Vocabula Ma­gistri, Stābrigij, nuper emendata ac edita.

Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.


STanbrigius non infimus nostre etatis grā ­maticus, sed & optimus pubis institutor, vt suis quibuscumque rebus commodaret discipulis, quibus non minus fauebat, quā ex se genitis: plurima, domestica ac fami­liaria vocabula, nō vt in lucem prodirent, sed vt domi cum suis delitesserent, suos que velut ampla quadam supellectile loc [...]pletaret, in vnum congessit. Ve­rum vbi tandem in lucem venere, plurimaque cognouerit vel se inscio ac ignorante examplaria edita excusaque, ac impressorum in curia ita corrupta, vt quod suum erat ne cognosc [...]ret quidē: inuitus tandem relegere, purgare, reinte grareque, quod mendosum mutulatum que erat, et in ma­nus omnium quod suppressum velit, dare coactus erat. Verum hunc lib [...]lum pueris, quorum nomine editus est, non parum vtilem futurum esse, nemo vel mediocriter doctus (Vt aeiolor) infitias ibit. Nec quisquam in repuereli tam na [...]u [...]m ae curios [...]m fore magis carmina propueris vtcumque composita, quam rei opere precium anima ad­uertere putem. Non enim in auditum, aut nobis in cogni­tum est q [...]r [...] in carmine vbi vires ingenij intenderit, ele­gans era [...] Stanbrigius, et quam in omni scientia eruditus. Verum in hoc libello cum pueris pueriliter magis (vt docti so [...]ent hidebat, quam scribebat. At quomodo cumque libellus scriptus sit, iis quibus inscriptus est nihil meo iuditio magis neces­sarium aut Vtil [...]. Vale.

Sinciput & vertex caput occipu [...] et coma clinis
Hoc sinciput tis
the formost part of the head,
Sinciput. Occipitiū.
hec vertex cis
the crowne of the head
hoc caput tis
the head
hoc occiput tis
the hinder part of the head
hec coma e
the plaites of a womans heere
hic crinis is
for a heere
Cincinnus calua cerebrum sutura pilusque
hic cincinnus i o
for a locke
hec calua e
for a braine panne
hoc cerebrum bri bro
the braine
hec sutura ee
the seme of the head
hic pilus i o
for a heere
Barba supersilium tempus intersilium frons
Cincinato­res, he that hathe the lockes.
hec varba ee
a bearde
hoc supersilium li [...] o
a browe
ho [...] tempus tis r [...]
for the temple of the head
hoc intercilium lii o
the space betwene the browe [...]
hic frons tis
for the forhead
Gena oculos acies lumen albugo pupilla
hec gena e
the eie lidde
hic oculus i o
for the eie
hec acies ei ei
the [...]ight of the eye
hoc lumen nis n [...]
the lighte of the eie
hec albugo ginis n [...]
the white of the eie
Palpebra nigrū oculi cilium angulus hirquus
Hec palpebra bre
the eie lidde
hoc nigrim ocule
for the blacke of the eie
hoc cilium lii lio
the bree of the eie
hic angulus ocul [...]
the corner of the eie
hic hirquu [...] qui quo
hec auris ris ri
the organ of the eare
Auricula vultus cartilago falies et os
hec auricula e
for the eare
hic vultus tus tui
for the countenaunce
hec cartilago [...]inis n [...]
a gristle
h [...]c facies ei ei
a face
hoc os [...]is ri.
a mouth or a face
Os mala gingina ruga mandicula bucca
hoc os fis [...]
a bone
hec mala ee
the ball of the eye
hec gingiua ee
the gumme
hec ruga ge ge
a wrinkle
hec mandibula le
the hinder par [...] of the chaw [...]
hee bucca ce ce
a che [...]ke
Dens latus exertus maxilla molaris
hic dens latus
the foretothe
hic dens exertus
a tuske
hic dens duplex
a gumme tothe
Dens columellaris maxillaris genuinus
hic dens columelaris
the rounde tothe
hic dens maxillaris
the gumme tothe
hic dens genumus
the eies tothe
Caninus labrum interceptrum intersticiumque
hic dens caninus
the eie tothe
hoc labrum i o
a leppe
hoc interceptrum [...] [...].
the bridge of the nose
hoc interstitium i o
the space betwene the tethe
Lingua naris labius nasus labella palatum
hec lingua e e
a tongue
hec natis ris ri
the nostrill
hoc labium i o
a lippe
hic nasus i o
a noose
hoc labellum i o
a little lippe
hoc palatum i o
the r [...]fe of the mouth
Mucus pus mentum collū guttur iugulusque.
hec mucus i o
for the kneuyll
hoc pus ris ri
for the filth of the nose
hoc mentum i o
a chinne
hoc collum i o
all the necke
hoc gut [...]ur ris r [...]
the throte
hic iugulus i o
Glandule consille epiglossis faux gula ceruix
Inplurale he glandule
for the waxen kernels
Inplurale he consille
hec epiglossis is i
the flap that couereth the wind pipe
hec faux cis ci
the gul vnder the chinne
hec gula e e
the wesande
hic cernix cis c [...]
the hinder part of the necke.
Porus gurgulio rictus arteria frumen.
hic porus i o
the hole wher [...]et or her [...]s cometh out of
hic gurgulio is i
the wynde pype
hic rictus tus tu [...]
the compasse of the mouthe
hec arter [...]a e e
for the winde pipe
hoc frumen tis ti
for the throte bole
Spiritus anhelitus halitus cutis caro pellis
hic spiritus vs vi
the breathe
hic an [...]elitus vs vi
hic ha [...]tus vs [...]
hec cutis tis ti
the skinne
[Page]hic c [...]o [...]is [...]
for fleshe
hec pellis i [...] i
for the skinne
Uena cruor sanguis membrana varix pituita
hec vena ne ne
for a vaine
hic cruor ris ri
for bloude
hic sanguis nis ni
hec membrana ee
a thin skinne
hec varis cis ci
a veine in the hippe
hec pituita
the fleme
Atrabilis collera sputum flegma spina dorsum.
hec atrabilis is i
hec colera re re
a maner of bloud that is hote [...] drye
hoc sputum i o
for spittle
hoc flegma tis ti
for fleme
hec spina e e
the backe bone
hoc dorsum i o
a backe
Targa cum scapula pectus latus humerus ala
hoc tergum i o
a backe
hee scapula e e
for the shoulder poynt
hoc pectus ris [...]
a brest
hoc latus ris r [...]
a side
hic humerus i o
the top of the shoulder
hec a la [...]e
the arme hole
Inter scapilum thorax et costa papilla
hoc inter scapilium [...] o
the space betwene the shoulder [...]
hec thorax cis c [...]
the cheast, or the brest plate
hec costa e e
a ribbe
hec papilla e
the pappe head
Uber mammilla mamma compago medulla
hec vber ris i
the pappe
hec mammilla e e
hec mamma e e
hec compago nis ni
the ioynyng of two ioyntes to­gether
hec medulla e e
for marye
Ulna manꝰ cubitus brachiū gibber (que) lacertus
hec vlna e e
the arme fro the shoulder to the hande
hec manus vs vt
a hande
hic cubitus i o
the space fro thelbow to y e hād
hoc brachium i [...]
the arme fro y e shulder to y e hed
hic gibber ris ri
the brawne of the arme
hic lacertus i o
the space fro y e shoulder to y e el­bow
Musculus & callus pugnus digitꝰ vola palma.
hic musculus i [...]
the braun in the arm or the leg
hic callus i o
the hardnes in the hand or anye other place
hic pugnus i o
a fyst
h [...]c digitus i [...]
the finger
[Page]hec vola le
the hellownes o [...] the hande
hec palma me me
the breadth of the hande
Fistura articulus neruus pulsus nodꝰ vnguis
hec fistura ee
y e space betwene y e finger or toes
hic articulus i o
a little ioynt in y e finger or toes
hic neruus i o
a sinnow
hic p [...]lsus sus su [...]
the pulse
hic nodus i o
a ioynte
hic vnguis guis
a nayle
Leua internodium dextra brachiale sinister
hec leua [...]e
the left hand
hoc internodium dij dio
the space betwene the ioynts in fingers or toes
hec dextra e e
the righthand
hoc brachiale lis li
the wreast
Sinister tra trum
left or euill
Digitulus index pollex medius annularis
hic digitulus i o
a little fynger
hec index cis ci
the formost finger
hic pollex cio c [...]
the thombe
hic digitus medius
the middle finger
hic digitus annularis
the ring finge [...]
Auricularis epar cor pulmo precordia lien
hic digitus auricularis
a little finger
hoc epar tis ti
the liuer
hoc cordis di
the hart
hic pulmo onis ni
the longes or the lightes
In plurali hec precordia orum,
the hart stringes
hec lien nis ni
the splē in a man, in a beast, the milt
Spleniecur omentū intestinum fel stomacus rē
hoc splen nis ni
idem quod lien
hoc iecur ris ri
the liuer
hoc omentum ti to
the kell
hoc intestinum ni n [...]
the bowels or the guttes
hoc fel lis li
the gall
hic stomachus i o
the stomake in a man, in a beast the mawe
hoc ren nis ni
the reines of the backe
Sinctura venter vmbilicus diafragma
hec cinctura re
the girdle stede
hic venter tris r [...]
a bealy
hic vmbilicus i o
the nauel
hoc diafragma tis ti
the midriffe
Ilia vesica fibre renunculus aluus
In plurali hec Ilia
the ropes in the small guttes
hoc v [...]sica te
a bladder
In plural [...] he fibre
the small reines
hic renunculus i o
the kidney
hic aluus i o
a [...]
Sumen coxa natis poder lūbus penis inguen,
hoc sumen nis ni
the fatnes in the bealy
hec coxa e e
the hyppe
hec natis is t [...]
the buttocke
hic podex cis ci
the arse hole
hic lumbus i o
a loyne
hic penis nis ni
virga vitilis
hoc inguen nis ni
the share
Urina locium cocles membrum genitale
hec vrina e
for pysse
hoc locium [...]ii i o
hec cocles is
virga virilis
hoc membrum genitale
Preputium pubes vrine fistula tubus
hoc preputium i o
est pellicula in sūmitate penis que glandem operit
hec pubes vis
crinis circa mēbrum genitale
hec fistula vrine
whereas the water cometh forth
hic tubus i o
Scortum testiculus aguaticus vterus et crus
hoc scortum ti
locus testiculorum
hic testiculus i o
a stone
hic aquaticus i o
a bladder
hic vterus i o
locus vbi puer concipitur
hoc crus ris
a legge
Matrix et loculi geniture semen crea femur
hec matrix cis
vbi puer concipitur
In plurali hi loculi
hec genitura re
that the childe is gendred of
hoc semen ni [...]
the inwarde part of the thigh
hec create
the skinne
hoc femurris
the vtter part of the thigh.
Sura genu poples tibia pes maleolus caulx
hec sara e
the calfe nf the legge
hoc genu nu
a knee
hec tibia e
the leg fro the knee to the foote
hic pes dis
a foote
hic maleolus i o
an ancle
hic caulx cis
a hele
hoc calcaminum
Plāta talus digitus que pedis vertebrū subtal
hec planta e
the soule of the fote
hic talus i o
an hele
hic digitus pedis
a toe
h [...]c vertebrum i o
the place wher any ioynt is [...]
hoc subtallis
the holownes of the fote

