IT was (nec immeritò) obiected to Machianel, as a token of extreme folly (howsoeuer otherwayes he was too well acquainted with Policy) that being a pen-man by profession, he aduentured so farre vpon reading, and heare-say: that he prescribed rules, and dared to giue direction to Mars and his followers: to free my selfe from like imputation; know all such to whose knowledge, I desire to bee endeard [Page](that is to souldiers and their louing friends) that howsoeuer at this time (the heauenly powers so directing it) I practise in the Schole of Peace and pro feodo punish others, qui vi & [...]rmis, &c. yet heretofore I haue had a fellow-feeling of a Souldiers labour in the field: and for some yeers beene eye-witnesse of warlike designes: learning the dutie of Obedience, and practising the action of Resolution (absit arrogantia veritatem dicere) aswell in Campe beleagring, as in Citie besieged. So that I need not doubt, but that I may without iust aspersion repeate the letters, though now no professed Souldier, since I presume not to ioyne the syllables of Armes. And whereas First, it is curiositie to know onely that they might know. 2. Vanitie to know to be knowne. 3. Lucre to know that they may sell knowledge. 4 Charitie to know that they may instruct. 5. Wisdome to know that their vnderstanding may be bettered. S. Bernard decyphering fiue ends of knowledge, onely approueth these two, wisely or charitably, thereby to better themselues or others: I haue (me iudice) squared some part of this vacation [Page]studie according to the leuell of this Directorie. And though in these Haltion dayes, wherein Peace and Plentie lull vs asleepe in the lap of Securitie, Souldiers are out of request, and my more profitable studies, necessitatis gratia, otherwise chiefly bestowed: and no hope left for mee this way to purchase either praise or profit: yet, that I might not vtterly forget, what formerly, not without some care and cost, I learned: and that such my friends, as in this faire peacefull sunshine will not altogether leaue behind them, the cloke of Martiall experience, which might somewhat couer them, if a storme chance (as heauen forfend it should) to trouble them, in their iourny here: I say, that al might in somewhat partake of that poore mite of skill, which I formerly gayned: which, were it lesse, might by communicating it, profit some, but preiudice none: I haue, and not without [Page]some paines, contracted and briefly discouered, such termes of militarie discipline, and wordes of arte (whereof no one Gentle or other should be meerely ignorant) as now in our moderne warres, are for the most part vsed; being no other in truth then what Caesar, and the Romans long since taught and practised.
And though it be to be wished, that wee, which haue so long found the fruit of Peace, should neuer feele the direfull effects of Warre: yet may it likewise be feared, that too much Securitie by lulling our senses asleepe, may open a passage to danger, if not further. The consideration hereof, together with that precept of an ancient Father, Heu patimur longae pacis mala saeuior armis luxuria incumbit. Si non manu, mente tamen simus bellatores, (my naturall inclination hauing euer been more prone to the Pike, then to the Pen) hath giuen [Page]mee occasion, to bestow some few loose houres, which some (I doubt not) will thinke, might haue beene better spent, to endeauour to rub off the rust, which ease hath bred vpon the swords of youth, and in short time, might (if it haue not alreadie) eate off the edge of true courage And by reading ouer the A, B, C, of Armes, to a Souldier, to sweep off those cobwebs of carelesnesse, that hang in euery corner of our thoughts, and haue of late so clouded the face of Resolution, that a Martialist which should be in pace decus, in bello praesidium, now walkes, tanquam piscis in arida, vnreguarded, and vnrewarded: whereby being forgotten (at least slighted) they grow forgetfull, and fashioning themselues to the times, they retayne for the most part not so much as the remembrance of order, or habit, befitting a Souldier, but turne the Pike to the Pot, and the Speare to the Spindell, [Page]
