A hundreth good pointes of Husbandry, lately maried vnto a Hundreth good poynts of Huswifery: newly corrected and amplified with dyuers proper lessons for Housholders, as by the table at the latter ende, more plainly may appeare: Set foorth by Thomas Tusser Gentle man, seruant to the right honorable Lorde Paget of Beudesert.

In aedibus Richardi Tottylli Cum priuilegio. Anno. 1570.

The Preface.WHat loo …

The Preface.

WHat lookest thou here for to haue?
Trim verses, thy fansie to please?
Of Surry (so famous) that craue,
Looke nothing but rudenesse in these.
VVhat other thing lookest thou then?
Graue sentences herein to finde?
Such Chaucer hath twentie and ten,
Ye thousandes to pleasure thy minde.
VVhat looke ye, I pray you? shewe what,
Tearmes painted with rethorike fine?
Of makers of Englishe looke that,
But neuer in me nor in mine.
VVhat lookest thou then at the last?
Good lessons for thee and thy wyfe?
Then kepe them in memorie fast,
From youth, to the last of thy lyfe.
VVhat looke ye for more in my booke?
Things nedefull in tyme for to come?
Else misse I of that I do looke,
If pleasant thou findest not some.

The commodities of husbandrie.

Let house haue to fill her,
Let land haue a tiller.
No dweller, what good doth the house for to stande?
What profite vnhabited, bringeth the land?
No labour, no meate,
No host, dye in streate.
No husbandry vsed how soone shall we sterue?
House keping neglected, what comfort to serue?
Ill father no gift,
No knowledge, no thrift.
The father an vnthrift, what hope to the sonne?
The ruler vnskilfull, howe quickly vndone?
As true as thy fayth,
Thus husbandry saith.
The praise of husban­drie.
I Seme but a drudge, yet I passe any king,
To such as can vse mee great wealth I do bring.
Since Adam first liued, I neuer did dye,
When Noe was a sea man there also was I.
The earth is my store house, the sea my fisheponde:
What they haue to pleasure with, is in my hand.
what hath any life, but I helpe to preserue,
What thing without me, but is ready to sterue?
In Woodland, or Champion, Citie or towne,
If I be long absent, what falleth not downe?
If I be long present, what goodnesse can want,
Though thinges at my cōming, were neuer so scant.
Of such as do loue me (what neede to recite)
(Ye though of the poorest) whō make I not knight.
Great Kinges I do succour, else wrong it would go:
The King of all kinges hath appointed it so.

To the right honorable and my speciall good Lorde and maister the Lorde Paget of Beudesert.

T TIme trieth the truth in euery thing,
H How euer man doth blase his mynde:
O Of woorkes, which best may profite bring.
M Men apt to iudge be often blinde.
A As therefore truth in time doth craue:
S So let this booke iust fauour haue.
T Take you my Lorde, and Master than,
V Vnlesse mischaunce mischaunceth me:
S Such homely gift of me your man,
S Since more in court I may not be.
A And let your prayse wonne heretofore,
R Remaine abrode for euermore.
M My seruing you, thus vnderstand,
A And God his helpe, and yours withall,
D Did cause good luck to take mine hande
E Erecting one most like to fall.
M My seruing you I know it was,
E. Enforced this to come to passe.
Since being once at Cambrige taught,
Of Court tenne yeres I made assay.
No musike then was left vnsought,
Such care I had to serue that way.
My ioy gan slacke, then made I chaunge,
Expulsed mirth, for musike straunge.
My musike since hath bene the plough,
Entangled with some care among,
The gaine not great, the paine inough,
Hath made me sing another song,
Which song if well I may auow,
No man I craue to iudge but you.
Your seruant Thomas Tussar.

To the Reader.

I Haue bene prayde
to shewe mine ayde,
in taking payne
not for the gaine,
but for good will
to shewe such skill
as shewe I coulde:
That husbandry
with huswifery
(as Cocke and Hen
to Country men)
all straungnesse gone
might ioyne in one
as louers should.
I trust both this
perfourmed is,
and how that here
if shall appere,
that I by prouse
to thy behouse
haue brought to passe?
That such as wiue,
and fayne would thriue,
may here be taught
almost for naught,
to iudge and spye
of husbandrye
as in a glasse.
What should I gayne,
to shewe in vayne
my losses past,
that ran more fast,
than running streame,
from reame to reame,
that fleeth so swift:
For that I coulde
not get for golde
to teach me howe,
as this do you,
so playne a way
from day to day
to come by thrift
What is a grote
(or twaine) to note,
once in thy lyfe
for man and wife,
to saue a pounde
in house and grounde
eche other weeke?
VVhat more for vvelth?
vvhat more for health?
vvhat nedeth lesse,
runne Iacke helpe Besse,
to stay amisse
thou hauing this
not for to seeke.
I doe not craue
more thanks to haue,
than gyuen to me,
al redy be:
but this is all
that such as shall
peruse this booke:
That for my sake
they gently take
vvhat ere they finde
against their minde,
vvhen he or she
shall minded be
thereon to looke.

The description of Husbandrie.

OF husband doth husbandrie challēge that name,
of husbandrie husband doth likewise the same.
Where huswife and huswiferie ioineth with these,
there weith in aboundaunce is gotten with ease.
The name of a husband, what is it to say?
of wife and of houshold the bande and the staye.
Some husbandly thriueth that neuer had wyfe,
yet scarce a good husband in goodnesse of lyfe.
The husband is he that to labour doth fall,
the labour of him I do husbandrie call.
If thrift by that labour be any way caught,
then is it good husbandrie, else is it naught.
So housholde and housholdrie I do define,
for folke and the goodes that in house be of thine.
Houskeping to them as a refuge is set,
which like as it is, so report it doth get.
Thus housholde and huswiferie louers must bee,
with husband and huswife: yea further we see,
Housekeping and husbandrie (if they be good)
must loue one another as cosins in bloud.

The Ladder to thrift.

TO take thy calling thankfully,
To shunne the path to beggery.
To grudge in youth no drudgerie,
To come by penny luckely.
To get more to it wittily.
To kepe thy gettings couertly.
To spende at first but nigardly,
To lay for age continually.
To hearke to profite earnestly,
To currey fauell willingly.
To get good plot to occupie,
To store and vse it husbandly.
To get good wyfe for company,
To liue in wedlock honestly.
To store thy house with housholdrie,
To make prouision thriftilie.
To ioyne to wyfe good family,
To kepe no more but nedefully.
To gouerne houshold skilfully,
To suffer none liue ydely.
To courage wife in huswifery,
To vse well doers gentely.
To buy and sell with pollicie,
To meddle not with pylferie.
To kepe thy touch substancially,
To make thy bondes aduisedly.
To vse thy neighbour neighbourly,
To vse no frende deceitfully.
To take good heede of suretie,
To loue to liue at libertie.
To hate to liue vnthriftylye,
To stop thy mouth fro periurie.
To winne thy foe by honestye,
To vndermine his subtiltie.
To aunswer straunger curteously,
To kepe thy doings secretly.
To do thy doings orderly,
To play the subiect subiectly.
To trouble no man wilfully,
To hinder no man wittingly.
To offer no man villany,
To stay a mischiefe spedilye.
To kepe that thine is manfully,
To liue by al men quietly.
To thinke well in aduersitie,
To do well in prosperitie.
To get good loue and amitie,
To helpe relieue the pouertie.
To kepe good hospitalitie.
To hate all prodigalitie.
To kepe thy selfe fro maladye,
To ease thy sicknesse spedely.
These be the steppes vnfaynedly,
To clymbe to thrift by husbandry.

XXiiii. Lessons alwaies to be obserued.

GOd neuer sent mouth, but he sent it meate,
who doing his wil euer wanted to eate?
Loue God aboue al things, who althings doth giue,
shew loue to thy neighbour, and lay for to liue,
True wedlocke best is, for auoiding of sinne,
the bed vndefiled much honor doth winne.
Though loue be in chosing farre better than golde,
let loue come with somewhat the better to holde.
Where couples agree not is rancour and strife.
where such be together is neuer good life:
Where couples in wedlocke doe louely agree,
there foysen remayneth if wisedome there bee.
Who loketh to mary must lay to kepe house,
for loue may not alway be plaiyng with dowse.
If Children increase and no house of thine owne,
what trouble it is, to thy selfe shalbe knowne.
Good husbands that loueth good houses to kepe,
be often full careful when others do slepe:
To spend as they may, or to stoppe at the furst,
for running behinde hand, or feare of the wurst.
Then count with thy cofers when haruest is in,
thy Cardes being tolde, how to saue or to winne:
Of tone of them both, if a sauour we smell,
house keping is godly where euer we dwell.
Make money thy drudge for to folow thy warke,
make wisedome controller, good order thy Clarke:
Prouision Cater, and skill to be Cooke,
make Stewarde of all, penne, inke and thy booke.
Make hunger thy sause as a medicine for helth,
make thirst to be Butler as Phisyke for wealth.
Make eye to be Vssher, good vsage to haue,
make barre to be Porter to stoppe out a knaue.
Make Husbandry Baylye, abroade to prouide,
make huswiferie dayly at home for to guide.
Make Cofer fast loked, thy treasure to kepe,
make house to be suer the safer to slepe.
Make Bandog thy watchman to bark at a thief,
make courage (for like) to be capitaine chiefe,
Make trapdoore thy Bulwark, make Bell to begin,
make gunstone and arrow shew who is within.
The Husband he trudgeth to bring in the gaines,
the Huswife she drudgeth refusing no paines.
Though Husband without be to count ye wot what
the Huswife within is as nedefull as that.
What helpeth in store, to haue neuer so muche,
halfe lost by ill vsage, ill huswiues and such?
So twenty lode bushes cut downe at a clap,
suche hede may be taken shall stoppe but a gap.
With som vpon Sundaies their tables do reke,
and halfe the weke after their dinners to seke:
At no time to much, but haue alway inough,
is housholdly fare, and the guise of the Plough.
Eche day to be feasted what husbandry worse?
eche day for to feast is as ill for the purse.
Yet measurely feasting with neighbors among.
shall make thee beloued and liue the more long.
Make handsomely all things as cause ye do see.
but builde not for glory that thinkest to thee:
Who fondly in doing consumeth his stocke▪
in thende for his doing doth get but a mocke
Spend none but thine own howsoeuer thou spēd
for bribing and shifting haue neuer good ende.
Tythe truely for all thing, with God do not wrest,
the iust in his dealing God prospereth best.
At sometime to borow esteme it no shame,
if iustly thou kepest thy touch for the same.
Who quicke be to borow, and slow bee to pay,
their credit is naught go they neuer so gay.
Who liuing but lendes? and be lended they must,
else forty yeares purchase might lye in the dust:
But craftie and naughtie that desperate are,
make many ful honest the worser to fare.
Vse Legem pone to pay at thy day,
Oremus (to beare with thee) vse not (I say)
But Presta quesumus out at a grate,
of all other Collectes, the lender doth hate.
Leaue Princes affaires vntalked vpon,
and tende to such doings as standeth thee on.
Although that thy substance be neuer so much,
delight not in parasites, harlots, and such.
Kepe truely thy Saboth the better to spede,
kepe seruant fro gadding but when it is nede.
Kepe Fishe day and fasting day, when they do fall,
what custome thou kepest let others kepe all.
Pay wekely thy workmē their housholds to fede
pay quarterly seruants to buy what they nede.
Giue garment to such as deserue and no more,
least thou and thy wife without garment do goe.
Beware raskabilia slouthfull to wurke,
proloyners and filchers that loueth to lurke.
Away with such lubbers so loth to take payne,
that spendeth a shilling for one peny gayne.
Good wife and good children, are worthy to eate,
good seruant, good labourer, earneth their meate.
Good friend, and good neighbour, that fellowly gest
with welcome at al times shoulde haue of the best.

A hundreth good poyntes of husbandrye.

¶ August.

