By his Maiesties Councell for VIRGINIA.
WHereas sundrie the aduenturers to Uirginia in their zeale to that memorable worke, the plantation of that country with an English Colonie, for the establishing of the Gospell there, and the Honour of our King and country, haue published a little standing Lotterie, consisting but of 12. pence for euery Lot: And therein haue proportioned to the aduenturers more then the one halfe to be repayed in money or faire Prizes without any abatement, besides sundry other Welcomes and Rewards: hoping that the inhabitants of this honourable Citie aduenturing euen but small summes of money, would haue soone supplied so little a summe appointed to so good a worke: which wee did purpose to draw out in Candlemas Tearme last: yet now seeing that the slow bringing in of their money hath crossed our intents, either because there was no certaine day nominated for the drawing thereof, or for some lewd aspersions that no good successe was likely to ensue to this action.
Wee doe therefore signifie, that a moneth past, we sent away a ship thither with her competent number of good men and munition, and doe purpose continually to supply them to the vtmost of our meanes. The rather for that wee haue information from them, that they are now able to subsist of themselues, and want only more able labouring men, and conuenient clothing for them.
In consideration whereof, we do certifie all men, that we do purpose (God willing) to begin the drawing of this Lotterie the 10. day of May next. And that the last day of bringing in any money shall be the 3. day of the same moneth: Betwixt which times the books shall be brought in, and made vp, and the Lots written out proportionablie according to the moneys that shall come in.