
HOw many partis of reason ben there (eyght) whiche .viij. Nowne / Pro­nowne / Verbe / Aduerbe / Partycyple / Cōiunccion / preposicion / Interieccyō ¶How many ben declynyd. & how many ben vndeclynyd. Four ben declynyd / and foure ben vndeclynyd. ¶Whiche foure ben declynyd. Nowne. Pronowne. Verbe and Partyciple. Whiche foure ben vndeclynyd. Aduerbe. Con­iunccyon. Preposicyon and Interieccyon. ¶How many ben declynyd with case. and how many without case. Thre ben declynyd with case / and one without case. ¶Whiche thre ben declynyd with case. Nowne Verbe and Particyple. ben declynyd with case. And Verbe onely withoute case. ¶How knowest a nown for all maner thyng that a man may see fele. Here▪ or vnderstonde that berith the name of a thyng is a nown ¶How many maner of nowns ben there (tow Whiche two) A nown substantyf & a nown adiectyf ¶How knowe ye a nowne substantyf / For he may stande by hymself without helpe of a nother worde & is declynyd in latyne with one artycle or with two at the moost in one case. (As hic Magister. hic et hec sacerdos. ¶How knowe ye a nowne adiectyf. For he may not stande by hymselfe withoute helpe of a no­ther worde / and is declynyd in latyne with thre artycles / or with thre dyuers endynges in one case. as ntō hic & hec & hoc felix. (Bonus bona bonum) ¶How many thynges longe to a nowne / Sixe / whiche sixe) [Page] Qualyte / comparyson / gendre / nombre / fygure / & case ¶What is a qualyte in a nowne. A properte by the whiche a nowne accordyth onely to one thynge. As Adā / or to many thyngys as men. ¶How knowest a qualyte in a nowne. A qualyte in a nowne is a properte by y e whiche one thyng is lykened to a nother / as fayre / whyte / blacke ¶How many degrees of cō ­paryson ben there. thre. whiche .iij. Posityf / cōparatif & superlatyf. ¶How knowest the posityf degree. for he is foūder & groūder of all other degrees of cōpa­ryson without makyng more or lesse / as-fayr / white & blacke. ¶How knowest the cōparatyf degree. For he passyth his posityf with this aduerbe more. & his englyssh endyth in r. as mor wyse or wyser. How kno­west y e superlatyf degree For he passyth his posytyf with his aduerbe moost & his englyssh endyth in est / as moost wyse or wysest ¶what nownes receyuen cō parison suche nownes adiectiues y t may be made more or lesse. as fayre fayrer fayrest. ¶Of whō shall y e posytyf degree be fourmed. he is not fourmed / but al other degrees of cōparyson ben formed of hȳ. ¶Of whom shal y e cōparatyf degree be fourmed / of his posityf. of what case / somtyme of y e genityf & somtyme of y e datyf. ¶Whan shall it be fourmed of y e genitif case. euer more whan his posityf degree is y e fyrst de­clenson & y e secōde. by puttyng to this terminacōn or. as docti) put therto or & it woll be (doctior ¶Out of this rule ben out take in excepcyons. The fyrst excepcyon is of thyse two nownes (Dexter & sinister) ma­kyng [Page] (dexterior & sinisterior) & nownes y t enden in cus as Amicus amicicior (magnificus magnificencior.)

¶Si tibi declinet positiuū norma secunde
¶Taliter inde gradū debes formare secundū:
¶I breuias quam dat gtūs & or superaddes
¶Tolle sinisterior / cui dexterior sociatur
¶Quod tibi prebet icus his iūgas-testis amicus)

¶The seconde excepcyon is of thyse fyue nownes) bonus. malus. magnus. paruus. & multus) that make the comparatyf degree vnruly. ¶Versus

¶Res bona res melior. res optima. res mala. peior
¶Pessima. res magna res maior maxima rerum
¶Parua minor minima. dic multꝰ plurimꝰ addes
¶Plurimus & multus / sic comparat abs (que) secūdo

¶The thyrde excepcion is whan his posityf endith in Ius in eus in uus or in uis. then̄e the comparatyf degree shall be fulfylled with his posytyf & this ad­uerbe magis (as pius magis pius pijssimus. Tenuis magis tenuis tenuissimus. ¶Vnde versus

¶Quod fit ius vel eus uus aut uis or caruere
¶Per magis et piū quod comparat instituere

¶The cōparatyf degree shall be fourmed of the datyf case / euer more whā his positif degree is the thyr de declenson / by puttynge this termynacyon or. (As Ntō hic hec hoc felix. Gtō felicis. Dtō felici. put therto an or. than it woll be (felicior) ¶Out of this rule take Iuuenis. makynge Iunior) Potis pocior Nequā nequior.) And wordes of the thyrde declenson y t ben conteyned in this verse aboue. Quod fit ius &c̄.

