CVRES WITHOVT CARE, OR A SVMMONS TO ALL SVCH WHO FINDE LITTLE OR no helpe by the use of ordinary physick to repaire to the Northerne Spaw.

WHEREIN By many presidents of a few late yeares, it is evidenced to the world, that infirmities in their owne nature desperate and of long conti­nuance have received perfect recovery, By vertue of Minerall waters neare Knaresborow in the West-riding of Yorkeshire.

Also a description of the said water, and of other rare and usefull springs adjoyning, the nature and efficacie of the Minerals contained in them, with other not impertinent notes.

Faithfully collected for the publique good by M. St.

— felix quicunque dolore
Alterius disces posse carere tuo.

LONDON, Printed by William Iones, dwelling in Red-crosse-street. 1632.

TO THE RIGHT HONORA­BLE THOMAS LORD WENTWORTH of Wentwoth Woodhouse, Baron Newmarch and Oversley, Viscount Wentworth, Lord President of his Majesties Councel established in the North, Lord Leiftenant of the County of Yorke, Lord Deputy of the Kingdome of Ireland, and one of his Majesties most ho­nourable Privie Councell.


I Had once (I confesse rash­ly) given leave that this small Treatise should put on the Printers livery with­out the convoy of a prote­cting passe. But as I cast my last eye upon it, it appeared to me like a na­ked man ready to encounter an army. For there are not more men, then vollies of cen­sorious shot, that stand ready prepared to batter any novelty. This consideration forc't [Page] me suddenly to looke out for a defensative guard, against the daring boldnesse of this criticall age. Wherein I was not long unpro­vided. For who is hee that casts his daze­led eye on the brightnesse of your redou­bled rayes of honour, or fixeth his serious thoughts on your Lordships superintenden­cie in publique affaires (dilating it selfe not onely from the north to the south, but sprea­ding its influence as farre as the regall eye of great Brittaine doth command) and findes not in himselfe a tye to offer upon the altar of your Lordships meriting greatnesse an ob­lation of his respect? And who so fit to patronize these waters (not more wonder­full in their effects, then happy that they are seated where your iudicious government doth blesse the country) then your Lordship, whose eminency in those parts, doth of right challenge the appropriation of what rariety soever the listes of the North doth empale? Be pleased therefore (in all accom­plishments most noble Lord) to admit of these waters (which even as they neigh­bour to your spacious revenues claime an in­terest [Page] in your safegard) submitting to your honours shielding protection, and favorable­ly to accept of the tender of his most humble service, who would willingly improve his best abilleties actually to be honoured with the title of

Your Lordships most humble servant, Mich. Stanhope.

To the Reader.

IT is plaine, I have not the least intent to gull thee in magnefying the Northerne Spaw, nor yet to tyrannize over thee, by confining, and ter­minating thy beliefe within the circle of my bare relation, by a generall avernment of what I write; for in nomination the parties who have received benefit by the water, I open unto thee a large field for thy satisfaction. If it doth appeare to thee (by conferring with any of them) that I have erred in some circumstances, stumble not at it. So long as I retaine the substance, it matters not for the shad­dow. Nor thinke it strange that I omit others who have made use of the water, since it proceedes not out of ignorance of what hath past, but out of a tender regard I have not to burthen thy patience: supposing that the culling forth of the most remarke­able instances, would bee as satisfactorie to the judicious, as many heapes of examples. My purpose aymeth rather at a compendious realtie of things, then multiplicity of stories. Most of the parties I know, and have had conference with them: the rest I have received from such authenticall testimo­nie that I doubt not but their information, is of sufficient vali­ditie to beget an undoubted confidence of their truths.

If any of those mentioned in the following discourse (out of a nice scrupulocitie) thinke themselves disparaged by particula­rising their names, I am sorry that they should be so ignorantly curious since former times have afforded many presidents (writ­ten by way of Councell, such as are those of Fernelius, Crato, and many others) wherein diverse of eminent quality (besides their names) have their diseases anotamised, without the least conceived jealousie of their reputations. They ought rather to blesse God, who hath in mercy vouchsafed them such easie meanes of their recovery, and glad themselues, that others by their example may be encouraged to have have recourse to the water for their reliefe.

It may be, it is exspected that I should satisfie the learned in [Page] one particular, namely, what assurance I can give that this our Spaw doth partake with Vitriol, and Iron, which once confir­med, there will necessarily follow an apparant probability of its ample performance of all and more then shall fall within the compasse of the following relations. This I foreseeing necessarily premising the conclusion, I desire that they would please to take for proofe of the infallibility of Vitriol the taste of the water, which is very acide, and rough upon the pallate, in plainer English, ynkish, and so like to Vitrioll or Copperes (called an­ciently Attramentum sutorium) that there is little or no dif­ference betwixt the taste of the water and the substance of Vi­trioll touched with the tongue; or a drop of the oyle thereof mixed with a little water. Besides, take a glasse of the water (which in it selfe is translucid and very cleare, equaling the choicest spring) let the quantity be a pinte or thereabout, put to it so much Gall in powder as will cover our common far­thing, stirre it never so little, and the water receiveth a per­fect Clarret dye. Or take a greene Oake sticke, bruise it at the end, and with it stirre the like quantity of water, and within a small space it is turned into a pure Saphir blew, or (standing a while with the sticke in it) to a Violet colour, both which hath beene often tryed. As for iron we account it a demonstrative note, the discollering of the earth and stones where the cur­rent of the spring runnes: for it makes the channell red, which proceedes (as may be supposed) from Rubrique, otherwise cal­led mater ferri. And the better to confirme that the water is no stranger to iron, it is very well knowne that the whole soyle where this water riseth is full of iron stone, the plenty whereof hath beene such, that the working of iron stone hath beene a meanes to exhaust a world of wood growing in that part, there being yet to see the remainder of a great iron worke within halfe a mile of the spring. Nor is the iron stone so concealed but by digging in most places it is easily found, much of it ap­pearing in broaken bankes, and in the surface of the earth. I might boldly adde hereunto (for further proofe) the discolle­ring of the stooles of such as drinke the water, giving them a blacn or deep green dye, a common observed note in iron waters, [Page] as also the operation of the water in all manner of obstructions, wherein (who knowes not) that iron doth claime an unparale­led excellency, but the ensuing discourse will make this good. Other notes an exact minerallist would easily produce, to whose discussing and disquisition I willingly leaue matters of this nature, they being improper for the spheare, both of my ca­pacity and profession.

