A full and plaine de­claration of Ecclesiasticall Discipli­ne owt off the word off God / and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.

Imprinted. M.D.LXXIIII.

To the godly reader grace / and pea­ce from God the father / and from our Lorde Iesus Christ.

IF off longe tyme, and euen almoste from the beginninge off the vvorl­de, vve had not fully knovven, and tried the frovvardenesse off mannes nature no doubt all men vvould ta­ke it as a thinge incredible, that a­ny one could be foūd, vvhich vvould refuse, or not moste desyrously em­brace, so svvete and holesome discipline off Christ, as both is propounded to vs in his vvorde, and set forth in order in this present book. VVhich as beinge simply considered it is merueilous so truly seemeth a great deale more straunge, if vvee vvay hovv easely men are brought to admit that ciuile discipline (vvhereby the commodities off this present life are kept) allthoughe hard and confirmed vvith more seuere punishmentes. But iff vve turn our eyes to the ouer hard and cruel slaughter off the Popishe Discipline, and marke a litle vvith vvhat quietnes and patience it vvas born: surely it must needes, not make vs vvonder, but be astonished. For vvhat foolishnes is it, so mutch to care for this frail and britle life, as not onely to admit, but oftē times vvillingly to desire all seuerity off discipline euen thoughe it be as great, as that off Lycurgus vvas: and to be so backvvard cither in gettinge or keeping off that life vvhich allvvaies shall indure: as not to yeld to the most moderate, and best tempered di­scipline off all that euer vvere? And iff this blindnesse off men vvere pardoned (vvhich notvvithstanding at the lēght [Page] shall most certenly be punished) that it bothe loueth more and folovveth vvith greater diligence, the commodities off this inconstant life then of that vvhich shall abide for euer: vvhat madnesse shall it be thought, that vve haue so quietly and easely borne, that cruel boutchery off the Popishe discipline vvhereby bothe body and soule, haue miserably been tormented: and so hardly or not at all to suffer, this most sou­uerein medicine for our vices. For the lavves off Discipline vvhich vve there felt, vvritten off the Romā dragon as it vvere vvith bloud: vve may here try by our Sauiour Christ & the Apostles, vvrittē (as one would say) vvith milk. And this either ignorance of the vvorld iff it knovve not these thinges, or pride iff it refuse a knovvne benefit, or other peeuishnesse & peruersity vvhat soeuer, maketh almost al good mē to feare, lest the iust God beinge angry that his fatherly and gētle rod is cōtemned, and taking vp his rod off yrō and iustice: those churches that remaine (vvhich are very fevve) be altogither broken, brused into litle peices, euen vvholy as it vvere into smale cromes. VVhich thinge as it maketh me pensiue for all churches generally, vvhere the Apostles discipline hath no abiding, so for thee O England, to vvhō being bound both by commune duty off a cytisen, and by publike mynistery vvhich somtimes I exequuted, I confesse that I ovve all kind off great and speciall duty) yt maketh me mutch to doubt, and to be very careful.

I speake nothinge off that vnreuenged, and vnpurified shedinge off giltlesse bloud vvhiche vvas committed in the reigne off Queene Mary, especially against those vvhich both vvere then the autours off that murther, and vvhose mindes thurst, and handes itche ro commit the like vvic­kednes againe: onely I admonishe, that off the riuers the­reoff, vvhiche, run̄e and ouerflovve in all places, euē the least [Page] drop might be the destruction off a great, and most mighty kingdome. Therefore to let these and other thinges passe, vvhiche are not novve to be spoken off: those bandes off vi­ces, vvhihe haue proceded partly from the absence off th' Apostles Discipline, partly from the presence off the counter­fait thereoff, vvhich remaineth vvith vs synce Popery, haue vveakened our churche vvith seidge off fourtene yeres togi­ther, and shortly vvill destroy the same, except against tho­se battering peices and cānons off vices, vve speedely set the trēche, & truly brasen vvale off the Apostels Discipline. And I vvould to God thovv hadest kept some meane there in (iff there can be any meane in Sinninge) and by thrustinge avvay the Discipline beinge offered, hadest not more greiuously prouoked, the vvrathe off God against the. For the for­mer thinges althoughe they vvere heynous, yet because they came off ignorance might the rather obteine some pardon: novve vvhen she hathc made her selfe knovven vnto vs beinge iniuriousliy handled, and suffringe violence, it is greatly to be feared off vs, lest povvringe out her complain­ctes into the bosome off her heauēly father (from vvhō she cometh) she kindle that vvrathe against vs vvhere vvith all England onles it speedely repent, may shortly be set on fy­re. The thinkinge off these thinges doth often dismay me, and vvhen I greedely seeke after, bothe hope off the health off England, and reasons vvhereon to gather hope, they dry­ue as it vvere all hope out off my breast. And that so muche the more because these many yeres, not onely the exceadin­ge great patience and longe suffringe off God, striuinge vvith our hardnesse, and greedinesse off sinne that neuer re­steth) hathe put to flight our priuy ennemyes, scattered their companyes, brought to nothinge their snares layed for vs bothe at home and abroad: but also that God hathe eft soo­nes [Page] heaped nevve benefites vppon vs or at least vvas ready to haue heaped iff vve had been so ready to receiue as he to gyue, and had not suffered the opportunities vvhiche vvere offered vs, or rather put into our mouthes to haue slidē frō vs. In these so many, so great, so oulde and as it vvere harde houldlinge diseases, althoughe I bee almost ouercome bo­the vvithe dispeire off recoueringe the former health, and feare off losinge that vvhiche vve haue: yet ceasse I not no­vve and then to lift vp my minde so throvven dovvne, and to aduance it to the hope off a better estate off thinges.

Off vvhiche the foundations beinge laied, in the mercy off God vvhich hathe no ende, I cherishe and confirme the sa­me by certeine signes, vvhiche I haue obserued to that pur­pose. For callinge to minde the former tymes, vvhen I see that mercy off God to haue shined forthe, and vve not one­ly not thinckinge off it but almost vvith generall consent off all men criynge out to the contrary) to haue gyuen vs li­ght in the holesome doctrine off the Gospell: novve in the leaninge, or rather affection off the greatest part off Gospel­lers bothe highe and lovve tovvardes discipline, if I persvva­de my selfe that one day it shall haue place amongest vs, I ought to seeme not to haue done it rashely. As for that, that our most Excellēt Prince, and some off the cheiff coun­seillers off the Realme, vnto vvhome our common vvealth is cōmitted, haue hytherto been smale fauorers off Discipline, althoughe it seeme to reache as it vvere euen at the throat off our church: yet becavvse all men vnderstande that it is hathe happened, as vvell by secret vvhisperinges as o­pen accusations partly off Bishopes, partly off those vvhich stande for Bishoprickes (vvhiche perceiue that they cā not stande, if the churche stāde and florishe) vvee dispeire not of the good vvill, and redinesse, off the prince, and her counseillers [Page] tovvardes this cause. For vve hope vvhen the vanity & falsenesse of slaunders, as off treason) Rebellion, destroyin­ge off common [...]ealthes, confusion, Anabaptisme, Dona­tisme (whiche all they lay vpon discipline, and those that are desyrous thereoff) shalbe seen we hope I say it vvill come to passe, that those whom we haue hytherto felt, som̄ewhat est raunged from this cause, wee shall try hereafter freindly and fauourable thereunto. For we so trust to the goodnesse off the cause that vvee can hardely thinke it able to be brought to passe, that it shoulde be condemned not beinge hard, off so witty a Prince, and so wise counseillers. Nowe whereas Her Maiesty, accordinge to the excellent learninge and a­mongest vvomen without all comparison, vvhiche she hathe, is delighted vvith thinges that are vvritten in latin: wee haue conceiued great hope, that this cause which hytherto she hath tasted here and there, out off the false rumores off those which deale iniustly with vs, as it were out of the channels, shall more fully be dravven out of our ovvne bookes, as it were out off the founteines. VVhich that she would doe vve throwinge dovvne our selues at Her Maiesties feet do in most humble manner and vvith all supplication bese­che Her, in the name off Christ (whose matter this is) the noblest, and far moste excellent off all Kinges. And in this place, I marke an other signe, to confirme my minde in the mercy off God: that our mercyfull Father, hathe prouided a notable vvorckman, vvhose breast he hathe filled vvith all kinde off treasures, bothe off artes and tonges.

Novve seinge that he hathe framed a Bezaleel for vs, to make the vessels and instrumentes off the Taber­nacle, he seemeth not as yet to haue cleane left, off to thinke, off repayringe the ruines off our Church. For [Page] he hathe so behaued him selffe in a cause (bothe for the diuerse iudgementes off many, and the fevvnesse off those that haue vvrit thereoff) most harde: as it seemeth, scant that any thing coulde haue bene taught either more exactly, or more plainly, in one vvhich had bene, bothe allovved by all mennes opinions, and commonly vvritten vppon by many. For Discipline shevvethe her selfe, and cometh forthe openly in the sight off all men, not onely vvith good vvordes and excellent sentences, as it vvere arayed vvith costly garmen­tes, but also the same as it vvere vvith methode, come­ly plaitted and seemely girded. And vvhereas the very matter off Discipline, is off it selfe amiable and louely, beinge decked vvithe Rhetoricke, Logicke, diuersity off toun­ges, purenesse off speache, knovvledge in the ciuile Lavve, as it vvere vvithe broidures, vvhat loue ought it to kindle in the mindes off men? Novve iff this fruit to read and looke vpon hathe pleasure in it, hovve mutche more pleasant and svvet shall it be to tast? But iff any vvill say, that I gyue ouer hasty iudgement in this matter, I am content to lose so mutch off mine estimation (iff I haue any) as shall seem to be vvanting either off iudgement, or learninge to this litle booke. Di­scipline therefore hauinge tvvise suffred repulse at our han­des commeth vnto vs the thirde tyme, the same vvhich she vvas before, but vvith greater traine, and ornamētes (as are meet for a most noble dauhter of the noblest kinge. Where­fore onles vvee vvill try the sharpenesse off the vvrath and displeasure off God, let vs goe forth to meet her comminge, let vs open vnto her all the gates and hauēs off the realme, let vs run into her most louinge armes, let vs gyue her the kisse off loue and reuerence, finally let vs bothe receiue her vvillingly, and keepe her constantly, vvith all kinde off ser­uice and duty. For that vvhiche happeneth sometime to [Page] Princes that hide them selues vnder baser apparell, that they are not greatly angry thoughe they be not knovven off their subiectes, but vvhen they shevve them selues in princely aray and furniture, are offended greiuously iff they be not acknovvledged: the same doubtlesse shall vve try in this prince. For iff hytherto she either more basely appareilled, or hauinge a vayle before her face, and not suffringe men to knovve her fully, hathe kept in her angre vvithin her breast: yet surely she vvill nevver suffer so great brightnesse to be contemned, or refused, as may perce the eyes euen off men that are blinde. And iff they vvhich disdaine a costly gift be­inge offred in an earthen vessel, are vvorthely punished for their rashenesse: certenly they shall neuer escape a most greiuous punishement off their madnesse, vvhiche despise it beinge gyuen in a gorgeous and costly dis he. Hereunto may be added that the author off the booke, not buklinge him selffe vvith any aduersary, and hauinge his minde bent onely on the cause, inueieth not against any mannes per­son. VVherin hauing vnderstanded off some in part offended vvith me modestly ansvveringe an importunate man, and lightely stinginge him againe, vvhich thrust others thoro­vve vvith most sharpe reproches: surely as I am sory that they are displeased vvithe me, so I reioyce for their cause, that in this treatise all comparison off personnes beinge se­parated, they shall haue nothinge, vvhich may offend sutch mindes as are somevvhat to deinty. VVherefore I haue done my indeuour, that I might bringe to light, this (bothe for these and other causes) so excellent a Ievvell, committed to my custody, beinge persuaded, that I could not, vvitheout the haynous sinne off sacriledge, haue buried in silence as it vvere in graue, so notable a thresure. Vvhiche truly I haue done so faithfully, that allthoughe I savve him differinge from [Page] me in the interpretatiō off a place or tvvo notvvithstandin­ge I haue left them vnchaunged, and reserued them vvhole to the iudgement off the church.

It remaineth o England, that thovv for vvhose sake all this paine is taken, bringe vnto the readinge hereoff a min­de void of all affection, neither hindred vvith any error of custome, nor dismayed vvith the vayne noyes and pomp off Bishopes, nor rūninge headlonge vvithe any preiudice, or desi­re off mainteninge any side: that thovv look onely vpon the matter, try the vveight off euery argument, not by the de­ceitfull scoles off men, or off the greatest, but by the auto­ritie off the vvorde off God, as it vvere by the gouldsmithes vveightes, that thovv acknovvledge the truthe once kno­vvē, keepe it in thy minde, bringe it into practise (euery one so far as his vocation vvill suffer) as it vvere into present pos­session. Novve I most humbly beseche god the father off our Lorde Iesus Christ, that out off the threasures off his vvisdome and strenght, both openinge thyne eies to see, and strenghtheninge thy handes to put in execution, he vvould vouchsafe to perfect, and alvvayes to continevve, the good thinge vvhiche is begonne in thee.

Necessitye off Di­sciplyne.

THe manner off gouern­ment in all humaine societies / is off greatest force and power either to the preseruacion or o­uerthrowe off the same for there is no common wealthe be it neuer so small / no not a howse that can be preserued without some certeine manner off go­uernment and discipline. And those Kingdomes and common weales hawe alwaies most notablie florished and longest continewed / which first off all were sette in goode order off gouernment / and afterwardes kepte the same without any alteracion or chaunge. As contrarywise the distruction off greatest com­mō weales and most florishing states haue follwed / where either the order of gouernment was yll apointed in the beginning / or ells being well begonne / was afterwardes / altered and neglected for Pollicie / gouernment / and goo­de lawes / are in citye or any common wealthe what soe­uer / as the helme is to the shippe / the wrest to the In­strument / Order to an Armye / and as the sowle is to the bodie.

Hereoff yt came that Athens which was so famous a citie after it could no lenger holde / and stere this helme / was tossed with euery waue and storme / and in the ende perished and was ouerthrowne. And hereby also that auncient cytie of Lacedemon chaunging the seuere lawes [Page 2] off Lycurgus chaunged also hir estate / euen as a song is chaunged by altering the tyme and note in which it was first sette. Hereby the Romaines commonwealthe or Armye rather / after that they lefte the seueritie off the lawe off Armes / and warlyke discipline whereby they did all­waies more preuaile then by might and power / lost al­so there auncient glorye and renowme. And to conclude / Hereoff cometh that we see now euerye where so many townes fallen to ruyne / and lying lyke the deade carka­ses off the cities which some tymes they haue bene / because that by chaunging there olde gouernment by litle and litle / at the last the whole state was lost / and went away as the sowle from the bodie.

And euen as the monumentes off the Greeke and Lattin wryters doe witnesse these thinges to haue cha­unced to many common weales and other societies and companyes / euē so we reade in the holye histories that the churche (which is a certeine societie and companye off su­che as professe the trewe seruice off God) with no lesse daunger neglected the discipline and order / which God there most louīg and wise lawegeuer had apointed them to be ruled bye yea to there muche greater losse and puni­shement / for that (besides those incommodities which a­re wont to chaunce vnto others bye chaunging goode la­wes) They alwaies founde by experience / that the lorde God there lawe geuer was redie to punishe and reuenge the contempte off his discipline and order. for to passe o­uer the punishement off God vpon the churche off the Iewes / whosoeuer doth diligentlie and attentiuelie reade the historie off the Christiane Churche / shall well vnder­stand that the calamitie off the former times in which the Churche laye Deade as it were by the space off manye yeres came off no other cause / then off the contempte off the most holesome and most holie Ordinaunces wheru­pon [Page 3] yt was grownded by our Lorde and Sauiour Chri­ste / that it might haue endured for euer. Therfore it is a wonder te see (whereas our mercifull God off his vnspe­able goodnes and by a singuler myracle / euen now off la­te within the memorie off our fathers hath raised vp the churche as it were out off the graue againe / by the voice off the Gospell) that so fewe are carefull for the mayntei­ning and preseruing off this life / and that being content as it were to be in goode healthe by preaching off the go­spell / they care not for discipline / whereby this healthe maye be the better preserued / and also the strengthe and be­awtie (which was lost by former sicknes) be recouerd and gotten againe.

And surelie / it is greatelie to be feared / lest that they (if they goe thus on stille and continewe to contemne so necessary an ayde) fall againe into the calamities off the former tymes / and lest that these later tymes become worse and more miserable then the former. But I am most off all afraide for our Churche off England / which by the space off so many yeres as it hath alreadie embra­ced the Gospell / not onlie thincketh not off instituting a lawfull Discipline therin / but in a manner vseth only that / which it hath receyued from the Papistes / nor will not be persuaded to receyue and imbrace that Discipline which Christe and his Apostels haue lefte vnto vs: whose state hitherto hath bene this vntill the tyme off king Hen­ry the eight his reigne / for a long space before / it had lien deade and as it were without any life. Then at the lengthe by the greater fauoure and grace off God towardes vs / diuers notable men rose vp / who / as Elias and Elizeus raised vp the children which were deade / So they likewi­se by most earnest praier and cherishyng yt by all meanes gotte at the last some life into yt / so that at the lengthe / yt beganne as it were to wexe warme and neese: and by cer­teine [Page 4] articles off sounde doctrine / to shewe some tokens off a Churche reuiuing againe.

And after wardes / in the tyme of Edward the sixthe a prince off singuler hope and towardnes in all godlynes and vertewe / was fully reuiued / and recouereed not on­ly hir life / but also hir healthe againe. But our churche be­ing thus recouered / was contented with physicke onlie and goode diette for hir healthe / and vsed no exercise to gette hir colour and strengthe againe / for althoughe ma­ny did exhorte to abolishe that popishe tyrannye which then was still remayning in the pollicie off the Churche / and to place in steade theroff a iust and lawfull manner off gouernment according to the worde off God / (wich thing especially that famous man Marten Bucer being then a straunger in England / did in that booke which he wrote of the Kingdome off Christe) yet could not Englād be browght to leaue that forme of gouernīg the churche / wherunto it had bene accustomed vnder Poperie / but de­uided and separated asonder the doctrine and discipline off the Gospell / twoe thinges / which bothe by there owne nature / and also by the commandement off God are to be ioyned togither. But forasmuche as healthe can not long be kepte and preserued without due and moderate exer­cise / not long after / namelie in those most cruell tymes off Queene mary / it fell sicke againe / that it was not on­lie in daunger off deathe but in a manner past all hope to recouer againe. And surelie euen then our churche had out off doubte bene vtterlie destroied (as in deede it was bro­wght all to ashes) onlesse that heauenlie Sonne Iesus Christe had quickned yt being more then halfe Deade / and raised yt vp like a Phenix out off the ashes againe: And excepte our most noble Queene Elizabeth had risen vp as a mother in Israell / to trauell with and bring for­the our churche againe.

But this newe byrthe hath not as yet bene any more happie towching the restoring of discipline then were the former tymes. Therfore I thowght yt my dewtie / euen for the kinde affection which I beare to that churche in which I haue bene bothe borne and browght vp and therfore loue most deerelie for goode causes (euen as the Apo­stle saith to 2. Corr. 7.3. liue and die togither) I thought yt I saie my dewtie to desire and beseche this Churche earnestlie and carefullie to thincke / off this so greate a benefyte / whereby yt maie be established for euer: And most earnestlie to exhorte and admonishe yt to abolishe that popishe ty­rannye / which yet remayneth in the gouernment there­off / and to restore againe the most holie pollicie off [...] [...] the churche / which our Sauior Christe hath [...] vnto vs / and to feare / lest that the lorde will punishers and will be reuenged off vs / iff we contynewe still to despise his discipline.

But forasmuche as there be many who (because they delight rather in a faire owtwarde shewe / then the trew symplicitie off the Gospell) striue and contend to re­taine still this Popishe Hierarchie and conterfaite man­ner off gouerning the churche / blaming that order for many causes / which we persuade vnto / This whole con­trouersie is fullie and at large to be disputed of: that when they vnderstand the goode cause that we haue to repriue the one / and require the other / they maie ioyne togither with vs in earnest praiers vnto god / and humble suyte vnto hir maiestie / That this Popishe tyrannie being at the last vtterlie abolished and cleane taken away / In pla­ce theroff a better and more holie gouernment of the churche accoding to Goddes worde maie be established.

Which cause I purpose so to handle that fyrst dra­wing out the right paterne and platforme off the lawfull pollicie and gouernment off the churche / as Christe and [Page 6] his Apostles haue lefte it vnto vs / togither their withall I will note our faultes and errors in euerie pointe / that by this comparison the trewthe maie more clerelie shine and appeare / fyrst therfore seing we haue not to doe with such as reiecte all discipline off the Churche / that yt maie be better vnderstode what it is whereoff we dispute / I will declare what the lawfull discipline off the churche / is.

I call therfore Ecclesiasticall Discipline, the pollicie off the Churche off Christe ordeyned and appointed / off God for the goode administracion and gouernment off the same. what disci­pline is. That I make here / God the Author off discipli­ne (wherupon yt followeth that we haue to fetche the ru­les thereoff from no other fountaines but from the holie scriptures) had nede be more fullie proued / because it is denied by many who dare affirme that there is no pre­cepte geuen touching this matter / but contend that it is wholy lefte vnto iudgement of the magestrate and off the churche. first then let thē tell vs whie they denie that god hath thus carefullie prouided for Christiane Churches / and whie they affirme yt to be lefte free for vs to rule it as we lifte / seing that in the olde churche off the Iewes / All thinges which perteined not onlie to the gouernment off the cyuile state but also off the Ecclesiasticall (for alt­houghe with them god was Author of bothe / yet he wold haue them distinguished the on from the other) were so diligentlye and exactelie destributed and bothe comman­ded by god and commended to writyng by Moses / that yt was expresslye forbidden / that Nothing should be ad­ded vnto yt nor taken from yt? For yt appreareth many­festlye that / that exacte paterne off Discipline came not fyrst from Moses / but from God / by this that Moses te­stifieth so often that the lorde had apointed the maner off creating and ordeining Ecclesiasticall officiers / and [Page 7] and there power and authoritie / who aso allwaies rea­die to punyshe the transgressors off his ordinances with most grieuous plages / and punyshementes.

There is a notable historie in the ninthe off Nōbers / off certeine vncleane persons who thincking yt no suffi­cient cause / whie they shold not eate the Passeouer with the rest off Israell / because they were polluted with tou­ching off a deade bodie / which thei must needes doe seing there died dailie some emonghest them as off necessitye yt commeth to passe in so greate a multitude / went to Mo­ses and Aaron / desiring that they might not be secluded from that solempne communion off the churche. But what doth Moses in this case? what taketh he vpon him? Surelie nothing at all but referreth the cause wholie vnto God / by whose answere they were forbidden to eate the Passouer with the rest off Israell / and were put off vnto the next moneth. Off which cause properlie belonging to this Discipline which we handle and referred to God / yt maie be clearlie vnderstoode / That Moses in all the gouernment off the churche did nothing by his priuate authoritie / but onlie deliuered vnto them that which the lor­de had commanded: which thing also Moses him selfe doth plainlie testefie / by his often repeating off these wor­des / As the Lord had commanded. And this is that faithfulnes which the Apostle to the Hebrewes commendeth in him / that he ruled not the howse off God by his owne will / but by the authoritie off the Lorde the master off the howsholde. Hebr. 3.3.

And how preciselie ys yt commanded in the Taber­nacle that all should be made after the fashō and paterne which had bene shewed by the Lorde in the Montaine? Exodus 25, 40. neyther so long as kinges were in any tollerable state / A­ny / eyther kinges or priestes / toke vpon them any suche authoritie to appointe matters belonging to the churche / [Page 8] but all thinges were ruled and gouerned according to the will and authoritie off God. For whereas in the fashion and buiding off the temple and in the offices off the leui­tes and off the Singers / certeine thinges were / some­what otherwise appointed by danid and Salomon then they had bene commanded by Moses That chaunge and alreracion was not made by the authoritie off Dauid and Salomon as kinges / but by the will off God himselfe who apointed yt so by his Prophetes as appeareth / in the 2. Chro. 8.14.29. & 25. Chronicles. Therfore also the fashion and paterne of the tēple after it was ouerthrowne / was so exactelie drawne out Ezechie. 40. & 41. & 42. by Ezechiell that the newe temple might he builled againe according to the paterne off God shewed by his Prophete. Wherfore also Erra and Nehemiah exacte all there reformacion to the paterne off Moses / Dauid / and Ezechiel.

Seing then so stable and certeine a rule off gouer­ning the churche contynewed vnto Christe / the lawes and ordinances were appointed by god him selfe / and that it was accompted wicked and vnlawfull for any man bol­dlye to haue taken any thing in hand in these matters / and that suche as did so / eschaped not the grieuous punishe­ment and vengaunce off God / whie doe they now at the last deliuer god off this care / or rather spoile the churche off hir patrone and defender / by whose gouernment / yt might be preserued / and who sitting in the sterne at the helme yt neuer feared any stormes or tempestes / but was allwaies safe in all daunger. And how absurde and vn­reasonable a thing is it / then especially to thincke the lo­ue and care off God to be demynished towardes his churche when he hath testified yt with a most certeine and vndoubted testemony / that is to saie / by the sendyng off his onlie begotten sonne to take awaie our sinnes / and as the Prophete off God / to declare all the Lordes will and [Page 9] coūsell towardes vs / and to rule the churche by his owne authoritie. For this is that Prophet like vnto Moses / who shold plainelie and perfectlie declare vnto vs of God all thinges which doe belonge vnto our dewtie / whome we ought to heare and to obeye / as the holie ghoste by the mowthe off Peter hath expounded that promise / and by that heauenlie voice which testefied off him from heauen that he was the deare and onlie begotten sonne off god / in whome the father was well pleased and commanded vs to heare him. Artes 3.22. Matth. 17.5. But how shoulde we thincke him to be like vnto Moses / yff he either hath wholy omitted / or not so clearlie and perfectelie (as farr as was needfull for vs shewed and declared / this doctrine off the manner off gouerning the churche being so necessarie / and which Moses hath so diligentlie and faithfullie declared.

Thefore we must conclude iff we acknowledge Christe to be that Prophette / that he hath fullie and perfectlie declared vnto vs / whatsoeuer was nedefull for the go­uernmēt off the churche: excepte we will robbe hī of some parte off his Propheticall office / or preferre a seruate be he neuer so faithfull / before the only begotten sonne / and as yt were Eliezer before Isaac in his fathers howse / which surelie they doe / who thincke the seruante to haur omitted nothing in this behalffe / that the heire hath omitted all: Eliezer, was Abra­hams ser­uant who­se faithful­nes is she­wed in that 24. off Ge­nes. and that Moses lefte all thinges perfecte / but Christe ey­ther beganne them not / or did not fynishe that which he beganne. Now whereas I affirme that Christ hath lefte vs so parfecte a rule and Discipline / I vnderstand yt off that discipline which is common and generall to all the churche / and perpetuall for all tymes / and so necessarie / that without yt this whole societie and company and Christiane common wealthe / cannot well be kepte / vnder the­re Prince and king Iesus Christe. And surelie we must nedes / either confesse that Christe hath lefte vs suche an order [Page 10] to liue by or ells spoile him off his kinglie office. For what doth more belong vnto the name office and dewtie off a king / then to geue lawes vnto his cytezens and subiectes▪ and to make such decrees and ordinaūces wherby all the partes off his kingdome maie be mainteined. The Pa­pistes indeede denie it / and dispute against vs and cōtend that it is lawfull for there highe prieste to rule and order the churche off God as he listeth: but we who doe de­test and abhorre this blasphemous voice and according to goddes worde aknowledge and confesse Christe to be the only king off the churche. how can we saie / either that he neglected so greate and so necessarie a point off his Kinglie office / or that he hath left yt vs to order as we please.

But yff there be any whose speache is so contrarie to it selfe / that they graunte Christe to be the King and lawe geuer off the churche / and yet will saye that either he ma­de no lawes touching tht gouernment off his people / or fewer then were needfull: Let them consider how litle they differ from the Papistes in this poincte / and how vnhonorably and vnreuerently they speake off Christe our Lorde. For yff he hath not set in order the whole state off his kingdome / iff he hath not apointed officers / and declared the dewtie and authoritie off euerie one / yff he hath not apointed what shoulde be the order off courtes and off Iustice / iff he hath taken no order how the controuersies off his subiectes maie be ended: he hath lesse prouided for his churche / then not only Moses did for the Iewes / but then Lycurgus / Solon / Numa / and other lawegeuers off the gentiles / prouided for there cities and common weales. Which yff we confesse / what shall become off that famous kingdome which the Prophetes sette out with such pompe and glorie / what shall become off that septer off Iustice and that Chariot­te Psal. 45.7.5. [Page 11] wherein Dauid describeth him sitting in the middest off the church. Which althoughe we graunte properlie to be­long to the kingdome off Christe in heauen affter th [...]s life / yet are those Prophecies not so wholy to be referred the­runto / but that they haue also some relacion to the begyn­ning off his kingdome in this life.

For seing his kingdome / in this life differeth from the other by reason and certeine respecte only / and is not altogether off an other kinde / so that the thinges w­hich are here begonne shall then be fully accomplished: There is a certeyne proporcion to be considered here / and all those prophecies are after a sorte also to be expo­pounded off this kingdome. As / where yt is prophesied that in the kingdome off Christe all thinges shalbe ord­red by perfecte Iustice and equitie / that all his subie­ctes shalbe obedient and full off heauēly knowledge / that there shall be no Cananyte in all the lande / that the genti­les shalbe shutte out off the citie off god / and suche other thinges which the prophetes most worthelie and notablie haue sett out: Esaie. 32.1.4. & Zachar. 14.21. we must vnderstand / that all these thinges after a certeyne manner are to be referred also to his Kingdome in this life / and declareth that the gouern­ment of this Kingdome of his churche here / owght also to be iust and equall / that the faithfull who are his subiectes / owght not to be brutishe and ignoraunte / but as con­ning in heauenly matters and as full off that knowledge as maie be: That men off vicious lyfe and geuen to all sinne and wickednes / are to be cast out and banyshed from the churche / and the temple off god / to be kepte as nere as is possible free and cleane from all pollutions and prophanacions. Furder also / they are conuicted by the whole historye off the Gospell and by the writinges off the Apostles / by which it appeareth / that he hath le­fte vnto vs fully / all thinges which were nedefull for [Page 12] the administracion off gouernment off his kingdome. For howe oftē talked he with his disciples touching this king­dome? Luk. 9.58. How often did he declare what maner off king­dome yt was? namelie that yt was no kingdome off this werlde / that it handled not the busynes and affaires off this life but suche only as parteine to the mynde and con­science. Luk. 12.13.14. Luk. 21.25.26. Iohn 19.36 Math. How often did he declare / what his officers should be / nāely no gracious nor honorable Lordes / but ministers off the churche? How exactelie did he apointe the order off his courtes and iustice that no thing more could be required to a right gouernmēt / and lawfull polli­cye? yea / euē a litle before that he went from his / disciples how earnestlye and how carefully cōmēded he the charge off his kingdome vnto them? how greate authoritie gaue he them to shutte or open heauen? and (so greate was his care for the dewe administring off his kingdome) euen then when he toke his triumphant chariotte / wherewith he was after caried into heauen / that sitting there / he mi­ght enioye his kingdome / euerlastinglie) how carefully and how long (euen for the space off fortie daies togi­ther) did he talke with his disciples touching his king­dome? For these are those charges and commandements which S. Luk / and S. Mathewe doe write that he ga­ue to his Apostels and Embassadors off the administracion and gouernment off his empire: Act. Math. 28.20. and whereoff he commāded them to giue his subiectes warning to kepe them with all dewtie and reuerence.

And after he was sette in his kinglie throne / doe we not see how he prouided all thinges which were necessa­rie not only for the first foundacion off the church by me­anes off Apostels and prophetes / but also for the preser­uacion off it foreuer by Pastors and Doctors? Ephe. But that I be not longer then is needefull in so cleare a matter / how cam yt to passe that there was one order forme [Page 13] and discipline off all the churches which were founded by the Apostels / excepte they receiued the paterne from Christe him selfe / which they thowght not lawfull to alter and chaunge.

And S. Paul seing he had no more receyued this parte touching discipline from the Apostels / then the rest off [...]he Gospell (for he had established many godlye chur­ches many yeres before that he had conferred with them off his doctrine) from whence I saie receyued he all that forme and order off establishung the churche by / excepte he were taught off Christe by reuelacion as well con­cerning this / as concerning the rest off the Gospell? But I will shut vp all this matter touching the originall off discipline / that it commeth from god / and is therfore vn­chaungeable and perpetuall and common to all churches / with that earnest charge which S. Paul geueth Timothie touching the keping and manteining theroff. 1. Timoth. 6.13. who hauing tawght his scholer all the order off ruling the howse off God which is the churche / I charge the (saithe he) in the sight off that God which quickneth all thinges / and Ie­sus Christe who made that worthie confession before Pontius Pilate / that thow kepe these preceptes without blāe or reprofe euen to that notable cōming off our lorde Ie­sus Christe: and so forth as the Apostle with most earnest wordes doth charge him. Off which place / I gather / first that allmightie God and our Sauiour Iesus Christe are the authors off that discipline which S. Paule had tau­ght in that epistle. forasmuche as they are noted to be the punyshers and auengers off all those who shall breake yt. I note furder also that this order off discipline is con­staunte and vnchangeable: which may neyther be broken for any mans power or authoritie / nor altered for any mans fauour: seing that it is not only called a comman­dment / but is geuen also with suche a charge: Tymothie [Page 14] being warned before the allmigtie God / and our Sauior Iesus Christe / to beare him selfe therin without blame and reprofe. Last off all that yt is no commandment belong [...]ng to any certein tyme / but perpetuall / and per­teyning to all tymes and states off the churche. Seing yt is so expresselie commanded that it should be kepte vnto the comming off our lorde Iesus Christe. But how bla­me worthie were many afterwardes / and how fowlie stained with the transgression off this holie cōmandment: for at the last / Satan that conning workman to dostroie the churche / hauing made them to forgette this ear­nest charge off the Apostle / and hauing laide to the wal­les off the churche those twoe engines off Couetous­snes and Ambicion / which destroye aswell churches as cyties / did cast downe the strong holdes whereby it was mayntened and preserued.

But what did these so greate Patrones and Prote­ctors? how grieuouslie did they punyshe not only the ne­cligence off men but there sinfull and vnfaithfull wicke­dnes? The stories doe testifie / how that by litle and little with the corruption off Discipline / Doctrine also be­ganne to be corrupted vntill that at the last / they were bothe allmost cleane taken awaie and the churche aboli­shed. For they knowe not I saie plainelie they knowe not / who being content with the doctrine off the Gospell neglecte discipline / that the disposicion and nature of the­se two / is like the disposicion off twoe sisters who are twines: or off those brotherne off whome Hypocrates spea­keth: who beganne to be sicke together / and to amende to­gither / so that fot the naturall inclinaciō and disposiciō of the one towardes the other / they were affected one with the others healthe and infirmitie. Wherefore / seing that god of his infinite goodnes gathered togither againe our churche in these daies / and that trewe doctrine as the el­der [Page 15] syster is recouered / let vs not hinder hir (as hir nature is iff she be not hindred) to affecte also discipline with hir healthe that as it beganne to be sicke togither with doctri­ne / yt maie be also recouered togither with yt.

And let vs be moued with the remembraunce of the former calamities / to the restoring againe of a pure gouernment off the churche excepte we esteme it not to haue the almightie god and our Sauior Iesus Christe readie to punyshe vs and to be reuenged on vs for the neglecte off his discipline / and to knowe at the last to our greate perill and daunger / how necessarie it is for the churche and how acceptable vnto god.

But whie doe I saie lest we knowe at the last / seing that we haue alreadie proued not many yeres sin­ce / by the banyshement and fliing off subiectes / by s [...] so crewell burnyng and murdryng off our brethren and horrible wastyng of our churche / how greatlie the former reformacion being not sincere as it owght to haue bene / displeased our Lorde and God. But to returne to that from whence I haue digressed / I thincke it plaine and manifest by that which hath bene said which I purposed to proue in the beginning: that is to saie / that the rule and paterne off discipline / is not to be drawne from the ordi­naunces and fantasies off men / but from the worde off god. which thing / as it hath long tyme preserued puritie and sinceritie in those churches wherin all thinges are re­formed according to goddes worde / So all the corrupti­ons which are in our churche this daie / spring from no o­ther heade / then this / that we haue followed popishe drea­mes and fantasies as most stickyng syncks and chanells leauing the pure fountames off the worde off God. For I see and perceyue / that the master Builders off our chur­che in repairing off yt againe were so wholy bent vnto the doctrine / that they neuer thowght off Discipline [Page 16] and so reteined yt still almost wholie suche / as it was a­monghest the Papistes. whereupon it cōmeth that all the gouernmēt of our churche is not takē out of Goddes worde but out off the cannon lawe and decrees off Popes. Which / wither it were done by reason off the ignoraunce off those daies or off negligence / or for ambicion and vaine glorie or because they thought that popishe disci­pline might be tollerated for a tyme / or for what purpose soeuer / Surelie no man can doubte / but that yt was to the greate hindraunce and discommoditie off the churche / which knoweth it throwglie and with diligētlie conside­reth / how small frute hath growē off so long trauaile and labor in the preaching off the gospell. Out off this Cānon lawe / came all that romyshe Hierarchie / primates / Arch­bishoppes / Lord Bishoppes / Chancellors Achdeacons / and there seruantes Officialls / Commissaries and therest off that Trashe / by whom the churche as it were taken prisoner / is now off long tyme kepte in prison and bon­dage. From hence commeth also that romische courte / wheron a most shamefull markete off vnlawfull and wicked dispensacions / and all gainful meanes off destrouing the churche is kepte, wold to God / that we had rather suf­fred the papistes when they were cast out to haue gone awaie with there bagge and baggage / and that we had not had so greate a desire / to be enriched by these spoiles and praies.

This is not (beleue me) to he enriched with the Ie­wells off the Egyptians / but to be infected with there bo­y [...]es and soares. These eare ringe [...] and Egyptian ornamentes which we haue gottē / are fytter to make a golden cal­fe with / then to adorne and beautifie the tabernacle off god. Therfore let vs send them backe againe frō whence they come / and at the last take in hand an earnest and sin­cere reformacion off the churche. Let vs abrogate and a­bolishe [Page 17] the authoritie off this Canon lawe / then the w­hich there is nothing lesse canonycall / and which is the fyrst and greatest faulte in our discipline and the fountai­ne and originall off all the rest: and Let this be the fyrst article off the newe reformacion / that all thinges be exac­ted as nere as maie be vnto the worde off God. That our particular lawes grownde vpon this foundacon / and let so much be admitted for Ecclesiasticall discipline / as may be confirmed by the voice and authoritie off God him sel­fe. And thus muche let yt suffice generally to haue spoken / what discipline is.

Now let vs devide the rest off this treatise (as al­most all politique doctrine is wont to be deuaded) into two partes: Diuision of discipline. whereoff the fyrst / declareth that which be­longeth vnto them / who bare any office or haue any char­ge in the churche: the other part brieflie toucheth the dewtie off the rest off the bodie off the churche. For as the Apostle saith / all the bodie is not one membre / nor all axe not Prophetes or Doctors but there is a certeine diuersite and dinstinction off Offices as off members wherby the whole bodie is preserued. 1. Corrint. 32.19.29. All which diuersitie and diffe­rence / is deuided by the Apostle into two sortes / who in the Epistle to the Corrinches / calleth some / Fellovve helpers and laborers naming the rest off the churche / by the name off Sainctes. 1. Corrint. 10.15.16. Thus allso the Apostle to the Hebrewes deuideth the churche / into those who had the ouersight / and into the rest off the Sainctes / Now to speake fyrst off the former part / it is to be vnder­stoode / that to the bearing off any ecclesiasticall office / there is a certeine vocation and calling to be vsed / which a man owght to waite for / being necessarie to the taking vpon him off any charge what soeuer: Heb. 13 24. which manner off apointing to an office wither we call it Creation / or Assi­gnacion / or as the ecclesiasticall writers doe most vsual­ly [Page 18] Vocacion It is the apointement off God to the bearing off some office in his churche / in suche sorte and maner as he hath ordeined for euerie officer to be apointed by.

Which calling to the Bearing or the excuting off a­ny ecclesiasticall charge and function / hath all tymes be­ne holdē so necessarie / that no man hath bene thowght to exercise any lawfull authoritie therin / who had not fyrst off all in his owne conscience wytnesse off the calling off God thereunto / and after also off the churche apoin­ting him according to Goddes decree and ordinaunce. Hebr. 4.5. For that sentence off the Apostle is generall / that no man ow­ght to take this honor vn [...]o him / but he that is called there­to / as was Aaron.

For this doctrine off the necessytie of a Voca [...]on and Calling / did not so once growe ou [...] off that noble rodde off Aaron togither with the Almandes / that yt fell afterwar­des also from the tree togither with them / but this Almād three off Aaron / sette and planted by the witte and labor off Moses / florisheth euen to this daie: So that we maie yet gather this doctrine off yt / which is muche more pre­cious then any Almondes or other frute what soeuer.

Nere to the same place in Moses / is rehersed also a no­table iudgement off God whereby yt semeth that the lor­de ment to ratefie this lawe off the necessitye off Voca­tion for euer: Nomb. 17. [...]. wherein we see that neyther the heauens could abyde to loke vpō / nor the earthe to beare / so shameles boldnes / but the one melting consumed with fire such as without a calling would take vpō thē the priesthoode / and the earthe gaping and opening it selfe swallowed thē vp aliue. which owght to be a lesson to vs for euer / not only as Moses writeth / [...]. Samuel. [...]. that not man burne incense before the lorde but only they which are off the stocke off Aaron / and are thereby called thereunto / but also that no man be so bolde as to peruert or alter that order which God hath [Page 19] established in his churche / and to arrogate vnto hī that honor which he hath by no right or lawfull callīg obteined. Hitherto belōgeth also that which is writtē off Peres vz­zach / that is to saie off the breache which the lorde made in vzzach who was stricken sodainlie to deathe / only for that beyonde the bondes off his calling he put to his hand and held vp the arcke of God which shaked and was readie to fall / which was lawfull only for the Leuites to touche.

So the the Lord did no more spare Vzza attempting beyonde his vocacion to touche the arke / althoughe his entent and purpose were neuer so good / then he had pardoned before Aarons kinsmen. But if we require yet witnes­ses of greater authoritie / we may reade / that king vzziah was stricken with the leprosie / for that being not content with his kinglie office / he wold haue taken vpon him the Priestes office also. 2. King. 15.5. Thus the lorde hath ratified and sealed vp this parte of discipline with most grieuous ād fearfull punyshement / and the same not once but oftentimes exe­cuted to this entent / that this lawe might for euer be off such authoritie in the churche / that no man should euer dare to be so bolde and hardie as to breake yt.

Wherefore / seing that god neuer forgaue or lefte vnpunished this faulte in any degree / state / or person but punyshed the leuites / and euen Aarons owne howse and familie / Sathā and Abyram also being Princes off tribes / yea Vzziah being a king / and that so sharpelie and seuerelie: Nomb. 1 [...] 32.35. so greate punishemēt in such personages / fire from god / the earthe opening hir mowthe / Sodaine death / and the most fylthie disease off the leprosie / owght to stricke such a feare into our hartes / that we suffer not sacred functions and offices / to be prophaned by volōtarie officers / ād such as take them vpon them / without any lawfull vocacion and calling. But how litle we are afraide thereoff / and how in this behalfe that Discipline is neglected in establi­shing [Page 20] whereoff / God hath trauailed so carefully / it is to / to manyfest / whereas popishe priestes take in hande to be mynisters off the Gospel [...] / whereas women and mydwi­ues / administer baptisme emonghest vs / and Chaūcellors Archedeacons / Commissariers / and such like / deale in the discipline and gouernment off the churche without any lawfull calling.

