❧ A Publication by the Counsell of Virginea, touching the plantation there.
HOwsoeuer it came to passe by Gods appointment, that gouernes all things, that the fleete of 8 Shippes, lately sent to Virginea, by meanes the Admirall, wherein were shipped the chiefe Gouernours, Sir Thomas Gates, S. George Sommers, and Captaine Newport, by tempestuous windes and forcible Current, were driuen so farre to the West ward, that they could not in so conuenient time recouer Cape Henrie, and the Port in Virginea, as by the return of the same fleete, to answer the expectation of the aduenturers in some measure:
By occasion whereof, some few of those vnruly youths sent thither, (beeing of most leaud and bad condition,) and such as no ground can hold, for want of good directions there, were suffered by stealth to get abord the ships returning thence, and are come for England againe, giuing out in all places where they come, (to colour their owne misbehauiour, and the cause of their returne with some pretence) most vile and scandalous reports, both of the Country it selfe, and of the Cariage of the businesse there.
Which hath also giuen occasion, that sundry false rumours and despightfull speeches haue beene deuised and giuen out by men that seeme of better sort, being such as lie at home, and doe gladly take all occasions to cheere themselues with the preuention of happy successe in any action of publike good, disgracing both the actions and actors of such honourable enterprises, as whereof they neither know nor vnderstand the true intents and honest ends.
Which howsoeuer (for a time) it may deterre and keepe backe the hands and helpe of many well disposed men, yet men of wisdome and better resolution doe well conceiue and know, that these deuices infused into the tongues and heades of such deuisors (by the Father of vntruths) doe serue for nothing else, but as a cloke to couer the wretched and leaud prancks of the one sort, and the stupidity and backwardnesse of the other, to aduance any commendable action that taxeth their purse, and tendeth not wholly to their owne aduantage.
And therfore those of his Maiesties Counsel in this honourable plantation, the Lords, Knights, Gentlemen, and Merchants interessed therein (rightly considering that as in all other good Seruices, (so in this) much losse and detriment may many waies arise and grow to the due meanes and manner of proceeding, which yet no way toucheth nor empeacheth the action it selfe, nor the ends of it, which do still remaine entire and safe vpon the same grounds of those manifold Christian duties whereon it was first resolued,) are so farre from yeelding or giuing way to any hindrance or impeachment of their cheerefull going on, that many of them both honourable and worshipfull haue giuen their hands and subscribed to contribute againe and againe to new supplies if need require.
And further, they doe instantly prepare and make ready a certaine number of good Shippes, with all necessaries, for the right honourable Lord de la Ware, who intendeth God assisting, to be ready with all expedition to second the foresaid Generals, which we doubt not are long since safely ariued at their wished port in Virginea.
And for that former experience hath too dearely taught, how much and manie waies it hurteth to suffer Parents to disburden themselues of lasciuious sonnes, masters of bad seruants, and wiues of ill husbands, and so to clogge the businesse with such an idle crue, as did thrust themselues in the last voiage, that will rather starue for hunger, then lay their hands to labour:
It is therefore resolued, that no such vnnecessary person shall now be accepted, but onely such sufficient, honest and good artificers, as
- Smiths,
- Shipwrights,
- Sturgeon dressers,
- Ioyners,
- Carpenters,
- Gardeners,
- Turners,
- Coopers,
- Salt-makers,
- Iron men for furnasse & hammer,
- Brickmakers,
- Bricklayers,
- Minerall men,
- Bakers,
- Gun-founders,
- Fishermen,
- Plough-wrights,
- Brewers,
- Sawyers,
- Fowlers,
- Vine-dressers,
- Surgeons,
and Physitions for the body, and learned Diuines to instruct the Colonie, and to teach the Infidels to worship the true God. Of which so many as will repaire to the house of Sir Thomas Smith Treasurer of the Company to proffer their seruice in this action before the number be full, and will put in good sureties to be readie to attend the said honourable Lord in the voyage, shall be entertained with those reasonable and good conditions, as shall answere and be agreeable to ech mans sufficiency in his seuerall profession.