How it comes to passe that these waters are thus vertuall, the learned can easily make appeare; for the mineralls that in­termixe with them once granted, from their natures will arise abundant satisfaction to all that are rationall of their excel­lent use. As shortly thus. Sulphur (say they that write of it) attracts, resolves, mollefieth, discusseth, cooles and dries.

Salt (whereof our Sulphur spring containes a great pro­portion) is astringent, detergent, purging, dispersing, attenu­ating, preserving from putrefaction.

Yron saith (our learned D r Iordan) hath an opening or deopilating quality, and an astringent also.

Vitrioll (according to Diascorides) doth heate and binde. It hath an exceeding subtilty of parts saith Tho. Iordanus, and is of a penetrative quality.

From their abstessive and incisive qualities, it is noted that these waters doe loosen and scatter viscuous and clammy mat­ter, they attenuate the grosse, and after by their penetrative quality, the Liver, Spleene, the meseraique veines, reines, and other partes are deopilated, and by this meanes freed from such diseases as proceede from obstruction.

D r Turner in his discourse of Baths and minerall waters saith, that waters partaking of iron and Brimstone, coole and dry, that they are proper for all soares of the Kidneyes and Bladder, they both prevent and cure the strangury, Dry up rumes, are good for them that are short winded or stopped in the breast, that spit bloud, they cure the greene sicknesse, are very fit for cold flegmatick men that would gladly have chil­dren and have none; and so for women whose default doth pro­ceed from too much moistnesse of the matrixe, they are good by drinke or glister against wormes, and fit to allay the paines in the small guts.

He saith also that where iron beareth the chiefe rule (as it doth in our Spaw) such waters are excellent for all manner of itch; hardnesse of the milt, diseases of the joynts, stiffenesse of the sinewes, cramps proceeding of moistnesse, numnesse or sleepinesse in any part, dizinesse of the head, the flixe, weake Kidneyes, pissing of blood, heate of urine, the oft, too much, and unwilling making of water, gnawings, and paines in the belly.

Waters (saith Mounsieur Pigray in the observations of the German Spaw) whereunto ours are little (I am but too mo­dest) inferiour, partaking of iron and vitrioll; revive the spi­rits, provoke appetite, facilitate digestion, free from all man­ner of obstructions; they oppose wonderfully the generatton of the stone, and hinder the knitting of the gravell with the glu­tinous raw, and vescuous humor. The Hermetically learned (saith Hermannius Wolfus in his tractate de viribus, & usu aquarum in Agro Cassellano) note that Vitroline waters have a faculty of mundefying and purging all the parts of the hody, corroborating the braine, curing the Epilepsie, exciting the appetite, killing all sorts of wormes, opposing the Palsey, Dropsie, Iaundise, breeding of the stone, suffocation of the ma­trix, all inward oppilations, prevent the goute, with many o­ther excellent qualities as may appeare in that his discourse in the third chapter. Which faculties joyned with the other mi­nerals, our waters partaking with them all, how usefull these these waters may be, I leave to the consideration of those who are able to deduce particular instances from assured generall grounds. With these authors agree many learned ones, whose opinions I spare to transcribe, being very unwilling to em­bar (que); my selfe in the discourse of these misteries, whereby I may be thought saucely to snatch the pen out of the Doctors hand, to whom I leave thee for further satisfaction, the former au­thorities being sufficient to grace our waters and confirme their vertue.

They who with some violence put me upon this taske of re­commending to the generall notice this water, with its consi­ing springs, might (if they had pleased) have undertaken it [Page] with a more plaucible entertainment: but their profession tending to prescribe to those who are to use the water (I sup­pose) caused them to forbeare their paines, least a relation from them might seeme to reflect at their particular interest▪ wherein I am altogether free.

Omitting therefore all further apollogies, (for I feare the gates are growne too great for the Citty) rather then the pub­lique should not bee benefitted, I have adventured bluntly to step upon the stage. Wherein if I may but be so happy, as by my weake (though willing) pen to invite any to the water for their good, and that I may receive of thee (that which an ho­nest intention may challenge) the Plaudite of a favourablr ac­ceptance, I shall thinke my small paines largely recompenced, and shall wish thee all successe in the use of these waters, and thy being partaker of that water, whereof whosoever drinkes shall never after be a thirst.

M. S.

A Catalogue of such persons as have recei­ved benefit or cure by Minerall waters of Knaresborow in Yorkeshire.

Of the Stone
  • M rs. Rolfe of Hadley in ihe County of Suffolke, pag. 6.
  • Henry Curra of Whardale of 50. yeares. p. 6.
  • Henry Rowley of Linton, aged 60. yeares, p. 7.
  • M rs. May of Yorke, very old, p. 8.
  • William Shan of Medley, p. 13.
Of Vlcers in Kidneis
  • M rs. Barker of Doare, p. 7.
  • M rs. Ellis of Beaverly, cured of the like,
Of Mallencholly.
  • M r. Sacheveril of Darbishire, p. 8.
  • M rs. Ayre of Rampton, p. 9.
Of shortnesse of Breath.
  • One Wallis, aged 50. yeares, p. 14.
  • The Countesse of Buchingham, p. 14.
Of weaknesse in the Limmes.
  • M Foules an Advocate of Scotland p. 11.
  • The Lady Vavisour p. 13.
Of Swelling
  • Maude Bogge, aged 50. yeares. p. 18.
  • A poore man of the like, p. 18.
  • A poore woman of the like in her breast, p. 19.
Of severall other infirmities.
  • William Tompson of the Hecticke Feaver, p. 10.
  • M r. Rauden of a strange sort of wormes, p. 12.
  • The Lady Hoyle, a strange cure, p. 15.
  • A poore Boy of the Falling-sicknesse, p. 16.
  • One Smith a Shoomaker of the Scurvey, p. 19.
  • A Minister of a violent Flixe, with many others▪

A RELATION OF CERTAINE PARTI­CVLAR CVRES DONE BY Vertue of Minerall waters neare Knares­borow in the west-riding of the County of Yorkshire

BEFORE entrance be made into the insuing narrations, it will not be amisse for the satisfaction of such who are meere strangers to the knowledge of these waters, to let them know, that it is now full sixe yeares since notice hath beene given to the world by a booke called Spadacrene or the English Spaw (written by Doctor Deane a learned Physitian of the City of Yorke) of certaine minerall waters seated in the Forrest of Knaresborow, in the west riding of York­shire. Since which time divers have repaired to them from remote places (according to their se­verall [Page 2] necessities to experement them, invited by the Doctors promised probabilities of their use­full operations. What hath beene the event and successe, I have vndertaken to present to the pub­lique view, beginning first with a short Epito­mie of the waters discriptions which I know can­not but be expected.

