A PLAINE EXPOSITION VPON THE FIRST part of the second Chapter of Saint Paul his second Epistle to the THESSALONIANS.

Wherein it is plainly proved, that The Pope is The Antichrist.

Being Lectures, in Saint Pauls, by IOHN SQVIRE Priest, and Vicar of Saint LEONARDS Shordich: Sometime Fellow of IESVS Colledge in CAMBRIDGE.

August. Epist. 89. Hilario. Melius exponant ist a meliores: Nam ego paratior smu di­scere, quam docere.
Psalm. 115. 10. Attamen ipse credidi, propter quod locutus sum.

LONDON, Printed for Philip Waterhouse, and are to be sold at his Shop at the signe of S t. Pauls Head in Canon street neare London Stone. 1630.

TO THE RIGHT Honourable EDVVARD Viscount CONVVAY, Lord President of his Majesties Hono­rable privie Counsell: My most honored Lord.


THese Lectures I laboured prin­cipally to satisfie mine own con­science, in this great point. But understanding, that some consci­onable persons, have received some small satisfaction, by hea­ring them: I print them. And [Page] presume to present thē to your Honor to read them, or some of them, at your Lordships leasure. That I may publish to the world how I am assured of your Ho­nors sincere affection to the Church of England, as it stand­eth now in opposition to the Church of Rome. VVhich that it may be daily confirmed, and increased in your Honour, and in the rest of our Honorable English Nobilitie, shall be the daily and sincere prayer of

Your most unworthy, yet most humble Chaplaine IOHN SQVIRE.

To the READER.

CHristian Reader, Let me com­mend these briefes to thy Christian Charitie. For this Booke; If my small judge­ment, and the eyes of many of my judi­cious friends, have not failed me: it may have some [...] but no [...]: some slips, no grosse Errours. For the Quotations, though some may seeme per­haps to have bin alleaged judicio errante, yet animo reluctante, not one: I may mis­understand some; but I mis report not one Author, by a voluntary falsification. For the Author, he is a thorough confor­mable member, & Minister of the Church of England. And for the Scope, it is for the information and salvation of thy soule, and his owne soule. Take the Treatise, and give prayers, for

Thy fellow-member in Christ Iesus IOHN SQVIRE.

To the Papists, or popishly affected.

I Beseech you by our Christ, per­forme this Christian duty; where­to my Practice doth invite you, by a Precedent. Read my Trea­tise; As I doe, and will the learnedst Authors on your side. If your impartiall judgement censure it, as Erron [...]ous: reject it, refute it. But if my arguments be strong: love not the name of the Church, more than you doe the Truth of the Church. Magna est veritas! Christ grant that his Truth may prevaile on either partie.

Yours in the Truth, IOHN SQVIRE.

The Contents of this Treatise.

  • OBstinacy an error dangerous to salvation. 6
  • Ministers should win their people by lenity. 8
  • Of the Resurrection. 10
  • Blessings bind us to be constant in Religion. 14
  • Of Vnion. 7, 15
  • The comming of Christ may not be defined. 18
  • The authoritie of the Fathers. 21
  • The errours of the understanding, terrours to the Conscience. 22
  • Six meanes to avoid errour. 26
  • Three Fountaines of Errour 28
  • Of Enthysiasme. 29
  • Of the use and abuse of eloquence. 31
  • Of false quotations and corrupting Authors. 32
  • The meanes of seducing to Popery. 34
  • [Page]The point of Antichrist may be handled. 38
  • The name of Antichrist. 43
  • The Fathers not the best Expositers in this point. 46
  • The Apostasie. 47
  • Whether the Church was ever extinguished. 55
  • When was the Apostasie. 57
  • Communion in both kinds. 60
  • The Primacie. 60
  • Image worship. 61
  • Deposing Kings. 62
  • The Pope above a Councill. 62
  • Priests mariage. 63
  • Apostates to Poperie. 63
  • Latine Service. 65
  • Antichrist not one man. 68
  • The man of Sinne. 76
  • The Pope the cause of Ignorance. 83
  • The Pope the cause of Whoredome. 85
  • The Pope the cause of Treason. 90
  • The Powder Treason. 94
  • [Page]Antichrist the sonne of Perdition. 97
  • Antichrist and Iudas parallell'd. 99
  • Antichrist, Iudas and the Pope parallell'd. 101
  • The Pope may erre. 105
  • Popish Persecutions passe those of the Emperours. 106
  • Of the Inquisition. 121
  • Rome Destroyed. 135
  • Whether all Papists be damned. 136
  • Popish threatnings to draw men to Popery. 137
  • Antichrist not an open Adversarie. 140
  • The Pope doth oppose Christ. 145
  • Fundamentally. 147
  • Vniversally. 149
  • Six plaine propositions where Christ is plainly op­posed by the Pope. 153
  • The Pope the worst Adversary that ever the Church had. 154
  • [...] Temple. 159
  • Antichrists seat. 159
  • Not th [...] [...]teriall Temple. 159
  • [Page]Rome the seat of Antichrist. 167
  • Whether Rome be a true Church. 168
  • A Parallel betwixt Rome and Babylon. 185
  • Antichrist shall not exalt himselfe above the true God. 197
  • The Pope doth. 200
  • And above all that is worshipped. 202
  • The Popes Ambition. 204
  • The Pope doth exalt himselfe above Kings. 207
  • Above the Emperour. 216
  • Papists are Traitors. 226
  • Antichrist shall not sit corporally in the Temple. 288
  • The Pope usurpeth the same power with Christ. 232
  • The same titles. 233
  • That he is above Councills. 238
  • That he can make a Creed. 240
  • The Pope is not the head of the Church. 234
  • The King is the Head of the Church of England. 235
  • The Pope countermands all the Commandements. 244
  • [Page]Antichrist shall not call himselfe the true God. 257
  • The Pope doth shew himselfe to be God. 259
  • The Pope doth shew himselfe to be God plainly. 268
  • What hindred the Revelation of Antichrist. 289
  • The Ro: Empire not to be abolished. 294
  • It is removed. ibid.
  • Of Travellers and travelling to Rome. 301
  • The time of the Revelation of Antichrist. 305
  • Where our Church was before Luther. 326
  • Affected ignorance of Antichrist. 328
  • The Mystery of Iniquitie. 335
  • Popish mysteries to advance the papacie. 343
  • Popish mysteries to advance poperie. 360
  • Baits to catch pap [...]sts. 369
  • Hookes to hold pap [...]sts. 373
  • [Page]The Pope [...] or the lawlesse person. 381
  • In regard of Scriptures. 391
  • Of the Creed. 395
  • Of humane Lawes. 396
  • Of Oaths. 397
  • Of nationall Lawes. 402
  • The Exemption of the Clergie. 404
  • Of Childrens obedience. 408
  • Of Mariages. 409
  • Of his owne Constitutions. 411
  • The destruction of Antichrist. 414
  • The beginning of the Reformation. 416
  • Poperie may returne into England. 417
  • Poperie may not be put downe by force of Armes. 418
  • The finall destruction of the Pope uncertaine. 428
  • Popery shall not be extinguished till the last day. 432
  • The destruction of Rome. 434
  • Of lying miracles. 440
  • [Page]Of Popish miracles. 343
  • The miracle Rev. 13. 13. explained. 465
  • Whether Papists doe any miracles. 467
  • Whether miracles should perswade unto Poperie. 470
  • Of the Antiquity of the Church of Rome. 478
  • Vniversalitie. 478
  • Vnitie. 478
  • Infallibilitie. 478
  • Of disputations with Papists. 487
  • The care of the Popish Church for Controversie Writers. 488
  • Of Popish perswasions. 491
  • Devotions. 494
  • Prayers. 494
  • Discipline. 495
  • Of Satan. 497
  • Papists refuse all Communion with Protestants, 498
  • Why so many learned be Papists. 501
  • No Reconciliation with Rome. 506
  • [Page]The Doctrine of Devills. 521
  • The Church of Rome teacheth the doctrine of De­vills. 522
  • Popish forbidding mariage, 531
  • Popish forbidding meats. 537
  • All who are deceived by Antichrist are damned. 542
  • Whether all Papists be damned. 545
  • Of Apostates to Poperie. 558
  • Antichrist not a Iew. 560
  • The Church of Rome doth use the Scripture for owne turne. 567
  • The ambition of the Church of Rome. 570
  • Consolation against Antichrist. 574
  • Five notes of such as love the truth. 575
  • The Papists surpasse the Pagan Idolatry. 579
  • Angells made Idolls. 584
  • [Page]Saints. 585
  • The V. Marie. 587
  • Images. 589
  • The Crosse. 592
  • The Sacrament. 594
  • Every Creature made an Idol. 597
  • Precedents of obstinatenesse. 601
  • The Papists obstinate and deluded. 607
  • No Reconciliat [...]on. 441
  • The Pap [...]sts are deluders. 607
  • Want of p [...]ov [...]sion for Converts, an hindrance to Reformation. 617
  • Pronenesse of People to be deluded by Popery. 447
  • God doth send delusion. 623
  • A Caveat to the Church of England against ob­stinatenesse. 625
  • Popery supported by lying. 631
  • The Primacie. 636
  • The Crosse. 638
  • Popish lies against the persons of Protestants. 640
  • Against Calvin. 642
  • Beza. ibid.
  • Luther. ibid.
  • Bishop King. 643
  • [Page]Queene Elizabeth. 644
  • Popish lies against the Profession of Protestants. 646
  • Concerning the Sacraments. 647
  • Our Government. ibid.
  • Our Preachers. ibid.
  • The Scripture 650
  • Our obedience to our King. 651
  • Our obedience to our God. 653
  • Popish lyes concerning their persecution. 654
  • The Pope may Erre. 677
  • Hath [...]rred. 687
  • In his Translations. ibid.
  • Canon Lawes. 688
  • Papacredens & docens, that distinction examined. 680
  • Of implicite faith. 698
  • Popish points that are damnable. 702
  • Inhibition of the Scriptures. 706
  • Latine Prayers. 707
  • Merits. 711
  • The Communion in one kind. 712
  • Worshipping of Images. 715
  • [Page]Six opinions of Antichrist. 721
  • The Devill shall be Antichrist. 722
  • Nero. 724
  • The Turke. 726
  • The Turke and Pope. 732
  • Antichrist shall be a Iew. 737
  • The Papists Trienniall Antichrist. 740
  • The Summe of the whole Treatise. 746
  • The Paraphrase of the whole Text. 754
  • The Parallel to the Pope. 757
  • The Conclusion. 764
  • A Dehortation from Poperie. 766

A Plaine Exposition upon the first part of the second Chapter of S t. PAVL his second EPISTLE to the THESSALONIANS.


2 THESS. 2. 1. Now we beseech you, Brethren, by the com­ming of our Lord Iesus Christ, and by our assem­bling unto him.’

That obstinacy in error is dangerous to salvation. And that it is dangerous to breake the peace of the Church. Ministers should win their people by Le­uity. Of the Resurrection. Blessings bind us to bee constant in Religion. Of Vnion.

WHen first I cast mine eye on this Chapter, it reflected my mind on the first Chapter of the first Epistle: and I undertooke that Epistle, because of this Chapter: that so I might discusse the Point of Antichrist, here so plentifully propo­sed. A point, none more difficult, none more [Page 2] necessary to be knowne. This also did call into my memory my Text at my first Sermon, entring upon that Epistle to the Thessalonians; which was the nineteenth and twentieth verses of the sixt Chapter to the Ephesians: That ye should pray for me, that vtterance might be giuen unto me, that I might open my mouth boldly, to make knowne this Mystery: that therein I might speak boldly, as I ought to speake.

I hope that your Christian prayers have beene like the Leviticall fire, that they have beene ever fervent in my behalfe. But now I beseech you to blow them up with an extraordinary affection, to beg an extraordinary blessing upon my poore La­bours. I expect Argus, and Midas, and Momus, and Magus, to be my Hearers. I looke that broad eyes, long eares, wide mouths, and false hearts, shall observe every syllable in these Sermons. I am re­solved to haue my reputation torne for my paines. But let Malice speake truth, and spare neither my life nor my learning.

For the End of my Labours, in this point: I know the Sunne cannot give light nor sight to the Blind or Blind-folded: I know Truth it selfe can­not satisfie Prejudice and Obstinacy. But to the seeker of the Truth, I promise thus much in the presence of God, before whom I stand, I will endeavour to discusse this point, with all Humi­lity, Industry, and Impartiality.

Which that I may doe, againe and againe I beseech you, for that for which S t. Paul besought Ephes. 6. 19, 20. the Ephesians, in those verses of that Chapter [Page 3] before cited: Brethren, I beseech you to pray for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth holdly, to make knowne This Myste­rie, and that therein I may speake boldly, as I ought to speake. I beseech you to pray for me. For it, I will be your Debtor; and yet will I pay you in your owne Coine. Pray you for me, and I will pray for you: Pray you for me in Speaking, and I will pray for you in Hearing. Let us promise and performe this, as a Preface to this great worke. Let us heartily pray for one another: and thou Lord! let the words of our mouthes, and the prayers of our hearts be alwayes ac­ceptable in thy sight, both now and ever, O Lord our strength, and our Redeemer.

This second Epistle consisteth of three Chap­ters: wherein the argument of the first is gratu­latory, for what they had beene: of the second Expository, of what they must bee: and the con­tents of the third are Hortatorie, what they should bee. The Expository argument of this Chapter is twofold, [...] & [...]: Praedicit, & praedicat: Information of Antichrist is delivered to the thir­teenth verse: and Consolation against Antichrist, from thence to the end of the Chapter. The in­formation or first generall part of this Chapter doth branch it selfe into two particulars: concer­ning this Discourse, on this cause, consider the Occasion thereof related in the two first verses, and part of the third: and the question it selfe debated, from the third verse unto the thir­teenth.

The occasion why S t. Paul did dispute of Antichrist [Page 4] was an Errour among the Thessalonians concer­ning the Comming of Christ. This being premised in the three first verses: the Apostle sheweth them the thing by which he doth disswade them in the first: and the thing from which hee doth disswade them in the second and third. The de­bating of the question it selfe may be drawne into these five particulars. First, we have Antichrist described, in the third and fourth verses: second­ly, revealed in the fift, sixt, seventh, and part of the eighth verse: Thirdly, destroyed, in the remnant of the eight: Fourthly, confirmed in the ninth, and part of the tenth verse: and finally, we have Antichrist embraced in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth verses.

The summe of this Text is the thing by which S t. Paul did disswade the Thessalonians from their Errour; to wit, by the Advent of Christ, and also by the Event thereof. In the first words: Now we beseech you, Brethren, by the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ, here is the Advent; the Event whereof followeth in the last words; and by our gathering together unto him. In the first consider the matter of his disswasion, by the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ: and the manner thereof, We beseech you brethren. In the last point two o­ther particulars are considerable: the Thing, a Gathering together: and the persons, Our gathering unto him.

The Advent is the first generall point, where­of 1 the first particular is the matter of S t. Pauls dis­swasion, in these words, by the comming of our [Page 5] Lord Iesus Christ. The comming of our Lord Iesus Christ, is the maine point, so effectually disputed by the Apostle, in the two last Chapters of his first Epistle to the Thessalonians. From which Treatise in generall, as from that phrase in par­ticular, 1 Thess. 4. 17. [ Then wee which are alive, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds:] Satan raised this error, That Christ should come in that age, with a slye subtilty, thereby to avert, and evert the expectation of Christs comming: that after one age, secure people might pronounce that prophane phrase mentioned by S t. Peter, 2 Pet. 3. 4. Where is the promise of his comming? S t. Paul therefore (on Timothies information thereof) did disswade them from this errour, By the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. Which adiuring phrase doth imply both the confidence and the reverence which Christians ought to have concerning the Comming of Christ. Adjura­tion is a prevailing argument, urged by the high Priest to unlock the silence of our Saviour him­selfe, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, Matth. 26. 63. Con­ceive this to be the sense of this phrase. I have taught you the true doctrine of Christs comming: but I am informed that some erroneous Doctors doe teach you a new doctrine, that his comming shall be in this age. O but I adjure you, per adven­tum Domini, by the confidence you have of his comming, and by the reverence you will have at his comming, Even by the comming of our Lord Ie­sus Christ, I beseech you brethren revoke this wicked errour.

Let this adjuring of them advise and instruct Doctr. us Christians, that to be obstinate in an errour is dangerous for their salvation. Had these Thessalo­nians persisted in their opinion, this Text imply­eth that they would have lost the comfort of Christs comming. If any shall preach another Gospel, that is, publish his errour, hee is pronounced [...] a Cursed creature, by S t. Paul. And Christ Gal [...]. 8. himselfe confirmes it: If a man shall breake the Mat. 5. 19. least Commandement, and teach men so, he shall bee called least in the Kingdome of heaven. Errare pos­sim, haereticus esse nolo: I feare Nature may make me fall, but I hope Grace will teach mee to re­pent and recant when I understand my errour. Errare hominis, perseverare Daemonis: I am the Sonne of Adam, I may erre, but to persevere, to be obstinate, I trust God will blesse mee from the snare of the Devill. The uglinesse of the sinne of obstinatenesse appeareth unto mee from two rea­sons: from the Nature and Author of Error. The Devill is the Author thereof, Matth. 13. 25. there­fore Obstinatenesse therein can bee no lesse than Diabolicall. And obstinate errour doth naturally produce either Heresie, (and Heretickes are [...], condemned, if not damned of themselves) or it teemeth Schisme at the least: and Schismatickes are wished to be cut off, Gal. 5. [...]2. Haereticos sci­mus pejores esse quam Ethnicos: an obstinate Here­ticke is as bad as a Pagan infidell: this was the cen­sure Conc. Carth. Cypr. p. 447. of Vincentius à Thibari. Againe, Gravis cul­pa discordiae, nec passione purgatur: the grievous sinne of breaking the peace of the Church cannot be [Page 7] washed away, though afterwards thou wouldest Cypr. de uni­tate. poure out thy heart blood for that offence, saith S t. Cyprian. A mutinous souldier is trussed up by Martiall Law, when the open enemy hath faire Just. Hist. Lib. quarter. Alexander the Great exercised greater furie against the Thebans, his owne Countrimen, but Rebels, than hee did against the Persians, though barbarous people, and professed adversa­ries. Saul did rend Samuels garment, but it signi­fied, that God would rend his kingdome from him. So Schismaticks may make a rent in the Church; but I feare it doth forebode, that God will rend his kingdome from them. Certainly, to bee obsti­nate in our errors cannot but bee dangerous to our Salvation.

Apprehend here the danger of our times: Er­rors Vse. infinite and impudent. The Anabaptists en­crease: but Papists swarme. The peaceable Pro­testant is placed betwixt them both, like a Ship betwixt the Sand and Shore: touch upon either, and suffer shipwracke. Or like Susanna betwixt the two Elders: they both intice thee, and ei­ther will defile thee. The Papist will make thee to prophane one Sacrament, the Anabaptist will make thee to renounce the other. Both inveagle thee from the Church, thy Mother; where is then thy God, thy Father? Learne this one lesson, Luke 18. 18. Take heed how you heare. Looke to thy Eares, they are both Syrens, to inchant thee, to incant thee. But Per adventum Domini, by the com­ming of our Lord Iesus▪ Christ: I beseech you brethren, to beware of both of them.

Thus farre for the first point, the matter of S t. 2 Pauls dehortation: next follows the maner there­of, the second part, in the first words, Now wee beseech you, brethren. We beseech you, [...], from [...] signifying love. He addeth moreover, We be­seech you brethren. [...] a Brother, being deri­ved of [...], uterus, a wombe: brethren being pro­perly uterini, the fruit of one wombe. This phrase also implying his affection, that hee rendred the Thessalonians as he did his mothers wombe, or his owne bowels, even as Brethren. The sense is evident: We beseech you brethren: that is, even in all Bro­therly love, wee beseech you to beware of seducers.

Which may teach us Teachers an excellent les­son. Doctr. Ministers must endeavour to winne their people by lenity: They must preach as Brethren, to Bre­thren; in love, and from love, according to the phrase and example of the Preacher in my text. The Man of God must sometime play the Child, and pipe to his people, saith the great Preacher, Luke 7. 32. Therefore inferiour Ministers may not thinke it base to stoope so low, even as to beseech their hearers, by the meeknesse and gentle­nesse of Christ, 2 Cor. 10. 1. Thus S t. Augustine Aug. Epis [...]. [...] [...]7. perswaded Vitalis, Cupio, hortor, rogo; I desire thee, I exhort thee, I entreat thee. Thus he prevai­led Aug. Re­tract. lib. 2. pag. 59. with Vincentius, Invenem non-detestandum, sed docendum, quanta potui cum lenitate tractavi: I did not, saith he, reject him as a boy with sowre se­verity, but I did admit and instruct him as a Christian, with all courtesie and lenity. And accor­ding to his owne practise, hee proposed a Rule [Page 9] unto other Preachers, Quanto melior, tanto Aug. epist. 28. mitior: The more religious, the more courteous. Those Twinnes will alwayes goe together, and grow together. With this proviso: if the na­ture of the people will beare it. If they be not tractable, then indeed Christiana charitas & se­veritas must bee yoake-fellowes, saith the same S t. Augustine: then Lenity and Severity must Aug. epist. 19. be used interchangeably, as occasion shall be offered. For some Asses will not move with a spur, when a good metall will speed on with the least motion of the body. The Virgin Clau­dia Lactant. de Orig. [...]r lib. 2 sect. 7 (saith Lactantius) did lead on a laden Ship with her Girdle, which all the men in Rome could not hale on with Gables. Sometimes, I suppose, some Ministers may meet with both these natures: it behoveth them therefore to be armed with both these qualities, Severity and Lenity, that they may be able to cope with either disposition. But with the latter, Leni­ty especially. For God doth not alwaies ap­peare in the strong winde of rough reprehensions, 1 King. 19. 11. & 12. nor in the Earthquake of bitter invections, nor in the Fire of over-fervent declamations: but our great God may come in a still small voice. If the People be Thessalonians, the Preacher must be S t. Paul. Then must we beseech them as bre­thren, to beware of seducers, and all other Transgressions.

Miserable therefore are our times, and Vse. our sinnes more miserable; when braving he­resie beginneth to trample on Lenity, Severity [Page 10] and Authority also. The Ministers words, yea and the Magistrates swords also have lost their edge: they doe not touch the erroneous. The Owles dare looke on the Sunne: and those who were wont to creepe together by night, now flock together by noone day. That we must Non apud Aug. Epist. 109. vos verbis, sed apud Deum lachrymis agere: as S t. Augustine once complained, we must turne our preaching into prayers, and teares. But for you, let me use the phrase of my Text. Not­withstanding all our preaching, you shall have strong seducers. But Oramus vos fratres: We be­seech you brethren, by the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ, to beware of them.

I have dispatched the advent or comming of 3 Christ: now I proceed to the Event thereof; wherein we are to ponder the thing, and the persons. The first is termed in my Text, [...], a gathering together. The simple, [...], signifyeth the place or act of gathering together. [...], is when other persons are added to that place or action. [...], I may well trans­late a Congregation, and [...], an Aggrega­tion, that is, an addition to the Congregation. S t. Pauls meaning may then be thus expressed, As you know that Christ will come with a com­pany of Saints: and as you hope and desire that your selves shall be added to that company: Even so, We beseech you brethren, [...], by our gathering together, that you bee not moved from the truth by any seducers.

Which offereth this doctrine to our con­sideration, Doctr. [Page 11] All true Christians which dye, shall meet together in heaven. Now there is the con­gregation, the aggregation shall bee when our happy soules shall be ioyned to those blessed Saints already departed. The Angels shall ga­ther the Elect together from the foure windes, saith our Saviour, Matth. 24. 31. And loving Martha comforted her selfe concerning the death of her beloved brother, because shee knew that he should rise againe in the resurrection at the last day, Ioh. 11. 24. This truth we cannot but conceive, if we consider the end of the re­surrection, which is, that God may bee glorified in his Saints, 2 Thess. 1. 10. That our poore carkeises shall be raised out of the dust: how glorious will this be to our Raiser? who then can doubt of our gathering together, of our blessed Resurrection? The Husbandman deter­mining to fill his Granary, doth scatter the seed in divers furrowes and fields: the seed dyeth, but afterward returneth into one roome. So our bodies may be buried in divers Cities and countries, and scattered on the land, or in the bottome of the Sea: but heaven is the Grana­rie, there shall we at the last day have a bles­sed gathering together. Not unlike Iacob, Ioseph, and the Patriarches: as they by many unplea­sing meanes, yet met al together joyfully in one place. So we: Death, Diseases, and the Grave, are indeed distastfull to flesh and blood: yet are they Gods instruments, for this same [...], to gather us all together, at that blessed day [Page 12] of our ioyfull Resurrection.

A great comfort in a great affliction. Our Vse. friends dye: there is [...], a congregation; but we shall dye after them, and goe to them; here is [...] our aggregation. Indeed our sin­gular consolation. Praemittuntur, non amittun­tur, saith S t. Cyprian: our Friends by death goe before us, not from us. I shall goe to him, he shall not returne to me, said holy David of his childe, and it may be said by every Christian of his deare acquaintance. Xerxes viewing his numerous army, wept; because he concei­ved that all those were to die within a few yeares. So the tender Father, when his loving eyes are cast upon his bosome and his bowels, upon his beloved wife and children; Quis temperet à lachrymis? will it not wring teares from his eyes, if not sighes from his heart, to thinke that they, even they must dye. Indeed we may doe as much in humanity: but Divinity will tell us, that like Iob. 42. 12. & 14. The Lord will blesse our latter [...]d more than our beginning; that even death shall give back our children and friends, in greater affection, in greater perfection. And shall not we gather comfort from such a comfortable gathering together?

The last point containeth two persons con­curring 4 in this act of gathering together: Our gathering together unto him. Vnto him, this sheweth the action: Our, the affection, concer­ning this gathering together. The first, (the action of our gathering together) Christ our [Page 13] Head will performe it, when hee doth [...], Ephes. 1. 10. that is, [...], gather together all under one head. This he hath done already by his first comming, gathe­ring together both Iewes and Gentiles under one Head, and making them one Church militant. But this he will doe in a fuller manner, by his second comming, gathering together all, both li­ving and dead, under one Head, and making them one Church triumphant. That ( the gather­ing together of the Iewes and Gentiles into one Church militant) was [...], a Congregation. This ( the gathering together of the living and dead into one Church triumphant) is [...], an aggregation or a Congregation of Congregati­ons. The second ( the affection to this gathering together) in the word our, appeareth to bee an allusion in that Proverbe, Matt. 24. 28. Where­soever the carkeise is, there will the Eagles be ga­thered together. For Nature doth not make the Eagle so to sent out, and to hunt out the car­keise, as Grace doth make the Faithfull to hun­ger and thirst after that comming. The sense then thus I set down, in more, and more plain termes: As Christ will joine you to him effectu­ally, and as you long after that conjunction affectio­nately: even so, by the gathering together, [...]: by our gathering together unto him, wee beseech you brethren, not to bee moved from the truth by any false seducers.

From these premises let us conclude this Doctr. doctrine: Gods blessings doe binde Gods children [Page 14] to be constant in the truth. Thus wee see in this Text, that Christs comming is urged, as an ar­gument to confirm the Thessalonians in Christs doctrine. Rom. 9. 31. and 32. the grievous fault and punishment of Israel was this; God gave them righteousnesse by faith, but they fell to their workes; and therefore lost all. Luke 12. 32. God giveth his servants a kingdome; therefore they should not feare to serve him. And in­deed this is the maine end wherefore God gi­veth us his blessings, to incourage us in his truth. The man who hath his head held up by a skilfull swimmer, meriteth drowning, if in a fond feare he forsake him, to lay hold on some floating staffe. So, let him sinke in errour, that will bee affrighted even with an Ocean of temptations, if Gods blessings support him. Alexander the great, Iust. hist. l. 11. saith Iustine, made choice of the stipendiary, his Pensioners, for his prime souldiers, in his Persian expedition. So, such as are Gods Pensioners, that is, inriched with his continuall favours, ought to be his Triarij, that is, his most coura­geous souldiers, and most constant professors in the Church militant. And finally, as in 2 Sam. 12. 7, 8. Nathan said unto David, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel: I have anointed thee King over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul, and I gave thee thy masters house, and thy masters wives into thy bosome, and gave thee the house of Israel, and of Iudah: and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things. As, I say, David was here [Page 15] argued from Gods benefits, because he fell into carnall adultery: so shall wee bee condemned also from Gods benefits, if we fall into Spiritu­all adultery. We shall finde the Lord a jealous God, if his mercies move us not to keepe his Com­mandements.

Hence therefore it may appeare that the Vse. assurance of Gods blessings, that is, the certainty of salvation, is not the naturall mother of Pre­sumption. No, that Bastard is filius populi: pre­sumption proceedeth from mans corruption accidentally, and not necessarily from that sweet Consolation.

But if Blessings doe binde, then are we bound to God in infinite bonds. Remember that bles­sed uniting of the two Roses, the white and the red, Yorke and Lancaster. Remember the uni­ting of the two Lyons in gold and gules, England and Scotland. By the first dissention, the two Houses might have ruinated this Kingdome: by the second, the two Kingdomes might have rui­nated this Iland: had they not beene united. Yet can wee not bee haled to Vnion in the Church, but still we nourish a fatall dissention.

Remember moreover Gods blessings of protection! in 88 God delivered us from water: and in 1605 from fire. And yet some of us love that Religion which hatched those hatefull ma­chinations. Consider his present blessings: such a plenty for three yeares, and such a peace for three score yeares, as this Land enioyed not in three hundred before. And yet remaine we unmind­full, [Page 16] unthankfull. Now that we may be sensible of this sin, God withdraweth some of them. This City doth see, and the Country doth feele the abundance of unseasonable raine: so that some cannot end their harvest, and o­thers cannot beginne their seed-time. May not this be a prologue to a Famine? Againe, is it a small thing, that we are almost universally smitten with the small poxe? May not this be a Rabshekah? the Fore-runner of Senacherib? May not God tell vs by the small poxe that he hath a greater plague to smite us with? To what end is all this? Even to urge the same argument upon us, which S t. Paul here doth upon the Thessalonians? that we be constant in our Religion? Therefore by all those blessings ye have, or hope for; by those judgements yee doe deserve, and may stand in feare of; by the liberty of our Conscience, and plentifull prea­ching of the Gospell; by the famine of bread, and famine of the word: but above all, By the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ, I beseech you brethren: Brethren I beseech you bee constant in the Truth of God. And the God of truth make vs carefull, cheerfull, and joyfull to performe it.


2 THESS. 2. 2, & 3. That you be not soone shaken in minde, or bee troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by Letter as from us, as that the day of Christ were at hand. Let no man deceive you by any meanes.’

The comming of Christ may not be defined. The errours of the understanding, cause terrours to the conscience. Meanes to avoid errour. Three fountaines of errour. Of Enthusiasine. Of the use and abuse of Eloquence. Of false quotati­ons, and corrupting Authors. Ten meanes of seducing to Popery.

THis Text and the former verse containe the short preface premised to the great point of Antichrist. In that you heard by what S t. Paul did disswade the Thessalonians, by the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. In this you shall heare from what he disswaded them, from an error [Page 18] concerning the comming of Christ. In the text there are two generalls: the Heresie, and the Fallacy. The heresie to which, and the fallacy through which they were in danger to be sedu­ced. In each generall there are two particulars. In the heresie, their errour, and their terrour. The errour in the last words of the first verse, as that the day of the Lord were at hand: and their terrour, in the first words of this verse, that yee be not soone shaken in minde or troubled. In the Fallacy observe it related in particular: in the remnant of the second verse, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by Letter as from us: and finally observe the fallacy repeated in generall, in the third verse, Let no man deceive you by any meanes.

The first of the five particulars is their Er­rour, 1 They thought the day of Christ to be at hand. But say some; those erre who call this an er­rour. For S t. Iames saith, Iam. 5. 8. The day of the Lord draweth nigh [...]: and S t. Peter, 1 Pet. 4. 7. The end of all things is at hand. If therefore the Thessalonians did think that the day of the Lord was at hand: yet was this no errour. These pla­ces may bee reconciled two wayes. First, di­stinguish of the phrase: S t. Iames and S t. Peter say, [...], it is comming, like a cloud in the wost, before our eyes. But the phrase of S t. Paul is [...], it is comne, like a cloud in the Zenith, over our heads, imminent, at the point to drop downe. Againe, distinguish of the Time: according to S t. Peter, Christs comming was at [Page 19] hand, (as our late Divines terme it) quoad ul­timum Buchan. loc. 38. tempus, in regard of the last time of the world: according to S t. Paul, Christs comming was not at hand, Quoad ultimum temporis, in re­gard of the last age of the world. Finally, S t. Augustines phrase will also helpe to cleare this August. epist. 8 [...]. point. There are, saith he, dies novissimi, as al­so novissimorum novissimi, that is, the last daies, and the latest of those last daies. S t. Peter spea­keth according to the first phrase: and S t. Paul according to the last, That they were afraid that the comming of Christ would have beene in that very age wherein they lived. This was the error: from which S t. Paul in this text did disswade the Thessalonians.

From hence then it doth appeare to be un­lawfull Doctr. for men to define the time of Christs com­ming. S t. Paul doth here condemne it as an errour in the Thessalonians: an evident conclu­sion, that it is an errour in us also. It were su­perfluous to discourse of this point in this place, because it is so copiously disputed by S t. Paul himselfe, in the last Chapter of this first Epistle. Onely this one thing let me com­mend to your observation. This Errour, wee see, was hatched in S t. Pauls time, kild by S t. Pauls hand: yet afterwards it was revived a­gaine, and received by many rare men. Many rare godly men did attempt curiously to define the time of Christs comming. Est appropinquan­tis judicij terribilis expectatio, said Vincentius Vinc. Lyrin. pag. 15. Pr [...]f. Lyrinensis: that is, in his age they had a fearfull [Page 20] expectation of the apppoaching day of judgement. S t. Augustine avoucheth that he did live in sex­ta Aug. R [...]tr. lib. 1. cap. 26. aetate mundi, that is, in the last age which the world could endure. Sex millia annorum jam pene complentur, saith S t. Cyprian, that is, the Cypr. de Exb. Mart. sixt and last age of the world, was almost fini­shed in his age. The holy Scriptures of the old Testament containe in them the Histories of five thousand yeares, saith Iosephus. S. Ambrose Josephus lib. 1. cap. 1. was of the same opinion, saith our Doctor Whitakers. Lactantius is yet more perempto­ry, Lactantius lib. 7. cap. 25. Omnis expectatio non est amplius quam ducen­torum annorum; The world, saith he, cannot en­dure above two hundred yeares: and yet those two hundred, and a thousand yeares besides are passed, since hee passed that peremptory sen­tence. I conceive that S. Hierome also might be of the same opinion, because of his Surgite mortui, he thought that he alwayes heard the sound of the last Trump. A double mistaking misled all these Fathers into this one errour. First, they erred in Theology, because the world was created in sixe dayes, therefore they conclu­ded that the world should endure but six thou­sand yeares: having no other ground for their conclusion, but onely that phrase of S. Peter, One day is with the Lord as a thousand yeares. [...] Pet. 3. 8. Secondly, they erred in Chronology, following therein the errour of the Septuagints; who in the fifth and twelfth chapter of Genesis added an hundred yeares to the life of every Patriarch. For example: Gen. 5. 3. where the Originall [Page 21] readeth that Adam lived an hundred and thirty yeares, the Septuagints translate it, Adam lived two hundred and thirty yeares, and begate a sonne in his owne likenesse. These were the causes of their grosse errour, that Christ must come in their age.

Let us make a double Vse of this Doctrine: Vse. the one to benefit our learning, and the other to better our lives. First, learne that the ver­dict of the Fathers is [...], but not [...]: ve­ry venerable, but not absolutely infallible. I acknowledge, Scientia nullum habet inimicum praeter ignorantem: that none contemne the Fa­thers, but either the ignorant that cannot, or the idle that will not reade them. Howbeit, since even the Fathers were but men: I say their consent is an excellent confirmation, not an evident demonstration. This one example, that so many did concurre in this one errour, is too true an evidence for my assertion.

Secondly, in our lives let us quit our selve [...] 2 from this over-busie curiosity concerning times and seasons, and the comming of Christ. Let us be good servants▪ let us doe our service, and not pry into our Masters secrets. Let us bee Gods children: let us assure our selves that we shall have our inheritance; but let us leave the time unto our Fathers disposition. In a word, Let us not bee troubled nor moved concerning the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ.

Having considered their errour, that they thought the Day of the Lord to be at hand: this [Page 22] leadeth us unto the consideration of their terrour, that they were shaken in minde, and trou­bled. Which terrour is expressed by a double metaphor. First from a Sea-storme; for [...] signifieth both the Sea, and a Storme also. From whence is derived the word in my text [...], to be shaken, to wit, as a ship is shatte­red in a sea tempest. Another word is also added in the text, They were shaken in minde, yea from their minde, [...] so runneth the originall. Their minde or understanding seemed to bee torne from them, through the feare of the day of judgement: as a storme forceth a ship riding in the road, to slip or cut Gable. The second metaphor is taken from souldiers frighted by a sudden Alarme: for so that word in my Text [...] seemeth to signifie. The sense is cleare: Heretickes doe terrifie you with their false doc­trine, That Christ will come with flaming fire, even in your age. But they give you a false A­larme, to affright you from your anchor-hold, and settled Religion. Therefore we beseech you bre­thren, [...], that you would not be shaken in minde, nor troubled concerning this errour.

These phrases may teach us this doctrine. The errour of the understanding, is a great terrour Doctr. to the conscience. The text termeth it [...], and [...]: as a storme to a ship, and an Alarme to men asleepe: than which, nothing can bee more terrible. The like metaphor is urged by S. Paul, Gal. 4. 14. Be not children caried about [Page 23] with every winde of doctrine. Imagine how fear­full children would be in a Boat, hulling on the Sea, without Rudder or Anchor: and conceive the terrours of that soule, which floateth on groundlesse errours, to surpasse imagination. The Apostles phrase, Eph. 4. 16. importeth that the erroneous are like a bone out of joynt, it will cost many an hearty groane, before they be reduced to their right place. They will bee [...], Tit. 3. 11. their owne consciences will be both the accusers and the accused: and in conclusion they will become aliens from Gods Commonwealth, Eph. 2. 12. Now suppose a tra­veller in the night and out of the way; how will he be troubled? a Rebell out of the Kings favour; how perplexed? The Athenians muti­ned Iust. hist. for a time against Alexander; but they were glad (notwithstanding their brags) to be reconciled upon any condition. Alas, beloved, the Erroneous are those Travellers, so troubled: those Rebels so perplexed: and those mutinous Athenians, their feare must be great, till they be reconciled to their God upon any condition. 1 King. 2. 30. Ioab having run a wrong course of erroneous election, against his Lords liking: although he could pretend, that he did adhere to the right heire, was incouraged by the High Priest, and might bee excused by his other for­mer services, and was protected by the Altar: notwithstanding, because he erred against the Kings will, the terrours of death did compasse him on every side. So let the erroneous gild [Page 24] over their positions, with never so many glorious pretences: that they adhere to the right heire, to the old Religion: that they are incou­raged by the High Priest, by the Pope himselfe: that their life otherwise is very innocent, and that they have the Altar, the onely Catholike Church to protect them. Notwithstanding all this, if they wander without the warrant of the Lord; without the apparant Scriptures, the sword of Benaiah hangeth over their heads: The conscience of the erroneous cannot but suffer the terrours of the Lord with a troubled minde.

Loe here the lot of all those who are sedu­cers, Vse. or seduced. Feare and trembling are their companions. From the Papist to the Anabaptist, all seducers are like the Aspen, they cannot but quake continually: and like the old Romanes mentioned by S. Augustine: Deum colunt ti­morem Aug. epist. 44. Maximo. & horrorem: Terrour and horrour are housed in their consciences. As the text spea­keth, their consciences are shaken and troubled perpetually.

But say the Erroneous, the Papists especially: we have none of these terrours: we have resi­sted your Religion, [...]: we are care­lesse and fearlesse to shed your blood, or our owne blood, in the confidence of our Catholike cause. We are not shaken, nor troubled in conscience, for teaching our Doctrine.

I say (notwithstanding their bragges) some of them doe feare: though they will not shew where their shooe wringeth them: Some of [Page 25] them shall feare. Morte personam non ferent: Death shall unmaske them, and discover their consciences, pale and wan, with feare and trem­bling. If some of them live and dye confident in their errours, then I apply that other phrase of my text unto them, [...], they are besides their mindes: [...] is [...], saith Clemens, and Clem. Alex. Pro­trept. p. 2. Ign. ep. 5. [...], saith Ignatius, their blindnesse is mad­nesse, and franticknesse. Mad men will wound themselves, and feele not: and the franticke will run into the fire, and feare not. So, those men are [...], they ranne out of their wits, when they ran out of the Church: and this makes them like Bedlems, to be so couragious, indeed so outragious in their herefies.

But how may wee avoid these errours and terrours, and be setled in the Truth? I can teach men no better than Erasmus taught chil­dren: Quod lego Scripturis, & Symbolo, summa siducia credo: si quid receptum est ab usu Eccle­siae, quod non plane cum Scripturis pugnat, servo. That is, that man who doth constantly beleeve, whatsoever is taught him by the Scriptures; and conscionably obey whatsoever is commanded by the Church, provided the Church command nothing plainly contrary to the Scriptures: Such a man, I say, will bee setled in the Truth, and seldome or never shaken in minde, or troubled concerning any Errours.

Yea, but some speake of all the Scriptures what S. Peter spake of some of the Scripture, 2 Pet. 3. 16. they are [...], hard to bee understood. I an­swer, [Page 26] Vse these meanes faithfully, and thou shalt finde the necessary principles of the Scrip­ture to be a food for the Lamb to wade through, and to be food for very Babes to feed on. Eschew three things; and insue three things. Let these sixe points be the practise of thy piety, Eschew Pride, Prejudice, and Profit, in searching out the Truth. Mater omnium Haereticorum superbia: S t. Augustine saith, tis Pride which progues Aug. contra Manich. 2. 8. men to factions and partakings. Simon Magus would be [...], Acts 8. 9. a great man: this was the Magicke that bewitched him to his heresie and sorcerie. Prejudice is a second and maine prevention of knowing and imbracing the Truth. In hac side eram natus, in hac educatus, & in ea moriar, said an Eutichian; because hee was borne therein, therefore hee would live and dye in that opinion. There are many mad Ephesians, who will cry out against Paul, when they know not the cause wherefore they cry out against him, Acts 19. 32. And finally, profit and commodity is Truths common adversary: there are wretched men who subvert whole houses for silthy lucres sake, Tit. 1. 11. and their gaine teacheth them, to teach falshood [...], to please their Patrons, and maintaine errours, be­cause errours maintaine them. On the other side, insue three other things; Fidelity, Chari­ty, and Humility. Fidelity towards the Scrip­tures: Charity towards the Church: and Hu­mility towards thy selfe. Fasten thy Faith on the Scriptures; say with the Pythagorians, [...] [Page 27] [...], he hath said it, and therefore we will beleeve it. And say with S t. Paul, Though an Angell from heaven should preach another Gospell (and teach thee any thing contrary to the word of God) let him be an Anathema, accursed, by God and man, Gal. 1. 8. Next, to thy fidelity to thy Father, thy God speaking in his Scriptures, ex­ercise thy charity to thy Mother, to the Church speaking in her Institutions. Alexander (saith Iustine) did lament, that hee had wronged his Nurse in his drinke. The Church of England is our Nurse, and surely they are not sober who wrong it, and I hope that at length they will have grace to lament it. If any accuse our Church which hath nursed thee, let thy love teach thee to take heed of such accusers, and abstaine from the very appearance of evill, 1 Thess. 5. 22. Let both Fidelity to the Scriptures, and chari­ty to the Church, be a garland to thy Christian head; but let Humility be the Flower of that garland. O be not high-minded: Thinke not thy owne chickens the whitest; or thy owne opini­ons the truest. The right way to bee baptized, that is, to be washed from errour, is to imitate the humble Ethiopian, Act. 8. 31. to crave a guide to understand the Scriptures. Thus putting away pride, prejudice, and profit: if a man read the Scriptures carefully, heare the Church cha­ritably, and esteeme of himselfe modestly; I dare say it confidently, that such a man shall understand the truth sufficiently. And for a mo­tive to put these meanes in practise; let the [Page 28] phrase of my Text, [...], remember us, that to be in an errour, is to be out of our wits. Let us therefore labour to settle our mindes, and to be resolved in our Religion. Wee must not forget it: Such as are out of the truth, are out of their wits. The Lord therefore settle our mindes, and preserve us from all spirituall mad­nesse.

Having dispatched the Heresie; it follow­eth 3 that I discourse of the Fallacy. Which in the first place we finde here related to be three­fold: by spirit, by word, and by letter. The first fallacy or tricke whereby seducers did deceiv [...] the Thessalonians was, [...], the spirit, that is the pretence of some Vision, Revelation, Inspiration, or Spirituall information. Thus 1 Iohn 4. 1. Beleeve not every spirit, that is, yeeld no [...] credence to every Doctor, who doth gild ove [...] his doctrine with the pretence of the spirit, o [...] spirituall infusions. So the Scholia interpr [...] this phrase, [...]: false prophets (say they) use to plead for their false doctrine: This say they is the dictate of the Spirit, an extraordinary gift we are indued with. The second meanes to deceiv [...] these Thessalonians, was [...], by word: whether spoken or written: S. Paul calleth it, [...], inticing words, Coloss. 2. 4. and [...], the shew of wisedome, Coloss. 2. 23. so speake the Scholia also, [...] Certaine persons, say they, by their eloquenc [...] and inticing words perswaded the poore Thes­salonians, [Page 29] That the day of the Lord would come in their age. And finally, the last fallacy is set downe in the next words, nor by Letter as from us. Two wayes did the seducers endeavour to deceive the Thessalonians in this kinde, by quo­tation and falsification. Some did quote that place of S t. Paul, in the 17. verse of the fourth chapter of the former Epistle, Then we which are alive shall be caught up: this they alledged that the Thessalonians in their owne persons should see the comming of Christ in that age. Others, [...]; others forged Epistles and spred them abroad, under the name of S. Paul, say the same Scholia.

Here then we discover three fountaines of errours, and false doctrine: Inspiration, Dispu­tation, and Quotation. By Inspiration, and the Spirit, they deceive the Ignorant: By Dispu­tation and Word they deceive the Learned: By Quotation, or Letter, or mis-alledging the Scriptures, they deceive both the Learned and the Ignorant: S. Paul doth arme them against all these, with this Caveat: Bee not shaken in minde, nor troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by Letter as from us.

The first sort support their errours by In­spirations. These are the Enthusiasts, both old, and new. In old time Montanus and the Montanists, in our time Monetarius and the A­nabaptists seduce ignorant people by preten­ded Inspirations. This foule errour doth evi­dently appeare from the act and effect thereof. [Page 30] First, God doth governe naturall things, ac­cording to the nature of them: therefore hee doth usually and ordinarily instruct men (since they have bodies) by corporall meanes, and not by immediate spirituall infusions. Againe, these visions may be suggested by the Evill spirit: Let them therefore confirme them by Mi­racles, and then peradventure we may beleeve them: or rather by the Scripture, and then we must beleeve them without peradventure. Next, they nickname the [...], the holy Pen­men of the holy Scriptures. Impure Quintinus, Bell. de verbo Deilib. 1. c. 1. with a prophane tongue doth call S. Paul, vas fractum; S. Peter, abnegatorem; S. Matthew, foeneratorem; and S. Iohn, juvenem stolidulum. Bullinger saith, that Thomas Schykerus killed his brother kneeling at his prayers, a pretended effect of his godly Inspiration. And Sleidan hath historied it, that 1525. the Anabaptists did murder 50000. Germanes in one day, gui­ded also by Inspiratiō. One place may satisfie al men, concerning this fantasticall frensie. Luk. 16. 31. If they heare not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they bee perswaded, though one rose from the dead: it is the Scripture, not Inspira­tion, on which our Faith must rely. So S. Cy­prian although he had a vision, yet hee proved the point he perswaded, out of the sacred Scrip­tures, Ne videretur verbum Dei adulterare, lest he should seeme to derogate from the Scrip­tures, whilest he did arrogate to Inspirations. But I will pursue this monster no further: For [Page 31] I assure my selfe, if this Viper did but creepe upon the body of our Church, the hand of Au­thority would shake it into the fire. Our Land would bee impatient of such an impious assertion.

A second sort deceive the simple by their discourses and disputations: by uttering [...] as S t. Peter speaketh: they make 2 Pet. 2. 18. their swelling words to be the windy bladders on which children swimme in a streame of errours, as if they were the most current assertions of Orthodoxall Divinity. And indeed Eloquence is very potent for either party. Tertullus was no meane opponent of S. Paul himselfe. And Faustus the Monke was surnamed Laqueus Dia­boli, Aug. confess. lib. 5. cap. 3. saith S. Augustine, the ginne of the Devill, Quo multi implicabantur per illecebram suavilo­quentiae, because hee insnared many ignorant persons by his eloquent discourses. On the like ground Alexander did exile all the Oratours out of Athens, causas insurrectionis, as the on­ly Trumpets of Rebellion. Yet must we consider what we ought to think and to doe concerning Eloquence: discreetly distinguishing betwixt the use and the abuse thereof. We cannot but know that Eloquence is an excellent instrument and assistant to the Truth also. Eloquent Apol­los was as effectuall a propugner of the Gospell as ever Eloquent Tertullus was an oppugner of the same. And the eloquent tongue of S. Am­brose through the Eare did touch the heart of Aug. Consess. 5. 14. Augustine, with the knowledge and love of the [Page 32] Truth: Veniebant in animum cum verbis quae diligebam, etiam res quas negligebam, saith that holy Father in his heavenly Confessions. Who Aug. de Magi­sho cap. 3. also doth instruct us in our duty, in that point: Acute falleris, sed autem ut falli desinas, acutius attendas: If they take such great paines to se­duce us by their Rhetoricke and Logicke, let us take as great paines to des [...]ry their seductions, though proposed unto us in the probable and plausible arguments of Logicke and Rhetorick.

The third and last instrument of Impostors, is false quotations, urged by false teachers. Thus among the Latines, Manichaei legunt Scripturas Apochryphas, nescio à quibus su [...]oribus fabula­rum, sub nomine Apostolorum scriptas: The Ma­nichees, said S. Augustine, frame writings of their owne composing, which they urged as Scriptures penned by the holy Apostles. And the Grecians also had their [...], saith Igna­tius, the patchers of Pamphlets, which they put out as Authenticall. But above all, the Papists are most expert in this Art of Iuggling, quoting [...], Apochryphall Legends, as if they were the writings of the very Apostles: to wit, the Gospell of S. Thomas, the Lyturgy of S. Iames, and the Constitutions of the Apostles. For the Fathers, they urge some false ones, such as are Abdias, Ephrem, Martial, Idiota, Turpinus, &c. other falsly, as the story of the translation of the head of Iohn Baptist, in Cyprian: some Ser­mons de tempore, in S. Augustine: and other Bookes, Filios populi, spurious, very Bastards, [Page 33] yet doe they lay them at the doores of the most holy Fathers. Nay, if their owne Authors doe speake against their owne cause, they have authorized a Iudex, an Index, to purge them from such aberrations: Ferus, Stella, &c. can witnesse this policie. Iustine reporteth that at Iust. hist. lib. 12. the returne of Alexander from his Persian ex­pedition, Magnificentiora castra fieri jussit, hee commanded his Souldiers to erect more mag­nificent Tents than ever they were owners of, ut hostis terreretur, to astonish the enemies. So, to astonish the poore Protestants, the politicke Pa­pists tel us of strange treatises, under the titles of the Fathers, which indeed were Tents of their owne building. Finally, Robert le Bruce ad­mitted of Women and Boyes, to supply the roome of trained Souldiers: though they ther­by got the day, yet I hope that we who fight the battels of the Lord of Hosts, shall never be defeated by such a subtile policy: Though they stuffe their Controversies with forged Au­thors, in stead of authenticall and orthodoxall Fathers. Ye see the threefold Cord of deceivers; Inspiration, Disputation, and Quotation. Take onely one Scripture, Gladium ancipitem, onely one two-edged sword, to cut all these pretences in pieces. Search the Scriptures, there shall you finde life, and know Christ: saith Christ himselfe, Iohn 5. 39.

These are the Fallacies related in particular: there remaineth the Fallacy repeated in gene­rall, in the last words of my Text, being the [Page 34] first words of the third verse, Let no man de­ceive you by any meanes. Suppose that S. Paul spake in this manner: I have told you of three wayes by which you may be seduced: But there are infinite seductions besides. Therefore Take heed: Let no man deceive you, [...], By any meanes.

Ye desire to heare some of them by name: Indeed they are infinite. Howsoever, Faci­lius est seductores definire, quam finire, to make Aug contra A­c [...]micos lib. 1. cap. 4. use of S. Augustines phrase. Would God the common-wealth could tame them, as easily as I can name them. I will tell you their tricks in old time, doe you apply them to our time. I will declare onely a Decade of their devices: your meditations may subdivide them into many Centuries of like subtleties.

Heretickes have deceived ten wayes.

By publike disputation, and by private dissi­mulation: By imploying their Learned men, to deale with our Noble men, and by procuring their Noble men to deale with our learned men: By imploying men to seduce women, and women to seduce men: By complaining that they are persecuted, and by threatning persecution: By slandring the learning, and by slandring the lives of the Orthodoxall.

1 Publike Disputation is a publike engine deceive. Saepe ad me venisti, magis studio contra­dicendi, Cypr. ad Demetr quam voto discendi, said S. Cyprian of Demetrianus. To challenge a publike disputa­tion with a private determination to hold the con­clusion, [Page 35] notwithstanding any arguments to the contrary, is no meane disadvantage.

2 Private dissimulation is no lesse advantage to their publike cause. It was an ill deed of a good man; Consentius inter Priscillianistas, oblo­quebatur Aug. contra men­dacium lib 2. Catholicis, & se simulavit Priscillianistā ut eos è latebris erueret: Consentius feigned him­selfe to be a Priscillianist, that he might dive into the mystery of their Religion. A Prote­stant in fiction, but a Papist in faction: no petty pillar of Popery.

3 In old time cunning Seducers would so contrive their proiects, that their learned men might insinuate themselves into the acquain­tance of Noblemen. Constantia commended a Pappus hist. pag. 283. learned Arian Priest to the service of her bro­ther Constantine; who instilled into that good Emperour affection to, if not infection of that wicked Errour.

4 They inverted their policy, causing their Theodoret. lib. 4. c. 19. Noble men to assay the learned. Modestus Gene­rall for Valens, iournied to Caesarea; his er­rand thither was onely to deale with S. Basil, Vt tenui ex disquisitione dogmatis, nollet Impera­toris amicitiam perdere: that he should not lose the favour of that great Emperour, for the small trifles of disputable Controversies.

5 The imploying of men to seduce women, is an old tricke as ancient as the Heretickes of S. Pauls age: to creepe into houses, and to lead captive silly women laden with sinne, 2 Tim. 3. 6. propagated by them to the Arians also: whose [Page 36] plot it was, whereby Iustina was so wrought Aug. Confess. lib. 9. cap. 7. by them, that for them she became a persecu­tor of S. Ambrose.

6 Others on the contrary, imployed Wo­men for the seducing of men: Priscilla & Ma­ximilla, auro & spiritus mendacio, Montani dog­matibus Coster. in Vine. Lyrin. pag 114. plurimos corruperint: what with their lying and their buying they purchased many to partake with wretched Montanus.

7 By complaining that they were persecuted, they attract many to pitie their persons, and some to favour their opinions. Such was the complaint of the Donatists in Saint Augustines Aug. Bonif [...]io epist. 50 time.

8 Yet those very same men, as it is avou­ched by the same Father, could make use of that they complained of; menacing persecution Aug. Bonifa [...]io Epist. 50. when they met with men of a timorous dispo­sition. A quaint device: to sayle with two contrary windes to the same point.

9 Slander is a great helpe to the seducer: first of the learning of the Orthodoxall. Thus S. Paul himselfe shall bee pronounced [...], but a Babler, by the Philosophers, Act. 17. 18. and S. Cyprianus Coprianus, hissed out Lactantius lib. 5 cap. 1. as a dunghill-declaimer, by the Rhetoricians.

10 And finally, to slander the lives of their Adversaries, was common, and commodi­ous. The Heretickes hate both thee and mee, (said Saint Hierome to Saint Augustine) Vt Hier. apud Aug. Ep. 25. quos gladijs nequeunt, votis interficiant: That since they cannot take away our naturall lives [Page 37] with their swords, yet that they may take away our civill lives with their words.

Thus the Roring Lyon sendeth out an Herd of his Whelpes, seeking whom he may devoure. Thus thousands of Pharisees compasse Sea and Land to make one Prosylite. S. Pauls Text is too true in our times; There are many men who would seduce us many wayes. But the God of Heaven preserve all of us from all of them.

The Application I omit: it is easie, you can­not but apprehend it.


2 THESS. 2. 3, & 4. Except there be a falling away first.’

The point of Antichrist may be disputed. Of the name of Antichrist. The Fathers are not the best Expositors in this point. The Apostasie. Whether generall? When it was.

OF Antichrist. This is the que­stion propounded by S t. Paul, and (with Gods gracious assistance) to be expounded by my labours. I have heard some such history of that Vision. A studious Father meditating on the mystery of the Trinity, there appeared unto him a Child with a shell, lading the Sea into a little hole: he demanding what the Child did: I intend, said the Child, to empty this Ocean into this pit. It is impossible, said the Father: As possible, said the Child, as for thee to comprehend this profound mystery in thy shallow capacity. De me narratur fabula: it is mine owne case. Many in our age of our lear­ned [Page 39] Fathers have passed by this question, as fa­domlesse: why then should I (will some say, ( a child in knowledge) prepare my shell to emp­tie this Ocean? and lose my labour in deciding this controversie? I answer: when you are to returne home in the darke, I thinke you had as leefe have a little child to guide you with a Candle, as a man to go before you with a Torch unlighted. And this I know, that out of the mouthes of babes and sucklings God hath Matt. 21. 16. perfected praise. I adde moreover: I have not done this worke of the Lord negligently. I have perused, if not read, most of the Authors of either side: but I have furnished my discourse principally from the labours of foure of our owne learned Bishops. This also I adde, first Iewel of Sa [...]i [...] ­bury, Andrewes of Elie, Abbot of Sa [...]isbury, Dow­nam [...] of Derie. for the honour of our Nation: this little land surpassing all the Christian world besides, for incomparable learning in that calling: se­condly, for some scrupulous persons satisfac­tion. I wonder how any can call this Calling, Antichristian: since foure Bishops have written against Antichrist: none more sufficiently, none so sufficiently.

Notwithstanding there are many and lear­ned men, who would have this point of Anti­christ left undecided, undisputed, yea untou­ched also. Some few ingenuous and truly learned men, I onely except. From whom I beg their charity towards mee, as I desire to exercise mine towards them: that they would not censure me to be too censorious; because I [Page 40] impute to them onely, and in this point onely, ignorantiam purae negationis, not pravae disposi­tionis. But the partiall, though learned, are led thereunto by three motives: by Policy, Idle­nesse, and Prejudice. First, the Politicke Papists Rhemists in Act. 1. 7. inhibite this Question to bee inquired after. Those Politicians know full well, that such dis­putants doe lay hold on the very Pillars of Ba­bel: Iudg. 16. 26. and therefore the Philistims would glad­ly thrust out the eyes of any that should but looke after such a question: and (as the wife of Anthony did to Tully after his death) stab through the tongue of him, that should dare to talke of Antichrist. Next some idlesbies and slow Tit. 1. 12. bellies, who never made any painfull assay on this point, cry out, that there is a Lyon in the Prov. 22. 13. way, that this is a dangerous question, extra­ordinarily perillous for the ordinary people to dive into. This is the true ignavia fallax: they cover their owne negligence, by dispara­ging and discouraging the diligence of other men: by crying out of difficulties, which they themselves never attempted. Who is more blinde than he who will not see? A third sort, and those learned, have read this question, but with an evill eye, and partiall heart, following the affection, yea the faction they are resol­ved to adhere unto. Like the false Spyes: be­cause of the children of Anak, because of some Num. 13. 26. difficulties, they bring an evill report upon the whole controversie. But for those learned persons, who in other points are ours, let me [Page 41] crave leave to give them this Item: Hereby they are become the Popes Triarij, and doe the Papists speciall service. For they thinke that they cry downe our cause more by their bare names, than by all the arguments of the best Authors of their owne side. For the peo­ple, on our part: without peradventure there are Papists who would entertaine these our learned men, as Timotheus the Musitian was wont to bee entertained, they would give them double hire for unteaching our Protestants what they have beene taught concerning An­tichrist. And for other people, on their part: these our learned men infuse into them the Honey of Rododendron [...]: they make them Plin. lib. 21. c. 83 more furious Papists than ever they were be­fore: because, say they, Our owne great men doe reject us in this great cause, with a scornfull con­tradiction.

To arme our selves against this combina­tion of our Foes, and of our Friends also: let me intreat every impartiall person to take these five things into their indifferent consi­deration. It may concerne us to set a strong hand to this cause, because hereby the Axe is Matt. 3. 10. laid to the root of the tree, the rooting up of Po­pery. To use the words of that worthy Di­vine, D r, Beard of Antichrist Ep. Ded. one of the same Colledge whereof my selfe was once an unworthy member. In all other controversies, the contention betwixt us is, as that was betwixt the Romanes and Pyrrhus, Vter imperaret: but in this, as be­twixt [Page 42] them and the Carthaginians, Vter esset? for if this foundation be razed, the whole Building of Popery must fall to the ground. But if it stand firme, we fall from a maine ar­gument, to avouch our Separation. Againe, if S. Iohn doth proclaime, that all Gods children should come out of Babel, shall it be thought inconvenient for the same persons, to inquire whether they be in Babel or no? And if S. Paul be so earnest to imploy halfe this Chapter in this point, can wee censure the inquirie into this point, an unnecessary imployment? Nay our adversaries themselves: learned Bellar­mine Bell. de Pont. Rom. Praf. calleth the Point of the Pope, whereof this is a branch, Summam rei Christianae, a matter of extraordinary moment. And laborious Malvenda professeth that hee did spend his Ma [...]. de Ant. calce. whole studies for twelve whole yeares, in this point onely. Where the enemy doth fortifie, he doth suspect his weaknesse. Therefore a just suspition may warrant us to search into this controversie. In a word: the knowledge of this point of Antichrist, in some men, in some sort, is necessary to salvation. For those who adhere to Antichrist revealed, are in the estate of damnation, out of the Booke of life. Rev. 17. 8. in the way of death. 2 Thess. 2. 10. [...] Antichrist doth prevaile in those that perish, saith S. Chrysostome. And S. Ierome saith Chrysost. in 2 Thess. 2. Hieron ad Al [...]as. qu. 11. the same: In iis qui ad perditionem sunt praepa­rati, that Antichrist doth deceive those who are ordained to destruction. As therefore wee [Page 43] tender our soules and salvation, even so let us, with all humble diligence, attend to this dif­ficult, but profitable question. In the handling and hearing whereof, God, even our owne God grant us a blessing.

Antichrist! This word, of all the Scripture is found onely in the Epistles of S. Iohn, and there principally in the 18. vers. of the second Chapter of his first Epistle: where hee doth distinguish betwixt [...], and [...], be­twixt the meane Antichrist, and the maine An­tichrist. Every enemy of Christ is an Antichrist: but that Antichrist is the grand Enemy, at the end of the world. [...]. Damasc. lib. 4. cap. 28. Antichrist properly so called, is that Arch-adversary, who shall come at the end of the world, saith Damascene.

Antichrist is a Greek word: whereof there are three derivations. The first of which is manifestly false, the second manifestly true, and the third probable. Some say it is pronoun­ced Magdeburg. Cent. 1. cap. 4. pag. 416. Antichristus, as it were Antechristus, that is, before Christ: because Antichrist should come immediately before the second comming of Christ. A manifest error: to derive a Greek word from a Latine root, is more then chil­dishly ridiculous. Others say, Antichristum, Hilar. de Synodis adversus Aria­nos p. 311. as it were Contra Christum: Nominis Antichri­sti proprietas est Christo contrarium esse, saith Hi­larie, the propriety of the name of Antichrist doth imply a contrariety to the person of Christ. Hence Danaeus doth suppose that S. [Page 44] Paul in his word [...], the Adversary, doth allude to this terme of S. Iohn, [...] the Antichrist: and here there is an abso­lute agreement betwixt the Protestants and the Papists. Others in the third place say pro­bably, that Antichristus doth signifie Aemu­lum Christi: Antichrist, a Counterchrist: one who under the shew of Christ doth oppose Christ. Thus in apposition [...] signifieth in stead, as Matt. 2. 22. Archelaus did reigne, [...], in the roome of Herod: and in composition, [...], one case for another. So we may say more than probably: Antichrist is an Adversary, pre­tending to be in the stead of Christ, but indeed figh­ting against Christ, [...], hee shall Damascen. 2. 28 faigne himselfe religious, saith Damascene: and Bernard, Tentabit & supplantabit sub specie boni, that he should insinuate himselfe under the shew of Religion. Thus I say wee may say probably, and more than probably: and this pro­bability will plainly point at the Pope. But I rather follow the second, because I would close with the consent of the Papists. They, we, all, consent in this: Antichrist doth signifie one that is contrary to Christ, even the greatest ad­versary that ever was, is, or shall bee, to Christ, and Christianity. Now who is that great Adver­sary, that great Antichrist: this is our great que­stion which now we have in hand to bee de­cided.

In the first place, let mee lay this ground Aug. de Civit. 20. 19. on the words of S. Augustine, Nullum dubium [Page 45] est, eum de Antichristo ista dixisse: S. Paul doth speake of that Antichrist, in this Chapter, yea and plainly too: Iohannes scripsit Antichristi Sharpus Specul [...] Papae cap. 1. mysterium, Paulus commentarium, saith our a­cute Doctor: S. Iohn in his Revelation doth write of Antichrist obscurely, as it were in a mystery: but S. Paul in this Epistle speaketh of him plainly, as it were by way of a commenta­rie. To which I annex the caveat of that ac­complished Divine, in his Accomplishment of Moulin Ac­compl of Pro­phes pag. 77. Prophecies. Though a man may move some dif­ficulties here and there; yet it is enough to stagger the most opinionative, when he shall see all the peeces of this so long a Prophesie to concurre upon one onely man.

This point of Antichrist is delivered from the third verse, to the thirteenth of this chap­ter. Wherein I will passe through these five particulars: Antichrist described, in the third and fourth verses: Revealed, in the fifth, sixth, seventh, and part of the eighth: Destroyed, in the remnant of the eighth verse: Confirmed, in the ninth, and part of the tenth: and received in the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth verses.

In the Text, wee have the first point of these five, Antichrist described: wherein wee are to consider foure parts of his description: his Time, Titles, Place, and Properties. First, the Time of Antichrist, his comming is either after, or with an Apostasie; for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first. Se­condly, his Titles are three; Antichrist is ter­med [Page 46] the Man of Sinne, the Sonne of Perdition, and the Adversary, or he who opposeth himselfe. Thirdly, his place is the Temple of God. Fourth­ly, his properties are three, each exceeding one another, and all exceeding all other: He doth exalt himselfe above all that is called God, or that is worshipped: He doth sit in the Temple of God, as God: and he doth shew himselfe that he is God.

I must premise one thing more: All reve­rence premised to the judgement of the Fa­thers: The judgement of the Fathers must not de­termine this controversie. Prophetiae non intelli­guntur, Rex Iacobus prae [...] pag. 84. donec compleantur, said that Patron of Learning: those cannot understand the Pro­phesies, who doe not live to the end of the Prophesies: this prophesie of Antichrist was not fulfilled, therefore it was not expounded in the time of the Fathers. To those old Fathers, these prophesies were aenigmata, meer Riddles, said that old Father Irenaeus. And Daniel in Irenaeus lib 4. cap. 43. his Prophesie doth desine the obscurity of all Prophesies: Such words are closed up, and sealed, Dan. 12. 9. till the time of the end. Ego, quid dixit, fateor me Aug. de Civil. lib. 20. cap. 19. ignorare: S t. Augustine concerning this very Chapter, doth confesse that hee could not conceive the contents thereof: and he calleth the opinions of his times, suspiciones, but con­jectures.

As before the comming of Christ, the Fa­thers of Israel did but guesse at those things which the Church did afterward see so plainly. So concerning Antichrist, the Church may see [Page 47] those things now plainly, whereat the holy Fa­thers did but guesse in the Primitive time. Bel­larmine also did reject twelve of the Fathers in this very point of Antichrist, De Rom. Pont. lib. 3. cap. 12. Therefore without any wrong (to be imputed to us by our adversaries) to those reverend Fathers, we may refuse them in this cause: we have the Fathers, the Scrip­tures, and Bellarmine himselfe to avouch it.

The Time is the first point: and [...] is metator Antichristi, (as Lucianus termed Deci­us) that is, the falling away, is the forerunner of Antichrist. When a Fort doth see some Troupes sit downe before their walls, they conclude that the Generall of their enemies is at hand to besiege them. So S. Paul giveth the Church this signe; When the falling away is come, Then, that man of sinne is at the doores.

[...], an Apostasie, is the falling of a man from his Lord, to whom he oweth his fealty. A Renegado: or to turne Turke. It is taken three wayes by the Expositors. First, Politically, to fall from the Romane Empire by Rebellion. Se­condly, Ecclesiastically, to fall from the Church in Religion. And thirdly, Figuratively, the subject for the adjunct, the Apostate for the A­postasie: By the falling away, understanding the head, instrument, or person causing that fal­ling away.

The second signification of these three, is most sutable to the Text; because it is used in the Scriptures: as Luke 8. 13. [...], they [Page 48] fall from the word. 1 Tim. 4. x. [...] ▪ some shall fall away, or depart from the faith: and Luke 18. 8. [...], when the Sonne of man commeth, shall he finde faith on the earth? mea­ning that all will fall from faith at that season. Next, the Fathers use it in the same significa­tion. This Apostasie, saith S. Cyril, it shall bee [...], from the orthodoxall Faith. And S. Augustine calleth the Aposlate, Refugam à Do­mino, Aug. de Civ. 2 [...]. 19. a runnagate frō the Lord. And that many of the Fathers did take this word in this sense in this place, Bellarmine himselfe confesseth, [...]ll. de Rom. [...]o [...]i [...] ▪ 3. 2. that S. Augustine doth witnesse it. Again, Apo­stasie in the Scriptures, and in the Ecclesiasti­call Writers, is never used politically, for the falling away from a temporall Prince. More­over, Discedit imperium, non disceditur ab im­perio, Ap [...]l [...]g [...] ▪ in Bell. cap. 9. said our English Gamaliel: there must be a nullity of the Empire, not an apostasie from the Empire, to make way for Antichrist. [...] in the sixt verse, and [...] in the seventh both the thing and the person which letteth, both the Empire and the Emperour must be ab­solutely removed. And finally, Antichrist is termed [...] Rev. 16. 13. a False prophet. which must imply an Ecclesiasticall apostasie, or falling away in Religion.

Neither can the third sense conveniently be applyed to the Text, to take the word A­postafie siguratively, for the Apostate himselfe. This misprision arose from a false transla­tion, Refuga being read for Apostasia, Aug. de [Page 49] Civitate Dei 20. 19. which is acknowledged also by Suarez, who also saith, Graeca vox A­postasia Suarez Apolog. lib. [...]. c. 10. Sect. 5. significat discessionem à side in suâ syncer â proprietate: that is, Apostasie doth properly signifie a falling away from the Church in Religion.

Thus properly S. Paul doth speake of the E [...]clesiasticall falling away. Yet I will follow all three: both because the other two are true also, though not proper. For the first: the Ro­mane Empire it selfe must fall, which must im­ply a falling from it by rebellion, before Anti­christ doth come. And for the third: if the great falling from the faith shall be absolutely before the comming of Antichrist; then Anti­christ when he commeth (as Bellarmine spea­keth Bell. Apolog. cap. 9. well) Non inveniret quos seduceret, shall have few or none to seduce by his strong delu­sions. Therefore it is true also, Antichrist shall be the maine causer of this falling from the faith. Againe, I retaine all the members of this di­stribution, because, as neare as I can, I will tread in the very footsteps of the Papists themselves, and inferre my conclusions from their premises. It is their distinction: The Rhe­mists Rhemists [...] 2 Thess. 2. sect. 5. & 6. on this Text acknowledge the two first branches: though in the fift Section they de­ny that there can bee any revolt from the Church: yet in the sixt Section they seeme to revolt from that resolution: saying, It is very likely that this great revolt shall be, not onely from the Romane Empire, but also from the Romane [Page 50] Church, and withall from most points of the Chri­stian faith. Suarez also doth acknowledge spi­ritualem Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. c. 10 nu 18 stragem, a spirituall defection and de­struction. D r. Steuartius professor of Ingolstade, Steuartius in 2 Thess. 2. on this place, doth thus describe this falling away. Insignis defectio à Romano Imperio, & me­morabilis Apostasia à side Christianâ: Vnde non immerito Patres vocaverunt Antichristum, ipsam Apostasiam, quod multis author sit, ut à Deo disce­dant. That is, There shall bee such an admi­rable falling away both from the Romane Empire and from the Christian Faith, that thence the Fathers have justly called Antichrist the Apo­stasie it selfe.

Finally, this intire distinction is borrowed from Bellarmine himselfe. Suarez also hath the Bell. de Rom. Pontif. 3. 12. Suarez lib. 5. cap. 10. [...]u. 13, 14, & 16. very same in his Apology. I take it therefore for granted, that the word in my text is taken three wayes, Politically, Ecclesiastically, and Figuratively. And I will make it appeare that every way it doth most properly occurre with the Church of Rome.

For the first. The Church of Rome from the Empire of Rome hath falne away, and so falne a­way, as no part of the Empire beside. It is true: The Romane Empire lost Asia, and other pla­ces: but this was by the open invasion of the Turke, and of other forraine Princes. But that he should be thrust out of Rome, his Imperiall seat, whence his Empire is named Romane, by the rebellion of his Subjects; I suppose there never was falling from the Empire like this: [Page 51] and this was atchieved by the Pope. Some­what after six hundred yeares of our Saviors Incarnation, Bonifacius the third, obtained of Phocas the title of Vniversall Bishop: here that Pope was hatching his Apostasie, this was but the infancy of his Insurrection. After that, the Longobards invaded and conquered part of Italy: yet so, that the remnant thereof re­mained intire under the Emperours Dominion. But the Emperour himselfe residing wholly in the East; Italy (as it is in most Kingdomes, go­verned by Viceroyes) was oppressed by his Exarchs. Thereupon the Italians became wonderfully averse from the Emperours, in­clinable to the Bishops of Rome. And the Bi­shops of Rome incouraged by this popular fa­vour, did attempt to excommunicate the Em­perours. Now their Rebellion was growne to some head and maturity. About eight hun­dred yeares after Christ, Pope Leo the third did create Charles, the most potent Prince of Europe, Emperour of the West: yet with this politike and profitable proviso, That the whole Romane Territory should be rendred to the possession of the Romane Bishop. Finally, in the eleventh Century, Hildebrand, common­ly called Gregory 7. annexed the Temporall un­to the Popes Spirituall Monarchy. We need not therefore be dainty to propose our conclusion, in their owne words, Pontifices deficisse ab Impe­ratoribus. Bell. de Imag. lib. 2. cap. 15. It is notorious that the Romane Bi­shops have falne away from the Romane Empe­rours. [Page 52] Thus have the Popes performed the first Apostasie.

The second, their Ecclesiasticall falling away from the Faith, is yet more plaine. This dis­putation were ended, if S. Paul himselfe might be permitted to be the Moderator. Here, S t. Paul doth say, there shall be a falling away: it is demanded, what manner of falling away? S t. Paul himselfe doth answer, in the latter times Espens. in 1 Tim. 4. 1. Anselm. in 1 Tim 41. some shall fall from the faith, 1 Tim. 4. 1. But from what points of faith? is the second en­quiry. S. Paul himselfe againe doth name those very points, 1 Tim. 4. 3. They shall forbid to marrie, and command to abstaine from meats. Their Perertus doth assent to one of these; An­tichristus, Perer. in Dan. cap 14. &c. ut sertur, ut plurimos decipiat, simula­bit castitat [...]m: it is the common opinion, that Antichrist may deceive the common people, he shall therefore pretend Chastity. And our Ignatius applyeth both, and driveth the naile Ign [...]t. ad Philadelph. home to the head: He shall call mariage pollu­tions, or meats abominable: [...] such an one is possessed by the Apostaticall Serpent. Now for one Thiefe to appeach another, it doth not cleare the Ac­cuser to be guiltlesse: The Papists cannot ex­cuse themselves, by accusing Marcion and Montanus, guilty of the same Apostasie. But it is as cleare as the Sunne; The Pope doth forbid meats and mariage: Therefore, The Pope is falne from the faith. The Pope is falne from the faith: Therefore, The falling away is in him. The fal­ling [Page 53] away is: Therefore, Antichrist is come.

Finally, for the figurative falling away: the Pope is ipse Apostata, & Refuga: the Head and Author of this falling from faith. I omit infinit particulars, and insist in three onely. Adora­tion of Images, against the second Comman­dement: Invocation in an unknowne tongue, con­trary to the fourteenth Chapter of the first Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinthians: and Me­diation through, and Salvation by the Virgin Mary. I wonder there can be men so blinde, that doe not see, or rather that will not see, how grossely they have fallen from the Primi­tive faith. But yet more grossely have they fallen away in one point, by the conclusion of two of their Councils. Licet Christus insti­tuerit, Concil. Constant. Sess. 13. Concil. Trident. Sess. 21. c. 1. &c. Although Christ did institute the Sa­crament to be administred in both kindes: yet it seemed good to their Church, to injoyne the administration thereof in one kinde; and to pronounce an Anathema against any Christi­an, who shall affirme it necessary to be recei­ved in both kindes; as Christ himselfe did in­stitute, Concil. Trident. Sess. 21. Can. 1. and administer it. Now that Church that doth professe they have falne from Christ in one point, and doth practise palpable Apo­stasie in many, we may call that Church Apo­stata, the Head of this falling away.

To close up this point with that Iewell on Iuel. in 2 Thess 2. 13. this place: Their Church is increased in out­ward glory; decreased in the inward truth: they have the Chest, lost the Treasure: They [Page 54] were Bethel, the House of God; they are Beth­aven, the house of vanity.

O Roma a Roma quantum mutata vetustaes?
Nunc caput es sceleris, quae caput Orbis eras.

How much is Rome altered from it selfe? It was the prime Church for verity; it is the prime Church for heresie. It is Apostata, the very head of this falling away.

Now concerning the Time, when this fal­ling away was, I will absolve that point, when I come to speak of the second part, Antichrist revealed. Here [...]: I will onely glaunce at that question. About sixe hundred yeares after Christ, it was performed by Mahomet, openly: and at the same time wrought by Rome cun­ningly, and secretly. It was begunne by all Here­tickes, preparatively, from the very Apostles times, The mystery of iniquity doth work already, saith the Apostle, verse 7. But it was brought to the height and perfection thereof, about fif­teene hundred yeares after Christ, when the world was in quiet, under Pope Leo the tenth. Then, onely a remnant of the Waldenses and Albingenses, lived in the Alpes: as also the Pi­cards, Hist. Trent. lib. 1. pag. 3. and followers of Iohn Hus, called the Calistini, or Subutraqui in Bohemia. Being all, but a few, and ignorant, simple men, unfit for opposition.

To conclude. Since first, the Pope is falne from the Emperour, politically; possessing Rome the Metropolis of the Romane Empire. Second­ly, [Page 55] since Popery is falne from the first Faith, forbidding meats and mariage was S. Paul him­selfe did foretell. Thirdly, since we see that the Papacy doth injoyne worship, contrary to the Primitive Faith. And that they themselves confesse, That they have falne from Christs in­stitution in one point. I say therefore of this A­postasie, as Gregory said of Iohn the Constantino­politane; Greg. lib. 4. Epist. 38. Fidenter dico: I am confident in this first conclusion. Rex superbiae prope est: Antichrist is come: for, the falling away hath been long since.

Hereunto will I annex the assoiling of one Quaere: Whether this Apostasie hath beene totall and universall? I answer, No▪ In S. Am­brose Ambr. Hexam. lib. 4. c. 2. his phrase, Ecclesia obu [...]brari potest, of­fluere non potest: Religion was Eclipsed, not ex­tinguished: the Church was hidden, not taken away. Which truth will appeare from the con­sideration of the contents of the Scripture, and frō the consideration of the Books of the Scrip­ture. First then, how could the truth be convei­ed unto us without new Apostles? Next, how could the Scriptures be derived unto us, since the Church is the Pillar of the Truth, and the preserver of those Oracles? And M. Cartwright Cartwright in 2 Thess. 2. saith well on this place: If we should say that the Church could full away, or cease to bee, one Isay 59. 21. word of the Prophet, which calleth [...] an ever­lasting people, were enough to confute us. O­ther arguments may be added: From a Pro­phesie: My words shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of [Page 56] the mouth of thy seeds seed for ever. From a Pre­cept: Goe and teach, even to the end of the world. Matth. 28 20. From a Promise: The Gates of Hell shall never Matth. 16. 18. prevaile against the Church. And from an in­stance in Particulars: The Administration of the Sacrament, which must be done, to shew the 1 Cor. 11. 26. Lords death, till he come. And the worke of the Ministery, which must be continued, Till we all Ephes. 4. 12, 13. come in the unity of the Faith. Finally, Homo sum, & humani à me nil alienum puto: Humane Testimony is prest to doe service to this Di­vine Verity. That the Truth hath at all times in some place and in some sort subsisted, it is the Record and Concord of all H [...]story. If any desire a more full satisfaction in this cause, I referre him to the solid Treatise of our learned Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Wherefore seeing The Grand im­posture, cap. 5. we are compassed about with such a cloud of witnesses; we say, the Visible Church made a revolt, but the Church of the Elect God miracu­lously preserved, even under the cruell perse­cution of Antichrist.

Here then wee cleare our Church from Bell. de notis Eccl cap. 9. Suarez Apol. lib. 5. c. 10. nu. 17 Rich. Smith Pro­testan [...]ia Eccl. c. 4. nu. 13. Aug. in Psal. 101. Conc. 2. that popish calumny, who charge us to a­vouch an Vniversall Apostasie of the whole Church, from all the Christian faith.

Here also we condemne the pride of the Do­natists: who held that the Church was extin­guished throughout the whole world, that Angle of Africa, wherein they lived, onely excepted. Yet farre more insolent is the assertion of our owne English Anabaptists, who hold that The [Page 57] Church hath beene utterly extinguished out of the Helwis Myst. of Juiq. p. 7. whole world. This is the doctrine of their A­postle Helwis, in his Treatise termed the Myste­ry of Iniquity. But condemning both, those old Anabaptists, and these new Donatists.

Hence I say, to the moderate Papists, ye see the fearfull falling away of all Africa and Asia. To the indifferent Protestants, ye see the fall of the famous Church of Rome. I say to us all: we see that this very Church of the noble Thessalo­nians is falne and gone. Therefore the Apo­stasie is past. Open then your eyes to behold An­tichrist, who cannot be farre off. And who it is, with Gods assistance I shall shew you in my succeeding Sermons.

In the meane time, I suppose, it will be no great transgression, if I make one small digres­sion; and sweepe downe one Copweb, on which the Church of Rome doth rest her hand with strong confidence. If our Church (say they) be Less. de Ant. Dem. 4 p. 16. thus fallen, shew the time of this falling away, what Popes reigning, and what Divines oppo­sing, this miraculous Apostasie was performed. This brave weapon is brandished by eloquent Campian, their elegant Champion: but this sword Campian. Rot. 7. shineth better than it cutteth. Quando igitur hanc sidem tantopere celebratam Roma perdidit? Quando esse desi [...]t, quod ante fuit? Quo tempore? Quo Pontifice? Qua viâ? Qua vi? Quibus in­crementis urbem & orbem religio pervasit aliena. If we be Apostates, shew then (saith he) When did the famous Church of Rome fall from that [Page 58] Religion, for which they were so famous? In what time? Vnder what Pope? By what men? By what meanes? By what Decrees or Degrees did this Apostasie surprise their Region, and Reli­gion? I answer: The present Italian tongue is the old Latine tongue corrupted. Because none can shew, what Emperour reigning, and what Grammarians opposing, this corruption was in­duced: will any inferre hereupon, Therefore the Italian is not corrupted? Concerning the Italian Tongue, and the Italian Church, any in­different, ingenuous, and impartiall person will frame the same illation. Yet to proceed▪ I say this very Quaere is a politike point of the Popish Mystery, of their Antichristian Iniquity. As Herod the Edomite first burned all the Regi­sters of the Israelitish Genealogies, and then de­manded who could shew any Record, whereby it might appeare that he was not an Israelite. So the Romanists require of us Chronologicall testimonies of the Time of their Apostasie, when as they themselves have suppressed those Chronicles, and conceale those Antiquities. A­gaine, wee answer in the words of Christ, Matth. 13. 25. Vnde Zizania? Whence are the Tares? The enemy sowed them, when the men were asleepe: In the words of S. Paul, 1 Tim. 4. 2. They speake these lyes in Hypocrisie: and in the words of S. Peter, 2 Pet. 2. 1. They brought in these damnable heresies privily: as Tertullian Tertul. adv. Valent cap. 1. speaketh, Nil magis curant, quam u [...] occultent quod praedicant: their maine care was, to con­ceale [Page 59] their errors, when they did preach them and broach them. And as Lyrinensis speaketh, Vinc. Lyrin. cap. 15. Latenter superinducunt errores, they infused their errours secretly. Yea to shape them an an­swer in the language of their owne Authors: Saepissime constat de re, & non constat de modo, Bell. de P. R. lib. 2. c. 5. saith Bellarmine, The Matter may be apparent, when the manner may be questionable. Of one point Minime constat, saith Gregorius de Valen­tia, Gr. Val de legit. usu Euch. c. 10. we cannot tell the originall thereof. Of ano­ther pedetentim, it entred by Little and little, Ross. Assert Lu­theran. Confut. said Bishop Fisher. And of a third, their mag­nificent and so much magnified Councill of Concil. Trid. Sess. 22. ca. 9 Trent, concludeth with our very phrase, which we use concerning all their errours: Multa irrepsisse videantur, many things seeme to have crept into the Church without observation or opposition. Since therefore the Romane er­rours did enter into the Church of Rome se­cretly, and unseene, it is an unequall demand, to require us to name the very time of their entrance.

Notwithstanding, if any desire more fully to be satisfied, even in the Historicall part of those points of Apostasie they stand charged with: I referre them to the lustre of Ireland, The Archbishop of Armach. in his answer to the Irish Champian. From whom, in the most controversies of maine consequence, they may receive most full sa­tisfaction.

Six particulars I will insist in, which I sup­pose to be the sinewes of their Apostasie, and [Page 60] the supporters of Antichristianisme. The first concerning the Communion: the Communion was instituted of Christ in both kindes, Matth. 26. 27. It was administred by the Apostles in both kindes, 1 Cor. 11. 28. It was received in the Primitive Church in both kindes: as it is Concil. Const. S [...]ss. 12. Concil. Trid, Sess. 21. c. 1. confessed by their owne Councill of Constance, and that of Trent also. The with-holding of the wine from the Laity, became a custome in the Latine Church not long before the Councill of Constance, their Gregory of Valence is our wit­nesse. Greg. de Val. de legitimo usu Eucharist. c. 10. Trent Hist. lib. 1 pag. 3. And it was imposed as a Law, by the said Councill, under Pope Eugenius, and the Empe­rour Sigismund, anno 1484. Against which the opposition was so famous, that the opposers were called the Subutraque. Thus have they falne from the first institution of this holy Sacrament. And this is the first point of their Apostasie. That the Pope is Vniversall Bishop, the univer­sall Scripture doth afford not one tittle, to avouch this title. Nay 600 yeares after Christ this great attribute was condemned by a great Pope, to be Nomen Antichristianum; an Attri­bute Greg lib. 4. Epist. 31. & 39. of Antichrist: and those who consent to that title doe Fidem perdere, Fall from the faith, said the same Gregory. Yet instantly af­ter him did Pope Cyriacus assay it: and anno 606 did Pope Bonifacius atchieve it. Wee therefore can assigne the Time and Persons, when the Pope, even in the judgement of the Pope, did fall into this second point of Antichri­stian Apostasie.

Against adoration of Images, wee produce Preesius de Trad part. 3. de Imag. C [...]ss [...]nd. consult. tit [...]le Imag. two, and those domesticall witnesses. These are the words of Peresius, and Cassander confesseth the very same: Neque Scripturam, neque Tra­ditionem Ecclesiae, neque Communem Sensum San­ctorum, neque Concilij Generalis determinationem aliquam, neque Rationem, qua efficaciter hoc sua­deri potest, adducunt: That is, No man (say these men, our adversaries) can produce ei­ther Scripture, or Tradition, or consent of Fa­thers, or definition of any generall Councill, or any found Reason, whereby they can plainly prove the lawfulnesse of the worshipping of Ima­ges. Greg. lib 9. ep. 9. A Pope also doth condemne this Popish errour more than six hundred yeares after Christ: Imagines Sanctorum, in Ecclesias non ad adorandum, sed ad instituendum collocantur, saith Gregory: he permitted them for instruction, but their adoration hee utterly condemned. Yet was Image-adoration established anno 789 by the second Councill of Nice, under Eirene the Emperesse, by the assistance of Adrian the Pope: But with the heaviest opposition that ever the earth saw, or the heavens permitted. Besides the gainsaying of those great Bishops, Serenus of Marcellis, Claudius of Turin, Hinci­narus of Rhemes, and Agobardus of Lions: Be­sides those Libri Carolini, and the two Coun­cills, the Constantian in the East, and that of Frankford in the West: Besides those infinite injuries and insolencies which were offered, and suffered under the reignes of Leo Isa [...]rus, [Page 62] Constantinus Copronymus, Leo Armenius, Michael Bardus, and Yheophilus, whom Bellarmine cal­leth Bell de Imag. lib 2. [...]. 6. Homil of I [...]el. part. 2. pag. 36. Iconomachi, the enemies of Images: The Sunne was darkned seventeene dayes, and the Emperour murthered, when the Images were established by Eirene. Therefore here also have we the Time when, and the Person by whom was performed the thirdpoint of their Popish Idolatrous Apostasie.

That all men in generall (and therefore the Pope in particular) should be subject unto Prin­ces, it was the doctrine of S. Peter, 1 Pet. 2. 13. and of S. Paul, Acts 25. 10. the doctrine of their Master, Matth. 22. 21. and it was the doctrine of their Disciples, Reges esse à Deose­cundos, That Princes were under no man, but God alone, this was an ordinary Aphorisme of Tertullian, Chrysostome, Augustine, Gregory, and of all the old Fathers. But in the yeare 1076 Pope Gregory the seventh, surnamed Hilde­brand, Baron. an. 1076. nu. 26. de facto did depose Henry the Emperour, and that it might seeme afterwards to bee done de jure too, he confirmed the same by a Councill held at Rome in the same yeare 1076. Bin tom. 3. [...]o [...]. pag. 1 [...]8 [...]. Thus we insist in the Time and Name, in the punctuall particulars of this fourth falling from the faith, of this Arrogant Antichristian Apostasie.

It was the common Catholike conclusion of all Christians, for full fourteene hundred yeares, that the Pope was not the supreme Iudge of the earth, but that he was subject to a Coun­cill. [Page 63] Their owne Councill of Constance doth Concil. Const. Sess. 4. Concil. Basil. Sess. 2. & 33. conclude it: and their other Councill of Basil doth call it, Fidei Catholica veritas: a point of Faith. But in the yeare 1516 Pope Leo the tenth did reverse that Decree: and did decree in his Laterane Synode, that the Pope was su­preme Concil Lateran. Sess. 11. Bell. lib. 2. de Concil cap. 17. Sect. De [...]que. Iudge, and superiour to a Councill. This is the grand Apostasie: whereby the Pope did declare himselfe to be the Grand Antichrist.

The sixt point of the Popish Apostasie is the first part of that falling from the Faith, fore­told by S. Paul, 1 Tim. 4. 1, 3. and branded for the Doctrine of Devils, is the forbidding of ma­riage. A motion of forbidding Priests to marry, was in the Councill of Nice, anno 325, but stay­ed Socrates lib. 1. cap. 8. by the perswasion of Paphnutius. Siricius did set it on foot againe, and restrained some Priests from marying, in the yeare 380: in the yeare 1076, Gregory the seventh (no singular chaste Pope) inforced single life, by Canons and persecutions. And anno 1119 Calixtus 2, did Matthew of Westminster. Trent. hist. lib. 7. p. [...]80. prosecute it as a Decree: but Pope Pius 4, an. 1563, would not permit it so much as to bee propounded by way of Disputation. To these six I will adde a seventh, prayers in a knowne language, that all the people may say Amen: was at the first practised by the Primitive Cranmer in a Pamphlet to Q. Mary, prin­ted 1556 pag. 13. & 1 [...]. Church, and preached by S. Paul 1 Cor. 14. So is S. Paul understood in the Civill Law, more than a thousand yeares past: where Iu­stinian in a Synode writeth, Iubemus clarâ vo­ce,—ut à fideli populo exaadiantur—celebrent, [Page 64] &c. hee commandeth that publike prayers should be celebrated, that the people might un­derstand them. It a enim & divus Paulus docet in Ep [...]st: ad Corinthios. This, saith he, is the doc­trine of S. Paul, 1 Cor. 14. and thus was S t. Paul understood of all Interpreters, Greeke and Latine, old and New, Schoole Authors and others, till thirty yeares before Queene Maries reigne: at which time one Eckius did devise a new exposition, understanding S. Paul of preaching onely. But when a good number of the best learned on both sides were gathered together at Windsor, for the reformation of the Church Service: It was agreed by both, without controversie (not one saying the contrary) That the Service of the Church ought to be in the mother tongue: and that S. Paul in the 1 Cor. 14. was so to be understood. This memorable discourse was written by the Martyr Cranmer, from a prison in Oxenford, to Queene Mary in a Pamphlet printed 1556. Here then again the Romish Church hath falne from the prim [...]tive Church: and this is the se­venth point of the Popish Apostasie.

This is plaine enough of their falling from faith: whereby I have shewed the Times and Names producing most palpable apostasie. These seven particulars are sufficient to shew that point they so impetuously presse us to, in what time, and under whose reigne this Apostasie was acted. Although I suppose that I may unde­niably conclude, That an old man hath an hoary [Page 65] head, when I see it gray: although I be not able to shew the very day when every haire did turne colour.

One word for our practice, and so I end. To fall from the truth, the text tells us, it is the time of Antichrist, the signe of Antichrist, and the worke of Antichrist: indeed, the very Es­sence and Quintessence of Antichrist. Apostasie hath beene a thing ever and most abhorred in the Church of God. Peter did fall from Christ, but Christ knoweth it cost him deare; He wept Cypria. epist. 52. for it bitterly, Matth. 26. 75. Trophimus a Mini­ster, fell from the truth, afterwards he repen­ted and returned, and was received into the Church: but Cyprian would never suffer him to execute the function of the Ministry any more. Fortunatianus a Bishop, fell from the Cyprian epist. 64, 68. Church, but Cyprian and Cornelius, and many others denyed him his Bishopricke; although he repented and recanted his wicked Apostasie. Marcellinus, a Bishop of Rome, for feare of the Pappus pag. 108. tyrant Maximian, revolted: but he returned with remorse, sought out the persecuted Christians in a Crypta, a Conventicle at Suessa, in Campania, and did voluntary penance, in sack­cloth and in ashes, and in abundant teares, in the open Congregation. Our noble Archbishop Fox Acts and Monuments Anno 1556. pag. 2067. Cranmer, thrust that hand first into the fire, which had subscribed unto Popery. And the most disgracefull name that ever was fastned on a gracelesse wretch, was the sirname of Iu­lian, Iulian the Apostate, or Revolter from the [Page 66] Christian Religion. Nay the very Apostates themselves cannot indure Apostasie: but if the tortures of the Inquisition doe extort re­cantation from any fraile consessour, some­times they dyed notwithstanding: most times bore Tapers in their hands, and wore Halters on their neckes, and Sambenitos (that is, coats painted with Devils) on their backes: and all times suffered shame, for such a crime, and so shamefull a transgression.

For our selves: know we that Antichrist hath his instruments of Apostasie at this day amongst us also. Laborious Papists, who will Math. 23. 13. compasse sea and land to make one Prosylite. Sub­tile Iesuites, who creepe into houses, and lead cap­tive silly women. And many an Elimas, many an audacious Seducer that will pervert Pau­lus Sergius, and seeke to turne away (even Noblemen) from the truth. But know, Facilis est descensus averm: It is easie to fall from the truth: but (Hic labor, hoc op [...]s) infinite labour and dolour to returne to the truth. A garden is most weedy if once undigged: and a Christi­an most savage, if once revolted. Remember Luke 9. 26. Whosoever denyeth Christ on earth before men, Christ will d [...]ny him before God and his holy Angels in heaven. Remember Hebr. 10. 25, 26, 27. If we forsake the assemblies, and sinne wilfully after wee have received the know­ledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sa­crifice for sinne, but a certaine fearfull looking for of judgement, and fiery indignation which shall [Page 67] devoure the Adversary. Remember that A­postasie and revolting from Religion is the pledge of Hell, and Badge of Antichrist. Christ there­fore confirme us, and make us constant in his Truth, without Hypocrisie, Apostasie, or Back­sliding.


2 THESS. 2. 3, & 4. And that Man of sinne be revealed.’

Antichrist not one person. The Man of sinne. The Pope, the cause of Ignorance, of Whore­dome, and of Treason. The Powder Treason.

ANd tha [...] [...] of sinne bee revealed. I have [...] the first of these five points, which I propounded in the description of Antichrist. I have shewed you the Antichri­stian Apostasie. The second succeedeth: His Titles: which are three: The first of them followeth in these words of my Text, And Suarez Apolo [...]. lib. 5. c. 17. [...]. 1. that Man of sinne be revealed. Suarez in the fift booke of his Apology, and seventeenth Chap­ter, in the beginning thereof; disliketh our Kings discourse, because hee omitted this clause. Therefore to satisfie those that fol­low Suarez, I will discusse this point largely. And indeed there is ample matter in this [Page 69] short sentence. In it I commend foure points to your consideration: the Subject, Article, Adjunct, and Accident. First, Antichrist is here termed a man; secondly, the man; thirdly, the man of sinne; and finally, the man of sinne to be revealed.

First, Antichrist is here called a man, (as I conjecture) to imply the manner of his inva­ding the Church, which is by subtlety and Po­licy. That whereas other persecutors have bin compared to Beasts, because they assaulted the Church with a brutish violence: Antichrist is termed a man, to shew that hee fighteth not onely with the horne of a Beast, Hostility: but also with the tongue of a Man, Subtlety. Both Os gladij, and gladius or is: both the sword, and the word also, shall be his instruments to cut downe true Professors.

Howsoever, this quencheth that errour which was a little kindled by Hyppolitus, that Hyppolitus [...]e Consum. mundi [...] Antichrist should be Daemon in corpore phanta­stico, a Devill in a phantasticall body. This opi­nion is a phantasticall assertion: for Antichrist shall be [...], a man, saith S. Paul in my text: Oecumen, in [...] Thess. 2. [...], an absolute man, saith Oecumeni­us on my text.

The second point: [...], ille homo, The man of sinne. This article of the word, the Pa­pists urge as an Article of their faith: that the Pope cannot be Antichrist. Hence is Suarez his Suarez Apol. lib. 5. c. 2. nu. 3. admiration, and Lessius his demonstration. The former doth wonder (Quis sedem Regni, homi­nem [Page 70] peccati appellare solet?) that any should call a Kingdome by the name of a man. And the latter deriveth his third demonstration, ab uni­tate Less. de Ant. Dem. 3. Antichristi, Antichrist is one man, therefore the Pope is not Antichr [...]st. Our Rhemists say this Rhemist [...] in 2 Thess. 2. Bell. de P. R. lib. 3. c. 2. article; or the, signifieth one singular man. Et. sane mirum est, (saith Bellarmine) nullum adver­sariorum, qu [...]tamen jactant linguarum peritiam, hoc non ammadvertisse: I wonder, saith hee, that none of the Protestants, who professe themselves great Linguists, could observe this property of the Greeke language, where this article [...] or the, doth signifie one singular per­son. Surely the Rhemists might be right Eng­lish, and Bellarmine a true Italian, but neither of them good Graecians: their argument I may shape into this Syllogisme.

The article doth signifie one singular person,

The Pope is not one singular person: ergo,

The article doth not signifie the Pope.

Ergo, The Pope is not the Antichrist.

The answer is easie. First, I aske any Di­vine, wherefore may not [...] the Man, in this place signifie a multitude, the Church malignant: as well as [...] the woman, in ano­ther, Rev. 12. 6. doth signifie a multitude, the Church militant? Next, every Schoole-boy can tell that the article▪ doth not alwayes sig­nifie one particular person. Againe, it seemeth [Page 71] there is no such signification thereof in this place: for the old translation (so authenticall with them) absolutely omitteth it. And in Scripture the article [...] is used foure wayes, [...], and [...]; by way of Elegance, Demonstration, Difference, and Emi­nence. First, [...], by way of Elegance, as Luke 4. 4. [...], Man shall not live by bread alone. Matt. 4. 4. the same sentence is rendred without the article, [...]. Secondly, [...], by way of Demonstration, pointing at some par­ticular person, as Iohn 1. 29. [...], &c. Be­hold the Lambe of God. Thirdly, [...], by way of Difference, to distinguish the whole kinde, as Marke 2. 27. The Sabbath was made, [...], for man. Fourthly, it is used [...], by way of Eminence and emphasie, to signifie a thing that is noble and notable in that kind, as 2 Tim. 3. 17. [...], The man of God, meaning not any man but the Minister: yet, not one particular person, but the whole cal­ling. So here, [...], signifieth, not all impious men, but emphatically, the Prin­cipall, Antichrist: yet Him, not one particular person, but a whole vocation.

Notwithstanding, yeeld them this conclu­sion: neverthelesse, from hence they can con­clude nothing against ours, or for their owne cause: Though Antichrist be one man, yet may the Pope be Antichrist. For supposing a personall, yea a Trienniall Antichrist; and the persecutors [Page 72] and Heretikes to have beene Harbingers to pre­pare his way. Notwithstanding the See of Rome may be the Seat of Antichrist: and the succes­sion of Popes may be the Series of those persons, out of whom one Monster may arise, who shal succeed and exceed all his predecessours, in breathing out threatnings, and slaughter against the Disciples of the Lord, in making havocke of the Church, and in being drunke with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of the Mar­tyrs of Iesus. This seemeth to be the conjec­ture of learned Zanchius: and to the same Zan [...]h. misc [...]l. lib. 3. p. 25 de fine sac. 85. di­scept. cum Mar­bachio 474. M r. Mounta­gues Appeale, part 2 cap. 5. pag. [...]19. conjecture, seemeth our no lesse learned Countriman to incline, in these words: It may bee probable—that one, notorious, singu­lar, mischievous Antichrist may arise, towards the finall consummation of the world: who in fraudu­lent colluding, malicious craftinesse, in impious, execrable, and transcendent wickednesse, through hereticall impostures, and lying miracles shall goe beyond all other, that ever lived in the world—Surely if the Generall of the Iesuites, should once come to be Pope, I would vehemently suspect him to bee the party designed. For out of what nest, that accursed bird should rather come abroad, than out of that Seraphicall Society, I cannot guesse.

But indeed, that Antichrist should be one par­ticular person, it is improbable, and plainly im­possible, which I will make appeare by six ar­guments. In the sixt & seventh verses, [...], and [...], that which with-holdeth, & he which letteth, that is, the Empire, and the Emperor (by [Page 73] their owne doctrine) doth signifie not one man, but a successiō, if the article doth not restraine [...], the person hindering, no more can it restraine [...], the person hindered, vnto the singular number. In this verse, [...], Antichrist is termed, a man to bee Reuealed: but in the seuenth [...] he was working, euen then, though in a Mysterie: and the same man is said to be destroyed, at the comming of Christ, in the eight verse. Antichrist there­fore was in Saint Pauls time, to be revealed in the after times, and to be destroyed in the last times. All which cannot concurre in one par­ticular man. This also may be confirmed from the drift of the Apostles discourse in this place. Which was to foretell, the most nota­ble Apostasie, and most importing the waste of the Church: which could not bee in the age onely, of one man. Farre fitter therefore it had been, to haue foretold the Heresie of Arius, which indured many yeares, and extended to many places: Miratur orbis se factum Arianum, Hieron: Dial. ad Lucif. Saint Hierom saith the whole world was infected with Arianisme. To this Sunne-shine of Saint Paul, St. Iohn may adde one Candle, Reu. 18. 7. Sedeo Regina, 1 sit a Queene, and shall see no sor­row: which are the words of one, not newly sprung up, by an usurped authority, but of one established in a long, and rooted tyrannie. But to lay the axe to the root of the tree: Matth. 16. 18. wee read [...] that Christ will build his Church upon a rocke. Now according [Page 74] to their Popish exposition, if the Papists must expound the article to signisie the singular number, and by [...] The rocke, to vnder­stand Peter alone, and not the whole succession of Popes: then sarewell to the Romish Supre­macy, and infallibilitie. And I thinke the Ro­manists had as liefe yeeld the Pope to bee Anti­christ: as not to be the supreme head of the Church, and not to be the infallible iudge of Controuersies. Finally, Bellarmine himselfe delivereth these Bell. de P. R. lib. 3 c. 1 [...] five things: Antichrist must 1 vsurpe the kingdome of the Iewes: 2 vanquish Egypt, Libia, and Ethiopia: 3 conquer seuen other king­domes: 4 subdue the whole world: & 5 raise an universall persecution. Now how Antichrist shall ever be able to poste over, these expedi­tions on the wings of a whirle-wind, in the reigne of one man, especially in the space of three yeares, and a halse, as the Papists fancie, I appeale to the conscience of any indifferent person, Protestant, or Papist: and they will conclude with me, Antichrist cannot be one sin­gular man.

Neither can any justly oppose, that ar­gument from the opposition: Christ is one man, therefore Antichrist shall be one man. For Christ, the Head of the Church, liveth for ever himselfe: and therefore is one person. But Antichrist, the Head of Babel, is mortall and (continuing to the end of the world) must therfore be perpetuated by successiō: we haue instances in this kind. The High Priest, was [Page 75] the Type of Christ. The High Priest, that Type of Christ, was not one Person, but the succession. The Pope is (called) the Vicar of Christ, not one Person, but the succession. Quoad officium Pa­patus, omnes Papae, qui fuerunt, aut erunt, non sunt nisi Vnus Papa: All the Popes, which over were or shall be, in regard of the Function of the Papacy, are but one Pope, saith that Papist Au­gustine de Ancona. Even so, Antichrist is the Adversary of Christ: not one Person, but the succession. And all those Adversaries, that ever were, are, or shall bee, quoad officium, in re­gard of their function (to oppose Christ) they are all, but one Antichrist. Examine now the ar­gument by these parallels. Christ is one person: therefore his Vicar, the Pope is one person. Christ is one person, therefore his Adversary, Anti­christ is one person. Yee easily discerne the Fallacie.

Howbeit, wee say, that Antichrist may bee called one man, for two causes. First from the phrase, it being propheticall: and in Prophecies, by one beast, a whole Kingdome is designed, Dan. 7. 23. Secondly, from the properties of the persons composing that Antichrist: they may be all called, in the singular number, unus homo, one man: quia Omnes habent unum reg­num, unum propositum, & unum spiritum, saith Rollocke on this place. They all haue one King­dome, Rollock. in 2 Thess. 2. in the same forme of gouernment: one pur­pose in persecuting the faithfull, and one spirit, they being all [...] as Oecu­menius [Page 76] speaketh: all madded, by the same Devill, to underproppe Antichrist. Thus Anti­christ may be called, one man: but indeed hee M [...]gd [...]burge Cent. 1. lib. 1. cap. 4. is, many: a maine succession. I conclude; Anti­christ us est regnum falsorum doctorum, Christi doctrinam obscurantium, & mundanum regnum arripientium: Antichrist is a State, fighting a­gainst the Church in a long succession. Now who they are, which plead most for succession: I leave this to your conjecture, as a preface to plainer demonstrations.

Thirdly, the Adjunct is, [...], These are the two former points: concerning the two remaining: Men, Fathers and Brethren, heare my Apologie, which I make unto you. Of those two points, I shall speake Nil, & Nimi­um: of the one, I shall seeme to speake too much, and of the other too little. The last shall I now passe, I reserve Antichrist revealed to his proper place. The first will enforce me, to spinne out the thread of my Sermon somewhat too long. But of the first, with what breuity I may. The Adjunct is, The man of Sinne, the ve­ry word will cause some to expect invections, bitternesse, clamours, and evill speakings: but let me prevent them, by my protestation. I protest therefore in the presence of God before whom I stand, I will speake nothing falsly, nothing partially, but onely what this Text putteth into my mouth, and their owne writings into my eyes. And in them also will I silence infinite personall instances.

Againe, I protest by the same blessed Ma­jesty, that my hearts desire is, to confirme the Protestant, to reforme the Papist: but to exaspe­rate neither. Therefore my tongue shall not be a vultures beake, to prey upon the putride parts of the Papacy, and to rip up their personall vices. But it shall discusse the Reall parts of Popery: their positions published in print. If there­fore those, which themselves avouch as the sound parts of their religion, if they shall appeare to be rotten and putrifide. Then I hope the sheepe of Christ, will not (like Wolves) swallow downe whole, whatsoever is put into their mouths, by such Carvers. But to keepe my discourse within the compasse of truth: I remember that saying of Christ, Math. 12. 36. Every idle word, that men shall speake, they shall giue an account thereof at the day of judge­ment. I remember also, what a Father said, of that saying: Si pro omni verbo otioso, quanto magis pro omni verbo injurioso, & malitioso: if I must give an account unto God, for eve­ry idle word, what must I doe for every lying word? If I must give an account for every lye in my house, what an account must I make for every lye in my Pulpit? Here then are two reines, for that one member. Yet I must insert one Proviso: Our Adversaries also are abun­dant in their accusations. Wee say that the Pope is The man of sinne: And they say we are The men of sinne. They have their Babels, and their Libels, infinite popish pamphlets, which [Page 78] publish us to be the sinke of sinne, the shame of Christendome, and the scumme of the whole world. But those imputations, they put upon us falsly, and impertinently. Falsly, St. Hierome taxed Sabinian for destouring a Nunne, Sabinian retorted vpon St Hierome, the like suspition of lewdnesse. Herein they differed: Hierom did accuse Sabinian per veram convictionem, and Sabinian Hierom, per falsam confictionem: This is our case: wee charge the Papists that they defile the Church, by foule sinnes: they charge us with the same. Herein wee differ: our ac­cusation is per veram convictionem, by true con­viction, and just relation: theirs is per falsam confictionem, by false consiction and forged ca­lumniation. Againe, as these calumnies are false, so are they impertinent also: for they ac­cuse us of personall sinnes, which alwayes have, are, and ever will be, in the purest Churches, upon the face of the earth. But we charge thē with doctrinall, and dogmaticall crimes: with crying sinnes supported by the Doctors, and doctrine of their church. Having premised these items, I will speake to you, as St▪ Paul spake to Timothy, 2 Tim. 2. 7. I will speake the words of truth, and sobernesse: Consider what I say, and the Lord give you understanding in all things.

[...], The man of sinne. Geni­tivi S [...]ar▪ Apol. lib. 5. cap. 17. nu. 2. pro adjectivis, in scriptura positi, exaggeratio­nem significant saith Suarez, Genitives put for Adjectives doe augment, and increase the sig­nificatiō: as here, The man of sin, that is, a most sinfull man.

Now Antichrist is termed, a most sinfull man, two wayes, both affectivè and effectivè: [...] and [...] of all men, hee prin­cipally, is both the Practiser, and the Causer of Sinne. Magd [...]burgens. C [...]nt. 6 cap. 4.

He is the Prime practiser of sinne, and here­hence, Antichrist was called by the ancients, Secundus Adolescens, the Adventurous youth, quia iuvenili temeritate fervidus est in malo: because with a youthfull frensie hee doth plunge himselfe into all madde courses. Againe, he is the grand cause of sinne: there­fore Aquin. Sum▪ 3. quaest. 8. Art. 8. Greg. Moral. lib. 24. c. 3. is Antichrist called caput impiorum, the Head of wicked men: & every wicked man, mem­brum Antichristi, the member of Antichrist: as if all wicked men, and wickednesse, receiued their beginning and continuance from that fountaine. Both these are included in one sentence by Oecumenius on this place, [...], Oecumen. in 2 Thess. 2. that is, Antichrist is called, The man of sinne, because he doth sinne incom­parably himselfe: and because hee doth con­straine others also to commit iniquity. By the first he is like Ahab, who sold himselfe to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lord. By the se­cond, he is like I [...]roboā, who made Israel to sin. By both, hee fulfilleth that in the first to the Romans, and the last: He doth not onely do things worthy of Death, but hath pleasure in them, which doe them.

But who is this Man? this Paterne and Pa­tron [Page 80] of all impiety? the Rhemists call it Blaspe­my: we verity. We say, The Pope is The Man of Sinne: both by Acting it in Himselfe, and by effecting it in others. Anno 1562. the Archbi­shop Trent. Hist. lib▪ 7. pag. 588. of Granada, and all the Spanish Bishops de­sired reformation, in the Trent Councill: say­ing that the Fountaine of all abuses, was the Court of Rome, which is not onely corrupt it selfe, but the cause of Deformation in all the Churches. This truth is also confirmed by that false proselyte, Radix omnium malorum, Spal [...]s de Rep. lib. 4 c. 11. nu. 11. est Romana Curia: the Court of Rome is the cause of all evill.

For the first: the personall sinnes of the Popes, I passe that. Onely because Suarez saith Suarez. Apol. lib 5▪ cap. 17. nu. 5. Christoph de Antichristo a­gainst Doctor Dounam. Tris [...]gion lib. 3. cap. 39. that there were aliqui improbi, not many: and Christopherson in his catalogue doth not men­tion any evill persons, amongst all the Popes. I must therefore give a tast of other mens ob­servations. The learned author of the Tris­agion, saith that there sate in the See of Rome, fourteene Popes which were Adulterous; nine Simoniaks; twelve Tyrants; three and twenty Sorcerers, and ten Traitors. To which I must To [...]. Tor [...]i. pag▪ 219. adde, what our Bishop hath delivered out of their Platina: Monstra, Portenta: more then twenty Monsters of Mankind, which sate: and more than thirty Schismes, were hatched in the Chaire of Rome. And for the space of one hundred & fourescore yeeres, & for the suc­cession of Fifty Popes, hee could reckon Vix unum, Pontificis nomine dignum, hardly one [Page 81] worthy to be called a Pope; and that you may not H [...]m. 2. lib. Whits. 2. part. sol. 219, &c. judge this to be a private judgmēt, or mine to be a rash judgement, reade the judgement of the Church of England, fully to this point, in the Homily for Whitsontide. But I will remove my finger frō this sore: which I had not touch­ed, had not their bragging Tongue, cōstrained my Hand, a little to discouer it. Next to come to the life of the cause: That the Pope is the cause of sinne, it will be confessed, if we consider, onely this one thing. There is a booke, called Taxa Cancellariae Apostolicae, where in print, the Absolutions, from sinne, and dispensations for sinne, are set at a certaine Rate. Can any imagine a fitter introduction? and a more imboldning incouragement, for any sinfull man to commit any sinfull action? This is much which I say: but much more is said, by one of their owne, and best authors, Claudius Espencaeus. Liber palam, ac publicè, hic Cl. Esp [...]. in Tit. cap. 1. Digres. 1. impressus hodie ut olim venalis, Taxa Camerae, seu Cancellariae Apostolicae inscriptus, in quo plus scelerum discas licet, quam in omnibus omnium vitiorum summistis, ac summarijs: et plurimis quidem licentia, omnibus autem Absolutio emp­turientibus proposita. That is, There is a booke publikely to be sold, the Taxa Camerae, where­by a man may learne more wickednesse, than ever was comprised in all the summists and summaries of Vices, which ever were set forth; and wherein some may buy leave, and all par­don for any sinne. The same author proceedeth [Page 82] in the same place and point, that that booke doth dispence with Adulterers, Murtherers, and Sorcerers. Adulteros, In cantatrices, & Ho­micides: yea they absolve Parricidas, Incestos, & contra naturam cum Brutis, those that kill their Fathers, defile their Mothers, or that are so farre past grace, that they commit, that foule crime against nature. By name: for Per­jurie, Cap. 4. a villaine which hath falsly and willing­ly forsworne himselfe, shall be absolved: and the price of his Absolution is printed sixe gros­ses, Cap. 3. or nine shillings; and the same price is pitched, for that child of the devill, who out of a diabolicall lust, shall defile a woman, in the holy house of God, in the very Church it selfe. Thus also under Alexander the sixt, the Cardi­nall Waldenses lib. 2. cap. 3. pag. 48. of St. Xist: sent into Dauphine, two bulls, one by which he gave absolution for Simonie, Theft, Murther, Vsury, Adultery, Detension of Benefices, Destruction of goods Ecclesiasticall, Perjurie, yea Apostasie and Heresie.

All which may bee established, by the Bella [...]. de Pont. Rom. lib. 4 ca. 5. sect. Quod. judgement of learned Bellarmine, for saith he: Si Papa praecipiat vitia, & prohiberet virtutes, tenetur Ecclesia credere, vitia esse bona, & virtu­tes malas, nisi velit contra conscientiam peccare. That is, If the Pope should command vices, and interdict vertues, every person who would not offend against his conscience, must beleeue, that the vices are good, and the vertues are bad. And that none may surmise me to wrong Bel­larmine, or to wring his words beyond his [Page 83] meaning: behold a like egge of the same bird. Bellar. de Pont. Rom. lib. 4. ca. 2. sect. Dein de. Catholici omnes convenient, pontificem—aliquid—statuentem, sive errare possit, sive non, esse ab omnibus fidelibus obedienter audiendum: that is, all Catholikes doe accord in this, that the Pope, whether he may erre or no, is yet to be heard with all obedience. And Bellarmine doth but Blanch Bell. Recogn. de Sum. Pontif. pag. 507. the Aethiop, when as he would seeme to retract this paradoxe: saying that hee did speake de dubijs actibus: and in the last citation, he hath in re dubia. For the Powder Traitors, propoun­ding Abbati Antilog. cap. 9. it, as rem dubiam, to murther a King, and ruine a Kingdome, at one blow; from these principles, if the Pope had returned the affir­mative, they must have obeyed him: yea have beleeved, that that vicious act, had beene a ver­tue: Tolet. Instr. lib. 4 cap. 3. sect. 7. nay (as another Cardinall speaketh in a­nother case) they might have thought that bloody barbarous villany meritorious.

Let any patron of the Pope, under heaven, name any man, or succession of men, on the earth, who have given the like incitements, incouragements, and commandements unto sinne. And I will recant, and confesse, that I have done his Holinesse, and the holy series of his predecessours much wrong, saying, that The pope, is the man of sinne.

But principally, the Pope is the cause of three sinnes, hee is the cause of Ignorance, of Whoredome, and Treason. Now if I can prove that the Pope is the cause of these 3 sins, I have cause enough, to conclude: The pope is the man of sinne.

For the first: If the Councill of Tolet, hath de­fined Concil. Tol. 4. cap. 24. right, that Ignorantia est mater omnium errorum, Ignorance is the mother of all Errours. It will exercise the wit, and learning of his best friends, to quite him from being the cause of much sinne, who is the cause of that which is the cause of all errour. That the pope is the cause of Ignorance it is plaine, because he com­mandeth his to heare in Latine, and to pray in Latine, plebis est admira [...] divina secreta▪ non Bonaventura in Luc. 1. 21. pers [...]rutar [...]; the common people must admire not inquire after divine secrets saith Bonaven­ture. Math. Peresius speaketh farre more Matth Peres. de Trad. pag. 44. boldly and broadly: his doome is, that it was the Devills invention, to permit the Lay peo­ple to read the Bible. But acute Richard of Ments, hooketh all in handsomely, by a pretty Trent. Hist lib. 2. pag. 158. distinction: that the doctrines of faith, were now so cleered, that wee ought no more to learne them out of the Scripture: and therefore the scripture was read heretofore in the Church for the instruction of the people, whereas now it is read in the Church, onely to pray, and ought to serve every one, to that end onely, and not to studie.

Finally, hee doth forbid the Lay people to read the scriptures, unlesse they obtaine speci­all License from the Bishop or Inquisitor to do it, as appeareth by the fourth rule of Prohibi­ted bookes, which is at the end of the Tridentine Councill. And the granting of those Licenses is now againe taken away by Clement the 8. as [Page 85] may be seene by his Index of prohibited bookes, printed at Paris, by Laurentius Sonius. And Decretal. de Hae­riticis ca. Quin­cunq. in 6. for a lay Papist to dispute of the scripture, is to incurre Excommunication.

The Popes injunction, to pray in Latine hath made many of the lay people, such ignorant people, that they become like Melitides, the naturall foole, who could not define, whether his Father or Mother did bring him forth! So they cannot tel, whether God their Lord, or the Virgin their Lady, should be the object of their Prayers. Yea a great Divine in the Vniversity Rex Iacobus med. in Orat. Dom. pag. 132. of Saint Andrewes in Scotland, taught it pub­likely, that the Lords Prayer might be said to the V. Mary, which monster could never have beene teemed into this world, if the Latine language had not beene the Midwife. A tricke of an Apostate: the Pope wanteth no precedent, Iulian interdicted the meanes of knowledge to the poore Christians. I involve therefore two conclusions, in one short sentence. The Pope is an Apostate, and The man of sinne.

The second point is Whoredome. I say, The man of sinne, is the cause of that sinne: and the Pope is the maintainer of Fornication, and main­tained by Fornication. Cornelius Agrippa shall Corn. Agripp. de vanitate cap. 64. be one witnesse, that the Whores of Rome eve­ry weeke payd a Iulius, that is, sixe pence each, to the Pope; who shal be seconded by one of our owne Countrymen: The stewes are in Wats: Quodlib. 2. Artic. 4. Rome, cum approbatione, as lawfully, as any Citi­zen of Rome, saith Watson. But indeed I have [Page 86] a cloud of witnesses, for this truth. To keepe a Concubine is permitted [...]g [...]b [...]s, by the lawes Duarenus de Beneficijs lib. 8. cap. 6. Lopez de ratione reg. lib. 2. p [...]. 58 of Rome, [...]aith Duarenus that learned Lawyer. Stewes are to be tolerated, saith Lopez, ad deti­nendum libidinis ardorem, to limit the fury of lust. Strump [...]ts inhabit Rome, sci [...] & pati­ente Nav [...] ▪ manua­li cap. 17. Papa, the Pope knowing, and suffering such inhabitants. Meretri [...]s non sunt dignae la [...]ueis le­gum, Whores are not worth, to be corrected by the Lawes, said [...]valdus. Iacobus de Graffijs pro­poundeth the question; Quare Ecclesia per­mittit Lupanaria, why doth the Church permit stewes? and assoileth it: tolerat minus malum praesens, ut evitet majus futurum, that is, their Church doth permit the lesse evill to avert a greater. Nay the same author goeth yet far­ther, beyond our credence, if a papist did not report it. Lex cogit, the Law doth compell, pub­licas meretric [...]s ad fornicandum, cum quocunque, juxta tamen mercedem. If he bring mony, the law doth compell their Whores, to commit Whore­dome, with any man.

Finally it is the report of a learned Convert Sheldens Mot. Law. 3. pa. 151. that there are Permissive and Tolerative lawes, for these stewes, and strumpets in some papisti­call Countreys: in the City of Rome, there is publike toleration, and Papall permission, and pro­tection of Queanes. The Pope hath Toll from them, the Cardinalls and Courtiers cannot bee without them. Pius the 5. once banished them, but hee drave away so many Citizens and Courtiers with them, that hee was conten­ted [Page 87] to permit their returne. Very consonant to the name Courtizane, (the fairest title of a Whore) which arose from the Court of Rome, because such were entertained day and night. These women sufficiently prove, that the Pope is the Man of sinne.

But to furnish this point, with proofes to the full: I adde, the Church of Rome, hath made a Law to constraine some to uncleannesse. And therfore it may meritoriously be termed [...], the cause of sinne. If a Prince command, that a whole City, must wade through a deepe foord, though some be of suffi­cient stature to wade through, if the rest pe­rish, shall wee not impute it to the Prince his command, that they bee drowned? If a state in­act a statute, that all in a Countie shall beare two hundred weight, 20. miles, in one day. Althogh a few strong men discharge it, if many women and children sinke and dye under the burden; may we not conclude, that that Law did kill them? Even so; censure a Decree of the Church of Rome, That all the Clergy must vow a single life: Though some may have that Blessed gift of Continence: yet many, too many cannot but be uncleane, unchast, at least inconti­nent. I inferre then: Their law doth constraine them. All have not that gift, Math. 19. 11. Ma­riage is the remedy to them that have it not, 1 Cor. 7. 2. Therefore, those that have neither the gift, nor the remedie, must fall into that foule sinne of uncleannesse: and their Law doth [Page 88] constraine them. This law of such a sinfull shame­full consequence, Siricius attempted about the yeare 380: but it was effected by Grego­r [...]e 7. 1074. which is now so strongly sup­ported, Trent. Hist. lib. 6 pag. 527. that though Augustine Pavugarner, petitioning to the Councill of Trent, did a­vouch the Clergie of Bavaria infamous for lust, few of them not being Concubinaries: yet could he not beg permission for them to mar­rie, indeed to be honest. A strange inversion: It is better to marry, then to burne, saith St. Paul, 1 Cor. 7. 9. it is better to burne then to marrie, saith the Coster. Enchir. cap 17. prop. 9. T [...]stat in 1 Sam. 17. qu [...]st. 45. Thom. 2. 2 aequ. 88. Art. 11. Popes holinesse. But it is a stranger position: Tostatus and Thomas put the Quaere, if the Queene of the Sarazens, with her whole king­dome would be baptized, and become Christi­ans: conditionally that some Monke may bee given her for an Husband. What should bee done in this case? They answer negatively: That a Monke might not marry, no not such a Queene, licet multae animae sunt manifestò peri­turae although many soules, should undoubted­ly perish, by that refusall. Now, what may we conceive to bee the cause of this so severe an inhibition? I conjecture it to be twofold: the commodity, and the glory of the Church of Rome. Nondum erat ecclesia dotata, saith Gerson, the Treasurie of their Church would bee at a low ebbe, if this channell were diverted. Hist. Trent. lib. 7. pag. 680. And Pius 4. anno 1563 blamed the legates, for permitting the question to be disputed, be­cause the affections of maried priests would [Page 89] fall from the Church, to their Country. I re­member a fearfull saying of Arnobius: Fre­quentius Arnob. lib. 8. pag. 771. in Aedituorum (sacerdotum, aut Mona­chorum) cellulis, quam in ipsis Lupanaribus, fla­grans libido defungitur? I will not translate his sentence, nor relate my owne sentence: but I will conclude, The Pope is homo peccati, the man of sinne: for he hath law to command it.

To close up all with one or two memo­rable additions: Gravius peccat, si uxorem du­cit, quam si domi Concubinam [...]v [...]at. Costerus Coster. Ench. cap. 15. Prop. 9 saith, it is a more grievous crime for a Priest to marry, than for him to keepe an Whore in his house. And it is a ruled case of conscience Tolet: Instit. sa­cerd. lib. 4. c. 21. amongst those Catholikes: That a woman though she hath oftentimes lyen with other men, yet she may say and sweare to her husband, that she is no adulteresse: with this reservation, I never did commit adultery, Tibi ut revelem, with an intent to tell him. But to put all whores and Taxa Camera cap. 13. whoremongers out of all feare, they have pit­ched a publike price upon this Sinne. Their Taxa telleth us, that a Priest might keepe a Concubine paying ten shillings and six pence: and a Lay man may doe the same, at the same rate. If a man defloure a virgin, it shall cost him Cap. 14. Cap. 15. nine shillings: and seven shillings six pence must be payed by him, that defileth his kinswoman. Sarishariensis in Ep [...]st. ad Coloss. 4. 5. pag. 356. Caus. z. Quest. 7. in Gloss. I will shut up all with that quotation of our learned Bishop, out of their Canonists: Pro sim­plici fornicatione, hodie nemo deponitur: Now none is deposed for simple fornication. Now [Page 90] would I see him who will not see the Sunne: can any deny this conclusion? The Pope is the cause of whoredome. The consequence where­of will hardly be waved.

