A Brieff discours off the troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany Anno Domini 1554. Abowt [...] the Booke off off common prayer and Ceremonies / and conti­nued by the Englishe men theyre / to thende off Q. Maries Raigne / in the which discours / the gentle reader shall see the very original [...] and beginninge off all the contention that hathe byn / and what was the cause off the same.

Marc. 4.

For there is nothinge hid that shall not be o­pened neither is there a secreat but that it shall come to light / yff anie man haue eares to heare / let him heare.


The Preface. To the Christian readers / grace / mercy / and peace in Christe Iesu our Lorde.

SVche as doo well obserue the varietie of mēnes Iudgementes abowte these matters off cōtrouersie / and the supposed causes of the same / shall finde it a thinge more thē wōderfull to beholde / and passinge strange to heare. But who so shall well waye and cōsi­der / what extreame calamities and miseries this broile hathe brought with it to manie godly persons whiche vnfainedly feare god: the same mu­ste off force / as I think (iff he haue but one drop off humanitie within him) drawe forthe deepe and sorowfull sighes from the harte / and teares from the eyes. To passe ouer sundrie I will note but this one. where as in tymes paste (bothe at Paules crosse and other places) the soundes w­hiche were wont to be so sweete as might iustely haue moued the godly hearers to crye owte with the Prophet Esay O howe beutifull are the feete off them which bring glad tydinges off peace / &c. are nowe become (commonly so soure and vnsa­uery / that in steede off sweetnes / is founde litle or nothinge but wormewood and bitter gall. And [Page II] yet I speak not off suche / whose cruell scoffin­ge / and vnbridled natures / are to well kno­wen so farr to exceede / as fewe / (discreete and wise in dede) can be muche moued with anie thinge almoste they eyther speak or write: but euen off those I meane / whose wisedomes grauitie / and lerninge / as the same claimeth by good ri­ght / dew reuerence to the persons / bycause off those good giftes whiche God hath bestowed v­pon them so shuld it also put them in minde (es­pecially in such places) to vse (me semes) some o­ther veine. And for so muche as some impute the cause off all these troubles to the ambitious he­ades off certeine speciall persons / By D. Yon­ge in Nouē ­ber. Anno, 1573. who shoulde (as hathe bene at Paules crosse bothe publickly and very furiously declared) stirr vpp this strif­fe in the churche for that they could not attaine to Bishopprikes when as other enioned them: Some also imputinge it to the strange churches aswell beionde the seas as here amonge vs rema­yninge / therby to prouoke the displeasures of the Magistrates against them:

Such as D. Elbowro­me.And some supposinge / yea roaringe owte) that this hath happened by such fantasticall heades as cā abyde no platforme but off their owne deuisinge: I haue for theis and suche like consi­derations▪ thought good by a shorte and brieff discours to let your se the verye originall and beginninge off all this miserable contention / leauinge [Page III] neuertheles to your discreet iudgmēntes / who (in theis matters) are to be thought innocente / and who most to blame.

And as one bothe off credit / learned / M. Mullin [...] in October. An. 1573. and off authoritie / thought is not onely meete and expedi­ent openly at paules crosse (in presence off the ho­norable and worshipfull there) to signifie vnto them that such a hotte contention (abowte theis matters had bin / but also / noted the place where and the time whan: So I in this discours / Franckford the place, in Q. Ma­ryes tyme. thou­ght it needefull / least happelie that honorable audiēce might mistake the matter) to set fourthe by writinge the verie order / maner / and proceadinge off the same: Platina, Paulus [...]ouius. Slede in, Fox with many other. followinge herein the steppes off such / whom god off his goodnes hath raised vp at all tymes and amonge all nations / to com­mit thinges to memorye / whiche hath passed in commonweales / who haue with great fredom and libertie byn suffred to make manifest to the whole worlde the ill dealinges euen off Popes / Cardinalls / Emperours / Kinges and Princes / where as (in this discours) the highest that I touche (and that with great grieff off hart) are (to my knowledge) but certeine Bishopps / and therfore I hope the more to be borne withall / be­sechinge allmightie god that as by theis my poo­re simple trauailes / my meaninge was not (either in contempt or sekinge reuenge) to prouoke the farther displeasures off the meanest: that so iff [Page IIII] it be his blessed will / the same maie finde fauor in in the eies off oure soueragine L. the queenes most excellēt maiestie / and the right honorable / whom it hathe pleased him to place in high au­thoritie / for whose prosperitie and welfare it be­commeth all true and faithfull subiects (as they are dutifully bounde) moste earnestly to praie.

The historie.

AFTer that yt had pleased the lorde God to take awaie for our syn­nes that noble prince off famous memorie / kinge Edwarde the sixthe / and had placed / Queene Marie in his roume: Sundrie godly men aswell stran­gers / as off the English nation / fledd / for the libertie off their consciences / ouer the seas / some into France / some into Flanders / and some in to the high countries off the Empire / and in the yere of oure lorde. 1554. and the 27. off Iune came Edmonde Sutton / William Williams / William Whittingham / and Thomas wood / with their companies / to the citie off Franckford in Germany the firste Englishe men / that the re arriued to remaine and abide. The same night came one Maister Valaren pullan Minister / vnto their lodginge / ād declared howe he had obtained a churche there / in the name of all suche as shuld come owte off Englande for the Gospell / but Especially from Glassenbury whiche were all french men. Answere was made him / that as god was to be praised / who had moued the Magistrats hartes to shewe the frenche su­che fauour: Euenso / for so muche as fewe off them vnder­stoode the frenche tonge / it woulde be small commoditie to them / or to suche as shulde come afterwarde to ioyne them­selues to that churche.

The nexte daye they communed with Maister Morellio another Minister of the frenche churche / and also with maister Castalio a Senior off the same / (bothe off them godly and ler­ned mē) By their aduise and counsaile it was determined / that a Supplication shulde be drawē owt / and offred to the Magigistrats / to knowe / firste whither they woulde be contented / that not onely the parties before named / but also all other En­glishe men that woulde repaire thither for the like cause / mi­ght through their fauour be suffred saffely to remaine within [Page VI] their city. This supplication was subscribed aswell by the sa­yed Sutton / whittingam / and the reste off the Englishe men / as also by Morellio / Castallio / and one Adrian a Cit­tezē there / with whom they lodged. And within three daies af­ter the offringe vp off their Supplication / they obtained their requestes.

The 8. off Iuly followinge / labor was made (by the counsaile and aduice off Morellio and Castalio (who duringe their lyues shewed them selues fathers to all Englishe men) to Maister Iohn Glawberge one off the chiefest Senators / for a place or churche / wherin they and all their country men might haue gods worde truly preached / and the Sacraments sincerely ministred in their naturall tonge / who ientlie pro­mised his furtherance / and that he also woulde move the whole Senate theroff / the whiche he did accordingly. And the 14. daie off the same monethe yt was graunted that they shulde haue libertie to preache and minister the Sacraments / in that churche which the frēche men had / the frēche one daie and the Englishe an other daie and vpō the Sundaie / to chuse also thē houres as they coulde agree amonge them selues / but yt was with this commandement / that the Englishe shulde not di­scent from the frenchmen in doctrine / or ceremonyes / least they shulde thereby minister occasion off offence / and willed farther / that before they entred their churche / they shulde ap­proue and subscribe the same confession off faith / that the frenche men had then presented / and abowte to put in printe / to the whiche all the afore named (and others whiche were by this time come thither) did subscribe.

When the churche was in this sorte graunted / they con­sulted amonge themselues / what order off seruice they shulde vse (for they were not so stricly bownde / as was tolde them / to the ceremonies off the frenche / by the Magistrats / but that iff the one allowed off the other it was sufficient.) At lenght / the englishe order was perused / and this by generall consente was concluded that the answeringe alowde after the Mini­ster shulde not be vsed / the letanye / surplice / and many other thinges also omitted / for that in those reformed churches / su­che [Page VII] thinges woulde seeme more then strange. It was farther agreed vppon / that the Minister (in place off the Englishe Confession shulde vse an other / bothe off more effecte / and also framed accordinge to the state and time. And the same ended / the people to singe a psalme in meetre in a plaine tune as was / and is accustomed in the frenche / dutche / Italian / Spanishe / and Skottishe churches / that don / the minister to praye for [...]hassistance off gods holie spirite and so to procea­de to the sermon. After the sermon / a generall praier for all e­states and for oure countrie of Englande was also deuised / at thende off whiche praier / was ioined the lords praier and a rehersall off thartic [...]es off oure belieff / whiche ended the peo­ple to singe and other psalme as afore. Then the minister pronouncinge his blessinge The peace off god / &c. or some other off like effecte / the people to departe.

And as touchinge the ministration off the Sacraments sundrie things were also by common consente om [...]tted / as supersti [...]ious and superfluous. After that the congregation had thus concluded and agreed / and had chosen their minister and Deacons to serue for a time: they entred their churche the 29. off the same monethe. Then was it thought good amonge themselues that forthwith they shulde aduertise their coun­trie men and betheren dispersed off this singuler benefit / the li­ke wheroff coulde nowhere else as yet be obtained / and to perswade hem (all worldly respectes put aparte) to repaier thi­ther / that they might altogether with one mouthe and one harte bothe lamēte their foremer wickednes and also be thankfull to their mercifull father that had geuen them suche a chur­che in a strange lande wherein they might heare gods worde truly preached / the Sacraments rightly ministred / and Disci­pline vsed / which in their owne countrie coulde neuer be ob­tained. And to this effecte were letters directed to Straus­burgh / Zurick / Densbrugh / and Emden in the 2. off Auguste. And for that it was thought the churche coulde not longe contynewe in good order withowte discipline / there was al­so a brieff forme deuised / declaringe the necessitie / the causes / [Page VIII] and the order theroff / wherunto all those that were present subscribed / shewinge therby that they were ready and willinge to submitt themselues to the same / accordinge to the rule prescribed in gods holie word / at whiche time it was deter­mined by the congregation that all suche as shulde come after / shulde doo the like / before they were admitted as members off that churche.

Here followethe the generall letter sente from the congregation off Franckforde / to Straus­bourge / Zurick / Wezeil / Emden / &c.

Grace mercy and peace in Christ our Lord: &c.

We dowte not (dearely beloued) but yow haue harde / as­well by letter / as by reporte / off the excellent graces and mercy whiche oure good god and heauenly father hathe shewed vnto oure litle congregation in this citie off Franckford / for that he hathe not onely made the Magistrats and com­mons very fauorable towards vs and louinge / but also / ha­the geuen them hartes / with muche compassion to tender vs / in so muche that euerie man helpethe vs / no man is aga­inste vs / muche loue / no grudge / glad to please / lothe to an­noie vs / yea / and to declare this good will not to be off the meane sorte / nor so small as oure brethern haue felte other­were / they haue graunted that thinge / whiche amonge ot­hers and in other cities / we coulde not obtaine nor durste allmoste hope for. For what greater treasure or sweeter comforte can a Christian man desier / then to haue a churche whe­rin he maie serue god in puritie off faithe / and integritie off lyfe / whiche thinge yff we wishe for / let vs not refuse it / se­inge where we woulde / we coulde not there obtaine it. And here yet it is graunted in so ample wise / that beinge subiecte to no blemishe / no / nor so muche as the euell off suspition (frō the whiche fewe churches are free) we maie preache / minister / and vse Discipline / to the true settinge forthe off gods glorie [Page IX] and good ensample to others. And for our partes / we haue not bene negligente as touchinge the execution off the sayed benefit graunted. For the 29. of Iuly / we had (god be thanked) [...]. sermons to oure singuler comforte / and great ioye off all godly men heere. Wherfore brethern / seinge your haue indu­red the paine off persecution with vs / we thought it likewise oure dewties to make your partakers off oure consolation / that altogether we maie geue thanks to oure louinge father / Cor. 10. Phil. 2. who is more tender ouer vs / then the mother ouer hir chil­de / nether suffreth vs to be temped aboue that we maie bea­re / but euen to the issue off the tentation / geuethe prosperous successe / trustinge by gods grace / that he whiche hathe geuen yow that gifte / not onely to beleue in Christe / but also to suffer for his sake: will so directe your hartes / that no respecte off commoditie there / nor yet feare of burthen here maie once moue yow to shrink from your vocatiō / whiche is / in one faithe / one ministration / one tonge and one consente / to serue god in his churche.

What more manifeste signe / what plainer declaration / what worde more expresse and lyuely can we haue off dewtie and vocation / the [...] when god speakethe in oure hartes by faithe / guidethe vs owte off perille throughe his grace / and nowe laste & of all offrethe vs a restinge place of his exceading mercy. Yow remēber that before / we haue reasoned together in ho­pe to obtaine a churche / and shall we nowe drawe backe as vnmindfull off gods prouidence / whiche hathe procured vs one free from all dreggs off superstitious ceremonies?

What / thinke yow / Psal. 4 [...]. yf the Prophet Dauid had had this offre who desired to be porter in the house of God / and more estee­med one daie so spente / then a thousande otherwaies.

Either what mente he when he saied: one requeste I de­maunde off the Lorde / Whiche I will seeke after / that is / Psal. 27. that I maie dwell in the howse off the lorde all the daies off my lyfe. Had Dauid no experience? or felte he not what grieff yt was to wante the congregation? And surely we muste graunt that he was farre more perfect then we be: For he beinge conuersant in this worlde / sett his delight [Page X] wholie in heauenly things. And many off vs / (we speake it to our shame) as if we had already forgottē the ende of our creation / are plunged in earthlye affectiōs / and worldly respectes / so that throughe oure infirmities / this excellente benefit is li­ke to be frustrate. For / some dowte who shalbe preferred: o­thers seeke increase off lerninge▪ Many followe the commodi­tie off lyuinge certein / looke for a newe vocation / so that it is a wonder to se the deformitie off mans affec [...]ions. God grante / Matth. 22. we maye lerne at their ensamples whiche beinge called to the mariage came not / what it is to esteeme in time the wor­thenes off gods benefits / leaste / by the losse off the same we a­fter fall vnto vnprofitable repentance / seekinge againe oure losse withe teares as the reprobate Esau and yet neuer the ne­ere. Mich. 3. Heb. 11. We charge no one man (brethren) nor yet meane all / and on what considerations theis excuses were pretended / we su­spende oure Iudgmentes / referringe the same to our imper­fection and infirmitie / wherby the aduersary ceasethe not to batter dailie the walles off Gods temple.

As touchinge the pointe off prefermente / we are perswaded throughly that it hathe this meaninge / that euery mā tho­ught of himself modestlie / humblie submittinge himself to all mē vnablinge no man / for so muche as your knowe that he whiche seketh ambition / glory / aduantage or suche like / is not mo­ued withe gods spirite as witnesse the instructions that Chri­st [...] [...]ur Maister gaue to his disciples / who laboring of like di­s [...]e were admonished that he whiche did excell amonge thē / shoulde abase himself to his inferior whiche malady S. Paul perceauinge to infecte like a canker / moste diligently framethe his style / Philip. 1. Col. 1. that he might not seeme to preferr hī selffe to others in the course of his ministery. And as for lernīge / as we wishe to all men moste abūdantly: so we moste ernestly require / that cōparinge the congregations necessitie with your owne priuate cōmoditie / your woulde rather for Christs sake chose the better: yea / and we assure your one good aduertisemente / that thorowe / gods grace / when we shalbe assēbled together / suche or­der wilbe taken / that / besides those thinges whiche oure natiō [Page XI] shalbe able to furnishe / we haue the citie moste forwarde to procure others. Yff anye woulde pretende the hardnes off the countrie and charges / oure experience ma [...]e sufficiently satif­fie them / who hauinge traveiled throwgh moste places / whe­re the gospell is preached / haue not founde so manie commo­dites nor lesse charges.

Restethe the tyme off callinge / whiche we referre to your con­sciences / besechinge your for Christes sake to descende into your selues withowt all parcialitie / wayinge the grauitie off the matter whiche is goddes / and the selie excuse whiche the fleshe ministrethe. Consider what god woulde saie / I haue prepared a plentifull and ripe harueste whiche standethe in a redines and waitethe for the mower and I haue appointed thee thy taxe. I haue geuen instrumentes / and all things fit for the labor / yff thow forslowe it / the croppe is in daunger: yff thow loke for oft warning thow declarest great negligence.

This speache (Dearly beloved) or very like / god vsed to Noah. Abraham / Ieremiah / &c. and they thought their vo­cation stronge. But yow through Goddes benefit / do not o­nely heare god thus perswadinge in your hartes / but also ha­ue bene by externe callinge confirmed / and accordinge therunto haue walked to the great glorie off God and profit off the cōgregation. We truste therfore (brethern) and in Iesus Christe require it / that your woulde hyde your talent no longer but hauinge newe occasion to imploye it / your woulde put it for­the for your Maister his aduantage and your owne dischar­ge. For iff your feele in your hartes comforte as wee doo whi­che are here assembled to heare the worde of god preached and the Sacramente ministred / we assure yow / yow should sen­siblie perceaue that which the Prophet speakethe in theis ter­mes: as the harte chased pantethe for gredines off waters: Psal. 42. e­uen so / (o lorde) my soule seekethe after thee. My soule burne­the for thirste in seekinge the Lorde and saithe: Alas when shall I be able to appeere before the face off the lyuinge god? what thinge then ought we to haue in greater recommenda­tion / then the order and policie whiche god hathe established [Page XII] in his churche? that we maie be taught by his worde / tha [...] we maie worshippe him and call vpon his name with one accorde / that we maie haue the true vse off his Sacraments to helpe vs to the same? For theis be the means wherby we muste be confirmed in the faithe / in the feare off God / in holynes off conuersation / in the contempte of the worlde / and in the loue off life euerlastinge. And for this consideration S. Ephes. 4. Paule saithe not that this order whiche the Lorde hathe set in his churche shulde onely be for the rude and symple / but makethe it common to all / exceptinge no man. For he hathe ordeined (saithe he) some to be Apostles / some / prophetes / so­me Euangelistes / others / to be teachers and instructors / to confirme the godly and to labor to finishe the buildinge off Christes body till we be all brought to one consente in faithe to the knowledge off the sonne off god / to a perfect man / and finally / to the iuste measure off a ripe Christian age. Let vs all marke / that he saithe not / that god hathe left the scriptures onely / that euery one shulde reade it / but also / that he hathe erected a policie and order / that their shulde be some to tea­che / and not for one daye / but all the time off our lyffe euen to the deathe for that is the tyme off our perfection. Wherfore brethren / let vs submit our selues / and leaue off farther to tempte God / seinge / that yff we wilbe off the body off Chr­ist / we must obeie to this generall rule. Let no respecte off worldly policie staie vs. Let no perswasion blinde vs. But let vs fulfyll in oure selues that whiche Esaias forwarnethe that goddes children shalbe as pigions / whiche flee by flocks in to their douehouse / whiche is the place where the worde of god is preached / the sacraments ministred / and praier vsed.

To conclude therfore (dearely beloued) let euery man call his conscience to counsaile / and besides these sweete allure­ments / let vs learne to preuent our aduersaries / who sekinge euer to obscure goddes glorie / maye easelie cauell at this dissipation. And woulde to god the slaunder were not allready to our great grieff in sundry places scattered in so muche / that in Englande / manie take occasion to remaine in their filthe. [Page XIII] And some thinke they maye dissemble / vntill a churche o [...] con­firmed / perceauinge that this our scatteringe / augmentethe the griefe of persecution / and so throughe our negligēce we leese them for whom Christe died. Consider brethren / it is gods cause / he requirethe yow / it is your dewtie / necessitie vrgethe / time willethe / your father speakethe / children muste obeie / ou­re enemies are diligente and the aduersary is at hande.

Almightie god graunt for his sonnes sake that we maie rightly ponder the ma [...]ter / followe oure callinge / serue [...]he turne / heare the speaker / walke in obedience and resist oure ene­mies. We desier yow all take this in good parte / seinge we haue written nothinge but what charitie did indite and that w­hiche we truste / and wishe yow woulde haue don to vs in ca­se like.

Your louynge brethern.
  • Iohn Stanton.
  • Iohn Makebray
  • VVilliam VVilliams.
  • VVilliam VVittingham.
  • VVilliam Hammon.
  • Thomas VVood.
  • Mighell Gill.

SHortlye after / the lerned men off Strausbrough answe­red to this generall letter before mentioned in this sorte: That they had considered the contentes theroff and perceiued that the effecte was no other but to haue one or two take the chieff charge and gouernaunce off the congregation. And that in case they might get. D. poinet. Maister Scory. D. Bale or D. Cox / or two off them / they shulde be well furnished / yff not / they woulde appointe one at Strausbrough and an other shuld come from Zurick to serue the turne at whiche tyme master Grindall wrote to master Scory at Emden perswa­dinge him to be Superintendent off this churche off Frankf. who (in 2. seuerall letters to his priuate frinds / offred his seruise to the congregation / but before the receipte theroff the congregation had writtē their letters to maister Knox at Ge­neua to master Haddon at Strausb. and master Leuer at Zu­rick / whom they had elected for their ministers and aduertised master Scory by a generall letter off the same.

[Page XIIII]Nowe / when the answere that came from Strausbrou­gh was read / and compared withe the letter written vnto them / it did not in anie pointe answere it▪ For the congregati­on wrote not particulerly for anie certeine nomber / but gene­rally wishinge all mens presence / nether did they require to haue anye superintendent to take the chieff charge and gouer­nement / for the choise and election theroff (yff suche a one had bene necessary) ought to haue byn reserued to the congrega­tion / whiche fully determined at that tyme to haue the chur­che gouerned by 2 or 3. graue / godly and lerned Ministers off like authoritie / as is accustomed in the beste reformed chur­ches.

The [...]1. off October the Students off Zurick wrote also an answere to the generall let­ters afore saied in this wise.

The grace and peace off God the Father and off our Lorde Iesus Christe be vvith your all Amen.

AS God by his singuler prouidence hathe wonderfully blessed vs aswell in mouinge the hartes off the Senators and ministers here / to lament oure state / fauor and aid vs in oure requests: as also in geuinge happie successe for all kinde off prouision to oure vse and behoufe: So he well knowethe / that we no other wise esteeme the same then maie stande wi­the his glory / oure professiō / and the comforte off his afflicted churche / but dailie labor in the knowledge off his worde to thintent that when god oure mercifull father shall so think good / we maie be bothe faithfull and skilfull dispensers the­roff.

And as runninge in the sweete race off oure vocation / ye haue ernestly written vnto vs for to repaier thyther / burthe­ninge vs so sore with your necessitie / that ye think our shrin­king back in this behalff shulde argue want off charitie / keepe manie in Englande still whiche else would willingly come fo­orth / and shewe oure selues careles off that congregation w­whose [Page XV] edefyinge and winninge to Christe we onely pretend to seeke. These are great causes / but touchinge vs nether so truly obiected / so firmely grounded / nor yet so aptlie applied / but that as sounde reasons on our partes might fully answere the same. Yet notwithstanding / in as muche as yow appeale to our consciences whiche in the daie off the Lorde shall accuse or excuse vs in this thinge and all other / we will not vtterlie deny your requests / but shewe oure selues as ready to seeke gods glorie and the increase off his kingdome other there or elsewhere to the vttermoste off oure powers / as euer we did pretende to do / requiringe yow all in the name and feare off god / that as we / all respects set aparte and vnfainedly traue­linge in the necessary knowledge off Christe to the profit off his churche here after / refuse not for your nedie comforte to accomplishe your desyres. So ye will not interrupte oure stu­dies / vrge oure remouinge / and bringe vs thither / feelinge here a [...]lreadie the exceadinge goodnesse off god towardes vs / vnlesse ye thinke / and that before god / that oure absence on thone parte shulde greatly hinder / and oure presence one the other side verie muche further your godly attemps alreadye begonne for the furnishinge off that churche so happely obtained to all oure comfortes / for the whiche in oure dailie pra­yers we geue god moste hartie and humble thankes. Yff by this doinge ye geue occasion to breake oure godlie feloship­pe / to hurte our studies / to dissolue oure exercises / and vtterly to euerte our godly purposes / ye haue to answere euen vnto him whiche is a faithfull and a iuste Iudge / and will geue to e­uerie man accordinge to his dedes. Wherfore / deare brethe­rn / in consideration that we be all not onely off one nation / but also members off one misticall body in Iesus Christe our head / and ought therfore especially in this time off exile and moste worthely deserued crosse by all means possible / one to aide and comforte an other / besechinge god for his mercies sake to asswage his wrathe / to geue vs repentinge hartes and patient continuance to our brethern at home with pity to beholde his vineiarde there miserablie spoiled and trodden [Page XVI] vnder foote / and to call vs home after his fatherly chasti­semente eftsones frutefully to worke in the same: we briefly make this answere. Yff vppon the receipte here off / ye shall withowte cloke or forged pretence / But onely to seke Christe aduertise vs by your letters / that our beinge there is so need­full as ye haue alreadie signified / and that we maie altogether serue and praise god as freely and as vprightly / (wheroff pry­uate letters receiued lately from Franckf. make vs muche [...]o dowte) as the order laste taken in the churche of England per­mittethe and perscribethe (for we are fully determined to ad­mitt and vse no other) then / abowt easter nexte (for afore we cannot) god prosperinge vs / and no iuste cause or occasion to the contrary growinge in the meane time wherby our inten­te maie be defeated with one consente we agree to ioine oure selues vnto yow and moste willinglie to doo suche ser­uise there / as oure poore condition and callinge dothe permit. In the meane space / we shall moste intirely beseche almigh­tie God so to assiste yow withe his holy spirit / that your do­ings maie helpe to confounde papistrie / set forthe gods glo­rie / and shewe suche light in the face off the worlde / that b [...]o­the the wicked maie be ashamed / hauinge no iuste cause off reproche / and also oure weake brethern confirmed and woone to the truthe.

Your louing frinds.
  • Robart Horne.
  • Richard Chambers.
  • Thomas Leuer.
  • Nicholas Karuile.
  • Iohn Mulling [...].
  • Thomas Spencer.
  • Thomas Bentham.
  • VVilliam Cole.
  • Iohn Parkhuste
  • Roger Kelbe.
  • Robart Beamont.
  • Laurence Humphry.
  • Henry Cockrafft.
  • Iohn Pretio.

Abowte this tyme Letters were receyued from maister Haddon Wherin he desired for diuers considerati­ons to be excused / for comminge to take the charge vppon him at Franckford.

[Page XVII]The 24. off October came maister Whithea [...] to Franckford / and at the requeste off the congregation / he tooke the charge for a time / and preached vppon the Epistle to the Romains.

Abowte the 4. off Nouember came Maister Ch [...]mbres to Franckford with letters from Zurick whiche were partlie an answere to an other letter written vnto them from Franckforde the 26. off September / whiche was as followithe.

Grace mercy and peace, &c.

AFter / longe hope off Your answere to our letter / we thou­ght it good to put you once againe in remembraunc. And as we in our former / so nowe in theis also in gods behalff moste ernestly require yow deeplie to waie this matter off gods callinge / and the necessitie off this congregation We ha [...]e throughly lerned your estate and also made yow priuie to oures▪ and eftsonnes / wishe we might be together to be­waile our synnes paste / to praie together for oure poore bre­thern that are vnder Antechristes captiuitie / to comforte / inst­ructe / and profit one an other. And finally to bestowe the time off oure persecution together and redeeme theis daies whi­che are so euell. And iff anye desier off knowledge staye yow / certenly / it woulde not be so litle increased here that yow shulde iust [...]y repent. For as touchinge the companie off lerned men (as yow cannot bere be withowte) so / that thinge whiche chiefly your can require of lerned mens Iudgmēts and knowledge owte off their workes / your maie suck moste plentifully wherof with vs yow can lake no store We nede not / brethern / to make lōge discouse in reasoninge▪ for we partlie knowe that gods spirit / whiche workethe in your hartes shall preuaile withe yow more / thē disputinge / not dowtīge / but the same holie spirit knocketh at the dore off your cōsciēces not only to moue yow of oure behalffs / but to admonishe yow / to auoide the in­cōueniences of talkes / and the offences of oure poore brethern [Page XVIII] of Englande / whose marueilinge cannot otherwise be satisfi­ed. Remember therfore (dearly beloued) that we wryte as bretheren / to oure deare brethern / who altogether seeke oure fathers honor / oure owne discharge and the comforte off ou­re afflicted countrie men.

The same sweete father graunt for his Christs sake that we maie assemble together / to the buildinge off this his Tem­ple / to let the false workemen / and vnderminers / and diligen­tly in our vocation to helpe to the furnishinge off the same till it rise to perfection. F [...] ye well in Christe.

Your louinge frinds: as in the letter afore so vnder this subscribed.

The answere to them off Franckford was / as foloweth.

WE beinge placed here in quietnes / with many and great commodities for oure studies tendinge all to edification off Christes churche / haue / vnto the earneste requests off your letters vnto vs / answered in our letters v [...]to yow / that to discharge all dewtie in conscience / and to increase and instructe your congregation at Franckford withe oure presence and diligence wilt no [...] deny to remoue from hence vnto yow / so that yow charged off conscience do constantly af­firme / that ye haue so great neede off vs as by letters was signified / and certeinly assure vs that we with yow maie and shall vse the same order off seruice concerninge religion whiche was in Englande laste set forthe by kinge Edward. And nowe also for the better vnderstāding off suche requests and charitable performance of dewt [...]e / vpon bothe partes desired and procured Ma [...]ster Richard Chambers our beste frinde / a man moste charitable and c [...]refull for the Christian congregation / to take pains to trauell vnto yow and wi [...]he yow for vs: so that this matter as it is begon and moued in writing [...] maie [Page XIX] be fully debated and concluded by his faithfull means and diligence. For we be all agreed and do purpose to allowe and performe what so euer he shall saie and promes in oure na­mes vnto yow. Wherfore / we beseche yow in Goddes name conscionably to consider the estate and condition bothe off yow and vs / and iff there vppon yow conclude withe the saied master Chambers off oure comminge vnto yow / then let him not lack your charitable helpe in necessary prouision for our continuance withe yow. And thus besechinge god that your doings maie tende to his glorie / and the spedy comforte off his afflicted churche we wishe yow all helthe and increase off true knowledge in Christe our lord and sauiour.

Your lovinge frinds as in the letters before

When Maister Chambers had conferred with the congregation and sawe that they coulde not assure him the [...]u [...] vse off the Englishe booke withowte the hazardinge o [...]f their churche / he prepared to departe from whens he came / and by this time was Maister Knox come from Geneua / (and chosen minister) vppon the receipte off a letter sent him from the congregation / whiche letter was as fo­lowethe.

WE haue receiued letters from oure brethern off Straus­brough / but not in suche sorte and ample wise as we lo­oked for / wheruppon we assembled together in the B. Goaste we hope / and haue with one voice and consent chosen yow so part [...]culerly to be one off the Ministers off our congregation here / to preache vnto vs the moste liuely worde off God / ac­cordinge to the gift that God ha [...]he geuen yow for as mu­che as we haue here throughe the mercifull goodnes off God a churche to be congregated together in the name off Christe / and be all of one body / and also beinge of one natiō / tonge / and countrie. And at this presente / hauinge neede off suche a one [Page XX] as yow / Mark the calling off Knox to the pastor­shipp. we do desier yow and also require yow in the name off God not to deny vs / not to refuse theis oure requests / but that yow will aide / helpe and assiste vs with your presence in this our Good and godlie entreprise / whiche we haue take in hand to the glorie off god and the profit off his congregation and the poore she [...]pe off Christ dispersed abroad / who withe your and like presences / woulde come hither and be of one fol­de where as nowe they wander abroad as loste sheepe with­owte anie gide. we mistruste not but that yow will io [...]fully ac­cepte this callinge.

Fare ye well
Your louinge brethern.
  • Iohn Bale
  • Edmond Sutton.
  • Iohn Makebraie.
  • VVilliam VVhitingham
  • Thomas Cole
  • VVilliam VVilliams
  • George Chidley
  • VVilliam Hammon.
  • Thomas Steward
  • Thomas wood.
  • Iohn Stanton
  • VVilliam VValton
  • Iasper swyft
  • Iohn Geofrie.
  • Iohn Grai [...]
  • Mighell Gill.
  • Iohn Samford
  • Iohn VVood.
  • Thomas Sorby
  • Anthony Ca [...]i [...]r
  • Hugh Alforde.

Nowe to ruturne to the tenor of the letter which the congregation off Franckford wrate by Maister Cham­bers to the students off Zurick.

WE haue receyued your 2. seuerall letters the one dated the 23. off October sent vs from Strausbrough and the o­ther the 27. off the same by the hands off your deare frinde Maister Chambers and haue conferred with him at large / touching the contents theroff. And when as after diuers as­semblyes and longe debatings the saied Maister Chambers perceyued that we coulde not in all points warrant the full vse off the booke off seruice (whiche semethe to be your full scope [Page XXI] and marke) and also waying in conscience the great benefit that God hathe in this c [...]e offred to our whole nation / he not only re [...]oised at the same / but also promised to trauell in per­swadinge yow to the futheraunce therof. As touchinge the effecte off the booke / we desire the execution theroff as muche as yow / (so farr as Gods worde dothe commende it) but as for the vnprofitable ceremonies / aswell by his consent as by ours / are not to be vsed. And althoughe they were tollerable (as some are not) yet beinge in a strange commō wealthe / we coulde not be suffred to put them in vre / and better it were they shulde neuer be practised / then they shulde be the sub­uersion off oure churche / whiche shulde fall in great hassard by vsinge them.

The matter is not oures more then yours / (excepte anie excell others in godly zeele / but bothe wishe gods honor.

Iff a larger gate be opened there / to the same then to vs / vppon your perswatione / ye shall not finde vs to drawe back. for this is that necessitie / brethern / that maie not be neglec­ted / yff we wishe the comforte and gatheringe together off oure dispersed brethern. Yff anie think that the not vsinge off the booke in all pointes shoulde increase our godly fathers / and bretherns bands / or els anye thinge deface the worthie ordinances and lawes off our Soueraigne Lorde off moste famous memory. K. Edward the 6. he semethe ether litle to waie the mater / or ells letted through ignorance knowethe not that euen they themselues haue vppon considerations off circumstances / altered heretofore many thinges as touchin­ge the same. And iff god had not in theis wicked daies other­wise determined / woulde here after haue chaunged more / yea and in oure case we dowte not but that they woulde haue don the like. Theis fewe lines concerninge bothe our cōmunicati­ons we haue accordingely written vnto yow / referringe the reste to the discretion off oure Good frinde Maister Cham­bers / who knoweth that we haue shewed oure selues most conformable in all thinges that standethe in our powers and moste desirous off your companies accordinge to our former [Page XXII] letters. The spirit off God moue your hartes to do that w­hich shalbe most to his glory and the comforte off your bre­thern.

Your louinge frinds, &c.

The 28. off Nouember Maister Chambers ca­me againe to Franckford from S [...]rousbrough / and with him Maister Grindall with letters from the lerned men there / subscribed with 16. off their handes / whiche letter was as folowethe.

WHen we do consider what inwarde comforte it were for [...]he faithfull people off Englande now dispersed for the gospell / and wandringe abroad in strange countries as shepe withowte pastor / to be gathered together in to one congrega­tion / that with one mouth / one minde / and one spirit they might glorifie God: we haue at all tymes and do presently think it oure dewties / not only in harte to wishe that thinge / but also to labor by all means so muche as in vs lyethe to bringe the same to passe. And hauinge nowe perfit intelligence off the Good mindes / whiche the magistrats off Franckford be­are towardes yow and others oure scattered countrie men / and also vnderstandinge off the free graunt off a churche vn­to vs wherin we maie together serue god / and not dowtinge off their farther frindshipp in permittinge vs franckly to vse our religion accordinge to that godly order sett forthe and receaued in England: We bothe geue god thankes for so great a benefit / and also thinke it not fit to refuse so frindly an offre / or to let slippe so good an occasion. Therfore / neither dowtin­ge off their good furtherance hereunto / not yet distrustinge your good conformitie and ready desiers in reducinge the En­glishe churche now begun there / to it former perfection off the laste / had in Englande / so farre as possiblie can be atteined / least by muche alteringe off the same we shulde seeme to con­demne the chieff authors theroff / who as they nowe suffer / so [...]re they moste redie to confirme that facte with the price off [Page XXIII] their blouds and shulde also bothe geue occasion to our aduersaries / to accuse oure doctrine of imperfection / and vs of mutablitie / ād the godly to dowte in that truthe wherin before they were perswaded / and to hinder their cōminge hither whiche before they had purposed: For the auoidinge off these / and the obtaininge off the other / moued hereunto in conscience and prouoked by your ientle letters / we haue thought it expedient to sende ouer vnto yow / oure beloued brethern the bringers hereoff to trauell withe the magistrats and yow concerninge the premisses / whose wisedomes lerninge and godly zeele / as they be knowen vnto yow / so their doings in this shall fullie take place withe vs. And yff they obtaine that whiche we tru­ste will not be denied at no hands: Then we intend (God willinge) to be with yow the firste off February next / there to helpe to set in order and stablishe that churche accordingly. And so longe altogether to remaine with yow as shall be ne­cessary / or vntill iuste occasion shall call some off vs awaie. And we dowte not but that our brethern off Zurick / Emden Duesbrough &c. will do the same accordingly / as we haue praied them by oure letters trustinge that yow by yours will make like requeste.

Fare ye well
Your louing frinds,
  • Iames Haddon
  • Edwin Sands
  • Edmond Grindall.
  • Iohn Huntington
  • Guido Eaten.
  • Iohn Geoffrye
  • Iohn Pedder.
  • Thomas Eaten.
  • Mighell Reymuger
  • Augustine Bradbridge.
  • Arthur Saule.
  • Thomas Steward.
  • Christ. Goodman▪
  • Humphry Alcocson
  • Tho. Lakin
  • Tho. Crafton.

THis letter was red to the congregation / at whiche tyme maister Grindall declared the occasiō of ther cōminge w­hiche (amōge other things) was chieflie for thestablishinge of the booke off England not that they mente / (as he saied) to haue it so strictly obserued but that suche ceremonies / and thin­ges [Page XXIIII] whiche the countrie coulde not beare / might well be o­mitted / so that they might haue the substance and effecte the­roff. Ma [...]ster Knox and wh [...]ttingham a [...]ked them what they mente by the substance off the booke / It was answered by the other that they had no cōmission to dispute those matters / but they requested that the congregation would answere to cer­teine interogatories / whiche were thies First / that they might knowe wha [...] partes off the booke they woulde admit. The se­conde was for a seuerall churche / and the thirde what assurāce they might haue for their quiete hab [...]tation. To [...]he firste / ans­were was made that what they coulde proue off that Booke to stande wi [...]he gods worde / and the countrie permit / that shuld be graunted them. To the 2. whiche was for a church / it was tolde them / that they vnderstoode by the Magistrats / the tyme serued not to moue anie suche matter till the counsaile brake vp at Ausburge. To the third it was saied that a gene­rall graunt was made at their first comminge thither / to the whole nation / and the fredome off the citie offred to all su­che as were desyrous off it in as large and ample manner as they coulde require / whiche was to them assurance sufficient.

Theis 3. questions thus answered maister Chambers and Maister Grindall departe back againe with a let­ter from the congregation whiche was as followethe.

Grace mercy and peace, &c.

AS it was euer moste true / so at this present we feele most sensiblie / that where so euer god layeth the foundation to builde his glory there he continueth till he bringe the same to a present worke. All thanks and praise be vnto him therfore / that hathe moued your hartes so as in no pointye seeme to forslowe your diligence to the furtheraunce off the same. And as the worke is off moste excellencie So the aduersaries cea­se not most craftely to vndermine it / or at the leaste / through false reportes and defacing off the worke begon / to sta [...]e the laborers / whiche shulde traueil in the finishinge theroff. [Page XXV] But truthe euer cleareth itselff / and as the Sonne consume­the the clowds / so misreportes by triall are confounded. Ou­re brethern sent from yow can certifie yow at lenght touchinge the particulers off your letter / to whom we haue in all th [...]ngs agreed whiche semed expedient for the state off this con­gation. As for certeine Ceremonies whiche the order off the countrie will not beare: we necessarily omit with as litle al­teration as is possible (which in your letters ye require) so that no aduersary is so impudent that dare either blame oure doctrine of imperfection / or vs of mutabilitie / excepte he be al­together willfull ignorante / rather seekinge howe to finde fa­ultes / then to amend them. Nether doo we discente from them whiche lie at the raunsome off their blouds for the doctrine wheroff they haue made a moste worthye confession.

And yet we thinke not that anye godlie man will stande to the deathe in the defence of ceremonies / whiche (as the booke specifie the) vpō iuste causes maie be altered and chaunged.

And yff the not full vsinge off the booke cause the godly to dowte in that truthe wherin before they were perswaded / and to staye theyr comminge hither / accordinge as they purposed: either it signifieth that they were verye slenderly taught whi­che for breach off a Ceremonie will refuse suche a singuler be­nefit / or ells that yow haue harde them misreported by some false brethern / who / to hinder this worthie enterprise / spare not to sowe in euerie place / store off suche poore reasons. La­ste off all it remainethe that ye write / that the firste off Febru­ary nexte yow will come to helpe to set in order and establi­she this churche accordingly / whiche thinge / as we moste wi­she for your companies sake and for that ye might se oure go­dly orders alreadie here obserued: So we put yow owte of do­wte that for to appointe a iourney for the establishing off Ceremonies shulde be more to your charges then anie generall profit / excepte ye were determined to remaine with vs lon­ger then 2 monethes / as ye write to our countriemen at Den­sbrorow and Emden / whiche letters notwithstandinge are nowe staid and as apearethe we neuer the neere.

[Page XXVI]We referre the reste to oure brethern maister Chambers and maister Grindall / who by their diligent inquisition ha­ue learned so farre off our state as we wrote vnto yow in our former letters that is / that we haue a churche freely graunted to preach gods word purely / to minister the Sacraments sin­cerely and to execute discipline truly. And as touchinge our booke we will practise it so farre as gods worde dothe assure it and the state off this countrie permit.

Fare ye well.
Your louinge frinds.
  • Gorge VVhetnall
  • Thomas VVhetnall
  • Iohn Knox.
  • Iohn Bale
  • VVilliam VVhitingham
  • Edward Sutton.
  • Thomas VVood
  • VVilliam VVilliams
  • Iohn Stanton
  • Iohn Samford
  • Iohn fox.
  • VVilliam Kethe
  • Iohn Mak [...]braie
  • VVilliam VValton
  • Mighell Gill.
  • Laurence Kert.
  • Iohn Hollingham.

The answere to this letter from S [...]rausbrough was as foloweth.

Grace, mercy and peace, &c.

WE haue receaued your letters / and also your answere in wrytinge concerninge certeine Articles / and do percey­ue aswell by the same as by maister Chambers and Maister Grindall your state. But for so muche as your opinion is that the tyme do [...]he not presently serue to moue the magistrats in those requests the obteininge wheroff was the principall cause of our sending vnto yow / we cannot at this present conde­scend vppon anie generall meetinge / at anie certeine tyme / e­ther to remaine with yow or otherwise. And therfore / iff yow shall certeinly perceaue a time conuenient / that the Magi­strats may be traueled withe all aswell for the good and quiete habitation off the commers / and especially Students / as also a seuerall churche / and to knowe whither the exercise off the booke shall be vsed / suche we meane as no reasonable mā [Page XXVII] shall iustly reproue / and that the certeintie off theis matters maie be knowen at the magistrats hands:

then / (yff yow can let vs haue intelligence) we will fa­rther consu [...]te what is to be done on oure par [...]ye / trustinge / god shall directe vs to do so as maye be moste to his glorie in the ende / howe so euer the presente tyme shall iudge off it.

Your louing frinds, &c. as in the letteers before.

WHen this letter was redd to the congregation / they re­quested that for so muche as the lerned men / coulde not cōdescend vppon any generall and certeine tyme off meetinge as nowe appeared by their letters / they might conclude vp­pon some certeine order by common consent still to contine­we and that wihowte farther delaye / and also to haue the ho­lie communion ministred / whiche the moste part ernestlie de­sired. At lenght (it was agreed that the order of Geneua wh­iche then was alreadie printed in Englishe and some copies there amonge them) shulde take place as an order moste go­dly and fardeste off from superstition. But Maister knox be­inge spoken vnto / aswell to put that order in practise / as to minister the communion / refused to do ether the one or the other / affirminge / that for manie considerations he coulde not consente that the same order shulde be practised / till the lerned men off Strausbrough / Zurik / Emden / &c. were made priuy. Neither yet woulde he minister the communion by the booke off Englande / for that there were thinges in it placed (as he saied) onely by warrant of mans authoritie and no grownde in godds worde for the same / and had also a longe ty­me verye superstitiously in the masse byn wickedly abused. But yff he might not be suffred to minister the Sacraments accordinge to his conscience / he then requested that some other might minister the Sacraments / and he woulde onely preache. Iff nether coulde be admitted be besought them [Page XXVIII] that he might be discharged. But to that the congregation woulde in no wise consente.

Whiles these things were thus in handlinge came mai­ster Leuer (before elected) who / assemblinge the congregation requested that he might withe their consentes appointe suche an order / as shulde be bothe Godly withowt respecte off the Booke off Geneua or anye other / requestinge farther / that for so muche as that office was off so great importaunce / ād that he had not byn in the like before / that he might betweene that and Easter haue a triall off them / and they off him / and so at the ende off that terme either take or refuse / whiche time off triall / as it was willingly graunted him: so when they vnder­stoode that the order whiche he woulde place and vse was not altogether suche as was fit for a right reformed churche / they woulde in nowise yelde to the same.