Of divers Springs that (as it were) presse which should be first seene, within a small distance one of another (some whereof being of the same na­ture, differing onely Secundum magis et minus, o­thers varying in their composures dispensed and ordered by the carefull and vnimitable hand of provident nature) there are two most remarque­able, which beyond expectation have advanced themselves by their admirable faculties. The one is now called the Spaw, but formerly knowne by the name of the Tuit well, deriving its vertue principally from iron and vittriall. This hath bin long knowne, and of late hath beene much fre­quented, blessing many that have made use of it with extraordinary good effects. It is distant from Knaresborow (being a place very apt to accommo­date strangers plentifully both for dyet and lod­ging) about a mile and a halfe. Though the soile where this Spring riseth doth afford divers of the like nature, yet till of late there hath not any bin so industrious as to search which is it that may iustly challenge the precedence. This last Summer 1631. it was my hap to disco­ver a new Spring distancing it selfe about a quarter of a mile from the other, which af­ter [Page 3] it had beene trenched, and opened, did give satisfaction to all (that were not partiall) that it deserves a better degree of estimation then the o­ther. I would be loath to disparage the old spring, yet I must take leave to presume that this late found Spring doth exceed the other in these fol­lowing particulars, which whether they give lu­ster to it by way of excellency or no, I submit to the iudgement of the learned.

First for the Scituation, it is placed in the de­sent of a great hill, the ground round about it be­ing very firme, whereby it giveth advantage of faire dry walkes, wherein the other is very defe­ctive, for that rising in a flat, the ground neare un­to it is boggye, to the preiudice of the water, confining the company that resort to it within too narrow a compasse.

Secondly, in the triall with the Gall, the colour of the new Spring changeth more hastily, and the water admits of a deeper dye then the other.

Thirdly, divers who have tryed this water vo­luntarily affirme that they can with more ease, and with lesse nauciousnesse to the stomach, drink 20. glasses of it, then 14 of the other, which if I mistake not) shewes a great measure of repleat­nesse of Spirits.

Fourthly, being carried as farre as the Citty of Yorke, it retaineth as full and as brisque a taste there, as the other doth at the Spring head, and tryed so farre off with the Gall, it lookes with a bould ruddy face upon the beholder: whereas the other abates much of its native taste being [Page 4] brought to the Citty, and lookes but with a pale shamfac't blush, having received the admixture of the powder of the Gall. So that there is no doubt but this water may be transported to very good use, supposing the bottells to be very well stopt, which is a caution to be necessarily observed by all those that will send for the water, whereby the way I would wish such as have the water brought to them, to make use rather of glasse, then of stone bottels, but as for woodden ones (which I have seene fild with the water) in regard of the poorenesse of that substance, it is but lost labour to use them, the life of the water consisting cheif­ly in the spirits, which are of such a nimble agile nature, that they are very apt to transpire, and scorne to be imprisoned in woodden walls.

Lastly it is most aparant that this late foūd spring hath an admixture of Brimstone, besides the iron and vitriall, which I take to bee an aditament of worth and noblenesse, for the more variety of minerall (say the best observers of these waters) the more proper for diversity of distēpers: & that sulpher springs are profitable in the infirmities of the Lungs, there is no doubt to bee made, ha­ving also a healing quallitie, and therefore fitly appliable to any inward vlcerated part by which the water shall passe. This spring upon examina­tion (proving in all points desirable) excellent, was this last summer set with stone, where it now stands upon its triall, and doth boldly challenge any whatsoever of the same nature.

Neighboring to this, there are three other dif­fering [Page 5] springs not a mile distant one from the o­ther, wherein Sulpher (not in its substance but vapour) doth predominate. One of them hath beene long knowne by the name of the stinking well (for though the water bee very cleare, yet it is most true that it hath (scarce) a sufferable sent, whereby it hath beene found by them that sought it not. It is actually cold, and besides its sulpherous quallitie (which is in a very high de, gree) it is exceeding salt, so that a pottle of it being evaporated, there will be found aboue halfe an ounce of perfect salt remaining. There is another not yeelding at all to this in its sulpheriousnesse, but it is not perceivably salt at all. A third that is both sulpherous, and salt, but in a more remisse degree. The first of these three is onely in re­quest, and hath acted its part with great approv­ment, the other two are neglected, though I am perswaded they may be found (for some bodies) more apt and proper then the former, were they iudiciously examined.

The Spaw springs though they usually chal­lenge (as doth the Spaw in Germanie, which is the reason we give them the same name) a singu­larity in easing and curing (such as are curable of the stone, and gravell, as also in opening the ob­structions of the Spleane, and allaying all Me­lancholly effects and passions, yet it will appeare by the subsequent discourse and relations, that this kind of water hath other rare and secret in­fluences and opperations, which hath procured no small wonder in those who have observed the ef­fects! [Page 6] The particular instances whereof (with­out any longer suspending thy expectation, I now intend to enter upon, beginning first with the cure and alleviation of the stone and o­ther distempers incident to the Kidneys and Reines.

In the yeare 1626. M rs. Rolf of Hadley in the County of Suffolke, having occasion to give a vi­sit to some of her neare friends in Yorkshire, with­in a few weekes of her stay there, shee found her selfe suddenly surprised with extraordinary sharp fits, which by there symptomes did manifestly appeare to be the stone. Hereupon she applyed her selfe to the Physitians advise, but finding lit­tle or no ease by their prescriptions (though pro­bable ones) she was perswaded to try the new water at Knaresborow, where she had not cōtinued aboue a fortnight, but she voyded many stones, to the number of a hundred, bigger and lesse, whereby shee was quit of all her paine, and hath ever since continued in health, free from all man­ner of anoyance in that kind.

Henry Curra of Whardale in the westerne parts of Yorkshire, servant to S r. Peter Middleton, about the age of 50. yeares, having suffered much pain for divers yeares, his fits of the stone being so violent that he was not able to ride on horseback, or to lye in his bed an houre together without ri­sing, nothing that he could take affording him a­ny ease, he went at last to the Spaw spring, where having drunke the water about a month, he voy­ded divers stones, some whereof he hath to shew [Page 7] being bigger then a great Pea. Hee returned home eased of all his paine, hee recovered his strength, and is now well able to ride about his occasions without any disturbance, nor hath hee ever since (being now 3. yeares) had any fits wor­thy of complaint.