For as for popishe priestes I speake off those who doe take the ministerie vpon [...]hen without any newe cal­ling / allowing off / or appointing them thereunto / but on­ly stand vpon the right off those horrible orders / whe­reby they were ordeined to sacrifice for the quicke and the deade / that is to saie to abolyshe the sacrifie off our Sa­uior Christe who can denye but that this there shameles boldenes is cleane contrarie to the most iust and equall lawes which the Lorde hath made touching the necessitie off vocacion? For althoughe they be anoynted and grea­sed / and haue receyued power off there Bishoppes to sa­crifice for the quicke and the deade yet / I denye that oile and that power off sacryfycing to be any sufficient war­raunt for them / to be ministers off the Gospell and off the Sacramentes.

This is a prophane oyle / and can geue no man authoritie to dispose the mysteries off God. The ministers off God are anoynted with an other kinde off oyntmēt which Christe him selfe made and prepared / sending out his A­postles to preache the Gospell and to baptise those which should beleue wherewithall seing they are not anoynted why are they suffred to preache the Gospell with propha­ne mowthes / or to touche the holy misteries with vnclea­ne and polluted handes? Math. 28. [...]. But some man will saie. They haue receyued the laieing on off handes / and were ordeined as euerie man thowght then to minister the seruice off God.

I confesse indede that handes were laide vpon them neyther doe I muche stand vpon yt what or whose han­des they were / but I denie that euer they wer [...] chosen to a lawfull ministerie / or that handes were laide vpon them to this ende: yea rather contrarie / they were laide on them for an ende that is most contrarie to the ministerie off the Gospell / so that by no meanes / this can be accom­p [...]ed the lawfull office off a trewe Pastor: From whence they are as farre off / as the Priestes off Israell who we­re apointed by Ieroboam to sacrifice to the calues were from that lawfull calling wich the priestes had which were at Hierusalem: So that the same Ordring and insti­tucion / can by no meanes serue to geue one man at the same tyme / twoe offices so diuers and contrarie betwe­ne then se [...]ues. For thus all the offices / off all Kingdomes and common wealthes are distinguished the one from the other / and seuered by the diuers endes they are apoin­ted vnto.

Thus they are called Senators and Councellers / who are chosen to geue councell: Iudges / who are apoin­ted to giue iudgement and suche like. So likewise in the churche one is apointed for teaching: an other for dispo­sing the goodes off the church: and euery office is distin­guyshed from other by the forme and maner off his crea­cion and calling. By which reason also the Apostle to the Hebrewes proueth that the Priesthoode off Chr [...]ste diffe­reth frō the Priesthoode off the Lawe / for (saith he) in the­se wordes The Lord svvare and vvill not repent, Hebr. 7. thou art a priest for euer after the order off Melchiscdech. Chri­ste is ordeined priest after the order off Mechisedeche: but the priestes off the lawe are ordeined after an other order namely off Aaron: Christe / for euer: They only for the small tyme off this shorte life: Christe / with an othe: They / without any othe. wherby it appareth / that his priesthoode [Page 22] is farre other yea muche more nobleād excellēt thē theirs was. Which axacte maner off disputing of the Apostle iff we followe / and compare the institucion off trew a ministers which is conteined in these wordes off our sauior Christe Proach the Gospell and baptize those which beleue / with the orders off the popishe priestes whereby they are ordeined to sacrifice for the quicke and the deade / Shall yt not appear more cleare then the light / that these twoe offices are not only diuerse / but cleane contrarie the one to the other. For what Agrement is there betwene a Pastor and a Prieste betwene the Gospell and a Sacrifice / or rather what maie be more contrarie to the prea­ching off the Gospell then this newe sacrifice off the masse / for the quicke and the deade. The preaching off the Gospell in deede is a swete sauour vnto god: ād surely / a very acceptable sacrifice is yt vnto him when as the ministers off his gospell slea our olde man as a sacrifice with the sharpe edged sworde off his worde: neyther can any oblacion more please him thē when that the cōcupiscēces and affectiōs off our fleshe being mortified and killed we are offred vpon his aulter: but it is so fare off that any sinne should be taken away by this sacrifice / that as muche as we geue vnto yt in this behalfe / so muche we detracte frō the trewe sacrifice off our only prieste Iesus Christe. But saie they / the supper off the Lorde is ment by this sacrifi­ce / and so by that the whole ministerie. Some Papist in­deede maie saie thus that vaunteth the masse for the Lor­des supper: but we who according vnto goddes worde / rest our selues in the only sacrifice off Christe / and casting all other hope aside / flie from the wrath off god vnto the only aulter off the crosse off Christe. Let vs confesse as we beleue / that ther is nothing more contrary to that ho­ly supper / then there Idolatrous masse and nothing more against the commemoracion off the deathe off Christe / [Page 23] then this newe aulter which they haue erected against the aulter off Christe. Seing then there is so greate contrarietie and not difference alone betwene the offices and bet­wene the thinges whereunto they are apointed / It is plaine and manifest that no man by the same ceremony and order / can be assigned to the bearing off two offices so contrarie in themselues. And that popishe Priestes are not to be suffred to serue the churche off God without a newe examinacion approbacion / election / and calling. How and when they are to be admitted / yt shall after he declared / where occasion shall serue to speake off put­ting backe from the mynisterie suche as be nouices in the faith.

But I haue taried to long in this pointe off popishe Priestes: now there folleweth to adde somewhat in this place / touching women and midwiues / who without any cōmandement of God / or rather contrary to his expresse worde take vpon thē that parte off the office off the mini­ster To baptize children / in case off daunger off there liues and of dying without baptisme otherwise. which notwithstanding I wold suppose not nedefull to be done / the er­ror being so absurde and manyfest / yff we had yet lear­ned after so many yeres wherin by the greate goodnes off God / his holie worde is freelie and sincerelie preached vnto vs / what were the force off our Adoption in Chri­ste: what were the strengthe off the couenannte which God made with vs: what the eternall and euerlasting councell off god in CHRIste were touching our sal­uacon: what were the vse off the Sacramentes / and namelie off Baptisme. For who can dowbte that this fowle error flowed into the churche from these heades? and that the ignoraunce off these thinges was the cau­se that some not vnderstanding that place off Saincte Iohn / Iohn 3.5 Onlesse a man be borne againe off vvater and off [Page 24] the Spirite. He cannot enter into the Kingdome off God, toke occasion thereoff to thincke Baptisme necessa­rie to saluacion / and that all that were not baptized shold be condemned. Whereas all the Scripture / (to the An­al [...]ogie and proporcion whereoff this place is to be expo­unded) p [...]ainly teacheth / that the Electe are saued by the goode pleasure and will off god / by reason off the couenan­te / and off there Adoption in Ihesus Christe: Ephes. 1.5. That Abra­ham was iustefied before his circuncision (which in force and effecte answereth to our baptisme) and that coue­naunce and the promises are not made by the sacramen­tes / but sealed by thē. Rom. 4.11. Which seale also / serueth not to the confyrmyng off the worde off god in it selfe / which in yt se [...]fe is most constaunte / certeine and immutable / and hath no neede to borowe credite off any thing ells / but that i [...] maie be confirmed in vs / whose weakenes to the fulie staieng and acquieting off our faithe / neded suche meanes to be confirmed by.

So that seing the lorde to haue sete his sygnet to the confyrming off our Saluacion / and to haue sealed yt vp / we might the more quietlie rest and acquiete our selues in his faithe and custodie. As for the place off S. Iohn / wither yt be to be vnderstoode off the holie Ghoste the Author off this regeneracion whereoff our Sauior speaketh (who as in an other place is ment by fyre / so maie be also here by water) or whither yt be ment off Baptisme / yt / in no wise restraineth our saluacion to euerie sprinckling off wa [...]er but to the sacrament only. But there can be no sa­cramēt without a minister and there can be no embassad­ge without an embassador.

And yf any priuate man shold breake breade accor­ding to the institucon off Christe / and communicate with others to the commemoracion off his Seathe / who wold call that the ho [...]y supper off the Lorde / and not rather an [Page 25] vnworthie prophanacion off that most holie mynister / rie? And yet althoughe yt be ministred by a minister / our entraunce into the kingdome off god is not to be geuen to the outward baptisme / but in as muche / as by a sacramentall kinde of speaking vsuall in the scriptures in this kinde / That is attributed to the Sacramentes / for the certeine coniunction off the thinges signified with the / Signes / which indede is proper to the thinges whereoff they be Sacramentes.

Therefore there is not that necessytie off Baptisme to saluacion which many doe suppose / that for this cause the holie ordinaunce off god whereby it is lawfull for the mynisters onlie to minister the Sacramentes / should be prophaned. And I can not see / what other cause off his prophanacion they can pretend. And a man maie mervai­lee whie at suche tymes / they pu [...] not rather priuate men to baptize then women for sure the faulte had bene so muche the lesse. For women are further removed from this offi­ce / for whome yt is vnlawfull to take the same vpon them not onlie because they are preuate / but also because they a­re women. 1. T [...]moth. 2.11.12. For euen the verie sexe is forbidden to exerci­se any publique charge or function in the churche by san­cte Paull. And is commanded to sitte still and be quiette: which quietnes and vocation these men will not suffer thē to enioie / who styrre them vp / to the exercisyng off authoritie and doing off these thinges so expresselie forbidden them.

But yff this were to be suffred / for that necessitie w­hich they imagine / whie shold yt not also be suffred in ca­se off like necessitie / that they should minister the lordes supper and preache the gospell? wherefore seing they are forbidden by S. Paul. to exercise any ecclesiasticall fun­ction or authoritie / Seing it is an vnlawfull transgressi­on off the ordinaunce off Christe and an vnworthie pro­phanacion [Page 26] off baptisme to geue leaue to women and my­dwiues to exercise this authoritie / it were to be wished / that some parte off the mydwiues conning were practi­zed here to the vnburdening of our churche off this fowle error as off a shamefull monster that yt trauaileth withall and that it were ordeined (which the Lord hath comman­ded) that they who are not chosen nor by any meanes can be chosen to goo on the Lordes embassadge / should not abuse any longer the place / office / and authoritie off so wo [...] thy a calling.

It remaineth now to enquire off Archedeacons / chan­cellors / commissaries / and the rest off that sorte who withou [...] any grownde off the worde off god take vpon them authoritie [...]o Iudge off all suche causes as belong to the As­semblie off Elders to Iudge off and to gouerne the chur(+che: and to correcte and punyshe not only the people but euen the ministers them selues according to there will and pleasure. who / I knowe not what answere they can be able to make for them selues / what letters off Or­der they can shewe: what signes and seales off there Vocacion: whereas the holy scrip [...]ures doe not onlye commytie no suche charge vnto them / but maketh not a worde mencion off all this sorte at all. For in all the Testament wherein our Sauior hath declared his last will vn [...]o vs / and appointed Tutors and Gardianes for his churche / There is not one worde mencyoned off the Tutorshippe off these men / but off Apostles / Prophe­tes / and Euangelistes who for a certeine tyme should haue the charge off yt: After also off Pastors / Doctors / and Elders / to whome this office was committed for euer.

To vsurpe then without the will off so worthie a Testator not onlie some parte off this charge (which notwithstanding could not be done without the breaking off the [Page 27] Testament) but euen the the whole / and that by displacing those who were lawfullie called therunto / and subiecting them to the vsurped authoritie / and so to breake into an other mans possession that thow not onlie put out the right owner and maister / but also compell him to beco­me subiecte and slaue to the / hath not only no pretence off right and equitie / but being so heynous and vnwor­thie a facte / were worthie to be corrected by the Magi­strates authoritie. For what a confusion is this / that the deacon leauing his proper charge off the poore / should take vpon him an other mans / and rule / not onlie the chur­che / but also the Pastors / Doctors / and Elders to whom by goddes commandement he owght to be subiecte. And that euerie Canonise and Petifogger in the lawe should vsurpe the Authoritie off Ministers and deuines. I pas­se ouer that the most off them be Papistes / and that su­che are suffred to sitte in the stearne who should no be suf­fred to sitte vpon the pompe / let this be the faulte off men and not off the lawes / I speake off the thing yt selfe. But some man will saye / that the Bishoppe hath this power by the worde off God: And they haue yt off the Bishoppe / whose office and authoritie in this behalffe they execute.

What the Bishoppes power is / and that the autho­ritie which he hath / is common also with him to the Pa­stors and Elders / and hath no proper nor peculiar authoritie in this pointe / we shall after see in dewe place.

But let vs put the case / that only the Bishoppe had this power and authoritie graunted to him to gouerne his owne churche according to Goddes wo­rd: Is yt therefore lawfull for him to sitte yd [...]e and dreamyng at home and let an other doe his off [...]ce ab­roade? But admite allso that yt were lawfull for him to haue an other to doe his office: yet yt is not [Page 28] lawfull for him to substitute whome he listeth in his pla­ce / but only some other mā in the same degree that he is / of and that is in equall place and authoritie with him. For neyther in olde tyme could the Consulles off Rome leaue any man to doe there office for them but only such as we­re off the Consulles state and dignitie: Nor now adaies can the maire off a towne leaue any Burgesse to execute his office for him / but onlie an Aldermen and one off the same degre and companie. How muche more vnmeete is it to trust any man with the keyes off the howse off Dauid / but onlie suche to whome the Sonne and Heire who is set ouer the gouernment off the howse / hath comman­ded to deliuer them.

For how greatlie is it to be feared / lest that they op­pen and shutte they care not how / and order all thinges not according to the Sonne and Heires commandment / but there owne will and pleasure: How greatelie I saie is it to be feared / lest they cast the lordes Iewells before swine: lest they sette open his holie misteries to be abused by euerye one: Lest they receyue and enterteine strann­gers / and put out ād refuse thē off the housholde: fynally: Lest they prophane and abuse all that they take in hande? And suerlie experiēce teacheth vs how greatlie they haue erred who haue put thē in trust with the kepīg of so waightie thinges. For we haue oftē times sene and trulie doe see these thinges to happē which I haue spoken off / that some off this courte for a grote or some small dewtie wil ex­communicate and as it were banyshe out off heauen the most honest citezens off the kingdome off God / and Cur­se them and cast them headlong into Hell: And conterwi­se / accompte off enemies often times as off free men and cytezens / and suffer them to be partakers off all the free­domes and liberties off the citie off god. For it commeth to passe with them as with the hirelinges off whome our [Page 29] Sauior Christe speaketh in the tenth off Iohn: who be­cause they doe not there owne office but an other mans / care not how faithfullie nor with what credite they vse thē selues / but rule and order all thinges / for ther owne commoditie and pleasure.

But hereoff I trust we shall speake more at large he­reafter. Now to goe forwarde / Let vs admitte bothe: That the Bishoppe hath this authoritie / and that he may appointe whome he liste to excute it for him: yet how can we thincke it lawfull that a man should be admitted to ordinarie and perpetuall office in the churche / without a right and lawfull calling (which as after shalbe declared / consisteth in these twoe poyntes / fyrst / that he be chosen / and after that he be ordeined) seing it is generall / and be­longeth vnto all / without exception who doe bare a­ny office in the churche / which I laide in the begynning as the foundacion off all this disputacion / that is to saie that no man take this honor vnto him but he that is called vnyt as was Aaron?

But seing Archdeacons and Channcellors are apointed onlie by the Bishoppes pleasure / and the other vnder-officiers by theres / and seing that nothing is vsed in the apointing off them which shalbe shewed to be necessarie in the calling to any eccleasticall function / Seing there is no Election / no praiers / no Ordeining / no laiing on off handes and suche life as bothe are wont and owght to be vsed in such a matter / naie seing there is not so much as an othe geuen them without the which no office off any waite in the common wealthe is committed to any man: It must nedes be confessed as the thing it selfe declareth / and I haue proued by sure and vndoubted argumentes / That all this rabble and company exercise authoritie in the churche off God without any lawfull vocacion at all or calling. Wherfore seing so many voluntarie officers [Page 30] haue without any lawfull calling taken vpon them the gouernment off the churche / whereby as I haue shewed the wrath off god is most greuously prouoked against vs / why doe we not fiftene yeres after that by the grace off God his holie Gospell is preached emongest vs / whie doe we not I saie in the ecclesiasticall officers that which the Romanes did euerie fyue yeres in all degrees / that is to saie / whie doe we not make a searche and assaie off euerie mans calling / That Right and lawfull authorie being di­scerned from that which is vniust and vnlawfull / those impudent officers who were chosen by them selues or crepte in at the backe dore / and were not called thereunto by the authoritie off God and off his churche / maie be compelled to leaue there places / and be put out off office.

Therfore let enquirie be made into euerie mans cal­ling / Let them shewe how they were chosen and ordeined as the leters and seale off ther calling / let them rehearse there genealogies and the race off there descente / let them bring there roddes and set them before the Arcke off God And they who cannot shewe the markes and tokens off there Creaciō and Election / They that cannot fetche there Pedigree from Aaaron / and whose roddes remaine deade before the Arcke / and neyther blossome nor florishe / let them by the most iust authoritie off the worde off God be displaced and put out off those offices which they most vniustlie and wrongfully haue desyred and vsurped And thus muche maie be sufficient to proue the necessi­tye off a lawfull vocacion and calling.

Now let vs see the / vse / fruite / and com̄oditie off the same: which semeth to me to be so greate / that althoughe there were no punishement for the neglecte and contem­pte off yt / yet yt were to be taried and waited for / for the meruailous vse and commoditie that yt bringeth with yt. For what can so strengthen a man against all daungers [Page 31] which hang ouer hym (discharging his dewtie faithfully) as the remēbraunce that he is placed in that standing by the cōmandement and authoritie off god / which as it placeth him / so it will be alwaies readie to defend him aga­inst the enmyties and lieng in waite off all men. For then only the conscience is not afraide off any winde or weat­her / off any storme or tempest / when as it staieth yt selfe vpon the lorde / and followeth him in that waie / wheren he goeth before.

Furthermore / they that are gouerned / can by no meanes better be browght to doe there dewtie ād persuaded to doe that which they owght / then when they vnderstād that it is the lordes will and cōmandemēt whose embassador the mynister is. For they reuerēce only that authoritie which they knowe to be off god, hereoff we haue a mani­fest example in Dauid / whome it staied oftētime being readie to fall / and oftentimes also raised vp againe being beaten downe to the grounde / that he came not to the kingdo­me by his owne ambicion / as his enemies falselie blamed him / but by the authoritie off god who called him / and off Samuell the Prophete who by the Lordes cōmandemēt had anoynted him The maiestie and authoritie off which creacion at the last so moued all Israell that is to saie the ten tribes which for the space off seuē yeres were not obedient vnto him / that they receiued him willinglie for there king / whome before they had disdained. For this cause also S. Paule so diligentlie almost in the beginning off euerie Epistle calleth him selfe an Apostle and seruante off God.

For this cause also he taketh so greate paynes in his Epistles to the the Corinthes to proue his Apostleshippe / which some false brethren sowght to take from him / that by that meanes they might dyminishe his credite and au­thoritie with the churche. Neyther in deede was he mo­re confirmed by any thing in his infinite perilles / trobles [Page 32] and labors which he bare for the Gospells cause / then that he assured him selfe off the aide and assistaunce off God in the discharge off that dewtie vnto which he was ap­pointed by him. Which great fruyte and commoditie iff it maie moue vs / let vs tarie ād waite for the Voice of God to call vs to beare office in his churche and let vs first be assured most plainlie and manifestlie / that we are called thereunto by his gouernment and authoritie / Lest that hauing entred in by the backe dore / we finde the lorde / to be punisher and Auenger off this ambycion / the peo­ple disobedient and vntowarde / and our owne conscien­ces shaking and trembling / not only at greate and vn­dowbted daungers / but at euerie bugge / and at the sha­king off euerie leafe. Therfore the authoritie off God is to be wayted for to the taking in hand or bearing off any ecclesiasticall office / and so to be waited for / that we am­biciouslie seke yt not by any disceitfull or vnhonest mea­nes. And let no man boast here off his giftes and worth­ynes and in confidence thereof as a suter seke and laboure for honor. For How fytte soeuer he semeth to be for any charge and office / yet no thing is here to be taken rashelie in hand / without the authoritie off God who will vse in his affaires / whome it pleaseth him.

Iudges 13.5.It is rehearsed in the holie historie off the iudges off what a meruoulons strengthe / and mete for a Prince / Sampson was: yet notwithstanding iff he had not bene borne the Nazarite off the Lorde / and chosen and apoin­ted from his Mothers wombe to deliuer the people / he owght not to haue sowght vengeaunce off the Philisti­nes / or to haue deliuered his owne countrey from there power / and gouernment / but rather / to haue excercised that greate strengthe and might / as Arrius writeth that Philoctetes bestowed his dartes vpon birdes / and not vpon his armed enemies. Neither had it bene lawfull for [Page 33] Salomon to haue taken in hand the gouernment off the kingdome off Israell / to put in practise that excellent and worthie gifte off wisdome and gouernment in yt / except the Lorde had first chosen him to succede in the prince­lie throne off his father Dauid / and the administracion his his kingdome.

And worthelie were Absalon and Adoniah reiected who thinking them selues worthie toke that honor vnto them: that he who was chosen by the Lorde / and thought worthie by him / might rule and gouerne. As also was Core in the like case / and the rest off his faction: And after also king Vzziah desyring honors and places / besides the good will and pleasure off God. For the Lorde knoweth how to rule his familie / and whateuerie man is to be put in trust withall according to that honestie and credite that he knoweth euerie one to be off. So that he that re­steth not in his iudgement / but wolde haue and seketh by all meanes to procure vnto him selfe more then the Lorde hath geuen him / must nedes accuse him off folishenes or off malice / and therfore be giltie off most grieuous and haynons sinne.

And let them not obiecte against vs that sayinge off the Apostell that He that desireth the office off a Bishoppe desireth a good thing, 1. Timoth. 1.3. to proue and cōfirme this ambici­ous sewing and laboring for the ministerie / whereas yt is so farr off that these wordes should kindle and enflame vs hereunto / that contrariwise the Apostle semeth by the­se wordes to haue sowght to bridle our hastie desyre. For whereas the Apostle saith / that the office off a Bishoppe is a worthie worke / to what ende / thincke we doth he call yt so / but therewithall to admonishe vs how hard yt is / and that it requireth a man both off singuler lear­ning and godlines. For so yt followeth that Bishoppe owght to be off an honest and blameles life / sober / tempe­rate [Page 34] liberall / meke / apte to teache / and so forth. 2. Corinth. 2.16. And this is the worthines off the off ce off a Bishoppe which the Apostle sheweth in this place / and which he so meruai­leth at in other places / that he thincketh no man mete to take so greate a charge vpon him.

By which dignitie and worthines off the office / the Ambicion off men is rather quenched then kindled: For vnderstanding thereby / how greate and waightie a cal­calling it is / we are warned to take hede that we run̄e not rashelie to it / but rather that we prepare our selues long before with all studye care and diligence for the bearing off so greate a burthen. As for the worde [...] which signifieth to couette or desire / yt is ill alledged for the profe off any ambicious seking off the mynisterie. Whereas the Apostle vnderstandeth a godlie zeale to set furthe the glorie off god and to edifie his churche / which wisheth and desireth indeede to be made able once by the grace off God / to serve him and his churche in that calling: which meditateth and thinketh dailie hereupō / and exerciseth and prepareth him selfe thereunto / bestowyng wholie all studie and laboure to that ende / yet notwithstāding waiteth for the voice off God / and authoritie off the churche to call him / and by an vnripe and headie desire / or ambicious kinde off hastines / preuenteth not the tyme off his calling.

We reade that Christe our Sauior him selfe / althou­ghe he were endewed with all heauenlie wisdome / yet laie he hidde as yt were (without exercising any publi­que office) to the thyrtie yere off his age / and taried for that voice of his father / whereby being declared the Beloued sonne of God in whome only the father was well pleased / he might be sent out to goe off his embassage▪ Luk. 3.23. Math. 3.17. he had disputed indeede once before with the Doctors in the Tēple: but that was no full execuciō off any publique offi­ce / Luk 2.49. but as yt were a certeine florishe ād plaieng at wasters [Page 35] whereby / he prepared him selfe / vnto a full combate and a greater battel. Math. 28.19. Lykewise did the Apostles who did not thrust them selues in to the churche / without his cōman­mandement and apointment / but waited for that voice / Goe / preache the Gospell and baptize those which beleue.

The same modestie appeared in the Bishoppes of the primitiue churche / so lōg as it cōtinewed vncorrupted and in goode estate / for after / as they were not afraide to enter into the churche by fraud and doceyte / so being once en­tred in / they behaued them selues in yt with like faithfull­nes and modestie / that they entred in. whie doe we not therfore bridle this posting and spurring for the myni­sterie and contenting our selues with the godlie and zea­lous desire off our mynde and our laboure and studie to prepare our selues thereunto / flee and avoide this shame­full ambicion.

These so notable and worthie examples let vs esteme as a lawe made against Ambicion: which yff we shalbe so bolde as to transgresse / let vs assure our selues that one daie / in a most solempne courte and assemblie we shalbe char­ged with Ambicion.

Neyther only in the office off a Bishoppe / but in all other Ecclesiasticall charges this woyng off places and offices / owght to be estemed vnmette and vnwor­thie / for the modestie off any Christian man: and how muche better were yt / to send backe againe this labo­ring for offices and sutorlike care vnto Rome / from w­hence yt came.

For as muche then as greate fruite ys lost by this ambicious seking for offices and honor / which they rea­pe who are fully persuaded off there calling and off the wille off God appointing them thereunto / Seing also the examples off our Sauior Christe / off his Apo­stles / off the purer and primitiue churche / doe call [Page 36] vs from yt and exhortethe vs to all sobernes and mode­stie / and that hereby greate wrong is done vnto God / whose authoritie is not waited for / and that bothe the Lordes ordinaunce and our owne proffitte and commo­ditie calleth vs backe from this hunting after places and and offices / Let vs at the lengthe amende the custome w­hich we haue: that to come flocking from all partes to that place where orders (as we call them by a popishe name) are geuen by the bishoppe to seke and sewe for them / to bring letters off Lordes or Iustices or some other off our frendes in our commendacion and fauoure.

Fynally Let vs amend whatsoeuer yt is / whereby a lawfull calling may be corrupted and stained and now at the Lengthe (which we owght to haue done long agoe) Let vs decree according to the worde off God / that no man hereafter sewe for any calling in the churche. Let eue­rie man more shamefastlie and modestlie offer his labour and diligence / Let all men kepe them / selues at home and there abyde and wayte for the voice off God and autho­ritie off those who are chosers to the taking vpon him off any ecclesiasticall charge or function. There do yet remai­ne certaine thinges to be spooken off ecclesiasticall offi­cers touching the execucion off that office wherunto they be called.

Off which the first is that the vocacion wandre not freely wher it listethe but be ioined with a charge off so­me certeine place and churche. For yt is not here as yt is in the profession off the arts / that we should esteeme thes orders as certein commendacions / and the churches allo­winge off any mans worthines / as it is in them that by the Iudgment and authoritie off the vniuersities are pre­ferred to the profession off the liberall sciences / or off the cyuall law or phisick or any other such like.

For they haue none apointed them whom they should [Page 37] teache or heale or geue counsell vnto / or wher they should exercise ther profession / but as they see it commodious for them selues go to thos places which they thinck fyttest for them / or iff they thinck good sit idle at home: But the ministers apointement ought not to be suche / that hauin­ge receiued as it were the commendacion and allowance of lerned men / they should after provide a place for them selues as they thought most commodious / or ells sit idle all ther life tyme at vome iff they list.

For thes admissions and allowances off studentes are geuen vnto thē as honors and rewardes which haue no more labor hanginge vpon thē then they list and iudge to be profitable for them. But thes honors are suche / that men are rather chareged then preferred by them: and in­deed rather to be esteemed burthens then honors / whose nature is suche that as gardaynshipppz are graunted not for his cause who is chosen but rather for theirs who ha­ue neede off their care helpe and labor: So that iff ther be no suche in the churche) ther is no cause off apointinge any to ecclesiasticall charges.

Therfore the Apostles did at no tyme appoint myni­sters or deacons that afterwards should prouide them selues churches wher they should teache / or whos treasu­ry they should ouersee or ells be idle if they would / but they ordeined deacons Pastors and Elders as the necessy­tie off the churche did require. Thus we reede in the sixth off the Actes that when the state off the churche off Ieru­salem did require / the Apostles ordeined deacons ouer the treasury off that churche / to see the orderinge off it and the prouision for widowes and pore folkes. Thus also Paule and Barnabas in the xiiij. off the actes ordeined elders in euery churche: Actes 14.23. and neyther lefte the churches as orpha­nes with out any to care and prouide for them / neither a­pointed any elders but vnto suche certen chuches as had [Page 38] need off them. So also Sainct Paule expressely commandeth Titus whom he hade left in Crete / to set the chur­ches in order / that he should appoynt Elders in eue­ry citye that is to say / wher ther was any churche or nomber off thos that beleeued. Titus 1.5.

And for this same cause I thinck ther is scarcely any wher in the holy scriptures mencion made off El­ders and Deacous / wher together with all is not men­cioned the name off the churche / place or cytie wher in they did exercise ther office. Thus Paule in the Epistle to the Philippians maketh mencion off ther Bishoppes and Deacons. [...] 1.

Thus also also Sainct Luke writethe in the Actes Sainct Paule sent for the Elders off Ephesus / and that the churche off Antioche sent vnto the Aoostles and Elders at Ierusalem aboute the question off Circumci­sion. Act. 20.17. Act. 15.2.

And also in Saint Peter writinge to the churches wchich wer scattered in Pontus and Galatia in the fifte chapiter / I exhort saithe he the Elders which ar amonges yow: 2. Epist. Pe­ter 5.1. that is to say the Elders which are set ouer your se­uerall churches.

And in the same place he commendeth also vnto the Elders the flocks which ar amonges them / that is to say to euery one off them ther owne flockes: wher­by yt may appeere that they were set ouer certen flo­ckes.

And these be not only the examples off the Apostles / but the lawes which they geue vs / and the commande­mentes which they left vs / to ordeyne Elders and Dea­cous in the churche as the necessitie and state theroff shall require. And sure I cannot tell how he can thinck him sellfe to haue receyned any office who with out doinge [Page 39] any man wronge may sitt idle iff he list. Offten ty­mes the auncient Sinodes made decrees against thes idle orders that leaue a man so free / bindinge him to no certen charge.

That no man should be ordeyned an elder (as they vse to speake yt) without a title / that is to say without a churche. And suerly iff all wer not confused and trobled in the Discipline off our churche we could neuer beare so notable disorder / that suche kind off allowinges should be esteemed lawfull ministe­ries: which ar then only Mynisteries off the churche when they that ar thus commended and allowed off haue gotten a churche that will vse ther labor / and who in the meane tyme eyther do nothinge / or ells goe about as they lift in all the realme as roges and masterles ser­uantes seekinge some mayster that will hyre them and vse ther Labor.

Suche tymes in deed ar spoken off in the stories off the Iudges / wher Ionathan the Leuite wantinge a highe place and an aulter went rouinge to let out his ser­uice to any that would hyre hym: but it is added in the sa­me place that ther was then no kinge in Israell.

But this great confusion was taken away after­ward by Dauid and Salomon / and euery one accordin­ge to the ancient prescripcion off Moses and Iosus / wer appointed ther proper seates townes and cynes [...]o occupy them in.

Therfore whie do we that lyue vnder the kingdo­me off CHRIST our true Salomon who hath sett all this in very Good order / whie do we I say suffer the churche to be stayned with so notable a spott and ordeyne not accordinge to the word off God / that no no man be appoynted to any Ecclesiasticall office / But he, Iosue 22. that is called to a certen churche wher to [Page 40] to exercise it? And why do we not accordinge to this example call home the Priestes to the Arcke off the Lord and the leuites to the appointed cities? Ther remaineth some­what that lickwise perteineth to all that beare office in the churche. That is / that they so execute them / that they may not be accused for neglectinge or pretermitinge ther duties.

For in the church / what so small a charge is there which we ought not to studie with all faithfulnes / laboure / and diligence to make florishe to beautifie and adorne: seinge we haue the Angelles for lookers on to see how we vse and behaue our selues in the execucion theroff / and the Lord him selfe a most liberall rewarder off the one parte yff we do it well / and contrariwise a most seuere Iudge and Auenger iff we do it not accordinge to our du­tie. For that which the Apostle cōmandethe to geue Archippus warrninge off / That he should diligently see to his office which he had receyued off the Lord is to be ex­tended also to all thos that beare any charge or office in the church off God / and euery one ought to thincke it to perteine to them selues / which the same Apostle admoni­sheth Tymothie off / that is / That they discharge ther du­tie and make knowne ther ministerie by all meanes. Coloss. 4.17. 2. Timoth. 4.5. yea further / all that are called to any office or gouernment in the churche / must vnderstand that the same hange / he ouer ther headdes / which the Apostle declareth that he was a­fraide off iff (being called therunto) he should not preache the Gospell. 2. Cor. 9.16. For ther is none so litle a charge in the howse off god / wheroff one day most streight Accompt shall not be asked.

In vayn then shall men dreame off pardons / dis­pensacions and priuiledges: All shalbe called to Accompt to declare with what faithfulnes and diligence they haue done ther dewties: They shalbe [...]e compelled to aunswer [Page 41] ther most deadly enemyes / that off them selues shalbe re­adie to accuse them for not hauing discharged ther dutie And the accompte shalbe made in the greatest and most solemne assemble that euer was / for seing that it appeare the by the parable off the talētes com̄itted to the seruantes that a most streight accompt shalbe asked off the lest gift off god that we receyne in this world how muche streighter do we thinck it wil be for thē that haue receeyued go­uerment in the churche / and iff he shalbe so hardly delt with that neglecteth one talēt that he hath receiued: They that beare greatest offices in the churche / and vpon whos faithe and credit in discharging off them / the saluacion theroff dothe in a maner depend / how carefully ought they bothe day and nyght to thinck off dischardging this dewty / hauinge so great a reckoninge to make / not off one Talent but off the churche which our Lord Iesus so deere­ly loued / that for loue theroff. Ephe. 4.9. he vouchsafed to come frō the highest heauens into thes lower partes off the earthe to redeeme it and purchase it not with gold or siluer / as saithe Sainct Peter but with his precious bludd. 1. Pet. 1.18.19.

But I do otherwise then I was purposed: that am fallen to threatninges and exhortacions / wheras in the beginninge I only purposed to declare what ought to be doone and what we do not. And yet ther be so great faul­tes committed in this behalff / that it seemuch nothinge can be greuously and vehemently enoughe spoken against them. (For the chiefe charges off the churche ar not only left vndischarged for negligence / but dispensacions and priuiledges are granted / that exempt ministers from the necessary doinge off ther dewty / and geue Pastors leaue off this condicion to leaue ther flocke and ther churches / yff they leaue an other in ther place to read seruice vnto them.

And for them that will goe to the vniuersitie / by an [Page 42] ordinary lawe / it is lawfull to be absent three yeeres and the realt with a litle mony may purchase the like dispen­sacions in the Archbishops court and market. Off the sāe sort also be thos bulls / that are bought in the same market that geue ycence off heaping so many churches or as they call them. Beneficies to gether, which Faculties (as they call them besides the intollerable couetousnes (wher with also for some mennes diligence in this behalffe is ioyned extreeme need and pouertie off a great nomber off other as commonly it commeth to passe wher a fewe men rake all vnto them selues) bringe in a [...]so into the churche a ne­cessitie off neglectinge off dewty / seinge yt is impossible that one should be able to serue more churches and thos often tymes / the lenght off the whole land a sonder. In which horrible destroyinge off the churche and neglectin­ge and for sakinge the Lordes flock streyinge in the mou­ntaines and wandringe in the woodes with out a guyde (which he him selfe spared not to spēd his life for to bring yt into the way againe) we are in no part inferior to the Papistes them selues.

Is this then our discipline? is this that order (which some men often tymes praisinge in wordes desire nothinge less in deed) Is this the gouernment and administra­cion off our churche / and yet no man may be suffred freely to speake for the reformaciō of the churche and restoringe againe of the pure and perfit gouernmēt of the Apostles? Seinge thes are most manifestly contrary to the example off our Sauior Christ and off the Apostles / Seinge they threaten the certeyne ruyne and ouer throw off the chur­che / Seinge they do not only shake but turne vpward the pillers off the same / Haue we not Good cause to be mo­ued bothe for the Glory off God and the saluacion of the churche / to requyre more holye ordinaunces and a bet­ter gouernment off the same? Can any man esteeme [Page 43] thes light matters and off small waight? that the sacred Lawes off God are openly violated and broken with ou­te any shame / that the churche which Christ hath rede­med with his bludd is neglected / That ther is no regard had off discharginge off dewties / That a man taketh to hym selfe which the Aungelles dare not / and that the Archbishopp dare geue the Pastor leaue contrary to the expresse commandement off God / to forsake his flock / or graunt him suche priuiledges wheroff that sa­me dothe necessaryly follow) which no Archangell may challendge to him selff? Or shall thos thinges also which I haue handled from the begynninge to this pla­ce be esteemed small faultes? to ground Ecclesiasticall di­scipline not vpon the word off God and the will off the Lord Iesus?

But off the canon lawe (Which suerly I doubt not to affirme to be the very fountaine and springe from wh­ence all the rest off the Corruptions do flow) that popi­she priestes / womē / Archdeacons / and Chauncelers with ther Officialles / Commissaryes and the rest off that Tra­she / do bringe ther impure handes and neuer sanctified vnto God / to do his holie seruice / to preache his word / to handle and distribute his facred mysteries / to order and gouerne his churche / And nothinge seare any punishe­ment off this ther boldnes and most vnworthie propha­nacion off the holie offices? That Ionathan / the Le­uites shamefull example in seekinge a Maister / or as we call yt / in gettinge the good will off a Patrone is ta­ken to be followed? That Dauid and Salomons exam­ple in callinge the Priestes and Leuites to ther cyties and townes / and the Apostles in ordeininge no ecclesiasticall officer but vnto certen churches / is neglected and contemned. And last off all / that Thes wicked and intollerable fa­culties [Page 44] / Prerogatiues / Priuiledges / and dispensacions tha [...] I haue spoken off at suffered in our churche? Are all thee I say to be countid trifles / or certen light faultes and tollerable errors? For my par e suerly I thincke as all­so I suppose all they will do that will were this by the word off God as by the gold smythes ballance) that ther is neuer a one off these light and small to be esteemed / but that they ar all heynous trespasses / and matters off Treason / to be examined and iudged off in the highest courtes. Therfore in the name off God / let vs not seeke to bringe this holie doctrine off reforminge our discipline into hate and displeasur / vnder a shew that yt is a newe / and a false pretēce that all innouaciōs ād chāges are dangerous / but rather abrogating thes most vniust and vnrighteous lawes / dispensacions / and (as I may well call them) pardo­nes and indulgencies / at the last / let vs call agayne that maner off gouerninge the churche and that discipline (be­ing now lost) which the Lord him selfe by his embassa­dors and Apostles hathe apointed.

Thus hauinge described and layd out the lawfull vo­cacion off all those which occupie any publique place in the churche / let vs now come to the partes and members of the same: which especially are two / wherin the right maner off geuinge thes offices doth consist / that is In electi­on and ordinacion: which is so properly called. Election is the appointinge by the Elders the rest off the churche allowing it / off a fitt man to the bearinge off some office in the churche. And as for Election that it is necessary to the geuinge off any off thes offices / it may appeare euen off that that S. Paul ioineth it with examinacion and trial / and diligently warneth Timothie that he lay not on his handes vpon them that be vnworthie but only vpon thos that after a iust triall beinge had are found meet and cho­sen. 1. Timoth 3.10. 1. Timoth. [...]. [...]2. That same is proued also by the continuall vse off the [Page 45] Apostles who by the iudgmēt and authoritie off the churche apointed Bishopps to teache / and Deacons for the orderinge off the Treasury off the churche. For Christ hath not chosen any certen hous or famyly (as it was in old tyme vnder the law wherin the gouernment off the chur­che should all wais remaine. He gaue herein no right off Petigree / stock and blood / no ministers by inheritance but he would haue the iudgement left free vnto his chur­che / and the offices theroff to be gyuen by choyse and worthines. Off which election for asmuche as it was so ne­cessary for the state off the churche / that without yt the churche it selfe could / not longe continew: Our Sauior Christ was very carefull / and therfor declared particula­rly and distinctly all thinges which apperteined to the orderyng theroff. For he hath perfectly and diligently shewed bothe who owght to choose / and to whom espe­cially this care ought to belonge / and what ought to be followed / and regarded in chosinge off euery one. For al­thoughe this question and controuersy off the chosers ha­the beene diuersly disputed off by lerned men / yet allmost all off them cōsen in this / that ther must be moe to deale therin and that so great and so wayghtie a charge and be­longinge to the especiall and singuler commodytie or di­scomoditie off the wholl churche ought not be committed to the authoritie off any one but be ordered and ruled by the iudgement and consent off many.

And this is the generall opynion off all thos that e­uer disputed lernedly and wisely in this cause: from which I thinck no man can dissent but the Papists and they that haue succeded them in that authoritie which they most vnuistly and not without open iniury and tyranny doe vsurpe. For the Bishopps that challeng this po­wer vnto them selues by ther meere authoritie and ther owne only Iudgment and aduise to apoint the officers [Page 46] off the churche / cannot challenge this by any right or law off God / but exercise a very tyranny thoughe indeed lon­ge agoe browght into the churche / which lest I may see­me to haue said with out cause / and to haue condemned them with out hearinge them to say what they can / let them shew forth / from whom and by what right this in­fynit power and authoritie is come into ther handes. yff they say they haue succeded by inheritance vnto the Apo­stles / and therfore haue receyued yt off them / allthoghe I should graunt them the first / the second yet is disprou­ued by most manyfest testimonies and examples of the appostles them selues. For let vs see iff euer the Apostles in any election did challendge this power and authoritie vn­to them.

Sainct Luke writeth off thre elections holden by the appostles / the fyrst / in the fyrst off the Actes wher a new Apostle is chosen. The second in the sixth / wher the Seacons: the third in the fourtenthe wher the El­ders ar appointed in euery church. For althoughe the Apostles did not choose Matthias But left it to the Lott which should declare the Lordes will and counsell the­rin / because this was proper and peculier for that office off Apostles / that / they should not be chosen off men nor by men But immediatly from the Lord him selfe / yet in settinge forth two / ther is a certene kind off choise and election.

But what is ther in all this actiō / that either Iames whome some say to haue bene Bishopp at Ierusalem or P [...]er / or any off the other Apostles doth take vnto him selfe? For althoughe that Sainct Luke declareth that Ia­mes was present heere / yet we reade not that he was cheefe ther or tooke vpon him (as he was Bishoppe) au­thority to appointe an Apostle / Or ells thos two / off w­hom one should be chosen by the Lott / But contrawise [Page 47] we see that he challenged no more to him selfe then either Andrew or Philipp / or any other off the rest off the Apostles. In deed Peter as Proloquutor propoun­dethe all the matter and purteth vp as yt wer this grace vnto the churche off chosinge an Apostle. And he him self declareth what one they ought to choose and what especially in ther election they ought to respect and re­gard.

