


A declara­tion of the lyfe and Death of Iohn Story, Late a Romish Ca­nonicall Doctor, by professyon. 1571.

¶Imprinted at Lon­don, by Thomas Colwell.

¶The speciall Contents of this declaration.

  • First, wherfore Iohn Story was imprisoned in the Queenes Benche.
  • His breaking of that Prison and flyeng into Flaunders.
  • His trayterous and naughtie de­lyng there.
  • The cause and maner of his con­ueyance from thence into Eng­lande.
  • The maner of his arainement, and Iudgement.
  • The maner of his death and ex­ecution.
  • An Epilogue or short conclusion of his Lyfe.

GEntle Reader in this short declaration, I purpose briefely to note vnto thee, part of the life and the ma­ner of death of Iohn Sto­rie, late a Romish & Cano­nicall Doctor by profession. If I should discourse the common places of discrip­tion of persones, his parentes, hys educatyon and bringyng vp, hys sun­drie outragious doinges executed by him in the persecutynge of the membres of Christ, & the maner of his life from time to time, namely in the time of K. Henry the eight, when the statute of sixe Arti­cles was first set foorth, & all his crueltie vsed sithens, to the daye of his death: it woulde aske a volume as greate as [...] booke of Martyrs: a great part of which booke is stuffed with his tirannous and cruell tragedies, executed against God and his poore membres.

As for the wilfull and wicked course of his yonger yeres, a great parte wherof he spent in the Vniuersitie of Oxford [...], to reporte all the partes, it would requ [...]e a longe storie.

One Pranke may stand in stead of many. And although Christian charitie requyre vs alwaye, and of all men, to reporte the best, speciallye of them that be departed: Yet no charytie forbyddeth a man with sobryetie and modestye to reporte the truethe for the benefite of good example to other: Or els all writyng of histories after the parties death (whē they be most truely written) should bee condemned, & the bridle of iust infamy perilously taken away from wicked men.

About the yere of our Lord. 1529. Sto­rie beinge a student of the ciuill lawe in Hinkse [...]e Hall in Oxforde, and on a time lodging abroade alone as often tymes his maner was to do, in the company of a wo­man, whome hee had at his commaun­dement, was fet home from thence late in the night, and caried alofte through the open streetes with a solemne procession of the whole companie of his house, euery man caryenge a candell burninge before hym, as a token of hys virginytye, and syngyng merelye together,

Qui pius, prudens, humilis, pudicus,
Sobrius, castus fuit, & quietus,
Vita dum presens. &c.

as if they had ben S. Nicholas clerkes.

After that, about the yere of our Lord, 1538. the sayde Storye beyng then Doctour and Pryncypall of Broadgates in the sayde vniuersytie of Oxforde, and mistrustinge a yonge gentleman for ouer familiar resorting to his aquaintaunce in the towne, gaue him earnest charge, with terrible threates, as he loued his life to come there no more, for Loue & Lordship can brooke no fellowshipp.

Therfore on a certayne tyme for hys good chaste purpose, takynge occasion to walke abroade, and hauing his man with his sworde wayting vppon him, & passing through the Church yarde of S. Olaues he met the sayde yonge gentle man retor­ning home from the towne, beeyng vt­terly without weapon, & hauing onlie his study gowne cast vpon him. And he ima­gining that he cam from such places as he had so often for bidden him, in great furie and heate of minde, being also fired with ielosie towards his loue, he raught backe sodenlye vnto hys man and drewe hys [Page] sworde, & hauing the gentlemā at aduan­tage in the corner of two walles, ran him thorowe both sydes, & lefte him for dead.

Imediatly a cry was raysed, the people assembled, Doctour Storye was appre­hended by the officers, & layd in Bocardo: wher he continued vntill it was perfectly knowen, that the yonge gentleman so wounded was past all danger. For God by hys gracyous prouydence so dyrected the sworde, that notwithstanding it pearced through both sides, yet it perished not one parte of all the entrailes.

Hee that writeth these wordes is a wit­nes hereof and sawe the partye dressed, & the towells drawen through his bodie. The partie so wounded is named N. Brierton, and is yet aliue.

