [Page 522] vices. For while the vertues are planted, the vices are destroyed in it.

2. The second restoreth it to the former beauty, and seemlynes, and di­recteth it: for that by the vertues the passions are brought backe againe to their naturall order, that they doe no more, then what they are swayed vnto by reason.

3. The third illuminateth: for that the soule informed, and furnished with vertues, and not troubled with passions, both seeth, discerneth, & iud­geth the better.

4. The fourth maketh it grate­full to the Creatour, and to all other creatures, sith there is nothing, that maketh a man so amiable, as doth ver­tue, which draweth the very enemyes to loue and admire it.

5. The fifth enricheth it with merits, for that all the vertuous acts of [Page 523] him, who is in grace, be meritorious.

And the way of reaping some fruit in these Meditations, is this, that a man put on an effectuall, and earnest desire of attayning the said vertues, for from this desire proceedeth the exercise ther­of, which is the principall, and only way to purchase them. Wherfore vpon Sunday he, who meditateth of the hu­mility of Christ, must exercise many acts of Humility. Vpon Munday, he must exercise acts of Obedience, and so of the rest. It is not euer neces­sary to meditate vpon all the fiue points of the Meditation, but it is inough to insist vpon one, or two, and oftentymes in the day to exercise the vertue, that be hath meditated vpon, & to craue grace of God to go forwardes therein, euery day more and more.


KYRIE eleison.

Christe eleison.

Kyrie eleison.

Christe audi nos.

Christe exaudi nos.

Pater de caelis Deus, Mi­sere [Page 526] nobis.

Fili Redemptor mundi

Deus, Miserere no­bis.

Spiritus Sancte Deus,

Miserere nobis.

Sācta Trinitas vnus De­us, Miserere nobis.

Ora pro nobis.
  • Sancta Maria,
  • Sancta Dei Geni­trix,
  • Sancta Virgo virgi­num,
  • Mater Christi,
  • Mater diuinae gra­tiae,
  • [Page 528] Mater purissima,
  • Mater castissima,
  • Mater inuiolata,
  • Mater intemerata,
  • Mater amabilis,
  • Mater admirabilis,
  • Mater Creatoris,
  • Mater Saluatoris,
  • Virgo Prudentissi­ma. Virgo Veneranda,
  • Virgo Praedican­da,
  • [Page 530] Virgo potens,
  • Virgo clemens,
  • Virgo fidelis,
  • Speculum iustitiae,
  • Sedes Sapientiae,
  • Causa nostrae laetitiae
  • Vas spirituale,
  • Vas honorabile,
  • Vas insigne deuoti­onis,
  • Rosa mystica,
  • Turris Dauidica,
  • Turris eburnea,
  • Domus aurea,
  • Foederis arca,
  • [Page 532] Ianua Caeli,
  • Stella Matutina,
  • Salus infirmorum,
  • Refugium peccato­rum,
  • Cōsolatrix afflicto­rum,
  • Auxilium Christi­anorum,
  • Regina Angelorum
  • Regina Patriarcha­rum,
  • Regina Prophetarū
  • Regina Apostolorū
  • Regina Martyrum,
  • [Page 534] Regina Confessorū
  • Regina Virginum,
  • Regina Sanctorum omnium.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Parce nobis Domine.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Exaudi nos Domine.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Mise­rere nobis.

[Page 536] Christe audi nos.

Christe exaudi nos.

Kyrie eleison.

Christe eleison.

Kyrie eleison.

Pater noster.

Vers. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.

Resp. Sed libera nos à malo.

Vers. Domine exaudi o­rationem meam.

[Page 538] Resp. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.


GRatiam tuam, quae­sumus Domine mē ­tibus nostris infunde: vt qui Angelo nuncian­te Christi Filij tui incar­nationem cognouimus, per passionem eius & crucem, ad resurrectio­nis gloriam perduca­mur.

DEfende, quaesumus Domine, beata Ma­ria [Page 540] semper Virgine in­tercedēte, istam ab om­ni aduersitate familiam; & toto corde tibi pro­stratā, ab hostium pro­pitiùs tuere clementer insidijs. Per eumdem Dominum nostrum le­sum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum viuit & regnat in vnitate Spi­ritus sancti Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorū. Amen.


LOrd haue mercy on vs.

Christ haue mercy on vs.

Lord haue mercy on vs.

O Christ heare vs.

O Christ graciously hear vs.

God the Father of hea­uē, [Page 527] haue mercy on vs.

God the Sonne, Redee­mer of the World, haue mercy on vs.

God the Holy Ghost, haue mercy on vs.

Holy Trinity one God, haue mercy on vs.