Henry Rowley of Linton, neare Weatherby in Yorkshire, of the age of 60. yeares, much per­plexed a long time with the stopping of his wa­ter, by his repaire to the Spaw voyded much gra­vell, and from that time was no more troubled so long as he lived.

M rs. Barker of Doare in Darbeshire about the age of 34. yeares, had a dangerous ulcer in her Kidney, besides a very obstructed body, where­with she was brought so low, that she was not a­ble to go without the support of one or two; her stomack had lost its appetite, not able through weakenesse to disgest any meate, no nor the most apt broathes that could be made, so that she was forced to sustaine nature by returning to her in­fant pap. In this weake and desperate condition (having formerly not spared to use all the helpes that could be devised by the Physitian) she was gently brought to the Spaw, not expecting (as she told me her selfe) to be recovered, onely she thought it not fit to be wanting to any meanes that might bee propounded. It pleased God to give such a blessing in the use of the water (which she dayly drunke as well as shee was able) that within a few dayes there came from her an in­credible deale of putrid matter, which gave her [Page 8] such ease, that by degrees she gathered strength, her inward parts were deopilated, her stomack restored, and within the compasse of 5. weekes she was (to the wonder of all that had taken no­tice of her) reduced to a most apparent state of health and ability of body. I seeing her this sum­mer, 1631. at the Spaw, (for it was the foregoing yeare shee had received her cure, and this yeare came onely to the water to confirme her selfe) could not but admire to behold so fresh a looke, and so well liking a body, considering the report of her former exceeding weakenesse.

I will not say it were time lost, but it might be better spent then to multiply all the knowne examples in this kinde, the foregoing ones being of sufficient proofe to make good the waters effi­catious use in the infirmity of the stone. Not that I am to seeke for more, for I might (but that I willingly avoyd superfluous tediousnesse) adde to the other.

M rs. Ellis wife to M r. Ellis Minister at Beaver­ly, who received a wondrous cure in the like ul­cerated part.

M rs. May a Cittizens wife of Yorke, who after many yeares trouble (being of great age) was absolutely freed from her long continued fits of the stone with diverse others whom I purposely omit (nothing being more ordinary) that others may come into play (though of a differing kinde, yet) of remarkeable note.

For Melancholy and Splenetique effects, there are few or none (that I have ever yet heard of) [Page 9] who have repaired to this Spaw water, but have found extraordinary ease, and a great abatement of those disturbances which are the ordinary unwelcome attendants of that distemper.

Amongst others, M r. Sacheveril of Darbishire (hearing of this Spaw water) came to Yorke to ad­vise with Dr. Deane, who after hee had fitly pre­pared his body (a rule grossely omitted by ma­ny) sent him Knaresborow to drinke of the water, being in the yeare, 1630. to his great releife. For whereas hee had beene exceedingly long time perplexed with many fearefull passions, and upon sleight occasions, apt to entertaine horrid and astonishing imaginations; the ordinary com­panions of that desease called Hypochondriaca pas­sio) he returned to Yorke to give D r. Deane thanks for his sending him to the water, professing his spirits to be much cheared, his fancy cleared from all cloudy and misty conceits, which his very looke and inspecttion did witnesse, and so he re­turned home continuing ever since in a constant tenor of a quiet and uninterrupted condition.

M rs. Ayre wife to M r. Anthony Ayre of Rampton, in Nottinghamshire, a gentlewoman of much worth and esteeme for her aproved vertue, and all other requisites that give luster to her sexe, had (with the expence of much money) tryed what could be done in the taming and qualifying of that same dull malancholly humor, her selfe not unseene (as in many rare secrets so) in curi­ous receits of that kinde, at length grew weary in trying conclusions, receiving little or no benefit [Page 10] by any. She was drawne at last by report of the Yorkeshire Spaw, to try the effects of it, which was in the yeare 1629. where shee found more com­fort and ease by one moneths use of the water, then she could ever receive by all the best advise her money could purchase.

Others I have knowne affected or rather af­flicted in this kinde, who have acknowledged to have received great benefit by this water, whose names and stories I spare the forenamed being sufficient instances of the powerfull effect of this water in moderating this same Ludibrium Medico­rum, the melancholly humor.

I shall now present a missellanie of other cures, or rather wonders, worthy the serious considera­tion of the learned, and the admiration of all.

M r. William Tompson Postmaster of Weatherby in Yorkshire, had continued desperately sicke of a hectick feaver 28. weeks, living then in Cambridge­shire. He had used the advice of the best Physi­tians in those parts, and was at last given over as a man past hope, his weakenesse being such that he went not to the stoole in all that time, but by the helpe of a suppository, or the like meanes. In this poore estate (hearing of this water) hee ad­ventureth in the depth of winter (a most unseaso­nable time by the consent of all those who write of the use of these kinde of waters) to experi­ment them, and so with some difficulty he was brought to Weatherby being distant from Knares­borow foure miles. Having rested a day or two, he began to drinke of the water, which had such [Page 11] good effect in him, that without any paine at all hee had the benefit (the first day) of nature, and within a few dayes he found a strange alteration in his body, his stomack was quickned, and his spirits strangely revived. He continued the drin­king of the water 14. dayes, till at length he was not sensesible of any defect that might cause him to make any longer use of it.

To be short, within a small time (through Gods blessings) meerely by this water he was restored to be a perfect man, and so continueth. This was in the yeare 1628.

M r. Foules a gentleman of Scotland, and advo­cate of Edenborow, about the age of 57. yeares, throught a weakenesse of all his lims proceeding (as may bee supposed) from a relaxation of the sinewes, was not able (but with much trembling) to lift his hand to his mouth, or to get on, or off his horse but with much helpe, he came to Kna­resbow in the yeare 1627. where having staid a­bout a moneth, drinking every morning of the Spaw spring, and making use of the Sulpher wa­ter by way of bath at his lodging, before he de­parted hee was able to performe all fit offices a­bout himselfe, without the aide of any, and hath continued in good state of body ever since.

