[Page] ¶Here begynneth the thyrde boke / whiche telleth of the conuersion of many of the paynims vnto the fayth. And also of the martyrdome of holy Amphibalus / whiche conuerted saynt Albon to the fayth of Christe. whiche Amphibalus was the princes sonne of wales.
Myracles shewed / and maruayles many folde
This blessed martyr for to magnyfye
As here toforne ye haue herde me tolde
The nyght illumyned with the golden skye
Songe of angels with heuenly armony
The people astonyed tremblyng in the derke
To se howe Christ lyst for the martyr werke
But on your brest remembre your trespas
To therth fall prostrate downe
Prayeth to the lorde for to do you grace
Of your offence and transgression
Or that he take vengeance on your towne
Trusteth playnly / whether ye be wrothe or fayne
All this wrought for hym that ye haue slayne
This lyght from heuen / whiche y
t is descended
For Albon shewed / and the golden skye
Let vs repent of that we haue offended
Of our trespas mercy to Iesu crye
And forsake all ydolatrye
Takyng ensample all by one accorde
Of this martyr that whylome was our lorde
we may consydre a thyng agaynst nature
Howe the nyght with her derke derkenesse
Passyng reason of any creature
Is by myracle turned to bryghtnesse
Of angels herde a melodious swetnes
And all thynge brefely to comprehende
For the merytes of Albon to commende
Maugre mawmettes / whiche can but disceyue
Impotent and very feble of myght
By experience as ye conceyue
Bryghter than day hath made the derke nyght
To declare the merytes of his knyght
Playnly to shewe lyght of his perfytenes
whiche may nat be clypsed by no foreyn derkenes
Agayne this lorde / whiche is moste of myght
we haue erred in our opinion
And done vnto hym great wronge and vnryght
To make our fayth and our professyon
To fals idols / whiche in this royall towne
we haue so longe in our paynem wyse
As idolatres do frowarde seruice
Let vs nowe dampne all suche errour
And forsake with entier diligence
All false goddes / whiche may do no socour
To theyr seruantes present nor absence
wherfore let vs nowe clere our conscience
And axe forgyfenes of our lorde Iesu
whiche hath in Albon shewed so great vertue
Let vs not tary / but in all hast we can
Go seche meanes for our saluation
In dyuers countres to fynde vp the man
whche by his labour and predication
Conuerted Albon in the same towne
To Christis fayth / that martyr moste benyngne
This nyght declared by many an vnkouth signe
From our rytes and ceremonyes olde
And false errours enclypsed with darkenes
Done to mawmettes / with whom we were wholde
Of ignorance by consuete rudenes
And to directe and clarifye our blyndnes
From all errour and ydolatrye
The best way that I can espie
By these myracles / whiche Christ Iesu hath wrought
For loue of Albon the same nyght
That his maister may in hast be sought
For it is lykely accordyng wele to ryght
Syth god hath shewed suche myracle for his knyght
He that was cause of his conuersion
Myght best prouyde for our saluation
I mene as thus in very equite
Syth god in Albon hath shewed suche vertue
His maister shulde haue great auctoritie
That was sent hym by grace of Christ Iesu
To put our doubte at a playne issue
By myracles declaryng newe and newe
His maisters teachyng faythfull was and trewe
All that people beinge in presence
Of god enspired as by one assent
with one voyce commendyng that sentence
Gafe the fauour in all theyr best entent
Toke theyr way by great auisement
Towarde wales and sought on euery syde
Serchyng the countre where he shulde abyde
Of whose preachyng notable was the fame
Both in his lyuyng and perfyte holynes
Full glad they were / whan they herde his name
And towardes hym fast they gan them dresse
As the story playnly beareth wytnesse
Came by grace where he dyd teache
The worde of god / and to the people preche
And full deuoutly vpon hym they abode
Hauyng aforne hym ryght great audience
As they come to hym / euen as he stode
And hym saluted with great reuerence
Greatly reioysyng of his deuoute presence
Offered to hym or they ferther gone
The same crosse he yafe vnto Albon
The whiche crosse was newly sprent with blode
whan he for Christ suffered passyon
By whiche token full well he vnderstode
That he was slayne / fell on his knees downe
Kyssyng the crosse with great deuotion
In his armes with teares all be reyned
That holy relyque full swetely he hath streyned
He thanked god with deuout obseruance
And that martyrs humble pacience
This newe people with deuoute attendance
whiche was come to yefe hym audience
All at ones with full great reuerence
And herte contrite knelyng on theyr knees
Forsoke theyr ydols and olde vanytees
Theyr myspent tyme to them was great losse
To all vertue an odious spectacle
Tyll tyme they were marked with the crosse
In theyr forhede by grace and myracle
with that victorious tryumphall signacle
And folowyng on / lyke theyr fyrst entent
Receyued of baptisme the holy sacrament
within a whyle the fame went abrode
Farre about in story as I rede
Dyuers countres of this thynge howe it stode
Tyll at last the noyse gan sprede
Of Verolamy / howe verely in dede
Citezyns theyr goodes haue forsake
A full great nombre / and theyr iourney take
To folowe the traces of Amphibalus
A newe preacher straunge and foreyne
Theyr olde rytes false and superstitious
They haue renounsed and holde al that ben vayne
They haue also of very high disdayne
From them abiecte / myn aucter lyst not lye
All theyr ydols and false mawmettrye
whan the rumour was come vnto the citie
They were troubled / hauyng great maruayle
what it ment or what it shulde be
At prime face lyke a great dissauayle
To comen profyte they dempt in theyr counsayle
It was full lyke theyr citie to encombre
Enquered fyrst what fayled of theyr nombre
In theyr rolles were a thousande founde
And theyr names entytled euerychone
A thynge lykely the citie to confounde
But remedy ordeyned were anone
That suche a nombre by assent were gone
By great auise cast it was dewe
A myghty thyng tho folke to pursewe
And with stronge hande serched out the rote
Of this matter in hope it shulde auayle
They gathered them on horsebacke and on fote
And gan ordeyne a myghty stronge batayle
Of sondry folke armed in plate and mayle
Agaynst fugytifes gon out of the cite
And on Amphibalus auenged for to be
Of whose persone so notable was the fame
Through all wales and contres enuiron
That the report of his good name
Gan to encrease thorough all the regyon
Of his doctrine and predication
whiche through wales shone lyke a lode sterre
Them to directe / which in our fayth doth erre
Tho folke that were come to hym of newe
From Verolamy his preachyng for to here
Lyke a doctour in Christis fayth most trewe
Receyued them with all his herte entiere
Enformed them and taught them the maniere
Cf Christis lawe with busy diligence
And they were glad to abyde in his presence
Lytell and lytell in he gan them drawe
To catche fayth and sauour in his doctryne
Of hole herte forsoke the paynyms lawe
And with great wyll theyr corage dyd enclyne
So to perseuer / and so theyr lyfe to fyne
In Christis lawe as folke that lyst not tary
So for to abyde and neuer more to vary
Other there were / whiche gan pursewe
The sayde people of malyce and of hate
This newe doctrine of Christis trans
[...] newe
whiche come vpon armed with mayle and plate
Sent from that citie of purpose to debate
Agaynst them / whiche that for Christis sake
Fayth of paynyms vnwarely hath forsake
Folowed after with rumour noyse and sowne
To fall vpon them with sodeyn auenture
Serchyng in wales aboute towne and towne
Of Amphibalus the presence to recure
whiche lyke a clerke grounded in scripture
To that people at reuerence of our lorde
Stode amōges them / and preached goddes worde
And one there was for anger almost wode
That brake fyrst out shewyng his conceyte
To Amphibalus amonge them as he stode
wherof that people was all and hole receyte
O thou quod he grounde of all disceyte
Rote of fraude / falsenes / and trechery
To all our goddes traytour and ennemye
That thou hast done thou mayst it not forsake
Of frowarde contempte malyciously practised
Agaynst our goddes a quarell for to take
Theyr lawes olde presumptously dispised
As these people contagiously disguysed
To great damage of vs and of our cite
whiche trust me well shall not vnpunysshed be
It is no doubte it shall not abyde longe
Of theyr iniury and theyr godly greuance
As they be moste myghty and most stronge
They sodenly shall take on the vengeance
But if thou wylte eschewe theyr pusance
Fyrst do repent the / to fynde them more tretable
And seche a meane to make them mercyfull
Fyrst of all do thy busynesse
Of theyr great ire to appese the rancour
Afore these people / shewe outwarde thy mekenes
To louse the bondes / whiche by thy labour
Thou hast them brought in full great errour
Be so besy agayne with faythfull attendance
Them to counsell to fall in repentance
Gyfe them counsell and make them to assent
with herte and body no daunger for to make
To axe mercy and sore repent
Or sodeyn vengeance be on them take
Of that they haue our goddes forsake
