VVherein is comprehended the original and increase of the riuer Lee [...]ommonly called Ware-riuer: together, with the antiquitie of sundrie places and townes seated vpon the same.
PLEASANT TO BE READ, and not altogether vnprofitable to bee vnderstood by W. V.
Printed by Roger Ward, for Iohn Sheldrake. 1590.
THe reasons be manifold (good reader) that mooued me to publish thys present Tale. First, that I might (in what I was able) illustrate or make better known to y e world, my countrie or place of byrth: to which (as Cicero saith) each man doth ow the third part of his life, & for which ther is no good man, but wil ieopard his life, aduenture his safetie, and hazard the dearest things hee dooth possesse: neither yet was there euer any man so brutish, but reioyceth to heare his countrie commended, and is delighted when he heareth the same wel spoken off and praised: such is the affection that euery man beareth to it: that Ouid expressing the same, said, he coulde not tel howe it came to passe, nor whence it should proceede. His words be these:
Hence it came to passe that antiquity gaue diuine honor to such as had deserued wel of their countrie: either in peace, by inuenting something to the profit or wealth thereof: or in war, by aduentring their bodies in defence thereof.
Another reason was, that albeit neither my writing, nor other indeuour whatsoeuer, be able to perfourm any thing that might either beautifie or adorne the places I speake of: Yet hereby I would animate, or encourage those worthy Poets, who haue writtē Epithalamion Thamesis, to publish the same: I haue seen it in Latene verse (in my iudgment) wel done, but the Author I know not for what reason doth suppresse it: That which is written in English, though long since it was promised, yet is it not perfourmed: so as it seemeth, some vnhappy Star enuieth y e sight of so good a work: which once set abroad, such trifles as these would vanish, and be ouershadowed, much like the Moon and other starres, which after the appearing of the Sunne are not to be seene at all.
Thirdly, being fully resolued to leaue my country, I held best before my departure Cigneum aliquid canere: not vnlike the [Page] Swans, who before their death do sing as Ouid, Uirgil, Martial, Horace with all the poets do constantly affyrme. The Philosophers say, it is because of the spirit labouring to passe thorow the long and small passage of her necke, makes a noise as if she did sing. Pithagoras did thinke their soules were immortal, and saith, how before their death, they reioice and sing as going to a better life. The maner of their singing M. Thomas Watson in his Odes expresseth thus:
Which verses A. F. hath englished on this wise.
The last, and not the least motiue was my friendes request, whose importunate demaund without breach of amitie, I could not gainsay: to whom, as also to thy fauourable construction (curtcous and friendly reader) I commit the same.
TO HIS BELOUED FATHER IOHN Valans, W. U. wisheth the grace of God with health and prosperitie.
THe dutie (deare Father) I owe vnto you, the regard of my promise, together with the remēbrance of your reasonable request, doo not a litle mooue me to write a few words concerning the matter whereof, at my being with you last, we [...]th certaine of our friendes talked, A [...] [...] am well assured that you re [...] member what a styr N. B. kept, when I said that shippe [...] had bene at Ware, affyrming, how it was vnpossible that that riuer which but of late was scarce able to beare a smal whyrrie, shold in times past beare: big and mighty ships. Truly his wordes were many & great, but his reasons were smal. And since that, at that time I promised to send you in a letter a plaine and euident prooffe of those words which there I vttered, I doubt not but in these few lines fully to satisfie, not only your request, but also your mind, and confirme you in that opinion which fewe men (vnlesse such as be altogether ignorant of the matter, and of the place) wil denie. And for so much as the cause for which the ships went thether, and what they did there, then will I plainly prooue both by auchoritie and examples, that it is likey that they were ther. Lastly, I wil (as my promise was) shew you about what time and by whome Ware was builded.
