A hundreth good pointes
of Huswiferye.
¶ No soner Sunne vp.
GEt vp in the morning as soone as thou wilt,
with ouer long slugging good seruant is spilt.
¶ But nose in the cup. 2
Some slouens from sleping no sooner be vp,
but hand is in Aumberie, and nose in the cup.
¶ That earely is done. 3
Some works in the morning may trimly be done,
that al the day after can neuer be wonne.
¶ Count huswifely wonne. 4
Good husband without maketh welthy and fat,
good huswife within is as nedefull as that.
¶ Cast dust in the yarde. 5
Sluttes corners auoided, shal farther thy health,
much time about trifles shal hinder thy wealth.
¶ Go spin and go carde. 6
Set some about charning, some seething of souse,
some carding, some spinning, som trimming vp house.
¶ Do as ye shall thinke. 7
Set some to grinde mault, or thy russhes to twine,
set some to peele hempe, or to seething of brine.
¶ Let meat neuer stinke. 8
Some corneth, som brineth, som wil not be taught
wher meat taketh vent, there the huswife is naught.
¶ To breakfast that come.
9 Call seruants to breakfast by day starre appere,
a snatch and to worke fellowes, tarry not here.
¶ Geue euery one some. 10
Let huswife be caruer, let pottage be eate,
a dishfull eche one with a morsell of meate.
¶ No more tittle tattle. 11
What tacke in a pudding sayth gredy gut wringer
giue such ye wote what, ere pudding they finger.
¶ To seruing your cattle.
Fore nōe workes.
12 Let seruants once serued, thy cattle go serue,
else maister and mistresse may quickly go sterue.
¶ Learne you that will thee. 13
No breakfast of custome prouide not to saue,
but onely to such as deserueth to haue.
¶ Some daintie wil bee. 14
No shewing to seruant what vitailes in store,
shew seruants their labour and shew them no more.
¶ Of hauock beware. 15
Where al things is common, what nedeth a hutch?
where wanteth a sauer, there hauock is much.
¶ False Cattes will not spare. 16
Where windows stand open y
e cattes make a fray
yet wilde cats with two legs are worser then they.
¶ Looke well vnto thine. 17
An eye in a corner who vseth to haue,
reueleth a drab, and preuenteth a knaue.
¶ Slut slouthfull must whine. 18
Make maide to be clenly, or make her crye creake,
& teach her to stirre when her mistresse doth speake.
¶ Let holly wand threat. 19
A wand in thy hand though ye fight not all,
make youth to their businesse the better to fall.
Let fisgig be beat. 20
For feare of a foole had I wist cause thee to waile
let fisgig be taught to shut dore after tayle.
¶ To easy the wicket. 21
With hir that will clicket, make daunger to cope,
least happily hir wicket be easy to ope.
¶ Will still appease clicket. 22
As rod lytell mendeth where maners be spilt,
so naught wilbe nought say and do what thou wilt.
¶ Fight seldome ye shall. 23
Much brauling with seruants what man cā abide
pay home when thou fightest but loue not to chide.
¶ Loue neuer to brall. 24
As order is heauenly where quiet is had,
so errour is hel, or a mischief as bad.
¶ What better lawe. 25
Such law as a warning will cause to beware,
doth make the whole house the better to fare.
¶ To seruants than awe. 26
The lesse of thy councell thy seruants doth know
their duetie the better such seruants shall showe.
¶ Good musicke regarde. 27
Such seruants are often both paineful and good
that sing in their labours as birdes in the wood.
¶ Good seruaunts rewarde 28
Good seruants hope iustly some frendship to fele,
and looke to haue fauour what time they do wele.
¶ By one time or twise. 29
Take runnagate Robbins to pittie their nede,
and looke to be filched as true as thy Creede.
¶ Is good to be wise. 30
Take warning by once, that a worse do not hap,
foresight is the stopper of many a gap.
¶ Some chaunge for a shift. 31
Make fewe of thy councell to change for the best,
least one that is trudging in fetcheth the rest.