WHen haruest is ended, take ship or go ryde,
for saltfish and stockfish for Lent to prouide.
To buy them at first as they come to the rode,
shall pay for thy charges thou spendest abrode.
Choose wisely thy saltfish not burnt at the stone,
buy such as be good, or else let them alone:
Get home that is bought, and go stacke it vp dry,
with pease strawe betwene it the saffer to lye.
(Thou going abroad) bid thy folke to make spede,
to compest thy Barley land when it is nede:
One acre wel compest, excedeth some three,
thy Barne shal at haruest declare it to thee.
This good shalbe learned by riding about,
the prices of vitailes, the yeare thoroughout:
Both what to be selling, and what to refraine,
and what for to buy, to be likely to gaine.
Though buying and selling, doth wonderfull well,
to him that hath knowledge to buy and to sell:
Yet chopping and changing I can not commende,
with knaue and his felow, for feare of ill end.
The riche in their bargaining nede not be taught,
of feller and buyer fro farre they be taught:
Yea herein consisteth a part of the text,
who buyet at first hand, and who at the next.
At first hand he buyeth that paieth all downe,
at seconde that hath not so much in the towne,
At thirde hand he buyeth that all borow must,
at his hand who buyeth shall pay for his lust.
As oft as ye bargaine for better or wurse,
let alway one bargaine remaine in the purse.
Good credite doth well, but thy credite to kepe,
is pay and dispatch him or euer ye slepe.
Be mindefull abroade of the Mihelmas spring,
for thereon dependeth a husbandly thing.
When gētles vse walking w t Haukes on their hāds,
good husbands by grasing do purchase their landes.
Thy market dispatched turne home again round,
least gaping for peny thou losest a pound.
Prouide for thy wife (else looke to be shent)
good milchcow for Winter, an other for Lent.
In trauailing homewarde, buy .xl. good Crones.
and fat vp the bodies of those sely bones.
Leaue milking & dry vp olde Mulley thy Cowe,
the crooked and aged to fatting put nowe.
Get downn w t thy brakes, ere y e showers do come,
that cattel the better may pasture haue some.
In Iune and in August, as wel doth appeare,
is best to mowe Brakes, of all times in the yeare.
¶ Wife plucke fro thy karle, thy fimble hempe clene,
this looketh more yellowe, the other more grene.
Take this to thy vsage, leaue Michel the other,
for shoethreede, for halter, for rope and such other.
¶ While wormwood hath sede, get a būdel or twaine
to saue against March, to make flea to refraine.
Wher chāber is swept, & y e wormewood is strowne,
no flea for his life, dare abide to be knowne.
¶ Get gryest to the Mill, to haue plenty in store.
least Millers lacke water as many do more.
The meale the more yealdeth, if seruant be true,
if Miller that tolleth take noue but his due.
¶ Pare Saffron betwene the two saint Mary daies
or set, or go shift it, that knowest the waies:
What yeare will ye shift it, the better to yelde?
the fowerth in the gardeyne, the thirde in the fielde.
¶ In hauing but fortie foote cunningly dight,
take Saffron enough for the house of a knight.
All winter time after (as practise doth teache)
what plot can be better thy linnen to bleahce.
Som ploweth, some burneth their wheat stubble lowe
some after their barley, lay wheat for to sowe.
Which euer thou mindest, now time it is best,
else spare it for Cattel and so let it rest.
Some vseth the first yeare his fallow to make,
the next to sowe Barley the better to take:
The third yere his peason, the same yere his wheate,
then fallow againe or to pasture for neate.
Still crop vpon crop many farmours do take,
and gaine little money for gredynesse sake,
Though wheat after Barley a cropper be found,
no cropper count Pease but a comfort to ground.
Ere winter doth come while the wether is good,
for gutting thy pasture, get home with thy wood.
Now cary thy grauell to fill vp a hole,
thy tymber, thy furzen, thy turffe, and thy cole.
House sedges and turffe, chip and cole of the land
pyle tallwood and billet, stacke all that hath band.
Roote, block, pole & bough, set vpright to the thetche,
the nerer more handsome in winter to fetch.
At Bartilmew tide, or at Sturbrege faire,
buy all thing that needeth thy house to repaire.
Then sell to thy profite thy butter and chese,
who selleth it sohner, the more he doth lese.

¶ September.

THresh sede & to fanning, the plough may not lie
September doth bid ye be sowing of Rie.
Go harrow the ridges, ere euer ye strike,
this point of good husbandry Suffolke doth like.
Take hede to thy man in his fury and heate,
with whipstock & ploughstaffe for maiming thy neat
To thresher for hurting thy beast with his flaile,
or making thy hen to playe tapple vp taile.
Sowe winter corne timely to follow his last,
sowe wheat as ye may, but sowe Rye in the dust.
Be carefull for seede, or else such as you sowe,
looke iustly and surely to reape or to mowe.
Thy seede being sowne, waterforow thy ground
that rayne when it cōmeth may runne awaye round.
Then out w e thy slinges, w e thine arrowes & bowes,
til ridges be greene, set a boy to kepe crowes.
Saint Mighel doth bid thee, amēd thy marshwal
the breck, and the crabhole, the foreland and all,
One noble in season, bestowed thereon,
may saue thee an hundreth, ere winter be gon.
Go geld with the gelder, the Ram, and the bull,
buy Cattel for Rowen, sell webster thy wull.
Thy Hoppes go and gather, but not in the dewe,
and crabbes and thy walnuttes for feate of a shrew.
¶ Now burne vp the Bees, of the Hiue that ye driue,
at Midsomer driue them and saue them aliue.
Allow them one cottage set Southly and warme,
and take for thy labour twise yerely a swarme.
At Mighelmas safely, go stye vp thy Bore,
least mast being plentie, thou see him no more,
The leaner thou puttest thy Bore into stye,
the sounder he proueth, this proued haue I.
To loke to thy mast, it shal stand the vpon,
set seruants to gether, ere mast be all gone.
Some left among bushes, shal pleasure thy swine,
for feare of a mischiefe kepe Acornes fro Kine.
For rowting thy pasture, ring hogs thou hast nede
which being well ringed, the better do fede.
The yong with the elder, will euer kepe best,
then yoke well the greatest and fauour the rest.
Yoke neuer thy swyne, whyle the acorne do last,
for dyuers misfortunes, that happen to fast.
Or if that thou louest whole eare on thy hogge,
giue eye to thy neighbour, and eare to his dogge.
The Moone in the wane, gather fruit on the tree
lesse shaken more profite, for graffe, and for thee.
But Mychers that loue not to buy nor to craue,
make some gather sooner, else fewe for to haue.

¶ October.

THy Rie in y e ground, while Septēber doth last,
October for Wheat sowing, calleth as fast.
What euer it cost thee, what euer thou geue,
haue done sowing wheat, before Hallomas eue.
Get vp with the barley land, drye as ye can,
when euer ye sowe it, so looke for it than.
Get alway before hand, be neuer behinde,
least Winter preuenting, do hinder thy minde.
Sow Acornes ye owners, that Tymber do loue,
let Hawes be sowen with them the better to proue.
If cattell or Cony, may come for to croppe,
no sooner Oke commeth, but of goth his toppe.
When rayne will not let thee be doing abrode,
get flayle into Barne, and to threshing good lode.
Thresh clene bid the threshers, though lesser thei earn
and (looking to thriue) haue an eye to the Barne.
If house rowme wil serue thee, lay stouer vp drie
and euery sort by it selfe let it lye:
Or stacke it for litter if rowme be to poore,
and thetche out the residue for noying thy doore.

¶ Nouember.

35 A Thallomas slaughter time entereth in,
and then doth the husbādmans feasting begin:
From that tyme to shrouetyde, kil now & then some,
their offall for housholde the better shall come.
Both Barley and bullimong, thresh out to mault.
let Maulter be cunning, else lose it thou shalt.
Thincrease of a seame, is a bushell for store,
the Barly is bad or some filcheth the more.
To winnow or fanne, which is better we swerue
but casting is best if the flower will serue.
For seede go and cast it, for mault do not so,
but get out the Cockle, and so let it go.
Thresh Barley (as yet) but as nede shal require,
fresh threshed for stouer, poore beast doth desire.
And therefore that threshing forbeare as ye can,
till Candlemas come, for to geue it them than.
Saue chaffe of thy Barely, thy wheat & thy Rie,
from byrd and from foystnesse where it doth lie,
First pike out the fethers, and sift out the dust,
then giue it thy horses when labour they must.
Once euery weke, go make vp thy flower,
though slothfull and pilferer therat do lower.
Take tub for a season, take sacke for a shift,
yet soller for graine, is the best for thy thrift.
¶ Set Gardeine Beanes after S. Edmond the king
the Mone in the wane, theron hangeth a thing,
Thincrease of a gallon, well proued of some,
shall pleasure thy housholde, or Pescod do come.
(For Easter) at Martilmas hang vp a beefe,
for Pease fed and stall fed, play pick purse the theefe.
With that & such like, ere and grasse beefe come in,
thy folke shall looke cherely, when others looke thin.
When plowing is done (and no pasture to eate)
then stable thy plough horse, & tend them with meat.
Let season be drye when ye take them to house,
for daunger of nittes, or for feare of a louse.

¶ December.

WHen frost will not suffer to dyke nor to hedge,
then get the an heat with thy Betle & wedge.
Once Hallomas come, and a fyre in thy hall,
such slyuers do well, for to lye by the wall.
Get grindstone & whetstone to sharpen thy toole
or else go and loyter, or let like a foole.
A Whelebarow also be sure for to haue,
at hand of thy seruant thy compest to saue.
Geue cattle their fodder, the plot dry and warme,
and count them for myering, or other lyke harme.
Yong Coltes with thy wennels together go serue,
least lurched by others, they happen to sterue.
The racke I commende for the sauing of dong,
so set as the olde cannot mischiefe the yong.
If tempest be great, or the winde in the East,
warme barth vnder hedge, is a comfort to beast.
Get trustye to serue them, not lubberly squire,
that loueth all day to hang nose ouer fire.
Nor trust not to children thy cattel to feede,
but serue them let such as may helpe at a neede.
Serue first out y e Rye straw, then wheat & then pease
then ote straw, thē barley, thē hay if ye please.
But serue them with hay, while the straw stoues last
they loue no more straw, they had rather to fast.
Yoakes, forkes, & the like let thy seruant spy out,
and gather the same, as he walketh about.
And after at leysure let this bee his hyre,
to beath them, and make them, at home by the fyre.
As well at the full of the moone, as at the change
sea rages in winter, be often full straunge.
Then looke to thy marches, if doubt be to fray,
for feare of Ne forte driue cattel away.
Good fruit and good plentie, doth wel in thy loft,
then make thee an Orcharde and cherish it oft.
For plant, and for stock, lay afore hand to cast,
but set, or remoue it ere Christmas be past.
Set one from another ful twenty foote wide,
to stand as he stoode, is a parte of his pride.
The fayrer gotten, is best as ye knowe,
the deper ye set it, more likely to growe.
Ere Twelftide be gone, let thy horse be let blood.
for diuers intentes, it shal do them much good.
The day of Saint Steuen, old husbandes did vse,
if that do mislike the, some other daye chuse.

A digression

LEaue husbandrie sleeping a while ye must do,
to learne of housekeping a lesson or two.
What euer is sent thee, by traueile and payne,
a tyme there is lent thee, to spende it againe.
Though thou dost defend it vnspent for to bee,
another shal spende it, no thanke vnto thee.
How euer we climbe to accomplishe the mynde,
we haue but a tyme, thereof profite to fynde.

A description of time and the yere.

OF God to thy doings a time there is sent,
which endeth with time, that in doing is spent.
For tyme is it selfe but a time for a tyme,
forgotten full soone, as the tune of a chyme.
In spring time we reare, we do sowe, set and plant,
in sommer get vittels, least after we want.
In haruest we carry in corne and the fruit,
in winter to spende as we nede of eche sute.
The yeare I compare as I finde for a truth,
the spring vnto childhode, the sommer to youth.
The haruest to manhode the winter to age,
all quickly forgotten as a playe on a stage.
Tyme past is forgotten, ere men be aware,
tyme present is thought on with wonderful care.
Time comming is feared, and therefore we saue.
yet oft ere it come we be gon to the graue.