Leauing the Drum, for a Drab; the Sword and Dagger, for Drinke and Dice; so that now (I blush to report it) a Swaggerer, a Swearer, and a Souldier, are but appellations of one signification: Heu pudet dicere, Militia, which heretofore was accounted, Reipublicae quies, & firmitas, & confirmatio militis, ad robur, & virtutem, is now in these neglectfull times by the abuse of the meaner, and disrepute cast thereon by the vulgar sort, accounted professorum onus, not [...]onos, yea a libertie of loosenesse: Venus Strumpets being more followed then Pallas Trumpets, good discipline militarie now marching vn-kist, because vnkent, standing like the poore mens Boxe in Churches, with a particle of Scripture, inciting to Charitie, written ouer head, but nothing but neglect and contempt, I meane, dust and [Page]cob-webs within: Pride, and Epicurisme, the lees of lazinesse, through want of imployment, so dulling the courage and resolution of a Souldier, that Actuitie and Industrie, the essentiall parts of a good Martialist are weakened, and well-nigh worne out: And thereby all meanes almost taken away, whereby the knowledge of Armes, and principles of militarie discipline, might be preserued in memorie, and kept from obliuion. For redresse whereof, I haue, pro posse, vnder-taken to recollect such obseruations in that kind, as in my yonger yeeres, following the warres, I got by example; and since the dis-vse of Armes, haue gathered by precept, out of such Authors, as haue formerly treated of that subiect; Breue iter ad militiam per exempla, longum autem per praecepta. In which collection of mine, as a learned Writer of our time said, though on another subiect, I may truly [Page]say, Omnia nostra esse & nihil. All things are mine, in respect of the gathering, or disposition: nothing, or at least very little, in regard of the inuention of the things themselues: nihil quod non prius. Yet such as it is, for that if I flatter not my selfe, it may serue for the A, B, C, Darian Tiro, for some instruction, and stand to the veterane Souldier, and perfect Martialist, as a memento or remembrancer to reuise what might for want of vse bee forgotten: And to both in time of Musters or Traynings (the frequent vse whereof is much to bee desired) may seeme both pleasant and profitable I offer and present to all such as either desire to deserue the name or title of a Martialist. or delight to encourage others ( Age or Wedlock hauing crippled or with-drawne their proper inclinations) to practise discipline, and no others: ‘—Non egoventose plebis suffregia voenor:’ For, ‘Odi profanum vulgus & arceo.—’
To you therefore, Heroick Brutes, and truly entitled Gentlemen, that either haue, or hereafter intend in the Academie of valour & vertue (which Vigetius stileth the Campe) to bestow your worthy to be termed honorable indeauours: [...]a poore, Vnusauis [...] fortunae suae faber. but willing admirer of Armes, offer sand, in stead of siluer, and more acceptable and beneficiall matter towards the not building, but repaying the ruines of decayed Arte militarie,
To craue pardon, or intreate fauourable acceptance, were but to suspect your generous dispositions: assuming therefore the confidence, which Innocency armes resolution with all: like a Souldier, vnwilling to prouoke, yet not daring to feare censure, I say, Either commend it, or, Come mend it; and so goe forward.
From the Pike, or the Pen, only proceedeth true Gentilitie: for non genus, [Page]sed genius; non gens, sed mens, proclaymeth the merit of the person.