¶ Much chaunge little thrift. 32
The stone that is rolling can gather no Mosse,
for Maistres and maydes, by oft changing is losse.
¶ Both liberal sticketh. 33
One Dog for a Hogge, and one Cat for a Mouse,
one ready to giue is inough in a house.
¶ Some prouender pricketh. 34
One gift ill accepted, kepe next in thy purse,
whom prouender pricketh are often the wurse.
¶ Brewe somewhat for thine. 35
Where brewer is nedefull be brewer thy selfe,
what filleth the roofe, wil helpe furnish thy shelfe.
¶ Else bring vp no Swine. 36
In buying thy drink by the firkin or Pot,
the skore doth arise, the Hogge profiteth not.
¶ Well brewed worth cost. 37
One busshell wel brewed, out lasteth some twaine
two troubles for one thing is cost to no gaine.
¶ Ill vsed halfe lost. 38
To new is no profit, to stale is as bad,
drinke sower or dead maketh husband halfe mad.
¶ Remember good Gill. 39
Put graines to more water while graines be yet hot,
& seeth them & sturre thē as otemeale in pot.
¶ Take payne with thy swill. 40
Though heating be costly, such swil yet in store,
shall profit thy porkelings a hundreth times more.
¶ New bred is the Diuell. 41
Newe bread is a waster, but mouldy is wurse,
what Dogge getteth that way that loseth the purse.
¶ Much crust is as euill. 42
Much dowebake I praise not, much crust is as ill
the meane is the huswife, say nay if ye wil.
¶ Good daîry doth ease. 43
Good seruant in dairye that nedes not be tolde,
deserueth hir fee to be paide hir in golde.
¶ Good cokerye doth please. 44
Good Cooke to dresse dinner, to bake & to brewe,
is better than golde being honest and true.
¶ Good droye yong or olde. 45
Good droy to serue hogs, to help wash & to milke,
is some time as nedefull as some in their silke.
¶ Good whitemeat worthe golde. 46
Kepe dayrie house clenly, kepe pan swete and told
kepe butter and cheese to looke yellow as golde.
¶ Make clenly thy guttes. 47
Saue charmmilke, saue welcord, saue puddig and souse,
such offall doth stop many gappes in a house.
¶ And learne to know sluttes. 48
Though homely be milker, let clenly be Cooke,
for dropnose and slut may be knowen by their looke.
¶ In dairy no Cat. 49
Though Cat being good is a iewel in house,
yet euer in dairy haue trappe for a mouse.
¶ Lay bane for a Rat. 50
Take hede how thou layest the bane for the rats,
for poysoning seruants, thy selfe and thy brattes.
¶ No scouring for pride. 51
Though scouring be nedefull, yet scourig to mutch
is pride without profite, and robbeth thine hutch.
¶ Kepe kettle whole side, 52
Kepe kettles from knocks, & set tubs out of sunne,
for mending is costly, and crackt is soone done.
¶ Take hede when ye wash. 53
Maides wash wel & wring well, but beat ye wot how.
if any lacke beating, I feare it be you.
¶ Els runne in the lash. 54
In washing by hand, haue an eye to thy boll,
for Launders and millers be quicke of their toll.
¶ Drye Sunne or drye wynde. 55
Go wash wel saieth Somer, with sūne I shal dry,
go wring well saith winter, with winde so shal I.
¶ Safe binde and safe finde. 56
To trust without hede is to venter a ioynt,
giue tale and take count is a huswifely point.
¶ Where none fall a packing. 57
When hēnes fall a cackling, take hede to their nest
when drabbes fall a whistring take hede to the rest.
¶ There nothing is lacking. 58
What Husband refuseth things comely to haue,
that hath a good wife that wil huswifely sane.
¶ Yll made better left. 59
The place may be so, & the Kill may be such,
to make thine owne Mault, shall profit chee much.
¶ Wood dried hath a west. 60
Som drieth with straw, & som drieth with wood
wood asketh more charge, & yet nothing so good.
¶ Let Mault be made well. 61
Mault being wel spered the more it wil cost,
mault being wel dryed the longer will last.
