Patience and long-
suffering of our
Keepes close his
Quiuer, and restraines his
And though our crying Crimes to Heau'n doe cry
For vengeance, on accurst Mortality;
Yea though we merit mischiefes manifold,
Mercy doth the hand of
Iustice hold.
But when that
Eye that sees all things most cleare,
Expects our
fruits of
Faith, from yeare to yeare,
Allowes vs painfull
Pastors, who bestow
Great care and toyle, to make vs fruitfull grow,
And daylie doth in those weake
Vessels send
The dewe of
Heauen, in hope we will amend;
Yet (at the last) he doth perceiue and see
That we vnfruitfull and most barren be,
Which makes his dreadfull Indignation frowne,
And (as accursed
fig-trees) cut vs downe.
Thus Mercy (mock'd) plucks Iustice on our heads,
And grieuous
Plagues our Kingdome ouer spreads:
Then let vs to our
God make quick returning,
With true contrition, fasting, and with mourning;
The Word is God, and
God hath spoke the Word,
If we repent, he will put vp his sword.
Hee's greiu'd in punishing,
Hee's slow to Ire,
HE a sinners death doth not desire.
If our Compunction our Amendment show,
Our purple sinnes
Hee'l make as white as snow,
If we lament, our God is mercifull,
Our scarlet crimes hee'l make as white as wooll,
London that did late abound in blisse,
And wast our Kingdomes great
thou that art dejected low in state,
Disconsolate, and almost desolate,
hand of Heau'n that only did protect thee)
Thou hast prouok'd most justly to correct thee,
And for thy pride of Heart and deedes vnjust,
He layes thy Pompe and Glory in the dust.
Thou that wast late the Queene of Citties nam'd,
Throughout the world admir'd, renown'd, and fam'd;
Thou that hadst all things at command and will,
To whom all
England was a Handmaide still:
For rayment, fewell, fish, fowle, beasts, for food,
For fruits, for all our Kingdome counted good,
Both neere and farre remote, all did agree
To bring their best of blessings vnto
Thus in conceite, thou seem'dst to rule the
peace and
plenty flourish'd in thy Gates,
Could I relieue thy miseries as well
As part I can thy woes and sorrowes tell,
Then should my Cares be eas'd with thy Reliefe,
And all my study, how to end thy griefe.
Thou that wer't late rich, both in friends and wealth,
Magnificent in state, strong in thy health,
As chiefest Mistris of our country priz'd,
Now chiefly in the country are despis'd.
[Page]The name of
London now both farre and neare,
Strikes all the Townes and Villages with feare,
And to be thought a
Londoner is worse
Then one that breakes a house, or takes a Purse.
He that will filch and steale, now is the Time
No Iustice dares examine him, his crime
Let him but say that he from
London came,
So full of Feare and Terrour is that name,
The Constable his charge will soone forsake,
And no man dares his
mittimus to make.
Thus Citizens, plagu'd for the Citty sins,
Poore entertainment in the Country winnes.
Some feare the Citty, and flye thence amaine,
And those are of the Countrey fear'd againe,
Who'gainst thē barre their windowes & their doores,
More thē they wold 'gainst
Turks, or
Iewes, or
I thinke if very
Spaniards had come there,
Their welcome had beene better, and their cheare.
Whilst Hay-cock lodging, with hard slender fare,
Welcome like dogs vnto a Church they are.
Feare makes them with the Anabaptists joyne,
For if an Hostesse doe receiue their coyne,
She in a dish of water, or a paile,
Will new baptize it, least it something aile.
Thus many a Citizen well stor'd with Gold,
Is glad to lye vpon his mother
His bed the map of his mortality,
His curtaines clouds, and Heau'n his Canopie
The russet plow-swaine, and the Leathren Hinde,
Through feare is growne vnmannerly, vnkinde:
And in his house (to harbour) hee'll prefer
An Infidell before a
[Page]Milke-maides and Farmers wiues are growne so nice,
They thinke 2 Cittizen 2 Cockatrice,
And country Dances, are wax'd so coy and briske,
They shun him as they'll shun a Basiliske,
For euery one the sight of him would fly
All feareing he would kill them with his eye.