For this no doubte but it be done in dede
we shall agayne them vengeably procede
For if they stande in theyr fyrst errour
As they began frowarde and obstynate
They shall of mercy fynde no fauour
without exception of high or lowe estate
But lyke as people most infortunate
Dye vpon the sworde take this for full sentence
As is concluded by marcyall violence
yet there was one supprised with feruence
Of Christis lawe stedfast in the fayth
whiche had bothe connyng and eloquence
And for his maister holy wryt he laythe
To thylke paynym euen thus he saythe
Our lorde god / whiche called is Iesu
Shall be this day our refuge and vertue
And our chefe helpe in tribulation
whiche shall percase shewe some myracle
By his most myghty dominacion
Therfore these folke an vnkouth spectacle
That there ayen shalbe none obstacle
Through goddes myght and mercyfull goodnes
Some man to same of his sodeyn sykenes
Our maister here whom that ye repreue
In Christis name to shewe an euidence
From all myschefe some syke man to releue
whiche lyeth outraged by mortall violence
But to declare the magnyfycence
Of Christe Iesu anone without more
To helth agayne suche one he shall restore
Not incouert but in your alther syght
we haue suche trust in his parfynesse
Fro whose doctryne as we haue behyght
we shall not chaunge for deth not distresse
without faynyng or any doublenesse
your counsellyng in Christis holy name
Folowe his teachyng and to do the same
ye threte fast to maken vs aferde
But god alone he is our defence
Iesu is stronge agayne spere and swerde
Vnder whose pauise of parfyte pacience
we shall abyde concludyng in sentence
we forsake all false ydolatrye
And for Christis sake redy for to dye
Fauour of blode nor none allyaunce
Cherysshyng of treasure nor promyse of kynred
Experte kynred nor none acqueyntance
Fayre behestes / manaces nor hatered
All set asyde both loue and drede
The fayth of Christ of hole herte we haue take
All false ydols and mawmettes we forsake
Of this answere the paynyms almost wode
Lyke tygrys fell / vengeable as lyons
Of innocentes to shede the christen blode
with sharpe swerdes lyke rauenous felons
They kyll and slee of all conditions
As hongry wolfes in theyr beastiall rage
whithout exception of olde or yonge of age
The father ther agayn all skylle and ryght
Of his sonne toke his deadly wounde
Brother and brother was slayne in that fyght
And with theyr speres / that were square & rounde
Theyr nygh cosyns were glad to confounde
There was none spared of blode nor kynred
without mercy eche others blode to shed
Of aged folke there was no reuerence
In that vnkyndly sodeyn cruell shoure
Myddell age / nor age of innocence
Nor blode of blode lyst knowe his neybour
Nor none to other lyst shewe his fauour
Echon were slayne the story telleth thus
And were conuerted by Amphibalus
Frowarde tyrantes that this people sleeth
Most mercyles with pollar swerde and knyfe
Eche preased in aforne other towarde the deth
So ametous was that charytable stryfe
Lyke folke that were glad to lese theyr lyfe
Of one corage and of one pacience
To dye for Christe / so hole was theyr feruence
Amonge these holy seyntes euerychone
That forsoke theyr towne and theyr cite
There was none lefte alyue but one
Of all that come Amphibalus to see
whiche by occasyon of his infirmyte
Abode behynde feble and impotent
whiche at theyr dyenge myght not be present
whan Anphibalus sawe them all deed
Lyggyng in the felde / turned vp set downe
with pitous chere sawe theyr woundes blede
Of wofull herte and compassyon
Deuoutly made his commendation
Prayenge Iesu with voyce full pytously
On all tho soules to haue mercy
At Lychefelde fyll all this auenture
This great slaughter and made is mention
Of whiche flaughter recorde of olde scripture
By dayes olde named was the towne
This worde Lychefelde by interpretation
Is to say in that tonge as I rede
A felde that lyeth full of bodyes deed
There these martyrs suffered passyon
Of one corage and of one stablenes
The paynyms in theyr opinion
Most obstinate in theyr cursednes
Made a vowe in theyr wodenes
Neuer to eate for none occasyon
Tyll Amphibalus were brought to theyr towne
Lyke wodemen they about hym ryde
The holy man playnly to declare
with speres wounded body backe and syde
went aforne them with his fete all bare
The more vngoodly / they dyd with hym fare
The more the martyr with chere and visage
Patiently suffred theyr owne outrage
To hym they had frowarde fell langage
The stone weye dyd hym great duresse
And though that he felte in his passage
Vnder his fete / constreynt of great sharpenes
Mytygation of all his heuynes
was whan he the place dyd approche
where Albon lay graue vnder a roche
The homecydes of whom to forne I tolde
Had in this whyle a maner repentance
Bakwarde amonge as they gan beholde
The people slayne of theyr allyance
By theyr owne furyous gouernance
For they them selfe lyke folke that were wode
The slaugter made vpon theyr owne blode
Lokyng behinde fyrst whā they toke hede & beheld
There owne brethern cosyns and kynred
By theyr handes lay slayne in the felde
They gan to wepe / to se theyr woundes blede
This same tyme or they toke any hede
They founde a man that lay lanquisshyng
Vpon the felde moste pitous compleynyng
This syke man with a full deadly face
For great constreynt of his malady
Sawe Amphibalus forby shulde passe
with deadly voyce gan to hym crye
Seruant of god do me socour or I dye
For Iesu sake lowly I the requere
To helpe his seruant that lyeth in myschefe here
For by the callyng of his holy name
I haue suche trust in Christ Iesu and the
Though I lye here impotent and lame
By thy merytes thou mayst helpe me
To be made hole of this infyrmyte
Maugre paynyms / that can about hym prece
Of this clamour wolde not he sece
In his prayer he doth alway continue
Suche fayth he had in his opinion
Paynyms sawe he was importune
And so stable in his action
Hadden in disdeyne and in derysion
His great noyse / but magre her felnesse
He arose vp hole of all his olde sykenesse
This seke man that lay bounde in payne
Of olde sykenesse greuous and importable
By Amphibalus lay bounde in a chayne
was made all hole / and of his lymmes stable
This can the lorde whiche is most mercyable
Of syke folkes here theyr complayntes
And worche myracles for his holy sayntes
This myracle gracious and vnkouth
Fyrst of this man releued of his sykenesse
The deth of the martyrs gan sprynge northe and southe
Of theyr wylfull sufferance w
t mekenes
Homwarde agayne paynyms gan them dresse
But this myracle whan they dyd auerte
They were greatly astonyed in theyr herte
Amonge them selfe they brake openly
Though they to Christ were contraryous
Of this myracle wrought sodenly
They spared not playnly to say thus
The god of christen is great and maruaylous
Great is his vertue the deed beareth wytnesse
To heale a man so sone in his sykenes
As they tolde erst / paynyms at last
wonder desyrous towarde your contre
They rode armed and began to hye fast
And sped them so that they myght se
The crested walles of theyr citie
As they thought that tyme for the best
After labour a whyle for to rest
They were oppressed w
t hunger and with thurst
For that tyme lyst no forther for to ryde
And eche one of them folowyng theyr owne lust
Chose his grounde a certayne home to abyde
Their shelde theyr speres set them downe a syde
Them to refresshe layser they haue founde
whyles Amhibalus lay in his fecers bounde
The turmentours refreshed at the best
As I haue tolde after theyr werynesse
The holy martyr myght haue no pece nor rest
Bounden in chaynes by full great duresse
In his most labour and greattest distresse
Maugre paynyms whan he a layser caught
To his most soone the worde of god he taught
This meane whyle y
t all this thyng was wrought
As ye haue herde come tydyng to the towne
Howe Amphibalus was to the citie brought
Maister vnto Albon / as made is mention
At whose entrynge great people there come downe
Thought in them selfe all theyr heuynesse
By his comyng was turned in to gladnes
Dempte amonge them bothe one and all
The matyre had standyng other wyse
Howe Amphibalus from Christis fayth was fall
Of that lawe lefte all his olde emprise
Come to theyr goddes to do sacrifice
All theyr frendes with them were repayrde
Of whom toforne they dispayred
The beastiall folke supposed in certayne
Howe all the people that went by assent
To Amphibalus were come home agayne
By force of them / that were for them sent
But they fayled foule in theyr entent
For through the towne the noyse went anone
Lyke as it was / howe they were deed euerychone
Agayne Christis of malyce set a fyre
Homecydes turmentours that dyd this cruell dede
whiche fyll vpon them in theyr cruell ire
Tho that made the martyrs for to blede
Of indignation and of great hatered
The selfe same made relation
Of theyr slaughter through verolamy towne
The fathers wepte with sorowfull syghes great
whan they herde theyr sonnes were deed
Pytous mothers theyr sobbyng can not let
whose watrye eien with wepyng made red
Through the citie bothe in lengthe and brede
wydowes maydens ran with theyr here to torne