¶ Take hede to thy kell. 62
Let Gillet be singing, it doth very well,
to kepe hir from sleping and burning the kell.
¶ For hunger or thirst. 63
By noone let your dinner be ready and neate,
let meat tarry seruant not seruant his meat.
¶ Dresse cattel well first. 64
The plough teme a bayting,
cal seruāts to dinner,
the thicker, so much be the charges the thinner.
¶ Together is best. 65
Dewe season is best, altogether is gay,
dispatch hath no fellow, make short and away.
¶ For hostis and gest. 66
Beware of Gill laggose disordering thy house,
more dainties who catcheth thē craftie fed Mouse.
¶ Let such haue inough. 67
Giue seruants no dainties, but giue thē inough,
to many chappes walking doth begger the plough.
¶ That follow the plough. 68
Poore seggons halfe sterued work faintly & dull,
and lubbers do loyter, their bellies to full.
¶ Geue neuer to much, 69
Feede lazie that thresheth a flap and a tap,
lyke slouthfull that all day be stopping a gap.
¶ To lubbers and such. 70
Some housholdly lubber more eateth then twoe,
yet leaueth vndone that a stranger will doe.
¶ Spare such as thou hast, 71
Some cutteth thy linnen, some spilleth their broth
bare table to suche doth as well as a cloth.
¶ Where nothing will last. 72
Trene dishes doth wel, woddē spones go to wrack
where stone is no laster, take tankarde and iacke.
¶ Knap boy on the thumbes, 73
That pewter is neuer for manerly feast,
that dayly doth serue an vninanerly beast.
¶ And saue him his crummes. 74
Some gnaweth & leueth sōe crusts & some crums,
eat such their own leauigs, or gnaw their own thūbs
¶ Serue God euer furst, 75
At Dinner, at Supper, at Morning at Night,
Giue thankes vnto god for his giftes in thy sight.
¶ Take nothing at wurst. 76
Good husband and huswife will some tune alone,
dyne well with a morsell and suppe with a bone.
¶ Enough thou art tolde, 77
Three dishes well dressed, and welcome withall,
both pleaseth thy frende and becommeth thine Hall.
¶ To much will not holde. 78
Enough is a plentie, to much is a pride,
vnskilfull the holder, plough goeth asyde.
¶ Make company breake, 79
When Dinner is ended set seruaunts to woorke,
and follow such Marchants as loueth to lurke.
¶ Go cherishe the weake. 80
To seruant in sicknesse see nothing ye grutch.
a thing of a trifle shall comfort him mutch.
¶ who many do feede, 81
Put chipping in dippings, vse parings to saue,
fatt Capons or Hennes ye that looke for to haue.
¶ Saue much thei had neede. 82
Saue drippings and skimmings how euer ye do,
for medicine, for cattle, for Carte, and for shoo.
¶ Leaue Capon vnmeete, 83
All of corne thy pulleine must haue for their fee,
feede willingly such as do helpe to feede thee.
¶ Fatt costly vnsweete. 84
Though fat fed be daintie, of this I the warne,
be cunning in fatting for robbing thy barne.
¶ Peece hole to defende, 85
Good semesters be sowing of fine pretie knackes,
good huswiues be mending and peecing their sackes.
¶ Thinges tymely amende. 86
Though making & mending be huswifely wayes,
yet mending in tyme is the huswife to prayse.
¶ Buy newe as ye may. 87
Though Ladyes may rend and by new ery day,
good huswifes must mende & by newe as they may.
¶ Lose nothing I say. 88
Cal quarterly seruants to court and to lete,
write euery Couerlet, Blanket and Shete.
¶ Shift slouenly elfe, 89
Though shifting to oft be a theefe in a house,
yet shift goodman slouen for feare of a louse.
¶ Be Gaoler thy selfe. 90
Graunt doubtfull no keye of his chāber in pursse,
least Chamber dore locke be to thiefrie a Nursse.
¶ Saue feathers for gest, 91
Saue wing for thresher when Gander doth dye,
saue feathers of all thing the softer to lye.