[Page] ¶Of whom shall the superlatyf degree be fourmed Of his posityf degree. Of what case / Somtyme of the nominatyf case / & somtyme of y e genytyf case / & somtyme of the datyf case. ¶Whan shal he be four­med of y e nominatyf case / euermore whan his posi­tif endyth in r lyttre / by puttyng to this terminacōn (rimus as niger) put therto a rimus) and it woll be (nigerrimus) Out of this rule ben out take (memor that maketh (memorissimus) Dexter) that maketh dexterimus and dextimus) Sinister maketh (sinisteri mus & sinistimus. Also thees nownes (nuperus vetus & maturus) & this worde (Detero) that fourmyth the superlatyf degree in / rimꝰ (as nuperimus (veterimus maturimus & deterimus. ¶Vnde versus

¶Cum rectus tenet r poteris rimus addere semꝑ
¶In rimus at (que) timus dexter ve sinister habetur
¶Et memor excipet memorissimus hinc reperit.
¶Nuperus at (que) vetus maturus detero iungis

Also the superlatyf degree shal be fourmyd of the noīatyf case in thies. v. nownes (agilis facilis gracil humilis & similis) with theyr cōpoundys by doynge away is & by puttȳg to limꝰ) as agilis) doe away is & put therto limꝰ) & it woll be agillimꝰ) w double ll

¶Dat tibi quin (que) limus que signat dictio fagus
¶Hec agilis gracilis humilis similis facilis (que)

¶Et sua composita que duplici Il sunt habenda The superlatyf degree shal be fourmed of y e genytif case / whan his posityf is y e fyrst declenson / & y e secōde by puttyng to this littre (s & simus) as ntō albus. a. ū / Gtō [Page] albi albe albi-put therto (s & simus) and it woll be albissimus. ¶Out of this rule ben out take thise wordes y t ben conteyned in this verse (Res bona &c.) and this worde proximus. & other more y t ben cōtey­ned in thyse verse folowynge / y t somtyme ben of the posytyf degree / & somtyme of the superiatyf degree. And whan they ben of the posytyf degre they locke the superlatyf degree / as proximus proximior / ¶Vn̄.

Proximus extremus quibꝰ intimus adde supremꝰ
¶Infimus addatur duplex gradus his tribuat.
¶Postremus sequitur auctoribus vt reperitur.

¶The superlatyf dygree shalbe fourmed of y e datif case / whan his posityf is the thyrde declenson. by put tynge to this lettre. s. & this termynacyon. simus. As Ntō hic hec hoc sapiens. Gtō sapiētis / Dtō sapienti put therto / s and simus / & it woll be / sapientissimus) ¶Out of this rule ben oute take thyse thre nownes / Iuuenis adolescens & Senex / & thyse two aduerbes Ante & subter / that lacke the superlatyf degree ¶Vn̄

¶Ante senex Iuuenis adolescens subter (que) addis.
¶Sola quidem solis vtuntur comparatiuis

¶How many preposycyons or aduerbes ben set in y e stede of the posityf degree / all thyse folowyng verses

¶Bis septem dicas aduerbia prepositas ve
¶Quas nostri patres posuere loco positiui
¶Ante citra prope post extra supra (que) vel in fra.
¶Intra nuper vltra (que) pridem penitus (que)

Whiche ben the cōparatiuys y t ben euyn in syllables with theyr posityf / that ben conteyned in thyse verse

¶Iunior & maior peior & prior & minor-ista
¶Et non plura-suis equalia sunt politiuis

¶Plus minus est primo sunt hec in pectoris imo) With what case woll the posytyf degree be cōstrued with noīatyf case by y e strenghte of his degree. but by the vertue of his sygnyfycacyon / he may be cōstrued with all cases / out take the nominatyf & the vocatyf With a genityf (as magister est dignus laudis) with a datyf case. as (sum similis patri meo) With a accusatyf case. as (sum albus faciem) With a ablatif case as (sum dignus laude. ¶With what case shal the cō paratyf degree be cōstrued / with by y e strenght of his degree / he may be cōstrued with an ablatyf case of eyther nombre / as (sum doctior illo vel illis) Or with a noīatyf case with this coniunccyon. ꝙ.) comynge be­twene. as Ego sum doctior ꝙ ille) Or with a nother oblyque case. as (Michi opponitur difficilius (quam) tibi) ¶With what case woll the superlatyf degree be construed / w t a genytyf case y t betokeneth but two thynges / as (ego sum pauperrimꝰ socio (rum) meo (rum)) then̄e the superlatif degree may be chaūgyd into the cōparatif as in this reason / I am wysest of thyse twen (ego sū pauperior isto (rum) duo (rum) Also the superlatyf degree shal accorde in gendre with the genytyf case y t-foloweth:

¶Omne superlatiuū genitiuo sit sociatum
¶At (que) suo generi conforme cupit retinere:
¶Vt patet verum sic deus est optima rerum

¶Also the superlatyf degree may be cōstrued with a genytyf case synguler of a nown collectyf. as Salo­mon [Page] fuit sapiētissimus populi. ¶A nowne collectyf is y t nowne / y t in the synguler nombre sygnyfyeth a multytude. And ben thyse ¶Versus

¶Sūt collectiua populus gens plebs quo (que) turba
¶Turma phallanx legio cuneꝰ sociare memēto

¶Also the comparatyf degree may be construed by the vertue of his sygnyfycacyon wi [...]h all cases y t his posytyues may / whyle they be of one partye of reasō

¶Quā vult structurā gradus offerri sibi primus
¶Illā naturā vult quis (que) secūdus & Imus
¶Quod sapias verum dū parte manet in eadem
¶Tu prope siste forū recte sermone feretur
¶Sta propius (que) tho (rum) nulla ratione tenetur.

