Certayne sweete Prayers
of the glorious name of Iesus, commonly called, Iesus Mattens,
with the howers therto belonging: written in Latin aboue two hundred yeres agoe, by
H. Susonne.
A salutation to be sayd in the Morning, to the euerlasting wisedome of God.
MY Soule hath desired thée in the night season, and I haue also watched for thée in spirite and mind al the morning (O wisedome most excellent) beséeching thée that thy presence, [Page] whiche I so sore haue longed for, expel from vs al such thinges as are agaynst vs, water the secrets of our hartes with thy manyfolde graces, and mightily inflame the same with thy loue. And nowe my moste swéete Lorde Iesu Christ, I rise and come earely to thée in the morning, and pray to thée from the botome of my hart. And a thousande thousande of blessed Saints in my name salute thée, and ten hundred thousand thousande glorifie thée, who are euer in thy sight ready at al times to doo thy will and pleasure. I pray also, that the swéete accorde of all creatures may prayse thée in my behalfe, and that thy triumphant name be our [Page] shielde and protection, and blesse vs euermore. Amen.
At euery howre this versicle must be sayde.
Iesus who is the wisedome of the Father, geue vs health both of body and soule.
The Mattens.
O Lorde open thou my lips. And my mouth shal shew forth thy prayse.
O God make spéede to saue me.
O Lord make hast to succour me.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shal be world without ende. Amen. Alleluia
From Septuagesima til Easter is said, Prayse be geuen to thée O Lord, the king of eternall glory.
The inuitatorie.
Pray we to the fountayne of eternall wisedome.
And let vs reioyce because his name is glorious.
The Psalme.
COme let vs reioyce vnto our Lord, let vs sing before God our Sauiour: Let vs come before his presence with thankes geuing, and ioyfully sing to him in Psalmes.
Pray we to the fountayne. &c.
And let vs reioyce because. &c.
For our God is a great Lord, and a great king ouer all goddes, for he will not put away his people: For in his handes is al the whole earth, and he beholdeth the height of the mountaynes.
And let vs reioyce because. &c.
For the Sea is his and he made it, and his hands haue fashioned the dry lande: come let vs worship and fall downe before God, and wéepe before our Lorde that made vs, for he is our Lord God, and we are the shéepe of his pasture.
Prayse we the fountayne. &c.
And let vs reioyce because. &c.
To day if you wil heare his voice, harden not your hart, as in the bitter [Page] murmuring in the day of temptation in the wildernes, wher your fathers tempted me, proued me, and sawe my workes.
And let vs reioyce because. &c.
Fourty yeres was I gréeued with this generation, and euer sayd, they erre in their hartes, they haue not knowne my wayes: to whom I sware in my anger, they should not enter into my rest.
Pray we to the fountaine of. &c.
And let vs reioyce because. &c.
Glory be to the father, to y e sonne, and to the holy ghost.
As it was in y e beginning, is now, and euer shal be world. &c.
And let vs reioyce because. &c.
Prayse we the fountayne of eternall wisdome.
And let vs reioyce because his name is glorious.
The Hymne.
The Psalme.
LEt all the earth sing prayse to God, let them say Psalmes, and glorifie his name.
Say to God, O Lorde thy works are terrible: bicause of thy power which is diuers waies knowen, thy enimies will dissemble to thée.
Let al the world honour thée, and sing to thée, and say Psalmes vnto thy name.
Glory be to the father, and to. &c.
As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shal be. &c.
The Antheme.
Wisedome hath buylded her an house, she hath hewen out seuen pillers, she hath brought the gentils vnder her subiection, & by her owne might hath troden on the necke of the proude and hye minded.
The versicle.
I surely will reioyce in our Lorde.
The Response.
And will reioyce in Iesus who is my God.
Our father which art in heauen. &c.
And leade vs not into temptation.
But deliuer vs from euill. Amen.
Lorde we beséeche thée to blesse vs.