These are the fyrst fruites of Doctour Stories good Doctorly doinges, agreable with his lyfe that folowed after warde.

A kyndly beare wyll bite by tyme.

Now I wyll begyn the rest of this De­claration at the begynnyng of the Reigne of the most vertuous, godly, learned and hopeful Prince, King Edward the sixt: who after the death of the most noble [Page] and famous prince, Kinge Henrye the .viii. his Father, tooke vpō him, as of right appertayned vnto him, the Regall state and gouernment of this Realme. And first, and before all other thinges, he see­kynge the high aduauncement of Goddes honour restored vnto vs the sincere do­ctrine of the Gospel of our Sauiour Iesus Christ, and made most Godly Lawes for the abholysshynge of all superstycion and idolatry. At whiche tyme, Iohn Storye being then of the Parlyament house and a great enemye to the gloryous light of Christes Gospel, did vehemently inueigh agaynst the godly doynges of that vertu­ous Prince, namely, for settynge foorth the booke of Common Prayer and Ad­ministracion of the Sacraments in Eng­lysh: where he did not only slaunderouslye speake of the Doctrine, but also malyci­ously and sediciouslye spake of that godly Prince (alleging the sentence of Eccle­siastes: That wo is to that Realme whose kynge is but a childe, wrestynge the same text against that noble Prince, euen to the same sence that gaue cheefe occasiō to the rebellion in the same kinges tyme, and meaning that both the Prince & the [Page]realme did they wyst not what.

And shortly after that he had thus decla­red his rebellious hart & canckred iudge­ment, he then fledde this realme into the parties beyond the seas, and there abode all the life of that vertuous Prince.

After his death, as sone as the late Queene Mary possessed the crowne, the aforsayd Story retorned agayne from be­yond the Seas, and obtayned of Queene Mary by the helpe of Bishop Boner, that he became a cōmissioner, and a cruell per­persecutor of Christes members, wherin he traueyled with such vehemency and in such a tyrannous maner, as neuer was there any before him did, and in that state he contynued all the dayes of Queene Maryes lyfe.

After the death of Queene Mary, so sone as our most dere soueraigne Lady came to the possession of the crowne, and that she had called a parliament, chieflye for the restitution of Gods blessed worde and the true administracion of the Sacra­mentes to Goddes high honor, and also for the amendment of the decayed state of [Page] this Realme. The said Storie beyng of the parliament house who was an enemy to all godly reformations, did wyth great vehemency speake agaynst the bill that was therexhibited for the restytucyon of the booke of common prayer, & sayd these wordes: I did often times in Queene Maries tyme, saye to the Bishops that they were to busie with Pecora campi, (for so it pleased him to terme the poore cōmons of Englād) chopping at twiges, but I wi­shed to haue chopped at the roote, which if they had done, this gere had not cum now in question, and here in most traiterously he ment the distruccion of our dere & soue­raigne lady Queene Elizabeth. For the which wordes spoken in such an audience and in such vehement maner, there was no honest nor true hart that hard him but did vtterly abhorre him.

And sone after that he had declared his trayterous hart to the Queenes highnes, and his conscience accusing him, he fled and lurked about in sondry corners, as did Cain when he had murdered his bro­ther Abell. But at the last he was taken in the west countrye rydyng before a [Page] Male in a frise coate lyke a seruing man, and was apprehended in the highwaie by one maister Ayleworth a gentleman one of the Queenes seruauntes, and brought before the counsaill, and after sent to pri­son to the Queenes Bench (for more thē suspicion of Treason) in the fyrst yere of her highnes reigne.

And after the sayd Story had remained there a whyle he espyenge hys tyme and by the helpe of his frendes (as commonly suche lewde papistes lacke none) he brake the said prison and fled againe beyond the Seas, namely into Flaundyrs, and there not only practised diuerse wicked & trey­terous enterprices towardes our Soue­raigne lady the Quenes maiestie and the state of this realme, by sondry cōferences that he had with such as haue of late rebelled & cōspired the destruccion of the same. But also he became an open & comon enemi to euery good subiect of this realme of England, and obteyned in Flaundyrs of the Duke of Alna a comission and auctho­ritie to practise his olde cruetie & to arest & aprehend al such Englishmens goods as shold arriue in those countries, or that did [Page] traffique out of England into those parts, or from thence into England, and to con­fiscat y e same by reason of which aucthori­tie, he vsed there such extremytie that he was the spoiler & vndoer of dyuerse merchauntes, and of more would haue bene, if he had longer continued: wherfore the said Merchauntes were in forced to study and deuyse some remeady, and to practise some waye or meane howe to remoue this comber some man from them.