The Pope is
The Man of sinne.

The third and last sin, wherewith I charge the Church of Rome, that it is the cause thereof: is Treason▪ Treason! Did ever Englishman think that any impudent hād shold throw back this durt into our owne faces? yet is there a popish pamphlet to prove the popish Church to be Hierusalem, or the mother of peace: and our Church to bee Babel, or the Teacher and practiser of sedition. Iust like Athalia, who was the Arch-traitresse her selfe, 2 King. 11. 1. yet shee was the first and fiercest to cry treason, treason, against others, 2 King. 11. 14. But whether it be our Church, or the Church of Rome which is the shop where all treason is ham­mered: let this discourse testifie.

The whole Series of the Popes, for many centuries might well be called by the sirname of Vrbanus the third, Turbani: that is, the troublers of all Christendome. But I will not in­large my discourse too farre: pondere, non nu­mero: I will produce a few testimonies, but to the purpose: and I wil end only with one autho­rity, and with one example: which shall satis­fie [Page 91] any indifferent person, who doth impar­tially desire satisfaction.

Aquine is an old Artist in this, and goeth Aqum. 2. [...] q [...]st. 12. Art▪ 2. plainly to worke, Principe propter Apostasiam excommunicato, ipso facto subditi ejus solvuntur à juramento fidelitatis: that is, if any Prince be excommunicated for Apostasie, or falling from Religion, ipso facto, by that very act, his sub­jects are absolved from their oath of allegeance. Bellarmine driveth the same naile a little fur­ther: Bellār. de Pont. R. lib. 5. cap. 7. sect. E [...]go [...]ia. Si Princeps aliquis ex ove, aut ariete fit lupus, id est, ex Christiano haereticus, potest Pastor Ecclesiae cum arcere per excommunicationem, & simul jubere populo, ne eum sequatur, ac proinde privare eum dominio in subditos. That is, If any Prince of a Sheepe shall become a Wolfe, that is, of a Christian, an Hereticke, the Pastor of the Church (the Pope) may expell him by excom­munication, and withall he may command the people to follow their Prince no more, and fi­nallie he may deprive him from ruling over his Bellar. de Pont. Rom lib. 5. ca. 7. sect. Quod si subjects. And hee addeth a reason, why this hath not beene frequently done, Quia deerant vires, the Pope wanted power to put it in exe­cution. And this certainly was the cause of composing that laborious, but lying libell Monarchomachia, whereby the wilie author would perswade credulous persons: Hieru­salem, Hierusalem: that the Papists are the most peaceable people in our whole land: but desunt vires, they want power. There is the cause of their quietnesse: and for ever may it continue unto them.

Thus have I the most, and most learned of the Church of Rome avouching my accusation: For Thomas is the leader to all the Thomists: and few of the Iesuits will sticke to follow their Cardinall Bellarmine. Nay not onely the Thomists, and Iesuits, but if they will subscribe to the Pope, all the Papists must grant the cause, though the title peradventure ( Treason) is declined by them.

About the yeare 1253, Pope Innocent the Math. Paris. pag. 844. fourth, said of King Henry the third: Nonne est Rex Angliae noster vasallus? is not the King of England our subject? & ut plus dicam manci­pium? nay more, is he not our slave? Pope Monarchomach. part. 2. tit. 3. pag. 372. Pius 5. indeavoured the deed, (but God be blessed deerant vires (and ever may they) ar­med our Northerne Papists to Rebellion against our famous Queene Elizabeth, as it is confessed by impudence it selfe, the Babylonish author Apologia Regis Iacobi pag. 77. of their Babel. Pope Sixtus the 5. uttered in the Conclave a panegyricall Oration, in the praise of that traiterous Monke, who murthered Henry 3. King of France. And finally Pope Vrbane 8. Maij 30. 1626. dated a Bull to Bulla Vrban. 8. 1626. England, to exhort all English Romish Catho­likes to refuse the oath of Allegiance; that is, in effect to bee Traitors. Wherefore then should we be dainty, to give the title which is so meritoriously atchieved? Homo peccati, The Pope is the man of sinne.

But all these instances fall short of that in­star omnium, of that one authority, with which [Page 93] I promised to conclude, and have reserved it to bee the complement of the whole cause. Suarez, ex cujus ore locutos, omnes conspirasse af­firmare audeam, all the hearts, of all the Papists, speake out of his mouth, saith Alphonsus a Ca­stello Branco in his censure of his Apologie. Now let us heare his and their united lan­guage. Suarez Apolog. lib. 6. cap 4. First therefore in his 6 booke, and 4. chapter of his Apology, he proveth this propo­sition, Papa potest Reges deponere, ac occidere: that is, The Pope hath power to depose, and to kill Kings. But with five cautions; 1. Se inconsul­to, Suarez Apolog. lib 6. cap. 4. num. 17. nemo contra regem suum insurgat. None may dare to rebell against his King, Se incōsul­to, unlesse the Pope be acquainted with it. 2. Ab Suarez Apolog. lib. 6. cap. 4. num. 18. illis tantum potuit expelli, & interfici, quibus ipse id commiserit. None may expell, nor kill their King, but onely those, to whom the Pope him­selfe, doth commit this designe. 3. What p [...]r­ticular Suarez Ibib. person may principally performe this feat? Successor: his next Heire to the Crowne, si sit Catholicus, if he be of the Romish Religion, 4. Illo negligenti [...], what if the successour, doth Suarez Apolog. Ibid. make some scruple to executo the Popes pious injunction, and to touch the Lords anointed? Then, communitas regni, all the Commons may take up [...]rmes: Dummodo sit Catholica, pro­vided Suarez Apolog. lib. 6. cap. 4. num. 19. they be Papists. Finally, if all [...]aile, Al­ter Rex, a Forraigne Prince may invade his kingdome: alwayes provided, si Pontifex po­testatem ei tribua [...] invadendi [...]eg [...]m▪ that the Pope permitteth [...]is [...]sio [...] ▪ So [...] there [Page 94] must be no deposing, nor killing of Kings, but with the knowledge, approbation, instruction, of the Pope himselfe. Therefore the Pope himselfe is the root of all Treason. And in this point al­so, he is Ille homopeccati, The man of sinne.

Disciples have not beene wanting to this Doctrine. Even tlle author of the Monarcho­machia himselfe, I doubt not, but is an excel­lent proficient in this Schoole, though hee pre­tendeth that he never learned this lesson. In his Monarch. part. 1. tit. 6, pag. 272. first part and sixt title, these words fall from him, Who in his Realme is to judge him? who in his Realme? Indeed the Pope is not in the Kings Realme. If he would speake out, in plain English, wee should find, that hee that hath Hierusalem, Hierusalem so much in his mouth: that he hath Babel Babel as much in his heart: and that with Suarez hee holdeth the Pope to bee Iudge unto the King. But to winde up all in one example, never to bee pa­ralleld, the Powder Treason, occasioned by the Tort. Torti pag. 86. popish Religion: Attempted by popish Catholikes: incouraged by popish Doctors, as Faux himselfe freely confessed. Nay to speake in the phrase of Suarez: They did not, they durst not attempt it, se inconsulto, without the knowledge of the Pope: nisi catholici, unlesse they had beene Ro­mish Catholikes: et quibus ipse commiserit, they had never undertaken it, ha [...] not the Pope him­selfe given them commission: [...], The Pope is, The man of sinne.

But let us heare Babel, plead for Rome. [Page 95] Monarchomachia maketh this excuse. That Monarch [...]m. part. 1. tit. 1. pag. 14. Horrible project of the Gunpowder Treason was attempted by a few private Hot-spurres which in justice, is rather to bee buried with the of­fendors, then to be objected, and imputed to innocent men, who generally with great sorrow, abhorre the Memory thereof. I will answer in Monarchom [...]. part. 1. tit. 1. pag. 52. his owne words: touching that objection, that the papists (and this Author himselfe) doe; they doe say, that the Gunpowder Treason was an horrible project: and they doe say, that they abhorre the memory thereof with great sorrow: and this man doth preach obedience, and hath printed a pamphlet, which he termeth Hieru­salem, to that purpose. But this is onely a fal­lacy to avoid the scandall: for now they see that those Traitors did not stand, nor maintaine their quarrell, now they leave them in the Bry­ars, & cry out against their project, & pretend that they abhorre, that very Memorie of them. Nay would God they did so much in truth. For this and all their cunning pamphlets can­not coape the lips of all their Catholikes, but some of them, at some time, will shew their teeth. As M. More censured in the Starre-Chamber anno 1623. Article 15. said, That it was pitty that he who undertooke the blowing up of the Parliament, that he was not hanged present­ly: not because he did attempt it: but because hee did not effect it.

Now that our King and Kingdome, our Peeres and People, our Church and Common­wealth, [Page 96] that our Nation and very Name of Eng­land should have beene buried in one graue: torne in peeces with one blast of Gunpowder. And yet by no meanes, se inconsulto, without the approbation of the Pope. This may iustly cause us to say, Ecce homo peccati, The Pope is the man of sinne.

In the year 1554 Queen Mary ordained that Trent. Hist. lib. 5. 385. that prayer instituted by King Henry the eight, To deliver the kingdome, from the Sedition, Con­spiracy and Tyranny of the Pope, should bee ra­zed out of the Communion Booke. I thinke we may take up some such forme of prayer again, and pray: From Ignorance, Whoredome, and Treason, From the killing of our King, and confusion of our Common-wealth, From the Man of sinne, and that Pope of Rome, Good Lord deliuer us.


2 THESS. 2. 3, & 4. The Sonne of perdition.’

Antichrist the sonne of perdition. Antichrist, Iudas, and the Pope paralleld. Popish persecu­tions surpasse those of the Emperours. Of the Inquisition.

I Have discussed the first point in this Description: the time, a fal­ling away. Which being taken three wayes, every way it is punctally fitted to the Pope: ei­ther politically, for a falling from the Empire, by rebellion: or Ecclesiastically, for a falling from the Church, in Religion: or Figurative­ly, the falling away being put for the faller a­way, the cause thereof: all which are proper to the Popish Apostasie. I am entred into the second point, the three titles of Antichrist. In the first I have observed foure particulars: the Subject, Antichrist is termed a man, to shew that hee prevaileth in the Church by humane [Page 98] meanes, Perswasion: not improper to the Pope. Secondly, the Article, [...] The Man: not one man, but many, a succession: pe­culiar to them which lay such claime to suc­cession, the Popedome. Thirdly, the Adjunct, the man of sinne, that is, a most sinfull wretch; both by affection and infection: the patterne and patron of sinne: so is the Papacy. The Court of Rome is both corrupt it selfe, and the cause of corruption in all Churches, so complained Granada. The personall sinnes of the Popes I in­sisted but little on: but I shewed how these three crying sinnes, Ignorance, Whoredome and Treason, were caused and commanded by the Romane Lawes.

I am to proceed to the fourth particular, the Accident: that man of sinne which must bee revealed. But this point I must reserve to the eighth verse. Here wee have [...] there [...] there it shall be finished. Onely this I will premise: the Holy Ghost here telleth us twice, that he shall be revealed. As it is in Genesis 41. 32. the phrase is doubled unto us twice, because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to passe. Since there­fore God doth tell the Church twice, that the Man of sinne shall be revealed: let not us shut our eyes against this Revelation. Let not us, like the Sepia, cast out an inkie obscurity on that which God hath made evident unto us. Ieremy 40. 14. Iohanan said to Gedaliah, Doest thou not certainly know, that Ishmael will s [...]ay [Page 99] thee? but Gedaliah beleeved not: and therefore he was slaine indeed. So here, S. Paul telleth us, that certainly Antichrist shall be revealed. If we will not beleeve it, nor search into it, it is Gods just judgement to deliver us up into the hands of the Man of sinne, and that Anti­christ should mightily deceive us. Goe we on therefore in all humble diligence, and dili­gent attention, to looke on him whom God hath made known to us. If any stumble against the old stone, and still distrust my ability to discharge this difficult duty; Let them but impartially consider, how aptly, even I, shall invest the Papacy, with all the properties of An­tichrist: and then let them impartially con­ceive, how that Man of sinne, would have been displayed, if a profound Divine had undertaken this exposition, to paint him out in hi [...] right co­lours. Howsoever, according to that porti­on of faith, which God hath vouchsafed unto us, let us proceed in the speaking and hearing of this great point. In the speaking and hea­ring whereof, God, even our owne God grant us a blessing.

The second Title of Antichrist, is that he is here termed, [...] the sonne of perdi­tion. A title wherewith Christ had long agoe invested Iudas, Iohn 17. 12. And well might these twaine be adorned with one title: No­bile par: a paire of rare creatures. And the pa­rallel betwixt Iudas and Antichrist doth hold in six particulars: In regard of their Vocation, [Page 100] Dissimulation, Covetousnesse, Bloodinesse, Obsti­nate minde, and wretched end. First, Iudas was an Apostle, Luke 6. 16. Secondly, Iudas be­trayed Christ, when he did seeme to honour Christ: Iudas, betrayest thou the Sonne of man with a kisse? Luke 22. 48. Thirdly, Iudas did beare the bag, Iohn 12. 6. Fourthly, Iudas did sell and shed innocent blood, Matth. 27. 4. Fis [...] ­ly, Iudas did persist in his wickednesse, though Christ did threaten enough to have terrified any wretch, Woe be to that man by whom the son of man shall be betrayed, it had beene good for that man that he had never beene borne: thus solemn­ly did Christ curse him to his very face, Matth. 26. 24. Notwithstanding this cursed caitife did not relent, but obstinately proceeded in his cursed resolution. And sinally, the end of Iudas was shamefull and fearfull: he was han­ged, and his owne hangman. Matth. 27. 5.

So Antichrist: First, he is an Apostle, at the least. For, Sedet in Templo Dei, He doth sit (.i. rule) in the Church of God, as if he were the Son of God, as it shall be fully unfolded, when I come to open the first point in the fourth verse. Secondly, his profession is holy and Apo­stolicall, he hath cornua Agni, the hornes of the Lambe: but his projects and practice is Diabo­licall, Vocem Draconis, he hath the voice of the Dragon, saith S. Iohn, Revel. 13. 11. Thirdly, His soule doth lust after gold and silver, &c. Rev. 18. 12. & 14. Fourthly, Antichrist is drunke with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of [Page 101] the Martyrs of Iesus, Rev. 17. 6. Fiftly, the two witnesses shall prophesie against Antichrist: but Antichrist shall persist even unto death: the Beast shall kill them, Rev. 11. 3. & 7. Final­ly, Antichrist shall be cast into the sea, Revel. 18. 21. into Hell, Revel. 20. 10. Hee shall be de­stroyed, saith our Apostle, vers. 8. Thus punctu­ally doe Iudas and Antichrist agree in all the six particulars, without forged or forced Ap­plication. One Name is the knot where the pro­perties of both these wicked wretches doe meet. Either is meritoriously named, [...] the son of perdition.

Neither are these properties altogether im­proper to the Popedome also. First, the Pope is an Apostle also, S. Peters Successor. His See, Po­wer, Benediction, &c. are all termed Apostoli­call. Secondly, hee calleth himselfe Servum Servorum, but maketh himselfe Dominum Do­minantium: he pretendeth an heavenly humi­lity, but intendeth an Earthly Monarchy. Thirdly, Avarice is the very pillar of the Papa­cie: for anno 1522 honest Adrian 6, having resolved to reforme his Court, found that cove­tous Trent. hist. lib. 1. pag. 22. corruptions, as Indulgences, Dispensations, and collations of Benefices, were the revenues and sinewes of the Pontisicality. And there­fore he bemoaned his misery to William En­court, & Theodoricus Hezius, his trusty friends, that reformation was impossible. Fourthly, for their blood-seeking, and blood-shedding, we need no other instance, than the Inquisition, a la­mentable [Page 102] testimony of their incomparable cru­elty. Fiftly, I dare say that the Pope and the Cardinalls doe Volentes, videntes (que), [...], that they doe know that they have usurped up­on Christianity: and that they are farre from Christs and Christian humility. Finally, it is reported of Innocent the 4. that at his death, Pless. myst. Iniq. Oppos. 52. Vox audita est, Veni miser ad judicium; Wretch come to judgement. The end of one Pope, may be the Embleme of many. At nolo ominari: I de­sire not the destruction of the Destroyer: but rather wish that the Pope himselfe may re­pent and be saved. Onely this I must say, Iudas and Antichrist, are Nobile par fratrum, two brethren of wonderfull likenesse: and the Pope is alter idem, as deare and neare a friend unto them, as the Devill can wish, or Manimagine. They are All, Filij perditionis, the sonnes of perdition.

Filius perditionis, the sonne of perdition: a childes name doth import a childes part: and the name of a sonne, an inheritance. Antichrist therefore is Filius perditionis, the Heire of Hell: primogenitus Diaboli, the Devills darling, of inevitable destruction. As therefore I pro­nounce Antichrist to be haeredem, the heire of Hell: so do I inferre such as adhere unto him, to bee cohaeredes, partners in the same inheri­tance. He is sponsus Babylonis, the Bridegroome to Babel: they are amici sponsi, speciall friends to them both. Those therefore who do taxe me of temerity, because I doe seeke to know [Page 103] this Antichrist: I may justly suspect them of supine security, because they will not seeke to know him, the knowledge of whom concerneth them so nearly. But since our Father doth reveale him, every childe of salvation may safe­ly desire to know the sonne of perdition.

Filius perditionis, The sonne of perdition: it is an Hebraisme, as much as perditissimus, that is, one prepared to destruction: Both passively and actively: hence hee is called [...], Revel that is, both destroyed and destroying, as Danae­us Danaeus de An­tich. c. 8. observeth: which observation we have be­fore him in Occumenius, [...]: because hee destroyeth many o­thers, and at length he himselfe shall bee de­stroyed. First passively, Filius perditionis, signi­fieth one destinated to destruction: as Mat. 23. 15 Filius Gehennae, is one who shall have his por­tion in Hell-fire. Next, Filius perditionis, used actively, doth signifie one ordained to be a De­stroyer of others: as Matth. 11. 19. Filius sapi­entiae, the child of wisedome, doth signifie one who communicateth wisedome unto others.

Both these wayes Antichrist is a Destroyer, both spiritually and corporally. Spiritually, An­tichrist doth destroy the Kings and people on the earth, and thence they are said to bee in­ebriati vino, Revel. 17. 2. that is, drunke with the wine of the fornication of the Whore of Ba­bylon. Corporally also, Antichrist will destroy mankind: and therefore Revel. 17. 6. the whore of Babylon is said to be ebria sanguine, drunke [Page 104] with the blood of the Saints. In like manner he shall be destroyed himselfe: first, spiritually: As in this Chapter, vers. 8. S. Paul saith, The Lord shall consume that wicked one with the spirit of his mouth. Corporally also he shall be destroyed, as S. Iohn doth testifie, Revel. 18. 8. Thus shall Antichrist be a Destroyer, actively: killing the bodies of Gods servants, and the soules of his owne. And he shall be destroyed, passively: him­selfe and his seruants; with fire on earth, and fire in hell. And in this regard, Antichrist is called, Filius perditionis, the sonne of perdition.

But, Quis est ille filius perditionis? Is this childe yet borne? All the parcells of this Ap­plication must move to their proper center. I say the Father of Rome is the Sonne of perditi­on. Passively, it is conjectured that the Pope and Papacie shall be destroyed. But actively it is knowne that he is a destroyer, both spiritu­ally and corporally: both to the soules and bo­dies of miserable seduced men. The Crocodile attempting a Traveller two wayes, doth ruine him both wayes. If the poore man doe fol­low him, he leadeth him into Nilus: if hee flyeth, he devoureth him. So Popish Agents, if they prevaile, they drowne their Prosylites in Heresie: if they be opposed, they devoure them by their Tyranny. Hercules his picture had a string in his tongue, and a club in his hand, either to draw, or to smite the multitude. So the Pope hath tongues for our soules, clubs for our bodies, destruction for both. Aut inficiet, [Page 105] aut interficiet: infection to those that yeeld, and interfection to those that resist. Meritori­ously therefore, may the Father of Merits bee termed, the sonne of perdition.

That the Pope is a spirituall destroyer of the soules of men, it thus appeareth. They will grant the Antecedent, Math. 23. 15. That their Seminaries compasse Sea, and Land to make one Prosylite. But suppose they poison their Pro­sylites with Errour, doe they not then destroy their soules, and make them the children of the Devill? This they say is [...] an impossible supposition: for the Pope cannot Erre, nor papists spread Errours: Si desint bona Hildebrand ep. ad epis. Herm. acquisita, sufficiant, quae a loci praedecessore prae­stantur: if they have no good thing in them­selves, yet their Predecessours Vertue is suffici­ent for them. And yet their Antipopes, and contrary actions & assertions of the Popes them­selves, may cause a suspicion, that the Pope may erre, in the very Chaire.

But let us suppose it! Suppose the Pope should carry ten thousand soules to hell: yet none may be so sawcy as to say, Domine cur ita facis? Sir why doe you so? saith that malleus Antichristi. D r. Downam B. of Dery li. 1. ca. 4 sect. 8 è Glossa iuris Canonici.

Those who are his owne, either by Education, or Conversion, for the most part pereunt, they are lost, in an irrecoverable obstinacy. Like a Bird in a Snare, they cannot: like a bird de­lighting in a Cage, they will not flye away. But they sing in their Prison, and rejoyce in their Captivity. Take the profession of one: Cupers [Page 106] calleth himselfe Mancipium Ecclesiae Romanae. I have heard of Filius ecclesiae, the sonne of the Church: but mancipium, slavery is the badge of Popery.

Adde the practise of a Societie: Caeca obe­dientia Lessius de Anti [...]. D [...]m. 9. Iesuitarum, the blind obedience of the Iesuits, whereby they binde themselves to Doe, whatsoever they shall be commanded by popish authoritie: not baulking Lying, Swearing and Forswearing, as is apparent by that jug­gling, and damnable art of Equivocation. And to make all fast, they knit themselves, by the Tr [...]dentine oath, to adhere immoveably [...]o the Roman papacy. Since therefore the soules of the papists are so knit, glued, and incorporated to the Papacy, I thinke I may safely say, The Pope hath destroyed them spiritually. Therefore is the Pope, Filius perditionis, the sonne of Perdition.

Moreover, Corporally also, the Pope is a De­stroyer: Ire [...]us lib. 5. c. 25. he destroyeth the bodies of his opposites. What Irenaeus spake of Antichrist of old time, wee may avouch to be true of the Pope in our time. It is his true title: Abominatio de­solationis, the Abomination of desolation: Abo­minatio quia est homo summè abominabilis: he is termed Abomination, because he is a person of abominable enormities: & cognominatur deso­lationis, he is surnamed Desolation, quia Sanctis & Christianis incredibilem desolationem efficiet, because his persecution shall bring an incredi­ble desolation on the Church of Christ. This I [Page 107] say I will make good concerning the Pope. Consider what he would doe, Pius 5. cogitabat Elizabetham è medio tollere, the Pope Pius did Tortura To [...]i pag. 100. consult, how hee might contrive the death of the Queene of England, saith our Bishop, out of their Gabutius. Consider what hee did doe, Sixtus Quintus, commended the Monke who Apolog. Reg. Ia­cobi pag 77. Coll [...]n [...] in Eu­daem. part 3. pag. 216. murthered King Henry the third. Adde that Augustine the Monke (not Augustine the Saint) did slay twelve hundred holy Monkes of Bangor, onely because they had not the Crosse, Litanie, &c. and did dissent from him about Ceremo­nies of Easter, Baptisme, and such like.

But Bellarmine blotteth out all these, by Bell. de P. Rom. 3, 7. one pregnant objection. Pro uno Heraetico, that the Primitive persecutors, did kill a thou­sand Christians where the Pope doth put to death one Lutheran. Bellarmine proveth his proposition by an instance: that seventeene thousand were martyred, in one moneth, under the Emperour Dioclesian: and Lessius doth Bell de Pont. Rom. 3, 7. Less. de Antich. Demonst 9. Down. de An­tich. lib. 6. cap. 5. conclude: therefore the Pope cannot bee Anti­christ. Wee answer Bellarmine, that under Charles 9. more than thirty thousand poore Protestants in lesse then a moneth, were mur­thered in the massacre of Paris 1572, surpas­sing all pagan barbarousnesse, and punicke persidi­ousnesse: or rather let Bellarmine answer him­selfe: Bell. de not is Eccl. cap. vlt. that an Hundred thousand of the Albin­genses were slaine in one day, under Pope Inno­cent the third.

Here I gave a period to this point. But [Page 108] because I behold Lessius, and indeed all the Lessius part 1. Demonst. 9. papists to urge this as a Demonstration: That the Pope is not the Antichrist, because he is not The Persecutor, I will wade a little farther in­to this controversie. Thus they argue,

The greatest persecution shall be under Anti­christ,

But under the Pope is not, the greatest persecu­tion.

Therefore: The Pope is not Antichrist.

I answer to the point: that the greatest per­secution is under Antichrist: but the greatest tribulation was under Vespasian Luke 21. the first concerneth our Religion towards our God: the last was because of their Rebellion a­gainst their King. I answer also, to the person: that Lessius doth plead properly for his Pa­tron Lessius de An­tich. Dem. 9. the Pope, that hee is no persecutor, when almost in the same page he doth professe, that the papists doe put the protestants to death, like so many theeves and Traitors. I thinke the Hea­then did no more against the Christians, in the ten persecutions of the Primitive Church.

That popish persecutions have equalled, and surpassed those of the Pagan Emperours, in the primitive time, or any persecutours that the world ever knew besides: I will make it plaine, in these three particulars. In regard of the Time, Number, and Manner of them, the popish persecutions have beene incomparable.

First for the time, it was an heavy time, and a long with the Christians, when they groaned under the persecuting Emperours, three hundred yeares together, yet in that time, they had ma­ny lucida intervalla, many breathing spaces, un­der Princes not altogether so bloody. But the Popes have persecuted the protestants for eight hundred yeares together, 400 by the Inquisition, and that without any intermission, but that in some part of the world, or other, they have made havocke of some part of the Church or other. Eight hundred yeeres! a long time of per­secution, and I thinke not to be paralleled.

The number is infinite: not to mention Hist. Albing. lib. 1. c. 5. Merindoll, and Cabriers ruinated: nor Beziers, Dela Var, Carcasonne, and Tholouse: against whom the Pope sent no fewer than three hun­dred Croisados (as they were wont to goe a­gainst the Sarasins) who put all the Albingen­ses inhabiting those wofull Cities to the sword. Neither to speake of Calabria, out of which the Waldenses were utterly extirpated by the popish persecution. Besides all these, I shall number so many martyred and murthered by the persecuting Popes: that it will exercise the paines of any papist to equall them, and the heart of any protestant to read them.

Pope Martine 5, sent Cardinall Iulian with Aenea [...] Silvius Hist. [...]o [...]m. cap. 48. an army of 80000 to extirpate all the Hussites (or protestants) in Bohemia, where they burned many villages. At the same time his assistant Alb [...]r [...]us; did burne above five hundred villages [Page 110] in Moravia, putting the inhabitants to the sword. Here must be a nemoscit, none can tell how many were murthered in this expedi­tion: but a number did die, that is out of controversie.

The Duke D'Alva did professe publikely, Cr [...]ke [...]thorpe in Spalatens. ca. 32 that he killed by torment eighteene thousand of the Reformed, in six yeeres space, for the very cause of Religion. And yet religious Vargas complained of him, Nimia misericordia Belgos deter [...]ores sieri▪ that hee had made the Nether­lands worse, by shewing them too much mercy. Certainly the mercies of the wicked are cruell: And the Lord blesse England from such out­landish mercies. An hundred thousand of the Bellarm. de [...]otis ecclesiae c [...]p. vlt. Albingenses perished at the word, and by the sword of Pope Innocent 3. Vergerius confessed, in the space of thirty yeeres above an hundred and fifty thousand perished by infinite tortures under the hands of the holy Inquisition. And Ba [...]dwin. de Antich. ca. 6. from the beginning of the Iesuits to 1580. (being the space of 30 yeares) almost nine hundred thousand protestants were put to death in France, England, Spaine, Italy, Germany, and Downam de Antich. part 1. cap. 5. [...]. 5. other parts of Christendome Nay in France alone, an hundred thousand of the protestants were shamefully murthered in a short season. Sorry I am, for Christendomes sake, that truth it selfe doth extort from me this shame­full confession. The Christians have beene more barbarous persecutors of the Pagans: than ever the pagans were of the Christians, and under the pretext of Religion.

Consider this wofull precedent, the inde­lible blot of Christianity. Schioppius sayth Schioppius Ec­clesiast. ca. 38. thus: Christus Ecclesiae suae manu, that is, Christ by the hand of the Church, Indianos & Ameri­canos Gladio & virga ferrea pavit: a strange phrase, that the Church of Christ (which to thē must be only the Roman Church) did feed the In­dians with the sword: and how did the Church of Rome feed the Indians with the sword? Bar­tholmew Barth. decas. de Ind Occid prope initium. de Casa doth witnesse it with his tongue, who saw it with his eye. Within the space (saith he) of forty yeeres they killed fifteene millions of those poore Indians. The Pope an excellent Pastor: and the sword, an excellent pasture.

Wee guesse at the nature of the beast, by these particulars. What appetite they have towards our Reformed Christendome. If his teeth could fasten on it (on all the Flocke of Christ) that Wolfe would swallow it whole. As Caligula being offended at the Romans, wished them all to have but one necke; that at one blow he might dispatch them all. So Pope Martin 2, being angry with the Germanes, wished that all Germany had beene but one poole, that they all might have beene drowned at once, I may therefore pronounce this credible Hyperboly: It is probable, that the popes have caused the death of more protestants within these 800 yeares, than there are now at this day alive members of the Church of Rome upon the face of the earth, I conclude then. The Pope is the [Page 112] persecutour: and the sonne of perdition.

The number of Martyrs argue the popes to be cruell persecutors. But the consideration of the manner of their martyrdome, will adde an [...] or augmentation to their crueltie, and persecution. What Suarez speaketh of An­tichrist, Suarez Apol. lib. 5, c. 5. nu. 5. I will considently avouch of the pope. Tribulatio ista maximè consist [...]t, in coactione per tormenta, in inductione per promissiones tempora­les, & in seductione per portenta, & falsa prodigia: that is, Antichrist (or the Pope) will mightily fight against the Church by coaction and tor­menting professors, by induction or faire pro­mises, or by seduction and amazing them with false miracles. The pope I make no question, shall prevaile on Christendome, by these three projects, but principally by the first, In­ductions and Seductions: promises and miracles 1 Sam. are like Saul, they slay their thousand; but co­action and torture like David hath killed his ten thousand. If Draco doe write his lawes in blood, the weaker people cannot but obey him. By the two last, the pope hath gained some few pa­pists in England and Germanie: by the first he hath gleaned up all the protestants, in Spaine and Italy, to their utter extirpation.

The author of the Monarchomachia, although Monarchomach. part. 2. tit. 3. pag. 385. he doth mince the enormities of the Romish Church, more than any: yet hee cannot but discover how the papists stand affected to­wards the protestants, if they ever come within the compasse of their power. His words are [Page 113] these; Charles 5. at Wormes anno 1521, and at Ma [...]hling 1526, set downe this penalty against Heretikes: of those that disputed of Controver­sies of Religion, or that kept bookes prohibited: For the first offence forty shillings: for the second, foure pounds: and for the third, eight pounds, and perpetuall banishment. And in the yeare 1529, if at a time limited, they did not repent their errours, nor disclaime them, hee adjudged Viris ignem, & mulieribus fossam, that the men should bee burned, and the women drowned. If this very Statute by a retaliation, were executed by the Protestants in England against the Papists, I doubt not but the Pa­pists would clamour against our English perse­cution. Yet you must know, that this authour spake out of Hierusalem; all of Peace. Then was there a mariage on foot, which filled the tongues of our English-Romish-Catholikes, that they wooed us with their smoothest coun­tenance. But let Babel speake: forraigne or former Papists, who have no interest in those domesticall and moderne benefits, and you shall heare what out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

The Waldenses (or Protestants) in France, be­cause Hist. Wald. lib. 1. cap. 3. they were alwaies exposed to sufferings, therefore from the Latine word pati, which signifieth to suffer, they were called Paturines, or Paterenians. And in Flanders, they were called Turlupins, that is, dwellers with Wolves, because by reason of their persecutions, they [Page 114] were oftentimes constrained to dwell in woods and deserts.

In the yeare 1228 under Innocent 3, Domi­nique, Histor. Waldens. lib. 2. cap. 2. and the other domineering monkes of the Inquisition, made such havocke of the Church, that even the popish Bishops them­selves (to wit the Bishops of Aix, Arles, and Narbonne) out of humane compassion, were constrained to write to the Inquisitours, that the apprehended Waldenses were of so great a number, that it was not onely, not possible to defray the charge of their nourishment, but to provide lime, and stone to build prisons for them. Whereby the way, you may take notice of the latter part of Bellarmines objection: that Bell. de P. R. lib. 3 cap 7. Hist. Wald. lib 2. cap. 3. all the prisons were filled with the persecuted Christians under Dioclesian. Forced by these fearefull persecutions, the poore Waldenses (or Protestants) fled into Dauphiné, neere the Mountaines and Woods, and in them Caves, whi­ther they retired themselves from the furie of the persecution: as if Saint Paul had writ, not onely an History of his times, but a Prophe­cie of their times, that the afflicted faithfull should wander up and downe in wildernesses, moun­taines, dens and caves of the earth, Heb. 11. 38. But to shew that these persecutions under Anti­christ doe outstrip those under the Pagan Princes and Heathen Emperours, they envied them even this felicity. Anno 1400 in the val­ley of Pragela, on Christmasse day (a time they thought those mountaines unaccessable) they [Page 115] in their mountaine called Albergam, that is, a place of retraite, and in their Caves, were sur­prised by the enemie. The Waldenses, with their wives, and their children in their hands, and infants in their cradles, were most over­taken and slayne: the rest so benummed with cold, that 80 of the poore babes were found dead in their Cradles.

Anno 1484 Albert the Archdeacon of Cremona Hist. Wald. lib. 2. cap. 8. persecuting the foresaid Waldenses: Smoakes were made at the mouthes of their Caves, whereby three thousand were smothered and foure hundred small infants were found either strangled in their cradles, or dead in the armes of their dead mothers, and those poore Chri­stians wholly extirpated out of that part of Dauphiné. And that they might teare them Hist. Wald. lib. 2. cap. 3. up by the rootes, if any did mediate for them (were it the father for the child, or the childe for the father) they were instantly imprisoned and indited for Heretickes. These are woefull Lessius de An­tich. Dem. 9. pag. 46. examples of wretched persecutors: yet say the papists, the Pope did never make open persecuti­on against the protestants: and therefore by no meanes may wee terme him the sonne of perdition.

It would be too tedious to adde those in­finite Hist. Albing. lib. 1. cap. 7. examples of the Albingenses (other protestants) in Provence. I will give you onely a tast of them by two instances, which like Iobs servants, may tell you what is become of their fellowes. Simon Earle of Momsord taking [Page 116] the Castle of Beron, caused the eyes of an hun­dred Albingenses to be pulled out, and cut off their noses, leaving onely one, with one eye, to be a guide to the rest, and to conduct them to Cabaret. Men [...]rbe another Castle being yeel­ded Hist. Albing. lib. 1. cap. 7. on composition, yet the Popes Legate cau­sed 140 persons to be cast into one huge fire. These are but a few clusters of Eshcol, these sto­ries are full of such fruit. Consider withall that to accompli [...]h their bloody projects, a­gainst the Waldenses, Albingenses, and all prote­stants, they have used all lying, perjury, breach of [...]essius part 1. Dem. 9. promises, and oathes also, which the Turkes and Heathen would be ashamed of: yet their peo­ple practise it, and their popish Divines dare avouch it.

As the Duke of Alva, having the Fuick, a sconce by Harlem, yeelded by composition, to save their lives: yet hee kept them in the Fort till they famished, saying, that he promi­sed them their lives, but not to give them meat. Our poore forefathers might well be weary of suffering these barbarous persecutions: for I am almost weary of relating them. Yet the hand of truth will lead me a little farther in the red sea in this bloody relation. And the first is to Dow de Antich. part. 1. lib. 6. cap. 5. nu. 5. Crakenth. in Spalat. ca 2. nu. 5. the ankles of blood: for at the massacre of Paris, it is recorded that the streets did flow with blood of the credulous Hugo [...]ites or ( pro­testants) who were inticed thither by the pro­mises (if not by the oath) of a great King. Not­withstanding all which, they were shamfully [Page 117] murthered. O Christe stupio patientiam tuam! O Christ, that Christians should bee perfidious! When we durst trust the very Turks on such conditions. The Duke D'Alva caused women Met. Hist. Be'g. lib 3. with child to have their bellies rip'd open, their infants to be slayne, their men to be flead, and their skins to head their drummes, some to be burned with gentle fire which did hardly burne, and others to bee torne in peeces with glowing tonges, and the very Carkasses of dead protestants to be digged up againe, and hanged Ioac. Vrsin. in. pt. de Inquisi­tione. upon Gallowses. And in Westphalia the infants were torne out from great bellyed women, cut in peeces, and so bound to the mouthes of their mothers. The men were forced by famine to feed on the flesh of their owne children. Infants of two yeares (twice more barbarous then bloody Herod) were closed in their mothers bodyes, and so strangled in their mothers blood. And the men (which is as shamelesse as barba­rous) were hanged by their priuy members. Now considering these cruelties against the protestants, and that in the meane time, the Iewes, Turkes and Infidels are permitted to live in Rome it selfe. Wee must conclude that the Romanists exceed those very Iewes, Turkes and Infidells, in persecuting poore Christians. They have felt that the Pope is corporally a de­stroyer, and therefore the sonne of perdition.

From these personall instances, I will pro­ceed Hist. Wald. lib. 2. cap. 7. to publike examples, and I will shut up this point with the universall fate of two fa­mous [Page 118] Provinces. The Waldenses (or protestants) of Calabria, planted themselves there 1370, Anno 1560 Pope Pius 4 sent Cardinall Alexan­drine, with some Monkes, Inquisitors, who cau­sed the inhabitants of Saint Xest to fly to the woods: and sending souldiers after them, the most of them were slaine, and the remnant fa­mished. The inhabitants of La Garde cited by proclamation, appeared (being overcome by their faire promises) before the Inquisitors at Folcade, where 70 of them were put to the racke: amongst whom Stephen Charlne was so tortured, that his bowells fell out, to extort from him this calumnious Confession, that their people assembled by night to commit whoredome, when the candles were put out. Marcon was strip­ped naked, beaten with iron rods, drag'd through the streets and burned with firebrands. One of his sonnes was killed with knives: and another was cast from a Towre, because he would not kisse a Crucifix. Bernard Conti was covered with pitch, and so burned. Foure of the principall were strangled: fourescore had their throats cut (as if the Psalmist had prophecyed of them) like calves. And their quarters were gibbeted up, in the high way, for the space of 30 miles together. One Sampson was hurl'd from a Towre: the next day the Viceroy comming to the foot of the towre, found the poore wretch halfe dead, and praying to God: to whom hee gave a kicke on the head, saying, Is this dogge yet alive? cast him to the Hogges.

At Saint Xist, 60 women were so racked, Hist. Wald. lib. 2. cap. 7. that wormes ingendred in their wounds, which fed upon them being alive, and if any did in­tercede for any, hee was also put to the Racke by the Inquisitours. The Inquisitours sent their men to the Gallies, their fugitives they cōdem­ned to perpetuall banishment, and sold and kil'd woman and child. Steven Negrine one of their Ministers was starved in prison at Cossence. The other, Lewis Paschal was burned in Rome in the presence of Pope Pius 4 himselfe, and his Cardi­nals. And thus were the Waldenses wholly extir­pated out of Calabria: and yet the Pope never persecuted the Protestants.

To give a second example, which is second Hist. Wald. lib. 2. cap. 9. to none. The Waldenses in Provence, were plan­ted there about 1228. the records of whose persecutiōs are lost. Lewis 12 King of France be­ing mis-informed that they committed all manner of Wickednesse and villanies, sent out commission against them: but being better informed of their Innocence, that persecution was prevented.

Francis the first renewed it: which was principally executed upon two of their prin­cipall Townes, Merindoll and Cabreers. Vntill the yeare 1540, whomsoever they did appre­hend, they did either burne or gibbet, or dis­missed them with markes in their foreheads. But about this time, there passed such a sen­tence against Merindoll, as never Parliament did parallel (like that of Assuerus, Esther 3. 13) [Page 120] by which their men and women were condem­ned to the fire, their Children outlawed, the Towne it selfe to be demolished, the wood within 200 foot round to be cut downe, and the place to be made utterly unhabitable. This barba­rous sentence was passed, against these Inno­cents without the hearing of any of them who were condemned.

At Cabri [...]rs: in the Countrey round about, Hist. Wald lib. 2. cap. 8. the men were slaine, the women ravished, the breasts of the mothers cut off, and the infants famished: and a proclamation published, that none should relieve them. The towne it selfe was yeelded by composition, that the inhabitants might goe to Geneva. But being entred, O pede commanded, the men to be brought into the field, and his souldiers to try which of them were strongest to cut off Heads, Armes and legs. The women hee shut up in a barne with straw and burned them: and those women and ch [...]ldrē which were found in the Church, hee gave to the bawdes of Avignon. Well then may the poore protestants take up a complaint against the persecuting papists in the phrase of the Psal­mist, Psal. 83. 3, & 4. They have taken crafty counsell against thy people, and have consulted a­gainst thy secret ones. They have sayd Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation: and let the name of Israel bee no more in remembrance. Aptly may I here remember that Epigram, made on one of the Popes, Lucius 3. 1184, fit­ting the whole popedome, registred by that no­ble, [Page 121] and nobly learned Plessey.

Lucius est & piscis, rex atque tyrannus aquarū:
Pless. My [...]. Iniq. an 1184. Pr [...] ­gress. 49.
A quo discordat Lucius is [...]e parum.
Devorat ille Homines, hic Piscibus insidiatur:
Esurit hic semper, hic aliquando satur.
Lucius the Pope, and Lucius the Pike,
Search through the world, finde not the like:
The Pike of Fish devoureth the small;
The Pope of Men doth swallow all.

I may conclude in prose, The Pope is Filius perditionis, The sonne of perdition.

According to the Vision of holy Daniel, cap. 7. I may call these premised cruelties: one a Lyon, another a Beare, and a third a Leopard: but there is yet one kinde of Popish persecuti­on remaining, which I may compare to the fourth Beast in that vision, vers. 7. It is fearfull and terrible, and very strong: and it hath great iron teeth: and it devoureth, and breaketh in pie­ces, and stampeth all under his feet: and is unlike all that were before. This Monster, is that mon­strous cruelty of the Inquisition: which indeed is an uncomparable, unsufferable, and an unutte­rable persecution.

The Inquisitours and supporters whereof, to the utmost of the power and policy of man, have endeavored to make it sacrum Eleusinum, a secret mystery, that none might know it. For their tortures are executed in a vault, which men may discover, when they have the Eyes of Lynceus, to looke through stone walls: And [Page 122] those perplexed prisoners may pray to Christ, in that primitive phrase, [...], By thy unknowne torments, deliver us from our unknowne torments. Moreover, if they be re­leased, they binde them with an oath, not to re­veale any one point, how the Inquisition did proceed against them: to which they annex menaces: and they inhibit them from writing any letters: interdicting them also from con­versing or conferring with such or such, to whom they may be suspected that they will reveale any thing. But if ever they be found to discover any thing, they are condemned as relapsed, and they dye without redemption. Notwithstanding this cunning cariage, and contriving of their concealed cruelties: yet he that maketh inquisition for blood, hath given the world light of their bloody inquisition. A taste whereof I will tender unto you, as I have contracted and abstracted it out of Gonsalvius.

I will tell you out of him, with my best brevity, sixe particulars, concerning these miserable protestants, which come within the compasse of their Holy House. First, How they catch them: secondly, Where they keepe them: thirdly, How they use them: fourthly, their Examination: fiftly, their Torture: and sixtly their Execution.

Three incomparable instruments do they [...] use to catch and keepe any person whom they [...]onsalvius de Inquisition. c. 1. suspect to favour the Protestants: their Fami­liar, Fly, and Priest. To some sometimes they [Page 123] will give leave to play on the line, that they may strike them the more surely. They will winke at a suspected Lutheran for divers mo­neths, and yeares also. But in that time they will imploy one of those Familiars or promo­ters to insinuate himselfe into this suspected and suspectlesse persons acquaintance, who shall every day visit him, observing to what house and company hee doth resort: till hee doth discover and disclose him: and so the poore man is betrayed to the Inquisitours. Though he be thus caught, yet peradventure G [...]sal▪ de Inqu. cap▪ 9. hee will confesse but a little: and therefore a new engine must be imployed. To him, and to his fellow prisoners they send a Fly: a vil­laine that for money indureth that prison▪ fet­ters, chaines, filth, and stench, for many months, faining himselfe to bee imprisoned also for Religion: and at their conferences▪ (which the politike Inquisitours then onely permit unto them) He is the forwardest to instruct, or to be instructed in the reformed religion. And when this sonne of Sathan hath sufficiently sifted these innocents, he rendreth them to the Inquisitours, as fewell for their fire. If mira­culously Cap. 9. any doe escape these Flyes, the third is set on worke. They are called or comman­ded to confession: the Priest heareth them that day; but breaketh off abruptly, willing the prisoner to repaire to him the next day: when he would satisfie him more fully, with this mischievous intent, to informe the Inquisitors [Page 124] of all that he shall confesse, pretending that it is ( not sub sigillo) out of the time of shrift: And thus are these sheepe prepared for the slaughter.

The poore Birds being caught, these Fow­lers, 2 as they had Ginnes, so now they have Gonsalvius de Inquisit. cap. 2. & 10. Cages for them. They are put into Prison, each severall person into a severall place: which is so bigge that they may lye downe, and a foot be­sides, where their stoole of easement standeth. If it be below, it may be resembled to a grave: if aloft, to a furnace: where they have no more light than commeth out of a little long rift, no bigger than a mans finger. There are they kept alone, eight, or fifteene dayes, or whole moneths, or yeares, as it pleaseth the Lords Inquisitours. Yet so, that if any bee brought in, he seldome commeth out againe, till he bee halfe rotten, till hee have the foule disease, or fall franticke, or be in a consumption.

Being imprisoned, the Inquisitours use to 3 visit them: and in faire fatherly termes, De­mand Gonsalvius de Inquisit. cap. 9. what they want? what language the Kee­per doth give them? and how hee doth use them, concerning their Diet and Apparell? If any complaine, though they see them halfe naked, and halfe starven, yet the mercifull Fa­thers answer them in milde termes: Well, say they, the weather is warme, and you may full well lye without a couch, or cloathes. And for Winter: Tis true indeed (say they) there hath beene lately a sharpe frost, but it begin­neth to thaw. Howsoever, take care (say they) [Page 125] for the Garments of your Soule, to confesse the truth we question you for. As for apparell, it mattereth not.

Their Diet (the Officers fees deducted) is Go [...]sal [...]ius de Jnquisit. cap. 10. like their lodging, very lamentable. And if any charitable person shall send the smallest almes to those poore prisoners: if ever it be knowne, v [...]rily he shall have a reward; but it shall bee in the Holy House. Moreover, they are loc­ked up in their little lodgings, so that the Fa­ther and the Sonne may be many yeares in the same Prison, and yet the one shall not know of the others imprisonment. Hence Petro à Herrera, keeper of the Inquision prison, in the Castle of Triara, at Sivil, because he did per­mit the mother and her two daughters to meet but for one quarter of an houre: hee himselfe was put in prison, till the prison put him out of his wits, and that he fell starke mad; because of the usage of the Inquisition. Nay, this Holy House denyeth that unto Christians, what the very Pagan prison permitted to their prisoners, Act. 16. 25. they interdict them from singing Psalmes. Which they put in practice for ma­ny politike ends: three wee may conjecture at. First, because they will bereave these mi­serable soules of all solace for themselves. Se­condly, because their cheerfulnesse shall not incourage other weake prisoners. Thirdly, lest by their voice, the friend or father might know his sonne or acquaintance to bee in prison, which they labour utterly▪ [...]o conceale.

The day before the Execution, they are Cap. 12. all severally examined, with threatnings and menaces, concerning their lands and goods, that they conceale not one jote. And if any doe escape death, yet carry they the Inquisi­tours Cap. 4. markes unto the grave, which usually are four: confiscation of their goods, long imprison­ment, the wearing of the Sambenit, or Devills coat, and a perpetuall ignominy to their whole kindred.

But before their fearfull execution, they 4▪ are assayed by frequent examination. First, they reade unto them a long inditement, char­ging them with infinite crimes, which they never did nor thought; which putteth the pri­soner into such a maze, that he knoweth not what to answer. Next, they take his confes­sion by mouth, and suddenly they command him to give another in writing, without deli­beration: to the end they may intrap him with some contradiction in two confessions. If hee confesseth any thing that is hereticall, from thence they draw other consequences, & charge him with them: although the person himselfe did never speake them, will never grant them, nay doth not greatly understand them. And finally, if they confesse any point of the Pro­testants profession, which they call heresie, they [...]f [...] them then: where they read it, of whom they heard it, who were their instructers, and whom they instructed: and whether they did speake of those things in any mans house, and [Page 127] who stood by when they talked: Bee it friend, or father, or childe, or servant, they are sure to smart for it, because they did not informe the Inquisitors thereof immediately. After a long and loathsome imprisonment, when they suppose that those poore soules are brought so low, that they will confesse all, and more also, though it cost them their lives: then are they brought to a more solemne exa­mination, where they name to the party two or three of their most famous men towards the Law: and wish the prisoner to chuse any of them to be his Advocate; and yet this learned Lawyer notwithstanding shall not dare to in­forme this perplexed Client, in any one point of the Law, for feare of displeasing the Lords Inquisitours.

Nay the Inquisitours themselves take order Gonsalvius de Inquisit. cap. 3. for that, that the Advocate and his Client may never speak one word together without wit­nesse. And when they come to the confutation Cap. 5. of their witnesses, he may neither conferre with his Client, nor draw his answer, nor informe him concerning the depositions: but the mise­rable man is left to himselfe, and none to help him but God onely. At the publication of the Cap. 4. witnesses, the names of the witnesses are sup­pressed: both because the prisoners labouring to finde out all, may give occasion to the In­quisitors to call others into question. As also because the prisoners enemies, Lyars, Drun­kards, and Villaines, might passe for witnesses [Page 128] to destroy this innocent Christian. Nay the very Alcayde or Keeper of the prison, shall goe current for two witnesses, whensoever he please to accuse any prisoner. And when the Depo­sitions are read, all those things which make for the poore prisoner, are rejected as [...], things supersluous: but if any tittle doe make against him, that is sure to bee observed, and to be insisted upon. And this is the Holy exa­mination of the holy Inquisition.

The next point (the Torture) followeth fit­ly: 5 for their examination is a torture, and their Cap. 7. torture is an examination. When the Inquisitors intend to extort a full and further confession by torments, the prisoner is brought into audi­ence on the suddaine, where all, or the most of the Inquisitors, sit in their majesty. Who tell him, that they have deeply considered his case, and they finde that he hath not made a full confession: and therefore they have resol­ved that he must to the Racke, advising him to confesse before he come to the torture: But confesse, or confesse not, he must to the Racke: Gonsalvius de Inquisit. cap. 7. which is in a deepe darke dungeon, with ma­ny a doore, to keepe their shrickes from hearing. The Tormentor is clad from top to toe in black like a stage devill. The Inquisitors being moun­ted on their scaffold, and the prisoner stript, the token is given to the Tormentor, and then beginnes the businesse. Sometime with a pully, and great weight of iron, hanged at the heeles of the party to bee tormented, which [Page 129] rendeth every joynt of his body one from ano­ther. Sometime with the Burri or Aselli: which is an hollow trough, with a crosse barre, that his backe may not touch the bottome: his heeles being placed higher than his head, into his legs, thighes, and armes, they twist little cords, with great truncheons, till they cut to the bone, & be cleane out of sight. Some­times they lay a piece of Lawnd upon the par­ties mouth and nostrills also: whereby they stop his breath. Then they poure downe water: so that both their Nose and Mouth being stop­ped at once, the tortured wretch lyeth like a dying man struggling for breath. Or at other times, they place a panne of hot coales at the soles of his feet, and that the fire may have the more force, they baste them with Larde and Ba­con. In these tortures (which indeed are [...], intolerable) if any desire to be let down from the pully, with promise to confesse in­stantly; after his confession, they hoyse him up againe, and treble his tortures, to extort more than all, from this more than miserable man. And if in any of those agonies, pangs enforce the tortured to call to Christ for patience and assistance, they fall to mocke him, saying, Ie­su Chr [...]st, Iesu Christ! what adoe is here with Iesu Christ? Confesse the truth, and let Iesus Christ alone.

At length these sorrowfull creatures come 6 to the joyfull end of their wof [...]ll tragedy: and Gonsalvius cap. 12. [...] 13. the condemned prisoners are brought in great [Page 130] solemnity, on the Inquisitors solemne festi­vall. Then are they led forth, being clad in Sambenites (a linnen garment all painted with Devills) and a long hat like a turret, where is pictured a Man burning in fire, and many De­vills plying him with saggots. On their tongues they fasten a cleft piece of wood, which they call Mordazo, that they may not speake to the people. When their sentences are pronoun­ced, they charge them with a world of silthy, shamefull, abominable, and blasphemous crimes and opinions, never confessed nor acted by those innocents: but to advance the Iustice of the Inquisitors, and to make those standred Mar­tyrs, to stinke in the nostrills of the people, by their forged calumniation. Afterwards they are led to the fire, and burned. Onely some of them which continue constant in their confession to the end, they breake their neckes with a trice: and then they tell the people, that such did repentantly recant their heresies, at the very last houre, and were reconciled to the Church of Rome. And therefore the mercy of the Lords Inquisitours would not let them feele the force of the fire. Oh more than Tur­kish cruelty, to kill both the body and the name, at one time!

Thus have I plucked off the hood of holinesse from the face of the Holy House. And thus much concerning the Inquisition. Onely I will conclude with the words of the Psalmist: The Ps. 79. 3, 10, 12. blood of the Saints have they shed like water on [Page 131] every side. Wherefore doe they say, Where is now their God? O let the sorrowfull sighing of the pri­soners come before thee: according to the greatness of thy power, preserve thou them that are appoin­ted to dye.

That we may know this monster of mankind, this [...], Caniball, and Man-eater: let us briefly review him once againe. The Papists have murthered the Protestants thirty thousand in a month▪ yea, an hundred thousand in a day. Eight hundred yeares long killing infinite milli­ons. Burning hundreds of villages, and putting all to the sword. They have forced our Fore­fathers to live in Caves, Woods, and Desarts: smothering the sucklings even in those poore ha­bitations: and imprisoned so many, that they had not bread to feed them, nor Lime to build prisons to hold them. They put out the eyes of an hundred, leaving onely one with one eye to guide them: and cast an hundred and forty into one fire. They ript up the bellies of women, and made Drummes of the skinnes of men. They tore the living in pieces with burning pincers, and digged up, and hanged up the carkeises of them that were dead and buried. They bound the Infants to the mouths of the mothers, and sowed sucklings into their mo­thers bellies: and hanged the men by their privi­ties. They tortured them, till their bowells fell out, to force them falsly to accuse themselves, for adul­teries, &c. at their meetings. They cut their throats like calves, and hanged up their quarters for thirty miles together. Men, women, and [Page 132] children, they banished, sold, killed, burned, han­ged, starved, marked in the forehead, sent them to the Gallies, and gave them to Bawdes: and so racked the women, that wormes ingendred in their wounds, feeding on them yet alive. They razed and made unhabitable whole Townes; as Tholouse, Cabriers, &c. and extirpated populous Countr [...]es, as Calabria, and Dauphié. All these cruelties were committed contrary to their com­positions, promises, proclamations, oathes, and E­dicts. And the racke or death was his reward, who did but intercede for these tortured In­nocents.

But this surpasseth all: that they have a licensed shambles out of Lent, the Inquisition, without intermission, for the space of foure Anno 1206. Hist. Wa [...]d. lib. 2. cap. 2. hundred yeares and more, where the poore Protestants have beene led like sheepe unto the slaughter. None can tell who, or how, nor how many be the torments, and the tormented.

That they proceed not in open Iustice, as a­gainst obstinate Heretikes, but imploy under­hand their Promoters, Summoners, and Infor­mers: their Familiars, Flyes, and Priests, under the pretence of Friendship, Afflictions, and Holinesse, to insnare the weake, the ignorant, nay the guiltlesse, who are not so much as inclined to the Reformed Religion. And yet be they in­nocent, or let them repent; they cannot returne without confiscation of goods, imprisonment, shame, and insamie.

That they imprison them, in dungeons like [Page 133] graves: where through the filth thereof, they cons [...]me, rot, runne mad, or contract the foule d [...]sease. That they let them lye alone, halfe naked, and halfe starven, and will not give them leave to sing a Psalme, in this infinite solitary misery. That in their private exami­nation they indite them of things they know to be false: and to wrest their confessions against their meanings, and insnare their Parents, Chil­dren, Servants, Friends, &c. and that in their publike examinations, they put their prisoners to make choice of a Lawyer, to be their Advocate: and yet that Advocate shall not dare to speake one word for them, to them, with them. That the witnesses are unknowne to them, knowne to the world to be Villaines, and Knights of the Post: and that their Depositions being read, shall be omitted, where they make for, and de­bated where they make against the poore prisoner.

That though they do confesse, yet to extort confession beyond the truth, they torture them. The Lords Inquisitors themselves beholding the naked creatures, gibbited on a Pully, till all their joynts be torne asunder: or put in the Burri, till the tormentors with truncheons, have wrestred small cords to the verie bones: or rost with fire, or baste them with Lard and Ba­con: or with water poured through Law [...]d, to make them, healthfull men, to feele the very agonies of Death, struggling for breath. If the torments be remitted, whilest the tortured doe [Page 134] confesse, they torment them againe and more: instantly after their confession. And if in these extremities, these miserable men call on Iesus Christ, they mocke and deride them for their Invocation.

That finally, they lead out these poore creatures in triumph, having them clad like de­vils, in the pronouncing of their sentences slandred with devillish lyes, their tongues stock'd, their bod [...]es burned, and the most constant of those Martyrs to have their neckes suddenly broken, and the people immediately to be as­sured, that they recanted, and died in the Ro­man Religion, which they feared more than the tortures of Hell, or than the eldest daughter thereof, the torments of the Inquisition.

That these things are thus caried, we may challenge the East and West, the former and latter ages to equall them. Wee cannot call them Heathen, Pagan, Turkish, Iewish, or Bar­barous; but onely Popish cruelties. The Inqui­sition in particular, and all other persecutions in generall, subsist by his Authority.

The Pope is the nethermost milstone, to grinde Gods Saints to powder: although his Agents be the visible instruments thereof. The Pope hath desined the death of the Protestants: thus [...]rban: Non arb [...]tramur eos homicidas, quos Caus. [...]3. qu. 5. Cap. Excommu­nicatorum. zelo Catholicae matris ecclesiae ardentes, excommu­nicatorum aliquos trucidasse contigerit: that is, in sooth, and plaine English, It is lawfull for any Papist to kill any Protestant, and yet he is no [Page 135] murtherer. They have a warrant for it, è Ca­thedra. O then, good Christian: Wilt thou Ps. 94. 19, 20, & 21. have any thing to do with that stoole of wickedness, which imagineth mischiefe as a Law? They ga­ther them together against the soule of the righte­ous: and condemne the innocent blood. But the Lord is our refuge: and our God is the strength of our confidence.

Thus have I fully and plainly made it to appeare, that the Pope is the Destroyer, active­ly: and passively he shall be destroyed, without all peradventure. For the corporall destruction of Babylon; that is to come, I have not the spi­rit of prophesie. Therefore I doe not, I dare not define any thing thereof in particular. Neither the manner, R R R F F F: i. Regnum Romae Ruet: Ferro, Fame, & Flamma: that is, Rome shall be destroyed by Fire, Famine, and the Sword: according to that old prediction out of Valerius Probus. Nor the time, with Na­peire, who doth precisely determine the utter Napeire in Re­vel. 14. destruction of Rome to fall out, anno 1639. Lea­ving the circumstance to God: the substance is most true: Babylon shall be ruinated: and Rome shall be corporally destroyed.

Finally, the Pope shall be destroyed spiritu­ally also. Consider the connexion of the phra­ses in my Text: The Man of sinne, and sonne of perd [...]tion. Never did Chime follow the stroke of a Clocke so certainly, nor suddenly, as perdi­tion [...]oth sinne: He who is the Man of sinne, shall be the sonne of perdition. Those that doe [Page 136] destroy the soules of other men, shall undoub­tedly be rewarded with their owne Soules de­struction.

But they inferre, that I inferre, that the Pope and all grand Papists are perditi, are despe­rat [...]ly in the state of damnation. I answer with Saint Paul, Rom. 9. 18. Deus [...]s [...]r [...]tur, cujus vult misereri: God hath m [...]rcy on whom he will have mercy. With Cyprian: Eodem temporis Cyprian. de C [...]a Domini. articulo: God can infuse repentance, and give grace, at the very last gaspe. With Moulins, It Moulins Acc [...]. of P [...]o [...]h pag. 82. is not our parts to give judgement upon any bo­die, nor positively to define What men are dam­ned: but we pray to God to shew mercy, to those Popes and Papists, who doe breathe out their threatnings against us, and would bathe their hands in our blood. And we say with Whi­tak [...]rs, Ex quo Papismus caepit esse Antichristia­nismus, Whitaker in Sand [...]r. p 74 [...]. ne Papas quidem universos damnatos esse dixer [...]m, nec Papam hunc, si ad sanam mentem r [...]di [...]rit, excluser [...]m: Wee are so farre from saying that all Popes are damned, that we will nor exclude even this Pope [...]rom his salvation: if he repent and revoke his wicked errour. I do not subscribe to the sentence of Pope Sergius Oecum▪ lib. 1. part. 2. cap. 25. the fourth, as to an infallible truth: Papam non posse dam [...]ari: sed quod quicquid sa [...]r [...]t salva­r [...]tur: that is, Howsoever he l [...]v [...]. yet it is im­possible for the Pope to [...]ee [...]. Rather I in­cline to the opinion of another Pope. It was O [...]phri [...] in Marcello 2. the say [...]g of Pope Marcell [...]s the [...]econd, Non vid [...]o q [...]modo qu [...] [...] I con­ceive [Page 137] not (said hee) how that men which attaine the high Majestie of the Papacy, can ever be saved. And this I say, setting Gods secret Determination apart: The Pope, and Papacy, and popish agents and instruments, if they proceed in these Heresies, Cruelties, Treacheries and Ty­rannies, which they now professe and practise, d [...]spereunt, bis pereunt: they fall under a double destruction, of body and of soule: They are this Filius Perditionis: They will be damned.

Some Papists will thinke it strange, that I terme the Pope, the sonne of perdition. And I thinke it more strange, that the Pope and pa­pists use this very property of Antichrist, Per­dition, as a meanes to propagate their Religi­on. Antichr [...]st is here called a destroyer, and they urge destruction as an argument to draw fearefull people to Popery. Doth not Bellar­mine and others preach peremptorily that the Pope can depose Kings, and d [...]spose of King­domes? what is this, but to terr [...]fie pop [...]sh Prin­ces, from forsaking Popery, for feare of d [...]stroying their Inheritance? Doth not Suarez and others conclude wretchedly, that the Pope may au­thorize a forraine Prince to invade his neighbor, or the subjects to kill their Soveraigne? what is this, but to terrifie the reformed Princes from opposing Popery, for feare of murther, and de­stroying their persons? Did not our Powder plot­ters confesse that they intend [...]d to make our Parliament House, their slaughter hous [...], because said they, there the Lawes were inacted against [Page 138] them? What is this? but to terrisie this State, other States, and all States, from making Sta­tutes against the Romish Religion: for feare of being destroyed, by some such suddaine sulphu­rious Popish Romish villanie. Know wee not their common threatnings, what they whis­per amongst the common people, What they will doe when their day doth come? (but Christ grant that their day may never come.) When their day shall come, doe they not whisper a­mongst the common people, that they will no more hew downe the branches, but teare up the very rootes of Reformation, rooting out every professour thereof. What is this? but to ter­rifie us from preaching, and you from hearing for feare of destroying our poore persons, and innocent children? Is not then destroying the Pillar of poperie? Are not papists destroyers? May not therefore their father be called [...]ilius perditionis, the sonne of perdition?

To answer their argument: Doe they feare you, that you may savour them? Doe they tell you of death and destruction? tell them that Antichrist is a destroyer, and that cruelty was ne­ver the Character of Christianity. Doe wee thinke they will doe what they threaten, and destroy us, if wee come into their power? Oh let us not feare them, that may destroy the bo­dy, but cannot hurt the soule: rather let us feare him, who can destroy both body and soule in Hell, Matth. 10. 28. A thousand times better is it for us, to be like Saint Steven, to pray for them▪ [Page 139] that kill us, than for them to be like the Iewes, to vow to kill us, who pray for them: and doe them no Hurt, but onely hinder their Errours, and indeavour their salvation.

Well then, let them goe on! the man of sin will bee the sonne of perdition: and those who are sworne servants to Rome, may sweare our im­prisonment, our exile, our tortures, our death, our destruction. But the Lord destroy, the de­stroyer! and grant that popery, may never get the dominion over us, Amen. Amen.


2 THESS. 2. 3, & 4. The Adversarie.’

Antichrist not an open Adversary. The Pope doth oppose Christ. The Pope the worst Adver­sarie, the Church ever had.

THe Adversary! This is the third Title of Antichrist: Some call it his Propertie; both properly enough: for the Title, doth imply the propertie. Yet more properly it may be termed his title, because it doth al­lude to his proper Name. The Adversary with St. Paul, and Antichrist with St. Iohn are syno­nima's, of the same signification. To consider this title, is a matter of some consequence: for Sanders, Bellarmine, and all the papists, urge this as an insoluble Demonstration. The Pope is Vicarius Christi, not Adversarius Christo: The Pope is the Vicar, not the Adversary of Christ. Therefore, The Pope i [...] not Antichrist. Let us [Page 141] examine this point and judge the truth, accor­ding to the plainnesse of the Evidence.

The Adversarie: [...] This Title Beza in 2 Thes. 2. of Antichrist, doth allude to that name of the Devill, Satan: that the Sonne may resemble his Father, and to shew that Antichrist will be a devillish Adversary. Now an Adversary is so, two wayes: either openly or secretly. As Porus Iust. Hist. lib. 12. a [...]ailed Alexander with his sword: but Anti­pater his servant, yea as some suspect his wife did slay him with poison. Possible therefore it is, for the servant of Christ (yea servus ser­vorum, for him that pretendeth himselfe to be Christs principall servant) to be a traitour: and for them who have the name of the spouse, to be the Adversary of Christ. Againe, Herod sought Christ with the sword, but Iudas did be­tray him with a kisse: the title therefore of an Apostle, cannot wave the terme of Adversarie: of a secret adversary. And indeed he is an adver­sary who doth oppose, in what manner soever he doth manage his opposition. For to be a secret or an open enemy, is not of the Essence of Enmitie. Yea sub amici fallere nomen, tut a frequensque via est. Some who pretend most friendship, intend most mischiefe. Such an one is Antichrist: a secret mischievous Adversary.

Concerning this point, I propose these three particulars. I will shew you the man­ner, measure, and the man opposing Christ. First that Antichrist shall not oppose Christ, [...] Openly: but that hee shall bee a secret [Page 142] Adversary unto Christ, it appeareth foure wayes. From this Chapter, from the Scrip­ture, from the scope of his actions; and finally, from the confession of their owne Writers.

From this Chapter also, it is evident that Antichrist is a secret adversary, foure wayes. First from the last verse, Antichrist is termed the Apostasie or the Apostate. Now Apostates are Heretikes, and Heretikes pretend open obser­vance, and obedience unto Christ: Howsoever by their doctrine they oppose him secretly. Ther­fore since Antichrist is an Apostate, and an He­retike, hee is a secret adversary. Secondly, in this fourth verse (which I will avouch in my next Sermon) Antichrist shall sit in the Temple, that is, hee shall place his Throne in the Church. Antichrist therefore shall be a secret adversary in the Church: not an open adversary of the Church. Thirdly, in the 7 verse, the feates of Antichrist are termed [...], sleights which doe [...], sayth the Etymologists, blinde the Eyes, that they can­not see, and stop the mouth that they dare not say any thing concerning those secret mysteries. Now a Mystery doth import a Secresie. As it is in the sacrum Eleusinum, and the Orgi [...]. Al­cibiades Iust. Hist. lib. 5. was convented, quia Mysterium Cereris enuntiasset, because he had revealed the secret Ceremony, of Ceres. Therefore Antichrist is a mysticall, a secret adversary. Finally in the 8 verse, Antichrist is sayd to be revealed. It is ridiculous to bring a Torch to behold him who [Page 143] doth shew himselfe in the streets, and in the sun­shine. And as ridiculous it is to imagine a re­velation of a manifest, professed and open adver­sary. But Antichrist must be revealed: therfore Antichrist can be no open, but a secret adversary.

Secondly, I will second the former series of arguments, with sixe others drawne from the Scriptures. First in the second Epistle of Saint Iohn verse 7, the Heretikes are termed [...], Deceivers. Whence I inferre: such as were the Forerunners, such is the Grand M r: but the Heretikes, and Forerunners of Antichrist, were [...], no open adversartes: Therefore Anti­christ himselfe, is [...], no open adversary. A­gaine, Rev. 13. 11. Antichrist is said to have two hornes like the lambe: that is he shall have the outward appearance of the servant of Christ: hee cannot then bee an open adversary against Christ: Againe, Antichrist doth conquer the world poculo aureo, with a golden cup, Rev. 17. 4. Ioh. Aventrot. epi. ad [...]g. Hist. Principibus imperat poculo, non Sceptro saith A­ventrotus to the King of Spaine: It is his Cup and cunning perswasions, and not his sword, and open-Invasions, which inableth him to usurpe upon Princes. Therefore he can be no open adversary. Finally, Antichrist is called Pseudopropheta a false prophet, Rev. 16. 13. and the Antichristian persons, composing that man of sinne, are called [...], by Saint Peter, that is, false teachers, 2 Pet. 2. 1. Saint Paul also calleth the same [...], 1 Tim. 4. 2. false speakers, or such as speake lyes in Hypocrisie. [Page 144] From all these I must inferre my former con­clusion. Therefore Antichrist is a secret lying Hypocrite: not an open professed opposite.

Thirdly, the maine scope of Antichrist is to seduce, and that by [...] strong delu­sion: as Saint Paul here speaketh in the 11. verse. Now that project cannot be perfor­med, by a plaine profession of enmity: against Christ. No deceivers, deluders, nor seducers, will professe themselves to be so; for then all Chri­stians would fly from them. Therefore that great deceiver, the great Antichrist, is a secret Adversary.

Finally, many of the most learned papists doe acknowledge that Antichrist shall be a fa­mous Hypocrite. Hence Sanders, out of Ephrem Sanders de An­tichristo de­monst. 10. the Syrian, sayth: Erit falsus, & falsiloquus: Antichrist, shall bee a false-tongued, and a false-hearted seducer. Se praebens studiosum, & speciosum, making a goodly shew of all godly Acost [...] de temp. Novis. l. 2. c. 20. piety and sanctity. Acosta also saith, erit vel pri­mus corum, qui in hypocrisi loquuntur mendac [...], habentes speciem quandam pietatis: that is, Anti­christ shall pretend piety and be the principall of all Hypocrites. I conclude then, an Arch-Rebell doth proclaime the Name of his King, the better to draw followers to oppose the King. So Antichrist shall call himselfe a Chri­stian, with the better shew, to oppose Christ and Christianity. Therefore he is no open adversa­rie. To make the conclusion yet more plaine, thus I reason. Antichrist is an adversary unto [Page 145] Christ, Praecipuo modo, after the principall man­ner: Lessius de An­tich. Dem. 5. But to be an open adversary, is not to bee an aduersary after the principall manner (for the insinuating, lying, deceiving, unsuspected enemy, is most perilous, and pernicious, as Iu­das was to Christ, and Ioab to Amasa.) There­fore Antichrist is no open adversary.

The opposition of Antichrist, against Christ 2 shall bee universall, and fundamentall. First [...], the adversary, expresseth a greater contrariety, than if hee had called him, onely [...] which signifieth an Adversary also. For the first signifieth a thwart adversary, and opposite unto Christ [...], simply, and in every respect, and not [...], in some one point, or other onely. All Heretickes (especially such as deny the person or offices of Christ) are called Antichr [...]sts, 1 Ioh 2. 18. But this adversary hath fra [...]ed a [...] ▪ hath gathered together, the rags and dregs of all Heresies. Secondly, the word [...], or an Adversary doth signifie one, who doth oppose the very foundation of the Gospell. Those therefore, which doe shut the doore, against the grace offered in the Gospell, are called [...] ▪ the adversaries, 1 Cor. 16. 9. That Antichrist shall oppose Christ univer­sally, and fundamentally, this is the measure: that he shall worke it secretly, this is the man­ner of his Opposition. And thus Antichrist is termed the adversary, or opposer of Christ.

Many could wish, that this adversary were 3 like the Beast Dan. 7. 7. without a Name. Or [Page 146] that his Name should bee like that writing, Dan. 5. 8. that none could read it. But Oedipo non opus est, wee need no Daniel to expound it, every childe can spell it. It is plaine. The Pope is the adversary.

But the Papists say, we doe him open wrong, because he is no open adversary, but a professed servant of Christ. I answer, even Mahomet, doth speake excellently of Christ; not onely as [...]nicer, To [...] ▪ 1. of a Prophet, but also as of the Saviour of his people. The Devill also professed Christ to bee the Sonne of God, Mark 1. 24. Therefore a pro­fessour may be a secret, though no professed ad­versary unto Christ. We may say of the Pope, what Mountague said of one Pope, Boniface 8, he can cary himselfe both like a Foxe, and like a Lyon; a Foxe, by publike sophistry; and a Lion, by private Tyranny. I say the man of Rome, is that woman of Babylon, which maketh the world d [...]m [...]e, with a world of impiety, Rev. 17. 4. as one acutely descanteth on his name Papa.

That is, The Pope doth poyson all Prin­ces, with abominable Heresies.

  • P Poculum
  • A Aureum
  • P Plenum
  • A Abominationum

Or to confirme the Pope, according to his E­lection, Sacr [...]. Caerem. lib. 1. sect. 1. by his owne Cardinalls. Electus indu [...] ­tur Papali habitu, toga scilicet lanca, albi coloris, caligis rube [...]s, sandalijs rubeis, cingulo rubeo, bir­reto [Page 147] etiam rubeo: that is, when the Pope is elected hee is arrayed in his Papall apparell: to wit, a White Gowne, but red shooes, red stockins, &c. emblematically: notwithstanding their white outside, they have a red bloody inside. And their openprofession, is no argument, but that the Pope may be a secret adversary.

To say this, and shew it too. First the Pope doth oppose Christ, fundamentally: hee is an ad­versary, to the foundation of Chr [...]stianity, and very groundworke of the Gospel, which is this: [...]: Eternall life is the gift of God through Christ, Rom. 6. 23. But the Pope saith, Good workes can be no other, than the valew, desert, price, worth and merit of Hea­ven. Rhemists in 1 Cor. 3. 8. Good workes are meritorious, and the very cause of salvation: so farre forth, that God should be injust, if he did not render heaven for the same, say the same Rhemists. Bellarmine Rhemists in Heb. 6. 10. doth amplifie all the particulars, paraphrasing on the 2 Tim. 4. 8. namely that the papists Bell. de justif. lib. 5. cap. 16. expect Coronam justitiae, a Crowne of Iustice: meritis operum, for the merits of their workes: pro qualitate, ac disquisitione factorum, according Bellarm. Apolog. pag 163. to the exact quality of their actions: à judice justo, non à patre misericorde, from a just judge, Concil. Trident. sub Paulo 3. Sess. [...]. cap. 24. not from a mercifull Father. And if any shall say that opera, are onely signa & fructus, and not causa justificationis, anathema sit: the coun­cill of Trent damneth that man to Hell, who shall say good workes are not the cause of justi­fication. But whilest the thundereth out against [Page 148] us that Anathema injuriously: he magnifying merits incurreth the Anathema of Saint Paul, Gal. 1. 8. meritoriously. Whosoever doth op­pose the workes of Man, unto the grace of God, No [...] sit Anathema, sed est Anathema. He is that cursed adversary, which doth raze the very [...]oundat [...]on of the blessed Gospell, which is not my particular opinion onely, but the judge­ment of the Church of England. These are the Hom. Par. 1 [...]e Sermon of sal­vation. words thereof: Wholly to ascribe our justification, unto Chr [...]st onely: this is the rocke and foundation of Christian Religion. This whosoever denyeth, is not to be accepted for a Christ [...]an man. It is the greatest presumption, and arrogance, which Anti­christ can set [...]p against God, to affirme that a man might by his owne workes, take away and purge his owne sinne, and so [...]ustifie himselfe.

Thus doth the Pope oppos [...] Chr [...]st fundamen­tally: that he doth also oppose him universally, Dounam De­re [...]. part. 1. lib. 3 cap. 6. it is made manifest, by that excellently lear­ned, & religious Bishop of D [...]ry, from whom I professe that I draw the most part of this ex­cellent Antiparallell; the Catholike opposition, which that Rom [...]sh Catholike maketh unto Christ, may be reduced unto three particulars. It is quoad mores, officia, & beneficia, in regard of his conversation, offices and benefits.

First, for his conversat [...]on: three things were eminent in the manners of Christ: Innocence, Humilitie and Charitie. And the Pope doth practise the direct contrary. Christ was inno­cent as a Lambe: behold the Lambe of God saith [Page 149] Saint Iohn, Ioh. 1. 39. and againe, Ioh. 8. 46. which of you convinceth me of sinne? the Popes personall infirmities, yea enormities I passe by, onely I will use the phrase of the fellow in Carion: if you aske of mee the lives of the Carion Chron. lib. 3. Popes, I say since Gregory the first, there have beene so many vertuous Popes, that all their images may be graven in one Ring.

Humility (a vertue second to none) was the second vertue in our Sauiour. Christ came riding on an Asse, Ioh. 12. 15. the Pope is caried on the shoulders of Noblemen. Christ did wash his Disci­ples feet, Ioh. 13. 14. but even Princes kisse the feet of the Popes Holinesse. Christ would not ar­rogate Bulla Alex. 6. so farre to himselfe, as to divide a small Inheritance, betwixt two brethren, Luke 12. 14. But the Pope is so arrogant that hee hath taken upon him to divide the new world be­twixt two great Kings. Finally, Christ is Cha­rity it selfe, and sharply rebuked his disciples for desiring fire from heaven to avenge them on the inhospitable Samaritans, Luke 9. 56. But the Pope like the sonne of Hecuba, is a Fire­brand, setting all Christendome in a combustion. And thus farre for the first opposition.

Secondly, the offices of Christ are three: Propheticall, whereby hee doth instruct his Church: Sacerdotall, whereby he doth sacrifice for his Church: and regall, whereby hee doth Rule the Church. Now the Pope by fortifying his usurped primacy, doth trench upon all these prerogatives.

First, Christ doth, as he is a Prophet, instruct his Church by his holy Word: and his holinesse doth oppose his owne word, and maketh it Equall to Christs word. To omit those monstrous sayings of Eckius, Hosius, &c. who nickname Lessius de An­tich. part. 1. Dem. 15. the Scripture to be a Leaden Rule, a nose of waxe, of no better authority, (if not authorised by the Church of Rome) than Esops Fables. To omit also the like phrase of Costerus, Vagina quae Coster. En [...]h. cap. 1. qu [...]mlibet gladium admittit, a scabbard fit for e­very sword. Omitting these scurrilous similies, or rather plaine blaspemies. In sober sadnesse, these are their solemne conclusions. Verba pon­tificis Suarez. Apol. lib. 7. c. 22. nu. 8. è Cathedrae, in veritatis certitudine, aequalia sunt Scriptura: that is, the words of the Pope pronounced out of his Chaire, are equally true, with the word of God, written in the Scripture: so saith Suarez. And it is the Catholike con­clusion of their Oecumenicall Councell of Trent, Concil. Trid. sub Paul [...] 3. Sess 4. Traditiones pari pietatis affectu veneramur? that they receive the traditions of the Church with equall reverence, and religious affection, as they doe the Scripture of God. Now for a Man, to equall his word, with Christs word; This is no meane opposition to Christ, but a maine deroga­tion to his propheticall office. The prime excel­lency whereof, consisteth in the incomparable infallibility of his Word or instruction.

Againe according as he was a Priest, Christ did offer himselfe once for all, Heb. 7. 27. but the Pope doth oppose this, and impose his Masse, as a Propitiatory and dayly sacrifice. Neither is it a light matter, that Christ in all the Scripture is [Page 151] termed onely Pontifex, that is, the High-Priest. But the Pope will bee called summus Pontifex, the highest priest: as if the Lord of Babylon indea­voured to build up his supremacy, like the Tower of Babel unto the very Heavens, that there hee might [...], oppose even Christ himselfe, con­cerning his Royall Priesthood.

Next, the Regall office of Christ, the Pope doth oppose, or rather wholly take away. He doth make him, Regem sine villa, a meere titular King, over his Church. Pope Innocent 3. in his Pl [...]ss. [...]yst. Iniq. Progres. 50. second sermon on the feast of Saint Peter, vouchsafeth to call the Church sponsam suam, his spouse. And some of our owne Countrey­men, are not unexpert, in translating the popes language. Thus writeth George Dowly in his George Dow­ly catech. cap. 3. English Catechisme: hereby wee may see how justly wee call the Church our Mother, and the Pope our Father. The Pope our Father! Indeed Cyprian de vni­tate Ecclesiae sect. 5. I have heard, habere non potest Deum patrem, qui non habet Ecclesiam matrem: the Church our mother, and God our Father, I easily beleeve it: but the Church our mother, and the Pope our Father! I thinke this will never come Bellarm. de Pon. Rom. lib. 1. cap. 9, & 10. into my Creed: no not though Trens it selfe should injoyne it. Moreover, nothing is more familiar amongst the Papists, than to crack of the Monarchy of the Church. But we know that every Monarch, aut praeponitur, aut opponitur, eve­ry Monarch is either preposed and set before: or opposed & set against all other Governors what­soever. So must the Pope be to Christ: since he is [Page 152] a Monarch; neither can they blāch this oppositiō, or Rebellion rather, with that threed-bare limi­tation, Quà Vicarius Christi, that is, the Pope is Monarch of the Church, but onely as he is sur­rogate unto Christ. For here is contradictio in adjecto, [...], the termes▪ supplant one ano­ther, in the same proposition. As if we should say, such a man is King of Ireland, but Quà prae­fectus, onely as he is Lord Deputy for our King Charles; Or that such a servant is Master of the family, but onely Quà [...], as hee is ste­ward under his master. As these are without sense in policie, so that is without reason in piety. The Pope doth either oppose himselfe in words, or our Saviour in deeds: each way he is the oppo­ser. To conclude, the Popes word is equall to Christs word: the Popes title, is superior to Christs title: and the Popes Government (a Monarchy) no way inferiour to the Empire of Christ. Ther­fore in regard of his three offices, a Prophet, Priest, and a King, the Pope is exactly opposed unto Christ, [...]: there is the adversary.

The mame worke of Christ, quà Iesus, as he is our Sauiour, supplying us with all blessings, is that he doth take away our sins, Matth. 1. 21. part of which power, the Pope and papists doe ascribe unto Saints, to the Virgin Mary, and to themselves. Nay the Pope doth shoulder for that whole power, and doth usurpe as much to himselfe, as Christ can doe, in that kinde. Conce­dons [...]il. Pauli 5. 1620. & [...]largissons, trés pleine remission, & indul­gence de tous leur pechez, giving them full for­givenesse [Page 153] of all their sinnes. This is all Christ can doe: yet Pope Paul the fift did say that hee would doe as much. Nay the Pope hath done more than ever Christ did. Gregory by his prayer Revel. Brigittae lib. 4 cap. 13. did recall a soule (the Emperour Trajane) from Hell. Christ never did the like. And anno 1592 Pope Clement 8, gave indulgentiam plenariam, & remissionem omnium peccatorum, tam culpae, quam paenae: A full forgivenesse of All their sinnes, both in regard of the guilt, and of the punishment thereof. The last whereof they deny that Christ hath done, in the doctrine of satisfaction. Therefore in regard of this prin­cipall blessing (the forgivenesse of sinnes) which we receive from Christ, Christ is opposed by the Pope: and the Pope is [...], the Ad­versary.

Moreover, I will avouch this opposition, to the meanest capacity, in sixe plaine parti­culars.

1. Christ saith, Scrutemini, Search the Scrip­tures, Iohn 5. 39.

The Pope saith, Ne scrutmini, Search not the Scriptures.

2. Christ saith, Pray in a tongue you under­stand, 1 Cor. 14.

The Pope saith, Pray in the Latine tongue.

3. Christ saith, Pray unto God alone, Psalm. 50. 15.

The Pope saith, Saints also must be prayed unto.

4. Christ saith, Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any graven image, &c. Exod. 20.

The Pope saith, Thou shalt make to thy selfe graven images, &c.

5. Christ saith, Let every soule be subject to the higher power, Rom. 13. 1.

The Pope saith, The Clergy must be exempted, and the Subjects may be absolved.

6. Christ saith, Drinke ye all of this, Mat. 26. 27.

But the Pope saith, Onely the Clergie, and that by two Councils of Constance and Trent.

To take all in one Apophthegme, Romano Pontifici tenemur obedire, non secus ac Chr [...]sto, Bozius de Iure di [...]. saith Bozius: we are obliged to obey the Pope even as Christ: a pretty superlative compari­son. Yet is there another sentence, one de­gree beyond this. The Pope permitteth one Canon hac Rat. Causa 31. qu. 1. Canon to be in his Decretalls, which saith that Saint Paul did speake against all truth and reason. Never did, never durst any oppose Christ so directly, so audaciously. I may therefore de­termine it boldly, the Pope is [...], the Adversary.

But all this is broken against one stone, they say, the Pope cannot be [...], the adversa­rie: because hee is not the worst Adversary, which ever the Church had. I answer: The Pope is the worst Adversary, and worse than either Arius, or the Turke, or all the Heathen persecutors. Review my last Sermon, and I shall not seeme to speake partially. To that long discourse I will adde these sixe briefe considerations.

First, take notice of the number of his he­resies. Derensis de An­tichr. part. 2. c. 6. Arius and other Hereticks had some few (though) grosse errours. But in Popery we have a catalogue of sixe hundred, by the Bishop of Dery: as his word is [...] a Vale where all the land floods meet, to make as it were one in­undation of Errors. Secondly, consider the time of their tyrannies. The Heathen Tyrants ra­ged from the time of S. Iohns receiving the Revelation (about 96, to 311, when Constan­tine beganne his reigne) but a small time, com­paratively, about two hundred and fifteene yeares. But the Pope, or Antichrist (according to the judgement of our English Bernard, and Bern. in Apoc. pag 1 [...]0. other English and outlandish Divines) shall reigne two hundred and fifteene moneths of years, being prophetically expressed by dayes, every day being put for a yeare, is a thousand, two hun­dred, and threescore yeares. Howsoever, the Popes persecuting power hath prevailed these eight hundred yeares past: a long time of Perse­cution. To this let us joine the blood shed by the Popes voluntarily, in France, Germanie, Spaine, Italy, and the Inquisition. Peradventure (as I have made it good in my last Sermon) it will appeare not to be much inferiour to the ef­fusion in the ten persecutions. And for one par­ticular cruelty, we have the testimony of a Pa­pist, B. Mortons Grand [...]post. cap. 15. sect. 24. Thes. 2. Natalis Comes by name: Nullum simile sae­vitiae exemplum, in tota antiquitate reperiri: that all the old Histories are not able to give one example like the barbarous Massacre of Paris.

Neither may we omit the blood which the Popes shed occasionally. His Apostasie and strange opposing of Christian Princes, opened that gappe, whereby the Turke entred into Chri­stendome.

And all these Cruelties are mingled with many and strange subleties, which did bewitch their credulity, as if they had beene confir­med by miracles from heaven, Revel. 13. 13.

Finally, their cruelty it selfe is incompa­rable: so that it is more tolerable for a Protestant to live under a Turkish, than under, I will not say, a Popish, but I doe say, a Iesuited Popish go­vernment. Let the witnesse of a Pope war­rant this verdict. Pope Innocent the third sent an army of Croisado's against the Protestants of Hist. Albing. lib. 1. cap. [...]. Tholouse, commanding the Commanders there­of to study to abolish the hereticall pravity, and these sectaries, and that more severely than the Sarasins, impugning them with a strong hand, and stretched out arme, as being worse than they. I con­clude for the Popedome: Their errours are so innumerable, their tyrannies so unsupportable: their cruelties so long, and their delusions so strong: that the like never concurred in any one Estate. I say therefore of this State: Papa est ille Adversarius: The Pope is a secret, but the greatest enemy of Iesus Christ.

1 Reg. 18. 21. If Baal be God, follow him: if the Lord be God, follow him. If there bee any Papist, or popish in this assembly, I beseech you in the bowels of Iesus Christ, to ponder these [Page 157] particulars, advisedly, and impartially. If I have shewed plainly, truly, and sufficiently, That the Pope is the Adversary of Christ: then as you are Chr [...]stians, halt not betwixt two opinions. Be enemy to him, or them, that is an enemy to thy Iesus: and yet no mortall enemy: we must not hate them, as they hate us, unto death. Wee desire not their blood, nor their lives: No: if they will be worthy men (loyall Subjects) wee desire not, that an haire should fall from them to 1 King. 1. [...]2. the earth. But if Rome hath insected them with Antichristian enmity, then may wee law­fully desire that their hands may bee hindred from throwing firebrands in our houses: and their tongues bridled from casting poison into our understand [...]ngs. To that end let us pray, that God would yet more illuminate our reli­gious Soveraigne, Never to be a friend to him, who is an Adversary to his Saviour. Let us pray for the Parl [...]ament, that they may not trample on the remembrance of that, which is under their feet, the Powder plot: and that they may make Lawes for such an Ofspring, not Draco's lawes, in blood: nor yet S [...]yth an lawes, Copwebs for every insolent Recusant to breake through. But right Engl [...]sh Lawes (Recti praeceptio, & pravi depuls [...]o: the commanding of that which is good, and the represing of that which is bad,) to win their love, or to prevent their hate and hurt. Let us pray for our seduced Countrimen, that they may come out of Babylon, l [...]st they perish with them. And let us pray for our selves, that [Page 158] for no company, commodity, affinitie, or con­sanguinity, we should be seduced by them. In a word: there are many Protestants, and (too) many Papists in these Rea [...]mes; The Lord open their eyes, that they may turne to us: the Lord open our eyes and hearts also, that we may never turne to them: lest we perish under that sonne of perdition, and great enemy of Christ, Christen­dome, and Christianity; the Pope; ille Adver­sarius, the Adversary.


2 THESS. 2. 3, & 4. Who sitteth in the Temple of God.’

Of the Temple. Of Antichrists seat. It is not the Temple of the Iewes. It is Rome. Whether Rome be a true Church. A parallell betwixt Rome and Babylon.

THe third part in the Description of Antichrist, is the description of his Place: he shall sit in the temple of God, saith my Text. Although to have his seat in the same citie, be no suffici­ent argument to conclude, Therefore it is the same person: Yet the very place is conditio ne­cessaria, Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. c. 15. nu. 3. it is a condition worthy to be taken into our consideration, saith Suarez. In the Text he is said to have his seat, [...], in the Temple: from which wee distinguish [...] (which signifieth also the Temple) by this property. [...] a Temple, is derived of [...] in­habito, because God doth as it were make his [Page 160] Residence there: and [...] sacrum, Holy, is ano­ther Z [...]ch. in 4. P [...]aec [...]pt. name of the Temple, because sacra, the holy rites of Gods worship were there perfor­med. The first name is in regard of the per­son worshipped, God: and the second in regard of the persons worshipping, Gods servants. The meaning is, Antichrist will usurpe the Temple in the hig [...]est respect. Againe, [...] is not the [...]niu [...] Paral. 3. whole building and fabricke of the Temple, but the principall part thereof, whereto the peo­ple doe principally resort to discharge their devotion. As the Iewes had the Sanctum, and the Sanctum Sanctorum in their Temple: and in every Church amongst us also, there is the body, and chancell thereof, a common distincti­on. This is the second way wee distinguish [...], from [...]. The sense is evident: Anti­christ Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. ca. 16. nu 4 will place his throne in the principall part of the Temple of God: as Adrian did once erect his statue in the Sanctum Sanctorum, in the most holy place of the holy Temple of H [...]erusalem. He shall sit [...], in the Temple of God, saith my Text.

Antichrist shall sit in the Temple of God. Concerning the seat of Antichr [...]st, I will pro­pose two points to be handled, the Explica­tion, and the Application thereof. First I will declare what, and secondly where this Tem­ple is.

The Temple is taken three wayes: Materi­ally, Suarez Apolog. lib. 5 cap 15. num. 6. & 7. Metaphorically, and Formally. Materi­ally, it is taken for the place, for the Temple [Page 161] of the Iewes: Metaphorically, for the persons, or congregation of Antichristians: and Formally, for the persons or congregation of true Christi­ans. The first, to take the Temple materially in my text, is the setting of the Romish Mint on worke, to coine a new fiction, like the old fable of the Earthly Paradise: both in Eutopia, neither extant in rerum natura. Such is the assertion of those who say the Temple of the Iewes is the seat of Antichrist. The second is the opinion of S. Augustine, who held that An­tichrist Aug. de Civit. Dei. and the Antichristians should sit [...] not [...], not in, but for, and instead of the Temple of God. Now who they be, which of all the world doe most cry Templum Do­mini, the Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Bell. de Pont. Rom. lib. 3. c. 13. Suarez Apolog. lib. 3. ca. 16. Malvenda de Antich. lib. 7. c. 7 Lessius de An­tichristo part. 1. Dem. 12. Monarchomach. his Touchstone. Christo▪ ho [...]so [...] in Down lib. 1. Spalatensis Con­cil. Red. pag. [...]. 9. Lord: & would have none to be true Catholike Christians, but onely the Romish Christians, I leave this to the conjecture of any ordinary capacity. In the third place, the Temple is ta­ken formally, for the Church of Christ: and up­on this doe I insist.

But the maine difference consisteth in this distinction: whether by this Temple of God, we are here to understand the Temple of the Iewes, or the Church of the Christians. We affirme the latter, and prove it three wayes. First from the Text▪ secondly from the Scrip­ture, and thirdly from their confession.

First, the phrases of my Text doe not sit this interpretation: by the Temple of God to understand the materiall Temple of the Iewes. [Page 162] The first phrase, sedere to sit, is not here taken materially, for the gesture of the body. Hilarius doth expresse it well: Antichrist shall sit in the Temple, Potestate regiminis, by his power and governing; not actu praesentiae corporalis, not by the actuall presence of his body. And mee thinketh our adversaries should not boggle at their owne phrase. They themselves know that for the Pope to sit, and the King to reigne, are both synonima's: both signifie to rule, and governe. Againe, that other phrase, tan­quam Deus, as it were God, cannot be expoun­ded materially: because God is immateriall, and incorporeall: and it is the errour of the An­thropomorphites to ascribe a bodily position unto God. God cannot be said to sit materially: nor any creature neither, if he doth sit tanquam De­us, as it were God. Let therefore the phrases proceed in a just proportion, and wee con­clude: the temple is not here to be taken mate­rially for the temple of the Iewes: but formally for the church; for the cōpany & congregation of chri­stians. The Church of Christ shall be the seat of Antichrist. Secondly, the current of the Scrip­ture phrase runneth strongly for this interpre­tation: that the temple of God doth (now) signi­fie the Church of Christ, & not the Temple of the Iewes. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God? 1 Cor. 3. 16. what agreement is there betwixt the temple of God? 2 Cor. 6. 16. In whom all the buil­ding being sitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord. Eph. 2. 21. And finally, [Page 163] 1 Tim. 3. 15. [...], the House of God; which is a synonima unto [...], the Temple of God, is there termed [...], the Church of God, and no where the Temple of the Iewes: I meane after the razing of the Iewish temple. For it is the B. Andrewes Apol. in Bell. c 9. observation of the learned, that after the tem­ple of Salomon was ruinated, the Holie Ghost in the Scripture did never ascribethe title of the temple of God to any thing, but to the church on­ly. Yet the best is the last interpretation from their owne confession. Indeed Bellarmine de R. Pontif. 3. 13. Christophorsonne his Succenturia­tus lib. 1. Lessius Demonst. 12. and divers o­thers, dispute it eagerly, that Antichrists seat shall be in the Temple of the Iewes, and not in the Church of Christ. But as many, and as good Schollers: yea more, and better of their side, are of our side, in this point: that the Seat of Antichrist shall be in the Church of God, and not in the Temple of Hierusalem.

The Rhemists on this verse are irresolute. Rhemists in 2 Thess. 2. 4. In the eleventh verse they would gladly maintaine that the Seat of Antichrist shall be at Hierusalem. But in the twelfth verse, they dare not deny, but that hee shall rather sit in our Christian Church, than in their Iewish Temple-Suarez also is no more resolute, in the fist Suarez Apol. lib. 5 cap. 16. booke and sixteenth chapter of his Apology. In the first number, he would decline this point of the place of Antichrist: Facilius quid non sit, quam quid sit, cognoscitur: it is no easie matter to demonstrate, that the seat of Antichrist shall be [Page 164] at Hierusalem. But in the third number, hee doth define it: yet so coldly, as if his consci­ence had checkt him for a voluntary gainsay­ing of the manifest truth: Verisimilius est, it is most probable, that S. Paul meaneth the Temple of the Iewes. A probability, no demonstration. where is Lessius then with his 12 demonstratiō? But Sanders plainly: Verius arbitratur, qui di­cit, Sander. de Antich. Dem. 18 Templum Dei apud Paulum, non de Templo Hierosolymitano, sed potius de Ecclesia accipien­dum esse: that his opinion is the truer, who doth thinke, that the Temple of God in this place doth not signifie the Temple of Hierusa­lem, but rather the Church. And as Sanders doth approve this of S. Ierome by his citation: so doth Germanus Hervetus, the like of S. Chryso­stome, Chrysost. in 2 Thess. 2. by his translation, [...]: Sedebit Germani Herve­ti versio. Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. cap. 15. num. 5. Pe [...]er. in Dan. lib. 14. in Templo Dei, non quod Hierosolymis: Anti­christ shall sit in the Temple of God, not at Hieru­salem: so Hervetus. Pererius as plainly: Sede­bit in Templo Dei, id est, in Templis Christiano­rum, haec enim sola vere dici possunt Templa Dei: Antichrist, saith he, shall sit in the Temple of God, that is, in the Temples (or Churches) of Christi­ans: for these alone may truly be termed the Temples of God. Baronius more plainly: yea Baron anno 72. sect. 28. as peremptorily as any Protestant that ever set pen to paper in this point. This yeare, saith he, the Iewes were subdued to the Romanes: Nunquam posthaec servire desierunt, aut desinent, usque ad sinem mundi: after which they shall live in perpetuall servitude, even to the end [Page 165] of the world. Neque spes est aliqua, restituendae iterum Hierosolymae, vel Templi denuo excitandi: Neither is there any hope that that City shall be ever restored, or that Temple ever built againe: According (quoth he) to that Pro­phesie of Daniel 9. 27. He shall make it desolate, even unto the consummation. Also hee confir­meth it by a second argument drawne from Experience: When as (saith he) the Apostate in hatred of the Christians (and the Iewes in contempt of Christ, hoping [...], S [...]z [...]menus lib. 5 cap. ult. to make Christ a lyar, and a false Prophet) indeavored to re-edifie the Temple, the workmen were terrisied with hideous apparitions, and dreadfull fires, issuing out of the earth, which forced them to desist from that building. To his judgement may be ad­ded this reason: the Temple was a type of the Dounam de Ant. part. 1. lib. 1 cap. 2 sect. 1. Church of Christ, and therefore when the Church of Christ was once planted, (like other Types and Figures) the Temple of the Iewes was utterly to be abolished. And this seemed to be no singular opinion of any private person, but the universall Tenent of the most, and best Divines of that age. Hence S. Chrysostome composed an Oration ( [...]) Chrysost. Orat. 2. contra Iudaeos, tom. 6. onely to prove this point, That the Temple of the Iewes should never be repaired. Yea Suarez himselfe more plentifully; and as substanti­ally: Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. cap. 5. nu. 5. as if Truth did extort confession from the mouth of that Adversary who doth labour to contradict it, and suppresse it. He speaketh [Page 166] so to the purpose, that I now purpose to shut up my interpretation of this place, only in his owne words: Quod Paulus, per Templum Dei, Ecclesiam intellexerit, probabile est: sic interpre­tatur Hieronimus, Hugo, Chrysostomus, Occume­nius, Theophylactus: & Theodoreti verba haec sum: Templum Dei appellavit Ecclesias, in qui­bus Antichristus primam sedem arripiet. I will English it: for no Englishman can speake more plainly to our conclusion. That S. Paul (saith Suarez) by the Temple of God doth mean the Church, it is probable: for this is the ex­position of Hierome, Hugo, Chrysostome, Occu­menius, Theophylact: and Theodoret hath these words: Saint Paul doth call the Temple the Church, in which Antichrist will usurpe the chiefe See.

I conclude: from the Phrases of my Text, from the Testimonies of the Scripture, and from their owne Confession: The Papists themselves alledging the authority of the most and best of the Fathers, and establish­ing this assertion with reason: That the Temple shall not be built againe. Therefore, The Man of sinne shall sit in the temple of God: and the ve­rie Church of Christ, shall be the seat and place of Antichrist.

Thus have ye the Explication, What this Temple is: I proceed to the Application, Where it is.

The last sentence I quoted, I will make my first entrance into the second point. This is [Page 167] the saying of Theodoret (cited by Suarez) tem­plum Dei, appellat Ecclesias, in quibus Antichri­stus arripiet primam sedem: that is, Paul doth call the temple of God, the Church, in which Antichrist shall usurpe the prime See. Hence I argue,

The prime See of the Church, is the seat of Antichrist:

But Rome is the prime See of the Church:

Therefore, Rome is the seat of Antichrist.

Therefore the Pope (the other properties of this Text and Chapter being his by a just ap­plication) is Antichrist sitting in Rome, the principall Church of Christ.

But here the Papists oppose a plausible ob­jection: Bell. de Pont. Rom. lib. 3. ca. 13 that by this we confesse the Church of Rome to be the Church of Christ. I answer, we doe so: with these limitations:

First, the Church of Rome may be termed Vhitak. Contr. 4. Quaest. 5. the Church of Christ, because heretofore it hath beene a true Church. As they themselves call the Host Bread, because it was bread before the consecration. And Isay 1. 21. wicked Hie­rusalem is called the faithfull City, because it had beene so.

Secondly, the Church of Rome doth usurp the name of the Church of Christ.

Thirdly, it is the Church of Christ, in the opinion of the Papists.

And finally, it doth still retaine the relicks of the Church, in that respect therefore wee may call it the Church of Christ.

Or to answer in the very words of Suarez himselfe: Congregatio in quae Antichristus ado­rabitur, Suarez. Apol. lib. 5. cap. 15. nu. 8. vocabitur Ecclesia & templum: quia an­tequam perverteretur, erat ecclesia & templi [...] Dei: That is, the Congregation of Antichrist is called the Church and Temple of God, be­cause it was the Church and Temple of God before their Apostasie.

Or yet more acurately, with acute Tile­nus: Tilen. syntag. part. 2. disp. 36. thes. 25. &c. We say that the Church of Christ may be considered two wayes, Vel ratione externae [...], vel internae [...]: that is, in regard of the outward profession of the truth, or of the inward possession of the truth. The Pope, or Antichrist, may sit in the Church of Christ, in the first sense: but according to the second, only the servant of Christ can sit in the Church of Christ.

I will divert a little, to discusse one great point: Whether the Romane Church be a true Church. In which discourse I will insist on these foure particulars.

First, I will declare What the Church is.

Secondly, the reasons to affirme the pro­position.

Thirdly, the restrictions & limitatiōs therof.

And finally, I will remove away some stones whereat the Protestants do stumble, and pluck away some plumes wherewith the Papists doe magnifie themselves: Both from this one ground; because wee yeeld them to be Tem­plum Dei, a true Christian Church.

Such indeede, is the charity of the Popish Spalatens. Cons. Red. pag. 12. Bell. de Notis Eccl. lib. 4. ca. 8. Dico secundo. Church, that they peremptorily pronounce ( Ecclesias Haereticas, ne Ecclesias quidem omni­no esse) all hereticall Churches to bee indeed no Churches: yea precisely to name the very par­ticular. As namely, that the great Church of the Graecians, is also no Church. Whereby they also define all those infinite soules, to bee also damned. For extra Ecclesiam nulla est salus: There is no saluation out of the Church. But no­bisnon licet esse tam impios, we dare not be so vn­charitable. We say of those and this, that the very Church of Rome is a true Church; Which will appeare onely from the definition of the Church, If I should proceed no farther.

The Church is a company, which professe Christ, and are baptized. This is the definition of the Hooker Politie lib. 3. num. 1. Bish. Abbot de Ant. cap. 3. nu. 4. Deane Whites reply to Fisher, pag. 49. D r. Beard de Antich. cap. 4. num. 6. D r Craken­thorp in Spal. c. 16. & 21. Answer to Fi­shers relat. of the 3. cons. Church, according to the common current consent, of our most, and most learned Di­vines. So, the essentiall difference of the Church of Christ from all other companies, congregations, or societies consisteth in these two points, Profession and Baptisme.

For the first: Revel. 2. 13. the spirit testi­fied, that the congregation of Pergamus, was not fallen from being a Christian Church: be­cause thou keepest my Name. Therefore keeping or professing the Name of Christ, is one essenti­all part of a Christian Church. Next, upon the acknowledging of the name of Christ, the Eu­nuch was baptised by Philip, Act. 8. 38. There­fore Baptisme is another: and profession with [Page 170] baptisme, are the two things which absolutely constitute a Church. Consider moreover 2 Tim. 2. 20. and Math. 13. 47.

To amplifie and honour this point, with Hookers Politic lib 3. sect. [...]. the very words of that incomparable learned man, in that unanswerable learned booke. For want of this (profession and baptisme) it is, that Iewes, Infidels, and pagans, are excluded out of the bounds of the Church. Others we may not deny to be of the visible Church, so long as these things, be not wanting to them. For apparent it is, that all men of necessity, must either be Christians, or no Christians. If by externall profession they be Chri­stians, then are they of the visible Church of Christ. And Christians by externall profession they are all, whose marke of recognisance hath in it these things which wee have mentioned. Yea although they be impious Idolaters, wicked Heretikes, persons excommunicable, yea cast out for notorious impro­bitie. Such withall we deny not, to be theimpes and limmes of Satan, even as long as they continue such. From these premises, I frame these ar­guments: the first from the definition of the Church.

A Company which professe Christ and are bap­tised, are a Church.

But the Romanes are a Company, which professe Christ, and are baptised;

Therefore, The Romanes are a Church.

Adde also, out of the amplification: Al­though the papists be impious Idolaters, wicked Heretikes, or excommunicable persons. Al­though [Page 171] for their persons, they be the limmes of Satan, their profession bee the deceiveablenesse of Satan, their City bee the Throne of Satan, and their Head bee the sonne of Satan; yet whilest they professe Christ, and imbrace the Christian Baptisme: they are notwithstanding the Church of Christ.

But if any interpose, that Rome indeed is a Church, but not a true Church: such must know that Ens & verum, Beeing and true, are conver­tible. So if they grant the Romane to be a church, they must confesse withall, that it is a true Church. Videlicet, in regard of the Essence, not of the goodnesse thereof. And a thiefe, is a true man, in regard of the truth of his Essence, as he is a creature indued with Reason: yet is he not a true man, in regard of the truth of his goodnesse, his equity and honesty. So the popish Church, is a true Church, in regard of the truth of the Es­sence of a Church, (as a Church is a company which professe Christ, and are baptised) yet is it not a true Church, in respect of the truth of the goodnesse of a Church. That is, it is not a true holy Church, neither in doctrine, nor in manners.

In a word, the Church of Rome, is a true Church, in respect of the Essence: but a false Church, in respect of the doctrine thereof.

To prove that the Church of Rome, is a true Church, in our sense, and its Essence, I will make it good by two sorts of arguments: Artificiall and inartificiall. But these inartificiall argu­ments shall be interlaced with many artificiall [Page 172] ones also. The Testimonies are lined with their severall Reasons.

Reverend Calvin: Hoc rationibus satis vali­dis Calvin. Epist. 104. me probasse puto: Ecclesiam licet semiruptam, imo si libet diruptam ac deformem, aliquam tamen manere in Papatu. I suppose (saith hee) that in the Papacy, some Church remaineth: a Church crazed, or if you will broken quite in pieces, fore­lorne, mishapen, yet some Church. And his Reason, is my Text: because, Antichrist must sit in the Temple of God. Learned Zanchie: I Zanchius praesat. de natura Dei. acknowledge the Church of Rome (Nec potuit Satan, &c. Maugre the Devills malice) for a true Church of Christ. His reason: because the Church of Rome holdeth the doctrine of truth concerning Christ, that he is the Redeemer, and shall be the Iudge of the world, baptizing in the Name of the Father, of the Sonne, and of the holy Buchanus loc. 44. quaest. 5. Ghost. Buchane: Caetus Pontificiorum sunt Ec­clesiae, sicut homo lepra, corrupt us, & mente captus, non desinit esse homo. The Frenzie maketh not a man cease to be a man: no more doth Heresie make Rome to cease to be a Church. Moreover, Hooker in Ab [...]k. 2. 4. [...]. 27. as the Frenzie, though it selfe take away the use of Reason, it doth notwithstanding prove them reasonable creatures which have it, because none can be frantike but men. So Antichristiani­tie being the bane and plaine overthrow of Christianity, may neverthelesse argue the Church wherein Antichrist doth sit, to be Christian. That Rex Iacobus oratione ad or­dines Nou. 9. 1605. patterne and Patron of learning, King Iames, confesseth Rome to bee a Church, and conclu­deth [Page 173] from hence: because some in Rome may be saved. Charitable Hooker: although (saith Hooker in Hab. 1. [...]. nu. 16, 17, & 25. he) the Church of Rome hath played the Harlot worse than ever did Israel: yet are they not, as now the Synagogue of the Iewes, which plainly deny Christ Iesus, quite and cleane excluded out of the Covenant. But as Samaria compared with Hierusalem, is termed Aholah, a Church or Ta­bernacle of her owne: contrariwise, Hierusalē Ahol [...]bah, the resting place of the Lord. So what­soever we terme the Church of Rome, when we compare her with reformed Churches: still wee put a difference, as then betweene Babylon and Samaria: so now betweene Rome and Heathe­nish assemblies. He doth render his Reason al­so: Bishop An­drewes Tort. prope sinem. B. Morton Apol. lib 4. ca. 2. sect. 5 B. Abbot de An­ti [...]b. lib. 3 nu. 4. Deane Whites Reply, pag. 49 D r. Whites Defence, cap. 37. D r. Whitak: Contr. 4. quaest. 5. cap. 3. D r. Sharpe, sp [...]culo, c. 5. D r Beard. cap. 4. num. 6. Answer to Fi­shers Relation of the 3. conser. because Rome doth overthrow the founda­tion of Christianity, not directly, but by conse­quent onely. In respect whereof we condemne it as Erroneous: although for holding the foun­dation, we doe, and must hold them Christians.

To the judgement of these sound Divines, subscribe many other, at this day famous in our generation? And I find this their opinion opposed by very few Reverend Authors: and for preserving of their reverence, I will sup­presse their Names, proceeding to the rem­nant of my arguments.

The first, and foundation of all my argu­ments, is the argument drawne from the foun­dation. The Church of Rome doth hold the true foundation of Christianity: it is therefore a true Christian Church. As a man, is in the shippe al­though [Page 174] tempests have torne away the Tack­lings, Pyrats have shot the maine Mast over­boord, and they themselves have blowne up the Decke: and nothing be remaining, but the Carine, the bulke, and very Carkasse of the ship: and that also upon the point of sinking. Now the foundation of Christianity is twofold: fun­damentum quo, & fundamentum quod, the foun­dation whereby a Christian doth know his sal­vation, and the foundation whereby hee doth obtaine it. Fundamentum quo, the fundamentall Writings, which doe declare the salvation of of Christians, are the Scriptures: in them wee have eternall life, and they testifie of Christ, Ioh. 5. 39. Fundamentum quod, the fundamentall meanes, and cause, which hath purchased, and doth give it, is Christ. Christ is the Saviour of the world, Ioh. 4. 42. and other foundation can no man lay, 1 Cor. 3. 11. Both which foundati­ons are held by the Church of Rome. The holy Scriptures they have, and acknowledge yea even in the Originall. And Christ they confesse to be the onely Saviour of the world: ioyning nothing with Christ in the worke of Redemption, but onely in the Application thereof. Which although it be too much, yet it is not enough, to raze the Foundation. Till then, that the Pa­pists doe reject the Scriptures: or rather till they reject Christ: wee must not exclude them from the Christian Church, because they yet do hold the Foundation of Christianity.

I will recompence the length of this first [Page 175] argument, with the brevity of foure follow­ing. Foure wayes in two words, will I plainly prove that The Church of Rome is a true Church. From the Professors, Pastors, Patterne and Proper­tie of a true Church.

Their children wee doe baptise: and their men baptised, wee doe not rebaptise. I suppose we should make a question of the one, and no question of the other, if they were absolutely out of the Church. Let the Protestants grant that the Papists have true baptisme: and the Papists will ea [...]ily and truly inferre, that then They are a true Church.

The Papists have True Pastours. This is ac­knowledged Whitak. Contr. 4. qu▪ 5. c. 3. Mason de Or­din. minist. ca. 12 by our Doctors, approved by our Practise, wee doe admit Proselyte Priests, and did (in the beginning of Queene Elizabeths reigne) desire Consecration of our Bishops, from theirs: and Luther himselfe was a Popish Priest. All these remaine so without Iteration. But there are no true Pastours out of the true Church. Therefore, we granting them the one: we must yeeld them also the other.

Suppose thirdly, that a Pagan should pur­sue a Papist unto death, eo nomine, only because he is a Christian. Can wee deny such a man the glory of Martyrdome? yet this honour to be a Martyr, wee all know to bee proper to the Church. If therefore the Papists have true Mar­tyrs, they are also a true Church.

And for Examples, wee may be sufficiently furnished out of the Scriptures. Israel, when [Page 176] the people did worship the calfe, Exod. 32. 1. when they did burne incense to the brazen ser­pent, 2 King. 18. 4. when they bowed to Baal, 1 King. 19. 18. when they burned incense to other Gods, 2 Kings 22. 17. yea when the Prophets did condemne them as the seed of a whore, Esa. 57. 3. as wicked wretched miscreants, who had forsaken God, Ier. 13, 11. and were of him forsaken, Isaiah 60. 15. Even then retaining the Law of God, and the holy seale of his covenant, they continued to be his visible Church. As Hookers Politic, lib. 3. sect. 1. profound Hooker speaketh acutely, God had his Church amongst them, not onely because he had there thousands which did never bow their knees to Baal: but whose knees were bowed to Baal, even they also were the visible Church of God, 1 King. 18. 21. The Corinthians denyed the Resurrection, 1 Cor. 15. 19. The Galathians admitted Circumcision, Gal. 5. 2. Thyatira suf­fered Iezabel, Rev. 2. 20. Laodicea was luke­warme, Rev. 3. 16. Philadelphia had but a little strength, Rev. 3. 8. and Sardi was quite dead, Rev. 3. 1. yet were all these Churches. Nay it is the Temple of God, though the Throne of An­tichrist be pearched therein, 2 Thes. 2. 4. Wee cannot say more of Rome, than what is here said of these: that it is an Adulterous, Idolatrous fe [...]ble, Lukewarme, dead, generation of tempori­zing Antichristian miscreants. Nor can we say lesse of Rome, than the holy Scripture doth here speake of these. Notwithstanding all this, because they retaine the Law of God, and the [Page 177] seale of the covenant: because they retaine the Scripture, and the Sacraments. Therefore

The Church of Rome is a true Church of God.

The Restrictions and Objections are of neere affinity: unà ergo fidelià, I will handle them joyntly. But [...], this assertion doth place mee as a souldier be­twixt two armies ready to give the onset. Our friends force me out of their ranks, fearing me to be a Neuter, or rather a favourer of the E­nemie. The Enemie advanceth himselfe to turne my weapons, upon our side. Some Pro­testants say I yeeld the enemy too much, and that which is too false also. Is it possible say they, that the selfe same man, should belong both to the Synagogue of Satan, and to the Church of Iesus Christ? That Rome should bee both Babel, and the church? Sub Ajacis clypeo: I will sheild Hooker Polit. lib. 3. sect. 1. my selfe under the arme of that old souldier of Iesus Christ, (who like an old souldier, was ne­ver sufficiently rewarded for his service to our true English, and truely Militant Church.) It is not possible that they should belong unto that church, which is the mysticall body of Christ: be­cause that body consisteth of none but true Israelits, true sonnes of Abraham, true Saints and servants of God. Howbeit, of the visible body, and Church of Iesus Christ, these may be, and oftentimes are, in regard of the maine parts of their outward Profes­sion, who in regard of their inward disposition of mind, yea of externall conversation, yea of some parts of their very profession, are most worthily [Page 178] hatefull in the sight of God himselfe, and in the eyes of the sounder part of the visible Church most execrable. To his words let mee adde one. They thinke that my assertion doth put wea­pons into the hands of our Adversaries: but I know that their contradiction doth plucke the strongest weapon out of the hands of our owne side. For it must follow inevitably: If Rome be no church, then is the Pope no Antichrist. Because the text doth teach us, that Anti­christ must sit in the Temple of God.

The Papists advance on the other side, as if they apprehended some great advantage by this assertion, as if by yeelding them to be a true Church, we must submit our selves to bee schismatickes. Bellarmine speaketh plainly, if Bell. de Po [...]. Rom. lib. 3. ca. 13. the Protestants cōfesse that our church is a true church, then must they yeeld their church to be schismaticall: because they have separated from us. But I). Smith more rhetorically: At Rich. Smit [...]us de autho [...]e Pro­testantic [...] Reli­gionis lib. 1. cap. 2. sect. 8. [...] incredibile [...] hominum impietatem: ut qui se Christianos profitentur, audeant repudiare eam ecclesiam, quam fatentur esse adhuc in soedere Dei. And againe, Atque [...] prodigiosam caecitatē! ut non videant, quod dum fatentur Romanam Ec­clesiam, esse ecclesiam Dei, & sponsam Christi, fa­tentur suam esse synagogam Antichristi, & scortū satanae. That is, O incredible wickednesse, that those who professe themselves to bee Christi­ans, will forsake them whom they confesse to bee the Church of Christ! O incomparable blindnesse, that they see not, that by granting [Page 179] the Roman church to be the church of God, and the spouse of Christ, they yeeld themselves, the reformed church, to be the synagogue of Anti­christ, and strumpet of satan.

And the whole Army of the Papists swarme after their Leaders in this pursuite, presuming that we must either fly or yeeld, if we give them this ground: that the church of Rome is a true Church: and thence are they ready to cry Victoria.

At ne sit Encomium ante victoriam: let not Bell. de d [...] Ec­cles. milit. cap. 4. sect. Resp. vari [...]. him boast who putteth on his armour, as hee may who doth put it off. To Bellarmine, I shape an answer in his owne syllables: wee affirme the Romane to be a true church, not simpliciter, but secundum quid: not absolutely, but in some respect: in which respect, wee doe separate from it, and not simply. Simple therefore is their reason, thence to inferre: therefore, our separation is schismaticall. To D. Smith, and all the rest, we say, we doe grant them, all those glorious titles: but as so many testimonies, to witnesse their gracelesse wickednesse so to abuse them. We grant the Romane to be a true Church, to be the Church of Christ, to be the spouse of Christ, and to be of the body of Christ. We grant it to hold the foundation of faith, and to have the scrip­tures, sacraments, &c. And what of all this? Reatus impij, est nomen pium, saith one out of Salvianus: godly Names doe not justifie god­lesse Hooker in Hab. 1. 4. nu. 7. men. We are but upbraided when we are honoured with names and Titles, when our [Page 180] lives and manners are not sutable. Iudas was an Apostle, and a Traitour too: but the more wretched Traitour, because an Apostle. And so the Pope is (saith he) The Vicar of Christ, and an Enemie: but the more dangerous and devillish Enemie, because the Vicar of Christ.

In particular: Wee grant, that Rome is a true Church, but in regard of the verity of the Essence, not of the Doctrine thereof: this is corrupt and full of pollutions. Wee grant it to be the Church of God: so much also, wee grant to the Iacobites, Muscovites, Arians, and Nestorians. Yet I suppose that none dare hazard themselves to live in these congrega­tions, who have any care of their safety, soules health, or eternall salvation. We grant Rome to be the spouse of Christ: but quoad ex­ternam Professionem, not quoad internam fidem: in respect of their outward profession, not of their inward affections, no nor of their actions nei­ther. We grant that they are of the Body of Christ: his body visible, no [...] mysticall. And so may a Legion of Devils also incarnated bee, if they will professe the name of Christ, and be admitted by the baptisme of Christ. We grant they hold the Foundation, but is there nothing dangerous, nor damnable, but onely to over­throw the Foundation of Christianity? Have they no [...] besides, dangerous and damnable Er­rours, Heresies, and Idolatries? Moreover they Answer to Fi­she [...] Relation of t [...] 3. [...]. [...]8. have Errours, which doe weaken the Founda­tion, saith the learned Author of that labou­red [Page 181] appendix. They have Errours fundamen­tall, reductivè, by a reducement: if they which imbrace them, doe pertinaciously adhere un­to them, and have sufficient meanes to be bet­ter Deane White Ibid. pag. 71. informed. Saith the Champion of our Church.

And sinally, their errors (as that of Iusti­fication) Hooker in Hab. 1. 4. doe overthrow the very foundation, by consequent, saith impartiall Hooker. Lastly, they have the Scriptures, and Sacraments, law­full Ministers, and a lawfull Ministry, &c. ac­tually in themselves, and effectually unto o­thers: but not so to themselves. Notum est Cives malae civitatis, administrare quosdam actus bonae civitatis: it is manifest that the Burgers of Babylon, doe administer some functions of Hierusalem: and with effect too. They can hew out an Arke for others, though themselves be drowned in the Deluge.

And for all this, is it not lawfull to separate from Rome? Wee accompted our common Citizens frantick, because they reviled, and railed at such as fled from the infection. Cer­tainly the Papists are possessed with a more spirituall phrensie and infection.

At [...] incredibilem impietatem! Atque ô prodi­giosum caecitatem! O incredible wickednesse and incomparable blindnesse, that those who see the Scriptures, should be so seduced by strong delu­sion to beleeve a Lye! That those who say they are the Church of God, and spouse of Christ, should be indeed the Synagogue of Antichrist, [Page 182] and the strumpet of Satan.

I conclude, and let any Papist brag, or any others upbraid, what they can collect out of this conclusion, The Church of Rome is a true Church. And the Pope of Rome is that false An­tichrist, who doth erect his seat therein: by most foule usurpation. He shall sit in the Temple, saith my Text.

I have done this Digression, this [...] which it may bee some will condemne, as [...] as an overlong, and imperti­nent Parenthesis. But I conceive it very need­full, if it were onely for this: to imply an Item to our owne Zelotes, that (transported with a strong affection, and weake judge­ment) they doe not thrust the Papists further from Christ: when as ( Christ knoweth) they are too farre off, from him already.

I returne to the remnant of my Text; yee have heard the explication, what this Temple is, even the very Church of Christ. Now shall yee heare the Application: Where this Temple is; We use plaine words, in a plaine cause: the Church of Rome is the seat of Antichrist. Now the Church of Rome hath two parts: commonly called Curia Romana, & Ecclesia Romana, the part ruled, and the part ruling. The part ruled, are those particular Churches which professe the Romish Rel [...]gion, as Spaine, France, Polon [...], &c. The part ruling, is the City, or Court of Rome. I say therefore that Antichrist doth sit in all the Romish Church: [Page 183] but (to speake in the phrase of Suarez) collo­cavit Thronum suum, & regalem Curiam im­perij Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. cap. 15. nu. 1. & 2. sui in urbe, he hath seated his Throne, and setled his royall Court in that City.

This will I prove by three arguments, drawne from the scituation, and domination of Rome: and thirdly from the Assimulation, be­twixt Rome and Babylon. The Velites shall give the onset: I will propound their owne argu­ment, as a preamble to our (more solide) proofes, Dan. 11. 45. He shall plant the Taber­nacle of his royall Palace betweene the Seas. Now although we know that this Prophecie speak­eth literally of Antiochus, and of Antichrist onely Anagogically, of whom Antiochus was a Type: Yet because the Papists doe expound it literally of Antichrist, against them wee re­tort it, as a true propertie, and strong pro­bability, that Rome is the seate of Antichrist, because it is seated betweene two seas, the Tyr­rhene, and the Adriatike, according to this Prophecy of Dan. 11. 45.

I proceed to our owne proofes. First from the situation, Babylon is seated on seven hills, Rev. 17. 9. and so is Rome situated also, no City under the cope, to be compared to it in that kinde. So is it termed by Tertullian, and Tertul. Apol. cap. 35. Dionys. Halicar. lib. 4. Plin. lib. 3. ca. 5. Sibylla lib. 2. so was it founded by Servius Tullius, the last King of the Romanes. Hence also the Latines gave it the sirname of Septicollis, that is, the seven hilled City: and the Graecians called it in the same signification, [...] The com­mon [Page 184] epithite of the Poets, and almost the burden of their Poems.

Dum (que) suis victrix, septem de montibus orbem,
Ovid. de Trist. lib. 1. Eclog. 4. Propert. Eclog. 10. Virgil. G [...]o [...] ▪ 2.
Prospiciet domitum, Martia Roma, legar.
Septem urbs alta jugis, toti quae praesidet orbi.
Scilicet & rerum facta est pulcherrima Roma.
Septem quae una sibi muro circumdedit arces.

Varro mentioneth a Feast, called septimon­tium, Varro de Ling. Latin. lib. 5. as it were, dedicated, to celebrate a City seated on seven hills, and their Names are famously knowne throughout the world, Calius, Exquilinus, Palatinus, Viminalis, Quirinalis, Aventinus, Capitolinus. All Dounam: Der. Epis. de Antich. part 1. lib. 1. c. 2. these at this day, are within the Walles of the City, though decayed in the number of hou­ses, yet still beautified with many Churches, Monasteries, and other goodly buildings. Moreover on the first, the hill Coelius, at this day standeth the Laterane Palace and Church. Which divers Popes have consumed to be Constitut. Rom. Pont. pag. 11. 454. 618. the Head church of all the churches in the world: as Gregory 11. Pius 4. and Pius 5. If any ex­cept that these Hills are to bee taken metapho­rically; I answer, here can be no metaphor: be­cause it is an interpretation of an Angell, ex­poūding the seven heads to signifie seven moun­taines. Now interpretat [...]s must be plaine, not metaphoricall. Plaine therefore it is, that Rome is seated on seven hills: the very situation of the very seat of Antichrist.

Secondly, that City, which in S. Iohns time did reigne over the kingdomes of the earth, is Ba­bylon, the seat of Antichrist, Revel. 17. 18. But Rome is that City which in S. Iohns time did reigne over the Kingdomes of the earth: Toti quae praesidet orbi: Therefore Rome is Babylon, the seat of Antichrist. And aptly may it be termed Babylon; because it is the manner of King­domes to title themselves from the first no­table persons which did erect their State: as the Romane Emperours were called Caesars, from the first, Iulius Caesar. And Rome was so named from Romulus. So let the Romanes re­flect a little further backward: because they have atchieved the Babylonian Monarchy: from the first, this last Monarch, Rome, may bee ter­med Babylon.