That Shippes haue bene at Ware
THe Danes (who as Polidor Virgill saith) dwelled in olde time beyond Ister, but now be they inhabitants of the Germane Ocean or Denmark, perceiuing how that their Country was ouermuch pressed with the great multitude of people y t in habited y e same, determined to subdue the land, to driue out y e [Page] Englishmen, and to plant themselues and th [...]ir posterity for euer [...] the same: for perfourming and accomplishing. whereof, they armed great store of chosen souldiers: who about the yeare 832. in 34. shippes entered the riuer of Thames, landed by great force, spoiled, fired, & wasted the country so far, that Egbert who then was king of the more part of England, was fame with an hoast of men to succour and relieue h [...]s d [...]stressed subiectes. But such was the will of God for the punishment of sinne that then was rise, that the kinge ioining battaile with the Danes, was by them discomfited and put to flight. After this batt [...]ile, the Danes were so encouraged, that they [...] out of the [...]e countrie like f [...]armes of Bees, [...] that if [...] one weeke there were fiue thousand of thei [...] [...], yet in the werke following ther would come eight thousand more to supply their roomes. They were oftentime discomfited, and the greater part of them driuen b [...]ke by diuers [...]akant kinges and princes, bu [...] yet by reason of their often arriuall, therr force was still increased and maintained. One while they arriued in one place, & then in another, spoiling, burning, & killing all they could come by. I [...] were too long to tell, and verie grieuous it is to thinke how religion was decaied, learning forgotten, all partes & quarters of the Realme wasted and spoiled: howe cities, townes, churches, abbe [...]s & religious [...]ouses were consumed with fire & flame, how miserablie the Commons were afflicted, how pitifully men, women and children, and all fortes of people went to wracke, how wonderfully the kinges themselues were amased, the con [...]ing of their enemies being both suddaine and violent: how cr [...]elly fire and sword, famine and death raged thorow out the land heauen and earth intending as it were the fatall destruction and vtter dcay of the realme. This miserie continued the space of 300 and ddde yeares, within which yeares, namely about the yeare of our Lord 217 the 23 yeare of King▪ Alfreds r [...]ns a great armie of Danes hauing re [...]eiued an ouerthrow at a place ca [...]ed Bu [...]tington beside Seuethe, fled into east England, and there wintered, and prepared a great hoast againe out of Northumberland and other places, leauing there their wiues and children, together with their money, shippes and munition, [Page] in east England, and with great speed got to the Citie of [...] (which at that [...]e was de [...]late, the inhab [...]tes hauing for feare of the Danes forsa [...]en it) or euer king Alfred & Ethered the vnder king with their armies could ouertake the [...]. And yet such was the [...] that king Alfred [...]this purs [...], that or euer his enem [...]es had [...] the [...], he w [...]th h [...]s companie tooke a great deale of their c [...]riage with all the booties of [...] and other thinges that they in their iourney by robbing and spoyling had obtained and driuen away. Hee also besieged the citie two or three daies, but perce [...]uing it woulde finally auaile, he was fa [...]ne (a grieuous thing to heare) to burn vp the greatest pate of the corne that grewe there aboutes and bestow the rest amongst his horses, least his enemies shoulde haue the fruit and commoditie thereof. The Danes perceiuing that, and seeing there was nothing left whereof they might liue in those partes, departed from thence, and in great has [...]e got them to north Wales, where they spoyled and hartied the countrie farre and neere, driuing away great booties of Cartel, and carrieng with them rich spoiles. From hence they departed And because for feare of the Mercians they durst not traueile that way, they coasted along the countrie till they came to Northumberland, and so through middle England, taking the [...] shippes their w [...]ues & children out of cast England with them, they arriued at a little Island sc [...]uate in the Sea, in the east part of Essex called Merseyge. From thence they departed and came into the riuer of Thames, and seeing that Winter was now at hand, they drew or rowed their shippes vp the riuer Lygean. And twentie miles from London they began to buylde a Fort, which being finished, they taried there all that wynter, spoyling, robbing and burning those quarters without mercy. When Winter was past, a great part of the Citizens of London, with those that inhabited neere thereaboutes traueiled thether, and by force minded to breake downe the Fort or munition which they had there buylded. But the Danes stoutlye resisted them, and not far from the place gaue them a sharpe battaile, where the Christians were put to flight, and foure of King Alfreds men were slaine.
