¶ Here begynneth the Accedence diligently correcte and poyntyd.


HOw many partes of reason ben there Eyght. whi­che eyght? Nowne: pronowne verbe: aduerbe: par­ticiple: coniunction. p̄position. and interiection ¶ How many be declined. & how many be vndeclined. Foure be declined. and foure be vndeclined. whiche foure be declined. [Page] Nowne / pronowne / verbe. and ꝑticiple. whiche foure ve vndeclined? aduerbe / coniunction / preposition / & interie­ction. ¶ Howe many be declyned with case / & howe ma­ny without case? Thre be declined with case / & one w tout case. whiche thre be declined with case? nowne / pronowne and participle be declined with case / & verbe onely with­out case ¶ Howe knowest a nowne? For all maner thynge / what a man maye se / fele / here / or onderstonde: that bereth the name of a thynge: is a nowne ¶ How many maner of nownes be thre. Two: I nowne substantyf / and a nowne adiectyf. ¶ How knowest a nowne substātif? for he may stande by hym selfe without helpe of another worde: and is declined in latin wich one article / or two at y e moste in one case / as hic magister / hic et hec sacerdos.

¶ Howe knowest a nowne adiectyf? For he maye not stande by hym selfe withoute helpe of a nother worde: and is declined in latyn with thre articles / or with thre diuers endynges in one case / as noīatiuo hic & hec & hoc felix / bonus bona bonum. ¶ Howe many thingis longe to a nowne? Sex. whiche sex? Qualite / cōparison gēder / nomber / fygure & case. what is qualite in a nowne? a ꝓperte by the whiche a nowne accordeth oonly to one thynge: as Adam / or to many other as men. ¶ Howe knowest a qualite in a nowne For it is a ꝓperte: by the whiche one thynge is lykened to a nother: as fayre / ; whyte / blacke.

¶ Howe many degrees of cōparysons by there? ¶ Thre whiche thre? The posityf / the cōparatyf and the superla­tyf. ¶ Howe knowest the posityf degre? For he is y e groū de of all other degres of comparyson without makynge more or lesse: as fayre / whyte / blacke. ¶ Howe knowest the cōpatatyf degre? For he passeth his posityf with this abuerbe more / & his englysshe endeth in r / as more wyse /


[Page] Ambo / duo (que) mari neutrū faciunt similari.

¶ Howe knowest the thyrde declenson? For the genityf case singuler endeth in is / the datyf in I / the accusatyf in em or in im / the vocatyf shall be lyke y e nominatyf / the ablatyf in e / or in i / the nominatyf / accusatyf and the vocatyf plurel endeth in es / the genityf plurell in um / or in ium / the datyf & the ablatyf in bus. ¶ How knowest y e fourth declenson? For the genityfe case singuler / the nominatyf the accusatyf / and the vocatyf plurel endeth in us: the da­tyf in ui. the accusatyf in um. the vocatyf shall be lyke y e nominatyf. the ablatyf in u. the genityf plurell in um the datyf and the ablatyf in bus. Also all these nownes: that be conteyned in these verses: haue u before bus in the datyf and the ablatyf case plurel. All other kepe styll i short afore bus.


Ante bus u seruant ficus: tribus arcus, acus (que).
Artus: cum verubus. portus. partus (que).
Et specus. et quercus hic hec hoc reperimus.

¶ Howe knowest the fyfte declenson? for the genityf. and the datyf case singuler endeth in ei. the accusatyf in em. y e vocatyf shalbe lyke the nominatyf. the ablatyfe in e / the nominatyf. accusatyf. and y e vocatyf plurell endeth in es the genityf in erum. the datyfe and the ablatyfe in ebus. Also all nownes of the fyfte declenson lacke the genityf the datyfe. and the ablatyf plurell: out take these in these verses folowynge.

Desunt plurali genitiui: siue datiui.
Et sexti quinte: nisi res species (que) dies (que).
Progenies et maneries: sic materies (que).
Ac acies. facies predictis addere debes.
Vt brito testatur: spes illis associatur.

HOwe knowest a ꝓnowne? For he is a parte of rea­son [Page] declined with case: and is [...]e [...] for a ꝓpre name: and betokeneth as moche as a proper name of a man: and other whyle receyueth certeyne persone and nombre.

¶ How many pronownes be ther [...]? Fyftene, whiche .xv. Ego / tu sui ille ipse iste / hic / & is: Meus / tuus / suus / no­ster / and vester nostras / and vestras. ¶ Howe many be primatiues / & howe many be deriuatiues? Eyght be pri­matiues / and seuen be deriuatiues. Whiche eyght he pri­matiues? Ego / tu sui ille / ipse / iste / hic / and is. whiche se­uen be deriuatiues? Meus / tuus suus / noster and vester / nostras and vestras. ¶ Of these seuen primatiues some be only relatyues / and som be only demonstratyues / and some be bothe relatyues / & demōstratyues. Vnde versꝰ.

Tantū demonstrant ego / tu / simul hic / simul iste.
Iure relatiui gaudet is / at (que) sui.
Monstrant / vel referunt ille / vel ipse tibi.

¶ Howe knowest a ꝓnowne demonstratyfe? for by hym is some thynge shewed. ¶ Howe knowest a ꝓnowne re­latyfe? For by hym is some thynge shewed: that is sayde byfore. ¶ Howe many pronownes haue the vocatyf case and howe many lacke? Foure haue / and all other lacke.

Quattuor exceptis pronomina nulla vocabis.
Tu meus et noster / nostras (que) hec sola vocantur.

¶ Howe many thynges longe to a pronowne? Sex. whi­che sex? Qualite / gender / nomber / figure / person & case. ¶ Howe many persones be ther? Thre. whiche thre? The fyrst / the secōde / the thirde. ¶ How knowest the fyrst persone? For he speketh of hymself as For we ¶ Howe knowest the seconde persone? for he speketh to a nother: as y u. or ye. ¶ Howe knowest the thirde person. For he speketh of a nother as he or they. and euery nowne: pronowne: and Particyple is the .iij. person out take ego: et nos: tu


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