Knox / whittingham / and others / perceyuinge that theis beginnings woulde growe to some what / yff it were not staid in time / drewe forthe a platt off the whole booke off England into the lattin tonge / sendinge the same to maister Caluin off Geneua and requestinge his iudgement therin / and shewin­ge him that some off their countrie men went abowte to for­ce them to the same and woulde admit no other / sayinge / that it was an order moste absolute and that yff euer they came in to their countrie they woulde do their beste to establishe it a­gaine. Nowe folowethe the description.

A description off the Liturgie / or booke off seruice that is vsed in Englande.

FIrste off all / morninge praier offreth it selff. The minister hauinge put on a white garment (whiche they call a sur­plesse) [Page XXIX] beginninge withe some sentence off holie scripture / as for e­xample▪ yff we shall saie that we haue no sinne we deceyue ou­re selues / &c. or some suche of like sorte. Then he takethe in har­de the exhortat on / whiche stirreth vp to a confession off syn­nes / whiche the minister pronounceth with a loude voice / the people sainge after him. To this is added an absolution / and when these thinges are done / he rehersethe the lordes praier / and afterward lorde open thow my lyppes / and my mouthe shall shewe forth thy praise. O god be redie to be my helpe / &c. Then / come and let vs singe vnto th Lorde / &c. By and by al­so there folowe 3. Psalmes together at thende off euery one. Then foloweth the first lesson / whiche conteinethe a whole chapi [...]er off the olde Testament. After this lesson they saie or singe we praise [...]he / lorde / or Blessed be the Lorde / &c. Then an other lesson owte off the Newe testamente / vnlesse perad­uenture the solemnization off some highe feast haue other set and apointed lessons. Nowe in cathedrall churches they vtter their lessons in plaine songe and thē afterwards is Benedictus added. This booke warnethe that they keepe this order throu­gh owte the whole yere. Afterwards / the crede is pronounced by the Minister / (all the people in the meane tyme stāding vp) Afterwards fallinge downe vppon their knees / the Minister saithe / The Lorde be with yow / The answere / And with thy spirite.

Then / Lorde haue mercy vppon vs / Christe haue mercy vppon vs / Lorde haue mercy vppon vs / &c. our father / &c. pronounced owte alowde off all with all boldnesse. Then the Minister / when he standeth vpp saithe / o lorde shewe vs thy mercy The answere / and geue vnto vs thy sauinge helthe. O Lorde saue the king In the day wherin we shall call vppon thee. Iudu [...] thy Ministers withe righteousnes. And make thy chosen people ioyfull. O Lorde saue thy people. And bles­se thyne inheritaunce. Geue peace in our tyme o Lorde / &c. At lenght [...]. Collects are had [...]n place off a conclusion / the firste / for the daie / the seconde for peace / the laste is for the ob­teininge off Grace. Nowe / the eueninge praiers are saide [...] [Page XXX] manner as the other are / sauinge / that after the firste lessen foloweth my soule doth magnifie the lorde. After the 2. lessen Now Lorde / &c. and in steed off that collect / God whiche arte the Author off peace / is vsed o God from whom all holie de­siers / &c. besides / there is caution added that all Ministers shall exercise them selues continually aswell in morninge praiers as eueninge praiers / except perhapp by studie in dy­uinitie or some other busynes / they be greatly and necessa­rely let or hindred· Besides / vppon euery Sabothe daie / wen­sdaie and fridaie there is yet in vse certeine suffrages deuised off Pope Gregory whiche beginnethe after this manner. O God the father off heauen haue mercy vppon vs misera­ble synners. O God the sonne redemer off the worlde / &c. onely leauinge owte the inuocation off saincts / otherwise we vse a certaine coniuringe off God. By the misterie off his incar­nation / by his holy natiuitie and circumcision by his haptis­me / fastinge and temptation / by his agonie and bloudie swe­ate / &c. yea / it comprehendethe in plaine wordes a praier to be deliuered from suddain deathe / the people answeringe to the ende off euery clause / either spare vs good lorde / or ells / Good Lorde deliuer vs / or we beseche thee to heare vs Good Lorde. O Lambe off God that taketh awaie the sinnes off the worlde is thrise repeated. Then Lorde haue mercy vpon vs thrise / and then the Lords praier with this praier also / o Lord deale not with vs after our sinnes to the same adioined / passinge ouer some things least we shulde seeme to syfte all those drosses which remaine still amonge vs.

Nowe the manner off the supper is thus. The nomber off three at the leaste is counted a fitt nomber to communi­cate / and yet it is permitted (the pestilence or some other common siknes beinge amonge the people) the Minister alone maie communicate withe the sicke man in his house. First ther­fore / the Minister muste be prepared after this manner / in a whit lynnin garmente (as in sayinge the other seruice he is apointed (and muste stande at the Northeside off the Table. Then is had the Lords praier after the custome / then he reci­teth [Page XXXI] the collect / and after folowe in order the ten commaun­dements (but so notwithstanding / that euery one off the peo­ple maye answere lorde haue mercy vpon vs and inclyne ou­re hartes to keepe this lawe. After the rehersall off the com­mandements / the collect off the daie (as it is called) and an other for the kinge is had. By and by the Epistle and Go­spell folowethe / to witt / suche as the callender apointethe for that daie. And there in this place there is a note / that euerie holy daye hathe his collect Epistle and Gospell (whiche fill 73. great leaues off the booke [...] when the reste fill scarse fiftie. For all holy daies are nowe in like vse as were amonge the Papi­stes / onelye verye fewe excepted.

Then he goethe forwardes to the crede and after that to the sermon (iff there be anie) Afterwardes the parishe priest byddeth the holie dayes and fastes on their eues / iff there be anye that weeke. And here the booke warnethe that none de­fraude the parishe priest off his due or right specially on tho­se feast daies / that are dedicated to offrings. Then foloweth a praier for the state off the churche militaunte / and that not withowte a longe heape and mixture off matters vntill they come (after a certeine confession off sinnes) to lift vp your har­tes / the people answeringe / we geue thankes to the lorde. Let vs geue thanks to our Lorde God / the answer / It is meete and right so to do. It is verie meete / right and our bownden dewtie / &c. vntill they come to that clause: O Lorde holie fath­er / &c. and so the preface accordinge to the feaste is added. Af­terwards he saithe: Therfore withe Angells and Archangells and so endethe with holy holy holy / lord god / till he come to hosianna in the highest. Nowe the priest bowethe his knee ack­nowledginge oure vnworthynes in the name off all them that shall receiu [...]. And settinge owte gods mercye / he beseche the God that oure bodies maye be made cleane by his bodie and that our soules maie be washed through his bloude. And then he againe standeth vp and takethe in hande a freshe an other praier appointed for this purpos / in which are contei­ned the wordes off the institution / all whiche beinge donne / [Page XXXII] he first communicateth / then / by and by he saithe to an other / knelinge / Take / and eate this in remembrance that Christ died for thee and feede on him in thy harte by faithe with thanksgeuinge.

Now abowte thende the Lordes praier it vsed againe / the Minister sayinge it alowde and all the people folowinge / to conclude / they haue a geuinge off thanks in thende / withe Glory to god in the highest / as it was vsed amonge the Pa­pistes / yff it happen that there be no sermon / onely a fewe thinges are omitted / but all other thinges are donne in order aforesaid.

In baptisme the Godfathers are demaunded in the na­me off the childe / wither they renownce the deuell and all his workes / the lustes off the worlde / &c. and they answere I renownce them. Then / wither they belieue the Artikles off the faithe / whiche beinge confessed / wilte thow (saith he turninge himself to bothe the witnesses / be baptized into this faithe? and they saie yea / I will. After afewe thinge rehersed / he ta­kethe the Child and dippeth it in / but warely and discretly as it is in the booke / vppon whose forehead also he shall make a crosse in token forsoothe that when he is olde he shall not be ashamed to confesse the faithe off Christe Crucified. After­ward / sendinge awaie the Godfathers and Godmothers / be chargeth them that they bringe the childe to be confirmed off the Bishopp as sone as he can saie the Articles off the fai­the / the lordes praier / and the ten Cōmaundemēts. And seinge there be many causes / as the booke saithe / whiche shulde moue them to the Confirmation off Children / this / forsoothe / off all others is the waightiest / that by imposition off hands they maie receiue strenght and defence against all temptations off sinne / and the assaults off the world and the deuell / bicause that when Children come to that age / partlie / by the frailtie off their owne fleshe / partly / by the assaults off the worlde and the deuell they beginn to be in daunger: And leafte anie shulde think any error to be in this Confirmation / therfore they take a certeine pamflett off a Catechisme / whiche consi­steth [Page XXXIII] off the Articles off the faithe / the Lordes praier / and ten commandements / and all this is dispatched in lesse then two leaues.

To these is ioyned their manner off Mariage off whiche that we maie passeouer many petty ceremonies these follies who can suffer? The husbande laithe downe a ringe vpon the booke / whiche the minister takinge / he geuethe it in his hande and biddethe him to put it on the fourthfinger off his wiues left hande / Then he vsethe this forme off wordes: withe this ringe (saithe he) I thee wedd / withe my body I thee worship withe all my worldly goods I thee endue. In the name off the father / the sonne / and the holy ghoste.

A litle after the Minister saithe to the newe maried per­sons knelinge before the lordes table: Lorde haue mercy vp­pon vs Christ haue mercy vpon vs / Lorde haue mercy vppon vs. Oure father which arte / &c. Lorde saue thy seruaunt and thy handmaide / &c. and so a few things beinge rehersed they muste be brought to the Lordes supper. The visitation off the sicke is after this manner. Peace be to this howse. The ans­were / and to all that dwell in the same. Lorde haue mercy v­pon vs / &c. our father / &c. Lorde saue thy seruaunte. Answere / whiche trustethe in thee. Sende forthe thy helpe from thy holy hil / and withe spede saue him / &c. as in the other prefa­ces withe questions and answers. Off the Buriall.

The Priest meetethe the Corse at the entraunce off the churcheyarde either singing or softly pronouncinge / I am the Resurrection and the liffe / &c. I knowe that my re­demer lyuethe Iob. 19. beinge comme to the graue it is sa­yed. Man borne off a woman Iob. 9. When the earthe is throwen in / we committ (saithe he) earthe to earthe / duste to duste / &c. The Lorde hathe geuen / the Lorde hathe taken / I harde a voice from heauen / sayenge / Blessed are the [...]ead whiche die in the Lorde. Lorde haue mercy vppon vs / &c.

The purification of women in childbed / whiche they call [Page XXXIIII] geuinge off thankes / is not only in all things withe vs almo­ste common withe the Papistes but also with the Iewes / by­cause they are commaunded in stede off a lambe or doue to of­fre monie.

Knox and VVhitting­ham asha­med to opē some thingsOther thinges / not so muche shame it selff / as a certei­ne kinde off pitie compelleth vs to keepe close / in the meane se­ason nothinge diminishinge the honor due to those reuerende men / who partely beinge hindred by those times / and by the obstinacie and also multitude off aduersaries (to whom no­thinge was euer delightfull besides their owne corruptions) beinge as it were ouerflowen / did alwaies in their minde continually as muche as they coulde striue to more perfect thinges.

Note, that this description is verye fauourably put downe, yf ye conferre it with the Booke off order in all points, and the vsage off the booke in many churches of this realme yow can confesse no lesse. And hereoff ye maie gather what M. Caluin woulde haue w­ritten, yf they had noted all the abuses of the same.

The answere and Iudgemente off that famous and excellent lerned man Maister Iohn Caluin the late Pastor off Geneua / touchinge the Boo­ke off Englande after that he had perused the same faith­fully translated owte off Latten by mai­ster Whittingham.

To the godly and lerned men Maister Iohn Knox / and Maister William Whittingham / his faithfull brethern at Frankford &c.

THis thinge trulie greuethe me very muche / and it is a gre­at shame that contention shulde arise amonge brethern banished and driuen owte of their countrie for one faithe / and [Page XXXV] for that cause whiche onely ought to haue holden yow boun­de together as it were withe an holy bande in this your di­spersion. For what might yow do better in this dolorous and miserable plage / then (beinge pulled violently from your countrie) to procure your selues a church / whiche shulde receiue ād nourishe yow (beinge ioyned together in mindes and languadge) in her motherly lappe. But nowe for some men to striue as touchinge the forme off praier and for Ceremonies as tho­ugh ye were at reste and prosperitie / and to suffer that to be an impedimente that ye cannot there ioyne in to one body off the churche (as I think) it is to muche owte off season.

Yet notwithstanding / I allowe their constancie whiche striue for a iuste cause beinge forced againste their willes vnto contention. I do worthely condemne frowardnes / whiche dothe hinder and staie the holye carefullnes of reforminge the churche.

And as I behaue myselff gentle and tractable in meane things (as externall ceremonies) So doo I not alwaies iudge it profitable / to geue place to their folishe stowtenes / whiche will forsake nothinge off their oulde wonted custome. In the liturgie off Englande / I se that there were manye tollerable foolishe thinges / by theis wordes I meane / that there was not that puritie whiche was to be desired. Many tollerable fooli­she things in the book by Caluins iudgement. Theis vices / thou­ghe they coulde not at the firste daie be amended / yet / seinge there was no manifeste impetie / they were for a season to be tollerated. Therfore / it was lawfull to begin off suche rudi­mentes or absedaries / but so / that it behoued the lerned / gra­ue / and godly ministers off Christe to enterprise farther / and to setfoorthe some thinge more filed from ruste / and purer. Yf godly Religion had florished till this daie in Englande / there ought to haue bin a thinge better corrected and manie thin­ges cleane taken awaie Nowe / when theis principles be ouer throwne / a churche muste be set vp in an other place / where ye maie freely make an order againe / whiche shall be apparent to be moste commoditious to the vse and edification off the churche. I cannot tell what they meane whiche so greatly de­lite [Page XXXVI] in the leauinges off Popishe dregges. They loue the thin­ges wherunto they are accustomed. Firste off all / this is a thinge bothe triflinge and Childishe. The booke trifling and Childishe by Caluins iudgement. furthermore / this ne­we order farre differeth from a chaunge.

Therfore / as I woulde not haue yow feirse ouer them whose infirmitie will not suffer to ascend an higher steppe: so woulde I aduertise other / that they please not them selues to muche in their foolishnes. Also / that by their frowardnes / they doo not let the course off the holie buildinge. Laste off all / least that foolishe vaine glorie steale them awaie. For what cause haue they to contende / excepte it be for that they are a­shamed to geue place to better thīges. But I speake in vaine to them whiche perchaunce esteeme me not so well / as they will vouchsaffe to admitt the consaile that commethe from suche an authour. If they feare the evell rumor in Englande / as though they had fallen from that Religion which was the cause off their banishment / they are farre deceiued for this true and sincere Religion / will rather compell them that theire remaine / faithfully to consider in to what deepe gulff they haue fallen For there downefall shall more greuously wounde them / when they perceyue your goinge forewarde beionde mid course / from the whiche they are turned.

Fare ye well dearely beloued brethern / and faithfull seruants off Christe. the Lorde defende and gouerne yow
Your Iohn Caluin

WHen this letter of Caluins was redd to them of the congregation / it so wrought in the hartes off many / that they were not before so stowte to maintaine all the partes off the boke off England as afterward they were bent against it. But nowe to returne. Whiles these things were in doyinge / the congregation (as yow haue harde afore) coulde not agree vpon anie certeine order / till after longe debatinge to and fro / it was concluded / that maister Knox / maister Whittingham / Maister Gilby / Maister Fox and Maister T. Cole shulde drawe [Page XXXVII] forthe some order meete for their state and time: whiche thinge was by them accomplished and offred to the congre­gation (beinge the same order off Geneua whiche is nowe in print) This order was verie well liked off many / but suche as were bent to the booke off Englande coulde not abide it / yea / cōtention grewe at lenght so hot / and the one partye which sought sinceritie / so sore charged / with newfanglednes and singularitie and to be the stirrers of cōtention and vnquietnes / The humb­lenes of Gilby and his godly zeele that Maister Gilby with a godly grieff (as well apeared) kneled downe before them and besought them (withe teares) to reforme their iudgementes / solemelie protestinge / that (in this matter) they sought not themselues / but onely the glorie off god / as he was verely perswaded / wishinge farther that that hande whiche he then helde vp were stricken of if by that a godly peace and vnitie might ensue and followe. In thende an otherwaie was taken by the congregation / whiche was / that maister Knox and maister whittingham / Maister parry and Maister leauer shulde deuise some order yff it might be / to ende all striff and contention. The mode­stie of Knox

Thies 4. assembled for that purpos. And first / Maister Knox spake to the reste in this wise. For so muche / (saithe he) as I perceiue / that no ende of cōtention is to be hoped for / vnlesse the one parte somethinge relent / this will I doo for my parte / that quietnes maie insue. I will shewe my iudgement howe (as I think) it maie be beste for the edification off this poore flocke / whiche if ye will not accepte / nor followe (after that I haue discharged my conscience) I will cease and cōmit the whole matter to be ordered by yow as yow will answere before Christ Iesus at the laste daie / and to this his congregation in this liffe / &c. Wherupon after some conference / an order was agreed vpō: some parte takē forthe of the Englishe booke and other things put to / as the state of that churche required.

And this order by the consent of the cōgregation shulde continewe to the laste of Aprill folowing. This order was taken the 6. off Feb. yff anie contention shulde arise in the meane time / the matter then to be determined by theis S. notable lerned mē / to wete / Caluin / Musculus [Page XXXVIII] Martyr / Bullinger / and Vyret. This agremente was put in wrytinge. To that all gaue their consentes. This daie was ioyfull. Thanckes were geuē to God / brotherly reconciliation fo­lowed / great familiaritie vsed / the former grudges seemed to be forgotten. Yea the holie communion was vppon this hap­pie agremente / also ministred. And this frindshipp continued till the 13. D. Cox w­ith others come to Frankf. off March folowinge / at whiche tyme. D. Coxe and others with him came to Frankford owte off Englande / who began to break that order whiche was agreed vppon / firste in answeringe alowde after the minister / contrary to the chur­ches determination / and beinge admonished theroff / by the Seniors off the congregation / he / with the rest that came wi­the him made answere / that they woulde do as they had don­ne in Englande / and that they would haue the face off an En­glish churche. And the sundaie folowinge / one off his compa­ny withowt the consent and knowledg off the congregation gate vpp suddainly into the pulpit / redd the lettany / and D. Cox withe his companie answered alowde / wherby the de­termination off the churche was broken. The same sundaie at after noone it came to maister Knox his turne to preache / who hauinge passed so farre in Gen. that he was come to Noah as he laie open in his tente / he spake theis wordes folowinge.

Theffecte of Knox sermon.As diuers thinges (saithe he) ought to be kepte secret / e­uen so suche thinges as end to the dishonor off God and dis­quieting of his churche ought to be disclosed and openly reproued. And therupon he shewed / howe that after longe trouble and contention amonge them / a godly agremente was made / and howe that the same / that daie was vngodly broken / whi­che thinge / became not (as he saied) the prowdest off them all to haue attēpted / alleadginge furthermore that like as by the worde off God we muste / seeke oure warrant for the establi­shing off religion / and withowt that to thruste nothinge into anie Christian congregation: so for as muche as in the Engli­she booke were thinges bothe superstitious / vnpure / and vn­perfect (which he offred to proue before all men) he would not consent that off that churche it shulde be receiued / and [Page XXXIX] that in case men woulde go abowte to burthen that free con­gregation therwith / so ofte as he shulde come in that place (the texte offringe occasion) he woulde not faile to speak aga­inste it.

He farther affirmed that amonge manye thinges whiche prouoked godds anger againste Englāde / slacknes to reforme religion (when tyme and place was graunted) was one. And therfore it became them to be circūspecte / howe they laid their foundation. And where some men ashamed not to saie / that there was no let or stopp in Englande / but that Religion mi­ght be / and was already brought to perfection / he proued the contrary / by the wante off discipline. Also by the troubles which maister Hooper Sustained / for the Rochet and such like / in the booke commanded and allowed.

And for that one man was permitted to haue 3.4. or 5. benefices to the great slaunder off the gospell and defraudin­ge off the flock off Christe off their liuely foode and sustenaun­ce. These were the chieff notes off his sermon / whiche was so stomaked off some / especially off suche as had many liuinges in Englande / that he was verye sharplie charged / and repro­ued so soone as he came owte off the pulpit / for the same.

The twesdaie folowinge / D. Cox sharply rebu­ked him. was appointed to talke off thies thinges more at large. When all were assembled earneste re­queste was made that D. Coxe with his companie might be admitted to haue voices in the congregation. Answere was made by others that the matter yet in controuersie amonge them / ought firste to be determined / Secōdly / that they shuld subscribe to discipline as others had don before them / But that they refu­sed, and at lenght ouer threw yt. and farther yt was greatly suspected that they had byn (some off them) at masse in Englande / and others had subscribed to wicked articles / as one off them shortly after euen in the pulpit sorowfully confessed. For theis considerations and suche like / The congregation withstoode the admission off D. Coxe and his companie▪ Knox'at [...]aste / began to make intretie that they might haue their [...]o [...]ces amonge the reste / M. Iewell. to whose requeste when certeine had yelded / they then became the greater par­te [Page XL] and so were by them admitted as members off the churche. They thus admitted / by the moste parte. D. Coxe foorthwith forbad Knox to meddle anye more in that congregation.

The nexte daie beinge wensdaie / whittingham wente to Maister Iohn Glauburge (who was the chieff meane in ob­taininge the churche) and brake the matter vnto him / Knox put­owt by those which he brought in. decla­ringe / howe that certeine / nowe come owte off Englande had forbidden their minister apointed / to preache that daie / and intended to set vpp an other / whiche he dowted woulde not be well taken. And therfore / leaste anie inconuen [...]ence shulde happe / he thought good to make him priuie therto. Wher­upon the saied Magistrat sent immediatlie and gaue cōmaun­dement that ther shulde be no sermon that daie. Afterwarde he sent for Valeran the frenche Minister / commaundinge him that 2. lerned men shulde be appointed off either parte / and that he and they shulde consulte and agree vppon some good ordre / and to make report vnto him accordingly. Then were apointed D. Cox and leuer off the one side and knox and wh [...]t­tingham on the otherside To decide the matter. Valeran was appointed to put downe in writinge what they shulde agree vpon. But when in this conference / they came to the order off Mattins and that D. Coxe saide / Ego volo habere, there coulde be no agrement amonge them / and so brake off / wherupon the congregation drew vp a supplication in latten and presen­ted it to the saied maister Glauburge requestinge him to be a meane that the same might be considered off amonge the Se­nators. The Englishe wheroff was as folowethe.

The supplication to the Senate.

Let it not molest yow (moste graue and worthie Senators / that your affayers are letted with a fewe wordes. And leaste we shulde trouble yow with prolixitie / yow shall vn­derstande the matter briefly. When your great and vnspe­akable humanitie / through the prouidence of god had graun­ted vs a churche / we vndertooke forthwith (as became vs) [Page XLI] to consulte abowte the orders off the same / and to set ow [...] [...] Liturgie. And bicause we sawe that in the prolixe and Cere­monious booke of the liturgie of Englande / be manie thinges (that we maie speake no worse off it) not moste perfecte / it seemed beste to reduce it to the perfecte rule off the scriptures and to accommodate our selues to the ensamples off that churche where in we teache / and to whom we haue subscribed But when this enterprise offended some off oure countrie­men (althoughe the greatest nomber agreed vnto vs) for that we woulde decline from the decrees off our elders / To weet, the frenche churche. here vppon there grewe to vs for a fewe monethes no small trouble.

At the lenght / whē there appeared no ende / for peace and concordes sake we gaue place to their will / and suffred them at their pleasure to pike owte. off their booke the chiefest or beste thinges vpon this condition that the same shulde continewe with owte alteration / at the leaste / vnto the laste daie off Aprill / at the whiche daie (iff there shulde anie newe con­tention arise (that then all the matter shulde be referred to these 5. notable men / Calvin / Musculus / Martir / Bullin­ger / vnd Viret. What nedethe manie wordes. This condi­tion was willingly accepted / and the couenaunte rated on bothe partes. A writinge was also theroff to testifie the pro­messe made off the one to the other. Moreouer thankes we­re geuen to god withe great ioye / and common praiers we­re made / for that men thought that daie to be thende off di­scorde. Besides this / they receyued / the communion as the sure token / or seale off their mutuall agremente / whiche was omitted before / by the space off 3. monethes. Valaran also the frenche Minister was partaker off this communion and a furtherer off concorde and a wittnes off theis thinges. Nowe of late daies / certeine of our countrey men / came to vs who haue indeuored by all meanes to obtrude that huge volume off ceremonies vpon vs to break the couenaunte and to ouerthrough the libertie off the Churche graunted by your beneuolence. And no dowte / this they enterprise and minde to do vnder the [Page XLII] title and name off your defence / Wherby they maie abuse the authoritie off your name to satisfie their [...]ust [...]. We are here cō ­pelled to omitte manie thinges whiche woulde make for oure cause / no lesse rightly then profitab [...]y / but we remit thies to oure brethern for concordes sake.

Yow haue here / moste honorable Sen. a brieff summe of oure case / and contention / wherby yow may easilie vnderstan­de / what to iudge off the whose matter.

What manner off Booke this [...]s for the whiche they so cruel [...]ie contende / The letter a litle befo­re. ye maie consider by the Epistle that Caluin lately wrote vnto vs / in the whiche he hathe signified his minde / aswell plainly off the booke / as also off the vprightnes­se off oure cause. We coulde haue pointed owte vnto yow the foolishe and fonde things off the booke / but passinge ouer an infinite nomber off thinges / this one will we brin­ge for manie the whiche shalbe necessarie well to be ma [...]ed. within these three yeres arose a great conflicte betweene the the Bishopps off the realme and the Bishoppe off Glocester Maister Hooper / This controuersie hath byn si [...]hins kinge Ed­ward his raigne as ye se. a man worthie off perpetuall memorie / whom we heare to be burned off late. This man beinge made Bishopp By kinge Edwarde / there was obtruded by other B. off the same order (accordinge to this booke) a roche [...] / and and a bishops robe this man being well lerned and a longe tyme nourished and brought vp in Germany / as soone as he re­fused thies proud thinges that fooles marve [...]l a [...] / he was caste into prison and at lenght by their importunitie ouercome / and relentinge / he was compelled to his shame to geue place to their impudency withe the common grieff and sorowe off all godlye mindes.

But wherfore speake yow off theis thinges will yow sa­ie / that apperteneth nothinge to vs? yes verely / we thinke it touchethe yow verie moche / for yff thies men armed by your authoritie shall do what they liste / this euell shalbe in t [...]me established by yow and neuer be redressed / nether shall there for euer be anie ende off this controuersie in Englande. But yff it woulde please your honorable authoritie to decree this moderation betweene vs / that this whole matter may be referred [Page XLIII] to the iudgements off the fiue aboue named not we alone that are here present / but oure whole posteritie / yea oure whole eng [...]ishe nation [...] and all good men / [...]o the perpetuall memorie off your names / shalbe bownde vnto yow for this great benefit We might haue vsed moo wordes in this narration / for we feared not / that we shulde lake reasons / but rather that tyme shulde fa [...]e yow / letted with more serious busines. Therfore / we by theis thinges / leaue the reste to the conside­ration off your wisdomes.

The 22, off Marche ma [...]ster Glauburge came to the En­glishe Churche and shewed the congregation / that it was commaunded them / by the magistrate [...] (when by his procurement the church was graunted) that they shulde agree withe the frenche churche bothe in Doctrine and ceremonies / and that they vnderstood howe the fallinge from [...]hat order had bred muche dissention amonge them. Therfore / [...]e strait [...]y charged and commaunded that from thenc foorthe they shulde not dissent from that order / yff they did / as he had opened the churche dore vnto them / so woulde he shutte it againe. And that suche as woulde not obey therunto shulde not tarie within that citie / willinge them to consulte together owte off hande and to geue him an answere before he departed. D. Coxe / then spake to the congregation in this wise / I haue (sai­the he) redd the frenche order and do thinke it to be bothe go­od and godly in all pointes / and therfore wished them to ob­aie the magistrates commaundement wherupon the whole congregation gaue consent / so as before the Magistrate de­parted the churche / D. Coxe / leuer / and whittingham made reporte vnto him accordingly. D. Coxe also at that presente requested that it woulde please him / notwithstandinge their ill behauiour) to shewe vnto them his accustomed fauor and goodnesse / whiche he moste iently and louinglie promised.

At the nexte meetinge off the congregation that order was put in practise / to the comforte and reioycinge off the moste parte. Neuertheles / suche as woulde so faine haue had the booke of England / lefte not the matter thus. And for that they [Page XLIIII] sawe Knox to be in suche credit withe many off the congre­gation / they firste off all assaied by a moste cruell barbarous and bloudie practise to dispatche him owte off the waie / to thende they might withe more ease attaine the thinge whiche they so gredely sought / whiche was the placinge of their boo­ke. They had amonge them a booke off his intituled an admo­nition to Christians written in the English tonge / wherin by occasion he spake off the Emperour / off Philip his sonne / and off Marie then Queene off Englande. This booke cericine off them presented to the Magistrates / who (vpon receipte off the same) sente for whittingham and asked him off Knox their Minister / what manner off man he was: whittingham ans­wered that suche a one their was amonge them and to his knowledge bothe a lerned / wise / graue and godly man. Knox accu­sed off trea­son. Then one off the Magistrates saied vnto him / certaine off your countrie men haue accused him vnto vs Laesae Maiestatis Im­peratoriae, that is off high treason againste the Emperour / his son̄e / The places in all were 8. and the Queene off England / here is the booke / and the places whiche they haue noted / the true and perfect sence wheroff we commaunde yow (sub pena pacis) to bringe vn­to vs in the latten tonge at one off the clock in the after noo­ne / which thinge he did accordingly / at whiche time (after cer­teine communication amonge themselues / they commanded that Knox shulde preache no more till their pleasure were farther knowen. The wordes concerninge the Emperour were theis / spoken in the pulpit in a Towne off Buchingham shee­re in the beginninge off Queene Maries raigne / as by the sa­ied booke apearethe where it is saied O Englande Englande / yff thow wylte obstinately returne into Egipte / that is / yff thow cōtracte mariage / confederacy / or leage with suche princes as doo maintaine and aduaunce ydolatrie / suche as the Emperour (who is no lesse enemie to Christ then was Nero) yff for the pleasure and frindship (I saie) of such princes thow returne to thine oulde abhominations before vsed vnder P [...] ­pistery: then assuredly (O England) thow shalt be plaged and brought to desolation by the meanes off those whose fauour [Page XLV] thow sekeste / and by whom thow arte procured to fall from Christe and serue antechriste. There were other 8. places / but this was most noted / in that it touched the Emperour. But it seemed the magistrates abhorred this bloudly / cruell / and ou­tragious attempt / for that when as certeine off Knox his enemies folowed hardly the Magistrates to knowe what shuld be donne with him / they did not onely shewe most euident si­gnes of dislikinge their vnnaturall suite / but also sent for maister Williams and Whittingham / willinge them / that maister Knox shuld departe the City. The bani­shment off Knox. For otherwise / (as they saide) they shuld be forced to deliuer him / yff the Emperour his counsaile (whiche then lay at Ausburge) shuld vppon like informa­tion send for him.

The 25 off marche maister Knox the night before his de­parture made a moste comfortable sermon at his lodginge to 50. persons or there abowte / then present / which sermō was of the deathe and resurrection off Christe / and of the vnspeakable ioyes whiche were prepared for Goddes electe / whiche in this liffe suffre trouble and persecution for the testimonie off his blessed name. The next daie he was brought 3. or 4. mile in his waie by some off some off those vnto whom the night before / he had made that exhortation / who with great heaui­nes off harte and plentie off teares cōmitted him to the lorde.

The verie same daie beinge the 26. Many off the lerned men were now come from al places. off marche one Adul­phus Glauburge (A Doctor off lawe and nephew to Maister Iohn Glauburge the Senator) whom D. Cox and the rest had wonne vnto them / sent for wittingham / and tolde him that there were presented to the Magistrates thre Docters / 13. batchelers off deuinitie besides others / and that the magistra­tes at their suites had graunted them the full vse off the En­glishe booke cōmaunding and charginge him therfore not to medle any more to the contrary. This Adul­phus was before this tyme a gre­at fartherrer off the chur­che and the orders off the same howe so euer he was turned. for (as he saied) it was fullie concluded that so it shuld be. And supposing that Whittinghā woulde let it what he might / the next daie againe he sent for him home to his howse where he gaue the like charge (D. Coxe and other present by whose procurement the same was don­ne) [Page XLVI] Whittingham answered / that yff it were so concluded / he woulde willingly obaie / not dowtinge / but that it might be lawful for him and others to ioine themselues to some o­ther churche. But D. Coxe besought the lawier that it might not so be suffred / wherto whittingham answered that it woulde be to great crueltie to force men contrary to their consci­ences to obate all their disorderly doinges / offringe / that iff it woulde please the Magistrates to geue him and others the hearinge / they would dispute the matter against all the con­trary parte and proue that the order whiche they sought to e­stablishe / ought not to take place in anie reformed churche. The D. off lawe made a plaine answere that disputation the­re shulde be none / vsing his former wordes off charging and commaundinge not to deale farther in that matter.

Marck the placing off the Engli­she book and off the reiecting thother.When as the congregation harde off the cruell and mo­re then tirannicall dealinges off this Doctor / Maister Gil­by and others withe him / were sente to maister Iohn Glaw­burge (by whose commaundment as ye harde / they had recei­ued the frenche order) puttinge him in remembrance off the same and shewinge him that certeine lately come amonge thē had sought (as they were crediblie enformed) to ouerthrowe their churche by placing the Englishe booke amonge them. To this maister Glauburg made answere / that he was enformed howe that bothe partes were full agreed and contented / and that theruppon he had committed the whole matter to the lawier his cousen. Marck this practise. Then he asked for whittingham: it was answered that strait charge was geuen him that he shuld me­dle no more in that matter. The magistrate asked againe off whom he had that commaundement / and when it was tolde him that the Doctor his cousen had geuen him that charge / he then began / verie gentlie to perswade with maister Gilby and the rest that they shulde be contented / and he would se that nothinge shulde be vsed but that which shuld be tollera­ble / and so maister Gilby withe the rest departed.

The 28. off marche D. Coxe assembled all suche as had byn Priests and Ministers in Englande to his lodging and [Page XLVII] there declared howe the Magistrates had graunted them the vse off the Englishe booke / and that he thought requisite that they shulde consulte together / At lenght they agreed vppon the name Pa­stor. whom they thought moste me­ete to be Bishop / Superintendent or Pastor withe the rest off the officers / as Seniors Ministers and Deacons. Wherunto maister Christopher Goodmā answered that his opiniō was / that they ought first to agree vpon some perfect an godly or­der for the churche / and therto to haue the cōsent of the congregation wherby it might appeere / that they contemned not the reste off their brethern: And farther / to proceade to the electiō which he thought also ought not to be attempted withow­te the consent off the whole churche. To this was answered that for the order / it was already determined / and other order then the booke off Englande they shulde no [...] haue / so that the perswasions off Goodman nothinge at all preuailed ne­ther in one thinge or other / yea / the proceadings off sundrie personnes (whiche I coulde name) were suche as if there had bin nether orders / officers / or churche there / before their comminge / or any promes to be kepte off their partes / after they came / as maie more plainly apeere to the reader by this let­te folowinge / written by maister Whittingham to a frinde off his in Englande / whiche letter is (off his owne hande) to be seene.

Grace, mercy and peace throught Christ our lorde.

AS yow require a brieff answere to your shorte letter / An answe­re to a let­ten sent him owte off England. so nether tyme permitteth / nor I intend to trouble yow far­ther then the verie necessitie off the matter askethe. And fir­ste / for that ye seeme to hange in suche extreame perplexitie / partly / bicause of sundry talkes / and diuers letters off men off good credit which cause the yow not a litle to merueile / and partly / by reason off the Good opinion once conceyued and yet reteined off certeine persons bothe godly and lerned / whi­che maketh yow to dowte▪ I think it beste / briefly and simplie [Page XLVIII] to open a fewe chieff pointes vppon the whiche the reste off the matter dependethe After certeine monethes that we had here liued in great consolation and quietnes it chaunced that as oure nomber did increase / so some entred in / whiche busi­lie vndermined oure libertie and labored to ouerthrowe oure discipline / whiche troubles grewe at lenght in so great quan­titie / that by the greatest parte it was concluded / that no man shulde neede here after to subscribe to anie discipline for as muche as they presupposed that none wou [...]d come hither whiche shulde haue nede theroff. Whiche donne / they altered oure orders in praiers and others thinges / thinkinge to bringe in place the full vse off the great Englishe booke / whiche notwithstandinge / by reason off diuers imperfectiōs we coulde not admit / so that to growe to a common concord it was agreed and the name off god inuocated that the whole mat­ter shulde be referred / to maister Caluin Maister Musculus Maister Martir / Maister Bullinger and Maister Viret that bothe partes shulde drawe their orders and that to be recey­ued whiche by the iudgements off theis 5. excellent men shuld be thought moste agreable to a reformed churche. In the / me­ane time euerie man to stand content withe that order whiche was then agreed vpō and vsed. But within fewe daies after / this determinatiō was broken▪ A stranger craftely brought in to preache / who had bothe byn at masse and also subscribed to blasphemous Articles▪ Many tauntinge bitter sermons were made (as they thought) to oure defacinge / in so moche / as maister Knox beinge desired therunto off diuers / was inforced to purge him self in sundrie pointes / and spake his mind freely in the pulpit / aswell in reprouinge certeine partes off the Engli­she booke / as declaringe the punishmente off God whiche partly had light vpon oure countrie for slacknes in Religion / so as they seemed to take the matter so to harte that by their false delation in accusinge him before the Magistrates off tre­ason againste the Emperour and the Queene in a certeine bo­ke off his written to oure countrie men off England he was commaunded to departe.

[Page XLIX]And the Magistrates vnderstandinge their fetches / and greedy cerchinge off their owne glorie (who seemed to spare no kinde off contention to purchase the same) commaun­ded that we shulde receiue the frenche order (whiche is accor­dinge to the order off Geneua the pureste reformed churche in Christendome (Wherupon all agreed and D. Coxe with others commendinge the same to the congregation) gaue thankes to the Magistrate in all oure names. Here yow maie note their double faces / who / bearinge the Magistrate in hande that they receyued his cōmaundement ioyfully / priuily practised / and so laboured vnder hande / that they made this Magi­strate vnsaie / and so obtained their booke / promisinge not­withstandinge / bothe to the Magistrate / and certaine off the congregation / as well to proue by the worde off God so mu­che off the booke as they woulde vse / as also to set forthe the same in writtinge / that they (before the forsaied order shulde be chaunged (might iudge off the equitie theroff. But pre­ferringe the ioye off their vnhoped victorie before their pro­messe / did nether the one bycause they coulde not / nether the other bicause they durste not. And yet haue they not made an ende off their triumphe. For beginninge in marche not onely to neglecte all orders in the election off their Ministers and other officers / but also to skoff and taunte others in their dailie sermons / do not yet ceasse as nowe appearethe by their slanderous and lyinge letters.

But to thende we might be deliuered from this vnsup­portable yoke / God off his mercy hathe prouided better for vs / and for this incommoditie hathe graunted vs a double benefit in so muche that contrary to their hope he hathe not onely at Basill moued the Magistrates hartes towar­des vs in grauntinge vs a churche / but also at Geneua / where as Gods worde is truly preached manners beste reformed and in earthe the chiefest place off true comfor­te. Thus in fewe lines I haue gon abowte to satisfie your requeste bearinge with tyme whiche hasteth and also folowinge mine owne Iudgement / whiche perswadeth [Page L] me rather to geue yow a taste off thinges (whiche I moued in conscience wryte as moste true) then to fill yow with the whole discours / whiche / iff this maie not suffice / yow maie by continuaunce haue at your commaundement. Pray for vs brother in this oure banishement / that the frutes off this vncorruptible seede maie springe moste abundantly / as we praie cōtinually that oure heauenly father woulde so strengt­hen yow with his spirite off boldenes / that yow maie not o­nely resiste / but also triumphe ouer all your enymies to the glorie off God and the confusiō off the aduersaries. Knowe be­fore yow iudge / and beleue not all fleinge tales / keepe one ea­re open and reporte the the beste.

Your VVilliam VVhittingham.

WHere as maister whittingham in this his letter make­the mention off a churche graunted them bothe at Basill and Geneua / it is to be noted that he himselff was the man whiche the oppressed congregation required to trauel therin and through goddes great mercy obtained it with great fa­uour / who (in his iourney) passed by Zurik to knowe off Mai­ster Bullinger what he thought off the booke off Englande for that he (who had raported to maister Williams / Whittin­gham. Gilbie and others / that Cranmer Bishop off Canter­bury had drawen vp a booke off praier an hundreth tymes more perfect then this that we nowe haue / the same coulde not take place / for that he was matched withe suche a wicked clergie and conuocation / with other enymies) Euen he / I saie / yet stood in this that maister Bullinger did like well off thinglishe order / and had it in his study. But when Whit­tingham had demaunded that question / Bullinger tolde him / that indede Maister H and Maister C. asked his iudgemen­te concerninge certeine pointes off that booke / as Surples / priuate baptisme. Churchinge off wemen / the ring in maria­ge / with suche like / whiche / (as he saied) he allowed not / and that he nether coulde yff he woulde / nether woulde yff he mi­ght [Page LI] / vse the same in his churche / what so euer had byn repor­ted.

Whittingham passinge from thence to Geneua / maister Caluin shewed him a letter sent from D. Coxe and from 14. more off Franck. in whiche letter / they partly excused them sel­ues that they put order in their churche withowte his coūsai­le asked / and partely reioycīge for that they had (as they saide) brought the moste parte that had withstande their doynges to their opinion / which not withstandinge / was farr other­wise.

They wrote also / that they had elected a pastour / 2. Mi­nisters. 4. Seniors. and 2. Deacons / &c. but howe parciallie they proceaded in their elections (those that were in office / ne­ther discharged / nor yet their consents required) I leaue to the consciences off them whiche sawe those disorders.

To this letter off thers the contentes wheroff are aboue touched / maister Caluin answerethe in this wise.

To the worshippfull my louinge brethern in the lorde maister Richard Coxe and the rest off the Englishe­men whiche nowe remaine at Frankford.

PAraduenture I answere your letter (worship. frinds and brethern) more slowlie then ether ye hoped or looked for / but for so muche as ye knowe the wayes for a tyme so to be beset withe thenes that no messenger allmoste coulde passe from hence to yow the excuse of my long delay towardes yow shalbe the easier.

I expressed my minde frankly to oure beloued brother Thomas Sampson / off that wheroff I was enformed by the letters off certeine men as touchinge the contention vnlucke­lie stirred vp amonge yow. For certene off my frindes founde thē selues greued that yow woulde so preciselie vrge the cere­monies off Englande / wherby it might appeere that ye are more geuen and addicte to your countrie then reason woulde. I confesse that I harde certeine reasons alledgod on your behalff [Page LII] whiche woulde not suffer yow to departe from the receyued order / but they might be soone and easilie confuted Nowe / as I counsailed mine owne frindes wh [...]che dissented from yow / somewhat to y [...]lde / yff they might conueniently / so [...]t offended me that there was nothinge graunted or relented on your partes. Bicause there was no man named vnto me / I durste not entr [...]prise to medle with the matter / leaste my credit shuld incurre the suspecte off ra [...]henes. Nowe that ye are more myleder and tractable in this controuersie and that ye haue (as ye saie) stilled the matter withe quietnes / I am verie glad.

Verely no man well instructed or off a sounde Iudge­ment / will deny (as I think that lights and crossings or suche like trifles / sprange or issued owte off superstition / wherupon I am perswaded that they whiche reteine theis ceremonies in a fre [...] choise / or when they maie otherwise doo / they are o­uer greedy and desyrous to drink off the dregges nether do I se to what purpose it is to but [...]hen the churche with tryfflin­ge and vnprofitable ceremonies / or as I ma [...]e terme them with their propre name / hurtefull and offensible ceremoni­es / when as there is libertie to haue a symple and pure order. But I keepe in and refraine my selff leaste I shulde seeme to beginne to moue a newe contention off that ma [...]ter whiche as yow reporte / is well ended.

All good men will allowe the Pastours and other Mini­sters elections with common voices / so that none complaine that the other parte off the churche was oppressed fraudulen­tly and with craftye practises. For it standethe your wisedo­mes in hande to consider / that howe muche commoditie the goodnesse off the Senate dothe deserue / so muche enuie shall yow be giltie off / or charged withall / yf yow haue abused their lenitie or gentlenesse / whiche were so well affected towardes your nation. Yet / I woulde not haue this so taken / that I go abowte to be preiudiciall to anie man but I had rather shewe plainely what maie be saide / then to norishe an ill opinion by silence / or in holdinge my peace. But certenly / this one thinge [Page LIII] I cannot keepe secret / that Maister Knox was in my iudge­men nether godly nor brotherly dealt withall / iff he were ac­cused by the subtill suggestion of certeine / it had byn better for them to haue [...]aried still in their owne lande then vniustly to haue brought in to farr countries the fierbrande off crueltie to set on fier those that woulde not be kindled.

