A BRIEFE REMEMBRANCE OF ALL THE ENGLISH MONARCHS, VVith their raignes, deaths, and places of buriall: From the Normans Conquest, vnto our most gratious Soueraigne.
LONDON, Printed by GEORGE ELD, 1622.
The most Illustrious Prince CHARLES, Prince of Great Britaine and Ireland, Duke of Cornwall, Yorke, and Albany; Earle of Ch [...]ster, and Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter, &c.
ILlustrious Off spring of most glorious Sten
Our happy hope, our Royall CHARLES the great,
Successiue H
[...]y e to foure rich Diadems,
With gifts of Grace and Learning
[...]gh repleat.
For thee th' Almighties aid I doe m
To guide and prosper thy proceedings still,
That long thou maist suruiue a Prince compleat,
To guard the good, and to subuert the ill.
And when (by Gods determin'd boundlesse will)
Thy gra
[...]ious Father shall immortall be,
Then let thy
[...] (
[...]ike his) the world fulfill,
That thou maist
[...]oy in vs, and we in thee.
And all true
Britaines pray to God aboue,
To match thy life and fortune with their loue,