Fiue hundreth points …

Fiue hundreth points of good husbandry vnited to as many of good huswiferie, first deuised, & nowe lately augmented with diuerse ap­proued lessons concerning hopps & garde­ning, and other needefull metters together with an abstract before euery Moneth, conteining the whole effect of the saide moneth with a table & a preface in the beginning both necessary to be reade, for the better vnderstandinge of the booke: Set forth by Thomas Tusser gen­telman, seruant to the honorable Lord Paget of Beu­desert.

Imprinted at London in Flete strete within Temple barre at the signe of the Hand & starre, by Richard Tottill, anno. 1573.

Cum Priuilegio.

¶The Table contayning the contentes of thys booke w t a lesson how to cōfer euery abstract w t his moneth.

  • 1 THe Epistle to the Lorde Thomas Paget second sonne & now heire to the late lorde William Paget his father. fol. 1.
  • 2 The Epistle to the lorde William Paget deceased & y e occasion first of this booke. fol. 3.
  • 3 The Epistle to the reader. fol. 4.
  • 4 The preface: fol. 5.
  • 5 The commodity of husbandry [...]ol. eodem
  • 6 The prayse of husbandry by a [...]iddle. eodem
  • 7 The description of husband & husbandry. fol. 6.
  • 8 The ladder of .xxxiiij. steps to thrift. eodem
  • 9 Good husbandly lessons worthy to be [...] suche as will thriue. fol. 7.
  • 10 An habitacion enforced aduisedlye, [...] neuer made vpon thease wordes, sit downe Ro [...]n & [...]. fo. 11
  • 11 Septembers abstract. eodem
  • 12 Septembers husbandry with the [...] furniture. [...] the [...]arne, stable, ploughe, cart, [...] together with the maner of gathering hops, drying & keeping them. fol. 14.
  • 13 Octobers abstract. 20.
  • 14 Octobers husbandry. 21.
  • 15 Nouembers abstract 22.
  • 16 Nouembers husbandry. 23.
  • 17 Decembers abstract 24.
  • 18 Decembers husbandry 25.
  • 19 A digression directing to hospitality 27.
  • 20 A description of time & the yeare eodem
  • 21 A description of life & ryches. eodem
  • 22 A description of house keping fol. 28.
  • 23 A description of Christmas eodem
  • 24 A description of apt time to spend eodem
  • 25 Against fantasticall scruplenesse fol. 29
  • 26 Christmas husbandly fare eodem
  • 27 A Christmas Caroll eodem
  • 28 Januaries abstract & at the end therof diuers forts of trees & fruites to be their set or remoued folowing the order of the alphabet to crosse rowe. fol. 30.
  • 29 Ianuaries husbandry fol. 32
  • [...] [Page]30 Februaries abstract fol. 36
  • 31 Februaries husbandry fol. 37
  • 32 Marches abstract & at the end thereof, the names of seedes, herbes, flowers and rootes than to be sowen or sett, onles the time be otherwise noted by expresse wordes, as well for kitchin herbes, stroweing herbs & flowers, as herbs to still & for phisick, set after y e order of y e alphabet or crosse rowe. fol. 38
  • 33 Marches husbandry with the maner of setting hopps. fol. 42
  • 34 Aprils abstract fol. 44
  • 35 Aprils husbandry w t a lesson for dayry maide Cisseley & of x.
  • 36 Toppins gests in her white meat, better lost thē found. eod.
  • 37 Mayes abstract fol. 46
  • 38 Mayes husbandry fol. 47
  • 39 Iunes abstract fol. 49
  • 40 Iunes husbandry with a lesson to chuse a meete plotte for hops & how then to be doing with the same fol. 50
  • 41 Iulies abstract fol. 52
  • 42 Iulies husbandry & haye haruest eodem
  • 43 Augusts abstract fol. 53
  • 44 Augusts husbandry & corne haruest fol. 54
  • 45 The conclusion of the whole boke set out in .12. verses euery word beginning w t a T. y e first letter of the Authors name. fol. 56
  • 46 Mans age deuided into .xij. prentiships eedem
  • 47 A briefe description of thenclinacion of mans age by the si­militude of the Ape, Lion, Foxe & the Asse fol. 57
  • 48 A comparison betwene woodland & Champion fol. 58
Thus endeth the table of husbandry.
In euery month, er in aught be begonne,
Read ouer y e month, what auailes to be dōne
So neyther this trauel, shal seeme to be lost:
Nor thou to repent, of this trifeling cost.
The figure of abstract, & month do agree,
Which one to another, relations bee,
The lessons that after those figures do stand:
Be points of them selues, to be taken in hand.

To the ryght honorable & my speci­all good Lord & Master, the Lord Paget of Beudesert. Chap. 1.

MI Lord your father loued me,
and you my lord, haue proued me,
And both your loues haue moued me,
to wright as here is donne:
Synce God hath hence your father,
such flowers as I gather,
I dedicate now rather,
to you my Lorde his sonne,
Your father was my founder,
till death became his wounder,
no subiect euer sounder,
whom prynce auauncement gaue:
As God did here defend him,
and honour here did send him.
so will I here commend him,
as long as life I haue.
His neighbours then did blisse him,
his seruants now do misse him,
the poore would gladly kisse him,
aliue agayne to be:
But God hath wraught his pleasure,
and blest him out of measure,
with heauen & earthly treasure,
so good a god is he.
His counsell had I vsed,
and Ceres art refused,
[Page]I nede not thus haue mused,
nor droope as now I do:
But I must playe the farmer,
and yet no whit the warmer,
allthough I had his armer,
and other comfort to.
Aesops fable
The fox doth make me minde him,
whose glory so did blinde him,
till taile cut of behinde him,
no fare could him content:
euen so, must I be prouing,
such glory I had in louinge,
of things to plough behouinge,
that makes me now repent.
Loytrers I kept so meany,
both philip hob & cheany,
that that waye nothing geany,
was thought to make me thriue:
Like Iugurth Prince of Numid,
my gold away consumid,
with losses so perfum'id,
was neuer none aliue.
Great fines, so nere did pare me,
great rent, so much did skare me,
great charge, so long did dare me,
that made me at lēgth cry creak:
Much more of all such fleeses,
as oft I lost by peeces,
amonge such wiely geeses,
I list no lenger speake.
Though countrey helth long staied me,
yet lease expiering fraied me,
and (ictus sapit) praied me,
to seke more steady staye:
Newe lessons than I noted,
and some of olde I coted,
least some should thinke I doted,
by bringing naught awaye.
Though Pallas hath denied me,
her learned pen to guide me,
for that she dailie spide me,
with countrey how I stood:
yet Ceres, so did bolde me,
with her good lessons tolde me,
Ceres the Goddesse of husbandry.
that rudenes cannot holde me,
from doing countrye good.
By practise & ill speeding,
thease lessons had their breeding,
and not by heare say or reeding,
as some abrode haue blowne,
who, will not thus belieue me,
so much the more they greiue me,
because they grutch to geiue me,
that is of right myne owne.
At first for want of teaching,
at first for trifles breaching,
at first for ouer reaching,
and lack of taking hid:
was cause, that toile so tost me,
that practise so much cost me,
that rashnes so much lost me,
or hindred as it did.
Yet will I not dispaire,
through Gods good gift so faire,
through frendship, golde & praier,
in Countrey againe to dwell:
Where rent so shall not paine me,
but paine shall help to gaine me,
and gaine shall help maintaine me,
newe lessons mo to tell.
For Citie seemes a wringer,
the peny for to finger,
from such as there do linger,
or for their pleasure lye:
Though countrey be more painefull,
and not so greedy gainefull,
yet is it not so vainefull,
in following fancies eye.
I haue no labour wanted,
to prune this tree I planted,
whose fruit to none is scanted,
in house nor yet in fyeld:
Which fruite to saye (who haste of)
though nere so much they taste of,
yet can they make no waste of,
such fruite this tree doth yelde.
This tree or booke thus framed,
with tytle already named,
I trust goes forth vnblamed,
in your good Lordships name:
As my good Lorde I take you,
and neuer will forsake you,
so now I craue to make you,
defender of the same.
Your most humble seruant Thomas Tusser.

The authors epistle to the late Lorde william Paget, wherein be doth discourse of his owne bringing vp, and of the goodnes of the sayd Lorde his Master vnto him, and the occasion of this his booke, thus set forthe of his owne long prac­tise. Chap. 2.

T TYme tryth the trothe, in euerye thinge
H How euer man, dothe blase his minde,
O Of workes, which best way profit bring,
M Men rash to iudge, seme of ten blinde.
A As therefore trothe, in time shall craue:
S So let this booke, iust fauour haue.
T Take yow my Lorde, & Master than,
V Vnlesse mischance mischansith me:
S Such homly gift, of me your man,
S Since more in courte I may not be.
A And let your praise, wonne heretofore:
R Remaine abrode, for euer more.
M My seruinge yow, thus vnderstand,
A And God his help and yours with all:
D Dyd cause good lucke to take myne hand,
E Erectinge one, moste lyke to fall.
M My seruing yow, I know it was,
E Enforced this to come to passe.
Since being once, at Cambridge taught,
Of court ten yeres I made assaye:
No musick then, was left vnsaught,
Such care I had, to serue that way.
when ioy gan slake, then made I change,
Expulsed mirth, for musick strange.
My musick since, hath ben the plough,
Entangled with some care among,
The gayne not great, the payne enough,
Hath made me sing, another song.
which song, if well I may a vow,
I craue, it iudged be by yow.
Your seruant Thomas Tusser.

To the Reader Chap. 3.

I Haue ben prayde
to shew mine ayde,
in taking payne
not for the gayne,
but for good will
to shew such skill
as shew I coulde:
That husbandrye
with huswiferye,
as cock & hen
to countrey men,
all straungenes gone
mought ioyne in one
As louers shoulde.
I trust both this,
perfourmed is,
and how that here,
it shall appere,
with iudgement right
to thy delight
is brought to passe:
That suche as wiue
and faine would thriue,
be playnly taught
how good from naught,
may trym be tryed
and liuely spyed
as in a glasse.
What should I wyn
by wrighting in,
my losses past
that ranne as fast,
as running streame
from reame to reame,
that flowes so swift:
For that I coulde
not get for goulde,
to teache me how
as this doth yow,
through dayly gayne,
the way so playne,
to come by thrift.
What is a grote
or twaine to note,
once in the life
for man or wife,
to saue a pounde
in house or grounde
eache other weeke:
VVhat more for helth,
what more for welth,
what needeth lesse
runne Iack, help Besse,
to stay a mys
not hauing this
farre of to seeke.
I do not craue
moe thanks to haue,
then geuen to me
al ready be,
but this is all
to suche as shall
peruse this booke:
That for my sake
They gently take
what ere they finde
against their minde,
when he or she
shall mynded be
therein to loke.
And graunte me nowe
thow reader thowe,
of termes to vse
suche choyce to chuse,
as maye delight
the countrey wight
& knowledge bring:
For such do praise
the countrey phrayse,
the counttey actes
the countrey factes,
the countrey toyes
before the ioyes
of any thinge.
Nor loke thowe here
that euery shere,
of euery verse
I thus reherse,
may profit take,
or vantage make
by lessons such:
For here, we see
things seuerall bee,
and there, no dyke
but champion lyke,
and sandye soyle
and clayey toyle
do differ much.
This beinge waide
be not afrayde,
to buy to proue
to reade with loue,
to followe some
and so to come
by practise trew:
My payne is past
thowe warning hast,
thexperience myne
the vantage thyne,
may geue the choyse
to crye or reioyce,
and thus adew.
T. Tusser.

The Preface. Chap. 4.

WHat lokest thow herein to haue,
Fyne verses thy fansy to please?
Of manye my betters that craue,
Looke nothing but rudenes in these.
VVhat other thinge lookest thou then?
Graue sentences manye to finde?
Such poets haue twenty and ten
Yea thousandes contenting the minde.
what loke ye (I pray you shew what?)
Termes painted with rethorick fyne?
Good husbandry seeketh not that,
Nor ist any meanyng of myne.
what lookest thou (speake at the last)
Good lessons for thee and thy wyfe?
Then keepe them in memory fast,
To helpe as a comfort to lyfe.
VVhat looke ye for more in my booke?
Poyntes needeful and meete to be knowne?
Then dayly be suer to looke,
To saue to be suer thine owne.

The commodities of Husbandry. chap. 5.

Let house haue to fill her,
Let land haue to till her.
No dwellers, what profiteth houses to stand,
what goodnes, vnoccupied bringeth the land.
No labor no bread,
No host we be dead.
No husbandry vsed, how soone shall we sterue,
housekeping neglected, what comfort to serue.
Ill father no gift,
No knowledge no thrift.
The father an vnthrift, what hope to the sonne,
the ruler vnskilful, how quickly vndonne.

The prayse of Husbandry. Chap 6.

As true as thy fayth,
this Riddle thus sayth.
I Seme but a drudge, yet I passe any king,
to such as can vse me, great welth I do bring.
Since Adam first liued, I neuer did die,
when Noe was a shipman, there also was I.
The earth is my storehouse, the sea my fyshponde,
what good is in eyther, by me it is fonde,
What hath any life, but I helpe to preserue,
what wight without me, but is ready to sterue.
In woodland, in Champion, City or towne,
if long I be absent, what falleth not downe.
If long I be present, what goodnes can want,
though things at my comming, were neuer so scāt.
So many as loue me, & vse me aright,
with treasure & pleasure, I ritchly acquite.
Great kings I do succour, else wrōg would it go,
the king of all kings, hath appointed it so.

The description of husbandry. Chap. 7.

Of husband, doth husbandry challenge that name
of husbandry, husband doth likewise the same.
where huswife & huswifery, ioyneth with thease:
there welth in abundance, is gotten with ease.
The name of a husband, what is it to saye,
of wife & the houshold, the band & the staye.
Some husbandly thriueth, that neuer had wife,
yet skarce a good husband, in goodnes of life.
The husband is he, that to labour doth fall,
the labour of him, I do husbandry call.
If thrift by that labour, be any way caught:
then is it good husbandry, else is it naught.
So houshold & housholdry, I do define,
for folke & the goods, that in house be of thine.
House keping to them, as a refuge is set:
which like as it is, suche report it doth get.
Be house or the furniture, neuer so rude,
of husband & husbandry, (thus I conclude)
with huswife & huswifery, if it be good,
must pleasure together, as cosins in blood.

The Ladder to thrift. chap. 8.

TO take chy calling thankfully,
and shoonne the path to beggery.
To grudge in youth no drudgery,
to come by knowledge perfectly.
To compt no trauell slauery,
that brings in peny sauerly.
To folow profit earnestly,
but medle not with pilfery.
To get by honest practisy,
and kepe thy gettings couertly.
To lash not out too lashingly,
for feare of pynching penury.
To get good plot to occupy,
and store & vse it husbandly.
To shew to landlorde curtesy,
and kepe thy couenants orderly.
To holde that thine is lawfully,
for stoutnes, or for flatery.
To wed good wyfe for company,
and liue in wedlocke honestly.
To furnish house with housholdry,
and make prouision skilfully.
To ioyne to wyfe good famely,
and none to keepe for brauery.
To suffer none liue idlely,
for feare of idle knauery.
To courage wife in huswifery,
and vse well doers gentely.
To keepe no more but needefully,
and coumpt excesse vnsauery
To rayse betimes vp readely,
both snorting Hob & Margery.
To walke thy pastures vsually,
to spie ill neighbours suttlety.
To hate reuengement hastely,
for loesing loue & amity.
To liue by neighbour neighbourly,
and shew him no discurtesy.
To answer stranger ciuely,
but shew him not thy secresie.
To vse no frynd disceitfully,
and offer no man villeny.
To learne how foe to pacifie,
but trust him not too trustely.
To keepe thy touch substancially,
and in thy worde vse constancy.
To make thy bandes aduisedly,
and come not bond through suerty.
To hate to liue in infamy,
through craft & liuing naughtely.
To banish house of blasphemy,
least Crosses crosse vnluckely.
To stop mischance, through polecy,
for chansyng too vnhappely.
To beare thy crosses paciently,
for worldly things are slippery.
To trayne thy childe vp vertuously,
that vertue, vice may qualify.
To brydle wilde otes fantazye,
to spend thee naught vnthriftely.
To pray to god continually,
to ayde thee against thine enemy.
To spend the Saboth holyly,
and help the poore in misery.
To liue in conscience quietly,
and keepe thy selfe from malady.
To ease thy sicknes spedely,
er help be past recouery.
Thease be the steppes vnfaynedly:
to clyme to thrift by husbandry.
Thease steppes both reach
The lesson.
and teache thee shall,
to come by thrift,
to shifte with all.

Good Husbandly lessons worthy to be followed of suche as will thriue. Chap. 9.

GOd sendeth & geueth, both mouth & the meate,
and feedeth vs all, with his benefits great.
Serue willingly god, that so richly doth geeue,
shew leue to thy neighbour, & lay for to leeue.
True wedlock is best, for auoyding of sinne,
the bed vndefiled, much honour doth winne.
Though loue be in chusing, farre better then gold,
let loue come with somwhat, the better to holde.
Where cooples agree not, is ranker & strife,
where such be together, is seldome good life.
where coopples in wedlock, do louely agree:
there foyson remayneth if wisedome there bee.
Who loketh to marry, must lay to keepe house,
for loue may not alway, be playing with douse.
If children encrease, & no stay of thine owne,
what afterwards follows, is soone to be knowne.
Once charged with children, or likely to bee,
geeue ouer to sudgerne, that thinkest to thee.
Least grutching of hostis, & crauing of nurse:
be costly & noysome, to thee & thy purse.
Good husbāds that loueth, good houses to kepe
are oftentimes carefull, when others do slepe.
Thee for thriue.
To spend as they may, or to stop at the furste,
for running in daunger, or feare of the wurste.
Go coumpt with thy coefers, whē haruest is in,
which way for thy profit, to saue or to win.
of tone of them both, if a sauer we smell:
house keeping is godly, where euer we dwell.
Sōne, think not thy money, purse bottō to burn
but kepe it for profit, to serue thine owne turne.
[Page]a foole & his money, be soone at debate:
which after with sorow, repents him to late.
Good bargaine a doing, make priuie but fewe,
in selling, refraine not abrode it to shewe.
in making make haste, & a way to thy pouche:
in selling no haste, if ye dare it auouche.
Good landlorde who fyndeth, is blessed of god,
a cumbersome landlord, is husband mans rod.
he noyeth, destroyeth & al to this drift,
to strip his poore tenant, of ferme & of thrift.
4 beggers
Once placed for profit, looke neuer for ease
except ye beware of, suche mychers as thease.
vnthriftnes, slouthfulnes, careles & rashe,
that thrusteth thee hedlong, to runne in the lashe.
Thriftes officers.
Make money thy drudg, for to folow thy wark
make wisedome controller, good order thy clarke.
prouision Cater, & skill to be cooke:
make steward of all, pen & inke & thy booke.
Make hunger thy sauce, as a medcen for helth,
make thyrst to be buttler, as phisick for welth.
make eye to be vssher, good vsage to haue:
make bolt to be porter, to keepe out a knaue.
Make husbandry bayly, abrode to prouide,
make huswifery dayly, at home for to guide
make coefer fast locked, thy treasure to keepe:
make house to be suer, the safer to sleepe.
Make bandog thy scoutwach, to bark at a thief
make currage for life, to be capitaine chief.
make trapdore thy bulwark, make bell to begyn:
make gunstone & arow, shew who is within.
The credit of master, to brothel his man,
and also of mistris, to minnekin nan,
be causers of opening, a number of gappes:
that letteth in mischief, & many mishapps.
Good husbād he trudgeth, to bring in y e gaines
good huswife she drudgeth refusing no paines,
though husbād at home be to coumpt ye wot what
yet huswife within, is as needefull as that.
What helpeth in store, to haue neauer so much,
halfe lost by ill vsage, ill huswiues & such.
so, twenty lode bushes, cut downe at a clapp:
such heede may be taken, shall stop but a gapp.
A reachelesse seruant, a mistris that skowles,
a rauening mastife, & hogges that eate fowles,
a gyddy brayne master, & stroy all his knaue:
brings rueling to ruwen, & thrift to her graue.
With some vpō Sundaies, their tables do reke
and halfe the weeke after, their dinners to seke.
not often exceading, but alway enough:
is husbandly fare, and the guise of the plough.
Eche day to be feasted, what husbandry wurse,
eche day for to feast, is as ill for the purse,
[Page]yet measurely feasting, with neighbors among:
shall make the beloued, & leiue the more lōg.
Things husbādly hādsome, let workmā cōtriue
but build not for glory, that thinkest to thriue.
who fondly in doing, consumeth his stock:
in thend for his folly, doth get but but a mock.
Spend none but your own, how soeuer ye spēd
for bribing & shifting, haue seldome good end.
Tithe duely & truely, with harty good will:
that god & his blessing, may dwell with thee still.
Be suertie seldome, (but neuer for muche)
for feare of purse penyles, hanging by suche.
Or skarborow warning, as ill I beleue,
when (Sir I arest ye) gets holde of thy sleue.
Vse (legem pone) to pay at thy daye,
but vse not Oremus, for often delaye.
Yet (Presta quesumus) out of a grate:
of all other collets, the lender doth hate.
Who liuing but lends, & be lent to they must,
else buying & selling, mought lye in the dust.
But shameles & craftie, that desperat are:
make many full honest, the worser to fare.
At sometime to borow, accoumpt it no shame,
if iustly thou kepest, thy touch for the same.
who quick be to borrow, & slow be to pay:
their credit is naught, go they neuer so gay.
who breaketh his credit, or cracketh it twise,
trust such with a suertie, if ye be wise.
Or if he be angry, for asking thy due:
once euen, to him afterward, lend not a new.
Accoumpt it well sold, that is iustly well payd,
& coumpt it well bought, that is neuer denayde.
But yet here is tone, here is to ther doth best:
for buyer & seller, for quiet & rest.
Leaue princes affaires, vntalked apon,
& tend to such doings, as standeth thee on.
In substance, although ye haue neuer so much,
delight not in parasites, harlots & such.
As Intrest or vsery, plaieth the dreuel,
so, hilb ack & filbelly, byeteth as euell.
Put dyesing among them, & docking the dell,
& all thy lyfe long, of a begger go smell.
Once weekely remember, thy charges to cast,
once monthly se how, thy expenses may last.
If quarter declareth, too much to be spent,
for feare of ill yere, take aduise of thy rent.
who orderly entreth, his paiments in booke,
may orderly finde them, againe if hee looke.
And he that entendeth, but once for to paye:
sbal finde this in doing, the quietest waye.
In dealing vprightly, this councell I teache,
first recken, then write, or to purse ye do reache.
[Page]then pay & dispatch him, as sone as ye can,
for lingring is hindrance to many a man.
Haue waights I aduise thee, for siluer & golde
for some be in knauery, now adayes bolde.
and for to be suer, good money to pay:
receiue that is currant, as nere as ye may.
Delight not for pleasure, two houses to keepe,
least charge without measure, vpon thee do creepe,
and Iankin & Ienykin, cosen thee so:
to make thee repent it, or yere about go.
The stone that is rowling, can gather no mosse,
who often remoueth, is sure of losse.
the riche it compelleth, to pay for his pride,
the poore, it vndoeth on euery side.
The eye of the master, enritcheth the hutch,
the eye of the mistris, auayleth as much.
which eye, if it gouerns with reason & skill:
hath seruant & seruice, at pleasure & will.
Who seketh reuengement, of euery wrong,
in quyet nor safety, continueth long.
so he that of wilfulnes, tryeth the lawe:
shall striue for a coxcombe, & thriue as a dawe.
To hūters & hawkers, take heede what ye say
milde answer with curtesie, driues them away.
so, where a mans better, will open a gapp:
resist not with rudenes, for feare of mishapp.
A mā in this world, for a churle that is knowne
shall hardly in quiet, keepe that is his owne.
where lowly & such as of curtesie smelles:
findes fauor & frendship, where euer he dwells.
Keepe truely thy Saboth, the better to speede,
keepe seruant fro gadding, but when it is neede.
keepe fyshday & fastingday, as they do fall:
what custome thou keepest, let others keepe all.
Pay wekely thy workmā, his houshold to fede,
pay quarterly seruāts, to buy as they neede.
geue garment to suche, as deserue & no mo:
least thou and thy wife, without garment do go.
Beware raskabilia, slouthfull to worke,
proloyners & filchers, that loueth to lurke.
away wiih such lubbers, so loth to take payne:
that roules in expenses, but neuer no gayne.
Good wife, & good childrē, are worthy to eate,
good seruant, good laborer, earneth their meate.
good frend & good neighbour, that fellowly gest:
with hartely welcome, should haue of the best.
The greatest preferment, that child we cā geue
is learning & nurture, to trayne him to lyue.
which who so it wanteth, though left as a squyer:
consumeth to nothing, as block in the fyer.
These lessons approued, if wisely ye note,
may saue & auantage ye, many a grote.
[Page]which if ye can follow, occasion founde,
then euery lesson may saue thee a pounde.

An habitation enforced aduisedly to be followed better late then neuer: made vpon these wordes, sit downe Robin and rest thee. Cap. 10.

MY Friend if cause doth wrest thee,
(ere folly hath much opprest thee)
Far from acquaintance kest thee,
where cuntrey may digest thee.
Let wood & water request thee,
In good corne soile to nest thee,
where pasture and meade may brest thee,
And helthsom ayre inuest thee.
Though enuie shall detest thee,
Let that no whit molest thee,
thanke God that so hath blest thee,
And sit downe Robin and rest thee.

Septembers abstract. Cap. 11.

