♣ ♣ Vyce for to eshewe, and all abhomination
[...]ie, Idolatry, which is mans perdition
O Lorde is not the merites of thy passion
A sure seale of fre pardone, and remyssion?
♣ ♣ That once was shed for mans redemption?
Vpon the crosse was offered, that high oblacion.
¶ O Lorde thou dyddest thy fathers wrath pacify
[...]Obedient thou wast vnto a shamefull death
For mans lyfe, thou suffredest patiently
Thou yeldest the gost, as the scripture sayth
And rose from death, to lyfe the thyrde daye
And sittest in heauen, with great power & maiestie
♣ ♣ Coequall with the father, thys is no haye
Makyng intercession, for vs synners perpetuallye.
¶ O Lorde howe long shall we wepe and crye
For fault of foode, to the soule spirituall
Thy watchmen are dome, and lie in theyr stye
Their filthy liuyng it so abhomynable
To fede thy flocke, they take no care nor payne
To teach or preach, thy fathful testament
¶ O Lord thy word is our sure touch stone.
That leadeth mankynde, to hys saluation
♣ ♣ Vyce for to eshewe, and all abhomination
Ipocrysie, Idolatry, which is mans perdition
O Lorde is not the merites of thy passion
A sure seale of fre pardone, and remyssion
♣ ♣ That once was shed for mans redemption?
Vpon the crosse was offered, that high oblacion.
¶ O Lorde thou dyddest thy fathers wrath pacify
[...] Obedient thou wast vnto a shamefull death
For mans lyfe, thou suffredest patiently
Thou yeldest the gost, as the scripture sayth
And rose from death, to lyfe the thyrde daye
And sittest in heauen, with great power & maiestie
♣ ♣ Coequall with the father, thys is no naye
Makyng intercéssion, for vs synners perpetuallye.
¶ O Lorde howe long shall we wepe and crye
For fault of foode, to the soule spirituall
Thy watchmen are dome, and lie in theyr stye
whyppet you prestes and tourne you
Vice and synne they wyll not rebuke
Nor come to gods worde to warme you
Where do you see more Idelnes vsed
whippet you preestes and tourne you
Then among you preestes whych shuld be refused
And come to gods worde to warme you
❧ Yet they haue an other prety caste
whippet you prestes, and tourne you
Which they play at the last
Leaue that you preestes I warne you
❧ For than they do holde vp a cup
whippet you prestes, and tourne you
And al the drinke they them selues drynke vp
Leaue that you prestes I warne you
❧ Moreouer, they teache theyr god to playe
Whyppet you prestes and tourne you
This waye and that waye
Leaue that you prestes I warne you
☞ Now therfore I wyll with it be playne
Whippet you prestes and tourne you
They wyl not stycke to breake their god in twayne