Tes Irenes Trophaea. OR, The Tryumphs of Peace.

That Celebrated the Solemnity of the right Honorable S r Francis Iones Knight, at his Inauguration into the Maioraltie of London, on Monday being the 30. of October, 1620.

At the particular cost and charge of the right worshipfull and ancient Society of the Haberdashers.

With explication of the seuerall shewes and deuices by I. S.

Vir. ‘Parua sub ingentimatris se subijcit vmbra.’


LONDON, Printed by NICHOLAS OKES, 1620.

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE AND worthy Gentleman, Sir Francis Iones, Knight, Lord Maior of the Citty of London.

Honorable S r,

I Doubt it is my Fortune, to hazard calumny, in the im­ployment of my inuention in your seruice, and not the thing, but the person incurs it, whose minority admits cen­sure before tryall; therefore I beseech your Ho­nor seriously to superuise this slight labour, scarce meriting your attention; and the content you want in this, let it be but added to the pleasure (I hope) your Honor will conceiue at view of those reall Tryumphs (scarce admitting a se­cond) which your liberall Society haue so nobly [Page] bestowed on you and then I doubt not but to at­tempt that credite, which many will Enuy. Thus wishing that the Tryumphs of Peace may for euer attend you, I remaine,

Your honors seruant Io. Squire.

Tes Irenes Trophaea. OR, The Triumphs of Peace.

THe first shew, or presentment, on the water, was a Chariot, apt­ly contriued of two sea Mon­sters Argent, and drawn by two Sea-horses, set also off with pure siluer: on this chariot was one borne representing Oceanus his head wreath'd with segges, one hand grasping a scepter of green reeds, to shew his potent sway with­in his watery dominions; and the other curbing the forward fearcenesse of his horses: his azure locks, and beard, o're growne, hung like the careles emblem of a reuerend age, disheuered or'e his naked limmes, which were shadowed off with a mantle of sea [Page] greene taffaty, lymd with waues and fishes. This first presentment vshered on a stately well built ship, bearing full saile, figuring the traffique or trade of the (worthy to be esteemed noble) company of the Haberdashers. Behind the shippe sate Aeolus the god of Winds, filling their sailes with prosperous gusts, and at each corner of the ship sate (vpon small Ilands) the 4 parts of the World, Asia, Africa, America, and Europa, each of them inuiting their trade vnto their coasts. Asia was attired in an antique habit of peach coloured Sattin, and buskins of the same, a Coronet on her head, and a censor in her hand reaking with Panchayian spices: Africa a blackmoore in a naked shape, adorned with beads, and in her hand the branch of a Nut-megg-tree: America a tawny Moore, vpon her head a crowne of feathers, and bases of the same; at her backe, a quiuer of shafts, and in her hand a Parthian bow: Europa in a robe of Crymson taffaty, on her head an imperiall crowne conferred on her by the other three as Em­presse of the earth, and holding in her hand a cluster of grapes, 'to signifie her full swolne plenty. These meeting the Lord Maior on the Thames at three Cranes wharfe, where he tooke water, Oceanus made this speech.

The speech of Oceanus.

I that am stil'd the potent king of waues,
Oceanus, he that in a moment can
Curbe the vast depth of sea when as it raues,
And leuell marble mountaines that haue ran,
To ruine earth and skies; I now am sent
From all the watery deities to attend
Thy stately triumphs, as an honor ment
To adde vnto thy greatnesse, which to'th end,
And confines of our rule hath clapt his wings;
For still the water Nymphs, and gods of streames,
Running vnto my bosom, each one brings,
Report of thee; but my beloued Thames,
Full often when the cheerefull Lampe of day,
Hath warm'd my chilly bowells with his fires,
Hath tic'd me from his comfort with a lay
Of what thou art; and then with prayers, desires,
And what else could attract me to consent,
Hath yeelded to my conuay thy large ships,
To traffique through my wide vast continent.
And now with a desire that outstrips
Imagination, I am come to see,
And wonder at the state which I now find,
For to attend thy Brotherhood, and thee:
And now with you this le [...]gue I will combind,
That while the influence of the forked moone,
Appoints my curled billowes ebbes, and tides,
While that the shipman throwes to heauen his boone
For safe returne, and while that stella rides,
With sparkling glory o're my wrinkled face,
My care shall be for euer to attend;
Your wealthy bottoms to your coasts apace;
And this my promise will I neuer end,
Nor breake, vntill your wealth and states surmount▪
Tagus vnualued sands in the account.