Notwistandinge / because it greueth me to speak sleigh­tly off theis euells / the remembrance wheroff I woulde wi­she to be buryed in perpetuall forgetfullnes: therfore / I one­ly counsaile yow (not withowt a cause) to be wounded / that ye applie your selues to make them amendes for the faulte committed.

When I harde that the one parte was minded to departe frō thens. They begin pre [...]ely. I earnestly admonished them (as it became me) that iff they coulde not well remaine there / that the distance off place shulde not diss [...]pate / or rent in sunder their brotherly agrement / for I feared muche least that some priuie grudge off the former contention remained. And certainely / nothinge coulde more comforte my harte / then to be delyuered from this feare. For iff anie haplie come to vs / it woulde grieue me that there shulde be (as it were) but a suspition off any secret debate betwene yow.

Therfore as touchinge that ye haue written off your a­grement I desier that it maie be firme and stable that iff it chaunce the one parte to go to an other place / yet / that yow beinge so sundred by distance off places maie keepe sure the ho­lie bande off off amitie / for the fault alreadie committed is to muche / although thorowgh discorde it creepe no further. Wherfore it shall well be seeme your wisedomes (that ye maie be frinds) to purge diligentlie what so euer remainethe off this breache.

Fare ye well brethern / the lorde succour yow with his aide / and gouerne yow with his spirite / powre his blessinges vpon yow and mittigate the sorowe off your exile
Your Iohn Caluin.

BYcause that Maister Caluin in his letter maketh mention off lightes / some might gather that he was vntruely enformed / that in the Englishe booke lightes were prescribed (the contrary wheroff appeareth by the descr [...]ption before) where it is manifest to such as be lerned that he vsethe the fi­gure auxesis / and that this is his argument / a maiore ad mi­nus / for so muche as lightes and crossinges be 2. off the moste auncienstest ceremonies / hauinge continued in the churche a­boue 13 hundreth yere / are yet for suche causes abolished. ho­we muche more ought all other / that haue no [...] had the like continuance / and yet abused / be vtterly remoued.

And for that maister Caluin in this letter earnestly wished that all strife shulde ceasse / and that yff anie were minded to departe their departure might be suche / as all occasions off offence might be cut of and cleane takē awaie: it was thought good to suche as were determined to go awaie with in 3. we­ekes after / to folowe his counsaile. And the rather for that so­me whiche tooke them selues / to be lerned / had openly termed their departure a sisme / whervpon / they wrote to the pastor Ministers / and whole congregation this letter folowinge and deliuered it in the open congregation.

For so muche as through the benefit off God / we haue obtai­ned a churche in an other place / we thought it good to aduer­tise yow of the same. And to the intent that not onely slande­rous reportes maie ceasse / but also / iff anie offence be either taken or geuen / the same maie come to triall / we desier that yow for your parte woulde apointe 2· Arbyters and we shall appointe other 2. Who hearinge our matters throughly ope­ned maie witnes where the faulte restethe / at whiche time / we will vndertake / to defende oure departure to be lawfull con­trary to the slanderous reportes off some which vnlernedly terme it a schisme. Thus farre brethern we thought good to signifie vnto yow / thinkinge this to be the onely meanes of oure mutuall quietnes wheroff howe desirous we are / our tedi­ous and chargeable iourney maie be a sufficient proffe / beinge throughly perswaded / that hereby stryfe maie be ended chari­tie [Page LV] reuiued / frindshipe continued / Goddes glory aduaunced / and oure brethern edified.

Fare ye well
  • VVilliam VVilliams
  • VVilliam VVhittingham
  • Anthony Gilby
  • Christopher Goodman.
  • Thomas Cole.
  • Iohn Fox.
  • Thomas VVood
  • VVilliam Kethe.
  • Iohn Kelke.
  • Iohn Hilton.
  • Christ. Soothous
  • Nicholas Purfote
  • Iohn Escot
  • Thomas Crofton
  • VVilliam VValton
  • Laurence Kent
  • Iohn Hollingham
  • Anthony Carier.

WHen the Pastour had redd this letter openly to the con­gregation and was desired to knowe when they shulde haue an answere / he saied vnto them that so farre as he per­ceiued / it required none but that whiche might presently be made / whiche was / that they might departe seinge they were so minded. It was replied that for so muche as it was mani­fest that they had byn slaundered not onely by letters into di­uers partes / but also / by some that then were present / who had affirmed their departure to be a schisme / and farther / that they coulde finde no indifferency at their handes: it was thought necessarie to commit the hearinge off that controuersie to lerned and indifferent iudges / by bothe partes to be chosen wherby the faulte might appear where it was in dede / and so they either excused or founde giltie.

D. Cox / at lenght / tolde them that their letter shulde be considered off / and an answere shulde be geuen them the fri­daie after. On fridaie the 30, off Auguste bothe partes mette: The Pastor (accompanied with the Ministers and elders) spake this vnto them. It seemeth very fonde that arbytrers shuld be apointed to take vpp strife that maie come hereafter / as your letter signifieth. And furthermore / ye write / yff anie offence be taken or geuen / whiche semethe as strange / for this worde (yff) importethe a dowte / so that yff ye dowte it is but follie to apointe arbitres. fynally / to excuse your departure / yow call them vnlerned whiche iudge it a schisme but (saithe) [Page LVII] he) terme it as yow lifte yet can yow not let men to think. And yff arbitres shuld pronounce it to be none / yet mennes opinions will be di [...]s.

Now [...]he [...]fore / your answere shall be / that iff anie man be offended either with any priuate mā / or publiquely / let him or them complaine to vs / or yff they refuse vs / to the Magi­strat.

As for Arbitres / we will appoint none. Then spake whittingham and saied that it was to him no small wonder that men of suche lerninge and wisedome shuld so shrink in a mo­ste equall requeste / and so / withowte all reason to cauill whe­re no matter was offred. For / as concerninge (saithe he) the firste pointe / it was not vnknowen to them that at that time / thorough their occasion / their was no small contention / and that seinge they had geuen such offence it coulde not be but that mennes mindes were moued.

And therfore / to thende that contention shulde growe no farther / Arbytres were very necessary / who neded not to deliberate (as he saied) off thinges to come whiche were vn­certeine▪ but as the letter truly purporteth / off iniuries longe agoo begonne / yet continued / and here after not like to be en­ded excepte some good meane were vsed to staie their slande­rous letters and false reportes / to the vtter perishinge and lose off mennes Good names. VVittinghā here inter­rupted. And where ye seeme to be of­ended that the letter shulde call them vnlerned / whiche terme oure departure a schisme (yow omitt saide D. Coxe the 2. poin­te / whiche is off no small importaunce) to whom he answered that he thought he did them a pleasure in omittinge thinges of so small value / notwithstandinge / he woulde obaie his will but (saithe he) as touchinge this worde vnlernedly / it was not vnaduisedly placed. For either they be withowte lerninge / and therfore maie be so called in dede / or yff they beare the name off lerninge / yet in this they shewed their vnskilfulnes for as muche as euery departure from a congregation was not a schisme / nether were anie that departed for iuste causes schis­matikes as we (saith he) will proue vnto yow / yff yow will ta­ke [Page LVII] oure reasonable and moste equall offre. Naie / saithe the pa­stor / Arbitres in this point can litle availe for be it they iud­ged it none / yet mennes thoughts are free / and we knowe that all men be not off one mynde in sacraments and prede­stination / shulde men therfore take arbitres? Also saith he maister Caluin and Bullinger / are against yow. To this was answered / that thoughtes / yff they were not grownded vpon Goddes worde / were euell / neither was this controuersie off like force withe the matter off the Sacraments and predesti­nation / notwithstanding / woulde to God that not onely the difference in those articles but also in all other whiche be off waight and importaunce might be decided by the authoritie off Goddes worde and arbytrement off godly lerned men. But men maie iustly suspecte your cause to be nought whiche refuse the iudgments off the wise and godly.

And where yow saie that Caluin and Bullinger are aga­inste vs / yow abuse your selff and there names / for we kno­we bothe what they and other wryte as touchinge this matter.

Then the Pastor asked what schisma was but a cuttin­ge off from the body / and that it was Caluins definition. To this Whittingham answered that he woulde vndertake fir­ste / to proue that definition to be false / and secondly to be no­none off Caluins definition for yff euery cuttinge off from the body shulde be a schisme / then yow and all other whiche once had sworne to the pope and now haue refused him are schismatiques. Then the pastor added / from a churche well reformed. Answere was made that a churche well reformed muste be builded vppon the doctrine off the Prophetes and Apostles / the vnitie wheroff S. Paule comprehendeth in theis wordes: one god / one faithe / one baptisme / not begger­ly ceremomies and obscurations / although that sundry cau­ses besides moued them to departe. Then Maister Treherren / asked whither the donatists were not schismatiques.

Yes / saith Whittingham and also heretiques / but yow a­re deceiued yff yow thinke that they seperated them selues [Page LVIII] for ceremonies. It is manifest said Treherren / that the churches off Asia were excommunicate as schismatiques for that they kepte not Easter at the same time that the Romaine churche did. And it is no lesse euident said Whitthingham that Ireneus and other godly men aswell off that time / as sithens haue sharply reproued and condemned Pope Victor for the same.

Here D. Coxe put Whittingham in remembraunce that he had not answered to the faultes off the letter. Whitting­ham tolde him / that as touchinge that poore worde (yff) he marueled howe it coulde Minister anie cauillation / seinge / the text ioininge therto was so plaine / whiche declarethe bo­the the offences by yow geuen and by vs taken. And also your consciences beare yow witnes / the thinge to be moste true excepte a man will be wilfully blinde / and finde a knot in a ru­she / so that that worde (yf) mente not that we do / dowte who were oppressed with infinit wronges / but iff they woulde dis­semble so farre that they m [...]ght seeme to dowte theroff / yet / at the leaste / they woulde abide the tryall theroff before theis Arbitres. But here the disputation brake vp with this plaine and finall answere that arbitres they shuld haue none / and that yff they founde themselues greued / they shulde seeke re­medy where they thought Good and he the Pastor withe the reste off the congregation woulde answere them.

The nexte daie the Pastour / D. Coxe / maister parry and maister Asheley sent for Whittingham / Thomas Cole Iohn Fox / William Kethe / Roger harte / Iohn Hilton with certei­ne other / demandinge off them what shulde be the cause off their departure. Whittingham made answere that the daie before they had declared sufficiently / and yet woulde farther shewe reasons / yff they would permit the controuersie to Arbytrement. And to the intent they shulde not counterfait ignorance (amonge other) theis were some causes firste / their breach off promes / established with inuocation off goddes name: 2. Their ordreles thrustinge themselues in to the chur­che. 3. Takinge awaie the order off discipline established befo­re [Page LIX] their comminge and placinge no other. 4. The accusasion off maister Knox their godly Minister off Treason and seekinge his bloude 5. Their ouerthrowinge off the common order / taken and commaunded by the Magistrate 6. The displacinge off officers withowte anie cause alleadged. 7. The bringing in off Papisticall superstitions and vnprofitable Ceremonies whiche were burthens yokes and clogges / besides other thin­ges / whiche / yff they woulde abide the triall they shulde hea­re at large. When he and some off the rest had rendred their reasons for their departure to this effecte / certaine warme wordes passed to and fro from the one to the other / and so in some heate departed.

Not many daies after the oppressed churche departed from Franck. to Basill and Geneua / some stayinge at Basill as maister Fox with other. The rest came to Geneua where they were receiued withe great fauour and mutche curtesie / bothe off the magistrates Ministers and people. So soone as they entred their churche / they chose Knox and Goodman for their Pastor / and Gilby requested to suplie the rome till Knox returned owte off france.

The lerned men whiche came from all places to Frank. abowte this matter (when they had donne that whiche they came for / they returned againe from whens they came / and some to other places / where they might saue charges / and not to be either burthened or bownde to the excercises of the con­gregation / so that / the exile whiche was to many a poore man full bitter / greuous and painefull / was (to some off the grea­test persecutours off their poore brethetn (as it were / a plea­sant progresse or recreation.

But nowe it shall be necessary to declare what order was taken in this newe erected congregation for the prospe­rous continuance off the same / whiche thinge to do / I cannot by a better meane then placinge here this letter folowinge whiche maister cole (late deane off Sarum) wrote to a frinde off his / whiles yet he staied (behinde his company) in Franck. amonge them, his letter is yet to be seene.

The holie spirit off God that guideth the child­ren off God in truthe and godlines be your comforte tho­rough oure mercies seate Iesus Christe / now and for euer Amen.

THe tempeste off the swellinge seas whiche in times paste thretned shipwrack to euery vessell that sailed with a faire winde and full sailes to the porte off blessed truthe / whiche off her selffe is stronge ynoughe / with owte anye barr or wall off mannes inuentions / are somewhat (the lorde be praised) caulmed to me warde / so that withowt farther reasoninge they permit me to my conscience as touchinge their ceremo­nies.

The cause I iudge is not for that they beare lesse loue to them then in tymes past / but that they perceiue the stur­dy defendinge off them / to worke them that they looke not for / or rather / that whiche they are lothe to se / namely / the de­creasinge off their companie▪ yet they labour with policie w­hat they maie or can / to preuent this daunger but yet that whiche they feare / I suppose will fall vpon them / vnlesse god geue them to repent their olde faultes and humble them mo­re to knowe them selues.

They haue set vp an vniuersitie to repaier againe their estimation by mainteinance of lerninge (whiche surely is well done) that was fondly brought in decaie by willfull ignoran­ce / in defendinge off ceremonies / to the whiche Maister hor­ne is chosen to be the reader off the Hebrue lecture / Maister Mullings off the Greke / and Maister Treherren when he is stronge / shall take the diuinitie lecture in hande. Maister Whitthead was appointed therunto but bicause he woulde escape the labour off the lecture (for iuste causes as he saide) he forsooke the pastorall office also / stowtly (as yow knowe) denyinge to be in office anie longer. Great holde there was abowte this matter in the congregation / in so muche as they hasted to a newe election / and verie fewe (as it semed) were off a contrary minde / no / not his owne frindes sauinge [Page LXI] Maister makebray and Maister Sorby / who desired him to take respit / and the congregation to geue it. But some lookinge for the office themselues woulde not in suche a mat­ter suffer delay / but againe Demaunded off Maister Whit­head whither he woulde keepe his office or no supposinge that he whiche had so stowtely denied it in worde / woulde not soone be flexible to the contrary. But he perceauinge that some woulde haue had him owte one the one side / and by leauinge off it / his estimation was like to decaie on the o­ther side / (for many rough wordes were geuen him) when occasion off intretie was offred / non respuit conditionem by that meanes bringinge to him selfe wittily / a triple commo­ditie / one / the preuentinge off them whiche looked for the office / an other / the refusall off the diuinitie lecture / Thirdly / a faster growndinge himselff in that office / whiche he lefte in mouthe / but as it semed / not in harte. Thus ended that comedie.

But shortly after (notwithstandinge a vehement ser­mon made for the purgation from mannes inuentions) the seas begin againe to swell (so fickle an element is water) for Maister Kent hauinge a childe to Christen purposinge to ha­ue it done simplie / withowte the bewtifinge off mennes tra­ditions / came with his childe accordinge to the frenche order whiche we once receiued / and one to holde it there to professe his faith yff it were required / but the pastor denied the Chri­stening / vnles 2. Godmothers were had after the order off the booke / as concerninge the Godfather / Maister Make­bray (who is nowe comme to that office) supplied it. A lucky matter is attained at Wezell in Westphalia / an open chur­che for oure Englishe men / to whiche bicause off nighnesse) they feare many will go from hence / but moo wil come owte off Englande to yt. I pray yow commende me to M. Tell him that Maister wisedom railed on them that were gon to G. Callinge them mad heades with many pretye names / I will not saie vnwysely / But I maye well say vncharitably / in whiche Sermon / he shewed [Page LXII] him selff an Antagonist for the booke off Englande / &c.

Your Thomas Cole.

SHortly after thies thinges to wete / the 6. off Ian. When as maister Whithead gaue vpp off his owne good will / as he saide / the pastorall office / Maister horne was in the ele­ction to succede him / who protested that he woulde not medle therwith / till he were cleared off certeine suspitions which so­me had bruted to the discredit off his ministerie / and obtaininge his requeste / he withe the Seniors entred the churche the first off marche Anno Domini 1556. were they receiued all such persons (as members off that churche) which were con­tented to subscribe and submit themselues to the orders off the same. From whiche tyme forward the troubles and con­tious were so sore amonge them / that who so shall well waie it with due consideration / I ween / he shall think it to be the iuste iudgement off our righteous God that fell vpon them / for supplantinge a churche there before them in great quiet­nes and off muche sinceritie.

The historie of that sturre and strife which was in in the Englishe church at Franck­ford from the 13. daie off Ian. Anno Domini 1557. forwarde.

THere fell a certeine controuersie the xiij. daie off Ian. at supper betwene Maister Horne the Pastor and Maister Asheley whiche controuersie was handled / with somewhat more sharpe wordes then was meete / but yet they so depar­ted / by the industrie and labour off some certeine persons / that they dranke wyne one to an other / and all that strife and con­tention was thought to be wholie taken awaie. Afterward / to witt / the 16. daie off Ian. at one off the clock in the after [Page LXIII] noone / thre off thelders sent for Maister Asheley in to an howse off one off the Elders and they began to debate the matter with him touchinge an iniurye done / not to the pastor alone / but to all the Elders (as they affirmed) and to their ministery which thinge / Maister Asheley denied that he euer did at any tyme.

The next daie beinge the 17. off Ian. After that publi­que praiers were ended / Maister Asheley was by the Pastor and all the Elders called into the churche / and there / in the na­me off them all it was obiected vnto him / that he had spoken vpon the 13. daie off Ian. in supper while / certeine wordes tendinge to the slander off them and their ministery.

Ashely answered that he perceiued and vnderstood that they all were offended as in their owne matter / and that therfore he wou [...]de n [...]t answere before them as competent iudges off the cause / but would referre the cause / that he had aga­inst the Pastor and them (seinge they shewed them selues an aduersarie parte to him) to the whole churche and Ec­clesiasticall discipline. Then the Pastor exhorted him that he would not so proceade / for yff he so did / that then they were minded to seeke and demaunde helpe off the magistrate aga­ynst him A [...]ter that the 24. off Ian. Asheley himselff hand­led his owne cause in his owne name before the pastor and el­ders / and thē in the afternoone / he sent 2. mē of the churche w­ho / in his name require the pastors and elders that they would not proceed against him in that cause / wherin they themsel­ues were a parte / and therfore not f [...]tt or competent iudges / but to geue ouer the whole ma [...]ter to 8. or 10. men vpright in conscience and inclininge to nether parte / by whose iudgementes / iff he were founde in faulte / he woulde willing [...]y submit himselff to all Ecclesiasticall discipline. Answere was made him by the Pastor in the name off them all / that they had re­ceiued their authoritie from the whole churche and vvould re­teine and keepe the same till such time as they from vvhom they had receiued it vvoulde againe demaunde it. And in the meane vvhile / they purposed to proceede thereafter againste [Page LXIIII] all suche as had offended and so muche the more seuerely and sharplie against Maister Asheley / by howe muche it mi­ght be more profitable for the whole churche / to make him beinge a wors [...]hipfull man / an ensample to others to take heed and beware by asheley (that answere beinge receiued the 26. off Ian. Whiche was a daie off solemne praier) fearinge those things whiche Horne had saide before / theateninge him with the Magistrate / when common praier was ended declared the whole ma [...]ter to the churche and desired that the churche woulde vnderstand off the whole matter betwene the pastor and elders / as the one partie and him selff as thother.

Wherupon certeine men did in the name off the whole churche demaunde off the pastor and elders whither they we­re a parte against Asheley. The pastor answered in all their names that they were not a parte against him / but that Asheley had slandered them all. Againe / it was demaunded in the name off the churche who were his accusers / to whiche / vv­hen the pastor answered nothinge / neither in his owne name / nor in the name of the seniors: Asheley was cōmaunded by the church publiquely and openlie to reade those things whiche he had comprehended in vvrytinge concerninge his cause. Afterward the pastor and elders were asked vvither those th­ings vvhiche Asheley had redd vvere true. The pastor ans­wered in all their names that they would not ansvvere either more largely or anie othervvise / to anie questions then they had ervvhile ansvvered and so the congregation vvas dismissed vvithowte ansvvere / yet not vvith ovvte cōtempt as was thought. The same daie at afternoone / Maister Hales / vvho vvas absent when theis thinges vvere done) vnderstanding that this matter tended to more greuous striffe and conten­tion / did vvryte his letters to some certeine personnes that se­med desirous off the peace off the churche / and desired / that they would come together the nexte daie after to the churche / to consulte / and deliberate what were the beste vvaie to paci­fie this trouble and turmoile before it waxed more stronge / or shulde be more published abroad and made better knowen to the senate or magistrats.

[Page LXV]The very dryfte and purpos off the letters / together vv­ith them that were called / as them also whiche came to the place appointed / dothe appeere by the letters themselues / the copie whereoff insewethe.

The superscription.
To his brethern off the Englishe churche.
  • Maister Crawley
  • Maister Railton
  • Maister warcope.
  • Maister Faulconer
  • Maister Nowel
  • Maister Carell.
  • Maister Kente
  • Maister Kelke
  • Maister Dauies
  • Maister Benthame
  • Maister Brikbeke.
  • Maistee Sutton.
  • Maister Christ. Hales.
Iohn Hales sendethe greetinge in the lorde.

I Heare brethern / that whiche is to me greuous to heare / to witt / that striffes are arisen in oure churche / whiche tende either to the dissolution off the churche / or to the hurte and destruction of the poore / wherefore I pray yow whose names are in the subscription off the letters / that (if yow shall so think good) we maie meete to morowe in the morninge in ou­re churche / there to consulte and take aduise what maie be the beste waie to quiete this styrre / to the glorie off God and our owne quietnes. god geue vs his peace.

This 26. of Ian. 1557.
Your louinge brother Iohn Hales.

I pray yow / that so many off yow as will mette at the tyme and place apointed to put downe your names / lest some parhap maie come in vaine.

Nowe all those whose names are before reher­sed came except maister warcope.

[Page LXVI]After consultation and aduise taken / it semed best to al them that were called together and mett there / that the nexte daie after / one off them in all their names shulde deale withe the Pastor and elders / that sith Ashley complained that they were aduersarie parte vnto him / they woulde suffer the churche / or some suche certeine persons as the churche shulde ap­point / to take knowledge off the cause / and to heare firste w­hither they were an aduersarie parte to Ashley whiche iff they were not founde to be / then the knowledge off the matter shuld be put back againe to thē and that withe the ignominie and shame off him that had appealed from them. But yff they were founde to be aduersary parte / that then it shulde seeme vniuste / that they shuld sit in their owne cause as iudges / but more meete and vpright it would be / that then the churche shulde knowe and vnderstand off the whole matter / wheru­pon the next daie after / that is to saie / the 18 off Ian. when praiers were ended / the matter was proposed to the pastor and Elders / by one apointed for that purpose. When this counsaile was once knowē / the minister by the consent off the Elders drew owte off his bosome a decree whiche the magi­strate off that city had made / and redd it with a lowde voice before the whole churche. The decree beinge redd he added in graue wordes / that theis oure assemblies and meetinges woulde be verie daungerous no [...] to vs onelie but to all the congregations off strangers. for it was greatlie to be feared least the magistrate beinge offended withe such meetings / did not shut vp the gates off oure churche alone / but also off all the strange churches And therfore that he (to thend he might in good season prouide for suche daungers) would su­rely by Ecclesiasticall discipline handle according to his de­serte / maister Halee (who then by occasion of sicknes was ab­sente) the author of that assemblie / and that he woulde prono­unce of vs generally / that if it were not schismaticall / yet / that it did withowte dowte tēd to schisme / hovv so euer we excused oure mindes ād purposes. moreouer he affirmed / that we had don verie yll / in that we had excluded / and shut owte certeine [Page LXVII] which came in to the church in the time off oure consultation and meetīge· Answere was made in the names of the churche / that that decree off the magistrate was by them before bothe read ouer throughly / vnd also verie diligentlie waied / and that they iudged that decree to be most vpright and iustlie to be fe­ared off wicked and lewde men / such as were sectaries and factious persons and that they did assuredly knowe that the threats of that decree did nothinge at all concerne them who were mett together to make peace and vnitie / and that they for this deede did so litle feare the angre and displeasure of the magistrats that they trusted the magistrat woulde praise thē for this matter / yff parhappes he knewe off the thinge it selff and that therfore they were assembled and comme together that the whole matter might be quietlie ended amonge themselues and not brought before the magistrat. for where we (saie they) were banished men / and had by the meanes off a very good magistrate / receiued that singuler and moste ex­cellent benefit off reste and quietnes / we shulde do that whi­che shulde be most vnfit and vnseemly for vs / iff we shulde by occasion of our striffes and hurley burlies / trouble the ma­gistrate / and to render vnto that verie good Magistrate vn­quietnes / troubles and stirrs whiche shulde be verie euell thankes / for so great a benefit off quietnes and rest as we ha­ue receiued. And we affirmed that we so muche the more dili­ligentlie and wilingly labored in pacifiynge and endinge this controuersie bicause there were amongest vs certeine / who rashly and with owte aduise / brought vnto the Magistrat all light and small controuersies / whiche might easilie haue bin determined and ended amonge our selfes / herein deseruinge no fauour at all either at the the handes off so Good a Magi­strat / whom they oftimes withowte cause troubled / or of the­ir countrie men whom they by thies their priuie complain­ts and accusations did amonge strangers slander as vnqui­et and troublesome men / and that they had done no lesse dis­pleasure to the gospell we professe / (whiche by occasion off suche accusations / is comonlie euell spoken off amonge the ad­uersaries) [Page LXXVIII] then to that so good a magistrate and to their ow­ne countrie men. And that we therfore (to thende the Magi­strate might not be troubled / nor our nation slaundered as vnquiet and troublesome / nor the worde off God through vs e­uell spoken off) met together to take counsaile and auise howe al the matter might be peaceably ended and for no other cause or purpose. And where it was obiected that in that decree off the Magistrat there was no mention at all made / either off the whole churche / or off the authoritie off whole churche: We answere (say they) that we do not so interprete the Magist­rats decree / as though yt were the Magistrats minde and pleasure to take from the churche the right and authoritie due to the Churche and make the whole Churche subiecte to some certeine persons. For we bothe well inoughe knowe by the example off the frenche churche in a like controuersie / and we haue tried that so verie good a Magistrate hathe very great care off the churche. And as concerninge Ma [...]ster Hales / yt was answered / that he was then absente / by reason off his sicknesse / and not for feare / or that he was giltie to him selff off any ill.

And cōcerninge oure whole purpose and busines / bycau­se it was said thoughe oure mynds parhaps were vpright / yet the dede it selff was / yff not schismaticall / yet verelie tendinge to schisme / answere was made in all our names that we woul­de render accompte aswell off oure mindes and purpose befo­re God / as off our dede before the whole churche / and that vnder perill and paine off the laste punishement that Eccle­siasticall discipline can apointe / or yff the matter so r [...]qui [...]e / before the ciuyll Magistrate in paine off oure lyffe. And as touchinge them that were not admitted in to the churche / to our consultation / it was answered that we were vniustlie accused / for that it was not a publick and common assemblie of the whole churche. But a metinge of some certeine persons to consulte of that whiche might be profitable / and that ther­fore they had no greater iniurie done thē in not beinge at the consultation to whiche they were not called or sent for / then if [Page LXIX] had not byn admitted in to some certeine priuate stone or ho­wse. for as touching the churche / seinge it was then emptie and voide off people / it was / as it were / a priuate howse. Ne­ther is euery assemblie mett there to be counted the churche. For when the pastor or some other readeth there a lecture / or moderateth the disputations / it is not then a church but a sco­ole. And therfore / not the place / but the company off men ga­thered together did make a churche or congregation. After­wards / it was skarcely by many wordes obtained off the pa­stor and Seniors / that the churche might withowt their fa­uour and good will meete together for the finishing and ta­kinge vp off this controuersie / and vprightly determine whe­ther the said pastor and elders were an aduersarie parte to a­shley yea or no whiche thinge yet at the lenght the pastor and elders graunted to the churche. And the pastor and Elders beinge required and desired that they would together be pre­sent with vs in the congregation / they answered that the­re was no suche nede / nether that they would at anie hand [...] hinder vs. The next daie after / to wit / the 29. off Ian. the pa­stor and Elders agreinge therto / as is saide before / when the whole churche was mette together / maister hales / who then was somewhat better / and was present when they began to take aduise and coūsaile / rose vp and spake to this purpose. My brethern (saithe he) seinge I am accused of the pastor be­fore the whole churche / as the author of schisme or of a schismaticall facte / or at the least rendinge to schisme / if yow also iud­ge of me in like sorte I will departe oute off this companie / as one beinge vnmeete to tarie amonge yow in this assemblie. This beinge saide / he addressed himselff to departe / Afterwards / he was called back by all the men there assembled and in­treated to abide amongest them. Afterwarde he drewe foor­the those letters by whiche he had called certaine men toge­ther to make peace and ende the stirre / as is before saide / and preferred them to the church to be openly redd. Whiche letter beinge redd / that / his dede was iudged off all them that were present / bothe honest and most meete for a Christian man ne­ther [Page LXX] that anie man that had called either others to make pea­ce by their meetinge / was for suche a facte to be accounted a schismatick. Then they were all desired / that seinge they had so iudged and determined / they would appoint this their sentence to be registred and put downe in writinge / that it might stande in steed off a recorde and testimonye / not for Maister Hales onely but for all other in the like case / and with all / that this newe and present vpstartinge matter might by their iud­gemēts be decided and ended least it might bringe forth and stirre vv new contentions amonge them. Wherupon it was put downe in wrytinge to this effecte. Iff two / foure / eight / twelue or mo or lesse / meete in the churche when it was voi­de off people / praier and other exercises / or els in priuate howses to make peace betwene some members off the churche / or to consulte off anie other thinge profitable for the church that that their dede and acte shulde not in anie case be iudged or esteemed vnorderlie / seditious / schismaticall / or tendinge to schisme.

Neither that he whiche either by writinge or vvorde off mouth had so called them together shulde be thought to be the author off anie schisme or a schismaticall facte or tendinge to schisme and diuision. And bicause nowe no place off spea­kinge in the congregation withowte offence did seeme anie more to be left to anie man / it was ordeined the saide 29. off Ian. that it shulde be lawfull for any man hauinge before desired / off the pastor / elders / and whole churche licence and libertie to speak / to shewe his iudgement and opinion in the churche withowt any reproch off a disordered dede therfore / so it be / that he did it godly quietlie and soberlie▪ yff he shulde speake anie vngodly thinge that thē it was lawfull for the pastor and Seniors / or anie off them foorthwith to commaun­de him to holde his toung. The laste daie off Ian. beinge the Sabath daie after morninge praier was ended / pardon was offred of all priuate offences / by the pastor in his owne name and the name off the elders to all the people off the churche ād in like sorte the people were desired to pardon them yet in su­che [Page LXXI] sorte this was done that the Pastor and Elders woulde reserue to themselues suche causes as concerned their Ministe­rie / to be pursued and followed off them. It was answered a­gaine in oure names off the churche that we in like sorte did pardon all men / all priuate grudges / yet / that the churche did accordinge to their example reserue vnto it selff publike cau­ses belonginge to the churche and the libertie theroff quietlie and Christianly to be pursued and folovved / vvhich ansvvere allthoughe it were measured by the rule off that pardon and forgeuenes vvhiche the pastor had before offred / yet / it did no white at al please him whiche thing also I warrāte yow he did not dissemble. Afterwards / the pastor and elders suffered that the same daie in the afternoone / the church shulde againe meete / and shulde trie owte and knowe the matter betvvene them and Asheley / to vvit / vvhither they vvere an aduersary parte / to Ashley yea or no / But the Pastor and Elders beinge desy­red that they also vvoulde be present / they vvoulde not therto agree. Wherfore the churche beinge gathered together in the afternoone / it was iudged by the testimonie off some meete mē and by this also / that in the vvhole churche there coulde no other be founde that woulde accuse Ashley but the pastor and elders (for it vvas 3. times verie diligently enquired of and published amōge the people / that if their vvere anie in the vvhole churche whiche either vvould or coulde accuse maister Ash­ley / he shulde then vter it) It vvas I saie iudged and determined that the Pastor and Elders / vvere an aduersarie parte to Maister Ashley and that therfore they vvere not fit and competent iudges in that matter. Furthermore / it vvas fullie decreed that the Pastor and elders in suche causes as in vvhiche they vvere an aduersary parte were not fit arbitres or iudges / but that suche causes did apperteine and belōge / either to the knovvledge off the congregation or off such as the congregation vvoulde appointe to that purpos. And bycause the pastor and elders haue bene oftētimes desyred to be present vvith vs and yet vvoulde not (notvvithstanding that they themselues suffred the congregation to meete together) leaste parhapp some deceite might be amonge many of the congregation as [Page LXXII] thoughe it were not off it selff lawfull / or to small purpose to apointe anie thinge with owte the pastor and elders (whiche thing afterwarde tried) it was decreed that iff the pastor and elders were required to be present at an assemblie and woul­de not come / that the assembly was laufull notwithstandin­ge their absence / and that those thinges whiche they decreed shulde be had and esteemed as a lawfull decree. Theis Eccle­siasticall decrees and ordinaunces / whiche euen nowe we re­hersed were subscribed vnto with the names off 33. persons whiche is a great deale the bygger parte off the churche / and the 2. off February were offred vpp to the pastor and Elders in the name off the whole churche with this protestation fo­lowinge. Maister No wel was the mouthe for the rest. We present vnto yow theis our decrees and ordinaū ­ces agreing withe right and reason and not contrary to the holie scriptures / desyringe to haue yow knowe them and fur­ther requiring that yow woulde with vs consent / yelde and subscribe to the same. Or yff ye will not so do / shewe we pra­ye yow vpright reasons and good causes why ye refuse. For we are ready to correcte and amend oure faultes yff they be shewed vs / at the monition off any priuate person / but mu­che more at yours the pastor and Elders. For as we desi­er their wisedomes to come to perfecte truthe: so we will not thorough stubbernes defende anie errour / beinge shewed vnto vs to be an errour in dede. Yet notwitstanding / afterward vpon in the aforesaie daie off February / the Pastor did in his owne name and in the name off the Elders / openly reade cer­teine written letters to whiche he and the Seniors had befo­re in the presence off the churche subscribed their names. The summe theroff was this. Seinge the churche had left vnto them a vaine shadowe onelie off authoritie withowte a­nie other matter / that therfore they did in oure presence sha­ke off from themselues and vtterly forsake all Ecclesiasticall ministerie and seruice to the churche.

Amonge other thinges they added this that we had ge­uen them a cause to complaine off vs to the magistrats / but that for oure sakes they worlde not do it. Afterward some of [Page LXXIII] them departed and sate downe in priuate mennes places / nei­ther woulde they suffer so muche as to be called by the name off pastors and Elders. Then one in the name off the whole / hauinge fullie shewed before / that there was no iuste cause geuen thē by the churche / so to forsake their ministerie / did af­terward in the name of the whole churche verie earnestly desi­er thē that they woulde not in suche manner forsake and leaue the churche that had deserued no suche thinge at their hands.

This was with moste e [...]rneste and effectuall wordes required off them / thre or foure tymes in the name off the w­hole churche / but they remained willfull and obstinate in their purpos / not so muche as once suffringe themselues to be cal­led by the name off pastors and elders. Then at the lenght / it was shewed vnto them in the name off the whole churche / that the churche woulde not admit that their forsakinge of their ministerie / but would stil take and esteme them for their pastor and Elders. And when one in the name off the churche did accuse the pastor and Chambers to be suche as had abused the churche / leauinge it and forsakinge it in suche manner wi­thowte anie cause or reason shewed / and did in the name off the churche desier them to make answere vnto him concernin­ge this their dede / they vtterlie refused the same. But horne who then was Pastor / hastely takinge a penne / wrote to this purpos in a pece of paper in his owne name and in the name off the elders. Where as we are vrged and pressed by one in the name off the churche to make answere / we generally ans­were / that when so euer we shal be ordinarelie demaunded before the churche or them whiche the churche shall apointe / we will then answere / or if we shall be called before the ciuill magistrate we will ther answeare. other answeare then this they woulde geue none / to anie off the questiōs whiche we had proposed in all oure names of the churche. (and they assigned this writinge by puttinge to their names) where as in dede this was not onelie to answere nothinge at all / but also to pretēd a cloaked cause of answeringe nothinge at all. Moreouer / they were desired in the name of the churche that they woulde deli­uer [Page LXXIIII] to the churche the letters signed withe their owne hādes / by whiche they had shewed their renounsall and denyinge of the ministerie: or if they woulde not do that / that thē against a certeine daie they woulde graūte and giue to the churche a coppie therof. But neither woulde they geue them the letters whiche they had in their bosome neither woulde promisse any co­pie to the churche / who moste earnestlie required the same off thē. At the laste / the pastor and elders departed / some certeine fewe folowinge thē / but the multitude remained and so farr­forthe as they coulde remember / committed to writinge the actes off that daie and the summe off those letters (by whi­che the Pastor and Elders had willingly put them selues from the ministerie) ād for witnesse subscribed thereto with thirtie and there names. The next daie after / that is / the 3. off Febru­ary the Pastor and Elders beinge called off the churche by the Deacon / to intreate off makinge peace / they came together ād met. But the Pastor and elders set them downe in priuate places. Afterwardes / the pastor (because one speakinge in the congregation did not by and by so soone as he bad him holde his peace) fayned that he woulde departe. But when he per­ceyued that verie fewe folowed him / and by some consailed / he returned / and suddanly placed himselff in the pastors pla­ce / and called the elders to him / whiche thinge / before he had refused to do although he were by the whole churche verie in­stantly and ernestlie required therto. Then / he spake to this ef­fecte: we in dede (saith he) did displace oure selues from the ministerie / not withstandinge / absolutely and fullie we did it not / but vnder this condition onely / yff yow shulde proceade to deale in suche sorte as yow haue done against the olde ād receiued discipline. Nowe then / yff ye goo forwarde as yow haue appointed and purposed / then will we wholie and alltogether displace oure selues from oure Ministeries / but yff yow will obaie the olde discipline then will we continew pastor and el­ders as we are. Answere was made that there was nothinge at all conteined in the olde discipline / wherby they might me­dle with / or proceed againste the pastor and elders / iff parhapps [Page LXXV] they were founde faultie and in some offence. Moreouer / that there was nothinge put downe concerninge suche cau­ses / as in whiche the pastor and elders were an aduersarie parte / and therfore it was desired that they woulde suffer the di­scipline in that behalff to be amended and to be made more perfect. Nowe the pastor beinge offended as it shuld seeme / with so free speeche woulde im̄ediatlie againe haue bin gone / and rann euen to the churche dore / but yet seinge but fewe fo­lowinge him / by the counsaile and aduise off certeine persons he returned / and sat him selff downe in the pastors place with the seniors.

And in like sorte / by and by againe vppon the suddaine / he ran̄ for the thirde tyme / but within a litle while after here turned and planted himselff in the pastors accustomed place. Afterwards intretie was made with the pastor and elders in the name off the church / that they would suffer Ashleis cause (in whiche matter they themselues were founde at the lenght to be an aduersarie parte) and the hearinge theroff to come before the churche / And that the churche woulde (yff Ashley were founde faultie) verie sharply and seuerely punishe him / and in this behalff aboundantly satisfie the pastor and El­ders and all good men. But the pastor and Elders would at no hande suffer that. And as concerninge the amendinge off the discipline / the pastor saide that he and the elders with certeine others by the authoritie off the church beinge ioined vnto them woulde (yff the churche so thought good▪ amende the discipline. But answere was made vnto bothe / in the name off the churche. First that it was verie vniust that / the chur­che shuld not be suffred to haue iudgement and determinati­on. For therby the authoritie and right off churche was who­lie as it were / taken from the churche. To the seconde it was answered that sith suche ordinaunces and decrees were to be made / as by whiche the Pastor and Elders shulde be here­after deteined in dutie (some off them also beinge already ac­cused) it shulde be vniuste dealing to admit them to the fra­minge and makinge off suche decrees. And when they affir­med [Page LXXVI] they would answere no other thinge / and they were de­sired to suffer thos things to be cōmitted to writinge whiche were done alreadie / they woulde not agree / but the pastor say­inge he was a colde made himself ready to departe / ād goinge his waie a fewe folowinge him / he pronownced / that he dis­solued the assemblie. But the companie that taried in the chur­che and wrote the doings of that daie by their decree / and ap­pointed 8. men to amend the discipline / and Afterward to of­fre it the churche to be seene of thē / did also apointe other. 8. men (of whiche 8. three / allwaies stuck the pastor) arbitres and iudges to decide the cause betweene the pastor and elders / ād Ashley. Theis are their names. maister Railton / maister Warcope / M. Kelke M. faulconer / M. Bentham M. Cockroft / M. Carell and M. Wison. Three off theis were addicted the to pastor but M. Bentham and M. Kelke alwais shewed themselues indifferent and equall to bothe sides. From that time for­warde the pastor and elders and certaine others beinge often times called of the churche / by the Deacons and certeine other to intreate of making peace and agrement / would neuer ape­ere or be present.

