A NOTE OF THE SHIPPING, MEN, AND PROVISIONS, SENT and Prouided for VIRGINIA, by the Right Honorable, the Earle of SOVTHAMPTON, and the Company; this yeare, 1620.
THe Bona Noua of 200. Tunnes, sent in August 1620. with | 120. persons. |
The Elizabeth of 40. Tunnes, sent in August 1620. with | 20. persons. |
The May-Flower of 140. Tunne, sent in August 1620. with | 100. persons. |
The Supplie of Bristow, of 80. Tunnes, sent in September 1620. with | 45. persons. |
The Margaret and Iohn, of 150. Tunnes, sent in December 1620. with | 85. persons. |
The Abigall, of 350. Tunnes, sent in February 1620. with | 230. persons. |
600. Persons. | |
In two Shippes out of Ireland, there are going one hundred Kine of English breede. | 100. Kine. |
There are now prouiding seuerall Shippes to transport the Gouernour, Treasuror, and Marshall of Virginia, with their Companies, together with other priuate Plantations, to the number of 400. persons. | 400. Persons. |
Summe of Persons | 1000. |
There are sent, and in sending, for publike vses, fiue hundred persons, for the encrease of the number of the Companies Tenants, and for maintenance of Officers, | 500. Persons. |
Wherof besides the new Gouernour, there are six principall sent and chosen.
To Master George Thorpe Esquire, as Deputie for the College land, belong Tenants, | 10. |
To Captaine Thomas Nuce, as Deputie for the Companies Land, belong Tenants, | 50. |
To the place of Secretarie of State, Tenants, | 20. |
To Doctor Bohun, as Physitian to the Colony, with whom are also sent diuers Appothecaries and Surgains, belong Tenants, | 20. |
To Master George Sandys Esquire, as Treasuror of Virginia, Tenants, | 50. |
To Captaine William Nuce, as Marshall of Virginia, Tenants, | 50. |
Men skilfull for setting vp Staple Commodities.
There are three principall men sent againe for Masters of the Iron works which are in some good forwardnesse, and a proofe is sent of Iron there made.
Three sufficient men for perfecting the Salt-works: One a French man from Rochell, which workes are likewise there begun.
Foure Dutch-men from Hambrough, to erect Sawing-Mills, and all prouisions necessary therevnto.
Eight French Vignerons, procured from Languedock, who are very skilfull also in breeding of Silke-wormes, and making Silke. Of this Seede there is good store gone, both French, Italian and Spanish: together with Instructions for prouiding Commodious housing, and orderly planting of the Mulbery-Trees. There are also some Englishmen sent that haue beene trayned vp therein.
A Gift
Giuen to the vse of the College, certaine good Bookes of Diuinitie, by an vnknowne person.
- To the EARLE of Pembrooke.
- To Sir Richard Worsley.
- To Sir Richard Bulkeley.
- To Sir William Mounson.
- To Captaine William Nuce, Marshall of Virginia.
- To Captaine Raphe Hamor.
Who together with their Associates haue vndertaken to transport great multitudes of People and Cattell.