Lastly, Rome and Babylon concurre in many resemblances, without any constrained com­parison. Babylon in the Scriptures is taken 3 wayes. First Literally, for Babylon in Chaldea, the Metropolis of the Assyrian Empire, 2 Reg. 24. 10. Secondly Literally, for Babylon in Ae­gypt, since called Babylis, or Caire: of which some understand 1 Pet. 5. 13. Thirdly Mysti­cally, for the City of Antichrist, Revel. 17. 5. of which the first was a type: and this is our as­sertion: that Rome is mysticall Babylon.

Rome resembleth the old Babylon in foure particulars.

First, the old Babylon was a worke begunne by seventy Families, which schismed from [Page 186] Shem: but God was in Shems Tents. So, Baby­lon mysticall, the Romane Church, hath made a schisme from the pure Church of the primitive times. And we hope that God doth dwell in our Tents, who retaine the Apostolicall truth.

Secondly, Nimrod (by interpretation an Apostate, or a Rebell) was the Head of old Baby­lon: so, the Pope, the Apostate, it the Head of Rome.

Thirdly, as Rome was given by the Empe­rours Otho Frigensis Chro. 7. 3. P [...]kins Probl. pag. 581. of Christendome to the Pope, our chiefe Christian Bishop: so the Persian Kings granted Babylon unto their High Priest. And the Per­sian translating the seat of his Kingdome from Babylon to Ecbatan, held nothing at Babylon, but the bare name of an Empire: So our Em­perour removing from Rome to Aquisgrave, hath nothing remaining but the title, onely that he is called the Romane Emperour.

Fourthly, Babylon was a City where the Church of the Iewes were captive. And a great part of the Christian Church is, and a grea­ter was captive in Rome also. To these foure I may adde a fift parallell out of Bellarmine. One thousand, one hundred, threescore, and foure Bell. de Pont. Rom. lib. 3. c. 5. yeares, after the building of Babylon it was sac­ked: so in the same number, 1164 yeares af­ter the building thereof, was Rome taken by the Gothes.

This Parallell, like Pharaohs dreame (to shew the certainty thereof) shall be doubled. To those five, I will adde five other, issuing out [Page 187] of the bowels of my text: Which will accord Rome & Babylon in an evident & naturall con­gruity. Arrogance, Violence, Improbity, Idolatry, Hi [...]gons. Myst. Bebyl Serm. 1. Inquis. 2. & Cruelty: non ovum ovo similius: are so sutable to both Rome and Babylon, that they seeme to be a brace of Menechmies. It must be a sharp eye which can be able to distinguish them.

First, in this verse, Antichrist is termed [...], hee that doth exalt himselfe, be­hold his pride and arrogance.

Secondly, the object is named [...], above all that is called God, or worshipped: that is, Kings or Emperours: a vio­lent intrusion upon Authority and Majesty.

Thirdly, for his Improbity, and wicked con­ditions: he is called the Man of sinne.

Fourthly, [...], the deceiveable­nesse of unrighteousnesse, in the 10 verse, is ex­pounded to be Idolatry.

Fiftly, to signifie his destroying Cruelty, the Lord of Rome is termed [...], the son of perdition. And so doth Saint Paul imply the intire parallel betwixt Rome and Babylon.

1. Babylon indeed was proud: but Rome hath imitated their pride, and farre exceeded their copie. Is not this great Babell, which I have built for the house of my Kingdome, by the might of my power, and for the honour of my Majesty? Dan. 4. 30. This was the arrogant ostentation of Nebuchad [...]ezzar. But can all the Babylonish Chronicles yeeld precedents for our Romish in­solencies? King Henry 2 of England, did kisse the [Page 188] knee of the Popes Legate. King Charles 8 of France did kisse the feet of the Pope. Henry 6 the Emperour did suffer his Diadem to bee put on by the feet of the Pope. Henry 4 Emperor, did wait bare-footed, in winter, at the gates of the Pope. And Fredericke Barbarossa, that brave Emperour, had his noble necke trampled on by the proud foot of an insulting Pope. Wee may give the Pope the title of Tarquin, Superbus: or call him Lucifer rather. None but Hell can match Rome for pride. Proud Babell must yeeld the precedence to her younger sister.

2. Violence, or an unjust intrusion upon o­ther Princes dominions, is the second part of the parallell. Babylon indeed was an intollera­ble intruder upon Tirus, Ez. 29. 18. upon Is­rael, Ier. 25. 9. and finally upon the Vniverse, till hee became Monarch of the Vniversall World. The Oecumenicall Bishop hath beene no dullard to practise the like violent usurpations. A [...]or. Ius [...]it. Moral. [...]art. 2. lib. 4. cap. 20. Rome did Gregory 2 wrest from the Emperor Leo, wherof he was a subject, by excommunica­ting his Soveraigne, and assoiling the subjects, he became the Soveraigne. Acquainted with intrusion, hee exercised extrusion also. The Pope exposed Naples to the Duke of Anjou, and Navarre to the King of Spaine. Boniface 8 gave France from Philip the Faire, to Albertus king of the Romanes. And Gregory 7 beat Henry 4 out of the Empire, by the hands of Henry 5, his owne sonne. Yea Christendome is too nar­row a Nest for this towring Bird of prey: Ame­rica [Page 189] also must be usurped, and violently de­tained Francis Lopez Hist. Ind. c. 19 from his donation. But I need not tra­vell so farre: we have domesticall witnesses enow. Besides his pretences to Scotland and Ireland; from King Iohn he detained the Crown of England in the hands of his Legate five dayes. Henry 3 thence hee termed his Vassall. Henry 8, by a Papall processe from Paris was Matth. Paris. pag 844. deprived of his Kingdome. And because one attempt against the Father succeeded not: he twice deposed his Daughter. First Pius 5, an­no Regni 13. next Sixtus 5, somewhat before 1588: but God be blessed, both wanted their successe against our blessed Queene Elizabeth of immortall memory. Yet the effect of those violent assayes have made our Westerne Princes so miserable, that they must either weare the yoake of Rome to their dishonour, or cast it off to their danger.

3. For Improbity of life, or leud corrupti­ons of their conversations. The old Babyloni­ans were like the old covetous persons mentio­ned by Aristotle, [...], she would not bee cured, Ier. 51. 9. Yet hath Rome justified Babylon (as Hierusalem did Samaria, Ezech. 16.) in all her abominations. The abominable lives of Popes I passe, (although I know the Church of Rome may make use of that phrase of the Childe, 2 King. 4. 19. My head, my head) only I would perswade impartiall persons to peruse Platina and other popish Authors, concerning those very Popes, whom Bellarmine himselfe doth [Page 190] name as parum probi, but somewhat faulty: to Bell. Praes. de Sum. Pontif. wit, Stephanus 6, Leo 5, Christophorus 1, Iohan­nes 12, and Alexander 6. But for the whole body of their Church [...]nd City, it is wholly pollu­ted: that it meriteth the name, not of Babylon onely, but of Aegypt, and Sodome also, Revel. 11. 8. Let their owne Writers testifie this truth. In Rome (saith Espencaeus) there is such Espenc. in Titum cap. 1. licence for sinning, and such impudence in sin­ning: Talis, & tanta, ut nemo credat, nisi qui vi­derit, neget nemo, nisi qui non viderit: None would beleeve it, but such as have seene it, none deny it, but such as have not seene it. Platina doth second him: There is (saith he) such co­vetousnesse, lust, ambition, pride, ignorance, hypo­crisie, and universall corruption of manners, in both the Laity and Clergy: Vt vix apud Deum locum misericordiae nobis reliquerunt: that wee can hardly hope for any mercy from the hands of the Almighty. And to shew that there is such a thing in the world as may be called the Whore of Babylon, at one time in Rome there Stauislaus de lege Coel. b. were five and forty thousand strumpets, which did pay tribute to his Holinesse. Yea, they de­clare their sinne as Sodome did, they hide it not. Isay 3. 9. Bellarmine doth avouch it, that the Magistrate doth not offend, Si meritricibus certum locum urbis incolendum attribuit: if he give leave to whores to dwell in the City: quamvis certò sciat eo loco eas non bene usuras: although hee know they will abuse those dwellings. He may per­mit (saith he) minus malum, ut majora impedi­antur: [Page 191] a small evill, that a greater may be pre­vented. A practice and patronage besitting the majesty of great Babell.

4. Wee can, and doe challenge Rome to imitate and equall Babylon in manifold Idola­try. For the worshipping of pure, yea im­pure creatures: both true Saints, and other sinfull persons, farre from sanctification: for the worshipping of Images: for worshipping of a piece of wood, the Crosse: for the wor­shipping of a piece of bread, the Host: yea, for worshipping of Non ens, fabulous fictions, which were never extant since the Creation. But I will onely instance in a precedent of most grosse Idolatry, which the Ignorant may discerne, and most learned be never able (with­out Sophistry) to desend.

Those who worship Images of silver and gold, the worke of mens hands, which have eyes and see not, &c. worship the idolls of the Heathen, Psal. 135. 15.
But Rome doth worship Images of silver and gold, the worke of mens hands, which have eyes and see not, and eares and heare not, &c.
Therefore, Rome doth worship the Idolls of the Heathen. And therein is like Babylon.

5. Incomparable cruelty is the fist part of this comparison. Of literall Babylon, History doth tell us that it was most cruell: and of my­sticall Babylon, Prophesie doth tell us, that it was, is, and ever shall be, as cruell: What a bloody race there was of Babylonish Princes, that [Page 192] of Thomyris will teach us concerning one of them: when she had duck'd the head of Cyrus Iust. Hist. lib. 2. in a vessell of mans blood, Satia, inquit, te san­guine quem sitisti, cujusque semper insatiabilis fu [...]st [...]: Cyrus was insatiable in his appetite to blood. Wee may suppose the same of that whole bloody generation of the old Babylon. Neither is the New Babylon free from that dropsie: She is drunke with the blood of Saints: Revel. 17. 6. and if we looke on Calabria, Lan­guedoc, Provence, Bohemia, Hungary, and Spaine; where the Protestants have beene persecuted, and whence they have beene extirpated, our eyes (without the interposition of any Red Glasse, or other artificiall medium) would ap­prehend those Countries to bee (like the Ae­gyptian Rivers, Exod. 7. 21.) all blood. If we re­view the Resolutions of the Spanish and English, and the Executions of the French: the Arma­da, Powder plot, and miserable Massacres. But of all, if the Inquisition (which is now like the sonne of Croesus, tongue-tyed,) would utter, A [...] G [...]llius lib. 5. cap 9. how many Lambes have had their throats cut in that secret shambles: We should see so much, that it would compell us to speake as much to Rome, as Zipporah did to Moses, Exod. 4. 25. Surely a bloody citie art thou unto us: and therein also like old Babylon.

But what need we contend for arguments, when our adversaries grant the conclusion. That Rome is Babylon, and so consequently the seat of Antichrist; it is plainly confessed by [Page 193] many of the most learned Papists. This is the Suarez Apol. lib. 5. 6. 7. nu. 8. assertion of Victorinus, Andreas, Ribera, Vie­gas, also Bellarmine de Sum. Pontif. lib. 3. ca. 13. Sanders de Vis. Monarchia lib. 8. cap. 8. and ma­ny others. Roma à Iohanne saepius v [...]catur Ba­bylon, saith Lessius. Si aeutem (saith Suarez) If Lessius de Ant-Dem. 12. Suarez Apol. lib. 5. c. 7. nu. 8. Malvenda de Antich. lib. 4. c. 4 by Babylon we understand any particular Ci­tie, it can be no other than Rome. Nay, saith Malvenda, since S. Iohn Revel. 17. 18. doth call Babylon the Great Citie which reigneth over the Kings of the earth: this (saith he) is as plaine as if one should veluti digit [...] Romanam Vrbem demonstrare, with his very finger point at the citie of Rome. Thus farre then we concurre: that Rome in the Revelation is meant by Babylon: and that Rome or Babylon is the seat of An­tichrist.

But they qualifie this grant with a distinc­tion. Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. 6. 7. nu. 8. It may be (say they) Rome is Babylon, and shall be the seat of Antichrist: but this must be understood de Roma ethnica, non religiosa: of Rome under the Pagans, and not of Rome under the Pope. A childish evasion, not wor­thie a consutation. It must bee Rome Chri­stian, as it appeareth from a double departure. The first of Babylon from the Church, Revel. 17. 1. Babylon is called an Whore, which doth presuppose Apostasie: and an Apostasie is pe­culiar unto Christians, no way pertaining unto Pagans. The second departure, is of the Church from Babylon: Rev. 18. 4. Exite, Come out of her my people. Now wee know that many of [Page 194] Gods people did remaine in old Rome, who would have made some scruple to reside in Babylon. Againe, S. Paul saith, that the Tem­ple of God is the seat of Antichrist: But Rome Heathen is not the Temple of God: Therefore, Rome Heathen is not (Babylon or) the seat of An­tichrist.

Let us try this distinction a little further: and we shall discover it to be meere drosse. Thus we object: Rome is Babylon, or the seat of Antichrist. They grant it: but distinguish betwixt Rome Heathen, and Christian. As if they should say, Indeed Rome is the seat of An­tichrist: but Rome, as it was, or shall be under the Pagans, and not as it is under the Pope. So we dispute of the Place, and they distinguish of the Time: whereby they yeeld the Cause, that in regard of the Place Rome is the Seat of Antichrist. But for the Time: that is another property, which I will handle in another place. For this, it is sufficient that Rome is the place of Antichrist.

Since therefore Rome doth stand on seven hills: since it did reigne over the Kings of the earth: since it is aptly resembled to old Baby­lon: and since it doth usurpe the Temple of God, claiming it selfe to be the Principall, yea the whole Church of Christ▪ I conclude, Rome is Babylon, the City, the Court, and Seat of An­tichrist.

And is Rome Babylon? Now me thinkes I heare that voice from heaven, Revel. [...]8. 4. Come [Page 195] out of her my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Babylon will bring sinne to your soules, plagues to your bodies, perdition unto both. Let us therefore come out of Babylon: let us therefore ke [...]pe out of Babylon. Saint Iohn did runne out of the bath from Cerynthus, for feare hee should have beene buried in it. And Lot was haled out of Sodome, for feare he should have beene bur­ned with it. But Babel is worse than Cerynthus his bath, worse than Sodome: we shall be bur­ned, we shall be buried in destruction, if once we be bewitched with that Babylonish sorcery, Popery. Yea the seat of Babell, is like the Fur­nace of Babell, it will destroy those who come but neare it. And Popery is like a Whirle-poole, it will swallow those who come but within the brinke thereof.

Let us therefore Come out of Babylon, and keepe us farre from the deceits of Poperie. I say not, Trade not with them, Eate not with them, Companie not with them: I say not this; yet Modicum non nocet: Si non su­matur. A little Acquaintance with Popish People will doe little harme: if wee entertaine no acquaintance with any Papists at all. This I say, Beware of Babylon, and her papisti­call instruments. Keepe your Children from them, keepe your Servants from them, keepe your Persons from them: But a­bove all, keepe your Hearts and Affections from them.

Now the God of Hierusalem keepe you from the Man of Babylon [...] that he may never prevaile upon your Persons, upon your Friends, upon your Children, upon your Servants, nor upon a­ny thing which ap­pertaineth un­to you.



2 THESS. 2. 3, & 4. Who exalteth himselfe above all that is called God, or that is worshipped.’

Antichrist shall not exalt himselfe above the true God. The Pope doth: and above all that is worshipped. The Popes Ambition. The Pope exalteth himselfe above Kings. Above the Emperours. Papists are Traitors.

THis branch of this verse contai­neth the first property of Antichrist: concerning the exposition wher­of, there is a great breach be­twixt us and the Papists. [...], id est, Bellarm. Apo­log. cap. 9. extollit se Antichristus supra omnem Deum, qui dicitur Deus, sive per essentiam, sive per partici­pationem, sive falsum, sive verum, saith Bellar­mine: That is, Antichrist shall exalt himselfe above all that is called God, either by Essence, or by Participation: be he a true, or a false god. Sive Suarez Apol. lib. 5. 6. 17. nu. 7. vere, sive falso, sive metaphorice: be he a true, [Page 198] false, or metaphoricall god, such as Princes are said to be, saith Suarez. [...] supra omne quod colitur, sive superstitiose, sive religiose: either religiously, or superstitiously, saith the same Suarez. [...], Verbum extollendi Suarez Apol. lib. 5. c. 17. nu. 11 significat excessum, arrogantiam, & usurpatio­nem: by exalting is meant an excessive arrogant usurpation, over God, and all things belonging to God. According unto which our English Rhemists seeme to state the question and con­troversie Rhemists in 2 Thess. 2. 4. Sect. 11. betwixt us. Who exalteth himselfe a­bove all that is called God, or that is worshipped. That is, Antichrist shall abolish all religion of the Iewes, Gentiles, and Christians: and shall suffer none (no not God) but himselfe to bee worship­ped alone.

A most grossely absurd exposition: as it may be made manifest foure wayes. First it contradicteth reason: in reason, if a seducer should plainly professe and proclaime him­selfe to be greater than God, would any be so stupide and senselesse to be seduced by him? If a mortall wretch should exalt himselfe above the great and true God: men would rather de­ride him for his folly, imprison him for his phrensie, and stone him for his blasphemy▪ than to follow such a foolish, frantick, and blasphemous Impostor. Secondly, it doth contradict his name, who is named Antichristus, that is, The Adversary of Christ; and not Antitheus, that is, the Adversary of God, which should be his proper name, if directly or expressely to exalt [Page 199] himselfe above the true God, were his true pro­pertie. Thirdly, this is contrary to their owne popish positions. Antichrist (say the Papists) shall be a Iew: how then shall he abolish the Iewish religion? Againe, they affirme that he shall be a Magician, and that hee shall worship the Devill. Therefore Antichrist shall not exalt himself (supra omnem Deum) above every God, not above the god of this world. And finally, this interpretation is contrary to this very Text. The superlative of all his excessive properties is this, [...], and [...], that he shall rule as God, and shew that he is God: this is the height of his audacious, incomparable arrogance: but that incredible, impossible, unlimited in­solence, that a man shall exalt himselfe above God, we must leave this as a phrensie and fic­tion, to wave the imputation of other fran­ticke and fabulous paradoxes, which they are unwilling to acknowledge, much lesse to reclaime.

Having rejected their exposition, we pro­ceed to our owne. Above all that is called God: in the originall some read [...], above every thing which is called God: and o­thers, [...], above every person which is called God. The first reading is [...], the errour of the Printer, contrary to the most Greeke copies, as it is acknow­ledged by M. Beza himselfe. With the war­rant Beza in [...] Th [...]s. 2. 4. therefore of the most copies, we follow the latter reading, and the interpretation of [Page 200] our late Soveraigne, now with God. [...], Rex Iacobus Praemonit. the persons whom the Scriptures doe call Gods, are Princes and Magistrates, Psal. 82. 6. Dixi Dij estis, I have called you Gods. Which exposition is affirmed by a learned French Bishop, Pater omnium Deus d [...]citur, & est: at Iren [...]s lib 3. cap. 6. non super hunc extolletur Antichrist us, sed super eos qui dicuntur quidem, sed non sunt dij: The Fa­ther of all things (saith he) is called God, and is God: but Antichrist shall not exalt himselfe above him; but above them who indeed are called gods, but are not in deed. Which Exposition is also confirmed by as learned an English Bishop: Ecqua nervosior consequentia, quam ut dicantur Andrewes Apol. cap. 9. Dij ab Apostolo, quos Deus ipse dixit d [...]os in Psal­mo? Can there be a more strong consequence than to collect that those are called Gods by Saint Paul in this Text, whom God himselfe doth call gods in the Psalmes? And if the A­postle had not alluded unto some whom the Scripture doth call gods, hee might with like facility have written, that Antichrist should ex­alt himselfe (supra omne quod est, vel saltem supra omne quod vel est, vel dicitur Deus) above all that is, or at least above all that either is, or that is cal­led God. Here then S. Paul saith not, that An­tichrist shall exalt himselfe above all that is God, (to wit, by nature) but above all which is called God, (to wit, in title:) which is proper unto Kings. The meaning of the first member of this distribution, is this: Antichrist shall exalt himselfe above all that is called God, that is, [Page 201] above all Kings and Princes.

The second member is [...], all that is worshipped: which indeed doth signifie, quod colitur, the object of any kinde of worship or thing worshipped: as Altars, Idols, &c. as it is rightly rendred by Bellarmine out of the Acts Bell. de Pont. Rom. 314. 17. 23. and Wisdome 15. 17. This acception of the word, though it be true, yet it is impro­per to this place: because the letter doth run [...], supra omnem qui dicitur [...], above every person, not above every thing which is called [...] therefore in the text, I take to bee a synonima, signifying the same thing with [...] in the 25, of the Acts, 21, and 25. where it is expounded Au­gustus. The sense being that Antichrist shall exalt himselfe above the Emperor. For he speak­eth of such an exaltation, whereby Antichrist should be revealed: as he was to be hindered for a time by the Romane Emperour. The sense of all is this: Antichrist exalteth himselfe above all that is called God, or that is worshipped: that is, Antichrist doth exalt himselfe above all Kings and above all Emperours.

Such an one is the Pope: if there ever was, is, or shall bee such an one under Heaven.

But in so plaine a cause, to deale freely with them: This sense I say is true: yet their owne interpretation may exactly be fitted to the Pope.

First, take the name of God metaphorically, [Page 202] for Bishops and Kings. The Pope is avouched by all Papists, to be Episcopus Oecumenicus, the universall bishop of the World: and by some to be solus Episcopus, the Onely bishop. And Suarez Apolog. li. 5. ca. 17. nu. 12 his authority over Kings and Emperours, Suarez calleth jus suum, his right and proper indow­ment. For false Gods those of the Heathen had power limited: the Pope unlimited. With them Neptune ruled the Sea, Ceres the Earth, Iupiter Heaven, and Pluto Hell. But the Pope hath three Crownes, to shew his power in three places: in Heaven, Earth and Hell. And for the true God: no Power can dispence with any Law, but the same, or a greater authority. Now the Pope doth dispence with the Scripture of God▪ therefore he exalteth himselfe above God. Againe, whilest the Pope doth make that to be lawfull, which God hath made unlawfull: as the exemption of Clerkes from their Soveraigne, Rom. 13. 4. and those things to bee unlawfull, which God hath made to be lawfull, as the exception of Clerkes from mariage, Heb. 13. 4. But principally whilest he doth make the whole State of Reli­gion to depend upon the Oracle of his resolution: hereby he doth exalt himself, above God himselfe. Thus the Pope doth exalt himselfe above all that is called God, metaphorically, falsely, or truely: that is, above Kings, Bishops, Idols, or the Au­thour of the Scripture. And thus farre from their owne Popish premises, wee may con­clude: that the Pope is The Antichrist.

The [...], or things worshipped in [Page 203] the Romane Church, are these five: the Saints, Angels, Altar, Crosse, and Host: Above all which, all men know, that the Pope doth ex­alt himselfe. He sheweth himselfe superiour to Bell. de Sanct [...] Beat. cap 8. the Saints, quoad [...], in regard of their Canonization: he doth Canonize, or make men departed to be Saints, and to bee worshipped. Where the argument of Athanasius is strong Athanasius Ora. contra Gentes [...] [...]. col. 9. and evident: [...], Efficiens, effecto melius esse oportet, the maker must bee more excellent than the worke of his hands.

The Angels are commanded by the Pope, Corn. Agr [...]p. de vanit sci [...]t. cap. 61. ( Clemens 6) to take such soules as dyed by the way, going to the Iubilie, out of Purgatory, and to cary them immediately into Heaven. This he commanded: and this commandement, is an argument, that the Pope doth exalt himselfe above Angels: yea that he doth shew himselfe to be God. For by this very argument doth Saint Paul prove, Christ to be God: because he Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 1. fol. 16. is above the Angels, Heb. 1. 4, & 5. Thirdly, the Popes Throne, is placed above Gods Altar: Argue from the thing to the persons: and wee shall sinde them not much inferiour, to any thing which is worshipped.

Fourthly, the Crosse is laid at the Popes feet: evidence enough, that he doth exalt himselfe above it. And finally, in his solemne Processi­ons, the Host (that is to them Christ, God) is ca­ried on an Horse, but the Pope on mens shoulders. But to bring all within the infinite orbe of [Page 204] his unlimited Arrogance: Tibi genua [...]urventur, Aug. Triumph. Epist. Ded. ad Ioh. 22. caelestium, terrestrium, & inferorum: To the Pope every knee shall bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, saith their Augustine de Ancona. And I thinke Saint Paul could say not much more of our Saviour Christ, Phil. 2. 10. The Pope therefore doth honour himselfe, aboue the Saints, Angels, Altars, Crosse, and the Host. In their owne sense: Hee exalteth himselfe above all that is worshipped.

I doe not then decline their owne interpre­tation: that Antichrist doth exalt himselfe a­bove the very God in some sense. But I deferre that Property, unto his proper place, the third point: where I must shew, that Antichrist doth shew himselfe, that he is God. In the meane time: ex ungue Leonem, you may guesse by this, who it is, which doth exalt himselfe above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. Even by their owne interpretation.

But to insist more particularly, upon the proper meaning of the words, Three points I propose to passe through: the Act, who exal­teth himselfe: exercised on a Double object, a­bove all that is called God, or that is worshipped: that is, above all Kings and Emperours.

The Act, [...], who exalteth hmselfe; is an incomparable ambition: which is incompara­bly, in the Pope, and Papacy. For the Pope was first a Bishop, over many Priests, in one Citie. Secondly, a Metropolitane over many Bishops, [Page 205] in one Province. Thirdly, the Pope was a Pa­triarke over many Metropolitans, in one Diocess: (for amongst the Romanes, there were seven Provinces in one Diocesse.) Fourthly, he usur­ped the title of Oecumenicus, to be the univer­sall Bishop of the whole world. Fiftly, he is stiled Laynez Iesui [...] Trent. Hist. lib. 7. 610. Trent Hist. li. 7. pag. 655. solus Pastor, the onely shepheard, or Bishop. And finally, that Pius Pope, the fourth of that name, in the yeare 1563, signified to the Councell of Trent, by his Legates, that hee was the Master of all Christendome. Pretty steps of ambitious incroaching: and yet here is not the height of his ambition. The Tower of Babel must touch the Heavens: the Pope doth exalt himselfe yet farther.

To which purpose Marta, doth expound, Tortura Torti pag. 177. that saying of the Psalmist very laudably, Psal. 8. 6, & 7. Thou hast put under his feet, oves & boves: that is, under the feet of the Pope, Chri­stianos, & Saracenos: all Christians and Saracens, saith that Glosse of Orleance. For, For every Extrav. de Ma­jor & Obedient. tit. [...]. humane Creature, to be subject to the Pope, omnino sit de necessitate salutis, it is necessary to their salvation, saith the popish extravagant. In the yeare 1585. in the yeeld-Hall of St. Domingo in India, our English observed the Spanish Cambden [...]nno 1585. Armes: under which was planted a Globe or Map of the whole world, and on it the picture of an Horse Prauncing and spreading his fore­feet beyond the verge of the Globe, or compasse of the world, with this inscription, Non sufficit Orbis, i. the world is too little for me.

An exact embleme of the Popes insatiable ambition, non sufficit orbis, all the world is too Antonin sum­nia 1. Dist. 22. cap. 5. little for him; whereof his owne Antoninus gi­veth an ample testimony, expounding the fol­lowing verses of the forenamed Psalme, Thou Psal 8. 7, & 8. hast put under the Popes feet, the beasts of the field, that is, all men: the Fowles of the Ayre, that is, the Angels: and the Fishes of the Sea, that is, a [...]imas in Purgatorio, the Soules in Purgatorie. So Heaven, Earth, and Hell: Men, Angels, and the Spirits, must all be subject to his Holi­nesse, if holy Antonine may bee beleeved. But durst ever man imagine, that any man durst usurpe upon Christs owne Peculiar, Matth. 28. Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 1. sect. 7. c. 6. 18. Omnis potestas, all Power is given mee in Heaven, and in Earth? Yet this was the saying of Sixtus Quartus, in the solemnitie of his sa­cred Ceremonies.

Adde, that their whole indeavor is onely to support this Papall Omnipotence: and that the other points of controversie concerning reli­gion, are but onely Pretences. To that purpose, Trent. Hist. li. 1. pag. 94. consider that anno 1541. at the Diet of Ratis­bon, Paul 3, sent his Legate Iasper Cardinall Contarine, with all manner of power, to agree with the Protestants, provided that they did not deny the Principles, that is, the Primacy of the Apostolike See, &c. Pius 4, did offer the Cambd. Annal. anno 1 560. p. 59 same to England, by Parpalias Abbot of St. Saviours. And Pope Paul 4, did tender unto Tort. Torti pag. 142. Queene Elizabeth leave and liberty to use all the points of Religion, as wee then did, and [Page 179] now doe enjoy them, Modo in Primatum ipsius, consentire vellet [...] onely, if shee would give place to his Primacy. Consonant to which, is Trent. Hist. lib. 2. pag. 164. that Caveat which Paul 3, gave to his Legates at the Councill of Trent, that they should by no meanes permit the Popes authority to be di­sputed of. Thus the maine drift of the Pope is, to advance the Papacy. I may therefore advance him to one Title more; He is [...] one that advanceth himselfe, more than all the world beside.

The Act, we finde apparent; that the Pope doth exalt himselfe. The object followeth to be inquired after: over whom doth hee exalt himselfe? Over all, but first, over Kings: in the phrase of my Text, above all that is called God. Concerning which consider we, their Positions, and their Practice.

Their Positions, I thinke none can deliver more truly, than their most learned Cardinall Bellarmine. Who doth plainly professe, both what authority the Pope doth take from Prin­ces: and also what authority hee doth exer­cise upon Princes. Which is exaltation enough above Kings, and all that is worshipped. We say Bell. de Pont. Rom. lib 2. c. 26. (saith Bellarmine) that the Pope cannot be judg­ed; by any Prince or Prelate on the earth [...] neque ab omnibus simul in concilio congregatis, no not by all the Princes, & Prelates in the world, though in a Councill. Asserimus, it is our position (saith Bell. lib. 5. cap. 6. initio. he againe) that although the Pope hath no meere temporall power, yet in ordine ad bonum spi­rituale, [Page 208] for a spirituall purpose, hee hath Power disponendi de temporalibus omnium Christianorū, to dispose of the temporalls of all Christian per­sons. And that wee may not mistake him: let Bellarmine expresse his owne meaning: Potest mutare regna, & uni auferre, ac alteri con­ferre: the Pope (saith he) hath power to dispose Bell. de Pont. Ro. lib 5. cap. 6. versi [...]a sinem. of Kingdomes, to give them to some, and to take them away from others. Or let a Pope confirme the position of their Cardinall. Nos Dominus inter Principes, imo supra Principes sedere voluit, & judicare de Principibus, (saith Pope Innocent Innocent 3, lib. 2. ep [...]st. 188 3,) that is, It is Gods will that the Popes should sit among Princes, yea above Princes, and to bee Trent. Hist. lib. 4. 314. Trent. Hist. lib. 5. 395. Iudges of Princes. Anno 1551, Iulius 3, told the Embassadour of Henry 2, if the King tooke Parma from him, that he would take France from the King. Paul 4, at his Table publikely said, Hee would not have any Prince for his Com­panion, but all subject under his feet; So hee sayd striking his foot against the ground. Which is as nobly seconded by Becanus, in his Treatise Novus Homo pag. 133. termed Anglicana Controversia: the Pope (saith he) is universall Shepheard of the Church; ac­cording Ioh. 21. 16. to the Scripture, Pasce [...]ves, feed my sheepe. Per Canes intelligantur Reges, and the Kings are the Dogges of that Shepheard. Ther­fore so long as those Dogges (or Kings) are watchfull, Pastori ad ma [...]me esse debent, they must waite upon the (Pope or) Shepheard. But if they become idle, the Shepheard. But if they become idle, the Shepheard may turne thē away, ab officio submovendi sunt. Againe, which [Page 209] is lesse materiall, but more authenticall) a Taxa Ca [...]era Apostolicae part. 2. cap. 9. Queene may not adopt a child, nor a King exact contributions from his Cleargy, without a Li­cence from the great Clearke of Rome: and their Synode of Trent 1563, returned this answer to Trent. Hist. lib. 8. the French Embassadours, saying, that Kings are given by God; that his was Hereticall, and condemned by a Pope, Bonifacius 8, in this Ex­travagant, unam sanctam: If he did not distin­guish that they were from God, but by the me­diation of his Vicar.

Finally, Carerius concludeth all these pre­mises, Carer. de Potest. Rom. Pont. lib. 1. cap. 3. with an egregious Comment upon Iere­my, 1. 10. Behold I have set thee over Nations, &c. This (saith he) doth the Prophet speake, in the person of Christ, unto the Bishop of Rome, that if Kings be wicked he may punish, and correct them. Of whom I may truly say, Plus quam regnare videtur, cui it a liceat censuram agere reg­nantium. Monarchomach. part. 1. Tit. 2. pag. 89. Certainly, the Pope is more than a Prince, who taketh upon him so to censure Princes. The text doth frame him a fit title: it is the Pope, who doth exalt himselfe, above all that is called God.

All which premises, are come to a comple­ment, The Quarrels of Paul 5, lib. 4. pag. 206. and complete conclusion in our age. Anno 1606. in the contentions betwixt Pope Paul 5, and the State of Venice, the current do­ctrine, and consent of the Romane writers con­curred in this; That the Temporall power of Prin­ces, is subordinate to the power Ecclesiasticall, and subject to it. Consequently, that the Pope hath [Page 210] authority, to deprive Princes of their estates, for their faults, and errours: which they commit in their government: Yea though they have not com­mitted any fault, when the Pope shall judge it fit for the good of the Church. This is related and avouched by a Venetian, who was no Protestāt; but lived and dyed in the outward commu­nion with the Church of Rome.

Their Practice doth make good these Posi­tions. Hist. Albing. lib. 1. cap. 3. About 1209, the Legate under Pope Innocent 3, commanded Remond, the Earle of Toulouze, to performe a penance (for the Murther of Frier Peter de Chateancuf, whom hee neither killed, nor caused to bee killed) in forme following. He commanded the same Earle to strippe himselfe, starke naked, (onely having linnen breeches) without the Church of St. Giles. Then he put a stole about his necke; by which he led him nine times about the grave of the said Fryer. Afterward he scourged him, in the presence of many Earles, Barons, and Prelates. And finally, having forced him to ab [...]ure the Rel [...]g [...]on of the Albingenses, he con­strained the miserable man, to goe Captaine over the Souldiers of the Crosse, against those poore persecured Protestants in Beziers.

The vsage of a more noble man than this, D r. Beard de Antich. pag 76. was yet more ignoble, Francis Dandalus Duke of Venice, was chained like a Dogge, and did eate meat with the Dogges under the Popes Table.

Anno 1563 Pius 4, cited Ioane Queene of Hist. Trent. lib. 8 [Page 211] Navarre, to appeare within sixe moneths, to shew reason why he should not be deprived of all her dignities and dominions: and the ma­riage betweene Anthonie of Vandosme, and her made void, and their issue illegitimate. Iohn Tortura Torti pag. 271. King of Navarre was deposed by Iulius 2, Henry 3, King of France, was slaine by a Popish Assas­sinate: and Pope Sixtus 5, pronounced a pa­negyrike in the praise of that bloody Monke who was the murtherer.

Pope Zachary deposed Childericus, com­manding Bell. de Pont. Ro. lib. 3. cap. 16. that Pipin should be crowned King of France, in his stead. Besides these particu­lar precedents of personall Kings: in generall for successive Princes; The Bishops of Rome have driven out of Rome and Italy three Kings. First the Graecian Emperours, secondly the French, and thirdly the Germanes. Not altogether unsutable to that Prophecy of Antichrist, ei­ther in the Type, or in the Antitype. Behold before the little horne, were three of the former hornes plucked up by the rootes, Dan. 7. 8.

To finish these precedents, with our owne Malmes. in Gest. Reg. lib. 2. Nation: which cannot but touch the heart of every true Englishman. 1031 Canutus went to Rome himselfe with an humble supplication to the Pope for some relaxation of the insuppor­table impositions, he had burdned this Realm withall. Vnder Henry 1, Anselme Archbishop Matth. Paris. Hen. 1. of Canterbury, exhibited the like petition to his Holinesse, in the behalfe of our oppressed Countrymen. Richard 1, was sent of the Popes [Page 212] errand into the holy land, and received much reliefe from his Holmesse, when he was capti­vated, Tortura Torti pag. 269. returning from that expedition. Henry 2, was wh [...]pped by the Popes injunction. In Antiqu. Brit. pag. 154. the reigne of King Iohn, the Monkes at the command of Innocent 3, elected Steven Lanction Archbishop of Canterbury: contrarie to their faith and sidelity, which they both owed, and (more) had sworne to their Soveraign. Vpon some opposition which the King made against this Popish Tyranny, the whole realme Matth. Paris. pag. 117. was interdicted from the Sacrament. In which time, the dead were buryed more Canum, saith Matthew Paris, like dogges, in Ditches and Highwayes, without any Christian solemnitie. So that in conclusion, the poore King being over-tired with the over-tyrannising of the Antiquit. Brit. pag 158. proud Pope, he was compelled to stoope to the basest submission, that ever the Sunne saw in our Hand, before or since. Hee delivered up his Crowne to Pandulphus, the Popes Legate, and received it from him againe: as a Romish Legacy, or largis of liberality. Hereupon Matth. Paris. pag. 508. Gregory 9. exacted the fift part of the goods of the Cleargy, suspended the Bishops till they had collated their best benefices and prime Pre­bends on Strangers and Boyes. Innocentius the 4, commanded the Cleargy to finde for his use five, and some fifteene men a peece: and if any Clearke did dye Intestate, all his goods should fall to the Pope. So that the whole Land groa­ned under the burden of Egyptian bondage, [Page 213] saith our Historian; and it became a common Matth. Paris. pag 358. subscription of all the Nobles in their letters to the Prelates: Talt Episcopo, & tali Capitu­lo, universitas corum qui volunt mori, quam à Romanis confundi, salutem: that is, These bee delivered to such a Bishop, or to such a Chap­ter, from us, who with one consent conclude, that wee had better dye, than bee ruined by Rome or the Romish Taskemasters. On these grounds, Antichrist stood on Tiptoe. Innocentius Matth. Paris. pag. 844. 4, insulting in that insolent phrase over our dejected King Henry the third, saying: Nonne Rex Angliae, noster est vasallus? & ut plus dicam Manciptum? qui eum possum nutu nostro incar­cerare, & ignominiae mancipare? Is not (quoth he) the King of England my Vassall? nay more, is he not my slave? Have not I power with my becke to disgrace him, or to imprison him? Cer­tainly, if our King was a slave to the Pope, then was our Kingdome inthralled in an untolera­ble, unutterable popish slavery. In the yeare Walsing. Rich. 2. pag. 344. Antiqui. Brita. in [...] pag 273 p. 278. 1391, Richard 2, was much perplexed, that so many Benesiced English were constrained to reside at Rome. Anno 1399, the Cleargy pe­titioned to King Henry 4, to assist them against the Tyrannicall usurpations of the Pope. 1419, and 1420, Pope Martine 5, in the time of King Henry 5, in the space of two yeeres, u­surped, and collated Thirteene Bishoprickes, within the province of Canterbury alone; maugre many the Edicts of the King, and Statutes of the Kingdome, and frequent threat­nings [Page 214] of both Peeres, and People against his in­trusions. About the yeare 1497, Pope Alex­ander Antiquit. Brit. pag. 300. 6, exacted a contribution from every Curate through England in generall. And in particular, he put such a project upon Thomas Franc. Hereford de Presul. Angl. Merchir, as can seldome be paralleld out of any Histories. This Pope translated this man, being Bishop of Carlile in England, unto the Bishoprick of Samoes in Graecia, being meer­ly Titular, a trimme tricke to beggar a poore Clearke. Yet those things did the Cleargy suffer, even in the latter times of Henry the seventh: when the Popes pompe, was drawing to a pe­riode. Paul 3, in the reigne of Henry 8, would Trent. Hist. lib 3. pag. 275. have given the Kingdome of England unto Charles 5. But that prudent Prince perceived that these were sowre Grapes; and therefore he did inhibite his appetite from gaping after them. And the same Pope commanded the subjects of the same King to throw him out of his Kingdome by force of armes. The purport of which impious Bull, ranne in this transcen­dent M r. Higgo [...] Myst. Babylon 1. 97. phrase; We being placed in the seat of Iu­stice, according to the prediction of the Prophet Ier. 1. 10. saying; Behold, I have set thee over Nations, and over the Kingdomes, to plucke up, and root out, and to destroy, and to throw downe. Neither could his owne Proselyte wave his Trent. Hist. lib. 5. pag. 392. imperious usurpation: but Pope Paul 4, inhi­bited Phillip and Mary from using the Title of Ireland, affirming instantly, that to give the Name of a King, belonged unto him onely.

But of all, the [...]ull of Pope Pius the fift, doth Cambd. Annal. Anno 1570. concerne us most, because it did dishonour her, whom wee are bound to honour most. Thus did he advance himselfe above our bles­sed Queene Elizabeth. Ex plenitudine potestatis, quam regnans in excelsis Pontifici tradidit, quem unum supra omnes gentes constituit: qui evellat, destruat, dissipet, disperdat, &c. Elizabetham pri­vamus jure regni—& subditos omnes, ab om­ni juramento fidelitatis absolvimus. That is, By that fulnesse of power, which he that reigneth a­bove, hath given to the Pope, whom alone, hee hath set over all Nations and Kingdomes, to root out, and pull downe, to destroy, and throw downe, &c. We depose Elizabeth from all right in her King­dome.—And we absolve all her subjects from all manner of oathes of Allegiance, which they have sworne unto her. This is the testimony of Ma­ster Cambden, our learned Countryman, and Chronologer.

Without offence therefore, I thinke that Monarchoma­chia tit. 5. p. 248 I may conclude, and censure these popish exal­tations, in the very words of a most censorious Papist. I will change but one word: I will onely use Rome for Geneva. But these Minions of Rome, bring Religion to plead for the defence of their union: and that they endeavored onely to pu­nish Ochosias for consulting with the Idol of Ac­charon, and to root out superstition. Here indeed is the voice of Iacob, but the roughnesse of Esau: words of piety, but the actions of Babel. Can you shew as good a warrant, as Elias had? did God call [Page 216] you, did God authorise you, to deprive your Prin­ces? Per me Reges regnant, was Gods proposition: and Saint Peter, 1 Epist. cap. 2, vers. 13. Bee sub­ject to every humane creature for God, whether to a King, as excelling, or to Rulers. His counsell, and yours vary much, for he willeth them to feare God, and honor the King: but you d [...]rect your audi­tors to degrade, and depose Kings. S. Paul, Rom. 13. 1. Let every soule be subject to the higher powers, for t [...]ere is no power but of God: & he who resisteth that power, resisteth Gods ordinance, and purcha­seth damnation: and v. 5. not of necessity, but for conscience sake. But this matter needeth no disputat [...]on: Grace and piety can best decide it. Thus returne I his owne words: and I hope, farre more justly, than ever he did apply thē. Thus also, have wee heard (and felt too) satis superque, enough and enough of the Popish positions, and of the Popes practice, in depo­sing of Kings, and disposing of Kingdomes.

Thus hath the Pope usurped upon many K [...]ngs. Now the King of Heaven blesse our King from the like Pop [...]sh usurpations.

Neither are the Emperours exempted from his Papall Power: but the Pope doth exalt him­selfe above them also. Concerning whom let us againe consider, the Popish Positions and Pra­ctice. Pope Paul 4, anno 1556, said, that hee had called a Councell at Rome, and named it the Trent Hist. li 5. pag. 400. Laterane: that he had given commission, to [Page 217] signifie it to the Emperour and French King, in courtesie, but not to have their counsell, or consent: because his will was, they should obey. Pius the fourth 1563, wrote to the Emperor Trent Hist. lib. 7. 684. Ferdinand, that he had called a Councill, with participation of him, not to expect his consent, but as a meere executour of his will. Innocent 3, in the Decretall which beginneth Solitae, put­teth as great a difference (which is also confir­med by Carerius) betwixt the Pope and the Carerius de Po­test. Pontif. lib. 2. cap. 12. Emperour: as there is betweene the Sunne and the Moone: which according to the rules of Astronomy is 6539 times lesse than the Moul [...]ns Accom. pag. 116. Sunne. But by this arrogant title, which the Pope doth arrogate, that he is the Sunne, hee giveth a little light to discerne Antichrist. An­tichrist shall be called Titan, saith Irenaeus, that is, the Sunne. But the Pope calleth himselfe the Sunne, that is, Titan: Therefore from his own assumption, to conclude him to bee Anti­christ, may passe at the least for a probable conjecture.

Besides these, wee may collect a cloud of witnesses, which doth poure downe confir­mations to this conclusion. Imperatoria maje­stas, O [...]i [...] hovius in Chymer fel. 97. tanto est inferior Papae, quanto creatura Deo: look how much the creature doth differ from the Creator, our God: so much doth the Empe­rour differ from the Pope, their God. A pretty difference. Imperator ad motum summi Ponti­ficis, Capistranus f [...]l. 70. & ejus nutu, tanquam ejus Minister, move­bit inferiora corpora: that is, The Emperour [Page 218] moveth others, at the motion of the Pope (as the Orbes doe under the first Spheare,) a meere servant to his Holinesse. The Empe­rour Aug. de Ancona quaest 35. 1. Antonin. part. 3. tit. 22 cap. 5. sect. 13. Bell. de Trans. Imp. lib. 3. & De Pontif. Rom. lib. 5. c. 8. Carerius de Po­test. Pap. lib. 2. cap. 14. is the Servant of the Pope. The Pope doth make the Electors of the Emperour: therefore the Election of the Emperour dependeth on the Pope. All which Carerius doth confirme by a comely distinction: Potestas triplex est: scil: Immediata, derivitiva, & in Ministerium data. A threefold power there is, quoth he, the first immediate, which is found in the Pope a­lone, who hath universall jurisdiction over all things, as well spirituall as corporall: the second derivative, in the Bishops and Prelates: and the third ministeriall, in the Emperour, and other secular Princes, who have their power, but me­diante Papa, as Feudaries to the Pope. To him therefore doe they sweare an oath of Allegiance. And Antonine saith therefore, that the Pope Antonin. part. 3. tit. 22. c. 5. sect. 16 doth give Administrationem Imperatori, Power to the Emperour.

This Exaltation is satis pro imperio, imperi­ous enough, for a Pope thus to be exalted above the Emperour: which they say is de jure: but I am sure it is so de facto. For their practice doth not give the lye to their positions, but ma­keth good every point thereof: as is appa­rent by these particulars.

Henry 4 Emperour, was digged out of his Tortura T [...]rti pag. 261. grave by Gregory the seventh, Pope of Rome. Fredericke the first did kisse the feet of Alexan­der the third. Henry the sixt was crowned by [Page 219] the feet of Pope Coelestine. Philip was made away by the plots of Innocent the third. And Gre­gory the seventh caused Henry the Emperour, with his wife and children to attend three dayes together, bare-headed, and bare-footed. And that none may cavill at the Chronicles, let us intreat Bellarmine himselfe to bee our Bell. de Pont. Rom. lib 3. ca. 16 Historian. Gregory (saith he) the second, ex­communicated Leo the Greeke Emperour, in­hibited the Italians from paying him tribute, and by little and little got from him the go­vernment of Italy, then called the Exarchate of Ravenna. Gregory the seventh deposed Henry the fourth. There is extant (quoth he) an E­pistle of Freder [...] the second, wherein hee averreth that the [...]ingdomes of Italy, Germany, and Sicily, were constrained to serve the Pope of Rome. Moreover it is manifest, Otho the fourth, by Innocent the third, and Fredericke the second, by Innocent the fourth, Depositos fuisse, & reapse imperia amisisse: to have been de­posed, and absolutely deprived of their Empire.

To make all sure: the Emperour doth take Gratian. Di­stinct. 63. Can. 30 & 3 [...]. Pla. in. in Greg. 7 Sacrar. Cerem. l [...]b. 1. Sect. 5. cap 2. Cornel. Agrip. in Hist. Caroli 5. Matth. Paris. pag. 227. an oath of Fealty to the Pope. The formes wher­of though they be different, yet they concurre in this: that the Emperors must sweare to be sub­ [...]ect to the Pope. Thus was it taken by Lewis (the sonne of Charles the great) to Paschal the first: by Otho the first, to Iohn the twelfth: by Henry the fourth, to Gregory the seventh: by Frede­ricke the third, to Nicholas the fifth: by Charles the fifth, to Clement the seventh: and finally, [Page 220] by our King Iohn to Pope Innocent.

Adde hereunto, that the Emperour doth Sacre [...] Cerem. lib. 1. fol. 26, 35, 54, 56, 113, 120, 163, &c. perforce serv le offices to the Pope. Hee must beare up his Traine when the Pope doth walke: Hold his Stirrup, when he doth ride: hee must support his Chaire with his shoulder, when hee is caried: poure water on his hands, when hee doth wash: and when he doth eate, the Empe­rour must bring in the first dish, and present the first cup to his Holinesse: his Highnesse wee may terme it, for he doth Exalt himselfe above the Emperors in an high measure. And as the Pope doth testifie his exaltation historically to our [...]ares: so doth he represent it also emblemati­cally to our eyes. The Pope hath a Triple Diadem, D r. Sheldon Mot 4. pag. 51. which some say doth signifie that the Romane Emperor doth receive three Crowns from him: one of Iron, at Aquisgrave: another of Silver, at Millane: and the third of Gold, at Rome. I may censure this action of the Pope, in the phrase of a servant of the Pope: Too many crowns Monarchomach. part. 1. Tit. 5. so purchased, to expect any in Heaven. Innocent the second caused his owne, and the Emperors Picture to be set up in the Laterane Palace, him­selfe sitting in his Pontificall Throne, and the Em­perour kneeling before him, and holding up his hands: with this inscription:

Rex venit ante fores, jurans prius Vrbis honores

Post, homo sit Papae, sumit quo dante Coronam. That is, When the King of the Romanes is elected, he attendeth on the Pope: who first admini­string him an Oath to become his man, or ser­vant, [Page 221] doth afterwards give him the Imperiall Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 1. sect. 4. fol. 48. Trent Hist. lib. 8. Crowne. But his prime insolence is without peradventure that oath of Allegiance. Hence I conceive it came to passe, anno 1563 that Fer­dinand the King of the Romanes demanded the words of the Oath, which when he had per­used, he refused, saying: that Thereby he should confesse himselfe to be the Vassall of the Pope.

This is the universall insolence of the Pope:
to bring under both Kings and Emperours.
That is, to exalt himselfe above all:
that is called God, or that is worshipped.

I will deliver plainly what answer the Pa­pists shape, to extenuate this shamelesse usur­pation of the Pope over Kings & Emperors: three waies, three sorts of Papists assay to build up this Palace of Babel. Some by negation, some by dissimulation, and the third sort by qualification.

For the first: All Papists doe concurre that the Pope hath supreme power over the soveraigne Majestie of Kings and Emperours. But concer­ning the nature of that power, they are divided into three severall opinions. The first is of Carerius, and other popish parasites, who af­firme Alex. C [...]rerius de Potest. Rom. that the Pope hath power absolute over the whole world, both in things Ecclesiasticall and Ci­vill. Pont. lib. 2. c 9. Bellarm. de [...]rt. Rom. lib. 5. cap. 6. The second is of Bellarmine and his fol­lowers: who maintaine that though the Pope hath not meere Temporall power over Kings di­rectly, yet he hath supreme authority to dispose of [Page 222] the Temporalities of all Kingdomes, by an indi­rect prerogative, tending (in ordine ad spiritualia) to the advancement of the spirituall good. The last is of Barclaius, and the moderate Papists: Barclaius lib. cap 3. that the Pope hath Spirituall power to excommu­nicate Kings, but no temporall authority to meddle with their Persons, Subjects, or Dominions. To all these assertions, let me propose these ine­vitable consequents. So many as defend the first opinion, declare themselves to bee ( ipso facto) actuall Traitours against the Crowne of those Princes under whom they live. The supporters of the second, are habituall Trai­tors, being alwayes disposed to execute the sen­tence of deposition, if the Pope please to com­mand it. They have no Obex, but dum desunt vires: no hindrance, but the want of Ability and Opportunity. And the third, howsoever indeed it is not perpitious to the Soule of the Estate, to take away the life of the King: yet is it dangerous to the estate of the Soule, to invest a man with a power, which is not compatible to any pure creature; with a faculty of Occumeni­call Excommunication. I know not how to terme it, otherwise than a paradox dangerous, and in some sort damnable also. But in truth, this opinion thus blanched, is not absolutely popish; nor they absolute Papists who do main­taine it. I suppose that there are many mode­rate Papists, even in our owne Land, who are of this last opinion: that the Pope hath no tem­porall power over Kings. But what is the opini­on [Page 223] of the Romish Church? did not the Iesuites persecute Blackwell and his partakers, because they would not be Iesuited in this point? and was not learned Withrington disgraced, if not excommunicated by the Pope, for confuting that damnable opinion of Suarez, That the Pope can command Kings to be killed, &c? And finally, are not they themselues esteemed Schisinatickes for this opinion? as appeareth by Barclaius, confuted by Bellarmine, for a­vouching this assertion.

Others dissemble this usurpation: by the title of Servus servorum. Such an apology is that which Lessius doth frame. The Popes (saith Lessius de Ant. Dem. 7. he) doe call non se solum servos Dei, themselves not onely the servants of God: sed etiam servos servorum Dei: but moreover, the servants of those that are the servants of God. I wonder (saith he) what secular Prince did ever use such an humble title, in his Letters and Addresses? I answer: Non minuit f [...]stum, sed auget hypocri­sin. This humble title doth not suppresse their pride, but rather expresse their hypocrisie. For it followeth in the very next lines: No Catho­like is so grosse, as to thinke that the Pope is to bee adored, pro Deo propriè dicto, as God himselfe: although by some he be termed Deus in terris, their God on earth, Quia in terris est supremus: because he is the highest of all the earth. We see then, the same Iesuite avoucheth the Pope to be the Soveraigne of the whole World; notwithstan­ding the pretext of his humble Title, that he is [Page 224] called the Servant of the servants of God. They make it yet more cleare by their owne distin­ction. The Pope (saith Baldus cited by our M Higgons myst. Babylon Serm. 1. The Pope (saith Baldus cited by our learned Convert, and truely converted Country­man) He is Dominus Dominorum quoad potesta­tem, the Lord of Lords in regard of his Power: though Servus servorum, quoad humilitatem; he is called the Servant of Servants, in regard of his meeknesse. Finally, their owne Archbishop of Granada, assistant in the Synode of Trent, did Trent Hist. lib. 6. confesse, that it was an absolute Dominion, to make use of the quality of a servant, and of a Lord also.

To conclude: others mince the matter, by Suarez Apol. lib. 5. c. 17. nu. 12 termes of Qualification. Est [...]us suum à Deo da tum, propter bonum Ecclesiae, saith Suarez: this superiority and authority is in the Pope for the advancement of the Church. Bellarmine Bell. Apolog. cap. 9. saith, Quà Vicarius Dei: that the Pope requi­reth no such honour for himselfe, but onely as he is the Vicar of Christ. Wee cannot but re­member the case of Fredericke Barbarossa: when his necke was under the foot of Pope A­lexander the third; the Emperour said to him, Non tibi, sed Petro: that is, I doe this submis­sion, not to thee, but to Peter. But the Pope an­swered the Emperour, Et mihi, & Petro: that is, Now thou shalt be subject to Peter, and to me also. So will the Pope say to any Prince, when he hath got his necke under his foot; yea but his head under his girdle. Et propter bonum Ec­clesiae, & propter honorem Pontificis: that is, he [Page 225] shall be a Vassall, not onely to the Vicar of Christ, which is the Pope of Rome: but also to the Pope of Rome, though he were No Vicar of Christ.

But to make all manifest, in their holy book Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 1. sect. 1. of Ceremonies, dedicated by a Romish Archbi­shop to a Pope of Rome, to Leo the tenth: The phrase of the Cardinalls Election runneth thus: Ego investio te Papatu, ut praesis Vrbi & Orbi: that is, I chuse thee to be Pope: who must governe this City, and the whole World. And that wee should not suppose this superiority to be clai­med Sacrar. Cer. lib. 1. sect. 2. in things Ecclesiasticall onely: it follow­eth in the foresaid booke, that when the Pope doth mount his horse, the Emperor must hold his stirrup, and a King his bridle.

And if any should except, that this is but a Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 1. sect. 7. c. 6. ceremony, and therefore no substantial argument: I instance againe: Pope Sixtus Quartus did so­lemnly pronounce this sentence of absolute and successive soveraignty: Figurat hic Gladius Pontificialis, potestatem summam Temporalem, à Christo Pontifici collatam: juxta Psalmum 72. 8. Dominabitur à Mari, &c. that is, This Pontifi­call Sword doth signifie the supreme Temporall po­wer which Christ hath conferred on the Pope: ac­cording to that saying, Psalm. 72. 8. His Domini­on shall be from one sea to the other: and from the flood unto the worlds end. What tongue can so exalt it selfe against the Truth, as to say, The Pope doth not exalt himselfe above Kings and Emperours: that is, Above all that is cal­led [Page 226] God, or that is worshipped?

It is a popi [...]h brag, that they have made many Proselytes: and that many more Prote­stants are wavering. Would God these few words might touch the eares and hearts of every honest Papist. This is plaine: The Pope doth exalt himselfe above all Kings and Empe­rours. Now it is avouched by a learned Con­vert, D r Sheldon Motive 4. (who doth know them better by their living, than wee can by their writings) that some Papists make it an article of their Faith, that the Pope hath power to depose Kings. I may adde, the most Papists: for I am sure this is the drift of Bellarmine, Suarez, and of the most, and most learned of their Writers.

On this ground I build this Dilemma: which no evasion (I thinke) can escape: There­fore, Every Papist is either an Hereticke, or a Trai­tour. If he beleeve that the Pope hath power to depose Princes: then is he a true Papist, but a Traitour to his King. If he beleeve it not: then is hee a true Subject, but an Hereticke to his Church.

Now what a wretched Religion is this, which doth so inthrall a poore soule: that either thy Church shall hate thee as an Hereticke, or thy King feare thee as a Traitour? And canst thou yet follow, nay favour that profession, whose very Religion is Rebellion? Now whatsoever thou art, I intirely beseech thee, by thy obedi­ence to thy King, by thy honour to thy God, and by thy compassion on thine owne soule: consider [Page 227] those things which I object, seriously, and im­partially. Conclude as God shall encline thee. Bee it so, as they boast; that wee are weake, and they wise: yet there is a God in heaven, who can make his power strong in our weaknesse. 2 Cor 12. 9. 1 Cor. 1. 19. There is a God in heaven, who can confound the wisedome of the wise. Now! That God, even that God exalt his Truth above that adversarie, who doth exalt himselfe above all that is called God, or that is worshipped.


2 THESS. 2. 3, & 4. So that he as God, sitteth in the Temple of God.’

Antichrist shall not sit corporally in the Temple. The Pope usurpeth the same power with Christ. The same titles. That hee is above Councills. Can make a Creed. The Pope is not; the King is Head of the Church. The Pope countermands all the Commandements.

IN this fourth verse, Antichrist is expressed by three properties: First, that He exalteth himselfe above all that is called God, or that is worshipped. Secondly, So that he as God, sitteth in the Temple of God. This se­cond doth succeed, and exceed the former. There, Antichrist did exalt himselfe above Kings and Emperours: here, above all Christi­ans. There, over the Common wealth: here, over the Church. There, in things Temporall: here, [Page 229] in things Spirituall. There, he doth usurp upon the Estates and persons of Kings and Princes: here, he doth dominiere over the Consciences of Princes, and Subjects; of Lay and Clergy; of Rich and Poore; of All. The Text doth say, He doth sit as God, in the Temple of God.

The Papists expound this sentence in this manner: He as God sitteth in the Temple of God: that is, Antichrist in an horrible insolence, shall sit in the Temple; and command the same adora­tion to be given to himselfe, which is given to God. To take it literally, is to erre grossely, and wittingly: every word doth gainsay it.

First, in the Temple: Baronius, and the best of the Romists avouch, that the Temple cannot possibly be built againe: Antichrist therefore cannot possibly sit in the Temple.

Secondly, he shall sit: the Papists under­stand this phrase; as if a Protestant should de­mand, how long hath Gregory the fifteenth sate in the Church of Rome? If he should meane a locall sitting, in a materiall Church; they would hisse at such an absurd question. The sitting then of Antichrist, in their own formall phrase, cannot be locall or corporall.

Thirdly, He sitteth as God: now God hath no bodily position, unlesse their pennes shall se­cond their pictures, and incline to the Anthro­pomorphites. God hath no body: therefore, to sit as God, can be no bodily sitting. To say there­fore, that Antichrist shall sit bodily in a Temple, to be worshipped religiously: is a sense implying [Page 230] nothing but Absurdity, Impossibility, and Blas­phemie.

The Protestants exposition remaineth to be propounded: which I suppose to bee un­controulable.

First, in the Temple: I will expound this phrase by that of Occumenius upon this place: [...]: that is, by the name of the Temple in this text, we must not understand the Temple of Hierusalem, but the Churches of God.

Secondly, he sitteth: that is, he ruleth, or reigneth: in which sense God himselfe is said to sit in his throne, Psal. 9. 4. and their Aquine on this place rendreth our interpretation: Sedeat, id est, principetur & dominetur: Hee sit­teth, that is, (saith he) he governeth and domi­mereth. Nay, as if he would digito demonstra­ner, ac dicier hic est: as if the Pope would point at his owne person, to bee prophesied of in this place, hee doth appropriate this phrase, to his owne stile: whereas Kings are said to reigne, and not to sit; the Popes are said to sit, and not to reigne: as if they would verifie this prophesie to the letter.

Thirdly, He shall sit as God; to wit, as God incarnated: that is, as Christ. Tanquam Deus, scilicet, incarnatus, i. tanquam Christus. His name implyeth as much: the man of sinne be­ing called Antichristus, non Antitheus: that is, Antichrist, and not an Anti-God. The true sense is this: The man of sinne doth sit in the Temple of [Page 231] God, as God: that is, Antichrist doth rule the Church of Christ: usurping the very power of Christ.

I frame this Syllogisme, as the foundation of my following discourse.

Whosoever doth rule the Church of Christ, pre­tending the same power with Christ; hath this property of Antichrist: or rather is the very Antichrist.

But the Pope doth rule the Church of Christ, pretending the same power with Christ.

Ergo, the Pope hath this property of Antichrist.

Or rather,

Therefore, The Pope is the very Antichrist.

The proposition hath beene proved by the premises. The proofe of the minor now re­maineth to bee proposed. Which also may seeme to bee superfluous, if that Sermon of Steven Archbishop of Patras, which hee made Concil. Lateran. sub Leone 10. in Concione Ste­phani Ar [...]b. Patracensis Sess. 10. at the Councill of Laterane bee authenticall. Where he preached publikely of the Pope, and to the Pope: that the Pope had potestatem supra omnes potestates, tam coeli, quam terrae: that is, Power, above all power, either in Heaven, or in Earth. And therefore the same, if not superiour to that of Christ. Or that Treatise of Augu­stus Ambomitanus, in the 45 question whereof he delivereth, Idem esse Dominium Dei, ac Papae. Gods Dominion and the Popes is all one. As the Iurisdiction of the Delegant and Dele­gat is one. Especially where the delegation is plenary and totall, as he presumeth it is in the [Page 232] Pope. But to proceed in our proofes, though we have their open confession: All the power of Christ over the Church, is expressed in his Titles: by which hee doth approach to him, yea incroach on him very palpably. Let that passe but for a formall preface unto his more pompous stile, which their Sacred Ceremonies Sacrar. Cerem. lib 1. [...]ect. 1. cap 3. fol. 10. doe solemnly invest him with. That the Pope is the Vicar of Iesus Christ, the Successour of Saint Peter, the Pastour of the Lords Flocke, the Key­keeper of the Court of Heaven, and the Prince of all Christendome. But Bellarmine (lest any of Bell. de Con. Auth. lib. 2. c. 17. them should be defective, either to our plain proofe, or to his plainer pride) teacheth di­rectly, That all the Titles which the Scriptures give to Christ, are by them given unto the Pope. His words are these: Quae in Scripturis tribu­untur Christo (unde constat eum esse supra Eccle­siam) cadem omnia tribuuntur Pontifici.

Furthermore, the Titles including the po­wer, will make it appeare yet more particular­ly: The Pope doth usurpe the one, and there­fore he doth usurpe the other. Christ prin­cipally hath three Titles. He is called Princeps Pastorum, 1 Pet. 5. 4. Our Chiefe Shepheard: Pontifex, Our High Priest, Heb. 3. 1. and finally, Caput Ecclesiae, The Head of the Church, Ephes. 5. 23. And all these, it is generally knowne that the Pope doth ordinarily assume. Yea more than these! Is Christ termed Princeps Pastorum, the Chiefe Shepheard? the Pope hath beene stiled Solus Pastor. Is Christ called [Page 233] Pontifex, the High Priest? Vah! Parum est, the Pope is called Pontifex maximus, the Highest High Priest. Is Christ called Caput Ecclesiae, the Head of the Church? the Pope hath the same Name: yea and more also. Hee is Caput fidei, the Head of our Faith (a strange title) Tortura pa. 329. saith Bellarmine. Nay he is not onely Caput, but Vertex capitis, the very Top and Tip of the Head, saith Schioppius that impostume of scur­rilitie. Thus then the Pope doth arrogate the same Titles (with some addition also) which are ascribed unto our Saviour. Saint Paul doth prove the Excellency of our Saviour to be farre above the Nature of Angels, because he hath received a more excellent Name.

The Pope likewise doth inferre that he hath the same Excellency and Power, because he hath the same Name with our Saviour. Nay where­fore doth he not directly call himselfe Christ? as well as High Priest, Chiefe Shepheard, and Head of the Church, which are equivalent thereunto? When Edward of England inten­ded Warre against Philip of France: hee assu­med his Prime Title, and proclaimed himselfe King of France. So the Pope assuming the Principall Titles of Christ, maketh even a Pro­clamatiō against Christ: that He is [...], The adversary, who as God, sitteth in the Temple of God: that is, ruleth in the Church of Christ, pretending the same power with Christ.

But indeed, the whole power of Christ in ru­ling the Church, is comprised in this one Title, [Page 234] The Head of the Church; the Pope therefore ar­rogating that one, doth usurpe all. To cleare the way by a briefe digression; Two things they reply to this point. First, they urge argu­mentum ad hominem, and prove the Pope to be Suarez Apolog lib. 5. c. 17. nu. 5. their Head, from our Tongues. The English pro­testants (say they) call the King the Head of the Church: therefore the Romish Catholikes may Monarchoma­chia part 2. tit. 3 pag. 323. likewise call the Pope the Head of the Church. We reply, who gave our King this Title? Even the Romish Bishops themselves, in the eight and twentieth yeare of Henry the eight, Statute 1, which was afterward explained by the words Supreme Governor, 1. Elizabethae. But the for­mer Lib. M, S, Sacr. Syn▪ Guil. War [...]h 11. Feb. 1530. pag. 115. title, Head of the Church, did a Synode of Romish Bishops give to our King Henry the 8, amongst whom also, was that grand Romanist, Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester. Yea & the same Fisher did perswade the sayd Bishops to con­sent unto that Title: as Sanders doth witnesse, Sanders de schism. pag 77. We also, remembring the sense, may retaine the title without any scruple. So Saul is ter­med the Head of the Tribes of Israel, 1 Sam. 15. 17. and the Husband the Head of the Wife, Bin. tom. 3. 363. Ephes. 5. 23. Anno 813, in the Councill of Mentz, their Preface did intitle Charles the great Religionis Rector, the Ruler of their Reli­gion: no lesse than if they had called him The Head of their Church. Againe, 847 the same Bin. Tom. 3. pag. 631. Title was given to another Emperour, by ano­ther Councill at Mentz: Lewis also was called Rector Religionis.

An hundred yeares before both these, the Bin. Tom. 2. pag. 1183. Councill of Emerita, anno 705, acknowledged that King Reccesuinthus did regere secularia, & Ecclesiastica, that is, governe them in things both Civill and Ecclesiasticall; the formall phrase of our Soveraigne. I may therefore Bell. Apolog. cap. 1. invert this argument ad hom [...]nem, and say: the Papists cannot gainsay this Title of our King, because they themselves did give it him; which he doth yet retaine: but with two maine dif­ferences, from the Papall usurpation: both in regard of the intent and extent thereof. First, he hath it, and doth use it, onely quoad exter­num regimen, to settle the Truth, Prohibite Error, reward or punish Church Ministers. Not to de­fine matters of Faith, much lesse to administer Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. cap. 17. & lib. 6. prooemio. Champnaeus in Mason. 573, 594 Masonus de min. Angli [...]ano lib. 4. cap. 2. the holy Sacraments, as the Papists scandalously and shamelesly charged our Princes withall. We answer, with our most learned Country­man (now with God) The power of our Prince, is spirituall: Objectivè, because it is imployed about a spirituall matter, or things Ecclesiasti­call, scil. the establishing of Religion in their do­minions. But it is spirituall, not formaliter, formally: because it is not exercised in things spirituall, modo spirituall: that is, in a spirituall manner, as Preaching, Administring the Sacra­ments, Excommunicating, &c. Nay wee can wipe away this imputation, with Bellarmines Bell. de Pont. Rom. lib. 1. c. 8. owne syllables. Respondemus, reges nostros esse Custodes non Interpretes legum divinarum: that our Princes are Maintainers, not Explainers of [Page 236] Gods true Religion. Whereof our late in­comparable learned Leige Lord, printed a publike protestation; That hee never did, nor Iacob. Rex A [...] [...]g pro juram. Fidei. ever would take upon him, to make any new article of faith: neither would he presume to make him­selfe the Iudge of any Article. But that hee would bee a Patterne of obedience, and submit himselfe to all the Articles of the faith, with as much humility and modesty, as the meanest of his subjects. A profession plaine enough to stop the mouth even of Malice it selfe: but that some mens Throates are open Sepulchers. And secondly our King is stiled Caput Ecclesiae Britannicae, The Head of the sole Church, which is within his Dominios. But the Pope doth term himselfe Caput Ecclesiae Occumenicae, the Head of the whole Church of Christ. No lesse a diffe­rence, than is betwixt One little Iland, and the whole world or universe.

Next, Gladius Delphicus: Their common distinction, is, that the Pope is the Head of the Church, Ministeriall, not Principall. To display the weaknesse of this Rome-coyned distinction: let us consider but thus much. That ever any Monarch made One Vice-roy (i. Ministerial head) over all his Provinces: I beleeve it will exer­cise the best Antiquary to alledge but one precedent. Therefore, an Head Ministeriall and Occumenicall are [...] termes incom­patible. Especially to arrogate the Prime title of his Lord (as the Head is of Christ) such an ar­rogance, would be suspected, if not censured [Page 237] for some Traiterous usurpation.

But to wave word-contentions, and to cleare all cavills. If the Pope doth usurpe the thing signified, by the Title: then can they not, but confesse, that he is The Head Imperiall, not Ministeriall. Now the Head (saith Plato) is the Emperour of the members. And all the power of any Head, Ministeriall, Spirituall, or Politicall, commeth within the compasse of these distri­butions. It is either in direction or correction: directing either by Command or Countermand: the command is either given, injunction: or obeyed, which is subiection. But the Pope doth exercise, exact, and atchieve equall injunction, and subjection▪ equall commanding and counter­manding power: equall power directing or cor­recting with Christ himselfe. The Pope there­fore as the Head, as Christ, ruleth in the Church of Christ: That is, as God he sitteth in the Temple of God, and him I take to be The Antichrist.

First, for Direction: the Pope is the grand 1 Directour, indeed the very Steere-man of the Church, commanding all Christians to saile by Sacrar. Cer. lib. 1. sect. 8. cap. 6. fol. 94. his Compasse. Which may seeme no mervaile because he doth stile his Cardinalls, Senatores Vrbis, the Counsell of the Citie, & Conjudices or­bis, (with him) the Iudges of the world. And alluding to the Etymology ( Cardinales from Bell. de Pont. Rom. 4. [...]. 56. Ioh. de Turrier lib. 2. [...]. 109. &. 110. Cardines) he termeth them persons, super quos militantis ecclesiae ostium, volvendum & revol­vendum, upon whom the whole Church must be moved. Now, Christ is the onely un-erring Tea­cher: [Page 238] and that the Pope cannot Erre, is a com­mon popish assertion. Pontisicis verba, cum è Cathedra docendo desinit: the words of the Pope when he doth desine any thing, and teach it out of the Chaire: that desinition is of equall certain­tie, with the doctrine of Christ himselfe sayth Suarez. Yea his Translations in Latine are pre­ferred Suarez Apolog. lib. 1. c. 22. 1. essi. de Antich. Demonst. 15. Innocent 4. i [...] cap. Sup [...]o de Big. nu▪ 2. Aug. de [...] quaest. 67. art. 2. Nicholaus Dist. 19. Si Romanor [...] Antonin. Sum. part. 3 ca 22. Cupers 124. nu. 9. Ioh de Turrier. lib. 2. cap. 101. Cupers pag. 42. nu. 15. Is [...]d [...]r. Moscon pag. 27. Ioh. Cephal. lib. 1 Cons 97. nu. 10. Aventin. l [...]b. 7. pag. 547. before Christs owne Originall, before the very Scripture in Greeke and Hebrew: a­vouched by Lessius. It is his prerogative, non solum interpretari, sed etiam condere, not onely to interpret, but also to make Scriptures. And that the Scriptures are to bee received by ver­tue of the Papall Decrees. Incredible popish blasphemies, did not the Pope and Popish Doctors publish and print them.

Hence they conclude, that he hath Plenitu­dinem potestatis, & scientiae, the fulnesse of knowledge. That hee hath judicium coeleste, in­fallibile, & indefectibile: an Indefective, infal­lible, and heavenly judgement. And if the whole world define against the Pope: yet the Popes desi­nitions are rather to be imbraced, than that of the whole world. Thus they conclude. I con­ceive another conclusion, to be more proba­ble: viz. that which was published at the Sy­node of Reignsburg by Everard Archbishop of Salsburg; That the Pope by saying Errare non possum, I cannot Erre: doth say as much, as if he had sayd plainly, Deus sum, in Templo Dei: I sit as God, in the Temple of God.

These Erring Paradoxes, of the Popes uner­ring [Page 239] Prerogative, to some other inferiour usur­pations, in the Church Directions, are as the sonnes of Anak, compared to the Grasse-hoppers: Notwithstanding, these may not be omitted, Nec vox hominem sonat: some part of Christs owne power is trenched into by these also. Bishops are directours to the Church, but Frier Hist. Trent. lib. pag. 599. Simon a Florentine sayd: that every spirituall power dependeth on that of the Pope. And that every Bishop might say, I have received of hic fulnesse. And he is Episcopus Episcoporum, the Bishop of all B [...]shops, say their sacred Ceremo­nies: Sacr. Cerem. lib. 1. fol. 129. or the Great Wheele, in the great worke of directing the Church: without whose mo­tion all the directive authority, of all the Bishops in the world besides, is plainly immoveable.

Finally, the Councils have beene esteemed to have the chiefest authority of directing the Church, next to Christ: But now, therein the Pope is to the Church, as the Church is to the moone, Rev. 12. 1. He keepeth it under his feet. Besides what I have already delivered of this point to this purpose: Heare the beginning of their great Trent Councill. The Bishop of Trent. Hist. lib. 2. pag. 133. Bitonto, anno 1545, invited (in his Sermon) the whole world to submit it selfe to that Coun­cill: which if it did not, then might it bee justly said, That the Popes light is come into the world, and men loved darknesse, better than light. Blasphemously mis-applying that to the Pope, which the holy Ghost doth apply to Christ, Iohn 3. 19. And at the end of the same [Page 240] Synode, in the last Session, it being propoun­ded whether the Confirmation of that Councill did depend on his Holinesse? All those holy Fathers did say Amen: Three onely excepted.

Or if any mention the Creeds as a shorter directour, or neerer to Christ than the Coun­cills; Know we moreover, that the Pope hath composed a new Creed, proposed it to the whole Church as necessary to salvation, and imposed it on the Bishops especially, by the obligation of an oath. This was the Act of Pope Pius the fourth: and is the History of Onuphrius in the Onuphr. in Vit. Pij 4. lise of the same Pope.

Hence therefore, from two propositions of one of our owne learned Countrymen (im­plying M r. Mountague his Appeale, part. 2. cap. 15. the assumptions of them fully cleared) I will frame one conclusion: which would God al our Countrymē would take into their serious considerations. To dissent from the Rule, or to propose any thing as Credendum, a­gainst the Rule, is Antichristian. (Give me leave to insert this parenthesis: and he who doth so [...] is an Antichrist [...], or The Antichrist.) But the Pope, &c. Ergo.) Againe, M r. Mountagu Appeale part 2. cap. 3. the prerogative of Not erring doth advance a man into his Makers seat. Therefore the Pope is advanced into his Makers seat. Therfore, The Pope is an Antichrist: yea even [...]. In the phrase of my Text, Hee as God sitteth in the Temple of God.

Secondly, The Pope doth direct all: yet is 2 not direction, all the Rule, which the Pope usur­peth [Page 241] over the Church. Directtion may be gen­ile, it perswadeth: but direction, by way of com­mand, it is coercive, it constreyneth. And this way also, doth the Pope rule the Church. Hence Turrecrem. lib. 2. cup. 107. the Papists stile his See, magistra, & mater fidei, the mother and Mistresse of their Faith. Againe the Evangelists command beleefe on the paine of damnation. To imply the Papall command to be such the Pope is termed by one, Humble Gabriel, Evangelista 5, the fift Evangelist. Baron. to. 6. appendice. Capistr. fol 1. ex Distinct. 19. Cap. Sic omnis. Bell. de Verbo Dei, lib. 3. ca. 10. Trent. Hist. lib. 7. Pope Clement 8, did not reject it: Nay Baro­nius doth approve it. Yea the ordinances of the Pope, are to bee imbraced, tanquam ipsius Dei: as the ordinances of God himselfe. And Bellarmine the industrious qualifier of all Po­pish paradoxes, doth say: Verbum Pontificis docentis è Cathedra, est aliquo modo verbum Dei: that is, The word of the Pope out of the Chaire, is in some sort the word of God. But Laynez more plainly and peremptorily saith, that that say­ing of Saint Matthew 18. 17. He who will not heare the Church, is to be esteemed as an Heathen, is to bee understood there, of the Pope. And that the suffrages of these Authors, may not be shifted of as private opinions; heare a full Councill: that of Trent (a Councill which was the mouth of the Pope, as the Pope was the head of that Councill,) Omnibus Christi fidelibus in­terdicit, ne posthaec de sanctissima Eucharistia, ali­ter Concil Trid. Sess. 3. sub Iul. 3. pag. 108. B. credere, dicere, aut praedicare audeant, quam est in praesent hoc decreto definitum. Such a command as Christ himselfe cannot give a greater. The [Page 242] matter, the Eucharist: one point whereof the same Council cōfesseth to be contrary to divine institution. The manner, to beleeve: to command beleefe is proper to God. The measure, that they should not Dare to beleeve, an imperious com­mand. And the men, Omnibus, all: Princes, and People. Now to command, all the Church, not to dare, to beleeve what God instituted, I take it to be imperious without parallell. And thus doth the Pope as Christ, Rule in the Church of Christ.

Thirdly to direct, and by way of command, 3 is to direct and command: but man onely. But to direct by way of countermand, is to set his face against heaven, and to controll God him­selfe. Now to make up this measure of sinne, and to make plaine who is the man of sinne: this doth the Pope also. Herein observe what they say he can doe, and what hee hath done. That of the Canonists is common. The whites way, sect. 30. p 1. 125. Pope hath fulnesse of power to dispence against the Apostles, against the old, and new Testament. Trent. Hist. lib. 7. D. Cornelius in a disputation at Trent, brought the authority of the said Canonists, that the Pope may dispence against the Canons, against the Apostles, and against all the Law of God; except the Articles of Faith; and Laynez concludeth Trent. Hist. lib. 8. as roundly, It cannot be denied, that Christ had Power to dispence in every law: therefore it must be confessed, that the Pope his Vicar, hath the Bell. de Rom. Pontif. lib. 3. cap. 14. same authority. Bellarmine I acknowledge, doth mince this point: The Pope (saith he) non [Page 243] potest dispensare contra, sed juxta Apostolum; the Pope cannot dispence against, but with the A­postles: that is, Apostolorum praecepta, potest mo­derari, ac mutare, prout Ecclesiae expediret: the Pope (saith he) may qualifie and change the pre­cepts of the Apostles, when it shall be expedient for the Church. This is but a more courteous controlling, and a more cunning countermanding. To moderate, and to alter the Apostles precepts is enough: yet a Pope said more, Data mihi est om­nis Sacr. Cerem: lib. 1. potestas, Pope Sixtus Quartus said it, in the very words of Christ, Matth. 28. 18. that hee had the very Power of Christ. But deeds are the best expositers of words. A substantiall Sacra. Cerem. lib. 1. 6. 2. sect. 1. fol. 4. example in which kind, I may urge out of their booke of Ceremonies. Christ sayd unto Peter Pasce oves, feed my sheepe: by vertue whereof, S. Peter did nominate Clemens to bee his succes­sour. But the Senate of Rome, consisting of foure and twenty Priests and Deacons (who after­wards by Silverster 1, were intituled, the Holy Cardinals of the Romane Church) foreseeing that such a denomination of successours, in suc­ceeding ages, would become very incommo­dious for the Church: they rejected Clemens, and elected Linus to succeed Peter, and Cletus, to succeed Linus. And after Cletus, then Cle­mens was admitted, but not from his first in­stitution. Thus wee see that not onely the Pope, but the Cardinalls, haue countermanded not onely Christ, but Saint Peter also. In two words, to annex two other examples: Drinke [Page 244] yee all of this, this is Christs command, Matth. Concil. Trid. Sess. 21. cap. 1. 26. 27. For which wee have the Popes plaine countermand, ye shall not drinke all of this: not the Laity, no nor some of the Cleargy, nei­ther, the non Conficientes, which is according to their phrase, in the Glosse, which is second Gloss. in D [...]st 4. cap. Statuim. to none, Statuimus, id est Abrogamus. Wee or­daine, that is, we abrogate: many of the Popes Ordinances, being ( Countermands) plaine A­brogations of Christs Ordinances. Againe, Let every soule be subject to the higher power: this is Christs plaine Command, if Saint Paul saith true, Rom. 13. 1. To which wee have as plaine a [...]ountermand from the Pope, if Bellarmine saith Bell, de Exemp. Cler. cap. 1. true: not every soule, not the soule of a Bishop, not the soule of a Priest, not the soule of any Clearke. To proceed to more particulars.

I will propose precedents of the Papall countermanding power in instances from all the Commandements. The first saith, Thou shalt have but one God: the Pope gaine-sayeth it. Every City, every Countrey, almost every per­son, hath a severall God; Saints they call them, but Gods they make them: by praying to thē, vowing to them, making Pilgrimages to them, consecrating Churches to them, and in their distresse putting assiance in them: things pro­per to God. Thus have they many gods against the first Commandement. The second com­mandeth: Thou shalt not worship Images: the Pope countermandeth. Thou shalt worship Images: and thence in their ordinary Catechismes they [Page 245] leave out the second Commandement, lest every ordinary capacity, should conceive this grosse contradiction. The third commandeth, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vaine: but dispensations with Oathes, is the Popes fami­liar action. Otherwise Bellarmine never had beene, and no Iesuit ever shall bee Cardinall. The fourth commandeth us to keepe holy the Relation of the Religion in the West. sect. 14. Sabbath: but their greatest markets are on that great day. The fift injoyneth Honour to thy Fa­ther, to thy civill father, thy King. But the Pope doth exempt the Cleargy from performing this Honor, yea saith Emanuel Sa, Clerici rebellio Casaub. ad Front. Duc. pag. 54. in Regem, non est crimen laesae Majestatis, quia non est Principis subditus: that is, the rebellion of a Cleargy man against his King is no Treason, be­cause hee is no subject to his King. The sixt is, Thou shalt not kill, yet doe the Papists teach that a Tyrant may be killed by a private person: Suarez Apolog. lib. 6. ca. 4. nu. 7. and this King-killing Craft, is not onely autho­rized, but also practized by the Pope, as many even Princes feare, and some feele also: and such a murtherous fact was praised by the Pope, by Sixtus Quintus, concerning Henry the third. The seventh saith, Thou shalt not com­mit Adultery. Besides their publike Toleration of publike Stewes, the degrees of mariage forbidden by God, Levit. 18. are dispenced withall by the Pope: yea in their Taxa Cancellaria cap. of Par­dons Moulins Accom. pag. 108. pag. 36. Incest with ones Mother is fined at five groats. In the eight, Thou shalt not steale: I make no question, but their Canon, Fides non [Page 246] est servanda cum Haereticis, that faith ought not to be kept with Heretikes, will stretch even to con­tracts also: and the Pope would permit his Pa­pists to robb [...]us Protestants, as God did the Israe­lites to robbe the Egyptians, Exod. 12. 36. In the ninth, Thou shalt not beare false witnesse: to beare false witnesse, Popery hath made an Art. To beare false witnesse before a Magistrate, on an Oath, and against their knowledge; This is af­firmed, maintained, and defended by that wretched Art of Popish wicked Equivocation. And finally, Non concupisces, Thou shalt not co­vet, saith the Lord in the last Comandement: but the Pope and papists say, concupiscentia non est peccatum, Concup [...]scence say they is no sinne. Here indeed is no d [...]spensation, but a plaine ab­negation of this precept. I conclude with the judgement of that judicious Author of the Re­lation Relation of the Religion in the West sect 13. of the Religion in the West parts of the world (whom I honor as the Phaenix of all our English Travellers) There is almost no Law of God or Nature, which one way or other, they finde not meanes to d [...]spence with, or at least wise permit the breach of it, by connivence, and without distur­bance. In this point principally, peremptorily. The Pope as Christ doth rule in the Church of Christ: that is, in the phrase of my text, The Adversary as God, sitteth in the Temple of God.

These are mighty matters: howbeit in 4 these, the Pope doth direct onely by Theory or proposition. Besides this, the Papall tyranny doth proceed to commands of Practice and Impositi­on. [Page 247] The Pope doth moreover direct, by way of Injunction. To which purpose they premise their imperious positions. Note what is said of the Pope, and by the Pope. The Cardinall Sacr. Cerem. lib. 1. sect. 10. cap. 5. who is to invest any Bishop with the pall, useth this phrase, I deliver this to thee, for the honour of God Almighty, of the blessed Apostles Saint Peter, and Saint Paul, & Domini nostri Papae, and for the honour of our Lord the Pope. Againe Sacr. Cerem. lib. 1. sect. 10. cap. 1. in his injunctions the Pope himselfe speaketh in this forme: I commit unto thee the admini­stration of such or such a thing, by the authority of God, and Saint Peter, and Paul, & nostra, and by mine owne authority. Here were a complement of coequall commanding power, betwixt Christ, and his Vicar: if the Pope would have used but one Rhetoricall flower (one [...] and [...]) which did once grow in his owne Cardinalls Garden: and have sayd Ego & Deus meus, I and my God: as hee once said Ego & Rex meus, I and my King. Howso­ever, they going thus, hand in hand, and being apparelled in the same commanding power, wee can hardly distinguish betwixt the Man and his Master: hardly discerne, the Vicar of Christ, from the person of Christ, if wee credit their owne positions, we may conclude, that the Pope as Christ doth rule in the Church of Christ. Neither doe they much descend from this transcendent power, in their ordinary posi­tions. The Papists doe ordinarily preach, that Mason de min. Angl. lib. 4. ca. 3. the Church is like a City, wherein there is but [Page 248] one Fountaine: that Fountaine doth import to great rivers, the rivers to the lesser brookes, and the brookes to the channels, and conduit pipes, which disperse the water to the severall fami­lies through the citie: but still with an Item, that all the water runneth from that one Foun­taine. The Pope (say they) is the Fountaine: the Patriarks, Metropolitans, and Archbishops those great Rivers: the Bishops the lesser brookes: and the little Channels and conduit pipes, are the Priests, Monkes and other inferiour Ministers: yet so, that ( salva semper Ecclesiae catholicae au­thoritate) all Papists acknowledge, that all their power is derived unto them from the Pope, that singular Fountaine: this also they explaine by distinctions.

Christ (say they) said unto Peter, Matth. 16. Mason de Min. Angl. lib. 4. ca. 3. 19. To thee will I give the keyes of Heaven: Marke (say they) Christ did not promise un­to Saint Peter, clavem a key, but claves, two keyes, scientiae & potestatis, one of knowledge, the other of power. By the key of knowledge, he doth open the doore of the Scripture: absolving all mysteries, and resolving all controversies. By the other key of power, he doth open the doore of the Church: either by ordination, admitting Pa­stors into it: or by Iurisdiction, commanding, in­joyning, or correcting the inferiors in it, or ex­pelling the disobedient from it, having power o­ver them all, in all cases both in foro externo, (in their Courts) by Excommunication, Ab­solution, Dispensation, and Injunction: as also [Page 249] in foro interno, (in their consciences) to remit or retaine sinnes. Now what servant dare refuse to runne on the errand of such a master? And surely so it is. The Pope himselfe sitteth at Rome: where at his feet are resident the Ge­neralls of all Orders through the world. The Generalls under them have severall Provinci­alls in all Kingdomes. The Provincialls under them severall Priours in all Covents. And the Priours have every person in their severall companies, at their becks and instant behests. Thus the Pope as the great wheele, doth infuse or inforce a speedy motion into every nimble instrument.

Sic volo, sic jubeo, stat pro ratione voluntas.

The Popes Secretaries are called, and there is writ­ten according to all which the Pope doth command, unto the Lieutenants, and Governors, and Rulers, over every Province, of every people, in the name of the Pope is it written: and the Letters are sent by the Postes into all the Provinces: and so forth as followeth, Ester 3. 12, 13.

If ever there was a Sic dicit Dominus, from God: if ever an [...] from man: this Papall injunction is the shadow of the one, and the substance of the other. No State in the world doth dispatch their Addresses through the world with like awfull severity, and carefull ce­lerity. And this also doth shew, that the Pope as Christ doth rule in the Church of Christ. In the [Page 250] phrase of my text; Antichrist as God, sitteth in the Temple of God.

This is sat is pro imperio: The Pope doth 5 command. But may he not goe without? Hee doth give injunction; But doth he receive sub­mission? Incomparably. The Obedience of the Romane Regulars was admirable: if it were warrantable and conscionable. Well may he be termed their Head: for never were members so pliable to the Head, as the Papists are to the Pope. I admire their obedience, as much as I do detest the drift thereof. The Pope may truly use so much of the Centurions phrase, Luke 7. 8 I have men under me, and say to one goe, and hee doth goe: to another come, and he doth come: and to my Servant doe this, and he doth it. Take a taste of all their professours, from the profes­sion of one learned Papist. They are the last words of Malvenda's long discourse concer­ning Malvenda lib. 11 cap. 9. Antichrist. Nos totos, ingenium, cogita­tiones, studia, lucubrationes, scriptionem hanc in­tegram, & omnia nostra, ad sacrosancti Apostolici Principis, Christi Vicarij, Successoris Petri, Roma­ni Pontisicis pedes sanctissimos submittimus, vene­rabundi procumbimus. My translation cannot expresse the emphasis of his devout submission. Yet thus I translate it: With all reverence I pro­strate my learning and thoughts, my day studies, and night watchings, all my writings, all that I am, and all that I have, before the most holy feet of the thrice holy Pope, the Successour of Peter, the Vicar of Christ, and the Apostolicall Prince. Nei­ther [Page 251] doth their practice give the lye to his promise. If a precept come from the Pope, by the Provincialls, to any particular person, they presently performe it. As Luthers phrase is; they are no Quaeristae, they doe not examine, but execute the Popes injunction. To delay, they esteeme disobedience: to inquire, curiosity: to dispute, insolence: and to deny, rebellion: as the sinne of witchcraft: Though it bee to take a journey into China or Peru. Nay, a strange obe­dience! If the Pope command to excommunicate a Queene; he shall not want a Papist to publish it, though he be hang'd for it. If the Pope com­mand to murther a King, he shal have a Iacobine to stab him, though he be tortured for it. And if the Pope doth breathe out threatnings against a Church; that he would blow up a Nation with a blast of Gun-powder: Instantly Iesuites will a­bet it, and Iesuited will act it: though their quarters be poled up for a spectacle and perpe­tuall monument of their gracelesse obedience, and matchlesse trechery. And thus also doth the Pope as Christ (yea more than Christ ever did) Rule in the Church of Christ. That is, An­tichrist as God, sitteth in the Temple of God.

But if these injunctions bee not obeyed; 6 but refused scrupulously, or rejected resolutely; what then? Then, such incurre correction in­sufferable, with an awfull apprehension un­utterable: as it were under the hand even of Christ himselfe. I take it to bee a principle in Popery, to esteeme it so. Hence, at the Coun­cill Trent Hist. lib. 8. [Page 252] of Trent, Laynez the Iesuites Generall deli­vered it for a generall conclusion, that the Pope and Christ have the same Tribunall, and the same Authority: and the same assertion is a­vouched by Capistranus. The first degree of Capistran. so 124 correcting their disobedient, is by way of Ex­communication. Concerning which, this is the opinion of Withrington, a moderate Papist, in Withring [...]. of the Oath of Allegi­ance, preface. his Admonition to the Reader, concerning the Oath of Allegtance. The Church (saith he) hath power to impose a Temporall punishment by way of command, if it bee necessary for his soules health, not by way of coertion. So that if hee will not obey the command of the Church, impo­sing such a temporall punishment on him: she can onely for our disobedience punish fi­nally with spirituall punishments, as by inflicting censures: not by depriving our lands, or lives. This is the judgement of Withrington, our learned and (excepting his errours) our honest Adversary. He calleth himselfe a Romish Ca­tholike: I am sure, his opinion in this point, is Catholike, but not Romish. And I am perswa­ded, if Rome did sway the Land where hee doth live, he should feele the Romish fire for this Catholike opinion. Howsoever, the first punishment for disobedience is Excommuni­cation. But we esteeme this to be but brutum fulmen, the Protestants reject the Popes Ex­communications like Sampsons cords, like a threed of tow which toucheth the fire. What do they to such? From such (if they be in their power) he [Page 253] taketh away their liberty: they cannot buy and sell in safety: as I feare some of our owne Mer­chants have found it. Next, hee raketh from them their lands, forcing them to flie their native country, as the poore French have felt in our dayes. Then, their lives: as our wo­full English could witnesse, in Queene Maries reigne. And finally, he will take from them, (that which is dearer unto them then their lives) their Names. Thus did the Papists to Calvine, whom they published to have died desperate, when as many years he survived that presump­tious calumny. Yea hee will saevire in cineres, punish their carkeises, and command their bones to be raked out of their graves, as he did to Paulus Fagius. Neither shall Kings disobey the Pope uncorrected. For he hath authoritie to take away their Scepters, and lives also, sayth Suarez in the sixt booke of his Apology. But for that fatall Inquisition! It is a correction like the fourth Beast, in the seventh of Daniel, and the seventh verse: It is dreadfull and terrible, devouring all, but it hath no Name. Although Gonsalvius hath, in some sort discovered it, yet I am perswaded that none living (but the tormentours and the tormented) can fully tell, what the intralls are of that Bull of Phalaris: it is the very embleme of Hell: none returne from thence to tell the torments thereof. And certainly, whosoever is caught within the compasse of that engine of cruelty, (if he bee fortified with courage from Heaven, in a rare [Page 254] measure) hee may alter the Prayers of the old Leturgie: they prayed [...], that is, Save us, by those unknowne torments; these may pray, [...], that is, Lord save us from those unknowne torments. And thus doth this Tyrant both usurpe & out strip the correcting power of a King. The Pope, as Christ, doth rule in the Church of Christ: in the phrase of my Text, Antichrist as God, sitteth in the Temple of God.

I adde briefly: Me thinkes the Empire of Christ in his Church, is most briefly and em­phatically expressed by Christ himselfe, Iohn 14. 6. Ego sum Via, Veritas, & Vita: that is, (saith Calvine) I am the beginning, the meanes, and the end of saving knowledge. Or (as Saint Augustine) Christ is Via sine errore, the Way with­out errour: Veritas sine falsitate, the Truth with­out falshood: & Vita sine morte, the Life with­out death. Others interpret these words other­wise: that Christ sheweth the meanes, descry­eth the things, and giveth the end, concerning eternall felicity. All these doth the Pope usurp.

First, that he is Via, the Way, that hee cannot erre, a property of Christ, never communicated but to some persons, and at some times onely.

Secondly, that he is Veritas, the Truth. His Councill of Trent commanded all, credere, to beleeve that, and only that, to be Truth which he taught.

And lastly, he arrogateth himselfe to bee Vita, to be the Life. No salvation, except a [Page 255] man bee a member of the Church, say Christi­ans: not unlesse he be a member of the Pope, say the Papists. And therefore Bellarmine in his third Booke de Ecclesia, and the second Chapter, maketh the Pope to be an essentiall part in the definition of the Church. So, No Pope, no Church: and no salvation but in the Church, and under the Pope. Hence some be­ginne to thinke that the name of a Papist is more honourable than the name of a Catholike: because the last doth imply a communion but with the Body: but the first with the Head. And how farre this Tyranny hath prevailed on the consciences of the blinded Papists: you may perceive by this proverbe, which they say is familiar in Italy: I beleeve God and the Pope. And thus doth hee dominiere in the highest nature. The Pope as Christ, doth rule in the Church of Christ: that is, Antichrist as God, sit­teth in the Temple of God.

Thus hath the Pope exalted himselfe. Give me leave to exalt him one step higher: and in the words of a Papist: Qui desiderat Primatum interris, inveniet confusionem in coelis: that is, He that will reigne as Christ on earth, shall never reigne with Christ in heaven. This is the period of the Popes primacy: and this is the censure of Stella upon Luke 9. 48.

Can, notwithstanding all these premises, any protest with Cupers, that he is mancipium Romanae Ecclesiae? that he is a professed Slave of the Church of Rome? inthralling himselfe [Page 256] by a servile inflexible obedience, in any case, and against any person? where a spirituall So­veraignty, Tyranny, doth command man, and countermand God: imposing injunctions uncon­troulable, exacting subjection unutterable, or inflicting correction unsufferable: ruling in the Church of Christ, as Christ: urging his owne Lawes with more severity than Christs Lawes? I hope: I know. No servant of Christ will bee, can be, such a slave to Antichrist.

This truth have I delivered plainly, painful­ly, impartially: even in the sight of a great God, and of an innocent conscience. I have done my duty: I have delivered it. For your duty: to beleeve it. I must leave that to him, who is the Author and finisher of your faith.

Now the God of all truth, give you all his holy Spirit: that you may fulfill all his holy will.


2 THESS. 2. 3, & 4. Shewing himselfe that he is God.’

Antichrist shall not call himselfe the true God. The Pope doth shew himselfe to be God. The Pope doth shew himselfe to be God plainly.

THis fourth verse containeth three properties of Antichrist: First, He exalteth himselfe a­bove all that is called God, or that is worshipped. Secondly, He as God sitteth in the Temple of God. Thirdly, He sheweth himselfe that he is God. I may call them the three degrees of Anti­christs pride: amongst the which, this third is the superlative. By the first he doth tyrannize over the estates of men: by the second, over the consciences of men: and by the third, hee doth usurpe to be the God of men. Before, he ruled, and appeared as God, in one particular: here, he insinuateth himselfe to be God, in many [Page 258] particulars. Or to follow Bellarmines phrase: Bell. de Pont. Rom. lib. 3. c. 14 There he tooke upon him authoritatem Dei; the authority of God: here, nomen Dei; the name of God. The Text saith, He sheweth himselfe that he is God.

In the matter (that Antichrist shall vaunt himselfe to be God) Papists and Protestants all consent▪ they dissent in the manner. We say he shall attempt this secretly and cunningly, by his insolent God-like actions. They say he shall doe it ( [...],) plainly and openly: Professing himselfe to be the true and onely God. Se jactabit Lessius de Anti­christo demon. 7. verum Deum: He shall vaunt himselfe to be the true God, saith Lessius. And Bellarmine as acute­ly, more falsely: Antichristus se, non solùm De­um Bell. de pont. Rom. lib 3. c. 14 sed etiam solum se Deum esse dicet: that is, He shall not onely say, he is God: but moreover he shall say that he is the onely God.

Contrary to the properties, practice, and person of Antichr [...]st: and therein contradicting him­selfe also. Bellarmine himselfe doth teach, that Antichrist shall pretend himselfe to bee the Messias: but there must be some diffe­rence betwixt the Messias, that is, God which is sent; and God which doth send him. Therefore this may passe for one of their incredible fic­tions: That Antichrist shall call himselfe the true and onely God. Moreover, it is contrary to the property of Antichrist, who is confessed by the Papists to bee an Hypocrite: but to say plainly, that he is the onely God, is not hypocri­sie, but blasphemy.

Secondly, his practice shall be to seduce: the Iewes, say they: the Christians, say wee: in­deed all, say all. But who would be seduced by such an open Atheist? And therefore Less [...]us our Lass. de Antich. part. 2. dem. 2. adversary acknowledgeth that Antichrist the Adversary, in fighting against the Militant Church, shall use rationabili aliquo pretextu, & specie quadam rationis, ac pietatis, ut homines decipiat: that is, hee shall use some pretext of piety, and shew of reason to deceive. But to pro­claime himselfe to be the onely God, is both im­pious and unreasonable: and therefore his prac­tice shall be to no purpose: None will bee decei­ved by him.

Finally for his person, Antichrist is a man. Now Nero and Nebuchadnezzar, though they would be adored as gods, yet did they not deny other gods. Nor can we imagine that a man shall depose the God of Heaven, although hee would Exalt himselfe to be a God on earth.

Thus they. But we say, or rather the Text saith so to us, and by us: that Antichrist shall not say, but shew that he is God. For [...] signifieth the arrogance of workes, and not of words. And if any such blasphemous word shall fall from him, or from his flatterers: they will have a pretext for that blasphemy. Alex­ander Iustin. hist. lib. 11 would bee called a God: but how? Not of himselfe; but under the pretence of be­ing the Sonne of Iupiter Ammon. So Antichrist if he shall call himselfe God, he will sweeten this blasphemy with some hypocrisie. As that he is [Page 260] not so simply: but as he is the Sonne of God, as Bell. Apolog. p. [...]60. Less de Antich. part. 1. dem. 7. he is the Servant of God, as he is the Vicar of God, or as he is the Vicegerent of God, &c. In a word, in plaine words, Antichrist will never say, that he is God.

Thus I frame my argument:

Whosoever doth shew himselfe that he is God, hath this property of Antichrist: or rather is the very Antichrist.

But the Pope doth shew himselfe that he is God:

Therefore, the Pope hath this property of An­tichrist: or rather, is the very Antichrist.

The Major is apparent from the opening of the phrase: indeed it is the [...], the very syllables of my Text. The Minor I must make good by this insuing Sermon. Which I will make to appeare by foure particulars. The Pope doth shew himself that he is God: either hy­pocritically, by way of insinuation: or openly, by plaine profession. He doth insinuate it by what he doeth, or by what he doth permit: he doth professe it both by assuming the very name of God, and the very worship of God. Now, when I have made it plaine, that the Pope doth shew himselfe that he is God, both cunningly and plain­ly: both by his actions and permissions: both by arrogating the Name of God, and the worship due to God: I thinke this will bee no injuri­ous conclusion. Therefore, The Pope is the Antichrist.

By that which he hath done, the Pope hath shewed enough that he is god. I will borrow of [Page 261] Baronius my preface to this point. Baronius Baronius an. 364 to shew the pride of Donatus, citeth this saying out of Optatus: Cum super Imperatorem non sit, nisi solus Deus, qui fecit Imperatorem: dum Do­natus super Imperatorem se extollit, jam quasi ho­minum me [...]as excesserat, ut se ut Deum, non ut hominem aestimaret. Mutato nomine: changing the Africane name, into a Latine, thus I Eng­lish it: Since none is above the Emperour, but God: because the Pope doth extoll himselfe above the Emperour, (as I have plentifully proved Sermon 8. before) therefore, as if he had exceeded the bounds of man, he seemeth to esteeme himselfe as God, not as man: To proceed: It was the suspition of Fredericke the second, that the Pope did affe­ctare Aventin 7. Divinitatem, that the Pope did seeke to be esteemed a god. That suspition is now made evident by the Popes owne actions: things pro­per unto God.

First, the Pope doth dispence against the Concil. Trid. Sess. 24. Ca [...]. 8. Scriptures: permitting and admitting Mari­ages pronounced by Gods Law unlawfull and in­cestuous, Levit. 18. But he who doth controll the word of God, by that act, doth shew that hee is God. Againe, hee doth command Christi­ans credere, to beleeve: but to command Faith, Con [...]. Trid. Sess. 3. sub Iul. 3. Item prooemio ad Sess. [...]. sub Pi [...] 4. is the worke of God, not of Man. Thirdly, if Tertullians judgement, and argument be good against the Senate of Rome, wee may use it a­gainst the Pope of Rome: Qui facit Does, Di­vos (que), Deo major est: that is, Hee that maketh gods or Saints, is greater than the gods, or the [Page 262] Saints. But the Pope doth make Saints, saith Bellarmine. Yea, the Pope hath such heavenly Bell. de Sanct. Beat. cap. 8. Troilus Malvi­tius de Sanct. Canoniz dub. 3. power (saith Malvitius) Vt quem velit defun­ctum, canonizare possit: etiam invit is Episcopis, & Cardinalibus omnibus: that he can canonize whom he l [...]st, although all the Bishops and Car­dinalls through the world should withstand him. The Pope thus doth make Saints, Divos: therefore he is greater than divus, than a Saint: Deus, even God. He doth shew that he is God, by that action. Fourthly, the Pope hath Ius creandi Apostolos, (as Baronius is quoted, and confuted by Casaubonus) the Pope hath power to create Casaub. Exerc. 14. Sect. 14. Apostles: which I conceive to be Christs [...], our Saviours soveraignty. And therefore whosoever doth usurpe it, doth shew himselfe to be more than a man by that action. Fiftly, the Pope doth terme his Decrees his Oracles: but Oracula, according to Tully his derivati­on, are so termed, Quasi inest his Deorum ora­tio, because they are the Dictates of God. And thus againe doth he shew that he is God: for his speech doth bewray him. And finally, the Pope doth arrogate to himselfe that prerogative of not erring at all: whereby he doth advance M. Mountagues Appeale part. 2. pag. 3. himselfe into his Makers seat. Not altogether within the Spheare of humane activity. Non vox hominem sonat, O Dea certè: It is the voice of God, and not of man, Acts 12. 22. He sheweth that he is God by this action also.

But these are Papall actions, by way of pro­position, what they can doe: I will adde others, [Page 263] by way of imposition, what they command, that others should doe: viz. prostrations and adora­tions, which S t. Peter would not permit, Acts 10. 25. nor the Angell, Revel. 9. 10. Hethere­fore who doth permit them, the world must conceive him, at least conceit him to be grea­ter than Peter, greater than an Angell: and therefore by S. Pauls owne argument, Heb. 1. 4, 5. God himselfe: a petty god, at the least. Now the Pope doth not only permit prostrati­on, but doth injoyn that which is more & grea­ter: that all, Princes, and people shall kisse his foot. In the yeare 828, Pope Valentine made Pless. Myst. Progress. 28. all the Senate of Rome come kisse his foot. He was the first who imposed that impious inso­lence, saith Honourable Plessie, the Honour of Learning. About the yeare 1227, Gregory 9 Pless. progres. 51. persecuted the Emperour Fredericke with im­placable hatred, because he did onely kisse his knee, when he should have kissed his foot. And not long since there was a Pamphlet put in Whitaker in Bel. Contr. 4. quaest. 5. Aug. de Ancon. quaest. 9. art. 4. Antonin. part. 3. tit. 22. cap. 5. sect. 4. Bellarm. Apol. pag. 160. print by Ioseph Steven, De adoratione pedum Pontificis, concerning the adoration of the Popes feet, dedicated to Pope Gregory 13. His per­sonall adoration is acknowledged and avouch­ed, though somewhat excused by Bellarmine. But let mee put this Quaere into their eares, which our most learned Bishop hath put into my mouth. Eccuinam mortalium adhibetur jam Andrewes ad Apol. cap. 12. adorandi vox, praeterquam Pontifici soli? Is this word of adoration now applyed to any mortall man, but to the Pope alone? Therefore this [Page 264] word alone, doth exalt him above all men. And thus from his owne actions, doe I conclude my first argument: The Pope doth shew himselfe that hee is God: therefore, The Pope is An­tichrist.

Yet for a man to vaunt his owne greatnesse, this were great insolence, indeed impudence al­so. It seemeth therefore expedient that some Brokers should breach such a businesse.

Alexander when he attempted to purchase Iust hist. lib. 1 [...]. and publish his Deity, he did not proclaime it himselfe, that he was a God; but suborned the Priests of Ammon to preach it to the world, that in sooth Alexander was the son of Iupiter. Psapho was that witty fellow, who tamed his Malvenda lib. 7. cap. 11. Pies, and having taught them their lesson, he turned them abroad, and then in every cor­ner they cryed nothing but Psapho est Deus, that is, Psapho is a God. So the Pope doth sub­orne his Priests, and hath taught his Parasites to chatter this lesson through the world, Papa est Deus, that is, the Pope is a God, say they: or the Pope is Antichrist, say we.

Marcellus Archbishop of Corcira in his book Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 2. Sect. 1. cap. 4. of holy Ceremonies, gave the Pope a substantiall title, when he termed him Sanctissimus Domi­nus noster, Our most holy Lord: a Christian could not have given a much greater epithete to Christ himselfe. A Trent Bishop supposed Mol [...]. Consil. de Trid. Concil. nu. 22. this to be somewhat superlative; and there­fore he advised the Fathers of the Synod, be­cause that in the Scripture God is called [Page 265] sanctus, holy, therefore it might suffice to call the Pope also, sanctus, holy, and not terme him sanctissimus, most holy, lest they should invest him with an attribute beyond God himselfe. But this Bishop was summoned from Trent to Rome, where he was better informed what be­came him to talke concerning the Popes Holi­nesse. Others therefore, that they might not incurre the like displeasure, would be sure to give him attributes enough. The Florentine Antonin. Hist. to. 3. Embassadors told Pope Pius the second, that their City sanctitatem illius Hyperdulia adorat, did adore his Holinesse with Hyperdulie, which is a kind of worship they ascribe onely to the Virgin Mary. This is somewhat contiguous to a Deity. Proportionably therefore, his pa­rasites preach, the Pope non esse purum homi­nem, Gloss in Prooem. Clem. in verbo Papa. Moscon. de Po­test. Milit Ec­clesiae lib. 1. part. 1. c. 4, not to be a meere man. In reverence wher­of it is defined to bee a prophane sacriledge, if any should date to put on Papae indumenta, the Popes Apparell.

To ascend a little higher, let us heare a lit­tle touch of Scripture proper to our God, Christ: which they apply to their God, the Pope. The Sicilian Embassadors, asking pardon of Pope Martine 4, delivered their Embas­sage, in no other termes, but three times say­ing that of Saint Iohn 1, 29. Agnus Dei, qui tol­lis peccatum mundi miserere nobis: O thou Lambe of God, which takest away the sinnes of the world, have mercy upon us. It is a decree of a Councill held at Rome under Gregory 7, Anno 1057. [Page 266] That there is but one name in the world, to wit, of the Pope, and that this name, ought onely to bee named in the Churches. Is not this to appro­priate to him, our Saviours Prerogative men­tioned, Act. 4. 12. That of Saint Iohn 3. 31. concerning Christ, Qui de coelo ve [...]it, super om­nes Capistranus de Pa [...]ae E [...]les [...] a [...]o [...]a [...]e [...]ol. 13O. Francis White pag. 126. est, He that commeth from above, is above all: may be understood of the Pope saith Ca­pistranus. A Sicilian Bishop supplicated to Ni­cholas the third, in the words of Bartimaeus, Marke 10. 47. Miserere mei sili David, O sonne of David have mercy upon me. Paulus the fourth Paulus 4 Bulla [...]d Du [...]em Florent. doth usurpe that royall title of Christ in the Rev. 19. 16. stiling himselfe Regem Regum, the King of Kings. Iansenius doth expound that Iansen. Har [...]. cap. 66. Matth. 18. 16. Vpon this rocke will I build my Church, of the person of Peter, and of the Pope his successour. Augustine de Ancona attributeth Aug. de Anco. epist. Dedicat. ad Iohn 22. that of Saint Paul to the Philippians 2. 10. To him shall bow the knees of every thing in heaven, and earth, and under the earth; unto Pope Iohn 22. Bellarmine doth apply that Prophecy of Bell. de Pont. Rom▪ Praefat. Isaiah, 28. 16. I lay in Sion a stone for a founda­tion, to the Pope. And elsewhere he doth apply Bell. de Chr. lib. 1. cap. 4. the same words to Christ, proving thereby that Christ is true God. By the same argument therefore, doth hee imply that his Pope, is his God. Of which blasphemy, he seemeth not to Bell. de Concil. Auth. li. 2. c. 17. be very nice, avouching That all the Names in the Scriptures, which are attributed unto Christ, may be ascribed to the Pope also. As also Sixtus Sixtus Senensis in praef. Biblioth. Sanctae. Senensis doth involve the application of many [Page 267] texts (peculiar unto Christ,) to the Pope, speak­ing to Pius the fift, as unto God, saith: That he hath adopted him for his sonne, and regenerated him by his spirit. But of all other that golden B [...] ▪ tom. 11. anno 1073. num. 16. Legend of Baronius may not be passed by: that Pope Hildebrand being a Carpenters sonne, and playing where his father wrought, did by chance frame letters which expressed the eight verse of the 72 Psalme, His dominion shall be from the one Sea, to the other. And to helpe Sacr [...] l [...]b. 1. sect. 7. cap. 6. fol. 35. them out, the Pope himselfe Sixtus the fourth doth arrogate that of Christ, in Matth. 28. 18. Data est mihi omnis potestas in coelo, & in terrâ: all power is given to me in heaven, and in earth.

Moreover, this Seraphicall Divinity of the Papall Deity, is not consined to the Latine one­ly: but they have English Doctors who preach these Italian instructions. What good doe wee say, we receive from God principally, yea onely? a threefold: The Church in which we live, the faith by which we live, and the Commandements according to which we live. All these we as­scribe unto God: all these they ascribe unto the Pope. First the Church is the visible congre­gation George Dowly in his Instructi­on, cap. 3. of all true Christians and Catholikes, which are scattered over the world, whose head next un­der God, is the Pope. Secondly, Faith is a gift of Greg. de Valent. in Thom. t. 3. p. 24. God in our soules, with the which, we doe firmely and Catholikely beleeve, all that God hath revea­led unto us, according as it is taught us, by our holy Mother the Church. By the Church we under­stand, Suarez Apolog. lib. 4. cap. 6. whom they understand, è Cathedra: in­deed [Page 268] the Pope. Thirdly, the worke of a Chri­stian, Trent. Hist. lib. 4. pag. 321. George Dow [...]ey his Instruct. cap. 12. is to know well the Commandements of God, and those of our mother the Church. Ob­serve, the Commandements of God, and the com­mandements of the Church, that is, of the Pope, are members of the same division: therefore equally enjoyned. To which purpose, as hee hath made the whole seventh Chapter to teach the ten Commandements of God: so hee spendeth the eight Chapter in teaching the five Commandements of the Church, to wit, to heare Masse on sundayes and holydayes, to con­fesse once a yeare, to communicate at Easter, to Fast when the Church commandeth, and to pay Tithes. To which he addeth the sixt, not to ce­lebrate mariages prohibited by the Church. So then: without the Pope, no Church, no Faith, and the Commandements of the Pope ranked with the Commandements of God. The Church, Faith, and Cōmandements, all these we ascribe unto our God; all these they ascribe unto their Pope. The Pope permitteth this doctrine: therefore from his owne permission, I hope I may bee permitted to pronounce my conclu­sion; The Pope doth shew himselfe to bee God. Therefore, The Pope is the Antichrist.

Notwithstanding these plaine evidences, Bell. de Pontif. Rom. lib. 3▪ c. 14. Lessi. de▪ [...]nti [...] Dem. 7. evictions: this truth is not acknowledged; be­cause say they, Antichrist will say plainly, that he is God. This sense is not suteable to the text: which saith He shall shew, not say that he is God. Howsoever, I will follow them into [Page 269] this ( [...]) starting hole also, and beat them with their owne weapons, I say therefore, The Pope doth plainly professe himselfe D r Beard de Antichristo. to be god. Of late, Pope Paulus Quintus, and the Cardinall his cousin, caused every peece of their plate to be marked with this inscription Burghesianae eternitati dicatū, that is, this is con­secrated to the Eternity of the Burghesian family. What more godlike Title could they ingrave Thom. Stapleton in Prin [...]ip. Fid. praefat. on a Challice? Our English Stapleton uttereth this blasphemy somewhat more plainly, styling Pope Gregory 13, Optimum, Maximum, & su­premum Numen in terris, that is, their most great, most gracious, and most soveraigne god on earth. Less [...]s de An­tichristo. Dem. 7. Lessius doth acknowledge that the Pope is cal­led by the Papists Deus interris, Their god on earth: but, saith he, metaphorice, it is by a figure: poore fig-leaves, to cover their apparent blas­phemies. Others are downe-right, and mince Gratian Dist. [...]6 cap. 7. Satis Evidenter. not the matter. Pope Nicholas boasteth, Pon­tificem à Constantino Deum appellatum: that the Emperour did call the Pope a God: and from thence inferreth Deum non posse ab hominibus judicar:, that no men may judge the Pope, be­cause he is a God. Whence also Augustine Aug. Steuchus de Donatione Constant. [...] 1547. pag 141. Steuchus, doth tell us, praeclaro illo edicto eum adoravit ut Deum; that by that egregious edict, Constantine did adore the Pope as God: Et divi­nos honores ei, quoad ejus potuit, contulit▪ and that to utmost of his ability, hee tendered to him divine honours. Againe, one Pope in the Concil▪ Later▪ s [...]ss. 4 s [...]b [...] ▪ 2. Laterane Councill, is saluted by the Name of God.

In the yeare 1514, in the last Laterane Concil. Later. Sess. 9. Moulins Ac­com. pag 89. Councill, one of the Popes Secretaries called Leo 10, his divine Ma [...]esty. Vpon the gates of Tolentum in Italy, is this inscription, To Paul the third, the most high and mighty God on earth. A booke also was printed with this inscripti­on; Tort. Torti pag. 361. PaV Lo V [...] VICc Deo, that is, To Paul the fift, a Demi god: where I may not silence, the remarkeable observation, of our most learned Bishop: that the letters in this title, doe exactly even the Number of the name of Antichrist, re­corded in the 13, of Revel. and the last verse, 666. Vpon one of the gates of Rome was [...]unius in R [...]v. 17. 13. written to Pope Sixtus Quartus, Et merito in terris, crederis esse Deus, that is, we doe certain­ly beleeve, that Thou art our God, on earth. Bell. de Pontif. R [...] lib. 2. c. 16. Decim. tertius. Yea Bellarmine himselfe, (who doth use to blanch the blasphemies, and broad assertions of the Romish synagogue) saith of the Pope, Thou art the great Priest—in power Peter, and in vnction Christ. Here the very Name of Christ, is given by Bernard to Eugenius, accepted by the Pope, & allowed by Bellar. But the most grosse Extrav Ioh 22. c. Cum int [...]r. blasphemy of all, is that popish glosse of their Canon Law, Credere Dominum Deum nostrum, Papam, conditorem hujus Decretalis, non po­tursse statuere, prout statuit, Haereticum censeatur: that is, it is hereticall for a man to beleeve, that our Lord God the Pope, had not power to Eud [...]: contra Abba [...]um lib. 1. sect. 9. decree, as he did decree. I know how Iohannes Eudaemon, doth indeavour to blurre this evi­dence, saying that this word Deum God, was [Page 271] erratum Typographum, that it crept into the glosse, through the fault of the Printer, where­by he discovereth himselfe to bee a true Cre­tian. For it is cleared (by the Coryphaeus of all cōbatants against Antichrist) by the Bishop of D r. Downam de Antichristo lib. 4 cap. 10. sect 4. Derie, whose answer is this; Pope Gregory the thirteenth, imployed & enioyned certaine of the Cardinalls to revise and correct the Glosse of the Canonists. When as, many editions thereof had this word Deum, God, and yet some had it not: they set forth a new Copy, and by the authority of Pope Gregory, they resto­red that word Deum, which before had beene wanting in some few of their editions. Nei­ther in the Censures of the Glosse, set out by the command of Pope Pius the fift: nor yet in the Index Expurgatorius, is the least men­tion made, of any mutation, or alteration of the word Deum, for which wee challenge thē. Let no Papist therefore be offended, if I con­clude from the Approbation of so many Popes; The Pope doth shew, nay say that he is God. I in­ferre, therefore, The Pope is The Antichrist. Fur­thermore, I will finish this section, with o­ther apt instances observed by my learned friend (Master Boswell Pastor of Saint Law­rence London) while he resided in Spaine. To which I will onely premise one odde disticke out of Zanchie concerning the Pope.

Angelicum nomen solvit pius ipse Michael
Nam tanquam Deus est, qui ante Michael erat.

Let others riddle these Aenigmaticall Hyperbo­licall verses; that here they stile him, Tanquam Deus, & Michael, is enough for my asser­tion, too much for his Holinesse. That transcen­dent inscription on their triumphall Arch, when Pope Alexander the sixt entred Rome, is worth my friends observation, and all mens admiration.

Caesare magna fuit, nunc Roma est maxima; Sextus
Bernardiro Corio Hist. de [...] part. 3. pag. 452.
Regnat Alexander, Ille vir, Iste Deus.
Our Rome was great: Great Caesar made it such,
By Alexander now, its greater much:
Why great by him? great reason give I can,
The Pope was God: Th' Emperour but a Man.

That day was borne a twinne in prose to this meeter. This was another inscription to the same Pope, Alexandro invictissimo, Alexandro pientissimo, Alexandro magnificentissimo, Alex­andro in omnibus maximo, Honor & gloria: that is, to Alexander the most invincible, to Alex­ander the most holy, to Alexander the most magnificent, to Alexander in all things the grea­test of all, be Honor and Glory. What greater inscription could be consecrated to the grea­test God? [...]: such singular inscriptions, they suffer not to bee single: a third speaketh the same language.

Viventibus aeternitatem laetam danti, aeternam gloriam.

[Page 273]

To him who giveth immortality, hee given im­mortall glory.

Againe: Vide Sarium.

Libertas pia, Iustitia, & Pax aurea, Opes quae Sunt tib. Roma, novus fert Deus iste tibi.

Thy Freedome, Iustice, Wealth & Peace, O Rome,
From thy new God, the Pope alone they come.

Finally, to this Pope, I will give a Vale, in that Salve, whereto the Papists were so so­lemnly invited.

Accumulant fora, laetitiam testantia flammas,
Scit venisse suum, Patria grata Deum.
In every street, huge Bonfires great,
The Pope approaching to them:
For Rome knoweth well, this day to dwell
Their God is come amongst them.

A fourth:

Prisca novis cedant, rerum nunc aureus ordo est,
Invictoque Iovi est, Gloria, primus Honor.
The former times fall short of ours,
In golden age we live:
Vnto our God, Iehovah great
We Praise and Honor give.

And that this may not seeme to bee a personall, but a successive usurpation upon God, we shall see the same godlike attributes ascribed [Page 274] unto Pope Gregory the thirteenth. And first that he is [...], and therefore [...]. both God and Man, and therefore The man of sinne. This is the Iesuites Elogie, indeed Elegie.

Laurea Christiadum, qu [...]m totus praedicat orbis,
Laetitia publica Iesuitarum Ma­triti, Mart 1 [...]. 1579.
Demi Deumque virū, S [...]virumque Deum.
Cum t [...]a [...]a, est▪ [...]s, nullis [...] or is
Cumque regas terram, syd [...]r [...]umque Polum.
O Crown of Christians, whō the world doth preach
[...]o be both God and Man: Pope-Christ; because
Thy boundlesse power above the earth doth reach,
For Heaven it selfe obeyes thy Papall Lawes.

The like to the same.

Sancte Pater, Cus [...]os Ovium, qui Tibridis arces
Vnus, & imperijs fraenas calestibus orbem:
Qui verbo obstructi port as recludis Olimpi,
Et sontes damnas tenebris, & carcere caeco.
Cum tua se extguo non claud [...] fine potest [...]s
Pro (que) Deo, sis pene Deus, pro Numine Numen, &c.
Holy Father, great Shepheard of the sheepe,
Thou who alone, the Romane Lordly State
And the whole world besides doest guide and keepe,
And with thy heavenly reines doest moderate:
O thou who with thy word, Heaven gates dost ope,
And by thy word damn'd soules sendst down to hell,
Since such thy power is: most blessed Pope
Thou art almost a God, in thee doth dwell
A Godlike De [...]ie.

To peece up that blasphemy, they put to this parcell of prophannesse:

Has tu divitias, Pater O mortalibus aegri [...]
Cum lubet indulges, vitaeque piacula donans
Communes esse tuis.
These rich indulgences, O Father thou dost give
For every grievous sin, wherein poore men do live.

Which is conferred by him, whom they stile

Christiadum Princeps, fidei custodia nostrae,
Cujus adimperium rerum se machina curvat,
Et quo ver a fides veluti se cardine vertit.
The Prince of Christian men,
The prop of Christian Faith:
Commander of our life
And ground of true beliefe.

And if we thinke, that the Pope doth not by all this arrogate to h [...]mselfe, and derogate from Christ sufficiently, even as sufficiently, as may become The Antichrist; Let Pannonius absolve Pannonius in Apocalyps. cap. 12. se [...] 5. punet. 4. this conclu [...]ion, in his [...]alse latine▪ Who avou­cheth the Pope to be Sum [...]us Princeps universae terrae, the supr [...]me Prince of the whole world, qui potest & terrae Princip [...]s sub [...]ugare, etiam Haereti­cos profligare, put downe Kings, and roote up Heretikes, to which purpose he hath gladium mater [...]le, habet sp [...]rituale, both the swords mate­riall and spirituall. And, All power both in heaven [Page 276] and earth, according to Matth. ult. Againe, the Pope is Dei charismatum Dispensator, the di­spencer of Gods grace: the Pope Virgam directio­nis, Pannonius in Apocal. cap. 16. sect. 2. Punct. 1. the Scepter of righteousnesse mentioned Psal. 45. [...]. In a word, the Pope is Parens salutis, the Father of their salvation saith Pannonius, and therefore, The sonne of Perdition.

Finally, as the Pope doth usurpe the Name, so doth he also the worship which is peculiar un­to God. First by their common gesture of knee­ling to the Pope, they make the Pope a god, and their Idoll: and their very kneeling is a token thereof. For (as profound Zanchy doth fully Zan b [...]in praec. [...]. cap. 17. informe us) although we English did kneele to our Queene of ever blessed memory, and doe and may kneele to our King her successour, without any superstition; because it is meerly Politicall, and after the manner of our nation: Yet for the Papists to kneele to the Pope, who they beleeve cannot erre; and in whom they are perswaded that there is a fulnesse of power to forgive sins, to give Heaven, and to doome to Hell, ascribing those properties of God to him, so farre they make him a God: and to such men even their kneeling is an Idolatrous Ado­ration.

Againe, the Pope doth too grosly shew him­selfe Moulins [...]. sect. 118. that he is God (especially to the ignorant) by those absurd images and pictures of the Tri­nity, frequent in the Romish Churches, and found printed in the Title pages of their Bi­bles, set forth by Sixtus Quintus, and Clemens 8 [Page 277] where they picture an old man, sitting in a Chaire, apparelled like the Pope, with a tripled Crowne, also with a Pigeon hanging at his beard and a Crucifixe in his armes. Whereby it is not impossible, that the ignorant people should either imbrace, or invert the errour of the Anthropomorphites, supposing either God to be the Pope, or the Pope to be God. Since by the Popes permission, they are both expressed by one Picture.

