VIRGINEA BRITANNIA. A SERMON PREACHED AT WHITE CHAPPELL, IN THE presence of many the Aduenturers, and Planters for VIRGINIA.
For the Lord had said vnto Abram, Get thee out of thy Countrey, and from thy kindred, and from thy fathers house, vnto the land that I will shew thee.
And I will make of thee a great nation, and will blesse thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing.
I will blesse them also that blesse thee, and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
THis Booke of Genesis conteineth the story of the Creation and Plantation of heauen and earth, with conuenient inhabitants. The heauen hath Angels, the skie starres, the aire foules, the water fishes, the [Page 2] earth (furnished with plants and hearbes, and beasts) was prouided for man a while to inhabite, who after was to be receiued into glory, like vnto the Angels. Matth. 22. 30. Hereupon the Lord (who by his great decree, set downe by his whole Trinitie, had determined that man should rule among the creatures) did make man, both male and female, After his owne image, 2. Cor. 4. 4. that is, Iesus Christ; and gaue them this blessing, Bring forth fruit and multiplie, and fill the earth, and subdue Gen. 1. 26. [...]7. 28. it, &c. And howsoeuer this precept might seeme to finde interruption by the sinne of man, that had incurred the curse to die the death: yet we see that God Gen. 2. 17 & 3. 3. Isai. 45. 23. Gen. 9. 1, 2. would not, for any thing, alter his oath and word, that was gone out of his mouth; for vnto Noah hee reuiued this precept after the flood.
But as all the commandements of God doe finde rebellion against them: so hath this most specially; insomuch that the whole earth conspired to make open insurrection against it, by building of a Citie, Gen. 11. 1. and Towne, the better to continue together. For the subduing of which rebellion, The Lord came downe, Gen. 11. 7 and confounded their languages, and scattered them abroad: Not onely to the ouerthrow of their ambition, who sought a great name; but also to depriue them of his spirituall grace of saluation, one being not able to vnderstand the other: And so of the sonnes of Noah, were the Nations diuided after the Gen. [...]0. 32. flood.
Among whome the blessed line of Shem is not Gen 11. 10. onely plentifully remembred; but also commended, as obedient vnto that first and great Law of God: [Page 3] For Terah, the father of Abram, with his family, are reported to be found in a Land not theirs, that they might fill the earth.
The reason why Terah, and his family remoued, The context. is recorded in these three verses; and, in a word, is the calling of Abram by the Lord to remooue. In the storie whereof, are these two points: First the the vocation of Abram, in these three verses, and then his obedience vnto this heauenly calling, in the fourth verse. His vocation hath first the commandement of the Lord, and then the reasons and arguments, by which God doeth induce him thereunto. The commandement is to take a iourney; in which we must consider the places from whence, and whither Goe out of he was to goe. The place from whence, is not described Cosmographically, but Morally, conteining three important reasons, in all good sort, to rest him where hee was. The first is his Countrey, Thy Country. which was pleasant, and fruitfull: The second his kindred, which was holy and blessed: The third, his fathers house, which was louing and rich. Hence must hee goe, and leaue them all behind, if they would not goe with him. The place whither hee must goe is also very generally noted out: Namely, the place which God would shew him: a place vtterly To the place which I shall shew thee. vnknowen vnto him, so that from thence he had no argument, to quicken him to that voyage.
The arguments which the Lord doth vse to perswade Arguments from promises. Abram, to this iourney are all taken from the promises of God; a stronger reason then the very sweetnesse of Paradise could be vnto a faithful man. [Page 4] These promises doe partly concerne Abram himselfe, partly those among whom he shall liue. For himselfe the Lord doeth promise foure things: First tha [...], whereas himselfe was childlesse, He w [...]uld make 1. A great Nation. of him a great nation. A thing which the builders of Babel drifted but were disappointed of by the iudgement 2. Blesse thee. of God. The second promise is, that God will blesse him, by giuing him the good things of this present world, and that which is to come: A thing which the builders of Babel lost, by transgressing Gods commandement of replenishing the earth. 3. A great name. The third thing is, that the Lord will make him a great name, with much honour, and good report; which the confounded builders of Babel sought, and missed, because of their sinne. The fourth promise 4. A blessing. is, that he shall be a blessing: That is, such a one as men shall be the better where hee commeth; and so thinke themselues, seeing that through him, as through a golden Pipe, the Lord will bestow his blessings vpon his family, and others among whom he liueth.
The arguments that concerne other men, are of two sorts; the one is their Temporall estate; the other their Spirituall. Concerning the Temporall estate of those amongst whom hee liueth, God will dispose of, as they dispose themselues towards Abram: For the Lord will blesse them, and cause them 1. Blesse them that blesse thee. to prosper, that seeke the blessing and prosperitie of Abram. And againe, if they stand otherwise affected towards Abram, then will the Lord also set his face 2. Curse them that curse thee. against them, in these words: And I will curse them [Page 5] that curse thee: So that nothing they haue shall prosper, vntill they be gracious and fauorable to Abram. That which concerneth their Spirituall estate, is, indeede an argument to a faithfull man, stronger then chaines of Adamant; Namely, that by this meanes, the people all abroad shall receiue the grace of saluation. 3. All Nations blessed. The thing he promiseth is saluation by the Gospel, in this word, I will blesse. The meanes, is Abram and his seede IESVS CHRIST: in these words in thee. The persons, to receiue benefit by him, are infinite; euen all the families of Noah, by whom the nations of all the earth were diuided; In these words, And in thee, shall all the families of the earth bee blessed. This is the sense of these three verses: In which are very many excellent things to bee obserued, but we will onely insist vpon those, which are proper to our occasion, &c.
THE Lord called Abraham to goe into another Countrey. There is no doubt, but that there is a double manner of calling; the one ordinary, by some knowne precept of the word of God: the other Mat 1. 20. Num. 12. 6. extraordinary when as by dreame, or by vision, God requireth any duetie to be done. Now if it be demaunded how Abraham was called, to goe into another Countrey: the answere is, both ordinarily and extraordinarily. It was a knowne rule of the word of God, concluded, and pronounced before the Creation, and often repeated afterwards, [Page 6] that man should spread abroad, &c. and inhabite the earth, and fill it. Hitherto belongeth that, which God said; Let vs make man in our image, and let them rule ouer the Fish of the Sea, and ouer the Fowles of the Gen. 1. 26. Heauen, and ouer the Beastes, and ouer ALL the earth. Then must he replenish the earth, else can hee not rule ouer ALL. To the same effect is that spoken of Adam, after his fall, that God sent him forth of the Genes. 3. 23. Garden of Eden to till the earth: so that the fall of Adam did not, in the least thing, cause the Lord to alter his first decree. So to Noah after the flood; Gen. 9. 2, 7. Bring forth fruite, and multiply, grow plentifully in the earth, and encrease therein, and replenish the earth. By all this it doth appeare, that God did call Abraham abroade, by a general Vocation. But when he is called to a certaine place, and vnder certaine conditions, it is also plaine, that withall, he had a special and extraordinary calling, either by dreame or by vision, or by some such extraordinary meane, which (til the Canon of the Scripture came fully in) was to be obeyed as the written word of God. Yet still wee must remember that this speciall calling was subiect to the generall law of replenishing the earth. For although God called him to one land; yet to vpholde the generall rule, God often laide a necessitie vpon him to spread further: for in this Chapter, by reason of a famine, hee was constreined to soiourne Gen 12. 10. &c in Egipt: God did also tell him before hand, that his seede should be a stranger, in a land that is not Gen. 15. 13. theirs, foure hundred yeares. It is true, that the Iewes did holde themselues so confined to their owne [Page 7] land, that they were as loth to forgoe their inheritance, as from the Sacrament of their saluation: witnes [...]. King. 21. 3. be Naboth, that answered the King; The Lord keepe me from giuing the inheritance of my fathers vnto thee. And yet, when God would haue it so, as when there was famine, Elimelech and his Familie R [...]th. 1. 1. 2. goe to soiourne among the Gentiles. In time of warre Dauid tooke his father and mother, and carried 1. Sam. 2 [...]. 3. them to soiourne with the King of Moab. And Act. [...]. 5. when as we reade that there were dwelling at Ierusalem, Iewes of euery nation vnder heauen; it is plaine, that the Iewes did spread abroad, not onely to soiourne for a time, and then to come againe; but to Act. 22. 3. inhabite and replenish the whole earth. Paul was also a Iew, borne in Cilicia, euen in a Romane Colonie.