Iesus who is the wisdome of the father defende vs from all thinges that are agaynst vs. Amen.
The first Lesson.
O Wisedome eternall, brightnes of glorie, and the very figure of the substaunce of the father, who haste created all things of nothing, and because thou wouldest bring againe man to the pleasure of Paradise, thou camest downe into this vale of miserie, and by thy holy conuersation thou hast shewed him the path that leadeth thither, and hast raunsomed all mankinde, as a most immaculate Lambe: open by thy precious death my hart, that with the eyes of a perfect beliefe I may alwayes boholde thée who art king of kinges, and lorde of Lords. Geue me wisedome to consider of thy [Page] woundes and gréeuous stripes, that more & more I may profite in thée onely, and in thy death, who arte as a booke of charitie for me, & graunt I be vtterly destitute of al vanities so that nowe I be not he whom hitherto I haue bene, but that thou abide in me, & I so linked vnto thée, that I neuer swarue or decline frō thée. And good Lorde I beséeche thée haue mercy vpon vs. Thankes be to God.
The Response.
Sende downe, good Lorde, thy wisdome from the seate of thy Maiestie, that she may labour and be with me, that I may know what is acceptable in thy sight at all times.
The versicle.
Geue vs, O Lorde, that wisedome that attendeth on thée, that I may knowe what is acceptable in thy sighte at all times. Good Lorde blesse vs.
The euerlasting wisedome vouchsafe to lighten our hartes and sences. Amen.
The seconde Lesson.
O My Lord Iesu, most swéete vnto me, most blisseful wisedome, the worde of the father, the beginning and ending of all kind of creatures: cast thy eyes mercyfully vppon me, I pray thée, for I am but fleshe and ashes, and I fully perswade my selfe that it lyeth not so [Page] muche in me, eyther to wyll any thing, or to runne, but all power commeth from thée, whose mercy assisteth vs al. Consider, I pray thée thy bitter passion which thou sufferedst for me a moste wretched and vnworthy sinner, and graciously continue such good will as thou hast hitherto shewed me. O my merciful Lorde forsake me not, O my refuge depart not from me, O my deliuerer make haste to succour me, and bury me in thy sepulchre with thée, and mortifie me to the worlde, saue me from all deceiptes of mine enimies, that neither life nor death, nor no happe or chaunce seuer me from thée, but that our loue cōtinue [Page] both now and euer, and be nothing diminished by death it self. And thou good Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Thankes be geuen to God.
The response.
Geue me, O Lorde, that wisedome that attendeth on thée, and put me not away frō amongst thy children, for I am thy seruant, and sonne of thy handmayde.
The versicle.
Sende her downe from thy heauenly seate, that she may be with me & labour with me, for I am thy seruaunt, & sonne of thy handmaid.
Good Lorde blesse vs.
God the holy ghost replenishe vs with y e gift of vnderstanding. Amen.
The third Lesson.
O Lorde who art my succour and helper, for that marueylous loue which caused thée to sustaine for my sake a most bitter death on the trée of the crosse: I beséeche thée for thy mercy sake to pardon those sinnes which I most vile sinner haue committed: and in the wounde of thy side kéepe me from accomplishing of euyll actes, and from all dangers beside: direct my pathes to a good ende, whylest I am tossed in the waues of this life, and graunt I may come to the sighte of eternall glory. And good Lorde haue mercy vpon me. Thankes be to God.
The Response.
I haue loued wisdome more then health or any beautie, and haue preferred her aboue the very light, and so all good things haue chaunced to me because I enioyed her.
The versicle.
I sayd to Wisdome, Thou art my sister, and I called Prudence my louer. And al good things chaunced to me when I enioyed her.
Glory be to the father, and to the sonne, and to the holy ghost.
And all good thinges happened to me by her.
This that foloweth is taken out of the song of S. Ambrose, and S. Augustine.
Thou art y e king of glory, O Christ.