M r. Rauden of Rauden in Yorkshire, had beene many yeares soare vexed with terrible panges, and gripings in his body, so that through the con­tinuall extremity of his distemper, his flesh was decayed, his appetite lost, and his sleepe very short and unquet. He had used the advise of some [Page 12] of the best Physitians of the Kingdome, but fin­ding little or no ease, hee came to try what the Spaw water would doe, being then but newly de­vulged. Not many dayes after he had drunke of the water, hee avoyded two great chaines of wormes, being either of them above a yard long, which though they seemed divers wormes linckt together, by the severall motions in many parts at once (which had they beene, would have a­mounted to thousands) yet were but one, of which the learned report that kinde of worme to be of a strange and scarce credible length. A­bout 4. dayes after hee voyded 4. other single wormes, great and very long, but dead; After which he voyded no more, but was freed from all manner of paine, and by degrees and steps as­cended againe to his former best health, and hath continued a sound man ever since.

The confident knowledge hereof invited a Gentleman (a neighbour of his) called Rockley, having continued long a very infirme man, and not able by any meanes to understand the cause of his weaknesse, to try the water, where after he had staid a few dayes, there came from him 14. wormes or rather Monstra, as some will tearme them, every one about an intch long and alive. Their heads were black, and their tayles tipt with black, all of them having many feet. About 6. dayes after he voyded 4. more of the like forme alive: Most of them hee kept alive in a boxe a few dayes which were seene of many with no little wonderment. Since which time hee hath [Page 13] recovered strength, and liveth now in very good health.

The Lady Vavisour (wife to S r. Thomas Vavi­sour Baronet of Yorkshire) had lost in a manner the use of all her lims, through what distemper I know not, but she was brought to such a degree of weakenesse, that child-like shee was rockt in a cradle: There was no meanes unassaied which might reinable her, but all in vaine. In this estate she was brought to the Spaw water, by the use whereof (by Gods mercy) shee was restored to strength and health.

One William Shan of Medley in Yorkshire, being much troubled with the stopping of his water, which caused intollerable paine, in a desperate mood in one of his fits (being a man of extraor­dinary courage) caused an instrument of iron to bee made by an ordinary Smith, about the big­nesse and length of a pack-needle. This (not any other daring to doe it) hee (boldly rather than wisely) thrust up into his yard, and pulling it forth violently, hee opened the passage, so that a great quantity of water with an intermixture of blood issued forth, by reason of a dangerous wound made by the instrument, which after pro­ving ulcerous, could by no meanes bee healed. He (as his last refuge) repaired to the Spaw wa­ter, where within a few dayes hee received not onely cure of his former stoppage of water, but was perfectly cured of his ulcer.

One Walles of Copeland in the county of Nor­thumberland, about the age of 50. yeares, being [Page 15] of an extraordinary corpulencie of body, his bel­ly especially of a vaste greatnesse. For diverse yeares, he had not beene able to goe the space of an hundred yards (especially if it were an ascent) without resting himselfe, his breath failing him upon the least extraordinary motion. By the drin­king of the Spaw water hee was brought to that passe within three weekes, that his belly did fall to an ordinary size, he was able to goe from the Towne of Knaresborow to the Spring (which is a mile and an halfe, part of it being a great ascent) without any desire of ease, and hath continued ever since a man as able to foote it as most of his age.

The like effect the late Right Honourable Countesse of Buckingham found, who this last Summer 1631. vouchsafed to honour the Northern Spaw with her presence. Her infirmity (I have it from her owne mouth) was a shortnesse of breath, not being able to get up an ordinary paire of staires but with much difficultie of breathing, and resting once at the least. There is none will question but her ample fortune was able to com­mand the choycest helpes of physick: Which failing, shee had recourse to Wellingborow, but e­ven that water, (so much famed) was not able to performe any thing worth her stay. At last she was advised by a learned Artist (who was no stranger to this our Spaw) to make tryall of our water. Her honour was pleased to tell mee (ha­ving drunke orderly of the water about tenne dayes) that she found the whole frame of her bo­dy [Page 14] reduced to a very good temper, and for that particular, which occasioned her comming to the water, she did professe seriously, that she was well able to mount two paire of staires without either support, or the least desire of respite. The time of the yeare was somewhat too farre spent at her comming to the water (for it was the mid­dle of August) so that the couldnesse of the aire, and frequent showers, forc't her departure be­fore the water could finish its worke, which was no small prejudice to her after being.

M rs. Fareweather of the Cittie of Yorke, dwel­ling in Micklegate had beene long troubled with a dizinesse in her head (call it the vertigo or what you please) so that if shee did but stoope to the ground (looking downewards) she was ready to fall; by the use of the Spaw water for the space of a moneth was absolutely freed from this her di­stemper.

The Lady Hoyle wife to the new Lord Maior of the Citty of Yorke, after she had beene the mo­ther of foure children, did fall into a strange in­firmity. Her face (for the most part every tenne or eleven weekes after shee had conceived) did swell and grow very red, many knobs arising in diverse parts of her face. The swelling sometimes was such that it almost deprived her (for the time) of her sight: during the continuance of which trouble she miscarried of three or foure children together. It must be supposed one of her ability (being happy also by enjoying a tender, loving husband) could want no meanes that part could [Page 16] afford, but no proof or good successe was found. She was at last advised to repaire to the Spaw, where she staied about 3. weekes, finding appa­rant signes of her bodyes alteration. Within two moneths of her returne home, it pleased God shee conceived, continuing in a constant state of health to the time of her delivery. She hath since then been blest with diverse children, not having the least touch of her former distemper.

A poore boy about the age of 13. yeares, had often strange fits like those of the Epilepsie or fa­ling sicknes, yet somewhat differing from the or­dinary fits of that disease, neither foaming at the mouth, nor shewing any distortions of counte­nance. He would lye (as if he had beene dead) the space of a quarter of an houre without the least motion. In this case hee had continued a yeare and more, and did usually fall two or three times a day. Hee was brought to drinke of the Spaw water, and within ten dayes did so alter, that he did not fall above once in sixe dayes space. He returned home in hope of recovery, yet too soone if my advise might have taken place; but the party that brought him thither, told me hee was not able to stay in regard of the charge.

M rs. Sadler daughter to that same reverend sage of the Law, S r. Edward Cooke (let her pardon me that I close the relations of the Spaw with her name, who for her worth and excellent parts de­served to bee rank't and equalled with the best of her sexe) came to the Spaw in the yeare 1630. Her distemper (as neare as I can enforme my [Page 17] felfe) was a long continued fixed paine in her head. It is very probable that shee received be­nefit by the waters use, which encouraged her to repaire to the water againe the last yeare 1631. And pitty it were she should not finde good suc­cesse, shee shewed her selfe so rare a patterne of patience, in attending the issue of 6. weekes stay, not any one that I have observed, proceeding in the whole course in drinking of the water, with such constant observation of all those rules which are requisite to be observed by those who expect benefit by the water.