Moreover, certainly it is more than a play Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 2. sect. 1. cap. 33. which they act in one of their Papall Pageants, in the Popes owne presence. In their solemne service upon Palme-sunday at Rome, three of the Queristers of the Popes Chappell apparell themselves one in white, bearing the per­son of the Evangelist, the second in red re­presenting a Iew, and the third in blacke, being in shew our blessed Saviour. Toward the end of the Antheame, he who acteth the part of the Evangelist, praecedit, sequitur Iudaeus, deinde Christus. They all in order, the Evangelist first, the Iew next, and Christ last, goe and kisse the Popes soot. That Christ (though personated) shold kisse the Popes foot! Surely, if any indiffe­rent person did see this shew, he would thinke that the Pope did shew himselfe that he was God.

It will not be impertinent, if to this play Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 1. sect 12. cap. 5. Item lib. 2 sect. 1. cap. 35. of their men, I annex what their Children act also: when the Pope in his Pontificalibus doth enter into any city, they provide a multitude of Children (in imitation of Matth. 21.) and if [Page 278] they can, Hebrew Children, to meet his Holinesse with their Acclamations, and Palmes in their hands. If they would adde what is also done in the text, and cry Hosanna, hee would doe more, than shew himselfe that he is God.

To shew yet more plainly, that the Pope doth plainly shew himselfe to be God▪ Suppose we our Bezain 2 Thes. 2. 4. selves to be present at the great solemnity of the popish Iubile, and that there wee saw a Man, whom they themselves terme ( terrestrem Deum) an earthly god, hemmed in with a throng of his creatures; pompously caryed with a triple Di­ademe, in a golden Throne, on Noble mens shoul­ders: Then (in their owne phrase) breaking open the gates of Paradice, with a golden Hammer, and the Embassadors of most mightie Princes and Po­tentates, yea the Kings themselves, and the Em­peror if he be there, kneeling full low, and adoring him aloft, reapse alterum Deum, as if he were in­deed another very God: And withall, the thronging multitude round about him, expecting and praying for remission of sinnes, and eternall life, as a lar­gesse from his blessed Holines: What should we suppose our selves to see, if we did see such a sight? Certainly an ordinary man, who yet never wore the spectacles of Pope-patronizing prejudice, would thinke that he saw an insolent Man, in an incomparably glorious pompe, shewing himselfe that he is God.

But that they themselves may seeme to take all blanching qualifications, from those Protestants who will not have the Pope to bee [Page 279] Antichrist, the Papists make good the very Letter of my text. After the Popes election, they Sacr. Cer. lib. 1. fol. 17. cause him to sit upon the alter, to whow all the Car­dinalls, with all reverence, in their order, exhibite their obeysance, kissing first his foot, next his hand, and then his Cheeke. And a little after this, ( [...]:) that which is well done, is twice done) hee descendeth unto Saint Peters Church, where againe the Cardinalls seat him upon the Altar with his Miter, and the chiefe Cardinall pronounceth on his knees, Te Deum, We praise thee O God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. Those supporters of that fiction, of the Trienniall singular Antichrist: what can they feine that hee shall doe, more than this man hath done already? Thus gloriously, and gros­ly shewing himselfe that he is God.

This may suffice, but I will adde a surplus­age, that I may adde a sufficient, yea a super­fluous satisfaction, to any who will bee satis­fied, I say, this Prophecy, that Antichrist doth sit in the Temple of God, as God, shewing himselfe that he is God, is literally fulfilled in the Pope. If the God of Heaven, should be on earth, vi­sible and incarnated, in the shape of a man; what solemne worship should we imagine, to tender unto him? The Place! should it not bee in a Church? The Church! should it not bee the chiefe of the world? The Part! should it not be the highest and holyest part thereof? Our gesture: should it not bee an humble kneeling before him? Our affection to him: could it [Page 280] be more, than humbly to desire to kisse the feet of that most Holy Body? Nay to content our selves, as unworthy of that Honour? And our Speech! Can it be more, than to make an acclamation of praising and acknowledging God the Lord in his holy presence.

All these are literally performed to the person of the Pope. (I deny not, but learning may give, and charity may receive some quali­fications of those actions, otherwise it were the boldest blasphemy, & blasphemousest Idolatry, that ever man broached, or God spared from a thunder clappe: yet all these are literally performed to the Pope) Sacrarium Ceremoni­arum lib. 1. fol. 17. a booke which no un­derstanding papist, can, will, or dare denie. The Pope immediately after his Election, is caryed into Saint Peters Church (which I suppose, they esteeme the Prime Church of the world) They set him (as before in his Chappell) upon the Altar. That ever a man should be set upon the Altar of God, it is incre­dible, did not they themselves relate it: There a solemne Adoration is performed, with bended knees, the Cardinalls kisse his feet: the People being not admitted unto it.

Finally, the chiefest Prelate upon his knees, saith that Psalme, Te Deum; Wee praise thee O God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. And thus hath the Pope showne himselfe to be God: and thus have I showne the Pope, to bee the man of sinne, The Antichrist.

Thus have I delivered you Antichrists de­scription: Would God it were an inscription: would God I could inscribe it, write it in all your hearts, as it were in Tables of Brasse, with a Penne of Steele, that your memories might be handmaids to your judgements: that you might judiciously and continually examine the truth of these particulars.

For my conscience telleth me, that I have taught these points without malice, I need not repent it: and without idle ignorance, I need not recant it. And before I ever retract any point, especially the whole parallell, I must first be convicted by better arguments than yet I could ever find in Bellarmine, Suarez, Lessius, Steuartius, Eudaemon, Malvenda, Sanders, Mo­narchomachia, or the whole Colledge of Rhemes. Although I thinke they have not ma­ny who can say more than these have done in this controversie: I have made it plaine, and (with Gods assistance in my succeeding Ser­mons) I will make it plaine, yet more fully, that the Pope is the head, and the Papists the members of that wretched body, Antichrist.

Concerning the Papists, I say of them, as S. Paul did of the Iewes: My desire is that all Israel may be saved, that all Christendome may be reformed. Especially, for our owne Countrimen, it is the prayer of my soule, that God would open their eyes, that they may see where they are, in Babylon [...]: and whom they serve, even the ve­ry Antichrist. But if they be blinded, by plea­sure, [Page 282] by profit, by affected ignorance, or which is worst, by partiall affection: we must leave them to God. Howbeit, if they will not turne to us, let vs pray, that wee may be preserved from them. Let us pray continually, That God will preserve from them, our persons, our children, our families, our friends, our Church, our Common wealth, our King, and all his Kingdomes.

Now, from the Pope and Antichrist: and from all popish and antichristian invasions, rebellions, and perswasions:
The Lord preserve us all:
Even all the dayes of our lives.

Amen, Amen.


2 THESS. 2. 5, 6, 7, 8. Remember you not, that when I was yet with you I told you these things?’

What hindred the revelation of Antichrist. The Romane Empire not to be abolished. It is remo­ved. Of Travellers, and travelling to Rome.

THis point of Antichrist being deli­vered from the third verse, unto the thirteenth: therein I propo­sed five particulars to bee passed through. Antichrist described, re­vealed, destroyed, confirmed, and received. The description I have dispatched, with the foure branches thereof. I have shewed his Time, Titles, Place, and Properties. I proceed to the Revelation of Antichrist, set downe in these foure following verses▪ Which administer two things considerable: a digression in the fift verse, and a progression in the remnant of this Text. The digression is a putting them in [Page 284] minde of so [...]e private doctrine, wherein hee had secretly instructed them: Remember yee not, that when I was yet with you I told you these things. In the progression there are three points, How, When, and What.

First, How Antichrists revelation was hindred: And now you know what with-holdeth, in the sixt verse; and he who letteth, in the seventh.

Secondly, When Antichrist shall be revealed: He shall be revealed in his time, when that which with-holdeth, and he who letteth, shall be taken out of the way, in the sixt and seventh verses.

Thirdly, What is the thing which then hin­dred, after to be revealed? A strange worke of Antichrist, called by as strange a name, [...], The mystery of iniquity, in the se­venth verse; and the name of the Worker is very sutable, in the eight verse, [...]That wicked one. My discourse shall be answerable to this division: I will also deliver the same two points, a digression, and a progression. First, That the point of Antichrist is necessary to bee knowne in our time. Next, How the person of Antichrist was hindred to be knowne in S. Pauls time.

Having accomplished the halfe of this trea­tise: I seeme to be like a Barke in the middest of our English sea, betwixt Dover and Calais: When I looke backward, I see a large Sea which I have sailed through: and yet I see as much (which also must be cut through) lying before me. Now that God, who did guide his [Page 285] Israell through the red sea, notwithstanding the persecution and prosequution of the Aegyp­tians: he bring my labour and your understan­ding to the end of this Prophesie, maugre the Chariots and Horsemen of those Babylonians, who pursue us with the spirit of contra­diction.

The first point is, that the Point of Anti­christ is necessary to be knowne in our time. Herod Iuells Apolog. pag. 134. caused all the Records of the Genealogies to be bur­ned; lest the Israelites should thereby know that he was an Edomite. So the Pope, and such as are popish in faction or affection, would inhi­bite the people such Scriptures as speake of Anti­christ; fearing (the truth) that those Records would discover the Pope to be Antichrist, and the Papists Antichristian. But they must first spunge out this verse, before this inhibition wil be esteemed justificable. Sermons are worth the hearing, which have a repetition; and Books the reading, which have a second ed [...]tion. Con­cerning this point, in this verse, S. Paul doth more. First, he doth preach it in private: Se­condly, he doth write it for the publike: and thirdly, he doth urge the remembrance thereof. Ter si pultanti, he doth mention it three times, as a motive to make us Search into it at all times. Et aes illi triplex circapectus, his heart is girded with a threefold gable of untamed obsti­natenesse, who will be negligent where S. Paul doth urge us to be diligent: [...], Remember ye not (saith my Text) that when I was yet with [Page 286] you, I told you these things?

But to frame my conclusions from their owne conce [...]sions. Sanders rendreth five cau­ses Sanders de An­tichrist [...]dem. 2. of Antichrist: the Efficient, a just God, that thereby he might ma [...]e knowne the malice of Satan, the power of Christ, and the patience of the Church. The next, or subordinate efficient, the subtle malitious devill, who maketh Anti­christ his instrument to seduce miserable men. The Materiall is Antichrist himselfe, a meere man. The Forme is the powerfull working imp [...]e­tie of Satan. And the End of Antichrists com­ming, is that they may bee punished who will not rece [...]ve the truth.

All which causes are contained in this chap­ter. The Efficient in the eleventh verse, God shall send them strong delusion. The Subo [...]dinate in the ninth, Hee commeth after the work [...]ng of Satan. The Matter in the third verse, hee is termed The man of sinne. The Forme in the seventh, Antichr [...]stian [...]sme is called the Mystery of iniquity. And the End is set downe in the end of the Prophesie, in the twelfth verse, [...], Antichrist shall come, that they all might be damned, which beleeve not the truth. As ther­fore we love God, or hate the Devill: as we hope for salvat [...]on, or feare our damnation: so are we bound to search this necessary point, this point of Antichrist.

Finally, let a Dutch Papist concurre in this conclu [...]on with this English Papist: Multa Lessius de Anti­ch [...]isto praesat. apud Damelem, Paulum, & in Apocalypsi Iohan­nis [Page 287] de Antichristo habeantur, & valde sit necessa­ria, eorum notitia, Ecclesiae—ut sideles possint tempestive moneri, ne ab illo circumveniantur: That is, there are many things written by Daniel, Paul, and in the Revelation concerning Antichrist, the knowledge whereof is very ne­cessary for the Church—whereby the faith­full may in time be admonished, lest they should be intrapped by that sonne of perdition. Wee therefore are lesse beholden to that learned Protestant whosoever, which shall inhibite any faithfull man, members of the Church, from labouring to know Antichrist, than wee are to the popish Iesuite Lessius, who acknowled­geth that knowledge to bee very necessarie for them.

But it may bee objected; This point is diffi­cult; and therefore it may not be searched into. And it may be answered, This point is difficult; and therefore excellent: and therefore it must be searched into.

Moreover, the Holy Ghost did deliver this excellent matter, in a difficult manner, for three reasons: for those who follow Christ; for those who follow Antichrist; and for those who fol­low neither, Christ nor Antichrist.

First, for those who did follow neither: lest the Heathen and Romanes should have beene exasperated, if they had beene informed that a Viper should have proceeded out of the Church, to devoure the Dragon of their Empire. Occumenius in 2 Thess. 2. 5. [...] [Page 288] [...], saith Occumenius. That is, S. Paul uttered this prophesie thus obscurely, that he might not provoke the Romans unto unnecessary enmity. And it is the opinion of many of the learned, that many of those heavy persecutions were commenced and continued by the Romanes against the Chri­stians, because from this prophesie they had apprehended an inkling that the Church of Rome should teeme him, that should subvert the Empire of Rome.

The same obscurity is used, because of those which follow or favour Antichrist, that (by an [...], a just recompence of reward) God might harden them judicially, who had hardned themselves habitually. This mystery of Antichrist is spoken to them in Parables, that seeing they may see, and not perceive: and hearing they may heare and not understand, Mark 4. 11, 12.

And finally, this prophesie is penned in these darke and difficult termes, for their sakes who doe truly follow Christ: that true Christians might be hereby excited unto in­dustry and invocation: to reade constantly, that they may know; and to pray continually, that they may eschew that Man of sinne, and Sonne of perdition.

Let my heart therefore exhort you, in the words of our Saviour, Iohn 5. 39. Search the Scriptures: for certainly these doe testifie of Christ; yea and of Antichrist also. Doe that noble act of those noble Bereans, Acts 17. 11. [Page 289] Search the Scriptures daily, whether these things be so. I desire not to obtrude any thing upon facility, or credulity: but ponder every point. I distrust not my ability to satisfie the hearer, or to justifie the speaker, in any reasonable manner, or measure. In the phrase of the A­postle, 1 Thess. 5. 21. I dare appeale to the judg­ment of any indifferent auditours: Prove all things: Hold fast that which is best. Heare me: Reade others: Examine all. I say confidently, Prove all things: and God grant you may hold fast that which is best.

The digression being dispatched in the first verse: I proceed to the progression in the next: to wit, How the person of Antichrist was hindred to be knowne in S. Pauls time. A point worthy to be commended to our consideration, for on this ground doth Bellarmine build his se­cond Bell. de P. R. lib. 3. c. 3. Demonstration. The Pope (saith he) cannot be the Antichrist, Quia impedimendum nondum sublatum est; because that which hindred, is not yet removed out of the way. And withall, Bellar­mine Steuartius in 2 Thess. 2. 5. following the Greeke and Latine Fa­thers, saith, that the Apostle doth here speake De Romani imperij eversione, of the eversion of the Romane Empire. Whereof he made men­tion to the Thessalonians, plainly, when he was present with them: but being absent from them, he durst not write it, for feare that this pro­phesie might be published to the notice of the Romanes, whose hatred he knew thereby hee should incurre.

Moreover, those Fathers, and Bellarmine, conceived the sense of this sentence to be this, Ye know what withholdeth, that he might be re­vealed: that is, The flourishing estate of the Ro­mane Empire did hinder the comming of Anti­christ. Answerable to which exposition is the tradition of Tertullian, Optatus, and Lactantius; Pererius in Dan. li. 14. p. 677 that it was a prime prayer in the Primitive Church, Pro conservatione Romani Imperij, that God would preserve the Romane Empire: the Christians (saith Pererius) perswading them­selves, That Antichrist could not come, so long as that did flourish. The probable cause where­of is assigned by Chrysostome, by way of prece­dents: that as the Babylonian Monarchy was subverted by the Persians, the Persian by the Macedonians, and the Macedonian by the Ro­manes: so in the conclusion, the Romanes them­selves should have their Scepter wrestled out of their Herculean fists, by the Herculean labour of Antichrist. And the event saith Amen, to all this. It seemeth that the Romane Empire, by their tyranny and persecution did hinder the rising of Antichrist. For so long as the Church was under persecution, the Man of sinne could not rise to his greatnesse: which he did immediately upon the fall of the Romane Empire. And (as I touched before) it is thought that the very suspition that the Christians should be the over­throw of the Romane Empire, was the cause of many bloudy persecutions.

The [...], or reciprocall consent, is this: [Page 291] that the Romane Empire did hinder the comming of Antichrist, and that Antichrist would come im­mediately on the fall thereof. The [...], but we dissent concerning the manner thereof. To borrow Bellarmines phrase, we say it is incli­natio, they desolatio: we say a diminution, they that an absolute dissolution of the Romane Empire shall be (as Cyprian spake of Decius) Metator Cyprian. Epist. 22 Antichristi, the Harbinger of Antichrist.

Before I proceed to this point, I will in two words propose foure theses, and as many parentheses: the first bee allowed by the Pa­pists, and the last inferred thence by the Pro­testants.

First, out of the sixt and seventh verses, [...], and [...], What with-holdeth, and who letteth: these articles imply rem, perso­nam, both the Empire and the Emperour: yet no singular person, but a long succession of the one and the other. Therefore [...], and [...], The Antichrist, and the Man of sinne signifie (in like manner) a succession, and not one singular person.

Next, in the seventh verse, [...] he who now letteth, that is, the Empire and Series or succes­sion of those Emperours, which was in S. Pauls time. Therefore no Empire nor Emperour of our time is meant in this prophesie.

Thirdly, out of the same verse, [...], who onely letteth, as if he had said that the Empire was that onely impediment, and so soone as it should be removed, Antichrist would instantly [Page 292] be revealed. The revelation therefore of the Popish Antichrist, and Iewish Christ, will bee both ad Graecas Calendas, in no time future: for their Revelation is long since passed already.

And finally, [...], de medio tolli, to be taken out of the way, doth not signifie to be abo­l [...]shed out of the world, but to be removed out of the way. In this sense runneth this phrase in other places of the Scripture. Thus actively, Act. 17. 33. S. Paul departed, de medio illorum, the meaning is not that he departed out of the world, or dyed; but that he departed out of the way, or left their company. Againe, passively, Matt. 13. 49. the Angell shall sever the wicked, de med [...]o justorum, we cannot imagine that the wicked shall be abolished▪ but only that they shall be separated. Therefore it is a paradox not to be named, to affirme that the very name of the Emperour must be extinguished, before Anti­christ can be revealed.

Therefore our position and exposition is warranted by the ( [...]) very letter of the Text: Imperium esse è medio tollendum, non pror­sus delendum, as our worthy D. Whitaker doth Whitaker in [...]ell. Contr. 4. qu. est. 5. deliver it: that is, the Romane Empire must be removed out of the way, not abol [...]shed out of the world, before the revealing of Antichrist. To adde light to the Sunne; wee may annexe two reasons.

First, the Emperour, or he who letteth, must be removed no farther, than onely that Anti­christ may have roome to seat his Throne in the [Page 293] City situated on seven hills, which S. Iohn hath foretold to be the Metropolis of Antichrist, Re­vel. 17. 9. and is by Bellarmine acknowledged Bell. de Rom. P [...]nt. lib. 2. c. 2. to be meant of Rome. Now for this it is e­nough, that the Empire be removed into some further part; not utterly to be abolished, or cast out of the world. Which the Pope seemeth to M. Higg [...]nsin Apoc. 182. Ser. 2. pag. 40. approve by one of his owne actions. Of late time (because he pretendeth some particular interest in that kingdome) he installeth the Kings of Naples, with this caution: That they shall never take the Empire upon them; Fearing the potency of so neere a neighbour, to be a pre­judice to his triple Crowne. It is therefore the power and neighbourhood, not the name and title of the Empire which is the lett to Antichrist.

Secondly, S. Iohn saith in the third verse of Revelation the thirteenth, that one head of the Beast (which is interpreted to be the Romane Empire) was wounded to death: but so, that that deadly wound was healed. The Empire therefore is not to be abolished.

Finally, that which did let was not inane nomen, the bare name, but the power of the Em­pire. Now when the power was abolished, that which letted ( [...]) was removed. Therefore the Empire was not utterly to be extinguished. This experience it selfe doth abundantly te­stifie: for the seat of the Romane Empire is re­moved from the City of Rome: and that Imperi­all imperious power is long since expelled out of Italy. All which I will shut up with one sin­gular [Page 294] Syllogisme, shaped out of their owne assertions. The old Empire of Rome was to bee divided into ten kingdomes or more: this is most certaine, saith Suarez. But no Romane Catho­like Suarez lib. 5. cap. 9 sect. 15. Christo [...]ors [...]n part. 2 pag. 49. did ever dreame that this present Romane Empire shall ever be divided into ten kingdomes: this is the assumption of Michael Christophor­son. Therefore the Present, is not the old Romane Empire. That is abolished, though not utterly: yet so farre as it can let the kingdome of Anti­christ. The name thereof and title is only survi­ving. Therefore ( [...]) that which letteth is taken out of the way. What hinderance then can be in the way of this conclusion? Anti­christ is revealed: and sitteth in that City which once was the seat of the Romane Empire.

Thus I conceive it to be manifest, that the Romane Empire was not to be extinguished, but onely to be removed. Howbeit, I will follow them on their owne grounds; and shew them that there is a dissolution and desolation of that Romane Empire Saint Paul speaketh of in this place, the bare name onely excepted. I begin with Bellarmines words: Desecit imperium in Bell. de R. P lib 3 cap. 5. Occidente: Orientis autem imperium per Turcam destructum videtur: that is, The Romane Empire did faile in the West: and in the East we see it destroyed by the Turkes. Indeed (as hee saith) the westerne Empire was raised again by Charles the great: therefore that Empire was once re­moved: therefore at that time Antichrist was re­moved. Againe, when the Empire was over­throwne [Page 295] by the Gothes, there was no Emperour in the west, for the space of 325 yeares: where was [...], he that letted that long season? If we bee not out of our wits, wee must acknow­ledge that he was removed out of the way. An­tichrist then had opportunity to come, there was none to let him. And finally this present Emperour is Germane Germanus, in truth the Germane Empire, not the Romane: whereof he is onely the image: Having neither the seat, not the Tribute, nor the Territories, nor hard­ly one Towne of the old Romane Empire: in de­rision Knowles Hist. of the Turkes. whereof the Turke termeth this Empe­rour the King of Vienna. And I suppose that that title is not the [...], that which did or could let and with-hold the Man of sinne to be re­vealed. Therefore the Romane Empire (quà [...],) so farre forth as it did, or ever could hinder the comming of Antichrist, is utterly a­bolished, and absolutely extinguished: and no­thing now but the meere Name, and bare Title thereof remaining. To confirme our conclusion by a cloud of their owne witnesses: with all reverence I acknowledg the author of this ca­talogue to be the same famous man from whō I have borrowed many of my materialls for these Sermons, D. Downame of Dery. The falling Dounam. Episc. Derensis de An­tichrist. part. 2. Dem. 8. Anselmus in 2 Thess. 2. Thomas in 2 Thess. 2. away of the Nations from the Romane Empire is already accomplished, saith Anselmus. Thomas secondeth him, Iam diu [...]gentes à Romano Imperio recesserunt, that is, those nations have long since revolted from the Romane Empire. Imperium quod [Page 296] s [...]orebat tempore Pauli—caruit Imperatore plu­rimis Lyranus in 2 Thess. 2. annis, (saith Lyranus) The Empire in which S. Paul did live, and of which S. Paul did speake, did want an Emperour many yeares. E­verhardus said, The majestie of the Romane Em­pire, Aventinus Annal. 7. by which the world was once governed, Sub­lata est è terris, is taken out of the earth. The present Emperour, vana appellat [...]o, is a vaine name, & sola umbra, the onely very shadow thereof. Stapulensis propoundeth it by way Stapulensis l. b 9. in 2 Thess. of interrogation, which is the strongest asser­tion: Vbi nunc quaeso Romana Monarchia? I Viegas in Apoc. Com. 2. sect. 17. nu. 2. pray you where is now the Romane Empire? Do­minicus à Soto said, Temporale Romanae urbis imperium jam cessavit; that the Temporall Em­pire of the Romane City is gone long agoe. Iustini­anus, Vix tenuem quandam umbram Imperij reti­neat, Benedict. lust. in 2 Thess 2. This Empire is scarcely a poore shadow of that old Empire of Rome. Salmeron, Totidem syllabis, concludeth our cause in our verie words: Imperium Romanum jam diu eversum est, The Romane Empire (saith he) is destroyed long since. All addition is superfluous to so plaine an assertion.

Though this be plaine enough, yet perad­venture some will require an Historicall rela­tion of the particulars of this point: and thus I render it. Concerning the removing of the Emperour, who letted the Papacy, the paire of Popes, who finished this feat, were Constantine and Gregory the second.

It is the observation of that noble Knight [Page 297] (who is the Champion of our Calling, and there­by S r H [...]n [...]y Spel­man a [...] non temerandis Ec­cles [...]is page 83. the Honor of his owne) that there were two speciall Persecutors of the Church, Dioclesian & Iu­lian: but the last was most pestilent: Dioclesian, occidebat Presbyteros, did kill the Ministers; but Iulian, occidebat Presbyterium, did kill the Mi­nistery. For he spoiled their Revennues, where­by Ignorance issued, and Religion decreased. Semblably, the hinderer of Antichrist, had two notable Adversaries, Pope Constantine and Gregory the second: but the last was most no­torious. Constantine occidebat Imperatorem, did kill the Emperour: but Gregory, occidebat Impe­rium, did (as it were kill) extinguish the Em­pire, that it never revived againe in the West. So that removing both [...], and [...], è medio, both the hinderer, and the thing hinde­ring out of the way; Antichrist did march in the Popes High way, to the Temple without any impeachment.

About seven hundred yeeres after Christ, Mornaeus Myst. Iniq. Progr. 27. Philippicus the Emperour, cōmanded all Images to be taken out of the Churches. On this pretence Pope Constantine, pronounced him an Heretike, and commanded, that neither his Picture should be placed in their Churches, nor his Name men­tioned in their Prayers. Which administred Platin. in vit. Constant. occasion, and audaciousnesse, to one Arthemi­us to rebell. This rebell did beate his Master, také him, put out his eyes, and put him from the Empire. But though [...] the Emperor was removed, yet [...], the Empire remai­ned: [Page 298] and so there remained one rubbe, that re­moved, the way were wholly cleared. Therefore about the yeare 717 the Emperour Leo 3, sur­named Mornae. Myst. Pro [...]es. 27. [...] ar. 10. 3. [...] [...]3. [...] pag. 373. Isauricus, publishing an Edict against Images, Pope Gregory 2, excited the Venetians, the people of Ravenna, and of Rome it selfe to Rebellion, arming those Rebells with an Absolu­tion from the oath of Allegiance, and an inhi­bition, to pay any more Tribute to the Empe­rour. The Bridle being taken from their necks, these beasts fell with a brutish fury on their Emperours Lieutenants. They invaded Paul Ex­arch of Ravenna, plucked out the eyes of Peter Duke of Rome, murthered Exhileratus the Duke of Campania, and filled all Italy with blood, and robberies. And to bolt the doore, when they Ba [...]on. te. 9. Anno 726. Artic. 34. had shut their Master out: they tooke a solemne oath of Fealty to the Pope. And thus anno 729, by the Holy meanes, of the Popes Holinesse, was the Emperour taken è medio, wholly Removed from the Westerne Empire.

The Hinderer, being thus removed out of the way: the prudent Popes, put this politike pro­ject in practice to keepe him out. Least the Emperour should returne to renew the old, or to be a new hinderance in his way. To this pur­pose, about the yeare 750, Zachary, Steven, Mornae. Myst. Im [...]u. Progr. 27. and Gregory, strake in with Pipin, Charles, and Charlemaine: that ( Mulus Mulum) the Pope should annoint him, and them Kings of France: and that he and they should gratifie the Pope, with the Donatives of Rome and Ravenna. In [Page 299] pursuit of which purchase they prosecuted [...] ­stuphus, & Desiderius Kings of the Longobardi (then possessing those provinces of Italy) with [...] hostility: But in the performance thereof, the Emperour of Constantinople inter­posed his intreaty by Embassadours, that there might be Restitution made of those provinces, to him, the right Owner and Heire of them. To whom Ripin returned a ready, and reso­lute reply; That for his soules sake, he had pro­mised them as a Patrimony to Saint Peter: and for Saint Peters sake, he must and would per­forme it: which he did indeed. And so, about 757, was the Emperour, and his Exarchs, ut­terly excluded out of Italy. He who letteth being thus removed, what now letted, that That wic­ked one was not, even Then revealed.

To summe up all these in a shorter Synop­sis: we must consider the time of the Empires removall, to be distributed into three degrees: the Inchoation, Augmentation, and Consumma­tion thereof.

The Inchoation, and beginning of the Empe­rours removing out of the Popes way, was anno 332, when Constantine, went from Rome to Constantinople, leaving that City emptie, and so a fit seat for the Pope. Then that saying was ve­risied, Hodie venenum effusum est in Ecclesiam, that is, That day poyson was poured into the Church, because Antichrist had then opportu­nity to be admitted into Rome. And although afterward, after the death of Constantine, and [Page 300] of Constantines sonne, the Empire was divided, into the Easterne and Westerne: yet the western Emperour did never after this reside at Rome, but at Millan, or Ravenna: a faire ground for the erecting of Antichrists Metropolis: The Augmentation and increase whereof followed anno 475, the Westerne Empire being extirpated by the Gotthes: the succession of those Empe­rours was in that year absolutely extinguished in Augustulus: Neither was there any other Emperour in the West, for 325 yeares after that calamitie. Nevertheless Antichrist did not ap­peare in his lively colours, because the Graeci­an Emperours, after they had wrested Rome, and Ravenna out of the hand of the Gotthes, by the Armes of Narses, and Bellisarius, did exer­cise their authority (by the Exarchs of Ravenna their Deputies) over the Popes themselves. But the Consummation, full and small removing of this Empire was accomplished about the 727 yeare of the Lord. When Leo Isaurus, (because of the cōtention cōcerning Images) was excōmunicated by the two Gregories, the se­cond, and the third: those Emperours, lost all their interest in Italy, and were wholly expel­led: Now, sublato impedimento emergit actio: therefore, the Empire is gone, and Antichrist is come sitting in the very seat of the Ancient Ro­mane Emperours.

Intus existens, prohibet alienum: If water, be in a vessell, Ayre can have no entrance, nor re­sidence. Poure out the water, and the Ayre en­tereth [Page 301] immediately, and remaineth constant­ly: So was Rome to the Emperours and the Pope. That we may say Rome, the great Citie, was the seat of the great Emperour: but is the Throne of the great Antichrist.

Here I cannot say, whether I should more dehort men from going to Rome, or rather bewaile them who have travelled thither already, I may truely say of those Travellers what Lypsi­us doth of all Travellers: vagari & discurrere Lypsius ep. 22. Cent. 1. quivis potest: indagare, & disquirere pauci. Ma­ny purpose to travell, few travell to any purpose. If there be one of ten, who reapeth benefit by travelling to Rome, he is Decumanus Peregrina­tor, he shall be chronicled for the mirrour of travellers. That Romane Hieroglyphick, S. P. Q. R. our Countryman Beda hath prophetically ex­pounded of our Countreymen, travelling to Rome, S. Stulius, P. Populus. Q. Quaerit, R. Ro­mam, that is, Foolish Gallants are fond to see Rome. For by going to Rome, doe they bring backe any glory to God, good to their Countrey, or grace to their persons? Yea I feare that some of them may say with Saint Augustine, Ibam & Perebam: Curiosity led them, and Christia­nity left them: that they have learned the Italian Tongue, but lost an English heart, that they change the Catholike for the Romane Reli­gion. Miserable Travellers are they! and God grant we may no more have any such Tra­vellers.

I condemne not all, who have travelled to [Page 302] Rome. All such travellers are like Hierams Na­uie 2 Chro. 9. 21. Some indeed bring home gold and silver, increase their knowledge, con­firme their Religion, and inrich their Country with observations of both. But most bring home as it followeth in that text, Apes and Peacocks: nothing but apish mimicall gestures, and Peacocke-like fantasticall apparell.

I may range our Travellers unto Rome into three rankes: some travell seriously, some simply, and some subtlely. Some travell to Rome seriously, as Ioshua and Caleb did to Cana­an, Num. 14. 9. to tell us of the weaknesse of our Enemies: and to shew us, that their Pra­ctice in Italy is worse (if worse can be) than their Positions in Popery. But such travellers are like Iosua & Caleb, hardly two of twelve, yea scarce­ly two of a Tribe, of a whole Countrey. Others travell of simplicity, onely because they may say, that they have beene travellers: they spend their Fathers meanes, and their owne time, and there is an end of their travell. These travell, as Saul & his servant would have travelled to the Land of Zuph. 1 Sam. 9. 5. They bring the Fathers asses [...]ome to his house againe, and there is the end of their Iourney. But some tra­vell of subtlety to Rome: as Ismael did to Am­mon, Ier. 40. 14. to returne to murther their Countreymen. Papists under the pretence of tra­velling, goe to the forge of Treason: and re­turne armed to apprehend any opportunity, to ruine our Church and Common-wealth. I will [Page 303] say therfore of Rome, what God said of Sinai, Exod. 19. 12. Take heed, goe not up to that City, touch not the borders therof. Forwhosoever doth touch that City, is in danger of Death! hee may hazard either his body or his soule.

I must adde to my intreaty; Let me intreat you moreover, not onely to beware that you do not goe to Rome, but also beware that Rome doe not come to you. Novimus longas Regibus esse manus, our proverbe saith that Kings have long hands: the Pope therefore (who stileth him­selfe Rex regum the greatest King) he must have the longest hands. And indeed, so he hath. The Pope hath two (too) long hands, which will reach men beyond the Wals of Rome, or bounds of Italy either. He hath one hand to reach you on one side, at the Spa, when ye goe for Physick: and another hand to catch you on the other side, in Spaine, when you goe for Trafficke. Yea the Pope is another Artaxerxes, Longimanus, he hath a mighty long hand, which can reach as farre as England: to catch you in your friends houses, by cunning disputations: or in your own houses, by a more private perswasion. Longi­manus! yea Centimanus, the Pope hath an Hun­dred hands, to compasse Sea and Land, to make one Proselyte, one childe of the Devill. Neither are his hands wooden hands, dull and heavie, with­out joynts, and sinewes: but every Agent is an hand of flesh, yea of spirit, full of nimble activi­tie; those Popish, to boast themselves, and slan­der others: to seduce you, traduce us, and belye [Page 304] all: to bring Pamphlets to you, or to bring you to the Masse. Wheresoever the Pope hath an hand, these actions are at his fingers end.

But how may a man withstand these migh­tie, these many hands? To withstand all these hands: take but one thing: one Heart. Let eve­ry English man bee like the men of Zebulun, 1 Chron. 12. 23. to have not [...] a double Heart, one heart for Rome, and another Heart for England: one heart for the Papists, another for the Protestants. But to have one true heart, in sound obedience to God, and in unfained in­nocence to Man. Such an heart is murus ahene us a coat of maile, against all the hands of Rome, yea and their tongues also. Now he that hath given us all our hearts, give such an heart, such a true heart to every one of us; Amen. Amen.


2 THESS. 2. 5, 6, 7, 8. He shall be revealed.’

The Time of the Revelation of Antichrist. Where our Church was before Luther. Affected Ignorance of Antichrist.

I Have discoursed on the Di­gression in the fift verse: and on the first point in the Pro­gression, what hindered that the man of sinne could not be revealed. I proceed unto the second point in the 8 verse, when he shall be re­vealed. The third, [...], the mystery of ini­quitie, in the seventh, I must reserve to ano­ther exercise: it is a point of much moment, and more materiall, then any that hath yet, or shall be hereafter handled in this controver­sie. Neverthelesse, this also, [...], Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. cap. 5. Bell. de P. Rom. 3. 3. He shall be revealed, is very necessary. Suarez maketh it an argument, Bellarmine a demonstra­tion, [Page 306] and Lessius argueth in the same manner, Lessius de An­tichr. Dem. 8. that The Pope is not Antichrist, because Anti­christ is not yet revealed. Againe, to know Anti­christ, is the end of all Controversies! to know Antichrist revealed is the end of this contro­versie. Matth. 3. 10. Psal 90. 17. Here I lay the Axe to the roote of the Tree. In the performance whereof, Prosper the workes of our hands, O Lord prosper thou our han­die worke.

In the eight verse we have it, He shall be re­vealed. That we doe not shut our eyes, we may take notice, that the Ancients did alwayes open their eyes to observe this thing, The Re­velation of Antichrist. Even within 200 yeeres after Christ, the Christians had even then an expectation of the revealing of Antichrist saith Nicephorus, in the time of Al: Severus. About Nicephorus lib. 4. cap 39. Baron. 10. 2. pag. 533. 250, Gallus being Emperour, the same expec­tation was revived saith Baronius. After 300 sprang Arrius, by the common voice of the Christians in those dayes, called Christoma­chus, & Principium Antichristi, the Adversary of Christ, and of spring of Antichrist, this being as it were a watch-word to expect the grand Antichrist. After three hundred & fifty yeares under Valens and Valentinianus, the militant Baronius tom. 4. 296. Church was rouzed by the same Alarum, as if Antichrist had beene approaching. About 400 Hieron. epist. ad Geront. de Mo­rogamia. Epist. Episc. Gall [...] & Germ. ad Anast. 2. Saint Hierome did put it beyond peradven­ture, that Antichrist was at hand. About 500 diverse French and Germane Bishops did imply unto Pope Anastasius the second, that Anti­christs [Page 307] throne was expected to bee erected in Goldastum in Constitut. Imperialium Rationali part. 1. fol. 48. Greg. lib. 4. epist. 38. Hilar. adversus Arianos pag. 311 Baronius Anno 900 sect. 1, 2, 3. Italy. About 600 Gregory wrote Rex superbiae prope est, that Antichrist followed at his heeles. And Hilary mentioned imminentis Antichristi praevios, the Harbingers of Antichrist, who come immediately before him. But in the yeare 900, even Baronius professeth visurum se abominationem desolationis in Templo, tum a Daniele tum a Domino ipso praedictum, that, in that age (of those wicked Popes) hee saw the Abomination of Desolation in the Temple, men­tioned by Daniel, and by Christ himselfe. Af­ter Epist. Episcopo. Germaniae & Belg. ad Ni­cholaum 2. apud Goldastum in Constitutionum Imperalium part. 1. fol. 50. Author vitae Henrici 4. Aventinus lib. 5. a thousand yeeres after our Saviour, the Bishops of Germanie wrote to Pope Nicholas the second, that Rome was Babylon, and the Ro­mish Bishop, the person who made himselfe, as if he were God, subject to no errour. Fiftie yeeres after this, Henry 4 Emperour complained of the tyranny of the Pope Gregory 7, calling him Antichrist. The same Henry 4, (according to some Henry 3,) published the same thing, to all the Princes of Christendome, concerning Pope Pascall the second, that he laboured to sit more Antichristi in templo Dei, as Antichrist in the Temple of God. Towards 1150, the Bishop Magdeburg. Cent. 12. cap. 9. of Florence did preach publikely, that Anti­christ was come: against whom Pope Paschal 2, called the Councill of Florence. Yea in that Bernard [...]p. 125 Serm. 33. in Cant. Serm. 6, & 7. in Psalm. 91. Baronius Anno 1130. Artis. 6. age, no phrase was more familiar to Bernard, than Bestiam Apocalyp. 13, S ti Petri Cathedram occupare, that that Beast Revel. 13. did sit in the Chaire of Peter. Where Baronius his answer is [Page 308] not solide, that Bernard spake this against schismaticall Antipopes, for hereby Bernard ac­knowledgeth, that Antichrist may sit at Rome, which is enough for this present: although Bernardus non vidit omnia. About 1200 yeeres after our Saviour, Everard Archbishop of Saltz­burgh made an oration in the presence of O­tho Duke of Bavaria at the synode of Ratis­bone, wherein he avouched Pope Gregory 9, to be Antichrist. In the same age, the Emperour Petr. de Vi [...]cis lib. 1. [...]p. 31. Fredericke 2, in an Epistle directed to all the Prelates of Christendome, called the same Pope, the Father of distord, the Dragon, the 2 Balaam, and Antichrist. So did their Ioachim Roger Hovend. Annal part. post. Bell. de P. R. lib. 3. cap. [...]. Avent. lib. 6 of Calabria, saith our Hovenden. So did our Wickliffe, saith their Bellarmine. Gerochus Bi­shop of Richemburg put forth a pamphlet to that purpose, and called it De Antichristo. Hellen queene mother to Richard the second Petrus [...]es [...]s. epist. 14 [...]. of England, spared not Pope Caelestine 3, but stiled him, The sonne of Perdition, and his City Babylon.

Anno 1300 arose Marsilius Patavinus, Fran­ciscus Pless. myst Oppos. 53. Petrarcha, the Prophecies of Hildegarde, Petrus Cassiodorus, and principally Iohannes Bit­terensis a Franciscane Fryer, who composed Po­stills on the Apocalypse, calling the Pope the mysticall Antichrist: who being dead hee was digged out of his Grave for his labour. Anno 1350 our William of Ockame accused Clemens 6, to be Antichrist: and Nicholas Orem said as much of, and to Pope Vrbane 5. Towards Avent. lib. 7. [Page 309] 1400, many Bulls were set forth by the Popes, and Antipopes, whereby each denounced other Biblia P [...]uperū, Anno 1363. Pless. Progr. 58. to bee Antichrist. If it bee an infallible truth which the Pope pronounceth è Cathedra: it may goe for a probability, that an Antipope (at the least) may be the Antichrist; for so their owne Bulls have defined it.

Finally, in the 1500, arose Hieronimus Sa­vanarola, Mantuanus, and many other, who spa [...]e more boldly and broadly, that the Pope was Antichrist: till Luther and the Lutherans did fully accomplish the revelation of the Church Antichristian, and happily begin the Relation of the Religion in the West. reformation of the Church Christian. Nay some say, that at this day, some of the Popish Church (vid. divers in France) doe hold The Pope to be Antichrist.

Thus these Ancients had a glimmering twi­light of Antichrist: the elder were before him, the later under him. To the first hee was as an object too distant from the eye: to the other, as an object too neere the eye. Therefore neither could see him clearly, as wee may and doe at this day. Of them, I may speake that sentence of our Saviour, Matth. 13. 17. Verily I say unto you, many Prophets, and righteous men have desired to see these things which you see, and have not seene them.

But to shew that he is, and how he is revea­led in our time: [...], Saint Paul saith, Hee shall then be revealed, to wit, when the Emperour is ruined, then shall Antichrist bee revealed. [Page 310] This is Saint Hieromes prediction, Quitcnebat, Hieron. [...]ist. ad Geront de Monogami [...]. de medio sit, & non intelligimus Antichristum appropinquare? Hee who did with-hold, is taken out of the way: and conceive wee not that Anti­chris [...] is at hand? And this is Machiavells [...]. Hist. Flo. cat. l [...] [...]. collection: The falling of the Emperour was the rising of the Pope. Moreover, betwixt the desolation of the Empire, and the revelation of Antichrist, Saint Paul ponit nullum medium, as Ni [...]. Or [...]mus Biblia P [...], [...]. Orem well observeth, no distance of time. But the Emperour who heretofore had the power of Election, Investiture, Calling of Councills, and Le [...]e 27 [...]e E­pisc. & [...]. [...]. [...] [...]. theodos. of imposing Lawes on the Popes: hath now nothing left him, but nomen sinere, the bare Name of the Emperour. As the Emperour him­selfe acknowledged, Fredericke by name [...], Radevicus lib 2. cap. 31. it followeth then that Antichrist is come already. Now I must reveale to you, how God hath revealed him to us.

Revelabitur, id est, regnabit saith Carthusian: Dimysius [...] in 2. [...]hes 2. [...] in B [...]ll [...]. 4. Quaest. 5. he shall bee revealed to the Church, that is, hee shall reigne in the Church. Concerning which we must consider 3, points; Quando Antichri­stus erat Natu [...], Revelatus, Adornatus: the Prepa­ration, Revelatiō, & Exaltatiō of his kingdome.

All Errours generally, Prepared the way and [...]shered in Antichrist. In the 7 verse Saint Paul saith that [...] the Antichristian mysterie was even then a working. And Saint Iohn, that there were many Antichrists in his time, 1 Iohn 2. 18. who did prepare for the Comming of the maine Antichrist, in our time. Yet principally, that [Page 311] errour of ascribing so much, too much to St. Peter, confounding Petra & Petrus, expoūding, Mat. 16. 18. of the person of Peter, which occasioned such arrogance to the pretended successours of Peter. And this point decātatur in versibus Am­brosij, August. Retract. cap. 21. it was published in the Poems of S. Am­brose saith St. Augustine: but St. Augustine did retract it as Erroneous. At the least hee prefer­reth our exposition as Bellarmine himselfe con­fesseth Bell. de Pont. Ro. lib. 1. cap. 10. ad August. &c. in that same place, where he laboureth to retract this retraction of Saint Augustine. Thus the Errour of the Church of Christ, and the Pride of the Church of Rome were [...] was the preparation to the birth of Antichrist, in the first foure hundred yeares: yea immedi­ately after the birth of Christ. The Elephant is said to goe with yong, ten intire yeares: but this Monster, was halfe ten centuries, 600. yeres, before she teemed: before Antichrist was borne into the world.

His Revelation could not but succeed his Preparation. Et ecce duo gladij hic, Luc. 22. 38. The Revelation of Antichrist hath two degrees or Times, in regard of the twofold Monarchie he aspired unto: Spirituall, and Temporall. In regard of his spirituall Monarchy, the Pope was revealed to be Antichrist, about 606 yeeres af­ter Gregor. lib. 4. epist. 38. Christ. Gregory a Pope, called Iohn of Con­stantinople, the Fore-runner of Antichrist, onely because he did claime the Title of Vniversall Bishop. Fidenter dico (said hee in the fourth booke of his Epistles) I conclude confidently and [Page 312] definitively: the desinitive sentēce of a Pope could not be erroncous. Erroncous therfore it cānot be if we say, that he who atchived that Title of v­niversall Bishop, was more than a Forerunner, even Antichrist himselfe. And I may annex the words of the same Pope, in the same place, Sa­cerdotum exercitus ei praeparatur, an Army of Priests serve Antichrist as their Generall. Here­upon sidenter di [...]o, I peremptorily pronounce it, that Antichrist began to be revealed, about the yeare 606, when Phocas conferred upon Pope Boniface 3, the title of Vniversall Bishop, that thereby hee might regaine the love of the people, which he had lost by the murthering of his Master Mauritius, (so that Policy, not Pietie or Equity gave it him.) But the Pope pretended sor this, a certaine Constitution of the Emperor Iustmian, wherin he commanded that the Bishop of Rome should have the Prece­d [...]nce, and Prime Place in their Clergy-Convoca­tions; Which Preheminence of the Pope, was afterwards ratifyed by the Pope in a solemne Synode celebrated at Rome, under the said Bo­niface 3, in the yeare 607. After that also, about 646, the Pope was saluted with as il­lustrious a title, from a Councill out of Africa: Rolloch. in 2 Thes. 2. Domino Apostolico, culmini sublimato, Sancto Pa­trum Patri, [...]heodoro Papae summo omnium Prae­sulum Principi: That is, To the Apostolicall Lord, the [...] best top and tip of the Church, the ho­ly Father of the Fathers, the Prince of all Pre­lates, Theodore the Pope. Adde to this that ob­servation [Page 313] of the religious and reverend Bishop Dounam. E [...]i [...]c. Derensis de An­tichrist. l [...]. 2. cap. 8. sect. 5. of Dery. The name Pope (which before was communicated to all Bishops) at this time be­gan to be appropriated to the Bishop of Rome. I may conclude: in this time was the begin­ning of the Papacy. In this time Antichrist be­ganne to be revealed.

In regard of his temporall Monarchy, there are 2 famous numbers in the Revelation of S. Iohn: and both in the Revelation of the Pope to bee Antichrist. The first is in the last verse of Rev. 13. where the number of the Beast is said to be 666. And the second is in the second verse of Rev. 20. The Devill is bound a thousand years. For the first, whether it be the number of a name, or of a time, or of both, I dispute not: but it is admirable, when in all senses it shall concurre in one man. I say therefore, the Pope was revealed to usurpe an Antichristian tem­porall Monarchy about the 666, when under Constantine the third, Pope Vitaliane (who in former times had beene Ambassador for the Emperour) shaking off the yoake of a supe­riour authority, usurped the government of Rome. Then also began the Masse to be cele­brated Rolloch. in. 2 Th [...]ss. 2. 8. in the Latine tongue.

The second time is the very time wherein Antichrist was let loose: this time was the se­cond birth of Antichrist. Wonder not that I name two births of one Antichrist: for every Monster hath something extraordinary. Anti­christ therefore being such a Monster as never [Page 314] was, he may have something which the world never had: two births. The first anno 666, and the second in the thousandth yeare, the Epocha, perfect birth, or complete revelation of Anti­christ. Or like Zarah, Gen. 38. 28. He made a shew to be borne, but drew himselfe backe againe for a season. Some say, a Snake will teeme her yong, and being affrighted, will take them into her body againe, till they be strong to shift for themselves. So Satan having teemed Antichrist about the yeare 666, finding some oppositi­on, the Dragon might recall him into his womb againe, till he was strong enough for his inva­sion and usurpation.

From the sixt century, unto the eleventh, Antichrist was come to the birth, but the Papacy wanted strength to bring him forth: the Tempo­rall Monarchy was long in hatching. Certain­ly, the Woman, Revel. 18. 4. was with child, and did long for something: when Pope Constantine about seven hundred years after Christ, durst Platina in Con­stantino. Onuph. apud Plat. in Const. Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 1. sect. 5. cap. 7. pronounce the Emperour Philippicus an Here­tike, and disgrace his pictures. And some­thing was toward comming into the world, when towards eight hundred yeares after Christ, Charles the great was the first who re­ceived the Imperiall Diadem from the hands of the Pope: the Pope taking vpon him to translate the Empire from the Greekes to the Latines. Gregorie the sift did well, (if he did what Pla­tina Platina in Greg. 5. Bar. an. 996. Artic. 71. and Baronius relate of him) when anno 996 he consined the Imperiall dignity onely to the [Page 315] election of the Germane Nation. And after a thousand yeares; Inno Lucina fer opem obsecro; the Lady of Babel was like a woman with childe, Isay 26. 17. that draweth neere to the time of her delivery: whē Silvester the 3 did make a Law, That no Prince Glabro. lib. 1. in fine. should presume to seeke the Scepter of the Empire, nor take upon him the title of the Emperour: but onely he whom the Pope should elect, and to whom he should bequeath the Imperiall Cognisance: which was a golden Apple, inclosed in a square, beset with curious Iewells, and a golden Crosse on the top thereof. Accordingly, in the vacancy of the Empire, by the death of Conrade, he pre­sented it unto Peter King of Hungary, with a Crowne, and this inscription:

Petra dedit Romam Petro, tibi Papa Coronam. That is, Christ gave Rome to S. Peter, and the Pope giveth the Empire to King Peter.

But in the thousandth yeare, according to Revel. 20. 2. Peperit, peperit; Babell brought forth her first begotten. Hildebrand was the first that did actually depose any Emperour, as it is avou­ched by Otho Frisingensis: and Otho avouch­ed Otho Frising. lib 9 cap. 25. Epis [...]. R [...]ffensis de Potest. Papae, cap. [...]0. by the laborious Treatise of our most lear­ned Bishop. I say about the yeare 1090, which was a thousand yeares after S. Iohn wrote the Re­velation, the Pope was fully revealed to be Anti­christ. About that thousandth yeare, the De­vill was unloosed, and Antichrist unmasked. Then did Hell bring forth her first begotten, and best-beloved Hildebrand, indeed Hell-brand, cal­led Gregory the seventh. This Pope did tyran­nize [Page 316] over the Emperour Henry the fourth, yea and did transferre the Empire unto Ralph the Duke of Su [...]v [...]a:

Petra dedit Petro, Petrus diadema Rodulpho. That is, Christ d [...]d give the Empire to Peter, and Peter doth give it to Ralph. And although the Empire prooved to the Duke, [...], yea, [...], the heaviest gift that ever unhappy Prince intertained: yet this Pope (as is acknow­ledged by Sigonius, Aventine, Machiavil, and Guicciardine, Italian Historians:) did so fortifie his predecessors intrusions, that from thenceforth the Emperour lost all his Sove­raignty in Italy. And from thence the Popes have usurped that transcendent authority, tyranny, to depose the Emperour, and dispose of the Empire. Therefore fidenter dico, I considently conclude, about the yeare 1090, some thou­sand after Saint Iohn, and some five hundred yeares before us, The Pope was plainly revealed to be Antichrist.

Concerning the exaltation of Antichrists Kingdome, this was performed by the seve­rall actions of severall Popes: for the inlarging, or rather the executing of their Papall authority and Antichristian tyranny. To tell all the par­ticulars were tedious: I will propound a few instances.

The Papacy did not meanly advance it selfe Otho Frisingens. lib. 7. cap. 10. anno 1123, when the Emperour Henry the fift resigned all his right of investiture unto Calix­tus the second. About 1132 Innocentius the [Page 317] second, did bravely second his assay, when he Kranzius in metro l [...]b. [...] c. 35 commanded the Emperour Lotharius to bee painted at his fee [...], as it were praying the Pope to indow him with the Empire. But Pictures are but shadowes: Our Adrian the fourth came substantially to cope with the Emperour, when about 1153 he suffered Fredericke to hold his Pless Myst. Pr [...]gress 45. stirrup: and constrained William King of Si­cilie, on his knees to crave his pardon, and confesse that he was his Vassall. Alexander the third (as another Alexander the great) greatly promo­ted the Papall Monarchy, when he set his foot on P [...]trus Iustiu. lib. 2. Rerum Venetarum. Matth. Paris. in Henr [...] 2. the neck of the Emperor Frederick, 1177. Which may extenuate the insolence offered by the same Pope to our King Henry the second: al­though I conceive him to bee the first which was, and the last King that ever shall be whip­ped by the command of a Priest. It was a pretty Baron. anno 1191. sect. 1. 10. Embleme of some incomparable Soveraignty, which the Pope affected, or atchieved over the Emperour, anno 1191, when as Caelestine the third, unto Henry the sist, did put on his crowne, and instantly kicke it off with his foot. It is Innocentius 3. Serm. 3. de Con­secrat. Ponti [...]. somewhat incredible which Pope Innocent the third relateth of himselfe, that he called him­selfe Sponsum Ecclesiae, the Spouse of the Church, about 1210. But it is intolerable, that Grego­rie C [...]bi pericul. de electione & electi potestate, in Sixto. the tenth durst put it into a Decretall, 1272, that the Pope is Sponsus Ecclesiae, the Spouse of the Church, blaspheming in Print against our Saviours prerogative. Out-stripped not­withstanding C. Fundamenta de electione & electi potestate. is this blasphemy by that of Pope [Page 318] Nicholaus the 3, 1280: who hath registred also in a Decretall, that God did assume Peter, In consortium individuae unitatis, I dare but relate, not translate such blasphemy.

Anno 1300, Boniface the ninth was no Kranzius in Saxonia lib. 8. cap. 36. idlesby in promoting the Papacy, when he laid claime to the double power, both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall. In insinuation whereof, at his solemne Iubilie, one day hee appeared unto the people in his Pontisicalibus, or Popelike ap­parell: but the next attired like the Emperour. And finally, more solemnly and arrogantly, Extra. Tit de majoritate & minor. & obedi­entia. C. unam Sanct. Ecclesia [...]. subesse Romano Pontifici, omni humanae creaturae declaramus, dicimus, desinimus, & pronuncia­mus omnino esse de necessitate salutis: he pro­nounceth it, as his definitive sentence, that No creature can be saved, who is not subject to the Clementin▪ unica de jurament. Pope. Anno 1325, Iohn 22 or 23, did not de­sire that the light which he added to the Popish blasphemous usurpations should bee put under a bushell, when hee made his additions to the Decretalls, and in his Extravagants or Consti­tutions, wherein he claimeth authority superior to the Emperour, and little inferiour unto God. All these particular Popes have proclaimed themselves to be Antichrist, and all the Papists in their generall popish Councill of Constance cry Concil. Const. Sess. 13. Amen: Etiamsi Christus instituerit, & admini­straverit sub utraque specie Sacramentum: Al­though Christ did institute and administer the sup­per of the Lord in Bread and Wine: Nonobstante: Notwithstanding:—Pro lege habenda sit: The [Page 319] Church of Rome doth command it as a Law, that no Lay man shall receive it, but in one kind onely. Thus about the fourteene hundredth yeare of the Lord, did the Man of sinne, who sate in the Temple, exalt himselfe to the top of the Temple. Afterwards Pius the second, and o­ther active Popes, did adde (as it were) cer­taine scaffolds to raise their Monarchy a little higher. Especially that Pius plotted how to Epist. Pij 2. ad Princ. Turcarum anno 1532. bring the Turkes also under the Popes authori­tie. To which purpose he presented their Em­perour Mahomet with a large laboured lear­ned letter: but the barbarous Prince was not capable of such a transcendent mystery of Christianity. His predecessor Eugenius the fourth attempted a little lesse, and atchieved a little more, when anno 1438 at the Florentine Pless. Myst. progress. 62. Concil. Florent. Sess. ult. Synode, he enforced Ioseph Patriarch of Constan­tinople to kisse his feet: and enticed Palaeolagus the Emperour, with some few Greeke Bishops, to acknowledge the Pope to be the Head of the universall Church. The deniall whereof Pope Pius made the maine cause of the irreconcili­able Epist. Pij 2. ad Princ. Turcar. Hist. Papatus cap. 7. schisme betweene the Graecian and the Ro­mane Churches. The memoriall whereof I con­jecture to bee the cause of that triumphant po­sture▪ which the Popes to this day usurpe in their Chappell; setting their feet on the brasse picture of the Constantinopolitane Patriarch. But in the 1500 yeare, and time of Leo the tenth, the Papacy was mounted up to the pinacle of the Temple. Then was the [...], the uttermost [Page 320] of their growth, and highest pitch of all the Papall exaltation: as may appeare by these particulars.

Then it was disputed in his Schooles, An Papa possit abrogare quod scriptis Apostolicis tra­ditum Erasmus in 1 Tim. 1. sit: Whether the Pope could abrogate what was decreed by the Apostles. An posset statuere quod pugnet cum doctrina Evangelica? Whether the Pope can command what is contrary to the Gos­pell: An possit novum articulum sidei condere? Whether he can make a new article of faith: whe­ther hee had equall power with, or a greater than Peter: Whether he can command the Angells to dissolve Purgatorie: and whether he were a pure man, or participated of two Natures like Christ. Then was it preached before him, Psal. 72. 11. Concil. Lateran. Sess 9. Omnes Reges terrae adorabunt cum, & inservient ei: all Kings shall fall downe before him, all Na­tions shall doe him service. And that hee was Leo detribu Iudae: the Lyon of the tribe of Iuda. Concil. [...]ater. Sess. [...]. Saciar Cer. lib. 1 sect. 1. c. [...]. Lib. 1 sect. 1. c. 4 Lib. 1 sect. 2. c. 3. Lib. 1. sect. 3. c. 3. Lib. 1. sect 5 c. 1. [...] Lib 1. sect. 6. c. 3. Lib. 1. sect. 7. c. 6 Then was that Synopsis of Blasphemies dedica­ted to him, the Booke of Ceremonies: wherein he is termed, the Prince of all Christians; the go­vernour Vrbis & Orbis, of the whole world; that de facto the Emperour must hold his stirrup, and Kings carry him on their shoulders: that Empe­rours and Kings must wait at his Table: that the Emperor must sweare fealty unto him: that Empe­rours and Kings must kisse his feet: that hee can give a full indulgence for all mens sinnes: that Dominabitur à mari usque ad mare, & à slumine usque ad terminos orbis; that is, His dominion [Page 321] shall be from one sea to another, and from the floud unto the worlds end: which was spoken of Christ Psal. 72. 8. and that Omnis potestas mihi data est, All power is given to me on earth, and in hea­ven: which was spoken by Christ, Mat. 28. 18. and so it proceedeth in like senselesse endlesse Blasphemies. Then was it concluded for him, by a Councill, that of Lateran, Papam esse Ec­clesia, Whitaker contr. Bell. Contr. 4. Quaest. 5. & generali Concilio majorem, That the Pope is greater than a Generall Councill, or than the whole Church. And that we may collect out of the abundance of what hearts these mouths did speake: Then it was said of him, that it should Pless. Myst. Progress. 65. Pless. Myst. Opposit. 68. be said by him, that the Gospell of Christ was a Fable: & nullum esse Deum secredidisse: and that he did beleeve that there was no God.

Let now any incredulous English Prote­stant, who doth deride it as an incredible pa­radoxe to affirme that the Pope is Antichrist: let any such imagine how their imaginary An­tichrist can say, and doe, more Antichristianly, than this man. And then will I revoke this assertion, which I yet apprehend to be an in­controulable truth. The Pope is Antichrist: but personally, Leo decimus was Decumanus An­tichristus. In the yeare 1500 hee attained to the pitch of Antichristianity above all other.

Since that time, the Papacy hath beene somewhat eclipsed in the lustre thereof: yet so as Antichrist appeareth through his actions to this day as the Sunne doth through a thinne Trent Hist. lib. 2. pag. 260. cloud at noone day. An hundred yeares since [Page 322] the prerogative of Antichrist was nobly esta­blished, when their last and great Councill of Trent was transacted with these two cautions: Proponentibus Legatis, & salva semper authori­tate Ecclesiae Apostolicae, that nothing might be propounded but by the Popes Legates, and no­thing concluded against the Popes authority: Whereby that great Councill was made but an engine to fortifie their Papall greatnesse. Much about that time, the Pope (imitating the mag­nificence of his Father, who would have given the whole world, Matth. 4. 9.) the Pope, I say, did give one quarter of the world, and divided the two Indias betwixt the two Kings of Spain and Portugal. Yet halfe an hundred yeares since, more peremptorily, Pope Pius the fifth, è Cathedra, pronounced his power: in a solemne Bull, that he was Princeps super omnes gentes, & super omnia regna: Prince over all Nations, Cambd. Annal. Anno 70. and over all Kingdomes: that he had Plenitudi­nem potestatis, fulnesse of power; Vt evellat, destruat, dissipet, & disperdat: To plucke up, and Ier. 1. 10. to root up, to destroy, and cast downe: Which he thē indevored to have exercised upō the per­son of an (indeed) a Woman, but such a Queen, as did blow in pieces that swelling bubble. And his Bulla did breake like a squib, without frigh­ting so much as children. Since him, and be­fore him, since Leo the tenth, the Papacy hath Paulus Quintus hi [...] Quarrells with Venice pag. 1. & 3. beene in a reciprocall increasing and waining: One Pope impairing, another Pope repairing the magnificence thereof: as the judicious Ita­lians [Page 323] themselves have observed it, in the per­sons of Clemens the eight, and Paul the fifth. Thus may we see the two hornes of him, that is like the Lambe: and the two swords of him that speaketh like the Dragon: the two Monarchies of the Man of sinne. And surely such want their two eyes, who doe not see the Sunne at Noone: who doe not see Antichrist to be fully revea­led: and that The Pope is that Antichrist.

Thus have I discovered the time of Anti­christs discovery. If you desire moreover te­stimonies of his Revelation: some particulars I have premised in this Sermon. But a Cata­logue, a Cloud of Witnesses, almost an hundred D r. Featlies Ap­pendix to the Conference 1624 names are registred by our ingenious and in­genuous Champion. Yet for the full declara­tion of this point: know that the Pope hath beene revealed to be the great Antichrist, ac­cording to the publike testimony of foure great Nations. The French, English, Bohemians, and the Germanes, have long since revealed to the world, what the word revealed unto them the revelation of Antichrist. That Rome is the place, and the Pope the person.

The French claime the precedence. Their Pless. Myster. Opposit. 46. Kings are called Christian, [...], because they first received the plantation of Christia­nity. Wee adde, because they first received the reformation of Christianity. Anno 1126, (some 500 yeares before Luther) Peter Bruis Priest beganne: and anno 1147, his Scholler Henry a Monke seconded him: and both of [Page 324] them were succeeded by the Waldenses and Albingenses, anno 1164. And their doctrine was spred throughout the Diocesses of Orle­ance, imbrum, and Gap: through the whole Provinces of Languedoc, Anvergne, and Guienne, the professours whereof were called Tolosant: condemning Transubstantiation, the Masse, Praying to, or for the Dead, worshipping of Saints, or Images, Inhibition of Mariage, &c. stiling Popish Prelates the Princes of Sodome, and Rome Pless. myst. Oppos. 46. Babell, the Mother of fornication. These Lights that prudent Church have politikely endea­voured to put under a bushell, extinguishing their writings. So that we have nothing but what is collected out of their adversaries books who confuted them: who testifie what we do, that the French so long agoe did renounce the Pope, and Popery.

To the French, our English are next in situ­ation, Matth. Paris. Compend. hist. Angl. an. 1250. and in reformation also. Anno 1250, our learned Bishop of Lincolne assayed first to light this Candle, by inveighing against the Pope and Popish usurpations, for which invections he was excommunicated, and dyed under that excommunication. Vnder halfe a hundred years after him, some sparkes fell from the hand of Paess. Myst. Opposit. 57. our William Ockam, by the coll [...]sion betwixt Pope Iohn the 22, and the Emperour Lewis the 4, of whom hee was so undaunted an as­sistant, that he durst call Clemens the sixt Anti­christ. The tinder almost tooke fire, when our King Edward the third inhibited our English Pel. Virgil. l. 19. [Page 325] Bishops from running to Rome for their Crea­tion. But 1360, the fire was kindled, and the Tho. Waldensis Ep. ad Mart. 5. Tho Walsingham in Rich. 2. Candle put in a Candlestick, when Iohn Wickliffe of Oxenford maintained that the Pope was an Arch-hereticke, and Antichrist, and he was maintained by the Vice-chancellor and Proctors of that Vniversity; by the Maior and chiefe Citizens of our chiefe City of London: by some of our Prelates and prime Clergy: and by the Duke of Lancaster, and some of the principall Courtiers and Peeres of the Realme. Although Pless. Myst. Opposit. 59. being dead, he was by the command of Pope Martin the fift digged out of his grave at Lut­terworth in Leicester-shire, 1428. Yet could not the Pope, nor any popish power put out this Candle. The Candlesticke indeed was removed, his person was exiled, and so his doctrine transla­ted into Bohemiah; where it gave increase to the profession of the Waldenses, and a beginning to the Hussites.

From these two, the French Waldenses, and our English Wickliffists, sprang the third, the Hussites of Bohemia. Whose praecursor I con­ceive to have beene Militz, a Preacher of Pless. Myst. Opposit. 59. Prague, about 1350, who professed that hee was constrained by the Spirit to goe to Rome, there publikely to preach in the presence of the very Inquisitours, that The Pope was the ve­rie Antichrist.

But after 1400, Iohn and Hierome, Husse, Aeneas Silvius Hist. Bohem. and the Hussites, did more openly and un­doubtedly professe the Pope to be Antichrist. [Page 326] Such a number of opposers, and in such a na­ture of opposition as the Pope never felt be­fore, till the Sword in the hand of Zisca, and the word in the mouth of Iohn Husse, and Hie­rome of Prague, durst tell the Pope to his face, that he was the Antichrist. To extinguish which staine, the Councill of Constance was called: where they sawed the log, but could not cut the Sun­beames: they killed the Preachers, but their Preaching still survived. The Faggots (with which they did cruelly and perfidiously over­whelme Poggius in Epist. ad [...] Aretinum. Iohn and Hierome) did indeed dampe, but not put out the fire of the Gospell. For out of the ashes of the Goose (so some say signifieth Husse in the Bohemian language) arose a Swan, (such is the signification of Luther in the Ger­mane) or a Phoenix rather, who gave a comple­ment to the reformation of Religion, and to the Revelation of Antichrist.

The Papists then may reserve their Crambe or their owne Tooth. Ordinary judgements [...]annot digest their ordinary Quaere: Where was the Reformed Religion before Luther? These premises may tell them, that there was a Vi­sible Reformation and separation from the Romish Church, full foure hundred yeares before Luther was borne. The Hussites being an hundred years before him: our Wicklissists halfe an hundred yeares before them: the Waldenses more than an hundred yeares before them: and the Tholosani al­most an hundred yeares before the Waldenses. Thus Lumen de lumine, the light of reformation was [Page 327] derived (by Centuries) from the Tholosani to the Waldenses, from the Waldenses to the Wicklif­fists, from the Wickliffists to the Hussites, and from the Hussites to the Lutherans. Then Lu­ther did set it up as a Beacon on the top of an Hill, to give an Allarme to all the Militant Church, that the Adversary was discovered, and Antichrist now plainly revealed.

To these foure famous Nations I may add a fift: the Italians are not blinde, though they winke at the Pope. That the popish projects have no other end, but to acquire unto the Pope the Spirituall and Temporall Monarchy of the whole world, is the judgement of that prudent Venetian Polity: what policy soever Paulus Quintus his Quarrells lib. 1. pag. 1. doth interrupt them from a plaine imbracing of the Protestants Reformation, and acknow­ledging the Popes revelation. But whereof, they have a confused, wee have a cleere know­ledge: wee cleerly know that Antichrist is re­vealed.

You know, saith Saint Paul (1 Thess. 2. 11.) how we exhorted, and comforted, and charged eve­rie one of you, as a Father doth his children. A father doth heartily exhort his sonnes against drunkennesse, his daughters against unchastnesse, and all his children against all kinde of wicked­nesse. And yet his tender heart would tremble to imagine that there should be but one drun­kard amongst his sonnes; one strumpet amongst his daughters; or but one reprobate amongst all his children. Such a Father am I: and give me [Page 328] leave to call you, and to esteeme you such children. Heartily have I exhorted you against Antichrist: and surely my heart would tremble if I should thinke that there were but one Antichristian Sectary in this whole Congre­gation.

Howbeit, although I would not wish one of you a Papist; yet I would that all the Papists heard me, what I have, doe, and shall deliver concerning this point of Antichrist. And if there be any of the Romish Religion here pre­sent, let me intreat them to heare me in love and patientnesse, even as I will speake to them in truth and sobernesse. If there be any such in this place, I direct my speech in two words unto two sorts of them.

There are two sorts of Papists, the Ignorant, and the Learned: the first cannot, the second will not understand this controversie: both ad­here to the Pope, and spit at the name of Anti­christ, if applied to his Holinesse.

The first are like Navigius, whom when Aug. de vita Beat. cap. 16. Saint Augustine came to instruct concerning the saving of his Soule, hee could not bee per­swaded that there was such a thing as a soule in [...] in his Body: So the ignorant Pa­pists, instruct them concerning the shunning of Antichrist, and they will not be perswa­ded that there is such a thing as Antichrist in [...] in the whole World, much lesse in Christendome, in Italie, in the very Chaire of Saint Peter.

The second sort are like the Donatists, that August. epist. 48. Ʋincentio. when as S. August▪ preached of them, wrote to thē, & disputed with them: yet saith he, nolue­runt veritati consentire, vel victi, that is, thogh they were convicted by the truth, yet would they not consent unto the truth. So (am I per­swaded that) many a learned Papist, though they are staggered to see so many points of this Prophecie, fall so naturally to the person of the Pope: yet they will hold the Conclusion, and hisse at him, who shall call him Antichrist.

But thus much I will be bold to say of both of them: If the ignorant goe on obstinate in his blindnesse: and that at that great day, he bee found a member of Antichrist: if then hee shall plead, my learned Priest did teach mee thus: such a plea shall prevaile as much for him, as the like did for Adam, Gen. 3. 12. the womā gave me, and I did eate. Notwithstanding he shall be cursed, because he was seduced. And the learned, if they goe on in their wilfulnesse, if they shall then pretend, that the Honor which they bare to the Church, made them to hoodwinke their followers, from searching into such an hate­full question; God will speake to them (I doubt not) according to that phrase of Saint Matth. 10. 37. He that loveth the Church more than me is not worthy of me. This I must adde moreover: the ignorant, who doe not know An­tichrist, shall (like the servant, Luke 12. 48.) have stripes notwithstanding. But the learned Papist that will not know this point, shall bee [Page 330] like Lamech, Gen. 4. 24. If the ignorant be scour­ged seven fold, the learned shall bee scourged se­ventie times seven fold. Indeed of either of them, their Conclusion will be their Confusion, if God be not infinitely mercifull unto them. Therefore I beseech them, bee not blinded. If God hath revealed Antichrist, let no man shut your eyes against Gods owne Revelation. Search, fift the question, impartially, laboriously, in which search, I doe not intreat you to be­leeve me, but to examine me; Vpon your exa­mination, beleeve not me, but the truth. If the truth tel you, that these parallels, are proper to the Pope, without any forced application; know that Antichrist hath beene revealed long since: and suspect, nay be assured, that your Pope may be the Antichrist.

One word for our selves. Antichrist is re­vealed, and therefore should be shunned, forsa­ken, and abhorred. The snare is discovered, bee not intangled: the Pit is layd open, plunge not your selves into voluntarie perdition. I will use that phrase to you, which Saint Paul did to the Athenians, Act. 17. 30. Your times of Ig­norance God winked at: but now he commandeth you to beware. The blinded Papists which did live in the Times of Ignorance some 300, or 400 yeeres since, or doe live in the Places of Ignorance, Spaine, Italy, &c. Their invincible ignorance may give us some hope, that there is an extenuation of their fault, and may bee a mitigation of their punishment: But for men [Page 331] in our age or nation! for the Papists, who may: for you, who doe see so many bookes, and heare so many sermons, which are so many Proclama­tions, that Antichrist is revealed. Now, for Papists to cleave to him, or Protestants to fall to him: our fault is unexcusable, our punish­ment will be unsufferable, and our estate is, and will be most miserable.

An honest man may dwell in a stye of Strum­pets, not knowing it, to be so: and a civill man amongst the seditious. But so soone as the bro­thell is notorious, and the rebells proclaimed: none can reside with them without unclean­nesse, and apparent rebellion. So for us: (what excuse soever may bee pretended to blanch ignorance) Now, to goe out of the way, when the Lanthorne is before us: to serve Antichirst, or to favour Antichrist, after he is revealed: to bee Papists, or to turne Papists Now—I doe not, I dare not judge another man. But for mine owne selfe, if it were mine owne Apostasie, this must bee mine owne judgement; It were better that a milstone were tyed about my necke, and that I were cast into the bottome of the sea, Luk. 17. 2. But beloved I hope better things of you. E­ven such as accompany sanctification, and foregoe, yea foretell salvation.

Thus as God hath shewed me, have I shewed you, that Antichrist is revealed. Concerning which point, concerning all points: God him­selfe reveale the truth unto you all, by the illu­mination of his holy spirit.

It is time to End: here is the End of this point: here is the End of this Sermon: here is the End of this Terme: and here may be the End of our Lives. Wee are mortall, and wee are not sure to returne to another Sermon. Howsoever, I End this Sermon, as if it were the End of my Life. I will speake a few words, plainely and heartily. Some labour yee see I have bestowed on a great question: wherein the event, hath answered my expectation.

[...]. I am thought to have erred in both the Extreames. Some say, my sermons have beene excessive, that they have beene too hot: some say they have been defici­ent, too cold against the Papists. That they say I am in both extreames: mee thinketh they conclude, that I am in neither, but that I am in the middest, without Partiality. To answer them, and to satisfie you. I say to the one, my Sermons have not beene Extreame: for I doe not hate the Papists. I say to the other, they have not beene deficient: for I doe not love the Papists. I doe no [...] hate the Papists, because I know they are Men. I doe not love the Pa­pists, because I know they are Erroneous. And indeed, I desire to separate the men from their Error: not by a mathematicall abstraction, in my discourse onely: but I would make such a Reall separation, that (if it lay in my po­wer) I would bring their Persons to Heaven, but send their Errours to the Pit of Hell: [Page 333] to the Devill who hatched them.

I say to both: Againe I renew my old protestation. I doe so speake to you: as I meane to speake to God: as I must accompt my Sermons at that dreadfull day of Iudge­ment.

And in truth, that I should bee partiall any way, I can imagine no motive to lead mee thereunto. Surely it can be neither ambition, nor covetousnesse: no covetousnes, to discharge such a labour: no ambition, to follow such a labourer. And if I understand mine owne Heart: surely by these labours, I am covetous of nothing, but to inrich you with knowledge: and ambitious of nothing, but to promote you to be the heires of the kingdome of Heaven. Now I hope you will pardon such a Covetous­nesse, I hope you will not bee angry with such an Ambition. To purchase both which, for your behoofe, you see my labour: the Talent which God hath given to mee, I imploy for you. Part of this Talent, you have had alrea­die: the remnant, I will now cary home with me. There I will not bury it, nor hide it in a Napkin: but I will indevour to increase it: that I may returne it with abundance, for your future benefit.

In the meane time, wee are to depart, all of us, for many dayes, some of us for many Miles also. One thing therefore (at parting) I will leave you, till it please God we meet againe: either in this place, or in a better. I will bequeath [Page 334] that to you, at the End of my Exercise, which Saint Paul did bequeath to these Thessalonians, at the End of this Epistle;

The Grace of our Lord Iesus Christ, be with you all, Amen.


2 THESS. 2. 7. The Mysterie of Iniquity, doth alreadie worke.’

The Mystery of Iniquitie. Popish Mysteries to ad­vance the Papacy. Popish mysteries to advance Popery. Baites, to catch Papists. Hookes, to hold Papists.

THat I might breathe a little, be­fore I entred this great point, I craved leave, and have taken it. But thereby inopem me copia fecit. Fluent matter furnished my me­ditations, in such abundant manner, that I feared this Exercise would resemble your Ci­sternes, runne at wast. One houre cannot suffice for so many particulars. But I remember a story in Tacitus Atcius Capito, fearing the o­verflowing of Tiber, diverting the streame into other branches, prevented the Inundation of the maine River. So here the mysteries of Anti­christ [Page 336] being so many: I will reserve some of these points unto the 11 verse, where Anti­christs working, is called, efficacia deceptionis, strong delusion: to the 10, where it is termed seductio iniquitatis, deceiveablenesse of unrighte­ousnesse: to the 9, where his comming is said to bee potentia, & prodigijs, in all power, and signes, and lying wonders: and unto the 8 verse where Antichrist is stiled iniquus, that is, the Fountaine of iniquity. All these doe containe Mysteries: but now I will deliver and disco­ver mysteria iniquitatis, Onely such things, as are plainly and primely mysticall above all other.

A Mysterie! Weake blowes are mor­tall, fastned on a feeble adversary. And in a plaine case, to speake but superficially, is to disclose it sufficiently. Here it may stagger e­ven a sound Papist, to see how sitly, the Pope may be invested with this word mystery. Hee is apparelled with it: whatsoever he weareth is Povel de An­tichristo lib. 1. cap. 25. sect. 7. mysticall; His white linnen (Surplesse, Rochet or) Vestiment, they say, is to signifie the whitenesse of the Popes Innocence and Chastity: there is one mystery. His two-horned M [...]ter signifieth his knowledge in the two Testaments: there is a­nother mystery. In his triple Crowne is invol­ved a treble mystery: First it signifieth the three Graces: Faith, Hope, and Charity. Se­condly, his Three Kingdomes, of Heaven, Earth, and Hell. Thirdly, yet more mystically, more majestically, it shadoweth the mystery of the Trinity. Baculus his Crosier importeth the rod [Page 337] of Moses and Aaron, with which hee doth cor­rect the Erring people, another mystery. Annu­lus, his ring, is pignus desponsationis cum Eccle­sia, a pledge of his contract with the Church: a strange mysterie. Chirothecae, his Gloves are signes that his hands are cleere from corrup­tion and bribery: would this were true and no mysterie. Yea the very name of the mystery, the brand of Antichrist, which is written in the fore­head Danaus de An­tichristo C. 11 Dounamus de Antichristo lib. 1 cap. 7, Sect. 10. of the whore of Babylon, Rev. 17. 5. hath beene written above the forehead of the Pope in his Miter. And the mystery of the Name, Rev. 17. 4. Poculum aureum, plenum abominationum: that is, a Golden cup full of abominations: im­plying how the mystery of iniquity shall intox­icate miserable seduced people. The mysterie of this Name is involved in the Popes Name, Papa:

  • P Poculum, a Cup,
  • A Aureum, of gold
  • P Plenum, full
  • A Abominationum, of Abominations.

So that both according to the Letter, and sense also, that word falleth to the Pope, as an indiuiduall property. But I desist from these Velitations, & come to grapple with the cause, and to settle my selfe to more solide, and seri­ous observations. And first by way of Explica­tion for the phrase: then, by way of Application to the Person.

I must pause a little: a little interruption [Page 338] doth injoyne it. Some of our adversaries speake of this phrase, in that phrase which Christ spake to the man, Matth. 22. 12. Friend how camest thou hither, this clause ( the mysterie of iniquity) they say, it concerneth not the cause, and it is no appurtenance unto Anti­christ. This text is to be understood of Here­tickes, and cannot be understood of Antichrist himselfe, saith one, who goeth under the name Christophorson. in Doun. part. 1. cap. 14. Rhemists in 2 Thess. 2. sect. 14. Stuartius in 2 Thess. 2. 7. of Christophorson. I answer in the words of as learned Papists, this mystery of iniquity, is re­ferred to Heretikes (but to such Heretikes as) w ch work to the same Antichrist. Antichrist even in Saint Pauls time did worke by this mysterie: non quidem in persona sua, not in his owne per­son, but in suis Pseudoprophetis, but in his Heretikes, who laboured his projects, saith the Vice-Chancellour of Ingolstade. That this mystery of iniquity is the Covert working of Heretikes, to­wards the manifestation of Antichrist, we agree with them: and if it were no more, this were not impertinent to our purpose.

But I will proceed farther, and will prove that this mystery of iniquity is the worke of the very Person of Antichrist, by these five argu­ments. 1 The scope of this Prophecy is to dispute of Antichrist: concerning whom, that Saint Paul might premise some speech of his Pre­cursors in the first verses, and preface to this Chapter, it may seeme somewhat probable. But in corpore, in the serious part of the di­scourse, that hee should insert such a Circum­stāce, [Page 339] itseemes somwhat is improbable. 2 Com­pare the equipolent phrases: the strong delusion in the 11 verse, the deceiveablenesse of unrigh­teousnesse in the 10, and the lyes and wonders in the 9, were the Personell workes of Antichrist, after he was revealed. VVhat hindereth then, that this mystery of iniquity, may not also bee his personall worke, before he was revealed. 3 One word in this text, a mysterie, is opposed to that in the eight verse, he shall be revealed. Now the same thing which was to be revealed, was in a mystery in Saint Pauls time: but it was the per­son, not the precursors of Antichrist which was to be revealed: therefore it was the person, and not the precursors of Antichrist (or Heretikes) which was in this mystery in Saint Pauls time. 4 A second word in this text, doth offer a fourth argument to this assertion, the mystery (saith Saint Paul) doth worke already, which implyeth that it would proceed to worke af­terwards: but that which should worke after­wards is not to be understood onely of the He­retikes, but of Antichrist himselfe: therefore this mystery is not to bee understood onely of the Heretickes, but of Antichrist himselfe. 5 A fift terme in this text, is the adjunct to this mystery, Iniquity: it is called [...], the mystery of iniquity. There is neere affinity betwixt [...], in the eight verse, and [...] in this: But [...], that wicked one is Antichrist: therefore [...], this wickednesse (or mystery) is the worke of Antichrist. Accordingly the Sy­riak [Page 340] translation doth read it plainly, mysterium iniqui illius, that is, the mystery of that wicked one, or of Antichrist himselfe.

Having untyed the knot of this rush, and removed this straw, out of the way. I pro­ceed as I purposed to take this phrase literally, that the Mystery of iniquity did, (and doth) worke: and how that personally it is, and was the worke of Antichrist. Onely covered in Saint Pauls time; but discovered in our time; in both a mystery.

A Mystery is by use, both a Latine, and an Casaubonus in Annales [...]aror. Exercit 16. Sect. 43. English word: but derived from a Greeke or Hebrew roote, [...] Sotar is occultare, to hide: [...] Mistar is res occulta, a secret or hidden Mystery. In Greeke [...] is arcanam doctrinā tradere, to teach some secret doctrine: [...] is doctrina illa imbui, to bee taught that secret doctrine. Whence commeth our word in the text, [...] so called, some say, [...], from shutting up the mouth, because it may not bee disclosed: or rather [...], from shutting up the senses, as it is in the great greeke Etymologist, stopping both the mouth and the eare: that they them­selves might not speake of it, nor strangers seeke after it. Thus concerning the mysteries of Ce­res, Hercules might not bee permitted to know them: and Alcibiades was convented because he did show them. This word (though abused by the Pagans, in their idolatrous ceremonies of Ceres, Isis, Anubis, Lupercalia, and their Bac­chanalia, [Page 341] yet it) is used in the Scriptures: as Luk. 8. 10. the Christian Religion, is termed a mystery, quam Deus ab aeterno absconditam apud se habuisset, cum postea suo tempore, cam mortali­bus patefecit: because God had it from all e­ternity concealed with himselfe, which after­wards in fulnesse of time, he revealed to man­kinde.

The mystery of iniquitie: that is, a secret sinne, Josephus lib. 1. in a high degree: and therefore matchlesse An­tipater was called [...], an un­knowne villaine: so here the mystery of iniquity is a sacred, secret, unknowne, unseene impietie under the cloake of Religion. It is iniquitas, sed mystica, id est, pietatis nomine palliata (so the or­dinary Glosse expoundeth this place) an ini­quity indeed, but mysticall, that is, cloaked with the name of Pietie. Let a learned French man, expresse the phrase: Mysterium iniquitatis, id Casaubonus ad Annales Baron. Exercit. 16. sect. 49. est, occulta quaedam iniquitas, alta, profunda, & omnibus numeris absoluta: the mystery of iniqui­tie, that is, (saith Casaubone) a secret iniquitie, Bradshaw in 2 Thess. 2. 7. deepe, profound, and absolute; Or yet more ex­actly by our owne Countryman: a mysterie of iniquity, that is, an Art of sinning, by secret and cunning conveyances. The demand then of Lessius de Anti­christo Dem. 4. Lessius in his fourth Demonstration, is not unan­swerable, Quando facta sit haec horrenda muta­tio? When was this fearfull change, that the Church of Rome became the seat of Antichrist? I answer, the change was made in a mystery, or in the darke, when none could discerne it.

It doth already worke: that is, Satan doth even Moulins in 2 Thess. 2. 7. now draw out the threads, and spinne the beginning of Antichrists doctrine, which shall be woven toge­ther, by abominable art, and full of wicked craft: saith another learned French man. Or other­wise, he meaneth that the foundations of Anti­christian Religion, were even then secretly lay­ing, Bradshaw in 2 Thess. 2. 7. saith the same English Author, on the same place: as an House is long a squaring, and preparing in private, but at length it is joyned, and reared in publike. The sense of the text ( the mystery of iniquity doth already worke) is this: There is a Diabolicall stratagem, under the show of Religion, secretly and cunningly to undermine, and overthrow Christs true Religion, which hath beene working even from the Apostles time, to our time. That Poperie is this mystery: this is the point (which by Gods assistance) I undertake to make plaine at this season.

That your understandings, and memories, may follow my discourse the more easily, I will chalke out the way, by which I meane to lead your attention. First I will shew you their quaerere, and then how they did parta tu­eri: the meanes of their gaining, and of their retaining the Papall greatnesse. Which two stratagems, are two great mysteries. In their retaining it, (which for our time involveth the inlarging of the Papacy also) they use one my­stery to inveagle men, and another to intangle men: they have their baits to catch them, and their hookes to hold them. Both which, they [Page 343] practise by a secret undermining, and by a subtle countermining of their opposites. Each of those exploits, is like the woman, Revel. 17. 5. the word Mystery is written in the very fore­head thereof.

For the first: how Saint Peter, poore Peter: rich indeed in spiritualls, but poore in temporalls; so poore, that he was imprisoned by a Romane Magistrate, Act. 12. 3. Crucified by a Romane Emperour: and certainly the basest Romane sub­ject would have spit in his face, and trod on his necke, if hee should have dared to have lift up his finger against the Romane Empire. Eusebius lib. [...] 25. Moreover, that the Bishops of Rome his successors did succeed and exceed him in povertie: (they had more ordinary frailties, but farre fewer ex­traordinarie abilities than Peter) the whole suc­cession was so poore, that they were persecuted, aboue 300 yeeres: and so persecuted above 200 yeares, that they met in cryptis, in caves, corners, & conventicles: and had not so much as one Church for their religion. Calixtus a­bout the yeere 222. did build the first Church, Platina in Ca­lixto. Discours des temps de­puis les Apotres, anno 222. for publike Christianity. Now (according to the parable propounded to the triumphant Tyrant) how the Naile which was in the bot­tome of the Wheele, should sensim, & sine sensu, by a motion insensible and incomprehensible, climbe to the top, and bring the loftie Naile to the Counterpoint: How the Romane Church, which was vnder foot, should rise up, and bring down, the loftie, Lordly, Lording, Romane Empire: [Page 344] to be her underling, and the whole Church of Christ together with it. This is a wonder: and this is the secret, and the Mysterie, which Saint Paul saith did worke, even in his time.

For the framing of this plot, which they have so admirably effected at this day, it is generally said, that the Heresies which were sowne in the Apostles times were the seed thereof. And indeed so they are in generall: but I suppose that the more particular prose­cuting of their plot, was by the publishing of those two doctrines of Devills (mentioned, Read the 19 Sermon. 1 Tim. 4. 3.) forbidding of meates, and mariage, which we see at this day to be the two pillars of Popery: in truth the Iachin and Boaz, the very strength and establishing of the Romane Monar­chie. 1 Reg. 7. 21. Notwithstanding I conceive the maine engine for this stratagem to bee another point, the point of the Primacie, which was an ham­mering in the Apostles times. Not onely that of Diotrephes, who loved preheminence in the Church, as Saint Iohn taxeth him, in his third Epistle; Nor that of the Corinthians, 1 Cor. 1. 12. where some were for Paul, and some for Peter, there called Cephas. But principally the Primacy attempted by the Church of Rome Rom. 11. 10. Be not high minded, and in the 22 verse, otherwise thou shalt be cut off. For this instruction against Pride, though it bee gene­rall to the Gentiles, yet is it more speciall to the Romanes. And Saint Paul in the same place seemeth to me, to Prophecie in two fa­shions: [Page 345] first by way of instruction, telling what they should then eschew: secondly, by way of prediction, foretelling what afterwards would be their ruine. Now let us briefly ponder, how this project of Primacy hath beene pro­sequuted to this present age.

Wee see that the seeds of ambition were sowne in S. Pauls time. But the power and persecution of the Romane Empire cut downe the blades thereof, that their aspiring was fruit­lesse, for many centuries. But at length the harvest of their pride became ripe; and they have reaped their Primacy, or rather supremacy, by these degrees and devices.

The first which I finde to appeare in pro­moting Hist. Popatus cap. 4. Euseb. lib. 5. cap. 22, 23, 24. the Romane Primacy, was Victor Bishop of Rome, about the yeare 194: who ordained that Easter should be celebrated by all on the Lords day: but therein he was instantly oppo­sed by Polycrates Bishop of Ephesus, and by Narcissus Bishop of Hierusalem, and others. Victor notwithstanding confirmed his decree by a Councill held at Rome, anno 196: yet so, Bardus & Pa­vin. in Chronico anno 196. Histor. Papatus cap. 4. as that it was received onely within the Ro­mane Diocesse.

About 240 yeares after Christ, Fabius Bi­shop of Rome called a Councill at Rome, and con­demned Novatiane: herein hee did somewhat goe beyond the bounds of his Bishopricke ( [...], 1 Pet. 4. 15.) Novatus, and Novati­ane, being both Africans: but the piety of the Bishops, and the persecution of the Emperours of [Page 346] that age, cut off all jealousie, suspition, or scruple, that any Primacy was affected. And the godly Christians were glad that Schisme might be composed by any men or meanes.

Two hundred and fifty yeares after Christ Steven Bishop of Rome, incroched a little more, Pless. Myster. progress. 2. and more plainly upon Spaine, where Basilides Bishop of Asturia, and Martial of Melida, be­ing deposed, because they had sacrificed to Idolls for feare of persecution: Steven writ to the Churches of Spaine peremptorily for their re­stitution.

Three hundred and fourteene yeares after our Saviour, Silvester obtained from the Em­perour Constantine, to build Churches, and ma­ny other priviledges. Whence his Successors plead also the donation of Constantine, that hee gave unto the Pope, Rome, and a great part of Italy, under the name of S. Peters patrimony: Although Iohannes Diaconus in the Charter of D. Collins in Eudam part. 3. cap. 46. Otho the third, is discovered to have beene the father of that memorable fiction.

Anno 336, Athanasius being condemned by a Baronius anno 34 [...]. sect. 5, 6. Councill of the Arrians at Antiochia, sought for succour from Iulius, then Bishop of Rome, who intertaining a good cause (under the pretence to advance the authority of the Church of Rome above the Easterne Churches) commended the same to the patronage of the Emperour Con­stance. But the Easterne Bishops wrote unto Iu­lius not to support Athanasius. Iulius replyed that all might have recourse to Rome for suc­cour, [Page 347] as to the Superiour. This they utterly disclaimed, by divers Epistles to that pur­pose. Notwithstanding, Gratiane the Monke out of those selfe-same Epistles, composed those Hist. Papatus cap. 4. Canons, whereby hee laboureth to prove the Popes Superiority.

Foure hundred yeares after Christ, godly men, to prevent tedious Law-suits, chose Bi­shops their Arbitrators, to compose such Con­troversies as arose amongst them. Which ar­bitrary courses, the Emperours, Arcadius and Hist. Papatus cap. 4. Honorius did not onely approve: but moreover they authorised the arbitraments of those Bishops, definitively to conclude all controversies: first in causes of Religion, afterwards in Civill Causes also, ex consensu, with the consent of both par­ties. Hist. Papatus cap. 4. In processe of time Iustinian assigned the Bishops to judge causes, as Commissioners to the Emperour. So long did the Emperours give leave, till the Bishops did take leave to judge: and by those priviledges to wrest the authority of Iurisdiction from the prerogative of the Im­periall Majesty.

Anno 413, Apiarius a disordered Priest of D. Sharp Dog­maticus Antich. pag. 273. Africa, being deprived by Vrbane his Bishop, appealed unto Sozimus Bishop of Rome: who sent three Legates to require the right of ap­pellation from those African Bishops, that hee might decide the controversie. To which pur­pose his Legates alledged a Canon of Nice: which those Bishops avouched to be forged, because they had a Copie of that Councill. For [Page 348] a full satisfaction, they sent to Cyrill Bishop of Alexandria, and to Atticús Bishop of Con­stantinople, to conferre with their copies of that Councill, but (it was onely a copy of the Romish Bishops countenance) such a Canon could not be found extant in neither. Where­upon the Councill of Carthage consisting of 207 Bishops, and S. Augustine one of them, did condemne Apiarius, and rejected the authority of the Bishop of Rome. Neverthelesse Romish pa­rasites have coined a strange fiction, that cer­taine Canons of that Nicene Councill were bur­ned by the Arrians.

Anno 450, Leo did persist in the promoting Leo [...]. in Anni ver. die Assamp [...]. Serm. 2. of that Primacy: to which purpose hee did strongly insist on that, Tu es Petrus, Thou art Peter, Matth. 16. 18. Petrus (saith he) Petra di­citur dum fundamentum pronunciatur, Peter is called the Rocke, to shew that he is the foun­dation. Whence he frameth a conclusion for his owne purpose, and person, stiling himselfe Papam Ecclesiae Catholicae, The Bishop of the Leo epist. 12. ad Theodos. whole Church; & omnium Episcoporum Prima­tem; the chiefe of all the Bishops.

Anno 533, the Emperour honoured Iohn Baronius. the second with a solemne Embassage, and by it with an obsequious protestation, that he travelled, Omnes Sacerdotes universi Orien­tis tractus, & subjicere, & unire Sāctitati vestrae: To cause the union, and compasse the submission of all the Clergy, of the whole Easterne Country, to the Bishop of Romes Holinesse.

But about 606, Pope Boniface the third, Dounam. Derens. de Antichristo lib. 2. c. 8 sect. 5. (so now I must stile the Bishops of Rome by that name: for this Boniface the third was the first to whom the name Pope was appropriated) I say this Boniface, in that yeare, upon the murther of Mauritius, apprehended an occasion to in­sinuate Pless. Myst. Progress. 21. Aimoinus lib. 4. cap. 61. himselfe in the favour of bloudy Pho­cas, who gratified him with the title of Vni­versall Bishop.

About 740, Pope Zacharies judgment being demāded, whether best deserved the kingdom of France, either he who had the Name only, or hee who day and night spent himselfe in the ser­vice of the Commonwealth; the Popes defini­tive sentence being pronounced for the latter, as the better worthy of the Scepter: Hence did France take occasion to depose their King, translating the Crowne from Chilpericus unto Pipine. And hence Rome did take occasion to claime power to dispose of that kingdome: as this very example is alledged to that purpose by Suarez. Apol. lib. 3. cap. 23. nu. 15. Suarez, in his Apology.

Towards the eight hundreth yeare, Steven the third, and Adrian the first, joyned with Carolus magnus, to expell the Graecian Empe­rour out of his Latine Dominions: which being Pless Myst. Progress. 27. effected, (and so one good turne requiring another,) Charles being made Emperour of the West by the Pope; the Pope received from Charles the Confirmation, if not the donation of the City and Seigniory of Rome.

Thus far these Popes proceeded, & to some [Page 350] purpose: Notwithstanding, still the Pope was Histor. Papatus cap. 4. subject to the Emperour, till he beganne to in­croach, by a meere accident.

Anno 817, Paschal being constrained by the people to be Pope, sent Legates to the Em­perour to excuse that election. The Emperour Ludovicus Pius, being according to his name, a sweet natured courteous Gentleman; did easily admit of satisfaction: yet with a check to the Clergy, and to the people for their auda­cious act: adding a caveat, that they should no more dare to incroach upon his Royaltie. Howbeit, the clawbacke Library-keeper inser­ted this clause, Ludovicus Pius did remit the power of electing the Pope, unto Paschal the first. Since which time, the Popes have proceeded by more generall jugglings. As namely, by proposing preferments, promotions, and brave incouragements, attractive Loadstones, to invite the prime learned of the whole world unto Rome. Keeping publike Registers of all the Benefactors unto Peters Patrimonie, praying for the soules of such charitable per­sons being deceased. One while trumpetting out the charity of the Popes: another time sowing discord betwixt Princes, that they might fish in troubled waters. These made some pretty additions to their greatnesse: till about 1080, Gregory the seventh so advan­ced himselfe against the Emperour, that his suc­cessours have advanced themselves above the Emperour. The Emperours at this day acknow­ledging [Page 351] themselves confirmed by the Pope, and tendering a kinde of fealty to the Pope: as the Sacrar. Cerem. l. b. 1. sect. 5. c. 7. forme of their Oath is authentically extant, written by Marcellus Archbishop of Corcira, to Leo the tenth. And thus Giges-like, hath the Pope invisibly advanced himselfe into the Throne of his Master.

Having heard the History, or Matter, That the Church of Rome is made a Monarchy: heare we next the Mystery, Manner, or the Meanes whereby this miracle was effected. Which was so politikely prosequuted by such secret plots, and super-subtle projects, that their cun­ning cariage and cleanly conveyance of their purpose, doth merit the title of my Text, to be termed the Mystery of Iniquity. The meanes which these politicians used, as they were in­visible, so were they innumerable also. I will reduce them to eight heads onely.

It is a memorable fact, mentioned by our Fox Mart. t [...]m 1 1505. pag. 860. Martyrologist, concerning Pope Iulius the Marshall, who cast the Keyes into Tyber, and laid his hand on the Sword. The succession of Popes for many yeares have made use of both to erect their Monarchy. The Keyes 3 waies they have made their Picke-lockes to enter at the Posterne of the Church: and as many waies they have used the Sword, to cut down all op­position, which shall interrupt [...] Entrance, and usurpation. To which I will adde two more, and then their projects are eight in num­ber. Excommunication, Indulgence, or dissimu­lation, [Page 352] and Appellation, are the acts of the keyes: in regard of all which, it seemeth Saint Peters keyes have hanged at the Popes girdle. The Sword also they have permitted: establishing and raising the Papacy by warres, into which they suffered Christendome to fall. Some­times the Sword they submitted: and secretly sowed discord in Christendome, out of which they have sucked no small advantage. And many times the Sword they have immitted, and sheathed in the sides of their Soveraignes, and other Princes, whom they assaulted by the hand of Treason, and open Rebellion. To which adde, their corrupting of Bookes, and abusing of Favours received from Princes and Prelates, as precedents of their right: and we have the in­tire number of all the old Popish Mysteries, I meane to instance in at this season.

First, Excommunications of Princes especi­ally, have beene very advantageous for the advancing of the Papacy. The first that I finde who made use of it in this kinde, was Pope Platina & Onu­ph [...]ius in vita Constantini. Constantine, who did excommunicate the Greeke Emperour Philippicus, under the pretence of the heresie they termed Iconomachy (or oppo­sing Image worship:) which produced so fatall an effect, that Arthemius incouraged there­by, rebelled: and deposed the Emperour, anno 716. And then this audacity became after­wards hereditary: many Popes excommunica­ting many Emperours, and many other Princes. Sigonius lib. 3. de Reg. Ital. By this meanes Gregory the second raised Ra­venna [Page 353] and Venice in rebellion against Leo, and expelled the Greeke Emperor out of the Italian territories. By this, Gregory the seventh cau­sed those tragicall commotions against that noble Germane Emperour, Henry the third: Bar t. 9. an. 726. Artic. 34. Pless. Myster. Opposit. 40. which ended not, but with his life. I need not travell farre for examples: our owne Princes (Iohn, Henry, &c.) are the wofull patternes of this wicked subtlety. Nor was the feare of those Princes in those dayes causelesse, for probably the Popes excommunications caused three notable consequents. First, the Clergy would either withdraw themselves out of the Country, or with-hold the execution of their Calling. Hence the people, yea and Peeres also, would murmure, yea and mu­tinie also; that they were deprived of the exercise of their Devotions. And finally, their neighbouring Princes, from this pretence, had a faire cloke for their ambition, and colour for their invasion. Princes therefore in those dayes were compelled to keepe correspondence with the Popes, for dread of their excommu­nications.

Secondly, the hiding away of the keyes, did sometime helpe them to keepe the stollen goods of the Primacy. Thus Phocas having murthered Pless. Myst. Progress. 22. his Master Mauritius, being disallowed (and deserving to be excommunicated) by Cyriacus Patriarch of Constantinople: the holy conni­vence of honest Boniface the third salved all: and well was he rewarded for it. For it, he [Page 354] atchieved his glorious title of Vniversall Bi­shop. Bastlius also having murthered Michael his Master, who had assumed him into the so­cietie of the Empire, Photius the Patriark of Constantinople rejected the traiterous parricide from the Lords Table: but hee was instantly Anastasius in Adriano 2. Baronius anno 869. Articulo 81, & 82. countenanced by Pope Adriane the second. And verily he also had his reward: for his sake Basilius called the eighth Vniversall Councill, into which every man was inhibited en­trance by his Imperiall authority, unlesse hee did first subscribe to the point of the Popes Primacie.

3. The third is neere of kinne to this se­cond particular: Vice, or the vicious discord of the Clergie, hath beene the cause of Appel­lation, a prerogative so highly esteemed by them. So the improbity of Apiarius, and the Heresie of Caelestius, a condemned Pelagian, disordered Antonie Bishop of Fussala, who was deprived by his comprovincialls in Afri­ca, and damned Eutiches himselfe: all these ranne to the Church of Rome for refuge, and found it a Sanctuary. Zozimus, Boniface, Cae­lestine, D r. Sharp Papae speculum pag. 273. Pless Myst. Oppos. 10. & 11. and Leo, did not reject them: but (the last onely excepted) they did accept, incou­rage, and defend those Appellants.

These are three wayes therefore, the Pope hath used the Keyes, whereby he hath entred into the Temple of God: and there now Hee sitteth as God, shewing himselfe that hee is God.

4. Tam Marte, quam Mercurio: the Popes have not beene so cunning with the Keyes, but they have beene as couragious with the Sword. Full politikely did this prudent generation permit Princes to bleed under the Sword of their over-potent Adversaries, that so they might be constrained to cast themselves into the armes of the Bishop of Rome for succour. The Greeke Emperours were in a manner confined to the East, either by the inva­sion of the Sarasins, or by domesticall insur­rections: which did cause them not onely to use connivence to, but to seeke and sue for correspondence with the Popes in the West.

Hence Iustinian the first did professe such Novel. lib. 8. cap. de Sum. Trini­tate. Baron. tom. 7. Anno 533. Ar­tic. 31. &c. Pless. Myster. Progress. 26. Pless. Myster. Progress. 27. solemne honour to the See Apostolike, and to the holinesse of Pope Iohn the second. And Iustinian the second, communicated his owne majesti­call honour to the entertainment of Pope Con­stantine, that by his assistance and countenance hee might recover his Throne, and revenge himselfe on his Rebells.

In the West, he permitted Aistulphus King of Lumbardy to expell the Greeke Emperour out of Italie: and afterwards excited Pipine to drive AISTVLPHVS out of Lumbar­die, not omitting his owne commoditie, that part of his conquest should bee rendered to Saint Peter for his Patrimonie. Sigonius de reg­no Ital. lib. 5. Platina in Sergio.

Pipine thus gratifying the Pope Steven 2, was rewarded in his off-spring by Pope Sergius [Page 356] the second: who nourished the Papacy, by nou­rishing discord betwixt Charles, Lewis, and Lotharius, brethren: till that the French were expelled out of Italy, and the Empire transla­ted to the Germanes. And how the Germane Emperours have beene wearied with warres in the Holy Land, and worried with warres in Chri­stendome, it is superfluous to relate. The ef­fect is this: by them they are reduced to the meere shadow, and bare name of the Romane Empire: but the Romane Pope thereby hath substantially advanced his Primacy.

5. If they cannot prevaile permittendo, by permitting the sword to devoure such as (being in peace) might oppose them: then submitten­do, did their subtlety assay secretly to send a sword among such Princes: their agents blow­ing up the coales of contention, which at length might flame out into an open combustion.

A cloud of witnesses might dissolve it selfe into a testimony of this truth: but (I have an instar omnium) at the mouth of onely one witness, it shall uncontroulably be established.

These are the very words of a great Pope, to the great Turke: of Pius the second to Ma­homet.

As our Predecessours, STEVEN, ADRI­AN, Epist. Pij 2 ad Princip. Turc. pag. 9. and LEO, did call in PIPIN and CHARLES to their ayde against the King of the Longo­bards, HAISTVLPHVS, and DESIDERIVS: and being delivered from their tyrannie, they transferred the Empire from the Grecians, [Page 357] unto these their Champions. So may we in the ne­cessity of the Church, make use of your assistance: & vicem reddere, and returne a retribution. Even the translation of the Christian Empire to the Turke: if his Turkish sword would make good the Popish quarrells. An excellent motive to make the Turke turne Christian: but more excellent to make Christians take heed of the Popes subtletie.

6. Rather than their sword shall faile them Pless. Myst. Opposit. 28. Pless. Myst. Opposit. 40. they will sharpen it at the shop of Rebellion. Gre­gory the fourth conspired with the Sons against the Father, the Emperour Lewis. Gregory the seventh instigated the Germanes to an insur­rection against Henry the third, the Emperour, and invested Ralph the Duke of Burgundy, with the interest to his Empire. Paschal the second Pless. Myst. progress. 42. Pless. myst. progress. 51. excited Henry the sonne, to rebell against Hen­rie the Father. Gregory the ninth did infuse the same poison into the heart of Prince Hen­rie, that hee unnaturally rebelled against his noble Father, Fredericke the second. All which wolvish attempts had this one Foxe-like scope, that the Italian Cities by these meanes becom­ming free States, and obtaining a new forme of government, ( divide & imperia) would be lesse able to oppose the Popish affected Monarchy, than if they had remained under the Empe­rour intire, in an united subjection.

Seventhly, to make these mysteries yet more mysticall, they have ( Sepia-like) over­spred these acts with an inky darknesse, forging [Page 358] and purging the ancient Authors, that they make those old Writers to speake those things now they are dead, which they abhor­red when they were alive. Their additions to Cyprian, and Augustine, Goulartius, and Eras­mus, have declared: their subtractions from o­ther old authors, their own Indices expurgatorij have sufficiently acknowledged. And how they have extinguished all the writings of the Waldenses, is more than notorious. But their Triarij, their principall corrupters, are three lear­ned men, famous in their generations, in three sorts of learning. Gratiane who compiled all the old Canons in one body of the Decrees. Peter Lumbard his brother (indeed brethren in the Mystery of Iniquity) who brought the Fathers sayings into his foure bookes of Sen­tences. And Baronius, who spent thirty yeares Casaub. Epist. Dedic. Exercit. ad Baron. imployment to comprise all the Ancient Histo­rians in his Tomes. All their indeavours mee­ting in this Center, to advance the Papacy. Gra­tiane making the Law, Lumbard Divinity, and Baronius History to speake what was sit for the corruption of that doctrine, and ambition of those Doctors. But what is the effect? Not­withstanding their cunning conveyance, the carefull eye of an impartiall Reader may dis­cerne the foot-steps of Antichrist, and Antichri­stian errours: even in their writings. And their labour preventeth mine: it proveth my conclusion: The mystery of iniquity is a working, even in their writings.

8. Finally, the favours of Princes and Pre­lates, hath the Pope framed to bee a rare fur­therance for his Prelacy and Principality: re­gistring their voluntary actions of love and courtesie, as precedents of their necessary obser­vance and duty. Thus Honoratus Bishop of Marseille, and Possessor a Bishop of Africa, sent Gennad. de Script. Eccles. cap. 100. their Bookes (peradventure to intreat their judgements) to the Bishop of Rome, the one to Gelasius, and the other to Hormisda: Hence Baron. 1. 6. 490. Artic. 43, 45, 46 Bar. [...]. 7. an. 520. Artic. 12, 13, 14. Duorenus de Benefic. lib. 1. c. 2. Bell. de Imag. lib. 2 c. 13. init. Suarez Apol. li. 4. c. 31. nu. 13 [...]ess. de Antichr. part. 2 pag. 267. Bellarm. de P. R. lib. 1. cap. 8. L. Volumus C. de Epist. & Cler. Hist. Papatus cap. 4. P [...]ess. Myster. progress. 64. [...] Baronius constraineth a conclusion: therefore the approbation or suppressing of Bookes belong to the Pope. The Ancients held the judgment of the Church of Rome in high esteeme: and to it even their Councills had recourse, as to the most solide advisers, concerning their Canons and Constitutions. But the Pope hath forced this their arbitrary reverence into a rule of necessary obedience: that now there is no Councill above the Pope, and can bee no Councill without the Pope. Charles the great granted that the Cler­gie should be judged by their Bishops in all cau­ses: on which pretence the Pope hath arroga­ted power to determine all causes, concerning all persons, even against the Emperours them­selves, who gave them these priviledges at the first. To give you a taste of many, in this one example: The King of France Charles the 8, having forcibly entred Rome, yet comming into the Vaticane, on his knees he kissed the foot of Pope Alexander the sixt: and on another day, he held the Bason and Ewre whilest his Holi­nesse [Page 360] did wash. All which that humble Pope caused to be painted in a Gallery of S. Angelo, as a pattern of Princes dutie, which this heroick Conquerour did out of his redundant courtesie. And thus have I discovered their Quaerere, the History, and the Mystery of their attaining their Papall greatnesse.

Thus much concerning their Mysticall Art in attaining: now they are no lesse artificiall in retaining their greatnesse: and in inlarging it in our times. For which purpose they use both baits and hookes: and both by way of undermi­ning and countermining the poore Protestants.

First, they undermine us. Machiavil saith, Mach. Hist. Florent. lib. 2. the old Florentines had a Bell, called Martinel­la, which was rung continually for a whole month together, before their Army took the field, that the Enemy might prepare for defence. We must dreame of no such faire warre from our Adversaries: the Papists will follow Ma­chiavils policie, not his History. Therefore like the Beleaguerers of strong Forts, they use secret Engines to blow up, when suspect nothing, but are secure as upon sound ground. They undermine us admirably: they have Engines and baits answerable to every Sexe and Con­dition.

Women, especially devout women, they worke wonderfully on, and by, for the sprea­ding of Poperie. They doe not onely creepe into houses, and captive sillie Women, as Saint Paul foresaw and foretold long agoe, [Page 361] 2 Tim. 3. 6. But moreover, they stirre up ho­nourable women to persecute professours, and to expell them out of their coast, as the Iewes did at Antioch, Acts 15. 50. Nay they surpasse the Iewes, in their Antichristian Mystery: They say there is now, not onely a femall sexe, but a femall sect also amongst the Papists, Women A­postles, Frieresses, Iesuitesses, called by some spectatrices, by Withrington Ambulatoriae Mo­niales, imployed to reconcile people to the Church of Rome. Surely they want but the Chaire and the Pulpit: and then these Shee-praedicants would doe Pope Ioan singular service. In the meane time, I wish our women, to take heed of these women. They doe undermine them, and are engines of this mystery of iniquity. If this seeme incredible, or extraordinary, they haue more ordinary imployments for femall Pioners. The women intice their servants, in­struct their Children, yea and attempt their husbands also. I have heard a Fowler discourse, that he doth first catch one Bird, and then hee maketh that a Brace-bird: which hee setting by his net, hideth himselfe. This bird draweth others, that they may fall into the net also. The subtle Iesuite, is the Fowler: he hideth himselfe (and will not deale openly with an understan­ding man) but inticeth him by his Brace-bird: the Philistine doth plow with his owne Heifer: and the Iesuite doth imploy a mans owne wife to insnare him unto Popery. Now there­fore I warne Women and men too, to take heed [Page 362] of those women: for in their service there is a secret of Rome, a mystery of Iniquity.

Concerning the conditions of men, they have cunning to Vndermine all sorts. The Com­mon people are caught by common Baites, bragges and braveries. If therefore they be in popish Kingdomes, they will present to their eyes the pompous ornaments of their glorious Churches: Marbles worne with kissing them, and Pave­ments made hollow, with the knees of devout Beadsmen. Virtus laudetur in hoste: I honour even the Papists, for their outward devotion, and from my soule I abhor the prophanesse of too many Protestants, who have no knees to bow in the congregation. But if the common people be in the Reformed Countreys, then they pro­test to their eares the strange Proselytes, which crouch to the Pope for Reconciliation. Thus Eugenius 4, published that the Graecians sued to be reconciled. Paulus 3, that the Armeni­ans did the like. Iulius 3, did receive with Hist. Trent. lib. 5. publike solemnity one Simon Sultakam, elect Patriarke of India, as sent from those Chur­ches, to be confirmed by the Successor of Saint Peter, and Vicar of Christ. And Pius 4, caused Hist. Trent. lib. 6. it to be published in the Councill of Trent, that Abdisu Patriarke of Muzzah in Assyria, was come to Rome, to render obedience to the Pope: which shamelesse lye, was then contra­dicted by the Embassadours of Portugall, who protested that there was no such Patr [...]arke in that Countrey. In Italy more lately it was re­ported, [Page 363] that the Patriarke of Alexandria, with Malvenda de Antich. lib. 3. cap. 8. Eudaemon. in Abbot. lib. 3. sect. 6. the great Church of Africa, had by their Em­bassadors, submitted themselves to the Pope. Eudaemon the Cretian doth protest on his faith that the Patriark of Egypt, and the people of Aethiopia did submit themselves to Clemens 8, and that their submission was seconded by the Russians: and that the Maronitae Inhabitants of the mountaine Lybanus kept communion with the Church of Rome to this day. The next are Schollers, and they have their baites for them also: goodly Colledges and rare Pri­viledges. No man, Magistrate, nor Monarch to controule them: but by a transcendent prerogative to bee exempted from all secular authority. They promise (and sometime per­forme it) Preferments, answerable to their in­dowments. If they be covetous, they angle for thē with hopes of Abbies, Priories, Bishopricks, & Archbishopricks, the rents of some of them e­qualing the revennues of some Kingdomes. If they be vain-glorious, they hit that veine also. Then their baites are glorious Titles: Fathers, Benedicti, Angeli, Archangeli, Cherubini, Seraphi­ni, & Iesuites. That very name of all awefull honor, to whom all knees should bow, is commu­nicated unto them. These are the baites for Schollers, but I hope our (great Rabbi our) Ma­ster Iesus Christ, will give Schollers grace and eyes to discerne them.

Merchants also, must not thinke to bee free from his ginnes, who maketh merchandise [Page 364] of mens soules. I doubt not but they have freer Trafficke into Countreyes which are Popish, if they seeme so. But in the Popedome, and in Rome it selfe, there are small impositions, and seldome inquisitions, to touch their States or feare their mindes: two notable Baites for worldly men, whose scope is worldly gaine. And in truth, the Pope himselfe doth imply this mysterie: for one of the late Popes for­bade Relation of the Religion in the West. sect. 36. all Merchants, under the paine of Excom­munication, to trade in any Hereticall Countrey. The Fishes of Iordan are said to sport them­selves swimming in the sweet streames there­of, the streame carying them on, till that sud­denly they fall in mare mortuum, and are there choaked with Sulphure: So Merchants being caried with the pleasant current of their profit, and evident commodity, may fall suddenly, and before they be aware swallowed up by Po­pery. But verbum sapienti: I hope they will learne to love God, better then Mammon. For Gentlemen, they have gentle allurements; If they be yong and strong, O let them travell: France is full of Activity, Spaine of Gallantry, Italy of Novelty: all of Popery. If they bee weake and sicke, let them travell too: the Spa is a sove­raigne medicine: but metuendum magis à me­dico, quam à morbo: it is a dreadfull Disease which maketh a man travell so farre for a Ie­suit to be his Physitian. This is a mysterie, but so plaine, that hee deserveth to bee deceived, who cannot or will not discerne it.

Moreover for Noblemen, they have Noble Attractives, worth the biting at: they can pre­ferre them, even to the highest pitch of earth­ly pompe, that is, to be Cardinalls. In place equall to Kings, yea they have the Precedence of kings. Sacrar. Cerem. lib. 1. sect. 5. ca. 3. For that the greatest Cardinall must take place before the greatest King it is a ruled case a­mongst them: And by this policy, the Pope hath glued to his faction, the greatest families in Christendome, as in France alone, the houses of Lorraine, Guise; yea and of Burbon al­so: a pretty mystery.

Finally, the pretended successours of the true Fisherman spread out their nets for the greatest: the Popes have their Baites, even for Princes also. But! ne Sutor ultra crepidam, those great Persons are in my Prayers, no subjects for my Sermons. From my soule will I pray for them perpetually, for all Kings (for our kings especially) that God may perpetually preserve the mystery of their estates, from the Popish plots of the mystery of iniquity.

To conclude: it is a tradition of the Iewes, Aug. Retr. 2, 20. concerning Manna: unicuique secundum propri­am voluntatem in ore sapiebat, the savour there­of answered the appetite of every severall pa­late: So the maine mystery in Popery, is that they frame the points of their Religion, to ra­vish all mens affections, and to fit every humour. As if Epicurus had beene the pretended succes­sour of Saint Peter, or Saint Peters pretended successour had been Epicurus: aut [...], [Page 366] aut [...] This was the practise of E­picurus: Lactantius lib. 3. cap. 17. Vt adse multitudinem contrahat, oppo­sitis singulis quibus (que) moribus loquitur. Desidio­sum vel at literas discere, avarum populari largi­tione liberat—qui claritati studet, huic praecipi [...]ur reges colere: fugienti turbam, solitudo laudatur: qui nimium parcus est, discit aqua & polenta vi­tam posse tolerare: qui uxoremodit, huic enume­rantur bona Caelibatus, &c. Translate it into English, and an ordinary English person would take it to be the Popes ordinary prac­tise: That he may draw the multitude unto him, he hath positions for every humour, of every per­son. If he be a Dullard, he giveth him an Indul­gence for ignorance, as the mother of devotion. If Covetous, he exempts him from popular taxations: the exemption of the Clergy. If hee hunt after preferment, Kings Courts shall imploy him: if hee cannot indure the troubles of the world, a solitary life (of the Hermites) is extolled: if he be frugall, fasting (and such austeritie) is assigned him: and if he dislike his wife, the singular benefits of a single life are preached unto him, and a Monastery prepared for him. To honor my conclusion, I will conclude with the words of him, who Relation of the Religion in the West. sect. 13. is the Honor of Travellers. Whatsoever either wealth can sway with the Lovers, or voluntarie poverty with the despisers of the world: what Honor with the ambitious, or obedience with the humble: what great imployments, with the stir­ring spirits, or perpetuall quiet with the restive bodies: what content pleasant natures can take in pastimes and jollities, what contrariwise [Page 367] the austere minds in discipline and rigour: what love either chastity can raise in the pure, or voluptuousnesse in the dissolute: what allure­ments are in knowledge, to draw the Contem­plative, or in action of State, to possesse the pra­cticke disposition, &c. In a word, whatsoever any humor can fancy, they have some object to feed it. And this I call the maine engine to un­dermine Christian Religion: it is [...] the very Mystery of Iniquitie.

This is their Mystery in undermining: their pojects are no lesse in Counterming. Five things I observe wherby the protestāts have prevailed against the Papists. Preaching to men, schooling of children, catechizing the ignorant, writing of Martyrs, and calling for Councills. In all which they doe now proprijs pennis percellere, as Iulian spake: they would beat us at our own weapons: if plaine Truth did not shield us.

1 In our primitive Reformation, the indu­strie of our Preachers, and dexterity of our prea­ching, did ravish the multitude, who had been so long buried in Egyptian darknesse. The po­litike Papists perceiving the effect, used the same meanes: and now have provided plenty of excellent Preachers, which they send forth especially on solemne times, & to publike places. In Lent, and in Cities, their pulpits be furnish­ed with men, using such diligence in their la­bours, eloquence in their speech, making such shew of Reverence towards God, of zeale to­wards their Hearers, and of loue to the Truth: [Page 368] that they seeme to want nothing, but a good cause. But that such brave abilities, should pa­tronize such grosse idolatry, Popery! this is the secret which in my text is termed, The mystery of iniquity.

In the meane time, let our Coate contend with their cunning in countermining us. Let us Preachers strive to equall their labours, in our painfull and laborious preaching.

A second point whereby the Protestants prevailed, was their schooling of Children: e­specially in the principles of religion; where­by they did sow the seed betime. Bend those twigges whiles they were yong, and ( quo semel imbuta recens servabit odorem, testa diu) season them with that love of the truth in their youth, which old age could never extinguish. The Papists have undertaken us in this also: espe­cially the Iesuites. Wheresoever they come, instantly they open free Schooles, which they discharge so industriously, that presently they procure a confluence of all children. Whom under the pretence of teaching the Arts, they artificially instruct them in the principles of Popery: infusing withall such a prejudice a­gainst our part, as maketh them incapable of converting by Protestants, and implacable of conversing with Protestants: Yea it is said that some Protestants have sent their children to the Iesuites Schooles, because of their dexteritie in teaching. Where it is to bee feared, that they will traine them up like Ianizaries, to returne [Page 369] to the confusion of their owne Parents and Coun­trey. This is a Master-peece in their popish po­licie: a great Mystery.

Here would I exhort our Schoole-masters (like our English with the French in the reign of Henry 5,) to meet their Counterminers and combate with them in the Mine: and to contend with them in the instructing of their Schollers, in knowledge both humane and divine: where­by they may abate, if not defeat this Iesuiticall mysterie of iniquitie: to robbe us of our Chil­dren, and God of his servants.

A third instrument to inlarge the reformed Religion hath beene catechising: whereby the ignorant hath taken heart and ability to defend their owne, and to oppose the Popish Religion. Herein also, the Iesuits are said to equall, and outstrippe the Protestants: having solemne Ca­techizing in their Churches on Sundayes and Holydayes. To which purpose their Trent Ca­techisme is published by Pope Pius 5, yet wee must take notice, that this serious and solide catechising, they exercise principally, if not solely, where they dwell among, or confine upon the Protestants. In places and ages di­stant from them, their Catechising is a mystery muffling the miserable ignorant people in a­nother manne. About Granata, and other Gonsalvius de Inquis. praefat. Provinces of Spaine, where the Spanish Inqui­sition reigned, they taught the simple people their Ave Maria, Pater Noster, their Credo, with salve Regina in Latine. But the five Commande­ments [Page 370] of the Church, which they say are neces­sary to salvation: i. the hearing of Masse on Sundayes and Holydayes, the going to shrift and Confession, the receiving of the Holy Bread, the due observing of Fasts, and the true paying of Tithes, are accurately taught them in the Mo­ther tongue.

Here againe my tongue speaketh what my heart thinketh: for us Ministers, I wish that either our Consciences would incite us, or au­thority injoyne us, to be more carefull and pain­full in Catechising: the onely meanes to throw downe their Mine on our Counterminers Heads, and to make the meanest capacity able to di­scerne their Popish Sophistrie.

A fourth meanes to propagate the Prote­stants cause, at least to procure compassion, was composing of Martyrologies, the stories of poore persecuted people, put to death for the Reformed Religion. Whereby they publi­shed unto the world, the innocence and patience of Protestants fiered and faggotted by the Pa­pists, with more than Pagan cruelty and inhu­manitie. Hereupon the Papists, not to be be­hind Tortura Torti pag. 152. hand with them, have printed and painted Legends and Legions of their Martyrs. To wit, that even here in England, their men have been sowen in Beare skins, and baited by Bandogs: that their women have beene bared in their breasts, for starven Mice to eate into their en­tralls. And that the Romish Catholikes of both sexes; have been haltered to eate hay with horses. [Page 371] These are Lyes to us who know them: but they make our Persons, our Religion, our Coun­trey, a loathing, and a detestation to those who know us not. This then is a mischievous point in their mystery of iniquitie.

The last Countermining craft, of our under­mining Adversaries, I meane to instance in, is the Councill. A Councill because it was so con­fidently called for by the Reformed Churches in Germany, that gave great credit and counte­nance to their Cause. It perswaded the peo­ple, that certainly the Protestants were the Ho­nest men, that called for judgement: and the Papists the Malefactors who trembled at the tri­all. There by also the Duke of Saxony, and the Lantsgrave of Hassia were confirmed: the King of Bohemia, and the Duke of Bavaria were stag­gered: and the heat of Charles the Emperour much abated, in persecuting the Protestants. Yea, the Popes themselves, eight in number, for 40 yeres together, were as hardly haled to call and continue a Councill at Trent, as ever old bitten Beare was dragged to a stake. But when necessitie compelled them to appeare, they so contrived the cariage of that Councill, that whereas the world expected, that by it, the Pope would have been Reformed, if not ruined: it was inverted to the Confirmation, and Exal­tation of the Papacy. For now, the Pope (who be­fore dreaded a Councill, as much as ever thiefe did a candle,) knowing by experience, that hee can coine Decades of Italian Bishops, and Centu­ries [Page 372] of Titular Bishops, to extort the suffrages from all Christendome. Now hee calleth for a Councill, as for his Servant and Handmaid. The wresting of this weapon out of our hand, or rather the turning of it into our Bosome, I e­steeme the prime policie, they ever put in pra­ctise, to support the Papacie.

And thus have I discovered our Enemies, in their Trenches: how by undermining and Coun­termining, they would ruine our Religion, by their politike popish Mysterie of Iniquity.

Ye see the baite, by which they attaine: now will I shew you the Hooke by which they re­taine the Papall magnificence. I must obey the time: and omit many particulars. Concer­ning their undermining cunning to keepe their Greatness, that is an Hooke ore trisulco, with three teeth: three wayes they hold it. The Priests hold the people, the Pope holdeth the Priests, the politike Cardinalls hold the Pope [...] and all of them hold together, to hold up the Papacy. Like the hooke, with the three teeth, 1 Sam. 2. 13. to be sure to hold whatsoever they touch for the High Priests.