Morouer the pastor and the Deacons / and certaine pai­nefull poore men / ceased bothe from preachinge and also the Ecclesiasticall lectures and other ordinary functions and charges whiche they ought to haue executed / neither woulde they come to solemne and publick praiers in the churche. notwith­standing the churche yet thorough Gods fauour obserued bothe publike praiers / sermons and Ecclesiasticall lectures / and all other things accustomed and minded to keepe them so longe as the godlie Magistrats shulde suffer and graunt the same. And no other matter did so muche spread abroad throughowt the citie as the fame and reporte off oure striffes and as the dede off maister Horne and Maister Chambers. For when they off themselues had forsaken the churche and had by their example stirred vp some other with their families to do the like / and some off theis nowe frequented and went / partely to the frenche churche / and partly to the Germanie [Page LXXVII] churches / the matter nowe coulde not anie longer be hyd and in secret seinge it was published and knowen not thorowe the citie alone / but the fame theroff ran̄ to other strangers al­so▪ whiche matter and busines withe their brethern / woulde to God they had chosen rather to haue had it ended quietlie and peaceablie in their owne churche / then in such troblesome sorte to haue consulted so greatly / bothe to their owne disho­nestie and oures. The fourth daie off Februarie which was Thursdaie and appointed for publick praier / the pastor who that daie shuld haue preached / and all the Elders were ab­sent. Nowe the pastor beinge before by the Deacon desired in the name off the churche that either he himselff would prea­che or apoint some other in his place / made answere / that nei­ther woulde he preach him selff nor apointe anie other. For that matter did nothinge at all belong vnto him. After prai­ers were ended some there were that disputed and reasoned in the pastors behalff and saide / that that assemblie whiche re­mained after the pastors departure (in as muche as he had au­thoritie to call together the churche and to breake vp the as­semblie and he goinge his waie saide / that he brake vp that assemblie) was no lawfull assemblie. To whom it was (in the name off the churche) answered / that Maister Horne had put owte himselff from his pastorall dewtie / and therfore / both for that matter and manie other recited before amonge the Act. of the 2. daie of Feb. he had not anie authoritie / or any māner of right either to gather together or to break vp the assemblie. And although it were graunted that he were their lawfull pastor / yet / it was affirmed that the churche was aboue the pastor and not the pastor aboue the churche ād that therfore thowghe the pastor departed / before the actes off that daie were confirmed / and pronounced that he brake vp the assemblye yet was the assemblie whiche remained ād taried behind a lawfull assemblie / ād had authoritie to make effectuall decrees / by w­hiche they might binde all ād euery mēber of the churche with owte exception. And that this question (whither the pope was aboue the churche or the churche aboue the pope) was stirred vp in the councelles off constance and Basill / and vvas deci­ded [Page LXXVIII] also by the authoritie off the schole off parise ioyned ther­to. Nowe they whiche reasoned in the pastors behalff did see­me by the space off certein daies after / to approue thes 2. co­uncells / for they placed the pastor aboue the churche. They brought foorth openly all the olde store and howsholde stuffe of Pighius and Eckius of the primacie of the pope vnder the name off the Pastorall authoritie and for the proffe theroff. The actes and disputations off that daie were in testimonie / signed and confirmed vvith two and thirtie names. The 5. off Februa. Maister horne and the seniors beinge required off the congrega [...]ion by a deacon to come and treate off reconciliation woulde not appeare. After this there were 3. Messen­gers sente from the congregation vnto them / off whom / one was to be specially reuerenced off all that be off the congre­gation bothe for his age and grauitie / the other [...] specially well lerned / to the intent they shuld be moued by theis so honest a company off Messengers sent by the congregation. Theis men / whē they had in the churches name instantly desired / and praied them that they woulde come to the congregation and there common brotherly amonge themselues for a quyete a­grement to be had / so as the matter might not come to the magistrates eares / nor be bruted anie farther abroade to the great infamie of oure nation / coulde do no good with them at all. for they saide they woulde not come vnlesse they were ordinarily called. As for other answere at that present they would make none. When this answere was declared to the congre­gation / it was determined that for asmuche as R Horne had openly put himself owte off his pastorshipp by writinge sub­scribed with his owne hand / and confirmed the same by wordes and deedes in lōge absteining from preachinge and other pastorall functions / and affirminge that suche matters were no point off his charge. In as muche as now beinge called of the churche / he will not appere / and so absteinethe all together from publicke praiers and all Ecclesiasticall meetīgs: And for asmuche also as the Seniors come not at the meetings of the churche / leaste the congregation thorough the forwardnes of [Page LXXIX] the saied Robart Horne and absence off the Seniors / beinge voide and destitute off common praier / preachinge / and rea­dinge the scriptures shulde be vtterly dissolued / that certein men shuld take charge off the churche and for all things to be done in the congregation as it hathe by Gods goodnesse byn yet hitherto done.

other decrees also whiche are specified in the Acts off the [...]. daie off Februa. they established: all whiche everie one that was present confirmed by his name subscribed with his ow­ne hande / as they were wont to do in other actes and decrees. And to the decrees off that daie subscribed 33. hands. But in this beha [...]ff bothe maister Horne and maister Chambers and other in their behalf did finde verie muche faulte with vs / for that we had proceaded vnordinarilie / that is (yow must vn­derstand) contrary to the olde discipline. For where they coul­de not iust [...]y finde faulte with those thīgs that the churche had done / they made cauillation at the manner off doinge off things as an vnordinary man̄er. And we answered as well manye other things grewe now by occasion off that matter / as this chiefly: in case Maister Chambers or anie other man / either woulde or coulde shewe anie ordinarie waie in the olde disci­pline wherby the congregation / or anie other might com [...] mence matter / and proceade against him or againste a Se­nior or Seniors beinge accused: or howe we might proceade ordinarely according to the olde discipline in causes / wherin he ād the seniors were the one parte as they nowe were proued to be: And yff Maister Horne / or anie other man either woulde or coulde shewe the tytle or wordes in the ould Dis­cipline / wherin this ordinarie waie is set forthe and conteined: Then we would confesse thvt we had gon amisse owt off the ordynary way and olde discipline. But yff neither he nor anie other woulde or coulde shewe in deede / that they wo­uld not be discontent at vs that reduced the congregation to their right authoritie and amended that olde discipline as a­thinge amisse / or filled it vp as a thinge vnperfect and brought the matter to the hearinge off the churche as it ought to be: [Page LXXX] And that they woulde at lenght geue ouer to vaunte them selues so off the order whiche they neuer had / or to blame vs he­reafter for proceading vnordinarely. The summe off this answere / we dyuyded in to certein Articles / and sent them pryuately to Maister Horne to peruse / requiring his answere to the same vnd also we sticked them vpon the pu [...]pit in the churche where they remained a great many daies. And where it was required in that same writinge that Maister Horne / or the Seniors or some other man shulde make answere vn­to thes matters / there is no man yet hitherto that hather ma­de anye answere / either by worde or by writinge / sauinge that Maister Horne fallinge to his olde generall answere / saide / he woulde make answere when he were ordinarely cal­led or questioned withe for by this shift he thinkethe he vn­doeth all dowtes at once / where as in dede / to answere after that sorte / is to answere nothing at all / but to pretend false causes to holde his tonge when he is able to shewe no rea­son for himselff. For this was his meaninge that he is not or­dinarely called nor questioned with all / nor accused ordinare­ly / sauinge onely before him selff / and the Seniors as Iud­ges / Where as they bothe in their geuinge ouer off their ministery / and in the principall cause against maister Ashley were the aduersary parte so that by his iudgement there is no ordinary waie to medle against the pastor and Seniors excepte they call themselues to be hearers of their owne cause and the­ir owne Iudges themselues. For other ordinary waie against the pastor and Seniors in that olde discipline off theirs / nei­ther he nor anie other shall be hable to shewe.

After this / when those 8. Persons which were appoin­ted by the Churche to heare the variance betwene Maister Horne and Maister Chambers one thoneside / and Maister Asley one the other side / shulde proceade in the hearinge off that matter / Maister Horne and Maister Chambers whiche had absented themselues nowe 11. daies from the churche were commaunded by the Magistrate the 12. off February (for that daye / they and certeyne others were seen with the [Page LXXXI] Magistrate) that they shuld in no wise comme at our church. when we harde off yt / we had maruell / fyrste that the mat­ter was comme to the Magistrats eare (for Maister Horne and the reste testified the 2. off February by their owne hand writinge / that they would neuer open it to the Magistrate) and secondarely / seinge Maister Horne and Maister Cham­bers coulde by no meanes be intreated to come to the churche yt semed awonder that yt was commaunded by the Magi­strats that they shulde not come / as though they had byne desyrous to come / whiche in dede neded not.

Therfore / the moste parte thought that that commaun­dement was obtained by their owne sute / at the Magist­rates hands / bothe that such persons as knewe not the mat­ter / shuld be perswaded that yt was longe off the Magist­rats commaundement that they did not their offices in the Church. Where as before this Commaundement was geuen they had off a purposed frowardnes absented them­selues now allready more then ten dayes from the con­gregation. And also besides / that the congregation might not proceade agaynst them seinge the Magistrate com­maunded them that they shulde not appeere. And this was the very let in dede why the congregation proceaded not in hearinge and determining off the varyance betweene Maister Horne and Chambers off the one partie and Ashley on the other.

And in this they burthen vs maliciously with ow­te cause / As thoughe we woulde haue Ashley ridd from Iudgment off that matter / and as though that were the onely thinge whiche was sought in oure conten­tion / where as in deede yt was longe off them that his cause was not determined. Wetherfore / hauing knowledge off this matter / for feare least we shulde be falsely accused / as though we had vttered yt to the Magistrate / and had seemed / first to haue accused our brethern vnto the Magistrate / whiche we might not abide to do / assembled together [Page LXXXII] in the churche the 13. off Februar. and there was openly recited in writing this that folowith. Forasmuche as oure contention is alreadie bruted abroad not onely through this citie but also come to the Magistrats eare (for we heare saie that maister Horne and maister Chamber were commaunded by the magistrat yester daie that is the 12. off Febr. that they shulde in no wise come at the congregation till the magistra­te had fuller knowledge off the ma [...]ter) we professe that nei­ther Maister Horne nor Maister Chamber nor no man els was complained vpon to the magistrate by vs or any off vs / or by oure meanes / but that we sought rather by all diligent endeauor / that the matter shuld not come abroade / but that all matters might haue byn secretly agreed amonge oure sel­ues and that we woulde all men shulde vnderstand by this oure writinge. This done / those that knewe themselues to be of an vpright cōsciēce in this behalf were req [...]red to set their handes to that writinge / and so there were 37 hands subscri­bed as appearethe in the actes off the 13. off Febru. And were Maister Horne and Maister Chamber beinge so often desy­red by all instant means off the congregation that they woulde be content to haue all ma [...]ters pacified amonge [...]e by bro­therly communication / did neuer suffer them selues to be [...]al­ked with all off anie matter / leaste they shuld afterward alle­adge to suche as knewe not the matter / that they did it off for­ce bicause off the magistraies commaundement / whiche for­bad them to come to the congregation. All the tyme wherin they absented them selues / and contemned so manie desires and intreties off the churche to haue met vpon agrement ma­kinge / before anie commaundement was geuen them off the magistrate (whiche commaundement notwithstandinge ma­ie seeme that they at lenght for the causes before mentioned procured themselues) was recorded amonge the Acts off that 13. off Febru and confirmed by the testimonies off 37. na­mes subscribed as in the acte app [...]arethe more at large.

The 14 off Febru. those 8. whiche were appointed the [...]. off Febru: by the congregation to amende the discipline / pre­sented [Page LXXXIII] the booke off the Discipline to the congregation agay­ne and the congregation allowed it. And those matters that were altered or augmented in the discipline were such as spe­cially perteined to those causes / wherin the pastor and seniors were the one parte / and howe it muste be proceaded against the pastor and seniors / in case anie off them were accused. For concerninge theis thinges there was neuer a worde in the ol­de discipline. And where in the olde discipline there was no certeine mention / howe the churche shulde be gouerned / and seinge maister Horne and other had now vtterly forsaken the congregation / who in leauinge there offices had drauen awa­ie with them the moste parte off them that were appoynted preachers / and disposinge off the churche monie / were more largely and more trulie set forthe and expressed.

For where maister Chamber had authoritie to gather all godly mennes almese for the poore off the congregation con­firmed vnto him (as he him selff required) in writinge / signed by the pastor and seniors and certeine other off the chieff men off the churche with their owne hands / and had exercised the same gathering nowe a yere / and half / that he alone / shulde receiue all / he alone distribute / and be accomptable to no mā and he alone to be priuie to the mony / that matter) were he neuer so faithfull a man) semeth verie suspitious to him and [...]urte­fu [...]l to the churche / yff he shulde dye suddanly as the state off man is casuall: And the example also shulde seeme pernitious to the churche least parhapp an other man off small fidelitie shuld by the same reason drawe all the churche mony in to his owne onely handes.

And for as muche as the Deacons (vnto whom the charge off the churche monie semeth to apperteine by the worde of God / and by the example off all right [...]y instituted churches) in oure congregation had not a mite to bestowe: for their were made Deacons honest men in dede / but yet such as for their poueritie semed not fit men to whom the common mony shuld be cōmitted: and by that coulour Maister Chamber th­ought he might with owte controlinge receiue all the cōmon [Page LXXXIIII] monye in his owne handes alone. The congregation thought good to haue a deaconshipp appointed more vprightly according to the rule described in the Actes off the Apostles / and the example off other Godly instituted churches / and to the intent the Church mony might be medled with all by the Deacons with owte all suspition it is prouided in the amendinge off the discipline that suche men shulde be chosen Deacons / as be not onely off a most aproued Good fidelitie / but also su­che as were able hansomly to liue off their owne withowte anie nede off the Churches Almes. And in dede this seemed to be nowe so muche the more necessary / for that many complained: some that the almes whiche they receyued before priuatlie off priuate frinds was taken vpp by the waye / sythens Maister Chamber began to gather / as in dede Maister Horne then Pastor threatned openly owte off the pulpit in his Sermon sayinge that he woulde stoppe all mennes vents (as he termed it) and receiptes. Againe / some complaine that they coulde haue nought at Maister Chambers hande / but after beseching and vnreasonable longe delais / some that they coulde haue nothing with owte bytter vpbraid [...] and some / that they could obtaine nothing off gyfte but onely off loane / and other some that they coulde gett nought at all. So that nowe it semed requisite off necessytie to seeke some remedie for theis misheues. All whiche complaints we shall be constrained off extreame necessitie to put in to one seuerall peece off worke touching the whole matter and communicatinge it to good men. And concerning the Discipline / seinge there was no certeine expresse waye in the olde disciplyne how the congregation shuld be gouerned / neither coulde anie longe quietnes indure so longe as Maister Horne had the gouernement by that discipline. And seing nowe Mai­ster Horne and Maister Chambers haue vtterlie forsaken the Churche / not onely themselues / but also haue drawen awaie with them many other / and of them / the most parte such as were appointed preachers and readers off the Scriptures: so as they might plainely appeere to seke nothinge ells but that [Page LXXXV] the congregation beinge destitute off preaching and reading (as thoughe it coulde not stand withe owt those men) shul­de be vtterlie broken vpp / the congregation was off necessitie enforced to deuise and prouide for some certeine waie for the gouerning off the churche / wherby the congregation might be set at a fyrme and a constant quietnes.

After this 14. off Februar. preachers off the frenche and Flemishe Churches and Maist [...]r Valeran pullain came to the congregation with the Magistrats Edicte. The meaninge off the edicte was / that Ma [...]ster Horne / Maister Chambers / Maister Isaac and the reste off the Seniors shulde be resto­red into their former full authoritie and that Maister Hor­ne shulde do the office off pastor / and they off Seniors in our churche till the Magistrates might haue the hearing and de­termining off the matter more at large. And yt was com­maunded / that all suche men as had anie thing to saie against Maister Horne and the reste shulde exhibit the same to the Magistrate in writing. Maister Horne / the decre beinge red consulting first with some off his complices / as in a ne­we matter that he neuer knewe before / said to this effecte: that he was ready to obeie the honorable Magistrate / as con [...] cerninge other functions belonginge to the Pastor / that is to saie consultations with the Seniors and administration off discipline / but he woulde not medle with preaching / bicause his ministerie was infamed by some men / he coulde not do yt with owt the offence off himselff and off many. Answere was made in the Churches name for that the honorable Ma­gistrate had sent the Seniors againe to the Churche / the churche was glad off it. For they were all sory for their departu­re and nowe were verie ioyous off their comminge againe. Concerninge Maister Horne for so muche as he refused the chiefeste parte off the Pastors office wherin he hathe behaued himselff well (yff in anye thinge well) that is / in the office off preachinge. Againe / where he woulde take vppon him that parte wherin he is iustly reprehended / as wantinge discretion / and sobernes therin / that is / the administration [Page LXXXVI] off Ecclesiasticall discipline with the Seniors / he ouer sho­teth him selff in bothe thes pointes.

Therfore in as muche as he exempteth himself from that office wherin he might profit the congregation: the congre­gagatiō in like case will not admit him to that office wherin he bothe ill behaued him selff before / as the congregation (yff ne­de be) shall declare vnto the Magistrats: wherin likewise the congregation cannot admit Maister Chambers to the office off Senior for certe [...]n Causes. And for the rest off the Seni­ors / We (saie they) geue vnto the Magistrats right humble thankes.

This done / those 3. men whiche came vnto them with the Magistrats edicte / did earnestlie exhorte / firste in the ma­gistrates name and ef [...]sones in their owne / to fall to a quiet agremente amonge them selues / for that were more honestie then to accuse one an other vnto the congregation: Whiche thinge / as it is most vnworthly off Christen men / so is it vnto vs specially that professe our selues banished for the gospell sake. Answere was made in the name off the churche as folo­weth. We wishe for a brotherly peace from the bottome off our hartes praing Maister Horne and Maister Chambers instantly to bend their mindes vnto quietnes / and moste har­tely besechinge theis 3 men our bretherē / and banished for the same gospell that we are / that they will helpe with their au­thoritie to set a quietnes amonge vs / so as the matter shulde come no more to the Magistrats eare. Theis 3. answered that they woulde heare what answer Maister Horne and Maister Chambers would make / hereto Maister Horne answered / seing the matter is allready before the M the magistrat shall haue the hearing and determining off it. Iff anie had ought against him let them put it vp in writing before the magist­rate / for he was ready to answere all men and either he woul­de trie his innocencie or (being founde faultie) suffer punishe­ment for the same. Maister Chambers made like answere for himselff.

Then / for as muche as there could be no other ende the [Page LXXXVII] congregation requested those 3. graue and lerned preacher [...] to make reporte to the magistrate off their desier And readi­nes to haue agrement. And so they (as soone as theis things were put in writinge) departed. And the churche also made an acte off that daie subscribing with their hands to the sa­me. The same daie at after noone the Magistrates hauing more plaine intelligence off the matter / commaunded by the­ir edicte / subscribed with their handes / that Maister Horne and Maister Chambers shulde medle no more the one with the pastorshipp and the other withe the Seniorshipp till all the controuersies were throughly harde and decided. And commaundement was geuen / that the eight daie after (whi­che was the 3. off marche / suche as had to saie off anie parte shuld be present This matter was greuous to the church (as ma [...]e be thought) that things shuld growe to suche extre­mitie.

When they had gathered certeine matter / they exhibited it to the Magistrates when as they came to the Englishe churche where all the company were assembled before them whiche was the last off February. Where the Magistrates made an ende (by their owne authoritie) off the controuersie as shall be saide here after.

The laste off Feb. the Magistrate came to oure Temple a litle before ten off the clock and there off his authoritie re­concilied certeine off the congregatiō that were at variaunce amonge them selues / and tooke order that all former offen­ces shulde be vtterly extincte and buried in the graue off for­getfulnes. Wheruppon at the commaundement / and in the presence off this Magistrate / the parties ioined handes together in token that they were reconcilied and were Good frinds and lovers. Afterwarde / the pastor / Elders and Deacons / were put from their Ecclesiasticall functions by an Edict si­gned and subscribed with three off the Magistrates handes and were all made priuate men / as the rest off the congregation: And by the same edicte off the Magistrates it was decreed that that congregation might freely / when they woulde [Page LXXXVIII] chuse either them or other ministers. likewise / it was permit­ted and graunted / that accordinge to the abilitie off the con­gregation they might chuse one / or many ministers off the worde or doctors. Moreouer / order was taken by the same Edicte / that the treasure or common monie off the congrega­tion shulde be kept and distributed by the Deacons. And that the Deacons shulde at certeine appointed times geue vpp an accounte off it before the Ministers off the worde and Se­niors.

We were licenced by the same Edicte off the magistrats. to drawe owte an Ecclesiasticall Discipline wherby the con­gregation shuld be gouerned. Afterward / there was thankes geuen to the magistrate in the name off the whole congregation for his singuler good will and affection to the congregati­on. And the magistrate depar [...] / wisshinge well in like sorte to the companie. But by wh [...]e meanes the magistrat came thus vnto vs and toke such order / or whither the Magistra­te off himselff wrought this deuise we cannot certeinly saie. But that we off the churche were not the cause / that anie su­che thinge was done / we take God and oure consciences / and the magistrate to witnes / who knoweth the whole matter.

The morowe after / whiche was the firste off marche the Magistrate gaue vs Counsaile by a fewe lynes that he wra­te vnto vs to drawe forthe the Ecclesiasticall Discipline ow­te of hande / whiles we were as yet all priuate men and therfo­re might best take counsaill / for that that shulde be moste behouable for the whole companie: leste / that yff we differred the doinge off it vntill the Ministers were chosen and appointed / oure cōsultation shulde be more troublesome / whiles the mi­nisters on the one side and the congregation on the other / might pluck and force more vnto them selues then off right they ought. This most wholsome and profitable counsell off the Magistrate was the nexte daie after / whiche was the 2. off marche proposed in the congregation / and it liked and ple­ [...]sed the whole company, notwithstanding bicause Maister [Page LXXXIX] Horne made some matter / for that some were absent the mat­ter was differred vnto the nexte daie.

The thirde off marche / by the aduise off that Good and godlie magistrate / eight and thirtie off the congregation cho­se by voices 15. men to write Ecclesiasticall lawes. Maister Horne and Maister Chambers and almoste to the nomber off 14 moo sa [...] by and woulde geve no voices / notwithstan­standinge that we requested and intreated them: But they re­quired they might haue leaue to put downe there minds in writinge. So then beinge requested to write downe their min­des Maister Horne rose vpp and wrate in the paper in theis wordes folowinge. My minde is that the olde discipline be kep [...]e still and not mended. Maister Chambers and Maister Isaac and other to the no [...]ber off 14. wrote downe their mynds to the selff same purpose. Nowe when we saw far [...] beyounde oure expectation and otherwise then we looked for that there was a newe dissention ar [...]singe betweene vs / being set at one and recōciled one to the o [...]her / not scarse 3. daies be­fore and in witnesse therof had geuē handes eche to other (we coulde not otherwise doo but be greued and sorowe greatly / to se the growndworke of mo troubles and dissentions laide.

And bicause those. 14. gaue to vnderstande by their hands put downe vnto it in writinge that they thought it no [...] Good to alter their olde discipline / to the ende that it might euidently appeare / howe many we were that had consented vppon the choise off 1 [...]. men whiche shulde set downe in wri­tinge a forme off discipline accordinge as the magistrate had commanded / we on the otherside trusted / that we thought it for the behouff and profit off the congregation that a forme of discipline shuld be made and put downe as the magistrate had commaunded. And to this determination and sentēce be­inge put in writinge / we in nomber eighte and thirtie subscribe doure names / with protestation that we did nothinge but that was Good and lawfull and accordinge to the magistra­tes will and mind requestinge them to geue their consent and to agree with vs.

[Page XC]But they / after muche debatinge and many wordes to and fro for their olde discipline / that it neded not to be displaced or altered / The simple sutteltie off [...]. factious head. came to this passe at the lenght / that they sai­de (we had to consulte off correctinge but not off makinge a discipline and verie instantly vnd earnestlye vrged the same v­pon the wordes off that aduice and councell whiche the ma­gistrate had geuen touchinge the spedie dispatche off the disci­pline of the churche before the election of the ministers. we th­erfore which thought it not muche materiall whither it were termed a newe made / or a corrected discipline to haue no occasion of dissentiō / chaunged / oure copie and put in in steade of the is wordes / discipline shulde be made / shuld be corrected. And so those 14. whiche made ashewe before as though they wol­de not suffer anie one iote of the olde discipline to be altered / ād chaunged / callinge to minde (I suppose / either their fewnesse off their nomber or the oddes off the matter bycause [...]hat ol­de discipline was vtterly taken awaie by the Magistrates edi­cte / the laste off Februa. as the chiefest cause off oure contro­uersies: or ells foreseinge / that the magistrate would be offended with that their dissention: they all ioyntly together Mai­ster Horne and Maister Chambers beginninge the daunce put their hands to oures / for the correction off the discipline.

Horne and his compa­nie subscribs to the other parte.Then did Maister Horne request that seinge nowe they had consented vnto vs / for the wrytinge downe off the disci­pline / he and the residewe for that fourtene might freely geue their voices for the chosinge of those fourtene whiche they had alreadie appointed or some suche other as they woulde. But we bicause we had before requested them to geue their voices and three refused / cōsidering that those fourtene drew all one line and were fullye bent in all points to do one as the other / beinge all like affected and by that meanes / might off purpos wholie bestowe their voices vpon some certeine / and so ouer­throw oure election whiche they knewe already / denied to graunt and suffer them and yet we saide / that yff they woulde we wold not refuse to appointe an o [...]her daie / to chuse the say­de 14. men or other. yet geuinge Maister Horne in the meane [Page XCI] while to wit / that that matter whiche might haue bin quietlie dispatched in three houres / would scarsly by his meanes be fynished in three daies.

At the lenght Maister Horne / after consultation had with certain / spake alowde in the name off the fourtene in this wise.

Although (saide he) it were meete that we all seuerally geue oure voices / yet that we maie be no longer an hinderan­ce / I pronoūce in all their names / that we all do by our voices chuse those 14. men Whom yow haue alreadye appointed. When the residew were asked whither they consented to this or no▪ Maister Isaac / answered that all agreed: otherwise / yff anie were contrarie minded he woulde speake. And thus by a generall consente off all not one man excepte fiuetene men were chosen to write Ecclesiastical lawes the thirde off mar­che.

The 15. M. Horne came not til two. Elected agreed betwene themselues to assemble and come together the fourth of marche at one of the cloke at afternoone. Whē they came together ther was muche a doo a great while whither the olde discipline shulde be corrected or a newe made. We (of the churche) alleadged that all occasions off olde controuersies (wheroff the olde disciplie but vnperfe­cte and naught was one) were vtterly taken awaye by the ma­gistrates Edicte. some vrged this worde corrected / or amen­ded which was in the aduise and counsaile that the Magistrat gaue vs for the spedie dispatche off discipline. For / saide they / that is not corrected whiche is cleane taken waie. The book of discipline brought fo­orth and read. At lenght / the booke off the olde discipline and an other off the newe di­scipline / whiche was corrected in the absence off maister Horne and others were read / and so they departed for that daie appoynting to meete agayne the 8. off marche the same houre.

The 8. off marche the 15. men assembled againe and the­re agreed vpon articles for makinge off discipline / M. Horne came at 3. whiche were set downe in a paper and subscribed all vnto them / sa­uinge that maister Horne / Maister Chambers and Maister [Page XCII] Isaac and Maister Bentham woulde not subscribe to that Article concerning the hauinge off two ministers off the worde / and yet notwithstandinge they all agreed vpon this that is was a matter indifferent whither there shuld be one or ma­ny ministers off the worde. for it is not defined in the scriptu­res but left free. Afterward Maister Hales gaue to Maister Chambers a booke off discipline (which was writen in the ab­sence off maister Horne and others / and was off the same Articles as the congregation had made and agreed vpon) that maister Horne / and he / and maister Isaac might reade it ouer / and if they allowed ought therin that it might be annexed to the discipline that was in hande. But afterwarde / when mai­ster Horne through occasion off talke abowte the correctinge off the discipline / saide that there had byn no other discipline in the churche / but that olde discipline / and that therfore the magistrate / spake off correctinge off that no [...] off the v [...]ter abo­lishinge theroff and that it was answered / that that same o­ther booke off discipline beinge written when he was absent might as well be vnderstoode to be ment / as that same olde discipline▪ bothe for that there was more equitie in it and also was suscribed vnto off so many as well as that olde discipli­ne whiche he so extolled: Then maister Horne brake owte in to most spitefull wordes against all his countrie men that had agreed to that discipline which were at the leaste 36. persons / affirminge that all they that had thus conspired together for the establishing off those articles (accordinge to the shortnes off the time wherin they met) that they were in a certeine de­gree / giltie off treason againste the magistrat / against the Se­nate / and (to be shorte) against the whole citie.

Then maister Hales vnderstandinge by maister Hornes wordes that nothinge was sought but newe trouble / and beinge put in minde also aff maister Bentham) reherseth agayne that booke off discipline which a litle before was offred to maister Chambers affirminge that he vnderstode / they went abowte to seeke rather an occasion off chalinginge at the boo­ke by readinge off it / then a way off makinge a new discipline.

[Page XCIII]The eleuenth off marche the fiftene men meete againe vpō certeine Articles to whiche (excepte one whiche maister Hor­ne and M. Chambers would not subscribe) they al subscribed.

A litle before our departure it was thought profitable that those thinges which we had collected and agreed vppon shulde be brought in to a certeine forme of a booke / adding ei­ther owte off the olde discipline / or by occasion / as we were gatheringe theis thīges together such things as might seeme profitable. Maister horne / and maister Chambers beinge in­treated / that they would gather those things in suche sorte / or ells be present to conferre withe other that reade: Maister Horne answerethe that he woulde not / neither that there was any suche neede. The 16. daie of marche they met againe in the churche and there a certeine bill (in whiche were writen certei­ne articles tendinge to discipline) is exhibited vnto them that amonge the fiften it might be deliberated vpon and debated. maister Isaac spake many things verie sharplie against one Article as verie daungerous and perilous againste those good men through whose liberalitie the poore off the church we­re susteined / and makinge wise as thoughe he woulde knowe the matter better / he requested the bil / whiche / beinge reached vnto him / he putteth it vp in his bosome / neither woulde he geue it againe. And so by this meanes / he tooke away the matter for vs to worke vpon sith that we had no other copie.

Afterwarde / the booke in whiche those thinges were written that were agreed vppon amonge the 15. and certeine thinges owte off the olde discipline / and other also were ga­thered in to some order was brought owte amōge them to be consulted vpon / and beinge redd / maister Horne and Maister Chambers fyrste off all complained / that booke was gathered they not wittinge theroff / and had byn longe beatten vppon amonge certeine of them / and therfore that it was reason that a copie shuld be geuen to them / and to maister Isaac and a farther tyme also to delyberate / maister Isaac affirmed that he neded 2. monethes / or one at the leaste to consider off that bo­oke. It was answered that although Maister Horne and [Page XCIIII] Chambers complained that they were not admitted to the collectinge off the booke) in that they did vs wronge / for beinge of vs therunto required they refused it and left it to others. In that they required a copie / it semed vniuste / (seinge that the church had decreed / that we the 15. shulde debate tog [...]ther as concerninge the writinge off the discipline) for that thin­ge tended againe to a newe dissention. Againe / that they re­quired so longe a tyme to deliberate / and especially Maister Isaac / it was moste vniuste. For seinge the marte was nowe at hande / it was profitable or rather necessarie that oure chur­che shulde with spede be established and oure ministers ele­cted leaste / to oure great infamie / men comminge h [...]ther owte off all Europe / they might also se the broyles off oure churche and so spread them farr abroad amoge all nations: more ouer: that it woulde fall owte to the great hurte off the poore / yff godly men being offended / with oure dissentions / (beinge be­fore beneficiall to the poore) withdrawe nowe their liberalitie / and that [...]herforee there was nede off spedie helpe in pacifiyn­ge and quietinge the churche before the mar [...]e beinge no­we at hande. Maister Horne answereth / that he requireth not to muche tyme 2. or 3. daies shulde be enough for him to del [...]berate / notwithstandinge that the copie ought to be graunted for no lesse tyme / seinge many thinges were conteined in that booke / and some also darke and dowtefull thinges and to him before that tyme vnharde off / or / at the least / vnknowen: and that therfore he requested that all shulde be asked mā by mā whither they thought not this reasonable ād iuste that he required. For if to the moste it shulde seeme reasonable he would at anie hande hauie a copie off that booke Euery man therfore was asked / beginninge at Maister Bentham: he / aswell forthe causes before alleadged as also that no occasion off wranglinge might arise off the booke / and leaste the booke shulde come to the handes off anye other before it were bro­ught to the congregation / and for certeine other causes / tho­ught it not meete that anie copie shulde be geuen to anie / but that the booke shulde be brought foorthe amonge them / and [Page XCV] all they hearing it that were appointed off the congregation / it shulde be after read and that tyme enoughe shulde be ge­uen to stande vpon euerie decree and sentence and more exac­tly to examin them: and that this seemed to him very iuste and reasonable. And this iu [...]gement is condescended to off all the reste / and so Maister Horne leaueth off from requestinge the copie. Afterwardes / the booke is begonne to be redd / from the beginnige / and in examininge off euerie off the decrees longe time is spente / and off some articles in the beginninge mutche disputation and debatinge is had. But Maister Horne / Maister Chambers and Isaac beinge asked their iudgemēts would not answere / no / not in the moste plaines [...]e maters / and knowē of all men / either to allowe or disalowe / as for exāple: There was one article: we professe the selfsame doctrine which is conteined in the Canonicall bookes off all the holie scrip­ture / to witt / Yff maister Horne too­ke such de­liberattō before he wo­uld subscri­be to that article: w­hat meane­the this that poore ignorant men and wemen must thus subscribe vpō the sudden or ells to newgate. in the bookes off the olde and newe Testamen­te / in whiche is conteined fullie all doctrine necessary for oure saluation. To this and suche other beinge moste plaine and manifeste maister Horne answered as to all thother that he woulde answere nothinge with owte great deliberation. By whiche his doinges / he gaue occasion to all men to wonder. And so / some other decrees off that booke beinge examined a meetinge off the 15. was appointed againste the nexte daie / and so they departed. The nexte daie beinge the 17. off march and againe the daie folowinge beinge 18. twelue off the 15. mette. For Maister Isaac / Maister Horne and Chambers came not. Vpon bothe daies the discipline was more diligently read and examined / and off eleuen off them whiche were appoin­ted / alowed and subscribed vnto. Vpon the 20. daie off marche the discipline was offred to the whole congregation / that it might of them either in the whole or in parte be alowed or disalowed / and the same daie was it twise reade ouer.

After the readinge Maister Horne and Maister Cham­bers require a copie off the discipline / that at their leasure they might farther deliberate vpō it. It was answered that it was to be opēly read and reade againe / bothe to them and o­thers [Page XCVI] / as often as they woulde / with time ynough geuē to e­uery man more diligently to examine euerie Artikle / but sein­ge the Magistrate had commaunded that we shulde exhibite to them a copie off the discipline turned in to laten / so soone as possible might be / Therfore we durste not scatter any copi­ce before the Magistrate had seene it. Besydes that we feared leaste Maister Horne and Maister Chambers (Who were a­monge the 15. (appointed) off the churche for the writinge off the discipline who might also when they woulde not onely he are the discipline but also examine the same diligently / and yet woulde not meete with the others at the appointed time) would requeste a copie not so muche to knowe the discipline as to sturre vpp newe broiles. Neuertheles when the Magi­strate had once seene it / leaue to be geuen to anye man that woulde to se it. Withe this answere they and some others beinge offended / at the second readinge off the discipline they departed a waye and abstained agayne with their whole ho­wsoldes from the churche / from publick prayers and sermons whiche thinge blewe vp and increased the reporte off our di­sagrements and striffes. Neither woulde they from that ti­me forwarde vnlesse they were commaunded by the magist­rate come to the churche when as notwithstandinge they coulde not shewe vs anie iuste cause to be giuen them why they shulde so departe from the churche and refraine the publicke prayers and godly sermons / as yff we had byn Ethnickes or publicannes.

The 25. daie oure discipline was read the 3. time / and the 26. daie it was read the forthe tyme by the commaundement off the Magistrate at the reading wheroff all Englishe men that were off the churche were commaunded to be present. The 30. off marche it was read the fyfte tyme and so at diuers times there subscribed 42. in the good allowance theroff w­hiche was the greater parte by a greate deale off the churche. For the whole churche at that present had not aboue: 62. And bycause nowe the marte was at hande / that there might be some better forme off a well ordred churche: fiue were ap­pointed [Page XCVII] off the churche the 20. off marche to nominate certei­ne from amonge whom / accordinge to the Magistrates de­cree shulde be chosen / the Ministers off the worde / Seniors and Deacons. The 21. off marche the names off twentie men or there abowte were proponed to those fiue appoynted off the churche and therwithall declared that yff anye woulde or coulde reproue anye off them that were named / either in doctrine or manners / they shulde shewe it the 23. daie af­ter. Vpon the 2 [...]. daie / none fyndinge anie faulte in anie of tho­se whose names were propounded / it was agayne decreed that yet / yff they had anie thinge to saie against anie man they shulde declare that the 21. daie folowing.

The 25 off marche Maister Chambers / maister Binkes Maister Ade / Maister Brikbek maister Ben [...]ham / who were amonge them that were named / tolde the churche / that yf pe­raduenture they shulde be chosen / for certeine causes they coulde not serue the churche / and that they signified this to the churche in time leaste the election were frustrat. But w­hen no man coulde obiecte anie faulte in theis or other that were named: the election off the Ministers was made the 29. off marche / and the ordeininge off them that were chosen was appointed of the churche the daie folowinge. In the me­ane season Maister Horne and Maister Chambers and cer­taine other lefte not off to sue to the Magistrates that bothe oure election might be hindred / and also that it might be law­full for them to be off our churche / and yet not to subscribe to oure Dysciplyne / the thinge that they them sel­ues notwithstanding would neuer graunt to anye o­thers.

The 2 [...]. off Marche after dmner it began to be muttred off certeyne that the Magistrate had forbydden that we shulde go forwarde in the election / the whiche thin­ge surely greued vs: for by that meanes we sawe that we shulde haue no forme of a Churche before the marte and that th­erfore we shulde become a reproche to all men / which seemed [Page CXVIII] shulde be spred amonge all nations. But this rumor was altogether vaine / for the 29. of marche which was the daie be­fore the election shulde be / after the sermon / the decree of the Magistrate was openly reade in the churche / wherin it was commaunded that we shulde take in hand and performe the election off the Ministers in the same order and vpon the sa­me daie that we had apointed / and that all Englishe men that were off oure churche shulde be present the same daie / at the election / and geue their voices.

The 29. daie off Marche after praiers / the sermon and publique faste / a litle before twelue / the election off the Mini­sters began to be made and when we were in the middeste off the election▪ Maister Horne Maister Chambers / and others to the nomber off 18. men / (who before were neither with vs at the sermon / nor at praiers / but had kepte themselues in so­me howses not farre from the churche / beinge warned of their side that had watched vs in the churche) came in suddanlie on a troupe together in to the churche and there eche one striue­the who shall caste in his bill firste / vpon the table standinge in the middeste off the churche / all whiche bylles conteined one matter and writen almost with like wordes / to witt / that they coulde not geue their voices in the same election / bicause they coulde not off their consciences alowe that discipline by whiche the election was made. And that they might enlarge their nomber / they brought with them 2. billes off those that were absent and off some others whiche neuer were accom­pted off the churche. And so after they had troubled oure ele­ction / and after Maister Horne also / walking with an other a litle while ouerwhart in the middest off the churche / all in a manner departed againe.

Afterwards the election was fully ended / at one off the clock at afternoone / there were chosen 2. Ministers off the worde .6. Seniors and 4. Deacons. Nowe the Deacons we­re (besides the wonted custome off oure churche) off the nom­ber off those that coulde lyue of their owne / for that the com­mon treasure might seeme withowte all suspition to be com­mitted [Page XCIX] to suche rather then to the poorer sorte▪ Nowe / in that maister Horne neither anie off the other that were before in the Ministerie (excepte onely maister Willforde) were chosen againe to the Ministerie / was specially through their owne faulte. For Maister Horne neuer almoste ceased for certeine daies to professe openly that he woulde neuer exercise againe anie Ecclesiasticall ministerie in that churche / and beinge before appointed by the magistrate to preache in oure churche he would neuer so muche as once preach. And maister Cham­bers / when his name amonge the reste to be chosen / was pro­pounded / the 25. off marche he professed openly in the churche / (all men hearinge it) before the election / that though he were chosen off vs to some Ministerie / yet that he woulde neuer v­se it: And therfore that we shulde not in anie case chuse him vnlesse we woulde haue oure election to be frustrate.

Wherfore / it is no maruell / yff they were not chosen / who / least they shulde be chosen did them selues openly deno­unce it. And therfore / in this they do vs great wronge / that would seeme to beare men in hande / that they were at the fir­ste thruste owte off their ministerie by vs / or longe off vs they were not chosen in againe.

Maister Isaac in like manner / Maister Binks Maister Brickbek and Maister Escote openly professed that they woulde in nowise vse any publique ministerie in oure churche. And here vpon it came specially to passe that onely Maister will­ford / (who had not made anie suche exception) was from a­monge thē / which were before in the ministery chosen agayne.

The thirde off Aprill the Magistrate / who desired that theis churche dissentions off oures might be pacified and qui­etted / and he now bicause off the marte had no leasure to do the same / writeth his letters to D. Cox / D: Sandes and mai­ster Bartue in whiche he exhorteh them / that they / yff they coulde by anie conueniente meanes / as arbitres off some esti­mation ende this striffe amonge vs.

Nowe when either side was come before them and all we in the name off the churche (for all had graunted oure con­trouersies [Page C] to be harde and determined with owte anye excep­tion at all to them and to other arbytres / what so euer / whom they shulde call vnto them) and had offred this thinge to the arbytres written and all oure names subscribed vnto it: Maister Horne / Maister Chambers and others firste reque­sted that maister Horne might be restored to his office off pastorshippe / Maister Isaac Maister Chambers and others / into their offices off Seniors and the olde discipline into his former place and autoritie / so as they were in the beginninge off theis controuersies. For then (said they) will we leaue all controuersies to the arbitres. When we had refused this as moste vniuste and vnreasonable / then they requested that se­inge we woulde not restore the olde discipline / and them to their former authoritie / that then we would suffer oure disci­pline and Mynisters to be none otherwise then their olde wi­thowte all authoritie and no minister at all nor discipline to be in oure churche but that the matter shulde remaine in that state and condition that it was in the last off February / when the Magistrate hauinge put all the ministers from their offi­ces departed frō vs / and so shuld the mater be lefte to arbitres

Whan we remembred what and howe great trauelles that discipline election off Ministers had coste vs and sawe that by this meanes oure churche shulde be made destitute off Ministers and a large windowe to be opened for newe con­tentions / and had also denied that thinge / Maister Horne re­quested that it might be lawfull for him to goo a litle a side and to consulte with some off his side abowte the whole matter. A litle after returninge againe and sainge / that they woulde leaue no waie vnsought after / wherby peace might be got­ton / although they yelded muche from their right. Then he re­adeth a certeine bill to those 3. (appointed off the magistrate) and to vs writen in his owne name and the names off others which I haue added vnder here writen worde for worde / least anie man shulde thinke that anie thinge off purpose were al­tred by vs.

The Bill off maister Horne and Others.

WE offre and permit with moste willinge myndes (hauin­ge [Page CI] the licence of the magistrate as it maye well be for this purpose) that all oure controuersies and contentions / what so e­uer / whiche haue byn sowe and brought in amonge vs sithēs the beginnige of this breache / and synce the firste daie we be­gan to striue / vntill this present time and houre: to be debated decided and determined by Arbytres / beinge none off this oure congregation / and yet from amonge the brethern / oure countrie men / equally and indifferently / by the parties disag­reinge / to be chosen vpon this condition / that not onely the election off Mynisters and besides all others thinges don by the order off the saied discipline / stande in suspence / to be allo­wed or dissalowed by the determination and iudgemente off the arbytres to be chosen as is aforesaide writen the 5. off A­prill. Anno 1557.

And that the indifferent reader / maie / by comparinge their offre and oures / se whiche is moste resonable / we haue added oures also / writen owte worde for worde as we offred it vpp before the forsaied Maister Bartue / D. Coxe and D. Sandes and to the dissentinge brethern.

The copie wheroff is this.

WE submit our selues and are contented to commit all maner off controuersies that haue here tofore rysen amon­gest vs in the churche / to suche Arbitres as the magistrate ha­the apointed and to all suche as they call vnto them to the he­aringe ād determininge therof / accordinge to gods word and godd reason. And thus symplie and plainely withowte anie manner off excep [...]ion or condition.

Thow maiste se here / gentle reader / that albeit we had oure Discipline writen and allowed off a 11. off the 15. men whom the congregation by the Magistrates authoritie had apointed / to wit / the Dyscipline / and therupon confirmed wi­th the hands off 42. men which was the greateste parte off our churche by a great deale: Albeit we had also / all eccleasticall ministers / by the magistrats decree / and the authoritie of the congregation [Page CII] lawfully elected / yet for quietnes sake / we put all to the Arbitres wholie / either to be allowed or disalowed with owte anie manner off exception. But maister Horne and mai­ster Chambers / and others / sekinge more their owne will then anie quiete agremente / woulde not at the first admit those three Arbitres appointed off the magistrates. For Maister Horne made exception againste some off them. And afterwardes woulde abide no order or offre / vnlesse we wolde with oure subscriptions suffer and commit oure discipline / the ele­ction off ministers / and all other matters off oure churche to stande in suspence (as they call it) so that by their dryfte we shulde haue had no discipline / no certein ministery / no order and so consequently no churche They would that thies Arbi­ters shulde be chosen indifferenly from amonge suche as we­re oure countrie men / But not of oure congregation / so that it shulde be lawfull for them to chuse where they lyste and wh­om they liste. Theis three arbytres had their beinge ow­te from the Englishe churches. Nowe consider with me / who so euer thow arte (indiffent reader) yff we / firste hauinge geuen and sealed oure writinge in the name off the whole churche had granted our discipline / ministers / and all other orders off oure churche to stande in suspence / vntill they shulde either be allowed or disalowed of the arbitres chosen in suche sorte / and till maister Horne and Maister Chambers accordinge to their canuasin­ge craftines / nowe ynough and more then ynough knowen vnto vs / had chosen Arbitres for their parte owte off farr pla­ces / who either coulde not or ells woulde not meete together abowte this matter / or (whiche was moste certeine to come to passe) yff Maister Horne / and Maister Chambers wher­soeuer at lenght they had choosen arbitres / had not for all that chosen suche for their side / who vnlesse thinges vvere don accordinge to their ovvne minde / vvould decree nothinge at all. But the Arbitres disagreinge on bothe sides / the matter shulde be lefte vndon; vvhat then shulde haue become off oure churche / vvith thies their suspensyue ministers / and vvitherhe discipline and all other thinges? For the condition off­red vpp off Maister Horne and Maister Chambers vvas de­clared [Page CIII] to be this / that so longe all shulde remaine in suspence till they shuld be allowed or disalowed by the arbytres: so that yff the arbyters shulde haue bin deuided equally (as many times it comethe to passe) the Ministers off the chur­che might determine nothinge / but the Discipline and all other thinges muste continually hange in suspence. Againe / the churche (thoughe it were in great perill and daunger / yet / least it shulde leaue anye waye vnproued for the obtayninge off peace (bicause they thought that some off those three were not meete whom the magistrates had appointed for Arbitres / offred vpp an other bill conteining alltogether the selff same matter / and write withe the same wordes / that they woulde stande to the Iudgement off any other Arbitres who so euer beinge chosen indifferently by the other partie from amonge oure countrie men / and leaue all thinges to them plainely and symplie withowte anie exception or condition to be determi­ned and decided. But they would allowe no condition offred off vs vnlesse we woulde firste / by the subscribinge off oure names allowe that moste vniuste and vnreasonable condition off thers / and by oure preiudice condemne oure Mynisters / oure Discipline and all other thinges that we had donne. And so by this meanes had opened a gapp to them to ouerthowe oure churche. And when they had thus behaued them selues before Maister Bartue D. Cox and D. Sandes / yet certeine off them (when nowe the marte was in the chieff flowre) re­ported through owte the whole cytie that we had reiected th­eir most iuste and paeceable requestes and that we were alltogether troublesome men / and plainely bent to suffer no pea­ce nor quietnes / howbeit / we had rather that they shuld she­we theis thinges that are false off vs to others / then that they together with others shulde openly deride oure follie (yff we had yelded to such requests) as they that with oure great [...]oile and trauell had (to the quiete off the churche) establyshed some churche / and nowe vppon a suddaine by the subscri­binge off one bill thorough headinesse and foolishe facilitie shulde haue ouerthrowen the whole. But they / when they [Page CIIII] coulde not obtaine this / went abowte this verie buselie / that the whole churche might then be dissolued and broken vpp. For Maister Chambers for halff a monethe space and more would geue nothinge to anie man that remained in the chur­che / and folowed not maister Horne and him departinge from the churche.