[Page] Thus the pagane or heathen Danes remained Lordes or maisters of those quarters, compelling the husbandmen to eare and till the ground, meaning themselues to reape the commoditie of it. But the good King Alfred, who alwaies was carefull for the welfare of his subiectes, gathered an armie, and before haruest time pitched his tents neer to the place of their abode. By whose comming, the enemies were so affraid, that they durst not once peepe out of their hold to fetch either cattell or corne out of the fields by force. In this space, it happened on a time, as the King rode alongst by the riuer side, he viewed the water, and perceiued how that in some places of it, the chanell might easily bee stopped, and the streame made lesse. Whereupon he (as Huntington writeth) caused it to bee cut into three seuerall braunches or armes: but howsoeuer it was, hee so weakened the streame, that the Danes could not bring back their ships the same way they came. Which thing the Danes perceiuing, and knowing well it was in vaine for them to abide any longer there, they left their Shippes, and fled by land as fast as they could to Quatbridge, sending their wiues and children againe into east England. After this the king departed, and the Londoners and Countrimen seeing the Danes were gone, burst downe their Holde [...], and got some of their ships backe againe to London, and the rest they burned and brake all to peeces.
But here peraduenture you will aske me, howe I shoulde come by the knowledge of these thinges, beeing done so many hundred yeares agoe. To this I answere, that in things that were done long before any man that is now liuing can remember, wee must credit that our Fathers haue committed to writing concerning the same. And in my opinion, the neerer the reporter liueth to those times in which the thinges he speaketh or writeth of were done, the more credite is to bee geuen to him.
And as concerning this matter, it is confirmed by the reporte of a verie auncient, reuerent and and learned Wryter, namely Asserus Meneuensis, Bishop of Saint Dauies, that liued in the verie selfe same time when these thinges [Page] were done, and Maryanus Scotus who liued and wrote a chronicle at least 500. yeares ago, as Florentinus a Monk of Worcester, who continued it, doth witnesse and declare. Besides diuers others of great antiquitie and credite as Henry of Huntington, Mathew of Westminster, and manie moe, who d [...]e all confirme that which is before declared. Besides there remayneth yet the ruines of an old Castle or Fort betweene Hartford Castle and the Mill, which I doe vndoubtedly beleeue was the verie selfe same Fort that the Danes builded.
Moreouer, O. Crosse did credibly en [...]rine me that at y e building of Stansted bridge, there were found within the riuer, peeces of broken ships or Craets, nayles and other thinges which seemed to belong to some great shippes or vessels. All which thinges considered, together with the parting of the streame before remembred, me thinkes should be sufficient to confirme your minde, and cause you to beleeue that there haue bene ships at Ware and Hartford.
Hereunto may bee added that it was a common vse of the Danes to row or drawe vp their ships into some smaller creeke or riuer where that they might ride all winter with least danger. And time worketh some alteration both by water and by land, y t where great riuers did somtimes run, nowe it is vtterlie drie, and in stead of maine waters we haue goodly & florishing Meades. And in like sort, where goodly cities and castels some times did stand, there now groweth corne. For examples of this we need not seeke farre, since y t in London not aboue 277. yeeres ago namely in the yeere of our Lord 1300. when Henry Waleys was Mayor of the citie there ran a riuer through Walbrook w t two bridges ouer it, whereof William Iordan and Iohn de Beuer were maisters and gouernours. What is become of the riuer Wer. that ran by S. Albons of which the great city that in old time stood there, took the name and was called Werlamchester, whereof Leland in his cōmentaries maketh mention, concerning cities the diligent reader of chronicles shal meet with y e names of many, of which ther is at this day no rubbish nor ruin to be seen, as Andres Chester▪ y t stood in Sussex on y e edge of the great wood called Andreds weale of I [...]hancester, y t stood in the [Page] [...] Panta i [...] Essex; [...] of in [...]nite [...]e, of which as I sayd, ther [...] is left n [...] t [...]ken, but as the Poet saith Est [...] vb [...] [...]. Thus haue you heard (deare father) both the doings of the Danes not only in Engl▪ [...]ut [...]lso what they made in those [...] of the [...]d wherof [...]e talked, and where you dwel. There [...] now to write [...] [...]ou as [...] [...], how k [...]g [...] is [...] Ware was built, [...]nd in what [...]ges d [...]ies the same was [...]e, of which I [...] to say no more then that which hath bene alreadie written by such as haue in their histories and chro [...]les made me [...]tion o [...] s [...]h [...] as were builded by king Edward [...] aboute [...]; [...]I cannot but much mislik [...] [...]that affirme that the towne of Hartford was [...] by king Edward the [...]rst before the conquesh: Seem [...] [...] by the very wordes of Huntington it appeareth that it was [...]ut the Castell that he builded, for we read in Beda his histo [...]y [...] a counsel of Bishops that was b [...] at Hartford l [...]g bef [...] Edwardes time, this castle I meane of Hartford was builded [...] the yeare of our Lord [...]12, by Edward the s [...]e of king Al [...], and two yeares after hee builded a tow [...]e [...]n the North [...] of Lee which is the same th [...]t I doe take [...] be Ware and w [...]s in hand when Witham in Essex was also beg [...] [...]ye [...]res since. Thus much (father) for this time. I thoug [...] [...]vnto you concerning this matter; [...]thing doub [...] bu [...] [...] herereafter when all thinges be finished that by [...] of the Lord Treasurer, maister Fanshaw and other [...] m [...] [...] in hard for the amendement and sc [...]ing [...] riuer, you and I both shall see, though not shippes, yet [...] b [...]g boates and vessels passe too and fro betw [...]xt London [...] Ware to the commoditie and profite of the whole countrey, wh [...]h God graunt.