The speech of Aeolus.

ANd here the god of winds his promise plights,
That whilst the boisterous North, & gentle West,
The South, and nipping East wind, daies and nights,
Begirt the desert Ocean, ready prest,
To execute my will, with prosperous gales,
I will send home your ships, and take delight
To play with gentle murmures on your sailes.
Thus since both seas, and winds, themselues vnite,
Vnto your good, I wish all powers diuine,
Might vnto your their loue and aids incline.

THe second and last presentment on the water, was Pernassus mount, whereon the nine Muses sate; Clyo the first suted in a gowne of purple taffaty, and studiously imployd in turning ouer bookes, shee being the Historicall Muse; Melpomene was attired in a blacke taffaty robe, her head deckt with Cypresse, and playing on a Theorbo; Thalia the comick Muse in a light changeable taffaty robe, and playing on a Voyall; Euterpe the Muse that first inuented wind-instruments, was richly apparelled, and playd on a Flute recorder; Terpsichore on the Lute; and the geo­metricall Muse, Erato with a scale and compasse in her hand. The Heroicall Muse Calliope was shap't in a tauny silke robe, and her temples girt with Bayes: the heauenly Muse Vrania that inuented Astrologie, was deckt in a robe of azure taffaty semined with starres; on her head shee wore a coronet of starres, [Page] and her right hand supported a spheare; Polymneia the inuētres of Rhethorique assumed her place neerest to Apollo, who sate on the top of the mount in a robe of cloth of gold, vnder a laurell tree, playing on a harpe, alluding to that of Virgill: ‘In medio residens complectitur omnia Phoebus.

And on the backside of the mount stood Mercury listning to their harmonious straines. This accom­panied the Lord Maior vp to Westminster with varie­ty of musique, where while his Honor was taking the Oath, it returned backe and met him in Paules Church-yard, where Euterpe & Terpsichore, entertai­ned him with this song.

[...] We Muses of the pleasant hill, that bath within the Thespian spring, That did direct the Grecians quill, Who of olde Pelius sonne did sing.

[...] We that Amphion did in╌spire, With ad╌mired straines and layes, And did infuse a sacred fire, In both these to gaine the Bayes.

[...] We Appolloes hand-mayds nine, Come to meet thee on the way, that vn­to thy honours shrine, Wee might dedi╌cate this day.

[...] And his die╌ty vs a╌mong, So curious╌ly shal wrest thy glory. That the enuious mongst this throng shall confesse it merits story.

THE third presentment was a Quadrangle, that mounted by ascents to the forme of an Egyptian pyramed, whereon in a well wrought Landskip, where figured the seuerall shieres of Eng­land; on the top sat a princely Maiesty acootered in a robe of purple veluet furred with Ermines, on his head hee wore an Imperiall Crowne, and in his right hand a scepter; ouer his head were fixt the armes of England, and at his feete a Lyon couchant, which did demonstrate his power in reconciling fearcenesse vnto a willing seruitude; vnder him sate two Dukes; two Marquises; two Earles, and two Barons, in Parliament robes of purple veluet; about their neckes they wore collers of Esses, and on their heads the apt cognizance of each ones honor; at the 4 corners of this Pyramed, stood two Lyons, Or, and two Vnicornes Argent, supporting 4 streamers, wherein were Escutchoned the armes of our foure Kingdomes, England, Scotland, France and Ireland: be­fore it was caractered in a scroule, Respublica Beata; and round about it ran the Ocean. This Pyramed was supported by foure siluer Corinthian columnes, the Bases, and Capitalls, fine gold. Within these co­lumnes sate 4 Persons, that seemed as it were to vn­derprop the ponderous burthen of the Pyramed; the first was the Citty, presented in a scarlet gowne gar­ded with blacke Veluet, like a Lady Maiores; and in her hand two golden keyes; the other the Country in a Rustique habit; the third the Law, habited like a Iudge, and a scrowle in his hand; the fourth Religion in a rotchet like a Bishop, and in his hand a booke. At [Page] the 4 corners of this vnder square stood two Lyons Or, and two Gotes, Argent, which are the supporters of the Companies Armes, bearing 4 large streamers, in which were the armes of the Citty, and of the compa­ny; and in the front stood the crest of the Lord Maior, a Lyon supporting an azure anchor, and on it was fixt his cote of Armes, which was a chiefe Or, with a Lyon Or, vpon a field azure, betweene 3 crost formes Or.