Laying hold then of the Pike, a weapon for a Prince to practise, why should not all young Gallants iumpe with the Poet, ‘Qui Veneri est habilis, b [...]llo quo (que) conueni aetas.’ And hauing vigour and valour, enable themselues so farre to bee acquainted with the vse of this discipline, that what winde soeuer blow, they may bee freed from that aspersion, which wise Vlysses cast vpon Aiax;
Or from the like taxe,
If they should at any time, either for their own or countries good, attempt to vnder-take command, or expect preferment by the wars: if either they disdain to be taught, or shame to seem to learne, let them but remember, that qui breui tempore disciplinam nō patitur, omni tempore in pudore insipientiae permanebit. Let them therefore practise, [Page]that they may be perfect: Paucos fortes natura procreat: quamplures bona institutione reddit industria. It can be no disparagement to bloud, nor disgrace to birth, to manage or follow Armes: for truly it is said, Virtus militaris praeest caeteris omnibus: and, iter ad virtutem istam per artis regulas: Which as Vigetius prescribeth, is, Militari gradu ambulare, celeriter & aequaliter: locum destinatum non deserere: ordinem non turbare: sed ad nutum ducis, sine tumultu respondere. All which may full well and easily be learned, by frequenting such places where mustring shall bee, and remembring such termes of discipline, as are at this time chiefly in vse. For as taste cannot bee tryed by sounds: no more can direction in trayning be vnderstood by any, to whom the words of cōmand are vnknowne. It is therefore greatly to bee desired, that all men would learne, how to receiue direction, by acquainting themselues [Page]with the termes. And that musters might be often vsed, that euery one might practise publikely, what they haue priuately learned: And though some more curiously captious, then considerably politike, seem to affirm, that it is dangerous as now, to disquiet the times with trayning of Souldiers, or to awaken the securitie of peace with rumours of warres: for that, as they say, it may giue occasion of suspect to our Neighbors, and may buzze conceits in greene heads (quibus bellum dulce) which may draw on further attempts, then stands with the quiet of our peacefull gouernement to admit, yet since it is aliud parare, aliud exercere belium, if I may haue leaue to speake my opinion as a parcell-guilt Scholer, and a pen and inke-horne Souldier, I doubt not but that it may stand with the policie of the State, to admit more then yeerely shewes of Armour to be made, yea, I [Page]dare affirme with Lypsius, Salus reipublicae, plus fortitudine quàm concordia consistit: And how can there be fortitudo, when a Souldier is little known, lesse respected? And Martiall discipline, without which a Souldier is no more valiant then bookes not vnderstood, is learning, neither vsed nor remembred: wisely he said, that as in warre, peace; so in peace, war, Bracton. l. t in Rege qui recte regit. 2. sunt necessaria, arma & Leges. is to be prouided for: the true knowledge of this, conseruing the quiet of that, and the due obseruance and execution of order in either, maintayning the honor and estimation of both: And worthy the remembrance are those principles of learned and iudicious master Case, where he maintayneth a necessitie in the time of cessation of warre, to exercise Militarie discipline, Sphaera Ciuitatis. alleadgeing, Opportunius res bellicas tractari non posse, quàm tempore pacis: affirming further, Non altis moenibus Ciuitatum, sed expertis manibus militum, Imperij [Page]salus, & tutela continetur: their experience being wonne by exercise in the time of peace, and made perfect in the time of warre: For as the multitude of Pleaders and Physicions, is an argument of a riotous and distempered Citie; so nothing, saith Vigetius, Firmius aut foelicius est Reipublicae, in qua milites abundant eruditi. Ars bellandi, saith Cassio, si non pace praeluditur, quan do fuerit necessarium, non habetur: discat ergo miles otio, quod performare possit bello. Scientia rei bellicae, saith Vigetius, demicandi nutrit audaciam, nemo enim bello facile metuit, quod se pace didicisse bene confidit. The same Author goeth further, and saith, Qui desider at pacem, praeparet bellum: qui victoriam cupit, milites imbuat diligenter: qui secundos optat, euentus discat pace, vt dimicet arte, non casu. And saith Seneca, Diu praeparandum est bellum, vt vincas caelerius. And, Sub Clipeo tutius succedit pacis negotium: ac pace de bello melius consulitur. [Page]If then it be not onely lawfull, but expedient, to haue in peace expert Souldiers, which can no waies be made so, but by those ordinarie courses which our Predecessors