¶ A description of lyfe and ryches.

WHo lyuing, but daily discerne it he may,
how life as a shadow doth vanish away.
And nothing to count on so sure and so iust,
as surely to dye, and to turne into dust.
The landes and the riches that here we possesse,
be none of our owne, if a God we professe.
But lent vs of him, as his talent of golde,
which being demaunded who can it witholde.
God maketh no wryting that iustly doth say.
how long we shal haue it, a yeare or a day:
But leaue it we must (how soeuer we liue)
when death shal come pluck vs frō hence by the sliue.
To death we must stoupe, be we high, be we lowe,
but how, and how sodenly, fewe be that knowe.
what cary we then but a sheete to the graue,
to couer this carkas, of al that we haue.

A description of house kepyng,

WHat thē of this talēt, while here we remaine
but study to yelde it to God with a gaine?
And that shal we doe, if we do it not hide,
but vse and bestow it as God doth vs did.
What good to get ryches by breaking of slepe,
but (hauing the same) a good house for to kepe?
Not onely to bring a good fame to thy doore,
but also the prayer to winne of the poore.
Of all other doings house keping is chiefe,
for alway it helpeth the poore with reliefe.
The neighbor, the straunger, & al that haue nede,
which causeth thy doings the better to spede.
Though hearken to this we should euer among,
yet chiefly at Christmas of all the yeare long
Good cause of that vse may appere by the name,
though such as knowe least disaloweth the same,

A description of Christmas.

OF Christ cōmeth Christmas, y e name with y e feaste,
a time full of ioy to greatest and least.
At Christmas was Christ (our sauior) borne,
the worlde through sinne altogether forlorne.
At Christmas the day doth begin to take length,
of Christ our faith doth begin to take strength.
As Christmas is onely a figure or trope,
so onely in Christ is the strength of our hope.
At Christmas we banket the riche with the poore,
who then (but the Miser) but openeth his doore?
At Christmas of Christ, many Carols we sing.
and giue many giftes, in the ioy of that king.
At Christmas in Christ, we reioyce and be glad,
as onely of whom our comfort is had.
At Christmas we ioy altogether with mirth,
for his sake that ioyed vs al with his birth.

A description of apt time to spend.

LEt such (so fantasticall) liking not this,
(nor nothing else honest, that auncient is)
Giue place to the time that so apte we do see,
appointed of God, as it seemeth to bee.
At Christmas good husbāds haue corne in y e ground
in Barne and in soller worth many a pound.
Things plenty in house (besyde Cattel and shepe,
all sent them (no doubt on) good houses to kepe.
At Christmas the hardnesse of Winter doth rage.
a nipper of all thing in euery age.
Then lightly poore people, the yong with the olde,
be sorest oppressed with hunger and colde.
At Christmas by labour is little to get,
that wanting the poore man in daunger is set.
What better a time than o [...] al the whole yeare,
thy nedy poore neighbour to comfort and cheare.

Against fantasticall scruplenesse.

AT this and at y t thing some make a great mater,
some help not, but hinder y e poore w t their clatter.
Take custome from feasting what cōmeth then, last
where one hath a dinner, a thousand shal fast.
To dog in the maunger, some liken I coulde,
that hay will eate none, nor let other that would.
Some scarce in a yere giue a dinner or two,
nor wel can abide any other to do.
Play thou the good felow and harken to me,
hate none that be honest, though mery they be.
For often times sene, no more very a knaue,
than he that doth counterfet most to be graue.

Christmas husbandly fare.

GOod husband & huswife now (chiefly) be glad,
things hādsom to haue as they ought to be had
They both do ꝓuide against christmas do com,
to welcom their neighbors, good chere to haue som.
Good bread and good drink, a good fyre in the hall,
brawne pudding and souse & good mustard withall.
Biefe, mutton, and porke, and good Pies of the best,
pig, veale, gose and capon, and Turkey well drest.
Chese, apples & nuttes, and good Charrols to heare,
as then in the contrey is counted good cheare.
What cost to good husband is any of this?
good houshold prouision onely it is.
Of other the like, I do leaue out a meny,
that costeth the husband neuer a peny.
At Christmas be mery and thankfull withall,
& feast thy poore neighbors the great with the small.
Yea al the yeare long to the poore let vs gine,
gods blessing to haue here as long as we liue.

¶ Ianuarye.

WHen Christmas is ended, bid feasting adew,
go play the good husbād, thy stock to renew.
Be myndefull of rearing, in hope of a gaine,
dame profit shal geue thee rewarde for thy payne.
Who both by his calfe, & his lambe wil be known,
may well kill a neate, and a shepe of his owne.
And he that wil reare vp a pyg in his house,
hath cheaper his bacon, and sweter his souse.
who eateth his veale, pig & lambe being froath,
shall thrise in a weeke go to bed without broath.
Vnskilfull that passe not but sell away sell,
shal neuer keepe good house where euer they dwell.
Be gredy in spending and carelesse to saue,
and shortly be nedy and redy to craue.
Be wilfull to kill and vnskilfull to store,
and neuer looke long to keepe house any more.
Lay dirt vpon heapes faire yarde to kepe sene,
when frost will abide, into fielde with it clene.
In winter a fallow some loue to bestowe,
where pease for the pot they intende for to sowe.
In making or mending, (as nedeth) thy ditch,
get set to quicke set it, learne cunningly which.
In hedging (where clay is) cut stake as ye knowe,
of Popler and Sallow, for fewell to growe.
Leaue killing of Cony, let Doe go to Bucke,
and vermine thy borrowe for feare of ill lucke.
Fede Doue (no more killing) old doue house repaire,
saue Doue dong for hopyard, in making holes faire.
¶ Dig Gardain, stroy malow now may ye at ease,
and set (as as a deintie) thy runcyfall pease.
Go cut and set Roses the best to be got,
of al the yeare long, better time there is not.
In time go and bargaine lest worser do fall,
for fewell, for making, for cariage and all.
To buy at the stub, is the best for the buier,
more timely prouision, more cheaper the fyer.
Some burneth a load at a time in his Hall,
some neuer leaue burning, till burnt they haue all.
Some making hauock with out any wit,
make many poore soules without fier to sit.
From Christmas, till May be wel entered in,
al cattel wax faint, and looke poorely and thin.
But when as the prime grasse, at first doth appeare,
then most is the daunger of all the whole yeare.
¶ Calues faire, that come betwene Christmas & Lēt
take huswife to rere, or else after repent.
Of such as fall betwene chaunge and the prime,
no rering, but sell, or go kill them in time.
¶ House Calfe, and go suckle it twise on a day,
and after a while set it water and hay,
Stake ragged to rubbe on, no such as will bend,
then weane it (well tended) at fifty daies ende.
¶ The senior weaned, his yonger shall teach,
both how to drink water, and hay for to reach.
More strokē, more made on, whē ought they do aile,
more gentle ye make them for yoke or to paile.
Yong brome or good pasture, thine ews do reqre
warme barth and in saftie their Lambes do desire:
Looke often well to them for Foxes and dogges,
for pittes and for brimbles, for vermine and hogges.
Geld bulcalfe & ram lambe, as sone as they fall,
for therin is lightly no daunger at all.
Some spareth the tone for to pleasure the eye,
to haue him shew great when the butcher shall buy.
¶ Sowes ready to farow, this time of the yere,
are for to be made on and counted full deare.
For now is the losse of a fare of thy Sowe,
more great than the losse of two calues of thy Cow,
¶ Of one Sow at once rere fewe aboue fiue,
and choose of the fairest and likest to thriue.
Vngelt of the best kepe a couple for store,
one Boare pig, one Sow pig, that sucketh before.
Geld vnder the dame within fortnight at least,
and saue both thy money and life of thy beast.
Geld later with Gelders as many one do,
and looke of a dozen to geld away two.
Thy Coltes for the saddle geld yong to be light.
for Cart do not so if thou iudgest aright.
Nor geld them but when they be lusty & fat.
for there is a point to be learned in that.
Geld Fillies but tittes, ere & nine daies of age,
they dye else of gelding, else many do rage.
But Fillies most likely, of bulke and of bone,
kepe such to bring Coltes, let their gelding alone.
For gaining a trifle, sell neuer thy store,
what ioy to acquaintance what pleasureth more?
More larger of body the better to brede,
more forwarde of growing, the better they spede.
A Cowe good of milke that is faire and sounde,
is yerely for profit as good as a pounde.
And yet by the yere haue I proued or now,
as good to the purse, is a Sow as a Cowe.
Kepe one and kepe both with as little a cost,
then al shalbe saued and nothing be lost.
Both hauing together, what profit is taught,
good huswiues I warrant ye nede not be taught,
¶ Go looke to thy Bees if the hiue he to light,
set water and hony together well dight.
Put strawes in a dishe to the same in the hiue,
from daungers a number ye saue them aliue.
In Ianuary husband that poucheth vp grotes,
will breake vp his lay or be sowing of Otes.
Otes sowen in Ianuary lay by the wheate,
in May by thy hay, for the cattel to eate.

¶ Februarye.

NOw timely for Lentstuffe, thy mony disburse,
the lenger thou tariest (for profit) the worse.
If one peny vauntage be therin to saue,
of Coastman or Fleming now looke it to haue.
Thy Vines and thy Osyers cut and go set,
if grape be vnpleasant a better to get.
Feede Swan and go make hir vp strongly a nest,
for feare of a floud, good and highe is the best.
Go eare in thy stubble, take timely thy season,
be sowing of Beanes, thy Tares, and thy peason.
The sooner thou sowest, the sooner they come,
and better for houshold they fill vp a rome.
White peason, both good for the pot & the pursse,
by sowing to timely proue often the wursse.
Because they be tender and hateth the colde,
proue Marche ere ye sow them, then may ye be bold.
In euery greene, if the fence be not thine,
go stub vp the bushes, the grasse to be fine.
Else neighbour will dayly so hacke them beliue,
that neither thy grasse, nor thy bushes shal thriue.
Go lop for thy fewell, the pollengers growen,
that hindreth the corne, or the grasse to be mowen.
In lopping and cropping, saue edder and stake,
thine hedges, where neede is to mende or to make.
In lopping olde Iocham, for feare of mishap,
leaue one bough vnlopped to cherishe the sap.
The second yere after then boldly ye may,
for hindring his felowes, that bough cut away.
The stickes & the stones, go & gather them clene,
for hurting thy Sithe, or for harming thy grene.
For walkers by Moone shine get home w t the rest,
when frozen the grounde is then cariage is best.
In cropping or felling, take hede to this thing,
be skilful and carefull for sauing the spring.
Leaue topping of timber for making of wast,
least landlord by law, doth auoide thee in hast.
Spare medows at shroftide, thy marshes at pask,
for feare of dry Sommer no lenger time aske.
Then hedge them & dych them, bestow theron pence,
corne, medow, and marshes, craue euer good fence.
Frend, alway let this be a part of thy care,
for shift of good pasture, lay pasture to spare.
Then seauer thy groundes, and so keping them still,
and cattell at ease, and haue pasture at will.
Kill crow, pye, & caddow, rooke, bussard, & rauen,
or else go desire them to seeke a newe hauen,
In scalling the youg for to pluck of his becke,
beware how thou scalest for breaking thy neck.

¶ Marche.