Thou art the euerlasting sonne of the father.
When thou tooke vpon thée to deliuer man, thou diddest not abhorre the virgins wombe.
When thou haddest ouercome the sharpnes of death, thou opened the kingdome of heauen to al beleuers. Thou sittest on the right hande of God, in the glory of thy father.
We beléeue that thou wilt come to be our Iudge.
Therfore we beséech thée to helpe thy seruauntes, whom thou hast redemed with thy most precious blood.
Cause them to be numbred with thy Saints in glory euerlasting. [Page] Saue thy people, O Lord, and blesse thine heritage.
Gouerne them, and lift them vp for euer.
And we prayse thy name euer world without ende.
Vouchsafe, O Lorde, to kéepe vs this day without sinne.
Haue mercy vpon vs, O Lorde, haue mercy vpon vs.
Let thy mercy light vpon vs, as our trust is in thée.
In thée, O Lorde, haue I trusted, let me neuer be confounded. Amen.
Those that wil, may say in place of this, that which foloweth.
WE prayse thée, O Christ.
We blesse thée, O Iesu.
We confesse thée to be the king of kings, and lorde of al lordes.
We worship thee who was crucified, our sweete & louing Redemer.
Who saued vs by the shedding of thy blood.
Thou art worthy, Lord Iesu our God, to haue prayse, blessing, glory, and honour.
All fleshe reioyseth to thee, and all liuing creatures glorifie thy name.
Let al things bow vnder thy fete, and al creatures serue thee.
Let them prayse & magnifie thee, blesse and glorifie thee for euer.
The Laudes.
Iesus who is the wisedome of the father, giue vs health both of body [Page] and soule.
O God make speede to helpe vs.
O Lord make hast to succour vs.
Glory be to the father, to the. &c.
As it was in the beginning, is. &c.
The Psalme.
PRayse our Lorde al ye Gentiles, prayse him all ye Nations.
For his mercy hath bene shewed in vs, and the truth of our Lorde abydeth for euer.
Glory be to the father, to the. &c.
As it was in the beginning. &c.
The Antheme.
Wisdome cryeth out in the streetes: If any man loueth wisdome, let him bowe to me and he shal find her out: and he that hath found her, [Page] happie is he if he can keepe her.
The Chapiter.
This wisdome I haue loued, and haue sought for her from my youth hitherto, and haue made meanes she might be my wife, and I was taken with her beautie.
Answere, Thankes be to God.
The Hymne.
The versicle.
Wisedome resteth in his harte.
The Response.
And prudence abideth in the words of his mouth.
The Antheme.
O thou wisedome.
The song of Zacharias.
BLessed be the Lord god of Israel, for he hath visited and redéemed [Page] his people.
And hath lifted vp an horne of saluatien, in the house of his seruaunt Dauid.
As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophetes, whiche haue béene since the world began.
That we should be saued from our enimies, and from the hands of all that hate vs.
To shewe mercy to our fathers, and to remember his holy couenant
To performe the othe whiche he sware to our father Abraham, of suche things as he would geue vs.
That beeing deliuered from the hands of our enimies, we woulde serue him without feare.
In holines & righteousnes before him al the dayes of our life.
And thou childe shalt be called the prophet of the highest, for thou shalt go before his face to prepare his wayes.
To geue knowledge of saluation to his people, for the remission of sinnes.
Through the tender mercy of God, by whiche he hath visited vs springing from an high.
To geue light to them that sit in darknes, & in the shadowe of death, to guide our féete in y e way of peace.
Glory be to the father, to the son, and to the holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning. &c.
The Antheme.
O Thou wisedome which procéeded out of the mouth of y e hyest, that reacheth from one ende of the world to an other, who doth strongly place all thinges in a comely order: come and teache vs the way howe to attayne thy wisdome.
Lorde heare my prayer.
And let my crye come to thée.
Let vs pray.