haue inuented: Ars tritos, vsus promptos, imitatio reddit Artifices aptos. and our bordering Neighbours doe put in practice: that is, by instruction, and cōuenient exercise, I hold it for granted, that to train & muster Souldiers, and to instruct them with the termes of motion, and militarie principles, is a thing most necessarie, and in some sort commanded: For wheras a Souldier is said, to bee a Protector of his Prince, a Defender of liberall Arts, an Vp-holder of the seate of Iustice, a Resister of Forrainers, and a Represser of domestick Enemies, a Maintayner of the Libertie, and quiet of his Countrie▪ It is to bee vnderstood, of an expert valiant Souldier: for valour and discretion in a Souldier are inseparable adiuncts: And without direction and obedience, it is not possible [Page]for any militarie or worthy attempt, to be successefull: For he is no more a Souldier, Miles quasi vir ex milibus vnus. that receiueth his pay, is inrolled in a companie, and weareth the abillimēt of war, without knowledge of discipline, and obseruance of order: then Pilate is a Saint, though he be named in our Creede. It behoueth therefore euery person that intendeth to leade the life of a Souldier, at the entring of his name in Bellonaes Register, to put on the first habit of a Souldier, which is obedience: without which, whosoeuer endeuoureth to learne the vse of Armes, labours to make his skore the greater, by paying the reckoning with chalke: And will assoone suck milk from a flint, as true merit in martiall courses: for hee can neuer be able to command wel, which hath not first laboured to obey: Summa enim militiae laus, in obedientia consistit. And this obedience, in reuerentiam exhibendo, in mandata suscipiendo, & in [Page]iudicium subeundo, plerun (que) sita est. The Souldier sheweth his loue, by vsing obedience to his Officer; performeth his dutie, in doing what hee is commanded by his Officer, and proclaymeth his modestie, in not expostulating the reason, but willingly vndergoeth the censure of his Officer or Captayne: For euery chiefe Commander, as Captayne and his Lieftenant, Ensigne-bearer, Seriants, and Corporalls, either haue, or ought to haue in themselues, authoritie respectiuely to command, and procure reuerence, and obedience, from others, and experience, and gouernement to direct, and censure themselues, and others: Miles (saith a Father) mandatum ducis non procrastinat, parat aures auditui, pedesitineri, manusoperi, & se totum intus colligit, vt mandatum peragat imperantis: he saith not linguam voci: for silence is the first lesson of obedience: and how can he be said to obey, [Page]that will not silently attend when, & what, he shall be commanded. Obedience hauing prescribed Silence: the next lesson a Souldier is to learne, is to apt himselfe to manage and practise such weapons, as by his Officer is appointed to him: for howsoeuer a naturall inclination is in some more then others, to vse the Peece rather then the Pike, and so, &c. And though that is soonest lerned, to which a man by nature is most inclinable, yet the weapon is appointed to, not chosen by the Souldier; howsoeuer it is to be wished, that all such to whom the appointment of weapon doth belong, would obserue in his Souldier, ‘Quid valcant humeri fer [...]e, & quid ser [...]e recusant.’
Now hauing his Armes, which are the members of a Martialist, they must be alwaies carefully kept cleane from rust, both within and without, be it Peece or Corslet, with all the furniture [Page]thereunto belonging, that is to say, to a Musket, a Head-peece, a Sword and Dagger, a Musket carrying a Bullet, whereof ten make a pound: a Musket Rest, Bandaleros, (the flaske being more cumbersome and subiect to firing, and therefore more dangerous) Bullet-bagge with Bullets, Poulder, and Match. To a Pike-man, a Pike, a Sword and Dagger, a Head-peece, a Gorget, a Brest-plate, a Back, with powldrons to the elbow. I set downe these furnitures particularly, the rather for that Count Morrice, Anno 1598. gaue expresse order that none should passe the muster, except thus furnished.
Being thus furnished, it is requisite, that he acquaint his eye, and eare with such signes and sounds, termes and wordes, as his Leader or Commander shal vse in his direction, or charge. And first, he must be perfect in euery particular sound of the Drum, as [Page]namely: first, a Call: secondly, a March: thirdly, a Troope: fourthly, a Charge: and fifthly, Retrait: For the Battali [...], Reliefe, Batterie, Parlee, and such like, I betray my ignorance to the World, I take to bee no other but one of the fiue first sounds, and not by the eare easily to bee distinguisht, and therefore of no great importance to be obserued.