That so sodenly haue theyr frendes lorne
Suche pitous wepyng I trowe not ther was
At the brennyng of the famous Ilyon
In Troye whan the stede of brasse
was by sleyght compassed of Synon
For through euery strete of Verolamy towne
This noyse was herde deedly and mortall
Lyke as men synge at feastes funerall
In theyr most wofull lamentation
They said amonge them with hygh and low estate
The tyme is come of our destruction
Cite of citezyns forsake and desolate
Most outragyous and most disconsolate
To be noted of furyous fell hatered
Blode agayn blode so felly to procede
For our defence we haue nowe none excuse
Folke infortunate by deuision
we shall from hensforth be called the refuge
As folke abiecte of euery nacion
So importable is our confusyon
That we be lyke neuer to fynde grace
Amonge no folke to shewe ons grace
we can nor may our seluen acquite
For our excuse a reason for to make
But here after that folkes wyll vs awyte
Our kynne our blode theyr goddes haue forsake
On whom vengeance so mortally was take
In straunge countre so playnly to descryue
Amonge also / that none was lefte alyue
Alas alas vnburyed in the felde
Cast out to the beastes that walke in pasture
Kynne agayne kynne in armes bare on shelde
An hatefull warre / a warre agayne nature
whiche lye nowe deed without sepulture
So late done it may not be socoured
Of foule and beast a pray to be deuoured
Alas our ioye is turned in to dispayre
The staffe broke of our vnweldy age
Our harpe troubled / our fortune is not fayre
Frowarde to vs she turneth her visage
wo to that man that with his langage
Caused Albon our goddes to forsake
And magre them / the fayth of Christ to take
whiche hath alas perturbed the cite
Brought our welfare to desolation
Grounde and gynnyng of this mortalite
Of our alyes and citezyns of the towne
whose bodies nowe lyen vpsetdowne
O myghty goddes of power immortall
Defende the people of our cite royall
To our request your eares downe enclyne
Take vengeance vpon our enemy
whiche is cause of our mortall ruyne
And of our myschefe the rote fynally
Reuenge your wronge ye that be most myghty
On hym that causeth / that we be seke and grone
Let the vengeance rebounde on his persone
Of their plaintes and of their wofull clamours
They seased not lyke folkes most vengeable
Tyll it fyll so that turmentours
Perceyued well they were not treatable
Howe theyr sorowe was intollerable
Of compassyon lyst no lenger spare
Of all this thynge the trouthe to declare
All sodeynly they began to abrayde
Theyr deedly sorowes and playntes to refrayne
Of the most worthy of the towne they sayde
O citezyns / why lyst ye so complayne
Leue your wepyng / your teares doth restraynt
For by report of vs that were present
Voyde of disceyte or meanyng fraudolent
ye haue more cause of gladnesse than wepyng
And greatter matter of consolation
Than of distresse or of complaynyng
For if the grounde be sought out by reason
Touchyng your frendes slaughter and passyon
ye haue more grounde vs lyst not for to fayne
For to be glad / than for theyr deth to prayne
By sondry tokens that were contemplatyfe
Of signes shewed / the deed beareth wytnes
Theyr deth was entred in to euerlastyng lyfe
Ende of sorowe concluded on gladnes
From this darke valey went vp to bryghtnes
where day departed is from the nyght
And bryght Phebus leseth neuer his lyght
It is accordyng full well to nature
A man to wepe for frendes that be dede
But agayn warde by recorde of scripture
For Christis sake / who lyst his blode to shede
A thousande folde shall receyue his mede
And for his lyfe / whiche is but transytory
Eternally to abyde and lyue in glory
where is no complaynt / nor no parte of sorowe
But euerlastyng gladnesse in that place
Ilyche newe both at eue and at morowe
From wo to ioye from sobbyng to solace
wher deth hath lost his power to manace
Fye on dispeyre / for dethe to make stryfe
where ioye foloweth of euerlastyng lyfe
Dethe in this worlde shulde not be complayned
Of them that passe from worldely vanite
Suche as by grace and mercy haue attayned
with Christ to reigne in his eternall see
where ioye is euer and all felicite
And for suche folke mydday eue and morowe
It were wodenes for to make sorowe
ye be bounde playnly to conclude
To thanke god for frendes that ye mysse
whiche hath chose so great a multitude
Of this citie / and brought them vnto blysse
Of ioye perpetuall they may neuer mysse
Makyng a chaunge from this temporall
For thylke lyfe aboue celestiall
Take hede hereto / and yeueth good audience
Of thynge that we shall make rehersale
And it imprenteth in your aduertence
Touchyng your frendes slayne in batayle
whom that we dyd so mortally assayle
All this consydered to complayne ye do wronge
As ye shall knowe paraunter or ought longe
Aforne rehersed the same turmentours
with a great othe present there all the towne
To them not only / but to theyr successours
To be reported through all that regyon
Maden there open protestation
Touchyng this mater they cast to expresse
Shall haue no touche nor spot of falsenesse
They gan theyr matter brefly to conclude
Touchyng the story to all theyr entent
In Verolamy to all the multitude
Of great and small beinge there present
Rehersyng fyrst howe that they were sent
with myghty honde to all contres enuiron
To seke theyr frendes / were fled from the towne
Vnder these wordes spake for theyr partie
By your byddyng we went as ye wel knowe
with force and armys / serchyng to espie
To north wales in countres high and lowe
Tyll it fell so within a lyttell throwe
Lad by fortune / we founde them euerychone
with hym that whylom was maister to Albon
Out of this citie they were fled and gone
Some that were full nygh of your allye
Vpon the maister abydyng of Albon
we founde eke gethered a great company
And of Pectis we dyd also espie
with walsemen of newe that were drawe
And conuerted vnto christen lawe
By thylke clerke that all these thynges wrought
From whom they wolde departe in no maner
Amonge all / our kynred out we sought
Toke them aparte / and with full frendly chere
with fayre speche requestes and prayere
Maynte with manassis / and softnesse of langage
From that doctryne to reuoke theyr corage
But euer they stode in suche obstinacy
On hym abydyng eche houre and moment
By theyr answere rather for to dye
All of accorde and echeone of assent
Lyst in no wyse folowe our entent
whan we myght not our purpose recure
we lefte our tretes and toke our armour
Of whiche they were not astonyed nor aferde
For Christis sake / eche redyer than other
who myght fyrst renne vnder the swerde
In theyr metyng brother slayne of brother
There was suche prese it myght be non other
For Christis sake echon were fayne
For a prerogatyue / who myght fyrst be slayne
Vpon the sonne / whiche was the father heyre
The father shewed most cruell violence
whiche in nature was nother good nor fayre
The sonne also voyde of all beneuolence
To his father dyd no maner of reuerence
There was no mercy / but marciall outerage
without exception of olde or yonge of age
Pacience was captayne in the felde
Of them that suffered deth for Christis sake
Theyr spere was hope / mekenes was theyr shelde
Other defence they lyst not for to make
In thylke quarell / whiche they had take
Lyst not departe tyll spent was theyr blode
whiche on the playn ran large as a flode
The lorde that sytteth aboue the sterres clere
Saugh and behelde the great pacience
Of his knyghtes / whose blode lyke a ryuere
Ran in the felde by mortall violence
whom to comforte of his magnificence
The heuen all open to shewe his great vertue
Sayd vnto them that blessed lorde Iesu
Cometh vp to me my knyghtes most entere
Proued in batayle ryght victorious
Assendeth vp aboue the sterres clere
My gate is open and redy is my house
Agayne your comyng most ryche and glorious
with tryumphe that neuer shall disseuer
And with a palme that shall lasten euer
O Paradyse / o chosen citezyns
For your notable tryumphall prowesse
Makyng your clayme as very denzyns
There to abyde your knyghtly nobylnes
To spende your blode / was shewed no scarsenesse
For me to suffre deth by great outrage
Digne amonge martyrs / come take your heritage
The amerous fayre of feruent desyres
In your conquest of most souereyne price
Haue gyue you title to be possessioners
Eternally to clayme lyke your auise
Abydyng space in the heuenly paradise
To be registred fre from all worldly stryfe
with the holy martyrs in the boke of lyfe
From this worlde we saugh them flee to heuen
By many signes whiche that dyd appere
From deth to lyfe / aboue the sterres seuen
we stode astonyed beholdyng the manere
Howe Christe Iesu with a benyngne chere
Lyst to receyue into his regyon
These holy martyrs of Verolamy towne
In these nombre of martyrs that were founde
Full nyne hundred and nynty rekened clene
And nyne therto slayne with many a wounde
Of whose blode / as it was well sene
All in to redde stayned was the grene
The flode so great of blode that come downe lowe
That one from an other no man coude knowe
They lay so oppressed vnder the horse fete
No man myght haue very knowlegyng