September blow soft,
Till fruite be in lost.
Forgotten month past,
Do now at the last.
GOod ferme now take,
Keepe still or forsake.
What helpes reuiue,
The thriuing to thriue.
Plow, fence, & store,
Aught els before.
By titts and such,
Few gaineth much.
Horse strong & light,
soone charges quight.
Light hed & purse,
what lightnes wurse.
Fewe lends but fooles,
their working tooles.
For stable & barne,
what furniture larne.
What more doth neede,
heare mayst thow reede.
¶Reade still downe lower,
till twenty & fower.
Take shipping or ryde,
lent stuffe to prouide.
Let Haberden lye,
in pease strawe drye.
Lay muck out of hand,
vpon Barlye land.
Some gayne spye out,
by rydyng about.
Marke now of yere,
what cheape, what dere.
Some skyll doth well,
to buy & sell.
Of thiefe who buyeth,
in danger lyeth.
Commoditie knowne,
abrode is blowne.
At first hand buy,
at third let lye.
Haue money prest,
to buy at the best.
Some cattel home bring,
for Mighelmas spring.
By hawke & hound,
small profit is found.
Dispatche looke home,
to loytering mome.
Prouide or repent,
milch kow for lent.
Now crone thy sheepe,
fat those ye keepe.
Leaue milking olde kow,
fat aged vp now.
Plow, burne or mowe,
great stubble lowe.
Eate etche er ye plow,
with hog, sheepe & kow.
Mowne hame a patch,
get home to thatch.
Where Barley did growe
strike, wheat to sowe.
Yet better I thinke,
sow pease after drinke.
Land telleth the plough,
enough is enough.
Each diuers soyle,
hath diuers toyle.
Know plowing land,
let plow els stand.
Some countreys vse,
that some refuse.
Few after crop much,
but nodyes & such.
What croppers bee,
here looke & see.
Rye, Barly & Wheat,
be croppers great.
Though Otes do sucke,
yet pease do mucke.
Still carydg is good,
for tymber & wood.
No longer delayes,
to mend the high wayes.
Home fewell fet,
learne where to set.
In pyling of loggs,
make houell for hoggs.
Get home with the brake
to brew with & bake.
To couer the shed,
drye, ouer the hed.
To lye vnder mow,
to rot vnder Kow.
Grene Rye haue some,
er Myhell come.
Graunt soyle her lust,
sow Rye in the dust.
Such seede ye sowe,
such reape or mowe.
See corne sowne in,
to thick nor to thin.
For want of seede,
lande bringeth weede.
Trench redge & forough,
that water may thorough.
With sling or bowe,
kepe corne fro crowe.
Sell butter & cheese,
good fayres fewe leese.
At fayres buy,
home want to supply.
If hops looke browne,
go gather them downe.
But not in a deawe,
nor pidling with feawe.
Of Hops this knack,
put in thy packe.
Hops had thy fyll,
go couer his hyll.
Take Hop to thy dole,
but breake not his pole
Learn here thow stranger
to frame hop manger.
Hop pole preserue,
agayne to serue.
Hop pole by & by,
lay safe by & dry.
Least poles wer skant,
lay new to plant.
The Hops kell dryde,
wyll best abide.
Hops dryde in loft,
aske tendance oft.
Hops dryed small cost,
ill kept halfe lost.
Hops soone be spilt,
take heede, if thou wilt.
Amend marsh wall,
Crab holes & all.
Geld Bulls & Rammes,
seaw ponds, mend dāmes.
Sell webster thy wull,
fruites gather, grapes pull.
For feare of drabbs,
go gather thy crabbs.
Pluck fruite to last,
when Mighel is past.
Forget it not.
fruite brused will rot.
Light ladder & long,
doth tree least wrong.
Go gather with skill,
and gather that will.
Driue hyue good coney,
for wer & honey.
No dryuing of hyue,
till yeres past fyue.
Good dwelling geue bee,
or hence goeth shee.
Put bore into stye,
for Halllontyde nye.
With Bore good Sysse,
let naught be amisse.
Karle Hemp left grene,
now pluck vp clene.
Drowne hemp as ye nede
once had out seede.
I pray thee good Kyt,
drowne hemp in pyt.
Of all the rest,
whight hemp is best.
Let skilfull be gotten,
least hemp proue rotten.
Set Strawberies wife,
I loue them for life.
Plant Resp & Rose,
and suche as those.
Go gather vp Mast,
er time be past.
Mast fatts vp swine,
mast kills vp kine.
Let hoggs be roung.
both olde & young.
No mast vpon Oke,
no lenger vn yoke.
If hogg do crye,
geeue eare & eye.
Hoggs haunting corne,
may not be borne.
Good neighbor thow,
good custome allow.
No skaring with dog,
while mast is for hog.
Keepe safely thy fence,
skare breake hedge thence.
A drab & a knaue,
will proule to haue.
Marke wynde & moone,
at night & noone.
Some riggs the plow,
some milkes the Kow.
Some pele some pilch,
some linnen filch.
Red kur or black,
few proulers lack.
Marke losse with griefe,
through prouling thiefe.
To sawe pit drawe,
boorde long to sawe.
Let log be hayle,
least profit quaile.
Such boorde & pale,
is ready sale.
Sawne slab let lye,
for stable & stye.
Sawe dust spred thick,
makes alley trick.
¶Now as ye wish,
go seuer thy fysh.
When frynd shall come,
to be sure of some.
Thy ponds renew,
put Geles in stew.
To liue till lent,
and then to be spent.
Set priuie or prim,
set bor like him.
Set herbes some more,
for wynter store.
Set gilly flowers all,
that growes on the wall.
Sowe seedes for the pot,
for flowers sowe not.

Chap. 12.

PRouide agaīst Mighelmas, bargeine to make
For ferme to geiue ouer, to kepe or to take.
In doinge of either, let wyt beare a stroke
For buyinge or selling, of pig in the poke.
Good ferme & wel stoered, good howsing & drie
Good corne & good dayrie, good market and nie.
Good sheppard, good tilmā, good Iack & good Iil
Makes husband and huswyfe, their coefers to fil.
Let pasture be stoered, and fenced about
And tillage set forward, as nedith with out,
Before ye do open, your purse to begin,
with any thinge doing, for fansie within.
No storing of pasture, with baggedgly tyt,
with ragged with aged, and euel athit.
Let karren and barren, be shifted awaie,
For best is the best, what so euer ye paie.
Horse, oxen, plough, tumbrel, cart waggē & wain
The lighter and stronger, the greater thy gaine.
The soile & the sede, with the sheafe and the purse,
The lighter in substance, for profit the worse.
To borrowe to daie, and to morrowe to misse
For lender & borower, noyance it is.
Thē haue of thine owne, with out lending vnspilt
Or borow with sorow, as longe as thow wilt.
Barne locked, gofeladder, short pitchfork & long
Barne fur­niture.
Flayle, stra [...]ork & rake, with a fan that is strōg
wing, cartnaue & bushel, peck, strike ready hand:
Brome, casting sholue, sack that is close with a bād
Stable fur­niture.
A stable wel planked, with key and a lock
walles strongly wel liened, to beare of a knock
A rack & a manger, good litter & haie
Swete chaffe & some prouender euery daye.
A pytch fork a dong fork, seeue, skep & a bin
A brome and a paile, to put water there in,
A handbarowe, whelebarowe, sholue & a spade,
A currey combe, mainecombe, & whip for a Iade.
A buttrice & pinsers, a hamer & naile,
an Apern & syssers, for hed & for taile.
Hole brydle & saddle, whyt leather & nall:
with coller & harneis, for thyller and all.
A pannel & wantey, packsaddle & ped,
a line to fetch litter, & halters for hed.
with crotchis & pinns, to hang trinkets there on:
And stable faste chained, that nothing be gon.
Strong exeltred cartt, hat is clowted & shod,
cart, ladder & wimble, with percer & pod.
whele ladders for haruest, light pitchfork & tough
shaue, whyplash well knotted, & cart rope enough.
Ten sacks, where of ery one holdeth a coome,
a pulling hooke handsome, for bushes & brome.
[Page 15]Light Tumbrel, a dong trone, for easing sir wagg:
sholue, pickax & mattock, with bottle & bagg.
A Grynstone, a whetstone, a hatchet & bill,
with hamer & Inglish naile, sorted with skill.
Husbandry fooles.
A frower of Iron, for cleauing of lath,
with roule for a sawpyt, good husbandry hath.
A short saw, & long sawe, to cut atoo loggs,
Plough furniture.
an ax & a nads, to make troffe, for thy hoggs.
A Douer court betle, & wedges with stele:
strong leauer to rayse vp, the block fro the whele.
Two plows & a plowchein, ii. culters, iii. shares
w t ground clouts, & side clouts, for soile y t so tares.
with oxbowes & oxyokes, & other things moe:
for oxteme & horseteme, in plough for to goe.
A plow betle, ploughstaff, to furder the plough
great clod to a sunder, that breaketh so rough.
A sled for a plowgh, & another for blecks,
for chimney in winter, to burne vp their dacks,
sedge collers for plowhorse, for lighnes of neck
good seede & good sower, & also sede peck.
Strong oxen & horses, well shod & wel clad,
well meated & vsed, for making thee sad.
A barley rake toothed, with Iron & steele,
like paier of harrowes, & rowler doth weele.
A sling for a moether, a bowe for a boye,
a whip for a carter, is hoigh de la roye.
A brush sythe, & grasse syth, with rifle to stand,
a cradle for barley, with rubstone & sand.
Sharpe sickle & weeding hooke, hayforke & rake,
a meake for the pease, & to swinge vp the brake.
Rakes also for barley, long toothed in hed,
and greater lyke toothed, for barley so shed.
with skuttle or skreiue, to ryd soyle fro the corne,
and sharing sheares ready, for sheepe to be shorne.
Long Ladder to hang all along by the wall,
to reach for a neede, to the top of the hall.
Beame, skales w t the waights, y t are sealed & true,
sharp mowl spare w t barbs, y t the mowle do so rue.
Hog yokes, & a twitcher, & rings for a hog.
with tar in a pot, for the byeting of dog.
A sheepe marke, a tarre ketle, litle or mytch,
two pottles of tarre, to a pottle of pytch.
A forke & a hoke, to be tampring in clay.
a lath hamer, trowell, a hod or a tray.
Strong fetters & shakkles, with horflock & pad,
strong soles & such other things, meete to be had.
¶When haruest is ended, take shipping or ryde,
lyng, saltfish & herring, for lent to prouide.
To buy at the first, as it commeth to rode,
shall pay for thy charges thou spendest abrode.
Chuse skilfully saltfish, not burnt at the stone,
buy suche as is good, or els let it alone.
[Page 16]Get home that is bought, & go stack it vp drye,
with pease straw betwene it, the safer to lye.
Er euer ye iourney, cause seruant with speede,
to compas thy barley land, where it is neede.
One acre well compassed, passeth some thre [...]:
thy barne shall at haruest, declare it to thee.
This lesson is learned, by ryeding about,
the prieses of vitell, the yere thorough out.
Both what to be selling, & what to refraine,
& what to be buying, to bring in againe.
Though buying & selling, doth wunderful wel,
to such as haue skyll, how to buy & to sel.
yet chopping & changing I cannot commend,
with knaue & his marrow, for feare of ill end.
The rich in his bargening, nedes not be tought,
of buyer & seller, full farre is he sought.
Yet herein consisteth, a part of our text:
who buyeth at first hand, at second & next.
At first hand he buyeth, that payeth al downe,
at second, that hath not so much in the towne.
at third hand he buyeth, that buyeth of trust:
at his hand who buyeth, shal pay for his lust.
As oft as ye bargaine, for better or wurse,
to buy it the cheaper, haue thinks in thy purse.
Touch kept is commended, yet credit to keepe,
is pay & dispatch him, er euer ye sleepe.
Be mindefull abrode of a Mighelmas springe
For there on dependith, a husbandly thinge,
Though some haue a pleasure, with hawk vpō hād
Good husbands get treasure, to purchas their lād.
Thy market dispatched, [...] home again roūd
Least gaping for penye, [...] fest a pound,
Prouide for thy wife, or else looke to be shent
Good m [...]ch kow for winter, another for lent.
In traueling homeward, [...] good crones,
And fat vp the bodies, of those selybones,
Leaue milking & drie vp, olde mulle thy kowe,
The crooked & aged, to fattinge put nowe.
Some plowith, some burneth, y e wheat stubble lowe
Some after their barelye, la [...]e wheat for to sowe,
which euer thow mindest, now time it is best,
Or spare it for cattle, & so let it rest.
Some vsith y e first yere, a fallow to make,
The next to sowe bareley, the better to take,
Next that to sowe pease, & the next to sowe wheat,
Then fallowe againe, or to pasture for neate.
Two cropps & a fallow, enrichith the plough,
Though tone be of pease, it is land good enough,
One crop & a fallow, some soile wil abide,
where if ye saye surder, laye profet a side.
In Essex & Suffolke, such land I do knowe,
where excellent rye is, as any can growe,
[Page 17]In fiue yere yet there of, a crop & awaye,
If more ye do take, ye were better to playe.
Still crop vpon crop, many fermers do take
And reape litle profet, for gredines sake,
Though wheat vpon barely, a cropper is fownde,
No cropper is pease, but a confort to grownde.
Er winter preuentith, while weather is good
For guttinge of pasture, get home with thy wood
And carry out grauel, to fill vp a hole.
Both timber & furzen, the turfe & the cole.
Howse, charkole & sedge, chip & turf of the lād,
Pile, tallwood & billet, stack al that hath band
Block rotes, pole & bough, set vpright to the thetch
The nerer, more handsome, in winter to fetch.
In stacking of bauen, & pieling of loggs
Make vnder thy bauen, a houell for hoggs,
And warmely enclose it, all sauing the mouth
And that to stande open, & full to the south.
Get home with thy brakes, er an sōmer be gon
For teddered cattle, to sit there vpon,
To coouer thy houell, to brew & to bake
To lye in the botom, where mow ye do make.
Thresh sede & to fanning, Septēber doth crye
get plough to the feeld, & be sowing of rye
Go harrowe the redgis, er euer ye strike,
This pointe of good husbādrie, Suffolk doth like
Sowe wynter corne timely, to follow his lust,
sowe wheate as ye may, & the rye in the dust.
Be carefull of seede, or els suche as ye sowe,
be suer at haruest, to reape or to mowe.
Though beanes be in sowing, but skatered in,
yet wheate, rye & peason, I loue not to thyu.
Sowe barley & dredge, with a plentiful hand:
least wede stead of seede, ouergroweth thy land.
Seede husbādly sown, water sorow thy groūd
that raine when it cōmeth, may run away round.
Then stir about Nicholl, with arow & bowe,
a peny for killing, of euery Crowe.
At Bartilmewtide, or at Sturberedge faire,
buy that as is needefull, thy house to repaire.
Then sell to thy profit, both butter & cheese,
who buyeth it sooner, the more he shall leese.
Hops gathering.
If Hops do loke brownish, then are ye to slowe
if longer ye suffer, those hops for to growe.
Nowe, sooner ye gather, more profit is found,
if weather be faire, & deaw of a ground.
Not break of but cut of, frō hop the hop string,
leaue growing a litle, againe for to spring.
whose hill about pared, & therewith new clad,
shal nurrish more setts, against March to be had.
Hop hillock discharged, of euery let,
se then without breaking, eache pole ye out get.
[Page 18]whiche being vntangled, aboue in the tops:
go carry to such, as are plucking of hops.
Take sout which or hayer (that couers the kell)
set lyke to a manger, & fastoued well.
with pole vpon crotchis, as high as thy brest:
for sauing & riddance, is husbandry best.
Hops had, the hop poles, y t are likely prezerue,
from rotting & breaking, againe for to serue.
And plant ye with alders, or willows some plot,
where yearely as nedeth, mo poles may be got.
Some skilfully dryeth, their hops on a kell,
Hops dry­ing.
and some on a soller, oft turning them well.
Kell dryde will abide, foule weather or faire,
where drying & lying, in loft do despaire.
Some close them vp drie, in a hogshed or fatt,
Keeping of Hops.
yet canuas or sowtage, is better then that.
By drying & lying, they quickly be spilt,
thus much haue I shewed, do now as thou wilt.
Saint Mihel doth bid thee, amēd y e marsh wall
the breck & the crab hole, the foreland & all.
one noble in season, bestowed thereon.
may saue thee a hundred, er wynter be gon.
Now geld with the gelder, the ram & the bull,
sew ponds, amend dāmes, & sell webster thy wull.
Out fruit, go & gather, but not in the deaw,
with crab & the wall nutt, for feare of a shraew.
The Moone in y e wane, gather fruit for to last,
but winter fruite gather, when Mighel is past.
Though michers that loue not, to buy nor to craue
make some gather sooner, else few for to haue.
Fruite gathred to timely, wil taste of the wood
will shrink & be bitter, & seldome proue good.
So fruit that is shaked, or beate of a tree:
with brusing in falling, soone fawty will bee.
Now burn vp the Bees, y t ye mynd for to driue
at mydsomer driue them, & saue them aliue.
Place hyue in good ayer, set southly & warme:
& take in due season, wer, honey & swarme.
Set hyue on a plank (not to low by the groūd,
where herb w t the flowers, may compas it round,
And boordes to defend it, from north & north east:
from showers & rubbish, from vermin & beast.
At Mighelmas safely, go stye vp thy bore,
Least straying abrode, ye do se him no more.
The sooner, the better, for Hallontyde nye:
and better he brawneth, if harde he do lye.
Shift stye (for ill ayer) as best ye do think,
and twise a day geue him, fresh vytell & drynk.
and diligent Cysle, my dayry good wench:
make clenly his cabben, for measling & stench.
Now pluck vp the hemp, & go beat out the sede
and afterward water it, as ye see nede.
[Page 19]But not in the ryuer, where cattel should drink,
for poisoning them, & the people with stink.
Hemp huswifely vsed, lokes cherely & bright,
and selleth it self, by the colour so whight.
Some vseth to water it, some do it not,
be skilfull in doing, for feare it doth rot.
Wife into thy garden, & set me a plot,
with strawbery rootes, of the best to be got.
Such growing abrode, among thornes in y e wood
wel chosen & pyeked, proue excellent good.
The Barbery, respis & goosebery too,
loke now to be planted, as other things doo.
The goosebery, Respis & Roses al three:
with strawberies vnder them, trimly agree.
To gather some mast, it shall stand thee vpon,
with seruant & children, er mast be all gon,
Some left among bushes, shal pleasure thy swine:
for feare of a mischief, keepe akornes fro kyne.
For rooting of pasture, ring hog ye had neede,
which being well ringled, the better do seede.
Though yong w t their elders, wil lightly kepe best
yet spare not to ringle, both great & the rest.
Yoke neuer thy swine, while y e shacktime doth last,
for diuers misfortunes, that happen to fast.
Or if ye do fansie, whole eare of the hog:
geue eye to ill neighbour, & eare to his dog.
Kepe hog I aduise thee, from medow & corne,
for out aloude crying, that ere he was borne.
Such lawles so haunting, both often & long:
if dog set him chanting, he doth thee no wrong.
wher loue amōg neighbors, do bere any stroke
whiles shacktime endureth, men vse not to yoke.
yet surelie ringling, is nedefull & good:
till frost do enuite them, to brakes in the wood.
Kepe safely & warelie, thyne vttermost fence,
with lope gap & breake hedge, do seldom dispence.
Such runabout proulers, by night & by day:
se punished iustly, for prouling away.
At noone if it bloweth, at night if it shine,
out trudgeth hew make shift, with hooke & w t line.
whiles Gillet his blouse, is a milking thy kow:
syr Hew is a rigging, thy gate or the plow.
Such walk with a black, or a red little cur,
that open will quickly, if any thing stur.
then skwattith the master, or trudgeth away:
and after dog runneth, as fast as he may.
Some prouleth for fewell, & some away rig,
fat goose & the capon, duck, hen & the pig.
Some prouleth for akornes, to fat vp their swine:
for corne & for apples, & all that is thine.
Now saw out thy timber, for boorde & for pale
to haue it vnshaken, & ready to sale.
[Page 20]Bestow it & stick it, & lay it aright,
to finde it in Marche, for workmen in plight.
Saue slab of thy timber, for stable & stye,
for horse & for hog, the more clenly to lye.
Saue saw dust, & brick dust, & ashes so fine:
for alley to walke in, with neighbour of thine.

Octobers abstract. Chap. 13.

October good blast,
To blow the hog mast.
Forgotten month past,
do now at the last.
Lay drie vp & round,
for barley thy ground.
To late doth kyll,
to soone is as ill.
Maydes little & great,
pych cleene seede wheat.
Good ground doth craue,
choyce feede to haue,
Flayles lustely thwack,
least ploughseede lack.
Plie sowing a pace,
in euery place.
Soyle perfectly knowe.
er eddish ye sowe.
Seede first go fetch,
for eddish or etch.
Whight wheat if ye please
now sowe vpon pease.
Sowe first the best,
and then the rest.
Kepe Crows good sonne,
s [...]e furrowing donne.
Sowe Akornes to proue,
that timber do loue.
Sowe haestings now,
if ground it allow.
Learne soone to get,
a good quick set,
For feare of the wurst,
make fatt away furst.
Fat that no more,
ye keepe for store.
Hyde karen in graue,
lesse noyance to haue.
Hog measeled kyll,
for slemming that wyll.
Sys haue an eye,
to Bore in the stye.
Keepe sloe vpon bow,
for slir of thy kow.
With pease bolt & brake,
some brew & bake,
¶Frynd ringle thy hog,
for feare of a dog.
Rye straw vp stack,
least thetcher lack.
Wheat straw drye saue,
for cattle to haue.
Wheat chaffe lay vp dry,
in safetie to lye
Make hansome a bin,
for chaffe to lye in.
Seede thresht thou shalt,
thresh barley for malt.
Cut bushes to hedge,
fence meadow & redge.
Stamp crabs that may,
for rotting away.
Make vergis & perye,
sowe kyrnell & berye.
Now gather vp fruit,
of euery suite.
Marsh wall too slight,
strength now or god night
Where soyle is of sand,
quick set out of hand.
To plots not full,
add bremble & hull.
For set no bar,
while month hath an R.
Lyke note thou shalt,
for making of malt.
Brew now, to last,
till wynter be past.

Octobers husbandry. Chap. 14.

NOw lay vp thy barley land, drye as ye can,
when euer ye so we it, so looke for it than.
Get alway aforehand, be neuer behinde:
least winter preuenting, do alter thy mynde.
Who layeth vp fallow, to soone or to wet,
with noyances many, doth barley beset.
For weede & the water, so soeketh & sucks:
that goodnes from either, it vtterly plucks.
Greene rye in Septēber, when timely thou hast,
October for wheat sowing, calleth as fast.
If weather will suffer, this councell I geeue:
leaue sowing of wheat, before Hallomas eue.
Where wheat vpon edish, ye minde to bestowe,
let that be the first, of the wheat ye do sowe.
He semeth to hart it, & comfort to bring:
that geeueth it comfort, of Mihelmas spring.
whight wheat vpō pease etch, is willīg to growe
though best vpon fallow, as many do knowe.
But where, how or when, ye entend to begin:
let euer the finest, be first sowen in.
Sowe Akornes ye owners, that tymber do leue
sowe haw & rye with them, the better to proue.
If cattle or Conney, may enter to crop:
yong oke is in daunger, for loesing his top.
who peskods delighteth, to haue with the furst,
if now he do sowe them, I think it not wurst.
the greener thy peason, & warmer the room,
More lustye the layer, more plentie they come.
Go plow vp or delue vp, aduised with skil
the bredth of a redg, & in length as ye will,
where spedye quick set, for a fence ye will drawe
to sowe in the sede, of the bremble and hawe.
Through plentie of akornes, the porkling to fat,
not taken in season, may perish by that,
if rattling & swelling, get once to the throte,
thow loesist thy porkling, a crowne to a grote.
Vvhat euer thing fat is, againe if it fall,
thow ventrist the thing, & the fatnes with all,
the fatter the better, to sell or to kill.
But not to continew, make profe if ye wil.
Vvhat euer thing dyeith, go burye or burne
for tameting of grownd, or a worser ill turne,
such pe [...]lent smel, of a karrenly thinge
to cattle and people, great perill may bringe.
Thy measeled baken hog, sow, or thy bore,
shet vp for to heale, for infecting thy store,
Or kil it for baken, or sowce it to sell
for flemming that loues it, so deintelye well.
Seith water, & plump there in plentie of sloes,
mix chawlk that is dryed, in powder with thoes.
[Page 22]which so, if ye geue, with the water & chalke:
thou makest the lax, fro thy kow away walke.
With straw, whip & pease bolt, w t serne & y t brake
for sparing of fewell, some brew & do bake.
and heateth their copper, for seething of graines,
good seruant rewarded, refuseth no paines.

Nouembers abstract. Chap. 15.

Nouember take flayle,
Let ship no more sayle.
Forgotten month past,
Do now at the last.
Let hog once fat,
lose nothing of that,
When mast is gon,
hog falleth anon.
Still fat vp some,
till shrouetide come.
Now pork & sowse,
bares tack in house.
Lay flitches a salting,
put barley to malting.
Through folly to beastly,
much bakon is reasty.
In casting prouide,
for seede lay a side.
Thresh barley thou shalt,
for chapman to malt.
Else thresh no more,
but for thy store.
No chaffe in binne,
makes horse loke thinne.
Make Martilmas biefe,
dere meate is a thiefe.
Set garlyke & pease,
Saint Edmond to please.
When rayne takes place,
to threshing a pace.
Mad brayne to rough,
marres all at plough.
With flayle & whips,
fat hen short skips.
Some threshing by task,
will steale & not ask.
Suche thressher at night,
walkes seldom houre light
Some corne away lag,
in bottle & bag.
Some steale for a iest,
eggs out of the nest.
Lay stooner vp drye,
in order to lye.
Poore kow doth craue,
fresh strawe to haue.
Make weekely vp flower,
though thresher do lower.
Lay grayne in loft,
and turne it oft.
For muck regard,
make clene foule yard,
Lay straw to rot,
in watry plot.
Hedlong vp plow,
for compas enow.
For herbes good store,
trenche garden more.
At midnight trye,
foule pryuie to fye.
Ryd chimney of soote,
from top to the foote.
In stable put now,
thy horses for plow.
Good horsekeper will,
lay muck vpon hill.
¶Get pole boye mine,
beat hawes to the swine.
Driue hogs to the wood,
brake rootes be good.
For mischief that falles,
loke wel to marsh walles.
Drye layer get neat,
and serue them with meat.
Kurst cattle that nurteth,
pore wennel soone hurteth
Good neighbour mine,
ryng well thy swine.
Such winter may serue,
hog ringd, wil sterye.
In frost keepe dog,
from hunting of hog.