Ah woefull
London I thy greife bewaile,
And if my sighs and prayers may but prevaile;
I humbly beg of
God that hee'le be pleas'd
Iesus Christ, his wrath may be appeas'd,
With holding his dread Iudgements from aboue
And once more, graspe thee in his armes of loue.
In Mercy all our wickednes remit
For who can give thee thankes within the pit.
Strange was the change in lesse then 3 monthes space
In joye, in woe, in grace, and in disgrace:
A healthfull
Aprill, a diseased
And dangerous
Iulie, brings all out of tune.
That citty whose rare obiects pleas'd the eyes
With much content and more varieties,
She that was late delightfull to the eares
With melodye Harmonious, like the
She that had all things that might please her tast
That was by
Skies, or
Earth, or
Seas embrac'd,
All odoures, and perfumes to please the
And all she
felt did giue her
touch content,
Her Cinque porte
sences, richly fed and cloy'd
With blessings bountifull, which she enjoy'd.
Now 3 monthes change hath fill'd it full with feare
As if no Solace euer had beene there.
What doe the eyes see there but greiued sights
Of sicke, oppressed, and distressed wights:
[Page]Houses shut vp, some dying, and some dead,
Some (all amazed) flying and some fled.
Streetes thinly man'd with wretches euery day
Which haue no power to flee, or meanes to stay,
Dead Coarses carried, and recarried still,
Whil'st fifty Corpses scarce one graue doth fill.
With LORD HAVE MERCIE VPON VS, on the dore
Which (though the words be good) doth greiue men sore.
And o're the dore-postes fix'd a
crosse of
Be tokening, that there
Death some bloud hath shed.
Some with
Gods marks or tokens, doe espie
Marks or
Tokens, shew them they must die,
Some with their Carbuncles, and sores new burst
Are fed with hope they haue escap'd the worst,
Thus passeth all the weeke, till
Thursdaies Bill,
Shewes vs what thousands Death that weeke did kill.
That fatall
Bill, doth like a razor cut
The dead, the liuing in a maze doth put,
And he that hath a Christian heart: I know,
Is greiu'd, and wounded with the deadly blowe,
These are the obiects of the
Eye, now heare
And marke the mournefull musick of the
There doe the brazen Iron toung'd loud bells
(Deaths clamorous rauisick) Ring continuall knells,
Some lofty in their notes, some sadly towling.
Whil'st fatall doggs, make a most dismall howling,
Some frantick raueing, some with anguish crying,
Some singing, praying, groneing, and some dying,
The healthfull grieuing, and the sickly groaning,
All in a mournefull diapason moaning.
Here, Parents for their Childrens losse Lament
There, Childrens greife for parents life that spent.
[Page]Here, Sister mournes for sister, Kin for Kin
As one greife ends, another doth begin,
There one lies languishing, with slender fare
Small comfort, lesse attendance, and least care,
With none but Death and he to tugge together
Vntill his corps and soule part each from either,
In one house one, or two, or three doth fall,
And in another Death plaies sweep-stake all.
Thus vniuersall sorrowfull complaining
Is all the musicke now in London raigning,
Thus is her comfort sad Calamity,
And all her
Melody is
These are the obiects of the
eyes and
Most wofull sights, and sounds of greiues and feares.
The curious
tast that whilome did delight
With cost and care to please the Apetite
What she was wont to hate, she doth adore
And what's high priz'd, she held despis'd before.
The drugs, the drenches, and vnto othsome drinks,
Feare giues a sweetnes to all seuerall stinks,
And for supposed
Antidotes, each Palate
Of most contagious weedes will make a Sallate.
And any of the simplest Mountebankes
May cheat them (as they will) of Coine and thankes,
With scraped powder of a shoeing horne
Which they'le beleeue is of an
Angelicoes, distastfull roote is gnaw'd
hearbe of Grace most Ruefully is chaw'd.
Garlick offendeth neither
tast, nor
Feare and opinion makes it rellish well
Beazar stone, and mighty
To all degrees are great in estimate,
Triacles power is wounderously exprest,
And Dragon Water in most high request.
