By the Edict of our most holy Father and Lord, VRBANVS, Dei Gratia.

The eight (of that name) now Pope of Rome.

Translated out of the Low-dutch Coppie, Printed at Bruxells.

LONDON Printed for Nathaniell Butter, and Nicholas Bourne. 1631.

Ʋrbanus, Bishop, Servant of the ser­vants of God, to everlasting Memory.

THe Pastorall care and vigilancy of the Romish Pope (vnto whom the Vine­yard of the Lord of Sabbath, through the vnspeakeable providence of the chiefest and supreamest Father of the Family, is committed) doth chiefely ayme at this scope, that no Labourers shall presumptuously intrude themselues into this Vine­yard without being lawfully called and elected, who may destroy the good seed, roote out the well-grow­ing, make weeds to spring vp, and mixe evill bastard branches among the good plants.

Notwithstanding that there hath beene made a ve­ry sharpe and strong prohibition, by the Christian Ordinances of the Generall Lateran Councell, and the Councell of Lyons, that no person should dare to ascribe so much power to himselfe, or take vpon him to bring in innovations in Religion, and that likewise by the godly Institutions of our predeces­sors of blessed Memory, Iohn the 22. and Clemens the fifth, Popes of Rome, all assemblies of Women, instituted by their owne power and authoritie, was [Page 4]cleane cut off, and rooted out, and condemned as most dangerous and pernicious. Neverthelesse, (as wee haue vnderstood not without great griefe and sorrow of heart) there are in divers parts of Italy, and of the Netherlands, certaine Women and Mai­dens, which haue boldly and presumptuously taken vpon them the name of Shee-Iesuites, without the consent and approbation of the Holy Apostolicall Chaire. These haue of late yeares made Convents and Assemblies, vnder pretence, and shew, of leading a devout and religious life. They haue vsed a singu­lar kinde of habit, differing from all other, built E­difices and Houses in manner of Colledges, erected places named by the name of Novitiate, or tryall and probation. In these builded Colledges they haue e­stablished one to be Generall, and governo over the whole Assembly, giving them Stiles of Shee-Pro­vosts; Ascribing and taking vpon them such power and authoritie, as seemed good vnto themselues. Making Vowes and Protestations of Povertie, Cha­stitie, and Obedience, and these to stand for sound and solemne Vowes, having no ground nor warrant for this their Obedience, but onely their owne plea­sure and well seeming, (all vnder this Cloake and pretence of promoting Soules salvation) taking vp­on them (not withstanding their Vow) to walke free­ly about the Streets, and to performe such workes and businesses, which goe beyond the weakenesse, and capacitie, and braine of that sexe. And which doe in no wise beseeme and befit the modestie and civilitie of Women, and especially the Virgin Cha­stitie. [Page 5]Yea, such things, which godly and learned men, well experienced in the holy Scriptures, be­ing of great knowledge and honest life, are wont to exercise and practise, not without a great deale of trouble, and much difficultie.

We therefore desiring and labouring by all meanes, in time to extirpate and roote out, all weeds and bry­ars out of the field of the holy Militant Church, haue Commanded and Charged our Reverend Bro­ther Aloysius, Bishop of Tricariken, Ours and the Holy Apostolicall Chaires Nuntius in the Countryes of Lower-Germany, as also divers other Ordinaries, that they finding and perceiving the great dangers and scandalls which doe thence arise, should (in the name of our Apostolicall Authoritie,) earnestly ad­monish, and forewarne, and exhort the aforesaid Women and Maidens, to withdraw themselues from such intended courses and practises, and to betake themselues to better and wiser wayes and devi­ses.

But whereas these presumptuous Women, con­temning and despising the feare of God, and Vs, and abusing the great respect due vnto the Apostolicall Sea, to the great prejudice of their owne soules, and offending of many good religious people, haue not onely not obeyed our Fatherly and Godly admoni­tions, but haue not beene ashamed to continue and goe on in these their idle practises, and to broach and produce many things contrary to the Godly Truth and Doctrine of the Church. We haue now earnest­ly resolved to prevent such a farther contempt and [Page 6]presumption, with a sharpe and bitter sentence and penaltie. And to roote out and extirpate all such plants and sprouts vtterly, being so infectious, per­nicious, and hurtfull to the Holy Church, for feare least they spread themselues farther, if they be not suppressed.