SOwe Barley in March, and in Aprill & May,
the latter in sand and the sooner in claye.
What worser for Barley, then wetnesse and colde?
what thing to take time when a man may be bolde?
Kepe Crowes and go harrow it finely as dust,
then woorkmanly trench it, and fence it ye must.
This season well handled, set sowing an ende,
and praise and pray God, a good haruest to sende.
Sowe wheat in a measure, sowe Rie not to thin,
let Beanes and thy Peason be scatered in.
Sow Barley & Otes good and thick, do not feare,
land looketh for seede, or the weede for to beare.
Otes Barley and Pease, harowe after ye sowe,
for Rye harrow first (not after I trowe.)
Leaue Wheate little clod for to couer his head,
that after a frost he may forth and go spread.
In March is good graffing, y t skilful doth know.
as long as the winde in the Cast doth not blow.
From Moone being chaunged, till past bee the prime,
for graffing and cropping is excellent time.
Thinges sowen set, or planted, the greatest & least
defend against tempest, the birde, and the beast.
Defended shal prosper, the tother is lost,
the thing with thy labour, the time and the cost.
¶ In March and in Aprill, from morning to night,
in sowing and setting good huswiues delight.
To haue in their Gardeine or other like plot,
to trim vp their house, and to furnish their pot.
¶ The vertue of herbes dame Phisike doth shewe,
time teacheth them all to be knowen, saue a fewe.
To set or to sowe, or once sowne to remoue,
how this should be learned, by practise go proue.
¶ Good Parsneps and Mellons, all Winter & Lent,
Beanes plentie in Iuly, saue fishe to be spent.
Those hauing with pottage the belly full than,
thou winnest the hart of thy labouring man.

¶ Aprill.

FRom Aprill begin to saint Andrew be past,
so long with good huswiues theire dayries do last.
Good lease & good pasture, good husbandes prouide,
the residue good huswiues know how for to guide.
¶ Such huswiues as knowe not to make their owne chees
with trustīg of others haue this for their fees.
Milk flapped in corners, creame slabbred and sost,
milk pan so nigh flot, that the cheses be lost.
¶ Where some of a Cowe, do make yerely a pound,
with these fiely huswiues, no peny is found.
The seruauntes rebuked for that they haue donne,
with one thing or other away they do roone.
¶ Then neighbour for god sake, if any you see,
good seruant for dairy, helpe wane her to mee.
Such maister such man, & such Mistresse such maide,
such husband and huswife, such houses araide.
Sell barke to the Tanner ere timber ye fell,
fell low by the ground, or else do ye not well.
In breaking saue croked for milles and for shippes,
and euer in hewing saue Carpenters chippes.

¶ May.

FRō May til October leaue cropping, learn why,
in wood sere what euer thou croppest will dye.
Where Iuie embraceth the tree very sore,
kill Iuie, or tree else will adle no more.
¶ Good flaxe & good hempe, for to haue of her owne,
good huswife in May will see it be sowne.
And afterward trim it to serue at a neede,
the fimble to spinne, and the karle for her sede.
¶ The knowledge of stilling is one pretie feate,
the waters be holsome, the charges not great.
What timely thou gettest, while Summer doth last,
thinke Winter will helpe thee to spende it as fast.
¶ In May is good sowing, thy buck or thy frank,
that blacke is as Pepper, and smelleth so ranke.
It is to thy land, as a comfort or mucke,
and all thing it maketh as fatt as a bucke.
At Phillip and Iacob, go put of thy lambes,
that thinkest to haue any milke of their dammes.
At Lammas leaue milking for feare of a thing,
least Requiem eternam in Winter they sing.
To milke and to folde them, is much to require,
except thou haue pasture to fill their desire.
The nightes being short, such hede ye may take,
not hurting their bodies, much profite to make.
¶ Fiue ewes to a Cowe milke, go proue by a score,
shall double thy dairy, else trust me no more.
Yet may a good huswife, that knoweth the skill,
haue mixt, or vnmixt, at her pleasure and will.
Gredy of gaine ouer lay not thy ground,
and then shall thy cattell be lusty and sounde.
But pinch them of pasture, while sommer doth last,
and plucke at their tailes, ere and winter be past.
To grasse w t thy calues in some medow plot nere
where neuer their mothers may see them nor here:
Where water inough is, and barth to fit warme,
and looke well vnto them for taking of harme.
Pinch wennels at no tyme of water or meate,
if euer ye hope for to haue them good neate.
In Sommer at all times, in Winter in frost,
if cattell lack drink, they be vtterly lost.
¶ From May to mid August, from dinner to two,
let Patche sleepe a snatch how so euer ye do,
Though sleping one hower refresheth among.
yet trust not Hob grouthed for sleping to long.
In May at the furdest twy falow thy land,
much drowt may else after cause plough for to stand.
This tilth being done, thou hast passed the wurst,
then after who ploweth, plough thou with the furst.
Get home with thy fewell mede redy to fet,
the sooner, the easier, cariage to get.
Take hede to thy Bees, that be ready to swarme,
the losse therof now is a crownes worth of harme.

¶ Iune.

IN Iune get a wedehoke, and a knife & a gloue,
& wede out such wedes as y e corne doth not loue
Slacke neuer thy weding, for dearth nor for cheape,
the corne shall rewarde it, or euerye reape.
The May wede doth burne, & the thistle do freat
the tyme pulleth downeward the Rie & the Wheat.
The Docke and the Brake, noy corne very much,
lyke Boddle to Barley, no wede there is such.
Wash shepe (for the better) wher water doth rū,
and let them go clenly (and dry) in the Sunne.
Then share them & spare not, at two dayes an ende,
the sooner, the better, their corps will amende.
Rewarde not thy shepe when thou takest his cote
with two or three notches as brode as a grote.
Let no such vngentlenes happen to thine,
least flye with his gentlenes make it to pine.
Let lambes go vnclipped til Iune be half worne,
the better their coates will be growen to be shorne.
The Pye will discharge the for pulling the rest,
the lighter poore sheepe is, then fedeth it best.
At midsommer down with thy brimbles & brakes
and after abrode with thy forkes and thy rakes.
Set mowers a work, while y e medowes be growen,
the lenger (now) standing the worsse to be mowne.
Prouide of thine owne to haue all thing at hand
least worke & the workman, vnwroughten do stande.
Loue seldome to borrow, that thinkest to saue,
for he that once lendeth, twise looketh to haue.
Good husbands that lay to saue al thing vpright
for tumbrels and cartes haue a shed redy dight.
A store house for trinkets as close as a iayle,
that nothing be wanting the worth of a nayle.
Thy cartes would be searched without & within
well clouted and greased ere hay time begin.
Thy hay being carted, though Carters had sworne,
cartes bottome well boorded, is sauing of corne.

¶ Iuly.

GO muster thy seruants be captaine thy selfe,
prouiding them weapon, and other lyke pelfe.
Get bottels and wallets, kepe fielde in the heate,
the feare is not muche, but the daunger is great.
With tossing and taking and setting on cockes,
grasse lately in swathes is hay for an Oxe.
That done, go and Cart it and haue it away,
the battaile is fought, ye haue gotten the day.
Let hay be wel made, or auise els a vous,
for moulding in goef, or for fyering thy house.
Lay coursest asyde for the Oxe and the Cowe,
the finest for shepe, Calfe and Gelding allowe.
Then downe with thy hedlondes the corne about
leaue neuer a dalop vnmowne and had out.
Though grasse be but thin about barley and pease,
yet picked vp clene, it shal do thee great ease.
Thy fallow betime for destroiyng of weede,
least Thistle and Dockefall to bloming and seede.
Such season may chance, it shall stande thee vpon.
to till it againe ere the Summer be gon.
Thy houses and barnes would be looked vpon,
and al thing amended ere haruest come on.
Things thus set in order at quiet and rest,
shall furder thy haruest and pleasure thee best.
Saint Iaimes doth aduise to get reapers at had,
the corne being ripe doth but shed if it stand.
Be thankfull and sauing what euer is sent,
God sendeth the same for none other intent.
Graunt haruest Lord more by a peny or two,
to call on his felowes the better to do.
Giue reapers thy larges, a larges to crye,
and alwaies to loyterers haue a good eye.
Reape wel, scater not gather clene that is shorne,
binde fast, shock a pace, haue an eye to thy corne.
Lode safe, carry home, follow time being faire,
golfe iust in the barne, it is out of dispaire.
In goeuing at haruest, learne skilfully how,
eche graine for to lay by it selfe on a mow.
Sede barley, and peason golfe out of the way,
all other nygh hand golfe as iust as ye may.
Corne caryed, let such as be poore go and cleane,
and after let cattel go mouse it vp cleane.
Then spare it for pasture till Rowen be past
to lengthen thy dairy no better thou hast.
All haruest time, haruest folke, seruants and all,
must make altogether good cheare in thy Hall.
Go fill them the blacke boll of bleeth to their song,
and let them be mery all haruest time long.
Once ended thy haruest let none bee beguilde,
please such as did help thee, man, woman, and childe
Thus doing (with alway such helpe as they can)
thou winnest the name of a husbandly man.
Now think vpon God, let thy tong neuer cease,
in thanking of him for his mightie encrease.
Accept my good will, for a proofe go and trye,
the better thou thriuest, the gladder am I.

¶ Of all thing this seemeth the summe, one going, another to come.

World lasting looke neuer to lin,
yeare ended againe to beginne.
Who looketh to wealth to attaine,
must trauaile againe and againe.
Good therefore it is (as I say)
prouidyng for age, while we may.

The kindely propertie of euery moneth.

11 ¶ Ianuary
A kindely good Ianiuere.
freaseth potte by the fier.
12 ¶ February
Fill (Feuerill) dike,
with what thou dost like.
1 ¶ Marche
Marche dust to be solde,
woorth raunsomes of golde,
2 ¶ Aprill
Swete Aprill showers,
do spring the May flowers.
3 ¶ May
Colde May and a windy,
makes Barnes fat and findy.
4 ¶ Iune
Calme weather in Iune,
corne setteth in tune.
5 ¶ Iulye
No tempest good Iuly,
least all things looke ruly.
6 ¶ August
Drye August and warme,
doth haruest no harme,
7 ¶ September
September blowe softe,
till fruite be in lofte.
8 ¶ October
October good blast,
to shake the Hog mast,
9 ¶ Nouember
Nouember take flaile,
let ship no more saile.
10 ¶ December
Oh dirtie December,
for Christmas remember.

¶ Compairing good husband with vnthrift his brother, the better descerneth the tone from the tother.

IL husbandry braggeth to go with the best,
good husbandry baggeth vp golde in his chest.
Ill husbandry trudgeth with vnthriftes about,
good husbandry snudgeth for feare of a dout,
Ill husbandry spendeth abrode like a mome,
good husbandry tendeth his charges at home.
Ill husbandry selleth his corne on the ground,
good husbandry smelleth no gaine that way found.
Ill husbandry loseth for lacke of good fence,
good husbandry closeth and gaineth the pence.
Ill husbandry trusteth to him and to hir,
good husbandry lusteth him selfe for to stir.
Ill husbandry eateth him selfe out a doore,
good husbandry meateth his frind and the poore.
Ill husbandry dayeth or letteth it lie,
good husbandry payeth the cheaper to buy.
Ill husbandry lurketh and stealeth a shepe,
good husbandry worketh his houshold to kepe.
Ill husbandry liueth by that and by this,
good husbandry giueth to euery man his.
Ill husbandry taketh and spendeth vp all,
good husbandry maketh good shift with a small.
Ill husbandry praieth his wife to make shift,
good husbandry sayeth take this of my gift.
Ill husbandry drowseth at fortune so awke,
good husbandry rowseth him selfe like a hawke.
Ill husbandry lieth in pryson for det,
good husbandrie spieth where profit to get.
Ill husbandry waies hath to fraud what he can,
good husbandry praise hath of euery man.
Ill husbandry neuer hath welth to kepe touche,
good husbandry euer hath peny in pouche.
17 Good husband his boone or request hath a far,
ill husbandry assone hath a tode with an R.

¶ A Sonet where playnelye ye see, eche worde to beginne with a T.