The blody streme dyd ouer flowe and flete
Theyr deedly faces vpon the grounde lyggyng
But sodenly there fell a wonders thyng
Eche from other only by goddes grace
was thorough the felde knowen by the face
By the prayer of Amphibalus
Of the deed bodyes with woundes grene
A great myracle the story telleth thus
Theyr woundes hole that no carectes were sene
Ioyned together and souded eke so clene
A straunge syght / a syght of great delyte
The blody streme as mylke ranne all whyte
Thus by prayer of one ryghtfull man
Of theyr woundes fyrst fearefull and terryble
There was no carecte as we reherse can
By apperance that outwarde was visible
For vnto god nothyng is impossyble
For they that were mangled and disfourmed
By grace and prayer sodeynly were refourmed
The people frowarde in theyr opinion
Seing this myracle and were there present
By a contraryous exposition
Sayd aye the worst in theyr false iugement
And vengably echon of assent
Of false malyce dyd theyr busy cure
To denye them theyr kyndly sepulture
But cast them to beastis on malyce and disdayne
To suche as weren disposed to rauyne
without reuerence lyke an olde carayne
They agayne them so felly gan maligne
But Christe Iesus most gracious and benygne
To preserue his martyrs by myracle
Agayne paynyms haue shewed an obstacle
A wolfe come downe with sturdy violence
Terryble of loke and furyous of chere
Agayne beastis wylde to make resystence
Towarde the seintes that they came no nere
An egle also with persyng eien clere
Houyng alofte / as all men behelde
Fro touche of foule / kepte all day the felde
wherof Pictis greatly gan maruayle
They of wales had a maner of drede
Thought in them selues these tokes may not fayle
It cometh of god and of no mans dede
And of reason whan they toke hede
Fyrst of the wolfe and of the egle alofte
Stode astonyed and gan to wonder ofte
It is appropred to the wolfe of nature
As clerkes say mannes flesshe to attame
Amonge all caryns where they may it recure
They most reioyse / and therof haue most game
But he that maketh wylde beastis tame
Daūteth serpentes / whiche on grounde lowe crepe
Hath made a wolfe his martyrs for to kepe
From all beastis disposed to rauyne
By his myracle and gracious worchyng
And by his power heuenly and deuine
Of later date he yafe eke the kepyng
Of blessed Edmonde / mayde / martyr / and kyng
Vnto a wolfe the heed most vertuous
It to preserue from beastis rauenous
In this myracle / who can vnderstande
To be noted is great conuenience
Of martyrs / whiche were with violent hande
Slayne for the fayth by humble pacience
And thylke martyrs / whiche made no resistence
So were slayne for Christ / as it is founde
At Lychefelde / with many a blody wounde
Folowyng the ensample / these martyrs euerychon
For Christ deth sufferyng and full great payne
Of theyr prince / that called was Albon
In his tyme stewarde of Brytayne
As I trust these noble princes twayne
Edmonde and Albon / these ioyned two
Shall saue this lande in that we haue to do
This kynges banner of assure is the felde
Therin of golde be crownes thre
The same campe beareth Albon in his shylde
Bete in the myddes of golde a fresshe sawtre
Agayn our enmyes / whan they together be
In one assembled / shall make our partye stronge
Magre all tho that wolde done vs wronge
Of est Englande kynge and champyon
Blessed Edmonde shall his baner sprede
The prince of knyghtes in Brutis Albion
And prothomartyr shall vs helpe at nede
A thousande martyrs that theyr blode shede
For Christis fayth slayne at Lychefelde
Shall vs defende with spere sworde and shelde
These tokens sene / the paynems gan to sease
Of theyr pursute and furyous wodenesse
And by myracle they sodenly gan to prease
To kysse the relyques / on knees gan them dresse
with many signes and tokens of mekenesse
And where afore as they began to maligne
They shewed them selfe most goodly & benygne
Theyr olde malyce / and theyr frowarde disdeyne
Hauyng the matters fyrst in derysyon
From that conceyte they turned be agayne
And caught in theyr herte a newe opinion
Them to worshyp with great deuocion
Gafe thankyng to god / & were therof full fayne
That suche a nombre in that lande was slayne
Of holy martyrs and holowed with theyr blode
whiche thynge to put in token of victorie
Perpetually they thought that it was good
Theyr nombre and names to set in memorie
whiche fro this lyfe fleynge and transitorie
Be nowe translated / where they may not mysse
Eternally with Christ to reigne in blysse
whan the turmentours had theyr tales tolde
Ryght as it fell in order of euery thynge
Of Verolamy the people yonge and olde
Present there that tyme / herde all theyr talkynge
The more partye lefte theyr wepynge
For by reporte only of theyr langage
Of theyr sorowe / the constraynt gan to swage
They gan the lorde to magnifie and prayse
And to reioyse the glorie of theyr kynred
whiche by grace he lyste so hygh vprayse
By mertyrdome theyr precious blode to blede
For his sake dye without any drede
All with one voyce at ones in sentence
This was theyr noyse with deuoute reuerence
Great is that god / greatest and glorious
Aboue all goddes of most magnificence
That maketh his seruantes so victorious
To gette so great tryumphe by theyr meke paciēce
And by his myghty imperyall influence
This lorde Iesu most gracious and benigne
Shewed in theyr deth so many an vncouth signe
Theyr grene woundes terryble to beholde
with sherpe swerdes seuered ferre a sonder
For lacke of blode / whan they were sterke & colde
One parte there / and an other parte yonder
The redde blode / this was a great wonder
Turned to mylke whyte as openly was sayne
Theyr woundes large hath souded newe agayne
He may be called a leche veryly
whiche hath practised so hygh a medycyne
Suche mortall hurtes to cure them sodeynly
whose royall bawme is heuenly and deuine
Galiene coude not imagyne
Nor ypocras duryng all theyr lyues
Suche consoudes nor suche senatiues
The vertue shewed and power glorious
Of Christ Iesu by great experience
And of his martyr blessed Amphibalus
That day declared by notable euidence
By whose prayer they beinge in presence
These myracles / who so lyst take hede
The same day accomplysshed were in dede
whiche thyng remembred the iuge was nygh wode
whose sodeyn ire no wyght coude appese
Great preace about in the place ther stode
They of this matyr felte so great disease
But for he cast hym fynally to please
The paynyms in his malencoly
Distraught of rancour thus he gan to cry
Howe longe shall we endure or susteyne
This great iniury / sclaunder / and clamour
Let vs serche out what it shulde mene
This hatefull noyse and furyous romour
But I wote well grounde of this errour
That this clerke / whiche not yore agon
As ye wele knowe was maister to saynt Albon
whose doctrine / if it were vertuous
Or come of god as ye reporte and say
He shulde not haue demeaned hym thus
So great a nombre suffre for to dye
Of innocentes that dyd his lust obeye
But it is lyke I do well apperceyue
This clerke was busye the people to disseyue
By some false crafte of incantation
Or by some sotell and straunge experience
Folke for to blynde by some illusyon
Or by collusyon of false apparence
Lyke as it were soth in existence
with some comurison or some charme made of new
A thynge that is nought to shewe as it were trew
For by his compassed false deception
The worthyest borne of this cite
Haue ben perysshed / as made is mention
And brought to nought by great aduersite
wherupon I make a newe decree
Payne of deth yeuyng this sentence
To the bochers / who that yeueth credence
That all other therby may be aferde
By playne ensample of theyr punysshon
where they be founde go vnto the swerde
without mercy of any remyssyon
And after this he sent for all the towne
Hygh estates and lowe dyd do call
And whan they come he sayde to them all
Let vs procede and werken fynally
And therunto set an ordinance
All of Asseus vpon our ennemy
As we are bounde take on hym vengeance
That euery man gan hym selfe auaunce
with suche weapyn playnly as they founde
Sworde / knyfe / dagger / or what come first to hāde
So great people out of wales come than
In theyr furyous rage and cruelte
That there was lefte vnnethes any man
whiche that abode within the citie
Eche cryed on other / go we hense let se
who that can fyrst make hym selfe stronge
To be auenged vpon our great wronge
Theyr goinge out was to the north partye
A medeled people of folkes nyse and rude
That no man coude remembre fynally
The great nombre nor the multitude
All the citie playnly to conclude
was almost voyde myn auctor tell can
Lefte alone of woman chylde and man
Amonge the bochers and turmentours stronge
One was marked aforne in that passage
whiche that thought his felowes abode longe
Ranne forth fast to get hym auantage
And lyke a wolfe in his cruell rage
Stynt neuer tyll that he founde
The place where Amphibalus was bounde
Lyke a bocher persed his entrayles
This homycyde that ranne afore the route
Raffe his nauyll and toke out his bowelles
And at a stake / whiche that stode without
Tyed lyke ropes euyn rounde about
And with a scurge the martyr he gan make