Olfatio to smell tango to touche video to see audio to heare sentio to fele gusto to t [...]
Olfactus smellynge tactus touchinge visus syght singultio to y [...]ske or to sob sensus felynge
Auditus hearynge gustus tastyng singultus yesking, or sobbyng tussio to coughe tussis the coughe
Cōspuo to spyt on sternuto to neese spuo to spyt, nauseo to ready to spew, nausea sp [...]yng, ructo to ve [...]ke
Subrideo to smile risus laughing nicto conuiuio to winke nutus a be [...]e
Innuo to becke panniculor to streatche or to reame hio to gape oscito to yane nuto to becke quiesco to rea [...]
Ocio to beydle anhelo to [...]ant situbo to stūble spiro to breathe palmito to tremble palpo to grope
Torpio to bestowe cū stupio to wonder rigo to be astonied to be starke sedeo to syt quoque curro to cu [...]
Et vereor to feare pauio metuo idem tremo idem iunge to tremble tremesco idem
Terreo to make terrifico afrayed idem deterreo to feare muche per idem, simulabs dic perterreo absterreo
Somniū a dreame expergiscor to waken surgo to wake or rise excito to cal vigilo sōnus vp to watch a slepe
In somnis awake pronus grouelyng resupinus cubo vpright to lye supinus vpryght
Crinitus he that hath yelow or a bushe head, rutilus flaxehead, rufus red head hircipilus harde heered niger blacke, albus why [...],
Subniger buske or browne, canus horeheaded, crispus curled slauus yelowe, secutiorque to be halfe blynde
Cecuciēs sande blynde, cecus luscus blynde one eyed strabo he that lo­keth a gogle straba she that lo­keth a gogle cocles one eyed
Monoculus idem lippus he that loketh blere eied contulus he that loketh narowly, petus a little asyde hebesco to das [...]l
Elinguis dumme minus idem balbus a stutter balbuito to stutte or stammer blesus a lisp [...]
dentio dentisco to br [...]de to the idem dentosus he that h [...]th many tethe, edentulus wythout teth effrons shamles [Page]Auritus long [...]a [...]ed surdus deafe surdaster halfedeafe simul aduncus [...]a [...]cr [...]ked
Manicꝰ one [...]anded laxatus out of ioynt mutilus meimed mutilo to meim mutilatus he that is meimed
Spleneticus a greate laughter lienosus idem comparius he that goth wyth the knees together veriolus he that hathe fauty legges Staue [...]s Planeus
Loripes a cryple et varus he that croketh with his feete vietus outward weake claudico to halte claudꝰ lame
Scalpo to scratch frico to rubbe scabo to scratch or to clawe prurio to itche conforio to defile caco to do ones easement.
Et starcus facio idem pedo to farte feteo to stincke cunio to shite mīgo to pysse
Pumilio [...]n elfe or a dwarfe pomilius idem pusillus a lyttle one homuncio idem nanꝰ a dwarf
Longus hye or tall procerus idem elegās proper rectus vprighte breuis low or short altis hye
Latus broade & obesus fatte crassus thick or corsy pinguis fatte macileilētꝰ leane
Stigolus clanged gracilis small corpulētusque corsy marcesco to be lene or waxe lene
Pinguedo fatnes macer leane macies leanenes carnosus grose or corsy acutus sharpe
Segnis slowe or dull iners idem tardꝰ idem cessabūdus a longe tarier piger [...]low hebes dull

De morbis. Ing [...]ina [...]us: the pestilēce, articu­laris. The gout Regius the kinges euil caducus comi [...]al [...]s e­pilentecus. The fal­ling euil.

Febris the axes febricito to be sicke of the axes febricula a spice of the axes febris acuta ague
Terciana tercian feuers simul quartana quartain feuers paralisis palsey vlcus a byle
Chiragr goute in the handes intercus the dropsy et pestilentia the pestilence pestis idem
Arthesis to gout frenesis he that hath the frensey lunaticus the frensey euery moneth potaga the goute in the fote morbus a disease [Page]Aurigo the kynges euil hidropisis the dropsy sacer ignis the wilde fire lepra lepry veternū dropsy
Tabes angina vnguis consūption the quinci in the eie menis [...]n disenteria tormen the haw the bloudye throwes or gnawynge in the b [...]aly
Suspuro to lothe. Sincopis swowning oscedo yesking scabies the scabbe dolor ache extasis a traunce āgor payne or an­guish
Uertigo the swimming in the head spasmus the crampe porrigo a scall grauedo heauines pruritus itching
Pustula a wheale serpo a rynge worme pabala cum a welke schrophula the swine pockes cancer a cancar
Stuma a pocke peterigiū veruca a waterwheale, a wart rediuia a whit­flaw lumbrix wormes in the bealy.
Hernia burstnes subtillum quando vrina stilla­tim emittitur stranguria the strangulion, ealculus alui the stone of y e bealy
I [...]terigo est morbus [...]ntissura pedis bounīg coriago est a torbus pectoris cū tergus a co [...]t [...]s deduti [...]an potest. Fluxus the flixe proftuuiū idem stipatus he that is bounde in the bealy foriosusque he that hath the fl [...]xe
Epiphora morbus ex la­chrimis oculi vomitus a vomit or spuing lentigo frecles vomitio a vomite clauus an agnaile
Fius emerodes luxatus out of ioynte distortus wrenched cadaueposus faunce steamed
Herniosus bursten strumosus ful of playtes quoque suspiriosus he that can scarselye take his breathe.
Paruio a kibe cadauer a dead body or a carcas vulnus a wound vulnusculū idem egrotus diseased or sicke,
Exhaustus consumed santes matter pus matter when it is whealed suppuratio riping lāguor [...]ick [...]nes
Crapulor to eat much, to cat out exedotabesco to be in con­sumption langueo to be sycke flagro to brenne, or to smarte [Page]Crucio to vexe or trouble crudesco to be rawe, or to rancle serpo to spreade suppuro to rype putresco to rotte
Uro to greue or to brenne, tumeo to swell ango to greue reseco to cut away curo to heale sano idem mederi idem
Alipsis a surgion medicus a phisicion chyrurgus a surgion ars medicina phisicke
Unguentum oyntment inungo to anoynt pastillus salue alino to anoynt lino idē.
Specillum a searcher emplastro to lay on oyntment curatio healynge cū cataplasma a plaster Cataphoesta pillules Malagui [...] a plaster.
Medela medecine emplastrum oyntment medicamen a medicine & pedicillum a tente

De nominibus cognationis.