O Lord who by thy wisdome whiche is eternal, as thou thy selfe art, created man who before was not, and when he was vtterly loste, did most mercyfully redéeme him: graunt we beséeche thée, that thorow the inspiration of the said wisdome [Page] into our hartes, we may loue thée with all our minds, and runne to thée with all our harte: through our sayde Lorde Iesus Christe thy sonne, who liueth & raigneth with thée in the vnitie of the holy Ghost, God world without ende. Amen.
Blesse we the Lorde.
Thankes be to God.
The euerlasting wisdome blesse & kéepe our minds & bodies. Amen.
The Pryme.
Iesus who is the wisdome of the father, geue vs health both of body and soule.
O God make spéede to helpe me.
O Lord make hast to succor me.
Glory be to the father, to y e sonne, and to the holy ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shal be world without ende. Amen.
The Hymne.
The Psalme
CAuse me to heare of thy mercy in the morning, for I haue put my trust in thée.
Let me knowe the way wherein I may walke, for I haue lift vp my hart to thée.
Deliuer me from my enimies, O Lord I fled to thée for succour: teach me to do thy wil, for thou art my god
Glory be to the father. &c.
As it was in the beginning. &c.
The Chapiter.
WIsdome surpasseth wickednes, and spreadeth from coaste to coaste, who doth strongly place all things in a séemely order.
Thankes be to God.
The Answere.
Iesu Christe sonne of the liuing God, haue mercy vpon me.
The versicle.
Thou that sittest on the righte hande of God, haue mercy vpon vs,
Glory be to the father. &c.
Iesu Christe sonne of the liuing [Page] God, haue mercy vpon vs.
The versicle.
Arise, O Lorde, and helpe vs.
And deliuer vs for thy holy name sake.
O Lorde heare my prayer.
And let my cry come vnto thée.
Let vs pray.
Let the brightnes (O Lorde) of thy eternall wisedome illuminate our harts, that they be not dimmed with the darknes of this world, but that we may come to that countrey where is perpetual light: through our sayde Lorde Iesus Christe thy sonne. And so foorth, as before.
The third howre.
Iesus who is the wisedome of the father, geue vs health both of body and soule.
O God make spéede to helpe me.
O Lord make hast to succour me.
Glory be to the father. &c.
As it was in the. &c. Alleluia.
The Hymne.
The Psalme.
THy holy spirite will bring me to y e right path, for thy name sake.
O Lorde quicken me in thy righteousnesse.
Thou wilt bring my soule out of all miserie: and in thy mercy thou wilt destroy all my enimies.
And wilt destroy al those that trouble my soule, for I am thy seruant.
Glory be to the father. &c.
As it was in the beginning. &c.
The Antheme.
My sonne if thou couet wisdome, kéepe Iustice, and our Lorde wyll geue her thée.
The Chapiter.
This wisdome I haue loued and sought for frō my youth, and sought howe I mighte haue her for my spouse, and was rauished with her beautie.
Answere. Thanks be to God.
I wil surely reioyce in our Lord.
The versicle.
And solace my self in Iesus my god.
I will reioyce in our Lorde.
Glory be to the father. &c.
I wil surely reioyce in our Lord.
Blessed be the name of our Lorde.
The Response.
Frō hēceforth world without ende.
Let vs pray.
O God, who by thy eternal wisedome madest man, who before that was not at all, & after he was lost diddest mercifully redéeme him: graunt we beséeche thée, that by the same mercy inspiring our harts, we may loue thée with al our harts, and with all our strength runne vnto thée: through our sayd Lord Iesus Christe thy sonne. &c.
The sight howre.
Iesus the wisdome of the Father, geue vs health both of body & soule.
O God make spéede to helpe me.
O Lord make hast to succour me.
Glory be to the father.
As it was in the. &c. Alleluia.
The Hymne.
The Psalme.
OVr soule paciently loketh for our Lorde, for he is our helper and our refuge.