These 'gainst the Plague are good preseruatiues
But the best cordiall is t'amend our liues,
Sinn's the maine cause, and we must first begin
To cease our greifes, by ceasing of our sinne.
I doe beleeue that
God hath giuen in store
Good medicines to cure, or ease each sore,
But first remoue the cause of the disease,
And then (no doubt but) the effect will cease.
Our sinnes the Cause, remoue our sinnes from hence,
God will soone remoue the Pestilence.
Then euery med'cine (to our consolation)
Shall haue his power, his force, his operation:
And till that time, Experiments are not
But Paper walls, against a Canon shott.
On many a post I see
Quack saluers Bills
Fencers Challenges, to shew their skills:
As if they were such
masters of defence
That they dare combate with the
Meete with the plague in any deadly fray,
And bragge to beare the victorie away.
But if their patients patiently beleeue them,
They'le cure thē (without faile) of what they giue thē;
What though ten thousand by their drenches perish
They made them purposely themselues to cherish,
Their Art is a meere Artlesse kind of lying
To pick their
lyueing out of others
This sharp inuectiue no way seemes to touch
The learn'd
Phisitian, whom I honour much,
Paracelsians and
Philosophicall graue
[Page]These I admire and reuerence, for in those
God doth dame
Natures secrets fast inclose,
Which they distribute, as occasions serue
Health to reserue, and health decai'd conserue.
'Tis 'gainst such
Rat-catchers I bend my pen
Which doe mechanically murther men,
Whose promises of cure, (like lying knaues)
Doth begger men or send them to their graues.
London for the sence of
feeling next,
Thou in thy
feeling cheifely art perplext:
Thy heart
feeles sorrow, and thy body anguish
Thou in thy
feeling feel'st thy force to languish,
feel'st much woe, and much calamitie
And many millions feele thy misery:
feel'st the fearefull
Plague, the
Flix and
Which many a soule doth from the body feuer.
And I beseech
God for our
Sauiours merit
To let thee
feele, the
Comfort of his
Last for the solace of the
smell, or
Some in contagious roomes are closely pen't,
Whereas corrupted Aire they take, and giue
Till time ends, or lends liberty to liue.
One with a peice of tasseld well
tarr'd Rope
Doth with that no segay keep himselfe in hope;
Another doth a wispe of wormewood pull
And with great Iudgement crams his nostrils full:
A third takes of his socks from's sweating feete,
And makes them his perfume alongst the streete.
Billets Bonefire like, and
faggots dry
Are burnt it'h streetes, the Aire to purifie.
Thou great
Almighty, giue them time and space,
And purifie them with thy heauenly
Make their repentance Incence, whose sweete sauour
[Page]May mount vnto thy throne, and gaine thy fauour.
Thus euery sence, that should the heart delight
Are ministers, and organs to affright,
The Citizens doe from the City runne,
The countries feares, the citizens doe shun:
Both feare the
Plague, but neither feares one iot
Their euill wayes which hath the plague be got,
This is the way this sicknes to preuent
Feare to offend, more then the punishment.
All trades are dead, or almost our of breath
But such as liue by sicknes, or by death,
The Mercers, Grocers, Silk-men, Goldsmiths, Drapers,
Are out of season, like noone burning Tapers,
All functions faile almost, through want of buyers
And euery art and misterie turne
The very
Watermen giue ouer plying
Their rowing trade doth faile, they fall to
Some men there are, that rise by others falls
Prophetick Augurists in vrinal is,
Those are right watermen, and rowe so well
They either land their
fares in Heau'n or
But this much (Reader) you must vnderstand
They commonly are paid before they land.
Next vnto him th'
Apothecarie thriues
By Physick bills, and his preseruatiues;
Worme eaten
Sextons, mighty gaines doe winne,
And nasty
Grauemakers, great commings in
Coffin makers, are well paid their rent
For many a woefull wooden tenement.