The Drum (as a most iudicious and painefull Gentleman, whose industrie and experience discouereth by practick, what I partly gleane from him in the theorick, defineth it) is an instrument, designed for the exercise of foot Souldiers, resounding the command of the Generall, the which euery souldier is obliged to obey, and follow, without delay, as well as the voice of his Cōmander: of the seuerall sounds whereof, what Souldier soeuer is ignorant, it is vnpossible hee shall performe his dutie in all points, and at all [Page]times: for either hee must doe by the example of others, which perhaps at all times hee is not bound vnto; or else expect his Commanders direction, whose voice cannot extend to the hearing of all, & so become culpable in his dutie: wherfore, as it is most expedient, that euery companie exceeding the number of a hundred, should bee furnished with two sufficient Drummers, such as are able to beate perfectly: So is it most necessary that euery Souldier, at the first, and for the first principle, should apply his eare, and studie to apprehend, and learne to vnderstand, those seuerall sounds: without the knowledge wherof, how doth any Souldier know of his owne meer motion, when to march, troope, charge, or retrait, &c. except only by the Drums direction, who is alwayes at his Commanders elbow, readie by the sound therof to denounce his wil?
As the eare by the Drum, so the eie [Page]must bee directed by the Standard or Colours: the one designing of the time, the other the place, whither to repaire, and where he is to attend the command of his Officer.
The Ensigne is an ornament of Armes, first inuented for direction, and distinction. For direction, to the Souldier, whither vpon all occasions to draw, and where to abide: for distinction to bee knowne from other Companies, and other Nations: The colours whereof are at the discretion of the Captayne: either his owne Colours, belonging to his house; if he be a Gentleman of Coate-Armour, or what other his inuention shal best like of. But alwayes hauing a red Crosse therin, being the badge of an Englishman: S t. GEORGES Crosse being peculiarly appropriated to that Nation: For as in old time: Phrysij suem, Armenij arietē, Scythae fulgur, Persi Arcū, Scilices caput armatū, Thrases Martem, [Page]Phoenices Herculem, Aegyptij Ibidem, Milesij Leonem, Athemenses noctuam, Corinthij Pegasum, Pelopōnesi testudinē, Itali Equum, Venetiae Leonē cum libro, diuo Marco consecratum; Genoae sanctū Georgium equo insidentem, Senenses Lupam, Florentini Leonem, Ita Angli crucem rubram pro insigne habuerunt. And as M r. Francis saith in his Treatise, De insignibus libro primo: Insignum singularis est vtilitas; ad gradus turmas (que) distinguendas. Vexilla, saith another, intuentur milites: ea sequuntur, obseruant, tuentur, & corum signibus, vt nauis gubernaculo diriguntur. Being come to the Colours▪ that he may be able to performe what he shall be appointed; he must be perfectly instructed with the true knowledge of Files, and Rankes, Fronts, and Flankes, Leaders, and Followers, Middle-men, and Bringers vp, and not be ignorant of the chiefe principles of Action, (that is to say) of Posture, Distance, [Page]and orderly Motion, the knowledge of which warlike motions, may truly be said to be the art of Warre.
By Posture is vnderstood the manageing of Martiall weapons, either Standing, Marching, Chargeing, or Dischargeing, the easiest and readiest way to offend or defend: Si doctrina cessat armorum, nihil Paganus distat a milite.
- Posture consisteth of
- Standing,
- Marching,
- Chargeing.
- Postures of the Pike,
- In Standing are three,
- In Marching are sixe,
- In Chargeing are three.
- Of the Musket, in
- Standing one,
- Marching one,
- Chargeing eighteene,
- Dischargeing twelue.
All which in sight are reduced to three.
- Postures of the Pike standing,
- Lay downe your Pike.
- Take vp your Pike.
- Order your Pike.
- Thereof marching,
- Aduance your Pike.
- Shoulder your Pike.
- Leuell your Pike.
- Slope your Pike.
- Cheeke your Pike.