To certeine other also he woulde geue nothinge at all whiche were in the publique Ministerie / to preache the word and reade lectures / and also in the exercise of disputinge by his owne appoyntemente and the order taken by Maister Hor­ne alwais from the time sithens they came to oure churche / when nowe they were for their bourde in debte to their ho­stesses for 4. monethes / neither had don anie other faulte / vn­lesse it were bicause they remained in their functions off pre­achinge and readinge lectures in whiche they were placed by Maister Horne and Maister Chambers / leaste the churche shuld altogether be destitute bothe off sermons and lectures: Onely bicause in this dissention they agreed not with them and tooke their partes / and had with them withdrawen them selues from the churche that it might be vtterlie scattered / w­hē as notwithstandinge (which is moste vnhonest) they had promised to geue 3. monethes warninge before they woulde forsake them: whiche / notwithstandinge Maister Chambers affirmed they woulde neuer do vnlesse it were that they were constained by extreame necessitie. Abowte the middest off the marte or a litle after ther began̄e a rumor to be spread off the departure of maister Horne and maister Chambers from this citie / but whither they woulde go / or whither they woulde at all departe / it was yet vncerteine. For neither was it likely that maister Chambers hauinge gathered so muche common mony / and that by the authoritie and in the name off the churche seinge he had bin here so longe with owte makinge off a­nie accoumpte to the churche / woulde go awaie in suche sor­ [...]e. Neither was it credible that M. Horne / who had gouerned in his pastorall office and charge so longe (no reconciliation nor pacification beinge made for so great offences) woulde so [Page CV] departe / yea / not so muche as haue taken his leaue of the chur­che. In the meane time it is incredible to be spoken / but more shameful to be hearde / what reportes certeine had spred that marte tyme secretly and especially amonge the rycher sorte that were able to helpe the poore off oure churche / forsoothe / that there were certeine traitors amonge vs. That we desired to knowe the names off those persons that were liberall to­wardes the poore off oure churche / to the ende to betraie them and vndoo them: That we had caste our Pastor and Ministers owte headlonge from ther ministeries and offices. In all w­hiche thinges / they went aboute nothinge ells but to stirre vp newe braules and contentions. And that they maie alie­nate the hartes off the welthie sorte from vs / and so bringe the poore of oure churche / first to famine and then vs into deadly hatred off them / as thoughe they were by vs throwen in to theis miseries / But foras muche as all theis thinges are vaine and vntrue / and fained by the secret sleightes off those priuie whisperers / who dare speake nothinge openly: we ha­ue thought them rather to be contemned thē to be answered: hopinge that at laste when they are weary off lyinge / they will be quiet. But iff they go forwarde still to belie vs so im­pudently and outragiously / surely we will not neglec [...]e oure fame and honest estimation: but we wil diligently wipe awaie all their slanders with one spunge / and there with all will o­pen to the worlde / their wicked endeauors against oure churche. In the meane time nothinge distrustinge the lordes mercie (how soeuer the deceites off men would let it) hopinge / that neither liuinge nor foode shall euer want to oure poore congregation / who also feedeth the rauens / and that he will allwaies be present by his spirit to vs and to oure whole chur­che continually whiche thinge that it maie please him to bringe to passe / we beseche the good reader (who so euer thow art) praie vnto god togither with vs / and fare­well.

Here folowithe the exhortation off the Magistrate for the amendinge and establishinge off the Discipline.

The Englishe Thus.

WE think it Good and profitable for the establishinge off peace and tranquilitie off your churche / that yow alto­gether consulte and determine / as concerninge the amendin­ge off discipline / nowe / whiles ye all be yet priuate men and withowte anie Ecclesiast [...]call ministerie. For whiles none off yow dothe yet knowe / wither he shall be a priuate person or ells shall haue anie authoritie Ecclesiasticall / euerie man man wi [...]l applie his minde / and studie to that whiche shall seme moste reasonable and profitable aswell for the cōgrega­tion as for the Mynisters. But after that the Mynisters be once elected / it is to be feared leaste they will drawe some what more then reason to themselues / and in likewise the congregation to it selff. And so / your consulation maie chaunce to be somewhat troublous whiche we woulde not shuld happen. Wherfore that all thinges maie procede aswell as maie be to to the establishing off sure peace we exhorte yow that with all spede ye take in hand this consultation abowte the amendinge off your Discipline w [...]th mindes and meanes moste aplyable to tranquillitie / which Allmightie God graunt / ye maie happely bringe to passe.

Iohn Glauburg.

Nowe / folowith the discipline both the olde / and that which was by the Ma­gistrats appointement / corrected.

The order off the olde discipline in the Citie off Franckford.

THere be 2. The olde Discip [...]ine▪ partes off the order off Discipline in the chur­che. The one perteininge to the whole churche. The other perteininge to the ministers and Elders alone.

Off the firste parte.

In the Discipline perteininge to the whole church / is firste to be apointed the order off receiuinge men in to the congregation whiche is this.

The manner off receiuinge off all sortes off personnes into the saide congre­gation.

Fyrste / everie one aswell man as woman which desireth [...]o be receyued shall make a declaration or Confession off their faithe / before the pastor and Seniors shewinge himselff ful­ly to consent and agree with doctrine of the churche and sub­mittinge themselues to the discipline off the same.

Iff anie person / so desyrous to be receiued into the con­gregation / be notoriously defamed or noted off any corrupt or euill opinion in doctrine or slaunderous behauior in liffe / the same maye not by the pastor and Elders be admitted till he haue either purged himselff theroff / or ells haue declared him selff [...]o the pastor and Elders penitent for the same.

The good behauiour and godly conuersation requyred off such as are receiued.

[Page C12]Secondarely all the members off the churche so admit­ted and receiued shall diligently obserue and keepe all suche godlie discipline and orders apoointed with in the churche w­hiche tend to the increase off knowledge and godlynesse off liffe / as the appointed times off praier / preachinge / and hea­ringe goddes worde / the administration off the Sacramen­tes / with submission to all godly discipline off the churche.

This article I finde ra­sed in the copie, what they mēt by it▪ I know not.Thirdly / such also as beinge in England after knowledg receiued / haue communicated with the popishe masse contrary to their cōsciences by reason of feare / weaknes / or otherwi­se / may not be receyued till they haue confessed their fall be­fore the pastor and seniors / and haue shewed themselues pe­nitent for the same.

How the youthe shalbe Catechised.

Also for the increase off godly knowledg and vertue / all the youthe shal [...] resorte to the churche euerye satterdaie at 2. off the clock at afternoone / and when we haue a seuerall chur­che / at one off the clock on the sundaie at afternoone / there / to be instructed in the Catechisme / and not to be admitted to the communion till they be able to make profession off their faith before the whole congregation. And also to haue an honest te­stimony off towardnes in godly conuersation / and that euery member off the churche do not refuse to reade a declaration off their faithe before the pastor and Elders when so euer they shall be therto required

Thorder off correction / for priuate and priuie offences.

Fourthly / for as muche as no charge is so perfect but of­fences maye arise / for godly charitable redressinge and reforminge off suche / this order is to be obserued.

Firste / yff anye off the congregation be offensiue in manners or doctrine to anie off the brethern / so that offence be priuate [Page CXIII] and not publickly knowen / ther can be no better order de­uised then that which Christe himselff hathe apointed / which is / firste brotherly to admonishe him alone / yff that do no preuaile / call / one or 2. Witnesses / yff that also do not profit / then to declare it to the pastor and elders / to whō the churche hath geuen authoritie to take order in such cases according to the qualitie and greuousnes off the offence and crime.

Off the order off correction for publick and open crimes.

But yff anie person shalbe a notorious knowen offender so as he is offensiue to the whole churche / then shall the pa­stor and elders immediatlye call the offender before them and trauel with him to reduce him to true repētance and satisfyinge off the congregation whiche / if [...]e obstinately refuse to doo: then▪ the pastor shall signifie his offence and contempt to the whole congregation desiring them to praie for him / and fur­ther to assigne him a daie to be denownced excommunicate before the churche / except in the meane time the offender submit himself before the pastor and seniors to the order of discipline

Finally / in case any person of this congregatiō be knowē to be an hinderer or a defacer of anie of the godly vsages nowe excercised in the same congregation / either priuely or apertly by worde / letter / or dede: the same shall acknowledg his offence with satisfaction to the churche / according to the true or­der off Discipline.

The 2. parte off discipline toncerninge the ministers and elders / and their elections.

Firste for the election of ministers and Elders / the quali­ties of the same are to be examined and considered according to the rule off S. Paule 1. Tim. 3. Wheroff this is the summe That no man be elected whose doctrine or liffe can iustlie be reproued and condemned. As concerning the order and forme off Electing / the same is to be obserued whiche hathe already bin practised and is here vnto anexed.

Off ther offices and functions.

The pastor / according to the commaundement off the holye ghoste in the scriptures / ought with all pastorall care di­ligently to attende to his flock / in preaching goddes worde / in ministring the Sacramentes / in example off Good lyffe / in exhortinge / admonishinge / rebukinge / and as the chieff mouthe off the churche / to open and declare all orders taken by him and the elders whiche are to be opened and published: to whom no man maye in the face off the congregation rep­lye. But yff anie think himselff to haue cause to speak let him come before the elders in the place appointed for their mee­tinge and thereto open his mynde and to be hard with all charitie indifferently.

The office off preachers and suche as are lerned in the congregation.

The office off preachers and such as are lerned in the churche is to assiste the pastor in preachinge the worde / mini­stringe the Sacraments and in all consultations and meetin­ges off him and the Elders especially in causes off Doctrine / and also at other tymes when they shall be required.

The office off Elders.

The office off Elders is to be (as it were) censors / ouer­seers off manners and disorders. And to be with the pastor in all consultations / for the publick order off the churche / and that all corrections and exercises off discipline be done with their common consaile.


Consideringe also the present state off the churche / it is thaught requisite that the Deacons besides the speciall office appointed in the Acts off the Apostells in caringe and provi­dinge [Page CXV] for the poore / do also visit the sick and be assistant in Catechisinge the youthe yff they shall be thervnto required.

The same order and forme is to be vsed for reformation off offences and crymes in ministers and Elders whiche is described for other offenders / and to be donne towardes them rather with more seueritie.

Now folowith the Discipline reformed and confirmed by the authoritie off the churche and magistrate.

IT is moste cumlie and godly / that Christian people resorte 1 together in place and tyme / The new discipline. therunto by common consent appointed (yff the persecution off the vngodly will suffer the same and they themselues haue no vrgent cause to the contra­ry) there to heare the pure doctrine off Gods worde taught / and them selues openly with their presence and voice to de­clare the consent off their hartes to the same / and to confesse with their mouthe agreablely their belieff and faith vpon god and his holy worde according to the scriptures.

The congregation thus assembled is a particuler visible churche such as maye be in diuers places off the worlde verye 2 manye. And all theis particuler churches ioyned together not in place (for that is not possible) but by the coniunction off true doctrine and faithe in the same / do make one whole churche in this worlde. And the electe off God that be in this whole churche and euery parte theroff with all the elect that hath byn from the beginninge off the worlde and shall be to the ende theroff doo altogether make that holy catholi­ke and Apostolike churche / the spouse off oure sauiour christe wchiche he hathe purified to him selff in his blood wheroff mention is made in the creede. I beleue one holie Catholike and Apostolike churche. But at this present oure considerati­on muste be off the visible and particuler churche.

[Page CXVI]The signes and notes off a visible churche are thies. Fir­ste 3/ true and goldly doctrine. Secondly / the right ministrati­on and vse off the Sacramentes and common praier: Third­ly: honest and godly liffe / yff not in the whole multitude / yet in manie off them: fourthly / discipline / that is / the correction off vices / but the 2. firste notes are suche as withowt the whi­che no forme off anie godly visible churche can possibly be. W­herfore / they be the principall and chieff notes. And therfore we define a particuler churche visible / to be the congregation off Christen men whither they be fewe or many assemblinge together in place and time conuenient to heare Christes true Doctrine taught / to vse his holy Sacramentes rightly and to make their common praier together / in the whiche their appearethe a studie off honest ād godlye liffe / and which hathe in it a godly discipline / that is to saye / ordinaunces and decre­es Ecclesiasticall for the preseruation off comely order and for the correction off vices.

Off the doctrine off the churche which is the first note.

The Doctrine whiche we holde and professe in oure 4 church is the same that is taught in the canonicall bookes off the holie bible / conteininge the olde testamente and the ne­we in the whiche is conteined the true and liuelie worde off god and the doctrine off helthe bothe as concerninge faithe and godly liffe / at full / sufficient for the saluation off all the faithfull that vnfainedly beleue therin The summe off the w­hiche as concerninge faithe is briefly and truly comprehen­ded in the 3. creeds / the common creede commonly called the creed off the Apostells / the Nicene creed and the crede off A­thanasius: And as concerninge godly liffe / in the ten comma­undementes / written in the xx chapter off Exodus.

Off the Sacramentes / and common praier the second note.

[Page CXVII]We obserue ad kepe the forme and order off the ministraon off the sacramentes and common praier / as it is set foorh 5 by the authoritie off the blessed kinge Edwarde off famous memorye / in the laste booke off the English seruice: Wheroff notwithstanding in the respecte off tymes and places and o­ther circumstances certeine rites and ceremonies appointed in the sayed booke / as thinges in different / maie be left owte / / as we at this present doo.

The times and houres for the teachinge and hearing off 6 goddes worde and the ministration off the sacramen [...]es / and and saying and hearing of the cōmon praier / such as be nowe vsed / or shall heare af [...]er by common cōsent be thought moste meete to be vsed / are to be kept and obserued off all men not hauing lauful cause to the contrary.

Off the Ministers off the worde / Sacra / ments and common praier.

It is thought expedient for the churche at this present / 7 to haue 2. Ministers or teachers off the worde elected / off do­trine and godly liffe / such as the rule off the scripture dothe re­quyre as muche as maie be / And that the sayde 2. Ministers and teachers off the worde shall in all things and points be off like authorite and neither off them superior or inferior to other.

Item that the saied / 2. Ministers shall by themselues / or fit persons by them and the Seniors in the name off the 8 whole congregation to be appointed / when necessarie cause shall so requyre / preach the ordinarie Sermons on wens­daies / thursdayes and sondaies before noone / and after noo­ne instruct and Heare the examination off the youthe in the Catechisme / on sondaye in the after noone at the howre ac­customed / and shall by them selues or other appointed per­sons as is afore sayed Minister the Sacramentes dewly / saye the common prayers distinctly viset and comfort the sick specially at their last tyme and howre off deathe / bu­ry the dead comely / and obserue all other comely rites and v­ges [Page CXVIII] in the churche directing all their behauiour actes and life according to the rule off off their vocation / set foorth in the 9 holie scriptures.

Item that sixe / either fewer or more / (as the habilitie off the churche wil [...] beare) such as be godly and haue nede off the helpe off the churche / be appointed by the Mini­sters and Seniors in the name off the whole congregation: Wheroff 4. to be well lerned / who shall reade and expownde the chapters / and shall helpe the two ministers off the worde / when nede shall require in the doctrine off the worde / Cate­chisinge off youthe / Ministringe off the Sacramentes / sainge off common praier and the other two or moo / shall ayde also the sayed ministers Seniors and Deacons in visitinge off the sick and seinge to strangers and in callinge off the congregati­on when nede shall be / and in all other necessarie and come­lie thinges and rytes to be done in the churche. Notwithst­andinge / anie other godly and lerned men whiche lyue off th­em selues / and be not burthenus to the churche maye helpe the Ministers off the worde in the aboue named Ecclesiasti­cal functions / iff they themselues so will / and be ther vnto cal­led by the saied ministers and Seniors.

10 Item / for the further instruction off you [...]he and seruan­ts it is thought good / that besides the examination off chil­dren in the Catechisme ordinarely vsed / the said children and seruants with the whole congregation / shulde be all presente at oure ordinarie sermon / to be made purposely for them on sondayes at afternoone / so lernedly that it be yet for their ca­pacitie most plaine and with all possible perspecu [...]tie / and that one tenor off Christian doctrine from the beginninge to the ende be obserued and kepte in the saide sermon / off the whiche no better forme in oure iudgement can be then Caluins Cate­ch [...]sme / receiued in so manye churches and translated into so manie languages▪ yt is thought good therfore that the pre­acher off the saied Catechisinge sermon fo [...]lowe the good or­der off that Catechisme in his sermons and confirme t [...]e go­d [...]y doctrine off the same by the scriptures / and after the sa­me [Page CXIX] sermon the common praier / and seruice to be exercised and fynished as at other tymes.

Item / that the one preacher beinge sick the other shall doo 11 or see donne by other fit persons / as is before saied all the dewtie and dewties to the other so sick belonginge.

Item / that a lecture off diuinitie and disputations for 12 the exercise off students / yff it maie be / be mainteined / or ells that prophesie be vsed euery fortnight in the Englishe tong / for the exercise off the saied studentes and edifinge of the congregation / or bothe disputations and Prophesie also / iff it so shall seeme good vnto the ministers and Seniors.

Item / that such as shall therunto seeme moste meete off 13 the congregation shall be appointed to translate into Engli­she some such bookes / as shall be profitable either for the in­structiō or for the comforte off oure countrie in this oure exile and affliction off oure countrie.

Item that the common bookes or librarie off the chur­che 14 / be a [...] the appointment off the minister and the seniors in such place as all the studentes maie moste conueniently come vnto.

The thirde note / that is Christian liffe / and Good workes the frutes off godly doctrine.

Item / we teache that such goods workes are to be done as are commaunded by Goddes worde in the scriptures / 15 such euell deedes to be auoided as are forbiden by the same.

And where as concerninge the frutes off godly doctri­ne 16 none is more commaunded in the scriptures then the reli­euinge off the poore whiche either is donne priuately by eue­ry persone or ells by the common treasury off the churche / for the good and right vse and order off the same: it apearethe aswell by Goddes worde as by the examples off churches rightly reformed / that bothe the keepinge vnd also the distribution off the treasure of the churche apperteineth to the Deacons: who be so necessarie Ministers in the churche off Christe that [Page CXX] withowte them it cannot well be. For Christe saith yow shall haue alwaies poore men amonge yow. Wherfore they ought to be honored of all men / and they them selues ought to haue this opinion / that they highlie please god in that ministery.

Wherfore we think it expedient for the churche that 4. 17 men of speciall grauitie / authoritie / and credit / in the churche / such as off them selues be able to lyue and will do this godlie office rather for Christes sake and the loue they beare to him and his poore flock / then for anie there owne necessitie or worldly rewarde / be chosen to be Deacons / whiche 4. Dea­cons shall haue the custodye off the treasure and distribution off the same / and other almes off the churche remaininge in their handes and kepinge / in suche sorte as it shall s [...]me good to the ministers / seniors and Deacons for the moste saftie off the said treasure.

18 Item / that although the Deacons haue in their custodie the treasure off the churche / yet the ministers and seniors shall haue knowledge of the whole summe off the sayd treasure. Prouided allwaies that neither the saied 4. Deacons mini­sters 19/ Seniors / or anie of them shall haue anie knowledge or make anie inquisition of the geuer or geuers of anie Almes to the poore off the sayed churche / otherwise then the messinger or bringer off the saied Almes shall of himselff declare / to w­hom and as he hathe commission from the geuers so to doo / but that the gyfte be receauid and knowen and the geuer and geuers names vnknowen and kept close with all possible se­cresie.

20 Item / that the saied Deacons once in a monethe / that is the last daie of euery mo [...]ethe shall make there accoumpts be fore the ministers and senyors / howe the saied treasures be bestowed / and that all the saied companie / so appointed to make the accoumpt shall note the remayns of the saied treasure at the daie and yere in the whiche every accoumpt shall be taken.

21 Item / we thinke good and do decree / that there beinge a schole in the saied churche (seing the saied scoole is a member of the saied churche / as of the whole bodie) the treasure for the [Page CXXI] mayntenance and for the maintenance off the other poore al­so be all one and ioyned together: that neither in the procu­ring off the saied trea / sure or in the distribution theroff / anie occasion off diuision / emulation / or contention do happen a­monge them / who ought to liue togither lyke bretheren / and members of one bodie in all concorde / coniunction and vni­ [...]ie: otherwise / the schole whiche is of it selff so worthie a member off the bodie / maye by abuse / cause / not onely the hinderance / but also the destruction off the whole body.

Item / that in the distribution off the saied treasure 22 a speciall regarde be had of the saied studentes that be poore. first / for that they be poore / and againe / for that they be desti­nate to be workmen in the lordes vinearde / and so worthie members in the bodie. And that as they be studious of the scriptures specially / and yet with all of other liberal artes also / as mynisters and handemaides to the settinge foorth off goddes worde / so they maye be liberally handled and receyue goddes blessinge / whiche is the liberalitie off the godlie withowt the shame and abashment as the gyft off god / who geueth to all men and vpraideth no man.

Item / it is decreed and also the whole congregation desirethe the Deacons monthlie to visit / and speake priuately with 23: the saied studentes / that be poore / and other poore also: and to examin their states frindly and charitablie and according to euery mannes necessitie / as the treasure of the churche will be­are / to offre to euerie one off them with obtestation to them / that yf they haue no nede theroff they receiue it not. For that were nothing ells but to robbe the nedie. for so shall bothe the shamefastnes of the honest / and liberall natures be saued and the treasure of the churche willingly spared. For he that vpon suche obtestation will not refraine to receiue that is offred / when he hathe no nede: will not be ashamed to begg and cra­ue when he hath no nede / and that not onely lyinge / but also with periurie yf nede be.

Item / yf anie by euident profes / such as cannot be gai­ne 24 saied be foūde to haue taken or vsed the treasure of the churche [Page CXXII] / hauinge no nede therof that thē / not onely he be exempted frō anie more partakīge of the saied treasure til it appeere that he haue euident neede but also that he doo make therfore pu­blique satisfaction / before he be admitted to the communion.

25 Item / that the Seniors and Deacons se that the poore off the congregation be not ydle but diligent in well doeinge.

26 Item / that yff ther be anye off the poore / sick / that then foorthwith one of the Deacons resorte to them and present [...]y succor their necessitie / and the needy straungers off our nati­on be holpen towardes their traueill and iourney / yff the treasure off the churche will beare it.

27 Item / that in case the treasure off the churche do faile or wax thinne / that then such as be off the welthey sorte off the congregation / shall quarterly contribute accordinge to their habilitie and godly deuotion for the maintenaunce off the mi­nisterie / poore / and studentes off the congregation. And the same at euerie quarter daye to be deliuered into the handes off the Deacons.

28 Item / we think Good that declaration be made by the preachers off Goddes worde diuers tymes as iust occasion will serue / how comely and profitable for Christes churche / that al mennes liberalitie towardes the poore / do come to the handes off the saied 4. Deacons / by them publickly in the na­me off the whole churche to be ministred to the poore: for by this rule / let not thy left hande knowe what they right hande dothe / maye beste be obserued: And the blowinge off the trumpet before the almes geuer / and all wordly reward off vaine commendation maie best be auoided: and so our heauenly fa­ther / who seethe in secret / will rewarde euerie man more abundantly in the daie off the reuelation off the thoughts off all men.

29 Item we think good that certeine letters in the same sen­ce be written with an exhortation and hartie praier to all such as will relieue the poore off oure congregation with their go­dly liberalitie / that they will deliuer or send their charitable reliffe to the saied 4. Deacons / commonly to be bestowed off [Page CXXIII] them vpoon all the poore / whither they be studentes or other according to euerie mans necessitie: whiche the saied Deacons and the churche here present can best knowe and Iudge / rather then to committ the allmes to anie one persons han­de / to anye priuate vse / for the auoyding off sundry su­spitions / and many other inconueniences / that maye bothe presently and here after arise and ensewe off the same: And the sayed letters subscribed with as many handes off the congregation as shall seme good / with a general super­scription to all such as will charitably relieue the poore off ou­re congregation with owt anye naminge off any persons / to be sent where the Ministers Seniors and Deacons / or the more off them shall think good by a most faithfull and discre­et messinger / to all places where such good men / by whose liberalitie the churche is releived / doe or maie resorte / that the sa­yed letters maye by the sayed messinger be shewed as a testi­monie off credit to the said godly men in places and at tymes moste conuenient.

This article folowing 29. I also fynde in the Copie.

Item / as concerning the relieffe to be had at strangers 30 handes / who be not off oure churche: such order is to be taken as shall seme most expediēt to the ministers of the worde and Sacraments. It semeth that this article was put in / in place off the former whiche they could not agree vppon.

Item we thinke it expedient that the saied 4. Deacons 31 be charged neither with the helping off the Ministers in the preaching off the worde neither in the Catechising off the y­outhe / neither in ministring off Sacramentes / or saing off common praier: or specially the visiting off the sick / other then the poore for the releyuing of their necessitie / as with thinges perteininge to the office off deaconshipp nor with any other offices other thē is expressedly declared in gods worde apperteine to the Deacons: according to the rule off the whiche / [Page CXXIIII] they shall by all meanes possible direct their dooinges: The summe wheroff is / diligently to receiue and kepe all / and all manner off publik and priuate almes / and the same faithfully to bestowe vpon the poore off christes churche accordinge as euery mannes necessitie shall requier; and by all meanes pos­sible / as well by worde as by writing / to procure the mainte­naunce off the saied treasure off the churche / so to their credit committed. Notwithstandinge / it is not ment hereby / but that anie off the sayed Deacons / being lerned / when good oc­casion shall therto serue / may preach or instruct the youthe in the Catechisme / or doe anie other godly function wherunto they shall be called.

32 Item / that where there is no godlier acte then to succor such as be bothe sik and poore for that their burthen is moste heauy / we think good / yff the habilitie off the churche will ex­tend therunto that there be 4. graue and honest wemen either widowes or wyues (such as haue nede of the helpe of the churche) appointed and chosen with the consente off their husbandes / to keepe the poore / when they be sicke / and to watche with them by course one after an other: and that they haue therfo­re cut off the treasure off the churche a certeine stipende quar­terly payde vnto them.

Off the Discipline off the churche which is the 4. and laste note.

33 Firste / in all matters touchinge conscience / gods worde / is the perfect rule / as well for those thinges whiche Christen men ought to doe / as for such thinges as they are bownd to abstaine from.

34 Item / in all controuersies ciuill / the ciuill or municipall law off the countrie or citie where the churche is / is a suffici­ent rule to be obaied.

Item / all matters touchinge the congregation / or the 35 members off the same directly apperteining to neither off the two former partes / Ecclesiasticall ordinance and discipline of [Page CXXV] the saied churche / ought by all members off the same to be obaied.

Item / although this worde Discipline generally do [...] 36 conteine all Ecclesiasticall orders and ordinaunces / yet in this place it is properly taken for the rule off owtward honest or­ders and manners and off the punishiment and correction off vices.

Item / for the execution off the whiche discipline to the mainteining of all comely order and vertue in the churche / and 37 correction off disorder and vice / it is agreed / that 6. men off speciall grauitie / authoritie / and wisdom / suche as the rule off the holy scriptures dothe set foorthe as muche as maie be shal be chosen to be seniors / whiche 6. seniors with the two Mi­nisters off the worde shall haue the execution off the Disci­pline and gouernement off the churche / and shall be reueren­ced / and in all thinges godly and reasonable obeied and reue­renced of all persons in the congregation vnder paine off moste sharpe discipline.

Prouided alwaies that the saied Ministers and seniors 38 seuerally and ioyntly / shall haue no authoritie to make anie manner off decrees / or ordinances to bynd the congregation or anie mēber therof: but shall execute such ordināces and de­crees as shal be made by the congregatiō and to thē deliuered

Off the election off all Ministers.

Item it is agreed that all seniors / Deacons and all other ministers (what so euer they be) the 2. teachers and ministers 39 off the worde onely excepted / shall ones a yere that is the first daie off marche take an ende off their ministerie / what so euer it be: And they from that daie / till a newe election be made / which shalbe within one forthnight after the saied fyrste day off marche (vnles some great causes incident do let the same) shall be all priuate persons / as other mēbers off the con­gregation and so continewe still / till they be newe elected / to the same / or other ministerie or office: euerie one off them yet notwithstanding in the meane tyme / from the saied first daie [Page CXXVI] off marche / till newe ministers be elected / doing the dewt [...] and dewties to your off [...]ce belonging.

I [...]em that publick praier and fast be made before / and at 40 the election off all ministers / in time and continuaunce / as to the congregation shall seme good.

41 Item / that before the election off the ministers / Seniors and Deacons the places off the scriptures for that purpos most fit be [...]penlye redd / and a sermon to be made vppon the same / As for the present purpose shall be most conue­nient.

42 Item / that election be made by bills / euerie man brin­ging a litle bill rolled vp / the names off such persons appointed / as they shall think moste meete for the office wherunto the election is then made.

Item / that imposition off handes with praier be vsed at 43 the institution off the saied ministers / seniors / and Deacons / according to the doctrine and examples of the scriptures.

Off the callinge and assembling off the congregation.

44 Item that the ministers and seniors thus electe / haue nowe authoritie as the principall members of the congrega­tion / to gouerne the saied congregation accordinge to goddes worde / and the discipline of the churche as is aforsaied: And also / to call together and assemble the saied congregation for causes and at tymes / as shall to them seme expedient.

Prouided alwaies that yff anie dissention shall happen betweene the ministers and the seniors / or the more parte off them and the bodye off the congregation or the more parte off it: and that the saied ministers and Seniors in such controuersie / beinge desired therto / will not assemble the congregation / that then the congregation maye of it selff cum together / and consulte and determine as concerninge the saied controuer­sie or controuersies and the saied assembly to be a lawfull congregation / and that which they the more parte of them so as­sembling [Page CXXVII] shall iudge or decree / the same to b [...] a lawfull decre [...] and ordinaunce of sufficient force to bynde the whole congre­gation and euery member off the same.

Item / that no man being sommoned or warned either 45 by the ministers and Seniors or in the name off the congre­gation so as afore is saied assembled / to appere in the congre­gation shall absent himselff but vppon a lawfull cause / vnder paine off discipline: And that none shall departe owt off the said congregation so assembled till it be broken vp / with ow [...] licence off the whole or the more parte remaining / vppon paine of discipline before the whole congregation therfore.

Item in case some do departe / that yet notwithstanding 46 those whiche still remaine (yff they be the greater parte) to be a lawfull congregation: and that whiche they or the more parte off them shall decree / to be a lawfull decree / off force to bynde the whole body / ministers / seniors / Deacons and eue­rie other member or members theroff withowt exception.

Item / that no checkinge or taunting be vsed in the saied congregation / by anie persons / vnder paine off Discipline / 47 and that in speakinge / all other shall holde their peace and kee­pe silence: absteining also from priuate talke that all thinges maie be donne comely and in order.

Item / that it shall be lawfull that euerie member off the 48 congregation / making protestation off licence before / to the ministers / seniors / and the whole congregation / maie speak his mynd in the congregation / so he speake quietly and not a­gainste goddes truthe / for in case he speake vngodly / that then it shall be lawfull for the ministers / seniors / or anie off them to commaunde him silence by and by.

The manner or receauing all sortes off persons into the saied congregation.

Firste / for the auoidinge off all heresies and sectes in ou­re 49 churches euery one aswell men as wemen which desier to be receiued shall make a declaration / or confession off their [Page CXXVIII] faithe before the ministers and elders / shewinge him s [...]ff [...]ul­ly to consent and agree w [...]th the doctrine off the churche and submi [...]tinge them selues to the D [...]scipline off the same / and the same to testifie by subscribing the [...]t [...] yf they can wryte.

Item yff anye person so desyrous to be receyued into the 50 congregation be notoriously defamed / or noted off any cor­rupt behauiour / or euill opinion in doctrine / or slaunderous behauiour in liffe / the same maie not by the Ministers and El­ders be admitted [...] till he haue either purged himselff theroff or ells haue dec [...]ared himselff to the ministers and elder [...] peni­tent for the same.

Off admission to the holie com­munion.

Item / that none off the youthe be admitted to the com­munion 51 till they be able to make profession off their fa [...]the before the whole congregation / and also to haue an honest te­stimony off towardnes in godly conuersation.

Item / that none openly noted as an hereticke / sectarye 52 Idolater or other notorious offender / shall be admitted to the communion / before he either purge or reconcile himselff publiquely before the whole congregation / And that euery member off the congregation do not refuse to render a decla­ration off their faithe / before the Ministers and Elders / w­hen so euer they shall by them be therunto requyred.

Thorder off proceadinge to the execution off the Discipline and correction off offences.

53 For as muche as no churche is so perfect / but offences may rise / for godly and charitable redressing and reforming off suche / this order is to be obserued: Firste / yff anye off the congregation be offensiue in manners or doctrine / to anie off the brethern / so that the offence be priuate and not pu­blickely [Page CXXIX] knowen / there can be no better order deuised then that whiche Christe himselff hathe appoi [...]ted: whiche is fir­ste brotherly to admonishe him alone. Iff that do not pre­uaile / to calle one or two witnesses: yff that also do not pro­fit: Then to declare it to the Ministers and Elders: To whom the congregation hathe geuen authoritie to take order in suche cases accordinge to the Discipline off the churche.

Item / that it maye be the better knowne / what is ment 54 by this worde discipline / or correction off vice / we thinke that there be 3. degrees off Eccesiasticall discipline: The first / that the offender / acknowledg his faulte / and shewe himselff pe­nitent before the Ministers and the Seniors: The seconde / that yff he will not so doe / as well his originall cryme as also his contempt off the Ministers and Elderss who haue the authoritie off the churche / be openly declared by one off the Ministers / before the whole congregation / and that he ther­fore make satisfaction / bothe for his originall crime and also for his contempt off the Ministers before the whole congre­gation and that he be not admitted to the communion befo­re he haue satisfied. The thirde / that yff he remaine still obsti­nate before the whole congregation after a tyme to him by the whole congregation limited to repent in / he then shall be openly denounced excommunicate which excommuni­cation / seing it is the vttermoste penaltie off Ecclesiasticall power / shall not therfore be executed / vntill the matter be hard by the whole churche or such as it shall specially ap­point therunto.

Item / yff anie person shall be a notorious knowen of­fender 55 so as he is offensiue to the whole congregation / then shall the Ministers and elders [...]mmediatly call the offender before them and trauell with him to reduce him to true rep­entaunce and satisfyinge off the congregation. Whiche / yff he obstinatly refuse [...]o do then one off the Ministers shall s [...]gni­fie his offence and contempte to the whole congregation / desyring them to praie for him: and further to assigne him [Page CXXX] a daye to be denownced excommunicate before the congrega­tion: except in the meane time the offendor submit himselff before the whole congregation to the order off the discipline.

Item / that neither the Seniors and Ministers / nor the whole congregation shall medle in anie ciuill matters / as iud­ges 56 or determiners off the same / but onely as arbitres For peace makinge / that the magistrates be troubled as litle as maye be with oure controuersies: but in case the Seniors and first / and afterwardes the congregation / or such as the con­gregation shal appoint / can make no peaceable ende / by waye off arbitrement / then the iudgement off the saied matters to be referred to the Magistrates off the citie and there to be ended.

Item / we thinke good for oure quietnes sake and for the conseruinge off the good reporte of oure nation / that all mat­ters 57 and controuersies amonge oure selues / yff they cannot priuately be pacified (whiche firste ought to be attempted) be brought before the Seniors and Ministers and there to be harde: And in case they cannot ende them / then afterward to be referred to the whole congregation or such as the congre­gation shall apoint to the hearinge and determininge theroff yff they can: and that no matter be brought vnto the magist­rate or senate / to hinder / derogate / or let the authoritie off the churche or the discipline theroff / before theis waies be proued vnder paine off discipline before the congregation / vnlesse the thinge appeteine directly to the state off the citie / or offence against the lawes / Senate / or magistrate / off the same. In w­hiche cases euerie man maie and ought forthwith to complai­ne to the magistrates.

Item / where as the best waie off Christian reconciliati­on 58 is / that the parties priuately betwene them selues agree: and the next / that agrement be made by mediation off some paceable and godly men: We decree that in case 2.4.6. moo or lesse do consult amonge themselues / or trauell with the parti­es / for peace making quietly and charitably / then the saied parties / in so doinge / do nothinge against good order off discipli­ne [Page CXXXI] / but according to the dewtie and office off Christian and peaceable men.

Item that the ministers and Seniors shall haue authotie t [...] heare and determine / on the behalff off the whole chur­che all offences (determinable by the congregation) commit­ted 59 by any person in the congregation: vnlesse the partie cal­led before them haue iust occasion to take exceptions to the sayed ministers and Seniors: or to appeale from them as not competent iudges.

Item / yff anye haue iust occasion to take exception to so­me off the Ministers and Seniors / and not to the more par­te: that then those off the Ministers and Seniors / to whom 60 the exception is made / in this case shall not be iudges / but in this case for the tyme remoued / from the ministery and that the rest off the Ministers and Seniors to whom no excepti­on shall be made / with as maine off the congregation ioy­ned to them / as they be in nomber whiche shall be excepted / shalbe arbitres and iudges in the saied causes: and that the saied persons so to be ioined to the Ministers and Seniors / shalbe appointed by the congregation / the Ministers and se­niors not excepted / geuinge their voices as others off the congregation.

Item / yf exception be taken / to the more parte of the ministers 61 and Seniors / that then the churche shall appointe 6. moo to be Iudges wirh the reste off the ministers / agaynst whom exception is not made: the same reste off the ministers hauing their voices in the election off the 6. as other mem­bers off the churche.

Item yff all the ministers and Seniors be suspected or 62 sounde parties / or yff anie appeale be made from them / that then such appeale be made to the bodie off the congregation. The ministers / seniors / and parties excepted. And that the bo­dy off the congregation maye appoint so manie off the con­gregatiō to heare and determine the sayed matter or matters as it shall seeme good to the congregation.

Item / iff anie person doo vniustly take exceptions to anie 63 [Page CXXXII] off the Ministers or appeale from the whole ministery: that then such persons / besides the punishement for the principall cause shall also be punished as a contemner off the ministerie and a disturber off the churche.

Item / yff all the ministers and seniors from whom it 64 shall be appealed / as is aforesaied / shall saye and chalenge the more parte off the congregation as not indifferent iudges / that then they maye appeale from the congregation to the magistrate. prouided that iff any minister or senior aopeale to the Magistrate and be founde to haue done it with owte iuste cause that then / by that facte / he shall be remoued from his mi­nisterie and shall neuer after be admitted in the ministery be­fore he hathe made publick satisfaction for the same.

Item / that the Ministers and Seniors and euerie off 65 them be subiect to Ecclesiasticall Discipline and correction / as other priuate members off the churche be. And that in case anie person or persons accuse anie off the Ministers or elders or the more parte off them / or them all / of anie crime or crimes the same order off proceadinge in all pointes be vsed as it is heretofore particulerly expressed in the making off the exce­ption / to summ / or the more part / or all / the saied Ministers and Seniors / as parties / or otherwise incompent arbitres.

Item / that no accusation against any off the Ministers 66 and Seniore be adm [...]tted vnder 2. Witnesses at the leaste. And that yff anie do vniustlie accuse the Ministers and Seniors or any off them / that he or they shall therfore be moste shar­ply disciplined as a cōtemner and defacer of the ministerie and a disturber off the whole churche.

Item / yf anie controuersie be vppon the dowtfull mea­ning 67 off anie worde or wordes in the discipline that first it be referred to the ministers and Seniors. And yff they cannot agree therupon / then the thing to be brought and referred to the whole congregation.

Item / for the auoyding off occas [...]on off contention here­after 68 that bookes of discipline cōcerning this churche heretofore made be of no effecte hereafter / but voyde and Canceled.

[Page CXXXIII]Item / that all bookes and writinges off recorde concer­ning actes and orders in this churche / be deliuered / and re­maine 69 in the custodie off the ministers and elders for the tyme being.

Item / that a R [...]gister booke be kept by the ministers and 70 Seniors off all suche names as be in the congregation and such as shall be here after admitted to be wri [...]ten / in the same.

Item / that mariages Christenings and burialls with the daye and yere theroff be registred in the same booke. 71

Item / for the auoyding all controuersyes / that hereaf­ter maye happen / it is ordeined / that all testamentes and wil­les made / by any off oure nation / dyinge in this congregati­on 72 / shall be brought foorthe and exhibited to the Seniors off this congrega [...]ion for the tyme being / for a perpetuall testimonye off the truthe in that behalff.

Item / that bicause all mennes doinges be vncerteine and changeable / the discipline and orders off the churche shalbe 73 read openly once euery quarter / and warninge theroff before / shall be geuen to the whole congregation bothe / that euerie member therof maye knowe their dewtie / and that euerie man maye with librrtie / quietly speak his minde for the chaunging and amending of it or anye parte therof / according to goddes worde / and the same exhibited in writinge with the argu­ments and reasons off that his requeste.

The names off suche as subscribed to this discipline / and were off the churche.

  • THomas Crawley
  • Christopher Hales.
  • Thomas Ashley
  • Edmond Oldsworth
  • Edmonde Sutton
  • Thomas Acworth
  • Richard Alvaie.
  • VValter Franck
  • Richard Le [...]ler.
  • Richard Mason
  • Richarde Be [...]sley.
  • [Page CXXXIIII]Richard Nago [...]
  • Robart beste.
  • Henry Reignoldes
  • Perciuall Harrington.
  • Richard Porter.
  • Magnus Elyot.
  • Henry Perryus
  • Iohn Browne
  • Dauid VVhitthead
  • Iohn Mullins.
  • Iohn Pedder.
  • Iohn Hales
  • Gre. Railton
  • Alexander nowell
  • Iohn VVilford
  • Iohn Fauconer
  • Thomas Serbis
  • Thomas VVilso [...]
  • Iohn Bedell
  • Iohn Olde
  • Iames Peers
  • Thomas Sandes
  • Edward Parpoint
  • Thomas VValker.
  • Iohn Kelke
  • Thomas VVatts.
  • Leonarde parry
  • Robarte Crowley.
  • VVilliam Master
  • Laurance Kent.
  • Thomas Knolle
  • Peter sade
  • Iohn Vates
  • VVilliam Raulinges.
  • Thomas VVater
  • Thomas VVillobie
  • Edmond Tomson
  • Richard Luddington.
  • Thomas oldsworthe.
  • Edmond Harries.
  • Philipp Adishe.
  • Gawin dixson.
  • Iohn Geoffrie.
  • Anthony Donning [...]
  • Edward Colton.
  • Iohn Turpin.

The 21. off December 1557. theis were added to the churche.

  • Sir Frances Knolls
  • Edward Boyes.
  • Iohn Browne.
  • Frances VVilforde.
  • Thomas Knot.
  • Thomas Donnell
  • Arthure Saule
  • Richard Sandell
  • Robart Ioyner
  • Henry VVood
  • Richard Lynbro [...]ghe
  • Ralfe Selye.
  • [Page CXXXV] Henry Knolls
  • Thomas VVilford.
  • VVilliam Dauage
  • Reignolde Baker.
  • Robarte Hodgston
  • Iohn Penteny
  • Mighell Coke
  • Thomas Tod Chamber
  • Alaxender Nowell
  • Iohn Ade
  • Thomas Bagster.
  • Daniell Rogers.

Now that yow haue harde bothe the olde discipline / and that whiche was by the authoritie off the magistrate deuised order requireth that I place here the reasons whiche Maister Horne and the rest off his side brought against the newe di­scipline established.

And to the ende this volume shuld not excede measure in greatnes / I think it expedient to do here / as I haue done allready / and minde to do through owt the whole story / whi­che is / off a leaf [...] / to take / (as I might saie) a ly [...]e or two / as one lothe too weary yow sith a taste maie suffice.

To the 7. Article off the newe. VII. Discipline.

To the Article off 2. 13. Sept. Horne. Isaac. Chambers. VVilford. with diuers others. Min [...]sters off like charge and autho­ritie we think we haue good [...]easons to require that there be no moo in the speciall burthen and charge pastorall then one / to whom the others ioyned with him for preachinge off the worde and ministringe the Sacraments shall not in cure and charge / gouernment and preheminence / be in all respectes coequall.

The Reasons.

Firste / the scripture speakinge or treatinge of the office of 1 a Bishopp or minister / so speakethe as it were to be presup­posed and as an order receiued / that one shuld in cure and charge be burthened aboue other / and in gouernement / for order sake / in preheminence.

[Page CXXXVI] 2 Item the expositions off all auncient Authors and Wry­ters vpon the scripturs that toucheth that matter do alltoge­ther as they secure / to gather owte off the texte / conclude / de­clare / and teache one Minister or pastor in respectes afore­sayde preferred and charged aboue other and thus dothe the newe also.

3 Item this order off one in cure / charge / and gouerne­ment preferred / haue all the churches to be red off / planted by the Apostels and all others in the primatiue churche obserued / whose examples off vs are not to be neglected.