Searchers of each
corps good gainers be,
Bearers haue a profitable fee,
And last, the
Dog-killers great gaine aboundes
[Page]For Brayning bawling currs, and foysting hounds.
These are the
graue trades, that doe get and saue
Whose grauity brings many to their
Thus greiued
London, fill'd with mones and grones
Is like a
Golgotha, of dead mens bones:
The field where death his bloudy fray doth fight
And kills eight hundred in a day and night.
Faire houses, that were late exceeding deere,
At fifty or an hundred pounds a yeare,
The Landlords are so pittifull of late
They'le let them, at a quarter of the rate.
So he that is a mightie moneyed man
Let him but thither make what hast he can,
Let him disburse his gold and siluer heape
And purchase
London 'tis exceeding cheape.
But if he tary but one halfe yeare more
I hope 'twill be as deere as 'twas before.
A Country cottage, that but lately went
At 4 markes, or at three pounds yearely rent
A Citizen, whose meere necessity
Doth force him now into the country fly,
Is glad to hire 2 Chambers of a Carter
And pray and pay with thanks fiue pounds 2 quarter.
Then here's the alteration of this yeare
The Cities cheapnes makes the Country deere.
Besides another mischeife is, I see
A man dares not be sicke although he be:
Let him complaine but of the
stone or
The plague hath strooke him, presently they doubt,
My selfe hath bin perplexed now and then
With the wind Collick, yeares aboue thrice ten,
Within the countrey I durst not repeate
[Page]Although my pangs, & gripes, and paines were great.
For to be sick of any kinde of greife
Would make a man worse welcome then a theefe,
To be drunke sick, which er'st did credit winne
Was fear'd infectious, and held worse then sinne.
This made me, and many more beside,
Their greifes to smother, and their paines to hide,
To tell a merry tale with visage glad,
When as the Collick almost made me mad.
Thus meere dissembling, many practis'd then,
And mid'st of paine, seem'd pleasant amongst men,
For why, the smallest sigh or grone, or shreike
Would make a man his meat and lodging seeke.
This was the wretched
Londoners hard case
Most hardly welcome into any place,
Whil'st Countrey people, where soe're they went
Would stop their noses to avoid their sent,
When as the case did oft most plaine appeare
'Twas onely they themselues, that stunke with feare.
Nature was dead, (or from the countrey runne)
Father durst not entertaine his sonne,
Mother sees her daughter, and doth feare her
Commaunds her, on her blessing, not come neere her,
Affinity, nor any kind of kinne,
Or ancient freindship could true welcome winne,
The Children scarcely would their Parents know
Or (if they did) but slender duty shew:
feare made
nature, most vnnaturall,
Duty vndutifull, or very small,
No freindship, or else cold and miserable
And generally all vncharitable.
London letters litle better sped
[Page]They would not be receiued (much lesse be read)
But cast into the fire and burnt with speed
As if they had bin
Hereticks indeed.
And late I saw, vpon a Sabaoth day
Some Citizens at Church, prepar'd to pray:
But (as they had bin excommunicate)
The good Church wardens thrust them out the gate.
Another countrey vertue I'le repeat
The peoples charity was growne so great
That whatsoeuer
Londoner did die,
In Church or Churchyard should not buried lie,
Thus were they scorn'd, despised, banished,
Excluded from the Church, aliue, and dead,
Aliue, their bodies could no harbour haue,
dead, not be allow'd a Christian
Thus was the countryes kindnesse cold, and small,
No house, no Church, no Christian buriall.
Oh thou that on the winged windes dost fit
And seest our miserie, remedy it,
Although we haue deseru'd thy vengeance hott
Yet in thy fury (Lord) consume vs not.
But in thy mercies sheath thy slaying sword
Deliuer vs, according to thy word,
Shut vp thy Quiuer, stay tay angry tod
That all the world may know thou art our God,
Oh open wide the gate of thy compassion
Assure our soules that thou art our Saluation.
Then all our thoughts, and words and workes, wee'le frame
To magnifie thy great and glorious name.