THE fourth presentment, being the maine Pageant, was a Mount, where on the top vnder a canopie lim'd with starres, was sea­ted Catherin, the Saint of the Company, whom antique stories report to be the daughter of Costus King of Alexandria; she was attired in a snow white sattin gowne, in one hand she held a booke, and in the o­ther a sword with the point downeward; it being the instrument that in death sealed her the fruition of immortall rest; her head circuled with a crowne of gold, which did intimate her princely descent; and at her feete lay a broken wheele: round about sate her Attendants twelue maydes of honor gorgeously attired, each one bearing in her hand a siluer sheild, vpon which were portrayed Catherin Wheeles, and within them the Motto to the Companies armes, Serue and obay. Vnder these sate her seruants at worke, some carding Wooll; some Spinning; others Knitting capps; with her Feltmakers; one Bowed; one Basoned; and another Blockt; and behind the Mount sate a Shepheard keeping his sheepe: Each of which in­dustrious [Page] faculties haue reference to the support of this Worshipfull Society.

THE fifth and last inuention, was a Chariot painted full with houre-glasses, and sun-dialls, the fore-wheeles were two Globes, and the hinder wheeles were like two Church dialls; within it aged Time was drawne, seated vpon an houre-glasse that was supported on the shoulders of a gyant, re­presenting the Iron age; in one hand he held a sickle, in the other a croutch; and in the Chariot with him were drawne the foure Elements, Ignis, Aer, Aqua, and Terra. Ignis fire, was attired in a flame coloured taffaty robe, leaning on a Salamander, and in his hand three teend Lightning; Aer Aire, in a robe lymmed with clouds and seuerall shaps of Birds, and in his hand a Doue; Aqua water, in a robe limmed with Waues and Fishes, her azure tresses deckt with flegges, and in her hand a vessell full of liue Fishes; Terra earth, in a robe on which grasse and flowers, sprang as it were naturally; on her head stood green corne, and in her hand she bare a siluer spade. This Chariot was drawne by the foure seasons of the yeare, Ver the spring, Aestas the sommer, Antumne, and Hyems winter. Ver was suted in greene taffaty, a chaplet of flowers on her head, a bow in her hand and a quiuer at her backe like a huntresse; Aestas in a yellow taffaty robe, and her browes like Ceres, deckt with ripe corne, & a cornucopiae in her hand; Autumne in a naked shape like Bacchus, his temples wreathed with vines, and in his hand a cluster of grapes; Hyems Winter in a furred gowne, and in his hand a pan of burning coles. This Chariot, in the [Page] euening when the Lord Maior came to Paules, at the vpper Conduit in Cheapeside, Time made this speech.

ME thinkes I see amazement pierce each eye,
That viewes me representing my weake state,
Who sated with my dull variety,
Turne backe their heads I do not imitate;
But shew the spatious world, the age I beare:
For when command of the immortall powers,
Had giuen me being, when I first did reare
My Nimble essence on the winged howers:
I went forth like the spring, and did behold,
And weare out mans first dayes the age of gold;
Then rose the siluer age, and that decaid [...],
Successiuely another ganne to raigne,
Called the Brazen age: when that did fade,
This last prop of the world that doth sustaine,
My ponderous glasse and me, the Iron age,
Sprung vp to be my Atlas; were he gone,
These Elements attending would with rage,
Turne feeble Time to desolation:
But now doe you not wonder much to see,
Me as I am ay'd, a solemnity,
Like to a victor borne triumphantly?
O Honord Lord, it is to shew the loue,
I bare to thee and thy Societie,
Whose bounteous intertainments are aboue
All that I euer found. Now in returne,
I promise this, if that with honor'd care,
Thou execute thy charge, then shall thy vrne,
Be reuerenced, and thither shall repaire,
A blessed memory that neuer dies,
To bl [...]son it vnto posterities.

