A true and most exact Map of the siedge of Rochell, presented to the Kings Maiestie the first day of May, 1628. by Melchior Tavernor. grauer & printer to his Ma tie., dwelling in the Isle of the palace, at the golden VVheate-eare.
it is no strange matter, if differing representations are often seene vpon one and the same subiect, for besides the ordinary change in the face of things, it is very difficult really to know how they are but with time. Hitherto you haue had such pourtraitures of this Towne, and of the siedge thereof as might be recouered, to content the desires of his Maiesties faithfull seruants. But at this present hauing with much curiosity, had the care to gather together all the plots and reports which haue bene made thereof, as well by his Maiesties Inginers, as by many Lords and braue Captaines, which (with his Maiesty) haue beene vpon the places, and haue seene and conducted the greater part of the workes there seene at this present; I haue beene perswaded that you would most willingly accept a sight of this last assay of it, which I haue grauen so exactly and truly, that I haue bene assured I might present it to his Maiestie which I haue also done, who receiuing it with great contentment, I hope that you will infallibly doe the like.
For the vnderstanding then of this onely exact and true new plot; It is to be noted, that diuiding the Circuit of the walles of the Cittie according to the foure parts of the world: The part opposite to the south, is that which is from the tower of the Farre vnto the gate of Saint Nicolas, which is filled by the Sea during the flood; In which time, shippes may enter within the said hauen, where they are locked vp by a chaine, which riseth from the tower of Saint Nicolas, and of la Chaisne: the entrance of the said hauen, hauing no other bredth then for a great vessell to enter in. It is also to be noted, that vpon the ebbe, as well the hauen as the places where these figures 35. are quoted rest dry, being but owze vpon which it is impossible to goe.
The second part of the same walles towards the East & west, which extendeth from S. Nicolas gate, vntill drawing neere to the Congne gate, is taken vp by a salt marsh, where for the most part, the water remaineth alwaies a flote, and is therein maintained by meanes of a channell, marked 28. being newly made for the commodity of the salt pitts which are in the said Marsh, as also to make the water rise within the ditches by meanes of a Sluce, marked 30.
The third part of the walles, which are from the East South-east side, is from the Bastion of the Euangille, vnto the tower of Farre vpon all this length, there is a little hill which reacheth to the sea, which hill in some sort commandeth the towne, howsoeuer Its distance hindereth that no offence can be giuen, point blanke, neuerthelesse it may serue to take vp the flanckes, and hinder the defences and retrenchments of those of the towne; It is to be noted, that betweene the same little hill and the towne, there is a meddow which by certaine springs which are in those parts, is kept moyst the greater part of the yeare.
The fourth and last part, is that which looketh towards the North, which reacheth from the Bastion of the Euangille vnto this side of the Congne gate, which is firme & grauely earth & much raised vp▪ by means whereof, all manner of accesse may bee had to the place by way of intrenchment, although it be against the opinion of many.
This is summarily that which I can tell you of this place, as also of the workes there made in Blocking thereof, which I haue obserued in the best I possibly could, as well for the plot of the place as of the Country.
- A Rochell.
- B The new Towne.
- C The hauen of Rochell.
- D Tower of the Chaisne.
- E Tower of Saint Nicolas.
- F The Gabion or Bastion of Owze.
- G Saint Nicolas gate.
- H Congne gate.
- I New-gate.
- K Gate of the 2. milles.
- L The tower of Farre.
- M Bastion of the Gospell.
- N Tadons fort.
- 1 Lewes fort.
- 2 Saint Maurices Redouts.
- 3 The fort of the holy Ghost, 35. fathoms square.
- 4 Redoute of the red Pigeon house.
- 5 Saint Maries fort.
- 6 Saint Annes Redouts.
- 7 Saint Marguerites Redouts.
- 8 Fort de lae Fons, or the Queenes fort, being 50. fathoms square.
- 9 Saint Francis Redouts.
- 10 Beaulieus fort, heere endeth Monsieur Bassompierres quarter, which beginneth from Lewes fort.
- 11 Ronsez Fort, heere beginneth Monsieur de Chomberts quarter.
- 12 Port of the salt pitts.
- 13 Moulinettes Fort.
- 14 Saint Nicholas Fort, heere beginneth Monsieur, d' Angoulesmes quarter.
- 15 Bonne graine's Fort.
- 16 Fort of Cornelle's house.
- 17 Redoutes.
- 18 Fort of Orleans.
- 19 Batterie which beateth within the Hauen.
- 20 Digues Fort, and Monsieur Marilac's lodgins.
- 21 Coreilles point.
- 22 Head of the Baye.
- 23 The New-port.
- 24 Redoute.
- 25 Batterie betweene winde & water
- 26 The Kings ships commanded by Monsieur de Guise.
- 27 The mount which hath 8. fathoms bredth of assize, being but three at the top.
- 28 Ships sunke.
- 29 Owzes.
- AA Estre the Kings quarter.
- BB larne, the quarter of the Councell and Secretaries of state.
- CC Perigny, Monsieur de Chomberts quarter.
- DD La leu, Monsieur de Bassompierres quarter.
At Paris, By MELCHIOR TAVERNOR Ingrauer, and Printer to the Kings Maiestie for the small Ingrauery, dwelling in the Isle of the Palace, at the golden Wheate-eare. 1628.
And are to be sold by Thomas Walkely, at the Eagle and Childe in Brittaines Bursse. 1628.