1. First the Priests hold the People: by Auri­cular Confession. I say not that Confession is the mint of Treason: their Absolution injoyning a Resolution to undertake any thing, against any man, who is an Enemie to the Catholikes. Nor doe I tell you it is a Discloser of State-secrets: by it the Pope sitting at Rome, as Elisha did at Dotham, 2 Reg. 6. 12. he is informed of the ve­rie [Page 373] words which the King speaketh in his Bed­chamber. But by this the persons, which con­fesse their secret sinnes, are made Slaves to their Confessors. For whatsoever they talke of that secret sacred Sacrament: I doubt not, but they will print that Sigillum Confessionis in the fore­head of the Penitent, and have trickes, at least threats, to publish his crime and shame if he dare to fall from them. This is an hooke to hold thousands of their Proselytes: this is no small mysterie of their popish Iniquity.

2. And the Priests doe not hold the people so fast by auricular Confession: but the Pope doth hold the Priests as fast, by inhibiting to mary. For the full streames of the Church Trea­sure, would feele a shrewd Ebbe, if they should runne out into those little branches, Wives, and Children. And which is of more moment, the dis-inheriting of the Children, is a dis-heartning of the Parents to prove Traitours. But where there are and can be no such Pledges of loyaltie to the Country: the Church of Rome may (pos­sibly) command some good Catholike, to stake his life, for to stabbe his King. Thus single life doth hold in the Priests unto the Pope, against their Prince, against their lives, yea against their soules. This is another Hooke: another rare mystery, in their popish Iniquity.

3. Yet this is most memorable: that the Hooke is put into the nostrills of the Fisherman himselfe: for the Pope is held by the Cardinall, to hold up his Greatnesse. I cannot imagine but [Page 374] some Popes have had some motions to regu­late some heteroclite abuses in the Papacie. But the politike Cardinalls (whose pompe de­pendeth on his papall magnisicence) to pre­vent any reformation, forestall all information: as the third Chapter of our New booke, called the New man, maketh it plaine that Cardinall Burghesius, opened and concealed all the let­ters from Pope Paul 5, which should have in­formed him of any abuse in the Romane Church. And thus abyssus abyssum invocat, one instance doth occasion another, to discover this myste­rie of popish Iniquity.

To conclude, with their mysteries in Coun­termining us. In this also, there are 8 things ( multa paucis) which our Church doth approve and use. These the Papists doe pervert to the ruine of our Church, if Christ did not mighti­lie and mercifully support it.

1. Obedience: Is it not the perswasion of our lippes, the meditation of our hearts, and the Theame of our Sermons? Cry we not out against refractary faction, as against the Viper, which will eate out the bowels of our Church? Yet, the strange practise of this, in the Church of Rome, they make their Engine to subvert the Church reformed. The Iesuites leave the vowes of Poverty and Chastity unto other orders, and bind themselves chiefly to the Vow of Obedi­ence: whereby they sweare to obey the Pope, in omnibus, & per omnia, caecâ obedientiâ, that is, to Moulins Ac­compl. pag. 145. execute the command of their superiour, with­out, [Page 375] asking why. This obedience prostrateth thē to practise, any thing, against any person. Is not this a Mystery? a dreadfull damned my­stery of Iniquitie?

2. The Scriptures: Doth not every Chri­stian Church, yea every Christian man, trum­pet out that command of Christ, Iohn 5. 39. Scrutamini Scripturas, Search the Scriptures: yet is not the very reading of them, contrived to be a Lime-twigge of Popery? They may read them, but they must sweare unto the second article, of their second Creed, composed by the Councill of Trent, cōmanded by Pope Pius 4, 1564. Sacras Scripturas, secundum sensum, quē Ecclesia tenet, recip [...]o, that is, I Receive the scrip­tures according to the sense which the Church gi­veth them. They must take the Letter from God, but the sense from the Pope: though that sense be contrarie to the Letter, yea to God too. Is not this a slavery? is not this a Mysterie of Iniquity?

3. An Oath: Doe not all Christians, all men imbrace it, as an [...], the uncon­troulable umpire of Controversies? and the vnso­luble Gordian knot of Contracts, and Covenants? yet we see it is a popish trappe, to insnare poore Relation of the Religion in the West. sect. 16. Protestants. Whence all Protestants feare iustly, that the Pope will play fast and loose be­twixt us, and the Papists Romish Catholikes, as father Parsons did with his owne punies; Pre­tending to make peace betwixt the English Schollers, and the Iesuites at Rome. First hee [Page 376] sware the Schollers, then he left the Iesuites un­sworne. Is it not a miserable advantage that in all Contracts, the Protestants are fettered by an oath, and that the Papists can be assoyled ad placitum? That we dare trust a Turke, rather than a Christian, if he sweare to us? Is not this treacherie, perjurie, a deepe point in the myste­rie of Iniquity?

4 Interdicting of hereticall bookes, at least the Consining of them to the learned languages: we approve, and would God we did practise it also. On this ground have they built the maine mystery of Popery. In the Popish Dominiōs, in Ita­ly especially, all Protestant Authors are inter­dicted: yea Bellarmine, Gregory de Valentia, and their owne Authors are not permitted. Nay in their ordinary Sermons, not so much as a Text is read in their native language. The very sound Relation of the Religion in the West. sect. 35. of the truth is kept from those miserable peo­ple: whose poore soules are like to perish through this politike working of this mysterie of Popish Iniquity.

5. But the nemo s [...]it of all mysteries, I con­ceive to bee that engine of inhumanitie, and shame of Christianitie: that Pejerarium, a se­cret Cyprian epist. 22 Lactant. 5. 1. crueltie, indeed the secret of crueltie: sur­passing the invention of Domitius, and the ex­ecution of Domitian: the Romish Inquisition. The Institution thereof was commodious, commendable, conscionable to discover (not to Torture) it may be to expell, (not to kill) the Maurani, and the Mahometans, which swarm­ed [Page 377] in the south part of Christendome. But now the edge of that implement of destruction, is turned upon the poore Protestants: and there is not onely a cruelty, but also a Mystery in the execution thereof. I beleeve there shall bee few fires to burne the Protestants, any more Publikely: but the Inquisition shall catch them, and examine them, and affright them, and tor­ture them, and kill them, in secret, where no eye, (but the eye of God) can see them. This is a se­cret, and a mysterie of their cruell iniquitie.

6. There are other projects, lesse mischie­vous, but as mysticall, namely, to disclaime those unchristian, and unnaturall assertions, of Ae­quivocation Sharp. Epist. Dedic. and lying to men, of Excommunica­tion and killing of Kings: we approve it, ex­hort it, and commend it. Yet it is the suspici­on of some men of judgement, that some of those Papists, whom we terme moderate secular Priests, doe declaime against the Iesuits, for these opinions, that thereby they may insinu­ate themselves, with more freedome, and lesse suspicion, into acquaintance, and so worke men unto the Romish Religion. This is a mystery wor­thy of our observation, and of our caution too.

7. Another thing, wee all approve: that children of Papists should be brought up by Pro­testants. This I also wish: though I dare not avouch the taking of them without the con­sent of their Parents. But it is reported that some subtle Papists, for some secret drift, doe voluntarily, put their children unto Protestant [Page 378] Tutors. Here is a depth, which my dulnesse cannot dive into. I wonder at this mysterie: yet I wish that it were an History. That if our necessitie, and necessary labours would give us leave, that they would put their Children e­ven to my selfe, and to such as I am. And then let them prove, what their mysticall projects could produce, when their children are under our Education.

8. It is our common call and cry: that the Papists should come to Church: some of them doe it. But so: as that they haue occasioned a proverbe; The Church Papists, the worst Papists. The more heavie Papist, (who goeth to Church, as he sendeth his daughter, to a Nunnery, to save charges,) in the fulnesse of his devotion, hee falleth fast a sleepe, and dreameth not of one point in the whole sermon. But the active spi­rit, the learned Lay man, it may be a Priest, or a Iesuit; Hee intertaineth his neighbour with talking to divert his owne Pew, to disturbe the next pew, and industriously to discontent the whole congregation. Otherwise if the Preacher be but of slender gifts, hee will heare him, to deride him, if he be learned, to intrappe him. And it is thought, yea said, that there are some of those Assyrians daily, at these our Lectures: as they did to the King of Israel, 1 Reg. 20. 33. so these Papists, Politicians, Priests, or Iesuites, or all: they observe diligent­ly, whether any thing doe fall from us, and they catch at it. But let them come: and then Catch [Page 379] in Gods name. While they come to Catch us by their Policy, we may catch them, by our Ve­ritie. This indeed were a Great mystery.

Thus (according to the shortnesse of my time, and smalnesse of my ability) omitting many, abreviating all, I have showne you some mysteries of the politike Popish Religion. You have heard the Papacy hath beene Ham­mering from Saint Pauls time, to our time, 1600 yeeres. The shop of those Politicians hath beene at Rome: from that forge, the sparkes of their mysticall policies, have flowne throughout the world. They have cunningly apprentised our owne Countrymen, our kinsmen, yea our Wives and yoke-fellowes to worke in their mint, and to spread the projects which they have coyned. They tyrannize on the bodies of their foes, by the Inquisition: and they tyrannize on the soules of their friends, of their owne children by Auricular Confession. Their insinuating mysticall Agents, creepe into our houses to inveagle our peo­ple: into our Churches to intangle our Preachers. What now? Can we say lesse than my Text, a mystery, yea more! Legion. There are a thou­sand thousand sly subtleties, and secret cruelties. Now the mystery of the blessed Trinity, Blesse us all from the mysterie of their cursed iniquity.


2 THESS. 2. 7. That wicked one.’

The Pope is [...] or the Lawlesse Person: in regard of the Scriptures, Creed, Oathes, Lawes humane, Nationall. Childrens Obedience. Ma­riages. And in regard of his owne Constituti­ons. Exemption of the Clergy.

IN the two verses before my Text, wee have heard Anti­christ described: here wee have heard him discovered. Wherein I have unfolded three particulars: How hee was hindered, when revealed, and what the thing was, which was hindered in Saint Pauls time, and to be Revealed in our time: a strange worke of Antichrist, called by a strange name, the mystery of Iniquity. All these I have absol­ved. Now your attention will anticipate my [Page 381] Sermon: and expect that having passed this point, all the points proposed in this text, that I should proceed to another. In the ninth of Matthew, and the twentieth verse, there is mention made of a woman diseased twelve yeres who touched but the hemme of Christs garment, and she was healed. I have indeed perfected the body (if you please) the Garment of my discourse on this Text. But the last word [...], Exlex, that wicked one, or Out-Law, remaineth as it were the Hemme of this Garment. I will but totch it, and it may heale some who are dis­eased, even twelve yeeres, who have beene brought up in Popery. I proceed therefore to open this point also, in the feare of God, and love to our seduced brethren, to heale such as are infected with Popery. But if they be either ab­sent that they cannot be healed, or obstinate that they will not be healed; Yet I proceed notwith­standing: that if they be incurable, and will not be healed by us, yet that we may be carefull not to be infected by them.

[...], That wicked one. This last word of my text, must be my text at this time: indeed containing a point as materiall as any I have yet spoken of: if I had time to studie it. But I depend on a great God, to inable my little strength in a little time, to unfold his truth. This word is the tertium, where both sides meet, both Papists and Protestants joyne issue in this point. I suppose there is no Papist, but will grant that [...] is [...] that the Out-Law, [Page 382] is The Antichrist. And for mine owne part, I doe professe, the Pope not to bee Anti­christ, if I doe not prove him to be [...], The Out-Law in the highest degree that ever man was, since the Creation.

First to preface an answer to an ordinarie objection. The Papists ordinarily doe urge [...], That wicked one, this article of this word, as if it were, an article of their Creed. [...], That wicked one, is, (say they) the singular Number, therefore Antichrist is a singu­lar person. This cause, (indeed this causlesse cavill) I have already disputed, and consuted. Now I onely intreat you to looke back, into the last verse, where the same article is used in the same sense. [...], He who letteth, them­selves expound the Emperour: not one person, but the whole succession. By the same Gram­maticall law, it is lawfull for us, to expound [...] That wicked one, of the Pope, yet not one person, but the whole succession. And why is Antichrist here called [...], That wicked one, as if he were but one? The reason is right­ly rendered by Aretius [...]: because his governe­ment Aretius in 2 Thes. 2. 8. is Monarchicall: because in one place, to one purpose, and by o [...]e State, in a long succession, their plots and projects have beene prosecu­ted, and perfected, to the rearing and support­ing of their Antichristian Monarchy, [...]. as it were one man and one mind, This is a singu­lar reason, for which the holy Ghost, doth here terme Antichrist [...], That wicked one, in the singular number.

[...] signifieth Lex a Law; [...], Exlex, a lawlesse person: a man consined with­in the compasse of no Law: such a one was the Type, Antiochus, Dan. 11. 36. He shall doe according to his will. But the Antitype, Anti­christ the Pope is such a one in the superlative degree. The Popes lawlesse actions (compared to those of Antiochus) are like the Sunnes re­flections, they double the precedent. But I must not relate them out of the popish writers of Controversies (though even they also shall bee produced for witnesses) who use to set a faire glosse on those soule extravagancies. But I must alleadge the Canonists as our principall authors in this cause. For these tell us plainly, Who the Pope is, and what he doth: but the other cunningly dispute, What manner of man the Pope should be, and what manner of things hee ought to doe. Yet Vis unita sortior, I will unite both their testimonies, that their evidence may be the plainer. Thus they testifie: Papa Ber [...]ach in re­pert. part 4 in Dict Papa. H [...]sti [...]s Casu [...] Pa [...]ales 9. q. [...]. Cunc [...]a Aug de An [...]ona quaest. 5 Artic. 3. Distinct. 96. c. 7. satis T [...]u [...]enter. Bertachin. in repe [...]t. part. 4. in Dict. Papa Tiber. Dec [...]an. vol. 1. Resp. 20. nu. 1. est solutus legibus saith Bertachine, that is, The Pope is loose from all Lawes. Solutus est omni lege humana, the Pope is loose from all humane Law, saith Hostiensis. Nec ullo jure ligari potest, he can­not be bound by any Law, saith Aug. de Ancona. He is so exempted from the Lawes, that non po­test judicari, their popish Lawes say the Pope can be judged by no Law. Nay Cum sit solutus le­gibus, non potest accusari, he is so far from the li­mits of the Law, that none may accuse him, saith the said Bertachine: yea, but to dispute [Page 390] of the power or actions of the Pope, est instar sacri­legij, yea sacrilegium, it is neere sacriledge, nay Barow. in L. Sa­crile [...]ijs, de crim. Sa [...]ri [...]. Hostiensis casus Papalis. Iso [...]o. Moscon. de Majest milit. Eccles▪ part. 1. lib. 1. Capistranus f [...]l. 130. Extrav. Ioh. 22. cap. Apollol [...]tus de Concil. Prae­bend. meere sacriledge, if wee condescend to those Canonists, Legi non subjacet ulli, Hee is subject to no Law, the common axiome of the Canonists, which they prove from this Title, hee is called Summus, that is, the Highest, because (saith Mosconius) He is, supra jus, contra jus, & extra jus: above Law, against Law, and without Law, [...] the word in my text. Capistranus con­curreth with a little addition of some spice of blasphemy: Apud Deum, & Papam sufficit pro ratione voluntas: God and the Pope have their will for a Law. And the Pope himselfe doth te­stifie of himselfe, none can say to him, Domine cur ita facis? Sir why doe you this? Which is se­conded by another Pope, Sixtus is said to have answered his accusers, in this phrase, in meo arbitrio est, judicer, an non judicer: It is in my choice, whether I will be judged or not. And Bel­larmine Bell. de P. Rom. lib. 2. cap. 26. proposeth this as his probleme, to bee maintained, Pontifex à nemine judicatur, in his 26. chapter of the second booke of the Pope of Rome, that the Pope of Rome can be judged of none. And stating the question, he saith that a King hath no Superiour in Temporalls: but the Pope in regard of Temporalls and Spiritualls, can bee judged by none in the world, no nor by the world in a Councill: whereby hee professeth, that none in the world is absolutely [...], that is, without Law, but the Pope. Finally, what the Canon [...]sts speake for slattery, and the Writers [Page 391] of Controversies out of their judgement, Gun­ther and Tiethgaudi, Archbishops of Cullen and Morn. Myst. Iniqu. Oppos. 31. Trevers spake out of experience of, and to Pope Nicholaus the first, Quod tibi libet, licet, that is, thou hast no law, but thy lust. All which doth but amplifie this title in my text, that the Pope is [...], lawlesse, like the Iudge, Luk. 18. 2. that he feareth neither God, nor man.

Though these bee plaine, yet the plainest proofe of any mens positions, is their owne practice, let their tongues and pennes preach and publish what they will, or can, to the con­trary. To this purpose I say, lawes are of two sorts, divine and humane. The first are given by God, the second by Man. The Law given by God is either a Law of constraint, Primarie, imposed, the Scripture: or a Law of Consent, secondarie, collected, the Creed. Againe, the Humane Lawes also are twofold, Oecumeni­call, and Oeconomicall. Those are Publike, for all Nations; these private for all Families. Now if I doe not make it appeare, that the Practice of the Pope, is lawlesse in all these particulars: I will confesse that I doe him apparent wrong, to call him [...], The Out-law, and The Antichrist.

The great law is the law of God: & that great law of God, is that of cōstraint, the Scriptures, w ch shold constraine every cōscience to awfull obe­dience. But the Pope hath practised the contrary to that authority; was it ever credible, that that law, givē w th such consternation (w th thunders, [Page 392] and lightnings, and a thicke cloud, and the voice of a trumpet, so that all the people trembled,) Ex­odus 19. 16. confirmed with such a protestati­on (that Heaven and earth should passe, before one jot or one [...]ittle should passe from the Law,) Matth. 5. 18. and sealed with such a Commination (I testifie vnto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this booke, if any man shall adde unto these things, God shall adde unto him the plagues that are written in this booke. And if any shall take away from the words of the booke of this Prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the booke of life) Revel. 22, 18. & 19. So precious to the Iewes, that they thought it their preroga­tive to keepe it, Rom 3. 2. So highly esteemed by the Christians, that they poured out their blood to professe it, Heb. 11. Was it I say ever credible that this Sic dicit Dominus, Thus saith the Lord, should be changed into a Sic jubet servus ser­vorum, so commandeth the servant of servants? That this Law of God, should ever be vil [...]fied, and nullified by a wretched man?

This is the Popes practice, Is not the breach of Gods Law, avouched by his dispensations and indulgences? are not the bookes thereof checked by inhibitions, and publike interdictions. The Scripture indeed, is called [...] 2 Tim. 3. 16. Gods streight rule, to our crooked affections: but the Pope doth bend it to his owne liking. As their owne grosse phrase is, he ma­keth it Lesbia Regula, and Nasus Cereus, a Lea­den H [...]us & Pig [...]ius. Rule, and Nose of waxe, which they may [Page 393] wrest and wring any wrong way, according to their owne will and pleasure. Or as Bellarmine Bellarm de P. Ro. lib. 3. c. 14. speaketh in a better phrase, but to the same pur­pose, the Pope doth Apostolorum praecepta positi­va moderari, ac mutare prout ecclesiae expedierit: the Pope (saith he) doth moderate and change the positive praecepts of the Apostles, as hee shall thinke it convenient for the commoditie of the Church. But since that, Bellarmines plaine mind Hist. of Paul 5, and the Vene­tians lib. 4. pag. 198. is discovered, by some of found judgement. For anno 1606, he composed a little booke a­gainst the Treatises of Gerson, wherein he ay­med to exalt the authority of the Pope, so farre as to make it equall to that of God. That Law doth not constreine, neither him, nor his, to keepe their bounds: but he will be [...], Lawlesse. They make the Scripture (in their owne base phrase) mutum magistrum, a dumbe Teacher, to say nothing: as their Trent phrase speaketh more mannerly, secundum sensum quem ecclesia tenet, to say nothing, but according as the Church will understand it, that is, what the Pope prompteth. In old time Demosthenes said, that the Oracles of Apollo did [...]: that they were taught to speake nothing, but what plea­sed Philips Greatnes. We may say in our time (but God be blessed not in our Countrey, not in our Church at the least) that the Oracles of the Scriptures doe [...]: they are taught to speake what doth please the Popes Holinesse. To shut up this point with the wicked words of Hosius, and with the witty [Page 394] words of Durandus: ipsas scripturas facessere Iuell: Apolog. pag. [...]31. jubebimus, wee will bid the Scriptures to bee packing, said that blasphemous Papist. But the O­ther speaketh in another veine: male cum re­bus humanis actum est, ex quo Decretis alae acces­serun [...], idest, ex quo Decretales in ecclesia, volare ausae sunt supra scripturas, said that popish Ca­nonists: that is, Christendome came into thral­dome, ever since the Law of the Lord, hath beene troden downe by the Law of the Pope. The last words of which sentence, are too true: if that Decree of Pope Steven 6, recorded by Gratian bee canonicall, and categoricall, Gratianus D 19 C Eni [...]r [...]. Quicquid Romana ecclesia statuit, quicquid ordi­nat, perpetno quidem, & irrefragabiliter obser­vandum est: Whatsoever the Church of Rome doth appoint, whatsoever it doth ordain [...], it must be observed perpetually, and without gainsaying. Is not the Pope then, that [...], that lawlesse man, that man of sinne, indeed that very An­tichrist?

Next to this great Law, the Law of Con­straint, the scriptures: is the Law of Consent, a great law too, the Creed, which being collected out of the Scriptures, the whole Christian world hath submitted it self to the authority therof, as to the touchstone of their assertiōs. Now, the Pope doth not onely oppose the old, but saith that he can also compose a new Creed. In the old Creed hee directly thwartheth three Articles, that of Christs remaining in Heaven till the judgment, bringing him down daily to the [Page 395] Earth, by that monstrous miracle of Transubstan­tiation. That of the forgiuenesse of sinnes, by his presumptuous doctrine of merits.

And finally, the third Article of the Catho­like Church, by inserting the word Romane, which overthroweth the sense of the Article, and is contradictio in adjecto, an absurd contra­diction: as if we should terme Lewis the Pari­sian French King: or Charles our Kentish Eng­lish Innocentius 3, Extra. de Ex­cessu Pr [...]lat. Soveraigne. Nay it is the saying of the Pope, Articulos solvit, Synodumque facit generalē: thatis, the Pope hath power to call a generall Councill, and to disanul every particular Article.

Thus farre hee fareth, for the opposing of the old Creed: then for the composing of a new. Though some affrighted with the absurd au­dacity of this assertion, doe seeme to mince it: yet the whole Church of Rome concur in the conclusion. The Pope hath power Edendi no­vum Aquin. 22 [...]. [...], artic. 10. Symbolum, saith Aquine, to publish a new Creed: Condendi, to compose a Creed, writeth Vig [...]erius: Ordinandi novum Symbolum, to or­daine or authorise a new Creed, quoth Gabriel Biel. Finally, what these and other Papists have avouched in words, Pope Pius the fourth maketh good ( de facto) in deed, by whose au­thority the Trent Creed is published with Pij 4. Bulla ann [...] 1564. twelve articles also as a parallell to the Apo­stles Creed, and urged with as authenticall in­junction. First to beleeve the doctrine of tra­ditions. 2 The authority of the Church (of Rome) to expound the Scriptures. 3, that there are se­ven [Page 396] Sacraments, 4 all the points concerning ori­ginall sinne, and justification as they are defined by the Councill of Trent. 5 The Masse, and that it is offered a propitiatory sacrifice for the living, and the dead. 6 Transubstantiation, and that the Lords Supper, is to be received but in one kind. 7 Purga­tory and prayer for the dead. 8, Invocation or pray­ing to the dead, as also worshipping of Saints, and their Rel [...]ques. 9, The adoration of Images, 10 In­dulgences. 11 The Popes Supremacy, namely that the Romane is the mother & mistres (mater & ma­gistra) of all Churches: and that the Pope is Pe­ters successour, and Christs Vicar: and finally, to beleeve all the definitions of all Oecumenicall Councills, but especially of their last, of that of Trent. And that these are the Catholike faith, extra quam nemo salvus esse potest, which except a man do beleeve he cannot be saved. The sub­scription running as peremptorily, as if they were the very Dictates of the Apostles, or of Christ himselfe. Profi [...]or, spondeo, voveo, juro: that is, I professe, I doe beleeve, promise, vow and sweare, that I will obey all these Articles of the Ca­tholike faith. This man therefore who contra­dicteth old Lawes, maketh new Lawes, and break­eth all lawe: I thinke I may lawfully call him lawlesse, and conclude him to be [...], The very Antichrist.

Thus these lawes of God, (both of constraint and consent) both Scripture, and the Creed are in­fringed, by this man of sinne, without impedi­ment, with like facility, doth this hornet break [Page 397] through ( those cobwebs) humane lawes, be they oecumenicall for all nations, or oeconomicall for all families. Those lawes of nations are of two sorts when faith is either contracted betwixt equals by an oath, or exacted from inferiours by Allegi­ance. Each way is no way to bind the Pope, who is everie way boundlesse and lawlesse.

The law of oathes, is so generall amongst na­tions, as that all nations observe them, as most sacred and inviolable: in so much that Pagans would not infringe them. Regulus would be rather tortured than perjured, though he could have escaped by breach of oath. It was Aristotles saying, that he who did double in his oath (for that is [...], to sweare with a mentall addition) Arist. Rhetor. 18. ad Alex. hath neither feare of Gods vengeance, nor shame of mans reproofe; and Dionysius in Plutarch was condemned by all, whose saying was, that children were to be mocked with toyes, and men with oathes. Surely it shall be easier for those Pagans at that day, then for some Christians. Some Christians (said Matchiavell) make oaths Matchiav. Hist. Flor. lib. 3. obligations, not equall to profit: & they use oaths not to observe them, but rather to deceive those that put their trust in them. And I take it, that no one thing hath done such harme, and brought such shame to Chri [...]dome, as this particular. Simancha teacheth very solemnely, Simancha In [...]it. Cath. cap 4. art. 14. edit. Hiss. Fides data haereticis non est servanda, nec a pri­vato nec a magistratibus: quod exemplo Con­cilij Constantiensis probatur. Nam Iohannes Huss & Hieromus legitima slamma concremati [Page 398] sunt, quamvis permissa illis securitas est: Pro­mises (quoth he) are not to bee kept with Here­tikes, neither by private men, nor yet by publike Magistrates: He proveth it, by a precedent frō the Councill of Constance: by whom Iohn Husse, and Ierome of Prage, were legally burned, al­though from thē they had received a safe conduct. Tr [...]nt. Hist. lib. 1. And the same had beene practised on Luther also, at the Diet of Wormes in the yeare 1521 had not the noble disposition of Charles 5, the Emperor, and the plaine opposition of Lewis the noble Elector Palatine preserved him. Fi­nally, Becanus doth avouch Perjury by a max­ime: juramentum non est vinculum iniquitatis, that is, an oath is no obligation of iniquity: ini­quitie he esteemeth it for a Papist to performe his promise to an Heretike (or a Protestant) al­though hee sealed it, by swearing an oath, which all sober men suppose to bee the surest, and most solemne obligation of all others: yet of all others, the Popes themselves, are the most remarkeble patternes and patrons of perjurie. About the yeare 1080 Rodolphus duke of Saxony instigated by Pope Hildebrand or Gregory 7, to rebell against Henry 3, the Em­peror, joyned battell with him, wherein ha­ving his sold [...]s cut in peeces, and his hand Pless. myster. Opposit. 40. cut off; Loe (said he to his friends and follow­ers) with this hand I plighted my troth to my Leige Lord Henry, but the Popes authority & importunity urged me to the breach of that oath: and now in the same hand I have received my deaths wound, and so be dyed.

On the two and twentieth of May 1526, Trent. Hist. lib. 1. there was a confederacy betwixt Pope Cle­mens 7, Francis 1 of France, and the Princes of Relation of the Religion in the West. Sect. 15. Italy, against Charles 5, the Emperor, under the name of the most Holy League, wherein the King was absolved from his Oath taken in Trent. Hist. lib. 5. Spaine. And some thinke the Pope had promised the King to dispence with that Oath, before hee made it: vpon the hope whereof hee al­so tooke it. Anno 1556 Paulus 4, by Cardi­nall Caraffa perswaded Henry 2 of France, to breake his league, and oath made with Spaine (though the Princes of the Blood, and the Grandies of that Kingdome, abhorred the in­famie of oath-breaking yet) he received absolu­tion from the Pope, and such an overthrow from the Spaniard at Saint Quintin, that it made his whole Kingdome to tremble and totter. Instances are infinite, I will adde onely two, one most remarkable, & the other most mise­rable. The first, If the Pope sweareth to his ser­vants, Friends, yea Cardinals, yet they cannot depend on that Oath. They have a custome in the Vacancy, to compose capitulations, and all the Cardinalls to sweare to the performance of them, whosoever shall be assumed to be Pope: but so soone as he is elected hee denyeth it, and saith hee is at libertie by gaining the Papa­cie: a patterne whereof is proposed in that Trent. Hist. lib. 5. pamphlet, termed The new man. And it was likewise practised by Pope Paul 5, anno 1550, who complained of those that said hee could [Page 400] make but foure Cardinals, because hee had so sworne in the conclave: saying that this was to bind the Popes authority, which is absolute: that it is an Article of faith, that the Pope cannot be bound ( [...]cce [...]) much lesse can hee binde himselfe. And to say otherwise is a manifest Heresie. And if any should hereafter say, the like, he would take order that the Inquisition Hist. Turke Knowles 297. should proceed. The other, anno 1445. Vladislaus King of Hungary, having sworne a Peace with Amurah the Turke, he was perswa­ded and assoiled by Iulian, Legate for the Pope. Vpon this breach was the great battle of Varna, where the Turkes being at the point to loose the Day: Amurah dismayed with the slaughter of his souldiers, plucked the Articles of the League out of his Bosome, and said thus: Behold thou Christ, this is the league, which thy Christians have made with me and violated. Now if thou be a God, shew thy power on thy perjured people, who deny thee to bee God, by their Deeds. Instantly, the Christians were routed, and so that unhappy King, by the breaking of his Oath, at one time lost his faith, his life, a noble Army, and the Honour of the Christian Re­ligion. The Pope therefore, the Author of this, and the practiser [...] of like Oath-breaking. I thinke I may call [...], a lawlesse, faithlesse body. To adde one example more, will bee Avent. lib. 6. neither impertinent, nor superfluous. In anno 1111, an accord was made betwixt Paschall the second, and Henry the second, for the irre­vocable [Page 401] confirmation whereof, they received the Sacramenu. The Pope (saith Aventine) ad­ministred it to the Emperour in these words: Sir, This is our Lord God, borne of the Virgin Mary, and crucified for us.——Take this pledge of my true love, and of our unfained reconciliation. Sigonius saith he said more, breaking the Host Sigonius lib. 10. he said, as this part is divided from that life-gi­ving body: so let him be divided from the King­dome of Christ our Lord, qui pactum hoc violare. tent averit, which of us soever shall goe about to breake this Covenant. Which was most holily retracted by his Holinesse himselfe. The very next yeare (the Emperor returning into Ger­many in considence of this reconciliation) anno 1112, he called a Councill at the Laterane, to revoke this solemne, sacred, sacramentall obli­ligation, and devoted the Emperour to his former excommunications. Neither doe the Popes onely doe the same, but they have pleasure in them that doe them: yea and profit too, to the great advancement & establishment of their temporall greatnesse: they make men to sweare to the Pope, though thereby they for­sweare themselves to others. These are the Sacrar. Cerem. lib 1. Sect. 7. cap. 2. formall words of that solemne oath, which every Captaine doth make to the Pope, and be­fore the Pope at the Masse, meekely kneeling on his knees. I. N. By divine promission, elected Captaine, doe heartily promise (promitto, spondeo, polliceor, ac juro) protest and sweare, that from henceforth I will be reverent and obedient to the [Page 402] holy Apostolike Church, and to you my Lord the Pope, etiamsi alias obligatus sum: although I be otherwise obliged, which must bee understood of obligations of this nature, of oathes: which must be broken to others, that this may be kept with the Pope. And thus I breake off this point of the Popes oath-breaking perfidie & perjurie.

The next Nationall Law, is that of subjection which in every nation, the King doth expect and exact from his subiects, and all men ac­knowledge, and discharge it. Onely the Pope doth plead an exception from this rule, and ex­emption from this Law. First for his person, Papa est ab omni iurisdictione exemptus, saith Suarez. Suarez Apol. lib 4. ca. 4. This were enough, if enough could satisfie pride and ambition. This the Pope will have and more also, it is their owne Decree, That al­though the Pope draw millions of men to Hell, Ca­tervatim, Distinct. 4. Can. 9. qu. 3. by heapes, yet is he to be iudged by no man: Nay so farre is he from obeying Nationall lawes, that nationall lawes are reversed by him. In this kinde, the Lawes of three Nations were assayed, and two were retracted by the Pope, in one yere, 1605. The Republike of Luca pub­lished an Edict, that none of their subiects, The quarrels of Paul 5, with Venice, lib. 1. should have any commerce with any of the Re­formed Religion, because diverse of their Citi­zens had lately turned Protestants. This Edict although it was for the service of the Pope, and Popish Church, yet was it revoked by Paul 5. onely because it was published without his Pon­tificall authority. The Republike of Genoa, by [Page 403] publike authority, published certaine Edicts to prohibite certaine private Conuenticles, which they sound to tend to the ruine of their The quarrels of Pope Paul 5, with Venice, [...] lib. 1. Common wealth. The foresaid Pope Paul 5, in­stantly, expressely injoyned them to revoke those Edicts, otherwise he threatned thē with Censures. Finally, the State of Venice imprisoned and intended to proceed further against a Ve­netian Abbot of Nervose, who had poisoned many men, of whom, one was his own Father, desiled many womē, of whom, one was his own sister: exercised a most unjust and cruell Ty­ranny on his neighbours, and practised in sor­cerie, and other magicall operations. This Paul the Pope sent out a Prohibition, & although the Venetian Embassadours, made remonstrance unto him, that the just title and possession which the State had to judge Ecclesiasticall persons, in causes criminall: were founded on the naturall power of a soveraigne Prince, and on Custome never interrupted by the space of a Thousand yeares, and approved by the Breves of the Popes themselves: Yet the Pope com­manded the deliverance of that person, and the abolishing of that Law. But here his Holinesse did command, and goe without. That stout State would not Porrigere pulvinar Diabolo, but made the Pope sit besides the Cushion in that contestation: although hee assayed them by armes, both spirituall and temporall: both by Excommunication, and invasion. Notwith­standing the popish Doctors did write, that [Page 404] that Republike did rebell against the Popes right: The quarrels of Paul [...], with Venice, lib. 4. who might give Lawes to all Princes, and annull those which were made by them. Surely heate of contentiō caused thē to forget that there was such a word in Saint Paul, as [...] the law­lesse person, which here they ascribe to Pope Paul, by their open confession, and profession: which practise of the Pope, and position of The quarrels of Paul 5, with Venice, lib. 2. those popish writers, was justly censured by Sir Henry Wotton, then Embassador for his Majesty at Venice, who said for those pretensi­ons of the Pope, that hee could not understand this Romane Theologie, which is contrarie to all Iustice and honestie.

Next the Pope proceedeth to his Bishops, Suarez Apol. lib. 4. cap. 10. num. 6. that they are exempted also, Quia Episcopi sunt Patres Principum, & simpliciter ijs superiores, ideo indignū est, & indecens ut ab ijs judicentur sayth Suarez; Bishops (saith he) are the Fathers of Princes, and plainly their superiors, therefore it is incongruity and indignity that they should bee judged by them. Moreover the popish Priests too, must injoy the same Priviledge; because Constantine said to such (saith Gratian) Vos à Grat▪ cap. 12. quaest. 1. nemine iudicari potestis, Yee may be judged by no man. Fourthly, their servants, si tonsuram defe­rant, si incedant habitu Clerecali, si ecclesiae alicui Suarez Apol. lib 4 cap. 28. inserviunt: if their Crownes be shaved, their ap­parell of the Cleargy fashion, and their service Trent. Hist. lib. 1. belong to any Church, they are exempted from all secular authoritie. Nay their Doctors have affirmed, that the very Concubines of Priests, [Page 405] were of Ecclesiasticall judisdiction. All which particular sentences I may summe up in that one saying of Antoninus in his Summes, The Antonin. Sum. part. 3. tit. 22. Pope may make new Religions, change the ordinan­ces of Councills, and dispence with all Lawes, a ve­ry paraphrase of the word in my text, the Pope is [...] a lawlesse person.

Observe withall, that these Law-transcendēt hyperbolies, are not pinned on the Popes sleeves, without their owne approbation. Platina. Leone 3 Here the Popes speake in their owne phrase, and in their owne likenesse. Pope Leo the third being accused to the Emperor, Charles the Great, for certaine offences, the Empe­rour intending to examine the matter, he re­ceived a flat answer, Sedem Apostolicā omnium ecclesiarum caput à nemine, Laico praesertim, iu­dicari debere, that the Apostolike See, being the Head of all Churches ought to bee judged of no man, of no Lay man especially: and about the yeare 1132 Lotharius the Emperor demanded Pless. Myster. Progres. 46. of Innocent the second, whether he would ob­serve the Imperiall lawes: that Pope returned a round and ready answer, Mantum Pontificiale se potius abd caturum, & pedibus conculcaturum, that he would rather resigne his Pontificiall ap­parell, and trample his triple Diadem under his feet: So that the Pope and the Imperiall lawes are [...] Dagon and the Arke, one must down. And so it becommeth him who is surnamed, [...], The lawlesse person. The effect of which lawlesse usurpation must be to wrong the King [Page 406] and the Lawes and Iustice of the Kingdome. The King must suffer in his power and jurisdi­ction, which is much impaired thereby: to in­stance in France. In France (saith Duarenus) Duarenus de Benesicijs Praef. the whole people are divided into three de­grees, the Clergy, Nobility and Commonalty, of which the first is the most: whereby the King is stripped of one third part of his subjects, by this Papall Exemption. Next, it doth blunt the edge, or rather breake the sword of the Law: that Exemptiō being a Buckler to al the Clergy, what malefactors, or how obnoxious soever. Whence sprang that proverbe (mentioned by Duarenus de Bene. 1. 17. the forementioned author) Detonsum caput impunitatis symbolum, that is, a shaven Crowne is the signe of a person who may not bee punished. From whence will issue 3 [...], necessarie consequents. 1 that a Priest or Iesuit cannot be a Rebell, or a Traitour, although he doe the ac­tions of Treason or Rebellion. Clerici Rebellio non est crimen laesae majestatis, quia non est principi sub­ditus, Emanuel Sa. saith Sa: that is, The rebellion of a Popish Clergy-man is no Treason, because he is no sub­ject to that Prince: which is confirmed (and al­most translated) by the current of the Contro­versie-writers in the contentions betwixt Pau­lus 5, and the State of Venice, who all consen­ted The quarrels of Paul 5, with Venice, lib. 4. upon this, that the Clergy are not subjects to the Prince, even in the case of Treason. The se­cond paradoxe, issuing from the same Foun­taine is, that it is not lawfull for the Popish Cler­gie without the Popes leave, to pay tribute, or give [Page 407] any subsidies to their Princes, although they them­selves be willing to those payments. This Duare­nus Duarenus de Benef. 7, 8. complaineth to have been the Constitution of Pope Boniface 8. The last lawlesse absurd pa­radoxe, is proposed by way of Quaere. They put the question, whether an Heathen Prince, de­nying the Exemption of the Clergy, may be admit­ted unto Baptisme (sub conditione) on this condi­tion, that he may not be deprived of that jurisdicti­on. Suarez shapeth an answer sutable to the Suarez Apolog. lib. 4. cap. 11. num. 18. Popes lawlesse supremacy: that it is so injust a condition, ut sub tali pacto, neque Baptismus alicui Principi sit concedendus, that on these termes, a Prince may not be admitted by Baptisme. In plaine termes, a King, and his whole Kingdome must be permitted to bee damned, rather than the Popes Praerogative over nationall lawes, must be prejudiced. Thus the Oecumenicall lawes are broken by the Oecumenicall Bishop. And if there bee, or ever hath beene such a one as [...], ( a lawlesse person) in the world, the Pope is He. For all the lawes in the world can­not consine him.

The last, indeed the least Law, is the Law Oeconomicall, in private Families: which need­eth least to be stood upon. If the old Babylon caried captive the people of Israel, and the Tribe of Iudah: thinke wee that the family of David, or House of Iechonias could bee freed? So, since the new Babylon hath inthralled, the Prime Law of the Scriptures, and the publike law of Nations: it were impossible to imagine, [Page 408] that the private law of every poore familie, and every personall interest should not sub­mit their neckes to his usurping tyranny. For Families! the great tye therein, is twofold: either of superiority betwixt children and Pa­rents: or of equalitie betwixt husband and wife. Now how both of these are torne in peeces, by popish intrusion: it may bee this point wanteth plaints, rather than proofes. For chil­dren, how sonnes are wrought into popish or­ders, without, and against their Parents con­sent; and daughters, that they are kept in Po­pish Nunneries, against their Parents, nay their owne consents; I would this were onely suspi­cious, and not notorious. Yea the Pope hath haled children, to the height of disobedience, rebellion, and to the height of rebellion: perjurie, Morn. Myst. Progres. 41. persidie, and parricide. Mathilda was instru­ment to Pope Vrbane 2, whereby Conradus was incited to an insurrection against the Emperour Henry 3, anno 1091. And about Morn. Myst. Progres. 42. 1100, the same Henry 3, had another sonne (afterward Henry 4,) instigated by Pope Pascal 2, who surprised him at a treatie, per­mitted his Father to begge a Clerkesh [...]p in Saint Maries Church at Spire, whereof himselfe had beene the Founder, of the Bishop of Spire, to whom he had beene Patron: by whom he was most churlishly rejected. Through the griefe whereof, and of other occurrences, the noble Emperour died. And his sonne Henry 4, Paulus Deacon. [...]ib. 4. cap. 38. though he k [...]lled him, yet could not bury him, [Page 409] but he lay without a grave for many yeeres together; for so the Pope did injoyne it.

Concerning Mariage: from marying they are inhibited, if maried, divorced: such as are under the Popes Iurisdiction. I will give one instance, to affirme each, and a third to a­vouch both. Gregory 7, was infinitely incen­sed, Sigonius lib. 9. de Reg. Italiae. that Mathilda was wedded to Atestanus the Marquesse of Azan; and the next yeare divor­ced her, under pretence of neernesse of kindred: whereas nothing was more common with him, than to dispence with degrees of neerer af­finitie. Innocent 3, divorced Ralph Earle of Vermandois, from his first wife, that he might assume a second, Petronilla the sister unto the Queene of France. Of which lawlesse act, Saint Bernard did complaine. God (saith he) did Bernard Epist. 216. ad Inno­cent. joyne Ralph, and his wife, by the Ministerie of the Church. Quo modo quos Ecclesia conjunxit, Cu­mera disjunxit? How could the Popes Cham­ber put a sunder, those whom Gods Church hath joyned together? Bernard might have satisfied his demand out of Saint Paul in this Text. The Pope did doe it: because hee was, and is [...], lawlesse, and therefore not tyed to give an account of his actions. Finally, foure hundred yeares after that, anno 1556, Pope Paul 4, sent a monitorie, to Dame Ioan of Ar­ragon wife of Ascanius Columna, that she should Trent Hist. lib. 8. not marry any of her daughters, without his leave: or if shee did, the matrimony though consummated, should be made void.

Some peradventure will here interpose a diminution, that though the Pope bee [...], yet is he (withall) [...] though hee out­leapeth the Lawes of God, and man, yet he will consine himselfe to his owne Constitutions; to those conclusions, which himselfe hath esta­blished, either privately in his Conclave, or publikely in the Councils. Bee it so, this is no hedge to his lawlesse out-leapes, for in b [...]th these, hee will leave a gappe, for his free egresse. The Councills are proponent ibus Legatis, & salva semper authoritate sedis Apo­stolicae, with caution not to touch the hemme of his Primacie. And for the Conclave, it is a Quarrells of Paul [...], with Veni [...]e. lib. 1. thing without doubt (quoth that judicious Author of that Venetian story) in the Court of Rome, that the Cardinalls voices are taken in Consistorie, onely in appearance, and by way of ceremony, in as much as they are never infor­med of the affaires wherof they are to treat;—so that the Popes goe with assurance to propound in Consistorie, whatsoever is to their humour: grounded upon the custome, which is amongst the Cardinalls, to consent to al that is proposed; which is openly derided in the Court of Rome, changing the latine word (by the figure of agnomination, assentiri, in­to assentari.

Howsoever, were the Popes Conclave, and Council-conclusions faire, and farre from fraud, when they are constituted, yet are they but twine-threeds to their Prerogative, they can­not [Page 411] binde it. In that contention 1605, be­twixt the Pope and Venice: The Venetians The quarrels of Paul 5, with the Venetians. pleaded for their action, the Law of Nature, Possession for a 1000 yeares, and the Popes ap­probation, by his owne Breves, extant in their publike Archiues. This threefold cord was ea­sily broken: and Paul the fift, commanded the revoking of that Venetian Law, although the Popes owne Breves did establish them.

Neither are their Councills any thing stron­ger, Sigonius do Reg. lib. 6. Baron. An. 897. Artic. 2. Pope Formosus, was by Pope Steven in a Councill digged out of his grave, condemned, and censured about 900. After whom Pope Iohn 10, in another Councill at Ravenna, did abrogate that act of his predecessour, and that Councill which concurred in the countenanc­ing, and commanding that action. Finally, the Pope himselfe Paschal the second; shall de­termine this question, who said (if Aventine Avent. lib. 6. say true) debere homines pro legibus habere, quae dicat: that men ought to esteeme The Popes words, to bee their Lawes. As much is here said by the Pope, as I can say of the Pope: al­though I give him that name which Saint Paul giveth to Antichrist, [...], the lawlesse person.

From hence, let understanding men con­ceive what manner of arguments, the Papists can vse to perswade them to their parties. Doe they dispute from the Scriptures? Alas the Pope doth dispence with the Scripture, and make his Decrees equall to the Scriptures? Doe [Page 412] they plead an Article of Faith? The Pope doth contradict the old Creed, and hath made a new Creed. May persons prevaile with thee? their reverend and learned Priests? the best of them (if an absolute Papist) is but the Popes creature, and like Balaam, Num. 22. 38. He hath power to speake nothing, but what his God (the Pope) doth put in his mouth. Doth thy child intreat thee. or thy wife intice thee? The Pope can cancell the bonds of Nature, and of wedlocke: His agents can make thy wise undutifull, and thy childe un­naturall. Or doe (those awefull motives to an honest heart) oathes move? Alas, alas, if thou couldest see all the blood which the Pope hath caused to be shed, by breaking of oathes, the Thames would seeme to bee but a Channell, compared to that Ocean. In a word, when thou canst trust a man, who neither obeyeth the scrip­ture, nor keepeth an oath: then beleeve the Pope, and Popish. [...] ill then my Tongue shall tell you, what my heart doth pray for you. The Pope is [...], one, who breaketh all Lawes: Hu­mane and Divine. Therefore; From that law­lesse, awelesse, faithlesse, gracelesse Man of Sin, Good Lord deliver us.


2 THESS. 2. 8. Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his comming.’

The Destruction of Antichrist. The beginning of Reformation. Poperie may return into England. Popery may not be put downe by force of Armes. The finall destruction of the Pope uncertaine. Popery shall not be extinguished till the last day. The destruction of Rome.

THis part of this verse con­taineth the third part of this Discourse, Antichrist de­stroyed. Where wee have his double destruction, or ra­ther two degrees of destroy­ing him. First, the diminish­ing of Antichristianisme, in the first words, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of [Page 414] his mouth: and secondly, the finishing thereof, in the remnant of my text, and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his comming. In each observe the Instrument, and the Agent: the instrument of the first, is the spirit of his mouth: the instru­ment of the last, is the brightnesse of his com­ming: and the Agent in both, is, the Lord: whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and destroy with the brightnesse of his comming.

The first degree of the destruction of Anti­christ, is his diminishing in the first words, whom the Lord shall consume, [...]. This one word, hath two significations, and answe­rably it occasioneth two translations: it sig­nifieth both consumere & consicere, both to con­sume, and to kill. The latine popish translati­on, hath the latter: but Beza hath the former. In English the Rhemists read, the Lord shall kill that wicked one by the spirit of his mouth: our translation hath it, the Lord shall consume him with the spirit of his mouth. I follow our new translation, as the most true translation, for soure causes.

First the killing of Antichrist is in the next part of this same verse [...], and shall de­stroy, and so sudden a tautologie cannot be ve­ry convenient, nor probable.

Secondly, the manner of Antichrists rising, it was not simul & semel, on the sudden, but sen­sim & sine sensu, by little and little, so his fall must bee by little and little, indeed a very Consumption.

Thirdly, the hinderer of Antichrist, the Emperour did not fall at once, but by little and little, in the tract of many yeeres, yea Ages: so also shall Antichrist consume away.

Finally, the nature of the word and use thereof is more proper to his signification, [...], to consume away ones estate, not to play it away at one game: so also is time said [...], to wither beauty, and that is Chrysosto [...]s [...]. withered in time, not in a moment: [...], the similie is Saint Chrysostomes. As fire being farre off, doth cause slies to bee benummed, and to wast away before it doth burne them, with the flame thereof. So doth CHRIST consume Antichrist, and cause him to waste away, before hee absolutely destroy him with the brightnesse of his comming. Wee may not thinke, that Christ hath smit, or will smite Antichrist, as Ge­deon did Zeba and Zalmunna, Iudg. 8. 21. to kill him at one blow: but as in likelihood [...]ether would have smote them, to have given them many small wounds, before hee cut them downe.

That phrase in the Psalme 58. 7. fitteth this action, Antichrist is consumed like a snaile, and wasted away like the untimely fruit of a woman. The sense then, of this first phrase is cleere: Antichrist being at the height of Earthly Pompe, and perverting the people, hee shall bee destroyed and consumed, [Page 416] by little and little, in a long time. This is the first kind, or degree of his destruction.

Experience applyeth this, to the Papacie: the Trent Hist. lib. 1. pag. 3. pompe and pitch whereof, was about 1500 yeares after Christ. When there were in all Christendome, onely some remainder of the Albigenses about the Alpes: and some re­liques of the Hussites, and Calistini in Bohemia. So few and so ignorant poore people, that they had neither learning nor ability to oppose the Potent Tyranny of the Antichristian Papacy.

Concerning the fall whereof, there have Pless. Myster. Progres. 65. beene observed many prodigious precursers. Instantly before that time a Thunderbolt beat downe, the Angell on the top of the Towre of Saint Angelo: this was in the time of Alexan­der 6. But anno 1517, on the very day, and in that very Church, when pope Leo 10 at Rome, did create one and thirty Cardinals, a sudden tempest dashed the keyes out of the hands of the Image of Saint Peter. About which time, the necessity of the Papacy, forced the Pope, to per­mit the house of Austria, to grow a little too great, to the lessening of his Antichristian au­thority. But in the selfe same yeare, 1517, it Trent Hist. lib. 1. pag. 4. pleased God to smite the greatness therof, by a poore instrument▪ Leo giving the Indulgences of Saxony, and that side of Germany, unto his sister Magdalene, wife to Francischetto Cibo, the bastard sonne of Pope Innocent 8. This money being exacted by Arembaldus, then a Bishop, before a Merchant of Genoa. This ope­ned [Page 417] the eyes and mouth of Martin Luther, to discry and discover the Antichristian Church of Rome, which brought such a Consumption thereof, that Saxony fell from Rome, Hassia fol­lowed Saxony, the Palatinate Hassia, and Hel­vetia the Palatinate in a few yeares.

How since, their greatnesse hath decreased, their Consumption increased: I call to witnesse Bellarm▪ de P. R. 3, 21. one of their owne authors, an uncontrolable testimony. Thus Bellarmine relateth it: The Lutheran Heresie possesseth (saith hee) almost all Germanie, Denmarke, Norway, Suevia, Got­thia, Hungaria, Pannonia, France, England, Scot­land, Polonia, Bohemia and Helvetia: yea (saith he) it is climbed over the Alpes also, and ente­red in Italie also. Omitting their fabulous In­dian Conversions, true Perversions, and subver­sions. I thinke Rome hath received a blow, and Lessius de Anti­christo Demonst. 16. doth [...], it is fallen into a deepe Con­sumption.

This point may wee use to expell security. though Antichrist be consumed, yet is not hee yet dead. And as persons sicke of a Consumption, a little before they dye, recover fresh colour and new spirits: So for Antichrist, although his death cannot be farre off, because wee suppose the day of the Lord to be nigh: yet what strength he may recover, in any particular Countrey, be­fore that day, God knoweth. Wofull experi­ence doth teach us, that Popery hath re-entred Bohemia, and the Palatinate. And what returne it may make into Holland & France, I beleeve [Page 418] the stoutest heart, doth now rather relye on the mercy of God, than on any power of Man to prevent: Yea even in England, there are those that hope, that their Consumption is not desperate: but that Poperie may have recoverie, even amongst us also. But I trust their Hope is groundlesse, and shall be fruitlesse. Blessed bee God, we have such a King: we may dormire in utramque aurem, we may rest secure under the shadow of his wings. He doth not onely professe the truth, but know the truth. The uncomparable sonne of an unmatchable Father. The Father: Never did Prince suffer more, never did Prince write so much, for the Reformed Religion: And the Sonne, hee hath the same affection to it, though (God be blessed) not the like affliction for it. He hath the same heart, though not the same penne. We had a Iames, we have a Charles, This is, he was, here is the Anchor of our hope, against all Antichristian attemps. Notwith­standing let us shake off securitie. Let us watch and pray, least we enter into that fearefull temptation. Let us lift up our hands and our hearts unto God; that amongst us Antichrist may consume, til the Consummatum est. That Po­pery may consume, and wast away in our Land, if it be his blessed will, even till the second com­ming of our blessed Saviour Christ.

The instrument diminishing Antichrists ty­ranny is the spirit of the Lords mouth. The in­terpretatiō whereof is faire without forcing: delivered by Damascene, [...], Damascenus 4, 27. [Page 419] that is, [...]: by the spirit of his mouth, that is, by the word of his mouth, saith Damascene. The like phrase we read in Isaiah, 11. 4. He shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. The same phrase, in the 4, of the Hebrewes, and the 12. The word of the Lord is sharper than any two-edged sword. And a two­edged sword, to come out of his mouth, is the de­scription of Christ, given by Christ, Rev. 1. 16. Such a simily also do Interpreters raise from Revel. 6. 2. He who sitteth on the white horse, is expounded to be the Ministers, who are said to have a Crowne, the embleme of Victory, and a Bow, signifying the easinesse of his Victory: the Lord will overcome his enemies a farre off, and strike them by his Word (as it were with a Bow) without any labour. Three reasons make good this exposition. First Antichrist did at­taine his Dominion, by false expounding of the word: therefore the true expounding of the word shall lessen and diminish the same. Next, he doth maintaine his tyranny by the ignorance of the word: therefore the knowledge of the word, shall diminish and discover the same. And finally, God doth use his owne mouth, and not the hand of man, his word, and not the sword of Princes, to consume the Adversary; that the honor of that Conquest may be wholly and soly ascribed unto him. Not unto us, not unto us O Lord, but unto thy Name doe we yeeld the glorie. The sonne of David commeth against this Go­liah, [Page 420] not with a sword, and speare, and shield, but in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the Armies of Israel, whō this man of sinne hath defied. I will seale up the exposition of these words, with the saying of our late learned Sove­raigne: Praemonition pag. 54. The word of God, and the preaching ther­of is meant by the spirit of the Lords mouth, which shall piece by piece consume and diminish the power of that man of sinne, till the brightnesse of the Lords second comming shall utterly abolish him.

Here must I speake a little of that great question, whether it be lawfull for Protestants to put downe Popery by force of Armes. I professe my selfe to bee both [...], and [...] both a Peacekeeper, and a Peacemaker: to bee bound both to perswade, and to practise Peace, by a double bond: as I am a Christian, and as I am a Preacher. I say therefore to take the proposition plainly; It is unlawfull for Pro­testants, to put downe Popery by force of Armes.

These are the arguments which perswade me; 1, the phrase of my text doth teach us, [...], words, not swords, must bee the instruments to consume Antichrist. 2, The same lessō have our forefathers learned in the schoole of Experience; their testimonie tells us of Henries and Frederickes, of many famous Germane Emperours, who have contended to breake the yoake of Papall Tyranny from their necks by their Armes: but they have gotten no­thing (unlesse it were the changing of a wodden yoake, into one of Iron) by their warlike con­tention. [Page 421] 3, I prove it à Pari: Wee ought not to make Warre upon the Turke, onely for Reli­gion: therefore, neither against the Pope. I conceive it unlawfull for any Christian Prince to invade the Turke, upon the pure, and sole title of Religion, who hath interest in those territories, jure belli, by Conquest, by the peoples submission, and by a long possession. Be­cause the matter of faith and Religion, neither giveth to any Prince, nor taketh from any, the proprietie of his temporall estate. Barbarous Ma­homet Ep. Morbisani ad Pium 20 had art enough to urge this argument against Pope Pius the second: that he erred in exciting Cruciados to invade Turkie, for (said he) ex lege ipsius Christi, non potestis aliquem, ad credulitatem compellere: that is, by the Law of Christ, it is not lawfull for Christians, to compell any to Christianity. 4, Ab exemplo, we have no such precept of Christ, or patterne of the primi­tive Christians, to propagate the Gospell by war: gladio or is, not ore gladij: ever they did it by the word, never by the sword. 5, Ad hominem, wee our selves condemne their Cruciados and Renegados: the Popes inticing of Princes to pub­like invasion, or of subjects to domesticall insur­rection. 6, Conversion by compulsion, is not of Christian lenity: Christ himselfe comparing it to the piping of children. 7, All this I con­firme with the sentence of our earthly King Iames, on Rev. 20. Quaerunt impij & persequn­tur fideles: Fideles inquisitionē, & persecutionem patiuntur: that is, the ungodly doe inquire for [Page 422] and persecute the faithfull: but it is the proper­tie of the faithfull to suffer their Inquisition and Persecution: and 8, with the saying of the King of Heaven, Impij obsident, fideles obsidentur: the wicked are the Besiegers, and the faithfull the besieged, Rev. 20. 9. For never did the Lambe hunt the wolfe, nor the Dove pursue the Hauke: but the contrarie is continuall. Therfore sim­ply it is unlawfull, for Protestants to put downe Po­perie by force of Armes. It remaineth then, that we distinguish of the Persons moving the warre, and of the reasons moving the persons.

The Person moving this warre must be Sum­mus Magistratus, a Soveraigne: No subjects may take up Armes for propagating their Reli­gion.

This indeed is objected, by the Papists, un­to Monarcho [...]ach. [...]art. 1. tit. 6. Fra [...]in. oratione habita Lovanij anno 1565. Melancton lib. Consil. Evang. part. 1. p. 314. [...]ilson. the French, Dutch, Germans, and Suevians, and indeed to all the Reformed: that they re­formed Religion by Rebellion. Some answer, they did take up armes, onely se defendendo, to save their liues from implacable violence. Some, that they tooke up armes against their fellow subjects, who abused the authority and minority of their Kings. Some, that their sove­raigne was not an absolute Prince, but onely ex Abbot de Antic. cap. 7. sect. 6. conditione. Some, that those warres were ma­naged jure suo, non aliquo ecclesiae privilegio, for the infringing of the fundamentall Lawes of those Lands, not for any reasons of Religion. Others, render other reasons. For my selfe: I say, I know not the Lawes of those Republikes, [Page 423] nor the circumstances of those warres. I will therefore speake judicio contemplativo, not pra­ctico, Sayrus Clavis Regia lib. 12. cap. 3. num. 26. proceed to the Position, and passe by the objections against the Persons.

It is I say absolutely unlawfull for subjects in the cause of Religion, to take up armes against their Prince, nay without their Prince: bee the Warre offensive, yea but defensive. Suscipiendi belli authoritas penes Principem, saith Saint Au­gustine: August. contra Faust. lib. 22. cap. 75. it is the Prerogative of Princes, to move Warre: no subjects may usurpe upon it. Nay though the persons be Religious, and the cause Religion: yet is it Rebellion or Treason, to take up Armes against, or without the Prince. Damhouderius in prax. Crimin. cap. 82. Foure things, say the Lawyers are required to make a warre just, and warrantable, justa causa, recta intentio, personarum idonietas, & authoritas Principum, sine qua est laesa majestas, there must (say they) concurre, a just cause, a right intenti­on, fit persons, and the Princes authority, without which the warre is high Treason. Warre made by a subject is unjust though the cause be just: for the justnesse of the cause, cannot give lawfull power. A just cause, good intention, power, and jurisdiction must concurre to make such pub­like actions warrantable. Warre (we see) with­out the Prince is unlawfull, though for Religion: but against the Prince, though for Religion, it is farre more unlawfull. Take Saint Augustines judgement for the ancient Christians: ye see, said he, to Marcellinus, the Powers of this world August. Epist. 5. ad Marcel. which once did persecute Christians in behalfe of [Page 424] their Images, they are now conquered, non a Re­pugnantibus, sed à morientibus Christianis, not by the Warres, but by the (patience and) deaths of Christians. Take Master Bezaes judgement Bezalibro Con­fess. sidei cap. 5. sect. 45. for the later Christians: Quod autem ad Priva­tos Homines attinet, concerning Subjects, saith he, [...]juriam pati nostrum est, it is their dutie to suffer, neque ullum aliud remedium proponitur pri­vatis hominibus tyranno subiectis, praeter vitae emendationem, preces, & la [...]rimas: and though they bee subiects to a Tyrant, they have no o­ther remedy, but amending their lives, and com­mending their cause to God. And the judge­ment of all Christians is recorded, in that pri­mitive perpetuated proverbe, Arma Christia­norum, sunt preces & lachry [...]e: Prayers and teares are the onely weapons of Christians. Their practice also, hath made good their proverbe. Valentius decreed to banish Eusebius from Sa­mosata: Theodoret. lib. 4. cap. 14. the people tooke up Armes: Eusebius appeased the people, opposed not the Prince, but submitted himselfe to banishment. Valen­tiniane sent Calligonus his Chamberlaine, to ter­risie Saint Ambrose from his opinions, by menacies of death and torments. That holy man returned no resistance, but this reply; Deus permittat tibi, ut impleas quod minaris. Indeed saith he, God may please to permit you, to put in execution, what you threaten. Ego patiar quod est Episcopi: tu sacies, quod Spadonis. I wil dis­charge the duty of a Bishop, doe you the Office of an Eunuch. It was the famous onset which [Page 425] the armed Christians gave to their Emperour, though a Pagan: Caesar oramus, non pugnamus: Sir our tongues beseech thee, our hands, shall not touch thee. In generall: From the passion Hist. Papatus cap. 9. of Christ, to the persecution of Dioclesian the poore Christians were savagely persecuted, with intolerable, innumerable▪ incredible tor­tures, 20000 put to death at once, and whole nations extirpated, yet it was never knowne that (though they were of equall number and force) ever they armed themselves against the Emperour any otherwise, than with Patience. To shut up all in the example of him who should be all in all: Christ himselfe comman­ded Peter to put up his sword▪ it is no proper weapon to defend his quarrell. And in truth, those that maintaine Warres warrantable, in such cases of Religion, they plucke the flower from the Garland, or rather the Garland from the Head of the Church. There will be no Martyrdome, if private men may make resistance against per­secutors.

The occasions of warre, are either Proper or Accidentall: the proper occasion is that which maketh men take up armes of it selfe, without any other reason adioyned: the accidentall, is the occasion which concurreth, but not of necessity. Thus it is not lawfull for one Prince which is a Protestant, to invade another who is a Papist, as he dissereth in Religion: but as hee is a Truce­breaker, Incroacher, or a Disturber of the Publike Peace, &c.

Thus Constantine warred against Lucinius Dan [...]us de An­tichrist c. 29. his Colleague, not because he was an Infidell, but because he persecuted the Christians, contrarie to their capitulations, one Article of their league betwixt them, being this, to permit the Christians to live in Peace. I say therefore: I do not approve the shedding of Christian blood, in the cause of Religion. But this I adde: if the Pope shall proceed to maintaine them, who maintaine these Traiterous positions, (such as Bellarmine, Baronius, Becanus, Suarez, &c.) That the Pope hath power either directly or indirectly, to take away the subiects, Crownes, or Lives of a­ny Princes; I say, then these Princes may iustly take armes to defend themselves, and to invade their adversaries. Yea more: as Hanibal in­vaded Rome, but the Romanes setched him home, by a [...]saulting his Charthage: So when it is apparent, that Rome sendeth forth advice, and agents to raise Rebellions, or Invasions a­gainst Protestant Princes: then may Protestant Princes justly raise forces to raze that Citie, which is the shop of Treason, and to ruine Rome it selfe. This wee may conjecture to be the foretelling of that prophecie of Grosthead: Matth. Paris. in Henr. 3. nec liberabitur Ecclesia ab Aegyptica servitute nisi in ore gladij cruentandi, the Church (said that Bishop of Lincolne) shall not bee free from that Aegyptian slaverie, but by effusion of blood. And this we may conceive to bee the fulfilling of Saint Iohns prophecy, Revel. 18. 6, 8. Rome shall be burned, even by those Princes in whose [Page 427] territories, the Pope hath kindled many com­bustions. Morn [...]us myst. Progres. 65. Hence Lewis the twelfth King of France, caused to bee disputed in a Synode at Tours, Num liceret Papae, absque causa, Principi bellum inferre? whether it were lawfull for the Pope, on no cause to make warre on any Prince? and when it was answered negative­ly, that it was not lawfull; Hee propounded a second question. Num non tali Principi, pro sua desensione, fas sit eum invadere? whether it were not lawfull for such a Prince, thereupon to in­vade the Pope? their suffrages did returne the conclusion, That it was lawfull. Hence also the same King commanded these words, to bee stamped on his coine, Perdā Babylonem, I will destroy Babylon.

Without these limitations: the Sword which we must use against the Papists, is Ephes. 6. 17. the sword of the spirit, the word of God, preaching; yea, ecce duo gladij hic, Luk. 22. 38. wee may unsheath two swords against them, our publike preaching, and your owne private Catechising. Would you more weapons? I shewed you some before, Christianorum arma, sunt preces & lachrymae: Prayers, and Teares are our weapons. Yea yet more, Ephes. 6. 14. we must arme our selves with the Breast-plate of righteous­nesse that is, with Innocence. Here is the Ma­gazin of Protestants. Doe we desire the confu­sion of Antichrist? Doe we desire (I know wee doe desire it) doe we indeed desire that Pope­rie may be expelled ont of our Countrey? then [Page 428] must we sight against it, by our Preaching and Praying: Prayers and Teares, Penitence and In­nocence, are all our weapons. Therefore the God of Hoas [...]s grant, that all of us may use all of them.

The third point, but the second part, or degree in the destruction of Antichrist, is the fi­nishing of his Tyranny in the word following, [...] the Lord will destroy him. I need not labour in the interpretation of this point: for wee have a concurring consent without contradiction: all confesse that Antichristia­nisme shall be finished, and that Antichrist shall bee absolutely destroyed. Thus they quote, Dan. 7. 11. I beheld till the beast was slaine, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning slame. Thus they and we cite, Revel. 18. 21. A mighty Angell tooke up a stone like a great milstone, and cast it into the Sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great City Babylon bee throwne downe, and shall be found no more at all. As also Revel. 20. 10. The Devill, the Beast, and the False Pro­phet, shallbe cast into the lake of fire and brim­stone.

Onely the word is emphaticall, [...] that is, The mysterie of iniquity, is [...], a cunning worke: but Christ shall make it [...], that is, ineffectuall, and utterly defeat it. Though the Antichristian attempts against the Church be tempestuous: yet shall Christ say to the See of Rome, as he did to the Sea of Galilie, Marc. 4. 39. Obmutesce, bee still: & cam reddet placi­dam [Page 429] magis, quam est mare, c [...]m Alcedo pullos edit suos, as Plautus his phrase is, he will becalme all his tempestuous projects. And Antichrist shall inherit his fathers fortunes. Diabolus Dei ser­vis Ambros [...]in Ephes 6. tempestatem commovet, sed ipse nanfragium facit: Antichrist shall raise stormes and tem­pests, but he himselfe shall suffer shipwracke: for the Church is built upon a Rocke. Or if their super subtle devises doe undermine the Gospel, Christ will make good his own phrase, Cant. 2. 15. Prehendam vulpes, vincam corrumpentes: I will destroy the Foxes, who would destroy my poore Church. And indeed if it were not for this expectation, wee Protestants might take up that saying of S. Paul, 1 Cor. 15. 19. We were of all men the most miserable. For considering their Number, and Learning, and Plots, and policy, and power, and implaca­ble hatred, how can wee ever hope to escape destruction? But that Christ is here said to destroy the destroyer, [...], he will give a pe­riod to all their projects.

Againe, I thinke the Israelites did never groane more under the yoak of Pharaoh, than the Protestants doe under the tyranny of An­tichrist. Some by passion, some by compassion, and some by propassion. The torments of some in the Inquisition, may have surpassing sense, for they are surpassing understanding. That Po [...]ra­rium: Cyprian. epist. 22 on the R [...]cke torments draw confession from [...] in the Inquisition (if there be not a mira­culous patiened) tortures draw men from con­fessiō; [Page 430] Hic pressura, ut illic usura: their hellish tor­ments are there, like our heavenly ioyes hereaf­ter: eye hath not seene, nor care heard, neither have entred into the hart of man, the things which those devills have prepared for them, which love God. 1 Cor. [...]. 9. Further more, their passion doth produce our compassion. Alij ferendo patiuntur, alij cognoscen­do compatiuntur: Saint Augustine telleth Italica Aug. [...]pi [...] [...] Italica. that some Christians did seele afflictions, and had a Passion, others did know the afflictions they felt, and had a compassion: communis tamen sit afflictio, and so were both Afflicted. In prostrat is fratribus, & me prostrauit affectus, said Saint Cyprian, and all the Saints say so with Cyprianus de Lipsis. him: to thinke of their torments is a torment to all truc Christians. We cannot but have fellow feeling of their miseries. Finally, for our selves by propass [...]on: Hod [...]e mihi, cras tibi. To thinke, that we also may fal into the hāds of the same Tormentors. I thinke it will make a stonie heart to tremble. But Saint Paul doth here adde com­fort, and courage unto vs, [...], the Lord will destroy him. And Cypriam doth second St. Cyprian epist. [...]. num. 6. Paul, venit Antichristus: super venit Christus: Antichrist doth come upon us, and Christ doth come upon him, the Lord will destroy the destroyer: there shall be an end of all their Antichristian Policies, and cruelties.

Me thinketh the potent Papists speake to the poore Protestants, in the dialect of Rabshekah 2 Reg. 18. 22. 25. & 27. You say unto us, yee tr [...]rc▪ in the Lord your God, is not that he whose high pla­ces, [Page 431] and whose altars Hezekiah hath taken away, and hath said to Iudah and Ierusalem, you shall worship before this Altar in Ierusalem? Am I now come without the Lord, against this land, to de­stroy it? the Lord said unto me, Go up against this land, and destroy it. And hath our Master sent us to your Master, and to you, to speake these words? Hath he not sent me to the men, which sit on the walls, that they may eate their owne dung, and drinke their owne pisse with you? And me think­eth I heare the Protestants answering in the phrase of Solomon, Eccles. 11. 9. Reioyce O strong man in thy strength, and let thy heart cheare thee in the dayes of thy strength, and walke in the wayes of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know that for all these things, GOD will bring thee to Iudgement.

Againe the distressed oppressed Prote­stants, seeme to cry to God, in the voyce of those Martyrs, Revel. 6. 10. How long Lord, doest thou not judge and revenge our blood? and GOD to replie in the words of the Psalme 27. O tarrie thou the Lords leasure: and he will give thee thy hearts desire. What can our hearts desire more than this? an end of all Antichristian mischievous bloodie proiects, an end of our brethrens torments, and an end of our owne feares? The text im­plyeth as much: if wee will tarie the Lords leasure, wee shall have our hearts desire. [...], the Lord will consume, and destroy An­tichrist with all his Adherents.

The instrument of destroying Antichrist is [...], the comming of the Lord: which inter­preters take for the last comming of Christ to judge the quicke and the dead, mentioned in the Creed. In this sense is this phrase used, 1 Thess. 2. 19. and 1 Thess. 3. 13. the same signification is established from the epithete [...], the brightnesse of his comming. Which Saint Paul to Titus 2. 13. doth terme the glorious appea­rance of the great God. So also is it expounded by Saint Augustine De Civitate Dei, lib. 18. c. 4. The meaning then is, Antichrist shall bee de­stroyed utterly at the comming of Christ unto judg­ment.

Concerning this great question, the finish­ing and finall destruction of Antichrist: I must speake both briefly and very cautelously. For this point is future. And prophetare non praesu­mimus, nec de futuris contingentibus scientiam Dounam Deren­sis de Antichr. part. 2. Dem. 16. Sect. 1. assumimus: wee neither assume to foresee, nor presume to foretell things future, contingent, to come: saith our judicious Bishop. The de­struction therefore of Antichrist being to come I cannot dispute nor define particulars there­of. I disclaime all curiosities in this discourse. I dare not wade so farre, as some Papists, who describe the very circumstances thereof. For the Place: Occidetur in Oliveto; he shall bee slaine in Mount Olivet, saith Hoveden. The person slaying him, Occidetur ab Archangell Raphaelc, the Archangell Raphael shall be the Matth. Westm, aetat. 4 c. 16. Executioner, saith their Sibyl, in our Matthew of [Page 433] Westminster. The maner: Ascendente Antichri­sto Steuartius in 2 Thess 2. 8. per aera, audietur vox Christi, coelo missi, mo­rere, & confestim fulmine percussus, interibit: saith the Vicechancelor of Ingolstade. When Antichrist (saith he) shall slye in the ayre, there shall this voice be heard from heaven, Morere, Dye wretch: in which moment he shall be shat­tered in pieces with a thunderbolt. But these are groundlesse predictions, and grosse con­tradictions to the truth: therefore onely to name these fictions is enough, if not too much. Neither dare I follow some Protestants: who are too confident in defining of Antichrists fal, and finall overthrow. Iohannes Aventrotus as­signeth Iohan. Aventrot. ad Regem Hisp. pag 43. the Popes universall overthrow, unto the very yeare 1621: experience hath confuted his over-confident conclusion. Na­peir doth precisely determine, the utter de­struction Napeir in Apoc. cap. 14. of Rome to fall out anno 1639. The Pamphlet set out under the title of T. L. is T. L. dedicated to Q. Elizabeth pag. 108. peremptory, that the period of Antichrists reigne shall pitch upon the yeare of our Lord 1666, unto which hee maketh that number 666, Revel. 13. to accord. Learned Moulin is as punctuall, The persecution under the Pope, Peter Moulin Accompl [...]shment pag. 412. & 250. shall have an end in the yeare 1689. And the Epocha, and full point of his Hierarchicall Em­pire must be in the yeare of our Lord 2005. I dare not subscribe to any of these: no, nor to those who dare desine any time: saying, that Rome, the Pope, or Antichrist, must be destroy­ed within such a compasse. Prophetiae non in­telligantur, [Page 434] donec compleantur. Time is the on­ly interpreter of Prophecies. We therefore who are before them, cannot declare them.

In two words, take notice of two things: there is Romana sedes, and Romana sides: that is, there is the Seat or possession of Antichrist, and the Service or profession of Antichrist. The last doubtlesse shall continue to the last day. Papistry shall not utterly be extinguished: but as the Text speaketh, by the brightnesse of Christs comming.

But for the seat of Antichrist, for Rome it selfe, it may bee said boldly, that that Citie shall have [...], an vtter subversion before that day. Revel. 18. 19. and 21. it is said there shall be a cry, that in one houre shee is made desolate. And an Angell cast a great Mil­stone into the Sea, saying; that with violence the great Citie Babylon shall be throwne downe, and shall be found no more. Which Babylon if it be a particular City, Suarez doth acknowledge, Suarez Apol. lib. 5. cap. 7. Malvenda de Antich. lib. 4. cap. 4. that it can be no other than Rome. And Mal­venda more positively and pere [...]ptorily: Non potuit manifestius Romanam urbem, veluti digito demonstrari: he saith, that Saint Iohn doth as it were point at Rome with his finger. Both concurring that there shall bee a fearfull sub­version, and finall eversion thereof. So that the prophecie of Valerius Probus may be veri­fied, R R R and F F F, that is, Regnum Romae Ruet, the Republike of Rome shall be Ruined, Ferro, Flamma, & Fame, with Famine, Fire, [Page 435] and sword. And Suarez seems to anticipate some Suarez A [...]olog. lib 1 cap. 5. num. 5. such evēt, by a suppositiō he maketh: althogh he muffleth it up in a piè credendū, that it shal never be so: posset particularis Ecclesia Romana deficere, & Episcopum suum abijcere: that is, the Pope of Rome may be forced out of the City of Rome. It may be that old Iesuite did dreame of some new Prophecy answerable to our old Proverbe: Avignon was, Rome is, and Toledo shall be. The Summe is this: The Papacy may be ruinated, but Popery retained: the pompe may be dimini­shed, extinguished, but the profession of the Church of Rome shall remaine so long on earth, as the Sunne doth in heaven. The Text saith, the man of sinne shall not bee utterly destroyed, but by the brightnesse of Christs comming.

The Agent which doth use his Spirit to di­minish, and will use his brightnesse to finish the force and fury of Antichrist, is the Lord. The Lord is the ordinary epi [...]hete of Iesus: im­plying that that Lord is now our extraordina­rie Saviour. Hee did save us from our sinnes, Matth. 1. 21. he doth save us from our enemies also, from our grand enemy, Antichrist. The Lord doth consume, and will destroy that wic­ked one, saith my Text.

At this time the Church christā may truly be termed the Church militant. And we may sup­pose us all as it were incamped in the valley of 1 Sam. 17. 2. Elah. The Papists having pitched on the one side like the Philistims, and the Protestants on the other, like the Israelites. They approach [Page 436] us, in the guise of Goliah, with Swords, and Verse 44, 45. Speares, and shields, to give our slesh to the fowles of the ayre, and beasts of the field. And we en­courage our selves in that phrase of David: The Lord saveth not by sword nor speare, that all the earth may know, that there is a God in Israel. All our comfort and courage against Anti­christ is in our Captaine: The Lord will con­sume him.

Alexander was so great a Captaine, that Iu­stine Iustin. hist. l 12. reporteth three rare things of him. First, Cum nullo hostium unquam congressus est, quem non vicerit: He never sought battell but hee wonne the field. Secondly, Nullam urbem ob­sedit, quam non expugnaverit: Hee never did besiege City but he caried it. Thirdly, Nullam Gentem adijt, quam non calcaverit: he never in­vaded Country but he conquered it. So great a Captaine was Alexa [...]er the great: but be­hold a greater than that great Alexander is here. No power, place, nor people, can protect Antichrist against Christ: but the Lord hath discovered his heresie, and in the fulnesse of time will root out the very memory of An­tichrist. And for his Throne also: Iericho did fall, Babylon is falne, and Rome may fall. For the Lord will consume the Man of sinne, even be­sore his comming.

To acknowledge mine owne frailties. When lately my meditations looked upon the Pope, (as men use to looke) according to the outward appearance: I confesse his great­nesse [Page 437] did astonish me. When I considered his owne Temporall Dominions, that obeyed him, power no way contemptible: his Creatures that depend on him, people indeed innumera­ble: Princes that support him, Potentates in­vincible: his riches and revenues, a masse of money incomparable: and his private friends in every publike wealth, who walke like Gyges, unsuspected and invisible: and how all these are knit together with rare magnanimity and unanimity, to prosequute their purposes. On the other side, when I considered the decli­ning Church of our dismall times: the losse of [...]ohemia, and of the Palatinate: the despaire of Hungary, distresse of Denmarke, and danger of all Germany: the poverty of France, and jeo­pardy of the Netherlands: the unsoundnesse of some Calvinists, and unkindnesse of many Lu­therans: and which concerneth us nearer; the divisions and subdivisions in our owne countrey: such factions and fractions: so many disloyall Papists, so many discontented Professors: and so few—so very few true Protestants, who truly love both verity and unity: who impartially love both the Common wealth, and the Church of England.

This meditation made mee almost to cry out with Elishahs servant: Alas what shall wee 2 King. 6. 15. doe? behold an hoste compasseth our Church, both horses and chariots. And it brought mee al­most to the same point with the man of Ben­jamin, 1 Sam. 4. 12. & 15. To runne with earth [Page 438] on my head, to rend my garments, and report, The Israelites will slye before the Philistines, there will be a great slaughter of the people. And certain­ly the Arke of the Lord will be taken.

But my spirits were recalled, by remem­bring who was our Captaine, even Christ, even the Lord: the Lord of Hosts: and therefore a great Captaine.

It is reported of Alexander the great, that Iust. hist. l. 12. great Captaine: that he infused such courage into his Souldiers, ut illo praesente nullius hosti­um arma, vel incrmes timuerint: that in his pre­sence they would decline no armed enemy, al­though they themselves had beene unarmed. So Christ (let the comparison bee made with all reverence) his presence will incourage every childe to become a man, every man a souldier, and every souldier a champion: a Worthy, like Eleazer the sonne of Dodo, to fight Gods bat­tels, 2 Sam. 23. 10. as hee did Davids battells, till our hand cleave to the sword. Or like those other Worthies, Vers. 16. in the same Chapter, to breake through the host of the Philistines, in Gods cause, though wee dye for it.

The whole difference is this: They come against us with Fire, and Sword, and Power, and Potentates, and Powder, and Poison, and In­vasion, and Armes: But we to withstand Anti­christ, and all his Armies, we have nothing—wee have nothing—but onely—the Lord. Oh! exurgat Deus, & dissipentur inimici: Let the Lord arise, and his enemies be confounded. Let [Page 439] the Lord fight for us, and the Agents of Antichrist be converted. But if they will not, let the brightnesse of the Lord consume them: even like the dust before the wind [...], the Angell of the Lord scattering them. In a word,

The Lord is on our side:
Therefore the Lord give us
courage, that we do not feare,
what Antichrist can doe unto us.


2 THESS. 2. 9, 10. With signes and lying wonders.’

Of lying Miracles. Of Popish Miracles: to prove Pilgrimages: Prayers for the Dead: Purgatory: Invocation of Saints: Adoration of Images: Adoration of the Hoste: the Pri­macy. The miracle, Revel. 13. 13. explained. Whether Papists doe any Miracles. Whether Miracles should perswade unto Popery.

OF the five points, which at the first I purposed and proposed to bee handled, concerning Antichrist: ha­ving accomplished three, I addresse my discourse to the fourth. How Antichrist is described, revealed, and to bee destroyed, you have heard: Heare now how he is confirmed. Confirmed he hath beene, is, and shall be, by two meanes: the Principall and Instrumentall. In the meanes principall, ponder wee two [Page 441] points, the person, Satan: and his potency, with all power. The meanes instrumentall is also two­sold, Miracles, his comming shall bee with signes and lying wonders: and Oracles, with all deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse. I foretold you in the seventh verse, discoursing of that Mystery of iniquity, that my meditations did flow in such abundance, that I was constrained to divide that great streame into lesser chanels. Part therefore of that plentifull theame I re­served unto this verse: yea unto one part of this verse: nay unto one branch of that part: the Miracles containe a great mystery of Popery, that it is supported and propagated by Mi­racles, by signes and lying wonders.

The first instrument I must speake of at this time: of which the Apostle doth speake in these words, and with signes and lying wonders. This is a grant and ground of the Papists themselves, in this point of Antichrist, that he shall be confirmed by miracles. This is Suarez Suarez Apolog. lib. 5. cap. 17. nu. 12. Bell. de P. Rom. lib 3. c. 15. Less de Antich. dem. 19. Sanders de An­tich. dem. 19, 20, 21, 23. his argument: this also is Bellarmine his argu­ment: Apodicticall Lessius maketh this a de­monstration: yea Sanders draweth foure De­monstrations from this property. I will pro­pose with the consent of the Papists,

To come with signes and lying wonders is the pro­perty of Antichrist.

I assume, and will make it good.

But the Pope doth come with signes & lying wōders

Therfore the Pope hath one property of Antichrist.

[...], whose comming shall be with signes, [Page 442] and lying wonders. Whose comming, that is, after he is revealed. As it is in the 7 verse, When the hinderer is taken out of the way, Then (as it fol­loweth verse 8.) shall that wicked one bee revea­led: and then (saith my text) shall his comming be confirmed with signes and lying wonders, [...] a signe, doth properly signifie a thing which is done praeter communem consue­tudinem, contrary to the common use, and manner of actions. It is termed [...] when it hapneth praeter naturā, contrary to the course of Nature: but usually they signifie the same thing, according to the observation of Herve­tus. Gratian. Herv. in [...]l [...]m. Alex. [...] In this place they are Synonima's: signes & wonders, as if he had said, wonderfull miracles. But Occumenius giveth the reason why they Occum. in 2 Thess. 2. 9. are surnamed [...], lying wonders: [...]. I may expound Occumenius in S. Augustines phrase: Sunt aut figment a mendacium Aug. lib. contra Epist. Petil. c. 16. hominum, aut potentia fallaciū spirituum: that is, they are either the tricks of iuggling men, to de­ceive our eies, or the workes of potent devills to de­ceive our hearts: in both, lying wonders. Other­wise they may be lying wonders, in regard of the foure causes. First, the efficient of those miracles is a lyer: justly therfore are they stiled lying, since the author of them, the Devill, is the father of lyes, Ioh. 8. 44. Next, they are not reall in regard of the matter: many of thē being ficta not facta, fictions to support their superstitious factions, strong delusions to weak judgments.

Thirdly, they are formally false: those few that be, being mira, not miracula: marvells, not miracles, because they doe not exceed the power of Nature.

Finally, they are sitly termed lying, because the end of those wonders is to establish, coun­tenance, and confirme a lye. Let us therefore take the former argument into our second considerations. Antichrist doth come with mi­racles, some forged, some to deceive, all lying. But the Pope doth the same: therefore this propertie will be a pretty probability, that The Pope is Antichrist.

[...] Signes and wonders. I determine not to discourse of Miracles positively, by way of common place. But onely comparatively, so farre onely as they have reference unto Anti­christ, and are ingredients into the Mystery of Iniquity.

Of miracles there was a most necessary use in the Primitive Church, that the Infidels might bee converted to the Faith. But the Church, Faith, and Conversion, being accom­plished, at this time they are not necessary. [...]: Ch [...]ysost. in 2 Cor. 2. Hom. 6 in their dayes they were profitably establish­ed, in our dayes they are profitably abolish­ed. In the beginning of the Christian Faith, they flourished: in the establishing thereof, they were finished. As Christianity increased, Miracles decreased. They seemed to be lan­guishing in Saint Augustines time: Caecum il­luminatum [Page 444] ad corpora Martyrum noveram, on Aug. Retract. 1. cap. 13. his owne experience hee doth assure us, That one blinde man had his sight restored him, by tou­ching Aug. devers Relig. cap. 25. the bodies of certain Martyrs. But the same Father doth avouch moreover, Cùm Catholi­ca Ecclesia per totum Orbem diffusa sit, since the Church was universally planted, miracula in no­stra tempora durare non permissa sunt, God did not permit miracles to continue till his time. Saint Chrysostome saith also, they were ceased Chrys. tom. 5. pag. 605. in his time: yet elsewhere he relateth some mi­racles done in his dayes. The meaning of both was this, Miracles were ceased in their times from the frequent and ordinary use. Yea, their Bellarmine doth pronounce our conclu­sion: Bell. de ossic [...]o Princip [...] lib. 3. in vita S. Henr. Imperat. Nunc tempora miraculorum non sunt: sig­na enim debentur insidelibus, non fidelibus. These (saith he) are no times of miracles: for miracles belong to unbeleevers, not to beleevers. Their vaunting therefore of miracles, doth proclaim them to be both Antichristians, and Insidells. For none but these two generations have any interest in Signes and Wonders.

But concerning these Miracles, this is the mystery: that cleanly conveyance maketh them meanes to countenance Popery. Tis true, in the primitive time, some good men wrote some good bookes, and wrought some good workes: Since, some Favourites of Rome, have forged other Bookes, and feigned other Miracles for their owne purpose, and fathe­red them on those holy Ancients: as if they [Page 445] had beene either the Authors or Writers of those Miracles. This I take to bee no meane Mysterie.

Thus Cyprian who lived about the yeare Cy [...]rian. to [...] [...]. pag. 590. edi [...]. an. 1593. 250, was an excellent man, and Martyr: but among his excellent writings is foisted in a treatise de revelatione capit is Iohannis Baptistae, of the revelation of the head of Iohn Baptist: the summe whereof is this: The Head of Iohn Baptist being hid by Herodias, it was revealed by an Angell to certaine Monkes: by the Monks it was removed into France: in France it was received by the French King Pipine, with sin­gular respect and reverence, because in his presence twenty dead men were revived by the vertue thereof. Now this is a grosse lying wonder (to credit Monkes, and to countenance Pilgrimages) coined by some not very cunning Papist. For Pipine lived five hundred yeares after Cyprian: then it was another miracle that he should write of that miracle. Indeed both lying wonders to spread the mystery of ini­quity.

About foure hundred yeares after Christ lived Saint Martine, a good man, one who did God good service in converting the Gaules, and certainly he did some miracles. But Seve­rus Sulpitius hath added many others, both Popish and sottish miracles.

To instance in one: After his death, his Dog barked at one passing by, the Passenger rebuked the Dog, saying, In the name of Mar­tine, [Page 446] I charge thee to be quiet. A charme to chain up the tongue and teeth of any dog whatso­ever.

Thus also, about the yeare 600 flourished Gregory, a good man, I am sure the best of all his Successors: He was the author of many good writings: yet some agent for Antichrist hath inserted such a bundle of Miracles, so Po­pish, that even children may discover them to be childish. The sourth of his Dialogues is no­thing but Legends of Soules in Purgatory to establish that grosse paradox of Popery. Guess at the truth of the rest by this one example. Once on a time there was a brave Gentleman of Greg. dialog lib. 4. cap. 30. Constant inople called Steven: it came to passe that this man dyed: but the Iudge of the Ghosts would not admit him to come into their company: for (said he) I did not send for this Steven the Gentle­man, but for another Steven, his neighbour, a Blacke-smith. And so master Steven did live againe, and goodman Steven dyed immediately. See ye, whether they doe not lye, who make this Holy Man the Authour of such a lying wonder.

If any have superfluous time to impart on such superstitious tales, I can give them an Index of such popish Legends: and if any could make it Purgartorius, he should not de­merit Purgatory for his labour. Classicke Ca­tholike Authors in this kinde, are the Confor­mit [...]es of S. Francis, the Golden Legend of Iaco­bus de Voragine, the Sermons of Dormi Secure, [Page 447] the Historie of our Lady by Lipsius, Baronius in his Annals, and Bellarmine de offiicio Princi­pis, D r. Featly Prae­face pag. 6. lib. 3. and many of these ye shall find ex­tracted and contracted by our worthy Cham­pion, in the preface to his conference: to him and them I referre you. Onely for honour to the Author, I will relate one miraculous legend out of Bellarmine. Saint Lewis King of France, Bellar. de officio Princip. in vita [...] Ludovici. like Ieremy in his prayers and pious exercises, thirsting for a fountaine of teares, in a familiar conference with his Confessour, hee did ac­knowledge unto him, that sometimes as hee was praying such a heavenly dewe of teares was miracuously poured downe upon him: that his teares would trickle downe his cheekes, and so runne into his mouth, wherewith the sweetest taste which can be imagined, did affect his heart, yea and delight his mouth also. I beleeve Bellarmines mouth did runne over, when he did chronicle this royall wonder.

Moreover, to shew that these men are wise in their generation, they doe not onely pretend old Miracles, but they produce new miracles to perswade their Popery. There are six points in Popery, which I suppose doe most support the Papists, and most scandall the Protestants, and are most senselesse in themselves. Pilgri­mages, Prayers for the dead, Purgatory, Invoca­tion of Saint, Adoration of Images, and Transub­stantiat [...]on: I adde a seventh, the Primacie. Now for these, Flectere cum nequeunt superos Acharonta movebunt: because they cannot [Page 448] prove them by the Oracles of God, they will prove them by the miracles of the Devill. They urge many wonders, lying wonders to a­vouch them.

First for Pilgrimages: Not long since, at Sheldon Motive 5. pag. 78. Saint Omers, in the Iesuites Church, there was an Image much frequented: in a poore Church in the same City, was the Picture of the Virgin Mary, which having stood a long time in an obscure place, suddenly it was bruited that That Image had removed it selfe into another place, the principall of the Church, and fitter for Adoration. Presently was the picture fre­quented by some superstitious people, and the Miracle defended by some Iesuites: but the forgerie was discovered by the Magistrates, and the Clerke of the Church punished for his knavery. The Papists fable also, that Saint Mary of Loretto (so called from the Hill Loret­to) Rollech in 2 Thess. 2. 9. was transported by Angells out of Galilie into Italy. Out of which they sucked no small advantage, Italy thereby becomming the cen­tre, to which the motion of infinite Pilgrimes Bell. de officio Principis lib. 3. vita S. Stephan. doe tend. Bellarmine it seemeth would have the Pilgrimes to travell into Bohemia too, to which purpose he telleth, that the whole body of their Bohemian Saint Steven is mouldred in dust: onely his right hand, skinne, flesh, nerves, Bellar. de cultu Sanct. lib. 3. c. 8. &c. is there fresh and faire without any cor­ruption, or alteration. And the same Au­thor in another booke, tells us another storie to the same purpose out of Sulpitius. That at [Page 449] Hierusalem, in the place whence Christ ascen­ded into heaven, the Print of his feet, are to bee seene at this day: and although every one of those infinite Pilgrimes, who addresse their confluence thither, transport with them some part of that dust, yet there appeareth no diminu­tion of the sand. But to save them some la­bour D r. Featly Con­fer▪ Preface. in so long a voyage, our English are in­vited into France, by a strange miracle: that Saint Denis caried his head, in his hand, three miles, and rested at each of the posts that are betwene Paris and Saint Denis. This is a taste of their miraculous arguments, and allurements unto Pilgrimages.

To perswade the living to pray for the dead: Bellar. de Ponti. Rom. lib. 3 c. 15. Greg. dialog. lib. 4. cap. 40. Bellarmine to this purpose, doth alleage (out of the same famous Legend, fathered upon the same Gregory) the miraculous apparition of Pas­chasius his Ghost, beseeching Saint Germanus to pray for him. Augustine the monke did a feat, as merry as miraculous, in saying of one Masse, he raised two ghosts out of their graves: one of a layman, who dyed excommunicated, for not paying his tithes an hundred and fifty yeares be­fore: and another of the Priest who had ex­communicated him, who at the honest monkes [...]lation of the Religion in the West. sect. 38. holy request absolved the poore ghost, and so both returned in peace unto their Grave; with­in our age at Luca, a wealthy Citizen dying, and (according to his will) being buried in the night, without their ringing, tapering, cen­sing, &c. he had a rumour presently spread on [Page 450] him by the Friers, that he was haunted by Rats on his death bed. Finally, Costerus doth urge it Coster. [...]nchirid. cap. 16. d [...] Purg. Gregory Dialog. lib. 4. Beda Hist. lib. 4. & 5. as a maine argument for the benefit accruing to the dead, by the prayers of the living, from the manifold miracles, related by Gregory in his Dialogues, and Beda in his Histories. Yet it seemeth this argumēt is not catholically con­vincing, if that story bee an historie which is mentioned by my reverend friend and Colle­giate D r. Beard: For when a certaine peasant D r. Beard de Antichr. part. 3. cap. 1. of Burgund [...]e, neere unto a towne called Chas­cule, was praying unto a Crucifix, for the soule of one newly deceased, and for whom the bels rang, the Crucifix instead of making unto him a signe by nodding his head, by the weight of him that was behinde it, fell downe right up­on him, and so crushing the poore man, that the ringers were faine to leave the bells, and cary him, to his house halfe dead: where hee lay sicke a long time. After which sicknesse returning to the Church, and seeing a faire yong Crucifix, with a smiling countenance in place of the old, which had broken his necke in the fall, he could not forbeare, but say thus unto it: What good countenance soever thou dost cast upon me, yet I will never trust thee, for if thou live to be an old man, thou wilt be as wicked as thy father, who thought to kill me.

Notwithstanding these arguments appeare to be unreasonable, and ridiculous to men of reason: yet are the same urged againe by Bel­larmine Bell. de Pontif. Rom. lib. 3. c. 13. seriously for Purgatorie also. And in­deed [Page 451] all their miraculous apparitions, are fram­ed especially for the establishing of this point▪ Damascene in his discourse de defunctis, decla­reth devoutly that a dead mans skull spake to Damast. cone. de Defunctis. Marcarius saying, when thou dost offer Pray­ers for the dead: then, [...], i. then doe wee feele some little consolation. But certainly Damascene was a little deceived, when he sayd those soules in Purgatorie, did re­ceive but a little consolation. For it is said to have beene the common allegation of many Popish preachers, to confirme their Croysados, D r. Beard de Antich. part. [...]. cap. 2. sect. 3. that when the living gave money to the Priests for the dead, the soules which were in Purgatorie, hearing the sound of the money ting in the Bason, fell a laughing for joy of their de­liverance. Moreover, it seemeth that the Pope D r. Beard de Antich. part. 3. cap. 2. sect. 3. and Popish Church hath beene sometimes somewhat defective in miracles to establish their Purgatory. For Pope Clemens being be­sieged in the Castle of Saint Angelo, a Gentle­man of Rome was bold to say thus; Hitherto have I beleeved that the Pope could deliver soules out of Purgatorie: but now since he can­not free himselfe out of prison, I am constrained to thinke, that much lesse he can deliver soules out of that place. Here certainly the Prince of Purgatorie was something wanting in his miracles. But the Papists supply the want of that time, with the instance of his unlimited power at another time; The miracle of Immas. Simpsons Hist. part. [...]. Ce [...]t. 7. Immas a prisoner and Captaine of England, no [Page 452] bands could bind, because his brother being a Priest, and supposing Immas had beene slaine in the battle, and that his soule had beene in Purgatory: he made Prayers unto God, & said Masse oftentime, for the reliefe of his brothers soule, the benefit whereof, as Beda supposeth, redounded to the weale of Immas soule and Bellar. de Pont. Rom. lib. 3. c. 5. Suarez in 3. part. Thom. [...]o [...]. 4▪ disp. 45. sec [...]. 1. Coste [...]. Enchirid. de Purg. cap. 16. body. These all seeme wonders to the Papists: but it seemeth more wonderfull to the Prote­stants, that the learned of the popish side, shall not bee ashamed to support their religion by arguments drawne from such idle dreames, devised in times of darknesse, to delude the world withall.

Fourthly, they follow the same course, for the confirmation of the Invocation of Saints. The Consistorie of Cardinalls, being set against Watsons Quod▪ lib▪ lib 8. Art. 7. Saint Thomas of Canterbury (saith a Papist) finding him a dinner on Saint Marks day with a Capon, they would have delivered him up for a Lollard: but that God bewrayed their ma­lice, by converting the Capon into a Carpe. And many have beene observed to recover their health, by being covered with a Coule of a Eras [...]. Colliqu. pag. 11. Franciscan or Dominican Frier. Proper fa­bles to prove, at least to procure that Saint Thomas, Saint Francis, and Saint Dominicke may be prayed unto. And it is to bee hoped that some such Invocation may bee purchased to St. Garnet also: especially if Eudaemon can Euda [...] advers. Abbot. lib. 3. f. 4. Vsh [...]rs Answ. Ar [...]i [...]. 9. perswade credit to his strawne signe, and lying wonder. One singular precedent to this pur­pose, [Page 453] is produced by that singular, and rare Bas [...]l Sele [...]e. de mirac. San▪ Thecla lib. 2. cap. 10. Primate. Alipius a Grammarian, unto whom being forsaken of the Physitians, Saint Thecla did appeare by night, and demanded of him what he ayled, and what hee would. Hee to shew his art, and to winne the virgines favor, with the apnes of the verse: returneth for an answer unto her that verse, wherwith Homer maketh Achilles to answer his mother Thetis.

Homer▪ Ili [...]d 1.
Thou knowest: why should I tell thee that knowest all?

Whereat the Martyr smiled, and being de­lighted partly with the man, and partly with the verse, and wondring that hee had answe­red so aptly: conveyed a certaine round stone unto him, with the touch whereof, hee was presently set on foot, from his long and perilous sicknesse: we need not travell so farre for Miracles in this cause, our English Legends, will commend their popish Saints to our in­vocation. The Barber of King Edmund being Matth. Paris. in He [...]r. 3. informed by the spirit, that God had admit­ted him into the Colledge of his Saints, re­served the haires which he did shave from his Beard, hoping they might become medicinall: which when the Bishop of Durham understood, being at the point of death, hee commanded those Ha [...]res to be given him to drinke in Holy­water, which gave him a gentle vomite, and a [Page 454] speedy perfect recoverie. This for our Saint Edmund. Bellarmine telleth us the like of St. Bellar. de offici [...] Princip. lib. 3. vita S. [...] Edward; That good English King (saith hee) did cure a Irish Criple, by carying him on his backe, ut spiritualis fortis Asinus, like a lustie spirituall Asse. Bellarmine in the same booke Bellar [...]. Ibid. addeth a second, which in truth is second to no wonder. The Cathedrall Church of Westmin­ster was built by Sebert, repayred by Saint Ed­ward, but consecrated by Saint Peter in his own person, who descended from heaven to doe that chare onely. If any English Zelote should Bell▪ de offic. Princ. lib. 3. vita Sancti Wenceslai. follow Bellarmine in these legends, certainely it would wonderfully warme his devotion, e­ven as Podivinus did heat his feet in a deepe Snow, onely by treading bare-footed, in the very footsteps of Saint Wenceslaus of Bohemia. But the Franciscans, with yet more affection in­deare Lib. Conform. St. Francisci. their found Frier Francis, to a Catho­like devotion. His wonders are many, and hee cannot but give wonderfull helpe to them, who call upon him, because he did helpe himselfe so wonderfully. This their holy Saint being pursued by the Devill, fled to a Rocke where finding not place to hide himselfe in, hee thrust his face close to the Rocke, which softning like waxe, received impression, and hid him a long time from the Devill. This is a new tricke to escape the devill by swiftnesse of foot, and by the softning of a Rocke: and surely they have sto [...]e hearts, who doe not beleeve it. And that the Papists should not dole out their devotion [Page 455] over partially to St. Francis, the Dominicans devoutly tell the world of as many great won­ders wrought by S. Dominicke their Patron, and they have an Archbishop for his Chronicler. An­toninus Antonin. part. [...]. Tit. 2 [...] ▪ cap. [...] sect. 8. saith, at Venice, before Dominicke was borne into the world, there were in St. Markes Church two Images to be seene of all, whereof one was in a very religious habit, of the order of the Preachers, with a Lilly in his hand the o­ther had the similitude of St. Paul as they use to paint him, over whō was written [...] Pau­lus, St. Paul, but vnder the feet of the jmage was written, Per istum itur ad Christum, by this man we come to Christ. Above the other was written [...] Dominicus, S. Dominicke, but un­der him facilius itur per istum, the way is easier by Antonin. Hist. part. 3. tit. 23. cap. 3. this man. Yea, ecce nobile par fratrum, those pre­cius paire of Fryers, were made yoke-fellowes by a miracle: as it is in the vision of S. Dominicke whereof holy Antinine is the Historian. One night at Rome, St. Dominicke in his devotions, saw the Son of God, stand at the right hand of the Father, in his fury, with a full intent to kill all sinners, and to destroy all the workers of wickednes in the world: To which purpose he stood in the sky with a terrible countenance, and shaked three speares against the world: with the first he intended to wound the haughtie neck of the proud: with the second, to let out the hungry guts of the covetous: and with the third, to thrust through the bodies of Forni­cators, and Adulterers. Whose ire, when none [Page 456] durst oppose, his mercifull mother Mary un­dertaketh to appease: & falling at his feet, she besought him to spare those whom he had re­deemed, & to mingle mercy with justice; To whom her Son replyed, see you not (saith he) how infinite iniquity is multiplyed against me? and my justice cannot suffer impiety un­punished. Then (quoth his mother) thou who knowest all things, doest know this also, that this must be the way to recall them to thy ser­vice. I have a faithfull servant, him shalt thou send into the world, & by him shall the world be converted unto thee their Saviour; also I have another servanr whom I will assigne to be his helper. Her son then said, I am appeased and do accept thy intreaty: but shew me the person whō thou hast destinated to this great worke: Then our Lady brought S. Dominick to Iesu Christ, & our Lord said unto his mother, this man indeed will faithfully and effectually performe all that thou hast promised. The La­dy likewise shewed him S. Francis, whom the Lord likewise lauded: therefore S. Dominicke in his dream taking good notice of S. Francis, whom he had not knowne before; Next day seeing him at church, he remembred him, and hugging him with many holy kisses, he said to him, thou art my Companion, thou must travell with me, let us stand to it, and no adversary shall be able to oppose us. And relating unto him his Revelation, from thenceforth they be­came one heart and one soule in the Lord, saith [Page 457] Antonine the Italian, & credat Iudaeus Apellat: every good Catholike hath good cause to be­leeve it.

Fiftly, they establish by miracles, the ado­ration of Images in generall, but of the Crosse, Crucisix, and Image of Christ in especiall: Bellarmine aboundeth with arguments of this Bellar. de R. P. lib. 3. cap. 15. Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 14. nature. Eusebius saith (saith hee) that a gol­den statue of our Saviour was erected to our Saviour, by that woman whom our Saviour did cure of her bloody issue: and that a cer­taine hearbe did usually grow under it, which when it sprang so high as to the hemme of the garment of that Image, it cured all diseases whatsoever. The same Author doth al­leadge Bell. de Sanctor. Imag. lib. 2. c. 12 another example, to the same pur­pose, that the Iewes having stabbed an Image of Christ, that Image did issue out much blood, which cured many sicke people.

Baronius backeth Bellarmine with a brave Baronius anno 975. num. 12. English story: There was a Synode at Wilton to condemne the mariage of the Clergy, where the crucifixe cryed out, non fiet, non fiet, ye shall not yeeld, yee shall not yeeld, to grant that Ministers should marry.

Costerus commendeth the Crosse, from the Coster. Enchir. cap. 13. like comment, in the yeare 590, the Turkes being ready to starve, a Christian taught them to make but the signe of the Crosse, and so not one perished by that famine. All which serious Malvenda doth shut up with this Malvenda de Antich. lib▪ 3. cap. 12. solemne Historie, Anno 1546, at Meliapore [Page 458] in India, the Portugalls erecting a Chappell on an hill in the suburbs, where Saint Thomas was killed by those barbarous people: dig­ging to lay the foundation, there they found a square stone, in it a bloody Crosse, and an inscrip­tion recording that in that place, that Saint was slaine, in the very act of kissing and adoring the Crosse. Hence did they finish the Chap­pell with more ardent devotion: and the Chappell being finished at the very begin­ning of the Gospell, in the sight of the whole multitude, the Crosse did sweat abundantly: the sweat being wiped off, droppes of blood ap­peared in the Linnen, with which they did wipe it. The Crosse it selfe in the meane time changed colour, from white to pale, from pale to black [...], till in conclusion, it came againe to the lustre of his owne native colour. And ever since, every yeare, in the same place, and on the same day, there is the same miracle: the intermission whereof they apprehend as a pre­sage of some fearfull disaster, which that yeare will fall upon them. Thus much for the Crosse and Images of Christ: next follow the Mira­cles of the Images of our Lady: For as their devotion uttereth more Ave Maries, than Pater nosters: so they alleadge more mircacles wrought by the Images of the Virgin, then by the Images of Christ. The Image of Saint Ma­ry of Cracovia, walking on the water, from the Sermon on the second Comand. Baron. 728. num. 5, 6, 7. fury of the Souldiers, &c. I have elsewhere mentioned. Baronius telleth us when [Page 459] Damascene (a stout champion for Images) had his hand chopt off at the command of the Emperor, and hanged up in the market, he pray­ing before the Image of the Virgin for his hand, had it restored intire unto him, at the conclusion of his devotions. Bellarmine an­nexed Bell. de Sanctor. Imag. lib. 2. c. 12 another. A foolish fellow, ( Iconoma­chus) an Image-hating Hereticke, threw stones at the Statue of the blessed Virgin, and thereby brake the head thereof. At night the Virgin in a vision, did rattle him soundly, saying, in caput tuum hoc fecisti, Sirrah your Pate shall pay for this; and accordingly within a few dayes after, the fellowes owne head was broken with a huge stone in the same manner as hee hath cracked the crown of her Image. I must not balke Bar­tholmaeus Hisp. Convers. pag. 19. de Bellaro of Valence in Spaine, who te­stified bef [...]re a publike Notary, that one night he saw an Image invironed with a world of Tapers, walking through the Ayre, directly to­wards the Altar of Saint Mary del Pueg, which he credibly did beleeve to be her Image, which returned from v [...]siting some sicke person, who called to her for succour. To these strange wonders, I will adde one yet more wonderfull. A certain Gentleman called Theophilus, being Promp, Discip. de mirac. B. Mari [...] exemp. 42. fallen into great poverty, and therby brought into despaire, gave himselfe unto the Devill, with abjuration of his Baptisme, of God, and of the Virgin Mary: which abjuration he wrote with his owne blood, & it was sealed with the devills signet. But a while after this poore Theophilus [Page 460] repenting himselfe of that he had done, pro­strated himselfe most devoutly before the I­mage of the V. Mary, imploring her helpe with teares, who, as alwaies merciful and gracious, tooke pity on him and pardoned him. But the Image of Christ, which was in the armes of the Virgin, as being offended, would not heare, but turned his face backward. Which the Image of the blessed Virgin perceiving, layd the Image of her Son upon the altar, and went to find out the Devill with Theophilus, whō she restored to the favor of God againe: & commanded the Devill to render up againe, the writing of his abjuration. That mentioned by Platina is not so Platina in vita S [...]rg [...] 3. eminent as these, yet not impertinent. When the body of Pope Formosus was caried into St. Peters Church, all the Images which stood there, did him reverence. All these premised, have been Images by way of proposition and con­firmation: I conclude with one, by way of ex­position, and explanation. Let this be the inter­preter D r. Dounam of Antichrist, lib. 1. cap. 7. sect. 6. of all the rest; I saw once (saith our ju­dicious Bishop) an Image of S. Nicholas burned in the market place of Chester, which was made with such a device, that some standing behind did pull a string, which was in the backe ther­of, whereby it would move the hand, as if it did blesse the people, verbum satis: the meaning of their Image miracles is not fadomelesse.

Sixtly, the Adoration of the Host, is made good by an Host of miracles: I produce the An­tesignani, some of the worthies of those wonders. [Page 461] An Angel shewed unto Plegilus a priest, Christ Guili [...]n. Malm. de ges [...]s Reg. Angl. lib. 3. in the forme of a child upon the Altar, whom first he tooke in his armes, & kissed, but eat him up afterwards, when hee was returned to his former shape againe. And Simeon Metaphrastes Sim. Metaphr. vita Arsenij. reporteth that a little Childe was seene upon the Altar, and an Angell cutting him into small peeces with a knife, and receiving his blood into a Chalice, as long as the Priest was break­ing the bread into little parts.

Againe, Sir Ambright Earle of Venice, Legend. in die Corporis Christi. because he could not receive the Sacrament of the Altar, at his mouth for casting, having done all his worship unto it, layed it next his heart: and therewith in the sight of all the people, his Side opened, and the Host went in, his Side closed againe, and so he died.

Saint Francis finding at Masse, a Spider in Liber Conformi­tatum. the Chalice, hee would not put it out for shed­ding some droppes of blood, but dranke it: imme­diately his thigh itching, the Spider issued whole thereout.

Bellarmine telleth us of a hungrie Mare kept Bellar. de Euch. lib. 3. cap 8. three dayes without meat, yet when proven­der was poured unto her in the presence of the Host, she forgetting her meat, with bowed head, and bended knees adored the Sacrament: Lessius de Anti­christ [...] Dem. 10 Bell. Explicat. Doctr. Christ. pag. 175. which is avouched also by Lessius. In like man­ner, Bellarmine in his Catechisme, undertaketh to prove the presence of Christs body in the Sacrament, to be at one time in many places: because S. Anthonie of Padua, was once prea­ching [Page 462] in Italie, and at the very same time in Portugall executing some other good office. Here we might smile at the ridiculous accla­mation Surius tom. 5. de prob. sanct. cap. 8. and exclamation of Surius concerning this point: upon the exhortation of Frier Fran­cis, a Ca [...]e Lambe did kneele before the altar and adored at the Elevation of the Host; O discant Haeretici vel à pecude adorare Eucharistiam. O saith he, that this very beast could instruct He­retikes Bellar. de Euch. lib. 3. cap. 8. to adore the Sacrament. But Bellarmine commandeth a serious conclusion, by a sad won­der, which betided a Tayler, here in London. That Hereticke being convented before the Archbishop in Pauls, having sayd that a Spider was more worthy to be worshipped than the Host. Instantly a horrible spider, ranne downe by a threed frō the roofe of the Church, directly to his mouth, & was hardly hindred by the multi­tude present from entring. Risum teneatis ami­ci? Bellarmine doth relate these miracles in good sadnesse: and shall we be so ridiculous as not to beleeve them?

Finally the Pope himselfe, and the promo­ting Pless. myst. Opposit. 16. of his Primacie, hath beene the beginning, and is the end of Popish Legends. The first ap­pearance of these fictions was about the yeare, 524. King Theodoricus sent Iohn the first Bishop of Rome, his Embassadour to Iustine the Emperour, to treat for the Churches which he had taken from the Arians: Vpon the miscari­age of this Embassage, and for accepting the boundlesse honour which Iustine tendered [Page 463] Theodoricus (though an Arian, yet other­wise esteemed a just man) put Iohn into prison, where hee continued vnto his dying day. Being dead, a rumour was spread amongst the common people, That a certaine good man Paul. Diacon. lib. [...]5. saw the Soule of Throdoricus carried betwixt this Iohn, and Symacus (a Senator whose head he had taken off) into the Ile of Liparaby Sicilie, there to be cast headlong into Vulcans boyling lead.

About 796 the Nobility of Rome growne Pless. myst. iniq. 27. wearie of the Popes yoake, set upon Leo the 3, as he went in solemne procession, threw him from his horse, and left him there halfe dead: his followers tooke him up, and carried him into the Vatican: It is reported that they plucked out his eyes, but that God by miracle put them in againe.

They report moreover, that a certaine Bi­shop Aventin. lib. 5. being excommunicated by Pope Hilde­brand (that grand projectour for, and promo­ter of the Popes primacy) bitterly inveighing against him, was smote with a thunder-clap, for his labour.

Baronius (that Miracle-monger) is not be­hinde Baron, an▪ 1145. num. 14. in relating miracles to this purpose. As (saith hee) Pope Eugenius the third, did cele­brate the Masse, a Beame of the Sunne did shine upon his Head, with a wonderfull lustre: in which were seene two Doves ascending and descending: which an Easterne Legate did be­hold, and instantly he submitted to the Sea of Rome in all obedience.

But the most memorable miracle concer­ning Relat. of the Re­lig. in the West. sect. 44. our Nation, and Religion, was the Nunne of Portugall, anno 1588, who had five wounds bleeding on her, and the image of the Cruci­sixe on her brest: to whom their Armado went for a benediction, before they set forward. She was afterward discovered to be an impostor: the wounds were a forced rawnesse of the flesh caused by the continuall binding of a Cru­cisixe to the part so printed. And those who hunger after miracles, if they repaire to the Romish religion, they shall be glutted with signes and lying wonders in abundance.

I cannot conceive that these sictions can ca­rie credit with many understanding Papists: much lesse that they should command cre­dence with any Protestants. Howbeit, if they would inforce beleefe to such incredible stories; we can pay them in their owne coine. A Cardinall relateth this Miracle: Pope Bene­dict Petrus 'Damian. in libr. qui inscri­bitur gratissi­mus. the ninth, after his death appeared to a certaine Hermite, neere to a mill, in a most horrible shape, being in body, head, and taile, like an Asse: and being asked why hee so ap­peared, hee answered, Because I lived in the Popedome like a Beast, without Reason, without Law, and without God.

At [...] I will not cast such durt in their faces: although I may rake much with much Mele [...]. Canus lib. 11. cap. 6. facility, from their owne Dunghills. Wee produce their owne miracles, against their owne persons, and their owne propositions.

There remaineth one maine miracle, a maine argument: wherin some Papists doe triumph, and whereat some Protestants doe stumble: From Revelation 13. 13. thus they dispute.

Antichrist doth cause fire to come from Hea­ven:

The Pope doth not cause fire to come from Hea­ven:

Therefore, the Pope is not Antichrist.

I answer, this cannot bee taken literally: because the whole Chapter is mysticall. None can be so grosse, as to thinke that a Beast in­deed, shall rise out of the very Sea, having se­ven heads, and ten hornes, as it is in the first: nor that the people shall worship a very Dragon, as it is in the fourth: nor that there shall bee another beast like a Lambe, and a Dragon, as in the twe [...]th: neither shall it be a very sire, as it followeth in this thirteenth. I say therefore is an Allusion unto 1 King. 18. 24. This exposi­tion, though it be singular good, yet is it not singular: besides our owne learned Exposi­tors, it is so expounded also by Paulus Bern­riedensis, Paul. Bernried. in vita Greg. 7. who mentioning divers wonders of fire wrought by Pope Gregory the seventh, doth sundry times resemble him to Elias. According to that resemblance, and not literal­ly, I say, Antichrist shall cause sire to come from heaven. In 1 King. 18. 24. there being a diffe­rence in Israel, betwixt Baals Priests and the [Page 466] Prophet, which was the true Religion; Elias testisieth his to be the truth, by causing sire to come from heaven. So here: there being a dif­ference in the Church, whether the Religion of Christ, or of Antichrist was the truth: the text saith, Antichrist shall cause sire to come from heaven, in conspectu hominum: that is, he shall make his salse Religion to appeare to men to bee the truth, as effectually, as if (like Elias) hee should cause sire to come from heaven, for a con­firmation of his doctrine. Which is most a­greeable to the Pope. The caeca obedientia (blinde obedience) of the Clergy, and the im­plicite saith of the Laity: the one beleeving whatsoever the Pope teacheth, and the other obeying whatsoever the Pope commandeth, with­out examination, or disputation: and both as consident in what the Pope teacheth, as if they saw sire come from heaven, to confirme his doc­trine. Here I professe, that argument which once did most stagger me, doth now most strengthen me in this point. I take this to be an insoluble syllogisme:

Whosoever maketh his followers as confident in their errours, as if they saw fire come from heaven to confirme them; is That Anti­christ:

But the Pope maketh his followers as confident in their errours, as if they saw fire come from heaven to confirme them:

Therefore, the Pope is that Antichrist.

I desire that every honest and understan­ding Papist may take this argument into their conscionable and serious consideration.

I will but touch upon two points, and so conclude. First, Whether the Papists doe worke any miracles? Secondly, If they doe: Whether those miracles should perswade us to be of their Re­ligion? a Proposition, and a Supposition.

To the first, the phrase of Arnobius will Arnob. adve [...]s. Gentes lib. 1. frame a fit resolution, by a most apt applica­tion: Saepe sciamus, & scierimus: Full often have we knowne, and as often shall we know (say the Papists) many cured by miracles. In­quiro, Quis? Quo loco? Cui auxiliatus fuerit? By what person? In what place? and of what disease, have those miraculous cures healed them? Againe, An sine ullius adjunctione ma­teriae? have they beene healed without applica­tion? If any thing hath beene applyed to those Creples, Clinikes, &c. benesicia ista rerum, non sunt curantium potestates, they were then hea­led by the secret vertue of the things, not by the miraculous manifest power of the Agents. Final­ly, Quod millia debillium, how many millions of miserable creatures can we shew you? who Cum per omnia supplices irent Templa, after they have gone Pilgrimes to all the Saints & Shrines in Christendome: Cum deorum ante or a prostra­ti, after they have prostrated themselves before all the holy Images: Cum limina ipsa convererent osculis: after they have swept the very pave­ment of their Churches with their lips: Nullam [Page 468] omnino ret [...]lisse medicinam, and yet to have re­ceiued no Benefit to their diseased carkeises. These are the words of Arnobius: but mine owne interrogations. I request any sober pa­pist, to render a solid resolution. Some ioyne issue, and say that at this day they can instance in Miracles wrought beyond the Seas, and in England also. Beyond the Sea, and beyond our Beliefe also, Lipsius his chronicles are Lipsius de Virg. Hallens. cap. 12. Acosta de salut. Indorum lib. 6. cap. 4. 12. & 17. Melchior Canus lib. 11. cap. 6. fraught with miracles, of the Lady of Halls, as giving sight to the blinde, &c. We answer: For such miracles in generall, Acosta who hath travelled as farre, and Melchior Canus, who read as much as did Lipsius, dare not venture their credit in countenancing those Popish miracles. And for the Popish restoring of the blinde in particular: a French impostor was discovered at our Ladies of Renand in Paris, [...]. S [...]v. Apology. Fox Monum. to. 1. vita Henr. 6. and an English counterfeit at S. Albons in Hartfordshire; both, by the selfe same impu­dent ignorance, and ignorant impudence (a brace of borne-blinde Bayards) would take upon them, at the first moment of their mira­culous sight to judge of colours. Also here at home Eudaemon cryeth us downe, with an in­star Eudamon ad­vers. Abbot. lib. 3. sect. 4. omnium, with one amazing miracle: Quan­tum vobis? Quantum vestris Magistratibus? Quantum Regio Consilio admirationis attulit? Quantum terroris incussit? Garnetiana illa palea? Oh (quoth he) what wonderment and astonish­ment overwhelmed you, your Magistrates, yea and your Kings privy Counsell, because of Gar­nets [Page 469] straw? We answer: we value it, as it was: it was a miracle of straw. Our boyes deride it, because none of our men beleeve it. As one speaketh, it was done artificio, by Art: and by no wonderfull Art neither. If any lust to spend Abbott Antilog. cap. 14. time to know toyes, reverend Abbots An­tilogy, to Eudaemon his ridiculous Apology, will give him a superabundant information.

To unty the first knot: we say, The Papists doe no miracles, here especially. This I make good, on two grounds. First, consider what God will doe: not confirme an errour by his suf­frage. Which he should doe, if an errour were countenanced by a true miracle. Secondly, what the devill can doe: no true miracle. There­fore his assistance availeth not. Therefore, neither digitus Dei, nor digitus Diaboli: nei­ther can the devill, nor will God inable the Pa­pists to worke true miracles.

I will goe no further for the proofe of this Bell▪ de P. Rom. 3. 15. latter point, than to Bellarmine himselfe: Vera miracula dicuntur, illa sola, quae à solo Deo fieri possunt: Those are true miracles onely, which can be wrought by God onely: that is, such works, as have no naturall causes, neither knowne, nor unknowne. And therefore they are wonderfull, not onely in conspectu hominum, but Daemonum & Angelorum: not onely in the sight of Men, but of Devills and Angells also. But the miracles of Antichrist have naturall causes, but occultas, although they be unknowne to us. I instance: Ab Exorcistis, rarò videmus ut exigatur spiritus: [Page 470] It is a rare thing to see the Devill dispossest, as Erasmus observed long since, Nihilominus ad­hibent Erasmus in [...]. 4. 75. ceremonias Magicis non dissimiles: al­though those Popish Exorcists conjure them, almost after the manner of Magicians; Wee may conceive, that either they cast out none, or by compact (cum Daemone, aut Daemoniacis) ei­ther with the Devill possessing, or with the per­son pretending to be possessed. I say, the Pa­pists doe mira, not miracula: some wonders, no true wonders; many many lying wonders.

But admit the Proposition, and assume the Supposition. Suppose the Papists could doe (what they pretend) miracles: yet ought not those to be sufficient arguments to draw us unto Popery. If our eyes could see Bellarmines Mare, or S. Francis his Sheepe kneeling before the Host: or (according to that childish ficti­on) a little Childe in the hands of the Priest, after the words of consecration. Yet all this should not make us beleeve Transubstantiation. For consider the end of those wonders, and Gods command in the Scripture.

The end of miracles, which shall be perfor­med or vaunted in the end of the world, S. Paul doth here foretell, shall bee to deceive men. Christ doth say the same, Matth. 24. 24. and Saint Iohn, Revel. 13. 13. saith, those mi­racles shall be wrought, in conspectu hominum, as it were casting a mist before mens eyes. They are [...] meere [...]ugglers, doing their fears mirabiliter quidem, sed mendaciter, as S. Au­gustine [Page 471] speaketh, indeed wonderful-ly, but a Aug. de civ. lib. 10▪ cap. 19. lye is the end of those wonders.

Such an one was Marcus, mentioned by Irenaeus: that Arch-Hereticke, by his Irenaeus lib. 1. cap. 9. prayers caused the Wine in the Chalice to seeme converted into blood. Eusebius the So [...]rat. lib. 1. cap. 9. Arian, under the reigne of Constantius, had the gift of working miracles, saith Socrates. Platina maketh mention of miracles wrought Platina in vita Ioh. 4. at the Sepulcher of Rhotaris, King of Lombar­die, an Arian Prince.

Finally, Simon Magus (saith Baronius) Baronius an. 68. sect. 22. made Images to walke, rolling himselfe in fire, flew in the ayre, turned stones into bread, cau­sed shadowes to walke before him, which hee said were the soules of men: and if any durst terme him an Impostor, he either smote them with disea­ses, or tormented them with spirits. Nay, all the Miracles which the Papists say they have wrought, are no more than what the Pagan Idolaters have done before: as our accurate Doctor hath prooved by a punctuall paral­lell: Crokenth [...]rp in Spal. cap. 66. and therefore they are no sound argu­ments.

Moreover, such a phrase hath fallen from Corn. Agrippa de Vanit, Scient. cap. 97. the Papists themselves, as this: Piae fraudes, that is, godly deceits: a caveat sufficient to the godly, that they bee not deceived by them.

Next, consider what God doth command in this case, affirmatively, negatively, ex­clusively.

Affirmatively, Search the Scriptures, for in them ye thinke to have eternall life: and they are they which testifie of me, Ioh. 5. 39. The Scrip­tures make a man wise to salvation: and are pro­fitable for doctrine, for reproofe, for correction, for instruction: that the man of God may be per­fect, 2 Tim. 3, 15, 16, 17. What is there con­cerning our soule, which commeth not with­in the compasse of this distribution? Doctrine, Reproofe, Correction, Instruction, Perfection, Wisdome, our salvation, our Saviour: all are taught us by the Scriptures. Therefore demon­strations by Miracles are superfluous. Con­sider againe what God doth command in this case, negatively: Deut. 13. 1, 2, & 3. If there arise amongst you a Prophet, or dreamer of dreames, and giveth thee a signe or wonder: and the sign [...] wonder come to passe whereof he spake unto thee saying, let us goe after other Gods: thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that Prophet, for the Lord God proveth thee. And exclusive­lie, Christ saith plainly, those who will not heare Moses, and the Prophets, neither will bee perswaded, though one rise from the dead, Luke 16. 31.

If a Papist can convince us by Scripture, God forbid, but that wee should yeeld unto them. But if our conscience and understanding doe tell us, that the plaine Scriptures are plainely on our side; Then, though a Papist could move mountaines, wee will say Hee is no­thing. Though he could call downe Fire from [Page 473] Heaven: yea though hee could command an Angell to come downe from Heaven to per­swade us to Popery: we should answer in the words of Saint Paul, Gal. 1. 8, & 9. let him be accursed. Let them that love the truth, have a care they bee not seduced from the truth, by no Miracles, by no Signes nor lying wonders.

I have dispatched this discourse of Lying wonders, in the words of truth and sobernesse. Whereby wee may see the Papists intangled in their owne nets. It is their owne grant: Antichrist shall come with many Miracles. They themselves assume also, in the phrase of Eudae­mon, Eudaemon in Abbot lib. 3. apud nos unos miracula siunt, that none in the world worke Miracles but they. Wee may therefore Conclude out of their owne mouthes: None in the world can have Antichrist but they. And I thinke they cannot greatly bragge of this Conclusion. But if they should deny the Assumption; as indeed Sanders seem­eth Sanders de An­tich. Dem. 24. to doe, we appeale to their Practice, a per­petuall boasting of Miracles, & can evict them by an Induction.

There are but three great Religions in the world, the Iewish, Turkish, and Christian. The Iewes and Turkes utterly disclaime Miracles, as doe also the Reformed Christians. Onely the Papists lay claime to them, branding their Church with this marke of Antichrist.

