¶ Here begynneth a litell treatise of the Knight of Curtesy and the lady of Faguell.

[a man and a lady, accompanied by another lady, in courtly dress]
IN Faguell a fayre countre
A great lorde somtyme dyd dwell
Which had a lady so fayre and fre
That all men good of her dyd tel
¶ Fayre and pleasaunt she was in sight
Gentyl and amyable in eche degre
Chaste to her lorde bothe day and nyght
As is the turtyll vpon the tre
¶ All men her loued bothe yonge and olde
For her vertue and gentylnesse
Also in that lande was a knight bolde
Ryght wyse and ful of doughtinesse
¶ All men spake of his hardynesse
Ryche and poore of eche degre
So that they called him doutlesse
The noble knyght of curtesy
¶ This knight so curtesy was and bolde
That the lorde herde ther of anone
He sayd that speke with him he wolde
For hym the messengere is gone
¶ Wyth a letter vnto this knight
And sayd syr I pray god you se
My lorde of Faguell you sendeth ryght
An hundred folde gretynge by me
¶ He praieth you in all hastynge
To come in his court for to dwell
And ye shal lake no maner of thynge
As townes towres and many a castell
¶ The curteyse knight was sone content
And in all dilygence that might be
Wyth the messyngere anone he went
This lorde to serue with humylite
¶ Fast they rode bothe day and nyght
Tyll he vnto the lorde was come
And whan the lorde of hym had a sight
Right frendly he did him welcome
¶ He gaue hym towenes castelles & towres
Whereof all other had enuye
They thought to reue him his honoures
By some treason or trechery
✿ This lady of whome I spake before
Seyng this knight so good and kynde
Afore all men that euer were bore
She set on hym her herte and minde
¶ His paramour she thought to be
Hym for to loue wyth herte and minde
Nat in vyce but in chastyte
As chyldren that together are kynde
✿ This knight also curteyse and wyse
With herte and mynde bothe ferme and fast
Louyd this lady wythouten vyse
Whyche tyll they dyed dyd euer laste
¶ Both night and day these louers true
Suffred great paine wo and greuaunce
How eche to other theyr minde might shewe
Tyll at the last by a sodaine chaunce
✿ This knight was in a garden grene
And thus began him to complayne
Alas he sayd With murnynge eyen
Now is my herte in wo and payne
From mournynge can I not refrayne
This ladyes loue dothe me so wounde
I feare she hath of me disdayne
with that he fell downe to the grounde
¶ The lady in a wyndowe laye
With herte colde as any stone
She wyst nat what to do nor saye
Whan she herde the knightes mone
¶ Sore sighed that lady of renowne
In her face was no colour founde
Than into the gardein came she downe
And sawe this knight lye on the grounde
¶ whan she sawe hym lye so for her sake
Her here [...] was almoost gone
To her [...] coude she none take
But in swo [...] fell downe hym vpon
✿ So sadly that the knyght awoke
And whan that he sawe her so nere
To hym comforte anone he toke
And began the lady for to chere
¶ He sayd lady and loue alas
In to this cure who hath you brought
She sayd my loue and my solas
Your beaute standeth so in my thought
✿ That yf I had no worldly make
Neuer none should haue my herte but ye
The kynght sayd lady for your sake
I shal you loue in chastyte
✿ Our loue he sayde shal be none other
But chaste and true as is betwene
A goodly syster and a brother
For luste our bodyes to kepe clene
✚ And where so euer mi body be
Bothe day and night at euery tyde
My simpele herte in chastite
Shall euer more lady with you abide
✿ This lady white as any floure
Replete with feminine shamefastnesse
Begayn to chaunge her face coloure
And to him sayd my loue doubtelesse
¶ Vnder suche forme I shal you loue
With faythful herte in chastite
Next vnto god that is aboue
Bothe in welthe and aduersyte
✿ Eche of them kyssed other truely