Sanguine coniuncti nobis consanguinei kynsmen sunt
Genitor a father atque pater idem mater a mother genitrix idem liberi (que) children
Filius a sonne ac soboles a child or issue proles idem filia a daughter nata idem soror a sister
Gemini twynnes frater germanus a brother ex eodem vtero ac vterus idem
Patruus an vncle by the fathers side ac amita soror patris, an aunt matertera soror matris, an aunt auunculus fratex matris, an vncle auꝰ a grand father Subdicus supositus a dulterinus adoptinus vnicus pr [...] mo genitus posthumus
Auia siue nepos a grandame, a neuewe proauus a great grand­father pater aui proauia ā great grand­mother. mater aui neptis a nece
Proneptis a neces daughter, prouepos a neuewes sonne abauns a grand fa­thers father obauia abneptis a grandmo­thers mother
Atnepos attauia atneptis atnepos at auusque
Tritauia tritauis trinepos coniunge [...]rineptis
Et consobrinus patruelis mine auntes sonne, mine eames sonne amitinus qui et sorore et fratre propegatue
Gentilis a kinsman or a tauntrey man necessarius a kinsman cognata a kinswoman tribulis a kinsman

De nominibus affinitatis.

Est socer a father in law affinis a mother in law socrus nurus a daughter in law gener a sonne in law et glos [...] sister in law
Uitricns a stepfather, nouerca a stepmother leuir a stepbrother, preuigna a stepdaughter preuignꝰ a stepson
Magna socrꝰ socer magnꝰ progenies (que) pronurꝰ
Familia a kynred genus idem affinitas aliaunce cognatio a kinred tribus idem
Progenies a chylde stirps a kinred propugo of [...]pring prosapia gradꝰ issue or stock [...]
Coniugium wedlocke nubo to be wedded, coniugium wedlocke sponsalia hand fasting, celebs single
Coniux vir the husband or wife sponsus a husbande spōsa a wyfe maritus a husbande & vxor a wyfe
Nuptie. Pronudus Innvptus vnmaried nubilis able to be maried vxoratus wedded maritatus idem
Uxoirus pronuba whose wyfe is his master meritricula a queane adultera pellex
Coneubina a lemman. stuprum incestus adulteriumque.
Repudia to cast vp rapio to take a woman againste hee will vitio to defile violo idem stupro idē scortor to go about queanes

De corporis ornatu.

Ornatus [...] garment or apparel indumentum idem vestitus idem amictus idem
Amiculum idem apparatus idem et vestis idem idem
Ista caput gestat apex the tip of the cappe velamen caliptra capitis galerus idem a hat.
Biretrum [...] cap or a bonet pileus a hatte cucullus a hode or a cappe capitiumque idem
Toga [...] gowne subdncia a shorte gowne toga curtata [...] longe gowne toga dimissa talaris idem toga
Simplex a syngle gowne tog [...] pellita a furred gowne tog [...] duplicata a lined gowne toga pallium a gowne clamis a cloke [Page]Duplicatura liniu [...] sinus [...] bosome or a playte sinuosus full of playtes puga playte rugaque idem
Fimbria a purfle or hem, collare a coller, simul id. qd instita fimbria, fascea or a huke purfle, lymbus idem,
Peniculus a cloute or a ragge peniculum idem peniculamentum a tayle of a garment
Dyplois a doublet indusium, idem iungas tunicam a coate tunicellam a peticoate Fisciola. Penicilius penicillum
Manica a sleue bardiaeus a cloke epitogiū a sloppe bardocucullus a cloke with a hoode,
Tunicula a iacket intercula a shyrte chiroteca a gloue subucula a shyrt cinctus a gyrdle
Cingulum idem crumena a purse marsupium idem zonula a gyrdle zona idem
Fibulor to lace or to gyrde, et fibula a tucking girdle or lace, confibulor to lace together, refibuiorque vnlace
Curtate short hosen calige cincturales longe hosen calige quoque longe
Suliger a garter et bracce a breche subligaculum idem femorale idem
Chordula a lace cū ligula a poynt corrigea a latchet caceolusque a pynson Bōbicina Couates.
Calceus a Shoe et crepida a flipper cothurnus a buskin & ocrea a bote soccus a socke
Fascia a stomacher pectoralis acicula a pynne spinter a tache et acus a nedle
Mundus a frontlet reticulum [...] caule mitrum a payre of burlets [...] crinale a cal. id. mitella qd mitra
Uitta a fillet rica [...] kercheft ricula idem vētrale velō an apron gremiale idem
Annulꝰ a ring armilla a broche monile an agnus dei ornamentum collé sig [...]lū in auris any thing that hāgeth a signet, at ones ear
Sudarium a napkin sudariolum idem accicu [...]aria a pin case theca a case

De cubiculo et appertinentibus.

Cubiculū a chambe [...] thalamus simul a wedding chamber & penetrale an inner chamber penates idem [Page] Plumariā plumaris culci [...]ra Plumati [...]le puluinarin terdum con funduntur Spōdea a bedde borde thorꝰ a bed fulthrū a [...]oft of a stole or of a bedde or any other thing lectus a bed sterno to make gay coronabile to dresse or to mak [...] a bed
Stramentū strawe lodix a shete linea vellanea a blanket lodix thoral a couerle [...]
Culcitra a fetherbedde plumea lanea flocceo a mattresse culcitra storea matta idem
Puluinar a pyllow stragulū the clothes that is on the bedde ceruical a boul [...]ter theca a case or a tyke thomentū flocci cōsort a bedding
Cento a maker of quyltes canopium a testoure peristroma a curtaine or the han­ging of the bed peripetasma idem
Matellus a male. Scriniolum a cofer or a forcer scrinum a chea [...]t cistella a cofer area idem arcula cistula cista id [...]m
Scanum a bench scabellum a stole matula a pyspot mantella idem latrina a priuye
Forrica a commen sege verriculum a brushe pecten a combe speculū a glasse to loke in sera a locke clauis a key
Ostium a dore cancelli a lattesse pessulum a barre fenestra [...] window vitrum (que) a glasse
Sulphuratu matche silex a flinte stone pixis a bore candela a candle lucerna idem
Candelabrū a candelsticke lignus a lampe cereus a taper laterna a lanterne seuūque talow
Funále a torche nebula smoke lampus a lampe ellichniū the weke et lux light
Uestarium a presse for clothes, vestispicus a wardroper explico abrode complico to fold verro to brush
Atrium a courte ac aula idem cenaculum a hall in the height triclinium (que) a hall
Interdum protri [...]linio sumitur. Hinc et atrialis a courtier simul aulicus idem esse feruntur
Cōclaue a parle [...] tapes [...] carpet abacus a cupborde tapetū a carpet aulea the hangynge of the hall [...] [Page]Pergulū a galary transcenne [...] window in the top of the house podiū a porch cū coclea [...] furnyng stayre gradus a stayré Uestibulāt spaciū inte viā et edes.

De mensa et attinenti bus.

Mēsa [...] table tripos a trestle cathedra a chayre puluinꝰ a quishin mapula a bord cloth mappa idem
Mantile a towel mantiliolum a napkin gutturnum a lauer labrum a bas [...]n
Malluuium a basyn for the handes sal salte salium [...] salt celler coclear (que) a spone catenus a dyshe
Discus a dyshe a cetabulū a saucer patina a dyshe laux a charger quadra a trencker paropsis a platter orbes roūd trenchers.
Discifer et a dyshe bearer dapifer a bearer of meate, structor a keruer struo to kerue chironiusque a keruer
Ciborum a sewer appositor minister a seruaunt & architriclinius the marshal of the hall Amphor [...] as an ale bearer. Ceruisia Nigrū sub­nigrum creticam dulce tuticum ti­misse um. Lupulētus Lupulētis. Ficulentus mudoy ale. Amarus bytter. Crassamen groundes Ligneus fic [...]ilis stā ­netis.
Cella a pantry penaria a buttry ceruiciaria cella cellariusque a celler
Promus a butler penarium a spence cellarium a celler ac apotheca a wine celler
Promo to drawe depromo to drawe out dolium a tunne cadus a barell amphora a lome vinū wine
Doliolum a pype infūdibulū a tunnell obba a bottel clepsidra a spigot potus drincke
Acidus anger or sower acesco to waxe sower or aeger simul acetosus sharpe acerbus sower
Fex crassamentum dregges, the groundes vter a bottell perfluo to run out trāsfluo to run ouer spuma yest
Cātherus a tankerde or a pot & panthera a [...]lat pece crater a standyng piece cratera idem corona a crowne
Poculum a cuppe et sciatus idem cyphus idem operculum a couer mica a crumme
Putamen a paring crustrū a crust fragmentum broken meate, serculū a meace, frustrū a gobet, or piece [Page] pocillū cla­risco Lura [...] the mouth. Opturo optura mentū panis sa [...]is arene. Frustillulum a little piece bolus a morsel buccella idem sporta a leape or a basket canistrum an hamp [...]r
Epulo a glutton manduco idem comedo idem edax a great eater helluo idem lurco idem
Bibaculus a blowbol, bibax a greate dryncker, moratus well m [...]nnered, morigerusque seruiable or diligent
Prandium a dinner prandiolum ide [...] inuito to bydde iantacnlūque a brekefast
Uesperus Epulum a feast conuiuium idem cū cenula a supper cena idem cibus dieta vniusdiei
Lautitie deinties lautus deinty mouthed delicatus idem delitieque deinties or swete morsel [...]
Obsonor to make a feast or bid a f [...]ast epulor to fare conuiuo to make a feast. cenico to suppe or to haue a supper ceno idem
Prādeo to dyne deglutio haue a dinner ingurgito to swalow deuoro to cut to deuour mando to chaw
Manduco [...]o eate vescor to eate comedo to eate poto to reuell bibo to drinke potisso to sippe
Propino to take a tast to one lambo ligurio to licke absorbio to spende in riot or welfare lingo to lycke
Piper Peper gingiberum ginger crodum safron sucarum suger cinamō cynamon

De quoquina et appendentibus.