Nouembers Husbandry. Chap. 16.

AT hallontide, slawter time enterith in
& then doth the husbād mans, feastinge begin.
from thence vnto shroftyde, kill now & thā some:
their, off all for howsold, the better will come.
Thy dredg & thy bareley, go thresh out to malt,
let malster be cunning, else lose it thow shalt.
then crease of a seame, is a busshel for store,
bad else is the bareley, or huswyfe much more.
Some vsith to winnew, some vsith to fan,
some vsith to cast it, so clene as they can.
for sede go & cast it, for malting not for
but get out the cockle, & then let it go.
Thresh bareley as yet, but as nede shall require,
fresh thresshed for stooner, thy cattle desire.
& therefore that thresshing, forbare as ye maye:
till candlemas cominge, for sparinge of haye.
Saue chaff of the barely, of wheat & of rye
from feathers & foistenes, where it doth lye.
which mixed with corne, being sifted of dust,
go geiue to thy cattle, when serue them ye must.
(For Easter, at Martilmas, hang vp a beife
for stal fed & pease fed, play pickpurse the theife.
with that & the like, er an grasse beife come in,
thy, olk shall loke cherely, when others loke thin.
Set garlik & beanes, at S. Edmond the king,
the moone in the wane, theron hangeth a thing.
Thencrease of a pottle, well proued of some:
shall pleasure thy houshold, er peskod time come.
When raine is a let, to thy doings abrode,
set thresshers to thresshing, & lay on good lode.
Thresh clene, ye must byd them, though lesser they yarue
& loking to thriue, haue an eye to thy barne.
Take heede to thy man, in his furie & heate,
w t ploughstaffe & whipstock, for manning thy neat.
To thressher for hurting, of kow with his flayle:
or making thy hen, to play tapple vp tayle.
Some pilfering thressher, wil walk w t a staffe,
will cary home corne, as it is in the chaffe.
And some in his bottle of leather so great:
will carye home dayly, both barley & wheat.
If houseroome wil serue thee, lay stouer vp drie
and euery sort, by itselfe for to lie.
Or stack it for litter, if roome be to poore:
and thatch out the residue, noying thy doore.
Cause wekely thy thressher, to make vp his flo­wer
though sloughful & puferer, therat do lower.
Take tubb for a season, take sack for a shift:
yet garne for grayue, is the better for thri [...]t.
All maner of straw, that is scattred in yard,
good husbandly husbands, haue dayly regard.
[Page 24]In pyt full of water, the same to bestowe,
where lying to rot, thereof profit may growe.
Now plough vp thy hedlōd, or delue it w t spade,
where otherwise profit, but little is made.
And cast it vp high, vpon hillocks to stand,
that winter may rot it, to compas thy land.
If Garden require it, now trench it ye may,
one trench not a yard, from another go lay.
which being well filled, with muck by & by:
go couer with mould, for a season to ly.
Foule priuies are now, to be clensed & fyed,
let night be appointed, such baggage to hide.
which buryd in gardein, in trenches a lowe:
shall make very many things, better to growe.
The chīney al sooty, wold now be made cleene
for feare of mischances, to oftentimes seene.
Olde chimney & sootye, if fier once take,
by burning & breaking, some mischief may make.
when plowing is ended, & pasture not great,
then stable thy horses, & tend them with meat.
Let season be drye, when ye take them to house:
for danger of nitts, or for feare of a louse.
Lay compas vp handsomly, round on a hill,
to walke in thy yard, at thy pleasure & will.
more compas it maketh, & handsome the plot,
if horsekeper dayly, forgetteth it not.

Decembers abstract. Chap. 17.

O dirtie December
For Criestmas remember.
Forgotten month past,
do now at the last.
No season to hedge,
get betle and wedge.
Cleaue logs now all
For kitchen & hall.
Make sharp dull fooles
or labor like fooles.
Leaue of tittle tattle
& loke to thy cattle
Serue yonge, poore, elues
alone by them selues.
Warme barth to neate
worth halfe their meate.
The ellder that nurtrith
the yonger soone hurtith.
Howse kowe that is olde
while winter doth holde.
Out once in a daye
to drink & to playe.
Get trusty to serue
least cattle do sterue.
And such as in dede
may help at a nede.
Obserue this lawe
to serue out strawe
In walking about
good fork spie out.
At full & at change
springe tydes are strange.
If dout ye fraye
Driue cattle awaye.
Dank linge forgot
will quickly rot.
Here learne & trye
to turne it and drye.
Now stocks remoue
that orchards loue.
Set stock to growe
to thick nor to lowe.
Set now as they come
both chearry & plome.
Winde North north east
bydds stock to ill feast.
At Crystmas is good
to let thy horse blood,
Marke here what rable
of euils in stable.
Myx well (olde gaffe)
horse corne with chaffe.
Let Iacke nor gill
fetch corne at will.
Hyde strawbories wife
to saue their life.
Knot, border & all
Now coouer ye shall.
Help bees swete conney
with lickour and honney.
Let Cristmas spye
yarde clene to lye.
No labor no sweat
go labor for heat.
Fode doues, but kill not
if stroy them ye wil not.
Fat hog, er ye kill it
or els ye do spill it.
Who sethith her graines
hath profit for paines.
Set willow & sallow
rid garden of mallowe.
Let bore lyfe render
se brawne sod tender.
For wife fruite buye
for Cristmas pye.
Ill breade & ill drinke
makes many ill thinke.
Both meate & cost
ill dressed is lost.
Who hath where with all
may chere when he shall.
But charged man
must chere as he can.

December, Husbandry. Chap. 18.

When frost will not suffer, to dyke & to hedge
then get the a heate, with thy beetle & wedge
[...]nce hallomas come, & a fyer in hall,
such slyuers do wel, for to lye by thy wall.
Get grinstone & whetstone, to sharpen thy toole,
or else go & loyter, or let like a foole.
A whelebarow also, be suer to haue:
at hand of thy seruant, thy compas to saue.
Geeue cattle their fodder, in plot drie & warme,
and counte them for myring, or other like harme.
yong coltes with thy wennels, to gether go serue:
least lurched by others, they happen to sterue.
The rack is commendid, for sauing of dong,
so set as the olde, cannot mischief the yong.
In tempest (the winde) being northely or east
warme harth vnder hedge, is a sucker to beast.
The housing of cattle, while winter doth holde,
is good for all such, as are feble & olde.
It saueth much compas, & many a sleepe:
and trymlie refresheth, the walke of thy sheepe.
For charges so little, much quiet is wonne,
if strongly & handsomely, all thing be donne.
but vse to vntackle them, once in a day:
to rub & to lick them, to drink & to play.
Get trustie to tend them, not lubberly squire,
that all the day long, hath his nose at the fier.
Nor trust vnto children, poore cattle to feede:
but such as be able, to help at a neede.
serue rye straw out first, thē wheat straw & pease
then otestraw & barley, then hay if ye please.
[Page 26]But serue them with hay, while y e straw stouer last
then loue they no straw, they had rather to fast.
Yokes forkes & such other, let bayly spie out,
and gather the same, as he walketh about.
and after at leysure, let this be his hier,
to beath them & trim them, at home by the fier.
As well at y e full of the moone, as the chaunge,
sea rages in winter, be suddenly straunge.
then looke to thy marshes, if dout be to fray:
for feare of (ne forte) haue cattle away.
Both saltfish & lingfish (if any ye haue,)
through shifting & drying, from rotting go saue.
Least winter with moistnes, do make it relent:
and put it in hazard, er ere it be spēt.
Broome fagot is best, to haberden on,
lay boorde vpon ladder, if fagots be gon.
For breking (in turning) haue very good eye,
and blame not the winde, so the weather be drye.
Good fruit & good plentie, doth well in thy loft
then make thee an orchard, & cherish it oft.
For plant or for stock, lay afore hand to cast:
but set or remoue it, er Christmas be past.
Set one for another, full fortie foote wide,
to stand as he stoode, is a parte of his pride.
more faire, more worthy, of cost to remoue,
more steady ye set it, more likely to proue.
To teach & vnteache, is vnmete in a skoole,
to do & vndo, is the part of a foole.
then orchard or hopyard, so trimmed with cost,
shoold not through follie, be spoiled & lost.
Er Christmas be passed, let horse be let blood,
for many a purpos, it doth them much good
the daye of saint Stephan, olde fathers dyd vse
if that do mislike the some other daye chuse.
Loke well to thy horses, in stable thow must,
that haye be not foislie, nor chaffe ful of dust,
nor stone in their prouender, fether nor clotts:
nor fed with grene peason, for breedinge of botts.
Some horskeper, lasshith out prouender so,
some gillian spendall, so often doth go.
for hogs meate & hennes meate, for that & for this:
that corne is consumed, er chapman hath his.
If frost do continewe, take this for a lawe,
the strawberies looke, to be couerd with straw.
layde ouerly trim, vppon crotchis & bowes
& after vncouerd, as weather alowes.
The gilleflower also, the skilful do knowe,
do looke to be couerd, in frost & in snowe:
the knot & the border, & rosemarye gaye,
do craue the like suckour, for dyeing awaye.
Go loke to thy bees, if the hiue be to light
seith water & honey, with rosemarye dight,
[Page 27]which set in a dish, full of stir [...] in the hyue▪
from famen & daunger, ye saue them alyue.

A digression to hospitalitie. Chap. 19.

LEane husbandrie sleeping,
a whiter ye must do:
to learne of housekeeping,
a lesson or two▪
What euer is sent thee
by trauell & payne▪
a tyme there is sent thee
to rendrit agayne.
Although ye defend it
vnspent for to bee:
another shall spend it
no thank vnto thee.
How euer we clyme
to accomplish the [...]
we haue but a time
thereof profit to finde.

A discription of time and they are▪ Chap. 20.

Of God in thy doings, a time there is [...]e [...]e,
which endeth with time, that in doing is spent,
For time is it selfe, but a time for a time▪
forgotten full soone, as the time of a ch [...]se▪
Spring. Sommer.
In spring time we reare, we do sowe & we plant,
in Sommer get vittels, least after we want.
Haruest. Winter.
In haruest, we cary in corne & the fruite:
in Winter, to spend, as we neede of eche suite.
Childhode. youth.
The yeare I compare, as I finde for a trueth,
the spring, vnto childhode, the Summer to youth.
The haruest to manhode, the winter to age,
all quickly forgot, as a Play on a stage.
Time past is forgotten, ere men be aware,
time present is thought on, with wonderful care.
Time comming is feared, & therefore we saue:
yet oft ere it come, we be gon to the graue.

A description of life & riches. Chap. 21.

VVho liuing, but dayly discerne it he may,
how life as a shadow, doth vanish away.
And nothing to count on, so suer & iust:
as suer of death, and to turne into dust.
The landes & the riches, that here we possesse,
be none of our owne, if a God we professe.
But lent be of him, as his talent of Golde,
which being demanded, who can it withholde.
God maketh no writing, that iustly doth say,
how long we shall haue it, a yere or a day.
But leaue it we must (howsoeuer we leeue:)
when Atrop shal pluck vs from hence by the sleeue.
To death we must stoupe, be we high, be we lowe,
but how, & how sodeinly, fewe be that knowe.
what cary we then, but a sheete to the graue:
to couer this carkas, of all that we haue.

A description of house keeping. Chap. 22.

VVhat then of this talēt, while here we remaine
but study to yelde it, to God with a gaine.
And that shall we do, if we do it not hyd:
but vse and bestow it, as Christ doth vs byd.
What good to get ryches, by breaking of sleepe,
but (hauing the same) a good house for to keepe.
Not only to bring, a good fame to thy doore:
but also the praier, to winne of the poore.
Of al other doings, house keping is chiefe,
for dayly it helpeth, the poore with releife.
The neighbor, the stranger, & al that haue neede,
which causeth thy doings, the better to speede.
Though hearken to this, we should euer among,
yet chiefly at Christmas, of all the yere long.
Good cause of that vse, may appere by the name,
though nigerly nigards, do kick at the same.

A description of Christmas. Chap. 23.

Of Christ cōmeth Christmas, the name w t y e feast,
a time full of ioy, to the greatest & least.
[Page]At Christmas was Christ (our sauiour) borne
the world thorough sinne, al together forlorne.
At Christmas the day, doth begin to take length,
of Christ our faith, do begin to take strength.
As Christmas is onely, a figure or trope:
so onely in Christ, is the strength of our hope.
At Christmas we banket, the riche with the poore,
who▪ then (but the miser) but opeith his doore.
At Christmas of Christ, many Carols we sing:
and geue many gifts, in the ioy of that king.
At Christmas in Christ, we reioice and be glad,
as onely of whom, our comfort is had.
At Christmas we ioy, altogether with mirth:
for his sake that ioyed vs al, with his birth.

A discription of apt time to spend. chap. 24.

LEt such (so fantastical) liking not this,
nor any thing honest, that auncient is.
Geue place to the time, that so meete we do see:
appointed of God, as it seemeth to bee.
At Christmas, good husbāds haue corn on y e groūd
in barne & in sell [...] worth many a pound.
Things plenty in house, (beside Cattel & sheepe)
al sent them (no doubt en) good houses to keepe.
At Christmas, she hardnesse of winter doth rage,
a grieper of al things, & specially age.
[Page 29]Then lightly poore people, the yong with the olde,
be sorest oppressed, with honger & colde.
At Christmas, by labour is little to get,
that wanting the pooreish in daunger are set.
what season then better, of al the whole yere:
thy nedy poore neighbour, to comfort & chere.

Against fantasticall scruplenesse. chap. 25.

At this thing & y e thing, som make a great matter,
som help not, but hinder y e poore w t their clatter.
Take custome frō feasting, what commeth thē last
wher one hath a dinner, a hundred shal fast.
To dog in the maunger, some licken I coulde
that hay will eate none, nor let other that woulde.
some scarce in a yeare, geue a diner or two,
nor wel can abide, any other to do.
Play thou the good felow, seke none to misdeme
hate ner that be honest, though mery they seme.
For often time sene, no more very a knaue,
than he that doth counterfait, most to be graue.

Christmas husbandly fare. chap. 26.

GOod husband & huswyfe, now chiefly be glad,
things hādsom to haue, as they ought to be had
They both do prouide, against Christmas do come
to welcom their neighbour, good chere to haue som
Good bread & good drinke, a good fyer in the hall,
brawne pudding & souse & good mustarde withal.
Biefe, mutton, & porke, shred pyes of the best,
pig, veale, goose & capon, & Turkey wel drest:
Chese, apples & nuttes, iollie Caroles to here,
as then, in the cuntrey, is counted good chere.
What cost to good husbande, is any of this?
good housholde prouision, onely it is.
Of other the like, I do leaue out a meny,
that costeth the husbandman, neuer a peny.

A Christmas Karrol of the byrth of Christ, vppon the tune of King Salomon. Chap. 27.

WAs not Christ ower Sauiour,
sent vnto vs, from God aboue,
not for ower good behauiour:
but onely of his mercy & loue.
if this be true, as true it is,
truely in dede:
Great thankes to God to yeld for this,
then had we nede.
This did our God for a very trothe,
to trayne to him, the soule of man,
and iustly to performe his othe:
to Sara & to Abraham than,
that through his sede, all nations should
blessed be:
As in due time, performed he would,
al flesh should see.
which wondrously is brought to passe,
and in our sight al ready donne,
By sending, as his promis was
(to comfort vs) his onely sonne,
euē Christ (I meane) that virgins childe
in bethelem borne.
that lamb of God, that prophet milde,
with crowned thorne.
Such was his loue to saue vs all,
from danger of the curse of God,
that we stood in by Adams fall,
& by our owne deserued rod
that through his blood & holy name,
to such as beleues,
And flye from sinne, & abors the same,
free mercye he geues.
For thease glad newes, this feast doth bringe
to God, the Sonne and holy Ghoste,
let man geue thankes reioyce & singe.
from world to world, from coste to coste,
for al other giftes so many wayes,
that God doth send.
Let vs in Christe, geue God the praise,
while life shal end.
T. Tusser.
At Christmas be merye, & thankfull withall,
& feast thy poore neighbours, y e great with y e small.
yea al the yeare long▪ to the poore let vs geue:
Gods blessing to follow vs, whiles we do leue.

Ianuaries abstract. Chap. 28.

A kindely good Ia [...]ere
Freesith pot by the feere.
Forgotten month past,
Do now at the last.
Bid Chrystmas adue,
thy stock renewe.
Who killeth a neate,
hath cheaper his meate.
Fat, home fed sowce
is good in a howse.
Who dainties loue,
a begger will proue.
Who all awaye sells
in hunger dwells.
Who nothing saue
shall nothing haue.
Lay durt vpon heapes,
some profit it reapes.
When weather is hard,
get murk out a yard.
A fallow bestowe,
where pease shall growe.
Go gether quick set
the yongist go get.
To plotts not full
ad bremble and hull.
Dig garden stroy mallow
set willow and sallow.
Grene set as a stake
in banke they will take.
Let Doe go to buck
wysh conney good luck.
Spare labor nor money
store borough with cōney.
Get warriner bownde
to vermyn thy grownd.
Fede doues, but kill not,
if lose them ye will not.
Doue howse repaier
make doue hole faier.
For hop grownd tolde
doue dong worth golde.
Good gardener mine
make garden [...]e.
Set garden pease
and beanes if ye please.
Set respis & rose
yonge roots of those.
The timely buyer
hath cheaper his fyer.
Some burnes without wit
Some fierles sit.
Now seas [...]n is good,
to lop or fell wood.
Prune tree, some alowes,
for cattle to browes.
Geue shepe to their fees,
the mystle of trees.
Let lop be shorne,
that hindrith corne.
Saue edder & stake
stronge hedge to make.
For say as ye knowe,
let one bough growe.
Next yere ye maye
that bough cut awaye.
A lesson good,
to encrease more wood.
How euer ye skotch,
saue pole and crotch.
From Christmas to May,
weake cattle decaye.
With vergis aquaynte,
poore bullok so fainte.
This medcine aproued,
is for to be loued.
Let playster lye,
three dayes to trye.
To longe yf ye staye.
taile rots awaye.
Eawes ready to yeane,
craues grownd rid clean.
Keepe bushes from bill,
till hedge ye will.
No bushes of mine▪
if fence be thine.
In stubbed plot,
fill hole with clot.
Take for thy turne,
their roots go burne.
Rid grasse of bones,
of stickes & stones.
Warme barth geue lāmes
good fode to their dāmes.
Loke dayly wel to them,
least doggs vndo them.
Yonge lamb weld solde,
fat lamb, worth golde.
Kepe twinnes for breede,
as eawes haue feede.
One calfe if it please ye,
now reered shall ease ye.
Calues likely rere,
at riesing of yere.
Calfe large & leane,
is best to weane.
Calfe lickt take awaye,
& howse it ye maye.
This poynt I alow,
for seruant & kow.
Calues yōger then other,
learne one of another.
No danger at all,
to geld as they fall.
Yet Myhell cryes,
please butchers eyes.
Sow ready to fars,
craues huswiues care.
Leaue sow but fyue,
the better to thryue.
Weane such for store,
as sucks before.
Weane onely but three,
for breeders to bee.
Lamb, bulchin & pyg,
geld vnder the byg.
Learne wit sir dolt,
in gelding of colt.
Geld yong thy fylly,
else perish will gynny,
Let gelding alone,
of large of bone.
By brethely titts,
feaw profit hitts.
Breede euer the best,
and do of the rest.
Of long & large,
take huswife a charge.
Good milch [...]ow & sound,
yeldes yerely a pound.
Good faryng sow,
holdes profit with kow.
Who kepes, both twaine
the more may gaine.
Thy garden twyfallow,
stroy hemblock & mallow.
Like practise they proue,
that hops do loue.
Now make & wandin,
tryin bower to stand in.
Leaue waddling about.
tyll arbor be out.
Who now sowes otes,
gets golde & grotes▪
Who sowes in Maye.
gets little that waye.
Goe breake vp land,
get mattock in hand.
Stub roote so tough,
for breaking of plough.
What greater cryme,
then losse of tyme.
Small profit is found,
by peeling of ground.
Land past the best,
cast vp to rest.
Get pull [...]g hooke (sirs,)
for brome & firs.
Pluck brome, brome stil,
Cut brome, brome kill.
Brome pluct by & bye,
breake vp for rye.
Frende ringle thy hog,
or loke for a dog.
For set, no barr,
while month hath an r.
So marke thow shalt,
for making of malt.
In casting prouide,
for seede lay a side.
Get dong frende mine,
for stock & vine.
If earth be not soft,
Go digg it a loft.
For quamier get bootes,
stub alders & rootes.
Hop poles wax skant,
for poles mo plant.
Set chest nut & wallnut,
set filberd & smallnut.
peach plumtree & chery,
yong baye & his bearye.
Or set there stone,
vnset leaue out none.
Sowe kirnels to beare,
of apple & peare.
All trees that beare gome,
set now as they come.
And set or remoue,
what fruite ye loue.
¶Of trees & fruits·
  • 1 Apple trees, of al sorts.
  • 2 Apricockes.
  • 3 Barberies.
  • 4 Boollesse black & whight.
  • 5 Cherries, red & black.
  • 6 Chestnuts.
  • 7 Cornet plums.
  • 8 Damiscus, whight & black
  • 9 Filberds, red & white.
  • 10 Goose beries.
  • 11 Grapes whight & red.
  • 12 Grene or gras plums.
  • 13 Hurtilberies.
  • 14 Meddlers or marles.
  • 15 Mulbery.
  • 16 Peaches, whight & red,
  • 17 Peares of al sortes,
  • 18 Peareplōs, black & yelow
  • 19 quince trees.
  • 20 Respis.
  • 21 Reisons.
  • 22 Small nuts.
  • 23 Strawberies red & white.
  • 24 Seruice trees.
  • 25 Wall nuts,
  • 26 Wardens white & red,
  • 27 Wheat plums.
Now set ye may,
the box & baye.
haythorne & prim,
For clothes trim.

Ianuaries Husbandry. Chap. 29.