But euer alas ther was a fo
Behynde the wall them to espye
Which after torned them to muche wo
¶ Out of the gardyn whan they were gone
Eche from other dyd departe
Awaye was all theyr wofull mone
The one had lyghted the others herte
✿ Than this spye of whome I tolde
Whyche stode behinde the garden wall
Wente vnto his lorde ful bolde
And sayd syr shewe you I shall
¶ By your gardyn as I was walkynge
I herde the knight of curtesye
which with your lady was talkinge
Of loue vnlawfull pryuely
¶ Therfore yf ye suffre him for to procede
Wyth your lady to haue his loue
He shal bee lede fro you in dede
Or elles they bothe shal you distroye
✿ Whan than the lorde had vnderstande
The wordes that the spye him tolde
He sware he wolde rydde him fro that
Where he neuer so stronge and bolde
¶ He sware an othe by god almyght
That he should neuer be glade certayne
While that knighe was in his sight
Tyl that he by some meane were slaine
✚ Than let he do crye a feest
For euery man that thider wolde come
For euery man bothe moost and leest
Thyder came lordes bothe olde and yonge
✿ The lorde was at the table set
And his lady by him that tide
The knight of curtesy anone was set
And set downe on the other syde
¶ Theyr hartes should haue be wo begone
If they had knowen the lordes thought
But whan that they were styll echone
The lorde these words anone forth brought
✿ My thinke it is syttinge for a knight
For auentures to enquyre
And nat thus bothe day and night
At home to soiourne by the fyre
¶ Therfore syr knight of curtesye
This thinge wyl I you counseyll
To ryde and go throught the countre
To seke aduentures for your auayle
¶ As vnto rodes for to fight
The christen fayth for to mayntayne
To shewe by armes your force and myght
In Lumbardy, Portyngale & in Spayne
✿ Than spake the knyght to the lord anone
For your sake wyl I auenture my lyfe
Whether euer I come agaynst or none
And for me ladyes sake your wyfe
¶ If I dyd nat I were to blame
Than sighed the lady with that worde
In dolour depe her hirte was tane
And sore wounded as wyth a sworde
✿ Than after dyuer the knight did go
His horse and harneyse to make redy
The woful lady came him vnto
And to him sayd right pyteously
¶ Alas yf ye go I must complayne
Alone as a wofull creature
If that ye be in batayle slayne
On lyue may I not endure
✿ Alas vnhappy creature
Where shal I go where shal I byde
Of dethe sothely nowe am I sure
And all worldly ioye I shal set a syde
¶ A payre of sheres than dyd she take
And cut of her here bothe yelowe and bright
Were this than sayd she for my sake
Vpon your helme moche cutuyse knighe
I shall dere lady for your sake
This knyght sayd with styl morninge
No comforte to him coude he take
Nor absteine him fro perfounde syghinge
¶ For grete pyte I can not wryte
The sorowe that was betwene them two
Also I haue to small respyte
For to declare theyr payne and wo
✿ The wofull departinge and complaynt
That was betwene these louers twayne
Was neuer man that coude detaynt
So wofull did they complayne
¶ The teres ran from theyr eyen twayne
For doloure whan they did departe
The lady in her castell did remayne
Wyth langour replenysshed was her herte
✿ Now leue we here this lady bryght
Wythin her castel makinge her moue
And tourne we to the curteys knyght
Whyche on his Iourney forth is gone
¶ Vnto hymselfe this knight sayd he
Agaynst the chrysten I wyl not fyght
But to the rodes wyl I go
Them to susteyne with all my myght
✿ Than did he her heere vnfolde
And one his helme it set on hye
Wyth rede thredes of ryche golde
Whiche he had of his lady
¶ Full richely his shelde was wrought
Wyth asure stones and beten golde
But on his lady was his tohught
The yelo we heare whan he dyd beholde
¶ Than forth he rode by dale and downe
After auentures to enquyre.