The reason why God will haue his to fill the 1. Reason. To knowe Gods works▪ earth is, because the Lord would haue his workes to be knowne. Now in diuers Countries God hath his diuers workes, of hearbes, and trees, and beastes, and fishes, and fowles, and serpents, &c. which (if the people of God come not there) cannot praise the Psal. 145. 10. [...]1. Creator. When Dauid saith, All thy workes praise thee, O God, and thy Saints blesse thee; they shew the glory of thy kingdome, and speake of thy power: the implication is manifest, that his Saints must be witnesses of all his workes, in all Climates; for else they cannot II. blesse him in all his workes. Another reason is, Spreading of knowledge. that one that hath the knowledge of the feare of God, should communicate it to others: Hereupon Psal. 67. 1. 2. is it that Dauid doeth teach vs to pray thus; Haue [Page 8] mercie on vs Lord, and blesse vs, and cause thy face to shine among vs, Selah. Marke this, that he biddeth vs pray, God be mercifull vnto vs; The meanes how, is this: That they may know thy way vpon earth, and thy sauing health among all nations; whereby he doth imply, that God hath with-held some mercy from vs, til all nations haue the meanes of saluation. This was Exod, 11. 9. a cause why God sent Abrahams posterity into Egipt, that by their meanes Pharaoh, whose heart was bigge, and would not acknowledge God, might be constrained to fall down, and say, I haue sinned against Exod. 10. 16. the Lord. The cause also of the captiuity of the Iewes in Babilon, in the secrete prouidence of God, was, that the Monarkes of the world, who thought Dan. 4. 20. 21. 17. 29. there was no God could come neere them in greatnes, might be as beastes before God, acknowledging, that it is God, that giueth Kingdomes to whom he will. And when the Lord had caused his people to returne, and to build their Citie and Temple; yet would not God fore-slowe the inforcing of his precept, Fill the earth. For whereas, by reason of his promise, he could not send the people abroad till Christ came, to make his glory knowne, he brought vpon them Gog and Magog, with their numbersome Ezek. 38. 16. 23 Armies: The reason is, that the Heathen may knowe the Lord: I wil be magnified, and sanctified, and knowne in the eyes of many Nations. Then here must wee know, that what inducement Abraham had, to goe VSE. I. out of his Countrey, by a generall calling, the same doth binde all his sonnes, according to the faith, to goe likewise abroad, when God doth not otherwise [Page 9] call them to some speciall affaires: How euer, still they must haue a longing, and a liking to spread the Gospel abroad. And that this point may be euidently conuicted vnto vs, Christ our Sauiour hath, according to his infinite wisedome, reuiued the olde law, of filling the earth, in a most excellent manner: Goe teach (saith he) all nations, and baptize them in the Matth. 28. 19. name of the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost. Gaue hee this Commaundement to his Apostles onely? haue not also the labours of godly Preachers, which they haue spread ouer the face of the whole earth, beene bestowed by the power of this Commandement? And though the words, as they lie, doe binde the Ministers of the Word, to endeuour the propagation of the Gospell, with all their power; yet not onely them: For we reade, that poore Tent-makers and others, haue done much good in spreading the Acts 18. 3. 26. Gospell, according to their vocations: they also satisfying II. thus much of Christs precept. Neither can there be any doubt, but that the Lord that called Abraham into another Countrey, doeth also by the same holy hand, call you to goe and carry the Gospell to a Nation that neuer heard of Christ. The Prophet Zachary, speaking of the daies of the Gospell, doth shew, that it is a good Vocation for men to goe abroad, when the number of the children of God doe exceede; his wordes are these: Thus saith the Lord of hostes, my cities shall yet be broken with plenty, the Lord shall yet comfort Zion. Vnto Zach. 1. 17. whom agreeth the Prophet Isatah: The children of Isa. 49. 20. thy barrennesse shall say againe, in thine eares, the place [Page 10] is too strait for me, giue me place, that I may dwell. Wherefore seeing that, thankes be to God, we are thronged with multitude; the Lord of hostes himselfe hath giuen vs the calling of his children to Obiection. Not to enter other Princes Territories. seeke for roome, and place to dwell in. And heere might we haue proceeded to the next point, were it not for one scruple, which some, that thinke themselues to be very wise, do cast in our way; which is this in effect. The countrey, they say, is possessed by owners, that rule, and gouerne it in their owne right: then with what conscience, and equitie can we offer to thrust them, by violence, out of their inheritances? 1. Answere. Conquest lawfull. For answere to this obiection: first it is plaine, that the obiecter supposeth it not lawfull to inuade the territories of other princes, by force of sword. This proposition I confesse I neuer was willing to examine, considering my vocation is priuate. And if Sigismund, the Emperour, said well, CARION. that he merueiled euery man auoided all labors and difficulties, but onely to rule, which is the most difficult of all other labours; then to giue sentence of that, which in ruling is the most waightie, namely, warres, which are done with the greatest counsell, must needes bee a labour too heauie for a priuate mans shoulders. And because my selfe am but weake eyed in so great a mysterie; Come foorth ye great Princes, and Monarkes, of Assyria, Persia, Media, Greece and Rome, with your grauest counsellours, and answere for your facts, in conquering and subduing nations. For your stories, that were wont to be read with singular admiration of your fortitude, [Page 11] your wisedome, your magnificence, and your great iustice, are now araigned, and must bee found guiltie, that through your sides, an action, of truer honour, then euer you attempted, may bee wounded. Your strong title of the sword, heeretofore magnified by Historians, Polititians, and Ciuilians, is to our obiecter, but a spiders web, or the hatching of a Cockatrice his egge. But whatsoeuer the rest can say for their owne defence, the Lord himselfe doth say thus much for Cyrus: Thus saith Isay 45. 1. 2. 3. 4 the Lord vnto Cyrus, his anointed: whose right hand I haue holden to subdue nations before him: therefore will I weaken the loynes of Kings, and open the doores before him, and the gates shall not be shut: I will goe before thee, and make the crooked straight: I will breake the brasen doores, and burst the yron barres. And I will giue thee the treasures of darkenesse, and the things hid in secret places; that thou maist know, that I am the Lord, which call thee by thy name, euen the God of Israell. For Iacob my seruants sake, and Iraell mine elect, I will euen call thee by thy name, and name thee, though thou hast not knowen me. Then who can blame Cyrus, and keepe himselfe from blaspheming the almightie. Nay, that which is more to be trembled at, we must also to summon vp, and call to the barre, the most holy worthies of the Scripture: and see if man, or God, hath any thing to be said for them, why they should not be condemned as iniust, cruell, and bloudy. O Iacob, thy blessed bow and sword, with the fruit whereof thou blessedst thy sonne Ioseph, the staffe of Gene. 48. 22. thy gray head, and feeble knees, must be broken and [Page 12] burnt: and thou must bee condemned for thy vnlawfull conquest. Worthy Ioshuah, & most worthy Dauid, with thy cloud of worthies, who hanged vp so many shields in the house of God, and who sweetly singeth, that God was his fortitude and buckler, Psal. 1 [...]. 2. Iosh. 10. [...]4. must incurre the note of iniustice. Ioshuah, where is thy vertue, to set thy feete vpon the neckes of princes, in their owne kingdomes, and call of the meanest of the people to be thy partners in that indignitie? Dauid, how vvilt thou answere for the blood thy sword hath shed? which thou vvast vvont to praise, There is none to it. Nay thou glory of men, 1. Sam. [...]1▪ 9. and true type of Christ, King Salomon, whose wisedome vvas like vnto the vvisedome of God: teach vs to say somevvhat in thy defence. (For one graine of thy wisedome is of more worth then a talent of their leaden wits, that we are constrained to answere.) Giue an account of his innocencie that said vnto thee: Girde thee vvith thy sworde vpon thy Psal. 45. [...]. 4▪ 5 thigh, O thou most mightie, — Thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things, - The people shall fall vnder thee. Thy father, the sonne of Ishai, made a sinfull prayer for thee (as our obiecters blaspheme) vvhen he said, thou shouldest so enlarge thy borders, that Thy dominion Psal. 72. 8▪ should be from sea to sea, and from the riuer to the end of the land. He vvould haue thee too rigid, when he saith, That thine enemies should licke the dust. Sure I am persvvaded that at the onely naming of so mightie Monarches, and holy conquerors, our obiecters out of their modestie vvill vvith some distinction qualifie their proposition, and say that it is not [Page 13] lavvfull, by force to inuade the Territories of other Princes, that are in quiet possession, in some sort, and in some cases. I know that the diuell himselfe, vvith all his distinctions, that euer he made, vvhich are recorded in scripture, or vvhich he left in hell, in his cabinet of Abstruse Studies, (locked safe, till hee found out the Iesuits his trustie secretaries to keepe them:) I say none of them all can arme a subiect against his prince vvithout sinne. But he that will set open his schoole in the fantasticall shop of his addle imagination, (for he will be hissed out of the Vniuersities) and take vpon him to nurture princes, as petties: telling them that they must not make offensiue warres, if it were to gaine the whole world to Christ, shall neuer be bidders of guests to the marriage Matth. 22. [...]. Luke 14. 23. of the kings sonne, who are required to compell them to come in. And if I might be so bold, I would faine aske one question of these obiecters, that come dropping out of some Anabaptists Spicery: whether (if it be vnlawfull to conquere) the crowne sit well on the head of our most sacred soueraigne? ( whose dayes be as the dayes of heauen O Lord) For by this obiection they shew, that had they power to vntwist that, which in so many ages hath beene well spunne, they would write him crownelesse, as farre as hee hath his title from the conqueror. 2. No wrong to bring in the Gospel. Matth. 7. 5.
O but God forbid, saith the obiecter, that wee should doe any wrong at all, no not to the diuell. The rule of Christ is excellent; Cast out the beame of thine owne eye, so shalt thou see clearely, to cast the mote out of thy brothers eye. If you will needs bee casting [Page 14] stones, Let him beginne first, that is without sinne. But Iohn 8. 7. to the point: our obiecter would not whip a child to teach him learning and vertue, for feare of doing wrong. What wrong I pray you did the Apostles in going about to alter the lawes of nations, euen against the expresse commandement of the princes, and to set vp the throne of Christ. If your mouth be so foule, to charge them with wrong, as the Gentiles Tertu. Apol. con [...]ra Gentes. did, we haue more neede to prouide you a medicine for a cankred mouth, and a stincking breath, then to make you any answere at all.