Therefore having held wise and provident Coun­sell with our Honourable Brothers, the Cardinalls of Rome, and the Generall Inquisitors, specially de­puted against all evill Heresies of the said Sea, with vnanimous Counsell and Consent, according to the Decrees of the foresaid Councells, adhering to the Institutions of our Predecessors, Wee haue tituled the said Convents and Congregations of the sayd Women or Maidens, Shee-Iesuites. And doomed their sect and State, from the first beginning of their Institution, by our Apostolicall Authoritie. And doe by the tenour of this present Edict of Ours, de­clare the same to be voyde and of none effect or pow­er, and that the same is of no worth, neither ever was.

And because they haue proceeded with the very action and execution of this their profession, Wee doe by our Apostolicall Authoritie, vtterly sup­presse and annihilate the same, and make them sub­ject to eternall abolition, and take away, and cut off the same from the most holy Church of God. Willing and ordaining, that the same Order of Wo­men and Maidens, shall of all Christian beleeving people, be held for suppressed and abolished, extin­guished, vtterly taken away, and extirpated. Nei­ther [Page 7]will Wee that the same Women or Maidens shall any wayes be tyed, or obliged to performe the solemne Vow which they so strongly haue made to this purpose.

Furthermore, Wee will, ordaine, and declare, that all Shee-Visiters, shee-registrices, and shee-Pro­vosts, as all other Shee-Governants and Officialls of the said Congregation and sect, by what name or title they may be named or called, shall by power of this our Edict be deprived of the Office, service, or place which they haue taken vpon them to performe or execute.

Wee doe likewise absolue all and every Woman or Maiden, which vnder pretence of a solemne Vow, hath (vpon whatsoever occasion in this kinde) bound or obliged her selfe to any obedience tending to this Order, and vtterly free them from such Vow and Obligation. Yea even those that haue in this nature tyed themselues by approbation of an Oath.

Furthermore, Wee doe ordaine, and command all Women or Maidens, and their afore-mentioned Governours, named or dignified with the foresaid or other manner of titles, (by vertue of the holy obedience due vnto Vs, and vpon penaltie of our Bull, and farther Excommunication, which they will presently incurre, and from the which they can­not be absolved by any but our selfe, and whosoe­ver shall be Pope of this holy Citie of Rome) to de­part, and seperate themselues from all those Colled­ges, or Houses where they are assembled, prohibi­ting [Page 8]them to haue any more meetings or assemblies together, to consult, conferre, or treate together, or performe either spirituall or temporall exercises. Willing and charging them presently and speedily to abandon and dismisse the manner of habit supposed­ly and fally taken vpon them, and never to put on the same any more, neither to admit any other Wo­men or Maidens to receiue and put on the same. As also that they with their consent shall not suffer, nor counsell, helpe, or favour others to doe it di­rectly or indirectly, or in any manner whatsoever, neither shall they professe themselues, or make known themselues to be religious persons, followers of that pretended sect and Congregation.

For the better suppressing of which Assembly, Wee doe freely and willingly absolue all those Wo­men and Maidens, who haue really and punctually made their Vowes (as Wee said before) with that intention, being in such an estate, condemned and reprobated by the Apostolicall Chaire, although they haue not performed the promised conditions of their secret Vowes, nor could not performe the Obligati­on of their Vowes fully.

But all those who in any case haue made Vowes, (being they are simple Vowes to liue honestly and religiously, being seperated from the other, and this reprobate State, and the pretended sect and Assem­bly, shunning and avoyding whatsoever hath by this Edict beene prohibited, these Wee permit to sub­mit themselues to the obedience of the Ordinarie, [Page 9]with the vse, but nor the full command of their Goods, but with such power which Wee merci­fully graunt them, both in their liues, and before their decease to dispose of them to holy and pious vses. Neuerthelesse this prouided, that the same Goods shall, without any will or Testament be­fall, and be deriued vnto those, which by right and equity were to succeede in them, and to in­herite the same, if so bee that these women or maidens had not made such a vow of voluntary poverty.

