THE IMITATION OF CHRIST, Divided into four Books.

Written in Latin by THOMAS à KEMPIS, And the Translations of it Corrected & amended by W. P.


OXFORD, Printed by Leonard Lichfield Printer to the famous Vniversity, for Edw. Forrest. 1639.

TO THE RIGHT REVEREND Father in God WALTER LORD BISHOP OF WINCHESTER, Prelate of the Noble order of the GARTER, my singular good Lord and Patron.
Right reverend Father in God, and my very singular good Lord.

SETting aside more serious studies, and being desirous to recreate my selfe with some books of [Page] medi­tation, it was my good hap to meet with this litle tract Of the Imitation of Christ: And having lookt over some of it, I began to admire both the plainnesse and the pythinesse of it; being so well fitted to the capacity of the ignorant, and yet not unworthy the perusall of the learned, insomuch that I finde it to be true by mine own experience, that the high cōmendations so ma­ny have given of it, is not without just cause. For I must confesse to the glory of God and mine own com­fort, that I have profited more in the course of Chri­stianity, by the perusall of [Page] this one small book of de­votion, then by turning over many volumes of contro­versies. For I found in it great motives to selfe-deni­all, humility, obedience and devotion, to humility in our selves, to obedience towards superiors, to devotion to­wards God. I then began to enquire whether it were translated or no, and I finde it is translated into all lan­guages, and into english se­verall times, yet could none of these altogether please me; for I perceaved some of them to stick too close to the letter, & others fly too farre off: I have therefore taken a litle paines to fit it [Page] to our own language and yet not leave the author too much. And because the Au­thor thereof was too much addicted to one side, I made bold to leave out that which might offend any Christian palate, and have endeavou­red that it should look with an equall and unpartiall eye upon all good Christians. And it were to be wished that we had more bookes in this kind, and that we did especially apply our selves to such kinde of books; for men now adaies are immo­deratly wedded to their own opinions, they labour to dispute well, not to live well, and delight more in [Page] books of controversy to strengthen them on that side they are, then in books of de­votion to teach them what each good Christian should be.

So that the admonition of the Apostle was never more seasonable then now, Let your moderatiō be known unto all men. Phil. 4. 5. That therefore others may be the better encouraged to peruse this so plaine and profitable a booke, I have presumed to shelter it under your Lord­ships gracious protection. And to whom could I more fitly dedicate so pious a worke then to your Lord­ship, in whom humility pie­ty, [Page] and devotion, joyned with a singular temper and moderation are so well met together. The assured con­fidence of all these doth give great assurance, that you will favourably accept of the weak endeavours of

Your Lordships humbly devoted Chaplaine WILLIAM PAGE.

To the Christian READER.

ANd to whom should I more fitly cōmend this pious worke of the Imitation of Christ, then to thee good Christian Reader whosoe­ver thou art, and wheresoever thou dwellest; I say wheresoe­ver thou dwellest, for nowa­daies it is an hard matter to find a good Christian: the Prophet bid them run to & fro, through the streets of Ierusalem, and seeke in the broad places there­of if they could finde a man, Ier. 5. 1. They were not so much troubled to find out a man as we [Page] shall be to find out a Christian. We so busie our selves about Controversies, that we forget to be good Christians. There was a time indeed when the name was first given at Antioch, Act. 11. 26. that it was then well set by; but this lasted not long, for presently after they fell a sideing amongst them­selves, and one cryed I am of Paul, another I am of Apollos, and another I am of Cephas, and another I am of Christ, and much adoe had S. Paul 1. Cor. 1. 12. to appease these factions: for presently after they fell to them againe, and have so conti­nued, yea and encreased in them even unto this day. But Christ is not divided, saith the same A­postle, neither is this to imitate Christ the God of love and peace, who loved us when we [Page] were his enemies; and the A­postle makes a good inference of imitation upon it. 1. Iohn. 4. 11. Beloved, if God so loved us we ought also to love one another: Nay as though there were no­thing else required of a good Christian, and a follower of Christ, our saviour saith, Ioh. 13. 15. by this shall all men know you are my disciples, if you have love one to another. Seeing then this is the proper and peculiar badge and cognisance of a dis­ciple of Christ to love his fel­low disciples, what preface would be fitter here, then an in­troduction to all Christians to be in peace and charity one with a­nother.

But alas how unwelcome a taske is it, to entreat of peace and charity! For he that goes a­bout to part a fray, in all likely­hood [Page] will have blowes on both sides, especially where the op­posites & combatants are fierce and violent, he that is eager on any one side shall be sure to finde some fast friends, but he that bewaileth the miserable distra­ction of the whole, and doth but set a foote forward to make up the breach, will finde few to take his part, but shall be sure to have many about his eares: And therefore we may observe that presently after our Saviour had said, Blessed are the peace-ma­kers, Mat. 5. 9. 10. he immedi­atly addeth, Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousnesse sake: knowing well enough that if a man will undertake to be a peacemaker, he must presently prepare to suffer persecution, and I know none greater then that of peace-makers in religion [Page] for they suffer on all sides, either by sharpe and bitter words, or by scoffing & jeering speeches. For although the hot-spurres of these times be at deadly fewde and bitter enmity one with ano­ther, yet will they like Herod and Pilate, joyne together and muster up their forces against those who labour any kind of pacification and desire to be qui­et in the land. Wee is me (saith David Ps. 120. 4. 5 6. that I am constrained to dwell with Me­sech, and to have mine habitation amongst the tents Kedar: my soule hath long dwelt among them, that be enemies unto peace. I labour for peace but whn I speak unto them thereof, they make them ready to Battell. Never could the pious and peaceable Christian more truly cry out then now, My mothers Chil­dren [Page] were angry with me. Cant. 1. 5. A strange speech to call them Mothers children: had it not been a more easy & familiar way to say my Brethren or my Sisters were angry with me (for so they must be, if they were her Mothers Children) why then doth she make such an in­volved speech of it, My mothers children were angry with me. True indeed though they can­not choose but be her brethren, (as being her Mothers children) yet she doth not, she dares not call them brethren, for they will not acknowledge it, they hate the name of brethren, and make themselves professed ene­mies, and therefore she is for­ced to leave out this loving and affectionate compellation of brethren, and say in a kinde of strange phrase, My mothers chil­dren [Page] were angry with me. Yet should no man be discouraged, from performing so worthy a duty, for though there be a per­ [...]ecution that attends upō peace­makers here, yet is there a bles­sing promised them hereafter. And seeing our blessed Lord and Master Christ Iesus, when he was about to leave his Apostles and Disciples, he left unto them this golden legacy: Ioh. 14. 27. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, O how well would it become us his Priests to be men of peace, to write for the peace of Ierusalem, to pray for the peace of Ierusalem, for they shall prosper that love it. Psal. 122. 6.

I will begin this exhortation unto peace and Charity, from that common name which we all beare in that we are called [Page] Christians, and doe all pretend to imitate Christ in our doctrine and practice. There was a time indeed when this name was much taken notice of and great danger for any man to owne it, when they had no other argu­ment then, nor any other cause of their cruell persecutions, but to heare a man confesse Christi­anus sum, I am a Christian: But when these stormes were blown over, and the Church be­gan to be in peace, this name of Christian was not so much re­garded. And yet methinks the very name of Christian is not al­together to be contemned, for, unlesse I am deceived whosoe­ver hath but this appellation may challenge a brotherhood with me, for in Scripture I find a brother and a Christian to be the very same, so that whosoe­ver [Page] is a Christian will necessari­ly be my brother. 1. Cor. 7. 12. 13. If any brother hath a wife, saith the Apostle, that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her a­way; and if the woman hath an husband which believeth not, if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him: But if the un­believing depart let him depart, a brother or a sister is not in bon­dage in such cases. Where the Apostle plainly sheweth that a brother and a sister are such as are Christians and opposite only to Infidels and unbelievers. Nei­ther ought we to take that ex­hortation of Saint Paul 1. Pet. 2. 17. when he saith love the bro­therhood, in any narrower sense, but that we should love every one that is a Christian, not only because he agreeth with me in [Page] some opinions concerning reli­gion, but I ought to love him in that respect he is a Christian, and professeth Christ crucified. Neither ought we to love him thus with an ordinary kinde of love, in wishing him well and doing him good, for so we ought to love and doe good to all, but there is a more strict tie of love that lies upon us Christians one to another; and therefore al­though the Apostle wisheth us to doe good to all men, yet especi­ally to the houshold of faith, Gal. 6, 10. that is, to such as be Chri­stians.

Were this precept of the A­postle practised as it ought to be, there would not be so much un­charitablenesse, nor peradven­ture so much dissention amongst Christians. Why can wee not consider one another as united [Page] in this blessed name of Christiā, and set aside for a time those names of faction and division [...] why should wee not rejoyce a­while in those things wherein we agree, and not alwaies be wrangling about those things wherein wee differ? Of what moment those opinions are wherein we disagree I am not able to determine; this I dare be bold to say, that the points wherein we are friends are of farre greater consequence, then those are wherein wee fall out. And yet we so eagerly contend one with another, and damne each other to the pit of hell, as though our differences were ve­ry important, & our agreement not worth the talking of. For my part I should be loath to ex­clude any visible Christian Church from all hopes of salva­tion, [Page] and if I must needs offend, I had rather give account to a mercifull God for too much mildnesse and Charity, then too much fiercenesse and severity: yet I hope to make it appeare that my opinion of Charity shall not exceed the bounds of verity.

A chiefe cause of the conti­nuance of these dissentions is, that men minde not so much the common cause of Christianity, as their own particular engage­ments, nor stndy how they may agree one with another, as how to uphold the side they are on: whereas would they set aside prejudice and partiality and cast an equall eye upon all the Chur­ches, they would not spye so many faults abroad, and so few at home, but would freely con­fesse there might bee greater concord amongst Christians then [Page] now there is. No other unity doe I labour for at this time but that of charity, that Christians would not for some differences in opinion, pronounce such an heavy sentence upon one ano­ther, as is that of Damnation. If God should deale with us as we deale with one another, if he should censure us all, as we cen­sure one another, I know not who should be saved: The Pa­pist damning the Protestant, and some among us the Papists, and both of them any other that shall differ from them both. But my hope is, and my hearty prayer to God shall be, that he would be more mercifull to all these then they are one to another. When I consider with my selfe the manifold distractiōs of Chri­stians about Religion, and the great fiercenes and violence u­sed [Page] on all sides, every one think­ing his own opinion truest, and consequently damning all others that differ from him, I could not but call to minde that pro­phecy of our blessed Saviour Mat. 24. 12. concerning these latter and worser times, Because iniquity shall abound (saith he) the love of many shall waxe cold: for although charity of it selfe be of a hot and diffusive nature, yet now clean contrary to the nature of it, it is in most men grown cold; it being the nature of cold to contract and combine to congeale and draw into a nar­row roome; thus is it now with our charity. For whereas like the heat in our naturall bodies, it should diffuse it selfe into all the members thereof, unto the whole Christian Church, yet I know not how it hath, taken [Page] cold, for men contract their love now into a very small compasse and narrow roome, that is, to no more then to such who jumpe with them in the same opinion about Religion, leaving others who differ from them, to nothing but death and damnation. For not only in se­verall countries but in the same Kingdome, in the same City, nay in the same family there are severall Religions, or at the least severall opinions about Religi­on raigning: So that what Saint Austine complained of in his time is truly verified in these, Epist. 147. Thou seest (saith he) with how great and miserable di­straction Christian houses and families are divided & troubled; husbands and wives can agree well enough to goe to bed toge­ther, but they cannot agree to goe [Page] to Christs Altar together: There they sweare peace one to another, but here they can have no peace. Parents and children live well e­nough together in one house of their own, but one house of Gods will not hold them both. Their desire is that those should succeed them in their own inheritance, who yet think they have no inhe­ritance with Christ. Masters & servants divide the cōmon Lord and Master of us all, who yet took upon him the forme of a servant, that so he might free all: I say never more fully verified then in these daies; For in how many families shall we observe this great division, the husband goes to Church and the wife staies at home, or the wife goes to Church and the husband staies at home, and so between pa­rents and children, Masters and [Page] servants. The father will give his sonne the portion of his land, who yet thinks he shall have no portion in the land of the living.

The great division of the Christian world, was first be­tween the East and West Chur­ches, and this West hath been since subdivided into the Romā and the reformed Religion: So that the division amongst Chri­stians which is considerable is but into three parts, the Eastern, the Romanist, & our Reformed. All Christian Churches, and so farre forth the members of them brethren and sisters; and not only Christian Churches, but also Catholike & Orthodoxe in these points wherein they a­gree one with another, & with the Primitive Church. Why may it not be with these Chur­ches [Page] as it was with those seven Churches of Asia which S. Iohn wrote unto, in which there were some things commenda­ble, & other things amisse? they were encouraged in the former and reproved for the latter. And although some of them were better then others, yet you shall scarce finde one of them to which he doth not say, habeo adversus to pauca, I have a few things against thee: And yet we shall finde that Christ him­self was in the midst of all these seaven Churches, for he was in the midst of the seaven golden candlesticks, Revel. 1. 13. and had in his right hand seaven starres. Revel. 1. 16. For writing to the Church of Ephesus, he maketh this one of his attri­butes: Apoc. 21. These things (saith he) who holdeth the seaven [Page] starres in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the sea­ven golden Candlesticks. So that our Saviour walked in the midst of all these Churches, even in that lukewarme Church of Lao­dicea, which he threatned to spue out of his mouth. And let Rome tell us never so much of her infallibility and unerring chaire, yet questionlesse there is none of our Churches, no not the best of them, that our Saviour may not say to her, habeo adver­sus to pauca, I have a few things against thee. And as those seve­rall Churches, though some of them very faulty, yet were all severall members of Christ, and helped to make up one body: so all those Churches, though some of them much to blame, yet may all help to make up one Chatho­lique Church: and why may it [Page] not be so in these. Churches I speak of? For first they all agree in that one and only foundation of Religion, Iesus Christ as the Apostle calleth him, No other foundation can any other man lay, then that which is laid, to wit Ie­sus Christ, and this no doubt is a sure and good foundation, and this maketh them to be Christi­an Churches, they are all bapti­zed into Christ, and looke to be saved by his sufferings: And think not this to be a small mat­ter; for S. Paul desired to know nothing else, I esteemed not (saith he) to know any thing among you but Iesus Christ, and him cruci­fied, and it worked upon his af­fection as much as upon his un­derstanding. God forbid that I should rejoyce (saith he) save in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ, Gal. 6. 14. that is in Christ [Page] crucified. Besides this one foun­dation, they all embrace the two Testaments, the three Creeds, and the foure first gene­rall Councells, and many other very materiall points. The discord amongst us Christians hath been long agoe objected to us; and certainely there hath nothing so much drawn some out of the Church, and kept others from comming to the Church, as these quarrels amongst our selves; Vnto whom I briefly answere: If they like not our differences, let them joyne with us in those things wherein we agree, and that is to be Christians, to beleeve in Christ and him crucified, and those other principall points whereof I speak, and to strive to imitate Christ to their power, and then our discords will lesse [Page] trouble them. It is true, we have not all built alike upon this foundation, but some no questi­on have built wood and straw, as well as silver and gold; yet all of us no doubt did strive to imitate Christ as neare as we could, both in our doctrine and in our practice: and certainly in these superstructures of reli­gion, good intentions must goe farre, or else it will goe hard with many of us; not that they altogether excuse the fault, but doubtlesse they take off much from the punishment. There is a difference between the East and west Churches, in what kinde of bread the Eucha­rist is to be receaved; th [...] East receiving in unleavene [...] bread, the west in leavened. And herein though they differ a­mong themselves, yet the [...] [Page] both strive to imitate Christ, be­cause the one Church thought our Saviour used then the bread that was leavened, the other, that which was unleavened. Either Church is the lesse blameable because they think both that they follow our Savi­ours example.

S. Austin in like manner doth prettily reconcile a difference between some concerning the time how often we should re­ceave the holy Sacrament of the Lords supper; for some it seemes in his time thought we were bound to receave the Eu­charist every day, others but now and then. Some (saith he Epist. 118.) communicate daily, others but upon certain daies, some will omit no day, others will only receive on the Sabbath, and the Lords day. There is a free­dome [Page] to be used in both these: Some will say we must not daily receive the Sacrament, because we ought to select and set apart some daies wherein we must live more carefully and religiously, and so come to the Sacrament more worthily and with greater devo­tion: On the other side, another tells us, yea but if the plague-sore of sinne and violence of the disease be so great and dangerous, such soveraigne medicines as these are not to be deferred. Of both these saith he let every man take his choice, and doe that which he thinks in his conscience he may best and most piously performe; for neither of these dishonour the body and blood of our Saviour, but rather both of them doe strive to honour this saving Sacrament. For Zacheus rejoyced greatly to entertaine our Saviour in his [Page] house. The Centurion said, Lord I am not worthy thou shouldest come under my roofe; both of these did worship and honour our Savi­our, though after a diverse, and as it were a contrary manner, both of them being miserable by rea­son of sinne, both of them obtain­ing mercy for their sinnes. Thus one man to honour Christ dares not receive every day, another al­so to honour Christ dares not o­mit any day. And although these be but petty differences, yet why may I not apply it to con­troversies of greater moment, especially seeing that ancient Father S. Salvian lib. 5. de Pro­videntia, hath found a good in­tention in the Arians the most pernitious and most dangerous hereticks accounted that ever have been in the Church▪ They whom we account hereticks (saith [Page] he) account not themselves here­ticks, for they so much esteeme themselves good Catholikes, that they defame us with the note and appellation of heresy. That there­fore which they be to us, the very same are we to them. We are cer­taine that they injure the divine generation in that they say the Sonne is lesse and inferior to the Father: They think us likewise injurious to the Father, because we make the Sonne equall unto him. The true honour of God is amongst us, but they think that to be the honour of the Deity, to believe as they believe. They are undutifull but they think it the greatest duty of their Religion: They are impious but they think this to be true piety. They erre therefore, but they erre with a ve­ry good minde and intention, not with a hatred, but with a good [Page] affection towards God, verily be­lieving that they honour and love God. Although they have not the right Faith, yet they notwith­standing think this to be perfect love towards God. In what man­ner they shall bee punished in the day of Iudgement for this very error of false opinion, no man can tell but the judge himselfe.

A good lesson for the hot­ [...]purres of these times, with whom it is a very easy matter to pronounce damnation upon the very least disagreement in Religion, whereas this good Fa­ther would not determine any thing concerning these great he­reticks the Arians, but leaves them to the mercy of the judge, not being able to discerne what they did deserve. You see that this holy Father findes out a good intention even in these [Page] hereticks. And if there was a good intention amongst those that were so grossely erroneous, why may there not be good in­tentions found out amongst us also, who are not at such great oddes, and acknowledged on all sides to have no such dangerous opinions amongst us.

I speak not this any whit to countenance that opinion of the Arians, which is creeping into the Church againe, but leave them to stand or fall to their own master, and shall in the mean time be perswaded that they goe not against their con­sciences, and so farre forth hit will goe better with them: yet with this holy Father, not free them from punishment, but must re­ferre the manner and measure thereof to the time of judge­ment.

[Page] Those of the Church of Rome are so impatient of this doctrine, that they care not for being saved unlesse they may be saved alone; And their writers generally agree upon nothing so much, as that out of their Communion there is no Salvati­on. One of their late writers, (Barckly Paren. l. 1. cap. 1) can professe thus, We (saith he) pro­claime with the whole Church, and we command with Moses that Heaven and Earth would heare us, that there is no commu­nion between God and Belia, & that these Protestants doe so far differ from us in matters of faith, that they altogether in vaine ex­pect those mansions of happinesse which are prepared for us. And afterwards he saith, Hee that dares believe a stubborne and ob­stinate Protestant can be saved, [Page] doth by so believing fall from the Catholike Faith. And that this is no private or obscure sentence of the Church, but that all Ca­tholicks are of the same mind, that none of them are ignorant of it, nor any can dissemble it, unlesse he be an unexpert Divine, or for feare or ambition preferres some mens favour before the truth.

Another of your company Camp. rat. 10. averres the same, with a very great and solemne protestation, I call to witnesse (saith hee) Gods Throne, and that tribunall at which I shall [...]sand to give an accompt of these my reasons, and of whatsoever I have spoken or done, that either there is no heaven at all, or that it peculiarly and properly belongs unto us.

I Campian, must yee be sa­ved, and none but yee? what is [Page] not heaven able to hold us as well as you? Or will our salva­tion be any disparagement to yours? It seemes it will. But to come a litle closer to you: Is it nothing with you at one breath, to throw so many soules headlong to hell, for whom Christ died; and which is more who are already incorporate in­to Christ by Baptisme? It cost more to redeeme their soules; but you will let that alone for ever. Our comfort is that though you passe such sentence upon us here, yet you are not to be our Iudges hereafter, but must your selves come to give an account as well as we, & peradvēture of these speeches. Account us not men of so desperate and deplo­red an estate that wee would wittingly and willingly runne into hell▪ why should not out [Page] salvation be as deere unto us, as yours is unto you? or why should you not think us to have as great a care of our salvation, as you have of yours? For could wee be perswaded that wee were in heresie, and that there is no salvation out of your Church, how quickly would we fly unto you? How gladly would we be entertained by you? what means and moans would we make to be members of your society? Who can endure such peremp­tory pronunciations of Iudg­ment, of God's eternal wrath and condemnation upon us, be­fore wee come to our hearing? And seeing, God's mercy is over­all his workes, who can endure that you should interdict God's mercy, and judge what the sen­tence of the Iudge shall be, be­fore the day of iudgment. Lib. 1. [Page] advers. Pelag. So that if God had a mind to spare such sinners (as you say we poore Protestants are) yet by your verdict and pre­scription he could not be suffered to doe it as S. Ierome long agoe complained of Critobulus the Pe­lagian. Were we such tares in the field of the Church, as you would make the world be­lieve, yet if you would imi­tate Christ, Mat. 13. you should let us grow till the harvest, lest you plucke up the good corne with us.

Neither are you thus fierce alone, there are some of our own side, to requite you in your owne kind, are as confident that you cannot be saved, as you are that we cannot; so that the Question now is, In which of our two Churches salvation is to be had? For taking for gran­ted [Page] that wee have excluded all others, and got heaven between us, we cannot be content to share it, but we must confine and ingrosse it to one of our Chur­ches, as though it could not be had in both, nay as though it could not be had out of both; for I am verily perswaded, and dare undertake to make it good, that those poore Easterne Chri­stians, who differ from us both, will yet come to heaven assoon as either of us: which were it well considered might be a good means to pacifie this Que­stion, and to abate the heate of many moe betweene us.

But this monopolizing of Christ, although it be generally entertain'd by the Romane Par­tie, yet are not all our reformed Divines so straite lac't, but ma­ny of them, and those of no [Page] small note can be content that others should be saved with them, and therefore they are called by you, by way of derisi­on (Preface to Charity mista­ken) good fellow Christians. As though they had so much of the good fellow in them, that they have too little of the good Christi­an. And indeed you have most reason to be angry with these good fellow Christians, for they are like to doe you all the mis­chiefe, for having found that there may be salvation in our Church as well, yea, with more ease then in yours, we shall ne­ver be thinking of going any further. As for those who are so eager, `that will confine salva­tion to one certaine Church, you have some hope of them, that in time they may come over to you: And what you object to us [Page] as a crime, wee esteeme as our great glory, and account it one of God's speciall blessings that wee live in the bosome of a Church that is so charitable, and we are willing to have so much of the good fellow in us, because we would not have too litle of the good Christian: for though our Creed be compris'd in a nar­row roome, yet our charity ex­tends farre, not only to you, but the Easterne Church.

We have a litle Sister, and shee hath no breasts, what shall we doe for our Sister, in the day when she shall be spoken of? We have a litle Sister. Cant. 8. 8. Though the Church of Rome call the Church of Greece Hereticall and Schismaticall▪, yet we of the Church of England, esteeme her to be a Daughter of the Ca­tholique Church, and our Sister, [Page] though now she be litle, yet she was a great one, not inferiour a­ny waies to the Church of Rome, she brought forth many children, and gave milk plenti­fully; but now alas she is litle by reason of her long persecution, and her breasts dried up, for now she is in a manner barren and able to bring forth but few children. And although Shee be in this poore and desolate estate, yet the Church of Rome will doe nothing for her, for when at the Councell of Florence shee desired aide of them against the Turkes, they gave her no suc­cour at all, but left her in misery here, and adiudged her as they doe us to death and damnation hereafter. What shall we doe for our Sister? so long as we acknow­ledge her for our Sister, wee should be willing to doe some­thing [Page] for her in the day when she shall be spoken of; for as yet no body speakes for her, no body laments her, but lets her alone, as if she deserved no pity, no succour, no commiseration, the Romanists have perswaded so many that she is schismaticall and hereticall in her tenents. But all those who esteeme of her as a sister, I hope will doe some thing for her in the day when she shall be spoken for, when her cause shall be plea­ded, and she cleared from hol­ding such dangerous and dam­nable Doctrines, then certainly she will have many to pity her, many to helpe her.

But the confining of salvati­to your owne Partie, hath not only sharpened the pens of ma­ny Writers to much bitternesse and condemning one another, [Page] but also hath unsheathed the swords of many Princes and Potentates to the great and la­mentable effussion of much Christian blood. S. Paul thought it a strange thing in his time for a brother to goe to law with a brother: I speake to your shame (saith he). Is it so that there is not a wise man amongst you, no not one that is able to judge betweene his brethren, but brother goeth to law with brother, and that under the Infidels? 1. Cor. 6. 5. 6. What if S. Paul lived in these daies, wherein not only a brother go­eth to law with a brother, but a brother goeth to warre with a brother, yea, and which is more, maketh that to be a motive un­to his warre, to wit, Religion, which should be a forcible meanes of peace and reconcile­ment: Tantum religio potuit sua­dere [Page] malorum? Is it possible that Religion should ever be the true mother of so much mis­chiefe? No, no, ou [...] true mother the holy Catholike Church doth not further such designes, but la­ment them, and doth more just­ly complaine then Rebecca did when twinnes strove in her wombe, seeing it is so, why am I thus. For shee could be content would her children but strive, and struggle one with another, but when they come to blowes and blood, yea much effussion of blood, as we see at this day, how can she be but like Rahel wee­ping for her children and not be comforted because they are not? Mat. 1 18. When was that e­ver more truly fulfilled then now, they that kill you shall think they doe God good service! Ioh. 16. 2. Doe you not think you [Page] have done God good service in those many massacres in France, in every of which how many thousands of poore Christians have you swept away with such a suddaine destruction, that had they been willing, you gave them not so much time as to re­pent them of their Protestancy? Doe you not think that you had done God good service, if that horrible designe of the Gun­powder-Treason had taken ef­fect, a prodigie not to be spoken of without horrour and amaze­ment, void of all humanity as well as Christianity. But doe what you can, call us Heretiques Schismatiques, and what other disgracefull name you can in­vent, imprison us, banish us, strangle us, stifle us, burne us, hang us, wee are yet your bre­thren. Certainly had our Savi-intended [Page] to begin or propogate his Church by this meanes, hee could as easily have sent forth mighty men of warre to com­pell others to believe in him, as poore fishermen who catch none but such as come to net, or are fairly allured to lay hold on the bait. If this open hostili­ty were used against the Turks, the common enemy of the Chri­stian name, there were some pretence for it; and therefore we read that Moses, Exod. 2. when he saw the Israelite and the Egyptian fight, he did not say, why strive you, but drew his sword, and slew the Egyptian, but when he saw the two Israe­lites fight, he said, yee are bre­thren why strive yee. What a glo­rious sight would it be to see the red Crosle once againe ad­vanced as it was in the daies of [Page] Constantine? and if wee did not see it written in heaven, I hope wee should finde it true upon earth, in hoc signo vinces. Vnto this holy warre I suppose all they would come, who have promised to fight under Christ's banner. And set aside for a while this private interest of Prote­stant, and Papist, and Grecian, and Lutheran, and Calvinist, and Arminian, and Socinian, and if there be any other division a­mongst us, and take upon us that generall livery of Christianity, and so joyne together to rescue our brethren from that wilde Boare of the Forrest which hath laid wast this goodly vine; & af­terwards we might see how we could decide the Controversies amongst Christians: For whosoe­uer is in the right, I hope wee are all well enough perswaded [Page] that he is in the wrong. Could Herod and Pilate, otherwise deadly enemies be made friends, and agree together to condemne Christ, and shall not those, who are already brethren and therefore should be friends, combine together to save Christ: I say to save Christ, for so long as we save and preserve his members, we save and pre­serve him; but so long as we suf­fer his members to be thus per­secuted and oppressed, hee can­not choose but suffer with them: But wee in steed of bandying a­gainst the common enemy, mu­ster up our forces one against another, and find that to be true by lamentable experience, there is no greater hatred then of bre­thren that are falllen out.

Seeing then that all Christi­ans are brethren, I say brethren, [Page] as having one Father of us all, brethren as having one faith, one Lord, one Baptisme, whereby we are borne into the Catholike Church, and one food by the Sa­crament of the Eucharist, which makes us groane to be perfect men in Christ; seeing we are all these waies brethren, I may well say as Moses did, yee are brethren why strive yee? or if yee must needs be striving about matters of Religion, strive and strive earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the Saints.

And because I say we are brethren I would not have you think we like not the cause we have in hand, or that we are rea­dy to yeeld unto you, and pre­sently joyne hands with you, as some of you imagine, and many of our side causelesly suspect, but [Page] this is all, we would have the breach no greater then it is, and would not have the world be­lieve, because we differ in some things, that wee agree in no­thing. And although we call you brethren, wee will not winke at your faults, or joyne with you in them, but this doth put us in minde to admonish you more gently of them as bre­thren, though you rage never so fiercely against us, for by this meanes wee shall expresse our charity towards you, and so heap coles of fire upō your head. God he knowes we are farre enough from yeelding to you as Roma­nists, yet should we not be cha­ritable to you as Christians, we were much to blame. But [...]ee how you mistake, or rather in­deed pervert and abuse this our charity: For (say you) by your [Page] own acknowledgement, there may be salvation in our Church, but we all deny there can be salvation in yours, therefore all if they had care of themselves would have recourse to us, for it is the safer way to be a member of that Church where both sides yeeld there may be salvation, then in that where one side denies it. This were something if Salvation or Damnation depended upon opi­nion, but I suppose that charita­ble opinion of ours in hopeing you may be saved, makes you never a whit the nearer heaven, but our selves, and that rough censure of yours in setting us all out for damnation, makes us no whit the neerer hell but your selves. And I had rather be a member of that Church which holds there may be salvation in both, then of that which holds [Page] there can be salvation but in one. For holding with the first I am safe wheresoever I am, but holding with the latter, I must be in danger wheresoever I am. I say wheresoever I am; for I am not only in danger of my sal­vation, if I be in that Church wherein I think there is no sal­vation, but also in that out of which I think there can be no salvation, because I confine sal­vation to one of these, which though I think it be in this a­lone, yet it may be in the other alone.

Many other motives unto charity might be shewed, but these briefly shall suffice for me, The one is, that we are Christi­ans, and therefore brethren, and so ought to love as brethren; A­nother is, in that I hope our in­tentions are good, and that none [Page] maintaines a false opinion per­versely against his conscience▪ and this last is, that for some opi­nions that are not so orthodoxe yet there may be hopes of salva­tion, although it be not without smart and punishment.

Now let me say unto all Christians, as S. Paul doth to the Corinthians 2. Cor. 6. 11. 12. 13. O yee Christians, our mouth is o­pen unto you, and not only so, but our heart is enlarged, not only to the Roman, but even to the East Church, and to as many as call upon the name of our Lord Ie­sus. Ye are not straitned in us, but ye are straitned in your own bow­els, now for a recompence in the same, I speak unto you as unto Brethren, be ye also enlarged.

Let me bespeak all learned Prelats and Pastors on all sides, as S. Austine Epist. 147. doth Pro­culianus [Page] a Bishop and a favourer of the Donatists, I pray and be­seech thee ( saith he) if there be any good disposition in thee, which many doe extoll, and commend, if it be not a counterfeit courtesy by reason of worldly honour, that the tender bowells of pitty and compassion begin to yerne in thee, and that you would have these controversies discussed between us at the length, not by wrangling and railing one at another, but by fervent prayers and earnest sup­plications unto Almighty God, and by comparing all things peaceably and examining them in the spirit of meeknesse, lest the poore ignorant people which now yeeld to and willingly obey our jurisdiction and command over them, presse us with this their sub­mission and dutifull obedience to us in the day of the Lord Iesus, [Page] and say, they did as their leaders directed them, but rather by our unfained love and charity, being together with us drawn from those by paths of errour and dis­sention, they should be directed into the right way of truth and peace. I will conclude all with our Churches prayer, that it would please God to inspire con­tinually the Vniversall Church, with the spirit of truth, unity and concord, and grant that all they who doe confesse his holy name, may agree in the truth of his holy word, and live in unity and God­ly love! And although we can­not at the first attaine to that perfection to be of one minde, yet let us beginne to be chari­table, and beare with one ano­ther; for who knowes but that by entertaining this bond of peace, we may in good time [Page] come to the unity of the spirit; which he heartily wisheth, and daily prayeth for, who is

Thine in Christ W. P.


Of following Christ, and the contempt of all worldly vanities.

HEE that followeth me walketh not in darknesse, saith our blessed Saviour the true light.

2 And because he is truth as well as light, we must follow him, if we will truly be enlightned, and cast off all the workes of darknesse.

3 Let it be then our chiefest care fully to tread in his blessed steps.

4 His sacred documents were [Page 2] they rightly understood, doe farre ex­ceed all humane instructions, and he that hath the spirit of Christ, shall be sure to find there the hidden Manna.

5 But so it falls out that many though they often read and heare this Gospell of peace, though they are ma­ny times made partakers of these dain­ties, yet they relish them not, because they have not the tast of the spirit.

6 But he that will be Christs best Schollar, must translate his words into deeds, and he that will truly know what his Saviour hath said, must be sure to practise what he hath done.

7 What will it profit a man pro­foundly to dispute of the Trinity, and yet be puffed up with pride and so dis­please the Trinity.

8 It is not eloquence of words, nor strength of understanding that makes any man more holy and just, but it is a vertuous and religious life that drawes neere unto God.

9 I had rather feele the effect of compunction in my heart, then know the nature of it in my head.

10 Suppose thou couldst repeat the whole Bible, and many other good [Page 3] sayings without-book; it would argue thee to have a good memory, but not to be the better Christian.

11 Vanity of vanities and all is vanity besides the love of God, and his alone service.

12 This is chiefe wisdome, through the contempt of this world to passe un­to a better.

13 It is vanity then to hunt after riches because they are transitory, or trust in them because they are uncer­taine.

14 It is vanity also to be ambitious after honour, and greedy to climbe up into any high place.

15 It is vanity to follow after fleshly lusts, and desire that which will hereafter adde to thy punishment.

16 It is vanity to wish for a long life, and to be altogether carelesse of a good life.

17 It is vanity only to have a care of this present life, and not to have an eye to that which is to come.

17 It is vanity to love that which is quickly gone, and not to hasten thi­ther where is joy without end.

18 Remember often that saying [Page 4] The eie is not satisfied with seeing, nor the eare with hearing.

18 Labour then to withdraw thy soule from the love of things visible, and to fixe upon the delight of things invisible.

19 For those that follow their sensuality defile their conscience, and whiles they gaine the favour of men, they loose the grace of God.

To have an humble opinion of ones selfe.

EVery man doth naturally desire to know; but knowledge without the feare of God, what availeth it?

2 Better is the poore iusticke whose conversation is in heaven, then the proud Philosopher vvho is still ga­zing into heaven.

3 He that knowes himselfe well indeed is vile in his owne eyes, and is not affected with the applause of men.

4 Though I knew all things in the world, yet had not charity, what would it helpe me before God? who will judge me according to my works [Page 5] of charity. Be not very greedy to know much, for there is in it great distraction and deceipt.

5 Those that be learned would willingly be taken notice of and ac­counted wise.

6 There be many things the know­ledge of which doe profit the soule litle or nothing.

7 And he is very unwise that trou­bles himselfe much with any thing, but that which may further his salva­tion.

7 Multitude of words doe not sa­tisfie the mind, but a good life doth re­fresh the soule, and a cleare conscience makes us very confident with God.

The greater knowledge thou hast, the heavier shall be thy Iudgment, un­lesse thy life be so much the more holy.

9 Be not then lifted up with any knowledge or learning, but rather let the increase of thy knowledge be the increase of thy feare.

10 If thou thinkest thou hast a good understanding and knowest much, yet know withall that thou art ignorant of much more then thou knowest.

[Page 6] 11 Be not wise in thy owne con­ceipt but rather acknowledge thine ig­norance, and say, Lord I thanke thee that I am not ignorant how ignorant I am.

12 Why shouldst thou preferre thy selfe before any, when there are many more learned and skilfull then thy selfe

13 Wilt thou know and learne a­ny thing for thy profit, study to be un­knowne, and nothing to be accoun­ted of.

14 This is the highest and most usefull study truly to know thy selfe, and then to despise thy selfe: To esteem nothing of thy selfe but alwaies to have a good and high opinion of others is great wisdome and perfection.

15 Though thou seest another o­penly to offend or commit some great crime, yet thou shouldst not presently think thy selfe better then he, for though thou art so for the present, yet thou knowest not how long thou canst continue so.

16 'Tis true, we are all of us frail, yet this is the way to gather true strength, to think no man more fraile then thy selfe.

Of the Doctrine of truth.

HAppy is he whom truth teacheth not by letters and words that va­nish, but in its owne proper shape.

2 Our ovvne opinion and con­ceit doth ofttimes deceive us, and at the best sees but a litle.

3 What profit is there to cavill much about secret and obscure points, seeing we shall never be called in que­stion for not knowing them.

4 Great folly it is to neglect pro­fitable and necessary studies, and busy our selves incurious and dangerous in­quiries, for in so doing we have eyes but see not.

5 Why spend we so much time in learning genus and species, and other logicall words, he is rid from a great many of opinions, whom that everla­sting Word doth speake unto.

6 All things have their being of that one Word, and all things doe speake ac­cording to that one Word, & this is that beginning which doth speake unto us, without whom no mā understandeth or judgeth any thing aright.

[Page 8] 7 Hee to whom all things are one, and who draweth all things to one, and beholdeth all things in one, the same can stand firme in his heart and repose himself quietly in his God.

8 O God which art the eternall truth make me one with thee in ever­lasting love!

Many times to read much and to hear much, it [...]irketh me, in thee is all I would have or can desire.

9 Let all teachers hold their peace, let all Creatures keepe silence in thy sight, but speake Lord for thy servant heareth, speake thou alone unto me and it sufficeth!

10 By how much the more one is u­nited to himself, & admitteth of no ad­mixture within himselfe, by so much the more easily doth he cōceive high myste­ries, because he is enlightned from above

11 A pure, sincere, and stayed spi­rit is not distracted, though it be im­ploy'd in diverse matters, for that it worketh all to the honour of God, and labouring for inward tranquillitie see­keth not it selfe in any thing it doth.

12 Who hinders and troubles thee [Page 9] more then the unmortified and unruly affections of thine owne heart!

13 A good and godly man before he doe any businesse outwardly abroad doth first rightly order it inwardly at home.

14 Neither shall his imployment drive him to any corrupt inclination, but he will draw it to the rule of right reason.

15 Great are the confliccts of e­very good Christian, but of all com­bates the forest is to conquer our selves.

16 This then should be our chiefe endeavour continually to maintaine the sight, and every day to be stronger and better then another.

16 The greatest perfection wee can attaine to in this life, it hath some imperfection annexed to it, and our greatest light of knowledge is not void of some darknesse.

17 An humble knowledge of thy selfe, is a more secure way to heaven, then a profound searching into other kinds of learning.

18 Not that humane learning is blame-worthy, nor the knowledge of any thing whatsoever is to be disliked, [Page 10] because it is good in it selfe, and ordai­ned of God.

19 But yet a good conscience is to be preferred before all knowledge, and a vertuous life before all learning.

20 But because men commonly labour more to know well, then to live well, this makes them so much to wan­der out of the way and reap litle fruit of their labours.

21 O if men would be as carefull in removing vices, as they are in mo­ving questions, there would not be so much loosness amongst the vulgar, nor such enormities in retir'd places!

22 Assuredly at the day of judg­ment we shall not be examined how many bookes we have read, but how many good workes we have done; not how rhetorically we have spoken, but how religiously we have lived.

23 Tell me now what's become of all those great Doctors and Masters in Israell, which thou knewest to be so famous and pointed at in their life.

24 Others now possesse their pla­ces and preferments, and perchance doe scarce ever so much as thinke of them.

[Page 11] 26 In their life time they seemed to be some body; who but they? but now they are gone, we heare not a word of them.

27 O how quickly doth the glory of this world passe away; would God their life had been answerable to their learning, then had their study and rea­ding been to good purpose!

28 Alas how many perish in the world through this vaine knowledge, in that they make small account of the worship of God.

29 And because they rather strive to be high then humble, therefore they vanish in their vaine imaginations.

30 Accosding to thy charity so is thy greatnesse, he is truly great who is litle in his own eyes, and lightly estee­meth all height of honour.

31 He is wise indeed who accoun­teth all things else but dung that he may winne Christ, and he is learned indeed that abandoneth his owne will that he may doe Gods.

Of Providence or Prudence in our actions.

VVE must not rashly believe eve­ry word of man, but warily and seriously ponder whether it be consonant to the will of God.

2 But alas such is our weaknesse and so great our infirmity, that we of­tner think and speake the worst of ano­ther then the best.

3 But such as be perfect will not easily give credit to every tale that is told them, they know how prone every man is by nature unto evill, and how easy it is to offend with the tongue.

4 It is a point of great wisdome to be neither rash in our actions nor stiffe in our opinions.

5 And as great wisdome it is not to believe all thou hearest, nor yet what thou hearest and believest, to be by and by telling it another.

6 Take advise of a wise and con­scientious man, & follow his better in­structions rather thē thine own fancies.

7 A good life maketh a man wise [Page 13] to God-ward, and giveth him great experience in many things.

8 The more humble a man is in himselfe, and obedient to his God, the more prudent shall he be in all his af­faires and injoy greater quietnesse of mind.

Of the reading of holy Scriptures.

IN the holy Scriptures we must looke after the truth of the matter, not the eloquence of the words, and we should read them with the same spirit they were penn'd.

2 We ought rather to marke in them the evidence of the spirit, then the excellency of the words, for it is better to read a Booke that brings devotion to my heart, then knowledge to my head.

3 Let not the authority of the Writer be he of great or small account, but the pure love of truth, move thee to read and seeke out not so much who it is that speaketh, but diligently mark what it is that is spoken.

4 Men are here to day and gone to [Page 14] morrow, but the truth of our Lord re­maineth for ever. God speaketh to us sundry waies, without respect of per­sons.

5 In reading the Scriptures our cu­riosity doth often hurt us, when we goe about to comprehend that, which in­deed we should let alone.

