By his Maiesties Councell for ƲIRGINIA.

WHereas vpon the returne of Sir Thomas Dale Knight, (Marshall of VIRGINIA) the Treasurer, Councell, and Company of the same, haue beene throughly infor­med and assured of the good estate of that Colony, and how by the blessing of God and good gouernment, there is great plentie and increase of Corne, Cattell, Goates, Swine, and such other prouisi­ons, necessary for the life and sustenance of man; And that there wants nothing for the setling of that Christian Plantation, but more hands to gather and returne those commodities which may bring pro­fit to the Aduenturers, and encouragement to others: And whereas there­vpon the Company hath giuen a Commission to Captaine Samuel Argol to be the present Gouernour of that Colonie, who hath vndertaken to transport and carry thither a certaine number of men, vpon his owne charge, and the charge of other his friends that ioyne with him in that Voyage; in which, diuers men of good qualitie haue resolued to aduenture, and to goe thither themselues in person, and to carry with them their Wiues, their Children and their Families, whereby in short time (by the fauour and assistance of Al­mighty God) that good worke may be brought to good perfection, by the di­uision and setting out of lands to euery particular person, the setling of trade, and returne of Commodities to the contentment and satisfaction of all well affected Subiects, which eyther loue the aduancement of Religion, or the ho­nour and welfare of this Kingdome: Wee his Maiesties Treasurer, Coun­cell, and Company for the same Plantation, haue thought good to declare and make knowne to all men by these presents, that wee haue resolued to giue free leaue and license to any who are now remaining in VIRGINIA, at his will and pleasure to returne home into England, which liberty wee doe likewise grant and confirme vnto all those which hereafter from time to time shall goe thither in person, without any other restraint, then to aske leaue of the Gouernour (for the time being) to depart. And therefore if any man be disposed to send any supply to his friends there, or to send for any of his friends from thence, he may hereby take notice, that he hath full power and meanes to doe eyther of them at his good descretion.

God saue the King.

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