- Trayle your Pike.
- Posture thereof, chargeing,
- Port your Pike.
- Charge your Pike.
- Couch at the foot, your Pike.
Of all foot weapons this is esteemed the most honourable, for that it can bee accounted no disparagement to a Commander, to traile his Pike vnder his fellow-Captaynes Colours.
- Posture of the Musket, standing, Rest your Musket.
Your Musket shouldred,
- Posture thereof, marching,
- Cleere your Pan,
- Prime your Pan,
- Close your Pan,
- Cast off the loose poulder,
- Blow your Pan,
- Cast about, and traile your Rest,
- Open your charges,
- Charge with poulder.
- Posture thereof, chargeing,
- Draw out your skowring sticke,
- Shorten your sticke,
- Ram in your poulder,
- Draw out your sticke,
- Charge with buller,
- Ram in your bullet,
- Draw out your sticke,
- Shorten your stick and put it vp,
- [Page]Bring your musket forward with the left hand.
- Hold it vp with the right, and recouer your Rest.
Of which postures it is but idle to giue aduertisement, that the foure, after the chargeing with poulder, viz. to charge with bullet, is rather to bee conceited, how then practised at these times, where to doe it.
- Postures of the Musket, discharging,
- Carry your Rest in the left hand,
- Rest your Musket,
- Take your match in the right hand,
- Hold the match & blow it,
- Cocke it,
- Try it,
- Guard the Pan and blow it,
- Open the Pan,
- Present the Musket,
- Giue fire,
- [Page]Dismount it,
- Vncocke the match, & hold it twixt your fingers.
- In fight onely
- Make readie,
- Present,
- Giue fire.
It is generally to be obserued, that when you charge with your Pike, or discharge your Musket, you place your left leg forward; but when you martch, you begin with the right.
The next thing that is to bee obserued, Ordo est parium, disparium (que) rerum distributio. is, distince of order.
By distance is meant a certain space betweene File and File, Ranke and Ranke, in such order, & to that measure, as pleaseth the Commander to nominate. The which if Souldiers obserue not, then is that Companie or Troope so exercised out of order and discipline, more like men in rout & disorcer, then to a perfect Battalia. [Page]Therefore, this distance ought to bee such a competent space, as is meet and conuenient for motion For the station of Souldiers is not alwayes steadie and certaine, but that they all interchange mutually one with another: it consists of order in Files, and Rankes, of which distances the Romanes onely obserued these three.
- 1. Ordinatus miles.
- 2. Densatus ordo.
- 3. Constipatus ordo.
But at this day wee generally practise foure:
- Open order.
- Order.
- Close order.
- Closest order.
Open order, sixe foote distant from his side-man, and reare-man.
Order, distant three foote.
Close order, a foote and a halfe.
Closest powldron to powldron with his side-men, and to the Swords point of the proceeding Ranke.
There is to be kept the like distance of Files, as of Rankes.
After the knowledge of your distance, you must with diligent care marke the motions of Files & Rankes seuerall; & of both conioyned, which motion is the actual operation of that bodie, which is moueable, whereof in this exercise long since, and at this time there are foure remarkeable circumstances:
- 1. Ante.
- 2. Retro.
- 3. Dextrorsum.
- 4. Sinistrorsum.
Either by mouing forwards, as charging to the Front, back-wards by Retrait, side-waies by Closing, Opening, or Doubling of Files to the right or left hand, by Wheeling or Conuersing to either hand, the which is performed as occasion presents, according to the will & direction of the Cōmander, obseruing it in Order, true Pace, true Distance, and perfect Posture.
For any other kinde of motion in a Battalia, or grosse body, breeds both disorder and confusion: [Page] ‘Vbinullus est ord [...], certus est horror.’ where on the other side; Order is the Beautie of nature, Ornament of arte, and Harmony of the World.
Motion is in forme of Files and Rankes conioyned.
Motion of Files in proportion apart, are fiue.
Of Rankes apart, si [...]e.
Of both conioyned, two.
