A RELATION SENT from Constantinople touching the death of Achmett the last Emperour of the Turkes. As also the memorable accesse of Mustapha his brother to the said Turkish Empire.
MAhumet 3 of that name the fourtenth Emperour of the Turkes, departing this life in the yeare 1602 left two children behind him, which he had of the Sultane Flatra a Cipriote Ladie; the elder whereof was named Achmett, and the yonger Mustapha, Achmett the elder of the age of fifteenth yeares was at that time resident in Magnesia the ordinary Appennage and entertainment of the elder children, and future successors of the Sultane Ottomans, from whence he was sent for with all diligence by the Bassaes to take the possession of the Throne of his late father which accordingly he did, and was the first Emperour of that name, and the fifteenth [Page] of the race of the Ottomans contained from the father to the sonne euen to this time.
Now for as much as it is the Custome of the Turkish Emperours, that entring into their Empire: they put to death by the halter all their brothers and Nephewes, without leaving any Male in life, but onely such as saue themselues by flight, as sometimes it happens.
Neverthelesse the Bassaes, and other great ones of the Ottoman port were of opinion, not to suffer, that Mustapha brother of Achmet should runne this fortune; and that by a Councell of estate, because that seeing their Emperour Achmet to be only aged fifteene yeares, they were affraid that he comming to faile in this younger age and leauing no Children able to gouerne, the estate might come to be troubled and weakned by Ciuil warres.
It was therfore Decreed that Mustahpas life should be conserued, but in such meanes that he should be retained prisoner in there Chambers of the Seraile of the Emperor at Constantinople vnder sure garde.
During the first yeares of the imprisonment of Mustapha there was nothing cruell decreed against him, by reason of the minority of the Sultan, but when that Achmet sawe that he had Children, many times he proposed to his Councell the putting to death of his brother [Page] and it seemeth miraculous that the same Councell came not to effect. For among other times it is reported that one euening his death hauing beene determined and appointed to be executed the day following, the Emperor Achmet found himselfe all the night long so troubled with apparitions and hidious dreames, that the day being come, he sayd, seeing that the onely resolution of putting his brother to death▪ had so troubled him, he did beleeue that his paine and torment would be much encreased, if he should execute his purpose, and therefore he commaunded, that his brother should liue.
Another time, Achmet being in a window of his Seraile beheld Mustapha his brother who by his licēce was walking in the gardens with his Guarde. One that was neere to Achmet said vnto him that it was a matter of dangerous concequense to let him haue that liberty Vpon which discourse Achmet entering into choller (through distrust) tooke his Bowe (which he could drawe with great dexterity [...]nd good ayme) and bending the same with [...]he Arrowe couched, he aymed at his bro [...]her to sticke him but at the very instant he [...]elt so great paine in his arme and shoulder, [...]hat being not able to execute his purpose, he [Page] said with a loud voice that God would not that Mustapha should dy.
This Prince during his detencion and imprisonment in the three chambers of the Secaile which hath lasted fifteene yeares hath passed the time in a deuout and contemplatiue life after the manner of the Musulmans, not delighting himselfe in any other exercise and passetime but in reading of the Arabian bookes of their Doctors in diuers sciences.
Sometimes the Grand-signor did permit him to walke in his gardens with his Guard, an [...] likewise called him to the affaires of consequence to take councell with him, and oftentimes followed his aduises, because he knew him of a good iudgment and very deepe.
After this long time and this so long apprehention of death Achmet the first of that name, and the fifteenth Emperor of the Ottoman race being grieuously sicke in the Month of Nouember 1617 in his Secaile of Constantinople was giuen to vnderstand by those that were about him that he should doe well to thinke vpon the succession of his Empire.
He had Children of the Sultane his wife which were in so yong an age that there was no [...] apparance for looking that way, and besides this Sultane was dead, so as none would speake [Page] for the Children; but on the other part the Sultane Harachie mother of the Emperour and of Mustapha was yet liuing, who fearing that if the Children of the Emperour were admitted to the gouerment & that during their vnder age the Bassaies should take the authoritie of the gouermēt, there would not, remaine for her any honor or dignitie, this was the reason that she inclined on the side of Mustapha & sollicited the sicke Emperour to name him for his successor. Wherefore the 15 of the said month of Nouember 1617. the Emperour Achmet seeing himselfe neere his end, & without hope of life, he sent for his brother Mustapha, and told him that foreseeing that God would otherwise dispose of him, he desired before he died to prouide for the conseruation of the Empire, and to that end had chosen him for his successor, praying him to take into his hands the gouernment immediatly after his death. Mustapha very much astonished at such discourses, made him answer with words full of feare and humility that he might not accept of that honour which he did him, seeing that of right and by iustice the Empire belonged to his eldest sonne. Whereunto Achment replied that his sōne had neither age nor capacity to take it vpon him; and that he would acquit [Page] himselfe of that charge better, and that it was necessary for the maintenance of this so great a Monarchie that he should take the direction and managing thereof; recommending to him his Childrin that he had by the Sultane, and praying him to afford them the same treatment and vsage that he had receiued from him, leauing the other Children which he had of women that were his slaues to his discression. A little after Achmet had vttered these words he rendred vp his spirit & Mustapha was acknowledged by all for the successor to the Turkish Empire, who at his first comming to the Crowne found himselfe so amazed that he thought he had been in a dreame, to see himselfe from a straight captiuity and a continuall apprehension of death to be lifted vp to so great and Soueraigne a power. This Prince is aged about twenty three yeares, of a faire proportion, greate and straight, meager and pale with a blacke beard.