Item / like as good reason off it selff forceth and conclu­deth: 4 so all good autors bothe newe and olde doo freely teache that for conseruation off vnitie and concorde and for auoidin­ge off schismes and discorde / it is requisite and necessarie that a prerogatiue and preheminence for cure / charge / and gouernemente be committed and geuen to some one / to be (as it is afore saide) charged aboue others.

5 Item / all the reformed churches off Germany for the moste parte / be off that iudgement / and therfore obserue that order.

6 Item / yff Nicene councell decreed and ordered / for good order sake / that one Bishopp / and not many shulde be ap­poynted to euerye one cytie / howe more is it off necessitie for order sake that one litle flocke shulde be content with one.

7 Item / who is ignorant off this / that for the moste parte wher not one but rather two muste haue the especiall cure and charge) there commonly thinges be moste negligentlye done and not so muche regarded and cared for as otherwise they woulde be.

The answer off the churche / touchinge this 7. Article. to the reasons off the dissenting brethern.

To [...]he 1.We se not by the scriptures / that anie authoritie is geuen to anie one aboue others / but rather to the contrary.

[Page CXXXVII]As concerninge olde wryters / To the 2 [...] 3.4. Hales. VVhithead Nowell Mullins. VVattes Crowley Boetley Pedder. Parry VVilson▪ Sorby. Bedell. Fauconer. Railton Crawley Ashley Sutton Raulings Best and di­uers others. To the 5. we knowe that Ierome expresly declarethe that in the beginninge the churche was ruled equally by manie. But after when schismes began to springe the chiefe authoritie was geuen to one for authorities sake / and by mannes ordinaunce rather then by deuine authoritie / wherfore we cōclude that as for schismes the firste order of many was left ād one chiefe apointed: So nowe for the auoidinge of tyrānie a worse euell in the churche then schismes / w­hiche / as apearethe by the Bishop of Rome is grownded vp­pon one / we thinke it good to returne to the firste order off two or moo equall ministers accordinge to the institution off the Apostells as Saint Ierome teacheth. And that those ler­ned men who do moste earnestly maintaine the gouernment off one / confesse that vntill the tyme off Dionysius / who was after Christe 300. yeres and more / the Regimente was equal­ly committed to manye. And as for the newe / there be exam­ples off the beste churche to the contrary. And Maister Cal­uin in the 8. Chap. off his Institutions the 42. and 52. dyui­sions Declarethe expresly that there were From the begin­ninge more Ministers off the worde and that it is but off mannes ordinaunce that one was afterwarde made chieff.

That is alleadged off the reformed churches in Germa­ny the multitude ought to serue no more for one / then the best reformed churches / for two ministers off the worde.

As concerninge Nicene councell it is before answered / To the 6. and in that they decreed there shulde be but one / it consequen­quently folowithe that before the saide decree there were many.

And iff those godly fathers were nowe lyuinge and did se how Antechriste is established vppon one / they woulde more gladly returne to the firste order off many equall for the auoidinge off that moste horrible mischieff. As they then did for the auoidinge off Schismes appointe euery citie one.

[Page CXXVIII]Negligence is no more in two then one. habilitie off welldoinge thinges is more in two then in one. To the 7. Yea, but th­ough he did so then he will not doo so nowe I warrant yow. And siknesse beinge so riffe in this citye / it is as muche as 2. can well doo / and one maie be sicke. And one maie wil fully and suddenly leaue his flocke

Wherfore / two be necessary / ells / in the suddaine sicknes off one onelie Minister / when manie other be sike also / dewe visitation off the sike is not well seene to and preachinge omitted / as it hathe chaūced in oure churche / yea / and although we haue many. And therfore reason tellethe vs that it is expedi­ent to haue two rather then one.

Horne / &c. Vpon the 8. Artic.

Item / where it is prouided that the Ministers shall by themselues or their deputies disharge the sermons and oth­er their dueties when necessarie case shall so requyre: we saye it is superfluous. for a necessarie cause nedethe not to be pro­uided for by lawe: besides that the alowinge off deputies by lawe made for that purpose openethe a windowe off negli­gence to the ministers in the executinge off their office.

Whitthead / &c.

A lawe dothe well prouide that suche maye be in a redy­nes whiche shall serue in necessitie / It is prouided in manye cities / by a lawe that in dreade off fier euerie man haue a bu­cket off water at his dore / whiche is a thinge necessarie. And vniuersally the multitude off good lawes be grownded vp­pon causes necessarye. Wherfore / we think that position / that necessarie causes nede not to be prouided for by a lawe / ought to be taken for no lawe: and where it is alleadged that it ope­nethe a windowe off negligence to the Ministers / it is not so / for the appointemente off those deputies apperteinethe more to the Seniors them to the Ministers by oure discipline.

Horne &c. Artic. 10.

[Page CXXXIX]Item / in the Article of Catechisme / we think it is super­fluous and tedious to haue 2. Catechismes in one after noone And also think that Maister Caluins Catechisme ought to be vsed no otherwise with vs then it is in Caluins churche that alloweth and vseth the same.

Whithead &c.

The first Catechisme is onely ordred for the children and is but an examination and apposinge off them. The other is not onely for children but for all the congregation / &c.

Now / for so muche as the reasons and answers are ve­rye long and yet some off them repeated / in Maister Hornes obiections to the discipline whiche he offred vpp to the Ma­gistrate / I will here passe them ouer and come to the saied ob­iections / and the answers off the church to the same.

Horne and the rest off his side to the Magistrate.

WE come to that nowe (right honorable S.) whiche we were charged to doo by your commaundment and appointement: that for as much as for the apeasinge and fi­nall puttinge awaie off the contention betweene vs and oure brethern / we shulde shewe why we dissente from them / and cannot proceade in the same passage and waye that they doo: We shall so open vnto yow oure defence and cause euen as we desier to be iustified bothe in oure cōsciences and before god. Howbeit / we are verye sory that your H. Hathe lym [...]ted vs so shorte tyme / so as in a cause whiche (for the waightines ād difficultie off it) ought to be debated vppon with more leasu­re / and verie manye thinges to be wayed to and fro / we muste off force in a manner holde oure peace and say nothing.

But oure truste is that your. H. will heareafter / remedy this displeasure / in grauntinge vs longer tyme that we maye more amplie hereafter confirme oure cause / whiche we are [Page CXLI] forced to set foorthe naked and with owte anie defence at all whiche we will moste gladly doo and desier that we maie fre­ely be permitted to doo. This is the thinge that we often so­ught for when we consulted amonge oure brethern for the correctinge and amendinge off oure discipline / that / as longe as the matter and cause was in consultation / we might so longe polishe and finishe more at large that was alleadged / to adde vnto all oure sentences / before the sentences brought in / and to strike owte and take awaie from them yff ought semed worthie to be taken awaie / albeit any thinge were put in / as firme and established by oure subscription: Whiche thinge we nowe eftsonnes desier moste earnestly at your H. Handes. that for as muche as nothinge is yet concluded and determined by your H. there be no such preiudice obiected vnto oure cause / but that we maye confirme all oure allega­tions with firme and available argumentes.

And in deede / seinge we muste nowe intreate in order off those thinges whiche we reprehende and condemne in oure bretherns made Discipline: This we first repre­hend vniuersally / that any other alteration or innouation off thinges shuld be in oure affaiers then suche as serue onely to the correctinge and amendinge off that Discipline whiche hathe byn heretofore receaued and vsed in oure churche. Whe­rin / we will seeme also somewhat to satisfie oure bretherns curious mindes. This we saie / bicause there is almoste no­thinge that we think is to be innouated with suche poste haste and in dede / there are many and waightie causes whiche do alltogether pull vs backe from theis innouations / and byd vs stick still to oure olde discipline / and not for the pleasure off some men / and contrary also to your commaundement (ge­uen for the amendinge and not for the makinge off any newe Discipline) to contemne and caste away that whiche so many haue alowed.

Whithead and the rest off that side an­were in this wise.

[Page CLXI]We had purposed (right honorable ad righteous Magi­strates) as we also signified vnto your honours) to haue ma­de no answere at all vnto theis vnbrotherly reproches off Maister Horne and Maister Chambers (for they are the one­ly Authors theroff) in as muche as they be vnworthy to be answered vnto / seinge they haue no sure grownds / but ba [...]e assertions onely / whiche are as easilie denied as affirmed. And besides that Maister Horne saide openly in the hearin­ge off all his complyces / before Maister Bartue D. Cox and D. Sandes / arbytres appointed by your authoritie / that he was not desyrous that we shulde answere / wherin indede / he was not altogether a foole. For he knewe well ynough howe fond geare he had written / and would beare awaie this bragg the while / not as though we woulde not / but coulde not answere so light accusations. Whiche petit bragg (Whe­rin he so muche deliteth) we woulde haue byn content to ha­ue spared him / had not your authoritie (who thought it meete for vs in anie wise to make answere) come betweene: And in case Maister Horne and Maister Chambers shall reade so­me thinges here in oure answere that they woulde not / let them remember that they haue driuen vs to it / in that they haue blustred owte in wrytinge so vnworthie matters (and that so falsely) off suche a multitude off their banished countrie men. for they (Forgettinge all humanitie and Good manner) / obiecte before the Magistrate (and that often) prouertie to a great manye off oures nowe in exile as a most highe reproche. What then? Are they banished and po­ore willingly or parforce? Were they not and might they not (yff they set more by goodes then godlynesse / be richer? And whens haue they this pouertie whiche ye Maister Horne and maister Chābers caste so tauntingly in their teeth? And whence haue ye this plentye wherby ye looke so high againste your brethern? Surely yow ought to haue aduised your selff / sein­ge ye carry the common purse / before ye had so rashly and so vndiscreetly published theis words vnto the right honorable Magistrate / with the reproche off your selff and off your co­untrie [Page CXLII] men. In dede we woulde haue suffred theis (as com­mon reproches) to be buried in perpetuall silence iff it semed not otherwise meete to the right honorable magistrate / (w­hose authoritie we obeyinge as yf becomethe vs) shall an­swere particulerly vnto all the particuler chapters off your assertions.

To the preface.

WHere Maister Horne and Maister Chambers desire li­cence to saie and vnsaie / to put too and take fro / to subscribe / and reuoke / to d [...]o / and vndoo all / as they think good them selues▪ they seeme to require their owne right: for they desier no other then that they haue byn vsed hitherto to doo / as it is moste euident [...]y knowen almost to all the whole congr [...]gati­on▪ notwithstāding this (albeit) it is againste S Paules rule / who denieth it to be his propertie to saie yea and nay / nether haue we anye more merueil / that the same Maister Hor­ne and Maister Chambers think the olde Discipline is to be reteined still as a thinge that bothe hathe permitted them free libertie to doo ye [...] hitherto what they woulde at their ow­ne pleasure / and shewethe no waye howe to amende those matters that they haue don a m [...]sse a great while. And yet bi­cause we haue prouided by the author [...]tie bothe off the magi­strat and off the congregation that the like shall not happen hereafter / they accuse vs off innouation forsoothe. Where they make cauillation aboute disc [...]pline to be amended and not to be newe made / and accuse vs as though we haue done against the magistrates commaundement: We answere that all occasions off oure olde controuersies were taken awaye by the magistrates commaundement the laste off February▪ but the olde Discipline / as a thing not perfect nor indifferent ha­the byn the speciall cause off our controuersies in dede: Ther­fore we affirme that it was taken awaye by that commaun­demente / and power geuen to the congregation to make an other / as it is declared in the plaine wordes off the same com­maundement: [Page CXLIII] Furthermore / for as muche as we haue kepte still the greateste parte off the olde discipline whiche semed in­different as it apeareth euidently in the booke off oure discipli­ne / let them call it (seinge it so pleaseth them) the amendinge off the olde discipline / in asmuche as to amende / is nothinge ells than to correcte that which is amisse / to put owte that is euell and to put in that is wantinge.

Therfore / whither they call it oure newe made discipline or the olde amended / we will not striue with them abowte that matter / seinge / we geue them leaue to speak at their plea­sure. Onely we decla [...]e that we haue done nothinge against the magistrates commaundement in that behalff.

Obiection to the title off the Discipline.

IN the tytle and entrance vnto their Discipline we reproue this as plaine false in tha [...] they saye the booke off their dis­cipline was collected by 15. Horne. Yet olde bl­ind father lidford be­ing an alm­es man, was forced by the B. off L. to s [...]bscribe to the boo­ke off pray­er, among others, mo­re blynde then he. men appointed do doo the same by the congregation and the authoritie off the Magistrate / and so exhibited afterwarde vnto oure congregation by the same [...]5. men. For it was bothe collected before the matter was committed vnto them and confirmed before hande by many mennes handes subscribed.

Touchinge the 42. Whiche approued this discipline and confirmed it by subscribinge / this we maie alleadge there are 24. off thē whiche lyue off other mennes liberalitie and almes / so as they maye seeme rather to followe other mennes wills / and to be inclined to their pleasures: specially / seinge so large and ample promises aswell to liue at libertie as to haue their slender liuinge releued / haue byn made to this intent.

Maister Horne and Maister Chambers denie the booke off discipline to be collected by the 15 men / bycause they bein­ge VVhithead. appointed off the 15. haue labored by all means that nothinge shulde be donne for the settinge off the congregation at a [Page CXLIIII] quyet staye. And when they perceiued that they could not hinder it / they came not with the reste / the 2. laste daies accordin­ge to appointmēt so as by that meanes / some of the iuste nō ­ber off 15. men shulde be wantinge. was not the booke ther­fore bothe Lawfully collected and lawfully exhibited to the congregation bycause 2. or 3. off the appointed men withdrew themselues againste right and equitie? What shulde be deter­mined in anie affaires / yff the matter shuld tarie / till alltoge­ther (not one except) shulde agree throughly in all pointes? Where they saie the booke was collected before this matter was committed to the 15. men is it a plaine slaunder. Maister Horne and Maister Chambers might be iustly ashamed to cast pouertie in oure bretherns teeth nowe in exile (and that before the Magistrate) and to lye so openly / that 24. off oure company that subscribed lyue off other mennes almes. And yff so manye poore men haue forsaken Maister purse bearer Chambers is it not a plaine matter that they haue byn euell intreated at Chambers hande before tyme? But where they gather that the poore men seeme to haue folowed other mennes myndes in subscribinge to the Discipline / rather then their owne: it is fondly gathered: in asmuche as on the con­trary parte it is moste true that they whiche (were they poore men) folowid not Chambers when he ranne a Waye with the bagge / regarded their conscience more then the ly­uinge forsomuche as bothe they and all other might be cer­teinly assured that they shulde moste greuously offend not onely the purse bearer Chambers but allso two or there other off the richer sorte off oure congregation. But howe muche more iustly might we returne this accusatiō (which they falsely bend againste oures) vpon M. Horne and M. Chamb. and manye other off their nomber whiche haue folowed Chamb. in runninge awaye from the congregation / bycause he caried and shewed them a well stuffed powche / as it were a stan­dard to followe▪ for neither Maister Chambers nor Maister Horne durst euer haue departed from the congregation as they haue done but vppon truste off the powche / which [Page CXLV] the one hathe allwayes borne / and the other hath byn euer an vnseparable waiter vppon / where so euer it were caried: and and yet in the meane while / this gaye fellowe Horne / from alofte contemneth so great a company off his countrie men / as beggers and caitiues in comparison off himselff.

But in case there be so many amonge vs that liue off other mennes almes / as Maister Horne and Maister Cham­bers do reason. And seinge Maister Chambers tooke vppon him especially at the intreaty off Maister Horne / the charge off gathering godlye mens almes publickely in the name of the churche / for the relieff the off poore off oure congregati­on as it is already knowen vnto many and shall hereafter by the whole matter seuerally setforth / be moste euidently kno­wen to moo: what mercie and pitye is this off thers towar­des their brethern to leaue so many miserable people behinde them / contrary to their promesse made to the congregation / and to runne awaie not onely from the congregation / but also owte off the cytye snappinge awaie the bagge with them (whiche conteinethe many mennes almes gathered for the poore in the name off the congregation / and to leaue them all destitute / and also to leaue certeine preachers appointed by them (whiche haue serued the churche a yere and moore / and to whom they promised that they shulde lack nothing) in a great deale off de [...]t to other men for their necessary bour­de▪

And where they playe such prankes / they caste o [...] bre­thern in the teeth still with pouertie / by the waie off reproche / before the Magistrate. Let them go too therfore / seinge their pleasure is suche and nomber their owne cōpanye and leaue owte their seruauntes / their boyes / and suche as depende vp­pon Chambers purse (for he hathe made it his owne / and dedicated it to his owne propertie) and let them tell vs then / howe many there be left on their parte / yff they be not ashamed to tell howe manie they be: Where we did comforte our poore brethern to oure power whom Chambers running awaye [Page CXLVI] with the bagge Had made astonished / and woulde haue had them vtterly discouraged / they lay it to oure charge as euell done: what is there manifeste declaration els but that the po­ore of our congregation shuld be vtterly destitute not onely of relieff but also off all hope of reliefe whiche hathe euer bin the vttermoste comforte off suche as be in myserie.

In the Discipline it selff an obiection.

Horne.The next thinge nowe where in we agree not / is / that whiche is spoken off the 2. newe Ministers. This they treat vppon in the 7. Article. Th [...]s we defende / that the scripture doth leane and inclyne rather vnto one / than vnto 2. whiche one / as he muste not be aboue the reste by lordeshipp / so yet ought he to be aboue other in charge and in burthē / in as muche as he muste nedes geue a greater accoumpte / then the re­ste for the flock cōmitted vnto him and to his charge. Theis we are able to proue. Firste / by the circumstances off the places off scriptures considered / secondly / by the interpreta­cions off auncient fathers / and the best lerned men off oure tyme or latter daies. Thirdly / in the examples of the churches instituted by the Apostells / and most holy men after their ty­me / foorthly / this newe order off 2. Ministers or moo / hathe bene (as all the wyseste men haue alwaies reasoned) the seeds ād fountains of all dissentions and cōtentions. And like as for order sake and for conseruation off the churches in peace / ou­re elders thought / that one shulde necessarely be aboue the re­ste: so also in this oure remembrance / the greatest lerned men as Caluin / Brentius / and many other do think. Off theis mat­ters the beste instituted and reformed churches in Germany can also be the beste witnesses. Theis / we professe that we bo­the can and will more largely shewe as farther occasion shal hereafter serue / whiche we cannot doo nowe for that we be lymited to so short a time.

The answere.

VVhithead.As concerninge the two Ministers off the worde. We [Page CXLVII] affirme that it is lawfull by the worde off God to haue either 2. or moo.

Where theis men saye the scriptures do leane rather to one that is to affirme onely / and to proue nothinge / where as Paule almoste in all his Epistles writeth allwaies as vnto moo off equall authoritie in euerie churche and not as vnto o­ne principall. Where they alleadge the ancient Doctors / Ie­rome whiche is the moste diligent in H [...]storie matters / repor­teth moste plainly that in the beginninge there were many / and afterwarde for the auoidinge of dissentions / the chieff authoritie was cōmitted vnto one as the chieff. But yet saithe he / that was donne rather by the statute off men then by the authoritie off God. Where they speake so muche off the mi­sch [...]ffe off contention in the churche / we confesse it is a great euell / But that tyranny [...]s a more pestiferous destruction to the churche / and that tyranny crept into the churche by one / the Bishopp off Rome / maye teache vs at large. Therfore / for as muche as bothe waies / either by one or by moo / euells maie happen / we thought good to beware more diligently of the greater euell. Where they bringe in Caluin for one / we maruell with what face they can do that seinge it is owte off all dowte / that he vpon one daie and in one houre instituted two Ministers off equall authoritie in all thinges in the En­glishe congregation whiche is at Geneua. And also seinge that in the 8. chapter and 42. and 52. diuisions off his Christian Institution / he declareth openly that there were from the be­ginninge moo ministers off the worde off equall authoritie in the churche off Christe. Where they alleage the examples off the churches off Germany we also want not examples off the dutche churche at Emden wherin their be 3. Ministers off the worde off equall authoritie. And off the frenche churche off this Citie / and off the Englishe churche off Geneua / yea and Caluin himselff is counted superior to his felowes not by authoritie off office / but in respect off his lerninge and me rites. Therfore in asmuche as it is also permitted vnto vs by the magistrates app [...]intement / to chuse one or moo: let them [Page CXLXVIII] leaue their wranglinge for a thinge indifferent / as though i [...] it were for lyffe and lande. Where they professe that they will make large proffe off this matter at leysure / let them professe theis gaye glorious promyses so longe as they will / so they knowe the longer they labor in this matter / so muche lesse shall they bothe shewe and bringe to passe

The obiection to the 8. Article.

Horne.In the 8. Article Ministers committ and assigne the burthen and cure (wherwith they are charged) vnto others with ouer muche facilitie: We demaund also this / whiche ap­peareth not plainly inough in their Discipline / to whom per­teineth it to allowe their allegations and excuses / when they will leaue their charges vnto others.

The answere.

VVhithead.What inhumanitie is it / not to be content / that the mi­nisters off the worde (vpon waightie causes / as sicknes or vr­gent busines off importance) shuld be eased off their bur­thens? as though they that fynde faulte at this nowe / per­mitted not the same to themselues before / rough againste o­ther / and ouer fauorable to themselues.

And where they demaunde vnto whom it perteinethe to allowe their lawfull causes / we wonder / that they / nother redde ioyntly in the same place the name off Seniors / to w­hom the matter is committed / nor remember that generall pointe in the 36. article / that the gouernement off the whole churche is committed to the ministers and Seniors.

The obiection to the 13. Article.

Horne.We allowe the translatinge off bookes. But that so open a lawe shulde be made for that matter / that is the thinge we fynde fault withe. For it bothe conteineth that whiche is a pestilent matter to oure congregation / by meanes off danger off [Page CXLIX] such as are wont to traueile as strangers vpp hither vnto vs owt of Englande / as also it maie be reprehended in that it se­meth to smell and tend openly to the priuate commoditie off some men.

The answere.

Where it is signified that certeine bookes godly and fitt either to instructe / VVhithead. or comforte oure countrie men in this calamitie off oures and off oure countre / shuld be translated in to our tonge then the whiche there can be no­thinge more profitable or necessarie / they saie it is a pestilente matter forsoothe / bicause it is so openly mentioned: as though by speaking nothinge / it might be perswaded that we do no­thinge here but slepe for wher they add towching the priuate commoditie off some in so common a profit / we cannot gesse what that meanethe in as muche as all men that haue in theis miserable daies / yet hitherto caused bookes to be set foorthe in oure tonge haue rather lost then wonne by them.

The obiection to the 16. Article.

In the 16. Horne. Article the custodie off the treasure off the churche perteineth not necessarily to the Deacons by the worde off God. And at this daye many reformed churches do not ob­serue it and moreouer it semethe more profitable vnto oure congregation to haue it otherwise. Fowrthly the moste par­te off the auntientest churches keepe a plaine other custome.

The answere.

Iff they be able to shewe so plaine a place in all the whole Scripture for anie other that ought to haue the custodie off the treasure off the churche as is in the 6. VVhithead. off the Actes off the Apostells / for the Deacones / we yelde vnto them. Yea / and Caluin shall yelde also (whose name they oftentimes wonderous confidently and falsely alleadge) who / in the [...]. Chapter off the Institution off a Christen man in the 55. diuision / thinketh plainly as we doo / aswell concer­ninge [Page CL] the custodie / as the distribution off all churche mony and vtterethe the same in plaine wordes. In the prima­tiue churche / saith he / the Deacons receaued (euen as it was vnder the apostells) faithfull peoples dayly oblations and the yerely reuenewes off the churche / to thentent they shuld besto­we them vppon true vses. We desier them nowe to shewe vs more plainly / vnto what other men that charge dothe rather belonge then to the deacons / &c. But they saye manie refor­med churches obserue not this / ād that it will be more profita­ble for oure congregatiō to haue it otherwise And that the moste parte of the aunciētest churches keepe still an other custome This (as we sayde before) is onely to affirme / and proue nothinge. But thus they doo a [...]moste allwaies. But where they spe­ake off the auntientest churches / we beleue / they meane the popishe churches / but would not for shame vtter it: or ells let them shewe vs what auncient churches those be / yet this we maye not ouerpasse how that they affirme that it will be pro­fitable for oure churche to haue it otherwise: that is / that one / as it is nowe / haue the custodie alone / know alone / and distri­bute the churche mony alone and make accoumpt alone / and to himselff alone. But we are ready to proue either to the ma­gistrate / or to the worlde (in case the Magistrate so permit it) bothe by testimonies / reasons / and matters in dede / that this is not onely not profitable / but also it hathe and is vtterly pernitious / and to the plaine vndooinge off oure churche.

The obiection to the 17. Article.

Horne.We fynde faulte / that the election off the Deacons is not free ynough. For the riche men muste be allwaies taken. Also in that they ought to depend vppon the will and councell off the elders / where nowe agreat parte off the elders bothe liue and depende vpon the Deacons purce. There mouth therfore semethe to be stopped / so as they dare neuer reproue and ouersore correcte the Deacons when they offende.

The answere.

There was neuer man that was in his right witt whi­che denied i [...] to be moste profitable for the churche / VVhithead to haue su­che men chosen to be Deacons / as the least suspition can be had in. Where Horne and Chambers affirme that a great parte off the Elders liue and depend vpon the Deacons pur­ce / it is a plaine slaunderous reporte.

But admit there be one or two amonge them off the poorer sorte that shall perhapps haue nede now and then off some relieff off the churche monie. Do not yow (Horne and Chambers) knowe that they haue byn richer in tymes paste / and excepte they preferred Religion to riches) maye be richer when they will? And nowe as they are become willingly bani­shed men / so are they willinglye poore men for the same Reli­gions sake that ye will seeme to professe? Wherfore then had ye rather enuiously to reprehend pouertie in suche a one then gentlie to cōmend so great a vertue / but that ye are driuen he­reto by griefe of your stomakes through malice. What? Dothe Paule require welthe in Elders (as ye doo) or vertue? Go too / and shewe vs owte off Paule that this your purce welthe / is so necessary in an elder: We dare affirme that suche a one shul­de haue byn off more authoritie with Paule as also with all men that be godly / and more worthie to be an elder by reason off his pouertie / for the whiche he is so contemned at your hande. But poore elders dare not (ye muste vnderstande) re­proue offendinge Deacons: Do not yow Horne and Cham­bers knowe that in the primatiue churche / Bishopps them selues / had their appointed liuinge owte off the treasure off the churche / whiche was in the Deacons handes: and yet the Deacons (in case they did amisse) were neuer the lesse sharply corrected off them? And yet theis men that requier such ruffling riche elders / woulde haue Deacons off the poorer sorte. But by what example / and by what reason? why cannot ye beinge Christians be content in exile aswell with poore Elders as with poore Deacons? we remember that one off yow saied openly in our hearinge / and in the hearing of manie other that [Page CLII] yow coulde not with your conscience be vnder such ministers and such Seniors as oure church hathe nowe chosen. If ye can finde no other faulte in them then willfull pouertie / the congregation also can not repent them yet off the ministers and Seniors whom they haue chosen: and as for this pure conscien­ce off yours we passe not for it. But we think / yff welthe be to respected in anie that is in Ecclesiasticall Ministery it is to be be respected chieffly in Deacons / that they medle with the churche monie with owte sinistre suspition. In dede abowte 4. monethes paste / ye had Deacons / surely honest men we saie not nay / but yet suche as for their slender abilitie ye made such vnderlinges / that ye brought not onelie the honest Good men but also the ministerie off Deacons (to the great iniurie off the apostells ordinaunce) into very muche contem­pte. And in case we haue thought Good to be ware (by all meanes) off that euill / ye ought not to haue byn greued at it / but rather to haue reioised in the churches behalff. But he­rein there is one great sinne / that this is not done by yow / but rather against your mindes seinge ye think nothinge to be right / nor anie thinge to stande in force vnlesse it proceede off yow.

The Obiection against the 18. Article.

Horne.The ministers shall be priuie howe muche monie ther is / but not howe it is bestowed. This is agaīste the custome of the auncientest and beste instituted churches / Yff Caluin be so in your iudgement I hope yow will allowe his 2. letters befor [...]. and contrary to the Iudgemente and mynde off the greatest lerned men that be in theis daies as Caluin and others / whiche as they permit the distribution vnto the Deacons / euen so / will they haue it donne at the arbitrement and apoointment off the Elders.

The answere.

VVhithead.The Ministers (saie they) shall be priuie howe muche [Page CLIII] monie there is / but not how it is bestowed. Where find yow in oure booke theis wordes: (but not how it is bestowed?) And yet when he hath added it / off his owne / lorde / howe he triumpheth here off the custome off the moste auncientest churches / off the mindes off the greatest lerned men / namely Maister Caluin / &c. In this matter the man truly semethe not to haue wanted space and tyme wheroff he had to muche to write so fonde vanities / but that he lacked his eye sight and some what ells besides.

The obiection against the 19. Article.

Albeit they would couer the matter / Horne. yet by makinge off lawes / they make al openly knowen: For they disclose thus muche / that we sende owte oure gatherers to bringe other men­nes liberalitie vnto vs: whiche thinge shall bringe great da­unger to many in as muche as the enemyes off oure religion will easilie coniecture from whom this so great libiralitie co­meth.

The answere.

There is a great fore sight in theis men that they can re­prehende that thinge in vs whiche they themselues haue done nowe alreadie theis 3. VVhithead. yeres but it is wel knowē that they send owte their gatherers / no more then it is / that we be at Fran­ckford. And then be addeth that the ennemies maye easilie coniecture from whom this so great liberalitie commethe. We wonder what he meaneth or howe muche it is that he calleth so great. Dothe Chambers at vnwarres meane the greatnesse off his purce? for as for vs we haue yet hitherto sent owte no bodie to gather / muche lesse haue we receiued a­nie thinge by anye gatherer.

The obiection against the 21. Article.

We w [...]e not what they meane by the scoole. Horne. but howe [Page CLIIII] so euer the matter is / it shall annoye vs verie muche / yff they builde vp so many thinges with so solemne a profession / and shall bringe oure aduersaries into such a suspition / that we receiue muche more off other men then commeth to oure han­des in dede. And this shall comme off it that verie many shall for oure sakes be moste straitly handled and examined.

The answere.

What yff 2 or 3 Papistes liste to lie / that we receiue ma­ny thousands / VVhithead shall this breed great daunger to vs and ot­hers / and shal many be moste straitly handled and examined therfore? They maye faine daungers owte off euerie thinge iff they will. But he thinketh it woulde not be knowen that here are studentes / lectures / and Disputations / yff we had spoken nothinge off the scoole in oure discipline. For it was not kno­wen that there was a colledge off studentes at Zurick before. It is a world to se howe circumspecte theis men be in wor­des / when they are minded to speak any thinge against this oure foolishe symplicitie. For what madnesse is it / to think that those thinges whiche be euery daie open before mennes eyes are the more knowen / by one sentence wrytten in a booke whiche verie fewe shall looke in.

The obiection to the 22.23. and 24. Article.

Horne.The shamefastnes off manie / is vnshamefaste ynough / and to be often diligently examined. And we thinke it necessa­rie that nothinge be donne in this behalff withowte consent off the elders / who as they beste knowe the state off euerie man so they can and ought to make an exhortation at the di­stributing apte and fit for euery mannes disposition.

The answere.

VVhitheadThe shamefastnes off some is almoste so farre attemp­ted [Page CLV] off some shameles men that their harte is clene caste downe. For theis discreete disposers off other mennes almes / ha­ue by passing to muche on monye vtterly caste awaye men / yea / bothe together the monie and men. And yet in the meane while / theis that withowte all shame / reason of shamfastnes forsooth / whom rather then those that haue any sparke off honeste shamefastnes left / woulde go vnto / they had rather almoste die / yea / theis ge [...]le and shamfaste disposers haue with their odious behaui [...] d [...]en many men off notable good wittes and towardnesse / some to the printinge howse / some to be seruinge men / and to runne into England againe / with the perill bothe off bodie and soule. But off this case off euell handlinge / we shall commence matter againste thies men (yff god will) and the magistrate geue vs leaue / to then­tent that good men maye be the more ware hensfoorthe that they committ not their liberall almes so easilie to anie one mannes fidelitie hereafter.

The obiection against the 26. Article.

The lawe ordeined for those that trauell by the waie shall call vnto vs all suche as be the moste idle persons and the ve­riest vnthriftes / Horne. and also Papistes whiche will fame them­selues to be Religious that they may be holpen as we haue lerned by experience.

The answere.

The trauelour off oure nation hauinge neede by the wa­ye to be holpen on his iourney (yff the treasure off the churche will beare it) please not theis men. They saie / VVhithead. they haue lerned by experience that idle persons and vnthriftes and also papi­stes are called hither by this meanes. By what experience / we beseche yow? before this lawe was made or sithens? yff they were called hither before this lawe was made / they were no [...] called by occasion off this lawe. Let them ceasse therfore to [Page CLVI] impute vnto a lawe / that prouideth onely for those that be godly and needie / those thinges that naugtie packes haue euer hitherto donne and will do still hereafter.

The obiection to the 27. Article.

Horne.It is not an almes / but a compulsion. Besides this / off theis that are founde to be the setters foorth off theis lawes their are not paste 17. or 18. Whiche haue competent ynoug­he to liue vpon and to sustaine themselues. And off them the­re woulde not onely fiue geue heretofore / when collections were made / and the summe off all their distributions came neuer to 1 [...]. Dallers / they gaue so sparingly and so slenderly. And parhappes their is some what herein to keepe back and and fray awaie all such as be off the richer sorte from vs that they came not hither / when they shall se so fewe riche dwell amonge so manie poore / whiche neuertheles shalbe compel­led to sustaine and beare verie great charges at sundrie con­tributions.

The answere.

VVhithead.It is not a compulsion / but an almes. For no man is constrained otherwise then his owne good will and habilitie is / and that that is off good will / is no compulsion. And the­re shall no man off the richer sorte (that is godlie) be fraide awaie from vs by this meane / in as muche as suche as be go­dlie seeke off there owne accorde / whom they maye doo good vnto. And wher they obiecte vnto vs againe the small nomber off oures / whiche haue competent ynough to lyue vpon themselues / theis shulde be some men off mightie habi­litie that woulde haue the magistrate perswaded / that other are but beggers in comparison off them. paraduenture Hor­ne / whiche is the deuiser here off / is admitted vnder hande into the felowshipp off the purce with Chambers and ther­off it commethe his so great swellinge / such loftynesse and [Page CLVII] contempte off others: And where he addethe that there we­re but fyne that gaue at the collections before tyme / and the summe off that they gaue / came scarse to 13. Dallers / it is a matter worthie to be knowen For abowte an halff yere paste and more when Horne and Chambers had geuen warninge openly for certeine thinges that they were offended at / we wote not what / that they woulde geue ouer their Ecclesiasticall ministeries / whiche is no noueltie for them to doo nowe / afterwarde they went abowte to gather euerie mannes almes to the intent they might seeme at their departure from their ministeries like good husbandes of other mēnes liberalitie to haue left somethinge vnto the churche. But seinge they gathered to this ende / and it was perfectly knowen to all men that their gatheringe was for this cause / certenly / we meruaile that the­re was so muche as one that woulde gaue anie thinge / or that the summe whiche they gaue / growed to so muche as 13. not Dalers but hallers or phēninges. But Chambers and Horne were not so euell knowen at that tyme: nowe yff they lyst to assaie / they shall proceiue / that there is not one / that will pu [...] them in truste with so muche as a myte. And yet sins they de­parted from the congregation / there hathe bin more geuen (by the grace off god) vnto the poore / then Horne and Cham­bers haue geuen off their owne / all the daies off their liffe.

The obiection against the 29. Article.

This lawe hathe these discōmodities: that firste / Horne. it discloseth the thinge ouermuche / that those whiche were wont to be liberall vnto vs / are moste desirous to keepe close / secondly / it is preiuditiall to priuate men whiche haue felte manie men­nes priuate beneficence. Thirdly it nippeth and thwitethe a­waie a great deale off that liberalitie / whiche might come to vs / in that we so appointe a strange collectour / and vnknowē to the geuers. Fourthelie it dothe wonderous suspiciously importe the infamie off certeine that haue vsed theis labours. Fiftlie / it shall strike a feare and a terror vnto the geuer [Page CLVIII] when he muste se so manye handes subscribed to publick letters and by this reason they shall be eloigned from vs that would gladly succor the poore.

Sixthly / it shalbe excedinge hurtefull to other congre­gations / and a losse to all other banished men / whersoeuer they are dispersed. Finally / thes so openly ordeined lawes shall signifie vnto oure Queene that we norishe and sustaine oure congregation by hir subiectes. And that shall off necessitie cause / that they whiche were wont to geue vs some what shalbe moste diligently sought owte to their vndooinge and oure moste pestilente plage.

The answere.

VVhitheadHere is maniefolde fyndinge off faulte as in a matter off moste waightie importance / and wherwith Maister Horne and Maister Chambers are wonderfully rubbed on the gall. But passinge ouer the firste member as vaine / and min­gled with others / we will firste speake of the seconde. Yff this be to the preiudice off priuate men / what haue yow Maister Horne and Maister Chambers done / whiche nowe a greate while haue by your messengers and letters stopped all the priuate almoses off all men / and drawen them into your owne handes? And that yow / Maister Horne / threatned owte off the pulpit that yow woulde do / and that yow woulde make poore miserable men to eate haye. Where they speake off an vnknowen collectour / we answere / that the lesse he shalbe com­monly knowen / the lesse daunger shall he cause to them / that he shall haue to doo with all. For those collectors off yours / are nowe by this your diligence in gathering (would to god ye were as liberall in distributinge) and by theis your close and moste discreet means / so knowen / that no man dare bydd them god spede / muche lesse talke withe them.

Therfore it is wonderous fyne / that Maister Horne hathe forged here cōcerninge an vnknowne colectour▪ where he saithe that a feare and a terror shall be stricken into suche [Page CLIX] as shall see manie names subscribed / we vnderstande not ho­we that cā be. It semeth he woulde saie / that oure messagers wil shewe not oure names but the messagers names subscri­bed. Furthermore / we demaunded off Chambers and Horne / why they haue done the same nowe theis 3 yeres / and compelled men [...]o subscribe against their willes. A small fa­ult in theis daies. In them this is a godly matter in vs an horrible abhomination.

Where he saith / that this will be exceedinge Hurtefu [...]l to h [...]r congregatiōs / certeinlie / it hathe bin a most an vndo­oinge bothe to our congregation and others tha [...] M Horne and M. Chambers haue in this behalff done yet hithertoo / For one while they saie / they haue gathered alonely for this congregation: When any bodie off an other churche (ye must vnderstand) craue ought off them An other while they boaste that they haue a great deale for other congregations / that is when they be offended with vs as they are nowe moste gre­uously. For nowe (we beleue) they will saie plainly they haue nothinge for oure poore / therfore though they speake it not / yet / they shewe openly by their dedes that they haue all to themselues / and keepe all to themselues. Where he saithe / the Queene shall vnderstande by this meanes that oure congre­gations are norished by hir subiectes▪ how so? Doo we name Englishe men? or vniuersally all good men by whose liberal­litie the poore off oure congregation be norished? But the Queene will suspecte some thinge off hir subiectes. O fine witt [...]e men: She suspected nothinge forsoothe before we wrote this discipline. That / that he hathe in the fourth place set as i [...] were / in the middle ranke in saftie / we sawe not▪ therfore / we will speake off it laste But this is the greuouse matter off all / and that whiche alone tormenteth theis men in dede. for oth­er causes are pretended / but this is the verie thinge whence (as the man saithe) comethe all this anguishe and anger too / forsoothe it wilbe suspected (saieth he) iff some other collecte in the name off the congregation / that we like not Chambers collection / nor Hornes and his distribution. Hereoff will all theis waightie discommodities growe / that they two (ye mu­ste [Page CLX] vnderstande) maie not be in so great authoritie with all men / nor be such buggarddes to the poore yff they maye not beare the bagge alone. O greuous and intollerable euilles that will growe off theis suspitions. In dede they make an ende off all this place withe plaine tragicall termes: this geare (saith he) shall cause vndooinge and a moste pestilent plage vnto the congregation.

We wonder that he cried not owte also▪ o heauen / o ear­the / o neptunes seas / but where they feare them selues so mu­che off suspitions / we beleue / they maie be owte off parad­uenture in a while. For all men will with in a shorte time (as farre as we see) geue ouer to suspect what manner off men Horne and Chābers be. Finally what faulte so euer they finde with vs in all this adoo touchinge the messager to be sente / they themselues haue vtterly forced vs by extreamitie and vi­olence to attempte it. For seinge Chambers wou [...]d geue nothinge being present / but vnto certeine off his owne / and is no­we runne awaie with the purce / we are vtterlie constrained to take this waie / that oure poore perishe not for famine.

The obiection against the 30. Article.

Horne.This is amisse / that the Deacons are bownden to visite the poore onely / to knowe iff they neede: seinge it is chieflye required that they maye exhorte / that they maie comforte / that they maie relieue such consciences as be sick and burthened with synnes. A man maie aske them where it apeareth by plaine wordes off the scriptures / that it is the Deacons office to receiue and keepe the treasures off the churche / and that they alone ought to excecute and accomplishe this office.

The Answere.

VVhithead.Let the Deacons visit all sicke folke vn [...]uersallie yff they will and exhorte them and comforte them / we forbid thē not. Onely we shewe that they are bownden by reason off their [Page CLXI] office peculiary to haue charge off the poore. VVhithead Where they saie it is chiefly required that deacons shuld exhorte and comforte the sicke consciences off them that are diseased: Iff they saie they be bownde to doo that by reason off their office / let them proue it / that they doo not onely saie all thinges. But yff they respecte Christian pitie towardes their brethern / neither doo we exempte from the Deacons / that whiche is the common dewtie off all Christians. But for as muche as they haue burthened the Deacons before / with vnnecessarie charges as concerninge the office off Deacons / by reason wheroff they fraied manie from that right godlie office off Deacons / we haue thought good to declare what thinges they be whiche pro­perly appertaine to the Deaconshipp / and what be the com­mon dewties off all Christians. And leaste theis men might iustlie complaine as touchinge the lake off exhortinge and comforting the sicke / that matter is sufficientlie prouided for by the ministers off the worde vnto whom that charge do­the chiefly appertaine and by other lerned men also. And to that question that they harpe vpon againe / it is throughly answered in the 4. Article In that they require plaine wordes off scrip [...]ure off vs we cannot meruaile ynoughe / seinge they neither proue or shewe anie thinge / either by plaine wordes or obscure wordes: but as thoughe we were scollere and they scoolemasters off Pithagoras rule / they onely saie and affir­me all thinges and confirme nothinge. But they promesse they will doo it at leasure and god before. And that is ynoug­he we trowe.

The obiection against the 38. Article.

The time is ill appointed. Horne. it were a great deale better af­ter the marte / for the auoidinge off rumor and blowinge off dissentions whiche maie arise as it is nowe in example.

The answere.

The time is appointed well ynough. VVhithead For theis dissenti­ons are not to be imputed to times / but to men. And we [Page CLXII] truste that we shall by the grace off God haue hensfoorthe goodmen that shall quietlie geuerne the churche in the tru [...] feare off god and loue to their brethern.

The obiection against the 44. Article.

Horne.The 44. Article speaketh manifestly against the edicte off the Senate. For there it is specified by theis clere and mani­feste wordes. Furthermore the Senate off this honorable ci­tie hath decreed / that iff their arise anie dissention or conten­tions amonge the strangers / concerninge Religion or their Discipline / they be sett at one with all diligence by the mini­sters and Seniors specially for this cause / leaste those whiche professe themselues to be banished mē owte of their countrie for true Religions sake / vtter an euell token what their minde is by reason off such controuersies and debates. And in case the matter cannot be apeased before the ministers and elders let them knowe that the Senate off this citie will take order therein / who as reason is / will looke moste sharply vppon the Authors off suche troubles.

The answere.

VVhithead.It is not against the meaninge off the edicte / as it was declared by the Magistrates themselues in oure churche be­fore all the congregation the laste off February / by the mou­the off Maister Valeran polaine / and the saide Magistrates / (seinge the sentence pronounced by the saide Maister Vale­ran and written owte by vs / allowed it / according wherunto / this decree is all together set foorth.

The obiection against the 46. Article.

This lawe dothe not sufficiently forsee and prouide for the quietnes off the congregation / Horne. vnle [...] in this greater par­te / the pastor and seniors be included / whose authoritie men [Page CLXIII] ought not to bringe into such cōtempte that we woulde so easilie reiecte them. The multitude is off their owne disposition / ouermuche licentious and grudginge at euerie superior po­wer and this lawe is also againste the edicte off the Senate.

The answere.

Iff the ministers and Elders wilbe present no man warneth them: yf they will not / VVhithead. who wil force them againste the­ir willes? It is impertinent that he saith / they be easilie reie­cte / whiche will not come when they be desired / or when they be present departe vppon their owne will. Where he saithe / that this decree is also contrarie to the edicte off the Senate / it is not ynough / excepte he proue it.

The obiection against the 49. Article.

The subscribinge is ouer hardly and constrainedly done specially in so often alteration and innouation off lawes as as they speake off. Horne.