And in case any of these afore-sayd women or mai­dens would betake themselues to the estate of Ma­trimony we graunt them free permission to marrie: but with this proviso, that they shall keepe that which therein is to bee obserued, and we doe afford them our Apostollicall Benediction, and as farre as ne­cessity requires, the relaxation and quittance of all their vowes (as aforesaid) made by them.

But because the Apostle teacheth, that hee that marries doth well, but hee that remaines vnmarried doth better, wee doe therefore, as earnestly, and with as much power as wee can, admonish and ex­hort those afore-sayd women and maidens, by the mercies of God, in our fatherly loue and care, that they would but recall and truely consider, the zeale and affection which they haue had to embrace a ho­ly, Religious, and Spirituall life, and to take vpon them the Lords yoke, and that they renounding them­selues, and all worldly luses, cares, and concupiscen­ces, [Page 10]would betake themselues into some holy and religious order instituted and approued of by this Holy Apostollicall Chaire. And there with a faith­full, holy and godly desire, and intentions, make their vowes vnto the God of Iacob: and with inno­cencie of hands, and puritie and sinceritie of heart, practizing and performing holy spirituall exercises of Religious workes, would manifest themselues to bee the purest and pretioust part of Christs Sheepe and Flocke. And there kindle their lampes with the flames of Loue, and so prepare themselues to meere the sweete heauenly Bridegroome of their soules.

Thus then wee doe ordaine, that these present Letters, and all the Contents of the same, yea not­withstanding, that the women or maidens of such a Sect and Assembly, or any other, hauing some suspi­tion or seruple of the Premises, or pretending to haue, should not haue consented vnto the same, or haue not beene summoned and heard in the matter. And that the reasons of this same Edict, alleaged, ve­rified, and otherwise sufficiently iustified, shall at no time whatsoever hereafter bee subiect to subreption, or obreption, nullitie, or invaliditie, or accounted wanting in our intentions. Or bee accused of any fault or defect, how great, vnthought of, or sub­stantiall the same might bee; neither bee lessened or dimished. No not although that in the afore-sayd businesse, the Solemnities, and all other things a­fore sayd, which ought to haue beene kept and ob­serued, were not prosecuted, obserued, and perfor­med, [Page 11]Nor by reason of some Capitall point or Clause in Law, Ordinance, or Vse, nor by reason of any totall breach or prejudice, nor vnder pre­tence or any other excuse or cloake whatsoever: nor conclution of Law, nor any just reasonable and and priuiledged reason, which for the strength and validitie of the Premises, ought to haue beene pro­duced or performed. Yea although that of our afore­sayd will and pleasure, could no wayes nor no where appeare, nor bee made good or manifested other­wife, yet the same shall not bee impugned, opposed, made invalidable, bee brought into Law, bee con­troverted, nor bee brought vpon termes of Law. Neither shall any easement, making of way, termes and times granted by Law, or any other Iudiciall acts and remedies of fauour, grace, or Iustice bee obtained, or any way granted in this behalfe. Nei­ther shall it bee lawfull for any one who hath ob­tained such easements, to vse or employ them, or benefit and helpe himselfe with such meanes in or without the Law. Neither shall these letters of ours bee comprehended vnder any other equall or vn­equall fauours, which in time to come shall be re­called, suspended, held backe, or which might o­therwise in time to come bee disposed of: but these shall euer be excepted and exempted, and shall for euer hereafter stand firme and vnalterable, and haue their full force vigour and perfect effect. And shall bee obserued and obeyed infringeable and vnvio­lable, of all those whom they doe concerne, or [Page 12]shall concerne hereafter. And thus (and no other­wise) in this matter afore-sayd shall it bee judged, by all Iudges, Ordinaries, Delegates, by the Auditors also of the affaires and matters concerning the A­postollicall Palace, and the Cardinals of the holy Romish Church: Legates and the Nuntius, and all others of whatsoeuer authority or power they are or shall bee, in all Instances and Iudgements, depriuing them all of all authority and power of judging otherwise. Wherefore wee doe declare whatsoeuer shall be contrary, or bee attempted con­trary to this our fore-sayd Edict and Letters, of whatsoeuer Authoritie the same may be found, to bee frustrate, quite voide, and of none effect, whether the same bee vndertaken wittingly or ig­norantly.