Also nownes of the cōparatif degree ben the comyn gendre of. ij. out take (senex & senior) y t ben onely the masculyne gendre in voyce / & comyn in sygnificacōn

¶Comparatiuis in or semper cōmunis habetur
¶Mas tantū senior cui femininū prohibetur)
¶Adiectiua senex senior (que) simul recitetur
¶Hic tm̄ sumūt generis tamen omnis habetur.
¶I vel e postulat or / sed dic tantū seniore)

How many gendres ben there in a nowne (vij) whi­che .vij The masculyne / the feminyne / the neutre / the comyn of .ij. the comyn of .iij. the epycene. the dubyn. ¶How knowest the masculyne gendre / for he is de­clyned with hic / as (Hic magister.) ¶How knowest the feminyne gendre. For he is declyned with hec / as noīatiuo hec musa. ¶How knowest the neutre gen­dre. For he is declyned with hoc / as (ntō hoc scamnū [Page] ¶How knowest the comyn gendre of .ij. for he is declyned with. hic and hec. as (Ntō hic & hec sacerdos. ¶How knowest the comyn gendre of .iij. for he is declyned with hic hec & hoc (as ntō hic & hec & hoc felix ¶How knowest y e dubyn gendre. For he is declyned with hic and hec and a vel comynge bytwene / as hic vel hec dies / for a daye. ¶And thies nownes in thyse verses ben the dubyn gendre. ¶Versus

¶Margo dies (que) silex finis clunis quo (que) cortex
¶Hec veteres vere dubij generis posuere
¶Dama (que) panthera dicas epychena manere.

¶How knowest the epycene gendre. For vndre one voyce and vndre one article he comprehendyth bothe male and female / as hic passer) a sparow / hec aquila an egle. ¶What nownes ben of the epycene gendre. Nownes of smale byrdes whose dyscrecion of kynde may not lyghtly be knowen. ¶And thyse nownes folowynge ben of the epycene gendre. ¶Versus

¶Passer mustela miluus dicas epyoena
¶Talpa (que) cum Dama-iungitur his aquila

¶How many nombres ben there. Two / whiche two the synguler nombre. & y e plurel nombre. How kno­west the synguler nombre. For he spekyth but to one thyng / as a man. ¶How knowest the plurel nombre For he spekyth to many thynges / as men. How ma­ny fygures ben there. thre. whiche .iij. Symple. Compoūde & decōpoūde. Symple as (magnus) Cōpoūde as (magnanimus. Decōpounde as. magnanimitas: ¶How many cases ben there. Sixe. whiche syxe. the [Page] Nomynatyf case. y e Genytyf. y e datyf. y e Accusatyf. y e Vocatyf. & y e ablatyf. ¶How knowest y e nomynatyf case. For he cometh byfore the verbe & answeryth to this questyō / who or what ¶How knowest y e genytif case. For of after a nown substantyf / verbe substantyf / nowne partytyf / nowne distrybutyf / cōparatyf or superlatyf / is y e signe of y e genytyf case. ¶Also whā there cometh two substātyues togyder yf y t one be hauer of y t other / y t hauer shal be put in genytyf case. as Frater iohānis) y e brother of iohā. & of after a verbe adiectyf partycyple gerundyf or supyne. & of after a propre name is y e signe of y e ablatyf / w t a preposicyō

Post propriū nomē post mobile post quo (que) verbū
¶Post (que) gerūdiuy post participans (que) supinū
¶Si veniat sensus genitiui. iungito sextum.
¶Cum reliquis sextū nō iungas sed genitiuū)

¶How knowest y e datyf case. for to byfore a nowne or a pronowne is the sygne of y e datyf case. ¶How knowest y e accusatif case. for he cometh after y e verbe & answeryth to this questyon / whom or what. Also to byfore a propre name of a towne or a cyte. & in w t a to byfore a parte of a mānys body / is the signe of y e accusatyf case ¶How knowest y e vocatyf case. for he clepyth or callyth or spekyth to. How knowest y e ab­latyf case / by my signes in with thorow byfore or frothan after a cōparatyf degree is the sygne of the ablatyf case. And whā this worde in with a to comyth togydre it woll serue to the accusatyf case. & in with out a to woll serue to y e ablatyf case. as in this verse

[Page] ¶In to vult quartū / sine to vult iungere sextum)

¶How many declensons ben there. Fyue / which / v. The fyrst / the secōde / the thyrde / the fourde / the fyfte ¶How knowest the fyrst declenson / For the genytyf & the datyf synguler / the Nomynatyf & the vocatyf plurel shal ende in e / the accusatyf in am / the vocatif shalbe lyke the nominatyf / the ablatyf in a / the genytyf plurel in a (rum) / the datyf & the ablatyf in is / & som­tyme in abus / the accusatyf in as / ¶Vnde versus

¶A veniens ex us sine neutro transit in abus
¶Sicut mulabus / asinabus cum dominabus
¶Hec animato (rum) sunt discernentia sexum
¶Iunges ambabus ex ambo duo (que) duabus
¶Ast animas famulas / nō regula sed dedit vsus)

¶Also thies nownes in thies verses ben the fyrst declenson & the neutre gendre ¶Vnde versus /

¶Pascha polenta Iota zizania māmona māna
¶Sunt neutri generis. & declinatio prima)