6 If thou desirest to reap commo­dity read withall humility simplicity, and fidelity, and never covet to be ac­counted learned.

7 Be questioning alwaies with godly men, and hearken with silence unto their sayings, be not offended with the Proverbes of thine elders, for they are not left unto us without a cause.

Of inordinate desires and affections.

VVHensoever a man desireth a thing inordinately, he is pre­sently disquieted within himselfe.

2 The proud and covetous men are never at rest, but the poore and meeke-spirited live together in a­bundance [Page 15] of peace.

4 The man that is not yet through­ly mortified is quickly tempted, yea and overcome too with small and triviall things.

5 He that is weake in the spirit and as yet carnally minded, and prone unto sensuality, can hardly withdraw him­selfe altogether from earthly desires.

6 And therefore it often grieveth him when he goeth about to with­draw himselfe, and is easily moved to anger if any one doth withstand him.

7 But if he hath followed therein his appetite, he is presently gauled with remorse of conscience, because he hath yeelded to his unruly passions, which doth no whit make to the peace he sofght for.

8 Wherefore the true peace of mind is gotten, not by following but resisting wicked af [...]ections.

9 There is no peace then in the heart of a carnall man, nor in a man that is addicted to outward things, but to the upright man and him that is fer­vent in the spirit, there is great quiet­nesse.

CHAP. 7.
Of Flying vaine Hope and Pride.

IT is a vaine thing to trust either in man or any other creature, for there is no helpe in them.

2 Be not ashamed to be in subje­ction to others for the love of Iesus Christ, and to be esteemed poore in this life, count it thy great riches.

3 Depend not upon thyselfe, but put thy confidence in the Lord, doe what lies in thee, and God will blesse thine endeavour.

4 Trust not to thine owne know­ledge, nor in the policy of any mortall man, but rather in the grace and favour of God who exalteth the humble, and humbleth those who exalt themselves.

5 Glory not in thy wealth though thou have much, nor yet in thy friends though they be mighty, but in God who giveth all these, and would glad­ly give thee himselfe before all these.

6 Be not proud neither of the beauty of thy face, or bignesse of thy body, for a litle sicknesse doth deforme the one, and consume the other.

[Page 17] 7 Be not too well conceited of thy wit and abilities of nature, least thou displease God, who is the sole-gi­ver of all the goods of nature.

1 Esteeme not thy selfe better then others, least God who best knows what is in man, account thee worse then others.

9 Be not proud of well doing, for God judgeth not as man doth, for that often offendeth him, that pleaseth them.

10 If thou hast any goodnesse in thee think that another hath more, so shalt thou preserve within thee that rich treasure of humility.

11 To debase thy selfe under all men can never hurt thee, but to pre­ferre thy selfe before any man may doe thee some harme.

12 The humble man is in a con­tinuall calme, but the haughty mind fumeth commonly with indignation.

Of avoiding too much familiaritie.

OPen not thine heart to every man, but communicate thine affaires with the wise and godly.

2 Acquaint thy selfe with the grave and aged, and delight not much in young and strange company.

3 Flatter not the wealthy to make him proud of his riches, neither doe thou willingly appeare before great per­sonages.

4 Keep company with the hum­ble the sincere and devout, and con­ferre with them of those things that may be for thy edifying.

5 Be not in speciall familiar with any woman, but in generall commend all good women to God.

6 Carefully avoid too much ac­quaintance with men, that thou maist be the more familiar with God and his holy Angels.

7 Although thou oughtest to have charity towards all men, yet hold fami­liarity but with a few.

8 Many men unknowne unto us [Page 19] may be famous for their good parts whose bodily presence doth seeme to be but contemptible.

9 Some men we know not are cri­ed up for their worth, who being well acquainted with deserve litle to be re­garded.

10 We think sometimes to please others by being acquainted with them, whom yet we more distast with our lewd behaviour, then delight with our company.

Of Obedience and Subjection.

THough it be very hard to live in o­bedience under a Governour, and not to be at our owne disposing, yet it is farre better to obey then rule.

2 Many live under obedience ra­ther out of necessity then willingly, such easily vexe and punish themselves, and are ready to murmure and repine upon a small occasion.

3 Neither can they attaine to any freedome of mind, unlesse they cheer­fully submit from the heart and for God's sake.

[Page 20] 4 Turn hither or thithér, goe whither thou wilt, thou shalt never find so much case as in humble subjection under a Governour.

5 The very imagination and change of places hath deceived many a man, when he was under he thought there was no life to a Ruler; now he commands, he holds it better to obey.

6 'Tis true, every man is willing to follow his owne fancie, and is apt to make much of those that are of his mind.

7 But if God be amongst us we will discard our owne opinion, rather then disturb the common peace.

8 It may so fall out that thou art in the wrong, for who is so wise that he can fully know all things.

9 Therefore trust not too much to thine owne opinion, but be willing to give an eare to the judgment of others.

10 But suppose thou art in the right, yet if for God's and quietnesse sake thou shalt forbeare thine opinion, thou shalt gaine more by thy humility, then thou shalt loose in thy knowledge.

11 I have oftentimes heard that it [Page 21] is more safe and secure to heare and take counsell, then to give it.

12 It may so fall out that a mans owne judgment and opinion may be right enough; but not to hearken and yeeld to others when good reason re­qu [...]res, must needs be a signe of great stubbornnesse and pride.

Of avoiding superfluity of Words.

TAke heed of publique meetings as much as is possible, for to talke of worldly affaires doth us great harme mean we never so well.

2 For we are quickly defiled and even led captive by vanity, and for my part I have wished many times that I had been either silent or absent.

3 But what might be the reason we are so apt to conference, seeing we so seldome breake it off without some hurt of conscience.

4 The reason hereof I conceive to be this, that by mutuall communicati­on we much comfort one another, and refresh our wearied soules oppressed with many cares.

[Page 22] 5 Of what we love best or desire most we are apt to think and speak freely, or else of those things that doe most trouble and molest us.

6 But alas this is often to small purpose or profit, for this outward comfort is a great hindrance to the in­ward, and our humane discourse to our heavenly consolation.

7 That thou passe not thy time idlely, spend it in watching and prayer, but if it be fit for thee to speak, speak those things that may edifie.

7 An evill custome and carelesse­nesse of profitting in good workes, is a great meanes to make us very fruitfull in ill words.

8 To compare spirituall things with spirituall things doth greatly fur­ther our progresse in the spirit, especial­ly where men of like minds and spirit are joyned together in the Lord.

Of obtaining peace, and desire of profiting.

VVOuld we not busie our selves in other mens imployments, which we have nothing to doe withall, we might enjoy at home much peace within our selves.

2 How can he continue long in any quietnesse, that thrusteth himselfe into other mens affaires, who seeketh occa­sion to be busie abroad, and seldome takes occasion to recollect himselfe at home.

3 Blessed are the simple and pure in heart, for they shall inherit abundance of peace.

4 Why are some of the Saints come to such perfection, & given to so much contemplation, but because their whole care hath beene to mortify themselves and their earthly desires.

5 And this hath made them able freely to attend their own affaires, and with the whole strength of their soule to unite themselves to their God.

6 But as for us we are too much car­ried [Page 24] away with our unbridled passions and too too sollicitous for temporall trash.

7 We also seldome overcome any one vice as we should, we are not enflamed to profit daily more and more, and this makes us continue cold in devotion, and luke-warme in Religion.

8 Were we but once throughly dead unto our selves, and not inwardly en­tangled in our owne soules, then should we relish the things that are a­bove, and get some experience of hea­venly contemplations.

9 The greatest and indeed the only impediment is, that we are in bondage to our passions and vile affections, and labour not to follow the perfect foot­steps of the faithfull.

10 And when any small adversity be­falleth us, then we are very soone cast downe, and betake our selves to the miserable comforters of this world.

Now if we would not give back but like valiant souldiers stand upon our guard doubtlesse the Lord would send us helpe from above.

12 For he that gives occasion to fight, to the end we may get the victory, sure­ly [Page 25] is ready to helpe those that fight manfully.

14 If we place our progresse in re­ligion onely in these outward obser­vances, then will our devotion come quickly to an end.

15 Wherefore we must lay the Axe to the very roote, that our unquiet affe­ctions being eradicated we may finde rest to our soules.

16 If every yeare we did but root out one vice, we should in a few yeares become perfect men.

17 But we often finde it to bee cleane contrary, that we were better and purer at the beginning of our con­version, then we have been after many yeares of our profession.

18 And whereas our fervour and forwardnesse should increase daily more and more, we think it a great matter if a man retaine but some part of his first love.

19 Did we but straine and force our selves a litle at the first, then might we doe all things afterwards with ease and delight.

20 I confesse indeed it is hard to leave old wonts, and as hard, yea har­der [Page 26] to goe against our owne wills.

21 If thou art not able to over­come these things that be litle and light, how wilt thou be able to conquer those things that are more difficult?

22 At the beginning therefore strive with thine owne inclination, and unlearne if thou canst a naughty cu­stome, lest otherwise when thou wouldst, thou canst not so easily, and all that thou endeavourest will be but in vaine.

23 O if thou didst but consider what peace thou should'st reape unto thy selfe, and joy unto others by be­haveing thy selfe well, I suppose thou wouldst be more carefull of thy profi­ciency towards God, and fearefull to give any offence unto man.

CHAP. 12.
Of the profit gotten by adversity.

IT is good for us sometimes to suffer affliction and contradiction, because they oftentimes call a man home unto himselfe.

2 They make a man to know that he liveth here but in banishment, [Page 27] and that he must not trust to any thing in this world.

3 It is good for us sometimes to be crossed and contradicted, yea to be ill spoken of, and ill thought of, al­though we both doe and mean well.

4 These wonderfully increase in us the vertue of humility, and strongly beat downe in us the vice of vain-glo­ry.

5 For then we more earnestly call God to witnesse in us and for us, when men abroad dis-esteeme us and give no credit unto us,

6 Therefore ought a man so wholly to depend upon God, that he needeth not to seeke after many com­forts amongst men.

7 When a man of good meaning is troubled or tempted, when he is vex­ed outwardly in body or inwardly in mind.

8 The more he considereth he standeth in need of God's assistance, without whose helpe he perceiveth he can doe nothing that is good.

9 Then he sorroweth and greatly [...]igheth and desireth to be delivered [...]rom the miseries he endureth.

[Page 28] 10 Then is he weary of living a­ny longer, and wisheth death were at hand that he might be dissolved and be with Christ.

11 Then also he well perceiveth and is throughly perswaded that full security and perfect peace cannot be had in this world.

Of resisting Temptations.

SO long as we live in this wicked world we must look to be troubled with miseries and [...]mptations.

2 Hence we find it written in that holy Book of Iob, The life of man upon earth is but a warfare and temptation.

3 Therefore ought every one to be very carefull of his courses; and that he be not led into temptation through­ly arme himselfe with watching and praier.

4 Lest the Devill find occasion to entrappe and deceive us, who never slumbereth but rangeth about seeking whom he may devour.

5 There is no man so holy or per­fect but is tempted sometimes, and to [Page 29] be utterly without them is altogether impossible.

6 Though temptations seeme for the present to be grievous and trouble­some, yet are they often very profitable to us in the end.

7 They are instructions, purgati­ons and humiliations unto us, they in­struct our lives, they purge our affecti­ons, and humble our soules.

8 All the saints of God have pro­fited in this life, and passed unto a bet­ter through many tribulations and temptations.

9 And those that have not beene able to endure these temptations, have become reprobates in themselves and back-sliders from God.

10 There is no order so sacred, no place so secret, where there is not ei­ther temptations to try thee or troubles to molest thee.

11 There is no man whilst hee lives can be wholly free and secure from temptations.

12 Though we had none with­out us, we have enough within us, be­ing all of us borne in concupiscence and sinne.

[Page 30] 13. Temptations come upō tempta­tions, miseries upon miseries, & having lost our first happinesse, we have ever­some unhappinesse or other to endure.

14 Whilst many sèeke to avoid temptations, they are plung'd into them deeper, and some to shunne one trouble fall into a worse.

15 By flying wee shew our selves not conquerors but cowards, it is pa­tient abideing and true humility that make us stronger then all our enemies.

16 He that cuts off but the branches of temptations, and plucks not up the roote from whence they spring, shall be litle the better.

17 For they will assaile him so much the sooner and make him worse then he was before.

18 By litle and litle (through Gods helpe,) by patience and longa­ni [...]ity thou shalt more easily get the mastery, then by any sudden violence or [...]turdy importunity.

19 Often take good advise when thou thy selfe art tempted, and deale not roughly with another that is temp­ted, but minister unto him comfort, as thou wouldst be comforted thy selfe.

[Page 31] 20 The very roote and originall of all evill temptations, is the great in­constancy of our mindes, and the litle confidence we have in our God.

21 For as a ship without a sterne is tossed to and fro with wind and weather, so a carelesse and unconstant man hath great variety of temptations.

22 As fire tryeth yron, so tempta­tion a just man, we know not often­times what we are able to doe, untill temptations doe shew us what we are.

23 We must be very watchfull then especially, when temptation is but newly begunne, for then is the enemy more easily overcome.

24 If thou suffer him not to enter in at the doore of thine heart, but gi­vest him his answer at the threshold when he gives the first knocke.

25 Wherefore one said very well,

Take a disease at the first, and 'twill easily be cur'd,
But an after remedy will be hard­ly endur'd.

26 For first of all there comes in­to thy minde a bare cogitation, next a strong and vehement imagination, after that an evill motion and consent joyn­ed [Page 32] with a wonderfull delectation.

27 And so our deadly enemy if we set him but put in his head, doth after with greater ease draw in the whole body.

28 And by how much the longer before any man stirreth against his ene­my, by so much the weaker is he when he doth resist, and his enemy the stron­ger whom he must resist.

29 Some suffer greatest assaults in the beginning of their conversion, and some at the later end, but others are much troubled all their life long.

30 Some againe are but gently and lightly assaulted according to the wis­dome and equity of the divine appoint­ment, which weigheth the state and conditions of all men, and pre-ordain­eth all things to the salvation of his e­lect.

31 We ought not therefore to de­spaire when we are tempted, but so much the more fervently pray unto God, who is ready to helpe us in all our adversities.

32 Who according to the saying of S. Paul will not suffer us to be temp­ted above that we are able, but will [Page 33] give an issue with the temptation, that we may be able to beare it.

33 So then in all temptations and tribulations let us humble our soules under the mighty hand of God for the humble in spirit will he save and exalt.

34 In these troubles and adversi­ties a manis proved how much he hath profited, and the more his vertue hath been manifested here, the greater shall be his reward hereafter.

35 Nor is it any great matter for a man to be zealous and devout when nothing doth trouble him, but if in time of adversity he beare himselfe patient­ly there is good hope he hath profited not a litle.

36 Some there are who in great and fierce temptations are strangely preserved, who in small and ordinary trials are often overcome.

37 To the end that being truly humbled they never in great matters trust to their owne strength, who in such small trifles have shewed them­selves to be so weak.

Of avoiding rash Iudgment.

BEware thou judge not rashly the deeds of other men which thou shalt the better take heed of, if thou let thine eyes reflect upon thy selfe.

2 In judging of others a man la­bours in vain, is commonly deceived and easily offendeth, but in judging and examining himselfe, his pains is alwaies well bestowed.

3 As we fancie any thing com­monly we judge of it thereafter, for private affection doth easily oversway sound judgment.

4 If God were alwaies the pure intention of our desire, we should not be so much troubled with the repug­nancy of our sensuality.

5 But still some inward secret in­clination, or some outward molestation comes in thy way, and either the flesh within, or the world without drawes us along after them.

6 Many in their actions would make you believe, nay have made themselves beleeve, they intend some [Page 35] publique good, when indeed they aim'd at their own private ends.

7 They seeme also to live at their hearts ease, so long as things goe well with them but if any thing fall out o­therwise then they look for, then quick­ly they are troubled and discontented.

8 Great dissention riseth many times amongst friends and neighbours, yea amongst those that be zealous and religious through diversity of opi­nions.

9 It is a very hard matter to leave an old custome, and no man is willing­ly drawne further then his owne eyes will lead him.

10 If thou followest the conduct of thine owne reason and industry, more then the subduing vertue of thy Saviour, seldome and slowly shalt thou be illuminated from above.

11 For God will have us fully and perfectly submit our selves to him, and transcend the narrew reach of all reason by love that is enflamed.

Of workes proceeding from Charity.

VVE ought to doe no kind of evill either for any profit to be got­in this world, or for the pleasure of a­ny man.

2 Yet for the helpe of the needy we may passe over it for a time, or doe another insteed of it, and this is not the losse but the change of a worke and that for a better.

3 Let thy worke be never so great and glorious, without charity it is no­thing worth; be thy worke but small and triviall, yet done in charity, is very effectuall.

4 For God regardeth not so much what is done, as how and with what affection a thing is done, he doth most, that loves most.

5 He doth much that doth a thing as it should be done, and he doth so who preferres the publique good, be­fore his owne private affections.

6 Naturall inclination, selfe will, hope of reward, desire of gaine, are [Page 37] seldome wanting to our workes, and so that which seemes to be charity is rather indeed carnality.

7 He that is endowed with true and perfect charity, he seeketh himselfe in nothing, but desireth and only stu­dieth God's glory in all things.

8 He doth also repine at no body because he loveth no private ioy, nor will he reioyce in himselfe, but above all things desireth to be blessed in his God.

8 He attributeth nothing that is good to others, but wholly referreth them all unto God, from whom as from a fountain all things doe proceed, and in whom finally all the Saints have their fruition of rest.

9 O he that hath but one spark of true charity would easily discerne all earthly things how full they are of va­nity.

Of bearing with other mens defects.

THose things which no man can amend either in himselfe or in o­thers he ought to beare patiently until [Page 38] God have otherwise disposed.

2 Think with thy selfe, that per­chance it is better to be so for thy triall and patience, without which all our good works are litle to be regarded.

3 Thou oughtest to pray notwith­standing when thou hast such impedi­ments, that God would vouchsafe to helpe thee that thou maist beare them patiently.

4 If one that that is once or twice admonished cannot endure it, or will not amend, be not rigorous with him, because he hath offended, doe not thou offend.

5 But commit thy whole cause to God, that his will may be fulfilled and his name honoured in all his servants, for he that can turne all things to the best can worke good out of evill.

6 Endeavour thy selfe patiently to bear with any faults and infirmities of others, for that thou thy selfe hast many things that must be borne with­all by others.

7 If thou canst not make thy selfe such a one as thou wouldst be, how canst thou expect to have another to thy liking in all things.

[Page 39] 8 It is injustice to expect that in another which thou hast not in thy self, to looke for perfection in others, and yet not to amend imperfections in our selves.

9 We will have others severely punisht, and will not amend our selves; the large liberty of others disliketh us, and yet we will not have our desires deni'd us, we will have rigorous Lawes imposed upon others, but in no sort will we our selves be restrained.

10 And thus it appeareth howsel­dome we weigh our neighbours in the same ballance with our selves. If all men were perfect what then should we have to suffer at other mens hands for God's sake.

11 But now God hath thus ordai­ned that every man should have a bur­then of his owne, let us learne to sup­port and beare one anothers burthens.

12 For there is none without de­fect, none without his burthen, no man sufficient by himselfe, no man wise e­nough of himselfe.

13 But we ought to bear with on [...] another, comfort one another, equally helpe, instruct, and admonish one ano­ther.

[Page 40] 14 By occasion of adversity every man knoweth what great vertue is in himselfe, for such occasions make thee not frail, but shew thee what thou art.

Of solitary life.

THou must learne to breake thy selfe of thine owne will in many things, if thou wilt keepe peace and concord with others.

2 It is no small matter to lead a [...] contemplative or practicall life, to live in either of those places without re­proofe, and to persevere therein faith­fully unto the death.

3 Blessed is he that hath there lived well and died as he ought to doe [...].

4 If thou wilt stand uprightly and perfect in vertue as thou oughtst, car­ry thy selfe as a pilgrime and stranger upon the earth.

5 Thou must be contented to be esteemed a foole for the love of Christ, if thou wilt lead a religious and Chri­stian life.

6 The choice raiment and shorne head make litle to the purpose, but [Page 41] change of manners and cutting of un­ruly passions make a man truly Reli­gious.

7 He that seeketh after any thing but God and his soules health, shall be sure to find nothing but tribulation and griefe.

8 Neither can he long injoy a peaceable and quiet mind, who striveth not to be the least & veriest abject of all.

9 Thou art come hither not to be served but to serve, know that thou art called to suffer and to labour, not to loi­ter and live at ease.

10 As gold in the furnace so are men tried in this world, here none can stand upright, but he that stoopeth in all humility▪ & heartily for the Lords sake.

Of the example of the ho­ly Fathers.

COnsider the lively examples of those holy Fathers who are dead, who shined so bright in true perfection and Religion.

2 You shall easily perceive how li­tle or nothing at all it is that we doe, [Page 42] alas what is our life, if you doe but compare it with theirs?

3 Those holy men and freinds of Christ served the Lord in hunger and thirst, in cold and nakednesse, in labour and wearinesse, in watching and fa­sting, in praiers and holy meditations in persecutions and many reproaches.

4 O how many and grievous tri­bulations suffered the Apostles, Mar­tyrs, Confessours, Virgins, and all the rest who endeavoured to follow Christ [...] steps, they hated their lives here that they might have life everlasting.

5 O how strict and severe a life led those holy Father [...] in the wil­dernesse? What long and grievous tem­ptations did they endure? How often were they vexed with our common e­nemy?

6 What often and fervent praiers did they offer unto God? How rigo­rous abstinency did they daily under­goe? What fervent care and zeale had they to profit in the spirit?

How great and sharp a combate had they for the taming of their vices? how pure an dright an intention had they to Godvvard? They laboured all day▪ & [Page 43] praied all night, although when they la­broured with the body they prayed with the mind.

7 In a word, they spent all their time to their best advantage, and thought the houre to soone at an end they imployed in God's service.

8 For the great sweetnesse they found in heavenly contemplations, they forgot the necessity of their corporall refection, and for the food of their soules did not regard the reliefe of their bodies.

9 As for all riches, dignities, ho­nours, friends and kinsfolkes, they ut­terly renounced them all, and desired to have nothing this world can afford.

10 They could hardly be perswa­ded to take the necessary sustenance of their life, and to yeeld to their body in that they must needs, was with a great deale of repugnancy.

11 They were very poore in out­ward goods, but very rich in inward grace, without they seemed needy, but within they were refreshed with grace and heavenly consolation.

12 They were meere strangers to the world but were neere and familiar [Page 44] friends to God, in their owne eyes, and in the sight of the world they were but abject and despised persons, but in the eyes of God very p [...]etious and beloved.

13 They were grounded in humi­lity, lived in obedience, walked in chari­ty and patience, therefore did they dai­ly profit in the spirit and obtained great favour at the hands of God.

14 They were set out for exam­ples to all righteous men, and these few men should more provoke us to a spirituall progresse, then the great num­ber of luke-warme Christians to a re­misnesse in behaviour.

15 O how great was the fervour of all religious persons in the begin­ning of their holy institution?

16 How great was their devotion [...] to praier, how great emulation of ver­tue? How exact discipline was set on [...]oote? how great reverence and obe­dience observed they in all things un­der the rule of their superiors?

17 Their footsteps yet remaining do testifie that they were indeed holy and perfect men, who fighting so stout­ly trod the world under their feet.

18 Now he is thought a jolly man [Page 45] that is not an open offender, and can but patiently endure what he hath al­ready undertaken.

19 O the coldnesse and negligence of our time and state that we soone de­cline from our first fervour, that by rea­son of our luke-warmnesse and sloath we are even weary of our lives.

20 It is a signe that all proficiency in vertue is utterly dead in us, when we follow not the examples of so many godly men before us.

CHAP. 19.
Of the exercise of good religi­ous persons.

THe life of a good religious person ought to excell in all kind of ver­tue, that he may be such a one inward­ly to God, as he seemeth to be out wardly to men.

2 Yea for a good reason he should be better within then he appeares with­out, for God beholdeth the heart, whom we ought highly to reverence, wheresoever we are, and walke in pu­rity like Angels in his sight.

3 We ought every day to renew [Page 46] our good intention, and stirre up our selves to fervour and devotion, as though this were the first time of our conversion, and say thus,

4 Helpe me O Lord my God in this my good purpose and in thy holy service, and give me grace this day to make a good entrance and beginning, for what I have done hitherto is to li­tle purpose.

5 According to our purpose and good endavour you must judge of ones course and well doing, and he that will reape great commodity must be care­full to use great diligence.

6 For if he that goeth on couragi­ously findeth great rubbs in his way, how many will he finde that setteth forward, but seldome and uncertainly.

7 There be many things that cause us to leave our good intents, and the least omission of spirituall exercises, bringeth [...]o litle hinderance to our soul [...]s.

8 The determinations of the just depend upon Gods grace, and not up­on their owne wisdome, upon whom they alwaies relye, for whatsoever they take in hand.

[Page 47] 9 For man doth propose but God doth dispose, neither is the way of man in his owne hands.

10 If usuall exercise be sometimes omitted either for piety towards God, or profit to my neighbour, it may easily afterwards be recovered againe.

11 But if out of a sloathful mind or carelesse negligence we for sake the same, it is a great offence against God, and very prejudiciall to our selves.

12 Let us doe the best we can, we shall faile in many things, yet let us al­waies take some certaine course, and e­specially against those vices which doe most of all molest us.

13 We must diligently search into and set in order both the outward and the inward man, because both of them are very necessary to our comming for­ward in godlinesse.

14 If thou canst not continually call thy selfe to an account, yet doe it sometimes, at the least once a day, to wit, at morning or at night.

17 In the morning consider what thou intendest to doe, and at night ex­amine thy selfe what thou hast done.

16 How thou hast behav'd thy [Page 48] selfe in thought word and deed; for in these perhaps thou hast often offen­ded both God and thy Neighbour.

17 Gird thy loines like am an a­gainst the vile assaults of the Divell, bridle thy riotous appetite, and thou shalt be the better able to keepe under all the unruly motions of the flesh.

11 Be thou at no time idle alto­gether but either reading or writing, or praying or meditating, or endeavouring some thing for the publique good.

19 As for bodily exercises they must be used with great discretion, nei­ther are they to be practised of all men alike.

20 The exercises that are not com­mon are not to be exposed to publique view; for things private are practised [...]ore saf [...]ly at home.

21 Neverthelesse thou must be­ware thou neglect not that which is common, and be more ready for pri­vate occasions.

22 But having fully and faithfully accomplished all, thou ar [...] bound and enjoyn'd to doe, if thou hast any spare time be take thee to thy selfe, as they de­votion shall require.

[Page 49] 23 All cannot use one kind of ex­ercise, but one is more convenient for this person another for that accor­ding to the diversity of times also, di­verse exercises are fitting.

24 Some sutes better with us on working daies, other on holy daies, some we have need of in tempta­tion, and of others in time of peace and quietnesse. Some we mind when we are pensive, and other some when we rejoyce in the Lord.

25 When chiefe festivals draw neere, good exercises are to be renewed and the praiers of holy men more fer­vently to be implored.

26 From feast to feast we should think thus with our selves, as though we were then to depart out of this world, and to be made partakers of that everlasting feast in heaven.

27 Therefore ought we carefully to prepare our selves against such holy times, and lead our conversation so strictly as though we were shortly at God's hands to receive the reward of our labours.

28 But if our departure be defer­red, let us think with our selves that we [Page 50] are not sufficiently prepared, and un­worthy yet of so great glory which shall be rev [...]aled to us in due time, and let us endeavour to prepare our selves more diligently to our end.

29 Blessed is that servant (saith S. Luke the Evandgelist) whom when his Lord cometh shall find him watching; verily I say unto you he shall make him Ruler over all his goods.

Of the love of Solitude and Silence.

Seeke for an apt and convenient time to be at leasure to thy selfe, and me­ditate often upon God's benefits and blessings.

2 Meddle not with curiosities, but persue such matter which may rather yeeld compunction to thy heart, then information to thy head.

3 If thou wilt withdraw thy selfe from speaking vainly and from gad­ding idlely, as also from harkning af­ter novelties and rumours, thou shale▪ find leasure sufficient and convenient enough to meditate of good things.

4 The greatest and best of God's [Page 51] Saints avoided the societie of men when they could coveniently, and did rather chuse to live secretly, and set themselves apart unto God.

5 One said, as oft as I have been among men, I returned home lesse a man then I was before, and this we find true when we talk long together.

6 It is easier not to speak a word at all, then not to speake more words then we should, it is easier for a man to keepe home, then to keepe himselfe wel when he is abroad.

7 He therefore that intends to in­crease in the spirit and inner man, must with Iesus depart from the multitude and presse of people.

8 No man safely doth goe abroad, but he which gladly can abide at home, no man speakes securely but he that holds his peace willingly.

9 No man ruleth safely but he that is ruled willingly, no man securely doth command, but he that hath lear­ned readily to obey.

10 No man reioyceth securely, un­lesse he hath the testimony of a good [...]onscience, yet the security of the Saints was alwaies full of the feare of God.

[Page 52] 11 Neither did those eminent gifts and excellent graces that were in them, make them more haughty, but more humble.

12 But the security of the wicked as it ariseth of pride and presumption, so in the end it deceiveth them and tur­neth to their owne destruction.

13 Although thou seeme to be a good religious man, or never so devou [...] yet promise not to thy selfe security in this life.

14 It falleth out many times that those have fallen into great [...]st danger by overmuch confidence and presumption who have been in greatest esteem and account amongst men.

15 Wherefore it is better for ma­ny not to be altogether free from tem­ptations, but often assaulted least by too much security they should be pu [...]fed up with pride, or rely too much upon worldly comforts.

16 O how good a conscience would he keep, that would not seek after transitory joy, who would not entangle himselfe with the affaires of this world.

17 O how great peace and quietnesse should he possesse, that can cast a­way [Page 53] all vain-cares, and think only up­on heavenly things, and would place all his hope and confidence in God!

18 No man is worthy of heaven­ly comfort, unlesse he have diligently exercised himselfe in holy compun­ction.

19 If thou desirest true contrition of heart enter into thy closet and shut out all worldly tumult as it is written, examine your owne hearts upon your be [...]s and be still.

20 In thy closet thou shalt find what abroad thou shalt often loose, the more thou visitt thy closet, the more thou wilt lik it, the lesse thou comest thereunto the more thou wilt loath it.

21 If in the beginning of thy a­mendment thou art content to remain in it, and keepe it well, it will after­wards be to thee a deare friend, and a most pleasant comfort.

22 In silence and in quietnesse a devout soule maketh her selfe perfect, and learneth the secrets and mysteries of holy Scripture.

23 There shee findeth flouds of teares wherein shee may every night wash and clense her selfe that she may [Page 52] [...] [Page 53] [...] [Page 54] be so much the more familiar with her Creator, by how much the farther off she liveth from all worldly disquiet.

24 Who so therefore withdraw [...]th himselfe from his acquaintance and friends, God and his holy Angels will draw neere [...]nto him.

25 It is better to live privately and to have regard to himselfe, then to neg­lect himselfe and his owne salvation, though he could worke miracles.

26 It is very commendable in a religious person, seldome to goe abroad to be unwilling either to see or to be seen.

27 Why art tho [...] willing and de­sirous to see that which is unlawfull for thee to have and injoy? for the world passeth away and the lusts thereof.

28 Our sensuall desires draw us to [...]oave abroad, but when the pleasure is past, what carriest thou home with thee but a grieved conscience and di­stracted mind?

29 A merry going out bringeth commonly a mournfull returne home, and a joyfull evening makes many times a sad morning.

30 So all carnall joy hath a plea­sant [Page 55] entrance, but in the end it bites like an Adder, and stings like a Cockatrice.

31 What canst thou see elsewhere, which thou canst not see here? behold here are heaven and earth and all the Elements, for of these are all things created.

32 What canst thou see any where that can long continue under the sun? thou th [...]nkest perchance to satiate thy selfe and have thy fill, but thou shalt never attaine it.

33 Sho [...]ldst thou see all things present before thine eyes, it were but a vaine and unprofitable sight, lift up thine eyes to God in the highest, and pray him to pardon all thy sinnes and infirmities.

34 Leave vain things to the vain, and doe thou give heed to that which God commandeth, shut the doore up­on thy selfe, and call unto thee Iesus thy Beloved.

35 Stay with him in thy closet for thou shalt not find so great peace any where else: hadst thou not gone abroad and hearkned to idle rumours, thou hadst lived more at hearts-ease.

36 And seeing thou delightest some­times [Page 56] to heare newes, it is fit thou suf­fer for it some unquietnesse and trou­ble of mind.

Of compunction of Heart.

IF thou wilt any thing come forward, keepe thy selfe alwaies in the feare of God, and yeeld not too much scope to liberty.

2 Keepe in awe all thy senses un­der the severe rod of Discipline, and give not thy selfe over to foolish mirth.

3 Give thy selfe to compunction of heart, and thou shalt find much de­votion therein, compunction bringeth much good which dissolutenesse is wont quickly to destroy.

4 A wonder it is that any man can heartily rejoyce in this life, if he duly consider his banishment, and throughly weight the many perils wherewith his soule is invironed.

5 The levity of our minds and the litle care we have of our faults makes us insensible of the sorrowes of our soules.

6 But we often vainly laugh when [Page 57] we should justly weepe: the service and feare of God is the truest liberty, and a good conscience a continuall feast.

7 Happy is he that can avoid all cause of distraction, and recollect him­selfe to the union of holy compun­ction.

8 Happy is he that can cast away from himselfe all that may defile his conscience, or any way grieve or bur­then it.

9 Bestirre thy selfe like a man, one custome overcomes another, if thou canst forbeare medling in other mens matters, they likewise shall not have to doe with thine.

10 Busie not thy selfe in matters which appertaine to others, neither doe thou meddle at all with the affaires of thy betters.

11 Still have an eye to thy selfe first, and be sure more especially to in­struct thy selfe before all thy loving friends.

12 If thou hast not the favour of men, be not grieved at it, but take this to heart because thou dost not carry thy selfe so warily and circumspectly as it becometh the servant of God and [Page 58] a devout religious man.

13 It is better oftentimes and more secure that a man hath not consolati­ons in this life, especially such as are consonant to our carnall desires.

14 But that we have not all or ve­ry seldome tasted divine consolation, we may thank our selves, because we seeke not after inward compunction, as having not altogether forsaken out­ward vanities.

15 Know that thou art unworthy of divine consolation, and that thouhast deserved much tribulation.

16 When a man hath perfect con­trition, then is the whole world grie­vous and loathsome unto him

17 A good man never wanteth matter of mourning, for whether he consider his owne or his neighbours e­state, he knowes that none liveth here without great tribulation.

18 And by how much a man looks narrowly into himselfe, by so much he sees greater cause of lamen­tation.

29 Our sinnes and wickednesses wherein we lye weltring, doe minister unto us so much matter of sorrow and [Page 59] compunction, that we can seldome apply our selves to heavenly contem­plations.

20 Didst thou but as often think with thy selfe how soone thou maist die, as how long thou maist live, there is no question but thou wouldst more earnestly labour thine amendment.

21 If thou but let the paines, that hereafter are to be endured, sink deeply into thy heart, I belieeve thou wouldst willingly undergoe any labour or sor­row in this world, and not be afraid of the greatest severity.

22 But because we doe not take these things to heart, and as yet love those things only that delight us, this makes us so dull and key-cold in Re­ligion.

23 If our body be amisse we may thank our selves for it, it is often our de­cay, and want of spirit which makes our miserable body so easily complain.

24 Pray therefore unto the Lord with alll humility, that he will vouch­safe to give thee the spirit of contrition.

25 And say with the Prophet, feed me O Lord with the bread of tears, and give me plenteousnesse of tears to drink.

Of the Consideration of hu­mane misery.

MIserable thou art wheresoever thou be, or whithersoever thou turnest, unlesse thou turne thy selfe un to God.

2 Why art thou troubled, when things succeed not as thou wouldst or desirest, for who is he that hath all things accoording to his mind?

3 Neither I nor thou, nor any man upon the earth, there is none in this world be he King or Pope without some tribulation or other.

4 Who is then in the best estate or condition? even he who for God's sake can suffer affliction.

5 Many weake and fraile men can say, O what an happy life hath such a one, how wealthy, how mighty he is, in how great honour and credit.

6 But lift up thine eyes to the ri­ches of heaven, and thou shall perceive that all the goods of this life are no­thing so be accounted of.

7 They are very uncertain, rather [Page 61] burthensome then delightfull, because they are never enjoyed without care­fulnesse and feare.

8 Mans happinesse consisteth not in having abundance of wealth, but a meane estate should content him, it is truly misery enough even to live upon the earth.

9 The more a man hungreth after godlinesse, the more he abhorreth this life because he seeth more cleerly and perceiveth more sensibly the defects of humane corruption.

10 For to eat and to drink, to sleep and to watch, to labour and to rest, and to be subject to other necessities of na­ture is doubtlesse a great misery to a devout mind, that would gladly be free and delivered from sinne.

11 For the inward man is much oppressed with these outward and cor­porall necessities whilst we live in this world.

12 Therefore the holy Prophet prayeth with great devotion to be deli­vered from them, saying, draw me O Lord out of my necessities.

13 But woe be to them that know not their owne misery, and a greater [Page 62] woe to them that take delight in this miserable and corruptible life.

14 And some there be so much dote upon it, although with great la­bour and paines they can scarce get bread to eat, yet could they live here alwaies, they would care but litle for the Kingdome of heaven.

15 O how mad are these in their braines and faithlesse in their hearts, who lie so deeply drowned in the earth that they can think of nothing but earthly things.

16 But miserable wretches as they are, they shall in the end feele to their cost how vile and vaine that was which they loved.

17 Whereas the Saints of God, and all the fast friends of Christ looke not on those things which pleased the flesh, and flourished for a time, but pan­ted after everlasting rreasures with all greedinesse and desire.

18 Their whole desire was carried upward to things durable and invisi­ble, that the desire of things visible might not draw them to things be­low.

19 O Brother loose not thy con­fidence [Page 63] to come forward in godlinesse, there is yet time, the houre is not yet past.

20 Why wilt thou deferre thine a­mendment from day to day, arise and begin this very instant, and say now is the time to be doing, now is the time to be working, now is the best time to amend my selfe.

21 When thou art ill at ease and much troubled, then is the time to pro­fit best, thou must passe through fire and water before thou comest to a place of refreshing.

22 Vnlesse thou offer violence to thy selfe, thou shalt never get the victo­ry over sinne so long as we carry about us this fraile body of ours we can ne­ver be without sinne or live without sorrow.

23 We could gladly be quiet and freed from all misery, but seeing by sin we have lost our innocency, we have by that also forfeited our felicity.

24 Therefore we must hold our selves content, and expect the mercy of God till this our iniquitie be put a­way, and this mortality of ours be swallowed up of life.

[Page 64] 25 O how great is humane frailty which is alwaies prone to evill to day thou confessest thy sinnes, and to mor­row thou committest the very same thou hast confessed.

26 Now thou art in the mind to looke well unto thy waies, and within a while thou so behavest thy selfe, as though thou hadst never any such mind at all.

27 Good cause have we therefore to humble our selves, and never to have any great conceit of our worth, we are so fraile in our nature, so inconstant in our courses.

28 Besides, that may quickly be lost by our owne negligence, which by the grace of God and our owne great paines we have scarce at length obtai­ned.

29 What will become of us in the end, who begiu to waxe cold so timely?

30 Woe be unto us if we will now give our selves to ease, as if all were in peace, and safetie, when yet there ap­peareeh no signe of sanctity in our conversations!

31 We have need like young be­ginners be newly instructed againe to [Page 65] good manners, if happily there be any hope of our future amendment and spirituall progresse.

Of the meditation of Death.

THere will very quickly be an end of thee here, therefore see what will become of thee hereafter. To day a man, to morrow none, and out of sight, out of mind.

2 O the stupidity and hardnesse of mans heart, who thinketh only upon the present, and hath no care of the time to come!

3 Thou shouldst so order thy selfe in all thy thoughts and actions, as if to day, yea this very moment thou we, it ready to depart.

4 Hadst thou a clear conscience thou wouldst not greatly feare death, care not so much for the death of this body as the sinne of thy soule.

5 If thou art not prepared to day, how wilt thou be prepared to morrow? thou knowest not what will be to mor­row, and how knowest thou that thou shalt live till to morrow?

[Page 66] 6 What are we the better to live long, if we prove not the better by long living? for length of daies doth oftnes make our sinnes the greater, then our lives the better.

7 O that we had spent but one day well in this world.

8 Many keepe in mind how long it is since their conversion, and yet for­get to fructifie in a holy conversation.

9 If to die be accounted dreadfull, to live long may prove more dangerous, happy is he that hath his end before his eies, and prepareth himselfe to die dai­ly.

10 If at any time thou hast seen an other man die, make account thou must follow him, he hath shewed thee but the way.

11 When it is morning think thou maist die before night, and when eve­ning comes, presume not upon next morning.

12 Be thou therefore alwaies in a readinesse, and so lead thy life that death may never take thee unprepa­red.

13 Many die suddenly and when they look not for it, for the sonne of [Page 67] man will come, when we think not of his comming.

14 When thy last sand shall be runne out, thou wilt have a farre diffe­tent opinion of thy whole life that is past, and be exceeding sorry thou hast been so carelesse and remisse.

15 O how wise and happy is he that now laboureth to be such a one in his life, as he wisheth to be found at the houre of his death.

16 To contemne the world per­fectly, to goe forward in vertue zealou­sly, to love reprose willingly, to amend our lives seriously, to obey superiors gladly, to denie himselfe throughly, and to suffer affliction for his sake pa­tiently, make us confident we shall die happily.

17 Whilst thou art in health thou maist doe many good deeds, but when thou art sick, I see not what thou art a­ble to doe.

18 Few in the weaknesse of their bodies gather strength to their soules, as they who are walking abroad, are seldome setled at home.

19 Trust not to freinds and kin­dred, neither doe thou put off the care [Page 68] of thy soule till hereafter, for men will sooner forget thee, then thou art a­ware of.

20 It is better to look to it betime and doe some good a fore hand, then to trust to other mens curtesies.

21 If thou dost not provide for thy selfe in this world, who will have care of thee in that which is to come.

22 The time that is now present is very precious, now is the day of sal­vation, now is the acceptable time.

23 But alas that thou shouldst spend thy time so idlely here, where thou mightst purchase to live eternally hereafter.

24 The time will come when thou shalt desire one day or houre to amend in, and 'tis a great question whether it will be granted thee.

25 O be loved from how great danger mightst thou deliver thy selfe! from how great feare free thy selfe, if thou wouldst be now fearfull and care­full how to die!

26 Labour now to live so, that at the houre of death thou maist rather rejoyce then fear, learn now to die to the world that thou maist begin to live with Christ.

[Page 69] 27 Learn now to contemn all earthly things that thou maist freely goe to Christ.

28 Chastise thy body now by Re­pentance that thou maist then have as­sured confidence.

29 Ah foole, why dost thou think to live long, when thou canst not pro­mise to thy selfe one day, how many have been deceived and suddenly snatcht away?