By many a castel cyte and towne
All to batayl was his desyre
[...] In euery Iustyng where he came
None so good as he was founde
In euery place the pryce he wan
And smote his aduersaryes to the grounde
¶ So whan he came to Lumberdye
Ther was a dragon ther aboute
Whyche did great hurt and vylanye
Bothe man and beste of hym had doubte
¶ As this knight rode there alone
Saue onely his page by his syde
For his lady he began to mone
Sore syghynge as he did ride
✚ Alas he sayd my lady swete
God wote in what case ye be
God wote whan we two shal mete
I feare that I shal neuer you se
✚ Than as he loked hym a boute
Towarde a hyll that was so hye
Of this dragon he harde a shoute
Yonder is a feast he sayd truly
¶ The knight him blessyd & forthe dyd go
And sayd I shal do my trauayle
Betyde me well betyde me wo
The [...]ers fynde I shal assayle
¶ Than wyth the dragon dyd he meate
Whan she him sawe she gaped wyde
He toke good hede as ye may wete
And quyckely sterted a lytle a syde
¶ He drewe his swerde like a knyght
This dragon fyersly to assayle
He gaue her strokes ful of myght
Stronge and mortall was the batayle
¶ The dragon gaue this knight a wounde
Wyth his tayle vpon the heed
that he fell downe vnto the grounde
In a sowne as he had ben deed
¶ So at the last he rose agayne
And made his moue to god almyght
And to our lady he dyd compleyne
theyr helpe desyrynge in that fyght
than sterte he wyth a fayrse courage
Vnto the dragon without fayle
He loked so for his aduauntage
that he smote of her tayle
¶ Than hegan the dragon for to yell
And tourned her vpon her syde
the knight was w re of her right well
And in her bodt made his sworde to slyde
¶ So that she coud nat remoue seartely
the knight that seinge approched nere
And smote her heed of lyghtly
than was he escaped that daungere
✿ Than thanked he god of his grace
Whiche by his goodnes and mercye
Hym had preserued in that place
Through vertue of hys deyte
¶ Than went he to a nonrye there besyde
And there a surgē and by his arte
Heled his woundes that were so wyde
And than fro thens he dyd departe
✿ To warde the rodes for to fyght
In bataill as he had vndertake
The fayth to susteyne with all his might
For his promysse he wil not breke
¶ Than of sarazyns there was a route
All redy armen and in araye
That syeged the rodes round aboute
Fyersly agaynst the good fredaye
✿ The knight was welcomed of echone
That within the cyte were
They prouided forth batayle anone
So for this time I leue them there
¶ And tourne to his lady bryght
Which is at home wyth wofull mone
Sore morned both day and night
Sayenge alas my loue is gone
✿ Alas she sayd my gentyl knight
For your sake is my herte ful sore
Myght I ones of you haue a syght
Afore my dethe I desyre no more
¶ Alas what treson or enuye
Hath made my loue fro me to go
I thynke my lorde for Ire truley
By treason him to deth hathe do.
¶ Alas my lorde ye were to blame
Thus my loue for to betraye
It is to you a right great shame
Sythe that our loue was cast al waye
¶ Our loue was clene in chastyte
Wichout synne styl to endure
We neuer entended vylanye
Alas moost curteyse creature
✿ Where do ye dwell where do ye byde
Wold god I knewe where you to fynde
Wher euer ye go where euer ye ride
Loue ye shal neuer out of my mynde
¶ A deth where art thou so longe fro me
Come and departe me fro this paine
For dead and buried til I be
Fro morning can I nat refraine
✿ Fare wel dere loue, where euer ye be
Bi you pleasure is fro me gone
Vnto the time I may you se
Without comforte still must I mone
¶ Thus this lady of coloure clere
Aloue mourninge did complaine
Nothinge coulde her comforte ne chere
So was she oppressed with wo and paine
✿ So leue we her here in this traine
For her loue mourning alwaye
and to the knight tourne we againe
which at Rodes abideth the day
¶ Of bataile, so whan the daie was come
The knightes armed them eche one
And out of the citie wente all and some
Strongly to fight with goddes fone
¶ Faire and semely was the sight
To se them redy vnto the warre
there was many a man of might
That to that bataile was come full farre
✿ The knight of curtesy came into the felde
well armed right fast did ride
Both knightes and barans him behelde
How comely he was on eche side
¶ Aboue the helme vpon his hede
was set with many a precious stone
The comely heare as golde so rede
Better armed than he was none
✿ Than the trumpettes began to sounde
The speres ranne and brake the taye
the noise of gonnes did rebounde
In this metinge there was no plaie
¶ Great was the bataile on eueri side
the knight of curtesy was nat behinde
He smote all downe that wolde abide
His mache coulde he no where finde
✿ There was a Sarazin stronge & wight
that at this knight had great enuye
He ran to him with all his might
and said traitour I thee defie
¶ They ranne together with speres longe
anone the Sarazin lay on the grounde
The knight drew out his sworde so stronge
and smote his head of in that stounde
¶ Than came twelue Sarazins in a tought
and the knight did sore assaile