¶How knowest the secōde declenson / for the genytif case synguler / the Nomynatyf & the Vocatyf plurell endyth in i / the datyf & ablatyf in o / the accusatyf in vm. Whan the nomynatyf case endyth in r or in m) the vocatyf shal be lyke hym Whan the nomynatyf case endyth in vs the vocatyf shall ende in e(as Ntō hic dominus Vtō o domine ¶Versus

¶Vs mutabis in e per cetera cuncta secunde
¶Filius excipitur quod in e vel in i reperitur

¶Whā the nomynatyf case endyth in ius yf it be a propre name of a man the vocatyf shal ende in i / as [Page] Nominatiuo hic Laurentius) Vocatiuo o laurenti

¶Cū propriū dat ius-tenet i quintus / iaciens vs)

¶The genytyf plurel in o (rum) / the datyf & the ablatyf in is / the accusatyf in os / yf it be a propre nowne. Of the neutre gendre to haue thre cases lyke in the singuguler nombre. & thre in the plurell. as (Nominatiuo hoc scamnū. Accusatino hoc scamnū. Vtō o scamnū. Et pluraliter. Nominatiuo hec scamna. Accusatiuo hec scamna. Out take (Ambo & duo) ¶Versus

¶Recto cum quarto sic quinto neutra tenent a.
¶Ambo duo (que) mari neutrū faciūt similari

¶How knowest the thyrde declenson. For the geny­tyf case synguler endyth in is / the Datyf in i / the ac­cusatyf in em or in im / the vocatyf shall be lyke the nomynatyf. the ablatyf in e or in i The nominatif accusatyf & the vocatyf plurell endyth in es / the Genytyf plurell in vm or in ium. The datyf & ablatyf plurell in bus) ¶How knowest the fourde declenson For the genytyf synguler / the nomynatyf accusatyfe & the / vocatyf plurell endyth in vs / the Datyf in vi.) the accusatyf in vm / the vocatyf shal be lyke the nomynatyf the ablatyf in v. The genityf plurel in uū The datyf & ablatyf in bus. ¶Also thies nownes y t ben conteyned in thyse verses hath u. byfore bus in y e datyf & the ablatyf plurell. Out take thyes in thyse verses folowyng ¶Versus

¶Ante bus u seruant ficus tribus acus arcus (que).
¶Artus cum verubus portus partus (que) lacus (que)
¶Et specus & quercus illis penus associemus.

[Page] ¶How knowest the fyfth declenson. for the genytyf & the datyf case synguler endyth in ei / the Accusatyf in em / the vocatyf shal be lyke the nomynatyf / the ablatyf in e / The nomynatyf accusatyf & the vocatyf plurel endyth in es / the genityf plurel in e (rum) / the datyf & the ablatyf in ebus / ¶Also thyse nownes of the fyft declenson lacke the genytyf datyf & the ablatyf plurel / out take thyse in thyse verses folowynge /

¶Desunt plurali Genitiui siue Datiui
¶Et sexti. quinte (nisi res species (que) dies (que)
¶Progenies vel maneries dic materies (que)
¶Ast acies facies predictis addere debes
¶Vt Brito testatur spes istis consociatur

¶Of Pronowne

HOw knowest thou a pronowne / for he is a parte of reason declyned with case / that is set for a propre name & betokeneth as moche as a propre name of a man / & other while receyueth certeyn person and certeyn nombre / ¶How many Pronownes ben there / xv whiche / xv / Ego Tu sui Ille Ipse Iste Hic Is Meus Tuus Suus Noster et Vester / Similiter Nostras et Vestras / ¶How many ben primatyues & how many ben diryuatiues / Eyght ben primatiues & Seuen dyryuatiuys / ¶whiche eyght ben primatiues Ego Tu Sui Ille Ipse Iste Hic & Is ¶whiche Seuen ben deryuatiues / Meus Tuus Suus Noster Vester Nostras & Vestras / ¶Of thyse eyght prima­tyues some ben onely relatyues / and some ben onely relatynes and demonstratyues bothe ¶Versus

Tantū demonstrat ego tu simul hic simul iste
¶Iure relatiui gauder is at (que) sui:
¶Monstrant vel referunt ille vel ipse tibi

¶How knowest a Pronowne demonstratyf. For by hym is some thyng shewed. ¶How knowest a Pro­nowne relatyf. For by hym is some thyng shewed y t is sayd before ¶How many pronownes hath y e vocatyf case / and how many laketh. Foure hath the vocatyf case / and all other lackyth / ¶Versus

¶Quattuor exceptis pronomina nulla vocabis
¶Tu meus noster & nostras hec sola vocantur

How many thynges long to a pronowne / vi) whiche vi) Qualyte / Gendre / Nombre / Fygure / Person / case ¶How many persons ben there / Thre / whiche thre) The fyrst the seconde / the thyrde ¶How knowest y e fyrst person / For he spekyth of hymselfe (as I or we) ¶How knowest the secōde person / For he spekyth to a nother (as thou or ye ¶How knowest y e thyrde person / For he spekyth of a nother (as he or they) & eue­ry nowne pronowne & particypte is y e thyrde person out take (ego nos tu & vos) with obliquis) & the vo­catyf case / ¶How many declensons of Pronownes ben there / Foure / whiche four the fyrst / the secōde the thyrde / the fourde ¶How knowest y e fyrst declenson For the genytyf case synguler endyth in I or is) & y e datyf in I. ¶How many pronownes be of y e declenson / Thre / whiche thre (ego tu sui) ¶How knowest y e secōde declenson / For y e genytyf case synguler endyth in (ius or ius) & the datyf in I or in c. ¶How many [Page] Pronownes ben of y e declenson. v. whiche. v. Ille ipse iste hic & is) & eyght nownes with theyr compoūdes Vnus Vllus Totus Solus Alter alius aliquis vter

