
noīatif case supponēt to the verbe. as ego qui scribo se deo. If the verbe that cōmeth next the relatif be a ver­be imꝑsonal: than shal the relatif be suche case: as the verbe imꝑsonal re (qui)reth. As ego cui opponitur: attēdo.

Si quis structurā verbo (rum) noscere gliscat.
Horū naturā ꝑ metra sequencia discat.

Howe many verbes haue strengith to couple like case? verbes substātyues betokenynge to be. Verbes vocatyues as noīnor / appellor / nuncupor / vocor / and deior. anglice to be called / cleped / or named. Verbes passyues as eligor / reputor / ordinor. And generally whanne the worde that goth bifore the verbe / and the worde that folowe the verbe longe bothe to one thynge. what maner of verbe y t eu (er) it be: put bothe in one case. as ego sum puer: et tu vocaris iohannes. Pater meus elegitur maior londonia (rum). laicꝰ nō sedet iudex ī causis ecclesiasticꝭ.

  • Sum / fio / maneo / dicexisto / fore / consto /
  • Presto / ꝑsisto / cū subsisto / simul exto /
  • Quando notant substās: similes deposcere caꝰ,
  • Verba vocatiua vim cōsimilē retinebūꝭ
  • Nominor / appellor / sic nuncupor / addito dicor /
  • Et Vocor. et quedam passiua: sic eligor vrbis
  • Prefectus. reputor sapiens. fit hoc generale.
  • Si quo (rum) precedat verbū: verbū ve sequatūr.
  • Pertineant adidē: casu ponātur eodem.
  • Eminet / apparet / sedeo iudex / eo velox.
  • Hec poscunt silēs post se / p̄ se quo (que) casue.

Desino desinis desii vel desini desinere desinedi do ōil desitum desitu desinens desiturus. Anglice to sesse / or [Page] to leue of. et potest consteui cū genitiuo / et oblatiuo cu prepositione ista a / vel ab. vt desino ludi / vel a ludo.

  • Desinet abstineo dabis indigeo genitiuo.
  • Aft (er) auget et dominor miserere valm careo (que).
  • Inuideo pacior accuso consulo consio
  • Arguo cū depno moueo reprehendo recordor
  • Et memini dignor obsimscor reminiscor.
  • Participo recolo miror tu cetera quo [...]e.

These verbes folowynge moost cōmonly construe w t a datyue case after theym: and in the passiue voyce they be verbes imꝑsonales. as mihi ouiatur. tibi parcitur. magistro non placetur.

  • Obuio parco placet in̄deoseruio nocet.
  • Precipit opponit concludo iunge datiuis.
  • Supplicet arridet faueo vaco ꝓficit horrm
  • Subuenit addatur succurrit ꝓpiciatur.
  • Congruo cōpacior cōfert succeditadu [...]or
  • Sufficit aspirat valedico gratulor astat
  • Imminet e (qui)ualet alludit obedit obstat
  • Occurrit estat et cedo: quando locum dat.
  • Insidior pateo minor ast optemꝑo fido
  • Derogo cōdoleo p̄iudico detono defert
  • Suppetit his iūgas. q̄ sū cōponit eis das.
  • Hec et (quam)plura ternis coniungere cura.

These verbes folowynge wyll construe with ii accu­satif case. And their passyues with the latter.

  • Postulo posco peto doceo flagito celo
  • Exuo cū vestit monet induo calceo cingo
  • [Page] Acusatiuos geminos hec verba requirunt.
  • Passiuis quorū postremis iungitur horum.

Whan this signe the folo with a nowne adiectyue / ver­be / or participle betoknynge parte / or all: the casuelwor de folowinge this signe in meter oftymes is put in the accusatyue case. as virgo venusta faciem. in prose in the ablatyue case. as venustafacie.

  • Ad [...]ectiua regūt passiua / verba (que) neutra /
  • Accusatiuos per sinodogen sibi iunctos.
  • Cū partes toti tribuantur: totave parti.
  • Sed pocius metris: (quam) prosis sinodoche fit.

Thies verbys folowīg haue an ablatyf case aft (er) them

  • Descitur / et fruit (ur) / caret / vtitur / at (que) potitur.
  • Hec ablatiuos transitione regunt.
  • Et iungas careo plus sexto: (quam) genitiuo.

Vescor ceris caret preterito vesci to ete. Fruor is to vse a thinge for it selue / or to haue delyte therin. as fruor deo boi!s suis. fruor amicorū colloquio. fruor tuo can­tu. Vtor ris vsꝰsū vti to vse / or to were a thīg for another cause: thā for it self. as vtor armis. vtor libris. v­tor studio. Fungor ris functussū fungi to vse / or to holde an office. Potior potis vel potiris potitꝰsū potirito haue / or to opteyne. vt rex potitus est victoria.

  • Diuinis fruimur exoptatis (que) potimur.
  • Vtimur vtilibus. fungimur officio.
  • Descimur de escis cū potu / diliciis (que).

A nown subsiātif / or a ꝓnown / w t a participle depen­ding of an other shalbe put ī the ablatyf case absolute. as magistro docēte: pucri ꝓsiciūt, me vidēte: sol lucet.


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