But vsed no particuler or special autoritie in choo­singe / the word [...] They sett forthe. Actet. 1.23. Which is off the plurall nomber vsed by Sainct Luke in that place dothe manyfestly declare and proue. Therfore in this first and solemne election off the Apostles / ther was nothinge do­ne or said / from whence this infynite power and autho­ritie may be deriued vnto the Bishoppes: But contrari­wise seinge Iames taketh nothinge to him selffe nor Pe­ter nor any other off the rest / nay seinge all the Apostles togeether doe nothinge heere off ther owne authoritie / nor choose whom yt pleasethe them / It is sure and ma­nifest / that That Bishopp that will not take him selfe greater then an Apostle / or then all the Apostles / can by no right challendge to hym selffe any suche power or priuiledge in gyuinge and apointinge the offices off the churche.

But Let yt be that this election for the choice off Mathias and the great office and callinge where­vnto he was chosen / had somewhat singuler and extraordinary and let vs see the next / that is the election off the Seacons written by Saincte Luke in the sixthe chapter off the Actes wherin ik is so farr off that Peter or Ia­mes or any other off the Apostles challenged any thinge aboue the rest vnto them selues in choosinge off them / that contrariwise ther was nothinge done but by the common consent and agreement off them all. For Sainct [Page 48] Luke dothe expressly declare that the multitude off the di­sciples we called togeether by the twelue: that the choosinge off Seacōs was propoūded by the twelue: and that the election beinge ended the praiers were made and handes laid on by the twelue. For allthoughe they did not all call them to geether / nor propounde the election nor make the praiers / yet so expresse a speakinge as Sainct Luke v­seth heere / That the tvvelue called the disciples toge­ther, and the words off the plurall nombre which he vse­the in euery place off this history do manyfestly proue that nothing was done heere by the priuate commande­ment or counsell off any / but that cōtrariwise all thinges passed by the com̄on consent and authoritie off all the Apo­stles Therfore in this second and most solemne election bothe for the presence off all the Apostles and multitude off the disciples / They take the repulse againe and can not obteyne this immesurable and princely authoritie in the churche which they seeke to haue.

The last is the election off Elders written in the fourtenth off the Actes which was heeld not by all the Apost­les but only by Paule and Burnabas. wherin althoughe they two ruled all the actiō and did moderate and gouerne the Iudgment off those that gaue the voices / yet that they vsed no power and authoritie off ther owne in electinge the Elders off the churche euen that one word [...] (Chosinge by liftinge vp off the handes off the people) doth manyfestly declare. Therfore the Bishopps receyued not this authoritie by inheritance from the Apostles whose elections I haue declared to haue beene furthest off from this lordly authoritie. For so they had bene taught off Christ that his kingdome was notlike the kingdomes off this world / wherin some one hathe the chiefe authori­tie / to whome the rest ought to obey and whom they call ther Lord an master. Math [...]0.2 [...].26.27. But he had appointed [...]oir grea­test [Page 49] or greater then his fellowes / they had lerned that he was only king / to whom all ought to be obedient / and that they ought to lyue togeether like fellows in equall place and degree one with an other.

But they flee from the Apostles to the Euāgelistes And that fauour they could not get off the Apostles / they hope to atteyne by them: therfore they fetche the begyn­ninge off this power and authoritie from Tymothie and Titus / loff whom they say the one was bishop at Ephesus and the other in Candy. And Timothie (say they) was commanded that he should not lay on his handes to rashly vpon any: 2. Timothe. 45. which commandement had bin in vayne iff the election off ministers had not beene in the Bishopps handes. But I aske them how they proue that Tymothe was bishoppe at Ephesus: For I thinck they will not bringe me that subscriptiō To Tymothe first chosen bishoppe off Ephesus, In the sub­scription of the second epistle to Timothe. much lesse Eusebius authorite) the Author whe­roff is vnknowne and off no great credit which also is not sett at the end off the first epistle against the most manifest testimoni off the Scripture which callethe Tymothie not a Bishoppe but an Euangelist for so Sainct Paule expresly calleth hym in the ende off his secōd epistle vnto him: 2. Timoth. 45. Act. Act. 2. Corint. 3.11. Rom. 16.21. And the whole history prouethe that it cannot be that he could haue taried long at Ephesus / who followed Paule trauelinge throughe so many churches and serued him in his iourny / whom Paule himselfe doth witnes in mani places to haue beene an eye witnes off his afflictions whome he sent some tymes to Ephesus / namely when he went into Macedonia / sometymes to Corinth / witnessinge that he did the lordes worck / euen as he him selfe / As also to the Rom. he calleth him his follow laborer / as one that la­bored to gee [...]her her with him in plantynge and orderinge off churches. 2. Timoth. 4.11. and last [...]ff all that ther may be no way to escape In the end off the same Epistle wherin he is called a Bi­shop [Page 50] / he sendethe for him from Ephesus to Rome / which suerly he would neuer haue done yff he had beene appoin­ted Bishopp ther / or one off thos elders whom Paule in the twentieth off the Actes sent for to miletum and exhor­teth to contynuall watche and ward. And Paule hym sel­fe writeth that he willed him to tary at Ephesus / not that he had ordeined him bishopp ther. 1. Tim. 1.3.

A like obiection they make out off the Epistle to Ti­tus wher it is written that Paule left him in Creta that he should appoint Elders in euery towne. Titus 1.5.

But it may lickwise be annswered that the Apostle saithe not that he ordeineth him Bishopp off the chur­ches off Creta / But only that he leaft him in Creta: name­ly so longe vntill he had sett suche thinges in order / as Paule beinge otherwise called away could not tarry to do / and had appointed Elders in euery citie: which appe­rethe by this that he commanded hym when thos thinges wer done to come to him to Nicopolis into Macedonia. Lickwise in an other place he writeth that Titus was gonn into Dalmacia: 3. Tit. 3.12. so that yt is cleere enoughe that Ti­tus had no charge off any certen place or church. 2. Timo. 4.10. Ther­fore seing I thinck yt is sufficiently proued that Titus and Tymothie were Euāgelistes and not Bishoppes / how doeth that make for the Bishoppes which we see by ther Epistles was granted vnto thē. For I thinck they will not compare them selues with the Euangelistes or affirme them selues to be off equall authoritie with them: which iff they should / they might be easelie confuted as after in dew place shalbe declared.

But that we may put the case that Timothie was Bishopp at Ephesus / and that we may freely graunt that what so euer may apperre to haue beene lawfull for him / to be lawfull also for them: Let vs see now what the Apostle graunted to Timothie. For soothe say they that he [Page 51] might choose off his owne authoritie the officers off the church. Let vs then see whether it be so or not. And here is first to be noted that they do yll geue that vnto Electi­on which perteyneth not to Election But to Ordinaci­on. For the laying on off handes was not wonte to be v­sed in choosinge off any Officers off the churche / But in ordeininge off him.

Then that we graunt them this also / That electi­on hereby is signified / I say that ther Tyranny and Lor­dly authoritie is by no place more confuted then by this which they bring for them selues / which that yt may more cleerly appeere I must first take away a certen false exposicion which they bringe off this place / that after I may the more easyly convince them by the true and na­turall meaninge theroff.

Heere say they Tymothie is warned that he lay not his handes to hastely vpon any nor communicate with other mens faultes / namely with thers say they / who all­thoughe they be vnworthy / seeke to enter into the mini­stery. An interpretacion very vnfytt either for the wordes off the Apostle or for those tymes. Will they confesse that euen in thos tymes this ambicion had crept into the chur­che / that as now a dayes so then also they went vnto the Bishop for order and layinge on off handes? for otherwise / what other men̄s fault is this / wherwith the Apostle warne the Tymothi that he pollute not him selfe? for what fault can this bee. Not to be fitt to taky vpon him an ecclesiasticall function. But herein is the fault / that he that is giltie to him selfe off his owne vnworthines / desi­rethe notwithstandinge to take that vpon him which he is not able to be are with out great offence.

But who will say that so shamfull Ambicion rai­gned in the churche in thos daies / which many yeeres after was borne and brought vpp at Rome? And [Page 52] iff the church had then been steyned with this blott / wo­uld not Paule expresly haue forbidden this Ambition? seinge that he would haue a bishoppe to be blamles and prouided by all meanes that he sholde not swell and wax prowd / Therfore this is off smaller waight then it may be allowed and the meaninge off this place is farr other­wise. nam y this: That Paule foreseyng longe before that greeuous wolues not sparing the flock would ryse vp e­uen off the Elders off Ephesus them selues / and that Ty­mothie was but off equall authoritie with the Elders in gouerninge off the churche and choosinge off others into the same place and degree / and that they that were suche wold choose to b [...] Elders / and lay ther handes on suche as wer like them selues / he warneth Timothy that he do no­thing rashely in this behalffe / neyther iff any suche thing happen althoughe other like neuer so well off it / yet he shall not suffer him selfe to be led away by ther autho­ritie to the allowynge off it / but iff he could not keep ot­hers by his counsell from so doinge / at the least he sho­uld keepe hym selff pure and innocent for so he addeth emphatically. Keepe thy self pure & communicate not vvith other mens faultes.

And this is the true and naturall meaninge off this place / wher by yt appeareth that the Apostle not only grauntith him no princely authoritie / for then he would not haue warned him to keepe him selfe pure from allowynge any suche Election / but haue commanded him off his meer authoritie to haue hindered and stayed yt / and to haue made the choise of the rest off no effect / by his negatiue voice but contrariwise that he was off so equall authoritie with the rest off the Elders / that iff they had chosen one vnfyt in some respect / yet he could not off his owne meere authoritie haue put hym back nor done any more in this matter / thē any off the rest. And that he could [Page 53] only take heede vnto him selfe / that he allowed not any vnripe or vnworthie Iudgmētes off other officers. Therfore ther is no cause which they should make Tymothie the Author off this ambition and tyranny.

Now let vs examin also the example off Titus whom they do trewly affirme to haue beene commanded to ap­point Elders in euery citie / but I suppose no man will thinck that Paule graunted more to Titus / then eyther he and Barnabas / or then all the rest off the Apostles tooke vnto them selues neyther iff he had graunted / is it like that Titus being a yonge man and his scholler and as it wer his sonne / would haue vsed it? For as the Iewes say in a cōmon prouerbe / it is enoughe for the seruāt to be like his maister / which sayinge allso Christ him selfe alloweth w­hen he said that the disciple is not aboue his maister: Luk. 6.40. And that it owght to be enowghe for the scholer iff he be suche as his maister is. But I haue shewed allredy what both Paule and all the rest off the Apostles did. Neither is it [...]i­ke that Titus did otherwise ordeine Elders in euery towne then Paule did in euery churche: especially seing Paule doth expressly warne him to appoint them as he had com­māded / for I se no cause whithis may not aswel bee referred to all the maner off ordeininge of thē as to that which followeth. Therfore that at the last I may cōclude all this matter The Euāgelistes ar no more Patrōes for this matter then the Apostles wer / neyther is ther any the lest deed or word off eny off them wherby this tyranny may be al­lowed. Therfore let them confesse as the thinges in deed That this mischife was borne and bred at Rome: which after together with the empier spred it selfe ouer into all landes.

But all the question off the chosers off Ecclesiasti­call officers is not yet thus ended: For all thoughe I haue concluded owte off the worde off god / that one man can [Page 54] not vsurpe this power without tyranny / yet here arise new pleas and controuersies / And it is doubted whether this be equally to be permitted vnto all / or only vnto cer­tene chosen men that exercise ordinarie Iurisdiction in the churche. As for me when I consider both the holy scriptures and the exāple off the best reformed churches / I thinck it most agreing with / the will off God that that Senate and counsell which exercisethe ordinary authori­tie in all the affaires off the churche and whom for the sa­me cause the Apostle calleth leaders and ouer seers / and exhorteth the church to obey them an suffer it selffe to be ruled by thē / shold also haue most a doe in this busynes / to gouerne the Electiō and to guyde and direct the iudgmēt of the rest of the churche with ther wisdōe and authoritie. Heb. 13.7.17. 1. Thess. 5.12.

Neither do I bring in heere any Oligarky or tyran­nous rule off a few and reteyne still the same tyranny in the churche / chaunginge only the persons. For I would not that the iudgment off the rest off the churche should be contemned and neglected or that the counsell or elders off the churche should off ther owne authori­tie sett one ouer the churche whom they list against the churches will / but that the Elders goinge before / the pe­ople also follow / and hauinge hard and vnderstorde ther sentence and decree / may either by some outward token or ells by ther sylence / allow it iff it be to be liked off / or gayne say it iff it be not iust and vpright: And not only gayne say yt / but iff iust cause of ther dislikinge may be brought make it alltogether voyde and off none effect / vntill at the last a meete one may be chosen by the authoritie and voi­ces off the Elders / and allowed off by the consent and ap­probacion off the rest off the churche / So that herein ther is no cause to cōpleine that by the bringing in off the rule of a fewe / the maiesty off the wholl church is diminished. we read in deed that it was some what otherwise practi­zed [Page 55] in the sixth and fourthēet off the Actes / ād that the people had the chiefe power and authoritie in thos elections: but that me thinck was done for a speciall cause which doth not in like maner belonge vnto vs / neither ought to be referred to the ordinary and perpetuall gouernment of the church. For as in cōmon welthes not only suche wher the people is to be made soueraigne / or a few / but also euē wher the kingdome of one is to be established before it be confirmed all the power is in the peoples handes / who of ther free will choose magistrates vnto them vnder whos autoritie they may after be gouerned: and afterwardes not all the people / but only the magistrates chosen by them ad­minister and gouerne the affaires off the common weal­the / So it cometh to passe in the establishinge off the churche: So that when as yet ther were none set ouer them / all the authoritie was in all mens handes: but after that they had once geuen the helme into the handes off certē chosen men / this power no lenger belonged vnto all / but only to thos who wer chosen by them to steare and gouerne the churche off god.

As for the election off Seacons / ther was yet an other especiall reason / why yt was meet that they should haue beene chosen all the churche. For when the Greci­ans murmured against the hebrues and complained that they had wronge / for that in the distribucion which was dailie made for the help off the poore ther widowes were not dewly regarded / It was need full, that they to whom this charge was to be cōmitted should be chosen by all the company / that all occasiō off complayninge and su­spicion might be taken away. therfor / that which once ex­tra ordinarilie was done by the people for certen speciall and particuler causes and respectes / ought not to be referred to the perpetuall / certē / stable / and ordinary maner of gouerninge the church. Althoughe euen in this election [Page 56] the Apostles reserued vnto themselues the chiefe authori­tie of [...]yinge on of hādes and allowing or dissalowinge the iudgmentes and voices off the people / which power and authoritie seinge in the very tyme off the Apostles thē selfes and that by ther allowynge / yt was trāslated to the Ecclesiasticall consell and the Elders that had the ordinari gouernment as after in dew place shall appere / whi shall I not thinck that the power also of examininge and doinge of other thinges that perteine to the electiō is to gether with the other translated vnto them. Therfor keepinge the right libertie off the churche I conclude oute iff the word off god and the examples off the Apostles / That no thinge be done not only against the god will theroff / or vnknowinge to the same / but also not with out the con­sent and approbation off it. But we must keepe also the iust authoritie off the elders / that they goe before the people in the election: that they try and examin thos that a­ [...]e to be chosen / that they iudge off ther worthines / and publishe vnto the church / whom they haue thought mee [...]e and worthie / that beinge allowed by the consent off a [...] / they may bey receiued / for thus the wholl body off the churche is b [...]st preserued when euery part and mem­bre doth his office / when the eyes do see and leade the waye and the other partes suffer them selues to beled and guided in the way. But the Elders in elections as also in all the rest off the gouernment off the churche / ar as E [...]es vn [...]o the rest: and leade and direct them that either through ignorance / or beinge blinded with ther owne desires they slyde not in the way. For which causes I said they ar called gouernors / Ouer seers and Elders. And how shall the people be able to iudge off the diuers gi­ftes off the Spirit off god? to chose this man to gouerne / that to teache and an other to ouerse the treasury off the churche: for as thes be diuers offices / so to discharge [Page 57] them well they had neede to be indewed with diuerse gui­yftes off the holie ghost that be chosen therunto: as after shalbe declared more at large in ther seuerall offices.

But euery man is not able to iudge off thes diuerse guyftes which ar fitt for what purpose / and at yt were made and appointed off God: especially in this age and in thes daies / wherin all thinges ar so corrupted that the most part followinge the pleasures off this life / ar smally carefull for the right vse off spirituall giftes / wher off notwithstandinge the Apostle would haue no man igno­rant / And allthoughe many wer able to iudge in other charges who ar meete / and vnmeet / how fewe be ther that could make triall and assay off a minister / that could examyn his gifftes and make due searche and triall what godlines / what lerninge / or what ability he were off to e­defy the churche. And suerly iff all men were so taught off god that they could know and iudge off thes thinges / then in deed we should neede no certein choosen men / who by ther spirituall wisdome and discretion / should gouerne and direct the Iudgementes off the people: we should not then need to feare the chosinge off any vnworthy or vnable to edifie the churche: ther would be no da­unger off confusion and vproares.

Thes in deed should be the bancketes that they com­mend so highly / that ar the dayntier the more ther be that bringe ther dishes to it / and the Gosyppe feastes which they praise so muche: Elections made by the people where euery man geueth his voice, a­re compa­red by some [...] ba [...]ket [...] where e­ [...]ry man bringeth his dish [...]: which is so much the dainter the more there be that co­me vnto yt. which when they can prepare for vs / we ar so fare off that we would not sit downe beinge bidden that with great thanckes to the host that so should receyue vs we would take great pleasure in the vse off so so exquisite daynties: and preferre them before the most deyntie feastes off the Syracusians / and such a table / be­fore that golden table off the sonne that Herodotus doth mencion. But seinge thes thinges ar rather to be wished [Page 58] then hoped or loked for / let vs keep that ordre which I haue described beinge most agreable to the decrees of the Apostles / to edificacion / the chiefest and most sacred lawe off discipline and furthest off from confusion and tumul­tes: which is that the ecclesiasticall counsell when neede shalbe / prouide fitt men for the churche in euery functi­on and office / examin and trie them diligently and care­fully / then choose them / after publishe and make knowne ther election vnto the church / and last off all beinge allo­wed by the church / lay ther handes vpon them and so stablishe them in ther place and callinge by ther authoritie.

But paraduenture I haue taried longer in this part then needed: seing we ar not troubled with the lightnes and confusion off populer elections / but with lordshipp and tyranny: which I cannot se may continue with the safety off the church which it hath already allmost ouer­throwne / so that speedie remedy is to befound lest we la­ment to late the ruine off our decaying church.

Now as for Elections / ther must allwais goo befo­re them a due profe and triall off the worthynes off the partyes that ar to be chosen. For that which the Apostle to Timothe commandeth concerninge Deakons / That they also be fist examined and then (iff ther be no other cau­se to the contrary) admitted to ther deaconshipp / doth plainlie proue that examinacion owght to be had before that election and choise be made to any ecclesiasticall offi­ce and function / for which cause also S. Paule doth no lesse declare the maner / how to proue and trie a bishoppe or ministers / then to examin the Deacon: and ther is the same ende ād vse off examinaciō in all / which is: That no charge be cōmitted to an vnfit man or not able enoughe for the office / wherby it might come to passe that both the church should want hir needfull and necessary helpes / and that the holie offices should be prophaned. Therfore the [Page 59] churche ought to choose no man but whom they knowe before to be chosen off God: for it standeth vppon the gouerment off his house / whos keies it is vnlawfull to commit vnto any / to whom the Sonne and heyre that great ste­ward off the house off Dauid vpon whose shoulder the master off the house hath laid the keies / hath not thought good to credit and commit them vnto.

But God chooseth no man to any office whom ther­with all he doth not indewe with meet giftes for the di­scharginge off it: for otherwise / how should he aske accōpt off doinge the office off him whom he compelled to bea­re and take it vpō him / knowinge him vnmeet and vnable for it. Therfore no man is sent oute off god without wor­thie giftes into any parte off his gouerment / but for the burthen and function that he laieth vpon him / he minist­reth also strenght and force to beare it. And this is the meaninge off the often repeatinge in the booke off Iudges off that sentence. The Spirit off the Lord came vpon him and he iudged Israel: ād many suche like examples are to be founde in the olde Testament off Moses and Iosua / off the Prophetes Esay and Ieremy and many other / whō when the Lord ment to vse in any the lest charge off his churche / he therwith all endeweth them with worthy gif­tes / for the good execution theroff. Exod. 3.11.12. & 4.11.12. Deu. 34.9. Esai 6.5.7 8. Iere. Esa. 61.1. Luk. 4.21.

And in the new Testament our Sauior Christ him selfe tooke not vpō hī to deale in the mediator his office / before he had receiued the holy ghost wherby he might be furni­shed withmeet giftes for the full discharge and execution off it. For so Esay expressely Prophesithe off him / The pi­rit off the Lord is vpon me, therfore he hath anoynted me, he hath sent me to preach the Gospell vnto the pore, &c. Out off which place whe see that fyrst he re­ceyued the Spirit / or euer that office and embassage was enioyned him: and that he was anoynted before [Page 60] he came to the wrestling and exercise. So lickewise the A­postles allthoughe they had beene taught by our Sauior him selfe (the most heauēly schole master that could be) for three yeeres and more / and had after a sorte receyued the holie ghost by his breathinge vppon them / yet because they had a great battell to fight / and muche trauell to be taken / and many daungers to aduenture into / he geuethe them warninge that they enter not into the listes rashly and vnprouided / but commandeth them yet to tary and waite for the promise off the father and more plentifull guiftes off the holie ghost. Hither also belongethe the ce­remonies vsed in bothe the Testamentes / in ordinacion or consecracion as we call it. For what ells doth that anoyn­tinge off the priestes / kinges / and Prophetes declare But thos guyftes wherwith they who were anoynted were endewed by the holie ghost for the execucion off ther offi­ces? To this also the layinge on off handes in the newe te­stament is to be referred / which declareth that the Lord had laid on his handes before and giuen them worthi gyftes for the places they were called vnto.

But what do I trauelinge so carefully in this behal­fe? doth not nature it selfe and reason and common expe­rience teach vs this: when some ar sett ouer the citie / and cōmon wealth / that they are choosen counsellors / whom greate lerninge and long life and diligēt obseruacion and experience it selfe hath taught that worthie and hard kno­wledge off gouerninge the common wealthe: Ought not I say dailie experiēce teache vs that we preferre not them that ar vnworthy to honors and offices? Therfore so mu­che the more ought we to be ashamed off our most gree­uous fault in this behalfe that suffer euen the most vn­worthy to take vpon them the most waighty callinge off the ministery: and sett open the church dores to euery base Artificer that leapethe from his shopp bord / to the plow­man [Page 61] that leaueth his share / to youge schollers in grāmer and Philosophy / that ar nothinge more conninge in hea­uenly thinges then Artificers and husband men: finally to minstrells and harpers / to noble and gentelmens seruan­tes / to Neateherdes Shepherdes and porters and somti­mes not only to vnlerned men but also men off most fil­thy life and conuersacion / chosinge into that most waigh­tie office lerned an vnlerned / good and bad / worthy and vnworthy / with out any chois or difference: which how lawfully it is done / yt shall after appere. Here only becau­se the vse off examinacion is / that vnable men be not ad­mitted to any office in the church / I ment generallie te no­te / how greeuously and against the expresse commande­ment off God / we offend in this behalffe / and to desyre and beseeche them that haue authoritie to amend thes thinges in the name off God / who will not suffer vnpunyshed the trangression off his holie Ordinaunces: and in the behalfe off the church to whose destruction and decay suche thinges are daylie cōmitted / that we de not with Ie­roboam make cōmon this worthy and sacred office with most vile and vnworthy persons / that we neglect not the vse off examininge / and holy ordinaunce off god / that we destroy not the churche / bringinge this sweepe into the churche / but that rather decreeinge accordinge to the word off god / that vnworthy men be not preferred to Ecclesiasticall functions / we may bothe hereafter keepe out suche / and also thrust out thos that by deceuinge off men and false commendaciō ar crept into the church allreedy / and compell them to leaue ther places.

But let vs retorne from whence we haue digressed and follow the maner off examynacion / declaringe it as fare forthe as it is generall and perteyneth to all the offi­ces and functions off the churche. For as euery office hath his seuerall guystes / which ar necessary to the dew [Page 62] execucion off it / So certen thinges ar to be requyred and looked for in euery eccesiasticall office: which as I haue obserued out off Sainct Paule ar chiefly two: wheroff the fast is that they be fownd and sincere in the faithe / The second / that they be with out reprehension in life and maners As for requyringe religion in a minister / I need not to geue any reason off it / seinge that they ar choosen to be teachers and interpreters off the same. And for Deacons the Apostle expressly warneth Tymothe that they be suche as haue the mistery off faithe (which after in the same chapter he callethe the mistery off godlynes and declareth what it is) in a pure conscience. 1. Timoth. 3. [...] 1. Timoth. 3. [...]. [...]t. [...]1. So lickewise all the Apostles monishe the churche off Ierusalem / that they should choose seauen Deacons from amonges them selues. It is not needfull in this place to declare what they ought to thinck off religion which is a large matter / and would re­quire a seuerall treatise for it selfe: yet notwithstanding it is wel enoughe knowen vnto all men and briefly compre­hēded in that place off Paule which I spake off before / and it is no hard matter / to know what they thīcke off the true knowledge / and worship off God / seinge they make profession off the same that the church dothe / wherunto they or­deine thēselues. And iff it were needfull they might delare ther iudgmēt particularly in euery point beinge demāded.

And yet here is not any common or vulgar know­ledge ād zeale of religiō to be required / but speciall and singular aboue other men. For ther is no ne so small a functiō in the churche / that doth not as it were exempt thē out off the nomber off other men / and ioyninge them as it were neerer to God / doth lay a necessitye vpon them beinge placed in higher degree / to shine and geue example vnto o­thers and stire them vp by ther meanes / to all vertewe and godlynes. Therfore the Apostles when the Deacons were to be chosen / required that they should be men full off wisdome and the holie ghost.

As for the examination off maners / the Apostle him selfe hathe declared it so particulerly / that no man can be deceiued herin / whereas he geueth warninge that they be not infected with couetousnes or dronkennes or any o­ther more greeuous or infamous cryme / but that they be off good report and honest estimacion with all men / and suche as all men can witnes off them that they haue liued a good and an honest life, 1. Timoth. 33.8. 1. Timoth. 3.7. Act. 6.3. 1. Timoth. 3.4. yea it is further also to be consi­dered how they haue brought vp ther children and how they haue gouerned ther priuate families for therin wise men will obserue many thinges / wherby they may be a­ble to iudge whither they be meet to take vpon them any publique charge or no / for he that shall ouerturne askul­ler or a payer off Oares in the Temmes / who will thinck him meet to gouerne the Queenes barge: or some great vessel vpon the sea? This is therfore that law off God / which towchinge the examinaciō and triall off ecclesiasti­call offices / the Lord him selfe hathe geuē vnto the church and hath commanded that it should allways be kept and obserued. In kepinge wheroff surely bothe the estimaci­on and safegard off the church consisteth. For by this meanes the church shall haue bothe necessary helpes for hir vse / and worthy ornamentes for hir estimacion w­her by both all occasion off euell speakinge should be ta­ken from hir enemyes that are allwais ready to deface hir for the least occasion / and the name off God / by mea­nes off the church should be glorified before all men.

Therfore lest the name off God and his holy Gospell may be euill spoken off for our cause / lest the churche want the necessary helpes which yt needeth for the preseruacion theroff / a carefull heed is to be had herein / to whom the charge off admynistrin­ge off yt is to be committed / which triall and exami­nacion seinge yt is so plainly describeth by the Apo­stle [Page 64] / yt is meruell how that ther be euery where so many withe vs both corrupt in doctrine and defiled in life and conuersacion. For how many Papistes be ther now a da­yes / that euen fiften yeeres after the reformacion off reli­gion / occupy the place of ministers in the church / partly being left in thos churches which before in tyme off Popery they vniustly held / partly also entred in our tyme and since the prechinge off the Gospell? How many also be ther ad­mytted to the gouernment off the church off most wicked life and vngodly behauior? Therfore seing the Papistes openly declare that they ar greuously offended herewith / neither can be brought to esteeme that to be the true reli­gion off God / whose preachers ar so vnhonest and the in­terpreters wheroff ar so defyled / why do some complaine that both other myschifes ar spronge of this reformacion which we require / and especially this that the Papistes being offended with our contencion are further estraun­ged from embracinge the gospell? For what is it that may more further ther saluacion then iffthes offences be ta­ken away wherat they stumble and ar hindered? Off w­hich so shamefull disorder as ther be many causes / so I allwayes esteemed that the greatest and most waightie / That we leauinge this exact maner off tryenge and exa­mininge which the Lorde hath commanded vs to obser­ue and followe in this behalfe / keepe only I cannot tell what shadow and image off yt which we receyued from the Papistes. The receiuinge off which one error (to follo­we the fancies off men in steade off the certen lawes off god) hath brought in (as vsually yt doth) infinite o­ther: wherby it cōmeth to passe that the most worthy or­der and degree is most vnworthely prophaned / that the church like the popishe sanctuaries is full off vile and vi­cious persons off all sortes / and the gospell euill spoken off by the enemies.

For wheras certen men haue authoritie that euery one off them twise a yeere may giue orders to whom and to how many they list / and that so great a multitude off suters come to them at the tyme off geuing off orders / howe is yt possible that one man in a day or two should be able to proue and to examyn so many sewters beinge all for the most part vnknowne to him? how can he take any assay or make any triall either off Iudgment in reli­gion / or off ther honestie in conuersacion? For to subscri­be is a small matter with them that thinck it the point off a wise man to dissemble / that dispence with them selues to do any thing that they may distroy the church therby / and whom Euripides hath perswaded to sweare with the tonge and to keepe the mynd vnsworne.

Neither is that excuse that is brought for those off vnhonest life any thinge more sufficient which is wont to be made / by the testimonialles which common­ly the suters beinge vnto them: seinge the Apostle expres­sly warnethe Timothe that he be not brought by other mens Iudgmentes to lay handes to sone vppon any man / But iff other do it rashly / yet he should keep him selfe free and vnspotted from any such fault / Althoughe euery man knoweth what waight thes testimonialles ar off / seinge some off fauor commend ther kinsfolkes and Allies vnto the Bishopp by ther lettres: or others whom they would gratifie by ther authoritie: other some euen for couetous­nes / and hopinge to deuide the pray with them that by ther meanes obteyne the benefice: For the couetousnes off some Patrons is to to well knowne / who for ther ow­ne gaine sake wil couenant with him / with whome they may for leaste: and sometyme iff they haue any seruant in the house that can read / because the matter may be more easylie gon throwgh / with such a one (who would be very willinge to geue the greater parte off his benefice iff he [Page 66] obteine yt by his maisters commendacion and authority / to chaunge his vile and base estate with some more honest and liberal condicion) they writee for him to the Bishop / who hauinge this testimoniall / either for negligence / or often tymes to curry fauor with suche men / doth easylie adimit hym. Therfore ther must be a triall off ecclesiasti­call officers / that all dishonesty may be taken away from that most worthy order and degree / that ought to be a patterne and example to all other. which beinge done / or­der would be takē that here after before Electiōs / ther be a dew ād iust proofe and triall had of thos that are to be chosen: that we may exactly keep and follow the Lordes Ca­nons ād decrees in this behalfe / in keepinge wherof other churches at this day florishe and haue done now a long tyme. And thus muche off Election, now let vs come to or­dinacion. Ordinacion is a settinge a part off the partie chosen vnto his office / and as it were / a kind of inuesting him into it. For after the election / a certen order and ceremo­nie is wont to be vsed / wherby the parties chosen enter as it wer anto the possession off ther office. Now this ordination as we call it consisteth especially in two ceremonies: Namely in praier (wherunto also I referre the declaringe off his dewty) and laying on off handes. For the gospell is content to haue the ministers theroff inuested and ordei­ned by thes most simple ceremonies / nor hath any need off that carefull and curious consecracion off the lawe with which the priestes and Leuites were consecrated.

And as for praiers / S. Luke telleth that when Paule and Barnabas were commanded by the holie ghost to be separated for the worck off God: Act. 13.9. the breethren praied for thē before they were sent out to go on ther message. Lick­wise also the Apostles praied for the deacōs which the people had chosen / that the lord would blesse this newe chamberlainshippe as it were / to his honor and the profit of his churche: Actes. 6. that he would ēdew the parties chosē with worthy [Page 67] gyftes and able thē for the worthy execution of ther office. For ther is no doute but the Apostles applied ther praiers to the tyme ād state of the churche / ād that as before in the election of Matthias / so now also in the admissiō and allowance off the Deacons / they praied as the present occasion off the busines did require which was then to be done.

The other ceremony is the layinge on off handes in praier time vpon the heade off the chosen: for so it seemeth that it was wont to be vsed / as a thinge belonginge vnto praier: that bringing in the chosen before God / and as it were presentinge thē vnto him / the praiers off the church might be kindled ād be the more zealous ād vehemēt. and that it was wōt to be vsed to this end / yt apearethe bothe by other places wher menciō is made therof in the scriptures / ād also in the 19. off Mathew / whē he tellethe that children were brought to Christ that he might lay his handes on thē and pray for them / as also in that place of the actes which I named before wherin it is repeated that the Apostles praied / laying on ther handes vpō the Deacōs which were chosē by the church. But this is a generall ēd. Act. 13.3. Ther be other proper ād peculier vses of it / wheroff the first perteineth to the partie chosē / the secōd to all the church. The partie chosē was warned by this ceremony / that he was seperated ād set apart to the worck off god as appereth in the 13. off the act. and that he was taken out off the rest of the people to the doinge off that office as it were by the hand off god him selfe / wherby he might vnderstād that it was no longer in his owne power to do what he list / but that god had called him to his worke off whome he should haue a plētiful reward if he did finishe and perfect it / and off the other parte a iudge ād a reuēger if he did cōtemne and neglect it. 1. Timoth. 4.14. Therfore S. Paule stirring vp Timothe to the diligēt discharge of his dewtie / in all partes maketh men­ciō off layinge on of hādes / warning him that he neglecte not that place and calling which he was called vnto for to [Page 68] prophesie by the layinge on off the handes off the Elders / Furthermore ther is yet an other vse off this ceremony w­hich belongeth to the confirminge and strenghtning off him that is chosen: who was admonyshed therby to re­member that the same hād was allways ready to helpe to ease his burden and to beare him vp that had laid it vp­on hym / that being assured to haue been called to his offi­ce off god / he might execute yt with great corage being terrified with no feare or daunger. The second vse and cō moditie hereoff that perteyneth vnto the churche is / that they seinge this authoritie to be off god / and the partie set ouer them in his name / should acknowledge and lerne to reuerence thos that haue care and charge ouer them / and to be obedient vnto them in such thinges as perteine vnto ther office.

And this is the right vse off that layinge on off han­des which is vsed in the ordering off ministers. Which being left and forsaken / the Papistes and we that with out any iudgment keep ther fond and foolishe Traditions vse an other sorte which was neuer practized in ordeininge off the Officers off the churche / But in geuing off the giftes of the holie ghost to all thos that beleeued and were baptized: not that Ordinary laying on off handes (the v­se wheroff ought allwais to remaine in the church / but that which was extraordinary and serued only for a cer­ten tyme and season. For by cause the Apostles. when they as the stewardes off God did distribute the holy ghost / that is to say the diuers and manifold giftes off the spi­rit to them that embraced religion vsed this signe and as it wer this sacrament off laying on off handes / Thes Ioly fellowes who notwithstandinge that power off geuinge the holie ghost was ceased / kept still the signe / ād laying ther handes vpō the priestes / bad them receyue the holy ghost which no man gaue them / no nor cold geue [Page 69] them onlesse yt were extraordinarilie / this beinge proper to those tymes and to the apostles only, neither do they consider that this ceremony is farr vnlike the other w­hich they vsed to the ordeininge off the officers off the churche / for this was wont to be vsed in those dayes all most to all the faithfull / The other to thos only that had some charge in the church / and that when they gaue the guiftes off the holy ghost extra ordinarilie: Act. 19.2.5. Act. 8.17. This was no­thing so as may plainly appere out off the places which I haue named aboue both off Paule and Barnabas and al­so off the Deacons.

And as for Paule that he had receyued the holy ghost and was endewed with thos extraordinary guyftes be­fore that handes were laid vpon him on this sort / It may be proued by that / that Christ had appered vnto him from heauen and made him a worthie vessell to beare his gos­pell into all partes / so that streight way he preached in the synagoges and declared Christ to be the sonne off god. Act. 9.16.20. As for Barnabas Sainct Luke doth plainly witnes that he was full off the holy ghoste (wherby I vnderstand the extraordinary guistes) and off faithe whome also before he testified to haue bene one off those that first professed the Gospell / so that the laying on off handes which fol­lowed in the xiij. Act. 11.24. Act. 4.36. off the actes was no geuinge off new giftes / but as the holy ghost speakethe in that place a sepa­racion and setting a part / and as it wer a consecracion / to the goinge aboute off a great worcke and taking vpon him a more trauellsome charge and office.

As for the Deacons we read that the Apostles w­hen they wer to the chosen / gaue warninge that they should choose mē full of wisdome and off the holy ghost / wherby I doubt not But that they signified / that they should choose off them that wer qualified with thos sin­guler and diuers gyftes and that the churche accordinge [Page 70] to ther prescription / did choose the Deacons from emonges thos thre thousand which Sainct Luke had spoken off before. Therfore that the Bishopp in ordeininge off ecclesiasticall officers and layinge his handes vpon them / biddethe them receyue the holie ghost hath no shadow or shew of any practize off the Apostles / but is a Popishe rite and ceremony folishly at the first ād with out any foundacion off the scripture instituted by them / or who so euer were the authors off it / off an imitacion off that which is not in deede / But which they thought to be: And after re­ceiued by the authors of our discipline (by ther leaue) with no great Iudgment / and yet kept in the church with as litle.

Ther remainethe yet one thinge in this matter off Ordinaciō to be declared / which is to whōe the right and authority off ordeining belonges. A pointe not so hard to be declared as that which hath allready beene hand­led off Election / Seinge that ther can be found no exam­ple where any one / or the whole churche haue vsed this authoritie in all the holy scriptures. Neyther any precept or commaundement / wherby either the Bishoppes or the people should thinck the right hereoff to perteine vnto them. For as for that place off Paule to Tymothe which allwais they obiect against vs. Take heed thovv lay not thy hands rasshly vppon any, I trust it is sufficiently an­swered allredy / and declared how that in thos wordes ther is nothing graunted to Timothe aboue his fellow­es / And that he was warned only to take heed off him sel­fe that he were not ledde away by other men / or should thinck that iff he did anything rasshly yet might be ex­cused by the example and authoritie off others. But contrarywise we reade euery where that in all ordina­tions ther were mo that layd on ther handes / or if one did it yet all this matter was ruled by the authoritie off the [Page 71] counsell off the church. Thus the Docters and Prophetes off Antioche ordeined Paule and Barnabas in the xiij. off the Actes: lickwise the xij. Act. 13.1. Actes 6.6. Apostles in the sixthe off the Actes laid ther handes vpon the Deacons that were cho­se by the churche.

And lest we should doubte to which off the ordina­rie offices off the church the Apostles had left this power and authoritie Sainct Paule declareth that yt was the Elders that laid ther handes vppon Timothe. 1. Timo. 4.14. Off which patrimony left by the Apostles / the Bishoppe in deed (su­che a one I meane as Paule describeth in his first Epistle to Timothe and the third chapter / and in the first to Titus) is fellow heyre with others / and succeded in some part as after more largely shalbe declared when I handle the authoritie off the Elders: But to be sole and only heyre / they shall neuer proue by any right off the Testament or the will of the Testator / nor that this possession is occupi­ed by them without most vniust fraud and open violence and wronge.

Therfore seinge as I proued hitherto therbe many and greeuous faults in our discipline / seinge the most ho­ly lawes off god / left vnto vs by the Apostles for the go­uernment off his kingdome are violated and broken / Se­inge the fancyes off men and the pleasures off seruantes are preferred aboue the cōmaundement of Christ the king / Seinge the churche is so destroyed which he redeemed by his blud / the holie offices prophaned / and all thinges mingled and confounded to geether / Let vs at the lenght ear­nestly and carefully think to amend thes thinges / let vs in deed obey his preceptes and lawes / whome in wordes we acknowledge to be our kinge: Let the churche and the good estate and estimation theroff be deare vnto vs. By fetchinge the discipline off the church frō mē and from the Canon law / we do wronge to Christ our Prophet and our prince / and open a springe and founteine off errors in the [Page 72] churche. Let vs therfore stopp thos pittes and go to the founteine off the word off god. As subiectes let vs depend vpon the will off our king: And let vs make this first the most waightie law in the reformaciō of our discipline / that nothinge be doone in it besides his word and commande­mēt / and that all thinges be framed to this good will and pleasure. So that if he hath forbiddē any man to enter in­to the church / to take vpō him any publique person therin or execute any office / but vnto which he is chosen and cal­led by him / iff he hathe greeuously punished the transgressors off this law who despising his commandement and goinge without the bandes that they were compassed w­ith / breake into other mēs ground and haue beene so bold to prophane the holie charges with ther defiled handes / let vs see and be carefull that ther be no suche thing emon­ges vs: and at the last let vs commaund thence Popishe priestes / women that baptize in secret / chauncellors / Archedeacons and ther seruantes the Commissaries / and Offi­cialles and the rest off that trashe that take vppon them the administringe of discipline / to leaue off / and do ther o­wne busines / and suffer thes thinges to be executed by thē that are called therunto by the lawfull apointment of god.

Ther is great fruit and cōmoditie that commeth by a lawfull calling: Let vs take heed therfore that we loose it not by ambitiō and bribery. Christ hath cōmitted a certen prouince to be gouerned by his embassadors / And whō he callethe to any office he apointeth wher and amonges w­whom to execute it: why then do so many go wandringe and straying amonges vs? Why do we graunt so lose em­bassages? why do we cōmit an office to any man / whō we apoint not wher ād amonges whō to execute it (especially seinge thes wandringe and vnstable charges / are wont to bringe infinit euill after thē. But if any man hath an office comitted vnto him / if his citie / place ād church be assigned wher to exercise it / let hī diligētly performe which he hathe [Page 73] taken in hand: And iff he do it not willinglie / let the magi­strat compell hym to amend his dewty / or lette him be put out off his office.

And for thos faculties and dispensacions that ex­empt suche as will purchase them from this necessary do­inge off ther duty / let vs take away and abolishe / as ha­uing first proceded from Antichrist him selfe / and yet not with out great offence receyued emonges vs / and decree accordinge to the word off God that who so euer is cho­sen to any ecclesiasticall office shall carefully and diligen­tly look vnto it / as one that is to geue accompt off the e­xecution theroff in that noble and famous day off the comminge off Christ. In elections / taking away the vsurped tyran̄y off the Bishoppes and all that confusion which I haue declared / wherby dew triall and examinatiō is hindered / let the lawful choosers haue ther right restored to thē againe: Let ther be diligent and exact examination had off thos that ar to be chosen: Let offices be geuen for worthynes and not for other respectes / lest bothe the holy offices be prophaned / and the churche wanting hir necessary hel­pes and stayes fall to the ground: last off all Let vs restore the right and trew vse off Ordeining ād laying on off handes / and abolishe and take away this false and forged a­buse theroff. Thus farr haue I handled thos thinges that ar to be amended out off the word off god in this parte / which equally belongeth to all the offices off the church. Now followeth the next part which declareth what is proper and peculier to euery one: which also hath meruei­lous need off correction and amendement.