The waies of God are intricate, no doubt
Vnsearchable, and passe mans finding out,
He at his pleasure worketh wonderous things
[Page]And in his hand doth hold the hearts of kings,
And for the loue, which to our
King he beares,
By sicknes he our sinfull country cleares,
he may be a patrone, and a guide
Vnto a people purg'd and purifi'd.
This by a president is manifest
When famous late
Elizabeth deceast,
Before our gratious
Iames put on the crowne
Gods hand did cut superfluous branches downe.
Not that they then that were of life bereft
Were greater sinners then the number lest,
But that the
Plague should then the kingdome cleare
The good to comfort, and the bad to feare.
That as a good king, God did vs assure,
So he should haue a Nation purg'd and pure.
And now that Royall
Iames intombed lyes
And that our gratious
Charles his roome supplies,
He did for his Father formerly
A sinfull nation cleanse and purifie.
God, for him these things to passe doth bring,
And mends the
subiects for so good a
Vpon whose Throne may peace and plenty rest,
And he and his Eternally be blest.
THere is no sin that euer the
Diuell invented for the abuse of God, and the perdition of man, but the Authors and Actors of it may frame some frivolous or impertinent excuse; for examples, our first
parents in
Paradise did disobediently offend, in hope thereby to gaine further knowledge, and to be like God.
Cain slew his brother, and had some poore excuse for the fratricide and murther, because he saw that
Abell and his offering was in better acceptation.
Samson was ouercome by
Dalilah, but he had lewd lust, or lustfull loue to entice him;
Dauid had not committed the two crying sins of Adultery and murther, had not the beauty of
Bethsheba bin his insuaring object;
Achitophel had not bin a Traitour to the Lord's Anointed, and a wicked counsellour to
Absolom, but the expectation of raising his estate was his motiue.
Ahab had not put
Nabaoth to death vnjustly, but that hee knew it the neerest way to be possessour of his Vineyard.
Achan's theft,
Gehazies lie,
Manasses cruelty and Idolatry,
Peter's denying, &
[Page] his betraying of our Sauiour had all some colour of Excuse, but a swearer is worse then all these, for he hath no starring hole, or by way that can make him appeare guiltlesse either before God or men; Remember this all you that make swearing the glory of your speech, the damnable grounds of your earthly society, the accursed Garbe of your (misnamed) Gentleman like carriage; Remember that God doth heare and see, and can, and will reuenge, and for this inexcusable crime (especially) the wrath of the Almighty is showred and powred vpon vs.
[Page]THou that these lines dost either heare or reade,
Consider with thy selfe, and take good heed.
Reade them, and let them neuer be forgot,
They doe concerne thy soule, then sleight them not.
Friends of hell beleeue there is a God,
And feare
and tremble at his angry Rod:
They doe confesse his glorious Excellence,
And his Almighty powers Omnipotence.
But Man his choicest and his chiefest Creature,
Is so rebellious against
God and
That he gainst Heau'n dare both blaspheme and sweare,
And (worse then Fiends) they not belieue or feare:
So that the
Earth doth breed, feed, and retaine
Monsters then there doth in Hell remaine.
If men beleeu'd the word that God hath spoke,
They would beleue that word should nere be broke.
His enacted Law
Exod. 20.
is one Decree,
That all who take
his Name in vaine, shall be
Accounted guilty, and his fearefull wrath
Will hold them worthy of eternall death.
Againe 'tis said; Let the
Leviticus 24.
Blasphemor dye,
Let him be stoned for his
And euill tongues, who dare to curse adventer,
Shall into Heauens
Cor. 6. 10.
blessednes not enter.
And Christ (when on the Earth he liued heere)
Forbade vs that
Matth. 5.
all we should not sweare.
And in th' eleventh of
Deuteronomy againe,
We are commanded not to sweare in vaine.