30 How often dost thou hear these reports, such a man is slain, ano­ther is drowned, a third breaks his neck with a fall, this man died eating, and that man playing?

31 One perished by fire, another by the sword, another of the plague, and another was slain by theeves, thus death is the end of all, and mans life passeth away like a shadow.

32 Who shall remember thee when thou art dead? and who shall pray for thee when thou canst not help thy selfe?

33 Doe, doe now my beloved whatsoever thou art able to doe, for thou knowest not when thou shalt die, not yet what shall befall thee after thy death.

[Page 70] 34 Now whilst thou hast time heap unto thy selfe everlasting trea­sures, think on nothing but the salvati­on of thy soule, care for nothing but the service of thy God.

35 Make now friends to thy selfe by honouring the Saints of God, and imitating their vertues, that when thou failest in this short life they may re­ceive thee into everlasting habitati­ons.

36 Esteem thy selfe as a stranger and Pilgrime upon the earth, and as one to whom the affaires of this world doe nothing appertain.

37 Keep thy heart free from the world and lifted up directly unto God, because thou hast here no abiding city.

38 Send thither thy daily praiers and sighes joyned with unfained tears, that after death thy spirit may be hap­pily commended into the hands of the Almighty.

Of Iudgment and the punish­ment of Sinnes.

IN all thy waies have a speciall aim to thy end, for how canst thou be able to stand before a severe Iudge to whom nothing is hid.

2 Who is not pacified with gifts, nor admitteth any frivolous excuses, but will judge according to right and equity.

3 O wretched and foolish sinner, who sometimes fearest the counte­nance of an angry and ignorant man, what answer wilt thou make to an an­gry and all-knowing God?

4 Why dost not thou provide for thy selfe against that great day of Iudg­ment, when no man can excuse or an­swer for another, bu [...] every one shall have enough to answer for himselfe?

5 Now are thy paines profitable, thy tears acceptable, thy groans audi­ble, thy griefe pacifieth for thy sinnes and prepareth thy soule.

7 The patient man hath a great and vvholesome purgatory, who though [Page 72] he receive injuries, yet grieveth more for the malice of an other then for his own wrongs.

8 Who prayeth willingly for his adversaries, and from his heart forgi­veth their offences, and delaieth not to aske forgivenesse of whomsoever he hath offended.

9 Who is sooner moved to com­passion then to anger, who often of­fereth violence to himselfe, and labou­reth earnestly to bring the body into subjection to the spirit.

10 It is better to purge our sinnes and offences here, then keepe them to be purged and punished hereafter veri­ly we doe but deceive our selves through an inordinate love of the flesh.

11 What else will that fire con­sume but thy sins, the more thou sparest thy selfe and followest thy pleasure now so much the more hereafter shall be thy punishment, and a greater fewel added to that flame.

12 In what thing a man hath sin­ned in the same shall he be punished, there shall the sloathfull be pricked forward with burning goads, and the gluttons vexed with great hunger and thirst.

[Page 73] 13 There shall the lascivious and loves of pleasure be bathed in burning pitch and stinking brimstone, and the envious like mad doggs shall howle for very griefe.

14 There is no fault but shall have its proper and peculiar torment, there the proud shall be filled with all hor­rour and confusion, the covetous shall be pinched with exceeding penury, one houre of pain there shall be more bit­ter, then a thousand years of the shar­pest pennance here.

15 There is no quiet no comfort for the damned there, yet here we have some intermission of our labours and injoy the comfort of our friends.

16 Be now solicitous and sorrow­full for thy sinnes, that at the day of judgment thou maist be secure with the company of blessed soules

17 For then shall the righteous with great boldnesse stand against such as have vexed and oppressed them, then shall he sit to judge men, who is now content to be judged of men.

18 Then shall the poor and hum­ble have great confidence, but the proud man shall be compassed with [Page 74] feare on every side.

29 Then will it appeare that he was wise in this world, who had lear­ned for Christ to be a foole and despi­sed.

30 Then shall affliction patiently undergone delight us, when the mouth of iniquity shall be stopped up, then shall the devout rejoyce and the pro­phane mourne.

31 Then shall he more rejoyce that hath beat down his own flesh, then he that hath abounded in all pleasure and delight.

32 Then shall the poor garment shine and glitter, and the precious robes seem vile and contemptible, then shall be more commended the poor cottage, then the stately pallace.

33 Then will constant patience more avail us then all earthly power, and simple obedience be preferred be­fore all worldly wisdome.

34 Then shall a good and cleare conscience more rejoyce a man then the profound learning of phylosophy, and the contempt of riches weigh more then all worldly treasures.

35 Then wilt thou be comforted [Page 75] that thou hast praied devoutly, then fared daintily, and be more glad thou hast kept silence, then thou hast talked much.

36 Then will good works prevail more then godly words, then a strict life and severe repentance will be more pleasing then all earthly delight.

37 Prove first here what thou canst indure hereafter, accustome thy selfe now to suffer a little, that thou maist then be delivered from more grievous pains.

38 If now thou canst indure so li­tle, how wilt thou then be able to in­dure perpetuall torments, if a litle suf­fering make thee so impatient, what will hell fire doe hereafter.

39 Assure thy selfe thou canst not have two Paradises; it is impossible to injoy delights in this world, and after that raign for ever with Christ.

40 Suppose thou hadst hitherto lived alwaies in honour and delights, what would all this avail thee if thou wert to die at this instant.

41 All therefore is but vanity and texation of spirit, besides the love of God and his alone service.

[Page 76] 42 For he that loyeth God with all his heart is neither afraid of death nor judgment, nor of punishment, nor of hell, for perfect love gives secure ac­cesse to God.

43 But he that takes delight in sin, what marveil is it if he be afraid both of Death and Iudgment? Yet it is good although love be not of force to withhold thee from sinne, that at least the feare of hell should restrain thee.

44 But he that laieth aside the fear of God, can never continue long in good estate, but falleth quickly into the snares of the Divell.

Of the zealous amendment of our whole life.

BE watchfull and diligent in the ser­vice of God, and often bethink thy selfe wherefore thou camest hither, and why thou hast left the world.

2 Was it not that thou mightst live to God, and become a spirituall man, be fervent then to come forward, for shortly thou shalt receive a reward of thy labours,

3 There shall not be then any fear or sorrow in thy coasts, labour but now a litle, and thou shalt find great rest, yea perpetuall joy to thy soule.

4 If thou continuest faithfull and fervent in doing good, no doubt but God will be faithfull, and full in re­warding thee.

5 Thou oughtst to have a good hope in getting the victory, but thou must not be seeme of it, lest thou waxe either negligent or proud.

6 When one that was in great an­xiety of mind often wavering be­tween fear and hope, did once being [Page 76] [...] [Page 77] [...] [Page 78] very sorrowfull prostrate himselfe by praier in a Church before the Altar, be­gan to think thus with himselfe, say­ing,

7 O that I knew certainly I should persevere unto the end, and presently heard this heavenly answer within him, what if thou kn [...]wst it, what wouldst thou doe? doe but so now as thou wouldst then doe, and thou shalt be se­cure.

8 And being straightway confor­ted and strengthned in mind he com­mited himselfe wholly to the will of God, and so left off all carefull doub­ting.

9 Neither would he curiously search what should become of him, but rather, applied himselfe to know▪ the perfect and acceptable Will of God, for the beginning and accomplishing of e­very good work.

10 Put thy trust in the Lord and doe good saith the Prophet, and inha­bit the land, and thou shalt be fed with the plenty thereof.

11 One thing there is that draw­eth men back from a progresse in good & a thorough reformation of evill, the [Page 79] horrour of the difficulty and the labour of the combate.

12 For without doubt they espe­cially above all others profit best in godlinesse, who strive more manfully to overcome these things, which are most grievous and averse from their own di­spositions.

13 For there a man profits more and obtaines greater grace, where he more overcometh himselfe and morti­fieth the inward man.

14 But all have not alike to over­come and mortifie, for although, a man have stronger passions, yet if he be zea­lous in the chase, shall sooner over­come, then he that hath fewer, and is not so fervent.

15 Two things especially much further any great amendment, to wit [...] to withdraw our selves violent [...] that to which our nature is vitiou [...] [...]clined, and earnestly to contend for the good we stand in need of.

16 Be carefull also to avoid with greater diligence those things in thy selfe which doe most displease thee in others.

17 Gather some profit to thy soul [Page 80] out of every occasion whosoever thou be, so that if thou seest or hearest any good examples, be kindled and provoked to doe the like.

18 But if thou perceive any thing worthy of reproofe, take heed of doing the same, or if thou have done it, labour quickly to amend it.

19 As thou eyest other men so are other mens eies upon thee, how sweet and pleasant a thing is it to see those that be fervent and zealous, to be tra­ctable and obed [...]ent.

20 Again how sorrowfull and sad a spectacle is it to see men live disso­lutely and disorderly, not applying themselves to that whereunto they were called.

21 How hurtfull and pernitious is it to neglect the chiefe intent and [...] of their callings, and busie [...] in that which they have nothing to doe withall.

22 Be mindfull of that profession thou hast taken upon thee, and have alwaies in thy heart the remembrance of Christ Crucified.

23 When thou lookst upon his life thou maist well be ashamed of [Page 81] thine own for though thou hast a long time professed christianity, yet hast thou not endeavoured much to conform thy selfe to Christ.

24 A religious man who exerci­seth himselfe attentively and devoutly in the life & death of Christ, shall there abundantly find all things necessary and profitable, and out of Iesus he shal need to seek nothing.

25 O if Iesus Christ and him Cru­cified would sink deep into our hearts, how quickly and sufficiently learned should we prove?

26 A religious man that is zea­lous taketh and endureth all well that is commanded him, but he that is neg­ligent and luke warme hath tribulati­on npon tribulation.

27 Nay he is upon every side straightned and molested, for he is void of inward consolation, and forbidden to take any outward comfort.

28 A religious man without disci­pline is in great danger of ruine, he that seeketh liberty and ease shall ever live in disquiet, for one thing or other will alwaies displease him.

29 O that we had nothing else t [...] [Page 82] doe but alwaies with our mouth and whole heart to praise our Lord God!

30 O that thou mightst never have need to eat, nor drink, nor sleep, but al­waies praise God, and only attend up­on spirituall imployments.

31 Then shouldst thou be much happier then now thou art, when upon every occasion thou art so ready to fol­low the lusts of the flesh.

32 Would we were not put to such necessities, but had only the spirituall [...]efections of the soule, which alas we [...]ast of too seldome.

33 When a man is come to that passe, that he seeketh no comfort in a­ny creature, then doth God first begin▪ to be a sweet relish unto him.

34 Then will he be well content with whatsoever shall befall him, then shall not a great matter overjoy him, [...]or a small matter trouble him.

35 But with great integrity and confidence commits himselfe to God, who shall be to him all in all, to whom nothing perisheth or dieth, but all things live unto him, and serve him without delay.

36 Remember alwaies thy end, [Page 83] and how time lost never returnes, without care and diligence thou shalt never become vertuous.

37 If thou beginnest to waxe cold all is not well with thee, hut if thou give thy selfe to fervency thou shalt find much peace, and through the assistance of God's grace and love of vertue, thou shalt find thy labour but light.

38 The fervent and diligent man is ready at all assayes, it is easier to en­dure the labour and pains of the body, then to conqu [...]re the vices and passions of [...]he mind.

39 He that avoideth not small slips, by litle and litle may take a great fall, if thou spend the day well, thou wilt be alwaies merry at night.

40 Be watchfull over thy waies, and whatsoever become of others be carefull of thy selfe, the greater violence thou usest against thy selfe, the greater benefit shalt thou reap.


Of inward Conversation.

THE Kingdome of God is within you, saith the Lord. Turne thee with thy whole heart unto the Lord, and forsake this wretched world, and thy soule shall find rest.

2 Learn to contemne outward things, and give thy selfe to the inward, and thou shalt see the Kingdome of God to come into thee.

3 For the Kingdome of God is peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, which is not bestowed upon the wic­ked.

4 Christ will come unto thee, and shew thee his comfort, so that thou wilt [Page 85] provide within thee a dwelling place fit for him.

5 All his beauty and glory is with­in, no [...] caring for any thing else, there delighteh he himselfe.

6 The inward man he often visits and hath with him sweet discourse, pleasant comfort, much peace, wonder­full familiarity▪

7 O faithfull soule make ready thy heart for this bride-groome, that he may vouchsafe to come unto thee, and dwell within thee

8 For so he saith, if any man love me he will keep my word, and we will come unto him, and will make our a­boade with him.

9 Give therefore unto Christ a place in thy heart, and deny entrance to all others, when thou hast Christ, thou art rich enough, and he will suffice thee.

10 He will faithfully oversee thee; and carefully provide for thee in all things, so that thou shalt not need to depend upon men.

11 For men soon alter their minds, or quickly fade away, but Christ remai­neth for ever, and standeth out stoutly to the very end.

[Page 86] 12 There is litle trust to be given to fraile and mortall man, though he be profitable and deare unto thee; nei­ther oughtest thou much to be grieved when sometimes he crosses and contra­dicts thee.

13 They that to day take thy part to morrow may be against thee, and so on the contrary: they often turne like the wind.

14 Put thy whole trust and confi­dence in God, love him for his mercy, feare him for his judgment, he will an­swer for thee, and will doe in all things▪ what is best.

15 Thou hast here no abiding City, and wheresoever thou be, thou art but a Stranger and Pilgrime, neither shalt thou ever have rest, unlesse thou be fully united to thy Saviour.

16 Why dost thou gaze up and down here, since this is not the place of thy aboad: In heaven ought to be thy dwelling place, and all things here to be lookt upon but as it were in the passage.

17 All things passe away, and tho [...] together with them, beware thou en­ [...]angle not thy selfe in them, l [...]ast thou [Page 87] be caught and confounded.

18 Let thy thought be on the Al­mighty, and thy praier be directed unto Christ without ceasing.

19 If thou canst not contemplate high and heavenly things, rest thy selfe in the passion of thy Saviour, and dwell willingly in the wounds of his sacred body.

20 For if thou fl [...]e devoutly to his holy wounds, and to the precious marks of his Passion, thou shalt find great comfort in all thy tribulation.

21 Neither wilt thou much care to be despised of men, and wilt easily en­dure the words of slanderous tongues.

22 Christ was also in the world de­spised of men, he was exposed to the reproach of his enemies, and forsaken by his acquaintance and friends in his greatest extremity.

23 Christ had adversaries and backbiters, and wilt thou have all men thy friends and benefactors, how shall thy patience be crown'd, if no adversity befall thee?

24 If thou wilt not endure adver­sity, how art thou Christ's friend? Suf­fer with Christ, and for Christ, if you [Page 88] desire to raigne with Christ.

25 If thou hast but once entred into the secrets of thy Saviour, and ta­sted a litle of his ardent love, then wouldst thou not care for thine owne commodity or discommodity, but rather rejoyce at thy wrongs offered thee, for the love of Iesus maketh a man to de­spise himselfe.

26 A lover of Iesus and of the true inw [...]rd man, and one free from in­ordinate affections, can easily turn him­selfe to God, and being lifted up in spirit above himselfe, rests in the fruiti­on of joy.

27 He that relisheth all things as they are, and not as they are called and esteemed to be, he is truly wise indeed, and rather tought of God then of men.

28 He that knowes to walk with­in himselfe, and to make small account of outward things shall be sure to have time and place enough to performe de­vout exercises.

29 The inward man doth quick­ly recollect himselfe, because he never gives himselfe wholly to outward im­ployments.

30 Bodily labour is no let unto [Page 89] him, nor necessary businesse so it be seasonable, but as things fall out so he applieth himselfe unto them.

31 He that is well disposed within himselfe, is not troubled with the strange and perverse behaviour of men by how much a man drawes businesse to himselfe, by so much is he hindred and distracted.

32 If all were well with thee, and thou throughly purged, all things would turn to thy good and profit.

33 Therefore doe many things displease thee and often trouble thee, because thou art not yet full dead unto thy selfe, nor free from the affection of earthly things.

34 Nothing so defileth and en­tangleth the heart of man, as our impure love of these earthly creatures.

35 If thou refuse comfort in out­ward things, thou shalt more easily contemplate the things that are in hea­ven, and often inwardly triumph for very joy.

Of humble S [...]bmission.

VVEigh not very much who is for thee or against thee, let this be thy care and endeavour, that God may be with thee in all thou ta­kest in hand.

2 Keep a good conscience and God will defend thee sufficiently, for whom God will help, no malice of men can hurt.

3 If thou knowest how to suffer and hold thy peace, without doubt thou shall have help from above, he knoweth the season and manner how to delive [...] thee.

4 Therefore thou oughtst to re­signe up thy selfe unto God, for it be­longs to him to help and deliver from all mischiefe.

5 Oftentimes it much availeth us for the better keeping of humility, that others know and reprehend our faults.

6 When man humbleth himselfe for his owne offences, then he easily pacifies others, and quickly satisfies [Page 91] those that are offended with him.

7 God protecteth and delivereth the humble, he loveth and comforteth the humble, to an humble man he hum­bleth himselfe.

8 Vnto the humble man he giveth great grace, and after he hath cast him down, he raiseth him unto glory.

9 Vnto the humble he revealeth his secrets, and sweetly draweth and in­viteth him unto himselfe.

10 Though the humble person suffer much outward calamity, yet is he at peace within himselfe because he re­lieth upon God, and not upon the world.

11 Think not that thou hast pro­fited any thing at all, unlesse thou hast learnt to esteem thy selfe inferiour un­to all.

Of a good and peaceable man.

BE first of all at peace with thy selfe, then maist thou be better able to pacifie others, a peaceable man doth more good then he that is learned.

2 A passionate man turneth good [Page 92] into evill, and easily beleeveth the worst. A good quiet man turneth all things into good, he that is peaceable is not suspicious of any.

3 He that is discontent and trou­bled, is tossed up and down with many suspitions, he is neither quiet himselfe nor suffereth others to be quiet.

4 He speaketh that oftentimes which he ought not to speake, and o­mitteth that which were more expedi­ent for him to doe.

5 He considereth what others are bound to doe, and neglecteth that which he is bound to himselfe.

6 First therefore have a zealous care over thy selfe, and then thou maist justly shew thy selfe zealous of thy neighbours good.

7 Thou knowest well how to ex­cuse and colour over thine own deeds, and yet thou wilt not admit of other mens excuses.

8 It were more equall and meet thou shouldst accuse thy selfe, and ex­cuse thy brother, if thou wilt be borne withall, bear thou with another.

9 Behold how farre off thou are yet from true charity and humility, [Page 93] which knoweth not how to be angry or displeased with any, but with him that hath it.

10 It is no great matter to con­verse with the good and those of a gen­tle disposition, for that is naturally pleasing unto all, and every one is wil­ling to be at peace, and love those that are of his humour.

11 But to be at quiet with the stubborn and perverse, with the disor­derly and such as crosse us, is a great grace, a very commendable and manly fact.

12 There be who are at peace with themselves and with others also, and there be who can be quiet neither with themselves nor with others; they are troublesome to others, but to them­selves most of all.

13 And others there are who keep themselves in peace and labour to bring others into peace.

14 Our greatest peace, in this mi­serable life consisteth rather in hum­ble enduring, then in not feeling adver­sities.

15 He shall injoy the greatest peace that can tell how to be most patient; [Page 94] such a man is a conquerer of himselfe, a Lord of the world, a friend of Christs, and an heire of heaven.

Of a pure mind and upright intention.

VVIth two wings man is lifted up from earthly vanities, to wit, with simplicity and purity; simpli­city ought to be in our intentions, puri­ty in our affections.

2 Simplicity fixeth the eyes of our soule upon God, purity apprehendeth and tasteth his sweetnesse; thou shalt not be hindred from any good action, if thou be inwardly free from inordi­nate affections.

3 If thou intend and seek nothing else but the good pleasure of God and the profit of thy neighbour, thou shalt injoy internall liberty.

4 If thy heart were sincere and up­right, then every creature would be un­to thee a looking glasse of life, and a Book of holy learning.

5 There is not a creature so small and so vile, that doth not represent [Page 95] the goodnesse of God.

6 If in thine own heart thou art good and pure, then wouldst thou be able to see and understand all things without any let or impediment; a pure heart pierceth heaven and hell.

7 Such as a man is inwardly so he judgeth outwardly, if there be joy in the world the pure of heart possesseth it, if tribulation and affliction, an evill conscience feeles it.

8 As iron put into the fire loo­seth his rust, and burneth bright like fire, so he that turnes truly unto God, putteth off the flesh, and is become a new man.

9 When a man begineth to waxe cold, then he is afraid of small paines, and willingly receiveth comfort from without.

10 But when he begins fully to o­vercome himselfe, and to walk manful­ly in the waies of God, then he esteems those things but easie which before see­med grievous unto him.

Of the consideration of ones selfe.

VVE cannot trust to our selves very much, for lack of grace and understanding; there is but litle light in us, and that which we have, we quickly loose out of negligence.

2 And many times we doe not perceive how blind we are within, we often doe evill and excuse it worse.

3 We are sometimes moved with passion, and think it to be zeale, we re­prehend small things in others, and passe over greater matters in our selves.

4 We quickly feel and weigh what we suffer at the hands of others, but we mind not what others suffer from us.

5 He that doth well and rightly consider his own workes, will find litle cause to judge hardly of another.

6 The inward man preferreth the care of himselfe before all other cares, and he th [...]t diligently looketh to him­selfe, doth seldome speake much of o­ther.

[Page 97] 7 Thou shalt never be devout and right within, unlesse thou be silent con­cerning other mens affaires, and look especially to thy selfe.

8 If thou attend wholly to God, and to thy selfe, thou wilt be litle mo­ved with whatsoever thou seest abroad.

9 Where art thou when thou art not with thy selfe, and when thou hast run over all, what art thou the better if thou neglect thy selfe.

10 If thou desirest peace of mind and true concord, thou must cast behind thee all other things, and look only to thy selfe.

11 Furthermore thou shalt gaine much if thou shalt keep thy selfe f [...]ce from all worldly cares, and thou shalt greatly decay if thou make any account of earthly things.

12 Account nothing great, nothing high, nothing gratefull, nothing accep­table but God alone, or that which is from God.

13 Esteem all comfort vain which thou receivest from any creature, the soul that loveth God despiseth all things in respect of God.

14 God alone who is eternall in­finite [Page 98] and incomprehensible is the com­fort of the soule, and the true joy of the heart.

Of the joy of a good Conscience.

THe glory of a good man is the te­stimony of a good conscience: have a good conscience and thou shalt ever have joy.

2 A good conscience is able to en­dure much, and is exceeding cheerfull in adversities, an evill conscience is al­waies fearfull and unquiet.

3 Thou shalt rest quietly if thine heart reprove thee not; rejoyce not but when thou hast done well.

4 Wicked men have never any true joy, neither doe they feele inward peace, for there is no peace to the wic­ked, saith the Lord.

5 Although they say we live in peace, there shall no evill happen unto us, and who dares doe us any harm.

6 Believe them not, for suddenly shall the wrath of the Lord arise, and their actions shall turn to nothing, and their cogitations shall utterly perish.

[Page 99] 7 To glory in tribulation is no hard thing to him that loveth, for so to glory is to glory in the Crosse of our Lord.

8 The glory is short which is given and received from men, sorrow alwaies attends the glory of the world.

9 The glory of the good is in the testimony of a good conscience, and not in the tongues of men, the gladnesse of the just is of God, and in God, and their joy is of the truth.

10 He that desireth true and ever­lasting glory careth not for that which is temporall, and he that seeketh after temporall glory, or contemneth it not from his heart, is lesse in love with hea­venly.

11 He injoyeth great tranquility of mind, that eareth not for the praises or dispraises of men, he is easily content and pacified whose conscience is pure.

12 Thou art not the more holy for being commended, nor the more vile for being dispraised, thou art what thou art, neither canst thou be greater then what thou art in the sight of God.

13 If thou consider what thou art [Page 100] within thee, thou wilt not care what men say of thee, man seeth but the face, but God considereth the heart.

14 Man looketh upon the deeds, but God weigheth the intentions; to doe alwaies well, and to esteeme litle of thy selfe, is a signe of an humble mind.

15 To refuse to be comforted by any creature is a signe of great purity and inward confidence.

16 He that seeketh a thing with­out himselfe, to bear witnesse of him­selfe, it is plain he hath referred himselfe wholly unto God.

17 For not he that commendeth himselfe the same is approved, saith S. Paul, but hee whom God commen­deth.

17 To walk inwardly with God and not to be possessed with any out­ward affection, is the state of an inward and spirituall man.

Of the love of Iesus above all things.

BLessed is he that understandeth what it is to love Iesus, and to de­spise himselfe for Iesus sake.

2 Thou oughest to leave thy be­loved for thy beloved, thy beloved sin for thy beloved Saviour; for that Iesus will alone be beloved above all things.

3 The love of the creature is de­ceiptfull and unconstant, the love of Ie­sus is faithfull and permanent.

4 He that cleaveth to creatures shall full with that which is ready to fall, he that embraceth Iesus shall be fastned into him.

5 Love him, and keep him for thy friend, who when all goe away, will not forsake thee nor suffer thee to perish in the end.

6 Prevent the world and begin to forsake it first before it forsake thee, for thou must one day be left of all men whether thou wilt or no.

7 Stick thee close to Iesus both in life and death; and commit thy selfe un­to his trust, who when all faile, can a­lone [Page 102] helpe thee.

8 Thy beloved is of that nature, that he will none of that which apper­taineth to others, but will have thy heart alone, and sit like a King in his owne throne.

9 If thou couldest purge thy selfe perfectly of all creatures, Iesus would willingly dwell with thee: whatsoever confidence thou reposest in men with­out Iesus, is all no better then lost.

10 Trust not, nor rely upon a reed full of wind; for that all flesh is as grasse and all the glory thereof shall wither away as the flower of the field.

11 Thou shalt quickly be de­ceived, if thou look only to the outward shew of men: and if in them thou see­kest for comfort and commodity, thou shalt instead thereof often feele losses and crosses.

12 If thou seekest Jesus in all things, thou shalt surely find Iesus: but if thou seekest thy selfe, thou shalt also find thy selfe, but to thine own destru­ction.

13 For man doth more hurt him­selfe, if he seeke not Iesus, then the whole world, and all his adversaries could annoy him.

Of familiar oonversation with IESVS.

VVHen Iesus is present, all is well, and nothing seemeth difficult, but when Iesus is absent, every thing is hard.

2 When Iesus speaketh not in­wardly unto us, our comfort is nothing worth; but if Iesus speak but one word, we feele much consolation.

3 Did not Mary Magdalen present­ly rise from the place where she wept, when Martha said unto her, Thy ma­ster is here, and calleth thee.

4 Happy is the houre when Iesus calleth from the teares of the eyes to the joy of the spirit. How dry and hard art thou without Iesus?

How foolish and vaine, if thou desire any thing out of Iesus? Is not this a greater losse, then if thou shouldest loose the whole world.

5 What can the world profit thee without Iesus? To be without Iesus is a grievous hell; and to be with Iesus is a sweet Paradise.

[Page 104] 6 If Iesus be with thee, no enemy can hurt thee, he that findeth Iesus fin­deth a good treasure; yea a good above all goods.

7 And he that looseth Iesus, loo­seth too much, and more then the whole world. He is most poore that li­veth without Iesus: and he most rich that is well with Iesus.

8 It is a great skil to know how to converse with Iesus, and a great wis­dome to know how to keepe Iesus.

9 Be humble, and peaceable, and Iesus will be with thee; be devout and quiet, and Iesus will stay with thee.

10 Thou maist drive away Iesus and loose his grace, if thou givest thy selfe to outward things.

11 And if thou shouldest drive him from thee, and loose him, unto whom wilt thou fly, and what friend wilt thou then seeke?

12 Without a friend thou canst not well live: and if Iesus be not above all a friend unto thee, thou shalt be too too sorrowful and desolate.

13 Thou doest therefore foolish­ly, if thou doest trust or rejoyce in any other. It is better for the [...] to have all [Page 105] the world against thee, then Iesus of­fended with thee.

14 Amongst all things therefore that be deare unto thee, let Iesus alone be thy chiefest beloved.

15 Love all for Iesus, but Iesus for himselfe. Iesus Ch [...]ist alone is especial­ly to be beloved, who alone is found to be good, and faithfull above all friends.

16 For him, and in him, let aswell friends as foes be deare unto thee: and all these are to be prayed for, that all may know and love him.

17 Never desire to be singularly commended or beloved, for that apper­taineth only unto God, who hath none like unto himselfe.

17 Neither doe thou desire that the heart of any should be set on thee, nor doe thou set thy heart on the love of any: but let Iesus be in thee, and in e­very vertuous and good man.

18 Be pure and free within, and intangle not thy heart with any crea­ [...]re. Thou oughtest to be as it were naked, and carry a pure heart to God, if thou wilt consider, and prove, and see how sweet our Lord is.

[Page 106] 19 And truly unlesse thou be pre­vented, and drawen by his grace, thou shalt never attaine to that happinesse, to forsake and cast away all, that thou a­lone maist be united to him alone.

20 For when the grace of God commeth unto a man, then he is strong and nothing is hard unto him, and when it goeth away, he is poore and weake, and as it were left unto the will of whomsoever will afflict him.

21 In this thou oughtest not to be dejected, nor despaire, but to resigne thy selfe with all indifferency unto the w [...]ll of God, and to [...]eare all things that befall thee for the glory of Christ.

22 For after winter followeth sum­mer: after night commeth day, & af­ter a tempest faire weather.

Of the want of all comfort.

IT is [...] great matter to despise hu­mane [...], when we have divine, or to neg [...] divine when we have hu­mane.

2 It [...] and very much, to be able to wan [...] both humane and divine comfort.

[Page 107] 2 And for the honour and glory of God, to be willing to endure desolati­on of heart; and to seeke himselfe in nothing, nor to regard his owne good actions.

3 What great matter is it, if thou be cheerfull and devout at the com­ming of heavenly grace? This houre is w [...]shed for of all men.

4 He rideth easily whom the grace of God carrieth. And what mar­vaile, if he feele not his burden who is borne up by the Almighty, and led by the greatest guide?

5 We are alwaies willing to have something for our comfort: and a man doth hardly put off, and forsake him­self. The holy Martyr S. Laurence over­came the world with his Prelate.

6 Because he despised whatsoever seemed delightsome in the world: and for the love of Christ he patiently suf­fered the high Priest of God S. Si [...]tus to be taken from him, whom he most loved.

7 He overcame therefore the love of man by the love of the Creator; and he rather chose the divine pleasure, then humane comfort.

[Page 108] 8 See thou also learne to forsake some necessary thing, and a beloved friend for the love of God.

9 Be not grieved when thou art forsaken by a friend, knowing that we all at length must be separated one from another.

10 A man must fight long, and with a constant mind, before he g [...] the victory, and be able to place his whole heart in God.

11 When a man trusteth in him­selfe, he easily slideth unto humane comforts.

12 But a true lover of Christ, and a diligent follower of vertue, giveth not himselfe to such solace, nor seeketh sensible sweetnesse, but rather forcible exercises, and to sustaine hard labours for Christ.

13 When therefore spirituall com­fort is given thee from God, receive it thankfully; but know that it is the gift of God, not any desert of thine.

14 Be not puffed up, joy not too much, neither doe thou presume vainly: but be rather the more humble for that grace, and more wary and fearefull in all thy actions: for that houre will [Page 109] passe away, and temptation will suc­ceed.

15 When consolation is taken from thee, despaire not presently; but with humility and patience attend the hea­venly visitation: for God is able againe to give thee greater consolation.

16 This is not new nor strange unto them, that have experience in the way of God; for in the great Saints and ancient Prophets, there was often­times such kind of alteration.

17 For which cause one when he had grace, said, I said in my prosperity I shall never be removed.

18 But when this was gone from him, he addeth what he found in him­selfe, saying▪ Thou turnedst thy face from me, and I became troubled.

19 Yet doth he not despaire in the midst of these changes, but more ear­nestly prayeth unto our Lord, and saith: Vnto thee (O Lord) I will cry, and I will pray unto my God.

20 Lastly he receiveth the fruit of his prayer, and witnesseth that he was heard, saying: Our Lord hath heard me, and taken pity on me: our Lord is become my helper.

[Page 110] 21 But wherein? Thou hast tur­ned (saith he) my sorrow into joy, and thou hast compassed me about with gladnesse.

22 If great Saints have been so dealt with all, we that are poore and weake ought not to despaire, if we be sometimes fervent, and sometimes cold.

23 For the spirit commeth and go­eth, according to the good pleasure of his will, for which cause blessed Iob saith, Thou visitest him early in the morning, and suddainly thou provest him.

24 Whereupon therefore can I hope, or wherein ought I to trust, but in the great mercy of God alone, and in the onely hope of heavenly grace?

25 For whether I enjoy the pre­sence of good men, or devout brethren, or faithfull friends, or holy Bookes, or learned treatises, or sweet songs and himmes,

26 All these helpe litle, and have litle savour, when grace forsaketh me, and I remaine left in my owne poverty.

27 At such a time there is no bet­ter [Page 111] remedy then patience, and the re­signing of my selfe unto the will of God.

28 I never found any so religious and devout, that hath not had some­times a with drawing of grace, or felt not a decrease of fervour.

29 There was never Saint so high­ly rapt, and illuminated, who first or last was not tempted.

30 For he is not worthy of the high contemplation of God, who hath not been exercised with some tribula­tion for God's sake.

31 For temptation going before, is wont to be a signe of ensuing com­fort. And unto those that are proved by temptations, heavenly comfort is promised. He that shall overcome, saith he, I will give him to eate of the tree of life.

32 But divine comfort is given, that a man may be stronger to beare adversities. There followeth also tem­ptation, lest we should waxe proud of that good.

33 The Divell sleepeth not, nei­ther is our flesh as yet dead: therefore cease not to prepare thy selfe to the [Page 112] battaile: for on thy right hand, and thy left are enemies that never rest.

Of thankfulnesse for the grace of God.

VVHy seekest thou rest, since thou art borne to labour? Dispose thy selfe to patience, rather then to comforts, and to the bearing of the Grosse, rather then to gladnesse.

2 What secular person is there, that would not willingly receive spiri­tuall joy and comfort, if he could alwaies have it? Spirituall com­forts exceede all the delights of the world, and all the pleasures of the flesh.

3 All worldly delights are either vaine, or uncleane: but spirituall delights are only pleasant and honest, produced by vertues, and infused by God into pure hearts.

4 But no man can alwaies enjoy these comforts according to his desire; for the time of temptation is not long away.

5 False freedome of mind, and [Page 113] great trust of our selves, is very contra­ry to heavenly visitation.

6 God doth well in giving grace: but man doth evill in not returning it againe wholly unto God, with thanks­giving.

7 And therefore the gifts of grace cannot flow in us, because we are un­gratefull to the given: and returne them not wholly to the head fountaine.

8 For grace is ever due to him that is thankfull, and from the proud shall be taken that which is wont to be gi­ven to the humble.

9 I desire not that consolation that taketh from me compunction, nor that contemplation which breedeth a haugh [...]y mind.

10 For all that is high, is not holy: nor all that is sweet, good: nor every desire, pure; nor every thing that is deare unto us, is gratefull to God.

11 I doe willingly accept of that grace▪ whereby I may ever become more humble and fearful, and be made more ready and able to forsake my selfe.

12 He that is taught by the gift of grace, and by the scourge of the with­drawing [Page 114] thereof; will nor dare to attri­bute any good to himselfe: but will rather acknowledge himselfe poor, and naked.

13 Give unto God that which is God's; and ascribe unto thy selfe that which is thine own: that is, give thanks unto God for his grace, and acknow­ledge that nothing is to be attributed to thee, but only sinne, and the punish­ment due thereunto.

14 Content thy selfe, and desire alwaies the meanest and lowest things, and the highest shall be given thee: for the highest stand not without the low­est.

15 The highest Saints before God, are the least in their owne judgments; and how much the more glorious, so much the humbler within themselves.

16 Those that are full of truth, and heavenly glory, are not desirous of the vain glory of this world. Those that are firmly setled and grounded in God can no way be prov'd.

17 And they that ascribe all unto God what good soever they have re­ceived, seeke not glory one of another but would have that glory which is [Page 115] from God alone: and desire above all things to praise God in himselfe, and in all the Saints, and alwaies tend unto the same.

18 Be therefore gratefull for the least gift, and thou shalt be made wor­thy to receive greater. Let the least be unto thee also as the greatest, and the most contemptible as an especiall gift.

19 If thou consider the worth of the giver, no gift will seeme litle, or of meane esteeme. For it is not litle that is given by the Soveraigne Majesty of God.

20 Yea if he should give punish­ment and stripes, it ought to be grate­full, for that he doth it alwaies for our salvation, whatsoever he permit­teth to happen unto us.

20 He that desireth to keepe the grace of God, let him be thankfull for the grace given; and patient for the ta­king away thereof. Let him pray that he may returne, Let him be wary and humble, lest he loose it.

How few the lovers of the Crosse of Christ are.

IEsus hath now many lovers of his heavenly Kingdome, but few bearers of his Crosse: He hath many desirous of comfort but few of tribulation.

2 He findeth many companions of his table, but few of his abstinence. All desire to rejoyce with him, few will suffer any thing for him, or with him.

3 Many follow Iesus unto the breaking of bread, but few to the drin­king of the Cup of his Passion. Many reverence his miracles, few follow the ignominy of his Crosse.

4 Many love Iesus, as long as adversities happen not. Many praise & blesse him, as long as they receive any comfort from him.

5 But if Iesus hide himselfe, and leave them but a while, they fall either into complaint, or into too much deje­ction of mind.

6 But they that love Iesus for Iesus, and not for some comfort of their [Page 117] owne, blesse him in all tribulation and anguish of heart, as well as in the grea­test comfort.

7 And although he should never give them comfort, they notwithstan­ding would ever praise him, & alwaies give him thankes.

8 O how powerfull is the pure love of Iesus, which is mixed with no selfe-love, nor proper interest! Are they not all to be called hirelings that ever seeke comforts?

9 Doe they not shew themselves to be rather lovers of themselves, then of Christ, that alwaies think of their commodity and g [...]ine? Where may one be found that will serve God, without looking for reward?

10 It is hard to find any one so spirituall, that is free from the love of all earthly things. For where is any that is inddeed poore in spirit, and free from all affection of creatures? thou maist goe to the end of the world before thou find him.

11 If a man should give all his wealth, yet is it nothing. And if he should doe great pennance, yet is it li­tle▪ And if he should attain to all know­ledge [Page 118] he is yet farre off.

12 And if he should have great ver­tue, and very fervent devotion, yet there is much wanting, to wit, one thing which is most necessary for him.

13 What is that? That leaving all he forsake himselfe, and goe perfect­ly from himselfe, and retaine nothing of selfe-love. And when he hath done all that he knoweth to be done, let him thinke that he hath done nothing.

14 Let him not weigh that much which might be much esteemed, but according to truth, let him affirme him­selfe to be an unprofitable servant, as our Saviour hath said: When you shall have done all things that are comman­ded you, say, We are unprofitable ser­vants.

15 Then may he be truly poore in spirit and naked, and say with the Pro­phet: I am alone and poore, yet no man richer, no man more powerfull, no man more free then he that can leave him­selfe and all things, and put himselfe in the meanest and lowest place.

Of the highway of the ho­ly Crosse.

VNto many seemeth hard this sppeech, Deny thy selfe, take up thy Crosse and follow Iesus: But it will be much harder to hear that last word: Get yee away from me, yee cursed into everlasting fire.

2 For they that now willingly heare and follow the word of the Crosse, shall not then feare to heare the sen­tence of everlasting damnation.

3 This signe of the Crosse shall be in heaven, when our Lord shall come to Iudgment.

4 Then all the servants of the Crosse, who in their life time confor­med themselves unto Christ crucified shall draw neere unto our Lord with great confidence.

5 Why therefore fearest thou to take up the Crosse, which leadeth thee to a Kingdome? In the Crosse is health, in the Crosse is life, in the Crosse is pro­tection against our enemies.

6 In the Crosse is infusion of hea­venly [Page 120] sweetnesse, in the Crosse is strength of mind, in the Crosse is joy of spirit, in the Crosse is the height of vertue, in the Crosse is the perfection of sanctity.

7 There is no health of the soule, nor hope of everlasting life, but in the Crosse. Take up therefore thy Crosse and follow Iesus, and thou shalt goe in­to life everlasting.

8 He is gone before, bearing his Crosse, and is dead for thee on the Crosse; that thou maist also beare thy Crosse, and desire to die on the Crosse with him.

9 For if thou diest with him, thou shalt also live with him; and if thou be his companion in paine, thou shalt be partaker with him also in glory.

10 Behold in the Crosse all doth consist, and all lyeth in ending our life upon it: for there is no other way, unto life, and unto true inward peace, but the way of the Holy Crosse, and of dai­ly mortification.

11 Goe where thou wilt, seeke whatsoever thou wilt thou shalt not find a higher way above, nor a safe [...] way below, then the way of the holy Crosse.

[Page 121] 12 Dispose and order all things according to thy will, and judgment: yet thou shalt ever find, that of necessi­ty thou must suffer some-what, either willingly or against thy will.

13 So as thou shalt never fully a­void the Crosse, for either thou shalt feele paine in thy body, or in thy soule thou shalt suffer tribulation of spirit.

14 Sometimes thou shalt be for­saken of God, sometimes thou shalt be troubled by thy neighbours, and which is more, oftentimes thou shalt be irk­some to thy selfe.

15 Neither canst, thou be delive­red or cased by any remedy or comfort▪ but so long as pleaseth God, thou ough­test to beare it.

16 For God will have thee learne to suffer tribulation without comfort; and that thou submit thy selfe wholly to him, and become more humble by tribulation.

17 No man hath so lively a fee­ling of the Passion of Christ, as he who hath chanced to suffer the like. The Crosse therefore is alwaies ready, and every where attendeth thee.

18 Thou canst not escape it, whi­ther [Page 122] soever thou fliest; for wheresoever thou goest, thou carriest thy selfe about with thee, and thou shalt ever find thy selfe.

19 Turne thy selfe upward, turne thy selfe downward, turne thee within, or turne thee without.

20 Which way soever thou doest turn thee, alwaies thou shalt find the Crosse.

21 And every where of necessity thou must have patience, if thou wilt have inward peace, and obtaine an e­verlasting Crowne.

22 If thou beare the Crosse wil­lingly, it will beare thee, and lead thee to thy desired end, to wit, where there shall be an end of suffering, though here there shall not

23 If thou beare it unwillingly, thou makest for thy selfe a new bur­then, and increasest thy load, and yet notwithstanding thou must beare it doe what thou canst.

24 If thou cast away one Crosse, without doubt thou shalt find another, and that perhaps a more heavy.

25 Thinkest thou to escape that which no man could ever avoid? which of the Saints in the world was with­out [Page 123] crosses and tribulations?

26 Verily Iesus Christ our Lord was never one houre without paine of suffering, so long as he lived. Christ (saith he) ought to suffer, and rise a­gaine from death, and so to enter into his glory.