VVhen Christmas is endid, bid feasting adue,
go play the good husbād, thy stock to renewe.
be mindeful of rearinge, in hope of a gaine:
daine profit shall geue the, reward for thy paine.
Who, both by his calfe, & his lāb wil be knowne
may wel kil a neate, & a shepe of his owne.
& he that will reare vp, a pig in his howse:
hath cheaper his bakon, & sweter his sowse.
who eatith his veale, pig & lamb being froth,
shall twyse in a weke, go to bed without broth.
vnskilfull, that pas not, but sell awaye sell:
shall neauer haue plenty, where euer they dwell.
Be gredye in spending, & careles to saue,
& shortly be nedy, & ready to craue.
be wilfull to kill, & vnskilfull to store,
& neauer loke long, to kepe howse any more.
Laye dyrt vpon heapes, fayer yarde to be seene,
yf frost wil abyde it, to filde with it cleene.
in winter a fallowe, some loue to bestowe,
where pease for the pot, they entend for to sowe.
In making or mending, as nedith thy ditch,
get set to quick set it, learne cunningly whitch.
in hedging (where claye is) get stake as ye knowe
of popeler & willowe, for fewell to growe.
Leau [...] [...] Cunney, let doe go to buck,
and ve [...]e thy burrow, for feare of ill luck.
Fede Doue (no more killīg) old doue house repaire
saue doue doung, for [...]hep [...]ard, whē house ye make faire.
Dig garden, stroy mallow, now may ye arease,
and set (as a deintie) thy rantifall [...]ease.
Go cut & set roses, thuse aptly the plot:
the rootes of the yongest, are best to be got.
In tune go & bargaine, least worse [...] do fall,
for fewell, for making, for cariage & all.
to buy at the stub, is the best for the buyer:
more timely prouision, cheaper the fyer.
Some burneth a lode, at a time in his hall,
some neuer leue burning, till burnt they haue all.
Some making of hauock, without any wit:
make many poore soules, without fier to sit.
If frost do continue, this lesson doth well,
for comfort of cattle, the fewell to fell
From euery tree, the supersluous bowes:
now prune for thy neate, thereupon to go browes.
In pruning & trumming, all maner of trees,
reserue to eache cattle, their properly fees.
If snowe do continue, shepe hardly that fare:
craue mistle & Iuye, for them for to spare.
Now lop for thy fewell, olde pollenger growen
that hinders the corne, or the grasse to be mowen.
[Page]In lopping & felling, saue edder & [...]
thine hedgis as nedith, to mend or to make.
In loppinge olde Jocha [...], for feare of mishap,
one bough staye vnloyned, to cherish the sap.
the second yeare after, then boldly ye maye:
For dripping [...] fellows, that bough cut awaye.
Lop poppler & salow, elme, maple & prye,
Wel saued from cattle, till sommer to lye.
so far as in lopping, ther tops ye do flinge:
so far without plantinge, yonge copye wil springe.
If hopyard or orchard, ye minde for to haue,
for hoppoles & crotchis, in lopping go saue.
which husbandly spared, maye serue at a push:
& stop, by so hauinge, two gapps with a bush.
From Christmas till May, be wel entered in,
some cattle wex fainte, & loke poorely & thin,
and cheifly, when prime grasse at first doth apere:
then moest is the daunger, of al the whole yere.
Take vergis & heat it, (a pinte for a kow)
bay salt full a hand, to rub tong ye wote how.
That dōne, with the salt, let her drink of the rest:
this many tunes rayseth, the feeble vp best.
Poore bullock with browsing, & naughtely fed,
skarse feedith, her teeth be so lose in her hed.
then slyse ye the taile, where ye fele it so soft:
with soote & with garelyck, bound to it a loft.
By bre [...]bles & bushes, in pasture to full,
poore sheepe be in danger, & loseth their wull.
Now therefore thine eawe, vpon lāming so neere:
desireth in pasture, that all may be cleere.
Leaue grubbing or pullīg, of bushes (my sonne)
till timely thy fenses, require to be donne.
then take of the best, for to furnish thy turne,
& home with the rest, for the fyer to burne.
In euery greene, if the fence be not thine,
now stub vp the bushes, the grasse to be fine.
Least neighbour do daylie, so hack them beliue:
that neither thy bushes, nor pasture can thriue.
In ridding of pasture, with turues so bye,
fill euery hole vp, as close as a dye.
The labor is litle, the profit is gaye:
what euer, the loytering laborers saye.
The sticks & the stones, go & gather vp cleene,
for hurting of sieth, or for harming of greene.
For feare of Hew prouler, get home with the rest,
when frost is at hardist, then carrige is best.
yōg brome or good pasture, thy ewes do require
warme barth & in safetie, their lambs do desire.
looke often well to them, for foxes & dogs:
for pitts & for brembles, for ve [...]in & hogs.
More deintie y t lāb, the more worth to be solde,
the sooner the better, for eawe that is olde.
[Page]But if ye do minde, to haue milke of th [...] dame:
till May do not sea [...]er, the lamb fro the same.
Eaws yerely by twining, rich masters do make
the lamb of such twynners, for breeders go take.
For twinlings be twiggers, encrease for to bring:
though some for their twigging, peccantē may sing
Calues likely, y t come betwene Christmas & lēt,
take huswife to rere, or else after repent.
Of such as do fall, betwene change & the prime:
no rering, but sell, or go kill them in time.
House calfe, & go sockle it twise in a daye,
and after a while, set it water & haye.
Stake ragged to rub on, no such as will bend:
then weane it well tended, at fiftie daies end.
The senior weaned, his yonger shall teache,
both how to drink water, & hay for to reache.
More stroeken & made of whē ought it do aile
more gentle ye make it, for yoke or the paile.
Geld bull calfe, & ramlamb, as sone as they fall,
for therein is lightly, no daunger at all.
Some spareth the ton, for to pleasure the eye:
to haue him shew greater, when butcher shal buye.
Soowes ready to farrow, this time of y e yere,
are for to be made of, & counted full dere.
For now is the losse of a fare of the soow:
more great thē the losse, of two calues of thy koow
Of on [...] sow together, rere fewe aboue fiue,
and those of the fairest, & likest to thriue.
Vngelt of the best, kepe a coople for store:
one bore pig & sow pyg, that sucketh before.
Who hath a desire, to haue store very large,
at whysontide, let him geeue huswife a charge.
To rere of a sow at once, onely but three:
and one of them also, a boare let it bee.
Geld vnder the damme, w tin sortnight at least,
and saue both thy mony. & life of the beast.
Geld later with gelders, as many one do:
and looke of a dozen, to geld away two.
Thy coltes for the saddle, geld yong to be light,
for cart do not so, if thou iudgest aright.
Nor geld not, but when they be lusty and fat:
for there is a point, to be learned in that.
Geld fillies (but titts) er an ix. daies of age,
they die else of gelding, or gelders do rage.
yong fillies so likelie, of bulk & of bone:
kepe such to be breeders, let gelding alone.
For gayning a trifle, sell neuer thy store,
what ioye to acquaintance, what pleasureth more.
the larger of body, the better for breede:
more forward of growing, the better they speede.
Good milchkow well fed, that is faier & sound,
is yerely for profit, as good as a pound.
[Page]and yet by the yere, haue I proued er now:
as good to the purse, is a sow as a kow.
Keepe one & kepe both, with as litle a cost,
then all shall be saued, & nothing be lost.
Both hauing to gether, what profit is caught:
good huswiues (I warrāt ye) nede not be taught.
Thy garden plot lately, wel trenched & muckt:
would now be twyfalowd, y e mallows out pluckt
well clensed & purged, of roote & of stone:
that faut therein afterward, found may be none.
Remember thy hop yard, if season be drye,
now dig it & weede it, & so let it lye.
More fenny the layer, the better his lust:
most apt to beare hops, whē it crumbles like dust.
To arbor begunne, & quick setted about,
no poeling nor waddling, till set be far out.
For Rotten & aged, may stand for a sheaw:
but holde to their tackling, they cannot but feaw.
In Ianiuere, husband that poucheth y e grotes
will breake vp his laye, or be sowing of otes.
Otes sowen in Ianiuere, laye by thy wheate:
in Maye, by thy haye, for thy cattle to eate.
Let seruant be ready, with mattock in hand,
to stubb out the bushes, that noyeth the land.
And cumbersome rootes, so annoying the plough
turne vpward their arses, with sorow enough.
Who breaketh vp timely, his fallow or laye,
sets forward his husbandry, many awaye.
this tilth in a tilture, well forward doth bring:
not onely thy tillage, but all other thing.
Some breaking vp laye, soweth otes to begin,
to suck out the moisture, so sower therin.
yet otes with her sucking, a peeler is found:
and ill to the master, & worse to some ground.
Land arable dreuen, or worne to the proofe,
and craueth some rest, for thy profits behoofe.
with otes ye may sowe it, the sooner to grasse:
and so to good profit, to bring it to passe.

Februaries abstract. Chap. 30.

Febb. sill the dyke,
with what ye lyke.
Forgotten month past,
do now at the last.
To costeman ryde,
lent stuffe to prouyde.
Sowe now ye maye,
beanes, peason graye.
Kepe whight vnsowne,
til more be knowne.
Where clods great fall,
there harrow ye shall.
Stick boowes arowe,
wher rounciualls growe.
Sowe kirnels & hawe.
where ridge ye did drawe.
Sowe hemp to kil weede,
sowe mustard seede.
Where setts do growe,
see nothing ye sowe.
Cut vynes & osier,
plash hedge of enclosier.
Feede highly thy swan,
to loue her good man.
Nest high I aduise,
least flood do arise.
Land medowe spare,
there dong is good ware.
Poore cattle craue,
some shift to haue.
Kow little geeueth,
that hardly leeueth.
Go strike at the noewles,
of deluing moewles.
Such hillocks in vayne,
laye leueled playne.
¶Trench meadow & redge,
dike, quickset & hedge.
To plots not full,
ad bremble & hull.
Poore Cunney so bagged
is soone ouer lagged.
Plash borow set clapper,
for dog is a snapper.
Good flyght who loues,
must feede their doues.
Byd hawking adewe,
cast hawke into mewe.
Kepe sheepe out of briers,
kepe beast out of miers.
Kepe lambs from fox,
else sheapard go box.
Good neighbour mine,
now yoke thy swine.
Now euery daye,
set hops ye maye.
Now set for the pot,
best herbs to be got.
For slowers go set,
all sorts ye can get.
As winter doth proue,
so maye ye remoue.
For all the yere,
now all thing rere,
Watch ponds go looke,
to weeles & hooke.
Knaues neuer repent,
to steale in lent.
All fish they get,
that commeth to net.

Februaries Husbandry. Chap. 31.

NOw timely for lent stuff, thy money disburse,
the longer ye tarye, for profit the wurse.
if one penye vantage, be there in to saue:
of costeman or Flemming, be sure it to haue.
Go plow in the stubble, take timely this season,
be soweing of fitchis, of beanes & of peason.
Now, sooner ye sowe them, the sooner they coom:
& better for how sold, they fill vp a room.
Go harrow the peason, ye buried so depe,
least clod do compel them, for euer to slepe,
or thystles so meaney (that cumbersom wede.)
where clay hath the mastrie, come vp in their stede
Styck plentie of boows, among runcifall pease,
to climber there on, & to branch at their ease.
so doing more tender, & greater they wex,
if peacocke & turkie, leaue iobbing their becks.
Now sow & go harow (wher redge ye did draw)
the sede of the bremble, with kurnel & hawe.
which couered ouerlye, soone to shut out:
go se it be diched, & fensed about.
Where banks be amended, & newly vp cast,
sowe mustard seede, after a shower be past.
where plots ful a netles, be noysom to eye:
sowe thervpon hempseede, & nettles will dye.
The vines & the osiers, cut & go set,
if grape be vnpleasant, a better go get.
Fede swan, & go make her vp, strongly a nest:
for feare of a floode, good & high is the best.
Land meadow, that yearely is spared for hay,
now fence it & spare it, & dong it ye may.
get mouleketcher, conningly mowle for to kill:
& harow & cast abrode, euery hill.
Frend, alwaye let this, be a part of thy care,
for shift of good pasture, laye pasture to spare.
so haue ye good feeding, in bushets & leaze:
& quickly safe finedinge, of cattle at ease.
where cattle maye run about, roeuing at will,
from pasture to pasture, pore bellye to fill.
there pasture & cattle, bothe hungry & bare:
for want of good husbandrye, worser do fare.

Marches abstract. Chap. 32.

Marche dust to be solde,
Worth raūsomes of golde.
Forgotten month past,
Do now at the last.
Whight peason sowe,
Skare hungry crowe.
spare meadow for hay,
spare marshes at May.
What champion vsith,
woodland refusith.
Kepe shepe from dog,
Kepe lamb from hog.
If foxes mowse them,
then, nightly howse them.
March drye or wet,
hop grownde go set.
yonge rootes well drest,
proue euer the best.
Hop gut or string,
is a naughty thing.
Here learne the waye,
hop rootes to laye
Rootes best to proue,
thus set I loue.
Leaue space & rome,
to hillock to come.
Of hedge & willow,
hop makes her pillow.
Good bearing hop,
climes vp to the top.
Kepe hop from sonne,
& hop is vndonne.
Hop tooles procure,
that may endure.
Iron crowe, lyke a stake,
depe hole to make.
A scraper to pare,
the earth about bare.
A hone to raise roote,
lyke sole of a boote.
Sharpe knife to cut,
superfluous gut.
Who graffing loues,
now graffing proues.
Of euery suite,
moste deintie fruite.
Graff good fruit all,
or graff not all.
Sowe euen the land,
with plentifull hand.
Sowe ouer & vnder,
in clay is no wonder.
Straight follow y e plough,
& harrow enough.
With sling or bowe,
go skare awaye crowe.
Rowle after a deawe,
when bareley doth sheawe
More handsom to make it,
to mowe & to rake it.
Learne here ye maye,
best harrowing waye.
Make ready a plot,
for seedes for the pot.
Best searching mindes,
the best waye findes.
For garden best,
is South southwest.
Good tilth brings seedes,
ill tilture weedes.
For sommer sowe nowe,
for winter see howe.
To set or sowe,
learne time to knowe.
yonge plants sone dye,
that growe to drye.
In countrey doth rest,
what season is best.
Good poore mans fare,
is poore mans care.
And not to boste,
of sod & roste.
Cause rooke & rauen,
to seke a newe hauen.
¶Geld lambs now all,
streight as they fall.
Looke twise a daye,
least lambs decaye.
Kepe corne from crowe,
with arrow & bowe.
Where horse did harrow
put stones in barrow.
Or laye them bye,
in heapes on hye.
Let oxen fat,
lose nothing of that.
Now hunt with dog,
vnyoked hog.
Wish doues good luck,
hen, goose, & duck.
To spare a right,
spare March his flight.
Saue chickins poore buttocks,
from pye, crowe & puttocks.
Some loue now best,
yong rabbets nest.
Now knaues will steale,
pyg, lamb & veale.
Here learne to knowe,
what seedes to sowe.
And suche to plant,
whose seedes do want.
¶Seedes & herbes for the kichen.
  • 1 AVens.
  • 2 Bleetes or beetes, white or yellow.
  • 3 Blood woort.
  • 4 Buglas
  • 5 Burnet.
  • 6 Burrage.
  • 7 Cabage remoue in Iune.
  • 8 Clarye.
  • 9 Coleworts
  • 10 Cresses
  • 11 Dyttanye or garden ginger.
  • 12 Endiue
  • 13 Fenell
  • 14 French Malowes.
  • 15 French Saffron. Set in August.
  • 16 Harsttong. no seede.
  • 17 Lang debiefe.
  • 18 Leekes. remoue in Iune
  • 19 Lettis remoue in May
  • 20 Long wort
  • 21 Lyuer wort
  • 22 Marygoldes often cut.
  • 23 Mercury
  • 24 Myntes at all times.
  • 25 Nep
  • 26 Oyneons from December to Marche.
  • [Page]27 Orach or arach, red & whight.
  • 28 Patience.
  • 29 Percelye.
  • 30 Penetall,
  • 31 Primerose,
  • 32 Poret.
  • 33 Rosemarye, in the Springtime,
  • 34 Sage, red & whight.
  • 35 Saffron. set in August.
  • 36 Sommer sauery.
  • 37 Sorrell.
  • 38 Spinnage.
  • 39 Suckerye.
  • 40 Siethees.
  • 41 Tanzye.
  • 42 Time.
  • 43 Violettes, of al sortes
  • 44 winter sauory.
¶Herbs & rootes for sallets & sawce.
  • 1 Alexanders, at al times.
  • 2 Artichocks.
  • 3 Blessed thystle, or Carduus Benedictus.
  • 4 Cucumbers, in Aprill & Maye.
  • 5 Cressis, sowe with lettice in the Springe.
  • 6 Cudiue
  • 7 Mustarde sede, sowe in y e spring & at Mighelmas.
  • 8 Musk myllions, in Aprill & May.
  • 9 Mintes.
  • 10 Purslane,
  • 11 Redish.
  • 12 Rampions.
  • 13 Rockat. in April.
  • 14 Sage.
  • 15 Sorrell.
  • 16 Spinage, for y e sōmer
  • 17 Sea helye.
  • [Page 39]18 Sperage, let growe two yeares & then remoue,
  • 19 Skirrets. set their plants in Marche.
  • 20 Suckerye.
  • 21 Tarragon. April.
  • 22 Violets.
¶Thease buy with the peny, or loke not for eny.
  • 1 Capers.
  • 2 Lemmans.
  • 3 Oliues.
  • 4 Orrengis.
  • 5 Rise.
  • 6 Sampire.
¶Herbes & rootes to boyle or to butter.
  • 1 Beanes, set in winter.
  • 2 Cabbegis, sowe in Marche, & after remoue,
  • 3 Carrets.
  • 4 Cytrons. sowe in May.
  • 5 Goordes, in Maye.
  • 6 Nauews, sowe in Iune.
  • 7 Pompiones, in May.
  • 8 Parceneps in winter.
  • 9 Roncifall pease. set in winter.
  • 10 Rapes. sowe in Iune.
  • 11 Turnepes, in March & April.
¶Strowing herbes of al sorts.
  • 1 Basell, fine & busht, sowe in May.
  • 2 Bawlme. set in March.
  • 3 Camamel.
  • 4 Costemarye.
  • 5 Cowsleps, & paggles.
  • [Page]6 Daysles, of al sorts.
  • 7 Swete fonnell.
  • 8 Germander,
  • 9 Isop, set in Februarie.
  • 10 Lauender.
  • 11 Lauender spike,
  • 12 Lauender [...]otten.
  • 13 Margerom knotted, sowe or set at the Spring.
  • 14 Mawdelin.
  • 15 Peny ryall.
  • 16 Roses, of al sortes in Ian. & Sept.
  • 17 Red myntes.
  • 18 Sage.
  • 19 Tanzey.
  • 20 Violetts.
  • 21 Winter sauery.
¶Herbes, branchis & flowers for windowes & potts.
  • 1 Bayes, sowe or set in plants in Ianuarie.
  • 2 Batchelers buttens,
  • 3 Botles, blewe, red & tauney,
  • 4 Collembines.
  • 5 Campions.
  • 6 Daffadondillies.
  • 7 Eglantine, or swete bryer.
  • 8 Fetherfewe.
  • 9 Flower armour, sowe in Maye.
  • 10 Flower deluce,
  • 11 Flower gentil, whight & red.
  • 12 Flower nyce.
  • 13 Gelyflowers, red, whight & carnacions, set in Spring, & Heruest in potts, payles or tubs, or for sommer in bedds.
  • 14 Holiokes, red, whight & carnacions.
  • 15 Indian eye, sowe in Maye, or set in slips in March.
  • 16 Lauender, of al sorts.
  • [Page 41]17 Larkes foot.
  • 18 Laus tibi.
  • 19 Lillium cum valium.
  • 20 Lilies, red & whight, sowe or set in Marche, & September
  • 21 Marigoldes double.
  • 22 Nigella romana.
  • 23 Pauncies, or hartsease.
  • 24 Pagells, grene & yellowe.
  • 25 Pinkes, of al sorts.
  • 26 Quenegeliflowers.
  • 27 Rose mary.
  • 28 Roses of al sorts.
  • 29 Snap dragons.
  • 30 Sopps in wine.
  • 31 Swete williams.
  • 32 Swete Ihons.
  • 33 Star of Bethelem.
  • 34 Star of Ierusalem.
  • 35 Stock geliflowers of al sortes.
  • 36 Tuft gelyflowers.
  • 37 Velvet floures, or frēchmarigold
  • 38 Violets yelow & whight.
  • 39 Wall geliflowers of al sorts.
Herbs to still in sommer.
  • 1 Blessed thistle.
  • 2 Betonye.
  • 3 Dill.
  • 4 Endiue.
  • 5 Eye bright.
  • 6 Fennel.
  • 7 Fumetorie.
  • 8 Isop.
  • 9 Mints.
  • 10 Plantine.
  • 11 Roses, red & damask.
  • 12 Respies.
  • [Page]14 Strawberies.
  • 15 Sorrell.
  • 16 Suckerie
  • 17 Woodrofe, for swete waters & cakes
¶Necessarie herbes to growe in the garden for Phisick & bathes not reherst before.
  • 1 ANnys
  • 2 Archangell
  • 3 Betany
  • 4 Charuyle
  • 5 Cinqfile
  • 6 Cummin.
  • 7 Dragonnes.
  • 8 Detanye
  • 9 Gromell seede for the stone
  • 10 Horehounde
  • 11 Louage for the stone.
  • 12 Lycoras
  • 13 Mandrake
  • 14 Moogworth
  • 15 Pyonees
  • 16 Poppye sowe in Marche.
  • 17 Rewe.
  • 18 Rubarb
  • 19 Smalache
  • 20 Sarefrage. for the stone.
  • 21 Sauin for the botts.
  • 22 Stitchwort
  • 23 Valerian
  • Woodbine
Thus endes in briefe,
of herbes the chiefe.
To get more skyll,
reade whom ye wyll.

Marches Husbandry. Chap. 33.

VVhight peason both good, for the pot & the purse
by sowing to timely, proue often the wurse.
because they be tender, & hateth the colde:
proue Marche er ye sowe them, for being to bolde.
Spare medowe at Gregory, marshes at Pask,
for feare of drie sommer, no longer time ask.
Then hedge them & ditch them, bestow therō pēce,
for meadow & pasture, craue euer good fence.
Of Mastiues & mungrils, that many we see,
a number of thouzands, to many there bee.
watch therefore in lent, to thy shepe go & loke:
for dogs will haue vitels, by hooke or by croke.
¶The maner of setting of hops.4
In Marche at the furdest, drie season or wet,
hop rootes so well choesen, let skilfull go set.
The goeler & yonger, the better I loue:
well gutted & pared, the better they proue.
Some layeth thē croswise, along in the ground,
as high as thy knee, they do couer vp round.
Some prick vp a stick, in the midds of the same:
that litle round hillock, the better to frame.
Some maketh a hollownes, halfe a foote deepe,
with fower sets in it, set slant wise a steepe.
one foote from another, in order to lye:
and thereon a hillock, as round as a pye.
Fiue foote from another, ech hillock wold stand,
as straight, as a leaueled line with the hand.
Let euery hillock, be fower foote wide:
the better to come to, on euery syde.
By willowes y t groweth, thy hop yard w t out,
and also by hedges, thy meadowes about.
Good hop hath a pleasure, to clime & to spred:
if sonne may haue passage, to comfort her hed.
Get crowe made of Iron, depe hole for to make,
with crosse ouerthwart it, as sharp as a stake.
A hone & a parer, like sole of a boote:
to pare away grasse, & to rayse vp the roote.
In March is good graffing, y t skilful do know,
so long as the winde, in the east do not blowe.
From moone being changed, till past be the prime:
for graffing & cropping, is very good time.
Things graffed or planted, the greatest & least,
defend against tempest, the bird & the beast.
Defended shal prosper, the tother is lost:
the thing with the labor, the time & the cost.
Sowe bareley in Marche, & in Aprill & Maye,
the later in sand, & the sooner in claye.
What worser for barley, then wetnes & colde:
what better with skilful, then time to be bolde.
Let barley be harrowed, finely as dust,
and workmanly trench it, & fence it ye must.
[Page 43]This season wel plyed, set sowinge an end,
& praise & praye God, a good haruist to send.
Som roewlith their barley, straight after a rain
when first it aperith, to leauel it plaine,
the bareley so vsed, the better doth growe:
& hamsome ye make it, at haruist to mowe,
Otes, bareley & pease, harow after ye sowe,
for rye harow first, as already ye knowe.
leaue wheat litle clod, or to coouer the hed:
that after a frost, it may out & go spred.
In March, May & Aprill, frō morning to night
in soweing & setting, good huswiues delight.
to haue in a garden, or other like plot:
to trim vp their howse, & to furnish their pot.
The nature of flowers, dame phisick doth sheaw
she teachith them, all to be knowne to a feawe.
to set or to sowe, or els fowne, to remoue:
how that shold be practised, learne if ye loue.
Land falling or lyeng, ful South or south west,
for profit by tillage, is lightly the best.
so garden, & orchard, & hopyard I finde:
that want the like benefite, growe out a kinde.
If fild to bearne corne, a good tillage doth craue
what think ye of garden, what garden wold haue.
in filde without cost, be assured of weedes:
in garden be suer, thow loesist thy seedes.
At spring (for y e sommer) sowe garden ye shall,
at haruest (for winter,) or sowe not at all.
oft digging, remouing, or weding (I se)
makes herbe the more holesome, & greater to be.
Time fayer, to sowe or to gather be bolde,
but set or remoue, when the weather is colde,
cut al thing or gather, the moone in the wane:
but sowe in encreasing, or geue it his bane.
Newe set do ask watring, with pot or with dish
newe sowne do not so, if ye do as I wish.
through cunning w t dybble, rake, mattock & spade:
by line & be leauel, trim garden is made.
who soweith to late ward, hath seldō good seede
who soweith to soone, litle better shall speede.
apt time & the season, so diuerse to hit:
this booke may enstruct him, that hath any wit.
Good peason, & leekes, to make porredge in lent
& pescods in Iuly, saue fish to be spent.
those hauing with other things, plentifull than:
thow winnest the hart, of the laboring man.
Kill crowe, pye & cadow, rooke buzard & rauen,
or else go desire them, to seke a newe hauen.
in skaling the yongist, to pluck of his beck:
beware how ye climber, for breaking your neck.

Aprills abstract. Chap. 34.

Swete Aprill showers
do spring May flowers.
Forgotten month past,
do now at the last.
Set hop his pole,
make deepe the hole.
First bark go sell,
or tymber ye sell.
Fence copye in,
er heawers begin.
The best ye knowe,
for staddles let growe.
Crab tree prezerue,
for plow to serue.
Get tymber out,
er yere go about.
Man, cow prouides,
wife dayrye guides.
Slut Cisley vntaught,
hath whitemeat naught.
Some bringeth in gaines,
some losse beside paines.
Runne Cys, faut knowne
with more thē thine owne
Such mystris such nan,
such master such man.
By such ill gestes,
poore Cys, ill restes▪
Such fautes as thease,
good dame will ease.
Thease fautes all ten,
aborreth all men.
A warning for Cysse,
for doing amysse.

Aprills Husbandrie. chap. 35.

GEt in to thy hopyard, with plenty of poeles,
among those same hillocks, deuide thē by doeles
three poeles to a hillock (I pas not how long)
shall yelde thee more profit, set deepely & strong.
Sell bark to the Tanner, er timber ye fell,
cut lowe by the ground, or else do ye not well.
In breaking, saue crooked, [...]or mill & for shipps:
and euer in heawing, saue carpenters chipps.
First see it well fensed, or heawers begin,
then se it well staddled, without & within.
thus being preserued, & husbandly donne:
shall sooner raise profit, to thee or thy sonne.
Leaue growing for staddles, the likeist & best,
though seller & buyer, dispatcheth the rest.
In bushet, in hedgerowe, in groue & in wood:
this lesson obserued, is needefull & good.
Saue elme, ashe & crabtre, for cart & for plough,
saue step for a stile, of the crotch of the bough.
Saue hazell for forkes, saue sallow for rake:
saue huluer & thorne, there of flayle for to make.
Make riddance of carryge, er yere go about,
for spoyling of plant, that is newely come out.
To carter (with oxen) this message I bring:
leaue oxen abrode, for annoying the spring.
From Aprill beginning, til Andrew be past,
so long with good huswife, her dayry doth last.
Good beast & good pasture, good husbāds prouide
y e resdue, good huswiues, know best how to guide
Ill huswife vnskilful, to make her owne cheese,
through trusting of others, haue this for her [...]eese.
[Page 45]Her milk pan & creame pot, so slabberd & soft:
that butter is wanting, & cheese is halfe lost.
Where some of a kow, do rayse yerely a pound,
with such sely huswiues, no deny is found.
Then dayry maide (Cisle) her faut being knowne:
awaye apace trudgeth, with more then her owne.
Then neighbour for gods sake, if any you see,
good seruant for dayry house, wayne her to mee.
Such master such man, & such mistris such mayde:
such husband & huswife, such house is arayde.