Thus therfore hauing fynished that part wherin I haue fully and at large handled thos thinges that per­teyne equally vnto all that beare any office in the church / It followeth to shew how many sortes off them ther be and what euery man hath cōmon with other / or proper or [Page 74] peculier vnto him selffe. Off ecclesiasticall offices therfor somme are ordinary and perpetuall in the church / and so­me are extraordnary which were vsed for a tyme but cea­sed afterwardes to be vsed any more. For in the fyrst age off the church / by the great goodnes of god towardes his people that was but then yong and tendre / many di­uers heauenly gyftes were giuen. Which after when the church had growen strong and the gospell had been suffi­ciently confirmed with thos mirackles / wer no lenger gi­uen: but a certen firme and stable order was set to gouer­ne the churche by for euer. Which were / rather as Sainct Paule calleth them gyftes and Graces / then ordinary of­fices off the churche / No man I thinck can doubt but that they are ceased / seinge the gyftes are geuen no more.

The questiō is somwhat harder off the office of Apostles / Euangelistes and prophetes / which all seinge they are occupied in preachinge off the word I will deferre to proue they also are ceased / to that place wher I deinde all thos that haue charge to interpret the word off god into two sortes: Therfore in the meane season omittinge the extraordinary I will begynn with the ordinary offices off the church / wheroff seinge some be simple / and others some compounded / I will in the first place more fully and at large as the matter it selffe requirethe speake off the first first and more simple part whence also the latter dothe wholy springe. Therfore all the perpetuall and ordinary offices off the church that are symple / are conteined in the holi scripture / in thes two names off Bishopps and Dea­cons: for all thoughe the wordes them selffes are not so exactly or as I may say so curiously obserued / as also it was not needfull they should / yet the somme and effect off this deuision is euery wher reteined. So Sainct Paule in his first Epistle to Timothe / [...]. Timo. 3. instructinge his scholler / how [Page 75] to frame and sett in order the churche off Ephesus (for the office off an Euangelist which Timothy bare) compre­hendeth all the offices and functions off the church in Bishopps and Deacons.

So also the same Apostle writinge to the Phillipiās whos church to as allready established and set in order / Paule (and as followeth) To the Saincts vvhich are at Philippi withe the Bishoppes and Deacons / &c. In which place vnderstandinge hy the name off Sainctes / the faithful and as it were the citezens and body off the church / vnder Bishopps and Deacons he conteinethe the gouernours ād thos to whom any publique charge in the church is committed. Somewhat otherwise in the xij. Rom. 12.6.7. to the Romans / but to the same sence / he deuideth ecclesiasticall offices into prophesing (which is ther office whom he calleth Bishopps in the two places afore named) and Deaconshipp which distribution is also kept by Peter in the fourthe of his former epistle. 1. Petr. 4.11. But that keeping still the name off Deacon, he vseth the word speache for pro­phesyinge.

This therfore is the true diuision off ecclesiasticall offices / distributed by Christes chiefe Apostles into thes partes: wherby yt manifestly appereth that in a perfecte and well established church ther be both partes as it wer the right side ād the left side off the body / and that neither off them can be wantinge with out the great deformity and misshapinge off the whole. As also off the other part ther ought to be no office / no charge or functiō in ther church / which is not as it wēr a mēber off one of thes ij. partes / and inseperably ioined with the rest of the body / by which forme and paterne off the Apostles / iff we should exa­min the Romane churche (I meane that Romane church that fell from hir first simplicity) and that liuelie image [Page 76] off the beast which is described by Sainct Ihon / framed and fashioned hir selfe after the fourme and patterne off the Romane Empire / as is declared by Clement / by other occasions in his Epistles / what need haue wee heere off a heauēly kind off surgery to cut off the superfluity off so many and vnnecessary and needles partes / what wenns and what blemishes / wer to be cut off and cured in this be­halffe? Apocalip. 13.11. 1. Epistle. But ther appereth no lesse deformity in the want of thos partes which are naturall ād necessary / seing that in the romane church / one whole parte that is off Dea­cons is wanting. Off both which so notable deformities / I would our church wer free / and that ther wer nothinge in our metropolitane and other mother and cathedrall churches / that did imitate the superfluity off needles partes and mēbres / for in the other deformitie in wantinge necessary partes we ar nothing inferior to the Papi­stes them selues / for the Deacons are alike wanting in them both: as after more plainly shall appere when I co­me to that place.

Now let vs examin particularly the seuerall offices: And first off all let vs speake off the Bishopp. The name off a Bishopp cōminge off the greek word [...] doth signifie a watchman or a scoutwatch who is appointed to watche in the campe or citie and to declare the com­minge off the enemy: which name allso all thoughe yt be sometyme gyuen to the Magistrat for that care he ought to haue off the people subiect vnto him / yet oftner and more properly to the chieff charges off the church / and to thos that are as it were the watche off the cytie off god / to keepe it not frō fire and sword which mortall enemyes can bring against it / but from that euerlasting fier and thos fyry dartes as the Apostle calleth them / wherby most mighty spirites and most deadly enemyes off the church / go about day and night to enflame the cytie with all. Act. 26.28. Eph. 6.16.

But seinge that euen off thes / some by speciall othe are more streightly bound to cōtinuall watche and ward / namely they to whom are cōmitted thos holy siluer trom­pettes to declare to all men all the word and commande­dement off god / the com̄inge off the enemyes / to thes properly and specially is gyuen in the third off the first to Ty­mothi / the first to Titus and other places the name off Bishopp or wachmam. So that in old tyme this was ra­ther a name off labor then off rest / off burden then off ho­nor / off busines then off ease. Now a Bishop (iff we will trewly declare what he is) is the minister off the churche in heauenly thinges and such as perteine vnto god. For this / I thinck good to follow the wisdome off the Apo­stle in declaringe the office off a priest vnder the law: Heb. 5.1. seing that bishoppes in the new testament haue succeded as touching the gouernment off such thinges / to the priestes off the law. As for that I enclose all the office off a Bi­shopp in deuine seruice I ground vpon the same place off the Apostle who giueth no more to the priestes / whose office was nothing lesse honorable then the Bishopes in this behalffe / yea had a greater shew off maiesty and ho­nor in certene pointes / in respect off thos tymes which had need off suche thinges. So the Apostle conteineth the office off Timothe although he were an Euangelist / in the gouerment / and administracion off the house off god / which is the churche: 1. Timot. 3.15. And to omytte many other pla­ces to this ende / the Apostle to the Hebrues cōprehendeth all the charge off the Elders in the cure off soules. Heb. 13.17,

And what greater and more sufficient witnes can we haue in this mater then off Christ our Sauior and our kinge who throwghly knewe the nature off his kingdo­me / and had appointed to what vse to put euery one / how often doth he declare that his kingdome is not off this world / but off an other and more heauenly nature / and [Page 78] suche as parteineth to the procuringe off the saluacion off men / wherin for asmuche as his whole embassage / and charge which he receyued off his father did cōsist / he was wholy occupied therin / his doingt and meditation was allwais vpon it / he medled not him selffe with the thin­ges off his world: Luk. 9.58. & 12.13.14. & 21.25.26. Iohn 18.36. but day and night had his charge befo­re his eyes and exercised him selffe therin: warning also the Apostles that they should not hope to obteine the glo­rious shew and honor off this world / seinge his kingdo­me was off an other nature: yt rulethe the affections / yt gouernethe the troublesome mocions off the mynd / it morateth inordinate lustes / and bringeth euery mā to the doinge of his duty / yt lifteth and raiseth vp againe thos that were fallen and beaten to the ground / it confirmeth thos that are sick and weake with the grace mercy and good­nes off god: it bringeth men from receiued errors wher­by they were cast hedlong into all daunger an mishiefe / to the true honoringe and worshipping off god: he tould them that he would vse ther labor to these endes: They should keep his foulds and feed his flock and his lambes: Math. 4.19. Iohn This should be ther race to runne in / Thes ther listes wherin they should exercise them selues / wherin iff they behaued ther selues with praise and commendation they should look for as Sainct Peter saithe an euerla­stinge crowne off glory.

This is therfore the dewty off a Bishopp / which I will not here curiously enquyre how faithfully they execute / seinge they be bownd to no speciall charge but content with a generall ouersight off the Dioces / haue exempted them selfes from the necessary charge off rhe Bishoppes dewty. Let vs rather see wither I haue iu­stly compassed in the whole office off a Bishopp in the handlynge off Religion and the seruice off God. For it is an old opinion and receiued off long tyme / that Bishop­pes [Page 79] are not so lymited with doinge off the seruice off God / But that they may also handle the thinges off this liffe and gouerne both at once the church and the common welth. Heroff yt comethe that our Bishop­pes are Iustices off peace / and haue authoritie to see the Queenes peace kept and to cast the breakers off yt into prison / and bondes. That they haue authoritie to heere pleas / and also to Iudge off in ther courtes / pleas off willes and Testamentes and other cyuill thin­ges. Heroff also it is that the same titles off state and honor that are geuen to the noble men / are geuen to them: wheras Archbishopes are saluted by the most ho­norable and Princely title off Grace / An other is called Bishopp off the order off the garter: An other Counte Palatine: And all off them honorable Lordes whervpon some are displeased that the Chauncelorshipp off this realme / The Presidentshipp off york / and suche like honorable offices / which were wont in popery to be theres / are now geuen to horable Lordes off cyuill estate: And complayne off yt as thoughe they had w­rong offred them. Therfore they do vniustly and with out any cause / and contrary to ther dewty / desyre / and v­surp thes thynges / or ells / I haue not done well to enclo­se all the office off a Bishopp in the administracion off heauenly and spirituall thinges: In the can­nons which are called the Apostles canons, the 6.80. ād 82 and Confil. Carthag. 3. Canon. 18.19.20. wheroff let vs se whither is to be thought.

That that is ould and auncient / yt may sufficien­tly enoughe appere by this / that such Ambition and busyinge off them selues is forbidden by the old Can­nons / yea furder / the greuous complaynt off some off the old farthers touchinge this matter are kno­wen well enoughe and to be found in ther writin­ges / who partly invey and sharpely reproue them [Page 80] that brought in this confusion / partly lament that by that meanes / they were called from ther owne particuler dewty: which also we here saye some off ours do complai­ne off / and confesse that they haue only one houre in the weeke to thincke off preachinge: And that in a manner wonne by force out off the importunitie off cliētes: whom Terēcies menedemus worthely would merueyle / at to see thē to haue so much leysure from ther owne busines / that they may look to other mens.

But this that is now so amplified and growen that it is become intollerable / and no lesse daungerous for them selues then for thee church / sprange at the first as all most all other mischiefes haue done from begynninges that were not so euill. For first off all this busines was w holie pryuate / and controuersies were frely giuen ouer to the Bishoppes by the consent off the parties / who trustinge there conscience / thought by this meanes to haue the best issue off ther matter / After it grewe / by the Authorytie of Princes: who partlie off a good mynd but not warie enough / and off a desire to adorne and beutifie the chur­che / partly also because they them selues were hindered with warres and externall busines / gaue authority to Bishoppes to correct euen suche with ciuill punishment as should troble the churche.

Last off all it so infinitely spread out her bowghes by the couetousines and ambicion off the Bishoppes / that ther was no honorable office in the ciuill state which they did not partly begg / partly receyue willingly and with gre­at thanckes being offered / till they had myngled the chur­che and the comon welth / ciuill and ecclesiasticall matters / and cōfounded the kingdome and the bishprick to gether. But as that which god hath ioyned no mann can seperate So we may not thinck that any mā can ioyne or couple to gether that which he hath seuered and deuided a sonder. [Page 81] And iff it be vnlawfull to altor and change the boundes that our fathers haue sett / how much lesse is it laufull to change those boundes and lymites that the Lord hathe bounde vs with all / and wherby he would haue vs se­uered and deuided from others / and by this deceit to en­crease Patrimonies and possessions. Prouerb. 12.28. For that ther is a great difference betwene the cyuill magistrat and them that haue charge off ecclesiasticall matters / That sufficiently dothe proue / that wheras first off all both powers were confounded togither in Moses / The lord leauing him on­ly the charge off the common welth / committed the gouerment off the churche to Aaron his brother. And set so gre­at distance betwene them bothe / that the kingdome could not on [...]y not be gouerned by the highe priest him selfe / but also by none off the same familie / name / or trib / Nor contrary wise the priesthood / off any off the kinges stock or off the royal b [...]ud / house / or tribe / and fynally off none but a Leuite / So they were diuided a sonder not only in ther owne persons / but also by families and by tribes: which distinction and difference was allwais diligently obserued by all that came after / vntil king vzziah being puffed vp with pride as it is expresly noted in the holy history vsurped the priesthood and burnte incense in the temple off god. 2. Cron. 26.16. But he wēt not away scotfree with his pride / but being sodenly stricken with the leprousy was made an example for all ages to take heed off the like boldnes / to confounde and mingle thos to gether which the Lord did deuide and set a sonder.

But ther was no priest for many yeres after that medled him selfe with the gouerment off the kingdome / vntill first Aristobolus most vnaduisedly after the retour­ne from Babylon / ioyned the kingdome and the priest­hoode / the myter and the crowne togither. Euseb. 8. boke. of his preparati­on to the gospell. For wheras we read that Elias / Samuel / and Daniel / exercised both [Page 82] offices / It was alltogither extraordinary / neither ought to be drawne to the ordinary and perpetuall gouernment off the church. All thoughe vnder the law many thinges wer done by the Priestes which cannot be now done by Bishoppes. And they wer put to many thinges to w­hich yt wer not lawfull that the Bishoppes vnder the Gospell should be applied which was in respect off the publique law / wheroff they wer as well keepers and in­terpreters as off the morall / beinge made and gyuen by the same lord / so that it was needfull to vse them to ma­ny thinges whereunto ours may not neither ought not to be put.

As for the Gospell what can be cleerer then the dif­ference that it maketh in this case: wheras our sauior him selffe off whose example we ought to lerne / refused to deuide the herytage betwene the brethren as a thing not belonginge to his office Luk. 12. / and offten tymes he re­prouethe and repressethe the like desyer off the Apost­les desyring and longyng after suche thinges Math. 20.26. Luk. 22.25. Mark. 10.41. / he dete­sted all this lordinge and exercisyng off domynion togi­ther with the titles off princes and honorable persona­ges and such like titles and names: professinge freely that thes honors wer ciuill and wordly and therfore to be sought for at other mens handes: which they should not thinck might begotten at his handes that had no such like thing in all his kingdome: By whom they wer called in­deed to greater offices / greater I say and more honora­ble in respect off trew honor / allthough not for the out­ward shew.

And this the Apostles wer taught not only by the preceptes and voyce off ther master / but after also by ther owne experience / that this spirituall charge to be well done can be ioyned with no other / so that they ga­ue ouer off them selues / euen the charge off the pore with [Page 83] is an ecclesiasticall office and so neere off kindred vnto the other / that it seemed they might well haue stode togither / and lymited ther office in he seruice off God alone. Act. [...].

And iff it be so that the ministers off the word off god ought not to be charged with prouiding for the widowes and for the poore / that being free from any other charge / they might wholy bestowe them selues vppon ther owne / how much lesse lawfull is yt / that they should be called away from ther owne office and dewty to do worldly thinges and belonging to the ci­uill Magistrat. For thus thow dost not only gather hinderances vnto thy selffe / to hindre thē that thow do not thy duty / otherwise then either good souldiors or conninge wrestlers are wont to doe / but also dost w­ronge vnto an other into whose ground and possessi­on thow breakest in by force / which thing seinge the Apostle in the xij. 1. Timot. 2.4. 1. Corr. Rom. 12.3. off the Romans chargeth with ambytion and [...] busines euen in ecclesiasticall offices / whe [...] [...] [...]ligently from this being wi­ser then we ought to be / exhorteth vs to a Christian like modesty / and to be soberly wise / how muche mo­re shall he be giltie off the same cryme that mingleth and confoundeth togither thinges so farr different and diuers off nature.

For who knoweth not that the office off the Magi­strate especially consisteth in thos thinges which belong to our life and to our goodes / and hath not to doe with the holie ceremonies / but only to see by his authoritie that it be administred by them / by whom / and in what manner it ought to be by the word off God / but that he admynistred nothyng hym selffe: Rom. 13. And agayne who knoweth not that the Byshoppes Office [Page 84] is bounded and limited with spirituall matters and cure off sowles / and hath no charge off the common wealth / nor off the state off this life? Heb. 5.1. & 13.17. Or that the Magistrates are carefull for the body and thinges belonginge therunto / The Bishoppes of the sowle and that which apparteineth vnto the soule? And that the Magistrates are carefull for this fraile and britie life / but the Ministers off that blessed life which endureth for euer? Therfore seinge the Lord God vnder the lawe beinge about to plant the prie­sthoode as a tree hard by the Mgistrate his neighbors grownd / knowinge well what the nature off this tree was (namely that it enlargeth and spreadeth out his roo­tes farr abrod as the figg tree or the olyue tree doth / and therfore was to be set furder off lest that any contention or striffe should affterward arise) seuered yt by a most greate distance / and greater then the space off ix feet w­hich Solon commanded in such like trees / from the Ma­gestrates grownd that lay hard by / let godly Magistrates diligently take heed / beinge admonished both by the or­dinance off the most wise god / and the example off the Roman Empire / that they suffer the Bishoppes to chalenge nothinge vnto thē with in ther ground / nor secretly so roote them selues with in the same / that they be afterwardes compelled (as we reade many Emperors haue done) to striue with them for ther owne right and patrimony. And seinge God hathe punyshed the transgression off this his law touchinge the distinction off the two estates / in a no­ble prince and godly otherwise / why do we not feare that he will shew the like punyshement in the like fault off the Bishoppes? Iohn 6.15. And seing Christ hym selfe did refuse the kingdome being offered him / nor would handle the lest eyuill matters / no not to agree brethren therby / Seinge the Apostles would not ioyne any other office thoughe it were off the same kind with ther owne / Luk. 22. Act. 6. no not the charge [Page 85] off the poore and widows / that they might bestowe them selues wholy and attend vpon ther owne / seinge this a­greethe better with the kingdom off Christ / and the other with the kingdomes off this world / what iust excuse can they lay for this ambition and busyinge off them selues / or why do they storme so when we call them frō the ciuill courtes to the churche / from the Iustices benche / to Mo­ses chaire / from a kingdome and a lordshipp / to a Bishop­rick and ministerie.

We reade in the holy history that Azariaz the highe priest cast out kinge Vzzrah out off the holy place / and that worthelie / because the lawe so commanded. 2. Chro. 26. Levit. 13.46. 2. boke off his Ecclesi­ast. Histor. And Sozo­menus telleth that when Theodosius themperor would haue gone vp to the highe part off the temple / Ambrose for badde him / because as he said / that was the Bishops place / and com̄anded him to sit belowe with out the chancell. whiche I do not reherse to this ende that I do allow off those superstitious and proud separations off the bi­shopps from other mē / but seing this ther inordinate desire off catching to them selues / to stirr vp kinges and magistrates to a iust care of maintaining ther owne right / and in like manner to bownd and lymit them within there chancelles and quyres / and commande them to keep them selues with in ther bondes and limites / and to know also ther barrs and ranges. And iff they had carefully seene to to it when this plage beganne first to creepe in / surely the ambition off churche men had neuer come to that vnspe­akable pride that we haue seene it at / that they might glo­ry off the power off both estates / and as we vse to speake off both the swordes / off a triple crowne / off treading v­pō the Emperors neckes and suffering kinges to hold ther stirruppes. But seing they loked not vnto it neither regar­ded it / at the last when the Apostles wer dead / who as in old tyme that noble worthy Gedeon / desired not any vn­lawfull [Page 86] kingdome or Lordshipp in Israell / and ther na­turall children desyred lickwise no suche thing / At the last I say / this bastard Abimelech rose vp: that ambitiously sought an vnlaufull kingdom / and named hymsellffe bo­bothe a father and a kinge: but it is to be hoped that same end and the like destruction will come vpon this Ty­rant that in old tyme came vpon Abimelech / for I doubt not but Ioathans parable is as it wer an orackle vtte­red against this ambicion: Iudg. 9.10. And it is alltogither to be ho­ped / that as the empyre is weakened and allmost brought to nothinge by hym / wherby he hathe obteined this in­finite and princely power and authoritie / so it will one daie come to passe that he shalbe destroyed againe by the empyre.

But wold to god / that only the Bramble off Rome had desyred this kingdom and lordshipp: Iudg., 11. &c. and that our olyue trees also and our figg trees and our vynes had not left ther fatnes and ther sweetnes and most excellent fruit / for the desyre off lordshipp and gouernment. For the preaching off the gospell is in deed most sweet ād ple­asaunt fruit: and with this ther new wine they reioysed both god and men: as also with the oyle off the gospell more precious then any balme / and off sweeter and mo­re fragrant smell / then that which was poured vpon Aa­rons hedd. For we complaine that euen or bishoppes haue gotten this lordshipp into ther handes: and fin­de great want / and long for / thos excellent fruites againe off that wyne / and thos figgas / and Olyues / which in old tyme the church was wont to gather off ther Bishop­ps. And surely I am afrayd that we wishe and longe for them in vayne / and lest that they beinge delighted now with an other kind off fatnes and off sweetnes / that is off Riches and Honor / haue allready begonne to neglect and despise the other / and will so contynew to despise yt. [Page 87] But the Lord will see to thes thinges / who off his good will / will prouide for his churche / either by them iff they will come to the first root and stock againe / or ells without them / yff they continew to neglect and despise the same (But paraduenture I haue beene to longe in this part / beinge moued both with the vnworthines off the thing and the daunger off the church.

Now seing as I suppose yt is sufficiently proued that the office off a Bishopp is lymited in the administration off heauēly and spirituall thinges / let vs particulerly declare the seuerall partes off this office. Which consist partly in teaching and interpretinge off the word off God / and partly in making praiers for the church. For thes two are so lincked togither / that they may by no meanes be separated. For he that takethe cure off teachinge the churche / hath layd vpon hym also the pray­inge for the church. And contrariwise the office off prayinge and makinge solemne and publique praiers for the church in respect off his office / can / nor ought to be commited to no man / but to hym that hathe power allso to teache the churche. For we read that thes two wer allways so ioined and knit togither / that he that off office did the one / was bound to the doinge off bothe. Neyther haue thes at any tyme bene seuered or drawen a sonder.

So the Priestes vnder the law wer bound to bothe: as Moses expressely declarethe in the bles­sing off Leui. They shall teache saythe he Iacob thy iudgmentes and Israell thy law: They shall put incense before thy face and bourne offeringe [...] vp­on thy aulter / For / that praier and Supplication was shadowed vnder the law by burninge off par­fume and incense / It ys playne by many other [Page 88] other places and namely by Dauid who without questi­on in the 141. Luk. 1.10. psalme alludeth hereunto: and the first off Luke wher it appereth that all the church vnderstood it so: Apocalip. 8.3 4. 1 S [...]uel. [...].2 [...]. wherunto also S. Iohn alludeth in his reuelation. Lick­wise also the Prophet Samuel answeringe the people that desired him that he would pray to god for them / God for­bidd saithe he that I should offend against God in cea­singe to pray for yow / for I will also teache yow the good and perfit way. declaringe ther by both / to belonge to his dutie / So then in the Priesthood and the Prophesie two off the cheifest offices in the Iewishe churche (which our Bishopps do resemble / iff we compare the Pastors with the Priestes / and the Doctors with the Prophetes) Thes two offices off teachying and prayinge were ioyned to­gither.

And do not the Apostles in the gospell wher they le­aue the ministringe to the pore / professing that they did it to this purpose that they might more frely geue thē selues wholy to ther office / do they not limit ther office with thes two partes off preaching and Praier? 1. Timot. 2. Paule also in his epistle to Timothe doth manifestly referre praier to the office off a Bishoppe: 1. Timot. 3. wheras geuinge order off stablisshin­ge the churche off Ephesus hauing declared the forme off publique praiers / after sheweth at large / what man̄er off man he ought to be. Therfore seing it is plaine by the perpetuall vse off the scripture that thes two belong both to one and the same office / They cannot in any sort be dra­uen a sonder: and an vnlawfull diuorcement it is / when as our ministers (I speake off thos Curates that are vna­ble to teache) are off this condicion ordeined to the mini­sterie / that they reade ther seruise and prescript praiers / out off the booke: but that they be not so bold to teache or interpret without newe and especiall authorite graunted to that purpose.

But some men will say / They are not able to inter­pret the scriptures / Surely iff yt be so / they are well and worthely and by the commandement off god forbidden to interprete yt / But that is not well / that they are not al so forbidden to reade the praiers: seing that thes two / preachinge and praier which are bothe but one office / are torne and drawē a sonder cōtrary to the ordinannce off God / and a certen new and lame mynistery is brought into the church / by the boldnes off men. Thus therfore hauing de­scribed the whole dewty and office off Bishoppes / let vs come to that which is proper and particuler / in ther ele­tion and ordination.

The Election therfore off Bishoppes (that I may be gyn̄ ther) because the whole safety of the church is in daunger in that actiō) ought to be ioyned with most ernest praier to god / that it would please him to direct the iudgemēt off the choosers which his holy spyrit / to prouide a wor­thy and an able Bishopp for his church / and not suffer them being ledd away by any blind affection to be decey­ued with so dangerous an error. For hither both the rea­sone which I haue allready brought and especially the e­xample off [...] Sauior Christ him selffe doth leade vs / w­hom Sainct Luke rehersethe to haue spent the whole might before the choosinge and declaringe off his Apost­les / in supplicacion and praiers / which also the same Luke reherseth to haue bene practized by the Apostles in the e­lection off Mathias. Luk. 6.12.13. Act. 1.24. Which all men vnderstand ought to be necessarilie restored againe / that obserue and marck the successe and fallinge out off our elections / farr other­wise taken in hand.

But I trust I shall not need to take much paines in so cleere a matter: Therfore I will go forward and decla­re what a one he ought to be / who shold be chosen a Bi­shopp / It is allready plaine enoughe by that which hathe [Page 90] bene said that in the choosinge off a Bishopp the especi­all care and respect ought to be off his learninge / seinge he is chosen to teach and interpret the word off god vn­to others: althoughe also ther ought to be no common and ordinary but a singuler and chiefe respect in examy­ninge his manners as beinge suche whos smallest faul­tes for the high place wherin they are / can by no meanes be hidden and couered. Seing that the ministers off the word off God as Christ warneth the Apostles / are like vnto cyties that are vpon the mountaynes. Therfore se­inge they must dwell in the eyes off men and in the fayrest light / and as our Sauior Christ saith in the same place / be put as it wer vpon candel stickes that they may gyue light vnto other / It is meet that there holines off life / go­dlines and moderat cōuersacion should shine like lightes a monges men / whervppon the Apostle Paule setting fur­th in Timothe a lawfull minister off the word / declareth that he ought to be such / as may be an example / or glasse and a patterne to all the faithfull in loue / [...]n chastitie / and in all the order off his life. Math 5.14.15. 1. Timoth. 4, 12.

And sure good cause it is he should be innocent / that asketh other mē accompt off ther life: seinge nothing is more iust then that he that teacheth other should first instruct hym selffe / and that callinge other men from sha­me / he hould keep hym selffe free from any spott or ble­mishe. For what a shame is it / when the sick man may say to hym that wolde help him / Physicion heale thy sel­fe: or when thos thinges are cast in a mans teeth which Paule vpbraydeth the Iewes with all / thow that teachest an other teachest not thy selffe and thow that preachest a man should not steale stealest thy selffe / And againe the name off God is blasphemed amonge the gentils for your cause. Rom. 2.21. [...]. &c. Therfore seing that they are set in so highe a pla [...] that the example off ther integritie not only edifieth the churche but also glorifieth god therby. And contrarywise ther faultes and errors do geue occasion to straungers [Page 91] to speake euill off the Lord whom they preache / and the gospell which they publishe abrode / and to the faithfull that are weake / to whom the lest fault that they make is as it wer a law / wherby they thincke they may lickwise of­fend with out reproofe / and seinge herein they hurt by ther example no lesse / yea a great deale more then by the fault it selfe / a great diligēce and singuler care is to be had off the life and manners off him who is to be chosen a bishopp. But seinge the office off a Bishop consisteth chifely in this / that they publishe / preach / and interpret all the gospell / especially thos giftes are to be respected which are proper and peculier to that office / to the executinge wheroff he is to be chosen / therfore he is to be examined how well he hath been exercised in the holie scriptures / and w­hither he be able fruitfully / and to edifyinge / to cōmunica­te with the churche that which he doth godlilie vnderstād. No vnskillfull or vnlerned man may be called to the stea­ring off this helme / vnlesse we would haue the shipp not only to be in daunger / but willingly to runne vpon the r [...] kes: But what is he (onlesse he wer cōspired agaīst the safety of the church and of the son̄es off god) that would cō mit the church which god redeemed with his blud that he might adopt vs to be his sonnes / an this nobleship fraighted full off worthies to any but to some most conninge and expert pilote and master.

Therfore suche con̄ing Pylotes and gouernours ar to be chosen ād set to the stearinge off the shipp / who ar able to discerne the diuers face and chaungeable contenaunce of the heauēs / that ar able to for seestormes and tēpestes / that can guid ther ship by the north starr / and finallie w­hom thos heauenly muses haue taught the vnknowne pathes ād wais of the sea / and that which is in the Poet.

From smoky storme & fluddes that swell,
Kepe of the shipp & guide it well.

But the word of god is the only starr wherby this life is [Page 92] Our eies must be bent vpon this heauen and fyrmament wherby stormes and tempestes are much more certenly fore sene then by the other / This is the helme off our life which who so euer hath not lerned to steare and gouerne / he may well be put to some other seruice / but let hym not come into the sterne and iff he he do / let him be put out a­againe. For it is very good reason to requyre off an Arti­ficer knowledge off that art which he professeth / to requi­re off a Captain [...] and a Generall / knowledge and skill off war fare and chieualty / off a physicion / that he know how to mayteyne the health and to recouer them that are di­seased.

And vnder the law the Lord apointed his priestes that they should be suche as might be able when they wer asked / to answer out off the law off God. Which wer adorned not only with the diademe and myter but with thos xij. Exod. 28. [...]0. Iewelles and precious stones which Moses for ther lightsome clerenes and perfit beauty calleth Vrrim and Thummim: by meanes wheroff they asked off the Lord in all affaires: by which two names sometymes all the priesthood is signified / to teach vs that he that hath not them / hath nothing. Deut. 33.8. And that ther is no priesthood with out Vrim and Tummim. To whom seinge the Bishop­pes as parteininge to to this matter haue succeded / alth­ough they had put on Aarons tunicle Ephod or Diade­me / yet iff thos stones shyne not in ther brest / wherby (as Ennius. saithe) men being doutfull of there matters what to do / may be certefied / that they take not waight [...] thinges rasshly in hand / we acknowledge no stock nor succession off the Priesthoode / nor all the rest off the gar­mentes off Aaron. And seing we haue now in thes ty­mes no other meanes to be certified off the will off god besides his writtē word and the holy scriptures: And se­ing it is sure that this word is come in place off the Arck / [Page 93] the Sanctuary / the brestplate off Iudgement / and all the other ceremonies off off the old law / euen as thos in old tyme wer necessary for the priestes / So now is the vnderstandinge and knowledge heroff for the ministers off the word off god. Therfore the Apostle Paule warneth Timothe that a bishopp ought to be able to teache. Whe­ras declaringe that he ought to be suche / he speaketh not off it as off some helpe or ornamēt / but as off the nature / matter and substance off a Bishop [...].

And that we may more full [...] vnderstand what the force off the word is and how many thinges are contei­ned vnder it / he declareth it more at large in his epistle to Titus / sainge / a Bishopp ought to besuche a one as hol­deth fast the faithfull word according to doctrine / that he may be able also to exhort with holesome doctrine / and reproue them that speake against it. But how is it possi­ble that he should be able to exhort with sound doctrine vnlesse he hath first lerned that sound doctrine him selffe out off the holie scriptures? And by what meanes can we conuince thos that speak against it / but by the scriptu­res as it is rehersed in the Actes that Apollos did? Act. 18.26. 2. Timot. 4.2. 2. Timoth. 3.16. 1. Peter. [...].23. 1. Peter 2.2. Final­ly how shall he be able to do that which Sainct Paule commandeth Timothe / namely to enstruct / to teache to reprehend / reproue / and exhorte but by the Scripture? which as the same Apostle in an other place teacheth Ti­mothe are able to furnishe the man off god that is to say the minister off his word to do all thes thinges according to his dewty. And seing Sainct Peter witnessethe that we are begotten againe into a new life by this seed and being borne are norished and grow vp by this milk / how can it be that any man with out this seed should gett children vnto god / or norishe and bring vp such as ar be­gotten off other. Psal. [...]0 [...].105. The kingly Prophet Dauid doth wit­nes / that he knew not which way to go yf this lampe did [Page 94] not shine allwais before hī to direct him in the right way.

Therfore seing the Ministers off the word are com­maunded to lead vs in the right way / They ought to be Torch bearers and to cary this light kindled in ther hand which may first geue light vnto them selues / and after also to those off whom they haue receiued charge to leade them in the wais off god. And off this office off leadinge / guiding / and geuing light / come those worthy names and titles wherby they are called in the scriptures starrs off the heauē / the salt off the earthe / the light off the world / and guides off the blynd and such like. Apocalip. 1.20. Mat. 5.16. Luk. 6.39. But onlesse thes starres do shyne / and onlesse a gret deale off light be first gathered into these Sonnes as there was in the first cre­ation when the Sonne was created to rule the day / iff I say the sonne yt selffe be not first lighted and kindled / It cannot shyne to others / nor shew the way by that light it hathe not: Mat. 5.13. so likewise yff the salt be vnsauery wherwith shall a manseason yt. The like may be said off thes who are guydes of the blinde: Mat. 15.14. Luk. 6.39. For as our sauior saithe / if the blind lead the blind they must both fall into the ditche.

And that we may more surely be perswaded off this doctrine / Let vs consider some other names and titles (for it wer an infinite thinge to gather all) wherby ther office and dutie is declared. Sainct Paule saithe that the mynister is the Stewarde off god: 1. Cor. 4.2. And addeth in the sa­me place / A disposer off the mysteries off god Therfore bothe he ought to geue meat to the lords houshold in dew time / and the houshold must aske thes Misteries off the steward: As the Egyptians when they came to the kinge in the famyn wer sent by him / to his highe ste­ward that had the disposinge off the corne. As it is also expressely said by Malachy the Prophete / That the lippes off the priest keepe knowledge / and the lawe shalbe asked at his mouthe. M [...]lach. 2.7. Therfore this steward ought to be suche an other as Ioseph was: that hath gathered togither great store of corne / and filled his barnes and granaries / and [Page 95] stored the store house off his breast longe before with thes victualles / that he may minister to the necessitie ād famin off the people. Mat. 13. [...]2. And this is that scribe which the lord him selffe doth witnes to be made ready for the kingdome off god / that is for the prechinge off the Gospell: that is able to bringe out off his store hous / as the houshold shall ha­ue neede bothe newe store and old.

To the Ephesians S. Paule saith / that the pastor and the Doctor wer geuen off Christ / to the buildinge off his body as it wer off the temple off god / that this most noble frame and more meruelous thē the most beautifull frame off this world might the builded. Ephe. 4.12 But he that cannot tell how to handle the tooles and instrumetes that he should occupy for his buildinge / what his he able to doe worthie the precious foundaciō wherupon he buildeth. The same Paule as he calleth the the churche the Building of God / so he calleth it his husbādry: 1. Cor. 3.6. which allthoughe it receiueth encrease of the only blessinge off god / yet ther be som ser­uantes set to plant it and to water it / in respect of which wateringe / in other places also they are compared to the heauen and to the cloudes and the doctrine with the raine and with the dewe. Deut. 32. [...]. But iff thes cloudes be such as S. Iude speakethe off / Clouds without water: Epistle. 12. and this Heauen / such a one as the lord treatnethe in the lawe to his people whē they shall offend hym / harder then any yron or steele / how shall the field or herytage off the lord florishe or bring fourth fruit? Levi. 26. [...] But because it wer an infinit thīge to gather all the names off ministers which ar immunerable / let vs leaue the rest and consider only the name off a Pastor and Shephard. For how many thinges are conteined vnder this one nāe of a Sheppard / how infinit a care and won­derfull knowledge off diuers and sondry thinges / namely that he keepe the flock day ād night euē with the daunger of his life frō the wolues (wheroff S. Paule diligētly warneth the bishoppes off the church of Ephesus / Act. 20.28.29. that they [Page 96] feede the sheepe / rule them with the shepehooke / call thē by name / and leade thē out to the holesome pastures / ād sweet run̄ynge streames / and after bringe them to the fold againe / which that Archpastor and chefe sheppard did fully and thorowly parforme. Ioh. Ezech. 34.4. Zachar. 11.16. Furthermore what lerninge were yt needefull to haue to do those thinges / w­hich Ezechiel and Zacharie require off the Pastors? namely / to strengthen the weake / to heale the sick and disea­sed / to bind the broken / and wind vp thos that ar brused to seek thos that are lost and to brynge home againe to the fould thos that goe astraie. Therfore no man may be chosen to be Pastor or sheppard off the lordes flock but he that is endewed with thes diuers and manifold giftes whos voyce may be insteade off a sheephooke to rule his sheepe: at the hearing wheroff they may go in and out: that knoweth what feadinge and what waters is fittest for the flock: and fynallie that perfectly vnderstandeth how to helpe and heale the weake and diseased.

Neither let any man here complaine that I am mo­re seuere and rigorous then needethe / seing that which Paule requireth is nothing lesse / that is to say to teache in sound doctrine / to raise vp thos that faynt / to cōuict thos that resist / to strenghten thos that shake and are fallin­ge / to breake the prowd and stubburne / to allure the go­dly by hope of reward to all vertue and honesty / and to terrify the wicked from synne / by menacinge and thretn­inges.

For / for the first point that is off doctrine / what a man (thinck we) ought he to be / that ought to vnderstand that he be able to teache thos misteries / 1. Pet. 1 12. 1. Tim. 3.16. meruaillous to the Angelles themselues / and vnknowen in the worlde not longe agoe / off god manifested in fleshe / iustified in spirit / receyued vp in glory / and so forth as Paule most notably reherseth / and which (he declareth) that the good [Page 97] minister off Christ ought to teache vnto the churche. Further­more who but a lerned man / and well taught and brought vp in the schoole off Christ / is able to discerne betwene sound and corrupt doctrine? and to geue that as most holesome foode and pleasaunt waters vnto the flock / and that also fitly ac­eordinge to the varietie of diuers times? and of the other part to knowe and perceiue in tyme / and wisely to auoide / false and corrupt opynions or foolishe and vaine questions which as the Apostle saith like gangrenes doe freat to the ruyne off the churche. 2. Timoth. 2.17. And doth it not require a merueilous gre­at diligence and singuler knowledge in the holie scriptures to prescribe all orders and degrees off men what they ought to doe / what is fitt for euery one and what euery mans dutie is? to declare the dewty off kinges and magistrates / to shewe the obedience off subiectes / to preache the law / the gospell / re­pentaunce / faith which S Paule in Timothes person / prescri­beth all ministers to preache / and in the person off the Aunci­entes off Ephesus / wherin takinge to witnes that he had do­ne so / exhorteth them to followe hym and to do the like? Actes. 20.17. How hard a matter it is to stay thos that are fallinge / by the com­fort off the promises / to refreshe and ease thos that ar weary and heauie laden / to raise vp them that are beaten downe to the ground / as it were from the graue againe? Thes thinges had neede off a heauenly kind off cun̄inge and knowledge / and off that learned tonge wherby Esay witnesseth that he refre­shed thos that trauayled and wer weary. Esai. 5.4.

But that I be not to long in this matter / and that I omitt both many other thinges / namely thos devine and merueilous secreates off the election off the faithfull and reprobacion off the vngodly / how great is that one thinge / to be able to answer whē he is asked in all matters / what the lords will and pleasure is / and to be as it wer the oracle off the church / which it is not possible any man should be able to doe / with out a great and excellent knowledge off the word off god (w­hich only is left to vs in steade off the Sainctuary / off the Ar­ke and orakle off god vnder the lawe) no more then it was possible [Page 98] to execute the priesthoode with out Vrim and Thummim, Therfore seinge ther is so great art required to the gouern­ment off the churche / and seinge as it is said by one in an other case that it is a pece off worck that had need off many taklin­ges / helmes / and oares / no man ought to haue the guidinge heroff committed to him but he that is expert and cōninge: neither is it meet to set a boateman or a skoller to it. Who by reason off his ignorance in the starres / iff he were in the mid­dest off the Sea / cold not tell wher aboutes he were / but shold be compelled to crie as it is in the Poet.

O Syrs we know no east nor west.
wher Sonne doth rise or goeth to rest.

It wer more meet to set heere to the gouernmēt off the ship the con̄ingest master that euer was who lookinge to the word off god in steade off the north starre may bring it with streight and direct cuurse to the hauen. Further it is also to be conside­red in this questiō / that the case is touchinge the gouernmēt off the churche / off feedinge of the flock off the lord / of keping Hierusalē the citie off our god / off building the temple off god / off the body off Christ / then the which ther is nothinge more to be esteemed in heauē and earth. That we may the rather deter­min / that suche a flock that hath as many goulden fleeces in it / as ther be sheepe / ought to be committed to the keepinge off none / but off a most con̄inge / painefull and diligēt man / and as it wer an other Iacob. Genes. 3 [...]. Luk. 15.10. For who is he that wer able to answer the Lord for the losse off the lest sheepe off this flock? At whos bringinge to the fould againe after it hath wandred and gone astray / seinge the Aungelles are so gladd off and reioyce / iff it wer lost would they not in a maner Lament / and would not heauē and eaathe put vpon them mourninge apparell for the same? yff then we commit this flock vnto a shepphard / that not only seketh not the lost sheepe / nor bindeth not that which is brokē / but cānot if he would / howe many would be lost / and how greatly do we thinck that the lord off the flock will estee­me so great a losse? What would he say not only to the shepherdes [Page 99] but to his stewardes that had set such a one ouer his flock. Ezec. 3 [...].6. Surely all ther Iudgement is pronounced by Ezechiel / namely that both the watchemen / that geue not warninge off the enemyes / and the cytie also that seteth such watch men ouer them / shalbe bothe taken and perishe togeether: Mat. 15 14 Luk. 6.39. and by our Sauior Christ sayinge / that if the blynd leade the blynd / both shall fall into the ditche.

Therfore seinge the Bishopp must speake and preache off so heauenly matters by reason off his office / Seinge he is set ouer the gouernment off the church off god / Seing that vndoubted daunger hangeth ouer the head both off the mini­ster and churche iff such a one be chosen to rule that is not able / and seinge off the other part / all this fitnes and abilitie consisteth in holie knowledg off the sacred doctrine and vn­derstandinge off the word off God / I thinck it is sufficiently proued that no man ought to be admitted Bishopp ot mini­ster who is not godly and lerned.

And iff any haue bene o [...]herwise by error admitted / to be put oute againe. Math 5.13. Luk. 14.34 35. Zach. 13.5. For so our Sauior Christ hath allredy pronounced that the vnsauery salt is to be cast out off the do­res / and the Prophet Zachary prophesied that it should come to passe in the kingdom off CHRIST that they should wil­lingly geue ouer that office againe freely openly profes­singe / that they are in deed not Prophetes but husbandmen: and that from ther you [...]h vp they had neuer beene schollers vn­to the Prophettes / but Neathearedes. Porters shepherdes / seruinge men and suche like.