Coquus [...] coke coquina a kitchen coquulus a yonge coke coquina a kitchen ponina an open cokerye
Lixa a bearer of water lau [...]trina a syncke or gutter aquariolum idem aquariūque idem
Caminus a mantle tree fornax a furneys infunibulum tunnell of a chimney, focus a harthe ignis a fyre
Flamma a flame fumꝰ smoke fuligio [...]out fauilla a s [...]arke that is out titio a brand that is out torris a brand that is on fyre
Scintillo [...] to spark Facula a little bronde sentilla a sparke of fyre fax a brond pruna a coale of fyre carbo a dead coale cinis ashes
Lignum woode or a tree that is fallen lign [...] culū a stycke hipopyrgiū an andyron ossula a chip forceps a payre of tonges [Page]Follis [...] payre of bellowes furciola a fyr [...] forke rotabium idem quisquilieque broken wodde
Olea a pot caldarium a cauldron cacabus catabus simul olua a posnet veru a spyt
Coclear a ladle ahenum a cauldron patella a panne patellula a skellet lebes a caudron
Ligula a slice rudiculus a potsticke or a thinge to stir up with frixorium a girdiron craticulaque idem
Fascina a fleshe hoke sartago a fr [...]yng panne focalus a chafynge dishe et chirapus a brandiron ansa a pot Equinarū lingula.
Haustrū a bucker, vrina a waterpotte, citula a bucket, lacuna a dyshe, la cunela a little dishe, riuꝰ a riuer
Fous a well springe aqueductus a conduit simpunculus a little spoute vnde emanet aqua fistula tubus the pipe of a condite idem
Stragnum a standing water piscina a fishe pole puteus a pit or wel putearius a maker of wels aqua water Lama a podel Sorbi­cio agnina vitulina verdecina hedulina porcina bo­uina.
Ius potage without herbes olus idem intrita wortes sorbitiuncula a supping cibus meat
Mortariū a morter pistillū a pestel puls batter bellaria iunkets or deinties caro fleshe
Arthotera a chese cake arthogala a custarde fri [...]tilla a fruter arthocrea a pye fricta a fruter
Pastillus a pastye pappa pappe artholagamus a pancake nebulaque a wafer
Farcimen a pudding farcimentum idem fractumque idem tomaclum a liuering pudding
Botulus a sausege omasum a tript petaso bacon succida salt meat, or saunce hoc [...]um lardum lard
Lardarium a larder house salio to salt salsura a salting carnariumque a rofe of bacon or b [...]efe Hec muri [...] brine Peta sualus. [Page]Posterior [...] gammon of bacon perna auterior et a pestle of porke aprinus brawne
Ceruix et a necke lumbus a loyne clunis a buttocke pectusculū a breast armꝰ a shoulder
Off [...]la offelle a slice or a fleke petasonea a collop offa adipta browes
Scobina a grater scobis pouder puluisculus idem st [...]ila a drop liquamen droppinge
Sectito, to minse, trās­lio, to tense ouer. P [...]rflu [...] to run out. Intero to crumm [...] in contundo to bray scobino to grate fectito to backe or to chop frico to fry
Inferetio to fyll eliquo to putrifye or to clarify agit [...] to stere coquo to sethe parcoquo idem elixo idem
Despumo to scumme ebulit to pople as a pot doth seruet idem paro to orden esto to serche purgo to clense
Euiscero to drawe exosso to plucke out bones disquamo to scale deglabro to scalde deplumo to plucke

De pistrino et eius armis.

Est molendinum a mill et molendinarius a milner amnis a wate [...]
Alueus a damme, aquimola a watermyll ventimola a windmill equimola a horsemill molo to grinde
Molaris a mylstone saccus a sacke sacculus mola a bagge trusalitis (que) a querne
Pistor a baker pistrinum a bakehouse panifer a baker panifica a woman baker panis bread
Pinso to bake, panifictum breade bakyng or bakers craft cribrum a ciue succerniculumque a herciue
Pistrilla recus, veru­stus muci­dus muror murisco Inseruiculum a riyng ciue excussorium a raunger pollenariumque a bouiter
Secerno to boulte cribro to sift succretus boulted subigo to knede puluis meale [Page]Fermentum [...]our dough or leuen subactorum a kneding trough fermento to leuen subactus, [...]noden
Furfur branne farina meal cōdispo to mould tabula a moulding bord pasta paste
Rotabulū the colerake clibanus an ouen furnus the ouen fornux the furnes coquo to bake coctꝰ bake

De nummulario, aurifice, fabro, ferra­rio, plumbario et sementario.

Pecunie [...] coyner of money excussor idem nummularius trapezita camp for pecuniarum.
Campsor he that kepeth the chaunge nummatus well monied numisca the print formula the mint nūmꝰ monye
Adulterinus yll to counterfet tonsus clipped malus yll et suberatus copper vnder
Procudo to driue abrode excudo to coyne emitta to put away cambio to chaunge muto idem
Refuto to refuse renuo idem adultero to forge siue subero to make copper vnder
Aurifex a goldsmith argentum siluer aurum gold simul aurificina the goldsmithes shoppe
Aureus id est de auro, auraria the golde mint de auratus gylted bractea a plate in auro to gilt
Ferrum yron ferrarius faber a smyth incus a stedy et lina a sile forceps the tongues
Ferrugo the rust of yron nucleus a gadde of stele ferri stricturaque a sparkle of hote yron massa a pece Aur [...]stergi­menta wed­ges of gold
Malleus a hamber claustrariꝰ a locker aquariacos a grineding stone quo (que) calebs stele
Molleo to weld candesco to be hot ferio to strike, acuo to sharpe, tempero to temper, luno to file [Page]Fusor a bras [...]r errarius campnarius quoque a bell founder fusor larcior a tinker trarius
Stanneus de stanno aeneus decre es stannū brasse tinne conflatile molten cōflo to melt
Fornax a furn [...]is obero to brase oberatus brased fusile heated fundo to heat or to cast
Plumbarius a plummer plumbū sic leade plūbea lamina a wedge for lead plūbo to lead
Clauicula­rius. Es ducti le aliter dici­tur aurarie argenta rie rar [...]e lerra­rie glutino glutur. Ferrumen for sowder scorea the drosse of me­talles plumbatia leadinge spuma the scom­ming fodina locus vbi qu [...]d foditur
Augentum quicke syluer viuum electrum mastlen ferrumino to sowder cuprum copper
Testa an earthen pot figulina a sharde figulus a potter cum fictile fingo to make
Cementum morter lathamus he that heweth the stone cementarius lapicida he that heweth stones the mason out of the quarry
Effodio to digge out cedo to hewe sculpo to graue, excido to dygge, dolo to hewe, quadro to square
Trulla a truell perpendiculum the plummet linea a line cū regula a rule norma idem
Ferrumen syment sabulum sande creta chalke calces lime albariūque whitliming
Tectorium pargering gypsum plaster gypsator a plasterer, gypso to plaster, dealbo to white lime
Illino to paue tegulo to [...]clate tessalatum tyled pauimentum pauement
Coctilis brycke est later pila murus a wall of brycke tessula imbrex the creaste or gutter stone
Paruio to make sterno viā idem munio venit hīc idem via strata a pauement

Tess [...]lle warmorie pauing sto­nes. Tegu­lator. De fabro lignario et eius armis.