27 And how doest thou seeke any other way, then this Kings high way, which is the way of the holy Crosse?

28 The whole life of Christ was a Crosse and Martyrdome: and doest thou seeke rest and joy?

29 Thou art deceived, thou art deceived, if thou seekest any other thing thē to suffer tribulations, for this whole mortall life is full of miseries, and in­vironed on every side with crosses.

30 And how much the more one hath profited in spirit, so much the hea­vier Crosses he oftentimes findeth; for the love he beareth to God, encreaseth the griefe which he endureth for his banishment.

31 But yet this man, though so many wayes affl [...]cted, is not without the ease of consolation, for the great good which he perceiveth to grow un­to him by the bearing of his Crosse

[Page 124] 32 For whilest he willingly put­teth himselfe under it, all the but then of tribulation is turned into the confi­dence of divine consolation.

33 And how much the more the flesh is wasted by affliction, by so much the more is the spirit strengthened by inward grace.

34 And sometimes he is so streng­thened with the [...]eeling of tribulation, and adversity, for the love of confor­ming himselfe to the Crosse of Christ, that he would not wish at any time to be without sorrow and tribulation.

35 Because he beleeveth, that so much the more acceptable he shall be unto God, how much the more for number & weight he can suffer for him.

36 This is not the power of man, but it is the grace of Christ, that can, and doth so much in fraile [...]lesh: that what naturally it alwaies abhorreth and flieth, that by fervour of spirit, it ta­keth hold on and loveth.

37 It is not according to mans in­clination to bear the Crosse, to love the Crosse, to chastise the body and bring it into subjection, to shun promotion.

38 To suffer contumelies with a [Page 125] joyfull heart, to despise himselfee, and to wish to be despised, to beare all ad­versities, and damages, and to desire no prosperity in this world.

39 But if thou depend upon thy selfe thou shalt be able to performe no such matter of thy selfe.

40 But if thou trustest in our Lord, strength shall be given thee from heaven, and thou shalt subdue under thee both the world and the flesh.

41 Neither shalt thou feare thy e­nemy the Divel, if thou be armed with faith, and rely upon Christ crucified.

42 Resolve therefore with thy selfe, like a good and faithfull servant of Christ, to beare manfully the Crosse of thy Lord, who out of love unto thee was crucified for thee.

43 Prepare thy selfe to beare ma­ny adversities and diverse kinds of troubles in this miserable life; for so it will be with thee, wheresoever thou be, and so surely thou wilt find it, where­soever thou hide thy selfe.

44 So it must be, and there is no remedy, or meanes to avoid tribulation and sorrow, but to beare them.

35 Drink of the Cup of our Lord [Page 126] with a good affection, if thou wilt be his friend, and desirest to have part with him. As touching consolation, referre that to the will of God, let him doe therein as shall best please him, but yeeld thou thy selfe to the bearing of adversity, and account it as the greatest comfort.

46 Set thou thy heart upon the suffering of tribulations, and account them the greatest comforts.

47 For that the passions of this life are not worthy of the glory that shall be revealed, although thou alone couldest suffer them all.

48 When thou shalt come to this estate, that tribulation for Christ's sake shall seeme sweet and pleasant unto thee, then think it is well with thee, for thou hast found a Parradise upon earth.

49 As long as it is grievous unto thee to suffer, and that thou desirest to fly it, so long shalt thou be ill at ease, and the tribulation thou fliest will fol­low thee every where.

50 If thou setlest thy selfe to that thou oughtest, to wit, to suffer, and to die to thy selfe, it will quickly be better [Page 127] with thee, and thou shalt find peace.

51 Although thou shouldest have been rapt even unto the third heaven with Paul, thou art not by this secu­red, that thou shalt suffer no contradi­ction.

52 I (saith IESVS) will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name. It resteth therefore that thou suffer for him, if thou wilt love IESUS, and perpetually serve him.

53 O, would to God, thou wert worthy to suffer something for the name of Iesus! how great glory would it be unto thee, what joy to all the Saints of God, how great edification also to thy neighbour!

54 For all doe commend patience, thought few desire to suffer! With great reason thou oughtest to be willing to suffer a litle for Christ; since many suf­fer far great things for the love of the world.

55 Know for certaine that thou oughtest to lead a dying life. And how much the more every one dieth to him­selfe; so much the more doth he begin to live unto God.

56 No man is sit to attaine unto [Page 128] heavenly things, unlesse he submit himselfe to the bearing of adversities for Christ.

57 Nothing is more gratefull un­to God, nothing more wholesome to thee in this world, then to suffer wil­lingly for Christ.

58 And if it were in thy choice▪ thou shouldest rather wish to suffer ad­versities for Christ, then to enjoy the delight of many comforts.

59 Because by these meanes thou shouldst be more like unto Christ, and more conformable to all Saints.

60 For our good workes, and the perfectiō of our estate consisteth not in much sweetnesse and comforts, but ra­ther in suffering great afflictions and tribulations.

61 If there had been any better thing, and more profitable to the soules health then suffering, surely Christ would have sh [...]wed it by word, and example.

62 But he plainly exhorted all the disciples that followed him, and all that desire to follow him, to the bearing of the Crosse:

63 And saith, if any man will come [Page 129] after me let him deny himselfe and take up his Crosse, and follow me.

64 So as when we have read and searched all, let this be the last conclu­sion, That by many tribulations wee must enter into the Kingdome of God.

The end of the second Book.


Of the inward speech of Christ to a faithfull soule.

I Will heare what our Lord God will speake in me. Blessed is the soule that heareth our Lord speaking in h [...]: and receiveth from his mouth the word of comfort.

2 Blessed are those eares that re­ceive the sound of the divine voice, and listen not to the whisperings of the world.

3 Blessed indeed are those eares [Page 131] that hearken not to the voice which soundeth outwardly, but unto truth which teacheth inwardly.

4 Blessed are the eyes that being shut up to outward things, are atten­tive to those things that are within.

5 Blessed are they that enter into the inward things, and endeavour to prepare themselves more and more by daily exercises to the attaining of hea­venly sec [...]ets.

6 Blessed be they that delight to attend the service of God, and cast from them all impediments of this world.

7 Consider these things my soule, and shut up the doores of thy sensuall desires, th [...] thou maist heare what thy Lord God [...]eaketh in thee.

8 Thus saith thy beloved; I am thy saf [...]y thy peace and thy life. Keepe thy selfe with [...]e and thou shalt find peace. Forsake all transit [...]ry things and seeke those that be everlasting.

9 What are all temporall things, but deceiving snares? and what doe all creatures availe thee, if thou be forsaken by the Creator?

10 Forsake therefore all earthly [Page 132] things and labour to please thy Crea­tor, and be faithful unto him, that thou maist attaine unto true happinesse.

That truth speaketh inwardly with­out noise of words.

SPeake Lord, for thy servant heareth, I am thy servant, grant me under­standing, that I may know thy testi­monies.

2 Stir up my heart to heare the words of thy mouth▪ let thy speech de­scend as the dew into my soule.

3 The children of Israel in times past said unto Moses, Speake thou un­to us, and we shall heare the [...]e; let not our Lord speake unto us, least perhaps we die.

4 Not so Lord, not so, I beseech thee! But rather with the Prophet Sa­muel, I humbly and earnestly intreat: speake Lord, for thy servant heareth.

5 Let not Moses speake unto me, nor any of the P [...]ophets, but thou ra­ther speake, my Lord God, the inspirer and enlightner of all the Prophets.

6 For thou alone without them [Page 133] canst perfectly instruct me, but they without thee can profit me nothing.

7 They can pronounce words, but they give not spirit. They speak marvei­lous well, but if thou hold thy peace, they inflame not the heart.

8 They deliver the letters, but thou openest the sense. They bringforth mysteries, but thou disclosest the un­derstanding of sealed things.

9 They declare thy commande­ments, but thou helpest to fulfill them. They shew the way, but thou givest strength to walke in it.

10 They work only exteriorly, but thou instructest▪ and enlightnest the hearts. They water outwardly, but thou givest fruitfulnesse. They sound forth wordes, but thou givest under­standing to the hearing.

11 Let not therefore Moses speak unto me, but thou my Lord God, the everlasting truth, lest perhaps I should dye, and become without fruit, if I be warned outwardly only and not enfl [...] ­med within.

12 Lest the word heard and not fulfilled, knowen and not loved, belie­ved and not observed, should increase [Page 135] my punishment.

13 Speak therefore Lord for thy servant heareth, for thou hast the words of everlasting life. Speak unto me to the comfort of my soule, and to the amendment of my whole life, and to thy praise and glory and everlasting honour.

[...]hat the words of God are to be heard with humility▪ and that many weigh them not.

SOnne, hear my words, wordes of great comfort, excelling all the knowledge of the Philosophers and wise men of this world.

2 My wordes are spirit and life, not to be w [...]ighed by the understand­ing of man. Th [...]y are not to be drawn to vaine liking, but to be heard with si­lence, and to be received with all hu­mility and great affection.

3 And I said, Blessed [...]s the man whom thou shalt instruct▪ O Lord, and shalt teach thy saw, that thou maist give him quietnesse from evill daies; & that he be not destroyed upon earth.

[Page 134] 4 I (saith our Lord) have taught the Prophets from the beginning, and cease not continually to speak to every one: but many are deafe and give no eare to my speech.

5 The greater number doe more willingly listen to the world, then to God, and follow sooner the desires of their flesh, then the will of God.

6 The world promiseth temporall and small things, and is served with great diligence; I promise most high and eternall things, and the hearts of men are nothing moved with it.

7 Who is he that serveth and o­beyeth me with equall care to that with which the world, and the Lords thereof are served.

8 Blush Sidon, saith the sea; and if thou aske the cause, he are wherefore, For a litle prebend a long journey is undertaken▪ for everlasting▪ life many will scarce once lift a foot from the ground.

9 A thing of small value is sought after greedily: for a penny sometimes there is great contention; for a vaine thing and sleigh [...] promise, men doub [...] not to toile day and night.

[Page 136] 10 But alas for an unchangeable good, for an inestimable reward, for the highest honour and glory without end, they are loath to take the least paines.

11 Blush therefore slothfull and complaining servant, that they are found more ready to destruction, then thou to life. They rejoyce more at va­nity, then thou at verity.

12 And yet they are sometimes frustrated of their hope, but my pro­mise deceaveth none, nor sendeth him away empty that trusteth in me.

13 I will give that which I have promised, I will fulfill that which I have said; but to him that remaines faithfull in my love to the end, I am the rewarder of all those who are good, and doe try my devout servants with greater and severer temptations.

14 Write my words in thy heart, and think diligently of them: for they will be very necessa [...]y in time of temp­tation.

15 What thou understandest not when thou readest, thou shalt know in [...]he day of visitation.

16 I am wont to visit my elect [Page 137] two severall waies, to wit, with temp­tation and comfort.

17 And I daily read two lessons unto them, one reprehending their vi­ces, another exhorting them to the in­crease of vertues.

18 He that hath my wordes and despiseth them, hath within himselfe that shall judge him at the last day.

A prayer to implore the grace of devotion.

1 O Lord my God, thou art all that I can desire. What am I, that dare speak unto thee? I am thy poo­rest servant, and a most vile worme▪ much more poore and contemptible then I either know or dare expresse.

2 And yet Lord remember this one thing, that I am nothing, that I have nothing, and that I am worth nothing. Thou alone art good, thou alone art righteous, thou alone art holy, thou canst all, thou doest all; thou fillest all, only the wicked thou sendest empty a­way. Remember O Lord thy tender mercies, & fill my heart with thy grace, for thou wilt that none of thy workes [Page 138] should be in vaine.

3 How can I sustaine my selfe in this miserable life, unlesse thy mercy and grace support me?

4 Turne not thy face from me, de­lay not thy visitations; draw not away thy comfort, least my soule become like a barren and dry land wherein is no water.

5 Lord teach me to fulfill thy wil; teach me to live worthily and humbly in thy sight: for thou art my wisdome, thou doest perfectly know me.

6 Yea thou knowest me not only be­fore I was conceived in the womb, but also before the very world was made.

That we ought to live in truth & humility in the sight of God.

SOnne, walke in my sight in [...]incerity and truth; and ever seeke mee in sin­glenesse of heart.

2 He that walketh before me in truth, shall be defended from evill in­cursions, & truth shall deliver him from seducers, and from the detractions of the wicked.

[Page 139] 3 If truth shall make the free, thou shalt be free indeed; and shalt not need to care for the vaine words of men.

4 Lord it is true according as thou saist, so I beseech thee, be it unto mee, l [...]t thy tru [...]h teach me let it defend me, and bring me to a blessed end.

5 Let the same truth deliver me from [...]ll evill affection and inordinate love: and I shall walke with thee in great freedome of heart.

6 I will teach thee (saith the Truth) those things that are right and pleasing in my sight. Think of thy sinnes with great serrow, and griefe; and never esteem thy selfe any thing for thy good workes.

7 Thou art in very deed a sinner [...] and subject to many passions. Of thy selfe thou alwaies tendest to nothing, and art quickly cast down, quickly o­vercome: quickly troubled, quickly dis­solved.

8 Thou hast nothing wherein thou canst glory, but many things for which thou oughtest to humble, and despise thy selfe, for thou art much weaker then thou cast perceive.

9 And therefore let nothing seem [Page 140] much unto thee whatsoever thou dost. Let nothing seem great, nothing pre­cious, and wonderfull, nothing worthy of estimation.

10 Nothing high, nothing truly commendable, and to be desired, but that which is everlasting.

11 Let the eternall Truth above all things please thee. Let thy own great unworthinesse alwaies displease thee.

12 Feare nothing, blame, and flye nothing so much, as thy sinnes and vi­ces, which ought to displease thee more, then the losse of any thing what­soever.

13 Some walk not sincerely in my sight, but led by a certain curiosity, and pride, will know my secrets, and understand the high mysteries of God, neglecting themselves and their own salvation.

14 These oftentimes (for that I resist them) doe fall into great temp­tations and sinnes, for their pride and curiosity.

15 Fear the judgements of God, dread the wrath of the Almighty, B [...]t discusse not the works of the Highest. [Page 141] Search thine own iniquities, in how much thou hast offended, and how much good thou hast neglected.

16 Some carry their devotion on­ly in books, some in pictures, some in outward signes and figures, some have mee in their mouthes, but litle in their hearts.

18 There are others, that being illuminated in their understanding, and purged in their affection, doe alwaies aspire with an earnest mind to everlast­ing happinesse.

18 And are unwilling to heare of the things of this world, and doe serve the necessities of nature with griefe; and these perceave what the spirit of truth speaketh in them.

19 Because it teacheth them to despise earthly, & love heavenly things: to neglect the world, and day & night to desire heaven.

Of the wonderfull effect of di­vine grace.

I Praise thee O heavenly Father, Fa­ther of my Lord Iesus Christ, for [Page 142] that thou hast vouchsafed to remember me a poore and wretched creature.

2 O Father of mercies and God of all comfort, thanks be unto thee, who sometimes with thy comfort re­freshest me unworthy of all comfort.

3 I ever blesse and glorify thee with thy only begotten Son, and the holy Ghost the comforter for ever and ever.

4 O God my Lord, the holy lo­ver of my soule, when thou shalt come into my heart, all that is within me will rejoyce.

5 Thou art my glory and the exul­tation of my heart; thou art my hope, and my refuge in the day of my tribu­lation.

6 But because I am yet weak in love, and imperfect in vertue, therefore I have need to be strengthned & com­forted by thee.

7 Visit me therefore often, and in­struct me with thy holy discipline, de­liver me from evill passions, and heale my heart of all mordinate affections, that being cured within, and well pur­ged throughout, I may be made fit to love, strong to suffer, and constant to perseaere.

[Page 143] 8 Love is a great matter, in very truth a great good, which alone mak­eth every thing that is heavy to be light, and beareth equally all that [...] unequall.

9 For it carrieth a burthen with­out any burthen, and maketh every thing that is bitter to be sweet and sa­vory.

10 The noble loue of Iesus en­forceth man to worke great things, and stirreth him up to desire alwaies the most perfect.

11 Love will be aloft, and not kept downe with any abject things. Love will be free, and a stranger to all worldly affection.

12 That his inward sight be not obscured, that he be not intangled with the desire of any transitory game: or troubled with the want thereof.

13 Nothing is sweeter then love, nothing stronger, nothing higher, no­thing more ample, nothing more plea­sant, nothing fuller nor better in hea­ven or in earth.

14 For that love hath his begin­ing from God, and cannot rest but in God above all creatures.

[Page 144] 15 He that loveth, flyeth, runneth, and rejoyceth; he is free and not held in. He giveth all for all, and hath all in all, for that he resteth in one Highest above all, from which all good floweth, and proceedeth.

16 He respecteth not the gifts, but turneth himselfe above all goods unto the giver. Love oftentimes knoweth no measure, but enflameth aboue all measure.

17 Love feeleth no burthen, weigh­eth no paines, desireth above its strength, complaineth not of impossi­bility, for that it thinketh all things lawfull, and possible.

18 It is therefore able to under­take all things, and performeth and bringeth many things to effect: where­as he that doth not love, fainteth and can doe nothing.

19 Love alwaies watcheth, and slumbring sleepeth not: being wearied, is not tired: straitned is not pressed: frighted, is not troubled: but like a lively [...]lame, and burning torch, bre [...]k­eth upwards, and passeth through all with great security.

20 If any one loveth, he knowes [Page 145] what this voice cryeth, a loud cry in the eares of God, is the burning love of the [...]oule, which saith, My God, my love thou art wholly mine, and I am whol­ly thine.

21 Enlarge me in love, that my heart may tast how sweet it is to love, and to be dissolved, and swimme as it were in the streames of love.

22 Let me be possessed by [...], mounting above my selfe, with exces­sive fervor, and admiration.

23 Let me sing the song of love, let me follow thee on high, my beloved, let my soule faint in thy praises, rejoy­cing with love.

24 Let me love thee more then my selfe, and not my selfe, but for thee, and all in thee that truly love thee, as the law of love commandeth which shineth from thee.

25 Love is swift, sincere, pious, sweet and delightfull: strong, patient, faithfull, prudent, suffering, full of cou­rage, and never seeking it selfe.

26 For where one seeketh him­selfe, there he falleth from love. Love is circ [...]mspect, humble and upright: not remisse, not mutable, nor attending un­to [Page 146] vaine things; sober, chast, constant, quiet, and guarded in all the senses.

27 Love is subject, and obedient to Superiours, mean and abject to it selfe, devout and thankfull unto God, trusting and hoping alwaies in him, e­ven then when God imparteth no sweetnesse unto it: for without sorrow none liveth in love.

28 He that is not ready to suffer all things, and stande to the will of his beloved, is not worthy to be called a lover.

29 A lover ought to imbrace wil­lingly all that is hard, and distastfull for his beloved, and not to turne away from him, for any contrary occurren­cies.

Of the proofe of a true lover.

SOnne thou art not yet a strong and prudent lover.

2 Wherefore Lord?

3 Because thou givest over thy en­terprise for a small adversity, and too earnestly seekest after comfort.

4 A constant lover standeth firme­ly [Page 147] in temptations, and giveth not cre­dit to the crafty perswasions of the ene­my. As I please him in prosperity, so I am not unpleasant to him in adver­sity.

5 A prudent lover considereth not so much the gift of his lover, as the love of the giver. He rather esteemeth the good will, then the value, and placeth all gifts under his beloved.

6 A noble lover resteth not in the gift, but in me above any gift. All therefore is not lost if sometimes thou hast lesse tast of me and my Saints, then thou wouldest.

7 That good & sweet desire which thou sometimes feelest, is the effect of present grace, and a certain tast of the heavenly Country; whereon thou must not rely too much, for it goeth and commeth.

8 But to fight against evill moti­ons of the mind, which may happen unto thee, and to despise the suggestion of the d [...]ell, is a signe of vertue and great strength.

9 Let not therefore strange fan­cies forced into thee, of any matter whatsoever, trouble theo. Retaine a [Page 148] firme purpose and an upright intention to God.

10 Neither is it an illusion that sometimes thou art suddainly rap [...] on high, and presently returnest again un­to the accustomed vanities of the heart.

11 For thou dost rather unwil­lingly suffer them, then commit them, and as long as they displease thee, and thou strivest against them, it is a gaine not a losse unto thee.

12 Know that thy ancient ene­my doth ever strive to hinder thy desire to good, and to divert thee from all devout exercise.

13 To wit, from the pious me­mory of my passion, from the profita­ble▪ remembrance of thy sinnes, from the guard of thine own heart, and from the firme purpose of pro [...]iting in ver­tue.

14 Hee thrusteth many evill thoughts into the minde, that he may cause a wearisomenesse, and horrour in thee, to draw thee from devout prayer and reading.

15 Humble confession is displeas­ing unto him, and if he could, he would cause thee to cease from receaving the [Page 149] Sacrament of my Body.

16 Trust him not, nor care for him, although he should often set snares of deceipt to intrap thee.

17 Charge him with it, when hee suggesteth evill, and unclean thoughts unto thee: Say unto him, Avant filthy spirit, blush miserable wretch, thou art filthy that bringest such things into mine eares.

18 A way from me thou wicked deceaver, thou shalt have no part in me: but Iesus shall be with me as a strong warrior, and thou shalt remaine con­founded.

19 I had rather dye and undergoe any torment, then to consent unto thee. Hold thy peace and be silent, I will hear thee no more, though thou shouldest worke me many troubles.

20 My Lord is my light and my salvation, whom then shall I feare? If whole armies should stand together a­gainst me, my heart shall not feare; Our Lord is my helper, and my Re­deemer.

21 Fight like a good souldier: and if thou sometimes fall through frailty, take to thee a better heart then before, [Page 150] trusting in my more aboundant grace: and take great heed of arrogancy and selfe-conceit.

22 For this cause many are led in­to errour, and sometimes fall into blindnesse that is almost incurable.

23 Let the fall of the proud, foo­lishly presuming of their own strength, serve thee for a warning, and a perpe­tuall humiliation.

That grace is to be hid under the veile of humility.

SOnne, it is more profitable, and safe for thee to hide the grace of devo­tion, not to extoll thy selfe, nor to speak much, nor to esteeme much thereof: but rather to despise thy selfe, and fear it, as given to one unworthy thereof.

2 That affection is not to be clea­red unto, which may be quickly chan­ged into the contrary. Think when thou art in grace, how miserable and needy thou art wont to be without it.

3 Neither doth therein only con­ [...]ist the progresse of a spirituall life, [Page 151] when thou hast the grace of comfort; but when thou humbly, and patiently canst suffer the with-drawing thereof.

4 So that thou be not then lesse diligent in the exercise of prayer, nor suffer thy selfe to passe over the rest of thy accustomed good works;

5 But that thou willingly per­forme what lyeth in thee, according as thou art able and understandest to be fit; not neglecting thy selfe wholly for the drynesse, and trouble of mind, which thou feelest.

6 There are many that when it succeedeth not well with them, pre­sently they become either impatient or negligent.

7 The way of man is not alwaies in his power, but belongeth to God, to give and to comfort, when he will, how much he will, and whom he will as it shall please him, and no more.

8 Some unadvised persons have overthrown themselves for the greedy desire which they had of the grace of devotion:

9 Attempting more then they were able to performe, not weighing the measure of their weaknesse, but fol­lowing [Page 152] rather the desire of their heart, then the judgement of reason.

10 And because they presumed on greater matters then was pleasing to God, therefore they quickly lost their grace.

11 They were made needy, and left in a dejected estate that built them­selves nests in heaven; to the end that being humbled, and impoverished, they may learn not to fly with their own wings, but to live in hope under my feathers.

12 They that are yet new, and un­acquainted in the way of our Lord; un­lesse they governe themselves by the counsaile of the wise, may easily be de­ceaved and overthrowne.

13 And if they will rather follow their own judgement, then give credit to others that are experienced, their end will be dangerous, if they cannot be drawn from their own conceipt.

14 Seldome those that are wise in their own opinion, suffer themselves humbly to be governed by others.

15 A litle knowledge with humi­lity, and a slender understanding, is better then great treasures of learning [Page 153] with a vaine selfe liking.

16 It is better for thee to have lesse then much of that whereof thou maist be proud.

17 He doth not discreetly, that wholly giveth himselfe over to mirth, forgetting his former poverty, and the chast fear of God, which feareth to loose the grace which hee hath obtai­ned.

18 Neither is he vertuously wise, that in time of adversity or any tribula­tion whatsoever, yeeldeth to despairing thoughts, and thinketh and imagineth of thē lesse confidently then he ought.

19 He that will be over secure in time of peace, shall be often found too dejected and fearfull in time of warre.

20 If thou couldest alwaies conti­nue humble, & lowly within thy selfe, and temper, and governe thy soul well, thou shouldest not so soone fall into danger and offence.

21 It is good counsell, that when thou conceavest fervor of spirit, thou shouldest think what will become of thee, when that light shall leave thee.

22 And when that doth happen, remember the light may returne again, [Page 154] which for thy instruction & my glory I have with-drawn for a time.

23 Such proofe is often more pro­fitable, then if thou shouldest alwaies enjoy prosperity according to thy de­sire.

24 For worth is not to be weigh­ed in a man by the number of visions and comforts which he hath, or by his knowledge in Scriptures, or by his be­ing placed in high degrees; but in that he is grounded in true humility, and re­plenished with divine charity.

25 If he alwaies purely and entire­ly seeke the honour of God, if he e­steeme himself nothing, and with a sin­cere heart despise himselfe, and rejoyce more to be humbled then honoured by others.

Of a meane conceipt of our selves in the sight of God.

SHall I speake unto my Lord, sith I am dust and ashes? If I esteeme bet­ter of my selfe, behold thou standest a­gainst me, and my iniquities beare true witnesse, neither can I speake against it.

[Page 155] 2 But if I abase and esteeme no­thing of my selfe, and cast off all selfe-conceipt, and (as I am) accompt my selfe to be dust,

3 Thy grace will be favourable unto me, and thy light will be neere unto my heart, and all estimation how litle soever shall be swallowed up in the depth of my nothing, and perish everlastingly.

4 There thou shewest my selfe un­to me, what I am, what I have been, and whither I am come: for alas I am nothing, and I knew it not.

5 And if I be left to my selfe, be­hold I become nothing, and a masse of infirmity, but if thou suddainly looke upon me, I am presently made strong, and filled with new joy.

6 And it is a great marvaile, that I am so suddainly lifted up, and so graci­ously imbraced by thee, that of mine owne weight alwaies sinke downe­ward.

7 Thy love is cause hereof, freely preventing me, and relieving me in ma­ny necessities, preserving me also from grievous dangers, and (as I may truly say) delivering me from innumerable e­vils.

[Page 156] 8 For surely by evill loving my selfe, I lost my selfe, and by seeking the [...] alone, and sincerely loving thee, I have found both my selfe and thee, and for thy love have more deeply brought my selfe to nothing.

9 For that thou, O most sweet Ie­su [...], dealest with me above all desert, and above all that I dare hope or re­quest.

10 Blessed be thou my God; for al­though I be unworthy of all good, yet the noblenesse of thy bounty and thy infinite goodnesse, never ceaseth to doe good even to the ungratefull, and to them that be turned away farre: from thee.

11 Turne us unto thee O Lord that we may be gratefull, humble and devout: for thou art our safety, our pow­er, and our strength.

That all things are to be referred unto God, as unto the last end.

SOone, I ought to be thy chiefest and [...]ast end, if thou desire to be truly [Page 157] blessed. With this intention thy affecti­on shall be purified, which is oftentimes inclined inordinately to it selfe, and un­to creatures.

2 For in any thing thou seeke thy selfe, thou presently faintest and driest up within thy selfe. Direct there­fore all things chiefly unto me, for I am he that hath given all.

3 Consider every thing as flowing from the highest good, and therefore all things to be reduced unto me, as un­their first beginning.

4 Out of me, as out of a living fountaine, the litle and the great, the poore and the rich, doe draw the water of life, and they that willingly, and freely serve me, shall receive grace for grace.

5 But he that will glory out of me, or be delighted in any particular good shall not be grounded in true joy, nor enlarged in his heart, but shall be many waies hindred and straitned.

6 Thou oughtest therefore to as­cribe no good unto thy selfe, nor attri­bute the praise of vertue unto any man, but give all unto God, without whom▪ man hath nothing.

[Page 158] 7 I have bestowed all, and will that all be returned to me againe: and with great severity I require thanks.

8 This is the truth that putteth to flight vain-glory. And if heavenly grace, and true charity enter in, there shall be no envy nor grudging of heart, neither shall there be any place for selfe-love.

9 For divine charity overcommeth all, and enlargeth all the forces of the soule.

10 If thou understand aright, in me alone thou wilt rejoyce, in me alone thou wilt hope: for none is good but God alone, who is to be praised above all, and to be blessed in all.

That despising the world, it is sweet to serve God.

NOw I will speak againe Lord, and will not be silent. I will say its the eares of my God, my Lord, and my King that is on high▪

2 O how great is the multitude of thy sweetnesse Lord, which thou hast hidden for those that feare thee!

3 But what art thou to them that [Page 159] love thee? What to them that serve thee with their whole heart?

4 Truly unspeakable is the sweet­nesse of thy contemplation, which thou bestowest on them that love thee.

5 In this chiefly thou hast shewed me the sweetnesse of thy charity, for that when I was not, thou madest me;

6 And when I went astray farre off from thee, thou broughtest me back a­gaine, that I might serve thee, and hast commanded me to love thee.

7 O fountaine of everlasting love what shall I say of thee? How can I for­get thee, that hast vouchsafed to re­member me, even when I withered a­way and perished!

8 Thou hast used mercy with thy servant beyond all the expectation of my heart: and hast bestowed thy grace and friendship beyond all merit.

9 What shall I returne unto thee for this grace? For it is not granted to every one to forsake all things, to re­nounce the world, and to undertake a retired life. Is it much that I serve thee whom all creatures are bound to serve? It ought not to seeme much unto me to serve thee.

[Page 160] 10 But this rather seemeth much and marveilous unto me, that thou vouchsafest to receive into thy service one so poore and unworthy, and to joyne him with thy beloved servants.

11 Behold all is thine which I have, and whereby I serve thee; and yet in very deed thou rather servest me then [...] thee.

12 Behold heaven and earth, which thou hast created for the service of man are ready at hand, and doe daily per­forme whatsoever thou dost command.

13 And this is litle: yea thou hast also appointed the Angels to the ser­vice of man; but that which exceedeth all, is that thou thy selfe hast vouchsa­fed to serve man and promised to give thy selfe unto him.

14 What shall I give thee for all these thousands of benefits? I would I could serve thee all the daies of my life.

15 I would I were able at least for one day to doe thee some worthy and acceptable service! Thou art truly wor­thy of all service, of all honour and e­verlasting praise▪

16 Thou art my Lord, and I thy poor servant, that am bound to serve [Page 161] thee with all my forces, neither ought I ever to cease to praise thee.

17 And this I wish to doe, this I de­sire; and whatsoever is wanting unto me, vouchsafe I beseech thee to sup­ply.

18 It is a great honour, a very great glory to serve thee, and to despise all things for thee. For great grace shall be given to them that shall willingly sub­mit themselves unto thy most holy service.

19 They shall receive most sweet comfort of the holy Ghost, that for thy love shall renounce all carnall delights.

20 They shall attaine great free­dome of mind, that for thy names sake shall enter into the narrow way, and shall have left off all the care of this world.

21 O sweet and delightfull servi­tude of God, by which, man is truely made f [...]ee and holy!

22 O sacred state of religious bon­dage, vvhich maketh man equall to An­gels, pleasing to God, terrible to Divels and acceptable to all the faithfull

23 O service to be embraced, and alwaies wished for, by which we obtain [Page 162] the greatest good, and attaine to that joy which never shall have end?

That the desires of our heart are to be examined and moderated.

SOnne, thou oughtest to learne many things more, which thou hast not yet [...]ell learned.

2 What are those, Lord?

3 That thou frame thy desire wholly according to my pleasure: and be not a lover of thy self, but a diligen [...] follower of my will.

4 Thy desires oftentimes doe stirr [...] thee up, and drive thee forwards with violence; but consider whether thou ar [...] mooved rather for my honour, then for thine owne profit.

5 If I be the cause, thou wilt be well content with whatsoever I sha [...] ordaine, but if there lurk in thee any selfe-inclination, behold this is it that hindreth thee, and weigheth the [...] downe.

6 Beware therefore thou incline not too much towards any desire that [Page 163] commeth to thy mind, before thou aske my counsaile;

7 Lest perhaps afterwards it re­pent thee, and that thou begin now to dislike that which before did please thee and which thou earnestly desiredst at the best.

8 For every affection that seemeth good, is not presently to be followed: nor every contrary affection at the first to be fled.

9 It is expedient sometimes to use a restraint even in good desires and en­deavours:

10 Least by importunity thou in­cur distractiō of mind, & by evill exam­ple become a scandall unto others, or being gainsaid by others thou be sud­dainly troubled and fall.

11 Yet sometimes thou oughtest to use violence, and resist manfully thy sensuall appetites, and respect not what the body would, or would not but ra­ther to labour, that even perforce it be subject to the spirit.

12 And it is to be chastised so long, and to be forced under servitude, untill it readily obey in all things, and learne to be content with a litle, and to be [Page 164] pleased with ordinary things, and not to murmure against any inconvenience.

Of the effect of Patience, and of strife against Concupiscence.

LOrd God, I perceive Patience is ve­ry necessary unto me: for that many adversities doe happen in this life.

2 Howsoever I shall dispose of my peace, my life cannot be without warre and affliction.

3 So it is, Sonne, and my will is not that thou seeke after that peace which is void oftemptations, or that feeleth no contrarieties;

4 But then think that thou hast found peace, when thou art exercised with sundry tribulations, and tried in many adversities.

5 If thou say that thou art not able to suffer much, how then wilt thou en­dure the fire of hell? Of two evils the lesse is alwaies to be chosen.

6 That thou maist therefore avoid everlasting punishments in the next world, endeavour to suffer patiently for God the present evils of this.

[Page 165] 7 Doest thou think that men of this world suffer litle or nothing? Thou art deceived, look into the life even of them that live in greatest delicacies, and thou shalt find it otherwise.

8 But thou wilt say, they have ma­ny delights, and follow their own wils, and therefore they make smal accompt of their tribulations.

9 Be it so, that they have whatsoe­ver they will; but how long doest thou think it will last.

10 Behold, the wealthy of this world vanish away like smoke, and there shall be no memory of their joyes past.

11 Yea even while they live also, they rest not in them without griefe, irksomnesse, and feare.

12 For the selfe same thing in which they take their delight, is often­times the cause of sorrow unto them and mu [...]h affliction.

13 They have their desert, who for that they immoderately seeke, and follow delights, they doe not obtaine them, but with shame and sorrow.

14 O how short and deceiptfull, how inordinate, and filthy are all those pleasures?

[Page 166] 15 Yea so senselesse and blind are men that they understand it not, but like dumbe beasts, for a litle pleasure of a corruptible life, they incurre the eter­nall death of their soule.

16 Doe not thou therefore, my Sonne, follow thy inordinate concu­piscence, but forsake thine owne will; delight thou in the Lord, and he will give thee thy hearts desire.

17 If thou desire true delight, and to be more plentifully comforted by me, behold, in the contempt of all worldly things, and in the cutting off of all base delights, shall be thy bles­sing, and aboundant comfort shall be given thee.

18 And how much the more thou withdrawest thy selfe from all comfort of creatures, so much the sweeter and more forcible consolations shalt thou find in me.

19 But at first thou canst not at­taine unto them without a certaine griefe, labour, and strife.

20 The old custome will make resistance, and thou must overcome it with another custome that is better. Thy flesh will murmure, but thou must [Page 167] bridle it with fervour of spirit.

21 The old Serpent will sting and trouble thee, but by praier he shall be put to flight: and with profitable la­bour thou shalt shut the doore against him.

Of the humble obedience of a sub­ject, according to the ex­ample of Christ.

SOnne, hee that endeavoureth to withdraw himselfe from obedience, withdraweth himselfe from grace. And he that seeketh to have things in pri­vate, shall loose the common.

2 He that doth not willingly and freely submit himselfe to his Superior, it is a signe that his flesh is not yet per­fectly obedient unto him, but often­times rebelleth and murmureth against him.

3 Learne therefore readily to sub­mit thy selfe to thy Superior, if thou desirest to subdue thine owne Passions.

4 For the outward enemy is sooner overcome, if the inward man be in good estate.

[Page 168] 5 There is no worse enemy, not more troublesome to the soule, then thou unto thy selfe, not agreeing well with the spirit.

6 Thou must of necessity have a true contempt of thy selfe, if thou wilt prevaile against flesh and blood.

7 Because thou lovedst thy selfe as yet too inordinately therefore thou art afraid to resigne thy selfe wholly to the will of others.

8 But what great matter is it if thou that art d [...]st and nothing, submit­test thy selfe to man for God's sake.

9 When I the Almighty and high­est Soveraigne, who created all things of nothing, humbly submitted my selfe unto man for thee?

10 I became the most humble and abject of all men, that thou mightst o­vercome thy pride with thy humility.

11 Learne to obey, thou that art dust. Learne to humble thy selfe thou earth and clay, and put thy selfe under the feet of all men. Learne to breake thine own will, and to yeeld thy selfe to all subjection.

12 Take courage against thy selfe, and suffer not pride to live in thee: but [Page 169] humble and submit thy selfe to all, that every one may goe over thee, and tread thee as dirt of the streets under their feet.

13 Vaine man, what canst thou complain of? what canst thou answer, foule sinner, to them that reprove thee, who hast so often offended God, and so many times deserved hell?

14 But mine eye hath spared thee, because thy soule was precious in my sight: that thou mightest know my love, and alwaies remaine gratefull for my benefits.

15 That thou mightest continual­ly give thy selfe to true subjection and humility, and mightest beare patiently the contempt of thy selfe.

Of the secret Iudgments of God to be considered, lest we be exto [...]ed in our good deeds.

THou thundrest thy Iudgments over me, Lord, and shakest all my bones with feare and trembling, and my soule is fore afraid.

2 I stand astonished, and consider; [Page 170] for that the heavens are not pure in thy sight, If thou hast found wickednesse in Angels, and hast not pardoned them, what shall become of me?

3 Starres fell from heaven, and what doe I presume that am dust? They whose workes seemed laudable, fell in­to the lowest.

4 And I have seene them that did eate the bread of Angels, to be deligh­ted with the husks of swine.

5 There is no sanctity, if thou O Lord, withdrawest thy hand, no wis­dome availeth if thou ceasest to govern.

6 No strength helpeth, if thou lea­vest to defend; no chastitie secure, if thou doest not protect it.

7 No custodie of our owne profi­table, if thy sacred watchfulnesse be not present.

8 For if thou leavest us, we sink and perish; but if thou vouchsafest to vi­sit us, wee are raised up, and do enjoy life.

9 We are inconstant, but by thee we are strengthened: we waxe cold, but by thee we receive heate.

10 O how meanly and basely ought I to think of my self! how litle, yea no­thing [Page 171] ought I to esteem it, if I seeme to have any good!

11 O Lord how ought I to submit my selfe under thy unsearchable Iudg­ments: where I find my selfe to be no­thing else, but nothing, and nothing!

12 O unmeasurable weight! O sea that can never be passed over: where I find nothing in my selfe, but that which is altogether nothing!

13 Where then is the lurking hole of glory? Where is the confidence con­ceived of vertue?

14 All vain-glory is swallowed up in the depth of thy Iudgments, which hang over my head.

15 What is all flesh in thy sight? Shall clay glory against him that fra­meth it? How can he be lifted up with vaine words whose heart is truly sub­ject to God?

16 All the world cannot moove him to any elation of mind, whom truth hath subjected unto it selfe, nei­ther shall he be moved with the tongues of all his praisers, that hath setled his whole hope in God.

17 For they also that speake, be­hold they are all nothing: they shall [Page 172] passe away with the sound of the words, but the truth of our Lord re­maineth for ever.

What we ought to doe, and say in every thing which we desire.

SOnne, say thus in evering thing, Lord, if it be pleasing unto thee, let this be done in this sort, Lord if it be to thy honour, let this be done in thy name!

2 Lord if thou seest it expedient for me, and allowest it to be profitable, then grant unto me, that I may use this unto thine honour!

3 But if thou knowest it will be hurtfull unto me, and not profitable to the health of my soule, take from me all such desire.

4 For every desire proceedeth not from the holy Ghost, though it seeme unto man right and good.

5 It is hard to judge whether a good spirit, or the contrary drive thee to desire this or that:

6 Or whether also by thine owne [Page 173] spirit thou be moved thereunto. Many are deceived in the end, who at the first seemed to be lead by a good spirit.

7 Alwaies therefore, whatsoever occurreth unto thy mind to be desired, let it be desired with the fear of God, and with humility of heart.

8 And above all thou oughtest to commit it unto me with full resignati­on of thy selfe: and thou oughtest to say, Lord, thou knowest what is best, doe this, or that, as thou pleasest.

9 Give what thou wilt, and how much thou wilt, and when thou wilt: Doe with me as thou knowest, and as best pleaseth thee, and is most for thy honour.

10 Set me where thou wilt, and deale with me in all things according to thy will: I am in thy hand, turne me, and turne me againe which way soever thou please.

11 Behold I am thy servant, ready to obey thee in all things: for I desire not to live unto my selfe, but unto thee: and would to God it might be in some worthy and perfect manner.

A Praier for the fulfilling of the will of God.

GRant me grace sweet Iesus, that it may be with me, and labour with me, and persevere with me untill the end.

2 Grant me alwaies to desire and will that which is most acceptable unto thee, and best pleaseth thee.

3 Let thy will be mine, and let my will ever follow thine, and agree perfectly with it.

4 Let my will and [...]ill be all one with thine; & not be able to will, or re­fuse any thing else, but what thou wilt, or rejectest.

5 Grant that I may die to all things that are in the world, and to love for thy sake to be cotemned, and not to be known in this world.

6 Grant that above all things that can be desired, I may rest in thee, and make my heart to enjoy peace in thee.

7 Thou art the true peace of the heart, thou art the only rest: out of thee all things are troublesome and un­quiet.

[Page 175] 8 In this peace, in this very same, that is, in thee, one chiefest, eternall good; I will sleepe and take my rest, AMEN,

That true comfort is to be sought in God alone.

VVHatsoever I can desire, or i­magine for my comfort, I looke not for it in this life, but hereaf­ter.

2 For if I should alone have all the comforts of the world, and might en­joy all the delights thereof, it is certain that they could not long endure.

3 Wherefore my soule, thou canst not be fully comforted, nor have per­fect delight but in God, the comforter of the poore, and the receiver of the humble.

4 Expect a while my soule, expect the divine promise, and thou shalt have abundance of all good things in hea­ven.

5 If thou desire inordinately the things that are present, thou shalt loose the coelestiall and eternall. Have tem­porall [Page 176] things in use, and the eternall in desire.