A COMMENTARIE OR EXPOsition of certaine proper names vsed in this Tale.
HArtfoord-shire: so called of the town. Hartfoord. King Alfred was the first that deuided this Land into Shires, Hundreds, [...] Te [...], [...]hereby hee repressed the [...]ges and [...]s which the English men (following therein the Danes) committed one vpon another. Hee appointed that euery man should [...] in some hundred or tenthe, and if he were accused of any offence, if he found not in his hundred or tenth a sucr [...]ie or pledge for hunself, he was grieuously punished: hereby he brought to passe, that hanging golden bracelets by cros-waies, there was none du [...]st steale or take them away. This Shire aboundeth in p [...]enty of corne, pasture, medowes, water and woods: and hath [...] 120 Parishes.
Lee, called also Lygan, Lygean and Luy. Lee. Caister.
Caister. A riuer in Boetia, where is supposed the [...]airest and largest Swannes doo breede.
Fanshaw. One of the remembrancers of her Maiesties court [...]. of [...]er [...] [...]er, and one that especially tendereth the [...] of Ware, whereof he hath purchased the Lordship.
Ware. [...]ded in the yeare of our Lo [...]d 914. by R. Edward Ware. the sonne of R. Alred. This towne since th [...] [...] the [...]eof, [Page] hath greatly increased, and by procuring to themselues the free passage of their bridge, greatly hindred the Shire-towne of Hartford: For in old time the bridge was chained and kept by the Bailiefe of Hartford, but in the time of King Iohn, when the Barons warred one against another, and against the King himselfe. The townesmen trusting to their Lord Wake, brake the chaine, and haue euer since enioyed their passage, whereby it is greatly encreased, and is likely still to doo aswell, for that by means of the Lord Treasaurer, the riuer is made passable for boates and barges, as also through the diligence of the Townesmen, who, with helpe of M. Fanshaw haue erected a newe markette house, with entent to procure certaine Fayres to be helde there yeerely. The Bridge was reedified lately, and the arches made of stone at the charges, viz. 140. poundes geuen by her Maiestie. The rest by the towne and Countrie.
Thames, the chiefest riuer of England: the name is deriued Thames. of Tame and Isis, which rising in Glocester-shire, runneth to the towne of Ta [...]e, where ioyning together, they make the Thames, whereof read Leland or M. Harison in his description of Britaine.
Seuerne, a riuer that arriseth in Wales, passeth by Mountgomery, Seuerne, Shrewsburie, Brydgenorth, Bewdly, Worcester▪ Glocester, and Bristoll: it parteth Wales and the West countrey, and falleth into the sea betwyxt Mylford hauen and Padstow: The course of this Riuer, as also the rest require a speciall treatise,
Humber, or rather Hull, falleth into the Sea at Rauenspur, Hum [...]er, and ariseth out of sundrie Riuers, whose confluence make a mighty water▪ &c.
Trent is one of the most excellent riuers in England, and Trent. as M. Harison saith, increased with so many Waters, as it seemeth, it may becompared with Seuerne or Owse [...], of which Riuer, whosoeuer is desirous to see or read more, may find the same in M. Harisons workes, and therefore I omit to speake further of it.
[Page] Cynthia, the Moone.