THe thrifty that teacheth the thriuing to thriue,
teach timely to trauerse the thing that thou triue.
Transferring thy toyle to the times to thee tought,
that teacheth thee tēperance to temper thy thought.
Think truely to trauaile, that thinkest to thee,
the trade that the teacher taught truely to thee.
Then temper thy trauaile to tary the tide,
this teacheth thee thriftinesse twentie times tride.
Take thankfully things, thank tenderly those,
that teacheth thee thriftely thy time to transpose.
Troth teached thee two times, teach y u two times tē,
this trade thou that takest, take thrift to thee then.
Thomas Tusser.

A Comparison betvvene Champion and Seueral.

THe countrey enclosed I prayse,
the tother liketh not me.
For nothing the welth it doth raise,
to such as inferior be.
Though Champion partly I know,
what nede I much thereof to showe?
There swineheard that kepeth the hog,
there neathearde with curre and his horne,
There shepeheard with whistle and dog,
be fence to the medowes and corne.
There horse beinge tayed on a balke,
is ready with theefe for to walke.
Where all thing in common doth rest.
corne fielde with the pasture and mede,
Though commen thou doe for the best,
yet what doth it stande thee in stede?
There commune as communers doe,
as good else to cobble a shoe.
What layer much better than there?
or cheaper (thereon to do well)
What drudgery more any where,
lesse good thereof where can ye tell?
What gotten by Sommer is seene,
that winter there eateth not cleene.
Example by Leicester shire,
what soile can be better than that,
For any thing hart can desire.
and yet it doth want ye se what,
Mast, couert, close pasture, and wood,
and other things nedefull as good.
All these doth enclosure bring,
experience teacheth no lesse,
I speake not to boast of the thing.
but onely a troth to confesse.
Example (if doubt ye do make)
by Essex and Suffolke go take.
More plentie of mutton and biefe,
corne butter, and cheese of the best:
More wealth anye wheare (to be briefe)
more people, more handsome and prest,
Where finde ye? (go search any coast)
than there where enclosure is moaste.
More worke for the labouring man,
as well in the towne as in the fielde,
Or thereof (deuise if ye can)
more profite what countrey do yelde?
More seldome where see ye the poore,
go begging from doore vnto doore?
More profite is quieter found,
(where pastures in seuerall bee)
Of one siely acre of grounde,
than Champion maketh of three.
Again what a ioy is it knowen,
when men may be bolde of their owne.
The tone is commended for graine,
yet bread made of beanes they do eate:
The tother for one loafe haue twaine,
of mastlin, of rye, or of wheate.
The Champion liueth full bare,
when woodland full mery doth fare.
Tone geueth his corne in a darth
to horse, shepe and hog ery day,
The tother giue cattel warme barth,
and fede them with strawe and with hay.
Corne spent of the tone so in vaine,
the tother doth sell to his gaine.
Tone barefoote and ragged doth go,
and ready in winter to sterue,
When tother ye see do not so,
but hath that is nedefull to serue.
Tone paine in a cottage do take,
when tother trim bowers doth make.
Tone layeth for turffe and for sedge,
and hath it with wondefull suite,
When tother in euery hedge,
hath plentie of fewell and fruite.
Euils twentie times worser then thease,
enclosure full quicklye would ease.
In woodland the poore men that haue,
scarce fully two acres of lande,
More merily liue, and do saue,
than thother with twenty in hand,
yet pay they as muche for the two,
as tother for twenty must do.
The labourer comming from thence,
in woodlande to woorke any where.
(I warrant you) goeth not hence
to worke any more againe there.
If this same be true (as it is)
why gather they nothing of this?
The poore at enclosing do grutch,
bycause of abuses that fall.
Least some men should haue but to much,
and some againe nothing at all.
If order mought therefore be founde▪
what were to the seuerall grounde.

The Preface to the booke of Huswiferie.

TAke weapon away, of what force is a man?
take huswife from husbande & what is he than?
As louers desireth together to dwell,
so husbandrie loueth good huswiferie well.
Though husbandrie semeth to bring in the gaines,
yet huswiferie labours seme equall in paynes.
Some respite to husbands the weather doth send,
but huswiues affaires haue neuer none ende.
As true as thy faith,
This Huswiferie saith.
I Serue for a day, for a weeke, for a yere,
The praise of huswife­rye.
for lyfe time, for euer, while man dwelleth here.
For richer for porer, from north to the south,
for honest, for hardhed, or daintie of mouth.
For wed, and vnwedded, in sicknes and health,
for all that well liueth in good common wealth.
For Citie, for countrey, for Court and for Cart,
to quiet the head, and to comfort the hart.

To the right honorable and my speciall good Lady and Mistres, the Lady Paget.

THough payne seemeth mickle,
and fauour to fickle,
yet good will doth tickle
my pen for to write,
Some knack not vnpretie,
of Huswiferie nettie,
how Huswiues should iettie
from morning to night.
Not mynding by writing,
to set them a spiting,
but shewe by endyting,
as troth may be bolde:
How husbandry easeth,
so huswiferie pleaseth,
and many pursse greaseth
with siluer and golde.
Bycause I did feare me
least some would forswere me
of trouth I do beare
vpright as ye see:
Full bent for to loue all
and not to reproue all
but onely to moue all
good Huswiues to bee.
For if I should minde some
or descant behinde some,
and misse where to finde some,
displease so I mout:
Or if I shoudl blend them
and so to offend them,
what talke God should send them
I stand in a dout.
As now if I make this
and some do well take this,
if other forsake this,
what profite were that
Naught else but to paine me
and nothing to gaine me
but make them disdaine me
I wote nere for what.
Least clocke misse with dyall,
least proufe make deniall,
least some stand to triall,
some murmure and grudge:
Geue iudgement I pray you
(for iustly so may you)
so fansie so say you,
I make you my iudge.
In tyme you shal trie me,
by trouth you shall spye me,
so finde so set by me
according to skill:
How euer tree groweth
the fruite the tree showeth
your Ladyship knoweth
my heart and good will.
Though Fortune doth measure,
and I do lacke treasure,
yet if I may pleasure
your honour with this:
Then wil me to mende it,
or mende ere ye send it,
or any where lende it,
if ought be amisse.
Your Ladyships seruant Thomas Tusser.

¶ A description of Huswife and Huswiferie.

OF huswife doth Huswiferie challenge that name,
of Huswiferie Huswife doth likewise the same.
Where Husband & Husbandrie ioyneth with these,
there wealth being got is preserued with ease.
The name of a Huswife, what is it to say?
the wyfe of the house, to the Husband a stay.
If huswife doth that, that belongeth to hir,
if Husband be honest there nedeth no stir.
The Huswife is shee that to labour doth fall,
the labour of her I do huswiferie call.
If thrift by that labour be saued or got;
then is it good huswiferie, else is it not.
The woman the name of a Huswife doth win,
by keping her house, and her doings therin.
[...] shee that with husband will quietly dwell,
[...] thinke on this lesson and follow it well.

Twentie Lessons alway to be obserued.

¶ Serue God is the first, 1
THe principall point of huswife in dede,
is God to remember the better to spede.
¶ True loue is not worst. 2
A very good lesson of huswiferie thought
is huswife with husband to liue as she ought.
¶ VVife comely no griefe, 3
Though tricksie to see to, be gallant to wiue,
yet comely and wise is the huswife to thriue.
¶ Man out huswife chiefe. 4
The husband abrode, the good wife must be chief,
and looke to their labour that eateth her biefe.
¶ Both out not allowe, 5
Where husband & huswife be both out of place,
there seruauntes do loyter and reason their case.
Kepe house huswife thou. 6
The huswife so named of keping the house,
must tende on her profite as Cat on the Mouse.
¶ Seeke home for thy rest, 7
As huswiues kepe home and be stirrers about,
so speedeth their winninges, the yere throughout.
¶ For home is the best 8
Though home be but hōly yet huswifes are taught
that home hath no fellow to such as haue aught.
¶ Vse all thing with skill 9
Good vsage with skill, being sober with all,
make huswiues to shine as the sunne on the wall.
¶ And aske what ye will. 10
What husband refuseth things comely to haue,
that hath a good wife that will huswifly saue.
¶ Be ready at neede, 11
The case of good huswiues thus daily doth stande
what euer shall chaunce, to be ready at hand.
¶ That thine is to feede. 12
This care hath a huswife eche hour in her hed,
that all thing in time may be huswifely fed.
¶ By practise go muse, 13
Dame practise is she that to huswife must tell,
which way for to gouerne her family well.
¶ How housholde to vse. 14
Vse labourers gently, kepe this as a law,
make childe for to feare thee, keepe seruaunt in awe.
¶ Who carelesse do liue 15
Haue euery where a respect to thy wayes,
that none of thy lyfe any slaunder may rayse.
¶ Occasion do giue 16
What many do know, though a time it be hid,
at length will abrode when a mischiefe shall bid.
¶ No neighbour reproue 17
The loue of thy neighbour shall stand the in steede
the poorer the gladder to helpe at a neede.
¶ So shalt thou haue loue. 18
Vse frendly thy neighbour else trust him in this,
as he hath thy frendship, so trust vnto his.
¶ Strike nothing vnknowen 19
Reuenge not thy wroth vpon any mans beast,
least thyne by thine enemy come to like feast.
¶ Take heede to thine owne. 20
What husband prouideth with money his drudge,
that huswife must looke to, which way it doth trudge

A digression

NOw out of the matter this lesson I had,
Cocke crowing.
concerning Cockcrowing, what profit is had.
Experience teacheth as true as a clock,
how winter nightes passeth by marking the Cocke.
At midnight one Cocke croweth timely but six,
with pause to his neighbour to aunswere betwix.
At three a clocke thicker, and then as ye knowe,
like all in to mattens nere day they do crowe.
At midnight, at three, and an houre ere day,
Cockes crowe in their language, & thus they do say.
¶ If noyse ye do here
looke all thing be clere.
Chant. midnight Answere
How dame it is midnight, what rubbing is that?
take hede to false harlots, and more ye wote what.
¶ Both mayden and man
mend now what ye can.
Maides .iii. a clock, knede,
Chant. Three a clocke.
lay your bucks or go brew
and cobble and botche ye that can not buy newe.
¶ Mayde vp I beseeche you
least Mistres do breech you.
Answere Chant. Toward daye. Answere
Past fiue a clocke holla mayde sleping beware,
least quickly thy dame do vncouer thy bare.
Count labour halfe wonne
that earely îs done.
Count gaine halfe lost.
with watching cost.

A hundreth good pointes of Huswiferye.