6 Thou canst not be filled with a­ny temporall goods, because thou art not created to enjoy them.

7 Although thou enjoyest all that is created, yet canst thou not be happy thereby nor blessed, but in God that hath created all things, thy whole be a­titude and happinesse consisteth.

8 Not such as is seene, and com­mended by the foolish lovers of the world; but such as the good faithfull servants of Christ expect, and the spi­rituall, and cleane of heart, whose con­versation is in heaven, sometimes take a tast of before hand.

9 Vaine and short is all humane comfort: Blessed and true is the com­fort which is received inwardly from truth.

10 A devout man every where carrieth with him Iesus his comforter, and saith unto him: Be present with me Lord Iesus in every place, and time!

11 Let this be my comfort to be al­waies willing to want all humane comfort.

12 And if thy comfort be wanting, [Page 177] let thy will and just triall be unto me as the greatest comfort, for thou wilt not be angry alwaies, neither wilt thou threaten for ever.

That all our care is to be placed in God.

SOnne, suffer me to doe with thee what I please, I know what is expe­dient for thee. Thou thinkest as a man, thou judgest in many things as humane affection perswadeth thee.

2 Lord, what thou sayest is true. Thy solicitude for me is greater then all the care that I can take for my selfe.

3 For he standeth at too great a hazard, that casteth not his whole care upon thee Lord.

4 So that my will may remaine right and firme in thee, doe with me whatsoever it shall please thee; for it cannot be but good, whatsoever thou doest with me.

5 If it be thy will I should be in darknesse, be thou blessed: and if it be thy will I should be in light, be thou [Page 178] againe blessed.

6 If thou vouchsafest to comfort me, be thou blessed and if thou wilt af­flict me, be thou also ever blessed.

7 Son, thou oughtest thus to be­have thy selfe, if thou desirest to walke with me, thou must be as ready to suf­fer griefe as to receive joy: Thou ough­test to be as willing to be poore and needy, as plentifull and rich.

8 Lord, I will willingly suffer for thee, whatsoever thy pleasure is shall befall mee.

9 I will receive indifferently from thy hand, good and evill, sweet and sower, delightfull and sorrowfull: and give thee thankes for all that hapneth unto me.

10 Keepe me from all sinne, and I wil neither feare death, nor hell: so as thou doest not for ever cast me from thee, and blot me out of the Book of life, what tribulation soever befall me, shall not hurt me.

That temporall miseries, by the example of Christ, are to be borne patiently.

SOnne, I descended from Heaven for thy health, I tooke upon me thy miseries, my charity and not any ne­cessity drawing me thereunto, that thou mightest learne patience, and not refuse to beare temporall miseries.

2 For from the houre of my birth, until my death on the Crosse, I was not without suffering of griefe. I suffered great want of temporall things: I often heard many complaints against me.

3 I beare patiently shame and re­proaches: for benefits I received in­gratitude; for miracles, blasphemies; for heavenly doctrine, reprehensions.

4 Lord, for that thou wert patient in thy life time, chiefly in fulfilling the commandement of thy Father,

5 It is reason that I miserable sin­ner should have patience in all things according to thy will, and for mine owne health beare the burthen of this corruptible life as long as thou wilt.

[Page 180] 6 For although this present life be burdensome, yet notwithstanding, it is now by thy grace made very easy, and by thy example and footsteps of thy Saints, more plaine and tolerable to the weake.

7 Yea, much more comfortable also, then it was in times past in the old Law, when the gate of heaven remai­ned shut, and the way also to heaven seemed darke, when so few tooke care to seeke after thy Kingdome.

8 Neither they also that then were just, and ordained to be saved, could en­ter into the heavenly glory before thy Passion, & the debt of thy sacred death was discharged.

9 O how great thanks am I bound to give thee, that thou hast vouchsafed to shew unto me, and to all faithful soules a direct and sure way to thy e­verlasting Kingdome!

10 For thy life is our way, and by holy patience we goe unto thee, that art our Crowne,

11 If thou hadst not gone before us and taught us, who would have ta­ken care to follow?

12 Alas how many would stay be­hind, [Page 181] and remain farre off, if they be­held not thy excellent examples.

13 Behold we are yet cold, al­though we have heard of so many of thy wouders, and thy heavenly docu­ments! what would become of us if we had not so great light to follow thee?

Of suffering of injuries, and who is proved to be truly patient [...].

VVHat is it, thou saiest, Sonne [...] Cease to complaine, consi­dering my passion, and that of my other Saints, thou hast not yet made resi­stance unto blood.

2 It is but litle thou sufferest, in comparison of them that have suffered so much, so strongly tempted, so grie­vously afflicted, so many waies tried & exercised.

3 Thou oughtest therefore to call to mind the heavy suffrings of others, that thou maist the easier beare the li­tle adversities which thou sufferest.

4 And if they seem not litle, be­ware [Page 182] lest thy impatience be cause thereof. Yet whether they be litle or great, endeavour to beare all pati­ently.

5 How much the better thou dispo­sest thy selfe to suffering, so much the more wisely thou dost, and so much the more favour doest thou procure.

6 Thou shalt more easily also en­dure it, if thy mind be prepared, and thy selfe accustomed thereunto.

7 Doe not say I cannot suffer these things of such a one, at the hands of such a person, nor such things are not to be suffered by me;

8 For hee hath done mee great wrong, and upbraided me with those things which I never thought of: but of another I will willingly suffer, and as I shall see cause.

9 Such a thought is foolish, it con­sidereth not the vertue of patience, no [...] by whom it shall be crowned, but ra­ther weigheth the persons, and the in­juries offered.

10 He is not truly patient, that will not suffer, but as much as he think­eth good, and by whom he listeth.

11 But he that is indeed patient, [Page 183] mindeth not by whom he is exercised, whether by his superiour, or some of his equalls, or by his inferior; whether by a good and holy man, or by a per­verse and unworthy person.

12 But indifferently from all crea­tures, how much soever, or how often soever any adversity happeneth unto him, he taketh all thankfully as from the hands of God, and esteemeth it a great gaine.

13 For that nothing with God, how little soever, so it be suffered for God, can be without reward.

14 Be thou therefore alwaies pre­pared for to fight, if thou wilt have the victory: Without combat thou canst not attaine unto the Crowne of pa­tience.

15 If thou wilt not suffer, thou refusest to be crowned, but if thou de­sirest to be crowned, fight manfully, and endure patiently.

16 Without labour there is no comming to rest: nor without fight can the victory be obtained.

17 Lord, let that be made possible to me by thy grace, which seemeth im­possible to me by nature.

[Page 184] 18 Thou knowest that I can suf­fer litle, and that I am quickly dismay­ed, when a small adversity ariseth.

19 Let all exercise of tribulation be made pleasing unto mee; and be welcome for thy name: for to suffer and to be troubled for thee, is very pro­fitable for my soule.

Of the acknowledging of our owne infirmity: and of the miseries of this life.

I Will confesse against me my inju­stice, I will confesse unto thee O Lord my infirmity: Oftentimes it is a small matter that discomforteth, and grieveth me.

2 I purpose to resist with courage, but when a small temptation cometh, if bringeth me into very narrow straits.

3 It is sometimes a very trifle, from whence great temptations doe proceed. And whilest I think my selfe somewhat safe, when I least expect it, I finde my selfe sometimes overcome with a small blast.

4 Behold therefore Lord, my hu­mility, [Page 185] & my frailty every way known unto thee.

5 Have mercy on me and deliver me out of the mire of my infirmities, that I stick not fast therein, let me not for ever remain dejected.

6 This is that which oftentimes beareth me back, and confoundeth me in thy sight; for that I am so subiect to fall, and weak in resisting of my pas­sions.

7 And though I doe not altogether consent, yet their continuall assaults are troublesome and grievous unto me, and it is tedious, and a very irksome thing to live thus daily in strife.

8 Hereby my infirmity is made known unto me, for that wicked fan­cies doe alwaies much more easily en­ter in upon me, then they can be cast out againe.

9 O mighty God of Israel, the zealous lover of faithfull soules, let it please thee to consider the labour & sorrow of thy servant, and assist him in all whatsoever he undertaketh.

10 Strengthen me with heavenly force, lest my old man, my miserable flesh, not fully as yet subject to the spi­rit, [Page 186] prevaile and get the upper hand; a­gainst which I ought to fight, as long as I breath in this miserable life.

11 Alas, what a kind of life is this where tribulations and miseries are ne­ver wanting! where all is set with snares, and compassed with enemies?

12 For when one tribulation o [...] temptation goeth away, another com­meth, yea and during the first conflict also, many others come unlooked for, one after another.

13 And how can a life be loved that hath so many afflictions, and is subject to so many calamities and mi­series?

14 How is it called a life that be­getteth so many deaths, and plagues? And yet it is loved, and many seeke to delight themselves therein.

15 The world is oftentimes bla­med, that it is deceiptfull and vaine, and yet it is not easily forsaken, because the inclinations of our flesh doe too much over-rule us.

16 Some things draw us to love it, others to contemne it. To the love of the world doe draw us the concupis­cence of the flesh, the concupiscence [Page 187] of the eyes, and the pride of life:

17 But the paines & miseries that doe justly follow them, cause a ha­tred and loathsomnesse thereof.

18 But alas wicked pleasure over­commeth the mind which is given over to the world, and shee esteemeth it a delight to be under thornes, because she hath neither seene nor tasted the sweetnesse of God, and the inward de­light of vertue.

19 But they that perfectly con­temne the world, and endeavour to live to God under holy discipline,

20 These are not ignorant of the divine sweetnesse, promised to the true forsakers of the world, and doe more cleerely see how grievously the world erreth, and how it is many waies de­ceaved.

That we are to rest in God a­bove all his gifts.

ABove all things, and in all things, my soule, thou shalt ever rest in God, for he is the everlasting rest of the saints.

[Page 188] 2 Grant me most sweet & loving Iesu, to rest in thee above all creatures, above all health and beauty, above all glory and honour;

3 Above all power and dignity, a­bove all knowledge and learning, a­bove all riches and arts, above all joy and gladnesse:

4 Above all fame and praise, a­bove all sweetnesse and comfort, above all hope and promise, above all merit and desire:

5 Above all gifts and presents that thou canst give and impart unto us, a­bove all joy and jubily that the mind of man can receive and feele:

6 Lastly above Angels and Arch­angels, and above all the heavenly Host, above all visible and invisible things, and above all that thou my God art not.

7 For that thou, my Lord God, surpassest all, thou alone art most high, thou alone most powerfull, thou alone most full and sufficient, thou alone most sweet and comfortable,

8 Thou alone most beautifull, and loving, thou alone most noble and glo­rious above all things: in whom all [Page 189] good things together both perfectly, are and ever have been, and shall be.

9 And therefore it is too litle and not sufficient, whatsoever thou bestow­est on me besides thy selfe, or revea­lest unto me of thy selfe, or promisest whiles thou art not seen, and not fully obtained.

10 For surely my heart cannot rest, nor be fully contented unlesse it rest in thee, and surmount all gifts and creatures whatsoever.

11 O my most beloved spouse Christ Iesus, the most chast lover, the governour of all creatures! who will give me wings of true liberty to fly, and rest in thee?

12 O when shall it be fully graun­ted me to consider in quietnes of mind, and see how sweet thou my Lord God art?

13 When shall I fully recollect my selfe in thee, that for thy love I may not feele my selfe, but thee alone, above all sense, and feeling, in a manner not commonly known.

14 But now I oftentimes lament and bear my infelicity with griefe:

15 For that many evills occurre [Page 190] in this vale of miseries, which doe of­ten trouble, grieve, and darken mee;

16 Often hinder and distract me, allure and intangle mee.

17 To the end I should not have free accesse unto thee, and that I should not enjoy those sweet and heavenly imbracings, which thou alwaies givest to the blessed and celestiall spirits. Let my sighs and manifold desolation on earth moove thee.

18 O Iesus, splendor of eternall glory, & comfort of the pilgrime soule, with thee is my tongue without voyce, and my silence speaketh unto thee!

19 How long doth my Lord delay to come! Let him come unto me his poore servant, and make mee glad.

20 Let him put out his hand, and deliver me miserable wretch from all anguish. Come, come blessed Lord: for without thee I shall have no joyfull day, nor houre.

21 Thou art my joy, and without thee there is nothing but want. A wretched creature I am, and in a man­ner imprisoned, and Ioaden with irons.

22 Vntill thou comfortest me with the light of thy presence, and givest me [Page 191] liberty, and shewest a favourable coun­tenance unto me,

23 Letothers seek what they please insteed of thee, but for mee, nothing else doth, nor shall delight mee, but thou only my God, my hope, my e­verlasting health.

24 I will not hold my peace, nor cease to pray, untill thy grace returne a­gaine, and thou speak inwardly unto mee.

25 Behold I am here: behold I come unto thee, because thou hast cal­led upon mee.

26 Thy teares and the desire of thy soule, thy humility, and the con­trition of thy heart, have inclined and brought me unto thee.

27 And I said, Lord I have called thee, and have desired to enjoy thee be­ing ready to forsake all things for thee. For thou first hast stirred me up that I might seeke thee.

28 Blessed be thou therefore O Lord, that hast shewed this goodnes to thy servant, according to the multi­tude of thy mercies.

29 What hath thy servant more to say before thee, but that he doe great­ly [Page 192] humble himselfe in thy sight, and be alwaies mindfull of his owne iniquity and basenesse.

30 For there is none like unto thee in all whatsoever is wonderfull, in heaven and earth. Thy wordes are good, thy judgements true, and by thy providence all things are governed.

31 Praise therefore and glory be unto thee, O wisdome of the eternall Father! let my tongue, my soule, and all creatures together praise and blesse thee.

Of the remembrance of the mani­fold benefits of God.

OPen, O Lord, my heart in thy Law, and teach me to walke in thy commandements.

2 Grant me to understand thy will, and to remember thy benefits, as well in generall, as in particular, with great reverence and diligent conside­ration: that henceforward I may be a­ble worthily to give thee thanks.

3 But I know and confesse, that I am not able to give thee due thanks, for [Page 193] the favours which thou bestowest upon me, even in the least moment.

4 I am lesse then the least of all thy benefits bestowed upon me: and when I consider the excellency of thy Majesty, the greatnesse there of maketh my spirit to faint.

5 All that we have in our soule & body, and whatsoever we possesse out­wardly or inwardly, naturally or spiri­uallyl are thy benefits, & doe praise thee as bountifull, pious, and good, from whom we have received al that is good.

6 Although one hath receaved more, another lesse, all notwithstand­ing are thine, and without thee, even the least cannot be had.

7 He that hath receaved greater, cannot glory of his owne desert, nor extoll himselfe above others, nor in­sult over the lesser.

8 For he is greater and better that ascribeth least unto himselfe, and is more humble and devout in rendring thanks.

9 And he that esteemeth himself basest of all men, and judgeth himselfe most unworthy, is fittest to receave greater blessings.

[Page 194] 10 And he that hath receaved few­er, ought not to be sorry nor beare it impatiently, nor envy them that are enriched with greater store;

11 But attend rather unto thee, & chiefly praise thy goodnesse, for that thou bestowest thy gifts so bountifully, so freely, and so willingly without re­spect of persons.

12 All things proceed from thee, and therefore in all things thou art to be praised; thou knowest what is fit to be given to every one.

13 And why this man hath lesse, and he more, it is not ours, but thine to determine, who dost weigh in just measure the good behaviour of every one.

14 Wherefore my Lord God, I esteeme it as a great benefit not to have much, whereby outwardly and before men I might seeme worthy of praise & glory.

15 So that he, who considereth his own poverty, and basenesse, ought not therefore to conceave griefe, or sorrow, or to be therefore troubled, but rather to take great comfort, and to be glad.

[Page 195] 16 For that thou, O God, hast chosen the poore and humble, and the despised of this world for thy selfe, and for thy familiar and domesticall friends.

17 Witnesses are thy Apostles themselves, whom thou hast appoin­ted Princes over all the earth.

18 And yet they lived without complaint in the world, so humble and simple, o the eyes of men, without all malice and deceipt,

19 That they reioyced to receive contumelies for thy name; and what the world abhorreth, they imbraced with great affection.

20 Nothing therefore ought so to reioyce him that loveth thee, and ac­knowledgeth thy benefits, as the ac­complishment of thy will in himselfe, & the pleasure of thy eternall appoint­ment.

21 Wherewith he ought to be so contented and comforted, that he would as willingly be the least, as any would wish to be the greatest: and as peaceable and content in the last, as in the first place.

22 And as willingly to be despised [Page 196] and contemned, and to be of no esteem or accompt, as to be preferred in ho­nour before all others.

23 And to comfort him more, and please him better, then all the benefits which he hath receaved or can desire.

Of four things that bring much peace.

SOnne now I will teach thee the way of peace and true liberty.

2 Doe Lord, I beseech thee, at thou saiest, for I shall be very glad to heare it.

3 Endeavour my Sonne to doe rather the will of another, then thine own. Ever choose rather to have lesse then more.

4 Alwaies seeke the lowest place, and to be inferior to every one.

5 Wish alwaies, and pray, that the will of God may be wholly fulfilled in thee, behold such a man entreth into the limits of peace and most quiet rest.

6 Lord, this thy short speech con­taineth much perfection, it is litle in words but full in sense, and aboundant in fruit.

[Page 197] 7 For if it could exactly be kept by me, then should I not so easily be trou­bled. For as often as I feele my selfe unquiet, and afflicted, I finde that I have strayed from this doctrine.

8 But thou that canst doe all things, and ever lovest the good and profit of my soule, increase in me thy grace more and more, that I may ful­fill thy words and perfect mine owne health.

A prayer against evill thoughts.

MY Lord God, be not farre from me: my God have regard to help me, for sundry thoughts have risen up against me, and great feares afflicting my soule.

2 How shall I passe through them without hurt? How shall I break through them without danger?

3 I, saith he, will goe before thee, and will humble the glorious of the earth.

4 I will open the doores of the prison, and reveale unto thee the hid­den secrets.

[Page 198] 5 Doe Lord as thou saiest, and let all evill thoughts fly from before thy face.

6 This is my hope, and my only comfort, to fly unto thee in all tribu­lation, to trust in thee, to call upon thee from my heart, & to expect pati­ently thy comfort.

A prayer for the enlightning of the minde.

ENlighten me good Iesu, with the clearnesse of inward light, and ex­pell all darknesse from the habitation of my heart.

2 Represse the many wandring thoughts, and beat downe the fury of the temptations, which violently as­sault me.

3 Fight strongly for mee, and van­quish the euill beasts, that is, the allure­ing concupiscences, that peace may be made by thy vertue, and aboundance of thy praise sound in thy holy Court, which is a pure conscience.

4 Command the windes and tem­pests, say unto the sea, be still: and to the North-wind, blow not; and a [Page 199] great calme shall ensue.

5 Send forth thy light and thy truth, that they may shine upon the earth, for I am an empty and unprofi­table peece of earth, untill thou impar­light unto me.

6 Poure out thy grace from above, wash my heart with heavenly dew, give water of devotion to wash the face of the earth, to bring forth good and perfect fruit.

7 Lift up my minde, overcharged with the weight of sinne: draw up my whole desire to heavenly treasures.

8 That having tasted the sweet­nesse of celestiall happinesse, it may loath to think of earthly vanities.

9 Take me violently to thee, and deliver me from all unstable comfort of creatures: for no created thing can fully quiet and satisfy my desire.

10 Ioyne me unto thee with an unseparable band of love: for thou only fillest the mind of him that loves thee, and without thee all things are vaine and frivolous.

Of flying curious inquiry of the life of others.

SOnne, be not curious trouble not thy self with idle cares. What is this or that to thee? doe thou follow me.

2 For what is it to thee, whether that man be such or no, or whether this man doe, or speak this or that?

3 Thou shalt not need to answer for others, but shalt give accompt of thy selfe, why therefore dost thou trouble thy selfe?

4 Behold I know every one what he is, and doe see all things that are under the sunne.

5 And doe understand how it is with every one, what he thinketh, what he would, and at what his intention aymeth.

6 All things therefore are to be committed unto mee: but doe thou keep thy selfe in good peace, and suf­fer the unquiet to trouble himselfe as much as he will.

7 Whatsoever he shall have done, [Page 201] or said, shall fall upon himselfe, for he cannot deceave me.

8 Desire not too great fame in this world, nor to be known to many, nor to have the private love of men: for these things breed distractions, and cause great darknesse of heart.

9 I would vvillingly utter my words, & reveale my secrets unto thee, if thou diddest▪ diligently observe my comming▪ and diddest open the dore of thy heart unto mee.

10 Be carefull in thy courses, and watch in thy prayers and humble thy selfe in all things.

Wherein doth the firme peace of the heart, and true pro­ficiency consist.

SOnne, I have said, Peace I leave to you, my peace I give to you: not as the world giveth, doe I give to you.

2 All doe desire peace, but all care not for those things that appertain un­to true peace. My peace is with the humble, and meeke of heart.

3 Thy peace shall be in much pa­tience, [Page 202] if thou wilt heare me and fol­low my voice thou maist enjoy much peace.

4 What then shall I doe?

5 In every thing attend unto thy selfe what thou doest and what thou sayest: and direct thy whole intention unto this, that thou maiest please me alone, and desire or seeke nothing out of mee.

6 But of the sayings and doings of others, judge nothing rashly: neither doe thou intangle thy selfe with things not committed unto thee: and doing thus, it may be thou shalt be litle [...] seldome troubled.

7 But never to feele any trouble at all, nor to suffer any griefe of heart or body, is not the state of this life, but of everlasting rest.

8 Think not therefore that thou hast found true peace, if thou feelest no sorrow, nor that then all is well, if thou have no adversary.

9 Nor that it is perfect, if all things be done according to thy desire. Neither doe thou then esteem highly of thy selfe, or imagine thy selfe to be especially beloved, if thou be in great [Page 203] devotion, and sweetnesse:

10 For in these things a true lover of vertue is not tryed: neither doth the proficiency and perfection of man con­sist in having them.

11 Wherein then Lord?

12 In offering thy selfe from the very bottome of thy heart, unto the will of God, not seeking thine owne interest or commodity, neither in great nor litle, neither for a time nor for e­ver.

13 So that with equall counte­nance, thou maist persist in thanksgi­ving, both in prosperity and in adversi­ty, weighing all things with an equall ballance.

14 If thou be of such courage and so patient in hope, that when inward comfort is withdrawn from thee, thou prepare thy heart to suffer greater mat­ters,

15 And not justify thy self, as though thou oughtest not to suffer these, and so great afflictions, but justify me in whatsoever I appoint, and praise my holy name.

16 Then thou walkest in the true and right way of peace: and thou shalt [Page 204] have undoubted hope to see my face a gaine with great ioy.

17 And if thou attaine to the full contempt of thy selfe; then shalt thou enioy as great aboundance of peace, as thy banishment may permit.

Of the excellency of a free mind which humble prayer bet­ter obtaineth then reading.

LOrd, it is the worke of a perfect man, never to slack his mind from the attentive thought of heavenly things, and as it were to passe without care through many cares▪

2 Not faintingly, but with a cer­taine priviledge of a free mind, adhe­ring by inordinate affection to no crea­ture.

3 I beseech thee most mercifull God, preserve me from the cares of this life: least I should be too much intan­gled hereby: and from the many ne­cessities of the body, least I should be enthralled by pleasure.

4 From all hindrances of the soule [Page 205] least broken with troubles I should be dejected and dismayed. I meane not from those things that all worldly va­nity so greatly desireth.

5 But from those miseries, that as punishments, doe weigh downe and hinder the soule of thy servant, with the generall curse of mortality, that it can­not enter into the liberty of the spirit, as often as it would.

6 O my God, the unspeakable sweetnesse, make bitter unto me all carnall comfort, which may draw me away from the love, of everlasting happinesse, and wickedly allure me to it selfe with the force of a certaine pre­sent delight.

7 Let not flesh and blood O my God, let not flesh and blood, Let not the world and the short glory thereof deceive me.

8 Let not the Divel and his sub­tile fraud supplant me. Give me force to resist, patience to suffer, and constancy to persevere.

9 Give me insteed of all the com­forts of the world the most sweet un­ction of thy spirit; and in lieu of carnall love, powre into, my soule the love of thy name.

[Page 206] 10 Behold, meat, drink, cloathe [...] and other necessaries for the mainte­nance of the body, are burden some un­to a fervent spirit.

11 Grant me to affect such nou­rishments in due measure, and not to be intangled with an over-great desire of them.

12 It is not lawfull to renounce them wholly, for that nature is to be sustained: but to desire superfluities, and those things that doe rather delight▪ then sustaine, the Law of God forbid­deth.

3 For otherwise the flesh would re­bell against the spirit: Herein I beseech thee, let thy hand govern me, and teach me, that I may not exceed.

That private love most hindreth from the chiefest good.

SOnne, thou oughtest to give all for all, and to retaine nothing of thy selfe: Know that the love of thy selfe, doth hurt thee more, then any thing in the world.

2 According to the love, and affe­ction [Page 207] thou bearest them, so doth every thing cleave unto thee more or lesse: If thy love be pure, simple, and well ordered, thou shalt be free from bon­dange.

3 Covet not that which thou maist not have: Be not willing to have that which may hinder thee and deprive thee of inward liberty.

4 It is a wonderful thing that thou committest not thy selfe wholly unto me, from the bottome of thy heart, with all things, that thou canst desire or have.

5 Why doest thou consume thy self with vaine griefe? Why tirest thou thy mind with needlesse cares? Stand to my curtesy and thou shalt be no looser by it.

6 If thou seekest this or that, and wouldest be here or there to enjoy thine owne commodity and pleasure, thou shalt never be in quiet, nor free from trouble of mind.

7 For in every thing, somewhat will be wanting, and in every place there will be some that will crosse thee.

8 Not every external thing there­fore attained, and heaped together hel­peth [Page 208] thee: but it rather availeth, if thou despise it, and dost root it out from thy heart.

9 Which thou must not understand only of thy revenewes and wealth, but of the desire of honour also, and vaine praise; all which doe passe away with this fading world.

10 The place availeth litle, if the spirit of fervour be wanting: neither shal that peace which is sought abroad long continue, if the state of thy heart be de­stitute of a true foundation.

11 That is▪ unlesse thou persist in me, thou maist change, but not better thy selfe: For when occasion doth hap­pen, thou shalt find that which thou soughtest to fly, and perhaps more.

A Praier for clensing the heart, and obtaining of heavenly wisdome.

COnfirme me Lord with the grace of thy holy spirit: Give me force to strengthen my inward man and to purge my heart from all unprofitable care and griefe.

2 Not to be drawne away with [Page 209] sundry desires of any thing either litle or great, but to consider all things how they are transitory, and doe quickly fade, and that I my selfe doe also passe away together with them.

3 For nothing is permanent under the sun, where all things are vanity, and affliction of mind: O how wise is he that so considereth them!

4 Grant me Lord heavenly wis­dome, that I may learne above all things to seeke and find thee, above all things to delight in thee, and to love thee, and to think of all created things as they are, according to the disposition of thy wisdome.

5 Grant me prudently to avoid him, that flatters me, and to suffer pa­tiently him that contradicts me.

6 It is great wisdome not to be moved with every blast of words, nor to give eare to dangerous flattery: for so we shall goe one securely in the way which we have begun.

Against the tongue of Slanderers.

SOnne, be not grieved if some think evill of thee, and speake that which thou doest not willingly heare.

2 Thou oughtest to judge the worst of thy selfe, and to think no man wea­ker then thy selfe: If thou walke well inwardly, thou wilt not much esteeme of flying words abroad.

3 It is no small wisdome to be si­lent in time of evill, and inwardly to turne to me, and not to be troubled with the judgment of men.

4 Let not thy peace be in the tongues of men: For whether they judge well or evill, thou art neverthe­lesse alwaies the same.

5 Where is true peace, and true glory? Is it not in me? And he that co­veteth not to please men, nor feareth to displease them, shall enjoy much peace.

6 From inordinate love and vaine feareth ariseth all disquietnesse of the heart, and distraction of the senses.

How we ought to call upon God, and blesse him when tribulation draweth neere.

BLessed (O Lord) be thy name for ever, since it pleaseth thee that this temptation and tribulation should fall upon me.

2 I cannot fly it, but have need to fly to thee, that thou maist helpe me, and turne it to my good.

3 Lord I am now afflicted, and it is not well with me, I am much trou­bled with this present griefe:

4 And now, deare Father, what shall I say? I am taken in narrow straits, save me from this houre: yet therefore came I into this houre, that thou maist be glorified, when I shall be greatly humbled, and by thee delivered.

5 Let it please thee Lord to deli­ver me: for poore wretch that I am, what can I doe, and whither shall I goe without thee?

6 Grant patience Lord, even this time also: Help me my God, and then I will not feare how much soever I be oppressed.

[Page 212] 7 And now in this, what shall I say? Lord, thy will be done: I have wel deserved to be afflicted and grieved.

8 Surely I ought to beare it: and I would to God I might beare it with patience, untill the tempest be passed o­ver, and it become calme.

9 But thy omnipotent hand is a­ble to take this temptation from me, and to▪ asswage the violence thereof, that I utterly sink not under it, as of­tentimes heretofore thou hast done un­to me, my Lord, my Mercy!

10 And how much the more hard it is to me, so much the more easie is this change of thy mighty, hand to thee.

Of craving the divine aide, and confidence of recove­ring grace.

SOnne, I am thy Lord, who doe use to give comfort in the day of tribu­lation: Come unto me, when it is not well with thee.

2 This is that which most of all hindreth heavenly consolation, that thou art slow in turning thy selfe unto praier.

[Page 213] 3 For before thou doest earnestly commend thy selfe to me, thou seekest many comforts, and delightest thy selfe in outward things.

4 And hence it proceedeth that all doth litle profit thee, untill thou consi­der that I am he, that deliver those that trust in me.

5 And that out of me there is nei­ther powerfull help, nor profitable counsell, nor remedy that can conti­nue.

6 But now thou having recovered breath after the tempest, gather strength againe in the light of my mercies:

7 For I am at hand, saith our Lord, to repaire all things, not only en­tirely, but also abundantly, in a very plentifull measure.

8 Is there any thing hard to me? or am I like unto him that promiseth and performeth not?

9 Where is thy faith? Be firme and constant, take courage and be patient, comfort will be given thee in due time.

10 Attend me, expect, I will come and cure thee: It is a temptation that vexeth thee: and a vaine feare that af­frighteh thee.

[Page 214] 11 What else doth the care for fu­ture incertainties bring thee, but sorrow upon sorrow? Sufficient for the day is the evill thereof.

12 It is a vaine and unprofitable thing to be grieved, or to rejoyce for fu­ture things, that perhaps will never happen.

13 But it is incident to man, to be deluded with such imaginations: and a signe of litle courage to be so easily drawne away by the suggestion of the enemy.

14 For he careth not so he delude and deceive thee, whether it be true or false which he proposeth: whether he o­verthrow thee with the love of present or the feare of future things.

15 Let not therefore thy heart be troubled, neither doe thou feare: Believe in me and put thy trust in my mercy.

16 When thou thinkest thy selfe furthest off from me, oftentimes I am neerest unto thee.

17 When thou judgest that al­most all is lost, then oftentimes grea­test hope of obtaining is at hand. All is not lost when any thing falleth out [Page 215] contrary unto thee.

18 Thou must not judge accor­ding to that which thou feelest for the present, nor give thy selfe over to any griefe from whence soever it commeth, as though all hope of delivery were quite gone.

19 Think not thy selfe wholly left although for a time I have sent thee some tribulation, or withdrawne thy desired comfort; for this is the way to the Kingdome of heaven.

20 And without doubt, it is more expedient for thee, and the rest of my servants, that ye be exercised with ma­ny adversities, then that yee should have all things according to your de­sires.

21 I know the secret thoughts of thy heart, and that it is very expedient for thy soules health, that thou be left sometimes without tast and feeling of spirituall sweetnesse;

21 Least perhaps thou shouldest be puffed up with good successe, and shouldest please thy selfe in that which thou art not.

22 That which I have given, I can [Page 216] take away, and restore it againe when I please.

5 When I give it, it is mine; when I withdraw it, I take not any thing that is thine: for mine is every good, and every perfect gift.

8 If I send thee affliction or any crosse whatsoever, repine not, nor let thy heart be dismaied.

25 I can quickly lift thee up a­gaine, and turne all thy sorrow into joy.

26 Neverthelesse I am just, and greatly to be praised, when I doe all this unto thee.

27 If thou be wise, and consider thy case truly, thou wilt never yeeld so cowardly to griefe, for any adversity that befalls thee, but rather rejoyce & give thanks.

28 Yea to accompt this thy only ioy, that afflicting thee with sorrowes, I doe not spare thee.

29 As my Father hath loved me, I also love you, said I unto my beloved Disciples, whom certainly I sent not to temporall ioyes, but to great con­flicts:

30 Not to honours, but to con­tempts [Page 217] not to idlenesse, but to labours: not to rest, but to bring much fruit in patience. My Sonne, remember these words.

Of the contempt of all creatures to find our Creatour.

LOrd, I stand yet in need of grea­ter grace, if I must goe so farre as that no man or creature can hinder me;

2 For as long as any thing holdeth me, I cannot fly freely unto thee. He desired to fly with great liberty that said, who will give me wings like a dove, and I will fly and rest? What thing more quiet then a simple eye? and what more free, then he that desir­eth nothing upon earth.

3 Man ought therefore to ascend above all creatures, and perfectly to forsake himselfe, and to remaine in ex­cesse of mind.

4 And consider that thou, who are the maker of all things, hast nothing amongst creatures like unto thee.

[Page 218] 5 And unlesse a man be free from the affection of all creatures, he cannot with freedome of mind, attend unto divine things.

6 And for this cause there are so few contemplative men to be found: for that few can wholly sequester themselves from fading creatures.

7 Much grace is necessary to lift up a soule, and to carry it above it selfe.

8 Vnlesse a man be lifted up in spirit, and delivered from all creatures, and wholly united unto God: whatso­ever he hath, is of litle accompt.

9 Long shall he be litle, and lye in earthly basenesse, that esteemeth a­ny thing great, but the only unmeasu­rable and eternall good.

10 For whatsoever is not God is nothing, and ought to be accounted as nothing.

11 There is great difference be­tween the wisdome of a spirituall and devout person, and the knowledge of a learned and studious Clerke.

12 Farre more noble is that learn­ing which floweth from above, from the divine influence, then that which [Page 219] is painefully gotten by the wit of man.

13 There are many that desire contemplation, but they endeavour not to exercise those things that are requi­red thereunto.

14 It is a great hinderance that we rest in signes and sensible things, and make litle account of true mortifica­tion.

23 I know not what it is, nor by what spirit we are led, nor what we pretend, we that seeme to be called spi­rituall.

24 That we take so much paines, and so great care for transitory and base things, and scarce or seldome thinke of our inward profit, with full colle­ction of our senses.

25 Alas, presently after a sleight recollection, we break forth; & weigh not our works with diligent examina­tion.

26 We mind not where our affe­ctions lye: nor bewaile the impurity of many faults that are in all our actions.

27 For all flesh had corrupted her way, and therefore did that generall floud ensue.

28 Sith our inward affection then [Page 220] is much corrupted, it must needs be that our action proceeding thereof, be corrupted, as a signe of the want of in­ward vigour.

29 From a pure heart proceedeth the fruit of good life.

30 We aske how much one hath done: but how vertuous his actions are, is not so diligently considered.

31 We inquire whether he be strong, rich, beautifull, handsome, a good writer, a good singer, or a good labourer;

31 But how poore he is in spirit, how patient, and meeke, how devout and spirituall, is seldome spoken of.

32 Nature respecteth outward things, grace turneth her selfe to the inward vertues: That is often decea­ved: this hath her trust in God, to the end she be not deceaved.

Of the deniall of our selves, and for­saking all our affections.

SOnne, thou canst not possesse perfect liberty, unlesse thou wholly deny thy selfe.

[Page 221] 2 All such as be lovers of them­selves are bound in setters, they are co­vetous, curious, wanderers, seekers of ease, and not of those things that ap­pertaine to Iesus Christ.

3 But oftentimes devising, and framing that which will not continue, for all shall perish that proceedeth not from God.

4 Keep this short and compleat word, forsake all and thou shalt finde all.

5 Leave thy inordinate desires, & thou shalt finde rest▪

6 Consider this well: and when thou hast fulfilled it, thou shalt under­stand all.

7 Lord this is not one daies work nor childrens sport: yea in this short sentence all the perfection of religious persons is included.

8 Sonne, thou must not goe back nor straitwaies be deiected, when thou hearest the way of the perfect; but ra­ther be stirred up to more noble at­tempts▪ or at least to conceave an ear­nest desire thereof:

9 I would it were so well with thee, and thou wert come so farre, that [Page 222] thou wert no longer a lover of thy self, but didst stand meerely at my beck, & at his whom I have appointed a Father over thee,

10 Then thou shouldest exceed­ingly please me, and all thy life would passe away in joy and peace.

11 Thou hast yet many things to forsake, which unlesse thou wholly re­signe over unto me, thou shalt not at­tain to that which thou desirest.

12 I counsell thee to buy of me purified gold, that thou maist become rich, that is, heavenly wisdome, which treadeth under foot all base and earth­ly things.

13 Set litle by the wisdome of this world, and esteeme not of the con­tentment of men, nor thine own fan­cies.

14 I said, that thou shouldest buy the mean and base things, in steed of those things that are precious, & highly esteemed amongst men:

15 For true heavenly wisdome seemeth very base, and of small ac­compt, and is scarce thought of by men.

16 For that esteemeth not highly [Page 223] it selfe, nor seeketh to be magnified upon earth.

17 Which many praise from the teeth outward, but in their life they are farre from it: yet is it the pretious pearle which is hidded from many.

Of inconstancy of heart, and of di­recting our finall intentions unto God.

SOnne, trust not to thy affection: that which now is, will quickly change into another.

2 As long as thou livest thou art subject to mutability, even against thy will.

3 So that now thou art merry, now sad, now quiet, now troubled, now devout, now distracted, now di­ligent, now idle, now heavy, now light.

4 But he that is wise, and well in­structed in the spirit, remaineth alwaies one in the midst of these changes, not heeding what he seeketh in himselfe, or which way the winde of mutability bloweth.

[Page 224] 5 But that the whole intention of his minde, may tend as it ought, to the most perfect and best end.

6 For so he may continue one, and the selfe same, without any change in the midst of so many: sundry chances, directing alwaies the sincere eye of his intention unto me.

7 And how much purer the eye of the intention is, so much the more constantly doth he passe through the variety of many contrary waves.

8 But in many things the eye of a sincere intention waxeth blind, for it quickly looketh upon some delight­some object that occurreth.

9 And it is rare to find one that is wholly free from all blemish of seek­ing himselfe.

10 So the Iewes in times past came into Bethania to Martha & Mary, not for Iesus alone, but to see Lazarus also.

11 The eye of our intention there­fore, is to be purged, that it may be sincere and pure, and to be directed un­to me, neglecting the multitude and [...]ariety of earthly objects.

That God is sweet above all things, and in all things, to him that loveth.

BEhold my God, and behold all things! What would I have more, and what more happy thing can I de­sire?

2 O sweet and comfortable word! but to him that loveth the word, not the world, nor those things that are in the world.

3 My God, and all things! Inough is said to him that understandeth, and it is pleasant to him that loveth, to re­peat it often.

4 For when thou art present, all things doe yeeld delight, but when thou art absent, all becomes irksome. Thou givest quiet of heart and much peace, and pleasant joy.

5 Thou makest men thinke well of all, and praise thee in all things: neither can any thing please us long without thee.

6 But if it be pleasant and delight­some, thy grace must be present, and it [Page 226] must be seasoned with the sweetnesse of thy wisdome.

7 what can be distastfull unto him, to whom thou art pleasing? And whom thou delightest not to him, what can be pleasant?

8 But the wise of the world, & they that have their contentment in sensuall things, cannot attain to thy wisdome, for in the world is much vanity, and in the flesh is death.

9 But they that follow thee by the contempt of worldly things, and mor­tification of the flesh, are proved to be truly wise; for they are changed from vanity to truth, from flesh to spirit.

10 To these God is sweet, and what good soever is found in creatures, they wholly referre unto the praise of their Maker.

11 Notwithstanding great, yea very great is the difference between the sweetnes of the Creatour, and of the creature, of eternity and of time, of un­created and created light.

12 O everlasting light, surpassing all created lights, cast forth the beams of thy brightnesse from above, and pierce the most Mward corners of my heart.

[Page 227] 13 Purify, rejoyce, clarify and quicken my spirit with all the powers thereof, that I may cleave unto thee with excesse of unspeakable joy.

14 O when will that blessed and desired houre come, that I may be fil­led with thy presence, and thou maist be unto me all in all!

15 As long as this is not granted me, I shall not have full nor perfect joy. Alas! my old man yet liveth in mee, he is not wholly crucified, he is not perfectly dead;

16 He doth yet covet strongly a­gainst the spirit, & moveth civill wars, and suffereth not the Kingdome of my soule to be in peace.

17 But thou that rulest the pow­ers of the sea, and asswagest the mo­tions of the waves, rise and help me.

18 Dissipate the people that desire warre, and destroy them in thy might, and let thy hand be glorified: for there is no hope nor refuge for me, but in thee, my Lord God.

That there is no security from temp­tation in this life.

SOnne, there is no security in this life: as long as thou livest thou shalt al­waies have need of spirituall armour.

2 Thou livest among enemies, & art assaulted on all sides: if thererefore thou defendest not thy selfe on every side with the shield of patience, thou canst not be long unwounded.

3 Moreover if thou sixe not thy heart on me with a sincere will to suf­fer all things for me, thou canst not su­staine the heat of this battaile, nor get that victorious crown which they have that are in glory.

4 Thou oughtest therefore man­fully to goe through all, and to use a strong hand against whatsoever with­standeth thee.

5 For to him that overcometh is given Manna, and to the negligent is left much woe.

6 If thou seekest rest in this world, how wilt thou then attain to everlast­ing rest? Give not thy selfe to much [Page 229] ease, but to much patience.

7 Seek true peace, not in earth, but in heaven; not in men, nor in any crea­ture, but in God alone.

8 Thou oughtest for the love of God willingly to undergoe whatsoever labours, to endure whatsoever griefes, temptations, vexations, anxieties, ne­cessities, infirmities, injuries, detracti­ons, reprehensions, humiliations, con­fusions, corrections, and contempts.

9 These helpe to the attaining of vertue: these try a Novice of Christ, these make up an heavenly Crowne.

10 I will give an everlasting reward for a short labour, and infinite glory for transitory confusion.

11 Thinkest thou, that thou shalt alwaies have spirituall consolations at will? My Saints had not so, but many afflictions, and sundry temptations, and many discomforts.

12 All which they endured pati­ently, and trusted rather in God, then in themselves: knowing that the suffe­rings of this time are not worthy to ob­tain future glory.

13 Wilt thou have that straight waies, which many, after teares, and [Page 230] great labours have hardly obtained, Expect the comming of thy Lord, do manfully, be of good courage.