And among other deuises, they hauing experience of hym to be a gredy and raue­nous wolfe, put into his head (by such as he suspected not) that ther was a pray for hym of English goodes in a Ship that lai [...] in a certein place which was named vnto him, where he should fynd such a treasure of goods to be confiscate, as woulde be sufficient for him during his life. The wolfe beynge hongry and desyrous of this great pray, set forward, and came into a Shyp that promysed to brynge hym to the place where the praye was. But to be shorte [...]ssone as he was entered the Shipe, the s [...]e brought hym cleane a waye out of Flaundirs into England, and landed him [Page] at Harwyche in the Moneth of Auguste last paste.

And sone after, knowlege being geuen to the Queenes honorable counsail of his landynge, he was brought to London and there he was comitted to prison to the lollardes tower in Powles where he conty­nued a whyle that he myght well peruse that place wherin he had most cruelly tor­mented many a good Chrystyan. But he lacked there one thing, which was the monstrous and houge Steckes, that hee and Boner his old faithfull frend had vsed to turmoyle and persecute the poore and Innocent christians in, hanging sum therin by the heles so high, that only their heades laye on the ground. Some wer stoc­ked in both feet & armes, some also wer stocked by both their feet and by both thir thombes, and so did hang in the Stockes. And some also were stocked by both theyr fete, & cheyned by the necke wyth collars of Iron made fast behynde theim to a post in the wall, and suche other deuelishe and tyrannus engynes and deuyses by hym practised these at his being in the lolardes Tower he myssed, and great pitie it was [Page] that he had not tasted of theim: But alack the good Bisshop Gryndall late Bysshop of London had brent and consumed them with fire.

But to returne where I left, after that Story had contynnued a certaine of tyme in the lollardes Tower, & had ben diuers tymes examined, hee was from thence remoued to the Tower of Lon­don, wher he remayned vntill the .xxvi. day of Maye. 1571. And then was he [...] brought from thence into westminster hall before the iudges of the Queenes Benche, and there arayned. And after the indictment had ben read vnto hym, theffect wherof was, that wher as Ry­chard Norton, Thomas Markenfelde, Christopher Neuyll, Frances Norton & Thomas Ienny alias Iennings with o­ther traytors, after their offences com­mitted in the north; and being therof in­dicted in the .xii. yere of the Queenes highnes raigne before the right honora­ble Thomas Erle of Sussex lorde presi­dent of the Queenes coūsaill in the north partes, Iohn lorde Darcye &c. they after [Page] their indictment did the .xxiii. of Iune in the yere aforsayd embarke theim selues in sundry Shippes and fled this realme vnto Antwarpe in Brabant, whych is vnder the gouernment of kyng Phylip, and ther contrarye to theyr allegeaunce did lead their liues, and the aforsaid Iohn Story. D. W. P and I. P, being borne in England and the Queenes subiectes, did with theim conspire, compasse and Imagin the Queenes death, and her highnes to depose and depryue.

And by diuers perswasions and let­ters did also procure straungiers to in­uade this realme of England, and to leuy warr against the Queene, and her hygh­nes to depose. And that the aforsayd Iohn Story &c. knowing the abouesaid Norton and others to haue committed their treasons here in England, did rece­aue, cōfort and helpe theim at Antwarp aforsaid, agaynst their allegeaunce. &c.

And after the indictment read he being called vppon by the courte to answere to the same, pleaded that he was not the Queenes subiect nor had not bene these [Page] vii. yeres, but was the subiect of the most catholicke and mighty prynce kyng Phi­lip kyng of Spayne, to whome hee was sworne, and had in Fee of him one hun­dreth pound by the yere, therfore said hee I am not bound to answer to that indict­ment, neyther will I answere vnto it.