Vnder this Pyramed, sate sacred Peace, that chan­ged her celestiall Mansion, to make vs happy with the sweete pleasures of a quiet state; on her head she wore a wreath of oliues, in her right hand a palme, her robe was of white taffaty, limm'd with the mappe of England: in her lap shee bare the modell of London, and on her left arme a sheild, whereon was Vndae Argent and azure vpon a bend Gules a Lyon passant gardant Or, the Armes of the Societie; at her feete lay warre in compleat armes vpon Speares, Launces, foulded ensignes; and leaning on an Vnbrac't drum; this shew passed along till the Lord Maior came to Saint Laurence lane end, where Peace began to speake thus.

The speech of Peace.

A Welcome honor'd Pretor I doc giue,
Free and vnbounded, as my wish to liue,
And to retaine the blessed stiles are giuen
Me, with applause of Nations and of heauen:
From whence I boast my linage; I am Peace
That my long Pilgrimage did neuer cease,
From the first minute of the aged World,
Vntill I found this Iland; for being hurld
Out of each region by rebellious War,
(Which now lies bound my Vassall) like a star,
Whose vnfixt glory glides from spheare, to spheare,
I wandred vp and downe: and not a teare
I shed, but with it went a sigh that I
Might be so fauor'd of the Deity,
To be recald from earth, which when they saw
Me, from the world be sides they did withdraw,
To this (then troubled) state, which did imbrace
Me with such Ioy, that Nobles flockt apace,
To intertaine me, and the poore did stand,
To craue my blessing, to ore flowe their land;
And Ioyntly all of them deliuered War,
Fetterd in chaines to be my prisoner,
Now honord Lord since that you find and see,
Peace placed here by a diuine decree;
Within this common-wealth, and chiefely here,
Within this Citty, where for one whole yeare,
Thy mandats are obayd, then haue a care,
To see me safely kept; and since you beare
That powerfull sway about yee that attends,
The execution of your will, and ends:
Imploy't so nobly that my generall state,
May say thou leadst the way to imitate.

After the Sermon at S t Paules Church was ended, the Lord Maior returned backe by torch light to his house, attended by the whole body of the So­lemnity, where being come to his gate, War from out the Pageant called the Common-wealth, made this speech.

IT is decreed, nor can my power resist,
This most incuitable doombe of fate,
I haue forgot my nature, and consist
Of something more then lenity: my state,
At first was soueraignty; and that same sway,
That curb'd dominions: for I mounted on
The backe of horror, bath'd in blood, could fray
Peace from their coasts, then desolation,
I could command to raise my statues there,
That Nations far remote with mourning eies,
Should not rehearse the story without feare,
Lest I might so close vp their obsequies:
I taught the Romans to immortallize,
Their names by their great acts, and to refine,
Their meane creation by the sacrifize,
Of their owne blood to Warre and to my shrine,
They offer'd mighty spoyles, but now I beare
Captiuity about me: yet like one
That renders seruitude for loue, nor feare,
Imploying his deuotion to be showne,
As free as if his mind could captiuate
His will, I yeeld to sacred Peace and you;
That this day haue with a tryumphant state,
Entred your charge, and office, which the due
Of Time admitts you too, and should it chance,
That any foraigne armes from out this throane,
Striue to inforce her, I will then aduance,
My ensignes to her aide; and make it knowne,
That this is her inheritance, and place,
Which heauen hath pointed out to be her rest;
And therefore worthy Lord follow the trace
Of noble presidents, and in thy brest,
Resolue of future hazards; and prepare
Me such prouisions that if times should cease,
To be vnto this land is now they are,
Warre might restore againe the Palme to Peace.

This speech being ended, Peace and Warre dis­mounted from vnder the Pyramed, Peace conducted the Lord Maior into his house; and Warre stood with fire and sword to defend his gates.

And thus the solemnity dissolued.

The credit of this workmanship (curiously ex­ceeding many former shewes, and far more ritch then any, in regard no mettall was vsed to a­dorne it but gold and siluer) I impose on Fran­cis Tipsley Cittizen and Haberdasher of London.


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