In sercle wyse to go aboute the stake
By the grace of god in his sufferyng
Felly assayled with many a great turment
Shewed no token of sorowe nor grudgyng
But alway one stable in his entent
Tyll his bowels were rased out and rent
with turmentours in theyr cruell rage
He chaunged no chere of loke nor visage
Two turmentours accorsed all theyr lyues
Amphibalus set vp for a signe
And cast at hym swerde dagger spere and knyues
And euer the more agayne hym they dyd maligne
The more they founde hmn gracious and benigne
A pronosticke maruaylous in nature
Saue goddes grace howe he myght endure
To wonder vpon a merueylous myracle
was sene that day in peoples syght
Nowe this martyr vp set for a spectacle
So longe lyued agayne natures ryght
His blode was spent and lost was all his myght
And his humedite called radicall
In synewes and ioyntes wasted was at all
His soule his spirite his goostly remembrance
Stode in theyr strength of spirituall swetnes
His heuenly feruence / his charite in substance
Appalled not by no foren duresse
Fors bore his baner agayne his mortall feblenes
To preue this texte / sayd ago full longe
Nowe persed loue / as any deth is stronge
O bodely force feble to stande vpryght
After his flesshely disposition
In goostly strength lyke Hercules of myght
For vertuous noblesse egall to Sampson
Proued this day in Brutis Albion
was Amphibalus / with whom who lyst aduerte
was nothyng lefte / saue only tonge and herte
In his herte as longe as ther was lyfe
He ceased not gods worde to preache
Grace was guyde / and trouthe his preseruatife
Fayth bare vp all / charite was his leche
His tonge enspired the people for to teache
His body feble / his membres impotent
yet tonge and herte were of one assent
His herte stronge stable as a dyamant
Fayth had of stele forged his ymage
His hope in god was so perseuerant
Dispayre in hym myght haue none auantage
For his gracious influent langage
And by myracles in hym shewed than
That day to Christ was turned many a man
His doctrine fyre in his remembrance
Most souerently than gan therin delyte
Let theyr ydols go vnto a myschaunce
whiche myght them nother helpe nor profyte
God with his grace lyst them to visite
Of one assent / gan them redy to make
After his counsell the fayth of Christ to take
They were compuncte and maden theyr praye
with repentance and voyce most lamentable
To graunt them parte of that he suffered there
Touchyng his passyon greuous and importable
In that ioye / whiche is perdurable
Touchyng the syghtes that they had sene
Therof by grace to put them
Lyke as theyr trust and theyr perfyte beleue
was in Iesu of herte thought and dede
with hole affection that it shall them not greue
For Christes sake theyr blode in hast to blede
They stode so hole hauyng of deth no drede
In theyr opinion our fayth to magnyfye
That they dispised all ydolatrye
Theyr prince and iuge the whyle in presence stode
Lyke a man fall in to a franesye
Voyde of reason and as a tyrant wode
Commaunded all his turmentours to hye
without exception of lowe or hygh partye
To kyll and sleye and no mercy take
That haue theyr goddes of dispite forsake
They preased in the martyr to encombre
Lyke gredy wolfes or tygrys of assent
They slough that day a thousande full in nombre
For to obeye his fell commandement
Amphibalus beinge ther present
whiche in spirite besyly gan entende
To Christ Iesu theyr soules to commende
A cruell paynem stoute indurate and bolde
Spake to the martyr of hatefull cruelte
whiche of the citie other newe or olde
In any wyse hath trespased agayne the
whiche hast caused theyr great aduersite
These innocent people in so shorte a whyle
with thy traynes and sleyghtes to begyle
Our statutes and lawes thou hast foyled
By occasyon of thy parlous langage
And our citie most cruelly spoyled
Of her people bothe olde and yonge of age
Cause of theyr losse and mortall damage
And thou aforne them forwounded to the deth
Stondest in poynt to yelde vp thy brethe
In suche disioynt thou mayst not recure
Dissentrayled bounden to a stake
And our goddes thou hast aboue measure
Felly prouoked vengeance on the to take
yet and thou woldest repent and forsake
Thy Christis secte and fro thy fayth withdrawe
And of hole herte turne to our lawe
worshyp our god / whom thou hast offended
And be in wyll to do so no more
Of thyn hurtes thou myghtest be amended
And axe grace as I haue tolde before
To helth agayne they myght wele restore
Thy woundes greuous / whiche seme incurable
Make them full hole they be so merciable
Vpon wretches benyngnly to rewe
Suche as lyst falle in theyr grace
And wyll repent lowly and be trewe
Aske mercy of theyr olde trespas
They may not fayle within a lyttell space
To be accepte wounded halte and lame
By my counsell do thy selfe the same
whiche standest nowe as a spectacle
Afforne the people / whiche haue them in disdeyne
Praye our goddes to shewe some myracle
By theyr power that it may be sene
That thou maiste be restored newe agayne
To that mercy / and afterwardes be assured
Of all thy woundes for to be recured
If thou thus do they wyll be gracious
To modifie theyr vengable violence
Let be thou paynym / quod Amphibalus
Feble is theyr myght and mortall in sentence
In thy langage thou dost great offence
To yefe laude worshyp or praysyng
To fals ydoles that haue no seing
For they be voyde of grace and all vertue
Haue nother tyme nor immaginatyfe
There is no god but my lorde Iesu
That deed bodyes restoreth agayne to lyfe
He is my helth and my restoratife
All your goddes of whiche nowe ye tell
Ben but fendes that suffre payne in hell
Them to prayse and worshyp ye be blynde
For depe in hell is theyr abydyng
ye do great wronge them to haue in mynde
whiche euer endure in complaynt and wepyng
And were tyrantes here in theyr lyuyng
And of false drede toke theyr originall
To be defied knowyng they be mortall
In hell is nowe theyr habitation
Perpetually ordeyned to abyde
Of your false goddes the commemoration
Is holden therwith all theyr pompe and pride
with fyre beset on euery syde
whiche neuer is queynte of infernall feruence
Nor the worme deed of theyr conscience
All they that serue them in theyr lyue
Shall of theyr paynes be with them partable
Out of charyte folke that lyst to stryue
False aduoutrers / detractours detestable
And homycydes most abhomynble
That weren or ben here of theyr assent
Haue and shall haue parte of theyr turment
Lyke theyr desertes they must haue theyr mede
And thou paynym shalte haue thy parte in payne
For thy false errour but thou repent in dede
Shalte eke with them I tell them certeyne
Ben embrased in a fyrye chayne
with Sathan stocked amyd the smokes blake
But if thou wylte thy mawmettry forsake
Forsake the ryghtes of false ydolatry
Thy secte thyn errour of olde vanyte
Dispayre the not / for great is the mercy
Of Christe Iesu / whiche wyll accepte the
with all other that here present be
So that they wyll of fayth and hole entent
Receyue of baptisme the holy sacrament
Fyrst of baptisme the vertue to deuise
Lyke as it is grounded in scripture
It wassheth away / who so lyst aduertise
Of mannes synne all fylthe and all odure
Causeth a man all grace to recure
Openeth heuen as sayen these clerkes
Forsaketh sathan and all his mortall workes
Tho that were children of perdition
Vnder the fende by synne and wretchednes
By grace of baptisme as made is mention
Our fayth receyued standeth in sykernesse
Flete to the grace and doth your busynesse
As I to forne haue to you deuised
Forsake your goddes / and beth in hast baptised
water of baptisme doth synnes puryfye
water of confort and consolation
Clenseth the fylthe of all ydolatrye
Originall well of our sauation
Condite and ryuer of our redemption
Called in scripture water regeneratyfe
whiche restoreth a man vnto gostly lyfe
It is the heed springe and the gostly streme
whiche conueyeth a man to paradise
Ryuer and porte vnto Ierusalem
Of all ryuers this ryuer beareth the price
As to folkes that be prudent and wyse
Suche as wasshe them in this holsome ryuer
Auoydeth from them all infernall daunger
And scoureth away all venym serpentyne
And spottis blacke called originall
By grace causeth / whiche that is deuine
Renewyng men to be celestiall
And for a conclusion in this mater fynall
To forsake your goddes / whiche may do you no goode
By my counsell be bathed in this flode
The streme therof shall glad your citie
And race away the rust of olde outrages
And with a flowe of all prosperite
Renewe both your herte and your corages
And you preserue from infernall damages
ye stande free cheseth nowe of tweyne
Eternall lyfe / or euerlastyng peyne
After these notable exhortations
Grounded on fayth and perfyte charyte
The paynyms lyke tygrys or lyons
In theyr hasty furyous cruelte
Fyllen vpon the martyr bounde to a tree
On eche syde assayled hym at ones
with rounde kalyons and with sharpe stones
A great myracle / god lyst that day to shewe
And this martyr lyke goddes champyon
Beset all aboute with paynyms not a fewe
Stode aye vpryght / no partye downe
Stable in prayer and in orison
Erecte to god / not turnyng north ne southe