O but, in entring of other countries, there must 3. No blood ment to bee shed. needes be much lamentable effusion of bloud. Certainely our obiecter was hatched of some popish egge; & it may be in a IESVITS vault, where they feede themselues fat, with tormenting innocents. Why is there no remedie, but assoone as we come See-white. The way to the Church. on land, like Wolues, and Lyons, and Tygres, long famished, we must teare in peeces, murther, and torment the naturall inhabitants, with cruelties neuer read, nor heard of before? must we needs burne millions of them, and cast millions into the sea? must we baite them with dogges, that shall eate vp the mothers with their children? let such be the practises of the diuell, of Abaddon the sonne of perdition, of Antichrist and his frie, that is of purple Rome. As for the professors of the Gospell, they know with Gene. 47. [...]. Only a soiourning. [...]udg. [...]5. 3. Warres onely defensiue. Iacob and his posteritie, to say to Pharaoh, To soiourne in the land are we come; for thy seruants haue no pasture, &c. They can with Sampson liue peaceably with the Philistims, till they bee constrained by iniustice, [Page 15] to stand vpon their defence. They can instruct Gene. 41. 25. 38 the barbarous princes, as Ioseph did Pharaoh and his Senators; and as Daniel did Nabuchad-nezer, Dan. 4. 16. &c. And if these obiecters had any braines in their head, but those which are sicke, they could easily finde a difference betweene a bloudy inuasion, and the planting of a peaceable Colony, in a waste Onely the Planting of a Peaceable Colonie. country, where the people doe liue but like Deere in heards, and (no not in this stouping age, of the gray headed world, ful of yeres and experience) haue not as yet attained vnto the first modestie that was Gene. 3. 7, in Adam, that knew he was naked, where they know no God but the diuell, nor sacrifice, but to offer their men and children vnto Moloch. Can it be a sinne in Philip, to ioyne himselfe to an Aethiopian charet? Acts 8. [...]9. Is onely now the ancient planting of Colonies, so highly praised among the Romans, and all other nations, so vile and odious among vs, that what is, and hath bene a vertue in all others, must be sinne in vs? And if our obiecter bee descended of the Noble Saxons bloud, Let him take heede lest while he cast a stone at vs, he wounds his father, that first brought him in his loynes from forreigne parts into this happie Isle. But assuring my selfe that these obiecters speake that they thinke not, because they think that they should not, and if the tearmes of the persons were changed, would praise other nations for that, which they dislike in vs: I leaue them to tremble before his glorious eyes, that all things are naked and bare vnto, and my selfe will passe to enforce the rest of our Text vpon the consciences of [Page 16] such, which I hope to bee the sonnes of Abraham according to promise.
ABram must get him out, from his country, his kindred, ijo. His Countrey. Acts 72. & his fathers house. His Country was called Mesopotamia, the sweetest, and most fruitful soyle that was in the worlde▪ For it lieth betweene the two great riuers Euphrates and Tygris, which serued not, Pli [...]. Nat. Hist. as other riuers do in other places, to bring fatnes into the country: but to sweepe away the ranknes, and foison of the earth, lest with the lustinesse of the ground, the fruit of the earth should rot, or be choked, or run vp to weed.
His kindred was euery way of the best, and noblest His kindred. stocke of the sonnes of Noah; namely the families of Gene. 9. 26. Shem, of whom God said, Blessed be the God of Shem. So blessed were his tents, to wit the houses and families of his posterity, that, as of the most happie thing, it is saide; God perswade Iapheth, and his posteritie 27. (of which we are a parte) to dwell in the tents of Shem. It seemeth then a matter of as greate a perill, to leaue that kindred, as to leaue the church, and so saluation it selfe. So saith Peter to Christ: To whome Iohn 6. 68. shall we goe, thou hast the words of eternall life.
His fathers house was worthy for him to haue His fathers house. continued in. For though some interpreters think, that he was commanded to remoue, because his Fathers house was idolatrous, it is not so, It is true indeed, that they were idolaters, because Iosuah doth say, to the children of Israell: your fathers dwelt be yond the floud in olde time, Terah the Father Abraham, Iosh. 24. 2. [Page 17] and the Father of Nachor, and serued other Gods. But what of this? Sure it was more through ignorance of the law, then through rebellion and rage. For when as Terah perceiued, that God was with his sonne, he left all, without bidding, to go with his sonne, and had rather put himselfe in the tents of his sonne, then want the blessing of God. Heereby it appeareth, that they were a very louing people, one to the other, & soft harted to obey, when the Lord did commaund. His father also was very wealthy, hauing many possessions, much cattell, a numbersome and great family of seruants, All which is nothing obscurely implied in that which was spoken of Abram: Abram was verie rich in cattell, in siluer & Gene. 13. 2. Gene. 14. 14. in gold: and that when Abram heard that his brother was taken, he armed of them that were borne & brought vp in his howse, three hundred and eighteene. For it was not likely but that this wealth, and multitude, came to him from his Father, yet all these must he forsake, and get him from them, vnlesse they would follow him and his fortunes (as they say) which they might if they wold. Othervvise if none vvould goe vvith him, but that he must be alone; yet must he still follovv the commandement of his God, that saith, Get thee out from among them.
The reason is giuen by Christ, that also called 1. Reason. The commandement is of price, and must be obeyed. Matth. 10. 37. sonnes from their fathers, ovvners from their houses, and lands: brethren from their brethren: fathers, from their children: & husbands from their vviues, as he saith. He that loueth father or mother more then me, is not worthy of me. The commandement of God is [Page 18] the kingdome of heauen. It is a treasure hid in the field, a Matth. 13. 44. Psal. 119. 72. 127. pearle of greate price, vvhich, if hee hath the heart of a man, that findeth, he vvill s [...]ll a [...]l that he hath, and buy it. Heere then vvee see that, vvhere God giueth a VSE. Go when God calleth. due vocation to spread abroad and inhabit the earth, neither the loue of the country, be it neuer so fruitefull; the loue of kindred, bee they neuer so noble and holy; the loue of a mans fathers house, be the family neuer so kinde, so rich, so numbersome: no nor the largenes of possession ought to be any impediment to keepe vs from obedience. Indeede it is true, that if any thing could affoord a man a sufficient excuse to deferre obedience vnto Gods commandement, of this kinde, it may bee easilie found in one of these branches. But vvhat Christ saith to his follovvers, is to be repeated here: Christ saith to one follow mee, Luke 9. 5 [...] ▪ 60. and the same said, Lord suffer me first to goe and burie my father▪ but Christ endureth no delay, for hee presently subioineth a second commandement, Goe thou 61. 62. and preach the kingdome of God: Then another saide, I will follow thee Lord; but let me first goe, and bid them farewell, which are at mine house: And Iesus saide, No man that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh back, is apt to the kingdome of God: Then the commaundement of God must needes bee obeyed, whosoeuer else be neglected.
I am not ignorant, that many are not willing to Reason of not going answered. 1. England, not like Mesopotamia. goe abroade and spread the gospell, in this most honorable and christian voyage of the Plantation of Virginia. Their reasons are diuerse according to their wits. One saith, England is a sweete country. True [Page 19] indeede, and the God of glory be blessed, that wheras the country was as wilde a forrest, but nothing so fruitfull, as Virginia, and the people in their nakednes did arme themselues in a coate armor of Woad, fetching Com. C [...]soris. their Curets and Polderns, from a painters shop: by the ciuill care of conquerers and planters it is is now become a very paradise in comparison of Kindred not like Abrams. that it was. But how sweete soeuer it be, I am sure, it cannot compare with Me [...]potamia, where Abram dwelt. O but, saith another, my kinidred would not be forsaken. Kindred? what kindred? Surely thy kindred is hardly so honourable and blessed, as the kindred of Abram was. And for any thing that I can see, since ATHEISTS and PAPISTS, haue gotten out of their serpents holes, and conuersed with men, they haue sowed such cockell among our wheate, that in many places a man is in no such perill to be cheated and cosoned, if not murthered & poisoned, as among his own kindred that are affected that way. Some few, and those very few, are not willing to leaue their fathers house, where any thing may bee hoped for after the death of their parents: but for the most part, the world perceiueth that excepte it be to ioyne in a deadly feude, or some peece of excellent villanie, the English Prouerbe is true, The farther from kinne, the neerer to friends. But look seriously into the land, and see whether there bee not iust cause, if not a necessity to seek abroad. The people Causes to seeke abroad. blessed be God, doe swarme in the land, as yong bees in a hiue in Iune; insomuch that there is very hardly roome for one man to liue by another. The [Page 20] mightier like old strong bees thrust the weaker, as younger, out of their hiues: Lords of Manors conuert towneships, in which were a hundreth or two hundreth communicants, to a shepheard & his dog. The true labouring husbandman, that susteineth the prince by the plow, who was wont to feede manie poore, to set many people on worke, and pay twice as much subsidie and fifteenes to the king, for his proportion of earth, as his Landlord did for tenne times as much; that was wont to furnish the church with Saints, the musters with able persons to fighte for their soueraigne, is now in many places turned labourer, and can hardly scape the statute of rogues and vagrants. The gentleman hath gotten most of the tillage in his hand; he hath rotten sheepe to sell at Michaelmas: his sommer fed oxen at Easter: asking no better price for hay, then his beasts, to keepe that till spring, that they got at grasse: by these meanes he can keepe his corne til the people sterue, alvvaies prouided that the poore husbandmen which are left, and the clothier must buy their seed, and wool at such a rate, that shall vveare them out in a very few yeeres. And were it not, that the honest and christian merchant doth often helpe, who putteth all his estate vpon the prouidence of God, which they call venturing, to bring corne into the land, for which he hath many a bitter curse of the cursed cornmongers, we should finde an extreame famine in the midst of our greatest plenty. The rich shop-keeper hath the good honest poore labourer at such aduantage, that he can grind his facewhen he [Page 21] pleaseth. The poore mettall man vvorketh his bones out, and swelteth himselfe in the fire, yet for all his labour, hauing charge of wife and children, hee can hardly keepe himselfe from the almes box. Alwaies prouided that his masters to whom he worketh, will giue neuer a penny towards his liuing; but they can tell of their owne knowledge, that if the poore man were a good husband, he might liue well: for he receiueth much money in the yeere at their hands, very neere foure pence for euery sixe penny worth of work. The thoughtfull poore woman, that hath her small children standing at her knee, and hanging on her breast; she worketh with her needle and laboureth with her fingers, her candle goeth not out by night, she is often deluding the bitternes of her life with sweete songs, that she singeth to a heauy heart. Sometimes shee singeth: Haue mercie on mee Lorde, sometimes Helpe Lord, for good and godly men doe perish and decay: sometimes Iudge and reuenge my cause O Lord: and many such like: which when a man of vnderstanding doth heare; he doth with pittie praise God, that hath giuen such meanes to mocke hunger with, and to giue patience. I warrant you her songs want no passion; she neuer saith, O Lord, but a salte teare droppeth from her sorrowfull head, a deep sigh breatheth as a furnace from her aking hart, that weepeth vvith the head for company, vvith teares of svveetest bloud. And vvhen all the vveeke is ended, shee can hardly earne salt for her vvater gruell to feede on vpon the Sunday. Many such svveets are in England, vvhich I knovv not how better to interpret [Page 22] then to say the strong olde bees doe beate out the younger, to svvarme & hiue themselues elsevvhere. Take the opportunity, good honest labourers vvhich indeede bring all the hony to the hiue, God may so blesse you, that the prouerbe may be true of you, that A May swarme, is worth a kings ransome.