Hence also ye may conceive, if ye have any pronenesse, either to adhere to the false religi­on, or to apostate from the true. Hence I say, [Page 474] you may conceive what meanes they will use to draw you to Popery. Even signes and wonders: but lying wonders. All acted and inabled by the power of the Devill. But the God of truth blesse us all from the Devill, and from all his devill [...]sh lying won­ders.


2 THESS. 2. 9, 10. And with all deceiveablenesse of unrigh­teousnesse.’

Of the Antiquity, Vniversality, Vnity, and Infal­libility of the Church of Rome. Of disputations with Papists. The care of the Popish Church, for Controversie writers. Of Popish Perswasi­ons: Devotions: Prayers: and Discipline.

IN these two verses, Antichrist is con­firmed, by two meanes: by the meanes principall, and instrumentall. In the means principall I have obser­ved two things: his person, and his potency. The meanes instrumentall is twofold, miracles, and oracles. For the Kingdome of Antichrist be­ing both the corruption and the imitation of the Kingdome of Christ: as therefore, Christ did send forth his Apostles to publish the truth, in­abled two wayes, both to doe miracles, and [Page 476] to speak Oracles, Lu. 9. 1, & 2. so Antichrist doth send forth his Apostles, to propagate errour, both by Miracles and Oracles. Of the miracles ye have heard the last day, that Antichrist shall confirme his false doctrine by miracles, by signes and lying wonders. Now I proceed to the next, his Oracles, that he shall perswade with men, and prevaile on men, with all deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse.

And with all deceiveablenesse of unrighteous­nesse. [...] Consider briefly foure words in this short sentence. First, the connective par­ticle And: the sense runneth thus: Antichrist shall perswade both by affecting the eye of the body, with miracles: also by infecting the eye of the soule, the understanding, w th strōg perswasiōs, even as the Oracles of God, 2 Sam. 16. 23. His comming shall bee (saith Paul) with signes and lying wonders, And with all deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse. Secondly, with deceiveable­nesse, Eudaemo [...] in Abbot lib. 2. sect. 5. [...] which commeth from [...] (accor­ding to their owne Etymologists) that is, the Way: because, Qui seducit, à via deducit: the deceiver doth draw the deceived out of the way: that is, Antichrist shall imploy many ringleaders, wrongleaders, who shall deceive, and draw many out of the way of truth. For the third word, unrighteousnesse: wee have op­posed to another word, v. 12. [...] & [...] truth and unrighteousnesse. Vnrighte­ousnesse is therefore here taken for untruth or falshood, and [...] deceiveablenesse, for the strong, strange, and cunning perswasion of that [Page 477] untruth to bee the very truth. Fourthly, be­cause a particular enumeration of every seve­rall fraud and fallacie, would be tedious: Saint Paul doth close up all with this terme of Vni­versalitie, [...] in Omni deceptione iniquitatis: his comming shall be with all deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse.

As in Logicke, we have the Topickes, and E­lenchs, the first containing arguments drawne from right heads to confirme the truth: the last fallacies, to make falshood have the appea­rance of truth. So in Theologicke, in Divinitie, wee have our faire arguments drawne from the evidence of plaine Scripture, to convince and content the conscience of all, learned and illiterate. But the erroneous have fallacies, and sophistrie, to make their errour probable, yea to appeare to be the very truth. Of this, this text doth speake, that Antichrist doth prefer his Mystery of Iniquity, with all deceive­ablenesse of unrighteousnesse. Of this I must speake, that the Pope doth confirme his Er­rours, with strong arguments, but potent sophi­strie. A strong argument, that Poperie is the Mystery of Iniquity.

I must beginne this Sermon, as I did end the last. In the Revel. 13. 13. Antichrist shall cause fire to come from heaven, in the sight of men, that is, he shall confirme men in his errours as effectually as if (like Elias) hee could cause fire to come down from heaven, for the confirma­tion 1 Kings 18, 38. thereof.

This powerfull perswasion is here termed the deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse, whereby men are so deceived by Sophistry, that they im­brace unrighteousnesse and untruth, as confi­dently, as if it were truth it selfe. Now that the Pope doth this, I make this appeare foure wayes. Foure wayes doth Popery spread it selfe, by perswasion, and by practice. They per­swade both publikely and privately. Their practice is the pretence either of Devotion, or of Discipline, which is a maine helpe, if not a part thereof. By these (to use the words of Augus [...]od nensis) tantis viribus laborant, ne soli Dialog. Honorij Augus [...]odi [...]ensis ad c [...]l [...]em 2, To [...] [...] Biblioth Patrum. ad Tartara ven [...]ant, their Learned labour not to goe alone to the Devill▪ studying to accomplish that Prophecie of Saint Paul, 2 Tim. 3. 13. there shall be deceivers, ( [...] Iugglers, Im­posters, Inchanters) who shall waxe worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. These are foure mightie motives to the ignorant, unsta­ble, and unregenerate especially, to draw them to Popery, and to sement them to the deceivea­blenesse of unrighteousnesse.

Concerning the Papists power in perswa­ding publikely, we must consider three things: the matter, the manner, and the men concurring in that point of perswasion. The matter of their perswasion, indeed the very materialls of their Babel, consisteth in these foure particu­lars, which are the corner foundations of Poperie.

They plead the Antiquity, Vniversalitie, [Page 479] Vnitie, and Infallibility of their Romane Reli­gion. They pretend that it is from the begin­ning, through the world, and without either divi­sion, or errour. No meane motives to allure Proselytes.

First our Religion, say our adversaries, is perpetuated by an undivided line of a long succession: Even from Peter the first, unto Paul the last, for many scores of Bishops, and hundreds of yeares. Where as yours, (say the Papists unto us) is but an hundred ye [...]res old. Luther was the Father of Reformers: and there­fore the Reformed must be a new upstart, bastard Religion.

They say secondly, our Religion is universall and Oecumenicall. Beside Italy and whole Spaine, besides France, Germany, England, Polonia, Bo­hemia, Hungarie, Graecia, Syria, Aethiopia, and Egypt, in all which many Catholickes doe a­bound. Besides all these, in the new world, there are a world of Papists: Eastward in India, Westward in America, Northward in Iapan, and Southward in Brasil: sine intermis [...]ione Haereti­corum, intire Papists, not one Protestant. Mi­ratur orbis se factum Arianum: the whole world is now under the Romane Bishop, as in times past it was under the Romane Emperor. The Romane Re­ligiō is spread through the world: the Reformed Religion, is couped up in a Corner, onely in En­gland, and those Ilands: in some few Cantons, as it were Cantles of Christendome: in Geneva, and some part of Germany. Hence they urge, [Page 480] Are these Millions of Christians Hereticall, and onely those few Heretikes Orthodoxall, and of the true Religion?

Thirdly, Omnes Catholici idem sentiunt, nec Bellar. de Notis Ecclesiae, lib. 4. cap. 10. aliter sentire possum, (saith Bellarmine) cum om­nes submittunt sensum suum, sensui Vnius: Summi Pontisicis: that is, All the Papists are of one opinion, neither can they be of divers opiniōs, because they submit all their opinions unto one man his opinion: unto the Pope. But (saith he) Bellarm Ibid. the Lutherans are divided, and subdivided, into insinite factions, & fractions. Now (say they) let the world judge whether Vnity be not the sister of Verity: And therefore the Romish Reli­gion, must be the onely, and the true Religion.

Finally, Ecclesia non errat, The Church can­not erre: this is the Principle of Popery. And they build this position, on that promise of Christ, Matth. 16. 18. Vpon this rocke will I build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevaile against it. Hereon triumphing Sua­rez doth insult, in Romana Petra fundatos, fri­gida Suarez Apolog. p [...]aes. Aquilonis procella dimovere non potest, the cold northerne blast cannot move, nor remove such as are built upon that Romane Rocke. Vp­on that Romane Rocke! prove that, and we sub­mit to the Roman Religion. He doth prove it Suarez Apolog. lib. 6. ca. 5. nu. 2. frō an axiome amongst Expositers. Consuetu­do est optima interpres, Custome is the best Inter­preter. But the Church hath perpetually inter­preted this of Peter, and therefore of Rome; Therefore Rome must bee the Rocke of our [Page 481] faith; and the Romish Religion, the onely true Religion.

On these premises, thus they conclude; Our Religion is the old, Yours the new Religion: Ours little lesse then Oecumenicall: Yours little more than Provinciall. Ours united under one head: Yours divided into many schismaticall mem­bers: Ours the Rocke of Truth: Yours therfore which is fallen from vs, must bee Erroneous, Schismaticall, Hereticall and Diabolicall. These are the seeming arguments to perswade unto Popery: in the phrase of my text, the deceivable­nesse of unrighteousnesse.

This is the History of Iustine, the Historian. Iustin. lib. 24. Strangers arriving at Delphi, as they spake a­mongst themselves, by them was heard Sonus multiplex, amplior (que) more & lowder speeches, than they uttered: At this they stood amazed; till intelligence and experience taught them, that this sound did proceed personantibus & resonantibus inter se rup [...]bus, from Empty caves, which did not returne their reall voyces, but imperfect and inarticulate resemblances. So, when our owne speeches, acknowledge the worth of those worthy graces, Antiquity, Vniversalitie, Vnity and Infallibility: the Papists redoubling these words, as if they were their owne, may make us amazed at the first: but intelligence and experience will assure us, that these are the reports onely of emptie mouths: and that they speake no true realities, but very Echoes, onely the inarticulate & imperfect resemblāces of those [Page 470] excellent words, Antiquity, Vniversalitie, Vnity and Infallibility. Let us therefore unmaske these reasons, and looke upon the face of these Fallacies.

First, they argue, their religion was the first: and therefore it is the best. They plead Anti­quity; We ioyne issue with them: Antiquitie is the badge of verity. Herein, even Apollo spake Oracles, who being demanded of the Athenians, which Religion was the best? answe­red the Anc [...]entest: the demand being secon­ded, which was the Ancientest? hee answered the second time, that which was the best. To [...] Logicke phrase, wee acknowledge that the true Religion, and the old Religion are con­vertible termes. Id verum est quod antiquum est, Tertull. Concil. Nicen. saith a Latine Father: and [...], was the consent and conclusion of that Greek Councill, that is, the old Religion, is the true re­ligion. But we adde of the Papists, they pre­tend, but they have not antiquitie, for their Re­ligion. Iustly therefore may their Vaineglorie ebbe, from those swelling words of vanity, the Romish Religion, that Ancient Romish Religion! whereby they presume, that they must sweepe all away before them, as did Kishon, that An­cient river Kishon, Iudg. 5. 21. If pretence of an­tiquity might prevaile, those very Magicians would perswade us, that their Treatises have beene made by, and received from, Athana­sius, Cyprian, Moses, Adam, yea even from Ra­phael Iuel. Apolog. pag. 141. the Archangell! and the Divell himselfe [Page 483] can plead Age, an Old Serpent, and a Lyer from the beginning. To come to the point: if the Popish bee truely the old Religion, wee will confesse it, and imbrace it, as the true religion. But what is old? Quod ab Apostolis, that which hath beene taught by the Apostles, saith Tertulli­an. Tertul. And Saint Augustine giveth the right rule to Vincentius, Audi, dicit Dominus, non dicit Do­natus August. [...]p. 48. aut Rogat us. We may English it to our purpose: we must say that Religiō is old, not that which Rome calleth old, nor that which Eng­land calleth old, but what the Scripture sheweth to be so. Now for the Scriptures: we call to the People to read them, they command the people not to read them. Whether wee or they are afraid to try the Antiquity of our Religion by the Scripture, the onely true triall, of true Antiquity: Let any impartiall man, give the Verdict.

2 Vniversalitie; Wee say it is no note of the true Church: and yet we say the Papists have it not. Arianisme was, and Mahometisme is more universall than Popery is at this day. The Mahometans doe as farre exceed the Papists in multitude, as the Papists doe the Reformed. Nay to speake properly, there are full as many of the reformed, as are of the Romish Religion. Let us estimate either Church by the number of Professors, and not of Persons, and this will ap­peare to be no paradoxe. Professors are such as doe beleeve what they Professe explicitely, and can render a reason of their Profession: herein [Page 484] our number, is no way inferiour unto others. We say therefore for Vniversality, We equall them, and the Turkes goe farre before them. And howsoever, that doth Bellarmine and Bell. de notis Eccle. lib. 4. ca. 7. Suarez Apolog. lib. 1. cap. 15. num. 6. Suarez doe acknowledge that Vniversality, properly taken, is not the proper note of the Church.

Vnitie I confesse the want of it, the ble­mish of the Reformed Church: and bewaile the want thereof in our owne English Church; yet I adde, False Churches haue had it: and the Romish Church hath not it. The Turkes are termed Islami, that is, men of one mind: they are Pius 2 Epist. ad Mo [...]hisanum pag. 68. so farre from differing, that they doe not so much as dispute of any points in their professi­on. I hope the Papists will not conclude, there­fore, the Turkish is the true Religion. And for the Papists, they have beene at as good unitie amongst themselves, as the Midianites were, Iudg. 7. 22. When the sword of every man was a­gainst his fellow. I will not rehearse the dis­cords, Vsserius de Christ Eccles. Succes. cap. 9. betwixt the Thomists, the Franciscans, and the Dominicans, the Sorbonists, and the Mendicans, or the Priests and Iesuites. I will instance in their dissentions of an higher na­ture. There have beene three Popes at one time, one in France, another in Spaine, and a Wats. Quodl. 7. Artic. 9. pag. 200. third in Italy. Two Antipopes, Vrban the sixt, and Clement in France, had many battles, and many were slaine, even thousands. There have beene 23 Schismes in the very seat of Rome: sometimes 2, and sometimes 3 Popes at once: [Page 485] and so continuing in schisme, sometimes 3, 7, 20, 30, 40, and 50 yeares together. This is no Protestants imputation, it is a Papist who rela­teth Willets Synops. Contr. 2. qu. 3. it. Amongst their undoubted Popes: About the yeare 900, Pope Steven 6, abrogated all the Decres of Pope Formosus his Predeces­sour, and tooke up his body, cut off two of his fingers, commanding his body to bee buried againe. But his successors, Romanus, Theodo­rus 2, and Iohn 10 ratified all the doings of the said Formosus, but Sergius who succeeded them, excceded the other in over barbarous cruelty. He againe disanulled all the acts of Formosus, cut off his head, and cast him into Tiber. Let them therefore first excuse their owne, before they upbraid us, with our dissen­tions.

Here let me tell our brethren who are di­vided from us, either in place or affection: They cry out against us, for having the Ceremo­nies of Antichrist: when we may more justly cry out against them for being the Souldiers of Antichrist. They put the weapon into the hand of Antichrist. Their division uniteth the Pa­pists to reproach our reformed Religion. The Lord lay not that sinne to their charge.

Finally, for their Infallibilitie: the Popes themselves have trenched into this papall prerogative. You have heard that the Popes owne Decrees have beene reversed, and re-esta­blished by the Popes owne successours. And for Suarez his urging of the customary and usuall [Page 486] interpretation of Math. 16, 18. to bee concer­ning Saint Peter, and therefore the same infal­libility to be Hereditarie, to the Popes, his suc­cessors. Besides that, both the antecedent and consequent are false: Let his owne fellow answer him: Consuetudo est optima interpres Legis: mo­do nulli crant contradicentes Legi. Custome (saith Withrington) is the best interpreter of the Law, provided there were none who contradicted that Law, and that custome. But his pretend­ed Infallibility of the Pope, hath beene opposed by a perpetuall contradiction, as honorable and honored Mornie hath made it good, in­stancing Philip Mo [...]ni [...] Myst. Iniquit. in more than halfe an hundred oppo­sitions. Yea let his owne mouth answer him, Ecclesia Romana particularis possit dificere: that Suarez Apolog. lib 1. cap. 5. sect 5. is, the particular Romane Church may fall away: we say defecit it hath fallen away. Both con­curre, that the City and Diocesse of Rome may fall. Therefore they cannot bragge of their Infallibility.

Now ponder these perswasions to Popery. They plead Antiquity: wee have proved it to be but pretended antiquity. Vniversalitie, but a forged universality. Vnitie, but a feined unitie. and Infallibility, but it is an infallibility usurped by them, never granted to them. Yet with these glorious titles, Antiquity, Vniversalitie, Vnity, and Infallibility, doe they tenebras indu­cere terris, blind a world of poore people. This is one part of that Mystery of iniquitie, that deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse. These are [Page 487] the strong perswasions unto Poperie. Strong indeed, but onely unto them who are weake in religion, and weake in understanding.

This is the matter: the manner of their de­ceiving followeth: Disputation: a course which they have long since much declined, lately much required. Campion was their Champion, in this kind. Now to beard out the Prote­stants, with a brazen brow; this bold tricke, is an old tricke. Venire studio contradicendi, magic quam voto discendi: Demetrianus came to con­ferre with Cyprian, but resolved (notwith­standing Cyprian. ad De­metrian. the conference) still to hold the con­clusion. Cum superatos sentiant, mentium tamen venenum non amittere: Saint Ierome experi­enced Hieron. Epist. 24. some that were determined to proceed in their erroneous hearts, though their tongues were brought to a Non plus. Quid promovebis Tertul. de prae­script. cap. 17. disputator, &c. said Tertullian, what wilt thou gaine by confronting these men? they will not yeeld, though they bee never so plainly confuted. Nay consciscere sibi mortem ne in Ec­clesiam August. epist. 48. Vincent. intrent: to goe to Tiburne, rather than to Church; this was the wonted obstinatenesse of the old Donatists, Pelagians, Heretickes, and Pagans. The Papists refine such grossenesse, and they adde thereunto, brave learning to support, and boasting lying to report their dispu­tations for their party.

In the discharge of them, they will use such subtle distinctions, such nimble evasions, such acute interpretations, and acete (sharpe) irritati­ons: [Page 488] that they will confirme the partiall Hen­rer, and sometime confound a sufficient dispu­tant, as (some say) it befell Beza in the Collo­q [...]e Trent. Hist. lib. 5. of Poisi, Anno 1561: yea they will spinne into small threeds, with subtle distinctions, many times, the plainnesse and sincerity of the very Scripture it selfe: their wits being like that strong water which eateth through and dissolveth the parest gold.

But if they proceed not that way, yet they will triumph both before, and without the Vic­torie. Bristow is bold in this behoofe: There are Brist. Qu [...]st. 41. Motive 31. few Students (saith he) in either Vniversitie, who dare dispute with any ordinarie Papist: And if perchance they be constrained to con­ference, every Common Catholike can answer our best arguments: nay they can speake bet­ter for our part then the prime of our owne Professours. After disputations; they will re­port themselves Conquerours, although they be conquered. Lutherus vester sent ens se victum ab Ech [...]o, dixit: haec res nec propter Deum coepta est, [...]ec propter Deum finietur. When their Ec­kius had foiled our Luther: Luther (saith Duraeus lib. 1. sect. 2. Whitakerus in Duraeum lib 1. sect. 2. Duraeus) brake out into this exclamation! This disputation was never begun in God, nor ever will it end in God. Mischievously mis-al­leaging that as spoken by Luther of himselfe which he uttered concerning the impudence of his Adversaries.

This Catholike Custome may not bee desti­tute of Precedents in this kinde. In this very [Page 489] time, have they put the same tricke on the matchless discharger of this exercise, the wor­thy D r. Featlies Re­lation of the Conference. 1624. Lecturer before mee, and on his learned assistant. But (I doubt not) it shall shortly appeare that that Sepia hath spit out his inkie imputations on these mens worth, with this effect: that his owne causelesse insolence may appeare the more manifest and remarkeable. On these Mysteries they are so frequent to dare us to disputation: which if they ever shall obtaine, they shall also find those, who dare resist them to the face, and before the eyes of in­different judges, to lay open their subtle sophi­stry, and all their deceiveablenes of unrighteous­nesse.

Next, the men, the instruments of this de­ceiveablenesse follow to be considered. Non è quovis ligno sit Mercurius: they chuse, and use extraordinary persons, for this extraordinary purpose. In old time it was said, the Church had excellent treasure in earthen vessells. We may invert it concerning the Church of Rome; their doctrine is earthen treasure, in excellent 2 Cor. 4. 7. vessells. With us indeed he that will may set pen to paper, and sometimes Controversies are written by Ministers surcharged with their owne Pastorall charge, yea sometimes forced to take some other charge, or calling for their owne necessary maintenance: vnlesse like Da­niel, they can feed themselves with Pulse and Dan. 1. 12. Math. 3. 4. Water: or with Iohn Baptist, unlesse they could cloath themselves with Leather and Haire­cloath: [Page 490] and these men undertaking the com­mon cause (as a learned man hath already ob­served) they discharge it accordingly.

But with them, I will speake of the Pope, Pius 2, ad Morbisanum. the same words which were spoken by the Pope, but to the Turke and of Mahomet. Vtinā tam bonus suisset tuus legifer, quam callidus, tam virax quam versutus, tota artificiosa, & fraudu­lenta lex ejus. Nam qui divinum sibi abesse aux­ilium non ignorabat, ad humanas confugit astuti­as. Would God the Pope were as pious, as prudent, as conscionable as hee is cunning, hee is composed of artificiall deceivablenesse: for hee knowing himself destitute of divine verity, must furnish himselfe with humane subtlety and fal­lacy. With them therefore the choicest of their youth, are trained up to be Iesuits: the choicest of their Iesuits to be Professours: and the choicest of their Professors, to bee Writers. And these Writers are supplyed with all man­ner of Necessaries: countenance, maintenance, bookes, leasure, yea Schollers to read to them, and to be imployed by them. As it was ap­parent in Bellarmine and Baronius: the last of Casaub. Exerc. epist. Dedicat. whom was thirtie yeares in shaping his Annalls, before he did shew them to the publike view of the world. And Malvenda in this very Malvenda calce post indicem. cause composed a treatise concerning Anti­christ, which cost him twelve yeares continuall labour day and night without any other im­ployment or interruption. So that whatsoe­ver either inward faculties, or outward abilities [Page 491] can produce, we may expect so much to bee performed by the Papists. Betwixt them and us, there is onely this difference. They have all the helpes in the world: onely—they want a good cause. We have a good cause: onely—we want all the helpes in the world. So diligent are their inferiours, so provident are their supe­riours, to propagate their party, by strange perswasions, which is here called, a seeming truth: and the deceiveablenesse of unrighteous­nesse.

With such industry, they provide for their publike perswasion: but their private indeavour is no lesse perswasive & industrious. We have publike leave, and command to preach publike­ly, (the Lord be blessed and long continue it) I say we have leave and command to preach publikely. But it is the nature of men, to neg­lect publike instruction, and not to reape that personall profit, which our hearts desire, and (it may be) our labours deserve. Now the Papists being deprived of liberty to preach publikely: they undertake a course more profitable. They insinuate themselves into private acquain­tance, and perswade with people privatelie. When I consider the devoutnesse of women, the credulousnesse of Children, the ignorance of servants, and the unstablenesse of some men also: I cannot but imagine that subtle Papists, doe wonderfully prevaile upon us, by this private Perswasion. An hypocriticall engine, long a­goe exercised and discovered. In Saint Pauls [Page 492] time they did creepe into houses, and led captive silly women, laden with sin, led away with divers lusts, 2 Tim. 3. 6. And St. Cyprian saith, that in his age, oppidatim & ostiatim, that Heretikes did skulk up and down from towne to towne, and from house to house to pervert the people. Arrius being contemned by the Councill of Papp. Hist. pag. 283. Nice, his condemnation was confirmed by Constantine the Emperor. Against this publike opposition, they imployed private perswasion. Constantia and Eusebius, both Arrians, com­mended a learned Arrian Minister, to the Em­perors service, who prevailed by private perswa­sion, against the publike decree, that Arrius his sentence was revoked, & his person restored: so powerfull are those private perswasions.

Take two other stories, in two words, Do­minike the popish Saint, and Arch-Inquisitour, being intertained by a noble man of Provence, Nicol. Bertran­duta in gestis Tholosanorum, [...]ol. 30. did so effectually deale with him in private, that he both turned him from the Waldenses, and wrought him to give his person to bee a Proselyte to Dominike; & his house, to be an In­heritance to the Dominicans. There are Domi­nicans surviving, or rather Iesuites surpassing the Dominicans. And the publike want of coine in England, may proceed from the private per­swasion of Iesuites in England.

In Milan, there was one Cola, a schoolema­ster; Matchiavel. Hist. Florent. lib. 7. learned and ambitious; hee taught the chiefe children of the City, three of whom, Gio­vandrea Lampugnano, Carolo Visconti, and Giro­lano [Page 493] Olgeato by private conferēce he dealt with: concerning the Duke Galiazzo. First he infor­med them of his disposition, next hee infused into them an hatred of his person, and finally he bound them by oath, when they were men growne, to free the City from his tyranny. Ac­cordingly they murthered the Duke, and they themselves were executed for that murther. Now what he perswaded in private for treache­rie, others may perswade as much for Popery. But Lord blesse our English Gentry from such Schoolemasters: Yet still you see the prevailing power of private perswasion.

I say therefore with Bernard, agnoscite dile­ctissimi, Bernard Serm. 1. de Convers. Pauli. & expavescite consortia eorum, qui salutē impediunt animarum; know beloved, and feare them which yee intertaine into your private families; for they may deceive your children, & destroy your Religion: or, according to S. Peters phrase, do ye so sufficiently instruct your fami­lies, that the meanest there, may be able to render a reason of their religion, to discry popish sophistry, and to discover their deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse.

Thus doe they perswade to Popery, both pub­likely & privately: which they promote more­over by their Practice, a silent kind of perswasiō. And practice perswadeth many: for men doe know the tree by his fruit, Luc. 6. 44. And in charitie we are to conceive that devotion and discipline cannot be the fruit of a false Religion: nor Prophanesse and libertie the fruit of a true. [Page 494] But the horrible. Hypocrisie of the Papists, and shamefull neglect of the Protestants have verifi­ed both those effects, in both our religions.

The Papists make a shew of Devotion, their bait to allure our simple devout people. To in­sist in Prayer: for the place, they have their Churches gloriously adorned, whereas ours (espe­cially in the Countrey) lye slovingly neglected. For the G [...]sture, they pray with their bare knees, on the bare pavement, whereas wee will not vouchsafe to kneele, though a Cushion case us: For the Time: their Canonicall houres, are seven times every Day, whereas we cannot draw our people to two houres in one day, once the whole weeke onely to our publike prayers.

This understanding men doe perceive to be indeed but the shew of devotion: yet this very shew is sufficient to allure them, whose under­standing can pierce no farther then appearāce.

I adde, that in Germany the Carthusian Monkes at Machline spend seven houres every day in solemne prayers. And in Italy, at the sound of a Bell, at one instant, three times a day, (sunne setting, sunne rising, and at noon) Relation of the Religion in the West. sect. 4. all people, in every place, street, market, house, fields, &c. kneele downe, and send up their united prayers unto heaven. Admirable devotion: if it were as it seemeth. I argue but foure small frailties in the performance there­of: nothing but Ignorance, Superstition, Pride, and Hypocrisie. They pray in Latine: whereby he that occupyeth the roome of the unlearned can­not [Page 495] say Amen: a custome cōdemned long since by S. Paul in the Corinthians, and yet some 1 Cor. 14 16. will have him at this day to approve it in the Romanes.

Next, they imploy their devotion in Ave Maries, to the blessed Virgin: and prayers to a creature cannot bee cleared from sacrilegious superstition. Thirdly, the Devotion of those Hypocrites is as the house of the Spider, they place affiance in their Orisons, and de­pend upon their prayers as meritorious. Finally, they draw neere to God with their mouth, and with their lips they honour him, but they have re­moved their hearts farre from him, Isay 29. 13. Qui caret devotione non peccat, He that hath no devotion in his prayers, sinneth not, saith a lear­ned Papist. This doubling in their devotion, Iacob. de Gra. D [...]cis. A [...]r. part. 1. lib. 2. cap. 53. nu. 16. doth double our detestation of their dissem­bling Religion. Neverthelesse, to the simple, and the credulous, it is perswasive, attractive, indeed the deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse.

The last device which they practise, to draw men to Popery, and to confirme men in Popery, is a shew of Discipline. Discipline indeed discharged, is indeed necessary. As necessary to a man, as it is to an Army. It is to the body of the one, as it is to the Souldiers of the other, it keepeth it from rebellion. Of Discipline the Papists vaunt much, to the humble, simple, and sorrowfull sinner. They tell them of their penance and poverty, of their sacke-cloth and ashes, and of their Lent and fasting. And [Page 496] that in our Religion there is nothing but loosenesse and liberty. I answer: for us, the de­fect of discipline is the fault of our persons, not of our Church. What person may not give as much to the poore, and take as much from his delights, as his conscience shall perswade him? Nay more: we know our Church doth injoyne, Fasting, Lent, Penance, and other points of Discipline. For them: I say, it is better not to use Discipline absolutely, which wee doe not: than to abuse it superstitiously, which they doe. And againe: there is no greater liberty in any Religion under heaven, than in the Ro­mish. I appeale to their magnificent indulgen­ces, and indulgent penances.

But by this you may conceive what argu­ments and instruments they use to confirme and inlarge the Dominions of Antichrist. They will perswade you publikely, by their writings, and privately in your houses. They will blind you with the pretence of sincere devotion, and austere discipline. The Agents which use these, are infinite, industrious, and learned men: but such as the text speaketh of, who are set on worke by Satan, to draw men to a false Reli­gion. But the God of heaven make us all con­stant and conscionable in the practice and profession of the true Religion.


2 THE [...]S. 2. 9, 10. After the working of Satan, in all power.’

Of Satan. Papists refuse all communion with Pro­testants. Why so many learned turne Papists. No reconciliation with Rome.

I Have shewed you the meanes in­strumentall, whereby the comming of Antichrist is confirmed: Miracles and Oracles. I proceed to the prin­cipall meanes: his person. Satan of [...] Adver­sarius qui obsistit, an enemy who doth resist, saith Erasmus. Or Satanas, quasi Satanachas, that is, a Serpent, or an Impostor, as Aretius de­livereth it out of Iustine Martyr: so both force and fraud shall concurre in the confirming of Antichrist. As Christ doth worke mightily in his Ministers, Coloss. 1. 29. so doth the Devill work mightily in his ministers: both in eis, & per eos: in them, and by them: making them both to [Page 498] teach and beleeve his devillish errors. As 1 King. 22. 22. the Devill was a lying spirit in the mouth of Ahabs Prophets, and the text saith, they did perswade and prevaile. So, according to this text, the Devill shall stirre up, and inable lear­ned men, to confirme the comming of Antichrist: and they shall perswade and prevaile. And that in an admirable manner, as it followeth in the next point: his potency. [...] in power: [...] in all power: [...], when wee cannot ex­presse the power of an Agent, wee terme it in Latine energeticum, and energeticall in English; here translated the working of Satan. The meaning is, The Devill shall inable men to spread and perswade the doctrine of Antichrist in a mighty powerfull manner, beyond admiration.

To proceed: this mighty power we may per­ceive exercised on, and by the Papists, to sup­port Antichrist. I insist in one instance. The Powerfull agents of Antichrist have so powerful­ly prevailed with inferiour Papists; that they refuse all community, with all Protestants, in all the exercises of Religion. Concerning Religi­on in generall, and Prayer in particular: these ought to be the rules of true Christians. First, to separate in the exercises of the contrary Reli­gion, onely in those things wherein they dis­sent. Secondly, to refuse to pray with the con­trary, onely if there bee scandall. Thus may they refuse to communicate with us, and wee with them, because of Transubstantiation, a point of difference and scandall to either part. [Page 499] But when there is no difference, nor scandall, there should be no refusall of communion.

With the Papists it is farre otherwise: they with us abhorre all community. They reject our Bookes before they reade them: our Ser­mons before they heare them: our persons be­fore they see them: and our positions before they know them. They will not doe us that Christian right, which the Bereans did Saint Paul, Act. 17. 11. to examine our doctrine by the Scriptures: but they wrong us, as Demetrius did him, Act. 13. 32. making the multitude to cry out against us, and yet the most of them know no cause for it. For Prayers: Our Ch [...]r­ches they enter not, though our Leiturgy hath nothing offensive to them. If by chance they hap into an house where the houshold settle to pray, out ruuneth the Romist from a Pro­testant, as Saint Iohn did from Cerynthus: as Iren lib. 3. cap. 3. if our very prayers were abominable enough to make the house fall on them, or sinke with them. At our meales, if we thanke God, a Papist must not say Amen. At their owne meales, they will rather eate their meat without Gods blessing, than aske it in the presence of a Prote­stant: though for this later, some few in Eng­land have lately a little refined this fancy.

I would demand but this: if an Arrian should say the Lords Prayer, would they refuse to say Amen? If they should eate with a mul­titude of Turkes, and that they should thanke the Creatour for feeding them with his good [Page 500] creatures; would a good Christian refuse to joyne with them? If they were with Pagans in a ship (like Ionah in the shippe of Tarshish) would they not pray with them, to be delive­red from the shipwracke? Nay, according to their owne Legends of Bellarmine, Surius, and Francis, if horses, sheepe, and oxen should wor­ship God, would they not do what they exhort us to doe, to adore God, even for the company of those bruit creatures? Yet either so mise­rable are we, or so uncharitable are they, that they will not vouchsafe that to us, which they deny not to Arrians, Turkes, Pagans, and the beasts themselves. They will not joyne with us in the worship of our common God.

The effect whereof is admirable for the strengthning of Popery two wayes. First, they can never be informed by us: Secondly, they will ever be inflamed against us. By the first they remaine in ignorance of our positions, and beleeve (as their Teachers slander us) that our Preachers are Coblers, Tailors, Tradesmen, Stella in Luc. 9. 16. Stella in Luc. 3. 11. Artisans and that our Preaching is magnifying Faith onely, and then that men may live as they list. By the second they are made to hate us worse than the Turkes: whereupon their Cru­sadoes are published as well against the Pro­testants, as against the Sarasins.

Now that ever Religion should ever worke such an hatred in men, towards their Country­men, Kinsmen, yea Friends and Parents, that they will not joyne with them in any thing con­cerning [Page 501] Gods worship: though never so farre from offence or scandall: I take this to bee a strange mystery of iniquity, perswaded in all po­wer after the working of Satan. A feat, not of man, but of the Devill himselfe.

Here I take just occasion to satisfie one scruple, which is perpetually objected. If the Pope be that grand Antichrist, and Popery so grossely erroneous: how then are so many lear­ned men of the Romish Religion? the very phrase of my text is answer sufficient: The comming of Antichrist is after the working of Sa­tan in all power: and therefore learned men may bee entangled. Againe, Matth. 24. 24. If it were possible, the very Elect should bee deceived: therefore for the learned to be deceived, is no impossibility. Againe, Rev. 17. [...], 2. Antichrist is termed a Whore which maketh men drunke. Now a gracelesse yongster, who is corporally inticed by uncleannesse, and intangled by drun­kennesse, how will he defend himselfe, and de­spise the plaine advice of his understanding friends, to enjoy his bewitching beauty. And hath not spirituall drunkennesse and uncleannesse equall power to beat downe all perswasions? Sampson, though hee had many gaine-saying strugglings, yet could he not deny his Dalilah: So am I perswaded, that great learned men of the Romish Religion, have many checks of con­science, but the magnificence of that Synagogue doth extinguish them. I will inforce and in­large this answer, in the words of Pope Pius [Page 502] the second, with a very little alteration: Sci­unt Christiani, &c. The Protestants doe know that Pius 2. Epist. ad Morbisan. their Religion is sincere, holy, and saving: nor can they be removed from it: quamvis aliqui, aut libidine ducti, aut avaritia tracti, aut voluptate illecti, aut metu mortis attoniti, aut cruciatu su­perati: although some, either allured by licenti­ousnesse, or intangled by covetousness, or astonished by the feare of death, or vanquished by tortures, are shaven, doe abjure, and turne Papists: Quorum corda si possis inspicere: but if you could search the hearts of those Apostates, you should see that there is not one of them who doth forsake the Gospell upon advised motives, and serious de­liberation. In a word, this may suffice: An­tichrist is come after the working of Satan, in all power. And therefore many learned are of the Romish Religion.

For suller satisfaction. Foure causes I con­ceive, wherefore so many learned are of the Antichristian Roman Religion: their Study, Pre­judice, Pride, and Gods just judgement to blinde them.

First, they study the Scriptures in generall, & this prophecy in particular, depending upon their wit, learning, languages, and reading of the Fathers. These meanes externall I acknow­ledge to be excellent, and pray that all our side may excell in them. But these, without the meanes internall, Humility and Invocation, are like the stasse of Elishah, without the pre­sence of Elishah, they will give no true life to [Page 503] the understanding, for it is written, I will de­stroy the wisedome of the wise, and will bring to no­thing the understanding of the prudent, 1 Cor. 1. 19. And the naturall man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishnesse unto him, neither can they know them, because they are spiritually discerned, 1 Cor. 2. 14. A presuming upon their owne learning, I conceive to be the first cause, that so many learned are ignorant in this point of Antichrist.

Secondly, at the comming of Christ, who did, or could speake more of his comming than the [...] and [...] their Scribes and Pharises, the Learned? and yet who far­ther from the apprehension of the evident ar­guments of his comming, than those Lawyers, than those learned men? The reason! Prejudice. They had beforehand perswaded their expec­tation to attend a temporall Messias, that when Christ came, the spirituall Messias, all plaine signes, which were apparent to Children, were riddles to those Rabbies. For prejudice had pos­sessed them with a contrary expectation. So concerning the comming of Antichrist, the Rabbies of Rome, their learned men, prescribing to their expectation: that Antichrist must be a Iew, an open Tyrant against the Church, and to tyrannize three yeares onely. If you now tell them that Antichrist is a Christian, a famous Bishop in the Church, and that he hath tyran­nized therein many hundreds of yeares; If now an Angell from heaven, should say, Oh [Page 504] come out of Babylon! yet would hee seeme, to their learned, as Lot did to his Sonnes in Law, Gen. 19. 14. He would seeme as one that mocketh. They mocke at all arguments, proving the Pope to be Antichrist. So potent is preiudice to keep even learned men in ignorance. But herein I could wish that all Papists, and some Prote­stants also, would practise the advice of a Pope, Pius the second, Noli falsum dicere, nisi Pius 2. Epist. ad Mo [...]bisan. cognoveris esse: doe not say that our reasons are false, before you know them to be so. De­ride not our obiections, besore you can cleare them by plaine solutions.

Thirdly, in the Iewish Church there were many who did beleeve on Christ, Iohn 12. 42, 43. but they did non confesse him, lest they should be put out of the Synagogue, and they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. They would not confesse the truth which they did be­leeve, sor their pride did withhold them. So in the Church of Rome, doubtlesse there are many who seare the Pope to be Antichrist, and know themselves to be erroneous: but the pride of themselves, and praise of others, withhold them to confesse it. As S. Iohn speaketh, 5. 44. They receive honour of one another, and therefore they receive not the truth, and reforme not their errour. In Italy; their Cardinalls, Churchmen equall to Princes, they could not subsist, if the Pope or his pompe should fall: and therefore they must uphold him. In France; if the Cler­gie should turne, they should turne admira­ble [Page 505] immunities and dignities to undoubted po­verty, peradventure necessity: and therefore they will never reforme, but nourish [...], implacable hatred against the Protestants. Some, even Protestants can tell, how an ar­gument will sway with men, which is drawne ab utili, from praise, profit, and promotion. And therefore it is no paradoxe to conclude: Ma­ny learned Papists are obstinate in their errours. for pride doth detaine them.

Fourthly, the Iudgement of God is the cause that so many learned men are so ignorant, that they doe not, or will not know Antichrist, though plainely discovered to the whole world. Thus Deut. 29. 4. the Israelites fell from God, though miracles were ever before their eyes: the reason is there rendred, The Lord gave them not eyes to see, nor an heart to conceive. Againe, as it is in Isa. 44. 16, 17. that Idolaters should be so grossely gracelesse, as to take a blocke, to burne one piece and to adore another, is it not a wonder? but that we are there told by God himselfe, that God himselfe did shut their eyes, that they could not see, and their hearts that they could not understand. At the comming of Christ, his own City Ierusalem did reject their Messias, they bragd of. Doth not Christ give the cause? it was hid from their eyes, Luk. 19. 42: In like manner, at the comming of Antichrist, the most glorious part of the Church of Christ doth serve the enemy of Christ: the reason whereof is evident out of the verse follow­ing [Page 506] this Text: God doth send them strong delu­sions. Thus their Study, Pride, Prejudice, and the just Iudgement of God, I conceive to be the soure great causes that so many great learned men are the slaves of that great Antichrist: These are the meanes that according to the working of Satan in all power, he so admirably prevaileth upon them. But that he may never in like manner prevaile upon any of us; the Lord of heaven prevent, for Iesus Christ his sake.

There remaineth the principall: the person supporting Antichrist. The mystery of Iniquity is vpheld by the working of Satan. 1 Tim. 4. 1. the working of Satan is called the doctrine of de­vills: and that doctrine of Devills is there na­med vers. 5. to be forbidding of meats and ma­riage. But the Church of Rome doth forbid meats and mariage: Therefore the Church of Rome doth teach the doctrine of devills: There­fore the Church of Rome is supported by the working of Satan: Therefore the Church of Rome is the Church of Antichrist. I will exer­cise them a little to untwine these plaine con­nexions.

Here appeareth the erro [...], to say no more of our Reconcilers: of those who undertake to reconcile the Protestants to the Papists. That worke is a Chimaera in their intention, and will be abortive in the execution. When there can bee no atonement betwixt God and Satan: Christ and Belial: the Christians and Anti­christians. [Page 507] In a word, when truth may bee re­conciled unto falshood, which is supported by all power, after the working of Satan: then will I imagine that there may be atchieved a re­conciliation betwixt the Church of Rome, and the Church Reformed. Till then, I must sus­spect all pretence of reconciliation, to bee an errour in them, if not a trap for us. Psal. 120. 6.

The best that I ever heard, or read any spea­king Relat. of the Re­ligion in the West. sect. 48. to this point, is that learned Gentleman, who proposeth his project of Vnion, by the distribution of Vnity: Whether poore Chri­stendome may hope for Vnity of Verity, or V­nity of Charity, or Vnity of Perswasion, or Vnity of Authority, or Vnity of Necessity. Yet nun­quam magis dubit at am de finibus, quàm quum le­gebam Ciceronem de sinibus: his discourse hath confirmed me more, that Reconciliation is im­possible. For he himselfe confesseth, that it is a thing to be wished, not to bee effected. To which I adde that sentence of our divine Se­neca: Sooner may God create a new Rome, than re­forme D r. Hall: No Peace with Rome. sect. 22. the old.

Grant that, which all the world is never able to prove: Suppose the Pope be not An­tichrist: Notwithstanding, we must suppose reconciliation unto Popery to be impossible. First, these Reconcilers have beene alwayes fruitlesse in their indeavours, and sometime fatall un­to Christendome. As the learned insist in the Trent. Hist. lib. 3. [...] of Zeno, the [...] of Heraclius, the [...] of Constance, and the Interim of Charles the [Page 508] fift: all which did not reunite, but rend the di­vision wider. And what effect produced the laborious treatise of that learned Papist, set on worke by two severall Emperours, Fer­dinand, and Maximilian, to compose the Quar­rells of the Church? Onely of Cassander, hee became Cassandra: although hee spake as a Prophet, yet no body would beleeve him. Here­upon politike Pope Paul the third did laugh at Charles the fift, who attempted a reconcili­ation betwixt the Papists and the Protestants, anno 1548. and it standeth with great reason. For the most cautelous phrases of the most c [...]ri [...] us Reconcilers, when they come to the scanning, will bee ambiguous. Superficially considered, they may receive good sense: but seriously sifted, they containe the old errours. And the effect was, as the Pope presaged: the Emperor indevoring to reconcile two contrary opinions, he made them both agree to impugne his: and each more obstinately to defend his own.

Then consider the parties: and Reconciliati­on will appeare on our side to be improbable: on their side impossible. God knoweth, some of our side are intractable and obstinate enough. For mine owne part: I professe, I love peace, next to truth: and for the injoying thereof, I would submit my selfe to any thing that doth not evidently infringe a good conscience. I could bee contented: First, that the Pope should injoy those Temporall dominions which the skill of his Ancestours hath left unto him. [Page 509] Secondly, (with our King, with God) I would be content to acknowledge him, the Patriark, of the West, and Prime Bishop of the World: so that he keepe him within the compasse of his owne Dioces. Thirdly, that in deepe disputes, of Election, Freewill, Reall (not Carnall) Presence, and such like: Vnusquisquis abundet sensu suo, that every man might enjoy, the freedome of his owne judgement, without any bitter in­vections, or uncharitable censuring. Fourth­ly, I could permit them, their Discipline, even Penance and Confession, prouided that they impose it not upon others. Finally, I could yeeld (for Peace) to any thing which can admit any Conscionable or Charitable interpretation. For (I thank God) I have learned to hate Opinions, not because they are Popish, but because they are Erronious. This professe I for my selfe: I dare not promise so much for all. We know there are some, who onely for the Cap, & the Knee: though we come with the Cap, & with the Knee: yet will they neuer be intreated to be Reconciled to [...]s. What hope then can there be, to draw them to a Reconciliation in those great points, which indeed are a great deale more difficult.

Thus Reconciliation on our side is improba­ble: but on their side, plainly impossible. The most moderate, learned, and most sanctified of the Protestants, speake and seeke to the Pa­pists, in the words of S t. Paul: If it be possible we will have Peace, Rom. 12. 18. But long and [Page 510] lamentable experience returneth the attai­ning of such Peace to be impossible in the phrase of Zacharie 7. 1, and 12. They refused to harken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their eares: yea they haue made their hearts as hard as an Adamant. Which impossibility of Peace, or of any Peaceable Reconciliation, wee may con­ceive, it we consider their Positions, Dispositi­ons, and the Composition, or the very Beeing of the Papacie.

Their Positions, or Paradoxes are intolerable: and such as contradict, if not Ruine the Founda­tions of Christianitie. The Lords Prayer, is as good as, annihilated to the Common People, be­cause ( praying in Latine) they cannot say Amen, to that they vnderstand not. In the Creed, the tenth Article is plainly gainsaid, by that arro­gant opinion of merits. In the Decalogue, the second Commandement is grosly transgressed by the worshipping of Images. And in the Sacra­ment, the Adoring the Bread, and the withhold­ing of the Cup: the one against the apparent Trueth, and the other against the Confessed in­stitution of Christ. In all these there can be no amity with Rome, without enmity with God. Though Israell play the Harlot, yet let not Iudah offend, Hosea 4. 15. Add to this the interdiction of the Scripture, against the expresse precept of Christ, Iohn 5. 39. and the Popes Power to Depose Hook [...]r in Hab. 14. Sect. 27. Princes (accounting himselfe, Lord Paramont over Kings, and Kings his Seruants Paravaile) the very Character of Antichrist, 2 Thes. 2. 4. [Page 511] As also his Divorces in mariages, and Dispensa­tions in Oathes.

Moreover, all their errours are imposed as Crakenth. De▪ [...]s Eccles Aug. cap. 83. matters of faith: and no faith is to bee kept with Heretikes, this is a decree of Pope Vrbanus the sixt, which you may read in D r. Craken­thorp against Spalato. For us, to yeeld to these is no lesse than the losse of our ( lives peradven­ture) salvation. For them to reforme, it is no more than to perswade the Pope to yeeld up his keyes and Crowne: which I thinke those Reconcilers have no great hope to performe. Howsoever, wee may say in the words and judgement of judicious Hooker, Let them hate Hooker in Hab. 1. 4. sect. 27. and forsake all their Idolatry, and abjure all their errours and heresies, and wee will meet rhem Tolet. In [...]r. lib 1. cap. 9. with Olive branches: But if they will not: we have the warrant of their owne Cardinall, and Casuists, to avoyd Heretickes and Heresie. And we are confident for our selves, that wee may shape the same answer to these reconci­lers, which Iehu did to Ioram, 2 Kings 9. 22. What Peace so long as the whoredomes of your mo­ther Iezabell are so many?

Next, if their positions might bee reconciled, yet their dispositions are irreconciliable. For in Relation of the Religion in the West 48. all their Conferences, ere they have departed they have plainly discovered, that they came not with any such intent, as to yeeld any thing for Peace, much lesse for Truths sake: but onely to assay, either by manifold perswasions to in­treat or reduce, or otherwise to intrap or dis­grace [Page 512] the Adversaries. Moreover, the Popes themselves are Patrons and patternes of this in­flexible Whit [...]ker in Bell [...]ont. 4. Q [...]st. 5. perversnesse. Hereupon when as Pope Adrian at the Norimberg Diet, promised a Reformation, but Pedetentim, deliberately, foot by foot. Luther did interpret that Pedetentim, that the Pope meant to have in [...]er pedes singulos, centum annos, that is, an hundred yeares betwixt every foot, before hee would set hand to Refor­mation. And the same Luther had the like jeast against Paul the third, that his summoning of the Trent Councill, was much like unto them D r. Hall, No Peace with Rome, sect. 22. that mocke an hungry dogge with a crust, and a knife; who in stead of giving him the bread, let him feele the haft. But that was no jeast which was related by Hugh the Cardinall to the Ci­tizens Matth. Paris. in Henr. 3. of Lyons, in the name of his Lord the Pope, taking leave of them, 1250; Since our comming to your City, we have done you one bene­fit: when we came first, we found here three or foure stewes: but going away we leave but one, and that reacheth from the Easterne to the Westerne gate thereof. And the onely peece of ground which all those Popes sought and fought to make good against the forces of Christendome at Trent, was that that Councill should not touch upon the point of Reformation, the elder sister to Reconciliation. And this their unreasona­ble obstinatenesse standeth with some reason: for Reconciliation presupposeth some errours on either side, which must be reformed, and some extremities which must be remitted. But they [Page 513] will acknowledge none. Ecclesia non potest er­rare: that the Romane Church hath no Errour: this is the Basis of the Romish Religion: if they will say, that the Pope notwithstanding will grant to us a connivence, that wee may practise our Religion, without hindrance; this were per­mission, indulgence, and no reconciliation. And I thinke the Protestants will hardly admit of a dispensation, in stead of a Reconciliation. Nei­ther are the Popes and Papists over-free even in this. For at the Councill of Trent, the King of Bohemia, the Dukes of Saxony, and Bavaria, the Lantgrave of Hassia, and diverse of their owne learned Bishops, could not intreat a per­mission, but in two points, Mariage to the Cler­gie, and the Cup to the Laity. Therefore their resolute disposition is a gulfe betwixt them and us: No hope of Reconciliation.

That you may not suspect me to misreport their resolution, heare the Papists speake in their owne language. Non de uno, aut altero Bell. Epist. Dedi [...]at. capite, Bellarmine saith, we contend not about one or two points, sed de tota propemodum reli­gionis Bell. de R. Pont. Praefat. summa dimicavi: but our contention is concerning almost the whole Summe of Religiō. The same Author in his Preface to his Trea­tise of the Pope, propoundeth a question, De quare agitur? Whereof are we now to dispute? de summa Rei Christianae, of whole Christianity. Dut. C [...]nsid. Consid. 1. cap. 1. There can be no union made, no Communion had: no Peace to be offered nor treated of. For they are no brethren and can be no brethren? Quid vo­bis [Page 514] paci, 2 King. 9. 18. This was peremptorily uttered to King Iames, by the Pen of a Papist. Nay George Dowly is yet more peremptorie: G. Dowly Jnstr. cap. 3. although the Pope would, yet can he not dispence in this point.

Finally, Father Parsons closeth up all with a Parsons [...]f Mi­tigation cap. 2. nu. 5. Monarchom. part. 2. tit. 3. cleare conclusion, for both parties: wee agree with the Protestants in this, that there can bee no agreement betwixt us and them in Religion. Where was then the honestie of that Papist, who penning the Monarchomachia, hath pub­lished to the world, that it is a surmise raised by Boutefeus to nourish division: that the Ca­tholikes are unsociable, or hold the Protestants as Heretickes and Excommunicate. The premises may returne this shamefull imputation, that the Antipathie is theirs: and that Bellarmine, Parsons, Dowley, and the rest of the Romish Rab­ble, are those Boutefeus, and nourishers of Divi­sion. 1. Bou [...]her in Approbat. calce libri. Nay his owne friend, in his owne booke, doth tell him in Latine, that he doth grossely lye in English. I doe, saith he, approve this booke because it doth discover, quam pernici­osa fuerit Anglicana professio Haeresis, that is, how pernicious an Heresie is the English Religion. By these, even by this assertion, ye see how the Romists are resolved for Reconciliation.

Lastly, the Composition, Being and Entitie of the Popedome, is their unlawfull gaine. The rents of their Church have foure fountaines. One is temporall, the revenew of the Ecclesiasticall e­state. The other spirituall, Indulgences, Dispen­sations, [Page 515] and Collations of Benefices. Now a true Reconciliation doth imply a reformation of two, if not of three of these: that is, a nullity of the Papacy. For without these Elements of the Papall dignity, such a thing as a Pope, or a Car­dinall cannot subsist in rerum natura. Sensible of this truth, [...] as Pope Adrian 6, when he com­plained Trent. Hist. lib. 1. to his familiar friends, that hee him­selfe desired, and indeavoured a reformation in the Court of Rome, but he himselfe was not able to performe it. Whence that word al­so Morn. Myst. Progres. 62. galled the Fathers of the Councill of Con­stance, which escaped from Sigismund the Em­perour: who, to some that sayd Reformation should be begun à minoritis, with (the Friers) the meaner sort, answered, yea rather à majoritis with the greatest, meaning the Pope and Cardi­nalls; which Reformation, moderate Cassander modestly imploring, was coursed for his la­bour, by a laborious treatise composed by Ioh. a Lovanio, who is also seconded by Bellar­mine in his booke de Laicis, cap. 19. Like the shadow in the Diall of Ahaz, it will be a miracle, if the Pope and Papists, ever goe backe from any of their profitable and pompous corruptions. Consider we then, the grossenesse of their Er­rours, the obstinatenesse of their resolutions, and the neerenesse of their usurped gaine: and we cannot but conclude, that if these Reconcilers were the wisest under heaven, although they should live to the worlds end, yet would they be brought to their wits end, before they could [Page 516] come to their workes end, to compasse a Recon­ciliation, betwixt the Church of Rome, and the Church Reformed.

I will seale up all with the judgement of The forme of Prayer at the Fast, 1628. our Church of England. The Church of Rome are Idol-worshippers, vilifiers of Gods sacred Ora­cles, Innovators and forgers of new Faiths, Corrup­ters of Gods sacraments, Polluters of his holy wor­ship, abandoners of the Catholike Church, and An­tichristian Tyrans! perfebrim. who can dreame of a Reconciliation?

We see then, this pretended Reconciliation, is a meere notion of the Braine, the atchieving whereof is impossible. What is now our duty? 1, we must preach painfully and consciona­bly, that the breath of the Lords mouth may by little and little consume the man of sinne: that some Papists may be reconciled, though the Re­conciliation of Popery be plainly impossible. 2, We and ye also, must pray to God, for all Chri­stians: but especially for our gracious King, that he may persevere in that Hereditarie reso­lution of his religious Father, who in his an­swer to the petition of the Parliament touch­ing Recusants, Aprill 23. 1624, professed his Bishop of Meth to a lesuite Epist. Dedic. most sincere integrity in these words; My Lords, if I knew any way better way than other to hinder the growth of Popery, I would take it: and he cannot be an honest man, who knowing as I doe, and being perswaded as I am, would doe otherwise. Next we must pray for our seduced Countrey­men, that it may please God, to open their eyes, [Page 517] that at length they may see the strange Tyran­nie, which as yet they feele not. 3, We must all adde our Piety, that we doe not contra­dict the Papists of peruersnesse, because Papi­sticall, but because Hereticall. And withall 4, wee must imbrace a Christian prudence and policie: to discry and decline one strange engine, to move the Mysterie of iniquitie: which is pretended Reconciliation. Vlphila a Theodoret. 4, 37. Bishop of the Gothes, did sometime insnare the credulous and ignorant people: assuring them, that the differences betwixt the Catho­likes, and the Arrians did consist rather in the forme of words, than in the substance of mat­ter. I doubt not but we have English Iesuites, who can equall that Gothian Bishop, in blan­ching Papisme, as hee did Arianisme, and to insnare credulous ignorants, with a pretended Reconciliation. Vnderstanding professours I fearenot: if these Reconcilers come to them, as the Adversaries of Iudah, and Benjamin came to Zerubbabel Ezra 4. 2. saying, Let us build with you, for wee seeke your God as ye doe: They will answer them, as Zerubbabel did those adversaries, Ezra 4. 3. You have nothing to doe with us, to build an house unto our God, but we our selves together will build unto our God of Israel. And wee may justly suspect these Reconcilers, to bee the Agents of Antichrist. They would reconcile publikely, as their phrase is, that their Priests reconcile privately: that is, they would draw men to be Papists, not the [Page 518] Papists to Reforme any point of their errours. I feare they would reconcile us and the Papists, as Parsons did reconcile the English Schollers and the Iesuits at Rome: under the pretence of Reconciliation to tye us, and to leave them at liberty. And as the Popes owne phrase is, that these Reconciliatory Doctrines Paul 3▪ Trent. Hist. lib. 3. are not to unite both parties, but to curbe the Protestants. This is a potent subtletie, after the working of Satan, and it concerneth us to consider it.

To conclude, since Reconciliation is impos­sible: and we can have in hope no Peace from Rome. Since we cannot have That peace, let us seeke another peace. Let us labour to have peace with our God, to have peace with our Church, to have peace with our neighbours, and to have peace with our selves in our owne soules and Consciences. This were a blessed Reconcilia­tion. Blessed are such Peace-makers. Now the God of Peace grant, that this blessed Peace may dwell in all this Kingdome, in all this Citie, in all this Congregation; Even in all our Houses, Soules, and Friends: From this time forth, for Evermore, Amen.

I will make the End of the ninth Chapter of Matthew, to be the End of this Sermon, and the end of this Terme: [...]. We Ministers are Labourers, Harvest-men, Husband­men. I remember once when I stood hearing where you doe: the learned Lecturer, who stood speaking where I doe: used this compari­son. [Page 519] That like the poore Countrey Husband­man, now hee had sowen his Corne, hee must home, and labour for more. I hope I may use the samephrase, for I am sure I have the same cause, and more also.

Wee are both Husbandmen: but in a diffe­rent degree. Hee was a Seedsman: and I a Thrasher. The Seedsman when by filling the fur­rowes, hee hath emptied his seed-code: instantly hee goeth to the Tilths end, and findes whole sackes of cleansed Corne, which hee had pre­pared before-hand to furnish his Taske. But the Thrasher must backe to his Barne, and with many a tugging stroake, labour out a supply to his want. He was that Seedsman, God be bles­sed, he had brave store, prepared before hand. But I am that Thrasher as the Kentish phrase is, a Tasker. I must to my Taske, to my Faile, and take some paines for my seedcorne. But if his hūble ability wil stoupe so low, as to take up that lowly comparison, and call himselfe a Thrasher: then are we both Thrashers also, but still in a different degree. I have heard that in Africa, they thrash with great facility, beating out their Corne, onely with the tread of a foot. But we know that in England (the Huske be­ing more tough) they force it out with the Flaile, and with great paine and violence. He was that Affricane Thrasher, hee laboured for his corne, but with admirable facility. But I am an English man, and must thrash it out, with sweat and paines, and notable difficulty. [Page 520] I being then a Labourer, like an Husbandman, like a Thrasher, as——more than hee was: I will be bold to speake as he did.

Now I have spent my store, I am going to labour to provide more seed, to shed into the fallow grounds of your hearts. Now he that ministreth seed to the Sower: both minister bread, for your food: and multiply your seed sowne: and increase the fruits of your righteousnesse, Amen.


2 THESS. 2. 9, 10. The Doctrine of Devills.’

The Doctrine of Devills. The Church of Rome teacheth the Doctrine of Devills. Popish for­bidding Mariage. Popish forbidding meats.

IN Iudges 14. 8. we read, Sampson going from his fathers house, hee slew a Lyon. But, post aliquot dies, the text saith, that after a few dayes, he returning and turning aside, to take a se­cond view of his worke, hee found favum mellis, some honie in the carkasse of the Lyon. Where­of he tooke and sed himselfe, his Father, and his Family. So, when I last left this place, yee thought, and indeed I thought that I had ab­solved this Text, having spoken something of all the parts thereof. But being to returne ( [...]) I have taken a second serious [Page 522] review thereof, and therein have I sound fa­vum mellis, some honey, some farther observati­ons not altogether distastfull to an in [...]ifferent attention. Of this I have taken to feed my selfe, and you my Fathers and Brethren, and the family of the saithfull, even this whole congregation. And I pray, and hope this Sermon to bee not onely like Sampsons Honey, found at a second review: but moreover like Ionathans Honey, 1 Sam. 14. 29. Your eyes may bee inlight ened, if you will taste but a little of this Honey. Now, to quick on your attention, I have but one mo­tive. I shall set before your eyes the truth of the Lord! Lord open all our eyes, to see this truth for evermore.

Yee remember the Summe of this Text: It is the fourth of the five points concerning Antichrist: Antichrist confirmed. Confirmed by two meanes: the meanes Principall, whose comming is after the working of Satan: The meanes Instrumentall, with all power and signes and lying wonders, and with all deceive­ablenesse of unrighteousnesse. The instrumen­tall meanes are of two sorts, Miracles, signes and lying wonders: and Oracles, in all power—and deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse. The principall meanes containeth two things, his Person, Satan: and his Potencie, after the working of Satan, in all power. The Principall meanes, is the point on which I have fastned my Principall Review: from whence I have framed this Syllogisme.

Those who teach the Doctrine of Devills, men­tioned, 1 Tim. 4. 1. it is probable that they confirme Antichrist, after the powerfull work­ing of Satan, as it is in this 2 Thes. 2. 9.

But the Church of Rome doth teach the doctrine of Devills mentioned, 1 Tim. 4. 1.

Therefore, it is probable that the Church of Rome doth confirme Antichrist, after the powerfull working of Satan, as it is in this, 2 Thes. 2. 9.

The Major or first proposition is avouched by the exact harmony betwixt the phrases in these two Scriptures, here [...], the working of Satan: there [...], the Doctrine of Devills. Here [...] v. 11. strong delusion: there [...] seducing or deluding spirits, [...], voces convertibiles, phrases of the same signification, concurring prophecy in this sense, That Satan, and his spi­rits shall set men on worke, powerfully to perswade Antichristian errours, here called the deceit of Satan, or the doctrine of Devills. But that the Church of Rome doth so, this is the Minor, which I must make good by my Sermon, and discourse following; Thus I discourse:

Those who forbid meats and mariage, doe teach the doctrine of devills: this is the Apostles Pro­position, 1 Tim. 4. 1, 2.

But the Church of Rome doth forbid meates and mariage: this is the Protestants Assumption.

Ergo, (I would wish the Papists to deny the Conclusion) Therefore the Church of Rome doth teach the doctrine of Devills.

Before I proceed I must cleare the way of two rubbes. One whereof is cast in by the hand of Curiosity, and Popery doth oppose the other impediment. Those cavill against the Proposition, these at the Exposition: the one except against our Preachers, the other against our Apostle, both against God. But with Gods grace, I will vindicate both the truth, and our selves against both of them.

Forbidding Meats, and mariage.] The quirks of some curious braines, quarrell at this Severity. Are these slight inhibitiōs (say they) so haynous crimes, as to merit such a doome: that the Doctrine should bee damned for Diabolicall and Antichristian? and the Doctors for Hy­pocrits, Apostates, and seared Consciences, set on worke, by the powerfull working of Satan? One­ly for forbidding meats and Mariage.

I answer, this is a sinne unchristian and An­tichristian, in an high nature: being indeed a threefold Luciferian usurpation: both upon the Creator, and also upon the Creature, 2 wayes: upon the Creatures used, & the Creatures using. 1, All Creatures are pronounced Good, from the Creation of God, 1 Tim. 4. 4. and the worke of Mariage good, from the Institution of God, Heb. 13. 4. Therefore to restraine, what God doth permit, is from Satan, the doctrine of Devills. Next, the Creatures using meat and mariage, are men: on whom, these usurpe, in­terdicting them by a Law, from things that are lawfull. So, dominiering over their Consci­ences, according to one exposition, and a true [Page 525] exposition: this is to sit in the Temple of God, as God; the pitch of the pride of Antichrist.

Thirdly, they urge this as the worship of God, an audacious intrusion upon God himselfe, who abominateth [...], all willworship and inventions of men, Colos. 2. 13. And these are causes sufficient to give a name answera­ble to the crime: that these impious inhibiti­ons are doctrina Daemoniorum, the doctrine of Devills, and the very badge of Antichrist.

The Papists doe approve the position, that to forbid meats and mariage is the doctrine of Devills: but they decline the accusing of themselves, by the appeaching of others. This prophecy say they, was of old time accompli­shed in the old heretikes, in the Encratitae, Tatiani, Manichies, and others of like sort. Therefore the Church of Rome is guiltlesse of this imputation. I answer to these also. Io­sephus Iosephus lib. 2. cap. 3. reporteth that certaine Ruffians, who had committed a murther: but in shew they see­med the most diligent to search out the murtherers that thereby they themselves might escape un­suspected. So the Romanists have raysed a Cry a­gainst the Encratitae, Tatiani, Manichies, and o­ther old heretikes, for teaching the doctrine of Devills: that they themselves might goe unsuspected of that Doctrine. But the truth is, they fall under the same accusation. I intreat therefore any understanding Papist to looke both forward and backward: and so shall they easily see the unsoundnesse of their answer.

First, for the Heretikes which have beene be­fore them; they may use the same answer: If the Papists may say, the Prophecy of the do­ctrine of Devills is accomplished, in the Ma­nichies: and therefore Saint Paul doth not prophecy of them. The Manichies may like­wise say, this Prophecy is accomplished in the Ta­tiani, and therefore Saint Paul doth not pro­phecy of them: and the Tatiani may also say, it was accomplished in the Encratitae, and there­fore Saint Paul doth not speake of them. The same answer which is proposed for the Pa­pists, doth justifie the Manichies and the Ta­tiani. And therefore it is probable, that it is a just answer, for neither of them.

Againe, for their owne pretended Antichrist, which they themselves feigne, shall come in the Evening of the world, and muffled with the veile of Chastity. Simulavit se non esse in concu­piscent ijs foeminarum, hee shall faigne that hee doth not regard the desire of women, saith San­ders. Sanderus De mon. 10. Simulabit castitatem, he shall saigne cha­stitie, saith Pererius: and they quote for the Pererius in Dan. lib. 14. confirmation thereof, Dan. 11. 37. and Saint Ierome on Dan. 11. 37. Now, their owne answer putteth an un-answerable argument into his mouth. If they shall say, that they doe feare him to be Antichrist, because of this one note amongst many: Simulabit se non esse n concu­piscent ijs foeminarum, because he doth faigne himselfe to have no regard of women, as Daniel did foretell: or quia docet doctrinam Daemonio­rum, [Page 527] because hee shall teach the Doctrine of Devils, forbidding Meates, and Mariage, accor­ding to the prophecie of Saint Paul. May hee not crie out, that they doe him notable inju­rie, to Brand him with the Doctrine of Devils, (although hee doe forbid Meates and Marri­age) because the prophecie is already fulfilled, in the Encratitae, Tatiam, and the Manichies?

To this we may adde: the Manichies did impose this double Abstinence, both from Meats and Marriage, in the same manner, that the Papists doe at this day. Augustine maketh August. de Mo­rib. Manich l b. 2 c. 14. mention of the Fast of the Manichies in his second book which he composed concerning the manners of the Manichies. A Manichie saith hee) Nil gustans Carnium, nil Vini, will touch no Flesh, and tast no Wine (wherein the Papist fall short of their Fast) exquisitas, & pere­grinas fruges, multis firculis variatas, & largo pepere aspersas, l. benter assumit: but hee will have Varietie of Dainty Dishes spiced, and of the farthest fetched finest fruit: Bibit aut mulsum, aut Caraenum passum, & nonnullorum pomorum expressos succos; Vini specie satis imitantes, & sua vitate vincentes: & bibit, non quantum sitit, sed quantum libet: and they drinke their skins full, of (a kinde of) Sider, Peary, and Metheg­line, no way inferiour to Wine. For the second sort of Abstinence: the same Author saith, in the same booke, Hic non dubito vos esse clama­turos Aug. de Morib. Manic. l. [...]. c. 18. invdiam (que) facturos: here I make no questi­on saith he, but you will exclaim; Castitatē per­fectam [Page 528] vos vehementer cōmendare, non tamen nup­tias prohibere: that you doe indeed extraordinarily cōmend Chastitie, but that notwithstanding you doe not forbid Marriage, because your profes­sors, of whom there are two sorts (not unlike the Ecclesiastikes, and Seculars) ducere ac nubere vxores non prohibentur: their common profes­sours (whom they call Auditours) are permit­ted to marry. If wee knew not the Title of this Treatise, we should take this to be the Apology of the Papists, and not of the Manichies. Tam bene conueniunt: the same hand must cleere the Leopard, which doth blanch the Aethiopi­an. And the same penne must plead for the Manichies, which doth perswade that the Pa­pists doe not teach Doctrinam Daemoniorum, the Doctrine of Devils.

The trueth is absolutely declared by Cal­vine on this place. Paulus nō de Persona hic agit, de Re-ipsà: that is, this prophesie of Saint Paul, doth not speake of the Person, but of the Action. So, that if there were an hundred seue­rall Sects, yet they all concurre in this one Point, to Teach the Doctrine of Devils: if they all forbid Meates, and Marriage. I say, hee doth prophecie of all such generally: but of the Papists principally. And this appeareth unto me from these foure reasons. First from the adversative particle, [...], Now the Spirit speaketh, &c. alluding to the precedent chapter, 1 Tim. 3. 2 & 12. Bishops and Deacons have Wives, [...], 1 Tim. 4. 1 & 2. But there will come [Page 529] those who shall forbid Bishops and Deacons, yea all the Clergie to marrie. Mee thinkes he doth as it were point at the Church of Rome. Second­ly, the phrase of Time doth exactly fit our Time, and free the old time, from accompli­shing this prophecie: [...], in the later Times: but the old Heretiques, the Encratitae, Tatiani, and the Manichies were, in the Former Times: their feined Antichrist (as they say) must bee in the Latest Times: onely the Pa­pists are in the Latter Times. Therefore onely the Papist have fulfilled this prophecy. Thirdly, the word of proprietie in the second verse, [...], they shall injoyne this inhibition in Hypocrisie, seemeth to bee a badge of distincti­on to the Pope onely. The old haeresie was, that Rhemists in 1 Tim. 4. 1. Meates were vncleane, and that the very Act of Marriage was of Satan, say the Rhemists. These spake not Lyes in Hypocrisie, but in open blas­phemy. But under the pretence of Holinesse, Religion, Chastity, and Purity, to forbid Meates, and Marriage: these are they of whom the Spirit speaketh expresly, that they teach the Do­ctrine of Devils. And this is proper to the Papists onely. Finally, the word of Authoritie Verse 3. Prohibentes, forbidding, doth consti­tute the fourth difference, unto the Doctors of Rome, that They teach the Doctrine of De­vils. Zanch. de Spons. cap. 1. For he doth not say simply Docentes, those that Teach, but Prohibentes, they which forbid Meates and Marriage, that is, by way of Authority. Saint Paul therefore, doth not [Page 530] onely, nor principally speake of the Old Here­tikes, who did condemne and preach against Meates and Marriage, but they had no authoritie to forbid. Never any but the Church of Rome, made a Law, never any made such a Law, against Meate and Marriage. Therefore, never any but the Church of Rome, hath accom­plished this Prophecy. On these plaine evidien­ces, I will bee bold to speake plaine English: a Spade, is a Spade: & the Latine Church imposing a Law forbidding Meats and Marriage, doth Teach the Doctrine of Devils. And those Do­ctors who doe maintaine it, doe it through the working of Sathan, in all power of Deceiveable­nesse of Vnrighteousnesse. This objection is best Abbot. de Ant. cap. 12. inforced against the Papists by our worthy Bishop of Sarisbury. Wherein I desiring to give to the Papists, what I desire to receive from the Papists, to heare both sides, before either bee censured, I sought satisfaction from their lear­ned writers, but especially from Eudaemon, who undertooke to confute our Bishop in three bookes. In all which (as I remember from my first reading, or sinde by my second review of them,) hee wisely silenced this point, and spake not one word thereof. It may be, he did presage that treatise ominous, that his name should have beene translated from Eudaemon to Cacodemon, if he had Defen­ded this Doctrine of Divels. Since therefore this argument was declined by this papist, and satisfied by no papist: it made mee con­fident [Page 531] to conclude, that Many Heretiques have taught the doctrine of Devils, but the Church of Rome surmounteth them all.

Thus I have delivered this History, how this Doctrine of Devils is practised in the Church of Rome. Now I must shew you the Mysterie, how the two branches thereof, for­bidding Meates and Marriage, are the Sinewes of Antichrist, and the maine Engine of the Mysterie of Iniquitie. Concerning which let us consider two things: the meanes by which, and the motive for which, they so eagerly pur­sue this double inhibition, here termed the Doctrine of Devils. First for marrying: the meanes to countenance the forbidding thereof, is that which in my Text is tearmed the De­ceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse, that is, a won­derfull seeming godlinesse. Thus Bellarmine Bellarm de Mo­nar [...]h▪ cap. 34. Mason. de Mi­n [...]st [...]. 2. 8. Sua­rez Apolog 5. cap. 18. nu. 22. doth so farre extoll Virginity, that he stileth the Marraige of Clerkes, Sacr [...]ledge: whom our Champnie also followeth in the like phrase, Sacrilegium, Ministers Marriage is Sa­crilegious saith he, & Suarez calleth Continen­tiam statum perfectiorem, a more Perfect Estate of life than Marriage. Hence in the time, and by the doctrine of Hildebrand, the Annals of Aventine witnesse, that the people in some places trode under foot the Hosts, which were consecrated by married Priests. And they daily upbraid us with the Angelicall continence of their Clergy, as if our Ministers were incon­tinent, and Carnall, because they marry, I say, [Page 532] Roma amor est—Nolo dicere plura, scio: I say no more. But this intrusion of forced Con­tinence, hath insinuated it selfe into the Church, in as Mysticall a manner, as any point of Popery, that one of the Primacy onely ex­cepted. Our learned Bishop of Sarisbury, re­lateth Abbot. de An­tich. cap. 1. the Originall thereof. In the very age of the Apostles, a certaine Asian Minister, set forth a booke, the title hereof was, Periodus Pauli & Teclae, The progresse of Saint Paul and Teclae: In which hee saigned, that a noble Gentlewomen called Tecla, was so affected with a Sermon, preached by Saint Paul at Ico­nium, concerning Virginity: that shee renoun­ced Marriage, being Contracted, and Vowed to remaine a Virgine. For which she was appre­hended, and condemned to Dye: but neither had the Fyre power to burne her, nor the wild beasts to teare her: and thereupon she became Saint Pauls Companion in his Pilgrimage. But the Authour being afterward convented be­fore, and conuicted by Saint Iohn, confessed that he had forged this story, out of his affecti­on to Saint Paul: For which he was turned out of the Ministery, and his booke condemned. Not­withstanding, this Legend was afterward revi­ved againe, by some of the Ancient Fathers: which opened a faire entrance, to this soule Tyrannicall intrusion.

Notwithstanding, this was yet but the Praising of Single Life: after that it was Per­swaded, by Siricius Bishop of Rome, about the [Page 533] yeare 300. after him about the yeare [...]60. it was urged (and the Marriage of Priests pro­nounced M [...]. Myst. Opp [...]s. 37. to be Heresie) by Pope Iohn 13, who was so much swayed by that famous Strumpet Theodora. But it was finally imposed by Hilde­brand, or Pope Gregory 7. anno 1074. Now this Gregory 7. was the worst of all the Popes: and it may be this was the worst of all his acti­ons: although his actions in this nature, were Morn Myst. Oppos. 39. innumerable, and incomparable. To instance in that superlative wretchednesse: at the same time he exiled maried Ministers frō their Mi­nistery, & admitted Fornicators, Adulterous, & Incestuous Priests to serve at the Altar. Single life, I acknowledg it Excellent: most excellent in the Clergy, if they all had that Gift of Conti­nence, w ch God hath given to Some, and but to Some. Such I suppose might give more time to their Studies, more reliefe to their poore▪ Neighbours, and more Devotion to their God. Although (God bee blessed) our Married Clergy, cannot bee much touched, for their defect in any of these particulars.

But considering that Ministers are Men: to inforce them by a Law unto Single life: is little lesse then frensie in the Inferiors, and Tyranny in the Superiours. There is a Disease Iustin. Hist. l. 36. (which Galene never dreamed of) mentioned by Saint Paul 1 Corinth. 7, 9, and experienced by Saint Hierome in his Epistle to Eustochium, It is better to marry, then to burne, said Saint Paul: and Saint Hierome saith, that hee knew [Page 534] some, who could not drive out the Devill by Hieron. ad Eust. fasting and prayer: Pallebant ora jejuniis, & mens desiderijs aestuabant in frigido corpore: Their countenances were wanne with Fasting, and yet their thoughts burne through Concupiscence in a cold body. The Disease then is Burning, and the medicine marrying. Now for one infected with that Disease, to vow not to marry, is as if a sick man should sweare to take no Physicke, which it may bee in some would bee censured for Phrenensie, at the least for folly. Next, the Lording Superiours, who shall inforce this re­straint by Law: doe put a sunder those whom God hath joyned together, Matth. 19. 6. which is the act of Antichrist, through the working of Satan, here called Doctrina Daemoniorum, the doctrine of the Devils.

The meanes are thus Mysticall, the motives no lesse marvellous: powerfully perswasive unto single life. There are two Pillars of the Papasie, both built on this one ground: the greatnesse and richnesse thereof, are the issue of this inhibition, of their Clergy to marry. It was Timons apophthegme: duo esse malorū ele­menta, [...], that the concupiscence of Greatnesse, and Richnesse, were the two Ele­ments, causes, or principles of wickednesse. I am sure that Forbidding of Priests marriage is the element and aliment of these: and these of the Papacy.

1. Hundreds and thousands: yea hundred thousands of people throughout Christen­dome, [Page 535] are incorporated into the Pope, their Father, because the Pope forbiddeth them to have Wives and Children. Children are Pigno­ra, Pledges: both Domesticall, of love, betwixt the Husband and the Wife: and also Politicall of Loyalty from the Subject, to their Sove­raigne. This bond, inhibition of marriage hath Cancelled. And therefore so many, so many thousands, in every Kingdome, acknowledge themselves obliged to none, but to the Pope. And which is yet more marvellous, miracu­lous: whereas, all other Parents multiply by marriage: their Art (as it were in de­spight of Nature) hath begotten many Children, to the Father of Rome, by inhibition of mar­riage. And the Effect thereof: want of Legitimate Children, maketh them the more firme to the Pope, and the more fierce against his enemies. As Hellanicus attempted that famous conspiracy, against Aristotimus, Iustin. hist. l. 26. Prince of Epyrus, Quia Senex & liberis orbus: ut qui nec aetatis, nec pignor is respectu timeret. Be­cause he was old, and had no Children, so that neither respect of his Life, nor of the pledges of his posterity could daunt him. Thus inhibiting of Marriage ingendreth a multitude of Subiects, and Servants to the Pope. This is his Great­nesse, one P [...]ller of the Papacy.

2. Their Riches also are increased, (as in all Mysteries) by an [...], and [...], an inversion of ordinary actions. Ordinarily the Parents, are made Tenants for life, that the Children [Page 536] may be assured of their Inheritance. Here by an extraordinary skill, the Children are made Tenants for Life, that the Father may be assu­red of the Inheritance. That the Riches of Rome may not be alienated, the Romish Clergie are forbidden Mariage: which may be a Cause thereof. They know by experience, that eve­ry Nephew to the Pope, and other some such Anomalons, and Anonimals, have gleaned some­thing from the See of Rome. Therefore the Naturall Children, of so many Popish Church­men, would carry away Sheaves from that Church: which now is like the rich mans Barne, Luke 12. 18. It is not great enough to re­ceive their goods. But this they have prudently prevented, by their Prohibition of Priests Mar­riage. Some other pettie pretty quillets ac­crue to the Papacie, by their Papall nuptiall In­hibitions, even to the Laity, also. Concerning them therefore, there are invented, and pre­tended infinite obstacles: of affinity and con­sanguinite, of kindred Legall and Spirituall, of times and seasons, Lent and Ember, &c. All which rubs must be removed out of the way, by the hand of the Popes Indulgence: out of which their Indulgent Father, sucketh no small advantage. Thus the Forbidding of marriage, is set on worke by Mammon and Be­lial: for their Riches and Greatnesse. Great cause therefore have I to call it Operatio Sata­nae, & Doctrina Daemoniorum, The working of Sathan, and the Doctrine of Devils.

Concerning their Fasting, they have the same Meanes, and Motives for that also. For Fasting (say they) wee have Moses, Elias, Iohn, and Iesus himselfe, our Captaines: and so long as we are Militant, all Christians must fight under their Banner, trained up in the Schoole of that Discipline. It is true: the Practice of Fasting, wee acknowledge from these precedents: but the inforcing thereof, came not from their examples. Saint Paul af­ter them, Rom. 13. 4. saith: Let not him that ea­teth, despise him that eateth not: and let not him that eateth not, judge him that eateth. And Saint Aug. Ep. 86. Ca­sulano. Augustine after him, doth urge and alleage (the same [...], Christian mutual moderati­on) the same sentence in the same words, though in another language, Qui manducat, non manducantem non spernet: & qui non man­ducat, māducantem ne judicet. That impious im­perious interdiction, came not from our Cap­taine: but from our Adversary. It is Doctrina Daemoniorum, the Doctrine of Devils.

Moved to this notwithstanding is the Church of Rome, both by their gaine and Glory. All Flesh and such like being inhibited: some people will prevaricate; either of infirmity or curiositie: then Confession or Absolution must succeed. Whereby I conceive their Church-Coffers will not be much the emptier. But their Glory is much inlarged by this pretence of Fa­sting. Iejuniorum sudoribus laus importuna ungit, Cyp. de Christi Iejunio. pungit, said Saint Cyprian: in a sense sutable [Page 538] to this phrase, that Papists vaunt their Fasting, as a grace to them, and disgrace to the Prote­stants, Vrbicus Ventricolas tanquam magnus Ieju­nator Aug. Epist. 86. C [...]sula [...]o. accusat. Thus Saint Augustine spake of him, and wee of them: their emptie stomacks preach us to be Belly-Gods. And they make it a Royard Po [...]il. in dic [...]. threefold branch of their mortification: Quod peccamus in Deum, per Orationem: quod in Proxi­mum, per Eleemosynam: & quod in Nos ipsos per jejunium emendetur. That is, what offence we commit against God, we must correct by Prayer: if we wrong Man, we must revoke it by Almes: and if we stray from our owne tem­perance, or Innocence, we must recall our soules by fasting: Let them practise, perswade, and preach such a fasting: & we will commend it and them also. But their Supposition, and Im­position, that they suppose this fasting as merito­rious, in the sight of God: and impose it as ne­cessary on the Conscience of man, by a Law, and by a Law Occumenicall. This is the Tyranny of him that is [...], Lawlesse. It is the Act of the Man of Sinne, through the working of Sa­than: to spread abroad Doctrinam Daemonio­rom, the doctrine of Divels.

Furthermore that this mystery, may appeare yet more mysticall: they know that some tēder feet, would kick against these pricks, that wise religion hath therefore transubstantiated, these thornes, into Roses. To such as are altogether not so austere, they frame their fasting to bee like Iacobs hands, Gē. 27. 22. rough indeed in the [Page 539] outside and appearance: but smooth enough, when you come to touch them in the inside, by experience. Great, and rich persons, who are dainty, and have plenty: to them though they forbid esum carnium, & cibi cujuslibet qui carne Royard. Po [...]il. in die Ciner. Aug. de Mor. Man. c. 14. originem sementinam trahit, (though they for­bid them flesh, and white-meates) yet they pro­vide for them, fruges varietas, (as Saint Au­gustine saith the Manichies did) Varietie of fruit. And more then the Manichies did: not onely mulsum, a kinde of Bastard Wine, made of Honie: but merum ipsum, the purest Wine, and quintessence of the Grapes; yea, after the manner of the Montanists, they allow them [...], and more also, dryed Suckets, Candied Conserves, Preserves, and sundrie such like curiosities: yea, [...], they give them leave to feed on the exquisitest fish, fish being the exquisitest of all food: food being called [...], for the daintinesse thereof: and Apicius, the grand Glutton, was called Opso­phagus, the Fish-eater. I conceive therefore, that those which have liberty to satiate them­selves with the daintiest drinke, and delicatest diet, that their appetite can long after; Though they be inhibited from flesh, for a sea­son; yet is there no fear they will fall into Da­vids consumption, Psalme 109. 24. that their Knees should waxe weake with fasting, or their flesh be dryed up for want of fatnesse. But that any politicke religion should sit their most au­stere fasting, to the most dainty disposition, and [Page 540] yet cry downe their Adversaries, with the shew of discipline and devotion! I take this to bee a mysterie: the deceiveablenesse of unrighte­ousnesse: and indeed doc [...]rinam Daemoniorum, the cunning doctrine of devils.

To conclude: conclude not notwithstan­ding, that my discourse doth patronize Liber­tie and licentiousnesse: or that I plead against Fashing and Chastitie.

Of fasting, I use that phrase of Danaeus: Danaeus in 1 Tim. 4. Eorum usus frequens fuit in Ecclesia, atque uti­nam inter nos esset frequentior. Fasting, hath beene alwayes used in the Church of Christ: and would Christ it were more usuall in the Church of England.

Concerning Chastity, it commeth of [...], orno, to adorne: I confesse it to be an Ornament to all: Excellent to the marryed, superexcellent to the Single. Withall I wish that their Cler­gie were adorned with it, as truely in Virginitie, as our Clergy is in Matrimony.

But this I must pronounce with Ignatius. Whosoever doth call [...], Ignatius epist. 6. ad Philadelph. that is, marriage impure, or meates impious; [...]: such an one is wrought by the Devill, to fall from the faith. Or yet more plainly with Saint Paul: Whosoever doth prohibere, for­bid (that is, by a Law restraine) meates, and marriage, such doe teach the doctrine of Devils. Now how I should free these Doctrines, De­vils, Satan, and Apostafie from the Church of [Page 541] Rome; This is that, which surpasseth my un­derstanding.

Howbeit there are those that will plead for Baal. Yea Legion: even many will defend this doctrine of Devils. And so eagerly: that if God should expostulate with them from Hea­ven, Doe you well to defend this Doctrine? I feare that phrase should be returned of Ionah 4. 9. Wee doe well to defend it even to the death. But I must oppose them, as Abijah did Iehoram, 2 Chron. 13. 11. We keepe the charge of the Lord our God, but ye have forsaken him. And behold God himselfe is with us, for our Captaines, and his Priests with sounding Trumpets cry Alarum a­gainst you. O Children of Israel, fight not against the Lord God of your fathers, for you shall not pro­sper. I hope I may end with this indifferent Invocation: One side must Erre. There­fore the Lord of trueth preserve the Church of England from the Doctrine of Devils.


2 THESS. 2. 10, 11, 12. In them that perish.’

All who are deceived by Antichrist are damned. Whether all Papists bee damned. Of Apostates to Popery.

THus farre hath the grace of our GOD, furnished my feeble meditations, whereby I have finished foure of the five parts proposed to bee handled in this point of Antichrist. Yee have heard him de­scribed in the 3, and 4 verses: Revealed in the 5, 6, 7. Destroyed in the 8. Confirmed in the 9. & part of the 10. The remnant is how, and by whom he is received: by a rout of Reprobates here displayed in my Text. Concerning whom we are to consider their Persons, Them that perish, in the tenth verse, and their Proper­ties, [Page 543] which are twofold, Active, and Passive. Their Active properties were either nega­tive in the 10 verse, They received not the love of the trueth, that they might be saved: or affirma­tive in the 12, They had pleasure in unrighte­ousnesse. Their Passive properties, are their Punishments, to wit, internall in the eleventh verse, Strong delusions to beleeve a lie: and Eter­nall in the last verse, which they shall suffer at the last day, that they might be damned. I see land, but I must wade yet more, before I can arrive to a ful conclusion.

The Persons are here said to bee, Them that perish: where Saint Paul giveth consolation, by way of anticipation. Feareful Christians might indeed say, Shall there be indeed such a dam­ning, and damned Caitive? A man exalting himselfe above God? A man of sinne, who shall infect others? a sonne of Perdition, who shall destroy others? and draw them to the Devill, by the Devill, by Mysteries, Miracles, Oracles, and all deceiveablenesse through the working of Sathan? Alas, alas, whither shall wee flye from Antichrist? and the Devill? from these dreadfull and powerfull adversaries? Com­fort your selves (saith our Apostle) [...]: Antichrist shall pre­vaile, but it is In them that Perish.

Those that are deceived by Antichrist shall be damned. Saint Iohn speaketh plentifully, and Saint Paul plainly to this purpose. Take two testimonies from each: Those who wonder at the [Page 544] Beast, are men whose names are not written in the Booke of life, Revel. 17. 8. Hence is that heaven­ly proclamation: Come out of her my people that yee receive not of her plagues. Here it is said, Antichrist shall prevaile in them that perish, that they might be damned, as it followeth in the twelfth verse. Proofes are superfluous in this point, both parts concurring in this proposition: They that are deceived by Anti­christ, shall be damned.

From hence may be propounded a double demand by way of inversion.

1. Whether none be deceived by Antichrist, but such as perish?

2. Whether all such doe perish who are deceived by Antichrist? I answere to the first: even Gods Children are deceived by Antichrist. For Revel. 18. 4. their command to come out of Ba­bylon, doth imply that they were once in Baby­lon, that is, deceived by Antichrist: yet not ac­cording to the two dreadfull degrees there­of, mentioned in my text, They received not the love of the trueth, inferring an obstinatenesse in their errour: and tooke pleasure in unrighte­ousnesse, implying a persisting in that obstinate­nesse. The Elect are not so deceived by Anti­christ, that they adhere to Antichristian er­rors, with a finall obstinatenesse. To the second I say: All who are deceived by Antichrist, ac­cording to the two premised properties, doe perish: to wit, if they proceed in their Anti­christian errors obstinately, and finally. I will [Page 545] answere both, in one proposition. The very lims of Antichrist, are a damned crue of desperate Reprobates. Who (as Saint Iohn saith) are not written in the booke of life: as Saint Iude saith, who are ordained to condemnation: and as Saint Paul saith, Who doe perish, and shall bee damned, because they take pleasure in unrighte­ousnesse.

Here I must undertake an unpleasing taske: unpleasing to the Papists, unpleasing to some Protestants, and unpleasing to my selfe also. The Papists I know will entertaine this dis­course, as the Iewes did Saint Stevens rough Sermon Act. 7. 54. it cutteth their hearts, & ma­keth them to gnash their teeth: it may be if their Hands were not tyed, they would hale mee out of the City, and stone me for my labour. Some Pro­testants also will be somewhat disaffected to this discourse: for— Veritas odium parit, right Protestants have many crooked adversaries. Finally, for my selfe: Brethren, my hearts de­sire, and prayer for England is, that they may bee saved. And I had rather a thousandfold preach Gods mercies, then his judgements: and mans salvation, then his damnation. But bee it never so displeasing, to never so many, and never so much: unto them, and unto my selfe: howsoever, as Ezekiel spea­keth, Ezek. 31. 17. Since God hath made mee a watchman, the word I heare from his mouth I must give them warning of: I must say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely dye. Hereby liberabo [Page 546] animam meam, I shall deliver mine owne soule: and would it might please the Lord of heaven, that I might doe the like for them also.

Whether all Papists be damned? I remember Hooker in Hab. 1. 4. Sect. 37. a Christian Rule of charitable Hooker: it is a great deale meeter for us, to have regard of our owne estates, than curiously to sift out what is be­come of other men. We may both blush at the check given to the curious, Iohn 21. 22. What is that to thee? and feare the censure on the censo­rious, Matth. 7. 1. Iudge not, that you be not jud­ged. And in my private judgement, I have alwayes held, that curiousnesse and rashnesse of judging others, have beene things least be­fitting, and most indangering Christians. Yet in a publike and Charitable discourse, an evi­dent Text, may cause even such a Theame to be discussed. And in these dangerous times it is yet more expedient. If the Pit bee open I must shew it to you, lest I be guilty of your downe-fall. And I would bee very sorry at the day of judgement, to heare that phrase of Saint Cy­prian, heu Parentem sensimus parricidam, our Preacher betrayed us into the hands of Anti­christ, by his silence. If through my Silence, a­ny of you should embrace, or retaine any damnable Errours: thereby I shall bee culpable of your damnation. Therefore in the feare of God, and love of man, I proceed to deter­mine this question, Whether all Papists bee damned.

That all Papists be damned: some define it [Page 547] generally, and peremptorily. All the soules which Helwis Myst. of [...]. pag 12. submit themselves to Antichrist, and so die, they perish to everlasting destruction: though they doe it ignorantly. These are the words of Helwis, the Apostle of the Anabaptists. But this is the Anabaptisticall charity: they are as charita­ble to us also. They say not onely that all Pa­pists, but that all Christians are damned, except themselves. These know not what spirit they Luke 9. 55. are of. We say, That we acknowledge that an honest ignorant Papists may be saved, All Papists Answer to Fi­sh [...]rs 3. Relation pag [...]8. Vsh [...]r de st [...]n E [...] [...]histiano. [...]um c. 6. sect. 8. Doun. in Less. part. 2. Dem. 2. Sect. 5. Hooker in Hab. sect 12. Povell. l. 1. [...]. 34. are damned some say: but we say in the phrase of Saint Iude, Haue compassion of some, and make a difference. Wee may observe a threefold difference amongst Papists: we may distinguish them, in regard of the Time when they lived, in regard of the Place whero they lived, and in regard of the Errours wherein they lived.

First for the Time. What became of our Forefathers, dying before the Reformation? This is a common head from whence they setch their Rhetoricall flourishes. Ergo perierunt Lessius de Ant. Demonstr. 2. Iesuite in the Path. way, sect. 61. omnes majores nostri, perierunt tot. animae Deo ad­dict [...]ssimae, sapientiâ, sanctitate vitae, & miraculo­rum gloria celeberrimae? So many millions? so ma­ny of them being innocent, and vertuous: some that shed their blood for Christs sake: were they all hated of God? all damned? Oh impious, cruell, & incredible assertion! Thus doth an English Ie­suite, almost translate the Latine of their Lessi­us. I answer in the words of two of the fathers. Saint Cyrian saith thus: Si quis de antecessoribus [Page 548] nostris, vel ignoranter, vel simpliciter, non obser­vavit, Cypr. Epist. 63. Sect. 13. & tenuit, quod nos Dominus facere docuit: potest simplicitati ejus, de indulgentia Domini ve­nia concedi. Nobis autem ignosci non poterit, qui nunc a Domino instructi, & admoniti sumus. That is, If any of our Forefathers, either out of ignorance or Simplicity, hath not observed or practised, what the Lord cōmanded us to performe: the indulgence of Gods pardon may be vouchsafed to their simplicity; but pardoned we cannot be, who are now taught & instructed by the Lord. This spake that Martyr, concer­ning but the alteration of one of the elements in the Lords Supper: conceive how hee would have coursed such, if any in his dayes durst have taken away an element from the same Sacrament. He who had Rodds for the Aqua­rians, would have found Scorpions for the Pa­pists. Next, what Saint Augustine spake of the Aug. de vera Re­lig. cap. 4. Platonikes, wee may speake of our Ancestours, who lived in the former time of Popish pur­blind superstition. Illi si reviviscerent quorum nominibus gloriantur, & invenirent Ecclesias re­fertas, templaque deserta,—dicerent fortasse (si tales essent, quales fuisse memorantur) haec sunt quae nos populis persuadere non ausi sumus, & eo­rum potius consuetudini cessimus, quam illos in fidem nostram voluntatemque traduximus. If those men could returne from the dead, of whom the Papists doe so much bragge: when they should see our Churches full, and theirs empty: peradventure those very men would [Page 549] say (if they were such, as they are recorded to be) these are the things which we never durst preach unto the people: but wee did rather yeeld connivence to their profession, then la­bour to convert them to our superstition. Thus certainly would some of our Forefathers say if they were alive. They would not con­demne us, who are alive: Wee will not condemne them who are dead. We doubt not but God was mer­cifull Ho [...]ker in Hab. Sect. 9. to save thousands of our forefathers, who li­ved in popish superstition: in as much, as they sin­ned ignorantly.

For a more ful satisfaction: our forefathers, who lived in the time of Popery, before the Reformation; they lived indeed in a time of blindnesse, when the blind did lead the blind: and it is to be feared that many fell into the Ditch. But withall it may be hoped, that ma­ny also escaped, and were saved.

I ground this charitable and comfortable conclusion, on these three probable premises. Many of our forefathers although they lived under the Pope; yet were they not Popish, fun­damentally, obstinately, nor finally.

1. Many were partakers of the errour, who were not of the haeresie of the Church of Rome. Many did not hold those opinions, w ch either directly, or indirectly, overthrow the foundation of Christian Religion. I instance in one: that ingens hiatus, Luke 16. 26. that great gulfe betwixt the Papists and Protestants. Acts 4. 12. Salvation is by no other: I say wee [Page 550] hope, that there were many who did not ascribe any part of their salvation to them­selves, or to any other Creature, but to Christ alone. As Waldensis is said to observe, that the point of merits was not knowne in England in the time of Henry the fift: and such wee hope, in such a time, might finde Mercy with our Saviour, and be saved.

2. Many also practised Popery, but they were so far frō obstinate rejecting of the truth; that we may beleeve they would have recei­ved the trueth, if it had bin offered unto them, and if they had not beene hindered by invin­cible ignorance. Yea, we may conceive that some of them did groane under the gosse­nesse of Popery. According to that which is said to bee the common saying of Dominicus Chalderine concerning the Masse; Let us Quarrels of Paulus 5. Epist. De [...]ic. (quoth hee) goe to our common Errour. And even in our age, the learned Author of that excellent History of Trent, generously vindi­cated the illustrious Venetians, from the Em­pire of the perpetuall Dictator of Rome. These certainely, and many besides these did groane under the Yoake of Antichrist: Although Gods wisedome did permit none in our fa­thers age, to take it from their Necks: yet may we comfort our selves in that comfortable saying 2 Cor. 8. 12. If there be a willing minde, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. I say, and hope therefore, that many of our Forefathers were saved.

To conclude this point in the words of Hooker in Hab. pag. 28. profound acute Hooker. From the man that la­boureth at the plough, to him that sitteth in the Vaticane: to all the Partakers of Babylon: to our Fathers, though they did but erroniously practise that which the guides did teach heretically: to all without exception, plagues are due. The Pit is ordinarily the end, as well of the guide, as of the guided in blindnesse. Againe, those who knowing heresie to be heresie, doe notwithstanding in worldly respects, make semblance of allowing that, which in heart and judgement they condemne: as also they who maintaine heresie heretically: obstinate­ly holding it after wholesome admonition; I make no doubt but that their condemnation without actu­all repentance is inevitable. Yet what hindereth, but that I may say, The ignorance of many o­thers, doth make me hope, they did finde mercie and were saved? What hindreth salvation but sin? Sinnes are not equall: and ignorance though it doth not make to be no sinne; yet seeing it did make their sinne to bee lesse, why should it not make our hope concerning their life to be greater? Great hope therefore I have, that many of our Fa­thers were saved.

3. Manie of them did not proceed in those points, & Popish errors finally. As Pighius him­self, is reported at his death to have disclaimed that damnable opiniō of Iustification by works. Nay, we exclude no Papist, no not a Pope from the possibility of salvatiō: if Antichrist himself should prostrate himselfe, at the Feet of [Page 552] Christ, Christ would not spurne at him. The whole succession of Persian Princes, Daniel re­sembleth to a Beare, 7. 5. because of their successive cruelty towards Gods people: But Cyrus, Darius, Artaxerxes, and other particu­lar persons, were not guilty of that generall cruelty, but favourers of the Church of God. So we say, that the whole succession of Popes, for these thousand yeares, have beene Anti­christian persecutors of the Church: yet a­mongst them there may bee a Marcellus, Coe­lestine, and Adriane, who might repent them­selves, though not reclaime others, for Oppo­sing Christ. Of whom, that Caelestine did re­signe Platina in Cae­lest. 5. & Bon. 8. the Papacy to save his soule. I affirme that in ipso vitae articulo, at what time soever, GOD might cal them out of Babylon, at the last houre. And we hope that even then hee gave our Fa­thers either indulgence for their errours, or peni­tence of their errours: that even then, they might repent, and be saved.

There are many Scriptures to confirme us in this comfortable conclusion: Luke 12. 48. That servant which knoweth not his Lords will, shall be beaten with few stripes, Act. 17. 30. The time of ignorance God winked at. Iam. 4. 17. To him that knoweth to doe good, and doth it not, to him it is a sinne: and 1 Tim. 1. 13. Saint Paul confesseth of himselfe, who was a blasphemer, and a Persecutor: But I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbeliefe.

I conclude therefore: many of our Fa­thers [Page 553] were the Children of Abraham, and had they seene Popery, and Antichrist in their time, as we see them discovered and displayed in our time, they would have detested the Triden­tine and Iesuiticall assertions as much as wee doe. Whereupon I dare pronounce them, in all Christian probability to bee saved: through the abundant mercies of our indul­gent Saviour.

Concerning the place, I may frame the same conclusions upon the same grounds: but in a lesse measure. I may conclude, that at this day there may be some appertaining to the Bosome of Abraham, who now live in the very bosome of Antichrist: in Spaine, Italy, in Civil and in Rome it selfe. For invincible igno­rance, may be an argument of invincible mercy: And where Antichrist is most malicious, wee may hope that Christ is most gratious. Possible it is that salvation may breake through the In­quisition it selfe.

I have read of many Protestants evē in Civil. And I have heard a Romish Convert con­fesse, that his Conversion was wrought in Rome it selfe. So farre will I bee from condemning all that live under the Authority of Rome; that I will rather hope, that that may bee true of the Romanes, which Saint Paul wrote to the Romanes 11. 4. That God hath reserued to him­selfe many thousands, who did never bow their knees to Baal. Though the maine Bulke bee Chaffe, yet who dare take Petilians part, to [Page 554] bee Ventilabrum ar [...]ae Dominicae, and say there is no Wheat amongst it? As some Philosophers say of the extracting of Gold, out of other me [...]s▪ Difficultas non insert impossibilitatem: so say I in this cause, though it bee difficult, yet is it no [...] impossible, that Christ should have some servants vnder Antichrist: and that some Papists may be saved; even at this day, in Spaine, and Italy.

Concerning Popish errors, wee must consi­der their kindes, and degrees. The kinds of them are of two sorts: some are Capitall, such as contradict the Articles, or hinder the meanes of Faith: as Adoration of Images, Invocation of Saints, Iustification by workes, inhibition of the Scriptures, &c. Other Popish errours are lesse principall, which of their owne nature doe not destroy any Article of faith, nor absolutely hinder our salvation, as Pilgrimages, Penance, Vowes, &c. Next, the degrees of them are threefold: some doe command those Popish errours, as the Pope and popish Councils: some doe teach them, as the Fryers and Iesuites: o­thers doe onely follow and beleeve them. An­swerable to w ch is that distinction of S t. Aug. Haeretici & credentes haereticis, there are erroni­ous Au [...]. de utilitate credendi cap. 1. seducers, and erronious se [...]uced. Now if my charity could frame a mathematicall abstra­ction: that there were a credulous Romish Ca­tholike, led with the name of Catholike, and with the shew of Antiquity, who with an innocēt though ignorant devotion should follow the Pope, as those [Page 555] two hundred did Absolon, 2 Sam. 15. 11. in their simplicity: I should not despaire of their sal­vation. But to speake of Papists, as I feare most Papists are at this time, and in this land. A Trent-Iesuited Papist, a compleate Papist, refusing, hating, & persecuting the truth offered; Such are certainly [...] those that perish. I know not how to excuse them, and the Scripture sheweth no meanes how to save them.

Now followeth the durus sermo: I come to that vnpleasing conclusion: concerning the sal­vation our English Papists. For the time, I have shewed, that of the old Papists wee have great hope, that a great number were saved. For the place I have shewed also, that wee have some small hope, that some small number may bee sa­ved, even in Spaine and Italy. But for our time, and our place, we have hardly any hope, that hardly any English Papish can bee saved. My reasons are two, drawne from the two for­mer heads, from the time when, and the place where they live.

1. In old time, though the Papists held hor­rible errours, yet they professed them at large, without any precise, particular, and personall submission, and subscription. But now by the Counsell of Trent, they are imposed as Articles of faith: and they subscribe that they beleeve them, and sweare that they will maintaine them. This I take it, is the marke of Antichrist. And I feare all English Papists, are such Pa­pists.

2. In the next place, consider the Place. Here they live, where the trueth is taught: and not by Authoritie as in Italy, but by their owne voluntary refusall, they are debarred from the sound thereof. All Papists are Anti­chr [...]stian. This is too much: and yet (it may bee) not enough to pronounce them damned. But our English Papists are Antichristian, accor­ding to the two Characters of Dānation in my Text. First, as it is in the 10 verse, they do not [...], they doe not receive the truth offered un­to them: they reject all instruction, both pub­like by preaching, and private by perswasion. Secondly, as it followeth in the twelfth verse, they doe [...], take delight to re­maine in their ignorance and errours. That I may conclude in the words of a Papist: Hae­reticorum Ste [...]art. in 2▪ Thes. 2. 10. qui obstinate nolunt veritatem inqui­rere, ignoratio sit culpab [...]lis, & damnationi ob­noxia: quia sic affecta est, ut si scire vel [...], possent debentque. that is, the ignorance of Heretikes, who doe obstinately refuse to seeke the trueth, is culpable, and damnable: because it is of such a nature, that if they would, they might, and ought to know the truth.

This is the best that I can say or hope, of the best of our English Papists: but of the most and worst, I must say their estate is [...]arre worse, and of them my conclusion must bee more peremptory.

Our English Iesuited Papisis, (who are in­deed almost all our English Papists) these are [Page 557] the limmes of Antichrist in an high nature. These hold the same haeresies with the for­mer, but farre more arrogantly, and obstinate­ly. To use the words of one of their owne Ie­suites: Iungantur in unum, dies cum nocte, tene­brae Apologista c▪ 3. pag. 119. C [...]sa [...]b. ad Front Duc▪ pag 52. cum luce, calidum cum frigido, sanitas cum morbo, vita cum morte: & erit tum spes aliqua, posse in caput Iesuitae haeresin cad [...]re. That is, when it is possible, for day and night, light and darknesse,, cold and heat, health and sicknesse, life and death to bee united: then will there be some hope, that a Iesuite, may be capable of heresie. Can a greater un­erring prerogative be assumed by an Apostle? by an Angell? yea by the trueth it selfe, by Christ Iesus himselfe? so arrogant and obstinate are the Iesuites in their hereticall assertions.

But here is not all: to these damnable pre­sumptuous Haeresies, they adde as damned despe­rate positions of Moralitie. As their breaking of faith with Haeretikes, denying to sweare alle­giance to their King, avouching the Popes power to depose him, absolving of Oathes, and that de­villish tricke of Equivocation: paradoxes ra­sing the foundations, and principles of Morali­ty, Christianity, and Humanity. And with these poysonous doctrines they infect their followers, in all power, through the working of sa­than. Watson. Quod. 1. Art. 7. To use the words of a Papist: Some Ro­manists, (either of grosse ignorance, or wilfull blin­ded affection) haue said no lesse in effect, then that though they knew they should bee damned for it, [Page 558] yet would they for obedience sake, doe whatsoever the Iesuites should command them.

This is limen inserni: Their estate is dam­nable, Hooker in Hab. pag. [...]6. when (as profound Hooker speaketh) he­resie is thus heretically maintained, by men ob­stinately holding it against wholesome instru­ction. Thus the truth doth extort frō me this peremptory conclusion. I feare the estate of all English Papists: But for a Iesuited English Pa­pist ( [...]or all that I can conceive) it is impossible to be saved.

From hence you may take a view of that inheritance, which those purchase unto them­selves, who in these dayes of English Prote­stants, turne to bee English Papists. Nothing but this. Thereby they become the Limmes of Antichrist: Children to him who is the Sonne of Perdition: seruants to him who is servus servorum, the slave of the Devil: the Devils Proselytes, men sure to perish, and of un­doubted damnation. But beloved I hope God hath provided better things for you. If there­fore you be inveagled: as Demosthenes said, when he was inticed to Lais, that beautifull but common Strumpet, [...], I will not buy repentance at too deare a rate. So, if the Whore of Babylon, doth reach forth her Cup of Poyson unto you, whether she pretend Commodity, Affinity, Preferment, or promotion, feare, favour, or vain-glory. Let none of these glorious, but vaine pretences pre­vaile with you. Say you will not gain the world, [Page 559] to lose our soules. Yet these dangerous times are full of Satans snares. But from haeresie and Poperie, and from the Power of Satan, and seducing Iesuites, good Lord deliver us.


2 THESS. 2. 10. Because they received not the love of the trueth, that they might be saved.’

Antichrist not a Iew. The Church of Rome doth vse the Scriptures for their owne turne. The Ambition of the Church of Rome. Consolation against Antichrist. Five notes of such as love trueth.

HEre we may have the remem­brance of the Psalmists saying, Psal. 101. 1. I will sing of iudgment and mercy. And here wee have the resemblance of Sampsons Riddle, Iudges 14. 14. Out of the Eater commeth meate. Devouring judgment is contained in the Body of this discourse: and nourishing Mercy in this [...]ext, the Part thereof. For what judg­ment [...]ore terrible, can we conceive than this? [Page 561] To consider either in generall, that Antichrist doth so devillishly deceive millions of such as are men, & seeme Christians: or in particular, that even true Christians shall be so far deluded, by the deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse, that they shall not know him, though indeed they doe not serue him. The first is notorious in the Catholike Apostacy of the Roman Church: and the second is too manifest, in too many of the Reformed, who will neither teach nor beleeue, that Rome can bee Babylon: But by distinguishing betwixt an Antichrist, and the Antichrist, they inferre their position, that the Pope is no Antichrist. But then, what mercy is more comfortable then this? that any Christian, if a true Christian, may conclude; Though I am not able to dive into this deepe disputation, pro & con, of Antichrist: yet can I infallibly collect, that ( whosoever Anti­christ shall be, whensoever Antichrist shall come, and whatsoever Antichrist shall doe) I shall not serve him. For,

Antichrist shall deceive finally, onely those who doe not receive the love of the truth;

But my soule telleth mee, I doe receive the love of the truth.

Ergo, My soule is assured that Antichrist shall not deceive me finally.

This clause containeth the cause, that so many are captives unto Antichrist: because [Page 562] they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. A double cause being a dou­ble errour. The errour of their minde, and the errour of their end. The first, because they re­ceived not the love of the trueth: the last because they did not receive it to the right end, that they might be saved. And therfore they are de­ceived by him, who commeth in all power, and deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse.

The first cause of so many Christians cap­tivity Less [...]s de Antic Dem▪ 6. Bell. de P [...]n [...] [...] Rom. lib. 3. c. 12. unto Antichrist, is, Because they received not the love of the truth. Lessius following Bel­larmine, and Bellarmine some of the Fathers, doth expound this of the Iewes; that the Iewes did refuse Christ: therefore the Iewes shall receive Antichrist. And to put a shew of proba­bility on this reall impossibility, Bellarmine di­sputeth from the Tense, receperunt: Saint Paul saith (saith he) those shall receive Antichrist, who have not received the trueth: that is, Christ: and these were the Iewes.

I borow my answere, from our good Bi­shop: Donnam de An­tich. part. 2. ad Dem. 6. the best that ever put pen to paper in this point. For his Argument; he erreth in the Tense, Saint Paul doth use the Aorist, not the Praeterperfect Tense. The sense whereof is not non receperunt, they that did not receive, but non receperint, they that shall not receive the love of the truth. For such is the signification of the Aorist▪ Marc. 16, 16. [...], Qui credidit & baptizatus est, hoc est, qui crediderit, & baptizatus erit: not hee that did [Page 563] beleeve, & was baptized: but he that shall be­leeve, & shal be baptized, shal be saved. So Ioh. 5. 22. [...], procedent (according to the vulgar translation) in resur­rectionem, qui bona fecerunt, hoc est, qui fecerint, Christ saith there, those who shall doe good workes, shall enter into the Resurrection of life. So here, in the same Tense, and sense also, [...], those that shall not receive the love of the trueth, shall bee deceived by the de­ceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse. Saint Pauls words in this place being to bee referred, not to the time of the Epistle hee wrote in, but to the time of the Punishment hee wrote of.

But for the thing it selfe, that Saint Paul here speaketh onely of the Iewes: this conceit, hath no colour of probability: as it will ap­peare if wee consider these foure particulars. The Phrase, the Persons, the Punishment, and the purpose of Saint Paul in publishing of this prophecy.

1. Take the word truth, for the word Christ, (which is not the true sense thereof in this place) and yet Saint Paul doth not say that those shall be deceived by Antichrist, who doe not receive veritatem, Christ, as the Iewes did: but who doe not receive Amorem veri­tatis, the love of Christ, which is not proper to the Iewes, but to the false Christians.

2. The Iewes refused to receive Christ, 1600 yeeres since, It must follow therfore, that the [Page 564] Iewes received Antichrist so long also. For the prophecie is of the same persons: those who doe not receive the love of the trueth, those very men are delivered into the power of Sathan.

3. The punishment of Antichristians, is dam­nation: but Antichrist shall bee the acciden­tall cause of Salvation to the Iewes, which shall come with Enoch, and Elias to convert the Bell. de Pont. Rom. lib. 3. cap. 6. Iewes, say the Papists. The Iewes therefore are not those who are spoken of in the Text.

4. The purpose and maine drift of this pro­phecie, is to proclaime to the world, the Ca­tholike cause of being captives unto Antichrist, to be this: Because mē do not receive the love of the trueth. Whosoever doth not receive it, shall be deceived and damned. And therefore I con­ceive neither reason, nor authority, why any man should make a particular of that, which Saint Paul doth propose as a generall.

The conclusion therfore is plain, and true. The Apostle doth here describe the adhaerents of Antichrist, non a natione, sed conditione ipso­rum: Doun. part. 2. Dem. 6. not from their Region, but from their Religion. Antichrist shall prevaile on such as receive not the love of the trueth. Now whe­ther these men be Iewes or Christians, it skil­leth not.

Having cut off this cavill, I come to the naturall exposition. The Object of Antichrists prevailing power, is here foretold to bee men, who will not receive the love of the trueth. Of the Truth I may distinguish, as the Greekes [Page 565] doe of the Word: there is [...]: Veritas Christi, & Veritas Christus: the truth written, and the Trueth begotten: the first Matth. 22. 16. thou teachest the way of GOD [...] in trueth: the second Iohn 14. 16. I am, [...], the Truth▪ Christ did the former Doctrinally, and he was the latter Essentiallie. The Text speaketh of both, but of the first properly, and primarily: it being most conveni­ent thereunto. For the fallacy is a deceiveable­nesse of unrighteousnesse, that is, false doctrine. Therefore the Apostasie is from the true Do­ctrine, or the trueth taught us in the Gospell.

By the truth then, here we are to understād the Gospell. The Gospell is termed the trueth for three causes: from the infallibility, use, and efficacy thereof. First, each syllable is true, and shall come to passe Math. 5. 18. Secondly, it maketh a man true, and absolute in the know­ledge and practise of Holinesse, 2 Tim. 3. 16. Thirdly, the Gospell is veritas magna, & prae­valebit: the Gospell is that trueth which above all things beareth away the victory. The Gospell is a true sword, to cut downe all errour, and transgression, Heb. 4. 12.

Marke moreover (it is the obseruation of our blessed Bishop Iewell) marke, hee doth not say, Because they receive not the trueth, but be­cause they receive not the Love of the trueth: therfore God sendeth thē strong delusions. Of which sinne, and punishment, wee have an example, (and withall a wonderfull resem­blance [Page 566] of the Roman Church) in the persons of Hophnie and Phineas, 1 Sam. 2. It is said in the twelfth verse, They knew not the Lord. Now that they did know the Lord, and his Will, it is evident: first from their Vocation in the thir­teenth verse, they were Priests, and therefore their Lips did preserve knowledge. Secondly, from their Information; both by the people in the sixteenth verse: and also by their Father, who verse 24: said, Nay my sonnes: for this is no good report that I heare. The meaning then is, they did not love the Lord, which is all one, as if they had not knowne him. Adde to these, three other remarkeable observations: First, their Sinne, Whoredome, verse 22. Secondly, the cause of their continuing therin, they made themselves fat with the offerings of the people, verse 24. And the punishment, which was two­fold, They would not hearken, because the Lord would slay them, in the same verse.

The parallell whereof wee may perceive in the Papacy, punctually in all particulars. The Church of Rome cannot be said not to know God, it appeareth from their Vocation, they have a Priesthood, and [...] the holy Word Rom. 3. of God, and learning, labour, and languages to peruse them. Wee cannot say therefore, They doe not know God; but alas, (which is far worse) They doe not love God. To know him, they have information sufficient: from the Fathers, most of their opinions have little, some of their opi­ons having no mention made of them, in those [Page 567] ancient Writers: from their owne fathers, di­vers of the Bishops of Trent relenting, but the Pope did controule them. Finally, they have had information from our Father: I doubt not but God doth check the consciences of many of their learned, that they see the trueth, but doe not receive the love thereof.

Their sinne also, is whoredome, spirituall whoredome: their See, Babylon, spirituall Baby­lon: and the Mother of Fornication. Their cause of continuing therein, They make themselves fat with the offerings of the people, they swimme in worldly wealth and honour. The same Punish­ment they may feare, & shall feele. Hophni & Phineas did not hearken, because the Lord would slay them. And my Text telleth us, that those who receive not the love of the trueth, God will send thē strong delusion, that they may be dāned.

Now that the Church of Rome, doth not receive the love of the Gospell, (though they have the Gospell) I thus demōstrate it. Because they use the Gospell, either onely, or principally, for their owne turnes: They have Gods Covenant in their mouths, but hate to be reformed. Quia super­bi Ps. 30. 16. & 17. sunt, nec noverunt Moysis sententiam, sed a­mant suam: non quia vera est, sed quia sua est, saith Saint Augustine. They are surly, and selfe-conceited, and receive not the judgement of the Gospell, but the judgement of the Church of Rome: & they love the Romish opinion, not be­cause it is the true opiniō, but because it is the Romish opinion. Those words of the men in Matth. 26. 73. [Page 568] S t. Matth. to S t. Peter, may be aptly applyed to this purpose; Certainly thou art one of them, for thy speech bewrayeth thee: Herein the Bishop of Rome is Saint Pet [...]rs Successor. Certainly they are those who use the Gospell to their owne turnes, for their speech doth bewray them: although they sweare and curse that they doe it not. Thus they speake; Docet spiritus sanctus omnes, modo ordi­nato, Suarez. Apol. lib. 1. cap. 11. num. 8. communem scilicet plebem, per Doctores: ipsos autem Doctores, per Concilia, & maxime per Vicarium Christi: The Holy Ghost (saith Suarez) doth teach all, but in an ordinary maner, to wit, the common people, by the Doctors: and the Doctors themselves he doth teach by Councils, but principally by the Vicar of Christ. Pontifex potest Bell. de Pont. Rom. lib. 3. c. 14 moderari praecepta Apostolorum prout Ecclesiae ex­pedicrit. Bellarmine saith, the Pope can moderate the Precepts of the Apostles, as shall seeme expe­dient for the Church. Scripturas recipio, secun­dum sensum Ecclesiae: it is the second Arti­cle of their second Creed, established by their Councill of Trent, that they receive the Scriptures indeed, but as the Church shall ex­pound them. Their words are plaine enough, containing a plaine injury against man, and as plaine an indignitie against God.

First, they and wee contend Who hath the trueth. The Iudge? Wee call for the Scrip­tures, peradventure they will permit them. But with this proviso: Prout Ecclesiae expedi­erit, & prout Ecclesia exposuerit. The Scripture shall be Iudge betwixt the Reformed, and the [Page 569] Church of Rome. But— As the Church of Rome shall bee pleased to expound it. Let any im­partial man judge, whether this be not a most par­tiall judgement.

Secondly, wee all concurre, that the sense of the Scriptures, is more than the letter of the Scripture: but the Pope giveth the sense there­of, and God onely the letter. Concerning the Scriptures therefore the Papists ascribe more to the Pope, than they doe to GOD himselfe. Which was wisely concluded, at the conclu­sion of the Councill of Trent, by Hugo Bishop Trent. Hist lib. 8. Bestice, that no law doth consist in the termes, but in the meaning: not in that which the Vulgar, or Grammarians give it, but in that which Vse, & Authority doe confirme: that Lawes have no power, but that which is given them, by him who governeth, and hath the care to execute them: that he by his exposition, may give them a more ample, or a more straite sense, yea a contrary, vnto that w ch the words import. This certainly cannot bee to love the Gospell, but to use the Gospell to serve their owne turnes.

I retort their owne words, on their owne Dutif. Consid. 3. cap. 2. persons. It commeth to passe, that that Word, which was given as a Pillar of fire, to direct & lighten them in all Verity, is turned into a Pil­ler of Smoake, so darkening, and infatuating their Vnderstanding, that they rush headlong, into all kinde of Heresie. As Areas, the Spar­tan Generall, by the smoake of Houses, which Iust. Hist. lib. 24. Sect. 1. himselfe had fired, blinded himselfe, and his [Page 570] owne Souldiers. Conspectum sibi suisque abstulit, saith Iustin in that History. Even so: the Church of Rome, rejecting the love of the Go­spell, being blinded with the love of their owne errours, have cast themselves into the armes of Antichrist, and are inextricably inthralled, by the deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse.

I have discovered the minde of those that embrace Antichrist: they have the Gospell, but they have no minde to it, they doe not love the Gospell. Next, followeth the end, why they love Antichrist, but not the Gospell. Nega­tively, Ne salvi fierent, the neglect of their sal­vation.

Their salvation, doe they neglect, not abso­lutely: but comparatively. As before, they did not absolutely reject the Gospell, but the love of the Gospell: that is, they did love some earthly commodity, better then this heaven­ly treasure. So here; they doe not grosely re­ject their salvation; but there is some Person, Profit, Pompe, Pleasure, or Preferment; There is something which they preferre before it, or the meanes thereof. They receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

To propose an authenticall exposition. I will take the sense as it is expounded, by a learned Papist, D r. Steuard on this place. Saint Paul (saith he) doth speake of such men, Steuartius in 2 Thes. 2. at are mentioned by our Saviour, Iohn 5. 44. How can yee beleeve, w ch receive honor of one ano­ther, & seek not the honor w ch cōmeth of God only? [Page 571] Quasi diceret Dominus, perditionis multorum cau­sam esse Ambitionem, ne Christo credentes, ad ve­ritat is lumen pervenient. That is, Ambition is the cause, that many receive not the Truth, that they might be saved. Which hee con­firmeth out of Hilary: Immoderati animi af­fectus, saepe mentem de suo statu deijciunt, ne veri­tatem agnoscant, neque cognitam sequantur. That is, the immoderate affections (such as Ambition) doe put the minde out of frame, that it cannot know the truth, nor follow it being knowne.

To which wee may adde woefull ex­amples. Pappus de Haere­sibus pag. 194. &c. Thebutes refused the love of the truth, and did spread his Errours in Iury, Valentinus in Egypt, Novatus in Affrica, Aetius in Antio­chia, Donatus in Numidia, and Arius through­out the World. All forgetting, Damnosum lu­crum Erasmus in Luk. 4. est, quod pietatis jactura emitur: What ad­vantage will it bee for a man to gaine the whole world, and to lose his owne soule? Mat. 16. 26. Yet to them was Honour, what the Sparrowes dung was to old Tobit 2. 10. It put out their eies, whereby they could not see, or would not see the Truth, at least, the love of the Truth, that they might be saved.

Such, and so Ambitious is the See of Rome, as any, that ever the Sunne showne on. To make this plaine, ponder what the Pope was, and what he is. The Pope of Rome was a Bi­shop at first; over many Ministers, in one City. next a Metropolitane over many Bishops, in one Province: after that, a Patriarke over many [Page 572] Metropolitanes, in one Diocesse (for the Romanes had seven Provinces in one Diocesse.) Finally, hee attained to bee Occumenicall Patriarke of the whole world. But now hee is [...] [...], climed higher then the top of the Ladder: Ecce duo gladij hic: hee doth usurpe a double Supremacy, both Ecclesiasticall, and Temporall. He will be Lord Paramount, in all Causes, and over all Persons under the cope of heaven.

Now! when our English tooke Saint Do­mingo, Cambden anno 1583. in India; amongst many memorable things, they sound in the Towne-house, the Armes of the King of Spaine, under them was painted an Orbe, or Picture of the World, with a pransing Horse, spreading his fore-feet, o­ver the Verges thereof, with this Motto, Non sufficit Orbis, that is, the World is too little for me. A Posie passing fit for the Pope: Non sufficit Orbis, the World cannot suffice his Ambi­tion. Nay, the Latine appetite, doth equall that Chrysin 1 Thes. 1. 8. Gracian Dropsie, even [...] a world of worlds, cannot content him.

So that we may speak of the Pope, what a Pope once spake of his Cardinalls. Benedict the 12. being on a time moved to create more Cardi­nals, answered, that he was prest to performe their petition: provided, Si modo novum mun­dum creare posset, provided that it were in his power also, to create a new world; for the world which now was, would hardly suffice those Cardinals, who were now. In a word, the world will not suffice the Popes Ambition. This [Page 573] therefore I suppose sufficient, to shew that the Pope is Ambitious.

To adde plenty of proofes, to the plain­nesse thereof. I suppresse the grosse sayings of his Clawbacks, and Canonists. I will quote onely the Controversie-writers, who we know, can, and doe blanch the most notorious ab­surdities of the Papacie.

Thus they speake: Primatus Pontificis est Bell. de Rom. Pont. Praef. summa totius rei Christianae; Bellarmine placeth the summe of our Christian Religion, in the Superiority of the Pope. Suarez doth professe Suarez Apol. Prooem. as much in his Preface to his Apologie: On the Popes dignity, doth depend Salus Ecclesiae, the safety of the Church. Martinus Alphonsus M. Alphons. Praef. Apol. Suaris. a Mello raiseth this one note higher; Sumi Pon­tificis est potestas supranaturalis; it is (saith he) a Supernaturall power which wee must acknow­ledge to bee in the Pope. Yea (saith Lessius) it Lessius de Ant. Dem. 14. is granted by the Princes themselves, that the Pope is their lawfull head, in things Spirituall, and indirectly in things Temporall: Nempe quatenus id ad gubernationem spiritualem est ne­cessarium: Eudaemon de Ant. l. 2. Sect. 14 so farre forth, as shall bee necessary for the spirituall government. It is the judge­ment of all Papists, according to Eudaemon, Authoritativè, unum esse Pontificem, qui cum omnes judicet, ipse a nemine judicetur: that is, they hold that the Pope alone is he, who alone hath authority to judge all men, and no man hath authority to judge him. Finally, Malvenda con­cludeth, Malvenda de Ant. l. 1. cap. 2. and comprizeth all, in a more short [Page 574] and plaine sentence, Pontifex Romanus est Ec­clesiae Dei Monarcha, the Pope is the Monarch of the Church of God: I wonder what more could be said of GOD himselfe? I conceive therefore no blasphemie, in that speech, for which Bellarmine doth so blame Beringarius, Bell de Rom. Pont. Praef. calling him Pompificem, instead of Pontificem: that the Pompe of Rome, is the Pope of Rome, for that indeed is the Essence of their Re­ligion.

I will end this point, as I began this point: with the words of D r. Steuard, Ambitto est Steuartius in 2 Thes. 2. multorum perditio, the Ambition of the Church hath beene the perdition of the Church. By it is Rome become the Seate: the Romanists the servants; and the Roman Pope, the Person of him, who is here termed Filius Perditionis, the Sonne of Pedition.

Thus by way of contestation, for them: that the Papists have not received the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And therefore they have received Antichrist, that they may bee—I will not adde the Sequell: that they may bee damned! no! God avert that, and convert them, if it be his blessed Will.