For our hart shal reioice in him, & we haue trust in his holy name.
Lord let thy mercy be shewed vnto vs: as we haue put our trust in thee
Glory be to the father. &c.
As it was in the beginning. &c.
The Antheme.
Our Lord had possession of me in the beginning of his wayes: he had me before he begonne any of his labours, in the beginning sayth our Lorde.
The Chapiter.
The brightnes of euerlasting light, the glasse of eternal maiestie, which is cleare without any spot, & the very paterne of his goodnes.
Answere. Thankes be to God.
The Response.
Blessed be the name of our Lorde.
The versicle.
Frō henceforth world without end.
Glory be to the Father. &c.
Blessed be the name of our Lorde.
From henceforth world without ende.
From the rising of the Sunne, to the going downe thereof.
Blessed be the name of our Lorde.
Let vs pray.
GEue eare to vs O merciful god, and shewe the brightnes of thy wisdome vnto our mindes, graunt we may loue thée aboue al thinges, through our said Lorde Iesus. &c.
The ninth howre.
Iesus the wisdome of the father, geue vs health both of body & soule.
O God make spéede to helpe me.
O Lord make hast to succour me.
Glory be to the. &c. As it was. &c.
The Hymne.
The Psalme.
CReate in me (O Lorde) a pure harte, and renue in me a perfect spirite.
Cast me not away from thy face, and take not frō me thy holy spirit.
Restore to me the gladnes of thy saluation, and strengthen me with a principal spirite.
Glory be to the father, to the. &c.
As it was in the beginning, is. &c.
The Antheme.
Before the déepes and seas were, I was borne: when he went about to create the heauens I was with him, and set al things in order.
The Chapiter.
WIsdome is more goodly than the sunne and all other starres that [Page] are placed in so goodly an order, and if it be cōpared with the very light, it is certayne it was before y t was.
Answere. Thankes be to God.
From the rising of the Sunne to the going downe thereof.
The versicle.
The name of our Lorde is worthy to be praysed.
Vntill the going downe therof.
Glory be to the father. &c.
From the rising of the sunne, tyll the going downe thereof.
Ver. Wisedome resteth in his hart.
Ans. And prudence in the words of his mouth.
Let vs pray.
POwer into our harts (O Lorde) the light of thy wisdome, that we may knowe thée truely, & faythfully loue thée: through our sayde Lorde Iesus Christ thy sonne, who liueth and reigneth with thée in the vnity of the holy Ghost, God world without ende. Amen.
Blesse we the Lorde.
Thankes be to God.
The euerlasting wisedome blesse & kéepe our hartes & bodies. Amen.
Iesus the wisdome of the Father, geue vs health both of body and soule.
O God make spéede to succour me.
O Lorde make hast to helpe me.
Glory be to the father. &c.
As it was in the. &c. Alleluia.
The Psalme.
OVr lord hath sent redemption to his people, he hath commaunded his testament to be inuiolatly kept for euer.
His name is holy and terrible, the feare of our Lorde is the beginning of wisedome.
Vnderstanding is good to all suche as doo exercise it, his prayse endureth for euermore.
Glory be to the Father. &c.
As it was in the beginning. &c.
The Antheme.
All wisedome commeth from our Lorde God, and was with him at al times, and is still for euer.
The Chapiter.
This wisedome I haue loued, and sought for her, since my youth I haue sought how I might enioy her as my spouse, and I was inflamed with her beautie.
Answere. Thanks be to God.
The Hymne.
The versicle.
I will surely reioyce in our Lord.
And solace my self in my god Iesus.
Antheme. O orient brightnes. &c.
The song of the virgin Mary.
My soule doth magnifie our Lord. And my spirite hath reioyced in [Page] God my sauiour.
For he hath behelde the humilitie of his handmayde: beholde from henceforth all generations shal cal me blessed.
For he that is mightie hath magnified me, and holy is his name.