The answere·

The subscribinge is not ouer hadly nor constrainedly done but so muche the lesse hardly and cōstainedly / VVhithead. in that there is an easie waye shewed to redresse Yf anye thinge be done a­misse: Where theis men would haue their decrees to be repu­ted for holie sacred cānons whiche maie not be moued. And as for this subscribinge / whiche they say is so cōstrained and harde / besides that it is prouided for by the edicte off the Sena­te / it is required also in their oulde discipline and institution.

The obiection against the 54. Article.

The authoritie off the pastor and Seniors is all wiped awaie. Horne. For euerie thinge is referred to the confused multitude of the congregation.

The answere.

VVhithead.Excepte the matter be vsed as we haue prouided in the Discipline / bothe the authoritie and libertie off the congrega­tion is wyped awaie / and a meere tyranny estblished. Where he saith all thinge is referred to the confused multitude / it is manifestlie false. For it is allwaies added by such as the con­gregation shall appointe therto: as it is also in the 54. article added / in plaine wordes.

The obiection against the 57. Article.

Horne.This Lawe is also contrarie to edicte off the Senate.

The answere.

VVhithead.This shulde not be saide but shewed.

The obiection against the 58. Article.

Horne.The assemblie off 4. 6. 8. or 10. is troublously done and withowte order / and will styrre vpp newe tumultes daily in the congregation. Such lawes as this condemne the authoritie and counsaile off the Elders.

The answere.

Horne and Chambers condemne the assemblie off 4. 6. 8. VVhithead. or [...]. men for peace mak [...]nge: Where they haue almost eve­rie daie theis 3. monethes gathered corner creepinge assem­blies to disturbe the peace of the church.

The obiection against the 59. Article.

Horne.The 59. article is manifestly repugnant against the 56. Article.

The answere.

The 59. is not repugnant against the 56. article for there is intreated off ciuill controuersies and here off others. VVhithead

The obiection against the 63. Article.

This lawe also is against the edicte off the Senate. Horne.

The answere.

It is not against the meaninge off the edicte / VVhithead. as it is de­clared in the answere to the 15. Article. For it was declared by the right honorable and godly Magistrates openly in oure churche / that they thought nothinge lesse then to impeche the lawfull authoritie off the congregation. And except the con­gregation whiche geueth authoritie to ministers be superior to the ministers / they are not nowe ministers / but lordes off the congregation / as to adde no further.

The obiection to the 68. article.

In this place we desier that oure olde discipline maie be looked vpon / that we maie se whither it be / Horne. to be so lightly ca­ste awaie / seinge it proceeded off so lerned men / and shall with a meane amendinge be farr perfecter then this newe Disci­pline.

The answere.

Where they desier that the olde Discipline maie be loo­ked vppon / we answere / the more they shall looke vpon it / VVhithead. the more euedently shall the naughtynes and imperfection off it appeare / And it shall also more plainely appeare howe muche the cōgregation hathe bin beholdinge to them that haue reteined such an vnperfit discipline so lōge in the churche / onely / by [Page CLXVI] cause it permitteth all to the pastor. Where they saie that the Discipline proceded off so lerned men / yet / the same that w­rote it / (were they neuer so well lerned) confesse themselues both that it was gathered in haste / and geuen to the congre­gation as imperfit / onely for a tyme. Where [...]hey speak off the amending off that Discipline / we marueille that it neuer came into their minde before.

The obiection against the 72. Article.

Horne.That concerninge testamentes in this daungerous worlde is a pernitious Lawe.

The answere.

VVhithead.We cannot tell what serpente the lawe concerninge Te­stamentes hathe lurkinge vnder the herbe. They saye it is a pernitious lawe / and they onely saye so / But we saie it is ve­rie wholsome / and profitable against the fraude off falsaries and to the succours of the fatherles and widdowes.

The obiection the 73. Article.

Horne.Quietnes is not sufficiently prouided for by this mea­nes / in asmuche as it is commaunded (as it were) that euerie one shuld looke and study for an innouation.

The answere.

VVhithead.Quietnes / is prouided for sufficiētly / in as muche as the matter muste passe quietlye and peaceablie / and also by wri­tings mennes consciences / are also necessarely prouided for / that in case any thinge be founde in the Ecclesiasticall ordina­unces vngodly or disagreinge / or ells vnprofitable for the church it maie be chaunged straight waies / so as mennes plea­sures be not holden for holy / sacred / and vnmouable as the papistes would.

The obiectours conclusion.

In all this a doo / we saie this for a conclusion / Horne. that there be thre thinges / whiche they onely seeke / the innouation off ministers / a purse and treasure / I wote not what / and the purginge off their owne offences before committed

Nowe haue we alleadged as muche as we handsome­ly coulde bringe / consideringe the tyme. We woulde also haue alleadged verie many other thinges / so as it shulde plainly appeare / that oure brethern haue in ordeininge their Discipli­ne respected neither so great waightie reasons / nor so great commodities off oure congregation But haue in the meane while geuen that / that shall be offensiue and slanderous to all good men / and to oure aduersaries and goddes enemies the papistes high reioycinge and pleasure. The booke off the olde-discipline with a verie litle and small correction and amending would cause manie more plentifull fruites off Christian har­tes to be brought foorth / and would settle a great deale more constant and more durable quietnes amonge vs.

The answere to the conclusion.

In all this adoo / Maister Horne and Maister Chamb­ers go abowte nothinge ells but to disquiete the cōgregation / VVhithead that Horne might rule the roste ouer all: Chambers beare the bagge alone / and they 2. together exercise a moste vnworthie lordshipp ouer the poore / and by them all other / and that they might haue no certeine discipline / but that their pleasures mi­ght be holden for lawes / and that nothinge shulde be thou­ght right or stād in force but what they doo / yet hithertoo / and the same they go abowte nowe: And it semethe they haue vt­terly determined either to establishe a tyrannie / or to leaue no common wealth at all in the congregation. Where Horne and Chambers make rehersall here off the purginge off offences comitted by vs / they ought iustly to haue byn ashamed to make mention off offences seinge they haue neuer left for theis 3. or 4. Monethes to lade themselues with wicked doinges [Page CLXVIII] And as for occasion of offence and slander geuen to good and godly men and to oure aduersaries and goddes enemies the papistes high reioicinge and pleasure / they accuse vs theroff so falsely / as they themselues haue geuen the occasion in dede.

For they coulde neuer abyde to haue anye thinge amen­ded nor themselues to be admonished off any thinge / or to be cōmoned withall in anie wise. But for the moste light / yea / no causes in dede / they forsooke their ministerie straight wai­es / the pastor forsooke the flocke / the Treasorer the poore and bothe forsooke the churche and moued others by their e­xample to do the same.

Neither was it ynough for them to geue ouer their owne functions but they must drawe other preachers and readers with them also / to the intent the congregation shulde by this meanes be destitute off Goddes worde / and vtterly scattered as thoughe it colde not possiblie stande withowte them. And when they had forsaken their owne churche / they haunted / partly the french churche and partly / the dewtche churches and so raised rumors abroade and spred oure dissentions / fir­ste / though this citie and then thorough other cities off Ger­many. And last off all / when they wolde not come to the chur­che in the marte time / but by the Magistrates commaunde­ment / neither coulde they then be quiet they spreed the like rumours almoste throughowt all Europe.

Then I hope, it may be now spr­ed againe withowt offence, all thinges wel waied.And when they haue plaied theis prancks themselues / they charge vs with their owne faultes and go abowte to laie the infamie vppon vs whiche they themselues haue stirred vp. Iff yow shall crie owte that olde matters are rehersed by this meanes / yow ought to haue abstained from prouokinge vs hereunto: neither to haue mentioned offences committed / olde subscriptions / ne yet to haue called vs vs backe thus to the ol­de discipline the fountaine off all contentions.

The names subscribed to the obiections with a postscripte.

  • Robart Horne
  • Edwarde Isaac
  • Richard Chambers
  • Christopher Brickbeck
  • Anthonie Mahewe
  • Richard Dauids
  • [Page CLXIX] Cutbert warcope
  • Robart Harrington
  • Iohn Binkes
  • Iohn Escot.
  • Nicholas caru [...]
  • Iohn Machet.

The reste off oure consentinge brethern we coulde not call together vnto this subscribinge / Horne. by reason off shortnes of time / whose names shall be put afterward hauinge your H. licences therto.

The answere to the postscripte.

Where they complaine off shortnes of time in the ende as they did in the beginninge / VVhithead and that they could not by rea­sen therof cal their cōsentinge brethern together to the subscribinge: What meaneth that? For where they haue set to the names off them whiche dwell most farr asunder and haue left owte almost none but the names off their owne seruants w­hom they haue allwaies at a becke / yet they could not call the rest off their brethern together forsoothe / to the intent they might by this shift make a shewe to suche as knowe not the matter / off some multitude off men off some estimation whi­che are leste owte. And they desier also as in a matter off wa­ight that they maye set too the names off the others after­wardes. And as here in the ende / they vaunte a certeine shewe of some great multitude that will subscribe: Euen so / in the beginninge and in many other places of their booke they make a great bragge as though they would exhibite so­me notable matter to the magistrate / so they maie haue time ynough geuen them to bethink themselues. But maister Hor­ne and maister Chambers shall with theis their mightie and great promisses bothe off subscriptions declarations and confirmations bring [...] to passe as good as nothinge. But yet this they are desirous to bringe to passe in the meane time / that whiles theis gaye glorious promises off thers be loked for / they may a longe time hinder the peace and quietnes off the churche whiche their onely desier is to haue disquieted. And iff it be possible that thei maie recouer a moste intollerable lorde­shipp ouer the congregatiō or in case they cannot obtaine the chief state in the cōgregatiō / that they may leaue the churche in [Page CLXX] worste / or in no state at all / but that they maye rendē it and all to scatter it. Theis be the deuises off Horne and Chambers. Theis be therfetches / right honorable and most righteous Magistrates. And yet we haue no distruste but almightie god for his mercies sake towardes oure most afflicted churche / and that your authoritie for your equities sake and singuler beneuolence towardes vs / will withstande the same.

And for as muche as we haue proued that one off theis thinges whiche they haue reprehended in oure discipline / be other against gods worde / or againste good reason: and for as muche also as we are ready to proue / that all thinges con­teined in oure Discipline / are taken owte either off Goodes worde or off the edicte off the Senate and Magistrate / either owte off their owne olde discipline which they stick so fast vnto / either ells off the iudgement off good reason / we humblie beseche the right honorable and righteous magistrates that they will vouchsaffe to confirme it with their authoritie.

Where as bothe partes gaue consent that certeine oth­ers / very worshippfull / shuld also deale in this controuersie betweene them / to appease (yff it might be) the same I ha­ue here folowinge placed the order whiche they tooke for the­ir quietnes.

To the ministerie and bodie off the congregation off the Englishe Churche off Franckford.

FOr as muche as at the request off all oure brethern and countrie men off this churche off Franckford / we haue vn­dertakē to endeauour oure selues to make an ende of this sorowfull controuersie whiche so grieuously / so longe tyme hath vexed this congregation / slaundered Religion / and infamed the name off all Englishemen we thought we coulde neither satisfie the duetie off Christian charitie / nor the office off louinge countrie men / iff we did omitt any thinge / whiche / by anie [Page CLXXI] probable coniecture might seeme to bringe to effecte oure honest entreprise in this behalfe. wherupon we haue thought good to offer vnto yow oure brethern on bothe parties such a forme off agremente touchinge certeine pointes off your discipline as had semed vnto vs vppon conference betwene certeine chosen persons / on bothe sides before vs most conue­nient / so to satisfie all men / that euery man might willingly and cheerfully submitt him selff vnto the the obedience ther­off. Desiring yow all as ye hope to haue fauour at goddes handes in the bloude off Iesus Christe / so to applie your fa­uorable mindes eche to other that all striff and contention se [...] aparte / yow maie ioine together in a blessed Christian and happie societie / peace and concorde / and the thinge wherevn­to we wishe bothe the parties shuld agree is as folowithe.

The forme off reconciliation.

Firste / where as in this whole treatie off reconciliation and alteration of discipline / some thinges might happē to see­me to rēde to the condēnation of some partie or parson: we do all frelie pronounce and testifie eche parte off other / that nei­ther off vs do condemne either partie / or anie person as those whiche haue don anie thinge contrary to gods word / or pro­balitie off reason in this matter off discipline / but frindly and louingly euerie man dothe imbrace all men omittinge all re­hersall and disputation off thinges paste with common and hartie praier vnto god / that from hens forthe we maie remai­ne / and liue together in brotherly loue to the glorie off god and comforte off vs all.

Concerninge the article for exercise off lerninge / that there be no mention made off the same in the booke off disci­pline but that for so muche as lerned men remaine in the con­gregation / that the ministerie shall for the furtheraunce off lerninge / labor to put in vre such exercise off lerninge as the lerned can performe and the abilitie off the churche beare.

Concerninge the receiuinge and distributinge off the treasure 2 [Page CLXXII] off the churche· The receauinge and distributinge ther­off dothe apperteine to the Deacons / yet not so that they doo it withowt the knowledge and consent off the Ministers and Seniors. concerninge the kepinge off the saide treasure / it maie verie well apperteine to the Deacons / yet is it not off such necessitie out that the reste off the ministerie maie other­wise set order for the custodie theroff / as tyme and occasion shall serue.

Concerninge the Article off contribution / when the tre­asure 3 off the churche faileth / it perteineth to the ministers and Deacons to trauell by the waie off exhortation with the ri­che to helpe in that nede withowte anie further compulsion.

Concerninge the Article off sendinge off common letters 4 for the relieff off the congregation: That there be no mention made off anye parte theroff in the booke off discipline but that the ministerie with all possible secrecie vse such pollicies and means as maie beste serue to the relieff and mainteinance off the congregation.

Concerninge the Article off makinge off lawes / that they 5 be made by the ministerie and bodie off the congregation be­inge called together for that purpose. And iff the ministerie / or anie off them refuse to be present beinge by the bodie off the congregation required therunto / whithowte iuste cause by them or him alleaged / that then / after a dewe time geuen for the hearinge off the cause / yff they bringe not in good reason and iuste cause off suche refusall: Then to be depriued by the same from their or his ministerie and newe to be chosen.

Concerninge the article off the election off Ministers 6 That a scrutenie / be had euerie yere at the tyme off ele­ction for the examination off the Ministers off the worde / wherin shalbe by the appointmente off the congregation six or eight graue and wise men whiche shall heare what faults be alleadged against the same Minister / And yff the faults be waightie and worthie off open correction / to signifie the same to th [...] congregation that the offenders or offender maie be corrected or depriued accordingly. Yff the offences be les­ser [Page CLXXIII] then that they ought to be published / then the saide mi­nisters or minister offendinge / to be monished off his faulte accordinge to the discretion off the Scrutiners.

Concerninge the Article off Testamentes. That no man by order in this congregation shall be forced to Register his 7 Testamente / but that their be eight or 10. graue wise / subst­antiall and honeste men chosen by the congregation owte off whiche nomber the Testator shall haue his choise / or yff he omit the thinge / his executours shall haue the choise to take 2. off the saied 8. or 10. besides suche as are made wittnesses / whom the executers with [...]in a monethe after the death off the Testator shall make priuie to the Testamente / and that the same two / beinge required therunto / shall faithfully declare vnto euery partie comprehended in the will / so muche off the will as shall particulerly appertaine to euery off them / and shall keepe secrete all the reste off the will or Testament as they shall proteste before God and the congregation vppon there consciences / at the time off their election.

And nowe in case it shall seeme good vnto all your wi­sedomes as well off the Ministerie and bodie off the congre­gation off the one part as off the dissentinge brethern off the other part That we shall by oure mediation proceede anye further accordinge vnto this forme off reconciliation / whiche is here described: We doo hartely require yow / that signifin­ge your mindes vnto vs with as conueniente spede as ye maie / ye will also appoint owte on either parte / 2. Discreet and sober persons / louers off peace and concorde / whiche by con­ference with other two off vs / whom we shall appointe / may drawe theis Articles afore written into such a forme as they maie be conueniently anexed to the reste off your Discipline.

The 29. September 1557.
Your lovinge b [...]ethern and countrie.
  • [Page CLXXIIII] Thomas VVrothe.
  • Frances Knollys
  • Roger Parker.
  • Iohn Abell.
  • Henry Knollys.
  • Iohn Browne
  • Fran. willforde
  • Iohn Turner.
  • Edwin Sandes.
  • Thomas Eaton.
  • Ricard Springham.

The answere off the churche to this offre / or the effect off the same.

We cannot allowe this waie off reconciliation offred to oure churche by oure countrie men for as muche as we shulde condemne oure selues as euell doers / and oure doinges vn­godly and vnreasonable / but we are assured we haue not done in oure discipline anie thinge contrary to goddes worde and good reason.

  • Dauid VVhithead.
  • Iohn Hales.
  • Thomas Sorby
  • Iohn Pedder
  • Vhomas Ashley
  • Henry Parry.
  • Richard Beesley
  • Robart Crowley
  • Thomas wattes
  • Richard Rogers.
  • VVilliam Rawlinges
  • Robart Beste
  • Richart Luddington.
  • Edmond Haries.

The copie off the letters off request sentfoorth for relieff off the poore by Maister Sutton

To all them that beare an vnfayned Reuerence and zeele vnto the eternall Testament off Iesus Christe / io­yned withe the charitable and syncere bowells off mercie towardes the poore. Grace / Mercie and Peace from God the Father by the same oure Lorde Iesus Christe his sonne the common and onely Sauiour off the worlde.

IT is not like that the brute of the cōtrouersie / which hathe nowe at the ende off six monethes continued in this En­she [Page CLXXV] churche at Franckford / is vnknowē to strangers: it is mo­re like that so manie beinge priuie therto / it is caried and spread to farre abroad: and moste like by the fruites springin­ge theroff / that it hath byn vntruly reported by the willfull authors and stubburne mainteiners off it / not onely to the infamie / reproche / and discredit off the bodie off this churche and to the intent to stopp all relieff from the poore members off the same / but also / that their vncharitable and leude beha­uiours shulde not come to light. For it is well knowen that diuerse charitable men (albeit their persons and names be nei­ther knowen nor desired to be knowen) were / before the be­ginninge off this controuersie verie liberall in sendinge their charitie to the vse off this whole congregation vniuersal­ly / and some were beneficiall to sundrie members off the same particulerlie / whiche sithe that time to oure knowle­dge they haue left vndone vtterlie. We the Ministers off the churche / hopinge that theis men the authors and mainteners off this controuersie would in time haue knowen their faults and made satisfaction to the churche as it becomethe christen men to doo / did not onelie with pacience suffer their slaunde­rous talke and vnquiet demenour / but also beare with their vniuste dealinge / and as much as in vs laye studied to couer their faultie doinges. Neuertheles / seinge no likelyhood off their amendment / but moste manifeste proffes off their mali­ce / this poore congregation / rather dailie encreasinge then in anie parte abatinge / and thereby the pouertie theroff contin­ually augmentinge / we thought it oure bownden dewtie in conscience / no longer to hide the matter / but thus off necessi­tie constrained / to disclose it / so as seinge they will not be as they ought to be / they maie at leaste be knowen as they be. And thus we doo not for anie malice that we beare to anye mannes person (as god the sercher off all hartes knoweth) but that the truth beinge knowen / such good people as through vntrue reporte / haue byn perswaded to withdrawe their good mindes and fauor from this poore congregation might vnderstande that withowte iuste cause they haue so longe do­ne [Page CLXXVI] it / and hereafter be the more willinge to renewe their cha­ritie in the relieuinge off this poore church off Christe. And to come to the matter / ye shall vnderstand that after maister Horne late pastor / and the Seniors that were ioyned in the ministerie with him had by a writinge subscribed with their owne handes / openly before the congregation surrendred and geuen ouer their offices / reteininge neuertheles the writinge off their surrender in their owne handes / and yet beinge de­sired by the congregation not to leaue their ministeries / but still to exercise the same: they in no wise woulde doo it / wherby the churche was diuers daies destitute off the preachinge off goddes worde. Wheruppon / the more part off the congrega­tion / mindinge to haue the churche kept in good order and to redresse those thinges that were a great occasion off the for­mer contention / so that after there might be a perpetuall qui­etnes and concorde amonge vs / went earnestly abowte the [...]ame. But it hapened contrarie to oure expectation / the for­mer grudges continuinge / and newe busines daily increasin­ge / which at lenght came to the Magistrates eare / contrary to oure mindes and determination. For when we thought that it shulde withowte anie further brute / amongest oure selues haue bin pacified and ended as we would to god it had bin. Wheruppon the godly magistrates lamentinge muche oure dissention / ad desiringe oure quietnes came into oure churche and there / firste made vs to promesse one to an other / that from thens foorth no mention shulde be made off anie for­mer grudge or contention betweene vs but that all thinges paste shuld be clene forgotten. Afterwarde / for the better continuance off loue amonge vs and good order in the churche / with the consent off Maister Horne the pastor and the Seni­ors discharged him and them off their offices and willed the churche to chuse newe ministers and to make a newe discipline (for by reason off the vnperfectnes off the olde Discipline a great parte off the former controuersie was) as iff there had bin neuer anie churche here before. Wheruppon the church diuers times assemblinge / at lenght / the moste parte of [Page CLXXVII] the churche thought moste reasonable that amonge other an order shulde be in this churche like as it was in the primatiue churche and is nowe in all well reformed churches / that the treasure shulde be in the custodie off all the Deacons and not off anie one man alone. Maister Horne with certeine off the Seniors and a fewe others woulde in no wise agree vnto it / but to their vttermoste resiste it / which gaue vs occasion off farther iuste suspition / that the treasure off the churche in time paste had not bin Christianly vsed.

And where as also we had deuised an other order / that for so muche as the magistrate dothe permit vs to vse the cu­stomes and manners off makinge off willes that be vsed in Englande / that for the more suretie off oure frindes that we­re here or ells where / yff we were disposed by oure willes to geue vnto them anie off that litle substance that god hath le­ste vs / (yff we shulde die here) owre willes shulde be seene and exemplyfied by the Seniors / ād so to be owte of all daun­ger off countre faitinge at anie time: Horne / and chambers o­nelie vppon fonde will withowte any iuste consideration / or good reason cauilled against the same order / onely affirminge it to be pernitious. Theis thinges we finde manifestly at len­ght / not to proceede off anie good minde or purpose but off contentious frowardnes grownded vppon selff loue and gai­ne that vnder a colour of the churche they might gather good mennes deuotions / and neuer distribute anie penny theroff or at the leaste / to none (had they neuer so great nede) vnles they woulde / either faune / and hange on them / or ells sustaine vn­charitable tauntes and reproches at their handes.

For where Chambers aboue 13. monethes paste had off maister Whithead then Pastor and the Seniors then a letter to receaue of one special mā 20. powndes and besides / through Horns procurement / a generall proxie to Chambers / and his deputie / to gather the deuotion off good men for the relieff off this poore congregation / whiche by their owne proceedings here before the Magistrates (their owne hands wrytinge testifinge the same) and otherwise by oure knowledge we are [Page CLXXVIII] certeine / they did put in practise / and receiued muche therby / yet Chambers vpon the accoumpt here left behinde him / nei­ther confesseth that he receyued the saide 20. powndes nor yet anie other summe / neither hathe he distributed (duringe all the tyme he was in office yet to this daie) in this congregati­on / to anie one person (sauing to 3. scollers that came with him) one penny / that he did not receiue here in this congrega­tion and citie.

And yet / at his departure hence / he lefte 2. off the saide scollers (vnto whom neuertheles he promised sufficient pro­uision and findinge / and neuer warned them to the contrary) in dette for their boorde and for other necessaries almost 20. guilderns whiche this poore congregation was forced to paie. Finallie / where good Mistres Wilkinson off blessed me­morie / put Horne and Chambers in truste with the deuisinge and makinge of hir will / whereby she gaue to this and other poore congregations of the poore banished Englishe men a Christian liberall relief: Albeit they haue caused some off the saied congregations to be paide of the same bequeste / yet hi­thertoo wolde they not make this poore congregation priuie to the summe bequethed vnto it / muche lesse paie it / nor yet (accordinge to the order of oure churches discipline aforesai­de) let the will be seene / so as the frindles younge ientle wo­man hir daughter shuld not be defrauded off hir right nor hir mothers will altered to hir losse. Furthermore / Maister Chambers vnderstandinge that we were minded (accordinge to oure dewties) to requyre an accoumpte of him / for the vse off his proxie / getteth him suddainly hence (accompanied w­ith Maister Horne) earely in a morninge / withowte the con­sent or leaue takinge off the congregation or the Ministerie theroff / and contrarie to his one openly made promesse / that he would not departe / till he had answered all that any man coulde charge him with.

And at his goinge awaie / he left behinde him an acco­umpt / which by cuttinge owte the leaues / and newe written / se [...]ethe not to be nowe at the last as it was at the firste / al­beit [Page CLXXIX] it was neuer so perfect as Christian fidelitie woulde haue required it to be. And moreouer / albeit we haue twise writtē vnto him charitably exhortinge ād requiringe him to come hither / and discharge himselff of those thinges that shall be sai­de vnto him in the behalff off this congregation / and to the inthent he shuld restore vnto it the proxie he receiued / and no longer by himselff or his deputie exercise it in the name off this poore churche / as we are informed he dothe: he neither commeth nor yet maketh answere to oure letters / wherby we cannot but think that he meaneth not onely crafte and subtil­tie (much vnworthie the integritie and fidelitie that he pretendeth) but also / to hinder / and as muche as in him lieth / to vn­doo this poore congregation / not onely off that he hath alre­ady receiued and caried awaie / (as he hath heretofore dealt with the companie off poore students at Zurick) but also / through vntrew reportes off all good mennes deuotions and liberalitie that hereafter woulde ells be bestowed. Their reportes (whiche amonge many other vntruthes to hinder this po­ore congregation they slanderously brute abroad) are chiefly theis: firste / that the poore off this churche be so well prouided for / that the worste hathe after the rate of 2. shillinges by the weeke. Secōdly / that some of the poore here / be so stowte tha [...] they disdaine t [...] aske relieff in their nede / so that oure poore seeme either not to nede or not to be worthie off helpe. And thirdly / that men here seeke to knowe the names off the ge­uers to this congregation to their great perill and vtter vn­dooinge / whiche reportes be all vtterly vntrue / but the truthe is that for lack / many poore men haue byn driuen bothe to de­part hence / to seeke their liuinge in other places and some forced to go for relieff into England. Theis speciallties (besides muche more that we haue thought good and very necessarie / that good godly men shulde knowe / bothe that they shuld not conceaue anie euell opinion off this congregation by false re­porte / and also / that mindinge to relieff the poore and misera­bly afflicted members off Christe their brethern in this chur­che / they shulde when god shall moue them to departe with [Page CLXXX] anie thinge to that vse / so deliuer it / as it maie sauffly come / and iustly be distributed / where they would haue it bestowed. And therfore we / (considering the state off oure fellowe exiles liuinge here with vs in nede and pouertie / and fedde by the onely good prouidence off god) desier all Christian men for the loue off oure sauiour Iesus Christe to consider / howe ple­asant a sacrifice howe sweete a sauor the relieuinge off the poore for his sake is before the face off oure heauenly father. A good mannes liffe / is almoste nothinge ells then a continuall exercise off mercie. All the daie longe he hathe mercy and pi­tie / saith the prophet Dauid.

Geue almes off thy goodes (saith the holie man Tobi­ah) and turne neuer thy face from the poore: and so shall it come to passe / that the face off the lorde shall not be turned awaie from the. Be mercifull after they power yff thow hast [...] muche / geue plenteouslie: yf thou haste litle / do thy diligence gladlye to geue of that litle / for so gatherest thow thy selff a good rewarde in the daie off necessitie. for almes deliuereth from deathe and suffreth not the soule to come in darknes. A great comforte is almes before the high God / vnto all them that doo it.

Blessed is he that consideth the poore (saith the Pro­phet Dauid (the lorde shall deliuer him in the tyme off trou­ble / &c. The good man (saith Dauid) hath distributed abroad and geuen to the poore / his righteousnes remaineth for euer: his horne shalbe exalted with honor / he that geueth to the poore shall not lack / saith the Wyse man in the prouerbes. As water / quencheth burninge fire / so dothe mercie reconcile synnes: whiche god shall rewarde and not forget / and the do­oer shall fynde a staie to keepe him vpp when he falleth / saithe Iesus the sonne off Sirach. Break vnto the Hungrie thy bread saith the Prophet Esaie and bringe the poore fatherles into they howse / when thow seeste the naked / couer him / and hide not they face from thine owne fleshe. Then shall thy light break foorthe / as the morninge / and thy helthe flouri­she right shortly / thy righteousnes shall go before thee / and [Page CLXXXI] the glorie of the lorde shal embrace thee. Thē yf thow callest / the lorde shall answere the: yf thou criest / he shall faye / here I am. Laie ye not vp treasures in earthe / where the rust and the moth maie destroy it / and theues maie digge it owte and ste­ale it / saithe Christe / but laie vpp your treasures in heauen.

Geue almes off that ye haue and behold / (saithe Christe) all is cleane vnto yow. What ye geue to one off theis litle o­nes (saithe he) ye geue it vnto me. And also he saith: blessed are the mercifull for they shall finde mercie▪ when the ydolatrus Kinge Nabuca [...]nezer shuld be conuerted vnto god what sa­ied the Prophet Daniell vnto him? redeeme they synnes with almes / and thy wikednesse with mercie on the poore / so per­happes god will pardon they sinnes. Think ye that god forga­te abdias that preserued the hundreth Prophetes in caues and fedd them there? Paule and the other apostells diligently bothe with wordes and writinge did labor for the relieff of the poore brethern that were at Ierusalem and ells where /

And we hope that god will open your hartes and min­des to consider oure state and by theis saynges and examples moue yow to haue pitie on your poore brethern / whiche yff it shall please his mercie to graunte yow cheerfully to doo / it is not to be dowted / but albeit he suffer yow to slyde and fall for a time / yet will he heaue yow vp (when it shalbe his good pleasure) and preserue yow / so as at the lenght ye maie be parta­kers off the ioyfull kingdome off god whiche oure sauior Ie-Christ hathe purchased for his electe with the price off hi [...] blood The holy spirite off god be allwayes with yow amen.

This controuersie which yow haue now harde from the [...]3. off Ianuary hitherto. I finde written by the handes off such as are bothe lerned and off credit / but yet / I muste ne­des say / by those that were parties in this broyle. And for so much as Maister Chambers in this controuersie is very sore charged amonge the reste: who yet / was thought off manie wise and godlymen / to be verye godly / vpright / and honest / ād so no dowte he tooke his leaue of this lyffe: I haue therfore here thought good to place a letter whiche is yet off his ow­ne [Page CLXXXII] hande to be seene / wrytinge the same in his owne defence touchinge theis matters so as the reader wayinge bothe the one and the other / maie vse his iudgemente with discretion▪

The copie off the letter.

To the worship. Maister Iohn Hales / M. Thomas Crawley. Maister Iohn Will­ford / and to Maister Whitthead / Tho / mas Sorsby / William Maister and Iohn olde at Franckford.


I wishe vnto yow the peace off god with my commendati­ons. The tenor of your demaunde hathe caused me to dif­ferr answeringe to your letters vntill this time not off pur­pos / to geue no answere / but that I then vppon the suddain wanted sure knowledge in that thinge wherby yow chiefly charge me. At my comminge from Zurick to Frankford I was intreated by certaine men to continewe my traueiles / in gatheringe the Almes and liberalities off godly mē / to relieue therwith such poore dispersed Englishe brethern / As I shuld think moste meete to be relieued euen as before time I had done. This requeste put in writinge / subscribed by certeine / was deliuered vnto me / not as letters testimoniall off autho­ritie / whiche as I neded not / or I required them not / neither yet that I shuld by force off them gather for the church off Franckford onely / or specially / whiche I purposed not / but that I might be the rather moued to doo as before I had donne. And they then required (whiche was after promesse made to further my doinges with all faithfull secrecie / in suche sor­te as I shulde from time to time deuise an requier) to besto­we [Page CLXXXIII] suche summes off monie as shulde hereafter come to my handes to suche vses and purposes as I thought good. Ther­fore / as by force off those letters I gathered not: So the ga­theringe for Franckford churche hathe not byn nor is in my handes / nor off any other at my appointmente as ye do w­rite.

Wherfore as I might / so I did / and that by the aduise off manie honeste / graue / and godly men / departe from thense withowte making that accoumpte / to whiche I am not bow­nde / nor leauinge for the relieff off the poore / off whom such haue had their portion in this blessinge for the time as I tho­ught meete to be relieued. Vnto the Students whom I neuer placed there / I haue performed whar so euer I promised. The accoumpt off receiptes / paiments and remaines which ye require / I intende not to make vnto yow. But I shall be ready at all times and in all places to make a iuste accoumpte off my whole dealinges in this behalff vnto them whiche ha­ue authoritie to demaunde it off me. In the meane tyme / as I shall by gods helpe truly do my indeauour / to relieue the poo­re as I shal haue wherwithe and finde them meete to receiue it: So shall I keepe the names and summes secret as I am bownde / till by them whiche haue iuste authoritie to louse me I be otherwise appointed.

Thus I committ yow to the grace off allmigh­tie god
Richarde Chambers.

AFter I had written this answere to your firste letters re­teining them in my hands vntill I might haue a conue­nient Carior: I receaued your Seconde letters the principall matters therin are answered before. To the rest that be any thinge materiall / thus I saie. As touching the delaye off mine answere yow call contempte more vncharitablie then truly as vnto godly wise men is well knowen. As my departure was not / so my returne to Franckfurt maie not be at your ap­pointement. [Page CLXXXIIII] Your generall accusations off misbehauiors and contemptes in the whiche yow saie I am faultie / I admitt no [...] Iff yow can iustly charge me with particulers / I shall make answere to the contentation off all godly mindes.

Where the discipline off Christe is vsed in iuste cau­ses / it is to be regarded but your vnorderly abusinge off it / and againste me that am not off your churche / I esteeme not. Yff yow vse ciuill proffes againste me / I sha [...]be as ready to answere the cause as yow to entre the sute. As for your di­splayinge off me to our dispersed brethern to my vndeserued dispraise in this matter cannot be such but that I shall easilie purge my self. As god knowethe who with his holy spirite molifie your hartes and geue yow the vnfained true sight off your selues amen.

Richard Chambers.
Deliuered the 20. off Iuly to M. Iohn Hales by Iohn Escot.

Nowe / Whiles theis sharpe and greuous contentions grewe more and more at Franckf. (as ye haue harde) manye thinges happened in other places whiche maie in this place be shortly touched / to the glory off god (I hope) and also / to the great comforte off the godlie / who maie by the same / be­holde moste euidently the maruelous prouidence off God to­warde his poore afflicted and dispersed churche.

After that M. Bartue and the dutches of Sulff. were saffely arriued at Wezell in Westphalia / the brute theroff was the cause that moo Englishe people in shorte time resorted thither. M. couer­dale sent by the duke of bipont. It pleased god also / that M Couerdale (after that he had bin withe the kinge of Denmark) shuld come to the same Towne / who preached there no longe time / till he was sent for by woulgange duke off bypont / to take the pastorall charge off Bargzaber / one off his Townes off Germany at whose comminge to the duke / he made it knowē / bothe to himselff and to other noble mē abowte him off M.B. and the dutches beinge in the lowe countries. They vnderstādinge / the daunger that might come vnto them in those partes / as also calling to re­mēbrance / what great curteisie strangers had founde in Eng­lande [Page CLXXXV] at the dutches handes: made offre that iff they were forced to remoue or otherwise if it pleased them / The curte­sie off the noble men off Germa­ny to M. Bartuc & the D. o [...] Sulff. they shuld haue the Castle of Winchaim by Hedleberge within the liberties of Otto Henricus thē Palsgraue and a godly Prince / who most gladly (as well appeared) gaue cōsent to the same. M. Bartuc and the Dutches acceptinge this offre / lefte Wezeli and came vp to the saide Castle / ād there cōtinued / til leauinge Germany they traueled towardes the lande off Pole. The congregation that was at Wezell wantinge amonge them / partly the com­forte whiche many off them had / by M. B. and my L. beinge there / and partly also other reasonable cōsiderations mouinge them they left Wezel and folowed after: But passinge by Franckf. and perceauinge the contention to be amōge them so boi­linge hott / that it ran ouer on bothe sides / and yet no fier quenched: many had small pleasure to tarie there / but went to Basil and other places / whiles M. Leauer made sute to the lordes of Berna for a churche with in their dominions / whose letters he obtained with great fauour to all their subiects for the frindly entertainement off the Englishe nation. Theis letters ob­tained / M. Leauer / M. Boyes / M. Wilforde / M. Pownall and T. Vpchaier / came to Geneua to haue the aduice off that churche what was best to be done touching the erection off a new churche. They of Geneua / gaue god thanks for that it had pleased him so to incline the hartes off the lordes off Berna to­wardes them and gaue incouragemēt that they shuld not let slyppe so good an occasion. M. I. Bodliegh (who was no small staie as well to that churche as to others) and W. Ke. he traueiled with them. And passinge thorough manie partes of the L. of B. dominion in Sauoy and Switzerland / they foun­de suche fauour in all places where they came / as verelie maie be to the great condemnation off all such Englishe men as v­se the godly stranger (I meane those who come for religion) so vncourteously.

M. Leauer and the company at lenght chose Arrow for their restinge place / Englishe men placed at Arrow. where the congregation liued together in godlie quietnesse amōge themselues with great fauour of the people amonge whom for a time they were planted.

[Page CLXXXVI] Horne and Chambers come to ge­neua.Not longe after this / Maister Horne and maister Cham­bers came by Arrowe to Geneua / seminge at that tyme to like verie well off those congregations / (as the churche of Frank. also then did as apearethe by their letters afore) in so muche as the said Maister Horne and Chambers / did distribute larglie to the necessitie of those churches. So that it appeared that the olde grudge whiche had bin betweene the churche off Franck. and Geneua had bin cleane forgotten.

It came to passe not many daies after / that the lorde be­gan to shewe mercy vnto Englande in remouinge Queene Mary be deathe / and placinge the queens maiestie that nowe is (whom god longe preserue) in the seate / the newes wherof / as it was ioyfull to all suche as were in exile / So it appeared that the churche off Geneua was not behinde the reste / who / (after that they had geuen to god hartie thankes for his gre­at goodnes) consulted amonge themselues and concluded / that (for so muche as there had byn iarres betwene them and other churches / abowt the Booke off common praier and ceremonies) it was now expedient and necessary not onely that vnfained reconciliation shulde be betwene them but al­so that they might so ioine together in matters off religion and Ceremonies / that no Papist or other enemie shuld take holde or aduantage by a farther dissention in their owne co­untrie / Kethe sent into Germany and Hel­ [...]ia. whiche might arise in time to come / yff it were not in time foreseen and preuented. To this ende was William ke­the / one off the congregation chosen to do this message / to them off Arrowe / Basill / Strasbrough / Wormes / Franck­ford &c. And to them off Arrowe and Francford this letter was wrytten which folowith and subscribed by the ministe­rie in the name off the whole congregation.

The Copie off the letter written the 15. off December.

The Father of mercies and god of all cōsolation confirme and increase yow in the loue off his sonne Iesus Christ / that beinge in the conduite off the lion off the tribe [Page CLXXXVII] off Iuda / ye maie be victorious / against Sathan and An­techriste to the ouerthrowinge off Papistrie and errour / and establishinge of Christes glorious kingdome.

AFter that we hearde (dearely beloued) of the ioiful tiding [...] off Gods fauoure and grace restored vnto vs by the pre­ferment off the moste verteous and gratious Queene Eliza­bethe: We lyfted vp our hartes and voices to oure heauenly father / who hathe not onely by his dewe prouidence norished vs in oure banishement / preserued vs / and as it were / caried vs in his winges / but also harde oure praiers graunted our requestes / pitied oure countrie and restored his worde. So that the greatnes off this maruelous benefit ouercomethe oure Iudgements and thoughts howe to be able worthely to re­ceaue it and to geue thankes for the same. And when we had withe great comforte wayed the matter / to the intēt that we might at the leaste shewe our selues mindefull off this most wonderfull and vndeserued grace / we thought amonge other thinges howe we might beste serue to godes glory in this worke and Vocation off fartheringe the gospell off our saui­our Iesus Christe. And bicause / all impedimentes and cauil­lacions off aduersaries might be remoued / it seemed good to haue your godly counsell and brotherly conference herein / whiche we desier to lerne by this bearer our louinge brother kethe / that we might all ioyne hartes and handes together in this great worke / wherin no dowte we shall finde many ad­uersaries and staies. Yet / iff we (whose suffraunce and perse­cutions are certeine signes off oure sounde doctrine) holde fa­ste together it is most certeine / that the enemies shall haue lesse power / offences shall sooner be taken awaie / and religion best proceade and florishe.

For what can the papiste wishe more then that we shul­de dissent one from an other / and in steed off preachinge Ie­sus Christe and profitable doctrine / to contende one againste an other / either for superfluous Ceremonies or other like trifl­es frō the whiche god off his mercy hathe deliuered vs. Ther­fore [Page CLXXXVIII] / beare brethern / we beseche yow (as we dowt [...] not but y­our godly iudgements will think it so beste) that what so euer offence hathe byn heretofore either taken or geuen: it maie so cease and be forgotten that hereafter god laie it not to oure charges yff thereby his blessed worde shulde be any thinge hindred. And as we for oure partes freely remitt all offences and most intirely imbrace yow oure deare brethern / So we beseche yow in the lorde that vnfainedly yow will do the like on your behalff wheroff albeit / we assure oure selues / as bo­the by▪ good experience we haue proued / and also haue recea­ued by your letters: yet [...] to cut off all occasions from Papistes and other cauillors / we thought it beste to renewe the same amitie / and to confirme it by theis oure letters. Moste earne­stly desiringe yow that we maie altogether teache and practi­se that true knowledge off Goddes worde / whiche we haue lerned in this oure banishment and by goddes mercifull pro­uidence / seene in the beste reformed churches: That considerin­ge oure negligence in times paste and goddes punishemente for the same / we maie with zeele and diligence endeauour to recōpence it / that god in all oure doinges maie be glorified / oure consciences discharged and the members off Iesus Christ releued and comforted. The whiche thinge the lorde god who hathe mercifully visited and restored vs graunt and performe. To whom be all honour / praise / and glory for euer and euer.

Your lovinge frinds, and in the name of vvhole churche.
  • Christopher Goodman
  • Miles Couerdale
  • Iohn Knox
  • Iohn Bodliegh.
  • VVilliam VVilliams
  • Anthony Gilby
  • Frances VVithers.
  • VVilliam Fuller.
  • Iohn Pullain
  • VVilliam Bevoyes
  • VVilliam VVhi [...]tingham

The Answere returned from Franck. by W. Kethe.

The grace off god and the assistaunce off the holy goste [Page CLXXXIX] lighten and strengthen yow to the vnderstanding and constant reteining of his truthe / to the fartheraunce off his honor and glorie and to the edifinge and maintenance off his churche in Christe Iesu oure lorde.

DEarely beloued / as your letters were moste welcome vnto vs / bothe for that ye reioice at the prefermēt off our godly queene / and al [...]o tha [...] y [...] studie howe to promote the glorie off god: So are w [...] right sory that they came not afore the depar­ture off suche as ye seeke a charitable reconciliatiō with all. For where as ye require that all suche offences as haue byn gyuen and taken betwene yow and vs maie be forgotten hereafter: there be not here paste foure left / which were then present when ye dwelt here and not one off the lerned [...] sorte sauinge M. Beesley. Yet / we dowte not / but as they promised in the­ir former letters / to forget all displeasures afore conceaued / so they will performe the same and esteeme yow as their bre­thern. And for oure partes / as we haue had no cōtention with yow at all afore time: so we purpos not (as we trust there sh­all be no cause) to entre into contention with yow hereafter. For ceremonies to cōtende (where it shall lye neither in your hands or oures to appoint what they shall be but in suche mennes wisedomes as shall be appointed to the d [...]uising off the same and whiche shall be receyued by cōmon consent off the parliament) it shalbe to small purpos. But we truste that bothe true religion shall be restored / and that we shall not be burthened with vnprofitable ceremonies. And therfore / as we purpos to submit oure selues to such orders as shall be e­stablished by authoritie / beinge not of themselues wicked / so we would wishe yow willingly to do the same. For where as all the reformed churches differ amōge them selues in diuers ceremonies / and yet agree in the vnitie of doctrine: we se no in conuenience if we vse some ceremonies diuers from them / so that we agree in the chief points of oure religiō ▪ notwithstandinge / if anie shalbe intruded / that shalbe offensiue / we / vpon iuste conference and deliberation vpon the same at oure mee­tinge with yow in Englande (whiche we truste by gods grace [Page CXC] will be shortly) wil brotherly ioine with yow to be sewters for the reformatiō and abolishinge of the same. In the meane se­ason / let vs with one harte and minde cal to the almightie god that off his infinit mercie / he will finishe and establishe that worke that he hathe begon in oure countrie / and that we ma­ie all louingly consent together in the earnest settinge foorthe off his truthe / that god maie be knowen and exalted / and his church perfectly builded vp throwgh Christe our lorde.

Your lovinge frinds in the na­me off the rest off the churche.
  • Iames Pilk [...]ngton
  • Iohn Mullings
  • Henry Carowe
  • Edmond Isaac
  • Iohn Browne
  • Henry Knolls
  • Frances VVilford
  • Alexander nowell
  • Richard Beesley
  • Iohn Graye
  • Christopher Brickbate.