God himselfe complaineth that men blaspheme him,
Esay 52. 5. The names of blasphemy is writ vpon the 10 heads of
Antichrist, Apre. 13.1. Cursing is forbidden by the Apostle, when he saith
Blesse, Isoy, and curse net, Rom. 12. 14. Our Sauiour commandeth vs to blesse them that curle vs,
Matth. 5. 44. Blesse them that curse you, and pray for them which hurt you,
Luke 6. 28. Accustome not thy mouth to woaring, for in it are many falls, neither take vp for a custome the naming of the holy One, for thou shalt not be vnpunished for such things,
Esclesiasticus 23. 9. The Plague shall neuer go forth from the house of the swearer
Heathen to blaspheme their
gods abhorr'd,
Yet Christians wilfully blaspheme the Lord.
[Page]Who euer to reuile the Gods were knowne,
Rome, were from the
Rock Tarpetus throwne.
Egyptians Law was, he should lose his head.
Seythians life and goods were forfeited.
These grieuous punishments did
Pagans vse
Against all them that did their Gods abuse.
Donald's Law in
Scotland's not forgot,
burne them through the lips with irons hot.
And when King
Edmund here had Regall State,
All Swearers he did excommunicate.
Philip King of
France (a Prince renown'd)
Ordain'd that all Blasphemers should be drown'd,
The Emperour
Max milian did decree,
That all vaine Sweaters should beheaded be.
The Earle of
Flanders, Philip did ordaine,
Their losse of life and goods that
swore in vaine.
Lewis the King of
France enacted there,
That for the first time any one did
Into Imprisonment one month was cast,
And stand within the Pillory at last.
But if the second time againe they
One with an iron hot their tongues did bore.
And who the third time in that fault did flip;
Were likewise boared through the vnder-lip.
For the fourth time most grieuous paines belongs,
He caus'd to be cut off their lips and tongues.
Henry the fift of
England, that good King,
His Court to such conformity did bring.
That euery Duke should sorry shillings pay
For euery Oath he swore, without delay.
Each Baron twenty, Knights or 'Squires offence
[...] and euery Yeoman twenty pence.
[Page]The Boyes and Pages all were whipt most fine,
That durst abuse the Majesty
Thus Pagan Princes with sharp lawes withstood
Profauing of their Gods,
Whose sweares falsly, calls the God of Truth to witnes a lie. Who so sweares as he thinks may be deceiued. Who so sweares vnreuerently, dishonoureth God. Who so sweares deceitfully, abuseth Christian fidelity. Who so sweares idlely, abuseth the credit of a faithfull oath. Who so sweares accustomably, God will plague him.
of stone, or wood.
And Christian Kings and Rulers formerly,
Haue most seuerely punisht blasphemy.
And shall a Heathen, or an Infidell,
That knowes no joyes of Heauen, or paines of Hell,
More reuerence to his deuillish Idols show,
Then we doe to the true
God, whom we know?
If we remembred well but what we were,
And what we are, we would not dare to sweare.
Poore trunks of earth fill'd with vncertain breath,
By nature heires to euerlasting death:
Most miserable wretches, most ingrate
God, that did elect vs, and create,
Redeem'd, conseru'd, preseru'd, and sactifi'd,
And giues vs hope we shall be glorifi'd.
H'hath giuen vs being life, sense, reason, wit,
Wealth, and all things his Prouidence thinkes fit:
And for requitall, we (quite voide of grace)
Curse, sweare, and doe blaspheme him to his face.
Oh the supernall patience of our God,
That beares with Man (a sin polluted clod)
When halfe such treasons 'gainst an earthly King
Would many a Traytor to confusion bring!
Suppose a man should take a
Whelp & breed him,
And stroake him, & make much of him & feed him,
How will that
curre loue him beyond all other,
Neuer for saking him to serue another.
But if he should most disobediently,
Into his Masters face or throat to fly,
[...]Elfred an english Earle, conspiring to put our
K. Adolstanes eyes at
Winchester, forsware the treason in Saint
Peters Church at
Rome and fell downe dead presently. Earle
Godwin murthered Prince
Alfred brother to king
Edward Confessor, and being at dinner, the King charged him with the murther, then
Godwin swore by bread, and prayed it might choake him if he were guilty, and immediately it choaked him in the place his lands also sunk into the sea, and are called
Godwinsands. K. Stephen forsware himselfe to King
Henry I, and liued in continuall trouble, & dyed in perplexity, of minde
Edward brake his oath made at
York, that he came not with intent to cease the Kingdome, and b
[...]eaking that oath was punisht with a troublesome raigne, his brethren and children all (except one murthered and not any of his issue reigned after him
Roger Mortimer, a great Peere of th
[...]s land, for breaking his oath to King
Edward the 2. was most ignominio
[...]sly hanged bowelld & quartered M.