And here he vsed many pretie tauntes as well to the iudges as also pleasyng him selfe with giuinge of pretie nippes and girdes.

And verye stowtlye, he maintayned his former plea, affirming also, that they were not his lawfull iudges, neither that they had law to procede against him being none of the Queenes subiectes.

And then beyng demaunded where he was borne? he answered in England.

Then sayd they it folowith that you are subiect to the lawes of thys realme, and should be so to our Queene

Wherunto he replyed and sayd, that God commaunded Abraham to go foorth from the lande and countrey where he was borne, from his friendes and kyns­folke into another countrey. And so he folowynge his example, for conscience [Page] sake in religion did forsake his country [...] and the lawes of this realme & the prince also, and had wholy geuen hym selfe to the seruice of a foreyne gouernour kyng Philip kyng of Spayne.

And herevpon hee stood very stoutlye, but to small purpose.

Then when hee perceaued that they would procede in iudgemēt against him, he sayde, they had no lawe so to do. And with that he turned him about to the peo­ple, and sayd: good people, I trust ye see howe violently I am vsed and howe vn­iustly and contrary to all iustice and equi­tie they vse mee.

And he added that he had good hope that he was not destitute of some frendes there that would geue notice and know­lege to the most Catholycke prynce hys maister how cruelly they dealt with him.

And then againe, beyng called vppon to answere, one sayd vnto him, maister Storye, because you thynke it violence that is shewed vnto you in stead of lawe and iustice, you shall knowe that wee do nothyng but that wee maye do both by lawe and equitie.

And then one of the Iudges said: this is Scarborowes case. Nay, said Story, my case is not Skarboroughes case: but in déede I had Skarborough warnynge to come to this arraignement, for I knewe nothynge therof vntyll .vij. of the clocke in the mornynge.

Then, there was a booke delyuered hym to read, wherin he might sée what they might doo by lawe: and after hée had read it, the Iudge demaūded of him how he liked it? And he answered, God haue mercie vpon mée. Then the Lorde chyefe Iustice gaue him Iudgement to be drawen, hanged and quartred, and so was he agayne sent vnto the Tower.

And as he went by the way: certayne persons in seuerall places met with him and one said: Oh Story, Story: thou art a strange Story: Remember Mayster Bradforde that godly man, his blood asketh vengeaunce on thée Story: re­pent in time. Another cryed on hym and said: Story, call to mynde the ri­gour that thou shewedest vpon Maister Read, a Gentleman, whom thou diddest vtterly destroye: aske God forgeuenesse Story for that wicked déede.

Another cryed vnto hym and saide: [Page] Blessed be God, Story, that hath made thée partaker of suche Breade, as thou wast wont to deale to the innocent membres of Iesus Christe.

Another also cryed out vpon him, and saide: Story, Story: the abhominable cup of fornication and filthynes that thou hast geuen other to drinke, be hea­ped vp topfull, that thy plagues maye be the greater at the terrible daye of Gods wrath & vengeaunce, vnlesse thou aske mercy for thy filthy, corrupte & stinkyng lyfe. And yet agayne, another cryed out vnto hym and said: I pray God that thy hart be not hardened, as was Pharaos, and made harder then y e Adamant stone, or the stéele, that when he woulde, he could not repent and call for grace.

And among al the rest, one came to him at London Stone, and saluted him with this Méeter, saiyng:

Maister Doctor Story,
For you they are right sory
The Court of Louaine and Rome:
Your holy father the Pope,
Cannot saue you from the rope,
The Hangman must haue your gown [...]

To whom he answered not one word▪

THe first daye of Iune, the saide Story was drawen vpon an her­dell from the Tower of London vnto Tiborn: wher was prepared for him a newe payre of Gallowes made in triangle maner. And by the way as he went, many people spake vnto hym, and called vpon hym to repent his Tir­rannie and wickednes, and wylled him to call vpon God for mercy: But he lay as though he had ben a sleepe, & woulde not speake to any person.

And when he was taken frō the herdell and set in a carte, he made there a so­lempne protestation, and said:

¶I am come hither to die: and truely, if this death were ten times more fierce and sharpe then it is, I haue deserued it?