Motion in forme of Files seuerall, may be comprehended in foure, howsoeuer: some by shortning & lengthning, and such like phrases of inuention doe make nine.
Motion in forme of Rankes seuerall, are fiue: of both Rankes and Files conioyned, are eight.
A whole companie, as one body, being perfect by instruction and vse herein, and hereof, as occasion shall require, may bee turned into diuers different formes, for the more offence, of the assayling Enemie, and defence of themselues and abettors.
Motion in different distances of
Files close.
- Close your files to the left hand.
- Close your files.
- Close your files to the right hand.
Motion in distances of files open
- Open to the right hand.
- Open to the left hand.
Motion in distances of Rankes close.
- Close Your Rankes from the Front to the Reare.
- Close From the Reare to the Front.
Motion in distances of Rankes open.
- Open Your Rankes From the Reare forward.
- Open Your Rankes From the Front Reareward.
Motion in distances of ranks & files conioyned,
- Close.
- Open.
Motion in forme of
- Double your Files to the right hand
- Double your Files to the left hand
- Aduance your
Files to the
- Left hand.
- Right hand.
- By diuision to the
- Right hand.
- Left hand.
Files ranke by conuersion to the
- Right hand.
- Left hand.
Files countermarch to the
- Right hand.
- Left hand.
- After the manner of the
- Macedonians.
- Lacedaemonians.
- Persians.
These seuerall manners of counter-marching, I finde often cited by seuerall Authors by this terme, Euolutio [Page]Macedonica, Laconica, Dorica: but confesse my ignorance, know not the difference, Ideo quaere.
Motion in forme of
- double to the right hand.
- double to the left hand.
File by conuersion, vt supra. Ranke 7. 5. 9. &c.
- Middlemen, double your
Front to the
- right hand.
- left hand.
To both by diuision.
Counter-march from the right to the left hand, and by conuersion, vt supra.
Motion in forme of cōioyned
Files and
Rankes, Faces to the
- Right hand.
- Left hand.
To both by Diuision.
Faces to the Reare.
Wheele by Conuersion.
Charge to the
- Right hand.
- Left hand.
To both by Diuision.
Charge to the
- Front.
- Reare.
To both by Diuision.
A perfect File is a sequence of men standing one behinde another; backe to belly, and subsisting commonly of ten in depth, according to the moderne vse of the Warres of the Netherlands, it was by the Romans termed Series, Ordinatio, Decurio, it consisteth of Leaders, & Followers, wherein the Decurio & Tergi ductor, amongst the Latines, but in our drilling the Leader, Middle-men, and Bringer vp, are principally to be regarded.
The Middle-man is either the fifth, or sixth man, vncertaine which before [Page]the motion bee commanded: vt postea.
A perfect Ranke is a stand or row of men, placed powldron to powldron, their faces being directed al one way, which by the Romanes was stiled Ordo.
But when it is the first ranke composed of Leaders of many Files, it was by them termed Frōs & Acies, but now vsually the Front Van or Voward.
A Battalio is the connexion of many Files together: whereof the first Ranke is termed the Front: the right side, the right hand Flanke: the left side, the left hand Flanke: the last ranke in depth, the Reare: the fifth, and sixth Rankes, Middle-men: and all the remainder, Side-men: so that where the faces are directed, one way stands the Front, the Reare is where the backs are turned: the two outmost Files, the right and left Flankes.
In a Battalio likewise you must obserue, [Page]that from the Leader, to the Bringer vp, the whole distance betweene is called the breadth and Depth of Ranke and File.
It is requisite that in your martch and stand, you regard your Leader, and Side-men, such as in Ranke shall be placed on your right & left hands, so that alwaies in File and Ranke you may bee found in the same Distance, wherein you are commanded.
It is to be obserued, that by these wordes (as you were) it is intended to reduce the Souldier to the same place of order, wherin he stood before.
It is likewise to bee remembred, that when you double your Files to any hand, by doubling your Rankes to the contrary hand, they are as they were, and so of Rankes, vt supra.