Lignarius a carpenter faber artichector us matiriesque tymbre
Materiarius hinc contiguariusque fabrilis [Page]Ascia cum a ades terebro a nauger or a wymble tarebellum a little auger or a perser asciola a little addes farra a sawe
Sarrula a hande sawe bipennis a tw [...]bit dolabrum a brode axe dolabella diminu­tiuum securis an axe
Annissus a squyre celtis a chisell trabs a beame securicula a hatchet postis a post
Scādala shyngles cū tignus a sparre of a bord subfucus a rabboting suggēsta tigillus a rafter or a sparre terrebellū. Dolo, to chyp.
Trocles a ioynte lace trochalium idem clatrus a barre asserculis a lyttle borde assis a borde
Commisura a ioynte coassatio a ioyning of bordes vectisque a barre or a leuer coasso to ioyne
Clauiculus a little pinne clauus a pinne or a naile conclauo to nayle to­gether clauo retundo to pinne or to naile to driue on
Ligneus a little betle malleolus a little male scobs a betle saw dust malleꝰ ligneus adigo to driue tudo to knocke
Fissule easy to cleue clauosum full of knottes cuneus a wedge male fissule ill to cleue lignū wodde
Rimosus chopped caries cariosus rimula the rotnes or holing of a tree rima a chinke or a clicher Torhator Anagliptes for a keruer anaglipta vasa sculp­ta anaglip­tica ars sculpen [...]
Ducere to drawe sic lineam a lyne circino fabrica a worke a compasse fultrum a fote or house proppe
Fultro to vnder [...]et findo to cleue dolo to hewe fabrico extruo to frame, to build diruo to plucke downe cōdo to builde
Contigno to frame lineo to lyne foro to bore perforo sarebro to bore thro [...]gh terebro to sawe Tudiculo to marke.
Torrentes sculptor a turner or a keruer torrentile tueners craft sculptileturnus
Tornatile a turne leuigatorium a playne torrumata vascula torno to turne [Page]Tudicula [...]gnum que vas [...] imprimuntur tutides smalleus ramentum shauing radula planū a spoke shaue or a pla [...]ne.
Tortile writhen lene smothe teres round conuexum hollow [...] cūcaua us curuum
Rectum Paruum. Circulus a hoope victor a couper leuigo to plane rado to shaue tuxqueo to cast, or to wrench plana to plane

De lanificio, textore, fullone, et infectore.

Uellus a flece lanitium id est lana succida lana refused wolle lanatus wolle wolled
Uellus a locke lanarius a clothe maker pannarius a draper pellio a furrier pellis a skinne
Pensa lanificium weight, clothe makinge verticillum a whorle rota fusus a wh [...]le spindle
Uertebrum Glomꝰ a clewe cū glomula a little botome gloma a botome hoc [...]m nectrix a knitter nexile knitt [...]d necto to kny [...]
Carminor to carde vugo to grece, filo to spyn, carpo to tease, neo to spinne, glomero to wind, pecto to card
Textor a weuer textura weuing textrina a weuer [...] shop textil wouen tela a webbe
Textris mulier subtegmen the wofe lictum a chrum or a thr [...]de cū stamine the warpe pecten the sho [...]
Forigo the beame licitorium clothe pannus to thicke stipo rumpo to breake
Connecto to knitte filum dēso to thicke ordior to weue texo siue idem retexo to vnweue
Filum di­stinguens diutnum [...]pus. Interpolator a dresser of wollen garmentes fullo a fuller ars fullonia fullers craft gnaphus a teysel
Tormentum shear [...] fl [...]ckes stoccus a stocke interpo [...]o to scoure tondeo a shearemans to shere forfex sheare ful lome
Tonsor a sheareman pannarius ton sus shorne fullonia forfex the birlyngyrons
Inficie to [...]olour tingo color to die a coloure interfector (que) a dier coloro to coloure [Page]Candidus white et niueus snowy colour albus white piecus puke quo (que) fus [...]browne
Niger blacke ater idem pullus ferrugineus russet rubra redde rufus idem
Saguineus sanguine roseus rose coloure or crim [...]n ostineus scarlet purpureusque purple
Lutheolus [...]elow flauꝰ idem rutilus somewhat yelow croceus quoque coloured as saffron fuluꝰ yelowe
Rauus sadde tawny rauescellus idem iacinti [...]usque blewe mellous gray grysell mellis collor
Ceruleus a marble colour or gray glaucus idem cecius cineria dunnish gray us giluus whitishe du [...]
Pransinus grene viridis idem violatius violet atque nigellus somewhat blacke
Aqueus many coloures multicolor varicolor diuers coloures versicolorbue chaungeable
Obtnsus darke lucidus bryght obscurus darke or sod spotted spergonatiuus naturall coloures

De sutore vestiario et variis opificibus Cigneus.

Uestiarius a tayler ac sutor caligarius a hos [...]er apto to shape
Assuo to sowe cum resuo to sowe againe lacinuo to iagge dissuo to rippe scindo to cue
Fila a threde hoc um, glomus a bottom, forfex sheres, acus a nedle, fissura cuttynge or shering pilosus heerye or roughe
Affumenta hoc um a patche lacer iagged, lacinia a iag laciniosus iagged
Pannosus course densus thicke crassus course thicke or grosse racus thinne tenuisque fine
Lintearius a mers [...]r linarius a maker of linnen sutrix a shepster quoque netrix a spinner [Page]Stupalinum hyrdes flaxe canabis hempe coriū the pille cortex idem colus a distaffe acus a nedle
Extirpo to plucke vp macero to water depecto to hec [...]e extortico to pyl tundo to reue or to pound
Effilo to broather filum contorium twined threde duco to drawe the threde retortum his tortum twisted
Sutor a cordner seu sarctor calcearius a cobler subugulaque an all
Sutile sowed sutrina a cordners shoppe seta a bri­stle ars suoria shomakers craft sila a lyne um
Subulo to sowe sutura a s [...]ame cornu calciariumque a showyng horne
Atramentum bletche armigia swines greace cre [...]idarius acus a slipper maker
Excorio to flaye crudum rawe corium leather concino to dresse quo (que) scalpo to shaue or kempe
Scalprum sutorium piscatoriū pennarium vel scripto­torium Scalprum kemyng a knyfe allutarius a white tawer coriarius a tanner tergus a hide aluta whitlethe [...]
Ephipiarius a sadler ac chirathecarius a glouer adde
Tonsor a barber tonstrina nouacula a barbers shop tonsoria a rasour cos a stone
Aromatarius a grocer byretarius a capper pharma copola a poticary
Cultellarius a cutler arcua rius a bowyar mellariusque a hony man
Melliso idem ac olitor cupe he that sel­leth herbes dinarius a vitta [...]ler adde
Ceruicia­trix [...]orum piscatorim frumentariu [...] lactari­um bouium porcarium clitorium. Piscarius a fysher laneus a bucher piscator a fishe catcher ceruisiator a bruer
Instito the foreman of the shop artifices craftesmen opifex idem cruitor a pedler emptor a byer
Mercator a marchaunt merces mercatus ware or marchaundice stato forum a bothe
Officina a workehouse tabernarius he that kepeth the shop taberna a shop macellum the shambles [Page]Celator a keruer pictor a painter statuarius an ymage maker bibliopola a boke seller
Bibliographus a scriuener vitriarius a glaf [...]er librariusque a printer or a scriuener Aliquand dicitur, a letter.
Index a table registrum idem rotula a rolle quaternio a quire liber a boke
Libellus a little boke codex a boke codiculus diminutiuum et codicillus. diminut.
Uolumen a volume pergamenum parchement membrana idem pagilla a little lefe
Pagina a leafe charta idem sheda a roll folium a leafe philura a shete papirus paper
Shedula a bill or a letter literule a letter chirographū an obligation singraphū an indenture apex a title
Litera a letter pēna a poincel or a pen [...]e stilus caracte calamus a quill bumex a pumise pugillares a paire of tables
Scalpellum a penknife pluteus atramentum a deske or a lectro [...] inke miniumque vermilion
Atramentarium an inkehorne cornu theca penariaque a penner
Conspicium a paire of spectacles, meditulium a study signo to seale sigillum a sig [...]et Scripta scriptiūcu­la notatio notaciacu­la, Ludus scola prece ptin̄culus, discolus discipulus scolasticus con ossipu­lus: preceptor hypodi, dasculus.
Simulacrum an ymage effigies idem statua idem preceptio a writyng nota a note
Eraro to write, or to kerue inscribo to entitle transcribo to write out or after exscribo idem describo to draw oute to shew
Oblino to blotte cancello to strike out depono idem oblitero to blynde euoluo to tur [...]e,
Polio to polishe iuterlino to do out, dedisco to forget, disco to learne, ami [...]to to note, ediscon to beare away.

De agricola et agrecolatione.