14 Feare not, doe not fly, but offer both body & soul for the glory of God; I will reward thee in most plen­tifull manner, and I will be with thee in all thy tribulations.

Against the vaine-Iudgments of men.

SOnne, sixe thy heart stedfastly on God, and feare not the judgments of men, when thy conscience giveth te­stimony of thy justice and innocen­cie.

2 It is a good and a happy thing to suffer in that sort; neither will it be burdensome to an humble mind, nor to him that trusteth rather in God, then in himselfe.

3 The most part of men are given to talke much, and therefore litle care is to be had of their words: neither is it possible to satisfie all.

4 Though the Apostle endeavour to please all in our Lord, and made [Page 231] himselfe all unto all, yet he litle regar­ded that he was judged by humane judgment.

5 He did for the edification and health of others, as much as he could and lay in him yet could he not hinder, but that he was sometimes judged, and despised by others.

6 Therefore he committed all to God, who knew all, and defended him­selfe with patience, & humility against evill tongues, and such as thought va­nities and lies, and spake what they li­sted.

7 Yet sometimes notwithstanding he answered, lest the weake might have received scandall by his silence.

8 Who art thou that fearest mortal man? to day he is, and to morrow he is not seene. Feare God and the terrour of men shall not trouble thee.

9 What harme can the words or injuries of any doe thee? he rather hur­teth himselfe then thee: neither can he avoid the Iudgments of God, be lie what he will.

10 Have thou God before thine eyes, and contend not with complai­ning words.

[Page 232] 11 I am able to deliver thee from all shame and wrong, and to repray eve­ry one according to, their workes.

12 And if for the present thou see­mest to be trodden downe, and to suf­fer shame and confusion without desert doe not repine, neither doe thou lessen thy crowne by thy impatience, but ra­ther lift up thine eyes to mee in hea.

Of a full and pure resignation of our selves for the obtaining free­dome of heart:

SOnne, leave thy selfe, and thou shalt find me. Make choice of nothing, ap­propriate nothing to thy selfe, and thou shalt ever gaine.

2 For greater grace shall alwaies he given thee, when thou doest per­fectly resigne thy selfe, and not turne back to take thy selfe againe.

3 Lord, how often shall I re­signe my selfe? and wherein shall I forsake my selfe? Alwaies and in every thing, as well in litle as in great.

4 I doe accept nothing, but doe require that thou be as it were naked and void of all things.

[Page 233] 5 Otherwise, how canst thou be perfectly mine, and I thine, unlesse both within and without thou be free from all selfe-will?

6 And how much the sooner thou doest this, so much the better shalt thou find thy selfe, and how much the more fully & sincerely thou doest it, so much the more shalt thou please me, and so much the more shalt thou gaine.

7 Some there are that resigne themselves, but with some exception: For they put not their whole trust in God, and therefore doe labour to pro­vide for themselves.

8 Some also at the first doe offer all, but afterwards being affailed with temptations, doe returne againe to that which they had left, and therefore they goe not afterwards in the way of ver­tue.

9 These shall not attaine to the true liberty of a pure heart, nor to the grace of my divine familiarity, unlesse they first make an entire resignation, and offer themselves a daily sacrifice un­to me.

10 For without this can never be obtained the union with me, where­with my Saints enjoy me.

[Page 234] 11 I have often said unto thee, and now againe I say the same: Forsake thy selfe, resigne thy selfe, and thou shalt enjoy great internall peace.

12 Give all for all, seeke nothing, require nothing, repose thy selfe purely and with a full confidence in me, and I will give my selfe unto thee, and darknesse shall not cover thee.

13 Let this be thy whole endea­vour, let this be thy praier, let this be thy desire.

14 That casting off all proprietie, thou maist all naked follow thy naked Saviour Iesus: and dying to thy selfe, maist live eternally to me.

15 Then shall vaine fantasies, evil perturbations, and all superfluous cares fly away, then shall immoderate feare leave thee, and inordinate love shall die.

Of good government of outward things, and of recourse to God in dangers.

SOnne, thou oughtest with all dili­gence to procure, that in every place and action, or externall businesse, thou be inwardly free, and master of thy self, and that all things be under thy dispo­sition, and thou not subject to them.

2 That thou maist be Lord and Master of thy actions, not a servant or a hireling, but rather a freeman, and a true Hebrew belonging to the lot and freedome of the Sons of God;

3 Who put the things that are pre­sent under their feet, and place their thoughts on that which is eternall; who look on transitory things with the left eye, and with the right doe behold the things of heaven.

4 Who depend not upon tempo­rall things but make such things de­pend upon them and serve them.

5 As they are ordained by God, and appointed by the Creator of all, who hath left nothing in his creatures [Page 236] without due order.

6 If thou remaine firme and sted­fast in all events, and doest not weigh by the outward appearance, nor with a carnall eye, the things which thou seest and hearest,

7 But presently in every occasion doest enter with Moses into the Ta­bernacle to aske counsell of our Lord, thou shalt sometimes heare the divine and celestiall oracle, and shalt re­turne instructed of many things, both present and to come.

8 Moses had alwaies recourse to the Tabernacle for the deciding of all doubts, and obscure questions, and fied to the help of praier, for the remedy of the iniquity and dangers of men.

9 So oughtest thou in like manner to fly to the closet of thy heart, earnest­ly craving the divine favour.

10 For the Scripture testifieth, that therefore was Iosue and the children of Israell deceived by the Giboanites, because they consulted not first with God, but giving too lightly credit to faire words, were deluded with counter­feit piety.

That a man be not over earnest in his affaires.

SOn, alwaies commit thy cause to me I will dispose well of it in due time, expect my ordination, and thou shalt find it will be for thy good.

2 Lord, I doe most willingly commit all unto thee, for my care can profit litle: O that I cleaved not too much to future events, but oftered my selfe with all readinesse of mind to thy divine pleasure!

3 Sonne, oftentimes a man doth earnestly labour for that which he de­sireth, and when he hath gotten it, he beginneth to be of another mind, and not to esteeme so much of it, as before he did.

4 For mans affections doe not long continue fixed on one thing, but doe passe from one to another.

5 It is therefore a matter, not of least moment, to forsake our selves even in the least things.

6 The true spirituall profit of man consisteth in denying and forsaking of [Page 238] himselfe: and he that is thus resigned up liveth in great freedome and securi­tie.

7 But the ancient enemie, who al­waies laboureth to withstand the ser­vants of God, omitteth at no time his wonted temptations, but day and night lieth still in waite, to cast the unwary, if he can, into the snare of deceipt: Watch therefore and pray, saith our Lord, that you enter not into tempta­tion.

That man hath no good of him­selfe, nor any thing where­of he can glory.

LOrd, what is man, that thou art mindfull of him, or the son of man, that thou vouchsafest to visit him? What hath man deserved that thou shouldest give him thy grace?

2 Lord, what cause have I to com­plaine, if thou forsake me? or if thou dost not that which I desire, what can I justly say against it?

3 Surely, this I may truly think and say: Lord, I am nothing, I can doe [Page 239] nothing, I have nothing that is good of my selfe.

4 But in all things I doe faile, and am defective, and doe ever tend to no­thing: and unlesse thou helpe me, and doest inwardly instruct me, I become cold, and am dissolved.

5 But thou, O Lord, art alwaies the same, and endurest for ever, alwaies good, just, and holy, doing all things well, justly, and holily, and disposing al things with wisdome.

6 But I that am more inclined to fall, then to goe forwards, doe never continue in one estate: for seven different times are changed over me, yet doth it soone turne to the better, when it so pleaseth thee, and when thou vouchsafest to stretch forth thy helping hand.

7 For thou alone canst help me without the favour of man, and so strengthen me, that my countenance shall be no more changed, but my heart shall be converted, and rest in thee a­lone.

8 Wherefore if I could once per­fectly forsake all humane comfort, ei­ther for the love of devotion, or for [Page 240] mine owne necessitie, which inforceth me to seeke after thee (for none else can comfort me) then might I well hope in thy grace, and rejoyce in the gift of new consolation.

9 Thankes be unto thee, from whence all proceedeth, as often as it go­eth well with me: but I am meere vani­ty, and nothing before thee, an uncon­stant and weake man.

10 Whereof then can I glory? Of why doe I desire to be esteemed of? Is it not of nothing? And this is most vaine.

11 Truly, vain-glory is an evill plague and very great vanity, because it draweth from true glory, and robbeth the soule of heavenly grace.

12 For whilst a man pleaseth him­selfe, he displeaseth thee: whilst he ga­peth after the praise of men, he is de­prived of true vertue.

13 But true glory & holy exultation, is for a man to glory in thee, and not in himselfe, to rejoyce in thy name, and not in his owne vertue, nor to delight in any creature, but for thee.

14 Praised be thy name, not mine: magnified be thy worke, not mine: let [Page 241] thy holy name be for ever blessed, but to me let no part of mens praises be given.

15 Thou art my glory, thou art the joy of my heart: In thee will I glo­ry and rejoyce all the day; but for my selfe I will not joye, but in my infirmi­ties.

16 Let the Iewes seeeke the glo­ry, which one man giveth to another: I will desire this, which is from God alone.

17 For all humane glory, all tem­porall honour, all worldly highnesse, compared to thy eternall glory, is va­nity and folly.

18 O my truth, my mercy, my God, most blessed Trinity, to thee a­lone be all praise, honour, vertue, and glory for all eternity!

Of the contempt of all temporall honours.

SOnne, trouble not thyselfe, if thou seest others honoured and advan­ced, and thy selfe contemned and de­based.

[Page 242] 2 Lift up thy heart unto me in heaven, and the contempt of men in earth will not grieve thee. Lord, we are blind, and quickly seduced with vanity.

3 If I look well into my selfe, I cannot say, that any creature hath done me wrong, and therefore I cannot justly complain of thee:

4 But because I have often and grievously sinned against thee, all crea­tures doe justly take armes against me, for shame and contempt is due unto me, but unto thee praise honour and glory.

5 And unlesse I doe so prepare my selfe, that I be willing, and doe rejoyce to be despised and forsaken of all crea­tures, and to be esteemed nothing at all, I cannot obtain internall strength and peace, nor be spiritually enlightned, nor wholly united unto thee.

That our peace is not to be pla­ced in men.

SOnne, if the peace thou hast with a­ny, be grounded on the opinion [Page 243] which thou hast of him, or on the con­tentment thou receavest in his compa­ny, thou shalt ever be unconstant and subject to disquiet:

2 But if thou have recourse unto the ever-living and eternall truth, a friend going from thee or dying shall not grieve thee.

3 The love of thy friend ought to rest in me, and for me is he to be be­loved whosoever he be whom thou thinkest well of, and is verily deare un­to thee in this life.

4 No friendship can availe, or continue without me; neither is the love true and pure, which they have, whose hearts are not joyned together by me.

5 Thou oughtest to be so dead to such affections of beloved friends, that (forasmuch as appertaineth unto thee) thou shouldest wish to be without all company of men.

6 Man approacheth so much the neerer unto God, how much the far­ther off he departeth from all earthly comfort.

7 So much the higher also he as­cendeth unto God, by how much the [Page 244] lower he descendeth into himselfe, and how much the baser he is in his own conceipt:

8 But he that attributeth any good unto himselfe, hindreth the comming of Gods grace into him, for the grace of the holy Ghost ever seeketh an humble heart.

9 If thou coulde [...]st perfectly anni­hilate thy selfe, and purge thy selfe of all created love, then should there flow into thee great abundance of my grace.

10 When thou castest thy eyes on creatures, the sight of thy Creator is taken from thee.

11 Learne to overcome thy selfe in all things for the love of thy Crea­tor, and then shalt thou be able to at­taine to heavenly knowledge.

12 How litle soever it be, if it be inordinately loved and regarded, it de­fileth the soule, and hindreth the en­joying of the chiofest good.

Against vaine and secular knowledge.

SOnne, let not the faire speeches, & subtile sayings of men move thee; for the Kingdome of God consisteth not in words, but in vertue.

2 Observe well the words which I speake: for they inflame the heart, and enlighten the mind, induce com­punction, and bring sundry comforts.

3 Doe thou never read to shevv thy selfe learned or wise: but labour to mortify thy vices, for that will profit thee more, then the knowledge of ma­ny hard and difficult questions.

4 When thou shalt have read and known many things, thou oughtest e­ver to returne to one begining.

5 I am he, that teacheth man all knowledge; and doe give to litle ones a more cleare understanding, then can be taught by man.

6 He therefore to whom I speak, shall quickly be wise, and shall profit much in spirit. Woe be to them, that inquire many curious things of men, [Page 246] and doe litle desire to know the way how to serve me.

7 The time will come, when the Maister of Maisters shall appear, Christ the Lord of Angels, to hear the lessons of all, that is, to examine the consci­ences of every one.

8 And then he will search Hieru­salem with a candle, and the hidden things of darknesse shall be laid open, and the inventions of tongues shall be silent.

9 I am he that in an instant doe raise up the humble mind, to under­stand more reasons of the everlasting truth, then can be gotten by ten years study in schooles.

10 I teach without noise of words, without confusion of opinions, without ambition of honour, without conten­tion of arguments.

11 I am he that teacheth to de­spise earthly things, to loath things present, to seeke the everlasting, to de­light in the things that are eternall.

12 To flye honours, to suffer scandalls, to place all hope in me, to desire nothing out of me, and above all things servently to love me.

[Page 247] 13 For one by loving me entirely, learned divine things, and spake won­ders: he profited more in forsaking all things, then in studying subtilties.

14 To some I speak ordinary things, to others, things more rare to some I appear sweetly by signes and figures, but to some I reveale mysteries with much light.

15 The voice of books is one, but it teacheth not all men alike: For I am the internall teacher, I am the Truth, the searcher of the heart, the understander of thoughts, the setter forwards of good works, distributing to every one according to my will.

Of not drawing outward things to our selves.

SOnne, in many things thou oughtest to be ignorant, and esteeme thy selfe as dead upon earth, and as one to whom the world is crucified.

2 Thou must also passe over ma­ny things with a deafe eare, and rather think of that which appertaineth to thy peace.

[Page 248] 3 It is more profitable to turne thine eyes from the sight of unpleasing things, and to leave unto every one his own opinion, then to strive with con­tentious words.

4 If thou standest well with God, and considerest his judgements, thou shalt the more easily yeeld to the will of others.

5 O Lord, to what an estate are we come! Behold, we bewaile a tem­porall losse, and for a little gaine wee toile and spare no labour, and the spi­rituall damage of our soule is forgotten, and hardly at length called to mind.

6 That which litle or nothing pro­fiteth, is alwaies remembred, and that which is chiefly necessary, is negligent­ly passed over.

7 Because mans nature carrieth him to externall things, and unlesse he quickly returne unto himselfe, he ly­eth drowned in them with delight.

That credit is not to be given to all men: and how prone man is to offend in words.

HElp me Lord, in my tribulation, for vaine is the defence of man. How often have I been deceaved, find­ing want of faith, where I thought it sure? And how often have I found faith, where I least expected it?

2 It is vaine therefore to trust in men, but the safety of the just, O Lord, is in thee. Blessed be thou my God, in all things that befall us! We are weak and inconstant, quickly deceaved, and soone changed.

3 Who is he, that is able so warily to keep himselfe, that he never fall into any deceipt or doubt? But he that trusteth in thee, O Lord, and seeketh thee with a pure heart, doth not easily fall.

4 And if he fall into any tribula­tion, be he never so much inthralied, yet he shall quickly be delivered or comforted by thee, for thou wilt not forsake him for ever that trusteth in thee.

[Page 250] 5 The friend is rare to be found, that continueth faithfull in his friends distresse, but thou, O Lord, thou alone art faithfull at all times, and there is none like unto thee.

6 O how wise was that holy soule that said: My mind is firmely setled and grounded in Christ! If it were so with: mee then would not human feare so easily trouble me, nor words move me.

7 Who can foresee all things? who is able to beware beforehand of fu­ture evills? If things even foreseen doe oftentimes hurt us, how can things un­looked for choose but wound us grie­vously?

8 But why did (not provide bet­ter for my selfe, [...] why also have I so easily given credit [...]o o­thers?

9 But alas we are men, and God knoweth weak & f [...]ile men, although by to any we are reputed and called An­gels.

10 To whom shall I [...] credit Lord? to whom but to thee? Thou art the truth that neither dost deceave, not canst be deceaved.

[Page 251] 11 And on the other side, every man is a lyar, weak, unconstant, and subject to fall, especially in words, and therefore we must not easily give cre­dit even to that, which in outward shew seemeth at the first a certaine truth.

12 O with how great wisdome hast thou warned us to take heed of men? and because the enemies of man are his familiar & domesticall acquain­tance, not to trust, if one should say, Behold here, or behold there.

13 I am taught to my cost, and I would to God I might thereby increase my care, and not my folly.

14 Be wary, saith one, be wary, keep unto thy selfe what I tell thee.

15 And whilest I hold my peace, and think it is secret, he cannot keep that secret, which he desired should be secret, but presently disoloseth me and himselfe, and goeth his way.

16 From such tales, and such im­provident people, protect me Lord, that I fall not into their hands, nor e­ver commit such errors.

17 Give me grace my God to ob­serve truth, and constancy in my words and remove far from me a deceiptfull [Page 252] tongue. What I am not willing to suf­fer, I ought by all means to avoid.

18 O how good and quiet a thing it is to be silent, and not to talke of o­thers, nor to believe all that is said, nor easily to report what we have heard.

19 To lay ones selfe open to few, alwaies to seeke after thee, the behol­der of the heart? not to be carried about with every wind of words, but to de­sire that all things both within & with­out, be accomplished according to thy will and pleasure.

20 How secure is it for the keep­ing of heavenly grace, to fly the sight of men, and not to seeke those things, that seeme to cause admiration abroad, but to follow that withall diligence, which bringeth amendment of life, and in­crease of fervour.

21 To how many hath vertue known and overhastily commended been hurtfull? How profitable hath grace been, kept with silence in this mortall life, which is nothing but a perpetuall temptation and a warfare?

Of putting our trust in God, whom evill words arise.

SOnne, be constant, and put thy trust in me: For what are words, but words? They passe through the aire, but hurt not. If thou be guilty, de­termine willingly to amend thy selfe▪ if thou be innocent, resolve to suffee this willingly at least for God.

2 It is a small matter to suffer sometimes a few words, if thou hast not yet the courage to endure stripes.

3 And why doe small matters goe to thy heart, but for that thou art yet carnall, and regardest men more then thou oughtest?

4 Because thou art afraid to be despised, therefore thou wilt not be re­prehended for thy faults, and therefore seekest shadowes of excuses.

5 But look better unto thy felfe and thou shalt see, that the world yet liveth in thee, and a vaine desire to please men.

6 For when thou refusest to be humbled, and reproved for thy faults, [Page 254] it is surely evident, that thou art nei­ther truly humble, nor dead to the world, nor the world perfectly crucifi­ed to thee.

7 But give diligent eare to my words, and thou shalt litle respect ten thousand words spoken by men

8 Behold if all should be spoken a­gainst thee that could be most malici­ously invented, what would it hurt thee, if thou sufferedst it to passe, and madest no reckoning at all of it? Could all those words pluck as much as one haire from thy head?

9 But he that hath not his heart within him, nor God before his eyes, is easily moved with every litle dis­praise, when as he that trusteth in me, and trusteth not in his own judge­ment, shall be free from humane feares.

10 For I am the Iudge and dis­cerner of all secrets: I know how the matter passed, I know him that offereth the injury, and him that suffereth it.

11 From me hath this word pro­ceeded, this hath happened by my per­mission, that out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed.

[Page 255] 12 I shall judge the guilty and the innocent, but by a secret judgement I would before hand try them both.

13 The testimony of men often­times deceaveth, my judgement is al­waies true, it shall stand and not be o­verthrowne.

14 It is commonly hidden and se­cret, and not known in every thing but to few; notwithstanding it never er­reth, neither can it erre, although to the eyes of the foolish it seemes not right.

15 Men ought therefore to return to me in every judgement, and not to stand in their owne opinions.

16 For the just man will not be troubled, whatsoever happeneth unto him from God: and if any thing be wrongfully brought forth against him, he will not much care, neither will he vainely be glad, if by others he be with reason excused.

17 For he considereth that I am he that searcheth the heart and reines, and doe judge, not according to the outward face, nor humane apparence.

18 For that is oftentimes found [...]ulpable in my sight, that in the judge­ment [Page 256] of men is thought to be com­mendable.

19 O Lord my God, the just Iudge, strong and patient, thou know­est the frailty and perversity of man, be thou my strength, and all my trust, for mine own conscience sufficeth me not.

20 Thou knowest that which I cannot reach unto, and therefore in every reprehension I ought to have sub­mitted my selfe, and to have borne i [...] patiently.

21 Vouchsafe mercifully to par­don me, as often as I have failed here­in, and give me againe grace of greate [...] sufferance.

22 For thy bountifull mercy is more availeable to me for the obtain­ing of pardon, then my conceaved ju­stice for the defence of my hidden con­science.

23 Although my conscience ac­cuse me not, yet I cannot hereby justi­fy my selfe, for if thy mercy be away, [...]o man living shall be justified in thy [...]ight.

That all grievous things are to be en­dured for life everlasting.

SOnne, let not the paines dismay thee which thou hast undertaken for me, neither be thou discomforted for the tribulations which doe befall thee, but let my promise strengthen and comfort thee in all events.

2 I am able to reward thee above all measure: Thou shalt not long toyle here, nor alwaies be oppressed with griefe; attend a while, and thou shalt see a speedy end of thy evils.

3 There will come an houre whe [...] all labour and trouble shall cease: Litl [...] and short is all that passeth away with time.

4 Doe as thou doest, labour faith­fully in my vineyard, I will be thy re­ward: Write, read, sing, mourne, keepe silence, pray, suffer crosses manfully: life everlasting is worthy of all these and greater combats.

5 Peace shall come in the day which is knowne unto our Lord, and [...]here shall be no day nor night, to wit, [Page 258] of this time, but everlasting light, infi­nite brightnesse, stedfast peace, and se­cure rest.

6 Then thou shalt not say, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? nor cry, woe be unto me, for that my dwelling in a strange country is pro­longed!

7 For death shall be throwne downe, and health shall be without de­cay, no anxiety, blessed joy, sweet and glorious company.

8 O if thou hadst seene the ever­lasting crowne of the Saints in heaven, and with how great glory they now re­joyce who in times past were con­ [...]mptible to this world [...] and esteemed unworthy of life it selfe,

9 Truly thou wouldest presently humble thy selfe even unto the earth: and wouldst rather seeke to be under the feet of all, then to have command, so much as over one.

10 Neither wouldest thou desire the pleasant daies of this life, but rather rejoyce to be afflicted for God [...], and esteeme it thy greatest gaine to be re­puted as nothing amongst men.

11 O if thou hadst a feeling of these [Page 259] things, and didst suffer them to enter into the depth of thy heart, how durst thou so much as once to complaine!

12 Are not all painfull labours to be endured for everlasting life? It is no small matter to loose or to gaine the Kingdome of heaven.

13 Lift up thine eyes therefore unto heaven: behold I, and all my Saints with me, who in this world had great conflicts, doe now rejoyce, now are comforted, now are secure, now doe rest, and shall remaine with me everlastingly in the Kingdome of my Father.

Of the everlasting day, and short­nesse of this life.

O Most blessed mansion of the hea­venly City: O most cleare day of eternity which night obscureth not, but the highest truth ever enlightneth, day ever pleasant, ever secure, and never changing into a contrary state.

2 O that that day would once ap­peare, and all these temporall things were at an end.

[Page 260] 3 To the Saints it shineth gliste­ring with everlasting brightnesse, but to those that are Pilgrims upon earth, it appeareth only a farre off, and as it were through a glasse.

4 The inhabitants of heaven doe know how joyfull that day is: but the banished children of Eve bewaile the bitternesse and tediousnesse of this.

5 The daies of this life are short and evill, full of sorrow and anguish, where man is defiled with many sinnes, in­cumbred with many passions, disquie­ted with many feares, filled with many cares,

6 Distracted with many curiosities, intangled with many vanities, compas­sed a bout with many errours, worne a­way with many labours, vexed with temptations, weakned with delights, tormented with want.

7 O when shall these evils be at an end! When shall I be delivered from the miserable bondage of sin? When shall I think, O Lord of thee alone?

8 When shall I perfectly rejoyce in thee? When shall I be free from all impediments in true liberty, without all griefe of mind and body?

[Page 261] 9 When shall I have firme peace, peace secure and without trouble, peace within and without, pence every way assured.

10 O good Iesu, when shall I stand to behold thee? When shall I contem­plate the glory of thy Kingdome▪

11 When wilt thou be unto me all in all things? O when shall I be with thee in thy Kingdome which thou hast prepared for thy beloved, from before all worlds.

12 I am left a poore and banished man in the land of mine enemies, where there are daily warres, and great mis-fortunes.

13 Comfort my banishment, as­swage my sorrow: for my whole desire sendeth up sighes unto thee: For all [...]s burdensome to me, whatsoever this world offereth for my comfort.

14 I desire familiarly to enjoy thee, but I cannot attaine unto it: I would gladly fixe my heart to the things of heaven, but temporall cares and un­morti [...]ied passions weigh me downe.

15 In [...]ind I would be above all things, but to my flesh I am inforced to be subject against my will.

[Page 262] 16 Thus unhappy man that I am, I fight against my selfe, and am become grievous to my selfe, whilst my spirit seeketh after the things that are above, and my flesh that which is below.

17 O what doe I inwardly suffer, when in mind I consider heavenly things, and presently in my praiers, a multitude of fleshly fantasies present themselves before me?

18 My God, be not farre from me, depart not in thy wrath from thy servant: Cast forth thy lightning, and disperse them: send out thy darts, and breake all the fantasies of my enemy.

19 Gather my senses together un­to thee, make me forget the things of this world: grant me grace to cast away speedily the appearance of vices.

20 Succour me, O everlasting truth, that no vanity may move me. Come heavenly sweetnesse, and let all impurity fly from thy face.

21 Pa [...]don me also, and mercifully forgive me as often as I think upon any thing else besides thee in prayer.

22 I truly confesse, that I am wont to be subject to many distractions: for oftent [...]mes I am not there, where [Page 263] I doe corporally stand, or sit, but ra­ther, whither my thoughts doe carry me.

23 Where my thoughts are, there am I [...] there is oftentimes my thought where my affection is: that quickly oc­curreth unto me, which is naturally delightsome, and by custome plea­sing.

24 And for this cause, thou tha [...] art truth it selfe, hast plainly said, Where thy treasure is, there is also thy heart.

25 If I love heaven, I willingly think of heavenly things: If I love the world, I rejoyce at the felicity of the world, and grieve for the adversity thereof.

26 If I love the flesh, I imagine of­tentimes those things, that are pleasing to the flesh; If I love the spirit, I delight to think of spirituall things.

27 For whatsoever I love, thereof doe I willingly speake, and heare, and carry home with me the formes and representations thereof.

28 O blessed is that man, that for thee, O Lord, forsaketh all creatures, that violently resisteth nature, and out of the fervour of spirit crucifieth the [Page 264] concupiscences of the flesh:

29 That with a cleare conscience he may offer sincere praiers unto thee, and be worthy of the co [...]pany of the angelicall Quires, all earthly things outwardly and [...]nwardly being exclu­ded.

Of the desire of everlasting life, and how great rewards are promi­sed to those that fight valiantly.

SOnne, when thou perceivest the de­sire of everlasting blisse to be given thee from above, and desirest to depart out of the Tabernacle of this body that thou maist without shadow of any enterchange behold my light, open thy heart, and receive this holy inspiration with thy whole desire

2 Give great thankes to the hea­venly goodnesse, that dealeth with thee so favourably, visiteth thee mercifully, stirreth thee up fervently, holdeth thee up powerfully, lest through thine own weight thou fall downe to the vanitie [...] of the earth.

[Page 265] 3 Neither doest thou obtaine this by thine owne thought or endeavour, but by the only favour of heavenly grace and divine bounty.

4 That thou maist profit in vertue and obtaine greater humility, and pre­pare thy selfe to future battailes, and endeavour to cleave unto me with the whole affection of thy heart, and serve me with a servent desire.

5 Sonne, fire often burneth, but flame ascendeth not up without smoke: so likewise the desires of some men are earnestly carried to heavenly things, and yet they are not free from tempta­tion of carnall affection:

6 And therefore it is not altoge­ther purely for the honour of God, that which they so earnestly request of him.

7 Such is also oftentimes thy de­sire, which with such importunity thou presentest unto me.

8 For that is not pure and perfect, which is infected, and desiled with the love of thine owne proper commodity and interest.

9 Aske not that which is delight­some and profitable to thee, but that which is gratefull to me, and appetai­neth [Page 266] to my honour.

10 For if thou judgest aright▪ thou oughtest to preferre and follow my ap­pointment, rather then thine owne de­sire, or any thing that can be desired.

11 I know thy desire, and have heard thy often groanes: Now thou wouldest be in the freedome of the glory of the Sonnes of God: now doth the everlasting habitation, and the heavenly Country full of joy delight thee.

12 But this houre is not yet come: it is yet another time, to wit, a time of warre, a time of labour and triall.

13 Thou desirest to be filled with the chiefest good, but thou canst not attaine it for the present: I am he, saith our Lord, expect untill the Kingdome of God doth come.

14 Thou art yet to be tried upon earth, and to be exercised in many things: Comfort shall be sometimes given thee, but abundant fulnesse there­of shall not be granted to thee.

15 Take courage therefore, and be valiant as well in doing as in suffe­ring things contrary to nature: Thou oughtest to put on a new man, and to [Page] be changed into another man.

16 Thou must oftentimes doe that which thou wouldest not, and leave undone that which thou wouldest: that which is pleasing to others shall goe well forwards, that which thou wishest shall not speed.

17 That which others say shall be heard, what thou saist shall be nothing regarded: Others shall aske and shall receive, thou shalt aske and not ob­taine.

18 Others shall be great in thc praises of men, but of thee there shall be no speech, to others this or that shall be committed, but thou shalt be accompted sit for nothing.

19 At this nature will sometimes repine, and it is much if thou endurest it with silence.

20 In these and such like, a faith­full servant of our Lord is wont to be tried, how he can deny and overcome himselfe in all things.

21 There is scarce any thing, wherein thou hast such need to morti­fie thy selfe, as in seeing and suffering those things that [...]are contrary to thy will.

[Page 268] 22 Especially when that is com­manded, which seemeth unto thee in­convenient, or to little purpose.

23 And for that thou being pla­ced under authoritie, darest nor resist higher power, therefore it seemeth hard unto thee, to walke at the beck of another, and to leave wholly thine own opinion.

24 But consider, Sonne, the fruit of these labours, the end neare at hand, and the reward above all measure, and thou shalt receive no griefe there by, but great comfort of thy patience.

25 For in regard of that litle of thy will which now thou willingly for­sakest, thou shalt alwaies have thy will in heaven.

26 There thou shalt have all that thou wilt, or canst desire, there thou shalt enjoy all good without feare of loosing it, there shall thy will be ever one with me; it shall desire nothing strange or private.

27 There no man shall withstand thee, no man hinder thee, nothing come against thee: but all things desired shall be there together present, and refresh thy whole affection, and fulfill it to the highest.

[Page 269] 28 There I will returne thee glo­ry for the reproach which here thou sufferedst, a garment of praise for for­mer griefe; for the lowest place, a seat of an everlasting Kingdome:

29 There shall the fruit of obedi­dience appeare, the labour of repen­tance rejoyce, and humble subjection shall be gloriously crowned.

30 Now therefore bow thy selfe with great humility under the h [...]nds of all, and regard not who said, or com­manded this.

31 But take great heed, that whether thy Superiour, or thy inferiour, or thine equall require any thing of thee, or doe insinuate their desire, thou take it all in good part, and endeavour to fulfill it with a sincere intention.

32 Let one seeke this, another that, let him glory in this, the other in that, and be praised a thousand thou­sand times.

33 But doe thou neither rejoyce in this, not in that, but in the contempt of thy selfe, and in the good pleasure and honour of me alone.

34 This art thou to wish, that [Page 270] whether it be by life, or whether it be by death, God may be alwaies glori­fied in thee.

How a desolate person ought to offer himselfe into the [...]ands of God.

LOrd God, Holy Father [...], thy holy name be now and for ever ble [...]ed, because, so it is done, as thou wouldest have it, and it is good, [...]what thou woul­dest have done.

2 Let thy servant rejoyce in thee, not in himselfe, nor in any thing else, [...]or thou alone art the true gladnesse, thou art my hope and my crowne, thou art my joy and my honour, O Lord.

3 What hath thy servant, but what he hath received from thee, even with­out any desert of his? Thine is all that thou hast given, and whatsoever, thou [...]st made.

4 I am poore, and in labours from my youth: and sometimes my soule is heavy even unto teares, sometimes al­so she is troubled at her selfe, by reason [Page 271] of passions which rise against her.

5 I desire the joy of peace, I ear­nestly crave the [...]peace of thy children, that are fed by thee in the light of com­fort.

6 If thou give peace, if thou infuse holy joy, the soule of thy servant shall be full of heavenly sweetnesse, and shal become devout in thy praise.

7 But if thou withdraw thy selfe, (as very often thou art wont) he will not be able to runne the waies of thy commandements, but rather he boweth his knees and knocketh his breast.

8 For it is not with him, as it was yesterday, and the day before, when thy light shined upon his head: and he was protected under the shadow of thy wings, from the temptations which vi­olently assaulted him.

9 O righteous Father, and ever to be praised, the houre is come, that thy servant is to be proved! O beloved Fa­ther it is fit, that in this houre thy ser­vant suffer something for thee.

10 O Father worthy of eternall honour, the houre is come which from all eternity, thou didst fo [...]eknow should come.

[Page 272] 11 That for a short time thy ser­vant should outwardly be oppressed, but inwardly live for ever with thee.

12 He should be a litle despised, and humbled, and made as an abiect in the sight of men, and much afflicted with passions and infirmities, that in the morning of the new light he may rise againe with thee, and be glorified in heavenly places.

13 Holy Father, thou hast appoin­ted it so, and wilt have it so, and this is fulfilled which thy selfe hast com­manded.

14 For this benefit thou bestow­est upon thy friend, that albeit for thy sake he must suffer affliction in this world, yet is it but how often, and by whom, and as thou wilt give leave.

15 For in the world nothing com­meth to passe, either without thy coun­sell, without thy providence, or without a cause why.

16 It is good for me, Lord, that thou hast humbled me, that I may learne thy righteous Iudgments, and cast away all haughtinesse of heart, and presumption.

17 It is profitable to me, that [Page 273] shame hath covered my face, that I may rather seeke to thee for comfort, then to men.

18 I have learned also hereby to dread thy inscrutable judgment, that afflict [...]st the just with the wicked, but not without equity and iustice.

19 I give thee thankes, that thou hast not spared my sinnes, but hast worne me away with bitter stripes, in­flicting sorrowes, and sending griefes within and without.

20 There is none under heaven that can comfort me, but thou my Lord God, the heavenly Physitian of soule [...], that strikest, and healest? bringest into hell, and drawest out again: let thy cor­rection be upon me, and let thy rod in­struct me.

21 Behold beloved Father, I am [...]n thy hands, I bow my selfe under the [...]od of thy correction: let my neck and shoulders feele the stripes of thy cha­stisement, that my crookednesse may be conformed to thy will.

22 Make [...]devou [...] and humble disciple of thine, as thou art wont very well to doe, that I may be ready at e­very beck of thy divine pleasure.

[Page 274] 23 I commend my selfe and all mine unto thee to be corrected: It is better to be rebuked here, then hereaf­ter.

24 Thou knowest all and every thing, and there is nothing hidden from thee in the conscience of man.

25 Before things are done, thou knowest that they will happen, and hast no need that any should teach thee, or admonish thee of those things, which are done on earth.

26 Thou knowest what is expe­dient for my good, and how much tri­bulation is fit for purging the rust of my sins.

27 Doe with me according to thy [...]esired pleasure, and despise not m [...] sin­full life, better and more clearly known to none then to thee alone.

28 Grant me, Lord to know that which is to be knowne; to love that which is to be beloved, to praise that, which pleaseth thee most: to esteeme that which is precious unto thee: to de­spise that, which is contemptible in thy sight.

29 Suffer me not to iudge accor­ding to the sight of the outward eyes, [Page 275] to give sentenc [...] according to the hea­ring of the eares of ignorant men.

30 But to discerne of visible and spirituall things with a true iudgme [...]t, and above all things ever to search af­ter thy good will and pleasure.

31 The senses of men are often deceived in their iudgments, the lovers of the world are also deceived in loving only visible things: What is a man the better, for that he is esteemed great by man?

32 The deceitfull in exalting the deceitfull, the vaine man in extolling the vaine, the blind in conducting the blind, the weake in magnifying the weake, deceiveth him: and doth verily more shame him, while he doth vainely praise him.

33 For how much every one is in thy sight O Lord, so much he is, and no [...] saith humble S. Francis.

That a man ought to imploy himselfe in workes of humilitie, when force is wanting for higher exercises.

SOnne, thou art not able alwaies to continue in the fervent desire of ver­tue, nor to persist in the high pitch of heavenly contemplation.

2 But thou must sometimes of necessity by reason of originall cor­ruption descend to inferior things, and beare the burthen of this corruptible life, though unwillingly and with griefe.

3 As long as thou cariest a mortall body, thou shalt feele great trouble & heavinesse of heart.

4 Thou oughtest therefore in the flesh oftentimes to bewaile the burthen of the flesh: for that thou canst not al­waies persevere in spirituall exercises and divine contemplation.

5 It is then expedient for thee to flye to humble and exteriour workes, and to refresh thy selfe with good and vertuous actions.

[Page 277] 6 To expect with a firme confidence my cōming, & heavenly visitation, to beare patiently thy banishment, and the drinesse of thy minde, untill I visit thee againe and deliver thee from all anxi­ety.

7 For I will make thee forget thy paines, and enjoy inward quietnesse.

8 I will lay open before thee the pleasant fields of holy Scripture, [...]ha [...] with an enlarged heart that maist begin to run the way of my comman­dements.

9 And thou shalt say, that the suf­ferings of this time are not worthy of the glory to come, that shall be revea­led in us.

That a man ought to esteeme himselfe unworthy of comfort, and to have deserved stripes.

LOrd I am not worthy of thy com­fort, no [...] of any spirituall visitation, and therefore thou dealest justly with me, when thou leavest me poore and desolate. Though I could powre out [Page 278] even a sea of teares, yet I were not wor­thy of thy comfort.

2 For (alas) I deserve nothing, but to be scourged and punished, in that I have grievously and often offen­ded thee, and sinned in many things.

3 All things therefore duly consi­dered, I am not worthy even of the least comfort.

4 But thou mild and mercifull God, who wilt not that thy works doe perish, to shew the riches of thy good­nesse upon the vessels of mercy, even be­yond all mine own merit, vouchsafest to comfor thy servant, above humane measure.

5 For thy heavenly consolations are not like humane communications, and in comparison of thee we are mise­rable comforters.

6 What have I done O Lord, that thou shouldest bestow upon me, any heavenly comfort.

7 I remember I have done no good at all, but have been alwaies prone to sinne, and slothfull in my amendment.

8 It is so true, that I cannot deny [...]it, if I should say otherwise, thou [Page 279] wouldest plead against me, and there would be none to defend me.

9 What have I deserved for my sinnes, but hell and everlasting fire?

10 I confesse in the truth of my heart, that I am worthy of all sco [...]ne and contempt, and it is unfit that I should be remembred, amongst thy ho­ly ones.

11 And although I be unwilling to heare this, yet notwithstanding for the love of truth, I will lay open my sinnes against my selfe, that I may the better obtaine mercy at thy hands.

12 What shall I say, being guilty, and full of all confusion? I have no­thing to say but this, I have sinned, Lord, I have sinned, have mercy on me, pardon and forgive me.

13 Suffer me a litle, that I may bewaile my griefe, before I goe unto the land of darknesse, and be covered with the shadow of death.

14 What dost thou require of a guilty and miserable sinner, [...]ut that he be contrite and sorrowfull▪ and doe humble himselfe for his sinnes.

15 In true contrition and humble­nesse of heart, is bred a hope of for­givenesse, [Page 280] a troubled conscience is re­conciled againe, grace lost is restored▪ man is defended from future wrath, & God and the penitent soule meet toge­ther in a holy kisse.

16 Humble contrition for [...]innes, is an acceptable sacrifice unto thee O Lord, savouring much sweeter in thy nostrils then the perfume of franki [...] ­sence.

17 This is also the pleasant oynt­ment, which thou wouldest have pow­red upon thy sacred feet, for thou never despisest a contrite and humble heart.

18 There is a place of refuge, from the angry face of the enemy; there is amended, and washed away what­soever elsewhere was polluted and de­filed,

That the grace of God is not given to those that savour of earthly things.

SOnne, my grace is precious, it suffereth not it selfe to be mingled wit [...] externall things, nor earthly comforts. Thou oughtest therefore to cast away [Page 281] all hinderances of grace, if thou desire to receave the infusion thereof.

2 Choose therefore a secret place to thy selfe, love to live alone with thy selfe, desire the conversation of none, but rather powre out devout prayers unto God, that thou maist keep thy minde compunct, and thy conscience pure.

3 Esteem the whole world as no­thing: preferre my service before all outward things: for thou canst not al­tend unto me, and be delighted also in transitory vanities.

4 Thou oughtest to sequester thy selfe from thy acquaintance and friends, and to keep thy mind deprived of all temporall comfort.

5 So the blessed Apostle Peter re­quired, that the faithfull of Christ should keep themselves as strangers & pilgrims in this world.

6 O how great a confidence shall he have at the houre of death, whom no affection to any earthly thing detai­ned in the world.

7 But the weak minde is not yet capable of so retired a heart: neither doth the fleshly person understand the [Page 282] freedome of a re [...]ollected minde.

8 Notwithstanding if he will be truly spirituall, he ought to renounce as well those which are farre off, as those which are neere unto him, and to beware of no man more then of him­selfe.

9 If thou perfectly overcome thy selfe, thou shalt with more ease subdue the rest. It is a glorious victory to tri­umph over our selves.

10 For he that keepeth himselfe subject in such sort, that his sensuality be subdued to reason, and reason in all things be obedient to me, he is truly a conquerour of himselfe, and Lord of the world.

11 If thou desire to mount unto this height of perfection, thou must be­gin manfully, and set the axe to the root, that thou maist pluck up and de­stroy, thy hidden and inordinate incli­nation to thy selfe, and unto all private and earthly good.

12 Of this vice (that man too in­ordinately loveth himselfe) almost all dependeth, whatsoever is wholy to be overcome: which being once overcome and subdued, there will presently ensue [Page 283] great peace and tranquillity.

13 But for that few endeavour perfectly to dye unto themselves, and do forsake themselves wholly, there­fore they remaine intangled in them­selves, and cannot be lifted up in spirit above themselves.

14 But he that desireth to walke freely with mee, it is necessary that he mortify all his inordinate affections, and not adhere unto any creature by private love.

Of the different motions of Na­ture and Grace.