It is further to be remembred, that in chargeing with Pikes, only the first fiue Ranks doe charge: for the length of the longest Pike being but eighteene [Page]foot long: the Pikes of the first Ranke, can but reach ouer the shoulders of the Front; so that if they should bee driuen to Retreat, all the Rankes chargeing: the Subdiuision (which are the fiue Rankes on the Reare) rather hinder, and hurt their Leaders, then doe any seruice. It is therefore conuenient that the subdiuision, hold their Pikes ported, or aduanced, for then they are readie vpon all occasions, to charge without any difficultie, or preiudice to their fellowes: for it is to be vnderstood, that the most exquisite Captains do hold in these dayes, what Caesar in his time practised, which is to martiall the Companies in square manuples of hundreds, especially Pikes, so that neuer or very seldome, they file their men but ten in depth.
If any shall question why in this A, B, C, I set downe postures onely for two weapons, let him bee pleased [Page]to receiue this for satisfaction, all short weapons as Targateers, Billmen, or Holbardeers, are in these times meerely out of vse; and Archerie is so much controuerted by different opinions, whether seruiceable or not necessarie for vse, and is so strongly, and strangely opposed, and so weakely, & waueringly defended; That were it not for those two euer memorable victories, next vnder God, won by them, I meane Cressy and Agincourt: It would grow questionable, whether euer it were in vse amongst Englishmen; But leauing that question vndecided, I onely affirme, as in all other things, so in warre there is a vicissitude of weapons, whereof I may truly say, as one of words: Multa renascuntur? quaeiam cecidere, cadent (que): quae nunc sunt in honore, many weapons and instruments of war, which were heretofore much praised and practised, are by change of times, and benefit of fresher inuention, either cast [Page]cleane out of doores, or at least permitted to hang in houses, like monumenta adorandae rubiginis, retayning the bare name of furnitures, without praise or practice.
And for your bare Pike, and Harcubuz, or small shot, they are included in the tractate of Pike, and Musket, and excepting the vse or practice of the Musket rest, the Harcubuz and Musket, haue▪ one and the same Postures, and frustra fit per plura quod fieripossit per pauciora.
Opus & vsus, my more then ordinary visiters, knock at my study-dore and cōmand me (and the rather since in this vngratefull age, and amongst thanklesse Plebeians all paines in this kind merit but mocks) to attend profit priuate, not publike, more magistrorum: Therefore, what I begun with iumps and by fits, I end with, &c. &c.
Ad Lectores prorsus indignos.
THere are some whom Nature begun, but neuer finisht, whose heatlesse and heartlesse trunkes, like ouer-growne Thistles in a fertile soyle, heaue vp their vnprofitable heads, aboue the reach of better deseruing persons, and like Dogs in mangers, neither doe, nor suffer to be done. But squaring all other mens indeuours, by the crooked leuell of their pseudopoliticall conceits, condemne what is most commendable in others, yet neither doe nor say any thing themselues worthy cōmenditions: These Gallinaceus mushrumps, qui fungino genere se totum caput tegunt: all head and no heart, lye snarling at Souldiers, and the profession militarie, and not hauing grace enough to make a prologue to a reasonable breake-fast, nor heart enough to oppose a Ginny-Hen, if her feathers ruffle; doe most of all, being sensible in nothing but blowes, traduce as vnchyistiā, the practice [Page]of militarie discipline, and terme the Professors thereof bloudie and barbarous, such pusillanimous Plebeians, I bar by & mayne, procul hinc procul ite profani. Yet if any such meticulous Buffone chance to besmeare my well intended preuention of idlenesse, with the slime of his calumny; let him be assured, that I rather pitty his want of wit, then feare his will or skill in rayling, or reasoning against the man or the matter, quod decuit tantos, cur mihi turpe putem? &c. I know the force of his circumstances can neuer infer the conclusion hee will labour for, but as he begins with A. he will get but the addition of double S. and so I leaue him, and rest