Rus ager agricola a grounde or a husband in the countrey man villa a husbandes house in the country, or a maner place agricolatio husbandry fundus a grounde in the countrey
Uillicus he that hath the rule of husbandry economus et arator a plowman auriga a carter colonus a t [...]man [Page]Plastarius a waine man veredarius a carter carrucariusque idem
Quadriga quatuor equis ve [...]te carrus a carte plastrum diminutiuum a wayne plaustela hoc um berede carre ge [...]nes
Carigenus Uehi [...]ulū interdū su­mitur pro carro. Carruga a [...]arl bige du [...]bus equis trige vecte tribu [...] epiredia the somers, or the ra [...]is traha a slede
Uehes vehiculum a dunge cart, a barrow radius xota a spoke orbito a whele cantus the cart tow
At (que) vmbelicus the achestocke axes an a [...]el tree stimulus the gadde stictitaque the whip
Dic (que) retinaculū a [...]ai [...]e capistrum a halter flecto to turne or to raine capistro to halter
Iuctiat to driue a pace, or fast instigat to call vpon stimulat to pricke cogit idem vrget id. et instat to call vpon
Minat to driue, agit idem onerat to lode agitat to driue vehit to cary exoneratque to vnlade
Aratrum a plough buris a plough beame the [...]ulter culter the plough tip dentale in quo figitur vomer, caballus a capyl
Rula a plough staffe, cohū quo temo annectitur, temo iugis a teme, stiua ingū the plough handle a yoke, vomer a share, auris aratri the plough eare
Perten an harrowe dentatus stilus a barowe, pynne runcina a wedynge hoke cilindris a roll or a rammer
Uirgea an hirdle sic crates sciscella a fede lepe satoria fulcus a furrow
Campus, a cōmon pa­sture. Age [...] cestibilis, y e bereth eue­ry yere. Gleba a clotte lyra porca a ballie ingerum idem semi iugera halfe an acre campus a feld
Area a lande et areola idem stadium a furlonge r [...]deta um noualis a falowe lande
Uernataque terra vera pr [...]cis [...]a viduus a falow ager a felde et restibilis aruum the corne felde
Terra grounde solū idem tellꝰ idem humꝰ id. ops barayne sterilis leane macra batil pīguis grounde
Fertilis leta plentiful or fruitful, ferax idem gracilis small ieiuna pore putrisque rotten [Page]Sicca dry [...] leuis lyght solida [...]adde humida moy [...] irrigua idem sabulosa [...]andye
Cruda rawe or wa­terish arenosa granelly grauio sand ruderata gra [...]elly rubrica merga red ground m [...]ry
Saxosa stony effeta barreine simul agrillosa [...]ley ground fecunda plentifull
Rūgat to wede, arat to [...]ire, vertit to [...]uen, liro to harrow, procindit to breake vp, collit to clotte to tyll, accat opera semo
Effringo offringo to brede vp suigo to plow cū tectio to twyse falow iteroque to starre
Stercoror to dun [...]e acsero to sowe somentis sede and sede tyme letifico to dung fumus dung,
Letamen idem cresco to growe subeo to come vp prouenio to come forward spico to eare

De fenificio et instrumentis. Specie ge­nꝰ. Inspico to sharpe. Falx preli­aris, a byll or a hal­hext.

Fenifica a hey mower fenum hey pratum a medow herba idem grasse gramina hoc en cordum the latter math
Deseco to cu [...] downe, defasco to mowe, meta a cocke, turbo idem tondeo to mowe spargo to sprede
Piramis a creke et verso to ted or to turne peraresco to widder fenificium hey time falx a fith
Falcator a mower fenifex a hey maker struit in metas redigitque to make in cockes Fenat [...], a­s [...]the Arbo­ [...]aria, a hedginge b [...]l. Linaria, a brier hoke, Falcaria­ [...]os, for a sithstone.
Rastrum a rake sexipilla a sickle bifurcum a pitchforke falcula a hoke or a [...]ickle furca a forke

De annona & partinentibus.

Foliculus the blade of the corne calamꝰ the stalke culmus idem spica an ere gluma vagina the hu [...]ke hilding [Page]Arista the steale stipula a stubble spica murica slue risti [...] garda a she [...]e manipulus an handfull
Scapas the huske of corne geniculū the knots nodus idem interno diū the space betwene the knots et flos a floure
Grannū the corne frumentum fruges al manner bread corne annona idem segesque id.
Hordium barley actriticum whete siliqua rye faba a codde pisca a beane a pease,
Uicia a fitche lupinus a tere [...]tche lolium a coccle zizania idem aue na otes
Messe haruest meto to shere, or repe messor a haruest man ligo to bynde colligo to gather desero to cut downe stringo to gripe
Inuehit to cary in importat idem in aceruum construo to reape or to mowe condo to lay vp,

De trituratione.

Extero to caue discutio trituro to threshe ventillo to winnow enanno idem
Triturator a thresher acus thaffe palea scutello idem [...]agellum a flaile
Hoc ac [...]s aceris. Uentilabrū a fanne vannꝰ idem cribrū a ciue scopa a besom corbila a little basket scrobis a basket or a scuttle,
Horreus a barne frumentor frumentator acerosus to puruey for corne
Granarium a garner cumera idem archa a flower cumulꝰ an hepe & aceruus a reke or an hepe
Frumenta. Toriale a bagge. Ustrina a kelne house, macero to stepe sisterna a cesterne torreo to drye tostus dryed

De pertinentibus ad agricolam.

C [...]mpes a fetter chorda a corde funis a rope scala a ladder tathena a chayne restis a with
Assula a linke funiculus a corde ligo a mattocke bidens pickes, furcilis a dunge forsake, assis a borde
Tribula a shouel valla hoc um palus sudes hipalia a pale or a spade a stocke, hoc um vallus a pale [Page]Fossicula a trenche sepes a hedge muuimentum a mount sepio to hedge septum a close Hoc vallū, a paling Uallo, to pale. Grandatio pastioner grandibus.
Munio [...]o mounde scrobiculus a trenche scrobs a ditche pascua a pasture pastio pasto to pasture
Depasco to rere vp opuno to fede sagino idem alo to bring vp pabulo to nourishe to fede curo to dresse
Nutrico to norish feto to bringe forthe fetus yonge frute fetura idem cohors the vtte [...] court nutricatꝰ nourished
Cum saginario the coupe or a feding place porcile a swines stye aquaticulus the hogs trough hara the swines cote
Forda a milke cowe bouile a cowe house stabulo to set or to stall vacerra a standard, mamella a swelow
Lacteo to sucke depello to wene lacto to geue sucke lactarea cella a deiry house

De domo lactarea. Sinus, a bosome corripit penul timam. Pinguis butterishe mollis soft cheese. Uiridis grene chese tener, ruen chese, Ari­dus, drye chese. Fistu losus, full of eies Crudus, whey vetustus recens, albus Fascicu­lus, a botel substratus litter. Lora subellarie a styrop le­ther.

Mulgeo to myl fatesco mulctrale a payle mulctra (que) idem prelum a presse
Sinus a bowle colarium a strayner matestio a mele formula a chesefa [...] crates a chesecake
Lacticinea white meate lactis milke flos creame spuma fume butyrum butter
Acor the sourenesse colustrum bee [...]tening exigala wrinche milke coagulum a chese lepe serum whey
Percolo coagulo to sethe or to make or to straine, to tourne subigo to knede premo caseusque to presse
Lanugo horinesse situs idem mundicia clenlines mudiciesque idem
Est sterquilinium a dunghyll stabulū a standing fimū to ferme extraho purgo idem
Presepium a racke or a maunger crates a racke precepe equile a stable fenile a heyhouse
Cōdita hardmeat cibaria farrago prouander, or menged corue panis equinus horsebread [Page]Ephippium a sadle frenum a brydle o [...] a bitte lupatum a biting bry­dle or a bit scansile a styrop, habeua a chayne
Lorum idem anteleua a poyntel cū poste a croper leua clytella a packe sadle or a panell
Cingula a gyrthe pastomis a bernacle phalare a horse har­neis instralū the cloth that coue­r [...]th the horse, strigilisque a horse combe
Sarcina a packe sacinula a fardell māticula a boget mantica a male or a wallet, bulga boget
Solea a horse shoe equina suffragines the pastures torri the breast plate vngula an hoffe iuba a mane, caprona a toppynge
Insideo to syt on, ascendo, to lyght vp, descendo to discende downe exulcero to gall, scando to lyght on
Hinnio to ney stringo to curry agito to walke equito to ride recalcitro to win [...]e or to kicke, pungo to spurre
Sternar a winching horse flecto to turne equiso a horse tamer domo to tame sucrusse to trotte, voluto to amble
Gradarius an ambler volutarius idem succussariusque a trotter
Calcar, a sporte. Succussor idem succussator idem succussatioque trotting

De beluis.