I haue lyued the space of thréescore &. vij. yeres: and now my body must abyde this temporall payne and punisshement prouyded for mée here in this lyfe, by meane wherof, my daies shalbe cut off. [Page]But where at the first I stoode in feare of death, I thanke God, this night passed I haue ben so comforted with good and godly men, that the feare of death is taken from my sight. And nowe I ap­peale to God the Father, trustyng in the Passion of his Sonne Christ Iesus, and hopynge, by the sheding of his blood only to be saued. And althoughe of a longe time I coulde not applie the vertue of his Passion and death to the vse & bene­fite of my soule, because of my longe ho­uerynge in feare: Yet nowe, I thanke God, I know how to applye this medi­cyne, as for example:

A Pothecarye maye haue a Medicine liyng in his shop .vij. yeares, that maye helpe a sicke or diseased man by the coun­sayle of a Physicion: But if this medi­cyne be not applyed to the pacient, but styl remaineth in the Apothecaries shop it profiteth nothyng: No more (said he) coulde the benefite of Christes Death healpe mée: because, though I knew the medicyne good, I did not applie it vnto my Soule helth: Storyes yeares were many and euill spent. But now that it hath pleased Almightye God to call mée to accompt of my .lxvij. yeres, which now must haue an end, and this corrupt body must féele a temporall punisshement, for [Page] my sinnes haue deserued it (as I said be­fore) I am now come to the proofe of this Medicine.

Dauid, when he had commytted Ad­ulterie with Barsabe the wyfe of Vrias (whose Husbād also he caused to be put in the Front of the Battell, and so was he murthered:) he for that trespasse felt a temporall punishment by the losse of the life of his son, which he loued tenderly.

Also, when he nombred his people, he greatly displeased God: And for his of­fence and transgression, he felt a tempo­rall payne: and choyce was geuen vnto him from aboue, to choose one of these .iij temporall and bodily punyshments: that is to saye: Thrée daies Pestilence: the Sworde, that is to saye, bloody Bat­tell .vij. yeres: or Famyne .vij. yeres.

And he thought to choose the least: and he chose thrée daies Pestilence. But this Scourge tooke away an infinite nombre of his subiectes. So nowe as my sinnes deserue a temporall payne, whiche here haue an ende, euen in this flesh: I am of the same minde that the Prophet Dauid was: And with hym I agrée saiyng. Inuoco te Domine. &c. Lord I call vpon thée in this day of my trouble, heare mée O Lorde out of thy dwellynge place. &c.

But nowe to speake a litle of my ar­raignment: when I was at Westmin­ster, I alleaged in my plea that I was no Subiect of this Realme, Hys hand is to the contrary. as I did likewise before the Quenes Cōmissioners, Sir Thomas Wroth, Maister Thomas Wilbraham late Recorder of the Citie of London, M. Peter Osborne, Maister Marshe, and M. Doctor Wattes: where the Recorder of London made lyke de­maunde as was demaunded of mée at Westminster: and that was whether I was borne in Englande, or no? Wher­vnto I aunswered I was.

Then sayde he, it foloweth that you are and ought to continue the Quenes faithfull subiect. I lye be­fore the Commssi­oners. Wherunto I replied then as I do now, saiyng: I am sworne to the noble Kyng, Defendour of the auncient Catholique Faith, Kyng Philip Kyng of Spaine: And he is sworne again by a solempne and corporall Othe, to main­tayne and defende the Vniuersitie of Louaine, Storyes hand is to the contra­rye of hys voluntarye confession. wherof I am a member, and therfore no subiect of this Realme, no yet subiect to any Lawes therof:

For it is well knowen, that I depar­ted this Realme beynge fréelye licen­sed therunto by the Quéene, who ac­compted mée an abiect and castawaye, [Page] and I came not hether agayne of myne owne accorde: but I was betrayed.