So they beset him rounde aboute
There began a stronge bataile
¶ The knight kest foure vnto the grounde
with foure strokes by and by
the other gaue him many a wounde
For they did euer multeplie
¶ They laide on him on euery side
with cruell strokes and mortall
They gaue him woundes so depe and wide
that to the grounde downe did he fall
¶ The Sarazins went and let him lye
with mortall woundes piteous to se
He called his page hastely
and said my time is come to die
¶ In mi herte is so depe a wounde
that I must dye without naye
But or thou me burye in the grounde
Of one thinge I thee praie
¶ Out of mi body to cut my herte
and wrappe it in this yelowe here
And whan thou doest from hence departe
Vnto my lady thou do it bere
¶ This promisse thou me without delay
to bere my lady this present
And burie mi body in the crosse waie
the page was sory and dolent
¶ The knight yelded vp the goost anone
the page him buried as he had him bad
And towarde Faguell is he gone
The herte, and here, with him he had
¶ Somtime he went somtime he ran
with wofull mone and sory Iest
Till vnto Faguell he came
Nere to a castell in a forest
✿ The lorde of Faguell without let
was in the forest with his meyne
with this page anone he met
Page he said what tidinges with thee
¶ With thi maister how is the case
Shew me lightli or thou go
Or thou shalt neuer out of this place
The page was a fearde whan he said so
✿ The page for feare that he had
the herte vnto the lorde he toke tho
In his courage he was full sad
He toke the herte to him also
¶ He tolde him trothe of eueri thinge
How that the knight in bataile was slaine
and howe he sent his lady that thinge
For a speciall token of loue certaine
⚜ The lorde therof toke good hede
And behelde the herte that high presente
their loue he said was hote in dede
they were bothe in great torment
¶ Than home is he to the kechin gone
Coke he said herken vnto me
Dresse me this herte and that anone
In the deintiest wise that may be
¶ Make it swere and delycate to eate
For it is for my lady bryght
If that she wyst what were the meate
Sothely her hert wolde not be lyght
✿ Therof sayd the lorde full trewe
That meat was doleful and mortall
So though the lady whan she it knewe
Than went the lorde into the hall
¶ Anone the lorde to meate was set
And this lady nat farre him fro
The hert anone he made be set
Wherof proceded muche wo
¶ Madame eate hereof he sayd
For it is deynteous and plesaunte
The lady eate and was not dismayde
For of good spyce there dyd none wante
✿ Whan the lady had eaten wele
Anone to her the lorde sayd there
His herte haue ye eaten euery dele
To whome you gaue your yelowe here
¶ Your knight is dead as you may se
I tell you lady certaynly
His owne herte eaten haue ye
Madame at the last we all must dye
✿ whan the lady herde him so say
She sayd my herte for wo shall brast
Alas that euer I sawe this day
Now may my lyfe no lenger last
¶ Vp she rose wyth hert full wo
And streight vp into her chambre wente
She confessed her deuoutly tho
And shortely receyued the sacrament
¶ In her bed mournyng she her layde
God wote ryght wofull was her mone
Alas myne owne dere loue she sayd
Syth ye be dead my ioye is gone
✿ Haue I eaten thy herte in my body
That meate to me shal be full dere
For sorowe alas now must I dye
A noble knight withouten fere
¶ That herte shal certayne with me dye
I haue reciued theron the sacrament
All erthly fode here I denye
For wo and paine my life is spente
✿ My lorde and husbande full of cruelte
Why haue you done this cursed dede
Ye haue him slaine so haue ye me
The hee god graunte to you your mede
¶ Than sayd the lorde my lady fayre
Forgiue me if I haue misdone
I repent I was [...] ware
That ye wolde your herte oppresse so sone
¶ The lady sayd I you forgiue
A dew my lorde for euermore
My time is come I may not liue
The lorde sayd I am wo therfore
✿ Great was the sorowe of more and lesse
Bothe lordes and ladyes that were there
Som for great wo swouned doubtelesse
All other dethe full wofull were
Her complaynt pyteous was to here
A dieu my lorde nowe muste we disceuer
I dye to you husbande a true wedded fere
As any in Faguell was found euer
¶ I am clene of the knight of curtesy
And wrongfully are we brought to confusiō
I am clene for hym and he for me
And for all other saue you alone
✿ My lorde ye were to blame truely
His herte to make me for to eate
But sythe it is buryed in mi body
On it shall I neuer eate other meate
¶ Theron haue I recyued eternall fode
Erthly meate wyll I neuer none
Now Iesu that was don on the rode
Haue mercy on me my lyfe is gone
✿ Wyth that the lady in all theyr syght
Yelded vp her spyrit makinge her mone
The hyghe god moost of myght
On vs haue mercy and vs echone
¶ And brynge vs to that gloryous trone
To se the ioye of Paradyse
Whyche god graunte to vs echone
and to the reders & herers of this treatyse.
¶ Thus eneth this lytle treatyse of the knyght of curtesy & of the fayre lady of Faguell.

¶ Imprynted at London by me Wyllyam Copland.

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