¶ How many fygures of coniunctions be there: two. ⟨the simp⟩le as at enim, the cōpounde as at (que) etenim. ⟨¶ Ordo c⟩ōiunctionū est triplex. Alie autē prepositius ⟨ordīs su⟩ [...]t: vt ac at ast. Alie autē subiūtiui ordinis. ⟨vt (que) vene⟩ autē quidē quo (que) et vero. Alie cōis ordinis ⟨vt ergo⟩ id [...]o igir̄ nā (que) tamē. ¶ How many ways may ⟨a coniūcti⟩on copulatiue be put betwene vnlyke cases. ⟨iij man [...]r⟩ of wyse. The fyrst whan the wordes y t inclu ⟨de the copul⟩ation haue not one nature of cōiunecion: vt ⟨iste liberes⟩t meꝰ et fratris. Cicero fuit eloquēs & mag ⟨ni ingenij.⟩ The seconde wyse whan he cōmeth after a ⟨worde the⟩ may gouerne diuers cases: vt tu es dignꝰ ⟨laudis & p⟩ [...]elio. The thyrde whan he is put bytwene ⟨two now [...] of places, whiche must be put in dyuers ⟨casys vt. C⟩icero floruit Rome et Athen is.

⟨HOowe⟩ know ye a preposicion: For he is a parte of ⟨reso⟩n vndeclyned, most cōmunly set before o­ ⟨other p⟩artes of reason in apposicion & in compo­ ⟨sicion. ¶ Ho⟩w many thynges longe to a prepositiō: it. ⟨power to go⟩uerne case, & fygure. What case wyl a pre ⟨posicion go⟩uerne: Some an accusatiue / some an abla ⟨tive and so⟩me bothe the accusatiue and the ablatyue ⟨¶ Que pre⟩positiones regunt actm̄: Ad apud ante ad ⟨uersum adu⟩ersus cis citra circū circa cōtra erga extra ⟨inter interin⟩ [...]ra iuxta ob pone per ꝓpe ꝓpter scdm post ⟨trans vltra⟩ supra p̄ter circiter vs (que) versus secꝰ penes. ⟨¶ Que⟩ abltm̄: A ab abs cū coram clam de e ex pro ⟨pre palam siue⟩ abs (que) tenus. ¶ Que vtro (que) casus regūt ⟨in sub super⟩ et subter. ¶ In sub super & subter, whan ⟨they be ioyn⟩ed with other verbes or participles that ⟨betokyn mo⟩uyng to a place, they gouerne an accusaty ⟨ue. But ioyn⟩ed w t other verbes, they gouerne an abla­ ⟨ue case. ¶ T⟩hose preposicions apud penes scd [...] abs [...] [Page] sine, [...] [...] ⟨posicion.⟩ And these, an [...] dis re [...]e [...] con, stande e [...] ⟨in compo­⟩sicion. A preposition in composition often t ⟨ymes wyll⟩ serue to the san [...]e case y t he doth in appositi ⟨on. ¶ What⟩ doth a preposiciō in cōposition. Oftentim [...] ⟨he incre­⟩seth, somtime he dyminissheth, & somtym [...] [...] [...]ūgeth⟩ the signification of the worde y t he is copo as admiror subrides dedisco. ¶ whan two [...] ⟨posicions⟩ cōme before a casuall worde, y latter prepo [...] ⟨icion shall⟩ gouerne the case: vt, veni de vltra mare. [...] ⟨what diffe­⟩rence is betwene an aduerbe & a [...] pr [...] ⟨osicion. A⟩ very preposicion in apposiciō, may [...] ⟨put with­⟩out his casuall worde, & an aduerbe [...] ⟨Now ma­⟩ny fygures of prepositions be there [...] ⟨simple as⟩ versus, the cōpoūde as aduersus. [...] [...] ⟨eposicions⟩ in apposition be put before the word [...] [...] ⟨they serue⟩ to, vtake versus vs (que) and tenus, [...] ⟨comynly⟩ be put after the wordes that they [...] to ⟨also cum is⟩ put after the ablatiue case in both nōbre [...] ⟨of these. iij.⟩ pronownes ego tu sui, and somtyme [...] ⟨the ablaty­⟩ue case of this nowne quis qui que quo [...]