¶Cum natis alius vter alter sola quis vnus)
¶Totus & vllus habe pronominis ista secunde

¶How many of thies eyght nownes hath the vocatyf case / & how many laketh. Thre hath-the vocatif case / & all other lacketh / ¶Whiche thre hath the vo­catyf case (Vnus Totus & Solus. ¶Versus

¶Pone vocatiuos cum totus solus & vnus)
¶Sed nō in reliquis quo (rum) genitiuus in ius

¶How knowest the thyrd declenson / for the genityf case synguler endyth in I in e & in i / the datif in o. in e & in o. ¶How many pronownes cōteyneth he / fyue whiche. v (meus tuus suus noster vester / ¶How knowest the fourde declenson / for the genityf case synguler endith in atis / and the datyf in ati ¶How many pronownes ben of y e declenson / two / whiche (Nostras & Vestras / & a nowne gentyle / as (cuias atis) Here is dyfference bytwene (cuias atis) & cuius cuia cuium)

¶Cuius de gente vel de patria solet esse
¶Cuius de gente / cuium de re petit apte)

HOw knowest an verbe. For he is a parte of reason declyned with mode & tense withoute case or artycle / & betokeneth to do to suffre or to be ¶How many thynges longe to a verbe (vij) whiche / Mode Coniugacyon / gendre / nombre / Fygure tyme / person / ¶How many modes ben there (v) whiche / the Indycatyf / Imperatyf / optatyf / coniunctyf / & the Infinytif

[Page] ¶How knowest y e Indicatyf mode. for he she with a reason sooth or false by y e way of askyng or of tellynge. ¶How knowest the Imperatyf mode / for he byddeth or commaundeth. ¶How knowest y e Optatyf mode For he wylleth or desyreth & this worde wold god / is sygne of the optatyf mode. Also thies thre en­glysshe wordes / wolde sholde or were are the signe of optatif mode present tense. and thies four latyn wordes folowynge be the sygnes of the optatyf mode.

¶Des optatiuis vtinam ne puatinus osi.

¶How knowest the Coniūctyf mode. for he ioyneth a verbe to hym / or is Ioyned to a nother. And thyse wordes folowynge woll serue to the cōiunctyf mode

¶Si (quam)uis (quam) (quam) tam & licet at (que) prius (quam).
¶Ante (quam) an donec vt post (quam) siue quous (que)
¶Cum nisi quin acsi quo cōiungunt tibi recte.
¶Indicat & quando dum sicut sunt cetera plura

¶How knowest y e Insynytyf mode. For. to byfore a verbe is sygne of the Infinytyf mode. or elles whā there cometh two verbes togydre withoute a relatyf or a cōiūccyō / y e lather shalbe y e infinityf mode ¶How many cōiugacyons hen there. Four whiche .iiij. The fyrst / y e secōde / y e thyrd / y e fourth. ¶How knowest the fyrst cōiugacyō. for he hath an a long byfore the re) in the infinityf mode of the actif voyce / or in the im­peratyf mode of the passyf voyce (as amare) ¶How knowest the secōde cōiugacyō. For he hath an e longe byfore there in the infinityf mode of y e actif voyce / or in the imperatyf mode of the passyf voyce. as docere

[Page] ¶How knowest the thyrd coniugacion. For he hath an e short before the(re)in the infynitif mode of the actif voyce / Or in the Imperatif mode of the passyt voyce. as (legere) ¶How knowest y e fourth coniuga­cyon. for he hath an I long before the(re) in y e Infynitif mode of the actif voyce. or in y e imperatif mode of the passyf voce. as (audire) ¶How many gendris of verbys ben there. Fyue. whiche v. actyf. passyf. neuter / comyn & deponent ¶How knowest an verbe ac­tif. For he endyth in o / and may take R vpon o / and make of hym a passyf. And of a verbe actif cometh ij. particyples. but of a verbe actif y e lacketh supynys cometh but one particyple ¶Al maner verbis y t betoken drede lacke supinis / out take chise in theis verses

¶Abs (que) supinis sunt omnia verba timoris
¶Formido. trepido. dubito. tremit excipiantur
¶Et vereor veritū dat. vt autores memorantur)
All thyse verbys ben verbes actyuis y t lacke supinis)
¶Respuo-linquo timet. disco. posco. metuo (que)
¶Sileo cū renuo. cauet addimus vrget & ango.
¶Hec sune attiua. tamen illis nulla supina

¶How knowest a verbe passyf for he endyth in r. & may do away his r. & torne ayen into his actif. How many particyples come of a verbe passyf. two. whi­che two / One of y e pretertens. a nother of the last fu­tertens in dus) ¶How knowest a verbe neuter. for it endyth in or & may not take r vpon o-nor make of hȳ a passyf ¶How many particyples come of a verbe neuter. two / as dooth of a verbe actif / but of suche [Page] verbe neutres that lacke supinis cometh but one par cycyple. ¶And all verbe neutres that betokenen shy nynge / or drede / lacke supinis. out take thyse in thyse verses folowynge ¶Vnde versus