SOnne, marke diligently the motions of thine own nature, and my grace, for in every contrary and secret man­aer these are mooved, and can hardly [...]e discerned, but by him that is spiritu­all, and inwardly enlightned.

2 All men desire that which is good, and pretend some good in all their words and deeds, and therefore under pretence of good, many are de­ceaved.

3 Nature is deceiptfull and sedu­ceth, [Page 284] intangleth, and deceaveth many, and alwaies proposeth her selfe for her end.

4 But grace walketh with great sincerity, and avoideth all shew of evill, pretendeth not deceipts, and doth all things purely for Gods, sake in whom also she finally resteth.

5 Nature will not willingly dye, nor be kept in, nor overcome, nor be subject to any, nor be subdued.

6 But grace laboureth to mortify her selfe, resisteth sensuality, seeketh to be subject, is willing to be overcome▪ and will not use her own liberty.

7 She loveth to be kept under dis­cipline, and desireth not to rule any but alwaies to live and remaine whol­ly subject unto God, and for God i [...] ready humbly to bow unto all men.

1 Nature striveth for her own commodity, and considereth what pro­fit she may reap by another.

9 But grace considereth not what is profitable and commodious unto hef selfe, but rather what is profitable [...] many.

10 Nature willingly receaveth honour and reverence: but grace faith [...]fully [Page 285] attributeth all honour and glory [...]nto God.

11 Nature feareth shame & con­tempt, but grace rejoyceth to suffer re­proach for the name of Iesus.

12 Nature loveth idlenesse, and bodily rest, but grace cannot be idle, out willingly imbraceth labour.

13 Nature seeketh to have those [...]hings that be cu [...]ious and precious, ab­horreth that which is meane and base.

14 But grace delighteth in plaine and humble things, despiseth not course and meane, nor refuseth to weare that which is old and torne.

16 Nature respecteth the things of this world, rejoyceth at earthly gain, [...]orroweth for losse, is moved with e­very injurious word.

17 But grace thinketh on that, which is everlasting, and cleaveth not [...]o that which fadeth with time, she is [...]ot troubled with losse, nor exaspera­ [...]ed with injuries, for that she hath pla­ [...]ed her treasure and joy in heaven, where nothing perisheth.

18 Nature is covetous, and doth [...]ore willingly receave then give, she [...]veth to have things proper and pri­ [...]ate.

[Page 286] 19 But grace is pitifull & liberall to all, avoideth singularity, is content with a little, thinketh it happier to give, then to receive.

20 Nature inclineth to creatures, yeeldeth to her own flesh, followeth vanities, and listneth to discourses.

21 But grace draweth unto God, and seeketh after vertues, renounceth creatures, flieth the world, hateth the desires of the flesh, restraineth wan­drings abroad, blusheth to be seen in publike.

22 Nature is willing to have some outward comfort, wherein she may de­light her senses.

23 But grace seeketh comfort in God alone, and delighteth above all visible things in the highest good.

24 Nature worketh all for her own gaine and profit, she can doe no­thing freely; but for bestowed bene­fits, she hopeth to obtaine either that which is equall, or better, either praise or favour, and coveteth to have her works and gifts much esteemed.

25 But grace seeketh no temporall thing, nor asketh any other reward [...]or her des [...]rts then God alone, nor desi­reth [Page 217] more of temporall, necessaries, then what may serve her, for the ob­taining of everlasting glory.

26 Nature rejoyceth to have ma­ny friends, and kinsfolkes, she glorieth of Noble birth and descent, pleaseth the powerfull, fawneth upon the rich; applaudeth those that are like her selfe.

27 But grace loveth her enemies, and is not puffed up with multitude of friends, nor esteemeth place or birth, but where it is joyned with greater vertue.

28 Shee rather favoureth the poore, then the rich, hath more com­passion of the innocent, then the pow­erfull, rejoyceth in the simple, and re­specteth not the deceiptfull, exhorteth ever the good to labour, for the better gifts, and by vertue to resemble the sonne of God.

29 Nature quickly complayneth of any want and trouble, grace con­stantly suffereth all kind of need. Na­ture turneth all things to her selfe, stri­veth and contendeth for her selfe.

30 But grace reduceth all to God, from whence originally they proceed: [Page 288] she ascribeth no good to her selfe, nei­ther doth she arrogantly presume of her selfe.

31 She contendeth not, nor pre­ferreth her opinion before others, but in every sense and understanding sub­mitteth her selfe to the eternall wis­dome, and to the divine judgement.

32 Nature coveteth to know se­crets, and to hear newes, she will ap­peare abroad, and make proofe of many things by the experience of her own senses, she desireth to be known, and to doe those things for which she may be praised and admired:

33 But grace careth not for hearing newes, nor to understand curious mat­ters, for that all this springeth from the ancient disorder of our corrupt nature, seeing there is nothing new, or dura­ble upon earth.

34 She teacheth therefore to re­straine the senses, to avoid vaine plea­sing and ostentation, humbly to hide those things that are worthy of praise and admiration, and of every thing and every knowledge to seeke profitable fruit, and the praise and honour of God.

[Page 289] 35 She will not have her selfe nor hers publikely praised, but desireth that God should be blessed in his gifts, who of meere charity bestoweth all things.

36 This grace is a supernaturall light, and a certain speciall gift of God, and a proper marke of the elect, and a pledge of everlasting salvation▪

37 Which lifteth up a man from earthly basenesse to love the things of heaven, and of a carnall maketh him a spirituall person.

39 How much the more therefore nature is depressed & subdued, so much the greater grace is infused, and the in­ward man daily by new visitations more reformed according to the image of God.

Of the corruption of nature, and efficacy of divine grace.

MY God, who of thy meer goodnes hast created me to thy Image and likenesse, grant me this grace which thou hast shewed to be so great, and so necessary to salvation, that I may over­come [Page 290] my wicked nature, which draw­eth me to sinne, and to the losse of my soule.

2 For I feele in my flesh the law of sinne, contradicting the law of my minde, and leading me captive, to o­bey sensuality in many things.

3 Neither can I resist the passions thereof, unlesse thy holy grace fervent­ly infused into my heart doe assist me.

4 Thy grace O Lord, and great grace is needfull, that nature may be o­vercome, which is ever prone to evill from her youth.

5 For by Adam the first man, be­ing fallen and corrupted by sinne, the penalty of this staine hath descended upon all mankinde.

6 In such sort, that nature it selfe, which was created good, and without defect, is now accompted for vice, and for the infirmity of a corrupted nature, for that the motion thereof left unto it selfe, draweth to evill and abject things.

7 For the litle force which re­maineth, is like a certain sparke lying hidden in the ashes.

8 This is naturall reason it selfe, [Page 291] compassed about with great darknesse, still retaining, power to discerne good and evill, & the distance between true and false.

9 Although it be unable to com­passe all, that it approv [...]th, and enjoy­eth not the full light of truth, nor the former integrity of her affections.

10 Hence it is, my God, that ac­cording to my inward man I delight in thy law, knowing thy commande­ments to be good, just, and holy, and yeelding, that all evill and sinne is to be avoided:

11 But in my flesh I serve the law of sinne, whilest I rather obey sensua­lity then reason. Hence it is, that I have a will to doe good, but know not how to performe it.

12 For this cause I often purpose many good things, but for that I want grace to helpe my infirmity, for a light resistance I goe back, and faint.

13 I know the way of perfection, and see clearly enough what I ought to doe, but pressed with the weight of mine own corruption I rise not unto it.

14 O Lord, how needfull is thy grace for mee, to begin any good [Page 292] worke, to goe forward, and to accom­plish it: For without it I can doe no­thing, but in thee I can doe all things, when thy grace doth comfort me.

15 O heavenly grace, without which our own merits are nothing, and no gifts of nature are to be esteemed! Arts, riches, beauty, and strength, wit, or eloquence are of no worth with thee O Lord, without thy grace.

16 For gifts of nature are com­mon to good and evill, but the peculi­ar gift of the elect is grace and love, wherewith being marked, they are e­steemed worthy of everlasting life.

17 This grace so much excelleth, that neither the gift of prophesie, nor the working of miracles, or any specu­lation, how high soever, is of any e­steeme without it. Neither faith, nor hope, nor other vertues are acceptable unto thee without charity and grace.

18 O most blessed grace, that ma­kest the poore in spirit rich in ver­tues, and the rich in many blessings, humble in heart.

19 Come downe unto me, reple­nish me in the morning with thy com­fort, lest my soule should faint with [Page 293] wearinesse, and wither away with dri­nesse.

20 I beseech thee Lord, that I may find grace in thy sight, for thy grace is sufficient for me, though other things that nature desireth be wanting unto me!

21 If I be tempted and vexed with many tribulations, I will not feare these evils whilest thy grace is with me? she is my strength, she giveth ad­vise and helpe, she is stronger then all enemies, and wiser then the wisest.

22 Thy grace is the mistresse of truth, the teacher of discipline, the light of the heart, the solace in affliction.

23 She driveth away sorrow, she expelleth feare, she is the nurse of devo­tion, and the mother of teares.

24 What am I without it, but a rotten peece of wood, and an unpro­fitable stalke only meet for the fire?

25 Let thy grace therefore, Lord, alwaies prevent me, and follow me, & make me ever diligent in good works, through Iesus Christ thy Sonne, Amen.

That we ought to deny our selves and imitate Christ, by the Crosse.

SOnne look how much thou canst goe out of thy selfe, so much maist thou enter into me: As to be void of all desire of externall things, mak­eth inward peace; so the forsaking of our selves joyneth us internally to God.

2 I will have thee learne the per­fect leaving of thy selfe unto my will, without contradiction and complaint: Follow me, I am the way, the truth, and the life.

3 Without the way there is no go­ing aright, without truth there is no knowing aright, without life there is no living at all.

4 I am the way which thou ought­est to follow, the truth which thou oughtest to trust, the life for which thou oughtest to hope.

5 I am the way which cannot lead amisse, the truth which cannot erre, the life which cannot end.

[Page 295] 6 I am the way that is straight, the truth that is highest, and the life that is truest, yea a blessed life, a life uncrea­ted.

7 If thou abide in my way thou shalt know the truth, and the truth shall make thee free, and thou shalt lay hold on life everlasting.

8 If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandements; if thou wilt know the truth, believe me. If thou wilt be perfect, sell all thou hast.

9 If thou wilt be my disciple, deny thy selfe, if thou wilt possesse a blessed life despise this present life, if thou wilt be exalted in heaven, humble thy selfe upon earth.

10 If thou wilt reigne with mee, beare the crosse with me: For only the servants of the crosse find the way of blisse and true light.

11 Lord Iesu, for as much as thy life was strict, & despised of the world, give me grace to imitate thee, though I be despised by the world.

12 For the servant is not greater then his Lord, nor the Disciple above his Master.

13 Let thy servant be exercised in [Page 296] thy holy life, for there is my health & true holinesse.

14 Whatsoever I read or heare be­sides, doth not recreate or delight me fully.

15 Sonne, now that thou know­est and hast read all these things, hap­py shalt thou be, if thou fulfill them.

16 He that hath my commande­ments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, and I will love him, and will manifest my selfe unto him, and will make him sit with me in the King­dome of my Father.

17 Lord Iesus, as thou hast said and promised so let it be, and that I may obtain thy favour.

18 I have receaved the Crosse, I have receaved it from thy hand, and I will beare it, and beare it till death, as thou hast laid it upon me.

19 Truly the life of a good religi­ous person is the crosse, and it is a sure guide to heaven: It is now begunne, it is not lawfull to goe back, neither is it fit to leave that which I have under­taken.

20 Let us then take courage my brethren, and goe forwards together, [Page 297] Iesus will be with us, for Iesus sake we have undertaken this crosse.

21 For the love of Iesus let us per­severe in the crosse, he will be our hel­per, who is our guide and forerunner.

22 Behold our King goeth before us, who also will fight for us: let us follow him manfully, let us not be dis­mayed, but be ready to dye with cou­rage in the battaile, and let us not ble­mish our glory by flying from the Crosse.

That a man be not too much deiected, when he falleth into some defects.

SOnne, patience and humility in time of adversity, are more pleasing unto mee, then much comfort and devotion in prosperity.

2 Why art thou grieved for every litle trifle spoken and done against thee? Although it had been much more thou oughtest not to have been moved:

3 But now let it passe, it is not the first that hath happened, nor any new thing, neither shall it be the last, if [Page 298] thou live long.

4 Thou art cheerefull enough as long as no adversity occurreth: Thou canst give good counsaile also, & canst strengthen others with thy words, but when any tribulation suddenly knock­eth at thy doore, thou art destitute of counsell, and void of force.

5 See therefore thy great frailty; which thou often provest in very smal occasions: It is notwithstanding per­mitted for thy good, when these and such like occasions befall thee.

6 Put it out of thy heart the best thou canst, and if it touch thee, yet let it not de [...]ect thee, nor trouble thee long: beare it at least patiently, if thou canst not joyfully.

7 Although thou be unwilling to heare it, and feelest in thy heart some motion of disdaine, yet represse thy selfe, and suffer no inordinate word to passe out of thy mouth, which may be a scandall to the weak.

8 The storme which now is raised shall quickly be appeased, and inward griefe shall be sweetned by the re­turne of grace.

9 I doe yet live, saith our Lord & [Page 299] am ready to helpe thee, and to give thee greater comfort then before, if thou put thy trust in me, and callest devoutly upon me.

10 Be more patient, and prepare thy selfe to greater suffering: All is not lost, if thou feele thy selfe often assli­cted, or grievously tempted.

11 Thou art a man, and not God: thou art flesh, not an Angell. How canst thou looke to continue ever in the same state of vertue, when an An­gell in heaven hath fallen, and the first man in Paradise lost his standing.

12 I am he that doe give health­full comfort to them that mourne, and doe raise up unto my divinity, those that know their own infirmity.

13 Lord, blessed be thy sacred word, more sweet unto my mouth then the hony, and the hony combe!

14 What should I doe in these my so great tribulations and anguish▪ un­lesse thou didst comfort me with thy holy, sweet, and heavenly speeches.

15 What matter is it, how much and what I suffer, so as I may at length attaine to the haven of happinesse.

10 Grant me a good end, grant [Page 300] me a happy passage out of this world, be mindfull of me, my God, and di­rect me the streight and ready way to thy everlasting Kingdome, Amen.

Of not searching into high matters, and into the secret judge­ments of God.

SOnne, beware thou dispute not of high matters, nor of the secret judge­ments of God; why this man is forsa­ken, and he assumed to so great grace, why also this man is so much afflicted, and he so greatly advanced.

2 These things exceed all humane power, neither can any reason or dis­course of any man search out the judge­ment of God.

4 When the en [...]my therefore sug­gesteth these things unto thee, or some envious people demand them of thee, answere that of the Prophet,

5 Thou art just, O Lord, and thy judgement is right. And againe: The judgements of our Lord are true, and justifyed in themselves.

6 My judgements are to be feared, [Page 301] not to be discussed, for they are such as cannot be comprehended by the un­derstanding of man.

7 In like manner I advise thee not to inquire, no [...] dispute of the glory of the Saints, which of them is holier then the other, and which shall be greater in the Kingdome of heaven.

8 These things oftentimes breed strife and unprofitable contentions, they nourish also pride and vain-glory, from whence doe usually spring envy and dissentions:

9 Whilest one endeavours to have this, another to have that Saint vainly preferred. To desire to know and search our such things, is to no purpose, but to displease the Saints.

10 For I am not the God of dis­sension, but of peace, which peace con­sisteth rather in true humility, then in exalting themselves.

11 Some are carried with zeale of affection, to love these, or those most, but this love is rather humane then di­vine.

12 I have made all the Saints: I have given them my grace, I have made them partakers of my glory: I [Page 302] know the merits of every one, I have prevented them in the benedictions of my sweetnesse.

13 I foreknew my beloved before the beginning of the world, I chose them out of the world, they chose not me first.

14 I called them by grace, I drew them by mercy, I led them through sun­dry temptations, I have sent them great inward comforts, I have given them perseverance, I have crowned their pa­tience.

15 I know the first and last: I im­brace all with inestimable love, I am to be praised in all my Saints, I am to be blessed above all things, and to be ho­noured in every one, whom I have thus gloriously exalted, and predestinated, without any precedent merits of their owne.

16 He therefore that contemneth one of the least of my Saints, honour­eth not the greatest, for that I made both the lesse and the greater.

17 And he that derogateth from any of my Saints derogateth also from me, and all the rest in the Kingdome of heaven.

[Page 303] 18 All are one by the band or cha­ritie, they think the same, they will the same, and are all knit together in one perfect band of love.

18 But yet (which is much more high) they love me more then them­selves, and more then their owne [...]me­rils: For being ravished above them­selves, and drawne from the affection of themselves, they tend wholly unto th [...] love of me, in whom also they rest, enioyning me with unspeakable glory.

19 Nothing can put them back, nothing presse them downe, for being full of everlasting truth, they burne with the fire of unquenchable cha­ritie.

20 Let therefore carnall and earth­ly men, that can affect no other but private ioyes, forbeare to dispute of the state of Saints: They adde and take a­way according to their owne fancies, not as it pleaseth the everlasting Truth.

21 There is in many great igno­rance, specially in those that be slender­ly enlightned, and these can seldome love any with perfect spirituall love.

22 They are alwaies much drawn [Page 304] by a naturall affection, and humane friendship to this man or to that, and according to the experience they have of themselves in their earthly affecti­ons, so they frame an imagination of heavenly.

23 But there is an incomparable distance between the things which the imperfect frame in their conceipts, and those which are illuminated doe see by revelation from above.

24 Beware therefore, my Sonne, that thou treat not curiously of these things, which exceed thy knowledge, but rather so apply thy endeavours, that thou maist at least have the meanest place in the Kingdome of heaven.

25 And if any one did know which of the Saints exceeded others in sancti­ty, or is esteemed greater in the King­dome of heaven, what would this knowledge avail him, unlesse he should thereby humble himselfe the more in my sight, and stirre up his mind to praise my name with greater fervour.

26 His labour is much more ac­ceptable unto God, that thinketh of the greatnesse of his sinnes, and his wan [...] of vertues, and how farre off he is from [Page 305] the perfection of the Saints, ehen he that disputeth of their greatnesse.

27 It is better to labour after the pi­ety & devotion of the Saints, and with an humble mind to imitate their glo­rious examples, then to search their se­crets with vaine curiosity.

28 They are wel & right wel conten­ted, if men could content themselves, and refrain from these vain discourses.

29 They glory not of their owne merits, for they ascribe no good unto themselves, but attribute all to me, who of my infinite charity have bestowed my blessings upon them.

30 They are replenished with so great love of my Godhead, and so su­perabundant joy, that there is no glory that is, nor happinesse that can be wan­ting unto them.

31 All the Saints how much the higher they be in glory, so much the more humble they are in themselves, & nearer and dearer unto me.

32 And therefore thou hast it writ­ten, that they did cast their Crownes before God, and fell downe upon their faces before the Lambe, and a­dored him that liveth for ever and e­ver.

[Page 306] 33 Many inquire who is the grea­test in the Kingdome of God, that know not whether they shall ever be numbered there amongst the lest.

34 It is no small matter to be e­ven the lest in heaven, where all are great, for that all there shall be called, and shall be indeed the Sons of God▪ The lest there shall be great among thousands, and the sinner of a hundred yeaes shall die.

35 For when the Disciples asked who was the greatest in the Kingdome of heaven, they received this answer▪ unlesse you be converted, and become as litle children, you shall not enter in­to the Kingdome of heaven.

35 Whosoever therefore shall humble himselfe as this litle child, hee is greater in the Kingdome of hea­ven.

37 Woe be unto them that dis­daine to humble themselves willingly with litle children: For the low gate of the Kingdome of heaven, will not give them entrance.

28 And woe be to the rich, th [...] have their comforts here, for whilst the poore enter into the Kingdome of [Page 307] God, they shall be lamenting without.

39 Rejoyce you that be humble: and you that be poore, be you glad, for yours is the Kingdome of God, if you walke according unto truth.

That all our hope and trust is to be fixed in God alone.

LOrd, what trust have I in this world? or what is the greatest com­fort, that all things under heaven doe yeeld me? Is it not thou, my Lord God, whose mercies are without num­ber!

2 Where hath it beene well with me without thee? Or when could it be ill with me, when thou were present? I had rather be poore for thee, then rich without thee.

3 I had rather choose to be a Pil­grim in earth with thee, then to pos­sesse heaven without thee: Where thou art, there is heaven: and there is death and hell, where thou art not.

4 Thou art my desire, and there­fore it behoveth me to send forth deep sighes from my heart, and cry and pray unto thee.

[Page 306] 5 For I have none to trust unto, none that can help me in time of ne­cessitie, but thee alone, my God: Thou art my hope, and my trust, thou art my comfort, and most faithfull unto me in all my distresses.

6 All men seeke their own gaine, thou only seekest my salvation and my profit, and turnest all things to my good.

7 Although thou permittest many temptations to assault me, and many adversities to befall me, yet thou ordai­nest all this to my good and profit, who art wont to prove thy beloved ser­vants a thousand waies.

8 In which proofe thou oughtest no lesse to beloved and praised, then if thou didst replenish me with heaven­ly comforts.

9 In thee therefore, my Lord God, I put my whole hope and refuge: in thee I place my tribulation & anguish; for I find all to be weake and uncon­stant, whatsoever I behold out of thee.

10 For neither can many friends availe, nor forcible helpers aide, nor wise counsellours give profitable an­swer, nor the books of the learned com­fort, [Page 307] nor any wealth deliver, nor any secret, or pleasant place defend, if thou thy selfe doest not assist, help, comfort, instruct and keepe us.

11 For all things that seeme to be ordained for the rest and solace of man when thou art absent are nothing, and doe bring indeed no joy, nor comfort at all.

11 Thou therefore art the end of all that is good, the light of life, the depth of wisdome: and the most forci­ble comfort of thy servants, is to trust in thee above all things.

12 To thee therefore doe I lift up mine eyes: In thee my God, the Father of mercies I put my whole trust.

13 Blesse and sanctifie my soule with thy heavenly blessings, that it may be made thy holy habitation, and the [...]eate of thy eternall glory; and that no­ [...]hing may be found in the Temple of [...]hy greatnesse, that may offend the eyes of thy Majesty.

14 According to the greatnesse of [...]hy goodnesse, and the multitude of thy mercies, take pitty upon me, and heare the praier of thy poore servant, who is [...]arre exiled from thee in the land of the [...]hadow of death.

[Page 310] 15 Protect, and keepe the soule of thy servant, amidst so many dangers of this corruptible life, and by the assistance of thy grace, direct it in the way of peace, to the country of ever­lasting light, Amen.

The end of the third book.


A devout exhortation unto the blessed Sacrament.
The Voice of Christ.

COme unto me all yee that labour and are bur­dened, and I will refresh you, saith our Lord.

2 The bread which I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world.

3 Take yee and eate, that is my Body that shall be delivered for you; doe this in remembrance of me.

[Page 312] 4 He that eateth my flesh, and drin­keth by blood dwelleth in me, and I in him.

5 The words which I have spoken unto you, are spirit and life.

With how great reverence Christ ought to be received.
The voice of the Disciple.

THese are thy words O Christ, ever­lasting Truth, though not spoken all at one time, nor written in one and the selfe same place; because therefore they are thine and true, they are all of them thankfully and faithfully to be received by me.

2 They are thine, and thou hast spoken them, and they are mine also, because thou hast spoken them for my salvation: I willingly receive them from thy mouth, that they may be the deeper imprinted in my heart.

3 These devout words so full of sweetnesse and love, doe stirre me up, but mine owne offences doe amaze [Page 313] me, and my impure conscience driveth me back from the receiving of so great mysteries.

4 The sweetnesse of thy words doth incourage me, but the multitude of my sinnes doe oppresse me.

5 Thou commandest me to come confidently unto thee; if I will have part with thee: and to receive the food of immortality, if I desire to obtaine e­verlasting life and glory:

6 Come, sayst thou, unto me all yee that labour and are burdened, and I will refresh you.

7 O sweet and lovely word in the eare of a sinner, that thou my Lord God shouldest invite the poore and needy to receive thy most blessed Bo­dy!

8 But who am I Lord, that I may presume to approach unto thee, be­hold the heavens cannot containe thee, and thou sayst, Come yee all unto me.

9 What meaneth this most pious benignity, and so loving invitation? How shall I dare to come, that know not any good in me, whereupon I may presume?

10 How shall I enter into thy [Page 314] house, that have often offended thy most gracious countenance.

11 The Angels and the Archan­gels honour thee, the Saints and just men doe feare thee, and thou saist, Come yee all unto me.

12 Vnlesse thou, O Lord didst say it, who would believe it to be true? And unlesse thou didst command it, who would dare to come unto thee?

13 Behold, Noah a just man labou­red a hundred yeares in preparing the Arke, that he might be saved with a few: and how can I in one houres space prepare my selfe to receive with reve­rence the Maker of the world?

14 Moses thy great servant and especiall friend, made an Arke of in­corruptible wood, which also he cove­red with most pure gold, to put the Ta­bles of the Law therein: and I a rotten creature, how shall I so lightly dare to receive the maker of the Law, and the giver of life?

15 Salomon the wisest of the Kings of Israel, bestowed seven yeares in building a magnificent Temple, in in praise of thy name, and celebrated the feast of the Dedication thereof [Page 315] eight daies together, he offered a thou­sand peaceable sacrifices, and set the Arke in the place prepared for it with the sound of trumpets and joy:

16 And I the most unhappy and poorest of men, how shall I bring thee into my house, that can scarce spendone halfe houre devoutly? and I would to God it were once almost one half hour [...]n worthy and due manner!

17 O my God, how much did they endeavour to please thee, and alas how [...]itle is that which I doe? How short [...]ime doe I spend, when I prepare my selfe to receive? I am seldome wholly recollected, very seldome altogether free from distraction.

18 And yet surely no undecent thought should occurre in the presence of thy Deity, nor any creature draw me unto it: for I am not to harbour an Ang [...]l, but the Lord of Angels.

19 And yet there is great diffe­rence betweene the Arke and the Re­liques thereof, and thy most pure body with his unspeakable vertues.

20 Betweene those legall sacrifi­ces, figures of future things, and the true sacrifice of thy body, the comple­ment [Page 316] of oll ancient sacrifices.

21 Why therefore doe I not be­come more fervent in thy venerable presence? Wherefore doe I not prepare my selfe with greater care to receive thy sacred gifts?

22 Sith those holy ancient Patri­arches, and Prophets, yea Kings also & Princes with the whole people have shewed so great zeale of devotion to thy divine service.

23 The most devout King David danced before the Ark of God with all his force, calling to mind the benefits bestowed in times past upon his fore­fathers.

24 He made instruments of sun­dry kinds, he published Psalmes, and appointed them to be sung with joy: himselfe also oftentimes plaied upon the harpe.

27 Being inspired with the grace of the holy Ghost, he taught the peo­ple of Israel to praise God with their whole heart, and with plesant voices e­very day to blesse and praise him.

28 If so great devotion was then used, and such memory of divine praise before the Arke of the testament;

[Page 317] 29 What reverence and devotion is now to be performed by me, and all Christian people in the presence of this Sacrament, in receiving of the most precious Body of Iesus Christ?

30 Many goe to sundry places to visit the Reliques of Saints, and are a­stonished when they heare of their mi­raculous worke:

31 They behold the spacious buildings of their Churches, and kisse their sacred bones wrapped in silke and gold:

32 And behold thou art here present with me on the Altar, my God, the Holy of Holies, the Maker of all things, and Lord of Angels.

33 Oftentimes in those devotions there is but curiositie of men, and the novelty of the beholders in the seeing of such sights, and litle fruit of amend­ment is gotten thereby, especially where there is so unconstant wandring without true contrition:

34 But here in the Sacrament of the Altar, thou art present, my Lord, God and Man, Christ Iesus, where al­so plentifull fruit of, everlasting salvati­on is obtained, as often as thou art [Page 318] worthly and devoutly received.

35 No levity, no curiosity, or sen­suality draweth unto this, but firme faith, devout hope, and sincere cha­ritie.

36 O God the invisible Creator of the world, how wonderfully doest thou deale with us, how sweetly and graciously doest thou dispose of all things with thine elect, to whom thou offerest thy selfe to be received in the Sacrament.

37 O this exceedeth all under­standing of man: this chiefly draweth the hearts of the devout, and inflameth their desire!

38 For thy true faithfull servants that dispose their whole life to amend­ment, oftentimes receive great grace of devotion, and love of vertue.

39 O admirable and hidden grace of this Sacrament, which only the faithfull of Christ doe know: but the un­faithfull, and such as are slaves unto sin, canot conceive nor feele.

40 In this Sacrament spirituall grace is given, and lost vertue is resto­red in the soule: and beauty disfigured by sin returneth againe.

[Page 319] 41 This grace is sometimes so great, that with the fulnesse of devoti­on, which is here given, not only the mind, but the weake body also feeleth great increase of strength.

42 Our coldnesse and negligence surely is much to be bewailed and pit­tied, that we are not drawne with grea­ter affection to receive Christ, in whom all the hope and reward of those that are to be saved doth consist.

43 For hee is our sanctification and redemption: he is the comfort of passengers, and the everlasting fruition of Saints.

44 It is much therefore to be la­mented that many doe so litle consider this comfortable mysterie, which rejoy­ceth heaven, and preserveth the whole world.

45 Oblindnesse and hardnesse of mans heart, that doth not the more deeply weigh the greatnesse of so un­speakable gift, but rather comes by the daily use thereof, to regard it litle or no­thing.

46 For if this most holy Sacra­ment should be celebrated in one place only, & consecrated by one only Priest [Page 320] in the world, with how great desire doest thou think would men be affe­cted to that place?

47 And what esteeme would they have of such a Priest of Almighty God, by whom they might enjoy the conso­lation of these divine mysteries.

48 But now there are many Priests, and Christ is offered up in many places that so the grace and love of God to man may appeare so much the greater, hovv much the more this sacred Com­munion is common through the world.

49 Thankes be unto thee, good Iesu, everlasting Pastour of our soules, that hast vouchsafed to refresh us poore and banished men, with thy precious Body and Blood!

50 And to invite us to the recei­ving of these mysteries with the words of thy owne mouth, saying, Come un­to me all yee that labour and are bur­dened, and I will refresh you.

That great goodnesse and charity of God is bestowed upon man in this Sacrament.
The voice of the Disciple.

PResuming of thy goodnesse and great mercy, O Lord, being sick, I approach unto my Saviour, hungry and thirsty to the fountaine of life, needy to the King of heaven, a servant unto my Lord, a creature to my Creator, deso­late to my mercifull comforter.

2 But whence is this to me, that thou vouchsafest to come unto me? Who am I that thou shouldest give thy selfe unto me?

3 How dare a sinner presume to appeare before thee? And thou, how doest thou vouchsafe to come unto a sinner?

4 Thou knowest thy servant, and seest that he hath no good thing in him, for which thou shouldest bestow this benefit upon him.

5 I confesse therefore my unwor­thinesse, [Page 322] and I acknowledge thy good­nesse: I praise thy mercy▪ and give thee thankes for this thy unspeakable cha­rity.

6 For thou doest this for thine owne sake, not for any merits of mine, to the end that thy goodnesse may be better knowne unto mee, thy charity more abundantly shewed, and thy hu­mility more highly commended.

7 Since therefore it is thy pleasure, and hast commanded that it should be so, this thy bounty is also pleasing to me, and doe wish that my offences may be no hindrance unto it.

7 O most sweet and bountifull Ie­su, how great reverence and thanks, with perpetuall praise is due unto thee for the receaving of thy sacred body, whose worth and dignity no man is a­ble to expresse!

8 But what shall I think of at this time, now that I am to receive this di­vine Sacrament, and to approach unto my Lord, to whom I am not able to give due reverence, and yet I desire to receave him devoutly?

9 What can I thinke better, and more profitable, then to humble my [Page 323] selfe wholly before thee, and to ex­alt thy infinite goodnesse above me.

10 I praise thee my God, and will exalt thee for ever, and I doe despise, and submit my selfe unto thee, even in­to the depth of my unworthinesse.

11 Behold, thou art the Holy of Holies, and I the skum of sinners! be­hold thou bowest thy selfe downe un­to me, who am not worthy so much as to look up unto thee!

12 Behold thou comest unto me: it is thy will to be with me, thou invi­test me to thy banquet:

13 Thou wilt give me the food of heaven, and bread of Angels to eat, which is no other truly then thy selfe, the lively bread, that descendedst from heaven, and givest life unto the world.

14 Behold from whence this love proceedeth! what kind of favour and benignity is this which shineth upon us! What thankes and praises are due unto thee for these benefits.

15 O how good and profitable was thy counsell, when thou ordai­nedst! How sweet and pleasant the banquet when thou gavest thy selfe to be our food.

[Page 324] 16 How wonderfull thy worke, O Lord, how powerfull thy vertue, how unspeakable thy truth! For thou saidst the word, and all things were made, and this was done which thou commandest.

17 A thing of great admiration, and worthy of faith, and surpassing the understanding of man, that thou, my Lord God, true God & Man, shouldst be exhibited unto us by the elements of bread and wine, and thy body wor­thily receaved should be the spirituall food of our soule.

18 Thou who are the Lord of all things, and standest in need of none, hast pleased to dwell in us by meanes of this thy Sacrament.

19 Preserve my heart and body unspotted, that with a cheerefull and pure conscience, I may often celebrate thy mysteries, and receave them to my everlasting health, which thou hast chiefly ordained and instituted for thy honour, and perpetuall memory.

20 Rejoyce O my soule, and give thankes unto God for so noble a gift and singular comfort, left unto thee in this vale of teares!

[Page 325] 21 For as often as thou callest to mind this mystery, and receavest the body of Christ, so often dost thou re­member the worke of thy redemption, and art made partaker of all the merits of Christ.

22 For the charity of Christ is ne­ver diminished, and the greatnesse of his mercy is never drawne dry.

23 Therefore thou oughtest al­waies to dispose thy selfe hereunto by a fresh renewing of thy minde, and to weigh with attentive consideration this great mystery of thy salvation.

24 So great, now, and joyfull it ought to seeme unto thee, when thou commest to the holy Communion, as if the same day Christ first descended in­to the wombe of the Virgin, were be­come man, or hanging on the crosse, did suffer and dye for the salvation of mankinde▪

That it is profitable to communi­cate often.
The voice of the Disciple.

BEhold, O Lord, I come unto thee, that I may be comforted in thy gifts, and be delighted in thy holy ban­quet, which thou, O Lord, hast prepa­red in thy sweetnesse, for the poore.

2 Behold in thee is all whatsoever I can, or ought to desire: thou art my health, and my redemption, my hope and my strength, my honour and my glory.

3 Make joyfull therefore this day, the soule of thy servant, for that I have lifted it up to thee my sweet Iesus, I de­sire to receave thee now with devotion, and reverence.

4 I doe long to bring thee into my house, that with Zachreus I may ob­taine to be blessed by thee, and num­bred amongst the children of Abra­ham.

5 My soule thirsteth to receave thy body, my heart desireth to be united with thee.

[Page 327] 6 Give thy selfe to me, and it suf­ficeth: For besides thee no comfort is availeable, I cannot be without thee, nor live without thy gracious visitation.

7 And therefore I must often come unto thee, and receave thee as the only remedy of my health, lest perhaps I faint in the way, if I be de­prived of thy heavenly food.

8 For so, most mercifull Iesus, thou once didst say, preaching to the people, and curing sundry diseases, I will not send them home fasting, lest they faint in the way.

9 Deale thou therefore in like manner now with me, who hast vouchsafed to leave thy selfe in the Sa­crament for the comfort of the faith­full.

10 For thou art the sweet refecti­on of the soule, and he that eateth thee worthily, shall be partaker, and heire of everlasting glory.

11 It is necessary for me, that doe so often fall and sinne, so quickly waxe dull and faint, that by often prayers and confessions, and receaving of thy sacred body, I renew, clense, and in­flame my selfe, lest perhaps by long [Page 328] abstayning. I fall from my holy pur­pose:

12 For man is prone unto evill from his youth, and unlesse this divine remedy helpe him, he quickly slideth to worse.

13 This holy communion there­fore draweth back from evill, and com­forteth in good.

14 For if I be now so often slack and negligent when I communicate or officiate, what would become of mee, if I receaved not this remedy, & sought not after so great helpe.

15 Though every day I be not sit, not well prepared to communicate, I will endeavour notwithstanding at convenient times to receave the divine mysteries, and make my selfe partaker of so great a grace.

16 For this is the only chiefe com­fort of a faithfull soule, whilest she wandreth from thee in this mortall bo­dy, that being mindfull of her God, she often receave her beloved with a devout minde.

17 O wonderfull benignity of thy mercy towards us, that thou, Lord God, the Creator and giver of life to all [Page 329] spirits, doest vouchsafe to come unto a poore soule;

18 And with thy whole Deity and Humanity to turn her hunger into sa­tiety [...] o happy minde and blessed soule that is vouchsafed to receave thee her Lord God, with devout affection, and in receaving of thee to be filled with spirituall joy!

19 O how great a Lord doth she entertaine? How beloved a guest doth she harbour? how pleasant a compani­on doth she receave? how faithfull [...] friend doth she accept? how beautifull and noble a spouse doth she imbrace?

20 Shee imbraceth him who is to be loved above all that is beloved, and above all things that may be desired. Let heaven and earth & all their beau­ty be silent in thy presence:

21 For what beauty and praise soever they have, it is receaved from thy honour, and shall not equall the beauty of thy name, of whose wisdome there is no end.

That many benefits are bestowed upon them that communi­cate devoutly.
The voice of the Disciple.

O My Lord God, prevent thy servant in the blessings of thy swetnesse that I may attaine thy favour to ap­proach worthily and devoutly to the holy Sacrament!

2 Stirre up my heart unto thee, & deliver me from all heavinesse & sloth [...] visit me with thy comfort, that I may tast in spirit thy sweetnesse, which i [...] this Sacrament as in a fountain plent [...] fully lyeth hid.

3 Give light also to mine eyes [...] behold so great a mystery, and strong then me to believe it with undoubte [...] faith.

4 For it is thy worke, and no [...] mans power, thy sacred institution, no [...] mans invention:

3 For no man is of himselfe able to comprehend and understand th [...] [Page 331] things, which surpasse the deepest reach even of Angels.

4 What therefore shall Iunwor­thy sinner, earth and ashes, be able to search and comprehend of so high and sacred a mystery?

5 O Lord in syncerity of my heart, with a good and firme faith, and at thy commandement, I come unto thee with hope and reverence; and doe ve­rily believe, that thou God and Man affordest a gracious presence at this Sa­crament.

6 Thy holy pleasure is, that I re­ceave thee, and by charity doe unite my selfe unto thee:

7 Wherefore I doe flee unto thy clemency, and doe crave speciall grace, that I may wholly melt in thee, and a­bound with love, and hereafter never admit any externall comfort.

8 For this most high and worthy Sacrament is the health of the soule and body, the remedy of all spirituall sicknesse.

9 By it my vices are cured, my pas­sions bridled, temptations overcome or weakned, greater grace infused, ver­tue increased, faith confirmed, hope [Page 332] strengthened, and charity inflamed and enlarged.

3 For thou hast bestowed, & still oftentimes doest bestow many bene­fits in this Sacrament upon thy belo­ved that receave it devoutly.

11 O my God the Protectour of my soule, the strengthener of humane frailety, and the giver of all inward comfort,

12 Thou impartest unto them much comfort against sundry tribulati­ons, and liftest them up from the depth of their own basenesse, to the hope of thy protection, and doest in­wardly refresh and illustrate them with a certain new grace.

13 In such sort, that they who be­fore Communion felt themselves hea­vy and indisposed, afterwards being strengthened with heavenly meate and drinke, doe find in themselves a great change to the better;

14 Which thou dost so dispose to thy elect, that they may truly acknow­ledge, and patiently proove, how great their own infirmitie is, and what be­nefit and grace they receave from thee.

15 For they of themselves are [Page 333] cold, dull, and undevout, but by thee they are made fervent, cheerefull and full of devotion.

16 For who is there, that ap­proaching humbly unto the fountaine of sweetnesse, doth not carry away from thence at least some litle sweet­nesse?

17 Or who standing by a great fire, receaveth not some small heat thereby? Thou art a fountaine alwaies full and overflowing; a fire ever burn­ing and never decaying.

18 Wherefore if I cannot draw at the full out of the fountaine, nor drink my fill, I will notwithstanding set my lips to the mouth of this hea­venly conduite, that I may draw from thence at least some small droppe, to refresh my thirst, to the end I wither not away and utterly perish.

19 And though I be not altoge­ther celestiall, nor so inflamed as the Cherubims and Seraphims, notwith­standing I will endeavour to apply my selfe to devotion, and dispose my heart to obtaine some small sparke of divine fire by humble receaving of this life­giving Sacrament.

[Page 334] 20 And whatsoever is hereunto wanting in me, good Iesu, most bles­sed Saviour, doe thou supply for me: most benigne and gracious Lord, who hast vouchsafed to call all unto thee, saying, Come unto mee all yee that la­bour and are burdened, and I will re­fresh you.

21 I labour in the sweate of my browes, I am vexed with griefe of heart, I am burdened with sinnes, I am troubled with temptations, I am intan­gled and oppressed with many evill passions;

22 And there is none to helpe me, none to deliver and save me, but thou, Lord God, my Saviour, to whom I commit my selfe, & all mine, that thou maist keep me, and bring me to life e­verlasting.

22 Receave me to the honour and glory of thy name, who hast prepared thy Body and Bloud to be my meat & drinke.

23 Grant O Lord God, my Sa­viour, that by frequenting thy myste­ries, my zeale and devotion may in­crease more and more.

Of the dignity of this Sacrament, and Priestly function.
The voice of Christ.

IF thou hadst angelicall purity, and the Sanctity of S. Iohn Baptist, thou [...]vert not worthy to receive, nor handle [...]his Sacrament:

2 For it is not within the compasse of the deserts of men, that man should consecrate and handle the Sacrament of Christ, & receive for food the bread of Angels.

3 A great mystery, and great is the dignity of Priests, to whom is granted that which is not permitted to the Angels:

4 For Priests alone rightly institu­ted in the Church, have power to ce­ [...]ebrate, and consecrate the Body of Christ.

5 The Priest is the Minister of God, using the words of God, by the commandement, and appointment of of God, but God is there the principal [Page 336] Author, and invisible Worker, to whom is subject all that he pleaseth, and all that he commandeth, doth obey.

6 Thou oughtest therefore to give more credit to God Almighty in this most excellent Sacrament, then to thine owne sense, or to any visible signe: And theresofore thou art to come unto this mystery with feare and reve­rence.

7 Consider attentively with thy selfe, and see what that is, whereof the Ministry is delivered unto thee by the imposition of the hands of the Bishop.

8 Behold thou art made a Priest, and consecrated to officiate: see now that in due time thou offer Sacrifice un­to God faithfully and devoutly, and carry thy selfe so, as thou maist be with­out reproof.