A lesson for dayrie mayde Cysley of ten Toppins gests.

As wife that will,
good husband please,
must shonne with skill
such gests as thease:
So Cysse that serues
must mark this note,
what faute deserues
a brushed rote.
Gehezy Lots huswife, & Argusses eyes,
Tom Pyeper, poore Cobler & Lazarus thyes.
Rough Esaw & Mawdlin, w t gentles that skrall,
with Byshop that turneth, & burneth vp all.
Thease toppingly gests, be in number but ten,
as welcome in dayry, as beares among men.
which being descryed, take hede of you shall,
for danger of after claps, after that fall.
Whight & drie.
Gehezy, his sicknes was whightish & drie,
such cheeses good Cisley, ye floted to nie.
To salt.
Leaue Lot with her piller, (good Cisley) alone,
much saltnes in whitemeat, is ill for the stone.
Ful of eies
If cheeses in dayrie, haue Argusses eies,
tell Cisley the fault, in her huswiferie lies.
Tom Pyeper, hath houen & puffed vp cheekes,
if cheese be so houen, make Cis to seke creekes.
Poore Cobler he toggeth his leatherly trash,
if cheese abide togging, at Cisley a crash.
full of spots
If Lazer so lothsome, in cheese he espied,
let bayes amend Cisley, or set her asyde.
ful of hears
Rough Esaw was hearie, from top to the foot,
if cheese so appeareth, call Cisley a slut.
ful of whay
As Mawdelin wept, so would Cisley be drest,
for whay in her cheeses, not halfe enough prest.
If gentills be skrauling, call magget the pye,
ful of gētils
if cheeses haue gentills, at Cis by & by.
Burnt to the panne
Blesse Cisley (good mistris) y t bishop doth banne
for burning the milk of her cheese to the panne.
Amende so oft beaten,
for doing amisse,
I will no more threaten:
I promis thee Cysse.
Tus dayrie mayde Cisley, rehersed ye see.
what fautes with il huswife, in dairie house bee.
Of market abhorred, to housholde a griefe:
to master & mistres, as ill as a thiefe.

Mayes abstract. Chap. 36.

Colde Maye & a winedye,
Barne filleth vp finelye.
Forgotten month past,
Do now at the last.
Put lamb from eawe,
to milk a feawe.
Be not to bolde,
to milke & solde.
Fiue eawes alow,
to euery kow.
Sheepe wrigling tayle,
hath madds without faile.
Beate in the reede,
as house hath neede.
Leaue cropping from may
till Mikelmas day.
Let Iuye be killed,
or tree will be spilled.
Now thresshers warne,
to ryd the barne.
Be suer of haye,
till thend of Maye.
Let sheepe fill flank,
where corne is to rank.
In woodland euer,
in champion neuer.
To weeding awaye,
as sone as ye maye.
For corne here reede,
what naughty weede.
Who weding slackith,
good husbandrie lackith.
Sowe buck or branck,
that smels so rank.
Sowe hemp & flax,
that linnen lacks.
Teache hop to clime,
for now it is time.
Through fowles & wedes,
poore hop ill spedes.
Cut of, or crop,
Superfluous hop.
The tytters or tyne,
now rake out fyne.
Newe setts do craue,
some weding to haue.
Now damne as ye lyke,
both fenne & dike.
Watch bees in May,
for swarming awaye.
Both now & in Iune,
mark master bees time.
Twy fallow thy land,
least plough els stand.
No longer tarye,
out compas to carye.
Where nede doth pray it,
there se ye laye it.
Set Iack & Ihone,
to gather vp stone.
To grasse with calues,
take nothing to halues.
Be suer thy neate,
haue water & meate.
By taineting of grounde
destruction is founde.
Now carridg get,
Home fuewell to fet.
Tell fagot & billet,
for filching gillet.
In sommer for fiering,
let citie be buying.
Mark colliers packing,
least coeles be lacking.
Se opened sack,
for two in a pack,
Let nodding patch,
go sleepe a snatch.
Wife if ye will,
now plie your still.
[...] [...]ell sowes▪
in a pot to growe.
Fine ser [...]s sowe nowe,
(before ye sawe howe.)
From [...],
S. Hellens daye.
till Christmas [...]st.
From he [...]ar [...] thee,
till Lammas as both by [...]the [...].

Mayes Husbandrie. Chap. 37.

AT Phillip & Iacob, away with the lambs,
that thinkest to haue, any milk of their dāmes.
At Lammas leaue [...], for fea [...]e of a thing:
least (requiem eternam) in winter they sing.
To milk & to [...]olde them, is much to require,
except ye haue pasture, to fill their desire.
yet many by making (such heede they do take)
not hurting their bodies, much profit to make.
Fiue Eawes to a kow, make a proofe by a shore,
shall double thy dairie, else trust me no more.
yet maye a good huswife, that knoweth the skill:
haue mixt or vnmixt, at her pleasure & will.
If sheepe or thy lamb, fall a wrigling with taile,
go by & by searche it, whiles help may preuaile.
That barberlye handled, I dare thee assure:
cast dust in his arse, thou hast finisht thy cure.
Wher houses be reeded (as houses haue neede)
now pare of the mosse, & go beat in the reede.
The iuster ye driue it, the smoother & plaine:
more handsome ye make it, to shut of the raine.
From May till October, leaue cropping for why
in woodsere, what euer thou croppist will die.
where Iuye embraseth, the tree very sore:
kill Iuye, or tree else, will addle no more.
Kepe thresshing for thressher, til May be come in
to haue to be suer, fresh chaff in the binne.
and somewhat to skamble, for hog & for hen:
& worke when it rayneth, for loytering men.
Be suer of haye, & of prouender some,
for laboring cattle, till pasture be come.
And if ye do minde, to haue nothing to sterne:
haue one thing or other, for all thing to serue.
Ground compassed well, & a following yere,
(if wheate or thy barley, to rank doth appere)
Now eate it with sheepe, or els mowe it ye maye:
for ledging & so, to the birds for a praye.
In Maye get a wede hoke, a crotch & a gloue.
and wede out such wedes, as the corne do not loue
For weding of winter corne, now it is best:
but Iune is the better for weding the rest.
Ill weedes.
the May wede doth burn, & y e thistle doth freate
the fytches pul downward, both rye & the wheate.
[Page 48]The brake & the cockle, be noysome to muche:
yet like vnto boddie, no weede there is such.
Slack neuer thy wedīg for derth nor for cheape
the corne shall reward it, er euer ye reape.
and specially where ye do trust to for seede:
let that be well weeded, the ve [...]er to speede.
In Maye is good soweing, thy buck or thy brāk
that black is as peper, & smelleth so rank.
It is to thy land, as a comfort or muck:
and al thing it maketh, as fat as a bu [...]k.
Good flax & good hēp, for to haue of her owne,
in May, a good huswife will see it be sowne.
And afterward trim it, to serue at a neede:
the [...]ymble to spinne, & the karse for her seede.
Get in to thy hop yard, for now it is time,
to teach Roben hop, on his pole how to clyme.
To folow the Sunne, as his propertie is:
and weede him & trim him, if ought go amis.
Grasse, thistle & mustard seede, hemblock & bur,
tine, mallowes & nettles, that kepe such a stur,
with pecock & turkye, that nibbles of top:
are verie ill neighbors, to seely poore hop.
From wheat go & rake out, the titters or tine,
if eare be not forth, it will rise againe fine.
vse now in thy rye, little raking or none:
breake tine from his roote, & so let it alone.
Bāks newly quicksettid, som weding do craue,
the kindlyer nurrishment, there by to haue.
then after a shower, to weding a snatch:
more easelye wede, with the roote to dispatch.
The Fen & the quamere, so marrish be kinde,
& are to be drayned, nowe win to thy minde.
which yerely vndrayned, & suffred vncut:
annoyeth the meddowes, that there on do but.
Take heede to thy bees, y t are ready to swarme
the losse there of now, is a [...]r [...]unes worth of harme
let skilfull be ready, & diligence seene:
least being to careles, thow loesist thy beene.
In May at y e furdist, twy fallow thy land,
much [...]owt may else after, cause plough for to stād
this tilth being donne, ye haue passed the wurst:
then after who plowith, plow thow with the furst.
Twye fallow once endid, get tumbrell & man,
& compas that fallowe, as sone as ye can.
Let skillfull bestowe it, where neede is vpon:
more profit the sooner, to follow there on.
Hyde hedlonds w t muck, if ye will to the knees,
so dripped & shadowd, with busshes & trees.
bare plotts full of galles, yf ye plow ouerthwart,
& compas it then, is a husbandly part.
Let children be hyered, to laye to their bones,
from fallow as nedith, to gather vp stones.
[Page 49]what wisdom, for profit aduisith vnto:
that husband & huswife, must willingly do.
to grasse w t thy calues, in som meadow plot nere
where neither their moothers, may see thē nor here
where water is plentye, & barth to set warme:
and loke wel vnto them, for taking of harme.
Pinch neuer thy wennels, of water or meate,
if euer ye hope, for to see them good neate.
in sommer tune daylie, in winter in frost:
if cattle lack drink, they be vtterly lost.
for coueting much, ouer laye not thy ground,
& then shall thy cattle, be lusty & sound.
but pinch them of pasture, while sommer doth last,
& lifte at their tailes, er an winter be past.
Get home with thy fewel, made ready to fet,
the sooner, the easier, caridg to get.
or otherwise lynger, the carridge there on:
till (where as ye left it) a quarter be gon.
His fyering in sommer, let citezen buye,
least buynge in winter, make purse for to crye.
For carman & collier, harps on a stringe.
in winter they cast, to be with the to bringe.
From May till mid August, an hower or two,
let patch sleape a snatch, how someuer ye do.
though sleaping one hower, refreshith his song:
yet trust not hob growthed, for sleaping to long.
The knowledge of stilling, is one preaty feate,
the waters be holesome, the chargis not greate.
what timely thow gettist, while sommer doth last:
thinke winter will help the, to spend it as fast.
Fine hazel desyrith, it may be her lot,
to grow as the geliflower, trim in a pot.
that ladies & gentles, for whom she doth serue:
maye help her as nedith, pure life to prezerue.

Iunes abstract. Chap. 38.

Calme weather in Iune.
corne setts in iune.
Forgoten month past,
Do now at the last.
wash shepe for to share,
that shepe may go bare.
Though fleese ye take,
no patches make.
Share lambs no whit,
or share not yet.
If meadow be growen,
let medowe bee mowne.
Plowe early ye maye.
and then carry haye.
Tis good to be knowne,
to haue of thine owne.
who goith a borrowing,
goith a sorrowing.
Se cart in plight,
and al things right.
Make drie ouer hed,
Both houell & shed.
Of houell make stack,
with pease on his back.
good store howse nedefull,
in order, speedefull.
Thy barne repayer,
make flower fayer.
Such shrubbs as noye,
in sommer destroye.
Swinge brimbles & brakes
get forkes & rakes.
Spare hedlond some.
till haruest come.
Cast dytche & pond,
to laye apon lond.
Where hops will growe,
here learne to knowe.
hops many wil come,
in a roode of rome.
Hop hates the land,
with grauel & sand.
Drye rotten moolde,
for hop is worth goolde.
The sonne south west,
for hop yard best.
Hop plot once fownde,
Now digg the grownde.
Hops fauorith malt.
hops, thrift doth exalt.
Of hops more rede,
as time doth nede.

Iunes husbandrie. Chap. 39,

Wash shepe (for the better) where water doth rū
& let him go clenly, & drye in the sun.
then share him & spare not, at two dayes an end:
the sooner the better, his corps will amend.
Reward not thy shepe (when ye take of his cote)
with twitchis & patchis, as brode as a grote.
let no such vngentlenes, happen to thine:
least flye with her gentils, do make it to pine.
Let lambs go vnclipped, till June be half worne,
the better their fleeses, will growe to be shorne.
the Pye will discharge thee, for pulling the rest:
the lighter the sheepe is, then seedeth it best.
If meadow be forward, be moweing of some,
but mowe as the makers, may well ouer come.
take heede to the weather, the winde & the skye:
if danger approcheth, then cock apace crye.
Plough earely till ten a clock, then to shy haye,
in plowing & carting, so profit ye maye.
by little & little, was doing ye win:
that plough shal not hinder, when haruest tōes in.
Prouide of thine owne, to haue all thing at hād,
least work & the workman, vnoccupyed stand.
Loue seldome to borow, that thinkest to saue:
for he that once lendeth, twice looketh to haue.
To borow to daye, & to morow to mysse,
to lender & borrower, noyance it is.
then haue of thine owne, w t out lending vnspilt:
or borowe with sorowe, as long as thou wilt.
Let Cart be well searched, w tout & within,
well clowted & greased, er hay [...] [...]ime begin.
Thy haye being carrid, though carter had sworne:
carts bottom well boerded, is sauing of corne.
Good husbāds y t lay, to saue, althing vpright,
for tumbrells & cart, haue a shed redy dight.
[Page 51]where vnder the hog, may in winter lye warme,
to stand so enclosed, as winde do no harme.
So likewise a houell, will serue for a room,
to stack on thy peason, when haruest shall coom.
and serue thee in winter, more ouer then that:
to shut vp the porklings, thou mindest to fat.
What husbandly husbāds, except they be fooles
but hādsom haue store house, for trinkets & tooles.
And all in good order, fast locked to lye:
what euer is needefull, to finde by & by.
Thy houses & barnes, would be looked vpon,
and all thing amended, er haruest come on.
Things thus set in order, in quiet & rest:
shall furder thy haruest, & pleasure thee best.
The bushes & thorne, w t the shrubbs that do noy
in woodsere or sommer, cut downe to destroy.
But whereas decay, to the tree ye will none:
for danger in woodsere, let hacking alone.
At midsommer, downe w t the brimbles & brakes
and after, abrode with thy forkes & thy rakes.
set mowers a moweing, wher meadow is growen
the lōger (now standing) the wurse to be mowen.
Now down with y e grasse, vpon hedlōds about,
that groweth in shadow, so rank & so stout.
But grasse vpon hedlond, of barley & pease:
when haruest is ended, go mowe if ye please.
Suche muddy deepe dieches, & pitts in y e field,
that all a drie summer, no water will yield.
By fieing & casting, that mudde vpon heapes:
commodities many, the husband man reapes.
A lesson where and when to plant good hopyarde.
whom fansy perswadeth, among other cropps,
to haue for his spending, sufficient of hops.
must willingly folow, of choises to chuse:
suche lessons approued, as skilful do vse.
Ground, grauely, sandy, & mixed with clay▪
is naughty for hops, any maner of way.
Or if it be mingled, with rubbish & stone:
for drienes & barrennes, let it alone.
Chuse soile for the hop, of the rottenest moulde,
well dounged & wrought, as a garden plot shoulde
not far fro the water (but not ouerflowne)
this lesson well noeted, is meete to be knowne.
The Sūne in the South, or els southly & west,
is ioye to the hop, as a welcomed gest.
But winde in the north, or else northely & east:
to hop is as ill, as a fraye in a feast.
Meete plot for a hopyard, once found as is tolde
make thereof accompt, as of Iewell of golde.
Now dig it, & leaue it the Sunne for to burne:
and afterward fence it, to serue for that turne.
The hop for his profit, I thus do exalt,
it strengtheneth drink, & it fauoreth malt.
And being wel brewed, long kept it will last:
and drawing abide, if ye drawe not to fast.

Iulies abstract. Chap. 40.

No tempest good Iulie,
Least all, looke ruelie.
Forgotten month past,
Do now at the last.
Gowe sirs & awaye,
to led & make haye.
If storme drawes nye,
then [...]o [...]kapace [...]ye.
Let hay still bide,
till wel it be dride.
Haye made, away carrye,
no longer carry.
Who best way tyetheth,
he best way thryueth.
Two good hay makers,
worth twenty crakers.
Let dalops about,
be mowen & had out.
Se hay do looke greene,
se field ye rake cleene.
Thry fallow I praythee,
least thistles bewraythee.
Cut of good wife,
rype beane with a knife.
Rype hemp out kull,
from karle to pull.
Let seede hemp growe,
till more ye knowe.
Some woormewood saue,
for March to haue.
Get griest to the mill,
for wanting at will.
Go reape or pluck,
thy brank or buck.
Dryde flax get in,
for mayde to spin.

Iulies husbandry. Cap. 41.

hay haruest
GO muster thy seruants, be captain thy selfe,
prouiding them weapon, & other like pelfe.
get bottels & wallets, keepe filde in the heate:
the feare is as much, as the daunger is great.
With tossing & raking, & setting on cocks,
grasse lately in swathes, is hay for an ox:
that donne, go & cart it, & haue it awaye:
the battell is fought, ye haue gotten the daye.
Pay iustly thy tiethes, what euer thow be,
that God maye in blessing, send foizen to the.
though curat be had, or the parson as euell:
go not for thy tiething, thy selfe to the deuell.
Let haye be well made, or auise else auous,
for moulding in goef, or of fiering the house.
laye coursist asyde, for the ox & the cow:
the finest for shepe, & thy gelding alow.
Then down with thy hedlond, y e growith about
leaue neauer a dalop, vnmowen & had out.
though gras be but thin, about barely & pease.
yet picked vp cleane, ye shall finde therein ease.
Thrye fallow betime, for destroinge of wede,
least thistle & dock, fall a blooming & sede.
such season may chance, it shall stand the apon:
to till it againe, er an sommer begon.
Not rend of, but cut of, rype beane with a knyfe,
for hinderinge stalk, of her vegetiue life:
so gather the loweist, & leauinge the top:
shall teach the a trick, for to dubble thy crop.
Wife pluck fro thy seede hēp, y e fimble hēp clene
this lokith more yealow, the other more grene.
vse ton for thy spinninge, leaue Mihell the tother:
for shoothrede & halter, for rope & such other.
while woormwoode hath seede, get a bundle or twayne,
to saue against March, to make flea to refraine.
where chāber is swept, & y e wormwood is strowne
no flea for his life, dare abyde to be knowne.
Get gryst to the mill, to haue plenty in store,
least miller lack water, as meany do more.
the meale the more yeldith, if seruant be true:
& miller that towleth, take none but his due.

August abstract. Chap. 42,

Drye August & warme,
Doth haruest no harme.
Forgoten month past,
Do now at the last.
Thry fallowing wonne,
get compassing donne.
In Iune & in Aw,
swinge brakes for a lawe.
Pare saffron plot,
forget it not.
His dwelling made trim
loke shortly for him.
When haruest is gonne,
their saffron comes on.
A Litle of grownde,
brings saffron a pownde.
Kepe culler in dryeng,
(well vsed) worth buying.
The pleasure fine,
the profet thyne.
Now strike vp droom,
now haruest man coom.
Take paine for a gaine,
one knaue marrith twain
Get reapers by daye,
Least corne do decaye.
By great is the cheaper,
if trustie were reaper.
Geue gloues to reapers,
blowe horne for sleapers.
Wel doings who louith,
thease haruest points ꝓuith.
Paye God his part furst,
and not of the wurst.
That person maye,
tythe carry awaye.
Kepe cart gap weele,
kepe hog from wheele.
Mowne barley les cost,
ill mowne, much lost.
Mowe bareley, with hand,
that wil not stand.
Let grenest stand
for making of band.
Bādes made, without deaw
will hold but a feaw.
Two rakes to a binder,
laye bande, to finde her.
Rake after sieth,
& paye thy tieth.
Corne carryd all,
then rake it ye shall.
Let shock take sweate,
least goefe take heate.
yet is it best reason,
to take it in season.
More often ye turne,
more pease ye out spurne.
yet winnow them in,
er carridg begin.
thy carrige plye,
while weather is drye.
Bid goouing clim,
goue iust & trim.
Laye pease vpon stack,
yf houel ye lack.
And couer it straight,
from doues that waight.
Let gleaners gleane,
the poore I meane.
Which euer ye sowe,
that first eat lowe.
The other forbare,
for rowen to spare.
Come home lord singing,
come cart, corne bringing.
Be mery in hall,
Let be [...]des wag all.
Once had thy desire,
paye workman his hire.
Let none be begilde,
man, woman nor childe.
Thank God so ye shall,
& adue for all.

August husbandrie. Chap. 43.

Thry fallow once endid, go stryke by & by,
both wheat land, & bareley, & so let it ly:
& as ye haue leysor, go compas the same:
when vp ye do laye it, more fertful to frame.
Get downe w t thy brakes, er an showers do com
that cattle the better, maye pasture haue som.
[Page]In Iune & in August, as well doth appere:
is best to mowe brakes, of al times in the yere.
Pare saffron, betwene the two S. Mary daies,
or set or go shift it, that knowest the waies.
What yere shall I do it, (more profit to yeld?)
the fowerth in garden, the third in the field,
In hauing but fortie foote, cunningly dight,
take saffron enough, for a lorde & a knight.
All winter time after, as practise doth teache:
what plot haue ye better, for linnen to bleache.
Corne haruest
Make suer of reapers, get haruest in hand,
the corne that is ripe, do but shed as it stand.
Be thankfull to God, for his benefits sent:
and willing to saue it, with earnest entent.
To let out thy haruest, by great or by daye,
let this by experience, leade thee awaye.
By great will deceiue thee, with lingring it out:
by day will dispatch, & put all out of dout.
Grant haruest lorde more, by a peny or two,
to call on his fellowes, the better to do.
Geue glooues to thy reapers, a larges to crye:
and dayly to loyterers, haue a good eye.
Good har­uest points.
Reape well, scatter not, gather cleane y t is shorne
binde fast, shock apace, haue an eye to thy corne.
Lode safe cary home, follow time being faire:
gone iust, in the barne it is out of dispaire.
Corne tythed (Sir parson) together go get,
and cause it on stocks, to be by & by set.
Not leauing it skattering, abrode on the ground:
nor long in the field, but away with it round.
To cart gap & barne, set a guide to looke weele,
and hoy out (sir carter) the hog fro the wheele.
Least gredy of feeding, in following cart:
it noyeth or perisheth, spight of thy hart.
The moweing of barley, if barley do stand,
is cheapest & best, for to ryd out a hand.
Mowing of bareley.
Some mowe it & rake it, & sets it on cocks:
some mowe it & bindes it, & sets it on shocks,
Of barley the longest, & grenest ye finde,
leaue standing by dalops, till time ye do binde.
Then earely in morning (while deawe is thereon)
to making of bands, till the deaw be all gon.
One spreadeth those bands, so in order to lye,
as barley (in swathes,) may fill it thereby.
which gathered vp, with the rake & the hand:
the follower after hym, bindeth in band.
Where barley is raked, (if dealing be true)
the tenth of such raeking, to person is due.
where scattring of barley, is seene to bee much:
ther custome nor consciēce, tyething should grutch.
Corne being had downe, any way ye alow,
should wither as nedeth, for burning in mow.
[Page]such skill aperteinith, to haruest mannes arte:
& taken in time, is a hus bandly parte.
No turning of peason, till carrige ye make,
nor turne in no more, then ye minde for to take.
least beaton with showers, so turned to drye:
by turning & tossing, they shed as they lye.
If weather be fayer, & tyedy thy graine,
make spedely carrige, for feare of a rayne.
for tempest & showers, deceiuith a meny:
& lingring lubbers, lose meany a peny.
In goeuing at haruest, learne skilfully how,
each graine for to laye, by it selfe on amow:
sede bareley the purist, goue out of the waye:
all other nigh hand, goue as iust as ye maye.
Stack pease vpon houel, abrode in the yarde,
to couer it quickly, let owner regarde.
least doue & the cadow, there finedinge a smack:
with stormy ill weather, do perish thy stack.
Corne carryd, let such as be poore go & gleane,
& after thy cattle, to mowthit vp cleane.
then spare it or rowen, till Mihel be past:
to lenghthen thy dayrie, no better thow hast.
In haruest time, haruest folk, seruants & all,
should make all to gyther, good there in thy hall,
& fill out the blackboll, of bleith to their song:
and let them be merye, all haruest time longe.
Once ended thy haruest, let none be begylde,
please such as did helpe thee, man, womā & chylde.
Thus doing, with all way, such help as they can:
thou, winnest the prayse, of the laboring man.
Now loke vp to Godward, let tong neuer cease
in thanking of him, for his mighty encrease.
Accept my good will, for a profe go & trye:
the better thou thriuest, the gladder am I.
A brief conclusion where yow maye see,

eache worde in the verse to begin with a T.

Cap. 44.

THe thriftie, that teacheth the thriuing to thriue.
Teach timely to trauerse, the th [...]g that thou triue.
Triue for contriue.
Transferring thy toyling, to timelines tought,
This teacheth thee tēprance, to tēper thy thought.
Take trustie (to trust to) that thinkest to thee,
Thee for thriue.
That trustelie thriftines, trowleth to the.
Then temper thy trauell, to tary the tyde,
This teacheth the thriftines, twenty times tryde.
Take thankfull thy talent, thank thanfully those,
That thriftely teacheth, thy time to transpose.
Troth, twise to thee teached, teach twenty times ten
This trade thou that takest, take thrift to the then.
Thomas Tusser.
Mans age deuided, here ye haue,

By prentiships, from birth to his graue.

Chap. 45.