And now having finished what I thinke fit to instance concerning this our Spaw water, I will adde a few experiments of the Sulpher spring.

Maud Bogge (for by that name she is common­ly knowne) a woman of an ordinary condition, dwelling in the City of Yorke; about the age of 50. yeares, had a swelling about her Ancle, which had continued long. The place was for the most part very red, and hard, whereunto was applied diverse meanes by the Surgeons to bring it to a head, but nothing avayled. Her paine did dayly increase, the part was growne monsterous­ly great, whereby shee began to loose the use of her lime. She was at length advised to goe to the Sulpher spring neare Knaresborow, whether with much adoe she was brought on horseback. The next day after her comming shee drunke li­berally of the water, which purged her in a vio­lent manner, and at night she bathed her legge in the water at her lodging. This course she conti­nued [Page 18] for three dayes, during which time the swelling abated very much, and she was able the fourth day to tread on the ground so boldly and firmely, that without expecting any further ope­ration of the water, shee returned to the Citty of Yorke on foot, as if shee scorned any other helpe, and within a weeke shee was so perfectly cured, that diverse who had seene her swelled legge, did admire to see her trot up and downe the City, as if she had never ayled any thing. This was in the the yeare 1627. This Summer being 1631. I spoke with her at Yorke from whom I had her story, D r. Deane and diverse others in Yorke taking speciall notice of it.

In the yeare 1629. there came a poore man to make use of the Sulphur spring, whose name and abode I have not had the opertunity to learne. Hee had a great swelling in his knee which had continued long. The place was exceeding hard to feele to, & growne over with haire, nor could the force of any medicine make it to yeeld to any abatement or suppuration. He drunke of the wa­ter dayly, which purged him, and bathed his leg often in it: within lesse then a fortnight the part did sensiblely soften, and soone after did breake, whence issued a great number of small wormes, to the amazement of diverse. Freed from these, he was much refreshed, and within a few dayes re­turned to his home by all appearance a sound man. S r F. F. A noble Knight (who lived then neare Knaresborow) tooke (as there was good cause) speciall notice of this strange cure, whose unble­mished [Page 19] reputation is a sufficient warrant to satis­fie me in the publishing of it.

One Benson who dwelleth neare the spring, as­sured me a poore woman had received the like cure in one of her breasts, whereof he was a wit­nesse.

There is nothing more familiar then for poore people to repaire to this spring, most of thē (that have the patience to stay) receiving cure of old soares, and ulcerated parts. What inward desea­ses this water doth properly respect, hath not yet (which is great pitty) been judiciously examined: but that it may be usefully applied, this one fol­lowing instance may fully satisfie.

One Smith a Shoomaker dwelling in the City of Yorke, was extreamely overgrowne with the Scurvey, so that he was in some danger of his life, usuall medicines nothing availing. Hee was at length advised by a learned Scholler in the City (by profession a Divine, M r G. yet versed of late in phy­sicall notions) to send for the Sulphur spring wa­ter to his house, which he not very willingly did, thinking it a hard taske to drink water in the cold of winter. His ordinary draught was halfe a pint in the morning, which had such good successe in him, that within lesse then a moneth he was by this and other meanes quit of his disease.

The like effect a good old man in the City ex­perimented to his great reliefe. Mr A. P.

Loe here two springs of admirable operations! And if an exact Sumetritian by the proportion of Hercules his foote bee able to collect the [Page 20] whole fabrick of his body, why may not the learned (whose serious thoughts are bent upon the theory of natures secrets) from these exam­ples deduce excellent conclusions of large and ample use.

I had thought to shut up this discourse but that I am loath to smoother any thing that may tend to the publique good.

Those who have observed the wonders of this our happy Ile, have taken notice of a Spring sea­ted underneath the Castle of Knaresborow, com­monly called the dropping Well, famous for the turning whatsoever is cast into it or casually falls in (as Mosse, leaves, sticks, and the like) into stone: whereupon it is that this Spring is visi­ted of many by way of admiration. But time hath of late discovered a physicall use of this water, namely, that it is an infallible cure for a flixe.

This yeare 1631. it was my chance to bee a witnesse of this particular. A Minister of Yorke­shire one Greatheed, came to Knaresborow to give his attendance on a noble Gentlewoman, whose infirmitie did crave the aide of the Spaw water. He (not intending to drinke of the water serious­ly) thought hee might safely now and then (as many do for companies sake) take a few draughts of the Spaw water within a weekes stay (by what accident I know not) hee was overtaken with a violent flixe, which continued three dayes in such a degree of excesse, that there was just cause to feare. At that time there was happily in the house a Physician of good note, one Dr. Webbe (a [Page 21] Gentleman of extraordinary curious parts be­sides his exact knowledge in his profession, to whom these Northerne waters are indebted for his carefull examination of them, and his wil­lingnesse to advance their dew fame) whose ad­vise being craved (and time it was to advise, for the party was brought so weak, that he was stept into a degree of convulsions) he (out of former experience in a noble Lady in the same case, who (all other meanes failing) had received present helpe by this dropping Well) presently caused him to drinke a draught of the said water, which without dallying instantly staied the flixe, so that within a few dayes he became a strong man.

These fore rehearsed truths considered, whe­ther may not Knaresborow challenge any place in Europe for variety of usefull and rare springs? If it be objected by any (for there is a snarling gene­ration that have ever something to say (though to no great purpose) against any thing) that they have met with those who have beene at these rare waters, and have found little or no benefit by them. I answer, was there ever yet any medicine heard or read of, of that unvalluable worth that was an assured Catholicon against all diseases? I but (say they) your waters have failed even in these particular instances which you have men­tioned. I grant it, and yet no derogation from the waters efficatious use. A disease is curable at one time, which at another admits no possibilitie. Veniente occurrite morbo. Sero medicina paratur, &c. A young twigge may easily be pul'd up, but [Page 22] let it grow, and there will be much adoe to make it wag. If it be replied that such as have repaired to the water, were but newly entred into their di­stempers, and yet returned no better then they came thither: without any long quarreling about the matter, I say it is a wonder that diverse who drinke of the water returne not worse. For how many (if they were well examined) prepare their bodies, which how grosse an omission it is, let the learned judge? Besides how few are there who keepe an ordinary diet? How many depart (in a chafe) from the water, because they have not found themselves in a weeke as sound as a Bell; when as (the world knowes) their bodies have beene crack't and crasie for many yeares?