9 Thou hast not lightned thy bur­then, but are now bound with a straiter bond of discipline, and art obliged to a more perfect degree of sanctity.

10 A Priest ought to be adorned with all kind of vertues, and to give ex­ample of good life to others.

11 His conversation should not be according to the ordinary and common [Page 337] proceedings of men, but like to the Angels in heaven, or to perfect men on earth.

12 A Priest clothed in sacred gar­ments is the Vicegerent of Christ, to pray humbly, and with a prostrate mind unto God for himselfe and the whole people.

13 And know that he is placed as a modiatour betweene God and the sinner: Neither ought he to cease from praior and holy oblation, till he obtaine grace and mercy.

14 When a Priest doth celebrate, he honoureth God, rejoyceth the An­gels, edlfieth the Church, helpeth the living, and maketh himselfe partaker of all good deeds.

An Interrogation of the exercise before Communion.
The voice of the Disciple.

VVHen I weigh thy greatnesse, O Lord, and mine unworthi­nesse, I tremble, and am confounded in my selfe.

[Page 338] 2 For if I come not unto thee, I fly from life; and if I unworthily in­trude my selfe, I incurre thy displea­sure.

3 What therefore shall I doe my God, my Helper, and my Counsellour in necessitie?

4 Teach me the right way, appoint me some briefe exercise sutable to this holy mystery of the sacred Communi­on.

5 For it is good for me to know, how I should reverently and devoutly prepare my heart unto thee, for the pro­fitable receiving of thy Sacraments, or for the celebrating of so great and di­vine a Sacrifice.

Of the discussing of our owne conscience, and purpose of amendment.
The voice of the Beloved.

ABove all things, the Priest of Go [...] ought to come to celebrate, han [...]dle, and receive this Sacrament wit [...] [Page 339] great humility of heart, and lowly re­verence, with a full faith, and a godly desire of the honour of the divine Ma­jestie.

2 Examine diligently thy consci­ence, and to thy power, purge & clense it with true contrition, and humble con­fession:

3 So as there may be nothing in thee, that may be burdensome unto thee, or that may breed thee remorse of conscience, and hinder thy free accesse to these heavenly mysteries.

4 Repent thee of all thy sinnes in generall, and in particular bewaile thy daily offences: And if thou hast time, confesse unto God in the secret of thy heart, all the miseries of thy disorde­red passions.

5 Lament and grieve, that thou are yet so subject to sensualitie,

6 So addicted unto the world,

7 So unmortified in thy passions, so full of the motions of concupiscence,

8 So unwatchful over thy outward senses,

9 So often entangled with many vaine fantasies.

10 So vehemently inclined to all [Page 340] outward things,

12 So wonderfull negligent in the interiour,

13 So prone to laughter and in­modesty,

14 So hard to teares and compun­ction,

15 So prompt to ease and plea­sures of the flesh,

16 So dull to austeritic and fer­vour,

17 So curious to heare newes and see vaine sights,

18 So slack to imbrace that which tends to thine owne humiliation and contempt,

19 So covetous of abundance, so [...]iggardly in giving,

20 So fast in keeping,

21 So inconsiderate in speech,

22 So unbridled to silence,

23 So loose in manners,

24 So couragious in deeds,

25 So greedy to meat,

26 So deafe to the Word of God,

27 So hasty to rest,

28 So slow to labour,

29 So watchfull to tales,

30 So drowsy to watch in the ser­vice of God,

[Page 341] 31 So hasty to the end thereof,

32 So inconstant in attention,

33 So negligent in saying thy prai­ers,

34 So undevout in celebrating, the Communion.

35 So dry in receiving,

36 So quickly distracted,

37 So seldome wholly recollected.

38 So suddenly moved to an anger,

39 So apt to take displeasure a­gainst another,

40 So prone to judge,

41 So severe to reprehend,

42 So joyfull in prosperity,

43 So weake in adversitie,

44 So often purposing much good, and performing litle.

45 These and other thy defects confessed, and bewailed with sorrow, and great dislike of thine owne infirmi­ty, make a firme purpose alwaies to a­mend thy selfe, and to goe forwards in vertue.

46 Then with full resignation, and with thy whole will offer thy selfe up to the honour of my name, a perpe­tuall sacrifice in the Altar of thy heart:

47 Faithfully committing thy bo­dy [Page 342] and soule unto me, that so thou maist also obtain that favour, to come worthily to offer sacrifice unto God, and to receive profitably the Sacrament of my body.

48 For there is no oblation wor­thy, nor satisfaction greater, for the wa­shing away of sinnes, then to offer up our selves unto God purely & whol­ly in the holy Communion.

49 And when a man shall have done what lyeth in him, and shall be truly penitent, as I live, saith our Lord, who will not the death of a sinner, but rather that he be converted and live, and I will not remember hir sinnes any more, but they shall be all forgiven him and fully pardoned.

Of the oblation of Christ on the Crosse and resignation of our selves.
The voice of the Beloved.

AS I willingly offered up my selfe unto God my Father, with my [Page 343] hands stretched forth on the Crosse, and my body naked for thy sinnes, so that nothing remained in me that was not turned into a sacrifice, for the ap­peasing of the divine wrath:

2 So oughtest thou also to offer up thy selfe willingly unto me daily, as a pure and holy oblation, with thy whole force and desire, in as hearty manner as thou canst.

3 What doe I require of thee more then that thou resigne thy selfe wholly unto me?

4 Whatsoever thou givest besides thy selfe, is of litle accompt in my sight, for I seeke not thy gift, but thee.

5 As it would not suffice thee to have all things whatsoever besides me: so neither can it please me whatsoever thou givest, if thou offerest not up thy selfe: Offer thy selfe unto me, and give thy selfe all that thou art, for God, and thy offering shall be grate­full.

6 Behold I offered up my selfe wholly unto my Father for thee, and gave my whole body and blood for thy food, that I might be wholly thine, and thou remain mine.

[Page 344] 7 But if thou abidest in thy selfe, and doest not offer thy selfe up freely unto my wil, thy oblation is not entire, neither shall the union betweene us be perfect.

8 Therefore a free offering up of thy selfe into the hands of God, ought to goe before all thy actions, if thou wilt obtaine freedome and grace.

9 For this cause so few become in­wardly illuminated, and enjoy true li­bertie of heart, for that they doe not resolve wholly to denie themselves.

10 My saying is undoubtedly true: Vnlesse one forsake all, he cannot be my Disciple. If thou therefore wish to be mine, offer up thy selfe unto mee with thy whole desires.

That we ought to offer up our selves and all that is ours unto God, and to pray for all.
The voice of the Disciple.

THine, O Lord, are all things that are in heaven and in earth: I de­sire [Page 345] to offer up my selfe unto thee, as a free oblation, and to remaine alwaies thine.

2 O Lord, in sincerity of my heart, I offer my selfe unto thee this day in sacrifice of perpetuall praise, to be thy servant for ever.

3 Receive me with this holy obla­tion of thy precious body, which in the presence of the Angels invisibly atten­ding here upon thee, I offer up this day unto thee, that it may be to the health of my soule, and the salvation of all thy people.

4 I offer unto thee, O Lord, all my sinnes and offences, which I have com­mitted in the sight of thee, and thy ho­ly Angels, from the day wherein I first could sinne, to this houre, upon thy ho­ly Alta [...].

5 That thou maist consume and burne them all with the fire of thy cha­ritie, and wash out all the staines of my sinnes, and cleanse my conscience from all offence, and restore to me againe thy grace, which I lost by sinne, forgi­ving me all my offences, and receiving me mercifully in the kisse of peace.

6 What can I doe for my sinnes▪ [Page 346] but humbly confesse and bewaile them and intreate alwaies for mercy without intermission? I beseech thee, heare me in thy abundant mercy, when I stand before thee my God!

7 All my sinnes are very displea­sing unto me: I will never commit them any more, but I am sory, and will be so­ry for them as long as I live, and am ready to repent, and doe any thing that may move thee to pardon them.

8 Forgive me, O God, forgive me my sinnes, for thy holy names sake. save my soule, which thou hast redeemed with thy most precious Blood.

9 Behold I commit my selfe unto thy mercy, I resigne my selfe over into thy hands: doe with me according to thy goodnesse, not according to my wickednesse, and manifold iniquitie.

10 I offer up also unto thee all whatsoever is good in me, although it be very litle and imperfect, that thou maist amend and sanctifie it, that thou maist make it gratefull and acceptable unto thee.

11 And alwaies perfect more and more that which thou hast begun, and bring me also, who am the slothfull [Page 347] and unprofitable servent to a good and blessed end.

12 I offer up also unto thee all the godly desires of devout persons, the ne­cessitie of my parents and friends, my brethren and si [...]ters, and of all those that are deare unto me, and that have done good either to my selfe or others for thy love:

13 And that have desired mee to pray for them, and all theirs, that they all may receive the helpe of thy grace and comfort, protection from dangers, delivery from paine, and being freed from all evils, may joyfully give worthy thankes to thee.

14 I offer up also unto thee my praiers and sacrifices, especially for them who have in any thing wronged, grie­ved, or standered me, or have done me any damage or displeasure:

15 And for those also, whom I have at any time grieved, troubled, and scandalized by words, or deeds, wit­tingly, or at unawares, that it may please thee to forgive us all our sinnes and of­fences, one against another.

16 Take O Lord, from our hearts all jealousie, all indignation, wrath, and [Page 348] contention, and whatsoever may hure charitie, and weaken brotherly love.

17 Have mercy, O Lord, have mercy on those, that crave thy mercy: give grace unto them that stand in need thereoff, and grant that we may be worthy to enjoy thy grace, and attain unto life everlasting, Amen.

That the holy Communion is not lightly to be forborne.
The voice of the Beloved.

THou oughtest often to have re­course to the Fountaine of grace, and of divine mercy; to the Fountaine of goodnesse, and of all purity, that thou maist be cured of thy sinnes and passions, and be made more strong & vigilant against all temptations and de­ceipts of the Divell.

2 The enemy knowing the grea­test profit, and remedy to consist in the holy Communion, endeavoureth by all meanes and occasions to withdraw & hinder faithfull and devout persons from it:

[Page 349] 3 Some when they purpose to re­ceave the sacred Commnnion, suffer greatest assaults of the Divell:

4 For that wicked spirit (as is writ­ten in Iob) commeth amongst the Sons of God, to trouble them with his ac­customed malice and impiety, or to make them overfearefull and perplex­ed:

4 That so he may diminish their affection, or by his subtile assaults, take away their faith, to the end they may either altogether abstaine from this di­vine food, or at least come unto it with lesse devotion.

5 But there is no heed to be taken of his fraudes and malicious suggesti­ons, be they never so filthy and hide­ous, but all is to be turned back upon his own head.

6 Thou oughtest to contemne & scorne him miserable wretch, and not to omit the sacred communion for his assaults, and the troubles which hee raiseth.

7 Oftentimes also an excessive care for the obtaining of devoti­on, and a certain anxiety for the ma­king of thy confession hindereth thee.

[Page 350] 8 Follow in these occasions the counsell of the wise, and put away all anxiety and scruple, for it hindreth the grace of God, and over throweth de­votion.

9 Omit not for every small vexa­tion of the minde which hapneth, to receave this holy Sacrament.

10 But goe presently to confesse thy sinnes, and willingly to forgive o­thers, whatsoever offences they have done against thee, and if thou hast of­fended any, humbly crave pardon, and God will willingly forgive thee.

11 What availeth it to delay con­fession, & to deferre receaving? Purge thy selfe with speed, spit out the venom presently, make hast to take a remedy, and thou shalt finde it better, then if thou deferredst it long.

12 If thou omittest it to day for this cause, perhaps to morrow some greater will fall out, and so thou maist be hindred a long time from these di­vine mysteries, and become more un­fit.

13 Stirre up thy selfe, and shake off all heavinesse and sloth, with the greatest force and speed thou canst.

[Page 351] 14 For it profiteth nothing to continue long in disquietnesso & trou­ble of mind, and for daily occurring impediments to withdraw thy selfe from the Sacraments.

15 Yea it hurteth very much to de­fer Communionlong, for it is wont to breed a great and dangerous dulnesse.

16 Alas, some cold and dissolute people doe willingly delay their con­fession, and doe therefore deferre the sacred Communion, lest they should be bound to greater watch over them­selves.

17 O how litle charity and weak devotion have they that so easily omit the receaving of these holy mysteries!

18 How happy is he and gratefull to God, who ordereth so his life, and keepeth his conscience in such purity, that he may be ready and fit to com­municate every day, if it were coveni­ent and might be done without notice taken!

19 If any one sometimes abstaine of humility, or by reason of some law­full impediment, he is to be commen­ded for the revorence which therein it shewed.

[Page 352] 20 But if it proceedeth of coldnesse, he must stirre himselfe up, and doe what lyeth in him, and God will pro­sper his desire, for the good will hee hath to doe it, which God doth chiefly respect.

21 And when any lawfull hinde­rance doth happen, he must alwaies have yet a good will and loving desire to communicate, and so shall he not loose the fruit of the Sacrament.

22 For a devout person may everyday and houre profitably and without let, receave Christ spiritually.

23 And yet on certain daies, and at time appointed he ought to receave Sacramentally, with an affectionate re­verence, the Body of his Redeemer, and rather seeke the honour and glory of God, then his own comfort.

24 For he communicateth mysti­cally, and is invisibly fed, as often as he devoutly calleth to mind the mystery of the incarnation, and the Passion of Christ, and is inflamed with his love.

25 He that prepareth not him­selfe, but when a feast draweth neere, and when custome compelleth him thereunto, shall often be unprepared.

[Page 353] 26 Blessed is he that offereth him­selfe as an Holocaust and burnt offe­ring to our Lord, as often as he doth celebrate or communicate.

27 Be not too long nor too short in officiating, but keep the accustomed manner of those, with whom thou li­vest.

28 Thou oughtest not to be tedi­ous and troublesome to others, but to observe the common course according to the appointment of thy Superiours.

29 And rather frame thy selfe to the profit of others, then to thine own devotion or desire.

That the Body of Christ, and the holy Scriptures are most ne­cessary unto a faith­full soule.
The voice of the Disciple.

O Most sweet Lord Iesu, how great is the delight of a devout soule that feasteth with thee in thy bntiquet.

2 Where there is no other meat [Page 354] offered to be eaten, but thy selfe her only beloved, and most to be desired above all the desires of her heart.

3 And verily it would be a great comfort unto me, to powre out teares from the bottome of my heart in thy presence, and with devout Magdalen to wash thy feet with the teares of mine eyes.

4 But where is this devotion? where is so plentifull shedding of holy teares? Surely in the sight of thee and thy holy Angels, my whole heart should be in­flamed and dissolve into teares for joy.

5 For I enjoy thee in the sacra­ment truly present, though darkned & in a shadow.

6 For to behold thee in thine own divine brightnesse, mine eyes would not be able to endure it, neither could the whole world stand in the cleere­nesse of the glory of thy Majesty.

7 I doe really enjoy and adore him whom the Angels adore in hea­ven, but I as yet for the time in faith, they in his proper forme, and without shadow.

8 I ought to be contented with [Page 355] the light of true faith, and to walke therein, untill the day of everlasting brightnesse break forth, and the shad­dowes of figures passe away.

9 But when that shall come which is perfect, the use of Sacraments shall cease: For the blessed in heavenly glory need not the remedy of Sacra­ments, who rejoyce without end in the presence of God:

10 Beholding his glory face to face, and being transformed by his brightnesse, into the brightnesse of the incomprehensible Deity, they tast the word of God made flesh, as he was from the beginning, and as he remain­eth for ever.

11 Whilest I remember these wonderfull works, even all spirituall comfort whatsoever becometh very te­dious unto me: for that as long as I behold not my Lord openly in his glo­ry, I make no accompt of whatsoever I see or heare in this life.

12 Thou art my witnesse, O God, that nothing can comfort me, no creature give me rest, but thou my God, whom I desire to behold everlast­ingly.

[Page 356] 13 But this is not possible whilest I remaine in this mortall life, therefore I must frame my selfe to much pati­ence, and submit my selfe to thee in all my desires.

14 For thy Saints also, O Lord, who now rejoyce with thee in the Kingdome of heaven, whilest they li­ved, expected in faith and great pati­ence the comming of thy glory.

15 What they believed, I believe, what they hoped for, I expect; whi­ther they are come, I trust by thy grace I shall also come.

16 In the meane time I will goe forward in faith, strengthened by the examples of the Saints.

17 I have also devout bookes for my comfort, and for the guide of my life, and above all these, thy most holy Body for a singular remedy and [...]e­fuge.

18 For I perceive two things to be chiefly necessary for me in this life, without which this miserable life would be insupportable unto me.

19 Whilest I am kept in the prison of this body, I acknowledge my selfe to stand in need of two things, to wit, [Page 357] food, and light.

29 Thou hast therefore given un­to me, weak creature, thy sacred Body for the refection of my soule & body, and hast set thy word as a light unto my feet.

30 Without these two I could not well live: For the word of God is the light of the soule, and thy Sacrament, the bread of life.

31 These also may be called the two tables set on the one side and the other, in the store-house of the holy Church.

32 One is the table of the holy Altar, containing the sacred bread, that is, the precious body of Christ:

33 The other is of the divine law, containing holy doctrine, teaching true faith, and certainly leading to the part of the Temple within the veile, where are the Holy of Holies.

34 Thanks be unto thee, Lord [...], light of everlasting light, for thy able of holy doctrine, at which thou [...]vest us by thy servants the Prophets and Apostles, and other Doctors.

[...]5 Thanks be unto thee Creatour and redee [...]er of man, who to manifest [Page 358] thy charity to the whole world hast prepared a great supper, wherein thou hast offered to be eaten, not the mysti­call lambe, but thine own most sacred Body and Blood:

36 Rejoycing all the faithfull with thy holy banquet, & replenishing them to the full with thy heavenly cuppe.

37 In which are all the delights of heaven, and the holy Angels doe feast with us, but with a more happy sweet­nesse.

38 O how great and honourable is the office of Priests, to whom it is granted with sacred words to conse­crate the Lord of Majesty, with their lips to blesse him, with their hands to hold him, with their own mouth to re­ceave him, and to administer him to o­thers!

[...]2 O how clean ought to be those hands! How pure that mouth! How holy the body! How unspotted the heart of the Priest, into whom the Author of purity so often entreth.

40 Nothing but holy, no word but chast and profitable ought to pro­ceed from the mouth of the Priest, which so often receaveth the Sacra­ment [Page 359] of Christ.

41 Simple and chast ought to be the eyes, that are wont to behold the body of Christ, the hands pure and lif­ted up to heaven, that use to handle the Creator of heaven and earth.

43 Vnto the Priests especially it is said in the Law, Be ye holy, for that I your Lord God am holy.

43 Assist us Almighty God with thy grace, that we, who have underta­ken the office of Priesthood, may serve thee worthily and devoutly in all pu­rity, and with a sincere conscience.

44 And if we cannot live in so great innocency as we ought to doe, grant us notwithstanding in due man­ner, to bewaile the sinnes which we have committed:

43 And in the spirit of humilitie, and syncere intention to serve thee hereafter with more fervour and devo­tion.

That he that is to communicate, ought to prepare himself with great di­ligence.
The voice of the Beloved.

I Am the lover of purity, and the gi­ver of all sanctity, I seeke a pure heart, there is the place of my r [...]st: Make ready and adorne for me a great chamber, and I will make with thee the Passeover for my Disciples.

2 If thou wilt have me come unto thee▪ and remaine with thee, purge the old leaven, and make clean the dwel­ling of thy heart, shut out the whole world and all tumult of vices.

3 Sit like a sparrow solitary [...]on the house top, and think of thy offence in the bitternesse of thy soule.

4 For every lover prepareth [...]he best and fairest roome for his beloved, and herein is known the affection of him that entertaineth his beloved.

5 Know thou notwithstanding [Page 361] that the worth of no action of thine is able to make this preparation suffici­ent, although thou shouldest prepar [...] thy selfe a whole yeare together, and thinke on nothing else:

6 But of my mercy and grace only thou art suffred to come to my table, like a begger invited to dinner to a rich man, who hath nothing else to returne him for his benefits, but to humble himselfe, and give him thanks.

7 Doe what lieth in thee, and doe it diligently, not for custome, nor for necessity, but with feare and reverence, and hearty affection receave the body of thy beloved Lord and God, who vouchsafeth to come unto thee.

8 I am he that have called thee, I have commanded it to be done, I will supply what is wanting in thee, come and receave me.

9 When I bestow the grace of de­votion on thee, give thanks to God, for it is given thee, not for that thou deservest it, but because I have mercy on thee.

10 If thou have it not, but rather feele thy selfe dry, continue in prayer, sigh and knock, and give not over un­till [Page 362] thou hast attained to some crumme or drop of saving grace.

11 Thou hast need of me, not I of thee, neither comest thou to sanctify me, but I come to sanctify and make thee better.

12 Thou comest that thou maist be sanctified by me, and united unto me, that thou maist receave new grace, and be stirred up againe to amend­ment.

13 Neglect not this grace, but prepare thy heart with all diligence, & receave thy beloved into thy soule.

14 But thou oughtest not only to prepare thy selfe to devotion before Communion, but carefully also to con­serve thy selfe therein, after thou hast receaved the Sacrament.

15 Neither is the carefull guarde of thy selfe after, lesse exacted, then devout preparation before.

16 For a good guard afterwards is the best preparation thou canst make for the obtaining againe of greater grace.

17 Because that mans minde be­cometh very indisposed, if he presently powre himselfe forth to outward com­forts: [Page 363] Beware of much talke, remaine in some secret place, and enjoy thy God.

18 For thou hast him whom all the world cannot take from thee: I am he to whom thou oughtest wholly to give thy selfe, that so thou maist live hereafter not in thy selfe, but in me, without all care.

That a devout soule ought to desire with her whole heart to be united unto Christ in the Sacrament.
The voice of the Disciple.

HOw may I obtaine this, O Lord, that I may finde thee alone, and open my whole heart unto thee, and enjoy thee as my soule desireth?

2 And that no man may look up­on mee, nor any creature move mee or respect mee, but thou alone maist speake unto me, and I to thee, as the beloved is wont to speak to his belo­ved, & a friend to bāquet with his friēd.

[Page 364] 3 This I pray for, this I desire, that I may be wholly united unto thee, and may withdraw my heart from all created things, and more by sacred Communion and often celebrating learne to tast of heavenly and everlast­ing sweetnesse.

4 O Lord God, when shall I be wholly united unto thee, and swallow­ed up by thee, and altogether forget­full of my selfe! thou in me, and I in thee, and so grant us both to continue in one.

5 Thou art my beloved, the choi­sest amongst thousands, in whom my soule hath taken pleasure to dwell all the daies of her life.

6 Thou art my peace-maker in whom is greatest peace, and true rest, without whom is labour and sorrow, and infinite misery.

7 Thou art a hidden God, and thy counsell is not with the wicked, but thy speech is with the humble and sim­ple of heart.

8 O Lord, how sweet is thy spirit! who to the end thou maist shew thy sweetnesse towards thy children, vouch­safe to feed them with the most de­lightsome [Page 365] bread which descendeth from heaven, and is full of all sweet­nesse!

9 Surely there is no other Nation so great, that hath Gods approaching unto them, as thou our God art present to all thy faithfull.

10 Vnto whom for their daily comfort, and for the lifting up of their hearts to heaven, thou givest thy selfe to be eaten and enjoyed.

11 I or what other Nation is there so famous, as the Christian people? or what creature under heaven so beloved as a devout soule, to whom God him­selfe commeth to feed her with his glo­rious flesh.

12 O unspeakable grace! O ad­mirable favour, O infinite love singu­larly bestowed upon man!

13 But what shall I give unto our Lord in returne of this grace, for so singular a charity?

14 There is no other thing more gratefull that I am able to give, then to bestow my heart wholly on my God; and to unite it perfectly unto him.

15 Then shall all my bowels re­rejoyce, [Page 366] when my soule shall be per­fectly united unto God: Then he will say unto me, if thou wilt be with me, I will be with thee.

16 And I will answer him: Vouch­safe, O Lord, to remaine with me, I will very gladly be with thee: This is my whole desire, that my heart be u­nited unto thee.

Of the fervent desire of some devout persons to receave the body of Christ.
The voice of the Disciple.

O How great is the store of thy sweetnesse, O Lord, which thou hast hidden for them that fear thee!

2 When I remember some devout persons, who come unto thy Sacrament, O Lord, with great devotion and affe­ction, I am oftentimes confounded, & blush within my selfe, that I come so negligently and coldly to thy altar, and to the table of the holy Commu­nion:

[Page 367] 3 That I remaine so dry and with­out any hearty affection, that I am not wholly inflamed in thy presence, my God,

4 Nor so earnestly drawne and moved, as many devout persons have been, who out of a vehement desire of receaving, and a feeling affection of heart, could not containe themselves from weeping:

5 But with the desire both of soule and body they earnestly longed after thee, O God, the lively fountaine, be­ing not otherwise able to temper not satisfie their hunger, but by receaving thy body with all joy and spirituall greedinesse.

6 O most ardent faith of those persons, a probable argument of thy sacred presence.

7 For these truly know their Lord in the breaking of bread, whose heart burneth so within them, whilest thou, O blessed Iesu, walkest with them.

8 Such desire and devotion, I sel­dome find in me; so vehement love and fervency is oftentimes farre off from mee.

9 Be mercifull unto mee, good Ie­su, [Page 368] sweet and benigne Lord, and grant me thy poore needy creature, to feele sometimes at least, in this holy Sacra­ment, a litle hearty desire of thy love:

10 That my faith may be more strengthened, my hope in thy good­nesse increased, and that my charity once pefectly inflamed, after the tast­ing of heavenly Manna, may never de­cay.

11 Thy mercy, O Lord, is able to give me the grace I desire, and to vis [...] me in thy bounteous clemency with the spirit of fervour, when it shall please thee.

12 For although I burne notwith so great desire as those that are so espe­cially devoted unto thee, yet notwith­standing by thy grace, I desire to have this great inflamed desire:

13 Praying and craving that I may participate with all such thy fervent lo­vers, and be numbred among them in their holy company.

That the grace of devotion is obtained by humility and deniall of our selves.
The voice of the Beloved.

THou oughtest to seeke the grace of devotion instantly, to aske it ear­nestly, to expect it patiently and con­fidently, to receave it joyfully, to keep it humbly, to worke with it diligently▪

2 And to commit the time and manner of this heavenly visitation to God, untill it shall be his pleasure to come

3 Thou oughtest chiefly to hum­ble thy selfe, when thou feelest in­wardly litle or no devotion, and y [...]t be not too much dejected, nor grieve inordina [...]ly for it.

4 God often giveth in a short mo­ment that which he hath a long time denyed, he giveth sometimes in the end, that which in the begining of prayes, he deferred to grant.

5 If grace should bee alwai [...]s [Page 371] presently given, and at hand ever with a wish, it could not be well indured by a weak man.

6 Therefore devotion is to be ex­pected with good hope, and humble patience; yet impute it to thy selfe, and thy sinnes, when it is not given thee, or when it is secretly taken from thee.

7 It is sometimes a small matter that hindreth and hideth grace from us, if it be to be called small, and not ra­ther a great matter, that hindreth so great a good.

8 And if thou remove this, be it great or small, and perfectly overcome it, thou shalt have thy desire.

9 For presently as soone as thou givest thy selfe to God with thy whole heart, and seekest not this, nor that, for thine own pleasure or will, but setlest thy selfe wholly in him, thou shalt find thy selfe united unto him, and quiet.

10 For nothing will tast so well, and please thee so much, as the good will and pleasure of almighty God.

11 Whosoever therefore with a sincere heart directeth his intention to God, and [...]mptieth himselfe of all in­ordinate love, [...] dislike of any creature [Page 370] shall be most fit to receave grace, and worthy of the gift of devotion.

12 When a vessell is full already all that you powre in runneth quite be­side: For our Lord bestoweth his bles­sings there, where he findeth his ves­sels empty.

13 And how much the more per­fectly, one forsaketh the basest things, and dieth to himselfe by contempt of himselfe,

14 So much the more speedily grace commeth, and entreth in more plentifully, and lifteth up the heart that is free, to a higher state of grace.

15 Then shall he see, and abound, and wonder, and his heart within shall be enlarged, because the hand of our Lord is with him, and he hath put him­selfe wholly into his hand for ever.

16 Behold so shall the man be blessed, that seeketh Almighty God with his whole heart, and busieth not his soule in vaine.

17 This man procureth great grace of divine union, in receaving the holy Eucharist, for that he regardeth not his own devotion and comfort, but a­bove all he prizeth the honour and glo­ry of God.

That we ought to manifest our neces­sity unto Christ, and to crave his grace.
The voice of the Disciple.

O Most sweet and loving Lord, whom I now desire to receive de­voutly, thou knowest my infirmity, and the necessity which I endure, with how many sinnes I am opp [...]essed, how often I am grieved, tempted, troubled, and defiled:

2 I come unto thee for remedy, I crave of thee thy heavenly comfort, & the [...]ase of my paine.

3 I speak to him that knoweth all things to whom all my secrets are o­pen, and who can only perfectly com­fort and help me.

4 Thou knowest what it is, wher­of above all I stand in most need, and how poore I am in vertues.

5 Behold I stand before thee, poore and naked, calling for grace and graving mercy.

[Page 373] 6 Refresh this thy hungry & nee­dy creature, give heat unto my cold­nesse with the fire of thy love: give light unto my blindesse with the brightnesse of thy presence.

7 Turne all earthly things into bitternesse to me, all things grievous & contrary, into patience, all base and created things, into contempt and ob­livion.

8 Lift up my heart to thee in hea­ven, and suffer me not to wander upon earth: be thou only sweet and delight­some unto me from henceforth for e­vermore:

9 For thou only art my meat, and my drinke, my love and my ioy, my delight and all my good.

10 O th [...]t with thy presence thou wouldest wholly inflame, burne, and change me into thee, that I might be made one spirit with thee, by the grace of inward union & the melting of fer­vent love.

11 Suffer me not to goe from thee hungry and dry, but deale mer­cifully with me, as thou hast often­times dealt wonderfully with thy Saiuts.

[Page 374] 12 What marve [...]le if I should be wholy inflamed by thee, and dye in my selfe, sith thou art ever burning and never decaying, love purifying the heart, and inlightning the understan [...]ing.

Of burning love and vehement de­sire to receive Christ.
The voice of the Disciple.

VVIth great devotion and bur­ning love, with most hearty affection and fervour I desire to receive thee O Lord,

2 As many Saints and devout per­sons have desired thee, when they re­ceived thy Sacrament, who were most pleasing unto thee in holinesse of life▪ and most fervent in devotion.

3 O my God my everlasting love, my whole good, my happinesse with­out end, I would gladly receive thee with the most vehement desire, and most worthy reverence, that any of the Saints ever had, or could feele.

[Page 375] 4 And although I be unworthy to have all those feelings of devotion, yet I offer unto thee the whole affection of my heart, as if I alone had all those most sweet inflamed desires.

5 Yea whatsoever also a devout mind can conceive and desire, all that with greatest reverence, and most in­ward affection I offer and present unto thee.

6 I wish to reserve nothing to my selfe, but freely and most willingly to sacrifice my self and all mine unto thee, my Lord God, my Creatour, and my Redeemer.

7 I desire to receive thee this day with such affection, reverence, praise and honour; with such gratitude, wor­thinesse, and love, with such faith, hope and puritie,

8 As thy most blessed Mother the glorious Virgin Marie received, and desired thee, when she humbly and de­voutly answered the Angell,

9 Who declared unto her the my­sterie of the Incarnation, and said, Be­hold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done unto mee according to thy word.

[Page 396] 10 And as thy blessed Fore-run­ner, the most excellent amongst the Saints, Iohn Baptist, cheerfully leaped with joy of the Holy Ghost, whilst he was yet shut up in his Mothers wombe;

11 And afterwards seeing Iesus walking amongst men, humbling him­selfe very much, said with devout affe­ction, The friend of the Bridegroome that standeth and heareth him, rejoy­ced with joy for the voice of the Bride­groome:

12 So I also wish to be inflamed with great and holy desire, and to offe [...] my selfe up to thee with my while heart.

13 Wherefore I offer also and pre­sent unto thee joyes, fervent desires, excesse of mind, spirituall illuminati­ons, and heavenly visions of all devou [...] hearts.

14 With all the vertues and prai­ses exercised by all creatures in heaven and earth, for my selfe, and all such as are commended to me in praier, that by all thou maist be worthily praised, and glorified for ever.

15 Receive, my Lord God, the af­fections of my heart and desires which [Page 377] I have to give thee; infinite praise, and thankes, which according to the mea­sure of thy unspeakable greatnesse are due unto thee.

16 These I yeeld thee, and desire to yeeld thee every day and moment of time, and I doe intreate, and invite all the heavenly spirits, and all thy devout fervants, to give thankes and praises to­gether with me.

17 Let all people, Tribes, and Tongues praise thee, and magnifie thy holy and sweet name with great joy, and fervent devotion, and let all that [...]everently and devoutly celebrate thy most high Sacrament, and receive it with full faith, find grace and mercy at thy hands, and pray humbly for me sin­full creature.

18 And when they shall have ob­tained their desired devotion and joy­full union, and depart from thy sacred heavenly table, well comforted, and marveilously refreshed, let them vouch­safe to remember my poore and needy foule.

That a man be not a curious searcher of this Sacrament, but an hum­ble follower of Christ, submitting his sense unto faith.
TYPE="sub"The voice of the Beloved.

THou oughtest to beware curious and unprofitable searching into this most profound Sacrament, if thou wile not be drowned in the depth of doubt.

2 He that is a searcher of Majesty, shall be oppressed by glory: God is able to worke more then man can under­stand.

3 A pious and humble inquirie of truth is tolerable, so he be alwaies rea­dy to be taught, and doe endeavour to walke in the sound paths of the anci­ent Fathers doctrine.

4 Blessed is that simplicitie, that forsaketh the difficult waies of questi­ons, and goeth on in the plaine and as­sured path of Gods Commandements▪ Many have lost devotion, whilst they [Page 379] would search after high things.

5 Faith and sincere life are exacted thy hands, not height of understan­ing, nor the depth of the mysteries of God.

6 If thou doest not understand, or conceive those things that are under [...]hee, how shalt thou be able to com­prehend those that are above thee?

7 Submit thy selfe to God, and let thy sense be subject to faith, and the [...]ight of knowledge shall be given thee in that degree, as shall be profitable and necessary for thee.

8 Some are grievously tempted a­bout faith, and the Sacrament, but that is not to be imputed to them, but rather to the enemie:

9 Doe not regard nor dispute with thy thoughts, neither doe thou give an­swer to the doubts moved by the ene­mie.

10 But believe the words of God, believe his Saints and Prophets, and the wicked Serpent wil fly from thee.

11 It is oftentimes very profitable to the servant of God to suffer such things:

12 For he tempteth not Infidel [...] [Page 380] and sinners, whom he already secure possesseth, but he sundry waies tem [...] ­teth and vexeth the faithfull and d [...] ­vout.

13 Goe forward therefore with sincere undoubted faith, and come [...] the Sacrament with unfeigned reve­rence: And whatsoever thou art not a­ble to understand, commit securely [...] Almighty God.

14 God deceiveth thee not: he deceived that trusteth too much to him selfe: God walketh with the simple, r [...] ­vealeth himselfe to the humble, give [...] understanding to litle ones, openets the sense to pure minds, & hideth grace from the curious and proud.

15 Humane reason is weake, and may be deceived, but true faith canno [...] be deceived.

16 All reason and naturall search ought to follow faith, not to goe before it, nor impugne it.

17 For faith and love doe chiefly excell, and worke in a hidden manner in this most blessed and superexcellent Sacrament.

18 God, who is everlasing, and of infinite power, doth great and in­ [...]utable [Page 381] things in heaven and in earth, [...]nd there is no searching out of his [...]onderfull workes.

19 If the workes of God were [...]ch as might be easily comprehended by humane reason, they were not to be called won­derfull and un­speakable.


A TABLE Of the Chapters contained in this Booke.

  • OF following Christ, and the con­tempt of all worldly vanities pag. 1
  • To have an humble opinion of ones selfe. 4
  • Of the doctrine of truth. 7
  • Of providence or prudence in our acti­ons. 12
  • Of the reading of holy Scriptures. 13
  • Of inordinate desires and affection. 15
  • Of flying vaine, Hope and Pride. 16
  • Of avoiding too much familiarity. 18
  • Of obedience and Subjection. 19
  • Of avoiding superfluity of words. 21
  • [Page] Of obtaining peace, and desire of pro­fiting. 23
  • Of the profit gotten by adversity. 26
  • Of resisting Temptations. 28
  • Of avoiding rash judgement. 34
  • Of workes proceeding from Charity. 36
  • Of bearing with other mens defects. 37
  • Of solitary life. 40
  • Of the example of holy Fathers. 41
  • Of the exercise of good religious per­sons. 45
  • Of the love of solitude and silence. 50
  • Of compunction of heart. 56
  • Of the consideration of humane mise­ry. 60
  • Of the meditation of death. 65
  • Of Iudgement and punishment of sinnes. 71
  • Of the zealous amendment of our whole life. 77
  • OF inward Conversation. 84
  • Of humble submission. 90
  • Of a good and peaceable man. 91
  • Of a pure mind and upright intention. 94
  • Of the consideration of ones selfe. 96
  • [Page] Of the joy of [...] good conscience. 98
  • Of the love of Iesus above all things 101
  • Of familiar conversation with Iesus. 103
  • Of the want of all comfort. 106
  • Of thankfulnesse for the grace of God. 112
  • How few the lovers of the Crosse of Christ are. 116
  • Of the high way of the holy Crosse. 119
  • OF the inward speech of Christ to a faithfull soule. 130
  • That truth speaketh inwardly without noise of words. 132
  • That the words of God are to be heard with humility, and that many weigh them not. 135
  • A prayer to implore the grace of devo­tion. 137
  • That we ought to live in truth and hu­mility in the sight of God. 138
  • Of the wonderfull effect of divine grace. 141
  • [Page] Of the proofe of a true lover. 146
  • That grace is to be hid under the veile of humility. 150
  • Of a mean conceipt of our selves in the sight of God. 154
  • That all things are to be reserved unto God, as unto the last end. 156
  • That despising the world it is sweet to serve God. 158
  • That the desires of our heart are to be examined and moderated. 162
  • Of the effect of Patience, and of strife against concupiscence. 164
  • Of the humble obedience of a subiect, according to the example of Christ. 167
  • Of the secret Iudgements of God to be considered, lest we be extolled in our good deeds. 169
  • What we ought to doe, and say in every thing which we desire. 172
  • A Prayer for the fulfilling of the will of God. 174
  • That true comfort is to be sought in God alone. 175
  • That all our care is to be placed in God. 177
  • That temporall miseries, by the exam­ple [Page] of Christ, are to be borne patient­ly. 179
  • Of suffering of injuries, and who is pro­ved to be truly patient. 181
  • Of the acknowledging of our owne in­firmity: and of the miseries of this life. 184
  • That we are to rest in God above all his gifts. 187
  • Of the remembrance of the manifold benefits of God. 192
  • Of foure things that bring much peace. 197
  • A prayer against evill thoughts. 197
  • A prayer for the enlightning of the mind. 198
  • Of flying curious inquiry of the life of others. 200
  • Wherein doth the firme peace of the heart, and true proficiency consist. 20 [...]
  • Of the excellency of a free mind, which humble prayer better obtaineth then reading. 204
  • That private love most hindreth from the chiefest good. 206
  • A Prayer for cleansig the heart, and obtaining of heavenly wisdome. 208
  • [Page] Against the tongue of Slanderers. 210
  • How we ought to call upon God, and blesse him when tribulation draweth neere 211
  • Of craving the divine aid, and confi­dence of recovering grace. 212
  • Of the contempt of all creatures to find our Creator. 217
  • Of the deniall of our selves, and forsak­ing all our affections. 220
  • Of inconstancy of heart, and of direct­ing our finall intentions unto God. 223
  • That God is sweet above all things, and in all things, to him that loveth. 225
  • That there is no security from tempta­tion in this life. 225
  • Against the vaine Iudgements of men. 230
  • Of a full and pure resignation of our selves from the obtaining freedome of heart. 232
  • Of good government of outward things, and of recourse to God in dangers. 235
  • That a man be not over earnest in his affaires. 237
  • [Page] That a man hath no good of himselfe, nor any thing whereof he can glory. 238
  • Of the contempt of all temporall ho­nours. 241
  • That our peace is not to be placed in men. 242
  • Against vaine and secular knowledge. 245
  • Of not drawing outward things to our selves. 247
  • That credit is not to be given to all men, and how prone man is to offend in words. 249
  • Of putting our trust in God, when evill words arise. 253
  • That all grievous things are to be endu­red for life everlasting. 257
  • Of the everlasting day, and shortnesse of this life. 259
  • Of the desire of everlasting life, and how great rewards are promised to those that fight valiantly. 264
  • How a desolate person ought to offer himselfe into the hands of God. 270
  • That a man ought to imploy himselfe in works of humility, when force is wanting for higher exercises. 276
  • [Page] That a man ought to esteeme himselfe unworthy of comfort, and to have de­served stripes. 277
  • That the grace of God is not given to those that savour of earthly things. 280
  • Of the different motions of Nature and Grace. 283
  • Of the corruption of nature, and effica­cy of divine grace. 289
  • That we o [...]ght to deny our selves and imitate Christ, by the Crosse. 294
  • That a man be not too much deiected, when he [...]alleth into some defects. 297
  • Of not searching into high matters, and into the secret judgements of God. 300
  • That all our hope a [...]d trust is to be fix­ed in God alone. 307
  • A Devout exhortation unto the bles­sed Sacrament. 311
  • With how great reverence Christ ought to be received. 312
  • That great goodnesse and charity of God is bestowed upon man in this Sa­crament. 321
  • [Page] That it is profitable to communicate of­ten. 326
  • That many benefits are bestowed upon them that communicate devoutly. 330
  • Of the dignity of this Sacrament, and Priestly function. 335
  • An Interrogation of the exercise before Communion. 337
  • Of the discussing of our own conscience, and purpose of amendment. 338
  • Of the oblation of Christ on the Crosse and resignation of our selves. 342
  • That we ought to offer up our selves and all that is ours unto God, and to pray for all. 344
  • That the holy Communion is not lightly to be forborne. 348
  • That the Body of Christ, and the holy Scriptures are most necessary unto a faithfull soule. 353
  • That he that is to communicate, ought to prepare himselfe with great di­ligence. 360
  • That a devout soule ought to desire with her whole heart to be united unto Christ in the Sacrament. 363
  • Of the fervent desire of some devout [Page] persons to receave the body of Christ 366
  • That the grace of devotion is obtained by humility & deniall of our selves. 369
  • That we ought to manifest our necessi­ty unto Christ, and to crave his grace. 372
  • Of burning love and vehement desire to receive Christ. 374
  • That a man be not a curious searcher of this Sacrament, but an humble fol­lower of Christ, submitting his sense unto faith. 378

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