THE MANNER OF THE CRVELL OVT­RAGIOVS MVRTHER OF WILLIAM STORRE Mast. of Art, Mi­nister, and Preacher at Market Raisin in the County of Lincolne:

COMMITTED By Francis Cartwright one of his parishioners, the 30. day of August Anno. 1602.


AT OXFORD, Printed by Ioseph Barnes. 1603.

To the Reader.

FOr that some of Cartwrights favourites wanting colour to excuse altogither the fowlenesse of his fact, doe yet inde­vour to qualifie the same in what measure they can, affir­ming that he being a young man, was provoked, and stirred vp by evill words to commit that in the heat of his bloud which o­therwaies he would neuer haue committed: And some others beeing themselues either of a loose conversation, or at the least enemies to the Ministerie of the Gospel, would seeme to exte­nuate the crime, by imputing it, as a iust reward due, not only to the party murthered, but also to the most of his calling for their over-bold checking, and (as they tearme it) domineering over their betters, because indeede, they reproue the generall cor­ruptions that so abound in every corner: And least also it might happily be surmised by some indifferently affected, that many things in this relation might partially proceede in favour of the dead man from some of his friendes, it is therefore thought fit for the better satisfying of the later sorte, to assure them that there is nothing set downe, but that which is to bee iustified by very sufficient proofe: and for the better answering of the for­mer scandalls, and such like, here be annexed the testimony (as it were) of fowre substantiall Iuries, which speake of their credit what they knew concerning the man. The first doth consist of the better sort of his parishioners where hee remained: the se­cond of the chiefe of such Ministers among whom he conver­sed: the thirde of the worshipfull in the countrey to whom hee was best knowne: and the fourth, of the learned in the Vni­versitie where he was brought vp.

The testimony of his Parishioners.

FOrasmuch as some vncharitable people not satisfied with the guiltlesse bloud of M. Storre our late Minister, giue out slanderous speeches against him now dead, as pro­ceeding from vs his parishioners: we therefore willing to cleare our selues from such vntruthes doe giue to vnderstand to whō these presents shall come, that as (no doubt) the fact was hay­nous before God, so is it a thing most grievous vnto vs, aswell in regard of his wife, and fiue small children, whose staffe of bread (as himselfe said) by this meanes is broken, as also chiefly that such a man shoulde thus perish among vs, whose learning dili­gence, and dexteritie in teaching the word of God was equall (as we are perswaded) to the better sort of his fellow Ministers: his conversation so answerable to his doctrine, and his carriage such in all his affaires, that (in our iudgement) it might haue bin a president to direct a civill, and christian life. Thus having wit­nessed the truth in the premisses, we cease.

  • Edmund Wright.
  • Hum. Chapman.
  • Iohn Da [...]otte.
  • Iohn Rutter.
  • Rich. Pockley.
  • Alexan. Lāming.
  • Robert Lillie.
  • Tho. Brakes.
  • Mich. Iesoppe.
  • Rich. Wright.
  • Chri. Gyfford.
  • Will. Wright.
  • Christ. Wright.
  • Mich. Hanson.
  • Hen. Parker.
  • Pet. Parker.
  • Thom. Harwicke.
  • William Dannotte.
  • Iohn Cater.
  • William Hansley.
  • Leonard Hill.
  • Iohn Tayler.
  • Iames Robinson.
  • Edw. Fawsitte.

The testimony of Preachers, halfe of them Doctors, & Batchelare of Divinitie, and the rest Masters of Art.

WHereas vpon the late murther of William Storre Mr. of Arts and preacher of market Raisin in the countie of Lincolne, there haue bin sette abroach certaine reports tending to his disgrace in favour (as it is thought) of the offender, vvee therefore the Ministers to whom he was best knowne either by nearnesse of dwelling, or by conversing with him, doe signifie to all those to whom this our testimony shall come, that we al­waies held, and reputed the saide VVilliam Storre, not onely for his learning & sufficiency in his calling, a man farre passing ma­ny others: but also of such honest and commendable bearing of himselfe in his life, and conversation, that his greatest adver­saries could never while he lived (as we are verily perswaded) iustly take exception against him.

In witnesse whereof we haue subscribed our names this present Aprill 1603.
  • Law. Stanton.
  • Greg. Garth.
  • Alex. Southwicke.
  • Iohn Chadwicke.
  • Roger Parker.
  • Rich. Turswell
  • Theo. Tanzey.
  • Tho. Burton.
  • Mich. Reniger.
  • George Eland.
  • Hen. Nelson.
  • William Mason.
  • Iohn Downes.
  • Amos Bedford.
  • Cuth. Dale.
  • Iohn White.
  • David Hatcliffe.
  • Will. Symonds.
  • William Lownd.
  • Hugh Browne.
  • Samuell. Allen,
  • Paul Balgaie.
  • Richard Bateman.
  • Nic. Clarke.

The testimony of Knightes and Esquires,

BEing requested for some speciall causes to deliver vnder our hands what we knew concerning Mr. Storre late Vicar of market Raisin, we whose names ar subscribed, neighbors somewhat neare adioyning, thought it our Christian duetie to yeeld testimony therein accordingly. And therefore doe signify that as we accompt the manner of his death a part of most bar­barouse crueltie, so we much lament that it happened to a man so well approved generally for a good scholler, a painfull prea­cher, and for many other commendable partes, which (if by vn­timely death he had not bin cutte of) might otherwaies haue bin greatly beneficiall both to the church, and common wealth.

  • George S t poll.
  • Edward Ayscoghe.
  • Edward Tyrwhitt.
  • Char. Metham.
  • Ric. Rossetter.
  • Fran. Bullingham
  • Phillip Tyrwhitt.
  • Thomas Grantham.
  • Thomas Dalison.
  • Vincent Ful [...]by
  • Richard Ged [...]ey.
  • Edward Saltmarsh.

The testimonie of Doctors, and Bachelors of Divinitie in the Ʋniversitie.

FOrasmuch as wee are intreated by certaine ministers of the countie of Lincolne to signifie what opiniō we held of Wil­liam Storre Mr of Arts, & late fellowe of Corpus Christi Col­ledge, we whose names are vnder-written doe by these presents giue him this testimonie; that for the time of his aboade in our Vniversitie he shewed himselfe very sober, and honest in his conversation: he was of quiet cariage in his place, studiouse, lear­ned, and religiouse: of great, & speciall hope to prove a worthy member in the Church of Christ.

  • Iohn Howson Vicecan. Oxon.
  • Edmond Lillie.
  • Richard Kylby.
  • Raph Kettell.
  • Iohn Aeglionbee.
  • Nicholas Higges.
  • Thomas Luddington
  • Chri. Membry.
  • Chri. Chalfount.
  • Robert Burhill.
  • Iohn Rainolds.
  • Iohn Perin.
  • Iohn Williams.
  • Leon. Hutton.
  • Rich. Crakanthorpe.
  • Sebestian Benfeld,
  • Peter Hooker.
  • Iohn Barcham.
  • Thomas Holland.
  • George Abbott.
  • Henry Asray.
  • William Thorne.
  • Edward Hyrst.
  • Thomas Burton.
  • Henry Hindle.
  • Richard Alleyne.

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