7 The first vii. yeres, bring vp as a childe.
14 The next, to learninge, for wexing to wilde.
21 The next, kepe vnder sir hobber de hoye.
28 The next, a man, no longer a boye.
35 The next, let lusty, laye wysely to wiue.
42 The next, lay now or else neuer to thriue.
49 The next, make suer for terme of thy life.
56 The next, saue somwhat for children and wife.
63 The next, be staied geue ouer thy lust.
70 The next, think howerly whyther thow must.
77 The next, get chayer & crotchis to staye.
84 The next to heauen, god send the the awaye.
Who loosith their yewth,
shall rue it in age.
who hatith the trewth,
in sorrow shall rage.
A briefe declaration,

of mannes inclination.

Chap. 46.

The Ape, the Lyon, the Fox, the Asse:
Thus setts forthe man, as in a glasse.
Ape, Like Apes we be toyinge, till twenty & one.
Lyon, Then hastie as Lions, till xl be gone.
Fox, then wilye as Foxis, til xl. & three:
Asse, then after, for Asses accoumpted we be.
Who playes with his better, this lesson must knowe,
what humblenes, fox to the lyon doth owe.
for ape with his toyenge, & rudenes of asse:
brings (out of good hower) displeasure to passe.

¶Comparing good husbād, with vnthrift his brother the better decernith, the tone from the tother. Chap. 47.

IL husbandry braggeth,
to go with the best.
good husbandrye baggith:
vp golde in his chest.
Ill husbandry trudgeth,
with vnthriftes about.
[Page]good husbandry snudgith,
for feare of a dout.
Ill husbandrye spendith
abrode like a mome,
good husbandrye tendith,
his chargis at home.
Ill husbandrye sellith,
his corne on the grownde,
good husbandrye smellith
no gaine that waye fownde.
Ill husbandrye loesith
for lack of good fence,
good husbandrie cloesith,
& gainith the pence.
Ill husbandrye trustith
to him & to hur,
good husbandrye lustith
him selfe for to stur.
Ill husbandrye eatith
him selfe out a doore,
good husbandrye meatith,
him selfe & the poore.
Ill husbandrye dayeth
or lettith it lye,
good husbandrye payeth
the cheaper to buye.
Ill husbandrye lurkith,
& stealith a slepe,
good husbandry workith
his howsold to kepe.
Ill husbandrye leiuith
by that & by this,
good husbandrye geiuith
to ery man his.
Ill husbandrye taketh
& spendith vp all,
good husbandrye maketh
good shift with a small.
Ill husbandrye prayeth
his wife to make shift,
good husbandrye saieth
take this of my gift.
Ill husbandrye drowsith
at fortune so awke,
good husbandrye rowsith
him selfe, as a hawke.
Ill husbandrye lyeth
in prison for det,
good husbandrye spieth
where profet to get.
Ill husbandrye wayes
hath to frawde what he can,
[Page]Good husbandrie, prayse
hath of euerie man.
Ill husbandrie neuer
hath wealth to keepe touche,
good husbandrie euer.
hath peny in pouche.
Good husband his boone
or request hath a farr:
Ill husband, as soone
hath a tode with an R.

A Comparison betweene Champion & Seueral. Chap. 48.

THe countrey enclosed I prayse,
the tother delyteth not me,
For nothing the welth it doth rayse
to suche as inferior be.
Because of them both I do knowe:
I minde thereof somewhat to showe.
There, swineheard that kepeth the hog
there, neatheard with curre & his horne,
There, shepeheard with whistle & dog
be fence, to the meadowe and corne.
There, horse being tayed on a balke,
is ready with theefe for to walke.
where al thing in common doth rest,
corne fielde with the pasture and meade:
[Page 59]Though common ye do for the best,
yet what doth it stand ye in steade.
There commune as communers do,
as good else to cobble a shoo.
What layer much better then there?
or cheaper (thereon to do well)
What drudgery more any where,
lesse good thereof, where can ye tell?
what gotten by Sommer is seene:
that winter, there eateth vp cleene.
Example by Leycester shire,
what soile can be better then that,
For any thing hart can desire.
and yet doth it want ye see what,
Mast, couert, close pasture, & wood.
and other things needefull as good.
All thease doth enclosure bring,
experience teacheth no lesse,
I speake not to boast of the thing.
but onely a trothe to confesse.
Example (if doubt ye do make)
by Suffolk & Essex go take.
More plentie of Mutton & biefe,
corne, butter & cheese of the best,
More wealthe any where (to be briefe)
more people, more handsome & prest.
where finde ye? (go searche any coest,
than there, where enclosure is moest.
More worke, for the laboring man,
as well in the towne as the fielde.
Or thereof (deuise if ye can)
more profit, what countreis do yelde?
More seldome, where se ye the poore,
go begging from doore vnto doore.
In Norfolke, beholde the dispaire,
of tillage, to much to bee borne,
By droeuers from faier to faire:
and others destroying the corne.
By custome & couetous pates,
by gapps & by opeing of gates.
what speake I of commoners bye,
with drawing all after a lyne,
So noying the corne, as it lye,
with cattle, with sheepe & with swine.
when all is bestowed the cost,
looke halfe of the same to be lost.
The flocks, of the lordes of the soyle,
do yerely the winter corne wrong,
The same in a manner they spoyle.
with feeding so lowe & so long.
And therefore, that champion fielde:
doth seldome good winter corne yelde.
More profit is quieter found,
(where pastures in seuerall bee)
Of one silly acre of ground,
Then Champion maketh of three.
[Page 60]Againe what a ioy is it knowen,
when men may be bolde of their owne.
The tone, is commended for graine,
yet bread made of beanes they do eate:
The tother, for one loafe haue twaine,
of mastlin, of rye, or of wheate.
The Champion liueth full bare,
when woodland full merie doth fare.
Tone, geueth his corne in a darth,
to horse, sheepe & hog ery day,
The tother, geue cattel warme barth,
and feede them with strawe & with hay.
Corne spent of the tone, so in vaine,
the tother, doth sell to his gaine.
Tone, barefoore & ragged doth go,
and ready in winter to sterue,
when tother, ye see do not so,
but hath that is needefull to serue.
Tone, paine in a cottage cottage doth take,
whē tother, trim boowers do make.
Tone, layeth for turffe & for sedge,
and hath it with wonderfull suite,
when thother, in euery hedge,
hath plentie of fewell & fruite.
Euils twenty times worser then thease,
enclosure full quickly would ease.
In woodland the poore men y t haue,
scarce fully two acres of lande,
More merily liue, & do saue.
than tother, with twenty in hand,
yet pay they as much for the two,
as tother for twenty must do.
The laborer comming from thence,
in woodland to woorke any where,
(I warant you) goeth not hence,
to worke any more againe there.
If this same be true (as it is)
why gather they nothing of this?
The poore, at enclosing do grutch,
because of abuses that fall,
Least som mā should haue but to much,
and some againe nothing at all.
If order mought there in be founde,
what were to the seuerall grounde.
Thus endid husbandrie, here folowith huswifrie.
The pointes of huswifrie, vnited to the comfort of husbandrie, newely corrected & amplified with diuers good lessons for housholders to recreat the reader, as by the table at the end here of more plainely maye apere. Set forth by Thomas Tusser gentleman. 1573.
Man, minedid for to thryue,
must wisely lay to wiue,
what had may thereby fall:
here argued finde ye shall.

The dialog betweene two batchelers, of wiuing and thriuing by Affirmation and Obiection.

FRende, where we mette this other day,
We heard one make his mone and say,
Good Lorde, how might I thriue:
We heard an other answere him,
Then make the handsome trick & trym:
& laye in time to wiue.
And what of that, saye yow to me,
Do you your selfe thinke that to be?
The belt waye for to thryue:
If trouth were truely hulted out,
As touching thrift, I stand in doubt,
If men were best to wiue.
There is no doubt, for proue I can,
I haue but seldome seene that man,
which coulde the waye to thryuet
Vntill it was his happye lot,
To staye him selfe in some good plot:
& wisely then to wiue.
And I am of an other minde,
For by no reason can I finde,
Howe that waye I shoulde thriue:
For where as now I spende a penny,
I should not then be quit with menny,
In bondage for to wiue.
Not so, for now where thou doest spend
Of this & that, to no good ende,
which hindreth thee to thriue:
Such vaine expēsis thou shouldst saue,
and dayly then laye more to haue,
as others do that wiue.
why then do folke, this prouerbe putt,
the blacke oxe neare troade on thy foot,
If that waye were to thriue:
Here out a man may soone pike foorthe,
Feawe feeleth what, a pomp is woorth
Till suche time as they wi [...]e.
It may so chaunce as thou doste saye,
This lesson therefore beate a waye,
If thereby thow wilt thriue
Loke ere thow leape, see ere thou go,
It may be for thy profite so,
For the to laye to wiue.
[Page 62]
It is to muche wee dayly here,
To wiue and thriue both in a yere.
As touching now to thriue:
I know not here in what to spie,
But that there doth smal profite lye,
to fansie for to wiue.
In dede the first yeare oft is suche
That fondly somme bestoweth muche,
A lette to them to thriue:
Yet other moe, may soone be fownde▪
whiche getteth many a faire pownde▪
The same day that they wiue.
I graunte, some getteth more that daye
Than they can easely beare a waye:
Nowe nedes the [...] must they thriue:
what gaineth suche thinke you by that▪
A littel burdein you wote what,
through fondnes for to wiue.
Thou seemest blinde, us moe haue been
It is not beautie bringeth in,
The thinge to make the thriue:
In womankind, see that ye doo
Require of her, no gifte but two,
when ere ye minde to wiue.
But twoo saye you? I pray you than,
Sheaw those as briefely as you can,
If that may help [...] [...]o thriue:
I weene we must [...] anon,
Of those same [...]waine, to want the ton,
When ere wee chance to wiue.
Honestie & Huswiferie
An honest huswi [...]e, trust to mee,
bee those same [...]wayne I say to thee,
That helpe so muche to thriue:
As honestie [...] passeth [...],
so huswiferie [...],
do pleasure suche as [...].
The honestie for bothe I graunt,
Is one good point a wife should haunt.
To make her husbande thriue:
But now falsie wold I haue you showe,
How should a man good huswife knowe
If once he hap to wiue.
A huswife good betime [...],
And order things in comely wise.
Her minde is set to thriue:
Vpon her distaffe, shee will spin,
And with her needle shee will win,
If suche ye hap to wiue.
[Page 63]
It is not idle going about,
nor all day pricking on a clout
Can make a man to thriue:
If else there be none other winning,
but that the wife gets, by her spinning.
Small thrift it is to wiue.
Some more then this, yet do they shall,
Although thy stock be verie small.
yet will she help thee thriue:
Lay you to saue as well as shee,
and then yow shall enriched bee.
when such you hap to wiue.
If shee were mine, I tell thee trothe,
To muche to troubleher I were lothe,
For greedines to thriue:
Least some should talke, as is the speeche
y e good wiues husbād weares no breech,
If suche I hap to wiue.
What hurts it thee, what some do say,
If honestly she take the way
To help thee for to thriue:
For honestie will make her prest,
To do the thing that shall be best.
If such ye hap to wiue.
Why did Diogenes saye than,
To one that askt of him time whan,
were best to wiue to thriue:
Not yet (quod he) if thou be yong,
If thou wex olde, then holde thy tong,
It is to late to wiue.
Belike he knewe some shreawishe wife,
which with her husbād, made such strife,
That hindred him to thriue:
who then may blame him for that clause,
though thē he spake, as some had cause.
as touching for to wiue.
Why then I see, to take a shreawe,
(as seldome other there be feawe),
Is not the way to thriue:
So hard a thing I spie it is,
The good to chuse the shreawe to misse,
that feareth me to wiue.
She may in some thing, seeme a shreaw,
Yet suche a huswife as but feawe,
To helpe thee for to thriue:
This prouerbe, looke in minde ye kepe.
As good a shreawe is, as a sheepe,
for you to take to wiue.
[Page 64]
Nowe be she lambe or be she eawe,
Geue me the sheepe, take thou the shreaw
Se whiche of vs shall thriue:
If she be shreawishe thinke for trothe,
For all her thrift, I would be lothe,
to matche with suche to wiue.
Tusshe, farewell then I leaue you of,
Suche fooles as you, that loue to scof,
Shall seldome wiue to thriue:
Contrarie her as you do mee,
And then ye shall I warrant ye,
Repent ye, if ye wiue.
Frinde, let vs both geue iustly place,
To wedded man to iudge this case,
whiche best way is to thriue:
For both our talke, as seemeth plaine,
Is but as hapneth in our braine,
To will or not to wiue.
VVedded mans iudgement,

vpon the former argument.
AS Cock, that wants his mate,
goes rouing all about,
with croewing earely & late:
to finde his louer out:
[Page]And as poore seely hen
Longe wantinge Cock to guide,
soone droopes, & shortly then
beginnes to peake a side:
euen so it is with man & wife,
(where gouerment is sownde)
the want of thou, the tothers life
doth shortly soone confownde.
IN iest & in earnest, here argued ye finde,
that husband with huswife, in wedlock must dwell,
and therto the iudgement of weddid mans mynde
that husbandry otherwyse speedith not well.
soe, somwhat more now, I entend for to tell,
of huswifrie like as of husbandrie tolde:
how huswysly huswife, helps bringe in the golde.

[Page] The pointes of hus­wifrie, vnited to the comfort of hus­bandrie, newely corrected & amplified with diuers good lessons for housholders to re­creat the reader, as by the table at the end here of more plainely maye apere.

Set forth by Thomas Tusser gentleman. 1573.

To the right honorable and my espe­cial good Lady and Mistris the Lady Paget.

THough daūger he mickle
& fauour so fickle:
yet dutie doth tickle,
my fansie to wright:
concerning how prettie,
how fine & how nettie
good huswife should yettie
from morening to night.
Not mynedid by wrighting,
to kindle a spighting,
but sheaw by endighting,
as afterwarde tolde:
how husbandrye easith
so huswifrie pleasith,
& many purse greasith
with siluer & golde.
For husbandrye weepith
where huswifrie sleepith,
and hardly he creepith
vp ladder to thrift:
that wantith to bolde him
thriftes ladder to holde him
before it be tolde him,
be falles with out shifte.
Least meany shold feare me,
and others forsweareme,
of troth I do beare me
vpright as ye se:
ful mine did to loue all,
& not to reproue all,
but onely to moue all,
good huswifes to be.
For if I shold minde som,
or deskant behinde som,
& missing to finde som,
displease so I mought:
or if I should blend them,
& so to offend them,
what stir I should send them
I stand in a dout.
Though harmles I make it,
and some do wel take it,
if others forsake it
what pleasure were that:
naught else but to paine me.
& nothing to gaine me,
but make them disdaine me,
I wot ner for what.
Least som make a triall,
as clock by the dyall,
som stand to denyall,
som murmure & grudge:
geue iudgement I pray you,
for iustly so may you
so fansie so say you,
I make you my iudge.
In time, ye shall trye me,
by trouth, ye shall spie me,
so finde, so set by me,
according to skill:
how eauer tree growith
the fruit, the tree showith,
your ladiship knowith,
my hart and good will.
though fortune doth measure,
and I do lack treasure,
yet if I may pleasure
your honour with this:
then wil me to mend it,
or mend er ye send it,
or any where lend it,
if ought be amisse.
your Ladiships seruant Thomas Tusser.

The preface of the booke of Huswifrie.

TAke weapon awaye, of what force is a man?
take huswife from husbād, & what is he than?
As louers desireth to gether to dwell,
so husbandry loueth, good huswifrie well.
Though husbandry semeth, to bring in y e gaines
yet huswiferie labours, seeme equal in paines.
Some respit to husbāds, the weather maye send
but huswiues affaires, hath neuer none ende.

¶As true as thy faith, Thus huswifrie saith.

I Serue for a day, for a weeke for a yeare,
for life time, for euer, while man dwelleth here.
The praise of huswifry
For richer, for porer, from North to the South.
for honest, for hardhed, or daintie of mouth.
For wed, and vnwedded, in sicknes and health,
for all that well liueth, in good common wealth.
For Citie, for countrey, for Court and for cart,
to quiet the head, and to cōfort the hart.

A description of huswife and Huswiferye.

OF huswife, doth huswiferie challenge y e name,
of Huswiferie, huswife doth likewise the same.
where husband & Husbandry, ioyneth with thease,
there welthines gotten, is holden with ease.
The name of a Huswife, what is it to say?
the wife of the house, to the husband a stay.
If huswife doth that, as belongeth to hir:
if husband be wittye, there needeth no stir.
The Huswife is shee, that to labour doth fall,
the labour of her, I do huswiferie call.
If thrift by that labour, be saued or got:
then is it good huswiferie, else is it not.
The woman, the name of a Huswife doth win,
by keeping her house, and of doings therein.
And shee that with husband, will quietly dwell:
must think on this lesson, and follow it well.

Enstructions to Huswiferie.

¶Serue God is the furst,
True loue is not wurst.
A Dayly good lesson, of huswife in deede,
is God to remember, the better to speede.
Another good lesson, of huswiferie thought,
is huswife with husband, to lieue as she ought.
¶Wife comely no griefe,
Man out, huswife chiefe.
Though tricksy to see to, be gallant to wiue,
yet comely & wise, is the huswife to thriue.
When husband is absent, let huswife be chiefe,
and looke to their labour, that eateth her biefe.
¶Both out, not alow,
Keepe house, huswife thow.
Where husband & huswife, be both out of place,
there seruants do loyter, and reason their case.
The huswife so named (of keping the house)
must tend on her profit, as cat on the mouse.
¶Seeke home for rest,
For home is best.
As huswiues keepe home, & be stirrers about,
so speedeth their winnings, the yere thorough out.
though home be but homly, yet huswif is taught
that home hath no fellow, to such as haue aught.
¶Vse all with skill,
aske what ye will.
Good vsage with knowledge, & quiet with all,
Makes huswife to shine, as the sun on the wall.
what husband refuseth, all comely to haue,
that hath a good huswife, al willing to saue.
¶Be ready at neede,
all thine to feede.
The case of god huswiues, thus daily doth stād,
what euer shall chaunce, to be ready at hand.
This care hath a huswife all daye in her hed,
that all thing in season be huswifely fed.
¶By practise go muse,
how howshold to vse.
Dame practise is she, that to huswife must tell,
which waye for to gouerne, her family well.
Vse labourers gently, keepe this as a lawe,
make childe to be ciuill, keepe seruant in awe.
¶who carelesse do leiue,
occasion do geiue.
Haue euery where, a respect to thy wayes,
that none of thy life, any siaunder may raise.
what many do knowe, though a time it be hid,
at length wil abrode, when a mischiefe shal bid.
¶No neighbour reproue,
do so, to haue loue.
the loue of thy neighbour, shal stād thee in stede,
the poorer, the gladder, to helpe at a nede.
Vse frēdly thy neighbour, else trust him in this
as he hath thy frendship, so trust vnto his.
¶Strike nothing vnknowen.
take hid to thine owne.
Reuenge not thy wrath, vpon any mans beast,
least thine be like malice, be bid to like feast.
what husband prouideth, w t money his drudge,
y t huswife must loke to, which waye it doth trudge.

A Digression.

NOw out of the matter, this lesson I add,
cōcerning cock croweing, what profet is had
experience teathith, as true as a clock:
how winter nightes passith, by marking the cock.
Cock croweith at midnight, times feaw aboue six,
w t pause to his neighbour, to answer betwix,
at three a clock thicker, & then as ye knowe:
like all in to mattens, nere day they do crowe.
At midnight, at three, & an hower ere daye,
they vtter their language, as wel as they maye.
which who so regardith, what counsell they geue.
will better loue croweing, as longe as they leue.
For beinge frayde,
take hid good mayde:
Marke crowing of cock
for feare of your dock,
At mid­night.
¶The first cock croweith,
Howe, dame it is midnight what rumbling is that
The next cock showeith.
Take hide to false harlots, & more ye wot what.
If noyse ye do heare.
loke all thing be cleare.
Least drabbs do noy the.
and theues destroy the.
At iii. a clok
¶The first cock croweith,
Maydes three a clock, kned, lay your bucks, or go brewe,
The next cock showith.
And cobble & botch, ye that cannot buy newe.
Both mayden and man,
Mend now what ye can.
Leaue gibber gabber,
mend slibber slabber.
At y e breake of daye.
¶The first cock croweith,
Past fiue a clock, holla: mayde sleeping beware,
The next cock showeith,
Least quickly your mystris, vncouer your bare.
Mayde vp I beseche you,
Least mystris do breche you.
To worke and away,
As fast as ye may.
Now listen good huswiues, what huswifrie here,