¶ No soner Sunne vp.
GEt vp in the morning as soone as thou wilt,
with ouer long slugging good seruant is spilt.
¶ But nose in the cup. 2
Some slouens from sleping no sooner be vp,
but hand is in Aumberie, and nose in the cup.
¶ That earely is done. 3
Some works in the morning may trimly be done,
that al the day after can neuer be wonne.
¶ Count huswifely wonne. 4
Good husband without maketh welthy and fat,
good huswife within is as nedefull as that.
¶ Cast dust in the yarde. 5
Sluttes corners auoided, shal farther thy health,
much time about trifles shal hinder thy wealth.
¶ Go spin and go carde. 6
Set some about charning, some seething of souse,
some carding, some spinning, som trimming vp house.
¶ Do as ye shall thinke. 7
Set some to grinde mault, or thy russhes to twine,
set some to peele hempe, or to seething of brine.
¶ Let meat neuer stinke. 8
Some corneth, som brineth, som wil not be taught
wher meat taketh vent, there the huswife is naught.
¶ To breakfast that come.
9 Call seruants to breakfast by day starre appere,
a snatch and to worke fellowes, tarry not here.
¶ Geue euery one some. 10
Let huswife be caruer, let pottage be eate,
a dishfull eche one with a morsell of meate.
¶ No more tittle tattle. 11
What tacke in a pudding sayth gredy gut wringer
giue such ye wote what, ere pudding they finger.
¶ To seruing your cattle.
Fore nōe workes.
12 Let seruants once serued, thy cattle go serue,
else maister and mistresse may quickly go sterue.
¶ Learne you that will thee. 13
No breakfast of custome prouide not to saue,
but onely to such as deserueth to haue.
¶ Some daintie wil bee. 14
No shewing to seruant what vitailes in store,
shew seruants their labour and shew them no more.
¶ Of hauock beware. 15
Where al things is common, what nedeth a hutch?
where wanteth a sauer, there hauock is much.
¶ False Cattes will not spare. 16
Where windows stand open y e cattes make a fray
yet wilde cats with two legs are worser then they.
¶ Looke well vnto thine. 17
An eye in a corner who vseth to haue,
reueleth a drab, and preuenteth a knaue.
¶ Slut slouthfull must whine. 18
Make maide to be clenly, or make her crye creake,
& teach her to stirre when her mistresse doth speake.
¶ Let holly wand threat. 19
A wand in thy hand though ye fight not all,
make youth to their businesse the better to fall.
Let fisgig be beat. 20
For feare of a foole had I wist cause thee to waile
let fisgig be taught to shut dore after tayle.
¶ To easy the wicket. 21
With hir that will clicket, make daunger to cope,
least happily hir wicket be easy to ope.
¶ Will still appease clicket. 22
As rod lytell mendeth where maners be spilt,
so naught wilbe nought say and do what thou wilt.
¶ Fight seldome ye shall. 23
Much brauling with seruants what man cā abide
pay home when thou fightest but loue not to chide.
¶ Loue neuer to brall. 24
As order is heauenly where quiet is had,
so errour is hel, or a mischief as bad.
¶ What better lawe. 25
Such law as a warning will cause to beware,
doth make the whole house the better to fare.
¶ To seruants than awe. 26
The lesse of thy councell thy seruants doth know
their duetie the better such seruants shall showe.
¶ Good musicke regarde. 27
Such seruants are often both paineful and good
that sing in their labours as birdes in the wood.
¶ Good seruaunts rewarde 28
Good seruants hope iustly some frendship to fele,
and looke to haue fauour what time they do wele.
¶ By one time or twise. 29
Take runnagate Robbins to pittie their nede,
and looke to be filched as true as thy Creede.
¶ Is good to be wise. 30
Take warning by once, that a worse do not hap,
foresight is the stopper of many a gap.
¶ Some chaunge for a shift. 31
Make fewe of thy councell to change for the best,
least one that is trudging in fetcheth the rest.
¶ Much chaunge little thrift. 32
The stone that is rolling can gather no Mosse,
for Maistres and maydes, by oft changing is losse.
¶ Both liberal sticketh. 33
One Dog for a Hogge, and one Cat for a Mouse,
one ready to giue is inough in a house.
¶ Some prouender pricketh. 34
One gift ill accepted, kepe next in thy purse,
whom prouender pricketh are often the wurse.
¶ Brewe somewhat for thine. 35
Where brewer is nedefull be brewer thy selfe,
what filleth the roofe, wil helpe furnish thy shelfe.
¶ Else bring vp no Swine. 36
In buying thy drink by the firkin or Pot,
the skore doth arise, the Hogge profiteth not.
¶ Well brewed worth cost. 37
One busshell wel brewed, out lasteth some twaine
two troubles for one thing is cost to no gaine.
¶ Ill vsed halfe lost. 38
To new is no profit, to stale is as bad,
drinke sower or dead maketh husband halfe mad.
¶ Remember good Gill. 39
Put graines to more water while graines be yet hot,
& seeth them & sturre thē as otemeale in pot.
¶ Take payne with thy swill. 40
Though heating be costly, such swil yet in store,
shall profit thy porkelings a hundreth times more.
¶ New bred is the Diuell. 41
Newe bread is a waster, but mouldy is wurse,
what Dogge getteth that way that loseth the purse.
¶ Much crust is as euill. 42
Much dowebake I praise not, much crust is as ill
the meane is the huswife, say nay if ye wil.
¶ Good daîry doth ease. 43
Good seruant in dairye that nedes not be tolde,
deserueth hir fee to be paide hir in golde.
¶ Good cokerye doth please. 44
Good Cooke to dresse dinner, to bake & to brewe,
is better than golde being honest and true.
¶ Good droye yong or olde. 45
Good droy to serue hogs, to help wash & to milke,
is some time as nedefull as some in their silke.
¶ Good whitemeat worthe golde. 46
Kepe dayrie house clenly, kepe pan swete and told
kepe butter and cheese to looke yellow as golde.
¶ Make clenly thy guttes. 47
Saue charmmilke, saue welcord, saue puddig and souse,
such offall doth stop many gappes in a house.
¶ And learne to know sluttes. 48
Though homely be milker, let clenly be Cooke,
for dropnose and slut may be knowen by their looke.
¶ In dairy no Cat. 49
Though Cat being good is a iewel in house,
yet euer in dairy haue trappe for a mouse.
¶ Lay bane for a Rat. 50
Take hede how thou layest the bane for the rats,
for poysoning seruants, thy selfe and thy brattes.
¶ No scouring for pride. 51
Though scouring be nedefull, yet scourig to mutch
is pride without profite, and robbeth thine hutch.
¶ Kepe kettle whole side, 52
Kepe kettles from knocks, & set tubs out of sunne,
for mending is costly, and crackt is soone done.
¶ Take hede when ye wash. 53
Maides wash wel & wring well, but beat ye wot how.
if any lacke beating, I feare it be you.
¶ Els runne in the lash. 54
In washing by hand, haue an eye to thy boll,
for Launders and millers be quicke of their toll.
¶ Drye Sunne or drye wynde. 55
Go wash wel saieth Somer, with sūne I shal dry,
go wring well saith winter, with winde so shal I.
¶ Safe binde and safe finde. 56
To trust without hede is to venter a ioynt,
giue tale and take count is a huswifely point.
¶ Where none fall a packing. 57
When hēnes fall a cackling, take hede to their nest
when drabbes fall a whistring take hede to the rest.
¶ There nothing is lacking. 58
What Husband refuseth things comely to haue,
that hath a good wife that wil huswifely sane.
¶ Yll made better left. 59
The place may be so, & the Kill may be such,
to make thine owne Mault, shall profit chee much.
¶ Wood dried hath a west. 60
Som drieth with straw, & som drieth with wood
wood asketh more charge, & yet nothing so good.
¶ Let Mault be made well. 61
Mault being wel spered the more it wil cost,
mault being wel dryed the longer will last.
¶ Take hede to thy kell. 62
Let Gillet be singing, it doth very well,
to kepe hir from sleping and burning the kell.
¶ For hunger or thirst. 63
By noone let your dinner be ready and neate,
let meat tarry seruant not seruant his meat.
¶ Dresse cattel well first. 64
The plough teme a bayting,
cal seruāts to dinner,
the thicker, so much be the charges the thinner.
¶ Together is best. 65
Dewe season is best, altogether is gay,
dispatch hath no fellow, make short and away.
¶ For hostis and gest. 66
Beware of Gill laggose disordering thy house,
more dainties who catcheth thē craftie fed Mouse.
¶ Let such haue inough. 67
Giue seruants no dainties, but giue thē inough,
to many chappes walking doth begger the plough.
¶ That follow the plough. 68
Poore seggons halfe sterued work faintly & dull,
and lubbers do loyter, their bellies to full.
¶ Geue neuer to much, 69
Feede lazie that thresheth a flap and a tap,
lyke slouthfull that all day be stopping a gap.
¶ To lubbers and such. 70
Some housholdly lubber more eateth then twoe,
yet leaueth vndone that a stranger will doe.
¶ Spare such as thou hast, 71
Some cutteth thy linnen, some spilleth their broth
bare table to suche doth as well as a cloth.
¶ Where nothing will last. 72
Trene dishes doth wel, woddē spones go to wrack
where stone is no laster, take tankarde and iacke.
¶ Knap boy on the thumbes, 73
That pewter is neuer for manerly feast,
that dayly doth serue an vninanerly beast.
¶ And saue him his crummes. 74
Some gnaweth & leueth sōe crusts & some crums,
eat such their own leauigs, or gnaw their own thūbs
¶ Serue God euer furst, 75
At Dinner, at Supper, at Morning at Night,
Giue thankes vnto god for his giftes in thy sight.
¶ Take nothing at wurst. 76
Good husband and huswife will some tune alone,
dyne well with a morsell and suppe with a bone.
¶ Enough thou art tolde, 77
Three dishes well dressed, and welcome withall,
both pleaseth thy frende and becommeth thine Hall.
¶ To much will not holde. 78
Enough is a plentie, to much is a pride,
vnskilfull the holder, plough goeth asyde.
¶ Make company breake, 79
When Dinner is ended set seruaunts to woorke,
and follow such Marchants as loueth to lurke.
¶ Go cherishe the weake. 80
To seruant in sicknesse see nothing ye grutch.
a thing of a trifle shall comfort him mutch.
¶ who many do feede, 81
Put chipping in dippings, vse parings to saue,
fatt Capons or Hennes ye that looke for to haue.
¶ Saue much thei had neede. 82
Saue drippings and skimmings how euer ye do,
for medicine, for cattle, for Carte, and for shoo.
¶ Leaue Capon vnmeete, 83
All of corne thy pulleine must haue for their fee,
feede willingly such as do helpe to feede thee.
¶ Fatt costly vnsweete. 84
Though fat fed be daintie, of this I the warne,
be cunning in fatting for robbing thy barne.
¶ Peece hole to defende, 85
Good semesters be sowing of fine pretie knackes,
good huswiues be mending and peecing their sackes.
¶ Thinges tymely amende. 86
Though making & mending be huswifely wayes,
yet mending in tyme is the huswife to prayse.
¶ Buy newe as ye may. 87
Though Ladyes may rend and by new ery day,
good huswifes must mende & by newe as they may.
¶ Lose nothing I say. 88
Cal quarterly seruants to court and to lete,
write euery Couerlet, Blanket and Shete.
¶ Shift slouenly elfe, 89
Though shifting to oft be a theefe in a house,
yet shift goodman slouen for feare of a louse.
¶ Be Gaoler thy selfe. 90
Graunt doubtfull no keye of his chāber in pursse,
least Chamber dore locke be to thiefrie a Nursse.
¶ Saue feathers for gest, 91
Saue wing for thresher when Gander doth dye,
saue feathers of all thing the softer to lye.
¶ These foure rob chest. 92
Much spice is a thiefe, so is candle and fier,
swete sause is as craftie as euer was Frier.
¶ wife make thine owne candle, 93
Prouide for thy tallow ere frost commeth in,
and make thine owne Candle ere winter begin.
¶ Leaue peny to handle. 94
If peny for all thing be suffred to trudge,
trust long not to peny, to haue him thy drudge.
¶ Tyme drawing to night, 95
Whē hēnes go to house, set thy cooke to dresse meat
some milke, & serue hogs, and set some to serue neat.
¶ See all thinges go right. 96
Where twaine be inough, be not serued with three
more knaues in a company worser they be.
¶ Make Lackie to trudge, 97
For euery trifle leaue iauncing thy Nagge,
but rather make Lacky of Iack boy thy Nagge.
¶ Make seruant thy drudge. 98
Make seruant at night, lug in wood or a Log.
let none come in emptie but slutte and thy Dog.
¶ False knaue ready prest, 99
Where pulleine vse nightly to pearch in the yarde,
there two legged Foxes keepe watches and warde.
¶ All well is the best. 100
See cattell well serued without and within,
and all thing at quiet ere Supper begin.
¶ Take heede it is needefull, 101
No clothes in garden,
Euening woorkes
no trinkets without,
no doore left vnbolted for feare of a doubt.
¶ True pitie is meedefull. 102
Thou woman whome pitie becometh the best,
graunt all that hath laboured, tyme to take rest.
¶ Vse mirth and good woorde,
103 Prouide for thy husbād to make him good chere,
make mery together while tyme ye be here.
¶ At bed and at boorde. 104
At bed and at borde how so euer be fall,
what euer God sendeth be mery withall.
¶ No skirmishing make 105
No taunts before seruants for hindring thy fame
no iarring to loude for auoiding of shame.
No ielousie take. 106
As fransie and heresie roueth together,
so ielousie leadeth a foole ye wote whether.
¶ Rewarde as ye haue, 107
Yong children & chickens would euer be eating,
good seruauntes looke duely for gentle entreating.
¶ No talkatiue knaue, 108
No seruaunt at table vse sausly to talke,
least tongue set at large out of measure do walke.
¶ No snatching at all, 109
No lurching, no snatching, nor striuing at all,
least one go without and another haue all.
¶ Sirs harken now all, 110
Declare after Supper, take hede thereunto,
Woorkes after sup­per.
what worke in the morning eche seruant shal do.
¶ Thy soule hath a clog, 111
Remember those children whose parēts be poore,
which hunger, yet dare not to craue at thy doore.
Forget not thy Dog. 112
Thy bandog that serueth for dyucrs mishappes,
forget not to geue him thy bones and thy scrappes.
¶ Make keyes to be kepers, 113
Where mouthes be many to spend that thou hast
set keyes to be kepers for spending to fast.
¶ To bed drousie slepers. 114
To bed after supper, let drousie go slepe,
least knaue in the darke to his marrow do creepe.
¶ Kepe keyes as thy life, 115
Such keyes lay vp safe ere ye take ye to rest,
of dairy, of Buttery of Cuphorde and Chest.
¶ Feare candle good wife. 116
Feare candle in hay loft in Barne and in Shed,
feare flea smock, & mendbreech, for burning their bed.
¶ Night workes trouble hed, 117
The day willeth done what so euer ye bid,
the night is a theefe if ye take not good heede,
¶ Locke doores and to bed. 118
Washe dishes, lay leauens, safe fyer and away,
locke doores and to bed a good huswife will say.
¶ To bed know thy guise, 119
In winter at nyne; and in Sommer at tenne,
to bed after Supper both maydens and menne.
¶ To rise do likewise. 120
In winter at fiue a clocke seruant aryse,
in Sommer at foure is euer the guyse.
¶ Liue well and long.
forbeare now among.
Be lowly not solen if ought go amisse,
what wresting may lose thee, that winne with a kisse,
Both heare and forbeare now and then as ye may,
then Wenche God a mercy thy husband will saye.