Fox in his Booke of Martyrs declares of one
Richard Long of
Calice that forsware himselfe to accuse one
Smith for eating flesh in Lent, after which oath
Long went presently & drowned himselfe. One
Grimwood at
Hiteham in
Suffolks, forsware himselfe and his bowels burst out. One widdow
Barnes for the like sin cost herselfe out of her window in
Cornhill and brake her necke.
Anns Anetis forsware herselfe in
Woodstrees for sixe pound of Towe, desiring God she might links down, which fearfully hapned. One
Lea in
Sunne-alloy without
Bishopsgate forswere himselfe, and after ript out his guts.
Sure euery man that liues vpon the ground
Would say a hanging's fit for such a hound.
And worser then so many dogges are they,
That 'gainst their God with
oathes doe barke and bray,
And if repentance doe not mercy win,
They'll hang in
Hell like Hell-hounds for that sin.
Of all black crimes frō
Belzebubs damn'd treasure,
This swearing sin no profit yeelds, or pleasure:
Nor gaines the swearer here but earths vexation,
With change of his saluation for damnation.
It is a sinne that yeelds vs no excuse
(For what excuse can be for Gods abuse?)
And though our other faults by death doe end,
Blasphemy doth after death extend,
For to the damn'd in
Hell this curse is giuen,
for their paines blasphem'd the God of Heauen.
Examples on the earth haue many beene,
As late in sundry places hath beene seene.
Mautna two braue Russians in their game,
Swore and blasphem'd our blessed Sauiours name,
Where God iust iudgment (full of feare & dread)
Causd both their eyes to drop from out their head.
Rome, a child but 5 yeares old that swore,
Was snatch vp by the
Deuill, and seene no more.
And at
Ragouse, a Mariner did sweare
As if he would Gods name in sunder teare;
When falling ouer-boord, was drown'd and tost,
And nothing but his tongue was onely lost.
Remember this you sinfull sonnes of men
Think how that Christ redeem'd you from Hells den:
His mercy he hath giu'n in magnitude,
Requite him not with vile ingratitude.
[Page]He made the Eare and Eye, and heares and sees
The swearers execrable oathes and lyes.
The God head of the
Father they contemne:
Against the
Sonnes Redemption the blaspheme:
Holy Spirit grieuously they grieue,
And head-long into Hell themselues they driue
[...] is in vaine for mortall men to think,
Gods Iustice is a sleepe, although it winke:
Or that his arme is shortned in these times,
That he cannot reach home to punish crimes.
Oh thinke not so, 'tis but the Deuills illusion,
To draw vs desperately to our confusion.
Some say that 'tis their anger makes them
oathes are out before they are aware,
But being crost with losses, and perplex'd
They thinke no harme, but
sweare as being vex'd:
And some there are that sweare for complement,
aothes their grace, and speeches ornament,
Their sweet Rhetoricall fine eloquence,
Their reputations onely excellence.
Their valour, whom the
Deuill doth inflame
T'abuse their Makers and Redeemers name.
Thinke but on this you that doe
God forget,
Your poore excuses cannot pay this debt:
Remember that our sinfull soules d
[...]d cost
A price too great, to be by
swearing lost
And blessed was our last good Parliament,
Who made an act for swearers punishment,
And blest shall be each Magistrates good name,
That carefully doe execute the same.
Those that are zealous for Gods glory heere,
(No doubt) in heauen shall haue true glory there,
[Page]Which that we may haue, humbly I implore
Him that rules and raignes for ouermore,
The Eternall Lord of Lords, and King of Kings,
Before whose Throne blest Saints & Angels sings,
All power, praise, glory, maiesty, thanksgiuing,
Ascribed be to him that's euer liuing.