Pullꝰ a colt equus a horse asinus an asse equulꝰ a nagge, equa a mare, spado a geldyng, mulus a mule
Canterius a geldyng sonipes a courser, onager a wilde asse asturro a genet of spayne asellus a yong asse
aper a wild bore. Quist cicula āgli a ruler. Ari ces mitulꝰ id est sine carnibus. Taurus a dull or an oxe bos an oxe or a cow vitulus a calfe vacca a cowe iuuenca iuuencus a bullocke
Uerus a tame boare, porcellus a pygge porcus a hogge porcata a gibbe scropha a sow sus idem
Agnus a lambe oues a tup o [...] a shepe aries a ramme veruex sectarius a belwether hedus a kid [Page]Capreolus a little goate caper a goate hyrcus idem cum capra capella the female
Catellus a whelpe catulus idem catella idem licisca canis ex lupo et cane Ieporarius odori lequo venaricus mollosus villaticus, penar [...]ꝰ gre gariꝰ. Hir­cus armentū, armētarius opilio portarius subulcus a gricola.
Cuniculꝰ a conye laurix a leueret, lepus a hare hinnulus a fawne dama (que) a doe ceruus a harte
Damula a pricket or a tegge ceruula a hinde lea capra a roo lepuseulus adde a rabet or a leueret
Leo a lyon, leona a lyones, lupus a wolfe vulpes a foxe vulpecula a cubbe mesis a graye,
Lutra an otter fiber castor idem simia an ape vrsus a beare vnicornus an vnicorne
Camelus a camell elephus an [...]liphant strutio camelus an oystritche et histrix
Panthera a panther pardus a lybarde perdialix linx the female leopardus a lybarde
Tigris a tyger talpa a want pecus a beast herinatius an vrchin [...] grex a floke, cirogilus a squyrell
Felis a catte mus a mouse, catus a catte mustella a wesell viuerra a fyrret sorexque a rat

De Auibus.

Aquila an egle, falco a fawcon, gerax a gerfawcon, nisus a sperhawke, accipiter a goshauke, auis a birde,
Gallus a cocke gallina a henne pullus a chicken anserulus a gos [...]ling anser a gose or a gander
Pullaster a cockrell pullastra a pullet anas a ducke anaticula a ducklyng capo a capon
Cignus a swanne olor idem, pauo a pecocke, perdix a partrich, columba a she doue, columbus the male doue,
Herdea an kerne, grus a crane poffer a sparow, phasianus a fesaunt merula an ousell turdus a thrushe
Rasticula a plouer sturnus a stare simul artegena a wodcocke columbus a stockdoue
Frigilla a robin red­brest regulus a wrenne palumbus a stockdoue turtur a turtle doue hꝑrundo a swalowe [Page]Conturnix a quayle vpupa a lapwing mergos a cormeraunt fulica a semew gelerica a larke
Psitacus a popingay et graculus a gey ornix a morehenne motacula a wagtaile picus a bussarde
Pica a pye carduelis a goldfinche ibis a snite turdula a teale caruca a hedge sparowe
Cornix a crowe et miluus a kite cornus a rauen monedula a chough bubo an owle
Noctua idem strix a scrich owle huluia sit a batte vespertilio vulter a grype
Lucinia a nightingale lucine achatis idem gener philomena idem phicedula phenix a birde cf arabye
Nicticorax a bittoure onocrotulus ciconia a curlewe cocix a cuckowe
Coculus, a cuckow palmipes brode fote Halcionis pellicantis a pellican merops a marlet apiaster idem
Fidipes clouen fote & solipes an hole fote digitus a clawe rostrū a bill simul vnguis a talent
Nidisco to builde excludo to hatche nidulor to build pario to bringe forth incubatedo to sit on brode
Foueo to nourishe or to kepe hot setisco glocito to bringe forth singultio to clocke ruspor to scrape
Album out the whit of the egge. Sido to flie depennesco to moute or to shede fether plumesco to waxe fethered prouolo to flit away apricor to set a sunning or to sunne
Uitellus the yolke of an egge testa a shell implumis without fethers putamen the skinne of an egge ouumque an egge

De piscibus.

Fl [...]ialis, marinus recens. Est salsamentum saltefyshe pisciculus a little fishe quoque piscis a fishe
Licusta a creuis canrer a crabbe gamerus a shrimpe vitulusque marinus a vele
Phoca a porpas cūrombus a turbot scombrꝰ a macrell starus a gurnarde quo (que) sparꝰ a sole
Spondclis a sturgion & capito a codling capitomulꝰ ostrea an oyster cōgruus a conger [Page]Salmo a salmon mugil a mort apoa a sprot mitilus a muscle & coclea a cockle concha a shell
Allec a hering cum rato a ray fishe passer a pla [...]e cetus a whale quoque cele idem Oua pissi­um ou ci [...]a.
Pecten a cheuin cepha canis a dogfishe marinus lupus loligo l [...]bellus
Barbatilis a barble polupꝰ a lopster lampetra a lampray anguilla an ele morena,
Squamula a scate squamosꝰ scaled viscosus clammy brāchia a gill pinna a finne
Rhete a nette rhetibulum a little nette excipula a weare nassula a wilowe or leape nassa idem
Uerriculū a nette funda a fiue contus a pole or a staffe linea a cord hamus a hoke arundo an angling rodde piscatoria

De muscis et vermibus. [...]lucarium Apis facit apicula. Apta vero apecula. Lamperis pocticula medula idē sunt.

Crabro an ho [...]e [...] vespa a waspe, fucus a drone bee, apiarius apum custos, alueus a hiue apes a bee
Apecula [...] fauus a honyecombe, mellatio hony season melque hony melligo the hony fall
Bombilus the humble bee oestrum the g [...]dde asilus idem cynomia the dogge flye tulex a gnat [...]
Popilio a butterfly tipula musca super a quam natan [...] nitecula a glo [...]erd musca idem cicada a gr [...]shopper
Uermiculor to brede wormes vermig a worme. vermiculꝰ diminut wormes vermia lumbix angle twitch.
Pediculus a louce puder a flee pediculus a little louse lens a nitte pedicillus [...] little nitte
Redimus [...] ticke [...]itta the gredy wormes in cambes gurgulio a wesell blatta a night gnatte teredo a timber worme lignus nuri [...]
Tinea a mothe or a handworme termiculus diminutiuum termes a magot sanguisuga an horseleche hyrūdo idem Rotunda timea.
Formica a pismyrt bruchus the worte worme campe multipeda the canker bombix the silkworme [Page]Scorpio a scorpion dracena a dr [...]go [...]es draco the dragon dracunculꝰ diminu. anguis a serpent or a snake
Natrix a water serpent lacertus the lysarde serpens a serpent salamandra the fire criket pyrausta animal n [...]cen [...] fanis
Bufo a iode rana a pod­docke araneus an edder co [...] or a spinner testudo stellio a snaile or a snail shell limax a sn [...]il without a shell

De arboridue et fructibus vna cum coherentibus

Fraxinꝰ an ashe ornix a oke ilex id [...]m querrus idem suber a corke [...]ree, esculꝰ an oke, vlmus an [...]work [...],
Iunipera Olea, ar­bor. Malus an apple tree volemus a warden tree, cerasus chery tre pirus a peare tree arbutus a seruice tr [...]e alnus an ell [...]m tre,
Prunus hortensis a [...] tree siluestris the [...]l [...] tree prunus mespilus an open [...]rs tree or medlers acer a maple
Malus the crabbe t [...]es, siluestris t [...]e ha [...]ell tree, cocutu [...]i a walnut [...]ee, auel [...]ana auedo idem quod [...]
Oliua fru­ctus. Oleum succus Morus a mulbery tree nux a nutte tree ficus a figge tree amigdala an almonde tree olea an olyue tree taxus [...] tree
Palma the d [...]e tree abies the fyrre tree fagus the beche t [...]e [...] ole aster the wylde oliue tree lanrea the laurell tree laurus the b [...]ye tree
Labrusca a wilde vyne vitis a vyne tree cypress [...]y the cypre ire picea a peche tree pinus the pine tree
Platanus the plant tree & mirtus the mir tree [...] hebanꝰ tremulꝰ an aple tree populus (que) the po [...]le tree,
Sambucus the elder tree sentis the hawe­thorne salix the willowe or s [...]lowe, silex hasil rod, & cyronodus [...]
Laurus laurell siluestris dumus a [...]us [...]e or a griue ficulnea the wild fig tree, rubus a bushe
Frutex a shrubbe veprecula a little bryer vepres genesia broume mirica idem [Page]Uiburnum heath [...] aculeus a pricke spina roseta salicetum a place of roses a place where as a thorn hoc um wilows groweth
Arbustum a greaue nemus a woode arboretum a groue cedna silua a cop [...]s
Damnariū a parke faltus a toket, or a forest salutarius a foster nemorisque
Custos idem damnarius a pa [...]ke [...] cunicularius a wariner adde
Arbor a tree stirps [...] stock [...] tru [...]ous the body of a stocke stipes a stocke arbuscula a litle tree radir a ro [...]e
Radicula caudex ramus ramuseulus liber a litle ro [...], the body of y e tree a bough [...], di [...]i [...]. the inner rynde,
Alburnum a saype codex the body of the [...], suceus r [...]nnus, medulla (que) the pithe, cortex, the vtter barke
Plantariū a s [...]t [...]e cum radice planta a sette fine radic [...], vitutamen a [...] sacculusque a [...]raffe
U [...]men a twigge, cacumen the toppe frons [...]los a blossome [...] foliū a leafe quo (que) germen a gra [...]e
Pediculus a stalke palmes sa [...]ramentū a brau [...]che that is cut pampinꝰ the [...]ine lease, gama a budde
Trāsfero to remoue or to translate trāslato idem plāto to sette, insero to graffe radico to take rote viret to be gre [...]e
Germino to budde, frondesco to heare leaues, floreo to blossome, fero [...] to beare, fructificoque to beare fruite.
Defloresco to fade areo to widder, defrondesco to fell the leaues lego to gather, stringo to ripe Ex [...]ortico delibero, to barke [...]
Etadico to plucke vp by the rote excido to fell decacumino to toppe fondeo to topp [...], auello to plucke away
Uolemum a warden pomum an apple malum cerasū a chery, pira a peare, prunum a prune
Persicum a pech [...] granatum a pomegranard punicu suriū an almonde medicumque an [...]rang [...] Nigrum [...]t bum ce [...]eū damascem [...] affimilum [...] malum
Boturum a quince not ripe promaturū pre [...]ox [...]astely ripe mite melowe nauum winterlinge [Page]Musceū newe winter fruite serotinū diutinum longe duri [...]g, molle mellowe cadiuum that that falleth vnder the tree.
Mepsillū a medler glans an oke corne galla an oke apple melimellū a bitter swete dactile a date ficus a [...]gge
Dactilum. Pinus a p [...]n apple tree muscata the nut­megge amigdala the almonde thasia nutte greca idem
Castanea the chestone iuglans the walnut auelana idem nur (que) colurna the haselnut
Siluester the blacke berye. Hoc vina­tidum. Testa a shale scapus the huske nucleus the kernell nauli the p [...]l [...] vticula idem fragum a strawbery
Arbitum the cornes et cornus a hawe tree vua passa a raysine baccula morum a little burye
Uua a grape acinus a [...]ery botrus a cluster vinatio the iuyce of the grape bacca a bery corymbus the i [...]y [...] berye