And yet these gallants (gilty perhaps of all these errors) complaine of want of vertue in these wa­ters, when the greatest want is in themselves be­ing refractory and averse in observing a metho­dicall course, without which the most elaborate and choice recepts that ever were, are liable to disparagements.

But I have done squabbling with these humo­rists, and for the benefit of the more ingenious sort, I desire that (for their owne sakes) they would (if necessity hale them to these waters, for they are no more to be played withall, than any other physick) take notice of these following cautions, which require a necessary observance of all.

First, undertake not thy selfe to judge of thine owne body, what correspondence the water [Page 23] may have with thy infirmitie: but repaire to the learned Physitian, to whom it properly belongs to determine of thee.

Secondly, being once resolved to use the wa­ter, fit thy self for it by taking a day or two before thou drinke of it, some such apt preparative as best may sute with the quality and nature of thy distemper. For this purpose advise with an un­derstanding Physician (especially one that is acquainted with the waters use) for hee it is (and onely hee) that knoweth how to vary prescripti­ons, and to apply to every one that which is most proper.

Thirdly, resolve during the time of thy drin­king the water to keep an orderly diet in the qua­lity of it, avoyding all meates of grosse nourish­ment, and in the quantity let thy meales be spare but especially thy suppers. And if that at other times thou art indulgent to thy appetite, now doe as Salomon adviseth in another case. Put thy knife to thy throat and restraine thy former liberty: which strictnesse would be observed (to very good purpose) a moneth after thy departure from the water, according to the opinion of the best observers.

Fourthly, keep thy selfe (according to the sea­son) in such a degree of temper, that neither im­moderate heate nor coldnesse of the aire offend thee, but of the latter there is the more feare, the mornings being often cold. The place and scitua­tion of these waters doe a little too much expose all conditions of people that repaire to them to [Page 24] the inconvenience of a cold piercing aire, there­fore it were to bee wisht that those of the more tender sort, whether of sexe, education, or acci­dentall weakenesse, would (during the time of their drinking the water) every morning when they goe to the fountain be armed with an indiffe­rent warme garment, which if it be not put off till the water have had its operation (which for the most part is four hours after the drinking, unlesse the day prove more then ordinary warme) were not amisse. For I am perswaded these same slash't carbonadoed sutes so much in fashion, are no small prejudice to most that weare them. And yet how many are there both of yeares (though not of discretion in this) and of weake constitutions (but more weake judgements) who (rather then they will not bee at the command of that same grand dominering Tyrant Mounsieur Deformite) care not how soone they leave the world rather then live out of the fashion, be it never so uselesse and monstrous.

Fiftly, attempt not to drinke these waters, but with a prepared patience to attēd the issue of their opperation, according to the usuall time allotted for them, which ought to bee a moneth at least. The precipitate and hasty parting from them is no small cause why many finde not the benefit which they expect. In the close before thou leave the place, it is very convenient to take a gentle purge of the nature of thy preparative.

Lastly, if in the use of the water it doth plaine­ly appeare to thee that it worketh effectually, [Page 25] crosse not the course of it by an intermixture of any other physick, whose ayde ought onely to bee craved when the water is wanting in its per­formance, or doth produce some extraordinary sumptomes, and then the learned hand of Arte may be a great meanes to support and relieve the weakenesse of nature, or any other accidentall in­convenience.

Other concurring circumstances there are, not unworthythy observation in drinking the water which are learnedly and accurately set downe in the Spadacrene, whereunto I referre thee for a full satisfaction both of the nature and use of the wa­ter. Let me only put thee in minde that the most proper time to use the water is from the middle of Iune to the end of August.

I am not ignorant that late years have brought to light in diverse parts of the Kingdome, waters of neare alliance to this our Northerne Spaw: but by the best enquiry I can make, it is plaine they must all vaile bonet to this of ours, for fullnesse of minerall and activety of spirits, be they what they will, whether those of Wellingborow, Tun­bridge, Bristow, or any other. And that which makes this our water not patternable (besides its owne worth) is the confluence and variety of Springs, that (by way of attendance) environ it. For I dare bee bold to affirme that within the di­stance of two miles, I will shew seaven severall Springs all of diverse natures, aparantly distin­guishable either in taste, or smell. So that (I am perswaded) had these waters but the happinesse [Page 26] to be honoured one Summer with the presence, and examination of some such learned Artist as D r. Iordin (who in his late exact discourse of mi­nerall waters, and baths, shewes he hath a supar­lative capacity of diving into the bowels of the earth, and exposing to light those hidden miste­ries that lie lockt up in the bosome of that dark Element) not onely this Kingdome, but most neighboring Nations would troope unto them, having once received allowance by the divulging of his or the like judicious pen.

Nor is this all that is wanting to these waters. There is a staine unthought of, which time I hope wash away, for it is a shame it hath so long con­tinued.

Those who neighbour nearest to these waters, are an indigenous poore people, not able to step out of the roade of their laborious calling, being plaine husbandmen and cottagers, and therefore it cannot be expected they should accommodate them in their many usefull concernments where­in they are most grossely defective. What un­seemely shifts have I seen many strangers of note put to for want of a convenient place of retire­ment? How is the company forc't sometimes to leave the place for want of shelter to defend them from the gusts of many a cold morning, wherein though all doe suffer, yet those that are weake (I assure my selfe) receive more prejudice by the piercing bleake aire, then benefit by the water? For if in the smallest physicall preparatives that are prescribed, we are fitly charged to beware of [Page 27] cold, or any impetuousnesse of the aire, how much more in the frequent draughts of this wa­ter, which is apt (with some violence) now and then to open the body? And that which is strange, of many scores that meet in a morning and conti­nue for the most part an houre together, there is scarce a seate provided for halfe a dozen to re­pose them. Is it not a shame that the Sulphur spring (whereof many of the best sort have occa­sion to drinke) should lie open for the promiscu­ous use of all sorts, without any due order obser­ved in the keeping of it, so that poore Lazer, im­potent people, doe dayly environ it, whose pu­trid rags lie scattered up and downe, and it is to bee doubted whether they doe not wash their soares, & cleanse their besmeared clouts (though unseene) where diverse after dippe their cups to drinke. Not that I would have the poore debard the use of the spring, (God forbid that those should not bee most especially cared for, who are least able to care for themselves) but I see no cause why the use may not be reduced to a better order. And if it be doubted that this spring will hardly bee accommodated for all sorts (which I make no doubt but it may, being carefully gar­ded) I will undertake within a quarter of a mile to finde one or two of the same equall worth which may be appropriated for the meaner sort. From this & the like abuse it is that diverse justly complaine, and wish that some one might be de­puted by authority to mannage these waters, and to provide all things necessary for their more fit [Page 28] use, conditionally that allowance might be made annually by all such as have recourse to them ac­cording to their qualities. But if wishes would serve the turne, this (with many more neglects) had found redresse long since. That which I thinke worthy of complaint is, that of so many of note who have received benefit by these waters, nay some of them, who (under God) owe their lives to them, there is not one that hath left be­hinde any memoriall of their gratitude worth the remembrance. Of ten Leapers, there was one that returned to give thanks, (which was the only fee that was expected for his cure) and hee alone was stampt upon as worthy his recovery.