THE place whither Abram must goe, is to the land iijo. which the Lord will set himsee. A commaundement fit for God, to perswade by no arguments taken from the sweetnes and fruitfulnesse of the place. Thus doth the Apostle to the Hebrewes, render this place, By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyd God, Heb. 11. 8. to goe into a place, which afterwards he should receiue for inheritance, and he went out, not knowing whither hee went. The like commandement did the Lord giue to the children of Israel, when they came out of Egipt: For they must not chuse their owne way, but follow the cloudie piller that led them. For at the commaundement of the Lord, they pitched, and at the Numb. 9. 23. commaundement of the Lord, they iourneyed, keeping the watch of the Lord, at the commaundement of the Lord. They iourneyed, sometimes where the waters were bitter, sometimes where there was no water, sometimes where the place was full of fierie Serpents, yet could they not be their own chusers, but must follow, where the Lord went before. For Rom. 11. 34. God in his wayes can endure no counsellour. Hee will be the shepheard, we the sheepe of his pasture, 1. Reason. Contented to be Gods creatures. He will be the potter, wee must content our selues with the condition of the potters vessell: wherefore [Page 23] we are bound, if God commaund, to follow him, though blindfold. Againe, the Lord doth not tell II. him whither he shall goe, to keepe him in suspense, that the obedience of faith may the more effectually appeare. For if the Lord had enticed him by arguments taken from the opportunitie and sweetnesse of the place: how should it be knowen, whether hee went by the power of the promise of God, or by some carnall inducement? We know the diuell saith to God of Iob, Doth Iob feare God for nought, hast Iob 1. 9. 10. thou not made a hedge about him & about his house? And we also know what Christ saith to them that followed Iob 6. 26. him. Yee seeke me not, because yee saw the miracle [...], that is, for any respect they had to his Godhead, but because ye ate of the loaues and were filled.
From which imputation the Lord would free his seruant Abraham, whom hee purposed to make the Father of the faithfull, and giue him for an example to all posteritie. So dealt the Lord in the wildernesse with the children of Israel: hee let them see no possibilitie to liue in the world, but susteined them by extraordinary miracle, giuing them Manna and Qua [...]les, that they might follow the steps of their father Abraham: and know, that man liueth not by Deut. 8. 3. bread onely, but by euery word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, doth man liue. Then here we see, where VSE. God doth commaund,, he is to be obeyed, without asking of any questions; Abraham must goe to a land hee knoweth not whither, because God will haue it so. He must not say, A Lyon may bee in the Prou. 26. 13. street, lest he find A Serpent bite him at home, as he leaneth [Page 24] on the wall. How much more, when the land is discouered, to bee as much better then the place in which vve liue, as the land of Canaan, was better then the roaring wildernesse, ought vve to be vvilling to goe, vvhither God calleth? The children of Numb. 14. 7. 8. Israell had vvord by their spies. The land which wee walked through to search it, is a very good land. If the Lord loue vs, he will bring vs to this land, and giue it vs, which is a land that floweth with milke and [...]oni [...]. Thence they brought a bunch of grapes, and loaded Numb. 13. 24. Deut. [...]. 24, two men as they carried it on a barre vpon their shoulders: Sure if such motiues as these could not make them readie to runne to the place, it appeared that they had neither the feare of God, that vvould not be perswaded by him; nor the vvits of reasonable men, that vvill not respect their owne benefit. What shall vvee say then to our people, vvhich haue in them so little edge to follovv their owne thrift. The land, by the constant report of all that haue seene it, is a good land, with the fruitfulnesse vvhereof, and pleasure of the Climate, the plentie of Fish and Fowle, England, our mistresse, cannot compare, no not vvhen she is in her greatest pride. It is said of the land of Canaan, that Isaack sowed in that land, and Gene. 26. 12. found in the same yeere, an hundred fold, by estimation: and the text addeth, And so the Lord blessed him. But here is greater matter then so: For, if I count aright, this land giueth fiue hundred fold at one haruest. For the eares of Wheate, vvhich I haue seene, are ten in square, and fiftie long: and yet they say, that commonly this returne is little better then the third [Page 25] part, euery stalke bearing, ordinarily three such eares of Wheate. As for the opportunitie of the place, I leaue it to the graue Polititian: and for the commodities, let the industrious Merchant speake: but for foode and raiment, here is inough to be had, for the labour of mastring and subduing the soile. The children of Israell that were in the wildernesse, readie to perish, if God vvithdrew his miraculous hand, like a stiffenec [...]ed people as they were, refused to goe, fell into a mutiny, and made a commotion, vpon the newes that the Land had fenced cities, and Num. 13. 29. walled townes exceeding great. And because there were the sonnes of Anak: mightie [...]nts that were armed in Brasse, & their speare like a Weauers cloth beam. For they forgat the God that brought them out of Egypt, and that made the raging waues of the sea to stand in heapes, and take the office of strong walles, that they might easily march through vpon drie land. They forgat that God was the creator of the mountaines, whereof one of the least, is stronger then all the sonnes of Anak. They forgat that God putteth away all the vngodly of the earth like drosse. But wee should be worse then mad, to bee discouraged by any such imaginations of this place. There are but poore Arbors for Castles, base and homely sheds for vvalled townes. A Mat is their strongest Portcullis, a naked brest their Target of best proofe: an arrow of reede, on which is no iron, their most fearefull vveapon of offence, heere is no feare of nine hundreth iron charets. Their God is the enemie Iudg. [...]. [...]3. [...]. [...]et. [...]. 8. of mankind that seeketh whom hee may deuoure. [Page 26] A murtherer from the beginning, that lab [...]ureth o [...]n 8. 44. the destructiō of those that serue him most deuoutly. Heere that Scripture hath a full accomplishment; In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants [...]. of Ierusalem, and he that is feeble among them shall bee is Dauid, that slew his ten thousand: And the house [...]. 7. of Dauid as Gods, as the Angel of the Lord before them, that destroyed the most puissant Armie of the Assyrians, that came against Ierusalem. Wherefore [...]ay. [...]7. 3 [...]. seeing we are contented, when the King doth presse vs out to warre, to go we know not whither, nor vnder whom, and can propose no thing vnto vs but to fight vvith a mightie enemie: Let vs bee cheerefull to goe to the place, that God will shew vs to possesse in peace and plentie, a Land more like the garden of Eden: vvhich the Lord planted, then any part else of all the earth.
THE Lord doth promise to enrich him with many iiijo. Deut. 281. Leuit. 26. 3. blessings, if he be obedient to his calling. An example of that sweete sanction of the law, vvhen the Lord doth allure men to keepe it, by the abundance of his blessings. In this place, the Lord doth promise vnto Abraham, foure most excellent mercies, of all men of vnderstanding most earnestly desired. The first thing he promiseth vnto him, is, that The A great Nation. Lord will make him a great Nation. A thing which in the beginning of the Plantation of the vvorld, by all men, vvas principally desired, vvith the greatest longing. Out of this desire, arose the taking of many Mal. 2. 15. vviues, vvhereas God did make but one. Hence also [Page 27] rose a reproch vnto the barren, though the Lord had shut vp the wombe. This appeareth by Leah, who said when she bare a sonne, Now therefore my Gene 29. 32. 1. [...]m. 1. 6. husband will [...]oue me. And againe, Now will my husband keepe me companie, because I haue borne him three sonnes. It appeareth also by the storie of Hannah, of whom it is said, her aduersary vexed her sore, which was her husbands other wife, for she vpbraided her, because the Lord had made her barren. It appeareth also, that euen to the time of the Gospel, it was a reproch to a woman if she were barren, as Elizabeth said when shee conceiued with child. Thus hath the Luke 1. 26. Lord dealt with me, in the dayes when he looked on mee, to take from me my rebuke among men. Yea it was in those dayes a speech, Cursed bee the barren that beareth not, and the breasts that giue not sucke. No maruaile then, if it were an argument very powerfull to perswade Abraham to goe vnder this condition: Especially when Abraham was full of yeeres, elder Gene. 12. 4. then his father was, when he begat him. And also Gene. 18. 11. his wife was well stroken in yeeres, in so much, that it ceased to be with her after the manner of vvomen. And to let it appeare that hee vvas exceedingly affected vvith a desire to multiplie and encrease, when God came to him and comforted him, Thus, Feare Gene. 15. 1. 2. not Abraham, I am thy buckler, and thine exceeding great reward; he maketh this answere to God: What wilt thou giue me (for the Text doth say hee was exceeding rich) seeing I goe childlesse: As if he had said, that he preferred the blessing of multiplication before all the vvorld beside. Now heere dooth God [Page 28] promise him, vpon his obedience, not only to giue Gene▪ 17. [...]0. him a child, or that he shall beget twelue princes, as it is said of Ismael; but he will make him a great Nation; a Nation, that, not man, but God calleth Great: that is, exceeding great. For imprinting of vvhich Gene▪ 1 [...]. [...]6. Gene. [...]. 5. Heb. [...]. 12. promise in the heart of Abraham, he calleth him to see the innumerable starres of the skie, the infinite sands by the sea, and the motes of the dust of the earth, which hee will make fit comparisons to expresse the greatnesse of this nation. Then seeing, Answere to the Obiection of being extinguished. whatsoeuer was promised to Abraham; is also promised to all that are of his faith and obedience; here is an answere to such, as obiect they are loth to goe from home; because they know not what shall become of them. For if they once get into an other Countrey, they thinke there is an end of them, and all theirs. This the Lord answereth; Not so, but obey the commandement, And God will open the barren wombe, and make her to dwell with a family, Psal 113. 9. and to be a ioyfull mother of children. Prayse the Lord. Iacob thus prayseth God, with my s [...]affe came I ouer Gene▪ 32. 10. this Iorden, and now haue I gotten two bands.