De Herbis.

Saluia sage borago borage [...] libatonis rosemary brassica cole ruta rue
Petrosillū. Iris floure delice, ysopus ysope olisatrum perseley petrosilinum idem
Acedula sort [...]l thimum tyme endiuia endiue feniculumque fenell
Elytropium marigolde lactura a lettise betonia betonye malua malowes
Althea a holihocke plantago w [...]yb [...]e [...]de maior saturagia fa [...]ery consolidaque a dasye minor
Abrotanum sother [...]eworte arthemisia mugworte scolopendria [...]ttes tong baccar S. Ihons herbe
Lilium a lillye & apium smallage ramisis rammes absynthium wormewod aaron wake roby [...]
Taneticum causey parietaria paritory lauendula lauender etheris gosegrasse
Mēta mynte mentastrum [...]orsem [...]t nasturcium water cress [...] et cyno glossa horehou [...]de
Ambrosia mugwo [...]t fumus fumitory terre, garioꝑholium [...] gylo [...] alga froth of the se [...] [Page]Pulegium hilwort tussillago fu [...]illage rapula radyshe digitellus [...]ngrene or housleke
Ualeriana valerian rapa a rape protulaca a purslaine scabiosa cabage
Essula spurge trifolium thre leaued grasse penna sinkefoyle folium coriandrum coriander
Urtica a nettle amium a blinde netle cicuta a hemlocke iusquiamusque henbane
Serpillū pellitory organum herbe royall or lurke macedonia alexander cū melilotus hony socle
Sanguinar bludwort ocelidonia celendine febrifugaque feuerfewe
Buglossa longdebefe rophanum radishe caprifoliumque woodbinde sauiuum sanon
Allium garlyke verbena verueyne cepe an oynion centauria sentory porrus lekes Nucleus [...] crocum fructus.
Crocus the herbe peruinca peruincle fili pendula fili pendula cotilidonque peniworte
Papauer popy filix ferne columbina columbyne titimallus spurge
Mādragora mandrake quinquefolium sinkefoyle agrimonia agrimony tapsis molen,
Bultamꝰ [...]ye eye fungus tode chese polipodium such ferne as groweth on walles comomilla camomyl
Astrologia quedam herba mulieribus grauidis apta dracuntiam a dragon et calaminta [...]he garden mint
Cicoriū viola a violet caltha the y [...]lowe [...]ree rosa a rose mercurialis mercury
Carduus a thistle et carex a segge lappatium a docke intiba lappa a burre Herbe vlce­rarie, herbs that frete. Topiarius hortulauus [...]
Peopina peopy equisilis [...]orsegrasse verberata veru [...]in syderitis milfoly
Inula a [...]etum [...]elena campana, auisum anys helinum atque ciminum herba ab aliena dicta .i. cuminu [...] [Page]Prora nauis the formost parte puppis rostrum the hinder parte antenna the saile­yarde carina the botome o [...] the shyppe
Armamenta the takeling malꝰ the mast rudēs simul the cable anchora an anker clauus the sterne
Fori the hatches, sentina the pumpe cum nantea nausea the water pompe transtra the hatches
Carbasus the saile clothe, et velum idem, nauergꝰ the mast of the shippe, et nauigo to saile, nauta, a shipma [...]
Classis. Nanicularius qui nauim regit et nauclerus idem nauigiumque id est de nauis
Naualis pertinens ad nauem, remigio to rowe, remus qui remegat, naualia the dockes, temer an ow [...]
Saburra s [...]llage. Nauticꝰ & naufragꝰ pertinens ad nautam, naufragiū qui perdit nauim ac mare the sea fretum a v [...]we
Traucio to cary ouer, appello to driue transporto to cary ouer portarlumque the [...]ole o [...] custome
Portor a fery man, hypago a fery barge, ponto idem lynter a cocke boate quoque cymba a bottome

De spectantibus ad bellum.

Bellum battayle or warre, certamen battail [...] conflictus fight [...]nge, prelia pugna battayle or fightinge
Imbellis not apte to warre pugnax a fighter a warriour et bellicosus idem in arinis vnharnessed or without wepon
Strennus manly ignauus a cowarde fortis manly animosus well stomaked, acer quicke
Lorica a habergen, cassis a sal [...]t clipeus a sh [...]lde quo (que) galea a salet scutū vmbo, the bosse of the buckler
Hec vnctu­la, the cheke of the sallet Hasta a speare, niberā a swerde gladius idem hastilc the spere sta [...]e lantea a speare telum omne quod longe pro [...]icitur.
Manubeiū a bilte capulus idem iaculum a darte thorax dolo a staffe sica a swerd or a hang [...]
Tormentū machina a gunne verutum f [...]nda balista a slenge, a [...]rosbowt [...] [Page]Aries et vinea bellum iudico to crye warre geroque to make battaile
Arcus [...] [...]ow & pharetra a quiuer sudes catapulta an arowe sagitta idem
Ferree sunt manice harneys of the armes & handes, simul o [...]ree legge harneys tossera a bagge claua a batte
Simbolū a watcheworde et bellidū fustis a batte quo (que) falx preliaris a bill or a halberde M [...]l [...]tade stipencum facere idem significant Ueteranus emitus pre­conus legio narius manipulari [...]s tumulter [...]arius explo­rator. Trāsfuga: deficio la­rium stipō ­dium. Ue [...]ill [...]ter [...]
Paludamentū a coate armour armatus harnessed catafractus all harnessed
Tentoriū a tente castra idem castra mentor to p [...]che the tentes, manubileque the captaines parte
Dux [...] captayne imperator idem ductor idem, commilito a felow of warre, miles a man of war,
Ex cercitus an hoste copia idem milicia warre milito to warre turba a company
Manipulus legio cohors centauria cornu
Centurio tribunus a knyght eques pedester de curio pedes a foteman
Delectum the muste [...] facio, milites recensere signat
Subsidium ac [...]es vexillum signifer ala the rereward, the forewarde, a baner, the standard bearer, a winge,

De musicis instrumentis.

Gingritis the bagge pipe, tibia the shalines, lituus a trumpet, fidicula a fiddle, tuba a trumpe [...]
Psalterium a sautery cythara a lute lyricen fidicina a harper lyra a harpe
Fidicen a fidler or a crowder, et pecten a wrest, gingritor a bagge piper, chorda a strynge [...] tibicen a wayte Preteritio, prelium, prophemist anglice, a florishe. Citharist [...],
Tubicen a trumpeter at (que) fides a stringer cornuplectrum a horne, qua perentiuntur corde, cytharedus a luter
Simbalū et tympanū a tympane sābuca psalteria a woman singer, que psalterio canit, psaltes a man singer qui psalterio canit
Tripudio to daunce salto idem saltatio a daunce tripudiumque idem [Page]Qui coream ducit presultor dicitur esse the leader of the daunce
Choru [...]. Canticū a songe atque cano cantilena quoque to syng a song or a ballade candus singynge [...]
Occentor a meane canto to singe succentor a base occino cantor treble
Sopor [...] vox. Canor [...] vox. Succino to singe the base occento to singe the meane occentus intorqueo vibro to warble
Musicus et modulor to pype pueri symphoriaci singing children sūt


¶Imprinted at London in Poules churchyarde at the signe of the Lambe, by Abraham Uele.

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