The plough mans feasting times.

This would not be slept,
olde guise must be kept.
GOod Huswiues whom God hath enriched enough
Feasting dayes
forget not the feastes that belong to the Plough,
The meaning is onely to ioy and be glad,
for comfort with labour would sometune be had.
¶ Plough Monday.
Plough Monday, the next after Twelftide be past,
At twelfe tyde
biddeth out with the plough, the worst husbād is last.
If Ploughman get hatchet or whip to the screne,
maydes loseth their Cocke if no water be seene.
¶ Shroftide.
At shroftide to shrouing, go thresh the fatte henne,
At shroftid
if blindfilde can kill it then giue it thy menne.
Maydes fritters and Pancakes inough see ye make,
let slutte haue one pancake for company sake.
¶ Sheepe shering.
Wyfe make vs a feast, spare fleshe neyther corne,
At midso­mer.
make Wafers & Cakes, for our shepe must be shorne,
At shepe shering neighbours no other thing craue,
but good chere & welcome, like neighbours to haue.
¶ The wake day.
To Ouen with the flawnes mayd, passe not for slepe,
Wake day.
to morow thy father his wake day shal kepe:
Then trimly go daunce with what Louer ye will,
though loue make you beaten, kepe Louer yet still.
¶ Haruest home.
In August.
For all this good feasting yet art thou not loose,
till thou giue the Ploughman in haruest his goose.
Though goose go in stubble, yet passe not for that
let goose haue a goose be shee leane be shee fat.
¶ Seede Cake.
At Hallo­masse.
Wife some time this weeke if that all thing go cleare,
an ende of wheat sowing we make for this yeare.
Remember you therefore, though I do it not,
the Seede Cake, the Pasties, and Furmentie pot.
¶ Twise a weke rost.
Good Ploughmen looke wekely of custome & right,
Twise a weke rost.
for rostmeat on Sondayes & Thursdaies at night.
Thus doing and keping such custome and guise,
they call thee good huswife, they loue thee likewise.

The good huswifely Phisicke.

GOod huswiues prouide ere an sicknes doth come,
of sundry good thinges in her house to haue some.
Good Aqua composita, Vineger tart,
Rose water and Treacle to comfort the hart,
Colde herbes in her Garden for Agues that burne,
that ouer strong heate to good temper may turne.
With Endiue and Suckery, with Spinage ynough,
all such with good pot herbes should follow y e plough.
Get water of Fumetory, Lyuer to coole,
and others the like, or els go like a foole.
Conserue of Barbery, Quinces and such,
with Sirops that easeth the sickly so much.
Ask Medicus councel ere medicine ye make,
and honour that man for necessities sake.
Though thousands hate Phisicke because of the cost
yet thousands it helpeth that else should be lost.
Good broth & good keeping doth much now & than,
good diet
good diet with wisedome best helpeth a man.
In health to be sturring shall profite thee best,
in sickenesse hate trouble, seeke quiet and rest.
Remember thy soule,
Think on thy soule Haue a good hart
let no fansie preuaile,
make ready to Godward let hart neuer quaile.
The sooner thy selfe thou submittest to God,
the sooner he ceaseth to scourge with his rod.

The good motherly Nusserie.

Good huswiues take paine,
Mother best nurse
& do count it good luck,
to make their own brests their own child to giue suck
Though wrauling and rocking be noysome so neare,
yet lost by ill nursing is worser to heare.
But one thing I warne thee, let huswife be nursse,
least husband doth find thee to frank with his purse.
What hilbacke and fill belly maketh away,
that helpe to make good,
Hilbak & fil belly Big and the twig.
or else looke for a fray.
Giue childe that is fitly giue baby the bigge,
giue hardenesse to youth and giue coperipe a twigge
We finde it not spoken so often for naught,
that children were better vnborne than vntaught.
Some Cockneis with cocking are made very fooles
fit neither for Prentice, for plough nor for schooles.
Teach childe to aske blessing,
serue god
serue God & to church,
then blesse as a mother: else blesse him with burch.
Thou huswife thus doing what further shall nede,
but all men to call thee good huswife in dede.

Thinke on the poore.

REmember the poore, that for Gods sake do call,
for God both rewardeth and blesseth with all.
Take this in good part, what so euer thou bee,
and wishe me no worse than I wishe vnto thee.

For men a perfect warning, what childe shall come by learning.

ALl you that faine would learne a perfect way,
to haue your children in musick some thing sene:
Aske nature first what thereto she doth say,
ere further sute ye make to such a Queene.
For doubtlesse Crossum Gaput is not he,
of whom the learned Muses seene will bee.
Once tryed that nature trim hath done her part,
and Lady Musicke farre in loue withall:
Be wise who first doth teach thy childe that art,
least homely breaker marre fine ambling ball.
Not rod in madbraines hand is that can helpe,
but gentle skill doth make the proper whelpe.
Wheare choise is harde, count good for well a fine,
skill mixt with will, is he that teacheth best:
Let this suffise for teaching childe of thine,
chuse quickly well for all thy lingering rest.
Mistaught at first howe seldome proueth well?
trim taught (O God) how shortly doth excell?
Although as shippes must tarry winde and tyde,
and perfect houres abide their stinted time:
So likewise, though of learning (daily tride)
space must be had ere wit may thereto clime:
Yet easie steppes, and perfect way to trust,
doth cause good speede, confesse of force we must.
Thus in the childe though wit inough we finde,
and teacher good neare hand, or other where:
And time as apt as may be thought with minde,
nor cause in such thing much to doubt or feare:
Yet cocking Mams, & shifting Dads from schooles,
make pregnant wittes to proue vnlearned fooles.
Ere learning come, to haue first art thou taught,
apt learning childe, apt time that think to frame,
Apt cunning man to teach, else all is naught.
apt parents glad to bring to passe the same.
On such apt ground the Muses loue to builde,
this lesson learne: adewe else learned childe.

A sonet to the Lady Paget.

SOme pleasures take, and can not giue,
but onely make poore thanks their shift:
Some meaning well in det do liue,
nor cannot tell how els to shift.
Some knocke and faine would ope the doore,
to learne the vaine good turne to praise:
Some shew good face, and be but poore,
yet haue a grace good fame to rayse.
Some owe and giue, yet still in det,
and so must liue for ought I knowe:
Some wishe to pay and cannot get,
but night and day still more do owe.
Euen so must I for pleasures past,
still wishe you good while life doth last.

A Comparison betvvene good Huswifery and euill.

Comparing together good huswife and bad,
The knowledge of either the better is had.
IL huswiferie lieth till nine of the clocke,
good huswiferie tryeth to rise with the Cocke.
Ill huswiferie tooteth to make her selfe braue,
good huswiferie looketh what housholde must haue.
Ill huswiferie trusteth to him and to her,
good huswiferie lusteth her selfe for to stir.
Ill huswiferie cares not for this nor for that.
good huswiferie spareth for feare ye wote what.
Ill huswiferye pricketh her selfe vp in pride,
good huswifery tricketh her house as a bride.
Ill huswifery o thinge or other muste craue,
good huswifery nothing but nedefull will haue.
Ill huswifery moueth with gosseps to spend,
good huswifery loueth her housholde to tende.
Ill huswifery wanteth with spending to fast,
good huswiferye scanteth, the lenger to last.
Ill huswiferye easeth her selfe with vnknowne,
good huswiferye pleaseth her selfe with her owne.
Ill huswiferie brooketh mad toies in her hed,
good huswifery looketh that al things be fed.
Ill huswifery bringeth a shilling to naught,
good huswiferie singeth, her cofers all fraught.
Ill huswiferie renteth and casteth a side,
good huswiferie mendeth, else would it go wide.
Ill huswiferie swepeth her linnen to gage,
good huswiferie kepeth to serue her in age.
Ill huswiferie craueth in secret to borrowe,
good huswiferie saueth to day for to morrowe.
Ill huswiferie pineth (not hauing to eate)
good huswifrie dineth with plentie of meate.
Ill huswiferie letteth the Diuell to take all,
good huswiferie setteth good brag of a small.
17 Good huswife good fame hath of best in the towne,
yll huswife yll name hath of euery Clowne.

Husbandly posies for the hall.

FRend here I dwell, and here I haue a little wordly pelfe:
which on my friend I kepe to spende, as well as on my selfe.
What euer fare thou hap to finde, take welcome for the best:
that hauing then, disdaine thou not, for wanting of the rest.
Bachyting talke, the flattering blabs, knowe wily how to blēge,
the wise doth note, the frende doth hate, the enmie will reuenge.
The wise wil spende, or geue & lend, yet kepe or haue in store:
if fooles may haue from hand to mouth, they pas vppon no more.
Where ease is sought, at length we see, that plenty waxeth scāt:
who carelesse liue, go borrow must, or else, full often want.
The world doth think the welthy man is he that least shall nede
but God doth know the vertuous man is he that best shal spede.

Posies for the parler.

AS hatred is the serpents noysome rod,
so frendship is the louing gifte of God.
The dronken frende is frendship very euill,
the frantike frend, is frendship for the Deuill.
The quiet frend all one in word and dede,
great comfort is like redy golde at neede.
With brauling fooles, that wrall for euery wrong,
firme frendship neuer can continue long.
In time that man shall seldome frendship misse,
that wayeth what thing, touch kept in frendship is.
Oft times a frend is got with easte cost,
which vsed euill, is oft as quickly lost.
Hast thou a frend as hart may wish at wil?
then vse him so to haue his frendship still.
Wouldst haue a frend? wouldst know what frend is best?
haue God thy frende, who passeth al the rest.

Posies for the geastes chamber.