¶Que dant splendorē vel que dant verba timorē
¶Nulla supinātur. sed quattuor excipiantur.
¶Vnde chorusco facit atum / dat fulgeo fulsum
¶Et vereor veritum. formido supinat in atum)

¶All verbe neutres of the seconde coniugacyon / makynge the pretertens in vi. lacke supynys. Out take these in thyse verses folowynge ¶Versus

¶En per vi neutra tacuere supina secunde.
¶Format itum doleo. noceo. placeo-valeo (que))
¶Pareo prebet itum / licet ac oleo taceo (que)
¶Pertineo cohibet.his attineo sociato
¶Cum dat vi pateo passum / lateo latitum dat
¶Dat careo carui caritum cassum (que) supino
¶Pando pati pateo / passum fecere supino

¶And of some verbe neutres / as verbe neutre passi­ues / cometh thre-partycyples / as of (Audeo) cometh audiens.ausus.ausurus. ¶Vnde versus

¶Neutro passiua dant participantia trina.
¶Audeo cum soleo. fio cum gaudeo. fido
¶Quin (que) puer numero neutro passiua tibi do

¶All these verbes that ben conteyned in thyse ver­ses / ben verbe neutre passyues ¶Vnde versus.

¶Exulo: vapulo. veneo. fio. nubo liceo (que)
¶Sensum passiui fub voce gerunt aliena)
¶Of verbe deponent

[Page] ¶How knowest a verbe deponent. For he hath a lettre of the passyf & sygnyficacyon of y e actyf. ¶But there ben four verbe deponentys that haue no pretertens / that ben conteyned in thyse verses folowynge

¶Quattuor hec / liquor. medeor. vescor. reminiscor
¶Non circūloquiū de se dant preteritorum)

¶How knowest a verbe comyn. For it hath a lettre of y e passyf / & sygnificacōn of y e actif & y e passyf both

¶Largior experior veneror moror osculor hortor
¶Criminor amplector / tibi sint cōmunia lector.
¶Si bene cōnumeres / interpretor hospitor addes

¶How many Partycyples come of a verbe comyn. Four / as largiens largitus largiturus largiendus ¶How many tens ben there in a verbe. v. whiche. v. The presentens, the preterimperfectens / The preter perfectens / the preterpluperfectens / & the futertens. ¶How knowest the presentens / For he spekyth of y e tyme y t is now / as I loue ¶How knowest the preter imperfectens / for he spekyth of y e tyme y t is lytyl past without ony of thyse sygnes / haue or had / as I loued ¶How knowest the preterper fectens. For he spekith of the tyme y t is fully paste / with this sygne / haue / as I haue loued ¶How knowest y e preterpluper fectens For he spekyth of the tyme y t is more than fully past with this sygne / had / as I had loued ¶How kno­west y e futertens / For he spekyth of y e tyme y t is to come with this sygne / shal / as I shall loue ¶How many persons ben there. Thre / whiche .iij / The fyrst as Lego) the seconde as legis) the thyrde as legit)

[Page] HOw knowest an aduerbe. For he is a parte of reason vndeclyned / that stondyth next y e verbe to declare and fulfyll the sygnifycacyon of the verbe ¶How many thynges longen to an aduerbe. Thre whiche thre. Sygnifycacyon / comparyson. & Fygure ¶How many Aduerbys of places ben there. Foure / whiche (Vnde) frowhens (vbi) where (Quo) whether Qua) wherby. ¶Versus

¶Vnde / vbi / quo / vel qua / loca querūt quattuor ista
¶Quo petit ad. qua per. in vbi. vnde petit de

¶How many degree of comparyson ben there. thre Whiche thre. The polityf as (docte) the comparatyf as (doctus) the superlatyf as (doctissime)

¶Of Particyple

HOw knowest a particyple. For he is a parte of reason declyned with case / y t takyth parte of a Nowne / parte of Verbe / parte of bothe ¶What takyth he of nowne / Gendre & case. What of verbe / tyme & sygnyficacyon. What of bothe / nombre & fygure. ¶How many thynges longe to a par­ticyple. Syxe. whiche. vi. Gendre Lase Tyme and sygnifycacion Nombre & Fygure. ¶How many gendres ben there in a particyple. foure. whiche iiij / The masculyne as (lectus) The feminyne as lecta) The neutre as lectum) The comyn as (hic hec hoc legens ¶How many cases ben there in a participle / syxe / as in a nowne ¶How many tens ben there in a parti­cyple. thre / The presentens / y e pretertens / y e futertens. ¶How many maner of particyples ben there / Four [Page] Whiche four. The particyple of y e presentens / a par­ticyple of y e pretertens / a particyple of y e fyrst future / and a nother of the latter future. ¶How knowest a particyple of y e presentens. By his englyssh & by his lacyn. How by his englyssh. For his englyssh endyth in ynge / or in and / as louynge / louand. and his latyn endyth in (ens) or in ans) as amans docens.) ¶How knowest a particyple of the pretertens. By his En­glysshe and by his latyn. How by his englyssh. For it begynneth with I. as I loued. And his latyn endyth in tus) or in sus) as amatus visus) ¶How knowest a particyple of the fyrst future tens. By his englysshe and by his latyn. How by his englyssh. For it begyn­neth with to / withoute be. as to loue. And his latyn endyth in rus) as amaturus docturus) ¶How kno­west a particyple of the latter futertens. By his en­glyssh and by his latyn How by his englyssh. For it begynneth with to & be / as. to be loued. And his latyn enoythin dus (as amādus docendus) ¶Vnde versus

¶Ens ans presentis semper dic temporis esse
¶Tus. sus preteriti / rus. dus dic esse futuri)

¶Whiche ben the actyf sygnyfycacyons (ens. ans. & rus. And tus. sus. and dus) be of the passyf sygnyfy­cacyon.