Which seinge yt is so manifest and confirmed by so ma­ny Testimonyes off the Scripture that yt can not be denyed / I merueile that euer yt could come to passe in a Christian churche / that so clere and expresse commandementes off God / so proffitable for vs and necessary for the saluacion off the churche / should be broken and transgressed. But they are not only broken / and that commonly and so offten / that for one fyt minister / a man may find a nomber off vnfit and vnlerned / but excuses and pretēces are sought to defēd this [Page 100] fault with all / as iff in manner it wer lawful to do so: And the most hainous crymes that can be wanteth not there lawer and counsell to pleade for them They say that yt is euill in de­ed / but a necessary euill / and must needes be so nor can not be otherwise / seinge ther be not so many lerned men as ar able to suffice for all the kingdom: So that the people must either want alltogether a minister or some must needes be admit­ted althoughe they be not fitt and able. It should seeme by this defence that all thos that wer lerned and fitt were allre­ady placed throwout the churches: which how trew it is / It may be seene in both the vniuersities / wherin ther be many bothe off excellent godlines and lerninge / which neither are cal­led to the ministerie / nor neuer shalbe on lesse they go for it / seke ambiciously after it / buye it and bargayne for it.

But let vs put the case they wer all placed abrode and that yet still many churches wanted ministers: They aske vs heere what is to be done? I answere: Surely euen that which our Sauior Christ commandeth his disciples to do wher the haruest was great and the laborers wer fewe: Math. 10.38. That is to say That we praie the Lord off the haruest that he would send out laborers into his haruest. For euery man may not be sent in­to the Lordes feeld to reape his corne because the haruest is great / But the Lord him selffe is to be desired and praied that he wold haue a care off his corne and prouide haruest men: who settethe no man to do his work that is not fit and able for it. Therfore iff we be towched with trew compassi­on for the lordes haruest fearinge least iff any storme come / it may susteine some damage / let vs not be caried awai with a folishe pitie / to prouide for yt / as we think best: (for what wer this ells / but to blame the lord / as negligent / and not carefull enoughe for his affaires) but let vs keepe that meane and me­asure which our Sauior hath prescribed vs) which is to com­mend vnto the Lord his owne haruest by our earnest praiers.

And as all men must pray for it. So the Magystrate to whom god hathe committed this charge is bound to prouide workmen / as sone as is possible: They must erect schooles and [Page 101] collrdges: finde and mainteine teachers and readers / that the youth may be taught and made fitt for this work: finally they must bestowe all ther care / thought / studie and labor vpon this that this golden haruest may with all possible speed be prouided for / to pray to god that he woold send out workmen / for to praie to god that he wold send out workmen / and not to doe the diligence for that place and callinge wherunto thow art called / that they may be sent / is not to praye / but to moke and tempt the lord.

Therfore suche order is to be taken wher by in thes da­yes the lorde doth ordinarily send out his workemen / or suche order beinge allredy well taken / is diligently and carefully to be looked vnto / that it be not neglected. And surely it is not to be doubted / but the lord will blesse our praiers and our ende­uors / and sent out fit worck men into his haruest. But in the meane time vntill all may sufficiently be prouided for / As it was practized in the Apostles tyme / men must come to the next churches wher the word off god is preached: and to those places wher the churches are allready established / vntill suche tyme as moe may besett in order / which thinges iff they wer not so cleere and manifest / and iff we had not so certen a rule to followe herein / yet what necessitie is that / which ought to make vs breake the expresse commandement off god / to set him ouer the church whom the lord hathe forbidden? Is ther (as off all other thinges) a tyme also to synne? or may we do any thinge against the good will and pleasur off God vnder pretence to helpe and edifie the churches / and are we not ra­ther bownd to obey that euerlastinge and most holy law: that no euill is to be done that good may come off it / and seeke for that that is good and honest by iust and lawfull meanes. Rom. 3.8. Deut. 16.20. Althoughe in deed the churche is not holpen by this meanes? but rather much hindered / wher that as / iff they wer suffici­ently prouided for allready / they care not / nor thinck any mo­re off prouiding fit and worthy ministers and preachers off the word off god.

But to the end we should not thinck but that they wer [Page 102] carefull for the churche / they haue founde out a merueilous way / wherby appointing readers to reade some part of the scripture / and the praiers and the rest off the seruice / they should be thought notwithstanding to make meet ministers and pre­achers off the word off god. For they haue made certen homi­lies off the creation / off prouidence / off the dewty off the ma­gistrat / off the obedience off the subiect / and other thinges / w­hich they thought needefull / which they charge them to reade to the people at certen times / supposing that by this meanes / they remedy that euill off admitting thos that be vnworthy / which they say is so necessary. A meruelous straunge remedy and neuer hard off in the churche in the Apostles tyme / and which not only amendethe not the fault but maketh it greater / and most like to the pece that our Sauior Christ speaketh off in the gospell wherby the rent is not amended but made a great deale worse. Mat. 9.16. For who may arrogate this vnto hym to haue his writinges rehersed read and propounded vnto the church / Is not this proper to god onlie that his worde be rea­de in the churche / and ought not the voice off god alone to so­und and to be hard in the church?

But they say thes ar holie meditations to good manners taken out off the scriptures and written by great and worthy men: why then do they not reade also the holy meditations off Augustin / Chrysostome and other great men? why not also the eccesiasticall history which conteineth infinite examples off singuler vertue for men to follow? By which meanes at the last the lord shalbe pulled out off his throne / that (as we sawe it come to passe in that egyptiacall darcknes off popery) men may sit in his place. What then say they / shall we take awaye al interpretation off the word off god? shall only the writinges off the Apostles and prophetes be read / and shall not the holy doctrine be more fully expounded: Shall ther be no exhorta­tions nor reprehēsions as the times off the church shall geue occasion? yes verely: for I haue declared aboue / that suche a one is to to be chosen minister / that is able to exhort with so­wnd doctrine and to conuince thos that speake against it / and doe suppose this to be the especiall dewty off a lawfull Pastor [Page 103] to applie the word of god to this churche / as time and occasion shall serue / but to bring in other writinges into the churche which cōteine either generall doctrine / or holie meditatiōs / and are not applied to the speciall vse off the churche as beinge such which are common to all churches and to all times / I thinke it is no more lawfull / thē to translate the glory off god vnto men. And if they declare the creation of the world in ther homelies / the dewties of all sortes and degrees off mē / why do they not rather declare it out of Moses and the writinges of the Prophetes and Apo­stles / then oute of ther booke off homelies? Therfore a worthy Bishop or minister is to be chosen that can interprete the holie scriptures / and applie it as occasion shall serue to the vse and necessitie of the churche: not a reader to rehearse other mens sayinges and writinges by whos igno­rance the church of god may be in daunger of there saluacion.

They haue found out also an other remedy for this disease which is as ill as the disease it selfe: They geue them leaue to go to the vniuersitie / and to tary there for three yeres that after they haue bene diligently occupied for that time in the readinge / hearinge / and meditatīge of the scriptures / They may returne againe better furnished for the teachinge of the chur­ch. But what shalbe come of the miserable churches in the meane tyme if they be left as shippes without takle and furniture / and without a gouernor for the space of thre yeres fletyng vpon the Seas? It is not to fe­ared that they shalbe drowned or broken / or ouerwhelmed or synke / be­inge subiect to so many daungers of Pirates / of rokes / of gulfes / swallo­wes / sandes / stormes and tempestes? And why are they wise to late in this point / and do not rather send them first to the vniuersitie to learne / before they begyn to teache? And what an after wit is this to appoint hī to teache who must after learne euen in the pulpit? Trew it is we can neuer sufficiently profit in the scriptures / and that the best lerned of all ought continuallie and diligently to reade and studie them / wherby they may encrease ther strenght and abilitie for the discharge of there dewties / as we reade that both S. Paule exhorted Timothie to doe / and it appereth by the parchementes he sent for to Rome that he did so him selfe. 1. Timot. 4.13. 2. Timo. 4.13.

But this is it that I reproue and find fault with all / that they ad­mit suche to the office off a Bishop / that is to say vnto the ministery and expoundinge off the word / who are alltogether vnmeete / who vnder­stand not the scriptures / and who take vpon them the place to teache / before they haue lerned. The lord contrariwise wold haue his will perfe­ctly [Page 104] knowne to his Prophetes before he send thē out to prophesie in his name. Which is set forth in the third chap. of the prophesye of Ezechiel and the x. of the reuelation of S. Iohn vnder a prety similitude of eatin­ge / concoctinge and disgestinge the booke and turninge it in a manner in­to ther owne substance and bloode. [...]s [...]. 9.4. So also the Prophet Dauid witnes­sethe that he layd to his eare to vnderstand the parable before that he went aboute to sing it and play it vpon the instrument in the hearinge of all estates of people: declaringe therby that men ought first thorowly to vnderstand that which they will take vppon them to vtter vnto others. But this is the nature and propertie of that which is euill / That being once let go it cannot be s [...]aide but dayly breedeth and bringeth furth many other euilles.

Therfore let vs returne vnto the wais of the lord and be obedient to his most iust and holie lawes and ordinaunces: and decree that no man be admitted minister or Bishopp who is not so well studied in the holie scriptures before / that he is able also to vtter it bothe purely ād sincere­ly and faithfully to the profit and edification of the churche. For it is not sufficiēt that he be not dombe in the church / but he ought also reuerētlie to handle the holy scriptures / and as S. Peter giueth warninge so v [...] ­ter them as the word and oracles of god / that (as S. Paule warnethe Timothy he may shewe him selfe a worckman that needeth not be a sha­med of his labor. [...]. Peter, 4. [...]. [...]. Timot. [...].19. 2. Corr. 3.1 [...]. 2. Timot. [...]. [...]3 Not suche as the same Apostle writeth to haue beene amonges the Corinthes that build strawe / and stubble (which the Lord will consume to ther losse) vpon the precious foundacion / but in a word / that they may rightly deuide the worde of truthe.

Neither am I purposed / here to appointe any manner off makinge of sermons / but generallie to declare that doctrine is to be referred to the edifyinge of the churche / and that the holie scriptures are to be expoun­ded simplie / and sincerely / and vttered with reuerence. For some to shew them selues to the people to be lerned / stuffe ther sermons with diuers sentences out off Philosophers / Poets / Orators / and scholemen / and of the auncient fathers / Augustine / Hierome and others / and thes often ti­mes rehersed in greek or latin: by which pieces somtime ill fauoredly pa­ched togither / they seeke and hunt for commendation / and to be estee­med lerned of the people / which also some doe that are vnlerned: I call them vnlerned touchinge the knowledge of the scriptures / who takin­ge vppon them to teache and hauing not ther mindes well practi­zed [Page 105] with the word off god / no nor as the Apostle saithe ther senses well exercised / but allwais haue bene occupied in rea­dinge ethnick writers / they bring forth to the people off that store which they haue gathered to gether / and play rather the Orators and Philosophers then Prophets and interpreters off the holie scripture. Heb. 5.19.

Other some vse I know not what straunge kind off in­terpreting / and peruert the trew and naturall sence off the scriptures with allegories / and foolishe and old wiues tales / w­hich Paule admonisheth Timothie and Titus / are to be auoi­ded. 1. Timo. 1.4. Tit. 3.9. Therfore a great care and respect ought to be had herein that the partie which is to be chosē / be first heard speake by the chosers that they may knowe how he expoundeth the scriptu­res before they admit hī to the ministerie off the word and the office off a Bishopp. And thus much for the learinige off him that is to be chosen minister:

Now let vs go foreward to other thinges. For the Apo­stle thought it not enoughe that a minister should be able to teache / who for the merueilous care that he had off the church / took great heed that ther wer no daunger secretly hid in some parte that might hurt the churche / especially in that w­hich this building staid vppon as a piller. Therfore he ge­ueth warninge to take heed / that a Bishopp and minister be no new vpstart in religion / newly drawen out off Idolatry and superstition: which when it cometh to passe must needes be ioyned with great damage and losse off the churche. For when a minister or teacher off the word off god doth fall / w­ho as I haue saide is as it were a piller off the church / or some off the most chifest beames wheron the building doth stay / It must needes be that they which stay vpon him being shaken with the same wind shold fall to togither with it.

Therfore our master Builder wisely and conningly for­biddeth to vse thes yonnglinges and startvppes to the buil­dlnge off the house off god / as grene wood which haue not yet swett out ther moysture / nor are seasoned by the weather / so that it is to be feared lest that they might be occasion by ther shrincking / off the ruin and falling off the buildinge. 1. Timoth. 3.6. Therfore [Page 106] they prouide yll both for the churche / and also for the parties them selues to whom being suche they geue this office / that receyue into the ministerie such as scarcely are crept out off superstition and Idolatry and make them captaines and guydes in the campe off the lord off hostes / that are scarce­ly to be receiued for sould yers: and prefere to the highest dignities off the Christian common wealthe / thos with are scarcely made free from the intollerable seruitude and bon­dage off Popery. Wherupon it commeth often tymes wh­ich Dionysius Halicarnaffeus witnesseth to haue happened to the Romain common wealthe) that we see vncleane cap­pes in the highest places: And many (as Socrates in Plato complainethe off Athens) take in hand the gouernment off the church / who haue yet ther seruantes heare growinge still in ther mindes: that is to say whos seruile and slauishe con­dicions do still remaine.

And suerly we aboue others haue more cause to com­plaine off so shamefull an abuse / who perceiue at the last / to our great cost / how great a matter it is to haue neglected this holie wisdome off the Apostle: For iff any thing ells / surely this hathe bene a great hinderance to the establishing off di­scipline in our church / That thes new vpstartes in religiō be­ing peeferred to the ministerie and to the highest places / wer lothe to be brought from that kind off life wherunto they had bene off longe tyme accustomed: Being acquainted with a profitable and gainfull priesthoode / they abhorred the me­ane estate off the ministerie: being delighted with the pom­pous shew off the ambitious Hierarchie and prelacy off the Romishe church / they cold not away with the seueritie and rigor off the reformed Religion. And hauinge vsed many yeeres / so many ceremonies and trifles ād all that stagelike shewe off the Papacy / which seemed to thē to cary a goodly glosse off maiesty and honor they despised the simplicitie off the gospell.

How much better therforr were it and fitter for the edi­fication off the church / iff thes beames had bene suffered to haue swett out ther iewse and moysture and had not beene [Page 107] occupied so greene in the buildinge off the house off god / w­herby they threaten some feare off fall and ruyne? we leaue not so easylie our acquaynted kind off life: especially iff it be ioyned with idolatry and superstition which is borne togither with vs and which we suf with our nurses milke. The remēbraunce and longing for off our old kind off life commeth often to our myndes / so that it is needfull to vse great labor and diligen­ce to the chaunginge off the wholl state off off our life. Deut. 1 [...].12.1 [...]. Ther­fore the Lord commanded in the law that iff any man had saued the life off a woman off any off the idolatrous na­cions being taken prisoner in the warre and had a mind to marry her / being conuerted to the faithe / that he should graunt hir first a certen tyme to bewaile hir country / hir pa­rentes and hir frindes and see that she should shaue hir hedd and pare hir nayles / and put off the garment that she was taken and finallie that he should first suffer her in a manner to be buried touching her former life / and to be raised vp agai­ne into a new life and profession / and as it were to be new borne againe off other parentes and in a new country / before he ioyned him selffe with her or toke hir to be his wife / how muche more ought they that are to be made maisters and teachers off a new religion (especially hauing bene priestes and teachers of idolatrie before) to haue beene suffered first to haue bewailed ther olde liuinges ease profit and cōmodities? For how often thinck wee do they remembre the cōmodities off ther former life? And how often ther old ease / pompe / and estimacion with no lesse longing for / then iff it were for ther country and for ther parētes? And as for ther heare it is rather to be let grow then to be shauen / for this they were accustomed to.

But the garment they were taken in should haue been chaunged and ther raueninge nailes pared wherby they we­re wont to / take and scrape on euery side vnto them selues: fi­naly we should haue let thē first in a māner to haue died / that after as it wer by a newe birth they might haue beē borne againe off newe parētes and in an other contry. For if he hathe bene at any time not only an idolater / but also master ād a teacher [Page 108] off it / muche more hede is to be taken in this case / and so much the more carefully and painfullie must he be clensed and pur­ged / how muche more fowly he def [...]led him selffe with all kind off filthe and vnclennes: for so the law off god doth comaund washing and clensinge to be vsed accordinge to the kinde off the pollution and vncleanes. For he is more easelie purified and clensed that had only touched the vessell or garment off an vncleane person then he that was infected with leprosy / for the leprous man euē after the disease was healed / yet was he not suffred to enter in [...]o his tent / for seuen daies. Nombe. 12.14. Le [...]i. 14, 8. And after when it appered manifestly that he was recouered yet was he shauen / washed / and purified.

But what more fowle and shamefull leprosy can ther be then that popis he priesthood? So that in this case / we ought to vse no lesse labor in clensinge and purging then in the other yea so muche more / by how much the leprosy off the mind is greater then the leprosy off the bodie. Therfore this leprous priest allthoughe he were cured and healed / yet is he to be se­perated from other men / and to be shutt vp for a tyme / both for the shame off so filthy a disease / and for feare it breake not out againe to the daunger off others. Af [...]er / iff it appere in de­ede that he is recouered he must put off his clothes and be washed / shauen and purged by sacrifice.

Off which so diligent purginge and clensinge / the papi­stes thē selues put vs in mind wheras they (to honor ther priesthoode when they disgrade any off ther priestes) make him put off his cope or vestiment / his surples / or albe / his square cupp and his other garmentes / that were polluted with le­prousy / they pare his nailys and rase his crowne lest peraduenture ther should some infection yet secretly lie hid in thos pla­ces wher his disease first appered: This ther diligence and la­bor / we ought to haue followed in the conuicted Popishe priesthoode / and haue taken all the garmentes from yt / and not only washed them seing the leprousy had spread it selffe euen vpon them / but as the law prescribethe to haue burnt them. Le [...]. [...]5.52

The nayles theroff should haue beene pared and (which thing [Page 109] only we did as we ought) the crowne rased least that any moisture or fatnes off that oile might remaine. Then we should not haue had at this day so great cōtencion for ther filthy gar­mentes. But it hathe come to passe by the ignoraunce off the priestes (when they wer nor able to Iudge according to the lawe / what wer cleane and what were vncleane / and thought that the leprosy had not spred it selffe vppon the garmentes) that they haue not condemned them to be burned / but to be washed only: the filthe wheroff no art or conninge off the ful­ler is able to washe away. But this in the way off digressi­on / yet I trust not vnprofitablie.

Now let vs retourne to our purpose: and conclude that for suche causes as haue bene alledged / we ought to obey the Apostles decree touching thes Novices and grene kinghtes: and not admit them to ministerie off the word. And thes are thos thinges which are required off a fit Bishopp / and which especially the posers and examiners ought to haue respect vn­to.

For wheras the old Canōs require that he be off a certen age / surely the choosers ought wisely to consider off it: for it is not allmost possible / but by the singuler and especiall grace off off god / that youthe should be so well ordered and gouerned / that the want off yeeres appere not in some youthfull trick or [...]oy that may dishonest the sacred office: notwithstandinge seing the Apostle geueth no precept nor commandement tou­chinge age / yea rather forbiddethe any man to condemne and despise Tymothi and Titus for ther youthe / godly and lerned yonge men are not to be kept back from this office. For somty­mes thes first fruites are consecrated to god and then comon­ly they are more holie then the rest off the lompe. And as the Poeth saithe.

Some tymes on yong mens heades, doth grow the hoary heare:
Before by nature yt be tyme, for them such crowne to weare.

That is to sey / They haue hoarie heares off godlines and ho­lines / yea and somtimes also hoary knewledge as it appereth in certen notable examples off Daniel. Thimothy and Titus [Page 110] and some other which are worthie examples for yonge men to follow / often times also they are more inflamed and set on fire with that heauenly fire off the zeale off god then other. And I know not howe / but thes first fruties off the spirit are oftentimes more holie / and thes first begotten guiftes off the holie ghost are more stronge and mightie. And thus muche off the particuler election off bishoppes and ministers.

Now let vs beginne a newe and speake of ther ordinatiō / I said before that all the offices of the churche are to be ordeined and apointed to certen places and persons / wher and amōges whom ther may exercise ther office. 1. Timot. 5.17.18. But the orderinge off bi­shopes hathe this thīg particuler in our times (for wheras in times past this was cōmon to them with the rest off the anciē ­tes / that was for a singuler respect ād especiall occasiō off that time) that off ther apointinge and ordinacion to a certen place and flock which they ought diligently to defend and loke vnto / certen profit and cōmodities do depend / wherof they may liue and wherby they may be susteined and norished: wheroff I shall need to speake more at large that all men may vnderstād that they are bound by the cōmandement off god to performe this dewty to ther bishoppes and ministers and that I may represse the couetones of some mē which haue neuer enoughe.

And first off all we must remēbre here that which was proued before / that bishops that is so say ministers ought to geue thē selues continuallie to praier and to the administracion off the word: Act. 6.4. and not suffer them selues to be called from doing that ther dewty by any office be it neuer so honorable / either in the church or in the cōmon wealthe. For thes idle bellies that wildo none of ther dewty / ought also to haue no dewty done to thē againe / but they are rather to be delt with as Paule cōmandeth the Thessalonians to deale with thos that liue disorderly that is say / that / They that labor not shold not eate. 2. Thes [...]. 1. [...] But and if they be suche as do ther dewtie / and refuse to deale with the affaires off the cōmon welche (the handlung wher off might be honorable vnto thē) for the churches cause / how great wrong wer it to suffer suche men to be pore an needie / and compelled [...]o seeke ther liuinge by some hādie crafft or occupatiō wherby [Page 111] they should be no lesse hindred frō doing ther duties / then by the honorable charges of the cōmon welthe. And seīge they ar day ād night carefull for the churche / and setting all other thinges a side wholie thinck how they may defend it / and promote the saluaciō theroff / what can be more iust or equall / then that they againe should not be neglected off those for whose cause they take so great paynes. 1. Cor. 9. [...] For who did euer (as S. Paule no­tably handlethe this matter to the Corinthiās) goe to warfare of his owne charges? who plātethe a vineiard and eatethe not of the fruit therof? or who feedeth a flocke and eatethe non off the milck off it? But the churche hathe many mortall enemyes and continuall warre with them without any peace or truce / and the bishops be they that take vpon them and susteine thes enmyties for the churches cause / and striue to ther very great daunger for the saluacion theroff with most mighty princes and potentares / as S. Paule callethe them and the monarche and prince off this world. Eph. 6.1 [...] For how often thinck we euen for this cause are they assaulted / because ther defend the churche? how many daūgers do they put them selues into and with w­hat fiercnes thinck we dothe the enemies pursue thē / knowing that many ar preserued by there life? Therfore they that wold suffer this ther souldier or captaine to die for hunger / were they not worthie to fall into the handes off ther enemies? And what vineiard is ther so painfully trimmed and dressed off the husband man / as the churches are dressed of there husbād mē? how carefull are they in plantinge? what paines take they in pruninge and culting oft / ād other suche like toile and labor? if thē being so well dressed it should not norishe the husbād mā that dressed it / might they not worthelie cōplaine off it / as the lord by the prophet Esay after an other sorte complainethe off his vine? Esai. [...]. Seinge also ther is nothinge more reasonable then that the shepherd should feede off the milke of his flock should not those shepeherdes be fedde which the milke / and clothed with the flece ād wolle of there flockes who susteine for the flockes cause the assaultes of most greeuous wolues / and watch forthē day and night / Act. 10. [...] suffring the parching heate and chillinge cold for ther cause / who feede thē ouersee thē and seeke thē and [Page 112] often tymes put ther life in extreame danger to defend them.

Nether are these thinges spoken and grounded only vpon humaine and naturall reason or handled according to mans Iudgment only / but this is Goddes ordinaunce and appoin­tment: 1. Cor. 9.9 Deut. 25.4 and groundeth vpon that lawe which forbiddeth to mussel the oxe that treadethe out the corne. For god in making that lawe had not so great respect to oxen and beastes as he had to men: For he teacheth vs therby that the ploughe man may confort him selffe in his troblesome labor with the hope off fruit: And that the haruest man ought to be partaker off his hope: And finallie that euery man ought to liue off his la­bor. 1. Corr. 9.13. Yea futher the Apostle plainly addethe that as they that ministred the holie thinges vnder the lawe did liue also off the holie thinges / and they that serued the Aulter / wer partakers of the offeringe off the aulter So the lord did also appoint it that they which preache the Gospell should also liue off the Go­spell.

1. Timoth. 5.13.And in the fift chap. off his first Epistle to Tymothy he alledgethe both thes Testimonies: that off the lawe / and this off the Gospell in the same place to proue / that the Elders that do rule well are to prouided for: for saithe he / it is in the Scri­pture / Thow shalt not mussel the oxe that treadethe out the corne: and againe / The worckman is worthie off his wages. For so the Euangelistes do reherse / that The Lord when he sent out his Apostles to preache the Gospell and cōmanded them not to be carefull for ther meate or apparell / tolde thē that the workmā is euery were worthy off his hire: Mat. 10.10. Luk. 10.7. and Therfore into what cyty so euery they should enter / iff ther were any man worthie / he cōmandethe them to goe to his house and to tarie there / vntill they departe / vpon which ordinaunce off god in the old lawe / and off Christ in the new Testament the Apostle growndinge / ordeined in the churche off the Galathians that he that was instructed in the word off God / should com­municate all his goods with hym by whom he had beene in­structed. Galat. 5.6. Galat. 5.7.8. And further addethe (as one that did forsee the ma­nifolde pretences wherby couetous men notwithstandinge [Page 113] this lawe would goe aboute to defraude them and mock the Lord) that the lord cannot be mocked: declaring that it shall come to passe that iff they doe not sowe to the Spirit / but so­we all ther seed to the fleshe / they should not looke at all to re­ape euerlasting life off the spirit / but corruption and destru­ction off the feeld off the fleshe wherin they had so plentifully sowed and scattered. wheroff I thinck it is manifest that the Bishopp ought to be liberally prouided for by the churches / lest they be compelled most iniuriously by reason off ther nee­de and pouerty to distract ther studies / and to be hindered in the doinge off their dewty by exercising off other occupaci­ons: which cannot be otherwise / (iff they neede) seinge they / as well as other men / are commanded by the Apostle / to nori­she and to loke to ther familie / and as well as other to be estee­med infidells by the Apostles precept / iff they prouide not for ther owne / especially for ther owne houshold. 1. Timoth. 5.8.

And allthoughe it be not easie to set a certen rate how they should be prouided for / by reason off the great diuersitie off times and persons / yet generally it may be saide that we ought not to deale with them sparingly couetously / and pin­chingly / but contrariwise friendly / gently and liberally. For iff we haue receiued the gospell off Christ with that mind we ou­ght / we will also make muche off the ministers off the same / which mind and affection Paule him selffe testifiethe that the Galathians had towardes him / who saithe that he was re­ceiued off them as an Aungell off God / yea as Iesus Christ him selffe: So that they wer ready to haue bestowed ther goo­des / yea (iff it had bene possible) to haue plucked out ther owne eies to haue dōne him Good. Therfore it is plaine enoughe off that which hathe bene saide that Bishoppes that is to say the mynisters / ought to haue an honest reasonable and comodi­ous liuinge to mainteine them / that they may more freely ap­plie them selues to ther vocation and callinge.

But this heauenly / holie / and most righteous lawe / as it is transgressed by the pompe and superfluecry off a fewe / So muche more by the want and neede off a great nombre which [Page 114] surely is so great / that I am ashamed to speake off it: yet It must needes be spoken / and the disease disclosed and freely declared what and how great it is / that we may think and be carefull to prouide some speedy remedye allthoughe I am afraide that the disease allready be so great / that in vayne may we seeke for remedy and geue Medycine to that which is past remedy / which Hyppocrates forbiddethe. For what remedy may be founde in so trobled and confused a state / wher yt wantethe not muche that the ministers go a begginge / as in times past the Popishe Priestes wer wont to do? And they that are charged in many places with the cure off the churche are allmost in worse condicion then any hired ser­uanntes then shepherdes / or laboringe men? who besides ther meate and drinck / haue some thing geuen them to cary home towardes the norishment off ther howse and famylie / wheras the Teachers off many churches / haue scarcely to fin­de them meate and drinck.

The cause off which shamefull beggery / is a certen pro­phane vngodlines / ioyned with an vnsatiable couetousnes / wherby many neglectinge Religion / the seruice off god and the saluation off men / looke to ther owne proffit only and ra­ke to them selues all that they can with out respect off right or wronge. So that they had rather all Religion were ba­nished / that all opynion off worshipping and fearing god were abolished / that all faithe in Christ and hope and loo­king for euerlastinge life were forgotten amonges men / then to mainteine it with any penny off thers. Yea further they will not only geue nothinge to the mayntenance off the Ministerie / (which beinge in good estate / the other fo­named vertues doe florishe / and likewise fall awaie by the ruine theroff) But most vniustly scrape vnto them selues that which was liberally geuen by others / and spoile the churche / robbing hir off hir goods. For how many churches be there which somtimes wereable to haue mainteined sufficiētly and honestly a godly and lerned man to teache them the gospell / which nowe are scarce able to finde a reader and seruice saier / [Page 115] by reason that thos goodes are taken away by impropriation as they call it / (that is to saie by an improper and no right tit­le) and distributed into many partes: wherin we shewe our selues more barbarous / couetous / and vngodly / then all naci­ons haue done from tyme to tyme / which haue allwais bene carefull and are to this day / for mainteininge amonges them the manner that god ought to be serued by / and with all to kee­pe and mainteine ther priestes.

So we reade in Genesis that Pharo prouided for the Priestes off Egypt. Genes. 47. [...]2. 1. King. 18.19. And in the story off the kinges / that Ie­sabell prouided for the Priestes off the groues and that with suche loue care and affection / that foure hundred off them were norished at hir table. And Pharo when the rest off the Egyptians for famyn were compelled / to sell ther flo­ckes and droues and euen ther landes and possessions for cor­ne / vntill that ar the last all the country by this means was come into the kinges handes / he suffered not the priestes to sell theirs neither would he encrease his treasure by ther los­se and hinderaunce / But contrarywise ordeined that they should be prouided for / geuinge them euen that which was his owne. So likewise all other nacions and kingdomes pro­uide for ther priestes and Religious men and think that god would be greuously offended with them iff they should ne­glect them.

And we see how beneficiall and liberall Papistes were to the mainteininge off Idolatrie and superstition / for yt ys allmost incredible what cost they made vpon there Idolatry and that shewe and shadowe off Religion / which they had / And how costly and swete odors they bestowed as it were v­pon the deade corps off Christ? But we forsake him aliue and raised vp againe. So that it is to be feared / that he will one day vpbraide vs with his pouerty / and need / and complaine that we left him naked / hungry thirsty and forsaken without helpe or succor. But he is not only forsaken / beinge naked / But euen robbed off that apparell which he hathe: So that yt apperethe that some men thought to crucifie hym [Page 116] againe when they thus parted his garmentes amonges them and cast lottes for his coate. But allthoughe ther be many waies off spoilinge / yet me thinck none more greuous then impropriation / (the only name wheroff / declarethe how litle right ther is in it) which is the translatinge and the alienatin­ge off the goodes off some churche / to an other that hathe no right vnto them.

But seinge this wholl matter off the most vnworthy spoilinge and robbinge our church is fully handled by that worthy and lerned man Master Bucer in that booke off his which I named in the beginninge / and seing that in the same booke / he handlethe not only impropriacions / but also first fruites which is a certen kind theroff / presentacions / collaci­ons / resignations / and diuers other kind off robberies / I had rather thes thinges were sought for in the lerned wrightin­ges off that worthy man / that the matter might carie more credit and authoritie with it. As for me I lament with him this miserable state of our church / which allmost in euery place is destitute off fit Pastors and ministers / seing no man is willing to take that condicion wherby after he hathe taken neuer so great paines / he shal be scarce able to mainteine his life. Neither is it destitute only at this present tyme but it is to be fea­red / that it is alwais like to be so here after / and that the studie off god his word shalbe neglected. For no man will willing­ly follow that trade off life / wherin he hathe only no hope to liue honestly and with some commoditie / but wherin (besides the infinit trauell / and greefes that follow that profession) he shalbe afflicted also with neede and pouertie.

And iff we had not rather be wise by our owne domage and losse then by other mens / ther ruyns off the churches ro­und about vs might sufficiently teache vs / how daungerous this spoilinge off the churches goode is / and this neglect off mainteninge the holy ministery. Therfore iff we prouide not otherwise / let vs assure our selues that euen this fault doth threatē the vndoubted ruine off the churche / and that so wor­thy gestes as the preachers off the gospell cannot long tary in [Page 117] an In̄e / wher they be so ill receiued and interteined. And iff we compell them to leaue vs / surely they will take away wi h them that peace and blessinge which they brought / and which we may truly professe came into England with them. Therfo­re let vs not so lightly esteeme the great care that the Lord hath ouer vs / in feeding / ouerseinge / and rulinge vs by his seruantes / lest at the last he breake his shepherdes hooke in his anger ād cast awaie all care ouer vs / and go his way: and leste that being prouoked with this thirty pence (a notable hire that we pay him) he leaue vs and depart in his anger (as some ti­mes he threatned the Iewes) not caringe any more whither the broken be bound vp / or the lost be sought againe. Zach. 11.12 13.14.16.

Therfore let vs at the last amend this shamefull neglect off the ministers off the word off god: and seinge as the Apo­stle saithe / they sowe spirituall thinges to vs and suche as belonge to euerlasting life / let vs not thinck muche iff they rea­pe carnall thinges off vs againe / and some commodities off this present life, 1. Cor. 9.11 yea rather seinge this is a most gainfull hus­bandry for the churche / off this so vile seede to reape thos most precious fruites off the Spirite / Loue, Peace, Ioye, Galat. 5.22 Long Suffering, Goodnes, Faith, Meeknes Temperance, and at the last that golden haruest off life euerlasting / let vs sowe plentifully and with good corage that we may reape a more plentifull haruest. Galat. 6.9 Neither let vs now be more weried with sowinge / whiles it is sowinge time / then we will be weary hereafter when haruest shall come / in reapinge and gatherin­ge most precious fruit into our barnes. Therfore let vs em­brace the ministers off the gospell with all loue / kindnes and dutie / and that so muche the more liberally and plentifully / for that what so euer is bestowed vpon them euen to a dishe off cold water / shall not only be muche more richely requited and recōpensed againe but accompted euen as it had bene be­stowed off Christ him selffe. Math. 10.41.42. But we ought not only to lay our clothe and spreade our Table for Christ whom we haue bid­den vnto vs (as Symon the Pharisie did in S Luke) (iff we wold haue him know that he is well come to vs and that we Luk. 7. [Page 118] loue him with great affection) but also embrace him and kis­se him and washe his feete with water / and anoint his hea­de with oyle / and finallie to receiue with all seruice and dutie so worthie a guest / as both becometh his honor / and also is meet for the great loue we beare vnto him. And this is the dewty off all men. But kinges that are wont to receiue no man off any countenaunce or estimation but honorablie and with great magnificence / and ther Equalles with more princely port and stately manner / how ought they to take heed that they be not to pinching and to sparinge when they receiue Christ the Lord (the kinge off heauen and earthe / off whom they as Vasselles hold ther kingdomes / and lordshippes as off see) nor commit any thing that may offend so noble and wor­thie a guest and rather be carefull that all thinges heere be ma­gnificall / gorgeous and princely.

But I would not that any man should thinck I say thus as iff I thought vnder pretence off Christ nothing cold be to muche that were bestowed vpon Bishopes and ministers / or that I would haue them made dronke with the delightes and pleasures off this world / who ought to be an example to other men off continency / frugalitie / and all moderacion off life / but only that I would haue them receiued as the embassadores off Christ / for the honor off ther master / honestly ād liberally / that we put not thē downe to the meany / to eate with the shepher­des and hired seruantes / nor forget those that labor in the Lor­des worck / as Moses gaue the Iewes warnīge / towchinge the Leuites / seing we sit all of vs by the blessinge of the Lord quietly and in peace euerie man vnder his Oliue tree and vnder his vine / ād gather in our hauest and our vintage: seinge I say we enioy thes cōmodities we ought not to deale couetously / spa­ringly / and niggardly with them / but louingly liberally and bountifully that they may liue honestly and cōmodiously off ther labors / that they may norishe and mainteine ther house and familie / that they may prouide them selues suche necessary helps as they stand in need off for ther vocation and callinge / yea and furder that they may be able to releiue and succor the pore and [...]eedy / for this is the right waie to preserue the ministerie / that [Page 119] bothe it become not vile and contēptible thorowghe poue [...]y and misery / neither that it wax wanton an prophane by great excesse and abundance. For as it is a shame for the churches to see ther minister in miserie / thoroughe neede ād necessitie / so it is to be feared leste they wax wantō by to great plēty ād riches.

For surely it was a right heauenly voyce and spoken as an Oracle off the maner off gouerninge the church which the story of the primitiue church reherseth was hard from heauen in the time off Constantine the great that godly Emperor that is to say / that the churche was poisoned with riches. For so it came to passe that they fell frō labor to idlenes / from tēperan­cie to excesse and wantonnes / from the meane estate off bishopes and ministers to affect and desire to imitate ād follow the magnificence and maiesty off lordes and princes / hereof come the ther siluer ād gilted Crosiers wherby they imitated the sce­ptres off kinges: heroff they got them myters: as kinges haue ther crownes: hereoff also because the noble men kept great traines of seruāts that they might be the beter able to serue the comon wealthe in tyme off need / they wold also haue ther traines and began to be delighted and to take pleasure in an vnprofitable nomber off seruantes and waitinge men: to adorne and set out ther cuphordes with siluer vessell and plate off gold / to array thēselues in costly apparell / (for now a dais a man may see them that weare soft apparell not only in kīges courtes / as our Sauior Christe saide but euē in the church) to be called ho­norable lords / to sit at the right hand off kinges and princes / to send them giftes and presentes: Mat. 11. [...]. to bid thē to ther bancketes and bothe seeke and mainteine ther honor and estimation / by a certen courtly pompe and shewe. This condicion I not only wishe not to our Bishoppes / but iudge it and esteeme it alltogether intollerable and by no meanes to be suffered as a me­anes to hindre there labor and diligence in ther office / as a meanes to make them wanton / lascyuious / and proud / and agreathe not with that meane estate that ought to appere in Bi­shopps / but is most contrary bothe to the ordinance and also to the examples off Christ our Sauior and off his Apostles.

Neither in my Iudgmen [...] may any church be esteemed [Page 120] well enoughe reformed / that euen in this behalffe doth not obey to the expresse commandement off god and take away all this vaine pompe and shewe / and make the Bishoppes be content with the meane estate off ther place and callinge: making them able to bidde the pore to ther table / and the ba­nished for Christs sake / but not to bidd kinges and princes: calling them the seruantes and Ministers off Christ / and not honorable lordes: beinge carefull that they may be suche as may shine in godlines learninge / modesty temperaunce / con­tinencie and all example of good life: not with gold and siluer / with traines and trompes off mē / and lordly port and courtly state off honor. Thes are the right ornamentes off Bishop­pee wherby they may procure to thē selues / an honest report / with credite ād authority in the church off god to there mini­sterie / wherbie also they mvy preserue and mayntene the same Therfore let vs not take to muche pleasure in the outward beautie and faire shewe off this pompe and glory / but let vs see iff ther be any vse and proffit off it / desyre rather that which is proffitable for others / then that which seruethe only for a­vaine shewe. For as the Poet saithe /

Seeke not the thing that faire is to eye:
But rather that, the cyty may liue by.

But the church liueth not by this pompe and shewe / nor hathe no neede off it: but off godlines / lerninge / symplicitie and mo­desty / by which thinges Christ would haue his kingdome en­larged.

And I pray yow how do this moue the mindes off men / to goe to the church with a great traine off men before him and after him: as the Bishoppe that Eusebius speaketh off in the seuenth boke off his ecclesiasticall historie / to goe to the pulpit with officers afore him makinge Roume for my lorde / to preache in a Rochet and a faire square cappe / leaninge opon a quishion off clothe off gold? Thes thinges may delight the eyes for a tyme and the outward senses take pleasure in this vaine shewe / but I see not how the mīd is more easilie taught / beaten downe / or raised vp againe by this meanes. For it [Page 121] must be a certen heauenly power ioyned with a pure / lerned and simple interpretation off the scriptures which must work thes thinges / which are Iewells more meet to shyne in a pul­pit / than siluer or gold.

Plinie shewinge the cause off the fruitfulnes off the Ro­man feeldes in times past / more elegantly in deed then truly / Then (saithe he) when the fieldes wer tilled by Emperors / it is like that the earthe reioysed to be plowed with a share bea­ring a lawrell garlond vpon it / and to be tilled off such a plow man who had before triumphed. More pretilie I say then truly / for that it is better for tillīge off the earthe / that the ploughe share be sharpe / then that it be crowned with a laurel garlond and that the ploughe man be diligent rather then suche a one as had entred the citie in greate pompe and triumphe. Which also the same Author correctinge him selffe addeth af­ter in the same place / sayinge / Or ells this might haue beene the cause off the fruitfulnes off the feeldes thē / That thos worthie Captaines and Emperors handled ther seedes as carefully as ther battelles / and were as diligent ouer ther fieldes / as ouer ther tentes. Or ells this / That all thinges speede more happilie which are done by them who are honest and vertu­ous / because they be also done more painfully and with grea­ter trauell / which surely me thincketh is the very cause off the fruitfulnes off the lordes field. And that then it yeldeth the best fruite / and as it were a golden haruest / when it is diligently / carefully and painfully labored and tilled / when ther is a greate and a carefull heede taken off the seedes / when the churches are looked vnto with as great diligence as the campe and armie is watched in the feeldes: And finally whē they are labored by honest men. For neither doeth the grownde respect the lawrell garlonde vpō the ploughe share nor whither the plowe man weareth riche and costly embroidred garmentes / but would haue him painfull / laborsome / diligent and full off trauell: neither dothe the church looke for this outward pom­pe and shewe in her bishopp / but for faithe / diligence / labor / good and precious seedes / honest / busy / and painfull handes / [Page 122] and had a great deale rather haue hir husband man godl / y lerned and diligent / then mitred and Rocheted. Whervpon it co­meth to passe that when the feelde off Rome was plowed and tilled by Seranus / and Cincinnatus and suche like worthie men / and the church by Paul and Peter / and suche like / The encrease was very plentyfull: but now as farre as we are gone from there example and paines takinge / so much are our chur­ches behinde and inferior to the feeldes off Ephesus and An­tioche.

Therfore it is the deuty off all godlie bishoppes who de­sire to serue the churche / and to be well esteemed in it rather for ther godlines and learninge / then for this pompe and she­we / seing they haue allready declared that the gospell is dea­rer vnto them then all the commodities off this life / that iff they will discharge ther dewty / they wold better fynishe and make perfect that which they haue allreadie well begonn / and euen willinglie for the rest off the gospell / which yet we want touching discipline / once againe leaue and forsake that pom­pous state and dignitie and be more carefull for the glory off god / the saluacion off the churche / and keepinge a god consci­ence vnto them selues / then for keepinge or mainteininge this false shewe off honor and glory and the vaine names off titles and dignities / and retourne againe to the worcke off the ministerie and not (as in a sence somewhat diuerse frō this the Apo­stle warnethe the Galathians) finishe in the fleshe which they haue begonne in the spirit. Galat. 3.3.