The worde of god neuer out of his mouthe
Saue the word of god / & his grace was impossible
To abyde that bronte / where he had force or might
In soule and spirite stondyng inuisible
The eien vp lyfte of his inwarde syght
Towarde heuen Phebus was neuer so bryght
At mydsomer in his myd day spere
As he sawe Iesu in the heuen appere
On the ryght syde of his father dere
Fyne of his tryumphe / and of his turmentry
Herde of angels with sugred notes clere
Celestiall songe / whiche in theyr melody
Gan prayse the lorde / and there he gan espy
His blessed Albon clad in purple wede
Token of Christ he lyst his blode to blede
To that martyr amonge martyrs all
Of trust assured whylom betwene them twayne
Amphibalus for helpe began to call
O blessed Albon that sufferdist great payne
For Christis sake of mercy not disdeyne
To pray Iesu that lyst for vs to dye
To sende his angels my iournay to conueye
That cruel Sathan trouble not my passage
Nor that his malyce may clayme in me no ryght
By the martyr rehersed his langage
Come two angels from heuen with great lyght
This voyce eke herde in all the peoples syght
There as he stode bounden to a stake
Vpon the poynt to dye for goddes sake
O Amphibalus after thy deuise
with thy disciple glorious prince Albon
Thou shalte this day be in paradyse
Ryght in erthe as ye were both one
with your triumphe ye shall together gone
And with your palmes ye shall be in glorie
with a tytle of euerlastyng victorie
Amonge martyrs receyue this your mede
Lyke your deserte of eternall guerdon
A crowne of golde / and a purple wede
Forged with saintes in the heuenly mansion
Lyke to rubies most souerayne of renowne
Albon and thou perpetually shall shyne
In Verolamy the citie to enlumyne
In this whyle two angels downe descende
To the holy martyr for his gostly socoure
On his soule benygly to attende
whytter than snowe or any lyly floure
His gost conueyeng vnto the heuenly towre
Paynyms this tyme bydyng in the felde
Greatly abasshed / whan they this thyng behelde
Herder of herte than flynt or any stone
After his spirite was borne vp to heuen
Turmentours in theyr malyce ay one
Feruent in fyry ire as any beuen
Lyke as iewes fell vpon saynt Steuen
So were they busy of hatefull cursednesse
The deed body with stones to oppresse
They had the martyr in so great disdayne
After his deth gan make a newe affray
That no memory shulde of hym be sayne
Vpon the grounde where that he lay
Safe ther was one / whiche that stole awaye
The deed corps / and dyd his busy cure
Most secretely to make his sepulture
He was christen the man whiche dyd his payne
The deed corps to close it in the grounde
In secrete wyse tyll Iesu lyst ordeyne
And prouide a tyme that he may be founde
whiche for the fayth suffered many a wounde
And this done by grace for the nones
Maugre all tho that cast on hym stones
Dukes erles and lordes of the towne
were ouer come almost with fastyng
Amonge paynyms rose a discention
That wolde haue had the body in kepyng
whiche had auowed in theyr out goynge
To brynge the martyr by othe and surete
Other quicke or deed home to theyr cite
Amonge them selfe of vengeance gan to stryue
with swordes drawe fell at deuision
By their promyse outher deed or a lyue
To brynge the martyr with them to the towne
whiche were vnworthy to haue possession
Of suche a treasure tyll god lyst shape a tyme
Of gracious chaunge to sende a newe pryme
Agayne theyr promyse god made an obstacle
whan they of newe began the martyr to manace
The body was besyled by myracle
And eke buryed in a secrete place
There to abyde tyll god lyst of his grace
As I sayde erste this treasure of renowne
May be founde to glad with all the towne
Thus whā the paynims had shewed theyr vttrāce
Of the martyr the doctrine hole forsake
God vpon them dyd openly vengance
All theyr lymmes and membres gan to shake
with a palsey theyr tonges were eke take
with whiche membre attorne in many wyse
The fayth of Christ they lyst falsely to dispise
The handes touched of these homicydes
Impotent of power and of myght
Theyr bodyes vnweldy backe eke and sydes
Their legges faltred for to stande vpryght
Theyr mouthes stode wronge / a gogle stode theyr syght
Eche membre and ioynt out of order stode
And theyr iuge also sodenly waxe wode
Hondes to godwarde whan they be vengable
Feete that ranne of custome for damage
Cruell eien / whiche be not merciable
Mortall tonges that dampne men in theyr rage
By detraction / mouthes for false langage
Lyke theyr desertes of olde who lyst remembre
God of his ryght gan punysshe euery membre
The eighe for lokyng receyue his guerdon
The tonge for speakyng taketh his salarie
Bloud wrongefully shede requireth of reason
Hastly vengance though it a whyle tary
Murder homycyde / whiche be to god contrary
Deth of martyrs / slaughter of innocentes
Cryeth vengeance to god in their tourmentes
Specially all the turmentours
That were assented for to slee Albon
Faded away as dewe on sommer floures
And come to nought almost euerychone
The mynde of the martyr abode alway in one
And day by day the great laude and glorie
Gan more and more encrease of victorie
The sade vengeance no whyle was conseled
Nor the great noyse of theyr aduersite
Take vpon paynems wolde not be healed
Theyr trouble and rumour was not kepte secrete
For drede of whiche the chiefe of theyr citie
Medled with grace as the story sayth
were all at ones turned Christis fayth
with ryght hole herte and full deuout humblenesse
From theyr olde secte they gan away declyne
Gan prayse the lorde for his ryghtwysnesse
And some by grace heuenly and deuine
By influence that dyd vpon hym shyne
Lefte all the worlde treasure and substance
And to Rome went for to do penance
And by grace of our lorde Christ Iesu
They renounced all theyr olde errour
And sawe in theyr goddes there was no vertue
Helpe at nede conforte nor socour
But all at ones with diligent labour
Of false ydols forsoke the sacryfyce
Become christen in most humble wyse
Myracles shewed and vertous doctrine
Of Amphibalus with vertous diligence
Grace annexed whiche dyd on them shyne
Caused the citie of all theyr olde offence
To axe mercy and with hole diligence
Theyr false goddes of new they haue dispysed
And moste mekely by grace were baptised
And so longe continued / tyll at the last
By a rurall person / disciple of pelagiane
His her eticall doctrine / longe tyme begon & past
Newly renewed and fast toke rote agayne
Peruerted the people of this Brutis Britayne
And specially in this citie of olde Verolamy
Moche increased this doctrine of infamy
wherwith sore troubled was all the hole clergy
Not stronge inough / by lernyng and prudence
These olde errours to refourme & rectify
But glad to sende for helpe and defence
To the clergy of Fraunce / to be theyr assistence
where assembled a counsell of clergy in generall
To prouide remedy for this myschefe in speciall
Lastely concluded by the hole counsell
Sent vnto Verolamy two auncient clerkes
In lernyng and vertue / ryght famous and excell
The one called Germayne a myrour in good warkes
Confoūder of heretykes / & all fyry sparkes
Of scismaticall doctrine / by gostly influence
He was consecrate bysshop of Antisiodorence
And Lupus the bysshop of Trecassinensis
In this holy iournay / with hym was associate
And came to this citie of Verolaminensis
where the people ꝑuerted / were greuously insensate
And from the trewe fayth / crokedly abrogate
By thereticall doctrine of the erroneus person
Declared to the people with deuylysshe illusion
Good people afore this tyme / of feruent deuocion
For recours of pylgryms / had builded an oratory
Ouer the tombe and
[...] of holy saynt Albon
wheder these bysshops of blessed memory
Came and made prayer to the martyr instantly
That he for them in theyr batayle and conflycte
wolde be meane to god / the heretyke to conuicte
Theyr prayer to god / by the martyr preferred
As ꝑueth the sequele / was ryght acceptable
For than the heretikes / day ne tyme detec
[...] ed
was clerely conuicte of theyr errours detestable
And reduced to grace / by treuthe infallable
By Lupe and Germane in playne disputation
Renounsyng theyr errours / made abiuration
Than for that grace / gyuen them in especiall
Of god by meane of the martyrs intercessyon
To his tōbe they returned / w
t hert & mynd effectual
Redoublyng theyr prayer / w
t humble deuocion
For the great tryumphe / and vtter subiection
That thenmyes of god / had susteyned that day
Exhortyng the people / to laude god and praye
And mekely on theyr knees / w
t all dew reuerence
Vncouered the tombe / where the corps lay
There founde the reliques in state and essence
All though he had layne ther many a longe day
And of the same reliques they toke no parte away
But of therth all blody saint Germane toke a porcion
To bere aboute w
t hym of feruent deuotion
And for the same in full recompence
A cophyn enclosed with relyques many one
Of all thapostels / and
[...] with reuerence
whiche he gathered in places where he had gone
There he them offered to blessed saynt Albon
For a perpetuall memory of that his acte and dede
And to all pylgryms to haue rewarde and mede