Since the decease of Achmet there hath not happened any change in the gouerment. The Emperour Mustapha shewes himselfe a louer of peace with his neighbours. So soone as he was entred into possession of the Empire he caused to be set at liberty the Ambassadour of the King of Persia whom his predesessor had [Page] caused to be staied contrary to the publike faith, vnder cullour that during his aboad at the Port of the Graund Signear there were come some newes of stures and troubles raised by the Persian. Which being done, Mustapha dispached onein all dilligence toward the Bassa of [...]uda in Hungerie commanding him to abserst and entertaine inuiolately the Treatis made by his predisessors with the Emperour Mathias.
God open the eyes of the vnderstanding of this Prince & make him know how much he is bound to his deuine Maiestie who hath mortified and quickened him, and from the shadowes of death hath raised him vpon one of the highest Thrones of the world, to render him thankes for the same. Not after the Musulman fashion, enimie to the crosse of our Sauionr, but in the bosome of the Christian Catholicke Church, out of which there is no saluation.
For if the Lord should once open his eyes, be should see what wrongs, and iniuries his predesessors haue done against the Christians, in shedding innocent bloud. With his sword, what Landes, Nations, and Countries, what Empires, Kingdomes, and Prouinces, with Citties inumerable hath bee [Page] wonne from the Christians: Yea, then hee shall see, that where Gods word hath beene truly preached, and the Sacraments administred, there his predecessors haue set vp barbarous Mahomet with his erronious Alchoran quite ouerthrowing the flourishing Churches in Asia, the learned Churches in Grecia, the manifolde Churches of Africa, yea all Churches where the diligent Apostle S. Paul, the Apostles Peter and Iohn, with others of the Apostles so labouringly by preaching & writing planted, haue beene vtterly defaced by his predecessors: As in all the Kingdomes of Syria, Palestine, Arabia, Persia, in all Armenia, with the Empire of Cappadocia, yea, through the compasse of Asia, with Aegipt, and Africa, they haue subdued. Also let him looke into Europe, there he shall also see, how all Thrasia, with the Empire of Constantinople, all Grecia, Cyprus, Ilyricum, and not long since, almost all the whole Kingdome of Hungaria, with much of Austria: All these Nations, Countries, Empires, Kingdomes, Prouinces, with their famous Citties, haue they subdued, with lamentable slaughter of Christian and that bloudily.
It is necessary for all Christians to knowe the Storie of the Turkes, their cruell tyranny & [Page] bloudie victories, with the vtter ruine of so many christian Churches: for these reasons.
- 1 For the better explayning of the Prophecies in the scriptures, shewing his overthrow.
- 2 That we may learne thereby, either with the publike Church to lament with our brethren, such a great decay of christian faith by these wicked Turke: or else may feare thereby our owne danger.
- 3 That we may ponder more deepely with our selues the scourge of God for our sinnes, and corrupt liues, and for our better admonition to amend our liues.
- 4 The consideration of the horrible persecutions of the Turkes, chiefely riseth through discordes and dissentions among christians themselues, may reduce vs to ioyne together in christian patience and concord.
- 5 But cheifely these great victoryes of the Turkes, and vnprosperous speed of christians fighting against them: may admonish and teach vs, following the example of the old Israelites, how to seeke for greater strength to encounter with these enemyes of Christ, then hitheto hath bin done.
First we must consider, that the whole power of Satan the Prince of this world, goeth with the Turkes, which to resist, no strength [Page] of mans arme is sufficient, but onely the power of our Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of God, going with vs in our battels. As among the old Israelites, the Arke of Gods Couenaunt and promise went with them also fighting against their enemyes: for it is true that the Scripture saith, without me yee can doe nothing: other wise: there is no puissance to with stand the Deuill, or to conquour the world, but onely our faith: to which all the promises of God (touching saluation) be annexed▪ beyond which promises we must not goe.
Now it behoueth euery good Christian to call vpon God that be would conuert or cōfound the enemyes of his Church, and then wee should soone see the effect of our prayers, with the vtter ouerthrow of those that are enemys to the crosse of Christ. Which we intreat the Lord to bring to passe for his owne glory, and for the ioy and comfort of the Saincts, through our Lord & Sauiour [...]esus Christ.