The second thing vvhich the Lord doth promise God will blesse him. vnto Abram, is, that He will blesse him, Him I say and the nation that shal come of him. What is meant by this blessing the Patriarke Isake doth, in part, make plaine, vvhen hee disposeth of this blessing to Iacob vvhich his Father Abram had of God, and left to him. His vvords are these. God giue thee of the dew of heauen, Gene. 27. 28. and the fatnes of the earth, and plenty of wheat and wine, Let people be thy seruants; and nations bow vnto [Page 29] thee, be thou Lord ouer thy brethren, and let thy mothers children honor thee. In summe he blesseth him vvith plenty and authoritie. Hovvbeit these things vvere but a parte of the blessing; the remainder of this blessing vvhich indeede is most excellent, conteyneth the substance, vvherof those temporall blessings vvere but the type and shadovv, and as it vvere the Sacraments. When Moses doth say, My doctrine Deut. 32. 2. shall droppe as the raine, and my speech shall still as the dew, as the showers vpon the hearbs, and as the greate raine vpon the grasse. It is plaine that the devv is but the type of the vvorde of God and his gratious spirit, that doth accompanye it, as all the promises vvhich vvere deliuered in a temporall Phrase had a spirituall sence, To vvhich purpose is that in the Epistle to the Hebrewes, By faith Abraham abode in the Heb. 11. 9 10. 16 land of promise, as in a strange countreye, for hee looked for a City hauing a foundation, whose builder and maker is God, that is an heauenly one, In this blessing then are there all good things, hauing the promise of 1. Tim. 4. 8. the life present, and of that which is to come, for this is the profit, is got by godlines. So vvhen the children of Israell Exod. 12. 35. came out of Egypt they came forth riche, vvith siluer and golde; and vvith greate substance, as the Gene. 15. 14. Lord had shevved vnto Abram before. But that vvas Deut. 18. [...] 5. not all, for the Lord sent his angell to accompany them, raysed them vp Prophets of their brethren, erected Num. 11. 26 27 1. Cor. 10. 4. Answere to the Obiection of loosing the blessing of God. his tabernacle among them, yea saith saint Paule They dranke of the spirituall rocke that followed them, and the rock was Christ.
And heere is an ansvver to a second obiecton, of [Page 30] such as vvill not goe abroad, for feare of loosing the blessing of God, diuers are the difficulties into which a man is cast when hee liueth among barbarous people. Sure hee cannot haue the blessing of God▪ that is mingled among the heathen. Hee must lose the preaching of the word of God, and the purity of the Sacraments, thus is he vndone in bodie & soule. To this the Lord replieth, that to him that doth wilfully with the breach of Gods commandement run into tentation, the Lord doth bring vpon him the curse that Dauid forewarneth his sonne of, If thou 1. Chron. 28. 9. forsake him, hee will cast thee off for euer. But if a man leaue his Country at Gods commandment, the blessing of the Lord shall euer waite vpon him to feede his body and sanctifie his soule. The trueth is; that none doe so shine in pietie as those that feare God & are out of their Countrie. We neuer read of such a blessing of men, with constancie and deliuerance, in their owne Countrie, as we find of some abroad. Where did Sidrach, Misach, and Abednago, stand Dan. [...]1. 25. for their faith and were deliuered out of the fierie Ouen into which they were cast, because they would not offend God, but among the Babilonians? Where Dan. 6. 16. did Daniel shew his constancie in prayer, and found deliuerance from the Lyons denne, but among the Gentiles? Stand fast then in the Faith, and you shal see the blessings of God redoubled vpon you more, being in a strange Contry, then you were able to discerne at home.
The third blessing vpon Abraham, is, that God A great name. will make him a great name. This is a blessing of that [Page 31] kinde, as men are exceedingly ambitious of. No meruaile, when God and man doth commend it vnto the world, as a thing of price; A good name, Eccles. 7. 3. Prou. 22. 1. ( saith Salomon) is better th [...]n a costly oyntment, and is to b [...]e chosen aboue great riches. Hereupon the Scripture hath recorded good men; and the Epistle to the Hebrews giueth the reason of it, which it rendreth Heb. 11. 39. 1. Chron. 11. thus, All these, through faith, obtained a good report. So is Dauid registred for a worthie, and so are all his worthies recorded by the holy Ghost, to stirre vp other ages to imitate their vertues, that they may inherit their prayses, For praise for vertue is a blessed thing, which Christ himselfe delighted in, His fame was spread abroad throughout all the land: and of the fame of the Apostles and such as preached Psal. 19. [...]. Rom. 10. 18. the word of God, Dauid saith, which also S. Paul doth cite and thus render to their praise. Their sound went out through all the earth; and their words into the ends of the world. This swift flying and loud sounding fame, doeth the Lord promise shall bee spread abroad of Abram, if hee will obey God and forsake his country. A thing which proued true: for all the rest of the Scriptures, to the end of the Bible hath this onely subiect, namely the praise of Abram. It is certaine that a godly man hath neuer that great name at home, as abroad. Christ saith truely in the Particular of a Prophet, which is also true of euery vertuous man, A Prophet is not without honour▪ saue in Matth. 13. 57. his owne Country, and in his owne house. And so here is Answere to the Obiection. of losse of memorie. an answere to a third obiection, which some doe make: What should a man do abroad? A man would [Page 32] willingly keepe the poore reputation and respect he hath. If I go out of my Country, I shall be but swallowed vp among strangers, my memorie will be sooner rotten abroad, though I liue; then if I were long laide in my graue at home. The Lord answereth this obiection thus. Feare not Abram, I will bee thine exceeding great rewarde, I will by thee doe so greate things in a strange place, that thy name shall be remembred, as my name, which I will put vpon thee. Sure it is very true, that manie a man, while he staieth at home, liueth in obscuritie, as in the darkest night, though his vertues and worth deserue better respect. For at home what can bee a mans regarde, where there be millions of his rank, though not better deseruing, yet better fauoured. Get abroad where vertue is skant, and there, by the aduancing of thy wisdome and vertue, thou shalt bee more eminent and famous in a yeare, then at home halfe of thy ranke shall bee all their daies: hidden vertue is neglected, but abroade it is magnified, At home bee thou a right good man, thou canst not be seene, for thou art either ouertopt, or so many waies equalled, that thou art like Gold in Salomons time, vvhich 1. King. 10. 27. vvas esteemed no better then stones, or like Cedars that vvere but like vvild figge trees. Thy vvay then to make the vvorld ring of thy vertue, to thy praise among the good, and to the terror of those that are euill, is to go abroad vvhen God calleth thee.
The fourth blessing is that he shall be A blessing. This speech hath relation to the esteeme that other A blessing. men giue; For so doe wee often reade the phrase in [Page 33] the Scripture, where it euer doth import so good a reputation among others, that they hold themselues blessed for his company. In that sense the prophet Isaiah vseth the worde in this sentence: In Isai. 19. 24. that day shall Israell be a third with Egypt and Ashur, euen a blessing in the mids of the land. And the Prophet Zacharie thus, It shall come to passe, that as yee were a curse among the heathen, O house of Iudah, and Zach. 8. 13▪ house of Israel, so will I deliuer you, and ye shall bee a blessing. But the speech hath more in it then so; namely that whereas, The time of ignorance God regarded not: but that he bestowed those blessing vpon Acts 17. 30. the barbarons people, by the hand of that generall prouidence whereby he maketh his Sunne to shine Matth. 5. 45▪ on the euill, & the good, and sendeth raine on the iust and vniust: now the Lord shall bestow all his blessings vpon the land through Abram: as if the Oliue trees of Gods graces did drop through him, as through a golden pipe, vpon them. A greate blessing to Abram Zach. 4. 12. who herein should be a type of Christ. For as of his fullnes all receiue, so of Abram, the nations should receiue grace for grace. And so heere is an answer Answere of being abhorred. to a fourth obiection of them that say, what should a man do out of his country? He shall bee but a hissing and a gasing stocke, and a curse to those among whom he is a stranger. Besides if hee will haue any good, he must seeke for pearles in a dunghill, hee must lick his hony off from the thorne, and worke his butter out of the fire. Vnto this obiection the Lord answereth; Abram feare not, for none of these things shall befall. For on the contrary I wil encline [Page 34] the heart of thy strangers so to respect thee, that they shall holde thee to bee the onely blessing that euer came among them, because thou shalt verie sensibly bring many blessings vnto them. When Isack the sonne of Abram, came to Abimelech, though Gene. 26. 2 [...]. the Philistines enuied him for his wealth: yet Abimelech the King came to him with his friends and captaines of his armye, and said, Wee haue certainely seene that the Lord is with thee: and we thought, let there now be an oath betweene vs, and let vs make a couenant with thee, Thou now the blessed of the Lord, do this. Pharaoh, Gene. [...]1. 38. and 40. King of Egypt, said to his seruants of Ioseph, can we find such a man as this, in whom is the spirit of God. He said also to Ioseph, Thou shalt be ouer mine house, and at thy word shall all my people bee armed. Thus Abraham was knowen to be a blessing. Now what the Lord promised to Abraham, was also promised to al those [...]om. 4. 2 [...]. that are of the same faith and obedience with him. Then this blessing, of being a blessing, belongeth vnthose which at Gods commandement doe Get them out of their Country. When a man of worth is among many men of like worth, he is accounted rather a curse then a blessing, such is the corruption of flesh and bloud, infected with enuy and with pride. If any good come to any land by reason of any good man, yet is there such wrestling for the garland, that he that hath the most friends, will set the better leg before, and not onely get the thanks that is due to another; but also, as Iacob got the start of Esau, in vertue, so will Esau trip vp the heeles of Iacob by his power, if God keepe him not. Nay Esau must be acknowledged [Page 35] to haue an Angels face, for winking at his brother; that windeth himselfe out of his companie as cleanly as hee can. But when a man commeth abroad, where the word of God and his feare is precious, then euery vertue of worth shall haue this Respond of the Idiots and Barbarians, out of question 1. Cor. 14. 25. God is in these men. Then can there no blessing fall extraordinarily, but all men know for whose sake it is, namely for such as God hath made a blessing.