Than departed Germayne and his felowe Lupus
In to theyr owne countres there to remayne
within foure yeres after / agayne it happened thus
Newly to sprynge / theresyes of pelagyans
Than the clergy sent of newe for saynt Germayne
who hastely graunted to come and discusse
All doutes associate / with holy Seuerus
who breuely confounded and brought to vtterance
All theretykesto theyr shame and confusyon
That done they retourned agayne into Fraunce
The people delyuered from deuyllysshe illusion
Albert shortely after / theyr former abusyon
Returned theyr myndes and brought in appostacy
Theyr god forgettyng to laude and magnifie
And all that was done by the greuous occasyon
Of the furyous saxons / and theyr pagan ryte
For after that they had in this lāde made inuasion
Churhes and clergy they distroyed quite
To adnull Christis lawe was all theyr delyte
And compell the christen to theyr false ydolatry
In suche miserable lyfe was all theyr felicite
Thus by them all this region in maner
[...] fayth / and holy saynt Alb
[...] and tombe decayed and
Token or knowlege there was lefte none
Deuotion and prayer forgotten and gone
Tyll god of his goodnes and mercyfull pitie
wold reuele his sayntes / to the laude of his deite
Thus duryng this tyme thre hundred yere & mo
The hertes ot the people / all derke & obumbrate
From the fayth of Christ was clerely lost and go
worshyppyng ydols of power aduychilate
Reason of knowlege by wyll was obnubilate
By longe continuance accustomed and vsed
That good and trew doctrine / they vtterly refused
Thylke holy saynt Albon / to the godhed directed
His deuoute prayer / his countrey to reconcile
To Christis owne fayth / all heresyes reiected
with errours and scismes / from them put in exile
The disceytes of the deuyll / hath the longe begyle
To abate and suppresse / to the christen releue
And to all heretikes shame and repreue
His prayer well herde / god hath prouyde
A captayne / a ruler / a prince of great pleasance
Ouer this contre / to reigne rule and gye
Discended of blode from royall aliance
That by goddes helpe shortly made purueyance
These fautes to redresse / by grace as he may
This noble deuoute prince called kynge Offs
[...] t this kyng thā beinge at Bygging
[...] ynstowe his owne maner place
Callyng to memory all his former lyuyng
How by the blody swerd his peace he had purchace
Cōpuncte by contrition callyng for grace
Besought god on his knees / with feruēt deuocion
Some knowlege to haue of his synnes remyssyon
Than sodēly in the chapel came a maruelous light
Inflamed the king with a swete fraragraūt odour
The kynge fyrst astonyed / to se it so bryght
Than after coforted gaue laude prayse & honour
To that only god / grounde of all socour
And set fast in hym / his trust and confidence
Dayly to serue hym / with all dewe reuerence
This kynge then lyinge in the citie of Bath
Halfe slepyng in a slombre appered an angell
Shewyng that of god suche fauour he hath
And also commaundement as he dyd than tell
All scismes and heresyes / from the contre texpell
He shulde perceyue with all diligence anone
To translate the reliques of holy saynt albon
The kyng or this tyme of the pope had purchased
That Lychefelde shulde be / tharchebysshops see
wherby Canterbury was greatly defased
But for that tyme there was no remedy
All whiche I on
[...] ye and returns to our story
Howe and by whom was done this translation
Of archebysshop and bysshops w
t feruent deuocion
After that the angell at Bathe had thus appered
Of this ꝓthomartyr Albō / made the kyng relacion
He called Humbertus / whome he had than arered
Archebysshop of Lychefeld / and made declaration
Of thangelles cōmandement / for the translation
Of this holy martyr / than the bysshop anon ryght
Obeyed and prepared therto w all his myght
Accompanyed with suffraganes / two he had than
Theyr names to recount / I let ouer passe
The kyng & they to Verolamy / w
t many noble men
Accompaned / came reuerently to the same place
where as a fyrye pyllour bryghtly shynynge was
Ouer the tombe & place / where as lay saynt Albon
By whiche token / they founde the cophyn anone
They toke vp the bones w
t all humble deuotion
And bate them to the church w
t ympnes and songe
The kynge and his nobles folowed the processyon
where many fayre myracle was done than amonge
The relyques enclosed in a shryne great and longe
Of syluer and golde set with great ryches
Thus with all solempnite / endeth this busynes
Not without myracles as the story doth vs teache
They that were blynde / recured haue theyr syghte
The domme also was restored to theyr speche
Folkes lame and podagryd / went than vpryght
Lepres made cleue / by prayer of this knyght
And palatyke folke / as the story doth remembre
And all other diseased / were hole in euery membre
Be glad and mery / thy title riche and goode
Londe of brytane called brutes Albion
whiche art inbaumed / with the purple bloode
Of blessed saint Albon / prince of that region
And specyally O noble and ryall towne
Of verelamy / reioyce and be iocounde
So riche a treasure / is in thy boundes founde.
Richer treasure more worthy to be commended
Moche better then in Troy / was euer Palladion
For on thy soyle / of newe is discendyd
A celestiall dew / of grace and all fosion
And specially by / angelicall reuelation
whiche on thy londe / of newe dothe rebounde
That blessed Albon / is in thy boundes founde.
Hector whylom / was Troyans Champion
And Haniball protector of Cartago
Marchus Maluius / saued Rome towne
The capitolie / conserued frome dammage
And in britayne nowe in more lattre age
Of holy Albon when the corps was founde
Made in that region all thinges to habounde.
Kynge Offa as I sayd / hauynge this vision
whiche of saynt Albon / was patron and founder
By myracles shewed / for his good deuocion
The place where was hyd / this ryche treasure
He with cost and diligent laboure
Lett call to gedre / of diuers regions
Most cunninge maysters of wryghtes & masons.
To buylde the churche / of blessed saint Albon
Indowed the same / with londes and possession
So that in all Britayne / lyke to that is none
Replenished w
t people / of saynt benettes ꝓfession
Almost .viii.C. yere continued in succession
Takynge fyrst auctorite / as the hystorie telle can
Graunted by bulles of pope Adriane.
After went hym selfe / this noble worthy kynge
Of great deuotion to Rome the ryall citie
Spared no cost / tyll he in euery thynge
Had of his purpose graunt and autoritie
Priuileges / fredomes / and liberties
By the pope then / confirmed to that place
For loue of saint Albon with many especial grace.
By auctoritie / as ye haue hard deuysed
He had his askynge / by power spirituall
And for his part / to be more auctorised
He hath annexed his power in especyall
with all liberties and fraunchies full ryall
Perpetually bound yt in brede and in lenght
In honour of saint Albō / to stonde in his strenght
O Verolamy as I haue tolde beforne
O Famous olde citie / amonge all nations
whiche in thy boundes / hadst suche a prince borne
Notable in knyghthode / with all conditions
Of hygh prowes / by manyfold reasons
wordy by vertu and by ryall lyen
To be in degre / aboue all the worthies nyen.
He that whylom was busy to compyle
This noble historie / trewly of entent
In latyn tonge to directe his style
Ryght as he sawe / so was he diligent
It to conuey / bicause he was present
yet lyst he not I suppose of mekenes
Tell what he was nor his name expresse
To hym selfe / he gaue none other name
After the story / as I reherse can
Excepte he wrote of drede / and of honest shame
He wolde be called as he wrote than
Of all wretches the symplest man
Of other name as by his wrytyng
To vs he lefte no maner knowlegyng
Saue he of trust and good confydence
whiche that abode in his opinion
There shulde come in great reuerence
Tyme commyng folke of religion
Specially to Verolamy towne
whiche that shulde do theyr busy payne
The fayth of Christe / for to preache in Britayne
Than shall the trouthe be openly knawe
whan the errour is loused and vnbounde
Of paynyms and Christis worde be sawe
Thorowe all the londe / false ydols to confounde
Than to theyr hartes / gladnes shall rebounde
That vseth our fayth / whan Iesu lyst by grace
Of his infinite mercy / a tyme to purchase
This same man / of full trewe intent
whiche busy was / this story to endue
Vnto the see of Rome / with the boke he went
By great aduise his purpose to acquite
And fynally lyke as he doth playnly wryte
All false goddes and ydols to forsake
Baptisme to receyue and Christis fayth to take
And as I haue tolde / this boke w
t hym he brought
To be sene ouer with meke and lowe subiection
To all that courte / and humbly he besought
Our lorde Christe Iesu with deuoute intention
After theyr dewe and full examynation
Called to recorde this story made of newe
Lyke as he wrote that euery worde was trewe
This boke accomplysshed / notable and famous
Of hym that was in Brutis Albion
Called prothomartyr most vertuous
That for Christ suffered passion
That yere accompted of his translation
Fro Christis byrthe and his natiuite
Fully seuen hundreth nynty yere and thre.