I knowe in deede how hard it is to perswade them w­hich haue once tasted off this sweet inchaunting cuppe but seing bothe the commandement iff god / ther owne callinge and vocacion / and the proffit and commoditie off the churche doth require yt / It becommeth them for the godlines they are off / and for the life they haue spent in the professinge off the Gospell to leaue all for CHRIST and the Gospelles cause / and to follow him wither he calleth and leadeth them: and as they in a maner first taught and preached vnto vs the doctrine off the Gospell / So they would be the first [Page 123] Authors to bring in the Discipline off the Gospell / and vse ther estimacion / credite / and authoritie not to the ouerthro­wing off the trewth off God but to the establishing and pre­seruing off the same. But yff there be any (for I cannot but hope well off many especially off thos who haue seene other reformed churches) but I saie iff ther be any who either for couetousnes / for ambicion / or because they thinck this lordly state tollerable in Bishoppes / will by no meanes be perswaded to rest and quiet them selues in that meane esta­te which becommethe the men off God / they are to be com­pelled euen against ther willes and to be forced to retour­ne againe to the first and right institution off Bishop­pes.

And surely iff we serche the fountaine and originall off thes great riches / we shall find that they neither in the beginning Gott this wealth by any right / nor yet keepe yt to this day: not only because they do no duty off a Bishopp or Mynister / But also because they wrongfully vsurpe that / which belongeth vnto other. For a great part off ther Goodes is that which in the beginninge was geuen for the reliefe off the poore: which was committed as an almes vnto the Bishopp: which as yt apperethe by the old can­nons he should distribute by his advise / and the consent off the company off the Elders. But after when they had a­bolished the power and authoritie off the Elders / and ruled all thinges alone accordinge to ther owne conscience / They made them selues those pore men / and tooke almes to ther owne vse / and so grew riche and welthie / by the want and neces­sitie off others.

An other part which they haue / belongeth to the my­nisters off other churches / which was vnited to the Bishop­prickes by Impropriations: besides proxies and other tol­les and fees which they take off the ministers: Therfore w­hat right haue they to vsurpe that as there owne / which was geuen in tymes past for the maynteyninge off [Page 124] ministers in other churches? Therfore when they haue resto­red to the pore and to other ministers that which is ther ow­ne / iff yet they haue more then is meete for a Bishop / let them bestow it off other ther pore fellowe ministers: who in many other places want necessaries by reason off the pouerty off the churches which they serue: that at the last / being content which an honest and reasonable liuinge / they may retourne againe to th [...]r originall and first beginninge.

Thes wordes off diminishinge the pompe and welthe off Bishoppes / as it displeasethe some who thinck that some credite and authoritie is gotten to the gospell therby / So it pleaseth verie well thos that think this will be profitable for them and do allreadie gape for this praie and hope for this grea inheritaunce. For thei thinking that we seeke only that the bishoppes might be put downe / waite for the like praie by ther puttinge downe as they had sometimes at the ouerthowe off [...]he abbais. For as for Religion they care nor what beco­me off it / so they may waxe welthie by sacriledge and robbery / And would not stick iff it were possible to crucifie Christ agai­ne / that they might cast lottes for his coate and deuide his garmētes amonges thē / For this our age hathe many suche soul­diours / many suche as Denis the king or rather the tyranne off Syra cusa was / who think that a golden growne is not fit for God / neither in sommer neither in winter / and yet that it will serue them well at all tymes and seasons. But iff they marck diligently what I saie / they shall well perceiue that I fauor not in any respect / there couetousnes and greedie desyre. For I speake not heere off spoilinge the Bishoppes / or robbing the goodes off the church and geuinge them away to most vn­worthie men / but rather that the neede off a great nombre / may be relieued by the aboundance and excesse off a fewe: that hospitalles may be mainteined and prouided for: and (which is the chiefe) that the ministery may be established ād mainteined thorowe ought the realme: so that by thes wordes / they haue no occasion to hope or looke for any thing / but rather to feare they loose not that which they haue / iff at any tyme they haue [Page 125] gotten wrongfully into ther handes the patrimony off the churche. For they must either restore it againe / that the chur­che may be prouided for off worthy teachers / or ells make them selues giltie off the losse and destruction off so many sou­les / as by there meanes are destitute off a minister / and shall perishe in ther ignorance. But seing this place hath bene han­dled now fullie enoughe (as I suppose) let vs conclude that which I purposed in the begin̄inge: namely that the churches ought the prouide for the ministers / and that in suche mea­sure that they be not hindred from doinge there dewties ei­ther by neede and pouerty / or by welthe and aboundance.

That they be not despised thorowghe neede and necessitie / nor waxe wanton by excessiue riches.

As for that point by what meanes this ought especially to be done / we must vnderstand that (which was cōmanded in the lawe / touchinge the geuinge the tēthes to the priestes and Leuites / bindeth not vs precisely to the payinge of tēthes. For this was a politique lawe off the Iewes which bindeth vs only generallie / that we also prouide for them / which labor in the Lordes work. But as we are not necessarylie bounde to vse that way off prouision for them / So iff it be commodious for any country / either because the people are allreadie accu­stomed vnto it / or for some orher ciuill and politique respect / yt may be vsed so that we remember / that which hath bene shewed before / That the ministers must honestly and liberal­ly be prouided for / with oute ther takinge off any suche paines as may hindre the doinge off ther dewtie. And seing the Lord would not suffer the Leuites and Priestes to the with dra­winge off them from doinge ther dewtie / to goe about the feeldes and see that euery man pay ther tithes / and to see it brought home / how muche lesse ought the worck off the mini­sterie to be hindered by doing this busynes? But also besides this discommoditie / It is a base and a vile thing for them to vewe euery mans feelde lest they be deceyued / and to knowe the nombre and encrease off euery mans flocke or cattell and off other thinges wheroff by the custome off our realme the [Page 126] tenthes are paide: especially seinge he shalbe forced somety­mes to striue with peuishe and couetous men for his right which in suche a man / (especially in suche a case) were a shamefull and vnworthie thinge.

Therfore iff we thinck good to keepe still the tenthes and to pay the Ministers off them / the magistrate must prouide for this by his authoritie / that they may be free from all thes troubles / that they may wholie bestowe them selues / in rea­dinge / meditating / and expoundinge off the Scriptures / and at one word in doing off there dewtie. And to see that so doing they may be honestly and liberally prouided for / For thus we reade that the godlie and noble kinge Ezechias did: 2. Chro. who bro­ught to passe by his authoritie / first that the Priestes were prouided for as yt was commanded in the lawe / Then al­so he tooke suche order / That ther tithes growinge to a great quantitie and store) should be so laide vpp and reserued as might be most commodious for the priestes. 2. Chro. 31.9.11. And howe me­ete wer it for Christian princes and for the perpetuall prai­se off ther godlines in the churche / to followe the example off Ezechias in this behalffe: who not only brought to passe by his authoritie that as I said before the priestes and Leui­tes should be prouided for / as it was commanded by the la­we / but also had a especiall care / that That which was liberal­lie giuen might be deuided to those / to whom yt apperteined / Therfore he built barnes and granaries for the better com­moditie off the priestes / and finally appointed certen men by whose meanes the Leuites who were scattered throwgh owt the kingdome were prouided for.

Suche Auncetors and so worthy patterns and examples off godlines and all kind off vertue let Good Princes set be­fore them to followe: and not only not spoile the Ministery them selves or suffer it to be robbed off others / but liberallie accordinge to the commandement off our Sauior Christ / see it mainteined and prouided for thorowghe owt ther kingdo­me nor suffer that That which was once geuen to this ende be prodigallie spent and wasted in courtly Pompe / excesse / [Page 127] and wantones / nor bestowed vppon noble mens seruantes nor other innumerable sortes off vngodlie and intollerable abuses by sacriledge and the churche robbery / but that yt be faithfully ordered and bestowed vppon Religion / the seruice off god / and publishinge off the word off god thorowghe out the kingdome and the maintenance off the sacred ministerie. Thus they shall proue them selues to be suche kinges and Queenes as Esay prophesied off / who should norishe / cherishe and defeund the churche like foster Fathers and nurces. Esai. 49.23.

Thus therfore hauinge ended this pointe off the Liuin­ge off Bishoppes or Mynisters / Let vs go forward to the next which is touching ther garmentes and appparell / which apparell being off ij. sortes: that is to saye either belonging to deuine seruice / or which seruethe in the common and dai­lie vse off life / I finde nothing written or commanded in in the gospell off either off them / but only that which is gene­rallie commannded touchinge modestie / sobernes and honest conuersacion with all men / which as yt may be referred to the diet / and houshold stuffe and to all other partes off ther life / So also to ther garmentes and apparell. But a cer­ten kinde / forme and fashion off apparell either in dailie vse off liffe / or ells in deuine seruice is no where commannded in the Gospell. Neither yet vnder the lawe was any thing prescribed to the Leuites and Priestes for ther daylie we­aringe / in what apparell or garmentes they should daylie goe.

In deede in the diuine seruice which they did in the ta­bernacle off the Temple / such thinges are diligentlie and ex­actly prescribed and set forthe accordinge to the dispensacion off the old Testament. But in thes our tymes wherin by the grace off God we haue the trewth yt selffe and the bodie in Christ our Sauior / we haue no lenger neede off figures and shadowes. Thes thinges were but for a certen tyme / w­hich so long as God would haue kept / he left the forme and [Page 128] fashion off ther apparell plainly set forthe in his law: Exod. 18. [...]3. adioin­ing therunto the punishement off deathe iff any man should trangresse the lawe therin. But this difference off apparell / in diuine seruice doeth no more belōg vnto vs / thē the offring vp off sacrifice and the kepinge off other ceremonies off the lawe. Neither vnder the lawe perteined it to any but only to suche / as ministred in the tabernacle and temple: and not to the rest off the Leuites who were scattered throwgh out Iury / and preached the word off god in the Sinagoges. How much les­se ought the Interpreters off the gospell vse those veiles and shadowes in thes daies / wherin as the Apostle saithe / we be­hold which open and vncouered face the glory off god. 2. Cor. 3.10 And iff it had bene needefull to haue bene vsed / ther is no doubt but that Christ would haue warned his Apostles off yt / especially seing that these thinges were before so at large set out vnder the lawe. For it is not to be thought that Christ was lesse dili­gent in shewinge how god would be worshipped vnder the Gospell / then Moses in shewing the same vnder the lawe. Or that Moses being a seruant was more faithfull in the administracion off the Lordes house / then Christ the Sonne and heire in his owne fathers howse. Therfore to binde the Mynisters to any certen fashion or forme off apparell hath no grownde off any precept off the gospell / or commādement out off the word off god.

They are therfore the inuencions off men: and off what men / but euen off suche which haue soughte to paint and adorne with these colors the shame off ther wherishe idolatrie ād superstition. For as iff they had bene ashamed off the simpli­citie off the gospell / which they ought rather to haue had in re­uerence and in honor / They thought good to follow what so euer had any shewe or ostentacion in any Religion / and thou­ght it to be vsed to the setting forthe off the gospell. Thus they take out off the lawe allmost all ther massing apparell by a fo­lishe and ridiculous imitation: that hauing an alter and a priest they might not want apparell for the stage. As for the surplice it is notable which is written off hope Siricius who [Page 129] fetcheth the cause and originall off yt from Christ: and pro­uethe that we ought to vse a lin̄en garmēt at deuine seruice be cause Christ was buried in a winding sheete. A notable reason surely why we should vse the surplice in our churches / but peraduēture they are ignorant off ther owne antiquities / and the surplice is to be thought rather to haue bene borowed by them off certen Egyptian monckes / who vpon the skinnes which they vsed to weare for there apparell did weare lyn­nen garmentes: from whence also the name off Surplice see­meth to come.

Such like reasons are to be founde in there wrightinges: but to let passe these trifles / it is to be lamented that euen a­monges vs who professe the Gospell / there were some / that when the whole papacie was to be consecrated / and this Ro­me to haue been vowed to destruction / accordinge to the vo­we and curse off the citie off Hiericho / who being deceiued with the faire and glitteringe shewe off the Babylonishe garmentes / brought them as Acan did into the tentes off Isra­ell. For why do they commande a cope and surplice to be v­sed in diuine seruice? or a Tippet and a Square Cappe to be worne dailie but because they thīk it is of some authority with the people / and bringeth some estimacion to ther office and to ther persons / ād is thought to be of great force / to make a mā seeme to be graue ād off authoritie. For thes be the best reasōs which they are wont to bring: wherby they would signifie both that thes ij. sortes off apparell are not commanded for Religions sake / and that the abusing off them heretofore / cannot nor ought not to take away the right vse off them / which belongeth to comlynes and order / to which ende con­trary to the Apostles mind they wrest that place off S. Pau­le / That all things are to be done orderly in the church. 1. Cor. 14.40. But iff they perteine only to a decency and comlynes / what needeth any commandement to be giuen to a minister to vse dailie the tippet and the square cappe / and a Priestes gowne / and at devine seruice the cope and the surplice / seing a mini­ster who is sett ouer the gouernment off the churche / and by [Page 130] the Apostles rule ought to be suche a one / as not only is able to vse him selffe honestlie in euery thing / but also suche as kee­peth his familie in order / and ought to be an example off all modesty and honest comlines to his flock: who suerly iff he be meet for suche an office and worthie to handle the word off god / will take heede that he doe not dishonest his worthy of­fice / by vile and vnhonest apparell.

But seing they make no worthie ministers / but readers and seruice saiers / yt was needfull / they should appoint them what cappe they should weare: and howe the sleeues and col­lers off ther gownes should be made and suche like. Althou­ghe they atteine not this decency and comlines which they pretend / for often times ther is nothing more filthye and vnho­nest then this kinde off apparell. And iff any can vse a comely square cappe he can vse also a rounde cap which is as comely / and so muche more / as it is fitter for his heade thē the square.

Therfore ther is no cause to prescribe this apparell to be dailie worne for decencie and order. But they say the Ministers must be distinguished from other men: and that they may be knowne off ther parishiners and church. This is euen as great a reason as the other. For iff they did set suche a shepheard ouer the sheepfolde off god / who were able as well with his voice / as the sheppherd with his hooke and staffe / to rule his sheepe / who were able also to heale the sicke and di­seased / and to bringe home againe suche as wander and straie out off the waie / finallie iff they set a right sheppherd ouer the flocke / the sheepe would knowe him by his voice / and would not need to haue any marke by his apparell to knowe him. Therfore allthoughe this reason might be off some force for hirelinges / yet it cannot be of any force for meete and worthie ministers.

And wheras they alledge also Order and decencye for there surplice / I would knowe whie yt should seeme more co­melie and decent for a Minister / that be should preache or praie in a surpl ce / then in a gowne.. In white raiment then in black apparell? For as for the coloure / me thinketh black [Page 131] to be more comely for him: and for the fashion me thinketh a long garment reaching downe to the foote sholde be more honest and seemelie. Further more do they not see that Sim­plicitie liked our sauior Christ / that the Gospell is in a maner shadowed and couered by these vayles and figures / that by this meanes / the waie is made open to bringe in many other moo ceremonies for as good respectes as these be? do they not also think that we perceiue that nothing ells is sought by this which they call comelines and order but only a conformitie w­ith Papistes and a superstitious decency? as also in vsing the signe off the crosse in baptisme / the rounde cake in the Lordes supper / and many other suche ceremonies / and not that seeme­ly order which the Apostle commandeth? 1. Cor. 14,40. For iff the simplicitie and nakednes off the gospell / misliked them / why did they especially clothe it with popishe apparell / seing we ought to be so muche the furder off and to abhorre ther doinges / by how muche we are in greater daunger off them / then off other heretiques because they liue amonges vs? For which cause also the Lord commanded that greater seueritie should be v­sed against them off the land off Canaan / then against Idola­ters off other nacions and cuntries.

But they saie further / that men should be admonished that they are nowe vsed to an other ende / then they were by the Papistes / and that the abuse cannot take awaye the right vse off thē: and althoughe the popishe priesthoode be a most greuous leprosie / yet the apparell which they vsed / iff yt be wa­shed againe may be applied againe to our vse, but I say / that off all the leprous garmentes / they haue chosen the filthiest and most polluted: and suche as cannot be washed nor made cleane againe by anie art or conning off the fuller. For se­ing it is manifest that Popishe Priestes receiued ther orders / by the puttinge on off a surplice and square cappe / and that they vsed the coope euen to the singinge off masse / who is he that hathe lerned by the lawe off god to distinguishe and di­scerne betwene sore and sore / betwene holie and vncleane / and vnderstandethe not / and euen seethe with his eies / that the [Page 123] leprosie was spredde vpon thes garmentes / and that they a­re polluted and vncleane / not only by the contagion off the leprous man / but euen by ther owne disease: Levi. 13.52. And therfore by the lawe not to be washed / but to be burned / nor to be pur­ged with water but to be consumed with fier. Seinge then it is so / and that this lawe off prescripte apparell off mini­sters / hath no grownde not only off no scripture / but also off no sownde Iudgment and reason / a merueile it is to see howe earnestly and with great contencion / yt hath bene de­fended and mainteined. And it makethe me afraide to remember the bitternes of thos daies / the churches bereaued of there ministers / and most faithfull Pastors and Doctors driuen from there places / the troble that came in the vniuersities for this cause / and the most toward youth both for godlines and lerninge driuen out off ther colledges / finally the com­mandementes off god transgressed that the preceptes off men might be established.

But they haue made me to longe in a matter off small waight / who do so earnestly vrge these trifles / as iff they we­re matter off great waight and were grounded off the com­mandement off God: But seinge yt appereth manifestly (as I suppose) by that which I haue said that yt is farre other­wise / Let vs conclud / that noe certeine kinde / forme / or fa­shion off apparell is to be prescribed to ministers neither to be dailie worne / nor yet in seruice tyme: and that they are only to be admonished that they shewe them selues sober / modest / and honest both in ther apparell ād in all the rest off there life and conuersation: which iff some shall neglect to doe / and be­inge admonished by there breethren doe not amend yt / let thē be corrected by the magistrate. And thus muche generallie off Bishopps: that is to say off ministers.

Now it followeth to declare the diuers sortes and kindes of them: and to shew what euery one hath proper and peculier to hī selffe. There be therfore two kindes and sortes off Bishopes / the one off Doctors / the other off Pastors. For these are not to be confounded / as iff one and the selfe same office were [Page 133] signified by two names / as some haue supposed. For seinge the Apostle in the iiij. to the Ephesians doth seuerally reherse all the ministers off the church which Christ hathe geuen and ap­pointed to the edifyinge theroff / and distinguisheth Apostles from Prophets / and Prophetes from Euangelistes / I do not see why we shold not think also / that Pastors and Doctors as they are distinguished and seuered by name / to be so also in office and duty which also appereth more manifestly in the xij. to the Romans / wher they are distinguished not only by names / but also by giftes proper to seuerall offices. Therfore these are diuers and sundry offices / how neere so euer they se­eme to be togither. Rom. 12. [...].7.

Now to proue that only Doctors and Pastors be Bi­shopps / and that no man ells (as it hathe bene saide here to fore) may or ought to minister the word off god in the church / needeth a longer proofe. But seing it cannot be doubted / that the Apostle rehearseth in the iiij. to the Ephesians all the offi­ces and functiōs which haue any thinge to doo with the worck off the ministery / and by which Christ would haue his church builded vp / and seing that those offices off Apostles / Euan­gelistes / ād Prophetes / are ceased / (as also they were geuē on­ly to to serue for a tyme / and not for the perpetuall gouerment off the churche) It is manifest that ther remaine no other Bi­shoppes or ministers off the word off god but only Pastors and Doctors. But that it may the more clerely be shewed / that those other offices serued but for a time let vs more at large consider the nature and condition off euery one off them: And first for the Apostles office / what it was / it apperethe by the word off our Sauior / wherby he ordeineth them to the Apostleshipp: namely / This / that they should go preache the Gospell in all the world and baptize those which beleue. Mat. 27.19 Mark. 16.15. So that an Apostle was not bound to preache the gospell to any one and certeine prouince / naciō / or country / but to the whole world. So lickwise Christ before his departure commended not to peter and by him to the rest off the Apostles any certen sheepe off some certē grownd or pasture but all his flock. Iohn For [Page 134] as our Sauior Christ had geuen thē merueilous giftes off the Spirit / So he would haue them beare greater offices. He assigned them not a fewe acres / to plowe and till / or a litle feelde not some small porcion off his vyneiard and inheritaunce to dresse / but euen all his feeld / his whole vyneiard and inhe­ri [...]aunce. Suche off all the disciples off Christ ther were only xij. to whome afterwardes were added Paule and as some think Barnabas / who as certeyne chiefe capitaines should bring the world vnder subiection to the kingdome and Em­pire off Christ: And as Maister builders who should drawe out and describe the patterne and platforme off all the chur­ches / and lay the fyrst foundacions and groundes: Which so great a charge beinge laid vpon them / excellent giftes we­re also geuen them wherby they might be able to beare and vphold so great a burthen. For they were endewed with a merueilous knowledge off heauenly thinges / and diuers straung tongues and languages / as is yt rehersed off the xij. Apostles in the Actes / and as Paule testifiethe off him selffe to the Corinthes. Act. 2.4. 1. Cor. 14.18.

Furthermore there were many other thinges proper and peculier to this office as / that they should be witnesses off the Lordes resurrection: Act. 1.22. Galat. 1.1. that they should be immediatly called and appointed by CHRIST: and otherlike / Which seing they can be in no man now adayes / yt is playne and eui­dent / that the Apostleshipp is ceased / and that this worthy and excellent office ys no longer remaininge in the churche. wherupon the Apostles who did choose Matthias into Iud­as place beinge voyd / yet when Iames was slaine / they did choose nome into his Roume or the Roume oft any other off the Apostles / when they died: Act. 1. Act. 12.2. So that yt is plaine that this office is abolished.

Which beinge playne off the Apostles must be likewise vnderstood off the Euangelistes who serued and mynistred vnto them / and were after a sort ther vicairs and deputies. For as it doth appere in the Actes This was the office of the Euangelistes to accōpany the Apostles whom they (when they had [Page 135] gathered any company off a churche together and must needes depart) left behind them beinge instructed by them in what sort ād order to stablishe the churche / who hauinge set the churche in order and prouided pastors and Elders to gouerne yt / left it ād followed the Apostles againe / So they as Emperors and Generalles / when they had ouercome any citie / left as it were some chiefe captaines behinde them / vntill thinges could be brought to a better stay / and that ancientes and elders / as certen perpetuall garrisons were set ouer them / for the Apost­les were appointed to cōquere and to ouercome: The Euan­gelistes to establishe and set in order. The elders to mainteine and preserue the churche of god. Therfore this office off the E­uangelist must needes cease / seinge the Apostleshippe is ceased allreadie.

As for the Prophetes office / althoughe it consisted in expoundinge the scriptures / yet seinge it was ioyned with ex­traordinary gyft off foretellinge thinges to come / necessary for the primitiue churche / but now no more in vse / yt can not be doubted but that the office ys ceased as well as the gyft / wherupon we may conclude / That seinge as Saint Pau­le witnessethe onely Apostles / Euangelistes / Prophetes / Pastors and Doctors / were geuen by Christ to the edifyinge off the churche and the work off the ministery / That the three first ceasinge / there remaine only Pastors and Doctors per­petuall and ordinary ministers off the word. Eph. 4.1 [...].12.

In deede sometymes the lord extraordinarily / in a confu­sed state / where is no place off ordynary callinge / stirreth vp as be did in our tyme as yt were certen newe Apostles to ligh­ten the world agayne with the light off the gospell: And Eusebius maketh mencion off some / who saith he with a heauenly zeale off followinge the Apostles went preachinge the gospell to the Indians. Eusebius in the 5. boke of his ecclesiastikall historye But I speake off the Ordinary state off the churche / suche as oures ought to be after so many yeeres. Therfore Sainct Paule in the xij. to the Romans speakinge off this state makethe no mencion off Apostles / Euangelistes / or Pro­phetes but only off Teachers and exhorters / callinge Pastors / [Page 136] Exhorters as it shall appeere hereafter. Neither was i [...] need­full that they should continewe any longer in the churche: no more then it is needfull after the platforme be drawen that the master builder tarie any longer / but that there be carpen­ters and workmen to builde and raise the worck as he hathe appointed.

And it seemethe that our Sauior Christ in the stablishin­ge off his kingdome followed a kind off order not diuers from that which is vsed by earthly kinges and princes / Who at the daie off ther coronacion / and for a certen time after make ma­ny officers for diuers and sondry vses / who serue not only for a solemnitie / pompe and shewe / but also to great vse and ser­uice for that time / but when thinges are set in order and the kingdome stablished are vsed no longer. So Christ our lord and king / when as beinge ascended into heauen he was as it were inuested into his kingdome / created Apostles and suche other officers / which should set his kingdome in order and appoint and ordeine a certen ordinary state for the gouernment and administracion off it: which being so established and set in order / Those offices should cease / and the kingdome should be gouerned as they had appointed.

Therfore theris no cause why we should think the loue ād care off our Sauior towardes his churche to be diminished for this cause / or that he dealethe not bountifully and libe­rallie with vs: no more then subiectes for the like cause / haue occasiō to suspect ther kinges good will and fauor to be chaunged towardes them. For these thinges are but for a certeyne time and perteine to the beginninge off the kingdome / which time seemethe necessarilie to require some other kinde of order then all the rest that followeth. Therfore to cōtinewe the same similiritude / after he was crowned-kinge / he scattered in great aboundāce spirituall giftes off knowledge / prophesyinge / healinge / and other graces / as gold and siluer amonges his peo­ple: All the conduites ranne with sweet and most pleasant wyne: All the pipes and cockes ranne with rose water and other sweet and plesant waters: But allthoughe he geueth vs dailie [Page 137] all thinges liberally and plentifully / yet he geueth vs not dailie a Largesse as at the tyme off his coronacion. Therfore we ou­ght to be content with that liberalitie which the lord shewe­the vnto vs / and not to looke to haue allwais alike.

The same reason is off the perpetuall mynisters off the word: with whom he would haue vs to be contented and not to wishe for the first / and those which were extraordinary and apointed to serue but for a tyme. For as some thinge was geuen more liberally and extraordinarilie to the extraordinary tymes off the churche / So we are sufficiently prouided for / off all thinges which belonge to the continuall and necessarie vse off the churche. Therfore beinge content with this meane estate and condicion / Let vs vse that which is giuen vnto vs / and seeke not for offices which serued but for a tyme / in the perpetuall gouernment off the churche / nor wil he extraordi­nary functions in an ordinary state. Wherfore / we ought to haue Pastors and Doctors appointed in our churche / and not to reteine still the extraordinary office off preachers: which yet I reproue more sparingly / for the respect I haue to many worthie men who haue labored with some fruite after this sort: for I see that some (by the negligence off those who ought to haue prouided meete Pastors for the churches) for the loue they had vnto the gospell / thought it lawfull for them in the­se tymes to take vpon them this Apostolicall or Euangelicall kind off office and embassage: wheras rather they owght to haue vrged the full and perfit reformacion off our churche / and to haue striuen by the word off god / that euery church might haue bene prouided off a fit Pastor. And that the Lor­des heritage might be no more left barren and vntilled / left that at the last / the Lord be angry with vs / and take it from vs and let out his farme to other that will dresse it better.

But iff there be any which please them selues to muche in this gadding abroade thorough out the churches / and will contend they may do so by the example off the Apostles and Euangelistes / let them shew vs the signes off ther Apostleship as Saint Paule did to the Corinthians: 1. Cor. 9.2.3. Let them proue [Page 138] that they are indewed with those Apostolicall gyftes off kno­wledge and vnderstanding / tonges / healinges / doinge off my­racles and suche like. Let them bring forthe the commission off this theyr so large embassage to all churches: last off all let them proue that they are immediatly called therunto off god. For not only one Bishopp but all the Bishops in the world / are not able to ordeine and make and Apostle / seinge that (as it apperethe by the Argument I haue alleadged) ther office is allready ceased. They cannot be Euangelistes neither / seinge that they were as yt were the Legates off the Apostles / who in respect off them were as Proconsulles or Presidentes. For Prophetes I think they will not say they be / seinge they cannot tell vs off thinges to come. Besides that we reade not that the Prophetes went thus abroade thoroughe out all churches / but it seemethe rather that they were wont to abyde in certen places. Wherfore takinge away extraordinary cal­linges and vocations out off the ordinarie state off the chur­che / Let vs follow that certeine rule which the Lord hathe prescribed. Let Pastors and Doctors be assigned vnto chur­ches who are only the ordinary and perpetual ministers of the word off god apointed to the edificacion off the chu [...]che.

These thinges thus set downe / let vs now see what the particuler charges and dewties off these two be. And first let vs speake off Doctors: whose office is more symple. Doc­tors therfore I call Bishoppes who are occupied in the sym­ple teachinge and expoundinge off the holie doctrine and trew Religion. For it semethe that this was the office off Doctors symply to teache oute of god his word / what was to be thou­ght off god and off his worshipp and seruice: what off Christ / what the law is: what the Gospell: what ys the rule off our life: what the hope and expectation off the life to come: fynal­lye what to think off euery point off Religion without tho­se vehement speeches wherby the mindes off men are either raised vp and comforted / or beaten downe and made sadd. For seing that Sainct Paule dothe lymite and bound the office off a Doctor by Doctrine / Rom. 12.7. and attributethe to an other [Page 139] office To exhort / he seemethe to shewe that a Doctor is as yt were the schole maister and teacher off the principles off Reli­gion off withe office how great ād manifold vse there is in the churche off god / we shall easely vnderstand iff we consider / how many there be emonges vs that be rude and know not the first principles and growndes off religion. Which beinge vnworthy and vnseemely for a Christian churche and for our profession off the gospell / Let Teachers and Doctors be pro­uided (suche as we haue but a fewe right and lawfull in these our dais) to teache the churches and especially the rude and ignorant. For allthoughe we inuent a thousand waies / we shall neuer promote the edification off the churche / but only by those meanes and instrumentes which the Lord hath ap­pointed for his work. For with these the blessinge of god is ioyned which is not only wantinge to those who are made by vs how goodly a shewe so euer they haue / but cōtrariwise they haue Cursinge for Blessinge. Now to retorne to Doctors againe.

In the primitiue churche / They were set to instruct in the Doctrine off faithe and Religion suche as were rude and ig­norant: In the 6. boke of his ecclesiasticall history. For so Eusebius telleth that when in the churche off Alexandria many had fled away for feare of persecutiō / so that no man had the charge of Cathechizinge / Origē beinge a yon­ge man and But xviij. yeres off age / at the request off cer­ten worthy men toke the charge vpon hym. Wherwith all thoughe in the beginninge he ioyned also teachinge off grammar ād other artes / yet he afterwards vnderstoode / that yt belōged not vnto his office so to doe / and therfore gaue him selfe wholie to the expoundinge off the scriptures / and instructinge off suche as were ignorant in religion. The whom after one Her­cules succeded in the same office / whom before he had taken to him to helpe hym to teache: who afterward was chosen from beinge Doctor / to be Pastor and Bishopp off the sa­me churche / wheroff it may be gathered that in the primitiue churche / this was an ordynarie office: and that befo­re Pastors / and Bishops / there were other also appoynted to be Doctors / whose office did consist in expounding [Page 140] the scriptures / and cathechizinge off the ignorant.

But as for our Doctorshippe suche as it was in tyme off popery and as cōtynueth yet still / I knowe neither from w­hence it came / nor to what vse yt seruethe. For they expounde not the scriptures in any certeine churche appointed vnto thē / declaringe the naturall and true sence and meaninge off the word off god / they do not teache the youthe nor cathechize the ignorant / but lyue idly in the vniuertsities. For it is no name off any lawfull office or function in the churche no not as yt is vsed in the vniuersities but only a name and title off honor / and a commendacion off a mans knowledge in diuinitie so that it rather seemeth to serue to ambicion and vainglory / thē to any vse and proffit.

They say there was sometimes an image maker named Passo who did so engraue the image off mercurye in marble-stone that a man could not iudge or discerne / whither mer­cury were within / or without the same. Suche Mercuries / and Images do our vniuersities make vs / whose knowledge we cannot tell whither it be within them or without them / for they proue not them selues to be right Mercuries by any spe­ache / eloquence / or vtterance / I knowe not what a shadowe and Image off vain contemplacion this is / for true and Christian Religion bestowethe the gyftes that are receiued of god / to the common vse and proffit off all the bodie Therfore these Mercuries are to be apointed to churches and to be set vp in highe and lightsome places / that their speache and talke and other properties may proue them to be right Mercuryes in deed.

For suerly it is not tollerable that they should bury the lordes treasure in the earthe ād hid his light vnder a Bushell / and as it is saide off one Aspendius a harper / that they should playe on ther sweete harpes as they selues may onlie heare it. Therfore let these goodly lights be put on cādlestickes / that as Christ commandeth they may shine and geue light not only to them selues / but to all that are in the house. Ma [...]. 15. Math. 25. [...]. Let this riche treasure be laid out to the banck / that when the Lord commethe [Page 141] he may receiue his owne with aduantage: that is to say / let these lerned Doctors be assigned and appointed to churches [...] expound the Scriptures / to Cathechize the rude and igno­rant and by the example off Dauid a better and more excellent harper / Let them awake in the morning to singe: Psa. 108.2. Esa. 49.27 and awake ther harpes togither with them / and call bothe riche and pore and all degrees and orders to heare them / and sing and play not to them selues only but to the churche / and set out there heauenly songes and dities with most plesant tune and melody in the hearinge also off many off other. Let this kno­wledg be brought to action and to the vse our life. Let the Doctor haue a chaire set for him. Let him haue schollers ap­pointed him whom he many teache and instructe in the feare of god and know edge off heauenly misteries: I meane a chaire wherin he may sytte to teache and to cathechize / not whe­rin taking his ease he may be idle and fall a sleepe

And suerly it is a merueile to see that when they should especially labor / then they do geue thō selues most off all vnto ease. And that they thē cherishe and make most of them selues / as yff they were allredy come from the Seas into the hauen / when they should rather leave the hauen and take the Seas. For when they are once made Doctors / either for their vnderstandinge and knowledge / or for their time and continuan­ce / then they obteine I know not what priuiledges from takinge off paines any more / Prerogatiues off honors and estima­cion / priuiledges off heapinge off benefices together / so that they seeme to be like old souldiours who be exempted from doinge any more seruice / or to be arriued at this Doctorshipp / as it were at a hauen wher they should be at an ende off all their labor and trauell.

This is therfore to be corrected by vs accordinge to the Ordinaunce off God / Teachinge and Cathechizinge is to be required off a Doctor. Touchinge ther examinaciō / how to try them who are to be chosen to this office I think it not needfull to speake any more / bothe because I haue spoken heroff gene­rally and at large before / and also for that there is no great [Page 142] fault in the lawes and statutes / but rather in negligence and want off execution off the same lawes and good Statutes. I omitt also to speake off thee election and the maner off chosin­ge off them. Which being done by an vniuersitie and by the consent off so many lerned and worthy men I wold not di­salowe. As for so many foolishe trifles as are vsed in the crea­tinge and ordeininge off them / they are sufficiently confuted allready by that which hathe beene spoken by the ordeininge off Bishoppes.

And thus muche off Doctors. In which place also some are wont to speake off schooles colledges and vniuersities / be­cause they seeme to cary a certen lykenes and similitude off Doctors and Disciples / teachers / and Schollers / Prophetes / and sonnes off the Prophetes. Which sure is a worthy poynt and very needfull to be handled considering the diuerse abuses off schooles / colledges / and vniuersities: but yet it conteinethe more matter then may be well handled at this time: For it had need off a seuerall treatise / which I trust / as allready tou­ching schooles hathe bene worthely and lernedly handled by maister Askham in his Schole master / So touching the rest / some off that lerned company wheroff there arise daily many noble and most excellent wittes will performe. And surely it were worthy the labor off some notable excellent man / to tea­che the vse of vniuersities / and to call them back againe to the right ende wherunto they were ordeined and appointed: w­hich is this / that they should be meanes to preserue and ma­ke perfit all other noble artes and sciences and especially diui­nitie which knowlege iff it be not diligently kept by the Do­ctors in the aulters off the Vniuersities / as in tymes past the fire that came downe from heauen was by the Leuites: Su­rely it will shortly come to passe / as we haue allready seene yt and that with in these fewe yeres / that the church shall vse straunge fyre / to the doinge off all thinges. Sam [...]el. King. King. 2.22. [...].4.

Suche Vniuersities the holie history rehersethe those off Naioth Bethel, Hiericho, and Hierusalem to haue bene which (when all men thought surely that this fyre off gods word [Page 143] and knowledge off the scriptures had bene clea [...]e gone out (as yt came to passe also in these our daies) norished certeine sparkes in the ashes / off which afterwardes by good blo­wing off them / they kindled Religion againe. And suche vni­uersities should we also haue now a daies / which might bo­the kindle Religion being put out / and also enflame and encre­ase yt being kindled / yff the sonnes off the Prophetes did painfullie bestowe them selues in readinge meditatinge and expoundinge off the scriptures as we reade those off Sam­uells colledge did. Sam. 1.19.20. But now in steade off labor / ydlenes is co­me into the vniuersities: for peace and honest quietnes: con­tention and discord / the greatest poison to good studies that can be: for godlines and the feare off the lord / neglect and allmost contempt off all Religion / with dissolute kinde off li­cence and libertie wherby they geue them selues to all ryot and wantonnes.

And suerly yt greeueth me to thinke how farr off they be from the Muses and lerninge who dwell euen in the very houses and pallaces off the Muses. And that these places which are set furthest from any noyse off the world that we might the more frely geue our selues to good and honest stud­ies / ringe with cries / noyses / and alarmes / raised vp by tro­blesome wittes / and sounde againe with mutuall repro­ches / hatred / iniuries / and reuenges: and that euen the ve­ry temples off Religion the aulters off holines / and the chap­pelles off godlines and off the feare off the lord do waxe pro­phane vnholy and voyde off all trewe Religion. What do we think that those noble worthies which at ther great costes ād charges founded colledges to this end that the seruice off god and holynes off life might spring from them / and from those foūtaines flow to the rest of the churche / what do we thīk I say / would they say if they were gathered to gether ād should looke downe from heauē vpon ther colledges? dowe not think they would cōplaine one to an other / that ther colledges were become like vnto tentes off warre wherin nothing were exercised but hate ād enmitie / ād that euē in those places which they had [Page 144] made to be hyues off a heauenly kind off hony / an innumera­ble sort off oranes are risen vp who not only gather no hony themselues / but so mislike also off the labor and diligence off other that take great paines to gather / that they neuer cease to vexe and molest them vntill they haue driuen them out off ther h [...]s from amonges them.

What iff I should raise out off ther graue / some / either off the holie Bishoppes founders off the vniuersitie off Oxe­ford / or off the famous kinges founders off the vniuersitie off Cambridge / what iff that noble kink Henry the eight the last off that worthy cōpany (as Hercules was the last of the wor­thies) because he is last to deale with the vniuersities in be­halffe off the rest / what I say could they annswer him iff he should complaine / that That which was most liberallie and bountifullie geuen for the maintenannce off good lerning is abused to riott and idlenes? That the hiues for Bees / are become den̄s for droanes? that They are no more / colledges off studentes / but monasteries and cloisters off idle and snoring monckes? That not only barren / and vnfrutefull trees / but al­also off hurtfull and most noysom shadowe to those yong and frutefull plantes / that growe vp vnder them / are in those pla­ces / which they meant should haue bene Orchiardes off most precious fruite / and off the most noble and rare plantes that might be.

The vniuersities ought to be the seede and the frye off the holie ministerie thorowghe out the realme: but now there is scarce one sent out in to the churche in many yeres that is fitte for suche an office. It ought in deede to be like the Aple tre­off Persia wheroff Theophrastus maketh mencion: which doth budde / blossome and beare fruit at all times off the yere: and bringeth furth some fruit which is allready ripe and some other buddinge / and newe geowing out. So the vniuersities should haue some allwais fitte / and as it wer ripe allready to take the ministery / ād some other ripening and budding oute: but now neither ripe fruit fallethe from the tree / neither is the blossome such as declareth any plenty or store to come herea­fter: [Page 145] iff furder he should complaine that it is a heauy sight for them to see the vniuersities thoroughe contention (and that many times for small occasion) so inflamed and set on fire. And that as they are greued / who do behold ther feeldes and pos­sessions wasted and burnt / So they with no lesse sorrowe be­hold / good / lerned and worthy men expulsed out off ther vni­uersities / godlie / and lerned younge men driuen from ther pla­ces / the scholes depriued off most famous professors and Te­achers / Colledges bereaued of youthe of merueilous hope and towardnes / off singuler vertue and learning / and the churche deceiued off that which she looked for at there handes.

Therfore iff they loued god there chiefe founder and Au­thor off all that had bene bestowed vpon them / or feared that he would be a punisher and reuenger iff they continewe to a­buse the same / iff they bare any respect and reuerence to them ther Patrones and founders and wold be ruled by them / they should leaue ther striuinge and runninge one against and o­ther with mutuall wronges and iniuries / they should banis­he out ydlenes and expulsing the droanes out off there hiues fall to laboure and take paines againe: they should applie the studie off the liberall artes and off the tongues / they shold meditate vpon the Scriptures and exercise them selues therin as the Prophetes and the sonnes off the Prophetes: They should think with them selues / and remember that the church hangeth vpon ther brestes / desyring to suck that sweet milke off heauenlie doctrine (and as Peter calleth it the sincere milke off the word: 1. Pet. 2.2. that they shold make ready euery yeere a great nōbre off fit interpreters and Teachers off Religiō for the vse of the churche: that they would be the Authors and seekers of a more full and perfect reformacion: and when they had obtei­ned it constantly to keepe / and preserue the same. Thes thin­ges would be acceptable to god ther Arch founder and to them there founders / and be most seemely and becomminge the name off an vniuersitie.

Iff I saie we harde him speake these and suche like thin­ges vnto vs would we not be a shamed to be so sharply re­proued? [Page 146] Yet allthoughe we heare not either king Henry the eight / or any other off those worthies speake thus vnto vs / yet notwithstāding we ought not to be lesse moued with the thīg yt selffe / seing these thinges may trewly be obiected vnto vs and cast in our teethe. Which neuertherles I speake not off all suche as be in the vniuersities / for I knowe there be many suche as we wold wyshe that all shold be: and vndoubtedly ther would be many moe / iff Samuelles Eliahs and Elishas wer set ouer the sonnes off the Prophetes / who (as they we­re wont to doe) might liue together with the Schollers / be present at there exercises / helpe an furder there indeuors / and by ther example frame them and stirr them vp to all godlines / knowledge / zeale / and finally to euery thing that is praise worthie. [...]. Sam. 19. [...]0. 2. King. 6.3. [...]. King. 6.1 Iff our vniuersities had many suche Samuells, Eliahs, Doctors and Pastors wold be prepared for the churches w­hich are abrode / the nomber off studentes (as yt did vnder) E­lizeus would encrease and multiplie: and most pleasant strea­mes as out of Eden, the garden off the Lord / wold flowe from them and water all the Land.

But seing that is farre otherwise / being cōtent with this moderate reproufe / and light shewing off the disease only / for helpe and remedy / first most humbly I be seeche the Lord god the chiefe chauncellor off our vniuersities / ād then also the Magistrates that by his apointemēt and in his name are set to gouerne vs / that they would earnestly and carefully thinke off re­forminge the vniuersities / and restoring them to ther right v­se againe / that they may serue to the preseruinge / polishing and perfiting off all other the liberall sciences / and especially off the studie off diuinitie and maintenance off the sacred my­nistery. And let it be sufficient to haue spoken thus muche off Doctors and therwithall of scholes / Colledges and vniuersi­ties.

