The right high, and right mightie Prince George Ʋilliers, Duke, Marquis, and Earle of Buckingham, Earle of Coventry, Vicount Villiers, Baron of Whaddon, high Admirall of England, & Ireland, and of the Principallitie of Wales. Gouernour of all the Castles and Sea Forts, and of the Royall Nauy, Master of the Horse to his Majestie. Lord Warden, Chancellour, and Admirall of the Cinque Ports, and the members thereof: Constable of the Castle of Douer, Iustice in Eyre of all his Majesties Forests, Parkes, and Chases on this side one Riuer of Trent, Constable of the Royall Castle of Windesore. Gentleman of the Kings Bedchamber. Councellour of Estate of the Kingdomes of England, Scotland and Ireland. Knight of the most noble order of the Garter. Lord President of the Councel of Warre: and Chancellour of the Vniuersitie of Cambridge.
A Catalogue of all the Kings Ships, as also of all other Ships, and Pinnaces, together with their Squadrons, Captaines, burthen, Seamen, and Land-men, set forth in his Maiesties seruice, the 27. of Iune, 1627.

Names of Ships: Captaines Names. Tons. Sea­men. Land­men.
1. Squadrons, 23. Ships.        
TRiumph, K. Ship. Sir Iohn Wats. 921 300  
Nonsutch, K. Ship. Sir Allen Aspley. 650 250 100
Sperance, K. Ship.   480 80 160
Charles K. Pynnas. Cap: Lidiard. 60 45 140
Sara Bonaventure. cap: Iohn Bickley. 360 48 160
Convert. cap: Iohn Mince. 360 48 160
Mathew. cap: Iohn Meruin. 360 48 160
Anne.   360 48 160
Minniken. K.   20 22  
Rocouery.   360 24  
Mary Magdalene.   400 30 130
Richard   400 26 60
Iosias.   360 24 120
Returne of London.   360 28  
Ioan of Lond.   360 20  
Witte faulkon of Ac­kerstork.   80 28  
Buck of Bergen.   60 20 200
Iohn of Lee.   250 20 160
Renew.   70 24  
St. Paul.   70 24  
Gift of God.   50 12  
Iohn of Douer.   66 14 50
St. Marie.   100 20 50
      12 [...]8 1810
2. Squadron 21. Ships.        
RAinbow, K. Ship. Cap: Weddall. 650 250 100
Vantguard, K. Sh. Sir Iohn Burges. 650 250 100
William. cap: Iohn Burges. 360 480 160
Desire. cap Leon Powell. 360 42 160
Confidence. cap: Turner. 360 42 160
Timothie cap: Newport. 360 42 160
Spye, K. Pynnas   24 8  
Mary of Ipswich.   360 24  
Sea Venture.   360 24  
Reporte.   400 30 150
Elizabeth.   360 24 90
Sara of London.   360 20 50
Hope of Memslike.   80 16 200
Hope of Vulsing.   90 16 200
Phoenix of Eucuseu.   80 20 50
Nativitie.   120 22  
Britaine.   40 10  
Saint Thomas.   40 10  
Saint Michael.   40 8  
Saint Laurence.   100 20 50
Anne of Dover.   360 24 50
      1384. 1680.
1. Regiment.
  • Sir Iohn Burrows Colonel.
  • Sir Edw: Hawley, Leiu. Col.
  • Cap. Green, uile. Sereant Major.
  • cap. Groue.
  • cap. Terwit.
  • cap. Hamond.
  • cap. Heatley.
  • cap. Shugburgh.
  • cap. Betts.
  • cap. Blundel.
  • cap. Bowles.
2. Regiment.
  • Sir Charles Rich, Colonel.
  • Sir Iohn Radcliff, Leiu. Col.
  • Cap. Standidg Serg. Major.
  • cap. Cooke.
  • cap. Raph: Shelton.
  • cap. Honey.
  • cap. Carleton.
  • cap. Papril.
  • cap. Morgan.
  • cap. Gifford.
  • cap. Brand.
3. Regiment.
  • Sir Edw: Conway, Colonel.
  • Sir. Edward Harwood for him.
  • Sir Iam: Scot Liuten. Colonel.
  • Cap. Kenithorph, sergeant Major.
  • cap. Huncks
  • cap. Ranford.
  • cap. Goring.
  • cap. Pelham.