¶Vnde versus
¶Ens ans rus & agunt / tus sus dus dic patiūtur)
¶Si deponentis bene preteritum recitabis.
¶Hinc semper sensus vis vtrius (que) datur
¶Idcirco semper dicetur conuenienter
¶Nos simul a nobis auxiliatus eris.

[Page] ¶Of whom shal the particyple of the pretertens be fourmed. Of y e fyrst person synguler nombre of the preterimperfectens of y e Indycatyf mode / by chaun­gynge (bam) into n & s) as amabam) chaunge bam / into n & s. & it woll be (amans). ¶Oute of this rule be out take (Iens of Ibam) Quiens of quibam with hyr compoūdys / makynge the gentyf case in. vntis Excep / ambientis of ambiens ¶Vnde versus

¶Ens entis donat / sed abhinc tu pauca retracces
¶Semꝑ iens vel quiens cū natis format in vntis
¶Ambio participem recte formabit in entis

¶Of whom shal the particyple of the pretertens be fourmed. Of y e latter supyne / by puttynge to this lettre. s. as (lectu) put therto s. & it woll be / lectus / ¶Of whom shal the particyple of the fyrst future be fourmed. Of the latter supyne / by puttynge to this terminacyon rus / as (lectu) put therto a rus / and it woll be lecturus) ¶Out take (nasciturus of nascor. & ignosci turus / of ignosco) ¶Vnde Versus

¶Nasco: & ignosco contra normam duo nosco
¶Hec & non plura per rus formare futura

¶Of whom shall the partycyple of y e last future be fourmed. Of the genytyf case fynguler nombre of y e particyple of the presentens / by chaungynge tis / into dus / as amantis / chaunge tis into dus / and it wol be amandus) ¶Vnde versus

¶Ens ans precerito / dus formes de genitiuo
¶Tus sus postremū rus fac formare supinū

¶How many maner wyse may the voyce of y e par­ticyple [Page] be chaunged into a nowne. four maner wyse ¶The fyrst by composicyon. as Doctus Indoctus. The secōde wyse by comparyson. as (doctus doctior. doctissimus.) ¶The thyrde wyse whan he maye be construed with a nother case than the verbe that he cometh of. as (sum doctus grāmatice) ¶The fourth wyse whā he sygnyfyeth no tens. as (amandus) id est dignus amari [...] worthy to be loued ¶Versus

¶Dū mutat regimen / fit participans tibi nomē
¶Dum perdit tempus / dū comparat associamus
¶Sit tibi compositū dum simplex sit tibi verbū.

¶Of Coniunctyon

HOw knowest a Coniunctyon. for he is a parte of reason vndeclyned / that byndeth or Ioyneth wordes or sentences togydre in ordre. ¶How many thynges longen to a coniunction. Thre. whiche thre Power. Fygure & Ordre. ¶Two nomynatyfe case synguler with an (& coniūctyon copulatyf comynge bytwene / woll haue a verbe plurell. ¶Yf neyther of theym be a negatyf two substantyues synguler with an & coniunccyon copulatyf comynge bytwene / woll haue an odiectyf plurell. ¶Yf neyther of theym be a negatyf. two an̄cedens synguler with an & cōiuncciō copulatyf comynge bytwene / wol haue a relatyf plurel. ¶Yf neyther of theim be a negatyf / two noīatyf case synguler / two substantyues synguler / two antece dens synguler with a (vel cōiunccyon dysiunctyf co­mynge bytwene y e verbe y e adiectyf & y e relatyf folo­wynge shall accorde with hym that is next hym. as [Page] Vir vel mulier est alba quem pulcritudo decorat) ¶How many maner of wyse may this coniunction be put bytwene vnlyke cases. Thre maner of wyse. ¶The fyrst whan he is put after a pronowne pos­sessyf. as (hec res est mea & fratris mei.) The secōde wyse whan he is put after a worde y t is construed wf dyuerse cases. as (Misereor tui & socio tuo. ¶The thyrde wyse whan he is put after a prope name of a towne a cyte. as (moratus sum oxonie & Londonis.