Out of these arguments, by which God inticed VSE I. Abram to goe out of his Country, such as goe to a Christian Plantation may gather many blessed lessons. Marrie not with Infidels. God will make him a greate nation. Then must Abrams posteritie keepe them to themselues. They may not marry nor giue in marriage to the heathen, that are vncircumcised. And this is so plaine, that out of this foundation arose the law of marriage a-among themselues. The breaking of this rule, may breake the neck of all good successe of this voyage, whereas by keeping the feare of God, the Planters in shorte time, by the blessing of God, may grow into a nation formidable to all the enemies of Christ, and bee the praise of that part of the world, for so strong a hand to bee ioyned with the people here that feare God.
Another thing also is to bee marked out of this II. A great Nation Gods blessing. place, mamelie, that to grow into a great nation is a very great blessing of God. Then are they but Atheists, that hold a great family of children to bee a heauie and sore charge: and they blaspheme they [Page 36] knovv not what, that wish God had their children, for they could spare them well enough. But especially the sonne of perdition, that body of Poperie is by this Text made abhominable, that once wrote to the Lords of the Counsell of this Land, that Poperie would much profit the Land, because by the single life of Priests and Nunnes, and Monkes, and Friers, the Common-wealth should not be so charged with multitude of children. They fitly say, not charged; but they say not, that lesse children shall be gotten. For when as one fishponde, a thousand Par. Vrsperg. yeares agoe, could affoorde more then sixe thousand infants heads, so long before the abstruse studies▪ came from hell into the hands of Iesuites, what shall wee thinke of these latter daies? But to rake no further into that stinking kennell, I must tell them to their teeth, that when they say the kingdome is better for the smallnes of the number of the subiects, or is not the better for being a great nation, that they doe like their father the diuell, giue God the lie.
Whereas God doeth promise to blesse him in III. his Iourney, as hee did indeede, giuing him the gift Blesse his Iourney. of a Prophet to teach, of a Priest to pray, of a King to rule, of plentie in his Temporall estate, and Ioye in seeing Christ the Sauiour of his soule; here may Iohn 8. 56. such as transplant at Gods commandement, bee assured of that promse of God, I will not leaue thee, nor forsake thee; but as God saith to Ioshuah, as I was with Moses so will I be with thee: so God saith to Iosh 1. 5. them, as I was with Abraham, so will I be with you. I will blesse you, to wit, with the blessings of this life [Page 37] and of the kingdome of heauen.
But further if you will haue Abrams blessing, you IIII. must doe your diligence to walke in those wayes, by which the Lord doeth giue his blessings. You must not with Idlenesse, inforce God to worke myracles of mercie on the wilfully sinfull. You must bee diligent to heare the word of God▪ reuerent in beleeuing and receiuing of it, fruitfull in the Christian practise of it, that the blessing of God may come vpon you. God can raise children vnto Abraham of Matth. 3. 9. the very stones, and cast you away if you cast him off.
In that the Lord doeth promise Abraham to make V. him a great Name, know that it is a blessed thing to A good Name be well spoken of. This will God bring vpon the obedient. But if you disobey, you will but make the eares of them to tingle, that heare of you. And as we are in continuall expectation of some honourable effect, if you continue in the faith: so will you bring a confusion vpon your selues, and a shame vpon your Nation, if you sticke not fast to God, and his blessed commaundements.
And lastly, whereas God doth promise, that Abram VI. shall be a blessing, you must know it your dutie Ephe. 5. 15. 16. to walke wisely towards those that are without, redeeming the time, because the dayes are euill. The dayes are euill indeede, in that continent.
Then how tender ought your care to be, to gaine the reputation of a blessing among this people. Let them see, that he that came before, was but Satan whom they themselues doe serue, that had transformed 2. Cor 11. 13. 1 [...] himselfe into an Angell of light; and that they were [Page 38] Satans ministers, that transformed themselues into the Apostles of Christ. But walke you honestly as in the day, Rom. 13. 11. atth. 5. 16. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good workes, and glorifie you father which is in heauen. While we haue time, let v doe good to all men; yet giue Gal 6. 10. [...]phe. 4. 27. no place to the diuell. So the blessing of God shall be vpon vs, and we shall be a blessing wheresoeuer we goe. And still remember that, as the diuels children will needs be a curse, so the sonnes of Abraham will alwayes labour to be a sweete blessing, where euer they come. And these were the arguments that concerned Abraham and his people, wee must novv proceed also to speake of such arguments that concerned others.
THE Lord doth deale wonderfully with him in respect V o. of others, When he is departed from his owne Countrie. For first the Lord will blesse them that blesse him. To blesse, in this place, is by word and deed to seeke the prosperitie of any. The Lord then doth promise to make all his blessings goe before them, that doe, in any manner, make their blessings goe before his seruants. To this purpose is it, which the Prophet Dauid hath, Pray for the peace of [...]sal. 1 [...]2. 6. Ierusalem, Let them prosper that loue thee. And that of Christ. He that receiueth a Prophet, in the name of [...]att. 10. 41. 42 a Prophet, shall receiue a Prophets reward; and hee that receiueth a righteous man, in the name of a righteous man, shall receiue the reward of a righteous man. And whosoeuer shall giue to one of these little ones, to drinke, a cup of cold water onely, in the name of a Disciple. Verely [Page 39] I say vnto you, he shall not loose his reward. Vpon this blessing of God was it that Dauid said to his sonne Salomon. Shew kindnes vnto the sonnes of Barzillai the 1. King. 2. 7. Gileadite, - for so they came to me, when I fled frō Absolom thy brother. And as the Lord doth blesse them that loue his children, with his blessings of this life, so doth he blesse them at last with the kingdome of heauen. For thus doth our Sauiour Christ giue his sentence; Come ye blessed of my father, take the inheritance of the kingdome prepared for you, from the beginning Matth. 25. 34. of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gaue me meat, &c. Which afterwards he doth thus explaine, Verely I say vnto you, in as much as ye haue done it to one of the least of these my brethren ye haue done it to me. But here we must vnderstand, that when he saith, I will blesse them that blesse thee, the word thee, did not signifie personall Abraham; but Abraham and all his posteritie, which were in his loynes, and were to be that great Nation, that the Lord promised to make of him. And this, the Foxe Balam knew very Num. 24 5. [...]. well, when speaking of Iacob, and the habitation of Israel, He citeth this Text: Blessed is hee that blesseth Gen [...]. 3 [...]. [...]. and 39 23. thee. Laban was blessed for Iacobs sake, and the keeper of the prison, with his whole charge, was blessed because of Ioseph. The midwiues, that did spare Exod. 1. [...]7. 20. 21. the children of the Israclites, and did not kill them, according to the commaundement of Pharaoh the king, were also blessed: which the Scripture doth thus record, God therfore prospered the widowes. And againe, And because the widowes feared God, therefore he made them house▪ Rahab also, that harboured and [Page 40] hid the Lords spies, found the blessing that Ioshuah o [...]. [...]. 14. & 6. 25. [...]at. 1. 5. saued her, and her fathers houshold, and all that she had, and she dwelt in Israel, as it seemeth, married to Salmon▪ and so also from her came Christ.
To curse, in this place, doth signifie all kind of afflictions: Deut. 28. Leuit. [...]6. as appeareth by the lawe of God. And so the meaning is, that the Lord will spend all his plagues vpon such as doe bring any affliction vpon Abraham, yea the Lord will reuenge them in his wrath. So saith the Lord Iesus Christ, He that shall Mat. 18. 6. offend one of these little ones, that beleeue in me, it were better for him, that a milstone were hanged about his necke: and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Let Pharaoh tell how well he sped for taking Abrahams wife into his house, The Text saith, The Lord plagued Pharaoh with great plagues; because of Sarai Abrahams Gen. 12 15. 12. Gen. 20. 3. 18. Ge. 19. 5. 12. 24. Exod. 1. &c. wife. Let Abimelech tell, how much better he faired for the like pranke. But S [...]dom will neuer be forgotten, that would abuse strangers. And Egypt is hanged vp a table, in all mens eyes, to let them see, that the Lord hath innumerable fearefull plagues, to spend vpon them that will deale craftily, and cruelly with his people; and not suffer them to serue the Lord. The reason hereof is, that God, to Reason, communion with God. Gen. 17. 7. him that receiueth his couenant, doth bind himselfe to be his God, and the God of his seede. And thus the Prophet Zacharie bringing foorth God expressing his meaning to be, that there is so strickt an Vnion, betweene God and his people, that what is done to his seruants, hee taketh as done to himselfe; His words be these, He that toucheth you, toucheth the apple Zach. 2. 8. [Page 41] of mine eye. To this purpose is that of our Sauiour Christ, He that receiueth you, receiueth me: and he that Matth. 10. receiueth me, receiueth him that sent me. And againe, He that despiseth you, despiseth me: and he that despiseth Luke 10. 16. me, despiseth him that sent me. And now, seeing the respect of blessing or cursing, which falleth vpon Abraham and his posteritie, doth fall vpon God, then consider what God saith for himselfe. Them that honour 1. Sam. 2. 30. me, I will honour: and they that despise me, shall be despised. And this doth Dauid acknowledge in God, With the godly, thou wilt shew thy selfe godly: with the Psal. 18. 25. 26 vpright, thou wilt shew thy selfe vpright: with the pure, thou wilt shew thy selfe pure: and with the froward, thou wilt shew thy selfe froward.