  • cap. Aschley.
  • cap. Ogle.
  • cap. Dixon.
  • cap. Alford.
4. Regimeant.
  • Sir Alexander Bret.
  • Sir Tho: Thorneburst, Col.
  • Cap. Frier, sergeant Major.
  • cap. Richards.
  • cap. Glin.
  • cap. Moulsworth.
  • cap. Preston.
  • cap. Babington.
  • cap. Bret.
  • cap. Gilpin.
  • cap. Alford.
5. Regiment.
  • Sir William Courtney, Col.
  • Sir Tho: Yorck, Lieut. Col.
  • Cap. Farrer sergeant Major.
  • Cap. Blundell.
  • cap. Paddon.
  • cap. Cornwall.
  • cap. Contrey.
  • cap. Powell.
  • cap. Reignolds.
  • cap. Meantis.
  • cap. Done.
6. Regiment.
  • Sir Tho: Moreton, Colonel.
  • Sir Warham S t. Leiger, Lieut: Colonel. (Major.
  • Cap. Watkins, sergeant.
  • cap. Abraham.
  • cap. Maisterse [...]
  • cap. And: Hill.
  • cap. Tailor.
  • cap. Bond.
  • cap. Springe.
  • cap. Iudd.
7. Regiment.
  • Sir Henry Sprye, Colonel.
  • Cap. Tolecern, Lieutenant Colonel.
  • cap. Huncklint, sergeant Major.
  • cap. Seamar.
  • cap. Courtney.
  • cap. Talbot.
  • Printed for Iohn Wright.
  • cap. Leake.
  • cap. Mastion.
  • cap. Bucke.
  • cap. Owen.
Names of Ships. Captaines Names. Tons Sea­men, Land­men.
3. Squadron 20. Ships        
REpulse, K. Ship. Cap. Best. 750 250 100
Warspight. K. S. cap: Tho. Porter. 650 250 100
Susan and Hellen. cap: Edw: Greene. 360 48 160
Returne. cap: Dowriship. 360 42 160
Abraham. cap: Wil. Button. 360 48 160
Rose. cap: Wil: Cooke. 360 42 160
Henriette, K. Pynnas.   40 10  
Hope of London.   360 20 60
Resolution.   360 26  
Costly.   360 34  
Returne of Wo [...]ebe.   360 24 100
Red Cammel.   400 28  
Foxe of Menlicke.   40 16 200
Peter of Bomel.   40 17 160
Henne of Horne.   40 16 50
Mutton.   120 22  
Saint Denis.   70 16  
Roger.   30 8  
Francis.   30 8  
Bon- Auenture.   40 10  
      935. 1410.
4. Squadron 20. Ships.        
VIctorie, K. Ship. Cap: Ketelby. 870 250 100
Esperance. cap: Skipwith. 360 48 160
Sea Horse. cap: Edw: Button. 300 90 160
Pats Bon-aventure. cap. Nath: Butler. 360 48 160
William and Thomas. cap: Beuerson. 360 42 160
Anthony. cap: Row-Waters. 360 42 160
Fly, K. Pynnas.   16 12  
Frances.   30 8  
Mary and Ioan.   360 26  
Anne Speedwell.   360 24 100
Fortune.   200 20  
Peter of London.   300 18 30
Whitetten of Budswart   200 10 200
Holy Lam of Memlyke.   50 16 50
Marchant Royall.   120 24  
Barbur.   70 18  
Hopewell.   35 10  
Little Ely.   60 12  
Evan.   40 10  
Ioan of Douer.   40 10 50
      744. 1330.
    Number in all 4365. 7240.
Capt. Penningtons Ships.        
REd Lion, K. Ship. Cap: Pennington. 650 250 100
Desire, K. Ship. cap: Wallingham. 40 40 100
George. cap: Terringeham. 360 100 100
Mar: Bon-aventure. cap. Plunckley. 360 100 100
Peter Andrew. cap: Edw: Porter. 360 100 100
Benediction. cap: Stephens. 360 100 10
Paragon. cap: Paramo. 360 100 100
Camelion. cap: Will: Iewell. 300 80 60
Globe. cap: Horsey. 450 120  
Primrose. cap: Iohn Hall. 360 70  
S: Peter of Haun de grace. cap: Fran: Woall. 260 60  
Saint Anthonie. cap: Hill. 100 24  

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