And although I had an inckelyng ge­uen mée before of such a thing pretended towardes mée, Story was not betrayed, but by Gods pro­uision dely­uered to be cut off, as a naughty & corrupt member. yet I coulde not shun nor escape it: For sure it was God y t made dym myne vnderstandyng, and blynded myne eyes, so that I could not perceyue it. But holye writ cōmaundeth mée to loue my enemies, & here I forgeue them fréely with all my hart, beséechyng God that they take no harme for mée in ano­ther Countrey, I would be right sorye they should, although they betrayed me.

I trauayled with them from Ship to Ship, by the space of eight daies and mistrusted no perill to be at hand vntyll I was clapt fast vnder the Hatches.

But sure, sure: it was God y t wrought it: Yea, and although I was accompted a Poller of the Englysshe men of your countrey: I stand now here before God, and by the death I shall die, I had neuer out of any Ship more then two Péeces of Golde, and fortie Dallers that was laid in my hand.

But once agayne, to my arraignmēt, where there were certain Letters laid to my charge, wherin I should go about to [Page] prouoke y e Nortons, the Neuiles & oth [...] to rebell, I neuer ment it: Yet wyll I discharge my conscience fréely & frankly and tell you trueth. Here Sto­rye before he was war, hath tolde you that he was a ranke Traytour. There was a Com­mission for a lyke matter sent into Scot­land, which I wrote with myne owne hande: But it conteyned a Prouiso, wherin the Quéene of England and her Dominions were excepted.

There are yet two thynges y t I pur­pose to talke of: namely, for that ther are here present a great nombre of Youth: And I woulde to God I might saye or speke that which might bring all men to the vnitie of the Church: for there is but one Church, one Flocke and one Shep­herde: If I could this do, I would think my selfe to haue wrought a good worke.

The first Poinct toucheth my crueltie, wherwith I am sore burdened: And the second concerneth my Religion.

As touchyng the first, there were thrée in Commission, of the which I was one that might do least, for I was the last of the thrée. And thoughe I might by per­swasion assaye to cause them to reuoke the articles that they had maintayned, and to confesse the presence, wherin I [Page] stande: Ye know that he that chydeth, is not worthy to bée condemned for figh­tyng: No more am I worthy to be coū ­ted cruell for chydynge: It was the Bisshop that pronounced the Sentence Excōmunicamus, and against that I could not do, for I was one of the Layetie.

Yet often times the Bisshop to whom I was Seruāt was bold with mée when he had so many Prisoners that he could not well bestow them. For at one time the Lorde Riche, sent him out of Essex. xxviij. And at another time .xxiiij. Also at another time .xvi. and .xiiij. and some of them were sent to mée, whiche I kepte in my House with suche fare as I had prouided for my selfe and my Fa­mylie, at myne owne cost and charge.

And to proue that I was not so cruell as I am reported to bée, A prety tale, and it were long inough and true i­nough. let this one tale suffise: There were at one tyme .xxviij condempned to the Fire, and I moued the Deane of Paules to tender and pitie their estate, whiche after was Abbot of Westminster, a very pitiful minded mā: I thincke the moste parte of you know him, it is M. Fecknam, and we went vp and perswaded with them, and we foūd them very tractable. And Master Feck­nam and I laboured to the Lorde Cardi­nall [Page] Poole, shewynge that they were.

Nescientes qùid fecerunt.

The Cardinall & we did sue together to the Quene, & layd both the Swordes together, and so we obteyned pardon for them all, sauynge an olde woman that dwelt aboute Paules Churchyard, shée would not conuert, and therfore she was burned. There [...] of them receyued abso­lucion, and that with al reuerence: serch thē Register and you shall finde it.

Yea, & it was my procurement that there should be no more burnt in Lon­don, for I sawe well that it woulde not preuaile, and therfore we sent them into odde corners into the countrey.

Wherfore I pray you, name me not cruell, I would be loth to haue any suche slaunder to ron on mée. But sith I dye in charitie, I pray you al of charitie to pray for mee, that God maye strengthen mee with patience to suffer my death: to the whiche I yelde most wyllyngly.