Briefly, by way of Consolation for our selves: That wee have received the love of the truth, that we may be saved. And therefore we shall not receive Antichrist, nor be damned.

Lutherans they call us: we may take up the Trent. Hist. l. 1. phrase, and courage of Luther. Luther said, that he would to Wormes, without feare: al­though [Page 575] there had beene as many Devils in that Towne, as there were Tiles on the houses. So, (if we indeed love the Truth) we may say, We will not feare, though there were as many Antichrists on the earth, as there are Tiles on the Houses thoughout the World. For, if wee doe receive the love of the truth, then shall wee be saved; both from Antichrist the Sonne of Perdition, and from Sathan his destroying Father.

But I feare I may use that phrase of this Iam. 2. 14. 18. love, which Saint Iames doth of faith. If a man saith he, hath love, will such a love save him? will it save him from Antichrist? Now shew thy love by thy deeds. Let thy deeds shew it, that thou doest indeed love the Gospell. Sol­vitur in cinerem fit vana favillaque Pomum. Saint Cyprian in his Sodoma, saith, The Apples of Sodom seeme delicate to the eye, but indice tactu, but so soone as they were touched, they turned into dust, and vanished. I feare the fruite of our love to the Gospell, to bee of that nature: Heavenly to the eye, and to the eare too; but touch them, & they turne to dust, indeed nothing but Earthly affections.

Let us touch our love to the Truth, by this fivefold Tryall. If wee love the Truth, then have we an Ardent desire of it, then will wee seeke to know it, use the meanes to obtaine it, bestow cost on it, and rejoyce in it. 1. If wee have love to the Truth, wee would long after it, as Ahab did after his Neighbours Vineyard, 1 Reg. 24. 4 [...] [Page 576] and be sick for the want of it: nay, as Rachel did for Children, we would cry give mee the Gen. 30, 1. truth, or I die. 2. If wee did love the truth like the Aethiopian Eunuch, wee will plod on Act. 8. 30. the Scriptures, although they appeare not at the first, altogether so plaine, and perspicu­ous. 3. If we love the truth, wee will frequent Heb. 10. 25. the Assemblies, & be constant hearers, of publike exercises, on publike daies, of Sabbath sermons. 4. If wee did love the Gospell, our affections would be like Fire, which both is light, active to ascend: and hath Heate to consume all Obsta­cles. Such men would like Hezechias, Give the portion of the Priests, that they might bee in­couraged 2 Chron. 31. 4. in the Law of the Lord. And 5. they would speake that phrase of David, with the heart of David; We love thy Commandements a­bove Psal. 119. 127. Gold, yea above fine God.

But come to the triall, and experience will tell us, that England is like Zebulun, 2 Chro. 30. 10, 11. the most laugh at the love of the truth: Onely some (God bee blessed) humble them­selves, and goe to imbrace it. If Bishop Iewel Iewelin 2 The. 2 complained of his time, that they had much Preaching, and little practising: I suspect wee may encrease that complaint of our time, and say, we have more preaching, and lesse practising. We have many who receive the truth; but few, very few, who receive the love thereof.

1 Doe men desire the truth? Yes, as Agrip­pa Act. 26. 28. did peradventure; as almost perswaded to de­sire it. They are not ardent, but ardelios, in a [Page 577] short pang of zeale, they will breathe out that transitory ejaculation, Lord evermore Iohn 6. 34. give us of that bread. But as Christ there told those, they will not take paines for it. As some for the Corporeall, so these for the Spirituall, they will not get their bread in the sweat of their browes. 2. Doe men seeke to know it, and read it? I beleeve from the Idiot at his Ballade, to the States-man at his History: most men are more conversant in the writings of men, then in the Scriptures of God. 3. For the Sunday-Assemblies, we see some in the Streets, heare others in the fields, and know of a third sort in their Houses, when the Church is not full, or not so full, as it should bee, if they did indeed love the truth. 4. Doe men in our age bestow cost on the Word? Some few I must exempt from this generall rule, of this generall misse­rule. For the most; Hezechias is transformed into Ananias; Men will rather withdraw, or Act. 5. withhold that which is Consecrated, then Conse­crate any thing to the Priests Portion, to incou­rage them in the Law of the Lord. 5. Finally; Hah! Did men love the Truth, as they doe gold: then were our Church walled with Brasse. Antichrist would finde it impregnable, and im­possible to be entered.

It is reported of the Indians at Brasil; that D r. Beard of Antichrist part. 1 they have a Tradition, of one, long since, who came and preached the Gospell unto them; But when those Barbarians would not beleeve him, another came after him, who gave them [Page 578] a sword; and ever since there hath beene no­thing but warres amongst them. We live in a time of Warres, and rumours of Warres. In England, the contempt of the Word is gone be­fore! God grant the sword doe not follow af­ter it. Wee feare our Antichristian Enemies, because of their learning, number, industry, poli­cy, power, and malice. Alas, alas, [...], Per­dit to tua ex te ô Israel. It is our contempt of the Word, that betrayes, and delivers us into the Hands and Bands of Antichrist. I will there­fore pray for you; yea pray vnto you, in the words of our Common Prayer; From all Sedition, and privy Conspiracie; from all false doctrine & heresie. But— From hardnesse of heart, and contempt of thy Word, and Commande­ments. Good Lord deli­ver us.


2 THESS. 2. 12. But had pleasure in unrighteousnesse.’

[...]. The Papists surpasse the Pagans in Idolatry. Angels: Saints: Marie: Ima­ges: the Crosse: the Sacrament: Every Crea­ture made an Idol.

IN my last Sermon, I have decla­red the first property of those men, by whom Antichrist shall be imbraced: in this, I will un­fold the second property. That was Negative; the servants of the man of sinne, Doe not receive the love of the truth. This is Af­firmative: but they take pleasure in unrighte­ousnesse.

That wee may consider this property the more seriously, let us take two points into our consideration: the Action, and the Af­fection [Page 580] of Antichristians. The first is [...], un­righteousnesse, the second [...], pleasure therein.

[...], Injustitia, unrighteousnesse, is suum cui­que non reddere, Not to rēder every person his due. Which must be twofold, answerable to the twofold object thereof. There is a Morall un­righteousnesse, when we doe not man his right, as Luke 16. 9. [...], [...]nrighteous Mammon: when men cozen men by their co­vetousnesse and unrighteousnesse. Moreover there is a Spirituall unrighteousnesse; when wee doe not God his right: as Rom. 1. 18. the Phi­losophers did [...], keep downe the truth of God in obstinatenesse and unrighteous­nesse: Expressed in the 25. verse of the same Chapter; They changed the truth of God into a lye. They loved their owne errours, more then they did the true knowledge of God. This was their [...], their Spirituall unrighteousnesse. My text may speake of both, but principally of the principall, the last; the Spirituall unrighte­ousnesse: As appeareth both from the drift of Saint Paul in his Doctrine, and from the drift of Antichrist in his doctrine. First, Saint Paul doth describe those that imbrace Antichrist, by not receiving the truth, verse 10. this there­fore is an unrighteousnesse against the Truth of God, and not against the Estate of man, a spiri­rituall unrighteousnesse. Secondly, the drift of Antichrist, is the deceiveablenesse of unrighteous­nesse, verse 10. false Doctrine, a denying of [Page 581] God his due, his Truth, by a▪ spirituall unrighte­ousnesse.

I conclude: this Vnrighteousnesse, is false Doctrine in generall; but in especiall, the grand false doctrine of al other, Idolatry. For S t. Paul himself doth lead us to this exposition, Rom. 1. 18. hee telleth us of [...], unrighteousnesse against the Truth. That also he telleth us what it is verse 25. [...], To serve the Creature, more then the Creator; that is, Idolatry. Idolatry therefore is the unrighteousnesse in my text: which is the property of those that embrace Antichrist.

To make the Property full and absolute, the Apostle addeth the Affection to the Action: it is not a light slight practise or propensitie; not onely a naturall inclination, or a seduced ab­erration: but they are affected to it, and infected with it, in high measure. [...] they take pleasure in unrighteousnesse, and delight in Idolatry.

[...]. Theophilacts int [...]rpreter renders D r. Sclater in 2 Thes 2. 12. it, Qui oblectati sunt in injustitia. The word sig­nifieth a willing, pleasing, selfe-propension: not without much contentment, saith the Reverend Author of those religious Sermons upon these Epistles. If I adde a Candle to his Torch, the light will not be supersluous, but the point more cleare. I therefore say moreover; [...], is an emphaticall word, implying an infinite affection to any thing men delight in. The most precious thing, which Saint Paul did ever de­sire [Page 582] to receive, hee expresseth by this word, [...], 2 Corinth. 5. 8. [...], Wee are willing to be present with the Lord. And the most precious thing, which Saint Paul did ever desire to give, he expresseth by the same word, [...], 1 Thes. 2. 8. [...], we are willing to im­part unto you, both the Gospell, andour owne soules. And when hee would extoll to the hea­vens, that heavenly affection of the Macedoni­ans to releeve the poore, he doubled this word, Rom. 15. 26. 27. [...] it pleased them, it pleased them, that is, they delighted in Chari­ty. Finally, when God himselfe would expresse his un-expressible affection to his Son, and in his Son to man; he maketh this word his Finger, to point at the backe parts of his incomparable, and incomprehensible delight, [...], in whom I am well pleased, Matth. 3. 17. By this we may conceive the absolute reciprocall property, quarto modo, of those that bee Antichristians: To wit, They are Idolaters, and delight in Idolatry, in the highest nature, and measure of any. If the Papists can wipe away this imputation. I will recant, and subscribe that the Pope is not Anti­christ. But if I shall make it as cleare as the Sunne, I hope none will shut their eyes against the truth; but acknowledge that the Church of Rome doth embrace Antichrist. For they de­light in unrighteousnesse. and take pleasure in Idolatrie.

Triplex Nodus, triplici cuneo: a threefold [Page 583] Cord is not easily broken. I object the manner, matter, and measure of their Idolatry: in all which, the Papists surpasse al the world. So that I may speak of the Romanes concerning idolatry, what S t Paul spake of the Corinthians concer­ning 1 Cor. 5. 1. Fornication: It is reported commonly, that there is Idolatry amongst them, and such Idolatry as is not named amongst the Gentiles.

For the better knowledge of Idolaters, who they are: let us know Idolatry, what it is. It is [...], saith Saint Paul. Servire creaturae, Rom. 1. 25. Aug. de mor. Manich. 1. 30. Aqu. 22. 94. 3. saith Saint Augustine. Honorem divinum impen­dere Creaturae, according to Thomas. To whom assent other Papists; that it is Idolatrie to worship a Creature.

The Papists I say surpasse the Pagan Idolaters. Spal. Concil. Red. pag. 35. First, the Pagans exercised their Idolatry, with an open shew of impiety: but the Papists acting the mysterie of iniquity, cover their wickednesse with the Veile of Piety. As wicked Ahab was made the more wicked, by marrying Iezabel: So the popish Idolatry, is made farre more exe­crable, because of the Yoke fellow thereof, Hypocrisie; Because it is perswaded as a point of Christianity.

Againe, the Pagan Idolaters did erre not knowing the Scriptures, Matth. 22. 29. But the Papists know the Scriptures, and (as they say) they only know the Scriptures. Now to professe, that they abhorre Idols; and [...]e [...] to preach and practice Idolatry: To be confident that they are Guides to the blinde; and yet to blinde their fol­lowers, [Page 584] with the grossest part of impiety, Ido­latry. I may pronounce them in the phrase of Saint Paul [...], not to bee excused from Rom. 2. 1. the excesse of Idolatry. That they receive not the love of the truth, but take pleasure in unrigh­teousnesse.

The next is the matter of their Idolatrie, wherein wee may avouch it, that the Popish Church, hath more variety of Objects, than any one Nation or Congregation of heathen Ido­laters. Seven sorts of Idols (including innume­rable subdivisions) may seeme sufficient. And of such Idols we may pronounce that sentence of Salomon, Pro. 6. 16. These sixe things doth the Lord hate, yea seven are an abomination unto him.

The Angels are the first. Angels are Crea­tures all confesse; that they worship Angels, themselves confesse: and therefore wee must confesse, that they make them Idols. It is A­thanasius his Argument, and cited by a Pa­pist, Malvenda: Making Christ a Meere Crea­ture, and yet Adoring him, Cur sese non annu­merēt Malvenda de Antich. 1. 22. Baron. tom. 1. an. 60. sect 20. Dutis. Consid. Co sid. 3. cap. 5. Bell. de Sanctor. Beat. l. 1. c. 14. gentibus? to worship any Creature (though an Angel) is grosse heathenish Idolatry.

Such Idolaters are the Papists. They conse­crate Churches unto them, they offer solemne prayers unto them, in the publike Church. Yea Angeli Adorandi, The Adoration of Angels is absolutely avouched by their Doctors; though an Angell inhibiteth this Adoration of Angels, Revel. 19. 10. And Saint Paul pro­nounceth it impious: viz. That the worshippers [Page 585] of Angels doe not hold the Head, Colos. 2. 18, and 19. Moreover, those that doe [...], that is, [...], to pray to Angels, as Theodoret expoundeth it. And we have the Theodor. in 2 Colos. Iust. Hist. l. 24. like Latine phrase in Iustine; Alexandri, Philip­pique nomina, velut numina, in auxilium voca­bant, they called upon the Names of Alexander, and Philip as if they had be [...]ne gods. Now those that doe [...], or nominare Angelos, that is, Pray to Angels, the Councill of Laodi­cea pronounceth an Anathema against them, and condemneth them for accursed Idolaters. I will sentence the Papists in the very words of that Councill, Canon 35. The Papists by Concil. Laodic. Can. 35. worshipping of Angels doe [...], Apostate from the Church: [...], Renounce Christ: and [...], be­come Absolute Idolaters.

The second Creature worshipped, and the se­cond Bell. de. B [...]at. Sanct. l. 1. c. 13. Idolatry committed, is the Adoration of Saints, amply affirmed by Bellarmine, de Bea­titudine Sanctorum. But Suarez spinneth this Suarez Apol. l. 2 c. 8. nu. 4. 5. thred so fine, that he must have good eyes, who can discerne his words, not to acknowledge palpable Idolatry. Catholica Ecclesia non Ci­vilem tantum, sed Sacrum & Religiosum cultum, Sanctis tribuendum esse censet; he affirmeth that the Church of Rome doth ascribe unto Saints, not onely civill, but also Holy and Religious worship: & hic cultus est Divino conjunctissimus, he saith that this worship is very like Divine Worship. Ideoque consuevit Ecclesia eisdem fere [Page 586] rebus, quibus Deum colit, Sanctos honorare, and therefore (saith hee) it is the custome of the Church to Honour the Saints, almost with the som [...] things wherewith they worship God: and he doth in [...]nce in Fastings, Watchings, Prayers, &c. yet [...]od the Father saith, Call upon mee, Psalm. 50. 15. and God the Sonne saith, Come to me, Matth. 11. 28. And I suppose the whole Trinity saith, My Glory I will not give to ano­ther, Isay. 42. 8. To give therefore the glory of Invocation, Adoration, &c. to any Creature, yea to the very Saints, is farre from True Religion; if we may beleeve Saint Augustine of True Re­ligion: Aug. de vera. Relig. cap. 55. Heare his plaine profession; Non sit no­bis religionis cultus mortuorum hominum, We must not worship men who are dead. Which hee fortifieth by a reason, tales non quaerant hono­res, for they cannot expect such honour. And he maketh all yet more apparent by a distincti­on, Honorandi ergo sunt propter imitationem, non adorandi propter religionem: Our imitation of Saints (saith hee) is commendable, but our Ado­ration of them is detestable. I may conclude of the Papists, as Clemens doth of the Pagans, Ado­ring Clem. Alex. Protrept. the dead, [...]! Mise­rable men, to be so senselesse of such apparent Ido­latry! and take such pleasure in vnrighte­ousnesse.

Thus they confesse that they adore the Saints, with almost the same worship, they doe God himselfe. I will shew in the next place, that they adore a Saint, with more worship, [Page 587] then they doe God. This third Object of their cursed idolatry, is the blessed Virgin Mary; That in the Hand of the Antarades S. Peter ere­cted Malvenda de Antich. l. 3. c. 3. a Chappell unto her, where hee himselfe did celebrate the first Masse. To pray seven George Dow!. instruction c. 9. times as much to Mary, as to God, may seeme sufficient; yet ten times as much is practized and professed in their Rosary. Beata Maria, Jewel Defens. pag. 362. salva omnes qui te glorificant; Blessed Mary, save all those that glorifie thee. Et monstra te esse Ma­trem, Shew thy selfe to be a Mother: are famili­ar phrases in their solemne invoca­tions. Moreover, her Adoration is climed aloft, in Bonaventures high stile, and transmu­tation of the Psalmes, from Dominus to Do­mina. As Psalm. 110. 1. Dixit Dominus ad Do­minam meam, sede a dextris meis, donec ponam inimicos tuos scabellum pedum tuorum: that is, The Lord said unto my Lady, sit thou at my right hand, till I make thy enemies thy foot-stoole. And it is avouched by Lessius. No way inferiour Less. de Antich. part. 1. Dem. 15. unto this, is that Stately Litany, pronounced to Saint Mary, surnamed Del Pueg, anno 1588. at Valence, which they performed for a pro­sperous voyage, unto their Spanish armado, bound for the invasion of England. Peccatores te rogamus andi nos; that is, Wee beseech thee to heare us good Lady. But that Gods owne Prai­er, the Pater Noster, should bee uttered to a Iacobi Regis Med. in Orat. Domin. calce. Woman, to the Virgin Mary, this may seeme more then absurdly, even profanely ridicu­lous: yet this is avouched both by our English, [Page 588] and Scottish (therein both Sottish) Papists. To George Dewly's Instruct c. 6. Hisp. Conversus pag. 10. come to comparisons (this must be odious) pa­ralleling Vbera, and Vulnera, they make the milke of Mary, to be as precious as the Blood of Christ: so much is related by a Spanyard in Lewis Owen of Eugl. Seminarie. England. And it is not much lesse which is reported of the English in Spaine. I saw (saith a traveller) in the English Colledge at Vallado­lid, a Picture of the blessed Virgin Mary, spreading out her Mantle with both her hāds, over many Iesuites that kneeled unto her, with this superscriptiō over her head, Anglia dos Mariae, England is the dowry of the Virgin Mary: and the Iesuites presenting a Paper in her hands, wherein was written, Sub umbra alarum tuarum man [...]bimus; donec transeat ini­quitas: that is, Vnder the shadow of thy wings, we will remaine, til this Tyranny be overpassed. Not­withstanding, al these are surpassed by the su­perlative blaspheming Idolatry, broached by Bernardine de Busto. There was (saith he) a Visi­on Bern. de Busto Marial. part. 9. Serm. 2. [...]ssi [...]. [...]. shewed to Saint Francis, wherein he saw two Ladders, that reached from earth to hea­ven, the one Red, on which Christ leaned: from whence many fell back ward and could not ascend. The other White; upon which the Holy Virgin leaned: the helpe whereof such as used, were received with a cheerfull coun­tenance, and so with facility entred into heaven. Lud [...]lph. de Vi­ [...]a Christi part. 2 cap. [...]6. Their positions are of the same stampe: Veloci­or est non [...]unquam salus memorato nomine Ma­riae, quam invocato nomine Domini Iesu Vnici [Page 589] filij sui: that is, A more present reliefe is some­times found, by commemorating the name of Ma­ry, Machiavel. hist. Flor. lib. 7. then by calling on the name of the Lord Iesus, her onely sonne; which they have so graffed in the Eares if the Popish people while they l [...]ve, that it is rooted in their Hearts, even when they dye also. Thus Galeazzo the unfor­tunate Duke of Millan, when he was stabb'd in the Church, closed up his life, with this cry onely, O Lady helpe me. This is indeed [...], yea, [...], nay [...]: such an Ado­ration to a woman, as never could bee imagi­ned by a man; till that Man of sinne had intoxi­cated the men of the world, and made them impudent in idolatry, and to take pleasure in un­righteousnesse.

Concerning the fourth instance of intole­rable idolatry, Adoration of images: I will spare some labour in this point, because I have spent so much therein already, in my Treatise on the second Commandement, which I com­posed for that purpose. And if any Papist can render a sufficient answere to the argu­ments therein composed, I will recant: and confesse that the Pope is not Antichrist, nor the Popish Religion Antichristian, idolatrous, he­reticall, or any way Erronious.

Briefly, I say, that this fourth kinde of idola­try, is more soule then all the former; because directed unto a more grosse Object, Images. I may exclaime against this Heathenish idolatry, Clem. Alex. Pr [...]trept. as Clemens Alexandrinus did against the heathē [Page 590] for the very same thing, [...], to adore a Blocke, is it not a blockish Idolatrie? There is a double cause of Idola­trie, saith Aquine; Vna ex parte▪ ho [...]inu [...], al­tera Aquin 2 [...]. qu [...]st. 94. 4. ex parte daemonum: Men and Devils concur in the generation of this Viper. In the phrase of my Text, the working of Satan deceiveth men that perish: plainly prophesied by S. Iohn Rev. 9. 20. that Antichristians should worship idols of gold, and silver, and of brasse, and stone, & wood. Things most palp [...]bly, and literally, perfor­med in the Papacie.

Where it is worth our observation: that the Papists plead for their Idols in the same tearmes, wherein the Pagans did. Tell a papist what a grosse absurditie they act, who adore an image. Oh say they, mistake us not, it is re­praesentativè, not determinativè: wee doe not worship the Image, but the Saint in the Image. Iulians owne distinction: Non Lapidem, sed Io­vem Zanch. Tom. 4. cap. 15 thes. 3. in lapide, that he did not worship the Sta­tue, but Iupiter in the Statue. If we object Quae amentia est, aut ea fingere quae timeant, aut ea ti­mere quae sinx [...]rint? What a frensie is it, either to make those things which they worship, or to worship those things which they have made? They reply in the Pagans owne-phrase recorded by Lactantius, Non ipsa timemus, sed Lactant. Just. lib. 2. cap. 2. Eos, quorum nominibus sunt consecrata: We do not (said the Pagans) worship the Images, but the Persons, to whom those Images are con­secrated. Object againe, even our eyes can cen­sure [Page 591] those Images to be senslesse, and therfore they are senslesse who adore them. The old Pa­gans Arnobius lib. 6. wil put an answer into the mouths of our modern Papists, Deos per simulacra veneramur, we adore the saints by those Images. Nay more: if wee should oppose them with the same in­stances that the Antients objected against the Heathens, I beleeve it would exercise their Lo­gicke to acquite them. Quid si coli se nesciunt? (said the christians in Arnobius) what if the saints Arnobius l. 6. do not see this worship, which the papists perform to their Images? Is not then that image-worship blind idolatry? Cur invocat is deorum nominibus, oculos in coelū non tollitis? sed lapides, et ligna spe­ctatis? Lactant. l. 2. c. 2. If you worship not the images on the wal, but the saints in heaven, why do ye not lift up your eies to heaven? but fasten thē on the picture before you? These were objected by the fathers to the hea­then, concerning their idols: and I beleeve our idolaters cannot easily and ingenuously assoile them.

But to put all out of doubt. What is an hea­thenish idol? Shall Gods owne description stand for authentical? Then, The images of the heathen are silver & gold, the works of mens hands, which have mouths & speak not, eyes and see not, & eares and heare not. Ps. 135. 15, 16, 17. What branch of this description concurreth not with their popish images? And if the Italian men in their Carnival should deale with the Lady of Loret­to, as the Arcadian boyes did with Diana in Clem. Alex. Protrept. their pastimes, put an Haltar about the necke [Page 592] of the Image, might they not cry, [...], that that Picture had not power enough to put the Rope from her throate, as those Boyes did? and be called [...], the Hal­tred Goddesse?

Finally, to prove this Popish Image-Adorati­on, to bee more Paganish, then that of the Pa­gans themselves, I adde; the Pagans were ne­ver interdicted, from such a kind of worship, by their gods. But our God hath expresly inhibi­ted it unto Christians, Deut. 4. The Observa­tion is proposed in the 12. verse, You saw no similitude: The Illation annexed in the 15. Take heed therefore that you make not any Image: And the Commination threatned in the 24. The Lord is a consuming fire: as if Hell fire were the reward of image-worshippers. Againe, in the second Commandement very bowing to an image is forbidden. Whereupon the Church of Rome fearing that by the light of this evident inhibition, their Mystery of iniquity should be discovered, they leave this Commandement out of their bookes, and Catechismes, which come to the hands of the Common people. And Vas­ques to shew his love to the truth, goeth yet Vasq. de Ador. l. 2. disp. 4. c. 4. farther, and affirmeth, that the second Com­mandement is Ceremoniall, and ought to be abo­lished.

Lactantius his words shall bee my conclusi­on for this point: Non est dubium quin religio nulla est, ubicunque simulacrum est. According to whom thus I conclude; Without peradven­ture [Page 593] they have no religion, who worship images: But the Church of Rome doth worship Images: Therefore, without peradventure, the Church of Rome hath No Religion: But are the Apostates; Who do not receive the love of the Truth, but take pleasure in unrighteousnesse.

The fift is the worshipping of the Crosse; a worship altogether unknowne to the Heathen: and therein therefore more then Heathenish. Cruces etiam nec colimus, nec optamus: vos pla­ne Arnobius lib. 8. qui Ligneos Deos consecratis, Cruces ligneas forsitan adoratis, ut deorum vestrorum partes, saith Minutius: that is, Wee neyther wish, nor worship Crosses: but you who doe plainly hallow wooden gods, peradventure you adore wooden Cros­ses, as parts of your gods. The Christians apolo­gie is absolute, that they did not worship wooden Crosses: their recrimination to the Heathens, that they did worship Crosses, is qualified with a peradventure. It is therefore without per­adventure, that the worshipping of a wooden Crosse, was abhorred as abominable, both by the Christians and Heathens.

Indeede, some hereticall Christians have Pappus Hist. pag. 345. beene knowne and taxed for that Idolatrie: The Armenij thence were termed Charinzarij, that is, [...], the worshippers of the Crosse: And since, in the dotage of the Church, and nonage of Antichrist, that Idolatry hath crept in amongst Christians. Aquine undertooke a Aquin. 3. 25. 4. solemne disputation of the worship of the Cross. And Cornelius Mussus is transported with the Corn. Mussus to. 1. 662. [Page 594] adoration, admiration of that wooden Idolatry. O Crux admiranda—O Salus, Vita, Resurre­ctio: Salus animarum, Vita coporis, & Resurre­ctio animae, simul & corporis: that is, O admira­ble Crosse—O Health, Life, and Resurrection: Health of the soule, Life of the body, and Resure­ction of both soule and body. And that these may not be put off as private opinions, of some particular persons; heare the universall pra­ctice of their whole Church;

O Crux ave, All Haile O Crosse.
Spes vnica, Our onely Hope.
Hoc Passionis tempore, This time of the passion.
Auge pijs justitiam, Augment the godlies devotiō.
Reisque dona veniam, And forgive the ungodlies transgression.

Never could I conceive, the just cause of such senselesse idolatry, till my text suggested it: They have not the love of the truth; but take plea­sure in unrighteousnesse.

The sixt is the Sacrament. Bee that blessed Bread, as Sacred, as the most sanctified heart can conceive; yet it is but Bread notwithstanding. Howbeit, the Papists give unto it cultū latriae, that worship w ch is due to God. Dominū Deū tuū Concil. Trident. Sess. 13. Can. 5. Costerus Enchir. cap. 7. adorabis, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, saith Costerus, speaking of the Sacrament. The whole Church doth cry to it, Agnus Dei qui tollis peccatamundi, O thou Lambe of God which takest away the sins of the world. According to w ch is [Page 595] that stupendious superscription of our San­ders to his Treatise, on the Lords Supper: To the Body and blood of our Saviour Iesus Christ, under the forme of Bread and Wine, all Honour, Praise, and thankes be given for ever and ever. Now wee knowing that the Carnall presence is but a carnall conceit; and that the tricke of Transubstantiation is as true, as any of O­vids Metamorphoses; Wee cannot but pro­nounce the words of Costerus, (which he deli­vereth by way of supposition) Colere frustum panis pro Deo, to worship a peece of bread, is worse then to worship viva animalia, the brute Beasts, as the Egyptians did: or Imagines, ima­ges, as the Heathen did: or to worship rubrum Stannum inhas [...]am elevatum, a red Clout, clap­ped on a Pole, as the Lappians doe. Nay, it is (saith hee) such a grosse idolatry, qualis in Orbe terrarum non fuit, as the like whereof was ne­ver in the world, never seene among all the Heathens.

Those stupid Idolaters, did absurdly-exe­crably. The first did make their god, & further­more they did worship it. But these (to shew that they are superlative) goe a degree far­ther. 1. They make their god. 2. They worship it. 3. They eate it. Now that men should make their god, and eate their god, none can beleeve, it, but those that doe not receive the love of the Truth; but have pleasure in unrighteous­nesse.

Thus the Papists doe make this Holy Sacra­ment, [Page 596] a prophane Idol, acording to our positi­ons: and they may make it so also, according to their owne opinions: It is their opinion, yea a ruled case confirmed by a Canon of the Councill of Florence, That three things are re­quired Conc. Flor. in Dec. Euchar. sect. Quinto. to the perfect celebrating of the Sacra­ment; Materia, Forma, & Persona. 1. That there bee a right matter. 2. A right Forme, that they use the words belonging therunto. 3. That the Minister doe celebrate that Sacra­ment, cum intentione faciendi quod facit Ecclesia, with an intention to doe what the Church doth: quarum si aliquid desit, non perficitur Sacramen­tum: if any of those three be wanting, it is no Sacrament. I assume: but it is possible that the Priest may forget to have the same inten­tion with the Church: possible therefore it is, that the Sacrament which hee administreth, may be no Sacrament: And therefore it is pos­sible that the Papists may worship a meere peece of Bread, which (in the judgement of their owne D r Costerus) is the most absurd and abo­minable Cost. Enchir. c. 7. idolatry, that ever was in the world. They will therefore be constrained unto Ger­sons [...], and to adore the Host with this Caution: Scilicet, si recte consecrat a sit, that is, I adore thee O Host (must the Papists say) if thou beest consecrated aright. Otherwise they can­not escape that concession, and confession, which our Doctor Featly extorted from their D r Featly's Cons. with M r Musket, touching tran­sub. die. 1. M r. Musket: That the Popish Communicant may sometime commit Idolatry, materially. Salva res est erubescit.

Finally, the World is their Pantheon, and ac­cording to some Papists, every Creature ther­in is an Object of their religious adoration. The opinion is but of one priuate man, but the Church maketh it Generall, by their publike ap­probation. For I suppose they print nothing, but permissu Superiorum, by the allowance of Authority.

It is the assertion of Vasquez, in his treatise Vasq. de ad [...]r. l. 2. Disp. 1. c. 2. se [...]t. 5, 8, & 10. of Adoration: That any thing (in the nature of the thing, and if the matter be discreetly handled) may bee adored with God. His instances are odi­ous. God (saith he) may bee worshipped, even in a Wisp of straw. Yea God (saith he) may be Tortura Torti. pag. 312. D r. Coll. contra Eud [...]m. part. 3. cap. 93. lawfully adored, in the apparition of the Devil, as it is avouched by our learned Bishop, and confirmed by his Avoucher.

Nay if the World bee barren of Creatures, they will feigne phant asies of their own Heads. Saint George, and Saint Christopher, were Al­legories, not Histories. Their own Authors dare not ventvre their Credits, that there were e­ver such men. Is it not monstrous then, that they should be Saints? How often have our old deluded Forefathers of England cryed God, and Saint George at the onset of their Battles? And how many have called on Saint Christopher in the perill of Shipwracke? and yet these potent Saints, were according to Saints Pauls phrase, 1 Cor. 8. (idolum nihil est in mn̄do) plain Idols: there were never any such crea­tures in the world. Thus mightily are they mis­lead [Page 598] by the working of Sathan: not to receive the love of the Truth, but to take pleasure in unrigh­teousnesse.

At length, to wade out of this Ocean of ido­latry; concerning the measure whereof, I con­fesse Popery to be fadomelesse; and compared even to Paganisme, it is like the Sea, resembled to a little River.

The ignorant Pagans, did adore Images, as gods; peradventure, and some of them: But that ever their learned Doctors did teach, that an Image made with hands, was to bee adored in the same kinde, and height of worship, with that God, whom they professed to be the Maker of hea­ven and earth; Herein are they out-stripped by the Papists, in an incomparable exorbi­tance. An Image is to bee worshipped with the same worship, wherewith God himselfe is to bee worshipped: this is the Catholike Doctrine of the Romane Church.

Imagini Christi, Latria debetur; Aquine saith, Aqu. 2 2. qu. 94. Art. 2. ad Arg. 1. that to the image of Christ, is due Latria, or the proper worship of God. And although Aquine was a private Doctor, yet can they not inferre this to bee a private Doctrine; because hee is Pater Doctorn̄, the father of their Doctors, saith Malvenda. And I suppose the Thomists will not easily gainsay, or unsay what Thomas hath affirmed.

Heare the naturall Doctrine of this Popish Father: Cruci exhibemus Latriae cultum; quia in Cruce Christi, ponimus spem salutis; that is, [Page 599] We exhibit Latria, or Divine worship unto the Crosse, because in the Crosse of Christ we place the hope of our salvation: And hee confirmeth this from the consent of the Church, sic cantat Eccle­sia. And that hee may insanire cumratione, he rendreth two reasons, for this affertion; Crux Christi, tum propter representationem, tum prop­ter membrorum contactum, est adoranda, Latria: the Crosse of Christ is to bee adored with Di­vine worship, both because it doth represent, and because it did touch the members of Christ. And Pares cum paribus, like will to like, to cou­ple blasphemy with idolatry, he addeth: Crux Aquin. 3. quaest. 25. Arti [...]. 4. Christi fuit unita verbo aliquo modo; that is, the Crosse was in some sort united to the Word. All this we may read in Aquine.

To exclude all evasions: Constans est Theo­logorum Azor. Inst. mor. part. 1. lib. 9. c. 6. sententia imaginem eodem cultu, & ho­nore, coli & honorari, quo id colitur, cujus est ima­go: Azorius affirmeth it to be the constant opi­nion of all Popish Divines, that an image is to bee worshipped with the same worship, wherewith the thing whereof it is the Image, is worshipped. Pontificale Romanum. And this determination of this question, must bee infallible unto them, because a Pope hath defined it. Crux legati erit a dextris, quia debetur ei Latria; that is, The Crosse of the Legat must be placed on the right hand, because Latria, or Divine worship is due to it. These are the words of the Roman Pontificall, published by the Authority of Pope Clement 8. Now whether they be not idolaters, who communicate that [Page 600] worship to an Image, which they themselves ac­knowledge to bee due to God alone: let them­selves give sentence. Hereupon, as some have called Rome, [...], that is, the Ab­stract of the World: so may wee terme it, [...], that is, the Compendium of Idolatry.

Pardon my peremptory conclusion: Revel: 22. 11. He that is filthy, let him bee filthy still: and he who is a Papist, let him be a Papist still. But let him know, that hee is poysoned with the most filthy Idolatry, that was ever suppor­ted on the face of the earth. Wofull is their estate, who receive not the love of the Truth: But have such pleasure in unrighte­ousnesse.


2 THESS. 2. 11. God shall send them strong delusion.’

Precedents of obstinatenesse. The Papists obstinate, and deluded. No reconciliation with Rome. The Papists are deluders. Want of provision for Converts an hindrance to reformation. Prone­nesse of People to be deluded by Popery. GOD doth send delusion. A caveat to the Church of England, against obstinatenesse.

IN this verse followeth one of the Passive properties; the punishment in­ternall of those that embrace Anti­christ. A strange blindnesse, videli­cet, that God shall send men such strong delusi­ons, that they should beleeve a lye: Whose blind­nesse our Apostle doth declare, by two de­grees thereof. First, per [...], by way of ad­miration, in the first words, God shall send them [Page 602] strong delusion. Secondly, per [...], by way of amplification, in the last: That they shall beleeve a lye. Blinded in both. The first clause is my Text for this time: God shall send them strong delusion.

[...], saith Theodoret; With what sinne men are affected, by that sinne men are afflicted. In this cause, and clause: never did the impression of Wax render the image of any Seale, more exactly, then here the punish­ment of God, doth the offence of Man. In ge­nerall, culpa & poena, the sinne committed, and shame admitted, are both one, Ignorance. In par­ticular, first they scorned the Truth, and are scourged with a delusion. Next, They received not the love of the Truth, that is, they heard it not effectually; therefore they are deluded effe­ctually, even with strong delusions. Thirdly, these Swine trampled on Pearle, and they con­temned the very Word of God: God therefore doth revenge his owne Cause: For this cause (saith my Text) God shall send them strong de­lusion.

To support your memory, and mine own, I propose this method. Observe here two things, two workes: the first of the Creator, obduration: God shall send them. The second of the Creature, obsirmation: strong delusion. In the last I will shew two points; the [...], and the [...]: 1. That men are deluded. 2. By what men are deluded. The latter of these must involve the co-operation of the Agents, and of the Pati­ents: [Page 603] the Activity of the Deluders, and the Passibility, Capacity, or rather receptivitie, and proclivity of the deluded. Of these ordine retro­grado: of the last, first. To which I will pre­face Precedents, of some who have beene delu­ded in the same nature, though not in the same Measure. And as a Preface to that Preface, I will premise the signification of the phrase, what is meant by these words, a strong de­lusion.

Strong delusion, in the originall, [...]. The phrase is like it selfe, very Energeticall. [...] is a Deceit, or Cousenage: and [...] is one who doth professe an Art of cousening men, eti­am spectantibus, although they looke on them, saith Eustathius upon Homer. Let then [...] passe for a Iugler, and [...] for Iugling. But Antichristianisme is not onely [...], a sleight light Legerdemaine: it is moreover, [...], an actuall, and effectuall imposture. Againe, it is [...], the Genetive used in stead of the Adjective, is very significative: as Vir dolorum, a man of griefe, that is, a most grieved man. So [...], the strength of delusion; that is, a most strong delusion. Yea it addeth to the strength of delusion, that the word strength is reiterated: in the ninth verse is mentioned [...], the strength of Satan: in this [...], the strength of delusion. So that what strength of delusion can be either hatched by Satan, or acted by man, this shall be al im­ploied, to plead for Antichrist. Excellently ex­pressed [Page 604] by Occumenius, on this text: [...], Oecumen. in 2 [...]h [...]s. 2. 11. that is, Saint Paul doth call Antichristianisme, the strength of delusion, that is, a strong delusion, and potent to deceive. A delusion to make men despe­rately obstinate: according to the Greeke pro­verbe, [...], You shall not perswade them, although you doe perswade them. And ac­cording to Iob 21. 14. Recede a nobis: viam sci­entiarum tuarum nolumus: Depart from us for we will not the knowledge of thy wayes. In a word: men shall be so perswaded by Antichrist, that all the world shall never perswade them from Antichrist: that they will remaine confi­dent, Obstinate, and immoveable in their er­rous. This is [...], their strong de­lusion.

These are strong delusions of Antichristians: that they may not seem strange delusiōs to Chri­stians, impossible, incredible: I might alleage many precedents to avouch them. Take a taste of a few onely.

Amongst the Hebrews in the old testament, 2 Chron. 30. 5. a Decree was made, and proclai­med, from Dan to Bersheba, that the people of Israel should repaire to the Passeover. Here was the command of their King, that they should doe what they themselves knew to be the Commādement of their God. And although they professed themselves to be the Church of God, yet being become Obstinate, neither their King, nor their God could perswade them, [Page 605] Verse 10. As the Posts passed through Ephraim, Manasses, & Zebulun, the people laughed them to scorne, and mocked them. In the new Testament, all the Oracles and Miracles, which Christ spake and did, could not perswade the Iewes, to receive their owne Messias, whom they looked for, Matth. 27. 42. they said, Let him come downe from the Crosse, and we will beleeve him: but their hearts knew that their tongues even then lyed. For Matth. 28. 15. they themselves knew, that he did more then come downe from the Crosse, Hee came up from the Grave; and yet they lay buryed in their obsti­natenesse, and gave money to disgrace him, and to damne themselves. This I thinke was [...], as I take it, a strong delusion.

Amongst the Graecians: [...]; Ignatius ep. 5. that is, They are possessed with igno­rance, because of their affected madnesse, saith Ignatius. And Clemens complaineth, [...], Clem Alex. Protrept. that ig­norance, and obstinatenesse had transformed some into stones: so hard were they against the impression of the Truth. Amongst the La­tines, Saint Ambrose accuseth some perverse Ambr. in 4. ad Ephes. people, who were wont, Mala quae noverint defendere, ne viderentur cedere, to defend points which they knew to bee false, lest they should appeare to be put to the worst. Cyprian telleth Cypr. ad Demet. Sect. 1. damned Demetrianus to his teeth, Facilius est turbidi maris, concitos fluctus clamoribus retun­dere, quam tuam rabiem tractatibus coercere: [Page 606] that it was easier to hallow to the tempestuous Sea, than to appease his siercenesse with writing bookes. Lactantius hath the like. Si solem qui­dem in manibus gestemus, sidem non commodabunt Lactant. lib. 7. cap. 1. ei doctrinae: in wee could carry the Sunne in our hands, yet would they not vouchsase cre­dence, to the apparent Truth.

To proceed further, amongst the Africans; Saint Augustine administreth a pregnant ex­ample. Aug. ep. 162. The Donatists did accuse Caecilianus unto the Emperor Constantine: The Emperour assigned Meltiades Bishop of Rome, and some other Bishops, to the disquisition of that cause: by whō Caecilianus was acquitted. The Donatists appealed again from them to the Emperor; & were again condemned at Orleance, by a Commission appointed by the Em­perour. Notwithstanding they appealed to the Em­perour the third time, who hearing their cause in his owne person, and with singular diligence; con­cluded Caecilianus to be most innocent, & condem­ned his adversaries for most perverse people. For all this the Donatists persisted in their Schisme. Nay he relateth yet a stranger obstinatnesse, Aug. Epist. 50. Bonif. then this: Divers of the Donatists, were so strongly deluded, that they did kill themselves, because they would not bee constrained to goe to Church.

Among the Iewes: in the reigne of Theo­dosius Pappus Hist. pag. 58. the Emperour, there was an Imposter in Crete, who perswaded them that hee was Moses; sent thither to lead them into their Countrey, through the Sea. Whereupon hee [Page 607] brought the multitude vnto a Rock, comman­ding them, to cast themselves into the Sea, with a generall warrantize, against all danger and drowning. Leape some did, and drowned they were: only the Marriners, then there-by, repressed the madnesse of the maine multi­tude. But the Imposter conveyed himselfe out of the company.

And finally, for the Mahometans at this day: they terme themselves Ishlami, that is, men of one Mind: Living in their Idolatrie, as the Di­sciples did in the place of Prayer Act 2. 1. [...], all in one minde: impossible to bee re­claimed. All these make good this phrase of my Text, [...], they were besotted with a strong delusion

I have alreadie inverted my Methode, I must moreover alter it againe, that I may proceed in order, as the points offer themselves natu­rallie to bee considered. The next point is the [...]That the Papists are the Deluded: which in­deed is a probable conjecture, if not a plaine Demonstration, that they are the limmes of An­tichrist. Bestiae character intelligi potest, obstinata malitia: Aquine saith, that by the marke of the Beast, wee may understand Obstinate malice. Aquin. Su. 3. qu. 63. Art 3 ad 3. But none under heaven are more Obstinate for their side, nor more malitious against their gainesayers that the Papists. And Aquine saith, this is the marke of the Beast: let the Papists mark this. This also doth S. Paul prophecie of the Papists, in the 8 verse. Marke (saith our blessed [Page 608] Bishop Iewell, marke: S. Paul, saith Antichrist Iewell in 2 Thes. 2. 12. shall be Consumed, not Converted. From whence wee may conceive what hope there is of Re­conciliation and Reformation from Rome; which is the censure, not of that Bishop alone, but of all the Church of England. The errour of Poperie, Homilie of good works, part 1 was so spred abroad, that not onely the unlearned people: but also the Priests and teachers, partlie by glory and Covetousnes, were corrupted; and part­lie by Blindnesse, deceived with the same abomina­tions: that as Ahab having but one Elias, but one Teacher to perswade him to the Truth of God, but 450. false prophets, to perswade him unto Baal: So of the Papists, both Priest and people are strongly deluded with Idolatrie. This is the judgement of Our Church, concerning their Church.

Wee may say of all Papists, of our English Papists especiallie, in them is fulfilled that fearefull prophecie Reuel. 17. 6. They are made Drunke with the Golden cup of the whore of Ba­bylon. Idolatrie is spirituall whoredome.

And it is a Catholike grant, that Rome is the Head of Image Adoration, Concedimus Catholicae Suarez Apolog lib. 5. cap 18 num. 20. doctrinae, de Cultu & Adoratione Imaginum Ec­clesiam Romanā caput esse, saith Suarez. Whence wee inferre, Therefore it is the Fountaine of Spi­rituall whoredome. Againe, the Pope doth not Sext. Decret. lib 3. tit. 23. de Jm­munitate Eccle­siae. onelie terme himselfe the Head, Caput, but sponsum ecclesiae, the Husband of the Church. Which thing alone, is a sufficient cause to cal Rome meretricem Babylonicam, the whore of Ba­bylon: because the Romanists do teach that [Page 609] there is another Husband of their Church besides Christ: the Pope. By which inchanting Circe, the ordinarie Papists are so bewitched, that they take themselves, to bee the Best of men, the onely Catholikes: when as indeed they are verie Homer. Odys. lib. 10. Beasts ( [...],) made Drunk with palpable Idolatrie. But so drunk, and so stronglie deluded, that wee may ignatius Epist. 5 speake to the Romist, that phrase of the greek father, [...]. Lactantius may Lactantius lib. 7. cap 1. translate that of Ignatius into Latine, ij sunt homines qui contra veritatem clausis oculis quo­quo modo latrant, these are the men who shut their eyes, and then open their mouths, in any manner to bark against the Truth. Should wee in the yearning bleeding bowells of Christian compassion, by Sermons, Bookes, or Arguments, indeavour to draw them from Idolatrie: Wee know our intertainement. 2 Chron. 30. 10. They will laugh us to scorne, mock the messengers of God, and despise his words, and misuse his Prophets. Now this, as I take it, I may terme [...], a strong delusion.

But that you may not suspect that I delude you, by faining this Popish delusion: when as they haue no such stupide obstinatnesse: I will both referre the reader to the large and laboured treatise of D r. Beard, on this point; And also render him present satisfaction, by a present briefe catalogue of their owne Confessions. D r Beard of An­tichrist part 3. Lessius de Antich part 1. Dem. 11. From Boniface, to Vitaliane: for the space of three score yeers, the Church of Rome was woful­ly [Page 610] perplexed, with a perpetuated misery: by Plagues, Famines, Inundations, Earthquakes, and the Invasion of the Persians (wherein fourescore and ten thousand Christians were slaine at one time) by Seditions in the East, the Heresie of the Monothelites, and the Captiuitie and banishment of S t. Martine, the sacrilegious robbing of the Church Treasurie, which had beene manie yeeres a gathe­ring. Finally, in the time of Vitaliane, Rome it selfe was Ransacked, and the greeke Emperour tooke away all the Ornaments thereof. Where note, that the Beginning of the miserie of the Church of Rome, was about the beginning of that arrogant usurpation, of that title of Oecumeni­call Bishop. Well, how was that Boniface mo­ved with this Bonerges? This Thundering Preaching by those Destroying miseries, which smote them, as thick and swift as Lightning, prevailed not with the Pope, to lay aside the pontificall title of Vniversall Bishop. But to shew of whom S t. Iohn did prophecie Rev. 9. 20. The Pope by these plagues repented not yet: But from Pride, they proceeded to superstition. Boniface beganne with the Vniversall title, and Vitaliane added unto it, the Vniversall Latine Service. And all these Plagues (which went betweene for 60 yeeres) of Fire, Famine, Blood &c. could preach, neither Penitence for the first: nor Prevention for the later. But still they persisted in their pride, and superstition. This I suppose, is somewhat semblable to the phrase in my text: [...] a Strong [Page 611] Delusiō. The particular profession, of particu­lar Philip. Nicolaus de Antich c. 15. papists, is yet more pregnant: thus writeth Luther of his Popish Devotion, before hee was Converted. The Authoritie of the Pope (sayd hee) was so potent with me, that I thought it a crime demeriting Damnation, vel in minimo dissentire ab illo, to differ from him, euen in the least thing. And that conceit carryed me so farre, that I esteemed Iohn Husse, to bee so cursed an Heretike, vt vel de eo cogitare, scelera­tum ducerem: that I held it to bee a sinne, but to thinke of him. And in defence of the Popes authoritie, I my selfe, would haue carryed fire and faggots to have burned that heretike, and therein I did perswade my selfe, me sum­mum praestare obsequium Deo, that I shold have done God singular seruice. His passion might bee built on that Catholike position, Nullus homo potest se asserere in veritate christianum, aut esse Turrecre. lib. 3. c. 30. in statu salutis, qui subesse renuit Romano Pontifici: that is, no man can affirme that hee is a true christian, or that hee is in the state of saluation, if he refuse to bee subject to the Pope of Rome. Neither is this the singular querk of any one particular papist, but the solemne definitiue sentence of the Pope himselfe: Romano Pontifici, Onuphri [...] in Vita Pij. beati Petri Apostolorum principis successori, ac Iesu Christi vicario veram obedientiam spondeo ac iuro. Obedience to the Pope of Rome, the Pope of Rome Pius 4. did exact it from the Clergie Pa­pists by oath: and did impose it on all papists, as an article of their faith, extra quam nemo salvus [Page 612] esse potest, without which there can be no salva­tion. The fruit whereof at this day is this. Quarrels of Paul 5. lib. 4. In Italie, it is an universall approved axiome: that the Pope cannot erre or faile, because hee hath the assistance of the Holy spirit, and there­fore it is necessarie to obey his commandements: whether they bee just, or injust. That to him appertaineth the clearing of all difficulties: So that, it is not lawfull to depart from his Resolu­tion: nor to make reply, though his resolution be unjust. That though al the world differ in opiniō from the Pope, yet it is meet neverthelesse, to yeeld to him. And hee is not excused from sin, who followes not his advice, though all the world judge it to bee false. Thus farre the learned Authour, which is the verie application of my text: [...], the papists are under a strong delusion.

That of Cupers, I have alreadie quoted: Mancipiū Romana Ecclesiae, he calleth himselfe the slave of the church of Rome. A slave is servile enough to any profession. Malvenda notwith­standing Malvenda de Antichristo lib. 4. cap 5. doth protest himselfe yet more Slavish: Moderetur—Sacer ipse Romanus di­ctator, cujus pedibus caput submittimus: wee (saith he) doe lay our head under the feet of that Dictator of Rome. Our owne countrey­men, Lewis Owen of the English Colledges. 16. erre not from the same marke. The English students at Rome, did once professe, that they were ready to suffer martyrdome for the Popes sake: that thereby his authoritie might bee in­larged, his power increased, and his kingdome in­riched. [Page 613] Wee are yours (said they) both Bodies and Soules: by our lives to do you obe­dient service, and by our deaths to doe your Holinesse honour. By name english Throckmor­ton, D r Prideaux Conc. in. 1 Sam. 14. 26. is a miraculous instance, of the monstrous delusions, in these bewitched Popelings; who is reported at his last gaspe, to have refused the giving up the ghost, untill hee had intreated leave of his superiour. And indeed for all our Trent. Hist. lib. 5 English Papists, me thinketh I heare our seduced countrymen of the laity to speake out of the mouth of the French nobleman. This is the storie recorded by the authour of the Trent historie. Francis of Guise, concerning the point of Religion said, hee referred himselfe to the judgement of the learned; But protested that no councill should have so great authoritie with him, as to make him decline one jote from the old beleef. And that the forenamed English monkish delusion, may not bee monasticall, and walke alone, I present you with a paire of Italian instances, out of Bellarmine, who per saxa, perignes, Bell. de Mon. lib. 2. cap. 21. waded through Fire and Water, to bee pliable to their Imperious deluders. One at the Lordly command of a Lord abbot, did thrust himselfe into a burning Oven: and the other upon the like injunction, three yeeres together, day and night, fetched water two long miles, to water a dry stick, that it might grow: onely be­cause his superiour did command it.

I would that from these particulars, I could not frame a generall conclusion. Malvenda men­tioneth [Page 614] two hundred thousands of the followers Malvenda lib. 1. cap. 8. of an impostor called Barchosba, who had every man abscissum digitum, a stubbe-finger. Because at their admission, by way of probation every of them did cut off a finger, to tender an infallible testimonie, how resolute, they were to doe him any service. I feare the Pope hath the same number of the same nature, 200000, even an armie, who will cut off their hands, yea and pluck out their eyes too, and grave in their hearts, what was the poesie of Erasmus his King, nulli cedo: an obstinate Papist will yeeld to no man. They faile not to practise that pre­cept Abbot in [...]uda [...] c. 6. of a Pope, (Pius 5 as I take it) who sent his Agnus Dei▪s into England, unto our English Papists, with this inscription: Fili, da mihi cortuum, & sufficit. O my sonne give mee thy heart, and it is sufficient. To give man, Gods portion, Proverbs 23. 26. as I conceive it, is a potent delusion.

Which is a sufficient warrant unto mee, to retort their owne words, upon their owne deluded obfirmation. Infoeli [...] hominum &c. a Eudemon in Abbot. epist. miserable generation of men are they, in whom errour hath taken so deep root, that their minds being blinded with the hatred of the truth: they do not onely not acknowledge those things which they themselves do read, write, and preach; But which is farre more miserable, de suâ sibi miseriâ blandiantur, they flatter themselves in their owne miserie. Thus goe they on, deceiving, and be­ing deceived. Behold the plaine accomplish­ment [Page 615] of this prophecy in my text: [...], a strong delusion.

When our eyes looke on a curious webb: our eares cannot but listen after the Artists, who have woven it together so cunningly. Here, Poperie is the one: and the Pope the O­ther. The Pope hath drawne, and doth detaine the Popish, in this foresaid strange obstinatnesse. Whom may wee suppose to lock up mens hearts in obstinatnesse, rather than him, who hath the keyes for his embleme? And whom may wee suspect to inclose a world of obstinate people intangled in errours, rather than him, who hath the net for his cogn [...]sance?

In which errours, and delusions, the Pope doth insnare his people and proselytes, both by the os [...]entation of miracles, & by the subtletie of sophisticall doctrine. First, by miracles: for it is said, there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signes and wonders, so that they shall deceiue, if it were possible the verie Eleci, Matth. 24. 24. And experience hath long since taught us, how pliable the minds of people are, to bee transported with miracles. The old Gentiles were confident, Herod. in Thaleia that there was a d [...]vine power in Iupiter, be­cause the Lord permitted the Divell, to raise a mightie slorme of wind, to overblow and o­verthrow with sand the armie of Camb [...]ses, which went to Pentapolis on purpose to spoile the Temple of Iupiter. Of these delusions, for the promoting of poperie, I have discoursed al­readie. [Page 616] I proceed to the second.

The Popish obstinatenesse I may describe, in the very description, which the Papists them­selves have given of the obstinatenesse of other men. Malvenda thus putteth the case: The cause (saith hee) of the obstinatenesse of the Chineses, that it is impossible to convert them, Malvenda de Antich. l. 3. c. 10. consisteth in three things: In the men the Se­ducers, in the Motive to the seducing, and in the men seduced. The first cause that China's conversion is impossible, is, (saith he) Cōspiratio Antistitum, the cunning of the learned to keepe out all forraigne instruction. The second, Ne nefarij quaeslus extorquentur, & mendacia coar­guerentur: their gaine and glory do move them thereunto. And thirdly, the people are made pliable to be hoodwink't, Superbiâ, suarum re­rum infinito amore, & pueruli educatione: by the pride of themselves, and prejudice of others, which they have sucked in from their Cradle­infancy. In Popery also: since wee see such a sympathy, betwixt the seducers, and the seduced; that the Priests hands are not so cunning to tem­per the baite, as the peoples mouthes are open to swallow it; Wee may inferre this Prophecy is in them accomplished: The Papists, both Priests & people, God hath sent thē strong delusion.

The Papists doe, as they speake: the cause that their conversion is impossible is this: Con­spiratio antistitum, ne peregrina in eas terras infe­rantur sacra: their Prelates and Priests con­cur, and conspire, to cut off the sound of al for­raine [Page 617] religion, that may occasion any reforma­tion. The case is plaine and notorious. By their inhibition of Bookes, confession for their soules, and inquisition for their bodies, by their prayers in a strange tongue, and the Scriptures indeed in no tōgue. The world know­eth they have so immured in their adherents, that it is as easie for a Christian to enter into China, as for Christianity to enter Rome, or re­formation the breast of a Romist. By the policy of their prelacy, they have made the way to reforme Rome, as narrow as the eye of a Needle. If God please not to alter, the very nature of the Creature, there is no hope to effect it.

Spurr'd on are they to this desperate delusi­on, by a double instigation, as it followeth in Malvenda's phrase, Extorquere nefarios quae­stus, & coargui mendacia non patientur: to con­fesse their errours, and to forsake their Pompe, flesh and blood cannot endure it, they will never performe it.

Their gaine alone, is a sufficient obstacle to make them Obstinate. Preach reformation un­to the Papists, and according to that, Acts 16. 19, 20, & 21. The Masters when they see that the hope of their gaine will be gone, they will ex­claime against Paul and Silas, saying; These men do exceedingly trouble the City, and teach cu­stomes, which are not lawfull for us to receive, be­ing Romanes. To descend from the dignity of an Archbishop to be a Dean, we see it is enough to apostate the unstable: and hath beene an occa­sion, [Page 618] that our moderne Ecebolius did returne to his vomit. Therefore when the Conversi­on of their religion, shall bee the subversion of their Estates: when learned men, (both Priests and Monkes) by leaving their Church, in our Church must of force become, aut medici aut mendici, either to digge or to beg; either to exercise some other calling, or endure poverty, if not extremity; Now to goe from plenty to penury, is a wide step, and few will venture it. I doe deplore, that our Proselytes are so poore­ly provided for, and doe conceive the expe­ctation of Poverty, to bee a Remora to refor­mation. Flesh and blood will rather be obstinate in a false Religion, then beg in the true.

Next, it concerneth their Credit, to support their delusion. That men learned and great, should acknowledge such grosse absurdities; as the adoration of Images, the exalting of a Bi­shop above Kings, equall to Christ, and (in truth) to make the whole Church, the slave of one man, it is incredible: and therefore they must exer­cise strong delusion to veile it.

The Panther is said to hide his head, when he Plinie l 8. c. 17. draweth the poore Beasts to destruction. Euen so, the Papists will hide those horrible Heads of their religion, for feare the uglinesse thereof should affright away men, even of an indiffe­rent understanding or conscience. And ther­fore Beza said well, that Ignatius was the Angel, Revel. 10. 1. Cloathed with a Cloud: by Mystery of Iesu­ites, pag. 51. which is meant, that he (and they) cover their [Page 619] enterprises, and hide the mystery of their religi­on. So that for many of their learned, I may speake of them, as Lactantius doth of the old Lactant. l. 3. c. 24 Malvenda lib. 3. cap. 14. Heathen: I know not what to say of these men, qui cùm semel aberraverint, constanter in stul­titiâ perseverant, who when they have once erred, will constantly proceed in their folly, & vana vanis defendunt, and defend one falshood with another. Vnlesse I may suspect them, aut joci causa phi­losophari, aut prudentes, & scios mendacia defen­denda suscipere, that either they dispute in jeast, or willingly and wittingly take upon them to de­fend those things, which they know to bee false: quasi ut ingenia sua in malis rebus, aut exerceant, aut ostentent, as if their study was, either to exer­cise, or to shew their wits in the Patronizing of Pa­radoxes. Or I may speake to them as Augu­stine Aug. de Mor. Cath. Eccles. lib. 1. cap. 31. did to the Manichies: Non dicam quae vos ignoratis, sed quae vos occultatis. Many of the Papists, I cannot perswade my selfe, that they doe not know their errours; but they will not shew their errours: and to this purpose they use learning to avouch them. [...] saith Clement of Alexandria, Clem Alex. Protrept. concerning the Idolaters of Grecia. We may say the same of the Latine, in English: the Pa­pists in our time have more learning, and cun­ning, than they had in old time. Now, when the height of errour, and the height of learning, are wedded together; may we suspect, ex­pect, that the Monster of my Text, may bee ingendred betwixt them, [...], a strong delusion.

Hurle a Boule downe a steepe Hill, and it will runne passing swiftly: the cause of which swiftnesse is principally, the outward violence of the hand, and concurrence of the Hill. But withall, it proceedeth from an inward propen­sitie, which that body hath to move downward. So in Popery: Facilis est descensus Averni. The Learning and Policie of the prime men in that religion, is admirably potent to perswade, de­lude, and to deceive if it were possible, even the very Elect. Yet, besides that, there is an inward propensity, which doth forward people unto Popery. It is their nature, altera natura, August. epist. 167 Festo. custome and prescription, which maketh men so obstinate in the Romish Religion. Cùm tam perspi­cua Verit as, aures ac corda hominum feriat, tantae quosdam malae consuetudinis vorago submersit, ut omnibus authoritatibus, rationibusque resistere, quam consentire mallent. When as so cleere a Truth (saith Saint Augustine) doth smite mens Eares, and Hearts also, yet so vast a whirlepoole, of an evill custome, doth so swallow some, that they will rather gainsay all arguments, and au­thorities, than yeeld. Their Fathers were Pa­pists, therefore the Children will bee Papists: This is the Grand childs argument even to the third and fourth generation. In Saint Pauls phrase to the Ephes. 2. 2. [...], filij contu­maciae, they are the children of obstinatenesse. Popery therfore they wil professe, as their inhe­ritance. This maketh every ignorant Papist, like the Accipencer, to swim against the stream of all [Page 621] argumēts; And as it is the nature of the Carpe, when the Fisher-man doth spread his Net, to thrust his head into the Mud, and so he cannot be caught: Semblablie, when the Fishers of men, Preachers, would perswade a Papist, hee doth thrust his head into the mud of superstiti­on, the example of his Ancestors, saying as the Iewes did in Ieremy 44. 16. As for the word which thou hast spoken unto us, in the Name of the Lord, we will not hearken unto it. And thereby the Preachers, become like Peter, Luke 5. 5. They fish a long time, but catch nothing. Thus are they under the pretence of custome, trans­ported with a strong delusion. Here in two words, let us learne two lessons; one of imita­tion, another of commiseration.

First, I will speak of the Papists, what Saint Aug. ep. 167. Fest. Augustine spake of the Donatists: Si pertinacia insuperabiles vires, habere conatur: Quant as ha­bere debet constantia? If the Papists bee obstinate, shall not Protestants be constant? If they bee [...], shall not we bee [...]? If na­ture teach them to be perverse in the Romish re­ligion; because they thinke it old: shall not grace make us resolved in the reformed religion; because wee know it true? God forbid!

Secondly, that we supplicate to our God, for our seduced country-men, in the phrase of Saint Augustine,: Nil prote nobis aliud quam Aug. contr. A­cadem. l. 1. c. 1. vota restant: quibus ab illo, cui haec sunt curae, Deo, si possimus impetremus, ut te tibi reddat, ita enim facile te reddet, & nobis. Wee must pray, [Page 622] that God would breake the snare, that those se­duced soules may escape like a Bird out of the hand of the Fowler. Magna est veritas, praevaleat. Pray we that God would restore them, to them­selves: and then they will bee restored to us. Pray wee that God may be pleased to give them his strong truth, which may open their eies, to see this strong delusion.

I have ended the first part, and now draw toward the end of the whole discourse. The first point was the obsirmation, how men are made obstinate by men, by two meanes, both by the outward policy of others, and by the inward proclivity of themselves. The second is obdura­tion, when men are made obdurate by God; as in this, Deus mittet, God will send thē strong delu­sion. Hence our Divines distinguish obduration Zanch. in Ephes. 4. 16. into three parts: Naturall, habituall, and judici­all. Naturall is that hardnesse of heart, which proceedeth frō Nature: this was in the Disci­ples, whereby they could not discerne Christs power, although they saw his miracles, Marke 6. 52. Habituall, is when the habit, or Custome of sinning bringeth a Callum (or thick Skin) o­ver the Conscience of a sinner, whereby hee be­commeth insensible of sinne: as unapt to doe good, having beene accustomed to doe evill, as the Aethiopian is to change his skinne, or the Leopard to change his spots, Ierem. 13. 23. The judiciall obduration: when out of Gods judge­ment our hearts are hardened! Peccatum being poena peccantis, one sinne being the punishment [Page 623] of another: and [...], a recompence of their errour, Rom. 1. 27. All these are inclu­ded in this Text. First, men have a pronenesse to Antichristian superstition, that is Naturall. Secondly, they delude themselves, by prescripti­on, and plead custome of their Idolatry: that is habituall. Thirdly, God smiteth them in their errour, with their errour, for their errour: this is a just Iudiciall obduration, or hardening of men hearts. The text telleth us, for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion.

Now how GOD doth send delusion, and how farre God may bee said to make men obsti­nate: I dispute not. It is enough, if I say onely with the Greeke Father, [...]: Oecumen. in in 2 Thes. 2. 11. That is, we must not read the phrase, God shall send, li­terally: as if God did simply send delusions, but by it wee must understand, Gods permission. Or with the Latine Father; Non obdurat Deus▪ Aug. ep. 105. Sixto. impertiendo malitiam, sed non impertiendo gra­tiam: that is, God doth not harden men, by gi­ving them malice, but by not giving them grace. And a third Father giveth a reason Fulgentius. for both those former: God is not Author of that, whereof he is Vltor.

As water, though the Sunne doth not exer­cise on it any actuall hardening power: yet the very absence of it, is cause sufficient, that it shal frieze to the hardnesse of a stone. Nay some take Chrystall to bee Ice, in an high degree; and that onely the perpetuall absence of the [Page 624] Sunne, doth transforme it into a Rocke, and maketh it malleable. So sinfull man, if God shall remove from him the beames of his Grace, yea but for a time, he will freeze in the dregs of his sinne, and be hardened by the custome of im­piety. But if God shall please perpetually to ab­sent the Sunne of his softening grace: such a man will become a Rock malleable; and sooner shall any person make an impression on a Smiths Anvile, with his finger, than in the heart of such a one with his tongue.

This I say is enough, but we may say more: That this strong delusion, doth proceed from God, not onely by permission, but by immission also. His just judgement doth not onely suf­fer, but strengthen the instruments of strong de­lusion: who whip those that have pleasure in untruth, with their owne Rod, a scourge of Scor­pions: to make them obstinate and obdurate in their errours. For this delusion is a punishment, every punishment is an action, every action an ens; and every ens hath God for the efficient cause thereof. And thus it runneth plainly in my Text. Obstinate men would not receive the love of the Truth, but had pleasure in unrighte­ousnesse: and for this cause, GOD doth send them strong delusion.

Which fearefull plague we may see fearful­ly poured out upon the Romish Church, upon the Romish Nation especially. I will retort the Less. de Antich. part. 2. Dem. 2. Comp. 9. saying of Lessius: Philosophi quia juxta verita­tem cognitā nō vixerunt, merito in reprobum sen­sum [Page 625] sunt traditi, Rom. 1. quanto justius id acci­dit nostris haeresiarchis: that is, it was just with God, to deliver up into a reprobate sense, the hea­then Romanes, for covering the light of Nature: How much more justly doth he send strong de­lusion on the Christian Romanes, who extinguish the light of grace? Such as goe out of the way, with the candle in their hand, demerite to have the Candle put out, and themselves to wander in unextricable darkenesse. Since the Romanes Malvenda de Antich. lib. 4. c. 4. doe bragge of themselves, that Rome is the Arke to preserve Gods Oracles; that in Rome the Gospell of Christ, hath beene sealed with the blood of two Apostles, seven and twenty Bi­shops, and of three hundred thousand holy Mar­tyrs; Now that these Children of such fathers, shall so degenerate; and these Successours of such Predecessours shall so apostate; that they transgresse the Commandements of God, to ob­serve the traditions of men, that they advance the honor of their Church, above their love to the Truth; Is it not now Gods just judgment, to cast them into the Armes of Antichrist; and for this cause to send them strong delusion?

In a word, you have the absolute accom­plishment of this Prophecy. Consider what the Church of Rome hath beene, what it is, and what Rom. 11. 33. it shall bee. O altitudo! Lord how unsearchable are thy judgments, & thy wayes past finding out?

To end, but I must not end thus: These judgements on them, are for another end; to cause Gods mercies unto us. These things happe­ned 1 Cor. 10. 11. [Page 626] to them for ensamples, to admonish us, upon whom the ends of world are come. Wherefore, Let our Church w ch standeth, take heed that it doe not fall. If the glorious Church of Rome did fall, what may bee the fate of the Church of Eng­land, which in old time was but an obscure part of that Body, whereof the Romane Church was the most illustrious member. Let us therefore consider, and decline the cause of their obsti­nate Apostacy. They did not love the Truth.

I would I could wipe away this blot from the face of our English people. I feare I may pronounce that saying of Saint Augustine Aug. ep. 121. concerning Africa, Tanquam servus sciens voluntatem Domini sui, & non faciens, multis vapulet: The Church of England know their Masters Will, but doe it not; And therefore we deserve to bee beaten with many stripes, and the Pope to gather the Rod. God may justly send on us strong delusion. To which I may adde, what Saint Augustine addeth in the same Epistle, Attendunt quanta celeritate Evangelium praedi­catur, sed non attendunt quantá perversitate con­temnitur: that is, we rejoyce because there is such plentifull preaching of the Word; but wee doe not lament, to behold the common contempt of the Word.

Require you an instance? I neither flatter nor slander. Clero Anglicano, &c. it is Campians scornefull exprobration: The people of England (saith hee) love preaching, but not their Prea­chers. Gladly would I apprehend an Apology; [Page 627] but the Truth must be confessed. In England we have many Colossians, the Word doth dwell plenti­ously amongst them, Colos. 3. 16. But very few Galatians, who will give their eyes for their Pastors, or that which they may spare some­what better then their eyes. And the ground of our reformed unkindnesse, is the selfe-same of the Romish blindnesse, custome. Let not your Charity be offended at my Verity. I suppose there be few Parishes through Englād, but the Preacher, (if he be their Pastour, and comforma­ble, then) though his paines be never so great, and his gaines never so small; yet they thinke the phrase of Laban Genes. 29. 26. will justifie their actions, and Conscience in the sight of God, and man: Non est nostro loco consuetudinis, it is our custome, and it may not be broken. Yet passe not your censure, as if I did winch, be­cause I am galled; as if a personall dislike, did put mee into this passionate declamation: No, (I thanke my God, and my Parish too) my Pa­rish doth give me supplies for my labour, in a poore Vicaridge.

But beloved this ought not to be done in Israel. If men doe love the Treasure, they can­not despise the Vessell, although it bee earthen; though their Pastours have their Personall infirmities. And certainly, this judgement of men, shall not escape the judgements of GOD, though they have custome to pleade for them. I will not say with Saint Augustine, Dabis impio Militi, quod non dabis Sacer­doti, [Page 628] that you take from your Preachers, to treasure for souldiers. I say not so: the Bo­die of Christendome hath bled enough alrea­dy! The Lord prevent future effusion for IE­SVS CHRIST his sake. But I may tell you out of my Text: Ideo—mittet Deus opera­tionem erroris: for this cause—God may send you strong delusion. Those that will not bee perswaded by their English Preachers, they may bee perverted by Popish Priests, by strong delusions; because indeed, they doe not love the Truth.

It is the end of the Terme; and may bee the end and Terme of our lives. If I were like old Isaac Genes. 27. 28. at my last end, and to make my last Will, and had but one Blessing to bequeath you my Beloved, it should bee this blessing; a blessed reciprocall affection, betwixt the Pastors, and people. My heart could spend her last spirits, in such a perswasion, to leave this legacy of Love. And blessed were I, if I should so dye in the Lord: For I should rest from my labour, and that worke would follow me. If it bee possible, let the people, and Pastours bee like Ionathan and David; let them love one another as their owne soules. If not so, yet let them be like Abraham and Lot, Let no strife bee amongst them, for the Canaanites are in the Land: the Papists will rejoyce, and increase by our unkind­nesse. To stop their mouthes, and to save our owne soules: Let the Preachers feed the soules of the people, and let the people feed the [Page 629] bodies of their Preachers: both cheerefullie, without grudging. But I am a man, not God; I can speake to the eare, not incline the heart; that, I must leave to the Lord. Only, the Lord preserve us from a wicked custome, and from all strong delusions.


2 THESS. 2. 11. That they should beleeve a lye.’

Popery supported by lyes. The Primacy: the Crosse. [...]opish lyes against the persons of Protestants. Against Calvin: Beza: Luther: B. King: Q. Elizabeth. Popish lyes against the profess on of Protestants. Concerning the Sacraments: our Government: Preachers: the Scriptures: our Obedience; to our King: to our God. Popish lyes concerning their Persecutions: in Eng­land. No Papist put to death for his Religion. English Lawes against Papists.

THe verse containeth the passiue pro­pertie, or the punishment internall, of those that imbrace Antichrist. Wherein I have absolved two things. I have shewed you an [...], and an [...]: one thing notable, that they should bee se­duced [Page 631] by strong delusion: another admirable, that they should bee so deluded, as to beleeve a lye. The admirable delusion is the subject of this Sermon. Wherein two other things offer themselves to our admiration: a double admi­rable delusion: the first in regard of the deluders, the second in regard of the deluded: that the one should be so wicked as to preach a lye, and the other so besotted as to beleeve a lye; If wee can admire any thing, wee shall apprehend both these to be most admirable. Both which are admirably evident in the Church of Rome.

In the former clause, as the Dipsades or Iansen. in Evang cap. 83. Vipers involve themselves in the egges of Ostri­ches, so, by the appearance of food, to draw on the hungrie creatures to their Destruction: So the Romanists seduce the superstitious with the probabilitie of truth, a strong delusion, a cunning lye, if you will, as it were by Equivocation. But in my text, like Frogges (as they are apt­ly resembled Revel. 16. 13.) animal impudens, obstreperum, loquax, coaratione & garrulitate intolerabile, like the unappeasable croaking of Frogges. Blaterones ministri Antichristi (to Malvend lib. 5. c. 18. borrow Malvenda's owne words to invest his owne friends withall) the clamorous agents of Antichrist, with open mouth will publish grosse untruths, as it were by protestation. In plaine English, they perswade the plaine people to and by a plaine lye. And which is most admi­rable, in truth lamentable, the plaine people do [Page 632] beleeve them. This also I make evident in the Church of Rome.

But I must be cautelous on prosecuting this point. I am advised by a friend to take heed of two things: of my quotations and im­putations wherewith I charge the Papists. I do thanke him and will obey him. His counsell is good: yet I had a better counsellour before, mine owne conscience. I thanke God my con­science doth teach mee to shunne that sinne in my selfe, which I reprove in others. My Con­science doth prompt mee to speake in truth, when I speake of lying. And my conscience tel­leth mee, and you also: Catholicus sum, et non August epist. 48. Vixcentio. audeo mentiri. Precipitated lyes, I decline: pre­meditated lyes, I detest, but Pulpet lyes, let God and man abhorre mee, if I do not abhorre them. To assure you of my truth, concerning their lyes: I have wrote nothing in this booke, but what hath fallen from their pens. I will speake nothing with this tongue, but what hath beene spoken by their own mouths. Their owne mouths, and pens shall testifie against them. That as Caligula, who had a frowning face by nature, yet did he compose his countenance by a glasse, that it might appeare yet more grimme, and terrible: So though their nature, bee prone enough to that facultie, yet they adde art to their audacious lyes. And as it were set their faces by a glasse, that they may be able to utter such vast lyes. Such lyes that wee can hardly imagine it to be true, that any of them should [Page 633] speake such lyes: but that any should Beleeve such lyes! This surpasseth imagination.

They beleeve lyes. Since the Devill is called the father of lyes Ioh. 8. 44. devillish doctrine is called the doctrine of lyes, 1 Tim. 4. 2. devil­lish power, is termed lying wonders in this chap­ter: devillish teachers the teachers of lyes in this text: and Christ himselfe, is called the truth it selfe Iohn. 14. 16. That Church therefore which wee shall see supported by lying: wee may suspect it, if not detect it to be no true Church of Christ, but rather the Synagogue of Satan, and indeed the very seat of Antichrist. Suchis the Church of Rome. Some sprinkling of this aspersion, I may cast on the Church of Rome: And I suppose, it will exercise the best of that infallible Sea, to wash away the supition of a lying religion.

Their lying doctrine (as all Divines do all doctrine) the papists establish two waies: [...] and [...], astruendo and destruen­do: first by way of confirmation, and finally by way of confutation.

The groundwork of their Religion, is lying: and the grandworkers in their Religion, are lyers. All Popery is Sopistrie: and so is all heresie. All Popish controversies contradicting the Pro­testants, and contrarie to the truth are false: that is, lyes, although supported by sufficient learning. But for plaine palpable lyes, let the Popish legends triumph in the whet-stone. To an abridgement of which voluminious lyes [Page 634] I referre you, in the treatise of our learned D r. Featly in Fisher pap. 370. Pius 2 epist. ad Morbisan. Doctor. For the authours of lyes, I will oppose their Italian S t. Francis, and their Spanish S t. Dominicke, to equall and exceed in more, and more foolish and blasphemous fables, even Ara­thes and Marathes, those sottish Mahometane fables mentioned so scornesully by Pope Pius 2. But that ever even B Aronius, and BELlar­mine, should bee Architects to build up Babel, with such untempered morter: I thought it uncredible to be true: till I did transcribe a­bundance of apparent, and transparent lyes, out of theirs, into this treatise. Neither do our D r. Featly pre­face to the Conference. English Popish Doctors blush to father such Bastards. Within one weeke after that con­ferēce, the Earle of Warwick at S t. Omers, was assured by father Weston, that in the disputation betwixt Father Fisher and Father Sweet, and two Ministers in London, the Iesuites quited themselves too well. That they conquered the disputants, and converted two Earles, and an hundred of the auditory. Which number po­pish reports did afterwards augment unto foure hundred. The pitty was, the good old man was foiled in two mistakes. That wor­thie Earle, was one of those two, & still is, a con­stant mēber & lover, of the Church of Englād. Againe, at the conference there were not ful­ly one hundred present, of whom almost twenty were professed Papists. How out of these: two Earles, and an hundred other could be conver­ted to Rome, it must bee a cunning lying Romist, [Page 635] who can perswade it. Yet such tricks as Geo: Black. de Aequivoc. pag. 96 these passe for Piae fraudes, devout deceits. Profitable for procuring popish Proselytes. The phrase is owned by Blackwell: and hee might haue remembred the practice of a Pope, to have beene the patterne thereof. It is the Ples. myst. Jniq. Oppos. 41. record of Aventine, that when Pope Vrban 2. for the advantage, and advancement of the Papacie, purposed to send the Emperour Hen­ry 3, of his errand into Palestine: there was raised a rumour, that a voice from Heaven was heard, Deus vult, God will have it so: where­upon a thrave of people, of all sorts, thrust themselves into that expedition. Concerning August. Soliloq. lib. 2. cap. 9. which I will give you S t. Augustines item: Acute quidem falleris, sed ut falli desinas, acutius attende: They take great paines, to teach you lyes: take you the like paines to examine their teaching, and you shall descrie their lyes. Carefull industrie, will undoubtedly discover their Sophistrie.

To give you a tast thereof: take you a little notice, of that maine matter wee contend about: the primacie. Incredible lyes, are the Malvenda lib. 1 cap. 8. sinewes of that assertiō. The grand pseudochrist amongst the Iewes, called himselfe Barchochab, that is, Filius Stellae, or the Sonne of a Starre: when as his right name was Barchozeba, that is, Filius mendacij, or the Sonne of a lye. So, the grand Antichrist among the Christians, calleth himselfe Stella, a Starre, which giveth Light to the whole World: but in sooth hee is [Page 630] Filius mendacij, it is a lye: and they have a strong delusion, who do beleeue it.

Thus they say the Church of Muscovia, hath Malvenda lib. 5. cap. 16. renounced the Greeke Church: and the Greeke Church, hath renounced it selfe: and both submitted themselves to the Pope, as the Oe­cumenicall Patriarke: in the yeare 1595 was the first surrender made to Pope Clement 8. Eudam. de Anti­christo lib. 3 Yea the mighty Church of Aethiopia, was reconciled to the same Pope, on the same condi­tion, saith Eudaemon another popish Tell-troath, because a Cretian. Nay their Dominicans, Franciscans, and Iesuites, have reduced insi­nite Malvenda de Anti [...]hristo lib. 3 cap 26. people, and provinces to the Romish Re­ligion, in both the East and West Indies, saith Malvenda.

For the Greek and Mosco Church: wee haue both Graecians, and Muscovites which frequent our land, and such a famous submission, would not bee untold by them, could not bee un­knowne to us. Indeed Aethiopia and the Indias, Africa, Asia, and America, are some­what farre off: and it is farre more ease, for men to beleeve it, than goe try it. Howbeit wee have English Navigatours, who are no no­vices, in the new world also. And this new christendome, could not be concealed frō thē, if these conversions, and Submissions, were as true, as famous. But I doubt, that the stou­test favourer, and favourite of the Romane Primacie, wil but speake that phrase of S t Paul 1 Cor. 11. 23. Quod accepi a Domino, tradidi [Page 627] vobis, they teach that to the Papists which they have heard, from their Lord the Pope. But none dare say with that other Apostle, 1 Iohn 1. 1. Quod oculis nostris vidimus & spectavimus, that they themselves with their owne eyes have seene those converted countreys. In truth they are mendacia decipientium, & Insipientium: they are foolish lyes, and those are not very wise who beleeve them.

These lying reporters, have beene the true supporters of the Popes primacie; but his shop of false forged lying writers, have shaped out most classicall, and authenticall instru­ments to that purpose, both in spiritualls and temporalls. I will grace this proofe, with the testimonie of the glory of Ireland. The Do­native Vsserius de Ecclesiar. Successione cap. 2. sect. 29. (saith hee) of Constantine, was forged, by Iohn surnamed Digitorum: whereby the Pope would perswade the world, that that Emperour had bequeathed unto his prede­cessour Silvester not onely the Citie of Rome, but also all the cities and provinces of Italie, and of the West. This is the first lye, the great lye: the second is like unto this, to confirme the Popes power spirituall, as that former did his temporall. Out of the same forge, procee­ded the fiction of the Decretall Epistles, which they pretend to have beene indited by the Primative Romane Bishops, of the purer ages: but first urged as authenticall in France, by Riculsus Archbishop of Menz in the reigne of Charles the great. Thus were these two great [Page 638] Popish points, (the Temporall and Spirituall Pri­macy) established by two great lyes. Both which (the Donative of Constantine, & the Decretals of the Pope) were compiled into one volume, by that notorious lier, who s [...]rowdeth his shameless Leasings under the name of Isodore; yet out of him the Popes have sucked no small advantage, for the supporting of his Primacie. One Whelp out of w ch Kennell, we have expe­rienced here in England. When the Chamber Ples. Mist. è Matth. Par. in Henr. 3. of Pope Innocent 4. at Lyons, was by chance set on fire, then was burned the same Charter, whereby King Iohn had made England Tribu­tary to the Pope; whereupon the Pope sent se­cret Messengers into England, who made e­very Bishop to subscribe to that lamenta­ble Charter of that King Iohn▪ namely, (as it is likely) to supply the want of the Originall, with a Copie thus made authenticall. Such con­sidence doe they place in their practising the phrase of this prophecie, if they can make the world beleeve a lye.

They have another petty point of Popery, which followeth this Pillar of the Papacy, as a little Pinnace doth the Admirall of the Fleet. And both are borne on with the same Gaile, a brave-winde of wonderfull lies. This is the signe of the Crosse: a profitable servant for the Church of Rome, and therefore they must lye for their advantage.

At Meliapor, men, Gables and Elephants did Malven. l. 3. c. 7. tugge at a huge Tree, to no purpose, all were [Page 639] not able to stirre it: But Saint Thomas twi­ning his Girdle onely to a twigge thereof, drew it twelve furlongs: Signo tantum Crucis Malv 5. 8. facto, onely by making the signe of the Crosse. Anno 1520. a Portugall ship in an Indian voyage, in the night, running mainly before the winde, suddenly it stood still: The ama­zed Mariners, searching the cause with Can­dles, they beheld an hideous Fish glued to the ship, her body spread the length of the Keele, or bottome of the ship: the taile being wrap­ped about the Rudder; and over the Decke shee put up her head, as bigge as a Barrell. When the Sailers thought, that a Fiend of Hell had beene come to swallow them, out steppeth an heavenly Priest, Et signo Crucis de­linita est Bellua, that Monster was made tame, onely with the signe of the Crosse. And so the men sayled merrily to the place they were bound for.

More! It is their doctrine, that the signe Malven. l. 6. c 8. of the Crosse, is an Antidote against all Devils; as Malvenda doth dispute at large: and his conclusion is, when Antichrist shall come, Quo fugiendum est? Christians must flye to the signe of the Crosse, as to their onely City of refuge, against all his sorceries. These are Stories, in­deed meere stories; Falsa, sicta, fucata omnia; fictions to bolster up their factions. A true te­stimony, that God hath sent on that Church strong delusions, that they beleeve such lyes.

Yea, the Papists are so exquisite in that Art, [Page 640] that whilest their religion is supported by lyes, they would perswade the world, that the Protestants are the notorious lyers: and they had done it, if onely one popish project had proceeded without discovery; their Index expurgatorius. For when wee alleage Romish Authors, against their Romish errours; in time to come, no such places being extant in their new editions of their Bookes, which wee had quoted, and they rased; they would have cla­moured crimen falsi, that wee had belyed them by false quotations, when they have prevented us by their lying false Inquisition.

Thus they build up their Babel, with boa­sting, and bold untruths: But Falsehood advan­ceth it selfe highest, when it taketh her rise on the Necke of Truth, and trampleth downe the reputation of the Professours of the Gospell. He­retikes make themselves glorious, by making the names of the Orthodoxall odious. Thus like the Amphisbaena, the Romish thrust out their Tongues, against the reformed, ore trisulco, and sting us with their slanders, three wayes. By pal­pable lyes they disgrace our Persons, Profession, and Practice. And which is most miserable, some of them doe beleeve these forged Ca­lumnies: so fearefully hath God sent them a strong delusion, to beleeve a lye.

Concerning Calvin, if any can read brazen Lessiu [...] de Ant. Append. p. 277. imputations without blushing, let him looke on Lessius, in his Appendix to his Demonstrations de Antichristo: as also on the namelesse Author [Page 641] of the Monarchomachia, both overflowing Monarch. part. 1 tit. 2. with shamelesse aspersions. That the cry may bee made full, let your observation adde to these, Frarinus, Campian, Duraeus, and a world Petri Frarini Orat. Lovanij anno 1565. Camp Rat. 3. Duraeus in Rat. 3 of that sort; but principally Bolsecus, their Homer, the Vomit of whose foule mouth, all the rest have licked up, to make up the mate­rials for their fictions. To all which I propose but one Antidote: Let impartiall men reade onely the life of Calvin, penned by Beza, and Bols. de vita Cal­vin. Beza de vita Calvin. Calv. Inst ep. Lect. by him prefixed to the Epistles of Calvin; Or a more briefe satisfaction they may con­ceive from Calvins own words, in his Epistle to the Reader of his Institutions, 1568. that the Papists had raised a rumour in Ausburge, and in the Courts of divers Princes in Germanie, of his revolt unto Popery: when as at the same time, he was printing his institutions, in a se­cond edition. Calvin did Beza succeed, in his charge, and defamations also. Beza did under­hand murther the Duke of Guise, saith that Li­bell called Monarchomachia. Publikely his custome was to goe into the Pulpit at Orle­ance, Monarch. part. 1 tit. 2. Frar. Oratione Lovanij 1565. Frar. ib. with a sword and a Pistol, instigating the people, to fall upon the Papists, saith Frarinus. The same Beza, saith the same Frarinus, as hee was Preaching, caused certaine Popish Priests to bee killed before him, that their blood, and Braines, sprinkled into his very face, in his Sermon. Luther as hee was before them both in reformation: so they vouchsafe him the prece­dence in defamation. To omit their franticke [Page 642] Libells. Mavenda, who seemeth to bee more Malvenda [...]e Antich. l. 2. c. 6. sober then their ordinary Pamphletters (and indeed a learned man of great reading) yet this man chronicleth it, as a probability: that Luther ex Incubo Diabolo genitus, that hee was an incarnate Devill, begotten by an Incubus. and in the same place, the same Authour doth publish it to the world as an undeniable truth, that in the year 1518. at the diet of Ausburg, in the presence of Maximilian the Emperor, Lu­ther came into the assembly having Daemonem tetr [...], & horribili specie humeris insidemē, an oug­ly Monarch in Ap­pendi. c. Devill sitting vpon his shoulders. Our name­lesse countryman indeavoureth to draw him a little nearer unto Hell, & affirmeth that Lu­ther had his Vocation from the Devill. Frarinus Frar. Orat. Lovanij 1565. farceth in this frantick fiction, that Luther held a solemne consultation, to banish, and abolish those two learned languages, the Greeke and Latine. But the notablest applause Loniceri Theat. pag. 246. the Father of lyes, and all his Children must give to the Theater of Lonicer, who published in print the soule death of Martin Luther, dam­ned in body and soule. viz. as hee lay dying, hee desired that his body might be layed on the Altar, and worshipped. Being dead and buryed, a tumult arose, as if the earth had beene moved, whereupon they opening his grave, they sound neither Body, nor bones, nor Cloathes; but a stinke of brimstone, which had almost killed the standers by. And to make all this appeare to bee true, all this while Luther was alive; and lived after [Page 643] that time to publish a pamphet in print, with this title, Contra Papatum a diabolo institutum, against the Papacy founded by the Devill. This might have shut the mouth of that forenamed Monarch p. 521. unnamed Authour, that he should not have showne his Teeth against Luther, forging a trea­tise to traduce him, which hee termed a Touchstone, wherein he deserveth the Whet­stone, and discovereth his Cognisance, that hee serveth him, who (by Gods judgement) maketh men to beleeve a lye.

Eudaemon commeth a little nearer us, and Eud. de An [...]. [...]. 3 3 smiteth the deceased late learned Bishop of Sarisbury, with such a impudent imputation, that hundreds of that Vniversity and City, are yet alive to give him the phrase of my Text, a lye, and strong delusion. For our late learned, religious, zealous Diocesane, when they could not defame him alive, they would damne him being dead, and have published him to turne Papist on his death bed. But their malice (like that Souldier to Iason) hath given life to his honour, which they stabbed at. Their lye oc­casioned M r Archdeacon Kings Sermon at the Crosse. his naturall Issue, to make a gratious Apology, which satified the world, concer­ning the Truth of his innocence: And if any Cobweb hath scaped his hand; if any scruple yet remained in the breast of the suspitious, they are swept down, by the labor of that Pre­lates M r Mason of Equivo [...]. learned Chaplain, discovering principally how that lying Impostor, in his Libel, called the Bishop of Lōdons Legacy, did give himself the lye, [Page 644] by a double Editiō therof. For in the year 1622 in his first Edition, hee maketh the Bishop to speake those motives: but in the yeare fol­lowing, 1623. and in the Edition following, in the preface, the Authour is contented to owne his owne Brat, which in his former hee had without shame fathered upon that wor­thy Bishop, and wisheth that himselfe may be taken to have writtē those motives, as a precedent, or a patterne warranting any Protestant in the change of his religion, though by a Poeticall free­dome, peculiarly applyed to the Bishop.

Finally, in the yeare 1621. the Papists pub­lished a pamphlet, intitled The Protestants, Plea and Petition for the Priests and Papists. Wherein most of our learned Prelates, and sage Peeres, are smitten all, by some slander by name. Yea that Aegyptian frog entred the Princes Chamber also, and croaked dishonou­ble defamations against our dead blessed Queen, our Elizabeth of ever-blessed, & ever­living memory. Nor is hee alone, or the first. Besides him, Eudaemon saith it as a so­lemne Eudaem. Ap. pro Garnetto c. 8. sooth, the Queene imployed a serious inquiry, Whether any of Machiavels ofspring surviued; that such an Italian should be of speciall entertainment for her service. Before him, Bel­larmine Bell. de Notis Eccles l. 4. c. 9. blushed not to affirme, Mulierem in Anglia extitisse Pontificem, that in England a Woman (Queene Elizabeth) was Pope. And Sanders saith, that in England Elizabeth did ex­ercise the function of Priest, in Preaching and [Page 645] teaching. Master Sanders was M r Slanders, and Sand. de Visib. Mon l 6 c. 4. Bellarmine a Iesuite, to outface us with such a Brazen Brow, and shining lye. A fairer proba­bility of which foule imputation, wee can fa­sten on the Church of Rome. A lay Prince at Sacra. Cere. l. 2: Sect. 1. c. 7, & 8. a publike Masse doth exercise the proper function of a Priest: and hath the precept and presence of the Pope to warrant him. The Emperour Frederick 3. before Paul 2. 1468. at Rome, in a Surplice, Hood (Pluviali) and habit of a Bishop did read the Lesson, and a Sermon (Homiliam:) Shew the shadow of such a Clerkly action, in our Queene, or King either. Now you must know, that we can throw the same Dirt in the faces of our Adversaries, not (as they have done to us) by the hands of Bolsecus, Coclaeus, Sanders, and Campian, notorious Apostates and Traitors: But by the hands of Petrarke, Platina, Bellarmine, and Baronius, their owne and approved Authors. Neverthelesse I refraine from this retribution. My God, and my King command mee not to returne evill for evill. and to suffer, not to offer Personall reproaches. And indeed the Truth of our cause, will bee little the Whiter, by unmasking the Aethiopian countenance of their blacke conversation. I therefore passe the slanderers, onely concer­ning the slandered: concerning them all, con­cerning her especially, I must conclude, in the phrase of the Angel to the Devill, Iud. 9. Incre­pet te Dominus, these are hellish lies, and the Lord of Heaven rebuke them.

These slanders are uncharitable, but yet they seeme somewhat tolerable; because they take not all excuse from us. Nowithstandtng, these premises, impartiall people might extenuate our guilt, and say; Gens mala, religio bona: though our Persons be bad, yet our Profession is good. But this have their Pamphlets painted out in such colours, that (if they said true) wee had no colour, but to confesse our Church, the most execrable that ever professed CHRIST, or ever prophaned Christiani­ty by their profession. What can bee said of those, who have neither Sacrament, nor Go­vernment; neither Preachers nor Scriptures; nei­ther obedience to man, nor obedience to God? What can be said of such, but that they bee Rebels, Atheists, and Pagans, the shame and scumme of Christendome? And such the Pa­pists trumpet us Protestants to bee. Their bookes are fraught with these forged Ca­lumnies.

1. As a Preface to these, Malvenda pro­claimeth Malv. l. 2. c. 6. it, that Multitudes of us turne to bee Turkes every day. Would God wee had no more turned Papists, than turne Turkes; and then let them lye on to their satiety! But for our Sacraments! Nullum, nullum, non duo, non vnum Christe Sancte: O Christ, the Protestants Camp. Rat. 8. have no Sacraments; not two, not one, not one Sacrament have they, cryeth, clamoureth Campian.

Furthermore, their impudent imputations [Page 647] force faith on the prejudicate, and credulous; that we doe not only Heathenishly, and pro­phanely reject the Sacraments in our owne Church; but that wee damnably and dia­bolically prophane them in their Church, where by force of Armes wee can make any intrusion. The reformed in France (say the Ro­mish in Flanders) in a furious impiety, trampled Frar. p. 56. the most holy body of Christ under their feet, threw it into the water, cast it into the fire, and slabbed it with their weapons. The Protestants in other Frar. p. 58. places (say other Papists) like Hellish Harpies, did disburthen their filthy paunches, into the water consecrated for the holy Sacrament of Baptisme; & turned the sacred Fonts into nasty Close-stooles. Pius 2. ep. Mor­bisano. I will answere these Papists in the phrase wherein a Pope did answere the Turke: Cor­ruptionem imprimis sacrarum literarum obijcitis; hoc ei probandum fuerat qui sactum asserit, nobis satis erit negare factū. That is, You deeply declaim against our impioas rejection, barbarous prophana­tion, and beastly pollution of the blessed Sacra­ments. The Papists who report it, should prove it: it is enough for the Protestants to deny it, and to detest such desperate calu [...]nies.

2. Secondly, because they are like the Todestoole, all head; therefore they would per­swade the world, that we are like the Acepha­li no head, an absolute Anarchie without any go­vernment. That the Church of England, is like the Common-wealth of Israel, Iudges the last, that there is no King amongst us, but everie [Page 648] man doth that which seemeth right in his owne eyes. Amongst the Protestants, every private person is guided by his private spirit: thus are we Less. de Antich. part. 2. De [...]. [...]. charged by the Iesuite Lessius. Conciliorum quidem authoritatem non admittitis; and for the Councils, ye admit not of their authoritie, saith Eudaemon. They presume that they are Eud. de Ant l. 1. sect. 10. taught without the Ministery of the Church: that dutifull considerate subject, durst tell his Dut. Consid. Cons. 3. c. 1. Soveraigne so much in his dutifull considerati­ons. Lately, one with a Gagge, cryeth out with Gagge of the Gospell, preface. open mouth, that wee preferre the private inter­pretation of a Cobler, before Saint Chrysostome, of a Baker before Saint Basil, and of a Tinker before Tertullian. Nay they charge us so to detest the Government of the Church, that in detestation thereof wee hate the Governours of it, both alive and dead. Hence (say they) [...]rar. [...]r. Levan. 1565. did the French Protestants at Lyons, rake open the graves of those Saints and holy Bishops, Irenae­us, Pictavius, and Hilary, and after a scornefull abuse, they burned their bodies to ashes.

3. Our Preachers (say they) ordinarily, are Eud. d [...] Antich. l. 3. Stel. in Luk. c. 9. ordinary Cerdones, and Sartores, Tradesmen, Han­decrafts-men, Coblers, Taylors &c. which they seeme to translate out of Harding, Your Mini­sters Hard. [...]ons. Ap. 2 [...]9. bee Tinkers, and [...]apsters, Fidlers, and Pi­pers. And another of our owne Countrey­men, Dut. Consid. Cons. 2 [...]1. doth imply that we have no, at least use no Preachers. He is so inspired that (if you be­leeve him) he needeth no direction, no further instruction. Finally, that they may rase the ve­ry [Page 649] foundation of our Church, (downe with it, downe with it, even to the ground) with virulent lying tongues, they have set their violent hands to the Pillars thereof; reporting it for Champ. in Praef. Dis [...]ns. Sacrobos [...]. de Invest. Eccl. Christi c. 4. a Catholike certainty of our Primitive reformed Bishops, that Iuell, Sands, Scory, Horne, Grin­dall, &c. were made Bishops, or Consecrated in a Taverne; by name at the signe of the Nags Head in Cheapside. Where is the crediblenesse Kellison Repl. to D r Sutcliff. p. 31. of the cause, or credit of the Authors? Can ma­lice imagine them so foolish, to bee Consecra­ted in priuate, when by publick allowance they had an Archbishop, Parker of Canterburie of 25. [...]. 8. c. 20. their owne religion? or so mad as to incurre a Praemunire for such a Consecration? and the truth is, they were all Consecrated by the Arch­bishop of Canterbury at his Pallace at Lambeth, M r Nowell, and M r Pearson preaching at their severall consecrations. But I will not adde a Candle to the Sunne. This foule lye, is un­masked to the full, by the Patterne of Mini­sters, and Patron of our Ministry, Master Ma­son, Mason. de Min. Angl. l. 3. c. 8. & in Append. Bell. de. Amiss. Grat. l. 3. c. 8. in his most learned Treatise on that theame. Onely I will adde out of him. Bel­larmine might well maintaine officious lyes, to be but veniall sinnes; otherwise I cannot see, how any can spie out, not so much as a shadow, no not of a Stasse of Reed to support their offi­cious, yea pernicious Calumnies. In all which, against whom doe you sport your selves? against Jsay. 57. 4. whom make you a wide mouth? and draw out your tongue? are yee not the Children of trans­gression, [Page 650] a seed of falshood? and at length they shall know lying lips are an abomination to the Prov. 12. 22. Lord.

Concerning the holy Scriptures; they would beare the world in hand, that we so trample Eud. de Ant. l. 3. them under our feet, as that wee stick not to preferre Luther before all the Apostles, Saint Paul onely accepted. And our conscionable countryman shameth not to avouch it to our Dut Consid. Consid. 2. c. 1. Sect. 28. Frar. Or. Lov. 1565. King, that the Protestants use the Scriptures as a Visard. Both being as probable as that prodi­gious calumnie fastened by the Papists on the Protestants in France; that they poysoned all the wels about Lyons, to bring innumerable inno­cents to an inevitable destruction.

5. In regard of our obedience to our King, their lyes would make us seeme to bee (what truth hath showne them to bee) very Rebels. The Protestants teach, saith Campian, Christiani libe­ri Camp. Rat. 8. a statut is hominum, that Christians are, free from the lawes of men. And it is the drift of the Calvinist Ministers, by their bookes Less. de Ant. ep. Dedic. Fr [...]r. Or. L [...]v. 1565. de Antichristo, to cause warre, and kindle rebelli­on, saith Lessius. And Frarinus fathers it upon the French Protestants, that they poysoned King Frances 2. and digging up his heart, which was buryed in the Church of Saint Crosse at Orle­ance, that they put it on a Gridiro [...], and broyled it to ashes. A Popish pamphlet printed at Tur­nay, Monarch part. 2 Tit. 3. 1623. termeth our English Ministers Bou­teseus, (that is, sowers of sedition) because they they say that the Romish Catholikes hold Pag. 410. [Page 651] Protestants as heretikes, and Excommunicated. But he is told of this loud lye, by Doctor Bou­cher, Approbatio cal­ce libe [...]i. Chancellour of Turnay, who licensed this Libell, for this cause, because he did herein dexterously discover, quam perniciosa fuerit Angliae professio Haeresis; what a pernicious Here­sie was professed in England. Accordingly that Author frameth a double Title to that Book, terming the first part Babel, or Monarchoma­chia, meaning the Protestants; and the o­ther Hierusalem, order or obedience, to wit, the Romish Religion. Blood and Murther! farre be it from our thoughts, Happy were we, if it were so farre from theirs also.

6. Lastly, for our obedience to God; they re­port vs meere Libertines, and Epicures. Nil ni­si fidem requirunt, Lessius saith, that the Prote­stants Less. de Ant. part 2. Comp. 10. Suar. Ap. [...]. 10. require nothing but faith. Suarez more fully and foully too: Quocunque modo vivant, per solam fidem, gloriam sibi promittunt: & ne­que mandatorum observationem neque paniten­tiam esse necessariam praedicant: the Prote­stants preach (saith the Iesuite) that it is no matter how men live, promising glory by faith a­lone: accounting both the keeping of the Commandements, and repentance, to be unncessa­ry. Legem ad salutem nequaquam esse necessari­am, impiè dicere non veriti sunt: their Trent Cat. Trid. de Decalog. Catechisme saith, that wee are not afraid to say impiously, that the law of God is not necssa­ry to salvation. Our owne Countreymen are as confident in this shamelesse calumnie, De­calogus [Page 652] nil ad Christianos: Campian doth charge Camp. Rat. 8. us with this prophane paradoxe, who may aptly be translated by George Dowly; They Dowlie cap. 8. have (saith he) no other scope of their whole life and religion, but meere liberty and sensualitie. Against which loud, lewde lye, wee appeale to our GOD, to our Conscience, to our Bookes, to our Sermons, to our Hearers, to our very Children in their Catechismes, who never were taught one sylable of such damnable Doctrine. Lord let their lying lips bee put to silence, which cruelly, disdainfully, & dispightfully speak against Psal. 31. 20. the righteous.

Heare all these slanders falling in one breath, from the mouth of Malvenda: Om­nes Malv. l. 2. c. 6. fidei articulos, omnia capita Christianae religi­onis, sacramenta, omnem ordinem, usum, ac sen­sum communem ecclesiae, loco movit, concussit, miscuit, convuls [...]t, evertit, destruit. Nil deni­que est in republica Christiana, seu sacrum, seu po­liticum, quod Lutherus per se, aut per suas proles, non distorserit, corruperit, ac depravaverit; that is, All the Articles of the saith, all the grounds of Christian Religion, the Sacraments, all or­der, custome, and common sence of the Church, is removed, shaken, confounded, plucked downe, plucked up, plucked in pieces, and destroyed. In a word, there is nothing in the Christian com­mon-wealth, neither Ecclesiasticall, nor Politi­call, which Luther hath not, either by himselfe, or his followers, wronged, corrupted, or de­praved.

I say therefore. The Papists like Plinies Ca­mels Plin. 8. 18. (which troubled the water with their feet, that they might not see their owne ougly shape) so they raise mudde by slandering our religion, lest in our integrity they should behold their owne deformed impietie, and Apostasie. But I Nehem. 6. 8. will answere our Adversaries, as Nehemiah did Sanballat; There are no such things done as thou sayest, but thou fainest them of thine owne heart.

If their foule tongues have thus forced our reputation; publishing unto the world, that both our persons in particular, and our professi­on in generall are thus impious: Defamed Eng­land may take up the complaint of defiled 2 Sam. 13. 13. Thamar: and I whether shall I cause my shame to goe? Neverthelesse, they desist not here. In regard of our Persons, and profession, their tongues have wipped us with scourges, but with Scorpions in regard of our practice. The practice of the Church of England, they pro­clame Gen. 34. 25. to be like Simeon, and Levi, that the instruments of cruelty are in our habitation; that wee have murthered the Papists, as they did the Shechemites, even under the pretence of re­ligion. And they doe this, to make Eng­land like Israell, to make our land stinke among the Cananites.

For (if the phrase of my Text, were not true, that Antichristians shall lye) if they wron­ged us not by their reports, then were the reformed Church, but our English Church, in [Page 654] a superlative degree, not onely like their Ro­mish Pope Alexander 6. Spongia sanguinis, a Sponge of blood: But like the Romane Emperour Nero, [...], Clay (not mingled but) macerated with blood. Yea Cosroes, Totilas, and Domitian, were but Grashoppers, compared to us Anakins and Giants in Cruel­ty; If their writings were not incredible Lyers, concerning their incredible Martyrs here in England.

I meane to insist especially, in the infinite impudent aspersions, wherewith they charge our Church of England. Only, I will give you a Frar. Or. habita Lovanij 1565. taste out of one Authour onely, Frarinus, of their usage of their beyond▪ sea Protestants; whom I could wish to have beene tyed to his owne conditions, he relateth this history: Amongst the Locrenses there was this statute: if any should attempt to bring in any innova­tion, hee should motion it to the people, out of a high Roome, ea lege ac conditione, that hee did speake unto them with a Rope about his necke; so that if his advice did appeare to bee profitable to the Common-wealth, he was to bee dismissed with Honour: but if it were a vaine fancy of his owne braine, for his owne ends, the Rope should be the reward of his rashnesse. So for himselfe! if his accusations be true, let him ride on with honour: and let the Honour of the Protestants be buried in perpetuall ig­nominy, and everlasting shame. But if this in­ditement be false, and forged, as full of malice, [Page 655] as empty of truth; His owne Rope had beene a condigne reward, for so false a witnesse. These are his Articles: That the French Prote­stants in Paris, ranne up and downe the streets thereof, with drawne swords, crying Frar. Or. Lov. 1565. Evangelium, Evangelium, the Gospell, the Gospell. Answerably, saith hee, they proceeded Pag. 12. unto execution: A Priest stealing away in the Frar. p. 46. Habit of a Beggar, they examining and disco­vering him, led him backe bound into the towne, where they set him to sale for money; but the In­habitants abhorring such Merchandize, they tooke the Priest, beate him with Cudgels, Plucked out his eyes, cut off his two forefingers, fleyed away his skinne of his shaven crowne, and so led him through the towne to bee laughed at by the Potestants. And when they had glutted themselves with scorning him, they bound him to a tree, and shot him to death with Harquubu­ses. At Paris a Protestant being hanged for such bloody villanies, on the Gallowes, told it with great delight, that hee had made him a Chaine, which he wore about his necke, ex Auriculis Sacerdotum, of the Eares of Priests; exhorting all his Brethren of the religion, there­in to follow his religious example. Which it seemeth by him they did, for they (said hee) Fra [...]. p [...] 50. pag. 49. did hang two innocent Priests, one on the right, a­nother on the left side of the Crosse of Christ, in contempt thereof. A holy Priest passing be­twixt Paris and Orleance, the Hugonots drag­ged him into their Inne, where they shameful­ly [Page 656] cut off his Privities, plucked out his Guts (whilest he was yet alive) and slung them about the house: And (saith he) that ye should not suspect mee to feigne this barberous cruelty, I was told it by an honest Canon of Saint Crosses in Orleance, (quem honoris causa nominarem, si nomen occurrerit, and I would name the reverend Clerke, but indeed I have forgot it) who good man, all this while, lay himselfe in a chest, through a crany whereof, hee was an eye witnesse of this woefull action. They familiarly did bury the Papists when they were alive, and did dig them up againe, when they were dead and bu­ried. Nay (quoth hee) like the Anthropopha­gi, the Protestants did usually eate the Papists. Pretty bold assertions; but that which beareth away the Bell, hee thus relateth: Certaine Frar. [...]. 50. & Roman, Vero­nensij l. 2. p. 70. Protestants caught a poore Papist, him they compelled to cut off his owne privities and to eate them broyled on a Gridiron, and then ripped up his belly, to see whether his sto­mack had put over that sweet Morsell, with a faire concoction. Wee may conclude with a compendium of all his Calumnies, and our cru­elties from his Preface. In our age (saith he) those Sectaries have ravished Vigines, cut chil­dren Frar. ep. Dedic. p. 7. in sunder with their swords, tryed their strength by hewing the bodies of men, cleaved the heads of Priests in pieces, fleyed off the skins, and worne the eares of Priests for bracelets. Thus frantikly farre the French Protestants, if there be any faith in Frarinus that flemish Papist. [Page 657] But why boastest thou? thy tongue imagineth mis­chiefe, Ps. 52. and with lyes thou cuttest like a sharpe Ra­sor. Thou lovest unrighteousnesse more then good­nesse; and to talke of lyes more then righteousnesse. Thou hast loved to speake all words that may doe hurt: O thou false tongue. Therefore God shall pluck thee up, and root thee out, and destroy thee for ever. But as for these slandered innocents, They shall bee like a greene Olive tree in the house of God. Their trust shall bee in the tender mercy of God for ever, and ever.

All the intolerable infamies against the French, are very tolerable, compared to the Cruelties, wherewith they charge the Church of England. [...] Cle. Alex. Protr. [...]. To make the Church a Stage, and Religion a feigned Tragedy; sure this cannot bee commendable, let it bee acted ne­ver so handsomely. Attend to Baronius, pro­nouncing the Prologue out of the mouth of Suarez, Macte animo, macte virtute, Anglica­norum Suar. Apol. l. 6. c. 11. nu. 5. nobilissime, ac gloriosissime caetus, qui tam illustri malitiae (I acknowledge this is misprin­ted, but the Printer hath not wronged them so much, as they have done us by the misprin­ted acclamation) qui tum illustri malitiae nomen dedisti, ac sacramento sanguinē spospondisti. Nobi­lissime caetus? a noble army of English Martyrs. What English man ever saw those English Martyrs? I would not willingly that wee should answere them as they answere us: Per­secutio Les de Ant. part. 2. Deut. 9. in haereticos, n [...] turbat pacem mundi, sed [Page 658] tollit faces seditionum, & tranquilitatem mundi conservat: unde nemo sentit persecutionē illud esse, nisi eo modo quo punitio Furum, Latronum, Prodi­torum, ac Seditiosorum. It is no more persecuti­on to kill a Protestant, than to hang a Theefe, or a murtherer, saith that charitable Iesuite Les­sius. I will not retort that phrase; no, Let their Church have the honor of cruelty. But this I say, where is that Army of English Martyrs? Indeed I have heard of Story, Sherwine, Campian, Wat­son, Garnet, Vaux, & Catesby; the cause of their ignominious death, is knowne to have bin their ignominious actions, Treason. But that ever a­ny one Professour of the Romish Religion, was put to death, for hearing their Masse, or refu­sing our Church, &c. Mine eares and eyes have impartially inquired after these men: but Gy­ges is revived, this glorious Army of Romish Martyrs doth march invisibly: not one prece­dent can be produced.

That parallell of Popish and Protestant Perse­cutions, Ab. in Eud. c. 6. proposed by the Lord Coke, is plaine, and to the purpose. In the five yeares of Queen Maries raigne, three hundred Protestants, were put to death onely for religion. But under Queene Elizabeth (and shee raigned forty and foure yeares) not fully thirty were put to death, and some five who concealed them, and all for Treason, not one onely for religion. Where we distinguish of the Popish religion. The plaine Popish religion, which consisteth in those cases controverted, betwixt the Romish and [Page 659] Reformed Churches: as concerning Purgatory, Pilgrimages, Prayer for, or to the dead, &c. be­sides, there is a Gregorian Popery, or the Papa­cy rather, brought in by Hildebrand, and borne up by the Iesuites, concerning the Popes power over Princes. Never did any die for the for­mer. For the latter, these thirty did dye, and meritoriously, being therin ipso facto, notori­ous Traitors. And whereas Eudaemon maketh the objection in his Apology, that wee make their meere points of Religion, to be Treason; as to bee made a Roman Priest, to reconcile, or to bee reconciled to the Romish Church, to bring into our land Agnus Dei's, Holie Beads, &c.

The learned Bishop of Sarisbury, doth Abb. in Eud. c. 6. render a full satisfaction in his Apologie; who answereth, that these also call not their lives into question, dummodo per se sunt, if they goe no further. But when under the pretence of them, the people were incited to rebellion, the Crowne, and Kingdomes hazarded; then such persons were arrested, and Suffered for Treason. Which is most apparent, both be­cause many of Queene Maries Priests lived without any danger of death under Queene Eli­zabeth: & also because Hart, Bosgrave, Horton, and Rishton, learned, and through Papists, in­joyed their lives, in as much as they med­led not with those publike affaires. But the others who preached that the Pope had authority above the Queene in her own Dominions; that the [Page 660] Pope had Authoritie to depose her; that the Pope could give authority to her Subjects to take up Armes against her: that those Priests did per­swade the Papists, not to take the Oath of the al­legiance, herein they became actuall Traytors, and were put to death for palpable treason. But for meere religion, and plaine popery, never did any one papist dye, in all the raigne of Queene Elizabeth, no nor of King Iames, nor of King Charles neither. Where then is extant that glorious army of Popish English Martyrs?

Thinke not now, that these are single re­ports, and that Baronius and Suarez are singular, in charging our Church with persecutions. You shall finde an Army of Writers, who chronicle this Army of Martyrs. The foresaid Suarez hath a large disputation in two Chapters: An vexatio, quam in Anglia patiuntur Catholici, sit Suar. Apol. l. 6. c. 10, & 11. vera Christianae religionis persecutio? that is, Whe­ther the vexation which the Catholikes do suffer in England, be a true persecution of Christian Religi­on? Malvenda saying, that the persecutions Malv. de Ant. l. 8. c. 1. which the Papists do sustain under the Prote­stants, but under the English especially, exceed all that ever Christians did suffer in the world before, breakes out: O Christe, stupeo patientiam tuam; O Christ, I am amazed at thy patience. Baronius in his Martyrology, hath this Prosopo­poeia, Baron. Mart. 29. Dec. Festo sancti Thomae Cantua­riensis. to Papists in England, persecuted, and mar­tyred amongst us, O moriatur anima meamorte Iustorum, & siant novissima mea horum similia: O let my soule dye the death of the righteous, and [Page 661] let my end be like to theirs. Hath not all Europe talked of our English persecutions, quoth Wat­son? In the yeare 1621. The Papists put up a Petition to the Parl. 1621. Petition unto the Parliament, pleading against their persecution: But above all, their Prophe­ticall Psalmist, who surely lived about the Gunpowder Treason. In the first Psalme of the seven sparkes of the soule, thus devoutly doe they pray to God; and slander man.

Persecution followeth us like thūdring & light­ning,
The seven Sparkes of the soule p. 16.
Fire, Haile, and Brimstone.
More cruell are our foes than Vnicornes;
More outragious then swift Tygers.
As David sought to death by Saul; as the
Israelites in the bondage of Aegypt;
As innocent Susanna in the hands of her Accusers;
As Daniel in the Lyons Den; Such is our case O Lord.

Can any English man, understand this Eng­lish Psalme? when did England seize on the Pa­pists like Tigers and Vnicornes? What this ob­scure Psalmist speaketh to our God, Christopher­sō Christ. in Down. ep. Dedic. speaketh somewhat more plainly to our King, in his treatise against D r Dounam: What inso­lences and vexations are they constrained to en­dure? And to omit the generality, and severity of this persecution; from which neither frailty of Sexe, nor Lawes of Matrimony, nor Nobility of birth can exempt any; How many things lye hid, [Page 662] and unkowne, which would astonish and amaze the world if they were open to the view thereof? A­gaine, in the page following; How many have beene beaten and tormented even to death, in pri­vate houses, without publike triall? some Prenti­ses in London can give good testimonies thereof. And in the Treatise it selfe hee shameth not Christopheron part. 1. c. 7. The Picture of which is in Ox­ens. Library. to avouch that shamefull shamelesse lye, That some Catholikes have beene baited by Dogs, in Beares skins.

That wee may therefore heare them utter their persecutions in plaine English, let us passe frō these generall accusations, to their particular instances. Heare their complaint in two lan­guages, from two Authors: (these two alone doe I quote in this cause, and Sermon, which are not their owne: yet their witnesse will be sufficient, the one being the most learned King, and the other the most learned Bishop of the world) thus writeth that Bishop. In Tortura Torti p. 152. Oxens. Librarie. Legenda illa, &c. In your Legend of our English persecution, which is so frequent among you; you may read and see the Pictures of English Papists, some in the skins of beasts, and torne in pieces by Bandogs: others having Basins closed to their Breasts, within which are mice, inforced to eate in­to their intrals: and others tyed to Mangers, to eate hay, or to starve. The King hath the like in his conclusion to Christian Kings. The Wals (saith hee) of their Monasteries, and Iesu [...]te Colledges are filled, and their bookes farced with the painted lying histories of the innumera­ble [Page 663] torments, which their Martyrs are put to in England, viz. some torne with foure horses, some sowne in Beares skinnes, and then killed with Dogs, nay women have not beene spared. Surely the Charitie of our Father the King, and of our Mother the Kingdome, is very admira­ble, if these intolerable defamations, extort not from them, that imprecation against these their degenerate Children, Prov. 30. 17. The eye which thus mocketh his Father, and despiseth (yea belyeth) his Mother, the Ravens of the Valley shall picke it out, and the young Eagles eate it.

But the malitious effect hath not wholy erred from the villanous scope they aymed at. These English lyers caused Spanish Malven­da Malv. l. 8 c. 10. Niceph. l. 14. c. 19. to be so confident, in his senselesse Blasphe­my. Cutis detractio apud Nicephorum: Nicepho­rus (saith hee) mentioneth the fleying of Chri­stians. Saevius multo erat, but a more excessive cruelty, hath beene exercised in England in the reigne of Elizabeth: Where the Martyrs are bound hand and foot, laid on their backs, Basins fastened to their bellies, in which inclosed Mice, madded with fire, applyed to the Basins, are forced to eate into their bodies, and to hide themselves in their Bowels.

Passe we over to our Outlandish lyers, & those evē of their principal Authors. Suarez chargeth Suar. Ap. l. 6. c. 10. num. 11. us and our King deeply enough, saying, Hoc co­lore, that his Majesties Pursevants steale away the Plate of Gentlemen, and the Apparell of [Page 664] Gentlewomen, pretending that the Plate is for the service of the Altar, and the Apparell the Suar. Apol. l. 1. c. [...]. num. 9. Onaments of their Relicks. Nay, his tongue shameth not to tell the King to his face, that English Papists, licet essent moribus, & innocen­tia vitae praeclari, although they have beene never so innocent, and indued with never so rare vertues; Vna confessio Romanae fidei, yet only because they were of the Romish religion, asperius eos quam sceleratissimos punirent, they were pu­nished more severely, than the most wicked Male­factours. Certainly this learned man would Pulions Abstract an. 1577. Vnder the Head Rome. never have printed, nor believed this grosse lye, if he had beene truely informed of our Sta­tutes against the Papists, even they having put a distinction betwixt them and other Male­factours by this Proviso; that the Papists in the highest nature, who did maintaine, and set forth, the usurped authority, and jurisdiction of the Pope: although the Statutes condemne them as guilty of Treason; yet they provide that there shall bee no Attainder of blood, no disinheriting of any heyre, no forfeiture of any Dower, no preju­dice to any person besides the offender, nor no hin­derance of any charitable giving of reasonable Almes to the offenders. These are the lawes for Papists in England: would God they had the like lawes for Protestanes in Italy, and in Spaine too; And would God Suarez had beene able to say as much concerning the Inquisiti­on, and his holy House by Lisborne in Portugall. Finally, it is well knowne, how seldome and [Page 665] sparingly these are put in execution. Those therefore deserve to bee put in execution, who mis-informe strangers, & dishonour our Land with such a lie, That we use the most inno­cent Papists, as wee doe the wicked Malefa­ctours.

These generall Calumnies against our lawes, Lessius laboureth to make good, by particular Less. de Antich. part. 2. Dem. 2. Comp. 9. Instances. 1. That by the Lawes of England, it is Treason for a man to be made a Popish Priest. 2. That it is Treason to perswade any to the Ro­mish Religion. 3. Conceditur impunitas, that there is no law against, nor punishment for Ana­baptists, Familists, Libertines, and Atheists: om­nes tuto degant, & se propagant, all these may live safely, and propagate their professions publikely: onely the Papists are persecuted as Traytors. 4. To intrap the Papists, Iudiciall Acts, and principall Edicts are forged, and so published. 5. False witnesses are suborned against them. 6. And finally, the Papists are compelled to put their Children to be brought up by Protestants. Recitasse, est refutasse; to recite them, is enough to confute them, they are such apparent Anti­christiā shining lies. The English people are strā ­gers to the knowledge of such cruell, injust bloo­die, barbarous lawes; and therefore it surpasseth our admiration, how strangers can beleeve them▪ much more how they can be so confi­dent to avouch them. The two first onely, ha­ving onely some shew of truth, but miserably mis-interpreted: the foure following horri­ble [Page 666] accusations, not so much as a shew of truth or probability, but are most notorious untruths, and most audacious Calumnies.

Concerning the two first, to bee made a 25. Esiz. 1. Priest, or to perswade to Popery, is Treason, and most justly; If most impudent liers did not 3. Iacob. 4. most maliciously mis-interpret those Sta­tutes. Observe three things which qualifie the Watson. Quod [...]. 9. art 4. Quodl 8. Art. 8. & 9. seeming severity of those Statutes. 1. The State had never made these statutes of treason, but that they were constrained thereunto for the pre­vention of Popish Treasons: this is the confessi­on of Watson a Popish Priest. 2. Those Priests 25. Eliz. 2. and Iesuites against whom these Statutes were enacted, had leave to depart the land, and so to save their lives; a favour which few Pro­testants found from the Papists under Queene Mary. And 3. though the Letter be against all, yet the scope of those statutes of Treason, ai­meth onely against such as have made them­selves 5. [...]liz. 1. actuall Traytors. As the Statutes inter­prete themselves, they meane such as main­taine 23. Eliz. 1. the Popes usurped authority; such as with­draw the subjects from obedience; and such as re­concile 3. Iacob. 4. them from the naturall obedience to his Majesty: plaine points of palpable Treason, practice also (no bad expositour of the lawes) doth expound it so: which hath turned the edge of those Statutes of Treason, onely upon Trayterous Priests, not touching the Innocent in that, though popish Priests: As Hart, and o­thers in the Queenes reigne, and Preston, and [Page 667] others in the Kings reigne, doe undeniably testifie. Who did, and doe live, without any danger of their lives: because the State su­spected no danger of Treason, from their plots or persons. But the execution of these Lawes hath beene upon such as Story was, whose pious counsell concerning our Queene Eliza­beth Abb [...]ti Antilog. c. 6. was, That the Papists should not cut downe the boughs, but pluck up the roots of our Religion. And against such as brought into England from Rome, Agnus Dei's with this inscripti­on, Mi sili da mihi cortuum, & sufficit, that is, My sonne give me thy heart, and it is enough. Such Subjects as shall give their heart from their King, if their King give an haltar for their Heads, it is no injustice. And finally, those Statutes lay hold on such papists, Lay or Cler­gie, [...]p. Card. de Como ap. Abbot. p. 94. Reconcilers or Reconciled, who were like Parry, who was a Traytor, and incouraged in his Treason, by a Cardinall from the Pope, as the Letter yet extant doth witnesse, bearing date Roma Ian. 30. 1584. But that ever by those Statutes any papist or Priest lost his life, meer­ly for being a papist, or a Priest, this is a popish lye, surnamed Antichristian.

The next is notorious, to those who are not notablie selfe-wild, and selfe-blind. That there is impunitas, no punishment nor penall lawes for Anabaptists, Familists, Libertines, and Atheists: I may feare them to be Atheists, who dare to presumptuously lye, in the sight of God and man. The penalty for every Recusant [Page 668] is 12 pence a Sunday, 20 pounds a moneth, 2 [...]. Eliz. 1. 3 [...]. [...]l [...]z. 1. and to be bound to behaviour: The perswaders of others to be Recusants, are to bee punished with imprisonment: The obstinate are forced to abjure the Land, if they refuse to abjure, after abjuration goe not out, or returne againe into the land, are made guilty of felony, though (I thinke) never any of them were executed as fe­lons therefore. The punishment of them by their Purse, and of their persons by imprison­ment, Protestants esteeme satis. To proceed [...], unto blood, we leave that as a Popish superque. These are the penalties of all re­cusants, 35. Eliz. 1. onely from some of them, some Popish Recusants are exempted. Lessius therefore did more then my Text speaketh of; He did both Beleeve, and write a lye, when hee printed his impunitas, that Anabaptists, Familists, Liber­tines, & Atheists, have no punishmēt in England.

Those three last, That judiciall Acts are forged, and witnesses suborned against the Pa­pists; and that their Children are taken by force from Papists; I dare say there are a thousand Papists in England, would bee ashamed of this lye; and their very Children will never beleeve that such lyes were ever utter [...]d, much lesse printed, by the Fathers, the Iesuites; and yet Lessius was one of them, and did all those.

That the world may see our severity against the Papists, I will here shew a synopsis of those statutes, not willingly omitting any materi­all branch of them. According to the generall [Page 669] Statute for all recusants, the Papists who refuse to 23. Eliz. 1. come to Church, their penalty is 20. l. a month. The obstinate, of Meanes, are consined to their 35. Eliz. [...]. houses, and the compasse of 5. miles; and the obstinate of small ability to abjure the land; convi­cted Papists forfeit their Copyholds. For not pay­ing their 20. l. a moneth, they forfeit two thirds of their lands to the King; since two thirds of 1. Iacob. 4. the Lands of convicted Papists, are absolutely to 3 Jacob. 4. the King. Refusing of the Oath of Allegiance, they incurre imprisonment, and a praemunire, 7. Iacob. 6. and are excluded from exercising any Office of judicature, and from the practice of the Law, Physick, Surgery, and such like. To main­taine the Popes Authority above the King, is Treason. Priests and Iesuits, to come into the land, 5. Eliz. 1. 27. Eliz. 1. Treason. To reconcile to the Pope, from obedi­ence to the King, Treason. To bring Crosses, Ag­nus 3. Iacob 4. 13. Eliz. 2. 27. Eliz 2. De▪s, &c. into the land, Treason. To har­bour Iesuites, and Priests, is felony. To send re­liefe to Priests and Iesuites in Seminaries be­yond Seas, a praemunire. To conceale Iesuites or 3. Iacob. 4. 3. Iacob. 4. Priests, imprisonment. To keepe a Recusant in his house, ten pounds a moneth. No Popish recusant to come to the Court: none to remaine in London: no Popish man to be a guardian, nor woman to bee an executrix: No Papist may send their Child be­yond seas, nor present a Benefice: Finally, All Papists must be disarmed.