Furthermore, for the better execution of this our will and pleasure, wee doe commaund by A­postollicall Edict and Writing, all our Reuerend Bro­thers, and well-beloued Sonnes, Ours, and the A­postollicall Chaires Nuntius, all Patriarchs, Superi­ours or Governours of the Church; Arch-Bishops, Bishops, and Ordinaries, wheresoever they are sea­ted; that as soone as our present letters shall come to them, or any of them, or shall any way be made knowne vnto them, solemnely to publish them, and cause them to bee published: and to put the same, and cause them to be put, in some place fit for that execution, either by themselues or others, as they shall finde fit and expedient in the Lord. Also [Page 13]Wee will and command them, earnestly to sensure by sentence, and seuerely to punish by Spirituall punishment, and other just and reasonable meanes, which may constraine and compell them. All those who are rebellious, gaine-saying, and will not obey our fore sayd Edict, debarring them, and de­priving them from all manner and way of appeale, refuge, and recalling, employing to this end, the Temporall Magistrate, as farre as shall bee found requisite and necessary. Notwithstanding (as farre as shall be necessary) the Constitutions of Boniface the eight, our Predecessour, of blessed Memory, instituted one, and the Generall Counsell of two dayes Iourney, and all other contrary­ing.

And to the end that this present Edict, and the Contents thereof may be made knowne and mani­fested to all men, and no man may pretend or plead ignorance, Wee likewise will and commaund, that the same, be by one, or diuers of our Couriers affixed and published vpon the Church doore of La­teran, and Saint Peter the Prince of the Apostles of this City, and of the Apostollicall Chaunceries. And vp­on the Corner of the Flower-field. And when the Copies shall be taken off, re-printed, and distributed abroad, which be thus affixed and published, all those (within two moneths after the day of the sayd Pub­lication) whom it doth concerne any way, shall ther­by be so tied and obliged, as if notice of the same were giuen to their owne persons. Also that all the [Page 14]Copies thereof printed, being sealed with the feale of any Person placed in Spirituall Dignity, and sub­scribed by the hand of a Notarius Publicus, shall haue so much credence and beliefe given therevnto, as ought to be given vnto this present, if so be it were extended and shewed.

I [...] is not lawfull therefore for any one whosoever, to transgresse these our Letter of Suppression, annihila­ting, subjection, extenuation, and our Ordinances of Privation, Ablation, Obsolution, Remission, and Our Commandement of Declaration, Permission, Fauour or Grace, Admonition, Desires, Will and Pleasure; or to oppose the same, or contrarie the same, through bolde and impudent presump­tion. For whosoever shall dare to vndertake and presume so much, the same shall fall into the wrath and indignation of God Almightie, and of his holy Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

E. Dat. A. Rondininus.
Viewed and examined in the Councell.
  • A. Durandus.
  • C. Montanus.
[Page 15]Registred in the Secretarie of Roles.

In the name of God, Amen. In the yeare of our Lord Iesus Christ 1930. the one and twentieth day of May, being the fourteenth Indiction, in the ninth yeare of the Papacie of the most Holy Father in Christ, and our Lord Vrbanus the eight, by the Pro­vidence of God, Pope of Rome.

The fore-sayd Letters were published, and held at the Church doore of Lateran, and Saint Peter the Prince of the Apostles of this Citie, and of the Apostol­licall Chauncerie: and on the Corner of the Flower­field; As the manner is. By mee Augustine de Bolis Romane Courier of our most Holy Father the Pope.

  • Mathias Spada Courier-master.
  • F. Aertsb. of Comp. Nuntius.

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