[ships and smiling fish scene]

A TRVE AND MOST Exact Relation of the taking of the goodly Ship called the Saint Esprit, belonging vnto the French King, which was built in Holland, and furnished with 54. Peeces of great Ordnance was surprised on the 28. day of September, by Sir Sackeuill Treuer Knight, and since brought ouer by him vnto Harwich in ESSEX.

Likewise, The Proceedings of the Duke of Buc­kingham his Grace, in the Isle of Ree.

The killing of the Base Brother of the French King, at the new Fort before Rochell with a Shott from one of our Ships.

And also, The appointed place of Randeuous of the great Fleete Threatned from Forraine parts to raise the Siedge at the Isle of Ree.

With many other particulars.

Published by Authority.

LONDON: Printed by A. M. for Thomas Walkley, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of the Eagle and Childe in Britaines Burse, 1627.

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