❧ For the Plantation in VIRGINIA. OR NOVA BRITANNIA.

VVHereas (if God permit) for the better setling of the Colony and Plantation in Virginia, there is a voyage intended thither by many Noble men, Knights, Mar­chants, and others, to bee furnished and set forth with all conuenient speed: And for that so Honorable an action pleasing to God, and commodious many waies to this Common-wealth, should be furthered and furnished with al meanes and prouisions necessarie for the same, Wherein both Honorable and Worshipfull personages, doe pur­pose & prepare to goe thither in their owne persons: This is ther­fore to intimate and giue notice to al Artificers, Smiths, Carpen­ters, Coopers, Shipwrights, Turners, Planters, Vineares, Fowlers, Fishermen, Mettell-men of all sorts, Brick-makers, Brick-layers, Plow-men, Weauers, Shoo-makers, Sawyers Spinsters, and all other labouring men and women, that are willing to goe to the said Plantation to inhabite there, that if they repayre into Phillpot Lane, to the house of Sir Thomas Smith, Treasurer for the said Colony, their names shall be Registred, and their persons shall be esteemed at a single share, which is Twelue pound ten shillings, and they shall be admitted to goe as Aduenturers in the said Voyage to Virginia, where they shall haue houses to dwell in, with Gardens and Orchards, and also foode and clothing at the common charge of the Ioynt stocke, they shall haue their Diuident also in all goods and Marchan­dizes, arising thence by their labours, and likewise their Diui­dent in Lands to them and to their Heyres for euer: And if they shall also bring in money to Aduenture in the Ioynt stock, their shares both in goods and lands shalbe augmented accordingly.

And likewise al other that wil bring in Twenty fiue pound or more by the last of March, though they goe not in their persons shall be accepted for Free-men of the Company, and shall haue their Billes of Aduenture, as all other Aduenturers haue in the same Action.

LONDON Printed by IOHN WINDET. 1609.

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