And here I make a peticion to you my frendes that woulde haue bestowed anythyng on mée, I beséeche you for charitie sake, bestow it yerely on my wife, who hath foure small children, and God hath now taken me away that was her staff [...] and stay: And now my Doughter We­ston [Page] and her three chyldren are gone ouer [...]nto her, and I know not how they shal do for foode, vnlesse they go a beggynge f [...]m doore to doore for it: although in dede no English persons do begge but of En­glish, beyng helped by the Lady Dorm. [...]nd Sir Francisco: I haue good hope that you wyll be good vnto her, for she is the faythfullest wife, the louyngest and constantest that euer man had. And twise we haue lost all that euer we had, and nowe she hath lost mée to her great griefe I knowe.

The second poynct that I thought to speke of, is concernyng my Religion, for that I know many are desirous to know what faith I wyll dye in, the whiche I wyll briefely touch: I saye with Sainct Iherome that auncient father and piller of the old auncient, catholique, and Apo­stolicke Churche grounded vpon the Pa­triar [...]es; Prophetes and Apostles, that in the same faith that I was borne in, Which is not the church wherein S. Hie­rome liued. I p [...]rpose to dye. And as the Arcke that Noe and his Famyly did possesse, figured the ship of Christes Church, out of which [...]hyp who soeuer is can not be saued. In tha [...] shyp am I: Example. A shyp that [...] tossed on the floods is often in daunger [Page] of losse on the sandes, and somtimes on the rocke. But when the men that are in the ship espye present peryll at hande, there is a Cockboat at the tayle of the ship, wherunto they flye for succour: So likewise, I beynge in the Ship of Christ, once fell out of the same ship and was in present peryl and great danger. But then I folowynge the example of a good Maryner, tooke the Cockboat, thin­kynge to driue to lande: and at the last, beyng in the boat, I espied thrée Oares, that is to wit: Contricion, Confession & Absolutiō. And I held al these fast, and euer sence I haue continued in the ship of Christ, of whiche, the Apostle Peter is the guide and principall, & in the faith catholike of my kynge I die.

Then sayd the Earle of Bedford, are you not the Quéenes subiect? No, sayd Story, & yet I do not exclude the Quene but I pray for her, her Counsaile and the Nobilitie of this Realme longe to con­tinue. Then said the Lorde Honsdon: Are you not the Quéenes Subiect, you were borne in Englande? Then sayde Story: Euery man is frée borne, and he hath the whole face of the Earth before him to dwell & abyde in where he liketh best: and if he can not lyue here, he may [Page] go els where. Then was there (as I thinke one of the Ministers) hearyng him to make so light of our noble Quene and Countrey, demaunded of him whe­ther she were not next and immediatlye vnder God, Supreme head of the Chur­ches of Englande and Irelande? wher­unto he aunswered: I come not hether to dispute, but if shée bée, shée is: my nay wyll not preuayle to proue it otherwise.

And then they cryed, awaye with the [...]arte: And so he was hanged according to his iudgement.

An Epilogue, or a briefe Conclusion, of the lyfe of the aforesaid Iohn Story.

THe aforesaid Iohn Storie, beside that he was an obstinat Pa­pist and a rancke Traitour, he was also in Quéene Maryes time, the cruellest ti­rant & persecutor of the innocent mem­bres and blessed professors of Christ, that euer was to his power, sithen that cruell tirant Nero. For his whole delectacion and pleasure was, in racking, stockyng, [Page] whippyng, manaklyng and burnyng of innocents, without respect either of age, vertue, learnyng, weakenes of wyt, or of a simple boye, or childish wenche: and all was fish that came to the net.

And he often and openly saide (in the herynge of many) in the time of Quéene Mary, that the burnynge of Heretiques (as he termed them) was to gentle a deth for they had too muche scope to prate and talke what they lust: But sayd he, if I lyue, I wyll haue a clo [...]e Cage of Iron made for them, with a doore in the side, lyke to the Brasen Bull of perillus, where they shalbe enclosed, and the doore made fast, and the fire to be made vnder them. And then (said he) they shall know what friyng is, and their mouthes shal­be stopped from blowyng out their pesti­lent Doctrine. So that by the pre­misses, it maye manifestly appéere, that there hath not ben a wickeder man to­warde God, his Prince & countrey, then he hath ben.

¶God saue the Queene, and confounde her enemies.

¶Séene and allowed. &c.





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