THe slouen and the carelesse man, the roynish nothing nice,
to lodge in chamber comely deckt, are seldome suffred twice.
With curteine some make scabert clene, with couerlet their sho,
all dyrt and mire some wallow hed, as spaniels loue to doe.
Though bootes & spurs be neuer so foule what passeth som therō
what place they foile, what thing they teare, by tumbling therupon.
Fowle male some cast on faire borde, be carpet nere so cleene,
what maners carelesse maister hath, by knaue his man is seene.
Some make the Chimney chamber pot, to smel like filthy sinke,
yet who so bolde so sone to say, fough how these howses stinke.
They therfore such as make no force, what clenly thing they spil
must haue a kabben like them selues, although against their will.
But gentlemen will gently do, where gentlenesse is shewed,
obseruing this, with loue abide, or else hence al beshrewd.

Posies for thine owne bed Chamber.

WHat wisdō more, what better life, thā pleaseth God to send
what worldly goods, what lōger vse thā pleseth god to lēd
What better fare than wel content, what mirth to quiet welth,
what better gest than trustie frend, in sicknes and in helth?
What better bed than quiet rest, to passe the night with fleepe,
what better worke than dayly care, fro sinne thy selfe to keepe.
What better thought than think on God, & dayly him to serue,
what better gift than to the poore, that ready be to sterue?
What greater praise of God and man, than hatred to forsake,
what mercylesse shall mercy get, that mercy none wil take.
What worse dispaire than loth to die, for feare to go to Hell,
what greater faith than trust in god, through christ in heuē to dwel.

Principall pointes of Religion.

  • 1 TO pray to God continually.
  • 2 To learne to know him rightfully.
  • 3 To honour God in Trinitie,
    • The Trinitie in Vnitie,
    • The Father in his Maiestie,
    • The Sonne in his humanitie,
    • The Holy ghostes benignitie,
  • 4 To serue him alway holily.
  • 5 To aske him all thing needefully.
  • 6 To praise him alway worthily.
  • 7 To loue him alway stedfastly.
  • 8 To dread him alway fearfully.
  • 9 To aske him mercy hartely.
  • 10 To trust him alway faithfully.
  • 11 To obey him alway willingly.
  • 12 To abide him alway paciently.
  • 13 To thank him alway fatherly.
  • 14 To liue here alway vertuously.
  • 15 To vse thy neighbour honestly.
  • 16 To looke for death still presently.
  • 17 To helpe the poore in miserie.
  • 18 To hope for heauens felicitie.
  • 19 To haue faith, hope, and charitie.
  • 20 To count this life but vanitie.
    • be pointes of Christianitie.

¶ The husband mannes belife.

THis is my stedfast Creede, my faith and all my trust,
that in the heauens there is a God, most mighty true & iust.
That made the hanging Skies, so deckt with diuers lightes,
of darknesse made the cherefull daies, and all our restfull nightes,
That clad this earth with herbe, with trees of sundry fruites,
with beast, with birde, both wild & tame, of strange & sundry suites
That intermixt the same, with mynes (like veines) of ore:
of siluer, golde, or precious stones, and treasures many more.
That ioyned brookes to Dales, to Hilles fresh water springes:
with Ryuers sweete alonges the Medes to profite many things.
That made the hory Frostes, the flaky Snowes so trim,
the hony Dewes, the blustering winde to serue as pleaseth him.
That made the surging Seas, in course to ebbe and flowe:
that skilfull man with sayling shippe, mought trauell to and fro.
And stored so the same, for mannes vnthankfull sake,
that euery nation vnder heauen, mought thereby profit take.
That sendeth thundring claps, like terrors out of Hell,
that man may know what God it is that in the heauens doth dwell
That sendeth threatning plagues to kepe our liues in awe,
his benefites if we forget, or do contemne his lawe.
This is that Lorde of hostes, the father of vs all,
the maker of what ere was made, my God, on whome I call.
Which for the loue of man, sent downe his onely Sonne,
begot of him before the worldes were any whit begonne.
This entred Maries wombe, as faith affirmeth sure.
conceyued by the holy ghost, borne of that virgin pure,
This was both God and man, of Iewes the hoped king,
and liued here, saue onely sinne, like man in euery thing.
This was that virgins child, that same most holy priest,
that Lambe of God y e Prophet great, whom scripture calleth Christ.
This that Messias was, of whome the Prophet spake,
that should treade down the serpents head, & our attonement make.
This Iudas did betray to false dissembling Iewes:
which vnto Pilate being Iudge, did falsely him accuse.
Who (through that wicked Iudge) and of those Iewes dispight,
condemned and tormented was with all the power they might.
To liuing wight more yll what could such wretches do?
more percing woundes, more bitter paines, then they did put him to.
They crowned him with thorne that was the king of kinges,
that thought to saue the soule of man aboue all wordly thinges.
This was the Pascall lambe, whose loue for vs so stoode,
that on the mount of Caluerine, did shed for vs his bloode.
Where hanging on the Crosse, no shame he did forsake,
tyll death geuen him by pearcing speare, an ende of life did make.
This Ioseph seing dead, the body thence did craue,
and tooke it forthwith from the Crosse, and layde it in his graue.
Downe thence he went to hell, in vsing there his will,
his soule I meane, his slayed corps, in Tombe remaining still.
From death to life againe, the thirde day this did rise,
and seene on earth to his elect, tymes oft in sundry wise.
And after into heauen, ascend he did in sight,
and sitteth on the right hand there of God the father of might.
Where for vs wretches all, his father he doth praye,
to take respect vnto his death, and put our sinnes away.
From thence with sounded trump, whiche noise all flesh shal dread,
he shall returne with glory againe, to iudge the quick and dead.
Then shal that voice be hearde, come come ye good to mee,
get you to hell you workers euill where paine shall euer bee.
This is that louing Christ, which I my Sauiour call,
and onely put my trust in him, and in none else at all.
In God the holy ghost I firmely do beleue,
which from the father and the Sonne proceding, life doth geue.
Which by the prophets spake, which doth all comfort sende,
which I do trust shalbe my guide, when this my life shal ende.
A holy Catholik Church, on earth I graunt there is,
and those which frame their liues by that, shall neuer speede amisse.
The head whereof is Christ, his worde the chiefest post,
preseruer of this Temple great, is God the holy ghost.
I do not doubt, there is a multitude of Saintes,
more good is done resembling them, then shewing thē our plaints.
Their faith and woorkes in Christ, that glorie them did giue,
which glory wee shall likewise haue, if likewise we do liue.
At God of Heauen there is, forgiuenesse of our sinnes,
through Christes death, through faith in it, & through none other gine
If we (whiles here we liue) repentant mercy craue,
through sted fast hope & faith in Christ, for giuenesse we shal haue.
I hope and trust vpon the rysing of the fleshe:
this corps of myne (that first must dye) shall rise againe afreshe.
The body and soule euen then, in one shal ioyned be:
As Christ did rise from death to life, euen so through Christ shall we.
As Christ is glorified, and neuer more shall dye,
As Christ ascended is to heauen, through Christ euen so shall I.
As Christ I count my heade, and I a member of his:
so God I trust for Christ his sake, shal settle me in blisse.
Thus here we learne of God, that there be persons three,
the Father, Sonne, the holy ghost, one God in trinitie.
In substance all lyke one, one God, one Lorde, one might:
whose persons yet we do deuide, and so we may by right.
As God the father is, the maker of vs all:
so God the Sonne redemer is, to whome for helpe we call.
And God the Holy ghost, doth make vs pure and clene:
and moueth vs to waile for grace, we being ouer seene.
This is that God of Gods, whome euery soule should loue:
whome all mens heartes should quake for feare, his wrath on thē to moue
That this same mighty God, aboue all other chiefe,
shall saue my soule from dolefull Hell, is all my whole beliefe.

Of the omnipotencie of God and debilitie of man.

O God thou glorious god what god is like to thee,
what life, what strength is like to thine, as al y e world may see?
Thy heauens, thine earth, the Seas, and all thy workes therin,
do shew to whō thou wouldest to know what thou hast euer bene.
But all the thoughtes of man are bent to wretched euels,
man doth commit Idolatrie, bewitched of the Diuels.
What euill is left vndone, where man may haue his will:
man euer was an hipocrite, and euer will be still.
What dayly watch is made, the soule of man to sle,
by Lucifer, by Balsabub, Mammon, and Asmode.
In diuelishe pride, in wrath, in couering to much,
in fleshly lust, the tyme is spent, the life of man is such.
The ioy that here he hath, is as a sparke of fier,
his actes be like the smoldering smoke, himself but dirt and mier:
His strength euen as a reede, his age like to the floure,
his breath or life is but a puffe, vncerteine euery houre.
But for the Holy ghost, and for his giftes of grace,
the death of Christ, the mercy great, man were in woful case.
O graunt vs therefore Lorde, tamende that is a misse,
and when from hence we do depart, to rest with thee in blisse,
Th. Thusser.

Note that those staues which be marked with this marke or Paraph (¶) before them, do ap­pertaine to Huswiferie, & are fitly intermixed with Husbandrye for the apte tyme and vse of them.

The table to Husbandrie

  • THe Preface. fo. 2
  • The commoditie of husban­drie. fo. 2
  • The praise of husbandrie fo. 2
  • The Epistle to the Lord Paget. fo. 3
  • The Epistle to the reader fo. 3
  • The description of husbandrie. fo. 4
  • The Ladder to thrift. fo. 4
  • xxiiii. Lessons alwaye to be obser­ued. fo. 5
  • Husbandrie for August. fo. 7
  • Husbandrie for September fo. 9
  • Husbandrie for October. fo. 10
  • Husbandrie for Nouember fo. 10
  • Husbandrie for December. fo. 11
  • A digression. so 12
  • A discription of time and the yere. fo. 12
  • A description of life & ryches. fo. 12
  • A description of housekeping fo. 13
  • A description of Christmas. fo. 13
  • A description of apte time to spende fo. 13
  • Against fantastical scruplenes. fo. 14
  • Christmas husbandly fare fo. 14
  • Husbandrie for Ianuary fo. 14
  • Husbandrie for February fo. 16
  • Husbandrie for March. fo. 17
  • Husbandrie for Aprill fo. 18
  • Husbandrie for May fo. 18
  • Husbandrie for Iune fo. 20
  • Husbandrie for Iuly, fo. 20
  • The kindlye propertie of euerye Moneth. fo. 22
  • A comparison betwene good hus­bandrie and euill fo. 20
  • A Sonet fo. 23
  • A comparison betweene Cham­pion and Seuerall. fo. 23

The table to Huswiferie.

  • THe Preface fo. 26
  • The praise of Huswiferie fo. 26
  • The Epistle to y e lady Paget. fo. 26
  • A description of Huswife and Huswiferie. fo. 27
  • Twenty Lessons alwaye to bee obserued. fo. 27
  • A digression of Cock crowning. fo. 28
  • Huswiferie before breakefast or morning workes fo. 29
  • Huswiferie betweene breakfast & dinner or fornoone workes. fo. 29
  • Dinner. fo. 32
  • After noone woorkes fo. 33
  • Euening workes. fo. 34
  • Supper. fo. 34
  • Workes after supper fo. 35
  • The Ploughmans feasting daies fo. 36
  • The good huswifely Phisik. fo. 36
  • The good motherly nurssery. fo. 37
  • What childrē should be trained vp in Musike. fo. 37
  • A Sonet to the Lady Paget fo. 38
  • A comparisō betwene good hus­wiferie and euill. fo. 38
  • Husbandly poesies for y e hall. fo. 39
  • [Page]Poesies for the Parlour. fo. 39.
  • Poesies for the Geastes Cham­ber. fo. 40
  • Poesies for the bed chamber. fo. 40
  • Principall points of religion. fo. 41
  • The Husbandmans belief fo. 41
  • Of the omnipotencie of God, and debilitie of man. fo. 43

Imprynted at Lon­don in Fletestrete within Temple barre at the signe of the Hand and starre, by Rychard Tottel. Anno. 1570.

Cum priuilegio.

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