set out for a daye, as it should for a yere.
¶No sooner some vp,
But nose is in cup.
GEt vp in the morening, as soone as thow wilt,
with ouer long slugging, good seruant is spilt.
Some slouens from sleeping, no sooner be vp,
But hand is in aumbrie, & nose in the cup.
¶That earely is donne,
Counte huswifely wonne.
Som works in y e morning, may trimly be donne
that all the day after, can hardly be wonne.
Good husband without, is it nedefull there be?
good huswife within, is as nedefull as he.
Cast dust into yarde,
& spin and go carde.
Slutts corners auoidid, shall further thy helth,
much time about triefles, shall hinder thy welth.
Set some to peele hemp, or else resshis to twine,
to spin & to carde, or to seething of brine.
¶Grinde malt for drinke,
see meat do not stinke.
Set som about cattle, some pasture to vewe,
Some, malt to be grineding, against ye do brewe.
Some, corneth, som brineth, som wil not betaught
where meate is atainetid, ther cookery is naught.
[Page] ¶To breakfast that come,
geue erye one some.
Call seruants to breakfast, by day star appere,
a snatch & to worke fellowes, tarry not here.
Let huswife be caruer, see pottage be heate,
a messe to eache one, with a morsell of meate.
¶No more tittle tattle,
Go serue your cattle.
what tack in a pudding, sayes gredy gut wrīger
geue such ye wot what, er a pudding he finger.
Let seruant once serued, thy cattle go serue,
least often it seruing, make cattle to sterue.
¶Learne you that will thee,
How deintie some bee.
No breakfast of custome, prouide for to saue,
but onely for suche, as deserueth to haue.
No shewing to seruant, what vitailes in store,
sheaw seruant his labour, & sheaw him no more.
¶Of hauock beware,
Cat nothing will spare.
Where all thing is cōmon, what nedeth a hutch
where wanteth a sauer, there hauock is much.
Where windowe is open, cat maketh a fray,
yet wilde cat with two legs, is wurse by my fay.
[Page 70] ¶Looke well vnto thine,
Slut slothfull, must whine.
An eye in a corner who vseth to haue,
reuealeth a drab, & preuenteth a knaue.
Make maide to be clenly, or make her cry creake
and teach her to stir, when her mistris doth speake
¶Let holly wand threate,
Let fysgyg be beate.
A wand in thy hand, though ye fight not all,
make youth to their businesse, better to fall.
For feare of foole had I wist, cause the to waile
let fysgig be taught, to shut doore after tayle.
¶To easy the wicket,
VVill still a peace clicket.
with her that will clicket, make danger to cope,
least quickly her wicket, seeme easy to ope.
As rod little mendeth, where maners be spilt,
so naught will be naught, say & do what thou wilt.
¶Fight seldome ye shall,
But vse not to brall.
Much brauling w t seruant, what man can abide
pay home whē thou fightest, but loue not to chide.
As order is heauenly, where quiet is had,
so error is hell, or a mischiefe as bad.
[Page] ¶What better a lawe,
Then subiect in awe.
Such awe as a warning, will cause to beware
doth make the whole houshold, the better to fare.
The lesse of thy counsell, thy seruants do knowe
their duetie the better, suche seruantes shall showe.
¶Good musicke regarde,
Good seruant rewarde.
Such seruants are oftenest, painfull & good,
that sing in their labour, as birdes in the wood.
Good seruāts hope iustly, some frēdship to feele
and loke to haue fauour, what time they do weele.
¶By once or twise,
Tis good to be wise.
Take runnagate Robbin, to pittie his neede,
and looke to be filched, as true as thy Creede.
Take warning by once, that a wurse do not hap
foresight is the stopper, of many a gap.
¶Some change for a shift,
Oft change, small thrift.
Make feaw of thy councell, to change for y e best,
least one that is trudging, infecteth the rest.
The stone that is roweling, cā gather no Mosse,
for master & seruant, oft chaunging is losse.
[Page 71] ¶Both liberall sticketh,
Some, prouender pricketh.
One Dog for a Hog, & one Cat for a Mouse,
one ready to geeue, is inough in a house.
One gift ill accepted, keepe next in thy purse,
whom prouender pricketh, are often the wurse.
¶Brewe somewhat for thine,
else keepe no swine.
Where brewing is needefull,
be brewer thy selfe
what filleth the roofe, will helpe furnish the shelfe.
In buying of drink, by the firkin or pot,
score quickly aryseth, hog profiteth not.
¶Well brewed, worth cost.
Ill vsed, halfe lost.
One busshel wel brewed, outlasteth som twaine
two troubles for nothing, is cost to no gaine.
To newe is no profite, to stale is as bad,
drink dead or else sower, makes laborer sad.
¶Remember good Gyll,
Take paine with thy swyll.
seith grains in more water, while graines be yet hot
and stir thē in copper, as porredge in pot.
Such heating w t straw,
Seithing of graines.
to haue offal good store
both pleaseth & easeth, what would ye haue more.
[Page] ¶Newe bread is a dreuill,
Muche crust is as euill.
New bread is a waester, but mouldy is wurse,
what dog catcheth that way, that loseth the purse.
Much dowbake I praise not, much crust is as il
the meane is the huswife, say nay if ye will.
¶Good cookery craueth,
Good turne broche saueth.
Good cooke to dresse dinner, to bake & to brew,
deserues a rewarde, being honest & true.
Good diligent turne brotche, & trusty with all,
is sometime as needefull, as some in the hall.
Good dayrie, doth pleasure,
Ill dayrie, spends treasure.
Good huswife in dayry, that nedes not be tolde,
deserueth her fee, to be payde her in golde.
Ill seruant neglecting, what huswiferie sayes,
deserueth her fee, to be payde her in bayes.
Though droy be worth muche,
Marke slutts & suche.
Good droy to serue hog, to help wash & to milk,
more needeful is truely, then some in their silk.
Though homely be milker, let clenly be cooke,
for slutt & a slouen, be knowen by their looke.
[Page 72] ¶In dairy no catt,
Lay bane for a ratt.
though cat (a good mouser) doth wel in a house
yet euer in dairy, haue trap for a mouse.
Take hede how thou layest, the bane for y e ratts
for poysoning seruant, thy self & thy bratts.
¶No scouring for pride,
Spare kottle whole syde.
though scouring be nedeful, yet scourīg to much
is pride without profit, & robbeth thine huch.
Keepe kettles frō knocks, & set tubs out of sūne,
for mending is costly, & crackt is soone dunne.
¶Take heede when ye wash,
Else runne in the lash.
Maides wash wel & wrīg wel, but beat ye wot how,
if any lack beating, I feare it be yow.
In washing by hand, haue an eye to thy boll,
for Launders & Millers, be quick of their toll.
¶Drye Sunne & drie winde,
Safe binde & safe finde.
Go wash wel sayth Sōmer, w t Sūne I shal dry
go wring wel sayth winter, with winde so shall I.
To trust without heede, is to venter a ioint,
geue tale & take count, is a Huswifely point.
[Page] ¶where meany be packing,
are meany things lacking.
whē hēnes fal a cackling, take hide to their nest,
when drabbes fall a whistring, take hid to the rest.
what husband refuseth, things comely to haue
that hath a good huswife, so willing to saue.
¶Ill malting is theft.
wood dride hath a weft.
Howse may be so handsome, & skilfulnes such,
to make thy owne malt, it shall profet the much.
some drieth with straw, & some drieth w t woode
woode asketh more charge, & yet nothing so good.
¶Take hid to the kell,
sing out as a bell.
Be suer no chances, to fyer can drawe,
the wood or the furzen, the brake or the strawe.
Let gillet be singing, it doth very well,
to kepe her fro sleeping & burning the kell.
¶Best dride, best spedes,
ill kept, bowd bredes.
Malt being well speerid, the more it will cast,
malt being well dryed, the longer will last.
Long kept in ill soller (vndoubted thow shalt,)
through bowds w tout nūber, lose quickly thy malt
[Page 73] ¶For hunger or thirst,
dresse cattell wel first.
By Noone se your dinner be ready & neate,
let meate tarry seruant, not seruant his meate.
Plough cattle a bayting, cal seruant to dinner:
the thicker, so much be the charges the thinner.
¶Togither is best,
for hostis and gest.
Dew season is best, altogether is gay,
dispatch hath no fellow, make short and away.
Beware of Gill laggose, disordring thy house,
moe dainties who catcheth, thā craftie fed Mouse?
¶Let such haue inough,
that folow the plough.
Geue seruant no dainties, but geue him inough
to many chappes walking, do begger the plough.
Poore seggōs half sterned, work faintly & dull:
and lubbers do loyter their bellies to full.
¶Geue neuer to much.
to lubbers and such.
Feede lazie, that thresheth a flap & a tap,
like slouthfull, thal all day be stopping a gap.
Some litherly lubber, more eateth then two,
yet leaueth vndone, that a stranger will doe.
[Page] ¶Where nothing will last,
Spare suche as thou hast.
some cutteth thy linnē, some spilleth their broth,
bare table to some, doth as well as a cloth.
Treene dishes be homely, & yet not to lack,
where stone is no laster, take tankard & iack.
¶Knap boy on the thumbs,
And saue him his crumbs.
That pewter is neuer, for manerly feast,
that dayly doth serue, an vnmanerly beast.
Som gnaweth & leueth, sōe crusts & som crūbs
eat such ther own leuīgs, or gnaw their own thūbs
¶Serue God euer furst,
Take nothing at wurst.
At Dinner, at Supper, at Morning, at night,
geue thankes vnto God, for his gifts in thy sight.
Good husband & huswife, wil sometime alone,
make shift with a morsell, & suppe with a bone.
¶Enough thou art tolde,
To muche will not holde.
Three dishes wel dressed, & welcome with all,
both pleaseth thy frende, & becommeth thine hall.
Enough is a plenty, to muche is a pride,
the plough with ill holding, goes often asyde.
[Page 74] ¶Make company breake,
Go cherishe the weake.
When Dinner is ended, set seruants to worke,
Afternoone workes.
and follow such marchants, as loueth to lurke.
To seruant in sicknes, see nothing ye grutch,
a thing of a trifle, shall comfort him mutch.
¶Who many do feede,
Saue muche they had neede.
Put chippings in dippings, vse parings to saue
fat Capons or chickins, that lookest to haue.
Saue drippīgs & skimmings, how euer ye doo
for medcine, for cattle, for cart, & for shoo.
¶Leane Capon, vnmeete,
Deare fedde is vnsweete.
Such of corne as cōmeth, geue wife to her fee,
feede willingly such, as do help to feede thee.
Though fat fed is daintie, of this I thee warne
be cunning in fatting, for robbing thy barne.
¶Peece hole to defend,
Things timely amend.
good semesters be soewing of fine prety knacks
goed huswiues be mēding, & peecing their sacks.
Though making & mēding, be huswifly waies
yet mending in time, is the huswife to praise.
[Page] ¶Buy newe as is meete,
Mark blanket & sheete.
Though Ladies may rend, & buy new ery day,
good huswiues must mēd, & buy new as they may.
Call quarterly seruants, to court & to leete,
write euery Couerlet, Blanket & sheete.
¶Shift slouenly elfe,
Be gayler thy selfe.
Though shifting to oft, be a thiefe in a house,
yet shift slut & slouen, for feare of a louse.
Graūt doubtful no key, of his chāber in purse,
least chamber doore lockt, be to thiefery a nurse.
¶Saue feathers for gest,
Thease other rob chest.
Saue wing for a thressher, when Gāder doth dye,
saue feather of all thing, the softer to lye.
Much spice is a thiefe, so is candle and fyer,
swete sause is as craftie, as euer was fryer.
¶Wife make thy owne candle,
Spare, peny to handle.
Prouide for thy tallow, ere frost commeth in,
and make thine owne Candle, ere winter begin.
If peny for all thing, be suffred to trudge,
trust long not to peny, to haue him thy drudge.
[Page 75] ¶Time drawing to night,
See all thing go right.
whē hēnes go to roost,
Euening workes.
go in hād to dresse meat
serue hogs & to milking, & some to serue neat.
Where twaine be inough, be not serued w t three
more knaues in a company, worser they bee.
¶Make lacky to trudge,
Make seruant thy drudge.
For euery trifle, leaue iauncing thy Nagg,
but rather make lacky, of Iack boy thy wagg.
Make seruant at night, lug in wood or a log,
let none come in emptie, but slutt & thy dog.
¶False knaue ready prest,
All safe is the best.
Where pullein vse nightly, to pearch in y e yard
there two legged Foxes, kepe watches & ward.
See cattle well serued, without & within,
and all thing at quiet, ere supper begin.
¶Take heede is nedefull,
True pitie is medefull.
No clothes in gardein, no trinkets without,
no doore leaue vnboulted, for feare of a doubt.
Thou woman whō pity, becommeth the best,
graunt all that hath laboured, time to take rest.
[Page] ¶Vse mirth & good woord,
At bed & at boorde.
Supper time.
Prouide for thy husbād, to make hi good there
make mery together, while time ye be here.
At bed and at borde, how soeuer be fall,
what euer God sendeth, be mery withall.
¶No brawlings make,
No ielousie take.
No taūts before seruāts, for hindring thy fame
no iarring too loude, for auoiding of shame,
As fransy & heresy roueth togyther,
so ielousie leadeth, a foole ye wot whyther.
¶Tend such as ye haue,
Stop talkatiue knaue.
Yong childrē & chickins, would euer be eating
good seruants loke duely, for gentle entreating.
No seruant at table, vse saussy to talke.
least tong set at large, out of measure do walke.
¶No snatching at all,
Sirs harken now all.
No lurching, no snatching, no striuing at all,
least one go without, and another haue all.
After sup­per woorks
Declare after Supper, take heede thereunto,
what worke in the morning, eche seruant shall do.
[Page 76] ¶Thy soule hath a clog,
forget not thy dog.
Remēber those childrē, whose parents be poore
which hunger, yet dare not to craue at thy doore.
Thy bādog that serueth, for diuers mishappes,
forget not to geue him, thy bones and thy scrappes.
¶Make keyes to be kepers,
To bed ye sleepers.
Where mouthes be many, to spend y t thou hast
set keyes to be kepers, for spending to fast.
To bed after supper, let drousie go sleepe,
least knaue in the darke, to his marrow do creepe.
¶Kepe keyes as thy life.
feare candle good wife.
Such keyes lay vp safe, ere ye take ye to rest,
of dayry, of buttrye, of cupborde an chest.
Feare candle in hay loft, in Barne & in Shed,
feare flea smock, & mēd breech, for burning their bed
¶See dore lockt faste,
two keyes make waste.
A dore without lock is a baight for a knaue,
a lock without key, is a foole that will haue.
One key to two locks, if it breake is a greife,
two keyes to one locke in the ende is a theife.
[Page] ¶Night workes trouble hed,
Lock doores & to bed.
The day willeth done, what so euer ye bid,
the night is a thiefe, if ye take not good hid.
wash disshes, lay leauens, saue fyer & away,
lock doores & to bed, a good huswife will say.
Bed time.
¶To bed knowe thy guise,
To rise so do likewise.
In winter at nine, & in Sommer at tenne,
to bed after Supper, both maydens & menne.
time to rise
In winter at fiue a clock, seruant arise,
in Sommer at fower, is euer the guise.
¶Loue so, as ye may,
Lieue many a day.
Be lowly not soollen, if aught go amisse,
what wresting may lose thee, that win with a kisse.
Both beare & forbeare, now & then as ye may,
then wenche God a mercy, thy husband will say.

The plowmans feasting daies.

¶This would not be slept.
Olde guise must be kept.
Feasting daies.
GOod huswiues whō God, hath ēriched enough
forget not the feasts, that belong to the plough.
The meaning is onely, to ioy & be glad,
for comfort with labour, is fit to be had.
[Page 77]¶Plough Munday.2
Plough Munday,
at Twelf­tide.
next after y e Twelftide is past
bids out w t the plough, the wurst husband is last.
If ploughman get hatchet, or whip to the skreene,
maydes loseth their Cocke, if no water be seene.
At shroftide to shrouing, go thresh the fat Henne,
At Shrof­tide.
if blindefilde can kill her, then geue it thy menne.
Maides fritters & pancakes, inough see ye make.
let slut haue one pancake, for company sake.
¶Sheepe shearing.4
wyfe make vs a dinner, spare flesh neither corne,
At Midso­mer.
make wafers & cakes, for our shepe must be shorne.
At shepe shearing neighbors, no other thing craue:
but good cheare & welcom, like neighbors to haue.
¶The wake day.5
Fil ouen ful of Flawns, Ginney pas not for slepe,
The wake daye.
to morow thy father, his wake day will kepe.
Then euery wanton, may dawnce at her will,
both Tomkin with Tomlin, & Iankin with Gill.
¶Haruest home.6
For all this good feasting, yet art thou not loose
till ploughmā thou geuest, his haruest home goose.
In August.
Though goose go in stubble, I passe not for that,
let goose haue a goose be shee leaue be shee fat.
[Page]¶Seede cake.7
At Hallon­tyde.
Wife sōtime this weeke, if y e weather hold cleare
an ende of wheat soweing, we make for this yeare
Remember you therefore, though I do it not:
the seede Cake, the Pasties, & Furmenty pot.
¶Twise a weeke roest.8
Twyse a weke roest.
good Ploughmē loke wekely, of custome & right
for roestmeat on Sūdaies, & Thursdaies at night
Thus doing & keping, such custome and guise?
they call thee good huswife, they loue the likewise.

The good Huswifelye Phisicke.

GGod huswiues prouide, ere an sicknes do come,
of sūdry good things, in her house to haue some.
Good Aqua composita, Vineger tart,
Rose water & Treacle, to comfort the hart.
Colde herbes in her gardein, for Agues that burne
that ouer strong heat, to good temper may turne.
whight Endiue & Suckrye, w t Spinage inough,
al such w t good pot herbes, should follow y e plough▪
Get water of Fumetory, Lyuer to coole,
and others the like, or els go like a foole.
Conserue of the Barbery, Quinces & such,
with Sirops that easeth, the sickly so much.
Ask Medicus councel, ere medeen ye make,
and honour that man, for necessities sake.
Though thousāds hate phisick, because of the cost,
yet thousands it helpeth, that else should be lost.
[Page 78]Good broth & good keping,
Good dyet.
doth much now & than
good diet with wisedome, best comforteth man.
In health to be sturring, shall profit thee best,
in sicknes hate trouble, seeke quiet & rest.
Thinck on thy soule. Haue a good hope.
Remember thy soule, let no fansy preuaile,
make ready to Godward, let faith neuer quaile.
The sooner thy selfe, thou submittest to God,
the sooner he ceaseth, to scourge with his rod.

The good motherly Nurserye.

Good huswiues take paine, & do coūt it good luck
to make ther own brest, their own child to giue suk
Though wrauling & rocking, be noysome so nere,
yet lost by ill nursing, is worser to here.
But one thing I warne the, let huswife be nurse,
least husband doth find the, to frank w t his purse.
What hilbacke & fill belly, maketh away,
that help to make good, or else looke for a fray.
Geue childe that is fitly, geue baby the big,
geue hardnes to youth, & geue roperipe a twig.
we finde it not spoken, so often for naught,
that children were better, vnborne than vntaught
Som cockneis with coekig, are made very fooles,
fit neither for prentice, for plough nor for schooles.
Teach child to ask blessing, serue God & to church,
then blesse as a mother: else blesse him with burch.
Thou huswife thus doing, what further shal nede,
but al men to call thee, good mother in dede.

¶Thinke on the poore.

REmember the poore, y t for Gods sake do call,
for God both rewardeth, & blesseth with all.
Take this in good part, what soeuer thou be,
and wish me no wurse, then I wishe vnto the.
For men a perfect warning,
what childe shall come by learning.
AL you that faine would learne, y e perfect way,
to haue your childe, in musik some thing seene
aske Nature first, what thereto she doth say.
ere further sute, ye make to such a Queene.
For doubtlesse (Grossum caput) is not he,
of whom the learned Muses, seene will be.
Once tried that nature, trim hath done her part,
and Lady Musicke, farre in loue withall:
Be wise who first, doth teach thy childe that art,
least homely breaker, marre fine ambling Ball.
Not rod in madbraines hand, is that can helpe,
but gentle skill, doth make the proper whelpe.
where choise is harde, count good for well a fine,
skill mixt with will, is he that teacheth best,
Let this suffise▪ for teaching childe of thine:
chuse quickly well, for all the lingering rest.
Mistaught at first, how seldome proueth well?
trim taught (O God) how shortly doth excell?
[Page 79]Although as shippes, must tarry winde & tide,
and perfect howers, abide their stinted time,
So likewise, though of learning (dayly tride)
space must be had, ere wilte may there to clime:
Yet easy steps, and perfect way to trust,
doth cause good speede, confesse of force we must.
Thus in the childe, though wit inough we finde,
and teacher good, neare han [...], or other where:
And time as apt, as may be thought with minde,
nor cause, in such thing, much to doubt or feare:
Yet coeking Māms, & shifting Dads frō schooles,
make pregnant wittes, to proue vnlearned fooles.
Ere learning come, to haue first art thou taught,
apt learning childe, apt time that thing to frame,
Apt cunning man to teache, else all is naught,
apt parents glad, to bring to passe the same.
On such apt ground, the Musks loue to builde,
this lesson learne: adewe else learned childe.

A Sonet to the Lady Paget.

SOme pleasures take,
and can not geue,
but onely make,
poore thanks their shift:
Some meaning well,
in det do leue,
and cannot tell,
How else to shift.
Some knock & faine,
would ope the doore,
to learne the vaine,
good turne to prayse:
Some shew good face,
and be but poore,
yet haue a grace,
good fame to rayse.
Some owe and geue,
yet still in det,
and so muste leiue,
for ought I knowe:
Some wishe to pay,
and cannot get,
but night and day,
still more must owe.
Euen so must I, for pleasures past
still wish you good, while life doth last

A Comparison betweene good Huswiferie & euill.

Comparing together, good Huswifery & bad,
The knowledge of eyther, the better is bad.
ILl huswiferie lyeth,
till nine of the clocke,
good huswiferie tryeth,
to rise with the Cocke.
Ill huswiferie tooteth,
to make her selfe braue,
good huswiferie looketh,
what houshold must haue.
Ill huswifery trusteth,
to him & to hir,
good huswiferie lusteth,
her selfe for to stir.
Ill huswiferie careth,
for this not for that,
good huswiferie spareth,
for feare ye wot what.
Ill huswiferie pricketh,
her selfe vp in pride,
good huswiferie tricketh,
her house as a bride.
Ill huswiferie o thing,
or other must craue,
good huswiferie nothing,
but nedefull will haue.
Ill huswiferie moueth,
with gossep to spend,
good huswiferie loueth,
her houshold to tend.
Ill huswiferie wanteth,
with spending to fast,
good huswiferie scanteth,
the lenger to last.
Ill huswiferie easeth,
her selfe with vnknowne,
good huswiferie pleaseth,
her selfe with her owne.
Ill huswiferie brooketh,
mad toies in her hed,
good huswiferie looketh,
that al thing be fed.
Ill huswiferie bringeth,
a shilling to naught,
good huswiferie singeth,
her cofers full fraught.
Ill huswiferie rendeth,
and casteth asyde,
[Page 81]good huswiferie mendeth,
else would it go wide.
Ill huswiferie swepeth,
her linnen to gage,
good huswiferie kepeth,
to serue her in age.
Ill huswiferie craueth,
in secret to borow,
good huswiferie saueth,
to day for to morow.
Ill huswiferie pineth,
(not hauing to eate)
good huswiferie dineth,
with plentie of meate.
Ill huswiferie letteth,
the deiuell take all,
good huswiferie setteth,
good brag of a small.
Good huswif good fame hath
of best in the towne,
ill huswife ill name hath,
of euery Clowne.

The description of womans age by .vi times xiiii. yeres prentiship, with a lesson to the same.

14 Two first vij̄. yeres, for a rodd they do whine,
28 Two next, as a Perle, in the world they do shine
42 Two next, trim beauty beginneth to swerue,
56 Two next, for matrons, or drudge is they serue,
70 Two next doth craue, a staffe for a staye:
84 Two next, a beere, to fetche them awaye.
A Lesson.
Then purchas some pelfe,
by fyftye & [...]h [...]e [...]:
Or buckle thy selfe,
a drudge for to bee.

Husbandly Poesies for the hall.

Frend here I dwell, and here I haue, a little worldly pelfe:
which on my frend, I kepe to spend, as well as on my selfe.
What euer fare you had to finde, take welcome for the best:
that hauing then, disdaine thou not, for wanting of the rest.
Bacbyting talke, y e flattering blabs, know wily how to blēge
the wise doth note, the frende doth hate, the enmye will reuenge.
The wise will spēd, or geue & lend, yet kepe to haue in store,
if fooles may haue, from hand to mouth, they pas vpon no more
Where ease is sought, at lēgth we see there plenty waxeth scāt
who carelesse liue, go borow must, or else full often want.
The world doth think, y t wealthy mā, is he that least shall nede
but true it is the godly man, is he that best shall spede.

Poesies for the Parler.

AS hatred, is the serpents noysome rod,
so frendship, is the louing gift of God.
The dronken frend, is frendship very euill▪
the frantike frend, is frendship for the Deuill.
The quiet frend, al one in worde & dede,
Great comfort is, like ready golde at neede.
With brauling fooles, that wrall for euery wrōg
firme frendship, neuer can continue long.
In time that man, shall seldome frendship misse,
that wayeth what thing, touch kept in frendship is.
Oft times a frend, is got with easie cost,
which vsed euill, is oft as quickly lost.
Hast thou a frend, as hart may wish at will?
then vse him so, to haue his frendship still.
Wouldest haue a frend? wouldst know what frend is best?
haue God thy frende, who passeth al the rest.

Posies for the gests Chamber.

THe slouen & the carelesse man, the roynish nothing nice,
to lodge in chamber comly deckt, are seldome suffred twice.
With curteine some make scaberd clene, w t couerlet their shoe
all dirt & mire, some wallow bed, as spanels vse to doe.
though bootes & spurs be nere so foule, what passeth som therō
what place they foile, what thing they teare, by tūbling therupō.
Foule male some cast on faier borde, be carpet nere so cleene,
what maners carelesse master hath, by knaue his man is seene.
Some make the Chimney chamber pot, to smel like filthy sink
yet who so bolde, so soone to say, fough how these howses stink.
They therfore such, as make no force, what clēly thīg they spill
must haue a kabben like them selues, although against their will
But gentlemen, wil gently do where gentlenesse is sheawd,
obseruing this, with loue abide, or else hence al be shreawd.

Posies for thine owne bed Chamber.

WHat wisedō more, what better life, thā pleaseth God to sēd
what worldly goods, what lōger vse, thā pleseth god to lēd
What better fare, then wel cōtent, what mirth to godly welth
what better gest then trusty frend, in sicknes & in helth.
What better bed, then quiet rest, to passe the night with sleepe,
what better worke, then dayly care, fro sinne thy selfe to keepe.
What better thought, then think on God, & daily him to serue
what better gift, than to the poore, that ready be to sterue?
What greater praise of God and man, than hatred to forsake,
what mercylesse, shall mercy get, that mercy none will take.
What worse dispaire, than loth to die, for feare to go to Hell,
what greter faith, thā trust in god, through christ in heuē to dwel

Certaine table lessons.

FRende, eateles or drinkles, & buy the a knife,
else looke for a caruer, not alwaye to rife,
Some kniueles, their daggers for brauery weare,
that often for surfeting, nede not to feare.
At dinner & supper, the table doth craue,
good felowly neighbour, good maner to haue,
aduise the well therfore, er tong be to free,
or slapsauce be noted, to sawcy to be.
If eany thing wantith or seemith amisse,
to call for or shew it, good maner it is.
But busye fawt fynder, & sawcye withall:
is roister like ruffen, no maner attall.
Some cuttith the napkin, some trencher wil nick
som sheawith like folly, in meany a trick.
Let apishly bodye, so toying at meate:
goe toy with his nody, with ape in the streate.
Some cōmeth vnsent for, not for thy good there
but bent as a spyall, to lysten & here.
which being once knowne, for a knaue let him go,
for knaue wilbe knauish, his nature is so.

¶Table lessons for wayting seruants.

ONe diligent seruiture, skilfull to wayght.
more comelyth thy table, then other some eight,
That stand for to listen, or gasing about:
not minding their duetie, within nor without.
Such wayter is fauty, that standeth so bye,
vnmindefull of seruice, forgetting his eye.
If master to such, geue a bone for to gnawe:
he doth but his office, to teach such a dawe.
Such seruiture also, deserueth a check,
that runneth out fisking, with meat in his beck.
Such rauening puttocks, for vitels so trim:
would haue a good master, to puttock with him·
Who dayly can suffer, or else can afoord,
his meat so vp snatched, that comes from his boord
So toesed with carmarants, here & there some:
and others to want it, that orderly come?
Good seruiture wayeth, (once dinner begonne,)
what asketh attendance & what to be donne.
So purchasing master, a prayse with the best:
gets prayse to him selfe, both of master & gest.

Principall pointes of Religion.

  • 1 TO pray to God continually,
  • 2 To learne to know him rightfully
  • 3 To honour God in Trinitie,
    • The Trinitie in vnitie,
    • The Father in his Maiestie,
    • The Sonne in his humanitie,
    • The Holy Ghostes benignitie, three personnes one in Deitie,
  • 4 To serue him alway holily,
  • 5 To aske him all thing nedefully,
  • 6 To prayse him alway worthely,
  • 7 To loue him alway stedfastly,
  • 8 To dread him alway fearefully,
  • 9 To aske him mercy hartely,
  • 10 To trust him alway faithfully,
  • 11 To obey him alway willingly,
  • 12 To abide him alway paciently,
  • 13 To thank him alway thankfully,
  • 14 To liue here alway vertuosly,
  • 15 To vse thy neighbour honestly,
  • 16 To looke for death still presently,
  • 17 To helpe the poore in misery,
  • 18 To hope for heauens felicitye,
  • 19 To haue faith, hope, & charitie,
  • 20 To count this life but vanitie: be pointes of Christianitie.

The Auctors beliefe.