An Answer brought from the congregation off Arrow by W. Kethe.

The Father off mercies and God off all conso­lation confirme increase and continewe yow allwaie in the loue off his sonne Iesus Christe our lorde.

PRaised be God through oure lorde Iesus Christe whiche pulled downe marie that did persecute / and hathe set vpp the godly lady Elizabeth Queene off Englande / to restore and maintaine there / the pure preachinge off his word. And for that it hathe pleased god to moue your good hartes / for the furtherance off the same / with godly zeele and charitable de­sier by your letters / to shewe vnto vs your aduise and purpos and also to require oures to be returned and sent vnto yow by [Page CXCI] oure brother Kethe: We doo with moste hartie thanks vn­fainedly afore god certifie yow / that to your counsell and conference with vs / we do consent willingly concerninge y­our most godly requeste / for that we acknowledge / that the same shall be to the aduauncement off his glorie and quiet­nes off his churche. Also / we desier yow that as ofte as we maie finde hereafter anie occasion to consulte and conferre by worde or writinge / that then bothe yow and we so take and seeke the same as maie be moste to our vnitie in mindes / and diligence to do good in the lordes worke. And farthermore for the forgettinge and puttinge awaie all occasions off offences we do likewise consente vnto your good ensample and reque­ste / And so finallye for the preachinge or professinge off since­re doctrine so as we haue seene and lerned in the beste refor­med churches we do gladly heare your aduise to be so agreab­le to oure purpos that we beseche yow to praie with vs / that yow and all we together that be faithfull maie continewe / proceade / and prosper in godly zeele / charitable concorde and earnest diligence to honor and serue god and to comforte and edifie his elect all times and in euery place and especially no­we in England. O lord not vnto vs but vnto they name be honor and praise for euer.

Your louinge frinds off the mi­nistery in the in the name and by the consent of the vvhole church.
  • Thomas Leauer.
  • Robart Pownall.
  • Richard Laughorne.
  • Thomas Turpin.

NOwe when as W. Kethe was returned to Geneua with answer from the congregations and companies / that were dispersed in sundry places off Germany and Heluetia / the congregation (after that they had rendred their humble than­kes to the magistrates for their great goodnes towards them prepared themselues to depart sauinge certeine whiche remained [Page CXCII] behinde the reste / to witt to finishe the bible / and the psalmes bothe in meeter and prose / whiche were already begon / at the charges off suche as were off most habilitie in that con­gregation. And with what successe those workes were fini­shed / (especially the Bible) I must leaue it to the Iudgemen­tes off the godly lerned / who shulde best Iudge off the sa­me.

But yff that Bible be suche / as no enemie off god coulde iustly finde faulte with: then maie men maruell that suche a worke / (beinge so profitable) shulde finde so small fauor / as not to be printed againe. Yff it be not faithfully translated / then let it still finde as litle fauour as it dothe bicause off the inconueniences that a false translation bringes with it. The Ministers off Geneua in an Epliste whiche they wrote / before the newe Testament haue theis wordes.

There is nothinge more requisite to attaine the right and absolute knowledge off the doctrine off saluation / wherby to resist all herisie and falshod / then to haue the texte off the Scriptures faithfully and truly translated / the consideration wheroff moued them with one assent (as they saie in that E­pistle to requeste 2. off their brethern / to witt / Caluin and Beza / efsonnes to peruse the same notwithstandinge their former trauells. Beza also in his Epistle to the prince off con­dy and nobles of France hathe these wordes. Seinge then all theis controuersies muste be discussed by Goddes worde / I suppose that this thinge ought chiefly to be prouided for / that seinge all cānot haue the knowledge to vnderstand the worde off God in theis peculiar languages / the Hebrue and the gre­ek (whiche were to be wished) that there shulde be some true and apte translation of the olde and newe testamēte made the whiche diuers haue already labored to bringe to passe / but yet no man hathe hitherto sufficiently performed it. For the olde translation (whose so euer it is) although it ought not to be condemned / yet is it founde bothe obscure vnperfect and superfluous and also false in many places / to speake nothinge off an infinite varietie off the copies. The whiche texte ther­fore [Page CXCIII] many lerned and godly men haue labored to amende / but not with like successe. And yet howe necessary a thinge this is / who so euer shall reade those moste lerned wryters off the gretians / and shall compare their interpretations (whiche are manie times farr from the purpos) with the Hebrue veritie / he shall confesse it with great sorowe.

And the same euill was not onely hurtefull amonge the latten wri [...]rs / but also the ignorance off the greeke tonge wherwit [...] many off them were troubled / whiles they did de­pend off the common translation / they oftimes seeke a knott in a rushe (accordinge to the olde prouerbe) and fell into mo­ste fowle errors. This cause therfore hathe moued me to compare moste diligently the diuersitie off copies / and to waie the sentences and Iudgementes off the moste parte off the lerned men specially off them that this age hathe brought foorthe / skillfull in the languages / who are moo in nomber dowteles and better lerned then the churche hath had sith­ens the time of the Apostles / and so ease them some what that desier a more pure interpretation.

And that it might be done with more profit I haue allso added annotations / in the whiche I haue also compa­red together the diuersitie off interpetations and as muche as I coulde I haue labored to make plaine and euident the sence and meaninge off all the darke places / &c.

Thus farr Beza / by whose Iudgement and the rest ye se / that to haue the holy Scriptures truly and faithfully trans­lated is a matter off no small importaunce. Here might I touche a thinge parhapp worthe the hearinge yff hope were off redresse / whiche is / that yff the lerned were but one halff so earneste zelous / and carefull / to se that the holy Scriptu­res in this Realme might be faithfully translated and trulye corrected / as they are many tymes abowte matters no­thinge so necessarie: I woulde not dowte to saie that they shulde do vnto god an excellent peece off seruice. For the moste parte off oure Englishe Bibles are so ill trans­lated (as the lerned report) and so falsely printed (as the sim­ple [Page CXCIIII] maie finde) that suche had nede to be verie well acquain­ted with scripture / as in many places shulde get owte the true meaninge and sence. And it is high time to looke vnto this / consideringe / that in moste partes off this Realme preachers ye haue none / nor anie that can or will preache (verie fewe ex­cepted) sauinge certeine wanderers / amongest whom (and specially in some sheers) are such ruffenly [...]ak [...]helles / and cō ­mō cōsen̄ers permitted and suffred / by whose preachings [...] the worde off truthe is become odious / in the eies off the people. Seinge then (I saie) that in moste places / the ministery dothe stande and consiste of olde popishe preistes / tollerated readers and many newe made ministers / whose readinges are suche / that the people cannot be edified / especially / where one is tol­lerated to serue 2. or 3. churches ād turninge their backes to the people. I leaue to the considera [...]ion off suche (who haue to de­ale in this matter) what great ād intollerable mischeiues maie come more and more / (by suffringe suche corrupted Bibles in churches and ells where) to the poore simple flock off Christe. But nowe to drawe to an ende. ye se (brethern) by this brieff and shorte discours / that the grudge wherupon this dissen­tion hangethe is paste the age off a childe / and therfore maie (withowte offence I hope) be called an olde grudge / whiche / as it seemeth / was neuer yet throughly healed / as will more and more appeare / as this discourse shall be from time to ti­me continued / till it be brought euen to this present tyme / which time verely / is so extreame as the like hathe rarely bin hard off. For it is come to passe / that iff anie shulde but with a godly grief bewaile the imperfections that remaine and craue for redresse: yea / but suspected / or shulde but by malice off an Atheist / a Papist / or Epicure be presented: such are not one­ly reuiled and taunted / skoffed at and termed by theis odious names off precisian / puritain / contentious / seditious / rebell / traitor and what not: but also yff he come once in presence off the Bishopps / and subscribe not to what so euer they will / then / (yf he haue liuinge) to be depriued / or whither he haue liuinge or not / be he lerned or vnlerned / be he man or woman / [Page CXCV] halt or blinde / to prison he muste / withowte all redemption.

I wil not saie that (in the meane time) such as are turne coates and can chaunge with al seasons / subscribinge to what so euer / and can cap it can cope it an curry for aduantage / that such / I saie / how ignorant / how vitious / and vngodly so euer they be / liue at their ease in all pleasure and in some place are thought to be moste meete men for the ministerie. But this I maie be bolde to affirme / that / (although in very dede I neit­her do nor dare condemne certeine godly persons / who off in­firmitie / but yet with most sorowfull and heauy hartes (as hathe well appeared by their most lamentable protestations with plentie off teares to their congregations) haue yelded to more then expedient it were they shulde / (prayinge the lorde to let them se it in time) yet / it maie not onely be saide / but pro­ued too I truste / that neither is subscribinge allwaies a sure note off good subiect nor yet the refusall dew proffes off a rebell.

The greatest Traitors and rebells that godly Kinge Ed­warde had in the weste partes / were priests / and such as had subscribed to the booke or what so euer by lawe was then in force / but for all their subscribings / there was no skirmishe / where some off those subscribers left nor their karkai­ses in the filde againste god and their prince. Plumtree and his fellowe priests off the northe / I dowte not but they we­re conformable and applyable to all orders and neuer stag­gered at subscriptions. But for all that / time tried their trai­terous hartes.

But in all the sturres whiche haue happened either si­thens the Queenes maiestie came to the crowne or before I haue not hard off so m [...]che as one (minister or other) that hath lifted vp his hande against hir maiestie or state / whom it pleaseth the enuious and malicious man / to terme precisi­on / and puritain in great despite and contempt. In dede / this haue I founde oute and lerned / that euen suche as muste be cōtente and patiently beare those odious names of puritane precisian / traitor / and rebell / haue yet bin the men / who moste [Page CXCVI] faithfully (in their callinge) haue serued the queens maiestie and their country bothe with in the realme and with owte the realme in Garnison and in filde / hazardinge their bodies against hargabuze and cannon / when as those who nowe so furiously charge them both owte off pulpits and other places durst not or at leste woulde not in anie such seruice off the prince and countrie be seene. For proffe hereoff / yff yow call to remembrance / who hazardid his liffe with that olde / Ho­norable Erle off Bedford when as he was sent to subdue the popishe rebells off the weste / yow shall finde that none off the clergie were hastie to take that seruice in hande / but onely olde father Couerdale. When moste likelode was off daunger betweene the Sko [...]s and vs / the preacher to the souldiars was firste Maister Sampson / and afterward Maister Gre­shopp when as the right honorable Erle off Bedford that nowe is had there the charge. The Erle off warwick at his beinge in Newhauen / had in dede with him certeine Minist­ers for a time / but after that the Cannon came and began to roare / and the plage off pestilence so terriblie to rage / then (I weene) not a Minister there left / but Maister Kethe alo­ne. And whē as meanes were made to haue mo Ministers o­uer / to aide the saied Kethe (who had so muche to doo / what with preaching / and visitinge the poore sick Souldiars which were in no small nombers) there coulde not be founde (as that right noble Erle can vppon his honor testifie so muche as one whiche coulde be brought to somuche comformitie / as to subscribe to any suche seruice off the Queens Ma­iestie.

When S▪ Henry Sidney had to do with the Popi­she rebells pff Ireland. Maister Christop. Goodman shewed his faithfull diligence in that seruice. When the Erle off warwick was sent to subdue the popish rebells in the north-partes / the preachers off the Queens maiesties Army were Kethe / Temes / and standon who offred themselues in that seruice voluntarily with owte all constraynte. And thus it is euidente / that theis with a nomber moo who are now so [Page CXCVII] ill thought off / as iff they were traitors and rebells / haue yet byn so farre off from bringe sedicious / that they haue at all times aduentured their liues againste seditious persons and rebells / when as suche as nowe so hardly charge them bothe by worde and writinge / haue byn right hartely well content / to take their ease and reste at home.

Consideringe then / how many waies we are vniustly burthened and brought into hatred withowte iuste cause / I supposed / that no godly man wolde be offended / yff by such lawfull meanes as I might / I sought bothe to purge my selff and the rest off my brethern / from such heinous and odious crimes as some would seeme to charge vs. And that coulde I not doo so well anie waie / as by the gatheringe together off this discourse / wherin the indifferent reader shall finde / that the religion whiche we holde and professe / is not onely the true ād sincere religiō of Christe / and the self same with all the reformed churches in Christendome / but also that whiche this Realme hathe established / touching the true doctrine comon­ly taught therein. By this discours also / yt maie be seene / bo­the when / where / how / and by whom this controuersie firste began / who cōtinued it / who was on the suffring side and w­ho readieste to forget and forgeue / that godly peace and con­cord might be had. Nowe / iff anie shall seeme to be offended with this that I had don / I do moste humblie beseche them / to way well and expende with themselues / firste / whither I haue geuen them anie suche cause / yff it be for that I haue in this discours brought to light some thinge that might haue bin keept secret / (the contention beinge amonge brethern) to the ende the common enemie shulde not haue cause to tri­umphe; let this satisfie them: firste / that the wicked and com­mon enemye cannot (for his harte) more tryumphe ouer the Godly then he dothe allready and that throughe owte this whole realme. Againe / the crueltie off Cain to Abell / off Ismaell to Isaac / off Esau to Iacob / off the Patriarkes to their brother Ioseph / the hot contention betweene Paule and Barnabas and Paule and Peter &c. all theis beinge knowne / [Page CXCVIII] to the worlde hathe turned notwithstanding to the great glorie off God / as my assured hope is that euen this will also in the ende.

And therfore / as the lorde off heauen knoweth that the keepinge off theis thinges almoste by the space off theis tw­entie yeres in secret / might suffice to witnes with me that I had nowe no great pleasure to vtter it / so I wote not howe it commethe to passe that euen in the middest off great striuing / and struglinge with my selff what to doo / I coulde not be by anie meanes resolued / or se iuste cause / why I shuld any lon­ger conceale it.

Yff anie shulde thinke that I haue not with indifferen­cie / penned the storie: I referre me (to satisfie suche) to the iudgements and consciences off those persons / who were the plaiers off this tragedie / (off bothe partes many yet liuinge) assuringe my selff that neither part shall be able iustlie to charge me / excepte it be for that in verie dede I haue sought rather howe to couer manie thinges / then to laie them wide open to the worlde / as I nothinge dowte to proue iff I might be but harde indifferently / in so muche as in this discours I haue (asmuche as I coulde) passed ouer the names off all where credit might seeme to haue bin impaired therby (sauing onely off suche as were off verie necessitie to be noted for the better vn­derstanding off the historie.

To conclude: againste the offences whiche some maie ta­ke at theis my trauells / I haue sett the greate profit that this maie bringe to goddes churche and to the posteritie / who be­inge taught by other mennes harmes (yff they be happie) will lerne to beware the hope wheroff had greater force to pushe my pen forwarde to the finishinge off this worke / then the displeasures off certaine (arisinge so far as I se off no grownd) coulde be to withdrawe me from the same. besechinge almightie god so strenghē me with his holie spirite / that what troubles or trialls so euer shall by the lordes good prouiden­ce happen to me hereby / he will vouchsaffe to geue me a con­tented minde quietly and with patience to beare it / before w­hom [Page CXCIX] I proteste / that in wrytinge this discourse I haue had respecte to his glorie / the defence off his sacred truthe / the cleeringe / so farr as I might / off so many excellent lerned men (on whose neckes this sturre is laied as authors off the same) and not that I haue willingly sought the hurte / hinderance / or discredit off anie man.

And this I /
Phi [...]
praie that your loue maie aboun­de yet more and more in knowledge and in all Iudgement that ye maye discerne thinges that differ one from another / that ye maie be pure and withowte offence vntill the daie off Christe
Keepe the true paterne off the wholsome wordes whiche thow haste harde of me in faithe and loue whiche is in Christe Iesu.
[...]. Tim. [...].
Study to shewe thy selff approued vnto god a workman that nedethe not to be ashamed de­uidinge the worde off truthe aright.
2. Tim. [...].

The answere off the ministers off Geneua to certeine brethern off the churche off Englande concerninge some controuersie in the Eccle­siasticall policie.

BEinge right earnestly and often required by certeine deare brethern off the churche off Englande that we woulde in their miserable state geue them some kinde off counsaile whe­reon theire consciences might be staied / the Iudgemente off many beinge therin diuers: we did longe differre the satisfinge off their requestes vppon waightie causes. And we assure the reader that euē nowe also we moste gladly woulde houlde ou­re [Page CC] peace / were it not a matter of conscience to reiecte the sute of the brethern so often enforced and with moste greuous groninges reneued. Off whiche stifned silence off ours theis we­re the causes / firste / as on the one part we dowte not off the credit off the brethern / as thoughe they had not sincerely de­scribed the state off the cause vnto vs / so on the other side it is moste harde for to suspecte suche thinges / so clene besides all office off Bishopps muche lesse perswade oure selues the same by suche personages done.

And farther / what men are we that we shulde determi­ne vppon suche causes. Also / iff it were lawfull for vs either by authoritie / or els by consent or requeste of either parties / to geue sentence here vppon / yet were yt a mater moste wronge­full either partie not harde or not present to determine. Laste off all feare mistrusted leaste so great a mischieff shuld by this oure counsell (howe simple so euer it is) rather become rawe thē skin̄ed: it beinge a sore of so desperate a nature / as that it se­meth to be / that praiers and patience can onely salue the same.

Seinge then / that by the sundrie requests off the brethe­rn / we are so hardly perswaded / that off force we ought to geue them some kinde off aduise: We do openly proteste / that we so geue to same herein as those that will not in anie wise preiudice the other partie / muche lesse chalinge to vs a iustici­ers roume ouer anie. And all those men (into whose handes theis do come) we do in the lorde desier / that they be not here­with offended / but do perswade themselues that theis contentes are bothe simplie and faithfully written off vs as vppon a questioned cause graunted / that the consciences off the bre­thern whiche desier it / might some waie be better apeased / w­hiche to set altogether at nought were a dede wholi [...] voide off charitie.

Therfore / the cause standinge as we ar [...] informed / we professe plainely and in Good faithe that our Iudgementes ouer theis questions are thus.

It is demaunded / whither we can approue this disorder in callinge off men to the function off the Ministery / whiche [Page CCI] is / that the multitude off those whiche sue for order shalbe en­rolled in the ministerie bothe withowte the voices off elders and also no certeine cure appointed them but lightly exami­ned off their liues and behauiour / to whom also / at the luste of the Bishoppe shall libertie be geuen afterwards to preache the worde off god for a time prescribed / otherwise to reherse onely the churche seruice.

We answere / that suche callinges off Ministers / whi­ther we answere them by the rule off Gods expresse word [...] or ells by force off Cannons that are beste tried and allowed are holden and estemed of vs / altogether vnlawfull / abeit we knowe that it is better to haue halfe a loffe then no bread. But we beseche god with oure whole hartes that it also will ple­ase him to bestowe vppon the kingdome off England also the same (that is) a lawfull and ordinarie callinge off men to the ministerie of the worde and Sacramentes. For it beinge ei­ther kept owte or hindred / the benefit of the doctrine of truthe muste of force by and by vanishe awaie or ells be holde vp by some meanes that is strange / yea / altogether ghostlie and su­pernaturall.

Furthermore / we do in Goddes moste holie name most humblie sue to the princes soueraigne maiestie / that with the whole force off her minde / she endeuour the correction off this point wherin the whole grounde and staie of the churche off England and therfore of the Realme also / dothe stand and persiste.

And thirdly we do with teares beseche bothe those high personages that are of hir maiesties honorable counsaile / and those which haue succeded in the place off the popishe Bi­shopps / (vndowtedly through the speciall mercie off the high and Good god) that they owte off the selff same place where ouerthrowe and distruction did yssue / they shulde vtterly de­stroye that tyrānye whiche hathe thus caste downe headlonge the verie Christian church and we craue of them in the dredfull name of god before whose redouted throne of iudgement we all shall be arested that with al consideration and mindfullnes [Page CCII] of the yeres paste and conscience of their dewtie and charge / they will not slack to vowe and be [...]othe the [...]r whole diligēce / aswell in orderinge the meanes that maie accōp [...]he this th­inge as in perswadinge the Queens maiestie therto / and that they cease not at all this thinge beinge vnacheued / cheflie / seinge god hathe bestowed vppon them / the princely maiestie off so singuler a Mistris as [...]rom whose handes they can not but hope for all princely and excellent thinges / vnlesse they liste in their owne case to faile themselues. But some wil aske / howe shall we doo in this pointe / vntill then: verely iff the case were oures we woulde not receiue this ministerie vp­pon theis conditions iff it were profered: a great deale lesse woulde we sue for it. Notwithstandinge / we exhorte theis men to whom god hathe by this waie made entrance to the enlarging off the glorie off his kingdome that in the feare off god they do couragiously abide therin / yet with the condition that it maie be lawfull for them holily and regiliously to exercise all their whole ministerie. And therfore maie also propo­unde / and vrge those thinges in their cures which doo allwa­ies apperteine to the aduauncement off the better estate the­rin. For otherwise / if they be forced of this libertie and so wil­led to winke at manifeste abuses / that they shuld also appro­ue theis thinges whiche dowtlesse ought to be redressed: what thinge els can we perswade them then that they shulde retire from this / to their priuate lyffe rather then withoute consci­ence to norishe that mischief whiche dothe off force drawe whith it the whole wastinge and decaie of all the congregati­on? Yet we hope that the Queens highnesse and so many ho­norable and good men will in suche sorte plante their diligen­ce that rather priuiledge off libertie maie be graunted to the consciences of so manie godlie and lerned brethern then that theis horrible eue [...]s shulde folowe: To were / that the pastors off the flockes shulde be constrained either againste the soun­dnes off their consciences to do that whiche is euell (and so to be chained in other mennes sinnes / or ells to resigne their ministerie / for that third necessitie that will ensue this whiche [Page CCIII] is / that againste the princes and Bishops willes they shou [...] excercise their office) we do so muche the more tremble at / by­cause of those reasons whiche off themselues are plaine enou­ghe / albe [...]t we doo not vtter them.

It is a [...]so desired off vs to answere plainely and truly w­hither we do allowe t [...]e distinction ordeined in the wearinge off copes and garments aswell for the common vse / as for the ministerie.

We therfore do flattlie answere the cause standinge as we do vnderstande / that those men that are authors hereoff do deserue moste euell off the churche and shall answere at the dreadfull barre off Christe his Iudgement For although that we thinke that that politique order whereby not citezins alone / but also the degrees off functions are marked and no­ted is not to be discommended wholie at all: yet we are off o­pinion that not euerie marke and note is straight way to be vsed. For put the case that the ministers were commaunded to weare the pied coate off a foole or the garmente off a vice in a plaie / were it not manifeste skorninge off the ministerie so to do? And those that vse theis other garments and aparrell cōmaunded / do seeme verely to vs to trespasse somewhat worse then so / bicause that the lorde hath not onely reared and set vs this priestlike apparell as a toie to be laughe at euen off many off the Papistes themselues: But it is also certeine / that the same is poluted and defiled with infinite superstition. But some men will pleade the antiquitie theroff. Surely they are olde / and yet the Apostolique symplicitie wherin the churche did florishe / is a great deale more auncient then this. Also / yff it please him to wade yet further to serche abowte theis mat­ters / it shall be easie enough to shewe that theis thinges / w­hiche after that / did serue for the note and marke off the mini­sterie were first vsuall amonge the people and common. And therfore whence commethe it / thinges beinge altered after so longe a season / that this forein and strange guise shuld be re­teined.

Dothe it not come off a zeele bothe euell and vnprofitable▪ [Page CCIIII] But some man will saie: Theis thinges for all that are thin­ges off the middle sorte and indifferent. We graunte in dede that they are such yff your will consider them simply and in their owne nature / and aparte from all circumstances▪ but w­ho are they that will so waie and consider them For theis m [...]n that are yet Papistes / what purpos so euer this ciuill lawe do­the pretend / are surely by theis meanes established deeper in this superstition whiche hathe so ouergrowen them. And these men that began so earnestlie to abhorre superstition / that they nowe did deteste monimētes and reliques theroff: Howe mu­che are they offended and woūded herein. As for those whiche are further / and better lerned / what frute reape they theroff. And farther is this difference and marke off the functions of suche importaunce / that therfore the consciences off so many shuld be troubled▪ especially seinge the reason and purpos therof newlie set a broche is but drawen euen from those that are themselues the manifeste sworne enemies to sounde doctrine? What meaneth it also / that off those also that are termed to be Ecclesiastically brought vpp and are in the ministerie not the smalleste parte / are saide to haue their papistrie in their bre­stes abowte with them? Is this the good houre wherin they shall better profit by restoringe off this attire? or shall they not rather vaunte their crestes as in hope to haue poperie re­stored againe? Iff anie shall obiecte the circumsinge off Ti­mothy and other like examples: we right earnestly praie him to consider what Paule woulde haue saide yff any man shulde haue made this lawe / that euery man that is in the ministerie off the gospell shalbe constrained to weare the garmentes off the Pharisies / or that they in the apparell off prophane prie­stes shulde preach the gospell and administer the Sacramen­tes / and not onely circumcise their children / nowithstandinge that vnder some couler of reason / this ciuill cōmaundement might setfoorthe the same. yea to what ende are theis things brought in. for howe so euer they might at the first be tollerated till that by litle ād litle they might be takē awaie / yet beinge once remoued owte off the churches / we se not withe what com­moditie [Page CCV] they can be restored to their possession againe. Ther­fore we do eftsonnes repeate that we before said / that we can not allowe this deuise nor yet hope for any good to insue the­roff Notwithstandinge / we will gladlie geue ouer this opi­nion yff we shall lerne better reason therfore. What then (will the brethern saie on whom theis thinges are so throwen (iudge yow what we ought to do herein? we answere / that there nedethe in this answere a distinction. For the case off the mi­nisters and the case of the people are not all one herein. Fur­thermore: Manie thinges maie / yea / and ought to be borne and tollerated whiche are notwithstandinge not iustly com­maunded. firste therfore / we answere / that albeit theis thinges (as we iudge) are not rightly restored to their possessiō in the congregations / yet / seinge that they are not off those kinde of thinges whiche are of their owne nature impious and vngodly / they seeme to vs not to be off suche waight that the she­pardes shulde rather geue ouer their functions then receiue the apparell / or that the flock shuld refuse the publick foode of the soule rather then to receiue the same from the shepardes / that is appareled herein: onely / that as well the sheaphardes as their flockes maie not sinne againste there consciences (so that the puritie off doctrine it selff remaine vntouched) we do perswade the ministers / after they haue bothe before the queens highnesse and also before the Bishopps. set their consciences at libertie by modeste protestation (as dothe apperteine to suche Christians as seeke not sedition and tumulte) and yet graue accordinge to the importaunce of the cause / that they do in dede openly in their parishe / still beate vpon those thinges / that maye serue to the vtter takinge awaie off the stumblinge blocke. And that as God shall geue occasion they will wholie geue them selues bothe wiselie and meekely to correct all tho­se abuses / but yet to beare those thinges whiche they cannot streight waie change / rather then forsakinge their congrega­tion they shulde geue occasion to Sathan / that sekethe nothinge els to stirre vpp greater and more perilous mischiefs then theis. As for the people (the doctrine remaining vnhurte) we [Page CCVI] do exhorte them that for all theis thinges they will diligen­tly heare the same / to vse the Sacramentes Religiously / and so longe to grone to God with earnest amendment off liffe vntill they obtaine off them that which dothe appertaine to the full redresse and amendment off the churche.

But againe yff that the Ministers be commaunded not onelie to tollerate theis thinges / but also that they shall withe their subscriptions allowe them as lawfull / or ells by their stillnes foster them: what can we ells perswade them to doo but that hauing witnessed their innocencie and in the feare off the lorde tried all meanes / they shulde geue ouer their functions to open wronge. But oure hartes betide vs off Eng­lande muche better thinges then theis extremities.

Y [...] is demaunded off vs what we do Iudge off the trol­linge and descantinge off the Psalmes / crossinge off those ba­bes that shalbe baptized / and off the demaundes in baptisme / also off the rownd vnleauened waffercake and knelinge in the lordes supper.

We answere / that kinde off singinge semethe to be the corruption off the pure ancient churche seruice and glorifinge of God therin. And as for crossinge off babes / whatsoeuer practise there hathe byn theroff in time of olde / yet is it moste certeine that it is truly in theis dais throughe so late greenesse off the superstition so moste abhominable / as that we iudge those men to haue done assuredly well that haue once driuen this rite owte off the congregatiō wherof also we se not what the profit is. And we dowte not but the demaūds in baptisme haue creapt into the churche vpon this occasion / because that through the negligēce of the bishops the same forme of baptizinge of childrē was reteined which at the first rearing of the primatiue churche / was to be vsed at the baptizinge off those that beinge off yeres did entre the profession off Christe. This thinge also we maie perceiue by manie the like yet in vse in the popishe baptisme. Wherfore euen as the creame and charme vsed in baptisme are by gods lawe abolished although they were ancient / so wishe we also theis demaundinges / beinge [Page CCVII] not onely vaine but folishe shuld be also passed ouer albeit that S. Augustine himselff dothe seeme in an Epistle off his to sustein it by certeine deuised construction.

The bread whither it ought to be made with leuen or withowte we thinke it not greatly to be striuen for / althoug­he we Iudge it more fit and consonant withe Christes institution to haue the bread at the commmunion / whiche is vsed at the common table: for why did the lorde vse vnleuened bread / bicause that in that houre wherin he thought good to institu­te his holie supper / not one man in all Iewrie vsed anie other. Therfore / it behoueth vs to restore the Iewishe feaste off vn­leuened bread or ells must it be graunted that is better to vse the common and accustomed bread off all tables accordinge to the example off Christe / notwithstandinge that the bread that he then tooke was vnleuened: For off the practise off the primatiue churche whiche the Greek churche dothe yet in this behalff reteine we ouer passe to write off.

Furthermore knelinge at the verie receypt off the sacra­mente hathe in it a shewe off Oodly and Christian reuerence and might therfore in times paste be vsed with profit / yet for all that bicause owte off this fountaine the detestable vse off bread worship did folowe / and dothe yet in theis daies stick in many mindes / it semethe to vs that it was iustlie abolished o­wte frō the congregations. Therfore / we do beseche the most Good and great God that it woulde please him to instructe bothe the Queens maiesties highnesse and also the Bishopps with such deuise as shall be moste nedefull for the perfect do­inge owte off theis filthes / and that at once. In the meane time / bicause theis thinges / also are not suche as are in their owne nature Idolatrous we do Iudge that they ought so to be dealte with / as we haue aduised in the thinges goinge next before.

It is demaunded off vs whether we allowe that baptis­me whiche is administred by midwiues.

We answere that not onely we dissalowe that baptisme as the rest off thinges before spoken off / but that we do iud­ge [Page CCVIII] it also intollerable. For it is a thinge that hathe risen aswell of ignorance of the verie vse of baptisme / as the publique mi­nisterie of the churche. We Iudge therfore that the ministers are bownde sharply to rebuke this abuse / muche lesse ought they to holde this false baptisme / for good and firme. The re­ason why / the leened on oure side haue often declared. And we are also readie when it shalbe nedefull to declare.

It is also reported vnto vs that the kaies off bindinge and losinge are practised in certeine courtes off the Bishops / neither by the sentences and iudgements off elders / whiche office that churche hathe not yet receiued / nor accordinge to the worde off God: but the authoritie off certeine lawiers and other like / whiche is more / often times by the authoritie off some one man / and that also for suche kinde off actions as are pure monie matters euen as the misuse off the same was in popery.

Wherto we answere that it semethe to vs almoste incre­dible that any such customes and examples (beinge most per­uerse) shulde be vsed in that kingdome / where as puritie and soundnes off doctrine is. For the right off excommunication and byndinge off the offender shalbe founde neuer to haue bin before the time of the Papistes in the power and hand off on [...] sole persone / but did apperteine to all the whole eldershipp / frō whiche also the people themselues were not rashlie shut owte. Bicause this also the lawierlike hearinge off suites that appertaine to liuinges did fall to the Bishops charge altoge­ther through abuse. For that place wherin the Apostle talketh off daies men vmpires at Corinth is to no purpose where as the magistrate is a Christian: nor did the Apostell euer thinke to burthen the Eldershipp with the hea­ring off suche meere ciuill causes. And it is most certeine / that the Bishopps off the elder age off the churche / haue had the determining off such controuersies not for anie autho­ritie that they had therin but through the importunitie off suters / and that as howsolders vmpires and daies men Al­so / notwithstandinge amonge those men where this were sh [...] wed [Page CCIX] vnto / those did most wisely gouerne themselues whiche chose rather to folowe the example off Christ oure Sauiour / who refused to be the vmpire in deuidinge off the patrimo­nie / or els Iudge in the matter off adulterie / when bothe the same were preferred vnto him.

Therfore / yff in Englande anie thinge be done contrary to this / surely we ought to thinke that by suche sentences and Iudgementes / ther is not anie man before god any more bo­wnde then by the popishe excommunications. And we wis­che that this torment howse off consciēces and lothsome pro­phanation off the Ecclesiasticall and meere spirituall iurisdic­tion might by the authoritie off the Queens Maiestie owte off hande be abolished no otherwise then the marringe off the very doctrine it selff. And that Eldershippe and Dea­cons maie be restored and set vpp according to the worde off God and cannons off the pure churche / whiche thinge / yff it be not done / verelie / we are sore afraide that this onely thinge will be the begin̄inge off manie calamities / whiche we would god / would turne awaie from vs. For it is moste certeine that the sonne off god will one daie from heauen roughly reuenge theis manifest abuses / wherwith the consciences off oure brethern are troubled / excepte spedely / redresse be had therin.

In the meane whiles / the thinges whiche are not well done by the one partie / maie be well enoughe tollerated (as we thinke) by those men whiche beare the thinge whiche they can not change. Yet thus farre: as that they allowe not the thin­ge it selff for good / but do onely redeeme their vniuste disqui­eting by patience. But yff so be that they shalbe forced / not onely to tollerate this facion but also to approue this excom­munication as lawfull and be constrained to aske vnlawfull absolution to assent to this manifest abuse / we then exhorte them that they will rather suffer anie kinde off trouble then to do herin against their consciences. But to what ende is all this: For verilie / we do promes oure selues muche better thinges then theis / yea / off all thinges the beste euen at this pinche / especially off that Realme in whiche / the [Page CCX] restoringe off Christian Religion hathe byn sealed and confir­med with the bloud of so many excellent martirs also. Onely / we feare this / leaste that which hathe befallen so many countries shuld happ [...]n to Englande / to wit / leaste / bycause the due frutes off repentance are not brought foorthe / the angrie god shuld dooble oure darknesse / the light of his gospel beinge first taken from vs. Off this content are oure dailie preachings in oure congregations / and verely / we thinke the same ought to be done off a [...] Ministers off Gods worde especially in theis oure daies. That they chiesty set forwardes this principle off the gospell whiche dothe apperteine to earnest amendment off lyffe. For this point achiued / vndowtedly the lorde shall geue bothe counsaile and zeale and all thinges els whiche do necessarely apperteine to the accompishement off the repara­tion off the churche / alreadye begone. And before all we doo require and with teares humbly craue that oure good and right worshipfull in the lorde the brethern off the Englishe chur­ches / all bitternes off minde set aparte / whiche we surely fea­re / after what sorte it hathe on either side forced this euell / would patiently beare and suffer eche other / so longe as puritie off Christian doctrine it selff and soundnes off conscience do­the remaine: Willingly to obaye the Queens Maiestie who is full off compassion: And all other prelates. And fynally / that with all concorde minds in the lorde / of they manly set against Sathā / who sekethe all occasion of tumulte ād infinite calamities: yea / although they haue not like iudgement of all sorte off prealaets at the firste. for this oure writinge / god is oure witnesse / doth not tēde to this purpos / that either parte shuld vse it against other as that we shuld send it to yow as an apple of contention: Although we haue concerninge theis matters de­clared oure Iudgements / euen symplie / as vppon a supposed case / (god is oure witnes) beinge euercome withe the con­tinuall sute off oure brethern. And we ioine oure dailie praiers to the groninges off all the godlye on that side the seas / that it maie please the moste mercifull god hauinge compassion on mannes frailtie / to directe the Queens highenes / and all the [Page CCXI] nobles off the realme off Englande. Also euery prelate / and fynally / eche workman off this spirituall buildinge with his holy spirite moste effectuously / so as the worke off the lorde so often begonne and so often staied may luckely be set for­warde to the great quietnes and concorde off all men not o­nely the olde staines in the docrine it self and Ecclesiasticall di­scipline also / beinge at lenght vtterly done owte / but also all monstrousnes off errors and whiche Satan newlie sekethe to bring into the churche againe driuen awaie. Whiche vouche­saffe to bring to passe through his holy spirite / the moste kin­de father in Iesus Christe / his verie sonne eternall and con­substantiall with him / in whiche persones / we professe one god / and not diuers / ought to he worshipped for euer.

Your brethern in Christe to all your godlines moste assu­red.
  • Theodor [...]s Beza, &c.
  • Remundus Caluetus
  • Nicolaus Coladonu [...]
  • Io. Gai [...]g [...]aeziu [...]
  • Io. Tremlerus
  • Iohan [...]inaldus.
  • Ge. Fauergius
  • Car. P.
  • [...]gid. Ca [...]seu [...]:
  • Io. Parnilius.
  • Kuds Fauerius
  • Vrb. Calue [...]us
  • Slm. Golerlius
  • Pet. Carpenteru [...].
  • Fransc. Portu [...]
  • Cor. Barlierd [...]
  • Hen. S.
  • Ab [...]n. Dup [...]eu [...]

A Copie off the letter sent to the Bi­shopps and Pastors off Englande / who haith renunced the Romaine Antichriste and professe the lorde Iesus in sinceritie.

The Superintendent Ministers / and com­missionars off charges within the Realme off Skotland:
To thair brethern the Bishopps and Pastors off England / who haith renun­ced the Romaine Antechriste / and do professe with theim the lord Iesus in sinceritie / desire the parpetuall encrease off the holie spirite.

BY worde and writ it is come to our knowl [...]dge (reuerend Pastors that diuers off our deerest brethern) amongst whom are some off the beste lerned within that Realme / are depriu [...] from Ecclesiasticall function and forbidden to pre­ach / and so by yow that they are staie [...] to promote the kingdo­me off Iesus Christe / bicaus their consciences will not suffer to take vppon them (at the commaundement off the authori­tie) such garmentes as Idolatres in time off blindes haue vse [...] in thair Idolatrie / whiche brute cannot be but moste dolorous to our hartes / mindfull off that sentence off the Apostel / sain­ge / yff ye byt and deuoure one an other / take head leaste ye be consumit one off an other. We purpose not at this present to entre into the grownd off that question whil [...]e we heare off / [...]ither parte to be ag [...]tate with gre [...]er vehemencie then well liketh vs to wit. Whidder that such apparell is to be coump­ted amongs thinges that are simplie indifferint or not / but in the bowells off lord Iesus we craue the Christian charitie maie so preuaile in yow / in yow we saie / the pastoris and lea­ders off the flock within that Realme.

That ye doo not to others that / which yow woulde not [Page CXCIII] others shulde doo to yow. Ye cannot be ignorant how [...]ende [...] a thinge the conscience off man is. All that haue knowledge are not a like perswadet. your consciences reclames not a [...] wearinge off such garmentes / but many thousants both go­dlie and lernet are otherwise perswadet whose consciences a­re continually stricken with theis sentences: what haith Chri­ste Iesus to doe with beliall? what feloshipp is thair betw [...]xt darknes and lic [...]t? yff surplese / corner capp / and tippet haue byn badges off ydolatres in the verie acte off their ydolatrie / what haht the preachers off Christian libertie and the open rebuker off all superstition to doe with the dregges off the ro­mishe beast? Our brothern that off conscience refusse that vnprofitable apparell / doo neither damne your nor molest yow that vse such vaine tryfles. yf ye shall do the like to tha­im / we dowte not but thairin ye [...]all pleese god and conforte the hartes of many whilke are wonded with extremitie / which is vsed against those godly and our beloued brethern. Colou­re off rethorik or manlie perswasion will we vse none / but charitab [...] we desire yow to call that sentence off pitie to min­de: feed the flock off God which which is committed to your charge caringe for them not by constranit but willingly not as though ye were lordes ouer goddis heritage / but that ye maie be examples to ye flock. And farder also / we desier yow [...]o meditate that sentence off the Apostle / saing: geue none of­fence / neither to the Iewes nor to the Grecians nor to the churche off God? In what condition off time ye and we bothe trauiel [...] in the promoting off Christs kingdomm we suppose yow not to be ignorant. And therfore / we are more bolde to exhorte yow to walke more circumspectlie / then that for such vanities / the godly shulde be troubled. For all thinges that maie seeme lawfull / edifie not. Yff the commaundement off authoritie vrge the conscience off yours and our brethern more then they can beere: we vnfenedlye craue off yow / that ye remember that ye are callit the licht off the worlde and the earthe.

All ciuill authoritie hath not the licht off God allwaies [Page CCXIIII] schin [...]ge before their eies in the statutes and commande­ments / but thair affections of times sauour to muche off the earthe and off wordly wisedome.

And therfore / we think that ye shuld baldlie oppone your selff to all pouer that will or dare extoll the selff not onely against / God but also against all suche as do burthen the consciences off the faithfull farder then god hes burthe­nit theim / by his owne worde. But here in / we confesse oure offence in that we haue entred farder in reasoninge then we we purposet / an promiset at the beginninge. And therfore / we shortly returne to our former humble supplication / which is / that our brethern who amongs yow refuse the Romishe rag­ges / maie finde off yow the prelatis such fauours as our heid and maister commandis euery one off his members to she­we one to an other / whilke we lucke to resaue of your gentle­nes / not onely for that ye seer to offend Goddes maiestie / in troubling off your brethern for such vane triffles. But also / bicause ye will not refuse the humble requestes off vs your brethern and felowe preachers off Christs Iesus / in whom / albeit their appeere no great wordly pompe / yet we suppose yow will not so farr despise vs / but that ye will esteeme vs to be off the nomber off those that fight against that Romain Antechriste / and traueil that the kingdomme off Christ Iesus vniuersally maie be mainteened and auanced. The daies are euill. Iniquitie abownds. Christian charitie (alas) is waxin colde. And therfore we ought the more diligently to watche. For the howre is vncerteine when the lorde Iesus shall ap­peere / before whom we your brethern and ye may geue an accoumpt off our administration.

And thus in conclusion / we once againe craue fauor to our brothern which graunted / ye in the lorde shall commaunde vs in thinges off dooble more importance. The lorde Iesus rewle your hartes in his true feare to the ende. And geue vnto yow and vnto vs victorie ouer that coniured enemie off all true Religion▪ To witt / ouer that Romaine Antechriste / who­se wonded he [...]d Sathan by all mannes lab [...]ris to cure againe / [Page CCXV] but to destruction shall he and his mainteiners go / by the po­wer off the lorde Iesus. To whose mightie power and pro­tection we hartely committ yow.

Subscribet by the handes off Superintendentes one parte off Ministers / and scribet in oure generall assemblies and fourth session theroff.

Your louinge brethern and fellovv preachers in Christ Iesus.
  • Io. Craig.
  • Iaco. Mailuil.
  • Rob. Pont.
  • Guil. Gislisonus
  • Nic. Spittall.
  • Io. Row
  • Da. Lyndesay
  • Io. Erskin.
  • Io. VViram.
  • Io. Spottiswoood.

THus haue yon hard in theis .2. letters / the Iudgementes off those excellent churches of the french and the Skottishe touchinge the thinges in controuersie. Nowe / yff to theis I shuld adde all other whiche are off the same Iudgement and of their opinion: the nomber off churches would be so many / that the aduersaries shuld euidently se and perceaue what small cause they haue to charge vs thus with singularitie / as though we were post alone / and none to be off oure opinion. And it maie here also be noted / that the moste auncientest fa­thers of this oure owne countrie / as maister Couerdale / mai­ster D. Turner / maister Whithead / and many others some de­ad some yet liuinge from whose mouthes and pennes / the vrgers of theis receiued first the light off the gospell (could neuer be brought to yelde or consent vnto such thinges as are now forced with so greate extremitie.


Correction off thos faultes which might som [...] ­what stay the reader the first nombre shewing the page / the second the line.

PAge 2. line 18. enioned, reade enioyed. pag. 3. lin. 5. is. Re. yt. pag. 10. li. 22. your, R. yow. pag. 25. li. 12. discent. R. dissent. pag. 27. li. 4. parie R. partie. pag. 38. lin. 24. ende, R. tende. pa. 44· li. 9. ceri [...]ine, R. certeine. pa. 47. li. 20. lette, R. letter. pa. 65. li. 17. subscription, R. superscription. pa. 72. l.. 36. world. R. would. pa. 76. li. 10. stucke the pastor, R. stucke to the pastor. Li. 15. wison, R. wilson. pag. 82. lin. 19. were, R. where. pag. 86. li. 5. congregagation, R. congregation. pag. 97. lin. 30. dinner, R. dynner. pag. 123. lin. 7. the, R. then Pa. 132. lin. 22. incompent, R. incompetent, pa. 179. l. 23. td, R. to. pag. 194. lin. 8. con­s [...]ners, R. couseners, pag. 200. lin. 22. to R. the.

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