Now let vs speake off Pastors: whose office and functi­on allthoughe it be neere of kindred vnto the doctors functiō / yet it conteinethe in it besides / certen other thinges neither off lesse waight nor lesse necessary then these be. A Pastor ther­fore [Page 147] I call a Bishopp / who appliethe the Scriptures to the diuers occasiōs and necessities off the church: and ministrethe the Sacramentes to those which doe beleue. For Pastors touchinge the office they bare in the churches / succede the Apo­postles: and after a sort also the priestes off the lawe: wheras Doctors do rather resemble and are more like vnto the Pro­phetes and the Leuites. Therfore Pastors administre not only the word / but also the Sacramentes. And seale vpp our saluacion with the Lordes signet / which they preache by wor­de. For this is the nature off the Sacramentes / to seale vp as it were the promises / that when we haue them vnder seale / we might keepe them more safely and possesse them more se­curely. Wherfore the Pastor to whom the promises are com­mitted to be declared and vttered / and as yt were the writin­ges and indētures off our saluaciō to be made / hath also authoritie to sette the seale therunto. For so the Lord commaunded his Apostles that they should preache the Gospell / and bap­tize those which sholde beleue. Wherfore the administracion off the Sacramentes perteinethe to the office off a Pastor and that in suche sort to a Pastor / that no man ells may take yt vppon him / and arrogate that to him selffe which the Lord hath committed to an other to doe.

But besides the administracion off the Sacramentes this is also proper and peculier to the Pastors / euen in the mi­nisterie off the word to applie the Scriptures to the diuers occasions and necessities off the churches: And as tyme and occasion seruethe / to correct / reproue / and reprehend / to raise vp those that be cast downe / to breake the stubburne / to vse ex­hortacions / and dehortacions / to cmofort the godly with the hope off the promises / to terrifie the wiked with the thunder off the iudgement off god / whereat they may be cast downe and as yff they had bene stricken with a thunder bolt from heauen and consumed / yff they repent not / to lift vpp so­me as yt were to heauen / and to cast downe other to the bottom off hell. Rom. 12.7. All which Sainct Paule doth signifie [Page 148] to the Romaine figuratiuelie by nanynge one kinde theroff (that is to say off Exhortation) for all the rest. In his Epistle to Timothy he settethe out euery thinge more at large: [...]. Timoth. 4.3. com­mandinge Timothy to preache the word / to correct / to repro­ue / to exhort.

Seing therfore the Pastors office is so wayghty and so diuers: I will not shewe that they which be vnable to teache are not to be admitted vnto it / for that I haue hādled this before / but how weake there defence herein is which they are wont to bring: that is to say / That the want off these vnable mini­sters / is supplied by the diligence off others / whereas they re­ade and reherse out off the booke vnto the people / homelies / touching all the necessary pointes off Religion. I dispute not heere against homelies / nor minde to shew what iniury is done vnto god his worde when the wrightinges off men are redd and rehersed in the churche: or howe daungerous a thinge it is for geuinge occasion off bringing in to the chur­che / the writinges and sermons also off other godly men / the stories off martyres / and at the last also the Popishe Legend / For that it belongeth to an other place to speake off thes thin­ges: this one thinge I will shewe / that the reading off Homelies is no sufficient excuse for an vnable and vnlearned Past­or / seing that it belongethe to the dewtie off a Pastor / to ap­plie the doctrine off the Scriptures to the diuers tymes / ne­cessities and occasion off the churche.

For seing that the Homelies be domme / and speake only that which hathe beene endited a long time a fore / how can they either knowe or vnderstand / or cure and remedie the di­seases off the churche. Therfore let vs not thinke that the Or­deininge of [...] vnable Pastors can be excused by this pretence. nor that Homelies (as it is saide off a sworde in olde time as Delphos which did serue for all vses) can serue for all occasi­ons which do arise in the churche.

Here the Pastor had neede off greate and profounde knowledge to knowe the chaunge off times / the diuersitie off thinges / the variety off persons / and to deale thus or other­wise [Page 149] / according to that varietie and difference. For a Sheph­ard hathe not only one way both to heale the sike / and cure the broken and bruised: And the phisicion cureth some men by diet and medicine / some by cutting ād surgerie / so likewise this only waie off readinge off Homelies can in no wise be suffici­ent to cure and to remedy all the sondry necessities off the churche / To be cōninge in the profession off this kinde off phy­sick / a man had neede be perfite in his simples / he had need to knowe many kindes off herbes / floures / rotes / an infynite sort off other thinges: fynallie he must needes thouroughly knowe all Eden and the whole garden off God / that he may knowe what herbes are fit to raise vp those who are cast do­wne / and as it were to cōforte and restore againe suche as be in a consumpcion / which also are meet to purge and clense those that are full and stuffed / finallie what so euer is proper for the curinge off euery disease / and in what sorte and after what manner / and at what time yt ys to be ministred and ap­plied.

Which most worthie and necessary office for the salua­cion off mankind and chiefest off all which be vnder the Son­ne Good Lord how infinite waies is it prophaned? So that now a daies to make a Pastor is nothing ells but to make a seruice saier / or reader off praiers out off his booke. And this not only emonges the people but euen in the middest off the v­niuersities / in the scholes and Colledges them selues (from whence as frō certen sacred and pure fountaines reformatiō ought to flowe) from thence I say euen from thence shamefull examples off this great disorder and prophanacion do sprin­ge and come furthe into all the realme. iff we seeke thoroughe both the vniuersities what schole is there / what Colledge / society and fellowshipp off learned men that hathe a right and a lawfull Pastor amonges them? But either one or moe cha­plaines and conductes as they call them are hired to reade the seruice at the houres appointed / or ells the fellowes off Col­ledges them selues do read yt being bound by othe to enter into the ministery at a certen time appointed / after they beco­me [Page 150] Fellowes. Wherupon it commeth to passe that a man may finde sometimes / ten or a dossen off these Pastors in a litle Colledge / But one suche Pastor as the word off God doth set out is hardly or not at all to be found amonges them.

Further also this fault is made in the apointinge off pa­stors. That vnder pretence off makinge a more full and perfit triall off suche as are to be apointed / they ordeine not any man wholy / and at once to the office off a pastor / but I knowe not by what degrees they leade him vp to this pulpit. They must first be Deacons as they call yt for a yere / that is to saye they must receyve authoritie to saie praiers and reade the Scri­ptures / But in no case to admynister the Sacramentes or to expounde / without furder lycense: Then at the last he is fullie admitted to he office off a Pastor. Which as I perceiue well enoughe to haue bene translated from the manner off Popi­she ordres / So knowe I not what ground off Scripture yt hath or can haue / But rather cōtrarywise / yt semethe to be cleane against the expresse appointement off the Scriptures which make no more degrees to come to the office / But the godlines and integritie off his former life in what sort so euer he hathe occupied him selffe vnto that tyme / and the kno­wledge off the holie scriptures: So that it is needles for a man to come thoroughe all the offices off the churche before he can euer atteine to this.

Wherin also ther was to to curious a diligence in Sil­uester Bishopp off Rome and others / who appointed that before a man was ordeyned a Pastor / he should first co­me vp vnto yt as yt were by certen staires / steppes / and de­gres thoroughe out all those offices off the churche which they had inuented. Counsel off Rome the second. and the 1 [...]. ca­non. And first he must be Accolythus twenty yeere. Deacon xxvj. and so furth. That at the last after fyfty or thre score yeres triall thus had / he should be admitted to the full priesthood.

Leauing therfore these vaine inuentions off the braine off man / Let vs keepe that certeine ordre which is taught vs by the Apostles: which is That after dewe examination had of his life and doctrine / he be admitted to this ministery and offi­ce off a Bishopp / Lest by this drawing a sonder and quar­teringe off the right office off a Pastor we be iustly thought to haue brought into the churche off god with out his word / off our owne authority so many newe offices and functions / as into how many partes and membres this one office is deuided.

Touchinge those thinges which besides this are faulty in the Election and Ordinacion off Pastors / they haue bene spoken off in other places before / neither is it needfull to repe­at the same againe: Therfore to conclude all this treatise off Bishoppes / takinge away extraordinarie functions and offices and abolishing the pompe and tyranny off the Lord Bishoppes / Let vs esteeme the office off a Bishopp and mi­nister as yt is declared vnto vs in the word off god: Let vs remembre that this is a seruice and Ministery not off the affaires off this life / But off the holie word off god: Let this most neceessary office amonges all other offices that be in the earthe both for the seruice and Religion off God and for the saluacion off man be ordeined and established thorowgh out this Realme: Let an Assay be made / that they which beinge vnmeete for the office / being put out / godlie / learned / and worthye men be chosen therunto: who discharging ther offices faithfully / may be sufficiently prouided for / concer­ning the necessaries off this life / as the Lord hath comman­ded: Let vs fetche the manner and fashion off our examinin­ge / choosinge / and ordeininge out off the Scriptures: Let Doctors be appoynted to teache / and Cathechize the ru­de and ignorant: Let Pastors be ordeyned to Mynister the Sacramentes and to applye the generall Docrine to the particuler vses and occasions off the churche: That faultes beinge amended and reformed accordinge to to the right lyne off the word off God / [Page 152] a iust and lawfull ministerie suche as the Lord hath appointed may be established amonges vs: That Christ powringe his blessing vpon his owne Ordenance and apointment (as the Apostle noteth thes to be the endes off the ministery) the work off the ministery may be done / The bodie off Christ which is the churche may be edified and buylded vp / and the Saintes may be fitly / orderly / and proportionally ioined and knit toge­ther one with an other. Eph. 4.21.

Thus now hauinge finished one part off ecclesiasticall functiōs and charges / namely that which consisteth in the dutie off a Bishoppe and the Ministerie off the worde / Let vs come to that which remaineth and concerneth deacons: But to the ende we may hereī also orderly procede / first / I say that Sainct Paule in his first epistle to Timothy and thyrd chap. and in the other places before alledged off me to the same en­de calleth all those Deacons / which do exercise any office or or charge in the churche / not belonging to the Ministery off the word. For ther be also other offices besides the ministery off the word / needfull for the preseruacion off the churche. Which what they be we shall see hereafter.

But iff they were not necessary for the preseruatiō off the whole body / Surely Iesus Christ the most wise ruler and go­uerner off his churche would neuer haue appointed them: yff then this other ordre off Deacons be so necessary / why do we want it wholie in our churche: deforminge the body no lesse / yea a great deale more by so notable want off those partes that are necessary / then by the superfluitie off those which are not off the body as hath bene allready before shewed. For let them not here speake off there Chauncelors / whom I haue all­ready proued to haue no lawfull place in the church: nor off the churche wardens / off whom I shall speake more hereafter. For I say we want and require Ecclesiasticall Deacons / who accordinge to the ordinaunce off god are lawfully chosen / cre­ated and ordemed to there offices: not ciuill and politique men who by the authoritie off the Magistrate deale in some suche matter / but what these be we shall see hereafter more at large.

Here I cannot sufficiently wonder at the boldnes off the braine off man who thus altereth and peruerteth wholie / the lordes gouerment in his owne house: appointinge some besi­des those which are appointed by him / to the rulinge off his house: and putting out those (as iff the church off god had no neede off ther labour) whō the Lord him selffe had apointed / fynally licensing them selues in the lords matters to set downe and take away / to adde and diminishe what they list / and to rule ād dispose all thinge according to ther owne will and fantasy: Thē the which seing ther cā be nothinge more against the honor off our Sauior / let vs at the last learne to be modest and to be ruled by his word: let vs suffer him to rule his owne house by his owne authoritie and restore againe to the churche those offices and functions / which he hath thought meete and profitable for it.

But that thes thinges may be the better vnderstood / and that we proceede the more orderly forewarde. As I shewed in the former parte / first what was ordeined off God / wherby it was easie to vnderstād what was superfluous or to muche / So I must likwise doe in this part / that yt may be the better vnderstood / what we want / and what is to to be supplied in this behalffe.

There be therfore ij. sortes off Deacons as they are de­uided by Sainct Paule in the xij. to the Romans: Rom. 21 8. The one sor­te are called distributers (who also in the sixte off the Actes are properly called Deacons) The other ouer seers / who al­so in other places are called Elders and Gouernors off the church. Those therfore who are properly called Deacons / are officers off the churche / sette ouer the bestowing and distri­buting off the churche goodes and treasurie.

How great cause there was off institutinge this office in the churche / it appereath in the sixth off the Actes / wher the the Apostles who in the beginninge administred the treasury off the churche / when they perceiued that they were not able to serue bothe / that is to saye the preachinge off the word and the caringe for the pore / gaue ouer this office to be Treasurers [Page 154] any more / and propounded yt to the churche / that ther might be a seuerall office appoynted for this charge / that might ta­ke vppon them the prouidinge for the poore: To whome sh­ould be giuen / what so euer was bestowed for the reliefe off the needy that they might after dispose yt according as euery one had neede. That the poore might not be dispised in the church off God whom he declareth to be so deare vnto hym / and that all complaintes being taken awaie / euery thing might be orderly and honestly gouerned in the house off God. Therfore the Treasury off the church whither yt be in daily offringes / or in rentes and reuenuews appoynted to that ende is to be cōmitted vnto the Deacons. The hospitalles and houses which are appointed for the reliefe off straungers and off the poore are to be ruled by them: fynally / what other suche like thing ther is / belongeth to the office off De­acons.

In olde tyme in deede in the prymitiue churche / this Treasure was committed to the Bishoppes / because all men trustinge to ther conscience / whom they thought to haue a speciall care off yt / hoped that all thinges wold be mo­re faithfully ordered for the benefit off the churche and ma­intenance off the poore: But they wheras they ought rather to haue followed the example off the Apostes / and to haue requested that they might geue them selues to preaching and praier / and that they would choose some other to take that charge vppon them / did not only suffer them selues to be entreated to take yt / But also did vnfaithfullie behaue them selues in disposing the poore mens boxe / that at the last they ceased to be Almners any more or distributers vnto others / and as yff they had bene the poore men gaue all vnto them selues: concerning which matter the Deacons (iff we had any) ought to deale with the Bishoppes in the be­halffe off the poore / (whose charge is committed vnto them by the churche) and enter an action against them for recoue­ring this mony againe: to requyre againe ther siluer vessel­les [Page 155] and the golden plate wherwith they haue so gorgeously garnished and adorned ther cuphordes and pleade against them / that all that / belongeth to the poore: by whose pouer­tie / they haue waxen riche: by whose want and neede they are become full and welthy.

Therfore seinge the office off a Deacon is so necessary / yt may seme a merueile / how the churche could suffer that the poore and the straungers / who for Christes cause ought to be most deere vnto vs / shold want ther Gardyanes and Tutors. We haue brought in other Collectors / gatherers and church wardēs into ther roume / But yt were better that we had none suche at all / then that by them so necessarye an office should be abolished: For seinge the charge require­the / both a singuler wisdome / simplicitie and integrity / why shold ther not be choise made as in the other offices off the churche / triall had that the wisest may be chosen by the churche and as the Apostle Sainct Peter speakethe / suche / as be full off the holie ghost and off wisdome. Why are not handes laid vppon them / that they may knowe that they dea­le in the Lordes busines? Why are they not praid for / that they may haue grace to discharge there duty? Fynally why had they rather that they should be cyuill then Ecclesiasticall Officers? this therfore is the charge and office off Deacons: In whose Election and ordynacion / seing ther is nothing ells partyculerly to be considered besydes that which hath bene Generallie spoken off all heretofore / Let vs come to the Elders which are the second kind and sort off Dea­cons.

Elders therfore are Deacons / who are appoynted to take heede off the offences that arise in the churche: Therfo­re in well reformed churches / euery one off them haue ther warde / and as yt were there watche to looke vnto off that porcion off the churche in which they may most fytlye serue / Wherin iff any thinge be done otherwise then ought to be that shall deserue iust reproufe / yff yt be priuatly committed / He Goeth vnto the partie and admonisheth him priuatly for [Page 156] his fault accordinge to the word off God / exhortinge him that he do so no more: but iff openly / he certifiethe the counsell or consistory off the churche: lest the faulte off one man be spred to the destruction off all the rest.

For although after a sort / yt is all mens duty to bringe him into his waye / which goeth astray / yet better and more diligent heed is takē that offences arise not in the churche / when euery part off the churche shold haue ther watchmen assigned to them / to whose office especially it should belonge to marke / ouersee and obserue all mens manners. Wheras otherwise ther are many faultes which may easilie escape those who ha­ue not a carefull eye ouerthem. For which cause Saint Paule to the Thessalonians attributeth admonitions and reprehen­sions / specially vnto the Elders / which notwithstanding af­terwardes in an other sorte he declareth to belonge vnto all the faithfull. [...]. The. 5.12

1. Thessa. 5 12.14.Therfore those Elders be such as those officers off the A­thenienses were / who had charge to see the lawes kept / or as the Censors off Rome / who exacted and examined euery cite­zens life accordinge to the lawes. So they marke and obserue euery mans manners / and they them selues doe admonishe men off the lighter faultes / and bring the greater to the Con­sistory. Finally they take heede by all meanes / lest God be of­fended with the churche by reason off some mans fault / and see that thinges be done honestly godly and comely in the churche off God.

Therfore yff ther come into there warde any strangers / from other places to inhabit whose Religion is not yet know­ne / They certifie the Ministers that they may haue meanes to talke with thē before they come to the Lordes supper. So ly­kewise iff ther be any children to be baptized / they admoni­she the minister of it / ād finallie off all suche thinges which do belonge to the good and semely gouerment off the churche / that the minister shold vnderstand theroff.

Furder more also in the administration off the Lordes supper for the better commoditie off the churche / they helpe [Page 157] the pastor and take heede that none come vnto the lordes sup­per whose Religion and honestie is not knowen / and with whome the ministers haue not delt withall before: and other suche like things which allthough they be not all expresly mencioned in the Scriptures yet seing it belongethe not only vn­to Order and to comelines / But also to the profit and com­moditie off the churche / that some shold be set ouer thes mat­ters / suche as emonges the Iewes were those who were cal­led Cheeff off the Synagoge / and seing the Scripture mencionethe no other Elders to whome the charge off these thinges should apperteine / I thincke it plaine enoughe that these thin­ges by the worde off god / ought to be referred to the office off Elders.

And as for that part off there office / off taking heede to offen­ces / who can doubt that / That charge properly apperteineth vnto the Elders? seing that they are saide also in the Scriptu­res to rule / to ouersee and to gouerne? Act. 20.28 1. Thess. 5.12. Heb. 13.17. 1. P [...]. 5 [...] [...] 5 17. For this ouersight can haue but two partes only / wheroff the first perteinethe to Doctrine and Religion / the other to life and māners. Seing then that two kindes off Elders are expressly named by Saint Paule / wher off the first sort are occupied in preachinge and Doctrine / Iris necessary that the other should haue charge off manners and conuersacion / which part only remaineth.

And hitherto the example off the primitiue churche doth leade vs / which for asmuche as they were next to the Apostles time / might best vnderstand to what vse Elders had bene ap­pointed in the church by them. But how the primitiue churche tooke those degrees off the Apostles / both Ecclesiasticall histo­ries doe witnes / ād reformed churches which in our tyme ha­ue reformed them selues according to there example / doe suf­ficiently declare.

Therfore seing the office off Elders was apointed in the churche / off our Sauior Christ by his Apostles / and seing it is so proffitable ād necessarie for the same / haue we not iust cau­se now to complaine / that our church wanteth so worthy an office? do not the slaunders off our aduersaries who are ready [Page 158] to take all occasions to speak euill off the Gospell require su­che watchemen to watche and see that offences rise not in the churche? doth not the shamefull wickednes off men require suche Censors? And can this noble lawe off doinge all thinges orderly and comely in the churche off God want those any longer who shold haue a care to see it kept? That all thinges come not to confusion and be turned vpside downe?

Therfore let Elders be restored to our churche againe which are both necessary helpes for the safetye and preserua­tion off yt and worthy ornamentes for the estimation off the same. Let vs obeye the Lordes Commaundement touchinge the ordeyninge off Elders / yff either the safety or estymacion off the church be deare vnto vs / or yff we haue any care off doinge our duty vnto god.

As for election and Ordynacion off them / seing yt may be taken out off those Generall rules which I haue giuen before / and doth not requyre any thinge to be special­lie spoken in this behalffe / Let vs conclude this matter / and together with all / euen the whole treaty which hath bene handled concerninge the symple charges and offices off the churche / besech ing God our most mercifull father / that yt may please him to haue mercy off our churche and that as he hath raised yt in a māner from the deade and oute of the graue againe So he would also vouchsafe / to adorne and beauty­fy yt being raised vpp: That yt may please hym to take awaye the deformyties off yt / cutting off that which is super­fluous / and supplyinge that which wantethe / To encrease hir beau [...]y and ornamentes and to Poolishe and perfect her with his most freshe and lyuely colors: To restore tre­we Discypline againe / To abolishe the Canon lawe / that only they which are called may bare office in the churche / That Ambition may be repulsed and put back / That the the lawes off lawfull Election and ordynation may be kept: Fynally that a lawfull Mynistery may be established [Page 159] thoroughout the Realme which may continewe for euer: That Deacons may be made for the poore / and Elders to admoni­she such as goe astray / And last off all that as he hath most mercifully allready begonn in our church all thinges / which he hath most wisely appoynted to the glorifyinge off his name and preseruinge off his churche / So yt may please hym of like grace and fauour to perfect and finishe his worck emonges vs. And thus much off those offices and charges off the churche whiche we call symple.

It followeth now to speake off the Consystory or Coun­cell off the churche. Whereoff allthoughe ther be no newe or speciall Eelection and ordynacion / because yt consisteth off suche as are allredy called to the former offices / yet I thought Good euen for this cause to distinguishe them from the former / for that here no one man hath any office or autho­thoritye to do any thing as in the former: But ther is one office off all / which they all do execute in common together: For the Consistory or Councell off the churche is the com­pany and Assemblye off the Elders off the churche / who by common Counsell and authoritye do rule and gouerne the same.

Vnder the name off Elders / I do meane only Pastors / Doctors and those who are by proper named called Elders. For I see not what ground yt hath that some would also ha­ue Deacons to be off this company. 1. Timot. 4.24. For seing that Sainct Paule / calleth this assembly the company off Elders / It fol­loweth that they must be Elders who be off this assembly. But the name off Elders is no wher in the Scriptures that I can remember attributed vnto Deacons / But only vnto Pastors / Doctors / and suche as are properly so called. To proue that Pastors and Doctors be Elders I neede not cite many places (which are infinite) where they are so named. As for them who are specially called by this na­me / That one place in the xij. off the Romanes may suffici­ently proue. Where the Apostle distinguishinge the of­fice [Page 160] off a Deacon into two partes geueth to those only / the na­me off Elders and gouerners: Rom. 12.8. calling the other / by an other name.

This Consistory therfore consisteth of these three ordres / Pastors / Doctors and Elders: which is called by S. Paule the Assembly off Elders: as also by the same Apostle they are all called by the name off Elders in an other place. 1. Timo. 4.14. 1. Timoth. 5 17. In the xviij. off Mathew our Sauior calleth them by the name of the churche: because they rule ād gouerne church matters vnder the name and authority off the churchr. So likewise the name off all the assembly / by Moses is geuen to the Elders off the Iewes: that is to say vnto certein chosen and picked out men who were assigned by all the congregation to the gouernment off the affaires.

Thus plainly it is taken in the viij. of nombres wher the Lord appointeth that the Congregation shall lay handes vp­pō the Leuites: But I think no man will say that this is to be vnderstoode off all the congregatiō / that so many thousandes should laie there handes vpon them / as are rehersed to haue bene then in the host off Israell / but the Elders and princes only / as Aben Ezra doth rightly interprete yt. Which is to be noted the rather / because some will haue the wordes off our Sauior to be expounded off all the churche: Levi. 25. wher as accordin­ge to the manner off speakinge which the Hebries vse / the Consistory or counsell off the churche / is called the church: where also it is to be obserued / that togither with the name / the thing it selfe is translated from the Iewes vnto vs: That looke what a Counsell the Iewes vsed for the gouernment off the churche / we ought to vnderstand by this name that su­che a one is apointed by our Sauior / to be in our churche. Therfore in the same place he attributeth to this Counsell the chiefe gouernment off all churche matters: that all such thinges as cannot otherwise be agreed and ended / be at the last brought vnto them / and ended by ther au [...]horitie and iudgement.

And iff there shold be any off so desperate boldnes / that should dispise the authoritie off this Assembly off Elders / [Page 161] Our Sauiour Christ pronounceth hym to he as an ethnik or a publycan / assuringe suche a one / that his stubburnnes and rebellion shall not escape vnpunished. Wherfore he graunteth vnto them chiefe authoritie accordinge to his word to forge­ue or retaine synnes: which the Doctors off the church are wont to call the keies off heauen / because that heauen is in a manner set open for them to enter into / whome they haue thus accordinge to god his word forgyuen there synnes / as contrarywise it is shutte / and barred against them / whose sinnes they doe retaine.

And seing that God hath giuē to our Sauiour Christ all power in heauen and in earth / and that the keye off the house off Dauid which is the church off god is geuen to him / and laid vppon his shoulders / so that no man may shutte iff he doth open / neither open iff he doe shutte / yt is not to be doubted / but that heauen is open and shutte also / when they do o­pen and shutt who haue receiued his authority and vnto w­hom he hath committed this keye.

Therfore as Lacedemon had an assemblie off Elders / A­thenes a highe court named Areopagus / Rome a Senate / and fynally / euery kingdome and cōmon welthe a Counsell w­hos authoritie is chiefe and soueraigne in all affaires / and by whome the rest off the society are gouerned / So lykewise the churche hath an Assembly off Elders / by whose authoritie / ec­clesiasticall and church matters are gouerned and administ­red. But these thinges are to be declared more at large: and all this power and authority more especially and particuler­ly to be shewed / that we may knowe how farre it extendeth it selffe / and off how great force and waight it is to the lawfull gouernment off the churche.

Therfore the whole authority of the cōsistory cōsisteth in ij. partes. off which the first concernethe the officers off the churche / that is to saie / touchinge bothe the choosinge and deposinge off thē: wherof I shall not need to speake in this place / seig I haue sufficiently spoken before off Elections: wherby also may be easelye vnderstoode / that which apperteynethe to the [Page 162] other pointe off depositions.

Rom. 16. [...]The secōd part off this authoritie cōsisteth allmost who­lie in takinge heede to offences and correcting and remouinge them out off the churche. Which offences / Saint Paule semeth in the xvj. off the Romans / to deuide into two sortes: into sectes / and Offences: wheroff the first semeth to apperteine vnto Doctrine / and the other vnto manners All which autho­rity off Correctinge is spirituall / as proceeding not from the Magistrates but from the Elders off the churche. For as this counsell is Ecclesiasticall / and the court a spirituall court (as we vse to call yt (as also it is manifestly distinguished by S. Paule / from the cyuill courtes and places which the Apostle calleth courtes for thinges belonging to this life) So also the punyshement is speciall and suche as belongeth to the sowle and Conscience / and concerneth not this life nor those thin­ges with which the ciuill magistrate is wont to deale. [...]. Corr. 6. [...]

So that they are the more to blame / who for this cause reiect and refuse all Ecclesasticall kinde off punishement / as iniurious to the magistrate / seing it handleth nothing that the magistrate can in suche sort deale with all / but is lymited and bounded with reprehensions taken out off the word off god by takinge awaye the vse and communication off Sacramentes and publique praiers from them and suche like thinges as do apperteine to the soule and conscience.

But most off all they are to be blamed who doe falsly charge this lawfull discipline as I shewed (whith offendin­ge against Princes and magistrates: wheras yt neither pu­nysheth any thīge which belōgeth to the courtes off ciuil officers / nor yet punysheth with cyuill punishemēt / as off goodes or off body / any fault which it correcteth: but only in such sort as hath bene declared wheras they whoe do obiect this / may be charged with bothe faultes. For this discipline off theyrs both dealeth in cyuill causes / and by right apperteyninge to the courtes off the Magystrates / and often tymes those whome they haue authoritye to correct / they punyshe by the purse or emprisonment. But to passe thes lightly [Page 163] ouer for hast (which notwithstanding are most waighty ac­cusations / and worthy for the haynousnes off them to be de [...]ie with in the kinges benche / as offending so highly against the state and authoritie off the prince and Magistrate) Let vs co­me to the diuers kindes of Censures and reprehensions which are vsed in this lawfull discipline.

Now this correction is off two sortes: and is done either by Speeche or wordes only / as when a man is rubuked for some fault which he hath committed and is warned to take heed that he offend not so againe / or ells when besides the cha­stisement off wordes / ther is some spirituall punishement and correction adioyned therunto) Example we haue off the first sort in the fourth off the Actes / where Theapostells Peter and Iohn being brought to the Assembly off the Elders / they we­re asked by what authoritie they taught the people / and prea­ched the resurrection from the dead in the name of Iesus: for which after that they had bene rebuked and threatned / they were forbidden to preache or speake any more to any man in the name off Christ / and so let go.

In deed they did wickedly to rebuke them for the prea­chinge the of gospell / the best thing that cā be and most necessary for the saluacion off man: but yet by this there doinge we may perceiue what was the forme off gouernment off the churche emonges the Iewes / which our Sauiour Christ hath translated to his churche: For this is it that our Sauiour Christ meanethe in the xviij. off Matthew / and xvij. verse / when he commandeth the stubborne that will not be obedi­ent to the admonytion off two or three / to be brought to the churche / that he may be admonished and corrected by the churche. Wher vnto also belongeth that / wher S. Paule ad­monisheth Tymothy off reprouinge the Elders openly: that is to say / suche / as had bene lawfullie conuicted. 1. Timoth. 5.20.

And for those admonitions and corrections which haue some punishment ioined with them / for the diuersitie both of faultes and punishementes they are deuided into two sortes: And resemble in a manner those two punishementes off the [Page 164] Romanes / wherby the state / condition / and priuilege off suche as did offend was diminished: wheroff the first is called by Ecclesiasticall writers Suspension / the second Excommuni­cation.

Now suspension is a charge geuen by the assembly of the Elders to absteyne a certen tyme from the communication off the supper off Lord. Hereoff ther is some example and sha­dowe in the lawe / which forbiddeth such as be vncleane to be partakers off ho [...]y thinges / and suffered not indifferently any to enter into the Temple / and to be partakers off the Sacra­mentes and sacrifices which were offred. [...] Chro. 23. [...]. Therfore there were appointed keepers off the gates off the temple by Iehoyada the priest to keepe euery filthy and vncleane person from en­tringe into the temple. Exod. [...].48. So also in the xij. off Exodus It is for­bidden that any man being vncircuncised shold be admitted to the cmomunicatinge off the Passouer: or that any straun­ger who by receiuinge circuncision / professed not the like Re­ligion with them should be admitted.

In the ix. off Nombres ther is a notable example concerninge this matter / off certen who beinge driuen from communicatinge the Passouer bycause they had polluted them selues by touchinge a dead body / wēt to Moses and Aaron / that is to say syttinge in the Counsell house (as it is well noted by an He­brew Interpretor) and desyred that ther vncleanes might be forgeuen them / that they might eate the passeouer with the rest off Israell / alledginge that seinge off necessitie some must dailie die in so great a multitude / yt seemed not that / that vncleanes wherwith they were polluted by doinge ther ne­cessary dewry to ther frendes and neigbours (in burying off them) shold be so great / that they therfore should be forbid­den to eate off the Passeouer with the rest off the church. But Moses askinge counsell off god what was to be done in this case / Aunswer was made that they shold not eate the passeo­uer with the rest off ther brethren / and a lawe made for euer after / touchinge that matter. That those kinde off vncleane persons shold not eate the passeouer with the rest of Israell in the [Page 165] first monethe / but sholde tarie to eate yt in the second moneth.

Out off which places we haue many thinges to gather which belonge to the discipline off the churche. And first off that which is in the xij. off Exodus. That no vncircumcised person shold be admitted to eate the passeouer / no allthoughe they were Iewes / and by nature borne heires off the coue­naunt and off the promises / but that open profession off trew Religion was necessarilie required as well off Iewe as off straunger before they were admitted to eate off the passe­ouer.

Off this I saie we learne / that now no mā ought to be admitted to the Lordes table and to the holie communiō / but he that is knowen by his open profession to be off trewe Religi­on: for Asmuche as the body excelleth the shadowe / and the Trewth the figure / So muche more carefully ought we to ta­ke heed / that the Sacramentes / wherin we haue the truthe / and the body it selffe / be not communicated with vncircumci­sed and vncleane persons. So that diligent Inquisicion is to be had off euery man what saythe he holdeth and how he ser­ueth God / lest we communicate them with any who professe not the same trewe Religion off Christ.

Which was so well taken heed vnto in the primitiue churche / that Eusebius reportethe in his Ecclesiasticall history / 6. Boke of his Ecclesia­sticall historie. that a Romaine Emperour named Philippe who f [...]rst became Christian off all the Emperours / and fyrst submitted the ro­maine Empire vnto Christ) desyringe to cōmunicate with the rest off the churche / was not admitted therunto by the Bishop off that churche (for that he was yet suspected for diuers cau­ses) before that he had openly made profession off trewe Reli­gion / And in those our daies / in these churches which haue re­ceyued the Doctrine off the Gospell and trewe discipline together / as in olde tyme no man was suffered to eate off the Passeouer / beinge either a straunger or a hyred seruant onlesse he had his part in the lambe / So likewise in the holie Communion off the Lordes supper / Christ the trewe paschall lambe is communicated onely to suche (as farre as men can iudge by [Page 166] there outward profession) vnto whome Christ hym selffe be­longethe.

Now thē / seing we haue a lawe touching this matter off no lesse waight then theyrs / why do we suffer yt to Remayne in the book off the gospell / as in a scabbard / and suffer the ed­ge off yt to wax dull / now fyften yeeres together? why do we communicate the holie Sacramentes with the Papistes / and require not before they be admitted a syncere / open / and franck Confession off trewe Religion? The holie Mysteries off God are prophaned / The Gentles enter into the Temple off God / The holie thinges are indifferently communicated with cle­ane and vncleane / cyrcuncised and vncyrcuncised / and yet we s [...]t no porters at the churche dores / nor shut vpp the vnclea­ne and polluted together by them selues. Therfore / Let this so necessary a part off Eclesiasticall discipline be established Let an open profession off trewe Religiō be exacted of those / who are admitted to the vse off holie thinges: ād Let no longer the heauenly mysteries off God be prophaned / by communy­cating them with the Papistes.

The next thing which is to be noted out off these places / which I haue alledged belongeth vnto those / who are in deede heires off the promises / and as Saint Peter speaketh in the Actes Sonnes off the Testament and couenant made withe the Fathers / but yet for some fault made / are for a tyme excluded from the vse off holie thinges. Act. 3.2 [...]. And hitherto belongeth that example which I alledged out off the ix. off Nombres / off those who were put ouer vnto the second monethe before they might eate the Passeouer.

Touching which kind off punishment / all thoughe ther be nothing expressely mencioned and commanded in the gospell / yet seing it is commanded in the fift off Matthew / that he at whome a brother is offended / bringing an offring to the aulter of the lord should leaue his offring there and goo first ād be recōc [...]led to his brother / how muche more ought this to be done / wher the Anger hath bene so hote / that it hath broken out into reprochefull and contumelious wordes / E [...]. 5.24. and suche as our Sauiour [Page 167] manifestly declareth to be suche as the Counsell off the churche hath to deale with? Mat. 5. [...]2. that is to saie / That they be com­manded to abstaine from the aulter off the lord / vntill they be reconciled with there brother who is offended. For otherwise If without reconciliacion they offer ther gift / the offringe is prophaned and they that doe such thinges / are giltye off gre­at offence / and for a small fauit that was made before / haue nowe cōmitted a great ād a hainous trespasse. For so the lawe threateneth to that vncleane person / that durst touche the ho­lie fleshe / ād eate of the sacrifices / that he should surely pay for it / ād that no other sacrifice sholde serue to take away his sin̄e / but euē his owne blud: Levi. 7.18. Math. 5.26 As also our Sauiour Christ threatneth in the gospell / that they which reconcile not them selues / shall surely paie for it / euen to the vttermost farthing. And S Pau­le saithe that they that drincke and eate the Lordes body vn­worthely / eate and drinck there owne damnation.

Seing thē it is so ād that the lord is so greuously displeased with the neglectinge off these dewties / and prophanation off his holie misteries / Seing also that those men thē selues who do thus boldly prophane them / doe make them selues gilty by this meanes of more greuous iudgement and condenmnatiō / this part off discipline also being no lesse necessary then the o­ther / which we want nowe to lōge time / is to be restored agai­ne: and the keepinge off it to be as muche esteemed / as we este­me ād set by the heauy iudgemēts of god / and his wrathe punishinge and reuēginge the prophanatiō of his holie misteries.

For let no man here obiect vnto me the Bishops Consistory / and the Officiall / and Cōmissarie geuinge charge from the Bishop to be recōcyled ād punishinge by the purse suche as do offend / as if we wanted not those thinges that I saie we wāt / for all those are but toyes and trifles / which seing it hath abolished the lawfull man̄er of taking awaie off offences / apointed by our Sauiour Christ to be kept in his churche / what hope can we looke for / to haue any holesome remedie by these meanes off so daungerous diseases? Therfore Let ther be a lawfull Counsell establyshed in the churche / and Let them vse that [Page 168] authoritie / which they haue appointed them off the Lord / for the thrustinge back off Prophane and vncleane persons / off the keepinge chaste and pure the seruice off god / off taking awaye off offences / and prouidinge off meete remedies for e­uery fault and transgression.

Now remaineth the other parte touchinge excommuni­cation / a large point and off great waight and vse in the chur­che: but so muche the more fowlie abused as the right vse off yt / is good and profitable. But as I purposed / touchinge on­lie those faultes which are committed in our discipline in this behalffe / I will omitt all other: and first off all I passe ouer them who take awaye all vse off excommunication / and con­tend that it is not necessary in a Christian churche. For our men who reteine yet still suche a kinde off excommunication as they haue receyued from the papistes denie not that ther is so­me vse off yt / but rather contrarilie do proue it to be necessarie thinking it better to vse this beinge as yt wer a leaden sword / then none at all. Althoughe / that which shalbe alledged by me oute of the Scriptures touching the lawfull vse hereoff / shall­be sufficient to cōnfute them also / who do denie any vse off yt at all.

Excommunication therfore is a sentence giuen by the Assembly off the Elders / wherby the partie that is conuicted off some greuous cryme and offence / and can by no meanes be brought to repentannce / being first forbidden to come to the lordes table / with out prescription off any other certeine time then off his repentaunce / is driuen out from the churche / and cutt off from the communion and felowshippe off the faithfull.

This part of Ecclesiasticall censure as also the first were translated vnto vs from the Iewes. For the churche off Chr­ist / in all this matter off discipline hath receiued all hir lawes and decrees from the Iewes: for as it hath bene shewed befo­re / It is plaine and manifest / that our Sauiour in the xviij. M [...] 17.18 off Mathew alluded to the manner off the Iewes / because that otherwise his speache should haue bene very obscure / and such [Page 169] as no man had bē able to vnderstand. But this appereth most manifestly by the excommunication off the blind man in the ix. off Iohn / and by the xvij. off the same Gospell / wher Christ geuethe the Apostles warninge / that they should be excommunicate for his sake.

Some fetche the Originall hereoff euen from Adam w­hom the Lord cast oute off Eden / and set an Aungell at the entrye / who by shakinge the blade off a glistering sword fra­ied him from entring in / and suffred him / not to tast or tou­che that tree which was a Sacrament off life vnto him. Su­che a like thing also the Hebrewe Interpretours obserue off Cain / whom the Lord with a certeine curse caste out off the Land wher his Father Adam dwelt: which place was nere vnto Eden / and had certeine vndoubted tokens off the presence and fauour off god remaning in it. For that there was certei­teine place there wherin the sacrifices were offred / Aben Ez­ra / doth learnedly note vpon this wher yt is saide off Cain and Abell / that they brought there oblations to offer / which must needes be vnderstoode That they brought them to a certen place: and in the same chap. Caine complaineth / thathe is cast oute frome before the face of god. Furder allso some shadow hereoff apperethe in the Leepers / who for ther leprosye were cast out off the cytie.

And surely thos be no obscure and dark shadowes / but plainlie and lyuelie do represent vnto vs the nature off excommunication / yf they be well and narowly obserued: which not withstandinge is set forth more plainlie in the xvij. off Ge­nesis wher the lord institutinge the signe off circumcision / for a seale off the couenant made betwene hym / and Abraham / and his seed / threateneth that the contemner off this signe / that shall refuse to be circumcised / shallbe shut out from the couenaunt / and to be cut off from the people / with whome he had made his couenaunt / and to be esteemed as one that had bene borne emonges the other profane nacions.

Afterwards also this couenaunt being renewed with the Is­raelites vnder the lawe / as the promises were signed with [Page 170] moo seales / and as they were assured off them by moo mea­nes / So this cutting off which they call Carith is more often tymes threatned and mencioned: which / that yt was the same in the tyme off the lawe / that our excommunication is nowe / appeareth by that that the very formes of speakīg and the na­mes theroff / are borowed from it / and translated vnto oures. For what other thing ys yt / to be an ethnik and a publican / by which kinde of speakinge Christ noteth excommunication and that also which is in the ix. Iohn 9.17. of Iohn / To be cast out off the Sy­nagogue / and those manners off speaking vsed in this case by the primitiue churche / To be cast out from the Communyon off the faithfull. To be banished. And to be, acompted straungers from the church, And that which Paule saith in the first to the Corinthes. chap. 5.2. That he may be taken out from emongs yow, and the 8. verse Put out that vvicked man frō emonges yow / what other thing I say is declared in all these kindes off speakinge / but that which is so often repeared in the lawe / To be be cut off from Israell & te be cut off from his people▪ Yea further / both our Sauiour Christ in the 18. off Matthew and the 8. Galat. 5.12 Act. 3.24. verse / and S. Paule to the Galathians / and S Peter in the Actes / seme manifestly to allude / to this name off Cutting off.

That same also which is in the 9. off Nōbres wher the lord threatning that he shall be cut of from his people that eareth off his sacrifice after yt was offred / saith / that his sacrifice shall proffit him nothinge / nor be accounted to hym to take avvay his synne, but that his synne shall remaine still vppon his ovvne heade, & be punyshed vpon him selffe, For so A­ben Ezra doth expound yt: or as man might peraduenture turne the wordes and more fytlie / He threatneth / that suche a one shall beare his owne sinne.

