A NOTE OF THE SHIP­PING, MEN, AND PROVISIONS, SENT and Prouided for VIRGINIA, by the Right Hono­rable, the Earle of SOVTHAMPTON, and the Company; this yeare, 1620.

Ships and People, &c.
THe Bona Noua of 200. Tunnes, sent in August 1620. with 120. persons.
The Elizabeth of 40. Tunnes, sent in August 1620. with 20. persons.
The May-Flower of 140. Tunne, sent in August 1620. with 100. persons.
The Supplie of Bristow, of 80. Tunnes, sent in September 1620. with 45. persons.
The Margaret and Iohn, of 150. Tunnes, sent in Decem­ber 1620. with 85. persons.
The Abigall, of 350. Tunnes, sent in February 1620. with 230. persons.
  600. Persons.
In two Shippes out of Ireland, there are going one hun­dred Kine of English breede. 100. Kine.
There are now prouiding seuerall Shippes to transport the Gouernour, Treasuror, and Marshall of Virginia, with their Companies, together with other priuate Plantations, to the number of 400. persons. 400. Persons.
Summe of Persons 1000.


There are sent, and in sending, for publike vses, fiue hundred persons, for the encrease of the number of the Companies Tenants, and for maintenance of Officers, 500. Persons.

Wherof besides the new Gouernour, there are six principall sent and chosen.

To Master George Thorpe Esquire, as Deputie for the College land, belong Tenants, 10.
To Captaine Thomas Nuce, as Deputie for the Com­panies Land, belong Tenants, 50.
To the place of Secretarie of State, Tenants, 20.
To Doctor Bohun, as Physitian to the Colony, with whom are also sent diuers Appothecaries and Sur­gains, belong Tenants, 20.
To Master George Sandys Esquire, as Treasuror of Virginia, Tenants, 50.
To Captaine William Nuce, as Marshall of Virginia, Tenants, 50.

Men skilfull for setting vp Staple Commodities.

There are three principall men sent againe for Masters of the Iron works which are in some good forwardnesse, and a proofe is sent of Iron there made.

Three sufficient men for perfecting the Salt-works: One a French man from Rochell, which workes are likewise there begun.

Foure Dutch-men from Hambrough, to erect Sawing-Mills, and all pro­uisions necessary therevnto.

Eight French Vignerons, procured from Languedock, who are very skil­full also in breeding of Silke-wormes, and making Silke. Of this Seede there is good store gone, both French, Italian and Spanish: together with Instructions for prouiding Commodious housing, and orderly planting of the Mulbery-Trees. There are also some Englishmen sent that haue beene trayned vp therein.

A Gift

Giuen to the vse of the College, certaine good Bookes of Diuinitie, by an vnknowne person.

Patents granted this yeare.
  • To the EARLE of Pembrooke.
  • To Sir Richard Worsley.
  • To Sir Richard Bulkeley.
  • To Sir William Mounson.
  • To Captaine William Nuce, Marshall of Virginia.
  • To Captaine Raphe Hamor.

Who together with their Associ­ates haue vndertaken to trans­port great multitudes of Peo­ple and Cattell.

Supplies to Ʋirginia, in Anno 1620.

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