God the fa­ther.
THis is my stedfast Creede, my fayth & all my trust,
That in the heauēs, there is a God, most mighty, mild & iust.
A God aboue all Gods, a king aboue all kynges,
The lorde of lordes, chief gouernor, of heauen & earthly things.
Maker of heauen
That power hath of life, of death, of heauen & hell,
That all thing made (as pleaseth him) so wonderfull to tell.
That made the hanging Skies, so deckt with diuers lightes,
of darknes made the cherefull daies, & all our restfull nightes.
The earth.
That clad this earth with herbe, with trees of sundry fruites,
with beast, w t bird, both wilde & fame, of strange & sundry fruites,
That intermixt the same, with mynes (like veines of Ore),
of siluer, golde, or precious stones, & treasures many more.
That ioyned brookes to Dales, to hills fresh water springs,
with Ryuers sweete, along the Meades, to profit many things.
That made the hoary Frostes, the flaky Snowes so trim,
the hony Deaws, the blustring windes, to serue as pleaseth him.
The Seas.
That made the surging Seas, in course to ebbe & floe,
That skilfull man, with sayling shippe, mought trauel to & froe.
And stored so the same, for mannes vnthankfull sake,
that euery nation vnder heauen, mought thereby profit take.
That gaue to man a soule, with reason how to lieue,
That doth to him, & althing else, his blessing dayly geeue.
That is not seene yet seeth, how man doth runne his race,
whose dayly works, both good & bad stād known before his face
That sendeth thundring clapps, like terrors out of hell,
That mā may know, a God ther is, y t in the heauens doth dwel.
That sendeth threatning plagues, to kepe our lieues in awe,
His benefites if we forget, or do contempne his lawe.
That dayly hateth sinne, that loueth vertue well,
And is the God of Abraham, Isacke & Israell.
That doth displeasure take, when we his lawes offend,
And yet amyds his heauy wrath, his mercy doth extend.
This, is that Lorde of hostes, the father of vs all,
the maker of what ere was made, my God on whom I call.
Which for the loue of man, sent downe his onely Sonne,
Begot of him before the worldes were any whit begonne.
This, entred Maries wombe, as faith affirmeth sure,
Christes birth. Christ God & man.
conceyued by the Holy Ghost, borne of that virgin pure.
This, was both God & man, of Iewes the hoped king,
and liued here, saue onely sinne, like man in euery thing.
This, is that virgins childe, that same most holy Priest,
Christ our Messias
the lamb of God, y e Prophet great, whom scripture calleth christ.
This, that Messias was, of whom the Prophet spake,
that should tread down y e Serpents hed, & our attonemēt make.
This, Iudas did betray, to false dissembling Iewes,
Christes passion.
Which vnto Pilate being Iudge, did falsly him accuse.
Who (through that wicked Iudge) and of those Iewes despight
condempned & tormented was, with all the force they might.
To liuing wight more euill, what could such wretches do?
more pearcing woūds, more bitter pains, thā they did put hī to.
They crowned him with thorne, that was the king of kings,
that sought to saue the soule of man, aboue all worldly things.
This, was the Pascall lambe, whose loue for vs so stoode,
Christes death.
that on the mount of Caluerine, did shed for vs his blood.
Where [...]anging on the Cresse, no shame he did forsake,
till death geuen him, by pearcing speare, an end of life did make.
This, Ioseph seing dead, the body thence did craue,
and tooke it foorthwith from the Crosse, & layd it in his graue.
Christes buriall.
His descen­tion.
Downe thence he went to hell, in vsing there his will,
his soule I meane, his slayned corps, in Tombe remainyng still.
His resur­rection. His Ascen­tion
From death to life againe, the thirde day this did rise,
and seene on earth to his elect, times oft in sundry wise.
And after into heauen, ascende he did in sight,
and sitteth on the right hand there, of God the father of might.
Where for vs wretches all, his father he doth pray,
to haue respect vnto his death, and put our sinnes away,
Christ shall be our iudge
From thence w t sounded trump, which noyse all flesh shal dread,
he shall returne with glory againe, to iudge the quick & dead.
Then shall that voice be heard, come come ye good to mee,
hence hence to hell you workers euill, where paine shal euer bee.
This is that louing Christ, which I my Sauiour call,
and onely put my trust in him, & in none else at all.
God the Holy ghost
In God the holy Ghost, I firmely do beleue,
which from the father & the Sonne proceding, life doth geue.
Which by the Prophets spake, which doth all comfort send,
whiche I do trust, shall be my guide, when this my life shal end.
The Catholike churche
A holy catholik Church on earth I graunt there is,
& those which frame their liues by that, shall neuer spede amisse.
The head whereof is Christ, his word the chiefest post:
preseruer of this Temple great, is God the holy Ghost.
The cōmu­nion of Saints
I do not doubt there is, a multitude of Saintes,
more good is don, resembling thē, then shewing thē our plaints.
Their faith and works in Christ, that glory them did geue:
which glory we shall likewise haue, if likewise we do lieue.
forgeuenes of sinnes
At God of heauen there is, forgiuenes of our sinnes,
through Christs death, through faith in it, & through none other ginnes.
Yf we repentant here, his mercy dayly craue:
through stedfast hope & faith in Christ, forgeuenes we shall haue
I hope & trust vpon, the rising of the fleshe,
this corps of mine (that furst must dye) shall rise againe afreshe.
Mans re­surrection
The bodye & soule euen then, in one shall ioyned be:
as Christ did rise, frō death to life, euē so through Christ shal we
As Christ is glorified, & neuer more shall dye,
as Christ ascended is to heauen, through Christ euen so shall I.
Life euer­lasting.
As Christ I count my hed, & I a member of his,
so God I trust, for Christes sake, shall settle me in blisse,
THus here we learne of God, that there be persons three,
the Father, Sonne, the holy Ghost, one God in trinitie.
In substance all like one, one God, one lord, one might,
whose persons yet we do deuide, & so we may by right.
As God the father is, the maker of vs all,
so God the Sonne redemer is, to whom for helpe we call,
And God the holy Ghost, the soule of man doth winne,
by mouing her to waile for grace, ashamed of her sinne.
This is that God of Gods, whom euery soule should loue,
whō al mēs hearts, should quake for feare, his wrath on them to moue
That this same mightie God, aboue al other chiefe:
shall saue my soule, from dolefull Hell, is all my whole beliefe.

Of the omnipotentie of God, and debilitie of man.

O God thou glorious God, what God is like to the.
what life, what strength, is like to thine, as al y e world may see▪
Thy heauens, thine earth, thy Seas, & al thy workes therein,
do shew (to whō thou wouldest to know) what y u hast euer ben:
But all the thoughts of man, are bent to wretched euil,
man doth commit Idolatry, bewitched of the Deuill.
What euill is left vndone, where man may haue his will:
man euer was an hipocrite, & euer will be still.
What dayly watch is made, the soule of man to slea,
What these 4. principall deuels do signifie.
by Lucifer, by Belsabub, Mammon, & Asmode.
In diuelish pride, in wratch, in coueting too much,
in fleshly lust the time is spent, the life of man is such.
The ioy that here he hath, is as a sparke of fier,
his acts be like, the smoldring smoke, him selfe but dirt & mier:
His strength euen as a Reede, his age much like the flower,
his breath or life is but a puffe, vncertein euery hower.
But for the holy Ghost, & for his giftes of grace,
the death of Christ, thy mercy great, man were in wofull case.
O graunt vs therefore lorde, to amend that is amisse,
& when from hence, we do depart, to rest with thee in blisse.

Eleemosina prodest homini in vita, in morte & post mortem.

FOr onely loue to God, more Christian like to leue,
Of almes deedes.
and for a zeale, to help the poore, thine allmes dayly geue.
Let gift no glorie looke, nor euell possesse thy minde:
and for a trothe, thease profets thre, through almes shalt y u finde.
First, here the holy Ghost, shall dayly through his grace,
Prouoke thee to repentant life, Gods mercy to embrace.
Of goods & frends (by death) when thou thy leaue must take
thine almes dedes, shall clasp thy soule, & neauer it for sake.
When God shall (after death) call soone for thine account,
Thine almes then, (through faith in Christ) shal al thīg els sur­mount
But yet for any deede, put thou no trust therein,
But put thy trust in God (through Christ) to pardon thee thy sin.
For else as cacklyng Henne, with noyse bewrayes her nest,
Euen so go thou & blase thy deedes, & lose thou all the rest.

Malus homo.

Of naughty man I reade, two sundry things are ment,
The tone is mā, the tother naught, which ought him to repēt
The man we ought to loue, because of muche therein,
the euill in him, we ought to hate, because it is a sin.
So doth thy dayly sinnes, thy heauenly lorde offend:
but when thou dost, repent the same, his wrath is at an end.

Of two sortes of men, tone good, and tother bad.

¶Synce first the world began, there was & shalbe still,
Of humaine kinde; two sundry sortes, thone good, & thother ill.
which till the Iudgement day, shal here to gether dwell,
But then the good shall vp to heauen, the bad shal down to hell

Diabolo cum resistitur, est vt formica, Cū vero eius suggestio recipitur, fortis est vt Leo

¶When Satan we resist, a Pysmer shall he be,
But when we seeme, to geue him place, a Lyon then is he.

The description of an enuious & naughty neighbour.

AN enuious neighbour is easy to fynde,
His combersome tetches, are seldom behinde.
His hatred procureth, from naughty to wurse
His frendship, like Judas, that carrid y e purse
His head as a storehouse, with quarels full fraught.
His braine, is vnquyet, till all come to naught.
His memory preignant, olde euils to recyte,
His minde euer fyred, each euel to requyte.
His mouth full of venym, his lypps out of frame.
His tong a false witnesse, his frend to defame.
His eyes be promoters, some trespas to spye,
His eares be as spyalls, a larum to crye.
His hands be as tyrants, reuengyng each thing,
His feete at thine elbow, as Serpent to sting.
His brest full of rancor, like Coprus to freat,
His hart, like a Lion, his neighbour to eat.
His gate like a sheepebyter, flearing asyde,
His looke like a coxcomb, vp puffed with pryde.
His face made of brasse, like a vice in a game,
His iesture like Dauus, whom Terence doth name
His brag as Thersytes, with elbowes abrode,
His cheekes in his fury, shall swell like a Tode.
His culler like ashes, his cap in his eyes,
His noese in the ayer, his snout in the skyes.
His promis to trust to, as slipper as Ise.
His credyt much like, to the chance of the dyce.
His knowledge or skill, is in praeting so muche,
His company shonned, & so be all suche.
His frendship is counterfet, seldome to trust,
His doings vnlucky, & euer vniust.
His fetch is to flatter, to get what he can,
His purpose once gotten, a pynne for the than.
Fortuna non est semper amica,

Superbiam igitur semper deuita.
Though Fortune smiles, & fawnes vpon thy side
Thy selfe ertoll for that, no whitt the more,
Though fortune frownes, & wresteth al thing wide:
Let fansy stay, keepe courage still in store.
For chance may change, as chance hath done before.
Thus shall thou holde, more safe thine honour gott,
Or lose the lesse, though Fortune will or not.
Thy frende at this, shall dayly pleasure haue,
whē warely thus, thou bearest thy self vpright,
Thy foes at thys, shall gladly frendship craue.
When hope so small is left, to wreck their spight,
For lowely life withstandeth enuy quight.
As floetyng Shyp, by bearing sayle alowe:
Withstādeth storms, whē boistrous winds do blow.
Thyne vsage thus, in time shall win the gole,
though doubtful haps, dame Fortune sēds betwene
And thou shalt see, thine enmyes blowe the cole:
To ease thine hart, much more thē thou dost weene,
Yea though a chāge, moste strangely shold be seene.
Yet frend at nede, shall secret frendship make,
When foe in dede, shall want, his parte to take.

Of thauthors departing from court to the Countrey.

MVse not my freende, to finde me bore
Contented with, this poore estate,
And seme to do, with willing chere,
That courtier doth, so deadly hate:
For fortunes looke,
Hath changed hewe,
And I my booke,
must learne a newe.
And yet of force, to learne a new
Would much abash, the dulled brayne,
I craue to iudge, if this be true,
the truant child, that knowth the paine,
But where a spight,
Of force must be,
What is that wight,
may disagree.
No, no, god wot, to disagree,
Is ventring all to make or marre,
If fortune frowne, we daily see,
It is not best, to striue to farre.
For lordly bent,
Must learne to spare,
And be content
With country fare.
From daintie court, to countrey fare.
To daintly fed, is diet strange,
From cities ioy, so countrey care,
to skilles folke, is homely change.
[Page 89]Where nede yet can,
none other skill,
somtime poore man
must breake his will.
If courtly change, so breaketh will,
that countrey life, must serue the turne,
what profite then, in striuing still,
against the prick to seme to spurne.
If court with cart,
must be content:
what ease to hart,
though mynd repent.
What gayne I, though I do repent.
my crotches al, are broke and gone,
My woonted friendes, are careles bent,
they feare no chance, I chance vpon.
As nede doth make
olde age to trot,
So must I take,
in worth my lot.
Now, if I take in worth my lot,
that fatall chance doth force me to,
If ye be friendes, embraid me not,
but vse a friend, as friendes should do.
Behold the horse
must trudge for pelse:
And yet of force
content it selfe.

The Auctours life.

NOwe gentle freende, yf thou be keende,
Disdaine thou not, although the lot,
will nowe with me, no better be,
Then doth apers:
Nor let it greue, that thus I leiue,
But rather gesse, for quietnes,
As others do, so do I to,
Content me here.
By leaue & loue, of God aboue,
I minde to sheawe, in versis feawe,
How through y e breers, my yeuthful yeres,
haue ronne their race:
And furder saye, why thus I staye,
& minde to leiue, as bee in heiue,
Full bent to spend, my life to anend,
in this same place.
Borne at Ryuenhall in Essex
Yf came to pas, that borne I was,
Of linnage good, of gentle blood,
In Essex layer, in village fayer,
that Riuenhall hight:
Which village lide, by bancktre side,
There spend did I, mine infancy,
There then my name, in honest same,
remainde in sight.
I, yet but yonge, no speche of tonge,
Nor teares withall, that often fall,
Fro mothers eyes, when childe out cryes,
to part her fro:
Could pyttie make, good father take,
Set to song schoole.
But out I must, to songe be thrust,
Saye what I woulde, do what I coulde,
his mynde was so.
O paineful time, for euery crime,
Queristers Mysery.
What toesed eares, like bayted beares,
What bobbed lipps, what Ierks, what nipps,
what hellish toyes:
What roebes how bare, what colledge fare,
What bread how stale, what peany ale,
Then Wallingford, how wart thow aborde,
Walling­ford college
of seely boyes.
Then for my voyce, I must (no choyce)
Awaye of force, like poesting horse,
For sundry men, had plagards then,
Singyng mens com­missions.
such childe to take:
The better brest, the lesser rest,
To serue the Queere, now there now here,
For time so spent, I maye repent.
and sorrowe make.
But marke the chance, my selfe to vance,
By freendships lot, to Powels I got,
So fownde I grace, a certeyn space,
stil to remayne:
With Redford there, the like no where,
Ihon Red­ford an ex­cellent mu­sition.
For cunning such, & vertue muche,
By whom some parte, of Musick arte,
so did I gaine.
From Powels I went, to Aeton sent,
To learne straight wayes, the Latine phrayes,
Where fyfty three, strippes geuen to me,
at once I had:
For fawt but small, or none at all,
yt cam to pas, thus beat I was,
Se Wdall se, the mercy of the,
Nicholas Vdal schole master at Eton.
to me poore lad.
Trinitye hall in Cā ­bridge.
To London hence, to Camebridge thence,
With thanks to thee, o Trinitee,
That to thy hall, so passing all
I got at last:
There ioy I felt, there trim I dwelt,
There heauen from hell, I shifted well,
With learned men, a number then,
The tyme I past.
Long sycknes had, then was I glad,
To leaue my booke, to proue & looke,
In Court what gaine, by takyng payne,
Mought well be founde:
Lord Paget good to his seruants.
Lorde Paget than, that Noeble man,
Whose soule I trust, is with the iust,
That same was he, enrycked me,
With many a pounde.
Whyle this betyed, good parents dyed,
One after one, till both were gone,
Whose petygree, who lyst may see,
The Hope we haue of the dead
The Harrolds booke:
Whose soules in blysse, be long er thys,
For hope we must, as God is iust,
So here that craue, shall mercy haue,
That mercy looke.
The bytes of y e Court.
By Court I spyed, & ten yeres tryed,
That cardes & dyce, with Venus vyce,
And peuish pride, frō vertue wyde,
With some so wraught:
That Tyburne playe, made them awaye,
Or beggers state, as euill to hate,
By such like euills, I sawe such dreuils,
To come to naught.
Yet is it not, to be forgot,
In Court that some, to worship come,
The Court commendid
And some in time, to honour clime,
And speede full well:
Some haue such gift, that trym they shift,
Some profit make, by paynes they take,
In perill much, though oft are such,
In Court that dwell.
whē Court gan frown,
The nobili­tie at vari­ance.
& strife in town
And lordes & knights, sawe heauy sights,
Then tooke I wife, & led my life,
In Suffolke soyle:
There was I fayne, my selfe to trayne,
To learne to long, the fermours song,
For hope of pelfe, lyke wordly else,
To moyle & toyle.
As in this booke, who lyst to looke,
Of husbandrye, and huswiferye,
There maye he finde, more of my minde,
Concerning this:
To carpe & care, & euer bare,
with losse & payne, to lyttle gayne,
All this to haue, to cram sir knaue,
What life it is.
whē wife cold not, through sycknes got,
more toyle abyde, so nigh Sea syde,
Then thought I best, from toyle to rest,
And Ipswich trye:
A Towne of price, lyke paradyse,
For quiet then, & honest men,
There was I glad, much frendship had,
A tyme to lye.
There left good wife, this present life,
And there left I, house charges lye,
For glad was he, mought send for me,
Good luck so stoode:
In Suffolke there, were euery where,
Euen of the best, besydes the rest,
That neuer dyd, their frendship hyd,
To do me good.
Suffolke cōmendid
O Suffolke thow, content the now,
That hadst the prayse, in those same daies,
For Squyers & knyghtes, that wel delyghts.
Good house to keepe:
For Norfolke wyles, so full of guyles,
Haue caught my toe, by wyuing so.
That out to thee, I see for mee,
No way to creepe.
Mistres A­my Moone.
For lo, through guile, what happs y e while,
Through Venus toyes, in hope of ioyes,
I chanced soone, to fynde a moone,
of cherefull hew:
Which well a fyne, me thought did shyne,
Did neuer change (a thing most strange)
yet kept in sight, her course aright,
And compas trew.
The char­ges folowīg a yōg wife.
Beholde of trueth, with wife in youth,
For ioy at large, what dayly charge,
Through childrens happ, what opened gapp,
To more begonne:
The childe at nurse, to robb the purse,
The same to wedd, to trouble hed,
For pleasure rare, such endles care,
Hath husband wonne.
Then did I dwell, In Dyrram sell,
West Dyr­ram Abbey.
A place for wood, that trymly stood,
With flesh & sishe, as hart would wish,
But when I spyed:
That lorde with lorde, coulde not acorde,
But now pounde be, & now pounde we,
Then left I all, because suche brall,
I lyst not byde.
O Soothwell what, meanst thou by that.
sir Richard Soothwell a good hous­keper.
Thou worthy wight, thou famous Knight,
So me to craue, & to thy graue,
Go by & by:
O death thou for, why dydst thou so,
Vngently treat, that Jewell great,
Which dept his doore, to riche & poore,
So bounteously.
There thus bestad, when leaue I had,
By death of him, to sink or swim,
And Rauens I sawe, together drawe,
In such a sorte:
Then wayes I sought, by wisdome tought,
To beare lowe sayle, least stock should quayle,
Till ship mought finde, with prosperous winde
Some safer porre.
At length by velve, to shore I drewe,
Norwich Cyty.
Discharging straight, both ship & fraight,
At Norwich fyne, for me & mine,
A Citty trym:
Where straungers well, may seeme to dwell,
That pytch & pay, or keepe their day,
But who that want, shall fynde it scant,
So good for hym.
Master Salibury deane of Norwich
But Saliberye how, were kept my bowe,
If prayse from the, were kept by me,
Thou gentle deane, my onely meane,
there then to leiue:
Though churles such somme, to craue can come
And praye once got, regard the not,
yet leiue or dye, so will not I,
example geiue.
When learned men, could there nor then,
Deuise to aswage, the stoeny rage,
Nor yet the furie of my dissurie,
that long I had:
From Norwich ayer, in great dispayer,
Away to flye, or else to dye,
To seeke more helth, to seeke more weith,
Then was I glad.
Fayersted personage in Essex.
From thence so sent, away I went,
With sicknes worne, as one forlorne,
To house my bed, at Faiersted,
Where whiles I dwelt:
The tyething life, the tyething strife,
Through tyething ill, of Iack & Gyll,
The dayly payes, the myery wayes,
To long I felt.
When charges grewe, still new & newe,
And that I spied, if person died,
(All hope in vayne) to hope for gayne,
I might go daunce:
Once [...]yo my hand, of personage land,
Thence by & by, away went I,
To London straight, to hope & waight,
For better chance.
Well London well, that bearst the bell,
London cō ­mendid
Of praise about, England through out,
And dost in deede, to suche as neede,
Muche kindnes sheaw:
Who that with thee, can hardly agree,
Nor can well praise, thy frendly wayes,
Shall frendship finde, to please his minde,
In places sheaw.
As for such mates, as learning hates,
Or he or they, as go so gey,
That needes he must, take all of trust,
For him & his:
Though such for wo, by Lothberye go,
For being spide, about Cheapeside,
Least Mercers bookes, for money lookes,
Small matter it is.
¶Thus frendes by me, perceiue may ye,
A lesson for yonger bro­thers
That Gentry standes, not all by landes,
Nor all so fest, or plenty left,
By parents gift:
But now & then, of gentle men,
The yonger sonne, is dreuen to ronne,
And glad to seeke, from creeke to creeke,
To come by thrift.
And more by this, to conster is,
In world is set, enough to get,
But where & whan, that scarsly can,
The wisest toll:
By learning some, to riches come,
By shypp & plough, some get inough,
And some so wiue, that trim they thriue,
And spede full well.
Hardnes in youth not y e worst.
To this before, add one thing more,
Youth hardnes tought, w c knowledge wrought
Moste apt do proue, to shift & shoue,
Among the best:
Coeking of youth not y e best.
Where coeking Dads, make sawey lads,
In youth so rage, to begg in age,
Or else to fetch, a Tyburne stretch,
Among the rest.
Not pryde in youth, but welth ī age nedeful
Not rampishe toys, of gyrle or boye,
Nor garment trym, of hir or hym,
In childehode spent, to fond entent,
Good end doth frame:
If marke we shall, the somme of all,
The end it is, that noted is,
Which if it hide, with vertue tride,
deserueth fame.
Man doth labor & god doth blesse
When all is donne, learne this my sonne,
Not frend nor skyll, nor wyt at wyll,
Nor shyp nor clod, but onely God,
Doth all in all,
Man taketh payne, God geueth gayne,
Man doth his best, God doth the rest,
Man well entends, God foyzen sends,
Else want he shall.
Some seeke for welth, I seeke my helth,
Some seeke to please, I seeke myne ease,
Some seeke to saue, I seeke to haue,
To liue vpright:
More then to ryde, with pompe or pryde,
Or for to set, in others det,
Such is my skill, & shalbe still,
For any wight.
To fond weare I, here thus to lye,
vnles that welth, mought furder helth.
and profet some, should thereby come,
to help withall:
This causeth me, wel pleased be,
such drift to make, such life to take,
on for singe minde, remorse to finde,
as nede, nede shall.
Frende (al thing wayed, that here is sayed,
and beinge got, that payes the shot)
me thinke of right, haue leaue I might,
death drawinge nere:
To seke some wayes, my god to prayes,
and mercye craue, in time to haue,
and for the rest, what he thinks best,
to suffer here.

Faultes escaped in the printinge.

Folio 17. figure 45, for (go harrowe) reade to harrow. fol. 19. fig. 47. for (lope) reade ope. fo. 22. fig. 14. for (whip) read wisp. fo. 24. fi. 12. for (garne) read garnar, fo. 25. fig. 4. for (nurtrith) rede nurtith. fo. eod. fig. 10. for (sull) read full. fo. 26. fig. 12. for (to harbenden) reade to drye habberden. fo. cod. fig. 14. for (for) reade fro. fo. 27. lin. vlt for (tume) read tune. fo. 30. fig. 6. for (bremlile read bremble fo. 31. fig. 34. for (for) read large. fo 38. fig. 34. for (not all) read not atall fo. 39. fig. 11. for (dittany) reade Bittanye, and Dittany or garden gynger, should stande among philīck herbes. fol. eodem. fig. 16. leaue out harts tonge fo. 46 pag. 1. lin. 5. for (tus) read thus fo. 7 pag. 1. li. 16. for (Crystmas) reade crowtchinas, fo. 49. fig. 32. for (pure) read poore fo. 55. fig. 9 for stocks) read shocks. fo. eo fig. [...]1. for (there) reade there. fo. 57. pa. 1. lui. 7. for (xl) reade lx.

The table to the booke of Huswifery▪

  • A Dialog betwene two Bachelers of wiuing & thry­uing. fol. 61.
  • The Epistle to the Lady Page: fol. 69
  • The preface fol. 66
  • The praise of Huswifery. eodem
  • A description of huswife & huswifery eodem
  • Enstructions of huswifery fol. 67
  • A Digression of cockcroweing fol. 68
  • The points of huswifery fol. 69
  • The Plowmans feasting daies fol. 76
  • The good huswifely phisick fol. 77
  • The good motherly nursery fol. 78
  • A warning to be good to the poore eodem
  • By what way children may attain to musick eodem
  • A Sonet to the Lady Paget fol. 79
  • A Comparison betwene good huswifery & euill fol. 80
  • The description of womans age by .vi. times xiiij. yeares prentiships with a lesson to the same fol. 81
  • Husbandly posies for the hall eodem
  • Posies for the parler fol. 82
  • Posies for the gests chamber eodem
  • Posies for thine owne bed chamber eodem
  • Certaine table lessons fol. 83
  • Table lessons for wayting seruants eodem
  • Principall points of Religion fol. 84
  • The Auctors beliefe eodem
  • Of the omnipotency of God fol. 86
  • A Sonet of almes deedes eodem
  • A Sonet of Malus homo fol. 87
  • Of two sortes of men, thone good & thother bad eodem
  • Of the power & weaknes of the Deuill eodem
  • The description of an enuious & naughty neighbor. eodem
  • A Sonet of the vnconstancy of Fortune fol. 88
  • Of the Authors departing from court to the countrey. eod
  • The Authors life fol. 89

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