If these Lawes should seeme to the pittifull or partiall to be too sharpe; Such must know, 1. This sword is not alway drawne: I feare our [Page 670] Land concerning Papists penalties, to bee more defective in their executions, than they are ex­cessive in their constitutions. 2. I can use the phrase of Lessius more truely of the Papists, [...]. D [...]m. 2. C [...]mp. 9. than hee doth of Anabaptists and Atheists: Omnes tuto degunt, & se propagant, vel legum pro­missu, vel Magistratuum conniventiâ: for many yeeres, most of the Papists have practised their religion privately, and professed it publikely, either by the permission of the lawes, or by connivence of the Magistrates, securely. 3. This severity, we will esteeme great lenity, if in Spaine, or in the Spanish Dominions, the Papists will doe no more to the Protestants. 4. Howsoever, we see these clamours of Lessius, to be groundlesse Calumnies, the fruit of a Heart deluded, that it doth beleeve a lye.

Though these be lyes enough, yet there re­maineth mandra mendaciorum; I must produce Cypr. de Al [...]at. another Popish Authour laden with lyes: Eu­daemon writeth thus; Quod Synagogas vestras Eud. de Ant. l. 3. c. 4. adire, &c. Because the Roman Catholikes will not come to your Churches, nor heare your sermons, nor receive your Communions, therefore you vexe them with most bitter proscriptions, and intolera­ble penalties, till they be beggered in their estates, or rot in prison, or condemned for treason, without any lawfull tryall. The same Author, in the same Treatise proceedeth in the same lying, but with a more stretched out mouth, and a tongue set on the Tainters for that purpose, Membra Christi exilijs, &c. The members of Christ you [Page 671] destroy by banishments, imprisonments, Bonds, and confiscation of their goods: you batter them with whippings, teare them in pieces with rac­kings, and torment them with new kindes of Tor­tures, which through hatred of Religion, and love to doe hurt, cruelty doth every day invent for you, and prompt to you. Finally, for his sake doe you slay the holy Martyrs all the day long, and you account them sicut Oves occisionis, as sheepe led to the slaughter. Quae urbs, quod oppidum, qui vicus, quis pagus in Anglia, nostro Catholicorum sangui­ne non redundat? What City, what Towne, what Parish, or Village through England, doth not slow with the blood of us Catholikes?

I cannot but plead with this man, if I now hold Iob. 13. 19. my tongue, I shall give up the ghost. What City what Towne, what Parish, what Village through England is there, wherein the blood of Papists have not beene shed in abundance? Whether is this mans challenge more audacious, or his lye impudent? Surely this Eudaemon was Endim [...]on, hee was a sleepe when hee wrote these Butche­ries in Germany, which we did not so much as dreame on in England. Or rather Iohannes Cre­tensis, is in truth a Cretian, Tit. 1. 12. Semper mendaces, an incomparable lyer. I suppose in this congregation, some have seene the City, and some the Country, and some both; and is there not one in this whole congregation, that can gainsay this imputation? But from Dan to Bersheba, from London to Barwick, from Saint Michaels to Dover; throughout England! [Page 672] Not one City, Towne, Parish, or Village, which hath not shed some blood, and in abundance, of the persecuted, martyred Romane Catholikes? Dic aliquem, dic Quitiliane colorem. You are all for­gers of lyes; but of all! Eudaemon, Edaemon! his Iob 13 4. tongue, like Tarquins Rasor, will cut a Whet stone Val. Max. l. 1. c. 4 in pieces: such a strong delusion is sent on that man, to beleeve a lye.

To conclude: Some, it may be, will extenu­ate their crime, & terme these Pias fraudes, po­pish policies, to terrifie the papists from turning protestants; and though they urge them, yet doe they not beleeve these imputations; And therefore we cannot conclude them to be Anti­christians; because the members of that Mon­ster, goe one degree further, They beleeve lyes. I say; these impudent slanderers, goe on de­ceiving, and being deceived. So long have their learned Priests taught the ignorant people, these horrible lyes, that they beleeve them them­selves also. To shew this to bee true, let their owne protestations testifie it, if lying be not to them become naturall▪ and that these also bee false and untrue: that they have them printed in their bookes, this is some probability, that they are printed in their hearts, that they doe in good earnest beleeve them. I will produce Malvenda, our first witnesse: Haec nos omnia Malv. 2. 6. quia vera narramus, &c. All these things be­cause we know them to be true, we doe not whisper them in darke and obscure corners, but publikely, and in the middest of the world; and if we were [Page 673] able, we would proclame them with Trumpets, and Stentorean voyces, to the teeth of the Lutherans & Calvinists: with a wonderfull constancy doe we object them, parati pro veritate, millies mortem oppetere, being prepared to dye a thousand deaths, in testimony of the truth. And what is the cause wherein the good Fryer is so confident and couragious, that he will live & dye in it? Nothing but this: That we have annihi­lated omnes Articulos fidei, & omnia capita Christianae religionis; & quicquid sacrum est, aut politicum: That wee have disturbed all things Ecclesiasticall, or Civill in the Common-wealth; and destroyed all the Articles of the Creed, and all the grounds of Christian Religion. In witnesse wherof, he doth set to his hand, and will seale it with his blood. To testifie this he protesteth that he will dye a thousand deaths. As sure as death he doth beleeve them.

Lest that a Fryer should bee more fervent then a Iesuite, let Lessius speake his saith. Thus Less. de Ant. part. 2. he beginneth the last part of his Treatise; Let none suspect me, that I write these things covitian­di causa, to disgrace the Protestants: Deum testor, qui me judicaturus est, I call God to record, who must judge me. And thus he endeth: Farre be it Less. ib. pag. 278. from me, that I should falsty charge any man, eti­am Haeretico, although he were a Heretike, ei­ther concerning their lives or Doctrine, ita mihi Christus sit propitius, so Christ helpe me, who doth know my thoughts, and shall judge my acti­ons, and I know that the mouth which belyeth, [Page 674] slayeth the soule, Wisd. 1. 11. Well! what hath he inserted, betwixt these fearfull protestations, attestations, imprecations? besides a Catalogue of calumnies in generall, nothing but the pre­mised persecutions of England in particular; To wit, that all Anabaptists, Libertines, Familists, and Atheists live amongst us, with leave, and li­berty: Onely all Papists dye for their Religion, that judgements are forged, false proclamations publshed, false witnesses suborned to take away their lives; and before they die, their Children are violently taken away from their parents. All these he avoucheth by the judgements of God, and mercies of Christ. Verily wee may beleeve, that hee doth beleeve these lyes, and persecu­tions.

Right sorry should I bee, if our English should lagge in this race of confidence. Dare any tell God what he beleeveth not? Remem­ber then the forecited Psalmist: they deplore their persecutions in the presence of God. And what is their complaint? A toy, a credible tri­fle, that we persecute them like Tigers, and Vni­cornes; like Sauls and Lyons; and that like Iewes, Aegyptians, and Pagans, our persecutions fall on them as thunder, Lightning; Notwith­standing we may beleeve, that they beleeve all this, unlesse their new Art of Equivocation, have a trick, that they can equivocate even with God himselfe.

Notwithstanding all this, there is one be­hind, who goeth before all these, in a confi­dent [Page 673] dreadfull imprecation. It is the Author of the dutifull considerations, dedicated to his Majestie. If that man be either here, or alive; if hee either heare this sermon, or heare of this ser­mō; let him take it into his second Considerations, what he hath delivered in his second Considerations, His syllables are these; If this be not so in their owne conscience, let me never see the face of God. And what is the cause, that this man also is so resolute to renounce God, if hee lye? Alas, I can hardly beleeve mine eyes, that any heart dare pen such desperate depositions, and selfe-damning execrations. I will not tie him to the Concometants of his protestation; that wee are willingly guilty, that our whole religion, is nothing but absolute heresies, blasphemies, loos­nesse, liberty; rejecting the Fathers, Councils, and the Church: But I will urge him with the same words, in the same lines; thus execrably hee protesteth; The Protestants use the Scrip­ture for a Visard, if this be not so in their owne Consciences, let me never see the face of God. I thinke there is no moderate Papist, so uncharita­ble, to suppose that we doe it; and I know there is no true Protestant so damnable as to doe it, to make the Scripture a Visard, and to fight against a knowne truth. Where then is the face of that man, who doth renounce the face of God? and our owne Consciences must be the Iudges, that we know our selves to abuse the Scripture, and live in heresie. I want words to expresse my wonderment. Loe thus shall it be to the man, [Page 676] whom▪ Antichrist hath seduced, and God delive­red into strong delusion, to beleeve a lye.

Of him, and them, and all these shamelesse lyers, I will conclude with Luthers words, concerning that Popish Pamphlet which pub­lished him to bee dead, and caryed away by the Devill, when he lived to subscribe to it. I cannot but laugh at the Devils malice, where­with he, and his (lying) rout pursue us; and God convert them from this devillish malice, and ly­ing. But if this my prayer be for the sinne unto death, that it cannot be heard, then God grant, they may fill up the measure of their sinne; and with such lying Libels, let them delight them­selves, one with another to the full. For us, since lyes are the Badge of Anti­christ; the Lord preserve our soules from that lying Religion.


2 THESS. 2. 11. That they should beleeve a lye.’

The Pope may erre. Hath erred, In his Trāslations: Canon Lawes. Papa credens, & docens: that distinction examined. Of implicite faith.

YOu have already heard it infor­ced to the ful, how the Romanists doe beleeve a lye. It may be, this may be yet extenuated, that such protestatiōs were unadvised, pro­ceeding from an heated exasperatiō. I insist, cer­tainly their beliefe of lyes is setled, after so­lemne deliberation: It is Dogmaticall, not Per­sonall; the beliefe of lyes, is the very rock of the Romane religion. And observe, the Text spea­keth in the singular number, a singular argu­ment, that their beliefe in a lie, is the Corner­stone of the Romane Religion.

To declare this, let Saint Paul define the [Page 676] property of a man, Rom. 3. 4. Omnis homo men­dax, every man is a lyer. Some men indeed, at some time have beene inabled, to utter the infallible truth, as the Prophets, and the Apo­stles, but none at all times è Cathedra, when they listed to define any thing. What was once said by Nathan (although a Prophet) was afterward 2 Sam. 7. 3, & 5. gain-said by God, and unsaid by himselfe. Those therefore who shall beleeve all the defini­tions of any mortall man, doe depend on a lyer, and as the Text speaketh, they doe beleeve a lye. Which is performed and acknowledged by the Church of Rome. Omnes submittunt sensum suum, sensui unius, Bellarmine saith, All of the Bell. de N [...]t. Eccles [...] ▪ 4. c. 10. Romane religion submit their judgement to the judgement of one man. And this they doe by a double beliefe, Explicite, and Implicite. First, the Priests doe it learnedly, and maintaine it by arguments, then the people doe it obstinately, and adhere to the Pope, as to their Oracle, by an implicite faith. Now that both Priest and people should make a man, a god, and fasten their faith on the Pope, that his words (like Gods Word) cannot erre. Here is the compleat accomplishment of this Prophecie, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should beleeve a lye.

So deluded are their priests, professing that the Pope cannot erre: whereby they equall him unto God. To use the phrase of our learned Countrey-man, to give him that prerogative M r Mountague Appeal [...] part 2. c. 3. of not erring at all, is to advance him into his [Page 679] makers sea [...]e. It belongeth not to these anci­ents, but to the ancient of dayes, not to erre. Nay the Popes themselves, shame not to as­sume, claime, and publish this Divine prero­gative: forgetting their sedes stercoraria their close-stoole, which Platina witnesseth is an item Platina in vit. Ioh. 8. to them, that though they be set in a high place, yet they are men not God, subiect to humane frail­ties, whereof I conceive erring to be one. Al­though I thinke, they may as easilie restraine themselves from disburdening of nature in this chaire, as from erring in that chaire, yet do the Popes challenge that unerring ability: three of them especially. The first emblematically, the second dogmatically, and the third passio­nately. First, Anno 1099 Pope Paschal 2. was Platina in Pasch. 2. girt with a girdle, on which there hung seven keyes, and seven seales, to give all men to un­derstand, that he according to the sevenfold grace of the spirit of God, had power in all churches over which he bare rule, to open and shut, to seale and unseale. Secondly, Ecclesia Romana, nunquam errasse inventa est, neque erra­bit in aeternum: the Pope definitively did de­liver it, to the Turk (et credat Iudaeus) that the Pij 2. Epist. ad Princip. Turcar. Church of Rome never did nor ever shall erre. Thirdly, when as a Frier Minorite had pro­ved, Zinch. Miscel de Eccles. that the Pope might erre, and might be corrected for his errour, by this argument: The Pope is either a brother or not: if he be a bro­ther, he may erre, and may be corrected, for Christ saith, Matt. 18. 15. If thy brother trespasse [Page 680] against thee, tell him his fault. If the Pope be no brother, why doth he then pray, Our Father which art in Heaven. This Pope Paul 3. being wroth with the Frier, even to excommunicati­on: an acute Courtier, taught him to answer this argument: Ne dicat Sanctitas tua, Pater noster, amplius: let not your Holinesse ever say againe, Our Father which art in Heaven, and he shall never be able to prove you a brother: and so his argument is easily answered. Their Priests, I say, themselves, and the High Priest himselfe are the patrons of beleeving a lye: because they found their Faith on a man, who is (as every man) a lyer. It is probable, that the Pope may erre: and infallible that the Pope did erre. But to avouch an errour, or erring man to be the pillar of their Faith: this (I take it) is a strong delusion, and such do beleeve a lye.

Concerning the probability, that the Pope may erre: I will snew it both by Reason, and by their owne confessions. But first let their owne Suarez state the question. Wee must distinguish betwixt Pontifex credens, & docens: Suarez Apol. l. 1. cap. 6. nu. 15 betwixt the Pope as he is a private person, & the Pope as he is Pope. To the Pope, as he is Pope, be­longeth those promises of Christ: for so he is Petra, the Rock, on whose firmnesse, the firmnesse of the Church doth depend in his kind. And in this sense the protestants can shew nul­lum vestigium haeresis, not any one iote of errour. But considering the Pope, in the first sense, as a private person and beleever, adhuc sub [Page 681] judice lis est, it is yet an undecided controversie among the (Romish) Catholikes, whether any Pope, hath beene an Heretike indeed, or onely supposed to be so. In reason: examine this, and wee shall finde that one legge, doth here tripp up another, and therefore the distributi­on, cannot goe current. If the Pope may erre, qua credens, as he is a beleever: it is probable that he may erre, quà doc [...]ns, as he is a teacher. For I cannot imagine how a man shold define, that w ch he doth not beleve nor understād; & surely the Rule which is crooked it selfe, cānot streigh­ten other things. Neither is it likely, that God would commit the faith of the Church unto him, who is not able to direct himselfe.

Thus have I throwne downe this halting distin­ction: that wee may keepe it downe, from rising to wrastle with the truth, I will use the hand D r. Beard of Antichrist, part 2. cap. 9. sect. 4. and helpe of our learned Collegiate. The Pope may erre as a particular person, and Doctour, but not as Pope. Who seeth not the absurditie and condition of this distinction? For the Pope is alwaies a publike person, and Doctour of the Church, and not a particular. So that these are contradictorie propositions, to bee Pope and yet to be a private person. And therefore if Catharinus had reason to mock at Caietane: who writing of Herods sadnesse, for the de­mand of Iohn Baptists Head, distinguishing betwixt the King and Herod: as if it were the King that was sad and not Herod. For saith Catharine, if the King was sad, and Herod [Page 682] was King: then by my Logick I must conclude that Herod was sad. And if Herod would slay Iohn, then the King would slay him: and if the King seemed unwilling to have it done, Herod did the like. And have not wee like reason, to reduce to the same rules of Logick, those that say, that Clement may erre, as Clement, that is, as a private man, but not as Pope, that is, as a publike person. For as Herod is King, so is Clement Pope. This is as if a man should say that Aristotle was ignorant as a man, but wise as a Philosopher: and so should bee called a wise Philosopher, and an ignorant man. Not vnlike the distinction of Pope Iohn 22, who could not excuse the Errour of Extravag. Iohn 22. cap. Quia quorund. de verb. Signific. his predecessour Caelestine, but by this device: Dicimus, hoc dixit, non ut Papa, sed ut frater Petrus de Tarantasia, that is, he did speake this not as Pope, but as Frier Peter of Tarantasia.

To proceed a little further: in reason. Sup­pose the Pope to be learned, whence commeth his infallible conclusions? are they inspired? or acquired? doth he attaine them, by vsing the ordinary meanes of prayer, tongues, commentaries, and such like? then every ordinary Bishop may doe the like, and produce infallible conclusions, by applying the ordinary meanes. Then also the Pope may erre in the application of those ordinary meanes, and then his conclusions may be erronious. But if they be Inspired, why then doth the Pope condemne the Enthysi­asts, who conclude all from Insp [...]rations? [Page 683] Againe, Remember some Popes have beene ignorant, or at the most but Canonists. Whence come their Vnerring conclusions in divinity? By information? or revelation? If they be informed in this truth, by conference with, or by the studies of learned men: then are they to be termed theirs, rather than his determinations. If they receive this by a pre­sent Bellar. de Verbo Dei lib. 4. cap. 9. ability revealed: then is their Church go­verned by Revelation: contrary to their owne doctrine.

Moreover, if reasonable men, looke upon Bell de P. Rom. praefat. their persons: Nos agnoscimus & fetemur, vitia fuisse non pauca in pontificibus. Bellarmine in the behalfe of all the Papists, doth acknow­ledge, and confesse that there hath beene many vices in the Popes: and he instanceth in Leo 5. Christopher 1. Iohn 12. Alijquc non pauci, and some few such which for brevity and mo­desty, he thought good to omit. Baronius also Baro. t. 10. An. 912. Artic. 5. secondeth Bellarmine, in the same acknow­ledgement and confession, that for the whole tenth age or century, impudent uncleane strum­pets, bare rule in the Romane Church, who thrust (Amasios) thei [...] Paramours, into the seat of Peter. I say therefore, reasonable men will suppose, that the errour of the Intelectualls, may accōpany the errours of the Moralls. And it is not im­possible, nor improbable, that vicious Popes may misse of their infallible determinations. Sup­pose Sacr. Cere. Sect 2. Cap. 2. Glabur. Rodu [...]. Apol. Thes. nu. [...]6. againe, that a meere Lay man hath beene Pope: nay a Child, as Benedict 9. is reported to [Page 684] have bin but ten years old when he was chosen Pope. Octavian or Pope Iohn 23, was yet yonger, Pless. myst. Prog. 37. Baron. t. 10. an. 955. Art. 2, 3, 4. of whom Baronius recordeth, that he did go­verne the spirituall regiment of all the Christian world, when for his yeares he might not have beene made a Deacon; but ostensus sit tanquam mimus in scenâ Pontificem agens, he seemed to be as a Player, acting the part of a Pope upon a Stage. Now to say that such ignorant, and impious Popes, like Balaams Asse, or Caiphas the High Priest, did speake or prophecy what they them­selves understood not: there is no reason to in­duce any reasonable man to beleeve such un­reasonable absurdities; like that absurd grace­lesse [...] of Gratiane, that Saint Peter trans­mitted, perennem meritorum Dotem & Haeredi­tatem, a perpetuall hereditary gift unto his Successours, & locus claros aut eright, aut qui eri­guntur illustrat; that the very place doth either finde, or make them worthy persons.

Finally, Eras [...]us his reason appeareth un­answerable: Eras. Annot. 1 Cor. 7. If that were true (saith he) which some affirme, Romanum Pontificem, errore Iudi­ciali, errare non [...]osse, that the Pope cannot erre by any errour of judgement: to what end are the ge­nerall Councils, & to what purpose are Lawyers and Divines called unto Councils, if pronuncians labi non potest, if he who pronounceth the sentence cannot erre? I say therefore that the Lychnos, Asbestos mentioned by Saint Augustine Aug de Civit. 21 cap. 6. to have beene in the Temple of Venus, Lucer­na quam nulla tempestas, nullus imber ext [...]ngue­ret, [Page 685] a Candle which no winde nor raine could put out. Truth I say is not that Candle, impo­ssible to bee extinguished; not in the LA­TERANE Church, nor in the Conclave, much lesse in the breast of one man. Those therefore that pinne their faith upon any mans sleeve, have a strong delusion, and must beleeve a lye.

But [...] to confirme this conclusion Gerson. part. 1. de Examine Doct. apud Goulartium in Cyp. ep. 31. from their owne confession: that quotation out of Gerson is common, Constat plus esse credendum Evangelio quàm Papae; it is plaine, that men ought to yeeld more credence to the Gospell than to the Pope. Therfore if any learned man shall teach any truth, to be contained in the Go­spell, ubi aut nesciret, aut ultro ignoraret, which the Pope either doth not know, or will not know: patet cujus praeferendum judicium, it is plaine, to whose judgement we must yeeld cre­dence. Marke judicium, the Pope may declare his judgement concerning a case, in which hee may be ignorant, or against which hee may be Obstinate, aut nesciret, aut ignoraret. Surely this Papist thought it probable, that the Pope might erre.

I charge Bellarmiue with the same truth; Bell. de P. Ro. l 2. c. 29 ad Arg. that you may see that even he doth not much recoile from this Assertion. Ita (que) sicut licet resi­stere Pontifici, &c. as it is lawful for a man to resist the Pope, offering violence to his body; so is it law­full for a man to resist the Pope, offering violence to his soule: But much more may men resist the [Page 686] Pope, if he trouble the Common-wealth, or indea­vour to destroy the Church: It is lawfull I say to resist the Pope, non faciendo quod [...]ubet, & impe▪ diendo ne exequat [...]r volunt atem suam; that is, by not do [...]ng what he commandeth, or by hindering his wil frō being done. Nō tamenlicet eum judica­re, punire, vel deponere; notwithstanding, it is not lawfull to judge punish, or depose him. His conclusion is evident, A man may at sometimes disobey the Pope: Because, saith he, the Pope may usurpe a mans estate, the Pope may hurt a mās soule, the Pope may disturbe the Common wealth; yea the Pope may indeavour to destroy the Church. I goe not then so farre as Bellarmine, if I conclude, It is probable that the Pope may erre.

Our Countryman Sanders commeth yet Sand. de Antich. Demonstr. 15. closer to the point: It is (saith hee) so farre from being lawfull for the Pope, to change the lawfull degrees of his predecessours, in expoun­ding the Articles of faith, and principles of na­ture, that if any Pope shall attempt to doe it pub­likely, and to that purpose shal interpose the autho­rity of the Apostolicall Sec: for that very attempt he is to be censured, to have fallen from his Apo­stolicall power, tanquam deficiens a fide, as a man who hath fallen from the faith, and thereby be­come an Infidell, cu [...] pertinaciter in errore suo, and if he shall obstinately persist in his error, he must be deposed from being Pope. This man putteth it as a probable and poss [...]ble case, that the Pope may oppose the decrees of his predecessors, inter­pose [Page 687] his Apostolicall power to confirme what is false, fall from the faith, become an Infidel, persist in an errour; yea, and be deposed from his papacy. This I hope will warrant my con­clusion as probable, that the Pope may erre.

Still there remaineth an [...], one unde­niable testimony. In their sacred treatise of their sacred Ceremonies, it is solemnely pro­nounced, Sacr. Cerem. l. 1. Sect. 1. c. 4. that Romanus Pontifex canonice insti­tutus, fiat haereticus; that is, an absolute Pope, may turne an absolute heretike; and if the Pope may be an Heretike, his Conclusion may bee he­reticall. Doubtlesse then, verity is not in the Church of Rome, as they brag victory was in the Empire of Rome: They have not so clipped the Iuel. Ap. pa. 163 wings thereof, but that they still feare, that truth may flie from them. Now, to build their faith an a man, whom they themselves confesse may erre: This appeareth to mee a strong delusion, and that these men doe beleeve a lye.

To dispute ex ore, from our adversaries confession, is a strong argument; but the argu­ment which is drawne a facto, from their acti­on is yet stronger. Therefore to strengthen this assertion, I will propose infallible instan­ces, that the Popes have fallen actually from their infallibilitie. Their Translations of the Scrip­tures, are testimonies that the Pope hath erred. S [...]xtus 5. set out one, and Clemens 8. revised it, and set it out againe. It must follow, that the Edition of the second is superfluous, or ra­ther [Page 688] the Edition of the former Pope was erro­nious. Ex ungue Leonem; take a taste of such errours. Genesis 3. 15. Ipsapro ipse, She shall [...]iblia sa [...]ra Sixti 5. Pontif. Maximi. bruise the Serpents Head, for He shall bruise the Serpents head. I thinke it is so translated by one Pope, I am sure it is defended by many papists. Malv. de Ant. l. 8. c. 11. Iohn 21. 22. Sic volo eum manere donec venero, So will I have him remaine till I come, for If I will have him remaine till I come. This is the trāslation warranted by those two Popes, Six­tus 5. and Clemens 8. May not I say that they lye, who give the lye to our Saviour, who saith plainely in the next verse, That he said not, that Iohn should tarry till he come?

Next, I have law for what I say. The Cano­nists Duar. de Benifi­cijs praef. say, Totum jus Canonicum his voluminibus continetur; All the Canon Law is comprised in these three volumes: The first whereof was composed by Gratiane 400 years agoe, which consisteth of Canons, and Sentences collected out of the Fathers, and is called the Decrees, which is indeed a very profitable Treatise, in eo tamen desiderent eruditi: yet the learned complaine of some wants in it. The second is set out by Pope Gregory 9. cōtaining divers E­pistles of several Popes, & are called the Decre­tals; in w ch there are many things much dege­nerating a prisca illa disciplina, frō the primi­tive integrity. The third is the Constitutions of Pope Boniface 8. which are reported to have beene rejected in France, because they were inacted in hatred of Philip King of France, [Page 989] and invented for the commodity of the Church of Rome. Collect, there being but three Volumes of the Canonicall constitutions; and the first, the Decrees are defective; the second, the Decre­tals, degenerated from the Decrees; and the third, the Constitutions of Boniface 8. were passionate against the King of France, and par­tiall for the Court of Rome. This instance justi­fieth my inference; The Pope hath erred de fa­cto, and therefore is not infallible.

Againe, the solemne Decrees of the Popes Eras. in 1 Cor. 7. pronounced judicialiter, definitively, have been directly contradictory; as it is instanced in those of Iohn 22. & of Nicholas; of Innocent 3. & Cae­lestine; & of Pelagius & Gregory. That learned Lord du Plessis, recordeth another famous ex­āple; Pless. Myst. Progr. 36. 897. Iohn the tenth solemnly, in a synode at Ravenna of seventy foure Bishops, deman­ding every mans opinion severally, published his definitive sentence, in these words: The Sy­nod celebrated by our predecessour Steven 6. in which the carkeise of Formosus the Pope, is drawn out of the Sepulchre, we utterly abrogate. Here wee have a Synode, and an Antisynode; the De­crce of one Pope, abrogated by another, Pope, and decree also. The illation is evident. A se­cond Pless. My. Pr. 55 famous example, I will transcribe out of the same famous Authour. About the yeare 1300. Peter Moron, an Hermit, being chosen Pope, and called Clemens 5. was thus abused by Benedict that cunning Cardinall of Cajeta; hee suborned divers, who by a trunke privily con­veyed [Page 690] it into his eare by night, as if it had beene a warning from heaven: Caelestine, Caele­stine, demitte papatum, si vis salvus sieri, negoti­um est supra vires; that is, Caelestine, Caelestine, give over the papacy, if thou meanest to be saved, it is a burthen beyond thy strength. The simple man thus deluded, intended nothing but to resigne the papacy, if this scruple could be re­moved, that he might do it with a good Cōsci­ence: wherein Benedict gave him easie satisfa­ction, and caused a Decretall to bee passed, That the Pope might lawfully give over his charge. And not long after this, (when him­selfe had atchieved the papacy, and was stiled Boniface 8.) he digested another like decretall, which we finde in Sexto, Quod Papa papatui li­bere renunciare potest, that the Pope might freely resigne the papacy; although when Caelestine was dead, he passed another, that it was Sce­lus imexpiabile, an unpardonable crime, for the Pope to resigne the papacy. Before, we had Decree against Decree, here Decretall against Decre­tall: There a Pope abrogating the definitive sentence of another Pope, here the same Pope abrogating his owne. Both concurring in one conclusion, these contradictions cannot issue from one, and the same unerring infallibility.

Another instance is added, by that solidly D r Crakenth. in Spalat. c. 72. acute Doctour, now with God. The Councill of Florence under Pope Eugenius, Decreed that the Host was consecrated, cum Christus benedix­it, when Christ did blesse it. But the councill of [Page 691] Trent under Pope Pius 4. defineth that the host is consecrated, in the pronouncing of those words, Hoc est corpus meum, which is after the benediction. Here therefore two Popes, and two decrees, defining two things contrary to one another. There one Pope, and one decree must be erronious in his definitive sentence. Neither Mason de Mini­sterio lib. 2. c. 9. are our English affaires, vnacquainted with these Italian contradictions. Pope Clemens 7. did not onely condemne the dispensation of Pope Iulius, concerning the marriage of King Henry, with Queene Katharine: but in the same case, published a definitive sentence in the yeare 1532. contrary to his owne, which he had formerly given anno 1528. To ordinary men, here must appeare some extraordinary errour. I will shut up all these, with an hi­story Bell. de. Pont. Rom. lib 4. cap. 14. out of Bellarmine. Haec enim est historia &c. Formosus Cardinall and Bishop of Porta was deposed, and degraded by Pope Iohn 8. and being made a meere Laike, at his depar­ture out of the citie, he tooke anoath that he would never returne to the city, or to his Bishop­ricke. Pope Iohn dying, a little after that, his successor Martine 2. absolved Formosus from his rash oath and restored him to his for­mer dignity. And not long after, Formosus was created Pope, lived five yeares and dyed. Him succeeded Steven 6. who being inraged through hatred against Formosus, did not know, or did not beleeve, that Formosus was absolved by Pope Martine, and did publikely [Page 692] decree in a councill of Bishops: that Formosus was never lawfull Pope, and therefore that all his acts should be of none effect, and compelled those who had received holy orders of him, to receive orders the second time. This deed displeased all: and therefore his three next successors Romanus 1. Theodorus 2. but principally Iohn the 9. calling a councill of Bishops, desined For­mosus to beene a lawfull Pope. And decreed the decree of Steuen (against him) to be void. After these succeeded Sergius, who in al things imi­tated Steven 6. These are Bellarmines owne words truly translated. I desire the fairest in­terpreter of Bellarmine, to find a faire answer to Bellarmines instances: why we may not con­clude from his pen, that many foule errours, have fallen from the Pope pronouncing even definitive sentences.

To adde more particular instances, and to instance in the names of other particular Popes, who have erred. They report that Duarenus de B [...]neficijs praefat. Concil Trideat. Sess. 24. Can. 3. Iulius 3. was once in the mind to have amen­ded the Canons. Pius 4. in the councill of Trent did decree that it might be lawfull for him to allow those degrees in matrimony, which GOD himselfe disalloweth Leuit 18. Marcellinus fell to Idolatry: as it is confessed by Baronius to be B [...]ron. tom. 2. An. 302 nu 112 a common consent, confirmed, by all the bookes of martyrs, and by the Romane breviary. Libe­rius did turne Arriane, and subscribed to the Bin. Notis in Concil. Sirin. Epistola 7. Li­berij impious Arriane creed: and afterward publi­shed a dogmaticall Epistle, in defence of that [Page 693] damned, and damnable heresie. There is ex­tant Baron. anno 553 num. 50. ad 2 [...]0 Concil. Gen. 6. Act. 13. a [...]d 14. an apostolicall decree, pro tribus capitulis wherein the Nestorian heresie is dogmatically, and definitively determined and defended by Pope Vigilius è Cathedra, but was happily con­tradicted by that holy Emperour Iustinian. Honorius dogmatically did defend the errour of the Monothelites. Alphonsus pronounceth our Alphons [...]a Castro de Hae [...]is lib. 1. c 4. Ca [...]. quanto de Divortijs lib. 4. Decret. tit. 19. conclusion, etiam papa in side errare potest, that the Pope may erre: and proveth it in the person of Pope Caelestine, concerning marriage, that if one of the marryed couple should become an Heretike, their matrimony might be dissol­ved: which cannot (saith he) be excused, as if he had erred (velut privata persona, & non ut papa) as a private person, and not as a Pope: quoniam Caelestini definitio habebatur in antiquis Decreta­libus quam ego ipse vidi, & legi▪ because, faith he, I my selfe have read the definitive sentence of Caelestine in the antient Decretalls. Pope Iohn Ples. myst. Progres. 57. Concil. Const. Sess. 11. and 12. the 22. publikely preached at Avignion, that the Soules, yea of the most faithfull, did not behold the face of God, before the last day of judge­ment: which he pretended to understand from the vision of one Tundal an Irishmā; for which heresie he was deposed by the Councill of Con­stance. In the yeare 1408. Two Popes, Gregory Theod. Niemens. ac [...]nsm. lib. 3. cap. 44. the twelfth, and Benedict the thirteenth, were deprived by the Councill of Pisa, terming them Heretikes▪ departed from the faith. Finally, Pope Eugenius died deposed by the Councill of Basil, a Schismatike, and Heretike, his acts revoked, [Page 694] disanulled, and made void, and never was Anton. Hist. part. 3. tit [...]2. cap. 5. sect. 3. Pless Myst. Pro­gres. 62. A [...]nae. Silu. Gest. Concil. Basil. lib. 2. Theod a Niem. lib. 2. cap. 32. thence forth authorised. I cannot conceive how they can coine any colourable evasion from these evident instances. I expect a downe-right assertion of the conclusion: that as Theodorike a Niem saith, because Simony was so common in the Church of Rome under Pope Boniface 9. therefore the Lawyers did dispute, that the Pope could not commit Simony, although he did sell benefices. So for these supporters of the Popes unerring prerogative, it were the fairest course for them, fairely to conclude: the Pope cannot erre, although he defend heresies. Notwithstanding these instances, and evidences: I will not conclude in the Sanders Dem. 15. phrase of Sanders, Papa sidem majorum suorum non amplectitur, ideo definet esse papa, that is, the Pope doth not retaine the saith of his prede­cessours, therefore he is no Pope. I will not say so much: nor can I say lesse than my conclusi­on; The Pope is not infallible, but hath erred.

Finally, ad hominem: If the Pope è Cathedra, should be pleased to decide the case concer­ning sinne in the blessed Virgin: betwixt the Dominicans, and the Franciscans: or of the oath of allegiance, betwixt our priests, and Ie­suites: I make no question, whether the side sentenced, would accord that the Pope did not erre in condemning them.

Yea for the Pope himselfe. When as Alexan­der Qu. Curtius lib. 8. the great, was wounded in the thigh with an arrow, and the wound becomming starck with [Page 695] congealed blood, and so, full of paine: he is re­ported to have said. Se quidem Iouis filium dici sed corporis aegri vitia sentire: that is, men say, I am the sonne of a God, but I am sure, I have sence of a wounded body. So, if the Pope would be pleased to peruse his owne acts: I doubt not but he would say that his servants made him a God, that he cannot erre: but he findeth him­selfe a man: and subiect vnto errour.

But that which is more admirable, or ra­ther more lamentable, though they confesse the premises, yet they hold the conclusion. Though they say the Pope may erre, and (can­not but) know, that the Pope did erre: yet they preach it, as a principle in their faith, that the Pope cannot erre. I erre not surely, if I say this is a strong delusion, that they thus be­leeve a lye.

The Chineses have a proverbe that they have Malvenda lib. 3. cap. 10. two eyes, the inhabitants of Europe on eye, and all the world beside never an eye. The papists are more arrogant: they vant themselves to have both eyes, and all the world besides to have no eye. Yea they make their Church to be totum caput, all head, the Pope: and that head, to be totus oculus, all eye: to see all things. And all the world cannot see one mote in that eye: Papa non po­test errare, the Pope cannot erre.

After the expulsion of the Iesuites, out of Quarrells of Pope Paul 5. lib. 2. [...] Padua, were found many copies of a certaine writing, conteining 18 rules, under this ti­tle: Regulae aliquot servandae ut cum orthodoxà [Page 696] Ecclesia verè sentiamus. In the third wherof it Quarrels of Pope Paul 5. lib. 2. is ordained, that men must beleeve the Hierar­chicall Church, although it telleth us, that that is black, which our eye judgeth to bee white. To which blasphemous purpose the Rhemists Rhemists in 1 Tim. 3. 15. would wrest that harsh Greeke phrase, [...], plainely implying, that they would have all to beleeve in the Romane Church. Gre­gory de Valentia driveth the Nailea little fur­ther; Greg. Valen [...]in in Thom. tom. 3. Disp. 1. quaest. 2. punct. 5. if you (sinde (saith hee) but an Episcopall synode, only affirming such a Doctrine to be the sentence of the Church, you are bound to beleeve it, though it be a lye. Vnuses controversiarum In­dex; Bellarmine telleth the Pope, that he is the Bell ep. Ded [...]c. Sixt. 5. sole Iudge of all controversies; to whose defini­tive sentence, in all matters, they wholy submit themselves, saith our English Iesuite: Nay, Jesuite [...]p. Path­way sect. 36. (which might make their hearts tremble to speake it, and our cares to heare it) they con­stantly teach, that the Pope is every jote insalli­ble, Suar Ap. l. 1▪ [...]. 22. nu. 8. as the holy Scriptures themselves.

Answerable to which is the parenthesis of popish Authors, avouching their bookes Ortho­doxall, unlesse his Holinesse desi [...]e otherwise: As also that Popish distinction; the Church say they, is taken three wayes, Essentialiter, es­sentially, for all beleevers; Representativè, repre­sentatively, for a generall Councill; and virtuali­ter, virtually, for the Pope. So, to affirme that the Church cannot erre, or that a generall Coun­cill cannot erre, and that the Pope cannot erre, are axiomatical, and identicall propositions with [Page 697] most Papists. Yea, many Papists say more, that a generall Councill may erre without the Pope; but Bell. de P [...]ont. Rom. l. 4. c. 4. the Pope cannot erre although he bee without a generall Councill.

The Iewes have a tradition, that God gave this grace and priviledge unto Elias, that Malvenda 9. 2. there should be no Circumcision, whereat he should not be present, either visibly, or invisibly. Whereupon, at every Circumcision they use to place two Seates, one for him to sit in, who held the Ch [...]ld, the other empty, where­in they suppose that Elias doth sit invisibly. So the Papists thinke that God hath given that grace unto the Pope; that no Truth can bee desi­ned, at the definition whereof, the Pope is not present, either visibly, or invisibly. And at the composition of every booke, two Cathedrae (two Chayres) must be prepared: one for the Au­thor to give his judgement, but the other to be left empty for the Pope, who either visibly, or invisibly; either explicitely, or implicitely must say Amen, to every assertion. Which is am­ply acknowleged by Malvenda, at the end of his eleven bookes, and twelve yeares labours. Hence they terme this Papall prerogative, Papae Apostolatus, the Popes Apostleship. To Bell. ep. Dedic. Sixt. 5. which we returne a replie, in the words of the Revelation 2. 2. We have tryed them which say they are Apostles, but are not; and wee have found them lyers. In the phrase of my Text, strongly deluded, that they beleeve a lye.

Hence also they teach that his desinition, [Page 698] is petra in quam portae, &c. the Rocke, against Bell. Praf. de P [...]nt. R [...]. Suar. Apol. lib. 1 cap. 6. nu▪ 25. which the gates of Hell shall never be able to pre­vaile: & petra a cujus firmitate pendet in suo ge­nere sirmitas Ecclesiae, the Rock on whose stable­nesse in its kinde, dependeth the firmnesse of the Church. They repeate it againe, and againe, that the Pope is a Rocke. Indeed he is a Rock! the Pope indeed is a Rock; but the Lord preserve us from that Rock, lest wee make shipwracke of faith, and a good Conscience. He is a Rocke!

Dum genus Ae [...]ea, Capitoli immobile Saxum
Accol [...]t, Imperiumque Pater Romanus habebit.

The old Romanes said that their Empire was built upon an immoveable Rocke; but it is perished. The new Romanes, say that their Church is built upon an immoveable Rock, but (I doubt not) it shall perish; and the world shall see their strong delusion, that they doe beleeve a lye.

Finally, sicut populos, sic sacerdos, both Priests▪ and people also have this strong delusion to be­leeve a lye: they call it Fides implicita, my text may translate it Faith in a lye. Implicita Fides Iac. de Graf. Decis. lib. 2. c. 8. nu. 16. est credere, secundū qu [...]d Ecclesia credit; Implicita faith is to beleeve as the Church doth beleeve. If the Church do teach that w ch is false, then doe, the people beleeve even a lye. This faith doth consist in Assens [...], not in notitia saith Bellar­mine, in their Assent, not in their knowledge. so for ought they know, they may, and doe beleeve a lye, if it pleaseth their Church to put [Page 699] any such thing upon their credulitie. They themselves instance, in that famous Col­liar, chronicled by Staphilus, that the Devill tempted him, concerning his Faith; How hee did beleeve? who answered that hee did beleeve, e­ven as the Church did beleeve: the Devill de­manding how the Church did beleeve? the de­vout Colliar answered ( rotundo ore) very rea­dily, That the Church did beleeve even as hee did beleeve. And so having conjured the Devill with this orbicular answere, the Fiend could not enter his circle, nor come within the compasse of his Catholike confession. I should offer them more indignitie then wrong, if I should apply the phrase of their Peter Lumbard unto them; Peter Lumb. lib. 3. dist. 25. Simplices sunt Asinae in mysterio cre [...]ntes, quae majores docent; Those that shall beare any bur­den their guides shall please to lay upon them, such Creatures, I thinke, are called Asses. But not to exasperate them with so grosse, though their owne title. Like sheepe, they feed onely in such pastures, as their Pastors will put them into: nay, they taste no Fodder, but one­ly such as the Hand of their Shepherd puts into their mouth; being therein inferiour to the ve­ry sheepe, and other unreasonable Creatures. For such a Papist, his implicite faith being defined, will prove no better then a Creature that belee­veth he knoweth not what, and crediteth it, hee knoweth not why: resembling the patient, which received this pracipe from his physitian;

Si vis sa [...]ari, de morbo nescio quali,
Acc [...]p [...]as Herbam, qualem sed n [...]scio, vel quam,
Pon [...]s, nescio ubt, sanabere nesc [...]o quando.
If to be cured your worship please,
Of, (I know not what's) yo [...]r d [...]sease;
Be sure you take to heale the same,
The hearbe——I have forgot the name;
Tye't to your body, fasten it there,
But for the place, I know not where:
Doe all this, I assure you then
You shall be well; I know not when.

Here is ill rithme, say you, but worse rea­son say I; that reasonable men should be selfe­blinded, with an implicite faith▪ whereby, ac­cording to S t Pauls prediction, concerning the servants and slaves of Antichrist, for ought they know, or can say to the contrary, They beleeve a lye.

Now, Men, Fathers and Brethren, heare our desence, which I make unto you. Our Adver­saries, and we accord that the Scriptures are the Word of God, and that that Word doth teach us our salvation; and that the Church doth ex­pound the Scriptures, and direct us to our salva­tion. Here is the disserence; We bid the peo­ple beleeve the Church, but with the Scriptures; they command them to beleeve the Church, but without the Scriptures, yea against tho Scriptures to beleeve it, and not to reade them; or if they doe reade them, and by reading them [Page 701] their Consciences doe gainsay their Popish Do­ctrine, yet must they beleeve the Catholike Ro­mane Church, notwithstanding.

Quid miserius est misero, non miserante seip­sum? August. But alas, who can bee more deafe than those that will not heare? who can bee more blinde, then those that will not see? and who can be more deluded, than those that will beleeve a man, and will not see that God himselfe gain­sayeth him in the Scriptures? These are the peo­ple Isay. 5. 13. who are gone into Captivity, because they have no knowledge. These miserable, miserable Cap­tives are our owne Countrymen, inthralled in a strong Delusion, that they beleeve a lye. The Lord deliver them, and in his blessed time, shew his Truth and mercie unto them.

Amen, Amen.


2 THESS. 2. 12. That they might all be damned.’

Popish points that are damnable. Latine prayers: Inhibition of the Scriptures: Merits: The Communion in one kinde: Worshipping of Images.

THE first part of this Verse, contai­neth the last part of this Dis­course, that the Antichristians shall be damned. This is the point remaining, indeed the great point, concerning the great Antichrist. But I have lossened this great point by anticipation: I have, already declared this their Eternall passive pro­pertie, that they shall all be damned, when I de­scribed their persons out of the 10. verse, Anti­christ shall deceive them that perish; whereof I am resolved to returne no repetition: I am [Page 703] neither curious to enter into the mysteries of the Creator, nor desirous to inquire after the miseries of the Creature. It is no delightfull di­sputation to the good, to discourse of the dam­nation, no not of the bad. I leave them there­fore to the Will of God, which will be done on them, if it be not done by them: onely, the Text saith, Those that adhere to Antichrist, shall be damned. I can say no more, I am sorry (if Gods will were otherwise) that I can say so much, out of a bleeding unfeined com­passion towards our blinded and seduced Coun­trymen.

Therefore passing this cause, I proceed to two consequents, both being of great conse­quence: first for the point, secondly for the pro­fession: Once more I undertake to make it e­vident, that this point of Antichrist is necessary to be knowne, by every Christian: and for the Profession of Popery, I will propose what positions it principally containeth, directly Damnable, and Antichristian.

For the first, I must say it againe, and again, that the knowledge of the point of Antichrist is necessary, very necessary. Let my tongue teach you this truth out of the mouthes of our adversaries, from the perswasion of one, and from the precedent of another.

Lessius perswadeth us, that there are many Less. ad Lecto­rem de Antich. things in Daniel, Paul, & the Revelation, & val­de est Ecclesiae eorum notitia necessaria, and the knowledge of them is very necessarie for the [Page 704] Church: To wit, at what time Antichrist is to come, what actions he will performe, by what markes he may be knowne, Vt fideles pos­sint tempestive moneri, ne ab illo circumvenian­tur, that the faithfull may bee admonished in time, lest they be deceived by him. The pra­ctice of Malvenda, is worthy of our imitati­on, Malvenda cal [...]e. and admiration; he concludeth his bookes with this protestation. This worke (saith he) concerning Antichrist, cost mee twelve yeares la­bour, in which I day and night, sermè continuo la­bore assedimus; I imployed my whole study with­out almost any interruption. Though I cannot perswade you, yet beleeve themselves, that the knowledge of this point of Antichrist, is worth your labour, and worthy of indefatigable dis­quisition.

Moreover, revise the doome of my Text, [...], they shall be damned, who follow Anti­christ. Dangerous, if not desperate, is the for­lorne estate of those franticke persons, who will Hoodwinke themselves, being to passe o­ver a Bottomlesse Gulfe, when they have no­thing but a plancke to transport them. The pit, the bottomlesse pit, the bottomlesse pit of Hell, is under the path of Antichrist, and wee have nothing but the knowledge of him to sup­port us; Whither therefore doe they tra­vell, who neglect and contemne direction in so perilous a [...]ourney.

I will shut up my sentence, with the saying Cyrillus Cate­ches [...] pag. 15. of Saint Cyrill of Hierusalem, altering onely [Page 705] some syllables therein. Cave itaque tibi O Ho­mo, &c. Therefore have a care to thy selfe O man, and strengthen thy soule. The Church doth witnesse to thee, in the sight of our living God; praedicat tibi de Antichristo, the Church doth preach unto thee concerning Antichrist; concer­ning whom it is good that we should admonish you before-hand: therefore O man, strengthen thy selfe. The dayes of Antichrist are declared unto you, therefore it is your duty, not onely to remem­ber them your selves, but (absque invidiâ omni­bus trade) to teach them to all without envy. Si silium habes, if thou hast a sonne, according to the flesh, inst [...]ll this knowledge into him; quod si quem per Catechesin genuisli, if thou hast a Child spirituall, whom thou hast begotten by the word, Catechise him also in the knowledge of this point.

And my absolute Apologie, shall bee that phrase of Ezekiel 3. 21. I have given you war­ning, Liber avi animam meam, I have dischar­ged my soule, by shewing you this knowledge. Now the Lord himselfe shew your soules that knowledge, which may leade all your soules to eternall salvation.

Thus much briefly for the Point; the profes­sion it is, on which my discourse must inlarge it selfe: For if our knowledge doe not con­clude, that the Papists doe professe certaine damnable opinions: then cannot our conscience collect that Poperie is Antichristian; whose badge is here, that it is branded with damna­tion.

I must therefore shew positions in Popery, which (like the sword in the last Verse of the third of Genesis) doe keepe men from entring in­to Paradise: positions not onely untrue and dangerous, but also damnable to the professours of them.

First I instance in their Latine Scripture a damned, and a damning inhibition: A Tyran­ny, both actively and passively damnable, both to the perswaders, and the perswaded. The Scrip­tures are our Pilots unto Heaven. Of thē I speak what S. Paul spake of the Sa [...]lers Acts 27. 31. Except these abide ye cānot be saved. Ponder but two plain portions of the Testament, Ioh. 5. 39 In them ye thinke to have eternall life: Again, the Scriptures make men wise to salvation, 2 Tim. 3. 15. Cannot any ordinary capacitie collect the contradictory conclusions? Therefore without the Scriptures, ye may feare eternall death: and therefore the want of the Scriptures, make men fooles, to their Damnation. Surely these in­hibitours (I had almost said inquisitours) are Caligula's, who locke up the Barnes for Bread; they are Holophernesses, who stop up the foun­taines of water, Iud. 7. 7. Their locking vp of the word in the Latine language, is the taking away the Bread of life, and water of life from the Lords people, a detestable, and a Damnable cruelty.

That I may lead your attention, a little fur­ther, take notice. The forbidding of the Scrip­tures, is not onely absolutely damnable, but also [Page 707] relatively damnable: that is, a damnable anti­christian policie. What is the seate of Anti­christ? All concurre: Babel. What was the most famous distinctiue note of Babel? None disagree, an unknowne language. Descry wee not then, the colours of Babel hanging over the walls of Rome? This unknowne language amongst them, may put us in mind of Gods knowne lan­guage against them, Gen 11. 7. Confundamus, yea confundemus, nay confundimus: God will, nay God doth confound them, who do confound his language. [...] confusion and damnation, must be the lamentable effect, of the damnable forbidding of the holy scriptures.

My second instance, is their latine prayers: a second damnable practise. Whosoever calleth o [...] the Lord shall be saved, saith S t. Paul, Rom 10. 13. I thinke I may invert it: whosoever calleth not on the Lord shall not be saved. Therefore the Inhibition of Invocation, is the high way to damnation.

But say they, wee do pray though wee pray in latine. Such oratours, who pray in latine, which they vnderstand not, the best they can say of their prayers, is the phrase of Iacob con­cerning Luz, Gen 28. 16. Surely the Lord is here but I know it not. But we may say, their pray­ers are like the Iewes religion Rom 10. 2. They have a zeale unto God, but not according unto knowledge. Now whether such prayers will save them, that is the question.

To omit their possibilities: that a damned [Page 708] dissembling Mahometane, in the shew of a Masse-priest, should curse Christ, and the Chri­stian religion, in Latine: and that the ignorant people should cry Amen. To omit their ab­surdities: that the people give up their latine prayers, by tale, (as a Servant doth his masters Bagges) ignorant of what they containe, and knowing nothing but the number of them. Yea omitting their Blasphemies: saying Pater Dunamus de Antichristo lib. 1 cap. 4. sect. 9. Breviar. Rom. pag 304. noster to a creature: and hic nos salvet a peccatis, that a man should save them, which is their prayer of Gregory: and O Crux ave, spes unica, calling to a piece of wood as to their onely hope. Omitting all these: This onely I urge: for an English, Italian, or for any ignorant man, to pray in Latine! First, they understand it not 1 Cor. 14. 15. secondly, they are not edified 1 Cor. 14. 17. and finally, they cannot so much, as say Amen 1 Cor 14. 16. I thinke if S t. Paul himselfe were alive, he would apply his owne phrase in my text, to the ignorant Papists: they pray in Latine, [...] a dam­nable delusion, if the Lord reclaime them not.

To referre you to the Relative, in this point also: Latine prayers are not onely a dam­nable, but withall an Antichristian abomination. That Number of the Beast 666, Revel. 13. 18. is a famous mystery concerning Antichrist. Which some conceive to be the number of a man, and others the number of a time: that either the letters of some name, or the yeare of the Lord should answere this number. [Page 709] Where I apprehend it not unworthy of our observation, that the Latine service, is the knot where both those interpretations meet, in a probable accomplishment. Lateinus is the old prophecie, of old Irenaeus, that it might be the name of Antichrist, as it doth conteine the number of Antichrist. And in 666 Rolloc. in 2 Thes. 2. Vitaliane the Pope first inioyned the Latine ser­vice. Wee may say therefore, that at that time, and since that time, the Latine Bishop, imposing the Latine Liturgie, thereby decla­red himselfe to be that Antichrist, the great adversary, who captivated Gods people accor­ding to Ier 5. 15. by a language which they knew not: and through Gods just judgement men­tioned by Isaiah 28. 13. that they might fall backward, and be broken, and be snared and taken: or as my text speaketh [...], that they might be damned, by this strong delusion.

A third instance, and in the phrase of my text a third damnable point, is that popish opi­nion of merits. For a man to say, that he shalbe saved by his workes: is an evident signe that he shalbe damned for his workes. Woe be that man, who shall approach Gods justice, in confidence of his own works, how good soever.

To professe this point of popery plainly; To say either with our english Rhemists, that Rhemists in 1 Cor. 38 good works are the value, price, or worth of heaven, or with Bellarmine, that God wil give Coronam justitiae, pro qualitate factorum, & disquisi­tione Bellarmine. apol. cap. 7. factorum, that is, a Crowne of Iustice, according to the quality of his works, and with [Page 710] with a disquisition of his Deeds. Expectamus justum judicem, & non misericordem Patrem, and that a man must expect a just judge, not a mercifull Father. I say, to a through Papist, this opiniō of merits is like the pale Horse, Rev. 6. 8. Death sits on it, and Hell followeth with it. It is a damnable assertion, without perad­venture.

Cardinall Bellarmine was once a Ringleader in this path, for a long time, and a tedious la­bour, throughout his large Treatise of Iustifi­cation: Bell. de Iustific. l. 5. c. 7. But at the end of his journey, he espied Tutissimū, a safer way, to tread in the very foot­steps of poore Protestants, reponere totam fiduci­am, in sola misericordia Dei: that is, to repose his whole trust in the onely mercy of God.

Now no opera, as before, no nor operatincta, (according to that trick of Campian; for justi­fying faith, betwixt mercy, and merits, is like the Infant betweene the two mothers, 1 Reg. 3. if divided, it must be destroyed) Now I say, even with Belarmine himselfe upon a more advised revising of this damned opinion, no more opera, nor tincta opera, that is no workes, neither by amplification, nor yet by extenuation, but to place our whole cōsidence in the sole mer­cy of God.

For indeed, to hold salvation by workes in thesi, by way of disputation, that some men may be so saved: I suppose that this may bee done, and the defendants not damned. But in hypothe­si, by way of application, for a man to hold of [Page 711] himselfe, that he hath, doth, or will merit his salvation. This I dare define to bee a damnable assertion.

The conclusion therfore must be; All Papists must either end their lives, as Bellarmine did his bookes of Iustification, renouncing this point of Popery, Merits; or else they shall meritorious­ly purchase this phrase of my Text, [...], They will be damned for such an arrogant as­sertion.

Moreover, this third point is second to none in furthering the building of Babel. Good workes have beene a good Net, which have drawne many good quillets to the Court of Rome. That donation called from Constantine the great, but indeed given by Charles the great; I suppose merits was the motive to that magnificent a­ction. Many a sick body for his soules health, tooke from his Childs Portion, to adde to Pe­ters Patrimonie. From the Pharises Talent, to the Widowes mite: all Oblations make the Cen­ter of their motion, to be the Church, because the Church doth teach them to be meritorious, and that they may purchase heaven with gold and Silver.

A very Character of Antichrist. The Antichri­stian Babylonians, Revel. 18. 13. are said to make merchandize of the soules of men: And surely the soules of seduced men, are bought and sold in the Church of Rome; by this advantagi­ous Doctrine; but it will bring bitternesse in the end: [...], it is a profitable, but a damna­ble delusion.

A fourth instance, is their miserable, and dam­nable mangling of the Sacram nt, compelling the people to Communicate by the Halfe.

That I may not seeme to spie a Mote in the Eye of the Head of the Church, I will discover this to be a Beame, by a threefold considera­tion; Consider the institution, injunction, and emphaticall imposition, of the blessed Sacra­ment, all the workes of our blessed Saviour. First, this Sacrament was instituted to bee re­ceived in both kindes; Christ tooke bread, and gave it, and hee tooke the Cup, and gave it to his Disciples, Matth. 26. 26, and 27. Secondly, the Church was injoyned to receive it in both kinds; Let a man examine himselfe, and so let him eat of that bread, and drinke of that Cup, 1 Cor. 11. 28. And thirdly, Christ did single out the Cup, as it were with a Propheticall Cave, drinke ye all of this, Matth. 26. 27.

For the sirst, although the Church hath great authoritie to alter the manner, and Cir­cumstances of Gods worship; yet we cannot but acknowledge, that it is the best way to walke (if it be possible) in the very footsteps of the first institution. And all alteration must bee on good grounds, and for good causes. For the se­cond, if the circumstances of time and gesture were injoyned. If Christ had ever said, eat this sitting, and in the evening, then could wee not but yeeld to the Reformers, that our kneeling, and to the Anabaptists, that our morning Communions were unlawfull and damnable. [Page 713] But thirdly, where God himselfe doth as it were point with his singer, wee are bound especially direct our eye to that Object, as here Drinke ye all. Mee thinketh this Emphasis ma­keth this signe like the forbidden fruit, Genesis 3. 3. Moriendo, morieris, it is death to touch it, and none dare lay hands on it, but by the Ser­pents instigation.

Howbeit, notwithstanding this institution, Concil. Const. Sess. 13. injunction, and Emphaticall imposition, the Church of Rome doth institute, injoyne, and im­pose by two solemne decrees of two Vniversall councils, the direct contrary. Drinke ye all of this Concil. Trident. Sess. 21. cap 1. saith Christ; drinke ye none of this, saith the Pope: This is a Superlative prerogative of man, to op­pose a non obstante to the Statute of GOD. Though God saith, Drinke ye all of this; yet Concil. Trid. sub. Pio. 4. Proam. ad. 5. Sess. the Pope commandeth all his Church, that they shall not beleeve (credere) that they may Drinke.

Surely this is slavery, in the inferiours: ty­ranny in the superiours: damnable in both. But in divers degrees. The Peoples damnation is like Cains phrase, Gen. 4. 15. sevenfold, but the Prelates damnation is like Lamechs phrase, Gen. 4. 24. it shall be seventy and seven fold; but in both [...], it is a damnable practise. Neither is this onely an unchristian, but also an Anti­christian errour; out of it Babell sucketh no small advantage. How advanceth it the power of the Pope, when we oppose obsignatis Tabulis, and they answere obsignat is Tabulis: Wee al­leage [Page 714] Gods Commands, that we may have the Cup, and they alleage the Churches com­mand, that they may not have Cup in the Sacra­ment: The people must thinke that this is a wonderfull Authority, which can so trench into Gods injunction. Againe, that the Priests onely, Concil. Trid. Can. 2. Sess. 5. those Priests who are Consicients, as they call them, must drinke of the blessed blood, of our blessed Saviour: Is not this a rare Honour, and Prerogative to that Calling?

Finally, there is a mystery in this iniquitie. The Church of Rome (to make up their full number against the day of Accounts) acteth the skilfull Arithmetician; As by substraction they take from the Decalogue, leauing out the words of the second Commandement, lest the plaine people should perceive their plaine Idola­try: so by addition they supply to the Sacra­ment, and give the people Wine, but (there is the mistery) unconsecrated Wine in the Commu­nion, for feare that even sense, should informe the people (if they be not even senselesse) that the Pope doth rob them of their fathers portion, the cup in the Sacramēt. Now to put a dead child into the bosome of the poore mother, in stead of a living Infant, this was but a tricke of an Harlot, 1 Rog. 3. And to give unconsecrated Wine, according to their phrase, dead Wine, in stead of the living blood of Christ, unto the people; whether this be a chaste act of that Wo­man of Babel; I leave this conclusion to their owne confideration.

A fift instance is inferiour to none of the 4 former, but is damnable beyond comparison, and short of excuse; this is Idolatry, or Image­worship. Consider how cautelous God is to prevent it, how copious to reprove it, how hee doth comparatively condemne it, and plainly damne it. Abundans causa, God aboundeth in admirable caveats, concerning the worshipping of Images in the fourth chapter of Deuterono­my. 1. He doth propound the duty or inhibiti­on in an exact enumeration, in the sixteenth, se­vēteeth, eighteenth, & nineteenth verses, Make you no graven Image, nor similitude of any figure, nor likenesse of male nor female: not the likenesse of any beast, that is in earth, nor of any winged foule that flyeth in the ayre: nor the likenesse of any thing that creepeth on the ground, nor the likenesse of any Fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: nor shalt thou worship the Sunne, or the Moone, or the Starres, or all the host of hea­ven. 2. God doth confirme this interdiction of Ido­latry by five strong arguments: First, in the fif­teenth verse, from reason, for ye saw no manner of similitude, on the day the Lord spake to you in Horeb, out of the middest of the fire. Secondly, from an unreasonable absurditie in the nine­teenth, that thereby they worship or serve those Creatures, which God had divided, or made servants to the world. Thirdly, a beneficio, in the twentith verse, Because the Lord had brought them out of Egypt, from the yron furnace, to be unto him a people of Inheritance. Fourth­ly, [Page 716] a servitio, because God had declared unto them his Covenant, which hee commanded them to performe, verse 13. And finally in the 12, 15, 23, and 24 verses, à supplicio, Take heed, animabus vestris, (as Master Calvin translateth it) to your soules, for God spake unto you out of the Fire, and God is a Fire. Praedictum cave, how cautelous was God to prevent Idola­try? Next, he interdicteth the same in the se­cond Commandement, which is as large as eight of the other put together, so copious is GOD to reprove it. Thirdly, when Samuel would brand that i [...]pudent iniquitie, which causeth that double rejection, both Active and Pas­sive, which causeth men to reject the Lord, and the Lord to reject men, hee calleth it Idolatry, 1 Sam. 15. 23. Idolatry therefore maketh men reprobates, and causeth their damnation. And when Saint Paul would aggravate that sinne, which maketh the way to heaven, as narrow as the eye of a Needle, he calleth Covetousness simu­lacrorum servitus Idolatry. Idolatry therefore doth wholy damme up the way to heaven: in­deed, a damned sinne. Finally, David denoun­ceth their doome Psalme 97. 7. Confounded bee all those that worship carved Images. Where I conceive the curse of God, and confusion, to bee little lesse then Damnation: A damnable offence is Idolatry.

And this spirituall Adultery, is like Davids corporall Adultery 2 Sam. 12. 4. It giveth occa­sion to the enemy of the Lord to blaspheme. Both [Page 717] Turkes and Iewes justly reproach our Christi­an Religion, for the Religious Adoration of Ima­ges. Since therefore it excludeth others from Heaven, and casteth the Authors into Hell: I may call idolatry a damnable errour.

They wave this imputation of idolatry, by Costerus Euch [...]r. distinguishing of idolum, and imago, an idol, and an image, and in the image, materiale & for­male, the matter and forme thereof. And againe, that non in eâ honorem sigunt, sed per eam trans­ferunt in [...], that is, They doe not worship the image representing, but the Saint represented. I say, their sophisticall heads may be cast into hel, with those subtle distinctions in their mouthes without a drop of water to coole that tongue, which shall frie in Tophet, for blaspheming, by blanching such idolatrie. [...], they shall bee damned; let them elude that also by a di­stinction.

Advantagious is this also to the Popish Church. Idolatry is the Nebuchadnezzar of Rome, and it may speake his phrase Dan. 4. 30. Is not this great Babel which I have built by the might of my power? Philo Iudaeus relateth, in the Temple of Hierusalem to have beene, Trabem ex auro solido, a Beame of massie Gold; Image-ado­ration is such a Beame, a golden Principall in the Church of Rome; Shake it, and the whole buil­ding will totter. The Lady of Loretto bringeth much Tribute to the Lord of Rome: and infinite other images (by reason of their Orna­ments, Oblations, Processions, &c.) are Tagi, are [Page 718] infinite golden Rivers, issuing out flowing full spring-tides of Treasures to the Sea of Rome. But it is a [...], S t Iames his Fountaine, 3. 11. Sending forth at the same fountaine, both sweet and bitter water. Idolatry and Image-wor­ship, is a profitable; but a damnable asser­tion.

I will leade you no further forward in these instances, but intreat you to reflect your eye backward, and compendiously to consider the premises. If a man may bee sure that hee may goe to heaven, without the Scriptures, without prayers, with halfe CHRISTS Sacrament, with a piece of Christs merits, and plaine idolatry; Then let him repaire to Rome, the Romane Church will direct him. But if an understanding man may suspect, that the inhibition of the Scriptures, the obscuring of Prayers, the mingling of mans merits, the mangling of Christs Sacrament, and the very image-adoration forbidden in the se­cond Commandement; If an understanding man, may suspect, that these things may bee dangerous to damnation: then let mee advise you, not to take your faith on trust, but to exa­mine the Roman Religion.

Know moreover, that this fearfull terme of damnation, wee mutually lay, at one ano­thers doores: but with this difference. The Papists charge us with damnation, principally, because wee have forsaken their Church: Non Trident. Catech. in Artic. 9. enim ut quisquis primum in fide peccarit, Haereti­cus [Page 719] dicendus est, sed qui Ecclesiae authoritate neg­lectâ impias opiniones pertinaci animo tuetur; that is, Every person is not presently to be termed an Heretike, so soon as he shall erre in faith, but he that shall obstinately maintaine his wicked errours, neglecting the Authority of the Church. Or else they charge us with damnation conse­quently, because they say we erre in one Article of faith.

On no such partiality or Niceity doe wee pronounce damnation against them: Not be­cause they are against our Church, but because they are against the Scriptures; because their positions have formall contradictorie syllables to the Scriptures, and their practice, the realty of abominable Idolatry. And herein I submit my selfe to the severe law of Severus: Si ali­quis Duaraenus de Decimis l 4 c. 1. quis praepositum accusaret, manifestis rebus proba­ret, aut capitis poenam subiret: that is, if any ac­cuse a Prelate, hee must either avouch his ac­cusation by manifest evidence, or dye for it: So I; if in these points I accuse the Bishop Rome wrongfully, I will subire poenam, suffer shame; if maliciously, poenam capitis, let me dye for it: But if I doe manifestis rebus probare, but if I charge them with a plane truth in these parti­culars, then I hope I may without offence in­treat my hearers to take notice and heed of such damnable errours.

Observe this notwithstanding, that even these paradoxes may be blanched, by an under­standing subtle head, and by an insinuating [Page 720] supple tongue, that an indifferent, much more an ignorant, but most of all a partiall Hearer may be blinded, and perswaded: But whether to preach directly contrary to the letter of the Gospell, and to practise that which is literally in hibited in the law; whether distinctions will salve that sinne, and save that soule, at the day of judgement! It may bee this will stagger a peremptory Papist to affirme it.

Therefore againe, and againe I beseech you to examine the Romish Religion; I beseech you examine it, even as you value your salvation; and our blessed Iesus save us from all damnable opinions.


2 THESS. 2. 3, ad 13.

Sixe opinions of Antichrist. The Devill shall be Antichrist. Nero. The Turke. The Turke and Pope. That the Pope is Antichrist, is the opinon of the Church of England. Antichrist shall be a Iew. The Papists Trienniall Antichrist.

AT length (by Gods blessing, and blessed assistance) I have finished my taske. For the full and finall complement thereof, I will adde thereto, two points moreover: on the Negative I will build my Affirmative. I will shew you all the chiefe opinions con­cerning Antichrist, which come within the compasse of my small reading; all which be­ing [...], directly dissonant to this description, of Saint Paul: the Affirmative consequent will [Page 722] follow naturally, and necessarily. Ergo, The Pope is the Antichrist.

This conclusion I will also confirme, by a compedious consideration, and application of all the particulars, and properties of this prophecy; that they punctually pitch upō the papall seat and succession. The principall opini­ons of Antichrist are sixe; 1. That Antichrist shall bee a Devill. 2. That he shall bee a man, but a man that is dead. 3. That he shall bee a Iew. 4. That he is the Turke. 5. That hee is the Pope. And 6. That both the Turke and the Pope are the Antichrist.

The first opinion, is onely the true opini­on; the other sive, being grossely false, as shall plainely appeare from the grosse absurdities, incongruities, and impossibilities of those asser­tions. And if all the parcels of this whole prophecy, may be probably, and most of them undeniably applyed to the Pope; I suppose then that this affirmation will be neither erronious, nor Injurious, The great Bishop, is the great An­tichrist.

The first opinion is, that Antichrist shall be a Devill, which some of the Antients have taught two waies, but both wayes erroniously. Some say that Antichrist shall be ipse Diabo­lus, in formâ humanâ, at non verâ, verum phan­tastica, that Antichrist should be the Devill in the shape of a man, not in a true, but in a fantasticall shape, in shew onely. This Fiction was framed in the forge of two forged Fathers, Hippolitus [Page 723] de consummatione Mundi, and Ephrem in his Sermon of Antichrist. But this conceit, that Antichrist shall bee the Devill in a fantasticall shape, is exploded as a fantasticall conceit.

The second, is second to none, in absurd falshood. Others say that Antichrist shall bee verus homo, a true man, but withall verus diabo­lus, a true Devil, Diabolus incarnatus, a Divell in the nature of a man. The ground of which error, is an imagined [...], betwixt Christ, & Antichrist, that as Christ was [...], one persō, God & Man, borne of a Virgin without man; so Antichrist shall bee [...], one person, Devill, and man, borne of a Virgin also. This is conceived to bee the Comment of the Au­thor of that Commentary, which goeth under the name of Saint Ambrose, 2 Thess. 2. And S. Ierome also upon the seventh of Daniel, hath let fall a phrase to countenance this conceit, Antichristus erit unus de hominibus, in quo totus Satanas habitaturus est corporaliter; that is, An­tichrist shall be a man, in whom whole Anti­tichrist shall dwell corporally. Vna fidelia, one ar­gument, will smite through the Loynes of both these paradoxes.

First, in the third verse, Saint Paul saith, Antichrist shall bee homo peccati, a man, and therefore no devill; Reall, not fantasticall. Rea­son also argueth this fiction to be unreasonable. For howsoever devils can produce admirable effects, interventu naturaliū causarum, & applicā ­do activa passivis, by imploying naturall instru­ments, [Page 724] and applying naturall Agents, unto na­turall Patients. Yet is it farre above the sphear of the activity of any spirit, bad or good, either generally supplere vices naturalium a­gentium, to supply and performe the works of naturall agents; or particularly organizare cor­pus humanum, sine semine humano, to informe the body of a man, without the seed of a man. And to flye to Gods Omnipotence, to say that hee will impart such a miraculous power of uniting hypostatically two natures (that peculiar worke in the Incarnation of Christ) unto the De­vill, destinated for his dishonour, and mans Damnation; I cannot apprehend this to bee lesse than blasphemy. Adde that of Saint Au­gustine Aug. epist. 3. unto Volusiane, to bee borne of a Virgin, is such a miracle, that majus a Deo expectari non potest, wee cannot expect a greater from God. But this grosse errour will fall with the weight of its owne absurditie; I will follow it no farther.

The second sentence is, that Antichrist shall bee a man, but a man knowne to bee dead, al­though by some supposed to bee alive, or that hee shall bee raised againe to act this Tragedy, at the end of the world, this is Nero. Sueton. in Ner. cap. 57. Baron. an. 70. Severus lib. 2. Some say that Nero is yet alive (saith Baronius out of Sueton & Severus) although he did thrust himselfe through with a sword, yet some thinke that his wound was healed, and that hee survived, according to that in the Revelation 13. 3. Hee was wounded unto death, but his deadly wound [Page 725] was healed. Whereupon a certaine slave feigned himselfe to be Nero, whereby he rai­sed an insurrection: This is oppugued almost by every verse in this Prophecy of Saint Paul. In the third, what jote concerneth Apostacie from Religion, Nero a Pagan, who never knew what belonged to Religion? In the fourth verse, Antichrist is said to sit in the Temple of God; but Nero was an open utter enemy to God, and to his Temple: therefore Nero to sit in the Temple, this must bee a met amorphosis be­yond imagination. In the fift, sixt, and se­venth, [...], that is, the Em­pire, & the Emperour did hinder Antichrist; but how could they hinder Nero, who was the one, and had the other? In the eight, the prophe­cy is, that Antichrist shall be destroyed by the breath of the Lords mouth; that is, by the Word and Scriptures. But his Instruction was not from the mouth of the Lord, neither shall his destru­ction be from the mouth of the Lord. Therefore, The mouth of the Lord saith, Nero cannot bee the Antichrist, because he hath no Communion with the Holy Scriptures. Finally, in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth verses, Antichrist is fore­told to be a wonderful seducer, from the truth of God. But what man can dream this ever to have been fulfilled in Nero, an alient from the Truth? Neither is it lesse ridiculous which o­thers affirme, that he shall in the end of the world be raised from the dead: for this must be wrought, either by himselfe, or by God: Not [Page 726] by himselfe, resurrection being a worke beyond the ability of any Creature: Nor yet by God, as it is well concluded by Suarez, for Suar. Ap. l. 5. c. 10. nu. 4. (saith hee) Resurrection being the proper worke of God, non siet propter iniquitatem operandum, it cannot be performed for the producing of any impiety, but propter altiores, & honestiores fines, &c. but for more holy, and honest pur­poses, becomming God, and beseeming his heavenly Wisedome and Providence. I conclude therefore with Bellarmines phrase, which hee Bell. de Pont. Rom. l. 3. cap. 12. borroweth out of Augustine, Hanc scientiam esse meram praesumptionem: to say that Nero shall be revived and received as Antichrist, it is a presumptuos folly. Or with Suarez, Anilem es­se Suar. Ap. l. 5. c. 10. nu. 4. fabulam, that it is a follish fable, a very Legend de futuro. And so I bury this assertion of Ne­ro with Nero, let such a fancy have no second Resurrection.

The third point proposed in the third place, is Antichrist shall be a Iew, I will alter my or­der a little, and referre it to the sift place, which shall bee the last point in this Sermon. The fourth assertion then followeth, The Turke is Antichrist. This is said to bee the o­pinion of Annius, Clictovaeus, Fevardentius, and some others of Papists, and Protestants. Bellarmine and the best learned of the Papists wonder, and are sorry that any of their; and my wonder and sorrow is no lesse, that any of our side, should bee of such a groundlesse opinion. A very Bogge, they have no foundati­on for it.

They pretend some of the properties of Anti­christ, which they apply to the Turke; namely, these three, his Time, Name, and Seat. Maho­met the Arch-Turke (say they) arose about the yeare 666. and him they therfore conjecture to bee the Antichrist. His name, (say they) Ma­hometes, doth contain the number of the Beast, Revel. 13. 18. 666. and his Seate is Constantino­ple, a City scituated on seven hils, Revelation 17. 9.

To the first, let Bellarmine answere; 666 is Bell. de P. R. lib. 3. 3. the Number, not of the Time, but of the Name of Antichrist. But suppose that his time were anno 666. yet Mahomets birth was abor­tive, before that time; For he was borne in the yeare 597. he began to terme himselfe a Pro­phet 623. and finally, he dyed 637. All chroni­cles concurring that hee did not live to that time, 666. and our usual saying is, that the year 606 (60 years short of 666) teemed tria teter­rima Malv. de Ant. l. 2. c. 5. Monstra; Mahomet, who did invade the Church with his Sword; Boniface, who did usurpe the Church by his Pride; and Carolus Martellus, who did rob the Church by his Impropriations.

Secondly, the name of Mahomet, doth in­deed containe the number of the name; and so doe other names also; especially that Prophe­ticall name Lateinus, so long agoe foretold by Irenaeus. But if from the name of Mahomet, they will conclude Mahomet to be Antichrist, the conclusion will hold upon the person of Maho­met [Page 728] onely: But that the very man Mahomet, was the very Antichrist! I suppose no man will avouch it, experience having taught the con­trary.

Thirdly, Constantino [...]le it may bee is seated on seven hils, but not on seven hils, which are the seventh part so famous, as the seven Hils of Rome, Aventinus, Palatinus, &c. notorious by their names, celebrated by their Poets, chro­nicled by their Historians, and attributed as the renowned title ( [...]) unto the city of Suar. apol l. 5. c. 10. nu. 8. Rome. But the words of Suarez give a full an­swere. Licet unum, aut alterum signum Anti­christi, in Mahomete reperire valeant, &c. that is, Although men may be able to finde one or two of the properties of Antichrist in Mahomet, it is no wonder; because there is no Adversa­ry of Christ, who doth not participate of some of the properties of Antichrist; and therefore all are called by the generall name of Antichrists. But it is necessary to shew, Omnium signorum collectionem, the concurrence of all the properties of Antichrist, in that one person, whom wee conclude to bee proprium Antichristum, that very Antichrist.

Finally, this Prophecy is the plainest consu­ter of this errour, that the Turke cannot be An­tichrist; it appeareth first from the third verse, Venit Apostasia, the great Antichrist, saith S. Paul, shal be a great Apostate. Now Mahomet was a mungrell in religion; by birth an Arabi­an,, and some say by education a Manichie, [Page 729] and a Iew: He was no true Christian, and there­fore no true Apostate.

Secondly, from the fourth verse, sedebit in Templo Dei, Antichrist shall sit in the Temple of God. Take the phrase, either materially for the Temple of the Iewes, that was ruinated be­fore his time; or metaphorically for the Churches of Christians, thus Constantinople is a Temple, but Rome the Temple, the Metropolis of Christendome; or formally for the persons pro­fessing Christ, and Mahomet doth not sit in the Temple of God, that is, hee doth not rule over the Consciences of Christians, and therefore he is not the Antichrist.

Thirdly, in the seventh verse Antichristi­anisme is called a mystery, and Antichrist is a mysticall, that is, a secret adversary unto Christ: but the Turke professeth himselfe to be a professed Enemy unto Christ, & Christianity, and therefore he cannot be the Antichrist.

Fourthly, in the eighth verse, Antichrist is foretold to be consumed, Spiritu oris Domini, that is, by the preaching of the Gospell. The prea­ching of the Gospell hath converted some persons and Provinces among the Indians, say the Pa­pists; and some persons & Provinces among the Papists, know the Protestants. But amongst the Turkes, few persons, no Provinces have bin con­verted by the Preaching of the Gospell; & there­fore, this property also sutethnot w th the Turk.

Fiftly, in the ninth verse, a maine signe of Antichrist is this; that he shall come with signes [Page 730] and lying wonders. But apud nos solos fiunt mira­cula, saith Eudaemon. The Pope will not permit this prerogative unto the Turke, The Turke therefore is not the Antichrist.

Sixtly, the tenth verse telleth vs, Anti­christ shall come, [...], in omni seductio­ne, he shall be an admirable seducer. I demand, did any ever heare a subtle disputation, or see any Pius 2. [...]pist. ad Morbisan. learned Booke, that the Turkes have made to maintaine and propagate their religion, by fine force of argument, or insinuating allu­ring perswasions? No Seducer, No Antichrist.

Compendiously: hence I will draw sixe demonstrations, that The Turke cannot be the Antichrist.

1. Antichrist is an apostate, and the Head of a­postasie:

The Turke is no apostate, nor the Head of apo­stasie.

2. Antichrist doth sit in the Temple, and Rule the Church:

The Turke doth not sit in the Temple and Rule the Church.

3. Antichrist is a mysticall and secret adver­sary.

The Turke is not a mysticall and secret adver­sary.

4. Antichrist is consumed by preaching of the Gospell:

The Turke is not consumed by preaching of the Gospell.

5. Antichrist shall pretend Miracles:

The Turke shall pretend no Miracles.

6. Antichrist is a Seducer:

The Turke is no Seducer.

From all these Sixe Syllogismes, I will frame onely this one Conclusion; Therefore;

The Turke is not the Antichrist.

Let me adde one word to our Protestants, who pretend that the Turke is the Antichrist, as it betideth Neuters: they have thankes on neither side. We cannot greatly praise them, that divert our people from looking or list­ning after the true Antichrist: by telling them, it may be the Turke is Antichrist. And the Pa­pists conne them no thankes for the service which they (indeed) doe to the Pope. But they disclaime their opinion, as most senselesse and erroneous: By name, Bellarmine, Suarez, and Bell. de Pont. Rom. l. 3. c. 3. Suar. Ap. l. 5. c. 10. Malvenda li. 2. cap. 5. Malvenda: And indeed almost all the Po­pish Writers on this point.

Whence I conceive, it would be no dispa­ragement, either to the learning or judge­of any Protestant; if hee would bee pleased to tread in the footsteps of Clictovaeus, who when Clictovaeus in Damasc. lib. 4. 26. he had eagerly disputed this cause, yet he con­cludeth with this confession; Many things are written by S. Paul to the Thessalonians, 2 Epist. 2. which cannot easilie be applyed to the Turke, and which appeare not yet fulfilled, and never to be ful­filled in him.

The Staffe is plucked away: the next point [Page 732] must fall, which indeed doth leane on this. Some say, that both the Turke and Pope con­curre in opposing Christ: and that both the Turke and Pope are Antichrist. This is said to be the judgement of Melancton, and Iohannes Dra­conitus on Daniel. And this was propounded by a learned English Bishop, [...], as a probable position, for his Cōmencement dis­putation: All reverence reserved to these learned authors, I am yet to learne the likeli­hood of this assertion. They say, the Turkish State and Papacy, both combine in one confe­deracy and combination, that both these, though opposite ad invicem, in temporalibus, may and doe make one conjoyned opposition unto Ie­sus Christ, and his truth, inspiritualibus. And although that externally and in regard of civill Policie, they differ, and doe dead­ly hate each other, and mainly oppose one a­gainst the other: yet nihil impedit, but they may conspire in opposing Christ, his Gospel, and his Kingdome differently: Thus they say, and I say, on the same grounds, wee may adde the Iewes, to this Antichristian combinati­on: and so Antichrist shall be, not onely a Ce­crops, but a Gerion, but a Cerberus. They say moreouer, that these two, respectu finis may be accounted one in opposition, against God and Christ: though the meanes of effecting it, be many, different, and diverse: Turcisin [...], may one way oppose Christ, vi aperta, by fiery force: and Popery be ad oppositum another way, fraude [Page 733] & insidijs. I say, Those which have a Combina­tion, have a Consent:

The Turke and Pope have no Consent:

Therefore, No Combination.

They have no consent, Ratione medij: because the Turke doth oppose Christ, vi aperta, and the Pope fraude & insidijs. Nor Ratione finis, be­cause the scope of the Turke is a Temporall: of the Pope is an Ecclesiasticall Monarchie. The Pope opposeth Kings, that he may be an Oecume­nicall Bishop: the Turke opposeth Bishops (all Christians) that hee may bee an Oecumenicall King. Finally the Turke doth oppose Christi­ans, not quà Christians, but as they are Adver­saries to the Turkish Empire. But the Pope doth oppose Christians, qu [...] Christians, onely because they deny him to bee the Head of the universall Church, which we maintaine to be Christs roy­all Prerogative.

Finally, so (say they) Saint Iohn remem­breth a Beast with two Hornes: Mahomet in the East, and the Pope in the West: both Hornes fiercely pushing against the Saints. I answer: that one beast, should assault any thing with two Hornes, is no wonder: but that those Two Hornes, in one Beast should assault one another, is most wonderfull. No lesse admirable is it, that the Turke and Pope which perpetually fight betwixt themselves, should be said not­withstanding to compose one beast, and make up one body of Antichrist. And if I should suppose that the Turke and Pope may concurre to oppose [Page 734] Christ, as Herod and Pilate did heretofore. I must suppose withall, that (as Herod and Pilate was) the Turke and the Pope are friends: other­wise they cannot concurre to cōpose one Antichrist. And if it be true, which Christ doth teach, Luke 11. 18. then if these two Hornes compose one Kingdome of Antichrist: though Anti­christ doe come in all power of Satan: though he be established by Belzebub the Prince of the Devills: yet, if this Kingdome be divided it can­not stand.

In two words, to adde onely three proper­ties out of this text. If the Turke and the Pope make one Antichrist; Then (as it is in the third verse) they must have One Heart of Apostasie: to fall frō the Church. Then (as it is in the 4,) they must have one Head of Supremacy: to bee Rulers of the Church: And then (as it is in the tenth verse) they must have one Tongue of falla­cie, to be the Seducers of the Church. But that ever Turcise, and Papisme should be so incorpo­rated into Antichristianisme! I thinke few can beleeve it: and fewer perswade it.

I rather conclude, that those Two States, are like the two Legges of Iron, and Clay, Dan. 4. 43. though they should bee mingled with the seed of men, and by the wit of man, yet shall they not cleave to one another. It is impossible that those twaine should make one Antichrist.

Yea, the difference among Divines, who the man of sin should be, may be a sufficient motive to me to persevere in my opinion: and for any [Page 735] learned Protestāt to retract this; if he hold that both the Turke and Pope, or that the Turke alone be Antichrist. If either of us, have learned ei­ther of those Rules: either that of Saint Am­brose, ad quamcumque Ecclesiam veneritis, ejus morem servate, si pati scandalum non vultis aut August. epist. 86. Casulano. facere: if we will neither give nor take scan­dall, wee must submit to the judgement of that Church wherein we live: or that of Saint Paul, Ephes. 4. 3. to keepe the unitie of the Spirit in the bond of Peace. The premises to my conclusion D r. Whites Orthod. part. 2. Vntruth 6. is the judgement of that judicious Divine: the now Bishop of Norwich. These are his words: The most received opinion, of all Prote­stants, is, that the Pope began to bee Antichrist, when by the Donation of the parricide Phocas, hee tooke unto him the title of Vniversall Bishop, but became a perfect. Antichrist under Gregorie 7, Paschal 2, Adrian 4, Alexander 3, and Boni­face 8, by these foure actions▪ 1, exalting him­selfe as a King and Monarch over the house of God; 2, making his owne word, and definitions of equall authoritie with the holy Scriptures: 3, V­surping temporall jurisdiction over Kings, and ci­vill States: 4, cruelly murthering the servants of Christ, which denyed obedience to his traditions and tyranny. Now, via trita being via tuta; I will rather follow the most of the Protestants in the Kings High-way, than a few in a Path-way: and they departing from one another, into ma­ny By-waies. For mine owne part, if I should dissent from the most received opinion of all the [Page 736] Protestants; If it were not for damnable errours, and with unanswerable arguments: I should censure my selfe, no friend to the Protestants, and unworthy of the name of a Protestant. But Iohn 21. 21, & 22.

The fift opiniō is that Antichrist is a Iew: w ch being a branch thereof, I will therefore relate the whole Popish opiniō. And thā the Popish opi­nion of Antichrist, never any thing was more grosly absurd and ridiculous, among the Fictions of the Poets, the Fables of the Iewes, the dreames of the Turkes, no nor among their owne Le­gends. The points in their opinion being so improbable, impossible, incredible, and incompati­ble: that recitasse est refutasse, that the plaine reciting is a plaine refuting of this paradoxe, and exorbitant assertion.

Nineteene branches there are thereof; 1. Their Antichrist shall be one man; 2, a Iew; 3, of the Tribe of Dan; 4, begotten by an Incu­bus devill; 5, Borne at Babylon in Assyria. 6, Brought up at Chorazin and Beihsaida, 7, Tu­tored by a Familiar; 8, of the admirablest body, accutest wit, and accuratest learning, that man was of since the creation: 9, he shall col­lect the Iewes; 10, Conquer the Pagans; 11, cru­elly persecute the Christians; 12, kill Enoch and Elias; 13, become the Monarch of the whole world; 14, He shall have more riches, power, and wives, than any man that ever lived; 15, He must reigne but three yeares; 16, He must build the Temple: 17, In it hee shall bee [Page 737] actually adored; 18, He shall have Divells in the shape of Angels, visibly administring unto him: 19, He shall ascend mount. Olivet, and from thence with a troope of Devills, in the shape of glorious angells, he shall fly in the ayre, as if he were visibly to ascend into heaven. But then shall a voice from heaven bee heard, morere: at which moment he shall bee smote through with a Thunder bolt, and so tumbled headlong into hell. Spectatum admist, risum te­neatis? apretie Fiction! But that it exceedeth the lawes of a Comedy; there are too many impossiblities, in the Fable.

1. That Antichrist is but one person, this is the opinion, of every one of the Papists. Take one, for all: Suarez disputeth it, in three whole Suarez Apolog. lib. 6. Chapters. A thing somewhat improbable: that both in Daniel and the Revelation, a Beast should never signifie one particular man, but onely in this particular: And it is something impossible, for Antichrist was a working in Saint Pauls time, verse 7. I conclude therefore: how one man should live, from Saint Pauls age, to the end of the world: I conceive this to be impossible.

2. That he shall bee a Iew, all the Papists a­gree in this also. Let Bellarmine speake for all Bellar. de Pont. Rom. 3, 12. in this also: So he disputeth à generatione An­tichristi: no probable opinion: For the same Papists, and the same Bellarmine affirme that Antichrist shall affirme Se solum esse Deum: which cannot bee done by the Iewes Messias: for Deus missus, & mittens have some diffe­rence. [Page 738] Moreover, Antichrist shall be an Apo­state, vers. 3. But one borne, and brought up a Iew, cannot Apostate from the Christian Re­ligion.

3. Of the Tribe of Dan. That he should be Sanders de An­tichristo De­monstr. 7. that Countreyman, this is the opinion, of San­ders, our Countreyman. But it is not very pro­bable: for the Iewes expect their Messias, out of the Tribe of Iudah, hardly therefore will they accept him out of the Tribe of Dan. Nay, ex nihilo, nihil sit, there is no such Tribe as Dan in the world. Bellarmine espied this im­possibility, Bellar. de Pont. Rom. 3. 12. and therefore hee durst not defend their Danish Antichrist.

4. That he should bee begotten by a Devill, Malvenda de Antichristo lib. 2 cap. 8. this opinion is the child of Malvendaes braine: but it is filius populi, a bastard Paradox, few will Father it. Besides, in the third verse, Anti­christ is termed Homo peccati, a perfect man. And yet the Devill to be his Father: these phrases have no full congruity.

5. Antichrist shall be borne in Babylon; This Malvenda 2, 16. is a paradoxe, not to be borne withall: being both impious and impossible. For Babylon in As­syria, was utterly extirpated by the Medes and Persians; Neither shall it ever bee reedifyed: as God himselfe doth teach us, Isa. 13. 19. Ier. 50. 3. 39. 40.

6. Brought up must he be in Chorazin & Beth­saida: Rog. Hoven. Richard. 1. this was the common conceit of the old Christians, as it is chronicled by our Hoven­den. But Chorazin and Bethsaida now, are ei­ther [Page 739] but villages, or not villages; Which can give no probabilitie for this fiction; that they shall be the famous Nurseries of the most fa­mous Potentate, even of Antichrist, who shall contend with God himselfe, (say the Papists) for Supremacy.

7, Antichrist shall have Daemonē Paredrum, a Malvenda 2, 22. Devill to bee his Pedant. This also may passe for another improbable fiction. Indeed that An­tichrist shall come with the power of Satan, I have read vers. 9. But that he shall bee acquainted with the Person of Satan! This surely seemeth to have been added to the Scriptare, and to the Truth also.

8. Audiens Cratyppum, idque Athenis: having Malvenda 2, 22. such a Tutor, and such a Place: the Devill and Bethsaida; Yong Antichrist must prove a Rare Scholler. Erit ingenio capacissimo, formâ pulcher­rimâ, saith Malvenda; a most beautifull youth, beautified with infinite learning. An Anti-Xeno­phon! he described the best of all Kings, and this man the worst of all Kings; but both by way of fiction and imagination.

9. Antichrist shall collect the Iewes; 10, Con­quer the Heathen; 11, cruelly persecute the Chri­stians; 12, Kill Enoch and Elias; 13, become Monarch of the whole world; 14, and have more power, and riches, and wives, than any Monarch from the Creation: as famous at­chievements, as any can wish or imagine. From whence Bellarmine and Lessius draw many a delicate Demonstration.


15. But the worst is, they put a long sword into a short scabberd. They will have all those Conversions, Persecutions, Conquests, Mariages, and incomparable, innumerable actions to be done in the compass of three yeares & an halfe. Eudaemon taketh great paines to fit them: but Eudaemon. in Ab [...]at. 1. sect. 5. he commeth a little too short, for all his good reckoning.

16. The Temple of Hierusalem must bee his Throne; 17, therein actually to be adored. For­tie and sixe yeeres was the Temple heretofore a building: and will Antichrist reare it in lesse than sixe and fortie moneths? O admirable ex­pedition! More; Baronius saith, and proveth that it shall never be reared againe. That Anti­christ therefore, shall be adored in the materiall Temple, this is an impossible assertion.

18, and 19. Antichrist shall take his Rise, from Mount Olivet, and with his army of De­vills transformed into Angells, he shall soare in the ayre, till that voice from heaven bee heard, morere: Et confestim fulmine percussus interi­bit: he shall be smote through with a Thun­derbolt, in the middest of his glorious flight, saith Steuartius. But perchance what pleased Steua [...]tius i [...] 2 Thes. [...]. Malvenda lib. 10. cap. 15. him at Ingolstade, did not relish Malvenda in Italie. For hee saith, that Christ shall come downe from heaven, & simplici verbo (by word of mouth) shall command Michael the Tutelar Angell to the Christians to destroy Antichrist. Then, that Michael with lightning, shall burne down the Tent of Antichrist into ashes: and so An­tichrist, [Page 741] and his Achates, shall be swallowed quicke into the Earth. Peracta est Fabula: Plaudite. That Antichrist shall bee consumed by the breath of Christs mouth, and destroyed by the brightnesse of his comming: I have heard verse 8. But of flying in the ayre, crying from Heaven, burning of Tents, opening of the earth, thunder & lightnings; These are tragicall inventions, without any truth to support them.

To make good my promise: to make it ap­peare, that the popish opinion concerning Anti­christ implyeth, yea involveth many improba­ble, impossible, incredible, and incompatible asser­tions; I will present unto your attention one­ly six points, which I have observed out of Malvenda, who hath bestowed most labour in this cause of any man, that ever set pen to pa­per. Consider the Buildings, Marryings, and Persecutions of Antichrist: his Countreymen, Confederates, and Kingdomes.

1. In his 1 [...]. booke, and 6. cap. Antichrist shall Malvenda de Antichristo lib. 11. cap. 6. build the Temple of Hierusalem, more sump­tuous than the former: besides many o­ther goodly and glorious Palaces.

2. Antichrist shall have farre more wives than Malvenda 6, 22. ever Solomon had: although Solomon had a competent number, a thousand, 1 Reg. 11. 9.

3. All the ten persecutions, under the Heathen Malvenda 8, 11. Emperours: all the persecutions under the Persians, Arrians, Goths, and Vandalls: Parvae velitationes sunt, are but light skirmishes [Page 742] compared to the bloody warre, which the Militant Christians must sustaine under Antichrist. Moreover, He shall rob, spoile and plucke downe all the Churches in the world: converting them into Alehouses and Stables.

4. An infinite Rabble of the Iewes from all the Malvenda 5, 17. Corners of the earth, shall swarme to Anti­christ.

5. Gog, and with him the Scythians, Tartari­ans, Malvenda 5, 17. Cappadocians, the inhabitants of Pontus, and of the East Countreys, of the Euxine sea, and Matis, the Iberians, Albanians, Circassi­ans, Persians, Lybians, Aethiopians, Galatians, Phrygians, Turks, Sarmatians, Arabians of Arabia foelix, Dedaneans of Arabia the de­sert, Cilicians, and the Inhabitants of Asia the Lesse, shall all have a confluence unto Antichrist.

6. The whole world, which hath been discove­red Malvenda 5, 17. in the East, unto the outmost Chineses, and Tartarians; in the North, to the inmost Muscovites and Gronelanders: in the South, to the farthest Cafrians, Zanzibarians, and the Inhabitants of the Cape Bonae Spei: and in the West, to the farthest parts of Spaine. Cuncta dextrâ lavâ (que) Antichristi portentosa Monarchia complectetur. Whatsoever is within the compasse of the old world, shall be comprised within the territories of An­tichrists prodigious Monarchy. Yea & America also, and all those infinite Ilands; And we thinke that Antichrist shall bee Totius orbis [Page 743] Monarcha, the Emperour of the whole world.

Collect, and conclude; to build a more glorious Temple, thā that which was 46. yeers a building, and infinite other buildings in 3 yeers. To mar­rie a thousand wives and more in three yeares. To martyr all the Christians, and to prophane all their Christian Churches in three yeeres. To gather together all the Iewes scattered through the whole world in three yeares. To strike a league with G [...]g, the Scythians, Tartarians, &c. in three yeares. To subject from Spaine to In­dia, and from Muscovie to America in 3. yeares. To conclude, when as (I thinke) no Popish per­son, dare undertake to goe through the world in three yeares: yet that the Popish Antichrist shal gleane up all the Riches, Conquer all men, Defile (almost) all women, and possesse all Lands, both Ilands and Continent: in all the world, and all this onely in three yeeres.

If these appeare not monstrous improbable, impossible, incredible, & incompatible paradoxes; Then must I confesse, that nothing is false, and that the Romane is no Antichristian, but a true Religion.

But such as have either Eyes in their Heads, or hearts in their Bodies: such as are either reasonable men, or religious Christians; Such as are indued either with the Wisdome of the Spi­rit, or but with the Spirit of Wisedome, cannot but see this Palpable Delusion.

There is a remarkeable discourse in an E­pistle The French An­thour translated by D r. Beard. of Pope Leo 9, to Michael Bishop of Cōstan­tinople: [Page 744] that the report was, that those of Constantinople, being accustomed to behold Eunuchs sitting in the Patriarchall seat; at the last they advance thereunto a Woman. A fine invention, to make the memory of Pope Ioan to vanish, by diverting this infamie upon Constan­tinople, where all know never any such thing came to passe. The like doe they in this subject: for to the end, that the true Anti­christ may not be knowne, they cast out a re­port that he shall be a Iew, &c. that men in this vaine expectation may sleepe under his Tyran­nie. Or as Michal, 1 Sam. 14. 13. did put an I­mage into the bed, with a Pillow of Goates-haire, &c. that David might escape: So the Church of Rome doth dresse out to our view an Imaginarie Trienniall Antichrist: that so the Pope, the true Antichrist may escape our observation.

Againe and againe therefore, I beseech you open your eyes, and behold if in the manie particulars of this plentifull prophesie; there be any one point, which can bee applyed to the Trienniall Antichrist, which the Pope teacheth, or any part which may not be applyed to the Pope, the true Antichrist. Resolve this Chapter, and see if all the parts thereof, bee not like the parts of the Earth lifted from the Globe. See if they returne not to the Pope and Papacy, as to their proper Center, naturally, and without any forced application. I say therefore I beseech you open your eyes: and as you know you shall be saved by your owne Faith: and as you beleeve [Page 745] that you shall answer for your owne knowledge; so I beseech you fasten your eyes on this Pro­phecie. In the expounding whereof, my Con­science telleth me, my God telleth me, and the plaine sense of this plaine Prophecy, doth tell me, that in some measure, I have discovered the Very Truth unto you. Now the Lord of Truth open your eyes to see it: and open your Hearts to imbrace it.


2 THESS. 2. 3, ad 13.

The summe of the whole Treatise. The Paraphrase of the whole Text. The Parallell to the Pope. The conclusion. Dehortation from Popery.

SIxe opinions I proposed last day concerning Antichrist; Five wher­of I have related, and resuted: The fift now remaineth to bee confirmed, and then the whole cause is concluded; wherein I wil passe through these three particulars, the Points, Paraphrase, and Parallell of the Person to the Prophecie; whereby, I hope, I shall satisfie the indifferent, and (it may be) stumble the Opinionative, That the Pope is the Antichrist.

In this Prophecy concerning Antichrist, from the third to the thirteenth verse, I have set [Page 747] out five points, Antichrist described in vers. 3, & 4. revealed 5, 6, 7, & in part of the 8. destroyed in the 8. confirmed in the 9. & part of the 10. and received in the remnant of the 10. and in the 11, and 12 verses.

Antichrist is described in the third and 1 fourth, foure wayes, by his Time, Titles, Place, and Properties. His Time is an Apostasie, which is threesold, Ecclesiasticall, from the Church in Religion; Politicall, from the Empire by rebellion; and figurative, the Apostate for the Apostasie. His Titles are 3. The man of sin, here the Genitive for the Adjective is very significa­tive, A man of sinne, that is, a most sinfull man: and so both [...], and [...], both a pra­ctiser, and a causer of sinne: The sonne of perdi­tion, filius perditionis, by an Hebraisme, as much as perditissimus, that is, one prepared to destruction, both Actively, & Passively, whence hee is termed, [...], that is, destroying, and destroyed: And he is termed an adversary, which is the Title of the Devill; implying that Antichrist is a devillish adversary; but per amici fallere nomen, a secret adversary, and so an adversary both fundamentally, and uni­versally. His place, the Temple, taken two wayes, either materially, for the Temple of the Iewes, or formally for the Churches of the Chri­stians. The Text cannot be understood of the first, because the materiall Temple of Hierusa­lem, is ruinated, never to bee re-edified, as it is confessed by Baronius, and the best learned on [Page 748] both sides. Therefore the place of Antichrist is the prime Church of Christendome. His proper­ties are three; First, Antichrist exalteth himselfe above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; which is expounded either essentially, or meta­phorically. Essentially the name of GOD cannot be here used; for if Antichrist should so pro­claime himselfe, who would bee deceived? Therfore the name of GOD must be here un­derstood metaphorically. Metaphoricall gods are mentioned Psalme 82. 6. to wit, Magi­strates, and Kings. And that which is worship­ped [...] hath affinitive with [...] signify­ing the Emperour, Acts 25. 21. The meaning then of the phrase is this: Antichrist shall ad­vance himselfe above all Kings and Emperours. Secondly, Antichrist shall so advance himselfe, that he as god, shall sit in the Temple of God. Con­sider here three phrases; in the Temple, [...], Saint Paul (saith Occumenius) doth not meane the Temple of Hierusalem, but the Churches of God. Hee shall sit, that is, He shall reigne, so is sedebit used for reget, Psalme 9. 4. and shewing himselfe that hee is God, tanquam Deus, Christus Incarnatus, God Man, Christ Iesus: for that adversary is called Antichristus, an enemy to CHRIST, not Antitheus, an enemy to GOD. The sense is this, Antichrist shall rule the Church of Christ, usurping the very power of Christ. And finally, Antichrist shall sit in the Temple of God, shewing himselfe that hee is god, that is, secretly, not [Page 749] openly. For the Text saith not, that Antichrist shall say, but shew that he is god; [...], sig­nifying, rather the arrogance of workes, than of words: implying, that Antichrist shall shew himselfe to bee God, cunningly, by insolent, God­like action.

Antichrist revealed, is the next point, in the 2 fift, sixt, and seventh verses, and in part of the eighth; out of which, three things have beene handled, how, when, and what? 1. How Anti­christs revelation was hindered 2. When Anti­christ was to bee revealed. 3. What was the thing then hindred, afterwards to be revealed. 1. How Antichrist was hindred, [...], all concurre, it was the Empire, and the Emperour, called: [...], and [...], in the fourth and sixt verses, who was to be taken è medio, to be removed, so is the phrase used Acts 17. 33. and Matth. 13. 49. the meaning is, The Emperour hindred Antichrist to bee revealed. 2. When was Antichrist to be revealed? [...], onely, as if he said, This was the onely impedi­ment: or that when the Emperour is removed, Antichrist shall immediately bee revealed. 3. What was then to bee revealed? the Apostle termeth it a mystery of iniquitie; [...], is a se­cret, and [...], a secret sinne; which is now a working, even in Saint Pauls age. The sense being, That the beginnings of Antichrists Doctrine were secretly undermining the Church of Christ, even in the Apostles time. Here I decla­red another Title, [...], Exlex, that is, a law­lesse [Page 750] person. Like the Type Antiochus, Dan. 11. 36. He shall doe according to his will. The sense is, Antichrist shall be confined by no law, he shall be altogether lawlesse.

We are taught in part of the 8 verse, how 3 Antichrist shall be destroyed, of whom he fore­telleth a double destruction, the diminishing, and the finishing of Antichristianisme. In each wee are to observe two things, the agent and the instrument destroying him. The instrument is first, the breath of his mouth, and finally, the brightnesse of his comming. The agent in both is one, the Lord▪ Whom the Lord shall consume, &c. The meaning is this, The Doctrine of Anti­christ shall be confuted by the Preaching of the Word, and the person of Antichrist shall bee con­founded by the presence of Christ.

In the ninth, and tenth verses hee pro­phecieth, 4 how the comming of Antichrist shall be confirmed, videlicet, by the meanes princi­pall and instrumentall. In Him, Saint Paul foresheweth his person, Satan; and his power, the working of Satan. In it, miracles, signes, and lying wonders. And Oracles, all deceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse. From the instrument, the meaning is evident, that Antichrist shall bee confirmed by miracles: To which shall bee ad­ded Oracles, where [...], unrighteousnesse in this verse, is opposed to [...], Truth in the twelfth; so unrighteousnesse is here taken for untruth or falshood; and [...], is the decei­vablenesse of a strong cunning perswasion. The [Page 751] sense; Antichrist shall confirme his false doctrine by sophistrie, & admirable fallacies, to make his er­rours probable; yea, appeare to be truth. The per­son and agent being Satan, it is evidently in­ferred, that the Antichristians shall bee stirred up by the Devill, to teach the Doctrine of Devils. And the power of the agent it expressed by three termes; the worke of Antichrist shall bee wrought [...], in power; [...], in all power; and [...], Energetically, and effectually: All concurring in this manifest construction▪ The Devil shall inable men, to spread, & perswade the Doctrine of Antichrist beyond admiration.

Finally, the fift part followeth in the 5 tenth, eleventh, and twelfth verses, by whom Antichrist should bee embraced, concerning whom we are to consider their persons, and properties. Their properties being Active and Passive, each of them are twofold; 1. Nega­tive, They received not the love of the truth; and affirmative, They had pleasure in unrighteous­nesse. Their passive properties, passions, and punishments, are either internall, [...]od shall send them strong delusions; or eternall, That they might be damned. Persons on whom Antichrist shall prevaile, are here said to bee those that perish, whom Saint Paul proposeth by way of anticipation; And shall Antichrist, and Anti­chr [...]stians be so powerfull to deceive? Alas, how shall we be able to withstand him? saith the fearefull Christian. Feare not (saith my text) Antichrist shall indeed prevaile, but it is [Page 752] onely in them that perish; so the sense is, Those that are deceived by Antichrist, shall bee damned. The first active propertie is negative; They did not receive the love of the Truth, that they might bee saved. Here is the cause that so many are deceived by Antichrist, a double errour; the for­mer of the minde, They doe not receive the love of the Truth, or of the Gospell: the other of their end, They receive the Gospell, for some pompe, profit, or personall respects, not for the right end, for the love of the Gospell. The se­cond active propertie is affirmative, They tooke pleasure in unrighteousnesse: Where we are to take notice of the action, and affection of Anti­christians, [...], and [...], unrighteousnesse and pleasure. Vnrighteousnesse is twofold, morall, false-dealing, Luke 16. 9. the Mammon of un­righteousnesse, that is, covetousnesse: and spiritu­all unrighteousnesse, false-doctrine, Rom. 1. 18. The Philosophers did [...], Keepe downe the Truth of God in unrighteous­nesse, that is, in their owne errours and false do­ctrine. In the same place Saint Paul telleth us what that false-doctrine was, [...], I­dolatrie. This word [...], they shal take plea­sure, is very emphaticall, implying the infinite affection which any beare to the thing they delight in: so is the word used by man, 2 Cor. 5. 8. and so is it used by GOD, Matth. 3. 17. The sense. The servants of Antichrist shall be Idolaters, and delight in Idolatry in an high na­ture. In the first passive propertie, internall, [Page 753] we observe the [...], a strong delusion; and the [...], to beleeve a lye. In the first, [...], is strong, or energeticall; and [...] commeth of [...], that is, a Iuggler▪ [...], signifieth [...], a strong juggling, saith Oecumeni­us; expressing thus much, Such as embrace An­tichrist shall have a strong strange delusion, which shal make them desperately obstinate, affronting religion in the phrase of Iob 21. 14. Nolumus scientiam viarum tuarum. The meaning of the next phrase is manifest, That they shall be­leeve a lye; that is, Antichrist shall make, and beleeve the strangest lyes of all other. The last passive propertie is eternall, and it is as plaine, as fearefull, all Antichristians shall bee damned. Some are not satisfied with this interpretati­on, and would have those condemned, who say that the eternall propertie passive of the Anti­christians is, that they shall be damned. Let such please to take foure things into their consi­deration. 1. If they be of the English Church, this is the English Translation, which I preferre before all humane writings, next to the Ori­ginall it selfe. 2. If they bee of the Romish Church, this is their exposition also, Iudican­di voce, condemnationis poenam intellige, saith Steuartius. 3. If they be Grecians they know [...], for [...], is common, even in the Greeke Testament. 4. It is the drift of the discourse, if they please to peruse it. And for mine own part, I will not nodum in scirp [...], make a question where there is a consent on all sides.

Out of these plentiful points, I will contract, extract a compendious Paraphrase.

1. Antichrist will come on a time, when there shall be an incomparable falling away, from Rome by Rebellion, and from Christ in Religion. And Antichrist himselfe shall be the Apostate and Author of them both. This Apostate shal be a man of sinne, the patterne and Patron of im­pietie; and the sonne of perdition, destroyed him­selfe, and destroying his adherents. He shall be an adversary unto Christ, both fundamentally in the maine point, & universally in many points of Christian Religion; but so cunningly, that he shall place his Throne in the Temple, even in the Prime Church professing Christianitie; Which hee shall so rule (over-topping Kings and Emperours, with command equal unto Christ) that he shall behave himselfe, as if he were God incarnate: even Christ Iesus, the verie Sonne of God.

2. His Plots, are secrets and Mysteries, under­mining the truth in Saint Pauls time▪ but Hin­dered by the Emperour; who was no sooner removed, but this Antichrist was immediately re­vealed: And then hee domineered with all lawlesse actions.

3. His Tyrannie hath beene d [...]scovered and diminished by the preaching of Christ: though his Kingdome is not wholly to bee finished, but by the presence of Christ.

4. Being d [...]scovered by preaching, Antichrist opposeth such Preachers, by Miracles, and lying [Page 755] wonders: and by Oracles, and strong argu­ments. As probable, as Satan can infuse into man, to support the Doctrine of Devills.

5. By which they shal seduce many wretched Proselytes, but to their fatall perdition. Because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved: but for some Pompe and cor­porall respects, delight in false doctrine, and in Idolatry above measure. Therefore, Gods just judgement giveth them over to strong delusion, that they become obstinate, to beleeve, what they defend, untruth. And to make and beleeve unmatchable Lyes. The End of all, is Punish­ment without end: that they be damned.

This is the Description of Antichrist: would God it were the Inscription of Antichrist. Would God it were Inscribed, written, in all your hearts, as it were in a Table of Brasse, with a Pen of Steele.

Having passed through the points and the Paraphrase: I now proceed to the parallell. Concerning which, let me once more premise unto you; although all these points seeme not punctually to parallell each particular: but that some of you may apprehend that I erre in the explication or application of some of thē: Yet that so many peices, in so large a Prophecie, shall pitch (at least probably) upon one person: the like application, on my life no man living [Page 756] can frame to any other. This (it may be) will stagger, both the partiall Papist, and some prae­judicating Protestants: who push at this positi­on, as a very paradoxe, that, The Pope is the An­tichrist.

But excepting partiality and praejudice: I 1 suppose that indifferent men, will conceive the Great Bishop to be described in the description of the Great Antichrist. For the time; take it poli­tically, for a falling from the Empire, and the Pope fulfilleth it. Indeed Asia fell from him to the Turks, Europe to the Hunnes, & Africa to the Maurani: but this was by Invasion: But that the Emperour should be thrust out of Rome, his Emperiall Seat, from whence his Empire was stiled Romane, by a subject! This was the maine falling away; and the Pope did performe it. About the yeare of our Lord 606, Boni­face the 3, obtained of Phocas the title of Vni­versall Bishop. About 800, Leo 3, conspired with Charles the Great; the conditions; That the one should strip the Emperour of the West▪ and the other become Lord of Rome. About 1070, Gregory the 7, added to the spirituall Monarchy, the Temporall. And at this day the Emperour taketh a kind of oath of Fealtie to the Pope. The Pope therefore hath fallen from the Emperour by Rebellion.

Take the time Ecclesiastically, and it will ap­peare yet more plainly, if Saint Paul may de­fine it. What is the time? a falling away, saith Saint Paul in my Text. What manner of falling [Page 757] away? It is a falling from faith, saith the same St. Paul, 1 Tim. 4. 1. Wherein shall be that falling from faith? In forbidding meats and mariage, saith the same Apostle in the same place. Therefore, The Pope hath acted this falling a­way from Religion.

Take the time figuratively, and the Pope is Apostata, & Refuga, the Head and Author of this Apostasie. My Instances are but two. In the old Testament: he is the Head of falling away from Gods injunction, in the second Comman­dement: The Pope is Caput adorationis Imaginū saith Suarez, the Head of Image-adoration. And in the new; hee commandeth a falling away, Concil. Trid. Sess. 21. C. 1. from Christs owne institution of the Sacrament: Licet Christus instituerit, although Christ did in­stitute the Supper to be received in both kindes: yet the Pope doth command all Christians, non credere, not to beleeve that they may receive it so. Thus the falling away, falleth directly on the Pope.

Next, the Titles of Antichrist fit the Pope, as well as the Time doth. He is The man of sin: both a Practiser, and a causer thereof.

Concerning their Practice, they know no­thing who know not enough. I will not rake open that Dunghill.

That the Pope is the Cause of Sinne; I oppose these three speciall instances; 1, Hee is the cause of Ignorance, by injoyning the Scriptures and prayers in the Latine Tongue. 2, Of Whore­dome, by being the maintainer of it, and main­tained Cornel. Agrip. cap. 64. [Page 758] by it: the Pope hath a Pension for permit­ting Stewes. 3, Of Treason, usurping Power to depose and kill Kings, as it is at large disputed by Suarez. Iustly therefore is the Pope termed Suarez Apolog. lib. 6. cap. 4. The man of Sinne.

Their Holy Father, is also the Sonne of perdi­tion: destroying others, to be destroyed himselfe. Destroying others, spiritually; by his agents, compassing Sea and Land, to make one proselyte: and when hee is so made, they make him the child of the Devill twofold more than hee was be­fore, Math. 23. 15. And that he destroyeth men corporally; I need inquire no further than the Inquisition: a wofull testimony. Finally, that in a righteous recompence of reward, He and His shall be destroyed, spiritually: wee suspect it, Ezech. 3. 10. the blood of the seduced will God re­quire at their hands. And corporally, we expect it, from Revel. 18. 2. Babylon is fallen, it is fallen, saith the Oracle of God. Moreover, the Vicar of Christ, is an adversary of Christ, [...]: opposing Christ both fundamentally and univer­sally. The very foundation of Christian Religi­on is this: Eternall life is the gift of God, Rom. 6. 23. opposed by the Pope, who maketh Good workes meritorious, and the cause of Salvation. Vniversally, Sixe hundred Popish errours are a­vouched by the Bishop of Derie. I instance onely in six which directly oppose Christ.

1. Christ saith, Search the Scriptures, Ioh. 5. 39.

The Pope saith, Search not the Scriptures.

2. Christ saith, Pray in a knowne Tongue, 1 Cor. 14.

The Pope saith, Pray in Latine, in a language you know not.

3. Christ saith, Call upon God onely.

The Pope saith, Pray to the Saints.

4. Christ saith, Make no Image, and bow not to it.

The Pope saith, Make an Image, and bow to it.

5. Christ saith, Let everie soule be subject to the Powers, Rom. 13. 1.

The Pope saith, Let the Clergie be exempted.

6. Christ saith, Drinke yee all of this, Math. 26. 27.

The Pope saith, Drinke ye none of this.

For the place, that the Popes Seat is the prime See of Christendome. They themselves take it for confessed, that Rome is the Church [...]: and we know it to be expressed to bee Babel it selfe, even the Citie situated on the seven hills, said an Angell from heaven, Revel. 17. 9.

The properties also, are proper to the Pope. First he doth exalt himselfe above all that is cal­led God, or that is worshipped, that is, above Kings and Emperours. For the Pope is superior unto all Princes, directly and in Temporalls, say some Papists: but indirectly, and in spiritualls say all Papists. And that suffrage of the Electours Cerem. lib. 1. sect. 1. runneth in this phrase, Ego investio te ut praesis urbi & orbi: I elect thee to be Prince of this Citie, and of the whole world.

2. The Pope doth rule the Church of Christ e­ven as Christ. Christ doth rule the Church, as the head doth the bodie, Ephe. 5. 23. The Pope doth as much; he is, Caput Ecclesiae, the Head of the Church say all the Papists. Christ in regard of his infallible ruling the Church, is a Rocke, Matth. Suarez. Apolog. lib. 1. cap. 6. sect. 15. 16. 18. Pontifex docens est Petra, the Pope is the same: Teaching the Church he is the very rocke thereof, saith Suarez. All power that Christ can have is, power over all things in heaven & earth, Math. 28. 18. The Pope doth equall himselfe Sacrar. Cer. lib. 1. Concil. Trid. Sess. 24. Can. 3. in that also; He claimeth Christs owne power, in Christs owne words; Data mihi est omnis pote­stas, in coelis & in terris, said Sixtus Quintus. Finally, hee sheweth himselfe to be God also: 1, Canningly by his Godlike actions; to wit, by dispensing against the Scriptures, by commanding Concil. Trid. Sess. 3. sub. Jul. 3. Christians credere, to beleeve, by making Saints, by arrogating jus creandi Apostolos, Power to make Apostles, as Baronius is quoted and confu­ted Casaubon Exerc. 14. Sect. 14. by Casaubone; and finally, by calling his Decrees, Oracles, that is, the very word of God: all which are Godlike actions, peculiar to God a­lone. 2, Literally at the Iubile hee is borne in a golden Throne, wearing a Golden Crowne, and with a Golden Hammer, hee breaketh open the Gates of Paradise, forgiving sinnes to all the people, the people adoring him, and craving eternall life from him. And at his Election, they place his Throne on the Altar, in the chiefe Church, kissing his feet, and bending their knees, they sing before him, Te Deum laudamus, [Page 761] We praise thee O God. What more can we ima­gine, or he desire, if hee were Deus in templo: Christ himselfe incarnated, in the shape of man?

To proceed; As the Pope is described in the 2 Description of Antichrist: so is hee revealed in the Revelation of Antichrist. The Papacy and Primacy was, and is a Mysterie. Secretly a wor­king, even in the Apostles time. Even then were the Romanes high minded, Rom. 12. 20. Although their high minds were over-topped by one Higher than they, by the Emperour, as it is in the 6. verse: but so soone as the Emperor of Rome was removed: instantly was the Pope of Rome revealed, that he advanced himselfe: but still in a Mysterie, Desiring to be called ser­vus servorum, the servant of servants; but to be Dominus dominantium, the Lord of Lords. And now, since this Revelation, he is discovered to be: [...], a lawlesse person. According to his Canonists, Legi non subjacet ulli, hee is under no Law. And according to his Controversie-wri­ters, he can moderari & mutare praecepta Apo­stolorum, prout Ecclesiae expedierit: qualifie and alter the precepts of the Apostles, as shall seeme expedient for the Church. In a word: whatsoever his words are, by his deeds he is re­vealed, to be [...], a man of groundlesse, and boundlesse ambition.

After the Pope was revealed to bee Anti­christ, 3 through Gods permission hee did pro­ceed to an high pitch of Antichristian Pride. And being at the height, it pleased God to de­stroy [Page 762] him, and his pride in some part. The [...] of his Antichristian Greatnesse, and growth, was about 1500 under Pope Leo the tenth. Then he domineered without controule, there being none but a few impotent, and illi­terate Hussites in Bohemia, and such like to op­pose him. Then the Westerne Church was like a great Barne, having all the Corne thrashed out. Little graine, some light corne, but infinite chaffe, and straw being in the Floore of the Lord: yet then it pleased the Lord to consume Pope­rie by preaching, and by the breath of his mouth to shake Germaine like an aspen. Then Luther caused Saxony, the Palatinate, Hassia, and Hel­vetia to fall from Rome. And since, his Succes­sors Bellar. de R. P. 3. 21. (as Bellarmine confesseth) have snaken, (if not exiled) Popery in almost all Germanie, Den­marke, Norway, Suevia, Gothland, Hungaria, Pan­nonia, France, England, Scotland, Bohemia, H [...]lve­tia, yea and in part of Italie it selfe. Thus hath the Preaching of the word consumed Antichrist and Popery already in part! The Lord con­sume it every day, more and more; by Christs mouth, and for Christs sake if it bee his blessed will.

Now that Poperie is a consuming, the Pope 4 doth imploy his instruments, to prolong, though not to cure that consumption. Instruments, I say are imployed to support Popery: inabled by mi­racles, none in these dayes but Antichrist, and the Papists laying claime to that facultie, and furnished with the bravest learning, that ever [Page 763] gave life to falshood, or probabilitie to the de­ceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse. And that you may know, that these Teachers are set on worke by Satan; The Papists are the men, who of all men, doe teach the doctrine of devills, and most impiously forbid meats, and mariage, as Saint Paul prophecied long agoe, 1 Tim. 4. 1.

But this [...] is not [...]: these 5 Engines of Poperie, shall not fight for falshood against the truth unpunished; because (though they have the Letter of the truth yet) they have not the love of the truth: but (for the pompe of their Church) take pleasure in unrighteousnesse, and delight in grosse [...]dolatry: in Images which are exploded by the Protestans, Turkes, and Iewes, and all the world besides, Rome onely ex­cepted.

For this cause hath God sent them strong delu­sion, that the Papists, our English Papists especi­ally, are obstinate in their Errors, that nolumus scientiam, they will take an oath, and take the Sa­crament, that they will not be converted, though they be confuted: that they beleeve a lye: that a man cannot erre, a monstrous monstrous lye, and palpable impossibility: and that in mora­lity, they will relate and beleeve such lyes, that modest men cannot repeat them without the blushing of their browes, nor Christians with­out the bleeding of their bowells.

Labor improbus improborum: They take great paines. And verily they shall have their reward. The conclusion of my text, implyeth the [Page 764] Confusion of obstinate Papists, [...], that they may be damned.

The Popish inhibition of Scriptures, obscuring of prayers, mingling of Christ merits, mangling of his Sacrament, and open Idolatrie, can bee no other, then damnable assertions. Their practi­ses! descensus averni, the downfall of Hell. But the Lord of Heaven reduce our seduced Coun­treymen if it be his blessed will, from these dam­nable errours.

And now through the goodnesse of my great God, I am come to the end of my great question: Concerning which imployment I render hearty thankes to this Auditory, to the worthy Deane and Prebendaries, and to my Reverend, and Reverenced Predecessour; To you for hearing mee, to them for accepting me, and to Him for incouraging me in the discharging of these exercises. One favour I must further intreat you and them to vouchsafe me: Doe not suspect that I am puffed with my imploy­ment, in this so eminent a place. And to cleare all suspition, that I neither undertooke, nor dis­charged this Lecture, for any profit or ambiti­on! I here resigne this Lecture, to whomsoever shall please to succeed me. I resigne it free­ly, and I give him my prayers into the bargain.

Never did slow-tongued Valerius yeeld up his Preaching place at Hyppo, to Eloquent Au­gustine, Possidon. vità Aug. c. 5. & 8. with such willingnesse as I doe this: And as hee did, I shall rejoyce if I may survive and see my Successour to supply my defects of [Page 765] Art, Nature, and Learning.

But for mine owne discharge thereof, Men, Fathers, and Brethren, heare my Apology, which I make unto you once more. Once more I protest unto you before God, and man: I pro­test in the sight of my soule, and your soules, (which must all meet at the great day) that I have delivered this discouse of Antichrist la­bouriously, and ingenuously, withoutany personall or partiall dislike. I protest moreover, that no man loveth the peace of the Church, more than I do; that few love the old Romane Church more thē I doe: & that not many love even the outward glory of the Church more then I do; but all these with Basils proviso to the Courtier, Pappus de Pers. pag. 149. sent from Valens the Emperour, Omnia hac me magni pendere, cum pietate, qua remotâ, eadem perniciosa esse judico. The Peace, Honour, and Pompe of the Church I love, and would pro­mote, provided they offend not a good Consci­ence: But that these, and other things are un­conscionably supported in and by the Church of Rome; I take it, I have made that evident, by sound, and uncontrouleable arguments.

Neverthelesse, if any of deeper judgment, or graver moderation shal censure, either the matter of my discourse for errour, or the man­ner of my discourse for indiscretion; I heartily beseech GOD, that my Successour (whosoever he shall be) may make amends for my wants; & yet that Hee may not want one thing, which (I thanke GOD) I had in some measure, an heart [Page 766] to deliver Gods Truth plainly, without either feare, or flattery.

Here I say, I end my Lecture: At the end of their Lectures, Lecturers are wont to begge, some for themselves, but manie for the poore: to shew that I am an absolute Beggar, I must doe both, I must beg both for my selfe, and the poore also.

There is a story of a certaine woman, who on a time did present her selfe unto Alexander the Great, and she had inveagled him to d [...]ate on her by her rare beauty, but that Aristotle his Tutor prevented it: For when Aristotle had observed her micantibus oculis, & pellucida facie, to have sparkling eyes, and a shining coun­tenance, he cryed out, Cave tibi Alexander ab illâ venenatâ muliere; beware (quoth hee) of that poysonous woman; and afterwards it was knowne, that shee indeed did daily trimme her selfe with divers things of poysonous, and infectious operation.

This is the thing which I would beg for my selfe, and for the poore, even for my poore la­bours sake, and for your poore soules sake.

I know you shall finde, that the woman of Babel, Poperie, shall bee presented unto you, as brave as the Sunne, and as beautifull as the Moone in the full lustre thereof, with a Crowne on her head, purple on her back, and with Gold in her hand, as it was long agoe foretold by Saint Iohn in his Revelation 13. 4.

Popery I say shal be addressed unto you, dres­sed [Page 766] up to some in pleasure and promotion, to some in commodity and affinitie, to some in ease and favour, to some in countenance and maintenance, to all in these glorious garments of unitie, universalitie, antiquity, and infallibi­lity. But! Cavete a venenatâ muliere; I am your Aristotle, your Preacher, and must cry to you, to Take heed of that poysnous, and poysoning wo­man, Revel. 17. 4.

I must tell you, that notwithstanding the beautifull face thereof, yet Poperies eyes are sparkling Basilisks, her breath the steeme of Ad­ders, and her voyce the tone of the Hiena, and the tune of the Crocadile to deceive you, to de­stroy you. I must tell you, the glorious Church of Rome doth teach many Antichristian, detestable, damnable errours.

Whereto that you may be praemoniti, & prae­m [...]niti, forearmed, & forwarned: I beseech you to remember the particulars of this prophe­sie which I have expounded unto you by this whole yeares labour. If this bee too heavy a burthen for your remembrance, then take up only the words of these verses, into your frequent meditation, and consideration; Meditate and consider then whether the deepest reach can apply these points to any person, but the Pope; and whether the shallowest capacity may not applie them easily, and directly to the Pope.

Which that ye may performe, I performe a double labour in your behalf, Preaching and praying. My Preaching to you doth end now; [Page 768] my praying for you shall end when my life doth end.

And this is my prayer; The God of Truth, who gave his Truth written, to be taught to us, and his truth begotten to be crucified for us: That GOD of Truth, lead you into all truth, and pre­serve you from all errours: That God (I say) pro­tect you, your friends and your. families, this con­gregation, this City, and this whole Land, from all heresie in generall, and from poperie in particular; and that for his Christ's, and for our Iesus his sake. To whom with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, for these our meetings, and all his other blessings, be rendred all prayse, and power; all honour and hearty thanskgiving, the rest of this day, the rest of our lives, from this timeforth, and for ever­more.

Amen, Amen



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