And his mercy is alwaies shewed to them that feare him, throughout all generations.
He hath shewed strength with his arme, he hath scattered the proude in the imagination of their harts.
He hath put downe the mightie from their seate, and hath exalted the humble and méeke.
He hath filled the hungry with good thinges, and the riche he hath [Page] sent emptie away.
He hath remembred his mercy, & deliuered his seruaunt Israel.
As he promised our fathers, and Abraham and his séede for euer.
Glory be to the father. &c.
As it was in the beginning. &c.
O orient brightnes of eternall lighte, and sonne of Iustice, come and lighten vs that sit in darknes, and in the shadowe of death.
Lorde heare my prayer.
And let my crye come to thée.
Let vs pray.
O God who by thy eternall wisedome made man, who before [Page] that time was not at all, and after he fell, diddest mercifully redéeme him: graunt we beséeche thée, that by the same wisdome inspiring our hartes, we may loue thée with all our hartes, and runne vnto thée with all our mighte: through our sayde Lord Iesus Christ thy sonne, who liueth and reigneth with thée in the vnitie of the holy ghost, God worlde without ende. Amen.
Blesse we our Lorde.
Thankes be to God.
The eurlasting wisedome blesse and kéepe our hartes and bodyes.
Iesus the wisedome of the father, geue vs health both of body & soule.
Conuert vs God our Sauiour.
And turne thy wrath away frō vs.
O God make spéede to saue me.
O Lord make hast to succour me.
Glory be to the father, to the son, and to the holy ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shal be world without ende. Amen. Alleluia.
The Psalme.
LIghten mine eyes that I neuer sléepe in death, lest mine enimie at any time say, I haue preuayled ouer him.
Those that persecute me will reioyce [Page] if I be moued, but I trust in thy mercy.
My harte shall reioyce in thy saluation.
I will sing vnto our Lorde, who hath geuen me good things: and sing to the name of the hyest.
Glory be to the father. &c.
As it was in the beginning.
The Antheme.
I dwell in the hyest places, and my throne is in the pillers of the cloudes.
The Chapiter.
WIsedome teacheth sobrietie, righteousnes and vertue, which thinges be most commodious for vs in this life.
Answere. Thanks be to God.
Response. In good quietnes, I will sléepe and take my rest.
Versicle. If I sléepe and take a nappe with mine eyes.
I will sléepe and take my rest.
Glory be to the father. &c.
In good quietnes I wil sléepe, and take my rest.
The Hymne.
Versicle. His place is made ready in peace.
Ans. And his habitation in Sion.
The Antheme.
O glorious king.
The song of Simeon.
LOrde nowe lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace, according to thy worde.
For mine eyes haue séene thy [Page] saluation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people.
A light to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of the people Israel.
Glory be to the father, to the son, and to the holy ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is nowe, and euer shal be world without ende. Amen.
The Antheme.
O glorious King, who art alwayes praysed among thy Saintes, and yet no man can speake so worthyly of thée as thy Maiestie requireth, thou Lorde art among vs, and thy holy name is called vpon by vs, forsake vs not our God, but at the extreme [Page] day of Iudgement, vouchsafe to place vs among thy chosen seruaunts and Saintes, moste blessed king.
Lorde heare my prayer.
And let my cry come vnto thée.
Let vs pray.
Mercyfully (O Lorde) looke vpon our frayltie, and fauourably geue vs a taste of thy celestiall wisdome, that when we haue tasted of the merueylous swéetenes thereof, we may despise all worldly vanitie, and continually with burning desire cleaue vnto thée, who arte the chéefest goodnes that may be: thorough our sayd Lorde Iesus Christ [Page] thy sonne, who liueth and reigneth with thée in the vnitie of the holy ghost, God worlde without ende. Amen.
Blesse we our Lorde.
Thankes be to God.
The euerlasting wisedome blesse and kéepe our mindes and bodyes.