Endymion, a shepheard, who (as the Poets faine) was cast Cynthia, a sleepe vpon the hill Latmos an hundred yeares by the Moone, to the intent she might inioy his loue.
Uerolane, called by Antonine, Uerolanium, of Tacitus, Uerulanium, of Ptolomy, Uerolanium: The Sarons called it Verolane. Watlingchester of the high-way called Watlingstreete, & Werlanchester of the riuer Werlam that ran by it. And yet it's called Verulam, albeit there be nothing left but the ruines and rubbish of the walles. It hath bene a citie in olde time of great and especiall account, well walled, and defended with a great fishing pond, which wel neer did compasse it. There is yet to be seene (as M. Camden saith) ancient coyne with this inscription, Tasc Verul: which Doctor Powell interpreteth to be Tributum Verulamij for Tasc in walsh signifieth tribute, and Tascia a tribute penie. This citie was greatly distressed in the time of Nero the Emperour, by the warres which Bundwica the Queene made against the Romans, as may easily appeare to such as be any thing at all conuersant in reading the Romane histories: yet did it flourish againe, and continued in good estate, and among other thinges famous, for bringing foorth to the world, Albon the Prothomartir, or first martyr of this land, of whome M. Gerard Leigh in his accidence of armorie wryteth. Albon was knight of the Bath, and Lord of Uerolane, nowe called Saint Albons: who in his youth, for the honour of this realme made a royall chalenge of Iustes at Rome, and did there other Knightly disportes in Armour, where hee had onelye the prise, and was made Knight by Dyoclesian then Emperour of Rome, who had this Realme then in subiection.
This Albon was Prince of Knightes, and soueraigne Steward of Brittaines: and after was conuerted to the faith of Christ by Amphybalus that holy Knight, who went to Rome with Bassianus the Sonne of Seuerus in the companie of 1500 of the chiefe Lordes sonnes of Britaine and Cornewall, where Zepherinus then Bishop, priuily instructed him in the fayth of Christ, which, at his returne, he taught [Page] to Albon in such sort, that openly professing the same, they were in the time of the [...] D [...]sian [...]th martired. Wherof you may reade in G [...]ldas and Bede. After this, the Citie was yet in good estate, vntill the time of the [...], when Oct [...] and Oesa taking it for their refuge, were besieged by Vther Pendragon, w [...] brake the [...]es and defaced it. A [...]ter this, by L [...]tle and Litle it lang [...]shed, so that it became a deane or harbour of theeues and [...] vntill King Offa, about the yeare of our Lord 793. [...]ded an A [...]ey in honor of S. A bon, in a place calld [...]: hencefo [...]rth the olde citie decaied, and S. A [...]bons flourished. And Alfricke the seuenth Abbot of the house, bought the fishing pond of the King: and for that the Fishermen dayly endo [...]aged the religious people, it was with great [...]st dray [...]ed, & made drie. There remaineth at this day a street in S. Albons, called Fishpo [...]le street: and for that there hath bene fou [...]d about the Citie, AAnchors keles of beates, old nailes and such trash, some haue supposed the Thames to haue runne that way, which errour grewe by corruption of Gyldas booke, where he mentioneth of S. Albons death: but it is not so: but heare what ancient recordes doo testifie concerning the same.
In the tune of K [...]ng Edgar, when Aegelred was Abbot, he caused the ruines of Verolane to be searched, the vaultes to bee vncouered, and the pauements to be digged vp: where he found Pillers, peeces of antique worke, thresholds, door-frames, pillers for windowes of fine masonrie worke, some of Porphyrte, some Touch, some Alablaster, all which were verte conuenient for his purpose: besides, hee found sockets of Lattyn, and of brasse, with diuers other thinges which hee reserued towardes the foundation of a new abbey, which he intended to build. But being preuented by death, Edmerus his successor digged againe, and found Idols, Altars richly couered, Iugs and cruses wi [...]h puts, some of wood, some stone, and some gold, artificially wr [...]ught and ca [...]ed. And proceeding farther, hee found pots of gold, siluer, and some of brasse, some with coyne, and some with bones and ashes of such as haue bene burned or buried: all which were reseru [...]d, and the mettels melted, and kept for this [Page] new▪ [...] which [...] at last [...] was [...]great store of [...]ges and [...]old p [...]leges, and the new towne of S. Albons dayly more and more increased, famous as well for the [...], as also for two not [...]ble [...]fought there, [...]the [...] betwixt the two great h [...]uses of York [...] and [...]: Thus much of Vero [...]ne whereof more might be said, which for [...] sa [...] [...].