HOw know ye an interiection? Fo [...] [...]e ⟨is a part⟩ of reason vndeclined y t betokenet [...] p ⟨assion of a⟩ man̄es soule w t an vnꝑfyt voyce ⟨ioye, sorowe,⟩ wondre, drede. ¶ How many thynges lon ⟨ge to an in­⟩teriection: One, significatiō onely. ¶ [...] ⟨gnificaciōs⟩ of interiectiōs be diuerse. Some of ioye ⟨wax. euge.⟩ ha ha he. Some of sorowe as, heu her hi. ⟨Some of⟩ drede as, at at. Some of meruayle [...] ⟨wōdryng⟩ as pape Some disdeynynge or [...] [...] ⟨nge. as hui,⟩ val [...] [...]ome of excla [...] [...] ⟨or anger as⟩ [...] of cu [...] [...] [...] ⟨ulto malo⟩ pro [...] [...]ome of [...] ⟨¶ What⟩ [Page] ⟨parts of reson maye⟩ be put as an interiection: A nowne ⟨by hymselfe as⟩ [...]lum. Somtyme a ꝓnowne & his ⟨adiectiue⟩ [...]e in [...]erū. Sōtyme a hole reason bothe ⟨in latyn & i⟩ [...], as proh deū at (que) hominū fidem ⟨ah Ihū many⟩ a good lorde, and suche other. ¶ An ⟨interiection⟩ [...] [...]e cōstrued w t al cases, excepte a geny ⟨tyue and an⟩ [...]ue wyth a noiatyue, as o festus dies ⟨hominis⟩ w [...]a [...]ue, as het mihi: with an accusatyue ⟨as heu me⟩ [...] a vocatiue, as ah Coridon.


⟨¶ When⟩ [...] before a ꝓpre name of a cite, tow­ ⟨ne, region⟩ [...], or any other place: if the worde y e ⟨goeth befor⟩e to betokē not the owner / I shall cōmunly ⟨take the pos⟩ [...]e of the name of the place, & not the ge­ ⟨nitiue nor⟩ [...] ablatiue w t a preposion: as Ioānes Lon­ ⟨doniensis⟩ [...] de Lōdomis, Elephanti Arabici potiꝰ (quam) ⟨arabie. P⟩ [...]s [...]s [...]rini, potiꝰ (quam) maris. Fragra mōta­ ⟨na potiꝰ⟩ (quam) [...]. But in som appellatiues I may ta ⟨ke indiffe⟩rently [...]enitiue case of the name of y place, ⟨or his possessiue⟩ [...] [...] [...]us vrbanꝰ vel orbis: cōsuetudo fo ⟨rensis vel⟩ [...]nos patrius vel patrie. All nownes ad ⟨iectiues of⟩ the thyrd declenson whose nominatiue case ⟨singuler en⟩deth in [...], or in is, and hathe the neutre in e ⟨also substa⟩ [...] in er, in al, or in e, excepte sal, make ⟨theyr abla⟩ [...] [...]ase synguler cōmunly in 1. ¶ Al now ⟨nes substa⟩ [...] [...] and adiectiues of the thyrde declen­ ⟨sion whose⟩ [...] case plurell endeth in um, make ⟨theyr accu⟩ [...] [...] [...]rel in es and in is. ¶ Eadem vox ⟨sumpta v⟩ [...] diuersarum esse partium oratio­ ⟨nis vt hic⟩ [...] et aduerbiū, verū nomen et cō ­ ⟨iūctio. O⟩ [...]

¶ Imprynted in London in ⟨Fletestrete⟩ by Iames Gauer / dwellynge at the sygne of the Sonne. In the yere of our lord god M.CCCCC. and. xxxix.

[sun, winds and rose with decorative vine border]

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