¶ These foure rob chest. 92
Much spice is a thiefe, so is candle and fier,
swete sause is as craftie as euer was Frier.
¶ wife make thine owne candle, 93
Prouide for thy tallow ere frost commeth in,
and make thine owne Candle ere winter begin.
¶ Leaue peny to handle. 94
If peny for all thing be suffred to trudge,
trust long not to peny, to haue him thy drudge.
¶ Tyme drawing to night, 95
Whē hēnes go to house, set thy cooke to dresse meat
some milke, & serue hogs, and set some to serue neat.
¶ See all thinges go right. 96
Where twaine be inough, be not serued with three
more knaues in a company worser they be.
¶ Make Lackie to trudge, 97
For euery trifle leaue iauncing thy Nagge,
but rather make Lacky of Iack boy thy Nagge.
¶ Make seruant thy drudge. 98
Make seruant at night, lug in wood or a Log.
let none come in emptie but slutte and thy Dog.
¶ False knaue ready prest, 99
Where pulleine vse nightly to pearch in the yarde,
there two legged Foxes keepe watches and warde.
¶ All well is the best. 100
See cattell well serued without and within,
and all thing at quiet ere Supper begin.
¶ Take heede it is needefull, 101
No clothes in garden,
Euening woorkes
no trinkets without,
no doore left vnbolted for feare of a doubt.
¶ True pitie is meedefull. 102
Thou woman whome pitie becometh the best,
graunt all that hath laboured, tyme to take rest.
¶ Vse mirth and good woorde,
103 Prouide for thy husbād to make him good chere,
make mery together while tyme ye be here.
¶ At bed and at boorde. 104
At bed and at borde how so euer be fall,
what euer God sendeth be mery withall.
¶ No skirmishing make 105
No taunts before seruants for hindring thy fame
no iarring to loude for auoiding of shame.
No ielousie take. 106
As fransie and heresie roueth together,
so ielousie leadeth a foole ye wote whether.
¶ Rewarde as ye haue, 107
Yong children & chickens would euer be eating,
good seruauntes looke duely for gentle entreating.
¶ No talkatiue knaue, 108
No seruaunt at table vse sausly to talke,
least tongue set at large out of measure do walke.
¶ No snatching at all, 109
No lurching, no snatching, nor striuing at all,
least one go without and another haue all.
¶ Sirs harken now all, 110
Declare after Supper, take hede thereunto,
Woorkes after supper.
what worke in the morning eche seruant shal do.
¶ Thy soule hath a clog, 111
Remember those children whose parēts be poore,
which hunger, yet dare not to craue at thy doore.
Forget not thy Dog. 112
Thy bandog that serueth for dyucrs mishappes,
forget not to geue him thy bones and thy scrappes.
¶ Make keyes to be kepers, 113
Where mouthes be many to spend that thou hast
set keyes to be kepers for spending to fast.
¶ To bed drousie slepers. 114
To bed after supper, let drousie go slepe,
least knaue in the darke to his marrow do creepe.
¶ Kepe keyes as thy life, 115
Such keyes lay vp safe ere ye take ye to rest,
of dairy, of Buttery of Cuphorde and Chest.
¶ Feare candle good wife. 116
Feare candle in hay loft in Barne and in Shed,
feare flea smock, & mendbreech, for burning their bed.
¶ Night workes trouble hed, 117
The day willeth done what so euer ye bid,
the night is a theefe if ye take not good heede,
¶ Locke doores and to bed. 118
Washe dishes, lay leauens, safe fyer and away,
locke doores and to bed a good huswife will say.
¶ To bed know thy guise, 119
In winter at nyne; and in Sommer at tenne,
to bed after Supper both maydens and menne.
¶ To rise do likewise. 120
In winter at fiue a clocke seruant aryse,
in Sommer at foure is euer the guyse.
¶ Liue well and long.
forbeare now among.
Be lowly not solen if ought go amisse,
what wresting may lose thee, that winne with a kisse,
Both heare and forbeare now and then as ye may,
then Wenche God a mercy thy husband will saye.