Bishop [...] Hatfield or Hethfield. Iohn Morton bishop of Ely Bishops Hatfield, o [...] Hethfield H [...]don. builded th [...]re a house which nowe belongeth to her [...]. [...] [...] as Leland▪ [...] belonged once to th [...] [...] [...] Ber [...]yers from the [...] to the Howards, Th [...]. [...] [...], [...] suspect [...]g that a tow [...] of the house would [...]all by reason of the height, tooke downe a part therof. And king Henrie the eight making an exchange with the Duke, newly reed [...]ed the house sinc [...] whose time it is hon [...]red with the title of a Bar [...], which Henry Cary, Lord Chamberlaine of her Muest [...] houshold, [...]efetenant of Northfolke and Suffolke, and Captaine of Barwike at this day enioyeth.
Hartford called by Antonine & the Romans, Durocobriuas, Hartfoord. the [...] or Wel [...]en call [...]ed wa [...]er Du [...] Co [...], & Briua, [...]them as also [...] the [...]signifieth ouer the water, as Briua Odera, Briua I [...]ara which signifie passages ouer riuers of the same name. The Saxons called it Herudford as in one booke remaining with Iohn Stowe (a diligent [...]earcher and [...]reseruer of anti [...]ties, it is written H [...]ford. Bed [...] in the fourth booke of his [...] history [...] neth how Theodorus Archbishop of Canterb [...] held [...]or pro [...]ciall counsell at Herudford, Anno. 670. but now it is corruptly (as I thinke) called Hartford, which Leland interpreteth Cer [...] vad [...] the toord of [...] it hath [...] in olde time of good account, as well by [...] of the [...] also, of the [...] the Castel was [...] first by Ed [...]ard [...] in the ninth yeare of his raige as Henry Hun [...]gton saith, whose wordes [...], [...] Anno. [...] sui construx [...] H [...]refordium castrum no [...] [...] sed pulcheri [...]um tamen inter [...], [...], & [...]sed clarissima tamen. This castle hath [...] [...] [Page] by the Clares, and then by the Dukes of Lancaster, for Roger de Clare in Henry the second his time was created Erle of Hartford. And Robert Fitzwalter that came of the same house in king Steuens time did boldly affirme that the keeping of the Castle did of right belong vnto him: Henry the third gaue the Castle with the honour belonging to it to William Ualence Erle of Penbroke, Anno. 1247. After it fell to the Dukes of Lancaster, who vsed to lodge at it verie often. In the yeare of our Lord 1357, the Queene of Scottes, sister to king Edward the third departed this life, lying at Hartford with her sister in law, the Queene of England, and in the yeare 1458 for a fray made in Fleetestreet in London, the king sent the principals of Clifford, Furniuall, and Barnardes In, as prisoners to Hartford castle. King Henry the sixt vsed often to keepe his Christmas there: and to conclude, king Edward the sixt was nursed and schooled there.
The priorie was builded by Ralfe Lord Lymesoy, who came into England with William the Conquerour, and was (as the Monkes reported) his sisters sonne.
The townesmen of late haue procured to themselues a new corporation, and haue on the Saterday a good market and euery yeare three faires. In Edward the 3. time, as I haue seene in an olde record, they had two markets in the weeke and but two fayres.
In the time of Henry the eight viz. 1507 there was a paper Mill at Hartford, and belonged to Iohn Tate, whose father was Mayor of London.
Waltham, a market towne: the Abbay was builded by king Harold, who shortly after hee had built it was slaine by Waltham William the conqueror, his mother with great and earnest si [...]e obtained his body, and intoumbed the same in the Abbay.
Aelners Crosse cōmonly called Waltham crosse. K. Henry the first set it vp in memory of his wife (who died in Lincolnshire) A [...]lnors Crosse. and wheresoeuer her body was caried, there hee erected a crosse with the armes of England, Castile and Pontoys, geuen [...]n the same, of which the crosse in Chepe, and Charing crosse be two of the fayrest.