It is then to bee obserued, that godly men, that VSE. I. feare God, where euer they goe by Gods vocation, Godly men find friends. they shall find friends, and such as shall blesse them. He made those that led them away captine to pitie them. Ioseph, and Daniel found more honour abroad, then their Princes had at home. Ester and Mordecai, found more fauour at Shusan, then many of their better found at Ierusalem. Hee that raised vp those godly men friends abroad, will also prouide for you abroad, if ye continue his faithfull seruants, as Abram did. And further, here wee see, that such as loue II. Gods people shall prosper; though they be but heathen. The friends of godly men prosper. This may giue warrantie vnto our conscience, to accept of fauour and blessings, euen of the Gentiles: and also to hold a league and concurrence, euen with the well affected Heathen, that God hath stirred vp, to be the means of his Blessings [Page 42] vnto vs. So is it said to Abram, When he had occasion to rescue his brother Lot from Chedor-Laome [...], Gen. [...]4. 1 [...]. Then came one that escaped, and told Abram the Ebrew, which dwelt in the plaine of Mamre, the Amorite, brother to Eshcol, and brother to Aner, which were confederate with Abram. And also we may secure our selues, in the association of such; that God will not kill vs for their sakes: but on the contrary, God will blesse them for our sakes.
Againe, this text doth teach vs thus much, that III. in a strange Countrey, we must looke for enemies; Th [...]y [...]st looke for enemies. euen cursing enemies, vnder whose tongues is the poyson of Aspes, and whose right hand is a right hand of iniquitie. Balaam, that had a witches tongue Iosh [...]3 2 [...]. Num. 22. 6. in his head, was sent for to curse Israel, by Balak, that knew he had a pestilent tongue. The seed of the diuel Gen 3. 15. will be spighting and biting, doe what a man can. This our Sauiour foretelleth to his holy Apostles, Iohn 16. 33. In the world you shall haue trouble. A thing which if the children of Israel had knowen as they ought, they would neuer haue refused to enter the land which God commanded them to possesse: because there were cursing and killing enemies, no better then Canibals. Bee not then discouraged, though you light on enemies: for that did God foretell vnto Abram, that hee and his seed must find. Rather bee strong, and of good courage: because the Lord is with you; and with them, but an arme of flesh.
Lastly, our text doth tell vs, that he will curse IIII. them that curse Abram, This the witch Balaam knew Their enemies shall be cursed. that if any would open his mouth to curse the people [Page 43] of God, hee should bee cursed himselfe: for the curse should returne vnto him, as Water into his Psal. 109. 17. bowels, and oyle into his bones. And generally, they shall come vnto shame and confusion, as many as haue euill will at Ziion. Here then is a warrant that where godly men are constrained to encounter with cursers, such as are the Priests of the Gentiles; it is Gods ordinance to bring a curse vpon them, and to kill them: as the children of Israel did Balam. Iosh▪ 13. 22. Here is also a promise, that, if we keepe our selues to Abrams faith and obedience, God will bring a curse vpon all our enemies. The Prophet Zacharie hath many excellent speeches, to expresse this by: The Lord, saith he, will make Ierusalem a cup of poyson, Zach. 12. [...]. &c. vnto all the people in the siege of Ierusalem. Ierusalem shall bee a heauie stone for all people: all that lift at it, shall be torne; though all the earth be gathered together against it. Againe, the princes of Iuda shall bee as coles of fire among wood, and like the firebrand in the sheafe, and they shall deuoure all people round about, on the right hand, and on the left. These things spake the Prophet of these victorious dayes of the Gospell. I hope out of these words thus generally deliuered, euery true hearted Protestant, can frame out an answere vnto the obiection, that is thought much to impeach this Plantation in VIRGINIA. The perill, say the obiecters, is great by the Papists that shall come on the backe of vs. What Papists doe you feare? the Princes? Sure, such as are in aliance with our Nation, will thinke other thoughts, and take better aduice. But as for the popish Church, an vnruly beast, [Page 44] exempt from all good gouernment, Ciuill and Diuine, onely adoring him, that hath exalted himselfe aboue all that is called God, or that is worshipped, it may be they, like the daughters of Salomons horsleaches, will cry, Giue, giue, more blood, and yet more bloo [...]. Fro [...]. 3 [...]. 14. 15. And yet, a man would thinke, they were glutted before this time of day, For in her may be found the blood [...]eue. 1 [...]. 24▪ of the Prophets and of the Saints, and of ALL that were sl [...]ine vpon the earth. But you will say, now they be so well fleshed, they will haue more blood. To this first our text answereth in general, neuer feare them: they come to curse with Bell, Booke and Candle, and the Diuell and all: but remember this, God will cu [...]se them that curse Abram. But say you, they are such terrible beasts, as that the professors of the Gospell must needes be afraid of them. Indeed their perill was great, while their Inchauntments were in Reue. 18. 23. force. Iannes and Iambres withstood Moyses, till the Exod. 9. 11. Plague of the Scab fell vpon them, and then they were able to stand before Moyses no longer. So they Reue. 16. [...]. iuggled, and did many strange tricks, and much mischiefe, till the Plague of the Scab light vpon them at Naples, more then an hundred yeere agoe: but since, though their industrie hath bene nothing inferior to the diuels, that came from compassing of the earth, Iob 1. [...]. to and fro; yet they may cast a wofull accompt: For they find in the total [...], how many Kingdomes they haue lost, and doe daily lose; how many battailes they haue fought, in all which to the Protestants, as the Cananites, would proue to the Isralites in Calebs Numb. 1 [...]. 9. iudgement, so haue they bene, euen Bread for vs. [Page 45] Aske what is become of those imperiall armies, that went into Boeme, against the Hussites, in the time of Sigismund the Emperour: and know, what is become of their Armour: whether it armed not the Hussites that wanted? Aske what is become of the many shippes that came into the Narrow seas in the yeere 1588? I am sure much of their Ordinance furnished the Netherlanders. Will they come to you? Sure GOD that made Israel rich of the spoiles of Egypt, can by his prouidence make them furnish you with shippes, with Munition, with Victuall, with money: let this be your hope. But feare not their feares. Babilon, saith the Angell, is fallen; Reue. 14. & 18 neuer to rise againe: sing Hallelu-iah, and you shall see her smoake ascend for euermore. No, no, they Reue. 19. 3. shall preuaile no more, for their madnes is made euident. 1. Tim. 3. 8. They haue another chare to doe, I hope, will make them scratch where it itcheth not. Thinke ye that it is possible for Princes, whose treasure is exhausted, and honour impeached, by their inchaunments, not to require satisfaction for these wrongs? and, to that purpose, pull all their Mammon from vnder their Altars? I am perswaded, the Armour they haue in the roufes of their Churches, will one day helpe to arme a company of good fellowes, that will come to Church, it may bee vnder pretence of hearing a Masse, but will depart with good luggage, of siluer and gold, and pearle, and such like, that is there ready gathered to their hands. Wherefore feare God, and of all others, there lieth the least feare to be looked for from them. The onely perill is in [Page 46] offending God, and taking of Papists in to your company: if once they come creeping into your houses, then looke for mischiefe: if treason or poyson bee of any force: know them all to be very Assasines, of all men to be abhorred. But hope in God that hee, that hath sent you abroad, will also send you such gouernours, as will cast out the leauen out of your houses: to whom I need say little, because I know they need not be nurtured by me.
IN Abram shall all the families of the earth bee blessed. Vj [...]. By Abram, is ment, as before, Abraham, as in his loynes are many nations. For that which is heere spoken of Abram, is also spoken of Iacob, in this manner. In thee, and in thy seed, shall all the families of the earth be blessed. It is true that in Abraham and his Gen. 28. 14. Children, were many men blessed: as appeareth in the Scripture, where they haue drawne many strangers to serue God. Howbeit the principall blessing is ascribed to Christ, who by excellencie is called Thy seede; as S. Paule doth very notably obserue, when he saith, Hee saith not, and to thy seedes, as speaking Gal. 3. 16. of many, but, And to thy seed, as of one, which is Christ. By the families of the earth are vnderstood all those nations, which arose from the families of the sonnes of Noah, after their generations among their Gen. [...]. 3 [...]. people; for out of these were the nations diuided in the earth after the flood: and that which is heere rendred families, afterward is called Nations in the speech of the Lord of Abraham, All the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him. S. Paul rendreth it thus, in thee shall Gen. [...]8. [...]8. & 22. 18. [Page 47] all the Gentiles be blessed. By blessing in this place, seeing Gal. 3. 8. the seed is Christ, and the word, Thee, did so far point out Abraham, as it had relation to Christ in his loynes, of force it must signifie that blessednesse, which Christ doth bring vnto men. Which the Angel and a multitude of heauenly souldiers, do comprehend in their sweete song of praising God, when they said. Glorie be to God on high, and Peace on earth, Luk. 2. 14▪ and towards men good will. Then the speech, all put together, is this, that Abr [...]ham must get him out of his Countrie: that he may begin that, which God, by him and his seed, will accomplish in due time: namely that all nations may embrace the gospel of Christ vnto their saluation. An excellent argument, and of singular force, to perswade not only Abram, but all his Children according to the faith, to fly, if it were possible, ouer the mountaines, about so greate an errand. O with what Comfort may a man come before the Lord, with this account of his talent. Behold I am heere, & the childrē which God hath geuen me. It would neuer grieue S Paule to go from Cilicia, to present a Church at Corinth, a pure Virgin to Christ. 2. Cor▪ 11▪ 2▪ Obiection. The last iudgment at hand.
But stay, saith one, you run too fast without good ground: you seeme to encline to the Millenaries, or such as looke for the gospell to be spread ouer all the world. You must know that is done manie a faire yeare agoe, that we need not looke for a new Reuolution of that. It were safer to tremble at the last iudgement, whose trumpet is euer sounding in our eares: Arise from the dead and come to iudgement. To this I answere that no preiudicate opinion is a iust Answere. [Page 48] condemnation to the trueth, nor any doctrine out of Bookes that are Apocripha, can make a wise man depart from a doctrine of the Canonicall Scriptures. It is true that Gregories credit was wont to bee great [...]r [...]g. lib. Dialo. in the times that men knew no better, who confidently affirmed the iudgement to bee at hand; but besides the confutation of a thousand yeares, which haue bin since hee so affirmed, the pregnant & cleere Scripture confoundeth the proud coniecture of him and his followers. And this doth also appeare by the Apostasie of some Papists that in their bookes Maluenda de Antichristo. lately Printed at Rome, haue departed from the sentence of so great a Pope, and graue Doctor of the Church, telling vs plainely that the gospell must be preached vniuersally through the world before the last Iudgement. But neither by their authority, nor arguments, but by the force of such Texts as cannot be deluded, do I affirme, That all the Nations of the world shall be blessed in Christ. They that mince and pare this Text, that they make it as sore as the Shechamits Gene. 34. 25. Psal. 19. 3. Rom. 10. 18. were with their circumcision, say, that, take away the ouerlashing hyperbole, and, Their sound is gone out into all the world, will serue the turne. A simple blessing God knoweth and little differeth from The sauor of death vnto death. If they receaue you not, [...] Cor. 3. 16. (saith Christ,) shake off the dust of your feete. Truely, I say vnto yon, it shall be easier for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of Iudgement, then for that Citie, att [...]. 10. 14. howsoeuer they heard the sound of the worde of God. This stumbling blocke, fewe wise men will say was this Blessednesse promised to Abram.