[...]en. 18.15And that same also in the xviij. off Deuteronomye / where threatninge the same cuttinge off / to the contemner off the Prophet which should be sent / I vvilll require, [Page 171] saith he, his synne at his hands: what other thing do these two kinde off speaches signifie / then the wordes off Bynding & not Forgiuing Synnes, which are vsed by our Saui­our Christ in the xviij off Matthew in this behalffe? Last off all doth not Saint Paule in his first epistle to the Corinthes and 5. chap. the 6.7. and 8. verses / seeme to haue taken the ground and foundacion off that excommunication from that Cutting off, which is mencioned in the 12. off Exodus the 15. and 19. verses? And verie properly and fitly to haue transla­ted yet therunto? For wheras Moses had threatned that he shold be cut of from his people / who duringe the seauē daies of his Passeouer had any leauen in his house / but onelie sweet breade / Saint Paule making oure whole life to answer to those 7. dayes off the Passeouer / and Christ to be our Paschall Lambe / the house to be the Assembly and Companye off Com­municantes (as also some off the Hebrew interpretors expo­und yt) Sweate bread / to be synceritie and trew the / and Lea­uen / to be maliciousnes and wikednes / seemeth he not I say to ground and gather herevppon / that that same Co­rinthian / who in the tyme off the feast off our trewe Passe­ouer had that leauen found in his house / that is to saye had so greuously synned after the profession off Christian Religion / was to be cast out off the church? And hauinge cha­unged a litle the manner off Speakyng, / he addeth in the same place / that this olde leauen was to be purged out from the church off God / which he calleth a newe Lum­pe and Sweete / or vnleauened bread. Herebye therfore / as I think yt is plainly proued / bothe that the vse offex­communication hathe bene at all tymes necessarie in the churche / and also that is was fyrst translated vnto vs from he Iewes by Lord hym selffe. And that yt was af­terwardes vsed by the Apostles and synce the Apostles ty­me euen vnto this age / in the churche off God / Allthoug­he myserablye depraued and corrupted in this later age [Page 172] wheruppon I conclude that it ought to be vsed in Christian churches when tyme and occasion doth serue.

Furder / it hathe bene declared hereby what excommunication is / and what the force and nature off it is namely that yt cut­teth off from the church / (that is to saie that company which professeth the trewe seruice off god) the party against whom suche a sentence is geuen / and depriueth hym from the blessed hope [...]ff the children off God and waiting for the promises / togither with the signes and seales theroff: which both pro­mises & Sacraments / are geuen to the churche alone. So that by this / as it was in that most greuous sentence and condemnacion off the Romaines spoken off before / all the rightes pri­uiledges and freedomes off a citezin off the cyty off God / are cleane lost and taken away / and so muche the more greuous is this sentence to be esteemed / that wheras he that had lost his fredom in Rome might haue bene denyzed into some other free towne or place: but he that loseth the freedome off this cy­tie / can not be receiued as Denison into any other free state or common welthe / but being cast oute off the kingdome off god is delyuered to the kingdome off darcknes and to extrea­me bondage / seing ther is no meane / but that he who is not off the one kingdome must be off the other as doth appeere in the example to the Colossians.

Colos. 1.13.Therfore our Sauiour Christ / declareth that by this sentē ce a man is pronounced to be an ethnick and a publycā which being spoken in respect off the Iewes / is as asmuche as one should say nowe in respect off the Christians / a Panym a Sa­racene / or a Turcke. And Saint Paule / declareth it to be a delyuering to Sathan: wherupon also we are commāded in the Epistle to the Thessalonians / that we haue not to doe with thē who are suche / which Sentence the more greuous yt is / and how much more terrible this sword is / then that the Angell shaked before Adam to feare hym with all: [...]. Corr. 5.5 [...] Thess. [...]. [...].14. So muche the mo­re care and heede is to be taken here / against whom we pro­nounce suche a sentence / against whom we draw out so shar­pe [...]n edged sword: lest that iff it be against and Innocent / or o­ne [Page 173] that is not giltie off some haynous offence and vnrepen­tant / we make our selues by prophaninge / the most holie and sacred Iustice off god / gyltie off his heauy iudgement and di­spleasure. Therfore this sword is to be handled and ruled by the word and commandement off the highe Iudge / and to be drauen out onlie against them / against whom he shall com­maund it to be drauen / neither is so sharpe a kinde off surge­rie to be vsed to the curing off the rest off the body / except yt euidently appere that some member be cleane rotten / and pu­trified.

Wherin lest we should offend by any error / certen ex­presse rules are geuen vs / which do fully sett out all the ordre whereby we ought to proceede in this case. Mat. 18.17 For our Sauiour Christ declareth generallie that euery one who shalbe disobedient vnto the churche / exhorting him to acknowledge / and be­waile his offences / shold be holden as an ethnick and a publi­can. Tit. 3.10. And Saint Paule more particulerly declarethe an here­tick is be excommunicated / A schismatike / a Blasphemer an Idolater / or he that offendethe so greuously in māners that he is an incestuous person or a fornicator or giltie off any of thos crymes which are rehersed in the first Epistle to the Corinthes the v. chap. and the xj. verse and to the Thessalonie in the ij. E­pistle the iij. chap. and ij verse.

For allthoughe (as our Sauiour Christ most wisely and worthelie handleth this matter in the xviij. off Math.) yt be better that one member be cut off then that all the bodie do perishe / yet wher the case is concerninge the cutting off / off some part off our bodie / or off pulling out the eie / we ought to considre first diligently / yff there be any hope to recouer yt againe. yff there be any medicine that may do yt good: yff the publique fast off the churche as a certene spirituall diet off the whole bodie may remedy it: fynally wither yt be alltogether putrified and rotten / so that the part must needes be plucked awaie or cut of that the rest of the the bodie may be preserued before we suffer yt to be pulled out or cut off from the bodie. Yea futhermore allthoughe it plainly appeerethe to be putri­fied [Page 174] / and that the sore be alltogether desperate and past hope of remedie / yet notwithstandinge we ought not to mayme the bodye / or put out the eye / althoughe that part and membre be become vnproffitable / nay althoughe yt be hurtfull and and noysome to the rest / without great griefe and sorowe off the whole bodye / nor without sence and feelinge / and natu­rall compassion off so great a myserie.

In which behalffe / as the Papistes were wont most greuously to offend when as for euery light cause / and euen for not payinge the Officiall or some Officer off his court some shillinge or two or other dewties / men that were otherwise very honest and godlie had bothe other sentences / and euen this most greuous emonges all / geuen against them. So that to this daye this notable corruption off this deuyne Iu­stice is not corrected nor amended: But euen as yt was wont to be in tyme off darknes / matters off lest waight and impor­tance are punyshed with those greuous and fearefull sen­tences. But seing that the Edge both off the other sentences and also off this which is most greeuous / is the commannde­ment off god / ād that not only one off the Bishopps officers / but all men alyue are not able to cut off from the churche / w­hom Christ from heauen doth quicken which his spirit as a membre off. his bodie / ther is no cause why any man should feare that sentence / as yf it were this thunderbolt which I ha­ue described.

But as there hath bene fault into muche lightnes and rashenes / and pronouncinge so heauy sentences without iust cause / so ther hath bene no lesse fault in this / that by negligen­ce this wholesome seuerytie when iust cause and occusion re­quireth / is not executed. For that meanes being taken awaye which the Lord would haue exercised in his church and wher­by offences are to be prouided for / and the whole authoritie translated from the consistorye and company off the Elders / to the Bishop and his court / where the Pastor must come to pleade / yff he will hart from the cōmunion suche as are to be put back by the word off god the holie mysteries off god are [Page 175] with great lycence and without any punishement daily pro­phaned / the holie thinges are prostituted and set open to Adul­terers / fornicators / drunckerds / and all kinde off vicious and sinfull liuers / and (which our Sauiour forbiddethe) precious stōnes are cast before hogges / and swine. And the holie myste­ries not only prophaned by taking awaie off this means wherby they might be kept from thes pollutions and propanaciōs but the churche also is brought into an vndoubted daūger / For asmuche as it is to feared / lest that the rest off the body be infected with the same contagion: and euen they them selues who be suche / heape and doble their condēnacion / for that they dare take in hand to be so bold tho come in suche sort vnto the lords table.

For besides that the worship and seruice off god is preserued and kept chast / pure / and vndefiled by this seueritie / the w­hole churche also and euen the parties them selues who are giltie are best by this meanes prouided for. And that the church is thus preserued / the Apostle plaīly sheweth wheras willing them to cast out the leauen / he geueth them warninge / that the whole lumpe is sone sowred with a litle leauen. And that this also doth apperteine to the benefit and safety off the gilty parties S. Paule sheweth / noting this to be the end off deliueringe the incestuous man vnto Satan / that his sowle might be saued in the daie off the Lord. 1. Cor. ver. 6. 1. Cor. 5.5. And againe where he saith / that they ougt to be contented with that correction which had be­ne done / lest that peraduētur the partie should be swallowed vp with to muche greefe. 2. Cor. 2.7. Wherby we see / that this a medicine / rather then a deadly punishement: a sharpe ād bitter medicine in deede / But we must remember that no remedy is so gre­uous as that which is most healthfull and holesome.

Seinge therfore excōmunication hath so profitable / necessarie [...]od holesome vses in the churche / let it be restored to vs agayne and established in suche sort as ys described by the word off God / Let the holie Sacramentes off god be carefully kept from all pollucion and and prophanacion / Let the lea­uen be purged and cast out off the churche / that we may be [Page 176] a newe lump as we are vnleauened and sweet breade as the Apostle witnesseth. Let vs procure diligently the helth off those membres which be in daunger / that we enter not lame / and maimed / but whole into that life / which by the word off God we hope for. Let the Angell off God therfore / be set at the gate off Eden / that with his sharpe and glistering sword he may keepe back all polluted and vncleane persons from tastinge or touching off the tree off life. Let the safety off the churche be procured and sought for by this kind of purgation / and the amendemēt off suche as goe astray / by these remedies: sharpe in deed and vnpleasant but holesome notwithstanding and proffitable.

Thus in those two kindes or sortes / all manner off kindes off Ecclesiasticall discipline ād remedyinge off offences / is conteined: onles some man think good that / that execration be ad­ded which S. Paule denounceth and threatneth in the first to the Corinthians and the last chap. against all those who loue not the Lord Iesus: [...]. Cor. 16.1.22. Galat. 1.2.8. [...].14. and to the Galathians against suche as preache any other Gospell: which S. Iude oute off Enoch se­meth to thunder against all the wicked. Which iff any man so take and referr to excommunication / Saint Iohn seemeth to allude to the necessary vse off excōmunication in the church / were (as it semeth out off Zachary who had prophesyed that in the kingdome of Christ ther should no more be any Canani­te in the Land) he declareth that in this cyty which he descri­beth in the xxij. chap. ther should no more be any accursed thing / as also in the xxj. chap. and xxvij. ver. and the 22. chap. the 25. ver. he alludeth to the same thing / wheras he say that no prophane or abhominable thing / no doggs / inchaunters for­nicators / [...]c. shall enter into the cyty.

But that semeth to be more then a Medicine / and to be rather a sentence off deathe and a threatning off the last Iud­gement without hope off forgyuennes: And some think yt a­greeth rather to the vices them selues then to any certen per­sons: as also the Apostle denounceth thē not against certē men but generally against the wicked and reprobate. Althoughe [Page 177] the primitiue churche pronounced this sentence euen against certē mē / as Socrates declareth in his history / that Nestorius was accursed by the churche men / which curse / saith he we Christianes are wont to call the sentence that is pronounced against a blasphemer / when as iff it were grauen vpon some pille [...] / we publishe this sentence to all the world. The seuen­th boke of his Eccles [...] asticall h [...] tory. Which iff we take in this sense / yt semeth so to answer to excommunicati­on / as Destruction. Which the Hebrews call Abaddon / doth answer to that excision and cutting of whiche they call careth / Which hath bene spoken off before. Touching which Destru­ction the Hebrew interpretours confesse that they knowe not certenly what it is / yet they do proue plainly that it is an other kind off punyshement distinguished from the other / and off more greeuous and certen destruction.

And let thus much suffise to haue bene spokē of the chiefe and soueraigne authority off the Assembly off the Elders in the gouernment off the churche: wherby we may see by which of the three states of lawfull gouernmēt (which are / wher one is soueraigne / or more / or all) the churche is gouerned. For as­muche as the state and kind off gouernment / is esteemed off the soueraigne whither he be one / moo / or the commynaltie / Therfore for asmuch as all thinges are ordered and gouerned by the authority off certen chosen men who are cheife in the congregation in godlines and vertewe / we may call the go­uernment off the churche / Aristocratie that is / that gouern­ment and state wherin a fewe off the best do beare the rule: or rather Theocratie that is the gouernment off god / seing that they haue no authoritie to do any thing but by the word and commandement off god.

But these chosen ād picked out mē / do so exercise this authoritie / that they do well vnderstād they execute no ciuill nor politique gouernment / but that they so rule ouer the people off god: that ther be no violence nor tyranny vsed: or suche like / as comonly is vsed in that state / which degenerating from the gouernment of a fewe off the best / commeth to a fewe off the [Page 178] richest: but that they adioyne also to ther owne authoritie (es­pecially in matters off great waight as in choosinge / or depo­singe off any Ecclesiasticall Officer / or in suspendinge or ex­communicatinge any man) the consent and agreement off all the people. For we reade it to haue bene thus done / euē frō the Apostles tymes vntill that Discipline was corrupted / as ap­pereth in the Actes off the Apostles written by Sainct Lu­ke / and the Ecclesiasticall history off the primitiue churche. So that in this respect yt seemeth that the churche is gouer­ned rather by all / then by a fewe. And therin to resemble that state off gouernment wherin the cōminaltie is the chie­fe. Which societie must needes be gouerned by a heauenly ordre / for it is the best state off all wheras all these thre mee­te in one kind off gouerment: as both Plato thought and Aristotle and the other chiefe and excellent Philosophers: that state I say / wherin all the cytezins obediently submit them selues to god which cōmandeth / as kinge and monarche / and the assembly which decreeth by his will and authoritie / whe­re also the assembly decreeth no weighty matter without the cōsent and approbacion off the rest off the churche and people.

Neither is this the māner of gouernment off parish churches onely / but the same is also kept where more churches are either for that they be nighe togeether / or because they are all subiect to the same Magistrate / or for ther cōmon proffit and commodty / ioyne togeether / and make as yt were one body. For off this sort also be all the assemblyes which are gathe­red for the gouernment off the churche: both those which are called Conferences and Synodes wither they be lesse Syno­des / suche as they were wont to haue twise a yeere in euery prouince / or greater which are gathered to geether by the au­thoritie off any one whole kingdome / free state / or common wealthe: or ells off mo kingdomes and countries. For the so­uerantie allwais reserued vnto Christ by whose word all thinges are gouerned as in a Monarchy / The counsell or As­sembly off Elders as in the second state off gouernment which I described before / decreeth by common counsell and authoritie [Page 179] / that which is for the wealth and commoditie off the chur­che: the people with all good will allowing off the godly iust and honest determinacions off the Assembly / or making them voide and off none effect / yff they be not suche / as in the last ststate wherin the people hathe to rule and gouerne.

Off which Assemblye both Conferences and Synodes of both sortes / althoughe many thinges might be said very necessary and profitable for the vse off our churche / to which no­thing could be more profitable then these assemblies being so vsed as they are apointed to be vsed by the word off god and vsed by other purer and better reformed churches (as contra­riwise nothinge doth more hurt then these Synodes visitaci­ons and conuocations / which are come into ther places / which as we vse them are full off infinitie abuses wherin almost no other thīge is talked of or detreed but of square cappes copes ād surplises / what fashiō the ministers gowne and cloke must be off an such like trifles) yet seing this hangeth off that which hathe bene allready spoken off the gouernment off particuler churches / and the more full handling off those thinges may be taken out of the lerned writinges of some off our daies which haue lately writē / touching this matter / passinge this thus briefly ouer / let vs returne againe to the assembly and cōpany off Elders / which seing I haue declared both to haue bene institu­ted by our Sauiour Christ and to be very necessary for the preseruacion off the churche / because that therby controuersies a­re ended / offenses are taken away / the churche being purged is deliuered from the feare off the punishement off god / the Sacraments are kept holie and vndefiled / fynally all thinges are done seemely and orderly as the Apostle cōmandeth to be do­ne in the churche off god / By what subtelty off Satan and negligence of our selues are our churches bereaued off so singu­ler ād heauēly a benefit? can any mā deny but that Christ hath thus apointed that this assemblie should thus gouerne in his churche? iff ther be any man that can deny it / Let hym tell vs what the meanyng ys off thes wordes / Tell the Assembly [Page 180] in the xviij. off Matthew: or what keyes / that is to say what power off openinge and shutting off heauen / off bindinge or losinge sinne our Sauiour speaketh off in that place: 2. Timo. 4. [...]4. [...]. Peter. 5. ver. 1. 1. Corr. 23.23. 1. Thess. 5.12. ver. Heb. 13.17. Act. Mat. 18.7. Or what that Assembly off Elders is which Paule in his Epistle to Ty­mothy speaketh off: or what Elders they be that he speaketh off in the chap. following. And Peter likewise in his Epistle / who they be that to the Corinthians he calleth gouernours. To the Thessalonians Rulers and Ouersers: And who they be whom the Apostle to the Hebrews saith / to be set ouer the congregation vnto whom he willeth them to be obedient / and to submitt them selues: And who they be also whom Sainct Luke in the Actes calleth the Elders off the churche off Hierusalem and off Ephesus? wold they haue vs proue that it is necessary? Let them teache vs contrary to that which our Sauiour Christ hath geuen vs warning off) that yt is not necessary that offenses should arise: or ells shewe some better meanes how to redresse them or take away when they be risen / then that which our Sauiour hath appoynted / which is to be exercised by the Assembly: Let them shewe it to be a needles care to kepe the Sacramentes impolluted and vnde­fyled? or iff they confesse yt to be needfull / let them teache vs some better way to do yt by then that which our Sauiour Christ hath taught vs allready.

For I think ther is no man off any sound Iudgement / that will say / That which we vse nowe is fytter for this pur­pose: that is to say / that one Bishopp and he not oftentymes by him selffe / but by his Chancellor and he by his Surroga­ [...]e / should take hym so selffe all this authoritie / alone rule / as he listeth / in steade off a lawfull Assembly off Elders / who by common counsell and authoritie should gouerne the church For as I declared before the Bishop tooke vpon him the office off Deacons / that they being taken away he might distribute the church goods all alone / and how after also takinge vppon him t [...]e office off the Elders / when he had likewise thrust ou [...] them / he tooke vpon him alone all the care off the churche: So here also he hath abolished the whole Assembly that he alone [Page 181] may be asked Counsell off / he alone may haue knowledge / iud­ge and determyne off all matters. For he spreadeth him selffe ouer all the body / euen as the eye which S. Paule speaketh off in the first to the Corinthes: For as the eye will haue no eare nor hearing in the body / no nose nor smellinge / no handes nor fealinge / fynally nothing but the Eye and seinge / So the Bi­shop cutteth off the Deacons / as the handes from the body / taketh away the Elders who do necessarilie serue to smell out and vnderstand many matters / abolisheth the Assembly / as if he should stopp vp the eares which are apointed for the hea­ring off controuersies / and fynallie hath destroyed the whole body / whiles he will haue yt nothing but an eye: 1. Cor. 14.17. neither will suffer either the Deacons or the Elders / or the Assembly / to do any thing but only himselfe to heare handle and deale / with all manner matters. But what a body is this which is noth­ing but an eye for as the Apostle saith / The whole body is not one member but many: 1. Cor. 12.13.17. And if ther be nothing but an eie / then where is the smellinge? wher is the hearinge? wher be the handes? and wher be the other partes / Surely God made the bo­die otherwise / apointed to euery membre his office and fun­ction. Neither can the Bishopp say vnto the Deacon no more then the Eye vnto the hand that he hathe no need off him / seing we see Apostles who were the clearest Eyes which euer were had neede off the Deacons helpe. Muche lesse can I say that he hathe no need off the Elders / or off the who­le assembly.

Neither durst the Byshoppes arrogate thus muche to them selues in the begynninge / but by litle and lytle / as Ambition / and dysyre off bearinge rule did encrease in them / and the care off the churche did decrease in ther fellows / at the last they came to this vnspeakable pride. Wherunto this was the first steppe / when as the name off a Bishopp which is common to all other ministers and there fellowes / as yet appeere­the in the xx. off the Actes beganne to be attributed to one alone / who was chosen by the rest to this end that he might propound the matters which were to be handled vnto the As­sembly [Page 182] / and gather the voices / and beare as yt were that offi­ce which the Consull did in the Senate off Rome. But as yet he was chosen by the rest / and that not for euer but for a ty­me: And althoughe he had the honor off the name / yet for o­ther thinges he vsed no priuate authority neither toke vnto him selffe any more geuinge off voyces or determyninge off matters / then any off the rest / he contynewed still in the com­mon care and chardge off all the Assemblie / to watche ād ouer see the flock / and was carefull also off his owne particuler dewty / to preache ād to teache the people / neither pretēded the charge off the common care which he had with the rest / to make yt a cloke for his ydlenes and to liue at ease and leaue his proper and peculier charge off preaching / but kept still his owne churche / as his standinge vpon the wall / so that yet hether to euery thing But only the Arrogatinge off the name off Bishopp vnto him selfe was tollerable. But afterwardes when as by the negligence and ignorance off Bishopps and ministers / there were but a fewe / who were meete to handle suche mat­ters / and many were vnlerned / some also idle / and negligent / and cared not for the churche / then began this authority and charge touchinge the Discipline off the churche / to be allmost wholie geuen vnto one: which occasion Ambition tooke / and seing the tyme to serue so fitt for the purpose / hoised vp the sailes vnto honor: So yt became a perpetuall office / wheras be­fore they were chosen vnto yt for a tyme: And all matters we­re gouerned and ruled by one mans Authoritie alone / and no more by the voyces off his fellowes / and off the As­sembly.

But afterward / that darknes encreasinge / and couering all the churche / when as fewe fit Mynisters were to be fo­und not onely in one towne or cytie / But in some whole co­untrie or prouince / the Tyranny grewe greater and encreased still / and brought vnder the subiection off one man / all the churches which were in a whole Dioces: wheruppon the charge off a perticuler and as we will call yt a parishe churche / was shaken off vnder pretence off this great burden off the [Page 183] ouersight off so many churches: So that they left vnto them selues no more off the trew office off a Bishop and mynistery then that serued for ther honor / that is / they reserued only so muche / that they might speake to the people / wher / and in w­hat churche / and when they wold.

Thus they vsurped all the authority off the Assembly yea ouer the Assembly / ruling them as they listed / chosing and putting out whom they would / vntill at the last the As­semblies were cleane taken away / and the churches off euery Dioces / had Lordes set ouer them. But ambition which as the flame or fyre / goeth vpwardes still / and cannot be kept with in any bandes / staied not thus in Dioces and small prouinces / But ascended vpp to greater / from whence come our Metrapolitanes who were called Archbishopps (and fyrst begann that Authoritie to be geuen them in theyr name / which in deed they had vsurped before / Then from the grea­ter prouinces and Archebishoprickes they came higher / to the rule off all the churches in a whole kingdome / whervppon they wer called primates. Then the whole churche thoroughe out the world was ruled by a Quadrumvirat / that is by fou­re / who had the chiefe charge off all the world / and were cal­led Patriarches / vntill at the last Antychrist by thes staires went vpp to the throne off god / and sat hym downe in the middest off the churche / as Paule had prophesied / and boa­sted him selfe as god. 2. Thess. 2.4.

This is the trewe hystorie off the confusion off Eccle­siasticall offices: This was the cradle and the beginning off the Ambition off churche men: Thus they grewe forewar­des vpp and encreased: wherby iff we perceyue all thinges to be so oute off ordre / that the state off the whole bodye is to be feared by yt / Let vs at the last geue warninge to our Prymat / to our Metropolitanes / and to our Lorde Bi­shoppes / that yff they think yt a shamefull and an ambyti­ous thinge / and vnbesceminge the modesty off the seruant off Christ and off a trewe Pastor / for the pope to take the Authorytye off Generall Counsells / and to suffe nothing to be [Page 184] done nor decreed in them but what he only dothe or alloweth / that I say / yff they think this shamefull in the pope to doe to generall Counsells / they would not plaie the petipopes in Con­uocations or prouinciall Synods / and takinge awaie the libertie off the Ecclesiasticall Synodes and Assemblies / rule / gouerne / and apoint all alone by tyranny / lest they seeme not to haue desyred to deliuer the churche cleane out off Bondage / but only to chaunge the maister / and to make it become subiect vnto them / and to haue sought onelie that we should haue no for­raine popes / not that we should haue none at home / or none alltogether / and rather to haue abhorred the pope off Rome / then the popedome yt selffe.

Let them remember at the last / that they haue as great need (iff they do ther dewties) off the helpe off Deacons as the Apostles had: Let them remember that the bodye would bee destroyed / yff there were no member in yt but the eye: And that churche in like manner wherin no man beareth any office but the Bishopp: Let them remember that god hathe so made the bodye / that there is a merueilous necessary vse off the di­uers membres theroff: which variety off partes and members must needes be preserued / yff we would haue the bodie who­le / healthfull and stronge. Let this infinite Ambition and de­syre off rule / and off medlinge with euery thinge that is in the Lord Bishoppes / be corrected: Let the Consistorie and Assembly off the Elders being so necessarie and so profitable for all the affaires off the churche / be established: wherin they may haue indeede / the fyrst place in respect off the worthines off ther office / S that they leaue the second to the Doctors and the third to the Elders. For the churche perceiue the howe hurt full a thinge yt is / that they should take all vnto them selues and can beare yt no longer / perceiuinge well that the shamfull prophanacion off the Sacramentes / the manifold and intol­lerable abuses off excommunication / which is the highest Iu­stice off the churche / and other innumerable euilles flow and springe from no other fountaine then from this pride off the [...] and busy medling / very hurtfull and daungerous / for [Page 185] the state off the churche. And thus muche off Ecclesiasticall officers / off whom because I haue spoken more at large / how they ought to be appointed / for that in the appoyntinge off them Ecclesiasticall discipline dothe in a manner wholie con­sist / I will recompense yt with the shortenes off that part w­hich followeth: which is touchinge the dewtie off all the Saintes and faithfull.

Vnder the name off the Sainctes are conteined all the rest off the churche / which doe not exercise any publique office or function therin / whose dewtie as in all other societies ys only this / to suffer them selues willingly to be ruled and gouerned by those / whom god hathe set ouer them whervnto there is a short / but a notable and pithy exhortacion off the apo­stle to the Hebrevvs: Heb. 15.1 [...] wherin he exhorteth them ād by them all other churches / to obedience vnto them who haue the ouer­sight off thē / that they may geue vp their accōpte of the charge off sowles which they haue taken in hand with ioye and com­forte / and that they maye readilie ād with good courage / beare for the churches sake / all suche labor / grees / cares / and sor­wes as are ioined vnto ther offices.

Neither let Magestrates think (allthough in respect off ther ciuill authoritie the churche be subiect to them) that in this behalffe / they are to be exempted from this precept and commanndement off the Appostle / who chargeth euery one to be subiect to those who in Lord are set ouer them / for seing they ought to be carefull as well off the saluacion off the Ma­gystrate as off others / and that the sowle off the magystrate / as well as of the rest / is committed to theyr charge. They must also as well as the rest submit them selues and be obedient to the iust and lawfull authoritie off the Officers off the churche. For seinge they not onlie rule by the authoritie off Iesus Christ / but in a māner do represent his person / seing they rule not as they / them selues list accordinge to ther owne will / but only accordinge to this word and commandement / Is it not mee­te that euen kinges and the highest magystrates should be o­bedient vnto them? For yt is meet that all the princes and [Page 186] Monarches off the world shold geue vpp their sceptres and crownes vnto him / whome god had made and appointed the Heyre off his kingdome and Lord off heauen and earthe.

I might alledge heare oute off the histories off all times diuers examples off godlie princes who submitted them sel­ues to the order and gouernment off the churche apointed by god. Who allthoughe as touching this life they did rule and gouerne / yet they despised not the discipline ād correction off the Lord / I might name out off the most auncient historye and holie Chronicles off the Hebrevvs / kinge Azarias who all­thoughe he proudely and boldly vsurped the priesthood / yet when he was stryken by the Lord with a Leprosy / and was therfore cast out of the temple and seperated from the cōmon society off men by the highe priest accordinge to the lawe w­hich God had made therin / He obeied the priest cōmandinge / according to God his word / and letting his sonne rule is his steade passed the rest of his life in solitarines alone by himselfe. 2. Chro. 26 21.

Amonges the Christian Emperors / allthoughe ther be many worthy examples which now a dayes Princes may set before them to follow / yet those two which the ecclesiasticall story reherseth off Philipp the first Christian Emperor and off Theodosius conteine a singuler example aboue the rest off go­dlie subiection: Euseb. 4. boke off his eccles. story wheroff the one beinge commaunded to absteine from the Sacramentes vntill he had first professed him selffe to be a penitent (for that he had committed certen faul­tes) and had made open protestacion off his Religion (for that he was suspected) He willinglie obeied the Bishopp or rather the word off god: And both protested openly his gre­fe and srowe for the synnes he had committed / and profes­sed before all the churche his faithe and Religion.

Theodori­ [...]us in his 5. boke off his ecclesiasti­call story.The other that is Theodosius / being not admitted by Ambrose into the churche / into the which he would haue co­me / did likewise so willinglie obeie / that prostratinge hym selffe vppon the grownd and pauement off the temple / in the sight off god and his Angells and all the churche / followin­ge [Page 187] the meeknes off Dauid reprehended off Nathan) declared the wūderfull sorowe which he had for his wiked fact and the slaughter committed at Thessalonica by his commaunde­ment rehersing these wordes out off the Psalme. My soule did cleane vnto the pauement. Therfore all the faithfull and euen the princes and magistrates them selues ought to be subiect to the word off god / and to Ecclesiasticall Discipline: and then is the churche in florishing estate / when bothe they / who beare rule / do commannd according to gods word and the [...] who be subiectes do willingly obeye.

But the Magistrates haue this proper and peculier to them selues aboue the rest off the faithfull. To set in order and establishe the state off the churche by ther authoritie and to preserue and mainteine it according to godds will being once established Not that they should rule the Ecclesiasticall mat­ters by their authoritie / for this belongeth vnto Christ alone and to hym he hath committed this charge / but for asmuche as the Apostle teachethe / that they are apointed off God / to thend that we may lyue a godlie ād a peceable life / ād that the kinges off Israell by the apointement off god had charge to see the execution off all the lawe / they ought to prouide / and see that the seruice off god be established as he hathe appoin­ted / and administred by suche as ought to administre the sa­me / and afterwardes preserued in the same simplicitie and sinceritie vndefiled. 1. Timo. 1.2. Deu. 17 18.19.

In which so worthie an office / Godlie Princes now a daies may choose out of the holie history many paterns to look vpon and to followe / as Dauid, Salomon, Ezechias, Iosias, Zerubabell, and others / whose labor was famous and no­table partly in apointinge the ordre off religion accordinge to the word of god and the voice of the prophetes / partlie in re­storinge yt againe / after it had bene decaied. By religion I vnderstād / not only the doctrine which we professe / touching the māner off seruing god / and the obteininge of our saluaciō by his sonē but also the māner of gouernīge the churche / of apointing [Page 188] the Officers theroff / off correctīge and takinge away off offences: which all / those most noble worthies did trewlie and ac­cording to the will off god iudge to belong to the office and dewty off the magistrate.

Whose worthie examples / O most noble Queene Eli­zabeth, iff as your Maiestie hath well begun̄ / so yow do conti­newe to followe / I hope surelie / that for the godlie disposition theroff / both your honorable nobilitie and many notable and famous men off the Ecclesiasticall degree / and euen the whole Parliamēt wilbe ready to furder / your Graces godlie purpose: which bote the scriptures do witnes to haue hapned to Dauid Salomon and other Religious Princes and famous / (euen for Religion and reformacions sake) in the like cause: And we haue also seene to haue hapned vnto your Maiestie not with out the devine and merueilous prouidence off god at the abo­lishing off poperie in the beginninge off your raigne. Especi­ally your Highnes right honorable Counsellers / and chosen by your Maiestie vnto the bearinge off the chiefest offices in your realme / wyll furder this noble enterprise who euery one / will choose vnto him selffe some worthie patterne out off the godlie courtes off those noble kinges for him to followe: in this behalffe: and some man peraduēture Eliachim / great steward off kīg Ezechias house. Some other Shaphan Chan̄ ­cellor in Iosias time: other the honorable Secretaries off king Salamon: And the rest some other off the godlie officers in Dauids and Salomons courts: fynally all off them choosinge to them selues some suche patterns to followe in all vertue and Religion / will striue which off them shall be most foreward to promote your Graces godlie decrees and purposes.

Seing then that all will be so ready. O most noble Que­ne fynishe and make perfit now at the last with the readie wil and consent off all your Highenes subiectes / this heauenlie worck off the seruice and Religiō off god which your maiesty hathe begōne / and that not onlie by the example of these excel­lent [Page 189] and famous kinges / whom I haue set before your eyes / but also by the example off your Graces most noble Father Henry the viij. off most famous memory / and off the most godlie prince Edvvard the vj. your Highnes brother / that in the same familie wherin the praise off religion and reformaci­on begann to florishe / yt may be also perfected and finished by your maiesty. For these are allmost the speciall praises off your Highnes house and progenie / To banishe Idolatry / and to set vp the trewe seruice off god: wherby / the one / that is to say the abolishinge off popery / we owe in a great parte to y­our highnes most noble Father / the other / that is the restorin­ge off trew religion / first to your Highnes most worthy bro­ther that godlie Prince Edvvard the vj. and after also to your maiesty / who as yt is written off the good king Ezechias opened vnto vs againe the dores off the tēple of the Lord which had bene shut ād closed vp before / erected vp his aulters againe / which had bene beatē downe / and lighted againe the cleere lampe off the word off the Lord which had bene put out. W­hich Princely vertewes off your Highnes most worthy house iff your maiesty crowne with restoringe off lawfull discipline vnto the churche / which yet remaineth / Then shall our churche of Englād most worthelie acknowledg to haue receiued hir full libertie and perfit restoringe againe next after god / only to that most noble house wheroff your Highnes is: And confesse to haue founde most trew in that one famouse house off Ted­der hir estate / that worthy prophesie off Esay. Kings shalbe thy foster fathers & Queenes thy Nurces. which I pray God moue your Graces hart to performe to the honor off his most holy name / the edifying off this our churche off England and the discharge off your Highnes dewty vnto bothe and last off all to the longe and prosperous continuance off your maie­sties reigne ouer vs.

Thus nowe the lawfull and trew discipline hath bene de­scribed: which gouernment of the churche off Christ as off the [Page 190] Lords house / who so euer diligently and attentiuely consider / shall easilie perceiue a merueilous heauēly wisdome to shine in all the gouernmēt of the same. And so muche the more mer­veilous then was the gouernment off the house and court off Salamon / weroff mencion is made in the holie history off the kinges / as he is wiser then Salomon / who did appoint all the ordre and manner off the ordring off it. 1. King. 10. For wither we consider the ordres and degrees off Officers / or ther orderly sitting downe / or the diuers ornamentes and apparell off eue­ry one / according to his diuers estate and degree / we shall see / that nothing could be wisely inuented nor disposed with Iudgement and reason either forthe preseruacion off the su­re and safe estate off the churche / or for beautifyinge and ad­orninge the estimacion off the same / which is wanting in this gouernment. For as touching the Officers / what necessary office is omitted and neglected? or what office needles and vnnecessary is appointed? or what can be named more see­mely and orderly then this appointinge off the offices? That those functions ceasinge which serued but for a tyme / and were vsed extraordinarily in the first yeeres off the raigne off our Sauiour Christ for the establishing off his kingdome.

Ordinary and perpetuall offices should be appoynted in two sortes / wheroff the first is suche wheras euery man hath his seuerall charge. The other / where many haue but one and the same charge which they execute by common counsell and Authoritie. Wheroff againe the first sort consi­steth in ij. kindes / of Bishopps (which expound and teache Re­ligion and the seruice off god / that is Pastors ad Doctors) and as many Deacons, (that is to say / Deacons & Elders / so cal­led figuratiuely by names which are more generall. Off w­hō some go watche ouer the life ād conuersatiō off all the chur­che / And the other are carefull to helpe the necessities off wy­dowes / straungers / sick folk / and generallie off all the poore: so that both all the house is sufficiently prouided for / aswell touchinge the purity off faithe and doctrine / as the honestie [Page 191] and integritie off life and manners / and also the neede and ne­cessitie off every one particulerly not neglected.

Then / the consistory or the Assembly off Elders which consistethe of the three first and cheefe Officers off the church / Pastors, Doctors, & Elders, haue the chiefe care and charge off this commō wealthe: to see that no office want his officer / and how faithfullie euery one beareth hīselfe in doinge off his office / regarding all with one eye / how offēses may be auoided / and how they may be remedied when they do arise / As for the placinge off euery one in his degree how honest and orderly ys it? wheras all do generally reuerence and respect the Assem­bly / for their Authoritie: And euery one knoweth his place and degree / and lifteth not him selfe / aboue his callinge: But the Deacons sitting downe in the lowest Roume / geue place vnto the Bishopps / who sitting as Stevvards off the Lordshouse at the higher ende off the table / enuie not other officers to sit together with them. And the Stewards also do so know them selues to beare the same office / that notwith­standing the Pastors go before / and the Doctors follow af­ter: After whom next be the Elders / and in the last place the Deacons / sitting notwitstandinge at the Officers table.

As for euery mans garments and apparell / howe seeme­ly are they / how meet for ther callinges / and how precious ād excellent? The common Araie off them all / is a certen godlie and holie knowledge and profession off Religion / and an vn­defiled life and cōuersacion: wherwith being clothed / as with those white garmentes which Saint Iohn mencioneth in his reuelacion they need no cloth off gold our suche like costly apparell to set them out with all. Yet besides this common Aray / euery one carieth the proper tokens and badges off his office: For the Bishopps as the kinges stewardes in steade off ther staues / haue sounde knowledge of the scriptures / besides which the Pastors haue allso that mouīge ād percinge speeche / wherby they haue bothe power and authoritie to strenghten [Page 192] and to terrefie / to comfort and to cast downe againe / as the Reye off openinge and shuttinge / which Eliachim / great ste­ward off kinge Ezechias house / is described to beare vpon his shoulder. [...] 1 [...].22.

As for the rest off the Deacons their seuerall signes and markes / are Diligence & Symplicitie: Which so merueilous gouernment off the howse off God / apointed by the most de­vine and heauenly wisdome / seing it passethe aboue measure the ordre off Salomons house with the loue wheroff the Queene off Saba was Rauished / the God off all mercy graunt / that yt may muche more rauishe our most noble Queene and hir right honorable Counsellors with the love theroff then the other did the Queene off the Sowthe and hir Courtiers. For then shall we bee all most happy who liue in the churche as in the court off Christ our trewe Salomon when we may allwais stand in his presence before him / and heare him spea­ke being the wisdome off his Father: Then shall we confesse that king Salamon doth reigne in deede / and that all thinges are trew which the Prophetes prophesied touching his king­dome / when we see the churche in this ordre / when we see the Ministers and officers theroff thus araied and apointed. For althoughe as we saie / the court is wher the king is / So also the church is wher as Christ is present: And allthoughe this be the cheifest end most principall / To heare the voice and wisdome off Salomon / yet it is not possible / that he should tary any longe tyme in a place / that he appoint not and set in ordre his Court according to his heauenlie wisdome.

It may be that in time of his progresse / where he soiour­neth but for a short tyme being ready by and by to depart a­gaine / that this whole ordre and gouernment off his court can̄ot so well be seene and appeere: but it cannot be that whe­re he is purposed to dwell / and where he hath chosen a certen place to abyde and continewe in / that he set not all thinges in ordre according to his wisdome / meetest both for his state ād maiestie and for the perpetuitie off his reigne. For which cau­se I am the more a fraid / lest that he be come into England / as [Page 193] into some castle in the waie off his progresse for a small tyme vnles this confusion and disordre which cōmonly followeth progresses be taken awaye / and a certeine and sure ordre off gouerninge the churche be established: for I cannot fullie re­ioice in the state off our churche / vntill that I see both for reli­gion sownde faithe and doctrine in Christ / and for discipline / a commely and meet order off gouerninge the churche / which Saint paule reioised to see in the churche off the Colossians. For the stable and perpetuall state and condition off the chur­che standethe vpon these ij pillers.

Wherfore I most humblie pray and beseech all men that haue any care to preserue and keepe the kingdome off Christ e­monges vs / to deliuer the trew seruice and worshipp off God to our posteritie / that to their power euery one would seeke for this lawfull discipline off the churche which I haue described and bo [...]he all seeke to furder yt with their good will and pra­yers / and especially the ministers by preachinge and the Ma­iestrates by authoritie. As for me I bynd my selffe as it were by this Obligation to god and to the churche / that my labor and diligenc shall neuer be wanting in any thing that may helpe and furder by any meanes this reformation / which our Eyes dasell and our sowles pyne away with so long looking and waiting for / which yff I may once see / I shall thinck that parte off any life the happiest / wherin so great a benefit shall comme vnto the churche: but Iff I shall neuer see yt with mi­ne eyes / yet I am glad / that I haue seene the forme and pat­terne off it allready in my mind and left it to those that shall come after and so by the example off Dauid and Ezechiel / whose condicion was not vnlyke in this behalffe / and by the testimony off my consciēce / that I haue dischardged my dew­ty to my God / and to our churche: I will rest and confort my selffe herewithall / in the want off that which with so great desyer I haue longed for.

To God alone be honor & glorye.

Certeine faultes which might stay the reader cor­rected in this wise / the first numbre signifiethe the page the second the lyne.

Pag. 1. ly. 13. w. u. pa. 5. 27. l. r. i. o. p. 7. l. 2. aso r. was also. p. 8. l. [...]5. r. z. p. 12. l. 2. R. for off, and. p. 14. l. 11. o. e. p. 16. l. 22 for destrouing, destroyng. p. 17. l. 14. for deuaded. r. deuided. p, 18. l. 16. for ou. r. out. p. 22. l. 3. a. r. e. p. 25. l. 2. ministery. r. mistery. l 21. e y. p. 28. l. 31. conterwi­se. r. contrariwise. pag. 30. l. 10. authorie. r. authoritie. pag. 36. l. 34. a. y. p 37 l. 7. proinde. r. prouide, p. 38. l. 16. o. r. p. pag. 41. l. 3. s. r. f. p. 48. l. 9, but vsed. r. but that they vsed. p. 48. l. 35. noir, read none. p 51. l. 28. taky. r. take. p. 56, l. 7. n. u. l. 22. bey r. be. p: 61. l. 2. youg r. yong. l. 35. guy­ftes r. giftes. p. 63. l. 35. describeth r. described p. 66. l. 21. anto r. into. p. 69. l. 22. guiftes r. giftes. p 70. l 36. n. u. p. 75. l. 29. ther, r the. p. 76. l. 7. his, r. this. p. 79. l. 20 horable. r. honorable. p. 80. l. 32 Bishprik, r. Bishopprike. p. 82. l. 13. te, be p. 86. l. 29. figgas, r. figges. p. 89. l. 23. or, r. our. p. [...]1. l. 30. for see, r. foresee l. 36. add guided p. 95. l. 29. immunerable, r. innumera­ble. pa 110. 23. couetones, r. couetousnes. l. 35. u, y. p. 113 l. add saith. p. 120. l. 12. m, u. l. 28. do r. doth. pag. 134. l. 30. nome, r. none. p. 139. l. 4. with, r. which, p. 144 l. geowing, r. growing. p. 147 l. 30. cmo, r. com. pag. 160. l. 25. Hebries, r. Hebrewes. l. 26. consell, councell. p. 16 [...]. l. 16. anor, r. nor. Pag. 164 l. 17. c [...]omunicating, r. communicating. l 19. ithem, r. them. pag. 167. l. 21. selues, r. selues. pag. 172. l. 9. uff. off. pag. 175. l. 13. tho, r. to. l 33. aod, r. and. p 176. l. 29. say, r. saith. pag 183. l. 35. vnbesceminge, r. vnbeseming. pag. 185. l. 20. grees, r. griefes. l. 35. this, r his. pag. 186. l. 30. srowe, r. sorowe. pag. 188. l. 12. bote, r. bothe. pag 189. l. 27. put owt (h [...] estate.)

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