Nowe perfyte reders / that dyuers stories hath sene
Marke well the tymes / of this here expressed
whan that saynt Albon by the paynyms kene
For Christis fayth / from this lyfe was suppressed
The cōmyng of saynt Germayn for errours to be
After all these / the tyme of his inuention
Done by kynge Offa / w
t his holy translation
CC.lxxxx.iii. yeres of our lorde Christ Iesu
The reigne of Dioclesyon the .xix. yere
Christis holy fayth to reuyue and renewe
Suffred saynt Albon / the story doth appere
Maximiane & Asclipiodot / both his iuges were
It was in the seconde yere / of the pope Gaius
That holy saynt Albon was martyred thus
Than one hundreth & one yere after his passion
Began fyrst theresies of false pelagyane
which was .CCCC.iiii. yeres / by iust computation
After that Christ / had take our nature humayne
The .xiiii. yere of the Brittisshe kynge Graciane
In the .iii. yere of the fyrst Anastacious
And the .xvi. yere of themperour Theodosius
Foure hundred and forty / of our lorde .ix. yeres mo
And in the fyrst yere of Vortigern the kynge
And the fyfte yere of the fyrst pope Leo
Theodose the seconde emperour than beinge
In his .xxi. yere after iust rekenynge
Saynt Germayn come fyrst / and lupus also
To distroye theresies / that were begon tho
C.xliii. yeres by iuste computation
After his passion / thus come saynt Germayn
And forty and two yere without variation
After the fyrst tyme of the falce pelagian
yet within fyue yeres saynt Germayn come agayn
As is shewed before / with holy Seuerus
All former heresies by grace to discus
CCC.xliii. yeres after saynt Germayne
whiche was seuen hundreth / lxxx. & .xiii. yere
Of our lorde Iesu / as stories doth determyne
That thangell at Bath / to kyng Offa dyd appere
To translate saynt Albon / w
t all heuenly chere
The fyrst Adrian pope / the .vi. Constantine thēperour
whā this translation was done w
t all honour
Perceyue nowe good reders / & gyue true iugemēt
Betwene the monkes of Colen / & of blessed Albon
The Coloners wryteth after theyr entent
To cause the pylgryms to w
t drawe theyr deuotion
From Verolamy / & to folowe theyr affection
Sayinge that they haue the very body
To theyr shame and rebuke / detendyng suche foly
And to proue theyr intent / playnely they say
That these heresyes of false pelagiane
Began in the reigne of noble kynke Offa
And also in the tyme of pope Adrian
Affyrmyng that than shuld come in Germayne
And with hym Lupus / a clerke of great substance
And all theresyes were brought than to vttrance
And so by Germayn / were brought vnto Rauenus
The body of saynt Albon / and there themperour
Valentiniane / he was nobly receyued than
And also the body / with all godly honour
where Germayn sore vexed w
t a mortall dolour
Departed this lyfe and vale of all misery
To theternall lyfe / in the celestiall glory
After whose deth themperours mother
Placida by name / as Coloners doth say
To Rome brought this body / she with many other
with all dewe reuerence / there abode many a day
Tyll Otto themperour / w
t his mother Theophana
Brought it to Colen / to tharchebysshop Brunon
In to the monastery of holy Panthaleon
Also at the tyme of this translation in dede
Adrian was pope / and that they confesse
And whan Valentiniane / to thempyre dyd procede
Liberious was pope / in his .xii. yere doutlesse
As diuerse Historiographers / playnly do expresse
So that of the sees spirituall nor temporall
Agreeth w
t theyr accomptes / after theyr memoriall
They say also the body is yet incorrupt
From the thyes vpwarde / they haue in possession
whiche saiynge me semeth of trouthe be interrupte
Onles they wyll graunt any vnsemyng diuision
Of a corporall body to be cut in perticion
yet I can not knowe what parte they shulde haue
For kynge Offa founde nothyng / but the bones in his graue
They say also that kyng Offa & saynt Germayne
was bothe at one tyme / at this translation
whan therisies was destroyde of false pelagian
In whose tymes is a great alteration
who lust accompt by iust compotation
Shall fynde .CCC. yeres .xliiii. also
That kynge Offa came after saynt Germayn was go
They say also that themperour Valentiniane
Shulde mete. s. Germain / whā he came to Rauene
whiche can not be trewe / but all spoken in vayne
For CCC.lxvi. was the yeres of our lorde than
whan Valentiniane fyrste began to reigne
That was .lxxx.iii. yeres before that Germayne
Came to distroye theresies of pelagiane.
Therfore good bretherne of holy saynt Benet
Monkes of Colen leue this your bablyng
ye be so ferre hense / in dede ye can not let
Ony deuoute persons / for to do theyr offryng
I wyll not denie / but your vntrewe surmysyng
May brynge some people / pucyll and innocent
For lacke of trewe knowlege / in a wrong iugemēt
But they that be lerned can rede as well as ye
Conferre histories / and also accompte the yeres
Can well perceyue howe craftely ye do flye
From trouthe / thistories so playnly apperes
And are not they accursed y
t false wytnesse beares
And specyally in writing / to the derogation
Of theyr bretherne in god of a nother nation
Remembre ye ware in Englande but late
with the .vii. Henry that myghty ryall kynge
where couertly ye sought meanes w
t many a noble
To staye & aide you in this vntrewe lesing estate
But ye durst not abyde thende of the rekenyng
For feare of afterclappes that myght haue ensued
ye where afrayde to drynke of suche as ye brewed
wherfore reduce your selfe / false wrytynge reuoke
Knowlege your offence / of wyll more than dede
For if ye continue / ye shall haue but a mocke
Men knoweth howe ye can in ony wyse procede
But if that other ye loue god or drede
Folowe the trouthe / so shall ye do best
And in lytle medlynge / ye shall fynde moche rest.
O blessed Albon / o martyr most beningne
Called of Brytons stewarde most notable
Prince of knyghtholde preued by many a signe
In all thy workes iust prudent and treatable
And in thy domes ryghtfull and mercyable
Be in oure paueye / shelde of protection
O prothomartyr of Brutes Albion
Let all thy seruauntes grace and mercy fynde
whiche that call to the in myschefe and distresse
And haue thy passion and martyrdome in mynde
Agayn frowarde ennemyes & all frowarde duresse
Of thy benigne mercyfull goodnes
Them to defende be thou theyr champion
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion
Syth thou arte named gracious benigne & good
The fyrste also / whiche that in Britayne
Suffred paynems to shede thy gentyll blode
For Christes faith to die and suffre peyne
O glorious prince of mercy not disdeyne
To here the prayers and deuoute orison
Of all thy seruauntes in Brutis Albion
Thou were a myrrour and of mercy and pitie
Haddest a custome here in this worlde lyuyng
To cherysshe pylgrymes and heldest hospitalite
All poure folke and strangers refresshyng
Graunt our requestes for loue of thylke kynge
Called kynge Offa whiche had a vision
where thou were buryed in Brutis Albion
Lyke a prince of ryght thou muste entende
To forther all them that lyue in thy seruyce
All theyr greuous and mischefes to amende
And by thy prayer a pathe for hym deuyse
To lyue in vertue and vices to despise
By thy most knyghtly mediacion
O prothomartyr of Brutes Albion
For his sake haue in remembraunce
To all thy seruauntes to do succoure
whiche of deuocion to do the pleasaunce
was in thy chyrche chef bylder and foundous
Of thy liberties royall protector
There brought in fyrst men of religion
One theldest Abbeys in Brutes Albion
Amonge all other remembre that place
It to preserue in longe prosperite
where thou arte shryned to grete encrece of grace
As there protectour ageyne all aduersitie
And doer haue mynde vpon ther citie
whiche is made famous by thy passion
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion.
To the cite be patron prince and guyde
In thy seruice make them diligent
with longe felicite on the othersyde
Conserue thyn Abbot and thy deuout couent
Syth they are bounde of herte and hole entent
Euer the to serue by theyr profession
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion
And specially pray / for our most riall prince
Our redouted lord / and most gracious souerayne
Most victorious kinge / our sheld and our defence
Both kinge & Emperour / within all this Britane
Defender of the faith / of Irlonde lorde & captaine
Henry the .viii. surmountyng in renowne
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion
Pray for his spouse / his louynge lady dere
His riall quene Anna / notable and famous
Indowed with grace / and vertu without pere
Pray for oure princes / that she may be prosperous
Elizabeth by name / both beautifull and gracious
Pray that theyr issue / haue fortunate succession
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion
Pray for princes that this londe gouerne
To rule the people by prudent policie
Pray for the chyrche that lyke a clere lanterne
By good ensample ther subiectes for to gye
And pray also that the chiualrie
May holde vpryght agaynste falce extorcion
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion
Praye for marchantes / and artificers
To encrease by vertue in theyr busynesse
That there be founde no fraude in theyr desyres
So that false lucre haue none encreasse
By thy prayer do also represse
All tyranny and all false extorcion
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion
And with these o martyr glorious
Syth thy prayer may so moche auayle
Pray to the lorde aboue most gracious
Agayne indigence to sende inough of vitayle
And specially pray for the porayll
Them to releue with plenty and foyson
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion
Noble prince most soueraigne and entier
Corne frute and grayne to encrease and multiplie
Blessed Albon praye for the labourer
To plough and carte theyr handes so to applie
That grace may so gouerne them and gye
To great increase gyue all this region
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion
All these estates remembred in substance
Ioyne them in vertue by perfyte charyte
Lyke a prince take them in gouernance
And them preserue from all aduersyte
Set peace amonge them and vertuous vnite
All where nowe reigneth pride and deuision
O prothomartyr of Brutis Albion.