HOw knowest a preposicyon. for he is a parte of reason vndeclyned / y t is set byfore al other partes of reason in apposicion or cōposicyon ¶In apposicyon whan he seruyth to a case. ¶In composicyon / whan he seruith no case. & is cōpounde with a nother worde ¶Also thies preposicions y t ben conteyned in this verse woll serue to y e accusatif case ¶Da prepositiones casus accusatiui) vt Ad apud &c ¶And al thies preposicyons y t ben conteyned in this verse wol serue to the ablatyf case (Da prepositiones casus ablatiui (A ab abs &c ¶Also thies preposicions that ben conteyned in this verse woll serue to bothe Da vtrius (que) casus prepositiones. vt In sub suꝑ &c) ¶What is the properte of a preposicyon in composicyon / to chaunge to make lesse or to fulfyll the sygnyfycacyon of y e worde y t he is compouned with. ¶Vn̄

¶Sensum preposite complent mutāt minuūt ve)
¶Clarus preclarus / ridet subridet & ecce
¶Impius. incuruus. subtristis. & hec tibi mōstrāt.
¶Adiuncte voces semper partem (que) subintrant.
[Page] ¶Vt docuit sani sentencia nos Prisciani

¶Whiche preposicyons standen euer in apposycyon and neuer in composicyon ¶Vnde versus

¶Cū tenus abs (que) sine penes ac apud prepositiue.
¶Semper stare petunt / nunꝙ stant compositiue

¶A preposicyon in composicion ofte tymes seruyth to the same case y t he dooth in apposicyon (Versus

¶Verbo composito casum quando (que) locabis
¶Quem dat componens / vt vis exire penates.

¶How many preposicyons standen euermore in cō ­posicyon / & neuer in apposicyon / & serueth no case

¶Indiuise sunt voces prepositiue
¶An / di / dis / re / se / con / plures nescio vere

¶How knowest a very preposicyon from an aduer­be / seruynge an accusatyf case / put in y e stede of a pre­posicyon / may neuer be put without his case ¶Vn̄.

¶Ad per apud propter penes ob trans erga (que) preter
¶Prepositiui mere dic hec quartum retinere

¶Of Interieccyon

HOw knowest a Interieccyon. For he is a parte of reasou vndeclyned / y t betokeneth passion of a mannys soule with an vnperfyte voyce / with Ioye sorowe / wondre / strede or Indygnacyon / as Hate / heyfy / alas / weleaway / so howe. out out. and other lyke ¶Euge onys (is as moche to saye as well thou be) & Euge euge is as moche to say in englyssh as out out

¶Vnde versus
¶Euge semel carum bis dictū signat amarum
¶Heu dolet heus (que) vocat donat & regula sic stat

[Page] ¶How many cases may an Interieccyon be ioyned to. To all cases. ¶To a nomynatyf case. as (proh­dolor. pater meus est infirmus) To a genitif case. as O misere vite) To a datyf case. as Heu mihi) To a accusatyf case. as (Heu me) To a vocatyf case. as O fili care) To a ablatyf case. as (O casu duro.) ¶Vn̄

¶Accusatiuis heu iungas siue datiuis

¶Somtyme a nowne is put by hymself / as an In­terieccyon. as (Infandum) Somtyme with a nother nowne. as / Verbi gracia / Somtyme with pronowne as / Vestri gracia) ¶Vnde versus

¶Interiectiue dic nomina plura locari.
¶Et pronomen eis quando (que) petit sociari.
¶Infandum sic me miserum tibi testificatur
¶Verbi gracia. vestri gracia sic (que) locantur

¶Of concordes of Gramer

HOw many Concordes of Gramer ben there. Fyue. Whiche fyue. ¶The fyrste bytwene the nomynatyf case & the verbe. ¶The secōde bytwene the adiectyf & the substātyf. ¶The thyrde bytwene y e relatyf & the antecedens. ¶The fourthe bytwene the nowne Partytyf & the genytyf case y t folowyth. ¶The fyfte bytwene the superlatyf degree / and the gentyf case that folowyth. ¶In how many shall the nomynatyf case and the verbe accorde. In two / Whiche two. in nombre & person. ¶In how many shall the adiectyf & the substantyf accorde. In thre. Which thre. In case / gendre & Nombre. ¶In how many shall y e relatyf & y e antecedens accorde. In .iij [Page] Whiche thre / In Gendre Nombre & Person ¶In how many. shal y e nowne partityf & y e genityf case y t foloweth accorde / In one / whiche / In gendre onely ¶In how many shall de superlatyf degree & y e ge­nytyf case y t foloweth accorde / In one / gendre onely

¶Rule of Verbe

¶How many tens ben formed of y e preterperfectens of the Indycatyf mode / Syxe whiche syxe / The preterpluperfectens of y e same mode The preterpluper fectens of y e optatyf mode. The preterperfectens the preterpluperfectens & y e futertens of y e cōiunctyf mode. And the preterpluper fectens of y e infynityf mode ¶How many chaūgyth I into e. & how many hol­deth I styll Thre chaūgyth i into e. & thre holdeth I styll ¶whiche thre chaūgyth i into e. The preterpluperfectens of y e Indicatyf mode as (amaui) chaunge i into e. & put therto a ram / & it wol be (amaueram) ¶The preterperfectens of the Coniunctyf mode as amaui) chaūge i into e / & put therto a rim. & it woll be (amauerim ¶The futertens of y e same mode / as amaui) chaunge i into e. & put therto ro. & it woll be amauero ¶whiche thre holde I styll. The preterpluperfectens of y e coniunctyfe mode as (amaui) holde I styll & put to s & sem. & it woll be (amauissem) The preterpluperfectens of y e infinityf mode / as (amaui. holde I styll & put to s & se / & it woll be (amauisse

¶Prynted at westmynstre In Caxtons hous by wynkyn de worde


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