The Iewes hunt counter as fast on the other side, For when as, in the second Psalme, they reade of their Messtas, that he shall haue the heathen for his inheritance, and the vtter most parts of the earth for his possession: Psal. 2. 8. 9. that he shall crush them with a scepter of yron, and breake them in peeces like a potters vessel, they affirme, that all the world must bee subdued by force and violence vnto Messiah, An opinion that preuailed much in the time of Christ, as appeareth not onely by diuerse others, but also by the Apostles, who encountred our Sauior Christ thus, before his ascension. Lord wilt thou at this time restore the kingdome Acts 1. 6. to Israel. But they also make but an vncomfortable blessing of this blessednes of Abraham. The phrase is plaine, that in Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed. A blessednes then must the Gentiles trust to receiue from Abraham. Particuly these things are deliuered in the Scripture, which, I thinke, no distinctions of hyperbole, nor spiritually, nor at the last iudgement, can delude, which are the ordinary refuges of them that, out of preiudice, would faine put by the truth.
Daniell hath it thus, A stone was cut without hands, Dan. 2. 35. and smote the image vpon the feete, and brake them in peeces. Then was the yron, the clay the brasse, the siluer, and gold broken together, and became like chaffe of the summer flowers, and the winde carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone, that smot [...] the image, became a greate mountaine, and filled the whole earth.
Here, first, we plainly see, that Christ must destroy [Page 50] the Monarches that they be not foūd. And so much of this speech doth S. Paul interprete thus plainely. That Christ shall put downe all rule, and all authoritie, [...]. G [...]r, 15. 2 [...]. 25. 2 [...]. and power. For he must reigne, till hee ha [...]h put all his enemies, vnder his seete: the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death, The other part of Daniels speech, Dauid doth thus expresse in the Psalme. Thou Lorde Psal. 8 [...]. 6. shalt inherit all nations. And this point the Prophet Zachary doth render thus. The Lord sh [...]ll bee King ouer all the earth, In that day there shall be one Lord, and his name shall be one: so that no other God shall bee Zach. 14. 19. named in all the worlde. But lest any should vnderstand this point of the last iudgement, and so place earth in heauen; Daniell sheweth how the Lord shall be king, his words are these. The kingdome and dominion, and greatnes of his kingdome vnder the whole Dan. 7. 27. heauen shall be giuen to the holy people of the most high, whose kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome, and alpowers shall serue and obey him. But what shal he abolish kings, and bring all to a Popularity? no such matter, God is the author of order; and not of confusion. The [...] Cor. 14. 33 [...]euel. 1 [...]. 15. kingdomes of this world shall bee our Lords, and his Christs, and hee shall raigne for euermore, by Kings conuerted to the Gospell. For godly Kings doe si [...] 1 Chr [...]. 30. 23 Psa▪ [...]3. & 97. & 99. on the throne of the Lord, and by them the Lord reigneth The beginning of this alteration Isaiah expresseth thus. Kings shall be thy nursing Fathers, and Queenes shall be thy nurses: they shall worship thee with their faces Isa [...]. 49. 23. towards the earth, and licke vp the dust of thy feete. But least any man should say, it may bee some▪ but what is that to the rest? Dauid answereth thus, The [Page 15] Kings of Tarshish, and of the Iles shall bring presents. The Psal. 7 [...]. 10. 11. Kings of Sheba, and Seba, shall bring gifts, yea All Psal. 47. 6. Kings shall worship him, All nations shall serue him. And againe, The Lord is high and terrible: A great King ouer all the earth. And again in the same Psalme. God is King ouer all the earth, sing praise [...], whosoeuer hath vnderstanding. God reigneth ouer the heathen &c. If any do yet think that they shall serue him as the Kings did Iosuah, when he set his feet on their necks: Iosh. 10. 24. the blessed scripture saith no. For the Psalme hath it thus. All Kings of the earth shall praise thee, O Lord, for Psal. 138. 4. they haue heard the words of thy mouth. A thing which they will not doe at the resurrection; when going to hell thy shall say: When saw we thee an hungred, or a Mat. 25. 45. thirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sicke or in prison &c? And as the scripture is very particular in setting down the state of the kings, how they shall stand affected to the Gospell, so doth it of the people. First Psal. 97. 6. Dauid saith All the people shall see thy glory. But that is not sufficient, wherefore S. Iohn, in the Reuelation goeth farther thus. All nations shall come and worship Reuel. 15. 5. Isai. 45. 23. before thee, O Lord. Isaiah hath it thus,, I haue sworne by my selfe, and the worde is gone out of my mouth in righteousnes, and shall not returne: that euery knee shall bow vnto mee, and euery tongue shall sweare by mee. Phil. 2. 9. 10. Which Saint Paul expresseth thus. God hath exalted Christ Iesus and giuen him a name aboue all names: that at the name of Iesus▪ should euery knee bow, and that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus is the Lord, vnto the glory of God the Father. Malachie yet goeth further Mala▪ 1. 11. thus: From the rising of the Sun, to the going downe of [Page 52] the same, My name is great among the Gentiles, and in euery place incense shall be offred vnto thy name, and Psal. 17. 9. a pure offring. The Psalme saith also, The princes of the people are gathered vnto the people of the God of Abraham. To conclude this point the Prophet Isaiah saith From moneth to moneth, and from Saboth, to Saboth, Isai. 66. 2 [...]. shall all flesh come to worship me; saith the Lord.
The summe is, what blessing any Nation had by Christ, must be Communicated to all Nations: the office of his Prophecie to teach the ignorant; the office of his Priesthood, to giue remission of sinnes to the sinnefull: the office of his kingdome, by word, and Sacraments, and spirit, to rule the inordinate: that such as are dead in trespasses, may be made to sit together Ephe. 2. 1. &c. in heauenly places. For there is no difference betweene the Iew, and the Grecian. For he that is Lord ouer Rom. 10. 12. all, is rich vnto all, that call vpon him. For it well beseemeth the glory of God to triumph ouer his Reasons from Gods attributes. enemies: and the Wisdome of God (after the world hath had plentifull experience of the craft of the diuell, and wicked men of all sortes) to exalte the Gospell, the wisedome of God: As also his Power to bee declared, when all his enemies had shewed their force; and his Mercy to his Saints, after so great exercises of patience; and his iustice, to shewe his iudgements, in condemning those that haue spoken proud words, and done wicked deeds, to his seruants. But especially to his Glory, in exalting his sonne, and crowning him with Glory, & Worship, that we may see that, which yet we see not: All [...]hings be put in subiection vnto him. It is true that many H [...]b. 2. 8▪ [Page 53] obiections are made against this doctrine, out of such places as this. When the sonne of man commeth, Luk. 18. 8. shall he finde faith on the earth? And of Antichrist, whom 2. Thes. 2. 8. the Lord shall abolish, by the brightnesse of his comming. But partly, for want of Grammer learning, to know the meaning of the word Come, and partly for want of Logick, to lay out those places to their due times: those Scriptures, and many more, are racked by such men out of their ioints: which rightly vnderstood, haue a cleane other sense, then that for which they are alleadged: which neither this time nor place will giue me leaue to dispute. Wherefore standing to our owne first grounde, learne first to bee sparing in VSE. abridging the glory of God; which made the world, Be sparing in shor [...]ning the glory of God. that his Sonne might rule ouer all. For howsoeuer, for some good causes, God would not make himself glorious at the first, but would seeme to hide the glory of God in the passion of his Sonne, and affliction of his Saints; and permitting Antichrist to clime to his height, that those that are perfect may be knowne: yet questionlesse, Christ must sit at the Psal. 110. [...]. 1. Cor. 15. right hand of his Father, till all his enemies bee made his footestoole, and then shall come from thence to iudge the quick and the dead.
Againe, if it be Gods purpose, that the Gospell II. shall be preached through the world for a witnesse, then ought ministers to bee carefull and willing to spread it abroad, in such good seruices as this, that is intended. Sure it is greate shame vnto vs, of the ministery, that can be better content, to sit, and rest vs heere idle▪ then vndergoe so good a worke. Our pretence [Page 54] of zeale, is cleare discouered to be but hypocrisie, when we rather choose to minde vnprofitable questions at home, then gaining soules abroad. It is a singular sin for men to be ouercome with euill, it is a shame that the Iesuites and Friers, that accompany euery ship, should be so diligent to destroy souls, and wee not seeke the tender lambes, nor bind vp that which is broken.
But go on couragiously, and notwithstanding the snorting idlenes of the ministery, suspect not the 2 King. 5. 2. blessing of God. A captiue girle, brought Naman to the Prophet. A captiue woman, was the meanes of conuerting Iberia, now called Georgia. Eedesius, & Ruffinus Eccle. Hist. lib. 1. cap. 9. 10. 1. Cor. 1. Frumentius▪ two captiue youthes, were the meanes of bringing the gospell into India. God makes the weake thinges of the worlde confound the mighty, and getteth himselfe praise by the mouth of Babes and sucklings. Be cheerfull then, and the Lord of all glory, glorifie his name by your happy spreading of the gospell, to your commendation, and his glory, that is Lord of all things, to whom be power and dominion for euer. Hallelu-iah.