Nahaman the Syrian by the dim light of nature could see that his restoring to health would de­serve a large recompence, and therefore he came furnished with gifts of great worth, which hee pressingly (though refused) tendered the Prophet. And I verily thinke that there are some now li­ving, who could they have beene assured (before their comming to these waters) of such a latitude of unexpected health as now they enjoy by them, they would have purchased it at halfe their e­states. Shall after ages then take notice of so ma­ny as have beene raised from their weary sicke couches to perfect strength, and no signe of thankefullnesse remaining, but because they have beene put to straights at their being at the waters, must others hereafter shift as they have done? A benefit (let it derive it selfe whence it will) doth ever (in an ingenious spirit) traine after it a [Page 29] tacite and innominate obligation of a gratefull re­turne, and implicitly challenge a proportionable retribution, according to the quality of the per­son, and benefit received. Let it never bee said therefore (yee especially (whosoever yee are) whose estates raise you (like Saul) the shoulders and upwards above others) that ye are indebted to the Spaw for your recoveries, and that ye left it as naked of all fit supplement as ye found it, but stirre up one another to give a largesse to make the place more apt for after times, both to invite strangers thither, and comfort those of the mea­ner sort with some fit accommodations, who are necessitated to use the water. Yee that have beene at these waters know the naturall rudenesse of the place, how voyde it is of all provisions, and Christians (of all others) should remember, that they are not borne for themselves, but that they ought to cast an eye upon succeeding ages.

But if ye will leave this worke for others now your owne turnes are served, yet something (ac­cording to the old saying) hath some savour: Me thinkes the neighbouring poore of the place (who are not a few) might taste of your bounty whom ye shall finde the best treasurers and stewards of your liberality. Or looke upon some poore de­solate Parishes that border upon the Spaw (which save the ordinary service scarce once in a yeare know what the comfortable refection of a teach­ing Minister meaneth) what a sort of starved soules there are for want of the word dispensed to them, and by supplying that defect, God shall [Page 30] be honoured, and a blessing will be the readier to attend the waters. Yet why doe I strive to rouze and stimulate your beneficence, by prescribing to you wayes of thankefulnesse? Where true charity is, it needs no prompting, but can finde a thousand dry channels to moisten with its wel­come streames. I hope this little blast I have made bold to give, will be sufficient either in you or some other (if the world be not drawne dry of generousnes) to make your expressions breake forth into a flame of bounty.

To conclude (for my ambition to promote the common good, hath perhaps (as some may thinke) caused me to expatiate a little too farre) since it is undeniable by the preceding particu­lars, that these waters are worth the cherishing.

Cease then who ere thou art, (whose snarling vaine
Will not permit thee, see thy Country's gaine;)
To staine these waters with thy bleare-ey'd looke,
Or mis-interpret this truth-speaking Booke.
But if thy dreggy and distemper'd bloud,
So cloud thy braine thou canst not see what's good:
Repaire to these our waters, which can quell,
Those mistie vapours and all fogs dispell.
Ye Chimists whose high-perching wits aspire,
T' extract the quintescence of all by fire,
Dreame ye no more of what was never knowne:
(But by suppose) that all effecting stone
The gate to wealth, and what mans heart can thinke,
Which makes your brains to sweat, your pens with inke
To blur your papers, for ye doe but leave
Behinde darke mists of words that doe deceive.
Here would ye spend a few of these lost dayes
Ye now bestow, O with what worthy praise,
Might ye endeare your Country's good and finde
Matter well worth your labour, to unbinde:
By your extractions those same linkes and chaines
Of hidden secrets which as yet remaines
Vntide, that their proportion duely knowne,
Their use might be divulg'd to every one.
And ye bold brazen scattered Empericks,
Who purge mens purses with your cheating tricks:
Leave to disport your selves with your conceats,
Of jugling powders that can worke all feats.
The learned know, and who best judge must grant,
Y'are grosse impostures, blinde and ignorant,
Come sit you downe, by these our waters bankes,
Note well their rare effects, what severall rankes
Of starved bodies here receive their cure,
Which would ye marke in time ye might procure:
By your observing to direct and guide,
Such as to long sad weakenesse haue beene tide.
For here are wonders of no common straine,
Diseases cur'd without or griefe or paine.
The shaking Palsy here gets steady lims,
The giddy Megrim and the braine that swims:
The Vlcer of the Kidneyes and the stone,
(That is not fixt) all such as make their moane,
Of perturb'd fancie rising from the Spleane,
The viscuous bowels that want making cleane;
Distemper of the Livers fiery heat,
Weake indigestions both of drinke and meate.
Flixes, Cathars, obstructions in their kindes,
Disturbing painefull flutulent grosse windes:
Wormes of all sorts, the Epilepse, the sicke,
Who plainely doe appeare they'r Asthmatick.
These and what not that Art could ever cure,
Nature presents them with a water pure:
Which fitly us'd in its due season can,
Restore a dying to a living man.
Had Gallen met with waters such as these,
Or that same grave well-vers't Hypocrates,
Or those Arabian sages, learned men,
Rases, Averroes, or that Avicen:
These with the rest were they alive to see,
Our waters how they sute to each degree,
Of age and sexe, and with what ease they doe,
Effect their operation, they would wooe,
To be spectators of these rare events,
Nature (unheard of) to the world presents.
My pen's too dull, to blaze them I have done,
'Tis vaine to prove ther's brightnesse in the Sun.

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