Pray for vs.
  • Holy Mary,
  • Holy Mother of God,
  • Holy virgin of vir­gins,
  • Mother of Christ,
  • Mother of diuine [Page 529] grace,
  • Most pure Mother,
  • Most chast mother,
  • Vndefiled Mother,
  • Vntouched Mother
  • Louely Mother,
  • Admirable Mother
  • Mother of the Cre­atour,
  • Mother of our Sa­uiour,
  • Most prudēt virgin
  • Venerable Virgin,
  • Virgin worthy of prayse,
  • [Page 531] Potent Virgin,
  • Clement Virgin,
  • Faithfull Virgin,
  • Mirrour of Iustice,
  • Seate of wisedome,
  • Cause of our Ioy,
  • Spirituall vessell,
  • Honourable Vessel,
  • Noble Vessel of de­uotion,
  • Mysticall Rose,
  • Tower of Dauid,
  • Tower of Iuory,
  • Golden House,
  • Arke of Couenant,
  • [Page 533] Gate of heauen,
  • Morning Starre,
  • Health of the sick,
  • Refuge of sinners,
  • Comfortresse of the afflicted,
  • The help of Chri­stians,
  • Queen of Angells,
  • Queen of Patriarks
  • Queen of Prophets
  • Queen of the Apo­stles,
  • Queen of Martyrs,
  • [Page 535] Queen of Confes­sours,
  • Queen of Virgins,
  • Queen of al Saints.

Lambe of God, who takest away the sinnes of the world, Spare vs, O Lord.

Lambe of God, who takest away the sinnes of the world, Heare vs, O Lord.

Lambe of God, who takest away the sinnes of the world, Haue mercy [Page 537] on vs.

O Christ heare vs.

O Christ gratiously hea­re vs.

Lord haue mercy on vs.

Christ haue mercy on vs.

Lord haue mercy on vs.

Our Father &c.

Vers. And lead vs not into temptation.

Resp. But deliuer vs frō euill.

Vers. O Lord heare my prayer.

[Page 539] Resp. And let my cry come vnto thee.

Let vs pray.

VVE beseech thee, O Lord, powre forth thy grace into our harts: that we who haue known the incarnatiō of Christ thy Sonne, the Angel declaring it, may be brought by his Passi­on and Crosse, vnto the glory of Resurrection.

DEfend, we beseech thee, O Lord, by the [Page 541] intercession of the euer Virgin Mary, this thy family from all aduersi­ty: and prostrate before thee, withall our hart, protect vs benignly frō the snare of our enemy­es Through our Lord Iesus Christ thy Sonne, who liuest and raignest with thee, in the vnity of the holy Ghost, one God, for euer and euer Amen.

The Entertayning of good thoughtes.

EVery day, morning, and euening, for the space of one Aue Maria, or two, in a most serious and affectuous manner, thinke vpon that which is set downe for euery particuler day follow­ing: and renew the same good Thought euery [Page 543] houre; which may easily be done at all tymes, & vpon euery occasion, either sitting, walking, working, lying &c. And all people though neuer so rude, may be made capable thereof, to wit, children, labourers, ser­uants; yea, and that a­midst their imploymēts & occupations, be they neuer so great, or seri­ous.


O Repose! O glory e­uerlasting! What is it to enioy thee! And what to be without thee!


The houre of death will come! Then al will be past! What would I at that tyme wished to haue done! Let vs now do it. O my soule, let vs now do it.


Ah poore soule! thou [Page 545] must come to iudgment all alone! Thy workes, thy wordes, yea thy thoughts, shalbe seene of the Saints, of the An­gells, of God: and all shal there be layd open! Oh haue therfore a spe­ciall care of thy owne good.


To burne in hell fire! For all eternity! And that with Diuels! O tor­ment, greater then all [Page 546] tormentes!


He that looseth his soule, looseth all! He that offendeth God, loo­seth his soule! O sinne, what a losse doest thou bring vnto vs! I detest thee, from the bottome of my hart, most dete­stable sinne.


O sweet Iesus! To thee I cōsecrate my life, my desires, my soule. [Page 547] For me wast thou nay­led on the Crosse. For thee will I giue my selfe and dedicate my selfe wholy vnto thee.


O blessed Virgin Ma­ry! How entirely didst thou loue thy son Iesus! O cause me to loue him, & to serue him: & that nothing in this world may euer separate me from his holy Grace.

The beginning of the Ghos­pell, according to S. Iohn.

Glory be to thee, O Lord.

IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, & God was the Word. This was in the begin­ning with God. All thinges were made by him: and without him was made nothing, [Page 549] which was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men: and the light shineth in dar­kenesse, and darknesse did not comprehend it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was Iohn. This mā came for testimony, to giue testimony of the light, that all might belieue through him. He was not the light, but to giue testimony of the light. [Page 550] It was true light which lightneth euery mā that cōmeth into this world. He was in the World, & the World was made by him, and the World knew him not. He came into his owne, and his owne receaued him not. But as many as receaued him, he gaue them pow­er to be made the Sōnes of God, to those that be­lieue in his Name: who not of bloud, nor of the [Page 551] will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God are borne. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt in vs (and we saw the glory of him, glory as it were of the only begotten of the Fa­ther) full of grace and verity.

Thankes be to God.

To be gayned euery houre, at the str [...] ­king of the Clocke.

TO stir vp Christian People t [...] greater deuotion to wardes ou [...] B. Lady, Pope Leo the Tent [...] of happy memory, graunted a thou [...]sand dayes pardon, to whosoeue [...] should say one Aue-Maria, when th [...] Clocke strikes, in the honour of th [...] houre, and mistery of the Incarnati [...]on of our Blessed Sauiour. The whic [...] hath also beene confirmed by Pop [...] Paul the Fifth▪


Petrus Epūs Prorex, & supremus in­quisitor Haer. prauitatis in Regn [...] Lusitaniae.

Michael Archiepūs Vlyssiponensis Alphonsus Epūs Conimbricensis. Fr. Iacobus Epūs Audomarensis.


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